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this morning in excellent spirits which I shall endeavour to control for he is liable to allow his temperament sometimes to exceed discretion. I think he is convinced of his folly in listening to Europeans who have been his ruin. The last O. L. Mail from Auckland came the new line via Otawhao and Motukaramu, on arriving at a place called Hangatiki the residence of some King fanaticks, they sent it back to Otawhao. Mr. Morgan immediately dispatched a messenger to Potatau, who on hearing of their conduct was exceedingly angry, and sent instructions that there was to be no interruption of the Mail. As soon as Reihana heard of the stoppage of the Mail he immediately went to Mr. Morgans from Mania and brought the Mail through Hangatiki. It left Mr. Morgans on Wednesday night 10 oclock and arrived here the following Saturday by noon