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SHEEP-SKINS. (Operations commenced sth February, 1917.) 1. Number of skins purchased and distributed to fellmongers .. .. .. 6,913,431 2. Total payments to date, £2,820,347. HIDES. (Operations commenced 19th March, 1917.) 1. Number of hides purchased .. .. .. .. .. .. 370,509 2. Number of hides shipped .. .. .. .. ... ' .. 150.826 3. Number of hides sold .. .. .. .. .. .-.'. .. 212,627 4. Total payments to date, £735,663. PAYMENTS. (Total to date.) £ Frozen meat .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 48,719.056 Cheese, 1915-16 season .. .. .. .. .. .. ... 918,104 Cheese, 1916-17 season .. .. .. .. .. ... ..3,271,982 Cheese, 1917-18 season .. .. .. .. .. 5,013,295 Cheese, 1.918 19 season .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5,662,567 Cheese, 1919-20 season .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5.916,266 Butter, 1917-18 season .. .. .. .. .. .. ' i. 2,829,032 Butter, 1918-19 season .. .. .. .. .. 2,928,346 Butter. 1919-20 season .. .. ~ .. .. .. .. 2,788,853 Butter equalization funds .. ~ .. .. .. .. ... 856.214 Scheelite .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 178,479 Wool .. .. .. .. .. ~ .. .. .. 50,412,409 Freezing companies' slipe wool .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 6,893,168 Sheep-skins .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,820,347 Hides .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 735,663 Sundries . . .. .. . . . . . . . .. .. . . 968,952 Other business (non-Imperial) .. .. .. .. .. .. ... 767,564 Grand total .. .. .. .. .. .. ..£141,680,297

3—H. 38.