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Watt is quite well I have not seen him since I received yours - he is down in spirits I heard his girl is dying fast of consumption. Flight is without complaint in fact we could not possibly be more quiet than we are saving brawls amongst ourselves the particulars of which I will endeavour to furnish you with and which you will be kind enough to read to Symonds as I fear I shall not have time to write him the Native is determined to leave this morning altho' raining and blowing tremenduously we have had a continuance of bad weather ever since you left, I eannot imagine a more reasonable complaint than that of the surveyors if you have had equally bad weather as ourselves it has been horrid and should think impossbible for you to get outwith bush work, I had great hopes that you would have been able to return as soon as the the appt. of the police est. would put a little money into circulation, and for other persons as well. I forgot to tell you that yesterday Blacks wife turned a little girl into the world both doing well. I believe Maclean this is all loose matter now for that of more importance and which affects one of our J.P.'s most seriously, Halse is here.