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This eBook is a reproduction produced by the National Library of New Zealand with permission of the rights holder who has granted a CC BY-NC 3.0 NZ licence. Additional physical and digital editions are available from the National Library of New Zealand.

EPUB ISBN: 978-0-908329-87-8

PDF ISBN: 978-0-908332-83-0

The original publication details are as follows:

Title: Books in Māori, 1815-1900 : an annotated bibliography

Author: Parkinson, P. G. (Phil G.)

Published: Reed Pub., Auckland, N.Z., 2004

Books in Maori is an important contribution to making scarce Maori language material from the past more easily accessible. It records all known printed Maori language publications up to the year 1900, with detailed annotations explaining the content of each and their historical context. Over 1600 publications are described, nearly 400 for the first time, arranged in chronological order, and with details where copies are located. Background information from archival sources also adds to the record of New Zealand printing history.

By making these scarce and often fragile publications more widely known. Books in Maori seeks to open a particular window on the history of New Zealand and the interaction between Maori and Pakeha. As the reference work on 19 lh century Maori publishing it will be invaluable to students and collectors, as well as for libraries, museums and archives, and is expected to encourage further research into the development of the Maori language.

This new bibliography has been compiled in the Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, and is based on the Library's extensive collections of publications and unpublished documents in the Maori language.

Books in Maori 1815-1900


An annotated bibliography


Compiled in the

Alexander Turnbull Library

I hangA i te Whare Pukapuka o Alexander Turnbull

Phil Parkinson &> Penny Griffith

Reed Publishing

To Karuhl tfi tdpul o Rood (Aotearoa) (NZ) Ltd

Established in 1907, Reed is New Zealand's largest book publisher, with over 300 titles in print.

For details on all these books visit our website

Published by Reed Books, a division of Reed Publishing (NZ) Ltd, 39 Rawene Rd. Birkenhead. Auckland.

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This book is copyright. Except for the purpose of fair reviewing, no part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Infringers of copyright render themselves liable to prosecution.

ISBN 0 7900 0951 X

° 2004 Alexander Turnbull Library

The authors assert their moral rights in the work.

First published 2004

National Library of New Zealand Cataloguing-in-Publication Data

Books in Maori. 1815-1900 ; an annotated bibliography = Nga tanga reo Maori. 1815-1900 / compiled in the Alexander Turnbull Library by Phil Parkinson & Penny Griffith. Includes bibliographical references and index.

ISBN 0-7900-0951-X

1. Maori imprints. 2. New Zealand—lmprints.

I. Parkinson. P. G. (Phil G.). 1950- 11. Griffith. Penelope. 1943111. Nga tanga reo Maori. 1815-1900. 01 1.299442—dc 22

Printed in China


List of illustrations 4

Preface by Patu Hohepa 6

Introduction 9

User guide 15

Books, pamphlets & single-sheet items 27

Serials 739


Concordance 863

Places 879

Printers & publishers 883

General — name, title & subject 895

List of illustrations

Thomas Kendall's 'first books' in the New Zealand language (BiM I, BiM 5) 29

Ko te Katekihama 111 (BiM I 2) 37

James Busby's personal copy of 'A Declaration of Independence of New Zealand', printed 1836 (BiM 28) 47

Ko te pukapuka tuatahi o te reo Maori (BiM 39) 55

The first printing, by William Colenso, 1837-38, of the New Testament in Maori (BiM 45) 59

The first lithograph produced in New Zealand, 1839 (BiM 62) 70

Text from the Anglican Maori prayer book, 1840 (BiM 74) 76

Lieutenant-Governor Hobson's circular letter assuring chiefs that their land would not be taken from them, 27 April 1840 (BiM 8\) 80

Notice by E. J. Wakefield about price for flax fibre (muka) in 1842 (BiM 117) 99

A Catholic catechism from Pompallier’s Ako marama (1843) (BiM 121) 102

The earliest printed letter composed in colloquial Maori, 1844, by Wiremu Hau and Wiremu Hoeti ( BiM 205) 128

A collection of hymns by the Rev. William Colenso, printed on the small mission press at Ahuriri, 1847 (BiM 330) 174

Wiremu Toetoe and Hemara Te Rerehau's printed greeting to the Emperor Franz Joseph, 1860 (BiM 527) 266


Grey's letter to Waikato chiefs, 11 July 1863, warning against the outcome of waging war (BiM 612) 303

An example of an Act of the General Assembly, 1873 (BiM 793) 379

A circular about a ploughing contest at Aramoho, Whanganui, 1874 (BiM 827) 395

A circular to encourage subscriptions to the paper Te Wananga, explaining its advantages over its rival, 1875 (BiM 848) 406

An example of a Bill in Maori, 1879 (BiM 945) 450

A pound note from King Tawhiao's Bank of Aotearoa, ca. 1886 (BiM 1 154) 543

A promotional advertisement for Baxter's Lung Preserver, ca. 1887 (BiM I 197) 560

Ko te hitoria poto o te Hahi Katorika, 1894 (BiM 1402) 656

An example of the decorative typefaces used by H. W. Williams at his press Te Rau Kahikatea' in the 1890s (BiM 1498) 704

A theatre poster promoting 'Professor Greek George', in Maori on one side and in English on the other, 1899 (BiM 1537) 724

Native Land Acts (in English and Maori), passed by the General Assembly, Session 1888 (BiM S22,1888) 778



Tend houtou katoa i ngd topito o to tdtou ao. d, hei te whakatauki.

Rapua te mea ngaro’. hei tdpiri.

My greetings go to the ends of our world accompanied by the proverb, ‘Seek for what is hidden’.

The greatest gift England gave Maori was literacy. Teaching Maori to write began in 1816 and within two generations over 80 percent of Maori were literate in their own language. So, too. were many governors, settlers and missionaries of those times literate in Maori. Manuscripts recording oral histories and traditional beliefs and practices, letters, biblical texts, laws and decrees and then newspapers in Maori were some of the consequences. But this use of literacy would have been to no avail if there had not been editors and printers, as well as avid patrons and collectors of what had been written.

Sir George Grey, Colenso and the Williams family were at the forefront in the first half of the nineteenth century as patrons, producers and collectors; and Alexander Turnbull came into prominence as a collector at the end of the nineteenth century. In 1893, the year he joined the Polynesian Society, Turnbull wrote to his London agent, ‘Anything whatever relating to this Colony, on its history, flora, fauna, inhabitants, will be fish for my net, from as early a date as possible until now.’ What he amassed became his library. The Alexander Turnbull Library was bequeathed to the nation in 1918 and its contents are continually added to by governments, librarians and friends.

Alexander Turnbull’s collecting was not done as a fortuitous or occasional pastime - it was a lifelong, fulltime passion. ‘Anything whatever’ was more than art and written and printed work of everything of colonial New Zealand. Few will know that he donated his collection of over 500 stone adzes, tiki, pendants, and burial chests to the Dominion Museum in 1913 and Te Papa Tongarewa New Zealand’s national museum now houses these Maori heritage heirlooms.



The Alexander Turnbull Library means different things to different people. The image for some is the irreplaceable first editions of books, especially those of John Milton. Others know it as the repository of all the books written or published or printed in New Zealand. Others again visualise it as the major source for watercolours, paintings, portraits, etchings of New Zealand’s past the land, the ocean and the people. To me, because of my own background and profession, the Alexander Turnbull Library means the finest and best collection of books and art portraying Maori in words and images, as well as Maorilanguage manuscripts and books.

I first came to the Library fifty years ago. The elderly minder of my tribe’s manuscripts at that time had told me that some letters and manuscripts of Hone Mohi Tawhai, which were supposed to be in his care, had somehow ended up in a Wellington library. A university sports tournament got me to Wellington for the first time in 1954 and my chance to search led me to the General Assembly Library and from there to the Turnbull Library, which was then still in the founder’s house in Bowen Street. There was more there than I or my elders realised. For fifty years now I, my graduate students and Treaty negotiations teams have used the huge Maori resources, which seem to be never-ending.

Books in Maori has been compiled by staff of the Turnbull Library as a search tool for this invaluable resource. As one of the Library’s new Guardians, it is an honour indeed to write this preface. Researching through Maori language sources would be an endless task without bibliographies - first the ’Williams bibliography’ and others, and now this impressive publication. Books in Maori replaces the Williams bibliography and encapsulates all others, but it has kept faith with the H.W. Williams dictum, ’any work, however small, printed wholly in Maori, or in Maori with a translation, has been admitted; so also any work dealing wholly with the Maori language as for example, a dictionary. But it has been thought better to exclude works of a wider scope, a portion only of which deals with the Maori Language . . (A Bibliography of Printed Maori to 1900, Government Printer, 1975, iv).

Books in Maori now lists almost every document of printed Maori to 1900. That is a matter for celebration. Such is the nature of life according to the Maori proverb, ‘Ka pu te ruha. ka hao te rangatahi' 'The old net is rested and the new net goes fishing’. This new net will be the portal for the seekers of Maori language in the twenty-first century. I wish them well.

Ka mihi rd hi ngd kaimahi i te pukapuka nei. E ai rd te pdtai. mei ka oti te



waka whakairo ataahua. kei a wai te mana. kei te waka. kei te kaitd. hei ngd toki he rdnei i baud ai, i tdraitia ai te totara? Ko te tikanga ia. kei te mau te katoa i te mana. No reira. ka tukuna atu rd ngd mihi tumanako hi te katoa. Ko te mihi tuatahi kei te taonga nei. Tuarua kei ngd haiwhakatauira o te Whare Pukapuka o Turnbull, tuatoru kei te mihi ki a Reed Publishing, ngd kaitd. Kia ora hoki koutou.

Let me thank those who made this publication. There is the rhetorical question that when a beautiful carved canoe is completed should praise be given to the canoe, or to the carver, or to the adze that felled or carved the prized totara timber. The traditional answer is all share mana. I give praise therefore to this publication, to all from the Turnbull Library who crafted this book, and to Reed Publishing who published it. Life and wellbeing be with you.

Dr Patu Hohepa

Maori Language Commissioner



Books in Maori represents a major investment by the Alexander Turnbull Library. It is published to make some of New Zealand’s most scarce Maori-language publications more easily accessible, and to encourage further research and study based on these little known sources. As an example of the rarity of items described, only one copy of the first item listed, Thomas Kendall s A korao no New Zealand (1815), is known to exist. Many publications are physically slight and fragile. Of the first 100 entries, all printed before 1 842, 37 are of fewer than four pages (i.e. printed on a single folded sheet) and half of those, including the first printing of the Treaty of Waitangi, are single printed pages. Thirteen items are recorded for the first time.

The nineteenth century was a period of profound social change tor Maori; tne oral culture began to take on a written form under the direction of the early missionaries and the new colonial administrators. Later in the century, Maori representation in Parliament and expressions of Maori opinion from Maori organisations resulted in other Maori-language publications. Books in Maori seeks to open a particular window on the history of New Zealand and this interaction between Maori and Pakeha. Maori-language publications from the nineteenth century have been the focus of a number of recent publications (listed below) and it is expected that this new bibliography will encourage further research.

One of the exciting aspects of preparing Books in Maori has been the discovery of new items in private collections, in New Zealand institutions and in other parts of the world. Bibliographical research has benefited from the availability of library catalogues on the Internet, and from the speed of communication by email.

Access to overseas archival sources has enriched our understanding ot the period and provided details of events and of printing history for example, the date and number of copies printed, and the names of translators and printers. As a result of checking entries for Books in Maori, the Alexander Turnbull Library has been able to obtain photocopies of items not already in its own collection. The willingness of owners and institutions to help the Turnbull Library develop



a comprehensive collection by allowing photocopying is greatly appreciated. Although considerable effort has gone into making this bibliography as accurate and as complete as possible, it is likely that there are more items waiting to be discovered.

The chronological structure and scope of Books in Maori reflects that of its predecessor, H. W. Williams’s A bibliography of printed Maori to 1900 (Wellington, 1924; Supplement. 1928). Williams included in his bibliography 'any work, however small, printed wholly in Maori, or in Maori with a translation , , . also any work dealing wholly with the Maori language’ (p. iv). In 1947 A. D. Sommerville compiled an unpublished supplement to Williams’s work (New Zealand Library School, 1947), based on the same principles, and including a preliminary listing up to 1946.

Books in Maori includes the following additional features:

• 376 new items

• descriptions of items, especially serials, previously described in a more general way

• all papers contained in the Appendices to the Journals of the New Zealand Parliament (House of Representatives and Legislative Council) which were separate publications and which met the language criteria set out above (but note that many other parliamentary papers containing smaller amounts of Maori text were outside the scope of this bibliography)

• full, standardised descriptions of each item to the international standards for rare books cataloguing

• annotations that describe the contents and locate the publications in their historical context, including within the history of printing and publishing in New Zealand, with references to secondary and archival sources

• information on the location of copies of all items

• comprehensive indexing to assist in identifying items, especially their content (including lists of Maori names).

In standards of description and contextual annotation this volume is a useful companion to volume 1 (covering to 1889) of A. G. Bagnall’s multi-volume New Zealand national bibliography to 1960 (Wellington, 1969-1985), which included only a small proportion of items printed in Maori during the period.



Details of how Books in Maori entries are structured, including crossreferences to these earlier bibliographical sources, are set out in the User Guide (p. 15-26).

A major challenge in working with printed Maori from this period was the evolving nature of the written language. For example, the spelling of words varied, and the names of individuals might be presented in different forms. A practical solution has been adopted, of using the actual spelling as it is recorded in the item. In the indexing, also, this principle has been used, so variant spellings 'Wakarongo' or ‘Whakarongo’ will both be found and variations in personal names, for example 'Hoani' or ‘Hone’ for ‘John', both occur. It may therefore be productive to search the index under several entry points.

In determining consistent forms for personal names, the research undertaken by the Dictionary of New Zealand biography ('DNZB'\ 5 v., Wellington, 1 990-2000) has been invaluable. For names not within DNZB’s scope, a check was undertaken to ensure that authoritative forms of personal names were well founded, and links were made from other known forms of names. Users of Books in Maori are encouraged to check the Dictionary of New Zealand biography as a source of additional biographical information.

One category of material legislation (Bills and Acts) has been particularly difficult because of the lack of identified copies and, sometimes, lack of proof of translation or printing. It is clear from parliamentary debates that some Bills were translated into Maori and circulated (e.g. no. 1311), but no copies have been located: and some may have been available in translation in manuscript only. Where secondary sources clearly identify the intention to translate legislation, entries have been included. A few items recorded by Williams (but not seen by him) have also been retained, even where secondary source evidence has not been found (eg. no. **888); these entries are printed in italics. This material has been included in spite of the lack of evidence because of the general difficulty with legislation, and because Williams (A bibliography, p. vi) refers to having received specific information. Annotations to these entries explain the basis of inclusion. References to unseen legislation should be regarded with some caution.

Other ways in which legislation in Maori can vary from English language legislation include the following:

I While Bills in English might be reprinted in several different versions as



changes were incorporated, it has not been possible to identify differing versions of Maori translations.

2 Translations of unsuccessful Bills appear to have been reused (rather than printed again) when the legislation was reintroduced.

3 There is no regular pattern of Acts being produced in Maori, even when (from extant copies) the corresponding Bill had been produced in Maori.

Some entries for legislation, especially unsuccessful Bills, are not annotated because it was often not possible to trace the reasons for, or implications of, the provisions. Many unanswered questions remain about which legislation was (or was not) translated and why, and why there are more translations in some years than in others.

A related uncertainty concerns local reprintings of official documents. Books in Maori includes examples (e.g. no. 619) of a Wellington reprinting of a document relating to the Taranaki War, but there is no Auckland reprinting. Perhaps there was only one reprinting, or it may simply be a reflection of what happened to be kept by collectors in particular locations.

Recent publications and additional resources

Dell, Sharon, ‘The Maori book or the book in Maori', New Zealand Libraries, 45 no. 5 (March 1987), p. 98-101.

Keenan, D., ‘Aversion to print? Maori resistance to the written word’, in A book in the hand, eds Penny Griffith, Peter Hughes, Alan Loney (Auckland, Auckland University Press, 2000), p. 17-28.

Lineham, P., ‘Tampering with the sacred text: The second edition of the Maori Bible', in A book in the hand, eds Penny Griffith, Peter Hughes, Man Loney (Auckland, Auckland University Press, 2000), p. 29-45.

McKenzie, D. F., Oral culture, literacy and print in early New Zealand (Wellington, Victoria University Press, 1985).

Mcßae, Jane, 'From Maori oral traditions to print’, in Book & print in New Zealand, eds Penny Griffith, Ross Harvey, Keith Maslen (Wellington, Victoria University Press, 1997), p. 17-40.



Mcßae. Jane, ‘Maori literature: A survey', in The Oxford history of New Zealand literature in English, 2nd ed.. ed. T. Sturm (Auckland, Oxford University Press, 1998), p. 1-30.

Mcßae, Jane, "‘E manu, tena koel”: O bird. Greetings to you’, Turnbull Library Record, 34 (2001), p. 45-58.

Mcßae, Jane, ‘The personified newspaper: Metaphorical addresses to the Maori-language press', Turnbull Library Record. 36 (2003), p. 19-34.

Niupepa 1842-1933: Maori newspapers [microfiche] (Wellington, Alexander Turnbull Library, 1996). A microfiche edition of the Maori language newspapers described in the Serials section (Sl-542) of Books in Maori (see p. 739-816).

Parkinson, P. G., "‘Our infant state”: The Maori language, the mission presses, the British Crown and the Maori, 1814-1838’ (PhD thesis, Victoria University of Wellington. 2003).

Parkinson, P. G., 'He korero no New Zealand', Turnbull Library Record. 28 (1995), p. 23-42.

Parkinson, P. G., ‘“A language peculiar to the word of God”: The Anglican liturgy in the Maori language’. Publishing history. 54 (2003), p. 19-65.

Parkinson, P. G., The Maori Language and its expression in New Zealand law: Two essays on the use of te reo Maori in Government and in Parliament (Wellington, Victoria University of Wellington Law Review, 2001).

Here atu. taku mam!: Discovering history, language and politics in the Maorilanguage newspapers, ed. J. C. Curnow, N. Hopa, J. Mcßae (Auckland, Auckland University Press, 2002). A collection of 12 articles on the Maori language newspapers described in the Serials section (Sl-542) of Books in Maori (see p. 739-816).


This project was made possible by the contribution of individuals and organisations, both in New Zealand and overseas. The Turanga Trust, prompted by a suggestion from Frances Porter, granted funds to assist in the editing of entries. Many of the Turnbull Library staff have been involved in the preservation of, and access to, the collection. Several individuals provided specialist expertise



and direct assistance to ensure the highest standards of detail and presentation: Steven Chrisp, Rowan Gibbs, Jane Mcßae, Malcolm McKinnon, and the late MTria Simpson. Christopher J. Parr of Auckland, who has a personal interest in Maori-language publications, read an early draft of the text and made valuable suggestions. The Te Whaiti family (Wairarapapa) and John Barton of New Plymouth also generously shared their knowledge. Researchers who helped with solving specific problems include Jeny Curnow and members of the team at the University of Auckland working on the Maori language newspapers, Angela Ballara in Wellington, Ross Harvey and Rachel Salmond in Wagga Wagga, New South Wales, and Peter Schneck in Vienna.

Colleagues in other libraries and organisations were often asked to undertake research on behalf of the compilers. We particularly appreciate the help of the following colleagues and the institutions for which they worked at the time: Jeremy Cauchi and Christel McClare (Archives New Zealand); Pat French, Donald Kerr and Georgia Prince (Auckland City Libraries); Peter Hughes and Bruce Ralston (Auckland War Memorial Museum Library); Janine Delaney, Anne Jackman and the late David McDonald (Hocken Library, University of Otago); Margaret Grigg (Librarian, Pompallier Diocesan Centre, Auckland); Allan Davidson and Judith Bright (St John’s College, Auckland); Ron Lambert (Taranaki Museum); Jill Durney (Macmillan Brown Library, University of Canterbury); Gail Pope (Hawke’s Bay Museum); Ross Somerville (Dictionary of New Zealand Biography); Brother Gerard (Provincial House, Society of Mary, Wellington); Margaret Dent (National Library of Australia); Judith Nelson and Mark Hildebrand (State Library of New South Wales); Philippa Bassett (Main Library, University of Birmingham. England); Rosemary Mathew (Bible Society Library, Cambridge University, England); and Marie Mcßride (Church History Library, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Utah, USA).

I 4

User guide

This section describes the main features of Books in Maori, including its scope and the structure of entries. It explains the order of entries, style (including use of the macron), abbreviations, library symbols and other specialist terms and bibliographical citations. (See also the separate explanatory note (p. 743) to the Serials section.)


The scope of Books in Maori (BiM) is generally consistent with that of its main predecessor, H. W. Williams, A bibliography of printed Maori to 1900 (1924). As Williams noted (Preface, p. iv):

As to matter, any work, however small, printed wholly in Maori, or in Maori with a translation, has been admitted; so also any work dealing wholly with the Maori language as, for example, a dictionary.

Within these overall language criteria, BiM describes the following types of publications:

All published printed items for the period up to and including 1900 The exception to this is that serials which commenced before 1901 are described to the end of their published life. See also the separate explanatory note (p. 743) to the Serials section.

All formats of material

• monographic (from single sheets to books), including monographs in series such as Bills, Acts and other parliamentary papers.

• serials, including newspapers, church almanacs, Anglican synod and Native Church Board reports. Single issues of almanacs are treated as serials.



• special issues of serials such as government gazettes and provincial council papers (i.e. issues with separate pagination).

Certain unseen items

These are included where there is good secondary evidence of their sometime existence. They are indicated by a BiM entry number (see section 4 for an explanation of format, details of styles) marked with two asterisks **. A few items of legislation and church almanacs listed by Williams (but not seen by him) are also included. Such entries are printed in italics and in an abbreviated format.

Unseen sermon notes by Rev. J. Matthews have not been listed, because of the large number of unseen items (see no. 229 for further details).


There are several types of publication that have not been included in BiM.

• Forms (i.e. with blank spaces for completion by hand), if printed after 1840.

• Native Land Court notices and forms. Most (possibly all) of the hundreds of notices seen are reprinted from either the Gazette or Kahiti or provincial gazettes; or, in the case of bilingual notices, from all three.

• Periodical articles and offprints or pre-prints of articles. However, offprints from church almanacs (e.g. hymns, agricultural hints) are noted in the entry for the almanac.

• Proof copies (though these may be noted in annotations to published items).

• Works in which less than half of the complete text is in Maori,




Note no.

499 KAWEPO, Renata Tama-ki-Hikurangi (d. 1888) I

Addresses delivered at a meeting in Napier on issues of concern 2 to Maori

IU tviuut I. He nuipepa tenei, | hei whakaatu i nga korero i korerotia |kite | 3 hui kite Pa Whakaairo, | i te 7 o nga ra o Nowema, 1860: | Na Renata, na te Pitihera i tuhi. | [double rule] | [. . .] [no imprint. Napier: Printed by James Wood. I860?]

7, [l] p.; 344x217 mm, (untrimmed). Caption title. Printed in two 4 columns (p. 7 one column) separated by a vertical rule. Page [B] blank. Two folded sheets tipped together. Assumed to be printed by James Wood, publisher of the Hawke’s Bay herald and printer to the provincial government.

Two addresses, by Renata Kawepo (left column) and the response 5 of Thomas Fitzgerald, the Provincial Superintendent (right column), delivered at a meeting of about 200 Hawke’s Bay Maori held on 7 November 1860 at Tareha Te Moananui’s pa (Pa Whakairo). The subjects are land tenure, the Waitara dispute and the Klngitanga. The meeting was reported in the Hawke's Bay herald of 10 November.

Former missionary William Colenso, Provincial Interpreter and member of the Hawke’s Bay Provincial Council from 1859, translated Fitzgerald’s speech into Maori and that of Kawepo into English. The latter was published in the Hawke's Bay herald on 8 December, which also noted that this pamphlet was in the process of being printed. The issue of 5 January 1861 included a text of Fitzgerald's speech translated back into English from the Maori, also by Colenso.

Both speeches, in English and Maori, were also printed in 1861, with a subsequent letter of response by Kawepo, in Renata’s speech and letter (no. 535). Williams 316, Bagnall 2945 (note). Copies: WTU 6, 7


/. BiM entry number and main entry (author or title). The main entry has been determined according to international library cataloguing standards, AACR2: Anglo-American cataloguing rules. 2nd ed., 1998 revision. Full names and dates are supplied for personal names where confirmed in authoritative sources such as DNZB. Macrons are included in personal and corporate names.

2. Summary description in English.

I 7


5. Transcription of title and imprint from the publication, with line endings marked ( | ). Information supplied from outside the title-page (or equivalent) is in square brackets. For those items which do not have a titlepage, the transcription begins with the first words and continues to the first natural break. This is intended to reduce any confusion as to what is the ‘text’ of an item, and the first words are also indexed in cases where there is no title of any kind. The total number of lines is specified for single-page publications.

4. Collation: records physical details. This accounts for all pages (including blank pages) and records the dimensions of the page (height x width of the largest copy examined): covers and bindings are noted. Terminology is consistent with AACR2 standards. Note: the blank side of a single-sheet item printed on one side (a 'placard') is not specifically referred to, but is implicit in the collation: ‘1 sheet ([l] p.)’.

Secondary colophons and imprints are recorded when they contain additional information. Additional printer and publisher information is noted where this differs in either language or detail from statements on the primary source (i.e. the title-page or substitute).

5. Annotation describing the contents and historical and bibliographical contexts, with references to secondary and archival sources and links to other related entries. Annotation begins with series statement for AJLC and AJHR papers where relevant.

6. References to corresponding entries in Williams, Sommerville and Bagnall bibliographies. Some annotations also refer to specialised bibliographies.

7. Copy seen information; see section 8 below for an alphabetical list of library symbols used. This is not a record of all known holdings, but a record of specific copies seen or identified through recent consultation. References to holdings of photocopied material (identified as such) at the Alexander Turnbull Library (WTU) are included.

See also section 4 below for additional details and the separate explanatory notes to the Serials section (p. 743).




Entries are filed in the following order:

1 Chronologically by year of publication.

2 In alphabetical order of main entry within each year. Main entries may be a personal name, a corporate name, or a title (where authorship is not known or diffuse) or initial words of the text (where there is no title).

3 Multiple entries under the same main entry are listed in alphabetical order of the Maori title. Note: where it was more appropriate to file three or more entries by some other order (eg. by date, for sermon notes) a byline explains the filing order.

Publication dates

The date of publication, which determines which year an entry is filed under, may be different from the imprint date on the item or the date recorded in previous bibliographies. Reasons for variant dating are explained in the annotations. In cases of doubt about the actual date of publication, the date attributed by Williams has been followed.

Sorting by alphabetical order

• Filing is based on a word-by-word arrangement

• Initial articles at the start of titles (eg. A, An. The (in English) and He, Nga, Te (in Maori)) have been ignored.

• Filing is not affected by macrons.

• Words beginning 'Ng' and 'Wh' are interfiled in the main sequences for N and W.

• Compound Maori names beginning 'Te' are filed under Te on a word-by-word basis: eg. Te Rauparaha files before Telford.

• Entries for books or parts of the Bible are arranged by the order of books in the Bible itself, e.g. Old Testament books file before New Testament books.

It may be necessary to search the general index under several entry points due to spelling and word-split variations.



Organising parliamentary and legislative publications

Parliamentary and legislative publications from the nineteenth century are complex to organise because of the bicameral Parliament. Depending on the origin and status of individual items, entries may be found under one of four main entries in a given year:

• New Zealand

• New Zealand. Parliament

• New Zealand. Parliament. House of Representatives

• New Zealand. Parliament. Legislative Council

See also the explanatory notes to the Serials section (p. 743) and indexes.


This section expands on notes to the structure of entries (section 2 above).

Technical matters

The style for main entries, physical details and terminology is based on AngloAmerican cataloguing rules, 2nd ed., 1998 revision (Ottawa: Canadian Library Association and Chicago: American Library Association, 1998), supplemented by Descriptive cataloging of rare boohs (Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress, 1991) for describing physical details.

Page numbers in square brackets refer to unnumbered pages.

Multiple entries under the same heading

Where there is more than one work under the same main entry, a long rule has been used for entries after the first one, to avoid repeating the author’s name and to alert users to multiple entries.

Transcription details

• Capitalisation follows normal text usage; it does not represent use of capitals on the original.

• The ellipsis [. . .] identifies text omitted or continuing.



• The official coat of arms on New Zealand government publications, e.g. on legislation, is termed [Royal Arms]', a distinctive New Zealand coat of arms was authorised in 1911.

Variant issues/printings

Variant issues of the same printing, i.e. with minor differences, are described in the entry for the main issue and identified by a subnumbering system with a decimal point. See no. 42 (with variants 42.1 and 42.2) as an example. Variant printings that have been completely or largely reset are described in separate entries.

Corporate names

Names of church bodies and other organisations are those used at the time of publication. For example, the name used for the Methodist Church is ‘Wesleyan Methodist Connexion’.

Dates of publication/printing

Unconfirmed dates of publication or printing in the imprint are indicated by either a question mark (?) after the year (for the probable date; one year either side), or by ca. before the year (for an approximate date, with a span of about five years either side).

Spelling variations

Because of the gradual development of a consistent orthography for the Maori language, it is not appropriate to designate which of variant forms are right or wrong, especially for transliterated forms. For example, transliterated forms of ‘New Zealand' appear variously as 'Niu Tirene’, 'Nui Tirene’, 'Nui Tereni' and ‘Nui Tireni’. The use of [sic] and [i.e.] (to correct misspellings) has not been applied to such variants, but has been restricted to actual errors.

Words incorporating the new digraphs ng (first used in 1833; see no. 14) and wh (from 1841; see no. 86) in place of n and w are treated as simple variant spellings and interfiled with other words.


The earliest example in BiM of a macron indicating vowel length dates from 1869 (no. 728), but subsequent use was sporadic. In this bibliography the policy is not to add macrons to text where macrons were not used in the original.



Macrons are used in Maori text written for the bibliography, including personal names and names of corporate bodies presented in the main entry headings and indexes.

Place names

Place names are recorded as they appear on the item, with subsequent changes or transliterations noted. The English language form of name is used (not the transliteration) when referring to non-Maori place names. See also the note at the beginning of the Place names index (p. 879-82). Authorities used for confirming spelling include the database of Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) and, especially for macrons, the Bateman New Zealand historical atlas, ed. M. McKinnon (Auckland: David Bateman in association with the Historical Branch, Dept of Internal Affairs, 1997).


The following Maori words in general use are included in annotations.

hapu subgroup of a tribe

hui meeting

iwi tribe

kainga home, settlement

mana authority, influence

marae focal point of a settlement; meeting area

runanga assembly, council

waiata song

waiata tangi lament

waka canoe

whakapapa genealogy

wharenui meeting house




item not seen (or not located)

= parallel titles; usually found in serial titles: e.g. The Jubilee = Te Tiupiri (S4O)

AJCP Australian Joint Copying Project (Canberra, Australia)

AJHR Appendices to the Journals of the House of Representatives of New Zealand (1858-)

A J LC Appendices to the Journals of the Legislative Council of New Zealand ( 1860-1914)

BFBS British and Foreign Bible Society

BiM Books in Maori

CMS Church Missionary Society

DNZB Dictionary of New Zealand biography (5 v.; Wellington, 1990-2000)

Gazette New Zealand government gazette (Kororareka, 1841; Auckland, 1841-1857), New Zealand gazette (Auckland, 1857-1865), New Zealand government gazette (Wellington, 1853-1856), continued by New Zealand gazette (1857-)

GBPP Great Britain. Parliament, Parliamentary papers

Hansard New Zealand. Parliament, Parliamentary debates (1854- )

New Zealand. Parliament. House of Representatives, Journals (1858- )

J LC New Zealand. Parliament. Legislative Council, Journals (1860-1914)

J PS Journal of the Polynesian Society (1892- )

Kahitl Ko te kahiti o Niu Tireni (1865-1931); see entry SI 7

Member of the House of Representatives

MLC Member of the Legislative Council

NT - New Testament

NSW New South Wales (Australia)



OT Old Testament

NZJH New Zealand journal of history

NZPD New Zealand. Parliament, Parliamentary debates (1854- )

Scholefield ( DNZB) G. H. Scholefield, A dictionary of New Zealand biography (2 v.; Wellington: Dept of Internal Affairs, 1940)

RM Resident Magistrate

SPCK Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge

SPG Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts

TNZI Transactions of the New Zealand Institute {lB6B-1 933)

WMMS Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society


Bagnall A. G. Bagnall, New Zealand national bibliography to the year 1960 (5 v. in 6; Wellington: Government Printer, 1969-1985). Most references are to Volume 1 (to 1889) (2 v., 1980).

Grey ll:iv Sir George Grey and W. H. I. Bleek, The library of His Excellency Sir George Grey. K.C.B. Philology: Vol. 11.-Part IV, New Zealand, the Chatham Islands and Auckland Islands (London: Trubner, 1858).

Hoc Ken T. M. Hocken, A bibliography of the literature relating to New Zealand (Wellington: Government Printer, 1909).

Sommerville A. D. Sommerville, A supplement to the Williams bibliography of printed Maori (Wellington: Library School, 1947). Unpublished.

Williams Herbert W. Williams, A bibliography of printed Maori to 1900 (Wellington: Dominion Museum, 1924) (Dominion Museum monograph, no. 7).

Williams (S) Herbert W. Williams, A bibliography of printed Maori to 1900. Supplement (1928) (Wellington: 1928).




The following symbols have been used in the 'Copies’ information in entries, and in references to archival sources in annotations. Note that:

• Symbols are used for New Zealand. Australian and South African institutions; other overseas institutions are identified by their names and locations.

• Symbols for New Zealand institutions are those listed in the National Library of New Zealand directory New Zealand library symbols.

• Symbols are the same as those used in Bagnall, although capitalisation may vary.

• Copies listed in entries are not complete holdings; those listed are copies either seen or identified in the process of compiling BiM. Holdings are listed in alphabetical order, with photocopied holdings (for WTU only) in a secondary sequence.

• For widely held resources, such as AJHR and published microform editions of, for example, Niupepa 1842-1933: Maori newspapers, holdings other than WTU are not recorded.

ABH (formerly Bishop's House Library, Pompallier Diocesan Centre): Maori-language collection now held at Archives Department,

AP Auckland City Libraries

AR Auckland War Memorial Museum

ASJ Kinder Library, St John’s College, Auckland

AU The Library, University of Auckland

CMU Canterbury Museum. Christchurch

CUMB Macmillan Brown Library. University of Canterbury. Christchurch

DL Dixson Library, State Library of New South Wales, Sydney

DUHO Hocken Library, University of Otago, Dunedin

GP H. B. Williams Memorial Library, Gisborne

ML Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales, Sydney


ANZ Archives New Zealand. Wellington

Catholic Diocese of Auckland


NAMU Berry Library, Hawke’s Bay Museum, Napier

NLA National Library of Australia, Canberra

SAL Grey Collection, National Library of South Africa, Cape Town

WGA Parliamentary Library, Wellington

WP Wellington City Libraries

WTU Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington



Cite books listed in the main sequence of BiM in the following format:

BiM [entry number], e.g. BiM 123.


Cite serials in the following formats: BiM S [entry number] I [details as required]. Details will vary according to the nature of the serial: for example, BiM SI9/ 19 August 1 874 for a specific issue of the newspaper Te Wananga [BiM SI 9); BiM 522/1898 for the 1898 annual volume of legislation in English and Maori (New Zealand. Acts affecting native lands, etc.), of which the complete series is described at BiM 522.


Books, pamphlets & single-sheet printed items

arranged by year of publication and alphabetically within each year

I KENDALL, THOMAS (1778-1832)

1 KENDALL, Thomas (1778-1832)

Elementary Maori language primer.

A korao no New Zealand; | or, The ( New Zealander’s first book; | being | an attempt to compose some lessons for the | instruction of the natives. 1 [double rule] | Sydney: | Printed by G. Howe. | [rule] | 1815.

[2], 54 p.; 145x105 mm.; heavy brown paper covers. Prelim, pages: titlepage (verso blank).

An elementary primer comprising alphabets and numbers (p. [I ]-3), syllables in 12 numbered exercises (p. 4-7), word lists and sentences (exercises [l3]52. p. 7-39), alphabetical dictionary (p. 40-51), parts of speech (p. 52-53) and a few fragments of syntax (p. 54). Text from exercise [1 3] to end is in parallel Maori and English. Compiled by the CMS lay teacher Thomas Kendall in the Bay of Islands and sent to Rev. Samuel Marsden (then in Sydney) for printing, it is the first separately published work devoted to the Maori language.

Marsden, writing on 16 March 1816 to Josiah Pratt at the CMS in London, stated that he had had a few hundred copies printed and bound ( Missionary register. 1817, p. 525), and the Sydney gazette (9 December 1815, p. [2]) notes that 200 copies were to be sent to New Zealand on the Active. The only known surviving copy is held at the Auckland War Memorial Museum, which published a facsimile edition of 100 copies in 1957. The fly-leaf of the AR copy is inscribed: ‘From Mr J. King, first missionary to New Zealand To J. A. Telford, Paihia Bay of Islands and given to me at Port Macquarie New South Wales in June 1859. C. M. Berke’. King was in the New Zealand mission with Kendall from 1814, and Telford was Colenso’s successor as the mission printer at the Bay of Islands. 1842-45.

The sentences and a longer vocabulary (also comparing Maori with Tongan) were subsequently included in J.L. Nicholas's Narrative of a voyage to New Zealand (London, 1817; Bagnall 4268), v. 2, p, [327J-352.

For further information on Kendall's work in recording the Maori language see Judith Binney's biography of Kendall The legacy of guilt (Auckland, 1968; in particular Appendix 11. p. [I77J-185) and P. G. Parkinson, Our infant state (PhD thesis, Victoria University of Wellington, 2003), p. 5373. For a review of CMS operations in New Zealand and their impact, see B. Gilling, 'We have put our hand to the plough'. Stimulus, v. 7, no. 2 (May 1999), p. 3-10; the issue marked the bicentenary of the CMS in New Zealand.

Williams 1 & (S), Bagnall 2971. Copies: AR; WTU (1957 facsimile).

2 KENDALL, Thomas (1778-1832)

Superior paper issue of grammar compiled with Samuel Lee in England.

A | grammar | and | vocabulary | of the | language of New Zealand, | [double rule] | Published by the | Church Missionary Society. | [double rule] | London: | Printed by R. Watts. | and sold by L. B. Seeley, Fleet Street: and | John Hatchard & Son, Piccadilly. | [rule] | 1820.

[B], 230, [2] p.; 187x112 mm. Prelim, pages: title-page (verso blank). Advertisement, Contents, Preface. Colophon p. [23 l]: 'London: | [double rule] ) Printed by R, Watts. 1 Crown Court, Temple Bar.',


BiM 1: A Korao is an elementary text with alphabets and fragments of vocabulary, with reading lessons, intended mostly for missionary use. Auckland War Memorial Museum Übrary.

BiM 5: Extracts from the 1820 Grammar printed on cards was designed specifically to teach reading and writing to Maori at the mission school at the Bay of Islands. Auckland City Libraries.

Thomas Kendall's first books’ in the New Zealand language.

3 KENDALL. THOMAS (1778-1832)

Apart from the quality of paper, distinguishing features of this issue are (p. [l], alphabet) that the short and long vowels and sounds are set in two columns (separated by a double rule), and the final entry on the page is set as: 'ng NG [vertical rule] nga [vertical rule] as ng in King, | &c.’. Other issues are described in no. 3-4 and extracts on cards in no. 5. (Williams 4 is a proof copy and is therefore not included.)

The work comprises ‘The alphabet’ (p. [l]), ‘Table of syllables’ (p. 2-8), ‘Of the parts of speech’ (articles, nouns, numerals, pronouns, verbs, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, interjections: p. 8-57), ‘Syntax’ (p, 58-60); 'Praxis: Familiar dialogues' I-II (p. 61-66, in Maori and English), ‘Phrases, sentences, dialogues, &c in the New-Zealand and English languages’ (p. 67-106): ‘Wai a’ta’ (song with English translation) and seven other songs in Maori (p. 107-113), ‘Familiar dialogues, between a Christian missionary and his pupil’ l-VHI (p. 114-124, in Maori and English); 'A Prayer’, ‘The Creed’, 'Questions’ (a catechism) and 'The Lord's Prayer’ (p. 125-130, in Maori and English); The New-Zealand vocabulary' (p, [I3IJ-230). On-demand reprints are produced by UMI (University Microfilms).

Kendall’s Grammar appeared under the authority of the CMS, with the ‘Advertisement’ signed by the Secretary, Josiah Pratt, dated 20 November 1820. The preface is signed ‘Samuel Lee. Cambridge, November 1820'. 250 copies were printed on 'superior paper for distribution in such quarters as may be likely to promote the interests of the Society’, but mainly for circulation in England (Papers of the New Zealand mission 1809-1914, CMS Archive, University of Birmingham; microfilm copy at WTU. Micro-MS-Coll--04-03, Committee minutes, v. 5, p. 89).

Kendall compiled the work at Cambridge under the direction of outstanding oriental linguist Samuel Lee, Professor of Arabic at the time, over two months in 1820 when he was in England with the chiefs Hongi Hika and Waikato. For further background on their visit to England see D. U. Cloher, Hongi Hika. warrior chief (Auckland, 2003), p. 119-148. The work is based on material Kendall had collected over five years, and a vocabulary communicated to Lee by Tuai and Titeri in 1818.

For further information on Kendall’s work in recording the Maori language see Judith Binney’s biography of Kendall The legacy of guilt (Auckland, 1968: in particular Appendix 11. p. [I77J-185) and P. G. Parkinson. ‘The Maori grammars of and vocabularies of Thomas Kendall and John Gare Butler; Part 3, Kendall's revised grammar, 1827-32’, Rongorongo studies, v. 13, no. 2 (2003), p. 37-55.

Williams 2 & (S), Bagnall 3113. Copies: AP, AR, DUHO, NLA, WTU.


A I grammar | and | vocabulary | of the | language of New Zealand. | [double rule ] | Published by the | Church Missionary Society. | [double rule ] | London: | Printed by R. Watts, | and sold by L. B. Seeley, Fleet Street: and | John Hatchard & Son, Piccadilly. | [rule] | 1820.


[B], 230, [2] p.: 177x110 mm.; coarse brownish paper. Prelim, pages: title-

Coarse paper issue of the Grammar.

5 KENDALL. THOMAS (1778-1852)

page (verso blank), Advertisement. Contents. Preface. Colophon p. [23 l]: ’London: | [double rule] \ Printed by R. Watts, | Crown Court. Temple Bar.'.

Apart from the quality of paper, distinguishing features of this issue are (p. [l] (second sequence), alphabet) that the short and long vowels and sounds are set in three columns (separated by single rules), and the final entry on the page is set as: ’NG ng [vertical rule] nga [vertical rule ] as ng in King. &c.’.

This coarse paper issue of the Grammar was printed ’for the use of the Society’s schools in New Zealand’ (Papers of the New Zealand mission 18091914, CMS Archive, University of Birmingham; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-Coll-04-03, Committee minutes, v. 5, p. 89) and intended for the use of the missionaries and settlers. 500 copies were printed. 50 copies (presumably of this issue) were given to the Wesleyan mission; see annotation to no. 5.

Williams 3/i, Bagnall 3113 (note). Copies: AP, AR. DUHO, WTU,


Abbreviated coarse paper issue of the Grammar.

A | grammar | and | vocabulary | of the | language of New Zealand. | [double rule] | Published by the 1 Church Missionary Society. | London: | [double rule] | Printed by R. Watts, | and sold by L. B. Seeley, Fleet Street; and | John Hatchard & Son, Piccadilly. | [rule] | 1820.

[B], 60 p. 177x110 mm. Prelim, pages: title-page (verso blank). Advertisement, Contents, Preface. Printed on the same coarse paper and with the same setting variations of the alphabet (p. [l], second sequence) as no. 3.

An abbreviated issue of the Grammar, lacking everything after p. 60.

Williams 3/ii. Bagnall 3113 (note). Copies: AR. WTU.


Extracts from the Grammar printed on double-sided cards.

The alphabet. | [rule] \ Vowels. Sound, [double vertical rule] Vowels. Sound. I [rule] | Long [double vertical rule] Short | [. . .] [no imprint. London: Printed by R. Watts, 1820]

[B] sheets ([l6] p ); 153x105 mm.: bluish heavyweight paper.

A reprint on eight double-sided cards of p. [l]-8, 114-124, 130 and 127-128 of the superior paper issue of Kendall’s Grammar (no. 2) omitting the English translations of the texts. Most of the text is reimposed or reset and the pagination is omitted. Four cards contain the alphabet (in the two-column setting of no. 2. p. [l]). and Table of syllables (20 numbered exercises corresponding to p. 2-8). The other four cards contain 'Familiar dialogues between a Christian missionary and his pupil' (p. I 14-124, Dialogues l-VIII), the Lord’s Prayer (p. 130) and the Apostles’ Creed (p. 127-128).

John King and Kendall used the cards as reading and spelling primers for Maori students in the mission school at Rangihoua (Bay of Islands) They are



mentioned in the minutes of the CMS Committee of Correspondence, I I December 1820, as ‘lOOO copies of the simpler parts of the Grammar . printed on cards for the younger scholars, . The CMS also made copies available to the Wesleyan mission then being planned: 'as the Wesleyan Missionary Society has it in contemplation to form a mission in New Zealand, near the River Thames, it might be expedient to present to that Society some copies of the Grammar and sets of cards, to aid them in carrying their object into effect.’ (Papers of the New Zealand mission 1809-1914, CMS Archive. University of Birmingham; microfilm copy at WTU. Micro-MS-Coll-04-03. Committee minutes, v. 5, p, 89).

A WMMS resolution of 3 January 1821 records 'That the very cordial thanks of the Committee be given to the Rev. Josiah Pratt, and the Committee of the Church Missionary Society for the favour of a present of 50 copies of the New Zealand Grammar and 200 cards, containing lessons for the use of our missionaries proceeding to that Island, and the Schools which may be established there.’ (Methodist Missionary Society (London), Letters and other material relating to Australia. New Zealand and the South Seas, 1812-1889, Methodist Missionary Society: microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-Coll-03-03). The first missionary. Samuel Leigh, arrived in January 1822; for the early history of the mission see J, M. R. Owens. Prophets in the wilderness (Auckland, 1974).

Copies: AP; WTU (photocopy).

6 NEW SOUTH WALES. Governor (1821-1825 : Brisbane)

Proclamation. Sydney. 17 May 1824. in English and Maori. New South Wales. | Proclamation, | 1. By His Excellency Sir Thomas Brisbane, | K.C.B. Captain General and Governor in | Chief in and over the Colony of New South | Wales and its dependencies, &c. &c. &c. | il. Whereas misguided persons often commit | gross outrages in the islands of the Indian | and Pacific Ocean, and elsewhere, against the interest | of the fair trader, and to the extreme injury of the 1 unoffending natives thereof, [,..]| [5O lines ] 1 Given under my Hand and Seal | at Sydney, I 7th of May, 1824. | Thomas Brisbane, L.S, | By His Excellency’s Command, | F. Goulburn, Colonial Secretary. | God Save the King! f oarallel text .l

New South Wales. | E Korero, | I. Na tona Excelenei, ia Sir Thomasa Brisa- | bane, ko te Captani, ko te tino Rangatira | waka shau; o tenei kainga, o New South | Wales, me ona tine motu am oki, &c. &c. &c. | 11. Na te mea, e maha nga pashua tanga o nga | Motu, kite Moana Pocifica; a, kite Moana tudiana, e | nga tangata kino: a ko uga tangata shoko ka mate ia ratou: | me nga tangata maori, [...]) [45 lines] | 6. Kua oti nei te o am i toku nei | Ringa ringa me tbku Seala i Sydiny, | 17 May, 1824. | E tono na tona Excelency | Ko F. Goulburne, To kbnei | kai tuhi tuhi. | Ma te Ama e waka orate Kingi. [no imprint. Sydney: R. Howe, Government Printer, 1824]

I sheet ([l] p.): 310x190 mm. English and Maori text in parallel columns separated by wavy rule: printed on a half-sheet of foolscap. The imprint is



based on the version of Howe's printing of the English text only (with minor variations) on a larger size sheet.

The proclamation, subsequently disallowed, extended British law to places 'where the Admiral or Admirals have power; authority or jurisdiction; . [to] the islands of New Zealand. Otaheite, or any island, country, or place, situate, in the Indian or Pacific Oceans, and not subject to His Majesty, or to any European state or power' with the intention to use it against the masters or crews of British vessels and British subjects in New Zealand and elsewhere.

The translation was probably done by the Rev. John Care Butler, former Superintendent of the CMS mission at Kerikeri, who was minister at the Native Institution or seminary at Parramatta (NSW) at the time, Butler refers in his published journal ( Earliest New Zealand (Masterton, 1927), p. 369-372) to writing in Maori and to a 3 May meeting with the Governor, who mentioned his intention to issue the proclamation. In a letter to the CMS dated 27 May 1824, enclosing a copy of the proclamation, Brisbane states T have considered it incumbent on me to issue the accompanying proclamation in consequence of many diabolical acts of outrage committed by British ships in these seas, and more particularly on a recent occasion at Vavaoo, one of the Friendly Islands, by the 'Rambler' whaler, when the Master paid the forfeit of his life for his brutality, otherwise he must have been tried for his life here.' (Papers of the New Zealand mission 1809-1914, CMS Archive. University of Birmingham; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-Coll-04-29, Mission books, CN/M3, p 196). Bagnall 3786. Copies: AP; WTU (photocopy).

7 LORD’S PRAYER. Maori. 1826

Wesleyan Methodist Mission version of the Lord's Prayer.

The Lord's Prayer. | in the 1 New-Zealand tongue. | [double rule ] | To matu Matua e noho'na koe | i dunga kite rangi, kia tabu tou | ingwa. Kiaue te mutunga hiara o | te ou nei, [...]! [l3 lines] | Atkinson's Office, High-Row. Darlington. [County Durham, England, 1826]

I sheet ((I) p.); 230x195 mm. (cropped). Text in an ornamental border; colophon below border.

On the basis of three known copies it seems most likely that this would have been printed for distribution as a single-sheet item. The copy recorded by Williams (now in WTU) was printed on p. [l] of a folded sheet, with ‘a letter from a friend in London written to the Rev. J, Hobbs on the blank pages [34), and reached him February 12. 1827' and was probably specially struck off. The sheet was later trimmed and the leaf bearing the letter is no longer present, but the copy has a pencil note 'received by J. Hobbs from W. White, London, 12/2/27'. (Hobbs was in Sydney at this time, following the sacking of the Wesleydale Methodist mission at Whangaroa, but returned to New Zealand later that year.)

J. M. R. Owens. Prophets in the wilderness (Auckland, 1974). p. 66. notes that Hobbs's journal entry of 24-30 April 1825 refers to translating the Lord's Prayer, portions of scripture and the Catechism into Maori. Letters of Hobbs's colleague James Stack to the WMMS also contain references to the translation;



on 20 April Stack notes: 'Completed our translation of the Lord's Prayer,' (Methodist Church Overseas Division (Methodist Missionary Society), Letters to the Secretaries, 1817-1826, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London; ASJ has typed transcripts. MET 004/1/1). The circumstances imply that Hobbs. Stack and William White were all involved in the translation, and that White took it to England with him in 1826 for printing. This and the date of printing are confirmed by a note on the verso of the WP copy: ‘This was given to Mr Taylor's family by the Reverend Mr White missionary from New Zealand who printed it himself. Carmarthen 28th September 1826'.

The orthography of the prayer is different from the CMS versions: Kendall (1820) see no. 2, p. 130; Shepherd (1827), see no. 9, p. 24; and Yate (1830), see no. 11, p. 56, 69, 77, 80. It is also different from that of John Care Butler in his published journal Earliest New Zealand (Masterton, 1927), p. 359.

Williams 4a, Bagnail 3183. Copies: WP, WTU.


Alphabets and spelling exercises on cards.

[Alphabet; actual title not known; no copy located. Sydney; Printed by Robert Howe, 1827.]

Physical description not known; no copy located. Description from secondary source.

500 copies are known to have been printed from a copper plate on ‘cards like handbills' for John Hobbs and the Wesleyan New Zealand mission; see no. ** 10 for further details.

No copy located.

9 BIBLE. Maori. Selections. 1827.

Selections from Old and New Testaments with Lord's Prayer and hymns. Kenehihi. | Ko te tahi o nga upoko. | 1 I te orokomeatanga i hanga e te Atua te | rangi mete 'wenua. | [. . .] [G. Eagar, Printer, King-st., Sydney. [18271]

31, [l] p.; 170x110 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 31. Page [32] blank.

The work contains extracts from Genesis 1-3, John 1. extracts from Exodus 20, Matthew 5, with the Lord's Prayer and seven hymns (p. 25-31). The digraph "w’ is used for the digraph ‘wh’.

The primary translator was James Shepherd, but the work was collectively edited by the Committee of Missionaries of the Church Mission. 400 copies of the work (at a cost of £4l) were printed in August 1827, under the supervision of Richard Davis, for the New South Wales Auxiliary of the BFBS; see J, N. Coleman, A memoir of the Rev. Richard Davis (London, 1865), p. 96.

Williams 5 & (S), Bagnail 447. Copies: AP, DUHO; WTU (photocopy).




Wesleyan Conference Catechism and four hymns.

[Wesleyan Conference Catechism and four hymns; actual title not known: no copy located. Sydney: Printed by Robert Howe, 1827]

Physical description not known: no copy located. Description from secondary source.

The translation of the Wesleyan Catechism was completed on 16 December 1826, the translators being Turner, Hobbs and Stack (Nathaniel Turner, Personal narrative, 1 793-1835, ML, Al 835; copy at WTU, qMS-2062, p. 140). Rev. John Hobbs wrote in his letter no. 22, Sydney, 18 October, 1827: ’. . . While we were in New Zealand we translated into the native tongue the first set of the Conference Catichism [sic] and I have now got this printed. We have also 4 hymns which we have got printed with them. Two of these were sung by our domestic boys and girls while in New Zealand and two of them have been finished since we came to this colony. The composition of poetry in the New Zealand language is very difficult: we have therefore been 4 years learning the language, and have only 4 hymns. The church brethren I think have 7 hymns which they have got printed and a few chapters of the scriptures. We have also got printed some cards like handbills containing the alphabets great and small and exercises in orthography which we hope will be very useful, Mr. Rob. Howe printer of Sydney has been kind enough to print gratis 1,000 copies of the catechisms and hymns, 500 copies of the alphabets and exercises in orthography. . . . The catechisms and hymns and orthographical exercises, will be a sufficiency for the present to improve them in reading. And as I found some difficulty in New Zealand in getting them to remember the form of the letters distinctly in [cursive] writing, I have had a number of printed copies of the alphabets great and small from a copper plate. Some of these I intend to stick round the school as soon as we get one. and I hope that our endeavours in the aggregate will not be in vain,’ (John Hobbs, Letters 1824-1849, p. 10-12, AR; copy at WTU, qMS-0961).

The Catechism was reprinted in 1837 by William Woon (no. 43) with the title Ko nga katikihama mo nga tamariki nonohi. which may have been the title of this 1827 issue.

Williams **sa. No copy located.

11 BIBLE. Maori. Selections. 1830.

Selections from Old and New Testaments, with services, catechisms and hymns.

Ko te pukapuka tuatahi o | Mohi e huaina ana ko | Kenehi. | [swelled rule] \ [. . .] [Printed by R. Mansfield for the executors of R. Howe. [Sydney: 1830]]

1 17, [l] p.; 1 77x105 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 117. Pages 11 ]-51 printed in two columns separated by vertical rule. Pages [s2] and [llB] blank.

A collection of scriptural extracts (Genesis 1-3. Matthew 1-9, John 1-4, 1 Corinthians 1-6, p. [l]-51) followed by parts of the services for Morning and



Evening Prayer (p, 53-85), the Ten Commandments (p. 86-88), two catechisms (p. 89-100), and nineteen hymns (p. (101]-1 I 7). In July 1830 550 copies were printed under the supervision of Rev. William Yate for the New South Wales Auxiliary of the BFBS. A copy now in the Hocken Library is annotated ‘Reed. Dec. 14/30' and therefore one of the first copies sent by Yate to the CMS.

Details of the compilation of this work are given by Yate (William Yate, journals 1828-1834, in Papers of the New Zealand mission 1809-1914, CMS Archive, University of Birmingham: microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-Coll--04-64, Various letters New Zealand mission, CN/Q99a), Yate and fellow missionaries James Kemp and James Hamlin were responsible for the translation of Corinthians (begun 25 June 1828) while Matthew was translated by ‘the friends at Paihia’ (William Williams and Henry Williams), who had finished eight chapters by 28 August 1828. All collaborated on the translation of the Litanv.

The text for Evening Prayer includes (p. 82) prayers for King George IV, news of whose death on 30 June 1830 (just before the text was printed) would have taken several months to reach Australia. Prayer books published between 1833 (no. 19) and 1844 (no. 197) printed prayers for Maori chiefs in place of those for the late King and Royal Family, but in 1848 (no. 357) prayers for the Queen were reinstated.

On 25 February 1828 Yate recorded that he was ‘preparing a catechism for translation into the New Zealand language. This latter is a work of great importance as a great number of natives can read tolerably well. We very much want a printing press and a good printer.' On 7 April he mentions that the catechism he is compiling is being translated by Kemp and George Clarke and later in the month (17 April) he refers to it as a ‘simple catechism for the use of schools’. The translation was completed by June 19, when Yate started to teach his native students to commit it to memory. This is probably the second of the two catechisms in this collection, beginning ‘Na wai koia. I hanga te ao me nga mea katoa e kite nei tatou?’.

The two catechisms, 'Ko te katikihama I’ (31 questions) and ‘Ko te katikihama IP (41 questions), were included in the 1833 prayer book (no. 19) as part of a collection of four catechisms that was also issued separately (no. 18). One or both of these 1830 catechisms were included in later collections of catechisms (see no. 71, 108, 329, 371, 389, 420 and 881). The second was issued in a heavily modified form under the title Katikihama hei ahoranga ma te tamariki in 1882 (no. 1024).

The first separate Anglican prayer book was published in 1833 (no. 19). Williams 6 & (S), Bagnall 448. Copies: AP, DUHO, NLA, WTU (p. [l]-4 photocopy).


Church Catechism from the Book of Common Prayer.

Ko te katekihama 111. | Ko wai tou ingoa? | Ko mea. | [. , .] [no imprint. Kerikeri: Printed at the Church Mission Press, 1830]

[2], vi p,; 185 x 1 1 5 mm. Caption title. Prelim, pages blank. The lower case T



(not used in Maori) is used throughout in place of the upper-case roman T. The first extant work printed in New Zealand. It is a translation by Rev. William Yate of the Church Catechism from the Book of Common Prayer and was the third catechism printed by the CMS mission (see no. 11 for the first two). The Church Catechism was also included in later collections: see no. 18, 71, 118, 329, 389, 420 and 881.

The printing was carried out in August 1830 at Kerikeri by Yate with the assistance of fifteen-year-old pressman James Smith on the small press brought back from Sydney in July. See W.J. Cameron, New Zealand's first printing press (Auckland, 1959) for further detailed examination of the print evidence. In a letter sent a few months later Yate remarked: 'lt is not so well done as we could wish but James Smith and I have only served three weeks apprenticeship at the business.' (Yate to CMS Secretaries, 5 November 1830, in William Yate. Correspondence 1808-1840, original (formerly in K. A. Webster Coll.) not located: microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-0239). In 1992 the Auckland City Library published a facsimile edition of its copy.

Ko te Katekihama 111 (BiM 12) The first work printed in New Zealand, at the Kerikeri mission station, by Rev. William Yate and James Smith. August 1830: "It is not so well done as we could wish but James Smith and I have only served three weeks apprenticeship at the business.' This is the copy that Yate sent to the Church Missionary Society (CMS). Alexander Turnbull Library Printed collections



For later separate issues of the Church Catechism see no. 223, 356, 355, 388 and 908. The text was also included in the 1833 prayer book (no. 19) Richard Taylor, in The past and present (London, 1868), p. 38, refers to ■peculiarities’ of terminology in several versions of the Church Catechism that ‘have tickled the native fanr.v'

Williams 7 & (S), Bagnall 1180. Copies: AP, WTU.

*‘l3 HYMN.

Church of England hymn sheet.

[Hymn; actual title not known: no copy located. Kerikeri: Printed at the Church Mission Press, 1830]

Physical description not known: no copy located. Description from secondary source.

In a letter dated 'Keri Keri Sept 2 1830’ to the CMS Secretaries, William Yate wrote: 'lO. We thank you for the [printing] press, and have no doubt but that with the blessing of God, it will be an instrument of great good in this land. You will perceive by the copy of a hymn forwarded by this conveyance, that we shall be able in as [sic] a short time to manage it. We have made a requisition for some figures, and other little articles, connected with the press, which we hope you will forward as soon as possible’ (William Yate, Correspondence 1808-1840, original (formerly in K. A. Webster Coll.) not located; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-0239). The early printing efforts are also reported in the Missionary register (January 1831), p. 67-68.

This hymn sheet (possibly one of several), of which no copies are known to survive, was the first work printed in New Zealand. See also W.J. Cameron, New Zealand's first printing press (Auckland. 1959) for further background information.

Williams **7 a. No copy located.


Maori alphabet in upper and lower case, with punctuation marks and numerals.

AEHIKMM|OPRTUWNG| [double rule] |aehikmnop|rtuw ng -& £ | . 712468010 20 | 13579 50 100 [no imprint. Sydney?: Printed by William Jones?, 1833?]

1 sheet ([l] p.); 443x567 mm. Printed from lead type. The separate capital ‘W, and the lower case ‘n‘ in the digraph ‘ng’, are reversed and printed from roughly cut type. The numerals are printed in a double row. The printer of this alphabet is unknown, and the date is quite uncertain: Williams’s date (derived from Hocken p. 525) has been followed. A copy in WTU is inscribed in pencil by Williams: ‘Printed in Sydney for Yate the missionary by Jones Printer Bridge St Sydney’ but it is not possible to confirm this. The printer William Jones was active between 1832 and 1846 and almost certainly printed items no. 16 and 17.

There is no evidence that this item was printed for the CMS mission as neither Yate nor any of the CMS members refer to it. It is possible, however.


16 BIBLE. NT. MATTHEW XIX. 13-15 MAORI. 1833?

that it was ordered for the mission schools by Yate through the agency of William Barrett Marshall in 1834 (see no. 21).

15 BIBLE. Maori. Selections. 1833.

Selections from the Old and New Testaments.

Ko te tahi wahi o | te Kawenata Hou | o Ihu Karaiti te Ariki, | to tatou Kai Wakaora. | Me nga upoko e waru | o te pukapuka o Kenehi. | Ka oti nei te wakamaori kite reo o 1 Nu Tirani. | [double rule] | Hirini: [i.e. Sydney] 1 Kua oti te ta e Te Tipene raua ko Te Toki. | [wavy rule] 1 1833.

170 p,; 192x153 mm. Printed in two columns separated by vertical rule. Page [2] blank.

Contains Genesis 1-8, Matthew, John, Acts, Romans. 1 Corinthians. 1800 copies were printed in Sydney by Stephens and Stokes under the supervision of Rev. William Yate at the same time as no. 19. with which it is usually bound (William Yate, Journals 1828-1834, and Letters 1827-1834, in Papers of the New Zealand mission 1809-1914, CMS Archive, University of Birmingham; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-Coll-04-64. Various letters New Zealand mission, CN/G99a, CN/Q99b). See no. 19 for additional notes about the printing. The BFBS had agreed that the translation could be printed in Sydney and authorised the New South Wales Auxiliary to retain funds towards the costs (£6O was paid) and also 'voted' sufficient paper for the job; see Auxiliary Bible Society of New South Wales, Report. 17 (1833), p. 7-9. Williams 8 &. (S), Bagnall 449. Copies: AP, AR. DL, DUHO, WTU.

16 BIBLE. N.T. Matthew XIX, 13-15. Maori 1833?

Children brought to | Christ, | [double rule] | Ka mau-ria nga ta-ma-ri-Ki ki Te Ka-rai-ti. | [ornamental rule] | Me i rei-ra ka a-ra-hi-na mai he ta-ma-ri-ki no-no-hi ki a ia, | kia wa-ka-pa-kia ai a-na ri-nga-ri-nga ki a ra-tou, kia ka-ra- | kia-tia; a ri-ria a-na e a-na a-ko-nga[,] O-ti ka ki a-tu a l-hu, 1 Tu-kua nga ta-ma-ri-ki no-no-hi, au-a ta ra-tou hae-re mai | ki hau e ri-ria; no nga pe-nei ho-ki te ra-nga-ti-ra-ta-nga o te | ra-ngi. | A wa-ka-pa-kia a-na a-na ri-nga-ri-nga ki a ra-tou, hae-re a-tu | a-na ia i rei-ra. 1 19th Matthew, 13, 15. [no imprint. Sydney?: Printed by William Jones?, 1833?]

1 sheet ([l] p); 455x387 mm. Due to a shortage of type, some syllable breaks are marked with short hyphens and full stops rather than en dashes. The text of Matthew 19:13-15 in syllabified Maori produced for use in mission schools. The text is the same as that in the version of Matthew published for the first time in 1833 (no. 15).

From similarities in type and paper with Williams 12/ iii (Morning prayer and Evening prayer, in English) that have the Jones colophon, this poster was almost certainly also printed by William Jones, of 10 Bridge Street, Sydney, The date is uncertain, and that in Williams has been followed for lack of other evidence. It is possible that this and no. 17 were printed in 1840 for the


Poster for teaching reading, with text from Matthew broken into syllables.

Williams 12/ i. Copies: DUHO. WTU.

17 BIBLE. NT, JOHN XI, 43-44 MAORI. 18337

Wesleyan missionary James Watkin, in the first South Island mission at Waikouaiti, but this cannot be confirmed

Williams 13/ i & 12/ ii. Copies: AP. AR, DUHO. ML (Colenso papers. A 236), NLA. WTU.

17 BIBLE. N.T. John XI, 43-44. Maori. 1833?

Poster for teaching reading, with text from John broken into syllables. Christ raiseth Lazarus | to life. | [double rule] | Ka wa-ka-a-ra-hia a Ra-ha-ru-hi e Te Ka-rai-ti. | [ornamental rule] | A no ka pe-nei a-tu ia ka ka-ra-nga ki te reo nui, E Ra-ha- | ru-hi, pu-ta mai. A pu-ta mai a-na te tu-pa-pa-ku, he mea he-re | o-na ri-nga-ri-nga me o-na wae-wae kite ka-ka-hu ta-nu-ma-nga; | me to-na ma-ta kite hei. Ka mea a-tu a 1-hu ki a ra-tou. We-te- | kia, tu-kua kia hae-re. | 1 Ith John, 43, 44. [no imprint. Sydney?: Printed by William Jones?, 1833?]

I sheet ([l] p.): 454x385 mm.

The text of John 11:43-44 in syllabified Maori produced for use in mission schools.

This poster is in the same style as no. 16 and comments made there relating to attribution of printing and date and version of the text also apply to this item.


Four catechisms.

Ko nga | katikihama | e wa; | ka oti nei te wakamaori | kite reo o | Nu Tirani. | [double rule] | Hirini: [i.e. Sydney] | Kua oti te ta e Te Tipene raua ko Te Toki. | [wavy rule] | 1833.

55, [l] p.: 135x84 mm.: bluish heavyweight laid paper. Pages [2] and [s6] blank. Printed from the same type as p. 57-75 of no. 19, but reimposed for the smaller format page size.

Four catechisms with caption titles ’Ko te Katikihama I’ to ' . . . IV. They are: Ml, the two composed at Kerikeri by Yate (printed in 1830, see no. I 1): 111, a translation of Isaac Watts’s ‘First catechism containing the principles of religion’ (24 questions) combined with another work by Watts (‘Catechism of scripture names’ with 36 questions from the Old Testament and 34 questions from the New Testament). The two Watts catechisms were originally published under the title The first sett of catechisms and prayers (London. 1730?; sth ed., 1734). Catechism IV is the Church Catechism first printed as ‘Ko te katekihama lII’ in 1830 (no. 12).

Printed by Stephens and Stokes under the supervision of William Yate, at the same time as no, 15 and 19. Writing to the CMS (8 May 1833) Yate reports: 'I had 750 copies of the four catechisms struck off for gratuitous distribution among the natives and I applied to the Committee of the Tract Society here to pay this bill of 16 pounds. They did not do so ... I then proposed they should give me the money out of their own purses. Twelve


Williams 13/ ii & 12/ ii. Copies: AP. DUHO, NLA. ML (Colenso papers. A 236), WTU.


pounds was immediately subscribed and I called upon some friends next day to make up the remainder which they did.' (William Yate, Journals 1 828-1834, and Letters 1827-1834, in Papers of the New Zealand mission 1809-1914, CMS Archive, University of Birmingham; microfilm copy at WTU. Micro-MS-Coll-04-64, Various letters New Zealand mission, CN/099a, CN/099b).

For subsequent collections of catechisms (of which the contents tend to vary, though there are usually four) see no. 71. 108, 329, 371, 389, 420 and 881.

Williams 10 & (S), Bagnall 1181. Copies: DUHO; WTU (photocopy).

19 -

Parts of the Book of Common Prayer.

Ko te | Pukapuka Inoinga, | me nga karakia | hakarameta, | me era ritenga hoki o te Hahi o | Ingarani, | [double rule] | Hirini: [i.e. Sydney] | Kua oti te ta e Te Tipene raua ko Te Toki. | [ wavy rule] | 1833.

88 p.; 192x153 mm. Printed in two columns separated by vertical rule. Page [2] blank. Printed by Stephens and Stokes.

The first separate Anglican prayer book, although parts had been included with the scriptural extracts and hymns of 1830 (no. I I). The work contains Morning and Evening Prayer, services for communion, baptism, marriage, burial etc., four catechisms and 27 hymns. Prayers for Maori chiefs (p. 20) replaced that for the King in the text for Evening Prayer and appeared in all editions up to 1844 (no. 197). The 1848 complete Book of Common Prayer (no. 357) reinstated prayers for the Queen. See no. 18 for details of the four catechisms (p. 57-75).

It was printed in early 1833 under the supervision of Rev. William Yate, at the same time as no. 15, which is usually bound with it. Yate. with Edward Parry Hongi's help in proof reading and correction, was in New South Wales from November 1832 to August 1833 on CMS business: see W. Yate. An account of New Zealand (London, 1835), p 231-232. This prayer book was printed first and was completed by 22 March 1833 as Yate reports in his letter to the CMS of that date. 1,800 copies of each work were printed at a cost of about £5OO. Part of the print run was reserved for the Wesleyan mission and 2500 copies were intended to be used for wages or barter with Maori. Yate says that the work was done as cheaply as possible by tender but only one tender was received, the other Sydney printers not being able to undertake so large a work (William Yate, Journals 1828-1834, and Letters 1827-1834, in Papers of the New Zealand mission 1809-1914, CMS Archive. University of Birmingham; microfilm copy at WTU. MS-Coll-04-64, Various letters New Zealand mission, CN/099a, CN/099b). He had most copies of no. 15 and no. 19 bound together and sent samples to the CMS on 21 May 1833.

For later abridged issues of the Anglican prayer book see no. 56, 72, 73, 74. 93. 109, 197. 405, 421. 472-473. The first complete Book of Common Prayer was published in 1841 (no. 92), with later issues and editions described at no. 357, 391. 422. 474, 487, 488, 851, 909, 928, 965, 997, 1025, 1068, 1069, 1097, 1175, 1273, 1350, 1422. 1485.

Williams 9 & (S), Bagnall 1168. Copies: AP. AR, DL, DUHO, WTU.



20 GREAT BRITAIN. Colonial Office

Letter announcing appointment of Busby as British Resident, and his Address.

Letter | of the | Right Honorable | Lord Viscount Goderich, | and | Address | of | James Busby, Esq. British Resident, | to the | chiefs of New Zealand, | [rule] |

[parallel text:]

Ko te pukapuka | o te tino rangatira | o Waikauta Koreriha, | mete korero | o Te Puhipi | ki nga rangatira | o Nu Tirani. | [rule] \ Sydney: | Printed at the Gazette Office, by Anne Howe. [1833]

[2], 10 p.; 213x134 mm.; pink or green paper covers (blank). English and Maori text in parallel columns. Prelim, pages blank.

Goderich's letter (p. [3]-5), dated 14 June 1832, is in reply to that from the chiefs sent to King William IV through Rev. William Yate and the Governor of New South Wales in 1831. The manuscript letter in Maori (dated at Kerikeri, 5 October 1831; PRO CO 201/221 ff. 384-388) sought the King’s protection against rumoured French intentions to annex New Zealand for the French Crown; for further information see P. Adams, Fatal necessity (Auckland, 1977), p. 75-77. Yate’s covering note of 16 November 1831 and his English translation are reprinted in GBPP 1840 [23B], p. 7.)

This reply from Goderich, Secretary of State for the Colonies, announces that the King has sent Busby to live among them as the British Resident. Busby's address (p. 6-10), dated at Paihia, 17 May 1833, explains the King’s intention in sending him and his wishes for friendly relations. Busby’s appointment and the consequences are discussed in C. Orange, The Treaty of Waitangi (Auckland, 1987), p. 12-27, and P. G. Parkinson, Our infant state (PhD thesis, Victoria University of Wellington, 2003), p. 1 75-201.

The translation is by William Williams but it was prepared for the printer by Yate, who was in Sydney for the first half of 1833. The circumstances of the publication are recorded in Busby’s dispatch of 25 May 1833 (to Colonial Secretary, New South Wales, dispatch no. 7 in James Busby, Dispatches from the British Resident 1833-1839, WTU qMS-0344). E. J. Tapp, Early New Zealand (Melbourne, 1958, p. 90) records that Bourke ordered 1,000 copies to be printed.

A letter from the Wesleyan Superintendent in the Hokianga, Rev. William White, to Busby acknowledged receiving a copy 'for distribution among chiefs’ (William White to James Busby, 30 October 1833; ANZ, BR 1/1, p. 97). Williams I I, Bagnall 2139. Copies: AP, DUHO. NLA, WTU.

21 MARSHALL, William Barrett (d. 1841)

Sheets of syllables and words for teaching infant classes to read. Ratari 1. |hahehihohu|kake ki ko ku | [8 lines] [no imprint. Sydney: 1834]

11 sheets ([II] p); 255 x 197 mm.

Quarto lesson sheets titled Ratari 1-10 and 12. Ratari II is not in any known set and it seems likely it was never issued. Each sheet has columns of



syllables and words of increasing difficulty. The lessons were later used as the basis of other publications; see no. 59 and 75.

Williams identifies the type as heavy-faced canon (sheets 1-3, 5, 7), twoline English (sheets 4. 6. 8-10), and double pica (sheet 12), which is also used for the heading on all sheets. Typographic anomalies indicate a shortage of some letters. There are many similarities between the typeface of sheets 110 and the posters printed by William Jones (no. 16 and 17), who may also have printed these. 350 sets were still in stock in 1 852 and are known to have been issued as late as 1854 (St John's College, Purewa, Book Depository Ledger 111, 1852-1854, ASJ, SJCT 14/38, p. 13; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-09361

'Ratari' is probably a transliteration of 'letters’. The lessons were printed in Sydney for William Barrett Marshall in 1834 after his visit to New Zealand in HMS Alligator. At Paihia Marshall found that infants were being taught in English due to a lack of materials, and proceeded to contribute his expertise, translated by Mrs Williams and Mrs Brown; see W. B. Marshall, A personal narrative of two visits to New Zealand (London, 1836), p. 46-47.

A letter dated 27 June 1834 from Rev. Richard Hill, Secretary of the Corresponding Committee of the CMS, to Rev. W. Yate states: 'Mr Surgeon Marshall of H.M.S. Alligator having ordered some lessons to be printed for the schools I have had a large number struck off as I thought it would be wrong to allow the Press to be broken up with so few struck off, I enclose a copy of the printer's bill amounting to £3.14.6.’ (Papers of the New Zealand mission 1809-1914, CMS Archive, University of Birmingham; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-Coll-04-43, Various letters New Zealand mission, CN/OSb).

Williams 14. Copies: AP. DL, DUHO, NLA, WTU.

22 BIBLE. N.T. Ephesians. Maori. 1835.

St Paul's Epistles to the Ephesians and Philippians.

Ko nga | pukapuka 1 o Paora te Apotoro | kite hunga o | Epeha, o Piripai. | [swelled rule] | [woodcut illustration with caption: Matiu, Upoko 20, 34.] | [ornamental rule] | Paihia: | He mea ta i te Perehi o nga Mihanere o te | Hahi o Ingarani | [rule] | 1835.

16 p.; 195x125 mm. Printed in two columns. Page [2] blank. The woodcut illustration is of Christ healing two blind men (Matthew 20:34).

St Paul’s Epistles to the Ephesians and Philippians. William Colenso printed 2,000 copies in February 1835, the first items from the press at Paihia after his arrival there on 30 December 1834 (William Colenso, Printing Office accounts 1835-1842, AR. MS 76, Box 2). Some copies were later bound with the translation of Luke (no. 27).

Writing to the CMS on 16 March 1835, Colenso reports: 'Since the date of my last (Jany 30) I have been engaged in cleaning and setting up the printing press and getting it into working condition;- laying cases, composing and working off 2000 copies of a post Bvo tract of 16 pps containing Paul's Epistles to the Ephesians and Philippians. A printer in London cannot form a correct idea of the disadvantages wherein 1 laboured in the setting this up and sending it out. In consequence of not having a single lead I was obliged to substitute paper and spaces for blank lines. ... I trust, dear Sir, that


23 BUSBY. JAMES (1802-1871)

considering all things you will be pleased with this little ‘pukapuka’ - 12 copies of which you have enclosed for your government. . . This “first fruits” of the New Zealand Press, which the Lord hath allowed me to begin and complete, is very much liked by the natives . . .’ (William Colenso, Letters, 1834-1853, DUHO; copy at WTU, qMS-0491, v. I). The Ledger (compiled later) incorrectly states that 2,000 copies were printed in July 1835 (William Colenso, Ledger 1836-1842, WTU fMS-048, p. 37).

For further information on Colenso see A. G. Bagnall and G. C. Petersen, William Colenso (Wellington, 1948) and P. G. Parkinson, Our infant state (PhD thesis. Victoria University of Wellington. 2003), p. 202-223,

Williams 15 & (S), Bagnall 450. Copies: AP, AR, DL, DUHO, NLA, WTU.

23 BUSBY, James (1802-1871)

Printed letter, April 1835, about compensation for attack on 30 April 1834.

E koro, | Kua rongo koe ki taku puhanga i mua, mete | runanga o nga rangatira Maori ki taua mea. | Kua hoki mai nga pukapuka i tawahi, a ka u mai nei tenei kaipuke o Kingi | Wiremu kia kite i te wakaritenga o taua mea. I ki hoki nga rangatira kia tukua te | wahi kainga o Reti hei utu mo te matenga o te Rehirenite o Kingi Wiremu. Na kia | haere mai koe kite wakarite i o koutou korero. Ko a te Paraire nga rangatira katoa | huihui mai ai ki taku kainga. | Na tou hoa | Na te Puhipi | Te Rehirenete o Kingi Wiremu. [no imprint. Paihia: Printed at the Church Mission Press, 1835]

1 folded sheet ([4] p ); 205x165 mm. Pages [2-4] blank. Printed in italic type on a folded half-sheet of foolscap, to be sealed as a letter.

The letter is undated but is known to have been issued in April 1835. It concerns the compensation to be paid for the attack on the Residency on 30 April 1834, and was circulated to chiefs attending a hui on a Friday in April or May 1835, the anniversary of the incident. For the circumstances see E. Ramsden, Busby of Waitangi (Wellington, 1942; p. 77-86) and P. G. Parkinson, Our infant state (PhD thesis, Victoria University of Wellington, 2003), p. 221-223 and plate 20 (the letter).

Colenso’s Day and waste book records his printing of ‘5O 4to circulars in Native, relative to being shot at’ for the British Resident in 1835 (William Colenso, Day and waste book 1835-1843, WTU qMS-0484); it is also listed in the Ledger (with the April date) as ‘5O fcap. Circulars, calling chiefs to assemble at Waitangi, on occasion of his being shot at by Reti [Rete]’. (William Colenso, Ledger 1836-1842, WTU fMS-048).

Williams **l7a. Copies: ANZ (BR 1/1, p. 163); WTU (photocopy).


Printed letter, 12 October 1835. inviting chiefs to a hui to discuss Thierry. E koro, | Kia rongo koe: kua riro mai te tahi pukapuka | i te tahi tangata no tawiti; a e mea ana ia, hei kingi mo konei, mo te | tangata maori. | E mea ana a hau, kia huihui koutou ki taku kainga, | a te Weneri a tua o te kowititanga mai o te marama. Kia rongo a hau ki a | koutou wakaro ki


26 COLENSO. WILLIAM (1811-1899)

tenei tangata pokanoa; kia pehea ranei kia pehea ranei. | Kia tukua ranei te wenua mona, me koutou hei pononga mona, kahore ranei. | Naku tenei pukapuka, | Na te Puhipi, | Te Rehirenete o Kingi Wiremu. [no imprint. Paihia: Printed at the Church Mission Press, 1835]

I sheet ([l] p ): 210x170 mm. Laid paper with watermark 'lB3o'.

A printed circular calling a hui to discuss the sovereignty claims of the selfstyled sovereign chief. Thierry Ctenei tangata pokanoa’), issued by James Busby (‘te Puhipi’) as the British Resident of King William IV ('Te Rehirenete o Kingi Wiremu'). The outcome of the meeting was the signing by Maori chiefs at Waitangi of a Declaration of the independence of New Zealand which Busby had prepared (see no. 28).

The circular is recorded by Colenso on 12 October 1835 as '7O foolscap 4to circulars in Native language relative to Baron De Thierry' (William Colenso, Day and waste book 1835-1843, WTU qMS-0484). The related notice in English (Bagnall 812) had been printed (75 copies) on 10 October (William Colenso. Ledger 1836-1842, WTU fMS-048, p. 13). The original manuscript is in Busby's papers at AR (Busby Papers, MS 46 v. I). Williams ** 17b. Copies: WTU.

25 COLENSO, William (1811-1899)

Addition, multiplication and money tables.

Ko nga tepara. | [addition table] \ [swelled rule] \ [multiplication table] \ [swelled rule] | Pene. Hirini. | [two columns of 28 lines separated by vertical rule] | [ornamental rule] | He mea ta i te Perehi i Paihia. [1835]

1 sheet ((1] p ); 240x130 mm.

A small sheet containing addition and multiplication tables (in matrix format) and two columns of money tables: 'Pene' (shillings and pence) and 'Hirini' (pounds and shillings). Colenso describes the format as 'post' (i.e. post quarto, 10x8 inches). Williams 75a (S) describes the bottom half of the sheet (money tables).

It is not recorded in Colenso's Day and waste book, but his Ledger records under May 1835: 'Multiplication and addition table' of which 500 copies were printed (William Colenso, Ledger 1836-1842, WTU fMS-048, p. 37). Writing later to the CMS on 7 January 1836, he reports T have also printed 600 copies of the addition, multiplication and shillings and pence tables for the natives . ' (William Colenso, Letters 1834-1853, DUHO; copy at WTU. qMS-0491, v. 1) and it is possible that this refers to the variant issue described in no. 26.

The WTU copy was reproduced in Sharon Dell. 'The Maori book or the book in Maori', New Zealand libraries, v. 45, no. 5 (March 1987), p. 98-101 (p. 101).

Williams ** 16 & 75a (S). Copies: AP (money tables), WTU.

26 -

A variant issue of multiplication and money tables. Ko te tepara. | [multiplication table] \ [swelled rule] | Ko nga tepara. | Pene.



Hirini. 1 [two columns of 28 lines separated by vertical rule] | [swelled rule] | 4 patene = I pene. | 48 patene = 12 pene = I hirini. | 960 patene = 240 pene = 20 hirini = 1 pauna. | [ornamental rule] | He mea ta i te Perehi i Paihia. [1835]

I sheet ([l] p.); 216x124 mm. Printed on paper with watermark: ‘Smith & Allnutt | 1830’.

This issue lacks the addition table of no. 25 but has an extra three-line summary of farthings, pence and shillings per pound.

27 BIBLE. N.T. Luke. Maori. 1836.

The Gospel according to St Luke.

Ko te | Rongo Pai | i | tuhituhia | e | Ruka. 1 [swelled rule] | [woodcut illustration (Christ child in the temple) with caption: Upoko 2, 46.] | [double rule] | Paihia: | He mea ta i te Perehi o nga Mihanere o te | Hahi o Ingarani. | [rule] | 1835. [i.e. 1836]

The principal translator of the Gospel of Luke was Rev. William Williams. An edition of 1,000 copies was printed by Colenso in December 1835 but copies were not issued until June 1836 (William Colenso, Printing Office accounts, 1835-1842, AR, MS 76, Box 2). Some copies were issued with St Paul’s Epistles to the Ephesians and Philippians (no. 22) bound in. Colenso reported that he had '. . . bound, in leather and cloth, upward of 400 of these Gospels' (Missionary register, 1836, p. 563).

Williams comments in a private letter that the demand for copies of Luke was high but that the price paid for each copy ('three bushels of potatoes’) deserves better quality binding than the materials supplied permit. He refers to the decision to proceed with the whole New Testament, despite limited supplies of paper, and that 5,000 copies were wanted (W, Williams. Letter to Rev. W. Jowett, 6 January 1836, DUHO F & J, v. 6, no, 9). The complete New Testament was published in January 1838 (no. 45).

Williams 17, Bagnall 451. Copies: AP, AR, DUHO, NLA, WTU.



Printed version of an 1835 Declaration of Independence signed by Maori chiefs.

He wakaputanga ote rangatiratanga o | Nu Tirene. | [swelled rule] | 1. Ko matou, ko nga tino rangatira o nga iwi o Nu Tirene i raro mai o Haurake, kua | oti nei te huihui i Waitangi, i Tokirau, i te ra 28 o Oketopa, 1835. Ka wakaputa i te rangatiratanga | o to matou wenua; a ka meatia ka wakaputaia e matou he wenua rangatira, kia huaina, “Ko te | Wakaminenga o nga Hapu o Nu Tirene.” | [clauses 2-4, 14 lines] | Kua wakaaetia katoatia e matou i tenei ra i te 28 o Oketopa 1835, kite aroaro | o te Rehirenete o te Kingi o Ingarani. | Ko Paerata, no te Patu Koraha. [and


67, [l] p.; 175x110 mm. Printed in two columns. Pages [2] and [6B] blank.

Copies: NAMU: WTU (photocopy).

James Busby’s personal copy of ‘A Declaration of the Independence of New Zealand’, printed 1836 (BiM 28). This copy has his additions of names of chiefs, added from 1836 to 1839 Alexander Turnbull Library: Donald McLean papers. MS-Papers-0032-1 009-01

29 TURNER. NATHANIEL (1793-1864)

30 others, in two columns, separated by vertical rule] | Ko Eruera Pare, te kai tuhituhi. | [swelled rule] | Ko matou, ko nga rangatira, ahakoa kihai i tae ki te huihuinga nei, i te nuinga o te waipuke, | i te aha ranei, ka wakaae katoa ki | te wakaputanga rangatiratanga o Nu Tirene, a ka uru ki roto kite wakaminenga. |Ko Nene. [ and 5 others, in two columns, separated by vertical rule] | [ornamental rule] | He mea ta i te Perehi o nga Mihanere o te Hahi o Ingarani, i Paihia. [1836]

1 sheet ([l] p.); 320x205 mm. Printed on bluish laid paper with watermarks ‘W. Fincher 1835’ and Britannia image.

The first printing, on 8 March 1836, of the Declaration of the Independence of New Zealand that had been signed by 34 chiefs (predominantly Ngapuhi) on 28 October 1835 at a hui held at Waitangi. (For the invitation to attend the hui see no. 24.) It is recorded in Colenso’s Ledger under James Busby’s account as ‘Compositing and printing 60 folio fcap circular Declaration of Independence of Confed. chiefs' at a cost of 1 guinea (William Colenso. Ledger 1836-1842, WTU fMS-048, p. 13).

The original signed document is held at Archives New Zealand (IA 9/1, first sheet) as is Flenry Williams's draft translation (ZZZZ 6248/1) of Busby's English text. The fair copy for signature by the chiefs was prepared by Edward Parry Hongi (‘Eruera Pare') as scribe (‘te kai tuhituhi’). Busby continued to collect signatures from chiefs of iwi other than Ngapuhi up until July I 839 when the total stood at 52. Although formally acknowledged by the Colonial Office, it was subsequently discredited.

For an account of the genesis of the document see J. C, Ross, ‘Busby and the Declaration of Independence’, NZJH. v. 14, no. 1 (April 1980), p. 83-89, and P. G. Parkinson, Our infant state (PhD thesis, Victoria University of Wellington, 2003), p. 240-264 and 497-506. A facsimile of the original manuscript was reproduced in Facsimiles of the Declaration of Independence and the Treaty of Waitangi (Wellington. 1877; no. 883) and later reprints: 1892 (no. 1317), 1960 (Bagnall F5) and 1976.

This printed version was reprinted in April 1837 with minor corrections (no. 34). Some of the changes made are marked by Busby and Colenso on a WTU copy (MS-Papers-6763-5) of this first printing that also has a pencilled headnote: 'Don’t alter the wording of this Concern'.

Williams 21 & (S), Bagnall 5785. Copies: AP, NLA, WTU.

**29 TURNER, Nathaniel (1 793-1864), attrib.

First edition of Maori-language primer by Wesleyan Methodist mission. [Ko te pukapuka tuatahi o te reo Maori; actual title not confirmed; no copy located. Mangungu: Printed at the Wesleyan Mission Press, 1836]

I folded sheet (4 p.)?; 195 x 1 20 mm.? Physical details not confirmed; no copy located. Details assumed from the second edition (1837; no. 39).

William Woon notes in his journal entry for 3 November 1836 that 2,000 copies of the ' 1 st book to teach the people to read' were printed in October 1836 (William Woon. Journal 1830-1859, v. I. WTU, qMS-2292),

A primer of letters, numerals, syllables, words and sentences, compiled by Nathaniel Turner and John Whiteley, adapted from the primers in Tongan



devised by Turner in 1831. Turner replaced the disgraced Wesleyan Superintendent William White in May 1836 and this is one of the first things printed on the press that had arrived in April 1836. Turner states that White had not prepared any translations and that John Whiteley was the most fluent of the members of the mission (William Woon. James Wallis, John Whiteley, and himself). Letters from the members of the mission sent to the Committee of the WMMS in 1836 give details of the works printed (Methodist Missionary Society (London), Letters and other material relating to New Zealand and the South Seas 1812-1889, Methodist Missionary Society; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-Coll-03-19).

A second edition appeared in 1837 (no. 39) and a third in 1838 with the title He pukapuka timatanqa i te reo Maori (no. 48).

Williams * * 19. No copy located.


Class ticket for entry to Wesleyan Methodist meetings and services. Weteriana Metoriti Hohaiati, | i timata ai i te tau 1 739. 1 [rule] | Ko te tohu mo Hepitema 1836. | [rule] | A ka werahia e Ihowa nga kanohi o | te taitamariki; a ka kite ia: na! kapi | tonu te maunga i nga hoiho me nga ha- | riota kapura e karapotia ana I a Iraiha. | II King!, vi. 17. | A [no imprint. Mangungu: Printed at the Wesleyan Mission Press, 1836]

1 sheet ([l] p.); 60x80 mm. Text in an ornamental border.

The Wesleyan Methodist system required members to have class tickets that allowed admission to meetings. These were issued after a two-month trial period and reissued quarterly.

Maori-language class tickets were issued quarterly from 1836. when two tickets were issued, the first in September (this item) and another in December (with a quotation from Ezekiel 24:31. and the letter ‘E’). Class tickets after the first have not been described. Tickets in English have also been seen (AR, Gideon Smales papers, MS 580).

In a letter to the editor of the Watchman dated 3 November 1836, copied into his manuscript journal. William Woon says he had struck off ‘several hundreds of class tickets for the Sept Qr 1836, on the model of the English class tickets’ (William Woon, Journal 1830-1859, v. 1, WTU qMS-2292). Maori were puzzled by the purpose of the tickets when they were first issued (17 September 1836) but, once they understood, felt ’real pleasure’ at being recognised as members of the church (Nathaniel Turner. Personal narrative 1836-1846, ML, M 836; copy at WTU. qMS-2063, p. 294-295).

From then on until the press ceased to operate in 1845 approximately 700 tickets for each quarter were printed, as recorded in various reports and minutes; for details see C. J. Parr’s manuscript bibliography of the Wesleyan Mission Press (1962, Private coll.; copy at WTU, MS-Papers-6868). On 24 January 1845 Woon reported having printed . a half sheet of tickets running to 1851 printing between 4 and 5,000 . . (Methodist Missionary Society (London), Letters and other material relating to New Zealand and the South Seas 1812-1889, letter 158, Methodist Missionary Society; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-Coll-03-22).


51 WHITE. WILLIAM (1794-1875)

Williams 18 & (S) (Dec. 1836). Copies: AR (Dec. 1842, in Gideon Smales papers, MS 580, folder 23), ASJ (June 1837), DUHO (Sept, and Dec. 1836, June 1837), WTU (Dec. 1836 and photocopies of Sept. 1836 and June 1837).

**3 l WHITE, William (1794-1875)

Lesson sheet including the letter ‘D\

[Lesson sheet; actual title not known; no copy located. Mangungu; Printed at the Wesleyan Mission Press, 1836]

Physical description not known; no copy located. Description from secondary source.

The first publication printed at the Wesleyan Mission Press at Mangungu. Woon notes: ‘Yesterday I printed off 300 placards containing the alphabet, words of two and three syllables & a few lessons of instruction for children; so that you will perceive I have begun to do something in this interesting department of missy labour’ (William Woon to WMMS. 31 March 1836, Methodist Missionary Society (London). Letters and other material relating to New Zealand and the South Seas 1812-1889, Methodist Missionary Society; microfilm copy at WTU. Micro-MS-Coll-03-19). It is possible, however, that the placards were suppressed and not distributed, explaining why no copies survive.

Turner (who arrived on 28 April) reported that the orthography used had created problems: ‘Mr White had got printed a few small lessons in the form of a placard into which he had introduced the letter D, to the great annoyance and grief of the Church Missionaries, it not being in the orthography established and used by them. They spoke to me, when over, about it in the language of complaint and grief, as it was likely to introduce serious confusion and do much mischief’. Turner supported the CMS view and undertook to do all he could to prevent the introduction of ‘D’. This became a major issue between White and Turner, and also disrupted printing until White left in August 1836 (Nathaniel Turner, Letter book 1836-1849, ML. A 1838; copy at WTU, qMS-2065, p. 35-37). For a broad look at the relationship between the CMS and WMMS missionaries in New Zealand 18151870 see G. Clover, 'Brethren and rivals’. Stimulus, v. 7, no. 2 (May 1999), D. 10-15.

For further information on the Wesleyan mission press see C. J. Parr, ‘Hokianga’s first printing press’. Northland, 28 (October 1964), p. 19-23, and his manuscript bibliography of the press output (1962, Private coll,; photocopy at WTU, MS-Papers-6868).

No copy located.

32 BIBLE. O.T. Genesis. Maori. Selections. 1837.

Extracts from Genesis for teaching reading.

Ko etahi | o nga Korero | i te | Kawanata Tawito. | [double rule ] | Ko te orokohanganga ite Ao. | Kenehi Upoko I. — I. |1 te orokomeatanga i hanga | e te Atua te rangi mete | wenua. | [. . .] [no imprint. Mangungu: Printed at the Wesleyan Mission Press, 1837]

12 p.; 186 x 1 1 0 mm. Caption title. Printed in two columns.



A selection of extracts from Genesis for instruction in reading compiled on the model of Turner’s Tongan primer Koe tohi eni (1832), and apparently based on Sarah Trimmer's An abridgement of Scripture history (London, 1811). John Whiteley was probably the translator. A proof copy is at WTU (MSX-5387).

Woon recorded printing ‘Lessons from the Old Testament’ at the Wesleyan Mission Press in an edition of 2,000 copies in November/December 1837 (William Woon to WMMS, 24 November 1837, Methodist Missionary Society (London). Letters and other material relating to Australia, New Zealand and the South Seas 1812-1889, Methodist Missionary Society; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-Coll-03-19). The work appears to have been abandoned after this first 12-page signature and was superseded by He korero kohikohi enei no te Kawenata Tawhito (1841; no. 86).

Williams 23b, Bagnall 459. Copies: WTU.

33 BIBLE. N.T. Maori. Selections. 1837.

'Harmony of the Gospels', a selection of New Testament extracts.

Ko te Kongo Pal | I tuhituhia e nga kai wakaako | o Ihu Karaiti | mete Mahi | o nga Apotoro. | [ double rule] | Ko Hoani te Kai Iriiri, te Karere o Ihu Karaiti. | [. . .] [New Zealand: [i.e. Mangungu] | Printed at the Wesleyan Mission Press, 1837.]

120 p. 191x115 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p 120. Printed in two columns.

Two different type sizes ('small pica and long primer') are used in unorthodox combinations, reflecting the mission’s shortage of type; there was insufficient of any one size to print a 12-page half-sheet. This feature also occurs in other works (no. 37, 41,42, 43, 49, 50); see C, J. Parr, ‘Hokianga’s first printing press’, Northland, 28 (Oct. 1964), p. 19-23. A life of Christ digested from the Gospels (p [l]-96). and lessons from Acts (p. 97-120), commonly known as a 'Flarmony of the Gospels'. Turner records in May and July 1836 that it was modelled on a BFBS publication 'Scripture lessons of mutual instruction' that he had brought with him. Using the existing CMS translations meant that Woon had something to print as no other texts had been prepared and the press was idle. Flowever, the project ran into difficulties when White interfered and it was not completed until early 1837 (Nathaniel Turner, Letter book 1836-1849, ML, A 1838; copy at WTU, qMS-2065, Papers, v. 4, p, 4-5, 24-26, 1 16).

This is a compilation of texts, mainly those translated by William Williams for the New Testament published in 1838 (no. 45), though FI. W. Williams (no 23/ i) notes the passages from Mark and John show some divergence from that issue. Turner commented that the Wesleyan mission (especially Whiteley) also contributed translations (Methodist Missionary Society (London), Letters and other material relating to New Zealand and the South Seas 1812-1889, Methodist Missionary Society; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-Coll-03-09), It was also issued bound with the Wesleyan prayer book and hymns with a collective title page (no. 37),

In a letter to the editor of the Watchman, dated 24 February 1837, copied into his journal, Woon says the edition was of 2,000 copies and printing had



been finished the previous day (William Woon, Journal 1830-1859, v. I, WTU qMS-2292).

A Special District Meeting held at Mangungu on 16 March 1838 decided to print a further 1,000 copies in partial payment for 1,000 copies of the Church Mission Press New Testament (no. 45) supplied by the Church Mission (Methodist Church of New Zealand, District minute books 18271845, ASJ: microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-0612-05).

Williams 23/ i. Copies: WTU (MSX-5220 & in vol. no. 37).



Second edition of the 1835 Declaration of Independence signed by Maori chief's.

He wakaputanga ote rangatiratanga o | Nu Tirene. | [swelled rule ] | I, Ko matou, ko nga tino rangatira o nga iwi o Nu Tirene I raro mai o Haurake, kua 1 oti nei te huihui i Waitangi, i Tokirau, i te ra 28 o Oketopa, 1835. Ka wakaputa i te rangatiratanga | o to matou wenua; a ka meatia ka wakaputaia e matou he wenua rangatira, kia huaina, "Ko te | Wakaminenga o nga Hapu o Nu Tirene.” | [ clauses 2-4. 14 lines] | Kua wakaaetia katoatia e matou i tenei ra i te 28 o Oketopa 1835, kite aroaro | o te Rehirenete o te King! o Ingarani. | Ko te Paerata, no te Patu Koraha. [ and 30 others, in two columns, separated by vertical rule] |Ko Eruera Pare, te kai tuhituhi | [swelled rule] | Ko matou, ko nga rangatira, ahakoa kihai tae kite huihuinga nei, i te nuinga o te waipuke, | i te aha ranei, ka wakaae katoa kite wakaputanga rangatiratanga o Nu Tirene, a ka uru ki roto ki | te wakaminenga. | Ko Nene. [and 5 others, in two columns, separated by vertical rule] \ [ornamental rule] | He mea ta i te Perehi o nga Mihanere o te Hahi o Ingarani, i Paihia. [1837]

I sheet ([1 ] p ); 285x215 mm. Printed on white wove paper with watermark ‘W. King 1829’.

The second edition of the Declaration of the Independence of New Zealand signed by Maori chiefs at Waitangi on 28 October 1835 (see no. 28 for the first printing). The heading is in larger size type, with ’Nu Tirene.’ in a bold typeface. There are several minor corrections, e.g. ‘no Ngati’ in place of ‘no nga te', and the name of the first signatory is ‘Ko te Paerata’ in place of ‘Ko Paerata’. ‘Wiremu led Taunui’ was altered to ‘Wiremu Taunui’ doubtless as the result of the disgrace of his namesake William Yate (Ted’) in late 1836. For comment on the differences see P. G. Parkinson, Our infant state (PhD thesis, Victoria University of Wellington, 2003). p. 497-506 and plates I 7 and 23. Colenso printed 100 copies for the British Resident (James Busby) on 26 April 1837 (William Colenso, Ledger 1836-1842, WTU fMS-048).

This printing was possibly done to encourage more chiefs to sign the original document (a process that continued up until July 1839). In March 1837 Busby had received, via Governor Bourke in New South Wales, the 'King’s letter’ acknowledging the Declaration and assuring the chiefs of his ‘support and protection’. On 16 May 1837 Bourke directed Busby to advise the chiefs of the British response in a circular letter, as the current unrest made



a meeting unwise. Busby appears not to have carried out that instruction, perhaps distracted by the arrival of Hobson and the Rattlesnake from Sydney on 27 May; for further background see E, Ramsden, Busby of Waitangi (Wellington, 1942), p. 165-170.

Williams 21a, Bagnall 5785 (note). Copies: ANZ (ZZZZ 6248/1). AP. AR, DL, DUHO, ML (Colenso Papers, A 236), NLA, WTU.

35 He INOI mo nga Pakeha me nga Maori

He inoi mo nga PaKeha | me nga Maori. | [rule] | E te Atua nui, Te Kingi o nga Kingi, te Kawa- | na o nga tangata Katoa, kei runga i nga pito katoa | o te ao ou kanohi, e titiro pu ana koeki nga waka- | aro katoa o te ngakau: [...]) [75 lines] | Amine, [no imprint. Mangungu: Printed at the Wesleyan Mission Press, ca. 1837]

1 sheet ([l] p ); 145x100 mm.

A prayer for peaceful cooperation between Maori and Pakeha, probably composed by John Whiteley, the most fluent member of the Wesleyan Mission at Mangungu.

This prayer leaflet has neither imprint nor date (probably late 1836 to 1838), but the typefaces are those of the Wesleyan Mission Press, and the date must be prior to 1841 as 'w‘ is still used for 'wh‘. However. Woon does not list it among the items he printed (William Woon, Journal 1830-1859, v. 1, WTU qMS-2292).

The text was reprinted, probably about the time of the Taranaki Wars, when Garland Woon (a son of William Woon) was the printer for the Taranaki herald (see no. 498).

Copies: AP; WTU (photocopy).


Wesleyan hymn book of thirty-five hymns.

Ko nga himene. | [double rule] | Himene 1.-L.M. | 1 Ano te pai e mea ma, | oto Ihowa mahinga; | he tini ona hanga pai, he nui tona atawai. | [. . .] [New Zealand: [i.e. Mangungu] | Printed at the Wesleyan Mission Press, 1837.]

12 p.; 190x1 10 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 12. Printed in two columns, except for p. 12. Numbering of hymns ends at XXXV; two hymns are numbered XVII; hymn numbered XXXIII comprises stanzas 7-12 (part 2) of Hymn XXXII.

A collection of 35 hymns of which fourteen are from the 1833 Anglican prayer book (no 19) with 21 new ones apparently composed by the Wesleyan mission. The hymnal was also issued bound with the ‘Harmony of the Gospels" and the Wesleyan prayer book with a collective title page (no. 37). 1,000 copies were printed (Nathaniel Turner, Personal narrative 18361846, ML; copy at WTU. qMS-2063. Papers, v. 2, 30 December 1837) and printing was completed by 10 April 1837 (see no. 42 for further details).

In 1838 it was reprinted as ‘2nd edit', together with the prayers (no. 51) Williams 23/ iii. Copies: WTU.


Prayer for peaceful cooperation between Maori and Pdkehd.


37 KO TE KONGO PAI i tuhituhia e nga kai wakaako o Ihu Karaiti

Collected 'Harmony of the Gospels’. Morning and Evening Prayer, and hymns.

Ko te | Rongo Pai | I tuhituhia | e nga kai wakaako | o Ihu Karaiti. | Mete Mahi | o nga Apotoro. | Me | nga inoinga, | me | nga himene hoki. | [double rule] \ New Zealand: [i.e. Mangungu] | Printed at the Wesleyan Mission Press. I 1837.

[2]. 120, 12. 12 p.: 191 xI 15 mm. Prelim, pages: title-page (verso blank).

The title-page leaf is conjugate with a blank leaf that is usually pasted down as an endpaper. One copy (WTU) has the blank leaf folded to follow the title-page: the second section has additional blank wrap-around sheet of laid paper (with watermark 'M&Co | 1834') that separates the three items.

A collection of the three items described in no. 33. 36, 42, with an added collective title-page. About 800 volumes were 'stitched up' in the twelve months to September 1838 (William Woon, Journal 1830-1859, v. 1, WTU. aMS-2292. 29 Seotember 1838).

Williams 23, Bagnall 3533. Copies: AR, NLA, WTU.


Lesson sheet for schools.

[Lesson sheet: actual title not known; no copy located. Mangungu: Printed at the Wesleyan Mission Press, 1837]

Physical description not known; no copy located. Description from secondary source.

In a letter of 24 November 1837 Woon records he had 'lately with the natives printed 100 large placards for the schools' (William Woon to WMMS, Methodist Missionary Society (London). Letters and other material relating to New Zealand and the South Seas 1812-1889, Methodist Missionary Society: microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-Coll-03-l 9). The text of these lesson sheets was presumably different from that devised by White in 1836 (no. * *3l) that caused problems with the CMS.

No copy located.

39 TURNER, Nathaniel (1 793-1 864), attrib.

Second edition of Mdori-language primer.

2nd ed. | Ko te pukapuka tuatahi o te | reo Maori. | [rule] | A E I O U H K MNP|RTWNG|aeiouhkmnprtwng|[. ..] [Mangungu: He mea ta i te Perehi o nga Weteriana Mihanere. [lB37]]

1 folded sheet (4 p.); 195x120 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 4. Heavy laid paper.

The second edition of an elementary reader comprising alphabets, numerals, syllables, words and sentences first published in October 1836 (no. **29). The WTU copy is annotated by Woon who, in a letter dated 24 November 1837, recorded having 'lately printed’ 1,000 copies (Methodist Missionary


40 TURNER. NATHANIEL (1795-1864)

Ko te pukapuka tuatahi o te reo Maori (Bi'M 39) One of the first works translated by Nathaniel Turner and printed by William Woon at the Wesleyan Mission Press, Mangungu. Their sarcastic colleague, James Watkin observed, in a letter to Turner. 30 October 1835: T do not think the mission (at Tongatapu] sustained an iota of loss by his [Woon's] removal for [. . .] he was a poor printer - every book he carried through the press is a burlesque upon printing [. . .]. I for one am glad he is to be employed as printer at NZ - it will keep him from starving which was a lot I feared awaited him.' This is Woon's annotated copy. Alexander Turnbull Library: Printed collections

Society (London), Letters and other material relating to New Zealand and the South Seas 1812-1889, Methodist Missionary Society; microfilm copy at WTU-Micro-MS-Coll-03- 1 9),

A third edition was published in November 1838, under the title He pukapuka timatanga i te reo Maori (no. 48).

Williams 24 Copies: WTU.


'Division of time': a primer of punctuation marks, numerals, time, and tables.


He pukapuka wakaako. | [double rule] | Ko nga tohu pukapuka. | [table of punctuation marks commencing 'Ko te koma’; 8 lines in two columns, separated by vertical rule] \ [rule] | Ko nga wika. | [table of numerals

41 TURNER. NATHANIEL (1795-1864)

commencing ‘Katahi’; 60 lines in two columns, separated by vertical rule] \ [. . .] [Mangungu: | He mea ta i te Perehi o nga Weteriana Mihanere. [lB37]]

1 sheet ([2] p.); 183x104 mm. Imprint from colophon p. [2],

An elementary primer of punctuation marks, numerals (‘wika’, i.e. ‘figures’), divisions of time, days and months, a definition of eternity, multiplication and money tables, referred to by the missionaries as ‘Division of time’. Printed in an edition of 1,000 copies in November 1837 (William Woon, Letter to WMMS. 24 November 1837, Methodist Missionary Society (London), Letters and other material relating to Australia, New Zealand and the South Seas 1812-1889, Methodist Missionary Society: microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-Coll-03-19).

It is a companion to the twelve-page ‘Compendium of Divinity’ (no. 41) which also has the title He pukapuka wakaako. Both works are probably based to some extent on Turner’s Tongan primer Koe tohi-ako (1831).

Williams 24b. Copies: NLA; WTU (photocopy).


'Compendium of Divinity’: religious doctrines and prayers for teaching reading.

He pukapuka wakaako. | [double rule] |I. —Ko te Atua pono. |Ko Ihowa ano te Atua pono, koia anake te Atua ote rang! |o te ao. | ..] [Mangungu: | He mea ta i te Perehi o nga Weteriana Mihanere. [lB37]]

12 p.; 180x103 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 12. See no. 33 for comments on variations in the type used.

A collection of sixteen numbered short texts on religious subjects and six prayers for children, for use in teaching reading in the mission schools. At least two of the prayers are based on those of Isaac Watts. The work was probably translated by John Whiteley and is in part an adaptation of Turner’s Tongan primer Koe tohi-ako (1831). It is a companion to the 'Division of time’, a two-page primer of punctuation marks, numerals etc. which also has the title He pukapuka wakaako (no. 40).

In a letter to the WMMS of 19 August 1837 Woon reported: ‘this week I have completed a close tract of 12 pages as a little “Compendium of Divinity” &c. which will be very useful for our people. . . . composed by Bro Turner who is very desirous to commence immediate instruction to the New Zealanders’ (Methodist Missionary Society (London), Letters and other material relating to Australia. New Zealand and the South Seas 1812-1889, Methodist Missionary Society; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-Coll-03-19). 1,000 copies were printed (Nathaniel Turner, Personal narrative 1836-1846, ML: copy at WTU, qMS-2063, Papers, v. 2, 30 December 1837).

A revised edition was issued in September 1838 (no. 49),

Williams 29, Bagnall 3530 (note). Copies: NLA, WTU,


Morning and Evening Prayer.

Nga inoinga i te ata. | [rule] | Ano ka tahuri ke te tangata | kino i ana kino i



meatia | e la, a ka mea i nga mea e tika | ana e rite ana kite ture, mana | ano tona wairua e wakaora. 1 [. . .] [New Zealand: [i.e. Mangungu] | Printed at the Wesleyan Mission Press, 1837.]

12 p,, 195x107 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 12. Printed in two columns. Additional caption title p. 11: 'Ko nga inoinga Ite ahiahi. | [rule] I [■ ■

Morning and Evening Prayer. A reprint with some omissions of the text in the 1833 Anglican prayer book (no. 19). 1,000 copies were printed (Nathaniel Turner, Personal narrative 1836-1846, ML; copy at WTU, qMS-2063, Papers, v. 2, 30 December 1837).

Printing of the prayers and hymns (no. 36) was completed by I u April 1837, when a copy was sent to the WMMS (William Woon, Journal 18301859, v. 1, WTU, qMS-2292). Turner mentions that they were keen to keep the press fully in operation, but that they were almost out of paper. Supplies were expected soon from London, and 10 reams had also been ordered from Sydney (Nathaniel Turner, Letter to WMMS. 17 April 1837, WTU, MS-Papers--2625. folder I). It was also issued bound with the 'Harmony of the Gospels' and Wesleyan hymns with a collective title page (no. 37).

The following variant issues have been identified:

42.1 with caption titles: ‘Ko nga inoinga ite ata’ (p. [l]) and ‘Ko nga inoinga i te ahiahi’ (p.l I). The only known copy is William Woon’s.

42.2 with caption titles: ‘Ko nga inoinga ite ata’ (p [l]) and ‘Nga inoinga i te ahiahi’ (p. I I). The quality of printing of the only known copy (at ASJ)

Reprinted in 1838 as '2nd edit' together with the hymns (no. 51).

Williams 23/ ii & (S). Copies: ASJ (variant 42.2), ML (variant 42.1), WTU (no. 42, as part of collected vol. (no. 37)) and photocopy of variant 42.1.



Three catechisms: the Conference Catechism; one (the Catechism of Scripture names) by Isaac Watts; and the third based on the Ten Commandments, with a prayer for children. This edition was probably in part edited by John Whiteley and Nathaniel Turner from a copy of Hobbs's translation of the Conference Catechism published in 1827 (no. **10). of which no copy has been located. 1,000 copies were printed by Woon in June/July 1837 (William Woon, entry for 14 July in Letter to WMMS, 2 August 1837, Methodist Missionary Society (London), Letters and other material relating to Australia, New Zealand and the South Seas 1812-1889, Methodist Missionary Society; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-Coll-03-19; Nathaniel Turner, Personal

12 p.; 178x105 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 12. See no. 33 for comments on variations in the type used.

Ko nga katikihama |mo nga tamariki nonohi. 1 [rule] | Upoko I. —Kite Atua. | Na wai koe i hanga? | Na te Atua. | He aha koia te Atua? | [. . .] [Mangungu: | He mea ta i te Perehi o nga Weteriana Mihinare. [lB37]]

Three Wesleyan catechisms and a prayer for children.


narrative 1836-1846, ML; copy at WTU. qMS-2063, Papers, v. 2, 30 December 1837).

A reset edition, with the title He katikihama. he aha. he aha. was published in 1838 (no. 50) and 1840 (no. 84). A revised text of the first two catechisms was included in the 1841 larger collection of the same title (no. 100).

Williams 24a, Bagnall 3526. Copies: NLA, WTU.


Rules of the Wesleyan Methodists.

Ko nga tore mo te hunga e huihui | ana kite karaihe. | [double rule] | Ka potopoto to tatou oranga i tenei ao, hei | wakamatauranga hoki kia kite te Atua, ka | rongo ra nei tatou ki a ia, kahore ra nei. | [. . .] [no imprint. Mangungu: Printed at the Wesleyan Mission Press, 1837]

1 folded sheet (4 p ); 143x105 mm. Caption title.

A translation by John Whiteley of the Wesleyan 'Rules of the society of people called Methodists’, first published in 1 745. 1,000 copies were printed in 1837 (Nathaniel Turner, Personal narrative, 1793-1835, ML, A 1835; copy at WTU, qMS-2062, 30 December 1837). A further 200 copies (presumably of this edition) were printed in June 1838 (William Woon, Journal 1830-1859, v. I, WTU, qMS-2292, 29 September 1838).

A revised edition with the title Ko nga ritenga mo te hunga e huihui ana ki nga harahi was published in 1838 (no. 52) and again in 1841 (no. 101). After that the class rules were included in the Wesleyan prayer book, see no. 258 for details. ‘Rules of the Band’ (Ko nga tikanga o te huihui whiriwhiri ) were published in 1845 (no. 257).

Williams 30. Bagnall 3534. Copies: AP, NLA, WTU.

45 BIBLE. N.T. Maori. 1838.

First edition of the complete New Testament.

Ko te | Kawenata Hou | o j to tatou Ariki te Kai Wakaora 1 a Ihu Karaiti. | [rule] | He mea wakamaori i te reo Kariki. | [rule] | Paihia: | He mea ta i te Perehi o nga Mihanere o te Hahi | o Ingarani. | [rule] \ 1837. [i.e. 1838]

356 p.; 215x135 mm. Title-page bordered with double rule. Contents list on verso of the title-page. Printed in two columns separated by vertical rule.

The first edition of the complete New Testament in Maori, translated mainly by William Williams. Printing of the edition of 5,000 copies was completed on 30 December 1837, and the first copies were issued after binding in January 1838. Signed press proofs are at WTU (W. Williams, Corrected proof copy of Ko te Kawenata Hou, 1837; MSX-5178). Over the next two years 2,500 copies were sent to Sydney in lots of 500 for binding, and 1,000 copies in sheets were supplied to the Wesleyans. The remaining copies were gradually bound at Paihia under Colenso’s supervision (William Colenso, Ledger 1836-1842, WTU fMS-048), some in parts (see below). Williams notes that the BFBS provided the paper and a grant of £250.

The Wesleyans agreed to take 1,000 copies in sheets at a cost of three shillings and threepence per copy, though part of this cost was offset by


The first printing, by William Colenso, 1837-38, of the New Testament in Maori (Bi'M 45) Caption title for the First Epistle to the Corinthians, facing page 220. Alexander Turnbull Library; Printed collections.

45 BIBLE. N T MAORI. 1838

supplying the CMS with 1,000 copies of the 'Harmony of the Gospels' (no. 33). Lacking binding facilities of their own, they sent 100 copies to Sydney and 500 to England for binding, according to notes of the Special District Meeting on 16 March 1838 (Methodist Church of New Zealand, District minute books 1827-1845, ASJ; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-0612-05). The remaining 400 were sent to London in March 1839 together with additional copies of signatures to correct the errors in 100 of the first batch sent (Nathaniel Turner, Letter book 1836-1849, ML, A 1838; copy at WTU, qMS-2065, Papers, v, 4, p. 225), but not all copies were corrected (see variants 45.1 and 45.2).

At the time the 1841 London printing of the New Testament (no. 88) was decided, the CMS expressed its displeasure that the Wesleyans had been charged for their copies, given the mutual aims of the two missionary societies and the donation of paper by the BFBS (Letter to G. Clarke. 15 August 1840, Papers of the New Zealand mission 1809-1914, CMS Archive, University of Birmingham, CN/L, Letter books, v. 5, p. 44-45).

The following variant issues have been identified:

45.1 copies lacking p. 259-266 (signature 3e; Ephesians), with a stub to allow for tipping in replacement sheets.

45.2 copies with a different setting of p. 259-266 (signature 3e). This setting can be identified from p. 266, which has more text (verses 14-24) than the original setting (verses 19-24). Woon printed the replacement signature 3e at the Wesleyan Mission Press to compensate for the mistake in sheets supplied and not corrected (see above). Woon detected the remaining error in September 1840 in the case of 500 bound copies sent back from London (William Woon, Journal 1830-1859, v. 2, WTU qMS-2293).

In June 1841 Hobbs sent Colenso at the CMS press 208 copies of this sheet, suggesting there were further faulty sets (William Colenso. Day and waste book,WTU qMS-0484).

45.3 variant title-page; One copy seen has a variant title-page without the border and lacking the contents list on the verso. The imprint is: ‘Paihia: | He mea ta i te Perehi o nga Mihanere o te | Hahi o Ingarani. | [rule] \ 1837.'

Various sections of the New Testament were subsequently distributed separately. On 6 February 1839 Colenso wrote to the CMS: ‘We having thought it expedient to divide some Testaments into parts for the readier distribution in visiting distant places, for schools &c &c I have been engaged in binding have bound 1000 of these parts . . .' (William Colenso, Letters 1834-1853. DUHO: copy at WTU, qMS-0491. v. 1). These comprised 200 copies each of:

45.4 Matthew ([3]-46 p.)

45.5 Mark and Luke ([47]-l 20 p.)

45.6 John-Romans ([I2IJ-220 p.)

45.7 I Corinthians-Philemon ([22l]-[296) p

45.8 Hebrews-Revelation ([297J-356 p.)

In 1840 a new title-page was printed to be used with assorted extracts (no. 68).


46 MAUNSELL. ROBERT (1810-1894)

The second edition of the New Testament was published by the BFBS in London in 1841 (no. 88). with further editions in 1842 (no. 104), 1844 (no. 196), 1852 (no. 419), 1862 (no. 559), 1868 (no. 716), 1889 (no. 1241), 1894 (no. 1394) and 1897 (no. 1483).

Williams 20 & (S), 42. Bagnall 452. Copies: ABH, AP, AR, DL, DUHO, NLA, WTU (incl. variants 45.1-45.3).

46 MAUNSELL, Robert (1810-1894)

An anti-Catholic tract.

Ko te | Anatikaraiti. | He korerorero, na te akonga raua ko tona [ kai wakaako. | “Meake puta mai ki a koutou nga Wuruhi kino.” | Nga Mahi, 20. 29. | Akonga. E hoa, ko ahea a Anatikaraiti puta mai ai? | Kai Wakaako. Kua puta mai nei hoki. | Akonga. Ne? | [. . .] [He mahi tenei na nga Mihanere i Nu Tirani. 1838. [Mangungu]]

1 folded sheet (4 p); I9ox 110 mm. Caption title, imprint from colophon p, 4. An anti-Catholic tract, occasioned by the arrival in January 1838 of the Catholic Mission, initially located at Totara Point on the Hokianga. Maunsell’s authorship is established by a presentation copy in the Grey Collection. SAL (Grey ILiv, 76).

The tract was printed on 5-6 November 1838 and the first copies were issued on 19 November (William Woon. Journal 1830-1859, v. I, WTU qMS--2292). Because of demand, printing continued into December and altogether 5,000 copies were issued (William Woon to WMMS. 13 May 1840, Methodist Missionary Society (London). Letters and other material relating to Australia, New Zealand and the South Seas 1812-1889. Methodist Missionary Society; microfilm coov at WTU. Micro-MS-Coll-03-19).

Woon, writing to the WMMS on the 14 November 1838, sent a copy of a half-sheet containing this and two other works (no. 48 and no, 52). He notes that a few copies of this tract had been circulated on the station and ‘our domestics and others appear much interested in it. The leading topics embrace image worship, forbidding to marry, transubstantiation, prayers to saints, intercessors etc,'. He records the intention to print 10,000 copies of all three items (Missionary notices, n.s. v. 1 (1839), p. 141) but this figure was not reached. For further background see P. G. Parkinson. Our infant state (PhD thesis, Victoria University of Wellington, 2003), p. 474.

The variant edition noted by Williams (27b (S), Bagnall 3459 (note)), differing slightly in text and layout, is a proof copy (NLA, W.27b). Distinguishing features compared with the published version include: smaller size type in the title for 'Anatikaraiti'; T not ‘te’ at the end of the first line of p. 2; and the final line of text is "tia ana e te pukapuka.’ not 'rotia ana i te pukapuka.'

Williams 27 & (S), 27b (S), Bagnall 3459, Copies: AP, AR, SAL, WTU, Private Coll.



47 TEN COMMANDMENTS. Maori. 1838.

The Exodus text of the Ten Commandments.

Ko nga ture o te Atua. | I | Aua ra ki a koe tetahi | Atua ke atu i mua i ahau.| II | Aua hoki koe e hanga | i tetahi wakapakoko mou, | i tetahi ritenga o tera i ru- | nga i te rangi, i raro i te | wenua, i roto i te wai i | raro i te wenua. [...]) [65 lines in two columns, separated by vertical rule] \ [rule] [no imprint. Mangungu: Printed at the Wesleyan Mission Press, 1838]

I sheet ([l] p.); 190x110 mm.? Text area 145x85 mm. Printed in two columns separated by vertical rule. This is a reprint of p. 4 of no. 52, from the same type but without the colophon and pagination. The size of this reprint is assumed to be similar to the original.

The text of this version of the Ten Commandments is Exodus 20:2-1 7. The only recorded copy, in the letters of the Wesleyan Mission for January 1839 held in the Methodist Missionary Society Archives, London (microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-Coll-03-20), is printed on a sheet approx. 280x210 mm. annotated by William Woon: 'We have printed some thousands of these to give the people a correct translation of the divine decalogue as the bishop [Pompallier] has been at work and circulated his translation of them: but he has contrived some how to get rid of the 2nd Commandment [prohibition against idolatry], so that the enlightened part of the community will discover that his production will not correspond with ours and which I trust they will condemn. He is exerting all his influence to make proselytes but as yet he has not succeeded to any great extent.’ Pompallier’s ‘translation’ was probably in manuscript: see no. 55 for further background.

Copies: Methodist Missionary Society Archives (London); WTU (microfilm and printout).

48 TURNER, Nathaniel (1 793-1 864), attrib.

Third edition of Mdori-language primer.

He pukapuka timatanga i te | reo Maori. | [rule] |AEIOUHKMNP|R TWNG|aeiouhkmnprtwng| [. ..] [Mangungu: | He mea ta ite Perehi o nga Mihanere Weteriana. [lB3B]]

1 folded sheet (4 p,); 192x11l mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 4. A third edition of the work first published in 1836 with the title Ko tepukapuka tuatahi o te reo Maori (no. **29), revised by John Hobbs. The selection of syllables and words is significantly different from the second edition (no. 39); italic alphabets and more roman numerals (up to 'M') are given.

Woon recorded in mid-October he was 'about to print 5,000 copies’ (in letter to WMMS. 18 December 1838) and this figure is also in a later (13 May 1840) report. He sent a specimen copy to the WMMS in his letter of 14 November 1838 (Methodist Missionary Society (London). Letters and other material relating to Australia, New Zealand and the South Seas 1812-1889, Methodist Missionary Society: microfilm copy at WTU. Micro-MS-Coll-03-19 & 20).

Copies: AR; WTU (photocopy).




Revised edition of the 'Compendium of Divinity': religious doctrine and prayers.

He pukapuka wakaako. | [rule] | Ko te Atua pono. | Ko Ihowa ano te Atua pono; koia anake te Atua | ote rangi ote ao. [. . .] | [. . .] [Mangungu: | He mea ta i te Perehi o nga Mihanere Weteriana. 1838.]

12 p.; 188x107 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 12. See no. 33 for comments on variations in the type used.

A revised (second) edition by John Hobbs of the work first published in 1837 (no. 41), containing sixteen instructions (unnumbered in this edition) on religious topics, followed by six prayers. Printing began in September 1838 and eventually ran to 5,000 copies by December (William Woon to WMMS, 18 December 1838, Methodist Missionary Society (London). Letters and other material relating to Australia, New Zealand and the South Seas 1812-1889, Methodist Missionary Society: microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-Coll-03-19).

Williams 28 & (S), Bagnall 3530. Copies: AP, AR, NLA. WTU.


He | katikihama. |he aha, he aha. | [rule] | Upoko I.—Kite Atua. | 1 Nawai koe i hanga? | Na te Atua. | 2 He aha koia te Atua? | [. . .] [Mangungu; | He mea ta i te Perehi o nga Mihanere Weteriana. [lB3B]]

12 p.; 193x112 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 12. Printed in two columns separated by vertical rule. See no. 33 for comments on the variations in type used.

A reset ('second') edition of the three catechisms and prayer published in 1837 (no. 43) with the text revised by John Hobbs. The questions and answers are numbered, and italic type is used for all the questions. Woon printed 2,000 copies in July 1838 (William Woon, Journal 1830-1859, v. 1. WTU qMS-2292, 29 September 1838). A printed letter of 14 June 1838 from Mangungu includes an indent for italic type to match the sample set, so that the mission could 'send forth our Catechisms &c. in a proper way' (William Woon, AR, MS 94/58).

A further reprint was published in 1840 (no. 84).

Williams 60, Copies: NLA, WTU.


Second edition of Morning and Evening Prayer and hymns.

2nd. edit. | Ko nga inoinga i te ata. | [ride] | Ano ka tahuri ke te tangata | kino i ana kino i meatia | e ia, a ka mea i nga mea e tika | ana, e rite ana kite ture, mana | ano tona wairua e wakaora. | [. . .] [Mangungu: | He mea ta i te Perehi o nga Mihanere Weteriana. [lB3B]]

12, [2], 12 p.; 185x100 mm.? Caption title. Imprint from colophon p 12 of second section. Pages [l3-14] blank. Printed in two columns, except for the final page. Blank leaf between the sections. '2nd. edit.' is a shoulder note.


Reset edition of three Wesleyan catechisms and a prayer for children.


Second section has caption title: ‘2nd. Edit, | Ko nga himene. | [double rule ] | Himene 1.-L.M. | I Ano te pai e mea ma, | [. . .]’. Numbering of hymns from XVII onwards has been corrected from the first issue (no. 37).

A reset and corrected edition of no. 36 and 42 with a smaller text area per page. The first section (Morning and Evening Prayer) has the additional ‘Ko’ in the title (as no. 42.1) and lacks the colophon on p, 12 of the earlier issue.

Woon records that 1,000 copies of the hymns were printed in February 1838, and 1,000 copies of the prayers in March (William Woon, Journal 18301859, V, 1. WTU qMS-2292, 29 September 1838).

Williams 23a/i-ii, Bagnali 3533 (note). Copies: NLA (bound with W. 23): WTU (photocopy).


Revised edition of rules of Wesleyan Methodists, and the Ten Commandments.

Ko | nga ritenga | mo te hunga | e huihui ana ki nga karahi, | [double rule] \ He potopoto ano to tatou oranga i tenei ao, hei | wakamatautauranga hoki, kia kite ai te Atua, ka | rongo ra nei tatou ki a ia, kahore ra nei. [. , .] | [. , .] [[Mangungu] He mea ta ite Perehi o nga Mihanere Weteriana. 1838.]

I folded sheet (4 p.); 188x110 mm. Caption title. Page 4 is printed in two columns, separated by vertical rule. Imprint from colophon p. 4.

A revised (‘second’) edition of the rules issued in 1837 (no. 44). On p. 4 is a translation of the Ten Commandments ‘Ko nga ture o te Atua’, which was also issued separately (no. 47). Woon recorded in mid-October he was ‘about to print 5,000 copies’ (in letter to WMMS, 18 December 1838) and this figure is also in a later (13 May 1840) report (Methodist Missionary Society (London), Letters and other material relating to Australia, New Zealand and the South Seas 1812-1889, Methodist Missionary Society; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-Coll-03-1 9 & 20).

Another edition was published in 1841 (no. 101), after which the class rules were published as part of the Wesleyan prayer book (see no. 258 for details).

Williams 27a, Bagnali 3531. Copies: AP, AR, DL, NLA, WTU.

53 BROUGHTON, William Grant (1788-1853)

Sermon delivered at confirmation service. Paihia. sJanuary 1839. Ko te | pukapuka kauwau | o te Pihopa, | kite hunga wakapono | o Nu Tirani, | e huihui ana kite Hahi o Ingarani, i te | wakaminenga ki Paihia, | mo te | karakia o te wakapanga ringaringa, | Hanueri 5.. 1839. | [swelled rule] | [2 quotations, 11 lines, with captions: Matiu, upoko 19, rarangi 13 [i.e. 13-15]; Ko nga Mahi, 8,14. [i.e. 8:14-15, 17] | [swelled rule] | Paihia: | He mea ta i te Perehi o nga Mihanere o te | Hahi o Ingarani. | [rule] 1 1839.

I folded sheet (4 p.); I6Bx 104 mm. Caption title p. [2]: 'Ki nga tangata Maori | o Nu Tirani, | kua oti nei te Iriiri, kua tangohia kite hui- | huinga o te Hahi o te Karaiti.’


54 BUMBY. JOHN HEWGILL (1808-1840)

Translation by Rev, William Williams of a sermon by the Bishop of Australia, W, G. Broughton, delivered at Paihia on 5 January 1839, The quotations refer to Christ in the temple 'suffer little children to come unto me' (Matthew) and the imposition of hands (Acts), An English version was published in the Church missionary record (v. 10, 1839, p. 297). Colenso printed 4,000 copies on 10 August 1839, issued in September (William Colenso. Ledger 18361842, WTU fMS-048). The printer’s proof (with a woodcut in place of the quotations) is at WTU (MSX-5169). See no. 57 for the Confirmation service.

54 BUMBY, John Hewgill (1808-1840)

Ko te | pukapuka aroha | o nga kaumatua o te Hahi Weteriana o Ingarani, | matou ko nga mihanere, ki o matou | tangata i Nu Tirani. | [double rule] | E te wanau, e pai ana matou kia tuhituhia | ta matou nei pukapuka aroha ki a koutou. He | wanaunga koutou no matou tera atu i te wanau- 1 nga maori. .] [Mangungu: 1 He mea ta i te Perehi o nga Mihanere Weteriana | o Ingarani. [lB39]]

1 folded sheet (4 p ); 197x121 mm (untrimmed). Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 4; date from text. Signed at end: 'Matou ko te Pumipi ma. | Mangungu, Nowema 12. 1839.'.

A pastoral letter compiled by Bumby and probably translated by John Hobbs, based on extracts from the 1838 Wesleyan Conference address, giving statistics of the Church and its missionary activities, including fund-raising for the ship Triton which was expected to visit New Zealand. Bumby sent a literal translation of the Maori text with his letter to the Committee of 29 November 1839 (Methodist Missionary Society (London), Letters and other material relating to Australia, New Zealand and the South Seas. 1812-1889, Methodist Missionary Society; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-Coll-03-20).

2,600 copies were printed in November 1839 (William Woon. Journal 1830-1859, v. I, WTU qMS-2292, and letter to WMMS, 13 May 1840, in WTU. Micro-MS-Coll-03-20).

The following variant issue has been identified:

54.1 undated text; with names of eight missionaries at end and variant colophon (Williams 61, Bagnall 766); Signed (names in two columns separated by vertical rule): 'Ko te Pumipi. Ko te Ropiha, Ko te Waitere, Ko te Warahi, Ko te Wunu, Ko te Pura, Ko te Karira, Ko te Haena.' Colophon p. 4: 'Mangungu: | He mea ta i te Perehi o nga Mihanere Weteriana.'.

The text is identical, apart from omission of the date, inclusion of the missionaries' names (Bumby, Hobbs, Whiteley, Wallis. Woon, Buller, Creed and Ironside), and the variant colophon. From the poorer quality of printing and paper of the WTU copy, this variant is probably a proof issue.

Williams 36a & 61 (variant 54.1), Bagnall 765 & 766 (variant 54.1). Copies: AP. AR, NLA, WTU (incl. variant 54.1).


Pastoral letter on the Wesleyan missions.

Williams 33, Bagnall 684. Copies: AP, WTU.



Ko nga tahi pono nui | ote Hahi Katorika Romana. | 1. He Atua ko tahi anake; na, te Atua he wai- | rua nui rawa, mo te mea nga tonutanga katoa ki a | ia. a [sic] nana nga mea haaga me ora aianei katoa. | [. . .] [no imprint. Kororareka: Press of the Apostolic Vicariate of Western Oceania, 1839]

8 p.; 145 x 110 mm. Caption title.

Catholic doctrine including the Apostles’ Creed, Lord's Prayer, the Sign of the Cross, a thirteen-stanza hymn, and a page of alphabets, syllables, words and numerals, prepared by Bishop Pompallier.

It is the first printed ‘book’ from the Catholic mission after Pompallier established the main mission station at Kororareka (now Russell) in July 1839, printed on the small press said to have been brought out on the Reine de paix in June 1839 with Father Claude Baty (see L. Keys, The life and times of Bishop Pompallier (Christchurch, 1954), p, 113). Colenso included a copy in his letter to the CMS of 13 February 1840 (William Colenso, Letters 18341853, DUHO; copy at WTU qMS-0491, v. I), noting the 'popish Bishop’s book' was Pompallier’s first and only publication to date in Maori.

Pompallier records that the earliest ‘books’ distributed by his mission were hand-written but he refers to the first printed work he ‘had had printed’ and its distribution in his Early history of the Catholic Church in Oceania (translated by Arthur Herman (Auckland, 1888), p. 56. 60. 64).

Williams 81a, Bagnall 1018. Copies: ABH, WTU.


First edition of the abridged Book of Common Prayer, with hymns. Ko te Pukapuka | o nga Inoinga, 1 mete | minitatanga | o nga hakarameta, | ko | era tikanga hoki o te Hahi, | kite ritenga | o te Hahi o Ingarani. | [wavy rule] | Paihia: | He mea ta i te Perehi o nga Mihanere o te | Hahi o Ingarani. I [rule] I 1839.

36 p.: 178x102 mm; coarse brown paper covers. Title-page bordered with double rule. Printed in two columns separated by vertical rule. Page [2] blank. The three 12-page signatures are A, E, I.

An abridged version of the Book of Common Prayer, and the first since that of Yate published in Sydney in 1833 (no. 19). Known as the 'small' prayer book this version contains; Morning Prayer (‘Ko te tikanga mo nga inoinga o te ata’, p. 3-14); Evening Prayer (‘Ko te tikanga mo nga inoinga o te ahiahi’, p. I 5-22) including (p. 20) collects for the Maori chiefs and their relatives: 42 hymns (‘Ko nga himene', numbered 1-42, p. 23-34): prayers for private use (‘Ko nga inoinga’, p. 35-36). A proof copy is at WTU (MS-Papers-6597-6).

Printing began on 18 January 1839 and in all a total of 47,000 copies of the ’small’ prayer book were produced between 1839 and 1842. Colenso records four editions or printings: March 1839 (3,000 copies), August 1839 (4,000 copies), December 1839/ March 1840 (20,000 copies), and July 1842 (20,000 copies). 5,000 copies were retained to be bound with the Psalms (no. 65: see William Colenso, Ledger 1836-1842, WTU fMS-048, p. 57 and 59). Many copies of the prayer book (and other publications) were sent out to the


Abridged Catholic doctrine and prayers, with a hymn and a reading lesson.


mission stations in sheet form, along with sheets of brown paper for making covers (William Colenso, Day and waste book 1835-1843, WTU qMS-0484),

Bibliographically the evidence is less clear-cut than Colenso's Ledger records, partly due to the small number of surviving copies; of the 1839 printings only two complete copies are known and it is not possible to determine if the two printings differed. One copy of an 1840 partly reset issue has been seen (no. 72), and other 1840 issues are described at no. 7374. The 1842 edition is described at no. 109.

The complicated history of the 1839-1842 printings of the 'small’ prayer book (which resulted in the variant issues) was explained by William Williams in a letter to the CMS dated 12 November 1839: 'A commencement was made to print 4000 copies of the prayer-book entire; but when it was advanced to the end of the evening service, it was deemed expedient to put into immediate circulation the 4000 copies with the addition of the hymns, and to strike off 3000 more for the entire work; but the 3000 were required as soon as printed. These [i.e. Then?] 6000 copies of the entire work were commenced; but before the type of the first three half-sheets is distributed we have found it necessary to have 20,000 more of the smaller book, which will make a total of 33,000.' (Church missionary record, v. 11, 1840, p. 171-172).

The first complete Book of Common Prayer (the 'large' prayer book) was eventually published in 1841 (no. 92). For further background see P. G, Parkinson, 'A language peculiar to the word of God': the Anglican liturgy in the Maori language'. Publishing history, 54 (2003), p, 25-71.

Other issues and editions of the Anglican prayer book are listed at no. 19. Williams 31, Bagnall 1169. Copies: AP (p. 1-24), DUHO, WTU (p. 1-12, & photocopy). Private Coll,


[double rule] | Order |of | Confirmation. | [double rule ] [Paihia: He mea ta i te Perehi o nga Mihanere o te Hahi o Ingarani. [lB39]]

I folded sheet (4 p); 188 x 114 mm. Imprint from colophon p. 4. Caption title p. (2J: 'Ko te tikanga o te | wakapanga o nga ringaringa’. Text (apart from title) is completely in Maori.

A translation by Rev. William Williams of the Office of Confirmation. 200 copies were printed in January 1839 (William Colenso, Printing Office accounts, 1835-1842, AR, MS 76. Box 2). They were for the use of the Bishop of Australia. W. G. Broughton, when (according to Colenso in a letter to the CMS dated 6 February 1839) he held a service on 5 January at Kororareka (now Russell) ‘confirming 44 Native Adults and 20 Whites (mostly missionaries children)' (William Colenso, Letters 1834-1853, DUHO; copy at WTU. qMS-0491, v. 1).

Broughton's report of his visit was published in the Church missionary record (v. 10. 1839, p. 288-296) together with the English text of his sermon (p. 297). The sermon was translated into Maori by William Williams for publication (no. 53).

Williams 26 & (S). Copies: AR, DUHO, NLA. WTU.


Order of service for Confirmation.



Part of the service for consecrating a burial ground.

Order | of | consecration | of a | burial-ground. [Paihia: He mea ta I te Perehi o nga Mihanere o te Hahi o Ingarani. [lB39]]

I folded sheet (4 p.); 168x102 mm. (cropped). Imprint from colophon p. 4. Caption title p. [2]: ‘Kenehi, 23.’ Text (apart from title) is completely in Maori,

A translation, probably by Rev. William Williams, of Genesis 23 and two collects. 100 copies were printed in January 1839 for the use of Bishop Broughton, when he consecrated burial grounds at Paihia and Kororareka on 4 January (William Colenso, Printing Office accounts, 1835-1842, AR. MS 76, Box 2). See no. 57 for further information on Broughton’s visit.

Williams 25. Copies: AP, WTU,

59 COLENSO, William (1 81 1-1899), attrib.

Maori alphabet and syllables, with numerals.

Ko nga reta o te korero Maori. | [double rule] | A E 1 O U H KM N P RTW NG|aeiouhkmnprtwng| [double rule] \ Wakamatauranga. | ha ka ma na pa ra ta wa nga | [7O lines and double rule] [no imprint. Paihia?: Church Mission Press?, ca. 1839]

I sheet ([l] p.); 278x213 mm.

A lesson-sheet of alphabets, syllables and numerals; the syllables are based in part on those used in Marshall's Ratari sheets (no. 21). It was probably devised and printed by Colenso in about 1839 and he refers to issuing 'lessons’ during 1839 which may be this item (William Colenso, Day and waste book, 1835-1843, WTU qMS-0484). The only known copy (at AR) is mounted on a wooden board backed with the sheet of numerals printed by Colenso in 1840 (no. 75 (a)), which uses the same fat-face type in a larger size.

Copies: AR (Large Items, Box 126 ID/1 10838): WTU (photocopy).


Tract describing the blessings of religion.

He | pukapuka aroha. | [rule] | [quotation. 4 lines with caption: Maka, 4. 33,34.] | [rule] | [illustration (Moses lifting the serpent) with caption: Ko te wakairinga o te Nakahi e Mohi I te koraha] | [quotation, 4 lines, with caption: Hoani, 3. 14.] | [double rule] \ Paihia: | He mea ta i te Perehi o nga Mihanere o te Hahi o Ingaranl. | [rule] \ 1839.

24 p.; 191x1 15 mm.; grey paper covers. Details taken from cover. Caption title p. [l]: ‘He | pukapuka aroha: | na te Aroha Pono, | ki ana hoa, kite hunga o Nu Tireni.’ At foot of p. [l]: 'No. I. Aug. 1837.[sic] On outside back cover: ‘He Himene. | I | Haere mail te hunga hara, | [. . ,]', a hymn (5 stanzas of 6 lines).

A religious tract on the blessings of religion written by Colenso under the pseudonym 'Aroha Pono’ (True Love). Colenso printed a total of 3,000 copies, of which 2,000 were paid for by the New Zealand Auxiliary Tract Society


62 MAUNSELL. ROBERT (1810-1894)

which also supplied the paper (William Colenso, Ledger 1836-1842, WTU fMS-048). One WTU copy has a note: 'Printed by natives'. The hymn is not among the collection of 42 published with the 1839 prayer book (no. 56).

Williams 35, Bagnall 1329. Copies: AP. AR, AU, CUMB. DUHO (incomplete), WTU (cover is a photocopy).


A primer and lesson book for teaching reading, with the Ten Commandments.

He | pukapuka wakaako: | hei wakamatau | i nga tangata kiano i mohio noa ki | te korero pukapuka. | [swelled rule] \ [illustration (children praising Christ in the temple) and quotation. 7 lines, with caption: Matiu, upoko 21. rarangi 15. [i.e. 15-16]] | [swelled rule] | Paihia: | He mea ta i te Perehi o nga Mihanere 1 o te Hahi o Ingarani. | [rule] | 1839.

24 p.; 191X115 mm. (untrimmed). Page [2] blank. Columns and type faces vary.

Primer of letters, syllables, words and sentences, with the Ten Commandments (‘Ko nga Ture a te Atua') on p, 24. The quotation refers to 'out of the mouths of babes and sucklings’. Colenso's authorship is identified from his letter of 24 January 1840 to the CMS (William Colenso, Letters 1 8341853, DUHO; copy at WTU, qMS-0491, v. 1). 10,000 copies were printed in August and September 1839 (William Colenso, Ledger 1836-1842, p. 63, WTU fMS-048). The proof copy at ML has a different illustration (Christ laying his hands on the children) with caption: ‘[Matiu] Upoko 19, rarangi 13'.

Later editions were published in 1842 (no. Ill), 1858 (no. 475) and 1860 (no. 494). A Wesleyan Mission Press edition was published in 1844 (no. 200).

62 MAUNSELL, Robert (1810-1894), attrib.

Lithographed lesson sheet in cursive script.

ahua amine mama meri | apopo aroha mitimiti mou | ekore erima nana nonohi \ [I I lines ] |aehikmnoprtuwng [no imprint. Paihia; Church Mission Press. 183971

1 sheet ([l] p.); 329x408 mm. Lithograph printed on laid paper with the watermark: 'KW&H Nichols 1835' and Britannia image.

A lesson sheet of four columns of 59 common Maori words (mainly in alphabetical order) and an alphabet. It is in cursive script and intended as a primer for copying to practise writing. It is apparently the first lithograph produced in New Zealand, printed on the lithographic press brought out by William Wade in 1834. No other lithographs from this press are recorded.

On 15 December 1838 a meeting of missionaries at Tauranga, attended by Henry Williams resolved: 'That the N.D. Committee be requested to urge the most active exertions of the press [.,.]& beg to reiterate our request that Mr Wade may supply us with lithographic lessons of writing and figures' (Minutes of Meeting of Missionaries S.D. Dec. 15 1838, in Papers of the New


Williams 34 & (S), Bagnall 4718. Copies: WTU.

63 MAUNSELL, ROBERT (1810-1894)

The first lithograph produced in New Zealand, 1839 (BiM 62) A lesson sheet to teach penmanship, with text by Robert Maunsell, and script by the lithographer William Wade. Alexander Turnbull Library: Printed collections.

Zealand mission 1809-1914, CMS Archive, University of Birmingham: copy at WTU, Micro-MS-Coll-04-33, Mission Books, CN/MII, p. 308-309) and this resolution was formally transmitted on I 7 December. These requests were most likely instigated by Robert Maunsell who was visiting the Bay of Islands in November 1838, and who probably provided the text for Wade to print in 1839.

Williams 57. Copies: AP, DL, ML (Colenso papers, A 236), WTU.

Catechetical questions for schools.

He | kupu ui | mo te | hunga o te kura. | [swelled rule] | Paihia: | He mea ta i te Perehi o nga Mihanere o te | Hahi o Ingarani. | [rate] | 1839.

8 p.: 168x104 mm. Page [2] blank.

A catechetical text of 99 questions on parts of the New Testament, most with scriptural references. Authorship attribution is based on a letter dated 24




January 1840 from Colenso to the CMS (William Colenso, Letters 1834-1853, DUHO; copy at WTU qMS-0491, v. 1). The supposedly original manuscript (Jane Williams, He kupu ui mo te hunga o te kura, WTU MS-1129) identified by Williams appears to be a fair copy made for Colenso as printer to work from. 3,000 copies were printed on I November 1839.

A second edition was printed by Samuel Revans in 1841 (no. 97).

Williams 32, Bagnall 1184. Copies: AP, WTU.


Wesleyan adaptation of Anglican Book of Common Prayer, with hymns. Ko te | Pukapuka | o | nga Inoinga | o te | Hahi o Ingarani, | me | nga himene | Weteriana. | &c. | [rule] \ Mangungu: | He mea ta i te Perehi o nga Mihanere Weteriana. | o Ingarani. | [rule] | 1839.

35, [l] p.; 197x1 10 mm. (untrimmed). Title-page bordered with double rule. Printed in two columns separated by vertical rule. Page [2] blank. Caption title p. 3: 'Ko te tikanga mo nga inoinga ote ata'. Caption title p. 17: ‘Ko nga himene’.

An adaptation, with minor changes, of parts of the 'small' Anglican prayer book (no. 56) for use in Wesleyan services. It contains Morning and Evening Prayer, (p. 1-[l6]), and 73 Wesleyan hymns (p. 1 7-[36]). Printing of the 5,000 copies began in March 1839 but was not completed until October (William Woon, Letter to WMMS, 14 October 1839, (Methodist Missionary Society (London), Letters and other material relating to Australia, New Zealand and the South Seas 1812-1889, Methodist Missionary Society; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-Coll-03-20).

For later editions of the Wesleyan prayer book see no. 102, 258, 367, 556, 925 and 1419.

Williams 36, Bagnall 3529. Copies: AP, AR, NLA, WTU.

65 BIBLE. O.T. Psalms. Maori. 1840.

The Psalms of David.

Ko | nga Waiata | a Rawiri. | [wavy rule] | Katahi ka taia kite reo Maori. | [wavy rule] | No Paihia: | He mea ta i te Perehi o nga Mihanere o te | Hahi o Ingarani. | [rule] | 1840.

[2], 125, [l] p.; 173x103 mm. Title-page bordered with double rule. Printed in two columns separated by vertical rule. Prelim, pages; title-page (verso blank). Page [l26] blank.

William G. Puckey's translation of the Psalms of David. Colenso made so many unauthorised changes to Puckey's text in the course of printing it that the translator disowned it (Samuel Kempthorne to CMS Secretaries. 29 April 1843, Papers of the New Zealand Mission 1809-1914, CMS Archive, University of Birmingham; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-Coll-04-34, Mission books, CN/Ml4 p. 174).

Colenso printed 11.000 copies, of which 5,000 were issued separately. Some were bound together with the 1840 and 1842 'small' prayer books (see no. 72-74 and 109) and the 1841 'large' prayer book (no. 92). Colenso



records that he bound the first copies in November 1840 (William Colenso, Ledger 1836-1842, WTU fMS-048) The original manuscript is among Colenso’s papers at AR (MS 76).

