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Te Hatepe, Waiapu. 14th. August 1865. To te Makarini, My dear Friend. We have lots of news (to communicate) since you were here. The Hau Haus are continually advancing their sentries (or outposts) each morning, and seizing our cattle and sheep. They have also burnt the Govt. house built for Baker (Res. Magistrate). We perceive that they have advanced their outposts to the top of a (neighbouring)-hill. On the 28th. of July at midnight, we despatched 8 men to reconnoiter. Early in the morning of the 29th., two of the Hau Hau scouts appeared, and were fired at. One was killed, and the other wounded in the foot; but he was afterwards shot dead. On the 31st., thirty of the Hau Haus attacked Tikapa, a pa belonging to Arapeta and his men. They also attacked te Horo, which was occupied by a party of Queen natives from Tuparoa, under their Chief, Hotene. Arapeta was reinforced by a party of 20 from te Hatepe; but Hotene was not assisted; because his people were numerous, amounting to 120 men. In the attack upon the Horo, 3 of the Hau Haus were killed; two of the bodies were buried by the Queen Party, and the enemy carried the other away, together with their wounded. At Tikapa the attack was made on the same day, and the fight continued from morning to evening. On the morning of that day (31st.), a party of Arpetals people came out, intending to come to te Hatepe. The 30 Hau Haus then took possession of the pa, the Queen natives being outside. Arapeta then commanded his men to surround the pa; and the fighting lasted from the early morning till midnight; and the Hau Haus were dreadfully cut up by the long bullets of the rifles. The Queen natives being overcome by the cold; and then it was that the Hau Haus escaped. The next morning the pa was again surrounded; but it was found that the Hau Haus were all gone. There were 3 dead bodies found in the pa; all the others had been taken away, together with the wounded. On the same day (the 31st.) the pakehas under Biggs attacked Rangitukia, and had very nearly taken the pa, when Biggs, being misled by the sound of a bugle, ordered his men to retire. He had imagined the bugle had sounded by orders of James Fraser. On the contrary, it was sounded by the Hau Haus. When Biggs returned, Fraser told him the bugle had been sounded by the Hau Haus. Biggs, with his men, then advanced against Pakairomirami, in the face of the Hau Haus' fire. Having advanced sufficiently near to reconnoiter the pa, he withdrew his men without casualties. And so the fighting ended on that day. None of the pakehas were wounded, not the Queen natives, during these attacks upon te Horo or Tikapa. The Hau Haus are known to have lost 12 killed. The Queen party none. On the first of August, it was arranged by the Chiefs of the pakehas and Morgan to attack Pakairomiromi; from which we have been threatened. At four o'clock on the morning of the 2nd. (Aug.) the attack was made. Two parties of Queen natives. Two parties (of Queen natives) were engaged. One party went to the Nuku, a small hill on the other side of the creek above the Hau Hau position; which had been occupied by their skirmishers. They had dug rifle pits on the side of this hill; and their dead, killed in the previous battles, were buried there. The party which took possession of the hill and rifle pits were led by Captain James Fraser, and Captain Deighton. Morgan, with his Maoris, accompanied them. The other party, led by Biggs, (the first Officer who arrived there), advanced in the direction of the Church at Rangitukia. They were accompanied by some of the Queen natives. This party was intended to cut off the retreat of the Hau Haus at the rear of their pa. Shortly after daybreak, Arapeta te Haenga proceeded to join the attack, with his men; but before he arrived, the party under Fraser, Deighton, and Morgan, had fired upon the pa from the Nuku hill. "By Jove! didn't they catch it then, from the long bullets of the Minie rifles! They were wounded and killed by the bullets, as they slept in their house, called Te Uranga o te Rd. The Chiefs of the Pakehas then commanded their men to rush the pa. They descended the hill, crossed the creek, and got close to the pa. The Hau Haus rushed out, manned the trench, and opened a fire upon their assailants. The Chief of the pakehas then ordered his men to fix bayonets; and a signal was made to Biggs, by means of a white flag, to advance to the attack at the same time. The Pakehas then made a rush; and in less than a minute the pa was taken, the houses burned, including the large house (called) te Uranga-o-te-Ra. The Hau Haus were here defeated; and their principal Chief Iharaira Porourangi was killed. The following are the names of the men who were found dead in the pa, from bayonet wounds:- Iharaira Porourangi, Irimana Kaika, Rutene Pao, Hetariki Uame. Mohi Hawai. Hari Kapa, Hori Rangipouri, Wi Tamahou, Wi Poho, Tamepo, Rihara Hawai, Enoka Piahu, Hakiaha Nohaka, Heta Wawatai, Katene Mamae, Karamana Hoitahi, Pirika Kahumunu, (continued next page.) Hoani (of Taranaki) One was burnt in the house, name unknown. The wounded escaped, and doubtless died in the bush. Seven women and one child were taken