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Received instructions from chief Protector of Aboriginies to proceed without delay to the Taranaki district. I accordingly left Auckland on the 17th., and proceeded on my journey to Manukau. Remained at Mr. and Mrs. Epsom's during the night. On the 18th. crossed the Manukau. Slept at John Bushell's, and the 19th. proceeded to Waikato, paying 8/- to a native for horse hire in addition to some tobacco and other presents. Arrived at Mr. Maunsell's Station, but finding no European there, I slept at a native house, and proceeded on my journey on the 20th. to Pukirewa, where I remained during Saturday night, and Sunday morning 21st. the natives collected for Morning Service. Remained all Sunday, having killed a pig here in the evening, for want of food for myself and boys. On Monday I proceeded on my journey, and arrived at Whaingaroa, where I was very kindly entertained by the Revd. Mr. Wallace, Wesleyan Mission, there. Walked and rode to Aotea. Getting a boat there, I proceeded on my journey to Kawhia. Alept at Mr. McFarlane's, Kawhia. Crossed the Kawhia river, and got to the Rev. Whitely's at about 11 o'clock in the forenoon. That gentleman got himself ready, and accompanied me. This night we slept at Hari Hari. In the morning we christened a young child that had been very ill. After the Rev. gentleman had performed the christening, he gave a beautiful and appropriate lecture on the uncertainty of life. On Tuesday we arrived at the Company's settlement, Ruatoki. On the 31st. accompanied by Mr. Turton and Mr. Whitely, visited the native Chief Katatori, at Mangaraka. On the 1st. visited the natives at and about the settlement, urging them to be in readiness for His Excellency, the Governor's arrival among them, to hear their several complaints. On the 2nd. His Excellency the Governor arrived and helf a meeting with the Europeans at the Devon Hotel, Mr. Flight acting as Chairman of the Deputation. Attended Mr. Boland's church. His Lordship the Bishop preached the forenoon sermon. His Excellency held a public meeting at the Police Office, where the natives in the neighbourhood and a tribe from Waikato, with the native Chief Te Pakau attended, as well as most of the European settlers. The Minutes of what took place taken by Private Secretary. A deputation waited on the Governor, before taking his departure. On this occasion, the Governor wished me to make enquiries into the state of the disputed lands, till his return. Visited Capt. King, the Police Magistrate, when a Memorandum was handed to me by that gentleman, of a complaint brought to him, by a European named Sutton, against a native, Te Iwitutua, for having taken 3 blankets, 1 fustian coat, 1 bed-cover, 1 shirt, and 3/4 cwt. of pork. Capt. King also referred a letter of Messrs. St. George's to me, complaining against natives at Waitara. I hired a horse from Dr. St. George, for 5/6 per diem, and proceeded to Waitara, to make enquiries into the charges brought against natives, referred to me on the 7th. inst. See adjustment of foregoing cases in Report, and letter to Capt. King, of September 4th. 1844. Having had an interview with the natives of Hautoki, I went at half past one o'clock to dine at Capt. King's. A complaint was brought by a Mr. Low, that the natives were annoying him, by taking possession of his section, and that his house was in danger of being knocked down by the natives felling trees close to his house. Wrote the natives a letter, warning them against such conduct. ,- Awatea Poharama Te. Poharama; E Witi. Kororo. Tuarau. Eruera or E Puki, Taitua, Titori(dead) Pukitapu, (old man dead). Orowhatua. Taangutu. Raupia, alias John Ropiha. Te Mania, alias Piripi, Wiremu Kingi Witi,- at Queen Charlotte's Sound, signed a Deed of Conveyance for all his land, to the New Zealand Company. 300 natives at the Chatham Islands; 200 natives at Queen Charlotte's Sound; 2 to 300 at Kapiti; 300 at Port Nicholson, Bay of Islands, Nelson, and Thames River 40 Waitara River. Waiwakaio. informed me that Pukitapu had annoyed him about his land, and wanted to take possession of some of it. An application from Mohi and Micha to let Ramsden have some land at Te Hua. Employed finding boundaries. , men, women, child, Taituha, Meri, none, 3 single guns, 3 casks powder. 9 blankets, 1 Cloak, 1 fig lead. 1 part of a cask of tobacco. 1 tin pot. 1 axe. 2 hoes, 2 shirts, 2 red caps, 2 black trousers, 1 p. hooks, 2 handkerchiefs. 2 jackets, 2 bars soap, 40 pipes, 2 rasors, 4 pocket knives 1 package or paper, of scissors. Te Huia Ripeka Te Kopi Arowatua Mata, Pahi (dead) Wani. Titori (dead) Pirangi. Kariri, Pataroma Ariapeta, Hemi Ngatauru, Timotiu, Matiwai, Okiroa, Timo (continued next page.) Hamahona, Raharua, Ira, Rakau, Peka, Wharinui, 18 men, 8 women or the above tribes, that have received a payment, but are entitled to compensation for the same. (Signed) D. McLean, , who received payment. Hori, Patene Huera, Piripi, Honi, Ropiha, Ani, Poharama, Kataraina. Eruera, Karoraina, Honi, Ropiha, Metiria. Pukitapu (dead) Pohewia, Te Ngira, Eruini, Whaiti, Huhawa, Pita, Tipene, Awatea, Kauro, Tuaiau, Tangutu, Total 16 men, 8 women. Total 60. (Signed) D. McLean. states that his boy went on Sunday to gather some food for a pig;" and going by the Flights' corn, my boy picked up a kit with potatoes, and took them home to my house. I left them exposed to view, so as the natives might claim them. A native woman claimed the potatoes, and took the potatoes and the kit. She also took a bill-hook, and struck it against the door of my house. I told her to stop. She threatened to cut at me with the hook. I went to her to get my bill-hook back; and she would not return it till I held her by her arm, and took it from her. She then threw some pieces of elay at me. The native woman struck my wife several times. A native came afterwards, the same hour, and took a mattock of mine. I tried to get the mattock back; but the native was too strong for me." , a native, states that "some potatoes of mine were pulled out of the ground. Ripeka, wife of Ti Huia, traced the steps of a boy, son of John Bovary's, to his house; where he found a kit of potatoes. Ripeka took the potatoes. I took the mattock; and I was pursued by John Bovary, to take the mattock away from me. The mattock is in the centre of my potatoes." Ngatikaituaro; Poharama, 3 calves. Ngatitematiapuri; Para, Mania, Hoera,- 1 gun, goods. Ngatiwienuku; Pohanga. Ngati Rahiri; 1 gun, 2 calves. Ngati Te Witi; Poh, Ngatitauririkura; Matatora, 2 calves. Ngati momauahihe. Ngatipotuku. Ngatitungaroa. Ngatirangivsakapu. Ngatirioraukata; Taongakau Ngatituruorangi. Hamua. Ngatitaurawaka. Ngatikakiuruao. There are 12 Europeans on Katatori's Block; who have cultivations on the South side of the Devon Line. Flight and Devonish 20 acres. Ibbitson 6 acres. Messrs. Bailey 40 acres. Mr. Edgecomb 10 acres. Pearce and Painter 25 acres. R. Gillingham 8 acres. 