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is I think more to be relyed on than John. Of course I have never been near the place or mentioned a word to anyone on the subject or to Walker. I only suggest the thing to you. Alexr tells me he has got all the place through the Court but Roys Hill but he says that will be all right and I hope it may but from the way Carlyon spoak I think there is someone working some underhand way to get a piece of it for an accomodation house and he put me on my g[u]ard as he said the parties were speaking to him about it but would not name them just at preasant. Indeed it is very hard to know who to depend upon. The grass is beginning to spring but we had a great deal of frost. I have sowen 150lb of good clover seed and it came up very well but the last three days frost I fear will kill a deal of it. I hope this mail will bring good accounts of