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from Auckland to Otawhao it was 48 hours so that the first trip before the line is opened from Motukaramu to Mokau heads has been done in 5 days from Auckland to New Plymouth. Kikaka is very much annoyed at the Mail having been stopped. Some such Pokanoas as this will cause an eruption with the Kingites which will be a death blow for it I expect. We are selling 3 Native reserves on Saturday next by authority from the Governor. Pipiko a small reserve in the Town. 56 acres part of Poharamas reserve at Moturoa inland of the Omata road - and part of Ngarongomate mas reserve back of P. Elliots 50 acres. Wi Te Ahoaha disgraced himself a short time ago in Court by denying his Signature to Deed for the line of road through the