1 do. Baribal 5 acres. Ngatirmaru. Ngatirangiaputurua. Ngatihihiotu. Wrote an order to Dr. Evans to attend the wife of Koraiania Te Hua; who is stopping at Mrs. Bolland's; complaint, a swelling in the leg. Made an arrangement with a sawyer named Pout to pay the natives a tenth of timber sawed by him on native lands. Te Huia complained of Mr. Cooke's cattle having destroyed his potatoes at Te Hua. Waited on the Ngamotu natives at Huatoki to pay them the £500 cash balance due on account of their land. They not having all collected, I did not think it Policy to distribute the money. Several complaints had been made to me relative to the unfair division of the goods at Huatoki, for land; also of cattle trespass by Capt. King's cattle, Lieut. Cooke's cattle, Gillingham's cattle. Wrote to Auckland informing Mr. Clarke of what had taken place since the Governor left here. Mail arrived from Auckland. Koni Ropiha and other natives had been with me, about the money to be paid to them for their lands. Mr. Carrington, surveyor; Mr. Chillman, clerk to the New Zealand Company; and myself, were laying out the native Reserves, from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Had a deal of trouble with some of the natives about the lands reserved; they holding out it was not sufficient. Every allowance was made for them that could be done reasonably. Attended the Police Office to receive compensation for cattle trespasses from Capt. King, P.M.; Mr. Chillman; Mr. Thatcher; Mr. Paris; Mr. Lakeman; Mr. Shaw; Mr. Smith.,- for he Hua natives, Tamati, Wiremu, Te Waihi, and others. Damages valued at Four Pounds was paid to the natives, on Friday 6th. inst. Also damages of Wicksteed and Roe's cattle, 15/- Te Watene paid out of court, on Friday. Visited the settlers at Mongoraka and Mr. Cooke; to warn them against letting their cattle trespass on the Natives' cultivations; telling them that if a stop was not put to the same, their cattle would be in danger of being destroyed by them. Attended the Police Court to see monies due to natives for cattle trespasses paid to them. Shewed Capt. King the land I wished, for the Natives to be reserved, at Marsden Hill; of which he approved, and it was staked out. Engaged part of the day in staking out Native cultivations, and writing to the Rev. J. Whitely. A complaint was brought by Wm. Kawa and two natives in the employ of R. Barret, that Capt. King's cows had destroyed potatoes growing on their cultivations. Capt. King paid 30/- The natives at the Ngamotu Pah were making enquiries as to the lands; and whether they would be forced to settle upon lands that would be pointed out for them by the Europeans. I told them that such lands as were not occupied by Europeans, and had not been fairly purchased, would remain in the hands of the native owners. When I arrived from Kawhia, I found that 40 resident natives, viz,- Eruera, Taitua, Pita, Raharua, Honi, Ropiha, Ohua, Whaite, Ereni, Kau, Enoka, Pukitapu, Pahi, Kopi, Paora or Orowatua, Hamahoni, Timotiu, Hori, Patene, Wiremu Patene, Te Ngira, Te Kepa, Awatea, - The rest were women and children. Poharama,- Kuturainu was the first who consented to the sale. Attended Mr. Bolland's church. Dined at Capt. King's in the afternoon. Visited Mr. Low's Station. Found the natives charged, and having made enquiries into the matter, I found the section was claimed by the natives - to Wiremu Ngatata, son of a Chief of that name, at Port Nicholson; and to a native known by the name of Ekopi. The latter native wished the European to be removed. I wished him to live in peace and quietness, that His Excellency would see justice done to him. With the exception of this Ekopi, the rest of the natives were not desirious of giving any further disturbancem He, Ekopi, acknowledged payment, but said he was foolish in accepting it, and did not know what he was doing when he accepted payment, and further wished me to order the house, in which the European lived, to be removed further down the section. Having expostulated for some time with him, for such conduct, and advised the other natives not to be led by him, I had an assurance that no further disturbance be given. From here I went on to Katatori's Pah, advising that Chief to be quiet and peaceable; not to be as he had hitherto been - a source of trouble and annoyance to Europeans. Also visited Waitara, having Mr. W. Carrington with me, from the New Zealand Company's agent, who promised me the assistance of that gentleman as long as I might want him. At Waitara I found the native charged by Sutton for having taken the goods mentioned on the 7th. inst. Te Iwitutua states that Sutton, Samuel Lawry and Vernon - Europeans who had lived at Waitara, had killed five native dogs from time to time, and that one of those dogs, the last killed, was a favourite dog, and had been killed in a wanton and uncalled for manner, by the above-mentioned parties. The natives were also under a strong suspicion that they had killed two pigs of theirs, by stealth. Labouring under those grievances, they entered the house occupied by Sutton, and took the goods from there, that have been since returned, and the matter fully adjusted, as reported. Arrived in the evening at Waitara, and stopped at the New Zealand Company's agent's house - Mr. Wick- That gentleman was good enough to offer me every assistance in his power, in facilitating my proceedings. While there, I commenced making enquiries as to the different lands claimed by the New Zealand Company in the Waitara and Taniwha district. I continued here, making enquiry of the natives till the 15th. inst. when I proceeded to the Manukau and Pukirangiora Pah, where I found several natives were collected to meet me, as I