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EDUCATION. EXAMINATION OF TEACHERS. [In continuation of E.—1a, 1881.]

Presented to loth Souses of the General Assembly hy Command of Hu Excellency.

The Inspector-General of Schools to the Hon. the Minister of Education. Sir, Wellington, Bth April, 1882. I have the honour to report that the annual examination of candidates for teachers' certificates was held according to regulation in the last week of January. The last returns from examiners were received on the 29th March, and the list of successful candidates approved by you was published in the Gazette of the 30th March. The examination was carried on at fifteen places simultaneously,—in all the towns in which Education Boards have offices, and at Gisborne, Grahamstown, and Whangarei. Eor Class D, 104 candidates entered, of whom 81 presented themselves; and, of these, 11 passed in full, 14 were " partially successful," 1 passed for Class E, and 9 completed their examination for Class E. Eor Class E, 313 entered and 282 attended; 18 were successful, and 69 " partially successful." Of 116 candidates proposing to complete former examinations, 98 were present, and 33 passed. Altogether there were 533 candidates, of whom 72 did not attend : of the 161 candidates present, 30 passed in full, 83 were "partially successful," 12 completed former examinations, and 306 failed to improve their position. The total failures thus amount to two-thirds of the whole number of candidates. The lowest proportion of total failures is found in the Wellington District, where it is less than 31 per cent.; the next lowest in North Canterbury, less than 54 per cent.; in Otago and Marlborough the percentage is 60; and in other districts it varies from 62^ to 100. The highest proportion of full passes is in North Canterbury, where 16 pass in full out of 89 candidates : the other full passes are in Otago and Westland, where 1 out of 9 passes in full, and in Auckland, where about 4 per cent, pass in full. The following table affords more detailed information as to the number of the candidates, and the proportions of success and failure :—

I—E. IA.

<T3 s <1 12 n EH M "© "9 a. a o ■a ■a o o I if) Is n 1 o a .a u p r\ a ai its g I is o GQ (3 O JZ5 o _ S O i o Intered for Class D If whom —Present at examination Passed for Class D ... Partially successful for Class D Passed for Class E ... Completed former examination for Class E 12 9 1 1 1 1 S 2 3 2, 3 2 2 28 25 7 5 3 3 43 33 3 6 1 4 4 4 104 81 11 14 1 9 i "i "_ "i "i "i intered for Class E If whom —Present at examination Passed for Class E ... Partially successful ... 108 96 3 11 3 3 9 0 16 14 19 18 3 2 4 3 10 9 1 2 (16 64 9 21 4 4 59 48 5 13 12 12 313 282 18 69 2 14 1 "i "_ "_ Intered to complete former examination ... if whom —Present Successful ,,. ... ..i 47 45 14 3 2 1 7 4 1 7 6 4 1 1 1 1 2 2 21 19 7 2 1 20 14 G 40 3 1 11G 98 33



The exercises in drawing exhibit a decided advance upon those of last year, but "in freehand and model drawing candidates do not make sufficient use of centre and other guiding lines, which in every case ought to be drawn first, the details being filled in afterwards;" and there is a want of method and neatness about most of the work in practical geometry and perspective, "a few candidates being satisfied with a freehand sketch, where the greatest accuracy is necessary." The arithmetic for Class D this year "is better than in former years, and, indeed, is not far from being entirely satisfactory;" and the same may be said of the optional mathematics for Class D—Euclid and algebra. The work done in chemistry as an optional subject for that class is reported of as showing " on the whole a marked improvement over past years," and not one failure. The examiner in elementary science, and in domestic economy, says, "Although some of the papers indicate an absolute want of study or capacity to appreciate a scientific idea, yet the large majority of the papers are very fairly answered. Many of the elementary science papers show a scientific capacity on the part of the candidate which it would be very desirable to develop further, as teaching in science by such minds, if fully instructed, would be of incalculable value in directing aright the constructive and inventive powers of the children." The most unsatisfactory reports are those which relate to the arithmetic and the grammar of Class E, and to the geography and school-management papers of both classes. After speaking very favourably of the arithmetic of candidates for Class D, the examiner goes on to say, " The candidates for Class E, on the other hand, who have always done very poorly in arithmetic, seem to me this year to be worse than ever. More than three-fourths of them are quite unfit to teach arithmetic, even to very young children. Ido not know if these candidates are equally weak in other branches, but, if so, the question is suggested whether there is not some defect in the system adopted for the instruction of pupil-teachers." As qualifying this suggestion, it should be remembered that many of the candidates have not been pupil-teachers. Another report says, "The geography shows little if any improvement on last year. The questions which require intelligence rather than memory are badly done. A large proportion of the candidates (amounting in the case of the Auckland candidates to more than a half) were unable to draw the maps asked for, and the geography of New Zealand is but very inaccurately known." The reports on the English grammar for Class E, and on school management, contain some important criticisms, which, as they are too long to quote, I submit as extracts appended to this report. I enclose a set of the examination papers for Class D, and another for Class E. The expenses of the examination, amounting to £411 15s. 7d., are a few shillings in excess of the fees that have been received. I have, &c.j The Hon. the Minister for Education. Wm. Jas. Babens. Extract from Report on Grammar, Class E. After having perused the candidates' papers, and seen how the various questions were generally answered, I feel quite satisfied in my own mind that the paper I had set was a very fair one, and that no one should be regarded as entitled to a certificate who has not gained at least one-half the attainable marks. And yet a very large number —some 46 per cent, of the candidates—have failed to do this. The failures are most conspicuous in the extreme ends of the colony. In the extreme South one-half, and in the extreme North two-thirds of those who presented themselves, fell short of the required number of marks. In the intermediate districts a considerable proportion of the candidates succeeded in securing very fair percentages. As the detailed results show at a glance, the subject in which the majority broke down was formal grammar. This subject, of course, is one that can be thoroughly mastered only under able and judicious instruction, and by thoughtful study. It is very evident that a large number of the candidates have never been properly grounded in the very first principles of the science. The dictation exercise, intended more as a test of their knowledge of punctuation than of their orthography, was simplicity itself, and, as a matter of course, was fairly done by the generality of the candidates. Hence the closeness of the marks which appear under this heading. Por in regard to composition, which was combined with dictation, comparatively a small number attempted the essay at all. Indeed, it was very noticeable that those alone did so who were either very proficient or else very deficient in their knowledge of formal grammar. The former, having disposed without much difficulty of the questions on that subject, found some time to devote to the composition exercise; while the latter, after grappling for a time, but in vain, with the grammatical portion of the paper, abandoned



their ineffectual efforts and turned in despair to the essay. Only a very few, however, even of those who did attempt it showed much power in arranging or facility in expressing their thoughts with any degree of force or precision: a fact which shows that this branch does not receive in our schools the attention its importance deserves. And now, in bringing my remarks to a close, I cannot help saying that, while these papers reveal much that tends to sadden and depress the friends of the cause of education, they are not without a brighter side, calculated to cheer and animate them. They show, that, among the numerous aspirants to the noble profession of teaching, while there are many who are evidently mistaking their calling, there are not a few who give very fair promise of becoming, by study and practical experience, efficient instructors in our public schools. However unsatisfactory and disappointing many of these papers were —and some of them were so in the extreme —there was always present with me the consolatory reflection that the candidates themselves were, as a rule, better than their papers represented them. Por some reason or other many candidates when they present themselves for examination become so nervous and agitated that it is utterly impossible they can do anything like justice to themselves. And this will ever be the case until they come to look in the proper light on examinations and examiners— until they come to regard the former as necessary ordeals, intended not to pluck them, but rather to pass and classify them ; and to believe that the latter, while bound to conserve the interests of the State and those of its parents and children on the one hand, have also on the other the tenderest regard for the interests of those who desire to devote themselves and their energies to the honorable but onerous work of educating the young, and have far more pleasure in passing than in plucking any, even the very humblest of them.

