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- Paki o Matariki
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Ko Te Paki o Matariki (Pleiades News, 1892-1935?) te tino niupepa whai mana o Kīngi Tawhiao me te Kingitanga.
Ka pā te taitara o tēnei niupepa ki ētahi atu mea i tua atu i te niupapa, arā, ka pā tōna ingoa ki te marino, ki te paki o Ruhi, he mea ka puta i te eanga o Matariki i te rā whiti, i mua i te tīmatanga o te kōanga. Te tohu o ēnei rangi, otirā o tēnei niupepa, hei waitohu i ngā wawata, ngā whakaaro pai rānei mō te wā hou, mō te ao hou.
I te tau 1894 ka whakatūria he niupepa motuhake, Ko te Panui o Aotearoa, nā te Kīngitanga i whakaputa mō ana pānui, hei ritenga pea ki ngā mahi o te New Zealand Gazette.
Mō ētahi atu mōhiotanga mō te niupepa tirohia P Parkinson rāua ko P Griffith, Books in Maori (Auckland: Reed, 2004), S31, wh. 794–801.
E hiahia ana te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa ki te mihi ki a Gail Dallimore mōna i tuku kōrero mai i whakamahia i roto i ngā tuhinga roa mō ngā niupepa Māori.
Te Paki o Matariki (Pleiades News, 1892-1935?) is the official newspaper of King Tawhiao and the Kingitanga.
The title of this newspaper refers not only to the newspaper but also to the calm, fine weather heralded by the appearance of the Pleiades in the sky at the commencement of spring. This weather, and in this case the newspaper, symbolise the optimism of the beginning of a new season or new age.
In 1894 a separate newspaper, Ko te Panui o Aotearoa, was published by the Kingitanga for proclamations, to fill much the same function as the New Zealand Gazette.
For further information about the newspaper, see P Parkinson and P Griffith, Books in Maori (Auckland: Reed, 2004), S31, pp. 794–801.
The National Library would like to thank Gail Dallimore for providing information used in essays about Maori newspapers.
For material published 120 or more years ago, to the best of the National Library of New Zealand's knowledge, under New Zealand law, no copyright exists in that material.
For material published fewer than 120 years ago, copyright may still exist. Please see our copyright guide for information on how you may use this title.
In both cases, the National Library of New Zealand Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa acknowledges that taonga (treasures) such as this have mauri, a living spirit, that connects a physical object to the kinship group involved in its creation. As kaipupuri (holders) of this taonga, we ask that you treat it with respect and ensure that any reuse of the material is in line with the Library’s Principles for the Care and Preservation of Māori Materials – Te Mauri o te Mātauranga: Purihia, Tiakina! (revised 2018) – available on the National Library of New Zealand’s website.
E hiahia ana Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa ki te whakamoemiti ki te Department of Computer Science, University of Waikato, mō rātou i āwhina i te whakamamatitanga o tēnei taitara.
The National Library would like to thank the Department of Computer Science, University of Waikato for their assistance in the digitisation of this title.