passed through, having settled many little existing differences among themselves; and conversed a good deal with the different tribes. I found a fixed determination with the whole of them, to hold their lands; that as they had never received any payment, and that they did not wish me to write their individual boundaries; that the principal owners were at Kapiti, Araupowa, and Port Nicholson. Some had found their way to the Chatham Islands. They gave me the names of all the Chiefs from Waiau to the Northward of Mokau, but were not inclined to give the names of their own Chiefs. They informed me that 15 natives had been living at Waitara river when the sale was effected by the natives of the Ngamotu and Puketapu tribes, to the New Zealand Company's agent. Walked from Waitara to Mongaraka, where I found Katatori and several natives waiting my arrival at this settlement. Finding that this was the settlement that had been so much in dispute between the natives and Europeans, I was anxious to enquire as much information as I could, about the native owners of land there. I found that the principal Chief of that tribe was Te Huia, who had sold, or had received goods, from the New Zealand Company for land. Katatori prevented his having any intercourse with me, and proffered his assistance in pointing out the boundaries of land claimed by that tribe, of which he assumed the Chieftianship. He would not inform me as to his individual vlaim, further than that a block bounded on the North by the Mongaraka river, on the South by a small creek, on the East by a small creek near Ibbottson's house, and on the West by a few large stones, which had been an old boundary mark, and were convenient to the Devon line of road. This block consisted of 1360 acres. This was the principal portion of land occupied or claimed by Katatori, and about 60 natives who lived with him. They had other small portions of about 1/2 an acre or so, each, claimed from having been planting on different portions. Other portions were claimed in different parts of the block, from the tribe having married among the Ngamotu and other tribes. The latter's claims are trifling, and are always considered at the disposal of the principal Chiefs in the neighbourhood of such land. Capt. King, by my request, came out to Katatori's Pah, where that gentleman had a further conference with the natives, the Minutes of which have been kept; after which I left Katatori's Pah, and came from there to town. Attended Mr. Boland's service in the forenoon. In the afternoon engaged with the natives. A complaint was brought before the Police Magistrate by a man named Lye, against a native living at Waiwakaiho, named Honi Ropiha. This was occasioned by a trifling penknife having fallen from the hand of Honi Ropiha. and was picked up by one of Lye's children. The native wished his knife returned. The Europeans interfered; would not return it, and the native, to induce them to give it to him, took up an iron pot, and ran a short distance from the house with it; when he was pursued by several Europeans, knocked down, and scand-alously used. The case being represented to me, I immediately enquired into it, and asked for the native. He gave me the above statement of the case. The Europeans had been afraid to venture on their plantations, as the native had threatened them if they did go there, the land being his. He took up an empty gun in selfdefence. Having taken him to the house of the Europeans, I informed the Europeans of their ignorant and uncalled for conduct, most particularly in a time of excitement, and bad feeling, that arose from aggressions on the part of the Europeans, in most cases. I recommended that they should shake hands, give the native some tobacco, and the matter was accordingly settled. A complaint was brought by Wiremu Kawa and two natives in the employ of Richard Barrett, against Capt. King, Police Magistrate, for his cattle having trespassed on their potato plantations. Had a consultation with the Hautoki natives; hearing some complaints of theirs, regarding their lands. They had commenced disputing their own claims among each other. Went to see the damage done by Capt. King's cattle, at the native plantations. I wished the natives to value the damage done by the cattle, which they considered as equal to 40 baskets of potatoes. I wrote a note to Capt. King, by the natives, informing him beforehand, of the damage done. He did not pay the charge made by the natives, as he considered it exhorbitant, being 40/- for 40 baskets of potatoes. Visited the Europeans and natives, who were sawing timber, inland of native Reserves, to settle some differences between the parties, about using the timber. Attended the Police Office with Wiremu Kawaha, and other natives, to receive payment of Capt. King, for the damage done by his cattle. He paid the natives £1.10.0 and settled the matter satisfactorily. Spent the afternoon enquiring into the Lands claimed by the Ngamotu tribe. Attended Church, Mr. Boland's. In the afternoon, Mr. Skivington's. Enquiring into the claims, of the resident native Chiefs, to land in the suburbs of this settlement. Ihaka brought a complaint against Mr. Cooke, resident at Te Huia, his cattle having destroyed some 40 baskets of potatoes of his. Applied for payment to Mr. Cooke, who complied with my request, and paid the sum of 20/- cash, being the value put upon them by Ihaka. Advised Muturoa to visit the native Pahs in the neighbourhood. A complaint was brought by Emori, a native from Port Nicholson, against Potutu, a resident at Te Huia, for seducing the wife of Emori. Having reprimanded the native Potutu for his conduct, the woman was then given up to her relations, until I could have an opportunity of conferring with the Chiefs on the subject. Visited the natives, who had arrived from Port Nicholson, with the native Chief Muturoa, who complained to me that he had no food, and asked me for a bag of flour. As he was a very well-behaved native, I could not but comply with this request. Te Rangi Kupua's son was giving an account of his father's lands at, and in, the neighbourhood of Hautoki. He states the claimants to land to the sea side of the Devon line are so numerous and inter-mixed that it would not be possible for the natives to tell the distinct portions belonging to each native, but