The work was revised and reprinted in 1844 as part of the Church of England prayer book (no. 197).

Williams 38, Bagnall 466. Copies: WTU.

66 BIBLE. O.T. Daniel I-VI. Maori. 1840

First six chapters of Daniel, and the complete text of Jonah.

Ko nga upoko eono | o te pukapuka a te | poropiti a Raniera: | me | te pukapuka ano hoki | a te | poropiti a Hona: | He kupu ra no te Paipera, ko ia hoki te puka- | puka a Ihowa te Atua Pono. | [wavy rule] | Katahi ka taia kite reo Maori. | [wavy rule] | No Paihia: | He mea ta i te Perehi o nga Mihanere. | [rule] | 1840.

Williams 43, Bagnall 460. Copies: ABH. AP, AR, DL, NAMU, NLA, WTU.

67 BIBLE. O.T. Daniel I-VII. Maori 1840.

32 p.; 199x1 10 mm. (untrimmed); heavy grey paper covers. Page [2] blank.

The second issue of Puckey's translation of the books of Daniel and Jonah as revised by Colenso, with Colenso's translation of the seventh chapter of Daniel added (see no. 66 for the first issue).

Williams 44. Bagnall 460 (note). Copies: ABH, AP, AR, DL, NAMU, NLA, WTU.

68 BIBLE. N.T. Maori. Selections. 1840.

Ko tetahi wahanga | o te | Kawenata Hou | o | to tatou Ariki te Kai Wakaora | a Ihu Karaiti. | [rule] | He mea wakamaori i te reo Kariki. | [rule]


Title-page accompanied by various portions of the 1858 New Testament.

Ko nga upoko ewitu | o te pukapuka a te | poropiti a Raniera: | me | te pukapuka ano hoki | a te | poropiti a Hona: | He kupu ra no te Paipera, ko ia hoki te puka- | puka a Ihowa te Atua Pono. | [wavy rule ] | Katahi ka taia kite reo Maori. | [wavy rule] | No Paihia: | He mea ta i te Perehi o nga Mihanere | [rule] | 1840.

First seven chapters of Daniel, and the complete text of Jonah.

Contains Daniel chapters 1-6 and the whole of Jonah. The translation was by William G. Puckey, in whose hand the 1836 manuscript is written (Bible. O.T. Daniel. 1836, WTU MS-0204). However, in a letter to the CMS dated 15 January 1841, Colenso states that the translation was his own; ‘part of Daniel and the Book of Jonah, which I have been enabled to translate’, (William Colenso, Letters 1834-1853, DUHO; copy at WTU, qMS-0491, v. 1). Colenso’s annotations on the manuscript indicate he revised it in January and June 1840. A printer’s proof copy is at WTU (MSX-5172). An edition of 5,000 copies was issued on and after 17 November 1840, comprising this issue and no. 67, which has the seventh chapter of Daniel added.

28 p.; 200 x 11 3 mm. (untrimmed); heavy grey paper covers.

69 BUSBY. JAMES (1802-1871)

| Paihia: | He mea ta i te Perehi o nga Mihanere o te | Hahi o Ingarani. | fru/el I 1840,

1 leaf ([1 ] p.) and various pagings; 210x136 mm.; coarse brown linen boards. Printed in two columns separated by vertical rule.

A title-page (verso blank) bound with various portions of the 1838 New Testament (see no. 45, which includes details of parts issued in 1839 without a title-page), 1,500 copies of the title-page were printed on 2 April 1840 (William Colenso, Day and waste book 1835-1843, WTU qMS-0484), but binding and issuing of copies was gradual. The Day and waste book records 573 parts bound and issued as late as March 1842.

Including those noted by Williams, the following combinations with the title-page have been identified:

68.1 Matthew, and Thessalonians-Revelation ([3]-46. [277J-356 p.)

68.2 Matthew, and Titus-Revelation (|3]-46. |293]-356 p.)

68.3 Mark. Luke, and I Corinthians-Colossians ([47)-120, [22l]-276 p.)

68.4 Mark. Luke, and Galatians-Philemon ([47]-120, [253]-[296] p.)

68.5 John-Romans ([I2IJ-220 p.)

'68.6 John-11 Corinthians ([I2IJ-252 p.)

68.7 Galatians-Revelation (]253]-356 p.)

Williams notes that some of the copies that include Ephesians have the sheet (signature 3E, p. 259-266) printed at the Wesleyan Mission Press (see no. 45 for details).

Williams 42, Bagnall 452 (note). Copies: NLA (68.5), AP (68.1,68.3, 68.7). AR (68.3, 68.5), DUHO (68.4). WTU (68.2, 68.4).

69 BUSBY, James (1802-1871)

Printed letter. Paihla, 30 January 1840. inviting chiefs to meet Hobson. No te 30 o nga ra o Hanuere, 1840. | E taku hoa aroha, | Tenei ano taku ki a koe; na, tenei ano | tetahi kaipuke manawa kua u mai nei, me tetahi rangatira ano 1 kei runga, no te Kuini o Ingarani ia, hei Kawana hoki mo tatou. | Na, e mea ana ia, kia huihuia katoatia mai nga rangatira o te | Wakaminenga o Nu Tireni, a te Wenerei i tenei wiki tapu e haere | ake nei, kia kitekite ratou i a ia. Koia ahau ka mea atu nei ki a | koe, e hoa, kia haere mai koe ki konei ki Waitangi, ki taku kainga | ano, ki tenei huihuinga. He rangatira hoki koe no taua Waka- 1 minenga tahi. Heoi ano, ka mutu taku, | Naku, 1 Na tou hoa aroha, | Na te Puhipi. [no imprint. Paihia: Printed at the Church Mission Press, 1840]

I folded sheet ([4] p.); 161 X2OO mm. Pages [2-4] blank. Printed on laid paper with watermark: 'Gilling & Allford 1830'.

A circular letter inviting the chiefs to a hui at Waitangi to meet the newly arrived Consul and Lieutenant-Governor Captain William Hobson, whose presence marked the end of Busby's official designation as ‘British Residenf. Busby had volunteered to assist Hobson but ignored Hobson's desire, communicated by Governor Gipps (NSW), to send the letter to a more



representative group than those chiefs who had signed the Declaration of the Independence of New Zealand 1835 (no. 28). For further background see J. C. Ross. ‘Busby and the Declaration of Independence’, NZJH, v. 14, no I (April 1980), p, 83-89.

Colenso printed 100 copies privately on behalf of Busby on 30 January, for which he was paid twelve shillings (William Colenso. Ledger 1836-1842, WTU fMS-048, p. 29), Busby's original letter to Colenso. dated Waitangi, 29 January 1 840 is accompanied by Busby's draft in Maori (to which Colenso made a number of changes to improve the grammar) and Colenso’s manuscript translation into English (held at WTU, f-76-048).

Copies: AR (MS 46, folder 20), NAMU (Colenso papers, v. 7, 2 copies). WTU (McLean papers, MS-Papers-0032-1009).


Catholic catechism.

[Catechism: actual title not known; no copy located. Kororareka: Printed by Geoffrey A. Eagar, 1840]

Physical description not known; no copy located. Description from secondary source.

A Catholic catechism printed commercially (625 copies) by Geoffrey Amos Eagar, printer of the New Zealand advertiser and Bay of Islands gazette, between August and October 1840. Paper and ink were supplied by the mission (see R. Ross, 'Bishop Pompallier’s press in New Zealand', Printing art, v. 1, no. 2 (1973), p. 2-15) and Fergus Clunie 'Mission printery' (New Zealand historic places, no. 44, Nov. 1993, p, 14). The text was probably the same as that in the 1843 Ako marama . . . (no. 120).

No copy located.


Four catechisms.

Ko | nga katikihama | ewa: | ka oti nei te wakamaori kite reo | o Nu Tireni. | [swelled rule] | Paihia: | He mea ta i te Perehi o nga Mihanere o te | Hahi o Ingarani. | [rule] I 1840.

A collection of four catechisms, revised by William Williams, numbered 'Ko te Katikihama tuatahi’ to . . tuawa’, and previously printed as catechisms lIIV in the collection printed at Sydney in 1833 (no, 18), with some textual changes. They comprise one by William Yate (first published in 1830. see no, 11), two by Isaac Watts, and the Church Catechism (first published in 1830, see no. 12). Catechism 111 (by Isaac Watts) of the 1833 edition has been divided into two after question 24. 10,000 copies were printed, beginning on 8 January 1840 (William Colenso, Day and waste book 1835-1843, WTU qMS--0484).

For other collections of catechisms (of which the contents tend to vary, though there are usually four) see no. 18. 108, 329, 371,389, 420 and 881. Williams 49, Bagnall I 182. Copies: AP, AR, DUHO. NLA, WTU.


28 p.; 195x110 mm. (untrimmed): coarse brown paper covers. Page [2] blank.



Partly reset edition of the abridged Book of Common Prayer, with hymns. Ko te Pukapuka | o nga Inoinga, | mete | minitatanga | o nga hakarameta, | ko | era tikanga hoki o te Hahi, | kite ritenga | o te Hahi o Ingarani. | [wavy rule] | Paihia: | He mea ta i te Perehi o nga Mihanere o te | Hahi o Ingarani. | [rule] \ 1840.

36 p.; 178x102 mm. Title-page bordered with double rule. Printed in two columns separated by vertical rule. Page [2] blank. The three 12-page signatures are: A. E, I.

The continuous pagination and the arrangement of contents in this issue of the abridged Book of Common Prayer are the same as the first issue of 1 839 (no. 56), However, some of the resetting and minor textual changes (e.g. on p. 6) of other 1840 issues (no. 73-74) have been made, as well as the later imprint date-

Other issues and editions of the Anglican prayer book are listed at no. 19. Copies: NLA; WTU (photocopy).


New edition of the abridged Book of Common Prayer, with hymns. Ko te Pukapuka | o nga Inoinga, | mete | minitatanga | o nga hakarameta, | ko 1 era tikanga hoki o te Hahi, | kite ritenga | o te Hahi o Ingarani. | [wavy rule] | Paihia: | He mea ta i te Perehi o nga Mihanere o te | Hahi o Ingarani. | [rule] \ 1840.

24. [l2] p.; 175x105 mm. Title-page bordered with double rule. Printed in two columns separated by vertical rule. Page [2] (first sequence) blank. The three 12-page signatures are: A, E, f.

Apart from the hymns, this is a largely reset edition of the 1839 'small' prayer book (no. 56), though some changes had been made in a partly reset issue (no. 72) dated 1840. There are some minor textual changes on p. 6 and some copies are printed on different quality paper. The main distinguishing features of this edition are: the text of ‘Ko nga inoinga' is transferred to p. 2324; and 'Ko nga himene’ forms the final signature. A printer's proof copy is at WTU (MSX-5189).

The unpaginated section of 42 hymns (signature: f), with caption-title: ‘Ko nga himene’, is from the same setting as no. 56. apart from pagination and signature differences. The section was also issued separately (no. 78) and bound in as part of the Marge' prayer book (no. 92).

20,000 copies were printed between December 1839 and March 1840, and are referred to by Colenso as the third edition Some copies have the Psalms (no, 65) bound in. See no. 74 for a variant issue.

See no. 56 for additional information on the printing history of the 'small’ prayer book. Other issues and editions of the Anglican prayer book are listed at no. 19.

Williams 37. Bagnall 1170 Copies: AP, NLA, WTU.




Variant edition of the abridged Book of Common Prayer, with hymns. Ko te Pukapuka | o nga Inoinga, | mete | minitatanga | o nga hakarameta, | ko | era tikanga hoki o te Hahi, | kite ritenga | o te Hahi o ingarani. | [wavy rule] | Paihia: | He mea ta i te Perehi o nga Mihanere o te | Hahi o Ingarani. I [rule] I 1840.

24, [l2] p.: 175x105 mm. Title-page bordered with double rule. Printed in two columns separated by vertical rule. Page [2] (first sequence) blank. The three 12-page signatures are: A, E. f.

A variant edition of the 1840 'small’ prayer book (no, 73). The first two signatures (to p. 24) and the paper quality (in the copies seen) are the same as those of the 'large' prayer book (no. 92). The main feature that identifies this variant is that the text of p. 23-24 is 'Mo te Karakia o te Ata' (the


Text from the Anglican Maori prayer book, 1840, with prayers for the chiefs and their families (BiM 74) The text featuring the ‘state prayers', soon to be replaced by the prayers for the Queen and the Royal Family. This is the variant text, as described in BiM 74. Alexander Turnbull Library: Printed collections.

76 CQLENSO. WILLIAM (1811-1899)

Athanasian Creed) which breaks off in mid-sentence on p. 24: 'A ko ratou ko te hunga i pai'. Colenso mentions small typographic changes and the ’proper place’ of the Athanasian Creed when the second signature is part of the large prayer book (William Colenso, Letter to CMS, 24 January 1840, WTU qMS--0491).The hymns section ’Ko nga himene’ (signature f) is that described at no. 78.

Other issues and editions of the Anglican prayer book are listed at no. 1 9. Williams 37 (note), Bagnall 1170 (note). Copies: DUHO, WTU.

75 COLENSO, William (1811-1899)

Four lesson sheets.

[Lesson sheets] [no imprint. Paihia: Church Mission Press, 1840]

4 sheets ([4] p ); 285x225 mm. Title supplied.

The four lesson sheets are partly derived from Marshall’s 1834 Ratari sheets (no. 21) The fat-face type used is the same as that used in Ratari and also the sheet issued by Colenso in about 1839 (no. 59). Colenso printed 500 sheets of each on 6 January 1840 (Colenso, Day and waste book 1835-1843, WTU qMS-0484). The contents of the four unnumbered sheets are:

(a) AEIo|UHKM|NPRTiWNG|[S lines]. The Maori alphabet in upper and lower case:

(b) ha he hi ho hu |kakekiko ku | [7 lines], 45 syllables, the same selection as Ratari I.

(c) kai mai pai tai ] wao hao nao tao |[6 lines], 32 three-letter words selected from Ratari 2. 3 and 5.

(d) 1 2345| 6 7 8 9 10 | [6 lines], 34 numerals ranging from I to 1000, Williams 51. Copies: AP. WTU.


Dialogues on six errors of the Church of Rome.

He | pukapuka waki; | hei wakakite atu i nga henga o te | Hahi o Roma. | Na Te Aroha Pono ki ana hoa, kite hunga | o Nu Tirene. | [rule] ) [3 quotations. 12 lines, with captions: Mat. 24. 4.; Karatia I. 7,8.; 2 Koroniti, x. 4,5.] | [rule] | Hirini [i.e. Sydney]: | He mea ta i te Perehi o Toki. | 1840.

24 p.; 197x118 mm. (untrimmed). Page [2] blank. Printed by F. M. Stokes (‘Toki’).

An anti-Catholic tract (waki = whaki), 'A book of disclosure; to expose the errors of the Church of Rome’ written by Colenso under his pseudonym Aroha Pono, in the form of three dialogues between Rapupono (Truth-seeker) and Aroha Pono (True Love) on six errors of the Church of Rome, it was reprinted at Wellington in 1852 (no. 426)

It was written in 1836, when Stephens and Stokes gave Colenso a printing estimate. The tract was approved and adopted by the New Zealand Auxiliary Tract Society, despite opposition from the Committee of Missionaries, and 8,000 copies were printed. Half of the run was sold by the


77 COLENSO. WILLIAM (1811-1899)

Wesleyan Mission, 1400 by the Tract Society, and the rest by the Southern District Committee and various supporters. For further information see Colenso's letters to the CMS of 24 January 1840 and 15 January 1841 (William Colenso, Letters 1834-1853, DUHO; copy at WTU. qMS-0491. v. 1).

A sequel was also issued in 1840 (no. 77). Wade saw both texts through the press, first in Sydney and then in Hobart (William Wade to William Colenso, 6-20 April 1840, in William Colenso, Papers, WTU MS-Papers-0031-87).

Williams 62, Bagnall 1330. Copies: AP. NLA, WTU.


Ko te tuarua | o nga | pukapuka waki; | hei wakakite atu i nga henga a te | Hahi o Roma. | [double rule] | E hoa ma, kua rongo pea koutou ki aku korerotanga | ki a Rapupono raua ko Takataka .] [Hopataone. li e. Hobart] ( He mea ta i te Perehi o te Watahaoha ratou ko nga Teina. | 1840.]

24 p.; 181X108 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p, 24. At end of text: ‘Na te Aroha Pono.‘. Printed by R. S. Waterhouse and Bros (‘Watahaoha ratou ko nga Teina’).

A sequel to He pukapuka waki (no, 76), comprising three further dialogues on errors seven to twelve. It was published in Sydney but printed in Hobart. For the printing history see no. 76.

Williams 63, Bagnall 1335. Copies: AP, AR, DL, NLA, WTU.


Forty-two Church of England hymns.

Ko nga himene. | [swelled rule] \ Himene 1. | Ko wai rate Atua? | Ko Ihowa ano, | Ko te Atua i ho mai nei | i tona Tamaiti. | [. . .] [no imprint. Paihia: Church Mission Press, 1840]

[l2] p.; 164x100 mm. Caption title. Printed in two columns separated by vertical rule. Signature mark: t

The same setting (apart from the signature mark and pagination) of the 42 hymns printed as p. 23-34 in the 1839 first edition of the ‘small’ prayer book (no. 56) and the partly reset issue (no. 72) dated 1840. This printing is found separately and also bound with the 1840 issues of the ‘small’ prayer book (no. 73 and 74), and the 1841 issue of the ‘large’ prayer book (no. 92),

A later issue of the same hymns, with the signature mark T, was published as part of the 1842 edition of the 'small’ prayer book (no. 109),

Williams 37/ ii & 39/ iii. Copies: AP, WTU (bound with other works).


Alphabets and reading lessons.

[Lesson sheets: actual title not known; no copy located, Mangungu: Printed at the Wesleyan Mission Press, 1840]


Dialogues on a further six errors of the Church of Rome.


Physical description not known; no copy located. Description from secondary source.

Woon’s printing report in the minutes of the Annual District Meeting for 1840 refers to ‘3 sorts of large placards, alphabets, reading lessons. &c.’ (Methodist Church of New Zealand, District minute books 1827-1845, ASJ; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-0612-05, p. 83).

No copy located.

80 NEW ZEALAND. Lieutenant-Governor (1840-1841 Hobson)

Notice to advise the establishment of a pound for stray animals.

Kia rongo nga tangata katoa. Ko nga kai wakawa, i | wakamine ki [space] i te [space] o nga ra o [space] |i te tau 184 [space] kua mea kia hanga ki [space] | tetahi pauna, a kua wakarite i a [space] | hei kai tiaki i taua pauna. | [II lines] | [table. 4 columns] | [3 lines] | Kua wakaaetia e te Kawana. [no imprint. Paihia: Printed at the Church Mission Press, 1840]

1 sheet ([l] p ); 237x190 mm.

A form-type notice issued by Hobson to advise details of a pound for stray animals at a named place, name of the person in charge, and fees payable to reclaim impounded animals. It is the earliest official form printed for the Hobson administration and the only one in Maori.

Colenso printed 100 copies on 31 March 1840 (William Colenso, Ledger 1836-1842, WTU fMS-048). The issue described at Williams 215 (listed under the year 1851) lacked the printed date (‘i te tau 184 [space]’), but no copy matching that has been located. It may have been a proof sheet, or was perhaps confused with this 1840 issue.

Williams 218 & (S). Copies: ML. WTU.


Printed letter to Maori about ownership of their land. 27 April 1840. No Paihia, no te 27 o nga ra o Eperira. 1840. | E hoa, | Kua rongo atu te Kawana tenei ano tetahi | Pakeha kino, tutu, aha noa atu, I roto i a koutou, e tohe ana kia | wakaohokia ai o koutou ngakau, kia kino ai koutou kite Ranga- | tiratanga o te Kuini; [, . .] | [l3 lines] | Na to koutou hoa, | Na te Kawana. [no imprint. Paihia: Printed at the Church Mission Press, 1840]

1 folded sheet ([4] p ); 199x160 mm. Pages [2-4] blank. Printed in italic type (apart from the numerals) on a half-sheet of foolscap laid paper with watermark; 'Gilling & Allford 1830’

A circular letter to Maori giving an assurance that their lands will not be taken from them. This was the first printed government document in Maori after the Treaty of Waitangi (no. 83), and Colenso printed 100 copies on 27 April (William Colenso, Ledger 1836-1842, WTU fMS-048). It was probably translated by Colenso for Shortland to take with him to Kaitaia when he went to acquire the signature of Nopera Panakareao to the Treaty on 28 April,

Williams 53 & 55. Bagnall 4038. Copies: DUHO. WTU.


Lieutenant-Governor Hobson's circular letter assuring chiefs that their land would not be taken from them, 27 April 1840 (BiM 81) Alexander Turnbull Library: Printed collections.



Proclamation. 2 May 1840. warning against illegal possession of Army stores.

He wakapuakanga. | [double rule] \ Na, kia rongo mai koutou, e nga rangatira, e nga tangata | katoa o Nu Tirani, ki tenei kupu. He ture tenei na te Kuini o | Ingarani, kia tikatika ai ana hoia. [. . .] I [25 lines] | Na te Kawana. | [double rule ] | Paihia: He mea ta i te Perehi o nga Mihanere o te Hahi o Ingarani. [lB4o]

1 sheet ([l] p ): 285x220 mm.

A proclamation warning against illegal possession of Army stores, the only proclamation in Maori issued by Hobson. It is a precis translation by Coienso of part of clause 66 of 'An Act for the punishment of mutiny and desertion and for the better payment of the army and their quarters' (2 & 3 Viet. Cap.s of 19 May 1839). An English version (Bagnall 4039) was also printed, that included a formal preamble.

The document is significant as the first application of English law by the British administration in New Zealand, a territory over which it did not yet have sovereignty, and therefore of doubtful legitimacy. Proclamations of sovereignty did not take place until 21 May 1840 (Bagnall **4040-**4o4la). all three now located.

Coienso printed 400 quarto copies in Maori (200 on 6 May and 200 on I 1 May). Both Williams (394x242 mm.) and Hocken (p. 551) refer to a folio-size issue. The confusion is assumed to come from the associated English version (Bagnall 4039), 100 folio copies of which were printed on 4 May (William Coienso, Ledger 1836-1842, WTU fMS-048, p. 29).

Williams 54, Bagnall 4039 a. Copies: DL. DUHO, ML, NLA (MS 3241), WTU.


First printing of the treaty between the British Crown and Maori chiefs. Ko Wikitoria, te Kuini o Ingarani, i tana mahara | atawai ki nga rangatira me nga hapu o Nu Tirani, i tana hiahia hoki kia | tohungia ki a ratou o ratou rangatiratanga, me to ratou wenua, a kia mau tonu | hoki te rongo ki a ratou mete ata noho hoki, kua wakaaro ia he mea tika kia | tukua mai tetahi rangatira hei kai wakarite ki nga tangata Maori o Nu Tirani. | [26 lines] | (Signed,) | William Hobson, Consul & Lieutenant-Governor. | Na. ko matou, ko nga rangatira o te Wakaminenga o nga Hapu o Nu | Tirani, ka huihul nei ki Waitangi. Ko matou hoki ko nga rangatira o Nu | Tirani, ka kite nei i te ritenga o enei kupu, ka tangohia, ka wakaaetia katoatia | e matou. Koia ka tohungia ai o matou ingoa o matou tohu. | Ka meatia tenei ki Waitangi, i te ono o nga ra o Pepuere, i te tau ) kotahi mano, ewaru rau, ewa tekau, o to tatou Ariki. | [double rule] 1 Paihia: Printed at the Press of the Church Missionary Society. [lB4o]

1 sheet ([l] p ); 325x200 mm. Printed on bluish laid paper with watermark of Britannia image.

The first printing of the Treaty of Waitangi between the British Crown and the chiefs of the Confederation of the Tribes of New Zealand Cnga rangatira o te



Wakaminenga o nga Hapu o Nu Tirani’). Colenso printed 200 copies of the Maori text on 17 February 1840 (William Colenso. Ledger 1836-1842, WTU fMS-048, p. 29). Hocken (p. 551) records that Colenso had told him 'many copies were printed on a cheaper paper, large 4to size, for general distribution amongst the natives’. No such copies have been located and Hocken’s description apparently results from confusion with the quarto wove paper variant issue of Telford’s 1845 printing (no. 256,1).

The original manuscript treaty document (prepared first in English by Hobson and his staff and translated into Maori by Henry Williams) was signed by about 45 chiefs at Waitangi on 6 February 1840. Between then and September 1840 several manuscript copies (including one in English) circulated through the country and were signed by over 500 chiefs. The documents are held at Archives New Zealand (Wellington) and various facsimiles have been published since 1877, most recently Nga wharangi o te Tiriti (Wellington, 1990).

C. Orange, The Treaty of Waitangi (Wellington, 1987) provides a broad history of the Treaty and its subsequent interpretation. For information on the signatures and signatories see C. Orange, The illustrated history of the Treaty (new ed.. Wellington, 2004) and Miria Simpson, Nga tohu o Te Tiriti: Making a mark (Wellington, 1990).

Later printings of the Treaty are described at no. 215 (1844) and 256 (1845).

Williams 52a (S), Sommerville 52a, Bagnall 5607. Copies: ML (Colenso papers, A 236), ANZ, WTU.


He | katikihama, | he aha, he aha. | [rule] | Upoko 1. —Kite Atua. | I Nawai koe i hanga? | Na te Atua. | 2 He aha koia te Atua? | He wairua nui, he wai- | rua ora tonu: .] [Mangungu: | He mea ta i te Perehi o nga Mihanere Weteriana | o Ingarani. 1840.]

12 p,; 197x110 mm. (untrimmed). Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 12. Printed in two columns separated by vertical rule.

A reprint ('third edition’) of the Wesleyan catechisms published in 1838 (no. 50) in which p. 6-8 have been reset. 1,600 copies were printed in January I 840 (William Woon, Journal 1830-1859, v. 1, WTU, qMS-2292; and Letter to WMMS, 13 May 1840, Methodist Missionary Society (London), Letters and other material relating to Australia. New Zealand and the South Seas 18121889, Methodist Missionary Society: microfilm copy at WTU. Micro-MS-Coll--03-20).

The first two catechisms are included in a larger collection published in 1841 (no. 100).

Williams 59. Copies: AP, AR, NLA, WTU.

85 APOSTLES’ CREED. Maori. 1841?

The Apostles’ Creed with illustrative Scripture quotations.

Te Wakapono o nga Apotoro. | [ornamental rule] \ I. E wakapono ana a hau


Reprinted edition of three Wesleyan catechisms and a prayer for children.


kite atua te matua | [J Scripture quotations of 2-4 lines, in 3 columns] | 11. kaha rawa, | [3 Scripture quotations of 2 lines, in 3 columns] | 111. Te Kai Hanga i te rangi mete wenua: | [3 Scripture quotations of 2-5 lines, in 3 columns] | [. , .] [W. Offord, Printer, Brewer’s Lane, Richmond. [Surrey, England: 1841?]]

1 sheet ([2] p.); 334x199 mm. Imprint from colophon p, [2]. Most text is in three columns.

The Apostles' Creed divided into 21 phrases, each followed by three illustrative verses of Scripture (in Maori) in three columns. A companion work to the Lord's Prayer (no. 96) and, for the same reasons, assumed printed in 1841 before Selwyn’s departure for New Zealand. On I January 1850 a residue of 770 copies 'given gratis by the Bishop’ are recorded in a Book Depository ledger (St John's College, Purewa, Book Depository Ledger 11, 1850-1852, ASJ. SJCT 14/37, p. 68; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-0936).

Williams 216 & (S). Copies: AP: WTU (photocopy).

86 BIBLE. O.T. Maori. Selections. 1841

Scripture lessons from the Old Testament.

He | korero kohikohi | enei | no te Kawenata Tawhito, | no | te Karaipiture. | [double rule] \ Mangungu: | He mea ta i te Perehi o nga Mihanere Weteriana | o Ingarani. | [rule] | 1840. [ i.e. 1841]

83, [l] p.; 190x1 10 mm. Colophon p. [B4] is dated 1841, Page [2] blank. Caption title and running title: 'He korero ano’. Printed in two columns separated by vertical rule. Printed at the Wesleyan Mission Press.

Extracts from Genesis, Exodus, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Chronicles, Kings and Daniel, apparently based on Sarah Trimmer’s An abridgement of Scripture history (London. 1793). This is one of the first publications to use ’wh’ in place of ‘w’. The text of the first twelve pages, extracts from Genesis, had been published (with minor differences) in 1837 as Ko etahi o nga korero i te Kawenata Tawito (no. 32). The translators were Hobbs, Whiteley and Wallis (William Woon, Letter to WMMS, 20 April 1840, Methodist Missionary Society (London)), Letters and other material relating to Australia, New Zealand and the South Seas 1812-1889, Methodist Missionary Society: microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-Coll-03-20).

The decision to print 5.000 copies of lessons from the Old Testament was taken at the Annual District Meeting of the Wesleyan mission on 5 November 1839 (Methodist Church of New Zealand, District minute books 1827-1845, ASJ: microfilm copy at WTU Micro-MS-0612-05). Printing began in February 1840 but was not completed until June 1841 (William Woon, Journal 18301859, v. 1, WTU qMS-2292). The eventual print run was 5,700 copies, of which ‘Bro.r Smales has been able to bind 200 copies and has 200 more in hand’ though his circuit duties meant that other solutions to the binding needs were to be found (William Woon, 1841 printing report; see no. 100 for further details).

Williams 58, Bagnall 467. Copies: AP, AR. DUHO, NLA. WTU,



87 BIBLE. O.T. Isaiah XLIX-LV. Maori. 1841

Part of Isaiah, translated by Maunsell.

Ko tetahi wahi | o te | pukapuka a lhaia | a te Poropiti. | [rule] | Upoko 49. | Wakarongo mai, e nga motu, ki a au; waka- | rongo mai hoki e nga iwi o tawiti; na Ihowa a | hau i karanga, no te kopu mai ano; no nga wekau o | toku waea i wakahua ai ia i toku ingoa. | [. . ,] [No Paihia: He mea ta i te Perehi o nga Mihanere, [lB4l]]

12 p.; 190x110 mm.; dark grey paper covers. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 12. Printed in one column, as is usual for probationary texts. Printed at the CMS Press.

Isaiah chapters 49-55, a text primarily about idolatry, and the first published instalment of Robert Maunsell's translation of the Old Testament. This pamphlet was probably intended to combat Catholicism on a scriptural basis, as Pompallier had despatched priests to as far away as the Bay of Plenty from his mission base in the Bay of Islands. The original manuscript, dated 1840, is in the Auckland War Memorial Museum (AR, MS 76, Box 3, folder 14). A printer’s proof is at WTU (MSX-5177).

The first twelve copies were issued to Maunsell on 26 February 1841, then 5,000 were distributed in April 1841 (William Colenso. Ledger 18361842, WTU fMS-048). At their 1 1 February 1852 meeting the CMS Central Committee decided to print a further 500 copies of these chapters, but it is not clear whether it was from the 1841 setting, or reset (Papers of the New Zealand mission, 1809-1914, CMS Archive, University of Birmingham; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-Coll-04-42, Various letters New Zealand mission, CN/04).

Williams 45, Bagnall 464. Copies: AP, AR, CU, NLA, WTU.

88 BIBLE. N.T. Maori, 1841.

Second edition of the complete New Testament, printed in London. Ko te | Kawenata Hou | o | to tatou Ariki te Kai Wakaora | a Ihu Karaiti. | [rule] | He mea wakamaori i te reo Kariki. | [rule] | Ranana: [i.e. London] | He mea ta i te Perehi o Wareta Makarowera ma te Peritihi | mete Poreni Paipera Hohaieti. | [rule] | 1841.

[4], 387, [l] p.; 176x110 mm. Prelim, pages: title-page (verso blank). Contents (verso blank). Printed in two columns separated by vertical rule. Page [3BB] blank. Printed by Walter M'Dowall ('Wareta Makarowera’) for the BFBS ('Poreni Paipera Flohaieti’).

A new edition of the New Testament, the first published in London by the BFBS, and seen through the press in 1840 by Edwin Norris, President of the Royal Asiatic Society. The previous edition, printed by Colenso at the Church Mission Press at Paihia, was published in 1838 (no. 45).

Of the 20,000 copies printed, half were supplied to the CMS and half to the Wesleyan mission (William Williams. The Turanga journals 1840-1850 (ed. F. Porter, Wellington, 1974), p. 162 f. n. 10.). Colenso records that the first copies were issued on 9 July 1841 (William Colenso, Ledger 1836-1842, WTU fMS-048).



For other editions of the New Testament see no. 45, 104, 1 96, 41 9, 559, 716. 1241, 1394 and 1483.

Williams 64 &, (S), Bagnall 453. Copies: ABH, AR, DL, DUHO. NLA, WTU.

89 BIBLE. N.T. Matthew. Maori 1841

Small format edition of the Gospel of St Matthew.

Ko te | Kongo Pai | kite ritenga | o Matiu. 1 [rule] \ Ranana [i.e. London]— 1 841 [Printed bv the Society for the Promotion of Christian Knowledge]

[4], 114. [2] p.; 120x75 mm. Prelim, pages: p. [l-2] blank, title-page (verso blank). Pages [ll5-116] blank. Small format (16mo in 8s) printed in small size type (’brevier’, approx. 8 point). Bound in brown basil boards with blindstamped bishop's mitre.

A small format edition of the Gospel of Matthew, printed by the SPCK for Bishop Selwyn on his departure for New Zealand in 1841 The CMS gave the SPCK permission to use their translation at a meeting held on 23 November 1841 (Correspondence Nov. 23 1841, in Papers of the New Zealand mission 1809-1914, CMS Archive, University of Birmingham; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-Coll-04-10, Committee Minutes. MC v. 20, p. 380-381).

Some copies have a paper label (117x60 mm.) pasted inside the front cover for recording details (in spaces provided) of church-based life events from baptism to burial. 2.000 copies of these labels (headed 'Te Waimate and the locality) were printed at Te Waimate (now Waimate North) on 2 May 1843. They are to be stuck into the little Maori St Matthews, or Pihopas as the Maoris call them, and given to each registered native Xtian’ (William Cotton, Journals 1841-1848. DL, M 5.36, v. 4, p. 118; copy at WTU, qMS--0564). A further label was used for copies distributed at Wellington (William Bambridge, Diary 1846-1848. WTU MS-0128, 3 May 1843). See also no. 116 for a bookplate found in one copy.

Williams 65 & (S), Bagnall 468. Copies: ABH. AP, AR, DL, DUHO, NLA WTU,


Morning Prayer and Evening Prayer.

Ko nga inoinga. | Ko te inoinga o te ata. | [cross] Kite ingoa o te Matua, mete Tamaiti, mete Wairua Tapu, | Amene. | [. . .] [no imprint.

Kororareka: Press of the Apostolic Vicariate of Western Oceania, 1841?] 8 p.; 193x127 mm. Caption title.

Catholic texts for Morning Prayer and Evening Prayer. There is additional text on p. 4-5 compared with that printed in the first Ako marama (no. 120) p. 4551. 3,000 copies were printed (J. B. F. Pompallier, Sacra Congregazione . . . Ristretto con sommario... Notice historique et statistique ; 2e partie. Statistique . . . (Rome. 1847) p. 24. item 5). The ABH copy is bound with the second Ako marama (no. 121).

Williams 80a (S). Copies: ABH, Marist Archives (Wellington); WTU (photocopy).




Instructions on the sacraments of repentance and the Eucharist. Ko te hakerameta | o te ripenetatanga. | U. * He aha te hakerameta o te ripenetatanga? | M. Ko te hakeramenta i meatia ai e Hehu Kerito, a e ho atu | ana e ana [sic, i.e. aua] kai tiaki tapu o te Hahi Katorika Romana ki nga tan- | gata, kia wakakahoretia a ratou hara, kua meatia nei no muri i | to ratou iriiringa. ![...] [no imprint. Kororareka: Press of the Apostolic Vicariate of Western Oceania, 1841]

[2], 8, [2] p,; 199x128 mm. Caption title. Prelim, pages and p. [9-10] blank. Two catechetical items: 'Ko te hakerameta o te ripenetatanga' (the sacrament of repentance, p, 1-3) and 'Ko te Ukaritia' (the Eucharist, p. 3-8). 3,000 copies were printed: see J. B. F. Pompallier, Sacra Congregazione . , . Ristretto con sommario . . . Notice historique et statistique: 2e partie, Statistique . . , (Rome, 1847), p. 24, items 4 and 3, and the texts may possibly have also been issued separately. The AP copy (presented by Pompallier to Sir George Grey on 5 February 1862) has a note in Pompallier's hand: '(No. 4) in June 1841'.

Williams 81 & (S), Bagnall 4608. Copies: ABH, AP; WTU (photocopy).


First edition of the complete Book of Common Prayer, with Psalms and hymns.

Ko te Pukapuka | o nga Inoinga, | mete | minitatanga | o nga hakarameta, | ko | era tikanga hoki o te Hahi, | kite ritenga | o te Hahi o Ingarani. | [wavy rule ] | Paihia: | He mea ta i te Perehi o nga Mihanere o te | Hahi o Ingarani. 1 [rule] | 1840. [i.e. 1841]

22, *23-*2B, 23-218, [2], 141, [l], [l2] p.; 163x100 mm. Title-page bordered with double rule. Printed in two columns separated by vertical rule. Colophon p, [l42] (second sequence): '[rule] | Ko te wakamutunga tenei 1 Nowema, 1841. | [rule]'.

The first complete edition of the Book of Common Prayer in Maori, known as the 'lame' oraver book. There are three main seauences:

(a) The first (to p. 218; p, [2] blank) is the 'large' prayer book. Most of the first two signatures (A and E) had been published earlier in the 'small' prayer book (see no. 56 and later editions and variants). The six-page insert between p 22 and 23 (p. *23-*2B, signature *E) contains special prayers. The translators were William Williams. William Puckey and Colenso (see William Colenso, letter dated 17 November 1841, in his Letters v. I, 1834-1847, DUHO; copy at WTU qMS-0491).

(b) The second sequence ([2], 141, [l] p: p. [2] (first sequence) and p. [l26] blank) comprises signatures §A-§W. Pages 127-[l42] (sigs §T and §W) are printed on lighter-weight paper. The contents are: (to p. 125) Puckey's translation of the Psalms with separate title-page (Ko nga Waiata a Rawiri 1840) that was also issued separately (no. 65). This is followed by: 'Ko nga korero kite wakapono a te Hahi o Ingarani', the Thirty-nine Articles (p. 127139) and 'He tepara mo nga huanga’, the Table of Prohibited Degrees (p. 140141), both translated by Colenso.



(c) The unpaginated ([ 12] p.) section (signature t). with caption title 'Ko nga himene’, the 42 hymns first included in the 1839 (no. 56) and later editions of the 'small' prayer book and also issued separately (no. 78).

Although printing began in January 1 839 this complete Book of Common Prayer was not published until November 1841, largely due to demand for the abridged ‘small’ prayer book (see no. 56 for details). 6,000 copies were printed and the first copies were issued on 8 November 1841 (William Colenso, Day and waste book 1835-1843, WTU qMS-0484). Because of dissatisfaction with some of the translation. Bishop Selwyn ordered in I 843 that the whole prayer book be revised under his direct supervision. The revised text was published in England in 1848 (no. 357).

Other issues and editions of the Anglican prayer book are listed at no, 1 9. Williams 39. Bagnall 1171. Copies: AP, AR. DL, DUHO. NLA, WTU.


Abridged version of Book of Common Prayer, with hymns, printed in Wellington.

Ko te Pukapuka | o nga Inoinga, ] mete | minitatanga | o nga hakarameta, | ko | era tikanga hoki o te Hahi, | kite ritenga | o te Hahi o Ingarani. | [ornamental rule] \ Wanga-nui-atara: [i.e. Wellington] | He mea ta i te Perehi a Hamuera Rewena | ki Poneke. | [rule] | 1841.

36 p.; 192x123 mm. Title-page has an ornamental border. Printed in two columns separated by vertical rule. Page [2] blank. Colophon p, 36: Printed at the Gazette Office. Manners Street, Wellington, Port Nicholson.’. Printed by Samuel Revans (“Hamuera Rewena’) at the office of the New Zealand gazette and Wellington spectator newspaper.

The contents of this edition of the 'small' prayer book follow the same arrangement as in the edition first published in 1839 (no. 56): Morning and Evening Prayer (p. [3]-22). 42 hymns (‘Ko nga himene', p. [23]-34), and 6 prayers ('Ko nga inoinga', (p, [3s]-36). It (and also no. 97) was printed in Wellington for Rev. Octavius Hadfield and John Mason because the CMS press at Paihia had too much work.

Other issues and editions of the Anglican prayer book are listed at no. 19. Williams 65a. Copies: ABH, AP, AR; WTU (photocopy).


New edition of collection of forty-two Church of England hymns.

Ko nga himene. | [rule] | Himene I. | Ko wai rate Atua | ko Ihowa ano, | ko te Atua i ho mai nei | i tona Tamaiti, | [. . .] [no imprint. Kororareka?; Printed by Geoffrey A. Eagar?, 1841?]

25-35, [l] p.; 171x101 mm. Caption title. Printed in two columns separated by vertical rule.

A roughly printed edition of the standard collection of 42 Anglican hymns in Maori (no. 78), paginated to follow one of the 24-page 'small' prayer books (no. 56 and 73-74).

The attribution of place, printer and date is based on the typefaces used.



which are the same as those in the New Zealand advertiser and Bay of Islands gazette (published June-Dee. 1840) and the early issues of the New Zealand government gazette (Jan,-July 1841) printed by Geoffrey Eagar in Kororareka (now Russell). Eagar moved to Auckland in 1842 (R. Salmond, Government printing in New Zealand. 1840-1843 (Wellington, 1995), p. 12-13). Williams dates this edition at 1844, and it is possible the type was passed on to another printer, but no evidence has been found for this.

Williams 105. Copies: DUHO, NLA; WTU (photocopy).

95 He KURA

Lesson sheet for teaching reading.

[cross] | He kura. |AEIOUHKMNPRTWNC|AEIOUHKMNP RTW NG | a e i o u hj k m n p rtw ng | [. . .] [no imprint. Kororareka: Press of the Apostolic Vicariate of Western Oceania, 1841?]

I folded sheet ([4] p ); 247x344 mm. Caption title. Printed on inner pages; pages [l] and [4] blank. Text on p. [2] mainly in two columns separated by vertical rule. Caption title p. [3]: ‘[cross] | Kotahi Atua, kotahi wakaponotanga, | kotahi mahi tapu.'.

Alphabets, syllables, numerals and five catechetical questions and answers for teaching reading, prepared by the Catholic mission. 2,000 copies were printed (J. B. F. Pompallier, Sacra Congregazione . . . Ristretto con sommario . . . Notice historique et statistique ; 2e partie. Statistique . . . (Rome, 1847), p, 24, irpm

Copies: CMU (14 Maori, MM Shelf B4); WTU (photocopy).

96 LORD’S PRAYER. Maori. 1841?

The Lord's Prayer with illustrative Scripture quotations.

Ko te inoinga o te Ariki. | [double rule ] | E to matou matua, | [3 Scripture quotations of 3-4 lines, in 3 columns] | I te rangi; | [3 Scripture quotations of 2-5 lines, in 3 columns] | kia tapu tou ingoa. | [3 Scripture quotations of 2-4 lines, in 3 columns] | [9 further phrases followed by 3 Scripture quotations in 3 columns] | [rule] | W. Offord, Printer, Brewer’s Lane, Richmond, Surrey. [England: 1841?]

I sheet ([l] p.); 340x214 mm. Most text is in three columns.

The Lord's Prayer divided into twelve phrases, each followed by three illustrative verses of Scripture (in Maori) in three columns. It is referred to by Cotton in his journal entry for 14 January 1843: 'The Bishop was well nigh sharing an Orphean fate during the distribution of a sheet on which was printed in a tabular form texts illustrative of the several clauses of the Lord's Prayer’ (William Cotton, Journal of a residence at Te Waimate, New Zealand, from August 21st 1842 to Sat February 25th 1843, DL, M 5.35, v. 3. p. 195; copy at WTU, qMS-0563).

A companion work, a chart of the Apostles' Creed, is also associated with Bishop Selwyn; see no. 85 for further details. It therefore seems likely that both items were printed for Selwyn (whose father lived in Richmond, Surrey) prior to his departure from England for New Zealand at the end of December


99 WATKIN. JAMES (1805-1886)

1841 A Book Depository ledger records 586 copies remaining in January 1848 (St John’s College, PUrewa, Book Depository Ledger I, 1848-1849. ASJ, SJCT 14/36, p. 25; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-0936).

Williams 217. Copies: AP, DUHO, WTU.

97 MAUNSELL, Robert (1810-1894)

Second edition of catechetical questions for schools.

He | kupu ui 1 mo te | hunga o te kura. | [ornamental rule] | Wanga-nui-atara: [i.e. Wellington] | He mea ta i te Perehi a Hamuera Rewena | ki Poneke. | [rule] | 1841.

8 p.; 170x100 mm. Page [2] blank, Colophon p. 8: ’Printed at the ’’Gazette’’ Office, Port Nicholson.’. Printed by Samuel Revans at the office of the New Zealand gazette and Wellington spectator newspaper.

A reset edition of 99 catechetical questions first published in 1839 (no. 63). The Wellington printer was commissioned by Rev. Octavius Hadfield because the press at Paihia had too much work (see also no. 93),

Williams 66, Bagnall 1 185. Copies: AP. WTU.

98 NEW ZEALAND. Governor (1841-1842 : Hobson)

Printed letter. JO November 1841. following the capture of Wiremu Maketu.

Akarana, Wai-te-mata, | Nowema 30, 1841. | E hoa ma e nga rangatira o Ngapuhi, | Tena ra ko koutou,— e hoa ma e hiahia ana a te 1 Kawanakia tuhituhia atu tenei pukapuka ki a koutou, e ui ana ia kite 1 tikanga te henga ranei o ana kupu;— [. . .] I [2l lines] | Naku, | Na to koutou hoa, | Na te Kawana. | Ki nga rangatira, 1 o Ngapuhi. [no imprint. Auckland: Printed by |ohn Moore, 18411

A letter expressing Hobson’s continued goodwill towards Ngapuhi. He reminds them of his willingness to provide a ship (the Victoria) to transport their ancestor Te Wera's body from Mahia to the Bay of Islands, despite murders committed by Te Wera’s son Ruhi and then by the son of Ruhi. Wiremu Maketu. He commends them for having captured and handed over Maketu to the authorities, as evidence to Pakeha of proper cooperation between the races. The subsequent case resulted in Maketu being hanged in March 1842, and was the first application of British justice to Maori; for further background see C. Orange, The Treaty of Waitangi (Auckland, 1987), p. 107-108,

The text was reprinted with minor corrections in Te karere o Nui Tireni. v. 1, no. 1 (1 January 1842), p. 1-2,

Williams 71. Copies: AP (bound with Maori messenger ); WTU (photocopy).

99 WATKIN, James (1805-1886)

Lesson book in the southern Maori dialect.

He puka ako i te korero | Maori. | [rule] |AEIOUHKMNP|RT WH |


I sheet ([l] p); 328x197 mm. Printed on a half sheet of foolscap. The typeface is that used by John Moore, printer to the government at the time.


aeiouhkmnprtwh|uhnokremitapwh|[. ..] [Mangungu: | He mea ta i te Perehi o te Hohaieti Weteriana, 1841.]

3,000 copies were printed at the Wesleyan mission press in September 1841 and sent to Otago via Sydney: ’I have just struck off 3,000 12 pages 12mo 1 st Book for Mr Watkin, for the natives in his circuit, and forwarded them to Sydney to the care of Mr Jones. Mr W’s partner and friend in that mission.’ (William Woon to the WMMS Committee. 6 October 1841, Methodist Missionary Society (London), Letters and other material relating to Australia, New Zealand and the South Seas, 1812-1889, Methodist Missionary Society; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-Coll-03-21).

A facsimile, with a translation and historical and linguistic notes, was published in R. Harlow, Otago's first book (Dunedin, 1994).

Williams 70a, Bagnall 4714. Copies: AR, DUHO, NLA, WTU.


Wesleyan Conference catechism and other works.

He | katikihama, | he aha, he aha. | [rule] | Upoko I. Kite Atua. | 1 Nawai koe i hanga? | Na te Atua. | 2 He aha koia te Atua? | [. . .] [Mangungu; | He mea ta i te Perehi o nga Mihanere Weteriana. 1841.]

55, [l] p.; 175x105 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p, [s6]. Printed in two columns separated by vertical rule. Caption title p. 54: 'He tauira mo nga inoinga a nga taitamariki.'

A collection of five catechisms, the Ten Commandments, and eight prayers for children, translated by John Hobbs. The first two catechisms (the Conference Catechism, and the Catechism of Scripture names, by Isaac Watts) are from the smaller collection first published in 1837 (no. 43), then again in 1838 (no. 50) and 1840 (no. 84). This is the first edition to use the ‘wh’ digraph. Some of the prayers are from Isaac Watts’s The second sett of catechisms and prayers (London, 1730), intended for children aged 8-12. Work on this edition began in June 1841 (William Woon, Journal 1830-1859, v. 2, WTU qMS-2293). 6,700 copies were printed (William Woon, Printing report. Minutes of the Annual District meeting of the Northern Division of the New Zealand District, 15 December 1841, Methodist Missionary Society (London), Letters and other material relating to Australia, New Zealand and the South Seas 1812-1889, Methodist Missionary Society: microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-Coll-03-05). Copies were issued together with the Wesleyan prayer book (no, 102) and a new version of the class rules (no. 101)

Catechisms were subsequently included in the Wesleyan prayer book (see no. 258 for details).

Williams 69 & (S). Copies: AP, AR, WTU.


A lesson book in the southern (Ngai Tahu) dialect (particularly ‘k’ in place of the northern 'ng') compiled by Watkin, the Methodist missionary at Waikouaiti (Otago), it contains alphabets, syllables, numerals, sentences, prayers, the Ten Commandments and three hymns. The digraph 'wh' is used.

12 p.; 188x113 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 12.



Revised edition of rules of Wesleyan Methodists, with the Ten Commandments.

Ko | nga ritenga | mo te hunga | e huihui ana ki nga karahi. | [rule] \ He potopoto ano to tatou oranga i tenei ao, | hei whakamatautauranga hoki, kia kite ai te | Atua, ka rongo ra nei tatou ki aia, kahore ra nei. | [. . .] [[Mangungu] He mea ta i te Perehi o nga Mihanere Weteriana, 1841.]

Later versions of the class rules were included in the Wesleyan prayer book, see no. 258 for details.

Williams 70. Bagnall 3532. Copies: AP, AR, NLA, WTU.


New edition of Wesleyan adaptation of the Book of Common Prayer, with hymns.

Ko | te Pukapuka 1 o nga Inoinga | o te Hahi o Ingarani, | me nga himene | Weteriana, | &c. | [rule] | Mangungu: | He mea ta i te Perehi o nga Mihinare [sic] Weteriana | o Ingarani. | [rule] 1 1841.

For other editions of the Wesleyan prayer book see no. 64. 258, 367, 556, 925 and 1419.

Williams 68 & (S). Copies: AP. AR, NLA. WTU,

103 BIBLE. O.T. Exodus I-XX. Maori. 1842

Selections from Exodus and Deuteronomy.

Ko tetahi wahi | o te | pukapuka tuarua a Mohi | o | Ekoruhe. 1 [wavy rule] \ He mea wakamaori no te reo Hiperu. | [wavy rule] \ No Paihia: | He mea ta I te Perehi o nga Mihanere o te Hahi | o Ingarani. | [rule] \ 1840. [i.e. 1842]

89, [3] p.; 176x104 mm. Pages [2] and [9O-92] blank. Printed in one column,


A new edition of the Wesleyan adaptation of the Anglican prayer book and 73 Wesleyan hymns, first published in 1839 (no. 64). This edition uses the 'wh' digraph throughout. Printing of the 6,700 copies started on 6 December 1841 (William Woon, Journal 1830-1859, v. 2, WTU qMS-2293) and was completed by the District meeting of 15 December (see no. 100 for further details of the 1841 printing report). Copies often have the catechisms (no. 100) and class rules (no. 101) bound in.

35. [1 ] p.; 175x105 mm. Title-page bordered with double rule. Printed in two columns separated by vertical rule. Page [2] blank. Caption title p. 3: 'Ko te tikanga mo nga inoinga ote ata'. Caption title p. 17: Ko nga himene'.

A reset and revised edition of the Wesleyan class rules first published in 1 837 (no. 44) and then, with the addition of the Ten Commandments, in 1 838 (no. 52). This version is the first to use the digraph 'wh'. Altogether 6,700 copies were printed, to accompany the prayer book (no. 102) and catechisms (no. 100) with which it was issued (see no. 100 for details of the 1841 printing report).

1 folded sheet (4 p.); 175x105 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 4,

104 BIBLE N T MAORI 1842

Exodus chapters 1 -20 (p. [3]-52) and Deuteronomy chapters I -12 (p. [S3J-89). These are the first Old Testament texts issued in Robert Maunsell's translation begun in collaboration with James Hamlin in 1836, Although dated 1840. the first of the 5,000 copies were not issued until November 1842 (William Colenso, Ledger book, WTU fMS-048, p, 120). Maunsell's manuscript is among Colenso's papers (AR, MS 76, Box 3, folders 16-17). A printer’s proof is at WTU (MSX-5173). Nearly 2,000 copies had been distributed by the end of 1843. The remaining chapters (21-40) of Exodus were printed in 1846 (no. 260), with further instalments of Deuteronomy in 1843 (chapters 13-19 and 26-34; no. 118) and 1847 (chapters 20-25; no. 321).

Printing of further parts of the Hexateuch (the first six books (Genesis to Joshua) of the Old Testament) occurred irregularly between 1843 and 1847 (see no. 118, 221, 260, 321-322). These were circulated among the missionaries as ‘probationary’ copies for review of the translation, but Selwyn would not allow wider distribution of the ‘detached portions’ as tracts (Robert Maunsell to CMS Secretaries, 23 April 1845, Papers of the New Zealand mission 1809-1914, CMS Archive, University of Birmingham: microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-Coll-04-35, Mission books, CN/MIS, p. 309-310),

Copies of the parts are found separately and also together with other parts. Complete sets of the parts of the Hexateuch were bound and issued as probationary copies in September 1847 (see no. 319-320), then superseded by the 1848 London BFBS edition (no. 352).

For details of later Old Testament probationary texts see no. 368 and 463, and for BFBS editions of revised texts see no. 455 and 470. The complete Bible was published by the BFBS in 1868 (no. 716).

Williams 46, Bagnall 462. Copies: AP, AR, DL, NLA, WTU.

104 BIBLE. N.T. Maori. 1842.

Third edition of the complete New Testament.

Ko te | Kawenata Flou | o | to tatou Ariki te Kai Wakaora | a Ihu Karaiti. | [rule] | Fie mea wakamaori i te reo Kariki. | [rule] | Ranana: [i.e. London] | He mea ta i te Perehi o Wareta Makarowera ma te Peritihi | mete Poreni Paipera Hohaieti. | [rule] | 1842.

371, [l] p.; 180x110 mm. Printed in two columns separated by vertical rule. Colophon p. 371: 'London: | W. M'Dowall, Printer, Pemberton Row, Gough Square.’. Page [2], [4] and [372] blank.

The third edition of the New Testament, and the second printed by Walter M'Dowall for the BFBS. The edition was of 20,000 copies, of which 10,000 were supplied to the CMS (see letter from BFBS dated 16 January 1843, in K. A. Webster, The Webster Collection and papers, WTU, MS-Papers-1009-2/55), The edition became available in New Zealand in mid-1843 but the 300 copies assigned to Archdeacon William Williams were destroyed in his house fire on 7 February 1844 (William Williams, The Turanga journals 1840-1850 (ed. F. Porter, Wellington, 1974), p, 271).


as is usual for probationary texts. Caption title p. [s3]: ‘Ko tetahi wahi o te pukapuka tuarima a Mohi ko tona ingoa nei ko Tiuteronomi.’


For other editions of the New Testament see no. 45. 88, 196, 419, 559, 716. 1241. 1394. 1483.

Williams 72 & (S), Bagnall 454. Copies: AP, AR, DL, DUHO, NLA, WTU,

105 BIBLE. N.T. Maori. Selections, ca. 1842.

Brief extracts from the New Testament, probably for anti-Catholic purposes.

“Ka ki atu a ihu ki a ratou, kia tupato ra kei wakahekia kou- | tou e tetahi; he tokomaha hoki e haere mai ki toku ingoa, e mea, | ko a hau ia; a, he tokomaha te wakahekia." Maka, 13.5,6. | [5O lines] [no imprint. Paihia?: Printed by William Colenso at the Church Mission Press?, ca. 1842]

1 sheet ([l] p.); 183x100 mm.

A sheet of nine short extracts from various books of the New Testament. The texts correspond to early versions of the New Testament, in which the 'wh' digraph is not used. As Colenso’s Hawke's Bay press was not operational until July 1 847 (see no. 330), it is most likely this was printed in Paihia by Colenso in a private capacity, in about 1842.

A copy inserted in a letter from Colenso to the CMS on 18 June 1846 is headed in his writing 'Mo te Pikopo’, Colenso’s name for Pompallier, but more likely referring here to any Catholic. In 1845 Colenso had distributed copies to 'Papists' in the Wairarapa with a covering letter, but Selwyn told him he did not approve of using that heading together with Scripture text (William Colenso. Letters 1834-1853, DUHO: copy at WTU, qMS-0491, v. 1, p. 138).

Copies: DUHO (Colenso. Letters, 1834-1853); WTU (photocopy).


Separate issue of 1842 pastoral included later in Ako marama.

[Ko te Epikopo Katorika Romana, ko Hoane Papita Werahiko, kite hunga o Nuitirene kua wakapono kite Hahi take Katorika Romana, owhatanga me wakapainga mo koutou ma Hehu Kerito; actual title not known; no copy located. Kororareka: Press of the Apostolic Vicariate of Western Oceania, 1842?]

26? p. Physical description not known; no copy located. Description based on text included in the 1843 Ako marama (no. 120).

This pastoral letter by Bishop Pompallier was included in the first Ako marama (1843 (no. 120). p. 1-26), from which the title of this entry is taken. Ako marama comprises several distinct works, some of which were definitely first issued as separate publications, eg. Ko nga inoinga (no. 90). Although no copy of the pastoral as a separate issue has been found, it is very likely that it was issued that way as well as being part of the larger work. The text (referred to by Colenso as 'the long rambling address to the natives' in a letter of May 1843 to the CMS) was also printed in the 1845 Ako marama (no. 222, p. 1-19). An English translation was published in Sydney in 1843 under the title Instructions on the luminous doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church (Bagnall 4609).



Pompailier’s Early history of the Catholic Church in Oceania (Auckland, 1888; translated from the 1850 French edition), states (p. 81): ‘Soon after my arrival at the Bay of Islands [on 26 August 1842, from Wallis (Uvea) Island] I hastened to write a long pastoral letter refuting the errors of Protestantism. I then revised my manuscript catechism with all the principal prayers for a Christian, and the whole was printed in a few months by the mission printing press at the Bay of Islands. All these pamphlets, consisting of two thousand copies, were distributed among the Catholic stations in New Zealand.'

No copy located.


Calendar of daily Bible readings for Morning and Evening Prayer.

Ko Hanuere. [vertical rule] Ko Pepuere. | [rule] | [text in table format, surrounded by a border: two columns separated by heavy rule, each divided into two further columns headed : Mo te Ata. [vertical rule] Mo te Ahiahi.J [no imprint. Auckland?: Printed by John Moore?, 1842?]

7, [l] p.; 158x105 mm. Text p. 1-6 is in table format; p. 7 one column: p, [B] blank. Caption title p. 7: 'Ko nga upoko o te Kawenata Hou.',

A calendar of daily Bible readings, with readings and Psalms for special times of the church year on p. 7, probably compiled by Robert Maunsell. The use of 'wh' for 'w' is sporadic. The typography and paper match that of John Moore, printer of Maunsell’s Grammar of the New Zealand language in 18421843 (see no. 130), into which the only known copy is laid.

Copies: WTU (in MS-1624).


Four catechisms.

Ko | nga katikihama | ewa: | Ka ofi nei te wakamaori kite reo | o Nu Tireni. | [swelled rule] | Paihia: | He mea ta i te Perehi a nga Mihanere o te | Hahi o Ingarani. | [rule] | 1842.

35. [l] p.; 172x105 mm. Pages [2] and [36] blank.

This collection of four catechisms, numbered 'Ko te Katikihama tuatahi’ to '. . . tuawa', is significantly different from the previous collection published in 1 840 (no. 71). it comprises: both Yate catechisms (first published in 1830, no. 11) revised and expanded; the second Isaac Watts catechism (from no. 71); and the Churchy Catechism first published in 1830 (no. 12).

The edition of 6,000 copies was started by Colenso but finished by Telford after Colenso left Paihia for St John's College at Te Waimate (now Waimate North) in mid-1842. Telford refers to having printed two sheets (presumably the final two sheets) by May 1843 ( Missionary register, Feb. 1844, p. 108) and it is listed in his report to the CMS (John Telford. Report of work done . . . Novr 13/42 to July Ist 1843, in Missionaries joint reports 18361858, Papers of the New Zealand Mission 1809-1914, CMS Archive, University of Birmingham; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-Coll-04-43, Various letters New Zealand mission, CN/06). A printer's proof is at WTU (MSX-5174).


no COLENSO. WILLIAM (1811-1899)

For other collections of catechisms (of which the contents tend to vary, though there are usually four) see no. 18, 71, 329, 371, 389, 420 and 881 Williams 76, Bagnall 1 183. Copies: DUHO, WTU (p. 27-35 & photocopy).


New edition of the abridged Book of Common Prayer, with hymns.

Ko te Pukapuka 1 o nga Inoinga, | mete | minitatanga | o nga hakarameta, | ko | era tikanga hoki o te Hahi, | kite ritenga | o te Hahi o Ingarani. | [wavy rule] \ Paihia: | He mea ta i te Perehi o nga Mihanere o te | Hahi o Ingarani. | [rule] | 1842.

24, [l2] p.; 177x102 mm. Title-page bordered with double rule. Printed in two columns separated by vertical rule. Page [2] (first sequence) blank. The three 12-page signatures are A, E, I.

This issue of the Anglican prayer book is referred to as the fourth edition by Colenso, of which 20,000 copies were printed in 1842. The setting appears to be largely the same as that of the 1840 new edition (no. 73). apart from some minor variations on p. 18, 20 and 22, the position of pagination and signature marks, and the use of signature mark I for the hymns section (caption title 'Ko nga himene’). The prayer book was issued separately and also with the 1840 Psalms (no. 65) bound in.

Other issues and editions of the Anglican prayer book are listed at no. 19. Williams 73. Bagnall 1172. Copies: AP, WTU.

110 COLENSO, William (1811-1899)

Tract on an Anglican church service in London admitting three Catholic priests.

[double rule] | He | kupu wakatupato. i na te Aroha Pono. | [swelled rule] | “A ki atu ana a Ihu, ka mea atu ki a ratou, kia | tupato ra kei wakahekia koutou ete tangata." | [swelled rule] | 1842. | [double rule] [no imprint. Paihia: Printed by William Colenso at the Church Mission Press, 1842]

7, [l] p.; 198x126 mm. (untrimmed). Page [2] blank. Caption title p. 3: 'He I kupu wakatupato, | na te Aroha Pono. 1 ki ona teina, ki nga tangata nei o Nu Tirene.’. Text (5 lines) on p. [B]; Revelation. 18, 4-5.

A tract describing the service used by the Bishop of London to admit three Catholic priests as converts to the Church of England, published by Colenso under his pseudonym Aroha Pono.

Colenso primed 500 copies in July 1842 at the Church Mission press as one of his private projects published at his own expense. He enclosed copies in his letter of 26 July 1842 to the CMS. expressing his disappointment that the Missionary Committee was not prepared to publish tracts ’against these awful emissaries of evil’. (William Colenso, Letters 1834-1853. DUHO; copy at WTU, qMS-0491, v. I).

Williams 84, Bagnall I 325. Copies: AP. AR, DL, DUHO, NLA. WTU,


11l COLENSO. WILLIAM (1811-1899)


Second edition of primer and lesson book, with the Ten Commandments. He | pukapuka wakaako; | hei wakamatau | i nga tangata kiano I mohio noa ki | te korero pukapuka. | [swelled rule] | [illustration (children praising Christ in the temple) and quotation. 7 lines, with caption: Matiu , Upoko 21 rarangi 15 [i.e. 15-16] | [swelled rule] | Paihia: | He mea ta i te Perehi o nga Mihanere | o te Hahi o Ingarani. | [rule] | 1842.

24 p.; 177x104 mm.; coarse brown paper covers. Page [2] blank. Columns and type faces vary.

A second (and reset) edition of the primer of letters, syllables, words and sentences, with the Ten Commandments, first published in 1839 (no. 61). 10,000 copies were issued between July and October 1842 (William Colenso, Ledger book 1836-1842, WTU fMS-048, p. 115). For later reprints see no. 475 and 494.

Williams 74, Bagnall 4719. Copies: AP, AR, WTU.


Lesson sheets for children.

[Lesson sheets; actual title not known: no copy located. Mangungu: Printed at the Wesleyan Mission Press, 1842]

Physical description not known: no copy located. Description from secondary source.

The existence of these is known from Woon’s journal entry of 9 May 1842: ‘Employed lately in the printing office, getting up and printing some placards for the instruction of the youthful portion of our charge at the native settlements’ (William Woon. Journal 1830-1859, v. 2, WTU qMS-2293).

No copy located.

113 MARTIN, Sir William (1807-1880)

Printed letter. Wellington, 27 October 1842, on the use of clothing and blankets.

Ki nga rangatira Maori katoa e noho ana ki Poneke, | 27 Akatopa 1842. | [rule] | E hoa ma—Whakarongo mai ki taku korero kia koutou katoa. E pouri ana toku ngakau no taku kitenga i a | koutou i pangia ana e te mate e te turoro: he tokomaha kua mate rawa. [. . .] | [l5 lines] | Na to koutou hoa, | na te Matenga, | na te Tino Kai Whakarongo. | Ki nga rangatira o Poneke no Wakatu. [no imprint. Wellington: Printed at the Office of the New Zealand Gazette and Wellington Spectator?, 1842]

1 sheet ([l] p.); 240x194 mm.

A circular letter to the chiefs at Wellington ('Poneke’) and Nelson ('Wakatu’) from the Chief Justice ('te Tino Kai Whakarongo'). He cautions against using blankets intended for bedding as cloaks (because they get wet and then the wearer gets sick) and advises Maori to wear warm clothes, like the Pakeha. Martin held a Circuit Court session in Wellington during October 1842, but



printing may have been arranged by Hadfield (with whom he stayed at Waikanae as late as 23 October) who had previously used the Gazette Office (see no. 93 and 97).

Williams 84a (S). Copies: AP, DUHO, NLA; WTU (photocopy).

114 MAUNSELL, Robert (1810-1894)

Catechetical questions.

He patai. | [rule] | Ma te monita e panga te patai, ka oho Maori | mai ai te karaihe; ko reira te monita mea ai, | “Tena koa te kupu,” a ma ratou e wakahua | mai te tino wahi o te rarangi e rite ana. | [rule] | [. . .] [He mea ta i te Perehi a Mua i Akarana. [i.e. Auckland] [lB42]]

6 p,: 168x100 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 6. Leaf (p. 3-4) tipped in. Printed by John Moore CMua").

Catechetical questions (107 questions in seven sections) with Scripture references for answers. The "wh" digraph is used inconsistently. The 1842 publication date is from Rev. B. Y. AshwelTs letter of 30 September 1842 to the CMS: ‘I have also paid a visit to Waitemata where I had an opportunity of distributing several of the Revd R. MaunselTs invaluable little tract the Patai (Question) with the exception of the New Testament there is no book so valued and so eagerly sought after by the natives of this district as this ..." (Papers of the New Zealand Mission 1809-1914, CMS Archive. University of Birmingham; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-Coll-04-47, Various letters New Zealand mission).

Further editions were issued in 1844 (no. 210), 1848 (no. 364), and 1850 (no. 399).

Williams 111, Bagnall 3468 (note). Copies: AR, WTU.


Large multiplication table printed at the Church Mission Press by lohn Telford.

[Multiplication table: actual title not known; no copy located. Paihia: Church Mission Press, 1842]

Physical description not known; no copy located; approximate size 280x440mm. Description from secondary source.

In a letter to the CMS dated 20 May 1843 Telford reported: "During the last seven months I have been constantly employed in one way or other, in the printing office. Among a variety of other things, such as folding, stitching and packing up assortments of books for the different stations. I may notice the compositing and printing of 1000 copies of a large multiplication table, which was greatly called for by the Natives. . . ." ( Church missionary record (January 1844) p. 9-10). Paper was issued on 5 December 1842, and I 150 copies ('/a sheet demy) were printed (William Colenso, Ledger 1836-1842, WTU fMS--048). of which 1030 copies were issued on 14 December (William Colenso. Day and waste book 1835-1843. WTU qMS-0484).

Williams **7s. No copy located.



116 SELWYN, George Augustus (1809-1878)

Presentation bookplate from Selwyn to John Mason. 25 September 1842. He mea hoatu noa tenei pukapuka | na te | Pihopa o Nui Tireni. | He mea wakamahara ki tana | wakaminitatanga | I a te | Meihana | I meinga nei hei minita mo nga | tangata Maori. | Poneke, Hepetema 25, 1842. [no imprint. Wellington, Printed at the Office of the New Zealand Gazette and Wellington Spectator, 1842]

1 sheet ([l] p.); 50x63 mm. Printed area 34x47 mm. Text within an ornamental border.

The printer is identified from the ornamental border that was used by the Gazette Office in the 1 841 reprint of the Anglican small prayer book (no. 93).

The bookplate, the earliest New Zealand example found, is in a copy of the small format St Matthew (no. 89). It commemorated Selwyn's ordination of John Mason ('te Meihana’) as a priest on 25 September 1842. Mason drowned in January 1843 while crossing the Turakina River with Octavius Hadfleld.

Williams 65 (note). Copies: Private Coll.; WTU (photocopy).

117 WAKEFIELD, Edward Jerningham (1820-1879)

Printed notice. 19 December 1842. stating the price for flax fibre (muka). Ki nga Maori katoa. | [double rule] | Ehoa ma, | Kia rongo mai koutou ki taku korero, e korero pai kia koutou katoa. Katae | kanui te utu o te muka ki Poneke. E nui rawa atu te hiahia o nga pakeha i reira | kite muka: e kore e oti to matou hia ki tena taonga amua ake ake. E ono nga | herenge e utu ki Poneke mo tetahi kete muka, kia kotahi te kete nui nei, penei | hoki nga kete i hoko ana koutou ki nga pakeha imua. Katae ka nui te utu nei? | Mo teaha koutou i maue ai tena mahi? Mo te kaiponotanga o nga pakeha imua ki | tena hoko. Katae ka tika te utu o te muka ai anei. Naku tenei korero, a, ka pouri | taku ngakau mo to koutou matenga i te koretaonga, me tauri ai koutou kite muka, kite | mahi pai atu, kia nui te moni, mete kai, me nga taonga katoa, mo koutou. | Na to koutou hoa tenei tuhi | na Tiraweke | Poneke, Tehema 19, 1842. [no imprint. Wellington: Printed at the Office of the New Zealand Gazette and Wellington Spectator, 1842]

I sheet ([l] p.); 185x255 mm. From the typefaces used it was printed at the Office of the New Zealand Gazette and Wellington Spectator.

A small notice quoting six shillings as the price paid for a large basket of muka (flax fibre). Wakefield, a self-described 'flax-agitator', saw flax as a means of providing income and 'advancement' for Maori. He had several hundred copies printed and 'despatched by various opportunities to all parts of the coast where I had been seen or heard of. In these I recommended earnestly the general adoption of [its] manufacture’ (E. J. Wakefield, Adventure in New Zealand (2 v., London, 1845), v. 2, p. 290), 'Tiraweke' (the saddle-back bird, now spelt tieke') was Wakefield's Maori nickname (.Adventure in New Zealand, v. 1. p. 91).

Williams 85a (S). Copies: WTU.



Notice by E. J. Wakefield about price for flax fibre (muka) in 1842 (BiM 117) Alexander Turnbull Library: Printed collections.

118 BIBLE. O.T. Joshua. Maori. Selections. 1843.

Probationary text of parts of Joshua and parts of Deuteronomy.

Ko Hohua. | [double rule] | Upoko 1. 1 A muri iho I te matenga o Mohi ote pononga a | Ihowa, na, ka korero mai a Ihowa ki a Hohua ki | te tama a Nuna, kite tangata a Mohi, ka mea mai, | [. . .] [no imprint. Paihia: Church Mission Press, 1843]

41. [3], 91-137, [l] p.; 175x100 mm.; pale blue paper covers. Caption title. Pages [3o], [42-44], [loB] and [l3B] blank. Comprises signatures A-H. Caption title p. 91: 'Ko etahi atu upoko o Tiuteronomi. Upoko 13,'.

Robert Maunsell’s translation of Joshua, chapters 1-10 (p. 1-29) and 22-24 (p. 31-41). with Deuteronomy chapters 13-19 (p. 91-107) and 26-34 (p. 109137). The first chapters of Deuteronomy had been issued in 1842 (no. 103). The remaining text of Joshua (chapters 11-21) and Deuteronomy (chapters 20-25) was printed in 1847 (no. 321-322).

This is a further instalment in the protracted publication of the Hexateuch (see no. 103 for details). Telford reported printing 200 copies in the second half of 1843 (John Telford, Report of work done ... in the half-year ending Dec 31/43, in Reports of Missionaries of N. District for the half-year ending



Dec. 31/43 (transcript). Papers of the New Zealand mission 1809-1914, CMS Archive, University of Birmingham; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-Coll--04-43, Various letters New Zealand mission, CN/06). Eight copies were issued at the time of printing, but it is not known if further copies were issued separately between then and the 1847 probationary volumes (no. 319-320).

Williams 47 & (S) and 48, Bagnall 465 and 461. Copies: AP, WTU.

119 BIBLE. O.T. Ezekiel XXXVII, 1-14. Maori. 1843

Ezekiel's vision of dry bones.

Ko te kitenga | a Ihikiera a te poropiti i nga iwi. | Ihikiera, 37. | [rule] | 1 I runga i a haute ringaringa o te Atua, nana ano, | ara. na te Wairua o te Ariki a hau i kawe atu ai. i | wakanoho ai i waenganui o te awaawa kapi katoa i nga | iwi. | [. . .] [Paihia: He mea ta i te Perehi o nga Mihanere | o te Hahi o Ingarani. [lB43]]

1 folded sheet ([l], 2, [l] p.); 187x108 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p, 2. Printed on inner pages; outer pages pages blank. The pages of text are separated by a wavy rule.

The vision of dry bones from Ezekiel 37:1-14, translated by Selwyn with the assistance of Rota Waitoa, which was the basis of Selwyn’s sermon on 2 July 1843. Cotton graphically describes the circumstances of its translation, production and timing, as ‘a sort of counter-demonstration’ to a traditional exhumation of a chiefs bones near Kororareka. (William Cotton. Journals 1841-1848, DL, M 5.36. v. 4, p. 220; copy at WTU, qMS-0564)

250 copies were printed (John Telford in Reports of Missionaries of N. District for the half year ending Dec 31/43, Papers of the New Zealand mission 1 809-1914, CMS Archive, University of Birmingham; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-Coll-04-43, Various letters New Zealand mission, CN/06).

Williams 56, Bagnall 463. Copies: AP. AR, WTU.


A long pastoral, with statement of Catholic doctrine, catechism, and oravers.

Ako marama | o te Hahi Katorika Romana | ko te | pou mete unga | o te pono. | [illustration and quotation. I line, with caption: Matiu 16. 19.] | Kororareka: | He mea ta i te Perehi o te Wikariatu Apotoriko o te Oheania | Okihetari, i te marama Okotopa. | 1842. [i.e. 1843]

[2], 56 p.; 204x126 mm. Prelim, pages: title-page (verso blank). Yellow or blue stiffened paper covers.

The first Ako marama, a collection of Catholic religious texts, the printing of which was not finished until January 1843 (William Colenso. Letter to CMS. 19 May 1843, in Letters v. I. 1834-1847, DUHO; copy at WTU, qMS-0491),

' • . ■ . * i I w I I , W1 Ivy > Ul V * I 1* 1 \J I ■ 1 ;. The contents are: 'Ko te Epikopo Katorika Rotnana, ko Hoane Papita Werahiko, kite hunga o Nuitirene kua wakapono kite Hahi Take Katorika Romana', a pastoral by Bishop Pompallier (p. 1-26); introductory notes (p, 27); ‘Ako marama [. . . as on title-page] o te pono. Upoko I. Ko te kupu ote Atua', a statement of doctrine (p. 28-31); 'Katekihama i nga tino kupu o te



Atua ki ta te Hahi Katorika Romana wakamohiotanga', a 9-part catechism (p. 32-44): 'Ko nga inoinga', prayers with part of the litany (p. 45-56).

Pompallier's pastoral (p, 1-26) is thought to have been first issued separately, though no copy has been located (see no. **lo6). 'Ko nga inoinga' (p, 45-56) was first issued separately with a few textual differences (no. 90).

In 1845 the text of the pastoral (p. 1-26) was printed, with some textual changes, as p. 1-19 of the third Ako marama . . . (no. 222). An English translation was published in Sydney in 1843 under the title Instructions on the luminous doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church (Bagnall 4609), A second version of p. 28-56 (enlarged to 96 p.. with significantly altered contents) was published later in 1843, using the same title-page Ako marama . . . (see no. 121).

A volume referred to by Williams (W. 78) and Hocken (p. 515) and included in the catalogue of Sir George Grey's library in Cape Town (Grey ll:iv, 24 & 24 (a)-(d)) has not been located. It comprised one title-page (as for this entry), the contents of the first and second Ako marama (no. 120-121), the short pastoral (no. 122) and the pamphlet on repentance and the Eucharist (no. 95). It seems most likely that the volume was a one-off binding up of the items, and is therefore not separately described.

Williams 78 & (S), Bagnall 4596. Copies: AP, AR, NLA, WTU.


Enlarged statement of Catholic doctrine, liturgies etc., with a short pastoral.

Ako marama | o te Hahi Katorika Romana | ko te | pou mete unga | o te pono. | [illustration with quotation. I line, and caption: ‘Matiu 16. 19.’] | Kororareka: | He mea ta i te Perehi o te Wikariatu Apotoriko o te Oheania | Okihetari, i te marama Okotopa. | 1842. [i.e. 1843?]

[6], 96 p,; 204x130 mm.; stiffened brown and green patterned cloth covers. Prelim, pages: title-page (verso blank), p. [3] and [6] blank, text p. [4-s],

The second Ako marama. probably published in late 1843, that uses the same title-page as the first Ako marama (no. 120). The text on p. [4-5] is the short pastoral by Bishop Pompallier 'Ko te Epikopo Katorika Romana . . that was also issued separately (no 122). The main text (to p. 54) is a greatly expanded version of p. 28-56 of the first Ako marama. plus an extra short catechism and a selection of liturgies, prayers, hymns and psalms.

The sections of the main work following the pastoral are (caption titles):


. . . (Rome, 1847) p. 24, item 1). The title-page is said to have been the first sheet printed on the Gaveaux press that arrived with the printer Jean Yvert in June 1841, but was not operational until 16 months later (see R. Ross. 'Bishop Pompallier's press in New Zealand', Printing art. v. I, no. 2 (1973), p. 2-15). Colenso notes that the work had been published in a letter to the CMS of 19 May 1843 (William Colenso, Letters 1834-1853, DUHO; copy at WTU. qMS--0491, v. 1).

2,000 copies were printed (J. B. F. Pompallier, Sacra Congregazione . . . Ristretto con sommario .. . Notice historique et statistique. 2e panic. Statistique


A Catholic catechism from Pompallier’s Ako marama (1843) (BiM 121) Alexander Turnbull Library: Printed collections.

‘Ako marama o te Hahi Katorika Romana ko te pou me to unga o te pono. Upoko I. Ko te kupu ote Atua.'. an enlarged statement of Catholic doctrine (p. 1-33); 'Katekihama', an enlarged 13-part catechism (p. 34-54); ‘He Katekihama poto', a short catechism, followed by liturgies, 10 hymns, 4 psalms (p. 54-95): 'Tapera', Contents (p. 96).

3,200 copies were printed (J. B. F. Pompallier, Sacra Congregazione . . . Ristretto con sommario . . . Notice historique et statistique: 2e partie. Statistique . . . (Rome, 1847), p. 24, item 2).

The following variant issues have been identified:

121.1 lacking the pastoral (i.e. [2], 96 p). Stiffened brown and green patterned cloth covers.

121.2 lacking the title-page and pastoral (i.e. 96 p); with caption title: Ako marama o te Hahi Katorika Romana ko te pou mete unga o te pono. Upoko I Ko te kupu ote Atua.'

in 1845 the text of the statement of doctrine 'Ako marama . . .' (p. 1-33) was printed, with some textual changes and a new prefatory note, as p. 20-44 of the third Ako marama . . . (no. 222).

Williams 80 Si (S), Bagnall 4597. Copies: ABH, AP (variant 121.2); WTU (incl. variant 121.1).




Short pastoral letter.

Ko te Epikopo Katorika Romana, ko Hoane | Papita Werahiko Pomaparie, kite hunga o | Nuitirani, kua wakapono kite Hahi take | Katorika Romana. | Owhatanga me wakapainga mo koutou ma Hehu Kerito. | [. . .] [no imprint. Kororareka: Press of the Apostolic Vicariate of Western Oceania, 1843?]

1 folded sheet ([4] p ); 204x130 mm. Caption title. Printed on inner pages; pages [l] and [4] blank.

A short pastoral letter by Bishop Pompallier, probably issued in late 1843, stating that belief in God will provide strength and authority. Usually found bound with the second Ako marama (no. 121).

Williams 79, Bagnall 4617. Copies: ABH (bound with no. 121), AP. WTU (bound with no. 121).


Order of service for the ordination of deacons.

Ko te | ritenga mete tikanga | o te 1 Waka Rikona. | [wavy rule] \ [paragraph mark] No ka tae mai te ra i wakaritea e te Pihopa, a ka mutu te karakia | o te ata, hei kona ano te kauwau, wakaatu i te tikanga mete ma- | hinga, mo te hunga ka tae mai, kia tukua hei Rikona; [. . .] | [. . .] [Paihia: He mea ta i te Perehi o nga Mihanere o te | Hahi o Ingarani. [lB43]]

8 p.; 222x140 mm. (untrimmed): brown paper covers. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 8.

The service for ordaining deacons, printed at the request of Bishop Selwyn for the ordination of Richard Davis on 11 June 1843. Puckey’s manuscript, dated 24 March 1843, also includes the service for ordaining priests, but an annotation instructs that the latter should be omitted (William J. Simkin, Papers 1841-1845, WTU MS-Papers-0131-15). A translation was produced in about 1840 (see BiM 493).

120 copies were printed (John Telford, Report of work done up until 1 June 1843, Papers of the New Zealand mission 1809-1914, CMS Archive, University of Birmingham; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-Coll-04-43, Various letters New Zealand Mission, CN/06).

Williams 90, Copies: AP, DUHO. WTU.


Order of service for Confirmation.

Ko te tikanga o te Wakaunga, | ara, Ko te wakapanga a nga ringaringa | o te Pihopa, | ki runga i a ratou kua oti nei te iriiri. 1 [rule] \ Nga Mahi, 8, 17. I [quotation, 2 lines] | Na. etoru tahi nga mea nunui i te tikanga Wa- | kaunga: | [4B lines] | 1843. | Waimate: [i.e. Te Waimate] He mea ta ite Perehi o te Pihopa.

I sheet ([l] p); 282x1 1 1 mm. First line of title is in Gothic typeface.



The order of service for Confirmation, used by Bishop Selwyn, and undoubtedly prepared under his direction. Selwyn made a concerted effort in April 1843 to ensure that all communicants were confirmed (see William Cotton. Journals 1841-1848, DL, M 5.36, v. 4, p. 90; copy at WTU, qMS-0564).

Copies: WTU.

125 He HIMENE mo te Ratapu i ara ai a Ihu

Hymn for Easter Sunday.

He himene | mo te Ratapu I ara ai a Ihu. | [rule] | Tena ra, e hoa ma, Hariruia. | Tatou tahi kia koa; H. ] Ko te ra ano tenei | i ara ai t’Ariki. | [3 stanzas of 4 lines ] [no imprint. Te Waimate: Printed at the Bishop’s Press, 1843]

1 sheet ([l] p ); 154x129 mm. Text area 120x67 mm.

This Easter Day hymn appears to be a translation of 'Jesus Christ is risen today. Hallelujah!' which is based on a 14th century Latin text 'Surrexit Christus hodie'.

Sarah Selwyn refers to it in a letter to Caroline Palmer written between 11 and 23 April 1843: ‘. . .Mr Cotton, with Mr Davis's help, had translated and struck off the Easter Hymn which poor Mr Whytehead desired might be ready for Easter. The eagerness to obtain the hymn was very great but they did not know the tune, and Mr Davis and I had it chiefly to ourselves in the afternoon.' (in George Augustus Selwyn. Letters from Bishop Selwyn and others, WTU qMS-1775).

Williams 89. Copies: AP, NLA, WTU.

126 KEN, Thomas (1637-1711)

An evening hymn. 'Glory to Thee my God this night'.

He | himene | mo | te ahiahi. | Hei kororia kite Atua | akuanei mo nga pal katoa; | tiakina, e te Kingi, ahau | I raro ra i ou pakau. | [3 stanzas of 4 lines] [no imprint. Te Waimate: Printed at the Bishop's Press, 1843]

I sheet ([l] p ); 149x93 mm. Text area 126x50 mm.

Thomas Ken's evening hymn ‘Glory to thee my God this night’ (4 verses), translated by Thomas Whytehead and James Davis. In a letter to T, F. Knox, 14 March 1843, Whytehead said that 250 copies were printed first, then 1,000 copies on 14 March 'for the southern congregations' (letter quoted in Preface to Whytehead’s College life (London. 1845), p. xi-xiv). Whytehead died on 19 March 1843.

Cotton describes some of the difficulties in setting and printing this and other items on the Bishop's small 'Briton' press in his journal (William Cotton, Journals 184 M 848. DU M 5.36. v. 4, p. 21, 25, 28, 34: copy at WTU, qMS--0564). The press had been brought out on the Tomatin in 1842 by T. B. Hutton, but no effort was made to put it in working order until January 1843, when it became necessary to avoid reliance on the CMS press for printing done for St John's College. William Nihill, assisted by William Watts, gradually took over running the press from March/April 1843 (Cotton, Journal, v, 4, p. 80, 81).

Williams 96 & (S). Copies: AP, DUHO, WTU.


129 KEN. THOMAS (1657-1711)


Variant printing of the evening hymn.

He I himene | mo | te ahiahi. | [wavy rule] | Hei korona ke te Atua | akuanei mo nga pai katoa; | tiakina, e te Kingi, ahau | i raro ra i ou pakau. 1 [3 stanzas of 4 lines] [no imprint. Te Waimate: Printed at the Bishop’s Press. 1843]

I sheet ([l] p.); 133x87 mm. Text bordered with a rule; text area (inch rule) 95x58 mm.

A variant printing of Ken’s evening hymn, set in smaller size type than no. 126. and with the addition of a wavy rule and border. The border suggests this issue may have been used as a keepsake for Whytehead, or it may be one of the 1,000 copies printed for the 'southern congregations' (see no. 126). See no. 129 for a matching issue of the morning hymn, and a variant issue (no. 129.1) that prints the text of both hymns.

Williams 98 & (S). Copies: AP; WTU (photocopy).


A morning hymn. 'Awake my soul’.

He | himene | mo | te ata. 1 Maranga, e taku wairua. | kua ao ke ano te ra; 1 kia oho koe, haere tahi; | maranga, kite inoi. 1 [3 stanzas of 4 lines] [no imprint. Te Waimate: Printed at the Bishop’s Press, 1843]

I sheet ([l] p ); 140x98 mm. Text area 130x49 mm.

A version of Ken’s hymn 'Awake my soul’, translated by Thomas Whytehead and James Davis, and also set and printed by William Cotton (see no. 126 for further details), just before Whytehead died. Cotton records on 18 March: ‘Before breakfast I set up the morning hymn. It took me not a tenth part of the time which that for the evening occupied. Directly after breakfast I struck off three or four dozen for the Maoris coming to the Bishops school. They were exceding [sic] anxious to have them and crowded into the office so much that I made a law that no more than two were to come into the shop at a time’. (William Cotton, journals 1841-1848, DL, M 5.36, v. 4, p. 34-35; copy at WTU, qMS-0564).

Williams 97(a) (S). Copies: AP, WTU.


Variant printing of the morning hymn.

He | himene [ mo | te ata. | [wavy rule] \ Maranga, e taku wairua, | kua ao ke ano te ra: | kia oho koe, haere tahi; | maranga, kite inoi. | [3 stanzas of 4 lines ] [no imprint. Te Waimate: Printed at the Bishop’s Press, 1843]

I sheet ([l] p ): 134x90 mm. Text bordered with a rule; text area (inch rule) 94x61 mm.

A variant printing of the morning hymn (no. 128). It matches the setting of the variant printing of Ken’s evening hymn (no. 127).

The following variant issue has been located:


130 MAUNSELL. ROBERT (1810-1894)

129.1 on folded sheet with text of the evening hymn facing: the texts of the morning hymn and the separately issued evening hymn (no. 127) are printed on the inner pages of a folded sheet. It may be a proof copy.

Williams 97 & (S). Copies: AP (inch variant 129.1), NLA; WTU (photocopy).

130 MAUNSELL. Robert (1810-1894)

Grammar, issued in four parts. 1842-1843.

Grammar | of the | New Zealand language, | by the | Rev. R. Maunsell, A. 8., T. C. D | of the Church Missionary Society. | [rule] | The profits of this work, if any, will be appropriated towards defraying the | expenses of the erection of a chapel at Waikato Heads. | [rule] | Auckland: | Printed and published by J. Moore, High-Street, | [rule] \ 1842. [i.e. 1843]

[6], [vj-xv. [l], 186 [i.e. 188] p.; 222x141 mm. (untrimmed). Prelim, pages: title-page (verso blank), dedication to Flobson (verso blank), explanation of abbreviations (leaf tipped in; verso blank). Page [xvi] blank. Page 2 misnumbered 18, Pages 129-188 misnumbered 127-186. Signature mark p, ix: ‘C; p. [l] of main sequence has no signature mark. The final pages (p. [l79]186 [i.e. 181-188]) comprise: index, errata, testimonials and a list of subscribers. Colophon p. 186 [i.e. 188]: 'Printed by John Moore, Auckland.'

See no. 131 for the variant issue with title beginning A grammar . . . and other differences in the first part (up to p. 32).

The Grammar was written in 1841-1842, encouraged by the support of prominent figures including the Governor's private secretary (James Coates), Sir William Martin (who saw it through the press) and later Bishop Selwyn. This support resulted in the work being printed in Auckland by the printer contracted to the government, John Moore, rather than by the Church Mission Press at Paihia. In his letter of 4 August 1 842 Maunsell wrote to the Secretary of the Northern District Committee that his work had been 'got up (and successfully) against a work of the RC Bishop [Pompallier]’ (Papers of the New Zealand mission 1809-1914, CMS Archive, University of Birmingham; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-Coll-04-34. Mission books. CN/MI3, p. 650652). See no. 377 for Pompallier's 1849 grammar and further background.

Freed from the influence of the Northern District (which controlled mission printing and translation) Maunsell took tentative steps at reforming Maori orthography and adopting (in preference to the northern Ngapuhi dialect) the conventions of the Waikato dialect. This dialect was widely understood, including in the Auckland region, and had also retained its purity (p, vi-xi). Some of the background, especially the tension between Maunsell and Colenso, is explained in reports and letters to the CMS (Papers of the New Zealand mission 1809-1914, CMS Archive, University of Birmingham; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-Coll-04-34, Mission books, CN/Ml3 and CN/MI4). Maunsell's contribution to the grammar of Maori is discussed by Frances Porter in notes to her edition of William Williams, The Turanga journals (Wellington. 1974), p. 314-319,

3,000 copies were printed at Maunsell's expense and issued in four parts, described below. The first part was advertised as ‘just received and on sale' on 14 May 1842, and parts 2 and 3 were advertised together on 10 August

I 06

131 MAUNSELL. ROBERT (1810-1894)

1842 ( Bay of Islands observer, no. 13 and no. 25). Part 4 (with imprint: 'Printed by J. Moore, Chancery Street') is dated 1843, Publication of the final pan was delayed partly by lack of time but was probably also affected by the messy termination of Moore's contract with the government in late 1842 (see R. Salmond, Government printing in New Zealand. 1840-1843 (Wellington, 1995), p. 25-40).

The four parts all have dark blue paper covers with an ornamental border on the front cover. Details of the parts and cover titles are;

(a) Part I ([6], (v]-xv, [l], 32 p. Includes title-page and prelims as noted above.):

(Part 1.) (Price 25.) | Grammar |of the | New Zealand language, |by the | Reverend R. Maunsell. A. 8., T. C. D. | of the Church Missionary Society. 1 [double rule] | Auckland: | Printed and published by J. Moore. High-Street. | [rule] | 1842.

(b) Part 2 (33-80 p ):

(Part 2.) (Price 25.) | Grammar | of the | New Zealand language, | by the | Reverend R. Maunsell, A. B„ T. C. D. | of the Church Missionary Society. | [double rule] | Auckland: | Printed and published by J. Moore. High-Street. | [rule] | 1842.

(c) Part 3 (81-128 p ):

(Part 3.) (Price 2s. 6d.) | Grammar | of the | New Zealand language, | by the j Reverend R. Maunsell. A. B„ T. C. D. | of the Church Missionary Society. | [double rule] 1 N.B.—The expenses of the publication of this work, render it necessary that | all the succeeding parts should be charged at 2s. 6d. Those however | who have already subscribed to the work, will receive all parts at | the same price as that of the first, viz., 2s. | [double rule] | Auckland; | Printed and published by J. Moore, High-Street. | [rule] | 1842.

(d)Part4 (127-186(1 e. 129-188] p. Pages 1 29-188 are misnumbered 127-186):

(Part 4.) | Price to original subscribers 2s. 6d, Non-subscribers 3s. | Grammar | of the | New Zealand language, | by the | Reverend R. Maunsell. A. 8., T. C. D. | of the Church Missionary Society. | [ double rule] \ Auckland. | Printed by I. Moore, Chancery Street. I [rule] I 1843.

A second edition (with few changes) was published in 1862 (no. 567) and reissued in 1864? (no. 647) and 1867 (as a 'third edition'; no. 704). Reset editions were published in 1884 (‘third edition’; no. 1036) and 1894 ('fourth edition'; no. 1403), None of these issues was revised to incorporate the 'wh' digraph adopted in 1843.

Williams 82 (note), Bagnall 3460, 3460 a (pts.). Copies: NLA (vol.), AP (vol.), AR (vol.), WTU (pts. 1-4).


A | grammar | of the | New Zealand language. | by the | Rev. R. Maunsell, A. 8., T. C. D. 1 of the Church Missionary Society. | [rule] | The profits of this work, if any, will be appropriated towards defraying the | expenses of


Variant issue of the qrammar. incorporatinq amended Part I.


the erection of a chapel at Waikato Heads. | [rule] \ Auckland: | Printed and published byj. Moore, High-Street, | [rule] | 1842. [i.e. 1843]

xv, [1 ], 1 86 [l.e. 188] p.: 21 2 x 135 mm. Pages [ii] and [xvi] blank. Pages 129188 misnumbered 127-186. Signature mark p. ix: ‘B': signature mark p. [|] (main sequence): 'C. The final pages (p. [l79]-1 86 [i.e. [IBIJ-I88) comprise: index, errata, testimonials and a list of subscribers. Colophon p. 186 [i.e. 188]: ‘Printed by John Moore, Auckland.'

A variant issue, resulting from changes made to part 1 (described below), while parts were still being issued. (Parts 2-4 of this issue are the same as in no. 130.) The differences are:

131.1 variant issue of Part 1 (xv. [l], 32 p.): the preliminary matter has been reimposed to regularise the makeup, and some minor corrections made. Distinguishing features are: the variant title (‘A | grammar . , .’); ‘Explanation of abbreviations’ is printed on the verso of the dedication; p. 2 of main sequence is correctly numbered; correction of signature marks on p. ix and [l]; improved long and short vowel marks, e.g. on p. 3 and 17. Cover details for this variant issue are the same as for part I in no. 130.

132 NEW ZEALAND. Police

Printed letters. Wellington, 24 June 1843, reassuring Maori after Wairau. Poneke, Hune 24, 1843. | E hoa ma Ki a rongo koutou ki nga korero a te kaiwakawa e noho ano ki Poneke, e pai | ana te tikanga mo nga tangata Maori katoa kia noho pai marie nga tangata katoa. [. . .] | [6 lines ] | Na Makironoke, Na te Kaiwakawa. | [rule] | Poneke, Hune 24, 1843. | E hoa ma Ki a rongo koutou kite tikanga o enei korero kei pohehe koutou: [. . .] | [5 lines] | Na to koutou hoa aroha, | Wiremu Tako, Moturoa, | Wairarapa. [no imprint. Wellington: Printed at the Office of the New Zealand Gazette and Wellington Spectator?, 1843]

1 sheet ([l] p.); 227x187 mm.

A circular letter issued by A. E. McDonogh, the Assistant Police Magistrate at Wellington, it was intended to reassure Wellington Maori about his investigation into the Wairau incident, with a short affirming letter from chiefs Wiremu Tako Ngatata, Te Ropiha Moturoa and Wairarapa. An English translation is printed in Robert Stokes, A letter to . . . the Earl of Devon, on the late massacre at Wairau (London I 844) p. 29-30.

Bagnall 5948. Copies: ANZ (IA I, 1870/3598); WTU (photocopy).

133 NICENE CREED. Maori. 1843.

The Nicene Creed.

Ko te Wakaponotanga ki to Nihe. | [rule] | E wakapono ana ahau kite Atua kotahi te | Matua kaha rawa, te kai hanga i te rangi i te we- | nua, i nga mea e kitea ana, i nga mea ekore e ki- | tea. | [2B lines] | Waimate: [i.e. Te Waimate] He mea ta i te Perehi o te Pihopa, [1843]


Williams 82, Bagnall 3460 (note). Copies: ABH (vol.), AR vol. & pt. I, DL (vol. to p. 128 & pts. 1-3), NLA (vol. and pts. 1-4), WTU (vol.).


1 sheet (111) p.; 221x141mm.

This version of the Nicene Creed was printed on 8 May 1843 at the request of the women in Mrs Selwyn's class at St John's College, so they could repeat it at the Communion service: ‘Of course the request of the old ladies was instantly complied with and 200 copies ordered to be struck off (William Cotton. Journals 1841-1848, DL, M 5.36. v. 4. p. 123; copy at WTU. qMS--0564).

Bagnall 1225 a, Copies: AP, DL (M 5.36); WTU (photocopy).


Lesson sheets for Maori students learning English. [Nga pukapuka wakaako-Pakeha. Te Waimate: Printed at the Bishop's Press, 1843]

13 sheets; size varies between ca. 90x105 mm. and 142x127 mm. Title suDDlied is based on that for no. 142 (the first sheet published).

A series of Maori/English vocabulary lesson sheets printed at the Bishop's Press for pupils learning English at the school at Te Waimate. Compared with previous primers the content is very practical and relevant to Maori. Some of the text is also used in He pukapuka whakaako kite reo Pakeha (1843; no. 149).

The sheets are described individually in the following entries (no. 1 35148), arranged in alphabetical order of title. Imprint information is recorded as it appears on the items.

The largest set of the lesson sheets is at AP; another set (grangerised and trimmed) is in Cotton's journal for the period (William Cotton, Journals 18411848, DL, M 5.36, v. 4; copy at WTU, qMS-0564). Sizes given are therefore only approximate. The Cotton set also includes some proof copies with minor variations.

Williams 94a (S) is not an additional item, but large-paper copies (210x130 mm., probably proofs) of no. 135 and 148. printed on 1 folded sheet. The text of no. 135 is repeated on p.[3] and [4] of the folder.

Williams 94 & 94a (S). For details of copies seen, refer to the following entries (no. 135-148).

Entries no. 135-148 are filed in alphabetical order of title.


Lesson on the use of pronouns and the present tense of verbs.

1. E kai ana ahau. i eat. | [two columns of 24 lines] \ Waimate: [t.e. Te Waimate] He mea ta i te Perehi o te Pihopa.

1 sheet ([l] p.); 130x90 mm. See no. 134 for further details.

Examples of the use of pronouns and the present tense of 7 verbs, in Maori and English.

Copies: AP (& large-paper issue, Williams 94a (S)), DL (Cotton. M 5.36); WTU (photocopy).




Phrases and vocabulary associated with travel, arrival and departure. E mara-ma. O Sirs. | [ two columns of 21 and 20 lines] [no imprint]

1 sheet ([l] p ); ca. 120x85 mm. See BiM 134 for further details.

Vocabulary and brief phrases mainly associated with travel and arrival and departure.

Copies: DL (Cotton, M 5.36); WTU (photocopy).


Sentences, mainly about fishing.

ka po te ra. the day is gone. | [two columns of 25 lines] | Waimate: [i.e. Te Waimate] He mea ta i te Perehi o te Pihopa.

I sheet ([ I ] P-); ca. 120x105 mm. See no. 134 for further details.

20 sentences, mainly about fishing, in Maori and English.

Copies: AP; WTU (photocopy).


Terms associated with fire and cooking.

Ko te kapura. | [rule] \ [two columns of 17 lines beginning: he kapura. a fire.] [no imprint]

I sheet ([l] p.); ca. 140x105 mm. See no. 134 for further details.

Vocabulary about fire and cooking, in Maori and English.

Copies: AP; WTU (photocopy).


Terms for external parts of the body.

Ko te tinana o te tangata | Ko nga wahi ki waho. | [two columns beginning: makawe. hair.] | [. . .] [Waimate: [i.e. Te Waimate] He mea ta i te Perehi ( te Pihopa.]

I folded sheet ([4] p.); ca. 140x75 mm. Imprint from colophon p. [3], Printed on inner pages; pages [l] and [4] blank. See no. 134 for further details.

Terms for external parts of the body, in Maori and English.

Copies: AP (p. [2]), DL (Cotton, M 5.36), Selwyn College, Cambridge University (p. [3], in Selwyn papers; microfilmed as AJCP MlO9B, 18.8 a); WTU (photocopy).


Terms for internal organs and parts of the body.

Ko te tinana o te tangata. | Nga wahi ki roto. | [two columns of 15 lines beginning: roro. brains.] | Waimate: [i.e. Te Waimate] He mea ta i te Perehi o te Pihopa.

I sheet ([l] p): ca. 140 x 110 mm. See no. 134 for further details.

I 10


Terms for the internal organs and parts of the body in Maori and English. The copy in the Cotton journal has a manuscript imprimatur 'kiataia Renata Kawepo', implying that Kawepo was involved in its preparation.

Copies: AP. DL (Cotton, M 5.36); WTU (photocop;


Vocabulary and pronunciation of words ending in '-eed' and '-ide'. Ko te tuarua o nga pukapuka | wakaako-Pakeha. | Maori English | [three columns of 18 and 17 lines beginning: Wakatupu Breed Berid] [no imprint]

1 sheet (flip.); 142 x 127 mm. See no. 134 for further details.

9 English words ending in '-eed' and 8 words ending in '-ide', with their pronunciation and the equivalent Maori word. The second sheet issued. Copies: AP, DL (Cotton, M 5.36), WTU.


Vocabulary and lesson in pronunciation of words ending in '-ay' and -ee’. Ko te tuatahi o nga pukapuka | wakaako-Pakeha | Maori English | [three columns of 1 5 /tries beginning: kokorutanga bay be] | Waimate: [i.e. Te Waimate] He mea ta i te Perehi o te Pihopa.

I sheet ([l] p.); ca. 140x105 mm. See no. 134 for further details.

12 English words ending in '-ay' and 3 words ending in '-ee' with their pronunciation and the equivalent Maori word. Two words ('dray' and 'bee') lack a Maori equivalent. The first sheet issued.

Copies: AP, DL (Cotton, M 5.36); WTU (photocopy).


Sentences about preparing food and eating.

Kohia kite kete Put them in kits. | [two columns of 20 lines] [no imprint]

1 sheet ([l] p.); ca. 140x105 mm. See no. 134 for further details.

14 sentences about preparing food and eating, in Maori and English Copies: AP, DL (Cotton, M 5.36); WTU (photocopy).


Sentences about travelling, the weather, and the price for potatoes.

He korero mo te ara. | [two columns beginning: keihea te ara kite

Waimate? which is the road to the Waimate?] | [. . .] [Waimate: [i.e. Te Waimate] He mea ta i te Perehi o te Pihopa.]

1 sheet ([2] p ); ca. 90x105 mm. Imprint from colophon p. [2], Text on p. [2] is headed: 'He Korero mo te hoko'. See no. 134 for further details.

8 sentences (p. [l]) about travelling and the weather, and 10 sentences (p, [2]) on negotiating a price for potatoes, in Maori and English.

Copies: DL (Cotton, M 5.36); WTU (photocopy).




Sentences about canoes and going fishing.

He korero mo te waka. | [rule] | [fwo columns beginning: Keihea to tatou waka? Where is our canoe?] | [. . .] [Waimate: [i.e. Te Waimate] He mea ta I te Perehi o te Pihopa.]

I folded sheet ([4] p.); ca. 140x105 mm. Imprint from colophon p, [2], Printed on outer pages; pages [2] and [3] blank. See no. 134 for further details.

26 sentences about canoes and going fishing, in Maori and English. Cotton (Journal, v. 4, p. 29a) identifies this as written by Edward Parry 'a Maori of Morakiraki’ (a deserted pa. p. 33). As Eruera Pare Hongi (known as Edward Parry) had died in 1836 this probably refers to Eruera Paru Pika of Te Waimate who sold land to Richard Davis in 1838.

Copies: AP, DL (Cotton, M 5.36); WTU (photocopy)


Sentences about sickness and medical treatment.

He korero na te rata, | raua ko te tangata Maori. | [rule] | [fwo columns beginning: Tetahi rongoa moku. Give me some physic ] | (. . .] [Waimate: [i.e. Te Waimate] He mea ta i te Perehi o Te Pihopa.]

I sheet ([2] p ); 110x100 mm. Imprint from colophon p. [2]. See no. 134 for further details.

16 sentences about sickness and medical treatment, in Maori and English. Copies: AP, DL (Cotton, M 5.36); WTU (photocopy).


Lesson on the pronunciation of English vowels.

Pakeha. Te ahua tangi. Maori, | [three columns of 16 lines beginning: ear ir taringa ] | E rere ke ana te whakahuatanga o enei. | [two or three columns of 9 lines] [no imprint]

1 sheet ([l] p.); ca. 140x105 mm. See no. 134 for further details.

25 English words using various vowels sounds, with pronunciation and equivalent Maori word. An early example of the use of 'wh'. Text also in no. 149 (p, 6).

Copies: AP. DL (Cotton, M 5.36); WTU (photocopy).


Sentences about travelling and carrying goods.

Tatou ka haere. Let us go. | [two columns of 29 and 25 fines] [no imprint]

I sheet ([l] p); ca 140 x 110 mm. See no. 134 for further details.

22 sentences about travelling and carrying goods for payment, in Maori and English. Possibly originally issued with no. 144 (see note for explanation).

Copies: AP (& large-paper issue, Williams 94a (S)), DL (Cotton, M 5.36); WTU (photocopy).

1 12



Primer for teaching English to Maori students.

He | pukapuka whakaako | kite reo Pakeha. | [rule] 1 Te Waimate: | He mea la i te Perehi o te Pihopa. I 1843.

[2], 35, [l9] p.; 175x105 mm.; coarse brown paper covers. Running title: Whakaako Pakeha.’ Prelim pages: title-page (verso blank). Text set in two or four columns.

English/Maori vocabulary and pronunciation with alphabets, numerals, some sentences and phrases, and conjugation of the verb ’to pay' (p. 1 7-25). for Maori students learning English. It repeats some text from the lesson sheets (no. 134-148). Use of the ‘wh’ digraph is inconsistent.

Telford records that 200 copies were sewn and bound at Paihia, although the work was ‘printed at the Bishop's Press’ (Return IV, with Letter to CMS, 24 September 1844, in John Telford, Diary and letters, 1840-1856, WTU qMS--2004-03).

Williams 93. Copies: AP. AR, WTU.

150 ST JOHN’S COLLEGE {Te Waimate)

Timetable for ringing of bells at St John's College.

Te Waimate. 1 Ko te ritenga tenei o te tangihanga | o te pere i nga ra noa. | [rule] | Ko te haora. Ko te ritenga o nga pere. | Ata. 6. Ware perehi. Pere wakaara. | [9 lines of 3 columns (time, location, purpose)] | 1 nga ra tapu. 1 [rule] | 9. Ware karakia. Pere karakia Maori | 3. Ware karakia. . . . Karakia Maori, [no imprint. Te Waimate: Printed at the Bishop’s Press, 18437]

1 sheet ([l] p.); 110x135 mm.

A timetable for ringing bells at St John’s College at Te Waimate, dated from its inclusion in Cotton’s journal, v. 4 (see no. 152 for details). The notice lacks an imprint but the style (especially use of a Gothic font for Te Waimate’) is typical of small items from the Bishop's Press at the time. The press-man in the printery, Williams Watts, ’is also time keeper and rings the bell’ (George Augustus Selwyn, 4 July 1843, in Letters from Bishop Selwyn and others, WTU qMS-1775). The notice was also printed in English.

Williams 65b (S). Copies: AP. DL (Cotton, M 5.36, p. 190), Selwyn College, Cambridge University (Selwyn papers; microfilmed as AJCP Mlo9B, 18.8 a); WTU (photocopy).

151 SELWYN, George Augustus (1809-1878)

Printed letter inviting Maori to send children to the school at Te Waimate. E Mara ma, e aku hoa, | Tena ra ko koutou, era- | hi ano toku aroha ki a koutou, koia hoki ahau | ka tuhituhi atu nei i taku pukapuka ki a koutou. | (. ..1 f no imnrint. Te Waimate: Printed at the Bishop’s Press, 18431

1 folded sheet ([4] p ); 188x105 mm. Caption title. Printed on inner pages; pages [l] and [4] blank. Text concludes: 'Naku, na te Pihopa',

A circular letter from Selwyn inviting local Maori to send their children to the

I 13


school that was to open on Monday 18 September (1843) at St John's College, Te Waimate. Dated from its inclusion in v. 5 (22 July-24 November 1843) of Cotton's journal (William Cotton, Journals 1841-1848, DL, M 5.37, v. 5, p. 40a; copy at WTU, qMS-0565),

Williams 88, Bagnall 5072. Copies: AP, DL (Cotton, M 5.37); WTU (photocopy).


Notice saying medicine is available only in the mornings.

Ko te tare tenei | o te Pihopa, | mo nga tangata katoa e hiahia ana | kite rongoa. | E mea ana te Pihopa, Hei te ata ka | haere mai mo te rongoa; aua e haere taki- | tahi mai i te roanga o te ra: ekore hoki e | hoatu, no te mea he mea wakaware tenei i | te rata.

[parallel text:]

This is the law of | the Bishop. | to all persons who want | physic. | [rule] | The Bishop orders. That people shall | come in the morning to fetch physic, and | not keep dropping in all day long, because | it plagues the doctor. | [dotted rule] \ Waimate. [i.e. Te Waimate] 1 He mea ta i te Perehi o te Pihopa. [1843?]

1 sheet ([l] p.); 120x85 mm.

Henry Francis Butt (‘Curator of Hospital') and Christopher Davies were the doctors at St John's College during its period at Te Waimate (February 1843-October 1844). This notice was probably printed in 1843, from its inclusion in v. 4 of Cotton's journal that covers 26 February-21 July 1843 (William Cotton. Journals 1841-1848, DL, M 5.36; copy at WTU, qMS-0564).

Copies: DL (Cotton, M 5.36). Selwyn College, Cambridge University (Selwyn papers; microfilmed as AJCP, Mlo9B, 18.8 a): WTU (photocopy).


Sermon outlines. 19 March to 17 December 1845.

[Weekly sermon outlines. Te Waimate: Printed at the Bishop’s Press, 1843]

Title supplied. A series of 32 outlines (one unseen) are described in chronological order in the following entries (no. 154-187). Unless otherwise stated all are single-sheet one-page items of approximately 220x135 mm. Lack of imprint in some items may be due to trimming.

Selwyn developed a system at St John's College, Te Waimate, of preparing and printing an outline for the Maori sermon each week. The outlines were used in Saturday morning classes with the native teachers, of whom Cotton refers to about 30. After Selwyn preached on the topic on the Sunday, the native teachers then went out to their own people, to deliver the same message, 'like so many repeating frigates from the admiral's ship’ (William Cotton. Journals 1841-1848, DL, M 5,36, v. 4p. 35: copy at WTU qMS-0564), Cotton, and later Colenso (who moved to St John's College at Te Waimate in June I 843), both refer to helping prepare sermon outlines. There is an 8-week gap in outlines in October-November, possibly due to Selwyn (with Cotton and Nihill) starting a lengthy visitation tour, and Colenso also being absent on his journey to Hawke's Bay.

I 14


Williams 95. Sommerville 95a (169). Copies: AP (138a-148, 150-156, 158171), DL (Cotton, M 5.36: 138a-157), WTU(IS2, 153, 169 & photocopies).

Entries no. 154-187 are filed in dare order

154 19 March 1843.

Ko te Ratapu tuatoru o Reneti. | Mo te Karakia o te Ata. | Ruka. I 1 .26. | [27 lines] \ [dotted rule] | Waimate: [i.e. Te Waimate] He mea ta i te Perehi o te Pihopa. [1843]

Sermon outline for the 3rd Sunday in Lent, based on Luke 1 1:26.

155 26 March 1843.

Ko te Ratapu tuawa o Reneti. | Mo te Karakia o te Ata. j Hoan. 6.5 | [23 lines] 1 [dotted rule] | 1843. | Waimate: [i.e. Te Waimate] He mea ta i te Perehi o te Pihopa.

Sermon outline for the 4th Sunday in Lent, based on John 6:5.

156 2 April 1843.

Ko te Ratapu tuarima o Reneti. | Mo te Karakia o te Ata. | Hoan. 8. 56. 1 [27 lines] | [dotted rule] \ 1843. | Waimate: [i.e. Te Waimate] He mea ta i te Perehi o te Pihopa,

Sermon outline for the sth Sunday in Lent, based on John 8:56.

157 9 April 1843 (Palm Sunday)

Ko te Ratapu i mua mai o te Aranga mai | o te Karaiti. | Mo te Karakia o te Ata. | Piripai. 2. 5. | [3/ lines] \ [dotted rule] | 1843. | Waimate: [i.e. Te Waimate] He mea ta i te Perehi o te Pihopa.

Sermon outline for the Sunday before Easter, based on Philippians 2:5.

158 14 April 1843 (Good Friday)

Ko te Parairei Pai. | Mo te Karakia o te Ata. | [readings. 3 lines] | Hoani. 19. 30. ) [36 lines, partly in two columns, and I rule] | 1843. | Waimate: [i.e. Te Waimate] He mea ta i te Perehi o te Pihopa.

Sermon outline for Good Friday, based on John 19:30.

159 16 April 1843 (Easter Sunday)

Ko te Ra i ara mai ai te Karaiti. | [ rule] | Mo te Karakia o te Ata. | [readings. 5 lines] | [rule] | I, Koriniti. 5. 7. | [37 lines, partly in fwo columns, and I rule] | 1843. | Waimate: [i.e. Te Waimate] He mea ta i te Perehi o Te Pihopa.

Sermon outline for Easter Sunday, based on I Corinthians 5:7,

I 15


160 - 23 April 1843.

Ko te Ratapu tuatahi i muri iho o te Aranga. | [rule] | Mo te Karakia o te Ata. | [rule] | Hoani. 20. 19. | [34 lines and I rule] | 1843. | Waimate: [i.e. Te Waimate] He mea ta i te Perehi o te Pihopa.

Sermon outline for the 1 st Sunday after Easter, based on John 20:19.

161 30 April 1843.

Ko te Ratapu tuarua i muri iho o te Aranga. | [rule] | Mo te Karakia o te Ata. | Hoani. 10. 11. | [25 lines and 2 rules] | 1843. | Waimate: [i.e. Te Waimate] He mea ta i te Perehi o te Pihopa.

Sermon outline for the 2nd Sunday after Easter, based on John 10:1 I.

162 7 May 1843.

Ko te Ratapu tuatoru i muri iho o te Aranga. | [rule] \ Mo te Karakia o te Ata. | Hoani. 16. 20. \ [37 lines] | 1843. | Waimate: [i.e. Te Waimate] He mea ta i te Perehi o te Pihopa.

Sermon outline for the 3rd Sunday after Easter, based on John 16:20.

163 14 May 1843.

Ko te Ratapu tuawa i muri iho o te Aranga. | [rule] | Mo te Karakia o te Ata. | Hoani. 16. 8. | [4l lines] | 1843. | Waimate: [i.e. Te Waimate] He mea ta i te Perehi o te Pihopa.

Sermon outline for the 4th Sunday after Easter, based on John 16:8

164 21 May 1843.

Ko te Ratapu tuarima i muri iho o te Aranga. | [rule] | Mo te Karakia o te Ata. | Hoani. 16. 23. | [42 lines] \ 1843. | Waimate: [i.e. Te Waimate] He mea ta i te Perehi o Te Pihopa.

Sermon outline for the sth Sunday after Easter, based on John 16:23.

165 25 May 1843.

Ko te Ra o te Kakenga kite rangi. | [rule] | Mo te Karakia o te Ata. | [readings, 5 lines] | Maka. 16.19. | [25 lines] | 1843. | Waimate: [i.e. Te Waimate] He mea ta i te Perehi o te Pihopa.

Sermon outline for Holy Thursday (Ascension Day), based on Mark 16:19. Only copy located (DL, M 5.36).36) is heavily cropped to 136x75 mm.

166 28 May 1843.

Ko te Ratapu i muri iho o te Kakenga. | [rule] | Mo te Karakia o te Ata. | Mahi. I. 11. | [26 lines and I rule] | 1843. | Waimate: [i.e. Te Waimate] He mea ta i te Perehi o Te Pihopa,

Sermon outline for the Sunday before Pentecost, based on Acts 1 ;1 I.

I I 6


167 4June 1843.

Ko te Ratapu i tukua mai ai te Wairua Tapu. | [rule] \ Mo te Karakia o te Ata. | [readings. 5 lines] | [ru/e] | 1. Koriniti. 6, 19. 1 [36 lines and I rule] \ 1843. [no imprint]

Sermon outline for the feast of Pentecost, based on I Corinthians 6:19. Cropping may have removed the usual imprint.

168 11 June 1843.

Ko te Ratapu o te Tokotorutanga. | [rule] | Mo te Karakia o te Ata. | [readings. 3 /mes] | [rule] | Mahi. 13, 2. | [44 lines] \ 1843. | Waimate: [i.e. Te Waimate] He mea ta i te Perehi o te Pihopa.

Sermon outline for Trinity Sunday, based Acts 13:2. Size: 329x133 mm.

169 18June 1843.

Ko te Ratapu tuatahi i muri iho o te | Tokotorutanga. | Mo te Karakia o te Ata. 1 Ruka. 16, 31. | [rule] | [35 lines] | [dotted rule] \ 1843. | Waimate: [i.e. Te Waimate] He mea ta i te Perehi o te Pihopa.

Sermon outline for the Ist Sunday after Trinity, based on Luke 16:31.

170 25June 1843.

Ko te Ratapu tuarua i muri iho | o te Tokotorutanga. | [rule] \ Ruka, 14. 16. | [rule] | [33 lines] | 1843. | Waimate; [i.e. Te Waimate] He mea ta i te Perehi o te Pihopa.

Sermon outline for the 2nd Sunday after Trinity, based on Luke 14:16.

171 2 July 1843.

Ko te Ratapu tuatoru i muri iho | o te Tokotorutanga. | [rule] | Mo te Karakia o te Ata. | Ruka, 15. 7. | [4l lines] | 1843. | Waimate: [i.e. Te Waimate] He mea ta i te Perehi o te Pihopa.

Sermon outline for the 3rd Sunday after Trinity, based on Luke 15:7.

172 9July 1843.

Ko te Ratapu tuawa i muri iho | o te Tokotorutanga. | [rule] ) Mo te Karakia o te Ata. | Ruka, 6. 39. | [39 lines] \ 1843. | Waimate: [i.e. Te Waimate] He mea ta i te Perehi o te Pihopa.

Sermon outline for the 4th Sunday after Trinity, based on Luke 6:39.

173 16July 1843.

Ko te Ratapu tuarima i muri iho | o te Tokotorutanga. | Ruka, 5. 8. | [46 lines] [no imprint]

Sermon outline for the sth Sunday after Trinity, based on Luke 5:8. Cropping may have removed the usual imprint.

I 17


174 23July 1843.

Ko te Ratapu tuaono i muri iho | o te Tokotorutanga. | Matiu, 5. 23, 24. | [46 lines] [no imprint]

Sermon outline for the 6th Sunday after Trinity, based on Matthew 5:23-24. Cropping may have removed the usual imprint.

175 30July 1843.

Ko te Ratapu tuawitu i muri iho | o te Tokotorutanga, | [rule] \ Ko nga Mahi, 20. 21. | [3B lines] \ [rule] \ Na, i kauwautia te merekara wakatupu taro, ko ia hoki te Rongo | Pai mo tenei Ratapu, i te Ratapu tuawa o Reneti; koia te kauwautia | ai ena kupu i tenei Ratapu nei ano. | 1843. | Waimate: [i.e. Te Waimate] He mea ta i te Perehi o te Pihopa.

Sermon outline for the 7th Sunday after Trinity, based on Acts 20:21.

176 6 August 1843.

Ko te Ratapu tuawaru i muri iho | o te Tokotorutanga. | Matiu, 7. 16. | [ride] | [42 lines] | Waimate: [i.e. Te Waimate] He mea ta i te Perehi o te Pihopa.

Sermon outline for the Bth Sunday after Trinity, based on Matthew 7:16.

177 13 August 1843.

Ko te Ratapu tuaiwa i muri iho | o te Tokotorutanga. | Ruka, 16. 8, | [rule] \ [35 lines and I rule] | 1843. | Waimate: [i.e. Te Waimate] He mea ta i te Perehi o te Pihopa.

Sermon outline for the 9th Sunday after Trinity, based on Luke 16:8.

178 20 August 1843.

Ko te Ratapu tekau i muri iho | o te Tokotorutanga. | [rule] \ Ruka, 19. 45. 46. | [4O lines and I rule] | 1843 | Waimate: [i.e. Te Waimate] He mea ta i te Perehi o te Pihopa.

Sermon outline for the 10th Sunday after Trinity, based on Luke 19:45-46.

179 27 August 1843.

Ko te Ratapu tekau ma tahi i muri iho | o te Tokotorutanga. | Ruka. 18, 10. | [46 lines, mainly in two columns] [no imprint]

Sermon outline for the 1 Ith Sunday after Trinity, based on Luke 18:10. Cropping may have removed the usual imprint.

**lBo 3 September 1843.

[Sermon outline for the twelfth Sunday after Trinity]

Title supplied. No copy located: assumed to have been produced from the existing sequence of outlines.

I 18


181 10 September 1843.

Ko te Ratapu tekau ma torn i muri iho | o te Tokotorutanga. | Ruka, 10. 29. 1 [33 lines and I rule] \ Haere, me pena ano hoki koe. 1 1843. | Waimate: [i.e. Te Waimate] He mea ta i te Perehi o te Pihopa.

Sermon outline for the 13th Sunday after Trinity, based on Luke 10:29.

182 17 September 1843.

Ko te Ratapu tekau ma wa i muri | iho o te Tokotorutanga. | Ruka, 17. 17. | [45 lines] | Na tau wakapono koe I ora ai. [no imprint]

Sermon outline for the 14th Sunday after Trinity, based on Luke 17:17. Cropping may have removed the usual imprint.

183 24 September 1843.

Ko te Ratapu tekau ma rima I muri iho | o te Tokotorutanga. | Matiu, 6. 24. | [37 lines and I rule] \ 1843. | Waimate: [i.e. Te Waimate] He mea ta I te Perehi o te Pihopa.

Sermon outline for the 15th Sunday after Trinity, based on Matthew 6:24,

184 I October 1843.

Ko te Ratapu tekau ma ono i muri iho | o te Tokotorutanga. | Ruka, 7. 13. 1 [32 lines] | 1843. | Waimate: [i.e. Te Waimate] He mea ta i te Perehi o te Pihopa.

Sermon outline for the 15th Sunday after Trinity, based on Luke 7:13.

185 3 December 1843.

Ko te Ratapu tuatahi ote Wakatatanga mai 1 ote Karaiti. 1 Matiu, 21. 5. 1 [. , .] [1843. | Waimate: [i.e. Te Waimate] He mea ta i te Perehi o te Pihopa.]

Sermon outline for the first Sunday in Advent, based on Matthew 21:5. (1 sheet ([2]) p. Imprint from colophon p. [2].)

186 10 December 1843.

Ko te Ratapu tuarua o te Wakatatanga mai | o te Karaiti. | Ruka, XXI. 29, 31. | [46 /tries] [no imprint]

Sermon outline for the 2nd Sunday in Advent, based on Luke 21:29, 31 Cropping may have removed the usual imprint.

187 17 December 1843.

Ko te Ratapu tuatoru o te Wakatatanga | mai o te Karaiti. | Matiu, 11. 10. | [. . .] [1843. | Waimate: [i.e. Te Waimate] He mea ta I te Perehi o te Pihopa.]

Sermon outline for the 3rd Sunday in Advent, based on Matthew 11:10. (1 sheet ([2] p.). Imprint from colophon p. [2].)

I 19



Directions for teachers, Wesleyan rules, and class record sheets.

He | pukapuka karahi; | ara | Ko nga kupu whakarite | mo nga | kai-arahi. | Me nga ture o nga Hohaiete Weteriana, | [rule] | Launceston, V.D.L.: | Printed at the Office of the “Launceston Examiner," | Brisbane-Street. | [rule] I 1843.

4, [4o], 5-8 p.; 203x127 mm.; stiffened maroon cloth covers. Page [2] (first sequence) and p. [l] and [4o] (second sequence) blank.

A translation by John Hobbs of the Wesleyan Society rules and directions for teachers. 20 leaves ruled for class records (names, addresses, and money received) are bound between p. 4 and 5. The work was printed in Tasmania ('V.D.L.', i.e. Van Diemen's Land) because the Wesleyan Mission Press at Mangungu had run out of paper nearly two years earlier (William Woon, Minutes of the Annual District Meeting, 4 October 1843, in Methodist Missionary Society (London), Letters and other material relating to Australia. New Zealand and the South Seas, 1812-1889, Methodist Missionary Society; microfilm copy at WTU. Micro-MS-Coll-03-05).

Williams 99, Bagnall 4715. Copies: AP, AR, DL. NLA, WTU.

189 WHITELEY, John (1806-1869)

Printed letter. Kawhia, 16 October 1843, about John Aldred’s move to Nelson.

Ki nga tangata | wakapono | o Te Aro, o Poneke, o Porirua, | me era atu kainga. | [double rule] | Kawhia, Okitopa 16, 1843. 1 E hoa ma e nga tangata o Te Aro o Poneke, | [6O lines in two columns, separated by vertical rule] | Na to koutou koa aroha | Na te Waitere. | Ki nga tangata o Poneke. [no imprint. Wellington?; Printed at the Office of the New Zealand Gazette and Wellington Spectator?, 1843]

1 sheet ([l] p); 253x187 mm.

Circular letter from Whiteley ('te Waitere'), Superintendent of the Southern District of the Wesleyan mission, to allay fears that missionary John Aldred (‘te Atereta’) was leaving Wellington to live at Nelson. Aldred had arrived on 23 December 1840, see E. J. Wakefield, Adventure in New Zealand (2 v., London, 1845). v. 1. D. 422-423.

Whitely also issues a plea for cooperation between Maori and Pakeha in the wake of the Wairau incident, advising that Commissioner Spain ('te Peine') would settle matters. The printer is unknown but the Gazette Office is most probable as Whiteley visited Wellington about this time.

Williams 100, Bagnall **6043. Copies: DUHO; WTU (photocopy).

190 WILBERFORCE, Samuel (1805-1873)

A story for children, 'Agathos'.

Agathos. | Ko te ritenga o te ingoa nei, | ko te tangata pai. | [rule] | Kua oti te tuhituhi i te reo Pakeha 1 e | Samuel Wilberforce. M. A. | Waimate: [ i.e. Te Waimate] | He mea taia i te Perehi o te Pihopa. | 1843.



[2[, 14 p. 147x1 12 mm. (untrimmed); coarse brown paper covers. Prelim, pages: title-page (verso blank). Caption title: 'Agathos, Ara ko te kahu arai katoa o te Atua.'

A story of how faith can empower one to fight the dragon of evil: a translation by James Davis and Thomas Williams of 'Agathos' from the collection Agathos and other Sunday stories (first published 1840), including the question and answer dialogue (p. 12-14).

Cotton describes the background to translation and printing in May 1843, and notes 500 copies were printed (William Cotton. Journals 1841-1848, DL, M 5.36. v, 4, p. 144-146, 149, 160-162; copy at WTU, qMS-0564). 100 copies remained in stock in 1850 at the time the new edition (no. 402) was published (St John's College, Purewa, Book Depository ledger 11, 1850-1852, ASJ. SJCT 14/37, p. 93; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-0936).

Further editions were published in 1850 (no. 402) and 1882 (no. 1064). Williams 91. Bagnall 6059. Copies: ABH. AP, AR, DL. DUHO, NLA, WTU.


A story for children. ‘The little wanderers'.

Ko nga 1 tamariki haereere noa. | [rule] \ Kua oti te tuhituhi kite reo Pakeha | e | Samuel Wilberforce, M. A. | [rule] | Te Waimate: | He mea ta kite Perehi a te Pihopa. | 1843.

[2], 20. [2] p : 142x108 mm.; coarse brown paper covers. Prelim, pages: title-page (verso blank). Pages [2l-22] blank.

A children's story 'The little wanderers', from the collection The rocky island and other parables (first published 1840), followed by a question and answer dialogue (p. 16-20). Williams (probably from Grey ll:iv 96, an unsourced note that also tentatively identifies the dialect as Waikato) attributes the translation to Elizabeth Colenso.

Williams 92. Bagnall 6066. Copies: AP, WTU (first 4 p. in photocopy).


Primer and lesson book.

AElOU|HKMNP|RTWNGlaeiou|hkmnprt|wng| [ rule] \ aa ae ai ao au ea | [. . .] [Printed at the Spectator Office, Wellington, | New Zealand. [lB44?]]

16 p.; 143x102 mm. Imprint from colophon p. 16.

A primer containing alphabets, syllables and words in Maori, a multiplication table, English alphabets, and four pages of English and Maori grammatical examples including conjugation of the verb 'to pay'. It was probably printed about 1844 (Williams) at the office of the New Zealand spectator and Cook’s Straits guardian newspaper (established October 1844) It is possible the compiler was the Wesleyan missionary James Watkin, who transferred to Wellington from Waikouaiti in 1844, and had earlier prepared a primer in the Ngai Tahu dialect (no. 99).

Williams 119. Copies: WTU.


193 BIBLE. Q.T JOB MAORI. 1844

193 BIBLE. O.T. Job. Maori 1844,

The booh of Job.

Ko te pukapuka o Hopa. | Upoko I. | He tangata ano i te whe- | nua o Uhu, ko Hopa tona | ingoa; I pakari ano taua ta- | ngata, i tika hoki, i wehi ano | ia kite Atua, i mataku kite | kino. | [. . .] [Hokianga: [i.e. Mangungu] | He mea ta i te Perehi o te Hahi Weteriana o Ingarani. [lB44]]

47, [l] p.; 183x105 mm.: coarse brown paper covers (blank). Caption title. Printed in two columns separated by vertical rule. Imprint from colophon p. [4B].

John Hobbs’s translation of the book of Job, a work possibly chosen because of the trials of the Mangungu station, especially those associated with William White in the 1830s (see T. Williment, John Hobbs 1803-1883 (Wellington, 1985), p. 88-100).

Woon began composing the type on 10 July 1843 and reported at the Annual Meeting of the Northern Section of the New Zealand District, 4 October 1843, that he was printing over I 1.000 copies on paper supplied by the Religious Tract Society through Robert Burrows. The Wesleyan press had been without paper for two years (Methodist Church of New Zealand, Methodist missionary material, District Minute Books 1827-1845, ASJ; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-0612-05). In a letter of 15 August 1844 Woon mentioned 'the last part of Job is in hand' and it was presumably completed by October, when work on the prayer book (no. 258) began (Methodist Missionary Society (London), Letters and other material relating to Australia, New Zealand and the South Seas, 1812-1889, Methodist Missionary Society; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-Coll-03-22).

Williams 87, Bagnall 469. Copies: AP. AR, DL, NLA, WTU. WU.

194 BIBLE. O.T. Psalms XI-XII. Maori. 1844?

A new version of the text of Psalms 11 and 12.

Waiata 11. | E wakawirinaki ana a hau ki a Ihowa: he aha | koutou ka mea ai ki toku wairua, rere a manu atu | ki to koutou maunga. | [verses 2-8. 18 lines] | Ko te Karakia o te Ahiahi. | Waiata 12. | [verses [/]-9, 24 lines] [no imprint. Purewa: Printed at the Bishop's Press, 1844?]

1 sheet ([l] p.); 284x148 mm.

A new version of the text of Psalms 11 and 12. It is printed in the roman equivalent of the italic type used for Psalm 24 (no. 195), including the ‘w symbol, and assumed to have been printed at about the same time, i.e the end of November. See no. 214 for further background. The text was subsequently used in the 1848 prayer book (no. 357), Williams 128 a (S). Copies: WTU.

195 BIBLE. O.T. Psalms XXIV. Maori, 1844.

A new version of the text of Psalm 24, marked for chanting.

Waiata 24. | No Ihowa te wenua, me ona I ti»ni / mea: te ao, | me nga tangata e / no»ho / ana»i / runga. | [verses 2-10. 28 lines] [no imprint. Purewa; Printed at the Bishop's Press, 1844]



1 sheet ([l] p ); 190x120 mm. Printed in italic type (except numerals).

A new version of the text of Psalm 24 ('The earth is the Lord s ) with vowels and syllables marked for chanting. The symbol 'w' for ‘wh’ is used: see no. 214 for further background The text was subsequently used in the 1848 prayer book (no. 357).

On 29 November 1844 Cotton notes: inis evening we pracuseu uianiiug the 24th Psalm for the consecration [of St Stephen’s, Taurarua (now Judges Bay, Auckland)] next Sunday. The specimen, which I insert, is curious for two reasons. First as being the first typographical production of the College Press, Bishop's Auckland, and secondly as the first Psalm ever printed with the marks for chanting. I think it will do very well.' On Sunday 1 December he remarks: 'The Maori boys chanted the 24th Psalm capitally as they walked before us up to the door ... the consecration service had not yet been translated and was in English, sermon in Maori. The Gov. was present. I shd like to know what he thought of it all’ (William Cotton. Journals 1841-1848, DL, MS.4O, v. 8, p, 208: copy at WTU, qMS-0568).

Copies: AR (in R. Taylor's copy of Williams Dictionary. 1844), DL (Cotton, MS.4O); WTU (photocopy).

196 BIBLE. N.T. Maori. 1844.

Fourth edition of the complete New Testament.

Ko te | Kawenata Hou | o | to tatou Ariki te Kai Wakaora | a Ihu Karaiti. | [rule] | He mea wakamaori i te reo Kariki. | [ru/e] | Ranana: [i.e. London] | He mea ta i te Perehi o T. R. Harihona ma te Peritihi 1 mete Poreni Paipera Hohaieti. | [rule] | 1844.

360 p.; 180x107 mm. Printed in two columns separated by vertical rule. Colophon p. 360: 'London: Harrison and Co.. Printers. St. Martin's Lane.'. The fourth edition of the complete New Testament, printed by T. R. Harrison & Co. for the BFBS in an edition of 20,000 copies.

For other editions of the New Testament see no. 45, 88, 104, 419, 559, 716, 1241, 1394, and 1483.

Williams 103 & (S), Bagnall 455. Copies: ABH, AP. AR, DL, DUHO, NLA, WTU.


New edition of the abridged Book of Common Prayer, with hymns and Psalms.

Ko te Pukapuka | o | nga Inoinga, | kite | ritenga o te Hahi o Ingarani; 1 me 1 nga Waiata a Rawiri. | [rule] ) Paihia: | He mea ta i te Perehi o nga Mihanere | o te Hahi o Ingarani. | [rule] \ 1844.

24. 11, [l], 127, [l] p.; 187x1 10 mm. Title-page bordered with double rule. Printed in two columns separated by vertical rule. Page [2] (first sequence) blank. Colophon p. [l2B]; 'Church Mission Press. Paihia, New-Zealand.'. Signatures for each sequence begin at 'A'.

Caption title (first sequence, p. 3); 'Ko te tikanga | mo nga inoinga o te ata, | i nga ra katoa o te tau. | [rule]'. Caption title (second sequence, p 1):



'Ko nga himene. | [wavy rule]'. Section title (third sequence, p, [l], verso blank): 'Ko | nga Waiata | a Rawin'. It is possible that sections, especially the hymns, were issued separately, but no copies have been located.

A reset edition of the text of the 1 840 'small' prayer book and 42 hymns (no. 73) and Psalms (no. 65). Telford printed 6,000 copies in the first half of 1844, reporting progress in a letter to the CMS dated 14 April 1844 (Papers of the New Zealand mission 1809-1914, CMS Archive, University of Birmingham; microfilm copy at WTU. Micro-MS-Coll-04-59, Various letters New Zealand mission).

Copies, referred to collectively as 'Rawin’ (i.e. David; from the title of the Psalms ‘Nga Waiata a Rawin'), were still being produced in 1849-50, with about 900 being bound ‘in brown naper’ during that time. In 1851 copies of the Psalms were supplied for binding with the new version of Morning and Evening Prayers and hymns (see no. 392.1) (St Johns College, POrewa, Book Depository ledgers MI, 1848-1852, ASJ, SJCT 14/36-37, I (p. 15), II (p. 91); microfilm copy at WTU. Micro-MS-0936).

Other issues and editions of the Anglican prayer book are listed at no. 19. Williams 104. Copies: AP, AR, WTU.


Parts of the Communion service.

Mo te Hapa o te Ariki, | [paragraph mark] Ko konei te Wakinga nui a te | hunga katoa e kai i te Hakara- | meta: me koropiko te minita me | nga tangata katoa, ka mea ai, | [. . .] [no imprint. Paihia?: Church Mission Press, 1844?]

1 sheet (2 p.); 190x1 14 mm. (untrimmed). Printed in two columns separated by vertical rule. Page 2 (of 3 lines, printed on a conjugate leaf) is cut short, folded back and pasted down on the verso of p. 1.

A leaflet containing parts of the Communion service (the Confession, Sursum corda, Tersanctus and Gloria). It was printed on one sheet with no. 199 but the two items are usually found separately. Although Williams 40 dates this at 1840, and the duplicate entry Williams 1 79 (Bagnall 1328) dates it at 1848, it was more probably printed by Telford at Paihia early in 1844. The type used is the same as in the 1844 prayer book (no. 197) with which the variant copy described below is bound.

The following variant issue has been seen (WTU):

198.1 issue containing both no. 198 and 199, printed on 1 folded sheet ([l], 2, [l] p.). Printed on inner pages; pages [l] and [4] blank. Text of no. 199 is retained on the lower part of p. 2.

Williams 40 &. 179, Bagnall 1328. Copies: AP, AR, DUHO, NLA, WTU (&. variant 198.1).


Questions and answers for adult candidates for baptism.

Mo te iriiringa. | Uinga. | E wakarerea ana e koe | te rewera me ona mahi |



katoa, me nga mea wakapeha- | peha. te kororia o te ao, [. . .] I [. ■ 1 [ no imprint. Paihia?: Church Mission Press, 1844?]

1 sheet ([l] p); 149x114 mm. Printed in two columns separated by vertical rule

A leaflet containing the four questions for adult candidates for baptism, with answers. See no. 198 (with which it was printed on the same sheet) for further information on the date and format of printing, and a variant issue. Williams 41, Bagnall 1171 (note). Copies: AP, AR, WTU.

200 COLENSO, William (1811-1899)

Primer, with the Ten Commandments.

AEIOUHKMNP|RTWWHNGIae i o u hj k m n p | r t w wh ng | [. . .] [Na nga Mihonare [sic] Weteriana, Mangungu, 1844.]

16 p.: 172x102 mm.; coarse brown paper covers. Text set in various numbers of columns. Imprint from colophon p. 16.

A Wesleyan reprint of Colenso's primer He pukapuka wakaaho. first published in 1839 (no. 61), with additional text (probably by John Hobbs) on p. 14-15, and using the ‘wh’ digraph. It contains alphabets, syllables, words and sentences in Maori, and the Ten Commandments (p. 16).

Work on it began at the Wesleyan Press in November 1843 and Woon noted on 5 February 1844: Natives printing some thousands of a first book for the schools and Mr H[obbs] and myself have engaged to give them a blanket each for every 10 reams' (William Woon, Journal 1830-1859. v. 2, WTU qMS-2293). 10,000 copies were printed according to Woon's letter of 11 March 1844 (Methodist Missionary Society (London), Letters and other material relating to Australia, New Zealand and the South Seas, 1812-1889, Methodist Missionary Society; microfilm copy at WTU. Micro-MS-Coll-03-22). Williams 118. Copies: ABH, AP, AR. NLA. WTU, WU.

201 COTTON, William Charles (1813-1879)

Printed invitation to Christian Maori to come to Christmas dinner.

E hoa | Apopo, a te Wenerei, te 25 o nga ra o | tenei marama o Tihema, me haere mai koe ki taku | kainga ki Purewa. Ko te ra tena i wanau ai a 1- | hu Karaiti to tatou kai wakaora. 1 te Ata-tu, | huihui ai nga tangata, kite karakia. Ka awatea | he hakari ma koutou, he hakari aroha. Me waka- | kakahu o koutou kakahu pai, kakahu ratapu. E | kore e tukua nga tangata mau Paraikete ki roto ki | te teneti nui—erangi kia noho ratou ki waho kai | ai. | Naku, | Na tou koutou hoa, | Na te Katene. | Ki a koutou ki nga tangata 1 karakia anake. [no imprint. Purewa: Printed at the Bishop's Press 1844]

1 sheet (11 ] p ): approx. 100x120 mm. Printed in italic type.

A small printed invitation (using the ' w symbol for 'wh'; see no. 214) inviting Christian Maori to Christmas dinner in 1844. Cotton ('te Katene') notes in his diary for 24 December 1844: Making arrangements for the dinner which is purposed giving tomorrow in the great tent to both Pakehas and Maoris and



issuing printed invitations, see below, to the latter. The Native Teachers supplied me with the names of their people and delivered the invites' (William Cotton, Journals 1841-1848, DL, MS.4O, v. 8, p. [xviii]; copy at WTU, □ MS-0568).

Copies: DL (Cotton, MS,4O); WTU (photocopy

202 DAVIES, Christopher Pearson (d. 1861)

St John's College Hospital rules for smoking and cleanliness.

Ko te ture tenei a te rata. | Na, kaua tetahi tangata e kai paipa kite | ware turoro, a kite kitea tetahi tangata e waka- | he ana i tenei ture, ka peia atu ia i te ware tu- | roro. Ko nga ware moenga hoki, mete nui- | nga atu o te ware, me puruma tonu i nga ra | katoa; a, kei te Flatarei ka horoi i te ware katoa. | Ko nga tangata katoa o te ware turoro, me horoi | tonu i a ratou, la ra, ia ra, ma te paru hoki ka | nui haere ai te mate, [no imprint. Te Waimate: Printed at the Bishop's Press, 1844?]

1 sheet ([l] p.): ca. 87x107 mm.

A small notice explaining smoking in the ward is forbidden and regular sweeping and washing is encouraged at St John's College Flospital. It is dated from inclusion in Cotton's journal for March to August 1844. at which time Davies was the only doctor, following Butt’s move to Nelson (William Cotton, Journals 1841-1848, DL, M 5.39, v. 7, p. 145; copy at WTU, qMS-0567). Copies: DL (Cotton, M 5.39), Selwyn College, Cambridge University (Selwyn papers: microfilmed as AJCP, Mlo9B, 18.8 a); WTU (photocopy).

203 FITZGERALD, John Patrick (1815-1897)

Nelson issue of letter of advice on the care of Maori women and babies. Fie pukapuka | na te rata | o nga tangata Maori o Poneke. | [rule] | E te whanau, | Ka wha enei tau oku i noho ai ahau i Poneke. i tiaki ai ahau i nga turoro | o tena wahi: a kua kitea e ahau nga mea i matemate ai koutou. [,..]| [44 lines] \ Naku, na te Fitzgerald, | Na te rata o nga tangata Maori, 1 o Poneke. | Wakatu: [i.e. Nelson] Fie mea ta i te Perehi o Tare Eriota, 1844.

1 sheet ([ 1 ] p.); 219x141 mm. Only known copy lacks part of top margin.

A letter by the Colonial Surgeon to the Maori of Wellington warning them against making pregnant women carry heavy loads and doing hard work, and giving advice on the care of mothers and babies and proper clothing. Printed bv Charles Elliott (Tare Eriota).

On 14 September 1843 George Clarke, Protector of Aborigines, had written to Fitzgerald congratulating him on his success in treating Maori and their growing confidence in his skill (ANZ, MA 4. Letterbook I, 1840-1855, p. 57). On 12 August 1844 Clarke acknowledged receipt of this circular, sent by Fitzgerald for further publicity (ANZ, MA 4/1, p. 77). The text was also reprinted in Te karere o Nui Tireni. v. 3, no. 8 (Aug. 1844), p. 40, and by the Bishop's Press (no. 204).

Williams I 16. Bagnall 1968 (note). Copies: AR; WTU (photocopy!




Bishop's Press issue of advice on the care of Maori women and babies. He pukapuka | na te rata | o nga tangata Maori o Poneke. | [rule] | E te whanau, | Ka wha enei tau oku i noho ai a- | hau i Poneke, i tiaki ai ahau i nga turoro o tena ) wahi; a kua kitea e ahau nga mea i matemate ai | koutou. [, . .] | [. . .] [Te Waimate: He mea ta kite Perehi ote Pihopa. [lB44]]

1 folded sheet ([4] p.); 191x126 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon P (4].

A reprint by the Bishop's Press of health advice (see no. 203 for details). The use of the 'wh' digraph indicates that the date is late 1844. Williams 1 15, Bagnall 1968. Copies: AP, DUHO: WTU (photocopy).

205 HAU, Wiremu

Circular letter. 13 July 1844. inviting chiefs to a hui to discuss Hone Heke. Ki nga rangatira o Ngapuhi. | [rule] | E hoa ma, e mea ana a te Pihopa kia huihui | mai nga rangatira katoa kite Waimate, kia ko- | rerotia tenei kino, kia puritia tenei kino, kia | whakamutua, me era atu kino katoa. | Kia kaua e tukua kia puta te kino. Ma kou- | tou ma nga rangatira marie, atawhai anake, e | whakarite tenei kino. E pouri ana te ngakau o | te Pihopa mo tenei kino. E mea ana a te Piho- | pa kite kahore e puritia tenei kino, ko te putake | tenei e toro ai te ao katoa. | Ko te Karere tenei ki a koutou katoa ki nga | rangatira anake. | A te Weneti ka huihui mai ai. | Hurae, 13. 1844. [no imprint. Te Waimate: Printed at the Bishop's Press, 1844]

1 sheet ([l] p.); ca. I 76x 113 mm.

An invitation in colloquial Maori to tne cniers or Ngapuhi to attend a hui at Te Waimate on Wednesday 1 7 July 1844, the first identified printed text to have been devised in Maori by Maori. The hui was at Selwyn's instigation, but Cotton notes the invitation itself was ‘[the] composition of Wm Hau and Wm Hoeti (i.e. Hoete, ‘Jowett’). The word kino [evil] which occurs so often means John Heke and his business'. This refers to the cutting down of the flagpole at Kororareka (Russell) on 8 July and the resulting uneasy situation. The only known copy has on the verso a manuscript list of 55 chiefs to whom the invitation was sent (William Cotton, Journals 1841-1848, DL, M 5.39, v. 7, p. 188 (facing p. 28); copy at WTU, qMS-0567). For further background on the events, including reference to a meeting at Te Waimate in September 1844, seeC. Orange, The Treaty of Waitangi (Auckland, 1987), p. 1 18-121. Hau. Hoete and Heke were all literate signatories to the Treaty of Waitangi.

copies: ul (Cotton, Mb.39); WTU (photocopy).


A religious tract. 'A chatty friend', with unusual spelling.

He | hoa korerorero. | [rule] | No te Waimate: | I taia tenei kite Perehi a te Pihopa. | 1844.

[2], 6 p.; 142x109 mm. Prelim, pages: title-page (verso blank). Caption title


The earliest printed letter composed in colloquial Maori, 1844, by Wiremu Hau and Wiremu Hoeti (BiM 205) The letter (with translation in the annotation) concerns Heke's attack on the flagstaff at Russell/Kororareka on 8 July 1844. Dixson Library. W C. Cotton's Journal. MS 39 v 7

208 MATTHEWS. JOSEPH (1808-1895)

(p. [l], main sequence) and running titles; 'Ko ga mahi makutu a ga tupuna o Igarani.’.

'A chatty friend', a religious tract on the superstitions of the pre-Christian ancestors of the English, perhaps by Robert Maunsell. An orthographical curiosity in which ‘g’ is used instead of ’ng’. The 'wh' digraph is also used. Part of the same text, with orthodox spelling (including ’wh’), was published in Te karere o Nui Tireni. v, 3. no. 3 (1 Mar. 1844), p. [I3J-14.