Extract from Report on School Management. Out of a total of 344 candidates, we have only been able to confer an absolute pass on 86, a very small percentage. But there are a few candidates who have obtained 48 or 49 per cent, of marks, and we desire to recommend them to your favourable consideration. We regret to report that a great many have failed badly, the papers showing no real grasp of principles, and displaying grave ignorance of the commonest technical details. And there are some papers characterized by such confusion of thought and inexactness of expression, such a general lack of method, accuracy, neatness, and other teacher-like qualities, that it is very doubtful whether the writers would ever be efficient teachers. The time-tables were generally of a very unsatisfactory character, many quite unworkable, and very few indeed of the compilers showed any intelligent apprehension of the true principles of planning the work either of a country school or of an infant school. And the form of the time-tables was as bad as the arrangement of work. The notes of lessons displayed little originality of thought, Many of the candidates seemed to have no idea of what could be taught in a given time, or of what was suited to the different standards. And the notes gave only scanty, vague details of method, but were, rather, long answers to imaginary questions in geography or English history. Some of the writers proposed to teach the whole of English grammar in half-an-hour, and others discoursed in the same time of the shape, dimensions, and motions of the earth; of day and night, the seasons, and the tides. Some of the notes were unique, e.g., "Educe the parts of some nouns, as the legs, &c." Section IV., on Principles of Teaching, was badly done. The answers were quite irrelevant in many cases. Section V., on Methods of Teaching, was done better on the whole; but here again a want of perception of the true meaning of a question was only too apparent. We were repeatedly told, for instance, that the youth of the learner constituted one of the special difficulties of teaching English reading; and in the question relating to English composition the force of the verb "train" was very generally overlooked, as was also the fact that oral composition was one branch of the subject. Section VI., on Discipline, was answered very unsatisfactorily. Pew of the candidates had given the matter any serious thought, and many seemed to have no thought on the subject worth committing to paper. Many answers both to Sections VI. and VII. were absolutely valueless. Bearing in mind how greatly the welfare of the colony and the good working of our carefullyconticbred education system depend on the thorough practical efficiency of its teachers, it seems to us dcs rable to insist on a, good pass in this subject, as of paramount importance.

Class E.—English Grammar and Composition. Time allowed: Three hours. 1. Explain the following terms: Neuter, inflection, conjugation, mood, auxiliary, parse, syntax, predicate. 2. Define strong and weak verbs, and explain how they come to be so termed. By what other names are they known? Give two examples of each. 3. Which are the principal parts of a verb? Why are they so designated? Give the principal parts of the following: Dare (in its two senses), j^y, go, lie (in its two acceptations), Sear (carry), swell, wax, weave. 4. What verbs take an object after them in the passive voice ? Give two examples. 5. What is the usual classification of conjunctions? Arrange the following according to their classes; Also, although, as, but, however, moreover, when, yet. Can any of these be parsed otherwise than as conjunctions ? 6. What is meant by a cognate object? Porm two sentences illustrating your answer. 7. Analyse the following words, stating clearly the meaning of the several parts: Analytical^ antecedent, atheist, extraordinary, inconceivable, opposition, sublunary.



8. Parse the italicized words in the following passage, giving fully their syntax relations : — " So move we on; —I only meant They moved : I said Pitz James was brave, To show the reed on which you leant, As ever knight that belted glaive; Deeming this path you might pursue Yet dare not sag that now his blood Without a pass from Bhoclerick Dim." Kept on its wont and temper'd flood. 9. Write and punctuate carefully the passage dictated by the Supervisor. 10. Spell the words dictated by the Supervisor, syllabifying the last ten. 11. Write a brief essay on the Advantages of a National System of Education.

Class E. —Exercise in Dictation and Spelling. (Part of Paper on English Grammar and Composition.) 9. Dictation Exercise: How strange a chequer-work of Providence is the life of man! and by what secret differing springs are the affections hurried about, as differing circumstances present! To-day we love what to-morrow we hate; to-day we seek what to-morrow we shun ; to-day we desire what to-morrow we fear, nay, even tremble at the apprehensions of. This was exemplified in me at this time in the most lively manner imaginable ; for I, whose only affliction was that I seemed banished from human society; that I was alone, circumscribed by the boundless ocean, cut off from mankind and condemned to a silent life; I say, I actually trembled now at the very apprehensions of seeing a man, and was ready to sink into the ground at but the shadow or silent appearance of a man's having set his foot on the island. 10. Spelling Exercise : Accelerate, accommodate, ache, ague, embarrassment, furlough, indefeasible, intrigue, innuendo, liege, league, physique, paroxysm, pseudonym, rheumatism, rhinoceros, secede, separate, sovereignty, schismatic, unanimity, unique, unparalleled, woollen, wriggle.

Class E.—Arithmetic Time allowed: Three hours. 1. What is that number which, when added to three-fourths of itself, amounts to ten millions fiftyfour thousand and Jwo ? 2. Multiply 16 miles 5 furlongs 29 poles 4 yards by 37f. 3. Pind, by Practice, the value of 3 tons 14 cwt. 1 qr. 21 lb. at 17s. 4Jd. per cwt. 4. A bankrupt, whose liabilities are £2,480, has assets worth £1,077 55., and his book-debts, amounting to £930, are valued at 17s. 6d. in the pound : what will a creditor receive whose claim is £142 10s. ? 5. What is the relation between a pound avoirdupois and a pound troy ? Pind the least weight which can be expressed exactly either in pounds avoirdupois or in pounds troy. 6. Having given that a gallon of water weighs 101b., and a cubic foot of water weighs 1,000 oz., find to what depth a rectangular cistern, 16 feet 8 inches long and 8 feet 3 inches broad, is filled when it contains 11,000 gallons. 7. Divido the sum of £ and ii- by three-fourths of their difference, and express ~ of half-a-crown as the fraction of T " T of half-a-guinea. 8. Explain, with reasons, the method of converting a vulgar fraction into a decimal one. If the denominator of a fraction is 32, and the numerator an odd number, show why the equivalent decimal terminates in five places. 9. Divide 7809 by -0038, and find the value of-0234375 of 16 cwt. 2 qr. 8 lb. -.r, c.- re o°f 2 c i , '24 , -025 of 412 10. Simplify 2 of—; - , and— of 1 J t-f 2f +3— 4a ' -016 572—3175 11. A French tonne contains 1,000 kilogrammes, and a kilogramme contains 1,000 grammes. If a gramme = 15432 grains, express a tonne as the decimal of an English ton. 12. A clock, set to correct time at 8 o'clock on Monday morning, is found to have gained 3 minutes 20 seconds at 5 o'clock (true time) on Tuesday afternoon. Supposing the clock to go uniformly, what will be the correct time when the clock strikes 11 on Sunday forenoon ? 13. What sum will amount to £1,298 Bs. 10ad. in eight months at 4| per cent, per annum. 14. A grocer bought 26 chests of tea, each containing 46 lb., and paid, on removing it from bond, a duty of 10 per cent, on the cost price: if he makes a profit of 12 per cent, by retailing it at 2s. 9d. per pound, find the cost price per cwt.