if the lands inland were enquired into, it could be done with much less trouble, and prevent disputes among the natives. The native Chief Ihaka states that he never received any payment for land sold by the following Chiefs, viz:- Eruera of the Ngamotu tribe; Hoani Ropiha of same tribe; Ohua, do: Raharua, Ereni, Whaite, Kau, Enoka. The Puketapu tribe claim from Waiwakaiho to Mongaraka river. They were a strong and formidable tribe, of the Ngatiawa's. The following Chiefs of their tribe sold their lands, viz:- Puketapu, who has died, and is succeeded by a son of his, of the same name, who claims the land on the South side of Waiwakaiho river, now occupied by Mr. Chillman, clerk to the New Zealand Company, and by himself, in right of his parent. Visited the natives of Huatoki, who had been anxiously enquiring as to the Governor's intentions towards them, and if he were disposed to let them have all their lands back. I informed them that His Excellency would not wish to have the Europeans disturbed; that he would prefer the natives would accept of compensation for such portions as the real owners had not been paid for; and that I supposed the lands that were not occupied by Europeans, and had not been paid for, would be paid for by the Governor; or at any rate that they would be satisfied with his decision, to place all confidence and faith upon His Excellency's good intentions towards the natives. In all cases the natives seem to place a great deal of faith and full reliance on the steps the Governor intends to take towards the settlement of the Land Question. Muturoa is visiting the natives of Te Huia as to their future conduct and proceedings towards the Europeans, entreating them to be kind and forbearing towards the Europeans. Went to Mr. Boland's Church, and paid Mrs. Turton a visit in the afternoon. Had a visit from the native Chief Muturoa, Hamahona and others. He stated that the natives of this village - or rather district- viewed all his proceedings with jealousy and disrespect; and that he would not live at any of their Pahs; that his intentions were good; and that the natives were of a different opinion. I told him that good, honest Chiefs were seldom distrustful, and to mind what they said or thought of him; that he was always welcome to stop with me, or that I would provide a place in town for him, and see that he was taken care of. He introduced Hamahona to me as his grand-father, and said he was a good and honourable Chief. being well-disposed to the Europeans, and putting full confidence in his grandson's wishes towards the Europeans; and finally fully believed that the prosperity of the settlement, both native and European, would depend on the existence of mutual friendship between both races. Te Rangi Kupua applied to me for a place to settle on at Puku Ariki, or the Flag-staff; it being the Pah of residence of all the principal Chiefs of Ngamotu; and several of their fore-fathers are now lying buried here; and Te Rangi Kupua is desirious of having a place at this Pah for a residence for himself and his tribe. I promised him that I would speak to the Governor about that when he arrived here on the first of October. Muturoa also made application for a house on this Pah for himself, and some of his people, to live in. Visited the natives at Muturoa and Tapuwai; a complaint having been brought to me by Taumata, a young native Chief of this district of Puketapu, that several of the Taranaki natives had quarrelled with him about their lands in that neighbourhood; and did not wish that any of the Puketapu natives should live or plant at Tapuwai. I promised them any assistance they might want from me, to settle the dispute. The natives of Ngamotu or Muturoa, viz:- Eruera and Pohorama, inform me that their tribe is named the Ngatirahiri; their principal Chief Tutiragiaruru, was the principal Chief of this tribe. He is dead, and some of his sons are now living at Arapoua. Visited the Muturoa natives, and informed them that I was desirious of collecting information relative to their lands; and that I was always ready to receive information on that subject; and would accompany them any time they appointed, to walk over their lands and point out their boundaries; or if they could tell me the claims of each Hapu, or small tribe, in rotation from the Sugar Loaves to Waiwakaiho river. Poharama and others inform me that from a small river to the Southward of the Sugar Loaves, known by the name of Kere Eawe, to a small creck at the Wesleyan Mission Station, known as Mungaotuku, belongs to the Rangikupua, Poharama, Wiremu Kawa, who were the resident owners. The absentees were Te Whaite, Okapata, Punipi, Pekirangi, Amarama, and Huana. A complaint was brought by a Mr. Aubrey, against a native, named Timoti, for taking possession of a part of his section, - No 49. Accompanied by Wiremu Kawa and Te Mumu, I visited the portion of land claimed by them, and the following Chiefs, viz:- from Marsden Hill in a straight line to Mungaotuku is their boundary to seaward; going inland in a straight line. (Chief's name omitted.) In accordance with instructions, of the 15th. July, 1844, I proceeded on the 17th., at about half past 3 o'clock, from Auckland; stopped during the night at Mr. Murray's, Epson. On the 18th. crossed the Manukau; stopped at J. Bushell's. Mr. Harvey engaged at 2/6 per week, and found in food, on the 20th. November 1844. Tururu was the only absentee native who consented to sell lands at Ngamotu. Poharama states he received a share of the goods that were paid for the land at Ngamotu; but he was not aware then of the quantity that the Europeans were to hold. He further states that he and Parata were absent at Kawhia; and he does not intend that he should give up all his land to R. Barret. Name of Ngamotu tribe,- Ngatirahiri. Chief's name,- Tutirangiaruru. His sons are now living at Arapowa. The claim of this tribe extends to the Waiwakaio. Visited Muturoa; and the natives at Huatoki informed them that I intended to commence my secondary enquiries about their land, on the following day; and that I wished to find the distinct portions claimed by each several tribe from Ngamotu to Waiongana river. Visited the natives at Ngamotu. Wiremu Kingi states that the land from the Sugar Loaves to a small river at the Wesleyan Mission Station, known