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Sir, Kemp, we will not get there, we are working, we are growing crops for ourselves, and the people of Te Kaikokirikiri are away in the countryside, so we cannot get there, the people are away. However, I will not say to you that I alone have told you that the people were away. Well, sir, Kemp, you know the ways of the Maori people, the Wairarapa people are angry and that is why they announced that they alone would give over the land. But it is not right that they alone have the land. Also, Te Retimana will not get there; we are working. We went there so we the Maori could speak while you two listened. But when we got there, the people of Wairarapa had not come so we could talk. Sir, I've a question for you. If you don't come, then perhaps you will return later, and then maybe you and I can talk. From me, from Hakaraia Te Rangiwakatakauru and his father Te Retimana Te Korou From Tapuipurua Wairarapa No.15. To Kemp and Bell, living at Otaraia or Wangai, or you are living at Whakarere 'Te Korou, chief of Te Kaikokirikiri, with reference ot the purchase of the land. Oppose. Nov. 28th 1849'
E ta, e Te Kepa, tenei ano matou e kore e tae atu, kai te mahi na matou, kei te mahi kai ma matou, kai te koraha ana ke nga tangata o Te Kaikokirikiri, na konei i kore ai e tae atu, ko nga tangata he ngaro. Otira, e kore ahau e ki atu, ara, naku anake tenei korero, he ngaro no nga tangata. Otira, e ta, e Te Kepa, e matau ana ano koutou i nga tikanga o nga tangata Maori, he riri to nga tangata o Wairarapa, koia ratou i karanga ai, ma ratou anake e tuku te whenua. Kahore e pai i a ratou anake te whenua. Tenei ano a Te Retimana e kore e tae atu tenei, kei te mahi matou. I haere atu hoki matou kia korero matou nga Maori kia whakarongo korua. Tae atu ana matou, kahore i tae mai nga tangata o Wairarapa, kia korero matou. E ta, he ui tenei naku ki a koe. Mehemea ka mutu koe te haere mai, tena ano pea koe e hoki mai a muri, ko reira ano pea taua ka korero. Naku, na Hakaraia Te Rangiwakatakauru raua ko tona matua ko Te Retimana Te Korou No Tapuipurua Wairarapa No.15. Ki a Te Kepa raua ko Te Pere, kei Otaraia e noho ana ranei, kei Wangai kei Whakarere ranei korua e noho ana