Class E. —Geography. Time allowed : Three hours. 1. Explain the meaning of the terms "longitude," "archipelago," "river-basin," ''delta," " meridian." 2. Why are there currents in the ocean ? Trace the course of the more distinctly marked currents in the ocean. 3. Describe the mountain system of South America. 4. What are the islands adjacent to the coast of Africa ? Give the position of each. 5. A traveller comes from London to New Zealand by way of Suez and Melbourne, and returns by way of San Francisco: give, in order, the oceans, seas, &c, through which he would pass, and state the places at which, under ordinary circumstances, he would call. 6. Draw a map of Great Britain and Ireland, showing their relative positions. Mark the position of six of the principal towns in each county. 7. Where are the following countries—Austria, Afghanistan, Egypt, China, Chili, Belgium? Give the principal towns of each, and explain their positions. 8. Where in New Zealand are the following towns—Milton, Onehunga, Poxton, Kumara, Blenheim, Rangiora, Palmerston, Gisborne ?



Class E.—English History. Time allowed: Three hours. 1. What circumstances led to the establishment of the Long Parliament ? 2. How was the Government carried on after the death of Charles I. ? 3. Of what violation of the liberties of his subjects is James 11. accused? 4. What steps were taken by the friends of the Prince of Orange to secure his elevation to the Throne of England? State the conditions on which he accepted the Crown. 5. What events led to the Treaty of Utrecht? Give some account of its provisions. 6. What was the Septennial Act ? What caused its enactment ? 7. For what did Pitt deserve to be called " the Great Commoner " ? 8. What was the cause of the war of the Austrian Succession, and what steps did England take in connection with the same ? 9. Give a short account of the Conquest of Canada. 10. What Kings of England claimed Prance, and why ? 11. Of what events are the following the dates:—l2ls, 1265, 1314, 1399, 1420, 1471, 1485, 1513, 1558, 1588 ?

Classes D and E.—Elementary Science. Time allowed: Three hours. [Note.— Candidates are not to attempt more than ten questions. Pemale candidates, if proficient in needlework, may substitute for this paper the paper on Domestic Economy and the Laws of Health; but passing in Science will not exempt them from passing in needlework also.] 1. Give an account of the actions that regulate the motions of the earth. What is meant by the term inertia ? 2. Why is it that carriages with wheels of large diameter are more easily drawn than those with smaller wheels ? 3. Supposing an inverted tumbler were pressed down into water, describe exactly what would be the condition of the air inside when it is just below the surface; also, when 50 feet and a mile below the surface respectively. 4. Describe how the musical notes of the organ and those of the concertina are produced. 5. Give an intelligible account of one of the modes adopted to estimate the Telocity of light. 6. Describe what happens if light be sent in succession through green and red glass. Why is a mixture of blue and yellow paint generally green? 7. Explain how it is that a greenhouse becomes heated by the sun's rays. 8. How is it that wet clothes hung out in the air get dry ? Upon what conditions does their rapid drying depend ? Will they dry if frozen ? 9. Describe experiments to prove that the earth is a magnet. 10. Describe an instrument for measuring, one for generating, and one for storing frictional electricity. 11. What are the various means of showing that a wire carries voltaic electricity ? 12. Describe all the methods you know to prove the composition of water. 13. Describe as fully as you can the action of carbonic acid in nature. 14. Give a general account of chemical affinity, and state what is meant by the terms acid, base, negative and positive elements. 15. Why is it that a clothes-line when wetted becomes tighter ? 16. Give an account of the structure and functions of the skin. 17. Trace any course of a blood corpuscle from the left ventricle of the heart through the body and back to the same chamber again. 18. Describe in detail how a plant gets its food.

Classes D and E.—Domestic Economy and Laws oe Health. Time allowed: Three hours. [Note. —This paper is for female candidates who are proficient in needlovvork, and, in consideration of this, are allowed, if they prefer it, to be examined in Domestic Economy and the Laws of Health, instead of in the general subject of Elementary Science. See the note on the Elementary Science paper.] 1. What are the commoner ways in which water may become contaminated with injurious matters ? What are some of the precautions to be taken to prevent this ? And how may the impurities of water be detected ? 2. What are some of the effects of bad air ? Describe, or draw a section through, any good drain or sink-trap that will prevent the ingress of bad air. 3. What are the common predisposing causes of pulmonary diseases ? 4. What are the principal reasons why children who study much become shortsighted ? How may this be prevented ? 5. Describe how to separate the proximate constituents of wheat or potatoes. 6. Describe some of the effects of mental overwork. What precaution should be taken to prevent this? -------a 7. State generally the rules for the proper quantity and kind of food to be taken to secure good health. 8. What are the kinds of food suitable for the sick and convalescent ? 9. Give an account of the structure and functions of the skin. 10. Describe how you would clean a saucepan, and state all the reasons why it should be clean.

E.— U.


Classes D and E. —Art of Teaching and School Management. Time allowed: Three hours. [Note. —Candidates may select one question from each Bection, but not more than one. Sections 1., 11., and Illare compulsory for all candidates.] Section I. 1. Draw up a code of general directions for the guidance of a teacher in constructing a time-table. 2. Construct a time-table suitable for an infant school of 80 children, with one class preparing for Standard I. Staff: Mistress, and pupil-teacher of second year. 3. Construct a time-table for a small school, having an infant division, and classes preparing for Standards 1., 11., lIP, and IV. Teacher unassisted. Section 11. 1. How do you find the strict and working average quarterly attendance? Supposing there are 80 children on the roll, and the attendances for the week are 73, 71, 27, 33, 68, 65, 72, 70, 65, there being one half-holiday, make out the weekly returns. 2. What is the most expeditious and effective mode of calling the roll of a large school ? To what uses should a teacher put the record of attendances ? 3. What averages are required in the New Zealand official " Register of Attendance " ? How is each to be obtained, and what is the special value of each ? Section 111. 1. Draw up full teaching notes of a half-hour lesson in physical or mathematical geography to Standard IV.; or in English history to Standard V. ; or in English grammar to Standard 111. 2. Choose a subject suitable for an object-lesson, or one suitable for a moral lesson to an infantschool class, and fully describe your method of giving the lesson. Section IV. 1. It has been said that " Questioning is nine-tenths of teaching." Discuss the general truth of the assertion. 2. To what extent would you employ " learning by heart " ? Give your reasons. When ought the multiplication-table to be committed to memory ? 3. How may home lessons be best made to subserve the general work of the school, without trespassing unduly on the actual teaching time for their thorough examination ? Section V. 1. Why is it especially difficult to teach English reading ? What different methods are employed ? Which would you adopt, and why ? 2. What is the best way of teaching long division ? 3. Describe the course you would pursue to train your pupils in a good style of English composition. Section VI. 1. Why should the discipline of a school be as little coercive as possible ? 2. What is the disciplinary value of simultaneous exercises? 3. State the various arguments for and against awarding prizes in school. Section VII. Write an essay on one of the following subjects : — (a.) The advantages and disadvantages of the Standard system. (b.) The best means of making pupil-teachers thoroughly efficient. (o.) The teaching of form and colour.