as Mungoutuku, is owned by Poharama, Wiremu Kawau, Rangi Kupua, and 3 absentee natives at Arapowa. Commenced enquiries of Poharama, Native Chief, relative to the land claimed by him at Ngamotu. He states that from Herekawe, a small river to the South of the Sugar Loaves, belongs as follows, to the Rangi Kupua, Poharams, Wiremu Kawa, resident natives; and the following absentees,- Waite o Hapata, Pumipi, Pekirangi, Amarama, Huana,- are the principal owners of the portion that extends from the Herekawe river to a small creek at the Wesleyan Mission Station known as Mungootuku. A complaint was made by Mr. Aubry against a native named Timoti, for taking possession of a piece of land. Attended by Wiremu Kawa and the native Chief Munu, they state as follows,- that inland of Mount Pukaeki in a straight line East towards the boundary line, belongs to the following Chiefs - to the right of Mount Pukaeki is claimed by,- ; Mututawa Hakaria, Pirihi (native woman); Mututai, te Hua. The last two are absent at Port Nicholson. These natives further state that other claimants merely assume a right, from having cultivated on those lands; but they whose names are written above, claim and inherit the said lands from their forefathers. The native Chief, Te Munu, states that from the Brewer's house to Enuo inland, belongs to Ananaru, Te Waka, Pita, Te Manu. The remaining claimants are the children of the above-named Chiefs; they having the sole management of the land, acting as guardians and parents for the said children. The native names of those lands are,- Waima, Kaimata, Capt. King's. Aupoha belongs to Tangihia and Irangae; Enui; Whitiki; Awi Awi Tipere. The line boundary from the Brewer's creek, known by the name of Tauakipuna, in a straight line to the Enui river, Marsden. Hiu Eghea ana nga tuhi o te munu. Proceeded to Capt. Crae's in the morning, on horseback, to enquire into the particulars of a debt, the sum of Four pounds ten shillings, allegedly for house-building. The amount due, I received for natives. I after-wards rode to Mangaraki to enquire into the extent of damages done by Messrs. Gillingham and White's cattle, on a plantation of potatoes belonging to the native Chief Katatori. The native claimed a payment of 50/-. As I considered this sum was unreasonable, I expostulated with Katatori for making such a demand. He afterwards asked for One pound; and the Europeans would not pay more than 10/-; which would not be accepted. This was accordingly postponed. Returning from Mangaraka, I called at Mr. Cooke's, to demand a payment for some potatoes alleged to have been taken by his cattle. He agreed to pay the natives a blanket for 20 kits. - "The land from Ngamotu to Waiwakaiho (Witoki in the centre) belongs to me. I will not part with it. Some time ago I was foolish, and would have sold it; but now that I know the value of it, I will not. I don't want to part with my land, and to be made a slave of by the Europeans." - "The Governor was here a short time since, for the purpose of hearing any complaints the natives had to make; and as you Poharama, were not here, it is necessary for me to state to you what the Governor said to the natives when here. He recommended the natives to be kind to the Europeans; and the Europeans to the natives, until his return; which will now be in a very short time; but I am not authorised to enter into any arrangement as regards the land; except to ascertain what you claim. It will be well for you to make known to me what those claims are; that I may lay them before the Governor." - "There are no distinct tribes but the Ngamotu tribe, who have any claim upon that part. We are not a divided tribe. From the Interior to the sea, all belongs to one tribe. Let other tribes talk of what belongs to them. I will talk for all that are here at present. From the seaside to Mt. Sgmont, in the above district, belongs to us." - "I will not part with my land." .- "I am here for the sole purpose of ascertaining your claim to land in this neighbourhood; which you state has not been paid for." ,- (a native.) "The land is as dear to me as my mother's milk. My land is occupied by Mr. Chillman. My land includes - Europeans tell me you have no land. Where is your land? Be off. This is not yours. I will not part with my land." ,- "As you state the land from Ngamotu to the Waiwakaio belongs to one tribe,- can you point out to Mr. Mclean the boundaries of the land belonging to each family, at this time, or some day shortly?" - (a native). "I will hold my land." , a native Chief, states that he wishes the Europeans not to encroach any further upon their lands; and that the Governor need not be preparing any payment; as they would not part with any of their lands. After this Meeting Poharama came and spoke to me about his having been advised by all the natives to disallow any claim to land by the Europeans; and that if he expressed himself, but that all the tribe were to be represented by him; and their wishes were that they should hold their lands; but they were not desirous of disturbing or molesting the Europeans who were already settled upon lands; but they did not wish any further encroachments upon their lands, upon what they considered their property; not giving any understanding as to what that property was. A complaint was made by a native named Emori against a native woman, who had left him, and lived with another native named Pututu. Having spoken to the woman about her conduct, she told me that the complainant had ill-used her, and they were not lawfully married; that she did not wish to return to him. I recommended the parties to meet at the Native Pah in town, and there talk over their grievances; when I could be better able to confer with the elder Chiefs; and with their assistance, have the matter settled. A native named E Wharo complained of having had some of his potatoes and fence damaged by Capt. King's cattle. He did not ask for recompence; but wished that greater care would be taken in future, of the cattle. Went to Mr. Aubrey's section to see the piece of land that the natives were desirous of planting on. E Moi applied for medecine. I recommended him to pay for his medecine in future; giving an order to Dr. Evans to let him have a supply. Met E Mori and his partner Caroline at the native Pah. She was recommended to live