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our eyes here and showed all the people how the blunders were caused on the East Coast. I can assure you it gave me very great satisfaction and pleasure for I always was afraid that you might get some part of the blame but thank God my idea on that point was cleared up in that noble and manly speech of Mr Ormond's. I will always think more of the man than ever for the candour of his speech. The most peculiar dream I had was a few nights before Major Fraser's men were called away, a fanatical and blind arbitory order leaving a whole large and populous districk totally unprotected. The very friendly natives hear depricate the movement in a very decided way. The dream was this. I saw you well dressed and was speaking to you but could not in any way prevent you from walking head and ear [?] and till I saw he had disapear in the water stope you [crossed out]. Then I called to you but you made no answer