The Translation Syndicate established by Bishop Selwyn. which first met at Te Waimate on 12 June 1844, discussed the possibility of adopting ’g’ in place of ‘ng’ on 19 June. Cotton records that 'The Bishop wishes it had been done at first, but does not think the alteration practicable’, and that Maunsell had had a short text printed 'with the g alone instead of the ng, that terrible anomaly in our orthography’. Cotton includes a specimen, remarking: ’All the natives read it quite well, so I hope we may some day or other get it adopted’ (William Cotton. Journals 1841-1848, DL, M 5.39, v. 7, p. 176); copy at WTU qMS-0567) but this did not happen.

Williams 113, Bagnall **2612. Copies: AP. DL (Cotton, Mb.39); wiu (photocopy).


Rules associated with Bishop Selwyn's clothing club.

Ko te | moni kohikohinga. | Ko te [space] | Ko te ingoa. [space] 1 Tona kainga. [space] | Kei nga manei te homai ai ate mutunga ote kura. [no imprint. Te Waimate?; Printed at the Bishop’s Press?, 1844?]

1 sheet ([2] p.); 197x127 mm. Text on verso has heading: 'Ko nga moni kohikohi | a te hunga | e whai ngakau ana ki nga mea pai, | ki nga kakahu pai o te Pakeha. 1 [rule] | Ko nga tikanga o tenei kohikohinga. | [rule] \ [79 lines in four numbered varaaravhsV.

A leaflet confirming that the person whose name and address is entered on the front belongs to the clothing club. The text states how to make payments into the fund and the rules for dress standards.

me iroru ueiungb id me eiumuig ciuu. iuc lcai aucuca nuw mai\c payiiiciua into the fund and the rules for dress standards. Williams dates this at 1849 (by association with no. 376). However, its inclusion in Cotton’s diary shortly after Easter 1844 suggests it may have been printed at Te Waimate. He notes: 'The Bps Clothing Club, the rules and regulations of which are now getting into shape, will do I hope much in enabling the people to get better clothing. Full details of our regulations I will insert as soon as they are drawn up.' (William Cotton, Journals 1841-1848, DL, M 5.39. v, 7. p. 59; copy at WTU, qMS-0567), Cotton left New Zealand in 1848 and the item was possibly sent to him later.

Williams 189. Copies: AP, DL (Cotton. M 5.39), Selwyn College, Cambridge University (Selwyn papers; microfilmed as AJCP, Mlo9B, 18.8 a); WTU (photocopy).

208 MATTHEWS, Joseph (1808-1895)

Notice of Communion service to be held at Kaitdia on 20 October 1844. Kaitaia Oketopa I [i.e. 17?] 1844 | Kia rongo mai koutou e nga tangata


209 MATTHEWS. JOSEPH (1808-1895)

katoa o | te Hahi, | Ko a te 20 o nga ra o te marama nei | tukua ai nga tangata noho pono katoa kite Ha | karameta Tapu. H haere mai ana a te Katene | kikonei ko te minita i te Hakarameta | erangi kia whakaro nga tangata e hiahia ana | kia kai I taua mea tapu kia inoi atu kite | Atua kia homai e la he ngakau ata whaka- | aro ki aua mea: a hei te 16 ka haere mai | kia uiuia e tona kai ui. | Na te Matiu raua ko te Paki. | [ornamental rule] | He mea ta kite perehi a nga mihanare i | Te Ahu [1844]

I sheet ([ll P ); approx. 90x95 mm. (cropped).

A small notice saying that Holy Communion would be held on Sunday 20 October 1844, issued by Joseph Matthews Cte Matiu’) and W. G. Puckey (*te Paki’). Te Ahu was the earlier name for Kaitaia.

Cotton's journal for 17 October 1844 records: ‘Assisted in the first production of the Kaitaia Mission Station printing press. Mr Hutton turned over to Mr Puckey a small one which he brought from England and the first use to which it was put was to give notice of the Holy Communion for next Sunday. He has I hear[?] improved very much and expects to find it very useful in filling up spare scraps of his own time as also in giving little pieces of information to the natives.' (William Cotton, Journals 1841-1848, DL. MS.4O. v. 8, p. 102; copy at WTU, qMS-0568),

Puckey’s house, where he had lived since 1838, burnt down in early 1873 destroying all its contents, presumably including the priming press (Papers of the New Zealand mission 1809-1914, CMS Archive, University of Birmingham; microfilm copy at WTU. Micro-MS-Coll-04-39, Mission books, CN/M25, p. 42-43).

Copies: DL (Cotton, MS.4O); WTU (photocopy).


Advice on growing wheat and farming sheep.

He painga mo te nnana. | [rule] \ He mea pai tenei mo te tangata Maori kia wakalupu i te witi, | hei witi kai, hei witi hoko. [. . .] | [4B lines] | [rule] \ Wakatu: [ i.e. Nelson] he mea ta I te Perehi o Tare Eriota, 1844.

1 sheet ([l] p.); 224x140 mm. Printed by Charles Elliott (‘Tare Eriota'). An exhortation to Maori to grow wheat for food and commerce and to farm sheep for making woollen clothing. Cotton identifies this as ‘Hints on the cultivation of wheat & sheep feeding, drawn up by Mr. Mathews [sic] of Kaitaia, at the Bishops request' (William Cotton. Journals 1841-1848, DL, MS.4O. v. 8, p. 76; copy at WTU, qMS-0568). The same text appears in the Wesleyan almanac for 1844 printed at Mangungu in March 1844 (S2ll/1844) as well as in later almanacs, both Wesleyan and Anglican. Copies: WTU,

210 MAUNSELL, Robert (1810-1894)

Second edition of catechetical Questions.

He patai. | [rule] \ Ma te monita e panga te patai, ka oho Maori ] mai ai te karaihe; ko reira te monita mea ai, | "Tena koa te kupu," a ma ratou e



whakahua | mai te tino wahi o te rarangi e rite ana. | [rule] | [. . .] [No Te Waimate: | I taia tenei kite Perehi a te Pihopa. [ 1844]]

8 p.; 185x127 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 8.

The second edition of a work first published in 1842 (no. 114) of questions with Scripture references as answers. This edition has 111 questions in nine sections. The 'wh' digraph is used.

Colenso records it as being printed in 1844, presumably in the first half of the year, as the new type with the digraph ‘w’ (received in July; see no. 214) is not used (William Colenso, Letters 1834-1853, DUHO; copy at WTU qMS-0491. v. 1).

Two further editions were published in 1848 and 1850 (no. 364 and 399).

Williams 108, Bagnall 3468. Copies: AP, DL (Cotton, M 5.39),.39), NLA, WTU.

Entries no. 211-213 are filed in date order.

211 NEW ZEALAND. Governor (1843-1845 ; Fitzßoy)

Notice. 24 February 1844. relating to negotiations on compensation for land.

Translation. | [rule] \ Friends, listen to me—The Europeans | who have told you that Colonel Wakefield | obtained a much larger payment for the | land from them, and have also persuaded | you to oppose the Queen's authority, by | refusing to accept the just and liberal | payment for your land which has been | awarded to you, are very wrong; their | object is to mislead and deceive you. | [lO lines] | Robert Fitzßoy, | Governor. | Port Nicholson, Te Aro, February 24, 1844. | A true translation | George Clarke, jun., | Thomas S. Forsaith.

[parallel text:]

E hoa ma | [rule] \ Kia rongo mai koutou, he rawa t[e] ki | a nga Pakeha, nui ke ana ta ratou utu ki a Wai- | raweke; he rawa hoki ta ratou ngarenga kia | wakakake koutou kite tikanga o te Kuini, kia | wakakahoretia e koutou te utu tika, te utu ngawari, | kua oti nel te wakarite mo koutou kite tikanga o te | ture: [. . .] | [7 lines] | Naku, | Na te Kawana. | Poneke, Te Aro, Pepuere 24, 1844. [no imprint. Wellington, Printed at the Office of the New Zealand Gazette and Wellington Spectator?, 1844]

I folded sheet. ((4) p.): 330x250 mm. Printed on inner pages; pages [l] and [4] blank. Probably printed at the Gazette Office.

A notice offering £5 reward for the names of Europeans who had told Maor in Wellington not to accept the price for land that they were being offered (i.e £300). Meetings of the Governor, Commissioner Spain and other Crowr representatives were held on 23-24 February with Maori to settle the questior of compensation due to them on lands claimed by the New Zealanc Company. The circular was printed in order to frustrate the price conspiracy but the names of those responsible were not discovered.

The only recorded copy, which is slightly damaged, and associated documents are at Archives New Zealand (IA 1, 1844/725). They include Thomas Forsaith's report on the meetings, which records the price offered.



Both Forsaith and George Clarke junior held positions as Sub-protector of Aborigines; for further background on the context and subsequent events see I. Wards, The shadow of the land (Wellington, 1968), p. 214-252.

Copies: ANZ (1A 1, 1844/725); WTU (photocopy).


Printed letter. Auckland. I November 1844. on the influence of 'bad people'.

Whare o te Kawana, | Akarana, Nowema 1, 1844. | Ki nga tangata Maori o Nui Tireni, me nga rangatira o Pewhairangi. ) [rule] | Tena koutou. E pouri ana toku ngakau, ta te mea, kua rongo ahau i | nga mahi a nga tangata kino, e hiahia ana, kia wakatuturia nga tangata ata | noho. | [l6 lines] | Na to koutou hoa aroha | Robert Fitzßoy, | Kawana. [no imprint. Auckland; Printed by the Government Printer. 1844]

1 sheet ([l] p.); 335x210 mm.?; laid paper with watermark of Britannia image. Original size assumed from similar documents.

A letter warning the chiefs of the Bay of Islands ('Pewhairangi’) and the Maori people generally of the influence of ‘bad people' on trade and settlement. The 'wh' digraph is used inconsistently. The same text is published in Te karere o Nui Tireni. v. 3. no. 1 1 (I Nov. 18441. o 1551

On 7 November 1844 George Clarke sought approval to print 50 copies of this letter and to reprint the Treaty of Waitangi (no. 215) (ANZ, MA 4/58, p. 391), It was printed (on a half-sheet of official foolscap) by the Government Printer at the time, Christopher Fulton (see R. Salmond, Government printing in New Zealand. 1840-1843 (Wellington, 1995), p. 204). Fulton was appointed as Government Printer on 16 September 1844 but the printing office was closed down in early 1846, to be replaced by contract arrangements; for further background see W. A. Glue, History of the Government Printing Office (Wellington, 1966), p. [23]-24.

Bagnall 4042. Copies: WGA, WTU.


Printed letter. Auckland. 17 December 1844. on troubles in the north. Ki nga rangatira o Tokerau, o Hokianga. | [ double rule] | Whare o te Kawana, | Tihema 17, 1844. | E hoa ma. | Tena koutou, kua rongo ahau kua wakaaro etahi o nga rangatira, kia pehia nga | kino o nga taitamariki ki raro, nga tamaraki e tahae ana i nga taonga a nga Pakeha , o 1 Pewhairangi. | [37 lines] | Robert Fitzßoy, | Kawana. [no imprint. Auckland: Printed bv the Government Printer?. 18441

I sheet ([l] p ); 335x210 mm.?; laid paper with watermark of Britannia image. Original size assumed from similar documents.

A circular letter announcing Fitzßoy's intended visit to the north during the summer and encouraging the chiefs to control lawlessness, as he does not intend to allow the situation of unrest to continue. The same text (differently set) is printed in Te karere o Nui Tireni. v. 4. no. 1 (1 Jan. 1845), p. 4. and this



214 NEW ZEALAND. Protector of Aborigines

Printed letter. 29 August 1844. inviting chiefs to a hui with the Governor. Ki nga rangatira o Ngapuhi. | [rule] | E mara ma, | Kua tae mai te Kawana, a kua waka- | ritea he ra huihui ma tatou, kia wakarongona ma- | rietia ai ana korero ki a tatou, a kia kokiritia hoki | tetahi kupu pai ma tatou. 1 A te Mane, a te 2 o Hepetema huihui ai kite | Waimate. | Ko te karere tenei ki a koutou katoa, ki nga ra- | ngatira kaumatua anake. | Na to koutou hoa, | Akuhata 29. 1844, Na te Karaka. [no imprint. Te Waimate: Printed at the Bishop's Press, 1844]

1 sheet ([l] p.); 147x112 mm. Printed in italic type.

A circular to Ngapuhi chiefs inviting them to a meeting with Governor Fitzßoy on Monday 2 September at Te Waimate, from Clarke (‘te Karaka’) as Protector of Aborigines, On 29 August 1844, Cotton records; The Governor had determined to try the effect of a great talk with the principal chiefs at the Waimate. Two invitation notes had been widely circulated, the first written by Mr Clarke, the second [in English] by the Bishop.’ Copies of both, with an account of the meeting, are in William Cotton, Journals 1841-1848, DL. MS.4O, v. 8, p. 16-20; copy at WTU qMS-0568). For more information on Clarke and the Protectorate Department see K. Sinclair, The origins of the Maori Wars (2nd ed.; Wellington, 1961), p. 28-33.

The circular is identified as printed at the Bishop’s Press from use of the symbol ‘w’ for ’wh', the earliest dated example. This type, ordered by Cotton, arrived on 23 July; ‘At midnighjt] Fisher arrived with his dray from the K.K. [i.e. Kerikeri] with the new types etc. William Watts has been in raptures ever since he heard of its arrival in N Zealand from Sydney’ (William Cotton, Journals 1841-1848, DL, M 5.39, v. 7, p, 201; copy at WTU qMS-0567).


English and Maori texts of the Treaty of Waitangi.

Her Majesty Victoria, Queen of the United Kingdom of | Great Britain and Ireland, regarding with Her royal favor the native 1 chiefs and tribes of New Zealand, and anxious to protect their just rights | and property, [. . .] | [39 lines] | W. Hobson, Lieutenant-Governor. ( Now, therefore, we. the chiefs of the Confederation of the United | Tribes of New Zealand, being assembled in congress at Victoria, in | Waitangi, and we, the separate and independent chiefs of New Zealand, | [5 lines ] | Done at Waitangi, this sixth day of February, in the year of our | Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty. | [rule] | Auckland—Christopher Fulton, Government Printer. [parallel text:]

Ko WiKitoria, te Kuini o Ingarani, i tana mahara atawai ki | nga rangatira me nga hapu o Nu Tirani, i tana hiahia hoki kia tohungia | ki a ratou o


Copies: DL (Cotton. MS.4O); WTU (photocopy).

Copies: WTU.

item was almost certainly also printed by the Government Printer at the time, Christopher Fulton. The ‘wtV digraph is used inconsistently.

216 WILBERFORCE. SAMUEL (1805-1873)

ratou rangatiratanga, me to ratou wenua [. ~]( [3/ lines] \ (Signed), | William Hobson, Consul and Lieutenant-Governor. | Na, ko matou, ko nga rangatira o te Wakaminenga o nga | Hapu o Nu Tirani, ka huihui nei ki Waitangi. Ko matou hoki ko nga | rangatira o Nu Tirani, [. , .] | [2 lines] \ Ka meatia tenei ki Waitangi, i te ono o nga ra o Pepuere, i te | tau kotahi mano, ewaru rau, ewa tekau, o to tatou Ariki. | [rule] | Akarana — Christopher Fulton. Kaita o te Kawana. [1844]

I folded sheet ([4] p.); 332x210 mm.; bluish wove paper. Printed on inner pages; pages [l] and [4] blank.

The first separate bilingual printing of the Treaty of Waitangi, signed on 6 February 1840 and first printed only in Maori (see no. 83). The first printed version of the English text (accompanying the Maori text) appeared in GBPP 1841 (31 I), p. 98-99.

On 7 Nov. 1844 George Clarke, Protector of Aborigines, sought approval from the Colonial Secretary to print ‘fifty copies of his Excellency's letter to the native chiefs and the same number of copies of the Waitangi treaty in native language to be distributed among the chiefs of the northern parts of the island they having expressed a desire to possess a copy of the same' (ANZ, MA 4/58, p. 391). This suggests that Fulton printed the Treaty in November 1844, and definitely before Telford's printing of February 1845 (no. 256). The Governor's letter referred to is presumably no. 212.

Fitzßoy’s despatch of 10 October 1844 also enclosed both texts of the Treaty (GBPP 1845 (369) p. 26-27) but it is not stated whether these were printed. There was considerable interest in the meaning of the Treaty at the time as dissatisfaction of both Maori and Europeans over sovereignty and land purchase issues increased.

Williams I 14, Bagnall 5609. Copies: AP, AR, DUHO, WTU.

216 WILBERFORCE, Samuel (1805-1873)

A story for children. The rocky island'.

Te I motu kowhatu. | [rule] | He mea tuhituhi kite reo Pakeha, | e | Hamuera Wiripewohe, M. A. | [rule] | No te Waimate: | I taia tenei kite Perehi a te Pihopa. | 1844.

[2], 34p. 135x1 10 mm. Prelim, pages: title-page (verso blank).

A children’s story 'The rocky island', from the collection The rocky island and ocher parables (first published 1840), followed by a question and answer dialogue (p. 29-34). Williams attributes the translation to Elizabeth Colenso and a copy (AP) signed by George Grey is marked Translated by Mrs Colenso’, and the dialect is that used by Waikato Maori. The assertion (Grey II:iv 97) that the translation is by Puckey in the Rarawa dialect, and therefore not generally understood by Maori of other areas, is incorrect. 100 copies still remained in January 1851 (St John's College, Purewa, Book Depository ledger 11, 1850-1852, ASJ, SJCT 14/37, p. 89: microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS--0936).

A second edition was printed at the Bishop's Press in 1851 (no, 415). Williams I 12 & (S), Bagnall 6063, Copies: AP, AR, DUHO, NAMU, WTU.


217 WILLIAMS. WILLIAM (1800-1878)

217 WILLIAMS, William (1800-1878)

The first Maori dictionary, with a short grammar and a selection of sentences.

A | dictionary | of the | New-Zealand language, | and | a concise grammar; | to which are added | a selection of colloquial sentences. | By | William Williams, B. A., | Archdeacon of 'Waiapu. | [rule] \ Paihia: | Printed at the Press of the C. M. Society. | [rule] | M.DCCC.XLIV,

xli, [l]. 195. [l] p ; 195x121 mm.; 'h purple cloth, grey paper-covered boards. Pages [ii], [iv], [x], [xlii], [lB6], [lBB], [l96] blank. Pages 1-185 printed in two columns separated by vertical rule. Colophon p. 195: ‘Church Mission Press, Paihia, New-Zealand.’.

Malt title (p. lij): A | dictionary, | etc., etc. ; section tines, a grammar, (p, [ix]): ‘Sentences.’ (p. [lB7]). Spine label: '[double rule] | Williams’ | N - Zealand | dictionary | and 1 grammar, | etc. | [rule] \ Price 7s. 6d. 1 [double rule]’.

First edition of the Reverend (later Bishop) William Williams s dictionary, ot which 550 copies were printed by Telford during 1843 and 1844 (John Telford, Diary and letters 1849-1850 [i.e. 1840-1856], WTU qMS-2004-04). The contents are a preface (p. [v]-vii); abbreviations (p, viii); a grammar for beginners (p. [ix]-xli); the dictionary of 5380 words (p. JIJ-185); 138 colloquial sentences (p. 187-195). Williams notes (Preface, p. vii): ‘For want of other means of expressing the Accentuation of words, the Vowels on which the emphasis is to be laid are printed in italics, and the letter w, when it is sounded as wh. is printed with an inverted comma’ (e.g. 'Waiapu on titlepage). This practice is used throughout the work, which interfiles words beginning with w and ‘w. The Preface includes comments on whether Maori should be taught English or Maori and notes that the work had been prepared six years earlier.

In 1837 Colenso had printed a 12-page section that was never published (Williams 22, Bagnall 6089). When the Committee of Missionaries renewed its decision to print the grammar, Colenso wrote to the CMS on 26 July 1842 of his concerns about its lack of usefulness to Maori and the ‘hindrance’ of having to do such ‘very un-missionary work’. He suggested it would be quicker, cheaper and better to print it in England (William Colenso, Letters 1834-1853. DUHO; copy at WTU qMS-0491, v, 1).

Telford was more positive: ‘This book will I expect, be found extremely useful in this country. There seems to be a common cry for it at present, on all hands. I trust that its typography &c. will at least not lessen the lustre of the Paihian Press.' (John Telford to CMS, 20 May 1843, Church missionary record, Jan. 1844, p. 9-10). An advertisement in the Auckland times, 7 January 1845, p. [l], says that copies were available from Telford at 'Pahia' and Dr William Davies in Auckland.

Further editions of the dictionary were published in 1852 (no. 435), 1871 (no. 768) and 1892 (no. 1348). and several in the twentieth century (see Bagnall Wl3lB etc.).

Williams 107, Bagnall 6091. Copies: ABH, AP, AR, NLA. WTU.


218 ANDREWES. LANCELOT (1555-1626)

218 ANDREWES, Lancelot (1555-1626)

A selection of private prayers.

He kupu ma te ngakau inoi. “Kei whakamutua te inoi.” 1 Teha. 5. 17.

1 No Purewa: | I taia kite Perehi o nga Mihanere. | M.DCCC.XLV.

[2], 37. [l] p,; 175x100 mm. Prelim, pages: title-page (verso blank). Page [3B] blank.

‘A word for a prayerful heart’; a translation of a selection of private prayers from Bishop Andrewes's Preces privatae quotidianae, originally written in Greek and Latin and first published in 1 675. It was adapted by Sarah Selwyn and translated by Robert Maunsell (details from a St John's College press order form).

In a prefatory note to the 1893 edition (no. 1349) Sir George Grey refers to having helped set the type for this first edition, which must have occurred after 18 November 1845 when he took up his position as Governor. In a letter of 2 February 1846 to the CMS, Telford mentions that he had just completed the job (Papers of the New Zealand mission, 1809-1914, CMS Archive. University of Birmingham: microfilm copy at WTU. Micro-MS-Coll-04-59, Various letters New Zealand mission).

Later editions, by various printers, were published in 1847 (no. 318), 1851 (no. 403), 1869 (no. 726), 1885 (no. 1122) and 1893 (no. 1349).

Williams 126. Copies: AP, AR (incomplete); WTU (photocopy).

219 BIBLE. O.T. Maori. Selections. 1845,

Ko nga upoko | o te | Kawenata Tawlto, | hei | korerotanga i nga ata i nga ahiahi | o | nga Ratapu katoa o te tau. 1 [wavy rule] I Paihia: | He mea ta i te Perehi o nga Mihanere | o te Hahi o Ingarani. | 1844. [i.e. Purewa, 1845)

72 p.; 200x130 mm. Printed in two columns. Colophon p. [2]: ‘Church Mission Press, Paihia, New-Zealand.'. Final signature (p. 65-72): I. Text (Exodus 12: 1-3) at foot of p. 72 has caption title: ‘Mo te ra Aranga a te Karaite.

Old Testament lessons for morning and evening prayer for Sundays and holy days, as the complete text of the Old Testament was not yet available. The translation is mainly by William Puckey, apart from that of Genesis (a revision of the 1833 text. no. 15) and Exodus (by Maunsell, no. 103). The 'wh' digraph is used on the last page only, its earliest use at the CMS press after being adopted by the Translation Syndicate on 12 June 1844 at Te Waimate (see Frances Porter's notes in her edition of William Williams, The Turanga journals (Wellington, 1974), p, 314-319).

The date and place of publication are not those of the title-page as the press was removed from Paihia to Auckland in April 1845 due to the conflict in the north, and was re-established at St John’s College, Bishop's Auckland, Purewa (now Meadowbank), from July. Telford's reports of work done, and the content of copies seen, establish a publication date of some time in the second half of 1845.

Telford's letter of 24 Sept. 1844 records as stock on hand 'Sunday Church


Old Testament lessons for Sundays and holy days throughout the year.


lessons for the year [unfinished] 600 copies' (presumably to sig. F). Further progress is noted in subsequent reports: to 30 June 1845 (sigs C [& Hj); to 31 Dec, 1845 (I, K. L) (John Telford, Letter to CMS (24 Sept. 1844) and Report of work done to 30 June 1845, in Diary and letters 1849-1850 [i.e. 1840-1856], WTU, qMS-2004; Report of work done to 31 Dec. 1845, in William Colenso, Papers 1834-1845, WTU, Micro-MS-0309).

As the signatures are 8 p., this indicates that 88 pages had been printed, but no copy with signature L has been seen. Entry no. 220 describes a variant issue of 78 p. and it is clear that the work was not completed.

Williams 106 (note), Bagnall 470 (note). Copies: AP, WTU.


Ko nga upoko | o te ( Kawenata Tawito, | hei | korerotanga i nga ata i nga ahiahi | o | nga Ratapu katoa o te tau. | [wavy rule] | Paihia: | He mea ta i te Perehi o nga Mihanere |o te Hahi o Ingarani. | 1844. [ i.e. PQrewa, 1845]

78 p.; 200x131 mm. Printed in two columns. Colophon p. [2]: ‘Church Mission Press, Paihia, New-Zealand.'. Signatures from p. 65 to end: I (p. 6570): K* (p, 71-78). Final leaf of signature I has been cancelled.

Text at foot of p. 72 (Hosea 13) has caption title: ‘Mo te Wenerei i mua o te ra Aranga a te Karaiti'. Text at end of p. 78 breaks off in mid-sentence ' . . . ki o ratou wahi’.

Copies with the following variant makeup of p. 65-78 have been seen:

220.1 variant signatures p. 65-70. Signature marks are: 1 (p. 65); ' (i.e. an opening apostrophe, p. 69); K* (p. 71). Pages 65-66 are a single tipped-in leaf; p, 67-70 are a conjugate leaf; p. 71-78 are a standard 8-p. signature. Green cloth boards.

220.2 duplicate p. 71-72. Signature marks are I (p. 65): K* (p, 71). In this copy the leaf from the first issue (no. 219) which should have been cancelled (p. 71-72 of signature I) has been retained. This copy, noted by Williams, is pv-SAI

See no. 219 for further information on the publication history and another issue.

Williams 106, Bagnall 470. Copies: AP (inch variant 220.2), WTU (variant 220.1).

221 BIBLE. O.T. Genesis. Maori 1845.

Probationary text of Genesis.

Ko | te pukapuka tuatahi a Mohi, | e karangatia nei | ko Kenehi. | [rule]

Ka tahi ka whakamaoritia mai I te reo Hiperu, | [ornament] \ No Purewa: | I tala tenel kite Perehi a nga Mihanere. I [rule] I M.DCCC.XLV.

[4], 123, [I ] p.; 183x116 mm.; blue paper covers or dark green cloth boards. Prelim, pages: title-page (verso blank), p. 13-41 blank; p. [1241 blank.

Some copies have a cover label (51 x7l mm., bordered with a wavy rule): ‘The first book of Moses, | called | Genesis; | now first translated from the


Variant issue of Old Testament lessons for Sundays and holy days.


original Hebrew | into the New-Zealand tongue. | [rule] | Church Mission Press, New-Zealand. | M.DCCC.XLV.',

The complete text of Genesis in MaunselTs translation, and a further instalment in the protracted publication of the Hexateuch that had begun in 1842 (see no. 103 for details). Printing began at Paihia on the CMS press in 1844 but was not completed until 1845, following relocation of the press to the new site of St John’s College at Purewa (now Meadowbank), Auckland.

Telford's reports of the number of signatures printed vary between 1,000 and 2,000 copies, plus 200 copies of a cover (i.e. the printed label). 1,040 copies were bound and 918 copies issued in the half year to 31 December 1845 (John Telford, Return . . . half-year ending Deer, 31/45, in William Colenso, Papers 1834-1845, WTU, Micro-MS-0309; location of originals unknown, formerly in K. A. Webster collection).

Williams 121, Bagnall 471. Copies: AP, AR. DL, NLA, WTU,


A long pastoral, with a statement of Catholic doctrine and a catechism. Ako marama | o te Hahi Katorika Romana | ko te | pou mete unga | o te pono. | He mahi i tirohia houtia, i wakanuia ra hoki e | te kai tuhituhi, | e Hoane Papita Werahiko Pomaparie, | te Epikopo Wikario Apotoriko mo te Oheania | Okihetari. | [illustration with quotation. 2 lines, including caption: ‘Matiu 10.38.'] | [rule] | He mea ta i te Perehi Katorika Romana o Poiahakena, | (Sydney), i te marama Nowema, | 1845.

[6], 44 p.; 210x136 mm.; purple cloth boards. Prelim, pages: title-page (verso blank) and table of contents. Caption title p. 1 (main sequence): He ako na te Epikopo Katorika Romana mo Nutirani, . . .'. Caption title p. 20: He ako me etahi katekihama na te Epikopo Hoane Papita Werakiko Pomaparie’.

The third Ako mamma, the text of which is taken from two earlier works of the same title published in 1843. with some textual changes and additional marginal notes. This volume comprises a long pastoral by Bishop Pompallier (p. 1-19) and a statement of Catholic doctrine and a catechism (p. 20-44). The pastoral, dated October 1842, was printed in the first Ako marama (no. 120. p. 1-26). The statement of Catholic doctrine and catechism, dated 'Teheperi' (December?) 1842, were in the second Alto marama (no. 121. p. 1-33).

This volume was printed in Sydney at the Port Jackson ('Poiahakena') Catholic mission press. The New Zealand Catholic mission press was in storage at Whangaroa at the time, following its evacuation from Kororareka after the sack of the town by Hone Heke and Kawiti in March 1845.

Williams 136 & (S), Bagnall 4598. Copies: ABH, AP, DL, NLA. WTU,


Church Catechism from the Book of Common Prayer.

He | katikihama | hei | whakaako i nga tangata katoa | e kawea mai ana kia whakaukia | e te Pihopa. | [double rule] \ Paihia: ( Ka taia i te Perehi o nga Mihanere | a te Hahi o Ingarani. | [rule] | 1845.



11, [l] p.; 175x105 mm,: dark grey paper covers (blank). Pages [2] and [l2] blank. Printed at the CMS Press.

A new version of the Church Catechism first published in Maori in 1 830 (no. 12). The text of this version is the same as that used in the 1842 collection of catechisms (no. 108) but with the addition of the 'wh' digraph. The title of this version is a translation of the full English title of the Church Catechism ('A Catechism, that is to say, an instruction to be learned of every person, before he be brought to be confirmed by the Bishop').

This edition of 5,000 copies was printed prior to April 1845, when the press was evacuated to Auckland and re-established in the printery at Bishop's Auckland at Purewa (now Meadowbank. Auckland) in late August. In a letter to the CMS dated 30 June 1845, Telford reports he had completed it in the first half of 1845 (John Telford. Return of work executed ... for the half-year ending June 30/45, in Letters 1843-1857 and Reports 1851-1852, Papers of the New Zealand Mission 1809-1914, Church Missionary Society Archive, University of Birmingham; copy at WTU, Micro-MS-Coll-04-59, Various letters New Zealand mission, CN/088).

For separate issues of the Church Catechism see no. 12, 355, 356, 388 and 908. For collections of catechisms that include the Church Catechism see no. 18,71, 108, 329, 389, 420 and 881,

Williams 125. Copies: AP, WTU.


Twenty-seven Church of England hymns, numbered 43-69.

Himene. | 43. Mo te hunga whakapono, mete hunga | whakateka. Waiata. 1. C.M. | 1. Ka hari rate tangata 1 e kore nei e pai, | e kore nei e whakaae | kia mahi ite he | (. . .] [no imprint. Kaitaia: Printed at the Kaitaia Mission Station Press, ca. 1845]

[2o] p.; 184x108 mm; coarse brown paper covers (blank). Caption title. Printed on single leaves. At end of text: Te mutunga. | [ornament: urn]'. The Kaitaia press is identified from the urn ornament used in no. 255.

A collection of 27 hymns numbered 43-69, the sequence continuing that of the standard collection of 42 hymns first published in the 'small' prayer book of 1839 (no. 56). Some of the hymns identify the tunes to be used. The 'wh' digraph is used.

A manuscript note by Williams on the WTU copy states 'all but 7 are still in use some with slight modifications'.

Williams 132. Copies: WTU.


Names applied to Christ, with Scripture references.

Ko nga ingoa o Ihu Kariti. | Kai inoi. Hoani i, ii, 1. | Te Arepa mete Omeka, Whakaki i, 8. xxii, | (13.) | [. . .] [Printed at Kaitaia 1845. [Kaitaia Mission Station Press]]

1 sheet ([2] p.); 180x105 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. [2],


226 MARTIN. SIR WILLIAM (1807-1880)

A list of the names applied to Christ with Scripture references. Although both copies seen are bound with the translation of Stillingfleet’s commentary on the Church Catechism (no. 255), the independent colophon (in English) suggests this leaf was issued separately.

Williams 130 (note). Copies: AP, WTU

226 MARTIN, Sir William (1807-1880)

The story of Peter the Great, King of Russia.

Ko I nga mahi a Pita | a te | Kingi o Ruhia. | [double rule] | No Purewa: | I taia tenei kite Perehi a te Pihopa. | [rule] | 1845,

[2], 21. [1 ] p.; 175x100 mm. Prelim pages: title-page (verso blank). Page [22] blank. Printed at the Bishop’s Press. The symbol ‘w’ is used for the digraph ’wh’.

The deeds of Peter the Great, King of Russia. William Swainson later observed: ‘The story of “Peter the Great" which has been written for them in Maori, is read with avidity; while “Robinson Crusoe" [no. 427] has no charms for them because it is not true' [New Zealand and its colonization (London, 1859), p. 45).

A manuscript note (apparently by William Cotton) in the WTU copy stales this was ‘Drawn up by Mrs Martin—Put into Maori by Mr Maunsell—very good’. Flowever, a letter from Maunsell identifies the author as Sir William Martin, and that it was one of the first secular works to be produced to enlarge the intellectual horizons of the Maori. T have now in my possession a Maori history of Peter the Great of Russia which our good friend the Chief Justice has himself compiled and translated for circulation amongst them. Fie has just given it to me with a request to revise it for publication’ (Robert Maunsell, Letter to CMS 12 October 1843, Papers of the New Zealand mission, 1809-1914, CMS Archive, University of Birmingham; microfilm copy at WTU. Micro-MS-Coll-04-56, Various letters New Zealand mission. CN/O 64a). Martin’s authorship is confirmed by a manuscript annotation by William Nihill on an 1846 printed list of CMS publications (in Letters 18461887, WTU. MS-Paoers-1009-2/18).

Williams 128, Bagnall 3425. Copies: AP, AR, NLA, WTU.


Explanation of the Enqlish system of jurisprudence.

Ko nga tikanga | a te | Pakeha. | [Royal Arms] \ Akarana: [i.e. Auckland] | I taia kite Perehi a Kawana, | [rule] | 1845.

[2], 22, [2] p.; 213x133 mm.; blue paper covers (blank). Prelim pages and p. [2], [4], [23-24] are blank. Colophon p. 22; ‘Akarana: | I taia tenei e Christopher Fulton e te Kai ta o te Kawana.’. Printed by the Government Printer.

A work intended to educate Maori about their legal rights. The preface (p. [3]) is signed by the author 'Na te Matenga, na te Tino Kai Whakarite Whakawa’, i.e. Chief Justice Sir William Martin, who prepared it at the request of Fitzßoy. The Auckland times. 1 2 March 1844, p. 2, applauded the intention to produce it, as part of a process of meaningful education for Maori,


229 MATTHEWS. JOSEPH (1808-1895)

The text was reprinted as part of the church almanac for 1846 (S2OI/1846) and that part was also issued separately (no. 228). It was also reprinted in the Maori language column of the Anglo-Maori warder (commencing in issue 17, August 1848) and later, with an English version, in the Maori messenger (commencing in v. 2, no. 3, March 1855).

Williams 129, Bagnall 3436. Copies: AP, AR, DUHO, NLA, WTU,


Reprint of text explaining the English system of jurisprudence. Ko | nga tikanga a te Pakeha. | [rn/e] | E nga kaumatua o nga tangata Maori. Tena koutou. — [. ..]|[. . .] [no imprint. Purewa: Printed at the Church Mission Press, 1845]

p. [ISJ-30; 194x118 mm. (untrimmed); blue paper covers (blank). Caption title. Pages [l5-16] blank.

The reprinted text of a work first published in Auckland in 1845 (no. 227), with additional text on p. 30. It is a separate issue of part of the church almanac for 1846 (S2Ol/1846) printed by Telford at the CMS Press (John Telford. Return . . . half-year ending Deer. 31/45. in William Colenso, Papers 1834-1845, WTU. Micro-MS-0309; location of originals unknown, formerly in K. A. Webster collection).

Williams 144/ ii, Bagnall 3436 (note). Copies: WTU.

229 MATTHEWS, Joseph (1808-1895)

Sermon outlines, a series begun in 1845 and continued over several years. [Weekly sermon outlines. Kaitaia: Printed at the Kaitaia Mission Station Press, 1845-1850]

Title supplied. Imprints vary. Unless otherwise stated, all are single-sheet 1-page items of approximately 190 x 115 mm. and printed in a single column.

A large series of sermon outlines, possibly as many as 250, composed by CMS missionary Joseph Matthews and distributed to native teachers at Kaitaia between 1845 and 1850. They are modelled on the series initiated by Selwyn in 1843 at Te Waimate (no. 153). From manuscript annotations on some of the items, the outlines were recycled and reused as late as the 1870s. Punctuation, capitalisation and typesetting are somewhat irregular, and many have manuscript corrections. Punctuation and capitalisation in the title has been followed in these entries.

The largest collection of extant copies (64 items from 1845-1847) is at AP. However, most have not survived and, because of the large number of gaps, only the existing items have been described: no. 230-234 (1845), 262307 (1846), 337-347 (1847), and 398 (1850).

William Puckey noted that he was largely responsible for printing the outlines on the small press acquired by the Kaitaia mission in 1844 (see no. 208 for further details) in his letter of 20 March 1845 to the CMS: 'Mr Matthews every week writes down the heads of his Sunday sermon with a few remarks and 1 print several copies which the different native teachers take with them to their respective villages on the Saturday after Mr Matthews



has well explained it to them'. Initially they were able to print two pages at a time and to supply up to 24 villages with copies of the sermon notes (William G. Puckey, Journals and letters. WTU, qMS-1665, p. 155, 181, 190, 240, 242). They were ‘printed by natives’ according to notes on the AP and AR copies and Puckey also remarks on the printing of sermon notes by Philip Patiki and other natives on several occasions. In a letter to the CMS dated 8 May 1848 Puckey states ‘Never has a Saturday been omitted since we have had the press. 1 attribute the progress of our natives in a spiritual point of view principally to the sermons thus issued’ (Puckey, WTU, qMS-1665, p. 190).

Matthews, in a note written on the back of the outline for 1 December 1850 (no. 398), considers the Scripture-based outlines were responsible for their teachers learning ‘to preach properly S. many of them are superior preachers. If anything some of our old and long trained teachers beat the ordained now. Previously ‘the old style of Maori preaching was very faulty - too figurative and oftentimes improper allusions’ (Joseph Matthews. Sermon notes, WTU, 90-121).

Williams 131. Copies: AP (1845: 230-234; 1846: 263-273. 275-277, 278-279, 280-307; 1847: 337-347), AR (1846: 273-274), WTU (1845: 230 (Matthews 90-121); 1846: 268 (Matthews 90-121) & photocopies): 1847: 337-347 (photocopies); 1850: 398 (Matthews 90-121)).

Entries no. 230-234 are filed in date order.

230 5 !anuary 1845 (Epiphany)

Te Ratapu tuarua i muri iho o te whanauta- | nga o te Karaiti. | Roma X 11.4, 5. 1 [37? lines ] | [Kaitaia Hanuere 5.] 1845[.]

Sermon outline for the 2nd Sunday after Christmas, based on Romans 12:45. Only known copy is damaged. Imprint details supplied from comparison with other issues.

231 16 February 1845.

[ornament] He Kauwhau whakawhetainga. [ornament] \ I Teharo v, 18. Kia whakawhetai mo nga | mea katoa, | [64 lines in two columns] | Kaitaia. Pepuere 16. 1845. | [ornamental rule]

Sermon outline for the 2nd Sunday in Lent, based on I Thessalonians 5:18. (1 sheet ([l] p.); 222x187 mm.)

232 25 March 1845.

Mo te Ra tapu ote Aranga mai. | [ornaments] 1, Koriniti. V, 7. | [ornaments] \ [32 lines, partly in two columns] | [line of ornaments] \ Kaitaia Easter Sunday. 1845. | [ornamental rule]

Sermon outline for Easter Sunday, based on I Corinthians 5:7,

233 29 June and 6 July 1845.

Te Ratapu tua ono i muri iho i te tokotoru- | tanga. 1 Matiu V. 23, 25.

[. . .] [Kaitaia Hurae 6. 1845]


236 MAUNSELL. ROBERT (1810-1894)

Sermon outlines for the 6th and 7th Sundays after Trinity, based respectively on Matthew 5:23-25 and I John 4:11. Printed on p. [2] tete-beche (i.e. in reverse direction) is the second sermon outline, with caption title: 'Te Ratapu tuawhitu i muri iho i te Tokotoru- 1 tanga. [ I Hoani iv. 11. (1 sheet ([2] p.). Imprint from colophon p. [2]. Line of ornaments at foot of p. [2].)

234 13July 1845.

Te Ratapu tuawaru I muri iho ite Tokotoru- | tanga. | Koriniti xiii 1. 1 [3O lines] Kaitaia Hune [i.e. Hurae] 13. 1845. | [line of ornaments]

Sermon note for the Bth Sunday after Trinity, based on I? Corinthians 13:1.

235 MAUNSELL, Robert (1810-1894)

Sermon on a new life throuqh Christ.

Ko | nga mahi hou. 1 [double rule] | “Na, kite mea kei roto I a te Karaiti te tahi, he mahinga hou ia: | kua pahure nga mea tawhito; na, kua whakahoutia nga mea | katoa.” 2 Koriniti v. 17. | [. . .] [no imprint. Purewa: Printed at the Church Mission Press, 1845]

7, [l] p : 184x120 mm. Caption title. Imprint supplied from bound collection of sermons (no. 311). Page [B] blank.

A sermon on finding new life through Christ, based on II Corinthians 5:17. It is one of eight sermons prepared by Robert Maunsell in the second half of 1845 and early 1846; the others in the series are described in no. 236-239 (1845) and 308-310 (1846). The sermons were issued separately and also in bound collections of varying content (see no. 311-**3l2).

Maunsell explains the origin of the series in a letter of 26 January 1846 to the CMS; ‘The sermons you see connected with my name originated in a request from the Bishop to print a sermon which I delivered before him on Hebr. 4:14, and he then conceived the idea of printing a series of homilies for junior members, and for native teachers. The first series of seven is now completed’ (Papers of the New Zealand mission, 1809-1914, CMS Archive, University of Birmingham; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-Coll-04-35, Mission books, CN/M v. 16 p. 46).

In his return of materials printed in the half year to 31 December 1845, Telford records printing 200 copies of each of five of the sermons (no. 235239) (in William Colenso, Papers 1834-1845, WTU, Micro-MS-0309; location of originals unknown, formerly in K. A, Webster collection). The others were printed in early 1846. Writing to the CMS on 2 February 1846, Telford reports that he has 'lately finished printing a series of sermons in the Maori language' (Papers of the New Zealand mission. 1809-1914, CMS Archive, University of Birmingham; microfilm copy at WTU. Micro-MS-Coll-04-59, Various letters New Zealand mission).

Williams 145/ ii, Bagnall 3467 (note). Copies: NLA, WTU (in bound vol.)


Sermon on the prayer of the criminal crucified with Christ.

Ko | te inoi a te tahae. | [double rule] | “Ka mea atu ia ki a Ihu, e te Ariki,


237 MAUNSELL. ROBERT (1810-1894)

kia mahara koe ki ahau | ina tae koe ki tou rangatiratanga. Ka mea atu a Ihu ki a ia, | he pono, ka mea atu ahau ki a koe, hei aianei koe noho ai ki a | au i pararaiha." Ruka xxiii. 42, 43. | [. . .] [no imprint. Purewa: Printed at the Church Mission Press, 1845]

7, [l] p. 184x120 mm. Caption title. Imprint supplied from bound collection of sermons (no. 311). Page [B] blank.

A sermon on the prayer of the criminal crucified with Christ, based on Luke 23:42-43. One of a series of sermons, issued separately and in bound collections; see no. 235 for additional information.

Williams 145/ v, Bagnall 3467 (note). Copies: WTU (in bound vol.)


Sermon on being saved through baptism.

Ko | te iriiri tapu. | [rule] | “Ko ia e whakapono ana, a ka oti te iriiri, ka whakaorangia.”— | Maka xvi. 16. |[.. .] [New-Zealand: [i.e. Purewa] | Printed at the Church-mission Press. [lB4s]]

8 p.; 184x120 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 8. Ornament at end of text p. 8.

A sermon on being saved through baptism, based on Mark 16:16. One of a series of sermons, issued separately and in bound collections; see no. 235 for additional information. In collections (other than no. **3l2) that include this sermon, it is bound as the final item, hence the colophon.

The following variant issue has also been identified:

**237.1 lacks colophon p. 8. This variant issue is included in Seven Maori sermons (no. **3l2), where it is not the final item and therefore does not need a colophon.

Williams 145/ viii, Bagnall 3467 (note). Copies: SAL (variant 237.1); WTU (in bound vol.)


Sermon on faith in Jesus, the great high priest.

Ko | te tino tohunga nui. | [double rule] | “He tino tohunga nui to tatou, kua tomo atu nei ki nga rangi, | ko Ihu te Tamaiti o te Atua." Nga Hiperu iv. 14. | [. . .] [no imprint. Purewa: Printed at the Church Mission Press, 1845]

9 [i.e. 7], [l] p.; 184x120 mm. Caption title. Imprint supplied from bound collection of sermons (no. 311). Pages [2-7] misnumbered 4-9; p. [B] blank. Signature mark at foot of p. [l]: ‘A2’.

A sermon on the need to have faith in Jesus, the great high priest, based on Hebrews 4:14. One of a series of sermons, issued both separately and in bound collections; see no, 235 for additional information.

Williams 145/ vi, Bagnall 3467 (note). Copies: WTU (in bound vol.)




Sermon on the healing power of faith.

Ko 1 te whakapono. | [rule] | "Ano ra hoki ko Ihu ki a ia, e ko, na tou whakapono koe i whakaora | haere marie, kia ora koe i tou mate.[”J Maka v. 34. | [. . .] [no imprint. Purewa: Printed at the Church Mission Press. 1845]

7, [l] p.; 184x120 mm. Caption title. Imprint supplied from bound collection of sermons (no. 311). Page [BJ blank.

A sermon on the healing power of faith, based on Mark 5:34. One of a series of sermons, issued both separately and in bound collections; see no. 235 for additional information.

Williams 145/ i, Bagnall 3467 (note). Copies: WTU (in bound vol.)

Entries no. 240-247 are filed in date order.

240 NEW ZEALAND. Governor (1843-1845 : Fitzßoy)

Proclamation. 8 January 1845. arising from acts of lawlessness in the north. Proclamation. | [double rule] | By His Excellency Robert Fitzßoy, [. . .] | [3 lines of designations] | Whereas an act of depredation has lately been committed at the | Bay of Islands by the Kawakawa tribe; for which sufficient | atonement has not been made by the aggressors:— | [27 lines] \ Robert Fitzßoy, | Governor. | By command, | Andrew Sinclair, | Colonial Secretary. | God save the Queen! | [rule] \ Auckland —Christopher Fulton, Government Printer.

[parallel text:]

Wakarongo. | [double rule] | Na te Kawana na Ropata Pitiroi, [. . .] | [3 lines of designations] | Ta te mea, kua tutu etahi o nga tangata Maori o te Kawakawa, o | Pewhairangi i mua tata ake nei, kahore ano i ata wakaritea e ratou, | e nga tangata na ratou te take o tenei tutu: — | [26 lines] | Robert Fitzßoy, | Kawana. | He mea ki, | Andrew Sinclair, | te Kai Tuhituhi o te Karoni. | Ma te Atua e wakaora te Kuini! | [rule] | Akarana—Kiritopa Purutana, Kaita o te Kawana. [1845]

1 folded sheet ([4] p.); 302x185 mm. Printed on laid paper with watermarks ’lB4l’ and fleur-de-lis image. Printed on inner pages, pages [l] and [4] blank.

A proclamation in English and Maori on facing pages, issued on 8 January 1845. It arose from incidents of horse-stealing and violence at the Bay of Islands and MataKana (near Warkworth) committed in late 1844. Consent to waive the Crown's right of pre-emption over lands belonging to the Kawakawa and Whangarei tribes (or tribes sheltering them) would be withdrawn until compensation and restoration were carried out. A reward of £5O each is offered for the arrest of chiefs Parihoro, Mate and Koukou.

A proclamation of 31 January (no, 242) removed Mate’s name from the list, and another of 3 March (no. 243) cancelled this original proclamation as restitution had been made. For further details see I. Wards. The shadow of the land (Wellington, 1968). p. 111.



This and other proclamations use the digraph ‘wh’ inconsistently until late 1845.

Williams 138. Copies: ANZ (G 30/7, end. 10), AP. DUHO; WTU (photocopy).


Proclamation. 15 January 1845. offering a reward for the arrest of Heke. Proclamation. | [double rule] \ By His Excellency Robert Fitzßoy, [. . .] | [3 lines of designations] | Whereas a serious outrage was committed at Russell, on the 10th | of January, instant, by the chief John Heke, and a party of | natives, in defiance of the Queen's authority, and in opposition to Her | Majesty’s laws. | [l7 lines] (Robert Fitzßoy, | Governor. | By command, | Andrew Sinclair, | Colonial Secretary. | God save the Queen! | [rule] 1 Auckland—Christopher Fulton. Government Printer

[parallel text:]

Wakarongo. | [double rule] | Na te Kawana na Ropata Pitiroi, [. .] | [3 lines of designations] | Mo te mea kua tutu kino na, a Hone Heke ratou ko ona hoa Maori i | Kororareka, i te 10 o nga ra o Hanueri, kua takahia na e ratou te | rangatiratanga o te Kuini me one ture hoki. | [74 lines] | Robert Fitzßoy, | Kawana. | He mea ki, | Andrew Sinclair, | te Kai Tuhituhi o te Karoni. | Ma te Atua e wakaora te Kuini! | [rule] | Akarana—Kiritopa Purutana, Kaita o te Kawana. [1845]

I folded sheet ([4] p); 313x200 mm. Printed on bluish laid paper with watermarks: either ‘J Simmons | 1841’ and Britannia image, or (ANZ copies, 302x185 mm.) ‘lB4l’ and fleur-de-lis image. Printed on inner pages, pages [l] and [4] blank.

A proclamation in English and Maori on facing pages, issued on 15 January 1845. It offers a reward of £lOO for the apprehension and delivery of Hone Heke to either Russell or Auckland, and threats of punishment for anyone harbouring him.

The proclamation arose from Heke cutting down the flagstaff on Maiki Hill above Kororareka for a second time on 10 January 1845. For further details on the incident and the ensuing northern war see I. Wards, The shadow of the land (Wellington, 1968), p. [9SJ-159, and j. Belich, The New Zealand Wars (Auckland. 1986), p. 29-41. Samuel Martin, in his New Zealand: in a series of letters (London, 1845, p. 334), provides an interesting contemporary perspective: ‘Whatever Heki [sic] may be called, and however he may be treated, he manifests at least a strong love for his own country, and even qualities which have entitled a Bruce, a Wallace, and a Tell to the name of oatriots.’

Williams 139. Copies: ANZ (G3O/7, end. 11; IA 1/1849/158), AR (in MS 429), DUHO, WTU.


Proclamation, 31 January 1845, concerning the chief Mate.

Wakarongo. | [double rule] | Na te Kawana na Ropata Pitiroi, [. . .] | [3 lines of designations] | Mo te mea, kua rangona, ki hai ano a Mate, tetahi o nga

I 46


Ran[-] | gatira nona te ingoa i whakahuatia ki roto kite pukapuka i te 8 o | Henueri [sic], i pa kite tutu o Matakana; e kore rawa e tahe moni e ho | atu ai mo tana hopotanga. | [authorisation. 5 lines] \ Robert Fitzßoy, | Kawana. | He mea ki, | Andrew Sinclair, | te Kai Tuhituhi o te Karoni. 1 Ma te Atua e wakaora te Kuini! 1 [rule] | Akarana —Christopher Fulton, Kaita o te Kawana.

[parallel text:]

Proclamation. [ [double rule] | By His Excellency Robert Fitzßoy. [. . .] | [3 lines of designations] | Whereas it has been ascertained that Mate, one of the 1 chiefs named in the proclamation dated January Bth, 1845—was not | concerned in the outrage at Matakana: no reward will be paid for | his apprehension and delivery. | [authorisation. 4 lines] | Robert Fitzßoy, | Governor. | By command, | Andrew Sinclair, | Colonial Secretary. | God save the Queen! | [rule] | Auckland —Christopher Fulton, Government Printer. [18451

1 folded sheet ([4] p.); 314x200 mm.; bluish laid paper with watermarks ‘J Simmons | 1841’ and Britannia image. Printed on inner pages, pages [l] and [4] blank.

A proclamation in Maori and English on facing pages, issued on 31 January 1845. It cancels the reward offered for apprehending the chief Mate in the proclamation of 8 January 1845 (no. 240), due to his non-involvement in the Matakana incident.

Williams 139 a (S). Copies: ANZ (G3O/7, end. 12), WTU.


Proclamation. 3 March 1845. cancelling that of 8 January 1845.

Proclamation. | [double rule] | By His Excellency Robert Fitzßoy, [. . .] | [3 lines of designations] \ Whereas restitution—atonement —and compensation have been | made for the robbery committed at Matakana; by the chiefs | Parehoro—Kokou—and others: — |[B lines] | Robert Fitzßoy, | Governor. | By command, | Andrew Sinclair, | Colonial Secretary. | God save the Queen! | [ride] | Auckland —Christopher Fulton, Government Printer.

[parallel text:]

Wakarongo. | [double rule] | Na te Kawana na Ropata Pitiroi, [. . .] | [3 lines of designations ] | Ta te mea kua utua, kua wakaritea te murunga a Parihoro, a te | Koukou ma, i Matakana:— | [8 lines] | Robert Fitzßoy, | Kawana. | He mea ki, | Andrew Sinclair, | te Kai Tuhituhi o te Koroni. | Ma te Atua e wakaora te Kuini. | [rule] ( Akarana—Christopher Fulton, Kaita o te Kawana. [1845]

1 folded sheet ([4] p.); 314x200 mm.: bluish laid paper with watermarks ‘W Warren | 1842’ and Britannia image. Printed on inner pages, pages [l] and [4] blank.

A proclamation in English and Maori on facing pages, issued on 3 March 1845. It cancels the proclamation of 8 January 1845 (no. 240) because restitution etc. had been made.

Williams 140. Copies: AP. DUHO, WTU.




Printed letter. 24 March 1845. reassuring friendly Maori of his support. Te Ware o te Kawana, Akarana, Maihe 24, 1845. | E hoa e | Tena koe, e hari ana toku ngakau ta te mea kua rongo | ahau e piri tonu ana koutou ki te Kawana i te korenga o—Pewairangi. | E tika ana to koutou meatanga mai kia haere mai koutou hei hoa 1 moku. otira e hoa. e nui ana toku aroha mo te tangata maori, koia ahau | te mea ai kei Whawhai koutou, te tahi ki te tahi, te Matua, kite tamaiti. | [l2 lines] | Na to hoa aroha, | Robert Fitzßoy, | te Kawana. [no imprint. Auckland: Printed by the Government Printer, 1845]

1 sheet ([l] p ); 316X200 mm. Presumed printed by the Government Printer, Christopher Fulton.

A circular letter to reassure friendly Maori after the hostilities in the Bay of Islands of his appreciation of their loyalty, and their continued protection by the troops.

Copies: AR (in MS 429): WTU (photocopy).


Ware o Te Kawana, | Aperira 9, 1845. | E hoa e [name added by hand] \ Tena ra kokoe, kua tae mai o koutou pukapuka ki au, 1 a e hari ana toku ngakau ta te mea e wakakino ana koutou i nga mahi | a Heke raua ko Kawiti, e mum nei i te Pakeha. 1 [2l lines] | Naku, na to hoa aroha. | Robert Fitzßoy, | te Kawana. [no imprint. Auckland: Printed by the Government Printer, 1845]

1 sheet ([l] p.); 335x210 mm.; bluish wove paper. Presumed printed by the Government Printer, Christopher Fulton.

A circular letter to friendly Maori who have expressed disapproval of Heke’s actions. It acknowledges their need to retaliate by defending themselves, expresses regret at the consequences (e.g. lack of clothing and medicine), and offers protection in the planned blockade of the Bay of Islands.

The WTU copy, addressed to ‘Te Tuatara', is accompanied by a manuscript translation, possibly written by Thomas Forsaith

Bagnall 4043, Sommerville 141b Copies: WTU.


Proclamation, 26 April 1845. on arrangements during the war.

Wakarongo. | [double rule] \ Na te Kawana na Ropata Pitiroi, [. . .] | [3 lines of designations] \Ko nga hapu katoa o “Tokerau"—ara o "Pewairangi" oia wahi o| ia kainga—e hiahia ana kite ata noho—ki te hokohoko—ki te | atawai kite Pakeha—ko koutou ano hoki ko te hunga e wakaae ana ki Ite mana ote Kuini, kite kai homai ite pai ki a koutou— [. .] | [l7 lines] | Robert Fitz Roy, | Kawana. | Ha mea ki, 1 Andrew Sinclair, | te Kai Tuhituhi o te Koroni. | Ma te atua e wakaora te Kuini. | [ru/e] | Akarana— Christopher Fulton, Kaita o te Kawana.


Printed letter. Auckland. 9 April 1845. on the effects of Heke's actions.


[parallel text:]

Proclamation. | [double rule] \ By His Excellency Robert Fitz Roy, [...]! [4 lines of designations] \ All natives of the Bay of Islands, or its neighborhood, who are | desirous of peace, commerce, and friendship with Europeans:— | and the maintenance of the Queen's just authority;— [. . .] I [lB lines] | Robert Fitz Roy, | Governor. | By command, | Andrew Sinclair, | Colonial Secretary. | God save the Queen! | [rule] | Auckland—Christopher Fulton, Government Printer. [1845]

1 folded sheet ((4) p.); 327x210 mm. Printed on inner pages, pages [l] and [4] blank.

A proclamation in Maori and English issued on 26 April 1845. It sets out ways by which friendly Maori are to be identified and seeks the return of boats and other orooertv taken during the sack of Kororareka on 1 1 March.

One of three proclamations issued on that date with the intention of reestablishing control over the area (see I. Wards, The shadow of the land (Wellington, 1968), p. 131-132), this seems to be the only one also issued in Maori. The English text of all three was printed in the New Zealand Government qazette, v. 5, no. 9 (3 May 1845), p. [47]-48.

Williams 141 a. Bagnall 4044 (English text). Copies: ANZ (IA 2/2 M 45/91), AP, AR (in T. H. Smith papers, MS Papers 283. Box 4): WTU (photocopy).


Proclamation. 20 September 1845. offering pardon to Heke's exsupporters.

Wakarongo. 1 [double rule] | Na te Kawana na Ropata Pitiroi, [...]! [3 lines of designations] | No te mea, kua puta mai te kupu a etahi rangatira Maori ki au; | kia tukua ratou e a hau kite tiki i o ratou whanaunga, i roto i a | Kawiti, raua ko Heke:— [...]! [lO lines] \ [Fitzßoy's signature] | Kawana, | He mea ki, | Andrew Sinclair, | te Kai Tuhituhi o te Koroni. | Ma te Atua e wakaora te Kuini. | [rule] \ Akarana —Christopher Fulton, Kaita o te Kawana.

[parallel text:]

Proclamation. | [dotib/e rule] \ By His Excellency Robert Fitz Roy, [. . .] | [4 lines of designations] | Whereas several chiefs have asked me to let them take their 1 relatives away from Kawiti and Heke: [...]! [9 lines] \ [Fitzßoy's signature] \ Governor. | By command, | Andrew Sinclair, | Colonial Secretary. | God save the Queen! | [rule] | Auckland —C. Fulton, Government Printer. [1845]

1 folded sheet ([4] p ); 318x210 mm. Printed on inner pages, pages [l] and [4] blank.

A proclamation in Maori and English, dated 20 September 1845 but not registered at the Colonial Secretary's Office until 30 October. It promises that all Maori who had previously supported Heke and Kawiti would be pardoned if they withdrew their support and kept the peace.

Some 20 copies, each signed by Fitzßoy, were prepared in great secrecy

I 49


(see associated documents at Archives New Zealand (IA 2/2 M 45/265) and I. Wards, The shadow of the land (Wellington, 1968), p, 185).

Williams 142. Copies: ANZ (IA 2/2 M 45/265), AR (in M 5429), DUHO; WTU (photocopy).

**24B NEW ZEALAND. Legislative Council

Legislation relating to the control of arms, 1845?

[Ture mo te hanganga o nga mea whawhai; actual title not known; no copy located. [. . .] Auckland?: Printed by the Government Printer?, 1845?]

Physical description not known; no copy located. Description from secondary source.

An entry in St John's College, Purewa, Book Depository ledger 11. 1850-52 (ASJ, SJCT 14/37, p. 94; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-0936) records that 22 copies of Ture mo te hanganga o nga mea whawhai were received from the Native Secretary's Office on 14 January 1850, of which all were distributed by 1852, to the same recipients as the item described in no. 249. This suggests that both items were concerned with the same topic and produced at the same time. It is possible this is a Maori version of the proclamation of 21 January 1846 issued under the ordinance, of which the English text was printed in the New Zealand Government gazette, v. 6, no. 2 (24 January 1846), p. [s]-6.

No cow located.


Arms Importation Ordinance 1845 (9 Viet. 6. no. I).

[Royal Arms] \ Nga lure mo te Utautanga o nga mea | Whawhai. | [rule] \ No te mea kua whakatika etahi o nga hapu o Nui Tireni ki 1 te whawhai ki a te Kuini. No te mea hoki e tika ana kia | whakaotia tenei whainga, a kia kaua e whakatika amuri ake nei | etahi tangata kite pehi I te mana o te Kuini —kia kaua te rangi- | marietanga o tenei motu e whakaohokia. No konei he mea tika kia | whakamutua te hoko, te utauta mai ra nei I te pu, i te paura, me | era atu mea whawhai. Na! ko ahau, ko te Kawana, ka whaka- | takoto I enei lure. | (. . .] [no imprint. Auckland: Printed by the Government Printer, 1845?]

1 sheet ([2] p.); 320x210 mm. Presumably printed by the Government Printer. Signed at end p. [2]: 'Na te Kawana.'.

A Maori version of the 1845 Arms Importation Ordinance that was introduced by the recently arrived Governor George Grey and passed by the Legislative Council on 13 December 1845 (9 Viet. 6, no. 1). An entry in St John’s College, Purewa, Book Depository ledger 11. 1850-52 (ASJ. SJCT 14/37, p, 94; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-0936) records that 22 copies were received from the Native Secretary's Office on 14 January 1850, of which all were distributed by 1852.

The 8 clauses of the text in English (printed in GBPP 1846 (337), End. in No. 16, p. 25-26) authorised the Governor to issue proclamations to prohibit the importation and sale of arms and other 'warlike stores', impose penalties



on masters of vessels and dealers, and empower justices of the peace to search and enter premises of persons suspected of dealing in arms. For the context, see I. Wards, The shadow of the land (Wellington, 1968), p. 196-197,

The text of 5 of the original 8 clauses was reprinted in English and Maori without explanation in the Maori messenger, no. 104 (16 December 1852), p. [3-4]. The ordinance was repealed in 1869.

Williams 141b (S). Copies: Private Coll.; WTU (photocopy).

250 NEW ZEALAND. Southern Division

Notice, Nelson. 27January 1845. confirming land boundaries at Whakapuaka.

27, 1845. Superintendent. | A true translation, Thomas Forsaith. [no imprint. Nelson?: Printed at the Office of the Nelson Examiner?, 1845]

1 sheet ([l] p.): 253x190 mm. Probably printed at the Office of the Nelson Examiner.

A notice issued by Mathew Richmond, Superintendent of the Southern Division, confirming that the boundary cut by surveyors on a block at Whakapuaka, near Nelson, accords with that shown on the plan. This was the conclusion of a tense situation between New Zealand Company settlers and the Maori occupants of Hawaiki pa led by Ngati Tama chief Paremata Te Wahapiro: for further background see DNZB, v. I, p. 331-333.

Williams 143. Copies: DUHO; WTU (photocopy).


Notice. Wellington. 31 March 1845. on precautions following Heke's actions.

Whakarongo. | [double rule] | E hoa ma, Kua rongo pea koutou ki a Hone Heki, kua | takatakahi i te ture, kua whakapehapeha marire ia kite kaha o te | Kawana. Kua hinga te parekura i Kororareka, tokomaha nga tangata | Maori kua mate, kua mate hoki etahi Pakeha. [. . .] | [22 lines] \ Naku, | Na te Ritimona, | Te Kawana tuarua. | Poneke, Maehe 31, 1845. [parallel text:]

Notice. | [double rule] | Friends. —You have doubtless heard that Hone Heki | has again transgressed the law. again defied the authority of the | the [sic] Governor, and that an engagement has taken place at Kororareka, I in which many natives and some Europeans have been killed. [.. ]\ [l7 lines] | M. Richmond, | Superintendent Southern Division, 1 New Zealand. 1


(Translation.) | Notice. | [double rule] \ Whereas, a dispute has appeared, concerning the boundary of the lands (of the New | Zealand Company) at “Wakapuaka,” [. . .] | [7 lines] | (Signed) M. Richmond. | Nelson, January

[parallel text:]

Wakarongo mai. | [double rule ] | Na te mea, kua puta mai he tautohetohenga mo te paenga o te whenua (o te Whakami- | nenga o Nui Tireni) i "Whakapuaka;" [...]) [7 lines] | Naku, | Na te Ritimona, | Wakatu, Hanuere 27, 1845. Te Kawana o Poneke.


Wellington, 31 st March, 1845. [no imprint. Wellington: Printed at the Office of the New Zealand Spectator and Cook's Straits Guardian, 1845]

1 folded sheet ([4] p ); 343x216 mm. Printed on inner pages, pages [l] and [4] blank.

A notice in Maori and English on facing pages, issued by Superintendent Major Mathew Richmond on 31 March 1845. The printer is identified from the typeface used in the heading.

In the wake of hostilities at Kororareka, the notice provides for Europeans to exercise with arms and construct defences, it reassures local Maori that these are defensive precautions and that no harm will come to those who live in peace. The English text (only) was reprinted in the second issue of the Wellington independent on 5 April 1845, p. [l], and in the New Zealand spectator. 12 April 1845, p. [l]. For further information on the Wellington situation see I. Wards, The shadow of the land (Wellington, 1968), p. [2l4]252.

Williams 141 & (S), Bagnail 4219 a. Copies: DL, DUHO, WTU.

252 PUCKEY, William Gilbert (1805-1878), attrib.

Three small sheets explaining Biblical terms.

Ko te whakamaoritanga o nga kupu pakeke | o roto o te Paipera. | [. . .] [no imprint. Kaitaia: Printed at the Kaitaia Mission Station Press, ca. i 845]

3 sheets ([3] p.); size varies and sheets are cropped. Ornaments at foot of each sheet. Verso of each sheet blank.

Three small sheets; translations and explanations of unfamiliar terms used in the Bible, They were probably compiled by W. G. Puckey, the best translator at Kaitaia. The ornaments, typeface and style of printing are typical of the Kataia Mission Press.

The three sheets are;

(a) title as above. Text (30 lines) begins: Tetaraki. He tangata i waiho hei kingi | mo nga kainga ewha.| [. . .]’. (158x80 mm.)

(b) title as above. Text (16 lines) begins: 'Tupuna He matua no tona whakataka | tamariki, [. . (107x100 mm.)

(c) without title. Text (31 lines) begins: Nga tangata o Herora, Ko te hunga i | mea i ta ratou whakapono [. . .]’. (157x77 mm.)

The only known copies are pasted into a copy of the 1838 New Testament (no. 45).

Williams 131 a (S). Copies: AP (in no. 45); WTU (photocopy).

253 ST JOHN’S COLLEGE ( Purewa )

Timetable for Maori schools.

St. John’s College, Bishops' [sic] Auckland. | [rule] \ Maori Schools. | [ double rule l I f. . .1 [no imvrint. Purewa: Printed at the Bishoo's Press. 184571

I sheet ([l] p.); ca. 210x270 mm. Size estimated from reduced photocopy.

A timetable in grid format showing days of the week, hours and activities.


255 STILLINGFLEET. JAMES (1729-1817)

The days of the week and meal names (breakfast, dinner, supper) are in English; all other activities are in Maori. This timetable and a similar one in English for the Collegiate School are inserted in Cotton's journal for the period 23 May 1845-5 June 1846 (William Cotton. Journals 1841-1848. DL, M 5.42; copy at WTU. qMS-0571, v. 10).

Copies: DL (Cotton, M 5.42); WTU (photocopy).

254 SELWYN, George Augustus. Bishop (1809-1878:

Schedule of visits to carry out confirmations. January-April 1846. Ko nga ra | i whakaritea e te Pihopa | (kite pai te Atua) 1 mo te whakapanga ringaringa | kite hunga iriiri | o nga kainga katoa kua oti nei te tuhituhi. 1 [rule] | [29 lines] | Naku tena pukapuka |Na te Herewini |Na te Pihopa o Nui Tireni. [no imprint. Purewa: Printed at the Bishop's Press, 1845]

1 sheet ([l] p): ca. 270 x 120 mm. Size estimated from reduced photocopy. A schedule for Selwyn’s visits to the East Coast, Bay of Plenty and central North Island stations to carry out confirmations, January-April 1846. In Cotton's journal it is inserted at late July 1845 (William Cotton, Journals 18411848. DL, MS.4I; copy at WTU, qMS-0570, v. 9, p. 201).

Copies: DL (Cotton, MS.4I); WTU (photocopy).

255 STILLINGFLEET, James (1729-1817)

Commentary on the Church Catechism.

Ko | te whakangawhatanga o te Katikihama o te | Hahi o Ingarangi | he mea penei kia matau ai te tangata i te | mea e whakahuatia nei te Katikihama. | 1 taia kite Perehi a nga mihanare o | Kaitaia 1845. | [swelled rule]

[l], 49 p.; 180x105 mm. Prelim, page; title-page: text and pagination begins on verso. At end of text; 'Ko te mutunga. | [ ornament: urn]’.

Questions and answers on the Church Catechism, arranged in 5 chapters, it is a translation by James Davis of Rev. James Stillingfleet's Short and familiar exnlanation of the Church Catechism (3rd ed.. York, 1 787).

William G. Puckey notes in his journal on 1 December 1845: '. . . finishing the Commentary of the Church Catechism and making them up into books. The natives seem to be very anxious to become possessors of them.' (W. G. Puckey, Journals and letters, v. 1. WTU, qMS-1665). It was printed on single leaves (Williams), probably due to the shortage of type, and was the largest production of the Kaitaia press. Both copies seen have bound in an additional leaf with caption title Ko nga ingoa o Ihu Kariti, an item probably issued separately (see no. 225),

On 10 December 1845 Puckey was 'printing an address to the Bishop to insert in the Commentary of the Church Catechism' but an address to Selwyn was apparently not used. Bound into the WTU copy facing the title-page is a short printed letter in English from Joseph Matthews and William G. Puckey to the Archdeacon of the Bay of Islands (Henry Williams) seeking his approval for the book.



James Davis was the son of Rev. Richard Davis, who later refers to the text being used at the day school for Maori children at Kaikohe run by his daughters Marella and Sophia (R. Davis toj. Coleman, 15 June 1847, in J. N. Coleman, A memoir of the Rev. Richard Davis (London, 1865), p, 333-334). Matthews and Puckey were married to two others of Richard Davis's daughters. Mary Ann and Matilda respectively.

Williams 130. Copies: AP. WTU.


Reprint of the Maori text of the Treaty of Waitangi. printed by Telford. Ko Wikitoria, te Kuini o Ingarani, i tana | mahara atawai ki nga rangatira me nga hapu o Nu-Tirani, i tana | hiahia hoki kia tohungia ki a ratou o ratou rangatiratanga, me to | ratou wenua, [. . .] | [2B lines] | (Signed) | William Hobson, Consul & Lieutenant-Governor. | Na, ko matou, ko nga rangatira o te Wakaminenga o nga Hapu o Nu-Tirani, ka | huihui nei ki Waitangi. Ko matou hoki ko nga rangatira o Nu-Tirani, [. . .] | [2 lines] | Ka meatia tenei ki Waitangi, i te ono o nga ra o Pepuere, i te tau kotahi mano, | ewaru rau, ewa tekau o to tatou Ariki. | [double rule] | Ka taia i te Perehi i Paihia. [1845]

I sheet ([l] p.); 322x205 mm. Printed on bluish laid paper with watermark of Britannia image. Type area 270x168 mm. Printed at the Church Mission Press.

A reprint organised by Henry Williams in early February 1845 following his meeting with northern chiefs (apart from Heke) on 27-30 January. This meeting, while not averting the Northern War of 1845-46, was subsequently acknowledged as a major contribution to a better understanding of the provisions of the Treaty, and to reduced tension. See H. F. Carleton, The life of Henry Williams (2 v. (Auckland. 1874-77); v. 2. p. xxv-xxvi, xlix) for further details in contemporary correspondence of Henry Williams and Thomas Beckham, the Police Magistrate. There are a few minor typographic differences from the previous printings of Colenso (no. 83) and Fulton (no. 215), most notably the hyphenation of 'Nu-Tirani', a characteristic of Telford’s work.

Telford reported printing 300 half-sheet foolscap copies in his return for the half-year ending 30 June 1845 (John Telford, Letter to CMS 30 June 1845, Papers of the New Zealand mission. 1809-1914, CMS Archive, University of Birmingham; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-Coll-04-59, Various letters New Zealand mission). Williams later referred to having had 400 copies printed (Letter to E. G. Marsh, 9 Sept. 1 846. reprinted in Carleton, v. 2. p. 142), The extra 100 copies may be explained by the variant quarto issue (see below). The following variant issue is also found:

256.1 printed on quarto cream wove paper. 287x221 mm Type area 248 x I 68 mm.

Printed from the same setting of type as the foolscap issue, but set solid. These are probably the copies referred to by Hocken (p. 551, citing Colenso): 'many copies were printed on a cheaper paper, large 4to size, for general distribution amongst the natives'.

Williams 52. Bagnall 5608. Copies: AP, DUHO (& 256.1), WTU (& 256.1).




Rules of the Band.

Ko nga tikanga | o te | huihui whiriwhiri. | [rule] | 1 Ko te mea i huihui ai, koia ra tenei, hei 1 whakarite i nga kupu o te Atua: Na Paora | tetahi, kei Teharonika tuatahi, Upoko 5, Ra- | rangi 11:]...] [Hokianga: [f.e. Mangungu] I He mea ta i te Perehi o te Hahi Weteriana o Ingarani. | 1845

1 folded sheet (3. [l] p ); 180x105 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. [4], Printed at the Wesleyan Mission Press.

Wesleyan 'Rules of the Band' for Maori lay teachers. Bands were small groups of believers who met together periodically to develop their Christian spirituality.

The leaflet was one of the last works produced at Mangungu, being printed in November 1845 (William Woon, 17 November 1845, Journal 1 8301859, v. 2, WTU, qMS-2293). The translation was by Rev. John Skevington of the Heretoa mission station, Waimate Plain, South Taranaki, for use among the Ngati Ruanui (John Whiteley, Letter to WMMS, 1 October 1845, Methodist Missionary Society (London), Letters and other material relating to Australia, New Zealand and the South Seas, 1812-1889, Methodist Missionary Society; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-Coll-03-22). Skevington died suddenly while at church in Auckland on 21 September 1845. He had been accompanied there by seven of his Maori teachers, including Tltokowaru and Wareta (see G. A. M. Clover, Going mihinare and evangelical religion (Auckland, 1986), p. 98).

The general Wesleyan rules were published separately between 1837 and 1841 (see no. 44 for details).

Williams 135 a. Copies: DL, NLA, WTU.


New edition of the Wesleyan adaptation of the Anglican prayer book. Ko | te Pukapuka | o nga Inoinga | o te Hahi o Ingarani, | me nga himene 1 Weteriana, 1 &c, | [rule] | Mangungu: 1 He mea ta i te Perehi o nga Mihinare Weteriana I o Ingarani. 1 [rule] | 1845.

120 p.; 175x105 mm. Title-page bordered with double rule. Page [2] blank. Pages [3]-[92] printed in two columns separated by vertical rule. Colophon p. [36]: 'Hokianga: | He mea ta i te Perehi o nga Mihinare Weteriana, 1845.'

This new edition of the Wesleyan adaptation of the Book of Common Prayer combines: prayer book and 73 hymns [i.e. 72: sequence lacks no. 50] (to p. [36]); catechisms and prayers for children (p. 37-[92]); and the Wesleyan class rules (p. 93-96). These had previously been issued separately (see no. 100-102 for details). The final section (p. 97-120) includes services for baptism, communion, marriage and burial.

There are textual revisions to the hymns (including combining hymns 49 and 50) and catechisms, and the text of the Ten Commandments is omitted from both the catechism section and the class rules

Woon records that work on this edition began on 15 October 1844 (William Woon, Journal 1830-1859, v. 2. WTU, qMS-2293). His letter of 27


259 WILBERFORCE. SAMUEL (1805-1875)

January 1845 reported on the copies ’which were completed a few days ago, and which are sent to Auckland to be made up for the different stations - between 7 & 8000’ (William Woon to the WMMS, Methodist Missionary Society (London), Letters and other material relating to Australia, New Zealand and the South Seas. 1812-1889, Methodist Missionary Society; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-Coll-03-22).

Variant issues identified are:

258.1 copies ending at p. 96 Williams 133 & (S).

**258.2 pages 97-108, issued separately Baptism and communion services, with caption title ‘Ko te iriiringa mo nga tamariki’. Noted in Williams 134.

**258.3 text of p. 109-120, with pagination 97-108, issued separately Marriage and burial services, with caption title 'Ko te tikanga mo te karakia marenatanga'. Noted in Williams 134.

For later editions of the Wesleyan prayer book see no. 367, 555, 925 and 1419.

Williams 134, 133 & (S) (variant 258.1). Copies: AP, AR, DL, DUHO, NLA, WTU (incl. variant 258.1).

259 WILBERFORCE, Samuel (1805-1873)

A story for children. ‘The tent on the plain'.

He teneti | e tu ana i te mania. | [rule] \ He mea tuhituhi i te reo Pakeha, | e | Hamuera Wiripewohe, M. A. | [rule] \ No Purewa: | I taia tenei kite Perehi a te Pihopa. | [rule] | 1845.

[2], 37, [l] p.; 134x105 mm.; light brown paper covers (blank). Prelim pages: title-page (verso blank). Page [3B] blank. Printed at the Bishop’s Press

A story about the meaning of baptism, and the importance of faith. It is a translation of 'The tent on the plain’ from the collection Agathos and other Sunday stories (first published in English in 1840), including the question and answer dialogue (p. 34-37). The symbol ’w’ is used for the digraph ’wh’ (except in capitals).

Copies were still being bound and distributed in 1851, and 114 copies remained in stock in 1852 (St John’s College. Purewa, Book Depository Ledgers 11-111, 1850-1854, ASJ, SJCT 14/37-38, II (p. 14), 111 (p. 86): microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-0936).

Williams 127, Bagnall 6067. Copies: ABH, AP, AR. DL. DUHO. WTU.

260 BIBLE. O.T. Exodus XXI-XL. Maori. 1846.

Part of Exodus, with the complete text of Leviticus and Numbers.

Upoko 21. |A ko nga whakariteritenga enei e whakatakotoria e koe |ki to ratou aroaro. | [. . .] [no imprint. Purewa: Church Mission Press, 1846]

244 p. 181x104 mm. Caption title. Pages 5-6 and 7-8 are imposed in reverse order. Pages [sB] and [l36] blank. First three chapters of Leviticus (p. [s9]63) are set in smaller size type. Text at start of third line of the title in one copy is: ‘i to ratou . .



Maunsell’s translation of Exodus chapters 21-40 (p, (l]-57) and the complete texts of Leviticus (p. [s9]-135) and Numbers (p, [I37J-244). The text fills the gap between the first part of Exodus and Deuteronomy that were published in 1842 (no. 103).

This is a further instalment in the protracted publication of the Hexateuch (see no. 103 for details), and copies are usually found bound with other parts or in the complete probationary volumes (no, 319-320). Date of publication is confirmed by a letter from Telford at Bishop’s Auckland: T am now engaged with the printing of the Bk of Leviticus - and the previous books of the Pentateuch being finished and this one now nearly so I expect to have the whole of the 5 books done very soon' (John Telford to CMS Secretaries, September 1846, Papers of the New Zealand Mission 1809-1914, CMS Archive. University of Birmingham; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-Coll--04-59, Various letters New Zealand mission, CN/088).

Williams 122, Bagnall 474. Copies: AP, DUHO, WTU (bound with other parts).


Sixty-five Church of England hymns with irregular numbering.

Ko nga himene. | [ swelled rule] | Himene 1. | St. Michael. | 1 Ko wai rate Atua? | Ko Ihowa ano, | ko te Atua I homai nei | i tana tamaiti. | [. . . ] [no imprint. Purewa?: Printed at the Church Mission Press?, ca. 1846]

20 p.; 181x109 mm.: paper covers (blank). Caption title. Text printed in two columns separated by vertical rule.

A collection of 65 Anglican hymns numbered 1-2, 4-6, 8-16, 18-37, 39-69, and indicating the tune for each. Those numbered to 42 are taken from the standard collection first published in 1839 (no. 56), the rest (numbered 4369) are the same as those printed at Kaitaia in 1845 (see no. 224). The print quality is good, suggesting it may have been printed by Telford at the CMS press at POrewa between 1845 and 1847, possibly for the use of the Kaitaia mission station. The ‘wh’ digraph is used.

Copies: WTU.

MATTHEWS, Joseph (1808-1895)

Sermon outlines, 1846.

[Weekly sermon outlines. Kaitaia: Printed at the Kaitaia Mission Station Press, 1846]

Entries no. 262-307 continue the series of sermon outlines begun in 1845; see no. 229 for additional details and holdings of the series.

Entries no. 262-307 are filed in date order.

262 11 January 1846.

Te Ratapu tuatahi i muri iho i te Whakaki- | tenga. | Ruka 11. 41-52. | [29 lines] | Kaitaia Hanuere 1 1. 1846. | [ ornamental rule]

Sermon outline for the Ist Sunday after Epiphany, based on Luke 2:41-52.



263 I February 1846.

Te Ratapu tuawha i muri iho i te whakaki- | tenga. | Matiu viii, 23-27. | [27 lines] | Kaitaia Pepuere 1 1846. | [ornamental rule]

Sermon outline for the 4th Sunday after Epiphany, based on Matthew 8:23-27.

264 8 February 1846.

Te Ratapu tuarima i muri iho i te whakakite- | nga. | Matiu xiii, 24-30. 36-43. | [. . .] [Kaitaia Pepuere 8 1846. | [ornamental rule]]

Sermon outline for the sth Sunday after Epiphany, based on Matthew 8:2430, 36-43. (1 sheet ([2] p.). Imprint from colophon p. [2].)

265 15 February 1846.

Te Ratapu tuarua i mua o Reneti. | I. Hoani, 111. 1-8. | [26 lines] | Kaitaia Pepuere I 5. 1846. | [ ornamental rule]

Sermon outline for the 2nd Sunday before Lent, based on I John 3:1 -8

266 22 February 1846.

Ko te Ratapu. i mua o Reneti. | I. Koriniti. xiii, 1-13. | [27 lines] | Kaitaia, Pepuere, 22. 1846. | [ornamental rule]

Sermon outline for the Sunday before Lent, based on I Corinthians 13:1-13. The only copy seen is signed by the printer as ‘Na Rapata i ta Rapata taki'.

267 I March 1846.

Ko te Ratapu tuatahi o Reneti. | Hiperu. x[i] 6, 7. | [36 lines] [no imprint] Sermon outline for the Ist Sunday in Lent, based on Hebrews 11:6-7. The second digit of the chapter number has been added by hand.

268 8 March 1846.

Te Ratapu tuarua o Reneti. 1 Matiu xv. 21-28. | [ 3l lines ] | Maehe 8. 1846 | [ornamental rule]

Sermon outline for the 2nd Sunday in Lent, based on Matthew 15:21-28,

269 15 March 1846.

Ko te Ratapu tua toru. | o Reneti. | Epeha V 8-14. | [26 lines ] | Kaitaia Maehe xiii [sic] MDCCCXLVI

Sermon outline for the 3rd Sunday in Lent, based on Ephesians 5:8-14.

270 22 March 1846.

Ko te Ratapu tua wha o | Reneti Karatia. iv. 21-31. | [.. .] [Kaitaia. Maehe. 22 1846.]

Sermon outline for the 4th Sunday in Lent, based on Galatians 4:21-31 (1 sheet ([2] p.). Imprint from colophon p. [2].)


277 KO NGA HIMENE 3 MAY 1846

271 29 March 1846.

Te Ratapu tuarima i muri o Reneti. | Hiperu xi. [ i.e. ix.] 11-15. | [35 fines] | Maehe 29. 1846.

Sermon outline for the sth Sunday in Lent, based on Hebrews 9:1 1-15.

272 5 April 1846 (Palm Sunday)

Ko te Ratapu i mua mai o te aranga o te | Karaiti. [space] mo te Paraire Pai hoki. 1 Matiu. xxvii. te upoko katoa. ([...] [no imprint]

Sermon outline for Palm Sunday, based on Matthew 27. and apparently issued with no. 273 and 274. (1 sheet ([2] p ). Date in manuscript on AP copy.

273 10 April 1846 (Good Friday)

Mo te Paraire Pai. | I Matiu. xxvii. 50-56 1f...] [Aperira 10 1846. o nga tau o to tatou | Ariki o Ihu Karaiti. 1 no Kaitaia.]

Sermon outline for Good Friday, based on Matthew 27:50-56. and apparently issued with no. 272 and 274. AR copy numbered ‘No 2’ in manuscript. (1 sheet ([2] p.). Imprint from colophon p, [2].)

274 12 April 1846 (Easter Sunday)

Mo te aranga o te Karaiti. | Ruka. xxiv. 5. “He aha koutou ka rapu ai i | te ora i roto Ite mate? |[.. .] [Aperira 12 1846 no Kaitaia]

Sermon outline for Easter Sunday, based on Luke 24:5, and apparently issued with no, 272 and 273. AR copy numbered 'No 3' in manuscript; inscribed by Matthews; These were printed by one of our natives.’ (1 sheet ([2] p.). Imprint from colophon p. [2].)

275 19 April 1846.

Ko te Ratapu tuatahi I muri iho o te | Aranga [space] Hoani. xx. 19-23. | [. . .] [Aperira. 19 1846.]

Sermon outline for the Ist Sunday after Easter, based on John 20:19-23. (1 sheet ([2] p ). Imprint from colophon p. [2].)

276 26 April 1846.

Te Ratapu tuarua I muri iho o te Aranga, | I, Pita ii, 20. | [. . .] [Aparira 26. 1846.]

Sermon note for 2nd Sunday after Easter, based on I Peter 2:20. (I sheet ([2] p ). Imprint from colophon p. [2]. Ornamental rule at end of text p. [2].)

277 5 May 1846.

Te Ra tapu tua toru I muri iho o te Aranga. | Hoani xvi, 20. | [. . .] [Mel 3. 1846]

Sermon note for the 3rd Sunday after Easter, based on John 16:20. (1 sheet ([2] p.). Imprint from colophon p. [2], Ornamental rule at end of text p. [2].)


278 KO NGA HIMENE 17 MAY 1846

278 17 May 1846.

Te Ratapu tua rima i muri iho o te Aranga. | Hemi i, 22-27. | [2O lines ] | Mei 17. 1846 | [3 ornaments arranged vertically]

Sermon outline for the sth Sunday after Easter, based on James 1 .22-27.

279 24 May 1846.

Te Ratapu tuatahi i muri iho o te Kakenga 1 Maka xvi 14-20, | [. . .] [Mei 24, 1846.]

Sermon outline for the Sunday before Pentecost, based on Mark 16:14-20. (1 sheet ([2] p.). Imprint from colophon p. [2], Ornamental rule at end of text p. [2].)

280 14June 1846.

Te Ratapu tuatahi i muri iho o te Tokotoru- | tanga. | i, Hoani. iv, 7-21. | [27 lines] 1 Hune 14. 1846 | [ornamental rule]

Sermon outline for the 1 st Sunday after Trinity, based on I John 4:7-21

281 21 June 1846

Te Ratapu tuarua i muri iho o te tokotoru- | tanga. | i. Hoani iii, 13-17, | [29 lines] | Huae [i.e. Hune] 21. 1846. | [ornamental rule]

Sermon outline for the 2nd Sunday after Trinity, based on 1 John 3:13-17.

282 28June 1846.

Ko te Ratapu tua torn i muri iho ote 1 Tokotorutanga | 1 Pita. v. 5-11 | [29 lines] | [no imprint]

Sermon outline for the 3rd Sunday after Trinity, based on I Peter 5:5-1 1

283 s July 1846.

Ko te Ratapu tuawha i muri iho o te | Tokotorutanga 1 Roma, viii, 18, 23. | [. . .] [Hurae. v. MDCCCXLVI.]

Sermon outline for the 4th Sunday after Trinity, based on Romans 8:18-23, (I sheet ([2] p ). Imprint from colophon p. [2].)

284 12July 1846.

Ko te ra tapu tuarima i muri iho o te | Tokotorutanga. | I Pita, iii, 8, 15. | [26 lines] [no imprint]

Sermon outline for the sth Sunday after Trinity, based on I Peter 3:8-15.

285 19 July 1846.

Ko te Ratapu tuaono i muri iho i te | Tokotorutanga. | Roma, vi, 3, 4; 1 [24 lines] I Hurae, 19, 1846,

Sermon outline for the 6th Sunday after Trinity, based on Romans 6.3-4,



286 26July 1846.

Ko te Ratapu tuawhitu i muri iho o te | Tokotorutanga. | Roma, vi, 19,-23. | [3O lines] \ Hurae. 26, 1846.

Sermon outline for the 7th Sunday after Trinity, based on Romans 6:19-23.

287 2 August 1846.

Ko te Ratapu tuawaru i muri iho o te | Tokotorutanga. | Mo te Ata. Roma, viil, 13. | [l5 lines] \Mo te Ahiahi. Matiu. vii, 21. | [/S lines] | Akuhata. 2. 1846.

Sermon outlines for Morning and Evening Prayer on the Bth Sunday after Trinity, based on Romans 8:13 and Matthew 7:21,

288 9 August 1846.

Ko te Ratapu tuaiwa i muri iho o te | Tokotorutanga | Mo te Ata | 1 Koriniti. x, 1-3. [2O lines] I Mo te Ahiahi. I Koriniti, x. 4,5. ![...] [Akuhata. 9. 1846.1

Sermon outlines for Morning and Evening Prayer on the 9th Sunday after Trinity, based on I Corinthians 10:1-5. (I sheet ([2] p.). Imprint from colophon p. [2]. Ornamental rule at end of text p. [2].)

289 16 August 1846.

Ko te Ratapu tekau i muri iho o te | Tokotorutanga. 1 I Koroniti, xv, 1-4. | [lB lines] | Mo te Ahiahi. I Koriniti. xv, 5-12. [. . .] [Akuhata. 16, 1846.]

Sermon outlines for Morning and Evening Prayer on the 10th Sunday after Trinity, based on I Corinthians 15:1-12. (1 sheet ([2] p.). Imprint from colophon p. [2].)

290 23 August 1846.

Ko te Ratapu tekau ma tahi i muri iho | o te Tokotorutanga. | II Korinitt.[stc] iii, 4-6. | [26 lines] | Mo te ahiahi. i. Kor xii, 4. | (. . .] [Akuhata 23. 1846]

Sermon outlines for Morning and Evening Prayer on the I Ith Sunday after Trinity, based on II Corinthians 3:4-6 and I Corinthians 12:4, (I sheet ([2] p.). Imprint from colophon p [2].)

291 30 August 1846.

Ko te Ratapu tekau ma rua i muri iho o te | Tokotorutanga. | Roma, x, 6-11. | [25 lines[ | Akuhata. 30. 1846.

Sermon outline for the 12th Sunday after Trinity, based on Romans 10:6-11.

292 6 September 1846.

Ko te Ratapu tekau ma toru i muri iho o te | Tokotorutanga. | Karatia. iii, 16-22. | [33 lines] | Hepetema. 6 1846

Sermon outline for the 13th Sunday after Trinity, based on Galatians 3:16-22.



293 13 September 1846.

Ko te Ratapu tekau ma wha i muri iho 1 te | Tokotorutanga, | Karatia, v, 16-24. | [3O lines] \ Hepetema. 13. 1846.

Sermon outline for the 14th Sunday after Trinity, based on Galatians 5:16-24,

294 20 September 1846.

Ko te Ratapu tekau ma rima i muri iho o | te Tokotorutanga. | Karatia, vi, 14. 1 [3O lines] \ Hepetema. 20. 1846. | [ornamental rule]

Sermon outline for the 15th Sunday after Trinity, based on Galatians 6.14.

295 27 September 1846.

Ko te Ratapu tekau ma ono 1 muri iho o te | Tokotorutanga. | Epeha, ill, 13-21. | [34 lines] | Hepetema. 27 1846.

Sermon outline for the 16th Sunday after Trinity, based on Ephesians 3:1321.

296 4 October 1846.

Ko te Ratapu tekau ma whitu i muri iho o | te Tokotorutanga. | Epeha, iv, 1-6. | [. . .] [Oketopa. 4. 1846.]

Sermon outline for the 17th Sunday after Trinity, based on Ephesians 4:1-6. (1 sheet ([2] p.) Imprint from colophon p. [2].)

297 11 October 1846.

Ko te Ratapu tekau ma warn i muri iho o te | Tokotorutanga. | I Koriniti, i, 4-7. | [25 lines] | Oketopa. xi. MDCCCXLVI. 1 [ornamental rule]

Sermon outline for the 18th Sunday after Trinity, based on I Corinthians 1:4-7.

298 25 October 1846.

Ko te Ratapu 20 1 muri iho o te \ Tokotorutanga. | Epeha. v. 15-16. | [33 lines] | Haere mai ki a te Karaiti kia whiwhi ai tatou | kite ora. Kaitaia Oketopa 25. 1846.

Sermon outline for the 20th Sunday after Trinity, based on Ephesians 5:15-16.

299 I November 1846.

Ko te Ratapu 21 i muri iho o te | Tokotorutanga. 1 Epeha vi, 10-20. | [. . ,] [Kaitaia. Nowema. 1. 1846]

Sermon outline for the 21st Sunday after Trinity, based on Ephesians 6: 10-20. (1 sheet ([2] p.). Imprint from colophon p. [2].)

300 8 November 1846.

Ko te Ratapu 22 i muri iho o te | Tokotorutanga. | Epeha vi. 12-20. | [. . ,] [Kaitaia. Nowema. 8. 1846.]



Sermon outline for the 22nd Sunday after Trinity, based on Ephesians 6:1220. (1 sheet ([2] p,). Imprint from colophon p, [2].)

301 15 November 1846.

Ko te Ratapu 23 i muri iho ote | Tokotorutanga. | Epeha vi, 1 6 | [33 lines] \ Kaitaia. Nowema, 15. 1846,

Sermon outline for the 23rd Sunday after Trinity, based on Ephesians 6:16.

302 22 November 1846.

Ko te Ratapu rua tekau ma wha i muri iho o 1 te Tokotorutanga. 1 Epeha, vi, 17. | [32 lines] | Noema. 22. 1846.

Sermon outline for the 24th Sunday after Trinity, based on Ephesians 6:1 7.

303 29 November 1846 (Advent Sunday)

(Ko te Ratapu tuatahi ote whakatatanga |o te Karaiti.) | Epeha, vi, 17. |Ko te Hoari ote wairua. I f. . .1 [Kaitaia. Nowema. 29 1846.]

Sermon outline for the Ist Sunday in Advent, based on Ephesians 6:17. (1 sheet ([2] p.). Imprint from colophon p. [2], Ornamental rule at end of text p. [2].)

304 6 December 1846.

Ko te Ratapu tuarua o te Whakatatanga o te 1 Karaiti. | Epeha, vi, 18. | [. . .] [Kaitaia, Tihema, 6. 1846.]

Sermon outline for the 2nd Sunday in Advent, based on Ephesians 6:18. (1 sheet ([2] p.). Imprint from colophon p. [2].)

305 15 December 1846.

Te Ratapu tuatoru o te Whakatatanga | Ruka xxi. 27. | [3O lines] \ Tihema 13. 1846. 1 [ornamental rule]

Sermon outline for the 3rd Sunday in Advent, based on Luke 21 :27.

306 20 December 1846.

Mo te Ratapu i mua o te Kirimiti. | E kauwhautia ana te Rongo-pai kite hunga I rawakore Matiu xi 2-6. ![...] [no imprint]

Sermon outline for the 4th Sunday in Advent, based on Matthew 1 1:2-6. (I sheet ((2] p.). Ornamental rule at end of text p. [2],)

307 25 and 27 December 1846.

Mo te Kirihimete mo te Ratapu ano hoki 1 i muri iho. | Matiu. i, 21.1 [■ ■ ■] [no imprint]

Sermon outline for Christmas Day and the Ist Sunday after Christmas, based on Matthew 1:21. (1 sheet ([2] p.).)


308 MAUNSELL. ROBERT (1810-1894)

308 MAUNSELL, Robert (1810-1894)

Sermon on the Lord’s Supper.

Ko | te Hapa Tapu. | [rule] | “Meinga tenei hei whakamaharatanga ki ahau.” Ruka xxii. 19. | [. . .] [no imprint. Purewa: Printed at the Church Mission Press, 1846]

8 p.; 184x120 mm. Caption title. Imprint supplied from bound collection of sermons (no. 311).

A sermon on Holy Communion, based on Luke 22:19 One of a series of sermons, issued separately and in bound collections; see no. 235 for additional information.

Williams 145/ iii, Bagnall 3467 (note). Copies: WTU (in bound vol.).


Sermon on the faith of Job.

Ko | te manawanui o Hopa. | [double rule] | “Na, e korero ana tatou he hunga hari ratou e whakamanawanui | ana. Kua rongo koutou kite manawanuitanga o Hopa, a kua | kite koutou i te tukunga iho o te Ariki; e aroha pu ana te Ariki, | e tohu pu ana.” Hemi v. 11. |[.. .] [no imprint. Purewa: Printed at the Church Mission Press, 1846]

7. [l] p.; 184x120 mm. Caption title. Imprint supplied from bound collection of sermons (no. 311), Page [B] blank.

A sermon on the faith of job. based on James 5:11. One of a series of sermons, issued separately and in bound collections: see no. 235 for additional information.

Williams 145/ vii, Bagnall 3467 (note). Copies: WTU (in bound vol.).


Sermon on the role of ministers.

He | mahi aha ta nga minita. | [double rule] | “Mo konei ra hei karere matou mo te Karaiti, ano ra ka tohea kou- | tou e te Atua ki a matou: ka tohe atu matou mo te Karaiti, kia | mau ta koutou rongo kite Atua." 2 Koriniti 5. 20. | [. . .] [no imprint. Purewa: Printed at the Church Mission Press, 1846]

8 p.: 184x120 mm. Caption title. Imprint supplied from bound collection of sermons (no. 311).

A sermon on the role of ministers, as speaking for Christ, based on II Corinthians 5:20. One of a series of sermons, issued separately and in bound collections; see no. 235 for additional information.

Williams 145/ iv, Bagnall 3467 (note). Copies: WTU (in bound vol.).


312 MAUNSELL. ROBERT (18101894)

31 1

[Sermons in Maori] [New Zealand: [ i.e . Purewa] Printed at the Churchmission Press. [lB46]]

7, [l], 7. [l], 8, 8, 7, [l], 9 [i.e. 7], [l] 7, [l], 8 p.; 184x120 mm.; black, green or light brown stiffened cloth covers. Title supplied. Imprint from colophon on final page of text. Unnumbered pages are blank.

A bound volume (without title-page) of the 8 sermons issued separately in 1845-1846 and described in no. 235-239, 308-310. For further background information see no. 235. For the collection of 7 sermons with title-page Seven Maori sermons see no. **3l2.

The order of items in volumes of the complete series of 8 sermons is that which Williams sub-numbers i-viii, as follows: ‘Ko te whakapono’, 'Ko nga mahi hou’, ‘Ko te Hapa Tapu’, ‘He mahi aha ta nga minita’, 'Ko te inoi a te tahae’, 'Ko te tino tohunga nui', ‘Ko te manawanui o Hopa’, ‘Ko te iriiri tapu’. Variant volumes, probably resulting from some titles running out before others, are:

311.1 5 sermons (the first sof the complete set): ‘Ko te whakapono’, 'Ko nga mahi hou’, ‘Ko te Hapa Tapu’, ‘He mahi aha ta nga minita’, 'Ko te inoi a te tahae'.

311.2 3 sermons (the Ist, 2nd and 4th of the complete set): 'Ko te whakapono’, ‘Ko nga mahi hou', ‘He mahi aha ta nga minita’.

The texts of the 8 sermons were published (privately-funded) in 1911 with the title He kauwhau na te Manihera (Atirikona) (Bagnall M 1398).

Williams 145, Bagnall 3467. Copies: WTU (incl. variants).


Bound volume of seven sermons with title-page.

Seven | Maori sermons. | Contents. | 1. Ko te tino tohunga nui. 1 2. Ko te whakapono, | 3. Ko te iriiri tapu. | 4. Ko te hapa tapu. | 5. Ko nga mahi hou. | 6. Ko te inoi a te tahae. | 7. Ko te manawanui o Hopa, | Purewa: | Printed at the Church Mission Press. | [rule] | 1846.

[2], 9 [i.e. 7], [l], 7, [l], 8. 8, 7, [l], 7, [l], 7, [l] p.; 179x108 mm. Prelim, pages: title-page (verso blank). Physical details not confirmed as complete volume not seen.

A volume comprising 7 of Maunsell’s 8 sermons in Maori; see no. 235 and 311 for additional information. The sermon omitted from this collection is 'He mahi aha ta nga minita'. The 3rd sermon in the volume 'Ko te iriiri tapu’ is in its variant form, without a colophon (see no. 237.1).

The order of sermons in this volume (as listed on the title-page) is quite different from that described in no. 311. it is possible that the only known copy, presented to Sir George Grey by Maunsell, is unique (Grey Il:iv, 76). Williams 146, Bagnall **3469. Copies: SAL; WTU (partial photocopy).

Bound volumes of sermons previously issued separately.




Multiplication and pence tables, printed at Kaitaia.

[Multiplication and pence tables; actual title not known; no copy located, Kaitaia: Kaitaia Mission Station Press, 1846]

As Williams notes, William G. Puckey of the Kaitaia mission station reported to the CMS on 12 March 1846: 'I employed Philip Patiki. a native, to print a great number of copies of the multiplication and pence tables.’ He had on 7 February 1846 mentioned he had been copying these out for the school, ‘not having type enough to print them’ (Church Missionary record. 1847, p. 93). Williams * * 132 a. No copy located.

314 NEW ZEALAND. Governor (1845-1853 : Grey)

Proclamation. 21 January 1846. and notices on the situation in the north. [Royal Arms] | Wakarongo. | [rule] | Na te rangatira, na te Kawana, | [4 lines of designations] | No te mea i karangatia i te I 7, o | Aparira, i te 19, o Mei, ite rua o | Hune, 1845—kia araia te taha tai Toke- | rau, haere atu i Whangarei, a tae noa ki | Mongonui —a, no te mea hoki e pai ana | kia whakakahoretia te arainga o aua awa | i tenei takiwa.— | [99 lines and 3 swelled rules in two columns separated by vertical rule] [no imprint. Auckland: Printed by the Government Printer, 1846]

I sheet ([l] p.); 330x205 mm. Presumed printed by the Government Printer, Christopher Fulton.

A proclamation from Grey dated 21 January 1846, followed by three notices dated 23 January from the Colonial Secretary, Andrew Sinclair. The proclamation lifted the ban on shipping along the coast from Whangarei to Mangbnui imposed by Fitzßoy in April 1845. The notices were to; (a) urge friendly Maori to encourage others to return home peacefully, and say that stolen horses must be returned or Court action would be taken; (b) warn against malicious letters; (c) claim that prisoners from Ruapekapeka were being detained solely for medical treatment. For the context see I. Wards, The shadow of the land (Wellington, 1968), p. 203-204.

The four items (and English versions) were printed in the New Zealand Government gazette, v. 6, no. 2 (24 January 1846), p. 6-8. and this issue is set in the same type. The Maori text also appeared in Te karere o Nu Tireni. v. 4, no. I (15 lan. [sic] 1846), p. 1-3, just before the journal was suppressed.

Bagnall 4045. Copies: AP; WTU (photocopy).


Proclamation. 16 August 1846. thanking friendly Maori chiefs in Wellington.

[Royal Arms] 1 Whakarongo. 1 [double rule] | I tuhituhia ai tenei pukapuka e Te Kawana inaianei, he mea ka | kite rawa iho ia i te aroha marire o nga Pakeha ki nga Maori.—o nga Maori | ano hoki ki nga Pakeha e noho nei i Poneke.—ina hoki haere tahi ana ratou | kite whawhai, kite pehi i te hunga tutu, i te hunga kohuru: [. . .] | [l2 lines] \ G. Grey, | Kawana. |

1 66

Physical description not known; no copy located. Description from Williams.

317 WESLEY.JOHN (1703-1791)

Poneke, 16 o Akuhata, 1846. | Poneke: [i.e. Wellington] He mea ta i te Perehi o Te Toki [1846]

1 sheet ([l] p ); 318x198 mm.; bluish laid paper with watermark: ’Ludlow | 1842’, Printed by Robert Stokes.

A message of goodwill from Grey to the Maori chiefs of Wellington who worked with local settlers to quell disturbances and killings. This he sees as a testimony to the friendly feeling between the two races, offering the possibility of peace in the area. Grey wishes to provide reciprocal assistance for the chiefs ’as one would support a younger brother.’ The disturbances in the Wellington area are discussed in I. Wards, The shadow of the land (Wellington. 1968). p. 214-300.

Bagnall 4047. Copies: WTU.

*316 NEW ZEALAND. Southern Division

Notice. 26 November 1846. offering a reward for a missing child.

E hoa ma 1 e nga Maori jo Poneke nei. 1 Kotahi te tamaiti Pakeha, tamaiti | tua, kamatua e ngaro nei. i ngaro ki | Okiwi kite kainga o Wiremu Paraone, kei whea ranei [. . .] | [. . .] I Na te Retimona. | Poneke. 26 o Noema, 1846. [no imprint. Wellington: Printed at the Office of the New Zealand Spectator and Cook's Straits Guardian, 1846]

1 sheet ([IJ p.): 455x290 mm. Details not confirmed; copy not located.

A poster issued by the Superintendent Mathew Richmond (‘te Retimona’), offering a reward for the discovery of a 10-year-old missing child, Matthew Hobham, and a Maori named Petomi. The boy was killed and Petomi took refuge with Rangihaeata, who was only prepared to give him up if Te Rauparaha was released (see New Zealand spectator. 13 February 1847). A separate poster in English was issued on 4 November (copy at AR).

No copy located.

317 WESLEY, John (1703-1791)

A sermon, 'The almost Christian'.

Ko te | Karaitiana wahiiti. | He kauwhau 1 na | Hone Weten. | No Akarana: [i.e. Auckland] | I taia tenei kite Perehi a John Williamson. | [rule] 1 1846.

12 p.; 170X100 mm. Page [2] blank. Caption title p. [3): ’Nga Mahi, 26. 28. | "Wahi iti ka whakaae ahau kia meinga he Karaitiana.’”.

Wesley’s sermon ‘The almost Christian’, translated by Rev. Samuel Ironside. It is referred to in the minutes of a Translation 5t Printing Committee meeting held at Auckland, March 8 1846, by Rev. Walter Lawry: ‘Mr Whiteley has a translation of Mr Wesley’s sermon on the Almost Christian by Mr Ironside, which he has examined and approves. To be further examined & if still approved to be printed in Maori’ (Methodist Missionary Society (London), Letters and other material relating to Australia, New Zealand and the South Seas, 1812-1889, Methodist Missionary Society; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-Coll-03-05).

Williams 147, Bagnall 5979. Copies: AP. AR, DL, DUHO, NLA, WTU.


318 ANDREWES. LANCELOT (1555-1626)

318 ANDREWES, Lancelot (1555-1626)

Second edition of a selection of private prayers.

He kupu | ma te ngakau inoi. | “Kei whakamutua te inoi.” | [swelled rule] | No Purewa: | I taia kite Perehi o nga Mihanere. | 1847.

34 p.; 168x102 mm ; stiffened dark green cloth covers (blank). Printed at the Church Mission Press.

A second, revised edition of no. 218 (1845), a translation by Robert Maunsell of private prayers by Bishop Andrewes of Winchester.

This edition was probably printed by Telford early in 1847. The binder Walmsley supplied 4948 copies of 'Private prayers' in January 1848 (St John's College. Purewa. Book Depository ledger I. 1848-49, ASJ, SJCT 14/36, p. 16; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-0936).

Further editions were published in 1851 (no. 403), 1885 (no. 1122) and 1893 (no. 1349).

Williams 150. Copies: AP. AR, DUHO, WTU,

319 BIBLE. O.T. Hexateuch. Maori. 1847.

Probationary issue of the first six books of the Old Testament.

Ko I te pukapuka tuatahi a Mohi, | e karangatia nei | ko Kenehi. | [rule] \ Ka tahi ka whakamaoritia mai i te reo Hiperu. | [ornament] | No Purewa; | I taia kite Perehi a nga Mihanere. | [rule] | M.DCCC.XLV. [i.e. 1847]

[4], 123, [l], [3J-52, 24, [S3J-89, [3], 91-107, [l], [l4], 109-137, [l], 29, [l], [26], 31-41, [l] p.; 170X105 mm.; green cloth boards. The following pages are blank: prelims p. [l-2] and [4], p. [l24] (first sequence); p. [sB] and [l36] (third sequence); p. [9O-92] (fourth sequence); p. [loB] (fifth sequence); p. [l4] (sixth sequence); p. [l3B] (seventh sequence); p. [3o] (eighth sequence); p. [42] (tenth sequence) A slip pasted inside the front cover headed 'Extract from the Proceedings of the Central Committee of the Church Mission, September 14th, 1847’ explains the policy on issuing probationary copies of Scripture for comment. Printed at the Church Mission Press.

A compilation of the parts of the Hexateuch (Genesis to Joshua) that had been issued separately between 1842 and 1847 (see no. 103. 118. 221.260, 321, 322), divided where necessary and arranged consecutively. The title-page is that of no. 221 (Genesis). The title-page for Exodus (second sequence) as originally published (no. 103) has been removed.

The first copy issued was presented by Maunsell to Sir George Grey on 24 September 1847 (Grey 11: iv 52 (note)). 275 copies, bound by Walmsley and later Telford, were produced and issued between 1848 and 1852 (St John's College, Purewa. Book Depository ledgers Ml. 1848-52. ASJ, SJCT 14/36-37, p. 1 (both vols); microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-0936),

The text was subsequently published by the BFBS in London in 1848 with the title Ko te tahi wahi o te Kawenata Tawhito (no. 352). Probationary texts of other Old Testament books continued to be produced from 1849 (see no 368).

Williams 124 (note). Copies: DL. WTU.

1 68


320 BIBLE. O.T. Hexateuch. Maori. Selections. 1847.

Probationary issue of some parts of the first six books of the Old Testament.

Ko | te pukapuka tuatahi a Mohi, | e karangatia nei | ko Kenehi. | [rule] \ Ka tahi ka whakamaoritia mai i te reo Hiperu. | [ornament] | No Purewa: | I taia kite Perehi a nga Mihanere. 1 [rule] | M.DCCC.XLV. [i.e, 1847]

[4], 123, [l], 52, 244, [s3]-89, [3] p.; 170x105 mm.; green cloth boards. The following pages are blank: prelims p. [2-4] and p. [l24] (first sequence): p. [2] (second sequence); p, [sB] and [l36] (third sequence); p. [9O-92] (fourth sequence).

The title-page is that of no. 221. The title-page of no. 103 (Exodus) is also present in the second sequence.

A variant bound volume of parts of the complete Hexateuch issued in 1847 (see no. 319). It contains only the text from Genesis to the end of Deuteronomy chapter 12 (i.e. the parts issued separately as no. 103, 221, 260). This issue does not have the label inside the front cover of no. 319,

Williams 124 (note). Copies: WTU.

321 BIBLE. O.T. Deuteronomy XX-XXV. Maori. 1847?

Part of Deuteronomy.

(Tiuteronomi.) | Upoko 20. | E haere koe kite whawhai ki ou hoa riri, a ka kite | i nga hoiho me nga hariata, mete iwi e nui ana I a | koe, kei wehi koe I a ratou; kei a koe hoki a Ihowa | tou Atua i kawea mai ai koe i te whenua o Ihipa. ![...] [no imprint. PQrewa: Church Mission Press, 1847?]

[l4] p: I 70x 104 mm. Caption title. Page [l4] blank. Signature mark: * ; final leaf tipped in. At head of p. [l3]: Teuter.)’: at end of text, p. [l3]: ‘(Kei wharangi 109, te Upoko 26.'.

Maunsell’s translation of Deuteronomy chapters 20-25, to fill the remaining gap in the parts of Deuteronomy published in 1842 (no. 103) and 1843 (no. 118). It was probably printed early in 1847 to complete (together with no. 322) the text of the Hexateuch (see no. 103 for details), but may also have been issued separately.

Williams 123, Bagnall 472. Copies: AP, DUHO, WTU (bound with other parts).

322 BIBLE. O.T. Joshua XI-XXI. Maori. 1847?

Part of Joshua.

(Hohua.) | Upoko 11. | A, te rongonga o lapini o te kingi o Hatoro, na ka | tono tangata la ki a Topapa kite kingi o Marono, | raua ko te kingi o Himirono, kite kingi ano hoki o Aka- | hapa, | [. . .] [no imprint. PQrewa: Church Mission Press, 1847?]

[26] p.; 170x104 mm. Caption title. Final leaf tipped in. At head of p, [l3] and [2s]: 'Hohua.)'.

Maunsell’s translation of Joshua chapters 1 1-21, to fill the gap in the parts of



Joshua published in 1843 (no. 118). It was probably printed early in 1847 to complete (together with no. 321) the text of the Hexateuch (see no. 103 for details), but may also have been issued separately.

Williams 124, Bagnall 473. Copies: AP, WTU (bound with other parts).

323 BIBLE. O.T. Malachi. Maori. 1847,

The book of Malachi.

Ko te | pukapuka a Marakai. 1 [ double rule] | Katahi ka taia kite reo Maori. | [double rule] \ Akarana: [i.e. Auckland] | I taia tenei kite Perehi a John Williamson. I [rule l I 1847.

8 p,; 180x106 mm. Page [2] blank. Caption title p. [3]: ‘Marakai.'.

A translation of Malachi by the Wesleyan missionary Gideon Smales, which is quite different from Maunsell’s (no. 464). The translation was to be further revised by Whiteley, Woon & Buddie (Minutes of a Translation & Printing Committee. Auckland, 8 March 1846, in Methodist Missionary Society (London), Letters and other material relating to Australia, New Zealand and the South Seas. 1812-1889, Methodist Missionary Society; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-Coll-03-05).

Williams 158, Bagnall 477. Copies: AP, AR, DL, NLA, WTU.

324 BIBLE. N.T. Gospels. Maori. Selections. 1847

Sixteen short extracts from the Gospels of John and Luke.

Ko te pukapuka tuarua | mo te kura. | [ double rule] \ Ko | nga kauwhau | a | to tatou Ariki. | Tamaki: [i.e. Purewa:] | No te Perehi o nga Mihanere | o te Hahi o Ingarangi. | 1847.

24 p.; 132x71 mm.; blue or brown paper covers (blank). Colophon p. [2]: ‘Church Mission Press, New-Zealand.‘.

‘Discourses of our Lord', fifteen extracts from John and one from Luke. The translation is the same as that in no. 370. Although identified as 'the second book for the school', it is not clear what the ‘first book' was.

The very small format is unusual, and it was presumably printed in mid--1847 before the Mission press was handed over to St John's College. On 23 June 1848 8008 copies of 'Kauwhau' were received from Walmsley for distribution, but 6665 copies still remained at the end of 1852 (St John's College, Purewa, Book Depository ledgers 141, 1848-52, ASJ, SJCT 14/36-37, I (p. 5), II (p. 15): microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-0936).

Williams 154, Bagnall 476. Copies: AP, AR. DUHO, WTU.

325 BIBLE. N.T. Matthew. Maori. 1847?

Probationary issue of the Gospel of Matthew.

Ko te | Kongo pai a Matiu. | [swelled rule ] | Upoko I. |[. .] [no imprint. Purewa: Printed at the Church Mission Press, 1847?]

[s]-67, [l] p.; 181x1 10 mm.; stiffened brown or green cloth covers. Caption title. Signatures begin at ‘B’. Page [6B] blank. Copies seen are interleaved



with blank leaves. Some copies have paper label on front cover: ‘St. Matthew. I \wavv rule] I Probationary copy.'.

Label inside the front cover of most copies: 'Resolutions passed at the Central Committee of the Church Mission held at St. John’s College 14th September 1847.' The text explains the circulation of probationary copies for comment.

A probationary issue of the Gospel of Matthew, revised by Robert Maunsell and William Williams from the edition of 1838 (no. 45). Matthew was the first of five parts issued between 1847 and 1850 (the four Gospels and Acts); for the other parts see no. 354, 369, 370, 383. The texts were used for the new edition of the New Testament printed in London in 1852 (no. 419).

The edition of 150 copies was approved in September 1847 by the Church Missionary Society Central Committee (‘Meeting . . . held at St John's College, September 14th 1847’, in George Clarke. Letters and journals 18221871, DUHO MS-60-62; copy at WTU, qMS-0466, v. 4, letter no. 49).

Williams 151/ i, Bagnall 475 (note). Copies: AR, DL, WTU.

326 BUDDLE, Thomas (1812-1883)

Pamphlet on the virtues of saving, and the Auckland Savings Bank.

Ko nga painga, | me nga Ture, | o te Peke Tiaki Moni, | o Akarana, | katahi nei ka whakaritea. | [rate] | He tikanga, kia kake ai te tangata Maori. | [rate] | Akarana: [i.e. Auckland] ) I tala tenei ejohn Williamson. | [rate] | 1847.

16 p.; 175x107 mm.; blue paper covers (blank). Page [2] blank.

The advantages of saving, especially for Maori (p. 3-10), with the Rules and Regulations of the Auckland Savings Bank, established in 1847 (p. 11-16). The anonymous pamphlet was written by Wesleyan missionary Rev. Thomas Buddie, a founder Trustee. See Auckland Savings Bank centenary 1847-1947 (Auckland. 1947), p. I 7. in which a translation is printed (Appendix A, p. 121125). Many copies were destroyed in a fire, and the text to p. 10 was reprinted in instalments in the Maori messenger, nos. 9-15 (1849).

Williams 159, Bagnall 4442. Copies: AP, AR, DUHO, NLA, WTU.


Catholic prayer book with catechisms, hymns, and the Gospel of Matthew. Ko te ako | mete | karakia | o te | Hahi Katorika Romana. | [woodcut illustration (Madonna and child), with caption: ‘Ecce mater tua. Joan. 19, 27. I Tenei tou matua.’] | Kororareka, | He mea ta I te Perehi o te Epikopo Katorika. I 1847.

[26], xlvi, 570, [6] p.; III.; 143x90 mm.; full leather binding. Illustrations are a woodcut frontispiece (da Vinci, Last Supper) and other small ornaments and woodcuts. Imprimatur dated 1 May 1847 on verso of title-page.

Caption titles, p. [i]: ‘Ko te ako poto | o te | Hahi Katorika.'; p. [l] (main sequence): 'ko te hato | Wangeriona 1 o | Hehu Kerito | kite ritenga o Hato Matiu.'

A collection of texts compiled by Father Claude Baty, and largely translated by him. The contents are: Table of contents and calendar (p. [l-26)); short



instruction and prayers (p. [i]-xlvi); Gospel of Matthew (p. [I ]-172); catechisms in four divisions (p. 173-386); followed by various prayers, observances, and the Burial service (p. 387-535); 23 hymns (p. 536-570); a list of popes [6] p.]. The text of the mass itself is not included, having been separately printed (see no. 328).

The imprimatur is of Bishop Viard, Pompallier's coadjutor, who was in charge of the mission during Pompallier's three-year absence in Europe, 6,000 copies of this substantial work were printed by Brother Yvert following the return of the presses to Kororareka from Whangaroa where they had been evacuated after Heke's rebellion. The text stayed in use and was not revised until 1879 (no. 927); see L. G. Keys, Philip Viard. Bishop of Wellington (Christchurch, 1968), p. 55-56, 60.

When Colenso saw a copy in November 1849 he commented that it ‘contained (among a heap of rubbish) a very creditable translation of S. Matthew's Gospel, adulterated, however, with popish notes & glosses' (William Colenso, Journals 1841-1854, DUHO: copy at WTU, qMS-0487, v. I. p. 267).

The following variant issues have been identified:

327.1 with variant imprint He me ta ite Perehi Two copies seen with this imprint also include variant feature 327.2; one copy with this imprint also includes variant feature 327.3.

327.2 differing type in signatures 13-14 (p. 217-252). Seen in copy with variant imprint 327.1.

327.3 differing type and paper in signatures 15-16 (p. 253-288). Signature marks in this section are: ‘26’ [sic] (p. 253), 'ls' (p. 261) and 'l6' (p. 277).

327.4 differing type and paper in signatures [l7-18] (p. 289-324): a different (smaller) typeface and smoother paper are used. The two signature numbers are lacking. Seen in copies with variant imprint 327.1.

**327.5 separate issue of p. 173-386 (‘Katikihama’), signatures 10-21 Noted by Williams. No copy located.

The section paginated [i]-xlvi may also have been issued separately.

Williams 160 & (S). Copies: ABH (incl. variants 327.1 and 327.2), AP. AR. DUHO. NLA. WTU (incl. variants 327.1 and 327.4), Private Coll, (variant 327.3).


Text of part of the Mass in Latin and Maori pointed for chanting. Ko te asperges. |As • ■ per■ ■ • ges• ■ me. Do■ ■mi ■ | ne■ ■ hys■ so■ poet • mun • |da ■ • bor; la ■•va • • bis - ■ me, et ■• ■ |su • ■ per ni • vem • ■ de ■ ■ ■al•ba • ■ | bor. | [. . .] f parallel text, from line fwo.T

E uwhiuwhi Koe ki au i te | ihopo, a ka ma ahau; e | horoi koe i ahau, a nui atu | taku ma i te huka rere. | [. . .] [no imprint. Sydney? 1847?]

[l2] p.; 139x84 mm. Caption title. Pages [1 1-12] blank. Text mainly in two columns (parallel Latin and Maori), and partly pointed for chanting.


350 COLENSO. WILLIAM (1811-1899)

Parts of the Catholic Mass: the responsory with verse and doxology of the Asperges (pointed for chanting), Kyrie, Gloria (‘Ko te Kororia'), Credo ('Ko te Himeporo’), Preface (‘Ko te Perewhahio'), Sanctus ('Ko te Sanctus'), Paternoster (‘Ko te Patere’), Blessing CKo te Pax’), Agnus Dei CKo te Agnus Dei'), Dismissal, Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament ('Ko te Penetihio o te Hakarameta tino pai rawa') including the litany of the Saints, Tantum ergo, Divine Praises and Psalm 116 (Psalm 117 of the Authorised Version)

It appears to have been printed from the same type as that used in the Ako marama printed in Sydney in 1845 (no 222). However, the format (12mo) is uniform with that of the 1847 prayer book (no. 327), with which the only known copies are bound. It is therefore assumed to have been printed in Sydney in 1847. The text was later included in Catholic prayer books published in 1889 (no. 1243) and 1894 (no. 1395).

Williams 160 a (S). Copies: ABH; WTU (photocopy).


Four catechisms.

Ko nga katikihama ewha 1 na nga mihanere o te Hahi | o Ingarani. | I taia kite Perehi a te Toki. | 1847. [Wellington]

26 + p.; 190x115 mm.; coarse brown paper covers (blank). Page [2] blank. Only known copy is imperfect: lacks all after p. 26.

Four catechisms numbered 'Ko te Katikihama tuatahi’ to . . tuawha" printed in Wellington by Robert Stokes (te Toki). The text is a new version of the collection printed in Paihia by Colenso in 1842 (no. 108) with slight variations and the use of the 'wfT digraph. It was probably revised by William Williams. In the only known copy the text of the fourth (Church) catechism begins on p. 26 but is incomplete.

For other collections of Church of England catechisms (of which the contents tend to vary, though there are usually four) see no. 18,71, 108, 371, 389, 420 and 881.

Williams 150 a (S). Copies: WTU (to p. 26).

330 COLENSO, William (1811-1899)

Twenty-five hymns, starting at no. 100. 100. | Waiata, 85. I—4. | 1 Kua atamai koe, e t’Atua, | ki to wenua, ki to iwi; | nau to hahi i ora ai | I te hae a te hoa riri. | [. . .] [no imprint. Waitangi, Heretaunga; Printed at the Waitangi Mission Station Press, 1847]

7. [l] p.; 1 79x105 mm.; blue paper spine strip or coarse brown paper covers. Caption title. Printed in two columns separated by vertical rule. Some text in italics. Page [B] blank. Two separate folded sheets tipped together.

A collection of 25 hymns numbered 100 to 126 (111-1 12 omitted from the sequence). None were included in later Anglican collections (Williams).

Colenso noted the arrival of the press for his Hawke's Bay mission station at Waitangi on the Heretaunga Plains in a letter to the CMS of 18 June 1846: 'The press &c. has just come safely to hand; but, judge of my disappointment, when 1 found that Watts (as once before) had sent me b's and v's for h's and


A collection of hymns by the Rev. William Colenso, printed on the small mission press at Ahuriri, 1847 {BiM 330) The ‘first fruits’ of the small mission press, sent to Archdeacon W. Williams and annotated Alexander Turnbull Library Printed collections

332 COLENSO. WILLIAM (1811-1899)

n’s! so that, for utility, the press might just as well be at Cape Horn, as here at Cape Kidnappers!’ (William Colenso, Letters 1834-1853, DUHO; copy at WTU, qMS-0491, v. 1. p. 129). Colenso extemporised by (for example) turning ’b’s into ’h's and this affects all the productions of the Waitangi press of this period; the ‘wh’ is not used, probably because of the shortage of type. The press itself was not operational until mid-1847.

On 29-30 July 1847 Colenso recorded that he was ‘getting my little new printing-press to rights; which, through want of time, has been delayed until now'. On 21 September 1847 he was: ’Busy ... in printing off 100 copies of a little book, containing 25 new experimental hymns (which 1 had composed at different periods during my lonely wanderings), being the first-fruits of my little new printing-press; the compositing was done by my old native lad. Samuel; - may the Lord accept of them’. A further 100 copies were printed on 24 September (William Colenso, Journals 1841-1854, DUHO; copy at WTU. qMS-0487, v. 1, p. 88, 101, 103).

The 25 printed are in Colenso’s manuscript at Hawke’s Bay Museum that contains 42 hymns (some unfinished) and notes the place of writing of each hymn.

Williams 161. Copies: AP, AR (Colenso papers, MS 76), DUHO, WTU.

331 attrib.

Prayer for those seeking baptism.

He inoinga ) ma te tangata e wakaaro atu ana kite Iriiringa. | E Ihowa, te Kai-hanga i te ao, te Kai-wakaora i nga ta- | ngata katoa, [. . .] | [26 lines ] | Kia korerotia ano hoki enei upoko. Me ata korero | marire e koe, mete wakaaro mete mahara ano. | [4 lines of Scripture references. 3 in two columns] [no imprint. Waitangi, Heretaunga: Waitangi Mission Station Press, 1847?]

1 sheet ([l] p.); 173x108 mm. Various typographic inconsistencies (see no. 330).

A prayer of 28 lines and a list of scripture references, for the use of candidates for baptism. The typography identifies this as an early printing from the Hawke’s Bay mission press, probably written by Colenso. It may be the item referred to by him on 14 September 1848 as ‘a prayer for Catechumens' (William Colenso, Letters. 1834-1853, DUHO; copy at WTU, qMS-0491, v. I, P- 163).

Williams 164, Bagnall 1323. Copies: AP, AR, DUHO, NLA, WTU.


Class ticket for use by the Hawke's Bay mission.

Me penei ano, e koe. Tirohia tau mahi me tau | wakahaere, e rite ana ranei ki ta te wakapono? [. . .] | [II lines] \ Tirohia hoki, e koe, ta Matiu, 11., r.28,29.

[on verso:]

Eta, kia kite koe, he mea te hapa tapu nei na te | Atua; [. , .] | [8 lines] | Tirohia, e koe, 1 Koriniti, I 1., r.28, 29,30,31.] | Tukua tenei tangata ki roto



| Na te Koreneho. [no imprint. Waitangi, Heretaunga: Printed at the Waitangi Mission Station Press, 18477]

1 sheet ([2] p.); 58x77 mm. The text was printed on one sheet (115x85 mm.) and then folded or cut in half and pasted on both sides of a card.

The texts concern the Eucharist and the card was a class ticket for intending communicants.

Williams 163 & (S). Copies: AP, AR, DUHO, ML (Colenso papers. A 236), NLA, WTU.

333 ERIMA o nga waiata ote Hahi . . .

Extracts for Morning and Evening Prayer services, pointed for chanting. Erima | o nga | waiata o te Hahi | te Karakia | o te Ata o te Ahiahi, | kua oti te wehewehe nga kupu kite ritenga o te waiata kanati; | me o ratou rangi ano. | I taia tenei kite Perehi o te Pihopa. | 1847. [PQrewa]

[B] p.; 2107x133 mm. Printed at the Bishop’s Press.

A collection of five pointed psalms and canticles in Maori, produced for St John’s Theological College: Psalm 95. Te Deum, Psalm 100, Luke 1:46-55 (Magnificat), Luke 2:29-32 (Nunc dimittis). On p. [2] is a list of ten tunes with vocal notation based on solmisation, and a list of texts appropriate for the tunes. The tonic intervals are represented numerically rather than alphabetically, probably because the Maori alphabet omits the letters B, C, D. F and G. Probably prepared by A. G. Purchas.

The text was reprinted in I 852 without the title-page and list of tunes (no. 432).

Copies: NAMU; WTU (photocopy).

334 He KORERO TENEI mo Ani Kanara . . .

A religious tract, the story of Ann Chandler (or Connor) who died aged seven.

He korero tenei | mo Ani Kanara, | he kotiro wakapono, he mea paku, ewitu anake o ona tau. | [ornamental rule] | [. . .] [No Waitangi, Heretaunga: | 1 taia kite Perehi a te Koreneho. [i.e. Waitangi Mission Station Press] | 1847.]

5, [l] p.; 172X108 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. [6], Woodblock illustration at end of text with captions: 'Ruka, 18.16.’ and ‘Matin. | 19.14.' Printed on single sheets tipped together. Various typographic inconsistencies.

A religious tract about a good little girl, Ann Chandler (also referred to as Anne Connor), who died aged seven. Although the original has not been identified, Colenso refers to having translated the story in 1846 (William Colenso, Report for 1847, in Letters 1834-1853, DUHO: copy at WTU, qMS-0491,v. I, p. 159).

The press was not operational until July 1847 (see no. 330), but Colenso refers on 10 April to the impact of the story: 'During the morning, Ngatuere sent in his little daughter, and an hour or so afterwards a note, stating his

I 76

336 MARTIN. SIR WILLIAM (1807-1880)

wish to have her called Ani Kanara (Ann Chandler)! Another convincing proof of the good which that little tract has been the instrument of in the mighty hand of Cod' (William Colenso, Journals 1841-1854, DUHO; copy at WTU, qMS-0487, v. 1. p. 34). The journal (20 December 1847, v. I. p. 166) later refers to ‘orintine the little tract’, presumably this.

Between 1849 and 1852 Colenso produced a further 25 accounts of ‘Happy deaths' ('He matenga totika') printed on single leaves (132 pages; Williams 249, Bagnall 1327) but the series was never completed or published. Williams 162, Bagnall 1324. Copies: AR (Colenso papers, MS 76), DUHO, WTU.

335 MARTIN, Sir William (1807-188 C

He | pukapuka whakaako | kite reo Pakeha. | [ornamental rule] \ I taia tenei kite Perehi o te Pihopa. | 1847 [Purewa]

[4B] p.; 196x130 mm. (untrimmed); coarse brown paper covers (blank). Pages are unnumbered. Pages [2] and [46-48] blank. Printed in varying numbers of columns per page. At end of text p. [4s]: ‘End of Part I. | [ornament]' , Printed at the Bishop's Press.

A primer for teaching English to Maori, containing words and sentences with translations into Maori, arranged in 89 numbered graduated lessons. It is quite different from the work of the same title published in 1843 (no. 149). No further parts of this edition have been identified. It was superseded by the two-part revised edition of 1850-52 (no. 397 and 431).

Martin's authorship is established by the St John’s ledgers that refer to it as ‘The Judge's 2nd book' and as 'by the Chief Justice’ in a printed circular issued by Nihill (in K. A. Webster, Letters 1846-1887, WTU. MS-Papers-1009-2/18). In 1848 480 copies were held, of which 43 remained in 1 852 (St John’s College, Purewa. Book Depository ledgers MIL 1848-54, ASJ, SJCT 14/36-38, I (p. 13), II (p. 69), 111 (p. 20); microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-0936). Martin’s 'first book’ is assumed to be no, 336.

The printing is poor, suggesting the work was done by students under Nihill's supervision. Two sets of plant and printers operated from the same location until 1847, when the CMS press (under Telford) merged with the press (under Nihill) that produced Bishop's Press and St John's College imprints.

Williams 152. Copies: AP, DUHO, NLA. WTU.

336 attrib.

Maori language primer for schools.

He | pukapuka whakaako | mo te kura, | [double rule] \ No Purewa.—lB47. [Printed at the Bishop's Press]

8 p.; 183x123 mm.; blue or brown paper covers (blank).

A primer for schools, containing a geography lesson, school prayers, two pages of syllables and simple sentences (the same text as p. 9 and 11 of Colenso’s 1839 primer (no. 61)), a multiplication table and a table of

I 77

Part I of a primer to teach English to Maori.

537 MATTHEWS. JOSEPH (1808-1895)

conversions for money, weights, liquid measures, time and distance. The contents are quite different from the 1 851 work of the same title, which is by Lady Martin (no. 411).

This work is assumed to be Sir William Martin's ‘first book', and is the work also referred to as ‘School lessons', of which about 2,000 copies of a print run of over 4,000 were issued between 1848 and 1851 (St John’s College. Purewa, Book Depository ledgers Ml, 1848-52, ASJ, SJCT 14/36-37, I (p. 8). II (index and p, 27); microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-0936).

The ledgers identify 'The Judge's 2nd book' as He pukapuka whakaako ki te reo Pakeha (no. 335). His '3rd book' has the same title, but is the first volume of a two-part revised edition which superseded it (no. 397 and 431),

Williams 153 & (S). Copies: AP, AR. DL, DUHO, NLA. WTU.

MATTHEWS, Joseph (1808-1895)

Sermon outlines. 1847.

[Weekly sermon outlines. Kaitaia: Printed at the Kaitaia Mission Station Press, 1847]

Entries no, 337-347 continue the series of sermon outlines begun in 1845: see no. 229 for additional details and holdings of the series.

Entries 337-347 are filed in date order.

337 J January 1847 (Epiphany)

Te tuarua o nga Ratapu i muri iho | o te Kirhimeti [i.e. Kirihimeti]. | E hoa ma ooto du te taima i. Kor vii. 29. I 133 lines! I Hanuere 3 1847.

Sermon outline for the 2nd Sunday after Christmas, based on I Corinthians 7:29.

338 10January 1847.

Te Ra whakawa | 2, Koriniti v, 10. 11. | [. . .] [Hanuere 10. 1847] Sermon outline for the Ist Sunday after Epiphany, based on II Corinthians 5:10-11. (1 sheet ([2] p.). Imprint from colophon p. [2].)

339 24January 1847.

Ko te Ratapu tuatoru I muri iho o te | Whakakitenga. | Ko te aroha o te Karaiti kite hunga hara. | Whakakitenga, iii, 20. | [. . .] | [Hanuere 24. 1847.)

Sermon outline for the 3rd Sunday after Epiphany, based on Revelation 3:20. (1 sheet ([2] p.). Imprint from colophon p. [2].)

340 31 lanuary 1847.

Ko te Ratapu tuatoru i mua mai o Reneti. | II Timoti. ii, 19. | [35 lines] [no imprint]

Sermon outline for the 3rd Sunday before Lent, based on II Timothy 2:19.

I 78


341 14 February 1847.

Ko te Ratapu tuatahi i mua o Reneti | Te whakaarahanga o te Nakahi. | Hoani, iii, 14, 15. | [3O lines] \ Kaitaia, Pepuere, 14, 1847,

Sermon outline for the Sunday before Lent, based on John 3:14-15.

342 21 February 1847.

Ko te Ratapu tuatahi o Reneti. | Hiperu, x[i] 6,7. | [56 lines] [no imprint]

Sermon outline for the 1 st Sunday in Lent, based on Hebrews 11:6-7. Chapter number amended by hand in AP copy.

343 7 March 1847.

Ko te Ratapu tuatoru o Reneti. | Whakakitenga, iii, 11. |Te karauna puritia. | [3l lines] | Maehe, 7. 1847.

Sermon outline for the 3rd Sunday in Lent, based on Revelation 3:11.

344 2 April 1847 (Good Friday)

Ko te Paraire Pai. | Karatia, iii, 13. | [34 lines] | Aperira. 2. 1847. Sermon outline for Good Friday, based on Galatians 3:13.

345 II April 1847.

Te Ratapu tuatahi i muri iho o te Aranga. | Piripai iii, 10. | [. . .] [Kaitaia Apariri 11.1847.]

Sermon outline for the Ist Sunday after Easter, based on Philippians 3:10. (1 sheet ([2] p.). Imprint from colophon p. [2], Line of ornaments precedes imprint.)

346 18 April 1847.

Te ratapu tuarua i muri iho o te Aranga. | Te okiokinga mo te hunga o te Atua. | Hiperu iv, 9. 1 [. . .] [Kaitaia Apariri 18. 1847.]

Sermon outline for the 2nd Sunday after Easter, based on Hebrews 4:9. (1 sheet ([2] p.). Imprint from colophon p. [2], Line of ornaments at end of text p. [2].)

347 23 May 1847 (Pentecost)

Ko te Ratapu i tukua mai ai te | Wairua Tapu. 1 Matiu, iii, 11. | [53 lines] | Kaitaia. Mei, 23, I 847.

Sermon outline for Pentecost, based on Matthew 3:11.

348 NEW ZEALAND. Colonial Secretary

Notice, 7 September 1847. about re-employment of dismissed Maori. Notice. | [double rule] | Colonial Secretary's Office, | Auckland, 7th September, 1847. | [His Excellency the Governor has been pleased to | [?] ions that no native dismissed from one branch | [?] [GJovernment

I 79


service, on account of misconduct, | [?]dmitted into any other branch without His | [Excellency]'s permission, which will only be given after | [?] enquiry into all the circumstances that led to | [?]al. | By His Excellency’s command, | Andrew Sinclair, | Colonial Secretary.

[parallel text:]

Wakarongo. | [double rule] \ Whare tuhituhl o Kawana[,] | Akarana, Hepetema 7, 18[47.] | Kua pai a te Kawana kia tukua atu tona mana k[7] | kaua tetahi tangata maori kua peia atu i tetahi m[?] | o te Kawanatanga, mo tona kino, I tukua atu kia m[7] | i tetahi mahi atu, me kaua te wakaaetanga o te [Ka-] | wana a— ekore taua wakaaetanga i tukua atu, k[7] | ra ano te tino ui nga mea he katoa i peia atu a[7] | tangata i te mahi. | Na te mana o te Kawana, | Andrew Sinclair,] | Tin[o] [7] [no imprint. Auckland: Printed by John Williamson?. 1847]

I sheet ([l] p.): ca. 320x400 mm. Only known copy is damaged, affecting the text and size of the sheet. Presumed printed by the printer to the government.

A notice stating that Maori dismissed for misconduct may not be re-employed in the Government without the Governor's permission, and following an enquiry into the circumstances.

Copies: ANZ (IA 2/3, M.47/89, I I October 1847, damaged); WTU (photocopy).

349 PARKER, Mrs

Selections from Annals of the Christian church.

He whakaaturanga | I te tikanga | o te | hahi a Ihu Karaiti. | [rule] | No Akarana: [i.e. Auckland] | I taia tenei kite Perehi a John Wililiamson. [sic] | [rule] | 1847.

36 p,: 172x105 mm.; blue paper covers (blank). Page [2] blank. Caption title p. [3]: ‘He whakaaturanga | o te tikanga o te hahi a Ihu Karaite’ A treatise on the Christian church interspersed with scriptural quotations. It is a translation by Thomas Buddie of selections apparently from Mrs Parker's Annals of the Christian church: in familiar conversations for young people (London, 1841). Mr Buddie shall translate the whole or considerable portion of Mrs Parker’s Church History’ (W. Lawry, Minutes of a Translation & Printing Committee held at Auckland, 8 March 1846, in Methodist Missionary Society (London), Letters and other material relating to Australia, New Zealand and the South Seas, 1812-1889, Methodist Missionary Society: microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-Coll-03-05).

Williams I 56, Bagnall 6001. Copies: AP, AR. DL. DUHO. NLA, WTU, WU

350 WHITELEY, John (1806-1869)

A tract urging peace following the war in the north.

He rongo mau, he rongo mau, | ka pai | kia mau te rongo. | [rule] | No Akarana: [i.e. Auckland] | I tala tenei kite Perehi a John Williamson. | [rule] | 1847.



47, [l] p.; 172x104 mm.; blue or light brown paper covers (blank). Pages [2] and [4B] blank. Caption title p. (3): 'He rongo mau, he rongo mau. ka pai kia mau I tonu te rongo'.

An anonymous exhortation to Maori to maintain the peace in the wake of the Northern War, written by John Whiteley. the Wesleyan missionary at Kawhia. Its preparation was recorded in March 1846: ‘Mr Whiteley will prepare a tract on peace; its policy both among themselves [Maori] & with the Government and in the connexion it has with temporal prosperity and with the increase among them of pure Christianity' (Minutes of a Translation & Printing Committee. Auckland, 8 March 1846, in Methodist Missionary Society (London), Letters and other material relating to Australia. New Zealand and the South Seas, 1812-1889, Methodist Missionary Society: microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-Coll-03-05).

Because of concerns that British government policies on land acquisition activities by the New Zealand Company possibly breached the Treaty of Waitangi, Chief justice William Martin wrote to Whiteley that he thought it should not be circulated (Private letter 28 July 1847, quoted in J. Whiteley to WMMS, 3 August 1847; same archive, WTU, Micro-MS-Coll-03-23). The WMMS in London subsequently officially approached Earl Grey in Correspondence ... on the apprehended infringement of the Treaty of Waitangi (London. 1848; Bagnall 5983).

Williams 157, Bagnall 6042. Copies: AP, AR. DL, NLA, WTU. WU.

351 BIBLE. Maori. Selections. 1848.

Brief Scriptural extracts for prayer and meditation.

He inoi puku, | no te Karaipiture. | [rule] | Mo te aranga ake i te ata. | I takoto iho ahau kite moe, I ara ake ano ahau; | na Ihowa hoki ahau I tiaki. (Wai. iii. 5.) | [, . .] No Ranana [i.e. London] tenei: na te Rerihia Taraka | Hohaiete I taia. [lB4B]

1 folded sheet (4 p.); 180x109 mm. Caption title. Imprint at foot of p. [l], At foot of p. 4: 'Ranana, Maehe 1848.’.

Scripture extracts arranged under headings for prayer and meditation. Published by the Religious Tract Society (‘te Rerihia Taraka Hohaiete’) in March 1848.

Williams 172. Copies: AP, DUHO, WTU.

352 BIBLE. O.T. Hexateuch. Maori. 1848

The first six books of the Old Testament. Ko | te tahi wahi | o | te Kawenata Tawhito, | [rule] \ He mea whakamaori mai no te reo Hiperu. | [rule] \ No Ranana: [i.e. London] | Na te Komiti ta Paipera. | [rule] | 1848.

[4], 343, [l] p.: 180x105 mm.; black linen boards or full speckled calf. Page [4] (prelims) blank. Printed in two columns separated by vertical rule. Colophon p. [2] (prelims): 'No Ranana | tala kite Perehi o Tamati R, Harihona.'. Colophon p. [344]: 'London: | Printed by T. R, Harrison. | St. Martin's Lane.'. Bound by Watkins.



The BFBS ('te Komiti ta Paipera') edition of the Hexateuch (Genesis to Joshua), prepared from the 1847 probationary text (no. 319). William Williams, Maunsell and Puckey applied to the BFBS and were supported by Henry Venn at the CMS (H. Venn. 26 January 1848, Home letters out, CH/L6).

A print run of 10,000 copies was arranged, half each for the CMS and Wesleyan missions. It was to be seen through the press by John Telford, by then back in London, but his subsequent illness resulted in Edwin Norris taking over the responsibility. Telford took 300 copies with him when he returned to New Zealand in September 1848 (Home letters in, CH/098-100; Home letters out, CH/L6). However, it seems that binding delayed the delivery of many copies; in September 1852 4,600 copies were sent with William Williams for the use of various CMS missionaries (H. Straith to H. Knolleke, Home letters out, CH/L9). All citations refer to: Papers of the New Zealand mission, 1809-1914, CMS Archive, University of Birmingham: microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-Coll-04-67 and 68, Home letters in and out.

The BFBS edition of the Old Testament continued with Judges-Psalms in 1855 (no. 455) and the remaining books in 1858 (no. 470). The complete Bible was published by the BFBS in 1868 (no. 716).

Williams 167 & (S), Bagnall 478, Copies: AP, AR, DL, DUHO, NLA. WTU.

353 BIBLE. O.T. Psalms Maori. 1848.

The Psalms of David, produced for the Wesleyan mission.

Ko | nga Waiata | a Rawiri. | [rule] | Katahi ka tala kite reo Maori. | [rule] | Ranana: [i.e. London] | He mea ta i te Perehi o W. Watts, | ma te Peritihi mete Poreni Paipera | Hohaieti. | [rule] | 1848.

[4], 237, [3] p.; 132x82 mm.; black linen boards. Pages [I ] and [4] (prelims), and [239-240] blank. Text on p. [2] (prelims): '(New Zealand Psalms.)'. Colophon p. [23B]: ‘Ranana: He mea ta i te Perehi o | W. Watts, Crown Court, Temple Bar.'

The London printer William Watts (succeeded by W. M. Watts) may have had a connection with the William Watts who operated the Bishop's Press at Te Waimate and Purewa from 1843 to 1846. but no confirming evidence has been located.

The same text of the Psalms (but without rubrics) as that in the 1848 Anglican prayer book (no. 357). It was produced by the BFBS for the Wesleyan mission, for whom it was a first edition (referred to in the title). 20,000 copies were printed (W, Lawry, 10 February 1848, in Methodist Missionary Society (London), Letters and other material relating to Australia, New Zealand and the South Seas, 1812-1889. Methodist Missionary Society; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-Coll-03-22).

In October 1844 John Hobbs had asked for a large edition of the Psalms, having seen how popular the CMS edition was with Maori He explained the CMS missionaries had found efficiencies of time and cost if the work was done in England: 'Twenty thousand Psalters issued immediately from England!!! Twenty thousand Psalters to be bound in black canvas, and say 2,000 in sheepskin. The Church brethren say that they are sending them to England because they can get them done and back again sooner than they can possibly get them done and sent back completely finished [and] for less



[cost] than they could get even the binding done here. They still have on hand many of their edition of the Prayerbook of 1840 [no. 73], unable to get them bound. Therefore “From England, From England” should be the cry for all standard books’ (W. Lawry, Extract from the Rev. John Hobbs on Paper, printing and books for the Natives; same source as in preceding paragraph).

The next Wesleyan Psalter appeared in 1879, bound with the Psalms (no. 925).

Williams 168, Bagnall 479. Copies: AP, AR. DL, DUHO, NLA. WTU.

354 BIBLE. N.T. Mark. Maori. 1848.

Probationary issue of the Gospel of Mark.

Ko te | Kongo pai a Maka. | [swelled rule] ( Upoko 1. | [. . .] [no imprint. Purewa: Printed at the Bishop’s Press, 1848?]

p. [6Bl-106; 183x117 mm.; stiffened brown cloth covers. Caption title. Signatures begin at T.

Probationary text of the Gospel of Mark, issued under the same circumstances as no. 325. It appears to have been issued in late 1848 as Maunsell refers to it as previously issued in a letter to the CMS of 9 February 1849 (Papers of the New Zealand mission, 1809-1914, CMS Archive, University of Birmingham; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-Coll-04-36, Mission books, CN/M v. 19, p. 539).

For other parts in this series of texts see no. 325, 369, 370 and 383.

Williams 151/ ii, Bagnall 475 (note). Copies: AR, DUHO, WTU.


Church Catechism from the Book of Common Prayer.

He | Katikihama | hei | whakaako i nga tangata katoa | e kawea mai ana kia whakaukia | eTe Pihopa. ![...] [No te Kareti: [i.e. St John’s College, Purewa] | I taia tenei kite Perehi a te Pihopa. [lB4B]]

8 p.; 1 80x 1 27 mm.; coarse brown paper covers (blank). Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 8, Printed at the Bishop's Press.

A revised edition of the Church Catechism, first published in Maori in 1830 and subsequently produced both separately and in collections of catechisms (see no. 12 for details). The same text was also published in London in 1848 (no. 356).