prisoners. Having burned two pas, the Pakehas and Maoris returned to the Hatepe. Prayers and feeding being over, the Maoris proceeded to bury the dead of the Hau Haus. They buried 19, above ennumerated. The Queen party believe that 25 of the enemy were killed in the affair. A great quantity of blood was seen in the bush, on the track of the retreating Hau Haus; and doubtless many of them died in the bush. Nineteen, only, however, were buried by the hands of the Queen natives. On the 3rd. of August, Te Koti Pakura, and others of te Aowera, tribe went (up) the (creek) Maraehara, in search of the survivors of the Hau Haus. They caught two men; one of whom was wounded in the hand. He received the wound on the day that Biggs attacked Rangitukia, and retired at the sound of the Hau Hau bugle, which he imagined Fraser had ordered to be sounded. Eight women and six children were also taken by Te Koti Pakura; making, with the two men, 16 in all. On the 4th., te Paraone, and some of the Aoweras, went up the Maraehara (creek), and caught two old women and one child; making a total of 27 prisoners. These 27 were of the remnants of the devotees of Riki, the great God of the Hau Haus. In the end, Riki and Rura, (both Hau Hau Gods) will be cooked, (a native oath); and the tribes of Ngaitane and Ngatiporou will be like Hapopo. This is an old Maori proverb;- "Hapopo's Gods have fled and left him in his trouble." Another saying is that.- "Rura and Riki are hashed (stewed), and the stubborn Ngaitane and Ngatiporou are left in the lurch." On the 6th. of this month of August, the small steamer arrived, ("St. Kilda"); and Morgan and the Pakehas went to te Awanui, (the landing place). When they arrived there, the steamer had gone to Wharekahika. During Morgan's absence at te Awanui, and whilst we were at prayers, a woman of the Hau Hau prisoners, with her child, escaped. When prayers were over, I heard that this woman had escaped; and a party were then sent to Horoera to re-capture her; but they did not succeed. She fled in the direction of Horoera. In the evening, Morgan returned; and then (he) went with a party of 20 of the Aoweras to Horoera. On Monday the 7th., another party of 20 men went to reinforce Morgan and his 20. On the 8th., the post-man arrived with the news that the Hau Haus of Horoera, and te Kawa Kawa had bolted to the bush, and that Morgan had caught 5 of them; one named Whanaupo, since dead; the rest prisoners, and some women. On the 9th. another party of 20 went out to join Morgan's party of 40. They were also reinforced by some natives from Makerania; sent by Iharaira Houkamau. On the 10th. another post-man arrived with the information that 20 more women of the Hau Haus had been captured; and that Morgan's party had proceeded to Kotare. (a pa belonging to the Hau Haus); with the intention of surrounding it at night. On the 12th. Morgan and his party returned. They had taken Kotare. On their arrival at te Kawa Kawa, they sent out scouts, (5), who met a Hau Hau scout on the road. They bayoneted him, and buried him on the spot. His name was Paraone Papahia. Immediately after, the Queen's war party moved towards Kotare. They were accompanied by Iharaira Hokamau, and 40 of his men. The Revd. Rota Waitoa, the minister of te Kawa Kawa parish, was with the party, making 120 in all, of Morgan's party, who proceeded against Kotare. When they arrived there, they found that the Hau Haus had retired to Pukeamaru, and were there, building a pa. They thought the Queen's party could not approach them there; as it was the site of an ancient fortification, during the old native wars; and was always considered to be an impregnable position. It is only approachable by one path up a rocky cliff. The Queen party ascended the cliff; and before they reached the pa, the Hau Haus fled, some of them falling over the cliff. The Queen's men fired upon them, and killed two in the pa. The name of one was Kereopa; and the other, Whanaukainga. Others fell over the cliff, and were killed. A great quantity of plunder was taken from this pa, including one cask of powder and some caps. Eight flags were taken. amongst the lot were two named after their powerful Gods,- one called Riki, and the other Rura. So that the prediction written in the "Waka Maori", with reference to Tiki Tiki. (a pa taken by the Hau Haua), has been verified, namely, - "They (the Hau Haus) have been successful for the present; they have taken Tiki Tiki. But a day of reckoning is appreaching, when that pa will be re-taken, together with others of te Hau Hau's pas." And in verification of this, te pas Pouretua, Horoera, Toropapa, Wharariki, Maruhou, Kawa Kawa, Kotare, Pukeamaru, and Pakairomirami. The pa where the Hau Haus were signally defeated, and where they lost their greatest Chief, Iharaira Porourangi, - all have been taken. The total number of prisoners taken from the Hau Haus, including women and children, are 70. Some were caught in the bush, Amongst these were 7 men, - all old men. But the Chiefs of the expeditionary parties are (better) informed on this subject. Two prisoners go with Captain Deighton, to Napier. The great object of the Chiefs of this war, is that all the Waiapu Hau Haus may be killed. The Hau Haus of