An Axminster carpet, 9ft by Oft and a rimu cupboard-sideboard, both as new, are advertised for sale.
(Mias. McKinna, bootmaker, Kakaramea, replaces football sprigs at As fid a set. Shoe repairs arc forwarded at shortest notice.
Messrs. Haworth and Harris are advertising an old English remedy for rheumatism, Rumokur, which is said to clear the muscles and joints of this painful complaint in a few doses.
A local farmer recently found one of his sheep with a bad wound in the side caused by some unknown person who was shooting on his property.
A meeting of all those interested in the formation of swimming baths at Patca will be held in the Borough Council chambers on Friday, April 27, at 7.30 p.ra.
In an address to the Wellington Chamber of Commerce the Prime Minister, Rt. Hon. G. W. Forbes, said the public service was not over-paid by any means, and he for one regretted that cuts had had to be imposed. 'When the finances permitted, ho would like to sec the cuts restored.
The opening of the new school al Whenuakura will take place on Monday, -May 7, at 2 p.m. All interested and especially old pupils are cordially invited to attend. A ball will be held in the Whenuakura Hall in the evening. Music by Wills’ Melody Makers. Gentlemen 2s (id, Ladies Is Gd.
“I know of at least four farmers, milking from 50 to 70 cows, who are going right bar-k. into slice*)), .and who will not milk any cows next sea sen," said Mr. AY. J. Poison, M.P., in a con versation with a reporter. He foroe.mt a considerable reduction in dairy exports next year.
An Anzac memorial service will be held in the Domain on Wednesday, April 20, commencing at 2 p.m. sharp. The service will bo held in the Domain shed should the weather prove unfavourable.
All returned soldiers are asked to parade at the Triangle at 1..‘?0 p.m sharp to-morrow (AVednesday) for the Anzac Day service in tin* Patea Domain. Dress will be mufti with medals and decorations. Members and their wives are cordially invited by the Patea AVomen’s Institute to partake of afternoon tea after the service.
A couple on honeymoon met with uu accident on llie Parapa ra. Boad, in which they had a miraculous es-a.m from death, says a Wanganui news i»aper. When passing another vehicle the ctir tliey were travelling m was guided to the outside edge (if the road and the formation gave wav beneath the weight, with the result that the car was precipitated down a steep face some 1130 ft. 'The husband, suffered severe shock and bruises, and ‘he wife an injury to her collarbone, noth wore removed to the Wanganui Hasp: tul, where it was learned that their injuries were not serious.
A chap who attended an Auckland smoke coucert smoking a big cherry wood, got unmercifully chaffed because he- was known as a notorious tooaccodiater. Asked to explain he said with a grin, “Well, boys, one lives and learns, and 1 have not only learned to smoke a pipe but to realise how utterly mistaken I’ve been. Tobacco, 1 freely admit now, is one of the real joys of life.’’ Hearty congrats followed. “Take you long to learn to smoke, old chap?’’ somebody asked. “No; You see 1 learned on N.Z. Toasted —-Biverhead Gold, it’s very mild. Now I’m smokiug something stronger, Navy Cut No. M (Bulldog), dr Cut J’lug No. 10 (Bullshoad), or Cavendish. All prime, every one of them.’’ “And so say all of us!” came the laughing chorus. A jolly evening followed. The popularity pf “toasted’’ (|isi easily explained—the tlavour is uniipie, the aroma captivating, and the toasting does away with the nicotine. You never tiro of this splendid tobacco, which, remember, is perfectly harmless.
The matron of the local hospital dosires to acknowledge with thanks the receipt of the following donations: Mr. ,]. Gibbs, Alton, vegetables; Mrs. C. H. Hojieylield, fruit and flowers; Mrs. .1. A. Wither, Airs, Spencer, Airs. Lord, Aliss Honey field, and Airs. I’ascue, Hewers; Waverley Division AV.I). r'.r., bonks ami magazines, old linen, and children’s shoes; Mrs. W. T. Armstrong, flowers and vegetables; Mrs. K. I), Wybourne, tinners; Mrs. Coachman, Hewers, fruit, tied vegetables; Aliss F. Coachman, flowers and woollies; Mrs. Taylor, flowers; Rev. W, 11, Wallen, fruit, flowers, and vegetables; Airs, t’liamberlain, Hewers; Airs. Collins,
Waverley, flowers; Mrs. Anthony, piagazines and (lowers; Mrs. Campbell, Hewers; W.l), I'.IL, Alton, flowers; Aliss (iibson, Hewers; Air. Mll is, fish; Mr. Signal, lish and Hewers; Air. C. K. Honeyfield case of apples; I’resbvlerian Ladies' Guild, cakes and vegetables; Airs. Xickei, flowers; Hev. A. W. Small), vegetables; Mrs. .1. lleurke, vegetables; Mrs. X. AlcDonald, Whenliaknra, flowers; Anglican Church Harvest Thanksgiving, vegetables, butler, ami eggs.
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Patea Mail, Volume LIII, 24 April 1934, Page 2
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796LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS Patea Mail, Volume LIII, 24 April 1934, Page 2
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