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but looked very strange and I could not see you properly coming out of the clear water. When I woke and said to Catherine you were in some trouble. Since that I have had several more dreams but none I consider bad ones but the foregoing one at once proved the annoyance in the removal of Fraser. I consider the reading of the foregoing dream so that I hope things are now doing better and that ministers will see their errors and devise some proper policy and allow those who ought to know the native mind to deal with them and settle the East Coast that might have been settled long ago if allowed at the proper time to confiscate the land and decided steps taken. It will now from what I hear cost both money and likely blood to settle what good sound sense and diplomacy would have done at the time the war was over. I now must tell you of myself. I am sorry to say I cannot put my foot under me as yet but I go about on cruches and I dare say if I would have gaven it more rest than I do it would have been better but I hope to be able to use it in a month or