with Mori; but she would not do so, then complaining of his ill-usage. A complaint from Te Rangi Kupua, against Shaw, carpenter; his cattle having destroyed 20 baskets of potatoes. I applied to one of Shaw's men; who told me it had been none of Shaw's cattle; that several other cattle were running at large in the neighbourhood. I recommended the complainant to find out who the owner of the cattle was, that I might know who to apply to for payment. The native Chief, Te Munu, claims the land occupied by Capt. Davy, and by J. Disteyn, for himself, Natatora, and Ananaru. Te Munu claims the Reserve upon which Mr. Smith is cultivating. It having been pointed out to him as a Native Reserve. I informed him that the land was ultimately to revert to the natives; but the Bishop thought it was to their advantage to let the Reserves to Europeans; the funds to be applied for the benefit of the natives. Timoti, native, from Arapaua, claims a portion now occupied by a Mr. Aubrey. Having advised with Mr. Aubrey, I recommended that Timoti be allowed to cultivate on a part of the section that was not required by Mr. Aubrey; which the native voluntarily offered to give up at 12 months, or any time that I would recommend him to do so. There was a mutual understanding entered into between both parties, and a promise from the native, that Mr. Aubrey receives no further annoyance. Mr. Webster, sub-collector, was with us on this occasion. Te Munu, native Chief, claimed a small portion on at Reserve in the occupation of Mr. Smith, merchant. I advised Mr. Smith to let the claimant occupy this piece; which was accordingly agreed to; and the native Chief was fully satisfied, and said that he had no objection to the Europeans holding the rest of his land; and as his case had been arranged so much to his satisfaction, he would at all times live on more friendly terms with Europeans. Though the portion returned had been very small, it showed him that the Europeans were desirous of doing justice. It having been reported that a Mr. Spencer in this neighbourhood had seduced a native woman, I made enquiries as to the truth of the report; but could find no distinct evidence on the subject. Received information from Mr. Cooke that the natives had a quarrel at his place, about a native woman, that had absented herself from her husband, and had been ill-conducted subsequent to so doing; was very ill-used and beat by her brothers; who was ashamed of her conduct. I recommended the brothers not to be violent with any female; as an act of violence would make him become liable to our laws; and I did not wish such to be the case, as he is generally a well-behaved, good native. Native Hamahona, from Waiongana, spent the most of Monday with me, giving the names of his fore-fathers and tribes; but did not wish to enter into any conversation about his land,- further than saying that he was one of the principal owners; the eldest Chief now living, of the Ngatipukirua tribe, or either of the Pukitapu tribe; that he was a seller of land here; and that he was inclined that the Europeans would occupy all his land. I gave him a small present, value 5/-, for having found him well-disposed to Europeans. Te Rangi Kupua v. complainant Shaw, boat-builder, for his cattle having destroyed 20 baskets of potatoes, I enquired into this; but did not see Shaw. On Saturday his servant denied the cattle having trespassed. Te Rangi Kupua, native, and I go to Shaw for payment for 20 baskets potatoes; but finding no proof that Shaw's cattle had eaten them, and being a very hard case on a poor old native to have his seed potatoes and food potatoes destroyed; having nothing left for supporting him throughout the Summer, I recommended a small payment on account of the Government, till such time as further proof would be found against the trespass of Shaw's cattle. This evening Katatori brings a pig, about 100 lbs. weight, as a payment for a blanket given to him as a present. I made him a further present of a blanket, and 4 figs of tobacco, to encourage him to frequent my house; so that I might prevent his further annoyances, by gaining some influence over him. Wrote to Capt. Cooke for payment for 20 baskets of potatoes due Ihaka. This was accordingly paid. Katatori brought his former account of Gillingham's trespass forward; when, by Capt. King's advice, I wrote a note to Mr. Gillingham, for ten shillings. 10/- that had been promised by him; and as Katatori considered the damage worth 20/- a further offer of 10/- was made on ac/ of her Majesty's Government, to settle the matter. Wrote to Gillingham. Received on account of Katatori, from Gillingham, ten shillings. Employed at home with the native Chiefs, Tamati "ake, Honi Ropiha, and others; who were informing me as to the different claimants of land in this neighbourhood; and the result of a native Meeting at Huatoki, in reference to land. A complaint from Rangi Kupua against Shaw, for cattle eating the potatoes. I received further evidence in this case, and will enquire again tomorrow into the affair. Employed in writing and instructing the natives around me, who had come for that purpose. Wrote to Shaw for fifteen shillings, payment of damages done by his cattle, to Rangi Kupua's potatoes. A complaint from Mr. Thatcher, that the natives threatened to take possession of his section. Natives giving an account of their different portions of land. Wiremu Kingi Kawaha's son states that the land on which the Devon Hotel stands, is his, also the buildings opposite to it, as far as the cross-road, North, and the river, South; the extent of the houses, East and West. Matatori's son claims the land on which the surveyor's house is erected; and also the house occupied by the Company's Agent. I informed the natives that I wished to have an account of their different claims ready, before His Excellency, the Governor, arrived. Received instructions, No. 44/5 from Auckland by Mr. Ironside. Wrote the natives the description of George Ovington, who absented himself from Gaol. Mania, from Port Nicholson, states the land that he owns at Huatoki, Mr. Thatcher's section, is solely his and his brothers'; and they have no other land to cultivate on; but this they are not willing to sell. Visited Mr. Bolland's church. Visited the place where Mr. Shaw's cattle were camaging Te Rangi Kupua's