The date of issue is established from entries in St John’s College ledgers. Altogether over 5,000 copies were produced between July 1848 and February 1851, although it is likely this total includes the reset issue without a colophon that was probably printed in 1 850 (see no, 388) (St John's College, Purewa, Book Depository ledgers l-11, 1848-52, ASJ, SJCT 14/36-37; I (p. 9). II (p. 3); microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-0936).

Williams 204, Copies: AP, AR, DL, DUHO, NLA, WTU.




London printing of Church Catechism from the Book of Common Prayer. He | Katikihama | hei | whakaako i nga tangata katoa e | kawea mai ana kia whakaukia | e te Pihopa. | Islington: [i.e. London] | Ka taia i te Perehi o nga Mihanere. | 1848.

11, [1 ] p.; 125x88 mm. Pages [2] and [l2] blank.

An edition published in London by the CMS of the Church Catechism in Maori, first printed in 1830 and subsequently in various collections, as well as separately (see no. 12 for further details). The text is the same as that of the 1848 Purewa text (no. 355).

It is probable that John Telford (who returned to England after the disposal of the CMS printery late in 1847) had the edition printed, but no documentary evidence of this has been found.


Ko te Pukapuka | o nga Inoinga, | me era atu tikanga, | i whakaritea e te Hahi o Ingarani, | mo te minitatanga | o nga hakarameca, | o era atu ritenga hoki a te Hahi: | me nga Waiata ano hoki a Rawiri, | mete tikanga | mo te whiriwhiringa, mo te whakaturanga. | mete whakatapunga ) o nga pihopa, o nga piriti, me nga rikona. | [wavy rule] | Ranana: [i.e. London] | I taia tenei kite Perehi o te Komiti mo te Whakapuaki | i te Mohiotanga ki a te Karaiti. | [rule] | 1848.

[2], ii, [2o], 321, [3] p.; I 75x 105 mm.; full calf with blind tooling. Pages [322324] blank. Prelim, pages: title-page; contents on verso, with colophon: ■Ranana: He mea ta i te Perehi o | W. Watts, Crown Court. Temple Bar.’. Blind tooling on both covers is of two borders (one ornate) enclosing wording: 'Society | for | Promoting | Christian | Knowledge'.

The Anglican Book of Common Prayer with Psalms, preceded by a calendar of readings etc. ([2o] p.) in four tables (though the contents lists only three). In this edition the Epistles and Gospels are cited by reference only (not printed in full) and it is the first to include the service for the ordination of deacons (p. 310-321). It also reinstates in the service for Evening Prayer (p. 20) the prayers for the Queen and the Royal Family: since 1833 (no. 19) these had been replaced by prayers for Maori chiefs. (A different prayer for Maori chiefs is included (p. 33) in a small section of general prayers ‘Ko nga inoi me nga whakawhetainga' following the Litany.)

This edition supersedes the first complete ('large') prayer book in Maori of 1841 (no. 92). The revision of the liturgy was carried out by William Williams, Maunsell, Hamlin and Puckey between May and September 1844 (Missionary register. 1845, p, 365). After an intermediate galley-proof stage (Williams 170 & (S)), the authorised manuscript prepared by Bambridge was sent to England with William Watts in September 1846. The SPCK published 1,000 copies and a reprint in 1850 (no, 391).

On 30 September 1846 William Williams had advised the CMS of a


The Book of Common Prayer, with Psalms and a calendar.

Williams 171. Copies: AP: WTU (photocopy).

359 COLENSO. WILLIAM (1811-1899)

revised order for 20,000 complete prayer books (Papers of the New Zealand mission. 1809-1914, CMS Archive, University of Birmingham; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-Coll-04-36, Mission books. CN/Ml7, p. 71). However, only 910 copies, most bound in sheep and 13 in gilt-edged russia or morocco, were received on 25 September 1848 (St John’s College, Purewa, Book Depository ledger I, 1848-49, ASJ, SJCT 14/36, p. 7; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-0936). Uncertainty about the supply of copies for general distribution led to the decision to print a prayer book locally (no. 392). Hymns were printed to accompany both versions (no. 395).

In his letter of 3 August 1850 to the CMS Maunsell wrote: 'I am not satisfied with your views respecting the book published by the Ch. Know. Society. The insertion of the responses to the Apocrypha I certainly do regret. For the omission of the ‘preface’ of ceremonies, the non allusion to the homilies in the 2nd rubric after the Nicene Creed, the omission of the Articles. Archdeacon W. Williams & myself are I suspect chiefly responsible. We never intended the book to be a complete counterpart of the English Prayerbook, & we were really too much pressed by other duties to feel inclined after our hard ‘fag’, in which my health was weakened to proceed with that compendium of divinity so admirable to us but too abstract at present for native minds’ (Papers of the New Zealand mission, 1809-1914, CMS Archive, University of Birmingham; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-Coll-04-56, Various letters New Zealand mission, CN/O 64(a)).

Other issues and editions of the Anglican prayer book are listed at no. 19. Williams 169, Bagnall 1173. Copies: AP, AR, DL, DUHO. WTU.

358 COLENSO, William (1811-1899)

Sermon outline, based on Ephesians 5:17.

Te hiahia o te Ariki: he kauwau. | [ornamental rule] | “Kei kuware koutou, erangi kia matau kite hiahia | ote Ariki.” Epeha, 5. 17. | [. . .] [No Waitangi, Heretaunga: | I taia kite Perehi ate Koreneho. [ i.e. Waitangi Mission Station Press] | 1848.]

1 sheet ([2] p.); 176x106 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p, [2], Various typographic inconsistencies (see no. 330).

Outline for a sermon based on Ephesians 5:17 on the will of the Lord, chiefly consisting of biblical passages. Colenso delivered the sermon on 20 October and 12 November 1848 and printed the text ‘to please the natives’ on 2t October (William Colenso, Journals 1841-1854, DUHO; copy at WTU, qMS--0487, v, I , p. 100, 110).

Williams 178, Bagnall 1321. Copies: AP, DUHO; WTU (photocopy).


Itinerary for pastoral journey. 1848.

[ltinerary; actual title not known; no copy located. Waitangi, Heretaunga: Printed at the Waitangi Mission Station Press, 1848]

Physical description not known; no copy located. Description from secondary source.


360 COLENSO. WILLIAM (1811-1899)

On 30 December 1848 Colenso mentions that a visiting priest 'knew well the day fixed for my return, for my whole route was as usual, printed and in the native hands' (William Colenso, Journals 1841-1854, DUHO; copy at WTU, qMS-0487, v. 1, p. 138), He is referring to his pastoral journey 25 October--18 December 1848.

Itineraries have been located for the periods March-July 1849, with a supplementary slip for October I 849-February 1850 (no. 372), January-June 1850 (no. 393), February-October 1851 (no. 406) and March-April 1852 (no. 424). The itineraries have the title Ki nga kai-wakaako and the 1848 ‘route’ may well have also had this title.

No copy located.


Rules for the Waitangi mission school. Hawke's Bay.

"Ka meinga nga mea katoa, kaua e amuamu, kaua e | korerorero.” Piripai, 2.14. | [ornamental rule ] | Te tikanga kura. | [ornamental rule] | Mo te karaihe tuatahi. | [. . .] [No Waitangi, Heretaunga: | I taia kite Perehi a te Koreneho. [i.e. Waitangi Mission Station Press] | 1848.]

I folded sheet (4 p ); 173x107 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 4. Various typographic inconsistencies (see no. 330).

A leaflet setting out the programme of instruction each day for four classes at the Waitangi mission school, followed by the school rules and a short scriptural text. It was printed on 18-21 October 1848 (William Colenso, Journals 1841-1854, DUHO; copy at WTU. qMS-0487, v. I. p. 100).

Williams 177, Bagnall 1332. Copies: AP, AR (Colenso papers, MS 76), DUHO, WTU.


List of people who had given up smoking in 1847 and 1848.

Ko te hunga tenei o Heretaunga, o te Takutai anga atu wakarunga puta noa ki Turakirae, | o Wairarapa, o hea, o hea, ka mahue i a ratou te kai tupeka, i enei tau, 1847, 1848. | No Heretaunga enei. | Renata Kawepo. | Noa Huke. | Aperahama Powa, | [755 additional names in 3 columns separated by vertical rules] \ No Waitangi. Heretaunga: I taia kite perehi a te Koreneho: [re. Waitangi Mission Station Press] 1848.

1 sheet ([I ] p.); 345x215 mm. Various typographic inconsistencies (see no. 330).

A list of 158 names of Maori who had given up smoking in 1847-1848, headed by Renata Kawepo and arranged by area: Heretaunga (70). Manawatu (1), Takutai (East Coast; 27) and Wairarapa (60). The size of paper used is larger than earlier items Colenso printed at the Waitangi press.

Copies: WTU.

362 FITZGERALD, John Patrick (1815-1897)

Advice on health matters.

Ki nga | tangata Maori, | o Poneke. | O hea noa atu, o hea noa atu. |


364 MAUNSELL. ROBERT (1810-1894)

[ornamental rule ] | Printed at the Office of the Wellington Independent, | Lambton Quay. [Wellington: 1848?]

11, [l] p,; 188x113 mm. Pages [2] and [l2] blank. Signed at end of text: ‘Na Takuta Pitihira. | J. Fitzgerald, M.D.. | Colonial Surgeon. | Translated by His Excellency’s Command. | H. Tacy Kemp, | Native Secretary.’

Health advice for Maori, identifying the need for proper clothing, food and housing. A much expanded version of the pamphlet issued by Fitzgerald in 1844 (no. 203-204). The text was reprinted with the English original (dated Wellington, 9 May 1848) in the Maori messenger, no. 17 (16 August 1849).

Williams 117 S. (S), Bagnall 1969. Copies: AP. WTU.

363 KEMP, Henry Tacy (1818-1901)

An English-Maori vocabulary, phrases and sentences.

The first step to | Maori conversation, | being a collection | of some of the most useful nouns, | adjectives, and verbs, | with a series of useful phrases, | and 1 elementary sentences, | alphabetically arranged, | in two parts, | (intended for the use of the colonists,) | by | Henry Tacy Kemp, J. P., | Native Secretary. | [ ornamental rule] | Wellington: | Printed at the Office of the “Independent,” corner of | Willis Street and Lambton Quay, Port Nicholson, I New Zealand. I [rule] I M.DCCC.XLVIII.

vi. [2], 48, [4] p.; 187x107 mm. Pages [ii], [iv], [viii] and [s2] blank. Colophon p. 48: ‘Printed at the Office of the “Wellington Independent,” Lambton i quay.’. Pages l-[49] printed in two columns.

Vocabulary, phrases and sentences from English into Maori, for English speakers. The text is followed by a list of subscribers (p. [49]) to 289 copies, and comments (p. [5O-51]) on the desirability of using the Maori language, with quotations from William Williams’s Dictionary (1844; no. 217) and I K E. Dieffenbach’s Travels in New Zealand (London, 1843).

It was advertised in the Wellington independent between 17 December 1847 and 12 February 1848 as soon to be published and ‘suitable for all classes and especially for those having any trade or connection with the aborigines.’ Kemp’s manuscript at AP (GNZ MMSS 37) is annotated by Sir George Grey as received on 12 June 1847. Alexander Turnbull bought the WTU copy 'in Paris on the Quais in 1884’ (MS note).

For subsequent editions see no. 701,727, 739 and 932.

Williams 174 & (S) and 1 75, Bagnall 2958. Copies: AP. WTU.

364 MAUNSELL, Robert (1810-1894)

Third edition of catechetical questions.

He patai. | [rule] | Ma te monlta e panga te patai, ka oho Maori mai ai te karaihe; ko | reira te monita mea ai, "Tena koa te kupu,” a ma ratou e whakahua | mai te tino wahi ote rarangi e rite ana. | Upoko 1. | [. . .] [no imprint. Purewa: Printed at the Bishop’s Press, 1848]

8 p.; 183x129 mm.; coarse brown paper covers (blank). Caption title. Inner margin 26 mm.


365 STRASS. FRIEDRICH (1766-1845)

A third edition of catechetical questions with Scripture reference answers, first published in 1842 (no. 114). This edition has 108 questions in nine sections, somewhat rearranged from the second edition (no. 210): ten questions are printed on p. [l],

The style suggests it was printed at the Bishop’s Press after St John’s College took control of the CMS press in August 1847. Ledger records show 1,000 copies were received from the bindery on 4 August 1848 and the first copies issued on 8 August, from a total print run (to July 1849) of 2,951 copies (St John’s College, Purewa, Book Depository ledger I, 1848-49, ASJ. SJCT 14/36, p. 10: microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-0936).

A further edition was printed in 1850 (no. 399).

Williams 109, Bagnall 3468 (note). Copies: AP. AR, DUHO, NLA. WTU.

365 STRASS, Friedrich (1766-1845)

A summary of Scripture history to Solomon, based on Der Strom der Zeiten.

He | whakapapa | ara. | [double rule] | Nga mahi me nga aha noa | a | te Atua raua ko tana Hahi. | [double rule] | Auckland: | Printed by J.

Williamson for the Church Mission | [rule] | 1847, [i.e. 1848]

45, [3] p.; 170x102 mm.; blue paper covers (blank). Pages [2] and [46-48] blank. At end of text: 'Ka mutu te pukapuka tuatahi.’.

Scripture history as far as Solomon. It is a summary of William Bell’s translation (Descriptive guide to the stream of time (London, 1810)) of Strass’s Der Strom der Zeiten (Berlin, 1802).

William Bambridge was instructed to prepare a summary of Bell’s work in early 1847, eventually producing a text which satisfied Selwyn on 24 February. His diary explains some of the difficulties encountered (William Bambridge. Diary, WTU, qMS-0122. entries for 15 and 25 January. 18 and 24 February 1847). It was then translated by Robert Maunsell, whose report to the CMS for 1848 said the Religious Tract Society had contributed the paper and £lO towards the total cost of over £43, and that printing of the second part was underway at St John’s (Papers of the New Zealand mission 18091914, CMS Archive, University of Birmingham: microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-Coll-04-36, Mission books, CN/M v. 18, p. 530),

The Central Committee approved its printing in September 1847 but by then Telford had departed and it was contracted out to Williamson. 500 copies of 'Scripture History Part 1 ’ were received from the binder on 25 September I 848, and the first copies issued on 27 October (St John's College, Purewa, Book Depository ledger I, 1848-49, ASJ. SJCT 14/36, p. 6; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-0936).

The second part, which finally appeared in 1850 (no. 384), is based on a different original text.

Williams 155, Bagnall 6003. Copies: ABH, AP, AR, DL, DUHO, NLA. WTU.



366 TAYLOR, Richard (1805-1873)

Mdori-English vocabularies, mainly relating to natural history.

A leaf | from the | natural history | of | New Zealand; | or, | A vocabulary of its different productions, | &c., &c., | with their native names. | By | Richard Taylor. M.A., F.G.S. | Wellington, New Zealand: | Printed and published by Robert Stokes, at the Office | of the “New Zealand Spectator and Cook’s Strait | Guardian.” Manners-Street, Te Aro; and published by | J. Williamson. “New Zealander Office,” Auckland, | 1848.

xix, [l], 102 p,; 148x105 mm. (untrimmed); pink paper covers. Pages [ii], [iv], [xx], [2] and 22 blank. Pages (3]-9l printed in two columns. Colophon p. 102: ‘Printed at the Spectator Office.’. Title on front cover: ‘A leaf | from the 1 natural history | of | New Zealand.’.

The work, for use by 'the settler’, contains extensive vocabularies of Maori names for plants and animals, and other features of the natural and cultural environment, with extensive explanatory notes. It is rather erratically divided into Parts l-V (but lacking Part II) headed ‘Natural history’, 'Time', ‘Native pharmacopeia', and 'Parts of trees'; these are followed by a useful section on edible native plants (p. 92-99) and a comparison of some Maori-Polynesian words (p. 99-102). Williams 176 a is a proof copy.

H. W. Williams ( Dictionary of the Maori language (Wellington. 1917), p. vi, comments: 'The arrangement of the lists is somewhat promiscuous, and the matter contained in them in many cases unreliable, typographical and transcriptional errors being of very frequent occurrence. The plan of the work was undoubtedly good, and it has unfortunately exercised a sort of fascination over many students of the language, who have included in their lists of words strange forms which are due solely to the vagaries of this insidiously attractive little book.'

A revised edition with the title Maori and English dictionary was published in 1870 (no. 751).

Williams 176, Bagnall 5484. Copies: AP, AR, DL, WTU,


Revised edition of the Wesleyan adaptation of the Book of Common Prayer.

Ko | te Pukapuka | o nga Inoinga, | me nga himene, &c. | mo nga karakiatanga | o nga tangata | o te Hahi Weteriana. | [ wavy rule] | Akarana: [i.e. Auckland] | He mea ta i te Perehi o Williamson and Wilson. | [rule] \ 1848.

115, [l] p.; 175x109 mm.; dark brown ribbed cloth boards. Title-page bordered with double rule. Page [2] blank. Printed in two columns separated by vertical rule.

A revised edition of no. 258 (1845), the Wesleyan adaptation of the Anglican prayer book, with Wesleyan hymns, catechisms and rules. This edition includes 83 hymns and an additional section 'Ko te Ritani.’ (p. 13-[l7]). For later editions see no. 555. 925 and 1419.

Williams I 73. Copies: AP, AR. DL, DUHO. NLA, WTU.



368 BIBLE. O.T. Judges. Maori 1849.

Probationary issue of Judges and Ruth.

Ko nga kai | Whakariterite. | [rule] | Upoko 1. | A i muri iho ite matenga o Hohua, na ka ui nga tama- | riki a lharaira ki a Ihowa, ka mea, Ko wai o matou e | haere ki mua ki nga Kanaani whawhai ai ki a ratou? | [. . ,] [no imprint. Purewa: Printed at St John’s College Press for the Church Mission, 1849]

71, [l] p.; 170x103 mm. Caption title. Page [72] blank. Caption title p. [63]: 'Ko Rutu'. Running titles: 'Whakariterite,' and 'Rutu.'.

Probationary text of the Books of Judges and Ruth, continuing Maunsell's translation of the Old Testament, which had begun with Exodus In 1842 (no, 103). The collected Hexateuch had been published in 1847 (no. 319) and Psalms as part of the prayer book in 1848 (no. 357). Further texts (with independent pagination and signature sequences) up to the end of Job were produced over the next few years, see no. 382, 404, 41 7-418, 440-444, 449. Three variant bound collections were issued in 1853-54 (no. 438-439, 448) and some copies of the individual parts are found only in these bound volumes.

In his letter to the CMS of 9 February 1849 Maunsell wrote: 'The Bishop's press has lately begun to shew more signs of efficiency. How long its goodness will continue I know not. The works now in the press are Old Testament from Judges to 2 Chronicles inclusive, to be completed probably in the next two years’ (Papers of the New Zealand mission, 1809-1914, CMS Archive, University of Birmingham: microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-Coll--04-36, Mission books, CN/M v. 19, p. 539).

Maunsell's manuscript of Judges 1-11: 21 is marked ‘Forwarded to St Johns to be printed Jan 5/49 1300 copies R.M.’ and Judges 12 is dated 21 May 1849 (AP, GNZ MMSS 74). Telford was typesetting Ruth in July 1849 (John Telford. Diary 1849, WTU, qMS-2004-15). Of the 44 bound copies recorded, 40 were issued to the Wesleyan Mission in November 1849 (St John's College. Purewa, Book Depository ledgers Ml. 1848-52, ASJ, SJCT 14/36-37, I (p. 15), II (p. 95); microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-0936).

After revision the translations were included in the 1855 London edition of Judges-Psalms (no. 455). The final portions of the translation of the Old Testament (Proverbs-Malachi) appeared in 1856 (no. 463-464).

Williams 251/i-ii, Bagnall 481 (note). Copies: AP, WTU (in bound vol., no. 438).

369 BIBLE. N.T. Luke. Maori. 1849?

Probationary issue of the qospel of Luke.

Ko te | Kongo pai a Ruka. | [swelled rule] \ Upoko 1. 1 [. . .] [no imprint. Purewa: Printed at St John's College Press for the Church Mission, 1849?]

p. [lo7]-172; 182x118 mm.: stiffened brown cloth covers. Caption title. Signatures begin at 'O'. Pages 171-172 on separate leaf with signature 'x'.

WTU copy is interleaved and has label with wavy border on front cover; 'St. Luke. 1 Probationary copy. | To be returned to [rule] \ before [rule].' Label inside front cover as for no, 325.

I 90

572 COLENSQ. WILLIAM (1811-1899)

Probationary text of the Gospel of Luke, issued under the same circumstances as no. 325. In a letter to the CMS of 9 February 1849 Maunsell refers to Luke as being nearly issued (Papers of the New Zealand mission. 1809-1914, CMS Archive, University of Birmingham: microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-Coll--04-36, CN/M v. 19. p. 539). The WTU copy was to be returned to Rev. Kissling by 1 February 1850.

For other parts in this series of texts see no. 325, 354, 370 and 383,

Williams 151/ iii, Bagnall 475 (note). Copies: DUHO. WTU.

370 BIBLE. N.T. John. Maori. 1849?

Probationary issue of the Gospel of lohn.

Ko te | Kongo pai a Hoani. | [swelled rule] | Upoko I. | [. . .] [no imprint. Purewa: Printed at St John's College Press for the Church Mission, 1849?]

p. [l7s]-226; 182x117 mm.; stiffened brown cloth covers. Caption title. Signatures begin at '[Y]’. Label inside front cover as for no. 325.

Probationary text of the Gospel of John, issued under the same circumstances as no. 325. From comparison with the Gospel of Luke (no. 369), this part was very likely also published in 1849.

For other parts in this series of texts see no. 325, 354, 369 and 383.

Williams 151/ iv, Bagnall 475 (note). Copies: WTU.


Three catechisms.

Ko | nga katikihama | etoru. | [swelled rule] \ No te Kareti. [i.e. St John's College, Purewa] | 1 taia tenei kite Perehi a te Pihopa. | [swelled rule] \ 1849.

19, [l] p.; 180x120 mm.; brown paper covers (blank). Pages [2] and [2o] blank. Printed at the Bishop's Press.

Three catechisms numbered 'Ko te Katikihama tuatahi', 'Ko te Katikihama tuatahi’ [i.e. '. . . tuarua'], and 'Ko te Katikihama tuatoru'. The contents are the same as the first three catechisms in the collection published in 1840 (no. 71), i.e. Yate's 1830 catechism, and two by Isaac Watts. In this edition the first Watts catechism has been shortened from 24 to 16 questions, and the 'wh' digraph is used.

The printing of 5,000 copies was approved by the CMS Central Committee on 4 April 1849 (Meeting of the Central Committee held at Tauranga April 4th 1849, in George Clarke, Letters and journals 1822-1871, v. 5, letter no. 79, WTU, qMS-0467). The printing quality varies, and the work was presumably done by St John's College pupils under the supervision of William Nihill.

Williams 184. Copies: AP, AR, DUHO. NLA, WTU.

372 COLENSO, William (1811-1899)

Itineraries for visits March-August 1849 and October 1849-February 1850. Ki nga kai-wakaako. | [ornamental rule] | He korero tenei mo te haere o te


373 CQLENSO. WILLIAM (1811-1899)

Koreneho e takoto ake | nei; ara, kite pai te Atua ka rite. [. . .] | (. . ,] [n o Waitangi [Heretaunga]; i taia kite Perehi a te Koreneho. [i.e. Waitangi Mission Station Press] 1849.1

1 sheet ([2] p.); 160x100 mm. Imprint from colophon p. [2], Some tvoograohic inconsistencies (see no. 330).

Itinerary for Colenso's pastoral journey 11 March-8 July 1849, native teachers' visits 15 April-19 August 1849, and annual meeting 3 September. The only known copy is in Colenso’s copy of the 1 849 church almanac. A supplementary slip (1 13x90 mm.) lists native teachers’ visits 14 October 1849-10 February 1850. The first line of this is: ‘Oketopa 14. Hohepa Paewai ki Te Hawera.'. In this and the later itineraries the combination ”w’ is used for ‘wh’. For other years see no. **359, 393, 406, 424.

Copies: WTU (in Maramataka, MSX-4597).


A catechism for use in the Waitangi mission. Hawke’s Bay.

Ko te | katikihama motumotu: | ara, | Ko tona wahi tuatahi. | [ornamental rule] | [illustration (Abraham sacrificing Isaac) with caption: Ko te

wakapatungataputanga [sic] o Ihaka. | (Ta Hemi, 2.21-23. Roma, 4.23,24.)] | [ornamental rule] | No Waitangi, Heretaunga: | I taia kite Perehi a te Koreneho. [i.e. Waitangi Mission Station Press] | 1849.

[2], 38 p.; 170x107 mm. Made up of 9 folded sheets, each of 4 p,; the titlepage (3 Bible quotations on verso) and p. 37-38 are on a conjugate wraparound leaf. Various typographic inconsistencies (see no. 330) and some unnumbered pages.

A catechism by Colenso, adapted from the Old Testament part of the catechism of Scripture names by Isaac Watts, with additional questions.

Printing began on 4 July 1848 and on 14 September Colenso reported: 'we are now printing a catechetical work (based on those of Dr Watts) in which we are advanced to the 24th page - but we get on but very slowly, from want of type &c being able to print only 2 pages at a time’ (William Colenso, Letters 1834-1853, DUHO; copy at WTU, qMS-0491, v. I, p. 163). Printing of 200 copies was finally completed on 7 August 1849 (William Colenso. Journals 1841-1854, DUHO; copy at WTU. qMS-0488, v. 2, p. 226).

Williams 191. Copies: AR (MS 76, Colenso papers). WTU.


An anti-Catholic tract.

He | manuwiri hou, | ko | te wakakite. | “Ko te mea katoa e wakakite ana he maramatanga raia.” | [ornamental rule] | [four scriptural quotations. It lines] | [ornamental rule] \ No Waitangi, Heretaunga: | I taia kite Perehi a te Koreneho. [i.e. Waitangi Mission Station Press] | 1849.

[2], 8 p.: 187 x I 1 7 mm.; blue-grey paper; coarse brown paper covers (blank). Printed on 5 single sheets. Various typographic inconsistencies (see no. 330).

The Nicene Creed (on verso of title-page) followed by a contrast between the



‘old faith’ of the Church of England and the 'new error’ of the Church of Rome (p. 1-8). Signed at the end 'Naku, na te Koreneho.’

Reprinted for Colenso by Robert Stokes in Wellington in 1852 (no. 425). Williams 193, Bagnall 1326. Copies: ABH, WTU.

375 COTTON, William Charles (1813-1879)

Bee-keeping and the making of honey.

Ko | nga pi; | me | nga tikanga mo te tiaki i a ratou, | mo te mahinga i to ratou honi, | I ta ratou ware. | [double rule] | Printed at St. John’s College Press. | 1849. [Purewa]

21. [3] p.: 173x1 12 mm.; coarse brown paper covers (blank). Pages [2], [4] and [22-24] blank.

A booklet on the keeping of bees and making of honey. Cotton, chaplain to Bishop Selwyn at St John’s College, wrote several treatises on bees in English (see Bagnall 1442-1443, 1448). Bees were first introduced into New Zealand in 1839 at Mangungu in the Hokianga by Mary Bumby, sister of Wesleyan missionary John Bumby; for a summary of the history of the introduction of bees and Cotton’s contribution see P. Barrett, The immigrant bees 1788 to 1898 (Springwood, N.S.W., 1995), p. lb-99.

The booklet is better printed than most done at the college at this time, suggesting that John Telford was the printer, following his return from England. St John's ledgers record the arrival of 1,000 copies on 5 September 1849, with half still in stock in 1854 (St John’s College, Purewa, Book Depository ledgers Mil, 1848-54, ASJ, SJCT 14/36-38; I (p. 11), II (p. 71), 111 (p. 23); microfilm copy at WTU. Micro-MS-0936).

Williams 186, Bagnall 1445. Copies: ABH, AP, DL, DUHO, WTU.


Rules of the clothing club and record of payments.

Ko te tikanga mo te Kohikohinga Moni 1 hei Hoko Kakahu. 1 [swelled rule] \ Na ko te whakaaro i roto i tenei kohikohinga he whaka- | puranga i te moni, kia tini hei hoko i nga kakahu maroro. | kakahu e kore nei e hohoro te motumotu, [. . .] | [. . .] [no imprint. Purewa: Printed at the Bishop's Press, 1849]

[B] p.; I 72x 125 mm,; coarse brown paper covers (blank). Caption title. Pages [3-7] ruled for recording transactions. Caption title p. [2]: 'He ture enei | mo te kohikohinga moni hei hoko kakahu. | 1849.’. Text in smaller size type on p. [l] includes the special tg character for ‘ng’ (see no. 384 for further information).

Rules of the clothing club and directions for paying subscriptions, with suggestions for ordering clothing, and pages for recording transactions. Payments could be made to 'Mata Matenga kei Taurarua' (Mrs Martin at Taurarua); 'Mata Kihiringi kei Te Ruareoreo' (Mrs Kissling at Te Ruareoreo) or to 'Mata Pihopa kite Karete' (Mrs Bishop [Selwyn] at the College). On p, [B] is a notice headed 'Muka' about prices paid for flax thread, signed 'Na Te Waitero.' (M. Whytlaw) that was also printed in the Maori messenger and



other newspapers in January 1849. See also no. 207 for clothing club rules apparently dating from 1844.

Williams 188, Bagnall 5564. Copies: AP, AR, WTU.

ill POMPALLIER, Jean Baptiste Franpois (1801-1871)

An elementary Maori grammar and vocabulary.

Notes grammaticales | sur | la langue maorie | ou | neo-zelandaise, | par Mgr Pompallier. 1 [ornamental rule] | Lyon, | Imprimerie d'Antoine Perisse, | Imp. de N. S, P. le Pape | et de S. Em. Mgr le Cardinal-Archeveque, | 1849.

40 p.; 213x133 mm.: bright green paper covers. Page [2] blank. The titlepage is repeated on the front cover with an ornamental border; ornament and ornamental border on back cover. 'Erratum' printed on inside front cover.

A basic Maori grammar (to p, 22) and vocabulary (p, 23-40) written in French for the Marist order. The ‘wh’ digraph is not used. A second edition was published in 1860 (no. 522).

The work is probably related to Pompallier's earlier text 'Grammatical notes on the New Zealand language’, that was advertised in October 1841 in several issues of the New Zealand herald and Auckland gazette (e.g, 16 October 1841, p. [l]). Although stated to be ‘in press' and to be published by the printer, John Moore, it seems never to have appeared. Presumably in English, it was almost certainly upstaged by Maunsell's grammar, also printed by Moore, that appeared in parts from May 1842 (see no. 130).

Williams 190, Bagnall 4611. Copies: ABH, AP, NLA. WTU.

378 He RONGOA Will

Recipes for dressing wheat, making yeast, and curing bacon.

He rongoa witi. | Tenei ano he rongoa witi ma koutou, kia ora ai te pura- | pura, kei pirau nga hua ana tupu ake a mua. | [. . .] [no imprint. Purewa: Printed at St John's College Press. 1849]

1 folded sheet ([4] p.); 180x120 mm. Caption title. Page [4] blank. Recipes for dressing wheat ('He rongoa witi'). making yeast ('Ko te ritenga mo te hanga rewena'), curing bacon ('Ko te ritenga mo te hanga pekone'). As well as this separate issue it was also bound up with the Maori almanac for 1850 (S2Ol/1850). The sections on wheat and yeast also appeared in the Anglo-Maori warder, no. 5 and 6 (23 and 30 May 1848).

Williams 219 a (S), Sommerville 448 a, Bagnall 4915. Copies: DUHO, WTU.

379 THOMSON, Arthur Saunders (1816-1860)

Pamphlet on smallpox.

Pukapuka | ki nga | tangata Maori, | hei tohu i a ratou i te mate | koroputaputa. | [wavy rule] | Akarana: [i.e. Auckland] | He mea ta i te Perehi o Williamson & Wilson. | [rule] \ 1849,


381 ASHWELL. BENJAMIN YATE (1810-1883)

15, [l] p.; 165x110 mm. Pages [2] and [l6] blank. Caption title p. [3]: 'Koroputaputa.'

A warning against smallpox (te mate koroputaputa) written at the request of Governor Grey. It was printed together with the English version in the Maori messenger, no. 2 (19 January 1849). This issue is from the same setting, reimposed. Thomson's authorship is identified from the manuscript of part of the Enelish text (WTU. Polvnesian Society oaoers, MS-Paoers-l 187-1 19).

Williams 195, Bagnall 4716. Copies: AP, AR, DL, DUHO, NLA, WTU.

380 ABRAHAM, Charles John (1814-1903), attrib.

Lessons on the Church Catechism. Part I.

He | whakapuaki | I nga | tikanga o te Katikihama | o te | Hahi o Ingarani. | [double rule] | Printed at St. John's College Press. | 1849. [i.e. 1850] (Purewa]

22. [2] p, 186 x I 18 mm.; blue paper covers (blank). Pages [2] and [23-24] blank.

A set of questions and answers (frequently Scripture references) explanatory of the Church Catechism. It is a translation by William Williams, probably of Lessons on the Church Catechism (Eton, 1849) by Rev. Charles Abraham who arrived to work with Selwyn in August 1850. Part 2 was produced in 1852 (no. 416).

The decision to print 5,000 copies was made by the CMS Central Committee on 4 April 1849 (Papers of the New Zealand mission 1809-1914, CMS Archive, University of Birmingham; microfilm copy at WTU, Various letters New Zealand mission, Micro-MS-Coll-04-42). 4969 copies were produced between 1 1 April 1850 and 2 July 1852 (St John's College, Purewa, Book Depository ledgers IHII, 1850-54, ASJ, SJCT 14/37-38, II (p. 77), 111 (p. 54); microfilm coov at WTU. Micro-MS-0936).

Williams 185. Copies: AP, AR, DL, DUHO, NLA, WTU.

381 ASHWELL, Benjamin Yate (1810-1883)

The customs of the village of Bethany.

Nga tikanga o te kainga o Petani. | [swelled rule] \ Ko nga ture enei mo nga tangata me nga ta- | mariki e noho ana kite whare kura. | [65 lines in two columns separated by double vertical rule] | Na te Ahiwera. [no imprint. Purewa?: Printed at St John's College Press?, ca. 1850]

1 sheet ([l] p.); 216x280 mm.

A notice signed by Ashwell, setting out the customs of the village of Bethany (which has not been identified), including rules for adults and children attending the school, the timetables for ringing the bell, for meals, instruction and rest. Williams notes it was drawn up apparently at the request of the government, probably about 1850. It may relate to Ashwell's exemplary mission school at Kaitotehe.

Williams 210, Bagnall 136. Copies: AP; WTU (photocopy).



382 BIBLE. O.T. Samuel, Ist. Maori. 1850.

Probationary issue of I Samuel.

Ko te pukapuka tuatahi | o | Hamuera. | [rule] | Upoko 1. | I Ramataimatopimi i maunga Eperaima te tahi tangata, | ko Erekana tona ingoa, he Eparati, he tama na lero- | hama, tama a Erihu, ko ia nei he tama na Tohu, a he | tama tenei na tupu: | [, . .] [no imprint. Purewa; Printed at St John’s College Press for the Church Mission, 1850]

83, [l] p.; 170x102 mm. Caption title. Page [B4] blank. Running title: ‘Hamuera I.’.

Probationary text of I Samuel, in the series of Maunsell’s translation of Old Testament texts up to Job that began in 1849 with Judges and Ruth (see no. 368 for details).

Telford began printing this in September 1849 and Maunsell refers to it having been completed in a letter of 3 August 1850 to the CMS (Papers of the New Zealand mission, 1809-1914, CMS Archive, University of Birmingham; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-ColTo4-56, Various letters New Zealand mission, CN/O 64 (a)).

Williams 251/ iii, Bagnall 481 (note). Copies: AP, WTU (in bound vof, no. 438)

383 BIBLE. N.T. Acts. Maori. 1850?

Probationary issue of Acts.

Ko | nga Mahi a nga Apotoro. | [swelled rule] | To mua korero he mea tuhituhi naku [. . .] | [. . .] [no imprint. Purewa: Printed at St John’s College Press for the Church Mission, 1850?]

p. [227]-289, [l]; 182x1 18 mm.; stiffened brown cloth covers. Caption title. Page [2B9] blank. Signatures begin at '2E'.

Probationary text of the Acts of the Apostles, issued under the same circumstances as no. 325. The date of issue is inferred from Maunsell's letter to the CMS of 3 August 1850: ‘Our revision of the New Testament has been printed up to near the end of Acts' (Papers of the New Zealand mission 18091914, CMS Archive. University of Birmingham; microfilm copy at WTU. Micro-MS-Coll-04-56, Various letters New Zealand mission, CN/064(A)).

For other parts in this series of texts see no. 325, 354, 369, 370.

Williams 151/ v, Bagnall 475 (note). Copies: DL, WTU.

384 BURGH, William (fl. 1800-1862)

Second part of a summary of Scripture history, to the time oj Christ.

He | whakapapa, | ara, | nga mahi, me nga aha noa | a | te Atua raua ko tana Hahi, | Ko te rua o nga wahi. | [double rule] \ St. John’s College: | Printed at the College Press. | [rule] \ 1849. [i.e. 1850] [Purewa]

58, [lo] p.; 196x127 mm. (untrimmed); blue paper covers (blank). Final [lo] p. printed in tabular form, parallel with the spine.

The second part of a Scripture history, beginning with a geographical overview of Canaan and its natural curiosities such as the foods and animals of the Jews. From the suffering of Job, the account continues with Rehoboam.



the captivity, later prophets, the Maccabees and the Gospels. The final section ([ 10] p.) is a tabulated version of Christ’s life. (For the first part of the history see no. 365.)

The source work and date of issue are identified in Maunsell's letter of 3 August 1850 to the CMS: ‘The second part of my scripture history containing a translation of a digest of Townsend's harmony by Mr Burgh of Dublin has just been printed' (Papers of the New Zealand mission 1809-1914, CMS Archive. University of Birmingham; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-Coll--04-56, Various letters New Zealand mission, CN/O 64(a)). The title of Burgh's digest has not been identified, but the primary source work is George Townsend's The Old Testament, arranged in historical and chronological order

The typeface includes a special characte tg for ’ng’. This character is only seen in works printed in 1849-1850 and appears to be another typographical experiment. (For an earlier Maunsell experiment, using the ‘g’ alone, see no. 206.)

The CMS Central Committee approved the printing of 5,000 copies on 4 April 1849 (G. Clarke, Letters and journals, 1822-1871, v. 5, no. 79. WTU qMS-0467). However the St John’s College ledgers identify a total of only 1779 copies received from the bindery between October 1850 and September 1852 (St John’s College, Purewa, Book Depository ledgers 11-111, 1850-54, ASJ. SJCT 14/37-38; II (p. 23), 111 (p. 71); microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-0936).

Williams 187, Bagnall 6004. Copies: AP, AR, DL, DUHO, WTU.


Wellington edition of the Society’s Jubilee statement of 2 November 1848. E te whanau, | No naianei tata i tae mai ai te pukapuka i Ingarani, | no te Komiti o nga Mihanere o te Hahi, i tuhituhia mai | ra kia koutou, ki nga tangata Maori o Nui Tireni kua | tango nei kite Rongo-pai, | ] [I taia tenei e R. Te Toki, Wereta, [i.e. Wellington] Nui Tireni. [lBso?]]

8 p.; 229x143 mm. (untrimmed). Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 8. Signed at end: ‘Na o koutou tuakana i roto i a te Karaite’. Printed by Robert Stokes.

A translation of the CMS Jubilee statement of 2 November 1848 with a prefatory letter (p. 1 -3) by local missionaries explaining the obscurities of the message, which was of a general nature intended to encourage a sense of responsibility for saving the souls of others. This translation (without the preface) is the same as that printed with the English original in the Maori messenger. 25 April 1850, p. [3-4],

On 2 March 1850 the CMS Central Committee approved printing 500 copies of the Jubilee statement with preface, but the printer is not identified (Papers of the New Zealand mission, 1809-1914, CMS Archive, University of Birmingham; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-Coll-04-42, Various letters New Zealand mission).

Colenso produced a different translation (no. 386) and a further (unseen) version was printed at Kaitaia (no, **3B7).

Williams 257. Bagnall 1 127. Copies: AP, AR. WTU.

. (2 v., London, 1821).




Ko te pukapuka | a te hui nui | no nga Mihanere a te Hahi, | i huihui atu ki Ranana: | Ki o ratou teina, ki o ratou tuahine, | ara, | Kite hunga wakapono katoa | o ia wahi o ia wahi | o te ao Maori nei kua mihaneretia. | [rule] 1 No te huinga i tau haringa nui i tuhia ai. | [rule] | No Waitangi. Heretaunga: | I taia kite Perehi a te Koreneho. [i.e. Waitangi Mission Station Press] 1 1850.

8, [2] p,: 170x108 mm.; blue paper spine strip. Pages 3-8 printed on single sheets. The title-page (verso blank) and p. [9-10] are on a conjugate wraparound leaf. Page [9] unnumbered, p. [lo] blank. Signed at end: Na te Perihirenite o te Komiti, na Titeta.' (CMS President, Lord Chichester) and also by the secretaries 'Henere Wene’, 'Hoani Taka', ‘Heketa Tereiti' (Venn, Tucker and Straith).

A translation of the CMS Jubilee statement dated 2 November 1848, quite different from that printed in Wellington (no. 385). Colenso refers to translating and printing it in his letter to the CMS dated 27 February 1850 (William Colenso, Letters 1834-1853, DUHO; copy at WTU, qMS-0492, v. 2, p. 289). It is the first publication that does not have the typographic inconsistencies of the earliest items from the Waitangi mission press (see no. 330), though italics are used for quotations.

Williams 208. Bagnall I 152. Copies: AR (MS 76, Box 3). WTU.


Kaitdia edition of the Society's Jubilee statement of 2 November 1848. [Translation of Jubilee statement of the Church Missionary Society; actual title not known; no copy located. Kaitaia: Printed at the Kaitaia Mission Station Press. 1850]

Physical description not known; no copy located. Description from secondary source.

A further translation of the CMS statement of 2 November 1848; for other editions see no. 385-386. In his letter of 28 February 1850 to the CMS, Puckey enclosed a copy of 'your circular which I have translated and printed. It was read in every chapel the Sunday following' (Papers of the New Zealand mission, 1809-1914, CMS Archive, University of Birmingham; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-Coll-04-37, Mission books, CN/Ml9, p. 92).

No copy located.


Reset issue of the Church Catechism from the Book of Common Prayer. He | katikihama | hei 1 whakaako i nga tangata katoa 1 e kawea mai ana kia whakaukia | eTe Pihopa. | [. . .] [no imprint. Purewa; Printed at the Bishop's Press, 1850?]

8 p.; 1 73x1 I 5 mm.; coarse brown paper covers (blank).

A reset issue of the 1848 Purewa printing of the Church Catechism (no. 355).


Colenso's edition of the Society's Jubilee statement of 2 November 1848.


It lacks the colophon on p. 8 of the earlier issue and the text on p. 7-8 is leaded to fill the pages. Although undated, it was probably issued in 1850 from its association with the 1850 edition of Maunsell’s He patai (no. 399) that is usually bound with it. 300 copies were also issued bound with ’Himene’ (the Morning and Evening Prayer, Litany and hymns), see no. 392.2.

The St John’s ledger records that 1000 copies of the Catechism were received on both 22 March and 10 June 1850, though this issue and that with the colophon (no. 355) are not separately identified (St John’s College, Purewa, Book Depository ledger 11, 1850-52, ASJ, SJCT 14/37, p. 3; microfilm copy at WTU. Micro-MS-0936). The ledger also records that 843 copies of both the Catechism and He patai were sent to the bindery between November 1850 and February 1851, presumably for the joint issue (Ledger 11, p. 3 and 7).

See no. 12 for details of the various issues of the Church Catechism.

Williams 205. Copies: AP, AR. WTU.


Four catechisms, printed in London.

Ko nga katikihama ewha | na nga mihanere o te Hahi | o Ingarani. | I tai. kite Perehi a Buck & Straker, London. I 1850.

32 p.; 175x115 mm. Page [2] blank.

A London reprint of the text of the 1847 Wellington edition (no. 329).

For other collections of Church of England catechisms (of which the contents tend to vary, though there are usually four) see no. 18,71. 108. 371, 420 and 881.

Williams 215. Copies: AP. AR, DUHO. WTU (imperfect).


Calendar of readings from the New Testament and Psalms.

Ko nga upoko mo etahi Ratapu | me era atu ra nui. | Mo te Ra o te Whanautanga mo te ata, Ruka 2, ki r. 15. | mo te ahiahi, Taituha 3. r. 1-9. | [. . .] [no imprint. Purewa: Printed at St John’s College Press for the Church Mission, 1850?]

7. [l] p,; 180x115 mm. Caption title. Page [B] blank. Mainly printed in tabular form. No signature marks.

A table listing New Testament lessons for morning and evening services each day and (with Psalms) for major observances such as Easter. The only copies located are bound with the Church of England prayer book and hymns (no. 392.3).

Williams 206/ i. Copies: AP. DL, DUHO, NLA. WTU (all in bound vol„ no. 392.3)


Reprint of London edition of the Book of Common Prayer and Psalms. Ko te Pukapuka | o nga Inoinga, | me era atu tikanga, | i whakaritea e te



Hahi o Ingarani, | mo te minitatanga | o nga hakarameta, | o era atu ritenga hoki a te Hahi: | me nga Waiata ano hoki a Rawiri, | mete tikanga | mo te whiriwhiringa, mo te whakaturanga, | mete whakatapunga | o nga pihopa, o nga piriti, me nga rikona. | [wavy rule] | Ranana: [i.e. London] | I taia tenei kite Perehi o te Komiti mo te Whakapuaki | i te Mohiotanga ki a te Karaiti. | [rule] | 1850,

[2], ii, [2o], 321, [3] p.; 180x105 mm.; full calf with blind tooling. Pages [322324] blank. Prelim, pages: title-page; contents on verso, with colophon: ‘Ranana: He mea ta i te Perehi o | W. Watts, Crown Court, Temple Bar.',

Other issues and editions of the Anglican prayer book are listed at no. 19.

Williams 198, Bagnall 1 173 (note). Copies: ML, NLA; WTU (partial photocopy).


Morning and Evening Prayer and Litany, with hymns, etc.

Ko te tikanga | mo nga inoi o te ata, | i nga ra katoa o te tau. 1 [wavy rule] \ Me korero e te minita etahi o enei kupu o te Karaipiture i te | timatanga o te Karakia o te Ata, kia nui hoki te reo. [. , .] | [. . .] [no imprint. Purewa; Printed at St John’s College Press for the Church Mission, 1850-1851]

32. 12, [4] p., 181x116 mm.; purple or dark brown stiffened cloth covers. Caption title. Signature marks: first sequence A-D, second sequence E-F.

Second sequence has caption title: 'Ko nga himene. | [wavy rule]'. Page [l3] unnumbered; p. [l4-16] blank. Printed in two columns separated by vertical rule.

Morning Prayer, the Litany and Evening Prayer in the 1848 text (no. 357), with a separately paginated section of the standard 42 hymns (no. 395), and collectively referred to as ‘Himene’. This is the most commonly found issue of this edition of the Anglican prayer book; 3137 copies, some bound by Williamson & Wilson and some at the College, were received between 11 April 1851 and 12 November 1852. Three variant issues are described below.

On 2 March 1850 the CMS Central Committee had decided; 'it being now uncertain whether any prayer books are to be expected from England [i.e. no. 357] in accordance with the application made in the letter of Archn W. Williams of Sepr 30/46, Resolved XV 1. That 10,000 copies of the new translation of the morning and evening prayers with hymns and the church calendar attached, be printed at the College press. 2. That the stock of catechisms [i.e. presumably no. 388] now in hand with the above named work to be bound in cloth.'. (Papers of the New Zealand mission, 1809-1914, CMS Archive, University of Birmingham; microfilm copy at WTU. Micro-MS-Coll-04-42, Various letters New Zealand mission).

In practice four distinct issues appeared between December 1850 and August 1851. totalling about 4,000 copies, and separately accounted for in


Reprint of the 1848 London SPCK edition (no. 357) in an edition of 2.000 copies. The stock arrived at St John’s College on 12 May 1851 (St John's College, Purewa, Book Depository ledger 11. 1850-52, p. 10). The ledger notes 'with Himene [i.e. no. 395] attached at the College'.


the Book Depository ledgers (St John’s College. Purewa, Book Depository ledgers l-111. 1848-54, ASJ, SJCT 14/36-38; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS--0936).

The three variant issues of the prayer book and hymns are:

**392.1 with ‘old Rawin’ and ‘Katikihama’: i.e with the Psalms section of no. 197 (‘Ko nga Waiata a Rawin’; 127, [l] p.) and, presumably, the Church Catechism (8 p., no. 388). The first copies were received on 4 December 1850 and a total of about 140 copies were bound (some ‘very badly’) at the College between then and 1852 (Book Depository ledgers II (p. 102) and 111 (p. 73). No copy located.

**392.2 with ‘Katikihama’; i.e. with the Church Catechism (8 p., no. 388). 300 copies bound by Williamson were received on 11 April 1851 and a further 60 copies (’badly bound’) from the College bindery on 17 May (Book Depository ledger 11. p. 103). No copy located.

392.3 with ‘Calendar’: i.e. with the separately paged section of Scripture readings (‘Ko nga upoko mo etahi Ratapu'; 7, [l] p.. no. 390) preceding the prayer book. 496 copies were received from Williamson on 21 August 1851 (Book Depository ledgers II (p. 105) and 111 (p. 73)).

Williams 206. Copies: AP (incl. variant 392.3), DL (incl. variant 392.3), DUFIO (incl. variant 392.3), NLA (variant 392.3), WTU (incl. variant 392.3).

393 COLENSO, William (1811-1899)

Itineraries for visits January-September 1850.

Ki nga kai-wakaako. | [ornamental rule] \ Fie korero tenei mo te haere o te Koreneho e takoto ake | nei; ara, kite pal te Atua ka rite. [. . .] I [. . .] No Waitangi: [Heretaunga] i taia kite Perehi a te Koreneho. [i.e. Waitangi Mission Station Press] | 1850.

I sheet ([2] p.); 228x101 mm. Colophon at foot of p. [l], Some typographic inconsistencies (see no. 330).

Itinerary for Colenso’s pastoral journey 13 January-9 June, native teachers’ visits 13 January-29 September 1850. and annual meeting 2 September. For

other years see no. **359, 372, 406, 424.

Copies: Private Coll.; WTU (photocopy).

394 GREENWOOD, Joseph (d. 1 864)

Account of a journey from Auckland to Taupo. in English and Maori.

Journey to Taupo, | from Auckland. | [rule] \ By Brigade-Major Greenwood, I Thirtv-first Regiment. I I rule l

[parallel text:]

Haerenga ki Taupo. | I Akarana. | [wavy rule] | Auckland: | Printed by Williamson and Wilson. 1 [rule] | 1850.

87. [l] p.; 158x100 mm.; blue paper covers (blank). Page [BB] blank. Printed in English and Maori on alternate pages.

An account of a journey (28 February to 30 March 1850) from Auckland to



Taupo along the Waikato River, translated by C. O. B. Davis. Reprinted from the setting used in the instalments which appeared in the Maori messenger, 9 May-4 July 1850. Previous bibliographers Hocken (p. 153) and Bagnall both conclude that it contains little interesting information.

Williams 207, Bagnall 2319. Copies: AP, AR, NLA, WTU.


New edition of forty-two Church of England hymns.

Ko nga himene. | [wavy rule] | Himene I. | I. Ko wai rate Atua? | Ko Ihowa ano, | ko te Atua i homai nei | i tana tamaiti. | [. . . ] [no imprint. Purewa: Printed at the Bishop's Press, 1850?]

12, [4] p. 180x115 mm. Caption title. Signatures E-F. Page [l3] unnumbered; p. [l4-16] blank. Printed in two columns separated by vertical rule. The last page has an ornament previously used by the CMS press in 1845 and 1846.

The standard collection of 42 Anglican hymns first published in 1839 (no. 56), in the revised text of about 1846 (no. 261) that includes 'wh'. This edition was printed to accompany the 1848 Book of Common Prayer (no. 357) printed in London, and to be bound with the 1850 Bishop's Press prayer book and Litany (see no. 392). Greenwood also refers to fastening copies into the 1850 reprint of the London edition (no. 391) (John Greenwood. 18 July 1851, Diary 1850-1855, WTU, qMS-0884).

On 4 April 1849 the CMS Central Committee had decided to produce a hymn book to accompany the I 848 Book of Common Prayer and asked Maunsell to 'draw up for general information the rules of Native Poetry which should be followed in writing these hymns' (Papers of the New Zealand mission, 1809-1914, CMS Archive, University of Birmingham; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-Coll-04-42, Various letters New Zealand mission). However, the preparation of new hymns was apparently overtaken by the expediency of reprinting this standard collection.

Williams 206/ iii. Copies: AP, AR (MS 76. Box 3, folder 18), DL, DUHO. WTU.

396 KO NGA TUPUNA ote Pakeha

A brief history of Britain, part I.

Ko | nga tupuna | o | te Pakeha. | [double rule] \ Printed at St. John’s College Press. | 1850. [Purewa]

I 5, [l] p.; 168x118 mm. Pages [2] and [l6] blank.

A brief account of British history to the end of the Roman occupation, ca. 410 AD. The author is not identified but it is likely that Sir William and Lady Martin (who received copies first) were responsible. A second part appeared in 1851 (no. 410). An English translation. The forefathers of the Pakeha. was also published in 1850 (Bagnall 1995). The Maori text was reprinted with a different English version in the Maori messenger, v. 4. no. 5 (July 1857).

A College ledger shows 500 copies were received from the bindery on I July 1850 (St John's College, Purewa. Book Depository ledger 11, 1850-52. ASJ, SJCT 14/37, p, 73; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-0936).

Williams 203, Bagnall 1996. Copies: AP, AR, DUHO, NLA, WTU,


399 MAUNSELL. ROBERT (1810-1894)

397 MARTIN, Sir William (1807-1880)

Part I of revised edition of a primer for teaching English to Maori. He 1 pukapuka whakaako | kite reo Pakeha. | [rule] \ Ko te tahi o nga pukapuka. | [rule] | No te Kareti: [i.e. St John's College, Purewa] | I taia tenei kite Perehi ate Pihopa. | 1851. [i.e. 1850]

[2], 45. [l[ p ; 168x1 12 mm. Prelim, pages: title-page (verso blank). Page [46] blank. At end of text: 'End of Part I .’. Printed in varying numbers of columns per page. Printed at the Bishop's Press.

A revised and more structured edition of a primer for teaching English to Maori, first published in 1847 (no. 335). Although Williams and Bagnall ascribe this edition to Mrs Martin, the St John's ledgers (which also refer to it as ‘Whakaako Pakeha I') identify it as 'the Judge's 3rd book'. The ledgers record that most of the total 274 copies were received in December 1850, and the first copies were also issued that month (St John's College, Purewa, Book Depository ledger 11. 1850-52, ASJ, SJCT 14/37, p. 99; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-0936).

Part 2 was issued in 1852 (no. 431) and a combined, expanded edition in 1855 (no. 460).

Williams 226, Bagnall 3405. Copies: AP. AR, DUHO, NLA, WTU.

398 MATTHEWS, Joseph (1808-1895)

Sermon outline. I December 1850.

Ko te Ra tapu tuatahi o te Haerenga | mai. | 11. Pita iii, 9—12. | [34 lines] Kaitaia Tihema 1. 1850 [no imprint. Kaitaia: Printed at the Kaitaia Mission Station Press, 1850]

Sermon outline for the first Sunday in Advent, the last recorded example from the series begun in 1845. See no. 229 for further details and holdings of the series.

399 MAUNSELL, Robert (1810-1894)

Fourth edition of catechetical questions.

He patai. | [rule] | Ma te monita e panga te patai, ka oho Maori mai ai te karaihe: ko reira | te monita mea ai, “Tena koa te kupu,” a ma ratou e whakahua mai te | tino wahi ote rarangi e rite ana. | Upoko I. | [. . .] [no imprint. Purewa: Printed at the Bishop's Press, 1850]

8 p.; 183x1 17 mm.; coarse brown paper covers (blank). Caption title. One WTU copy is printed on laid paper. Inner margin 16 mm.

A fourth edition of Maunsell’s catechetical questions with Scripture reference answers, first published in 1842 (no. I 14). This edition has 109 questions in nine sections. It looks very similar to the previous edition (no. 364) but it is reset, and the inner margin is smaller. Only nine questions are printed on p. [l] and sections 6-8 have some changes in content and arrangement.

Apparently printed in an edition of 2.000 copies in March-June 1850, Some copies are found separately but others are bound with the Church Catechism (no. 388). The St John's College ledger notes that in February 1851



490 copies of both the Catechism and He patai were sent to the bindery (St John's College, Purewa, Book Depository ledger 11, 1850-52, AS], SJCT 14/37' p. 3 and 7; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-0936).

Williams I 10 & (S). Bagnall 3468 (note). Copies: AP, DL, NLA, WTU.

400 NEW ZEALAND. Colonial Secretary

Instructions for mourning following the death of Queen Adelaide.

[Royal Arms] | Published by authority.) (Na te Kawana i mea kia taia. | New Zealand | Government Gazette | Extraordinary. | Province of New Ulster. | [double rule] | [Maori heading and date as below. 5 lines] | Colonial Secretary’s Office, | Auckland, 25th April, 1850. | Information having been received in | the colony of the death of Her Majesty | the Queen Dowager, [. . .] I [. . .] [Auckland: Printed by Williamson & Wilson | for the New Zealand Government ]

[parallel text:]

[heading as above, first 7 lines ] | Niu Tireni | Nupepa o te Kawanatanga. | Panuitanga nui. | Takiwa o Niu Uruta. | [rule] | Saturday, April 27, 1850. Hatarei, Aperira 27, 1850. | [rule] | Whare tuhituhi, | Akarana, Aperira 25, 1850. | No te mea kua rangona ki tenei whenua | te matenga o te Kuini Atiraira, [. . .] | [. . .] [I taia tenei mo te Kawanatanga e Wiremuhana | raua ko Wirihana. [lBso]]

1 sheet ([2] p.): 335x255 mm,; bluish paper. Imprints from colophons p. [2], Text other than heading printed in two columns separated by a heavy vertical rule. Text is within a heavy black border.

A notice in Maori and English from the Colonial Secretary, announcing procedures for mourning following news of death (2 December 1849) of Queen Adelaide, widow of William IV. It includes the text of the Queen's directions for her funeral.

This bilingual notice is not included in the numbering of the Gazette and appears to be the only item in Maori published by the New Ulster administration. The English text is from the same setting used in the New Ulster New Zealand Government gazette, v. 3, no. 8 (26 April 1850). The text, in both languages, was also published in the Maori messenger, v. 2, no. 35 (25 April 1850), p. [l].

Copies: AP; WTU (photocopy).

401 TE HAPUKU (d. 1878)

Printed letter. I January 1850. relating to Morena's Hawke's Bay land claims.

Na, he korero tenei, hei wakaatu i te tikanga pono mo ena nga kainga o te | takutai e kiia pohehetia nei e Morena nona, Kia rongo mai koutou katoa, e | nga Pakeha e nga Maori, ki tenei korero; he korero pono tenei. | [. . .] [No Waitangi, Heretaunga; 1 taia kite Perehi a te Koreneho. [i.e. Waitangi Mission Station Press] [lBso]]

1 sheet (2 p.); 223x185 mm, (untrimmed). Imprint from colophon p. 2,



Signed at end: 'Na Te Hapuku. 1 No Wakatu, no te I o Hanuere, 1850.'. Irregular use of italic letters, resulting from a shortage of roman type.

A circular in the form of a printed letter rebutting the land claims of Morena in Hawke's Bay. Printed for the Ngati Kahungunu chief Te Hapuku of Whakatu by Colenso.

Williams 209 Copies: AP, WTU

402 WILBERFORCE, Samuel (1805-1873)

New edition of 'Agathos'. a story for children.

Agathos. | Ko te ritenga o te ingoa nei, 1 ko te tangata pai. | [rule] \ Kua oti te tuhituhi i te reo Pakeha | e | Samuel Wilberforce. D. D. | (Bishop of Oxford.) | [swelled rule] \ No te Kareti: [i.e. St John's College, Purewa] 1 I taia tenei kite Perehi a te Pihopa. | 1850.

11, [l] p.: 172x108 mm.; blue paper covers (blank). Pages [2] and [l2] blank. Printed at the Bishop's Press.

A new edition of the translation of the children's story 'Agathos' first published in 1843 (no. 190): this issue uses the 'wh' digraph. Although 100 copies of the earlier edition remained in stock, 512 copies of this new edition were produced between November 1850 and June 1851 (St John's College. Purewa. Book Depository ledger 11, 1850-52, ASJ, SJCT 14/37, p. 95: microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-0936).

A further edition was published in 1882 (no. 1064).

Williams 201. Bagnall 6060. Copies: AP, DUHO, WTU.

403 ANDREWES, Lancelot (1555-1626)

Third edition of a selection of private prayers.

He kupu | ma te ngakau inoi. | “Kei whakamutua te inoi." 1 [swelled rule] \ No te Kareti. [i.e. St John's College, Purewa] | I taia tenei kite Perehi a te Pihopa. 1 1850. [i.e. 1851]

43, [l] p.; 180x1 15 mm. Pages [2] and [44] blank. Printed at the Bishop's Press

A reset edition of Maunsell's translation, first published in 1845 (no. 218), of private prayers by Bishop Andrewes of Winchester. 500 copies were produced between October 1851 and February 1852 (St John's College. Purewa. Book Depository ledger 11, 1850-52, ASJ, SJCT 14/37, p. 65; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-0936).

Further editions were published in 1 885 (no. 1122) and 1 893 (no. 1349). Williams 200. Copies: AP, DL, DUHO, NLA, WTU.

404 BIBLE. O.T. Samuel, 2nd. Maori 1851.

Probationary issue of II Samuel.

Ko te pukapuka mama | o 1 Hamuera. | [ rule] | Upoko 1. | Na, muri iho ite matenga o Haora, i te mea kua hoki | mai a Rawiri i te patunga i nga Amareki, aka rua | nga ra o Rawiri e noho ana ki Tikiraka; | [. . .] [no imprint. Purewa: Printed at St John's College Press for the Church Mission. 1851]



70. [2] p.; 170x102 mm. Caption title. Pages [7l-72] blank. Running title: ‘Hamuera ll.'.

Probationary text of 11 Samuel, in the series of Maunsell’s translation of Old Testament texts up to Job that began in 1849 with Judges and Ruth (see no. 368 for details)

On 5 March 1851 Maunsell wrote to the CMS: 'I hope now to be able to push my translation of the Old Testament more rapidly through the press. The slowness with which things are got off here in the printing is sadly trying to the patience. We have as yet only reached as far as 2 Samuel, but as the New Testament will now be printed in England I hope they will proceed faster with the Old' (Papers of the New Zealand mission, 1809-1914, CMS Archive, University of Birmingham; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-Coll-04-56, Various letters New Zealand mission, CN/O 64 (b)).

Williams 251/ iv, Bagnall 481 (note). Copies: AP, WTU (in bound vol., no. 438).


Extracts from the Book of Common Prayer.

He kohikohinga no nga inoi | i roto i | te Pukapuka | o nga inoinga, | me era atu tikanga, | i whakaritea e te Hahi o ingarani, | mo te minitatanga | o nga hakarameta, | o era atu ritenga hoki a te Hahi: | he mea wakarite [sic] mai, hei tikanga, | mo te karakia i roto i nga whare noho, | mo te karakiatanga hoki i te turoro. | [rule] | [4 Scripture quotations. 9 lines] | [rule] | Ranana: [i.e. London] | i taia tenei kite Perehi o te Komiti mo te Tuwha i I nga Pukapuka Inoinga. [1851?]

43, [l] p.; 180x1 10 mm.; dark brown stiffened cloth covers. Pages [2] and f441 blank. Signatures: B-C.

Extracts from the Book of Common Prayer, arranged for use as family prayer and sick visitations. The Society (or Committee?) for Distributing the Prayer Book identified as the publisher has not been traced but may refer to the Prayer-Book and Homily Society. Williams dates it as 'probably about 1851' and one WTU copy is inscribed lanuary 1853.

Other issues and editions of the Anglican prayer book are listed at no. 19.

Williams 221. Copies: AP, AR. DL, NLA, WTU,

406 COLENSO, William (1811-1899)

Itineraries for visits February-September 1851.

Ki nga kai-wakaako. | [ornamental rule] \ Fie korero tenei mo te haere o te Koreneho e takoto ake 1 nei; ara kite pal te Atua ka rite. [, . .] | [. . .] [No Waitangi, Fleretaunga; Hanuere 24, 1851. [Waitangi Mission Station Press]]

1 folded sheet ([4] p.); 222x130 mm. Imprint from colophon p. [2], Printed on inner pages; pages [l] and [4] blank. Signed at end; 'Naku, na te Koreneho.'. Some italic 'P’s towards end of text due to shortage of roman type.

Itinerary for Colenso’s pastoral journey 9 February-28 September 1851, native teachers’ visits 23 February-6 July 1851, and annual meeting 1 September 1851. On 29 January 1851 he records 'Printing 80 copies "Plan of


408 COOPER. GEORGE SISSON (1825-1898)

journies"' (William Colenso, Journals 1841-1854, DUHO; copy at WTU. qMS--0489, v. 3, p. 439), For other years see no. **359, 372, 393, 424. Copies: ML (Colenso Papers, B238); WTU (photocopy).


Notice warning church members against racing, playing cards, etc. Kite hunga o te Hahi; | ki nga kai-wakaako ratou ko te hunga tango-hapa: 1 he kupu wakamahara tenei ki a koutou. | [double rule] | Na, e hoa ma, tenei ka wakapuakina nuitia e a au ki a koutou enei nga mahi | pohehe, [. ..]) [5/ lines] | Naku, na Te Koreneho, | te Minita o Ahuriri o Heretaunga. 1 [rule] | I taia ki Heretaunga, kite Perehi i Waitangi.

[i.e. Waitangi Mission Station Press, 1851]

1 sheet ([l] p.); 382 (untrimmed)xl4B mm.

A notice warning church members against the ‘new vices and follies which have come in upon us' (racing, playing cards etc.) and against neglect of the Sabbath. Colenso wrote and printed 150 copies in November 1851 (William Colenso, Journals 1841-1854, DUHO: copy at WTU, qMS-0489, v. 3. p. 633634).

Williams 181. Copies: DUHO, ML, WTU.

408 COOPER, George Sisson (1825-1898)

Account of a journey with Sir George Grey from Auckland as far as Taupo. journal | of an | expedition overland | from 1 Auckland to Taranaki, | by way of | Rotorua, Taupo and the West Coast. | Undertaken in the summer of 1849-50, | by His Excellency the | Governor-in-Chief of New Zealand. | [rule] j Auckland: I Printed by Williamson and Wilson. 1 1851.

[2], 310 p.; 151x100 mm. Prelim, pages: title-page (verso blank). Half-title p. [l]: ‘Journey to Taranaki. | [double rule] | Haerenga ki Taranaki.'. Caption title to Maori text (p. [3]): Haerenga o te Tino-Kawana o Niu Tireni i Akarana, ki Taranaki. . English and Maori texts on alternate pages with running titles: ‘Journey to Taranaki’ and ‘Haerenga ki Taranaki'.

An account of a journey with Governor Grey written by his Assistant Private Secretary, G. S. Cooper, and translated by C. O. B, Davis. The text also includes Maori oral traditions. It is reprinted, with minor changes, from the setting used in the Maori messenger, where the story appeared between 15 August 1850 and 14 August 1851 (in issues no. 43-48, 50-53, 55-67, 69).

Grey had intended to climb Mount Ngauruhoe but permission was disputed and the printed text ceases abruptly near Taupo on 8 January 1850. The manuscript at AR includes the rest of the story and franker comments. For an analysis of the journey in the context of custom and law, and a way forward for Maori and Pakeha, see A. Frame, Grey & Iwikau: A journey into custom: Kerei ram ko Iwikau: Te haerenga me nga tikanga (Wellington, 2002),

An issue in two columns with no title-page (Williams 230) at the National Library of South Africa (SAL, Gl3 b I) appears to be an unpublished printing from corrected galley proofs.

Williams 229 & 230, Bagnall 1409. Copies: AP, AR, DUHO, NLA, WTU.



409 HEMANS, Felicia Dorothea (1793-1835)

A poem, 'The hour of prayer’.

I. | Potiki, te korl na | I te rehurehunga; | whaea te titiro na, | whaea, Ite pawera; | tane, I te mahi kai | hoki ahiahi mai; | kei wha hinapouri, | piko iho, inoi. | [stanzas 2-3. 18 lines] [no imprint. PQrewa? Printed at St John’s College Press?, 1851?]

1 sheet ([l] p.); 168x108 mm.

A translation of the poem ‘The hour of prayer’ (first line 'Child amidst the flowers at play’, in The works of Mrs Hemans (7 v,; Edinburgh. 1840), v. 4, p. 183.

The text was also included in the 1 851 collection of Maori songs (no. 412, p, 5) and appears to be from the same setting, but the translation and punctuation differ in some lines, and a few syllables are marked for pronunciation. By association with that publication, the translator is probably also T. H. Smith.

Williams 225. Copies: AP; WTU (photocopy).

410 KO NGA TUPUNA ote Pakeha

A brief history of Britain, part 2.

Ko | nga tupuna | o | te Pakeha. | [swelled rule] \ Ko te rua o nga korero. | [swelled rule] | No te Kareti: [i.e. St John’s College, PQrewa] | I tala tenei ki te Perehi a te Pihopa. | 1851.

15, [l] p.; 173x115 mm.; coarse brown paper covers (blank). Pages [2] and [l6] blank. Printed at the Bishop's Press.

A continuation of the first part (no, 396), this part summarises British history from the departure of the Romans to the time of Bishop Wilfrid, ca. 700 a.d. Possibly also written by Sir William and Lady Martin, who received the first copies.

The edition of 500 copies arrived from the College bindery on 2 December 1851 and 2 January 1852 (St John’s College, Purewa. Book Depository ledger 11, 1850-52, ASJ, SJCT 14/37, p. 115; microfilm copy at WTU. Micro-MS-0936).

Williams 222, Bagnall 1997. Copies: AP, DUHO, NLA, WTU.

411 MARTIN, Mary Ann, Lady (1817-1884)

Primer of alphabets, syllables, reading lessons and multiplication tables.

He I pukapuka whakaako | mo te kura. | [swelled rule] \ St. John's College [i.e. Purewa] | Printed at the College Press. | 1851.

16 p.; 206x150 mm. Pages [l-8] unnumbered; p. [2] blank.

A primer of alphabets, syllables, graduated reading lessons and multiplication tables, quite different from the work of the same title published in 1847 (no, 336). Mrs Martin's authorship is identified in the St John's College ledgers, which record a total of 605 copies received between July 1851 and November 1852 (St John's College, Purewa, Book Depository ledgers 11-111, 1850-54, ASJ, SJCT 14/37, II (p. 89), 111 (p. 52); microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-0936). It


414 WHATELY. RICHARD (1787-1863)

is usually found with an 8-page section of songs in Maori (no. 412) bound in. For a later edition see no. 742 (1870).

Williams 223, Bagnall 4720. Copies: AP. DUHO, WTU


Te ngaro mahi honi. | Ina te ngaro ngaro na | roto te puawai! | Po noa nei, ka mahi tou | ka kohi honi mai. | [. . .] [no imprint. Purewa: Printed at St John’s College Press, 1851?]

8 p.; 240x153 mm. (untrimmed). Pages 1-6 printed in two columns separated by vertical rule.

A collection of nine poems for children, attributed to T. H. Smith, Resident Magistrate at Rotorua. The titles (with translations) are: ‘Te ngaro mahi honi’ (The honey-bee); ‘Te pokorua raua ko te kihikihi’ (The ant and the grasshopper); ‘Te aratauteka’ (The ladder): ‘Hei waiata i nga haora-takaro’ (For singing in play-hours); 'Te whetu’ (The star); ‘Ko te haora inoi’ (translated from Mrs Hemans's poem The hour of prayer'); ‘Kia orate Kuini’ (God save the Queen); ‘Ko te kiore wao raua ko te kiore pa’ (The town mouse and the country mouse); ‘He aue' (A lament).

It is usually found bound with Mrs Martin’s He pukapuka whakaako mo te kura (no. 411), with which it is listed in the St John's College ledgers as 'Maori songs'. It was also included with the 1870 edition of Mrs Martin's work (no, 742).

Williams 224, Bagnall 4720 (note). Copies: AP. AR, WTU.

413 SELWYN, George Augustus (1809-1878)

Ko nga ra i whakaritea e te Pihopa mo te whakaunga, | ara, | Mo te whakapanga ringaringa kite hunga iriiri i tenei raumati e haere ake nei. | [swelled rule] | [3 columns of 37 lines] | [l3 lines] | Naku tena pukapuka | Na G. A. New Zealand. | Na te Pihopa. [no imprint. Purewa: Printed at the Bishop’s Press, 1851]

1 sheet ([l] p.); 304x231 mm.; laid paper.

A notice giving the itinerary of the Bishop’s pastoral visits for confirmations between 25 December 1851 and 23 May 1852. It lists 35 locations, names of the missionaries in their Maori forms (e.g. ’Harawira’ for Hadfield), and date of the visit. For later itineraries see no. 462 and 484. Selwyn maintained a demanding schedule of pastoral visits despite the problems of travel; for further details on the period 1851-1866 see J. H. Evans, Churchman militant (London, 1964), p. [4B]-57 and p. [255]-260.

Williams 228. Copies: AP, AR. ML (Colenso papers, A 236), WTU.

414 WHATELY, Richard (1787-1863)

Lessons on money matters.

Easy lessons | on | money matters, | for the | use of young people. | [rule]


The Bishop’s itinerary for confirmations, December 1851-May 1852.

Nine songs and poems for children.

415 WILBERFQRCE. SAMUEL (1805-1873)

| Published under the direction of the Committee of General | Literature and Education, appointed by the Society | for Promoting Christian Knowledge. | [rule] | The ninth edition. | [rule] | London: | John Parker, West Strand. | M.DCCC.XLV. | [rule] \ Translated into the New Zealand language, | under the direction of the government. | M.DCCC.LI. | [rule] | Wellington: | Printed at the “Independent" Office, Willis-Street. [oarallel text:]

He pukapuka ako tenei | i nga ritenga pai e-maha, | o roto | o te taonga nei | o | te moni, | i nga tikanga pai hoki, | o te hokohoko, | o te aha, o te aha. | [rule] | He mea whakamaori mai i te reo Pakeha, | kia rangona ai e nga tangata Maori | katoa o tenei motu. | [rule] | He mea ta ki Poneke, kite Perehi, | o | te Kawanatanga o te Kuini. | [rule] \ Na te Kepa i whakamaori. | [rule] | Oketopa, | 1851.

72 p,; 212x138 mm.; yellow paper covers. Pages [2], [4], [6], [B], [lo], [l2] blank. Title-page, contents and preface are in English and Maori on alternate leaves; text of the work is in Maori only. Advertisement slip for 1 0th ed. (English) inserted between p. [2] and [3]: errata slip in English (recto) and Maori (verso) inserted at end of text.

Title on cover (bordered with double rule): ‘He pukapuka reo Maori tenei, | He pukapuka ako i nga tikanga | o | te moni, | o te hokohoko, | o te aha, o te aha. | [double rule] \ Easy lessons | on ( money matters. | [rule] | Published under the direction of the Committee of General | Literature and Education appointed by the Society | for Promoting Christian Knowledge. | The ninth edition | Translated into the New Zealand language, | under the direction of the government. | M.DCCC.LI. | [rule] | Wellington: | Printed at the “Independent” Office. Willis-Street.’.

An elementary text on money, exchanges, commerce, coin, value, wages, rich and poor, capital, taxes, letting and hiring, and interference. Whately, a logician and pragmatic reformer, was professor of political economy at Oxford before his appointment as Archbishop of Dublin in 1831. The English text (first published 1833) was translated by New Munster Native Secretary H. T. Kemp (‘te Kepa') by command of Sir George Grey, as explained in Kemp’s preface dated 1 October 1851 (p. [s] (English) and [7] (Maori).

Williams 232, Bagnall 6005. Copies: AP. AR, DUHO, NLA, WTU,

415 WILBERFORCE, Samuel (1805-1873)

Revised edition of The rocky island', a story for children.

Te | motu kohatu. | No te Kareti: [i.e. St John’s College, POrewa] | I taia tenei i te Perehi a te Pihopa, | 1850. [i.e. 1851]

26 [i.e. 25], [3] p.; 175x1 18 mm,; coarse brown paper covers (blank). Page 25 is misnumbered ’26’; p. [26]-28 blank. Printed at the Bishop’s Press.

A revised edition of the translation of the children’s story 'The rocky island’ first published in 1844 (no. 216), with various spelling changes. Although 120 copies of the first edition still remained, 500 copies of the new edition were received from the St John’s College bindery between April 1851 and October 1852 (St John’s College, Purewa, Book Depository ledgers 11-111, 1850-54, ASJ,


418 BIBLE. O.T. KINGS. 2ND. MAORI 1852

SJCT 14/37-38, II (p. 89). 11l (p. 32); microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-0936). The ledger v. 11l notes that the new edition was printed for the CMS. Williams 202, Bagnall 6064. Copies: AP, DUHO. WTU.

416 ABRAHAM, Charles John (1814-1903), attrib.

Lessons on the Church Catechism. Part 2.

He | whakapuaki | i nga | tikanga o te katikihama | o te | Hahi o Ingarani, | (Te rua o nga wahi.) | [double rule] \ Printed at St. John’s College Press. | 1850. [i.e. 1852] [Purewa]

26 p.; 178x120 mm.; light brown paper covers (blank). Page [2] blank; p. 2526 printed on a separate leaf.

A continuation of Part 1 (no, 380), concluding the work (on p. 26: 'Heoi ano’). 5003 copies were produced between 17 May and 2 July 1 852 (St John’s College, Purewa, Book Depository ledgers 11-111, 1850-54, ASJ, SJCT 14/37-38, II (p. 79), 111 (p. 54); microfilm copy at WTU. Micro-MS-0936).

Williams 199, Copies: ABH, AP, AR, DL. DUHO, NLA. WTU.

417 BIBLE. O.T. Kings, Ist. Maori. 1852.

Probationary issue of I Kings.

Ko te pukapuka tuatahi | o | nga Kingi. | [rule] 1 Upoko 1. | Na, kua koroheketia a Kingi Rawiri, kua maha ona ra; | a, hipokina ana ia e ratou ki nga kakahu; heoi kahore | ona mahana. | [. . .] [no imprint. Purewa: Printed at St John’s College Press for the Church Mission, 1852]

82, [2] p.; 170x102 mm. Caption title. Pages [B3-84] blank. Running title; 'Nga Kingi I. 1 .

Probationary text of I Kings, in the series of Maunsell’s translation of Old Testament texts up to Job that began in 1849 with Judges and Ruth (see no. 368 for details).

Maunsell wrote to the CMS on 12 June 1851 that printing of I Kings was under way (Papers of the New Zealand mission. 1809-1914, CMS Archive, University of Birmingham; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-Coll-04-56, Various letters New Zealand mission, CN/O 64 (b)). Unidentified annotations, probably by Nihill, in a copy of the Anglican church almanac for 1852 (S2OI/1852: AP. NZM 50) record the dates when new text was received, proofs were issued, and printing took place. The last signature (G) of I Kings was struck off on 3 April 1852.

Williams 251/ v, Bagnall 481 (note). Copies: WTU (in bound vol., no. 438).

418 BIBLE. O.T. Kings, 2nd. Maori 1852.

Probationary issue of II Kings.

Ko te pukapuka tuarua | o | nga Kingi. | [rule] | Upoko I. | Na, i muri iho i te matenga o Ahapa ka whakakeke a | Moapa ki a lharaira. | [. . .] [no imprint. Purewa: Printed at St John’s College Press for the Church Mission, 18521

21 I

419 BIBLE NT. MAORI. 1852

78, [2] p.; 170x102 mm. Caption title. Pages [79-80] blank. Running title: ’Nga Kingi ll.'.

Probationary text of II Kings, in the series of Maunsell’s translations of Old Testament texts up to Job that began in 1849 with Judges and Ruth (see no.

368 for details). The annotated almanac (see annotation, no. 417) records the first proofs of II Kings on 28 February and completion of printing on 12 July 1852.

Williams 251/ vi, Bagnall 481 (note). Copies: AP, WTU (in bound vol., no. 438).

419 BIBLE. N.T. Maori. 1852,

Fifth edition of the New Testament.

Ko te | Kawenata Hou | o | to tatou Ariki o te Kai Whakaora | o Ihu Karaiti. 1 [rule] | He mea whakamaori i te reo Kariki. | [rule] | Ranana: [i.e. London] | He mea ta i te Perehi o T. R. Harihona raua ko tana tama, | ma te Huihuinga ta Paipera mo Ingarani mo te Ao Katoa. | 1852.

[4], 371, [l] p.; 215x140 mm.; full calf binding. Prelim, pages: title-page (verso blank) and Contents (verso blank). Printed in two columns separated by vertical rule. Colophon p. [372]: 'Printed by Harrison and Son, | London Gazette Office. St. Martin's Lane; I and I Orchard Street, Westminster.'.

The fifth edition of the Maori New Testament, the first in which 'wh' was used, revised by Robert Maunsell and William Williams. For the probationary texts of the Gospels and Acts used in this edition see no. 325, 354, 369, 370, 383.

The work was seen through the press for the BFBS ('te Huihuinga ta Paipera mo Ingarani mo te Ao Katoa') by William Williams while he was in England, 1851-52, and in March 1852 instructions were given for the edition of I 5,000 copies to be bound in calf (H. Straith to Rev. G. Browne, 24 March 1852, in Papers of the New Zealand mission. 1809-1914, CMS Archive, University of Birmingham; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-Coll-04-67. Home letters out, CH/L9, p. 399).

The BFBS reported complaints from Maori in some localities about this new text, compared with the original Paihia version (no. 45), of which hundreds of copies were still in stock. Maunsell responded that William Williams had been involved in the preparation of both versions, and strongly supported the new one as a far better translation. He considered other factors were involved, such as a natural resistance to change, the move away from the northern dialect, and the role of C. O. B. Davis in stirring up negative reaction through his articles in the Maori messenger (Special Meeting of Central Committee, 15 January 1856; citation as in preceding paragraph; WTU. Micro-MS-Coll-04-42, Various letters New Zealand mission. CN/04). Richard Taylor wrote in December 1856 that he was unable to sell copies of this translation and the new prayer book (no. 422); Maori were 'so perplexed and confused that they take little interest in them' (R. Taylor, Journals. 18401872, WTU, MS-Papers-0254-22).

For other editions of the New Testament see no. 45, 88, 104, 196, 559, 716, 1241, 1394, 1483.

Williams 233, Bagnall 456, Copies: AP, AR, DL, DUHO, NLA, WTU,




A collection of catechisms, printed in Wellington.

[Catechisms; actual title not known; no complete copy located. Poneke: [i.e. Wellington] He mea ta i te Perehi o te Toki. [ca. 1852]]

28 p.; 180x110 mm. Imprint from colophon p 28 Physical details not confirmed; no complete copy located. The only copy located consists of p. 21 - 28 (signatures F-G), with caption title: 'Ko te katikihama tuawa.'.

A collection of catechisms printed by Robert Stokes, of which the only confirmed content is the Church Catechism (p. 21-28). This issue was probably reprinted for Octavius Hadfield from the 1840 Paihia collection of four catechisms (no. 71), retaining its use of ‘w’ rather than ‘wh’. It has been dated at approximately 1852 from other related works (no. 425-426) printed bv Stokes at about the same time.

Williams 247 & (S). Copies: WTU (p. 21-28).


Selections from the Book of Common Prayer, with forty-two hymns. Ko nga Inoi | o te Ata o te Ahiahi, | me nga inoi | mo nga ra tapu me nga ra nui, | ko te tikanga ia o te | Hahi o Ingarani. | [double rule] | Ranana. [i.e. London] 1 He me [i.e. mea] ta e W. M. Watts, Crown Court, Temple Bar. | mo te Hohaiti mo te Pukapuka Inoi | mo nga Homiri Hoki. | 18, Salisbury Square, Fleet Street. | [rule] | 1852.

[4], 68, 30, [2] p.; 116x76 mm.; stiffened purple cloth covers (blank). Prelim, pages: p. [l-2] blank, p. [3-4] title-page (verso blank). Caption title p. [l] (second sequence): 'Ko nga himene. | [wavy rule]'. Pages [3l-32] (second sequence) blank.

The two sequences are printed on different paper with signatures [Aj-F (first sequence) and B-C (second sequence) but apparently not issued separately.

A selection from the Anglican prayer book (to p. 68) and the standard collection of 42 hymns (30 p ). The first part contains Morning and Evening Prayer and the litany, using the 1848 text (no. 357), and the collects for Sundays and Holy days.

This edition, issued by the Prayer Book and Homily Society (‘te Hohaiti mo te Pukapuka Inoi mo nga Homiri Hoki'), was sent with William Williams on his return journey to New Zealand in October 1852. A letter of 4 September 1852 from the CMS to the Prayer Book and Homily Society asks for 500 copies to be sent to Colenso, 2,000 to Hadfield, and the remainder to Kissling. It says that the separately printed hymns were still in press and would be sent when ready (Papers of the New Zealand mission, 1809-1914, CMS Archive, University of Birmingham; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-Coll-04-67, Home letters out, CH/L9, p 493).

Other issues and editions of the Anglican prayer book are listed at no. 19. Williams 235. Copies: ABH, AP. AR, DL, DUHO, NLA. WTU.




Ko te Pukapuka | o nga Inoinga, | me era atu tikanga, | i whakaritea e te Hahi o Ingarani, | mo te minitatanga | o nga hakarameta. | o era atu ritenga hoki a te Hahi: | me nga Waiata ano hoki a Rawiri, | mete tikanga 1 mo te whiriwhiringa, mo te whakaturanga, | mete whakatapunga | o nga pihopa, o nga piriti, me nga rikona. | [wavy rule] | Ranana: [i.e. London] | I taia tenei kite Perehi o te Komiti mo te Whakapuaki | i te Mohiotanga ki a te Karaiti. | [rule] | 1852.

[2], 11, [2o], 432 p.; 188x108 mm.; full sprinkled calf binding. Prelim, pages: title-page, contents on verso, with colophon: 'Banana: He mea ta i te Perehi o | W. Watts, Crown Court, Temple Bar.'.

One WTU copy (with William Watts's signature) is bound in brown linen boards with title on spine: 'New Zealand | prayer | book'.

The second edition of the complete Anglican prayer book with Psalms, published in an edition of 15,000 copies by the SPCK ('te Komiti mo te Whakapuaki i te Mohiotanga ki a te Karaiti') and seen through the press by William Williams. The main difference from the first edition of 1848 and 1850 (no. 357 and 391) is that the Epistles and Gospels are now printed in full. All parts of the New Testament are in the revised translation (no. 419) and some parts of the text are reset. Colenso was to receive 250 copies and Hadfield 950, with the balance sent in the Cashmere with Williams on his return in 1852 (Papers of the New Zealand mission, 1809-1914, CMS Archive, University of Birmingham: microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-Coll-04-67. Home letters out, CH/L9, p, 493).

Other issues and editions of the Anglican prayer book are listed at no. 19. Williams 234, Bagnall I 173 (note). Copies: AP, AR, DL. DUHO, NLA. WTU.

423 COLENSO, William (1811-1899)

Catechetical questions and answers on confirmation.

He katikihama wakapakanga. | He aha te wakapakanga? | He tikanga wakakaha ngakau kite wakapono. | [. . .] [no imprint. Waitangi, Heretaunga: Printed at the Waitangi Mission Station Press, 1852]

1 folded sheet ([4] p ); 190x1 10 mm. Printed on inner pages: pages [l] and [4] blank.

A catechism on confirmation with 30 questions (italic type) and answers (roman type) for the use of native teachers in order to achieve 'unity of teaching'. It was composed and printed (200 copies) by Colenso between 9 and 16 January 1852 in preparation for Selwyn's visit to conduct confirmations on 25 January (William Colenso, Journals 1841-1854, DUHO; copy at WTU, qMS-0489, v. 3, p. 649, 650, 656).

Williams 192. Copies: AP, AR (MS 76). DUHO (in Colenso, Journal), ML (Colenso papers, A 236), NLA, WTU.


Second edition of the complete Book of Common Prayer with Psalms.

42fe COLENSO. WILLIAM (1811-1899)


Itinerary for pastoral journey. March-May 1852.

Ki nga kai-wakaako. | [ornamental rule] | He korero tenei mo te haere o te Koreneho e takoto ake | nei; ara, kite pai te Atua ka rite. [. . .] | [l9 lines, I rule] | Naku, | Na te Koreneho. [no imprint. Waitangi, Heretaunga: Printed at the Waitangi Mission Station Press, 1852]

1 sheet ([ 1 ] p.); 165x103 mm.

Itinerary for Colenso's pastoral journey 14 March-2 May 1852. The only known copy is in Colenso’s diary interleaved with the Anglican almanac in Maori (He maramataka ) for 1852 (WTU, MSX-5196). He recorded that 100 copies were printed on 3-4 February 1852 (William Colenso, Journals 18411854, DUHO; copy at WTU, qMS-0489, v. 3, p, 668). For earlier Colenso itineraries (1848-1851) see no. **359, 372, 393, 406,

This is the last extant item from the Waitangi Mission Station Press; Colenso was dismissed from the CMS in November 1852.

Williams 241. Copies: WTU (in Colenso, Diary, MSX-5196).


New edition of an anti-Catholic tract.

He I manuwiri hou, | ko | te wakakite. | “Ko te mea katoa e wakakite ana he | maramatanga raia.” | [rule] | [4 Scripture quotations, 9 lines] | [rule] | Poneki: [i.e. Wellington] | He mea ta i te Perehi o te Toki. | [rule] I 1852.

12 p.; 200x118 mm. (untrimmed). Pages [2] and [4] blank.

A new edition, printed by Robert Stokes (‘te Toki’), of Colenso’s anti-Catholic tract of 1849 (no. 374). It does not have Colenso’s statement of responsibility at the end of the earlier issue, and retains his spelling without ‘wh’.

Williams 245, Bagnall 1326 (note). Copies: AR; WTU (photocopy).


New edition of anti-Catholic tract.

He | pukapuka waki; | hei wakakite atu i nga he o te | Hahi o Roma. | Na te Aroha Pono ki ana hoa, kite hunga | o Nu Tirene. | [wavy rule] I

[3 Scripture quotations. 12 lines, with captions: Mat. xxiv., 4.; Karatia i, 7, 8.; 2 Koriniti x, 4, 5.] | [rule] | Poneki: [i.e. Wellington] | He mea ta i te Perehi o te Toki. I [rule] I 1852.

24 p.; 176x100? mm. Page [2] blank.

A reprint of Colenso's 1840 anti-Catholic tract (no. 76) on 'six errors of the Church of Rome', written under his pseudonym Aroha Pono (True Love). As with other reprints, Stokes did not modernise the orthography by substituting 'wh' for ‘w’.

Williams 246. Bagnall I 330 (note). Copies: AP, DUHO; WTU (photocopy)


427 DEFOE. DANIEL (16617-1731)

427 DEFOE, Daniel (16617-1731)

The story of Robinson Crusoe.

The | life and adventures | of | Robinson Crusoe, | by Daniel De Foe. | [Royal Arms] | Translated into the New Zealand language | under the direction of the Government. | [rule] | 1852. | Wellington: | Printed at the “Independent” Office, Willis-Street.

[parallel text:]

He korero | tipuna Pakeha no mua, | ko | Ropitini Kuruho, | tona ingoa. [rule] | I taia ki Poneke, | kite Perehi o te Kuini. | Na te Kepa i whakamaori. | Aperira, | 1852.

[B], 157, [3] p., [4] leaves of plates; 215x136 mm,; pink or blue paper covers. English title-page and cover bordered with double rule. Pages [2], [4], [6], [B] and [l5B-160] blank. Text other than title-page and preface is in Maori only.

Cover title: ‘He reo Maori. | He korero | tipuna Pakeha no mua, | ko | Ropitini Kuruho, | tona ingoa. | [Royal Arms] | [wavy rule] | Robinson Crusoe, | in the New Zealand language. | [wavy rule ] 1 Wellington: | Printed at the “Independent” Office, Willis-Street. | [rule] | 1852.’.

Defoe's story The life and strange surprizing adventures of Robinson Crusoe. first published in 1719, translated by H. T. Kemp (Native Secretary, New Munster) with four lithographs (one a frontispiece) by Dr T, S. Ralph. Kemp's prefatory note in English and Maori (prelim, p. [s] and [7]) explains the work was published because the government considered it both 'useful and interesting' to Maori, it is the first Maori text with specially prepared illustrations, but William Swainson observed: The story of “Peter the Great" [no. 226] which has been written for them in Maori, is read with avidity; while "Robinson Crusoe” has no charms for them because it is not true’ (New Zealand and its colonization (London, 1859), p. 45). For other views and comments see S. Rogers, ‘Crusoe among the Maori', Book history, v. 1 (1998), p. 182-195.

An 1891 proposal identified in registers at Archives New Zealand to have Lyon & Blair (Wellington) reprint both this and The pilgrim’s progress (1854, no.. 451) seems to have come to nothing, but the actual correspondence is no longer available (NO 91/1580 and NO 91/1606). A photocopied facsimile edition (lacking the prelim, pages and plates) was published c.1988 in Palmerston North.

Williams 243, Bagnall 1566, Copies: AP, AR. DL, DUHO, NLA. WTU

428 FARQUHAR, Barbara H

Condensed version of The pearl of days, on the benefits of faith.

Ko | e tahi hua | o te | whakapono. | [swelled rule] | No te Kareti: [i.e. St John’s College, Purewa] | 1 taia tenei kite Perehi a te Pihopa. | [rule] 1 1852.

24 p.; 176x1 18 mm.; coarse brown paper covers (blank). Page [2] blank. Printed at the Bishop’s Press.

A condensed translation, almost certainly by Lady Martin, of B, H. Farquhar’s The pearl of days: or The advantages of the Sabbath to the working classes, first published anonymously in London in 1848.



Its printing history (April-September) is recorded in a copy of the Anglican almanac in Maori (He maramataha) for 1852 annotated by the college printer William Nihill (AP, NZM 50). 249 copies were received from the bindery on 29 October 1852, with most copies passed on to CMS agent Robert Vidal (St John's College. Purewa. Book Depository ledger 111, 1852-54, ASJ. SJCT 14/38, p. 10-11; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-0936).

Williams 237, Bagnall 1824. Copies: AP, AR. DUHO, NLA, WTU.


Scripture history to the time of Joseph.

Ko te hahi | o namata. | [rule] \ Ko te tahi o nga korero. | [swelled rule] \ No te Kareti: [i.e. St John’s College, Purewa] | I taia tenei kite Perehi a te Pihopa. | 1852.

31, [l] p,: 159x108 mm.; coarse brown paper covers (blank). Pages [2] and [32] blank. At end of text: ‘Ko te mutunga tenei o te korero tuatahi.’ (end of part 1). Printed at the Bishop’s Press.

'The church in ancient times', a simplified Scripture history to the time of Joseph, 500 copies were received, the first being issued on 19 November 1852 (St John's College. Purewa. Book Depository ledger 111, 1852-54, ASJ, SJCT 14/38, p. 90; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-0936). It may have been prepared by C. J. Abraham, author of an 1851 English-language Scripture history for schools (Bagnall 438; authorship identified in Book Depository ledger 11, 1850-52, p. 72) and other religious texts in Maori (e.g. no. 416). No further parts were produced.

Williams 236, Bagnall 2420. Copies: AP, DUHO, WTU.

430 He KORERO TARA mo te kura

Eight fables for use in school.

He | korero tara |mo| te kura. 1 [swelled rule] \No te Kareti; [ i.e. St John's College, Purewa] | I taia tenei kite Perehi a te Pihopa. | [rule] \ 1852.

19, [l] p.; 174x1 19 mm.; coarse brown paper covers (blank). Pages [2] and [2o] blank. Printed at the Bishop's Press.

Eight fables, some by Aesop, selected and translated from the two-volume English Reading lessons printed at the college in 1851 (Bagnall 4793-94). The titles are: ‘Te paihere rakau’, ’Ko te manu i mate wai’, ‘Ko te kuri i roto i te whare hoiho’, 'Te popokorua raua ko te kowhitiwhiti’, ‘Te tautohetohe a te hau tonga raua ko te ra, ko tehea ranei o raua i kaha, ko tehea ranei’, 'Te kuri ngakau apo’, 'Te wuruwhi (kuri ngau hipi nei) raua ko te kuao-hipi', 'Ko nga manu i roto i te maara-witi'. Some were printed in the Maori messenger in 1856-57.

500 copies of 'Fables. (Maori)’ were received from the bindery on 6 August 1852, but fewer than 100 were issued (St John’s College, Purewa, Book Depository ledger 111, 1852-54, AS], SJCT 14/38, p. 16-17; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-0936).

Williams 238, Bagnall 3036. Copies: ABH, AP, AR, NLA, WTU.


431 MARTIN. SIR WILLIAM (1807-1880)

431 MARTIN, Sir William (1 807-1 880), attrib.

Part 2 of revised edition of a primer for teaching English to Maori. He | pukapuka whakaako | kite reo Pakeha. | [rule] | Ko te rua o nga pukapuka. | [rule] | No te Kareti: [i.e. St John's College, Purewa] | I tala tenei kite Perehi a te Pihopa. | 1851. [i.e. 1852]

56 p.; 184x115 mm,; brown paper covers (blank). Page [2] blank. At end of text: 'End of Part 2.'. Printed at the Bishop's Press.

Part 2 of the revised edition of a primer for teaching English to Maori first published in 1847 (no. 335). It is referred to as ‘Whakaako Pakeha ll’ and assumed to also be by Sir William Martin, the author of part I of the revision, published in 1 850 (no. 397). The St John's ledgers record a total of 304 copies received from the College binding office between January and September 1852 (St John's College. Purewa, Book Depository ledgers 11-111, 1850-54, ASJ, SJCT 14/37-38, II (p. 100), 111 (p. 32); microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-0936)

A combined, expanded edition of both parts was published in 1855 (no. 460).

Williams 227. Bagnall 3406. Copies: AP, WTU.


Reprint of extracts from Morning and Evening Prayer, pointed for chanting.

Mo te Karakia o te Ata. | Waiata 95. | Tena, kia waiata tatou ki / a • I - / - howa: kia hari te ha- | mamatanga kite kamaka o to / ta---tou / wha---ka- 1 -oranga. | [. . .] [no imprint. Purewa: Printed at the Bishop's Press, 1852]

I folded sheet ([4] p); 183 x 120 mm.

A song sheet with five pointed psalms and canticles in Maori, reprinted from the edition of 1847 (with title-page Erima o nga waiata o te Hahi. no. 333): Psalm 95, Te Deum. Psalm 100, Luke 1:46-55 (Magnificat), Luke 2:29-32 (Nunc dimittis).

St John's College ledgers record 212 copies of 'Te Deum with Gregorian harmonies set to figures' were received in 1852 with copies issued to the Native Girls' School, the College Choir, C. J. Abraham and A. G. Purchas (St John's College, Purewa, Book Depository ledgers 11-111, 1850-54, ASJ, SJCT 14/37-38, II (p. 16), ill (p. 71); microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-0936).

Williams 458. Copies: AR (with copy of no. 217); WTU (photocopy).

433 NEW ZEALAND. Governor (1845-1853 : Grey)

Printed notice, July 1852. encouraging Maori to plant more crops. He pukapuka pa nui. | [rule] | E tama ma, e hoa ma, — | Tena koutou, — E ta ma, whakarongo mai,— otira, kua rongo katoa pea koutou ki nga | korero o te taonga nei o te koura e mahia mai nei i tera motu, ara, i Pouhakena:— | [. . .] [no imprint. Wellington, Printed at the Office of the Wellington Independent?, 1852]

I folded sheet ([4] p); 251x208 mm.; bluish paper. Width of heading 56 mm. Printed on first leaf of a folded sheet, pages [3-4] blank. At end of text:



'Na Kawana Kerei, | na te Kawana Nui i mea kia tuhia; | ko te Kai Tuhi Nui, | ko te Tomete. | By His Excellency's command. | Alfred Domett, | Civil Secretary. | Native Secretary's Office, | Wellington, July, 1852. | Poneke. Hurai. 1852.

The 500 copies were probably printed at the office of the Wellington independent, at the time printers of the New Munster Government gazette.

A circular encouraging Maori to increase their production of wheat, barley, potatoes and other vegetables, to take advantage of the high prices and demand for produce both locally and in Australia as a result of the gold rush (1851). The 14 June 1852 note from H. T, Kemp (Native Secretary, New Munster) proposing the printed circular, and the original text in English, are at Archives New Zealand (NM 8, Box 56. 1852/862). Kemp's suggestion to also print the notice in the Gazette appears not to have been actioned, but an enthusiastic response to the circular led to a reprint (no. 433 a).

Williams 244. Copies: AP, WTU.

433 a

He pukapuka pa nui. | [wavy rule ] | E tama ma, e hoa ma,— | Tena koutou, — Eta ma. whakarongo mai,—otira, kua rongo katoa pea koutou ki nga t korero o te taonga nei o te koura e mahia mai nei i tera motu, ara. i Pouhakena:— | [. . .] [no imprint. Wellington, Printed at the Office of the New Zealand Spectator and Cook's Straits Guardian, 1852]

1 folded sheet ([4] p.): 230 x 1 85 mm. Width of heading 47 mm. Printed on first leaf of a folded sheet, pages [3-4] blank. Top left-hand corner of first leaf has an embossed circular watermark (with crown at centre): 'Extra Superfine Satin'.

At end of text: 'Na Kawana Kerei, | na te Kawana Nui i mea kia tuhia; | ko te Kai Tuhi Nui, | ko te Tomete. | By His Excellency's command, | Alfred Domett, | Civil Secretary. | Native Secretary's Office. | Wellington, July, 1852. | Poneke, Hurai, 1852.

A different printing of the July leaflet urging Maori to increase their crops (no. 433). Most line endings are different in this setting, which can be identified by the narrower width (47 mm.) of the heading 'He pukapuka pa nui' and the wavy rule. From its smaller size and lighter-weight paper it is assumed to be the reprint of 1,000 copies authorised by Domett on 14 September 1852 (ANZ, NM 8. Box 57, 52/1 199). An associated note from H. T. Kemp (ANZ, IA 14/35) confirms the reprint was done at the office of the New Zealand spectator and Cook's Straits guardian, which in 1853 became printer to the New Munster government for the last weeks of that administration.

Copies: WTU.

434 A SPELLING BOOK for the use of Maori children

An English-language primer with vocabularies and reading lessons.

A | spelling book | for the use of 1 Maori children. | [rule] \ With ) easy and familiar reading lessons in the | English language. | [Royal /Arms] | Published under the authority of the Government. | [ wavy rule] \


Reprint of notice dated July 1852. encouraging Maori to plant more crops.

435 WILLIAMS. WILLIAM (1800-1878)

Wellington: | Printed by R. Stokes, at the “Spectator” Office, New Zealand | [rule] | 1852.

[4], 68 p.; 210x132 mm.; coarse brown paper covers (blank). Title-page bordered with rule. Text in varying numbers of columns. Prelim, pages [2] and [4] blank.

A graduated English primer of alphabets, five vocabularies (2,095 words with parallel Maori text) and reading lessons. The prefatory note dated 24 December 1851 (prelim, p. [3], signed by Grey and countersigned by H. T. Kemp, New Munster Native Secretary) notes that it was ’originally designed for the use of the Otaki School and compiled by persons conducting that establishment’. For an account of Otaki Industrial School, established by Hadfield in 1848, see AJHR, 1858, E-l.

Williams 242, Bagnall 5280. Copies: ABH, AP, AR, DUHO, WTU.

435 WILLIAMS, William (1800-1878)

Second edition of the Maori dictionary, with additional English-Mdori section.

A | dictionary | of the | New Zealand language, | and | a concise grammar; | to which is added | a selection of colloquial sentences. | By | William Williams, D.C.L.. | Archdeacon of Waiapu. | [ride] | Second edition. | [rule] | London: | Williams and Norgate, | Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, f [rule] | MDCCCLII.

xxxix, [l], 323, [l] p.; 192x120 mm.; blind-blocked green cloth boards, Colophon p. 323: 'G. Norman. Printer, Maiden Lane, Covent Garden.’. Pages [ii], [viii] and [324] blank. Title on spine: ‘Williams’ New-Zealand dictionary'. The second edition, published September 1852, of the dictionary first printed at Paihia in 1844 (no. 217). The Maori-English section (p. [IJ-228) is revised and enlarged and a new English-Maori section (p. [229]-314) added. The grammar (p. [viii]-xxxix) and sentences (p. [3ls]-323) are largely unchanged. Long vowels are marked by an acute accent and ’wh' is used throughout.

Further editions were published in 1871 (no. 768) and 1892 (no. 1348) and several in the twentieth century (see Bagnall WI3IB etc.)

Williams 248, Bagnall 6092. Copies: ABH, AP, AR, NLA, WTU.


An anti-Catholic catechism.

Hahi taka; | he katikihama | mo etahi o nga he o | te Hahi o Roma. | Ranana. [i.e. London] | [rule] \ 1852.

15. [l] p.; 160x100 mm.; stiffened maroon cloth covers (blank). Pages [2] and [l6] blank.

A catechism of 36 unnumbered questions dealing with the errors of the Church of Rome, written by William Williams and printed under his direction during his 1851-52 visit to London, with no indication of the printer.

Williams’s journal for 1849 refers to the arrival of a Catholic priest and his activities and influence in the East Coast. On 3! December he 'Gave the



[native] teachers a lecture on the subject of intercession to the saints. A request was made by one of them that they may have the substance of these lectures in the form of catechism so that the natives may have the subject perfect against the next time the priest comes this way' (William Williams. Journal 1825-1855, CMS Archive. University of Birmingham; typescript copy at WTU. qMS-2248-51, v, 4 (qMS-2251), 1847-1855, p. 986, 1019-1027 passim).

On 2 March 1850 the CMS Central Committee decided 'that 800 copies of the catechism Hahi taka be printed and that 300 of them be for the use of the Eastern District and 500 for general distribution' (Minutes of meeting, in George Clarke, Letters and journals 1822-71, DUHO; copy at WTU qMS-0467, item 109). There is no other evidence of an 1850 edition and this London issue is assumed to be the only one.

Williams 239. Copies: AP, AR, DL, WTU.

437 BIBLE. Maori. Selections. 1853.

Leaflet of Scripture quotations, mainly Old Testament.

Nga mate | o | nga tangata kino. | [illustration] | “Ko ia e rui ana te hara, e hauhake mai i te mea noa."— | Nga Whakatauki, xxii-8. | Akarana: [i.e. Auckland] | [rule] \ 1853. [He mea ta e Reharihana]

1 folded sheet ([4] p ); 190? x 128 mm. imprint from colophon p. [3], Page [4] blank. Only copy seen is damaged. Caption title p. [2]: 'Korero | whiriwhiri i nga karaipiture mo te | matenga o te hunga kino.'. Printed by John Richardson ('Reharihana').

An anonymous religious tract, perhaps by C. O. B. Davis, comprising 23 extracts from the Old Testament and one from the New Testament, on the punishment of the wicked. The translation is quite different from that of the CMS missionaries.

Williams 256. Copies: WTU.

438 BIBLE. O.T. Maori. Selections. 1853.

Ko nga kai | Whakariterite. | [rule] | Upoko 1. | A i muri iho ite matenga o Hohua, na ka ui nga tama- | riki a lharaira ki a Ihowa, ka mea, Ko wai o matou e | haere ki mua ki nga Kanaani whawhai ai ki a ratou? | [. . .] | [no imprint. Purewa: Printed at St John's College Press for the Church Mission, 1853]

71, [l], 83, [l], 70, [2], 82, [2], 78. [2], 147, [l] p.; 180x110 mm,; coarse brown linen boards (blank). Caption title. All unnumbered pages are blank.

A collection of probationary texts of the Old Testament books of JudgesChronicles, issued without a title-page. For details of the individual items that had been separately produced between 1849 and 1853, see no. 368, 382, 404, 417-418, 440.

In a letter to the CMS of 11 November 1 852 Maunsell reported: ‘You will be pleased to hear that the last sheet of 2 Chron. is now in the press. From Judges to 2 Chron. will be bound in one book, & I hope soon to do myself the


Collected probationary texts of Old Testament books Judges-Chronicles.


pleasure of forwarding a copy to you’ (Papers of the New Zealand mission, 1 809-1914, CMS Archive, University of Birmingham; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-Coll-04-56, Various letters New Zealand mission. CN/O 64(b)). The WTU copy (formerly in the K. A. Webster collection) is almost certainly a copy sent to the CMS.

Williams 251/i-vii. Copies: AP, DUHO, WTU.


Collected probationary texts of Old Testament books Ezra-Esther. Ko Etera. | Na, i te tuatahi o nga tau o Hairuha kingi o Pahia ka | whakamana te kupu a Ihowa i whakapuakina e Here- | maia, ka whakaohokia e Ihowa te wairua o Hairuha kingi o | Pahia. [. . .] | [. . .] [no imprint. Purewa: Printed at St John’s College Press for the Church Mission, I 853?]

24, 34, 18 p.; 175x108 mm.: stiffened green cloth covers (blank). A collection of probationary texts of Maunsell’s translations of the Old Testament books of Ezra-Esther, issued without a title-page. For details of the individual items that had been separately produced in 1853, see no. 441 -443.

Williams 251/viii-x. Copies: AR. DU NLA. WTU.

440 BIBLE. O.T. Chronicles. Maori 1853.

Probationary issue of I and II Chronicles.

Ko te pukapuka tuatahi | o | nga Whakapapa. | [rule] \ Upoko 1. | Ko Arama, ko Heta, ko Enoha, | 2 Ko Kenana, ko Mahareere, ko Terera, 1 3 Ko Henoka, ko Metutera, ko Rameka, | 4 Ko Noa, ko Hema, ko Hama, ko Tapeta. | [. . .] [no imprint. Purewa: Printed at St John's College Press for the Church Mission. 1853]

147, [l] p.; 170x102 mm. Caption title. Pages [6B] and [l4B] blank. Caption title p. 69: 'Ko te pukapuka tuarua | o | nga Whakapapa.'. Running titles: 'Nga Whakapapa I.' and ‘Nga Whakapapa ll.'.

Probationary text of I-ll Chronicles, in the series of Maunsell's translations of Old Testament texts up to Job that began in 1849 with Judges and Ruth (see no. 368 for details).

Printing of Chronicles presumably began in 1851 as the annotated almanac (see no. 417) records proofs of signature B received on 13 January 1852, but progress was slow as the printing of Kings took priority. The last almanac entry for the year records that proofs of the final signature (M) were received on 23 December 1852. and presumably completion of printing did not take place until 1853.

Williams 251/ vii, Bagnall 481 (note). Copies: AP, WTU (in bound vol., no. 438).

441 BIBLE. O.T. Ezra. Maori, 1853.

Probationary issue of Ezra.

Ko Etera. | Na, i te tuatahi o nga tau o Hairuha kingi o Pahia ka | whakamana te kupu a Ihowa i whakapuakina e Here- | maia, ka



whakaohokia e Ihowa te wairua o Hairuha kingi o | Pahia. [. . .] | [. . .] [no imprint. Purewa: Printed at St John’s College Press for the Church Mission, 1853]

24 p.; 175x108 mm. Caption title.

Probationary text of Ezra, in the series of Maunsell’s translations of Old Testament texts up to Job that began in 1849 with Judges and Ruth (see no. 368 for details).

The annotated 1852 almanac (see annotation, no. 417) records the receipt of the manuscript on 13 December 1852. The typeface is different and smaller than that used previously in the series, probably to save paper, reflecting the difficulties faced by St John’s College at the time. In August 1853 Maunsell was advised that the College was no longer able to do printing for him (R. Maunsell. Letter to CMS, 19 August 1853, Papers of the New Zealand mission, 1809-1914, CMS Archive, University of Birmingham; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-Coll-04-56, Various letters New Zealand mission, CN/O 64 (b)). The same letter noted that printing had got as far as Job.

Williams 251/ viii, Bagnall 481 (note). Copies: AP, WTU (in bound vols., no. 439, 448).

442 BIBLE. O.T. Nehemiah. Maori. 1853.

Probationary issue of Nehemiah.

Ko Nehemia. | Nga kupu a Nehemia tama a Hakaria. Na. i te marama | Kihireu i te rua tekau o nga tau, i a au ano i Huhana i | te whare kingi, | [. , .] (no imprint. Purewa: Printed at St John's College Press for the Church Mission, 1853]

34 p.; I 75x108 mm. Caption title. Probably originally issued with a blank leaf at the end, conjugate with p. 33-34.

Probationary text of Maunsell’s translation of Nehemiah, in the series of Old Testament texts up to Job that began in 1849 with Judges and Ruth (see no, 368 for details).

The annotated 1852 almanac (see annotation, no. 417) records the receipt of the manuscript on 18 December 1852. The typeface is the same as that used for Ezra (no. 441), i.e. different and smaller than that used previously in the series.

Williams 251/ ix, Bagnall 481 (note). Copies: WTU (in bound vols., no. 439, 448),

443 BIBLE. O.T. Esther. Maori, 1853,

Probationary issue of Esther.

Ko Ehetere. | Na, i nga ra o Ahahueruha, (ara o Ahahueruha i kingi nei | i Inia, a tae noa ki Etiopia, ko tahi rau e rua tekau ma | whitu nga kawanatanga:) | [. . .] [no imprint. POrewa: Printed at St John’s College Press for the Church Mission, 1853]

18, [2] p.: 175x108 mm. Caption title. Pages [l9-20] blank. Running title:



Probationary text of Maunsell’s translation of Esther, in the series of Old Testament texts up to Job that began in 1 849 with Judges and Ruth (see no 368 for details).

The typeface is the same as that used for Ezra (no. 441), i.e. different and smaller than that used previously in the series.

Williams 251 lx. Bagnall 481 (note). Copies: WTU (in bound vols., no. 439,448),

444 BIBLE. O.T. Job. Maori. Selections. 1853.

Probationary issue of the first part ofJob.

Ko Hop [i.e. Hopa] | I te whenua o Uhu tetahi tangata imua, ko Hopa tona | ingoa; he tangata tapatahi ano ia, he tika, i wehi i te | Atua, i mawehe atu i te kino. |[. ..J [no imprint. Auckland: Printed by Williamson and Wilson, 1853]

24 p.; 175x108 mm. Caption title. Running title: 'Ko Hopa.'. No signature marks.

Probationary text of Maunsell's translation of Job I-17:[14], in the series of Old Testament texts up to Job that began in 1849 with Judges and Ruth (see no. 368 for details). Verse 14 of Chapter 17 is misnumbered 15. The final two verses of the chapter were printed with the next portion issued (no. 449),

Maunsell refers to 'Job very badly printed (first 24 pages, No. 72d) by Williamson’ (letter of 25 April 1857, quoted in Grey II:iv, p. 36). It is printed in worn, small-size type similar to that used for Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther (no. 441-443).

On 28 December 1853 Maunsell told the CMS: 'The Bishop [Selwyn] takes home [to England] with him my translations of the Old Testament as far as Nehemia [sic] inclusive (no. 456], He has kindly undertaken to have it printed in England, & I know of no editor that I should have preferred to him. I have carefully revised it and hope if spared to send to the end of Job before February 1854. We are now in a considerable difficulty in the matter of printing. Nothing can be done here. 1 sent in MS of the book of Job July 18, and as yet only two half sheets have been printed [i.e. this item) and these so incorrectly that I cannot send them with the Bishop. This is very discouraging' (Papers of the New Zealand mission, 1809-1914, CMS Archive, University of Birmingham; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-ColTo4-56. Various letters New Zealand mission, CN/O 64 (b».

Williams 251/ xi, Bagnall 481 (note). Copies: WTU (in bound vol., no. 448).

445 DAVIS, Charles Oliver Bond (181 7/1 87-1877)

Religious tract addressed to Auckland Maori.

He pukapuka aroha | kite tangata Maori, | e noho ana i te taone o Akarana; | na Hare Oriwa Reweti, | Kai-whakamaori o te Kawanatanga. | [illustration] | “Ko nga utu o te kino he mate.” Roma vi. 23. | Akarana [i.e. Auckland] | I taia tenei e te Riharihana. 1 [rule] | Erua kapa hei utu. [18531

12 p.; 204x123 mm. At end of text: 'Aperira 20, 1853.'. Printed by John Richardson (‘te Riharihana').


447 GREY. SIR GEORGE (1812-1898)

A religious tract with many Scripture quotations, in the form of a letter to Maori living around Auckland. Davis ('Reweti'), well-known interpreter in the Auckland courts, had lived with the Wesleyan mission in the Hokianga in the 1830s. The tract ‘on the fearful consequences of intemperance. Sabbath breaking, etc., - growing evils' was advertised in the Maori messenger, no. 124, 22 September 1853, p. [l], as having been written 'for the sole benefit of the natives'. It was available from Mr Jaggar, Stationer, for two pence (‘erua kapa') to help defray publication costs.

Williams 255, Bagnall 1549. Copies: AR. WTU.

446 FAREWELL ADDRESS of the native tribes . . .

Speeches delivered at a farewell hui for Grey at Otaki. 21 September 1853. Farewell address | of | the native tribes in the Southern Province | of New Zealand | to | His Excellency Sir George Grey, K.C.8., | &c., &c., &c., | delivered at Otaki 21st September, 1853; | with | the Governor's reply, [parallel text:]

Ko nga korero | o te huihuinga | o nga iwi Maori o runga o Kapiti; | kite poroporoaki | ki | to ratou matua, | kia | Kawana Kerei (Sir George Grey), K.C.8., | &c„ &c„ &c. | [rule] | I huihui ki Otaki | i te 21 o nga ra o Hepetema | 1853. [Printed by R. Stokes. New Zealand Spectator Office, | Lambton-quay, Wellington. [lBs3]]

16 p : 218x153 mm. Imprint from colophon p. 16. Pages [2] and [4| blank. The Maori title is on p. [3], Caption title p. [s]: ‘He korero hou; | ko nga korero o te huihuinga | o “Ngatiraukawa.n o “Ngatitoa,” o "Ngatiawa,” | ki Otaki, ki te poroporoakl I ki to ratou matua kia Kawana Kerei.'.

Contains a description of events, an address on behalf of Ngati Raukawa with 272 signatures, a waiata and Grey's reply, all in both Maori and English. The speeches were delivered at a hui of Ngati Raukawa, Ngati Toa and Ngati Awa held at Otaki on 21 September 1853, during Grey’s last visit to the south before his departure.

Williams 253, Bagnall 1866. Copies: AP, DL; WTU (photocopy).

447 GREY, Sir George (1812-1898)

First published collection of Maori waiata and legends.

Ko | nga moteatea, me nga hakirara | o nga Maori. | [rule] \ He mea kohikohi mai | na | Sir George Grey, K. C. 8., | Governor-in-Chief of the New Zealand islands, | &c, &c, 6tc. | 1 tera kaumatua, i tera kuia; no ona haerenga, e maha, | ki nga pito katoa, o enei motu. | [rule] | New Zealand: | Printed by Robert Stokes, Wellington. | [rule] | 1853.

[4], xiv, [7]-432, cxii, 18, [2] p ; 223x142 mm.; green or red cloth boards with blind and gilt tooling (patterns vary). Prelim, pages: half-title and titlepage (versos blank) pages and running titles to p. 432 bordered with rules.

Half-title: 'Poems, traditions, and chaunts | of the Maories.'. Spine titles vary; the following have been seen; 'Poetry of the New Zealanders'; 'Sir G, Grey's Mythology and traditions of the New Zealanders'.

The contents of this important collection of over 500 waiata and legends



comprise: Preface (xiv p.) in English, dated July 1853; main text ([7J-432 p.) of 507 waiata in Maori with footnotes in English; supplementary section ’He korero apiti | ano |no nga waiata nei’ (cxii p.) of 11 legends and 25 waiata; index of first lines (18 p ); Errata ([2] p.). The 25 additional waiata (p. xcviicxii, section ’No. 12’) are not indexed. Grey refers in the preface to the printer being ‘Mr. Sutherland’. A facsimile edition was published by Kiwi Publishers (Christchurch) in 2002.

Williams incorrectly describes this 1853 issue as a second edition. The 1851 issue that he recorded as the first edition (W. 231) is actually a proof working copy ([4], 7-432, xcvi, 18 p.; AP, GNZM 231) with Grey’s annotations. An incomplete copy is at SAL (G12b 18) and there are also specimens of smaller sections of proofs, one at WTU (MSX-5199; [2], 7-24 p ). The main differences between the 1851 proof copy and the 1853 publication are the addition of the Preface and the 25 extra waiata. The legends were subsequently printed in Grey’s 1854 work, Ko nga mahinga (no, 453).

A note on p. 18 of the index refers to the manuscript of the work having been deposited in the Wellington Athenaeum. It is now at WTU (MS-Papers--1187-064-069) as part of the Polynesian Society Records, though Colenso noted that John White had taken the manuscript to Auckland without Grey's permission (Colenso to Grey, 18 November 1871 (AP, GL:NZ C2B (4)) and 20 February 1872 (AP. GL:NZ C28(5))).

In the preface Grey refers to the seven-year preparation of the work, which he identified as a means of preserving pre-Christian traditions. The process had begun with orators’ performances at hui as he travelled throughout the country, which were then converted to edited metrical versions after extensive consultation and input. 'At the present time it appeared possible to make such a collection of the ancient poems of the New Zealanders, because they still lingered in the memories of a large portion of the population, although they were fast passing out of use, and so ancient and highly figurative was the language in which they were composed, that already large portions of them are nearly or quite unintelligible to many of their best instructed young men’ (p. iv).

One of the major contributors was Te Rangikaheke who later wrote a manuscript commentary on the language and people mentioned in the first I 30 or so waiata (AP: microfilm copy of typescript at WTU, Micro-MS-0253). For further information about his work see J. Curnow. 'Wiremu Maihi Te Rangikaheke: His life and work '.JPS. v, 94, no. 2 (June 1985), p, 97-147.

Williams 252, Bagnall 2346. Copies: AP. AR, DUHO, NLA, WTU.

448 BIBLE. O.T. Maori. Selections. 1854

Collected probationary texts of Old Testament books Ezra-Job.

Ko Etera. | Na, 1 te tuatahi o nga tau o Hairuha king! o Pahia ka |

whakamana te kupu a Ihowa 1 whakapuakina e Here- | maia, ka whakaohokia e Ihowa te wairua o Hairuha king! o | Pahia. [. ..]| [. .] [no imprint. Purewa: Bishop's Press, 1854]

24, 34, 18, [2], 24, 42. [2] p. 175x108 mm.; brown linen boards (blank).

A collection of probationary texts of Maunsell’s translations of the Old Testament books of Ezra-Job that had been separately produced in 1853-54.


450 BROWN. ALFRED NESBIT (1803-1884)

For details of the individual items see no. 441-444, 449.

Williams 251/viii-xii. Copies: AR, DUHO, WTU.

449 BIBLE. O.T. Job. Maori. Selections. 1854

Probationary issue of the final part of Job.

Ko Hopa.) | 15 Kei hea ra he tumanakohanga atu maku? he tuma- | nakohanga atu maku! ko wai e kite? | [. , .] [no imprint. Auckland: Printed by John Telford for the Church Missionary Society Central Committee, 1854]

42, [2] p.; 175x108 mm. Title from shoulder-head. Pages [43-44] blank. Pagination and signature marks (A2-W2) are centred at head of pages. No running title.

Probationary text of Maunsell’s translation of Job from 17:15 to end (42:1 /), in the series of Old Testament texts that began in 1849 with Judges and Ruth (see no. 368 for details). The typeface and size revert to that used in the earlier issues produced by the Bishop's Press (e.g. no. 368). It was apparently printed by Telford, who had left Wanganui due to ill health and was then in Auckland, where he stayed until his departure for Sydney in September 1854.

On 20 February 1854 the CMS Central Committee decided that Telford could stay in Auckland until a decision was made on his future, and that he should work on printing Maunsell's Bible translation, using the press stored in the St John's Book Depository (Papers of the New Zealand mission. 18091914, CMS Archive. University of Birmingham; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-Coll-04-42, Various letters New Zealand mission, CN/04).

By 30 May one sheet had been struck off and another had been set, with the assistance of ‘a boy who was recommended to me from Waikato [i.e. Maunsell’s mission]' (J. Telford to A N. Brown, 30 May 1854; citation as in preceding paragraph; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-Coll-04-59, Various letters New Zealand mission, CN/088).

Williams 251/ xii. Bagnall 481 (note). Copies: WTU (in bound vol.. no. 448).

450 BROWN, Alfred Nesbit (1803-1884)

"Brief memorials of an only son", in memory of Alfred Marsh Brown, aged 15.

He kupu maimai aroha | mo | te tamaiti i mate, | tuhituhia iho kite tuahine, | kite mea o raua i ora 1 [rule] | [2 Scripture quotations, 5 lines, with captions: Whakakitenga, ii.3,; Nga Hiperu, xiii.7.] | [rule] | No Akarana: [i.e. Auckland] | I taia tenei kite Perehi o te Wiremuhana raua ko te Wirihana. I [rule] I 1854.

51, [l] p,; 205x135 mm.; yellow paper covers. Pages [2] and [s2] blank. Caption title p. [3]: He kupu maimai aroha | enei kupu.'. Signed at end; 'Na te Paraone, Minita.'.

Title on cover; 'He mihi aroha, | mo taku potiki kua mate. | [rule] | Brief memorials | of | an only son, | translated into the New Zealand language. | rule] | [imprint as for title-page, but without the rule preceding the date]. Printed by Williamson and Wilson (‘te Wiremuhana raua ko te Wirihana').


451 BUNYAN. JOHN (1628-1688)

A translation by H. T. Kemp, at the request of Grey, of Archdeacon Brown’s Brief Memorials of an only son (Bagnall 686), It commemorates the life of Brown’s son Alfred Marsh Brown, who had died aged 15 in September 1845, and is in the form of a letter to his daughter, Marianne Celia Brown, addressed at the end as ‘Ki taku tamahine kia Hiria Paraone, kei Tauranga’.

The English original, incorrectly dated at 1845 in Hocken (p, 1 19) and Bagnall 686, was first printed privately at St John’s College by John Telford in July-August 1849 (John Telford, Diary and letters 1840-1856, WTU, qMS--2004-15). Only 12 copies were produced, all issued to Brown on 6 December i 849 (St John’s College, Purewa, Book Depository ledger I, 1 848-49, ASJ, SJCT 14/36, p. II; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-0936). A second edition of the English text was published in London in 1856 (Bagnall 687) and a third by The Elms Trust, Tauranga, in 1964.

Williams 261, Bagnall 688. Copies: AP, DUHO, NLA, WTU.

451 BUNYAN, John (1628-1688)

The story of the pilgrim's progress.

He moemoea. | [rule] | Otira, | ko nga korero o te huarahi, | e rere atu nei te tangata i tenei ao, | a, tapoko noa ano ki tera ao atu; | he kupu whakarite, | na Hoani Paniana. | He mea whakamaori mai i te reo Pakeha, | “Patukina, a, ka tuwhera kia koutou.” | [rule ] | Poneke: [i.e. Wellington] | He mea Perehi e te Toki, ki Weretana, Poneke. | [rule] j 1854.

[B], 225, [3] p., [6] leaves of plates; light brown or grey paper covers. 230x143 mm. (untrimmed). Prelim, pages (all versos blank): p. [l] (blank), half title, title-page, dedication (English). Title repeated on front cover within ornamental border. Printed by Robert Stokes (‘te Toki’).

Half-title: ‘He reo Maori. | The Pilgrim’s progress. | by John Bunyan. ) Translated into the Maori language under direction | of the government. | First edition.’. Caption title p. [s]: ‘He kupu whakarite, ara. He moemoea; Ko nga korero [. . . as title-page] ao atu.’.

Translation by H. T. Kemp of The pilgrim's progress by John Bunyan (‘Hoani Paniana') first published in 1678, with six lithographs by T. S. Ralph and in a style uniform with the edition of Robinson Crusoe issued in 1852 (no. 427). As with Robinson Crusoe, Maori were reported to be disappointed to discover the story was an allegory rather than true, see T. M. Hocken, ‘Some account of the beginnings of literature in New Zealand; Part I, the Maori section’, TNZI, v. 33 (1900), p. 472-490, p. 488. For other views and comments see S. Rogers, 'Crusoe among the Maori’, Book history, v. I (1998), p. 182-195. A reprint was suggested in 1891; see no. 427 for details. A partial manuscript (23 leaves numbered 335-379, representing p. 60-61) is at AP (GNZ MMSS 40).

It appears that publication was somewhat delayed. The dedication by Grey to Zachariah Kiharoa (Ngati Raukawa, 1822-1852) is dated 10 March 1854 (prelim, p. [B] (English) and p. [l] (Maori)), although Grey's term as Governor had finished in December 1853. It is countersigned by Kemp as Native Secretary, a position he had held in the New Munster administration and may have continued to hold in the 1853/54 transition to provincial government.


453 GREY. GEORGE (1812-1898)

The manuscript of an earlier (1836) translation by Puckey, not printed due to lack of type, is at WTU (qMS-0330).

Williams 262, Bagnall 770. Copies: AP, AR, DUHO, NLA, WTU.

452 GRACE, Thomas Samuel (1815-1879)

A leaflet advising Maori that they should not sell their land.

Ko etahi patai kite hunga | Maori mo te hoko whenua. | [rule] | "Whakamatamatauria nga mea katoa, kia u kite | mea pai” | [rule] \ 1 .—1 whiwhi nga tamariki a Iharaira ki to ratou whenua tupu | I te pehea? 1 hokona ranei e ratou kite moni? Kenehi | 15.7, 18. | [paragraphs 2-18. 44 lines] [no imprint. Auckland: Printed by John Richardson, 1854]

I sheet ([l] p.); 214x150 mm.? Only copy located is damaged.

A leaflet discouraging Maori from selling their land to Europeans, at a time when the government was eager to press ahead with purchases to meet the needs of settlers.

This leaflet was written in English by Grace and translated by John Telford before his departure for Sydney in September 1854. 250 copies were printed by Richardson, but only one surviving copy is known, at NLA. This copy is annotated (in part incorrectly) 'printed by Mr John Telford & published by the Revd T Grace', and is accompanied by an 1858 leaflet, Ko te ture hoko (no. 477 a).

An English translation was printed in the Southern Cross. 17 October 1854, and a transcription of another is in the Native Land Purchase Committee. Auckland Provincial Council, Session 2, October 1854-January 1855, Minute book, p. 51-53 (AP, NZMS 595). For details of the background to and impact of this 'abominable printed document', see A. G. Bagnall, ‘No known copy? T. S. Grace's suppressed circular. W264', Turnbull Library record, v, 15. no. 2 (October 1982), p. 77-92. For further information on the establishment of the Native Land Purchase Department (1853), Donald McLean’s role, and land purchase policy at the time see K. Sinclair. Origins of the Maori Wars (2nd ed., Auckland. 1961), p. 55-59.

Williams **264. Copies: NLA; WTU (photocopy).

453 GREY, George (1812-1898)

A collection of traditional Maori legends.

Ko | nga mahinga | a | nga tupuna Maori | he mea kohikohi mai, | na | Sir George Grey, K. C. 8,, | Governor in Chief of the New Zealand islands. | [rule] | London: | George Willis, 42, Charing Cross, | and | Great Piazza, Covent Garden. I 1854.

vi [i.e. viii], 202 p.; 21 1X135 mm,; brown cloth boards with blind and gold tooling. Numbering of p. vi and viii transposed, Colophon p. 202: ‘G. Norman, Printer, Maiden Lane, Covent Garden.'. Pages [ii], [iv], [2], [lo4], [lo6], [l24], [l26] blank.

Title on cover: ‘Mythology and traditions | of the | New Zealanders | [rule] I Sir. G Grey.’. Half title: 'Mythology and traditions | of the | New Zealanders,


454 NEW ZEALAND. GOVERNOR (I 845-1 853 : GREY)

A collection in three parts (‘wahi’) of 31 Maori legends of cosmological, mythological and historical significance, some of which had been published in his 1853 work Ko nga moteatea (no. 447). A volume of associated manuscripts and printed proofs is at AP (GNZ MMSS 29). For a study of the sources of the legends, see D. Simmons. '. . . Sir George Grey’s Nga mahi a nga tupuna’. IPS. v. 75 dune 1966), p. 177-188,

English translations of 23 of the legends were published in Grey’s 1855 work Polynesian mythology and ancient traditional history of the New Zealand race (Bagnall 2348). A composite second edition of the English and Maori texts was published in 1885 (no. I 129). A third edition of the Maori text, edited by H. W. Williams, was published in 1928 (New Plymouth; reprinted Wellington, 1953; Bagnall G859) with the title Nga mahi a nga tupuna, of which facsimiles were published in 1971 and 1997.

Williams 260, Bagnall 2344. Copies: AP, AR, DUHO, NLA, WTU.

454 NEW ZEALAND. Governor (1 845-1 853 : Grey)

Te pukapuka poroporoaki | a Kawana Kerei | ki nga tangata Maori o Nui Tireni. | [swelled rule] | E aku tamariki, — | E rere haere ana nga takiwa, a, he nui taku mahi i mua atu o te rerenga o te Kaipu- | ke. koia te puta atu ai aku kupu ki nga iwi katoa, me nga rangatira katoa o Niu Tireni; | [. . .] [no imprint. Auckland?: Printed by Williamson and Wilson?, 1854.]

I sheet ([2] p.); 255x185 mm.; blue paper. Signed at end: ‘Na to koutou hoa aroha, | to koutou Kawana, | to koutou Matua hoki, | G. Grey. | Whare o te Kawana, 1 Akarana, Tihema 31, 1853.’. Presumably printed by the printer to the government.

Grey’s farewell message to the Maori people at the end of his first governorship, exhorting them to continue on the path of Christian faith, and respect for the church and those in authority. Also printed, with the English original, in the Maori messenger, 23 March 1854, p. [4]. and in Maori mementos (Auckland, 1855; no. 459), p. 120-125.

Williams 254. Copies: AP; WTU (photocopy).

455 BIBLE. O.T. Maori. Selections. 1855.

Old Testament books Judges-Psalms.

Ko | te tahi wahi | o | te Kawenata Tawhito. | [rule] | He mea whakamaori mai no te reo Hiperu. | [rule] | No Ranana: [i.e. London] | Na te Komiti ta Paipera. | [rule] \ 1855.

[4], [345]-817, [l] p.; 184x106 mm.; royal blue or dark green cloth boards with blind tooling. Printed in two columns separated by vertical rule. Prelim, pages; title-page (colophon on verso), contents (verso blank). Colophon on verso of title-page: T taia kite Perehi o Wiremu M. Wati.L Page [BlB] blank. Title on front cover: ‘Kawenata | Tawhito;’.

The Old Testament books Judges-Psalms, comprising the combined texts of no. 456 and 457. This volume continues, in content and pagination, the BFBS (‘te Komiti ta Paipera') edition of the Old Testament that had begun in 1848 ;


Farewell letter. 31 December 1853. from Governor Grey to Maori.


with the Hexateuch (no. 352). The final volume was published in 1858 (no. 470). All were printed by William Mavor Watts ('Wiremu M. Wati'),

This revised text, apart from Psalms, had been printed in New Zealand as probationary copies between 1849 and 1 854 (see no. 368 for further details). Psalms had been translated and published earlier, as part of the Church of England prayer book, most recently in 1852 (no. 422), but this is a new setting. Selwyn and then Burrows saw the work through the press in England (see no. 444 and 456 for further background).

Williams 266 & (S). Bagnail 481 Copies: AP, AR, DL. DUHO, NLA. WTU.


Old Testament books Judges-Nehemiah.

Ko | te tahi wahi | o | te Kawenata Tawhito. | [rule] \ He mea whakamaori mai no te reo Hiperu. | [rule] | No Ranana: [i.e. London] | Na te Komiti ta Paipera. 1 [rule] 1 1855.

[4], [345]-679, [l] p.; 184x106 mm. Printed in two columns separated by vertical rule. Prelim, pages: title-page (colophon on verso), contents (verso blank). Colophon on verso of title-page: 'I taia kite Perehi o Wiremu M. Wati.’. Page (6801 blank. Signatures [*A]-*P.

The Old Testament books Judges-Nehemiah. a separate issue of part of the volume Judges-Psalms (no. 455). It was possibly produced as an interim issue, pending arrival of the translations of Esther-Job that were delayed due to difficulties in getting probationary texts printed in New Zealand (see no. 441), Printed by William Mavor Watts (‘Wiremu M. Wati') for the BFBS {‘te Komiti ta Paioera’).

An extract from BFBS minutes sent to the CMS on 28 May 1855 documents the issue; 'Presented a copy of the Book of Judges to Nehemiah in the New Zealand language, an edition of 5000 copies of which has just been completed at the expense of this Society, under the editorial care in the first place of the Lord Bishop of New Zealand, and subsequently, after his return to New Zealand, of the Revd. R. Burrows. Resolved that 2000 copies of the above mentioned work be placed at the disposal of the Church Missionary Society for sale or gratis distribution by their missionaries in New Zealand' (K. A. Webster, Webster Collection. WTU, MS-Papers-1009-2/55).

Williams 267 a (S). Bagnail 481 (note). Copies: WTU.


Old Testament books Esther. Job and Psalms.

Ko | te tahi wahi | o | te Kawenata Tawhito. | [rule] | He mea whakamaori mai no te reo Hiperu. | [rule] | Ko nga pukapuka enei o tenei wahi. | [rule] \ Ko Ehetere. Ko Hopa. Ko nga Waiata. | [rule] | No Ranana; [i.e. London] | Na te Komiti ta Paipera. | [rule] | 1855.

[l], [6BOJ-817, [l] p.; 182x106 mm. Printed in two columns separated by vertical rule. Prelim, page: title-page (p. [6Bo] on verso). Page [BlB] blank. Signatures *Q-*X,

The Old Testament books Esther. Job and Psalms. This is a separate issue of


458 DAVIS. CHARLES OLIVER BOND (I 8 I 7/1 8?-1 887)

the final part of the volume Judges-Psalms (no. 455) and continues the pagination and signatures of the issue of Judges-Nehemiah (no. 456). Printed by William Watts for the BFBS (‘te Komiti ta Paipera’).

Williams 267, Bagnall 480. Copies: AP, AR, DUHO, NLA, WTU.

458 DAVIS, Charles Oliver Bond (1 81 7/1 8?-l887)

A tract on the second coming of Christ.

Ko 1 nga tohu | mo te putanga mai | o te Ariki o Ihu Karaiti, | me | tona nohoanga a-tinana | i roto i ana hunga pono i Maunga | Hiona, i Hiruharama, i te ao | maori nei. | Na Hare Oriwa Reweti, | kai-whakamaori o te Kawanatanga i Akarana, | Niu Tireni. | “Na, ka haere atu ahau ano he tahae."-Whakakitenga | xvi, 15. | I taia tenei e Joseph Cook, | 219, George Street. | [rule] \ 1854. [i.e. 1855] [Sydney]

58 p.; 139x86 mm.; purple cloth boards with gold-blocked angel on front cover. Colophon p. [2]; ‘Sydney: | Printed by Joseph Cook, | 219 George Street.'. Colophon p. 58: T taia tenei e Hohepa Kuki, Hori Tiriti, Poi Hakene.' (‘Port [ackson', i.e. Sydney]

A tract on the second coming of Christ, dated January 1855 (p. 57). On p. 58 is a list of ministers of the Churches of England and Scotland who endorse the content. It was advertised in the Maori messenger from November 1855.

Williams 263, Bagnall 1553. Copies: WTU.


Farewell addresses to Sir George Grey, with additional waiata.

Maori mementos: | being | a series of addresses, presented by 1 the native people, | to | His Excellency Sir George Grey, K.C.8., F.R.S. | Governor and High Commissioner of the Cape of Good Hope, | and late Governor of New Zealand; | with introductory remarks and explanatory notes, | to which is added | a small collection of laments, &c. | by | Charles Oliver B. Davis, | translator and interpreter to the general government. | [rule] | Auckland: | Printed by Williamson and Wilson. I [rule] I 1855.

[4], iii, [l], 227, [l] p.; 230x1 15 mm. Prelim, pages (versos blank): title-page and dedication. Pages [iv] and [22B] blank. One copy seen (WTU) has pages 4, 5, 8 misnumbered as 6, 7. 10. Caption title p, [1): 'Maori mementoes, [sic] &c.. &c.’.

A collection of 31 addresses (mainly from the Auckland region) delivered or sent to Grey, with his reply (see also no. 454), accounts of meetings, and additional waiata and hymns. The texts are in both English and Maori with numerous explanatory footnotes in English. The work was compiled and translated by C. O. B. Davis, at the time an official interpreter, partly as a personal tribute to Grey for his contribution to the preservation of Maori oral traditions and making them known, it was advertised for sale in the New Zealander on 26 July I 855.

In a memorandum dated 9 November 1855 Davis wrote: ‘The little work entitled "Maori Mementos" is locked up by the printers: at some future time



1 may be able to procure a copy. The charges for printing far exceed what was originally intended, 1 have reason to believe that they are much too high and indeed the conduct of the establishment throughout is irreconcilable with the assurances given to His Excellency Sir George Grey during his residence in New Zealand. Many matters of interest were omitted lest a greater expense should be incurred' (AP. GNZM 271).

Williams 272, Bagnall 1545. Copies: AP, AR. DL, DUHO, NLA, WTU.

460 MARTIN, Sir William (1807-1880)

Enlarged edition of a primer for teaching English to Maori.

He 1 pukapuka whakaako | kite reo Pakeha. | [rule] \ No te Kareti; [i.e. St John's College, Purewa] 1 I taia tenei kite Perehi a te Pihopa. | [rule] \ 1855.

142, [2] p ; 175x120 mm.; green cloth boards (blank). Page [2] blank. Pages [143-144). the blank final leaf of signature T, is used as the back pastedown. Printed at the Bishon's Press.

A primer for teaching English to Maori. It is a revised and enlarged combined edition of two parts published separately in 1850 and 1852 (no. 397 and 431). Most of the text from p. 95 on is new material, mainly about adverbs.

The work formed the basis of W. L. Williams's Lessons in the English language for Maori schools, published in two parts in 1873 and 1875 (no. 810 and 849).

Williams 268. Bagnall 3407. Copies: AP, AR, NLA. WTU.

461 NEW ZEALAND. Central Board of Vaccination

A leaflet announcing and promoting vaccination against smallpox.

Te korero o te Runanga o Waenganui o te Motu | nei, mo te mahi okaoka, mo te koroputaputa ki, | nga iwi Maori, o Niu Tireni. | [rule] \ 1 [i.e. I] nga tau ewhitu ka pahemo ake nei, wehi ana a Kawana Kerei, kei | puta mai ki Niu Tireni, i nga Pakeha, tera taru te koroputaputa. [. . .] | [5l lines] [no imprint. Auckland?: Printed by Williamson and Wilson?, 1855]

1 sheet ([l] p.); 304x214 mm. Presumably primed by the printer to the government.

A leaflet promoting vaccination against smallpox and explaining the procedure. The text was also printed in the Maori messenger. 1 March 1855, with a oarallel English text.

The Central Board of Vaccination resulted from recommendations of a parliamentary committee: for its report see the Gazette. 30 December I 854, p. 264-265. Members of the Board were Bishops Selwyn and Pompallier, Rev. G. A. Kissling. Rev, T. Buddie, Donald McLean, Major Nugent (Native Secretary). A. S. Thomson (Surgeon. 58th Regiment) and Dr Davies (Provincial Surgeon). H. J, Andrews was appointed Resident Vaccinator on 15 February 1855 and £2OO was provided in the Appropriation Bill for 1855 for vaccination of Maori, The Board's first report is AJHR. 1856, A-10, For further background information on vaccination for Maori see D. A. Dow, Maori health and government policy 1840-1940 (Wellington, 1999), p, 48-53.

Sommerville 273 a, Bagnall 3034. Copies: WTU.



462 SELWYN, George Augustus (1809-1878)

Itinerary for visits October 1855-August 1856.

Ko te haerenga tenei a te Pihopa. | (Kite pai te Ariki, a ka ora ia Hemi. 4. 15[)J | hei whakatakoto Ite Hapa Tapu. | hei whakapa ite tangata kua oti nei te iriiri. | hei whakariterite hoki i nga mahi katoa o te Hahi. | [table in 3 columns of 38. 37, 31 lines] | Akarana, 18 Hepetema. 1855. | [note. 14 lines] | Naku, na to koutou matua aroha, | Na te Herewini, na te Pihopa o Nui Tereni. [no imprint. Auckland: Printed by Williamson and Wilson?, 1855]

1 sheet ([l] p ); 334x209 mm.; bluish paper. The detailed tabular setting and range of small size type suggest it was probably printed by Williamson and Wilson.

A tabular itinerary of Selwyn’s pastoral visits for the period October 1855 to August I 856, ranging from the Chatham Islands to Kaitaia, with details of date, location and name of minister. Selwyn had returned from a 12-month visit to England in July 1855. For other itineraries see no. 413 and 484.

Copies: ASJ (in Selwyn papers, ANG 090/7/4); WTU (photocopy).

463 BIBLE. O.T. Maori. Selections. 1856.

Probationary issue of Old Testament books Proverbs-Lamentations. Ko nga Whakatauki. | Upoko I. | Nga whakatauki a Horomona tama a Rawiri, kingi o | Iharaira; | 2. E mohiotia ai nga whakaaro nui, te ako, e kitea ai nga | kupu o te matauranga. | [. . .] [no imprint. Purewa: Printed by Robert Skeen for the Maori Bible Translation Committee. 1856]

329, [l] p.; 175x106 mm.; 'At purple cloth, marbled-paper boards (blank). Caption title. Page [33o] blank. Signatures begin at B. Final 3 leaves (p. 325[33o]), the first part of signature 2D) are tipped in. Bound by J. F. Leighton. Auckland.

A printed note dated I May 1856 from John B. Bennett. Secretary, Maori Bible Translation Committee, is tipped in on the front flyleaf. It asks for corrections to be submitted by the end of the year.

The probationary text of Maunsell’s translation of Proverbs-Lamentations, of which 1 50 copies were printed at St John’s College. This volume continues the translation of the Old Testament that had begun with Exodus in 1842 (no, 103). Other books had been published intermittently over the intervening years (see no. 103 and 368 for further details) and the task concluded with this and the volume described in no. 464. The BFBS published the revised texts in London (no. 352, 455, 470) and a complete Bible in 1868 (no. 716).

A detailed account of how, in financial and practical terms, this and the final volume were achieved, following the reduction in CMS funding and the departure of Telford, is told in the Report (Auckland, 1858; Bagnall 661) of the BFBS Auckland Auxiliary Maori Bible Translation Finance Committee. It lists over 100 subscribers, who contributed £403 to the cause. Other references, including to the efficiency of the printer, Robert Skeen, can also be found in letters from Maunsell to the CMS dated I I December 1854, 15 November 1855, 12 August 1856 (Papers of the New Zealand mission, 1809-1 914, CMS Archive, University of Birmingham: microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-Coll--04-56, Various letters New Zealand mission, CN/O 65 (b)).



The joint CMS-WMMS Committee of Revision worked 6 days a week for three months, finishing its work on the final volume on 21 October 1857. The Committee comprised: William Williams, Robert Maunsell, George Kissling, Thomas Buddie, Alexander Reid and John Hobbs,

Williams 269, Bagnall 482. Copies: AP, DL, NLA, WTU.


Probationary issue of Old Testament books Ezekiel-Malachi.

Ko Ehekiere. | Upoko 1. | Na, ite toru tekau o nga tau ite wha o nga marama i te | rima o te marama i roto ahau i nga whakarau i te taha | o te awa o Kepara, na ka puare nga rangi, a ka kite ahau i | nga putanga mai o te Atua. | [. . .] [Printed at St. John’s College, Auckland, [i.e. Purewa] | 1856.]

[33l]-576 p.; 175x107 mm.; 'U purple cloth, marbled-paper boards (blank). Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. [576], First 3 leaves (p. [33l]-336), the final part of signature 2D) are tipped in. The pagination and signatures continue the sequence of no. 463. Printed by Robert Skeen for the Maori Bible Translation Committee. Bound by J. F. Leighton, Auckland.

A printed note dated ‘Auckland, October 24th, 1857. [i.e. 1856]’ from John B. Bennett, Secretary, Maori Bible Translation Committee, is tipped in on the front flyleaf. It asks for corrections to be submitted by 31 March 1857.

The probationary text of Maunsell's translation of Ezekiel to Malachi, completing the translation of the Old Testament. See the entry for its companion volume (no. 463) for further details.

Williams 270 & (S), Bagnall 483. Copies: AP. DL, DUHO, NLA, WTU.


Fifty-two Church of England hymns.

Ko nga himene. | [rule] | Himene 1, | Ko wai rate Atua? | Ko Ihowa ano, | ko te Atua i homai nei \ 1 tana tamaiti. | [. . .] [no imprint. Auckland?, ca. 1856]

A collection of 52 hymns printed as a supplement to the Anglican prayer book, probably the 1852 edition (no. 422). The hymns are the standard 42 from earlier collections, first published in 1839 (no. 56), plus 10 new translations by T, H. Smith (Williams). The printer is unknown (but possibly at the Southern Cross office); the type is different from that used in the previous St John’s College printing c.1850 (no. 395).

The CMS Central Committee, meeting in Auckland on 12 February 1855, asked William Williams to ‘make a collection of the Maori hymns and to lay them before the next Annual Meeting', and this collection is probably the result (Papers of the New Zealand mission, 1809-1914, CMS Archive, University of Birmingham; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-Coll-04-37, Mission books, CN/M2O, p. 456).

The 52 hymns were reprinted, with minor amendments and a different no. 46, byj. F. Leighton in about 1860 (no. 500). A selection of 24 (including


16 p.; 175x115 mm,; wrap-around paper covers (blank). Caption title. Printed in two columns separated by vertical rule.

