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he will make a mistake in ship owning - will you remind Mr. Taylor that he promised Capt. King a he is very anxious to get it and will feel obliged by your enquiring for it and bring it up with you as also to be careful in its conveyance it is to form a conspicuous place in the Museum at Plymouth - he also wishes you to make enquiries for the Chair that was sent down the Coast some time ago and to bring it up with you if you can procure Natives he will pay them. All are anxiously looking for your return more particularly those who are anxious to enrol themselves themselves under your Banner as the future Murat of N.P. you must not think of bringing any for the Service with you as these have plenty sent their names into me as candidates including - Halse, Law, 2 Nairns, Newshaven, Coad, Gray (who was 4 years in the Irish Constabulary) Baines beside many others well suited for the service - we do not expect the Natives from Waikato under a month or two, should they come during your absence I will attend to the hints sent me by you. Cooke is more quiet than he has been for some time, Mantle intends remaining until the Govr. has been here, he is a candidate for a Birth. His temper is fearful soured of late.