potatoes. Took the Chief Constable with me to value the damage done; which amounted to 6/-, and was paid to Te Rangi Kupua. The greatest number of his potatoes were stolen from him by Europeans. I advised him to watch his potatoes; and if he found any Europeans stealing them that he was to take the European and give him in charge to the Chief Constable. Mr. McLean left Wanganui for New Plymouth on Thursday morning, 30th. JanuaryIhupuku, 20 miles from there, that night; variation in the short time elapsed since last there. Arrived at Patea on the 31st. January, Friday 11 a.m., Rained incessantly through the whole of that day. Left Patea at 8 a.m., and arrived at Rev. J. Skevington's, Waimate, 30 miles distant. Spent Sunday forenoon along with Mr. Skevington and natives, at Chapel; and hearing the native teachers catechise their charges. Writing copies of native letters. Collecting information as to the numbers of natives in the district of Rev. Skevington. We could not make up a correct statistical account, unless I stopped some days to visit the different settlements. I could not afford time for this; being anxious about the natives and their behaviour to the settlers of New Plymouth; also desirous to make some arrangements to enable the settlers to remain at Mongoraka; and propose leaving tomorrow at an early hour. Names of Native owners of land at Waitara and Taniwha. Uriwai, Takitaki Ti reo. Te Mape Tapua Moana, Te Pua Karere Ti Amo. Korokoroko Kakaria alias Uruau. Iroa Tautupa Mangatawa. Te Orokowai Kowhenuku, Pui, Whatitirii Ko Ihi. Moira Ko te Atua Wera. Poerangi Wharikura. Te Karauutu, Tuwai. Rangiawi Wahapu, Kaikori. Te Api, Rawiri Manuka. Te Rata Manuka Tipene. Raata Heurihia Apiti. Poharama, Wiremu, Kawaha, Panapar and several of the Muturoa tribe, visited me; when I informed them that his Excellency would soon be coming; and that I wished them to make up their minds; give me a statement of their distinct portions of land; that the Governor might distinguish such portions as they had a claim to, and decide and fully settle their conflicting claims. An information to-night by Te Rangi Kupua and some other natives, against some Europeans; for having stolen some of that Chief's potatoes. I went to town; could not find the native witnesses. Attended the Police Office to confer with Capt. King, as to the best mode to adopt in this case; when the Chief Constable was sent to measure the footsteps of the Europeans. . A Meeting of natives, of about 50 in number, of the Ngamotu tribe, visited me; when the Minutes of the Meeting were taken by myself. 1. claims, at the Henui, about 1 acre at the back of Reid's house,- named RuaKaramea. 2. claims from Te Rongamataua, about 60 yds. wide, and in a square to the seaside, named Rearea. 3. , . . . . . 4. , - a patch about 1 acre, at the seaside. 5. , - claim a piece of land about half an acre. 6. , - about half an acre. 7. ,- . . . . . 8. , - about half an acre of land, owned at present by Abraham Cassil. 9. , - about 1 acre of land adjoining Cassil's, - Tapiupa. 10. , - about 2 acres, - No. 1. 0 Carrington. No. 2. Absentee. 1 acre. No. 3. Apurapura, E Waka,- 1, acre. no. 4. Honi Ropiha taua Ko Manihere, - 3 acres. No. 5. Paratene, - 1/2 acre. His Excellency, the Governor, arrived at Taranaki, per H.M.S. "Hasard". Landed at half past 4 o'clock. The Brig, "Guide" touched here; had an interview. Sides to Mongoraka, - 12. 14. 16. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. The Governor had a Meeting with the natives at the Devon. Governor saw Katatori. A Meeting of natives in the forenoon; and one in the evening; when the natives disagreed, and the natives declined meeting them. I told the natives to make up their minds, to sell. Walked round the boundary. ,- Walk round the boundaries. Mr. Simonds appointed to enquire into the expenditure of the Mongoraka settlers, who were to remove. Terutia Wakari kai hoko. Parakite Takarangi Pakaru. Ko roa ti pehi Tai. Mutu Kikairo Tupe. Matoi Kipa, Whau. Tiri Paturoi Tamati. Waiwakaia Tamariki. Tiweke Ihaia. Aunui Te Tini. Rawiri. Ngongaraka. Mutu ia ratou. Had the goods for the natives, with cash, and cattle, etc., displayed at Mr. Dorset's store. Hard work advising the natives to take the payment. The Governor arrived at Taranaki by H.M.S. "Hasard". Nothing done this day. He gave me Mr. Spain's evidence to read. The Governor had, in the afternoon, a Meeting of the labourers, promising them employment at the rate of 10/2 per week for 5 days in the week. The Governor attended Church. The Governor, Messrs. Turton, Whitely, Hamilton, and McLean visited Mongoraka. Saw the lands cultivated by the Europeans there. Had an interview with Katatori. A long day's work. The Governor had a Meeting of a few of the principal natives, to know from them what they wished to shell. A long Meeting with the Natives, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., and from about 7 to half past 9 p.m. The Governor declined seeing them again till they had made up their mind to sell. Assembled the settlers of Mongoraka. Messrs. Whitely, Forsaith, and McLean walked round the boundaries of the land purchased from the natives. Mongoraka settlers met again; and the Governor made arrangements for their removal to the land he was about to purchase from the natives. "Tinetta" sailed for Wellington. Walking round the boundaries. Petition from some of the settlers. Removed the goods for the natives; having been prepared by Mr. Webster, were laid out in the store of Mr. Webster. The natives went to their plantations. Pukirangiora. Puketapu Ngamotu Taranaki. Ngatinianui Ngarauri Whatitire. Orowatua. Eruera. Pakeke Aperahama. Towha. Po Ru Kitetakiri. Pue. Kaupani Witikura. Matoha Rangitutaki Witi To. Te Paia Kaingarara. Manihera Rangikapiki. Wakaou Karatai Ko. Taniwha Ko Te Ariki. Manuwhiri Taiapa Rangitokori. Rake, Rangi Kana Manai. Ko Kamo Kawe. Mutengarutu Rangimuku. Huriwhare Ko Te Whatu. Huruwhenua. Hauwe Ko reri Nu. Tawanga. Heke Tuwainane Ko. Te Noho. Ko Tewai. Wiremu Kingi Witi. Hamuwera Tawiri. Matina. Kiripatu. Matangi. Enoka Peni. Aperahama Wirihana. Hia Whataro Te. Kinakene Pirine. Pohepi pehimana. ahopa Moi. Maikangi Taitua. Raru Kokoi. Te Puki Ropoma. Ihaka Ngamutanga. Toko, Tai Karikari. Kaihoa Te Kaka. Raupaunga Te Roro. Kotu. Hemi. Remanunui Moana. Puki Kura Puai.
