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back although you have heard the back-chat of others there. We did not make anything of it, we did not speak out. The act of the people of Tunuwhare, that is, of Te Kuihi, we are upset about that. This is the reason for what took place, the assault on our daughter, who was so upset by you. So your canoes were plundered. Well, that ended that. And at that time Te Teira [Taylor?], Te Makarini[McLean?] and I spoke about it and the matter was put to rest. We are not strangers to the consequences of talk. If there had been talk from here, McLean would have heard and spoken to you. You know indeed that bad talk will not arise from this new practice of the Pakeha, that is, the practice of the faith.
kua rongo hoki koutou no muri kupu na te tangata i reira ano. Kahore i whakanui, kahore rawa matou i whai kupu. Ko te mahi o nga tangata o Tunuwhare, ara, o Te Kuihi, i pouri matou ki tera. Tenei te mea i puta ai taua mahi, nga[na] ta matou tamahine i murua, i takahia e te manuka o koutou. No reira hoki ka murua o koutou waka. Heoi ano, kua mutu tera. Ki reira kua korerotia e Te Teira, e matou ano me Te Makarini hoki, a mutu noa atu tera mahi. Ehara hoki tatou i te tauhou ki nga mahi o te arero. Me whai kupu o konei, kua rongo a Makarini, kua korero atu ki a koe. Kua mohio rapea koutou e kore e tupu te kupu kino i runga i tenei tikanga ho[hou?] o nga Pakeha, ara, te tikanga o te whakapono.