Class D.—English Grammar and Composition. Time allowed >. Three hours. (Candidates are expected to attempt all the questions.) 1. What is the exact difference in function between an and one, the and that, and why should an and the be called articles ? What rules would you lay down for the use of an before h ? In what different meanings is the used with proper nouns, and what words take it between them and their nouns ? Give three words with which an article or a part of an article has coalesced. Explain the omission of the article in the following : — (a) As fair as day ; (b) Never master had a page so kind ; (c) Prom head to heel; (d) 'Tis phrase absurd to call a villain great; (c) Would'st thou have me traitor also ? (/) Take heart; (y) I will never to sea again; (h) Fleet of foot; (i) Next him Moloch, sceptred king. 2. What rules would you lay down for the plurals of compound nouns ? Give two instances of each of the following:— (a) Nouns that have two plurals with different meanings ; (b) Nouns that have no plural; (c) Nouns that have a duplicated plural inflection ; (d) Nouns that form their plural by internal change; (c) Latin nouns that have two plurals without difference of meaning; (/') Hebrew nouns that retain their foreign plurals ; (g) Italian nouns that retain their foreign plurals ; (h) Plurals that are duals in meaning. Explain the number of the verb in the following:— (a) Earth, ocean, air, have nought so shy, but owns the power of minstrelsy (Scott) ; (b) Old Sir John with half-a-dozen more are at the door (Shakespeare) ; (c) Ely with Richmond troubles me more near (Shakespeare) ; (d) Tour sister, as well as myself, are greatly obliged to you (Fielding) ; (c) The Epic, as well as the Drama, is divided into tragedy and comedy (Fielding) ; (f) Nor fosse nor fence are found (Scott) ; (g) Nor man nor fiend hath fallen so far (Byron); (h) The poetry and eloquence of the Augustan age was assiduously



studied (Macaulay) ; (i) Her knights and dames, her court is there (Byron) ; (,;') Such was Algernon Sydney, Ludlow, and others (Chatham) ; (k) The progress and establishment of the Christian religion was favoured and assisted by five principal causes (Gibbon) ; (/) And that am I, and thou, and all our house (Byron). 3. How does the adjective differ from (a) the noun, (5) the pronoun, (c) the adverb, (d) the preposition, (c) the participle ? In your answer, refer to the following : — (a) Thy hermit cell; (b) Ahe bear; (c) Our then dictator ; (d) The after life ; (c) Joy absent, grief is present for that time. What inflections are found in the modern English adjective ? Is the most of inmost the same as the same as that of most beautiful ? Give reasons for your answer. How would you classify adjectives according to (a) their general meaning, (b) their function in the sentence, and (c) their origin? Compare nigh, far, late, and distinguish farther and further. 4. Justify or correct the following: — (a) Most men dream, but all do not; (5) They must be viewed exactly in the same light; (c) But he can discover no better foundation for any of them than the practice merely of Homer and Virgil; (d) Duncan comes here to-night; (c) They returned to the city from whence they came out; (./) Let us take care how we sin ; (y) A solecism is when the rules of syntax are transgressed ; (h) Ido not know whether they are out or no ; (i) There is nothing more admirable nor more useful; (j) A wise man scorneth nothing, be it never so small or homely. 5. What are hybrid words ? Give six instances. State the exact force of the prefix or affix in each of the following words: Body, speedy, wisdom, flaxen, gainsay, irksome, answer, songster, farthing, statuary, tentacle, goodness, rubicund, autograph, putrescence, hyperbole, shamefaced, synthesis, anarchy, homogeneous, brittle. 6. Distinguish teach, instruct, inform, educate; and compose a paragraph to bring out the distinctions. 7. Point out the faults of the following sentence, and rewrite it so as to avoid them : " Vane was a man not to be described by any character of religion ; in which he had swallowed some of the fancies and extravagancies of every sect or faction ; and was become (which cannot be expressed by any other language than was peculiar to that time) a man above ordinances, unlimited and unrestrained by any rules or bounds prescribed to other men, by reason of his perfection." 8. Describe some tragic scene or incident from history, fiction, or contemporary life, 9. Spell the words dictated by the Supervisor. 10. Write and punctuate the passage dictated by the Supervisor.

Class D.—Exercise in Dictation and Spelling. (Part of a Paper on English Grammar and Composition.) 9. Metallurgy, skyey, omniscient, unintelligible, argillaceous, indispensable, critique, frolicked, embarrassment, irreconcilable, biassed, brunette. 10. Dick Wildgoose was one of the happiest silly fellows I ever knew. He was of the number of those good-natured creatures that are said to do no harm to any but themselves. Whenever Dick fell into any misery he usually called it seeing life. If his head was broke by a chairman, or his pocket picked by a sharper, he comforted himself by imitating the Hibernian dialect of the one, or the more fashionable cant of the other. Nothing came amiss to Dick. His inattention to money matters had incensed his father to such a degree that all the intercession of friends in his favour was fruitless. The old gentleman was on his deathbed. The whole family, and Dick among the number, gathered around him. " I leave my second son, Andrew," said the expiring miser, "my whole estate, and desire him to be frugal." Andrew, in a sorrowful tone, as is usual on these occasions, " prayed Heaven to prolong his life and health to enjoy it himself." "I recommend Simon, my third son, to the care of his elder brother, and leave him beside four thousand pounds." " Ah! father," cried Simon (in great affliction, to be sure), "may Heaven give you life and health to enjoy it yourself !" At last, turning to poor Dick : " As for you, you always have been a sad dog ; you'll never come to good ; you'll never be rich : I'll leave you a shilling to buy an halter." " Ah! father," cries Dick, without any emotion, " may Heaven give you life and health to enjoy it yourself! " This was all the trouble the loss of fortune gave this thoughtless, imprudent creature. However, the tenderness of an uncle recompensed the neglect of a father; and Dick is now not only excessively good-humoured, but competently rich.— Goldsmith.