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162 pages written 1844-1845 by Rev Richard Taylor, John Skevington, Sir Donald McLean and Mananui Te Heuheu Tukino II in Kai Iwi and Wanganui to Major Mathew Richmond, Diary and notebook

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Key Value
Document date 24 January 1845
Document MCLEAN-1004160
Document title 162 pages written 1844-1845 by Rev Richard Taylor, John Skevington, Sir Donald McLean and Mananui Te Heuheu Tukino II in Kai Iwi and Wanganui to Major Mathew Richmond
Document type MANUSCRIPT
Attribution ATL
Author 3673/Taylor, Richard (Rev), 1805-1873
Collection McLean Papers
Date 1844-07-17
Decade 1840s
Destination Unknown
Englishorigin ATL
Entityid 1
Format Full Text
Generictitle 162 pages written 1844-1845 by Rev Richard Taylor, John Skevington, Sir Donald McLean and Mananui Te Heuheu Tukino II in Kai Iwi and Wanganui to Major Mathew Richmond
Iwihapu Unknown
Language English
Name 2492/Richmond, Mathew (Major), 1801-1887
Origin 298670/Kai Iwi
Place 298670/Kai Iwi
Recipient 2492/Richmond, Mathew (Major), 1801-1887
Section Manuscripts
Series Series 5 Diaries and notebooks
Sortorder 0006-0003
Subarea Manuscripts and Archives Collection
Tapuhigroupref MS-1194
Tapuhiitemcount 1
Tapuhiitemcount 2 100
Tapuhiitemcount 3 30238
Tapuhiitemdescription Includes rough diary entries describing his activities in Taranaki and Wanganui areas, with lists of names and various notes relating to land transactions and disputes. Much of this work related to his instructions to investigate the award by Land Claims Commissioner William Spain of 60,000 acres of land in this area to the New Zealand Company, and the areas that were disputed by tribal groups.In the middle of the volume is a schedule listing the numbers of Maori residing in the Wanganui area, indicating how many were baptised and unbaptised.Midway through the diary is a short, three-page, journal entry by the Reverend Richard Taylor, who accompanied McLean on an inland visit in January.
Tapuhiitemgenre 3 230058/Personal records Reports
Tapuhiitemname 3673/Taylor, Richard (Rev), 1805-1873
Tapuhiitemname 3 4809/McLean, Donald (Sir), 1820-1877
Tapuhiitemplace 65372/Wanganui District
Tapuhiitemref MS-1194
Tapuhiitemref 2 Series 5 Diaries and notebooks
Tapuhiitemref 3 MS-Group-1551
Tapuhiitemsubjects 3 1446/New Zealand Wars, 1860-1872
Tapuhiitemtitle Diary and notebook
Tapuhiitemtitle 2 Series 5 Diaries and notebooks
Tapuhiitemtitle 3 McLean Papers
Tapuhipiecedescription Includes rough diary entries describing his activities in Taranaki and Wanganui areas, with lists of names and various notes relating to land transactions and disputes. Much of this work related to his instructions to investigate the award by Land Claims Commissioner William Spain of 60,000 acres of land in this area to the New Zealand Company, and the areas that were disputed by tribal groups.In the middle of the volume is a schedule listing the numbers of Maori residing in the Wanganui area, indicating how many were baptised and unbaptised.Midway through the diary is a short, three-page, journal entry by the Reverend Richard Taylor, who accompanied McLean on an inland visit in January.
Tapuhipieceref MS-1194
Tapuhipiecetitle Diary and notebook
Tapuhireelref MS-COPY-MICRO-0664-1
Teipb 1
Teiref ms-1284-006
Year 1844

162 pages written 1844-1845 by Rev Richard Taylor, John Skevington, Sir Donald McLean and Mananui Te Heuheu Tukino II in Kai Iwi and Wanganui to Major Mathew Richmond Diary and notebook

162 pages written 1844-1845 by Rev Richard Taylor, John Skevington, Sir Donald McLean and Mananui Te Heuheu Tukino II in Kai Iwi and Wanganui to Major Mathew Richmond Diary and notebook

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