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dear Douglas. Everything is quite and tame here just now. It is very melancoly about poor Blair. I fear it is more than likely he has foundered in the heavy gales that were about the time he left Waitangie. Poor fellow he was a fast suporter of yours in his own way and a word of condolence from you to his wife will be considered a meritorious act when in distress. I am sorry to hear that good old Mr Strang is getting feble but I hope he will recrute with the season. I gave your man 1 dozen of nice oaks and a dozen of sypresses for his planting and bought some of the same for myself that are doing well. The sheep are looking very well considering the hard season. No more at preasant and hope you will soon be back. Catherine joins me in kind regards to you and Kate. Always your affectionate brother Archibald John McLean