Class D. —Arithmetic. Time allowed: Three hours. 1. If the property subject to the property-tax be valued at fifty million forty-two thousand and eight pounds, what will the tax amount to at three farthings in the pound ? 2. Two trains start from the same place at the same time and in the same direction, and at the end of 2\ hours one is 30 miles ahead of the other. If they had gone in opposite directions they would have been 130 miles apart in the same time. What is the speed of each per hour ?^ 3. If a carriage-wheel be 5 yards 2 feet 6 inches in circumference, how many revolutions will it make in going over a distance of 13tt miles ? 4. Find, by Practice, the value of 242 acres 3 roods 28 poles at £2 14s. lOijd. per acre. 5. The content of a box, whose length is twice its breadth, and whose breadth is twice its depth, is 1 cubic yard: find its dimensions. Find, also, the expense of gilding its whole outside surface at Is. 9d. per square foot. 6. Explain why, in the addition of fractions, they must be reduced to equivalent fractions having a common denominator. Explain, also, the process employed for reducing them to a common denominator. Simplify |of ||—^ + !a±l2__t 7. State the rule for converting a mixed recurring decimal to a vulgar fraction.



Divide the sum of 327 and '238 by their difference, expressing the result as a decimal correct to six places. 8. Find the value of f- of £1 + f 0 f 2-f of 2s. 6d. - £ of £2 10s.; , -016 -016 . And also of —z of -j~s of 55 tons. •010 '01b 9. If a kilogramme is equal to 2\ lb., and a metre to 3937 inches, express the atmospheric pressure, which is 14f lb. per square inch, in kilogrammes per square metre. 10. Extract the square root of i to seven places of decimals. 11. In 1880 there were 42,734 boys and 39,667 girls attending the public schools in New Zealand, 20,436 of the whole number being under seven years of age. Supposing that among the children under seven there were 25 girls for every 27 boys, find the percentage of girls attending school who were under seven years of age. 12. Define interest, rate per cent., present value, and. discount. Find the present value of £1,000, due 100 days hence, at 10 per cent, per annum. 13. A person sells ten thousand dollar bonds at 924 per cent. If he pays £ per cent, for brokerage, and i per cent, for exchange, how much will he receive in sterling money, a dollar being worth 4s. 2d.? 14. If an article be sold for 10s. at a loss of 20 per cent., what must the price be raised to in order to gain 20 per cent. ? 15. To a puncheon of rum, containing 84 gallons, which cost £100 165., a dealer added a certain quantity of water, and retailed it at 28s, a gallon, making a profit of 40 per cent. What quantity of water did he add ?

Class D. —Geography. Time allowed: Three hours. 1. How do you explain the fact that degrees of latitude are of nearly the same length all over the world, but that degrees of longitude are of very different lengths ? Why is it necessary to say degrees of latitude are of nearly the same length ? Where are they longest ? 2. Show how the inclination of the earth's axis to the plane of its orbit affects the seasons, including in your answer both the variation in temperature and the variation in the length of the day. 3. Trace the course of the great European watershed. Give, in order, the names of the rivers which lie south of it, stating into which sea, &c, each flows, and mentioning the more important tributaries. 4. What is a volcano ? Give the names of as many volcanoes in America as you can, and explain the position of each. 5. Draw a map of the coast-lines which bound the Atlantic Ocean, marking the mouths of the principal rivers which flow into it or into seas connected with it. 6. Describe the mountain system of Asia. 7. Explain the position of the following towns in New Zealand: Oamaru, Tauranga, Gisborne, Picton, Westport, Patea, Kaiapoi, Queenstown. 8. Enumerate the more important towns in the Colony of Victoria, and explain the position of each. 9. What are the British colonies in or near Africa ? What are the principal exports from each of those colonies ?

Class D. —English History. Time allowed: Three hours. (Pour questions may be omitted.) 1. What influence had foreign rule on England before the Norman Conquest ? 2. Discuss the character and policy of William the Conqueror. 3. What part did the barons play in England under Norman and Plantagenet rule ? 4. Outline the history of English parliamentary government up to the reign of Elizabeth. 5. Describe the growth of organization in commerce and industry up till the seventeenth century. 6. Give an account of Lollardism and its political and social causes and effects. 7. Compare the characters of Elizabeth and Mary Queen of Scots. 8. Sketch the influence of favouritism in the reigns of James the First and Charles the First. 9. Characterize the great leaders on the side of the Parliament, and their military tactics in the Civil War. 10. What led to the Revolution of 1688, and what were its chief effects ? 11. Was the rule of the Commons the rule of the nation in the latter part of the eighteenth century ? Discuss the question. 12. What do you know of the Statute of Mortmain, the Court of High Commission, the Solemn League and Covenant, the Test Act, and the Occasional Conformity Bill ?

Class D.—Latin (Optional). Time allowed: Three hours. 1. Give the perfects (first person only), the infinitives, and supines ofpario, venio, video, lacesso, sterno, gigno, seco, consulo. Parse sunto,flerent, vixeris, rettulissent, eundum. 2. What cases are governed by the following verbs respectively: Eruor, memini, egeo, misereor, prosum, praesto (I excel) ? How is refert used (l) with substantives or proper names, (2) with pronouns ?



3. Explain the use of the accusative and infinitive. Express in Latin— He confessed that he had done it. He said that he was not the man to desert his friends in time of danger. He promised to be present at Rome on the 10th of March. To think that you should have been so foolish ! 4. What are the most common interrogative particles, and how are they used (1) in direct, (2) in indirect questions? Express in Latin—Are you so foolish as to believe that all these things were made by chance ? He ordered them to make out (speculari) whether the enemy were going out of the camp. It is difficult to say which of the two plans is the better. 5. Explain the use of quominus and quin, and of ut and ne after verbs of fearing. Express in Latin— I cannot help thinking that Socrates was the best of all men who have ever lived. I am afraid we shall not be able to save our country. He cannot refuse to hear you. 6. Translate —Sed quoniam res humanae fragiles caducaeque sunt, semper aliqui anquirendi sunt quos diligamus et a quibus diligamur. Caritate enim benevolentiaque sublata omnis est c vita sublata jucunditas. Mihi quidem Scipio, quamquam est subito ereptus, vivit tamen semperque vivet: virtutem enim amavi illius viri, quae exstincta non est. Nee mihi soli versatur ante oculos, gui illam semper in manibus habui, sed etiam posteris erit clara et insignis. Nemo umquam animo aut spe majora suscipiet gui sibi non illius memoriam atque imaginem proponendam putet. [ca,duoxxs=fleeting. anquiro= l seek after.]