466 MARTIN. MARY ANN. LADY (1817-1884)

the 10 by Smith) was printed in London in 1858 together with the prayer book (no. 473).

Williams 210 a. Copies: AP, DL. NLA, WTU.

466 MARTIN, Mary Ann, Lady (1817-1884)

The geography of the world, a text for children in Maori and English. He korero | mo nga | whenua katoa | o | te ao nei. | [rate] | No te Kareti: [i.e. St John’s College, POrewa] | 1 taia tenei kite Perehi a te Pihopa, I 1856.

42 p.; 204X128 mm,; brown or red cloth boards (blank) or 'A brown cloth, brown and blue marbled-paper boards (blank). Page [2] blank. Printed at the Bishop’s Press. Bound by J. F, Leighton. Auckland.

The English-language version, bound in after the Maori text, has its own title-page: ‘Geography, | for the | use of children in New Zealand. | [rate] | Auckland: [ i.e. POrewa] | Printed at St. John’s College Press, | 1856.'. (39. [l] p. Pages [2] and [4o] blank.)

A descriptive geography of the world, written for children. Both Maori and English texts were serialised in the Maori messenger between February and December 1855. The prefatory note to the first instalment stated that it had been supplied by ‘friends who are very much interested in the welfare of the native people,' and that the intention was to bind it into a small volume for the use of Church of England schools.

In a manuscript memorandum of 9 November 1855 (AP, GNZM 271) C. O. B. Davis stated that 'Mrs Martin supplied the Geography'. As Maunsell presented copies of both texts to Sir George Grey (Grey li:iv 105 & 105 a) it is possible he was responsible for the translation (which Williams describes as 'free') from Lady Martin's English original. Hocken's ascription (p. 530) of this work to Archbishop Whately appears to result from an unattributed note in a copy formerly his, now at WTU.

Williams 276, Bagnall 3033. Copies: AP, AR, DL, DUHO, NLA, WTU.


Schedule for Wesleyan circuit preachers in the Aotea and Kawhia areas. He parana mo te Ra Tapu. A Lord's Day plan. | Mo nga kaikauwhau o te Hahi Weteriana o Aotea o Kawhia. | 1856-1857. | “Kei reira ano i kauwhautia, e ratou, te rongo pal.”) (“Kauwhautia te kupu.” | [ table of SI columns and 27 rows, within an ornamental border] \ Nga whakaaturanga. | [3 lines] [no imprint. Auckland?, 1856]

I sheet ([l] p); 508x538 mm. The printer has not been identified, and neither the border nor the typeface used in the heading have been seen in other publications.

A large poster showing in tabular form an itinerary for Wesleyan circuit preachers in the Aotea and Kawhia areas, from October 1856 to March 1857. 62 preachers and teachers, mainly Maori, are listed. Below the table is a key to symbols used, and a note about arrangements for services and school classes. See no. 556 for an 1861/62 schedule.

Williams 277. Copies: AP, AR (MS Papers 530, folder 16), WTU.



468 GREY, Sir George (1812-1898)

Maori proverbs, with English translations.

Ko nga whakapepeha | me | nga whakaahuareka a nga tipuna | o | Aotearoa. | [rule] | Proverbial and popular sayings | of the | ancestors of the New Zealand race. | [rule] | By | Sir George Grey, K.C.8., | Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope, | and Her Majesty's High Commissioner. | Cape Town: | Saul Solomon & Co., Steam Printing Office, | 63, Longmarket-Street. 1 Sold by Trubner and Co., No. 12, Paternoster-Row, London. | [rule] | 1857.

v, [l], 120 p.; 223x140 mm.; mauve paper covers. Pages [ii] and [vi] blank. Title-page reproduced on front cover. Caption title p. [l]: 'New Zealand | proverbial and popular sayings. '.

A collection of Maori proverbs (whakatauki and pepeha) with translations and explanations, and a preface (p. [iii]-v). An appendix (p. 97-120) records narratives from which some of the proverbs are derived. The original manuscript is at AP (GNZ MMSS 75).

Williams 282, Bagnall 2356. Copies: AP, DL. WTU.

469 POMPALLIER, Jean Baptiste Francois (1801-1871)

Pastoral letter for Lent 1857.

[illustration] | He pukapuka hepara | na | Hoane Papita Werahiko

Pomaparie, | te | Epikopo kai wakarite Apotoriko o te Tiehehi | o Akarana, | ki | ona pirihi me ona Keritiano, 1 mo te Reneti o te tau 1857, | he ako | i te mana ora mete wakapuakanga Atua o te | Hahi Katorika. | [ornamental rule] | Akarana: [f.e. Auckland] | He mea ta kite ware “Hutarana Koroma." | 1857.

[4], iii, [ 1 ]. 21, [3] p.: 205x130 mm.; blue paper; 'A purple cloth, stiffened blue paper covers (blank). Prelim, pages: 1 blank leaf, title-page (verso blank). Pages [iv] and [22-24] blank. Caption title p. [l]: 'He pukapuka hepara mo te Reneti o te tau 1857.’

A Lenten pastoral for 1857, with printed marginal notes. The 'wh' digraph is not used. Printed at the office of the Southern Cross ('Hutarana Koroma') newspaper. An English translation with the title Pastoral letter . . . was also published (Bagnall 4621).

Williams 281, Bagnall 4620. Copies; ABH, AP, WTU.

470 BIBLE O.T. Maori. Selections. 1858.

Old Testament books Proverbs-Malachi.

Ko | te Kawenata Tawhito; | no nga Whakatauki tae noa ki a Maraki. 1 [rule] ( I taia tenei pukapuka mo te Bible Society | ki Banana, [f.e. London I [rule] | 1858,

[4], 377, [l] p.; 184x105 mm.; full calf or royal blue cloth boards, the latter with blind tooling. Printed in two columns separated by vertical rule. Prelim, pages (versos blank): title-page, contents. Page [37B] blank. Title on spine of



calf-bound copies: 'Kawenata | Tawhito.'. Title on front cover of cloth-bound copies: 'Kawenata | Tawhito;'. Bound by Watkins, Gravel Lane, Southwark.

The Old Testament books Proverbs-Malachi, prepared from the revised probationary texts of Maunsell’s translation printed in New Zealand in 1856 (no. 463-464). 5,000 copies were printed by William M. Watts for the BFBS, under the supervision of C, J. Abraham (letter of 1 6 February 1858 from BFBS to the Auckland Auxiliary, quoted in BFBS Maori Bible Translation Finance Committee Report (Auckland, 1858; Bagnall 661), p,lO.

This is the third and final volume of the BFBS edition of the Old Testament; the earlier volumes were the Hexateuch (1848, no. 352) and Judges-Psalms (1855, no. 455), an interim edition until the complete Bible was published in 1868 (no. 716).

Williams 286, Bagnall 484. Copies: AP, AR, DL, DUHO, NLA, WTU.


Fourth edition of Catholic doctrine, hymns and sacred songs.

[illustration] | Ko etahi tino ako | me | etahi tino inoinga | o te | Hahi Matua Tapu Katorika, | te pou mete unga o te pono | nona | te mahi ako e noho | hei | rama wai mura ake ake tonu, | mo | te wakamarama ki nga iwi katoa | o te ao. | [rule] | He perehitanga tuatoru, he mea wakanui hoki, | Akarana. [i.e. Auckland] | Maehe 19, 1858. [Printed by W. C. Wilson at the Office of the New Zealander]

96, ii p.; 135x100 mm. Imprimatur on p. [2], Table of contents on p. [i]-ii at end.

Although stating itself to be the 'third and enlarged' edition, this issue is actually the fourth edition of the work Ako marama o te Hahi Katorika Romana. For the earlier editions see no. 120-121, 222. This edition has various doctrinal and catechetical texts, a few hymns and 12 sacred songs. Another edition was published in 1861 (no. 530).

An English translation. Catechetical notion and history of the word of God. was also published in 1858 (Bagnall 4600). Both works were printed by W. C. Wilson at the office of the New Zealander newspaper. The Catholic mission press, idle since the Marists departed in 1850, was disposed of in 1852 to Williamson and Wilson, together with the type.

Williams 290 a, Bagnall **4599. Copies: AR, Marist Archives, Wellington; WTU (photocopy).


Ko nga Inoi | o te Ata o te Ahiahi, | me nga inoi | mo nga ra tapu me nga ra nui, | ko te tikanga ia o te | Hahi o Ingarani. | [double rule] | Ranana: [i.e. London] | He me [i.e. mea] ta e W. M. Watts, Crown Court, Temple Bar. 1 Mo te Hohaiti mo te Pukapuka Inoi 1 mo nga Homiri Hoki. | 18, Salisbury Square, Fleet Street. | [rule] \ 1858.

[4], 68, 247, [l] p.: 120x75 mm.; dark brown stiffened cloth covers with


Small format edition of parts of the Book of Common Prayer, with Psalms.


blind tooling. Prelim, pages: p, [l-2] blank, p. [3-4] title-page (verso blank). Page [24B] blank. Caption title p. [l] (second sequence): ‘Ko nga Waiata a Rawiri’. Colophon p. 247: 'W. M. Watts, Crown Court, Temple Bar',

Selections from the Book of Common Prayer (68 p,), with the Psalms (p. [l]239) and the Communion service to the end of the Creed (p. 240-247). The first section (to p. 68) is a reprint of no. 421. The Psalms are grouped for each Sunday morning and evening service. Printed by Watts for the Prayerbook and Homily Society (‘te Hohaiti mo te Pukapuka Inoi | mo nga Homiri Hoki’).

Williams describes the work as having a final 30-page section of 42 hymns (as in no. 421), but no copy has been located that matches this description. However, no. 473 is a variant issue with a 19-page section of 24 hymns.

Williams 288 (variant), Sommerville 288b. Copies: AP, DUHO, WTU.


Variant issue of parts of the Book of Common Prayer, with Psalms and hymns.

Ko nga Inoi | o te Ata o te Ahiahi | me nga inoi | mo nga ra tapu me nga ra nui, | ko te tikanga ia o te | Hahi o Ingarani. | [double rule] | Ranana: [i.e. London] | He me [i.e. mea] ta e W. M. Watts, Crown Court, Temple Bar. | Mo te Hohaiti mo te Pukapuka Inoi | mo nga Homiri Hoki. | 18 Salisbury Square, Fleet Street. | [rule] | 1858.

[4], 68, 247, [l], 19, [l] p.; 115x73 mm.; dark brown stiffened cloth covers with blind tooling. Prelim, pages: p. [l-2] blank, p. [3-4] title-page (verso blank). Pages [24B] and [2o] (final sequence) blank. Caption title p. [l] (second sequence): ‘Ko nga Waiata a Rawiri’. Caption title p. [l] (final sequence): ‘Ko nga himene.'. Colophons p. 247 and p. 19 (final sequence): 'W. M. Watts, Crown Court, Temple Bar’.

This variant edition of no. 472 has an additional section of 24 hymns (19, [1 ] p). The hymns (selected from the 52 hymns in no. 465) are the same selection as in Williams 288b, which is an unpublished printing.

Williams 288 c describes the section of hymns as a separate issue. However, given the small format it seems unlikely to have been issued by itself and has not been described separately here.

Williams 288 (variant) and 288 c. Sommerville 288 a. Copies: NLA, WTU.


Reprint of 1852 edition of the complete Book of Common Prayer.

Ko te Pukapuka | o nga Inoinga, | me era atu tikanga, | i whakaritea e te Hahi o Ingarani, | mo te minitatanga | o nga hakarameta, | o era atu ritenga hoki a te Hahi: | me nga Waiata ano hoki a Rawiri. | Mete tikanga | mo te whiriwhiringa, mo te whakaturanga, | mete whakatapunga | o nga pihopa, o nga piriti, me nga rikona. | [wavy rule ] | Ranana: [i.e. London] 1 I taia tenei kite Perehi o te Komiti mo te Whakapuaki | i te Mohiotanga a te Karaiti. | [rule] | 1858.


475 COLENSO. WILLIAM (1811-1899)

[2], 11, [2o], 432 p.: 173X105 mm. Prelim, pages: title-page, contents on verso, with colophon: 'Ranana: He mea ta I te Perehi o | W. Watts, Crown Court. Temple Bar.'.

A reprint of the 1852 complete Book of Common Prayer (no. 422); 4,000 copies were printed for the SPCK (‘te Komiti mo te Whakapuaki i te Mohiotanga a te Karaite). The WTU copy has Ko nga himene (16 p.. no. 500) booed in at the end.

Other issues and editions of the Anglican prayer book are listed at no. 19. Williams 287, Bagnall I 173 (note). Copies: AP, AR, WTU.

475 COLENSO, William (1811-1899)

Reprint of a primer and lesson book for teaching reading.

He | pukapuka whakaako; | hei whakamatau | I nga tangata kiano I mohio noa ki | te korero pukapuka. | [swelled rule] | Werengitanga: [i.e. Wellington] | I tala kite Perehi o Hori Watene. I [rule] I 1858.

23, [l] p.; 177x110mm. Pages [2] and [24] blank.

A reprint of Colenso's reading primer first published in 1839 (no. 61) and again in 1842 (no. 111). This edition, printed by George Watson ('Hori Watene’), follows the layout and type styles of the earlier issues, but does not include the Ten Commandments. The ‘wh’ digraph is used occasionally. The work was reprinted again in 1860 (no. 494).

Williams 293, Bagnall 4719 a. Copies: WTU.

476 FENTON, Francis Dart (1820-257-1898)

A summary of parts of English law. in Maori and English.

The | laws of England; | compiled and translated into | the Maori language, | by direction of | His Excellency Colonel Thomas Gore Browne, C.8., | Governor of New Zealand, 1 6tc., &c, &c. | [rule] \ Auckland, New Zealand. | 1858.

[parallel text:]

Ko nga | ture o Ingarani; | he mea whakahau iho | na | His Excellency Colonel Thomas Gore Browne, C.B. | na te Kawana o Niu Tirani, | kia whakarapopototia kia whaka-reo-maoritia. | [rule] | Akarana, Niu Tirani. | 1858. [Printed by W. C. Wilson for the New Zealand Government]

[6], ii, [l], xiv, xiv, [2], 37, 37, [l], vi, [l], [3B]-45, [3BJ-45, 46-54, 46-55, 5671, 56-71, [l] p ; 310x200 mm.: blue paper, 'fc leather (dark brown morocco or calf), marbled paper or brown cloth boards. Prelim, pages: half title (Maori), English title-page. Maori title-page. English contents, Maori contents, English preface. Maori preface on p. [i]-ii. Half title: Ko nga | ture o Ingarani.', Title on spine of copies bound in 'h calf: ‘Ko nga ture.'.

Most of the volume has duplicate pagination and the text on facing pages: English (left) and Maori (right). Wove and laid paper by a variety of makers is used. The watermarks in a typical copy are: 'C M Hutton | 1856’, 'Moinier’s | Fine | 1856’, 'Moinier's | Fine | 1857’, 'Weatherley | 1856’, ‘Weatherley | 1857’.


477 FENTON. FRANCIS DART (1820-257-1898)

The work was printed by W. C. Wilson, contract printer to the government, and bound by J. F. Leighton. It was advertised for sale at I Os. 6d. in the New Zealander on 2 July 1858.

A summary of English criminal and civil law, containing: introduction (xiv p.); list of criminal offences, punishment and court, with explanatory notes (37 p.) and index in Maori (vi p ); explanation of civil injuries ([3B]-45 p.); glossary of ’Maoriized’ English words (46-55 p ); subject index (56-71 p ). The preface explains that the work was initially prepared in English and then translated into the Maori text as printed. The Maori text was then re-translated to produce the printed English text, resulting in ’an apparent redundancy of style , , . which might otherwise be inexcusable’. For a variant issue see no. 477. Parts of the work were reprinted in the Maori messenger and Te karere o Poneke.

Although usually ascribed to William Martin (Hocken, Williams, Bagnall), the work was compiled by Francis Dart Fenton, who wrote to his mother on 12 January 1858: ’Over the last few months 1 have been in Auckland writing a book—an explanation of English law for the Maories. It has been a tedious and difficult work but people say 1 have done it very well. It is now going through the press and I daily am busy correcting proofs so I shall send a copy to England so you may all admire the work of your antipodean kinsman’ (F. D. Fenton, Papers 1856-1936, Private Coll.; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-0708). For further background see P. G. Parkinson. ‘The path of the perfected law’, in his The Maori language and its expression in New Zealand law (Wellington, 2001), p. 18-19 and plate 8. Fenton was influential in the drafting of land legislation and as the first Chief Judge of the Native Land Court.

The decision to proceed with the work, and Fenton’s role, is officially recorded in Browne’s Memorandum of 28 April 1857 (in ‘Correspondence . . . native affairs', AJHR, E-5, 1858, p. 7). Its purpose, partly a response to signs of Maori moves towards self-rule, was publicly stated in the Maori messenger, 16 August 1858, p. [l]-6, as an opportunity for Maori to inspect the Pakeha legal system and decide whether or not to accept this ‘second boon’ that followed Christianity. A letter book at Archives New Zealand (MA 24/16) includes a list of recipients of copies distributed in 1861.

Williams 291, Bagnall siB92a (superseding 3093). Copies: ABH, AP. AR, DUHO, NLA, WTU, WU.


Variant issue of a summary of parts of English law. in Maori and English. The | laws of England: | compiled and translated into 1 the Maori language, I by direction of | His Excellency Colonel Thomas Gore Browne, C.8., ] Governor of New Zealand, | &c., &c, &c. | [rule] \ Auckland, New Zealand. 11858.

[parallel text:]

Ko nga | ture o Ingarani; | he mea whakahau iho | e | His Excellency Colonel Thomas Gore Browne, C.8.. | e te Kawana o Niu Tirani, | kia whakarapopototia kia whaka-reo-maoritia. | [rule] | Akarana, Niu Tirani. | 1858. [Printed by W. C. Wilson for the New Zealand Government]



[6], ii, [l], xiv, xiv, [2], 37, 37, [l], vi, [l], [3B]-45, [3B)-45, 46-54, 46-55, 5671, 56-71, [l] p.; 310x200 mm.; blue paper: stiffened brown or maroon cloth covers. Title on front cover: 'Ko nga ture.’.

The collation, pagination and contents of this issue are the same as the first issue (no. 476), as are the printer and binder. This variant issue is distinguished by three changes on the Maori title-page: ’na’ is corrected to 'e' (lines 4 and 6) and a comma added in 'C.B.,' (end of line 5). The prelim, pages and p. 31-71 (both English and Maori) have been reset. As in the first issue, a mix of wove and laid paper is used. Additional watermarks seen in copies of this issue: 'Williams | Kent | 1856’, ’Williams | Kent | 1857’, 'C Ashdown | 1857’. In some copies the Maori preface is signed by Browne on p. ii. See BiM 476 for further information on this work.

Williams 291 a (S). Copies: AR, DUHO, NLA. WTU.


Leaflet. 29 October 1858. on rules for trade between Maori and Pakeha. Ko te ture hoko. 1 [rule] | Tenei ano te ture tika mo te hunga hoko. | 1, Ki te haere koe kite Toa, me mau tou moni i roto i tou ringa, a ka | riro mai te mea ki a koe mo te utu iti; ko te ritenga rangatira tenei. | [l9 lines] | Na Wiremu Poto Poto. Wata. | [9 additional names, in two columns] |

Whanganui, 29 Oketopa, 1858. [no imprint. Wanganui?, 1858?]

1 sheet ([l] p.); 200x145 mm.

A leaflet explaining the 'rules for trade’ for Maori engaging In western-style trade with Pakeha, i.e, exchanging money for goods. It was presumably printed in Wanganui about the time of the text date, it mainly comprises seven numbered paragraphs, and is signed 'Wiremu Poto Poto, Wata, Wiremu Kera, Pita, Rewete, Te Hurai, Tame Turu, Komare, Tame Peti, Tame Taipo, Pepene raua ko Eruini Wunu’ (probably all transliterated forms of English-language names). The only known copy (at NLA) accompanies T. S. Grace’s suppressed 1854 leaflet Ko etahi vatai kite hunaa Maori (no. 452).

For further background on Maori commerce with Pakeha (relating mainly to Auckland) see Paul Monin, This is my place: Hauraki contested 1769-1875 (Wellington, 2001). p. 122-134, 152-161,235-238.

Copies: NLA; WTU (photocopy).


Calendar for 1859.

He Apiti mo “Te karere o Poneke.” | [double rule] \ He marama-taka-haere mo te tau, 1 859. | [double rule] | [calendar of months, dates, days in tabular format] [no imprint. Wellington: Printed by McKenzie and Muir. 18581

1 sheet ([l] p.): 325x270 mm. Text within an ornamental border. Supplement to the final issue of Te karere o Poneke (S6), 27 December 1858. Presumed printed by the printer of the newspaper.

A tabular calendar for 1859, giving dates and days of the week. The spelling has some variations from standard usage, e.g. 'Wepuere' for 'Pepuere' (February),



Williams 284 (note). Copies: WGA (bound with Te karere o Poneke). WTU (photocopy).


New Zealand Native Reserves Amendment Act 1858.

[Ture Whakatikatika Rahul Whenua Maori. 1858: actual title not confirmed: no copy located. Auckland?: Printed by W. C. Wilson?. 1858]

2 p.; 340x218 mm. Physical details not confirmed; no copy located. Description taken from Williams who had apparently seen a copy. Presumed printed by the printer to the government.

'Maori translation of the New Zealand Native Reserves Amendment Act, 1858 [lB5B, No. 47]. The Maori title is quoted in other Acts as “Te Ture Whakatikatika i Te Ture Whenua Rahui Maori o Nui Tireni, 1858".’ (Williams). The Act allowed commissioners of native reserves to sue and be sued in cases of neglect and default. The Bill was introduced by Premier Stafford on 23 July and passed all stages by 2 August. The complete text of the principal Act (Native Reserves Act 1856) had been translated and printed in the Maori messenger. 31 October 1856, p. 4-7 (Williams **279), but no copy of that as a separate issue has been located.

Williams 294. No copy located.

480 NEW ZEALAND. Governor (1855-1861 : Browne)

Printed form letter. 5 April 1858. on fighting between lhaia and Wiremu Klngi.

Whare o te Kawanatanga, Akarana, | Aperira 5, 1858. | E hoa ma, | E nga rangatira Maori o [space to write place name], o hea, o | hea. Tena ra koutou. | Kia rongo mai koutou ki taku tikanga mo te whawhai e whawhai mai nei ki | Taranaki. [. . .] | [2B lines] | Na tou koutou matua aroha, | na te Kawana. [no imprint. Auckland: Printed by W. C. Wilson, 1858]

1 folded sheet ([4] p.); 317x203 mm.; blue laid paper with watermark: 'Williams | Kent | 1856' and Britannia image. Pages [2], [3] and [4] blank. Presumed printed by the printer to the government.

Printed form letter stating Browne's concern over the fighting in Taranaki. He does not want to involve Pakeha in a war between Maori factions nor to take sides in the dispute between lhaia Te Kirikumara and Wiremu Klngi Te Rangitake, but deplores the killing of women, children and the elderly at Te Karaka pa (lhaia’s Waitara base). For more information on the dispute, that eventually merged into the Taranaki War of the 1860s, see K. Sinclair, Origins of the Maori Wars (2nd ed.. Auckland 1961), p. 125-132, and B. J. Dalton, War and politics in New Zealand 1855-1870 (Sydney. 1967), p. 25-26, 73-75. Copies: WTU.

481 POMPALLIER, Jean Baptiste Francois (1801-1871)

Pastoral letter for Lent 1858.

[illustration] | He pukapuka hepara 1 na | Hoane Papita Werahiko



Pomaparie, | te | Epikopo kai wakarite Apotoriko o te Tiehehi o Akarana, | ki | ona pirihi me ona Keritiano, | mo te Reneti o te tau 1858, | he ako | i te moretiwikahio | Keritiano. | [swelled rule] \ Akarana: [i.e. Auckland] | He mea ta kite ware “New-Zealander." I 1858.

16 p.; 210x118 mm,; blue paper covers. Title from front cover. Ornament on back cover. Caption title p. [l]: 'Ko Hoane Papita Werahiko | [. . .] | He pukapuka hepara mo te Reneti o te | tau 1858.'.

A Lenten pastoral letter for 1858. The 'wh' digraph is not used. Printed by W. C. Wilson at the office of the New Zealander newspaper. An English translation with the title Pastoral letter. . . was also published (Bagnall 4624).

Williams 289, Bagnall 4623. Copies: ABH, AP, AR, DL, NLA. WTU.


Pastoral letter for Advent 1858.

[illustration] | He pukapuka hepara | na | Hoane Papita Werahiko Pomaparie, | te | Epikopo kai wakarite Apotorika o te tiemehi [i.e. tiehehi] o Akarana, | ki | ona pirihi me ona keritiano, | mo te Aweneti o te tau 1858, | he ako | i te arahitanga tapu o te | tiehehi. | [ornamental rule] \ Akarana: [i.e. Auckland] | He mea ta kite whare “New-Zealander.” | 1858.

19, [l] p.; 210x1 16 mm.; blue paper covers. Pages [2] and [2o] blank. Title repeated on front cover; ornament on back cover. Caption title p. [3]: 'Ko Hoane Papita Werahiko Pomaparie, [. . .] Pukapuka hepara mo te arahitanga tapu o te tiehehi.’.

An Advent pastoral for 1858. The end of the text states that it was written at Auckland on 31 October and orders it to be read in all churches on the Sunday before Christmas, or the first Sunday in Lent, 1859, or on the first Sunday after its receipt. The 'wh' digraph is used inconsistently. Printed by W. C. Wilson at the office of the New Zealander newspaper.

Williams 290, Bagnall 4625. Copies: ABH, AP, WTU.


An introduction to arithmetic.

He | pukapuka whiha [i.e. whika] tenei hei | ako ma nga tangata | e hiahia ana kite rapu ki nga | ritenga o te whika. | He mea whakamaori mai no | roto i te reo Pakeha: | na Henare Wiremu Taratoa. | Werengitana: [f.e. Wellington] | I taia kite Perehi o Hori Watene. | [rule] | 1858.

32 p,; 179x1 13 mm.; green paper covers (blank). Colophon p. 32: ‘Printed by G. Watson. Wellington, N.Z.’.

An introduction to arithmetic ('whika' is a transliteration of 'figures’) translated by H. W, Taratoa, a teacher at Hadfield's Industrial School at Otaki. The English-language original was possibly prepared by Hadfield.

Williams 292. Bagnall 5470. Copies: AP, WTU, WU.



484 SELWYN, George Augustus (1809-1878)

Itinerary for visits November 1858-June 1859.

Ko te haerenga tenei a te Pihopa. | (Kite pai te Ariki, a ka ora ia Hemi. 4. 15-()] | hei whakapa i te tangata kua oti nei te iriiri. | hei whakariterite hoki i nga mahi katoa o te Hahi. | [table in 3 headed columns of 54. 55, 45 lines] \ [note. 4 lines] | Naku, na to koutou Matua arahoa, | Na te Herewini, na te Pihopa o Nui Tireni. | Akarana, 3 Akuhata. 1858. [no imprint. Auckland: Printed bv W. C. Wilson?. 18581

1 sheet ([l] p.); 346x312 mm.; bluish paper. Probably printed by W. C, Wilson at the office of the New Zealander newspaper.

A tabular itinerary of Selwyn's pastoral visits for the period November 1858 to June 1859, with details of date, location and name of minister, a complete North Island tour covering from Wellington to Kaitaia. For other itineraries see no. 413 and 462.

Williams 288 a. Copies: AP, AS] (in Selwyn papers, ANG 090/7/4), DL, WTU.

485 TE POUEPA, Parakaia (fl. 1850s-l 860s)

Petition from Otaki Runanga for payment of road improvement costs. Council paper. | [rule] | [Royal Arms] \ Petition. | [wavy rule] | Otaki. | Maehe 20, 1858. | Kite Runanga o Poneke. | Tenei ano matou te mahi nei i te | huanui mai o Poneke e takoto haere nei | i tenei kainga e anga atu nei ki | Manawatu. | Ka torn tekau a matou pauna ka | pau ki taua mahi. | He karanga atu tenei na matou kia | koutou kia whakaaro mai ki tana | mahi. Na te runanga o nga tangata | Otaki. 1 Na Parakaia Te Pouepa. [parallel text:]

A true translation, W. L. Bullet, | Nat. Int. | Otaki, | 20th March, 1858. | To the Provincial Council of | Wellington. | We are engaged in improving the main | road from Wellington, which lies beyond | this place in the direction of Manawatu. | We have expended thirty pounds in this | undertaking. | We now apply to the Council to take | this matter into consideration. | On behalf of the Otaki Assembly. | Parakaia Te Pouepa. | [rule] | Printed by authority by G. Watson. Lambton Quay, North. [Wellington, 1858]

1 sheet ([l] p.), 294x192 mm.: blue laid paper with Britannia watermark.

A petition from the Otaki Runanga for payment of the cost (£3O) of improving the road (in Wellington Province. Provincial Council, Acts and proceedings. Session 6 (1858), Council papers. 24 (Petitions), no. 5). The petition was received by the Council on 3 April, and translated and printed prior to discussion on 8 April, This resulted in a request to the Superintendent to include payment in the Estimates, formally agreed to in his Message no. 7. 13 April 1858 in the same Acts and proceedings (‘Journal', p. 19.21,26, 28). Copies: WTU.

486 WELLINGTON PROVINCE (N.Z.). Provincial Council

Correspondence relating to the registration of Maori voters.

He pukapuka na te Runanga. | [Royal Arms] | Poneke. | [rule] | Huihuinga



VI. | [rule] | Ko nga reta whakariterite korero mo te whakauru i nga tangata Maori kite | pukapuka-rarangi-ingoa, | [rule] | [. . .] [no imprint. Wellington: Printed by McKenzie & Muir, 1858]

1 folded sheet (3, [l] p ); 295x196 mm.; blue laid paper with watermark: ‘Lumsden & Son | 1856’ and Britannia image. Caption title. Printed in two columns separated by vertical rule. Page [4] blank. Presumed printed by the printer of the English version.

This Maori translation of ‘Correspondence relating to the registration of natives on the electoral roll’ was included, following the English text, as Council paper no. 18 in Wellington Provincial Council, Acts and Proceedings, Session 6 (1858). It appears to be the only Provincial Council paper deliberately translated into Maori, at the suggestion of E. J. Wakefield when it was tabled on 6 April 1858. The two versions are individually printed and paginated and were also issued separately. The Maori text was also printed in Te karere o Poneke, 24 April 1858, p. 2-3, and the English text (excluding the list of names) as AJHR, 1858, E-2.

It contains a letter from Featherston of 24 November 1856 and Stafford’s reply of 30 December 1856. Featherston is concerned about increasing numbers of Maori claiming electoral registration, alleging: ‘These facts seem to indicate the existence of a scheme to swamp the Europeans at the next elections and to place the whole representation of this province in the hands of the natives, or rather of certain missionaries', and asks the Government to take measures to defeat such schemes. He includes a list of 49 Otaki claimants. In reply Stafford affirmed that the 1852 Constitution Act conferred the franchise on all persons who ‘possess the requisite qualifications of electors' without distinction of race. He rejects as 'indefensible' Featherston's suggestion of framing regulations to defeat the alleged scheme, but acknowledges ‘fictitious native votes could not fail to be most disastrous, as seriously endangering the peaceful relations which at present subsist between the two races'. For further background see N. Atkinson, Adventures in democracy (Dunedin, 2003), p. 47-51.

Copies: WTU.


Reprint of the complete Book of Common Prayer with Psalms.

Ko te Pukapuka | o nga Inoinga, | me era atu tikanga, | i whakaritea e te Hahi o Ingarani, | Mo te minitatanga | o nga hakarameta, | o era atu ritenga hoki a te Hahi: | me nga Waiata ano hoki a Rawiri. | Mete tikanga | mo te whiriwhiringa, mo te whakaturanga, | mete whakatapunga 1 o nga pihopa, o nga piriti, me nga rikona. | [wavy rule] | Ranana: [i.e. London] | I taia tenei kite Perehi o te Komiti mo te Whakapuaki | i te Mohiotanga ki a te Karaiti. | [rule] | 1859.

[2], ii, [2o], 432 p.; 173x104 mm,; full calf with blind tooling. Prelim, pages: title-page, contents on verso, with colophon; 'Banana: He mea ta i te Perehi o | W. Watts, Crown Court, Temple Bar.'. Bound by F. Remnant.

A further reprint of the 1852 complete Book of Common Prayer and Psalms



(no. 422); 4,000 copies were printed for the SPCK. One WTU copy has Ko nga himene (16 p.. no. 500) tipped in at the end. One AP copy is interleaved and edited bv W. L. Williams for reprinting as the 1878 edition (no. 909).

Other issues and editions of the Anglican prayer book are listed at no. 19.

Williams 301, Bagnall 1173 (note). Copies: AP, AR, DL. DUHO, NLA, WTU.


Small format edition of the complete Book of Common Prayer with Psalms.

Ko te Pukapuka | o nga Inoinga, | me era atu tikanga, | i whakaritea e te Hahi o Ingarani, | mo te minitatanga | o nga hakarameta, | o era atu ritenga hoki te Hahi: | me nga Waiata ano hoki a Rawiri, | mete tikanga | mo te whiriwhiringa, mo te whakaturanga, | mete whakatapunga | o nga pihopa, o nga piriti, me nga rikona. | [wavy rule] \ Ranana: [i.e. London] | 1 taia tenei kite Perehi o te Komiti mo te Whaka- | puaki i te Mohiotanga ki a te Karaiti. | [rule] | 1859.

24, 432 p.: 140x86 mm,; black cloth boards with blind tooling. Page [4] (first sequence) numbered ‘ii’. Colophon on verso of title-page: 'Ranana: He mea ta i te Perehi o | W. Watts, Crown Court, Temple Bar.'.

A small format edition of the 1852 Book of Common Prayer, completely reset in smaller type but retaining almost exactly the layout of the larger format edition (no. 487). The SPCK had 2,000 copies printed. One WTU copy has Ko nga himene (16 p., no, 785) tipped in at the end. The same copy (Maunsell's) is heavily annotated as a working copy for the 1878 edition (no, 909).

Other issues and editions of the Anglican prayer book are listed at no. 19.

Williams 302, Bagnall 1173 (note). Copies: AP, AR, NLA, WTU.


Two Acts providing for local regulations and administration of justice. Two Acts | passed by | the General Assembly of New Zealand, 1858, | relating to | native affairs, | namely: | the Native Districts Regulation Act: 1 and | the Native Circuit Courts Act. | [swelled rule] [parallel text:]

He Ture hou, | erua, | i whakatakotoria e te Runanga Nui o Niu \ Tirani, 1858. | Ara; | ko te Ture Whakakoto [i.e. Whakatakoto] Ture-iti ki nga | Takiwa Maori, | ko te Ture Whakarite Kooti Maori. \ Auckland: | Printed by W. C. Wilson, for the New Zealand Government, at | the Printing Office, Shortland Crescent, | 1859,

[l], 23. 23. [l] p.; 210x140 mm.; blue paper covers with blue or green cloth spine. Prelim, page: title-page. Duplicate pagination with the text on facing pages: English (left) and Maori (right). Page [24] blank. Title repeated on front cover.

The Native Districts Regulation Act 1858 and the Native Circuit Courts Act 1858, printed first in instalments in the Maori messenger. 15 September-16 November 1858, and then reprinted (Maori text only) in Te karere o Poneke,



22 November 1858. See P. G, Parkinson, ‘Strangers in the House’, Victoria University of Wellington law review, v. 32, no. 3 (August 2001), Sup. p, 1-60 (p. 4). The first appointments under the Act were reported in the Maori messenger. 28 February 1859,

The prefatory note explains the Acts were passed ‘for the purpose of aiding the efforts of those native tribes living apart from Europeans who wish to be governed and protected by the same laws as their Pakeha neighbours’ as part of a process of 'elevation' through adopting 'civilised institutions’. For details on the provisions of the legislation see A. Ward, A show of justice (Auckland, 1973), p. 107-108. It was not until after Grey’s return in 1862 that the process got under way, see no. 547 and **572-576.

Williams 308, Bagnall 4116. Copies: AP, DL, DUHO, NLA, WTU.

490 POMPALLIER, Jean Baptiste Frangois (1801-1871)

Instruction in the Catholic faith, with hymns and sacred songs. Extraits | d’instructions morales | et religieuses | et de chants pieux, | composes | en la langue Neo-Zelandaise | par Mgr Pompailier | pour les Nouveaux Zelandais de sa mission apostolique | et traduits en Frangals par le meme prelat. | [ornamental rule] \ Paris | Pelagaud et Cie, LibrairesEditeurs, | rue des Saints-Peres, 57. | [rule] | 1859

vi, 7-43, [l] p,: 210x130 mm.; blue paper covers. Pages [ii] and [44] blank. Parallel Maori and French texts on facing pages, p. [2J-43. Colophon p. 43: 'Paris. - Imprimerie Bailly, Divry et Ce, rue N.-D. des Champs, 49.'.

Title on front cover: ‘Prose | et | poesie Chretienne | en Neo-Zelandais | avec la traduction Frangaise en regard. | [ornamental rule ] | Paris | J.-B. Pelagaud et Ce, Libraires-Editeurs, | rue des Saints-Peres, 57. | [rule] \ 1859'.

A pamphlet of instruction on the Catholic faith and religious songs, all composed by Pompailier and translated into French from his original Maori texts. The introduction (p. [iii]-vi, in French) explains that the publication is a tribute to the work in the diocese of Auckland and provides an insight into Maori and their origins. It refers (p. vi) to some 25,000 Maori and 5,000 European Catholics in New Zealand. (In 1858 the total Maori population was 58,000.)

The first section of Maori text (p. [2]-25) is a slightly revised version of p. 28-33 of the 1842 Ako marama (no. 121). followed by a song recounting the spread of Catholicism in New Zealand 1838-1848 (p. 24-33) and extracts from hymns and sacred songs. The Maori text of two songs was also published separately in Auckland (no. 491).

Williams 303, Bagnall 4607. Copies: AP. WTU.


Song about the spread of the Catholic faith in New Zealand, [illustration] | He mahara ki Nutireni | a kite mahi o te Hahi matua | mona. | [ornamental rule ] \ I taia kite perehi i Akarana. [f.e. Auckland] [1859?]

8 p,; 173x1 18 mm.; blue paper covers (blank).



A song of 29 verses to the tune 'Combien j'ai douce souvenance' composed by Pompallier, and two other religious songs (p. 8). The main song, describing the spread of the Catholic faith in New Zealand 1838-1848, and one of the other two were also printed (with French translations) in Extraits destructions morales (no. 490), p. 24-32 and p. 42, This pamphlet was probably printed at about the same time, by an unidentified printer.

Williams 304, Bagnall 3325. Copies: ABH, AP, DUHO, WTU,

492 BRIDGES, Charles (1794-1869)

Meditations on quotations from Scripture.

Etahi | huarahi whakaaro | i roto | i te | Karaipiture. | [swelled rule] | Auckland: | Printed by W. C. Wilson. 1 [rule] | 1860,

64. [B] p.; 138x90 mm.; blue stiffened paper covers with purple cloth spine. Pages [2] and [65-72] blank.

A collection of 35 numbered meditations on verses of Scripture, each divided into numbered subsections and references. Elizabeth Colenso. writing to Sir George Grey, 4 March 1883, said that the text was a portion of Rev. Charles Bridges’s Scriptural studies (London. sth ed., 1833) which she had translated and were then 'considerably revised & improved by Dr Maunsell’ (AP, NZ MS 942).

Williams 310, Bagnall 1825 (S. addendum, v. 5). Copies: AP, AR, DUHO, NLA, WTU.


Service for the ordination of priests.

Te tikanga | mo te | motuhanga i te tangata | hei | piriti. | [rule] | Kia taea te ra i whakaritea e te Pihopa, kia mutu hoki nga inoi | o te ata; me whakaatu e te kai kauwhau te tikanga o te mahi ma | te hunga e haere mai ana kia whakaurua ki roto ki nga piriti; [. . .] | [. . .] [no imprint. Auckland: I860?]

10, [2] p.; 185x105 mm.; blue paper covers (blank). Caption title. Pages [ll- - blank.

The service for the ordination of priests, from the Book of Common Prayer. Although ordination had previously been conducted in Maori (e.g. for Selwyn’s 1842 ordination of John Mason, which Hadfield translated) this appears to be the first printed version. The style of printing and paper covers are similar to those of items produced at St John's College press up to 1856, but there is no recorded activity at this time. An undated manuscript by William Williams (WTU. MS-2442) corresponds to this printed text of which the WTU copy is heavily annotated by Robert Maunsell.

Williams suggests it was printed for the ordination of Rota Waitoa by William Williams on 4 March 1860 and this limited circulation seems likely. In 1868 it was distributed as a probationary text to the revisers of the Book of Common Prayer, and incorporated into the prayer book from 1878 (no. 909),

Williams 320. Copies: AP, NLA, WTU,


494 COLENSO, WILLIAM (1811-1899)

494 COLENSO, William (1811-1899)

He | pukapuka whakaako; | hei whakamatau | i nga tangata kiano i mohio noa ki | te korero pukapuka. | [ornamental rule] | Werengitanga: [i.e. Wellington] | Printed at the “Advertiser” Office, Willis Street. | [rule] \ 1860

23, [l] p.; 180x108 mm. Pages [2] and [24] blank.

A further reprint of Colenso's primer first published in 1839 (no. 61), with other editions in 1842 (no. Ill) and 1858 (no. 475). The setting is different but follows closely the layout of previous editions. Printed at the office of the New Zealand advertiser newspaper.

Williams 318, Bagnall 4719 a (note). Copies: DUHO; WTU (photocopy).


Sixteen religious tracts for the sinner.

E te tangata hara! | He pukapuka tenei ki a | koe! | Hei mea e whai tumanakohanga ai koe, e tatu ai te | ngakau, e hari ai, e marie ai. | [rule] | [. . .] [no imprint. Auckland?; Printed by W. C. Wilson?, ca. IB6o] 16 p.; 148x95 mm. Caption title.

Sixteen one-page tracts for sinners, by an unidentified author, but reminiscent of C. O. B. Davis. The printer may have been W. C. Wilson. A note on a WTU copy suggests it may be of Wesleyan origin. AP has a copy of the first eight pages on large paper, probably a proof.

Williams 311, Bagnall 1826. Copies: AP. NLA, WTU.

496 EVIDENCE of native chiefs

Select Committee evidence on the Native Offenders Bill. 1860. E-No. 5. | Evidence | of | native chiefs | as to the provisions of the | Native Offenders Bill, 1860. | [rule] | (Laid on the table September 4th 1860, and ordered to be printed.) | [rule] [no imprint. Auckland: Printed by W. C. Wilson, 1860]

8 p.; 329x203 mm. Printed by the printer to the government.

AJHR. 1860, E-5; in Maori and English. Evidence of Wiremu Nera (Te Awa-i--taia). Te Moananui, 'Tohi of Maketu’ (Tohi Te Ururangi). Te Rauparaha, Waata KOkutai before the Select Committee chaired by Dillon Bell on 24 August and 4 September 1860. The Maori text was revised by the chiefs. Questions related mainly to the likely effects of prohibiting trade with disaffected tribes in Taranaki and Waikato. The Bill (of which no Maori version has been located) was withdrawn at its second reading. 25 September I860; for the lengthy debate see NZPD. 1860, p. 178-231, 379-381 (the text of this item), 384-389, 575-583.

Copies: WTU (in bound vol., AJHR).

497 FURTHER PAPERS relative to the Taranaki land question

Waitara land purchase deed, in Maori and English.

E-No. 2a. | Further papers | relative to the | Taranaki land question. |


Reprint of a primer and lesson book for teachinq readinq.


Original purchase deed of Waitara. | [ru/e] | Return to an address of the Honourable the House of Representatives of the I 7th August, I 860. | [rule] | (Mr. Fox.) [no imprint. Auckland: Printed by W. C. Wilson, IB6o]

I folded sheet (4 p ); 329x203 mm. Page [2] blank. Printed by the printer to the government.

AJHR. 1860, E-2a, in Maori and English. It is the deed of 24 February 1860 signed by some Te Ati Awa (Tamati Raru is the first named of 20 signatories) for the sale of the Pekapeka Block at Waitara for £6OO. Robert Parris, District Commissioner, countersigned as witness on behalf of the government. The sale process, led by Te Teira, began in March 1859 but was opposed by Wiremu Kingi, a dispute eventually provoking the Taranaki War of I 8601861. For further details about the sale see AJHR, 1860, E-3, E-3a, J. Cowan, The New Zealand Wars (Wellington, 1922), v. 1, p. [lso]-153,and K. Sinclair, Origins of the Maori Wars 2nd ed., Auckland, 1961), p. 110-192.

Copies: WTU (in bound vol., AJHR).

498 He INOI mo nga Pakeha me nga Maori

New printing of a prayer for peaceful cooperation between Maori and Pakeha.

He inoi mo nga Pakeha me nga Maori. | [ornamental rule] | E te Atua nui, Te King! o nga Kingi, te Ka- | wana o nga tangata katoa, kei runga i nga pito | katoa o te ao, ou kanohi, e titiro pu ana koe ki | nga wakaaro katoa o te ngakau: [. . .] | [74 lines] [New Plymouth?: Printed by G. W. Woon?, ca. I860?]

1 sheet ([l] p.); 117x87 mm.

Reprint of a prayer for peaceful cooperation between Maori and Pakeha, first printed at the Wesleyan Mission Press in about 1837 (no. 35) and probably composed by John Whiteley. This printing retains the spelling of the earlier issue but is thought to date from about the time of the Taranaki War, when Garland Woon (son of Wesleyan missionary printer William Woon) was active in New Plymouth. The only known copy is tipped in on the rear endpaper of an 1858 Anglican prayer book (no. 474),

Copies: Private Coll.: WTU (photocopy).

499 KAWEPO, Renata Tama-ki-Hikurangi (d. I 888)

Addresses delivered at a meeting in Napier on issues of concern to Maori. He nuipepa tenei, | hei whakaatu i nga korero i korerotia | kite | hui kite Pa Whakaairo, | i te 7 o nga ra o Nowema, I860: | Na Renata, na te Pitihera i tuhi. 1 [double rule] | [. . .] [no imprint. Napier: Printed by James Wood, I860?]

7, [l] p.; 344x217 mm. (untrimmed). Caption title. Printed in two columns (p. 7 one column) separated by a vertical rule. Page [B] blank. Two folded sheets tipped together. Assumed to be printed by James Wood, publisher of the Hawke's Bay herald and printer to the provincial government.

Two addresses, by Renata Kawepd (left column) and the response of Thomas



Fitzgerald, the Provincial Superintendent (right column), delivered at a meeting of about 200 Hawke’s Bay Maori held on 7 November 1860 at Tareha Te Moananui’s pa (Pa Whakairo). The subjects are land tenure, the Waitara dispute and the KTngitanga, The meeting was reported in the Hawke's Bay herald of 10 November.

Former missionary William Colenso, Provincial Interpreter and member of the Hawke’s Bay Provincial Council from 1859, translated Fitzgerald’s speech into Maori and that of Kawepo into English. The latter was published in the Hawke's Bay herald on 8 December, which also noted that this pamphlet was in the process of being printed. The issue of 5 January 1861 included a text of Fitzgerald’s speech translated back into English from the Maori, also by Colenso.

Both speeches, in English and Maori, were also printed in 1861, with a subsequent letter of response by Kawepo, in Renata's speech and letter (no 535).

Williams 316, Bagnall 2945 (note). Copies: WTU.


Fifty-two Church of England hymns.

Ko nga himene. | [ornamental rule] | Himene I. | 1 Ko wai rate Atua? | Ko Ihowa ano, | ko te Atua i homai nei | i tana tamaiti. I [. . . ] [). F. Leighton, Kai Hoko Pukapuka, Akarana. [i.e. Auckland] [ca. IB6o]]

16 p.; 172x100 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 16. Printed in two columns separated by a vertical rule. The ornamental rule (16 mm.) is repeated at end of text.

The standard collection of 52 Anglican hymns in use from about 1856 to 1873. This issue was probably produced about iB6O, for insertion into the 1859 Book of Common Prayer (no. 487). It has minor amendments and a different hymn 46 from that produced in no. 465 (c. 1856). Another setting of the same text was printed at about the same time (no. 501).

Williams 211. Copies: AP, WTU.


Reset edition offifty-two Church of Enqland hymns.

Ko nga himene. | [ornamental rule] | Himene 1. | 1 Ko wai rate Atua? | Ko Ihowa ano, | ko te Atua i homai nei | i tana tamaiti. | [. . . ] [no imprint. ca. 1860]

16 p.: 181x110 mm. Caption title. Printed in two columns separated by a vertical rule. The ornamental rule (25 mm.) is repeated at end of text.

A reset (e.g. smaller capitals, slightly narrower text area) issue of the collection of 52 Anglican hymns, in the same version as no. 500. The printer and date have not been identified.

Williams 212. Copies: DUHO, WTU.




Small format edition of fifty-two Church of England hymns.

Ko nga himene. | [wavy rule] | Himene I. | 1 Ko wai rate Atua? | Ko Ihowa ano. | ko te Atua i homai nei | i tana tamaiti. | [. . . ] [J. F. Leighton, Kai Hoko Pukapuka, Akarana, [i.e. Auckland] [ca. IB6o]]

15, [l] p.; 140x84 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. [l6], Printed in two columns separated bv a vertical rule.

A small format edition of the standard collection of 52 Anglican hymns. The text is the same version and set in the same layout as the larger format edition (no. 500). Probably produced about 1860, for insertion into the small format 1859 Book of Common Prayer (no, 488).

Williams 321. Copies: AR, NLA, WTU.

503 KO TE KORERO TENEI ote whakapaparanga . . .

Whakapapa as evidence in the Waitara land dispute.

Ko te korero tenei o | te whakapaparanga o | mua o nga tipuna nona | a Waitara. | [rule] | E hoa ma e nga tangata o runga, o raro, | o tera tai, whakarongo mai, noku ano toku ( whenua, kei mea koutou he whenua tahae | naku, i hoatu ai e au ki a te Kawana, ka- | hore, noku ano toku whenua. [. .] | [lOO lines and 10 ornamental rules in two columns separated by a vertical rule] [no imprint. New Plymouth?: Printed by G. W. Woon?, 18601

I sheet ([!) p.); 331x210 mm.; bluish grey laid paper with watermark - C Harris | 1858' or Britannia image. Presumably printed in New Plymouth by Woon as the paper is the same as that used for no. 511.

A statement from eleven chiefs of Ngati Hinga and Ngati Tuaho (two hapii of Te Ati Awa) setting out the whakapapa of the signatories (headed by Tamati Tarepa) in contrast to that of Wiremu KTngi, as a demonstration against his land claims in the Waitara dispute. It was also printed in the Maori messenger. 30 April 1860, p. 4-5, with a partial English translation.

District Land Purchase Commissioner Robert Parris sent 50 copies from New Plymouth to the Native Department on 24 April 1861 (ANZ. MA 1860/256).

Copies: WTU.

504 KOHIMARAMA CONFERENCE (1860 : Kohimarama. Auckland)

Proceedings of conference of chiefs held at Kohimarama. July-August 1860.

Proceedings | of the | Kohimarama Conference, | comprising nos. 13 to 18 of the | “Maori Messenger." | (Edited by the secretary of the conference.) | [ornamental rule] | Auckland: | Printed by W. C. Wilson for the New Zealand Government.

[parallel text]

Nga mahi | a te | Runanga ki Kohimarama, | ara, kei nga | "Karere Maori," I no. 13 tae noa kite 18. | (He mea tuhi na te kai tuhi o te runanga.) |



[ornamental rule ] | Akarana: | He mea tana te Wirihana, mo te Kawanatanga o Niu Tirani. [I860?]

[4], 48, 62, [2],79. [l], 13. [l], 37. [l], 54 p.; 237x1168 mm.; full leather or 'fc calf, purple cloth boards. Prelim, pages: title-pages in English and Maori (versos blank). Pages [63-64], [Bo], [l4], [3B] (at end of issues) are blank. Parallel English and Maori texts in two columns separated by a vertical rule.

A reissue, with added title-pages in English and Maori, of five issues of the Maori messenger, v. 7, no. 13-18 (14 July-30 November I860). One AP copy (probably unique) has a variant title-page, only in English: The | Kohimarama Conference | of 1 native chiefs, | held at | Kohimarama, | 1860.’.

A detailed record, edited by W. L. Buller, of the proceedings of the meeting of some 200 Maori chiefs, whose names are listed, invited by the Governor. The conference, held at the Melanesian Mission at Kohimarama (now Mission Bay. Auckland) from 10 July to I I August 1860. discussed issues of concern and tension such as the Taranaki war: the Klngitanga; disputes over land; the provision of justice, and the Treaty of Waitangi. For comment on the conference and its importance, see C. Orange, The covenant of Kohimarama', NZIH. v. 14, no. 1 (April 1980). p. 61-82.

A summary ('Minutes’) of proceedings in English I.AJHR. 1860. E-9) lists the Maori speakers, but includes no details of what was said. Browne reported the conference in an official despatch of 28 August 1860 that includes some additional information (GBPP 1861 [2798], p. 95-120). A manuscript fair copy of the complete proceedings in English is at Archives New Zealand (MA 23/10).

A note in a letter book records that 100 copies of the book were bound in leather, to be presented in the name of the Governor to the principal chiefs who attended, plus 20 in half calf for government use. A list of recipients shows that about 150 copies were distributed (MA 24/16). For other publications associated with the conference see no. 506, **sls- -

Williams 317, Bagnall 3026. Copies: AP, AR. DL. DUHO, WTU.


Printed letter, 24 April 1860, objecting to Kmgi's assertions of land ownership.

Taranaki, Aperira 24, 1860. | Haere atu e tenei reta ki Akarana. E tae koe ka kimi atu i a te Kawana, e | kite koe ka mihi atu ka tangi atu. [. . .] | [l2 lines] | Na Mahau Turakino, | na Pairama, | na lhaka, 1 na Wi Kawaho. [no imprint. New Plymouth?: Printed by G. W. Woon?, 1860]

I sheet ([l] p); 212x163 mm. bluish grey laid paper with watermark 'C Harris'. Presumably printed in New Plymouth by Woon; the paper is the same as for no. 51 1.

A letter from four Taranaki chiefs to Governor Browne in Auckland. They dispute Wiremu KTngi’s representations over his ownership of the land sold at Waitara, specifically that at Onatiki where the signatories lived. They invite Browne to forward their letter to Potatau and the Waikato runanga. Also


507 MAUNSELL. ROBERT (1810-1894)

printed with an English translation in the Maori messenger, 30 April 1860, o. 3-4.

District Land Purchase Commissioner Robert Parris sent 30 copies from New Plymouth to the Native Department on 24 April 1861 (ANZ, MA 1860/256).

Bagnall 3326. Copies: AP, Taranaki Museum, WTU.

506 MARTIN, Sir William (1807-1880)

Suggested rules for the proper administration ofjustice.

He tikanga enei mo te whakarite | whakawa kia pai ai. | [rule] \ Kite whakaae katoa te iwi ki enei korero e mau | nei, katahi ka takoto hei tikanga mo te iwi ki a | ratou whaka-tangata-Maori. | [. . .] [no imprint. Auckland: Printed by W. C. Wilson, IB6o]

[2], 8, [2] p.; 213x135 mm.; blue paper covers with purple cloth spine, or stiffened dark purple cloth covers with printed label. Caption title. First and last [2] pages are blank conjugate leaves. Presumed printed by the printer to the government.

Title on blue paper covers: '[double rule] \ He tikanga mo te whakarite- | whakawa. | [double rule]’. Label (98x45 mm.) on purple cloth covers: ‘He tikanga mo te whakarite-whakawa.’, within an ornamental border.

'Suggested rules for the proper administration of justice', prepared by Sir William Martin and circulated on 16 July 1860 for consideration by the chiefs at the Kohimarama Conference (see no. 504). The rules formed part of the plan for extension of the legal system to areas where access to English courts was not possible. The Conference decided ‘that no definite opinion should be expressed until the rules had been considered by the various tribes each in its own district' (GBPP 1861 [2798], p. 98.). English and Maori texts were printed in the Maori messenger, 31 July 1860, p. 3-8 (included in no. 504) with a brief introductory note from Browne (‘Message No. 1’).

Williams 331, Bagnall 5563. Copies: AP. AR, DL, DUHO, WTU.

507 MAUNSELL, Robert (1810-1894)

Circular dated 13 March 1860, concerning Pdtatau’s kingship.

Waiuku. 13 Maehe, 1860. | Ko te panui tanga tenei a Potatau, kia rongo nga iwi | katoa, i tetonga, i te marangai i te hauraro, 1 te rawiti | 1 te hauauru, i waenga nui i te tua raki. | [73 lines] | [rule] | Te korero a te Manihera. | Ka whaka tika a te Manihera Minita o Waikato kei | kowhang; tona kainga; koia hoki te kai tiro tiro o nga | Hahi o runga o raro o Waikato. [...]( [22 lines] | Ko Pene Pukewhau, | [l5 additional names] \ [rule] | I taia eJ. J. Moore, i Arakana. [i.e. Akarana, i.e. Auckland] [lB6o]

I sheet ([l] p.); 317x143 mm.

A circular, probably for limited circulation within the Waikato archdeaconry, that explains Maunsell's position on Pdtatau’s assumption of the kingship, as stated at the 13 March Waiuku hui. Maunsell's statement is prefaced by the statement made by Potatau at the hui on the importance of Christianity, love and law; for the background to and a translation of the latter see T, Buddie.



The Maori King movement (Auckland, 1860), p, 22-28. The names of 16 chiefs who attended are listed at the end of the text.

The printer], J. (John Joseph) Moore had printed in Auckland in the 1840s as John Moore: see no. 130 for additional information.

Sommerville 313 a. Copies: WTU.

Entries 509-518 are filed in date order following undated item no. 508.

508 NEW ZEALAND. Governor (1855-1861 : Browne)

Circular warning Maori in Taranaki to carry identity passes when travelling.

[Royal Arms] | No te mea he maha nga hoia me nga Pakeha tauhou kei roto | kei te taone, a, ekore pea e mohiotia I roto I te pakanga nga Maori | hoa riri nga Maori noho pal ranei. | [l3 lines] [no imprint. New Plymouth?: Printed by G. W. Woon?, I860?]

1 sheet ([l] p); 212x166 mm. Presumably printed by the printer to the provincial government: the coat of arms is the same as that used on 1860 Taranaki Ordinances.

An unsigned circular, assumed to have been prepared by Browne. It warns Maori to carry identity passes when travelling through New Plymouth, so that the troops can distinguish between ‘peaceful’ and ‘hostile’ Maori. Although undated, references to Mangatl (Bell Block) and Omata suggest it was produced in I 860.

Copies: Taranaki Museum; WTU (photocopy).


Proclamation. 25January 1860, declaring martial law in Taranaki.

[Royal Arms ] | He Panuitanga. | [rule] | Na te Kawana Colonel Thomas Gore Browne, [. . .] | [2 lines] | Ko te mea, meake ka timata nga hoia o te Kuini ta ratou mahi ki nga Maori i | Taranaki, e tutu ana, e whawhai ana, ki to te Kuini mana —Na, ko ahau tenei | ko te Kawana, te panui te whakapuaki nui nei I tenei kupu, ko te Ture whawhai kia | puta inaianei ki Taranaki, hei Ture tuturu tae noa kite wa ka panuitia te whakarere- | nga. | I tukua e taku ringa, i whakaputaia i raro iho i te Hiri | Nui o te Koroni o Niu Tireni, i Akarana, i tenei ra | I te rua tekau ma ritna o Hanuere, I te tau o to ta- | tou Ariki, kotahi mano ewaru rau e ono tekau. i Thomas Gore Browne, | Kawana. | Na te Kawana i mea, | E. W. Stafford, | Kai tuhituhi o te Koroni. | Tohungia e te atua te Kuini! [no imprint. Auckland?: Printed by W. C. Wilson?, 1860]

1 sheet ([l] p); 332x202 mm. Probably printed by the printer to the government.

A proclamation dated 25 January 1860, countersigned by Prime Minister Stafford, declaring martial law in Taranaki. On 6 August 1860 District Land Purchase Commissioner Robert Parris referred to having prepared the translation of the proclamation (ANZ, MA 1860/483). It appears unlikely that



this item was printed in New Plymouth by Woon as the large coat of arms is not consistent with that used in other Taranaki printings of government documents (no. 508 and 512).

The dispute over Te Teira's attempted sale to the government of land at Waitara developed into warfare on 17 March 1860 and fighting continued until March 1861. See K. Sinclair, The origins of the Maori Wars (2nd ed., Auckland, 1961), p. 181-189, and J. Belich, The New Zealand Wars (Auckland, 1986), p. 73-116.

The proclamation took effect from its publication in Taranaki on 22 February 1860 by Lieut.-Col. G. F. Murray of the British forces. English and Maori texts were printed in the Taranaki provincial Gazette (5 March 1860, p. 5) and the Taranaki Superintendent issued a notice that repeated the statement (no. 523 a). The English text was also printed in GBPP 1861 [2798], p. 6. Both texts are reprinted and discussed in New Zealand. Waitangi Tribunal, The Taranaki report: Kaupapa tuatahi (Wellington, 1996; WAI 143), p. 74-76.

Bagnall 4051. Copies: AP, Taranaki Museum; WTU (photocopy).


Manifesto and speech relating to the Waitara land dispute, issued I March 1860.

Ko te putake tenei 1 whakaae a te Kawana kite hoko te whe- | nua a Te Teira i Waitara. | Na te Kawana i mea, 1 C. W. Richmond, | Taranaki, Maehe 1, 1860. | [rule] | 1. 1 te orokotaenga mai o te Pakeha ki Taranaki kahore he tangata Maori 1 | Waitara. Kua peia atu a Ngatiawa e Waikato. | [. , .1 [no imprint. New Plymouth?: Printed by G. W. Woon?, 1860]

I folded sheet ([4] p.); 330x210 mm.; bluish grey laid paper with watermark: ‘C Harris 1 1858' and Britannia image. Caption title. Printed on inner pages, pages [l] and [4] blank. Presumably printed by Woon as printer to the provincial government.

Caption title p. [2]: ‘Ko te korerotanga a te Kawana 1 te 8 o nga ra o Maehe 1859. I ki Taranaki. I iruleV.

The 15-point 'manifesto' and Browne's earlier speech of 8 March 1859, both relating to the disputed sale of land at Waitara, with a prefatory note signed by C. W. Richmond, Minister of Native Affairs and MP for New Plymouth, dated 1 March 1860. This issue was presumably arranged for Browne’s arrival in Taranaki on 1 March to try and resolve the dispute.

The manifesto had been printed in English and Maori in the Maori messenger, 29 February 1860, p. 3-5, prefaced by a note from Assistant Native Secretary T. H. Smith dated 29 February, The English text ( AJHR. 1860. E-3, p. 21) refers to it having been previously published and 'widely circulated by special agents amongst all the tribes in the northern island’, presumably referring to the Maori messenger version.

Browne's speech, delivered to Taranaki Maori at the time negotiations were beginning in 1859, was printed in English and Maori in the Maori messenger, 31 March 1859, p. [l]-3. The English version is in GBPP 1861 127981 p. 3-4.



For discussion on the speech and associated events as 'crucial though not irrevocable' steps towards war see K. Sinclair, The origins of the Maori Wars (2nd ed,, Auckland. 1 961), p. 136-141, and New Zealand. Waitangi Tribunal, The Taranaki report: Kaupapa tuatahi (Wellington. 1996; WAI 143), p. 68-72.

Williams 313, Bagnall 4051 a. Copies: AP, Taranaki Museum, WTU.


Governor's address of 3 March 1860 on the Waitara dispute.

Ko te korerotanga a te Kawana i te 3 o nga ra o Maehe, 1860, | ki a Poharama ratou ko Te Waka ma I tua o te whare tuhituhi | a Te Kati. | [rule] | Haere mai, haere mai. Haere mai me nga kupu pai me nga kupu tika a te iwi | pono ki a te Kuini. | [SS lines and I ornamental rule] [no imprint. New Plymouth? Printed by G. W. Woon?, 1860]

1 sheet ([l] p.); 330x210 mm.; bluish grey laid paper with watermark: ‘C Harris | 1858'. Printed on the same paper as no. 511, and presumably also printed at New Plymouth by Woon.

A speech by Browne stating the official position and arrangements for handling the Waitara dispute, especially his reliance on Poharama and Te Waka to protect the Europeans outside the town. Appended is a note giving Browne's response to a question asked at the meeting. 'Te Kati' may refer to Kati, close relative of Te Wherowhero (who was in Taranaki at the time). Possibly translated by Donald McLean. A different, less formal description of the same meeting (but not dated) is in the Maori messenger. 15 March 1860, p. 4-6. For further information on events following Browne's arrival on 1 March see K. Sinclair, Origins of the Maori Wars (2nd ed,, Auckland, 1961), p. 190-192, and New Zealand. Waitangi Tribunal, The Taranaki report: Kaupapa tuatahi (Wellington, 1996; WAI 143). p. 76-78.

Copies: Taranaki Museum, WTU.


Proclamation. 31 March 1860, offering rewards for the delivery of murderers.

[Royal Arms] | Panuitanga. | [rule] | Na te Kawana, Colonel Thomas Gore Browne, | [2 lines] | No te mea i te awatea o te Turei, i te rua tekau ma witu (27) o | nga ra o Maehe, i kohuru etahi tangata Maori ko nga ingoa- i Ko Haneti Toia | [6 additional names] | [l7 fines] ) T. Gore Browne, 1 Kawana. | Na te Kawana i mea, | E. W. Stafford, | Kai tuhituhi o te Koroni | Tohungia e te Atua te Kuini! [no imprint. New Plymouth?: Printed by G. W. Woon?, 1860]

I sheet, 337x210 mm.; bluish grey paper. Assumed printed by Woon at New Plymouth as the coat of arms is that used in the Taranaki ordinances.

A proclamation of 31 March 1860, offering a reward of £lOO for the delivery of the 7 named murderers (and their associates) of five Pakeha Killed at Omata, Taranaki, on 27 March. An English version was published in the Gazette, 2 April 1860, p. 66a, and bilingual versions were also printed.



separately (no. 514) and in the Maori messenger, 31 May 1860, p. 5. Copies: Taranaki Museum. WTU.


Printed letter. April 1860, about Wiremu Kingi and the Waitara dispute. Akarana. Aperira [space for date] 1860. | E hoa ma, | E nga rangatira Maori o Poneke o Wairarapa o era atu wahi | o tena pito o to tatou motu. Tena ra koutou. | [. , .] [no imprint. Auckland?: Printed by W. C. Wilson?, 1860]

1 folded sheet ([4] p.); 339x212 mm.; blue laid paper with watermark 'Smith Elder & Co | London | 1858' and Britannia image. Printed on first leaf; pages [3] and [4] blank. Text signed at end: 'Na te Kawana.'. At foot of page [2]: 'Ki a [space] 1 Ke [space]', to be filled in with the addressee details. Presumably printed in Auckland by the printer to the government.

A circular letter justifying the Governor's position in respect of Wiremu Klngi and the Waitara dispute. It was reprinted with an English translation in the New Zealand spectator. 5 May 1860, p. 2-3.

Williams 314. Copies: AP, WTU.


Special Gazette issue, 2 April 1860, of proclamation relating to murders. [Royal Arms] \ The New Zealand Gazette | extraordinary. | [rule] \ Published by authority. | [rule] | Monday, April 2, 1860. | [rule] \ Proclamation. | [rule] \ [. . .] [Printed by G. W. Woon [New Plymouth. 1860)]

1 sheet ([2] p.); 335x202 mm.; blue paper. Imprint from colophon p. [2], Printed in two columns separated by vertical rule.

Browne's proclamation of 31 March 1860 (no. 512) in English and Maori, with a notice from Colonel Gold of 2 April warning that Pakeha residing in native districts without official permission would be treated as 'rebels'.

Copies: WTU ( bound with the New Zealand Government gazette, 1860).


Invitation to chiefs. May 1860, to attend the Kohimarama Conference.

Akarana, [space for date] 1860. | E hoa, e [name] | Tena koe. He mea atu tenei naku ki a koe kia haere | mai koe ki Akarana nei, koutou ko etahi atu o nga rangatira Maori o Niu | Tirani. | [9 lines] | Ko te ra kua whakaritea hei ra hulhui [i.e. huihui] ko te 2 o nga ra e [i.e. o] Hurae o te tau | nei ano. Noko, [i.e. Naku] | Na to hoa. | Na te Kawana, | Ki a [addressee] Ino imprint. Auckland?: Printed by W. C, Wilson?, 1860]

I sheet. Physical description not confirmed; no copy located. Description based on no. **s4o. Presumed printed by the printer to the government.

Invitations from Browne to participate in the Kohimarama Conference are known to have been issued to chiefs in May 1860 from registers of official correspondence (eg. ANZ, MA 1860/323), but no copy of an original


516 NEW ZEALAND. GOVERNOR (1 855-1 861 : BROWNE)

invitation has been located. A second printing of 100 copies was approved on I I June 1860. The report of the conference proceedings (no, 504) includes a list of the chiefs who attended.

The description here is based on no. **s4o, a copy (or reset version) of the invitation with manuscript corrections and amendments, apparently intended for use in 1861. The reference to 2 July confirms its association with the Kohimarama Conference, which was planned to begin on that date.

No copy located.


Browne’s opening address at the Kohimarama Conference. 10 July 1860. Ko ta te Kawana korero ki nga rangatira Maori i | huihui ki Waitemata i te 10 o nga ra o Hurae, 1860. | [rule] | E aku hoa, e nga rangatira Maori o Niu Tirani,— | Tena koutou. Kua karangatia koutou e ahau kia huihui mai ki | toku aroaro i tenei takiwa kia korerotia e tatou etahi tikanga e tupu pai ai e | kake ai nga iwi erua e noho nei ki tenei whenua ki Niu Tirani. | [. . .] [no imprint. Auckland: Printed by W. C. Wilson, 1860]

I folded sheet (4 p.): 340x21 7 mm. Caption title. Signed at end: ‘Na Thomas Gore Browne, | Na te Kawana.’, Presumed printed by the printer to the government.

Browne’s opening address of 10 July 1860 to the Kohimarama Conference, setting the agenda for ‘discussing various matters connected with the welfare and advancement of the two races dwelling in New Zealand’. The President of the Conference, Native Secretary Donald McLean, translated and read the Maori text after Browne’s delivery in English. See no. 504 for further background information and see C. Orange, ‘The covenant of Kohimarama’, NZJH. v. 14, no. I (April 1980), p. 61-82,

Copies of the printed Maori text were distributed to the 120 chiefs at the end of the ceremony. An English translation was published as a separate leaflet (Bagnall 4052) and in AJHR. 1860, E-9, p. 3-5; both versions were printed in the Maori messenger. 14 July 1860, p. 5-1 3. The original draft is in Archives New Zealand (MA 1/1 60/70 a).

Williams 315. Copies: DUHO, WTU.


The Governor's second message. 17July 1860, to the Kohimarama Conference.

Pukapuka 2. | Na Tamati Koa Paraone, na te Kawana. | [rule] | I mea te kupu a te Kawana i tana korero timatanga ki nga rangatira Maori o te Huihui ki | Kohimarama, ka tiakina paitia te Kawenata o Waitangi e te Kawanatanga ote Kuini. | [. . ,] [no imprint. Auckland: Printed by W. C. Wilson. 1860]

I sheet (2 p); 300x250 mm. Caption title. At end of text; Te Whare o te Kawana,’ | Hurae 17, 1860.’. Presumed printed by the printer to the government.



The Kohimarama Conference proceedings (no. 504) from the Maori messenger reproduce English and Maori texts of four messages sent from the Governor. Only this message (no. 2,17 July 1860) is recorded as having been printed and distributed among the chiefs. The message invites the chiefs to consider establishing principles for regulating the ownership of land and for settling disputes, because 'until the rights of property are clearly defined, progress in civilisation must be both slow and uncertain'.

Copies: DL; WTU (photocopy).


Circular letter to Waikato chiefs. 9 October 1860, urging peace.

Panuitanga. | [rule] | Tera etahi korero horihori, e kawea haeretia ana e | etahi tangata, mo runga i nga whakaaro o te | Kawana mo Waikato, ara, e meinga ana, tenei ake | te patua a Waikato e te Kawana. | [23 lines] | Na Tamati Koa Paraone, 1 Kawana. | Akarana, | Oketopa 9, 1860. [no imprint. Auckland?: Printed by W. C. Wilson?, 1860]

1 sheet ([l] p ): 348x218 mm. Printed in large type from several different fonts, apparently the same as those used in no. 528 and 570, and presumably printed by the printer to the government.

A circular letter to Waikato chiefs urging peace and advising that they should not become involved in the dispute in Taranaki. No English version of the text has been seen and it was not printed in either the Maori messenger or the Gazette.

Copies: AR (in John White papers. MS 99/48, item 7): WTU (photocopy).

519 NEW ZEALAND. Native Secretary

Printed letter. 4 April 1860, about fighting and deaths at Waireka. Taranaki.

Taranaki. 4 Aperira, 1860. | E hoa ma tena koutou, | Kua rongo ano koutou I nga korero o tenei wahi | ara o Taranaki, nga ritenga mo tetahi pihi o Waitara i hokona, te | whawhai ki Waitara, te rerenga kau mai a Ngatiruanui raua ko Ta- | ranaki ki tenei he. | [42 lines] | Naku, na to koutou hoa. | Na te Makarini. [no imprint. New Plymouth?: Printed by G. W. Woon?. 1860]

1 sheet ((!] p); 264x184 mm. Probably printed by the printer to the provincial government.

The letter from Native Secretary Donald McLean ('Makarini') discusses the fighting at Waireka. Taranaki, on 28 March, listing the names of 10 Taranaki and 7 Ngati Ruanui killed. A note on the only known copy reads: MOO more required | Dond McLean | 5 April'. For further background see J. Belich, The New Zealand Wars (Auckland, 1986), p 84-88.

Copies: Taranaki Museum; WTU (photocopy).



520 NEW ZEALAND. Native Secretary’s Office

[heading. 2 lines, and rule, as above] | (Translation.) | Assistant Native Secretary’s Office, | Collingwood, Golden Bay, Aug. 20, 1860. | My friends, the chiefs and Maori people of | the Middle Island— ([...] [Printed at the “Examiner” Office, Nelson, by C, and J. Elliott [lB6o]]

1 sheet (2 p.); 246x190 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 2. Printed in two columns separated by double vertical rule. Signed at the end: 'Na Tiemi Make, | Hoa Hekeretari Maori, | James Mackay, junior. Assistant Native Secretary.’. Text in Maori and English, apart from heading and imprint.

A circular letter to Southern Maori, denying rumours of revenge for Taranaki deaths and the impending arrival of troops. Mackay, a respected local settler, explorer and fluent Maori speaker presumably prepared both versions of the text, which urges peace and compliance with English law. More on the topic appeared in Te manuhiri tuarangi. I March 1861, p. 9.

Copies: ANZ (MA 24/31), WGA (bound in Te Haeata)', WTU (photocopy)

521 NGATATA, Wiremu Tako (d. 1887)

Printed letter to Waikato chiefs about the causes of the war in Taranaki.

Waitoki, Taranaki, | Aperira 10, 1860. | He karere tenei naku ki Waikato, kia noho marama mai kite- | nei mahi kuare a Taranaki. Kua tae mai nei au ki konei, kua mo- | hiotia nei e au nga take o tenei he. Hoia ra tenei, heoti. | [2l lines] \ Na to koutou hoa pono i roto i te Ariki, | Na Wi Tako Ngatata. [no imprint. New Plymouth?: Printed by G. W. Woon?, 1860]

1 sheet ([l] p ); 215x170 mm.; bluish grey laid paper with watermark of Britannia image. Presumably printed in New Plymouth by Woon as the paper is the same as that used for no. 51 I.

A circular letter to Waikato chiefs who had asked Ngatata to investigate the causes of the Taranaki war. He identifies the fault as Wiremu Klngi's. Attached to a copy at Archives New Zealand (MA 1/1 60/47) is a note dated 24 April 1860 by T. H, Smith recommending that 25 copies be sent to each of 'the Resident Magistrates at Napier, Wellington and Whanganui for distribution among the natives’.

The letter was also printed in Te Haeata. 1 May 1860, and with an English translation in the Maori messenger. 30 April 1860, p. 2-3.

Copies: Taranaki Museum, WTU.


[parallel text:]

Circular letter, 20 August 1860, promoting calm and adherence to the law. Ki nga rangatira Maori me nga iwi Maori | katoa o tenei motu. | [ wavy rule] | Ware o te Hoa Hekeretari Maori | Aorere. Taitapu, Akuhata 20, 1860. | E aku hoa, e nga rangatira me nga tangata | Maori o te Wahi Pounamu. | [■ • •]


522 POMPALLIER, Jean Baptiste (1801-1871)

Second edition of an elementary Maori grammar and vocabulary. Notes grammaticales | sur | la langue Maorie | ou | Neo-Zelandaise. | par Monseig. Pompallier, | [ornamental rule] | Rome | Imprimerie de la Propagande | 1860.

39. [l] p.; 197x134 mm.; green paper covers. Title repeated on front cover within an ornamental border. 'Reimprimatur' on p [4o],

A second edition of an elementary Maori grammar for the Marist missionaries, first published in 1849 (no. 377). A signed copy in DUHO is dated '23 Jan. 1860 Published for the Sacro O. P.SPA'.

Williams 319, Bagnall 4612. Copies: AP, AR. DUHO, NLA; WTU (photocopy).


A scriptural history from the Creation to the founding of the Catholic Church.

He tuhituhinga potonga | o te | hitoria tapu, | ara, | o te Paipera | me | te Hahi, | na Hoane Papita Werahiko Pomaparie, | te | Epikopo o Akarana. | [ornamental rule] | He mea perehi, | i Rione. [i.e. Lyons] | 1860.

vii, [1). 175, [l] p.: 170x110 mm. Pages [iv], [viii] and [l76] blank. Engraving of the risen cross above the half title. Colophon on p. [ii] (verso of half title): 'Lyon. Impr. de J. B. Pelagaud.'. In some copies a leaf ([2] p.) in Maori headed 'Erata', correcting misprints, is tipped in after the title-page, possibly printed in New Zealand.

A scriptural history for Maori Catholics from the Creation to the founding of the Catholic Church. A DUHO copy signed by the author is dated in Lyons. 14 May 1860.

Williams 312. Copies: ABH, AP. AR, DUHO, NLA, WTU.

523 a TARANAKI PROVINCE (N.Z.). Superintendent

Announcement of occupation of land at Waitara and provisions of martial law.

He Panuitanga tenei kia rongo nga tangata katoa kua ki | atu te Kawana ki te tino rangatira o nga Hoia. ara, ki a Karana | Kouro, kia nohoia hohorotia te whenua i Waitara kua hokona ki a | te Kuini e Te Teira. | Ko nga kai muru, ahakoa Pakeha, ahakoa Maori, ko nga ta- | ngata katoa, ahakoa Pakeha, ahakoa Maori, ka pa kite tinana ki | nga hanga ranei o tetahi tangata, ka mau ia, ka whakawakia ia ki | runga i te Ture Whawhai. | Na te Kawana i mea, |C, W. Richmond [no imprint. New Plymouth: Printed by G. W. Woon, 1860]

1 sheet ([l] p ); 169x209 mm. Presumably printed by the printer to the provincial government.

Announcement from Superintendent Christopher Richmond that Colonel Gold (‘Karana Kouro') had been told by the Governor to occupy the land sold by Te Teira at Waitara, and warning that plunderers would be judged



according to martial law. The notice must have been issued between I March (when Governor Browne arrived in Taranaki) and 5 March, when the land was occupied. It was not printed in the Taranaki provincial Gazette. See no. 509 for the official proclamation of martial law of 25 January, which took effect from 22 February, and further background.

Copies: Taranaki Museum; WTU (photocopy).

524 TE RAUPARAHA, Tamihana (d. 1876)

Ko enei korero kua tuhia nei he pukapuka na Tamihana Te Rauparaha ki ona hoa Pakeha, | hei whakamarama i tona haerenga ki Wairarapa. Ko te tikanga o te haere a Te Rauparaha | he rapu i te whakaaro o nga rangatira o taua kainga, mo te ata noho i runga i te pai. | [wavy rule] | Poneke, Mei, 1860. | E aka hoa rangatira Pakeha,— | [l4O lines in two columns, separated by vertical rule ] | Na to koutou hoa na, | Tamihana Te Rauparaha. [no imprint. Wellington?: Printed at the Office of the New Zealand Spectator?, IB6o]

I sheet ([l] p. ); 287x204 mm.

An account of the visit of Tamihana Te Rauparaha to Papawai (near Greytown, Wairarapa), where he had gone to urge local Maori not to follow the King movement, following his opposition to the King's flag being raised at Otaki. On 2 June 1860 the New Zealand spectator printed a translation of and editorial commentary on the letter (p. 2-3), dating the original as 28 May.

The English text was subsequently reprinted in the Wellington independent. 5 June 1860, p. 3.

For further information on the response of Wairarapa Maori to the Kingitanga see P. Goldsmith Rangahaua Whanui District 11a: Wairarapa (Wellington, 1996), p. 69-71 and R. Mclntyre, The canoes ofKupe (Wellington, 2002), p. 81-89,

Williams 314 a (S). Copies: WTU.

**525 TOETOE, Wiremu (d. 1881)

Letter seeking an audience with Queen Victoria in June 1860. [Ko nga mihi tenei mo te Kuini. Tenakoe. Tenakoe. E Wikitoria tena koe e te Kuini o Nuitireni. Tenakoe tomatou rangatira pai, ka nui to maua koa, ka kite maua. [. . .]; actual title not known: no copy located. Vienna: Printed at the Hof- und Staatsdruckerei, 1860]

Physical description not known; no copy located. Description from secondary source. Assumed to be similar to no. 526 and 527, but in Maori and English.

Wiremu Toetoe and Hemara Te Rerehau had an audience with Queen Victoria at Buckingham Palace in June 1860, described in the Illustrated London news of 23 June. See no. 527 for further background.

This entry is taken from the text of a letter in Maori and German included in F. von Hochstetter, Neu-Seeland (Stuttgart, 1863), p. 528-529, which notes that the original letter had an English translation. The information on Toetoe


Printed letter. May 1860, on his visit to the Wairarapa.

527 TOETQE. WIREMU (D 1881)

and Te Rerehau was not included in the 1867 English language edition of Hochstetter’s work (Bagnall 2627).

No copy located.


Greeting from Toetoe and Te Rerehau to the parents of Emperor Franz Joseph.

Tena korua, tena korua, | e nga matua | o te rangatira nui rawa o Atiria katoa. | Ka mihi maua ki a korua, ki o korua tamariki; ka nui te | hari o to maua ngakau ki to maua kitenga i a korua; [. . .] | [4 lines] | Wiremu Toetoe. | Hemara Rerehau.

[parallel text:]

Wir grussen Euch, wir grussen Euch, | Eltern | des Kaisers von Oesterreich. | Wir begrussen Euch und Euere Kinder: die Freude unseres | Herzens ist gross, das wir Euch gesehen haben; [. . .] | [4 lines] \ Wilhelm Toetoe, | Samuel Rerehau. | Aus der k. k. Hof- und Staatsdruckerei in Wien. [i.e. Vienna] 1860.

1 sheet ([l] p ); 275x354 mm. Texts separated by a double vertical rule and within an ornamental gold border.

A formal acknowledgement from Wiremu Toetoe and Hemara Te Rerehau of having met Emperor Franz Joseph’s parents. Archduke Franz Karl and Sophia, Princess of Bavaria. (In 1848 Franz Karl had renounced his succession in favour of his son, Franz Joseph.) For further background on Toetoe and Te Rerehau's voyage see no. 527.

Copies: Osterreichisches Staatsarchiv (in Collection Max von Mexiko, XI Curiosa, Kt. 73); WTU (photocopy).


TenaKoe, tenakoe, | Wharaniti Johepa, | te rangatira nui rawa o Atiria katoa. | Ka nui to maua hiahia kia kite maua i akoe; tenei te take o to maua ( haerenga mai ki tenei whenua. [. . .] | [l5 lines] | Heoi ano. | Wiremu Toetoe. | Hemara Rerehau.

Wir grussen Dich, wir grussen Dich, | Franz Joseph. | Kaiser von Oesterreich. | Gross ist unsere Sehnsucht gewesen, Dich zu sehen; das ist | der Grund unserer Reise nach diesem Lande. [. . .] | [l6 lines] | Das sind unsere Worte an Dich, | Wilhelm Toetoe. | Samuel Rerehau. | Aus der k. k. Hof- und Staatsdruckerei in Wien. [i.e. Vienna] 1860.

1 sheet ([l] p.); 275x354 mm. Texts separated by a double vertical rule and within an ornamental gold border.

A formal letter of greeting to Emperor Franz Joseph from Wiremu Toetoe and Hemara Te Rerehau, in Maori and German. The two Waikato Maori were in Vienna with Ferdinand Hochstetter after travelling to Europe on the Novara's return voyage. They learnt to print at the imperial printing house and to speak


[parallel text:]

Letter from Toetoe and Te Rerehau to Emperor Franz Joseph.


Wiremu Toetoe and Hemara Te Rerehau’s printed greeting to the Emperor Franz Joseph, 1860 (BiM 527) Printed greetings to the Emperor from the printer. Toetoe received a printing press, later used by the Kingitanga for production of Te Hokioi. 1860-1863. Haus-. Hof- und Staatsarchiv. Vienna: Collection Max von MexiKo, XI. Curiosa. Kt. 73. Photograph made by Fotostudio Otto. Vienna. 2000. copy at Alexander Turnbull Library. Photographic Archive. PA 12-1837

English and German, and were presented with a printing press that would become the communication tool of the Klngitanga movement, in particular the newspaper Te Hokioi (SI3). See K. Scherzer, Reise der Oesterreichischen Fregatte Novara um die Erde . . . Beschreibender Theil (3 v., Vienna, 18611862), v. 3, p. 159-176 and plate facing p. 110 (portrait of Toetoe),

Toetoe and Te Rerehau subsequently met Queen Victoria (see no. **525) before leaving for New Zealand in June 1860. For an account of their journey see H. M. Hogan, Bravo. Neu Zeeland (Christchurch, 2003), a work based on Te Rerehau's diary (also reproduced, in Maori and English).

Copies: Osterreichisches Staatsarchiv (in Collection Max von Mexiko, XI Curiosa, Kt. 73); WTU (photocopy and colour transparency).


The whakapapa of Pairoroku Tuwhakauerangi and Te Reweti Waikato. He whakapapa. | [rule] \ Te timatanga ko Te Uira, ko Te Pananehu, ko | Mamaua; nga tamariki a enei tangata tokotoru, ko | Te Rakaupango. ko



Tapuika. | [lO lines] | Na Pairoroku Tuwhakauerangi, | na Te Reweti Waikato, [no imprint. Auckland?: Printed by W. C. Wilson?, 1860?]

1 sheet ([l] p.); 338x208 mm.; blue laid paper with watermark of Britannia image. Printed in large type from several different fonts, apparently the same as those used in no. 518 and 570. The type of paper used suggests it was printed by the printer to the government.

The whakapapa of Pairoroku Tuwhakauerangi and Te Reweti Waikato. The date of publication is inferred from the filing of the Archives New Zealand copies (MA 1/1 60/132) which suggests November 1860. The original manuscript is in John White's papers (WTU, MS-Papers-0075-l 19D), written on sheets with watermarks dated 1859 and 1860.

Copies: ANZ (MA 1/1 60/132), AP, WTU.

529 BEVERIDGE, William (1637-1708)

Te | whakaminenga | kite | whare karakia. | [wavy rule ] | He kupu ki nga tangata Maori. | [wavy rule] | Te mahi nui mo tatou, ina whakamine mai tatou kite aroaro | o te Atua, [. . .] | [. . .] [1 taia tenei kite Perehi o R. Lucas. Whakatu, [i.e. Nelson] Nui Tirene, 1861.]

1 folded sheet (4 p ): 180x125 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon P 4.

A religious tract about the church congregation, by Bishop Beveridge, a noted seventeenth-century Calvinistic preacher and Bishop of St Asaph, who made efforts to develop the colonial church in India. The author is identified at the end of the text: 'He mea whakamaori i te tuhituhinga o Pihopa Pewhariha' but not the translator. Williams’s entry is filed at 1879, but both copies seen are dated 1861.

Williams 572, Bagnall 433. Copies: AP. WTU.


Fifth edition of Catholic doctrine, hymns and songs. [ illustration ] | Ko etahi tino ako | me | etahi tino inoinga | o te | Hahi Matua Tapu Katorika, | te pou mete unga o te pono, | nona | te mahi ako e noho | hei | rama wai mura ake ake tonu, | mo | te wakamarama ki nga iwi katoa 1 o te ao. | [rule] | He Perehitanga tuarima, na Hoane Mua, | Akarana. [f.e. Auckland] | 1861.

102, [l], xxi, [2] p.; 147x110 mm.; laid paper; X U purple cloth, stiffened blue paper covers (blank). Pages [lo3] and [xxii-xxiii] blank. Imprimatur dated 19 March 1861 on p. [2], Printed by John Moore (Hoane Mua).

A reset edition of the 1858 issue (no. 471) of Catholic doctrine, hymns and songs, with some minor changes, the addition of a calendar (p. i-xix) preceding the index at the end, and greater use of the 'wh' digraph. It is the fifth edition of the work originally called Ako mamma o te Hahi Katorika Romana (see no. 120-121,222).

Williams 328, Bagnall 4601, Copies: ABH, AP. DUHO, NLA, WTU.


A religious tract. The congregation in the church.

531 DAVIS. CHARLES OLIVER BOND (I 8 I 7/1 8?-1 887)

531 DAVIS, Charles Oliver Bond (1817/187-1887)

Letter and song. 4 May 1861. about the need for a return to Christian values.

Ki nga hoa Maori. | [ornamental rule] | Haere mai haere e taku karere ki nga hoa Maori e noho mai nei I ona kainga i uta, i te | tapatai. Tena ra ko koutou e oku hoa i roto i enei ra e tohungia nei o tatou tinana i te hira o | nga mate. [. . .] | [l6 lines] | [ornamental rule] | Tenei te mihi ki a koutou. | [l6 lines of verse] | Heoi ano, | Tena koutou katoa, | Akarana, Mei 4, 1861. Na Hare Reweti. [no imprint. Auckland?, 1861]

I folded sheet ([4] p); 250x195 mm.; blue paper. Pages [2], [3] and [4] blank.

A circular letter and a song, both calling for peace and a return to Christian values until the war concludes. People should instead participate in a war of doctrinal words.

Williams 341. Copies: DUHO: WTU (photocopy).

532 DONALDSON, Robert

An elementary Maori grammar and vocabulary, for English speakers. Te hikoi tuatahi | kite reo Maori; | or, | First step to the Maori language. | With conversational phrases, | and | a short vocabulary of easy words. | Arranged as | an Anglo-Maori school book. | [rule] | By | Robert Donaldson. | [rule] | Napier: | Printed at the Herald Office by James Wood. | 1861. | (Price Two shillings and sixpence.)

36 p.; 205x130 mm.; green paper covers. Title repeated on cover within an ornamental border.

An elementary Maori grammar and vocabulary for English speakers, written in English. Dedication dated 18 March 1861.

Williams 334, Bagnall 1653. Copies: AP, WTU.

533 FURTHER PAPERS relative to native affairs i At't'ocnrtn yalntiyisi tr\ ei /in A fit

Correspondence relating to surveying and land titles. E-No. 3H | Further papers | relative to | native affairs. | [rule] \ Individualization of native title. | (In continuation of papers presented on 17th July, 1861.) | [rule] | Presented to the House of Representatives by command of His Excellency, | and ordered to be printed. | [rule] [no imprint. Auckland: Printed by W. C. Wilson. 1861]

8 p.; 329x203 mm. Page [2] blank. Printed by the printer to the government.

AJHR. 1861, E-3h. Nine letters from 1859-1861, most in Maori with English translations. The letters, mainly from and to Maori, are about surveying and land titles in Hawke’s Bay, Otago Heads, and Kaikohe.

Copies: WTU (in bound vol., AJHR).



534 FURTHER PAPERS relative to the native insurrection

E-No. 1e | Further papers | relative to | the native insurrection. | [rule] \ Letters from natives of Hawke’s Bay, denying that | they are opposed to the supremacy of the Queen. | [rule] | Return to an address of June 14th, 1861. | [rule] | (Dr. Featherston.) [no imprint. Auckland: Printed by W. C. Wilson. 1861]

1 folded sheet (4 p.); 314x200 mm. Page [2] blank. Printed by the printer to the government.

AJHR. 1861, E-le. Two letters in English (translation) and Maori dated at Pawhakairo, 3 April 1861. The first (to Browne) is signed by Karaitiana and four others for the Runanga of Tamatea; the second (to the Queen) is signed by Tareha and 22 others on behalf of 1 70 Napier chiefs. They refute the accusation that Maori are fighting against the Queen's sovereignty, and explain that it is the process of land dealings under Browne that is the cause.

Copies: WTU (in bound vol., AJHR).

535 KAWEPO, Renata Tama-ki-Hikurangi (d. 1888)

Renata's | speech and letter | to the | Superintendent of Hawke's Bay | on the | Taranaki War question; | in the original Maori, | with an English translation. | [double rule]

[parallel text:]

Ko te korero mete | pukapuka | a Renata Tamakihikurangi, | no te Pa Whakairo; | ki a te Kai-whakahaere tikanga o | nga Pakeha ki Ahuriri; | ko te reo Maori, mete reo Pakeha, | erua tahi. | 1860-61. | | rule] | Printed at the “Spectator" Office, Wellington, New Zealand. | 1861.

245, 24L p.; 224x145 mm (untrimmed). Page [2S] blank. First section (paged 'S') is speeches; second section (paged 'L') is letters.

A reprint of speeches by Kawepo and Superintendent Fitzgerald (p. SS-245) delivered and first published in 1860 (no. 499), with a further letter in response from Renata (p. [I L]-22L), the texts in both English and Maori. The translations are by William Colenso. Appended (p. L 23-24) is ‘Letters from natives at Ahuriri to the Queen and Governor' (in English only). The Preface of 10 June 1861 from the publisher (Stokes) on p. [3S-4S] affirms that Renata is the real author, contrary to allegations that it was Samuel Williams. Renata's speech and letter point out errors in the Governor's handling of the dispute over the Waitara land and support Wiremu Kingi.

Williams 332. Bagnall 2945. Copies: AP, WTU.

536 KO NGA WAIATA a Waikato ki a Kawana Kerei

Ko nga waiata a Waikato ki a Kawana Kerei. | [double rule] | Ko te waiata a Te Ngakau i te ra tuatahi i tae atu ai | koia tenei i raro nei. | [rule] \ [9 lines of verse] | Ko nga waiata i te ra tuarua. | [. . .] [no imprint. Auckland?: Printed by W. C. Wilson?, 1861?]


Six Waikato waiata sung for Governor Grey.

Reprint of speeches relating to land issues and Kingitanga. and a letter.

Letters about the reasons for the fighting in Taranaki.


I sheet ([2] p ): 340x213 mm. Text on p. [2] has heading: 'Literal rendering of some of the songs. | [swelled rule]’. The job number ('(7sB', at foot of p. [l]) suggests it was probably printed by the printer to the government.

Six Waikato waiata. by Te Ngakau (day I), and Hauauru Taipari, Rewi Maniapoto and Tina Makereta (day 2). The texts of two of the waiata are also on the verso in slightly different versions. The waiata were presumably sung for Grey on his visit to Waikato in mid-December 1861 and printed at about the same time.

Williams 342. Copies: AP, DUHO, WTU.


A brief introduction to Maori pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary.

A | Maori phrase book, | intended | for new-comers, | being | words and sentences in Maori, | with their significations in English. | [ornamental rule] | Auckland: | Printed and published by Philip B. Chadfield, | and sold by all booksellers. [1861?]

32 p.; 130x102 mm. Page [2] blank.

A small elementary primer of Maori pronunciation, vocabulary, sentences and a waiata (p. 32). with English-language equivalents and comments. It is the only item recorded as printed by Chadfield.

Hocken (p. 530, followed by Williams and Bagnall) identifies the author as C. O. B. Davis, but there seems no strong evidence for this. The date of publication (revised from Williams's 1856) is based on references (p. II) to the war in Italy (i.e. 1859-60) and (p, 12) to overseas travel and seeing Queen Victoria. The latter is assumed to refer to the 1860 visit to Europe of Wiremu Toetoe and Hemara Te Rerehau (see no. **525-527). A second edition was printed about 1863 (no. 600).

Williams 274, Bagnall 1546. Copies: AP. AR. WTU.

538 MEETING HELD at King’s Pa, Mataitawa, in March, 1861.

Record of a discussion on the causes of the Taranaki War and peace. Meeting held at King's Pa, Mataitawa, in March, 1861. | [double rule] | The end of the war. | [rule] | W. Thompson. I haere mai ai ahau he kawe mai i nga korero o nga | minita o nga tangata Maori hoki, kia kite i Waitara, [. . .] | [29 lines]

[parallel text:]

Translation. | Meeting held at King's Pa, Mataitawa, in March, 1861. | [rule] | The end of the war. | [ swelled rule] | W. Thompson. The reason of my coming, is, to bring the messages of | the Ministers, and also of the Maories, to see Waitara, [. . .) | [29 lines] [no imprint. New Plymouth?: 1861]

I folded sheet ([4] p.); 275x197 mm. Caption title. Maori and English texts on facing pages; p. [l] and [4] blank.

Record of a dialogue between the Kingite chief Wiremu Tamihana ('W. Thompson’), who had arrived to negotiate peace, and Wiremu Kingi ('W. K. Rangitaake’), with interjections from Hapurona, Rewi and Epiha. The



discussion records the agreement of Wiremu Kingi to stop fighting. The English version is a literal translation of the Maori text, and no other source for the texts has been found. The item may have been printed by G. W. Woon and circulated by the government to calm the Taranaki region after the surrender of Hapurona on 19 March that marked the end of fighting.

The circumstances of the meeting at the pa of Klngi at Mataitawa on 13 March 1861 during a brief truce are described in AJHR. 1861, E-Ib, documents 8-13, p. 8-10; for a summary see E. Stokes, Wiremu Tamihana (Wellington, 2002), p. 195-202.

Williams 333, Bagnall 3487. Copies: AP; WTU (photocopy).

539 not used

Entries 541-546 are filed in date order following undated item no. ’"•540.

**s4o NEW ZEALAND. Governor (1855-1861 : Browne)

Akarana, [spacefor date] 186[1], | E hoa, e [name] | Tena koe. He mea atu tenei naku ki a koe kia haere | mai koe ki Akarana nei, koutou ko etahi atu o nga rangatira Maori o Niu | Tirani. | [II lines] | Na to hoa. | Na te Kawana, | Ki a [ addressee ] [no imprint. Auckland?: Printed by W. C. Wilson?, 1861?]

1 sheet ([I ]p ); 325x210 mm.; blue laid paper with watermark: 'E Towgood | 1858’. Probably printed in Auckland by the printer to the government.

An invitation to an unidentified meeting of chiefs in Auckland, possibly not issued, it is known only through a proof copy with manuscript corrections and additions to what appears to be a reprint of the invitation to the 1860 Kohimarama Conference (no. **sls). Although the printed text refers to the meeting being on 2 July (no year), the date at the head of the only copy located is 'lB6o’, changed by hand to 1861 with the addition of ’Nowema - .

The invitation may relate to the consultative process intended to follow on from the 1860 Kohimarama Conference (no. 504). From early 1861 Browne had planned other meetings and a second conference (see AJHR. 1862, E-l, [Sec. I], No, 6 and enclosures, p. 1 1-14). However, his successor Grey decided soon after taking up office (3 October 1861) that a second conference was inappropriate and cancelled it (AJHR, 1862, E-l, Sec. 11, No. 14, p. 33-34); see also B. J. Dalton, War and politics in New Zealand 1855-1870

(Sydney. 1967), p. 145.

Copies: WTU (proof).


Printed letter, 5 March 1861, answering allegations about land and control.

E aku hoa,— | Kua panuitia kia koutou e etahi tangata o nga iwi erua, o te Pakeha | o te Maori, e kuare ana ki aku tikanga; [...]) [l4 lines] \ Na to koutou hoa, | Na Tamati Koa Paraone, | Kawana, | Te Whare o te Kawana,


Invitation to an unidentified meeting of chiefs in Auckland.


I Akarana, Maehe 5, 1861. [no imprint. Auckland: Printed by W. C. Wilson, 1861]

1 sheet ([l] p.); 342x210 mm.; bluish grey paper. Presumed printed by the printer to the government.

A letter by the Governor refuting rumours that he wants to deprive Maori of their lands and undermine the authority of the chiefs. An anonymous article 'False rumours’ in Te manuhiri tuarangi. 1 March 1861, p. 4-5, gives the background. The text with an English translation was printed in the issue of 15 March 1861 of the same periodical.

Copies: WTU.


E Hapurona ma, e Ngatiawa, | Ka tekau ma rua nga marama i hapai pu ai koutou kia te | Kuini, i whakanoa ai i te mana o te Tare. I tenei wa, kua whaka- | rerea o koutou pu, kua puta to koutou kupu mo te maunga rongo. | [39 lines] [no imprint. New Plymouth?: Printed by G. W. Woon?, 1861]

1 sheet ([l] p.); 329x211 mm.; bluish grey laid paper with watermark of Britannia image. Probably printed by the printer to the provincial government.

The terms of peace offered by the Governor following his arrival in Taranaki on 27 March 1861. The terms provide for the handover of guns and plunder, the survey of the land at Waitara, sites of blockhouses and redoubts to be reserved, and road-making at Waitara. The terms were accepted by Hapurona on 8 April and by Wiremu Ngakawa Patukakariki on 15 April; for further details see GBPP 1862 [3040] p. 34-38, which includes a version of this text in English. For further background on the ending of the war see J. Belich, The New Zealand Wars (Auckland, 1986), p. 114-116, and B. J. Dalton, War and politics in New Zealand 1855-1870 (Sydney, 1967), p. 125-127.

The letter was in circulation in Taranaki by 6 April when a translation was printed with unfavourable commentary in the Taranaki herald. The English version was also issued separately with an additional note by Provincial Superintendent Cutfieid, dated 5 April 1861 (Bagnali 4053). Maori and English texts were printed in Te manuhiri tuarangi, 15 May 1861, p. 2-3. Copies: WTU.


Letter. 15 April 1861, stating terms of peace with Taranaki and Ngdti Ruanui.

I sheet ([l] p.); 332x2 I 1 mm ; blue laid paper with watermark; E Towgood | 1858’. Probably printed by the printer to the provincial government.


Notice setting out terms of peace at the end of the Taranaki War. April 1861.

Ki nga rangatira o Taranaki, o Ngatiruanui. | [rule] 1 I mua i taku hokinga atu i Ngamotu, ka whakapuakina atu | e ahau nga tikanga e pai ai ahau ki te hohou i te rongo kia koutou. | [39 lines] | Na Tamati Koa Paraone, | na te Kawana, | Ngamotu, Aperira 15, 1861. [no imprint. New Plymouth?: Printed by G. W. Woon?, 1861]


A circular letter from the Governor to the chiefs of Taranaki and Ngati Ruanui. stating the terms for peace, including the return of plunder, compensation for property destroyed, and the peaceful passage of mail and travellers. An English version was printed in the Taranaki provincial Gazette. 15 April 1861, and English and Maori texts in Te manuhiri tuarangi, 15 May 1861, p. 5-6.

Bagnall 4054. Copies: WTU.


Printed letter, 21 May 1861. to Kingitanga followers concerning their actions.

Na Thomas Gore Browne, na te Kawana, | He whakapuakanga tenei na te Kawana, he whakamaramatanga i ana tikanga kei | rapu he te whakaaro ote tangata; [. . .] | [. . .] [no imprint. Auckland: Printed by W. C, Wilson, 1861]

1 folded sheet (3, [l] p.); 338x210 mm.: blue laid paper with watermark 'T H Saunders | IB6o' and Britannia image. Caption title. Page [4] blank. Dated at end of text: ‘Whare o te Kawanatanga, Akarana. | Mei 21, 1861.’. Presumed printed by the printer to the government.

A letter to KTngitanga followers setting out the Governor’s response to what he regarded as their unlawful actions, and his demands for future compliance. Circulated for discussion at the planned second conference of chiefs (see no. 504 for the first, at Kohimarama). It was also published separately in English (Bagnall 4055) and in both English and Maori in Te manuhiri tuarangi. 1/15 June 1861, p. [l]-7.

Williams 338, Bagnall 4056. Copies: WTU.


Panuitanga na te Kawana. | [Royal Arms] | £3OO utu. | [double rule] \ Colonial Secretary’s Office, | Akarana, Hune 5, 1861. | No te mea. kua rongo a te Kawana, tenei te Paura me era | atu mea whawhai, te hokona nei ki nga tangata Maori; | Na kia rongo mai ra, e torn rau pauna (£300) ka hoatu | kite kai korero, tangata kotahi, hunga tokohia ranei, | mana e whakaatu te tangata nana i whiwhi ai nga Maori, ki | te paura ranei, ki era atu mea whawhai ranei. Otira, kia | tino mau rawa te tangata i te lure, i runga i taua korero, ka | tika ai te utu. | E. W. Stafford, [no imprint. Auckland: Printed by W. C. Wilson, 1861]

1 sheet ([l] p.); 563x448 mm. Presumed printed by the printer to the government.

A notice from the Governor under the Arms Act 1860, issued by the Colonial Secretary Stafford. It offered a reward of £3OO for information leading to the conviction of anyone who had helped Maori obtain gunpowder or other munitions. Also published in English and Maori in Te manuhiri tuarangi. 1 July 1861, p. 4

Sommerville 338 a. Copies: WTU


Poster. 5 June 1861. offering a reward for information about weapons.



Whare o te Kawanatanga, | Akarana, Hepetema 25, 1861. | E aku hoa, e nga rangatira Maori o Niu Tirani,— | He kupu na to tatou Kuini—loku, to koutou ka mahue | nei koutou i a au, ka haere nei hoki ahau. Ko tenei, kahore au e pai kl te haere | puku, engari, kia whai poroaki iho ano au ki a koutou. [. . .] | [49 lines] | He konei ra, | Na to koutou hoa aroha, | T. Gore Browne, | Na te Kawana. | Ki nga rangatira Maori o Niu Tirani. [no imprint. Auckland: Printed by W. C. Wilson, 1861]

I sheet ([l] p.): 342x215 mm. Presumed printed by the printer to the government.

The farewell message to Maori from the departing Governor, extolling the advantages of a system of laws to regulate affairs, and urging Maori cooperation with Grey to establish laws, register land ownership and live in peace. Grey assumed office on 3 October 1861.

Copies: NLA; WTU (photocopy).

547 NEW ZEALAND. Governor (1861-1868 : Grey)

Suggestions for future native policy, circulated in December 1861. Tenei etahi o nga whakaaro o te Kawana, o Kawana Kerei, mo nga tangata Maori, i tenei takiwa. | Ko tana e hiahia nei. he ata whakarite marire i nga tikanga e oti ai he Ture pai te | whakatakoto, e meinga ai hoki aua ture kia mana, e ahei ai hoki nga Pakeha, [. . .] | [. . .] [no imprint. Auckland: Printed by W. C. Wilson, 1861]

1 sheet (2 p ): 340x215 mm. (untrimmed). Presumed printed by the printer to the government.

Grey’s proposals for a native policy to achieve peaceful cooperation between Maori and Pakeha (referred to as the 'new institutions'), formulated soon after his return in September 1861. See AJHR, 1862, E-2 for further background, including (p. 21-22) the English version, which has the heading 'Notification circulated among the tribes just before the Governor's visit to Waikato [l2] December 1861' (presumably referring to the Maori text). The text was also issued to Ngati Kahungunu with a covering letter by Crosbie Ward (no. 548). For further information on the scheme, which provided for some degree of Maori self-government, see A. Ward, A show of justice (Auckland, 1973), p. 125-127, and J. Rutherford, Sir George Grey (London, 1961), p. 457-461.

English and Maori texts were printed in the Te karere Maori. 16 December 1861, p. 5-8. The English text was also issued separately in the same format as the item described here and without the heading (text begins: 'These are some of the thoughts of the Governor, of Sir George Grey towards the Maoris at this time'). The original manuscript in English, which was translated by T. H. Smith on instructions of 25 November, is at Archives New Zealand (MA 1 12 61/155).

Copies: ANZ (MA 1/2, 61/155), WTU.


Circular letter of farewell to Maori. 25 September 1861.

550 NGAPORA. TAMM! (D. 1885)


Suggestions for native policy, reissued to Ngati Kahungunu. 26 December 1861.

Ki nga rangatira o Ngatikahungunu. | Tena koutou | Whakarongo mai ki nga kupu o te Kawana, o Kawana Kerei, i runga i tenei | mahi a te whakatakoto ture ma nga tangata Maori, kia whakatakotoria e ratou nga tikanga katoa | mo ratou ano. [. . .) | [29 lines] | Crosbie Ward. | Kai Whakahaere Tikanga mo nga Whenua o te Kawanatanga, | Nepia, Tihema 26, 1861. | [. . .] [no imprint. Napier?; Printed by James Wood?, 1861]

[B] p.; 230x188 mm.; grey paper. Pages [2] and [6], [7] and [B] blank. Two unattached folded sheets. Probably printed by the printer to the Hawke’s Bay provincial government.

A reissue of Grey's native policy (p. [3]-[s]) circulated earlier in the month (no. 547), with a covering letter (p. [l]) from Crosbie Ward. Secretary for Crown Lands, to the chiefs of Ngati Kahungunu. Ward’s arrival was noted in the Hawke's Bay herald, 28 December 1861, p. 2, and the paper had published a brief summary of the policy in the issue for 9 November and the full text in English on 21 December 1861, p. 2-3. For further information on Ward’s mission in Hawke’s Bay see A. Ward, A show of justice (Auckland. 1973). p. 134-135.

Williams 396 (S) (p. [3-6]). Copies: DUHO, WTU.

549 NEW ZEALAND. Minister for Native Affairs

He panuitanga ki nga Kai-whakawa Maori. | [rule] | No te mea kua tahuti etahi o nga hoia, koia tenei panuitanga | ki nga tangata katoa. Ko te tangata ka hopu ka homai i tetahi hoia | tahuti ki nga apiha hoia, ki nga apiha whakawa ranei ki Akarana, ki | Otahuhu ranei, ka hoatu ki taua tangata erua pauna mo te hoia kotahi, | hoia tahuti. | Na Matara. | Te Tari o te Minata mo nga mea Maori, Akarana, | Oketopa 7, 1861. [no imprint. Auckland: Printed by W. C. Wilson, 1861]

A circular notice from Mantell, Minister for Native Affairs, to Maori Assessors, advising a £2 reward was payable for each military deserter handed over to the courts. Grey had succeeded Browne on 3 October and suspended Browne's plan to invade the Waikato. These changes may have resulted in uncertainty which this notice intended to control.

Copies: WTU.

550 NGApORA, Tamati (d. 1885)

Hepetema 2nd. 1861 | He korero tenei mo tetahi o nga rangatira o Hauraki kua mate. | I te rua tekau ma rua o nga ra o Akuhata o te tau nei 1861, |


1 sheet ([l] p.); 335x211 mm,; bluish grey laid paper with watermark of Britannia image. Presumed printed by the printer to the government.

Circular. 2 September 1861. on the deaths of Te Kahuhoti and Wi Kaihoho.

Notice. 7 OctoberlB6l. specifying a reward for deserters sent to the courts.


ka haere a te Kahukoti ki Waitawa kite whare o tetahi Pakeha ko | te Kaata te ingoa. [. . .] | [4O lines] | heoi ano, | na to koutou hoa aroha, | Na Tamati Ngapora. | Mangere | I taia tenei ki Te Hokioi o Nui Tireni. [lB6l]

1 sheet ([l] p ); 275x200 mm.

A circular letter about the death of Ngati Paoa chief Te Kahukoti (also known as Te Karamu) who died by accident while intoxicated, and also noting the death of Wi Kaihoho. The text, intended as a warning on the evils of liquor, was reprinted with an English translation and commentary in Te karere Maori. 16 December 1861, p. 13-15.

This is the earliest known work of the Kingitanga press, Te Hokioi, presented to Wiremu Toetoe in 1860 by the Austrian Government (see no. 527). It was initially located in Mangere (now part of Auckland) and later moved to Ngaruawahia. Te Awamutu Museum owns what is believed to be the press used to print Te Hokioi but some evidence appears to conflict with this association; see The Hokioi Press', Journal of the Te Awamutu Historical Society, v. 6, no. 1 (June 1971), p. 21-26, and E. C. Hunwick, ‘Metal detectors help discover more parts of Hokioi Press', Footprints of history, no. 6 (July 1991), p. 124-127.

Williams 340. Copies: DUHO; WTU (photocopy).

551 POMPALLIER, Jean Baptiste Francois (1801-1871)

Printed letter. 5 August 1861. encouraging peace and faith in Catholicism. Akarana, 5 Akuhata, 1861. | E hoa aroha, e Tamihana ma, | Tena ra koe. Kia tukua mai te marama mete painga o te Atua ki a koe, ara, | kia tukua mai te rangatiratanga o te rangi ki a koe, kite Maori katoa o tenei | motu. | [62 lines ] | Na Hoane Papita Werahiko Pomaparie te Epikopo no Akarana. [no imprint. Auckland: Printed by John Moore?, 1861]

I sheet ([l] p ); 333x214 mm.; grey paper. Possibly printed by John Moore, who printed other works for the Catholic Church in 1861 (e.g. no. 530 and Bagnall 4626).

A printed letter to Wiremu Tamihana containing an appeal for peace and commending Catholic teachings. A copy in Archives New Zealand (MA 1/1 61 / 124) is accompanied by a manuscript translation by Thomas H. Smith. An English version was also printed separately (Bagnall 4602).

The letter was reprinted in an 1863 collection (no. 625) and in a companion English-language version (Bagnall 4605).

552 SEARANCKE, William Nicholas (18177-1904) iV/’i liny Isyttsyy 0 i n i 1O X / rt/intif fh/) fisihtiyisi nt

Circular letter. 2 February 1861, about the fighting at Huirangi Redoubt. Poneke, Pepuere 2, 1861. | E hoa e | Tena koe —koutou katoa kua maha a koutou kianga mai kiau kia tuhia atu nga rongo | o te whawhai i Taranaki. | [2O lines] | Naku na ta koutou hoa aroha | Na te Herangi. [no imprint. Wellington, 1861]

1 sheet ([l] p ); 242x193 mm.

Circular letter from Searancke ('te Herangi’). District Land Commissioner at


Williams 339. Copies: AP. DUHO; WTU (photocopy).


Wellington at the time, who may have issued it in an official capacity. He gives an account of the fighting and casualties on 23 January at Huirangi Redoubt, Taranaki. For further information on the attack, in which Maori suffered heavy losses, seej. Belich, The New Zealand Wars (Auckland, 1986), p. 108-109, and J. Cowan, The New Zealand Wars (2 v , Wellington, 1922-23),

v. I, p. 200-205.

Copies: NLA, WTU.


He whakaatu korero, | Ngaruawahia, Noema 14 1861 | E Hoa, e Kerei, Mangonui, te na koe, koutou ko matua, | e hoa ka nui to matou pouri, ki enei tini korero e haere nei i roto i | enei ngara. | [II lines] | Heoi ano | Na Takerei Terau. | Mangere, Noema, 18 1861 | I taia tenei kite Perehi aroha noa, o te Kingi, o Atiria. | Ara kia Te Hokioi, o Nuitireni.

1 sheet ([l] p ): 202x131 mm

A somewhat cryptic circular, printed on the Kingitanga press (Te Hokioi) given to Wiremu Toetoe in Austria ('Atiria': see no. 527). The authors say they have nothing to do with ‘that money'. The AP copy is annotated: 'a notification issued by Ta Kerei Tepaea November the 18th 1861'. Although the author's name is recorded, he has not been further identified.

The following variant issue has been located:

553.1 without the line ‘Na Takerei Terau’ identifying the writer The Archives New Zealand copy (MA 1/2, 61/115) has a file note ‘About the money for the powder bought by Mangonui and seized by Tamati Waka [Nene]' and an annotation by T. H. S[mith]: 'There are copies with Takerei's name attached'.

Williams 340b. Copies: ANZ (incl. variant 553.1; MA 1/2, 61/115), AP; WTU (photocopy).

554 TE KAWAU, Te Hira

Mangere | Hepe tema ! 21 1861 | Whakarongo mai e oku hoa Maori e oku hoa Pak[e]ha i runga i raro i wa 1 enga nui nei kite tikanga o taku korero ka panui tia atu nei kia rongo | koutou. [. . .] | [32 lines] | Heoi ano taku i mohio ai | Na to koutou hoa aroha | Na, Te Hira, Te Kawau: | I Taia. Tenei ki Te Hokioi. o Nui Tireni; [Mangere, 1861]

1 sheet ([l] p.); 285x205 mm. Some irregular justification and capitalisation, probably due to a shortage of type. Printed at the Te Hokioi Press of the Kingitanga.

A circular letter from the Ngati Whatua chief, protesting the loss of a piece of his tribal estate. Te Kawau describes the dissension that would result from creating a nation with two sovereigns with power shared between the Klngitanga and Queen Victoria.

Williams 340 a. Copies: AP; WTU (photocopy).


Circular about gunpowder bought by Mangonui.

Printed letter, 21 September 1861, about land and Kingitanga.



New edition of the Wesleyan adaptation of the Book of Common Prayer. Ko te Pukapuka | o nga Inoinga, | me nga himene, 6tc,, | mo nga karakiatanga | o nga tangata | o te Hahi Weteriana. | [wavy rule] | Akarana: [i.e. Auckland] | He mea ta i te Perehi o W. C. Wilson. | [rule] | 1861.

267, [l] p.; 152x95 mm ; brownish grey cloth boards. Hymns (p. [22l]-254) mainly printed in two columns separated by vertical rule. Pages [2], [loB] and [26B] blank.

A new edition of the Wesleyan adaptation of the Book of Common Prayer, first published in 1845 (no. 258) and again in 1848 (no. 367), from which it differs in arrangement and (partly) translation. The contents are: services for Morning and Evening Prayer, two catechisms, class rules, 107 hymns, a calendar of readings and a table of feasts.

For later editions see no. 925 and 1419.

Williams 327. Copies: AP, AR. DL. DUHO, NLA, WTU.


Te parane | mo nga kai kauwhau o ce Hahi Weteriana, | Akarana. 1861-62. | [table of 2t columns and 12 rows ] [no imprint. Auckland, 1861]

A schedule in tabular form of the roster for Wesleyan Maori preachers in the Auckland area (as far south as Mangatawhiri), from 15 September 1861 to 12 January 1862. 13 preachers are listed. See no. 467 for an 1856/57 schedule. Copies: WTU (MS-Papers-4528-02).

557 not used

558 BIBLE. O.T. Psalms. Maori. 1862.

Ko te pukapuka | o | nga Waiata. | [wavy rule] | He mea whakamaori i te reo Hiperu. | [wavy rule] | Ranana: [i.e. London] | He mea ta ma te Huihuinga ta Paipera | mo Ingarani mo te Ao Katoa. | 1862.

129, [l] p,; 141x89 mm. Printed in two columns separated by vertical rule. Page [2] blank. Page [l3o] unnumbered. Caption title p. 3: ‘Ko nga Waiata.', Running title: 'Nga Waiata.'. Printed by W. Clowes & Sons, London.

A new edition of the Psalms, published by the BFBS Cte Huihuinga ta Paipera mo Ingarani mo te Ao Katoa') and usually found bound with the New Testament (no. 559). It was seen through the press by the BFBS Editorial Superintendent T. W. Meller and Elizabeth Colenso, then in England. The translation is the same as that first used in the 1848 Anglican prayer book (no. 357). A Maunsell notebook with corrections and notes in English and Hebrew (AP, Rev. Dr. Maunsell's notes on Maori Psalms, 26 May 1862’), GNZ MMSS 20) is probably associated with this edition and preparation of the 1868 revised text (no. 716).


Roster of Wesleyan Maori preachers in the Auckland region 1861/62.

New edition of the Psalms.

I sheet ([l] p.); 210x328 mm.


Williams 347 & 346 (S), Bagnall 485. Copies: AR, WTU (bound with no. 559).

559 BIBLE. N.T. Maori. 1862.

Sixth edition of the New Testament, with Psalms. Ko te | Kawenata Hou | o | to tatou Ariki o te Kai Whakaora | o Ihu Karaiti. | [wavy rule] \ He mea whakamaori i te reo Kariki. | [wavy rule] \ Ranana: [i.e. London] | He mea ta ma te Huihuinga ta Paipera | mo Ingarani mo te Ao Katoa. | 1862.

[4], 519, [l], 129, [l] p,; 140x90 mm.: full dark brown leather with blind tooling and gold lettering on spine. Prelim, pages: title-page (colophon on verso) and Contents of New Testament (verso blank). Printed in two columns separated by vertical rule. Page [s2o] blank. Colophon on verso of title-page: 'London: Printed by W. Clowes and Sons, Stanford Street | and Charing Cross.’. Spine title: 'Ko te | Kawenata Hou | mo | nga Waiata.’. Binder’s label for Watkins inside back cover of some copies.

In the second sequence (129, [l] p.), pages [l-2] are an additional titlepage (verso blank): ‘Ko te pukapuka | o | nga Waiata. | [. . .]’ (see no. 558 for further details).

The sixth edition of the New Testament, published by the BFBS, with which is bound the Psalms, also found separately (no. 558). It was seen through the press by the BFBS Editorial Superintendent T. W. Meller and Elizabeth Colenso. The translation is that of the 1852 edition (no. 419). For further background see P. Lineham, Bible & society (Wellington, 1996), p. 145-146.

For other editions of the New Testament see no. 45, 88, 104, 196, 419, 559, 1241, 1394, 1483. Williams 346 & (S), Bagnall 457, Copies: AP, AR, DL, NLA, WTU.

560 CHURCH OF ENGLAND. Diocese of Waiapu

Statutes 2. 4 and 5 of the General Synod. He Ture | na te Hinota Nui. | [rule] | Ture 11. | He Ture mo te whakaturanga | o nga hinota pihopatanga. | [. . .] [no imprint. Auckland: Printed at the Cathedral Press, 1862]

11, [l] p.; 216x138 mm. Caption title. Page [l2] blank. Two signatures (8 and 4 p.) sewn together.

A translation of Statutes 2, 4 and 5 of the General Synod of the Church of England in New Zealand, for use by the Diocese of Waiapu. It provides for the constitution of diocesan synods, and is certified as in force on 24 February 1 862. The text was reprinted in the proceedings of the 1863 second synod of that diocese (5302/1863), p. 35-45.

Between 1862 and 1868 (when Selwyn left New Zealand) a number of Church of England almanacs, synod reports and constitutional documents in both English and Maori were produced under the Cathedral Press imprint. These were printed on the former CMS Columbian press at St Stephen’s School, Taurarua (now Judges Bay Auckland), which had been transferred from St John’s College at an unconfirmed date. From 1868 (see no. 718)



items from the press were identified as printed at Taurarua, some with St Stephen’s Press imprints.

Williams 348 a, Bagnall 1254, Copies: AP, NLA, WTU.

561 ETO MATOU WHAEA, e Wikitoria, .. .

E to matou whaea, e Wikitoria, tena koe nga kanohi i ora o Konohota | Arapeta, kua riro atu nei i te tirohanga a te iwi. [. . .] | [S /tries] | [rule] He tangi. | [rule] \ [2O lines of verse] [no imprint. Auckland?: Printed by W, C. Wilson?, 1862]

I sheet ([l] p.): 328x204 mm.; blue laid paper with watermark of Britannia image. The paper appears to be the same as that used in no. 584-585.

An address of condolence to Queen Victoria on the death of Prince Albert, with a waiata tangi (first line: ‘Kaore te mamae ngau kino ana roto kite makau, e waiho ana koe, i te puranga nui'). Two copies at AP (GNZM MSS 26) are signed, one by Ngati Maru ki Hauraki leaders Te Hotereni Taipari and others: the other, dated at Taupo 30 June 1862, is signed by Hoani Aramana and others. It is likely that other signed copies were sent to England.

An English translation, with the names of 20 chiefs appended, is printed in R. Taylor. Te Ika a Maui, 2nd ed. (London and Wanganui, 1870), p, 712713. The same translation, with a parallel Greek text and no names appended, is printed in F. E. Gretton, Date obolum Lancastriae (London, 1 863: Bagnall 2322), p. [6]-l 1.

Williams 349 & (S). Copies: AP, NLA (MS 3241), WTU.

562 HAWKE’S BAY PROVINCE (N.Z.). Postmaster

Mo te kawenga meera. | [double rule] | Ko wai ranei e pai ana kite mahi meera? ara, mo tenei tau hou e tu tata nei, mo 1863. Ko te mahi | tenei. ko te kawe atu i nga peeke meera ki nga kaainga kua oti nei te whakarite mete whakahoki mai | ki Nepia nei ano. | [75 lines] | Heio ano. Naku, | Na te tino Rangitira [stc] o nga Meera, | na Eruera Katipuru. | No Nepia, no te tino Whare Meera, | no te 31 o nga ra o Oketopa, 1862. [no imprint. Napier?: Printed by James Wood?, 1862]

1 sheet ([l] p.); 285x225 mm. Probably printed by the printer to the provincial government.

Notice from the Postmaster at Napier, Edward Catchpool ('Eruera Katipuru'), calling for tenders for mail carrying in the year 1863: see no. 563 for those accepted. For circumstances affecting the Napier mail seeAJHR. 1863, E-21, and H. Robinson, A history of the Post Office in New Zealand (Wellington. 1964), p. 72-73.

Williams 359. Copies: DL, DUHO, WTU,


Tenders received and accepted for mail delivery from Napier in 1863.


Address of condolence on the death of Prince Albert, and a waiata.

Notice calling for tenders for carrying mail from Napier in 1863.


Ko te whakaaturanga tenei o nga puka- 1 puka meera mo te tau, 1863. | [ornamental rule] | Na ko nga pukapuka enei i tae mai ki au nei mo nga meera i karangatia. | [ornamental rule] ([...] [no imprint. Napier?: Printed by James Wood?, 1862?]

1 sheet (2 p.); 340x214 mm. Caption title. Printed in two columns separated by vertical rule. Signed and dated at the end: "Na Eruera Katipuru. | No Nepia, no te | 9 o nga ra o Tihema, 1862.’. Probably printed by the printer to the provincial government.

A notice from the Napier Postmaster Edward Catchpool of the tenders received (159, all from Maori), and acceptance of eight, for mails from Napier in 1863. These were in response to the tender request issued on 31 October (see no. 562). For the 1864 tenders see no. 642.

Williams 360. Copies: DUHO, WTU.


Hanuere 3, 1862. | Haere atu ra e taka reca aroha ki a Wiremu Ropiha ratou ko | ana Matua e noho ana ki Taranaki. [. . .] | [55 lines] | Na Honatana | Tamaraua. | Ki a Hoani | Ki a Te Hira | Ki a Kingi Parenga | Ki a Komene | Ki a lharaira | Kite iwi katoa. | [5 lines] [no imprint. New Plymouth?: Printed by G. W. Woon?, 1862]

1 sheet ([l] p.); 334x209 mm.; bluish grey laid paper. Text from line 43 set in smaller type.

A printed letter from Honatana (Jonathan) of Tamaraua, who has not been identified. The letter notes a large Christmas gathering, discusses Grey’s visit to Waikato in mid-December 1861, trouble at Te la (near Mercer, Waikato) and other recent events.

The original manuscript letter (in A. S. Atkinson, Maori letters, WTU, MSI-Papers-2327-l I, letter 129) was addressed to ‘Wiremu Ropiha Motutere, Kei Moturoa Taranaki’ and dated 'Hanuere 3th 1862 Otawao [i.e. Te Awamutu]’. The printed version is assumed to have been printed for Atkinson by Garland Woon at the Taranaki herald. Copies: WTU.


No. 13.) (A.D. 1862. | [rule] | Te Karaipiture. | [wavy rule] | Kowai te tino putake o te Karaipiture? | Ko te Atua Wairua Tapu. “Na nga tangata | tapu ote Atua i Korero, he mea whakaako ete | Wairua Tapu.”—n. Pita, 1-21. [. . .] | [2O lines] | [wavy rule] \ I taia ki Akarana. [i.e. Auckland] [Printed by Philip Kunst?, 1862]

I sheet ([l] p.); 227x144 mm. Text within a border with ornamental corners. Probably printed by Philip Kunst who used the same ornaments in a publication from about 1863 (no. 600).

A catechetical leaflet with four questions on the subject of Scripture, the


A religious tract of four questions with scriptural quotations as answers.

Printed letter, 3 January 1862. about recent Waikato events.


answers based on scriptural quotations. Although numbered 'l3', and presumably one of a series, no others have been seen. Williams suggests a Wesleyan origin and it is possibly the work of C. O. B. Davis.

Williams 330. Copies: WTU.

**566 He MATE URUTA TENEI kua pa ki nga tangata Maori . . .

Advice on how to treat typhus fever. [He mate uruta tenei kua pa ki nga tangata Maori, tona ingoa kite Maori he Kawawaka, tona ingoa kite Pakeha, he typhus fever [. . .]; actual title not known; no copy located. Auckland?: Printed by W. C. Wilson?, 1862]

Physical details not Known: no copy located Description from Te karere Maori, 16 December 1862, p. 4-6. Probably printed by the printer to the government.

A government circular concerning the outbreak of typhus fever in Mangonui, Kaitaia and other places in the north, with advice on treatment, dated 27 September 1862. An English translation was also printed with the Maori text (headed 'Te mate uruta') in Te karere Maori, which notes the circular had been 'extensively distributed’. It seems more likely that the illness was typhoid fever, not typhus: for further information see D. A. Dow, Maori health and government policy 1840-1940 (Wellington. 1999). p. 49 and p, 229 (f.n. 159).

567 MAUNSELL, Robert (1810-1894)

Second edition of a Maori grammar for English speakers. Grammar | of the | New Zealand language, | by | R. Maunsell, L. L. D., | Archdeacon of Waikato. | [rule] \ Second edition. | [rule] | Auckland: 1 Published by W. C. Wilson, Shortland-Street, | 1862.

xvi, 168 p.; 173x105 mm.; green or maroon cloth boards, some with blind tooling, gold lettering, or paper spine label. Colophon p. [ii]; 'Auckland; 1 Printed by W. C. Wilson, “New Zealander" Office.'. Page [xii] blank. Pages iv and 34 misnumbered ‘vi’ and '43'.

Lettering on binding of WTU copies includes: gold-tooled spine title; 'New | Zealand | grammar | Maunsell | 1862'; paper spine label: [double rule] \ Maori | grammar | [ double rule]': gold-tooled title on blind-tooled cover: New Zealand | grammar | [rule] \ Maunsell’.

A new edition of Maunsell's Grammar first issued in parts in 1842-1843 (no. 130-131), the only changes being occasional slight reductions in the commentary, and the addition of testimonials to the first edition (p, 168). The preface (dated Kohanga, Waikato, January 1862) states it was seen through the press by F. D, Fenton. Although the New Zealander had carried advertisements from 22 June 1861 that it would be published shortly, the first announcement that it was available (price 3 shillings) was in the issue for 1 February 1862.


Williams 350 & (S), Bagnall 3461. Copies: AP, AR, DL, NLA, WTU.

For later issues see no. 647, 704, 1036, 1403. See no. 130 for additional background.

No copy located.


568 He MOE

He moe. | [rule] | 1 nga whakaaroaronga he mea na nga kitenga o te po, i !e mea | ka au iho te moe o nga tangata. | I au e moe ana, na, e noho ana te Runanga Maori, | [2O lines] | Akuhata 22. 1862. | He mea Perehi, ki Te Hokioi, o Nui Tireui. [sic] | Ngaruawahia. | He moe Konewha. | He rekenga Kanohi. 1t.,.] [Ngaruawahia: Printed at Te Hokioi Press, 1862]

1 sheet ([2] p ); 286x215 mm. Caption title. An imprint following the first part of the text, apparently printed earlier than the rest, is the source of the imprint for the whole. Numeral 'l' used in place of capital T in some places.

Text on page 2 is: ‘Akuhata 25. 1862. | Ko te moe a te Nuirapaki. | [rule] | [lB lines] | Na ka ara ia i tana moe.’.

An anonymous circular about three dreams, obscure allegories reminiscent of Revelations. The first dream is that a letter from Renata Kawepo to Governor Browne was read at a gathering of the runanga, and a spectre appeared. The second is a dream of an old man on a racing horse, and the third a race between the old man and Nuirapaki. a boy. An interpretation could be that the government was fighting unfairly against the King movement by passing the Arms Act 1860, which established a licensing system to control the importation of and trading in firearms. For translation and interpretation of the Nuirapaki story, see L. Head, 'Kupu pai, kupu kino: Good and bad words in Maori political writing’, in Here atu. taku manu!, ed. by J. Curnow, N. Hopa andj. Mcßae (Auckland, 2002), p. 134-152 (p. 137-138).


[Te Jure Whakatikatika i te Jure Whenua Rahui Maori, 1862: actual title not confirmed: no copy located. Wellington?: Printed by Robert Stokes?, 1862?]

‘Translation of the Native Reserves Amendment Act, 1862 [1862, No. 14], No copy seen.’ (Williams). The Act transferred control of Maori reserves to the Governor (from the previous commissioners) and repealed the requirement for such land to be vested in the Crown, providing for administration through the Native Department. For further background see A, Ward, A show of Justice (Auckland, 1973), p. 151. The complete text of the principal Act (Native Reserves Act 1856) had been translated and printed in the Maori messenger. 31 October 1856, p. 4-7 (Williams **279), but no copy of that as a separate issue has been located.

Williams **3sB. No copy located.

570 NEW ZEALAND. Colonial Secretary

Poster seeking workers to build the Great South Road to Mangatdwhiri. [Royal Arms] | Panuitanga, 1 [ornamental rule] | Tenei te Kawanatanga te


Physical details not Known; no copy located. Description from Williams. The English text of the Act was printed by Robert Stokes under contract to the government.

Williams 361. Copies: AP. WTU (bound with Te Hokioi).

Native Reserves Amendment Act 1862.

Reports of three allegorical dreams.


mea ana Ki etahi tangata | Maori, kia toru rau (300), hei mahi i nga rori ki waenga- | nui o Akarana o Mangatawhiri [...]) [27 lines] [no imprint. Auckland: Printed by W. C. Wilson, 1862?]

I sheet ([l] p ); 333x200 mm. Presumably printed by the printer to the government. Printed in large type from several different fonts, as in no. 518 and 528.

A poster, probably from early January 1862, seeking 300 Maori workers to build the Great South Road from Drury to Mangatawhiri. with a list of 13 names to apply to. headed by Waata Kukutai. Debate on the road is recorded in Te karere Maori. 5 February 1862, reporting speeches at Taupiri on 16 December 1861, and Grey's motives are discussed in J, E. Gorst, The Maori king (London. 1864), p. 232, 288-289. Grey affirmed his good intentions in a dedicated issue of the Gazette, 1861, no. 54 (20 December), in English and Maori, For a history of the road and events associated with it see M. Leonard, The road to war (Whatakane, 1986) and Bateman New Zealand historical atlas (Auckland. 1997), plates 35 and 38,

The manuscript is at Archives New Zealand (MA 1/2, 61/171) with a note from Fox to Halse of 31 December: ‘Let a copy of the printed panuitanga about the natives to be employed on roads be officially recorded for future reference,'

571 NEW ZEALAND. Governor (1861-1868 : Grey)

Akarana, Hune 9 1862 | E hoa. E Matutaera. Tena koe. | Kua tae mai nga rongo ki au o to haerenga ki Hauraki, koutou ko | tangata mau patu, me era am tangata o Waikato; ara o to haerenga | ki nga hui ki nga tangi i whakaturia ki Kerepehi, ki Hauraki, ki Wa- | ihou; [...]) [22 lines] | Na to hoa, 1 na Kerei, te Kawana. [no imprint. Ngaruawahia: Printed at Te Hokioi Press, 1862]

A letter from Grey to Matutaera Potatau (King Tawhiao) saying that arming and training soldiers and urging others to drive away the Pakeha are unlawful acts that will be punished. An English translation printed in the Taranaki herald. 15 November 1862, p. 3, states that the circular was printed at the Te Hokioi Press on 19 September 1862.

The only known copy (AP) has the text printed on both sides of the same sheet (but in reverse directions) and is possibly a proof.

**572 NEW ZEALAND. Native Circuit Court

Oath of office for Native Assessors. [Assessor's oath of office. [25 lines]: actual title not confirmed; no copy located, [no imprint. Auckland?: Printed by W. C. Wilson?, 1862?]]


I sheet (| 11 p.); 330x204 mm.; blue paper. Physical details not confirmed; no

Williams 357b, Copies: AP; WTU (photocopy).

1 sheet ([l] p.); 224X145 mm.

Printed letter. 9June 1862. about Matutaera’s unlawful acts.

Copies: ANZ (MA 1/2, 62/[unnumbered]), AP; WTU (photocopy).


The oath of office for Native Assessors appointed under the Native Circuit Courts Act 1 858 (no. 489). section 31. The heading and attestation clause are in English. See no. 576 for additional information.


[Native District Courts Act, 1858, Section 17. Hiwhiri. Whakaaetanga na te tangata o te Runanga Whakawa. [8 lines]; actual title not confirmed; no copy located, [no imprint. Auckland; Printed by W. C. Wilson, 1862]]

1 sheet ([l] p.); 330x204 mm.; blue paper. Physical details not confirmed; no copy located. Description from Williams. Presumed printed by the printer to the government.

The declaration made by jurors in the Native Circuit Courts (Civil Division) as provided for in the Native Circuit Courts Act 1858 (no. 489), section 17 and Schedule 11. Text includes date blank 186-. See no. 576 for additional information.


[Native District Courts Act, 1858, Section 17. [i.e. 8?] Kirimina. Whakaaetanga na te tangata o te Runanga Whakawa. [S lines]: actual title not confirmed; no copy located, [no imprint. Auckland: Printed by W. C. Wilson, 1862]

I sheet ([l] p.); 330x204 mm.; blue paper. Physical details not confirmed; no copy located. Description from Williams, who cites the section applying to the Civil Division, Presumed printed by the printer to the government.

575 NEW ZEALAND. Native Circuit Court (Bay of Islands : Waimate)

Korero | ki nga kai-whakawa Maori, | nga kai-tiaki, me nga karere. | o te | Takiwa ki Tokerau. | [rule] | Auckland: | Printed by W. C. Wilson, for the New Zealand Government, f 186271

[2], 3, [l] p.; 250x180 mm. Prelim, pages: title-page (verso blank). Pages [l]2 (main sequence) are a tipped-in leaf. Page [4] blank. Printed in two columns separated by vertical rule. Caption title p. [l]: 'Korero, &c.’.


Duties of assessors, wardens and constables.

Williams 308 a (S). No copy located.

The declaration made by jurors in the Native Circuit Courts (Criminal Division) as provided for in the Native Circuit Courts Act 1858 (no. 489), section 8 and Schedule I. Text includes date blank 186-. See no. 576 for additional information.

Declaration of jurors in the Criminal Division. Native Circuit Courts.

Williams 308b (S). No copy located.

Declaration of jurors in the Civil Division. Native Circuit Courts.

Williams 308 c (S). No copy located.

copy located. Description from Williams. Presumed printed by the printer to the government.


Williams notes this is printed from the type of the Catholic Mission Press at Kororareka, which was purchased by Williamson and Wilson,

A letter from the Resident Magistrate (Edward Marsh Williams, son of Henry Williams), setting out the duties of assessors, wardens and constables in the Native Circuit Court of the Waimate Hundred, Bay of Islands District. The text, with an English translation, was also printed in Te karere Maori. 16 December 1862, p. 18-23, dated 'Puketona, Bay of Islands. August Ist, 1862' and signed ‘Na te Wiremu'. The original manuscript in Archives New Zealand (Auckland) (BBIW 4808/1 c) asks for 50 or 60 copies: 'I believe the natives would think more of a letter addressed to them in this manner than perhaps they would be inclined to view one appearing only in the Maori messenger’. For further information on the northern runanga see A. Ward, A show of justice (Auckland. 1973), p. 129-130, 137, 140-141, 143-144. See also no. 583. Williams 353, Bagnall 3028. Copies: AP, DUHO, WTU

576 NEW ZEALAND. Native Secretary

Tari o te Hekeretari Maori, | Akarana. | E hoa,— [space for name] | Tena koe. | Kua mea mai a te Kawana ki a au kia tuhituhi i tetahi pukapuka ki a koe kia | mohio ai koe kua whakaturia koe hei Kai-whakarite, hei hoa mo te Kai-whakarite whakawa | tuturu kite Takiwa Maori kua oti te whakarite ki [space for name of place] | he meatanga hoki i runga i nga tikanga o te Ture whakarite Kooti Maori, 1858. | [. . .] [no imprint. Auckland: Printed by W. C. Wilson, 1862]

1 folded sheet (4 p.); 345x217 mm. Presumed printed by the printer to the government. The text includes spaces for details to be added by hand.

See no. **572-575 for other documents associated with the administration of Native Circuit Courts, prepared when the legislation was implemented. For background information see A. Ward, A show of justice (Auckland, 1973), p. 107, 125, 132-144.

Copies: WTU.

577 PANUITANGA. Kotahi te iwi tahae


Panuitanga. | Kotahi te iwi tahae e noho ana i te ao, ko | nga Maori i keri koura i Koputauaki, i te tau | 1859. Nga utu mo to ratou koura £6l. | Kaore i wahia tetahi kia Paora Te Putu, te | tangata o te whenua. He tahae tuturu tenei | na taua iwi keri koura. Na te rangatira o | Paora, penei kua he ratou. | Akarana, Hune, 1862. [no imprint. Auckland?, 1862]

Notice about royalty payable on money received for gold.

A circular letter to Native Assessors appointed under the Native Circuit Courts Act 1858 (printed in Maori in 1859, no. 489) stating their powers and responsibilities. The text, with an English translation, appeared in Te karere Maori. 13 March 1862, p. 13-18, under the title 'He pukapuka tauira ki nga Kai-whakarite Maori’. The first five Native Districts were declared by Order in Council in January 1862 and this letter is assumed to date from the same time, with copies also seen dated (by hand) in 1863.

Circular letter stating powers and responsibilities of Native Assessors.


1 sheet ([ 11 p); 132 x9O mm. The type used is not that of the Te Hokioi Press. A notice complaining that no royalty had been paid out of £6l received for gold obtained by Maori in 1859 on land belonging to Paora Te Putu at Koputauaki (Coromandel Peninsula).

Williams 357 c. Copies: AP; WTU (photocopy).

578 He PANUITANGA. Ngarua-Wahi[a], Aperira, 1, 1862,

He Panuitanga. | [rule] | Ngarua-Wahi[a], Aperira, 1, 1862. | Wakarongo, e nga iwi he kupu kohikohi tenei; mo nga | moni. o a koutou whakawa, me nga moni o nga wapu whakawhi- | tinga kau, hoiho. | [// lines] \ [rule with a cross] | i Tala; kite Aroha noa ote Emepara o Atiria. [Ngaruawahia: Printed at Te Hokioi Press, 1862]

Williams describes this as a circular seeking funds for the Klngitanga, but a manuscript note by Grey on an anonymous translation from the Native Office expands on this: 'The native King had appointed magistrates and magistrates courts. The sums here alluded to are the fees and fines in these courts'. (AP. GNZM 357 a).

Williams 357 a. Copies: AP.

Entries 5 79-581 are filed in date order.

579 POMPALLIER, Jean Baptiste Francis (1801-1871)

[risen cross] \ Ko Hoane Papita Werahiko. | i te keratia o te Atua mete tononga o te nohoanga | tapu apotorika, te Epikopo o Akarana, | kite pirihitanga mete hunga whakapono o te Tiehehl, owatanga me | whakapainga. | [rule] 1 He pukapuka hepara mo te Reneti o te tau 1862, | i te kahanga whakawairua. 1 [rule] | Ite et vos in vineam meam. Haere hoki Koutou kite mahi ki toku mara waina.—Mat. up. 20, rar. 7. | E te whanau aroha,— | [. . .] [no imprint. Auckland, 1862]

6 p.: 323x190 mm. Caption title. Pages 3-4 on a separate tipped-in leaf.



Williams 356 & (S), Bagnall 4631. Copies: AP; WTU (photocopy).

A pastoral letter for Lent on the vineyard theme of Matthew 20:7. There is also an English version (Bagnall 4628).

Pastoral letter for Lent 1862. based on Matthew 20:7.

1 sheet ([l] p.); 228x144 mm. Irregular capitalisation. Printed at the Te HoKioi Press given by the Emperor of Austria ('Emepara o Atiria’):

Circular seeking to use fines for the Kingitanga.

[cross] | Akarana, Aperira, 8, 1861. [i.e. 1862] | E te whanau tuatahi o toku mahi tapu, i te tau 1838, e te whanau tino aroha, e | koutou, e te hunga o Hokianga, o Tokerau, o Wangaroa, o Mongonui, o Ahipara, o Wangape, |

Printed notice 8 April 1862. explaining where the Franciscans would be based.


[35 lines] | Naku tenei pukapuka. | [cross] Na Hoane Papita Werahiko Pomaparie, | te Epikopo no Akarana. [no imprint. Auckland, 1862]

A letter advising northern Catholics that the Italian Franciscans (6 priests and 3 brothers) were to work at the Bay of Islands, Flokianga and Whangaroa stations. The date of publication is taken from an accompanying letter of transmission from Father Barsanti, dated 18 May 1862 (Archives, Sacra Congregazione de Propaganda Fide, SRC Oceania, v. 7).

Bagnall 4629. Copies: Archives. Sacra Congregazione de Propaganda Fide, Rome: ABH (photocopy), WTU (photocopy).


Printed letter to Tawhiao, 21 August 1862. about his apparent conversion. [cross] | Akarana, 21 o nga ra o Akuhata, 1862. | Ki a Matutaera Potatau. | E Matutaera ma, e hoa aroha, | Tena ra ko koe; e nui toku aroha atu ki a koe, te Matua o nga iwi tini tini. Ka nui hoki taku | mahara me taku aroha ki a Te Wherowhero tou matua me toku hoa tawhito, i tenei motu. [, . .] | [77 lines ] | Naku tenei pukapuka, | Na Hoane Papita Warahiko [sic] Pomaparie, | te Epikopo o te Tiehehi o Akarana. [no imprint. Auckland, 1862]

1 sheet ([l] p ); 443x286 mm. The cross at the head is an ad hoc construction from pieces of type. Lower case ‘k’ is replaced by small cap. V in final 5 lines.

Contrary to the note in Williams 357, this is not about the land wars but is Pompallier's pious response to a letter (apparently forged) saying that the Maori King had adopted the Catholic faith. King Tawhiao at this time was known by his Christian name Matutaera (Methuselah). An English translation was also printed (Bagnall 4610). For an Anglican reply see no. 631.

A copy of the letter sent to Pompallier. given by him to Grey, is at AP. On it Grey noted that Maori had told him it was not by Tawhiao but by another chief, Whakatomo.

Williams 357. Copies: AP. WTU.

582 ROSS, Hugh Cokeley (1795-1869)

Report of inquest into the death of Unukawa and associated depositions. Nga korero | o te | whakawakanga mo te tangata i mate, | i Whanganui. | [rule] | Te tumuaki o te Whakawakanga kite lino Kaiwhakawa o te Kuini. | Whanganui, 18 Hurae, 1862. | [. . .] [no imprint. Wellington?, 1862]

Translation of AJHR. 1862, D-8, Papers relating to inquest on Unukawa (or Selwyn) a Wanganui native, the inquest and depositions by the Wanganui Coroner, H. C. Ross, into the killing in self-defence of Unukawa by William Lister (1828-191 1).

Sommerville 557 d, Bagnall 4926. Copies: DL, WTU.


1 folded sheet ([4] p.); 336x208 mm.; blue laid paper. Caption title.

1 sheet ([I ] p ); 240 x I 75 mm.



Ko nga korero | o te | Runanga tuatahi | o te Takiwa Hi Tokerau. | [rule] \ 1862. [no imprint. Auckland: Printed by W. C. Wilson?]

13. [l] p.; 245x185 mm. Pages [2] and [l4] blank. Printed in two columns separated by vertical rule. Probably printed by W. C. Wilson as it is in the same setting used in Te karere Maori, 23 May 1862, p. 1-11, but with the Auckland provincial coat of arms and caption title (as above) at the head of the text. It is possible it was printed by the then printer to the provincial government, Creighton, Scales and Tothill.

The proceedings of the first session of the district Runanga of Pewhairangi (i.e. Bay of Islands), held at Waimate, 25-28 March 1862. Under Grey’s new system (see no. 547-548), the 'Native District of the Bay of Islands' (comprising the 'hundreds' of Hokianga, Waimate and Kororareka) was first gazetted on 3 January 1862. The Tai Tokerau (North Auckland) region, whose population had stood apart from the Kingitanga movement to the south, was chosen to inaugurate the runanga system. For further information on the northern runanga see A. Ward, A show of justice (Auckland, 1973), p. 129130, 137, 140-141, 143-144.

It contains a preface. President's address, proceedings, standing orders, proposed organisation of the Runanga, minutes and a table of the Runanga officers. An English translation in the same issue of Te karere Maori, p. 13-22, is accompanied by explanatory letters by the District's Civil Commissioner, George Clarke.

A letter from Colonial Secretary Fox to Clarke on 28 April 1862 expresses Grey’s and the government's pleasure at the progress made. It notes the intention to distribute the Maori text shortly, and on 9 May 1862 2700 copies were forwarded (ANZ (Auckland), BBIW 4808/1 a and BBIW 4808/1 b). The special issue of Te karere Maori was for general distribution.

584 SELWYN, George Augustus (1809-1878)

Ko te kauwhau a Pihopa Herewini | kite hui i Beria. [i.e. Peria] | Oketopa 26, 1862. | [rule] i Waiata cxxxiii, i. | Na, ano te pai, ano te ahuareka, o te nohoanga o nga teina o nga tuakana i runga | i te whakaaro tahi. | [. . .] [no imprint. Auckland?; Printed by W. C. Wilson?, 1862]

I sheet (2 p); 325x205 mm.; blue laid paper with Britannia watermark. Caption title. The paper appears to be the same as that used in no. 561.

