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EDUCATION. EXAMINATION OF TEACHERS. [In continuation of E.—1a, 1881.]

Presented to loth Souses of the General Assembly hy Command of Hu Excellency.

The Inspector-General of Schools to the Hon. the Minister of Education. Sir, Wellington, Bth April, 1882. I have the honour to report that the annual examination of candidates for teachers' certificates was held according to regulation in the last week of January. The last returns from examiners were received on the 29th March, and the list of successful candidates approved by you was published in the Gazette of the 30th March. The examination was carried on at fifteen places simultaneously,—in all the towns in which Education Boards have offices, and at Gisborne, Grahamstown, and Whangarei. Eor Class D, 104 candidates entered, of whom 81 presented themselves; and, of these, 11 passed in full, 14 were " partially successful," 1 passed for Class E, and 9 completed their examination for Class E. Eor Class E, 313 entered and 282 attended; 18 were successful, and 69 " partially successful." Of 116 candidates proposing to complete former examinations, 98 were present, and 33 passed. Altogether there were 533 candidates, of whom 72 did not attend : of the 161 candidates present, 30 passed in full, 83 were "partially successful," 12 completed former examinations, and 306 failed to improve their position. The total failures thus amount to two-thirds of the whole number of candidates. The lowest proportion of total failures is found in the Wellington District, where it is less than 31 per cent.; the next lowest in North Canterbury, less than 54 per cent.; in Otago and Marlborough the percentage is 60; and in other districts it varies from 62^ to 100. The highest proportion of full passes is in North Canterbury, where 16 pass in full out of 89 candidates : the other full passes are in Otago and Westland, where 1 out of 9 passes in full, and in Auckland, where about 4 per cent, pass in full. The following table affords more detailed information as to the number of the candidates, and the proportions of success and failure :—

I—E. IA.

<T3 s <1 12 n EH M "© "9 a. a o ■a ■a o o I if) Is n 1 o a .a u p r\ a ai its g I is o GQ (3 O JZ5 o _ S O i o Intered for Class D If whom —Present at examination Passed for Class D ... Partially successful for Class D Passed for Class E ... Completed former examination for Class E 12 9 1 1 1 1 S 2 3 2, 3 2 2 28 25 7 5 3 3 43 33 3 6 1 4 4 4 104 81 11 14 1 9 i "i "_ "i "i "i intered for Class E If whom —Present at examination Passed for Class E ... Partially successful ... 108 96 3 11 3 3 9 0 16 14 19 18 3 2 4 3 10 9 1 2 (16 64 9 21 4 4 59 48 5 13 12 12 313 282 18 69 2 14 1 "i "_ "_ Intered to complete former examination ... if whom —Present Successful ,,. ... ..i 47 45 14 3 2 1 7 4 1 7 6 4 1 1 1 1 2 2 21 19 7 2 1 20 14 G 40 3 1 11G 98 33