Class D.—Algebra (Optional). Time allowed : Three hours. 1. The sum obtained by adding 5 times the number b to 7 times the number a is divided by the excess of 8 times the number a over 6 times the number b, and the quotient so obtained is multiplied by itself. From this result is subtracted the product obtained by multiplying the excess of 5 times the number a over 8 times the number b by the sum of 3 times the number a and 4 times the number b. Write down an expression for this final result, and calculate its value when o=B and 5=5. 2. Multiply mx^+(n—V) x+q by nx+q, and express the answer in such a way that coefficients of like powers of a; are collected in the same bracket. 3. Divide 24<xi—2y i-2xY(l7x+4:y)+xy(lGx i + lSys) by Ga^-f + ixy. 4. Simplify— a—b+} — 35 — [2c +3(o — b + 26) —2(a + o)] +b I . ±±*-{H>-e) +*[-«-=! + .] -J!}-' 5. Resolve into factors 8x 3y A — 27a 3 ; 35# 2 + 13xy — GGy' 1 ; and write down the product of ax + by + c and ax — by — c. 6. Reduce to its lowest terms 2^ + x\ V -_xy* + 3/ 3X 4- — xsy — 3_y + 6xys — 4_<* and simplify * + * \'} ■- * + 1 -_I_. F J (1 - 2a;) 3 (1 - 2xy 2x - 1 » Q i .r, .• 5x —4 , 12_r + 2 Kte +17 7. Solve the equations 4- ■ = 4 9 13* - 16 18 11 _ 1 ab —ax ac —ax be — bx 8. A man walks for a hours at the rate of x miles an hour, and then rides for b hours at the rate of y miles an hour ; he rides part of the way back in c hours at the rate of z miles an hour: how long will it take him to complete the return journey at the rate of v miles an hour? 9. At an election, three-fourths of the votes of a certain constituency are polled, and the numbers of votes polled by the three candidates (A, B, and C) for election are in the ratio of 2, 3, and 5. The sum of one-third of A's votes, one-fifth of B's, and one-sixth of C's is 252 : find the number of voters on the roll of the constituency.

Class D. —Euclid (Optional). Time allowed: Three hours. 1. Give definitions of & plane surface, a plane rectilineal angle, alternate angles, a rectangle, and a gnomon. What is a proposition ? State in their order all the steps taken in establishing a proposition. 2. If two triangles have two sides of the one equal to two sides of the other, each to each, and have likewise the angles contained by those sides equal to one another, then their bases shall be equal, and the two triangles shall be equal, and their other angles shall be equal, each to each, namely, those to which the equal sides are opposite. On what axiom is the method of proof by " superposition " founded? Mention any other case in which the method of superposition is employed by Euclid. 3. To draw a straight line perpendicular to a given straight line of an unlimited length, from a given point without it. Show that the perpendicular may also be drawn by the following construction: With any two points in the given line as centres, describe circles passing through the given point, and join the given point with the other point of intersection of the circles. 2—E. la.



4. Equal triangles, upon equal bases in the same straight line, and towards the same parts, are between the same parallels. Prove that if equal triangles are between the same parallels their bases are equal. 5. In any right-angled triangle, the square which is described upon the side subtending the right angle is equal to the squares described upon the sides which contain the right angle. 6. If a straight line be divided into any two parts, the squares of the whole line and of one of the parts are equal to twice the rectangle contained by the whole and that part, together with the square of the other part. 7. To divide a given straight line into two parts, so that the rectangle contained by the whole and one of the parts shall be equal to the square of the other part. What lines in the figure, besides the given line, are divided in "medial section " ? Show that the greater segment of the given line will also be divided in medial section if a part be cut off from it equal to the less segment.

Class D. —Chemistry (Optional). Time allowed: Three hours. 1. How much chlorate of potash is required to yield 100 grammes of oxygen ? (K=39' Cl=3si) 2. Write down four equations to show how hydrogen is made. 3. Write down the names and symbols of the compounds which hydrogen forms with the other non-metallic elements. 4. State fully the properties of ammonia, carbon dioxide (CO 2 ), hydrosulphuric acid (H 2 S), and chlorine. 5. How are the gases named in Question 4 made ? 6. How would you distinguish from each other the following gases: Hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, chlorine ? 7. State what you know of carbon under the following heads: — (a.) How it occurs in nature ; (b.) Its allotropic modifications or different forms ; (c.) Its applications and uses. 8. Describe the process of making hydrochloric acid. 9. What is the composition of sugar, water, alcohol, quartz, coal-gas, atmospheric air,phosphoric acid, gunpowder, rock-salt ? 10. Write down the names and symbols and atomic weights of twelve of the non-metallic elements. 11. Assign its atomicity (monad, dyad, triad, &c.) to each of the following elements: Oxygen, •chlorine, sulphur, phosphorus, carbon, silicon, iodine, nitrogen. 12. How many grammes of nitrogen are contained in 100 grammes of nitric acid ?

Class D.—Electricity (Optional). Time allowed: Three hours. 1. Give a description of experiments to illustrate the magnetic inductive action of the earth upon soft iron. 2. How would you show that when a body is electrified by friction there are exactly equal quantities of negative and positive electricity produced ? 3. Describe Faraday's ice-pail experiment, or some other experiment, to prove that the quantity of electricity induced by a body is equal to its charge. 4. How did Coulomb investigate the laws of electricity ? State these laws, and describe Coulomb's torsion balance. 5. Give the meaning of the following terms: Electric potential, density, intensity of force, capacity, and quantity. 6. Describe various methods of producing voltaic electricity, and explain the advantages of Daniell's battery. 7. Describe the fundamental experiments of magneto-electric induction; and give an account of the construction of the telephone. 8. Describe the process of electrotyping and electroplating. 9. Describe three instruments for measuring an electric current, and state the special advantage of a voltameter. 10. Describe some form of electro-magnetic engine.

Class D.—Sound and Light (Optional). Time allowed: Three hours. 1. Explain how sound is reflected and refracted. How is a sound-lens made ? 2. Draw a section through an organ-pipe ; explain the production of its notes ; state the difference between a closed and an open pipe; and explain how an organ-pipe is tuned. 3. How is the velocity of sound in a solid body determined? Upon what does this velocity depend ? 4. How is the difference between notes of the same pitch in the piano and organ explained ? Describe either the synthetical or the analytical method of investigating a musical note. 5. Describe experiments to illustrate the fact that the intensity of light diminishes as the square of the distance. Explain some of the methods used to measure the intensity of light. 6. State the laws of reflection and refraction. 7. Explain the phenomena of total reflection, and give several examples.



8. Explain how you would determine whether a piece of glass was plane, convex, or concave, by the appearances presented by its shadow. Under what circumstances would the shadows of the concave and convex lenses appear the same ? 9. Give a description of a chemical spectroscope ; describe how two spectra are compared in it; and state the appearance presented by a bright light shining through a sodium flame when examined by a spectroscope. 10. How does a beam of yellow polarized light (such as polarized sodium light) differ from a beam of common white light ?

Class D.—Heat (Optional). Time alloived : Three hours. 1. How is the coefficient of absolute expansion of mercury determined ? What is meant by the term coefficient of apparent expansion ? 2. Describe the chief uses made of the property of expansion of solids, liquids, and gases, respectively. 3. Define the coefficient of conductivity. How has the relative conductivity of bodies been determined ? 4. State some of the effects of convection in liquids and gases, in nature. 5. W 7hat is the meaning of the terms specific and latent heat ? What is the actual state of the energy in the so-called latent heat? and how has specific heat been determined ? 6. If 1 lb. of steam at 100° C, 101b. of water at 50° C, and 4 lb. of ice at 0° C, are mixed, what will be the resultant temperature ? 7. What is meant by the terms dry and wet air and dew-point ? How is the dew-point determined, and what purpose does its determination serve ? 8. How are the freezing and boiling points affected by pressure ? Describe the action of a geyser. 9. A piece of platinum foil has an ink-spot on one side : it is made red-hot. Describe and explain the appearance of the spot, and also its effect on the back of the foil. 10. Explain what will happen if two pieces of metal be coated, one with lamp-black, and the other with white-lead, and exposed to the sun's rays. Will the same thing happen if both be exposed to the rays from a red-hot ball, or from a vessel filled with boiling water ?