Documents relating to the hui were published as AJHR. 1863, E-12 (no. 624) in which this sermon and English translation are No. 5, p. 6-9, and the


A sermon on brotherly love, preached by Selwyn on 26 October 1862 at the hui at Peria called by Wlremu Tamihana Te Waharoa. Selwyn states his function was as a mediator. His speech of 27 October was also issued separately (see no. 585-586), See no. **s9l for the invitation to the hui from Te Waharoa.

Sermon delivered at Tdmihana’s hui at Peria. 26 October 1862.

Williams 354, Bagnall 3035. Copies: AP, WTU.

Proceedings of the first District Runanga. Waimate. March 1862.


speech is No. 4, p. 4-6. The AJHR issue includes a Kingitanga version of the proceedings published in Te Hokioi of 10 November 1862.

**584.1 printed on a folded sheet (2, [2] p), pages [3] and [4] blank. Noted by Williams: no copy located.

584.2 on a folded sheet with Selwyn’s speech on conjugate leaf (2, 2p ). See no. 585 for the separate issue of Selwyn's speech.


Ko te korero a Pihopa Herewini | kite hui ki Beria. [i.e. Peria] | Oketopa 27, 1862. | [rule] | Ko ahau tenei, ko te takawaenga o Nui Tireni. Ko taku mahi tenei, he | mahi Takawaenga. Ehara ahau i te Pakeha, ehara ahau i te tangata Maori. | [. . .] [no imprint. Auckland?: Printed by W. C. Wilson?, 1862]

I sheet (2 p.); 325x205 mm.; blue laid paper with watermark 'APS ( IB6o’. Caption title. The paper appears to be the same as that used in no. 561

A speech delivered by Selwyn on 27 October 1862 at the hui at Peria; see no. 584 for further background information. This speech (urging the settlement of the Waitara question) was also issued together with the sermon of 26 October (no. 584.2) and in another setting (no. 586). The text with an English translation was printed in AJHR. 1863, E-12, No. 4, p. 4-6; both are reprinted in E. Stokes, Wiremu Tamihana (Wellington, 2002), p. 298-303. The following variant issue has been identified:

**585.1 printed on a folded sheet (2, [2] p), pages [3] and [4] blank. Noted by Williams; no copy located.


Ko te korero a Pihopa Herewini |ki te hui ki Beria. [ i.e. Peria] | Oketopa 27, 1862. | [rule] \ Ko ahau tenei, ko te takawaenga o Nui Tireni. Ko taku mahi tenei, he mahi Takawaenga. | Ehara ahau i te Pakeha, ehara ahau i te tangata Maori. | ..] [no imprint. Auckland?: Printed by W. C. Wilson?, 1862]

A completely reset version of no. 585, printed on white paper, presumably for general issue.

Williams 355 (note), Bagnall 5079 (note). Copies: DUHO: WTU (photocopy).

587 TARAWHITI, Pirihira

Lament on the death of sixteen-year-old Mdtena Tarawhiti.


He poroporoaki tenei naku mo taku tamaiti, | mo Matena Tarawhiti; | kua

1 sheet (2 p); 330x205 mm. Caption title.

Variant setting of speech at the hui at Peria. 27 October 1862.

Speech delivered at Tdmihana's hui at Peria. 27 October 1862.

Williams 355/ i & (S), Bagnall 5079. Copies: AP, DUHO, WTU (variant 584.2 and photocopies).

The following variant issues have been identified:

Williams 355/ ii & (S). Bagnall 5079. Copies: AP, DUHO; WTU (photocopies).


mate ia, kua ngaro atu i taku tirohanga, | i Oketopa 29, i te tau 1862. | [ru/e] | [5 lines of text and 21 lines of verse] | Haere ra, e tama, i runga i nga mahi nui a o matua, a o whaea, i roto i te | rongo pai o te Atua. | Na Pirihira Tarawhiti. | [rule] | [l2 lines of text and 15 lines of verse] [no imprint. Auckland?, 1862]

588 TAWHIAO, Tukaroto Matutaera Potatau Te Wherowhero

(d. 1894)

Notice. 28 April 1862. concerning administrative arrangements with Te Keha.

A notice from King Tawhiao announcing that Hapimana Hamaka Te Keha had been to see him to explain a new procedure and that he has given them permission to fly their flag on their own land at Manu-aitu. He has appointed Te Keha as a magistrate for the western coastal region of Waikato in accordance with the law.

Copies: DUHO; WTU (photocopy).

589 TE KAHUTOPA, Te Tuiti

Te matenga o | Tarete Teieti. 1 [swelled rule] | He whakakitenga tenei i te matenga o | Tarete Teieti, i mate turoro ia, kia mohio | ai ona whaea, ona tungane, ona matua, me | ona whanaunga katoa e noho ana ki ia kai | nga, ki ia kainga. [. . .] | [75 lines] | Heoi ano nga korero. | Kia Karena Wunu, ki te kai ta pukapuka, | Naku, na Te Tuiti Tekahutopa | Ngamotu, | 16 Tihema, 1862. [no imprint. New Plymouth: Printed by G. W. Woon, 1862]

I sheet ([l] p.); 345x215 mm.; light grey paper. Printed in two columns separated by vertical rule.


I sheet ([l] p.): 115x170 mm. Some typographic anomalies.

Ngarua-wahia, Aperira, 28 1862. | Whakarongo mai e nga iwi, o te hauauru, o te tonga, kua tae | mai a te Hapimana Hamaka Tekeha, ki au ki te kawe mai i a ratou | ritenga, a kua pai a hau kia tu ta ratou kara, i Manuaitu. i runga ano i to nga Maori piihi. | Kia rongo mai koutou, kua whakaturia ia e a hau hei tino kai | whakawa, tuturu mo te taha hauauru a kua whaitohungia kite | ritenga o te ture. | [rule with cross] | Na, Kingi, Matutaera Potatau [no imprint. Ngaruawahia: Printed at Te Hokioi Press, 1862]

An obituary for Dorothy Teieti ('Stuart’?), wife of Teieti Werokino. who died

Obituary for Dorothy, wife of Teieti Werokino. who died 18 November 1862.

Bagnall 4583. Copies: AP; WTU (photocopy).

A lament with two waiata tangi and prefatory material on the death of Matena Tarawhiti (b. 26 August 1846), by his mother. Matena, second son of Rev. Heta Tarawhiti and his wife Pirihira Punanga, died at Taupiri, 29 October 1862.

1 sheet ([l] p); 330x200 mm.; blue laid paper. Text within a border (single rule).


in childbirth on 18 November 1862 at Moturoa, near New Plymouth, Her body was returned to her family at TUrangl following a dispute over where she should be buried.

Copies: WTU,

590 TE TEIRA, Manuka

Letter about the death of Te Teira's brother Wetereri Te Manu-a-Tiki. He pukapuka | na Te Teira Manuka Kaitoa, raua ko Hemi Pataka Iturangi, | mo te matenga | o | Wetereri Te Manu a Tiki. | [swelled rule] | Waitara, Te Hurirapa, Oketopa 25, 1862. | [. . .] [no imprint. New Plymouth: Printed by G. W. Woon, 1862]

1 folded sheet (3. [l] p.); 344x214 mm. Caption title. Printed in two columns separated by vertical rule. The final part of the text on p, 3 is in smaller size type.

A letter signed by Manuka Te Teira (‘Te Teira Manuka Kaitoa’) and Hemi Pataka Iturangi, which describes a wrong committed against Wetereri Te Manu-a-tiki (the author’s brother) that apparently led to his death (see also no. 592). It is addressed to the printer on p. 3: 'Kia Karena Wunu, | kite Perehi i Niu Paremata. | I Nowema, 1862.’ and the conclusion asks that it be printed in Maori and English for the information of all. No English version has been located.

Copies: WTU.

**s9l TE WAHAROA, Wiremu Tamihana Tarapipipi (d. 1866)

Printed letter. 2 September 1862. inviting runanga representatives to a hui.

Physical and imprint details not known; no copy located. Description from AJHR. 1863. E-12, Enclosure to No. I, p. [l].

The text of the invitation and a translation are printed with other material relating to the hui in AJHR. 1863, E-12 (no. 624) with a covering note from T. H. Smith. This identifies Tamihana held the hui ‘to ascertain the state of feeling ... on the question of maintaining a national independence under the so-called Maori King’. The AJHR issue includes a KTngitanga version of the proceedings published in Te Hokioi of 10 November 1862. The invitation in English and Maori is reprinted in E. Stokes. Wiremu Tamihana (Wellington, 2002), p. 288.


An apparently printed circular letter from Tamihana, inviting runanga representatives from throughout Aotearoa to a hui at Peria (near Matamata) on 21 October 1862. See also no. 584-586.

[Peria, Wahi o Matamata, Hepetema 2, 1862. Kia [names] E hoa ma He huihuinga kei konei mo nga iwi katoa he kupu atu tenei [. . .] Na Wiremu Te Waharoa, Na te runanga katoa.; actual title not known; no copy located.]

No copy located.


592 TUPOKI, Te Hita Nera

Te matenga o Wetereri Te Manu a Tiki. | [swelled rule] \ Waitara, Oketopa 16. 1862. 1 He korero tenei noku mo te matenga o Wetereri, tamaiti a Tamati Raru He | tangata rangatira ia, no muri iho i tana tuakana i a Te Teira, [. . .] | [4O lines, partly in two columns separated by vertical rule] \ Heoi ano ona whanaunga. o Wetereri Te Manu a Tiki. | Naku na Te Hita Nera Tupoki. | Ki a Karena Wunu, kai ta pukapuka i te Taone. [no imprint. New Plymouth, Printed by Garland Woon, 1862]

1 sheet ([ 11 p.); 310x198 mm. Presumed printed by Garland Woon, to whom it is addressed 'Karena Wunu'.

Copies: AP; WTU (photocopy).

593 WILLIAMS. William Leonard (1829-1916)

First lessons | in | the Maori language 1 with a short vocabulary 1 by | W. L. Williams, B.A. | [publisher's device in red and black] | London: | Trubner & Co. 60, Paternoster Row. | 1862.

iv. 73, [3] p.; 164x133 mm.; red cloth boards. Prelim, pages: title-page (verso blank). Preface (p. [iii]-iv). Pages [2], [55-56] and [74] (main sequence) blank. One copy seen lacks pagination ’iv’ in prelim, pages, i.e. prelims are [4] p.

For later editions see no. 769, 1065, 1420, 1481 and Bagnall W1332W1338.

Williams 351, Bagnall 6100. Copies: AP, AR, DL, DUHO, NLA, WTU.

594 FURTHER PAPERS relative to the native insurrection . . .

2. Memorandum by Mr. Fulloon. 1 3. Matutaera’s proclamation, found at Rangiriri. | 4. Letter from W. Patene. a Wesleyan minister. | [rule] 1

8 p.; 329x203 mm. Page [2] blank. Printed by the printer to the government.


Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly, by command ot | His Excellency. | [rule] | Auckland, | 1863. [Printed by Creighton & Scales]

I. Telegrams from Lieutenant-General Cameron and others. |

E.-No. sb. | Further papers | relative to the | native insurrection, being |

Documents relating to the Waikato war.

Introductory Maori grammar and vocabulary for English speakers.

Letter 16 October 1862. about the death of Wetereri Te Manu-a-Tiki.

An introductory Maori language grammar (p. [3]-53) and vocabulary of 744 words (p. [S7J-73). for English speakers, with a preface dated ‘Turanga, April 13, 1862.’. Pages [75-76] are a publisher's advertisement: ’Works by Sir George Grey, K.C.B.’. Some copies include errata slips, probably printed in New Zealand,

,v - J ~ r“O ' 1 Colophon p. 73: ‘Berlin, printed by Unger brothers, printers to the King. . Title on front cover: ‘First lessons | in 1 Maori | [rule] | W. L. Williams'. Binder’s label for Edmonds & Remnants, London, inside back cover.

Account of events surrounding the death or Weteren Te Manu-a-iiKi, orotner of Manuka Te Teira, who shot himself as a result of his wife’s adultery. See also no. 590.


AJHR. I 863, E-sb; items 3 and 4, p. 5-8, are in Maori and English. Tawhiao's proclamation (dated 3 October 1863) describes procedures for occupying Meremere and sharing plunder. Wiremu Patene's letter explains his efforts to discourage Maori from war.

Creighton & Scales (proprietors of the Daily Southern Cross newspaper) were contracted as printers to the government between 1 October 1863 and 30 July 1864, This short-term arrangement bridged the gap between the end of the long contract with W. C. Wilson and establishment of a permanent Government Printer; see W. A. Glue, The history of the Government Printing Office (Wellington, 1966), p. 28.

Copies: WTU (in bound vol., AJHR).


E.-No. sd. | Further papers | relative to the | native insurrection. | Native letters, &c., subsequent to the fall of Rangiriri. | [rule] | Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by command of His | Excellency. | [rule] \ Auckland | 1863 [Printed by Creighton & Scales]

11, [l] p , [l] folded leaf of plates; 329x203 mm. Pages [2] and [l2] blank. Plate is a lithograph by I. Varty, Auckland, titled ‘Sketch of Maori fortifications at Rangiriri drawn by natives’. Printed by the printer to the government.

AJHR. 1863, E-sd. Thirteen letters dated between 21 November and 9 December 1863, all but three in Maori with English translations, relating to the aftermath of the fall of Rangiriri and the peaceful occupation of Ngaruawahia. It includes letters between Maori prisoners and Tamihana, several to and from Grey and Fox, and a preliminary list of prisoners.

Copies: WTU (in bound vol., AJHR).

596 KAWEPO, Renata Tama-ki-Hikurangi (d. 1888)

E.-No. 11. | Letters | from | Renata and other chiefs of Ahuriri |to | Dr. Featherston. | [rule] \ (Ordered by the House of Representatives to be printed November 4, 1863.) | [rule] \ (Dr. Featherston.) | [rule] | Auckland. | 1863. [Printed by Creighton & Scales]

[2], 4 p.; 329x203 mm. Prelim, pages: title-page (verso blank). Caption title: 'Letters | from | certain chiefs of Ahuriri to Dr. Featherston.'. Printed by the printer to the government.

AJHR. 1863, E-l I. Three letters in Maori with English translations; one from Tawhiao (21 August 1863) to Hawke's Bay chiefs, warning them to be suspicious of Grey's words and actions, and two (7 September and 19 October) from Renata Kawepo, Karaitiana Takamoana and Wirihana Toatoa to Featherston. Wellington provincial Superintendent. The latter challenge Pakeha explanations of the causes of the Waikato war.

Williams 379. Copies: WTU (in bound vol., AJHR).


Letters concerning the causes of war in the Waikato.

Correspondence relating to the fall of Rangiriri and Ngdruawdhia.



Ki nga Maori. | [rule] \ E hoa ma,— | Tena te pukapuka o nga tangata o Taranaki, ka tukua atu nei ki a kou- | tou; kimihia e koutou nga hua o roto. [. . .] | [2O lines] | [rule] \ Puketawa, | Maehe 27, 1863. | Ki a ce Kawana Kerei. | [// lines] | Na to hoa aroha, | Te Tari, Akarana, Na Te Matenga, | Aperira 2, 1863, Na Waikanae. [no imprint. Auckland?: Printed by W. C. Wilson?, 1863?]

1 sheet ([l] p.); 345x210 mm.; blue paper.

A letter from Te Matenga and Waikanae at Puketawa (Taranaki) to Governor Grey after a Nga Mahanga runanga suggested that a peaceful resolution of ownership of the Tataramaika Block was possible (though this did not eventuate). An introductory note, from unidentified officials, warmly commends its message. The text was also printed, with an English translation, in Te karere Maori. 20 April 1863, p. 14-15, and this separate issue was probably printed by the same printer.

A previous letter addressed from Puketawa, Taranaki (Te karere Maori. 1 May 1862, p. 13-15) suggests the full names of the signatories to this 1863 letter are Te Matenga Te Ririawatea and Waikanae Heke-i-waho.

For further background on the developing second Taranaki campaign, see J. Cowan, The New Zealand Wars (2 v., Wellington, 1922-23), v. I, p. 215-216. Sommerville 403 a. Copies: WTU.


Kite motu katoa. | Hei taatari. | [rule] | Waiho kia kiia, "Ma te Pakeha ki mua,” e ai ko te whakatauki.” | Kite rau o te iwi e whakauruuru ana te kino mete pai, akina ake, | tukua iho, mahea ake te kohu; atawhaia e Waikato, kino ana te taha | kia a ia. | [. . .] [no imprint. Auckland: Printed by W. C. Wilson?, 1863]

1 folded sheet (4 p); 243 x 1 95 mm. Caption title. Text dated at end: ‘Te Tari, Akarana. | Aperira 10, 1863.'. Probably printed by the printer to the government.

A circular comprising an introductory comment and an account of the antigovernment actions of Waikato, including the seizure of Gorst's press on 25 March. The account is headed: 'Nga korero mo te he ki Te Kohekohe, mete he hoki ki Te Awamulu.’. Notes on a copy from the Walter Mantell papers (WTU) state that C. O. B, Davis provided the prefatory text, and T. H. Smith (Civil Commissioner, Bay of Plenty District) the rest, and that it was published by the Native Secretary’s Office.

For further background on the increasing hostility in the Waikato, see AJHR. 1863, E-1, and J. Cowan, The New Zealand Wars (Wellington. 1922-23), v. I, p. 225-235.

Williams 372. Copies: AP, AR. Dl. DUHO, WTU.


An account of recent anti-government events in the Waikato.

A letter to Grey. 27 March 1863. about Taranaki land, with a preliminary note.


599 KO IE HAHI 1 MURI ia te Karaiti

Ko te hahi | i muri | i a te Karaiti. | [rule] | Ko te korero tuatahi. | [rule] | Akarana. [i.e. Auckland] | 1863. [Printed at the Cathedral Press?]

The leaf of plates (bound in at the end) is a col. lithograph map (printed by W. C. Wilson. Auckland) showing the Roman empire, with title: 'Ko nga wahi e ma ake nei ko | nga whenua i riro i te iwi o Roma. | Ko te takiwa o te mamao, ara,'.

Sixteen essays on early church history (to A.D. 600), written by students. An inscription in Dr T. M. Hocken's copy (DUHO) states that it was 'written by Chief Justice Martin in the following way: he lectured to Maoris at his own house at Taurarua [Judges Bay. Auckland] on Church History taken from [Rev. J. C.] Robertson's Sketches of Church History [London. 1855]; he then required] the pupils to write out his lectures, (which had been delivered in Maori) & then from their essays redacted the best composed of them in this work.'. A manuscript in William Leonard Williams's hand is at WTU (MS--2455). A second edition was published in Napier in 1887 (no. 1183). No further parts were published.

Lady Martin, in Our Maoris (London, 1884), p, 178, recollects that Rota Waitoa 'had been reading with great interest a translation of Robertson’s "Sketches of church history," and was specially delighted with the account of Perpetua and her companions, and of their martyrdom at Carthage', That story is the fifth in this collection (p 17-23) and is presumably the text referred to.

Williams 363, Bagnall 3422. Copies: AP, AR, DUHO, NLA. WTU.


A | Maori phrase book, | intended | for new-comers, | being | words and sentences in Maori | with their | significations in English. | [rule] | Second edition revised. | [rule] | Auckland: | Printed by Philip Kunst, and sold by all | booksellers, [ca. 1863]

A reset, slightly revised edition of no. 537, in which the references to war (p. 11) have been changed to 'America', confirming a publication date of about 1863. The text on p. 31-32, on pronouncing Auckland place names, is new and omits the waiata.

Williams 366, Bagnall 1547. Copies: AR, DUHO. WTU.


[Ture mo te whakanoho i te Hunga Marie. 1863: actual title not confirmed: no copy located. Auckland?: Printed by Creighton & Scales?. 1863?]


New Zealand Settlements Act 1863.

Second edition of a Maori -language primer.

32 p.; 130x100 mm.; blue paper covers. Page [2] blank. Title repeated on front cover within an ornamental border.

Sixteen students' essays on the early Christian church.

88 p., [l] double leaf of plates; 210x140 mm.; brown cloth boards with printed label. Probably primed at the Cathedral Press. Title on label (48x77 mm.) within a double border.


Physical details not known; no copy located. Description from Williams. The English text of the Act was printed by Creighton & Scales, printers to the government.

'Translation of the New Zealand Settlements Act, 1863 [1863, No. B], No copy seen.’ (Williams). The Act authorised the confiscation (without compensation) of ’rebels’ land’, and also the taking of other land (with compensation) for public purposes. For further background see H. Riseborough, Days of darkness (rev. ed.; Auckland, 2002), p. 33-38. See no. 669 for further information on land legislation. Williams **377. No copy located.

602 NEW ZEALAND. Attorney General’s Office

Death of William Butcher, | at Waiuku. 1 [double rule] | £5O Reward. | [double rule] | Whereas there is reason to believe | that the above named deceased was | murdered, [...]) [6 lines] | By order, | F. D. Fenton, | W. C. Wilson, Printer.) Assistant Law Officer.

1 sheet ([l] p.); 450x287 mm. Colophon below English text is aligned with left margin.


[Panuitanga. Mo nga tangata e tahuti ana i nga Hoia, i nga Manuao. Attorney General's Office, Akarana, Aperira 5, 1863. No te mea, he tini ke nga tahutitanga o nga tangata o te Kuini, ratou e rere moana ana, me ratou e noho ana i uta i tenei motu: ka panuitia nei, kia rongo ai te tokomaha, tera e reia putia e te lure te tangata e whakawai ana kia oma, e whakanoa ana, e huna ana, e whakamahi ana ranei i taua hunga tahuti. Na te Penetana, Assistant Law Officer; actual title not confirmed; no copy located. [Auckland?; Printed by W. C. Wilson?, 1863]]

Physical details not known; no copy located. Description from Te karere Maori. 30 March 1863, p. 4-5. Probably printed by the printer to the government.

A notice from F. D. Fenton Cte Penetana’), Assistant Law Officer in the Attorney General’s Office, threatening 'the most rigorous proceedings’


Copies: ANZ (MA 1/3, 63/178): WTU (photocopy).

Te matenga o Wiremu Puha (Butcher) | i Waiuku. | [double rule] | £5O Utu | [double rule ] | No te mea e tino whakaaroa ana he mea kohuru te tangata kua oti te | whakahua iho ra, [...]) [2 lines] | F. D. Fenton, | Assistant Law Officer, i [double rule] \ W. C. Wilson, Printer. [Auckland, 1863]

[parallel text:]

Poster offering a reward for information about a murder.

Notice, 5 April 1863. threatening action against people harbouring deserters.

An undated poster in English and Maori, offering a reward for information leading to the conviction of persons responsible for the murder of William Butcher, found dead at Waiuku on 18 October 1862. A copy of the poster filed for the official record is dated 3 July 1863 (ANZ, MA 1/3, 63/178).


against people enticing, concealing or employing deserters from the army and navy. The text (in English and Maori) was printed in Te karere Maori , 30 March 1863, p. 4-5. Although no copy has been located, it seems likely to have been printed separately.

Entries 604-607 are filed in date order.

604 NEW ZEALAND. Colonial Secretary

[Royal Arms] | Tari o te Hupiritene. | Poneke, Hune 11,1863. | Ki aku hoa Maori o te kotinga ki Poneke. | [4 lines] | Heoti ano, I. E. Featherston, | te Petatone, | Fiupiritene. | Tari o te Heketari, | Akarana, Hune 5, 1863. | E ki ana te Kawana kia taia enei kupu i raro nei. | [29 lines ] | Na te Kawana i ki | Alfred Domett, | Te Tomete. [no imprint. Wellington: Printed by McKenzie & Muir, 1863]

1 sheet ([l] p.); 315x202 mm. Presumed printed by the printer to the provincial government.

An official announcement from Domett Cte Tomete') dated 5 June giving an account of the Maori defeat at Katikara. Taranaki, on 4 June 1863. This issue, addressed to Wellington Maori, has a covering note by Featherston (‘te Petatone'), Superintendent of Wellington Province, dated 1 1 June The English text was published as the 5 June 1863 issue of the Gazette.

Bagnall 5967. Copies: AP; WTU (photocopy).


[Royal Arms] | Poneke, 28 o Hurae. 1863. 1 Ki nga tangata Maori o te kotinga ki Poneke. | Kua ki atu ahau kite tae mai he rongo korero o raro maku e | tuku atu kia koutou—tenei nga korero hou, kei raro iho nei. | I. E, Featherston, | te Petetona, | Hupiritene. | [rule] \ Tari o te Heketari, 1 Akarana, Huare [sic], I 7, 1863. | Kua ki a te Kawana kia taia te pukapuka a Tienara Kamerona kia | mohiotia ai e te katoa. ( Alfred Domett. | (Te Tomete.) | [rule] | [35 lines and 1 rule] [no imprint. Wellington; Printed by McKenzie & Muir, 1863]

I sheet ([l] p.); 325x206 mm,; blue laid paper. Presumed printed by the printer to the provincial government.

A notice from Domett of 17 July publishing a report from General Cameron on the battle of Koheroa and a report (also of 1 7 July) from Captain James Ring to the commanding officer of the 18th (Royal Irish) Regiment, on the Martin's Farm ambush on the Great South Road at Sheppard's Bush (now Ramarama): see J. Cowan, The New Zealand Wars (2 v., Wellington. 1922-23), v. 1, p. 246-250.


Notice. 17 July 1863. reporting on events in the Waikato.

Announcement. 5 June 1865. of Maori defeat at Katikara.

For further details of the fighting at Katikara see AJHR. 1863, E-5. p. [l]5, and J. Cowan, The New Zealand Wars (2v., Wellington, 1922-23), v. I, p. 219-221.

No copy located.

608 NEW ZEALAND. GOVERNOR (1 86 1-1 868 : GREY)

This issue to Wellington Maori has a covering note of 28 July from Featherston. the provincial Superintendent. An English version of Cameron’s telegram was published in the Gazette, 1 7 July 1863, p. 279, and Ring's report in the issue of 22 July 1863, p. 290.

Copies: WTU.


[Royal /Arms] | He rongo no Waikato. | [rule] | Tenei te korero no Waikato. No te po ote Harerei te 21 o nga ra ote | marama nei ka tae mai. | [57 lines] | W. Fox. | Na te Pokiha. | Akarana, Nowema 23, 1863. [no imprint. Auckland: Printed by W. Atkin?, 1863]

1 sheet ([l] p.); 346x217 mm. Possibly printed by Atkin; the same coat of arms was used in one of a series of government notices in Maori printed by him (SI4. No. 2; Williams 378/ ii).

A notice from Fox (‘te Pokiha’) about the battle at Rangiriri of 20-21 November 1863, and the Maori surrender; see J. Cowan, The New Zealand Wars (2 v., Wellington. 1922-23), v. I, p. [3IBJ-326. Fox had become Colonial Secretary, including responsibility for Native Affairs, in the small WhitakerFox ministry appointed on 30 October 1863,

Williams 378 a (S). Copies: WTU.


List of Maori prisoners captured at Rangiriri, printed after 24 November 1863.

1 folded sheet (3, [l] p ); 313x201 mm. Caption title. Printed in two columns separated by double vertical rule. Page [4] blank. Possibly printed by Atkin; the same coat of arms was used in one of a series of government notices in Maori printed by him (SI4, No. 2; Williams 378/ ii).

An official list of about 180 prisoners taken at the battle of Rangiriri, 20-21 November 1863, organised by hapu/iwi. It is corrected from the list published in the government newsletter No. 4, 24 November (SI4, No. 4; Williams 378/ iv), Probably issued by the Colonial Secretary. Williams 378/ v. Copies: AP, WTU.

Entries 608-616 are filed in date order.

608 NEW ZEALAND. Governor (1861-1868 : Grey)

The decision of the Governor | in the dispute beeween [i.e. between] Ma- | tiu and Te Tirarau. I [rule] I 7th February, 1863. 1f...]


[parallel text:]

Arbitration decision in a Kaipara district land dispute. 7 February 1863.

[Royal Arms] 1 Ko nga ingoa o nga herehere i riro mai i a te Tianara i te | whawhai ki Rangiriri. | [rule] | [. . .] [no imprint. Auckland: Printed by W. Atkin?, 1863]

Notice. 23 November 1863, after the battle at Rangiriri.


Ko te Whakaotinga o te Kawana | i runga i te tautotohe o Matiu | raua ko Te Tirarau. | [rule] | 7 Pepuere. 1863. | [. . .] [no imprint. Auckland: Printed by W. C. Wilson, 1863]

I sheet (2 p.); 335x205 mm. Caption title. Printed in two columns separated by a double vertical rule.

English and Maori versions of Grey’s arbitration decision in the dispute between Matiu Te Aranui (who had died in December 1862 and was represented by Te Hira Muru Awa) and Te Tirarau. The dispute was over ownership of land on the Mangakahia stream in the Kaipara district, which had led to a local war in i 862.

Printed from the same setting used in Te harere Maori. 12 February 1863, p. [1 ]-6, which also explains the background. 70 copies were sent to George Clarke (Civil Commissioner, Bay of Islands District) on 13 February 1863. Manuscripts relating to the case are at Archives New Zealand (Auckland) (BBIW 4808/1 b-4808/ld).

Bagnall 4057. Copies: AP; WTU (photocopy).


[Royal Arms] \ The following account of the recent outrage at Taranaki is published | for the information of the public by command of His Excellency the Governor. | Walter Mantell. | Wellington, 7th May, 1863. | [rule] | The following is the account given by the men of the escort which | was going from Poutoko to Tataraimaka. | [2O lines] | May 4th, 1863. | [rule]

1 sheet ([l] p.); 325x205 mm.; blue laid paper with watermark 'C M Hutton | I 860’. Presumed printed by McKenzie & Muir, printers to the provincial government; the coat of arms was also used on a Council paper in May 1863.

A preliminary account in Maori and English of the Oakura murders of 4 May 1863 that marked the beginning of renewed fighting in Taranaki; see J. Cowan, The New Zealand Wars (2 v., Wellington. 1922-23) v. 1, p. 223-224, See also no. 618.

In a letter of 11 May to Colonial Secretary Domett, Featherston (Superintendent of Wellington Province) wrote: ‘Your letter of the 4th inst.. containing the account of the murderous attack on the military escort at Oakura reached me on Thursday morning the 7th. Immediate measures were taken by Mr Mantell to give the natives the correct version of the affair,' Grey’s manuscript (in English), apparently translated by Mantell, a Minister without portfolio, is at WTU (Mantell family. Papers. MS-Papers-0083-190).

Williams 371b (S). Copies: WTU.


Account of renewal of fighting in Taranaki, issued 7 May 186 J.

[parallel text:] Ko nga korero o muri nei na nga Pakeha mau taonga ia ratou e | haere atu ana i Te Poutoko ki Tataraimaka ko ta matou i mohio ai | inaianei koia tenei. [. . .] | [l9 lines] | Mei 4, 1863. | Na te Kawana i mea kia panuitia enei korero. | Matara. | Poneke, 7 Mei, 1863. [no imprint. Wellington: Printed by McKenzie & Muir, 1863]

611 NEW ZEALAND GOVERNOR (I 86 1-1 868 : GREY)


[Royal Arms] \ Panuitanga. | (swelled rule] \ Na Ta Hori Kerei, Kawana o Niu Tireni. | Ko te mea, i te tau 1859, kua puta he ritenga o te Ka- | wanatanga o Niu Tireni mo te hoko i tetahi wahi whenua | i Waitara, otira kahore ano i oti te tikanga mo te hoko i | taua wahi whenua. | [9 lines] | tukua i taku ringa i Niu Paremata ite 11 o nga ra o | Mei, 1863. | Naku, na te Kawana. [no imprint. New Plymouth: Printed by G. W. Woon, 1863]

1 sheet ([l] p ); 340x210 mm.; blue paper. Some lower case ‘k’s have been created from 'h's. Presumed printed by the printer to the Taranaki provincial government; the coat of arms was also used on Taranaki Ordinances in 18611862.

A proclamation announcing that the government was abandoning its intended purchase of Te Teira's land at Waitara (see no. 497), and renouncing any claim to it. The English version includes the usual recitation of the Governor's titles and a testamentum clause, and both texts were printed in the Gazette. 15 May 1863, p. 179, and Te karere Maori, I June 1863, p. 5.

AJHR. 1863, E-2, Papers relative to the Waitara. explains the background to the decision, and includes the English text (p. 36) with Grey's dispatch to the Duke of Newcastle of 27 May 1863. Grey notes that the Oakura murders on 4 May had not diverted the government from its intention of abandoning the Waitara purchase, though the decision to issue the proclamation was made by himself. Domett and Bell, in Taranaki at the time, without reference to others. For further background see B. J. Dalton, War and politics in New Zealand 1855-1870 (Sydney, 1967), p. 167-1 71. and J. Rutherford, Sir George Grey (London, 1961), p. 481-486.

Bagnall 4058. Copies: AP; WTU (photocopy).


Proclamation. 9 July 1865. to inhabitants of villages south of Auckland. [Royal Arms] | Panuitanga. i Ki nga tangata Maori o Mangere, o Pukaki, o Ihumatao, o Te Kirikiri, | o Patumahoe, o Pokeno, o Tuakau. 1 [rule] | [8 lines] | Na te Kawana i mea, | Akarana, | Hurae 9, 1863. [no imprint. Auckland: Printed by W. C. Wilson, 1863]

1 sheet ([l] p); 330x205 mm. Presumed printed by the printer to the government.

A proclamation calling on the inhabitants of the named villages to take the oath of allegiance and surrender their arms, or else retire across the Mangatawhiri to the Waikato. For further information see AJLC, 1863, No. 1 (which includes the text and a translation), J. E. Gorst, The Maori king (London, 1864), p. 380-386, and J. Cowan, The New Zealand Wars (2 v., Wellington, 1922-23), v. 1. p. 244.

Bagnall 4059. Copies: AP; WTU (photocopy).


Proclamation. II May 1863, declaring abandonment of the Waitara purchase.




[Royal Arms] | G. Grey, | Kawana. | E nga rangatira o Waikato, | Ko etahi Pakeha i ata noho i runga i o ratou whenua i Waikato, kua oti te pei mai, | ko a ratou taonga i murua, ko a ratou wahine me a ratou tamariki i tangohia. [...]! [22 lines] | Akarana, Hurae 11th o nga ra 1863. [no imprint. Auckland: Printed by W, C. Wilson, 1863]

1 sheet ([l] p.); 345x220 mm. (umrimmed). Presumed printed by the printer to the government.

A circular letter to the chiefs of Waikato, complementary to the provisions of the 9 July proclamation (no. 611). It advised that recent acts of violence had necessitated establishing military posts along the Waikato River to maintain peace and warned that those who continued to 'wage war' would have to bear the consequences of their acts, including forfeiting the right to possession of their lands guaranteed by the Treaty of Waitangi. This effectively marked the start of the Waikato war; see J. Cowan, The New Zealand Wars (2 v.. Wellington, 1922-23), v. 1, p. 244 ff.

An English version was also issued (Bagnall 4060) and both texts were printed as the Gazette of 15 July 1863 (p. 277-278), and AJHR. 1863, E-5, p. 5-6.

The following variant issue has been identified:

612.1 with misspelling ‘Wiakato’ in line 3 (i.e. E nga rangatira o Wiakato,'). This variant is a different setting and. compared with the issue described above, has differences in spacing and punctuation, e.g. the final line of the message begins: 'nga wa' (not 'i nga wa'); and the date at the end has an additional comma: 'Akarana, Hurae 1 1 th, o nga ra 1863.'. The number of extant copies of this variant indicate it was publicly distributed and is not simply a proof copy. The version gazetted also includes the misspelling 'Wiakato'.

Draft texts, proofs and annotated copies are at Archives New Zealand (MA/24/22) and WTU (fMS-Papers-7267). A note records that 50 copies were sent to Mantell on 17 July 1863 (WTU. Mantell family. Papers, MS-Papers--0083-220).

Williams 373/373 a & (S), Copies: AP (incl. variant 612.1), AR. DUHO (variant 612.1), NLA (incl. variant 612.1), WTU (incl. variant 612.1).


Notice, II July 1863, to Waikato Maori friendly to Pdkehd. [Royal Arms] | Panuitanga | ki nga tangata o Waikato. | [rule] | Ko nga tangata Maori katoa e hiahia ana kia whakahoa kite | Pakeha. ka karangatia nei kia anga mai ki a te Tienara Kamerana mana | e hoatu te pukapuka tohu, kai tae pai atu ai ki tetahi wahi e tiakina | ai ratou, | Akarana, | Hurae 11,1863. [no imprint. Auckland: Printed by W. C. Wilson, 1863]


Letter. 11 July 1863. to Waikato chiefs warning of the outcome of waging war.

Grey’s letter to Waikato chiefs, 11 July 1863, warning against the outcome of waging war {BiM 612)

The Governor warns that armed opposition will result in forfeiture of that right to possess their lands that had been guaranteed by the Treaty of Waitangi. Alexander Turnbull Library Printed collections.

6 1 4


A notice consequential to the 9 July proclamation (no. 611). calling on all Waikato Maori friendly to Pakeha to place themselves under the protection of General Cameron (Tienara Kamerana’), Copies: ANZ (MA 24/22); WTU (photocopy).


Notice. 14 August 1863. encouraging friendly Mdori-Pdkehd relations. [Royal Arms] | Panuitanga. | [double rule] | E hoa ma, e nga tangata Maori e ata noho ana, | e piri ana kite Pakeha. He kupu tenei naku ki | a koutou. Kei whakarongo koutou ki nga kupu | whakawehiwehi a te tangata. Engari, kia mohio | koutou; ka tiakina katoatia e au oku hoa, ahakoa | Pakeha ahakoa tangata Maori. | Na te Kawana. | Akarana, | Akuhata 14. 1863. [no imprint. Auckland: Printed by W. C. Wilson, 1863]

1 sheet ([l] p.); 345x210 mm.; blue paper. Presumed printed by the printer to the government.

Copies: ANZ (MA 1/3, 63/253), WTU.


[Royal Arms] | He pukapuka na te Kawana, ki a Nga- | puhi, ki a Te Rarawa, hui katoa. | [double rule] 1 Akarana, Akuhata 18, 1863. | E nga rangatira, e oku hoa aroha i roto i | nga hapu katoa o Ngapuhi, o Te Rarawa. | Tena koutou. Kua kite koutou i taku puka- | puka whakahe mo nga rangatira o Waikato, he | whaki atu naku ki a ratou, i te tukunga iho o ta 1 ratou mahi tutu. | [l4 lines] | Na to koutou hoa, | na G. Grey. | te Kawana. [no imprint. Auckland: Printed by W. C. Wilson, 1863]

I sheet ([l] p ); 345x215 mm. Presumed printed by the printer to the government.

A message of thanks to Ngapuhi and Te Rarawa for their letters of support for the Government position in the Waikato War. The letters had been collected by George Clarke and John White (see, for example, no. 623). The manuscript is at Archives New Zealand (MA 1/3, 63/256). 250 copies were printed.

Williams 375. Copies: ANZ (MA 1/3, 63/256), AP, DL, WTU,


[Royal /4rms] 1 Panuitanga. | [double rule] | He kupu tenei ki nga tangata katoa, kia matau | ai, ko te Panuitanga i puta i te Nupepa o te | Kawanatanga i te 6 o nga ra o Akuhata, 1863, | hei puru mo te toki, mo te


Notice. 19 August 1865, about a proclamation restricting the carrying of arms.

A circular from Grey encouraging friendly relations between Maori and PaKeha.

Letter. 18 August 1863. thanking Ngdpuhi and Te Rarawafor their support.

1 sheet ([l] p); 340x215 mm. Presumed printed by the printer to the government.



kaheru, me era atu | mea pera, ehara i te puru ki nga iwi e whaka- | hoa ana kite Pakeha, engari, ki nga iwi anake | e whawhai ana kite Kawanatanga. | Na te Kawana, na G. Grey. | Akarana, | Akuhata 19, 1863. [no imprint. Auckland: Printed by W. C. Wilson, 1863]

1 sheet ([l] p ); 342x215 mm. Presumed printed by the printer to the government.

A notice drawing attention to a proclamation printed in the Gazette. 6 August 1863, p. 307, prohibiting the carrying of arms except by 'friendly natives’. The manuscript is in Archives New Zealand (MA 1/3, 63/255).

Williams 376. Copies: ANZ (MA 1/3, 63/255), AP, DL, WTU.


NEW ZEALAND. Minister for Colonial Defence

Notice, 2 November 1863. controlling cargo on vessels in the Hauraki Gulf [Royal Arms] 1 Panuitanga | [double rule] | Ka tiakina te tahatika o Hauraki | e nga tima, i enei nga rangi—a— | kia panuitia ra ano te tuwheratanga. | [l2 lines] | T. Russell. | Akarana, 2 Nowema, 1863. [no imprint. Auckland: Printed by Creighton & Scales?, 1863]

1 sheet ([l] p.): 427x309 mm. Lower case ‘k’ in final paragraph from a different font. Probably printed by the printer to the government.

A notice issued by Thomas Russell prohibiting all vessels (whether owned by Maori or Pakeha) from carrying food or gunpowder in the Hauraki Gulf.

Bagnall 4138, Copies: AP; WTU (photocopy).

Entries 618-621 are filed in date order.


NEW ZEALAND. Minister for Native Affairs

Letter, 7 May 1863. to Waikato chiefs about the Oakura murders. He pukapuka whakaatu | na te Pere | i nga kohuru ki Taranaki | i te 4 o Mei, 1863. | [wavy rule] | Taranaki, Mei 7, 1863. | Kia Matutaera, kia Te Paea, kia Wiremu Tamehana, kia Patara, kite iwi katoa. | Tena koutou. | [. . .] [no imprint. New Plymouth?: Printed by G. W. Woon?, 1863]

1 folded sheet ([4] p ); 268x208 mm.; laid paper. Caption title. Pages [3-4] blank. Probably printed by the printer to the provincial government. Signed at the end: 'Na to koutou hoa, | Na te Pere.’.

A circular letter from Dillon Bell (‘te Pere’) to Waikato chiefs about the Oakura murders of 4 May 1863, calling on them to distance themselves from the murderers. The text was also issued in Wellington with a covering note from Mantell (no. 619) and reprinted with an English translation in Te karere Maori, 1 June 1863, p. [l]-4. A draft in English is at WTU (Mantell family. Papers, MS-Papers-0083-l 90). For further background on the murders, which marked the beginning of renewed fighting in Taranaki, see J. Cowan, The New Zealand Wars (2 v., Wellington, 1922-23) v. I, p. 223-224. See also no. 609.

Williams 371. Copies: AP, AR, DUHO, WTU.





Wellington issue. 13 May 1863. of letter to Waikato chiefs. [Royal Arms] | Poneke, 1 3 Mei, 1863, |Ki nga rangatira katoa, ki nga tangata katoa, o Poneke, o Porirua, | o Kaputi [i.e. Kapiti], o Whanganui, o Wairarapa, o nga tahatika katoa. | E aku hoa aroha— | 1 runga i te kupu mai o to tatou hoa tahi o te Pere, te Minita, | ara, te Tumuaki mo nga Mahi Maori, [...]![.. .] [no imprint. Wellington: Printed by McKenzie & Muir, 1863]

I folded sheet ([4] p ); 325x205 mm.; blue laid paper with watermark ‘C M Hutton | IB6o’ and Britannia image. Page [4] blank. Presumed printed by the printer to the provincial government; the same coat of arms was also used on the title-page of the 1863 Acts and proceedings of the provincial council.

A Wellington reissue of Dillon Bell's letter of 7 May 1863 (no. 618) with a covering note on p. [l] by Mantell ('Matara') dated 13 May. The manuscript original of Mantell's note is at WTU (Mantell family. Papers, MS-Papers-0083-218).

Williams 371 c (S). Copies: DL, WTU.


[Royal Arms] | Panuitanga | Ki nga tangata Maori o nga tahatika, o hea, o hea. | [rule] | Kaua nga tangata Maori e whakatere mai i o ratou kaipuke ki Akarana, e | hoe mai i o ratou waka, poti ranei, i te po. Kite rokohanga e te kaka- | rauritanga kahore ano kia tu noa ki Akarana, me noho atu i waho, a kia ao te | ra ka whakatapoko mai. | Tetahi hoki, kaua rawa e uta mai i te pu, i te patu ranei, ki runga ki nga | waka, ki nga poti, ki nga kaipuke hoki. | Akarana, | Hurae I I, 1863. [no imprint. Auckland: Printed by W. C. Wilson, 1863]

I sheet ([l] p); 350x220 mm. Presumed printed by the printer to the government.

A notice consequential to Grey's proclamation of 9 July (no. 611), ordering Maori not to go abroad in waka, boats or ships, nor to have weapons on board their vessels, probably issued by the Native Minister, Bell. A manuscript draft is at Archives New Zealand (MA 1/3, 63/188).

Copies: ANZ (MA 1/3, 63/188); WTU (photocopy).


Notice. 14 July 1863, expressing Government's regret for burning houses. [Royal Arms] | Panuitanga. | [rule] | No te mea kua tae mai te rongo kia te Kawana kua | tahutahuna etahi whare Maori i Pokeno, kua ki ake i a kia | panuitia kia mohiotia ai, me he mea he pono. ka pouri ia ki | taua mea; a e utua e te Kawanatanga te whakakinonga o to | te Maori taonga, enei, era atu ranei, ana tonoa I te Tari Maori. | Akarana, | 14 Hurae, 1863. [no imprint. Auckland: Printed by W. C. Wilson, 1863]


Notice. 11 July 1863. ordering Maori not to travel by waka or with weapons.



1 sheet ([l] p); 340x213 mm. Presumed printed by the printer to the government.

A notice expressing Government regret for the burning of Maori houses and goods at Pdkeno, probably issued by the Native Minister, Bell. The original manuscript and draft of the notice are at Archives New Zealand (MA 1/3, 63/192). A telegram from Bell to the Governor later the same day reported that the homes were not in fact burnt and were then under guard (see AJHR, 1863. E-sb, in No. 1, p. [3]).

Williams 374. Copies: ANZ (MA 1/3, 63/192), DL, WTU.


NEW ZEALAND. Vaccination Board

Notice about vaccinations against smallpox. [Royal Arms] | Te | mate koroputaputa. | [double rule] | He mea tenei kia mohio ai nga tangata Maori, hei | nga Wenerei o la wiki o la wiki, ka noho a | Rata Rei kite Whare Maori i Waipapa, kite | werowero I nga tangata mo te mate koroputaputa. | Na, ko nga Maori e hiahia ana kia werowerohia 1 ratou mo tenei mate, me haere atu ki taua whare |ite 10 o nga haora o te ata o nga Wenerei. | [rule] | W. C. Wilson, Printer. [Auckland: 1863]

1 sheet ([l] p.); 345x215 mm.

A notice advising that Doctor Day (‘Rata Rei’), surgeon to the Vaccination Board, would be at the Native Flostel at Waipapa (Bay of Islands) every Wednesday at 10 a.m. for vaccinating against smallpox. A related manuscript and the only known copies of the notice are at Archives New Zealand (MA 1/3, 63/279). The file location suggests it was printed soon after 14 September 1863, presumably under the authority of the Native Minister, whose department administered the Board. For further background on vaccination for Maori see D. A. Dow, Maori health and government policy 18401940 (Wellington. 1999), p. 48-56.

Wilson's long contractual arrangement as printer to the government (including in the Williamson and Wilson partnership since 1848) came to an end in September 1863, and this is probably one of his last official printing jobs. For further background see W. A. Glue, The history of the Government Printing Office (Wellington, 1966), p. 26-28.

Copies: ANZ {MA 1/3, 63/279); WTU (photocopy).



Letters expressing support for Grey's policies. [Royal Arms] | Ko nga pukapuka o muri nei na Ngapuhi, a kua tala kia | mohiotia ai e te katoa. | Matara. | Wellington, Hurae 31, 1863. | [rule] \ [. . .] [no imprint. Wellington: Printed by McKenzie & Muir, 1863]

7, [l] p.; 330x215 mm,; blue laid paper. Caption title. Printed on 2 separate folded sheets; page [B] blank. Partly printed in two columns separated by vertical rule. Presumed printed by the printer to the Wellington provincial government; printed on the same paper as no. 605.

Four letters (the last with four pages of signatories) addressed to Grey from chiefs and hapu of Ngapuhi. with a brief introductory note by Mantell




(‘Matara’) The letters express support for Grey and opposition to the policies of the Taranaki and Waikato Kingitanga followers. They were collected by George Clarke, Civil Commissioner at Waimate. A translation of the third letter is in AJHR, 1863, E-3a, No. 3 (End. No. 2).

Williams 374 a (S). Copies: WTU.


PAPERS relative to the native meeting held at Peria . . .

Documents relating to Tdmihana’s hui at Peria. October 1862. E.-No. 12. | Papers | relative to the | native meeting held at Peria, | in October, 1862. | [rule] \ Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly, by command of | His Excellency. | [rule] ( Auckland. | 1863. [Printed by Creighton & Scales]

[2], 23, [l] p.: 329x203 mm. Prelim, pages: title-page (verso blank). Page [24] blank. Printed by the printer to the government.

AJHR. 1863, E-12. Sixteen documents and enclosures, almost all in both Maori and English, relating to the hui held by Wiremu Tamihana at Peria in October 1862 and attended by about 500 Maori. The purpose of the meeting was to find a solution to the Waitara dispute, which included broader issues of concern to Maori and Pakeha, including land and reading, payment of debt, the relative standing of the Queen and the Maori king, and the physical safety of settlers. Item 7 (p. 12-16) is a reprint of the text of the issue of Te Hohioi of 10 November 1862, summarising the speeches delivered. Some documents and other background material are reprinted in E. Stokes, Wiremu Tamihana (Wellington, 2002), p. 289-312.

See no. **s9l for Tamihana's invitation and no. 584-586 for separate issues of Selwyn's sermon and speech.

Williams 380. Copies: WTU {in bound vol., AJHR).

Entries 626-627 are filed in date order after undated item no. 625.


POMPALLIER, Jean Baptiste Francois (1801-1871)

Six letters, most to Maori chiefs, dated between 1845 and 1863. Ko etahi reta | i tuhituhi e te Epikopo Katorika, | ko Hoane Papita Werahiko Pomaparie, | hei kupu o te ako marama | mete aroha tapu o te Hahi Matua | ki | nga tangata Maori o Nuitirani. \ [wavy rule ] | Akarana: [i.e. Auckland] | He mea ta kite Whare Pukapuka o Philip Kunst, | Hune 1863.

23, [l] p.; 210x138 mm. Pages [2] and [24] blank.

Six letters by Pompallier, most addressed to specific Maori chiefs, each with a prefatory comment explaining the results of the letters, at least two of which had been printed previously. The letters are to: Hone Heke (31 January 1845): Hone Heke, Kawiti and Hikitene (22 January 1846); Wiremu Mamange (25 June 1856); Wiremu Tamihana Te Waharoa (5 August 1861, see no. 551): Tawhiao (4 May 1863); the Catholic community (12 May 1863. see no. 627). Although Williams (entries 137, 148, 278, based on Hocken, p. 515) suggests the Maori texts of the three earliest letters had also been printed separately, no evidence for this has been identified.




An English-language version was published the following month: A few letters written ... to the New-Zealanders. in the time of native disturbances (Bagnall 4605).

Williams 370, Bagnall 4604. Copies: AP; WTU (photocopy).


Pastoral letter. 14 February 1863. [illustration] | He pukapuka hepara | na | Hoane Papita Werahiko Pomaparie, | te Epikopo o Akarana. | ki 1 nga pirihi me nga keritiano o te Tiehehi | mo te tau 1863, | he ako | I etahi tino tikanga mo te ora keritiano. | [wavy rule] \ Akarana: [i.e. Auckland] 1 He mea ta kite Whare Pukapuka o Piripi Kunita. | 1863.

12 p.: 187x102 mm.; green paper covers. Page [2] blank. Title repeated (partly reset) on front cover within an ornamental order. Printed by Philip Kunst ('Piripi Kunita’).

Williams 370b (S), Bagnall 4633. Copies: ABH. WTU.

627 -

Pastoral letter, 12 May 1863. Akarana, 12 Mei, 1863. | Ki nga matua, ki nga katekita, kite hunga Katorika | Tena ra ko koutou; e nui taku aroha atu ki a koutou, a kia whakapaingia | koutou e Hehu Kerito to tatou kai whakaora. | E te whanau aroha, | [3/ lines] | Kia noho te keratia o te Atua ki a koutou katoa. Naku tenei pukapuka, | [cross] Na Hoane Papita Werahiko Pomaparie, | te Epikopo o Akarana. [no imprint. Auckland: Printed by Philip Kunst?, 1863]

I folded sheet ([4] p.); 218x180 mm.; laid paper with watermark 'APS | Super Fine'. Pages [2-4] blank. Probably printed by Philip Kunst, who printed other items for Pompallier around this time. A pastoral letter to priests, catechists and Catholics, describing the sanctity of the Catholic Church and referring to his printed letters to Wiremu Tamihana (no. 551) and Tawhiao (no. 581).

Williams 369 a (S). Copies: WTU.



[Royal Arms] \ [rule] | Tari o te Hupiritene, PoneKe, | 15 o Tihema 1863. | Ki nga tangata Maori o te Kotinga ki Poneke. | Kua maha aku kianga atu kia koutou, kite rongo ahau i tetahi | korero hou era e whakina atu kia koutou. Tenei nga korero hou o | Akarana kua taia ki raro iho nei kia kitea ai e koutou. | I. E. Featherson, ( te Petetona. Hupiritene. | [rule] | No. 5. Akarana, Tihema 8, 1863. | He pukapuka enei no Waikato. | [rule] [. . .] [no imprint. Wellington: Printed by Joseph Bull?, 1863]


Wellington reissue of government Gazette notices no. 5-6. December 1863.

A pastoral letter dated at the end 'Akarana, 14 o Pepuere. 1863'. reasserting the truth of Catholic doctrine..



I folded sheet (3, [l] p ); 326x202 mm.; blue laid paper with watermarks 'C. Millington. | London [ within buckled belt image ] | 1863' and British coat of arms. Page [4] blank. Paper with the same watermark was used by Joseph Bull for a Wellington Provincial Council publication (Council paper. Message no. 4, 1863).

A covering note from Featherston dated 15 December 1863, followed by the reprinted texts of the government Gazette notices no. 5-6 (SI4, No. 5 and No. 6: Williams 378/ vi and vii). These contained Waikato news; letters from Wiremu Tamihana and Grey, and an official notice from Fox announcing the occupation of Ngaruawahia. Fox had become Colonial Secretary and Minister for Native Affairs in the small Whitaker-Fox ministry appointed on 30 October 1863.

Copies: WTU.


He PUKAPUKA WHAKAATU i nga tikanga a te Pakeha

Pakeha land tenure practices and recent legislation affecting Maori land. He | pukapuka whakaatu | i nga tikanga a te Pakeha | e nohoia paitia nei te whenua | e ratou whaka-pakeha. | [wavy rule] | I taia ki Akarana, [i.e. Auckland] kite Perehi a Philip Kunst. | [rule] | 1863.

22, [2] p.; 208x134 mm.; blue paper covers Pages [2] and [23-24] blank. Title repeated on front cover within an ornamental border. First signature (to p. 8) on different paper from p. 9-[24],

A description of Pakeha land tenure practices, by an unidentified author. The final chapter gives advice on recent legislation affecting certain Maori lands.

Williams 365, Bagnall 4721. Copies: ABH, AP, AR. DL, DUHO, NLA, WTU.


TAWHIAO. Tukaroto Matutaera Potatau Te Wherowhero (d. 1894)

Formal message. I January 1863. of New Year greetings. [cross] | Na Matutaera Potatau, | na te Atua i mea mete iwi hoki, | King! | [dashed rule with section symbol ] | Ngaruawahia, te 1 o nga ra o Hanuere 1863. | [double rule] | E hoa ma e nga iwi katoa i runga i tenei motu i Aotearoa, tena koutou, kia ora tonu koutou i raro iho | i te maru o te Atua mana tatou e tiaki e atawai. Tenei taku kupu ki a koutou ki nga kiri mangu katoa I te- | nei motu, ahakoa i te taha kuini, kingi ra nei, ki a pai te hanga I nga ritenga mo te tinana, mo te whenua. | Whiri-whiria. waiho i te huarahi marama. i te huarahi o te tika. | Ka huri. | Na Matutaera Potatatau, [sic] [no imprint. Ngaruawahia; Printed at Te Hokioi Press, 1863]

1 sheet ([l] p.); 160x247 mm. Some typographic anomalies. A message with New Year greetings, probably after the model of a pastoral letter issued by Pompallier (e.g, no. 581). It was possibly a response to the arrival of Grey at Ngaruawahia on 1 January to discuss with Waikato people how to resolve the increasing tension, a meeting which Tawhiao was unable to attend. For further details see J. Rutherford, Sir George Grey (London, 1961). p 479-480. Proceedings of the meeting are reprinted in E. Stokes, Wiremu Tamihana (Wellington, 2002), p. 314-322.

Williams 370 a. Copies: AP; WTU (photocopy).





TAYLOR, Richard (1805-1873)

A tract denying that the Catholic Church is the mother church. Te hahi matua | He pukapuka, | ki nga tangata o | Wanganui, | na | Te Teira, | Minita. | [rule] | Poneke: [i.e. Wellington] | 1 taia kite Perehi o Makinihi raua ko Mua. | [rule] \ 1863.

12 p.; 180x107 mm. Page [2] blank. Title within an ornamental border. Printed by McKenzie & Muir (Makinihi raua ko Mua).

An anti-Catholic tract disputing Pompallier's claims in his letter to the Maori King (no. 581) that the Catholic church is the true church, and railing against Kingite sentiments and native slothfulness. At the foot of p, 12 is a prayer headed ‘He inoi mo nga Pakeha me nga Maori’, the same text as no. 35 and no. 498.

An English-language version issued at the same time (Bagnall 5486) does not have the prayer on p. 12.

Williams 369, Bagnall 5480. Copies: AP, AR, WTU.

Entries 632-634 are filed in date order.


TE HUIA, Matiu

Printed letter, 6 July 1863, recounting a series of visions. Te Hua, Hurae 6, 1863. | E hoa ma,— Tena koutou nga tamariki o te Atua. Kia rongo | mai koutou. Katahi taku whakaaro ka tuhi atu kia kite iho kou- | tou. | [36 lines] \ Naku ena korero, | Na Matiu Te Huia. | Ki nga iwi katoa o Niu Tireni. [no imprint. New Plymouth?: Printed by G. W. Woon?, 1863]

I sheet ([l] p.); 329x205 mm.; blue laid paper with watermark ‘Moinier’s | 1862' or Britannia image. Probably printed by Woon, for private circulation. A letter from the New Plymouth visionary (see no. 680 for his whakapapa). It recounts a series of visions with a biblical colouring and a message that Maori should be good and live in peace or they will suffer just like the Canaanites. The first of a series of letters issued in 1863-1866 (see no. 633-634, 654-655, 679-681,695) in which religious sentiments are mingled with pacifist political propaganda. Te Hua was a block of Taranaki land, adjoining Bell Block, purchased by the Crown from Te Ati Awa in 1854.

Copies: WTU.


Letter, 17 October 1863, encouraging the end of fighting. Te Hua, Oketopa 17, 1863. | Whakarongo mai e te iwi. Kia marama te whakahaere i nga | ritenga mo tatou. Ma nga kaumatua e rapu haere nga ritenga e | whiwhi ai kite ora kite pai. (...) | [/6 lines ] | [. . .] Naku ena korero, na Matiu Te | Hula, ki nga iwi o runga, o raro, o waenganui. [no imprint. New Plymouth?: Printed by G. W. Woon?. 1863]

1 sheet ([l] p.): 315x200 mm. Probably printed by Woon, for private circulation.

A further pacifist message: stop the fighting, give up the weapons, and let the

31 I



kaumatua sort the problems out. See also no. 632. 634, 654-655, 679-681 695.

Bagnall 2700a/l. Copies: AP; WTU (photocopy).


Te Hua, | Tihema 14. 1863. | Whakarongo e nga rangatira o Ta- | ranaki, o Ngatiruanui, o Waitotara, | o Whanganui, o Taupo, oia iwi, o ia | iwi. [...]) [l7 lines] | Naku ena korero. na | Matiu Te Huia. | Ki nga rangatira o Niu Tireni, hei | rapu haere i nga ritenga mo tatou | mo nga Pakeha hoki. [no imprint. New Plymouth?: Printed by G. W. Woon?, 1863]

I sheet ([l] p.); 182x121 mm. Probably printed by Woon, for private circulation. Another pacifist message, with religious allusions to Abraham, Galatians 4 and an inherited line of goodness. See also no. 632-633, 654-655, 679-681, 695.

Bagnall 2700a/2, Copies: AP; WTU (photocopy).


TE TEIRA, Manuka

G.-No. I. | Petition | of | Te Teira Manuka and other natives of | Waitara, | praying that their title to Waitara may | be investigated. | [rule] | Presented to the House of Representatives, October 28th, 1863, and ordered | to be printed October 30th, 1863. | [rule] | (Mr. Atkinson.) | Auckland. | 1863. [Printed by Creighton & Scales]

AJHR. 1863, G-1, Petition in Maori with English translation, signed by Te Teira and 45 others, dated 21 October 1863. It seeks a full public investigation of the handling of the sale of land at Waitara to the government, initiated by Te Teira in 1859 (see no. 497) but abandoned by the government in May 1863 (see no. 610).

Williams 384 (as G-8). Copies: WTU (in bound vol., AJHR).


TE WAHAROA, Wiremu Tatnihana Tarapipipi (d, 1866)

Correspondence about a projected attack on Tauranga. E.-No. sc. | Further papers | relative to the | native insurrection. | Letters of warning from William Thompson. | [rule] | Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly, by command of | His Excellency. | [rule] \ Auckland. | 1863. [Printed by Creighton & Scales]

1 folded sheet ([4] p.); 329x203 mm. Pages [2] and [4] blank. Printed by the printer to the government.


[2], 3, [l] p.; 329x203 mm. Prelim, pages: title-page (verso blank). Page [4] blank. Printed by the printer to the government.

Petition by Te Teira and others seeking an investigation of the Waitara sale.

Printed letter. 14 December 1863. offering religious solutions as a way of life.



AJHR. 1863, E-sc; in Maori with English translations. A letter of 22 August 1863 warns of an impending attack on Tauranga by Klngitanga troops, and an extract from a letter to Grey of 1 August suggests that defenceless farmers should be given protection in the town. Both items refer to Tamihana's letter to Archdeacon Brown, subsequently printed as AJHR. 1863, E-22 (see no. 637).

Copies: WTU (in bound vol., AJHR).


Letter. 26 June 1863. to Archdeacon Brown. Tauranga. E.-No. 22. | Copy of an original letter | from | W. Tamihana to Archdeacon Brown. | (Return to an Order of the House of Representatives, dated 10th November, 1863,) | "That there be laid on the table of this House a copy of the original letter addressed by | W. Tamihana to Archdeacon Brown, printed in the Sessional papers E. No. 3a, p. 7.” | (Mr. Colenso,) | Auckland. | 1863. [Printed by Creighton & Scales]

1 folded sheet ([4] p.); 329x203 mm. Pages [2] and [4] blank. Printed by the printer to the government.

AJHR. 1863, E-22. The Maori text of a letter dated 26 June [1863] to Archdeacon Brown, containing warnings of attacks. Referred to in Tamihana’s letters of August 1863 that had been published as AJHR. 1863, E-5c (see no. 636).

Williams 383. Copies: WTU (in bound vol., AJHR).



This is a | burial ground! | [double rule] | Be cautious all men not to trespass on | this place. | Auckland, 22nd. December, 1863. [no imprint. Auckland; 1863]

1 sheet ([l] p ); 223x214 mm.? (cropped). A small poster in Maori and English warning people not to trespass on the burial ground.

Copies: WTU.


WELLINGTON PROVINCE (N.Z.). Superintendent

Printed letter. 5 August 186 3, warning against lies being spread. Tari o te Hapuritene Poneke, | Akuhata 5, 1863. | Ki nga tangata Maori o te kotinga ki Poneke, | E pouri ana ahau ki nga tini korero tito e haria | haeretia ana e te Pakeha kino, e te Maori kino—kaua e 1 tahuritia atu — kahore he hiahia kia pa te he ki nga | tangata e mau tonu ana te noho i runga i te rongomau | kite pa mai te pouri, te he, kia koutou, haere mai ki au, | a maku te kupu whakamarama e hoatu kia koutou. | Naku, na to


Notice warning people not to trespass on the burial ground. He wahi tapu tenei! 1 [quadruple rule] \ Kia ata wakaaro nga tangata katoa kei | takahia noatia tenei wahi. [parallel text:]



koutou matua. na, | te Petatone, Hupiritene. [no imprint. Wellington: McKenzie & Muir?, 1863]

I folded sheet ([4] p.); 181x1 14 mm.: cream laid paper. Pages [2-4] blank. Probably printed by the printer to the provincial government.

A short letter from Featherston to Wellington Maori advising them to ignore the lies being spread by bad Maori and Pakeha, and offering his own guidance. Possibly a covering note for another document.

Copies: WTU.


An account qfhui at Waikanae and Otaki. circulated 15 August 1863. Ki nga tangata Maori o te kotinga ki Poneke. | [double rule] | Poneke, Akuhata 15, 1863. | E hoa ma, | Tena koutou tenei te pukapuka o toku haerenga atu ki Waikanae, ki | Otaki, kua taia ki raro ake nei. I taia, kia kite ai koutou i aku kupu ki nga | tangata Maori, me o ratou kupu whakahoki mai ki au. | Naku, na to koutou matua, na, | te Petetona, | Huperitene. ( [rule] | [. . .] [no imprint. Wellington: McKenzie & Muir?, 1863]

7, [l] p.: 340x215 mm. (untrimmed). Caption title. Probably printed by the printer to the provincial government. An introductory note by Featherston (‘te Petetona') followed by his account of hui on 31 July and 1 August at Waikanae and Otaki with chiefs who then supported the Kingitanga, including WT Tako Ngatata, Fleremia and others.

It is a translation of a report in English which appeared in the New Zealand spectator (12 August 1863) and was reprinted in AJHR. 1863, E-3a, p 8-11 The English text was also printed in the Wellington provincial Gazette, 8 September 1863, p. [l7s]-181, followed by accounts of his Wairarapa hui.

Bagnall 5966. Copies: ANZ (MA 24/31), WTU.



A message of ‘kindness and wise counsel’ to Maori. Address | of the | Aborigines' Protection Society | to | the native inhabitants | of | New Zealand, [no imprint. London: 1864]

11. [1 ] p.; 210x138 mm. Page [l2] blank. Caption title p. [2]; 'To the Maories of New Zealand.'. Caption title p, [3]: '(To the Maories of New Zealand) 1 Ki nga Maori o Niu Tireni,’. Parallel texts on facing pages: English (left) and Maori (right). Text dated at end, November 1864.

Maori text begins: ‘E hoa ma. | Ko te hiahia tenei a matou a nga hoa aroha, i Ingarani | nei, o nga Maori, kia tukua atu, ma Wiremu Pou raua ko Apera- | hama Pungatara e kawe atu a matou kupu aroha, kupu ako, ki o | raua hoa Maori, i a raua ka hoki nei ki to raua whenua tupu.'.

A farewell message for Aperahama Pungatara and Wiremu Pou on their return to New Zealand, signed by the Society's President. Samuel Gurney, and three others. It encourages Maori to adhere to Christian values and European practices of land ownership and lifestyle, including learning English




(as a basis for equity with the colonists) and establishing their own printing press. The text seems likely to have been prepared by a Maori or a very good Pakeha linguist. In 1865 the text was reprinted in New Zealand (no. 662) with a lengthy preface questioning the motives of the Society.

Pou (also known as Wiremu Te Wana or Te Whai, from Ngapuhi) was one of a group of fourteen Maori taken to England in 1863 by William Jenkins, a Wesleyan lay preacher in Nelson. For details of the group’s extraordinary experiences, including meeting Queen Victoria, see B. Mackrell, Hariru Wikitoria! (Auckland. 1985). Pungatara is not identified as a member of the group, most of whom had returned to New Zealand by July 1864.

Bagnall 8. Copies: WU; WTU (photocopy).



Tenders received and accepted for mail delivery from Napier in 1864/65. Ko te whakaaturanga tenei o nga pukapuka whakaae kawe | meera I tae mai ki au, mo te tau kotahi e haere ake nei; ara | no te timatanga o Hurae, 1864, tae noa kite mutunga o Hune, | 1865. | [double rule ] )[...] [no imprint. Napier: Printed by James Wood?, 1864]

I folded sheet (3, [l] p.); 330x215 mm.? Caption title. Page [4] blank. Text in two columns separated by vertical rule. Size estimated from microfilm copy. Signed and dated at the end: ‘Na Pita Paaka. | No Nepia no te | 25 o nga ra o Hune, 1864.’. Probably printed by the printer to the provincial government.

A schedule of the tenders received and accepted from mail delivery contractors (almost all Maori) for the year July 1864 to June 1865, signed by the Napier Postmaster Peter Parker (‘Pita Paaka’). For the 1862 tenders see no. 563.

Copies: ML (Colenso papers, A 230); WTU (printout from microfilm).



Oath of allegiance to the Queen. [Royal Arms] | He ki tuturu. | [rule] | Ka tino ki atu nei au, hei tangata ahau mo Kuini Wikitoria; ka piri | pono ahau ki a ia, ka rongo au ki ana ture, ka mana i au nga whakahaunga | tika, me nga whakataunga o ana Kaiwhakawa, o era atu tangata hoki kua 1 whakaturia hei Kaiwhakahaere Ture. [no imprint. Auckland?: Printed by Creighton & Scales?, 1864]

I sheet ([l] p.); 334x210 mm.; greyish blue laid paper with watermark ‘John Miller | Extra Super | Glasgow | 1862’ or Britannia image. Probably an official Auckland printing from the coat of arms used. In this issue the coat of arms measures 35x62 mm. and the width of the heading is 50 mm. See no. 644 for a different printing.

It is not clear when this particular declaration of allegiance came into force. The Gazette, 15 June 1864, p. 267-270, lists 153 ‘rebel natives’ who had ‘subscribed to declaration of allegiance and delivered up arms' between 5 February and 31 May 1864. However, the proclamation that provided for pardoning those who took an oath of allegiance and ceded territory and arms




by 10 December 1864 was published on 25 October 1864 ( Gazette , p. 399400). Few Maori apparently took advantage of the provisions; AJHR. 1864, E-12, records that seven people had surrendered by the deadline, but no arms or land had been ceded.

The text of this oath was also included with an English translation on a form headed 'Certificate' (Williams 388). The document recorded details of an individual having made a declaration. Examples have been seen printed on the same paper as no. 643-644 and also on cream paper.

Williams 387. Copies: WTU.



Variant printing of Oath of allegiance to the Queen. [Royal Arms] | He ki tuturu. | [rule] \ Ka tino ki atu nei au. hei tangata ahau mo Kuini Wikitoria; ka piri | pono ahau ki a ia, ka rongo au ki ana ture, ka mana i au nga whakahaunga | tika, me nga whakataunga o ana Kaiwhakawa, o era atu tangata hoki kua | whakaturia hei Kaiwhakahaere Ture. [no imprint. Wellington?: 1864]

1 sheet ([l] p ); 312x200 mm,; blue laid paper with watermark 'W Revell | 1863’. In this issue the coat of arms measures 23x86 mm. and the width of the heading is 52 mm.

From the coat of arms used, this is possibly a Wellington printing of no. 643, A 'Certificate' form on the same paper has also been seen; see no. 643.

Williams 387 (note). Copies: WTU.


KIRIWI, Reihana (d. 1876)

Account of a government-sponsored expedition to observe in the Waikato. [Royal Arms] | Account of a | journey up Waikato, | by | Reihana Kiriwi, | a chief of the Rarawas; from Mangonui, | in the month of | February. 1864. | [rule] I Mangonui. March 7th,. 1864. I f. . .1

1 folded sheet (4 p ); 340x219 mm. Caption title. Printed in two columns separated by double vertical rule. Probably printed by the printer to the government.

A brief account in English and Maori by Kiriwi (of Te Rarawa, north of Auckland), one member of a government-sponsored expedition to observe the Waikato battle sites, concluding with a plea for peace. Although dated 7 March, this must be a misprint, as the battle of Orakau (which ended on 2 April) is referred to.

Others in the group were Paora Ururoa, TTpene Te Taha, Karaka Te Kawau (all of Te Rarawa), Te Keepa Rangihiwinui and Rio Te Repi Haeatarangi (Whanganui), and Raniera Te Iho-o-te-Rangi (Wairarapa; who also wrote an account, no. 656). The group was led by W. B, White (RM,


[parallel text:] He korero no te 1 haere ki Waikato, | a | Reihana Kiriwi, | he rangatira no Te Rarawa ki Mangonui, | i roto i nga rao | Pepuere, 1864, | [rule] \ Mangonui, Maehe 7, 1864. | [. . .] [no imprint. Auckland: Printed by Creighton & Scales?, 1864]


MAUNSELL. ROBERT (1810-1894)

Mangonui), with 'Mr' (R. C.?) Mainwaring as interpreter. The Maori text was also published in Te waka Maori o Ahuriri. 25 June 1864, p. 2-3.

Williams 397, Bagnall 3014, Copies: ANZ (IA 14, 22). WTU.


LETTERS from native chiefs

Letters. 30 November 1864. from chiefs asking to be heard in Parliament. E-No. 15. | Letters | from | native chiefs to Mr. Fitzgerald, M.H.R., | relative to 1 their admission into the General Assembly. | [rule] | Laid upon the table of the Flouse of Representatives by leave granted | 10th December. 1864. | [rule] | Auckland: | 1864. (Printed by the Government Printer]

1 folded sheet ([l], 3) p.; 329x203 mm. Prelim, page: title-page (verso blank, p, [l]). Text printed on p. [2]-3. Printed by Joseph Wilson, the first Government Printer since Christopher Fulton in 1844-46. Wilson was appointed in May 1864 and began work in July, taking over from contract printers Creighton & Scales. He resigned in March 1865 when the Printing Office moved to Wellington: See W A. Glue. The history of the Government Printing Office (Wellington. 1966), p. 33-35.

AJHR, 1864, E-15. Five brief, largely repetitive letters in Maori and English, from Honetana Te Irirangi and others, all dated Auckland, 30 November 1864. The letters ask that Maori chiefs be able to speak in Parliament on native matters. See no. 676 for further correspondence and James Fitzgerald’s response on Maori representation.

Copies: WTU (in bound vol., AJHR).


MAUNSELL, Robert (1810-1894)

Reissue of second edition of Maori grammar for English speakers. Grammar | of the | New Zealand language, | by | R. Maunsell, L.L.D., | Archdeacon of Waikato. | [rule] | Second edition. | [rule] | New Zealand: | Published by Heron, Kidd, and Seffern, | "New-Zealander" Office, | Shortland Crescent, Auckland, [1864?]

xvi. 168 p,; 169x105 mm.: purplish-brown cloth boards (blank). Pages [ii] and [xii] blank. Pages [iv] and [34] misnumbered as ‘vj’ and ‘43'. Replacement title-page (p. [i-ii]) tipped in on roughly removed free endpaper.

**647.1 in stiff paper boards with variant imprint: the title is repeated on the cover within an ornamental border; the imprint on the cover is ‘Mitchell & Seffern'.

For later issues see no. 704. 1036, 1403. For additional background see no. 130, the first issue in parts, 1842-1843,.

Williams 397 a; Bagnall 3462. Copies: WTU.


Williams notes the following variant issue, which has not been located:

A reissue of the second edition of Maunsell’s Grammar, published in 1 862 (no. 567), with a new cancel title-page tipped in. Williams's date of issue has been followed



648 NEW ZEALAND. Colonial Secretary

Official bulletin on the Battle of Orakau and the defeat of Rewi Maniapoto. IRoyal Arms] | Enei korero no te pakanga ki Orakau. | No te toru tekau matahi o nga ra o Maehe ka haere atu nga | hoia kite tirotiro, a i a ratou e haere ana ka tutaki ki nga Maori | toru tahi nei, muri tata ka kitea te puninga o te Maori, [. . .] | [25 lines] | To Taranaki tono rongo koia tenei. | [lO lines] | Nga rangatira i hinga i te Pakanga i Orakau:- | (9 names in two columns separated by vertical rule] [no imprint. Auckland?: Printed by Creighton & Scales?, 1864]

1 sheet ([l] p.); 325x200 mm.; grey laid paper with watermark: '[British coat of arms] | 1863’. Presumably printed by the printer to the government.


Official notice of the Maori defeat at Te Range. 21 June 1864. [Royal Amts] | Tenei rongo no te pakanga i Te Ranga, Tau- | ranga i te rua tekau matahi o nga ra o Hune. | Na te Maori tenei Pakanga i tono. E kiia ana i te tekau marima | o nga ra o Hune, ka tukua am te pukapuka, tono pakanga a te | Maori kia Kanara Kiri, he mea tuhi am i te reo Pakeha. [. . ,] | [45 lines] [no imprint. Auckland?: Printed by Creighton & Scales?, 1864]

An account of the Ngai Te Rangi defeat at Te Ranga, near Tauranga, on 21 June 1864, the last battle of both the Tauranga campaign and the Waikato war. This notice is assumed to have been issued by the Colonial Secretary’s office shortly afterwards. An account in English appeared in the Gazette. 25 June 1864, p. 277-278. For further background seej. Belich. The New Zealand Wars (Auckland, 1986), p. 188-196. Williams 378 c (S), Copies: ML, NLA: WTU (photocopy).


NEW ZEALAND. Governor (1861-1868 : Grey)

Proclamation, 17 December 1864. confiscating land in several areas. [Royal Arms] | Panuitanga. | [double rule] | Na Ta Hori Kerei, Kawana o Nui Tireni, &c. &c. &c. | Na: No te mea i puta tetahi Panuitanga na te Kawana i te rua tekau ma rima o nga ra o | Oketopa kua pahure ake nei, he whakaatu i te Murunga hara ki nga tangata katoa kua pa kite | whawhai nei, [. . .] | [42 lines] | Na taku ringa i tuku, he mea whakaputa ki raro kite Hiiri o te Koroni o Nui Tireni i te | Whare o te Kawana, i Akarana, i tenei te tekau ma whitu o nga ra o Tihema o te tau | o to tatou Ariki Kotahi mano ewaru rau e ono tekau ma wha. | G. Grey, 1 [sef left:] Na te Kawana i mea kia tuhia, [sef right:] Kawana. | Fred. Weld. | E te Atua, tohungia te Kuini! [no imprint. Auckland: Printed by the Government Printer. 1864]


1 sheet ([l] p.); 342x218 mm. Presumably printed by the printer to the government.

Williams 394 & (S). Copies: ML, WTU.

An unsigned and undated Government bulletin concerning the Battle of Orakau and the defeat of Rewi Maniapoto on 2 April 1864, probably issued a few days later by Fox, who was also responsible for Native Affairs. See J. Belich, The New Zealand Wars (Auckland, 1986), p. 166-175,



Grey's proclamation of 17 December 1864, countersigned by Weld, Colonial Secretary and Premier, which confiscated specified areas of land in Waikato, Taranaki and Wanganui. It also confirmed tenure to those who had sworn allegiance and been pardoned under the terms of the proclamation of 25 October 1864 (Gazette, p 399-400), and promised punishment for those adjudged disloyal or guilty of war crimes. An English version was printed in the Gazette. 17 December 1864, p. 461. For a map of the confiscated lands see Bateman New Zealand historical atlas (Auckland, 1997), plate 39. Williams 391. Copies: AP, WTU.


NEW ZEALAND. Native Dept. Interpreter

Statement. 7 March 1864. from prisoners about the defeat of Rewi


[Royal Arms] \ [rule] | Tenei korero na nga herehere o naianei i aratakina atu i | Rangiaohia. | [2l lines] | Na te Waiti, | Kaiwhakamaori ki nga herehere | i runga i te kalpuke, | i Akarana. | Maehe te 7, 1864. [no imprint. Auckland?: Printed by Creighton & Scales?, 1864]

1 sheet ([l] p.); 325x204 mm.; grey laid paper with watermark: '[British coat of arms] | 1863’. Probably printed by the printer to the government.

Titus Angus White ('te Waiti'), nephew of William White the Wesleyan missionary at Mangungu, was appointed Interpreter with the Waikato Maori prisoners of war held on the hulk Marion in Auckland harbour on 30 November 1863 ( AJHR. 1864, E-l 1, p. 3). This official statement from the prisoners on the Marion is about the fighting at Rangiaowhia and the occupation of Kihikihi by the government troops, 21-23 February 1864: see J. Cowan, The New Zealand Wars (2 v„ Wellington, 1922-23), v. I, p. [34 l- ] For more details on the Marion see AJHR. 1864, E-l (Part II). See Popular Maori songs no, 1 389 for a collection of the prisoners' songs. Williams 392. Copies: AP. ML, WTU.


POMPALLIER, Jean Baptiste Francois (1801-1871)

Letter. 21 December 1865. urging Maori to discontinue hostilities.

Ko tetahi reta | no te | Epikopo Katorika o Akarana | ki | nga Matua Maori Katorika, | mo te | Mariretanga mete Haringa Keritiano | o Nuitirani. | [rule] ) Akarana: [i.e. Auckland] | Printed by Philip Kunst, Durham Street. | 1864.

8 p.; 215x130 mm. Page (2) blank. The text is headed 'AKarana, 21 Tihema, 1863.’.

A letter urging Maori to stop hostilities and expressing regret that his earlier advice had not been followed According to a note on the ABH copy, Pompallier translated the English version, A letter of the Catholic Bishop of Auckland (Bagnall 4616).

Williams 386 a (S) & 396 a (S), Bagnall 4615. Copies: ABH, WTU.


1 sheet ([l] p); 343x220 mm. See no. 646 for further background on the Government Printer, Joseph Wilson.



653 TE AWA-I-TAIA, Wiremu Nera (d. 1866).

Letter. 17 November 1864. about Maori responsibility for starting the fighting.

E.-No. 14, | Letter | from | Wiremu Nero [sic] Te Awaitaia to Hamiora Naropi | relative to | meeting at Raglan of Whaingaroa, Aotea, and Kawhia | chiefs. | [rule] | Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by command of His Excellency, | [rule] | Auckland: | 1864. [Printed by the Government Printer]

I folded sheet ([l], 3) p.; 329x203 mm. Prelim, page: title-page (verso blank, p. [l]). Text printed on p. [2]-3. See no. 646 for further background on the Government Printer, Joseph Wilson.

AJHR. 1864, E-14. A reply dated 17 November, in English and Maori, from the Ngati Mahanga (Waikato) chief Wiremu Nera Te-Awa-i-taia to Hamiora Ngaropi, after a hui held in the Raglan/Kawhia area to discuss Ngaropi’s letter. It is signed by the author and 31 others and concludes that, ever since Hone Heke, Maori had been responsible for starting the fighting with Pakeha.

Copies: WTU (in bound vol., AJHR).

654 TE HUIA, Matiu

Letter, II July 1864. with scriptural allusions.

Te Hua, Hurae 11, 1864. | Ko te tuaiwa tenei ote panga mai ote reo ote Atua ki au katahi ka | whakarongo ake oku taringa kite panga iho o te reo, [. . .] | [/S lines] | Na Matiu Te Huia, | Ki nga tangata katoa o Niu Tireni o runga o raro, o whaiwhakaaro | kite pai kite kino, [no imprint. New Plymouth?: Printed by G. W. Woon?, 1864]

1 sheet ([l] p.); 235x205 mm. Probably printed by Woon who is assumed to have printed related items.

A circular letter full of scriptural allusions. See no. 632-634, 655, 679-681 and 695 for other communications from the New Plymouth visionary.

Bagnail 2700a/3. Copies: AP; WTU (photocopy).


Printed letter. 8 November 1864. to followers of the prophet Te Ua Haumene.

Te Hua, Nohema 8, 1864. | Ka timatatia atu tenei ritenga ki nga tangata o tenei whakaaro, o tenei ritenga. | E tama e Horopapera Tuhaka, [. . .] | [W lines] \ Ka mutu e nei korero. | Na Matiu Te Huia. [no imprint. New Plymouth?: Printed by G, W. Woon?, 18641

I sheet ([l] p ); 327x206 mm.; blue laid paper with Britannia watermark. Probably printed by Woon who is assumed to have printed related items.

A letter expressing peaceful sentiments to the Pai Marire (Hauhau) followers of the prophet Te Ua Haumene (called here ‘Horopapera Tuhaka’, a contracted form of his baptismal name Horopdpera Tuwhakararo Haumene; 'Horopapera' is a transliteration of the Old Testament name Zerubbabel). Te




Ua had moved from Taranaki to Pakaraka near Wanganui in August I 864; for further background see P. Clark. Hauhau' (Auckland. 1975), p. 12-19. See no. 632-634, 654, 679-681 and 695 for other communications from Te Huia.

656 IE IHO-O-TE-RANGI, Raniera

Account of a government-sponsored expedition to observe in the Waikato.

[Royal Arms] | Akarana, Te Tau, | Maehe 19, 1864. | Enel korero na Raniera Te Ihooterangi no tana haerenga atu i Po- | neke nei a Akarana, roto o Waikato a Maungatautari atu. [[...] [no imprint. Auckland: Printed by Creighton & Scales?, 1864]

1 folded sheet (4 p.); 340x215 mm. Caption title. Signed at end: 'Naku na to koutou whanaunga aroha. 1 na Raniera Te Ihooterangi.'. Probably printed by the Printer to the government.

A second account, probably prepared with Native Department assistance, of the government-sponsored expedition to observe conditions in Waikato after the Maori defeat at Orakau on 2 April. See no. 645 for the account by Kiriwi and further comments on dating the texts (not before early April 1864). Before the expedition, Te Iho-o-te-Rangi, from the Wairarapa, visited Auckland and met Grey, as did Kiriwi.

Williams 393. Copies: ANZ (IA 14, 22), AR, ML. WTU.


Account of a journey to Auckland and the Waikato to resolve hostilities. [Royal Arms] | E nei korero na Noa Te Rauhihi no tana haerenga atu I Rangitikei ki 1 Akarana, roto o Waikato Maungatautari atu a Hauraki atu anohoki. | [rule] | Akarana, Aperira 13, 1864. | He panui tenei naku i nga take o taku haerenga ki Akarana i | runga I nga whakahau tika a te

Hupiritene o Poneke otira na ta | Hori Kerei, .] [no imprint. 1864]

1 folded sheet (3 [i.e, 4] p.); 324x203 mm.; blue laid paper with watermark 'S Thomas | 1863'. Caption title. Page [4] misnumbered - 3'. Text signed at end 'Na Noa Te Rauhihi.'. Use of an official coat of arms suggests it was printed in either Auckland or Wellington by the Government (or provincial government) Printer.

An account of a journey by Noa Te Rauhihi (a Manawatu chief). Raniera Te Iho-o-te-Rangi (see also no. 656) and Rio Te Repi Haeatarangi of Waitotara, to Auckland, Waikato and Hauraki with government officials. The journey, commissioned by Superintendent Featherston on Grey's orders, was part of attempts to resolve hostilities in Waikato, Although dated 13 April, internal evidence indicates it was printed later than this. A manuscript translation by E. W. Puckey is at AP (GNZ MMSS 21).

Williams 388 a (S), Copies: ANZ (IA 14, 22), WTU.

658 TE WAHAROA, Wiremu Tamihana Tarapipipi (d. 1866)

Letter, 24 November 1864. asking for more time to meet with Waikato chiefs.


Copies: WTU.



E.-No. 13. | Letter | from | William Thompson to His Excellency the Governor | relative to | terms of peace. | [rule] | Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by command | of His Excellency. | [rule] \ Auckland: | 1864. [Printed by the Government Printer]

I folded sheet ([4] p.) 329x203 mm. Pages [2] and [4] blank. Shoulder number above text: ‘E.-No. I’. See no. 646 for further background on the Government Printer, Joseph Wilson.

AJHR. 1864, E-I 3, A letter in English and Maori, the latter dated 'Noema 24, 1864’, asking for an extension (from 10 December to the end of February 1865) for him to discuss terms of surrender with the Waikato chiefs. The December deadline was that in the proclamation of 25 October 1864 ICazette. p. 399-400) that set out the provisions for pardon; see no. 650 for additional background. The text is reprinted in E. Stokes, Wiremu Tamihana (Wellington, 2002), p. 400-404.

Copies: WTU (in bound vol., AJHR).

659 WELLINGTON PROVINCE (N.Z.). Provincial Council

Message. 5 July 1864, with formal resolution of thanks to Ngati Apa leaders.

Poneke, | Whare Tuhituhi, | Hurae te 5, 1864. | Kia Mete Kingi kia Haimona ma, otiia ki nga rangatira | me nga tangata katoa i uru kite Pakanga i Moutoa. | E Hoa Ma | Tena Koutou Katoa, | [rule] \ [9 lines, signed by I. E. Featherston] \ [rule] \ [l5 lines] | (Signed) C. W. Schultze, | Speaker. | Na te Flutu, | te Tumuaki ote Runanga. [no imprint. Wellington: 1864]

I sheet ([l] p.); 326x206 mm. Presumably printed by one of the printers to the provincial government but it is not possible to identify which.

A Provincial Council resolution (28 June 1864, signed by the Speaker) prefaced with a note from Featherston, the Superintendent. The resolution thanks the Ngati Apa leaders who supported the colonists when a Pai Marire group attacked Wanganui, resulting in the battle at Moutoa on 14 May (see Acts and Proceedings of the Provincial Council Session XI. 1864. p. 31-32). Featherston’s report on the battle and subsequent events was published in the Gazette. 20 July 1864, p. 300-306.

Copies: ML; WTU (photocopy).

660 WELLINGTON PROVINCE (N.Z.). Superintendent

Notice. 10 June 1864. to Wellington Maori on the Kmgitanga reverses.

[Royal Arms] | Poneke, | Hune, 10 1864, | Ka mine te Runanga o Poneke ka whai ki a te Petatone te | Huparitene kia ratou, ko ana korero enei mo te taha moari [sic] ki tana | runanga. | E mohio ana koutou ko to tatou nei whakahoa kite taha maori o | tenei wahi he mahi nui he mahi whakauwauwa i te tau kua hori ake | nei; [...]([.. .] [no imprint. Wellington: 1864]

I sheet ([2] p); 323x203 mm.; blue-grey laid paper with watermark '[Royal




Arms] | 1863'. Caption title. Presumably printed by one of the printers to the provincial government but it is not possible to identify which.

Circular from Featherston (’te Petatone’) to Wellington Maori describing the reverses of the Kingitanga, and the abandonment of that cause by Te Ati Awa chief WT Tako Ngatata, resident in the Hutt Valley. It is followed by a 17-line letter headed Whanganui, Mei 3, 1864.’ from Rio Te Repi Haeatarangi to Featherston describing his visit to Auckland (see no. 645),

Williams 395. Copies: ANZ (IA 14, 22), ML, WTU.

661 A. &M. BROWNE

Advertisement for a clearance sale, with other notices on verso.

He hoko whakawateatangal! | [ double rule] | Tenei nga hanga a te | Paraone | e makaia noatia anal! | [double rule] | Hui katoa nga taonga e hokona ana e ia inaianei | £6,000! | E ono mano pauna te rite!!! | [double rule] | [9 lines] [double rule] \ [hand ornament] Haere mai, tirohia! [no imprint. Napier: Printed by James Wood, 1865]

1 sheet ([2] p ); 293x150 mm,; yellow paper. On verso: seven small notices in two columns separated by vertical rule.

An advertisement from A. & M. Browne’s drapery and clothing establishment in Napier for a clearance sale lasting 6 weeks from 3 March 1865, to make room for new winter stock. The notices on the verso are from the setting used in Te waka Maori o Ahuriri (4 March 1865, p. 4), printed by James Wood. Wood was also printer of the Hawke's Bay herald, in which a similar advertisement in English appeared on 25 February 1865 (and in later issues). For a brief comment on 1860s Hawke's Bay commerce with Maori see M. B. Boyd, City of the plains (Wellington, 1984), p. 10.

Copies: WTU (bound in Te waka Maori o Ahuriri, 18 March 1865).


Reprint of a London message to Maori, with an additional article.

Address | of the Aborigines’ Protection Society to the natives of | New Zealand, | with the following article extracted from the | "New Zealand Herald,” June 10th, 1865. | [wavy rule] | A snake in the grass. | [rule] \ [. . .] [no imprint. Auckland: Printed at the Office of the New Zealand Herald, 1865]

8 p.; 218 mm. Caption title. Printed in two columns.

Reprint (p. 4-8) of a message in Maori and English published in London in 1864 (no. 641), prefaced by an anonymous pro-colonist article (p. [I ]-3) titled 'A snake in the grass’ that had appeared in the New Zealand herald. 10 June 1865. The article questions the motives of the Society, accusing it of ’stirring up strife between the two races' by its ’sweeping condemnation of the whole of the lay colonists’, and also suggests that the Maori translation is in some ways misleading. It refutes the false accusations and recommends that the pamphlet be sent to every town in Great Britain.

Bagnall sBa. Copies: AP (photocopy), WTU (photocopy).





COOPER, George Sisson (1825-1898)

Correspondence, March 1865. relating to Hauhauism in Hawke's Bay. Nepia, Maehe 22, 1865. | Ki nga tangata Maori. | E hoa ma,— | Tena koutou. Tenei nga reta a nga rangatira o Heretaunga, o Kaputi [i.e. Kapiti] hoki, ka | panuitia hei titiro iho ma nga tangata katoa kia kite i te whakaaro a enei tangata. | Kei te tika nga korero o enei reta: me mahi tahi tatou ki te pei i tenei kino i o tatou | wahi katoa. | Na to koutou hoa, | na te Kupa. [no imprint. Napier: Printed by James Wood, 1865]

I folded sheet ([4] p,); 230x186 mm.; cream laid paper with watermark ’A Pirie & Sons | 1862’. Pages [2] and [4] blank. Presumed printed by the printer to the provincial government: printed on the same paper as no. 665 and 687.

A letter from G. S. Cooper ('te Kupa’) circulating two letters (p. [3]) dated ’Pakowhai, Maehe 20. 1865’ that were also printed in Te waka Maori o Ahuriri, v. 2, no. 47 (1 April 1865), p. 6. The first asks Cooper to forward the second (addressed to Grey); both are signed by Karaitiana Takamoana and other chiefs from the southern North Island. The letter to Grey expresses dismay at Flauhau activity and the murder of Volkner at Opotiki. It is not clear whether the leaflet was officially distributed.

Pai Marire supporters had arrived in Flawke’s Bay in late February and were causing concern to both Cooper (Acting Civil Commissioner at that time) and local Maori; see AJHR, 1865, E-4, p. 19-24. For further information see P. Clark, 'Hauhau' (Auckland, 1975), p, 41-45.

Copies: WTU.


DAVIS, Charles Oliver Bond (1817-1877), attrib.

A derogatory song about the Government's ally Te Arawa.

Fie whakaaturanga i nga he o Te | Arawa hei tirotiro ma nga iwi. 1 [ornamental rule] | Kowai te iwi e korerotia kinotia nei? | Ko Te Arawa mangai nui. | Heaha tona kino? | Fie tohe nona kite whakatutu I te | taha Maori. | [l2 lines] | Akarana, [PJepuere 16, 1865. [no imprint. Auckland: Printed by Robert Francis Allwood and William French, 1865]

I sheet ([l] p.); 193x112 mm. 50 copies printed. First letter of ‘Pepuere’ corrected in manuscript.

A derogatory song about the ‘offences’ of Te Arawa, the iwi ally of the government: seeking money and food, attacking Awa-a-te-Atua, and capturing Hori Tupaea, the Tauranga chief. Davis, who prepared the draft apparently on behalf of Ngai Te Rangi, was prosecuted for seditious libel but was acquitted. For a discussion of the document and trial, see C. Earp, The trial of C. O, B. Davis for sedition’. Historical review, v. 36 no. 2 (November 1988), p. 1 11-124.The original manuscript, signed and dated by Davis with ’5O copies please give an estimate’, is at AR (MS 417).

Williams 407 a. Copies: ANZ (Justice Department, 24/5); WTU (photocopy).


HAWKE’S BAY PROVINCE (N.Z.). Superintendent

Printed letter. 17 March 1865. about Volkner’s murder and Hauhauism. Nepia, I 7 Maehe, 1865. | E hoa ma, — | Tena koutou. Kua tae mai pea te




rongo ki a koutou o te kohuru i mahia mai ra i Opotiki. | Ko nga tangata nana taua kohuru, ko nga tangata e kawe haere ana i te Atua Hau hau. U | rawa atu te kaipuke ki reira, ( .] | [l3 lines] |Na to koutou hoa |Na te Makarini. [no imprint. Napier: Printed by James Wood. 1865]

1 folded sheet ([4] p ); 230 mm.xlB3 mm,: cream laid paper with watermark ’A Pirie & Sons | 1862’. Pages [2-4] blank. Presumed printed by the printer to the provincial government.

A letter dated 17 March 1865 from Donald McLean ('te Makarini'), Superintendent of Hawke’s Bay province to Napier Maori, about Vdlkner’s murder at Opotiki in the Bay of Plenty and Hauhauism, The letter was also printed with an English translation in AJHR. 1865, E-4, p. 25. Copies: WTU.



Petition asking for restrictions on leasing of land to be lifted.

G.-No. 4. | Petition | of | lhakara and other natives resident at Rangitikei and | Manawatu, | praying that their territory may be brought under the operation of "The Native | Lands Act, 1862.” | [rule] | Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by command of 1 His Excellency. | [rule] \ Wellington. | [rule] | 1865 [Printed by the Government Printer]

I folded sheet (4 p); 318x203 mm. Page [2] blank. Printed by George Didsbury, Government Printer from I April 1865 to 20 April 1893, who relocated the printing operations from Auckland to Wellington in March 1865. For further background on Didsbury’s period in charge, see W. A. Glue, The history of the Government Printing Office (Wellington, 1966), p. 36-91

AJHR. 1865, G-4. A petition in Maori with an English translation dated 24 April 1865 (with addenda of 5 and 9 May), signed by lhakara and 197 other Ngati Raukawa. It seeks to have the exclusion of the Rangitlkei and Manawatu Blocks from the provisions of the Native Lands Act 1865 (no. 670) lifted so they may lease land under the Native Lands Act 1862. For a narrative of the events leading up to the petition and the events that followed see T. L. Buick, Old Manawatu (Palmerston North. 1903), p. 164-279. See also R. Anderson and K. Pickens. Rangahaua Whanui District. 12. Wellington District (Wellington, 1996), p. 89-112.

Copies: WTU (in bound vol., AJHR).


KO PUKEMAIRE kua riro mai!

Notice about the capture of Pukemaire Pd on 21 October 1865.

Ko Pukemaire kua riro mail | [ride] | 550 | o te Hau Hau kua maul! | [rule] | No tenei rangi tonu, no te 21 o Oke- | topa, ka tae mai tetahi kaipuke i | Waiapu. Te kau ma iwa o nga Hau | Hau o Pukemaire kua riro herehere | mai ki Nepia i runga i taua kaipuke. | [29 lines] [no imprint. Napier: Printed by James Wood. 1865]

1 sheet ([l] p); 173x108 mm. Presumed printed by Wood, the printer of 7e waka Maori o Ahuriri, with which the only known copy is bound, and which is set to the same column width




A small notice, probably a ’Stop Press' printed for distribution with the 21 October 1865 issue of Te waka Maori o Ahuriri. It refers to the capture of Pukemaire Pa (East Cape) on 21 October and the bringing of 550 Hauhau prisoners, including Raukatauri Patara ('Butler'), to Napier. For a detailed description of events leading up to the arrests see J. A. Mackay, Historic Poverty Bay (Gisborne, 1949). p. 215-221.

Copies: WTU.

Entries ** 66B-670 are filed in alphabetical order of the English title.



Maori Funds Investment Act 1865.

[Ture Tiaki Moni a te Maori. 1865: actual title not confirmed: no copy located. Wellington: Printed by the Government Printer. 1865]

Physical details not known: no copy located. Description from Williams. 'Translation of the Maori Funds Investment Act, 1865 [1865, No. 25], No copy seen.’ (Williams). It provided for funds payable by the Crown to minors and other legally disabled Maori under legislation such as the New Zealand Settlements Act 1863 (no. **6o3) to be managed by trustees.

Williams **4o9. No copy located.


Native Lands Act 1862, with a preface by Mantell.

Ko te Ture | mo | nga Whenua Maori, | 1862. [no imprint. Wellington: Printed by the Government Printer, 1865]

[4], 15, [l] p.: 210x135 mm.; stiffened blue paper covers. Prelim, pages: title-page and preface (versos blank). Page [l6] blank. Title repeated on front cover. Caption title p. [l]: '[Royal Arms] | He Ture kia mohiotia te tuturuta- | nga o nga whenua Maori mo te | tukunga atu o te pukapuka | whakaatu mo te take amote | whakaritenga hoko i nga whe-1 nua Maori me era atu mea.’. Preface headed: ‘He kupu ki nga hoa Maori’; dated ’Poneke, Aperira 25, 1865.’. Probably one of the first publications from the government’s printing office after it moved to Wellington; see no. 666 for further background.

One WTU copy has a additional printed slip pasted down at the foot of p. 15: jrule ] | Te Tauira. | [rule] | Papa o Manawatu. | [rule] \ [7 lines]'.

Translation of the Native Lands Act 1862 (1862, No. 52) which ended the Crown’s preemption, allowed Maori to sell to private individuals, and allowed blocks to be partitioned into individualised titles; the Manawatu Block was excluded. The Act had been proclaimed in some northern districts in April and August 1864 and was extended to the whole of New Zealand on 29 December ( Gazette , 31 December 1864. p. 465). For further background see A. Ward, A show of justice (Auckland, 1973), p. 151-153, and D. V. Williams, 'Te Kooti tango whenua' (Wellington, 1999), p. 64-69, 133-140.

The Preface signed by Mantell ('na Matara’, Minister for Native Affairs and Native Secretary) advised that the Act had some defects and was about to be amended, i.e. as the Native Lands Act 1865 (no. 670),




This 1862 Act was the first to provide a Court for the investigation into and the determination of titles for land owned by Maori. Not all legislation relating to land transactions was translated into Maori and therefore this bibliography does not provide a complete record: for a full listing of the 80 general land Acts passed between 1862 and 1900 see T. Nikora and T. Bennion, Maori land legislation 1862-1908: Annotations (Waitangi Tribunal occasional publication no. 1: Wellington, 1993). This work incorporates (p. 521) a synopsis of legislation 1862-1890 from the Unfinished report by the late Mr Thomas Mackay (AJHR , 1891, G-1a) prepared for the 1891 Royal Commission on Native Land Laws: for its report see AJHR. 1891, G-I, of which the first part was translated into Maori (no. 1307). For a discussion of the earliest translated legislation see P. G. Parkinson, ‘Strangers in the House’, Victoria University of Wellington law review, v. 32, no. 3 (August 2001), Supp. p, 1-60.


Native Lands Act 1865.

Niu Tireni. | [rule] \ Tau rua tekau ma iwa | o Kuini Wikitoria. | No. 71. | [rule] | Whakarapopototanga. | [analysis: 83 sections. 181 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] | He Ture hei whakatikatika hei whakapu- | tahi i nga ture e whai tikanga ana ki | runga ki nga whenua i roto i te Koroni | e mau tonu ana ano i runga i ta te | Maori tikanga pupuru o namata hei | whakarite hoki kia mohiotia ai te | tuturutanga o nga whenua Maori a hei | whakatakoto tikanga mo te whakata- | turanga iho o nga whenua matua mo | era atu mea hoki. (Akatopa 30, 1865.) | [. . ,] [I taia i runga i te Mana o te Kawanatanga o Niu Tireni, e Hori Tihipere, Kai-ta o te Kawanatanga, | Poneke. [i.e. Wellington] [lB6s]]

16 p.; 315x203 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 16. Runnin; title: ’29° Wikitoria, No. 71.'. Printed by George Didsbury, Governmen Printer (’Hori Tihipere, Kai-ta o te Kawanatanga’).

Short title: ’Ture mo nga Whenua Maori 1865.’.

The first Act printed simultaneously in Maori and English, a translation of the Native Lands Act 1865. it replaced the Native Lands Act of 1862 (see no. 669) but had similar provisions, though the Native Land Court was restructured and the ‘ten-owner’ system was introduced. For additional background see A. Ward. A show of justice (Auckland, 1973), p. 180-181, 185-186, and D. V, Williams. Te Kooti tango whenua’ (Wellington, 1999), p. 69-74, 141-145, 157167; see no. 669 for further information on land legislation.


Williams 352. Copies: AP, DL. DUHO, NLA, WTU.

For runner background on the development and interpretation ot laws relating to land and the operation of the Native Land Court see D. V. Williams, Te Kooti tango whenm' (Wellington, 1999), in which Appendices 2-15 (p. 253-345) summarise specific features of land legislation, 1862-1909. For an analysis of the effects of land policy 1891-1911 see I. Brooking, ‘"Burstingup" the greatest estate of all’, in The shaping of history, ed. by J. Binney (Wellington, 2001), p. 166-181. For comment on land legislation in a broader context see A, Ward, An unsettled history (Wellington, 1999), p. 125-161.



The Bill was introduced by Fitzgerald in the House on 18 August and completed all stages by 28 October. The English version of the Act was issued as a supplement to the Gazette. 6 November 1865, and the Maori text was probably distributed with the Kahiti

Williams 408. Copies: WTU.

671 NEW ZEALAND. Colonial Secretary

Notice, 5 April 1865. about compensation claim process for land taken. [Royal Arms] | [rule] | Tari o te Hekeretari o te Koroni. | Akarana, Hanuere 25th, [i.e. 5 April] 1865. | He panuitanga ki nga tangata e tono ana kia | puta he utu ki a ratou mo te whenua kua | tangohia. | [4B lines] | Fred. A. Weld, | na te Wera. | [rule] | Na Matara, | mo te Hekeretari o te Koroni. | [62 lines] [no imprint. Wellington: Printed by Thomas McKenzie, 1865]

1 sheet ([l] p.); 313x201 mm.; blue laid paper with watermark of Britannia image. Printed in two columns separated by vertical rule

Printed from the same setting used in the Gazette. 8 April 1 865. p. 75, which was printed for the government by McKenzie. The English version in the same issue (p. 74-75) is dated 5 April.

A notice setting out the procedures for compensation claims relating to the East Wairoa, West Pukekohe, Middle Taranaki, Waitara South and Oakura blocks, signed by the Colonial Secretary Frederick Weld (‘te Wera'). The schedule describing the land involved is headed with Mantell’s name ('Na Matara'; Minister for Native Affairs) but this appears to be an error (as is the incorrect date) resulting from the reuse of type set for earlier notices. The five blocks had been proclaimed 'sites of settlement' under the New Zealand Settlements Act 1863 ( Gazette , 31 January 1865, p. 15-17).

Williams 404. Copies: WTU.


NEW ZEALAND. Governor (1861-1868 : Grey)

Proclamation. 21 March 1865. confiscating the lands of Topic Turoa.

[Royal Arms ] | Panuitanga. | [rule] | Na te mea ko Topia Turoa, rangatira o Pipiriki, i muringa iho o te taenga atu o te matenga o Kapene Roiri | (Captain Lloyd) ki Pipiriki i te mea ano hoki kua taunutia kinotia taua mahunga i reira, tu ana a Topia Turoa | hei rangatira mo te hunga na ratou aua mahi kino, a tu ana ano hoki a Topia Turoa, hei poropiti mo te Hau Hau; | [l6 lines] | G. Grey. | H. A. Atkinson. I Wanganui, March 21, 1865.

[no imprint. Wellington?: Printed by Thomas McKenzie?, 1865]

I sheet ([l] p.): 314x196 mm.; blue laid paper with watermark 'C. Millington.

| London [within buckled belt image] \ 1863’.

The printer is inferred from no. 628, which was printed by McKenzie & Muir on the same paper. However, a Wanganui printer is possible as the quality is of a lesser standard than that of McKenzie, who was still printing for the provincial and central governments. It is unlikely to have been printed by the Government Printer George Didsbury who arrived by ship with his equipment on 18 March (see no. 666).

Proclamation confiscating the lands of Topia TQroa of Pipiriki because of his




role in Pai Marire rituals involving Captain Lloyd's head; see J. Cowan, The New Zealand Wars (2 v.. Wellington, 1922-1923), v. 2. p. 15-18 and [29]-31. and P. Clark, Hauhau’ (Auckland, 1975), p. 12-16. It is countersigned by Atkinson as Minister for Colonial Defence. The Native Department circulated the proclamation as ’affecting Hauhau Fanatics', Archives New Zealand (BBIW 4808/3b), but it was not printed in the Gazette.

Williams 403. Copies: WTU,


PETITION of natives of Poverty Bay and East Cape

Petition seeking a change to the provincial boundaries.

G.-No, 14. | Petition | of | natives of Poverty Bay and East Cape. | [rule] \ Presented to House of Representatives, 30th August, 1865. | [rule] \ (Mr. Ormond.) | Wellington. 1 [rule] \ 1865. [Printed by the Government Printer]

1 folded sheet ([4]) p.; 318x203 mm. Pages [2] and [4] blank.

AJHR. 1865, G-14. Petition in Maori with an English translation dated 26 June 1865, from 636 Maori in Poverty Bay and East Cape. This petition and also no. 674 and 675 asked to have East Cape and Poverty Bay included in Hawke’s Bay with which they associated, rather than Auckland. This was achieved in 1876 when provincial government was abolished and land districts restructured; seej. A. Mackay, Historic Poverty Bay (Gisborne, 1949), p. 388-389, for background from a Pakeha perspective.

Williams 410/ viii. Copies: WTU (in bound vol., AJHR).


PETITION of natives resident at Wharekahika

Petition seeking a change to the provincial boundaries.

G.-No. 13. | Petition | of | natives resident at Wharekahika. | [rule] \ Presented to the House of Representatives 4th August, 1865. | [rule] | (Mr. Ormond.) | Wellington. | [rule] | 1865. [Printed by the Government Printer]

1 folded sheet ([4]) p ; 318x203 mm. Pages [2] and [4] blank.

AJHR. 1865, G-13. Petition in Maori with an English translation dated 18 July 1865, from the seven-person runanga. See no. 673 for additional information.

Williams 410/ vii, Copies: WTU (in bound vol., AJHR).

675 PETITION of natives residing at the East Cape

Petition seeking a change to provincial boundaries.

G.-No. 12. | Petition | of | natives residing at the East Cape. | [rule] \ Presented to the House of Representatives, 9th September, 1865. | [rule] | (Mr. Ormond.) | Wellington. | [rule] \ 1865, [Printed by the Government Printer]

1 folded sheet ([4]) p.: 318x203 mm. Pages [2] and [4] blank.

AJHR, 1865, G-12. Petition in Maori with an English translation dated 28




August 1865, from 363 East Cape Maori. See no. 673 for additional information

Williams 410/ vi. Copies: WTU (in bound vol., AJHR).


PUNA, Aterea

Correspondence about Waitara. Grey's actions, and confiscation of land. Letters on the present | state of Maori affairs, | [rule] [parallel text:]

He pukapuka whakaatu i nga | korero mo nga ritenga Maori o | tenei takiwa. | [rule] \ Christchurch: | Printed at the “Press” Office, Cashel Street. I 1865.

47, [l] p.; I 76X106mm.; pink paper covers. Pages [2] and [4B] blank. Title repeated on front cover within ornamental border

A letter dated 16 November 1864 from Aterea Puna on behalf of all iwi addressed to James Edward Fitzgerald (MHR for Ellesmere and proprietor of The Press) and his reply dated Christchurch January 1865. Both are in Maori (p. [3]-26) and English (p. 27-47) and speak mainly about Waitara, Grey’s actions and the subsequent confiscation of lands. Fitzgerald suggests Maori should ask for representation in the parliaments, separate provinces where Maori can legislate for themselves, and legal titles for Maori lands. For information on the context of his response see E. Bohan. Blest madman (Christchurch, 1998), p. 255-256. See also no. 646 for petitions to Parliament by Maori on their right to be heard.

Williams 402, Bagnall 4723. Copies: AP, WTU.

677 He TANGI na te Kura i Waerengaahika

A lament marking the departure of Bishop William Williams. He tangi | na te Kura i Waerengaahika mo te | haerenga o te Pihopa. | E muri aiahi, | takoto kite moenga, | matatu tonu au ei. | [36 lines in 12 stanzas of 3 lines] [no imprint. Napier?: Printed by James Wood?, 1865?]

1 sheet ([l] p.); 210x134 mm.; laid paper. Printed from the same setting as Te waka Maori o Ahuriri. v. 2. no. 50 (6 May 1865), p. 6, and presumably also printed by Wood.

A waiata tangi from the school at Waerenga-a-Hika (near Gisborne) when Bishop William Williams was forced by Pai Marire converts to abandon his mission station and relocate to Napier in April 1865. For further information from his own perspective see W. Williams, The Turanga journals (Wellington, 1974), n, 594-598.

Williams 421. Copies: DL, WTU.



Petition on Maori representation in Parliament and voting procedures. G.-No. 11. | Petition |of | Henere [sic] Te Herekau and other natives, | [rule] | Presented to House of Representatives, 30th August, 1865. | [rule] \ (Mr. Fitzgerald.) | Wellington. | [rule] | 1865. [Printed by the Government Printer]




1 folded sheet ([4]) p.; 318x203 mm. Pages [2] and [4] blank.

AJHR. 1865. G-11. Petition in Maori with an English translation dated 16 August 1865, signed by Te Herekau (Ngati Raukawa), Moroati Kiharoa and Parakaia Te Pouepa. The petition is associated with no, 682. This petition asks that iwi select the 30 parliamentary representatives, and that parliamentary decisions should wait until representatives have consulted with all the oeoole.

Legislation was passed in 1867 (see no. 707) and representation through four Maori seats eventuated in 1868. bringing difficulties with translation and the availability of legislation; see P. G. Parkinson, ‘Strangers in the House', Victoria University of Wellington lawreview. v. 32. no. 3 (August 2001), Supp. p. I -60. and N. Atkinson, Adventures in democracy (Dunedin, 2003), p. 47-51.

Williams 410/ v. Copies: WTU (in bound vol., AJHR).

Entries 679-681 are filed in date order.

679 TE HUIA, Matiu

Printed letter. 17 May 1865, denouncing Hauhauism. Te Hua, Mei 17, 1865. 1 Whakarongo mai. e nga rangatira Pakeha, hei aha tena kara- | kia Hauhau? Me noho tatou ki runga kite atawhai. Kahore i te | pai taua mahi ki au; taku i pai ai he aroha. [. . .] | [l7 lines] | Matiu Te Huia. | Ki nga rangatira Pakeha o ia iwi o ia iwi | o te pito whakararo, whakarunga hoki, o tenei motu. [no imprint. New Plymouth?: Printed by G. W. Woon?, 1865]

1 sheet ([l] p.); 325x201 mm.; blue laid paper with watermark of Britannia image. Probably printed by Woon for private circulation.

A circular letter denouncing Hauhauism and Pai Marire superstition. See also no. 632-634, 654-655, 680-681 and 695 for other communications from Te Huia.

Williams 407b (S). Copies: WTU.


Printed letter. 14 June 1865. stating his whakapapa.

Te Hua, | Hune 14, 1865. | Whakarongo mai, e te iwi. He panuitanga tenei kia tatou kia ro- | ngo tatou i tenei ritenga—ko Tutakiao; tona

whakamaoritanga ko | te kahui ao. ko te parirau o te tara. [. . .] | [37 lines] | Ka mutu, na Matiu Te Parirau o Te Huia. [no imprint. New Plymouth?: Printed by G. W. Woon?, 1865]

1 sheet ([l] p.); 330x202 mm.; blue laid paper with watermark 'Moinier’s | 1864'. Probably printed by Woon for private circulation.

A circular letter stating his whakapapa. See also no. 632-634. 654-655, 679, 681 and 695 for other communications from Te Huia.

Copies: WTU,




Printed letter. 6 October 1865. endorsing the course of the government. [Royal Arms] | Oketopa, 6, 1865. | Ko nga rarangi o to tatou Ariki o Ihu Karaiti. 1 Haere atu e tenei whakaaro ki a Kawana Kerei. Kua tae mai | tau whakaaturanga ki au. I te 22 o nga ra o Hepetema ka tae mai | ki au. [, . .] | [39 fines] | Ka mutu. Na Matiu Te Huia enei whakaaro. [no imprint. Wellington?: Printed by the Government Printer?, 1865]

1 sheet ([l] p.); ca. 300x180 mm,; blue paper. The only known copy is cropped. Probably printed by the Government Printer.

A letter addressed to Grey and the parliament in response to Grey's Proclamation of Peace ('Panuitanga o te Rongo Mau') of 2 September ( Kahiti. 8 September 1865, p. 7). He endorses the government's plans and sees the direction set for native affairs and the appointment of Fitzgerald as Minister as leading the people towards God. This is the only one of Te Huia's printed letters known to be officially circulated; see no. 632-634, 654-655, 679-680 and 695 for other communications from the New Plymouth visionary.

Bagnall 2700a/4. Copies: AP; WTU (photocopy).


TE POUEPA, Parakaia

Petition seeking Maori representation in parliament.

G.-No. 10. | Petition | of | Parakaia Panepa [i.e. Pouepa] and other natives. | [rule] | Presented to the House of Representatives, 30th August, 1865. | [rule] | Wellington. | [rule] | 1865. [Printed by the Government Printer]

1 folded sheet ([4]) p.; 318x203 mm. Pages [2] and [4] blank.

AJHR, 1865, G-10. Petition in Maori with an English translation dated 16 August 1865. signed by Parakaia Te Pouepa for Ngati Raukawa. It seeks Maori representation (30 members) in parliament. See no. 678 for a related petition and additional information.

Williams 410/ iv. Copies: WTU (in bound vol., AJHR).

683 TE WAHAROA, Wiremu Tamihana Tarapipipi (d. 1866)

Twenty-seven letters. 1859-1864. on a variety of topics. E.-No. 11. | Return | of the | correspondence signed or purporting to be signed | by William Thompson Te Waharoa, | etc. | (Return to an Order of the House of Representatives, dated 9th December, 1864.) | "That the Government do lay upon the table of the House, all the original letters in it; possession | signed or purporting to be signed by William Thompson Te Waharoa, including the letter | from him to Mr. Fox, dated the 21st January, 1862; and a letter received about September. | 1861, inviting His Excellency to visit Waikato.” | Wellington. | [rule] | 1865. [Printed by the Government Printer]

[2], 16 p.; 318x203 mm. Prelim, pages: title-page (verso blank).

AJHR, 1865. E-l I, A collection 27 letters in Maori with English translations written between December 1859 and October 1864. mainly to the Governor




ministers and officials, on a variety of current affairs matters. The letters are reprinted in E. Stokes, Wiremu Tamihana (Wellington. 2002).

Copies: WTU (in bound vol,, AJHR).


Petition on the reasons for the fighting and how to address them. G.-No. 5. | Petition | of | William Thompson Tarapipipi. | [rule] \ Received by the House of Representatives 11th August, 1865, and ordered to be | printed. | [rule] | Wellington. | [rule] | 1865. [Printed by the Government Printer]

[2], 3, [l] p; 318x203 mm. Prelim, pages: title-page (verso blank). Page [4] blank.

AJHR. 1865, G-5. A petition in English and Maori dated 5 April 1865. It sets out reasons for the fighting and how these can be addressed. The text is reprinted with additional background information in E. Stokes, Wiremu Tamihana (Wellington. 2002). p. 455-472.

Williams 410/ i. Copies: WTU (in bound vol., AJHR).


Petition seeking to clear his name from false accusations. G.-No. 6. | Petition | of | William Thompson, Te Waharoa. | [rule] \ Presented to the House of Representatives, 9th August, 1865. Received August | 10th, and ordered to be printed 15th August, 1865. | [rule] \ Wellington. | [rule] | 1865. [Printed by the Government Printer]

[2], 3, [l] p; 318x203 mm. Prelim, pages: title-page (verso blank). Page [4] blank.

AJHR. 1865, G-6. A petition in Maori with an English translation dated 18 July 1865. Tamihana seeks to clear his name from the accusations of being a rebel, a murderer and an evil man.

Williams 410/ ii. Copies: WTU (in bound vol., AJHR).

TE WHIWHI, Henare Matene (d. 1881)


Petition raising questions of equity for Maori. G.-No. 9. | Petition | of | Matene Te Whiwhi and Otaki natives. | [rule] \ Presented to the House of Representatives, 9th August, 1865. | [rule] | (Mr. Fitzgerald.) | Wellington. | [rule] | 1865. [Printed by the Government Printer]

I folded sheet ([4]) p.; 318x203 mm. Pages [2] and [4] blank.

AJHR. 1865. G-9. Petition in Maori with an English translation dated 1 August 1865. It raises questions of equity for Maori, including representation in parliament, need for a land court, and the effect of confiscation of land on inhabitants who had supported the government. Te Whiwhi (of Ngati Raukawa and Ngati Toa, based at Otaki) had helped found the Kingitanga movement, but by 1860 had disassociated himself from it as a result of the




increasing use of force to resolve disputes; for further information see DNZB. v. I, p. 528-529

Williams 410/ iii, Copies: WTU (in bound vol., AJHR).

687 WILLIAMS, William (1800-1878), attrib.

Prayer for cessation of Hauhau disturbances. He inoi. | [double rule] | E Ihowa, e to Matou Matua i te Rangi, he Kaiawhina koe e tino | tata ana i nga wa o te he, na konei hoki matou i karanga atu ai | ki a koe i a matou e pehia nei e te pouri. [...)([// lines] \ Hurae, 1865. [no imprint. Napier: Printed by James Wood, 1865]

1 sheet ([l] p ); 207x209 mm.; cream laid paper with watermark ‘A Pirie & Sons | 1862'. Lower case ‘k’ replaced by small caps in final five lines. Presumed printed by the printer to the provincial government; the same paper is used in no. 663 and 665.

A prayer for the cessation of Hauhau disturbances in Poverty Bay and elsewhere, its authorship attributed by Williams to the Bishop of Waiapu. See also no. 677.

Williams 401 a, Copies: AP. AR, WTU.

688 CORRESPONDENCE relative to the Manawatu Block

Letters from Maori about the planned purchase of the Manawatu Block. A.-No. 15. | Correspondence | relative to | the Manawatu Block. | (Return to an order of the House of Representatives, dated 12th July, 1866.) | That there be laid on the table of this House —“A copy of a letter from Mr. Fitzgerald, dated | the 11th day of July, 1866, to the Native Minister, with its several enclosures, and with | authorized translations of such enclosures." | (Mr. Fitzgerald.) | Wellington. | [rule] | 1866. [Printed by the Government Printer]

14 p.; 329x203 mm. Page [2] blank. Shoulder number in text printed as ‘A -Nn 8'

AJHR. 1866, A-15. A covering letter from Fitzgerald enclosing 25 letters, all but a few in Maori with English translations, that oppose the planned government purchase of the Manawatu Block. Fitzgerald, an ardent champion of Maori causes, states he had not replied to any of the letters, many of which had already been published in newspapers; for further background see E. Bohan, Blest madman (Christchurch, 1998), p. 286-287. Copies: WTU (in bound vol., AIHR).



Letter. 25 April 1866. asking for the release of Ngati Awa prisoners. He kupu na Maketu ki a te Kawana Kerei mo | Ngatiawa i te whareherehere. | Aperira 25, 1866. | Ki a Ta Hori Kerei. Kawana o Nui Tireni. Kia ora koe o to matou ariki | e ora ana a Ihowa tou Atua, e ora ana hoki tou wairua, [. . .] | [l9 lines] | Na Te Kanapu Haerehuka, | na Wiremu Maihi te Rangikaheke, | Na te Arawa katoa. [no imprint. Auckland?; 1866]




1 sheet ([l] p.); 230 x 1 73 mm.

A letter to Grey from Te Kanapu Haerehuka and Te Rangikaheke on behalf of all Arawa, asking that the Ngati Awa prisoners be released. It is not clear which prisoners are referred to. See also no, 696-697 and 699 for similar requests from others.

Bagnall 3041 a. Copies: AP; WTU (photocopy).



Index to Part 1 of Hooker's Handbook of the New Zealand flora.

Maori-Latin index | to the | Handbook ot the New Zealand flora. | [wavy rule] | Reference to authorities. | C. Colenso. | Cunn. Cunningham. | Bid.

Bidwell. [sic] | Ly. Lyall. i D’U. D’Urville. | W. M. Mantell. | Remainder by the Geological Survey Department. | [wavy rule] | Wellington: | Printed under the authority of the New Zealand Government by George Didsbury, |

Government Printer. | [rule] | 1866.

8 p.; 216x138 mm. Page [2] blank. Caption title p. [3]: ‘Maori-Latin names of plants’.

A Maori-Latin index to names of species in Part 1 of J. D. Hooker’s Handbook of the New Zealand flora (London, 1864; Bagnall 2655). One WTU copy has two copies of an additional leaflet bound in: ‘Generic index to Part I’ (1 folded sheet (iii, [l] p.; p. [iv] blank), giving the Latin generic names only.

Williams 417. Bagnall 3359. Copies: CU. WTU,

NEAVE, Joseph James (1836-1913)


A message to Maori, with many scriptural references.

He reo aroha no Ingarangi ki nga iwi | Maori i Nui Tireni. | He ipu wai no te awa o te ora, mo nga tangata Maori i roto i te | Kahui o te Karaiti, e mauiui ana, e hia inu ana. He kupu pono na te | Atua pono ki nga iwi marara o tenei motu. [. . .] | [. . .] [I taia e Hone Hakihona ki Hapara Tiriti,

i Akarana. [i.e. Auckland] [lB66?]]

1 folded sheet (4 p.); 226x145 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 4. Signed at end; ’Na Hohepa Hemi Niwi. | Joseph James Neave.’. The printer (‘John Jackson’?, 'Herbert Street’?) has not been identified.

A leaflet described by Hocken (p. 523) as ‘A friendly voice from England to the Maori tribes of New Zealand’ with numerous scriptural references as marginal notes. The publication date follows Williams and the AR copy (in Colenso's papers) which is annotated '1866'.

Williams 415, Bagnall **3734. Copies: AR (Colenso papers, MS 76, box 3, folder 18). DUHO; WTU (photocopy).



Oyster Fisheries Act 1866

[Te Ture Mahi Tio, 1866: actual title not confirmed: no copy located. Wellington: Printed by the Government Printer, 1866]

Physical details not known; no copy located. Description from Williams.



PATENE, WIREMU (1810-1884)

'Translation of the Oyster Fisheries Act, 1866 [1866, No. 57], No copy seen. Later amendments were translated into Maori.' (Williams). It provided for the protection of oyster fisheries including forming artificial beds, licensing, and a close season.

Williams * *4lB. No copy located


PATENE, Wiremu (1810-1884)

Petition seeking return of land instead of financial remuneration.

G.-No. 3. | Petition | or | William Barton, or waipa, | Waikato, | tor return to him of certain lands in the Waikato which have | been confiscated. | [rule] | Presented to the House of Representatives 10th August, and ordered to be | printed 14th August, 1866. | [rule] | (Mr. G. Graham.) | Wellington. | [rule] | 1866. [Printed by the Government Printer]

1 folded sheet ([2] p ); 329x203 mm. Pages [2] and [4] blank.

AJHR, 1866, G-3. A petition in Maori with an English translation, both signed ‘Wiremu Patene’ on behalf of the runanga. It seeks the return of part of the confiscated land instead of the monetary compensation offered (£234). The Maori Petitions Committee of the House of Representatives reported that 'the petitioner in this case is a most loyal and intelligent native, and deserved that his claim should be fully investigated by the government and liberal arrangement made with him' [AJHR. 1866, F-15).

Copies: WTU (in bound vol., AJHR).



Petition seeking greater reward for services rendered to the government.

G.-No. 6. | Petition | of | the Arawa tribe, | praying for further remuneration for their services on the | East Coast. | [rule] | Presented 1 Ith September, 1866, and ordered to be printed. | [rule] | Wellington. | [rule] | 1866. [Printed by the Government Printer]

I folded sheet ([2], 2 p); 329x203 mm. Prelim, pages: title-page (verso blank).

AJHR. 1866, G-6. A petition in Maori with an English translation, signed by Te Poihipi Tukairangi and eight others. It seeks more generous remuneration for the Te Arawa troops who apprehended the Hauhau who murdered James Fulloon and his companions in July 1865. Further details of the costs and payments are in AIHR. 1866, F-ll,p. 13-14.

Williams 419/ ii. Copies: WTU (in bound vol., AJHR).


TE HUIA, Matiu

Circular letter. 21 July 1866. after further visions.

Ko te Hua, Hurae 21,1866. | Ko te whakitenga o te wairua Ki a Matiu Te Huia i roto i nga | ra i nga po, e whakapuakl mai ana i tena kupu, i tena kupu. E 1 whakamohio ana i tena whakaaro i tena whakaaro. [, . .] | [2l lines] | Matiu Te Huia. [no imprint. New Plymouth?: Printed by G. W. Woon?, 1866]




I sheet ([l] p ); 320x210 mm. Probably printed by Woon for private circulation.

A circular letter with biblical and religious references after the author had more visions. For other letters by the New Plymouth visionary see no. 632634, 654-655, 679-681.

Bagnall 2700a/5. Copies: AP; WTU (photocopy).



Letter. 25 April 1866. asking for the release of Ngati Awa prisoners.

He kupu na Hauraki ki a te Kawana Kerei mo | Ngatiawa i te whareherehere. I Waipapa, Aperira 23, 1866. | E hoa e te Kawana, —tena ra koe.

He mihi tenei na matou ki a Ngatiawa. | [75 lines] \ Na Te Moananui Tanumeha | otira na Hauraki katoa. [no imprint. Auckland?: 1866]

1 sheet ([l] p.); 230x175 mm.

A letter on behalf of Hauraki Maori asking for the release of the Ngati Awa prisoners. It is not clear which prisoners are referred to. See also no. 689, 697 and 699 for similar requests from others.

Bagnall 3041. Copies: AP; WTU (photocopy).


TE PUEHU, Te Riri Tuku

Letter. 7 April 1866. asking for the release of Ngati Awa prisoners.

He kupu na nga kai-whakapae ki a te Kawana Kerei | mo Ngatiawa i te whare-herehere. | Akarana, Aperira 7, 1866. | Haere ra eta matou pukapuka ki to matou matua ki a Kawana Kerei na nga | kai whakapae onga herehere kuatu kua nei [. . .] | [4O lines] | (He mea tuhutuhi e) Na Te Riri Tuku te Puehu, ( na te Keepa Toihau, | na Tira, | na Te Matimati Turere, | na Pauro, | na Retired, | na Hori Kerei Kawakura, | na Hori Matatehokia, | otira na te iwi katoa. [no imprint. Auckland?: 1866]

1 sheet ([l] p.); 330x205 mm

A letter signed by Te Riri Tuku Te Puehu and seven others seeking the release of the Ngati Awa prisoners. It is not clear which prisoners are referred to This and the similar letters no. 689, 696 and 699 are printed uniformly. They are known from single copies in the Grey Collection at AP and were probably printed for him from manuscript originals.

Bagnall 3041b Copies: AP; WTU (photocopy).


TE WAHAROA, Wiremu Tamihana Tarapipipi (d. 1866)

A petition seeking return of Waikato land.

G,-No. 2. | Petition | of | Wi Tamihana Te Waharoa: ) praying that the Waikato may be restored to him. | [ride] | Presented to the House of Representatives, 10th August. 1866, and ordered |to be printed. | [rule] \ (Mr Fitzgerald.) | Wellington. 1 [rule] | 1866. [Printed by the Government Printer]

7, [l] p.; 329x203 mm. Pages [2] and [B] blank.

AJHR. 1866. G-2. A petition in Maori with an English translation. It seeks the




return of the Waikato lands because the government has broken its word and the law. For the text of the petition and further background see E. Stokes. Wiremu Tamihana (Wellington, 2002), p. 478-491. The decision of the committee was to refer the petition to the Superintendent of the Auckland provincial government who apparently took no further action.

Williams 419/ i. Copies: WTU (in bound vol., AJHR).


WHITORANGI, Wiremu Patene

Letter. 25 April 1866. asking for the release of Ngati Awa prisoners.

He kupu na Tauranga ki a te Kawana Kerei mo | Ngatiawa i te whareherehere. 1 Akarana, Aperira 25, 1866. | Ki a Ta Hori Kerei, Kawana, | E hoa tena koe, i runga i te aroha o to tatou ariki o Te Karaiti. | [lO lines] \ Na Wiremu Patene Whitorangi, | na Enoka Tokoahu, | no Ngaiterangi, Tauranga. [no imprint. Auckland?: 1866]

1 sheet ([l] p ); 230x173 mm.

A letter on behalf of Ngai Te Rangi of Tauranga asking that the Ngati Awa prisoners be released. It is not clear which prisoners are referred to. See also no. 689 and 696-697 for similar requests from others.

Bagnall 3041 c. Copies: AP; WTU (photocopy).


GENEALOGIES of certain Maori families

Genealogies of Maori associated with land at Waitara.

A.-No. 23. | Genealogies | of | certain Maori families. | (Compiled from evidence taken before the Compensation Court on South Waitara.) | [rule] \ Presented to both houses of the General Assembly, by command of | His Excellency. | [rule] | Wellington. | [rule] | 1867. [Printed by the Government Printer]

[2] p., 1 folded leaf of plates; 319x205 mm. Prelim, pages: title-page (verso blank). Plate is a lithographed hand-written genealogical chart (415x665 mm).

AJHR. 1867, A-23. The chart shows more than ten generations (about 200 names) of part owners of Te Teira's land at Waitara from Ngati Uenuku, Ngati Hineuru and Ngati Hinga, all of Te Ati Awa. Some names are identified by dotted circles as 'Rebels'. It was compiled from evidence given before the Compensation Court hearings in New Plymouth in June/July 1866 (see AJHR. 1866, A-13). For further information see New Zealand. Waitangi Tribunal, The Taranaki report: Kaupapa tuatahi (Wellington, 1996; WAI 143), p. 137145, 147-149.

Copies: WTU (in bound vol., AJHR).


KEMP, Henry Tacy (1818-1901)

New edition of an introductory grammar and vocabulary, with two myths. The | first step | to | Maori conversation. | A new edition, | revised and greatly enlarged, | by | Henry Tacy Kemp, J.P., | Late Native Secretary and Interpreter. | [wavy rule ] | Auckland; | Geo. T. Chapman. Bookseller &




Stationer. | Queen Street. 1 Wellington; William Lyon. Napier: James Wood. [1867]

v, [6]-64 p.; 185x120 mm,; stiffened brown paper covers. Colophon p. [ii]; ‘Printed by W. Atkin, Auckland.', Page [6] blank. Title (omitting The’ at the beginning) repeated on front cover inside ornamental border. On cover: 'Chapman’s handy books for New Zealand,’ [no. 4] (Williams) and ‘Price half-a-crown.’.

A revised and expanded edition of an introductory grammar, vocabulary and sentences for English speakers first published in 1848 (no. 363). Added to this are (p. 51-64) two Maori myths in English: 'The story of Hine-moa’ and ‘Puhihuia's elopement with Te Ponga’, taken from Sir George Grey’s Polynesian mythology (London, 1855). The Daily Southern Cross for 7 February 1867 (p. 5) favourably noted its publication.

For the subsequent reprint and later editions, which have differing titles, see no. 727, 739 and 932.

Williams 397 a (S), Bagnall 2959. Copies: AR, WTU.


KO ENEI NGA RITENGA he ritenga tuturu na matou . . .

Distribution of lease monies from land in the Wairarapa.

Ko enei nga ritenga he ritenga tuturu 1 na matou mo nga reti o nga whenua | e retia nei e matou kia Mite Rewe- | na raua ko Kapene Mete. | [rule] | Ko te wawahanga o nga moni mo nga tau katoa ka wheneitia. | [25 lines] | 1 timata tenei ture i tahi o nga ra Hurae, 1867. —Ko Karauria te Kaiwhakaputa. | [dotted rule for signature] \ Kereitaone, 10th Hurae, 1867. [no imprint. Greytown?: 1867?]

1 sheet ([l] p ); 315x200 mm.; pale blue paper Probably printed at the office of the Wairarapa mercury which commenced in January 1867.

A document recording the amounts of lease monies to be distributed to 19 named owners of land in the Wairarapa which was leased to Samuel Revans ('Mite Rewana') and William Mein Smith (‘Kapene Mete'). The only copy located of this item is at Archives New Zealand (MA W1369, Box 43) with material relating to the Nga-Waka-a-Kupe block, to which the lease arrangements are assumed to apply. The document was produced at the Native Land Court hearing in 1890; see no. 1310 for the judgement. See no. 713 for a related document.

Copies: ANZ (MA W1369, Box 43); WTU (photocopy).


He KORERO ENEI no le nupepa “Nutireni Herora,” . . .

Editorial about the leasing to government of land at Kauaeranga.

He korero enei no te nupepa “Nutireni | Herora,” no te Hatarei Oketopa 12, | 1867. |He korero hei titiro ma te ao katoa itaia [sic] |ai e taua nupepa. | Ko te tukunga mai a nga tangata Maori o te | whenua 7,000 eka i Kauwaeranga kite | Kawanatanga [. ~] | [l3O lines ] [no imprint. Auckland: Printed at the Office of the New Zealand Herald, 1867]

I sheet ([l] p.); 341x209 mm. (untrimmed). Printed in two columns separated by vertical rule, reimposed from the original setting.



MAUNSELL, ROBERT (1810-1894)

Translation of an editorial from the New Zealand herald of 12 October 1867 (p. 4) concerning the generous terms of the government's lease from the Maori owners of 7,000 acres of land at Kauaeranga (Thames-Coromandel) for gold mining. This Maori translation was printed on 15 October (p, 5), For further background see P. Monin. This is my place: Hauraki contested 17691875 (Wellington, 2001), p. 210-213.

Williams 427 & (S). Copies: WTU.


MAUNSELL, Robert (1810-1894)

Further reissue ('third edition’) of second edition of a Maori grammar. Grammar | of the | New Zealand language, | by | Robert Maunsell, L. L. D„ | Archdeacon of Waikato. | [rule] | Third edition. | [rule] | Auckland: | W. B. Upton 6t Co., Queen Street. | [rule] | 1867.

[2], xvi, 168 p.; 160x104 mm.; green cloth boards (blank). Prelim, pages: blank leaf. Pages [ii] and [xii] blank. Pages [iv] and [34] misnumbered 'vi' and '43'. Replacement title-page (p. [i-ii]) with conjugate blank prelim, leaf tipped in.

Although identified as a third edition, this is only a further reissue of the 1862 second edition of Maunsell’s Grammar (no. 567) with a new title-page tipped in. The first reissue (by Fleron, Kidd, and Seffern) was in 1864? (no. 647)

For later issues see no. 1036 and 1 403. For additional background see no 130, the first issue in parts. 1842-1843.

Williams 423, Bagnall 3463. Copies: AR. DUHO, NLA, WTU.

Entries ** 7os-708 are filed in alphabetical order of the English title.



Auckland and Onehunga Native Hostelries Act 1867.

[Te Ture mo nga Whare Manuhiri a te Kawanatanga i nga Taone o Akarana. o Onehunga. 1867: actual title not confirmed: no copy located. Wellington: Printed by the Government Printer. 1867]

Physical details not known: no copy located. Description from Williams,

Translation of the Auckland and Onehunga Native Hostelries Act, 1867 [1867, No. 42], No copy seen' (Williams). It transferred to the Governor responsibility for three pieces of land in Onehunga and Eden granted as reserves in 1 850 and 1854. The reserves were to provide for the maintenance of hostelries for Maori and other poor persons visiting Auckland.

Williams **429. No copy located.


Maori Real Estate Management Act 1867.

[Te Ture Whahahaere i nga Whenua Tuturu o nga Maori. 1867: actual title not confirmed: no copy located. Wellington: Printed by the Government Printer. 1867]

Physical details not Known; no copy located. Description from Williams.




Translation of the Maori Real Estate Management Act, 1867 [1867, No. 40], No copy seen. Amended in 1877.' (Williams). The Act provided for the management of land owned by Maori minors and others under legal disability; for further background see A. J. Ward, A show of justice (Auckland, 1973). p. 187 and 214. See no. 669 for further information on land legislation.

Williams **42B and **43o & (S). No copy located.


Maori Representation Act 1867.

Niu Tireni. 1 [rule] | Tau toru tekau ma tahi | o Wikitoria Kuini. | No. 47. | [rule] | He Ture hei whakatakoto tikanga kia | whai reo ai mo ratou WhakaMaori 1 ake nga tangata Maori o te Koroni o | Niu Tireni ki roto kite Runanga Nui | o Niu Tireni, (Okotopa 10, 1867.) | [. . .] [I taia I runga i te mana o te Kawanatanga, o Niu-Tireni, e Hore Tihipere, Kai-ta o te Kawanatanga, I Poneke. [i.e. Wellington] [1867]

I folded sheet (3, [l] p.); 340x215 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 3. Running title; '3l° o Wikitoria, No. 47.'. Printed by George Didsbury, Government Printer ('Hore Tihipere, Kai-ta o te Kawanatanga').

Short title: ‘Ture whakatu tangata ki roto kite Runanga Nui hei Kai whakarite mo te Iwi Maori 1867.'.

Translation of the Maori Representation Act 1867 (1867, No. 47) to be in force for five years, it established four seats for Maori representatives (elected by male Maori suffrage) out of a total of 80 electorates. At that time Maori were about 20 percent of the total population (approx 250,000). The Bill (under the title 'Native Representation Act') was introduced in the House by McLean on 6 August and passed all stages by 20 September.

An explanation of the Act was published in the Kahiti. 6 November 1867, p. 75-76, with which the Act appears to have been issued. A manuscript circular, 23 October 1867, from the Native Department instructed magistrates to explain the legislation, sound out Maori feelings, and facilitate its implementation (Papers of the Resident Magistrate at Wanganui, Richard Woon, ANZ. MA-WANG. series 4 no. 9).

The Act was extended for another five years in 1872 and indefinitely by an Act passed in 1876 (no. 863). The number of electorates remained at four until 1996 when it increased to five, with subsequent incremental growth linked to enrolments. See M, P. K. Sorrenson, 'A history of Maori representation in Parliament', Appendix B in the report of the Royal Commission on the Electoral System ]AJHR. 1986, H-3), and N. Atkinson, Adventures in democracy (Dunedin, 2003), especially p. 47-51 and 59-60. For discussion of the role of the first Maori MPs see P. G. Parkinson, 'Strangers in the House', Victoria University of Wellington law review, v. 32, no. 3 (August 2001), Supp. p. [l]-60.

Copies: WGA (bound with Kahiti. 1867), ANZ (MA-WANG, series 4 no. 9); WTU (photocopy).




Native Schools Act 1867.

Niu Tireni. | [rule] \ Tau toru tekau ma tahi. [sic] | o Wikitoria Kuini. | No, 41. | [rule] |He Ture hei whakahaere ritenga mo nga | Kura Maori hei whakarite moni hoki | hei apiti mo a te tangata moni. | (Oketopa 10, 1867.) | [. . .] [I taia i runga i te mana o te Kawanatanga o Niu-Tireni, e George Didsbury, Kai-ta o te Kawanatanga, | Poneke. [i.e. Wellington] [lB67]]

1 folded sheet (4 p.); 340x215 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 4. Running title: '3l 0 o Wikitoria, No. 41Includes marginal notes. At foot of p. [l]: ‘23o)’. Printed by the Government Printer,

Short title: 'Ture mo nga Kura Maori, 1867.'.

Translation of the Native Schools Act 1867 (1867. No. 41). The Bill was introduced in the House by J. C. Richmond on 4 September and passed all stages by 30 September. The English text of the Act was issued as a supplement to the Gazette. 1 November 1867, and the Maori version was probably distributed with the Kahiti.

pi uuauiy giisii iuuicu wmi me ixuiuii. For further background on the Act and its implementation see J. M. Barrington and T. H, Beaglehole, Maori schools in a changing society (Wellington, 1974), p. 97-105. Williams 342b (S). Copies: WTU.


NEW ZEALAND. Minister in Charge of the Native Dept.

Notice. 6 July 1867, about land claims and grants.

Ko te whakapuakanga tenei i te kupu a te | Kawanatanga, mo te paanga o nga tangata | Maori ki nga whenua i Taranaki, ara, o nga tangata | kahore nei i whakaritea e te Kooti he whenua mo | ratou no te mea kua roa noa atu to ratou noho he | whenua ke. | [5l lines and I table ] | J. C. Richmond, | Te Ritimona. [no imprint. Wellington: Printed by the Government Printer, 1867]

1 sheet ([l] p.); 342x105 mm.

A notice from Richmond, Minister in Charge of the Native Department, advising that five claims for the same land in Taranaki had been declined by the Governor as the claimants did not occupy it. It also announces grants of 1 00 acres each to four others, mostly on the grounds of support for the government.

Reprinted from the Kahili, 1 4 August 1867, p. 58, where it is dated 6 July. Seventeen copies, one endorsed ‘Augt 12/1867', are at Archives New Zealand (MA 24/22). It was apparently not printed in the Gazette Copies: WTU, ANZ (MA 24/22).


PETITIONS PRESENTED to the House of Representatives

A collection of 14 petitions, some in Maori, mainly about land issues.

G. | Petitions | presented to | the House ot Representatives | and | ordered to be printed. | [rule] | Session 1867. | [rule] | Wellington. | [rule] ) 1867. [Printed by the Government Printer]




13, [l] p.; 329x203 mm. Pages [2] and [l4] blank. Shoulder numbers in text: 'G' (p. [3]-8), 'G.-No. 1' (p. 9-13).

AJHR. 1867, G [l-14], Although presented as one parliamentary paper, the petitions are individually indexed and listed (G-l to G-14) in the volume contents pages. Petitions G-9 to G-14 (p. 9-13) are in Maori with English translations, and are mainly concerned with land issues such as confiscation. The petitioners are: Poverty Bay Maori (G-9), Wairarapa Maori (G-10), Te Whiwhi and Otaki Maori (G-ll), Turanga Maori (G-l2), Horomona Pohio (G-l3), Ngati Kauwhata hapu (G-14).

Williams 431. Copies: WTU (in bound vol., AJHR).


RANGIPUAWHE, Te Kepa (1826-1905)

Account of the Grey’s 1866/67 tours in the North and South Islands.

Ko nga korero o te haere a te Kawana ratou ko ona hoa | Maori a tae noa ki Murihiku, ki hea noa atu. | [double rule] | [. . .] [I taia i runga i te mana o te Kawanatanga o Niu-Tireni, e Hori Tihipere, Kai-ta o te Kawanatanga, Poneke. [i.e. Wellington] [lB67]]

6 p.; 323x203 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 6. Printed in two columns separated by vertical rule. Signed at the end ‘Na Te Kepa Rangipuawhe, Rotorua’ and dated 8 April 1867. Printed by George Didsbury, Government Printer (‘Hori Tihipere, Kai-ta o te Kawanatanga’).

A journal of Grey's tours in the North Island (Taupb, Rotorua, Rotoaira) and Otago/Southland between 24 December 1866 and 24 March 1867. Written by the Te Arawa chief who was part of the party. For further background see |. Rutherford, Sir Georae Grey (London, 1961), p. 546, 554, 561.

Williams 425, Bagnall 4774. Copies: AP; WTU (photocopy).


Nga TIKANGA o te whakatupu mete mahinga o te tupeka

Pamphlet on the culture of the tobacco plant.

Nga tikanga o te whakatupu | mete | mahinga o te tupeka. 1 [ornamental rule] | He mea kii e | Kawana Kerei, | tenei pukapuka kia whakamaoritia; hei ako i nga tangata | Maori o tenei whenua katoa, | na Hone Waiti, i Kaiwhakawa tuturu, | i | whakamaori. | [ornamental rule] | Auckland: | Printed by W. C. Wilson, “Herald” Office, Wyndham Street. | [ride] | 1867.

28 p., [l] leaf of plates; 219x139 mm.; pink paper covers. Pages [l], [4], [l4] blank. Plate is lithograph of three drawings of tobacco plants and leaves hanging to dry. Caption title p. [s]: He pukapuka ako i nga tikanga | o te whakatupu mete mahinga o te tupeka.'.

Title on cover (within ornamental border): Te mahinga tupeka. | [ornamental rule ] | He pukapuka ako i nga tikanga | mete | mahinga o te tupeka, | ma nga | Maori o tenei whenua o Nui Tireni, | na Kawana Kerei, | te kupu, | kia whakamaoritia. 1 [swelled rule] | Auckland: | Printed by W. C. Wilson, “Herald” Office, Wyndham Street. | [rule] | 1867.’.

Additional title page p. [l3]: "The culture | of | the tobacco plant. | [ornamental rule] | Translated by order of | His Excellency Sir George Grey, K.C.8., I Governor of New Zealand and its dependencies, I for I the




information of the Maori race. | [rule] \ John White. R.M., | translator, | Auckland, N.Z., July Ist, 1867. | [swelled rule] | Auckland: | Printed by W. C. Wilson, Herald Ofeice, [stc] Wyndham Street. | [rule] | 1867.',

A pamphlet on cultivating tobacco, in Maori (p. [l]-I2) and English (p. [l3]28). White's translation of the English text is abridged. Grey's brief prefatory note (p. [2]) is dated August 1867. The original publication has not been identified.

Williams 424, Bagnall 5566 Copies: AP, AR, DUHO, NLA, WTU.


He WHAKAOTINGA TUTURU tenei kia Mite Rewena . . .

Arrangements for repaying debts from rents for land in the Wairarapa.

He whakaotinga tuturu tenei kia Mite | Rewena mo a matou rongotaima kia | ia e rua rau tekau ma whitu pauna | e waru hereni e waru kapa | [rule] | [l6 lines] | Kereitaone, 10th Hurae, 1867. [no imprint. Greytown?: 1867?]

I sheet ([l] p.); 315x200 mm. Probably printed at the office of the Wairarapa mercury which commenced in January 1867.