Horoera and Kotare have been driven into the bush; but there remains still the garrison of Pukemaire. It is said that the enemy are mustering at Pukemaire; and that when Patara, with his men, arrive, an attack will be made upon our pa, (te Hatepe). But we do not believe this. We are of opinion that Patara has bolted to Taranaki. There is an old proverb, that, - "The wood hen having escaped from the snare, will never return." Friend McLean, - let this account be published in the "Waka Maori"; so that our Pakeha and Maori friends may be informed of what is going on at Waiapu, at the present time. Friends, - the Hau Haus have fallen. They are utterly defeated. At Mangaone, at the commencement of the fighting on the 11th. of June, there fell,-....13 At Rahui 3 "Taraketiti 1 "Tiki Tiki 28 "Pukerauaruhe 2 "Te Hiro 3 Tikapa 9 "Kaiaparua 7 "Te Hatepe 12 "Pakairomiromi 25 "Maruhou 1 "Pukeamaru 4 Total 108 This is the number known by the Queen party to have been killed; but the prisoners say there are more. All ye tribes who have not joined the evil work of the Hau Haus, hold fast to our (Christian) faith; which Paimaho says is a false weapon. (Here follows a native tradition of Paimaho not firmly tying the pigeon feathers to his tewhatawha (a native weapon); and in consequence he found in action that it was ineffective. This is applied to the Hau Haus, who are represented as fighting without right on their side. A literal translation of the tradition would not be understood without copious notes.) The men of Taranaki and Waikato have been beaten by the Pakeha, and the lands taken. But their eyes were blinded. Paul, the apostle, says, - "The God of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not; lest the light of the glorious Gospel of Christ, etc. etc." They (the Hau Haus) adze down totara posts and steal pieces of calico from the pakeha (settlers); which they fix to the posts, and call them their Gods Rura and Riki. The Taranakians (Patara and his friends) think of nothing but the Ngatiparou women; and the Ngatiporous them-selves are heedless (tamely submit). At the skirmish at Mangaone, two of the Taranaki people were killed; and a prophet wounded, together with others. Still Ngatiporou were blind. This was the falling off of the feathars from their tewhatewha. Since the Ngatiporou Hau Haus have been attacked, they have lost 108 men from the 11th. of June to the 11th. of August, - including their Chief Iharaira Porourangi; and the whole tribe have suffered, as they lost 108 men. This is the destruction of their tewhatewha. One of their lies is that the Pakehas will never come here; and that Te Ua is driving them beyond the waves at Taranaki, like a flock of sheep. But on the arrival of the pakehas here, they bolted into the bush, and left Waiapu for the men (European), who they said would not (dare) to come. But they did come. (ere follows a song, in allusion to the defeat of the Ngatiporou Hau Haus, and the disgrace attached to their name, which has been published by the Press, to the world.) Lo! the Hau Haus are beaten; and the Pakehas are here. Adieu, our friend McLean! May the Almighty protect us all. Our people have great affection towards you. They wish you to convey their thanks to the Government of New Zealand. From your Friend, (Signed) The Revd. Mohi Turei. Let our love continue in the Lord. (Signed) James Grindell
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14 pages written 14 Aug 1865 by James Grindell to Sir Donald McLean, Superintendent, Hawkes Bay and Government Agent, East Coast - Papers

Additional information
Key Value
Document date 14 August 1865
Document MCLEAN-1013114
Document title 14 pages written 14 Aug 1865 by James Grindell to Sir Donald McLean
Document type MANUSCRIPT
Attribution ATL
Author 44156/Grindell, James, fl 1853-1879
Collection McLean Papers
Date 1865-08-14
Decade 1860s
Destination Unknown
Englishorigin ATL
Entityid 3
Format Full Text
Generictitle 14 pages written 14 Aug 1865 by James Grindell to Sir Donald McLean
Iwihapu Unknown
Language English
Name 44156/Grindell, James, fl 1853-1879
Origin Unknown
Place Unknown
Recipient 4809/McLean, Donald (Sir), 1820-1877
Section Manuscripts
Series Series 7 Official papers
Sortorder 0016-0010
Subarea Manuscripts and Archives Collection
Tapuhigroupref MS-Group-1551
Tapuhiitemcount 56
Tapuhiitemcount 2 3737
Tapuhiitemcount 3 30238
Tapuhiitemdescription No Item Description
Tapuhiitemgenre 3 230058/Personal records Reports
Tapuhiitemname 3 4809/McLean, Donald (Sir), 1820-1877
Tapuhiitemref MS-Papers-0032-0019
Tapuhiitemref 2 Series 7 Official papers
Tapuhiitemref 3 MS-Group-1551
Tapuhiitemsubjects 3 1446/New Zealand Wars, 1860-1872
Tapuhiitemtitle Superintendent, Hawkes Bay and Government Agent, East Coast - Papers
Tapuhiitemtitle 2 Series 7 Official papers
Tapuhiitemtitle 3 McLean Papers
Tapuhireelref MS-COPY-MICRO-0535-006
Teiref ms-1330-119
Year 1865

14 pages written 14 Aug 1865 by James Grindell to Sir Donald McLean Superintendent, Hawkes Bay and Government Agent, East Coast - Papers

14 pages written 14 Aug 1865 by James Grindell to Sir Donald McLean Superintendent, Hawkes Bay and Government Agent, East Coast - Papers

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