Class D. —Botany (Optional). Time allowed: Three hours. 1. What is meant by the terms " annual," " biennial," and " perennial," as applied to plants ? Give examples of each. 2. Describe the root-cap, and root-hairs, in flowering plants, and state the function of each. 3. What is meant by " adventitious " stems and roots ? 4. Define the following kinds of fruit: Nut, drupe, legume, berry, capsule, achene. 5. Describe the flowers of the daisy, the buttercup, the apple, and the cabbage. 6. Describe the structure of a fibro-vascular bundle from the stem of a dicotyledonous plant. 7. State all you know about gymnospermous plants. 8. What is starch ? How is it formed? and what part does it play in the nourishment of plants ? 9. Explain the advantages obtained by a rotation of crops.

Class D.—Geology (Optional). Time allowed: Three hours. 1. Define the term " rock," as used by geologists. 2. Describe the following minerals : Quartz, felspar, mica, hornblende. 3. How is ordinary compact limestone formed ? Give reasons for your opinion. 4. What is the difference between jointing and cleavage in rock-masses ? Explain the origin of each. 5. W rhat are synclinal and anticlinal curves? Illustrate your answer with diagrams. 6. Define the terms "dyke" and "mineral-vein," and give the names of some of the commoner rocks and minerals which fill them. 7. What are the proofs that the rocks forming the earth's crust have been moved from the positions they originally occupied? 8. Explain the origin of the terraces found in many river-valleys. 9. What are artesian wells, and to what causes are they due? Illustrate your answer with diagrams.

Class D.—French (Optional). Time allowed : Three hours. 1. In what words is eu sounded as v (French) ? 2. By what various expedients is hiatus avoided without having recourse to elision ? 3. Give the feminine of the following adjectives: Heureux, vieux,faux, doux, prefix. 4. Enumerate the nouns ending in ou which take an * in the plural. 5. Give the meaning and feminine of gendre, parrain, belier, eleve, loup. 6. Give the two meanings of each of the following words, which are masculine in one sense and feminine in the other : Anne, somme, pendule, memoire, couple. 7. Give the French for the half, the third, the quarter, the fifth. 8. Account for the unusual form of the compound nouns hotel-Dieu, bain-marie.



9. What is the difference between mon, ton, son, &c, and mien, tien, sien, &c. ? Show that this distinction is, even now, not always made. 10. Decline gui, relative pronoun, and gui, interrogative pronoun. 11. Give the principal parts of the verbs alter, dormir, voir, coudre. 12. Compare the adverbs beaucoup, mai, peu, bien. 13 Tout, the adjective, has a peculiarity, and tout, the adverb, has also a peculiarity. Could you state what these are ? 14. In law and commerce they say, — je, soussigne, declare, Sfc. In what respects does this differ from the present way of expressing oneself in other matters ? 15. From the following words form verbs, and from these verbs deduce the rule for the formation of verbs from substantives and adjectives : Chemin, jardin, beche, grand, gros, maigre. 16. Give the French for the following adverbs of time : When, since, often, always, now, formerly, then, at last, to-day, to-morrow. 17. Give the adverbs of negation. Explain their meaning and origin. 18. Conjugate_/H/Zoi> in full. 19. State broadly the rule for the agreement of the past participle with the verb avoir. 20. What changes do adjectives undergo when they are turned into adverbs ? 21. Translate into English— A. L'extreme gout que Louis XIV. avait pour les choses d'eclat fut encore bien plus flatte par l'ambassade qu'il recut de Siam, pays ou Ton avait ignore jusqu'alors que la France existat. II etait arrive, par une de ces singularites gui prouvent la superiority dcs Europeens sur les autres nations, qu'un Grec, fils dun cabaretier de Cephalonie, nomme Phalk Constance, etait devenu bar colon, c'est-a-dire premier ministre ou grand vizir dv royaume de Siam. Cet homme, dans le dessein de s'affermir et de s'elever encore, et dans le besom qu'il avait de secours etrangers, n'avaitose se confier ni aux Anglais ni aux Hollandais; cc sont dcs voisins trop dangereux dans les Indes. Les Fran9ais venaient d'etablir dcs comptoirs sur les cotes de Coromandel, et avaient porte dans ces extremites de l'Asie la reputation de leur roi. Constance crut Louis XIV. propre a etre flatte par un hommage gui viendrait de si loin sans etre attendu. La religion, dont les ressorts font jouer la politique dv monde depuis Siam jusqu'a Paris servit encore a ses desseins. II envoya, au norn dv roi de Siam, son maitre, un solennelle ambassade avec de grands presents a, Louis XIV., pour lvi faire entendre que cc roi indien, charme de sa gloire, ne voulait faire de traite de commerce qu'avec la nation francaise, et qu'il n'etait pas meme eloigne de se faire chretien. La grandeur dv roi flattee efc sa religion trompee l'engagerent a, envoyer au roi de Siam deux ambassadeurs et six jesuites ; et depuis il y joignit dcs officiers avec huit cents soldats : mais l'eclat de cet ambassade siamoise fut le seul fruit qu'on en retira. Constance perit quatre ans apres, victime de son ambition : quelque peu dcs Fran9ais gui resterent aupres de lvi f urent massacres, d'autres obliges de fuir ; et sa veuve, apres avoir etc sur le point d'etre reine, fut condamnee, par le successeur dv roi de Siam, a servir dans la cuisine, emploi pour lequel elle etait nee. B. Pretez-moi l'un et l'autre une oreille attentive. Le Syrien me traite et de reine et de scaur. Je ne veux point ioi rappeler le passe, Enfin de ma maison le perfide oppresseur, Ni vous rendre raison dv sang que j'ai verse. Qui devait jusqu'a moi pousser sa barbaric, Cc que j'ai fait, Abner, j'ai eru le devoir faire. Jehu, le fier Jehu, tremble dans Samarie. Je ne prends point pour juge un peuple temeraire : De toutes parts presße par un puissant voisin, Quoi que son insolence ait ose publier, Que j'ai su soulever contre cet assassin, Le ciel m6me a pris soin de me justifier. II me laisse en ces lieux souveraine maitresse. Sur d'eclatants sueces ma puissance etablie Je jouissais en paix dv fruit de ma sagesse ; A fait jusqu'aux deux mers respecter Athalie. Mais un trouble importun vient, depuis quelques jours, Par moi Jerusalem goute un calme profond. De mes prosperites interrompre le cours. Le Jourdain ne voit plus l'Arabe vagabond, Un songe (me devrais-je inquieter dun songe ?) Ni l'altier Philistin, par d'eternels ravages, Entretient dans mon coeur un chagrin gui le ronge. Comme au temps de vos rois, desoler ses rivages;

List op Passes. [Extract from New Zealand Gazette, 30th March, 1882.]