A document recording how a debt of £217 8s 8d owed to Samuel Revans ('Mite Rewena') would be repaid from rent moneys for land leased by Revans and Mein Smith in the Wairarapa, The only copy located of this item is at Archives New Zealand (MA W1369, Box 43) with material relating to the Nga-Waka-a-Kupe block, to which the rent/debt arrangements are assumed to apply. A manuscript translation by George Maunsell accompanies the printed item; both were produced at the Native Land Court hearing in March 1892. Spp no 70? for a rplarpri rlnrnmpnr

Copies: ANZ (MA W1369, Box 43): WTU (photocopy)


WILLIAMSON, John (1815-1875)

Circular. 18 April 1867. thanking Maori for their good wishes.

Ki nga tangata Maori. | [rule] | E oku hoa Maori i roto i te ture, i uru nei ki roto ki nga Pakeha kite karanga i a au | hei pane mo nga mahi o te Huperetenetanga,—tenei aku kupu ruarua ki a koutou. | [37 lines] | Na to koutou hoa, |na te Wiremuhana. | Akarana, Aperira 18. 1867. [no imprint. Auckland: Printed by W. C. Wilson?, 1867]

I sheet ([l] p.); 339x217 mm. Probably printed by the printer to the provincial government; the paper matches that used for the Auckland provincial Gazette.

A circular from Williamson ('te Wiremuhana’) thanking Maori for their good wishes on his election as Superintendent of the Province of Auckland.

Williams 426. Copies: WTU.



Religious tract, on grace.

Aroha noa. | [double rule] | Ruka xxiv. 46, 47. | Ko te mea tenei i tuhituhia ko te tikanga ano hoki | tenei, ko te Karaiti kia mate, kia ora ano i te mate.




| I te tom o nga ra. | [. . .] [George Jones. Printer, Cathedral Square, Christchurch, [ca. 1868]]

I folded sheet (4 p); 215 x 1 20 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 4.

An anonymous religious tract on grace. George Jones became established as a printer in Christchurch in the late 1860s, and this leaflet is assumed to date from just before the period the business operated as ‘Jones and Tombs' (1869-1871); he left Christchurch in 1872. For his career see Cyclopedia of New Zealand, v. 4 (Otago and Southland; Christchurch, 1905), p. 74.

Williams 796 Copies: AP; WTU (photocopy).


BIBLE. Maori. 1 868.

First complete Maori Bible.

Ko te | Paipera Tapu | ara, Ko te | Kawenata Tawhito | mete | Kawenata Hou. | He mea whakamaori mai no nga reo | i oroko-tuhituhia ai. | Ranana: [i.e. London] | He mea ta kite Perehi a W. M. Watts, | ma te Komiti ta Paipera mo Ingarangi mo te Ao Katoa. | 1868. | [set left:] Old Test.

[4], 1199, [3] p.: 216x131 mm.; red sheep or speckled calf or morocco leather boards with blind and gold tooling. Prelim, pages: title-page and Old Testament contents (versos blank). Pages [9l2], [9l4], [l2OO-1202] blank. Printed in two columns separated by vertical rule. Title on spine: ‘Paipera Tapu'. Printed by W. M. Watts.

‘ 1 Additional title-page p. [9ll]: ‘Ko te | Kawenata Hou |a| to tatou ariki a te Kai Whakaora | a Ihu Karaiti. | He mea whakamaori mai no te reo Kariki. I Ranana: | He mea ta kite Perehi a W. M. Watts. | ma te Komiti ta Paipera mo Ingarani [sic] mo te Ao Katoa. | 1868. | [set left:] New Test.'. New Testament contents on p. [9l3],

Some copies retain a blank leaf (conjugate with p. 905-906) between p. 910 and [9l I],

The first complete Maori Bible, including the first complete Old Testament published, a long-delayed revision that the CMS had asked for in 1862. It is based on Maunsell's translations of the Old Testament (see no. 103) and William Williams's version of the New Testament (no. 45), revised in England by Elizabeth Colenso, George Maunsell and Bishop Selwyn. Selwyn saw the work through the press for the BFBS Cte Komiti ta Paipera mo Ingarangi mo te Ao Katoa’); see P. Lineham, Bible & society (Wellington, 1996), p. 141-142, Copies were received in New Zealand in February 1869 and a notice (no. 729) advertised the three binding options: red sheep (51-). speckled calf (6/6 d.) and morocco (8/6 d ).

A collection of manuscript and printed fragments of drafts, and letters and notes relating to this edition and the 1889 revision (no, 1241) are at WTU (R. Maunsell, Papers concerning the revision of the Maori Bible, MS-Papers--2981). For a comparison of this 'classical' edition and the 1889 revision see P, Lineham Tampering with the sacred text', in A book in the hand, eds P Griffith, P. Hughes and A Loney (Auckland, 2000), p. 29-45.

Williams 434 & (S), Bagnall 486. Copies: AP, AR, DL, DUHO, NLA, WTU.





CHURCH OF ENGLAND. Diocese of New Zealand

Administrative arrangements for Native Church Boards.

He Ture na te Hinota Nui mo | etahi hui o te Hahi Maori | kia whakaturia. [rule] | (No te 1 7 Oct. 1868 i takoto ai.) | [rule] | Na, kei te noho tahi nei i etahi Takiwa te | Maori raua ko te Pakeha, [. . .] | [. . .] [no imprint. Auckland: Printed at the Cathedral Press, 1868?]

xii p.; 222x140 mm. Caption title. Page [iv] blank. ‘Cathedral Press’ was the imprint used for church publications printed at St Stephen’s School. Taurarua (now Judges Bay, Auckland); see no. 560 for further background.

Administrative matters relating to the Native Church Board of the Anglican Church. (For the series of Native Church Board reports and additional information see S3Ol-303.) The text, partly a translation of extracts from Church statutes, is in four sections:

[l] (p. [i]-iii); Translation of Statute 3. sections 9-16 (renumbered 1-8), relating to Native Church Boards. The same setting was also printed as p. [xl]xlii of The Constitution. Statutes and Resolutions of the General Synod. 1868 (octavo issue, Bagnall 1249), with an additional preliminary English caption title ’Maori version of Statute 111., sections 9-16,, relating to Native Church Boards. ’. The English text is printed on p. 29-31 of The Constitution . . 1868. Williams 439 describes a folio issue of the Maori text in a different setting. This was printed as p. [xvii] of The Constitution . . . 1868 (noted in Bagnall 1249) but apparently not issued separately.

II (p. v), caption title ’Etahi rarangi ote Ture IV ate Hinota Nui “mo nga pariha kia whakaritea, . . Translation of Statute 4, sections 6-8, relating to the formation of parishes. The English text is printed on p. 33-34 of The Constitution . . . 1868.

11l (p. vi-xi), caption title ’Etahi tikanga ate Hinota o Akarana mo nga mahi o nga pariha, . . .’. 23 numbered sections; Auckland Synod regulations for vestries and wardens.

IV (p, xii), caption title Tenei ano etahi mea hei hurihurihanga ma nga “Hui ote Hahi Maori.’’’. Prescribes the resources and processes to establish native churches.

Williams 440. Copies: AP, NLA, WTU.


MARTIN, Sir William (1807-1880)

Outline of English law.

Ko nga | tikanga nui ( o te ture o Ingarani. | [ wavy rule] | [ Royal Arms] \ [wavy rule] \ Akarana. [i.e. Auckland] | 1868. [Na te Kawanatanga tenei pukapuka i mea kia tala. | Na Arepata J. Nikorahi i ta. Taurarua.]

98, [2] p.; 207x136 mm.: stiffened blue paper covers. Imprint from colophon p. [2], Page [loo] blank. Title repeated on front cover. Primed by Albert J. Nicholas ('Arepata J. Nikorahi’) at St Stephen’s School, Taurarua (now Judges Bay, Auckland),

A digest of English law. a translation of Outline of the law of England (Bagnall 4428) printed at the same press in 1867. A note on the purpose of the work



MAUNSELL. ROBERT (1810-1894)

is on p. [99], Although Williams ascribes it to T. H. Smith, Premier Stafford identified Martin as the author during the debate on the Maori Representation Bill ( NZPD , 1868, p. 500), The government bore the cost of printing and was responsible for circulating the work. A reprint was issued by the Government Printer in 1874 (no. 815).

The press at St Stephen's School (near Marlin's residence) had been transferred from St John's College at Purewa (now Meadowbank, Auckland) and initially produced items under the Cathedral Press imprint in the 1 860s (see no. 560 for further background). It was used at the school until about 1873, when it was acquired by Karaitiana Takamoana and used to produce the newspaper Te Wananga from 1874 (see no. 830 and SI9 for further details).

Further references to St Stephen's School in the period 1868-1876 can be found in Papers of the New Zealand mission 1809-1914, CMS Archive, University of Birmingham; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-Coll-04-31, Mission books, CN/M 23-26.

Williams 433, Bagnall 4429. Copies: AP, AR, DL. DUHO, NLA, WTU.


First volume of commentaries on parts of the Bible.

He | kupu whakamarama | mo etahi wahi | o te Karaipiture. | [ wavy rule] Akarana. [i.e. Auckland] | 1868. [Na Arepata J. Nikorahi i ta. Taurarua.]

61, [3] p.; 213x133 mm.; stiffened blue paper covers. Imprint from colophon p. (2]. Pages [62] and [64] blank. Title repeated on front cover. Contents on p. [63]. Printed by Albert J. Nicholas ('Arepata J. Nikorahi’) at St Stephen’s School. Taurarua (now Judges Bay, Auckland).

A commentary on parts of the Gospels of Matthew, Luke and John, the first of three volumes; see no. 755 and 772 for the other two. They are probably the work of Sir William Martin as an 1867 letter from Thomas Chapman, Superintendent of St Stephen's, records that he taught three mornings a week at the school (where Maori studied to become deacons) from May to December 1867 (T. Chapman, Letters and Journals to the CMS 1830-1869 (typescript), v. 3, p. 719, WTU, qMS-0427).

The printers, Albert Nicholas and (for volumes 2 and 3) Henry Hill, were part-Maori students transferred to St Stephen’s by the government following the closure of Gorst’s school at Te Awamutu in April 1863. Together with Obadiah Nichols they are listed as Teaming printing' (Chapman, Letters and journal, v. 3, p. 710).

Williams 435. Copies: AP, DUHO, NLA, WTU.


MAUNSELL, Robert (1810-1894).

Nga minita i roto i te whawhai. | [ornamental rule ] | Rokohanga mai e nga Kai-whakaako i mua he wha- | whai tonu ta te Maori ki a ia ano. Na ka whai ratou kia | pehia te whawhai; a ka rangona he taua, uru tonu atu | ratou ki roto, haere tahi ana, hei karakia i nga tangata, hei | rapu i tetahi huarahi mo te pai. | [. . .] [no imprint. Auckland? Printed at St Stephen's Press?, 1868]


Pamphlet defending Selwyn's actions during the Waikato War.



6. [2] p.; 218x127 mm. (untrimmed). Caption title. Pages [7-8] blank. From similarities in type and presentation with no. 718 and 719 this pamphlet was probably also printed at St Stephen's School, Taurarua; see no. 719 for further details.

A pamphlet compiled by Maunsell defending Selwyn's actions during the Waikato War, especially at Rangiaowhia in February 1864. The text comprises an introduction, three letters (dated April and May 1868) addressed to Maunsell from Heta Tarawhiti, Hohaia Ngahiwi and Hohua Te Moanaroa, and a conclusion (p. 6) signed 'Amine'. For an explanation of the circumstances, and (quoting letters from T, S. Grace) the distribution of the pamphlet in late 1868 and 1871, see J. H. Evans, Churchman militant (London, 1964), p. 9395. A translation of the pamphlet appears in the same work. p. [26IJ-267. The Grace correspondence is in Papers of the New Zealand mission 18091914, CMS Archive. University of Birmingham; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-Coll-04-39, Mission books, CN/M23, p, 142, 143, 147.

For the 1871 printing from St Stephen's Press see no. 756.

Williams 472 a (S), Bagnall 3554 (note). Copies: WTU.

**72 l


Native Lands Act Amendment Act 1868.

[Te Ture Whakatikatika i te Ture Whenua Maori. 1868: actual title not confirmed: no copy located. Wellington: Printed by the Government Printer. 1868]

Physical details not known; no copy located. Description from Williams.

'Translation of the Native Lands Act Amendment Act, 1868 [lB6B, No. 55]. No copy seen.' (Williams). The Act amended the Acts of 1865 (no. 670) and 1867 in administrative matters. For further background on these see A. Ward, A show of justice (Auckland. 1873), p. 212-217. See no. 669 for further information on land legislation.

Williams **43 B. No copy located.


Trigonometrical Stations and Survey Marks Act 1868.

(Trigonometrical Stations and Survey Marks.) | Ture mo nga Teihana me nga Tohu Ruri. | [rule] | Whakawhaititanga. | [ana/ysfs; 8 sections. 15 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule.] \ [rule] | He Ture whakatakoto tikanga hei tiaki hei whakaora | I nga Teihana me nga Tohu Rohe Tohu Ruri | hoki. (Hepetema 30, 1868.) | [. . .] [no imprint. Wellington; Printed by the Government Printer, 1868]

1 folded sheet (3, |l] p ); 334x212 mm. Caption title Page [4] blank. Short title: ‘Te Ture mo nga Teihana me nga Tohu Ruri, 1868.',

Translation of the Trigonometrical Stations and Survey Marks Act 1868 (1868. No 9) which authorised surveyors to enter properties to set up marks and set out penalties for interference with the process.

The Bill was introduced by Pollen in the Legislative Council on 21 August 1868 and passed all stages by 16 September. The English version of the Act




was issued as a supplement to the Gazette, 2 October 1868, and the Maori text was probably distributed with the Kahiti about the same time. For further background on the introduction of surveying see Bateman New Zealand historical atlas (Auckland, 1997), plate 35.

The following variant issue has been seen:

722.1 reset issue with Royal Arms in heading: ‘(Trigonometrical Stations and Survey Marks.) | [Royal Arms] ) Ture mo nga Teihana me nga Tohu Ruri. I [. ■ .I'.

The type area is the same in both issues, but there is some variation in typefaces and setting; for example, the numerals at the start of the sections are smaller in this issue. The copy seen is smaller (280x210 mm.) and probably cropped. The reason for the reprint, and its date, have not been identified.

Williams 437. Copies: WTU (inch variant 722.1).


NEW ZEALAND. Native Department

Official reply to Ngati Raukawa about a Native Land Court hearing.

A.-No. 19. | Copy of reply |to | application of non-selling Ngatiraukawa | claimants | for the hearing of their cases in Wellington. 1 [rule] | Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly, by command of | His Excellency. | [rule] | Wellington. | [rule] | 1868. [Printed by the Government Printer]

I folded sheet ([4] p ); 329x203 mm. Pages [2] and [4] blank.

AJHR, 1868, A-19. A brief official reply in Maori and English signed by Henry Halse (‘te Hareti’), Assistant Under-secretary at the Native Department, Wellington. It responds to Ngati Raukawa requests for unheard claims to be heard at the Native Land Court in Wellington. Halse advises their claims would be heard, but that decisions on the place and presiding judges would be made by the Court.

Copies: WTU (in bound vol., AJHR).


PETITIONS from East Coast natives relative to their lands

Three petitions seeking fair hearings on land title.

A.-No. 16. | Petitions | from | East Coast natives relative to their lands. | (Return to an address of the House of Representatives, dated 29th July,

1868.) | That there be laid on the table “Copies of letters respectively dated 27th March, 1868, and 25th | April, 1868, concerning petitions from natives residing at Hicks’ Bay, the East Cape, and Poverty | Bay, addressed by Mr. Preece to His Excellency the Governor, and referred by His Excellency to | his responsible advisers.” | (Mr. Carleton.) | Wellington. 1 [rule] | 1868. [Printed by the Government Printer]

13, [l] p.; 329x203 mm. Pages [2] and [l4] blank.

AJHR. 1868, A-16. Three petitions to the new Governor (Bowen) in Maori with English translations, with hundreds of East Coast Maori signatories and forwarding notes in English. The petitions seek fair hearings in the Native Land Court for land titles and complain about threatened confiscation.




associated with the Hauhau activities, under the East Coast Land Titles Investigation Act 1866 and the 1867 amendment. J. W. Preece (son of the CMS missionary James Preece) who was representing the Maori describes the provisions of the legislation as 'repugnant' to the British government. For further details of the context see Bateman New Zealand historical atlas (Auckland, 1997), plate 39,

Copies: WTU (in bound vol., AJHR).


Te TURE mete aroha noa

Religious tract, contrasting law and grace.

Te ture mete aroha noa. | [wavy rule] \ I puta mai te ture ia Mohi. | I puta mai te aroha noa mete pono ia Ihu 1 Karaiti. | [. . .] [no imprint. Christchurch?: Printed by George Jones?, ca. 1868]

1 sheet (2 p ): 215x125 mm. Caption title.

Religious tract comparing the law and grace. Typographically (typeface and regular use of em rules as punctuation) this is similar to no. 715, which is on a related topic. It is therefore assumed to be from the same source at about the same time.

Williams 325. Copies: AP; WTU (photocopy).


ANDREWES, Lancelot (1555-1626)

Fourth edition of a selection of private prayers.

He inoi | mo nga | ra katoa o te wiki. | [swelled rule] | “Kei whakamutua te inoi.” 1 [swelled rule] \ Akarana. [i.e. Auckland] | I taia tenei kite Perehi i a Tipene e | ArepataJ. Nikorahi. | 1869.

28 p.; 217x133 mm,; stiffened blue paper covers. Caption title p. [3]: 'He kupu | ma te ngakau inoi.'. Page [2] blank. Title repeated on front cover. Printed by Albert J. Nicholas (‘ArepataJ. Nikorahi') at St Stephen's Press ('te Perehi i a Tipene').

A fourth edition, with a different title, of the Bishop of Winchester's collection of private prayers, translated by Robert Maunsell and first published in 1 845 (no. 218). This issue has some alterations and additional prayers. For other editions (with the title He kupu ma te ngakau inoi) see no. 318, 403, 1 122 and 1349

Williams 442. Copies: ABH, AP, AR, DL, DUHO, NLA, WTU.


KEMP, Henry Tacy (1818-1901)

Reprint of an introductory grammar and vocabulary, with two myths. Chapman's handy book for New Zealand. | [rule] | New Maori | grammar & phrase book; | or, | The first step to Maori conversation. | New edition, | revised and enlarged, | by | H. T. Kemp, J.P. 1 Late Native Secretary and Interpreter, | Author of the translation into Maori of “Robinson Crusoe," | “Pilgrim’s Progress," etc. | [wavy rule] | Auckland: | Geo. T Chapman. Bookseller and Stationer. | Queen-Street, [ca. 1869]

vi, 7-64 p.; 185x125 mm. Title (with minor variations) repeated on front




cover within ornamental border. Advertisement for Chapman’s printing, stationery, and agency sales on outside back cover.

Apart from some changes in the preliminaries (e.g, this issue has a half-title and a different Contents list) and new text on p. [7], this is a reprint of the edition published in 1867 (no, 701) under the title The first step to Maori conversation. The date of issue is probably about 1869 as a revised edition appeared in 1870 (no. 739). The first edition was published in 1848 (no. 363) and a final edition appeared in about 1879 (no. 932).

Williams 398 & (S), Bagnall 2960. Copies: AR, DUHO; WTU (photocopy).


MARTIN, Mary Ann, Lady (1817-1884)

Rerines for remedies, food and beveraaes.

He | pukapuka 1 whakaatu tikanga | mo | nga rongoa mo nga kai. | [swelled rule] \ Akarana. [i.e. Auckland] | I taia tenei kite Perehi i a Tipene e | Henry Hill. | 1869.

[2], 23, [l] p.; 214x135 mm.; blue paper covers. Prelim, pages: title-page (verso blank). Pages [2] and [24] blank. Title repeated on front cover. Printed by Henry Hill on the press at St Stephen’s School (‘te Perehi i a Tipene'), Taurarua (now Judges Bay. Auckland); see no. 718 for further details.

Recipes for medicinal remedies, foods and beverages, attributed to Lady Martin first by Hocken (p. 533) followed by Williams. This appears to be the first work to use the macron to differentiate long vowels in Maori, though applied irregularly here.

Williams 442 a, Bagnall 3408. Copies: AP, AR, DUHO, NLA, WTU.


MAUNSELL. Robert (1810-1894)

Notice. 26 February 1869. announcing the arrival of the complete Maori Bible. He panuitanga tenei kia rongo ai nga tangata | Maori katoa o runga, o raro, o waenganui o| te motu nei. | E hoa ma, — |He kupu tenei na te Komiti Paipera ki o | ratou hoa aroha ki nga tangata Maori, mo nga Paipera | Maori, [. , .] | [2B lines] \ E te Manihera, raua ko 1 te Rore. | Akarana, 26 o nga ra o Pepuere, 1869. [no imprint. Auckland?: Printed at the Cathedral Press?, 1869]

I sheet ([ 1 ] P-): 210x131 mm.; laid paper. Probably printed at the press at St Stephen's School.

A notice signed by Robert Maunsell (‘te Manihera’) and H. H. Lawry ('te Rore’) advertising the arrival of the Maori Bible (no. 716), available at 196 Queen Street, Auckland.

Williams 436. Copies: WTU.

Entries ** 73o-732 are filed in alphabetical order of English title.



Native Lands Act 1869.

[Te Ture Whenua Maori. 1869: actual title not confirmed: no copy located. Wellington: Printed by the Government Printer. 1869]




Physical details not known; no copy located. Description from Williams.

■Translation of the Native Lands Act, 1869 [1869, No. 26], No copy seen ’ (Williams). It amended the Acts of 1865 (no. 670) and 1867 and defined certain categories of ownership. See no. 669 for further information on land legislation.

Williams **444 No copy located


Oyster Fisheries Act Amendment Act 1869.

[Te Ture Whakatikatika i te Ture Mahi Tio. 1869: actual title not confirmed: no copy located. Wellington: Printed by the Government Printer. 1869]

Physical details not known; no copy located. Description from Williams.

‘Translation of the Oyster Fisheries Act Amendment Act, 1869 [1869, No. 50], No copy seen.’ (Williams). It amended the 1866 Act (no. **692) by encouraging and rewarding the discovery of natural oyster beds.

Williams **445. No copy located.


Poverty Bay Grants Act 1869.

[Te Ture mo nga Karaati i Papati Pei (Turanga). 1869: actual title not confirmed: no copy located. Wellington: Printed by the Government Printer, 1869]

Physical details not known; no copy located. Description from Williams.

■Translation of the Poverty Bay Grants Act, 1869 [1869. No. 31], No copy seen.’ (Williams). It empowered the Governor to grant land in Poverty Bay to members of the Colonial Defence Force and to friendly Maori. The land, ceded in 1868 was notified in the Gazette. 13 February 1869.

Williams **443. No copy located.


NEW ZEALAND. Native Department

Report and documents relating to a June 1869 meeting held at Ngaruawahia.

A.-No. 15. I Report | by | Mr. Commissioner Mackay | relative to | a meeting held at Ngaruawahia. | [rule] | Presented to the House of Representatives, by command of His | Excellency. | [rule] | Wellington. | [rule] | 1869. [Printed by the Government Printer]

14 p.; 329x203 mm. Page [2] blank. Shoulder number in text printed as •A.-No. 5.'.

AJHR. 1869, A-15. Report by James Mackay, Civil Commissioner, Auckland, explaining the background to the meeting convened by government ally Te Wheoro. Appended are fifteen associated communications (April-June 1869) in Maori with English translations, between Maori and Mackay. About 700 Maori attended the June 1869 meeting, but the Kingitanga eventually




declined to participate. For further background to this period see A, Ward, A show of justice (Auckland. 1973), p. 226-228,

Copies: WTU (in bound vol., AJHR).


NEW ZEALAND. Native Minister

Circular letter. 20 November 1869. about meeting with Kingitanga leaders.

Akarana, 20 Nowema, i 869. | E hoa e | Tena koe. He pukapuka whakaatu tenei kia rongo koe kua tae ahau ki Waikato. | No te 9 o nga ra ka tae ki Pahiko, he kaainga kei te taha whaka-runga o Hangatiki. Kei | te takiwa ki Tokangamutu. | [. . .] [no imprint. Auckland?: Printed by the New Zealand Herald?, 1869?]

1 sheet ([2] p ); 336x21 7 mm. Caption title. Signed at end ’Na to hoa, | na te Makarini.’. At foot of p, [l] is space for the name ('Ki a’) and address CKei’) of the intended recipient. Probably printed at the New Zealand Herald office.

A circular from Native Minister Donald McLean ('te Makarini’), reporting on his meeting with Kingitanga leaders at Pahiko near Hangatiki, 9 November 1869, consisting mainly of exchanges between himself and Rewi Maniapoto. An English account, including much of this text in translation, was printed in the New Zealand herald, 15 November 1869. Related proofs and manuscripts are in Archives New Zealand (MA 24/22). For further information on the Fox government policies for resolving issues with Maori see R. Dalziel, Julius Vogel (Auckland, 1986), p. 98, 103.

Somerville 436 a, Bagnall 3306 a. Copies: WTU.


NEW ZEALAND. Parliament. House of Representatives. Public Petitions Committee.

Analysis of fees payable for Thames land leased for mining.

F.-No. 2. | Report | of the | Public Petitions Committee | on the | petition of thirteen natives owning land | at the Thames gold fields, | praying that there may be no diminution in the fees for miners’ rights, which fees | they claim under an arrangement with Mr. Mackay. | [rule] | Brought up 3rd August, 1869, and ordered to be translated into Maori | and printed. | [rule] | Wellington. | [rule] \ 1869. [Printed by the Government Printer]

I folded sheet (4 p ); 329x203 mm Page [2] blank.

AJHR. 1869, F-2. The Committee’s report in English and Maori, signed by the Chairman, J. Cracroft Wilson. The calculations indicate the thirteen Maori owners of land leased in the Thames goldfields were not disadvantaged by the newly proclaimed leasing Regulations, compared with previous agreements made with James Mackay. For further background see P. Monin, This is my place: Haurahi contested 1769-1875 (Wellington, 2001). p. 216-217. Copies: WTU (in bound vol., AJHR).


He PUKAPUKA WHAKAATU tenei i te paanga mai . . .

Circular explaining the problems experienced by Wairarapa Maori.

He pukapuka whakaatu tenei i te paanga mai o te mate ki tenei motu. ko




te take, no | te taenga mai o te Pakeha ki uta nei, ko Kapekuki te ingoa, [. . .] | [. . .] [Printed by Edward Grigg and Archibald Kennedy Arnot, at the Wairarapa Mercury Office. Greytown, | August 30, 1869.]

1 folded sheet (4 p ); 260x205 mm.; blue paper. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p, 4. Dated at end: 'Na matou na nga hoa aroha i te upoko o te motu 15Akuhata, 1869.'.

An anonymous circular printed in two sizes of type, and using small capitals to make up for the shortage of lower case ‘k’. The text was written by Wairarapa people and appears to be a response to another text or possibly an address. It describes some of the problems experienced by Maori in recent decades, blaming Pakeha for the problems. The last paragraph seems to be an endorsement of a parliamentary candidate

Copies: AR (T. H. Smith Papers, MS Papers 283, box 4); WTU photocopy.


TAKAMOANA, Karaitiana (d. 1879)

Letter explaining problems for Maori in Native Land Court procedures.

A.-No. 22. | Memorial | to the General Assembly | from | Karaitiana Takamoana, Hawke's Bay | relative to | the working of the Native Lands Court | and | the individualization of native title to land. | [rule] | Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly, by command of | His Excellency. I [rule] I Wellington. I [rule] I 1869. [Printed by the Government Printer]

1 folded sheet (4 p.); 329x203 mm. Page [2] blank.

AJHR. 1869. A-22. An open letter to parliament in Maori and English explaining that limits to the number of Crown Grant claimants (ten) and the ability of one owner to sell the land are of great concern to Maori, and should be changed. Takamoana represented the Eastern Maori electorate from 1871 until his death in 1879. For information on the context see A. Ward, A show of justice (Auckland. 1973), p. 213.

Williams 446. Copies: WTU (in bound vol., AJHR).



The ant and the grasshopper.

[Te popokorua raua ko te kihikihi: actual title nor confirmed: no copy located, no imprint, ca. 1870?]

I sheet (I p.); 283 x 1 29 mm. Physical details not confirmed; no copy located. Description from Sommerville

Aesop's fable of the ant and the grasshopper. The story appeared in He korero tara mo re kura (no. 430) with the title ‘Te popokorua raua ko te Kowhitiwhiti' and in Te ngaro mahi honi (no 412: also in no. 742) with the title 'Te pokorua raua ko te kihikihi'. This single-sheet item may be a proof or reprint of one of these versions.

Sommerville 573 a. No copy located.





KEMP, Henry Tacy (1818-1901)

Revised edition of introductory grammar and vocabulary.

English and Maori | grammar, dictionary | and | phrase book | New edition revised and re-arranged | by | H. T. Kemp, J.P., | Late Native Secretary and Interpreter, 1 author of the translations into Maori of "Robinson Crusoe,” | “Bunyan’s Pilgrim's Progress," etc. | New Zealand | Geo. T. Chapman, Publisher | Queen Street 1 Auckland [lB7o]

[4], [l3]-68 p.; 180X110 mm.; red or purple or brown or black cloth boards with title label on front cover. Colophon p. [2] and 68: 'W, Atkin, Printer, High Street. Auckland’. Prelim, pages; title-page (colophon on verso) and The native tribes of the North Island of New Zealand, their location and number’ (p. [3-4]). Caption title p. [l3]: ’Maori grammar, dictionary. 1 and | phrase book,’. Cover title on label within border: ’English and Maori | grammar, dictionary I and | phrase book.’.

Dated from numbering example ‘lB7o’ (p. 19), the source of the information on tribes ('. . . parliamentary returns. 1870’) and the date of the review in the Daily Southern Cross (13 September 1870).

One copy (AR) lacks the leaf of tribes and other copies (AR, DUHO, NLA) have that leaf following p. 68. Some copies have variant advertisements for Chapman’s publications tipped in, the most substantial being a [2B] p. pamphlet with cover title: ‘New Zealand publications. | [ornamental rule] | List of works | recently published by | Geo, T. Chapman. | Bookseller & Stationer, | Auckland, New Zealand.’. As this includes Chapman's traveller's guide published 1872, the grammar was clearly issued over several years.

A revised edition of an introductory Maori grammar and vocabulary for English speakers, the previous issue of which was published in about 1 869 (no. 727), This edition lacks the two Maori myths but has the additional information on the Maori population at 1870. The grammar is enlarged and the vocabulary rearranged in one sequence, but the conversational sentences are the same as before. Another edition was published ca. 1879 (no. 932).

The following variant issue has been identified:

739.1 variant binding and cover title: 74 purple cloth, blue-green papercovered boards with title in ornamental border as follows:

First Step to Maori Conversation 1 [rule] | New Maori Grammar 1 Dictionary | and | phrase book. | New Edition, re-arranged and enlarged | by | Henry Tacy Kemp, J.P.. | late Native Secretary and interpreter, and author of | translations into Maori of "Robinson Crusoe." | "Bunyan’s Pilgrim's Progress,” etc. | New Zealand | G. T. Chapman, Bookseller and Stationer | Queen Street | Auckland

Williams 451 & (S), Bagnall 2961, Copies: AR, DL (incl. variant 739.1), DUHO, ML, NLA, WTU.



Fifty-two Church of England hymns, printed in Wanganui.

Ko nga himene. | [wavy rule] \ Himene 1. S.M. | I Ko wai rate Atua? | Ko Ihowa ano, | ko te Atua i homai nei | i tana tamaiti. | [. . .] [A. D. Willis, Machine Printer, Wanganui, [ca, 1870]]




15, [l] p ; 140x75 mm Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. [l6], Printed in two columns separated by vertical rule.

A Wanganui printing of the standard collection of 52 hymns in use from 1856 to 1873, to accompany the Book of Common Prayer (no. 487). The publication date follows Williams and is unconfirmed; Willis was involved in printing in Wanganui for over 30 years from the mid-1860s (see DNZB, v. 2, p. 584).

Contents are the same as the previous edition of about 1860 (no. 500) but the hymn tunes are indicated in this printing e.g. 'S.M.' (St Michael, in hymn no. 1). In 1873 a collection of 55 hymns was published by different printers (see no. 784-785).

Williams 322. Copies: DUHO; WTU (photocopy).


KO TE TURE mo te Hoko Waipiro

Summary translation of the Outlying Districts Sale of Spirits Act 1870.

Ko te Ture mo te Hoko Waipiro. | [double rule] | He Ture tenei kua whakatakotoria e te Runanga Nui o Niu Tireni kia | marama ai te whakahaere i nga tikanga mo te hoko i te waipiro i | roto i nga takiwa e nohoia ana e nga tangata Maori. | [. . .] [no imprint. Wellington?; Printed by the Government Printer?, 1870?]

1 sheet (2 p.); 320x200 mm ? (only copy cropped). Caption title

A summary translation of the Outlying Districts Sale of Spirits Act 1870 (1870, No. 39). The Act provided that in districts of at least two-thirds Maori population applicants for liquor licenses must obtain the written consent of the Assessors of the District. The Bill (with the title 'Sale of Spirits in Native Districts') was introduced by McLean in the House on 19 July and passed all stages by 26 July, For further background see A. Ward, A show of justice (Auckland, 1973), p. 248-250.

Similar summaries of legislation were printed in the Kahiti but apparently not this (or the uniform no. 752) which was probably issued at about the time the Act was passed. The title supplied by Williams (who had not seen a copy) is: ‘Te Ture Hoko Waipiro i nga Takiwa o Waho, 1870.'.

Williams **456. Copies: AP; WTU (photocopy).

742 MARTIN, Mary Ann, Lady (1817-1884)

Reset edition of a primer, with additional songs and poems for children.

He 1 pukapuka whakaako | mo | te kura. | [swelled rule] 1 Akarana. [i.e.

Auckland] I Na Henry Hill i ta. St Stephen's, Taurarua. | 1870.

1 5, 9p ; 215 x 133 mm.: stiffened yellow cloth covers (blank). Page [2] blank. Second sequence begins on verso of p. 15; p. 1-5 in two columns separated by vertical rule. Printed by Henry Hill on the press at St Stephen’s School, Taurarua (now Judges Bay, Auckland); see no. 718 for further background.

A reset edition of Lady Martin's primer of alphabets, syllables, reading lessons and multiplication tables (p. [3]-14) first published in 1851 (no. 411), Together with it are new text (p. 15) and songs and poems for children (9 p.)




first published in 1851 under the title Te ngaro mahi honi (no. 412) and attributed to T. H. Smith.

Williams 448; Bagnall 4720 a. Copies: AP, WTU.



Land Transfer Act 1870.

[Te Ture Whakawhiti Whenua. 1870 ; actual title not confirmed: no copy located. Wellington: Printed by the Government Printer. 1870]

Physical details not known: no copy located. Description from Williams.

'Translation of the Land Transfer Act, 1870 [lB7O, No. 51], No copy seen. This and the following entry [i.e. Williams **455, for the same legislation but citing the title as “Te Ture Tuku Whenua”] are from references in other Maori translations of Acts, and illustrate the carelessness with which Acts were sometimes rendered into Maori.’ (Williams). The Act repealed and amended earlier legislation in order to simplify the title process and land transactions. See no. 669 for further information on land legislation

Williams **454 and **455. No copy located.


Native Lands Acts Amendment Act 1870.

[Te Ture Whakatikatika i nga Ture Whenua Maori. 1870: actual title not confirmed; no copy located. Wellington: Printed by the Government Printer. 1870]

Physical details not known: no copy located. Description from Williams.

’Translation of the Native Lands Acts Amendment Act, 1870 [lB7O, No, 74], No copy seen.’ (Williams). It amended the Acts of 1865 (no. 670) and 1869 (no. **73o) and reinstated a limit of six months for ordering rehearings of ownership disputes. See no. 669 for further information on land legislation.

Williams **452. No copy located.

745 NEW ZEALAND. Native Department

Circular, 18 October 1870. about the background to the Franco-Prussian War.

Poneke, Oketopa 18, 1870. |Ki a [space for name] \ Tena koe. I tera pukapuka o te 20 o Hepetema, i ki a te Makarini kia tae mai | te meera hou o tawahi katahi ka tukua atu nga rongo o te whawhai kia kite | ai koutou. [, , .] [no imprint. Wellington?: Printed by the Government Printer?, 1870]

I sheet (2 p.); 327x205 mm.; laid paper with watermark of Britannia image. Caption title. Signed at end: "Heoi ano, ( na ta hoa, | na te Hareti.’.

A circular from Assistant Native Secretary Halse ('te Hareti’) explaining the background to the Franco-Prussian War, following McLean’s circular of 20 September (no. 747). The only copy located is at WTU (D. McLean, Papers,




MS-Papers-0032-0694E) with a manuscript English translation, and responses to McLean’s circular. See also no. 766.

Copies: WTU (McLean Papers, MS-Papers-0032-694E).

Entries 746-748 are filed in date order.


NEW ZEALAND. Native Minister

Circular letter. 8 September 1870. about recent Parliamentary business.

Poneke, Hepetema 8, 1870. | Ki a [space for name] | E hoa, tena koe. Tenei ta matou Runanga ka tata te mutu, koia ahau i mea ai, kia whaka- | aturina atu ki a koutou nga mea i hurihurihia, ara i Runangatia mariretia mo te taha Maori, —a, tae | noa ki tona mutunga aka waiho nei hei Ture mo tatou, mo nga Pakeha, mo nga Maori hoki. | [. . . ] [no imprint. Wellington?; Printed by the Government Printer?, 1870]

1 sheet (2 p.); 335x209 mm.; laid paper with watermark: T H Saunders | Fine’. Caption title. Signed at end: 'Na to hoa, | na te Makarini.’.

A circular letter from the Minister (McLean, 'te Makarini') reporting on events in the Parliamentary session: Bills for loans and railways, the Outlying Districts Sale of Spirits Act 1870 and the Native Land Frauds Prevention Act 1870. It probably accompanied the printed summaries in Maori of those Acts (no. 741 and 752).

Copies: WTU (McLean Papers. MS-0032-0694D).


Printed letter. 20 September 1870. about the Franco-Prussian War. Poneke, 1 Hepetema 20, 1870. |Ki a [spacefor name] | Tenei te korero hou kua tae mai i tawahi, kei te whawhai a Puruhia raua ko | te Wiwi. I te putanga mai o te meera kua hinga etahi Parekura, nui noa atu | nga mea i mate. [. . .] | [l5 lines] | Na to hoa, | Na te Makarini. [no imprint. Wellington?: Printed by the Government Printer?, 1870]

1 sheet ([l] p,); 326x199 mm.; laid paper with watermark T FI Saunders | Fine’, or Britannia image. Possibly printed by the Government Printer, but may have been printed by James Wood at Napier. McLean's electorate.

A circular letter from McLean about the Franco-Prussian War ('te whawhai a Puruhia [Prussians] raua ko te Wiwi [for 'Oui-oui', i.e. the French]’) saying the news in the mails is confused; some is being withheld until more accurate information is available. A manuscript English translation is at WTU (D. McLean. Papers, MS-Papers-0032-0694D). See also no, 745 and 766

Copies: WTU.


Circular letter. 26 September 1870. encouraging Maori to cultivate flax. PoneKe, | Hepetema 26, 1870. |Hi a [spacefor name] \ E hoa tena koe. Kua tae tenei kite taima e tangi ai te riroriro, kola ahau i 1 whakaaro ai kia tukua atu etahi kupu hei whakamaharahara atu ki a koutou | kei tangi noa




te riroriro. | [. . .] [no imprint. Wellington?: Printed by the Government Printer?, 1870]

1 sheet (2 p ): 327x205 mm.; laid paper with watermark ‘T H Saunders | Fine’. Caption title. Signed at end: ‘Heoi ano, | na to hoa, | na te Makarini’.

A circular letter from the Minister (McLean, 'te Makarini’), encouraging Maori to return to the cultivation of flax (Phormium tenax) and prepare its fibre Cmuka’) for export. It announces a competition for the best acre of flax and the best ton of dressed flax. The text in English is printed in AJHR, 1871, G-4, p. 24-25. A manuscript English translation is at WTU (D. McLean. Papers, MS-Papers-0032-0694D) and some replies (in MS-Papers-0032-0694E).

Royal Commissions into the flax industry were appointed in 1869 and 1870 (for their reports see AJHR. 1870, D-14, D-14A; 1871, G-4, G-4a) because of dissatisfaction with what was received in England. Flax prepared bv Maori was of far higher quality than that from colonists.

Copies: WTU (McLean Papers, MS-Papers-0032-0694D).


NGAPORA, Tamati (d, 1 885)

General invitation to a hui at Te Kuiti on 25 February 1870.

[seven asterisks representing the Pleiades] \ 1. Kua puta Matanki kote tahi I, 2, 3, 4. 1 2. Kua noho te ropu whakawa monga Maori, e | patu puku ana I te whenua. | 3. Kakanga te tangata e patu ana I te whenua. | Konga tangata kua kitea nei o ratou ingoa Inga | ka hit! whakawa whenua me haere mai. | Kite marae e tata ana kite Kuiti, i te 25 o | Pepuere, 1870. | Mate tangata e tiki tona tona kite kore e haere | mai e kore e mutu tetohe. | He ki tenei mo katoa, | Naku i tuhi. | Na Manuwhiri. | [ ornament] [no imprint. 1870?]

1 sheet ((l]p.): I 79xl 14 mm.; laid paper.

A circular extending a general invitation to a hui at Te Kuiti on 25 February 1870, apparently issued by a land court of the Kingitanga at Te Kuiti by a scribe Ctuhi’) for Ngapora, close adviser to King Tawhiao. Ngapora, of Ngati Mahuta, took the name 'Manuwhiri' (guest) when he moved into exile in the King Country: see DNZB, v. I. p. 309-310. Like other Kingitanga documents the language is obscure and the circumstances of its printing are unknown; the only copy located is in Donald McLean's papers (WTU, MS-Papers-0032-1018).

Copies: WTU (McLean papers, MS-Papers-0032-1018).


TAYLOR, George

A guide for Pdkehd to the pronunciation of Maori.

He peka o te kowhai. | [double rule] | A branch of the kowhai, | or a | help to the pronunciation | of the | Maori language. | [rule] \ [quotation. 5 lines] \ [rule] | Wanganui: | Printed by Ballance and Willis, Campbell Place. | [rule] | 1870.

27. [l] p,; 135x99 mm. Pages [2] and [2B] blank. Title-page bordered with double rules. Preface signed 'G.T.'. Ballance and Willis published the Evening herald.



TAYLOR. RICHARD (1805-1873)

A guide for Pakeha to the pronunciation of Maori arranged under each letter of the English alphabet, thus including Maori pronunciation of English sounds and words, with additional remarks on the language and its uses. A review in the Wanganui chronicle. 29 December 1870, p. 2, identified the author as 'Mr G. Taylor. , . [who] starts excellently well but by the time he has reached the end, the Maori seems to have got into his head and caused him to write in an obscure although rather lofty and oracular style’. Taylor responded in the issue of 31 December, noting that the work was issued to prepaid subscribers and suggesting he might produce a second part (not identified). Williams 457, Bagnall 5443. Copies: WTU.


TAYLOR, Richard (1805-1873)

Revised edition of an 1848 dictionary of natural history.

Maori and English | dictionary | New and enlarged edition | of | "A leaf from the natural history of New Zealand, or a vocabulary | of its differen productions, &c., with their native names.” | By | Rev. Richard Taylor, M.A., F.G.S., | author of “New Zealand and its inhabitants," “The past, | present, and future of New Zealand," etc. | New Zealand | George T. Chapman, Publisher | Queen Street | Auckland [lB7o]

[lo], 120, [l4] p.; I 75x108 mm.; stiffened purple cloth covers with title label on front cover. Prelim, pages: half title (verso blank), title-page. Preface (p. [56]), Contents (p. [7-8]), section title (verso blank). Printed in two columns. Pages [s6], [Bo], [B2], [loB] blank. Colophon p. [4] (prelim, pages): ‘W. Atkin, Printer. High Street, Auckland.’. Cover title (on label, within border): ‘New Zealand | dictionary | Maori and English.’.

Final [l4] p.: ‘New Zealand publications. 1 [ornamental rule] | A descriptive list of works 1 recently published by | Geo. T. Chapman, 1 Bookseller, Auckland. | [. . .]’.

A revised version of Taylor’s 1848 dictionary Leaf from the natural history of New Zealand (no. 366) without the original introduction. The apparently minor changes include revision of the botanical nomenclature by Thomas Kirk. The Daily Southern Cross recorded it as just received on 20 August 1870, and regretted the lack of accents and pronunciation that resulted in it being 'useless to the uninitiated'.

The following variant issues are noted:


with additional colophon on p. 120: This issue lacks the [l4] p.

Chapman catalogue and repeats the p. [4] colophon on p. 120: W. Atkin, Printer, High Street, Auckland.The DUHO copy has a Chapman advertisement (1 leaf) after p. 120 and is annotated ‘1872'. suggesting ongoing reprints and reissues.

**751.2 with green stiffened paper covers and variant cover title; This issue lacks the [l4] p. Chapman catalogue and has only one colophon (p. [4]). The AP copy has a Chapman advertisement (1 leaf) before the title-page. The title on the front cover is:

A leaf | from the | natural history 1 of | New Zealand 1 or | Dictionary of its different productions | with their native names, | New and enlarged edition.




1 By 1 Rev. Richard Taylor. MA, FGS, | author of “New Zealand and its inhabitants," etc. 1 New Zealand: | Published by G. T. Chapman. Bookseller and Stationer, | Queen Street, Auckland.

Williams 450, Bagnall 5485. Copies: AP (variant 751.2), AR, DUHO (variant 751.1, with advertisement), NLA, WTU (incl. variant 751.1).


He TURE TENEI hei arai i te mahi hoko tahae

Summary translation of the Native Lands Frauds Prevention Act 1870.

He Ture tenei hei arai i te mahi hoko tahae I | nga whenua o nga Maori. | [double rule] | He mohiotanga kua mahia ohoreretia te hoko, te reti, te moketi whenua | e etahi tangata, i runga i te mea ko o ratou ingoa anake i uru ki nga | Karauna Karaati, koia I whakaarohia ai kia whakatakotoria he Ture | hei arai i aua mahi. | [5O lines] | [rule] | George Didsbury, Kai-ta o te Kawanatanga, Poneke [i.e. Wellington], Niu Tireni. [1870?]

I sheet ([l] p.); 342x214 mm. Printed by the Government Printer ( Kai-ta o te Kawanatanga’).

Short title: 'Te Ture Arai i nga Mahi Tahae ki nga Whenua Maori, 1870.’

A summary translation of the Native Lands Frauds Prevention Act 1870 (1870, No. 75): for comment on the use of such summaries see no. 741. The Act provided a mechanism for disallowing transactions in Maori land if contrary to equity or in contravention of any trusts, or if liquor or arms formed part of the consideration. The Bill was introduced by Sewell in the Legislative Council on 19 August and passed all stages by 8 September. Probably issued about the time the Act was passed. For further background see A. Ward, A show of justice (Auckland. 1973), p. 252.

Williams 453. Copies: WTL



Petition about a boundary on land at Waipawa. Hawke's Bay.

Petition | of | Heta Hungahunga | on the | subject of certain lands at Waipawa, | in the 1 Province of Hawke’s Bay. | [rule] | Ordered by the Honourable the Legislative Council to be printed | 24th October, 1871. | [rule] | By authority: | George Didsbury, Government Printer. Wellington. | [rule] | 1871. | L. C. No. 28.)

1 folded sheet ([4] p.); 31 1x204 mm. Pages [2] and [4] blank.

AJLC. 1871, No. 28. Petition in Maori, 26 August 1871, with an English translation, signed by Heta Hungahunga who disputes a Native Land Court boundary decision on his land at Waipawa, and asks for compensatory land in return. The Petitions Committee referred the petition to the government JLC, 1871, p. 195-196). The growing use of petitions by Maori as a way of attempting to resolve issues led to the establishment of the Native Affairs Committee in 1871; see A. Ward, A show of justice (Auckland, 1973), p. 271, and S2O (the annual Committee reports, 1876-1962).

Copies: WTU (in bound voI ..JLQ.






Petition on behalf of a woman in Hawke’s Bay about lands in the Waikato. Petition | of | Nopera Kuikainga and others, | as to the | claim of a native woman, now living in | Hawke’s Bay, | to | certain lands in the Waikato District. | [rule] | Ordered by the Honourable the Legislative Council to be printed | 24th October. 1871. | [rule] | By authority: | George Didsbury, Government Printer, Wellington. | [rule] | L.C. No. 27) 1871,

1 folded sheet ([4] p,); 31 1x204 mm. Pages [2] and [4] blank.

AJLC, 1871, No. 27. Petition in Maori, 29 August 1871, with an English translation, signed by Nopera Kuikainga and three named others from the Hawke's Bay Maori Committee. It is written on behalf of an unnamed Waikato woman living in Hawke's Bay and asks whether 18 named pieces of land near Ngaruawahia were confiscated after the war of 1863-1864. The Petitions Committee referred it to the government IJLC. 1871, p. 195-196),

Copies: WTU (in bound voI ..JLQ.

MARTIN, Sir William (1807-1880), attrib.


Second volume of commentaries on parts of the Bible.

He | kupu whakamarama | mo etahi wahi | o te Karaipiture. | Te rua o nga wahi. | [wavy rule] | Akarana. [i.e. Auckland] | 1870. [i.e. 1871] [Na Henry Hill i ta. St. Stephen's Press, Taurarua.]

67, [l] p.; 212x138 mm.: blue paper covers. Imprint from colophon p. [2], Pages [6s] and [6B] blank. Title repeated on front cover, but with date ‘1871.’. Contents on p. [66]-67. Pagination omitted from many pages. Printed by Henry Hill on the press at St Stephen's School, Taurarua (now Judges Bay, Auckland): see no. 718 for further background.

The second volume of commentaries on parts of the Bible; see no. 719 for the first volume and further background information. This volume covers parts of Acts, Thessalonians and I Corinthians. See no. 772 for the third volume.

Williams 461 & (S). Copies: AP. AR. NLA, WTU.


MAUNSELL, Robert (1810-1894)

New printing of a defence of Selwyn's actions during the Waikato War.

Nga minita i roto i te whawhai. | [ ornamental rule] \ Rokohanga mai e nga Kai-whakaako i mua he wha- | whai tonu ta te Maori ki a ia ano. Na ka whai ratou kia | pehia te whawhai: a ka rongona he taua, uru tonu atu | ratou ki roto, haere tahi ana, hei karakia i nga tangata, hei | rapu i tetahi huarahi mo te pai. | [. . .] [1 taia tenei kite Perehi ote Kura o Tipene e | Henry Hill [Auckland: 1871)]

6, [2] p.: 209 x 1 27 mm. (untrimmed). Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 6. Pages [7-8] blank. Printed by Henry Hill at the press at St Stephen's School Cte Perehi o te Kura o Tipene'), Taurarua (now Judges Bay).

A new printing of a pamphlet defending Selwyn's actions during the Waika




War. For further information see no. 720, the 1868 printing. This issue is presumably the one referred to as having been distributed in 1871, after Maunsell’s relocation to Auckland in 1870. Items from St Stephen’s Press with Henry Hill’s name in the colophon date from between 1869 and 1873.

Williams 472, Bagnall 3554. Copies: AP, AR, WTU.

Entries ** 757-759 are filed in alphabetical order of the English title.



Land Transfer Act 1870 Amendment Act 1871.

[Te Ture Whakatikatika 1871 i te Ture Tuku Whenua. 1870: actual title not confirmed: no copy located. Wellington: Printed by the Government Printer, 1871]

Physical details not known; no copy located. Description from Williams.

Translation of the Land Transfer Act 1870 Amendment Act, 1871 [lB7l, No. 12], No copy seen.’ (Williams). The Act amended the 1870 Act (no. **743) in administrative procedures relating to the sale of land. See no. 669 for further information on land legislation.

Williams **464. No copy located.


Native Districts Road Boards Act 1871.

Niu Tirani. | [rule] \ [Royal Arms] \ Tau toru te kau ma rima | o Kuini Wikitoria. | [rule] | Whakawhaititanga. | [analysis: 16 sections. 32 lines in 2 columns separated by vertical rule] \ [rule] | He Ture e tika ai te whakatu i etahi Rori Poata i roto | i nga Takiwa Maori. ([...] [no imprint. Wellington: Printed by the Government Printer, 1871]

5, [l] p.: 335x210 mm. Caption title. Final leaf (p. 5-[6]) tipped in. Page [6] blank. Includes marginal notes.

Short title: ‘Te Ture Rori Poata mo nga Takiwa Maori 1871'.

A translation of the Native District Road Boards Act 1871 (1871, No. 9), omitting the Act number and date of assent (14 November 1871) of the English text. The Act enabled Maori communities to form Road Boards and rate themselves. The Bill was introduced by McLean in the House on 24 October, passing all stages by 9 November. For further background see A. Ward, A show of justice (Auckland, 1973), p. 269, and T. Bennion, Maori and rating law (Wellington. 1997), p. 8-1 I.

iul 11 lutr im/imigiuii, i //i >, j-/. yj i i . Marsden Clarke reported to McLean on a meeting at Ohaeawai on 22 December: ‘i was then called upon to explain it [the Act] to them [Ngapuhi], for although they had a translation of the Act, it was almost incomprehensible to them’. Some of the provisions of the Act were seen as too narrow (AJHR. 1872, F-4).

Sommerville 464b. Copies: WTU.





Native Schools Act Amendment Act 1871.

Niu Tirani. | [rule] \ [Royal Arms] | Tau toru te kau ma rima | o Kuini Wikitoria. | No. LV. | [line of asterisks] \ Whakawhaititanga. | [analysis: 10 sections. 18 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] | [rule] | He Ture hei whakatika i ‘Te Ture Kura Maori, 1867.’ (14 Nowema 1871 i I

(. . .] [no imprint. Wellington: Printed by the Government Printer, 1871]

I folded sheet (3, [l] p.); 342x210 mm. (untrimmed). Caption title. Page [4] blank. Running title: ‘3s° Wikitoria. No. 55.’. Includes marginal notes. Short title: - Te Ture whakatika ite Ture Kura Maori. 1871 •

Translation of the Native Schools Act Amendment Act 1871 (1871, No. 55) It authorised the Government to assist schools without Maori having to make a cash contribution as required under the 1867 Act. The Bill was introduced by McLean in the House on 21 September, passing all stages by 6 November. The English version of the Act was published as a supplement to the Gazette on 20 November 1 871 and the Maori version was probably issued at about the same time. For further background see], M. Barrington and T. H. Beaglehole, Maori schools in a changing society (Wellington, 1974), p. 105-106,

Williams 464 a (S). Copies: WTU.


NEW ZEALAND. Returning Officer (Eastern Maori electorate) Circular. 16 January 1871. about voting procedures in Eastern Maori. Nepia, Hanuere 16, 1871. | E hoa ma | Tena koutou. | He kupu atu tenei naku ki a koutou kia rongo mai koutou ko | te ra kua whakaritea mai e te Kawana hei whakaturanga i tetahi ( tangata Maori mo te Runanga Nui o Niu Tirani i te Parimata e takoto | tata mai nei ara, ko te Tuatahi o nga ra o Pepuere 1871 hei tangata |iamo te Takiwa kite Taha Rawhiti o Niu Tirani. | [74 lines] | Na to koutou hoa | na Raka, | Kai-whakahaere i te Pootitanga. [no imprint. Napier? 1871?]

1 folded sheet ([4] p); 203x125 mm.; laid paper with watermark THS’. Pages [2-4] blank.

A circular letter from the Returning Officer (Samuel Locke. 'Raka') for Eastern Maori electorate, about voting procedures for the election on 1 February 1871.

Copies: WTU (McLean papers. MS-Papers-0032-1009).



About the death of Tamati Waka Nene.

He pukapuka mo te matenga o | Tamati Waka Nene. | [rule] | Te Waitohi, Waimate, | Akuhata 13, 1871. |Ki a Wiremu Katene, — | E hoa tena koe. E hoa he pukapuka whakamahara atu | tena naku ki a koe mo nga mate i muri i a koe. e hoa kua mate a | Te Waka Nene, | [. . .] | [75 /ines] | Heoi ano nga korero o te matenga o to tatou matua o | Tamati Waka. | Na to tuakana | na Mihaka Pehiriri. | Kia Wiremu Katene, M.G.A. [no imprint. 1871?]




1 sheet ([l] p ): 260x205 mm. Text set within a heavy black border.

A notice addressed to Wiremu Katene, the Ngapuhi chief representing the Northern Maori electorate, about the death of Tamati Waka Nene on 4 August and including a description of his funeral. The only copy located has manuscript corrections and may be a proof copy.

Copies: DL; WTU (photocopy).


PETITION of Te Rangiwhakaewa and others, .

Petition about the sale of the Seventy Mile Bush in southern Hawke's Bay.

Petition 1 of | Te Rangiwhakaewa and others, | in the | Province of Hawke’s Bay, | relative to the | purchase of the Seventy-mile Bush. | [rule] | Ordered by the Honourable the Legislative Council to be printed, | 13th October, 1871. | [rule] | By authority: | George Didsbury, Government Printer, Wellington. | [rule] | 1871. | L. C., No. 23.)

6 p ; 311 x 204 mm. Page [2] blank.

AJLC, 1871, No. 23. Petition in Maori, 29 August 1871, with an English translation, signed by Te Rangiwhakaewa and ten other hapu and 70 named representatives. It complains about the survey, investigation of title and sale of land in southern Hawke’s Bay known as the Seventy Mile Bush (to Maori as Tamaki and also Te Taperenui-a-whatonga) and seeks its return. Another petition on the same issue. Petition of Otene Matua and others was printed with minutes of evidence in English (AJLC, 1871, No. 24). For additional background see K. Sinclair, Kinds of peace (Auckland, 1991), p. 112-11 5, and P. J. Goldsmith, Rangahaua Whanui District. I la. Wairarapa (Wellington, 1996), p. 83-89.

Copies: WTU (in bound vol. ,JLQ.


PUPU, Hirini Karauria.

Petition asking for return of mortgaged land in Hawke's Bay.

Petition | of | Hirini Karauria Pupu, etc., | relative to | a mortgage over his land in the Province | of Hawke’s Bay. | [rule] | Ordered by the Legislative Council to be printed, 2nd November, 1871. | [rule] | By authority: | George Didsbury, Government Printer. Wellington. | [rule] \ L.C. No. 30) 1871.

I folded sheet ([4] p ); 31 I x 204 mm. Pages [2] and [4] blank.

AJLC. 1871, No. 30. Petition in Maori. 19 October 1871, with an English translation, signed by Hirini Karauria Pupu and thirteen named others. It seeks return of land in Hawke’s Bay called Te Waipiropiro, mortgaged by Pupu’s parents, the proceeds spent on alcohol and other goods. The Petitions Committee referred it to the government ULC. 1871, p. 195-196).

Copies: WTU (in bound vo\.,JLQ.



Petition seeking title to land at Porangahau, Hawke's Bay.

Petition | of | HiraKa Te Aroatua and others. | complaining of | the sale of




certain lands in the Province | of Hawke's Bay, | [rule] | Ordered by the Honourable the Legislative Council to be printed. | 24th October, 1871, | [rule] | By authority: | George Didsbury, Government Printer, Wellington. | [rule] | L.C. No. 29.) 1871.

I folded sheet ([4] p.); 31 1x204 mm. Page [2] blank.

AJLC. 1871, No. 29. Petition in Maori, 29 August 1871, with an English translation, signed by Hiraka Te Aroatua and others (three named). It seeks title for their share of land at Porangahau sold without their agreement, and previously promised as compensation by Donald McLean. The Petitions Committee referred the petition to the government (ILC. 1871. n 195-1961

Copies: WTU (in bound voI ..JLQ.


TE RAUPARAHA, Tamihana (d. 1876)

Petition seeking Government help in maintaining peace in Horowhenua. 1.-No. 1. | Petition | of | Tamihana Te Rauparaha | and others. | [rule] \ Presented to the House of Representatives 26th September, and ordered | to be printed. | [rule] \ Wellington. | [rule] | 1871. [Printed by the Government Printer]

I folded sheet (4 p.): 329x203 mm. Page [2] blank.

AJHR. 1871, I-1. A petition in Maori with an English translation, signed by Tamihana Te Rauparaha, Henare Te Herekau and Rawiri Te Wanui. It asks for Government help in removing arms from Ngati Apa who were threatening to return to Horowhenua and seize land. No action was taken as the matter was still under arbitration.

The petition was also presented to the Legislative Council and was printed in the following variant issue:

765.1 with Minutes of evidence: 5, [l] p:3l I X 204 mm. Pages [2] and [6] blank. ‘Minutes of Evidence', 8 November 1871 {AJLC, 1871. No. 16), in English on p. 5,

This issue (ordered to be printed 28 September 1871) also has an additional subtitle ‘relative to government arms and ammunition in the hands of certain natives'. The Petitions Committee referred it to the government for inquiry (JLC. 1871, p. 187).

Williams 465/ i. Copies: WTU (in bound vols., AJHR and JLQ.


TE WHIWHI, Henare Matene (d. 1881)

Printed letter, 18 March 1871, about the Franco-Prussian War.

Akarana, 18 Maehe, 1871. | E hoa e | He whakaatu atu tenei na matou kia rongo koe I nga korero hou, katahi ano | ka tae mai, o te whawhai a te Wiwi raua ko te Puruhia. | [l4 lines] | Heoiano. | Na te Runanga Maori o te Kawanatanga, | Na Matene Te Whiwhi. | Na W. Te Wheoro. | Na Hare Wirikake Te Wera. | Na Paora Tuhaere. | Ki a [space for name] \ Kei [space for address] [no imprint. Auckland?: 1871?]

1 folded sheet ([4] p); 340x210 mm.: blue laid paper. Pages [2-4] blank.




A circular sent by the four members of the Runanga Maori o te Kawanatanga (‘Maori Council of the Government’), though this designation has not been formally identified. It gives news of the three-week truce and terms of peace set by the Prussians in the Franco-Prussian War. A translation by Henry Halse accompanies the WTU copy (D. McLean. Papers, MS-Papers-0032-06958). See also no, 745 and 747.

Copies: WTU (McLean papers, MS-Papers-0032-06958).


TUHAERE, Paora (d. I 892)

Petition seeking compensation for land at Judges Bay. Auckland.

1.-No. 2. | Petition | of | Paora Tuhaere. | [rule] \ Presented to the House of Representatives, 21st September, 1871, and | ordered to be printed. | [rule] | Wellington. | [rule] \ 1871. [Printed by the Government Printer]

7, [l] p.; 329x203 mm. Pages [2] and [B] blank.

AJHR. 1871, 1-2. A petition in Maori with an English translation, signed by Paora Tuhaere; the translation is signed by John White, previously RM at Wanganui. A long-standing grievance, it seeks compensation for land at Taurarua (now Judges Bay, Auckland) which had been occupied by Europeans with the consent of Maori chiefs, but who had not sold the land that was subsequently surveyed and grants issued.

Williams 465/ ii. Copies: WTU (in bound vol., AJHR).


WILLIAMS, William (1800-1878

Third edition of Mdori-Enalish dictionary.

A | dictionary j of the | New Zealand language; | to which is added | a selection of colloquial sentences. | By the Right Reverend | William Williams, D.C.L. 1 Bishop of Waiapu, New Zealand. | Third edition 1 with numerous additions and corrections and | an introduction 1 by the Venerable W. L. Williams, B.A. | Archdeacon of Waiapu. | [publisher's device] \ Williams and Norgate, 1 14, Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, London; 1 And 20, South Frederick Street, Edinburgh. | 1871.

xv, [l], 267, [1 ] p.: 216x138 mm.; blue cloth boards. Pages [ii], [iv] and [262] blank. Colophon p. [26B]: ‘Jena: Printed by Fr. Frommann.’, Title on spine: ‘Williams’ | New | Zealand | dictionary’. In some copies a ‘Corrigenda’ (I folded sheet ([4] p., p. [4] blank) is tipped in after the title-page.

Third edition of a work first published in 1844 (no. 217) and second edition in 1852 (no. 435). The revision was by William Leonard Williams, eldest son of the original author. The grammar is greatly reduced (p. [vii]-xv) and the grouping of words and marking of vowels in the Maori-English section are quite different. The English-Maori and sentences sections appear to be unchanged.

The preface is dated Turanga (Gisborne), December 1869, but the work was not published until September 1871 (review, Daily Southern Cross. 4 September). The Corrigenda, printed locally, explains: 'The failure of the attempt to get this book printed in New Zealand involved the necessity of sending it home, where it could not have the editor’s supervision as the




sheets passed through the press, hence the deplorable number of typographical errors which disfigure its pages’. Ensuing correspondence in the Daily Southern Cross reveals that two Auckland firms and the Government Printer declined to print it. but not why a German printer was used.

The fourth edition was published in 1892 (no. 1348) and several in the twentieth century (see Bagnall WI3IB etc.).

Williams 462, Bagnall 6093. Copies: ABH, AP, AR, NLA, WTU.


WILLIAMS, William Leonard (1829-1916)

Second edition of an introductory Maori grammar and vocabulary.

First lessons | in the | Maori language | with a | short vocabulary | by | W. L. Williams, B.A. | [wavy rule] | Auckland: | Upton & Co., Canada Buildings, Queen Street. | [rule] | 1872. [i.e. 1871]

[2], 96 p.; 163x103 mm.; purple or green cloth boards. Prelim, pages: titlepage with colophon on verso: ’William Atkin, Church Printer. High Street. Auckland.’ (also on p. 96). Pages [2], [62] and [BB] blank. Pages [63]-87 in two columns separated by vertical rule. Title on cover: ‘First lessons | in | Maori.'

A revision of the first edition of 1862 (no. 593) with an additional ’Appendix’ (p.[B9]-96) of conversational phrases and sentences. Although dated 1872 it was issued in 1871 (see review Daily Southern Cross. 15 December 1871), Williams’s heavily annotated copy is at WTU (’Lessons in Maori Revise for ed. 2’, MSX-5208).

For later editions see no. 1065, 1420, 1481 and Bagnall W1332-W1338. Williams 473, Bagnall 6101. Copies: AP, AR, DL, NLA. WTU,


COLENSO, William (1811-1899)

Part I of an elementary grammar to teach English to Maori children. Willie’s first English | book. | Written for young Maoris who can read their own | Maori tongue, and who wish to learn | the English language. | [rule] \ In three parts. ( Part I. | [rule] | "He shall be brought past the wearisome bitterness of his learning.’’-Lily. | [rule] | Written by order of the Government. | [rule] | Wellington: | By authority: G. Didsbury, Government Printer. | [rule] | 1872.

[parallel text:]

Ko te a-nui a Wi, | hei ako maana | kite reo Ingirihi. | Hei pukapuka whakaako tenei ma te tamariki Maori e | matau ana kite korero i te pukapuka Maori, | a e hiahia ana ano kia mohio kite | reo Ingirihi. | [rule] \ Etoru oona wahi. | Ko te wahi tuatahi tenei. | [rule] | "Ma where ma pango ka oti.” | "Ma te kanohi miromiro,” | [rule] | Na tetahi matua aroha i tuhi, na te Kawanatanga te kupu. | [rule] \ No Poneke. | [rule] | 1872.

xvii, [3], 112 p.; 173x117 mm.; green or purple cloth boards with blind and/or gold tooling. Pages [ii], [iv] and [xviii-xx] blank. Title on cover: Willie's first English book. | [rule] | Part I. | [ornamental rule] | Ko te a-nu( a Wi. | [rule] | Wahi 1. - .

The first of three planned parts of an elementary grammar to teach English




to Maori children who could already read Maori. It omits religious words and sentences to ensure more general use (Preface p. xi). Two prefaces, in English and Maori. See no. 771 for part 2; the third part was never published. The title of the work probably refers to Colenso’s own half-caste son William, born 28 May 1851.

Colenso's authorship is confirmed by the manuscript (preface dated 28 June 1866) titled 'William's first English book' and marked ‘ln type 7th May 1872' (ANZ, MA 24/22). Earlier manuscript drafts are in the Mitchell Library, Sydney, and an inscription in an NLA copy indicates the work was commissioned in 1863-64.

Williams 477, Bagnall 1336. Copies: ABH, AP, AR, DUHO, NLA, WTU.


Part 2 of an elementary grammar to teach English to Maori children.

Willie's first English | book. | Written for young Maoris who can read their own | Maori tongue, and who wish to learn | the English language. | [rule] | In three parts. | Part 11. | [rule] \ “He shall be brought past the wearisome bitterness of his learning. "-Lily. | [rule] | Written by order of the Government. | [rule] \ Wellington: | By authority: G. Didsbury, Government Printer. 1 [rule] \ 1872.

[parallel text:]

Ko te a-nui a Wi, | hei ako maana | kite reo Ingirihi. | Hei pukapuka whakaako tenei ma te tamariki Maori e | matau ana kite korero I te pukapuka Maori, | a e hiahia ana ano kia mohio kite | reo Ingirihi. | [rule] | Etoru oona wahi. | Ko te wahi tuarua tenei. | [rule] | “Ma whero ma pango ka oti.” | “Ma te kanohi miromiro.” | [rule] | Na tetahi matua aroha i tuhi, na te Kawanatanga te kupu. | [rule] ) No Poneke. | [rule] | 1872.

170 p.; I 70x 105 mm.; purple cloth boards with blind or gold tooling. Title on cover: ‘Willie's first English book, i [rule] | Part 11. | [ornamental rule] | Ko te a-nui a Wi. | [rule] | Wahi ll.’ (in some copies lettered as 'Part 2.' and 'Wahi 2.').

The second of three planned parts of an elementary English grammar for young Maori readers; see no. 770 for the first part and additional information. The third part was never published.

Williams 478, Bagnall 1337. Copies: AP, AR, DUHO, NLA, WTU.


MARTIN, Sir William (1807-1880), attrib.

Third volume of commentaries on parts of the Bible.

He | kupu whakamarama | mo etahi wahi | o te Karaipiture. | Te torn o nga wahi. | [wavy rule] | Akarana. [i.e. Auckland] | 1872. [Na Henry Hill I ta. St. Stephen’s Press, Taurarua.]

74, [2] p.; 216x134 mm; blue paper covers. Imprint from colophon p. [2], Pages [72] and [75-76] blank. Title repeated on front cover. Contents p. [73]74. Printed by Henry Hill on the press at St Stephen's School, Taurarua (now Judges Bay. Auckland): see no, 718 for further background.

The third and final volume of commentaries on parts of the Bible; see no. 719




for the first volume and further background information, and no. 755 for volume two. This volume covers parts of II Corinthians, Galatians. Romans and Acts.

Williams 471, Copies: AP, AR, NLA, WTU.



Printed letter. 24 August 1872, on electoral matters.

Waiohiki, Akuhata, 24, 1872. | Ki Poneke, | Ki a te Makarini,— | E hoa, tena koe. Tenei kua tae mai nga pukapuka | a Ngatikahungungu ki au he pukapuka mahi mai | mou, [. . .] | [lO lines] | [list of 14 names beginning: Ko lhaka Whaanga,] | [4 lines] | No tou hoa, | Na te Moana. [no imprint. Napier?: 1872]

1 sheet ([ I ] p ); 226x145 mm.

A letter to Donald McLean (Makarini) reporting on electoral matters, with a list of chiefs. Waiohiki is near Napier, and this letter may therefore have been printed there, or by McLean in Wellington.

Copies: WTU (McLean papers. MS-Papers-0032-1009).



Hawke's Bay Native Lands Alienation Commission Act 1872.

Niu Tireni | [rule] \ [Royal Arms] | Tau toru tekau ma ono | o Kuini Wikitoria. | No. XLIV. | [line of asterisks] | He Ture hei whakatu i tetahi Runanga Komihana hei | kimi hei whakapuaki mai I nga kupu whakahe a nga | tangata mo nga tuku whenua Maori i te Porowini | o Haaka Pei (Heretaunga.) | [. . .] [no imprint. Wellington: Printed by the Government Printer, 1872]

1 folded sheet (3, [l] p ): 335x21 I mm. Caption title. Page [4] blank. Short title: ’Te Ture mo te Runanga Komihana mo nga tuku whenua I roto i te Porowini o Haaka Pei (Heretaunga) 1872.’.

Translation of the Hawke's Bay Native Lands Alienation Commission Act 1872 (1872, No 44), which established a Commission to investigate complaints about land dealings in Hawke’s Bay. The Bill was introduced by Takamoana in the House on 11 October and passed all stages by 22 October. The English version of the Act was issued with the Gazette the same day. No Maori version of the Bill has been identified, but some Bills in Maori are known from 1872 onwards (see no. 776).

The commissioners’ report (172 p.) was published as AJHR. 1873, G-7. For further background see K. Sinclair, Kinds of peace (Auckland, 1991), p. 1 17-1 18.

Sommerville 474 a. Copies: WTU.


NEW ZEALAND. Commissioner of Native Reserves.

Report on land at Greymouth reserved for Maori.

No. 28. | Report | of | the result of an inquiry | as to | desirability of selling the Native Reserve | at Greymouth. | [rule] \ Ordered by the Legislative




Council to be translated into Maori and printed, 1 14th August, 1872. | [rule] | By authority: | George Didsbury, Government Printer, Wellington. | [rule] \ 1872.

6 p.: 313x202 mm. Page [2] blank. Caption title p. [3] and running title: 'Nga tikanga o te rahui i rahuitia ai.’.

AJLC. 1872, No. 28. Maori translation of AJHR. 1872, F-l, Report on the Native Reserve at Greymouth. Commissioner Charles Heaphy's report, dated 5 June 1872, reviews the history of land at Greymouth withheld from sale by Ngati Toa and reserved for use of Maori, and considers future options. Heaphy (‘Hiwhi’) recommended sale of the land, which was currently leased to Pakeha. The translation resulted from Mantell’s motion in the Legislative Council <JLC, 1872, p. 31).

Copies: WTU (in bound voI ..JLQ.


NEW ZEALAND. Parliament. House of Representatives.

(Native Councils.) | Kaunihera Maori. | [rule] \ He Ture i huaina. | He Ture hei whakatakoto Tikanga mo nga Kaunihera | i nga Takiwa Maori, a hei whakatakoto Tikanga | hoki mo te Mahi o aua Kaunihera. | [. . .] [By authority: George Didsbury, Government Printer, Wellington. [lB72]]

1 folded sheet (4 p.); 340x215 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 4.

Short title: ‘Te Ture Kaunihera Maori, 1872’.

A translation of the Native Councils Bill 1872 (the earliest Bill translated into Maori), which allowed local councils under a Maori president to pass and enforce various by-laws, and to investigate and determine land boundaries for ratification by the Land Court. McLean introduced the Bill in the House on 22 October, three days before the end of the session, but it was withdrawn the same day. Swanson suggested that it be circulated among Maori. This version of the Bill differs somewhat from that published in Te waka Maori o Niu Tireni. 30 October 1872, p. 139-141, and may be a second draft. A revised version of the Bill introduced in 1873 (no. 799) was also unsuccessful. For further background see A. Ward, A show of justice (Auckland, 1973), p. 247-248.

For a discussion of making the text of this and other Bills available in Maori see P. G. Parkinson, ‘Strangers in the House’, Victoria University of Wellington law review, v. 32, no. 3 (August 2001), Supp. p. 1-60 (plate 6 reproduces p. I of this Bill).

Williams 474. Copies: WTU.


TOROTORO, Paora, defendant.

Report of a trial for perjury.

[Royal Arms] | I roto o te | Hupirimi Kooti | o Nui Tireni, | i noho ki Nepia i te | 140 nga ra o Akuhata, 1872. | [dotted rule] | Te whaka wakanga | o | Paora Torotoro, | mo te hara | oati teka, | Printed at the “Daily Telegraph” Office, Napier. [1872]


Native Councils BUI 1872.



11, [l] p.; 209x129 mm.; crimson paper covers. Title from cover, within ornamental border; colophon below border. Colophon p. 11: 'Printed at the "Daily Telegraph” Office. Hastings-street, Napier, Hawke's Bay.' Page [l2] blank. Caption title: ‘Te Hupirimi Kooti, | [wavy rule] \ Te Wenarei, Akuhata 14th, 1872.'.

An account of the trial for perjury of Ngati Hinepare chief Paora Torotoro, who faced four charges relating to a land transaction with Frederick Sutton, and how he had obtained ammunition. Torotoro was found guilty on three of four charges but on points of law the case was referred to the Court of Appeal and the conviction was later quashed, A detailed English account is in the Hawkes Bay times. 14-16 August 1872. The matter was further revisited in 1875 (see no. 846).

Williams 475, Bagnall 5592. Copies: WTU.

CHURCH OF ENGLAND. Diocese of Auckland.


Order of service for the consecration of a church.

Ko te I tainga | o te | kawa | o te | whare karakia. | [rule] | Akarana. [i.e. Auckland] I [rule] I Printed bv Henrv Hill. Taurarua. [i.e. Aucklandl 1187371

6, [2] p.; 210x134 mm. Title-page bordered with a heavy single rule. Pages [2] and [7-8] blank. Printed by Henry Hill on the press at St Stephen’s School, Taurarua (now Judges Bay. Auckland); see no. 718 for further background.

The order of service for the consecration of an Anglican church. It was probably translated and printed for the consecration of Holy Trinity Church, Pakaraka, Bay of Islands, on 27 November 1873. The service on that occasion, described in the Church gazette for the Diocese of Auckland, v. 3, no. 19 (1 January 1874), p. 2, agrees with annotations on the WTU copy.

Williams 482. Bagnall 1224. Copies: WTU.

DAVIS, Charles Oliver Bond (1817/187-1887)


Twenty temperance songs, some with English translations.

Temperance songs, | etc., | in the Maori language, | by | C. O. Davis. | [rule] | [quotation. 2 lines] | [double rule] He waiata pehi waipiro. | etc., 1 i te reo Maori, | na | Hare Reweti. | [rule] \ [quotation. 3 lines] | [rule] \ Printed at Auckland | by John Henry Field, at his Steam Printing Office, Albert Street. | [rule] \ 1873.

[4], 28 p.; 127x1 16 mm; blue paper covers. Prelim, pages: title-page and preface (versos blank). Caption title p. [l]: 'He waiata pehi waipiro | etc.'. Title repeated on front cover within single border. Preface is dated 24 December 1873.

A collection of 20 hymns and temperance songs in Maori (p. [l]-20). followed by 'Maori hymns' i.e. translations into English of nos, 12-19 (p 21-28) A much enlarged second edition was published in 1885 with the title Te home (no. 1 127).

Williams 484, Bagnall 1551. Copies: AR. DL, DUHO. NLA. WTU.






Three Church of England hymns.

Himene 1. | 1 Kingi nui! Kingi nui! | Pai rawa te wahi | e noho na tou kororia. 1 Tou mata marama. 1 [54 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] | [rule] | Printed by H. Hill, Taurarua, [i.e. Auckland] [1873]

1 sheet ([l] p.); 175x126 mm. Printed on the press at St Stephen’s School, Taurarua (now Judges Bay, Auckland); see no. 718 for further background.

Three hymns (numbered ‘Himene 1 ’ to ‘Himene 3’), translations of 'O God of Hosts', ‘How beauteous are the feet' and ‘Pour out thy spirit’. Macrons are used on a few syllables. With minor textual changes the hymns were subsequently added to the then standard collection of hymns in Maori as numbers 53-55 (see no. 784).

The sheet was almost certainly printed for the ordination of Deacon Rupene Paerata on 24 April 1873, when the boys of St Stephen's School formed a choir to sing these three hymns. An account of the service is given in the Church gazette for the Diocese of Auckland, v. 2, no. 1 1 (1 May 1873), D. 62.

Williams 471 a (S). Copies: AP; WTU (photocopy).


He INOI mo nga hoa i tawhiti.

Prayer for absent friends.

He inoi | mo nga hoa i tawhiti. 1 [ornamental rule] | E Ihowa, e to matou Atua, kei nga wahi | katoa koe.—Te matara, te aha, rite tonu ki a | koe. Ahakoa matara noa matou i a matou | whakatangata, tata tonu te katoa ki a koe. | [l3 lines] [no imprint, ca. 1873]

1 sheet ([l] p.); 177x115 mm; laid paper with (incomplete) watermark: '[?]nson | [l]B72'. Text inside a single border. The heading is in an elaborate Gothic typeface.

An anonymous prayer for absent friends, the publication date estimated from the watermark.

Williams 458 a (S). Copies: WTU.


KAWEPO, Renata Tama-ki-Hikurangi (d. 1888)

Petition from Maori chiefs against the Native Reserves Bill 1873.

No. 7, | 1873. I Legislative Council. | [rule] | Petition from Renata Kawepo, | and twenty-four others. | (Presented by the Honourable Mr. Ngatata.) | [rule] | Ordered by the Honourable the Legislative Council to be printed, 27th August, 1873. | [rule] [[...] [By authority; George Didsbury, Government Printer. Wellington.-1 873.1

I sheet (2 p ); 302x200 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 2. At end of text: ‘Price 3d.)’.

AJLC, 1873, No. 7. Petition in English and Maori signed p. 2 by 'Renata Kawepo, and 25 [sic] others'. The chiefs, who were in Wellington observing Parliament, strongly state their concerns about the Native Reserves Bill 1873 (no. **800) as resembling ‘law for PaKeha children, drunkards, and lunatics'




and ask that it be left in abeyance. It also refers to the lack of a properly circulated text; see no **Boo for further background. The Legislative Council referred the petition to the Select Committee on the Native Reserves Bill lILC 1873, p. 76).

For further background on the Repudiation movement, which sought to have earlier Hawke's Bay land acquisition activities investigated and produced many petitions to this effect, see K. Sinclair, Kinds of peace (Auckland, 1991), p. 112-120. For other 1873 petitions see no. 783, 787 801 802, 808, 809.

Copies: WTU (in bound voI. .JLQ.


Petition against the Timber Floating Bill 1875.

No. 8. | 1873. I Legislative Council. | [rule] | Petition relative to the Timber Floating Bill. | (Presented by the Honourable Mr. Ngatata.) | [rule] \ Ordered by the Honourable the Legislative Council to be printed, sth September, 1873. | [rule] \ [English text. 21 lines] | [rule] \ [Maori text. 18 lines] | [rule] | By authority: George Didsbury, Government Printer, Wellington-1873. | Price 3d.)

I sheet ([l] p.); 302x200 mm.

AJLC. 1873, No. 8. Petition in English and Maori signed ‘Renata Kawepo, and 16 others'. The petition asks that streams owned by Maori be excluded from the Timber Floating Bill 1 873 as its provisions contravene the Treaty of Waitangi; for the resulting Act see no. 793. The Legislative Council referred the petition to the Select Committee on the Timber Floating Bill IJLC. 1873 P- 96).

For other 1873 petitions from the Hawke's Bay Repudiation movement see no. 782, 787, 801,802, 808, 809

Copies: WTU (in bound vol., JLQ.



Fifty-five Church of England hymns.

Ko nga himene. | [ornamental rule] | Himene 1. | 1 Ko wai rate Atua? | Ko Ihowa ano. | ko te Atua i homai nei | i tana tamaiti. | [. . .] [Printed by Henry Hill, Taurarua. [i.e. Auckland] [lB73?]]

[2], 17, [l] p.: 173x106 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p, 17. Prelim, pages blank; p. [lB] blank. Printed in two columns separated by vertical rule. Printed on the press at St Stephen's School, Taurarua (now Judges Bay, Auckland); see no. 718 for further background.

A collection of 55 hymns for use with the Book of Common Prayer (no. 487). It is the standard collection of 52 hymns in Maori (no. 500) with the slightly revised text of three additional hymns issued separately in 1873 (no. 780), numbered 53-55. A small format version was published at the same time (no. 785).

Williams 213. Copies: AP, NLA, WTU.





Small format edition of fifty-five Church of England hymns.

Ko nga himene. | [ ornamental rule] | Himene 1. | 1 Ko wai rate Atua? | Ko Ihowa ano, | ko te Atua i homai nei | i tana tamaiti. | [. . .] [Printed by Henry Hill. Taurarua. [i.e. Auckland] [lB73]]

[2], 17, [l] p.: 136x88 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 17, Prelim, pages blank; p. [lB] blank. Printed in two columns separated by vertical rule. Printed on the press at St Stephen's School. Taurarua (now Judges Bay. Auckland): see no. 718 for further background.

A small format edition of 55 hymns designed to accompany the small format Book of Common Prayer (no. 488). The contents are the same as the larger format issue (no. 784) and the same size heading and ornament are used in both.

Williams 322 a (S). Copies: NLA, WTU.


MARTIN, Sir William (1807-1880)

Proposed amendments to legislation covering Maori lands.

He whakamaoritanga tenei no etahi | rarangi o etahi whakaaro i kitea e | te Matenga raua ko te Hotereni | hei Ture hou mo nga Whenua Maori. Ka | tukua atu nei hei hurihuri ma nga | tangata Maori o te Runanga o Nutireni. | [rule] | Mo te Kouti Whenua Maori enei whakaaro. | [. . .] [I taia tenei ki te Perehi o te Kura o Tipene e | Henry Hill. [Auckland: 1873]]

14. [2] p.; 213x133 mm; blue paper covers (blank). Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 14. Pages [l5-16] blank. Printed by Henry Hill at St Stephen's Press, St Stephen’s School (‘te Perehi o te Kura o Tipene'); see no. 718 for further background..

A translation of proposed amendments to legislation dealing with Maori land, prepared by Sir William Martin (te Matenga) and Edward Shortland (Native Secretary) (te Hotereni). The main intention was that government surveyors should be used, and evidence of ownership be established by commissioners, rather than by the cumbersome Native Land Court process, Shortland sent the manuscript to Native Minister Donald McLean on I March 1873, with a letter explaining. 'Our object in compiling it was to place some practical considerations on the subject before the members of the two Houses of Assembly in a more readable and attractive form than that of a “Bill" which from its nature is less calculated to invite the perusal and deliberate consideration of members generally’ (DUHO, W. 476). The resulting Bill and Act are no. **795 and no. 789.

Williams 476, Bagnall 6002. Copies: ABH, AP. AR, DL. DUHO, NLA, WTU.


MATUA, Henare (d. 1894)

Petition asking that Maori be able to develop their own legislation.

No. 22. | 1873. | Legislative Council. | [rule] \ Petition of Henare Matua | and twenty-nine others. | [rule] | Presented to the Honourable the Legislative Council by the Hon. Mr. Mantell, Ist October. 1873. | [rule] 1 [. . .] [no imprint. Wellington: Printed by the Government Printer, 1873]




1 sheet (2 p,); 302x200 mm. Caption title.

AJLC. 1873, No. 22. Petition in Maori with an English translation, signed by Henare Matua and 29 others, as delegates of 1,661 Wairarapa, Hawke’s Bay and East Coast Maori. The petition states that legislation passed previously and during the session has aggrieved Maori, and asks that Maori be able to develop their own laws, which would be forwarded to Parliament for approval. Because the session ended on 3 October no progress was made on the petition.

For other 1 873 petitions from the Hawke's Bay Repudiation movement see no. 782, 783, 801,802, 808, 809.

Copies: WTU (in bound vol .JLQ.

Entries * * 788- 793 are filed in alphabetical order of the English title.



Native Grantees Act 1873.

[Te Ture Karaati Maori. 1873: actual title not confirmed: no copy located. Wellinqton: Printed by the Government Printer. 18731

Physical details not known; no copy located. Description from Williams.

'Translation of the Native Grantees Act, 1873 [1873, No 58]. No copy seen.' (Williams). It provided administrative arrangements for multiply owned land granted by the Crown. See no. 669 for further information on land legislation No copy of the Act in Maori has been located, but an explanation of it by ‘a legal gentleman' published in Te waka Maori o Niu Tirani, 27 January 1874. p. 17-24, may have been a substitute for formal publication

Williams **4BB. No copy located.


Native Land Act 1873.

Niu Tirani. | [rule] \ [Royal Arms] | Tau torn te kau ma whitu o te kuinitanga o | Kuini Wikitoria. | No. LVI. | [line of asterisks] \ Whakawhaititanga. | [analysis: 112 sections and 3 appendices. 202 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] | [rule] \ He Ture hei whakatikatika hei whakawhaiti hoki i nga | Ture e tau ana ki runga kite Kooti Whakawa Whenua Maori, ki nga whenua Maori ano hoki. | (2 o Oketopa, 1873.) | [. . .] [Poneke, [i.e. Wellington] Niu Tirani: | I taia i runga i te mana ote Kawanatanga o Niu Tirani. e George Didsbury, Kai-ta o te Kawanatanga. [lB73]]

27, [l] p.; 334x212 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 27. Page [2B] blank. Includes marginal notes. Printed by the Government Printer ('Kaita o te Kawanatanga’).

Third schedule (‘Ahua 111.’) begins on p. 27; dated p. 2: ‘(2 o Oketopa, 1873.)’. Heading text ‘Kuini Wikitoria.’ (in capitals) is set to a width of 121 mm.

Short title: 'Te Tore Whenua Maori, 1873.'.

Translation of the Native Land Act 1873 (1873, No. 56). As well as ending the




ten-owner rule, it attempted to reduce costs associated with the surveying and selling of land and to safeguard Maori owners against fraudulent dealings. The Bill (no. **795), was introduced by McLean on 5 August and passed all stages by 29 September. The English version of the Act was published as a supplement to the Gazette. 2 October 1873. For further background on the Act and its effects see A. Ward, A show of justice (Auckland, 1973), p. 253257. See no. 669 for further information on land legislation.

789.1 with imposition, text and type differences: most noticeably the third schedule ('Ahua III.’) begins on p. 26; dated incorrectly p. 2: ’(2O OKetopa, 1873.)’. Heading text 'Kuini Wikitoria.’ is in larger capitals and set to a width of 127 mm.

Williams 486. Copies: AP, WTU (incl. variant 789.1).


Native Lands Frauds Prevention Act Amendment Act 1873.

[Te Ture Whakatikatika i te Ture Aral mo te Hoko Tahae i nga Whenua Maori. 1873: actual title not confirmed: no copy located. Wellington: Printed by the Government Printer. 1873]

Physical details not known; no copy located. Description from Williams.

■Translation of the Native Lands Frauds Prevention Act Amendment Act, 1878 [i.e. 1873] [1873, No. 44], No copy seen.’ (Williams). It amended the principal Act of 1870 (see no. 752 for a summary translation) by requiring endorsement of judgments, orders and decrees by a Commissioner before they could be registered. See no. 797 for the Maori version of the Bill, and no. 669 for further information on land legislation.

Williams **49o. No copy located.


Native Reserves Act 1873.

Niu Tirani. | [rule] \ [Royal Arms] | Te tau torn te kau ma whitu o te kuinitanga o | Kuini Wikitoria. 1 No. LX. | [line of asterisks] | Whakawhaititanga. | [analysis: 62 sections. 118 lines in fwo columns separated by vertical rule ] | [rule] | Hei Ture whakatakoto tikanga e tika ai te Whaka- | haeretanga Whenua Rahui Maori puta noa atu i | roto i te Koroni. (Oketopa 2, 1873.) | [. . .] [no imprint. Wellington; Printed by the Government Printer, 1873]

19, [l] p.; 326x207 mm. Caption title. Page [2o] blank. Includes marginal notes. Short title: Te Ture Whenua-Rahui Maori, 1873.'.

Translation of the Natives Reserves Act 1873 (1873, No. 60). It consolidated existing legislation relating to reserve land and clarified aspects of ownership and administration. See no. 669 for further information on land legislation.

The Bill (no. **800) was introduced by McLean in the House on 23 July and passed all stages by 29 September.

Williams **4B9, Sommerville 489. Copies: WTU,


The following variant has been seen, which may be a proof copy or a reprint:




Stewart Island Grants Act 1873.

[Te Ture Karaati mo Rakiura. 1873: actual title not confirmed: no copy located. Wellington: Printed by the Government Printer. 1873]

Physical details not known; no copy located. Description from Williams.

'Translation of the Stewart Island Grants Act, 1873 [1873. No. 43], No copy seen.' (Williams). The Act gave the Governor power to identify additional land for allocation to Stewart Island half-castes, and confirmed ownership by three Pakeha of land at the Neck, Paterson Inlet. Stewart Island.

Williams **4B7, No copy located.


Timber Floating Act 1873.

Niu Tireni. | [rule] \ [Royal Arms] | Tau toru tekau ma whitu | o | Kuini Wikitoria. | Nama XXXIX. | [line of asterisks] | Whakawhaititanga. | [arw/ysis; 7 clauses. 15 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] \ [rule] | He Ture hei whakaae mo nga awa me nga awa hoki | e paringia ana e te tai kia tukua ki etahi tangata | he mana mo te whakatere rakau me era atu mea. | (Hepetema 29, 1873.) | [. . .] [I taia i runga i te Mana o te Kawanatanga o Niu Tirani, e George Didsbury, Kai-ta o te | Kawanatanga, Poneke. [i.e. Wellington] [lB73]]

1 sheet (2 p ); 334x211 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 2. Includes marginal notes. Running title: ‘Wakatere Rakau.', Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: ‘Te Ture Whakatere Rakau, 1873.'

Translation of the Timber Floating Act 1873 (1873, No. 39), which authorised the use of rivers, streams and tidal creeks for floating timber and other substances. The Bill was introduced by Vogel in the House on 18 August and passed all stages by 23 September. No Maori version of the Bill (also recorded as the Floatage of Timber (No. 2) Bill 1873) has been identified, although there was a petition by Renata Kawepo and others (see no. 783) against its application in streams owned by Maori. For comment on this Act see P. G. Parkinson, ‘Strangers in the House', Victoria University of Wellington law review, v. 32, no. 3 (August 2001), Supp, p. 1-60 (p. 52 and plate 5).

Sommerville 489 c. Copies: WTU.

Entries 794-797 are filed in alphabetical order of the English title.


NEW ZEALAND. Parliament

Native Grantees Bill 1873.

Maori Whai Karaati. | [ rule] | Whakawhaititanga | [analysis: 6 clauses. 12 lines, two columns of 6 lines separated by vertical rule] \ [rule] | He Pire i huaina. | He lure hei whakaatu i nga take o nga Maori ki | nga whenua kua karaatitia ki a ratou kite wha- | kaneke ano hoki i te whakahaerenga o “Te lure | Whenua Maori, 1873," e pa ana ki aua whenua. | [. . .] [By authority, George Didsbury, Government Printer. Wellington. [lB73]]








4. Te mane whakatere taken, 4e-, i nga awa.

1. Ingoa i’oto.

6. Te tikanga lonu utu mo nge whenua e wbaka-

2. Ma te Huperetini e panui ko ehea o nga awa j kua whakaaetia kia mahia i runga i tenei | Ture

6. Te tikenge o te pukepuka wbekeee e te tangata tango raihana.

S. Ma te Huperetini e whakapute railtana mo to | mahinga o te awa i man iho i tone whakarongo ki nga korero whakakahore. I

7 Keue e arete te whakahaerenga o nga malii

He Ture hei whakaae mo nga awa me nga awa hold e paringia ana e te tai Ida tukua ki etahi tangata he mana mo te Whakatere Rakau me era atu mea.

[llepetema 29, 1 873*]

"VTA TENEI KA HANG A e te Runanga Nui o Niu Tireni kua Xl huihui nei kite Paremete i runga hoki ite mana o taua Runanga nga ritenga kua tuhia ki raro nei.

ll „, 1 1 11' , 1 _,» aua luinu m ■ I. Ko te ingoa poto mo tenei Ture ko “Te Ture Whakatere ingoa Poto. Rakau, 1873.”

2. Ma nga Huperetini o ia Porowini o ia Porowini e panui i ia takiwa i ia takiwa i roto i te Kahiti o te Porowini ko chea ranei nga awa i roto i taua Porowini kua whakaaetia i runga i te Raihana, ka korerotia i muri nei, kia mahia i raro i tenei Ture, a mana hold e panui te mutunga o te mana o te Raihana i tukua ki tetahi tangata mo aua awa; ama te putanga o taua panui e whakamutu te whakatere rakau i taua awa, i aua awa ranei.

3. Mehemca ka hiahia tetahi tangata ki fce whakatere rakau i tetahi awa, i tetahi awa ranei e paringia ana e te tai, i runga i nga tikanga o tcnei Ture, me pa atu ia ki the Huperetini o te Porowini kei reira taua awa, tono ai i tetahi Raihana whakaac kia mahia e ia ; a kei te Huperetini te whakaaro kite whakaae kite tuku i tauaj-ai-hana i runga i nga tikanga e maharatia ai e ia otira n_e matua whakaputa e ia tana panui hei whakaatu ki nga tangata no ratou te whenua i nga tahataha o taua awa awaawa ranei nga tangata ranei e noho ana ki reira kua tono tetahi tangata i te raihana a me whakarongo ia ki nga kupu a te kai whakahe, kite raihana mchemea ia tera ranei he tangata e whakahe aua.

i Mete Huperetini e panui ko Miee o nga ' ewe kua whekeeetie I kie mehie i runga i , tenet Ture.

Ma te Huperetini e whakaputa raihana mo te mahinga o te m i muri iho i tone whekerongo ki nga korero whakakahore.

An example of an Act of the General Assembly, 1873 (BiM 793)

The Timber Floating Act, and fears of the potentially damaging effects on Maori fisheries of the use of kauri dams for floating logs, resulted in several petitions. See page 450 for an example of a Bill.

Alexander Turnbull Library; Printed collections.



1 sheet (2 p); 334x210 mm. Caption title Imprint from colophon p. 2, Includes marginal notes.

Short title: 'Te Ture Maori Whai Karaati, 1873.'.

Translation of the Native Grantees Bill 1873. The debate in the Legislative Council discussed provision of a translation of the Bill, apparently unaware that one had been made for the House of Representatives (NZPD, 1873. p. 1530-1537). The two WTU copies have clause 6 crossed out and a paper sheet pasted over it and the colophon, reflecting the amendment made by the House of Representatives on 30 September,

See no. **7BB for the resulting Act and additional information.

Sommerville 488 a. Copies: WTU.


Native Land Bill 1873.

[Native Land Bill in Maori. Wellington: Printed by the Government Printer, 1873]

Physical description not known; no copy located.

The Native Land Bill 1873 is known to have been translated into Maori and printed about the middle of August 1873; see AJLC, 1873, no. 16, Bills affecting the Maori race. In referring to manuscript copies of the Native Land Bill, the AJLC paper confuses it with the Native Reserves Bill that was going through Parliament at the same time (no. **800). Allowing for that error, it appears that there were two versions of the Native Land Bill, the first printed about the middle of August and the second printed on 3 September 1873. which incorporated amendments made in the House. However, no copy of either version of the Bill in Maori has been located.

See no. 789 for the resulting Act and additional information.

No copy located.


Native Land Claims Rehearing Bill 1873.

(Native Land Claims Rehearing.) | Te Ture Whakawa tuarua i nga Whenua | Maori. | [rule] \ Whakawhaititanga. | [analysis: 3 clauses. 8 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] | [ru/e] | He Pire i huaina. | He Ture hei whakatu ritenga e taea ai te whakawa | tuarua i nga take ki nga whenua Maori me etahi | atu mea. kua oti te whakawa tuatahi e te Kooti | Whenua Maori. | [. . .] [By authority: George Didsbury, Government Printer. Wellington. [lB73]]

1 sheet (2 p); 333x212 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 2 Includes marginal notes.

Short title: Te Ture Whakawa tuarua i nga Whenua Maori, 1873.'

Translation of the Native Land Claims Rehearing Bill 1873 (1873. No. 113). It was introduced by McLean in the House on 22 September and passed all stages by 1 October. Although not recorded in NZPD, the title of the Bill was




altered and it was enacted as the Harata Patene Claim Rehearing Act 1873 (1873, No. 49). No copy of the Act in Maori has been located.

Sommerville 489 d. Copies: WTU.


Native Lands Frauds Prevention Act Amendment Bill 1873.

Ture Whakatikatika i te Ture Aral mo te ] Hoko Tahae i nga Whenua Maori. | [rule] | Whakawhaititanga. | [analysis: 3 clauses. 9 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] \ [rule] \ He Pire i huaina | He Ture hei whakatikatika 1 “Te Ture Arai mo te | Hoko Tahae i nga Whenua Maori, 1870." 1 [/8 lines] | [rule] [no imprint. Wellington: Printed by the Government Printer, 1873]

1 sheet ([l]) p.; 334x210 mm.

Short title: ‘Te Ture hei Whakatikatika i te Ture Aral mo te Hoko Tahae i nga Whenua Maori, 1873.’.

Translation of the Native Lands Frauds Prevention Act Amendment Bill 1873, which was introduced by McLean in the House on 22 August and passed all stages on 19 September. See no. **79o for the resulting Act.

Sommerville 490 a. Copies: WTU.


NEW ZEALAND. Parliament. House of Representatives.

Maori Representation Act Amendment Bill 1873.

(Maori Representation Act Amendment.) | Te Ture Whakatikatika i nga Ture whakatu tangata 1 Maori mo roto 1 te Paremete. | [rule] \ Whakawhaititanga. | [analysis: 7 clauses. 13 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule ] 1 [rule] | He pire 1 huaina. 1 He Ture e whakatakotoria ana hei whakatokomaha ake | 1 nga tangata Maori mo roto 1 te Paremete. 1 [. .

.] [By authority: George Didsbury, Government Printer, Wellington. [lB73]]

1 sheet (2 p.); 333x212 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 2. At foot of p, [l]: ‘No. [space] [space].’ (i.e. an incomplete Bill numbering). Includes marginal notes.

Short title: ‘Te Ture Whakatikatika i nga Ture whakatu tangata Maori mo roto i te Paremete 1867, mete Ture Whakatu tangata Maori mo roto i te Paremete 1870, me Te Ture Whakatikatika 1873.'.

Translation of the Maori Representation Act Amendment Bill 1873. It was introduced by Taiaroa in the House on 15 September but was withdrawn on 30 September. An unsuccessful Bill had previously been introduced in 1872 but there is no reference in NZPD to that Bill having been translated into Maori. For comment on this Bill see P. G, Parkinson, ‘Strangers in the House', Victoria University of Wellington law review, v. 32, no. 3 (August 2001), Supp. b. 1-60 (b. 53 and plate 6).

Sommerville 489b. Copies: WTU.





Native Councils Bill 1873.

Kaunihera Maori. | [rule] 1 Whakawhaititanga. | [ analysis: 47 clauses. IW lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] | [rule] \ Kaunihera Maori. | [rule] | He Ture i huaina 1 He Ture hei whakatakoto tikanga mo | nga kaunihera i nga takiwa Maori a hei | whakatakoto tikanga hoki mo nga mahi | o aua Kaunihera. | [. . .] [no imprint. Wellington: Printed by the Government Printer, 1873]

1 1, [l] p.; 333x212 mm. Caption title. Page [l2] blank. Short title: 'Te Ture Kaunihera Maori 1873'.

Translation of the Native Councils Bill 1873, a greatly expanded and revised version of the 1872 Bill (no. 776). It was introduced by McLean in the House on 22 July 1873 and was circulated about 23 August [AJLC. 1873, no. 16), but was withdrawn on 30 September.

Sommerville 489 a. Copies: WTU.


NEW ZEALAND. Parliament. Legislative Council.

Native Reserves Bill 1873.

[Native Reserves Bill; actual title not known; no copy located. Wellington: Printed by the Government Printer, 1873]

Physical description not known; no copy located.

The Native Reserves Bill 1873 is known to have been translated into Maori and was being printed about 4 September: see AJLC. 1873, no. 16, Bills affecting the Maori race. In referring to manuscript copies of the Native Land Bill (no. **794) the AJLC paper confuses it with this Native Reserves Bill, that was going through Parliament at the same time. Hansard (29 August) confirms that manuscript copies of the Native Reserves Bill had been produced for the debate in the House of Representatives, and that printed copies were being produced for the Legislative Council debate (see NZPD. 1873, v. 14. p. 718). However, no copy has been located.

See no. 791 for the resulting Act and further background.

No copy located.

PETITION of 300 Maoris of Hawke’s Bay


Petition seeking a second commission into Hawke's Bay land matters.

J.-6. | 1873. | New Zealand. | [rule] | Petition of 300 Maoris of Hawke's Bay, | Wairoa, Turanga, and Taupo. 1 [rule] | Presented August 14th, 1873, and ordered to be printed. 1 [rule] | [. . .) By authority; George Didsbury,

Government Printer, Wellington.-1873.

1 sheet ([2] p ); 319x200 mm. Caption title. Colophon on p. [l], At foot of p [l]; '(Price 3d.)'.

AJHR. 1873, J-6. A petition in English and Maori that asks Parliament to appoint a second land commission to complete the work left unfinished by the 1873 inquiry into Hawke's Bay land dealings (see no. 774). The names of



SHEEHAN, JOHN (1844-1885)

the signatories are not included. For the original printed version of the petition see no. 803.

For further background on the Repudiation movement, which sought to have earlier Hawke’s Bay land acquisition activities investigated and produced many petitions to this effect, see K. Sinclair, Kinds of peace (Auckland, 1991), p. 112-120, For other 1873 petitions see no. 782, 783, 787, 802, 808, 809.

Copies: WTU fin bound vol., AJHR).


PETITION of 371 Maoris of Hawke’s Bay, . . .

Petition seeking improved land laws.

J.-7. | 1873. | New Zealand. | [rule] | Petition of 371 Maoris of Hawke’s Bay, | Wairarapa, Wairoa, and Turanganui. | [rule] | Presented 14th August, 1873, and ordered to be printed. | [rule] ![...] [By authority: George Didsbury, Government Printer, Wellington.-1873.]

1 folded sheet (3, [l] p ): 319x200 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 3. Page [4] blank. At foot of p. 3 text: ‘Price 3d.)’.

AJHR. 1873, J-7. A petition in English and Maori that sets out the problems created for Maori by the ‘improper, confused, and irregular operations of the native land laws’, and asks for better legislation. The names of the signatories are not included. For the original printed version of the petition see no. 804.

For other 1873 petitions from the Hawke’s Bay Repudiation movement see no. 782, 783, 787, 801, 808, 809.

Copies: WTU (in bound vol., AJHR).


SHEEHAN, John (1844-1885)

Petition to Parliament seeking a further enquiry into Hawke’s Bay land issues.

Kite Runanga Nui o Niu Tireni e noho nei kei te Parameta. | Ko tenei petihana no nga tangata Maori e mau nei o matou ingoa kiraro iho, e noho | ana i te takiwa o Haki Pei, i te Wairoa, i Turanga, i Taupo. | E whakaatu ana— |l. I tena nohoanga ate Parameta kua pahure tata nei, 1 i tapaea te petihana a Renata Kawepo, me era atu | tangata o Haku Pei, kite aroaro o te Parameta, a tae | ana kite 553 o nga tangata: ko nga kupu o tana 1 petihana koia enei;— | [7O lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] \ [rule] | (Printed by T. B. Harding, Hastings-street, Napier.) [1873]

I sheet ([l] p.) 344x218 mm.

One of two petitions prepared by Auckland barrister and MHR Sheehan for Ngati Kahungunu; no. 804 is the other, it asks Parliament to appoint a second land commission to complete the work left unfinished by the 1873 inquiry into Hawke's Bay land dealings (see no. 774), 100 copies were printed on 1 7 July 1873 for H. R, Russell, MLC (note on WTU copy), presumably for circulation and signing. The petition was printed with an English version as AJHR, 1873, J-6 (no. 801).

For more about Sheehan's involvement in Maori land issues and the



SHEEHAN. JOHN (1844-1885)

Hawke's Bay Repudiation movement see DNZB. v. 2, p 457-459, and A Ward, A show of justice (Auckland, 1973), p. 272-273; see K, Sinclair. Kinds of peace (Auckland, 1991), p. 115-120, for an analysis of Russell's role.

Sommerville 483 a. Copies: WTU.


Petition to Parliament seeking new land laws.

Kite Whakaminenga o Niu Tireni e noho nei kei te Parameta— | Tenei petihana no matou no nga tangata Maori e mau nei o matou ingoa kiraro | ake nei, no Haki Pei, no Wairarapa, no te Wairoa, no Turanganui— | E whakaatu ana— | I. I roto i nga tau tuamaha kua pahure atu nei, i | mate nga tangata Maori i te rawakore, i te kino; ko te | take, he hee, he whakapoauau, he whakahipahipa a te Ture | mo nga Whenua Maori. | [127 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] \ [rule] | Printed by T. B. Harding, Hastings-street, Napier. [1873]

1 sheet ([l] p.) 344x218 mm.

A petition asking for repeal of the complex and disadvantaging land laws and asking for their replacement by new, clear and fair legislation 100 copies were printed on 17 July 1873 for H. R. Russell, MLC (note on WTU copy), presumably for circulation and signing. The petition was printed with an English version as AJHR. 1873, J-7 (no. 802).

Sommerville 483b. Copies: WTU.


Advice to Maori on how to make progress on issues affecting them.

Tenei ano te korero a Hone Hihana te roia, ki nga | Maori I hui ki Pakipaki, ite Turei, te 15 o nga ra | o Aperira, ite tau 1873. | E hoa ma, tena koutou. Na, he kupu ano taku ki a | koutou; he kupu mama noa ake nei ki nga mea nunui | kua korerotia mai ki tenei hui. .] [Printed by T. B. Harding. Hastings-street, Napier. [lB73]]

1 sheet (2 p.); 343x216 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 2. Printed in two columns separated by vertical rule.

A speech promoting two petitions drawn up Sheehan (no. 803-804) and also advising Maori on how they might improve their lifestyle, e.g. by not going into debt, and being more assertive in land dealings. 200 copies were printed for H. R. Russell, MLC, on 26 April 1873 (note on WTU copy). It was also printed separately in English: Address made by Mr John Sheehan. . . . at the meeting held at Pakipahi. on Tuesday, the 15th day of April 1873.

Sommerville 483 c. Copies: WTU.


Te TANGATA i mate ai ona hoa noho tata

Two stories with a moral purpose.

Te tangata | i mate ai | ona hoa noho tata. | [ double rule] | Te Akoranga | a te | uhi moenga. | [wavy rule] Akarana. [i.e. Auckland] | [rule] | Na Henry Hill I ta. Taurarua. | [rule] | 1873.




37, (3) p.; 163x101 mm.; stiffened green cloth covers (blank). Pages [2], [3o] and [39-40] blank. Four-line prayer on p, [3B]. Printed by Henry Hill on the press at St Stephen's School, Taurarua (now Judges Bay, Auckland); see no. 718 for further background.

Translation of two stories from unidentified originals: ‘The man who killed his friends with kindness' and 'The lesson of the quilt’. The former was printed first in Te Haeata, v. 1, no. 9-12 (1859-1860). The translator was Elizabeth Colenso who refers to having done so in 1870 in a letter to Sir George Grey.

4 March 1883 (AP, NZ MS 942).

Williams 483, Bagnall 5454. Copies: AP, AR. DUHO, NLA, WTU.


IE RANGIHIWINUI, Te Keepa (d, 1898

Petition from Maori chiefs against three Bills affecting Maori and their land.

No. 6. | 1873. 1 Legislative Council. 1 [rule] | Petition from Major Kemp | and thirty-two others. | (Presented by the Honourable Mr. Ngatata.) | [rule] | Ordered by the Honourable the Legislative Council to be printed, 25th September, 1873. | [rule] \ [English text, 8 lines] \ [rule] \ [Maori text, 8 lines] | Hepetema 10, 1873. Meiha Keepa, and 32 others. | [rule] | By authority: George Didsbury, Government Printer, Wellington.-1873. ) Price 3d.)

1 sheet ([l] p.): 302x200 mm.

AJLC, 1873, No. 6. Petition in English and Maori stating that Maori chiefs had met and decided they ‘do not concur with' three pieces of legislation before Parliament: the Native Land Bill, the Native Reserves Bill and the Native Councils Bill (i.e. no. **795, **Boo, 799). The Petitions Committee reported that the Legislative Council should take the petition into consideration when the Bills were being debated (JLC , 1873, p. 141).

Copies: WTU (in bound vo\.,JLQ.


IE RANGIOTU, Hoani Meihana (d. 1898)

Petition against the Native Reserves Bill 1873.

No. 9. | 1873. | Legislative Council. | [rule] | Petition relative to the Native Reserves Bill. | (Presented by the Honourable Mr. Ngatata.) | [rule] \ Ordered by the Honourable the Legislative Council to be printed, 10th September, 1873. | [rule] \ [English text. 13 lines] \ [rule] \ [Maori text. 13 lines] I [rule] \ By authority; George Didsbury, Government Printer, Wellington-1873. | Price 3d.)

I sheet ([l] p.); 302x200 mm.

AJLC. 1873, No. 9. Petition in English and Maori signed ‘Hoani Meihana Rangiatu, [sic] and 28 others’. The petition asks that the Native Reserves Bill (no. **800) be thrown out as its provisions may be compared to the affliction of the Israelites by Pharaoh, The Legislative Council referred the petition to the Select Committee on the Native Reserves Bill (ILC, 1873, p. 84).

For other 1873 petitions from the Repudiation movement see no. 782, 783, 787, 801,802, 809.

Copies: WTU (in bound mo\..JLQ.




809 TE TAU, Tikawenga

Petition asking that Maori be consulted about legislation affecting them. No. 21. | 1873. | Legislative Council. | [rule] | Petition from na Tikawenga Te Tau, | and forty-four others, | (Presented by the Honourable Mr. Ngatata.) | [rule] | Ordered by the Honourable the Legislative Council to be printed. 19th September, 1873. | [rule] \ [English text. 9 lines] | [rule] | [Maori text. 8 lines] | [rule] | By authority: George Didsbury. Government Printer, Wellington-1 873. | (Price 3d.)

1 sheet ([l] p.); 302x200 mm.

AJLC. 1873, No. 21. Petition in English and Maori dated Wellington ('Wereitaone'), 6 September, signed Tikawenga Te Tau, and 44 others' but from 'the whole of the Committee of this side of the Island', presumably referring to the Wairarapa. The petition asks that legislation affecting Maori currently before Parliament be circulated for a year to gain Maori opinion on it before proceeding. The Petitions Committee reported that the Legislative Council should take the petition into consideration when the Bills were being debated (ILC. 1873. D. 141).

For other 1873 petitions from the Repudiation movement see no. 782, 783, 787, 801, 802, 808.

Copies: WTU (in bound voI ..JLQ.


WILLIAMS, William Leonard (1829-1916)

First part of a primer to teach Maori students the English language. Lessons | in the | English language | for | Maori schools. | Part I. | Wellington: | By authority: George Didsbury, Government Printer. | [rule] | 1873.

[4], 31, [l] p.; 212x135 mm.; cream paper covers. Prelim, pages: title page and added title (versos blank). Colophon p. 31: ‘George Didsbury, Kai-ta o te Kawanatanga, Poneke, Niu Tireni.'. Added title: '[double rule] | He akoranga | i te | reo Ingarihi | mo te | kura Maori. | [double rule]'. Page [32] blank. Title repeated on front cover within double border.

An English-language primer for Maori students, sections MV, consisting of graduated lessons in pronunciation, comprehension and basic grammar, with notes for teachers in English. Written by Williams and Sir William Martin, and based on Martin's He pukapuka whakaako (no. 460), of which a working copy annotated by Williams for the new edition is at WTU (MS-1559), Their work was referred to by Inspector of Schools A, H. Russell in a letter to Donald McLean. 13 March 1872 ( AJHR. 1872, F-5, p. II). The second part (sections VI [sic]-XVI) was published in 1875 (no. 849),

Williams 485, Bagnall 6103. Copies: AP, DL, NLA, WTU.



The new Table of Lessons (1871), a calendar of Scripture readings.

Te tikanga mo te korerotanga o era atu wahi | o te Karaipiture Tapu. | [rule] | Ko te Kawenata Tawhito kua | whakaritea mo nga upoko | tuatahi o te Karakia o te Ata, o | te Ahiahi, [. . .] | [. . .] [no imprint. 1874?]

[2o] p.; 138x87 mm. Caption title. 5 folded sheets pasted together. Text




bordered with a rule. Page [l] (introductory text) in two columns separated by vertical rule; p. [2-20] in tabular format. The date and place of publication are not confirmed, though it was probably produced in New Zealand.

Table of Lessons for Morning and Evening Prayer, for Sundays and Holy days (p. [2-8]) and for every day of the year (p. [9-20]) printed for use with the 1859 brevier prayer book (no. 488). Copies are also found tipped into London editions of the prayer book of 1850 (no. 391) and 1852 (no. 422).

The new readings, which differ from those in earlier prayer books, were prepared by the Church of England in 1871 and provisionally adopted for use in New Zealand by the General Synod in 1874 (Statute No. 21). The decision of whether the new Table should be incorporated into the formularies was complicated by questions about the independence of the Church in New Zealand; see, for example, the Church gazette for the Diocese of Auckland, October 1876, p. 104-106, and November, p. 113-114, and General Synod proceedings 1874-1880. The new Table of Lessons was, however, included in the 1876 prayer book (no. 851) and fully incorporated into the new version published in 1878 (no. 909). Its ‘provisional’ status continued until the alternative Table of Lessons in the 1928 prayer book was adopted, in 1937.

Williams 498. Copies: AP, NLA, WTU.


DAVIS, Charles Oliver Bond (1817/187-1887)

Elementary Maori grammar, vocabularies and exercises.

The | Maori lesson book: | an | elementary work, | intended | to facilitate the acquisition of Maori. | [rule] [ By | C. O. Davis. | [rule] \ Printed at Auckland \ by John Henry Field, at his Steam Printing Office, | Albert Street. | [rule] | 1874. | [rule] \ Price Is.

27, [l] p.; 130x100 mm; orange paper covers. Pages [2], [6] and [2B] blank. Page [4] numbered ‘ii’. Title repeated on front cover inside ornamental border. Advertisement for E. Wayte, stationer and bookseller, on back cover.

The author (Preface, p. [s], dated January 1874) describes it as ‘simple and unpretending’. It contains an elementary grammar, vocabularies and short exercises. Williams (quoted by Bagnall) suggests this is a third edition of no. 537 and no. 600, but differences in content make it more likely that this is a separate publication.

Williams 499, Bagnall 1548. Copies: DUHO, WTU.



Rules and rituals for admission to lodges in the Order.

Kote pukapuka ritiuera | o te Hahi onga | Kuru Tepara, | he mea mahi i rare ite mana 1 o te | Raiiti Waare Karani Temepara. | [ornamental rule] \ A he mea whakapumau e te Runanga ki Kirirani, i | Mei 24th, 1864. | [rule] | 1 rare ite mana mete Whakaaetanga ote Raiiti Waare | Karani Temepara nui, i te tau 1872. 1 [ornamental rule] | Akarana: [i.e. Auckland] | He mea whaka Maori ite reo Pakeha na Hare Parena te Tiari, | i runga i te mana o te P. G. L. A he mea taa kite | Perehia Hone J. H. Whiira, i Arapata Tiriti 1 Mate huihuinga Kuru Tepara ki | Niu Tirani. | [rule] | 1874.




[parallel text:]

The | book of the first degree | of the | Independent Order | of | Good Templars, | for | subordinate lodges. | under the jurisdiction of the | Provisional Grand Lodge, | Auckland. | Translated from the English into the Maori language by | Charles. Baron de Thierry, | certificated interpreter. | [ornamental rule] | Auckland: | Printed by John H. Field, at his Steam Printing Office, | Masefield’s Buildings, Albert Street. | [ride] | 1874.

30, [2] p,: plan: 1 74x118 mm.; black cloth boards (blank). Pages [2], [4], [7] and [3l-32] blank. Text entirely in Maori apart from the parallel English titlepage (p. [3]).

The rules and ritual of admission to the lodges, translated by Charles Frederick de Thierry ('Hare Parena te Tiari’) using an irregular orthography. The Good Templars was an organisation of total abstainers established in the United States in 1851, on the model of freemasonry, A more substantial volume was published in 1884 (no, 1100).

Williams 500, Bagnall 2797 Copies: AP, AR, WTU.

MANGAKAHIA, Mohi (d. 1875)


Petition raising questions about the Native Land Act 1873.

No. 8, | 1874. | Legislative Council. | [rule] | Petition of Mohi Mangakahia and 19 others. | [rule] | (Presented to the Legislative Council by the Hon. Mr. Mantell, the 12th of August. 1874.) | [rule] | [. . .] [By authority: George Didsbury, Government Printer, Wellington.-1874. I Price 3d.)]

I folded sheet (3, [l] p ); 307x200 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 3. Page [4] blank.

AJLC. 1874, No. 8. Petition in English and Maori, dated Whangapoua, Coromandel, 13 July 1874, signed by Mohi Mangakahia and 19 others. It presents seven questions about how the Native Land Act 1873 (no. 789) worked in practice and asks for the Act to be amended. The Petitions Committee reported that the petition should be referred to any select committee considering measures relating to land owned by Maori IJLC, 1874. p. 99).

Copies: WTU (in bound vo\.,JLQ.

MARTIN, Sir William (1807-1880)


New priming of an outline of the law of England.

Ko nga | tikanga nui | o te ture o Ingarani. | [Royal Arms] | Wellington. | By authority: G. Didsbury, Government Printer. | [rule] 1 1874.

76 p.; 214x140 mm; green paper covers. Title repeated on front cover. Page [2] blank.

A new printing of a digest of English law first printed in 1868 (no. 718). See that entry for further information on the attribution of authorship.

Williams 497, Bagnall 4430. Copies: AP. AR, NLA, WTU.





MATUA, Henare (d, 1894;

Petition asking for twenty-four Maori MPs and autonomy in land matters.

No. 9. | 1874. | Legislative Council. | [rule] | Petition of Henare Matua | and twenty-two others. | [ru/e] | (Presented to the Legislative Council by the Hon. Mr. Mantell, the twenty-first of August, 1874.) | [rule] | [. . .] [By authority: George Didsbury, Government Printer. Wellington.-1874. | Price 3d.)]

1 sheet (2 p.); 307x200 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p, 2.

AJLC, 1874, No. 9. Petition in English and Maori dated East Coast, 3 June 1874, signed by Henare Matua and 22 others. It proposes an increase in the number of Maori MPs to 24, disassociates Maori from government borrowing (15 million pounds), and asks that Maori be left to manage their own land, as provided for by the Treaty of Waitangi. The Petitions Committee recommended that it be held over until the next session of Parliament (JLC, 1874, p. 126). For further background on Maori political representation see M. P. K. Sorrenson, ‘A history of Maori representation in Parliament’, Appendix B in the report of the Royal Commission on the Electoral System (AJHR, 1986, H-3), and N. Atkinson, Adventures in democracy (Dunedin, 2003), p. 59-61 (for the 1870s).

Copies: WTU (in bound voI. .JLQ.

Entries 817-823 are filed in alphabetical order of the English title.



Land Transfer Act 1870 Amendment Act 1874.

Niu Tireni. j [rule] \ [Royal Arms] | Tau toru tekau ma warn o te Kuinitanga | o | Kuini Wikitoria. | Nama 15. ( [line of asterisks] | Whakawhaititanga. | [analysis: 14 sections, 38 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] \ [rule] | He Ture hei whakatikatika i “Te Ture Tuku Whenua | 1870,” e whai tikanga ana ki nga whenua e | karaatitia ana i raro i nga Ture Whenua Maori. | (31 o Akuhata, 1874.) ][...] [By authority: George Didsbury, Government Printer, Wellington. [lB74]]

1 folded sheet (3, [l] p ); 334x212 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 3. Page [4] blank. Includes marginal notes.

Short title: 'Te Ture Tuku Whenua 1870 Ture Whakatikatika 1874.’.

Translation of the Land Transfer Act 1870 Amendment Act 1874 (1874, No. 15). it extended registration provisions to lands granted under the Native Land Acts. See no. 669 for further information on land legislation.

The Bill was introduced in the Legislative Council by Pollen on 13 August and passed all stages by 26 August, No Maori version of the Bill has been identified. The English version of the Act was issued with the Gazette. 27 August 1874.

Sommerville 503e. Copies: WTU.





Native Land Act Amendment Act 1874.

Niu Tireni. | [rule] 1 [Royal Arms] | Tau toru tekau ma warn o te Kuinitanga | o 1 Kuini Wikitoria. | Nama 75. | [line of asterisks] | Whakawhaititanga. | [analysis: 10 sections. 22 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] | [rule] | He Ture Whakatikatika i “Te Ture Whenua Maori, | 1873." (30 o Akuhata. 1874.) | [. . .] [By authority: George Didsbury. Government Printer, Wellington. [lB74]]

1 sheet (2 p.); 335x212 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 2. Includes marginal notes.

Short title: ‘Te Ture Whakatikatika i te Ture Whenua Maori, 1874.’,

Translation of the Native Land Act Amendment Act 1874 (1874, No. 75), It made various changes, mainly of an administrative nature, to the Native Land Act 1873 (no. 789). See no. 669 for further information on land legislation.

The Bill was introduced by McLean in the House on 4 August and passed all stages by 29 August. Although Maori MPs spoke during the debates, no Maori version of the Bill has been identified. The English version of the Act (dated 31 August) was issued with the Gazette. 10 September 1874. An explanation of the Act in English and Maori, which anticipates circulation of the Maori version, was printed in Te waka Maori o Niu Tirani, 3 November 1874, p. 271-271.

Williams 503, Sommerville 503. Copies: WTU.


Outlying Districts Sale of Spirits Act 1874.

Niu Tireni. | [rule] \ [Royal Arms] \ Tau toru tekau ma warn o te Kuinitanga | o | Kuini Wikitoria. | Nama 79, | [line of asterisks] \ Whakawhaititanga. | [analysis; 6 sections. 13 lines in two columns lines separated by vertical rule] \ [rule] | He Ture hei whakatikatika i “Te Ture Hoko Waipiro | i Roto i nga Takiwa e nohoia ana e nga Tangata | Maori, 1870," (31 o Akuhata, 1874.) | [. . .] [By authority: George Didsbury, Government Printer. Wellington [lB74]]

1 sheet (2 p.); 334x210 mm. Caption title, imprint from colophon p. 2. Includes marginal notes. Running title: 'Hoko Waipiro i Roto i nga Takiwa . . . Maori.'.

Short title: Te Ture Hoko Waipiro 1 Roto i nga Takiwa e nohoia ana e nga Tangata Maori. 1874.'

Translation of the Outlying Districts Sale of Spirits Act 1874 (1874, No. 79). amending the principal Act of 1870 (no. 741). It specifies the role of Assessors in the issuing of licences and in the Licensing Courts. The Bill was introduced in the House by McLean on 4 August 1874 and passed through all stages by 26 August. No Maori version of the Bill has been identified. The English version of the Act was issued with the Gazette, 10 September 1874.

For further background on legislation, temperance activity and Maori see M. Hutt, Maori & alcohol (Wellington. 1999), p. 42-45.

Sommerville 503 d. Copies: WTU.





Oyster Fisheries Act Amendment Act 1874.

[Te Ture Whakatikatika i te Ture Mahi Tio, 1874: actual title not confirmed: no copy located. Wellington: Printed by the Government Printer. 1874]

Physical details not known; no copy located. Description from Williams.

‘Translation of the Oyster Fisheries Act Amendment Act, 1874 [1874, No. 71]. No copy seen.’ (Williams). It amended the principal Act of 1866 (see no. **692) by determining that rock oysters could not be taken except during the season proclaimed bv the Governor.

Williams **so2. No copy located.


Poverty Bay Lands Titles Act 1874.

Niu Tireni. | [rule] | [Royal Arms ] | Tau toru tekau ma waru o te Kuinitanga | o | Kuini Wikitoria. 1 Nama 76. | [line of asterisks] | Whakawhaititanga. | [ analysis: 3 sections. 9 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] | He Ture whakatakoto tikanga hei kimi i nga Take ki | etahi Whenua i te Takiwa o Turanganui. | (31 o Akuhata, 1874.) | [. . .] [By authority: George Didsbury, Government Printer, Wellington. [lB74]]

1 folded sheet (3, [l] p.): 334x212 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 3. Page [4] blank, includes marginal notes. Running title: ‘Nga Take Whenua i Turanganui,',

Short title: ‘Te Ture mo nga Take Whenua i Turanganui, 1874.’

Translation of the Poverty Bay Lands Titles Act 1874 (1874, No. 76). It provides for further investigation of titles of land north of Mahia Peninsula described in the two schedules. The Bill was introduced in the House by McLean and passed all stages between 24 and 27 August. The English version was issued with the Gazette, 10 September 1874.

During its second reading in the Council. Matthew Holmes said that the Bill had not been translated into Maori, but Ngatata nevertheless observed that he understood it clearly ( NZPD. 1874, v. 16, p. 990). It therefore seems highly unlikely that there was a translation of the Bill into Maori.

Sommerville 503 c. Copies: WTU.


Taimaro and Waimahana Grants Act 1874.

Niu Tireni. | [rule] \ [Royal Arms] | Tau toru tekau ma warn o te Kuinitanga | o | Kuini Wikitoria, 1 Nama 77. | [line of asterisks] | Whakawhaititanga. 1 [analysis; 3 sections, S lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] 1 [rule] | He Ture hei whakamana i te Kawana kite whakahaere 1 etahi tikanga me etahi ritenga kua takoto mo nga | karaati mo etahi whenua i te Takiwa o Mangonui, | i te Porowini o Akarana. (30 o Akuhata. 1874.) | [. . .] [By authority: George Didsbury, Government Printer. Wellington. [lB74]]

1 sheet (2 p.); 334x210 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 2.




Includes marginal notes and a tabular schedule of the land and grantees.

Running title: ‘Nga Karaati o Taimaro me Waimahana.'.

Short title; 'Te Ture mo nga Karaati o Taimaro me Waimahana. 1874.'.

Translation of the Taimaro and Waimahana Grants Act 1874 (1874, No. 77). It granted land near Mangdnui in Northland to named Maori, superseding an earlier award. The Bill was introduced by Pollen in the Legislative Council on 21 July and passed all stages by 26 August. The English version was issued as a supplement to the Gazette. 10 September 1874.

Although no printed Bill in Maori has been located, McLean was reported as saying: The Bill was translated into Maori and was in the hands of the Native members' ( NZPD . 1874, v. 16, p. 931). It may have been a manuscript translation.

Sommerville 503g. Copies: WTU.


Whakataki Grants Act 1874.

Niu Tireni. | [rule] | [Royal Arms] \ Tau torn tekau ma waru o te Kuinitanga | o | Kuini Wikitoria. | Nama 78. | [line of asterisks] | Whakawhaititanga. | [analysis: 4 sections. 10 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] | He Ture hei whakamana i te Kawana kite whakaoti | i etahi tikanga mo nga karaati whenua e takoto ana | ki Rangiwhakaoma i te Porowini o Poneke. | (30 o Akuhata, 1874. | [. . .] [By authority: George Didsbury, Government Printer, Wellington. [lB74]]

1 folded sheet (4 p ); 335x210 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 4. Includes marginal notes and a tabular schedule of the land and grantees

Running title; ‘Nga Karaati o Whakataki.'.

Short title: 'Te Ture mo nga Karaati o Whakataki.'.

Translation of the Whakataki Grants Act 1874 (1874, No. 78). which granted land in the vicinity of Castlepoint (Rangiwhakaoma), Wairarapa, to local Maori. The Bill was introduced in the House by McLean on 4 August and passed all stages by 20 August. No Maori version of the Bill has been identified. The English version of the Act was issued with the Gazette. 10 September 1874.

Sommerville 503b. Copies: WTU.


NEW ZEALAND. Parliament

Ahikouka Claims Rehearing Bill 1874.

Whakawakanga tuarua o nga Kereme ki Ahikouka, | (Ahikouka Claims Rehearing.) | [rule] | Whakawhaititanga, | [analysis: 5 clauses. 10 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] \ [rule] | He Pire i huaina. | He lure whakatakoto tikanga mete whakawakanga | tuarua o tetahi kereme i tonoa e etahi tangata | Maori ki tetahi poraka whenua i te Porowini o | Poneke e mohiotia ana ko “Te Ahikouka kite | Tonga," me etahi atu tikanga hoki. | [. . .] [By authority: George Didsbury, Government Printer, Wellington.





1 folded sheet (3, [l] p.); 334x212 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 3. Page [4] blank. At foot of p. [l]: 'No, [space]—[space].' (i.e. an incomplete Bill numbering).

Short title: Te Whakawakanga Tuarua o nga Kereme ki Ahikouka, 1874.’

Translation of the Ahikouka Claims Rehearing Bill 1874 (1874, No. 109), which provided for rehearing a claim about Wairarapa land known as the Ahikouka South Block, The Bill was introduced by McLean in the House on 4 August but the Legislative Council decision on 27 August to postpone the debate effectively killed its progress.

Sommerville 503 a. Copies: WTU.



Petition seeking redress for the injustices of South Island land transactions.

He petihona na Ngaitahu | kite | Paremata o Nu Tireni. | With 1 English translation. 1 [double rule] \ Waikouaiti: | Printed by Thos. S. Pratt, at the "Herald” Office | [rule] | March, 1874.

12 p.; 215x297 mm.; blue paper covers. Title from cover. Colophon p. 12: ■Printed by Thos. S. Pratt, at the Waikouaiti and Shag Valley Herald Office.’. Printed in two columns separated by vertical rule.

Caption title p. [9]: ’A | petition for redress of grievances | from | the Ngai tahu | to the | Parliament of New Zealand. 1 [rule] | Presented by the Member of the Middle Island-John Grey Taiaroa. | [rule]’.

A petition arising from a meeting of South Island Maori at Kaiapoi, 25 March 1874, It is in Maori (with 278 signatories) and English and is based on the injustices of Wakefield’s. Kemp’s and Mantell's land transactions of the 1840s and 50s. For further information see H. Evison, Te Wai Pounamu (Christchurch, 1993), p. 438-439.

The English text was included in Judge Fenton’s report ( AJHR. 1876, G-7) that followed Ngai Tahu’s 1875 petition (no. 841) on the same concerns. The issues were not fully resolved until 1998 when Government settled the Ngai Tahu claim heard by the Waitangi Tribunal in the late 1980s; see New Zealand. Waitangi Tribunal, The Ngai Tahu report (3 v.; Wellington, 1991).

Bagnall 4542. Copies: CP; WTU (photocopy).



Petition staring an interest in Te Am land sold without his knowledge. No. 7. | 1874. 1 Legislative Council. | [rule] | Petition of Hemi Parai. | [rule] 1 (Presented to the Legislative Council by the Hon. Mr. Mantell, on the 1 Ith of August, 1874.) | [rule] \ [English text, 26 /tries] | [rule] \ [Maori text, 25 lines] | [rule] | By authority: George Didsbury, Government Printer, Wellington.-1874, | Price 3d.)

1 sheet ([l] p.); 307x200 mm.

AJLC, 1874, No. 7. Petition in English and Maori, dated 9 August 1874, signed by Hemi Parai. It explains that Parai had an interest in and had taken




previous legal action over land at Te Aro, Wellington, on which the barracks were built. However, the land had been sold without his knowledge. In an interim report, the Petitions Committee said it was waiting for documents relating to Native Reserves []LC , 1874, p. 99).

Copies: WTU (in bound vol.,y£Q.


PUNA, Wirihana

Poster advertising a ploughing contest at Aramoho. Wanganui.

Panuitanga. | [double rule] \ Kei te Taete te 27 o nga ra o Akuhata ka tu te purei o | nga kai parau whenua, ki Aramoho | 1. Ko te utu mo te tangata nana te mahi parau whenua i pai rawa | atu, e ono pauna, £6, ko te utu tuatahi tena. | [list of prizes numbered 2-11. 14 lines] | [double rule] | Katoa nga parau e kawea mai ana o tera taha. | O Whanganui, o Waitotara. ki | te purei, ma te Whirihana raua ko Waka e utu te haerenga mai i | runga i te piriti, me nga toro keti. | I te ahiahi o te ra o te purei, ka | tu te tina a nga Maori me nga | Pakeha kite whare o Waaka. | Katoa nga parau me taemai i te 10 o nga haora. Kei reira ka timata. | Na Wirihana Puna, | na Waaka. | [double rule] | Printed at the 'Herald' Office. [Wanganui. 1874.]

1 sheet ([l] p); 297x210 mm. Printed at the Evening Herald Office, Wanganui.

A small poster publicising the contest and listing the prizes for a ploughing contest organised by Wirihana Puna and John Walker ('Waka'/'Waaka') to be held on 27 August I 874 at Aramoho, Wanganui. An English version was also published, headed 'Take notice.'. Annotations on the copies at Archives New Zealand suggest that the contest was repeated in 1875.

Copies: ANZ (MA-WANG 4/9); WTU (photocopy).



Petition seeking a ban on consumption of alcohol by Maori.

J.-1. | 1874. | New Zealand. | [rule] | Petition of Haimona Te Aoterangi, | and 167 others. | [rule] \ Presented to the House of Representatives on 18th August, 1874. | [rule] | [. . .] [By authority: George Didsbury,

Government Printer, Wellington.-1874]

1 sheet (2 p ); 318x200 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 2.

AJHR. 1874, J-l. Petition in English and Maori, dated at Wanganui, 15 June 1874. It asks for legislation to ban consumption of alcohol by Maori, except for medicinal purposes, due to its destructive effects. Names of signatories (men and women) other than Te Aoterangi are not listed.

Williams 491. Copies: WTU (in bound vol.. AJHR).


He TURE Hei whakatikatika i te Ture Whakamana Tangata Pooti

Explanation of clause 8. Qualification of Electors Bill 1874.

He Ture | Hei whakatikatika i te lure Whakamana Tangata | Pooti, mema


A circular about a ploughing contest at Aramoho, Whanganui, 1874 (BiM 827). A publicity notice; the first prize was £6. Archives New Zealand, in MA-WANG 4/9



hoki mo te whare o nga tangata i | whakaturia i runga i te reo o te iwi. | Ko te tikanga o tenei Ture koia tenei: He mana hou enei ka | apititia ki nga mana e ahei nei te pooti a te iwi i o ratou | tangata i pai ai hei mema mo te whare o nga tangata i whakaturia i | runga i te reo o te iwi, koia nei:— | [. . .] [no imprint. Wellington: Printed by the Government Printer. 1874]

I sheet ([l] p.); 334x212 mm. Caption title. Imprint supplied.

An explanation of clause 8 of the Qualification of Electors Bill 1874, a clause which specifically related to voting rights in Maori electorates of Maori who did not own or lease land. The Bill was introduced by W, H. Reynolds in the House on 15 July but was withdrawn on 21 August. No Maori version of the complete Bill in has been identified.

Sommerville 503f & 503h. Copies: WTU


Te WANANGA (Newspaper)

Specimen issue of Hawke’s Bay newspaper, dated 5 August 1874.

Te Wananga | [ornamental rule] | He panuitanga tena kia kite koutou. |

[■double rule] | Pakowhai, Wenerei, Akuhata, 5, 1874. | ( double rule] | He perehi tenei mo te motu katoa, mo nga | tangata Maori, kua huaina tona ingoa ko te Wananga | o nga iwi katoa inaianei, kahore ahau e karakia ana |ki nga atua Maori, | ..] [Na Henare Hira, i ta, i raro ite mana o Henare Tomoana. Pakowhai. [lB74]]

I folded sheet (3, [l] p.); 272x215 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 3. Page [4] blank. Printed in two columns separated by vertical rule. The ‘ornament’ in the centre of the ornamental rule in the masthead is the letters 'SOS’, used for about a year.

Printed for Henare Tomoana by Henry Hill ('Henare Hira’), previously at St Stephen’s School, Taurarua (now Judges Bay, Auckland), from which the press had been acquired by Karaitiana Takamoana to produce Te Wananga: see no. 718 for further background.

A specimen or possibly a proof copy of the first issue of the newspaper Te Wananga (1874-1878; Sl9) printed at Pakowhai, near Napier. This first state differs in the following ways from that known to have been issued as part of the newspaper: different type in the masthead title; lacks motto ‘Tihe Mauriora’ in masthead; lacks volume/issue numbering; different setting and wording of colophon and consequential differences in imposition of text (p. 3).

The paper developed out of the Hawke’s Bay Repudiation movement but aimed to reach all tribes and to achieve reform in legislation relating to Maori and political representation; for further background see K. Sinclair, Kinds of peace (Auckland, 1991), p. 118-119. See SI 9 for further detailed history of the newspaper and no. 848 for a circular soliciting subscriptions.

Williams 504 (note). Copies: AP. WTU.


E HOA MA, tena koutou

Letter accompanying a petition to Queen Victoria.

[E hoa ma, tena koutou. Katahi matou ka whai take hei tuhi atu kia koutou




koia tenei, he tuku atu i te Pitihana mo tetahi tangata hei reo mo tatou ki roto kite Paremata nui, o Ingarangi; actual title not confirmed: no copy located, [. . .] 1875?]

Physical details not known; no copy located. Description from secondary source.

A letter accompanying a petition to Queen Victoria (no. 832), distributed among the southern tribes. The letter is known only through the reprinting of its text in Te Wananga, 12 February 1876, p. 30. From the related petition and covering letter (no. 845 and 843) it seems likely that this letter was also printed at the same time as the petition, probably in 1875.

No copy located.


KI A WIKITORIA, te Kuini o te rangatiratanga

Petition to Queen Victoria, proposing Sir George Grey as spokesperson.

Ki a Wikitoria, te Kuini o te rangatiratanga, kotahi o Kereita Piritone, raua ko Aerana; | me tenei motu ano hoki, e tiakina nei e tou atawhai. | Ko matou ko nga rangatira, me nga tangata o etahi o nga hapu, o nga iwi o Niu Tireni; | e noho nei i raro I tou rangatiratanga. Te tuku atu nei i ta matou Pitihana inoi ki a koe, | mo ta matou tangata i pai ai; mo Ta Hori Kerei (Sir George Grey, K.C.8.) kia whakatuturutia, 1 hei Minita, mo te taha Maori, ki roto kite Kawanatanga, o te Koroni o Niu Tireni. [. . .] I [9 lines]

[no imprint. 1875?]

I sheet ([l] p ); 324x201 mm.; laid paper. Lower half of sheet is blank for signatures.

The header sheet for a petition to Queen Victoria, proposing Sir George Grey’s appointment as a permanent Native Minister and intermediary with the British Parliament, apparently a counter-petition to one supporting McLean (no. 845). The circumstances are described in Te Wananga, 12 February 1876, p. 30-31, in which the text is reproduced with an English translation and the text of the covering letter (no. **B3l). No evidence has been found that it was sent to England.


KO NGA TIKANGA o nga upoko o te Paipera

Probationary text of chapter headings for the Maori Bible.

Ko nga tikanga o nga upoko o te Paipera. | [rule] \ Tikanga o nga Upoko o Kenehi. | I. Te hanganga o te rangi o te 1 whenua i mua noa atu, 3 Te marama- | tanga. 6Te kikorangi. [. . .] | [. . .] [Wiremu Ekeni, Perehi, Hal Tereti. Akarana. [i.e. Auckland] [lB7s]]

49, [1 ] p.; 215x140 mm.; brownish-pink paper covers. Caption title. Imprint


The date and place of publication are uncertain. Although printed in Te Wananga in 1876, the idea of Grey as ‘Chief over the Maoris' had already been raised by Karaitiana Takamoana in Parliament in 1875 ( NZPD. 1875, v. 17, p. 428). In view of the date of the McLean petition, it is likely that this one was also circulated in 1875. Copies: AP, WTU.



from colophon p. 49. Page [so] blank. Text printed in two columns separated by vertical rule. The date of publication is taken from Williams's supplementary note (568 (S)).

Text on cover: '[double rule] | These headings of the Maori Bible have been put forth | by the Auckland Branch of the Bible Society for the | consideration of the friends of the Maori race. Any | corrections or suggestions will be thankfully received by | the Rev. W. Lawry, the Secretary of that Association: or | by the Rev. Dr. Maunsell; and will be submitted to the | examination of a Committee to be appointed by the | Committee of that Association. | [double rule] \ [rule] | W. Atkin, Church Printer. High Street, Auckland.'.

Probationary text of the chapter summaries for the books of the Bible, included for the first time in the 1889 second edition (no, 1241), The reference to Walter Lawry (d. 1859) should be to Rev. H. H. (Henry Hassall) Lawry (1821-1906). For further discussion of the revision, including the use of headings, see P. Lineham, ‘Tampering with the sacred text', in A book in the hand (Auckland. 2000), p, 29-45 (p. 35-36).

Williams 568 & (S), Bagnall 5565. Copies: AP, WTU.


MACKAY, Alexander (1833-190'

Summary of early land purchases in the South Island.

G.-3. | 1875. | New Zealand. | [rule] | Land purchases. Middle Island. | (Report by Mr. Alex. Mackay.) | In continuation of paper G. 6, 1874. Presented 29th July, 1874. j [rule] \ Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by command of His Excellency. | [rule] | [. . .] [By authority: George Didsbury, Government Printer, Wellington.-1875.]

3, [l], 3, [l] p . [l] folded leaf of plates; 329x203 mm. Caption title. Page [4] blank in both sequences. Imprint from colophon, p. 3 (first sequence). Folded plate is map titled ‘Plan of land purchases in South and Stewart Islands', drawn by A. Koch.

Caption title (second sequence): 'G.-3. | 1875. | New Zealand. | [rule] \ Hokonga whenua i Waipounamu. | (Nga Whakaatu a Mr. Alexander Mackay.) | He nuinga atu o te pukapuka G. 6, 1874, I tukua kite Whare Paremete i te 29 o Hurae, 1874. | [rule] | He mea whakatakoto kite aroaro o nga Whare e rua o te Huihuinga nui i runga i te whakahau | a te Kawana. | [rule]’. Colophon p. 3: T taia i runga i te mana o te Kawanatanga o Niu Tireni, e George Didsbury Kai-ta o te Kawanatanga, Po Neke.'

AJHR, 1875, G-3. English and Maori versions, separately paginated. The report summarises 1839-1864 land purchases from Maori in the southern South Island and Stewart Island, including names of iwi, dates and extent of purchase, prices and extent of reserved lands. It continues MacKay's 1873 report (AJHR. 1874, G-6) which recorded similar details for the northern part of the South Island, but was apparently not produced with a parallel Maori text, Mackay's two-volume Compendium of official documents (Wellington & Nelson. 1873 & 1872; see Bagnall 3287 for background) provides the detailed record of transactions and administration.

Williams 512. Copies: WTU (in bound vol., AJHR ).




NATIVE LAND at Porirua for educational purposes.


Documents relating to grant of land at Porirua to the Bishop of New Zealand.

No. 5. | 1875. | Legislative Council. 1 [rule] \ Native land at Porirua for educational 1 purposes, | (correspondence relating to the issue of Crown grants for), | [rule] \ Return to an order of the Legislative Council, dated 9th September, 1875, | [3 lines defining the scope] \ [rule] | [. . .] [By authority: George Didsbury, Government Printer, Wellington. -1875.]

I sheet (2 p.); 306x202 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 2.

AJLC. 1875, No. 5. The main text is a letter in English and Maori dated Otaki, 16 August 1848, signed by Te Rauparaha and seven other Ngati Toa chiefs, agreeing to give land at ‘Witireia’ (i.e. Whitireia, Porirua) to the Bishop of New Zealand and his successors for a college. It is accompanied by a note in English from Lieutenant-Governor Eyre to H. T. Kemp, 7 October 1848, asking him to formally acknowledge the 'laudable' gift and arrange the survey, and a I -line bring-up note from Grey.

Ngati Toa were disgruntled that the proposal came to nothing and from 1876 onwards petitioned unsuccessfully for the return of the 500 acres. Their disaffiliation from the Church of England and adherence to Mormonism may also have resulted from the breach of trust; see E. Ramsden, Rangiatea (Wellington. 1951), p. 1 14-118. See also AJHR, 1905. G-5, for the report of the Royal Commission on the Porirua, Otaki, Waikato, Kaikokirikiri and Motueka School Trusts.

Copies: WTU (in bound vo \.,JLQ.


Sections 40 and 41 of the Regulation of Elections Act 1870.

Regulations [sic] of “Elections Act, 1870.” | [rule] \ Section 40, | Translation of Prescribed Questions. |[s questions, 9 lines] | [rule] | Section 41, | Translation of Declaration. | [5 lines] [no imprint. Napier?: 1875?]

1 sheet ([l] p.): 210x168 mm.

Translation of sections 40 and 41 of the Regulation of Elections Act 1870 (1870, No. 18), sections which provided for identifying the voter and for making a declaration against bribery, when these were thought necessary. The translation is probably by William Colenso as the item was found with miscellaneous material collected by him, subsequently found among papers that may have belonged to G. C. Petersen. The leaflet, apparently a precaution against bribery in the Eastern Maori electorate, was together with the 14 December 1875 report of Returning Officer Samuel Parkes, and a list of the Dolling daces (WTU. 84-251-2/13).

Copies: WTU (Returning Officer's papers, 84-251-2/13).


NEW ZEALAND. Returning Officer (Eastern Maori electorate

Notice about voting procedures in Eastern Maori electorate in January 1876.




[Royal Arms] | He panui kite iwi Maori katoa o Aotearoa. | [rule] | Koia nei nga ingoa o nga takiwa e mahi pooti ai nga iwi | Maori mo nga Mema Maori kite Paremata, mo te | Takiwa kite Rawhiti. [. . .] | [34 lines ] | [rule] | He mea ta i te Tari o Te “Wananga," Nepia. [i.e. Napier] [1875]

1 sheet ([l] p.); 145x125 mm. Printed at the office of Te Wananga newspaper.

A notice listing the polling booths in the Eastern Maori electoral district for the election on 15 January 1876. with details of the nomination process. It was also printed in Te Wananga. 24 December 1875, p. 455. Voting was disrupted by flooding and possible improprieties, which meant no result was declared, causing a flurry of opinion, petitions and other statements. For the report of the Select Committee which investigated the matter see AJHR, 1876,1-3 and I-3a. The House of Representatives announced sitting member Karaitiana Takamoana, of Ngati Kahungunu, to be re-elected on 1 August 1876. For a summary of events, see K. Sinclair. Kinds of peace (Auckland, 1991), p, 94-96, and W. H. Oliver and J. Thomson, Challenge and response (Gisborne, 1971), p. 117-120.

See also no. 838 (Northern Maori); it is possible notices were published for the other two Maori electorates, but no evidence for this has been located.

Copies: WTU (McLean papers, MS-Papers-0032-0032a).


NEW ZEALAND. Returning Officer (Northern Maori electorate)

Notice about voting procedures in Northern Maori electorate in January 1876.

