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BUTTER. (Operations commenced 20th November, 1.917.) 1917-18 season— Boxes. 1. Shipped and lost in transit .. .. .. .. .. .. 49,847 2. Shipped and arrived at destination .. .. .. .. .. 674,852 3. Total payments, £2,829,032. . '4. Totals ... .. .. .. .. .. .. 724,699 1918-19 season— 5. Total shipped and arrived at destination.. .. .. .. .. 667,114 6. Total payments, £2,928,346. 1919-20 season— 7. Shipped and arrived at destination .. ' .. ..' .. .. 476,137 8. En route to destination .. .. .. .. .. .. 36,003 9. Total payments, £2,788,853. 10. Totals .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 512,140 Totals— 11. Shipped and lost in transit .. .. .. .. .. .. 49,847 12. Shipped and arrived at destination .. .. .. .. .. 1,818,103 13. En route to destination.. . . - .. .. .. .. .. 36,003 14. Total payments to date, £8,546,231. 1.5. Grand totals .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,903,953 16. BUTTER IN STORE advanced against awaiting shipment on account of Imperial Government on 26th June, 1920 Boxes. North Island .. .. .. .. .. 117,640 South Island .. .. .. .. .. .. ..1,310 Total in boxes .. .. .. .. .. 118,950 SCHEELITE. (Operations commenced 20th. September, 1915.) Tons. 1. Shipped and lost in transit .. .. .. .. .. .. 18 2. Arrived at destination .. .. .. .. .. .. ~ 756 3. Total payments made to date, £178,479. '4. Total . . . . . . .. .. .. .. 774 WOOL. (Operations commenced Ist December, 1916.) 1. Total number of bales valued (as per valuation certificates received) .. 2,059,834 2. Number of bales lost in transit .. .. .. .. 9,668 3. Number of bales arrived at destination in 225 steamers .. 1,161,42.1 4. Number of bales en route to Great Britain in 7 steamers .. 41,625 4a. Number of bales shipped to America .. .. .. 10,321 5. Number of bales shipped on account of other Governments .. 110,994 6. Number of bales of greasy wool delivered to scourers for' treatment 391,044 7. Number of bales of greasy wool available for shipment or scouring 334.761 . • 2,059,834 8. Number of bales of scoured, and fellmongers'slipe wool shipped .. .. 309,358 9. Number of bales of scoured and fellmongers' slipe wool available, for shipment 67,777 10. Total payments, £50,412,409. 11. Total number of bales paid for .. .. .. .. 2,059,193 SLIPE WOOL (Freezing Companies'). (Operations commenced 31st March, 1917.) Purchased tor Valuation tn United Kingdom. 1. Total number of bales advanced against .. .. .. .. .. 68,880 2. Number of bales shipped .. .. .. .. .. .. 67,085 3. Number of bales shipped on account of other Governments .. .. 1.795 4. Total payments to date, £2,013,123. Purchased under New Zealand Valuations. 5. Total number of bales .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 173,533 6. Total number of bales shipped .. .. .. .. .. .. 99,936 7. Number of bales shipped on. account of other Go.vernments ~ ~ 7,604 8. Total payments to date, £4,880,045,