The following lists contain statements of the principal results of the examination held at the end of January, 1882. It must be understood that the granting of a certificate depends only in part upon the result of an examination, and that candidates who have not had the experience required by the regulations, or who do not receive the necessary marks from a School Inspector, have no claim to a certificate. The first list contains the names of the successful candidates at the examination for Class D. The second supplies similar information with regard to Class E. The third and fourth lists give the names of candidates who will be allowed to qualify for Classes D and E respectively, by passing at the next examination in those subjects only in which they have this year been unsuccessful. The fifth is the list of candidates whose status before the examination was " provisional," and who have now passed in the additional subjects necessary for a full certificate. Every candidate will receive a private intimation of his success or failure, and those whose names are in the third and fourth lists will be advised as to the subjects in which they will require to be examined again. An asterisk against a name signfies that the candidate is too young to hold a full certificate.



I. Passed the Examination cor Class D. Auckland — Carter, Charles Morton. North Canterbury — ♦Allison, Marion Malbon. Borthwick, James Bibb. ♦Kirne, Percy. Quartermain, George. ♦Roberts, Miriam Allaire. ♦Ross, Cecilia Elizabeth. ♦Veysey, Mary Maria Otago — Drummond, Alexander Peter. ♦Johnson, John Andrew. ♦Tracey, Mary Anna Temple. 11. Passed the Examination for Class E. Auckland— ♦Currie, Annie Hamilton. ♦Home, Arthur. May, Thomas Lloyd. Westland — ♦Andrew, Jane. North Canterbury — ♦Connor, James Ramsay. ♦Douds, Martha. ♦Kennedy, Fanny. ♦McCormack, Annie Eliza. ♦Sealey, Eliza Maria. ♦Spence, Annie Walker. ♦Stirling, William. Tomlinson, Thomas Ernest. Watson, Joseph. Otago — ♦Ballantyne, Agnes Jane. Barnett, Abraham Morris. Don, John Robert. ♦Gurr, Edwin William. ♦Smith, Charles Robert. ♦Stewart, George Leighton. 111. Partial Success recorded towards Class D. Auckland — Haultain, Frances Aplin. Marlborough — Lucas, John Pearson. North Canterbury — ♦Cookson, Arthur. ♦Hiatt, Mary. Murdoch, John. Suckling, Louis Arthur. ♦Weir, Martha. Otago— ♦Beattie, Robert Martin. ♦Darton, Henry Lawrence Golding, Francis. ♦Menzies, Emilia. Selby, Charles William Glass. Will, Louisa Melville. Southland— Mehaffey, John. IV.—Partial Success recorded towards Class E. Auckland —■ Anderson, Alexander. Anderson, Barbara Catharine. Blyth, William Henry. Bond, Elon. Channon, John William. Hamilton, Thomas D'Arcy. Leech, Katherine Rebecca. McKerraß, Elizabeth Halliday. Marshall, Leslie Cunningham. ♦Pascoe, Ada. ♦Stewart, Elizabeth. 3—E. la.

Wanganui— Guylee, Joseph. Tyerman, Berkley. Wellington—- * Barnard, Nellie. *Bastin, Kathleen. Beck, Edward. *Bright, Alice Maud. *Craig, Maggie Helen. #Dempsey, Walter Norgrove. Jenkins, David Henry. Keeling, Laura. *Milne, Annie. Reynolds, Jacob Henry. ♦Robins, Mary Juliana. *Rutter, Elizabeth Mary. *Warren, Ada Ruth. *Whitehouse, Annie Charlotte. Marlborough— Twisleton, Henry Lea. Nelson — Veysey, John Thomas. Westland — *Jones, Annie Elizabeth. MacKay, William Donald. North Canterbury— ♦Alexander, Mary Stuart. Ambrose, Thomas William. *Barker, Annie. Bussell, Henry. ♦Cabot, Dolce Ann. *Calvert, Elizabeth Honoria. *Cooke, Minnie Susan. Crawford, Margaret Stafford. #Eastwood, Jane. Guiney, Samuel Patterson. Hamilton, Alfred Gaspar. Jenkins, Emily Elizabeth. ♦Rowley, Elizabeth Mary. *Schofield, Marion. Seager, Ada. *Seager, Rose Elizabeth. *Seay, Agnes. *Taylor, Amy. *Wells, Mary. *Wilcox, Alice Mary. #Young, Margaret. South Canterbury — Gillinghain, Francis Robert. * Grant, Mary Anne. Otago— Botting, John Francis. Cairns, Jessie. ♦Christie, Nellie Shedden. ♦Cunninghame, Eva Beatrice. Ferguson, William. *Hawkes, Frances. Ivens, Edgar de Vils. ♦Joseph, Archibald Fraser. ♦King, Mary. Schmedes, Cornelius Frederick. Silk, Anstiss Dottin. ♦Warburton, Abel. Wilson, Henry Townsend. Southland — Bethune, Fanny. ♦Strack, Conrad Anthony. V. Passed in the Subjects required to complete former Examination. Auckland — Burton, Ella. Carr, Agnes. Castleton, William Charles. Colhoun, Andrew. Dunning, Marion.


Auckland — continued. Dyer, Robert Coates. Edwards, Jane. Hogwood, Robert. Leech, Georgina. Litten, Alfred John. Nicholls, William Hunt Ward. Schofield, David. Scott, John Lyons. Steadman, Ella. Tobin, Cecil Alexander. Watkins, Edward Reginald. Wanganui — Steuart, Frederick Jeffray. Wellington — Arnold, Theodore Percy. Badland, James. Bennett, Francis. Gover, Frederick. North Canterbury — Blake, Florence Esther. Ford, Martha Rebecca. Gresham, Ada.

North Canterbury — continued. Holder, Fanny. Just, Emile Ulysse. Pole, Thomas Luke Potts. Roulston, Alexander. Stephens, Mary Mackintosh. South Canterbury — Ritchey, Theodore Harold. Otago— Bonnin, John Liefehild. Browne, John Collins. Brunton, William Pringle. ♦Davies, Thyrza. Haskell, Amy Emma. Jeffery, James. Kerr, Charles Kieranus. Lucas, William Stanley. ♦Mills, Mary Wilson. Young, Charles. Southland — Gazzard, George. *Ham, James.

By Authority : Geoege Didsbuby, Government Printer, Wellington.—lBB2.


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Bibliographic details

EDUCATION. EXAMINATION OF TEACHERS. [In continuation of E.—1a, 1881.], Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1882 Session I, E-01a

Word Count

EDUCATION. EXAMINATION OF TEACHERS. [In continuation of E.—1a, 1881.] Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1882 Session I, E-01a

EDUCATION. EXAMINATION OF TEACHERS. [In continuation of E.—1a, 1881.] Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1882 Session I, E-01a