[Royal Arms] | Mema Maori. | [rule] | He panui. | [ornamental rule] \ He panui tenei kia matau mai ai nga Maori | o te Takiwa whakararo o te motu nei, timata | mai i Akarana puta noa ki Muriwhenua ko te ra | e karangatia ai nga ingoa o nga tangata e hiahia ana kia whakaturia hei Mema Maori ki te Pare- | mete o Nui Tirini mo tenei Takiwa kua whaka- | tuturutia, koia kei te 4 o nga ra o Hanuere 1876 ki Kororareka, a kite tonoa he pooti, | ko te ra mo te pooti koia kei te 15 o nga ra o | taua marama. | Na te Wiremu | Kai Whakahaere mo Te Pooti | Edward M. Williams., R.O. [no imprint. Auckland: Printed by the Daily Southern Cross, 1875]

1 sheet ([l] p.); 184X116 mm.

A notice issued by Returning Officer Edward Marsh Williams about nomination and voting procedures in Northern Maori electorate for the election on 15 January 1876. A note with a WTU copy says it was printed by the Daily Southern Cross and distributed on 21 December 1875 (WTU; D, McLean. Papers. MS-Papers-0032-0140).

Copies: WTU.

Entries 839-841 are filed in date order.



Covenant 4June 1875. between Ngai Tabu. Ngdti Mdmoe. and H. K. Taiawa. Otakou, Hune 4, 1875. | Ko te Kawenata i mahia kite Whare e kiia ana te



84 1

ingoa ko Te Mahi Tamariki. | Ko te tuatahi. Ko te take i tuhituhia ai tenei pukapuka he pukapuka whakamana na nga rangatira i | huihui, i tenei ra i te 4 o nga ra o Hune, 1875, me era atu rangatira o te iwi o Ngaitahu me Ngatimamoe. | [clauses 2-5. 12 lines] I Ko to matou whakaaetanga tenei ki nga ritenga e mau ana i runga i tenei pukapuka. | 1. Teone Topi Patuki | [6O additional names numbered 2t061 in two columns] [no imprint. Dunedin: Printed by Mackay, Fenwick, and Co., 1875]

1 folded sheet ([4] p,); 335x210 mm.; laid paper. Pages [2-4] blank. Presumed printed by the same printer as associated document no. 840.

Printed version of a parchment deed of covenant between the chiefs of Ngai Tahu and Ngati Mamoe on the one part and Hori Kerei Taiaroa, MHR for Southern Maori, on the other. It was signed by 61 named rangatira and resulted from a runanga held at the meeting house Te Mahi Tamariki at Taiaroa Head in early June 1875. It empowered Taiaroa to act on their behalf in seeking redress for the injustices of earlier land purchases. For further background see H. Evison, Te Wai Pounamu (Christchurch, 1993), p. 439. See also no. 840-841 for related documents and additional information.

Copies: WTU.


Agreement. 10 June 1875, for management of funds raised for land claims. Te Ware Runanga 1 e kiia ana ko | Te Mahi Tamariki, | Otakou, 10 Hune, 1875. | [double rule] \ He Ture kua whakaaetia e nga ranga- 1 tira Maori o te Wahipounamu. | 1. Ko te ingoa o tenei ture ko Te Ture whakamana i te | mahinga i nga moni mete whakamananga i nga tangata mete | mana o nga tumuaki kite whakahaere i enei mahi. | [. . .] [Mackay, Fenwick, and Co., Printers, Dunedin. [lB7s]]

1 folded sheet (3, [l] p.): 345x216 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 3. Page [4] blank. Running title: ‘He Ture o te Wahipounamu.'. Includes marginal notes.

An agreement presented in the style of an Act of Parliament, setting out the provisions for the collection and management of funds contributed by Ngai Tahu for their claims against the government. It appoints trustees, with H. K. Taiaroa as Chairman, and sets allowances for representatives on official business, etc. See also no. 839 and 841 for associated documents and additional information.

Copies: WTU.


Petition to the Governor. 10 June 1875, about land issues.

Te Whare e kiia ana te Ingoa ko Te Mahi Tamariki, | Otakou, Hune 10th, 1875. | Ki a te Makuihi o Nomanapi Tino Kawana o te Koroni o Niu Tireni kei Poneke Tena koe | E inoi atu ana matou ki a koe kia ata rapua i nga take i pa ai nga mamae kite iwi Maori o Ngaitahu. | [55 lines] [no imprint Dunedin: Printed by Mackay, Fenwick, and Co., 1875]




1 sheet ([l] p): 340x215 mm Presumed printed by the same printer as associated document no. 840.

Petition from Ngai Tahu chiefs arising from the runanga of early June (see also no. 839-840) addressed to the Governor, Lord Normanby (‘Makuihi [Marquess] o Nomanapi'). It restates Ngai Tahu grievances against the Kemp and Mantell land purchases of 1844, 1848 and 1853 and broken government promises, threatening to take the matter to the Queen. For the 1874 petition on the same concerns see no. 825. The issues are summarised in Maori and English in Te Wananga, 26 July 1875, p. 112. For further background see H. Evison, Te Wai Pounamu (Christchurch, 1993), p. 439-440.

The petition resulted in a promise that Judge Williams would investigate the matter, but this was not acted upon. In 1876 Ngai Tahu complained in a further letter to the Governor and Judge Fenton held an inquiry, with results which Ngai Tahu considered unsatisfactory. For Fenton's report see AJHR, 1876, G-7 (English) and G-7a (Maori, no. 852): Taiaroa’s reply is AJHR. 1876, G-7b (no. 872). The issues were not fully resolved until 1998 when Government settled the Ngai Tahu claim heard by the Waitangi Tribunal in the late 1980s: see New Zealand. Waitangi Tribunal, The Ngai Tahu report (Wai 27) (3 v.; Wellington, 1991).

Copies: WTU.



Phrases and vocabularies with grammatical notes.

Korero Maori. | First lessons | in | Maori conversation. | By | a PakehaMaori. | New Zealand: | Published by G. T. Chapman, Bookseller & Stationer, | Queen Street, Auckland. [1875?]

24 p.; 150x93 mm.; light brown paper covers. Colophon p. 24: 'Printed at the Daily Southern Cross Office. Auckland.'. Page [2] blank. Caption title p. 3: 'Te korero Maori.'. Title repeated on front cover on a yellow patterned background inside a single rule border. Dated from the final number ('1875') in sequence on p, 8.

A collection of conversational phrases and vocabularies with brief grammatical notes, sometimes attributed to H. T. Kemp who used the pseudonym 'The Pakeha Maori' in an 1879 edition of his First step to Maori conversation (no. 932). However, the two works are quite different and it seems unlikely that Kemp was the author of this anonymous work. For later editions, which vary in content, see no. 915, 1061. 1165. 1534, and Bagnall K458-K461.

Williams 411 & (S), Bagnall 3029. Copies: ML. WTU.


TAONUI, Aperahama (d. 1882)

Printed letter. 29 May 1875. accompanying a petition to Queen Victoria.

Kaipara, Te Aratapu, | 29 o Mei, 1875. | E hoa,— tena koe. | Tenei te Rape o ta matou Pitihana ki a te Kuini, ka tukuna ) atu nei kia kite koe, me to iwi katoa; kite pai ta koutou titiro iho, pena ngatahitia | ano hoki he tikanga ma tatou katoa—ma ia iwi, ma ia iwi—kia wawe te takoto oti | tenei




taonga pai mo tatou. | Na to koutou hoa, | Na Aperahama Taonui. [no imprint. Auckland?: 1875]

1 folded sheet ([4] p.); 264x210 mm.; laid paper. Pages [2]-[4] blank.

A covering note to accompany a petition to Queen Victoria (no. 845) which was circulated to iwi, asking them to consider it and sign if they supported it.

Copies: DUHO, WTU.


TAWHIAO, Tukaroto Matutaera Potatau Te Wherowhero (d. 1894)

Proclamation. 20 December 1875, of the Maori King's legal code.

[Proclamation stating the Maori King's legal code, signed 'Tawhiao , dated ‘Hikurangi, December 20th 1875'; actual title not known; no copy located. 1875?]

Physical details not known; no copy located. Details taken from secondary sources.

No copy of the proclamation has been located, but a translation was printed in the Waikato times on 13 January 1876 and the Daily Southern Cross on 21 January, the latter referring to Maori expressions used in the proclamation. It is very likely that Tawhiao's ‘legal code’ was printed and issued separately in December 1875.

The text of the Waikato times translation is: ‘These are laws: | [ru/e] | 1 Maori priests. 1 2—Maori tapu. | 3—Maori prophets. | 4—Maori prayers. | 5 Witchcraft. | 6—Feasts over the dead. | 7—Fighting about land. | B—Fighting about women. | 9—Selling land. | 10—Leasing land. | 11—Authority of chiefs. | 12—Cursing.] 13—Theft. | 14—Murder. | 15—Striking. | 16—Cheating. ] 17—Anger. | 18—Revenge. | 19—Greed. | 20—Presumption. | 21 Stubbornness. | 22—Government aid. ] 23—Rum drinking. | 24—Divisions. | All these things are to cease absolutely. | Signed, Tawhiao. ] Hikurangi, December 20th, 1875.'

No copy located.


TE ARATAPU, Kaipara, 29 o Mei, 1875

Petition to Queen Victoria, 29 May 1875, proposing McLean as spokesperson.

Te Aratapu, | Kaipara, | 29 o Mei, 1875. i Kia Kuini Wikitoria, 1 E tai, kia ora tonu koe,- ko matou ko nga iwi Maori | o Nui Tireni, ka tuku am nei i ta matou “Pitihana" ki to aroaro - ko te tino kupu | koia tenei, kia tukua mai te tomairangi o to atawhai kia matou kite taha Maori, kia | whakaae pu mai koe, kia whakatuturutia tenei tangata a Ta Tanara Makarini hei | Minita tuturu mo matou - te tangata e mohiotia ana e tenei motu, hei kai kawe, | hei kai whakaari, i o matou whakaaro, ki waenganui o te Paremata - kia tau ) tonu ai te pai mete rangimarietanga kia matou, ki tenei motu katoa ano hoki. | Na au tamariki, | Na Arama Karaka Haututu. | [2O other names in two columns separated by vertical rule] and 200 others. [no imprint. Auckland?: 1875],




I folded sheet ([4] p ); 344x216 mm.; blue-grey laid paper. Pages [2-4] blank.

A petition to Queen Victoria signed by Arama Karaka Haututu and 20 other named Maori, and '2OO others'. It asks her to appoint Donald McLean as a minister to represent Maori in Parliament and to be their spokesman, and suggests this would be a way of achieving peace. See no. 843 for the covering letter to iwi seeking their support for the petition. No evidence has been found that it was sent to England See no, 832 for a subsequent counterpetition

Copies: WTU.


TOROTORO, Paora, plaintiff.

Report of a Supreme Court case on land dealings.

He mea ta enei korero hei roanga | mo | “Te Wananga.” | [double rule] | Pakowhai, Hurae, 1875. | [double rule] | Hupirimi Kooti o Niu Tireni. | [ornamental rule] | Te Kaiwhakawa, ko te Tiati Penekarati, Tino | Kaiwhakawa Kooti Hupirimi. | [ornamental rule] | He whakawa na Paora Torotoro raua ko Rewi Haukore | la Pererika Tatana. | [ornamental rule] | [. . .] [He mea ta o Henare Hira, I te Whare ta oTe Wananga, I Nepia. [ i.e. Napier] [lB7s]]

23, [l] p.; 287x223 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 23 Page [24] blank. Printed in two columns separated by vertical rule. Printed at the Office of Te Wananga by Henry Hill (‘Henare Hira’) who had previously been a printer at the press at St Stephen's School, Taurarua (now Judges Bay), Auckland: see no. 719 for further background.

A July 1875 supplement to Te Wananga, reporting Supreme Court proceedings at Napier, 7-9 June 1875. in the case of Paora Torotoro and Rewi Haukore v. Frederick Sutton, heard by Judge Prendergast Cte Tiati Penekarati'). it revisited the case described in Torotoro's trial for perjury in 1872 (no. 777) associated with the alleged improper purchase of land at Omarunui, Hawke’s Bay. Also published in English as Supplement to The Wananga. Supreme Court of New Zealand. Monday, 7th June 1875 (Bagnall 5593), printed in Wellington.

Williams 504 (note). Copies: WTU.

847 TUKU, Wi

Petition about difficulties in arranging land transactions on the East Coast. No. 1 | 1875. | Legislative Council. | [rule] | Petition of Wi Tuku and 141 others. | [rule] | Presented to the Legislative Council by the Honourable G. R. Johnson, on the 18th August, 1875. | [rule] \ [English text. 1 7 lines] \ [rule] | [Maori text. 1 7 lines] \ [rule] | By authority: George Didsbury, Government Printer, Wellington.-1875. | Price 3d.)

1 sheet ([l] p.); 306x202 mm.

AJLC. 1875, No. I. Petition in English and Maori, dated 22 June 1875. asking for exemption from section 85. Native Land Act 1873 (no. 789), which required a Resident Magistrate to execute sales or leases of land owned by




Maori. Lack of an RM on the East Coast created consequential difficulties and inequities compared with Europeans and with Maori living in all other districts. The Public Petitions Committee had no recommendation to make (JLC, 1875, p. 126) but by 1896 Resident Magistrates were located at Awanui (East Cape) and Gisborne, see Bateman New Zealand historical atlas (Auckland, 1997). olate 41.

Copies: WTU (in bound voI ..JLO.

848 Te WANANGA (Newspaper)

Circular promoting subscriptions to Te Wananga newspaper.

Ki nga iwi Maori | o Aotearoa, o Te Waipounamu. | o Rakiura, | Katoa! Katoa !! Katoa!!! | [ornamental rule] | E hoa ma:— He kupu atu tenei na matou, kia koutou mo | tenei mea mo te Nupepa mo Te Wananga, kua mahia nei | mo tatou katoa, mo nga iwi Maori. [. . .] I [46 lines] | Te Wananga, Nepia. | Me tuku mai nga moni, | Kia Henare Mama, Porangahau. | Kia Henare Tomoana, Pakowhai, Nepia. | Kia Manaena Tini, Pakowhai, Nepia. 1 [rule] | He mea ta kite Tari o Te Wananga, HehitingaTiriti, Nepia. [i.e. Napier] [1875]

1 sheet ([l] p.); 287x150 mm. Printed at the office of Te Wananga newspaper.

A circular soliciting subscriptions to the newspaper Te Wananga and explaining its advantages over the Government paper Te waka Maori. Found with issues from November-December 1875. See no. 830 for the first issue and additional information and SI9 for further detailed history of the newspaper (1874-1878).

Copies: WTU.

849 WILLIAMS, William Leonard (1829-1916)

Second part of a primer to teach Maori students the English language. Lessons | in the | English language 1 for 1 Maori schools. | [rule] \ By 1 the Ven. Archdeacon L. Williams. | [rule] | Wellington. | By authority: Geo. Didsbury, Government Printer. | [rule] | 1875.

[2], 71, [l] p ; 198x134 mm; purple cloth, pink stiffened paper covers. Prelim, pages: title-page (verso blank). Page [72] blank. Title repeated inside ornamental border on front cover.

A continuation of no, 810 (1873) containing sections VI [sic] to XVI.

Williams 511. Bagnall 6104. Copies: AP, AR. DL. DUHO, NLA, WTU.

850 WYLLIE, James Ralston

Notice relating to non-payment of costs associated with land purchase. Whakaronga mail! | [double rule] | He korero tenei i rare nei na Waire mo 1 tana whakaaro ki a Kapene Riri. He mea | tuhi nana kite pukapuka. a homai ana ki a | Teoti Wakana. [. . .] | [75 lines. 4 rules. I double rule] | Na Waire. | [double rule] | He mea ta i te Tari o te Teeri Terekarawhi i | Hetingi Tiriti, Nepia. [ i.e. Napier] [ca. 1875]


A circular to encourage subscriptions to the paper Te Wananga explaining its advantages over its rival, 1875 (BiM 848) Alexander Turnbull Library: Printed collections.

FENTON. FRANCIS DART (1 820-25?-1 848)


1 sheet ([l] p.); 328x206 mm,: grey laid paper. Printed in two columns separated by vertical rule. Printed at the office of the Daily telegraph newspaper. Signed at end: ’Na Waire.’.

The WTU copy is annotated by Donald McLean; 'The following letter was sent to Cap. Read by Mr J. Wyllie ['Waire'] a licenced [sic] Interpreter under the Native Court act to intimidate Cap. Read to settle an exhorbitant [sic] account of £869-4-0 which he claims for services rendered in purchase of land at Poverty Bay’. It restates the terms of the original agreement and consequences if these are not met. The date of issue is between 1 871 (the Daily telegraph established) and 1878, when Read ('Riri’) died, but cannot be firmly identified. Read, referred to as ‘the uncrowned king of Poverty Bay’ was no stranger to confrontation: see DNZB. v. 1. p. 357-358.

Copies: WTU.


Reprint of 1852 edition of the complete Booh of Common Prayer.

Ko te Pukapuka | o nga Inoinga, | me era atu tikanga, | i whakaritea e te Hahi o Ingarani, | mo te minitatanga 1 o nga hakarameta, | o era atu ritenga hoki a te Hahi: | me nga Waiata ano hoki a Rawiri. | Mete tikanga mo te whiriwhiringa, mo te whakaturanga, | mete whakatapunga | o nga pihopa, o nga piriti, me nga rikona. | [wavy rule] | Ranana: [i.e. London] | I taia tenei kite Perehi o te Komiti mo te Whakapuaki | i te Mohiotanga ki a te Karaiti. | [rule] | 1876.

[2], ii, [2o], 432 p.; 183x110 mm.; black cloth boards (blank) with blind tooling. Prelim, pages: title-page, contents on verso with colophon: ’Banana; He mea ta i te Perehi o | Gilbert me Rivington, Whitefriars.’

A further reprint (by a different printer) of 1,000 copies of the 1 852 complete Book of Common Prayer (no. 422), published by the SPCK ('te Komiti mo te Whakapuaki i te Mohiotanga ki a te Karaiti’). Reproduced from the original plates though several pages in Psalms (e.g. p. 290) have been reset. The unpaginated section ([2o] p.) is the 1874 revised Table of Lessons (see no. 811 for further details). The WTU copy has Ko nga himene. a collection of 56 hymns ([2], 18 p.; no. 854) tipped in.

Other issues and editions of the Anglican prayer book are listed at no. 1 9. Williams 517, Bagnall 1173 (note). Copies: WTU.

852 FENTON, Francis Dart (1820-257-1898)

Report on Ngai Tahu petition concerning earlier land deals.

G.-7a. | 1876. | Niu Tireni. | [rule] | Ko te kupu a te Penetana, Tumuaki o Te Kooti | Whakawa Whenua Maori, | mo 1 te pukapuka inoi a Ngaitahu. | [. . ,] [By authority: George Didsbury, Government Printer, Wellington.-1876.]

1 sheet (2 p.): 315x205 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 2,

AJHR, 1876. G-7a. Translation into Maori of Fenton's ('Penetana') report on the Ngai Tahu petition seeking redress on earlier land deals; the English text




of the report is in AJHR. G.-7, p. 3-5. For the petition and additional information see no. 841, and for the response of Taiaroa to Fenton's report see no. 872.

Williams 520/ i. Copies: WTU (in bound vol., AJHR).

853 KI NGA RANGATIRA katoa o Waikato ara kite iwi katoa

Election circular supporting Hoani Nahe for Western Maori, 7 January 1876.

Ki nga rangatira katoa o Waikato ara | kite iwi katoa, | [ornamental rule] \ Tena koutou, | He mea atu tenei kia koutou kia pooti tatou i tetehi | Mema Maori mo o tatou takiwa (mo Waikato raua ko Hauraki), [. . .] | [l6 lines] \ Hei oi ano. | Na Meha Te Moananui. | [list of 7 other names ] \ Ara na nga iwi katoa o Hauraki nei. | Hauraki, 7th Hanuere, 1876. [no imprint. 1876]

1 sheet ([l] p.); 254x204 mm.; laid paper with watermark: 'Valleyfield'. First line of title in large gothic typeface.

A circular letter supporting the candidacy of Hoani Nahe (John Nash) in the Western Maori electorate in the January 1876 General Election, signed by Tanumeha Te Moananui and seven others. Nahe was successful and held the seat for three years.

Copies: WTU.


Fifty-six Church of England hymns.

Ko nga himene. | [ornamental rule] \ S. M. Himene 1. | 1 Ko wai rate Atua? | Ko Ihowa ano, | ko te Atua i homai nei | i tana tamaiti, | [. . . ] [Printed by E. M. Edgcumbe, "Bay of Plenty Times,[”] Tauranga. [lB76?]]

Collection of 56 hymns, indicating tunes, for use with the Book of Common Prayer. It comprises the 55 hymns published in about 1873 (no. 784-785) with (Hymn 56) Williams's translation of 'Veni Creator Spiritus’, first printed in about 1860 (in the service for the ordination of priests (no. 493), p. 7-8), then on the cover of the 1864 Anglican almanac (S2Ol/1864).

Edgcumbe was proprietor of the Bay of Plenty times from about 1875 until 22 January 1883. While this hymnal could have been issued at any time during that period, it is likely to have been published about the same time as the 1876 reprint of the prayer book (no. 851), into which one copy is tipped.

A small format edition of the same collection was also published (no. 910).

Williams 214, Copies: AP, AR, NLA, WTU.

*855 LEE, Walter (1811-1887)

Electioneering circular from a Waitematd candidate, 10 January 1876. [Ki nga Maori e whai pooti ana mo Waitemata: E hoa ma,— He kupu tenei


[2], 18 p.; 180x107 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 18. Prelim, pages blank. Printed in two columns separated by vertical rule.

MCLEAN, SIR DONALD (1820-1877)


kia whakaaetia au hei Mema mo te Runanga of [sic] Nui Tireni. Tuatahi: ka piri ahau kia Ta Hori Kerei kite whakatete i nga he e wkiua [sic] mai ana ki Akarana. Tuarua: Kapiri ahau kite tikanga hei wehe mai i to totou [sic] motu kia mana ai nga tikanga e paingia ana e tatou. Tuatoru: He

Physical details not known; no copy located. Details taken from secondary source.

An electioneering circular by Dr Walter Lee (‘Raata Rii’), candidate for Waitemata in the General Election of January 1876. No copy of the original has been located, but the text with a translation and savage commentary was printed in the Daily Southern Cross on 17 January 1876, p. 2. Accusations of Lee’s impropriety appeared in the same paper on 18 January, p. 2. Lee, who had represented the Northern Division electorate from 1853 to 1860, and also on the Provincial Council, was unsuccessful.

No copy located.

856 MACKAY, Alexander (1833-190'

Circular, 5 December 1876. soliciting subscriptions to Te waka Maori. Poneke, Tihema 5, 1876. | E hoa, — | Tena koe. He maha nga pukapuka me nga waea e tukua mai 1 ana e nga iwi Maori kite Kawanatanga; te take, ko te whakakorenga | o te Waka Maori nupepa, e whakahe ana aua pukapuka kite whaka- | korenga o taua nupepa, e tono ana kia

Circular promoting subscriptions (10 shillings a year) to the previously free government newspaper Te waka Maori o Niu Tirani when it resumed publication after a break of six weeks: for further details on the paper see SIS. The notice was distributed with Native Office Circular no. 14/1876, 15 December 1876.

Copies: ANZ (MA 6/1, Outward circulars).

857 McLEAN, Sir Donald (1820-1877)

Circular letter to Maori, I December 1876. on his retirement as Minister. Nepia. Haake Pei, | Tihema I. 1876. | E hoa, — | Tena koe. Ite huihuinga o te Paremete kua mutu tata ake nei na Meiha | Atikihana, te Tumuaki o te Kawanatanga, i whakaatu i taku whakaaro kia whakarerea | e au taku mahi Minitatanga i roto i etahi marama ruarua nei. [...][ [24 lines] | Naku, na to hoa pono, | na Tanara Makarini. | Kia a [ruled spaces. 2 lines, for name and address] | 1648) [no imprint. Napier?: 1876]


I sheet ((!] p ); 212x205 mm. Probably printed by the Government Printer.

whakaarahia ano e te | Kawanatanga. | [l4 lines] | Heoi ano. | Na to hoa, | na te Make (Alexander Mackay), | i te mea e ngaro ana a Te Karaka. | [3 lines] [no imprint. Wellington?: Printed by the Government Printer?, 1876]

whakakore taku i te mana o tera motu o te Wai Pounamu i a tatou, kei whakawhiwhia tatou kite whawhai penei me nga pakanga tangata kua mahue ake nei. Kapai kia whakakotahitia te tikanga o nga Maori o nga Pakeha.—Na, Raata Rii. Hanuere 10, 1876.; actual text not confirmed; no copy located. Auckland: 1876]



The farewell message of Sir Donald McLean, Minister of Native Affairs, on his retirement. It was reprinted with an English translation in Te waka Maori, 19 December 1876, p. 294-295. and referred to as being sent to Maori throughout New Zealand. After McLean's death the text was republished with minor changes in the same paper, 23 January 1877, p, 20.

A rather different version of the Maori text was printed in Te Wananga. 23 December 1876, p. 474-475. That paper had earlier published a vitriolic satirical hoax message titled 'Nga kupu poroporoaki a te Minita Maori, kua kore nei he mana ona' (with an English translation) in its issue of 9 December 1876, p, 450-454.

Copies: ANZ (MA-WANG 1/7, Inwards letters 1876).


Intestate Native Succession Act 1876.

[He Ture hei whakanui i te whakahaerenga o te mana o te Koote Whakawa Whenua Maori kia ahei ai te whakatu riwhi mo nga tangata Maori Whai Karaati e mate Oha-aki kore ana, mo etahi atu tikanga hoki e tau ana ki nga ritenga mo nga Maori e mate pera ana. Oketopa 31, 1876.: actual title not confirmed; no copy located. Wellington: Printed by the Government Printer, 1876.]

3 p.? Physical details not known: no copy located. Description from secondary source (Te Wananga, see below).

Translation of the Intestate Native Succession Act 1876 (1876, No. 68). It empowered the Native Land Court to make decisions on succession where a Maori owner had died without a will. See no. 669 for further information on land legislation.

The Bill (see no. 861 for a Maori version) was introduced in the House by Whitaker on 19 October 1876 and passed through all stages by 31 October. Copies of the English text of the Act were distributed with the Gazette. 2 November 1876, and the Maori version was distributed by the Native Department: e.g. a circular from the Wellington Office dated 13 December 1876 asks for the enclosed copies to be circulated among Maori in the Wanganui district (ANZ, MA-WANG 1/7. Inwards letters, 1876), but no copy has been located. The editor's prefatory note to the Maori text printed in Te Wananga. 13 January 1877, p. 19-20, says it was a translation supplied by the Government, presumably referring to the printed Act.

No copy located.

859 NEW ZEALAND. Armed Constabulary Force

Notice. 14 February 1876. offering a reward for capture of Henare Winiata.

[Royal Arms] | Panuitanga. | [double rule] \ Kotahi rau pauna (£100) hei utu. | [double rule] | Notemea i kohurutia kinotia e Henare Winiata cetahi Pakeha ki Epihama | (Epsom), i te takiwa o Akarana nei, i te 27 o nga ra o


Short title: Te Jure Riwhi mo nga Maori e mate oha-aki kore ana, 1876.’

1 sheet ([l] p,): 325x203 mm. '1648' at foot of sheet is printer’s job number.



Hanuere, 1876. Ko te | ingoa o taua Pakeha, ko Eruini Peka (Edwin Packer). [. . .] | [l4 lines] | Naku, | na Thomas Broham, | Rangatira o nga Pirihimana o Akarana. | Akarana, | Pepuere 14, 1876. [no imprint. Auckland: 1876]

1 sheet ([l] p ); 345x214 mm.

A notice issued by the Inspector of the Auckland Constabulary, Thomas Broham, offering a reward of £lOO for the apprehension of Henare Winiata, of Waikato (alias Turua), who was charged with the murder of his employer Edwin Packer on 27 January 1876 and then took refuge in the King Country. In June 1876 the reward was increased to £5OO (Gazette, 1876, p. 462) as a result of which Winiata was kidnapped, and eventually tried and hanged; see A. Ward, A show of justice (Auckland, 1973), p. 234-235, 261,285. The notice was first printed in the Kahiti, 13 February 1876, and later (with a translation) in Te waka Maori o Niu Tireni, 7 March 1876, p. 59; the same paper noted his capture in the issue of 8 August 1876, p. 185, based on the Hansard report (NZPD, 1876, v. 20. p. 361-380).

Copies: WTU.

860 NEW ZEALAND. Commissioner of Native Reserves (Middle Island).

Explanatory notes on draft Natives Reserves Bill.

G.-3a. I 1876. | New Zealand. | [rate] 1 Letter | from | Mr. Alexander Mackay, | forwarding | draft of a new Native Reserves Bill. | [rate] | Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by command of His Excellency. | [rate] [[...] [By authority; George Didsbury, Government Printer, Wellington.-1876.]

6, 6 p.: 315x205 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 6 (first sequence). At end of text (first sequence): ‘Price 3d.)'.

Caption title (second sequence): ‘G.-3a. | 1876. | Niu Tireni. ( [rule] | He pukapuka na Mr. Alexander Mackay. | (Tuku mai i tetahi Pire hou mo nga Whenua Rahui Maori.) | [rule] \ He mea hoatu ki nga Whare e rua o te Runanga Nui i runga i te whakahau a te Kawana. | [rate]'. Colophon p. 6: ‘By authority: George Didsbury, Government Printer, Wellington.-1876.'. At end of text: ‘Price 6d.)’.

AJHR, 1876, G-3a, English and Maori versions, separately paginated, of a letter dated 1 6 August 1 876 from Alexander Mackay, Commissioner of Native Reserves for the Middle (South) Island. It explains the draft Natives Reserves Bill that he had been instructed to prepare and was forwarding (but which is not included in the text). See no. 905 for the Maori version of the Bill considered by Parliament.

Williams 519. Copies: WTU (in bound vol., AJHR).

861 NEW ZEALAND. Parliament

Intestate Natives Succession BUI 1876.

(Ta Tanara Makarini.) | (Intestate Natives Succession.) | Riwhi mo nga Maori e mate Oha-aki | kore ana. | [rule] | Whakawhaititanga. | [analysis:

41 I



7 clauses. 16 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] | He Pire i huaina | He Ture hei whakanui i te whakahaerenga o te mana | o te Kooti Whakawa Whenua Maori kia ahei ai | te whakatu riwhi mo nga tangata Maori whai | karaati e mate oha-aki kore ana, mo etahi atu | tangata hoki e tu ana ki nga ritenga mo nga Maori | e mate pera ana. | (. . .] [He mea ta i runga i te mana o te Kawanatanga e George Didsbury, Kai-ta o te Kawanatanga Poneke. [i.e. Wellington] [lB76]]

1 folded sheet (3, [l] p ); 334x212 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 3. Page [4] blank. Running title p. 2: 'Riwhi mo nga Maori e mete [sic] ohaaki kore ana.'; running title p. 3: 'Kiwhi [sic] mo nga Maori . . Printed by the Government Printer ('Kai-ta o te Kawanatanga’)

Short title: Te Ture Riwhi mo nga Maori e mate oha-aki kore ana, 1876.’. Translation of the Intestate Natives Succession Bill 1876. For the resulting Act in Maori and additional information see no. **BsB.

Sommerville 519 c. Copies: WTU.


Native Grantees Act Amendment BUI 1876.

Native Grantees Act Amendment. | [rule] | He Ture hei whakatikatika i “Te Ture Maori Whai | Karaati, 1873.” | Na tenei ka hanga e te Runanga Nui o Nui Tireni kua huihui mai | nei Ki roto kite Paremete i runga hoki i te mana o taua | Runanga nga ritenga kua tuhia i raro nei:- | [8 lines. 2 clauses] | [rule] | By authority: George Didsbury, Government Printer, Wellington. | No. 102-1. [1876]

I sheet ([l] p.); 330x210 mm.

Short title; ’Te Ture whakatikatika Ture Maori whai Karaati. 1876.'.

Translation of the Native Grantees Act Amendment Bill 1876 (1876, No. 98). The Bill was introduced by G. R. Johnson in the Legislative Council on 13 September 1876, but it was withdrawn on 26 October.

Copies: WGA (Bill book, 1876).

863 NEW ZEALAND. Parliament. House of Representatives.

Maori Representation Acts Amendment and Continuance BUI 1876. (Ko Taiaroa.) | (Maori Representation.) | Whakaurunga Mema Maori. 1 [rule] | Whakawhaititanga. 1 [analysis: 8 clauses. 14 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] | He Pire tenei e whakahuatia ana. | He lure whakarite tikanga hei whakatikatika hei wha- | katumau tonu i “Te Jure Whakatu Tangata | Maori mo roto i te Paremete, 1867,” me “Te | lure Whakatikatika Whakatumau hoki, i te Ture | Whakauru Tangata Maori kite Paremete, 1872.” | [. . .] [no imprint. Wellington: Printed by the Government Printer, 1876]

Short title: *Te Jure WhakatikatiKa. Whakatumau hoki. i nga lure Whakauru Tangata Maori ki roto i te Paremete, 1876 '


1 folded sheet (3. [l] p); 334x212 mm. Caption title. Page [4] blank.



Translation of the Maori Representation Acts Amendment and Continuance Bill 1876 (1876. No. 102). It amended the main Act of 1867 (no. 707) by extending the existence of the four Maori electorates indefinitely. For further background see M. P. K, Sorrenson, 'A history of Maori representation in Parliament’, Appendix B in the report of the Royal Commission on the Electoral System ( AJHR. 1986, H-3), and N. Atkinson, Adventures in democracy (Dunedin, 2003), p. 59-61.

The associated Bill (unsuccessful in 1875) was reintroduced by Taiaroa in the House on 27 July 1876 and passed all stages by 27 September, but without its provision to increase the Maori electorates to seven. No Maori version of the resulting Act (1876, No. 45) has been identified.

Sommerville 519b. Copies: WTU.


Native Lands Sales and Leases Bill 1876.

[(Ta Tanara Makarini.) (Native Land [sic] Sales and Leases Bill.) Nga hoko me nga riihi o nga whenua Maori. Whakawhaititanga. [ analysis. 39 clauses] He Pire tenei e whakahuatia ana; actual title not confirmed; no copy located. Wellington: Printed by the Government Printer, 1876]

ca. 10 p. Physical details not known; no copy located. Description from secondary source.

Short title: 'Te Ture Hoko, Riihi hoki, i nga Whenua Maori, 1876.'. Translation of the Native Lands Sales and Leases Bill 1876 (1876, No. 66). When McLean introduced the Bill in the House on 11 August 1876 there was considerable discussion about the need for consultation among Maori, and for making the text available in both English and Maori ( NZPD , 1876, v. 21, p. 257-267), also reported in Te waka Maori, 5 September 1876, p. 210-211. The introduction to the text printed in Te Wananga, 2 September 1876, p, 322-327 ('a copy in Maori . , . which we have received from Wellington’) suggests that the Bill was issued separately in Maori, though no copy has been located, and it was withdrawn on 8 September. See no. 878 for an official ‘explanation’ of the Bill in Maori.

No copy located.

865 NEW ZEALAND. Parliament. Legislative Council.

Crown Redress Act 1871 Extension Bill 1876.

(Crown Redress Extension.) | (Na Matara.) 1 He Jure hei whakaroanga atu i te Ture | o te 1871 e ahei ai te tono he whakawa | kite taha kite Karauna. | [rule] | Whakawhaitikanga. | [analysis: 21 clauses, 43 lines mainly in two columns separated by vertical rule] | [rule] | He Fire e whakahuatia ana | He Ture hei whakaroanga atu i te mahinga o "Te | Ture, 1871 e ahei ai te tono he whakawa kite | taha kite Karauna,” a kia ahei ai etahi whai | tikanga ki runga i etahi whenua maori kia | tonoa he whakawakanga kite taha kite Karauna, | kia whakarongona kia whakataua ki roto i te | Huperimi Kooti o Niu Tirani. | [. . .] [By authority: George Didsbury, Government Printer, Wellington. [lB76]]




5, [l] p.: 342x214 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 5. Page [6] blank. Final leaf (p. 5-[6]) tipped in on p, 4. Includes marginal notes.

Short title: Te Ture 1876 whakaroanga atu o te Ture o te 1871, e ahei ai te tono he whakawakanga kite taha kite Karauna.’.

Translation of the Crown Redress Act 1871 Extension Bill (1876, No. 123). The Bill was prepared by H. K. Taiaroa (MHR for Southern Maori) and introduced on his behalf by Walter Mantell in the Legislative Council on 26 September but lapsed at the end of the session. The same text may have been the basis for the Bill reintroduced in 1877 (no. **B9s).

Copies: WTU.

866 PAKOWHAI, 4 Mei, 1876

Circular. 4 May 1876, calling other iwi to a hui.

Pakowhai, 4 Mei, 1876. | [double rule] | Kia [space for name] | E nga rangatira, e nga hapu. Tena koutou. He panuitanga tena kia | koutou kia haere mai a koutou tangata, e marama ana kite whakapuaki ia koutou | whakaaro; ka tu te hui ki Pakowhai, ko te rua-te-kau mawhitu o nga ra o Mei ka noho ki | Pakowhai, ko te rua tekau ma iwa o Mei, ka timata te korero i nga take i karangatia ai | koutou. | [8 numbered topics. 16 lines] | [double rule] \ (Na te Komiti o Kahungunu.) | Na Henare Tomoana, | Na Henare Matua, | Na Noa Te Hianga, | Na Renata Kawepo, | Na Paora Kaiwhata, | Na Karaitiana Takamoana. [no imprint. Napier: Printed at the Office ofTe Wananga, 1876]

I sheet ([l] p.); 322x201 mm. Presumed to have been printed by the newspaper with which several of the signatories were associated.

A circular dated 4 May 1876 inviting iwi representatives to a hui at Pakowhai, Hawke’s Bay. and setting out an agenda of eight points for discussion, including the establishment of a Maori Parliament. It is reproduced with an English translation in K. Sinclair, Kinds of peace (Auckland, 1991), p. 106-107, with additional background information p. 108-109. Reports in Maori and English on the hui, held 2-3 and 5-6 June 1876 and chaired by Henare Matua, were published in Te Wananga between 22 June and 29 July 1876. The outcome of the discussion was a petition to Parliament: AJHR. 1876, J-6 (no. 870). See also no. 874.

Copies: WTU.

867 PAKOWHAI, Hune 5, 1876

Circular, 5 June 1876. about the Eastern Maori election poll petition. Pakowhai, Hune 5, 1876. | [ornamental rule] | Kite Runanga, ki raro o te | Paramete o Nui Tireni. | [ornamental rule] | Tenei Pitihana o nga tangata Maori, e noho ana ki roto kite takiwa | pooti Maori o Te Tai Rawhiti. E whakaatu ana:- | [4 numbered statements, 10 lines] | [double rule] | He mea ta kite Tari o Te Wananga, Hehitinga Tiriti, Nepia. [i.e. Napier] [1876]

I folded sheet ([4] p ); 325x200 mm. Pages [2-4] blank. Printed at the office of Te Wananga newspaper




A circular dated 5 June 1876 lobbying for support against the petition of Henare Potae who protested the Eastern Maori election result (see no. 837 for further background).

Copies: WTU.


Small electioneering notice supporting Hoani Nahe for Western Maori. He panuitanga. | [ornamental rule] | E hoa ma, me pooti koutou kia Hoani Nahe. Kaati hoki nga | Mema ki tera pito ko Mete Kingi raua ko Wi Parata. Me tahuri tatou kite pooti | i a Hoani Nahe, he tangata ia no te pito ki raro nei o te Waahi ka pootitia nei a | Meiha Keepa raua ko Wi Parata ano. E hoa ma pooti kia Hoani Nahe. | Na Meha Te Moananui. | [list of 7 other names] [no imprint. \ 8767]

1 sheet ([l] p.); 128x204 mm.; laid paper with part of watermark: ‘Valleyfield’.

A short note signed by the same eight people as no. 853, endorsing the candidacy of Hoani Nahe for Western Maori electorate, probably produced at the same time.

Copies: WTU.

869 POTAE, Henare (d. 1895), attrib.

Circular. 23 February 1876, about candidates in Eastern Maori electorate. Turanganui, Pepuere, 23, 1876. | Ki nga iwi, me nga hapu, me nga rangatira, | Tena koutou, — |He kupu atu tenei kia koutou, kaua e whakarongo ki nga kupu Whakawa i a te tangata, me puru o koutou taringa, kaua e | tahuri atu. | [25 lines] \ Heoi nga kupu nei, | na o koutou hoa pono, | na Kereketa, ma. [no imprint. Gisborne?: 1876]

I folded sheet ([4] p ); 255x204 mm.; laid paper with watermark of shield and THS’. Pages [2]-[4] blank.

An open letter attacking the competency of Karaitiana Takamoana (of Ngati Kahungunu) as MHR for Eastern Maori and also attacking Henare Tomoana and Henare Matua for supporting Takamoana in the post-election confusion (see no. 837). Conversely, the letter praises the Native Minister, Donald McLean.

The ascription to Henare Potae, of Ngati Porou, initiator of a petition disputing the outcome of the poll, is based on the annotation 'H. Potae author of this’ on one WTU copy found in Donald McLean’s papers. The proTakamoana newspaper Te Wananga (11 March 1876. p. 133-135) identifies ’Kereketa’ as a pseudonym for Rev. Mohi Turei, who had accompanied Potae to a meeting with McLean in early March. It is possible that ‘Kereketa’ may be a transliteration of ‘delegate/s’.

Williams 521 a (S). Copies: WTU.





Petition of Ngati Kahungunu chiefs on matters discussed at hui. June 1876. J.-6. | 1876. | New Zealand. | [rule] | Petition of H. M. Rangitakaiwaho and others. | [rule] \ Presented to the House of Representatives 29th August, 1876. | [rule] | [. . .] [By authority: George Didsbury, Government Printer. Wellington.-1876.]

I sheet (2 p ); 315x205 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 2. At end of text: ‘Price 3d.)’.

AJHR. 1876.J-6. Petition in Maori and English, arising from the hui organised by Ngati Kahungunu at Pakowhai, Hawke’s Bay, in June 1876 (see no. 866 and 874). The Native Affairs Committee concluded (AJHR. 1876, 1-4, p, 12) that the matters raised were of sufficient importance to Maori that the petition should be printed in full. It covers topics such as allegiance to the Queen, appropriate representation in Parliament, and land sales and legislation.

Williams 520/ iv. Copies: WTU (in bound vol., AJHR).

871 SHEEHAN, John (1844-1885)

Circular letter supporting parliamentary candidate Lee, 11 January 1876. Akarana, Hanuere 11,1876. | E aka hoa tawhito o Ngatiwhatua | Tena koutou - Kua hoki mai ahau i Haaka Pei | (Takiwa o Nepia). | Kua rongo hoki pea koutou ka nui te kaha o taku | whawhai i reira mo “Te Taha Maori.” [. . .] | [l9 lines] | Me pooti katoa tatou kia Raata Rii.-Tena ahau te I haere atu na kia kite ia koutou. | No to koutou | hoa | na Hone Hiini. [no imprint. Auckland?: 1876]

I folded sheet ([4] p.); 207x127 mm,: laid paper with watermark: ‘W Collins Sons & Co’. Pages [2-4] blank.

A circular letter supporting Dr Walter Lee (‘Raata Rii‘) in the Waitemata electorate, from John Sheehan (‘Hone Hiini’), MHR for Rodney. See also no. **Bss.

Copies: WTU.

872 TAIAROA, Hori Kerei (d. 1905)

Response to Fenton’s report on the Ngdi Tahu petition on earlier land deals.

G.-7b. | 1876. | New Zealand. | [rule] \ Statement by H. K. Taiaroa, M.H.R.. on the report by | Judge Fenton on the petition of the Ngaitahu tribe. | [rule] | Laid on the table by Mr. Taiaroa, with leave of the House. | [rule] | [. . .] [By authority: George Didsbury, Government Printer, Wellington.-1876.]

6 p.; 315x205 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 6. Transliteration of ‘Wellington’ at end of Maori text (p. 3): ’Wereketana’. At end of text: ‘Price 6d,)’,

AJHR, 1876, G-7b. Maori text with English translation of Taiaroa's critical




response to Fenton's report (no. 852) on earlier land deals: 'The words of this report are merely grumbling words; they have no force. They are deceitful words, and delusive: they are not true.’. For the original petition and additional information see no. 841.

Williams 520/ ii. Copies: WTU (in bound vol.. AJHR).


Petition to Parliament advocating a better school system for Maori children.

J.-4. | 1876. 1 New Zealand. | [rule] | Petition of Wi Te Hakiro and 336 others. | (Part of.) | [rule] | Presented to the House of Representatives on 29th June, and part ordered to be printed. | [rule] | [. . .] [By authority: George Didsbury, Government Printer, Wellington.-1876.]

1 folded sheet (3, [l] p.); 315x205 mm. Caption title. Page [4) blank. Imprint from colophon p. 3. At end of text: 'Price 3d.)'.

AJHR. 1876, J-4, Maori and English texts of Part 7 of a petition. It suggests and explains reforms to the Native Schools Act 1867 by establishing two categories of schools: the first, for children who were already fluent speakers of Maori, would teach reading, writing and arithmetic in Maori only. The other schools would teach European subjects, in English only, starting with children just beginning to talk. Te Hakiro is referred to as 'Hakim' in the report of the Native Affairs Committee which covers other topics of the petition ( AIHR. 1876, 1-4, p. 3-4).

Williams 520/ iii. Copies: WTU (in bound vol., AJHR).

874 NGA TIKANGA KORERO, hei rapurapu ma te hui, . . .

Notices of motion for discussion at the hui at Pakowhai. June 1876. Nga tikanga korero, hei rapurapu ma te hui, a nga iwi, i te | hui i Pakowhai, a te 31 o Mei, 1876. | (1.) Kia tino kiia nuitia, a kia tino pono te pumautanga o ta tatou whakamana i a | te Kuini mo tatou. A kia tino whakina e tatou, te pono a o tatou whakaaro, | kia mana, kia whakaaetia, kia mahia e tatou i nga wa katoa, i nga ra katoa ana | ture. | [. . .] [He mea ta kite Tari o Te Wananga, Hehitinga Tiriti, Nepia. [i.e. Napier] [lB76]]

1 folded sheet ([4] p ); 264x212 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. [3]. Pages [2] and [4] blank. Printed at the office of Te Wananga newspaper. Eleven notices of motion for discussion at the hui held at Pakowhai on 2-3 and 5-6 June 1876. The text in Maori and English is printed in Te Wananga. 22 June 1876, p. 233-236 as part of the first report of conference proceedings, which includes a list of the tribes represented. See also no. 866. Copies: WTU.

875 TOMOANA, Henare (d 1904)

Printed letter. 8 February 1876. about Eastern Maori election results. Nepia, 8, Pepuere, 1876. | Kia [space for name] \ Kia [space for name] | E aku hoa aroha, tena koutou i mahue atu | na koutou i au i runga i a tatou




whakaaro, kua | tae ora mai ahau ki taku kainga. Ko te wha- ) kataunga a te Tumuaki mo nga Pooti. [. . .] | [l6 lines] \ Na Henare Tomoana. | Na Henare Kaiwai. [no imprint. Napier: Printed at the Office of Te Wananga, 1876]

I sheet ([l] p ); 204x128 mm. Paper has part of watermark, ending 'Sons'. A circular letter presumed printed at the office of Tomoana’s newspaper Te Wananga, reporting the votes counted in the Eastern Maori electorate. It was issued by Henare Tomoana and Henare Kaiwai, supporters of the sitting member Karaitiana Takamoana who was eventually confirmed as re-elected; see no. 837 for further background.

Copies: WTU.

876 WAHAWAHA, Rapata (d.1897)

Printed letter. 3 March 1876. about the Eastern Maori election outcome. Waiomatatini, 3 Maehe, 1876. | Kia Henare Matua raua ko Henare Tomoana ehoa | ma, tena korua— | Kua tae mai ta korua panui i tuhia mai nei e korua i te 8 o nga ra | o Pepuere he whakamahara na korua ki nga iwi o te taha tika nei kia | kore e tahuri ki nga tikanga whakamate tangata, whenua ranei a te | Makarini, erangi, ki a tahuri ki ta koutou taha | [. . .] [F. Dufaur, printer, "Herald” Office. [Gisborne: 1876]]

I folded sheet ([4] p.); 225x143 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. [3], Text printed on inner pages; pages [l] and [4] blank. Printed at the office of the Poverty Bay herald. Text signed at end 'Na Ropata.’.

An open letter responding to that of Matua and Tomoana dated 8 February (presumably no. 875, though Matua was not named there). He opposes the re-election of Karaitiana Takamoana as MHR for Eastern Maori because of his non-performance over the preceding years and raises a number of issues of concern in Maori politics. See no. 837 for additional background.

Copies: WTU.

877 Te WANANGA (Newspaper)

Circular promoting Te Wananga newspaper and its aims.

Ki nga iwi, ki nga hapu, ki nga rangatira, me nga | kaiwhakahaere o nga mahi, o te iwi Maori. | [ornamental rule] | E hoa ma, he kupu tenei kia koutou; na matou na te Komiti o Te Wananga nupepa, ko aua kupu a matou, | he kupu mo taua nupepa. | [7 numbered paragraphs. 29 lines ] | Noa Te Hianga, | Karaitiana Takamoana, | Henare Matua, 1 Henare Tomoana, | (Mete Komiti katoa). [no imprint. Napier: Printed at the Office of Te Wananga, 1876?]

1 sheet ([l] p.); 287x226 mm, WTU copy bound in volume with Te Wananga. 16 December 1876, and assumed to date from then.

Circular explaining the objectives of Te Wananga newspaper, with subscription and contact details.

Copies: WTU.


BURROWS. ROBERT (1812-1897)


878 He WHAKAMARAMATANGA mo Te Ture Hoko, Riihi hoki, i nga Whenua Maori, 1876

Explanation of the Native Lands Sales and Leases Bill 1876.

(Native Lands Sales and Leases.) | He whakamaramatanga | mo Te | Ture Hoko, Riihi hoki, i nga Whenua Maori, 1876. | [rule] \ Akuhata, 30th, 1876. 1 He whakamaramatanga tenei i nga tikanga i roto i nga tekiona | katoa o taua Ture e kiia nei “He Ture whakahaere I te Hoko | i te Reti i te Tuku hoki i nga whenua Maori," kia ata mohio ai nga | Maori ki nga tikanga o roto. | [. . .] (no imprint. Wellington: Printed by the Government Printer, 1876]

10 p.: 335x212 mm. Caption title. Running title: 'Fire Whenua Maori.'.

A clause by clause explanation of the Native Lands Sales and Leases Bill. 1876. The text was also published in Te waka Maori o Niu Tirani. 5 September 1876, p. 214-218. For the Bill itself and additional background see no. * *864.

Te Wananga. 7 October 1876, p. 367, published a long critical comment on this ‘explanation’ (more confusing than the Bill itself) and the overall poor standard of Maori translation in Te waka Maori : 'We have seen the Maori of many and various writers who are in the Government employment, but the Maori of which we will now speak is the climax of all that might be termed confusion confounded . . these would-be translators ... by their execrable translations, raise in the Maori mind a contempt for the laws passed by the assembly'.

Sommerville 519 a. Copies: WTU.


Petition about ownership of land at Te Aroha.

J.-3. | 1877. | New Zealand. | [rule] \ Petition of Reha Aperahama and 47 others. | [rule] | Presented Bth August, 1877, and ordered to be printed. | [ride] | [. . . ] [By authority: George Didsbury. Government Printer. Wellington.-1877.]

1 folded sheet (4 p.); 329x203 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 4, At end of text: 'Price 3d.)'.

AJHR. 1877. J-3. Petition claiming that James Mackay, a government Land Purchase Officer, had paid money to non-owners of land at Te Aroha. Only certain hapu and descendants of Marutuahu are the owners, not all his descendants. The Native Affairs Committee concluded this was a complex matter of native title and suggested further investigation by the Native Land Court (AJHR. 1877, 1-3, p. 42).

Williams 537/ ii. Copies: WTU (in bound vol., AJHR).

880 BURROWS, Robert (1812-1897)

Obituary of the Reverend Matiu Taupaki and memorial appeal for his family.

Te Rev. Matiu Taupaki. | (He mea kapi mai no roto i te Kahiti o te Hahi.) | Ko Matiu Taupaki (minita o Paihia i te takiwa o | Ngapuhi) i korerotia nei




tona matenga ite Kahiti o | Akuhata, he tangata ia no Te Aupouri— [ ] | [. . .] [parallel text:]

The Rev. Matthew Taupaki. | (From the Church gazette.) | The Rev. M. Taupaki, whose death was announced in | the August number of the Gazette, was of the | Aupouri tribe, [. . .] | [. . .] [no imprint. Wellington?: Printed by the Government Printer?, 1877?]

I folded sheet (4 p.); 345x216 mm. Caption titles. Printed in two columns separated by vertical rule.

An obituary of the Reverend Matiu Taupaki of Te Aupouri, and an appeal for funds to support his widow and family, in Maori and English. Taupaki was an ordained Anglican minister who served in Kaitaia and Paihia, where he died on 10 (or 11) July 1877.

The leaflet is reprinted, probably in late 1877, from type set for Te waka Maori o Niu Tireni, 18 September 1877, p, 188-192, an issue suppressed by the Native Minister, though the material was eventually printed in the issues of 4 and 18 September 1878, p, 25-26 and 39-41. Most of the text is from an article in the Church gazette. September 1877, p. 106-108, signed 'R. B.' and translated by James Grindell, editor of Te waka Maori. Internal evidence confirms the author is Robert Burrows.

Williams 527 a, Bagnall 4846. Copies: WTU.


Four catechisms.

Ko nga katikihama ewha | na nga mihanere o te Hahi | o Ingarani. | [rule] \ Werengitana: [i.e. Wellington] | James Hughes, Printer, Engraver, etc., Lambton Quay. | [rule] | 1877.

23, [l] p.; 173x123 mm. Pages [2] and [24] blank.

A new setting of the four Church of England catechisms, from the version printed in Wellington in 1847 by Stokes (no. 329).

For other editions of the collected catechisms see no. 18, 71, 108, 329, 371, 389, **42o and 881.

Williams 526. Copies: AP, NLA, WTU.

882 DAVIS, Charles Oliver Bond (1817/187-1887)

Circular letter. January 1877. about evangelists Moody and Sankey. Ko Muuri raua ko Hangaki. | Ki nga Maori o te motu. | E hoa ma,- tena ra koutou i tenei tau 1877. | Kati hoki rate toko i te Atua kai mamao, engari ma ia tangata. ma | ia tangata e kukume mai te Atua kia tata, kia tu ai he Petikoha 1 roto i a | koutou, kia waiho ko te Karaiti anake hei mana mo te ngakau. | [23 lines ] | Na to koutou hoa aroha, | na Hare Reweti. | Akarana, Hanuera, 1877. [no Imprint. Auckland. 1877]

I sheet ([l] p ): 207x124 mm.; laid paper.

A circular letter about the American Pentecostalist evangelists Dwight Lyman Moody and Ira David Sankey ('Muuri raua ko Hangaki') and the large




attendances at their services, including references to their visit to England (1873).

Williams 540 a. Copies: WTU.

883 FAC-SIMILES of the Declaration of Independence and the Treaty of Waitangi

Photo-lithographs of printed and manuscript documents of 1835 and 1840. Fac-similes | of the | Declaration of Independence | and the | Treaty of Waitangi. | Wellington. | By authority: George Didsbury, Government Printer. | [rule] \ 1877.

14 p.. [l7] leaves of facsims. (10 folded); 343x216 mm ; 'lt black cloth, blue or marbled brown paper-covered boards. Page [2] (verso of title-page) blank. Paper label on front cover: ’[double rule] \ New Zealand, 1 [swelled rule] | Treaty of Waitangi, | 1840. | [double rule]'.

The photo-lithographs are credited to Herbert Deveril at the Government Printing Office (see Bagnall 1591).

Contents: Preface (explanatory material, 14 p.. partly in Maori) by H. H. Turton; facsimiles of manuscript drafts of the Treaty of Waitangi (6 leaves, in English); facsimiles of the manuscript version of the Declaration of the Independence of New Zealand (1835) and a supplementary sheet, with signatures and marks (2 folded leaves, in Maori); facsimiles of manuscript copies of the Treaty of Waitangi (1840) with signatures and marks (8 folded sheets. 7 in Maori, 1 in English); facsimile of printed version of the Treaty of Waitangi with signatures and marks (1 leaf, in Maori). Damage during the following century to the original sheets (now at Archives New Zealand) means that these facsimiles are the only complete record of the documents as signed. In the preface Turton refers to the documents 'for the first time, exhibited to the public, as being both curious and important', but gives no specific explanation for publication at that time.

The volume was reproduced in 1892 (no. 1317), 1960 (Bagnall F5) and 1976. The eight leaves of Treaty of Waitangi facsimiles were reproduced in 1990 by the National Library of New Zealand in kitset format as Nga wharangi o te Tiriti.

For printed versions of the documents and additional information see no. 28 (A Declaration of the Independence of New Zealand) and no. 83 (Treaty of Waitangi),

Williams 539, Bagnall 1853. Copies: DUHO, WTU.

884 GRACE, Thomas Samuel (1815-1879)

Circular letter. 1877. about a proposed girls' school at Tauranga. He panui ki nga minita me nga rangatira 1 Maori mo te kura mo a ratou tamahine ka | tu ki Tauranga. | [rule] | E hoa ma tena koutou - | Ka tahi nei ano au ka hoki mai i Ingarani i te whakarongo i nga | korero a te Komiti o te Hahi Mihinare mo a koutou tamahine. [. . .] | [lB lines] | Heoi na to koutou hoa aroha, | Na te Kerehi (Minita). | Tuhia a-koutou pukapuka | ki a te Kerehi Minita | Te Rengarenga | Tauranga. [no imprint. Auckland?; 1877]




I sheet ([l] p); 200x125 mm.: laid paper with incomplete and partly obscured watermark, possibly 'Alex r Fir[ + ?]'.

A circular letter about a girls’ school which Grace intended to open at Te Rengarenga, Tauranga, but which apparently never materialised. The objects are set out in an undated manuscript sent to the CMS, 'An appeal to the friends of missions to assist industrial schools for the natives of New Zealand’ (WTU, Church Missionary Society, Papers 1821-1868, MS-Papers-0179-4).

In a letter of 3 March 1877 written to the CMS from Auckland shortly after his return to New Zealand, Grace explains T have concluded that Mrs Grace and my daughters shall at once make a commencement with the Girls school, and have had a circular in Maori printed and sent to some of the native clergy and Taupo chiefs’ (Papers of the New Zealand mission 1809-1914, CMS Archive, University of Birmingham: microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-Coil--04-51, Various letters New Zealand mission, CN/Q45). Additional comments by Grace and others on the education of Maori girls are in the same collection (Micro-MS-Coll-04-39, Mission books, 1877-1878, CN/M 27). p. 64-67, 90-91. 1 18-119.

Williams 571b (S). Copies: WTU.

885 KAWEPO, Renata Tama-ki-Hikurangi (d. 1888)

Petition forwarding resolutions of meetings held at Pakowhai and Omahu. J.-I. | 1877. | New Zealand. | [rule] | Petitions of Renata Kawepo and 790 others, | and Piripi Ropata and 200 others. | [rule] | Presented 31st and 26th July, 1877, and ordered to be printed. | [rule] | [. . .] [By authority: George Didsbury, Government Printer, Wellington.-1877.]

1 folded sheet (4 p.); 329x203 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 4. At end of text: ‘Price 3d.)’.

AJHR, 1877, J-l. A petition to Parliament in Maori and English. It sets down resolutions from meetings held to discuss matters of interest to Maori at Pakowhai (May/June 1876) and Omahu (March 1877) in Hawke’s Bay. The topics are wide-ranging, from statements of loyalty to the Queen to objections over the appointment of Sutton as successor to McLean as Native Minister. For other entries relating to the Pakowhai meeting see no. 866, 870, 874. The Native Affairs Committee considered the matters raised deserved the 'careful consideration' of the House, but made no specific recommendations (AJHR. 1877, 1-3, p. I).

Williams 537/ i. Copies: WTU (in bound vol., AJHR).


School primer and stories, with Lutheran catechism and hymns. Ko te pukapuka poto, | hei ako | mo te tamariki katoa. | He ako e pal rawa. | [rule] | 1877 | [rule] \ [rule] | Printed by A, D. Willis, Caxton Buildings, Wanganui.

39, [l] p.; 200x132 mm.: yellow paper covers. Page [4o] blank. Title on front cover; 'Ko te pukapuka tuatahi | mo te kura Maori, | Kia




ngohengohe koutou ki o koulou kai tohutohu. | whakanui ta ratou kupu. | Ka hari te tangata kua kitea nei e ia te whakaaro | nui. mo te tangata ano kua whiwhi kite matauranga. 1 [ornamental rule] \ Wanganui: | A. D. Willis. Letterpress and Lithographic Printer, Caxton Buildings. | [rule] | 1877.’

Additional title-page (p. [ls]); 'Ko te katekismus poto, | me tona whakamaramatanga, | na 1 Doktor Martin Luther. | [rule] | Ko te tau o to tatou Ariki, 1877. | [rule] | [ra/e] 1 Printed by A. D. Willis, Caxton Buildings. Wanganui.’.

An anonymous school primer compiled by William Kowert and J. F. Goessling, Lutheran missionaries in the Rangitikei district; see A. T. Gudopp and D. I. Strauch, St Martin's Lutheran Church. Marton. 1877-1977. centennial (Marion, 1977), p. 7.

It contains reading lessons (p. 2-12). two stories (p. 13-14), Martin Luther’s short catechism Der kleine Katechismus (p, 16-30), the two stories repeated, in a different setting (p. 31-32), 17 hymns (p. 33-38) and multiplication tables (p. 39). The catechism was published in 1897 in a revised version (no. 1491).

Williams 540 & (S). Bagnall 4717. Copies: WTU (both imperfect).

887 NATIVE RESERVES in the City of Wellington

Payment in compensation for reserve land used for other purposes. (No. 22. | 1877. | Legislative Council. | [rule] | Native reserves in the City of Wellington. | (How dealt with by Government during the recess.) | [rule] | Return to an order of the Legislative Council, dated 18th September, 1877. | [4 lines specifying scope] \ [rule] | [. . .] [By authority: George Didsbury, Government Printer, Wellington.-1877.]

1 sheet (2 p.); 301x201 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 2. AJLC, 1877, No. 22. Covering note from Henry Halse dated 20 January 1877 with main text in English and Maori: ‘Receipt for £4,173 2s. 6d., in final payment of all claims, &c., against the Wellington Grammar School and Wellington Hospital Reserves'. The land had been set aside by the New Zealand Company as reserves for Maori, but the Crown later granted it to others for different uses. The 36 signatories are headed by Wi Tako Ngatata who was to decide how to divide the money. For further background on the history of the reserves see New Zealand. Waitangi Tribunal. Te Whanganui a Tara me ona takiwa: Report on the Wellington District (Wat 145) (Wellington, 2003).

Copies: WTU (in bound voI ..JLQ.

Entries * *BBB- * *894 are filed in alphabetical order of the English title.


Gold Mining Districts Act 1873 Amendment Act 1877. [Te Ture Takiwa Keri Koura. 1877: actual title not confirmed: no copy located. Wellington: Printed by the Government Printer, 1877]

Physical description not Known; no copy located. Description from Williams.




‘Translation of the Gold Mining Districts Act 1873 Amendment Act, 1877 [1877, No. 24]. No copy seen,' (Williams). It amended section 121 of the 1 873 Act by removing the requirement to pay £lO for machine sites taken up before that Act came into force.

Williams **535. No copy located.


Government Native Land Purchases Act 1877.

[Te Ture Hoko a te Kawanatanga i nga Whenua Maori, 1877: actual title not confirmed: no copy located. Wellington: Printed by the Government Printer. 1877]

Physical description not known; no copy located. Description from Williams, ‘Translation of the Native Land Purchases for the Crown Act, 1877 [1877, No. 30]. No copy seen.' (Williams). Williams’s second entry (**536) for this legislation records a title he considered ‘a more correct Maori rendering’: 'Te Ture Whakatikatika I Te Ture Hoko a te Kawanatanga I nga Whenua Maori, 1877’. However, this implies that the legislation was an amendment (‘Whakatikatika’), which was not the case. Williams also cites a variant version of the English short title of this legislation, which was passed as the Government Native Land Purchases Act 1877. The Act made better provision for the protection of the interests of the Crown in the acquisition of land owned by Maori. See no. 669 for further information on land legislation.

Williams **s3o and **536. No copy located.


Himatangi Crown Grants Act 1877.

Nlu Tireni. | [rule] \ [Royal Arms] \ Tau wha tekau ma tahi o 1 Kuini Wikitoria. | Nama 37. | [line of asterisks] \ Whakawhaititanga. | [analysis: 16 sections. 49 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] \ [rule] | He Ture hei whakamana i Te Kooti Whenua Maori | kite kimi I nga wahi a etahi tangata o nga | hapu a Ngatituranga me Ngatirakau, ki Hima- | tangi. ara ko tetahi wahi la o te whenua e mohiotia | ana ko RangitikeiManawatu, kite wawahi hoki I | taua whenua; hei whakamana hoki i te Kawana | kite tuku i nga Karauna Karaati mo taua whenua. 1 (Nowema 20, 1877.) | [. . .] [Wellington: | Printed under authority of the New Zealand Government by George Didsbury, Government Printer. [lB77]]

1 folded sheet (4 p.); 342x212 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 4. Includes marginal notes. Running titles: ‘4l° Wikitoria No. 37’ and ‘1877. 41 0 Wikitoria.’. Long title in Maori version differs from the English by omitting the name of ‘Ngatiteau’ hapu, added by the Governor as the final amendment to the Bill.

Short title: 'Te Ture mo nga Karauna Karaati o Himatangi, 1877.'. Translation of the Himatangi Crown Grants Act 1877 (1877, Local Acts, No. 37). It provided for returning land at Himatangi (Manawatu) to certain tribal groups. The Bill (see no. 896 for a Maori version) was introduced by Pollen in the Legislative Council on 22 August and passed all stages on 23 October,




though it was subsequently amended following a request by the Governor. Copies: WTU.


Kaiapoi Native Reserves Act 1877.

[Te Ture Rahui Maori o Kaiapoi. 1877: actual title not confirmed: no copy located. Wellington: Printed by the Government Printer. 1877]

Physical description not known; no copy located. Description from Williams. 'Translation of the Kaiapoi Native Reserves Act. 1877 [1877, Local Acts. No. 22). No copy seen.' (Williams). The Act delimited reserves at Kaiapoi, near Christchurch. See no. 897 for the Maori version of the Bill and additional information.

Williams **533, Sommerville 533. No copy located.


Maori Real Estate Management Act Amendment Act 1877. [Te Ture Whakahaere i nga Whenua Tuturu o nga Maori. 1867. Tihema 10. 1877: actual title not confirmed: no copy located. Wellington: Printed by the Government Printer. 1877]

2 p.; 320x205 mm. Physical details not confirmed; no copy located. Description from Williams.

Translation of the Maori Real Estate Management Act Amendment Act 1877 (1877, No. 43), amending the 1867 principal Act (no. **7o6). It made various land purchase provisions where owners were minors. For background see A. Ward, A show of justice (Auckland, 1873), p. 278-279. See no. 669 for further information on land legislation.

The Bill was introduced by Sheehan in the House of Representatives on 21 November 1877 and passed all stages on 6 December. No Maori version of the Act has been located, though Williams had apparently seen one. He may possibly have been referring to a Maori version of the Bill (no. 898). Williams 529 and 532 & (S). No copy located.


Middle Island Half-caste Crown Grants Act 1877.

[Te Ture Karauna Karaati mo nga Hawhe Kaihe o te Waipounamu, 1877: actual title not confirmed: no copy located. Wellington: Printed by the Government Printer. 1877]

Physical description not known; no copy located. Description from Williams. 'Translation of the Crown Grants for Half-castes of the South Island Act, 1877 [1877, Local Acts, No 84). No copy seen.' Williams here cites a variant version of the English short title of the legislation, which was passed as the Middle Island Half-caste Crown Grants Act 1877. The Act made grants (of a maximum 10 acres for males and 8 acres for females) from waste lands in Canterbury and Otago to some 170 part-Maori named in the schedules.

Williams **s3l. No copy located.





[Te Pure Whenua Maori Whakatikatiha. 1877: actual title not confirmed; no copy located. Wellington: Printed by the Government Printer. 1877]

Physical description not known; no copy located. Description from Williams. Translation of the Native Land Act Amendment Act. 1877 [ 1877, No. 31 ]. No copy seen.’ (Williams). It amended the 1873 Act in various administrative matters relating to costs and powers of the Native Minister and Courts. See no. 899-900 for a Maori version of the Bill. See no. 669 for further information on land legislation.

Williams * *534. No copy located.

Entries **B9s-* *899 are filed in alphabetical order of the English title.

895 NEW ZEALAND. Parliament

Crown Redress Act 1871 Extension Bill (No. I) 1877.

[Crown Redress Act 1871 Extension Bill 1877; actual title not known; no copy located. Wellington: Printed by the Government Printer, 1877]

Physical details not known; no copy located.

The Crown Redress Act 1871 Extension Bill (No. 1) 1877 was introduced by Taiaroa in the House of Representatives on 7 August 1877. A Bill of the same title had been introduced in 1876 of which a Maori translation was published (no. 865). It is very likely that an amended version was produced for the 1877 attempt, but no copy has been located. The Bill eventually lapsed in the Legislative Council at the end of the session.

No copy located.


Himatangi Crown Grants Bill 1877.

(Hon. D. Pollen.) | (Himatangi Crown Grants.) | Nga Karauna Karaati o Himatangi. | [rule] | Whakawhaititanga. | [analysis: 16 clauses. 49 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule ] 1 [rule] | He Pire e whakaingoatia ana | He Ture hei whakamana i Te Kooti Whenua Maori ki ) te kimi i nga wahi a etahi tangata o nga hapu a | Ngatitoa, Ngatituranga me Ngatirakau, ki Hima- | tangi, ara ko tetahi wahi ia o te whenua e mohiotia | ana ko Rangitikei-Manawatu, kite wawahi hoki i | taua whenua; hei whakamana hoki i a te Kawana | kite tuku i nga Karauna Karaati mo taua whenua. | [. . .] [no imprint. Wellington: Printed by the Government Printer, 1877]

I folded sheet (4 p ): 334x212 mm. Caption title. Includes marginal notes. Short title: ‘Te Ture mo nga Karauna Karaati o Himatangi, 1877.'.

Translation of the Himatangi Crown Grants Bill 1877 (1877, No, 49), For the resulting Act in Maori and additional information see no. 890.

Sommerville 536 c. Copies: WTU.


Native Land Act Amendment Act 1877.




Kaiapoi Native Reserves Bill 1877.

Hon. D. Pollen. | (Kaiapoi Native Reserves.) | Nga Whenua Rahui Maori i Kaiapoi. | [rule] \ Whakawhaititanga. | [analysis: 19 clauses. 45 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] | [rule] | He Pire e whakaingoatia ana | Ingoa. | He Ture hei whakatapu, i roto i nga whenua o te | Kuini i roto i te Takiwa Porowini o Katapere, | etahi whenua hei utu ki etahi tangata Maori o | Kaiapoi e mohiotia nei ko nga Maori o Kaiapoi, | a kite whakarite i te tikanga o te take kite | whenua me nga Whakariteritenga hoki. | [. . ,] [no imprint. Wellington: Printed by the Government Printer, 1877]

1 folded sheet (4 p); 335x212 mm. Caption title. WTU copy lacks the schedules of the resulting (English) Act and may be incomplete. Explanatory text in smaller type (usually presented as marginal notes) precedes the clauses.

Short title: 'Te Ture mo nga whenua rahui Maori i Kaiapoi. 1877.',

Translation of the Kaiapoi Native Reserves Bill 1877. The Bill was introduced by Pollen in the Legislative Council on 8 August 1877 and passed all stages on 24 October after minor amendments by the House (included in the WTU copy). See no. **B9l for the resulting Act in Maori, recorded by Williams but not located.

Sommerville 533 a. Copies: WTU.


Maori Real Estate Management Act Amendment BUI 1877.

Hon. Mr. Sheehan. | (Maori Real Estate Management.) | Ture Whakahaere i nga Whenua Tuturu | o nga Maori. | [rule] | Whakawhaititanga. | [analysis: 9 clauses. 21 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] \ [rule] | He Pire e Whakaingoatia ana 1 He Ture hei Whakatikatika i “Te Ture Whakahaere | i nga Whenua Tuturu o nga Maori, 1867.” | [. . .] [By authority: George Didsbury, Government Printer, Wellington.-1877.]

1 sheet (2 p.); 334x212 mm. Imprint from colophon p. 2. Bill no. at foot of p, [l]: 'No. 193-I.'. Running title p. 2: 'Maori Estate Management.'. Includes marginal notes.

Short title: ‘Te Ture Whakatikatika i te Ture Whakahaere i nga Whenua Tuturu o nga Maori, 1877.'

Translation of the Maori Real Estate Management Act Amendment Bill 1877. See no. **B92 for the resulting Act in Maori and additional information.

Sommerville 529b. Copies: WTU.


Native Land Act Amendment Bill 1877.

Hon. Mr. Sheehan, | (Native Land Act Amendment.) 1 lure Whakatikatika i te Ture Whenua | Maori. | [rule] ) Whakawhaititanga. | [analysis: 4 clauses, 6 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] | [rule] |He Pire e whakaingoatia ana | He Ture hei Whakatikatika i “Te Ture Whenua | Maori,




1873.” | [23 lines] \ [rule] | By authority: George Didsbury, Government Printer, Wellington.-1877. I No. 176-1.

I sheet ([l] p.); 334x213 mm. Includes marginal notes. The Bill was also referred to as ‘Native Lands Bill No. 2’ (NZPD. 1877, v. 27) to avoid confusion with the earlier amendment to the same legislation (see no. **9o2).

Short title: ‘Te Ture Whakatikatika i te Ture Whenua Maori, 1873.’.

Translation of the Native Land Act Amendment Bill 1877 (1877, No. 168), which was introduced in the House by Sheehan on 14 November (with four clauses) and passed all stages by 5 December (with seven clauses). See no. 900 for a translation of an additional clause drafted for consideration by the House of Representatives, and no. **B94 for the resulting Act in Maori.

Sommerviile 534 a. Copies: WTU.

Entries 900-903 are filed in alphabetical order of the English title.

900 NEW ZEALAND. Parliament. House of Representatives.

Proposed clause 5 for Native Land Act Amendment Bill 1877. Native Land Act Amendment. | [rule] | Hon. Mr. Sheehan: \ He kupu apiti atu ki roto kite Pire Whenua Maori a te wa e Komititia ai:- | 5. Ka whakakorea te rarangi 85 o “Te Ture Whenua Maori, | 1873," a ka whakanohoia ko tenei:- | [// lines] [no imprint. Wellington: Printed by the Government Printer, 1877]

1 sheet ([l] p.); 334x213 mm. Includes marginal note. Text area 73x152 mm. A proposed clause 5 for inclusion in the Native Land Act Amendment Bill 1877 (see no. 899 for a Maori version) to amend section 85 of the Native Land Act 1873. See no. **B94 for the resulting Act in Maori and additional information.

Sommerviile 534b. Copies: WTU.


Native Land Court Bill 1877.

(Native Land Court.) | Ture Kooti Whenua Maori. | [rule] \ Whakawhaititanga. | [ analysis: 120 clauses. 255 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] i He Ture hei whakatlkatika hei whakatopu i te Ture | o te Kooti Whenua Maori. | [. . .] [Wellington, New Zealand | Printed under authority of the New Zealand Government, by George Didsbury, Government Printer. [lB77]]

15, [l] p.; 334x212 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 15. Page [l6] blank. Circulation slip tipped in on p. [l]: [fist ornament] Ko tenei teTure hou mo nga whenua | Maori ka whakatakotoria kite Paremete | a tona huihuinga. Ka tukua atu tenei hei | titiro iho mau.'.

Short title: 'Te Ture Kooti Whenua Maori, 1877.'

Translation of the Native Land Court Bill 1877, introduced by Whitaker in the House on 20 July but withdrawn on 16 August. Te Wananga. 21 April 1877, p. 145, had earlier revealed that the Bill was drafted by Whitaker and Fenton




and reprinted the Maori text as a special issue on 30 June 1877 (p. 269-276). The Bill, which would have seen a return to virtual free trade dealing in Maori land, contributed to the downfall of the Atkinson ministry, see A. Ward, A show of justice (Auckland, 1973), p. 276.

On 5 September 1877 the House agreed the issue was of such interest that the debate should be translated into Maori and circulated (NZPD. 1877, v. 25, p. 264-265). It was printed by the Government Printer, but the Government withheld publication (NZPD, 1878, v. 28, p. 331). The translation was by James Grindell, who had a copy but was not able to publish it for space reasons in his paper Te waka Maori, as referred to in issues of 1 6 October 1878, p. 74-75, and 7 December 1878, p, 163.

Sommerville 533b. Copies: WTU.


Native Lands Acts Amendment Bill 1877.

[Amendment relating to rents payable to tenants in common covered by the Native Land Act 1869 and the Native Land Act 1873; actual title not known; no copy located. Wellington: Printed by the Government Printer, 1877]

Physical details not known; no copy located. Description from secondary source.

Translation of Native Lands Acts Amendment Bill 1877, introduced by William Rees in the House on 19 September 1877, It related to rents payable to tenants in common covered by the Native Land Act 1869 and the Native Land Act 1873. The Bill was subsequently also referred to as 'Native Lands Bill No, I' ( NZPD. 1877, v. 27) to avoid confusion with the later amendment to the same legislation (no. 899). Although no copy has been located, Rees stated that copies had been distributed to Maori three weeks earlier, and that 'it had also been submitted to several Maori chiefs who had recently visited Wellington' (NZPD, 1877, v. 26, p. 230), presumably in printed form. The House postponed further discussion on the Bill for three months on 14 November and it subsequently lapsed.

No copy located.


Native Marriages Validation Bill 1877.

Mr. Taiaroa, | (Native Marriages Validation.) | Ture Whakamana Marena Maori, | [rule] | Whakawhaititanga. | [ analysis: 4 clauses. 8 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] | [rule] | He Pire e whakaingoatia ana 1 He Ture hei whakamana i etahi marena a nga Maori | ki a ratou whakaMaori i Niu Tireni. | [l9 lines] | By authority; George Didsbury, Government Printer, Wellington,-1877. 1 No. [space] - [space].

1 sheet ([l] p): 333x212 mm. Includes marginal notes. Bill number is incomplete.

Short title: Te Tore Whakamana i nga Marena Maori. 1877.'.

Translation of the Native Marriages Validation Bill (1877, No. 61). The Bill was




introduced by Taiaroa in the House on 22 August 1877. The Native Affairs Select Committee reported on 30 November that the Bill was unnecessary and should be withdrawn, whereupon it lapsed.

Sommerville 536 d. Copies: WTU.

904 NEW ZEALAND. Parliament. Legislative Council.

Native Appeal Court Bill 1877.

(Native Appeal Court.) | Te Ture Whakaoti i nga Whakataunga. | [rule] \ Whakawhaititanga. | [ analysis: 24 clauses, 46 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] \ [rule] \ He Pire e whakahuatia ana | He Ture hei whakatu tetahi Kooti Whakaotinga | Rawatanga i roto i te Koroni, i nga whakataunga | a te Kooti Whakawa Whenua Maori. | [. . .] [By authority: George Didsbury, Government Printer, Wellington.-1877.]

1 folded sheet (4 p ); 334x212 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 4. Includes marginal notes. At foot of p. [l]: ‘No .[space]-[space].’ (i.e. incomplete Bill number).

Short title: ‘Te Ture Whakaoti i nga Whakataunga a te Kooti Whenua Maori, 1877.'.

Translation of the Native Appeal Court Bill (1877, No. 68). The Bill (apparently drafted by Fenton, Chief judge of the Land Court, who was also to be the Judge of the Appeal Court) was introduced by Pollen in the Legislative Council on 7 September. Concerns over its provisions resulted in the second reading being postponed for six months, causing the Bill to lapse.

Sommerville 536b. Copies: WTU.


Native Reserves Amendment Bill 1877.

(Native Reserves Amendment.) | Ture Whakatikatika i te Ture Whenua | Rahui Maori. | [rule] | Whakawhaititanga. | [analysis: 18 clauses, 41 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] | [rule] | He Pire e whakahuatia ana. | He Ture hei whakatikatika i “Te Ture Whenua | Rahui Maori, 1873,” | [. . .] [By authority: George Didsbury, Government Printer, Wellington. [187711

5, [l] p.; 334x212 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 5. Page [6] blank. Final leaf (p. 5-[6]) tipped in on p. 4. Includes marginal notes.

Short title: Te Ture Whakatikatika, i te Ture Whenua Rahui Maori, 1877’. Translation of the Native Reserves Amendment Bill 1877 amending the main Act of 1873 (no. 791). The Bill was first introduced in English in 1876 (1876, No. 118), but was withdrawn due to not having been circulated in Maori, although some printed copies had apparently been distributed; see NZPD. 1876, v. 23, p. 709-712.

This Maori version dates from 1877, when the Bill was reintroduced by Pollen on 28 August in the Legislative Council where it subsequently lapsed. The background is explained in AJHR. 1876, G-3a (no. 860).

Sommerville 536 a. Copies: WTU.




906 NORRIS, John Pilkington (1823-1891)

A commentary on the four Gospels.

Ko nga Kongo Pai ewha, | He mea whakamaori mai no te | reo Ingarihi. | Na Rev. G. Maunsell | i whakamaori. | London: | Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge; | sold at the depositories: | 77, Great Queen Street, Lincoln’s Inn Fields: | 4, Royal Exchange: 48, Piccadilly; | and by all booksellers. I 1877.

[4], 70, [2] p.: 179x106 mm.; black cloth boards with blind-tooled title and triple border. Prelim pages: title-page (colophon on verso) and contents (verso blank). Pages [7l-72] blank. Colophon (verso of title-page): ’London: | Gilbert and Rivineton. Printers, I St |ohn’s Square.’.

Translation by Rev. George Maunsell (son of Robert Maunsell) of Archdeacon Norris’s A key to the narrative of the four Gospels, first published in English, London, 1870.

Williams 527, Bagnall 4288. Copies: AP. AR, WTU.

907 BRACKEN, Thomas (1843-1898)

The national anthem 'Cod defend New Zealand'.

Adtearoa. | [rule] | E Ihowa, Atua, | o nga iwi! Matou ra | ata whakarangona; | me aroha noa 1 kia hua ko te pai; ( kia tau to atawhai: | manaakitia mai | Adtearoa. | [4 stanzas of 8 lines] [no imprint. 1878?]

1 sheet ([l] p ): 270x160 mm. Diereses used on some vowels, possibly to aid pronunciation or mark stress.

Translation by T. H. Smith (facilitated by Sir George Grey) of Bracken's fivestanza poem ‘God defend New Zealand’, written in 1876. Williams’s publication date has been followed but is not confirmed. The WTU copy (MSX-5197) is marked with manuscript corrections (probably by C. O. B. Davis) incorporated into the version of the anthem printed in Te Korimako, 16 May 1882, p. 2. For more about Bracken and the history of the anthem see DN7R v 2 n 52-53.

Williams 554 a. Copies: AP. WTU (MSX-5197).


New version of the Church Catechism.

He | Katikihama | kia akona e nga tangata 1 katoa keiwha kawea kite Pihopa | kia whakaukia. | [wavy rule] | Napier: | Printed by Dinwiddie, Morrison & Co., | "Herald" Office, (ca. 1878]

[2], 11, [l] p.; 133x93 mm.; purplish pink paper covers. Prelim, pages: titlepage (verso blank). Page [l2] blank. Printed at the office of the Hawke's Bay herald newspaper. Title repeated on front cover inside border.

A new version of the Church Catechism in Maori, with 25 numbered questions and answers. It was probably printed about 1878 or 1879 for E. C. Stuart, the new Bishop of Waiapu who made efforts to reclaim those Maori who had been drawn away from the Anglican church by the Pai Marire and Ringatu religions. For further background see W. Rosevear, Waiapu: The story


909 i


of a diocese (Hamilton, 1960), p. 87-89. Dinwiddie and Morrison produced almanacs for the Anglican church from 1877 to 1879 (see no. S2Ol/18771879).

See no. 12 for details of the various issues of the Church Catechism.

Williams 514. Copies: AP, AR, DL, NLA, WTU.


New version of the Book of Common Prayer, small format edition. Te Pukapuka | o nga Inoi, 1 me era atu tikanga | a te Hahi o Ingarani | mo te minitatanga | o nga hakarameta, | o era atu ritenga hoki a te Hahi; | me nga Waiata ano hoki a Rawiri; | mete tikanga | mo te motuhanga | i te pihopa, i te piriti, i te rikona. | Ranana: [i.e. London] | I kiia tenei kia taia e te Komiti mo te Whakapuaki | i te Mohiotanga ki a te Karaiti. | [rule] | 1878.

xxviii, 474, [2] p.; 140x83 mm.; black cloth with blind tooling or full calf with blind tooling of SPCK device. Colophon p. [ii] (verso of title-page): ‘London: Gilbert and Rivington, Printers, | St. John’s Square.'. Pages [475-476] blank. Title on cover of black cloth issue; 'Maori Prayer.’. Published by the SPCK (‘te Komiti mo te Whakapuaki i te Mohiotanga ki a te Karaiti'). Williams (no. 525) recorded the new version of the Maori translation of the Anglican prayer book as 1877. However, a report from W. L. Williams to the CMS dated 5 January 1878 refers to it as still being in production (Papers of the New Zealand mission 1809-1914, CMS Archive, University of Birmingham; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-Coll-04-39, Mission books, 1877-1878, CN/M 27), p. 343. The first printing of the new version, prepared by William and William Leonard Williams and reviewed by Maunsell, is therefore this one of 1878. The text incorporates the 1874 revised Table of Lessons (no. 811) and significant textual changes throughout. Selwyn and Sir William Martin assisted in seeing it through the press for the SPCK (Annual report, 1877, p 58. in SPCK, Records 1786-1966, Cambridge University; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-Coll-20-2091),

Other issues and editions of the Anglican prayer book are listed at no. 19

Williams 542. Copies: AR, DUHO, NLA, WTU.

909 a GRINDELL, James (1823-1900)

Circular announcing the relaunch of Te waka Maori newspaper.

[Te waka Maori. No te mea kua tahuri Te Waka Maori tawhito i nga tupuhi me nga au papaki o te moana, na e hari rawa ana tenei te Kai Tuhi o taua nupepa kite panui atu ki nga rangatira Maori, me nga iwi Maori o Niu Tirani katoa, [. . .] Na te Karini. Turanga, Maehe 9th, 1876. [i.e. 1878]; actual title not confirmed; no copy located. Gisborne: 1878]

1 sheet (I p.): 316x223 mm. Physical details not confirmed; no copy located. Details taken from Williams and text reprinted in Te waka Maori. 4 September 1878, p, 21-22.

A circular signed by the editor James Grindell ('Karini') promoting the relaunched Te waka Maori o Niu Tirani newspaper (S2l) which resumed publication on 21 August 1878 at Gisborne and ran until 25 October 1879.


91 I


The previous series (S18) had ceased publication on 17 July 1877. The relaunch drew critical comment in Te Wananga. 16 March 1878, p. 1 10-112, and a scathing denunciation by Hirini Taiwhanga in the same newspaper on 5 October 1878, p 494-496.

Williams 553 a (S). No copy located.


Small format edition of fifty-six Church of England hymns.

Himene. | [ornamental rule] \ Himene 1. | Ko wai rate Atua? | Ko inowa ano, | ko te Atua i homai nei | i tana tamaiti. | [. . .] [Printed by Henry Edwin Webb, at the Standard Office, 1 Gladstone Road, Gisborne. Poverty Bay, N.Z. [lB7B?]]

[2], 20, [2] p. 135x80 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 20. Prelim, pages and pages [2l-22] blank. Printed in two columns separated by vertical rule. Printed at the office of the Poverty Bay standard newspaper, owned by Webb 1872-1878/79.

One WTU copy has an additional blank wrap-around leaf, creating a 'cover'.

A small format edition of the same collection of Anglican hymns as no. 854, for use with the small format Book of Common Prayer. The dating of this issue of the hymns is based on one WTU copy that is tipped into a copy of the new edition of the prayer book published in 1878 (no. 909).

Williams 323. Copies: WTU.

911 MAORI DEEDS of land purchases in the North Island . . .

Records of North Island Maori land transactions: published 1877-1878. Maori deeds 1 of | land purchases | in the | North Island of New Zealand. | (Copied from the originals.) | [rule] \ In two volumes. | [rule] | Vol. 1. 1 Province of Auckland. | [Royal Arms] | Wellington: | By authority: George Didsbury, Government Printer. 1 [rule] | 1877. [i.e. 1877-1878]

2 v,; 320x203 mm.

Vol. 1

xxv, [3], 799, [l] p. Pages [ii], [iv], [xiv], [xxvi], [xxviii], [7B2], [7B4], [Boo] blank. Page [xxvi] is section title for Part 1.

Contents: Preface 8 May 1877 (p. [iii]) signed H. Hanson Turton; indexes (p. (v]-xxiv): Part 1 'Maori deeds' (p. [IJ-781); Part II ‘Deed receipts' (p. 715781); Part 111 ‘Deeds of gift' (for scholastic or mission purposes): covers all areas (p. [7B3J-799). Note (p. xxv) explains which deeds are covered; erratum.

Vol. 2: |. . .] | Vol. 11. | Provinces of Taranaki, Wellington, and Hawke's Bay. | [. . .] | 1878.

XX, 600, 2 p. Pages [ii], [iv], [92], [94], [43o], [432], [4Bo] [4B2] blank. Contents: Taranaki (p. [l]-91); Wellington (p, [93]-479); Hawke's Bay (p. [4Bl]-600). The section for each province is divided into two parts. Deeds and Deed receipts. Final leaf (2 p.) 'List of the chief material errors as they occur in this issue of Maori deeds’ (for both volumes).




A detailed record of deeds to about 1875 recording North Island land transactions between the Crown and Maori, compiled by H. H. Turton of the Native Department, a former Wesleyan missionary. The text of each deed is cited and almost all have a parallel Maori translation or precis. Dates, areas of land and signatories are recorded, together with links to file numbers of documents on official registers. The Preface (v, 1, p, [iii]) notes the difficulties in trying to achieve accuracy and completeness. Each volume of text had an accompanying volume Plans of land purchases . . . (Bagnall 5664). The extant original documents are held at Archives New Zealand.

Turton also compiled the complementary Maori deeds of old private land purchases . . . 1815 to 1840 (see no. 1034) and An epitome of official documents relative to native affairs and land purchases in the North Island of New Zealand (1883; Bagnall 5661; in English). South Island land transactions were documented in A. Mackay, A compendium of official documents (2 v., 1873 and 1872: Bagnall 3287), which contains only a small amount of text in Maori. Turton and McKay's records, while not having the same official status as original legal documents, are regarded by researchers as authoritative reference sources. For further background on early land transaction records and administrative procedures see J. Lee. The Old Land Claims in New Zealand (Kerikeri, 1993),

Turton and McKay's compilations (and accompanying plans) referred to in this entry and no. 1034 were published in microfiche format by the National Library of New Zealand in 1990.

Williams 528, Bagnall 5662. Copies: WTU.

Entries ** 9l2-914 are filed in alphabetical order of the English title.


Native Land Act 1873 Amendment Act 1878.

[Te Ture Whenua Maori 1873 Whakatikatika. 1878: actual title not confirmed: no copy located. Wellington: Printed by the Government Printer. 1878]

Physical description not known; no copy located. Description from Williams. Translation of the Native Land Act 1873 Amendment Act, 1878 [lB7B, No. I]. No copy seen.’ (Williams). The Act amended the 1873 Act and compelled the attendance of witnesses and the production of documents, and also allowed for counsel or agents to appear for either party. See no. 669 for further information on land legislation.

Williams **sso. No copy located.


Native Land Act Amendment Act 1878 (No. 2).

Niu Tireni. | [rule] \ [Royal zlrms] | Tau wha tekau ma rua o te kuinitanga o | Kuini Wikitoria. | Nama 40. | [line of asterisks] | Whakatoputanga i nga take. | [ana/ysis; 16 sections. 30 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] | [rule] | He lure hei whakatikatika i “Te lure Whenua Maori, | 1873.” (Nowema 2, 1878.) ![...] [Wellington, New Zealand; I Printed under




authority of the New Zealand Government, by George Didsbury, Government Printer [lB7B]]

I folded sheet (4 p ); 323x205 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon P 4.

Short title: Te Ture Whakatikatika i te Ture Whenua Maori, 1878 (No. 2).’. Translation of the Native Land Act Amendment Act, 1878 (No. 2) (1878, No. 40). The Act included a range of administrative provisions and amendments related to land sales. See no. 669 for further information on land legislation. The Bill was introduced by Sheehan in the House on 22 August and passed all stages by 31 October.

Williams **ssl. Copies: WTU (bound with 1878 Kahiti).


Native Licensing Act 1878.

Niu Tireni. | [rule] \ [Royal Arms] \ Tau wha tekau ma rua o te kuinitanga o | Kuini Wikitoria. | Nama 32. | [line of asterisks] | Whakatoputanga I nga take. | [analysis: 25 sections. 39 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] | [rule] | He Ture hei whakahaere i te hoko wai whakahau- | rang! iroto i nga takiwa Maori. | [. . .] [Wellington, New Zealand: | Printed under authority of the New Zealand Government, by George Didsbury,

Government Printer. [lB7B]]

1 folded sheet (4 p.); 334x211 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 4. Running title: ‘No. 32. 42° Wikitoria. a.d. 1878.’ (year and number transposed on p. 3).

Short title. ‘Te Ture Raihana Maori, 1878.'.

Translation of the Native Licensing Act 1878 (1878, No. 32). It repealed earlier legislation and enabled petitions on restricting the sale or supply of alcohol in areas where two-thirds of the population was Maori. Authority to regulate licensing remained with the government. For further background on liquor legislation see A. Ward, A show of justice (Auckland, 1973), p. 248-250 and M. Hutt, Maori & alcohol (Wellington, 1999), p. 42-45.

The Bill was introduced by Sheehan in the House on 9 October, and passed all stages by 29 October. No Maori version of the Bill in has been identified. A summary translation of and commentary on the Act was published in Te waka Maori. 1878, p. 136-139 (23 November) and p. 148-150 (30 November) as the official translation had not yet been printed.

Sommerville 551 a. Copies: WTU.


Second edition of phrases and vocabularies with grammatical notes. Korero Maori. | First lessons | in | Maori conversation | by | a PakehaMaori. | Second edition. | New Zealand: | Published by G. T. Chapman, Bookseller and Stationer, | Queen Street, Auckland. [1878?]

24 p.; 160X103 mm.; orange paper covers. Colophon p. 24: 'Atkin, Printer, Auckland.'. Running title: 'Chapman's Korero Maori.'. Title repeated on front


PATUKI. TOPI (D. 1900)


cover inside a border. List on back cover: 'Chapman’s New Zealand publications’. Dated from the final number ('1878') in sequence on p, 8.

Williams 412 & (S), Bagnall 3030. Copies: DUHO, NLA, WTU.

916 PATUKI, Topi (d. 1900)

Petition to House of Representatives, on the rightful owners of South Island land.

J.-3. | 1878. | New Zealand. | [rule] | Petition of John Topi Patuki. | [rule] \ Presented to the House of Representatives, 23rd August, 1878, and ordered to be printed, 28th | August, 1878. | [rule] | [. . .] [By authority: George Didsbury, Government Printer, Wellington.-1878.]

1 folded sheet (3, [l] p ); 315x206 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 3. Page [4l blank. At end of text: ‘Price 3d.)’.

AJHR. 1878, J-3. Petition (24 clauses, dated 14 August 1878) in English and Maori from a Ngai Tahu and Ngati Mamoe chief, one of the signatories of the Wentworth-Jones deed of February 1840. It is mainly about ownership of South Island land sold by Ngati Toa, Te Ati Awa and Ngati Tama. The Native Affairs Committee reported that the matter was complex and needed further investigation by the government (AJHR. 1878, i-3, p. 11, no. 130). For the reports of the resulting Smith-Nairn Royal Commission see no. 976 and 1009.

Williams 553. Copies: WTU (in bound vol., AJHR).


Petition to Legislative Council on the rightful owners of South Island land. (No. 8, | 1878. | Legislative Council. | [rule] | Petition of John Topi Patuki. | [rule] | Presented to the Legislative Council, 27th August. 1878, and ordered to be printed. | [rule] | (. . .] [By authority; George Didsbury, Government Printer. Wellington.-1878.]

1 folded sheet (3, [l] p.); 307x204 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 3. Page [4] blank. At end of text: 'Price 3d.)’

AJLC, 1878, No. 8. Petition (18 clauses, dated 19 August 1878) in Maori and English. The same text with some clauses consolidated as that presented to the House of Representatives; see no. 916 for additional information. The Legislative Council Petitions Committee recommended (JLC , 1878, p. 139) that the petition be presented to the Royal Commission.

Copies: WTU (in bound vol.yLQ.

918 STANLEY, Charles

Brethren tract. You cut me deep.

(No, I. | Parikarangaranga ote arohanoa | [rule] \ Kua hou rawa ki loku ngakau. | [wavy rule] | No te hokinga mai o tetahi mihinare i Inia, ki


Second edition of a collection of conversational phrases and vocabularies with brief grammatical notes, revised from the 1875 edition (no. 842). For later editions, which vary in content, see no. 1061, 1165, 1534, and Bagnall K458-K461.



Ingarangi, ka | eke ia ki tetahi rerewe e ahu ana ki uta, [. . .] | [56 lines] | R. Lucas 6t Son, Printers, “Evening Mail” Office, Nelson. [lB7B]

I sheet ([l]) p.; 187x122 mm. At end of text: Translated by J. G. B,', i.e. Joseph Goadby Baker.

Translation of a religious tract You cut me deep by Charles Stanley, a Sheffield merchant whose tracts were reprinted frequently in the second half of the 19th century. See no. 955 for an Auckland printing of this tract.

The following variant issue has been identified:

918.1 with setting variations and without series number (‘(No, I.’) and colophon: In this issue there are minor variations in the heading (less space between words and a full stop after 'arohanoa'). The final line of text on the page begins ‘Roe’. The differences suggest this is possibly a proof copy.

In a report to John Nelson Darby on 7 November 1878, Deck notes: T have had some help in the way of Maori tracts from Mr Baker here. He has translated 6 for me into Maori and 2 are in the press. Should any dear Brethren feel led to help in the printing of them I s[hould] be very thankful. They are translations of some of dear C. Stanley's tracts to whom I enclose a note' (Christian Brethren Archive, Records relating to Australia and New Zealand, University of Manchester; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-Coll-20-2576, CBA 5540 (50)). For more background on Deck and the New Zealand Brethren movement see P. J. Lineham, There we found Brethren (Palmerston North, 1977).

The series was reprinted in Wellington in about 1888 (no. 1224, 12271233, 1235-1236). Some titles were also issued in the New Zealand Native Tract Institution series ‘Te karere o te Rongo Pai’ published between 1885 and 1902; see no. I 147 for further information.

Williams 560 a (variant 918.1) & 561/ i. Copies: AP, NLA, WTU (incl. variant 918.1).


Brethren tract. The three flags.

(No. 2. | Nga Kara e torn. | [wavy rule] \ Me ka haere koe i runga i nga rerewe, ki kite koe i nga | tangata e tu ana i nga takiwa, me nga kara a toru i nga ringa. | [. , .] [R, Lucas & Son, Printers, "Evening Mail” Office, Nelson. [lB7B]]

I sheet (2 p ); 184x125 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 2. At end of text; ‘Translated by J. G. B.‘. i.e. Joseph Goadby Baker.


This is the first in a series of 10 tracts in Maori printed by Lucas in 1878-1879; for the others see no. 919, 951, **956-962. Tracts 3-10 have a printed ‘P.S.’ signed by James G. Deck dated Motueka, 5 May 1879, about the availability of the series. A list of the titles published to date is added from no. 4. The tracts, all but one by Stanley, were translated by Baker for James George Deck the elder (1807-1884) of Motueka, who established Brethren assemblies in New Zealand in the 1850s. Baker was teacher at the Motueka Native School from May 1872 until 1881 (see no. 1208). From No. 3 (no. **956) Deck advertised he also supplied the English versions (referred to as the 'C.S. Tracts’) which may have been printed in England.



No. 2 in the series of Brethren tracts printed by Lucas for J, G. Deck; see no. 918 for additional information. Although the title in Maori and text refers to three flags, the list of tracts published quotes this as a translation of Stanley’s The two flags. The 1888 reprint (no. 1228) refers to the original as The three flags.

The following variant issue has been identified:

919.1 with variant heading and without series number (‘(No. 2.’) and colophon: The heading of this variant is: 'Parikarangaranga o te arohanoa. | [rule] | Nga kara e toru. | [wavy rule] |[, . The differences suggest this is possibly a proof copy.

Williams 561/ ii & 560 a (S) (variant 919.1). Copies: AP (variant 919,1), WTU.

920 SUPPLEMENT to ‘Te Wananga

Account of an appeal case about land leases heard at Napier. Supplement to ‘Te Wananga.’ | [double rule] | Napier, Saturday. December 21, 1878. | [double rule] | He tino whakawa mana nui i te | Kooti Hupirimi. INo te Hatarei no te 14 ote marama nei, i turia ai |te whakawa kite aroaro o Tiati Kirihi, [. . .] | [122 lines] | [double rule] fparallel text:!

Important decision of the | Supreme Court. | On Saturday, 14th inst.. Judge Gillies heard an ap- | peal by the Hon. H. R. Russell [. . .] | [I to lines] | [double rule] [no imprint. Napier: Printed at the Office of Te Wananga, 1878]

1 sheet ([l] p.); 440x280 mm. Caption title Printed in three columns separated by vertical rules. English text is followed by a notice to subscribers in Maori and English beginning ‘Panuitanga’ (36 lines and 5 rules), dated 21 December 1878.

Supplement to what proved to be the final issue of Te Wananga. 21 December 1 878. It reports in Maori and English on the successful outcome of an appeal by H. R. Russell, MLC, on the legality of his leases over two blocks of land and the ownership of the land. The case had previously been heard and declined by Frauds Commissioner Beetham. Te Wananga considered the decision ’a great triumph for Mr Russell and the natives generally, gained after years of struggling against the influence of interested parties in high positions in the late Government and their obsequious nominees . .

The notice to subscribers advised that Te Wananga would not be published during January 1879 while new arrangements were made to enlarge and improve the paper, which had been financed by Russell for most of its life. However, no further issues appeared; for its publication history see S2O.

Copies: WTU (photocopy).

921 THOMAS, Edward Croft Greenway

Proposal for implementing an Indian system of land tenure. Ryotwarry: | He kimihanga tikanga | monga | whenua Maori, | Na | E. C. G. Thomas, A.S., R.A.S., | H.M. INIA. | [double rule] | Te utu kotahi hikipene. |




[double rule] | Akarana: [i.e. Auckland] | He mea ta kite Whare Perehi Pukapuka, a Wiremu | Akene, Hai Tiriti. | [rule] | 1878.

12 p.: 208x125 mm.; green paper covers. Colophon p. 12: ‘W. Atkin, Printer. High Street, Auckland, New Zealand.'. Pages [2] and [4] blank. Title repeated on cover (but omitting 'Hai' from the imprint) within an ornamental border.

Translation of Ryotwarry: A solution of the Maori land question (Bagnall 5528), also printed by Atkin. The translator is not indicated but may be Charles Frederick de Thierry, since the usage 'monga' for 'mo nga’ and ‘ote’ for ‘o te’ is found in another work known to be translated by him (no. 813). A quite different translation was published in Nelson (no. 922).

Thomas, an ex-India service judge, proposed implementing the South Indian Ryotwarree land tenure system, a form of tenancy where Maori would be the landlord and Europeans the tenants. Te Wananga (31 August 1878, p. 431) reported it had been sent a copy in English for translation and printing, but considered it totally unacceptable as it transferred control from Maori to commissioners: ‘a scheme so revolting to the Maori mind that we have no hesitation in saying that Ryotwarry will not for one instant be listened to by the tribes'.

Williams 547, Bagnall 5529. Copies: AP, AR, WP; CU, WTU (photocopies).


Nelson edition of proposal for implementing an Indian system of land tenure. Riotewari; | He kupu whakamarama ( mo nga | raruraru | o nga | whenua Maori | na | E. G. S. [i.e. E. C. G.] Tamati, A.S., R.A.S., | H.M. INIA C.S. | Na T. S. Kerehi Tamaiti i wakamaori. | [double rule] | Hikipene - Te utu. | [double rule] \ Nelson: | R. Lucas and Son, Book and General Printers, Bridge-St. | [rule] | 1878.

11, [l] p.; 215x140 mm.; pale blue paper covers. Page [l2] blank. Title repeated on front cover inside ornamental border.

A translation by Rev. Thomas Samuel Grace the younger (1850-1918) (T. S. Kerehi Tamaiti’) of Ryotwarry by Thomas (‘Tamati’), a quite different translation from that published in Auckland (no. 921). See that entry for additional information.

Williams 548, Bagnall 5530. Copies: AP. DL, WTU.

923 He WAIATA na nga iwi Maori kia Kawana Kerei

Song of welcome to Sir George Grey.

He waiata na nga iwi Maori kia | Kawana Kerei. | Tena ra ko koe, nga kii, te hau, | te mana o nga iwi nei, | te ura o te rongo mau, | te putea o te pai, e Kerei. | [6 stanzas of 4 lines] [no imprint. Napier?: Printed at the Office of Te Wananga?, 18787]

1 sheet ([l] p.); 150 x I I 5 mm.; stiff card.

A seven-stanza song of welcome to Sir George Grey as Premier (referred to in stanza seven as 'Pirimia'), a position he held between 1877 and 1879. The text is reprinted with a correction (‘Mati-taki-ura’ emended to 'Mata-taki-ura')




in Te Wananga, 29 June 1878, p. 332, and was probably performed on a visit by Grey to Napier.

Williams 420, Copies: DUHO. WTU.

924 not used

925 BIBLE. O.T. Psalms. Maori 1879.

Psalms and Wesleyan prayer book, with hymns.

Ko nga Waiata | a Rawiri. | [publisher's device] | London: | Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge; | Sold at the Depositories: | 77, Great Queen Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields: | 4. Royal Exchange; 48, Piccadilly: I and by all booksellers. [1879?]

[ls6], 187, [l] p. 178x109 mm.: purple, blue or green cloth boards with blind tooling, Colophon on verso of title-page (first sequence): 'London: | Gilbert and Rivington. Printers, | St. John's Square.'. All pages of first sequence are without numbering. Pages [ls6] (first sequence), [2] and [lBB] (second sequence) blank.

Title on front cover: ‘[ornament] | Ko nga karakia. | Me nga himene. | Weteriana. | [ornament]'. Binder's stamp inside front cover: 'Wilsons & Horton, | Binders.'.

Second sequence has title-page: ’Ko te Pukapuka | o nga Inoinga, | me nga himene, &c., | mo nga karakiatanga | o nga tangata | o te Hahi Weteriana. | [ornamental rule] | Akarana: [i.e. Auckland] | I tala tenei e Wilsons & Horton, "Herara" Tari. | [rate] | I 879,'. Printed at the office of the New Zealand herald newspaper.

A new edition of the Wesleyan prayer book, the first since 1861 (no. 555). Although all copies are bound with a London printing of the Psalms preceding the prayer book and hymns, the title on the cover suggests the prayer book was the principal text, and the volume was bound and published in Auckland, where the prayer book was printed. Gilbert and Rivington were at the St John’s Square address from 1877 and the SPCK addresses date from before 1880, confirming a publication date of about 1879.

The Psalms are printed from the setting used in the 1876 reprint of the large format Anglican prayer book (no. 851) but unpaginated and with different signature marks. It was presumably a special printing of the Psalms for this purpose.

The text of the prayer book follows the 1878 new edition of the Anglican prayer book (no. 909) but does not incorporate the new Table of Lessons. It comprises the prayer book (to p. 134), hymns with index (p. [I3SJ-175), and calendar of readings (p. 176-187).

A small format edition was published in 1894 (no. 1419).

Williams 559. Copies: AP, AR. DL, DUHO, NLA, WTU (imperfect; with photocopies).

926 BIBLE. N.T. Luke XV, 11-32. Maori, ca. 1879.

Large poster with text and illustration of the story of the prodigal son. Ko te tamaiti maumau taonga. | [rule] | A i mea ano ia, ToKorua nga




tamariki a tetahi | tangata: 1 A ka mea to muri o raua ki tona papa, E pa, | homai ki a au te wahi taonga e wehea e koe moku. | Na, ka wehewehea e ia ki a raua tona oranga. | [/ 15 lines in two columns] | Maori, No. 1. [space] S. W. Partridge & Co.. 9, Paternoster Row, London, England, [space] Watson & Hazell, 28, Charles Street, Hatton Garden, London, [ca. 1879]

1 sheet ([l] p.); 708x516 mm. Text within an ornamental border. Series numbering and colophons below border. Text in two columns surrounding a large engraving (385x285 mm.) and texts of two verses (10 and 7) from Luke 15, set within ornamental borders.

A large poster with a central engraving and the Biblical text of the story of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11 -32). The text is the same version as the 1868 Maori Bible (no. 716). The verso of the WTU copy is inscribed ‘Na te Matenga’ and it was probably produced for Sir William Martin (who had returned to England in 1874) in 1879 or 1880, the year of his death.

Williams 562 c (S). Copies: NLA, WTU.


Catholic prayer book with Bible extracts, catechisms and Church history. Ko te ako | mete i karakia | o te | Hahi Katorika Romana. | [wavy rule] \ [cross] | [swelled rule] 1 Napier—lB79.

472, iv p.; 183x117 mm.; Vz red or black leather with red or green marbledpaper boards. Colophon p. iv; 'Dinwiddle, Walker & Co., Printers, Herald Office, Tennyson-street, Napier’. Imprimatur of Bishop Redwood on p. [2] (verso of title-page). Page [4] blank. List of contents at the end of the volume (iv p.). WTU copies have 4 or 5 blank leaves bound in following the text.

A new Catholic prayer book, partly a revision of the 1847 work (no. 327), with updated vocabulary and new material, including extracts from the BFBS edition of the Bible. It was prepared by Suzanne Aubert between 1877 and 1879, see J. Munro, The story of Suzanne Aubert (Auckland, 1996), p. 137-141. This edition omits the Gospel of Matthew and includes readings from the Epistles and Gospels (p. 124-256) and an epitome of parts of the Old Testament (p. 339-433). A list of Popes and important events in church history (p. 434-466) is followed by catechisms and a form of service for holy days (p. 467-472).

The Catholic mission could not afford to give copies away, but the cost of the prayer book (6 shillings and sixpence) was too expensive, and in 1860 a cheaper edition of selections was produced, Ko etahi ako me etahi karakia (no. 964).

Williams 560. Copies: ABH, AP, AR, DL, DUHO. NLA, WTU.


Reprint of new version of the Book of Common Prayer, small format edition.

Te Pukapuka | o nga Inoi, | me era atu tikanga | a te Hahi o Ingarani | mo te minitatanga | o nga hakarameta, | o era atu ritenga hoki a te Hahi, | me nga Waiata ano hoki a Rawiri; | mete tikanga | mo te motuhanga | i te

44 I



Pihopa, i te piriti, i te rikona. | Ranana: [i.e. London] | I kiia tenei kia taia e te Komiti mo te Whakapuaki | i te Mohiotanga ki a te Karaiti. | [rule] | 1879.

xxviii, 474, [2] p ; 140x83 mm.; black cloth with blind tooling or full calf with blind tooling of SPCK device. Colophon p. [ii] (verso of title-page): ‘London: Gilbert and Rivington, Printers, | St. John’s Square.’. Pages [475-476] blank. Title on spine of black cloth issue: ‘Maori Prayer’. Published by the SPCK (‘te Komiti mo te Whakapuaki i te Mohiotanga ki a te Karaiti’).

A reprint of 1 .000 copies (Williams) of the 1 878 new edition of the Anglican prayer book (no. 909). The WTU copies have locally printed collections of Maori hymns Himene (no. 910 and 1031) tipped in.

Other issues and editions of the Anglican prayer book are listed at no. 19. Williams 556. Copies: AP, WTU.

929 DAVIS, Charles Oliver Bond (1817-1887)

Memorial poem for Alice Warbrick who died on 25 December 1878. [cross] | He tangi | Na Hare Reweti mo Arihi tamahine a Aperahama raua ko | Marina Wapereki, | i mate i te 25 o Tihema, 1878. | [swelled rule] | Taku kokomako, | korero i te ata e, | hakahaka noa mai, | i nga rangi ra, | i te pua wananga, | i te pua toromiro e. | Te roimata ra, | ka riringi-a-wai, | ka ngaro noa koa ra e. | i te hau kainga. | [2 verses of 10 and 15 lines] | C. O. Davis. | Atkin, Printer, High Street, Auckland. [1879?]

I sheet ([l] p.); 252x175 mm. Text within an ornamental border; colophon below border. Probably printed and published in early 1 879.

A three-verse memorial poem or song (waiata tangi) for Alice CArihi’), daughter of Abraham and Marina Warbrick (‘Wapereki’). Abraham Warbrick was a native interpreter and a Good Templar at Tauranga. His Maori wife Marina died in 1886 (Te Korimako, 24 August 1886, p. 1).

Sommerville 554b. Copies: WTU,

930 Te HAERENGA MAI ote Ariki

Pamphlet on Christ's second coming.

Te haerenga mai o | te Ariki. | Te tangohanga ake o te Hahi. | Nga whakawakanga ki muri. | A ko reira te kingitanga o te | kotahi mano tau. | Mete whakaahua hei whakamarama. | [rule] | Printed by R. Lucas 6t Son. Bridge-street, Nelson, [ca. 1879]

11, [l] p ; diagram; 183x1 12 mm. Page [l2] blank. Caption title p. [3]: Te tikanga o te whakaahua.'. At end of text: ’Translated by J. G. B.', i.e. Joseph Goadby Baker,

Translation of an unidentified original text on Christ’s second coming. The text begins with a key to the diagram on p. [2] showing the various periods between Christ’s birth and the second coming; the remainder is a dialogue with scriptural references between P' and ’W, ’Patae’ (i.e Ratal) and ‘Whakaaturanga’ (question and testimony). From similarities with tracts published in 1878-1879 (see no. 918) this is probably from a Brethren source



KEMP, HENRY TACY (1818-1901)

and published by James G. Deck of Motueka, perhaps about the same time. Williams 562b (S). Copies: NLA, WTU.

931 JEFFS, Charles Kingsford (1835-190!

A leaflet on growing hops.

Te hapi. | Te whakatupuranga mete mahinga. \ He korero 1 panuitia 1 roto i Te Waka Maori. | [double rule ] | Tona whakatokanga kite whenua me tango maiko tetahi wahi | o te tinana whakato ai, ko tetahi wahi o te putake ranei. [. . .] | [143 lines] | [ornamental rule] \ Panuitanga. | [rule] | Kia rongo mai koutou nga Maori e whakatipu ana i te hapi. | [// lines] \ [rule] | He mea ta e Whereriki Tuwha, he mea panui nana i te whare | ra o te Papata Pei Herara, Karahitana Rori, Kihipana. [i.e. Gisborne] [1879]

1 sheet ([l] p.); 337x212 mm.; laid paper. Printed in two columns separated by vertical rule. Printed by Frederick Dufaur (‘Whereriki Tuwha') at the office of the Poverty Bay herald (‘Papata Pei Flerara’) newspaper.

A leaflet about the propagation and cultivation of hops and drying them for sale. It is an edited reprint of the Maori text of an article originally printed, with an English version, in two issues of Te waka Maori o Niu Tireni, 1 I and 18 January 1879, p, 234-235 and 246-247. The printing was arranged by brewer and first mayor of Gisborne W. F. Crawford who complained in Te waka Maori, 22 March 1879, p. 350-351, that the instructions had been largely ignored. Jeffs was a Wellington horticulturist; his name is given in the version printed in Te waka Maori, but not on this separate printing.

Williams 567. Copies: AP; WTU (photocopy).

932 KEMP, Henry Tacy (1818-1901)

Fourth edition of an introductory Maori grammar, vocabulary and sentences.

The first step | to | Maori conversation: | A grammar and phrase book | of the | New Zealand language. | By | The Pakeha Maori. | Fourth edition. | New Zealand: | Published by Geo. T. Chapman, Bookseller & Stationer, | Queen Street, Auckland. [1879?]

80 p.; 164x100 mm.; grey paper covers. Page [2] blank. Title (with minor variations) repeated on front cover within ornamental border. Advertisement for Chapman's publications on back cover. Dated from the numbering example ‘1879’ on p. 24.

The fourth and final edition of a work first published in 1848 (no. 363). Although the author is stated pseudonymously, the preface (p. [3]) refers to an 1848 original edition, and the contents are clearly a further development and rearrangement of the earlier editions of Kemp's work (see no. 701,727, 739).

Williams 515 & (S), Bagnall 2962. Copies: DL, DUHO, WTU,




933 MATUA, Henare (d. 1894)

Election circular. 12 August 1879. for Eastern Maori by-election. Ki nga tangata Maori oTe Tai Rawhiti. | [ornamental rule] | E hoa ma, | Tena koutou kua pakaruhia mai te Paremata i te Kawana, na ka pooti hou inaianei he mema mo | te Paremata hou, ka tu nei ki Poneke a te 20 o nga ra o Hepetema. | [7 lines] | Na tokoutou hoa aroha, 1 na Henare Matua. | Porangahau, 12 Akuhata, 1879, [no imprint. Napier: Printed by Robert Coupland Harding, 1879]

1 sheet ([l] p.); 135x204 mm.: laid paper. Printer identified by association with other items with which it is bound.

An election circular for Henare Matua, an unsuccessful candidate in the September 1879 by-election for Eastern Maori arising from the death of Karaitiana Takamoana. For further information on Matua, a Ngati Kahungunu leader of the Repudiation movement, see DNZB. v. 1. p. 283-285.

Copies: WTU.

934 MAUNSELL, Robert (1810-1894)

Notice about the prices of Bibles.

Te utu mo te Paipera Maori, | [ornamental rule] | Nga Paipera Maori, me nga Paipera Pakeha, he mea ta katoa na te | tahi Komiti 1 Ranana. Na ratou i utu nga kai ta, me nga pouaka, | me nga kai uta ki runga kite kaipuke, me nga kaipuke, a, tae noa | ki Akarana. [. . .] I [2O lines] 1 Heoi ano. Na te Komiti enei korero ka whakapuakina nei | e te Manihera, raua ko | te Rore. 1 Akarana, 29 o nga ra o Aperira, 1879. [no imprint. Auckland; Printed by W. Atkin?, 1879]

I sheet ([l] p ); 222x137 mm. Probably printed by William Atkin, the Church printer.

A notice explaining where the Bibles in Maori are produced and giving the prices and discounts for copies bound in various styles. It is signed by Robert Maunsell Cte Manihera’) and H. H. Lawry Cte Rore’) for the Auckland Branch of the BFBS.

Williams 569. Copies: DL, NLA, WTU.

935 NATIVE difficulties at Taranaki . . .

Letter warning of trouble in Taranaki and urging patience.

G.-6. | 1879. 1 New Zealand. | [rule] | Native difficulties at Taranaki | (Address to His Excellency the Governor and the Hon. the Premier from the | Ngapuhi and Te Rarawa, relative to). | [rule] | Laid on the table by the Hon. Mr. Sheehan, with the leave of the House. | [rule] \ [4O lines, partly in two columns. I rule] \ [rule] | By authority: George Didsbury, Government Printer, Wellington.—1879. | Price 3d.)

1 sheet ([l] p.): 329x203 mm.

AJHR. 1879, Session 1, G-6. Letter of June 1 879 in Maori and English, signed by Hori Tawiti (sometimes spelt 'Tawhiti'), MHR, and nine others on behalf




of the chiefs of Ngapuhi and Te Rarawa. It followed the ploughing by supporters of Te Whiti of confiscated land at Oakura, and warns of further trouble in Taranaki, urging patience in the peacemaking process in which the two iwi were already involved. For further background see H. Riseborough. Days of darkness (rev. ed.; Auckland, 2002), p. 81-85.

Williams 564. Copies: WTU (in bound vol., AJHR).


Confiscated Land Inquiry and Native Prisoners' Trials Act 1879. Niu Tireni. | [rule] | [ Royal Arms] \ Tau wha tekau ma rua o te Kuinitanga o | Kuini Wikitoria. | [line of asterisks] | Whakawhaititanga. | [ analysis: 9 sections. 17 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] \ [rule] | He Ture hei whakarite tikanga mo te tirotiro i nga | mate e kiia nei i pa ki nga tangata Maori i runga | i tetahi whenua i tangohia e te Karauna i raro i te | mana ote Ture, —a kia ahei ai hoki te Kawana i | roto ite Kaunihera kite whakaneke i te whakawa | mo etahi herehere kua oti te whakatau kia whaka- | wakia mo etahi hara o ratou i runga i aua whenua. | [. . .] [Wellington, New Zealand: | Printed under the authority of the New Zealand Government, by George Didsbury, Government Printer. [lB79?]]

1 sheet (2 p ); 335x209 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 2. Includes marginal notes. Running title, p. 2: ‘Uiui mo nga whenua I riro [. . .] herehere'.

Short title: ‘Te Ture Uiui mo nga whenua i riro te rau-patu, mete whakawa mo nga herehere Maori, 1879.'

Translation of the Confiscated Land Inquiry and Native Prisoners’ Trials Act 1879 (1879, No. 25), which had a limited period. It set up the West Coast Commission to investigate Maori grievances about land confiscation in coastal Taranaki, and provided further postponement of the trial of Te Whiti’s ploughmen. The Bill (see no. 946 for a Maori version) was introduced in the House by Bryce (Paraihe) on 28 November 1879 and passed all stages by 1 1 December, receiving the assent on 19 December and probably published before the end of the year. It was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1879 (522/1879).

For further background see H. Riseborough, Days of darkness (rev. Ed: Auckland, 2002), p. 100-103, See no. 1020 for the translation of the report of the West Coast Commission.

Williams **563. Copies: WTU.


Sections from the Sheep Act 1878 affecting Maori.

'The Sheep Act, 1878," | (So far as the same applies to the Maori race.) | Nga tikanga o “Te Tare mo nga Hipi, 1878,” e paa | ana ki nga Iwi Maori. | [rule] | Nga tikanga | [analysis: 69 sections. 167 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] \ He lure hei mahi, e kore ai te Hakihaki i nga Hipi. | (1 Nowema, 1878.) | [. . .] [He mana i whakahaua, i taia ai e Hori Titipere, Kai-taa Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Weringitana, [i.e. Wellington] 1879.]




16 p.; 331x209 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 16. At foot of p. [l]: 'Te utu, e iwa kapa.) (Price 9d.', aligned left and right respectively. Running title: 'Ture mo nga Hipi'. Printed by George Didsbury, Government Printer ( Hori Titipere, Kai-taa Perehi a te Kawanatanga'). Short title: 'Ko te Ture mo nga Hipi, 1878.'

Translation of the sections of the Sheep Act 1878 (1878, No. 31) affecting Maori: sections no. 1-2, 5, 9. 11, 13-17, 19-33, 38-46, 49-50, 52-54, 58. 6161. 64, 68, and four schedules. The Analysis lists all sections of the complete Act; those not included in this version are cited in English and in italics. The WTU copy has Maori versions of forms No. 9 (Sommerville 549 a) and No. 4 (Sommerville 549b) tipped in at the end. The purpose of the Act was to eradicate scab in sheep.

The Bill was introduced by Whitmore in the Legislative Council on 29 July 1 878 and extensively amended before being passed on 29 October. No Maori version of the Bill (or extracts) has been identified.

Williams 549, Sommerville 549/a-b. Copies: WTU.

938 NEW ZEALAND. Native Department

Poster. 18 April 1879. on the need for address details on correspondence. Panuitanga! | [double rule] | Tari Maori, | Poneke, Aperira 18, 1879. | He maha nga pukapuka a nga tangata Maori | e tae mai ana kite Tari nei, otiia ko te ingoa | kau o te kainga i tuhia ki roto, ko te ingoa nui | o te takiwa kahore tena i tuhia ki roto. engari ki | te tuhi mai te tangata Maori i tana pukapuka i kite Kawanatanga me tuhi te ingoa o tana | kainga mete ingoa ano hoki o te potapeta e | tutata ana ki taua kainga ki roto ki tana puka- 1 puka, mehemea ka peneitia ka haere tika atu te | kupu whakahoki ki a ia. | Na te Ruihi. | [rule] | 1 taia i runga i te mana e te Kawanatanga o Niu Tireni e George Didsbury, Kai-ta o te Kawanatanga, Poneke. [i.e. Wellington] [1879]

1 sheet ([l] p ); 340x207 mm. Printed by the Government Printer ('Kai-ta o te Kawanatanga').

Large notice signed by T. W. Lewis (‘Ruihi’), Under-Secretary for Native Affairs, asking Maori writing to the department to include details of their address and nearest post office in their letters.

Copies: DL; WTU (photocopy).

Entries 939-942 are filed in alphabetical order of the English title.

939 NEW ZEALAND. Parliament

Confiscated Land Inquiry and Maori Prisoners' Trials Bill 1879. Paremete Hou.) (Confiscated Land Inquiry and | Maori Prisoners' Trials.) | Te Paraihe. | Whakawa mo nga whenua rau-patu, me nga herehe- | re Maori. | [rule] | He Pire ko te ingoa | He lure hei whakarite tikanga mo te whakawa i nga | mate e kiia nei i pa ki nga tangata Maori i runga | i tetahi whenua i tangohia ete Karauna i raro ite | mana ote lure,—a kia ahei ai hoki te Kawana i 1 roto i te Kaunihera kite whakaneke i te whakawa | mo




etahi herehere kua oti te whakatau kia whaka- | wakia mo etahi hara o ratou i runga i aua whenua. | [. . .) [He mana i whakahaua. i Taia ai e Hori Titipere, Kai-taa Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Weringitana. [i.e. Wellington] 1879.]

1 sheet (2 p.): 336x210 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 2. Printed by George Didsbury, Government Printer (‘Hori Titipere, Kai-taa Perehi a te Kawanatanga'). The 1879 draft legislation in Maori (no. 939-949) is the first year in which all items included a full Government Printer colophon translated into Maori.

Short title: 'Te Ture Whakawa mo nga Whenua Rau-patu, me nga Herehere Maori. 1879.'.

Translation of the Confiscated Land Inquiry and Maori Prisoners' Trials Bill 1879 (1879, Session 2, No. 129) omitting the Analysis and marginal notes. It was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1879 (522/ 1879). For the resulting Act in Maori and additional information see no. 936. Copies: WTU.


Fencing Bill 1879.

Paremete Hou.) (Fencing. | Taiepa. | [rule] | Whakawhaititanga. | [ analysis: 46 clauses. 104 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] | [rule] \ He Pire e whakahuatia ana 1 He Ture hei whakahaere tikanga mo te hanga i nga | taiepa wehewehe. | [. . .] [He mana i whakahaua, i Taia ai e Hori Titipere. Kai-taa Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Weringitana. [i.e. Wellington] 1879.]

10 p,; 335x212 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 10. Printed by the Government Printer (see no. 939)

Short title: ‘Te Ture Taiepa, 1879.'.

Translation of the Fencing Bill 1879 (1879, Session 2, No. 63) omitting the marginal notes. The Bill, introduced by G. M. Waterhouse in the Legislative Council on 21 October 1879, was extensively amended during November (see JLC. 1879) and the copy seen incorporates the amendments. However, the Bill eventually lapsed in the House at the end of the session. It was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1879 (522/1879).

Legislation was introduced again in 1880 (see no. 978) and eventually passed in 1881 (see no. 1001). Fencing was a significant issue between Maori and settlers; see A. Ward, A show of justice (Auckland, 1973), p. 79 and 269.


Onewhero Grant Empowering Bill 1879.

Paremete Hou.) | Te Paraihi. | Whakamana Karaati mo Onewhero. | (Onewhero Grant Empowering.) | [rule] | He Pire ko te ingoa | He Ture hei whakamana i te Kawana kite whaka- | puta Karaati ki etahi Kai-tiaki Maori. | [45 lines. I rule] | [rule] | He mana i whakahaua, i taia ai e Hori Titipere, Kai-taa Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Weringitana, [i.e. Wellington] 1879.


Sommerville 563f. Copies: WTU.



1 sheet ([l] p.); 334x212 mm. Printed by the Government Printer (see no. 939). Short title: 'Te Ture Whakamana Karaati mo Onewhero, 1879.',

Translation of the Onewhero Grant Empowering Bill 1879 (1879, Session 2, No. 82) omitting the Analysis and marginal notes. The Bill, introduced by Bryce (Paraihe) in the House on 5 November, was passed on 11 December. It was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1879 (522/1879).

No Maori version of the resulting Act (1879, Local Acts. No. 7) has been identified. It granted 4.314 acres of land at Onewhero in the lower Waikato (defined in the Schedule) to three hapu of Ngati Pou,

Sommerville 563 c. Copies: WTU.


Qualification of Electors Bill 1879.

Paremete Hou.) (Qualification of Electors. | Na te Hooro. | Te whakatikatikanga o nga tangata hei | kai-pooti. | [rule] | Nga tikanga. | [analysis: 5 clauses. 16 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] | [rule] | He Pire ko te ingoa | He Ture hei whakarite i te tika o nga tangata kai- | pooti mema mo te Whare Runanga Nui. | [. . .] [He mana i whakahua, i Taia ai e Hore Titipere, Kai-taa Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Weringitana, [i.e. Wellington] 1879.]

1 sheet (2 p.); 336x209 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 2. Printed by the Government Printer (see no. 939).

Short title: 'Te Ture Whakatikatikanga o nga Tangata Kai-pooti 1879.'. Translation of the Qualification of Electors Bill (1879. Session 2, No. 23) omitting the marginal notes. It was introduced in the House by Hall (Hooro) on 28 October 1879 together with the Maori Representation Bill 1 879 (see no. 945 for a Maori version). The failure of the latter to be enacted meant that essential electoral provisions relating to Maori had to be incorporated into the Qualification of Electors Bill, of which three versions in English have been seen. The Bill was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1879 (522/1879). For further background see P. G. Parkinson, 'Strangers in the House’, Victoria University of Wellington law review, v. 32. no. 3 (August 2001), Supp. p. 1-60 (p. 54-55 and plate 10).

No Maori version of the resulting Act (1879. No. 40) has been identified. Section 2 (3) restricted the registration for Maori in general electorates to male Maori over the age of 21 with £5O freehold land or who were ratepayers, thereby abolishing the previous householder franchise.

Copies: WTU.

Entries 943-949 are filed in alphabetical order of the English title.

943 NEW ZEALAND. Parliament. House of Representatives.

Alienation of Maori Land Bill 1879.

Na Ta G Grey. | Nga tikanga tuku e riro ke ai nga whenua | Maori. | [rule] \ Nga tikanga. 1 [ analysis: 43 clauses. 101 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] \ He Pira ko te ingoa | He Ture kia ahei ai te mahi e nga




Maori, kite hoko, | kite riihi, kite tuku, i a ratou whenua e puta ai | he

painga mo ratou, a ma te Kawanatanga o te | Koroni nei e mahi, a kia whakakahoretia ai ano | hoki nga mahi pokanoa ki aua whenua. | [. . .] [He mana i whakahaua, i Taia ai e Hori Titipere, Kai-taa Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Weringitana, [i.e. Wellington] 1879.]

9, [l] p.; 334x212 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 9. Page [lo] blank. On 3 numbered sheets (2 folded, 1 single). Printed by the Government Printer (see no. 939).

Short title: 'Ko te Ture Tuku mo nga Whenua Maori, 1879.'

Translation of the Alienation of Maori Land Bill 1879, introduced into the House by Sir George Grey on 26 September, which lapsed after the first reading. It was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1879 (522/1879).

Williams describes the Bill as having the heading 'Ta H. Kerei' in place of ‘Na Ta G. Grey’, but no copy has been located with this variation.

Williams 563 a. Copies: WTU.


Elective Council Bill 1879.

Paremete Hou.) (Elective Council.) | Te [i.e. Ta] Hori Kerei. | Ture Pooti Runanga Whakatakoto Ture. | [2 ru/es] | He Pire, ko te ingoa | He Ture hei whakatu i tetahi Runanga Whakatakoto | Ture kia pootitia i roto o Niu Tireni. [[...] [He mana i whakahaua, i Taia ai e Hori Titipere, Kai-taa Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Weringitana, [i.e. Wellington] 1879 ]

I sheet (2 p ); 334x212 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 2. Printed by the Government Printer (see no. 939).

Short title; 'Te Ture Pooti Runanga Whakatakoto Ture.'.

Translation of the Elective Council Bill 1879 (1879, Session 2, No. 94) omitting the Analysis and marginal notes. The Bill was introduced in the House by Grey (Hori Kerei) on 5 November 1879 but the second reading was adjourned several times, partly because Tomoana asked for it to be translated ( NZPD , 1879, v, 33, p. 262), and it was eventually defeated on 10 December. It was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1879 (522/1879).


Maori Representation Bill 1879.

Paremete Hou.) (Maori Representation. | Hon. te Hooro. | lure Whakatu Mema Maori. | [rule] \ He Pire e huaina ana | He lure hei whakarite mo te whakatu mema mo te | iwi Maori i roto i te Runanga Nui. | [. . .] [He mana i whakahaua, i Taia ai e Hori Titipere, Kai-taa Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Weringitana, [i.e. Wellington] 1879.]

I folded sheet (4 p.); 334x212 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 4. Printed by the Government Printer (see no. 939).


Sommerville 563e, Copies: WTU.

Short title: Te Ture WhaKatu Mema Maori, 1879.'

An example of a Bill in Maori, 1879 (BiM 945) The Maori Representation Bill. 1879, introduced by Hall, which provided that the number of Maori members would be proportional to the number of non-Maori members, in the same way that the proportion of registered Maori voters was proportional to the number of registered Pakeha voters (Maori would not vote for European candidates nor would Europeans vote for Maori candidates). According to Hall the number of Maori members should therefore increase to about six or seven. But, as Major Te Wheoro pointed out. 'such was the reluctance of Maori to register' [as voters) that it would have the opposite effect. The Native Minister, Bryce, agreed that this was a serious objection to it and the Bill was dropped, the Qualification of Electors Bill being amended consequently to provide for the continuation of the existing Maori electoral provision (see NZPD v. 33, p. 81-83). Alexander Turnbull Library: Printed collections



Translation of the Maori Representation Bill (1879, Session 2, No. 31) omitting the Analysis and marginal notes. It was introduced into the House by Prime Minister Hall CHooro - ) on 28 October 1879 as one of several Bills dealing with electoral reform but it eventually lapsed due to opposition. It was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1879 (522/1879). For further background see P. G. Parkinson, 'Strangers in the House’, Victoria University of Wellington law review, v. 32, no. 3 (August 2001), Supp. p. 1-60 (p. 53-54 and plate 9). A second Bill was introduced on 18 November (no. 946).

Sommerville 563h. Copies: WTU.


Maori Representation Act 1867 Amendment Bill 1879.

Paremete Hou.) | Mr. Tomoana. 1 Whakatikatika i te Ture Whakatu Mema | Maori 1867 Whakawhaititanga. | (Maori Representation Act 1867 Amendment.) | [rule] | He Pire ko te Ingoa. | [rule] | He Ture hei whakakatika [sic] i "Te Ture Whakatu Mema | Maori, 1867,” me etahi atu ture e whakatika ana | i reira, a hei mahi ano kia pai atu he ritenga mo | te whakatu mema mo te iwi Maori e noho ana i | Niu Tireni. | [. . .] [He mana i whakahaua, i Taia ai e Hori Titipere, Kai-taa Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Weringitana, [i.e. Wellington] 1879.]

1 sheet (2 p): 334x212 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 2. Printed bv the Government Printer (see no. 939).

Short title: 'Ture Whakatikatika 1879 o te Ture Whaka Mema Maori, 1867.’.

Translation of the Maori Representation Act 1867 Amendment Bill 1879 (1879, Session 2. No. 114) omitting the Analysis and marginal notes. It was also referred to as the Maori Representation Bill (No. 2) 1879 ( NZPD , 1879, v. 33) to distinguish it from the earlier Bill (no. 945). The Bill was introduced by Tomoana in the House on 18 November 1879 but it lapsed at the end of the year. It was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1879 (522/I879).

Sommerville 563g. Copies: WTU.


Murihiku Native Reserves Grants Bill 1879.

(Murihiku Native Reserves Grants. | Paremete Hou.) | Te Paraihi. | Nga Karaati mo nga Rahui Maori o | Murihiku. | [rule] | He Pire ko te ingoa | He lure hei whakamana i te Kawana kite whaka- | puta Karauna Karaati mo etahi Rahui kua wehea | mo nga mea Maori i roto i te Poraka o Murihiku. 1 [. . .] [He mana i whakahaua. i Taia ai e Hori Titipere, Kai-Taa Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Weringitana, [i.e. Wellington] 1879.]

I sheet (2 p.); 334x212 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 2. Printed bv the Government Printer (see no. 939).

Short title: ‘Te Jure Karauna Karaati mo nga Rahui Maori o Murihiku, 1879.




Translation of the Murihiku Native Reserves Grants Bill 1879 (1879, Session 2, No. 84) omitting the Analysis and marginal notes. The Bill was introduced in the House by Bryce (‘Paraihi’) on 5 November but was held over on the recommendation of the Native Affairs Committee. It was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1879 (522/1879).

The Bill was reintroduced in 1881 (no. 1015), 1882 (no. 1058) and 1883, when it was eventually enacted (no. 1079),

Sommerville 563 d. Copies: WTU.


Native Lawsuits Bill 1879.

Paremete Hou.) | Na Makitanara. | Ture mo nga whakawa Maori, | [rule] | Nga tikanga. | [rule] | He Pire ko te ingoa | He Ture hei whakatakoto tikanga mo te whakatau i | nga whakawa Maori kua timataria i roto i te | Hupirimi Kooti. | [. . .] [He mana i whakahaua, i Taia ai e Hori Titipere, Kai-taa Perehi a Te Kawanatanga, Weringitana, [i.e. Wellington] 1879.]

1 folded sheet (3, [l] p.); 334x212 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 3. Printed by the Government Printer (see no. 939).

Short title: ‘Te Ture mo nga Whakawa Maori, 1879.'

Translation of the Native Lawsuits Bill (1879, Session 2, No. 10) omitting the Analysis and marginal notes. The Bill was introduced into the House by Allan McDonald (‘Makitanara’) on 2 October 1879 but lapsed at the end of the session after having been referred to a Select Committee. It was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1879 (522/1879). The Bill was reintroduced in 1880 (no. 991).

Copies: WTU.


Native Reserves Vesting Bill 1879.

(Native Reserves Vesting. | Paremete Hou.) | Ta Hori Kerei. | Ture Tuku i nga Whenua Rahui Maori. | [rule] \ He Pire, ko te ingoa | He Ture hei tuku i te mana o nga rahui Maori kite | Kai-tiaki o nga taonga a nga tangata mate wira kore. | [2l lines] \ [rule] | He mana i whakahaua, i Taia ai e Hori Titipere Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Weringitana, [i.e. Wellington] 1879.

1 sheet ([l] p); 334x212 mm. Printed by the Government Printer (see no. 939).

Short title: 'Ture Tuku I nga Rahui Maori, 1879.'

Translation of the Native Reserves Vesting Bill {1879, Session 2, No. 55) omitting the Analysis and marginal notes. It was introduced by Grey (Ta Hori Kerei) in the House on 24 October 1879 but the debate was deferred for six months, causing it to lapse. It was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1879 (522/1879).

Sommerville 563b. Copies: WTU.




950 NEW ZEALAND. Prime Minister (1877-1879 : Grey)

Proposals as a basis for attempting to negotiate peace with the Kingitanga.

Proposals made by Sir George Grey to Tawhiao, at meeting at Hikurangi, on the | 10th May, 1878. | [rule] | 1. Etu na koe ito mana, ka apitiria atu e te Kawanatanga ko koe ano hei Kai-whakahaere mo to | takiwa, ka awhinatia koe e te Kawanatanga me nga Rangatira o to takiwa hei whakahaere. [. . .] 1 [6l lines and 1 rule] \ [rule] | By authority: George Didsbury, Government Printer, Wellington -1879. | (571

1 sheet ([l] p ); 340x219 mm. Job number (‘s7l’) at end of text, aligned right.

Text in Maori with an English translation. Proposals offered by Grey to Tawhiao at a meeting held on 10 May 1878 as a basis for peace negotiations between the Government and the KTngitanga. The proposals were withdrawn by Grey in 1879 after a further meeting with Tawhiao, for which this may have been printed. For further information see K, Sinclair, Kinds of peace (Auckland, 1991), p. 57 and 59, and J. Rutherford, Sir George Grey (London, 1961). p. 607-610 and 620.

A second AP copy, without the colophon and with minor textual differences, is assumed to be a proof copy. It is inscribed: ‘For the Library at Kawau. W.M.’ (probably Walter Mantell).

Copies: AR; WTU (photocopy).

951 NORTH, Brownlow (1810-1875)

Brethren tract, God chose to send Jesus.

(No. 7. | Na te Atua ake tona whakaaro | kite tono mai i a Ihu. | [rule] \ “Ha, te tangata nei, ko wai koe hei whakahoki kupu atu ki | te Atua?” - (Roma 9, 20.) | [. . .] [R. Lucas & Son, Printers “Evening Mail” Office, Nelson. [lB79]]

1 folded sheet (3, [l] p ); 190x130 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 3. Page [4] blank. At end of text: ‘Translated by J. B, G. [i.e. Joseph Goadby Baker] from "God chose to send Jesus,” a true story by Brownlow North.’. No, 7 in the series of Brethren tracts printed by Lucas for J. G. Deck; see no. 918 for additional information. Translation of North’s God chose to send Jesus. One WTU copy is postmarked 27 Ju[ly] 1879.

Williams 561/ vii, Copies: AP, NLA, WTU.

952 PONEKE, Akuhata 26, 1879

Committee statement on action over confiscated lands. 26 August 1879. Poneke. Akuhata 26, 1879, | E nga iwi katoa, | Kua tono au ki to tatou roia ki a Takuta Pura kia taia mai te panui | nei, kite reo Maori kite reo Pakeha, he mea kia kite katoa koutou i te tikanga o 1 tenei mahi, | Na Wi Parata Te Kakakura, | Hekeretari o te Komiti. | [double rule] | He Panui tenei, | [rule] | Ki nga iwi Maori e whai tikanga ana ki nga whenua i murua e te Kawanatanga i | runga i nga whawhai a te Maori kite Pakeha. | [. . .] [no imprint. Wellington: 1879]



REES. WILLIAM LEE (1836-1912)

1 folded sheet (3. [l] p.); 345x218 mm. Page [4] blank.

A notice in Maori and English, addressed to all tribes interested in the lands confiscated by the Government. It declares the unidentified Committee’s intention to refer questions about the legality of the confiscations to the Supreme Court and is signed by the members of the Committee: H. K. Taiaroa, MLC (President) and nine others, five of whom were in Parliament. The prefatory note (in Maori only) refers to the ’manifesto’ as having been drawn up on the advice of Walter Buller (Takuta [Dr] Pura’), then practising as a barrister.

Williams 570, Bagnall 4451. Copies: AP, DUHO, NLA, WTU,

953 REES, William Lee (1836-1912)

Speeches on Maori land tenure and land legislation. Reports of | meetings held, | and | addresses given, | by | Mr. W. L. Rees, | in | Poverty Bay &. Tologa Bay, | upon the subject of | native lands. | [ornamental rule] | Gisborne: | Printed by Henry Edwin Webb, at the “Standard” Office, Gladstone Road. | [rule] | 1879.

24 p.; 222x142 mm.; paper covers. Title taken from front cover. Caption title p. [l]: ‘Mr, Rees’s address.’. Caption title p. 16: ‘Ko te Riihi i Turanga.'.

Sommerville 570 a, Bagnall 4814, Copies: WTU, WU.

954 SCHEDULE of native reserves in the Arahura . . . Block . . .

Reserve lands on the West Coast of the South Island and their owners. (No. 7. | Sess. 11.-1879. | Legislative Council. | [rule] \ Schedule of native reserves in the Arahura | (West Coast, Middle Island) Block, | showing the persons interested in the several reserves to whom it is recom- | mended that they should be granted. | [rule] | Return to an order of the Legislative Council, dated the 29th July, 1879. | [3 lines specifying the scope of the report] \ [rule] | [. . .] [By authority: George Didsbury, Government Printer, Wellington.-1879.]

15, [l] p.; 304x207 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 15. Text in table format. Shoulder numbering p. [B]-15: ‘Nama 7.’. At foot of p. 7: ‘T. E. Young, Commissioner.’. At end of text p. 15: 'Price 9d.)’.

Caption title p. [B]: ‘Rarangi o nga whenua rahui Maori i roto i | te Arahura Poraka, | (i te Takiwa ki Te Tai Hauauru o Te Waipounamu) e whakaatu ana i nga ingoa o | nga tangata e whai take ana ki aua whenua rahui, kua kiia nei kia tukua nga | karaati ki a ratou


Text in English (p. [l]-15) and Maori (p. 16-24) of speeches by Rees Cte Riihi’) and reports of meetings on Maori land tenure and land legislation, urging that Trustees be appointed to manage Maori lands honestly. The texts are reprinted from the Poverty Bay standard. 11,15 and 20 February 1879. Rees was an advocate for Maori landowners in disputes with Pakeha purchasers; for further background see W. H. Oliver and J. Thomson, Challenge and response I Gisborne, 1971), p. 115, 121-122,



AJLC. 1879, Session 2, No. 7. A listing in English (p. [l]-7) and Maori (p, [B]i 5) of 47 reserves recommended by Commissioner Thomas Edward Young, Information on each reserve is area, names of grantees, their place of residence, and remarks, mainly on the nature and shares of ownership. The reserves were located between the Buller River and Jackson’s Bay on the South Island West Coast. For Young's report and minutes of proceedings of his investigation see AJHR. 1879, Session 2, G-3b.

Copies: WTU (in bound voI. .JLQ.

955 STANLEY. Charles

Auckland printing of Brethren tract. You cut me deep. (No. 1. | Parikarangaranga ote arohanoa. | [rule] \ Kua hou rawa ki toku ngakau. | [wavy rule] | No te hokinga mai o tetahi mihinare I Inia, ki Ingarangi, | ka eke ia ki tetahi rerewe e ahu ana ki uta, [. . .] | [56 lines] \ [rule] | J. H. Field, Printer, Albert Street, Auckland, [ca, 1879]

1 sheet ([l] p.); 185x127 mm. At end of text: 'Translated by J. G. B.’, i.e. Joseph Goadby Baker.

An Auckland printing of No. 1 in a series of ten Brethren tracts that were first printed in Nelson and published by James G. Deck in Motueka (see no. 918). It is not possible to date this issue with any certainty as Field was in business for a long period. No other tracts in the series produced by this printer have been located.

Williams 562 a. Copies: WTU.


Brethren tract. As it was in the days of Noah.

(No. 3. | Etahi kupu marama. | [rule] | “Ka rite hoki ki nga ra i a Noa.” | [wavy rule] \ “Ka rite hoki ki nga ra i a Noa, nga ra o te Tama a te tan- | gata, e kai ana ratou, e inu ana, | ..] [R. Lucas & Son, Printers, “Evening Mail” Office, Nelson. [lB79]]

I folded sheet (3, [l] p ); 185x125 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 3. Page [4] blank. At end of text: ‘Translated by J. G. B.', i.e. Joseph Goadby Baker.

No copy has been located that includes the series number (‘No. 3') recorded in Williams 561/ iii, from which these details are taken.

No. 3 in the series of Brethren tracts printed by Lucas for J. G. Deck; see no. 918 for additional information. Translation of Stanley's As it was in the days of Noah.

The following variant issue has been identified:

956.1 without series number (‘(No. 3.’)

Williams 561/ iii & 560 a (S) (variant 956.1). Copies: AP (variant 956,1), WTU (variant 956.1).





Brethren tract. Who is to blame?

(No. 4. | He taro maka kite mata o nga wai. | [rule] | Na wai te he? | [rule] | Kia whakaarohia e tatou tetahi kaipuke e totohu ana kite | moana. E mohio ana tatou he kaipuke pirau, a e puta tonu | mai ana te wai i nga pakaru—meake ka paremo. [. . .] | [. . .] [R, Lucas & Son, Printers “Evening Mail" Office, Nelson. [lB79]]

1 sheet (2 p ); 185x125 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 2. At end of text: 'Translated by J. G. B,’, i.e, Joseph Goadby Baker.

No. 4 in the series of Brethren tracts printed by Lucas for J. D. Deck: ee no. 918 for additional information. Translation of Stanley’s Who is to blame?.

Williams 561/ iv. Copies: AP, WTU.


Brethren tract. Naaman the Syrian.

(No. 5. | Etahi kupu marama. | [rule] | Naamana, te repera, me ona rukunga i | te Awa o Horano. | [wavy rule] | Tenei tangata he “Rangatira ope o te Kingi o Hiria, e whaka- | nuia ana hoki, no te mea, i waiho ia e Ihowa hei kai homai i te | oranga ki a Hiria. [...]][.. .] [R. Lucas & Son, Printers “Evening Mail” Office, Nelson. [lB79]]

1 folded sheet (4 p ); 186x128 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 4. At end of text: ‘Translated by J. G. B.‘, i.e. Joseph Goadby Baker, No. 5 in the series of Brethren tracts printed by Lucas for J. G. Deck; see no. 918 for additional information. Translation of Stanley's Naaman the Syrian.

Williams 561 /v. Copies: AP, AR, WTU.


Brethren tract. As it was in the days of Lot. (No. 6. | Etahi kupu marama. | [rule] \ “Ka rite ki nga ra i a Rota.” | [wavy rule] | “Ka rite ano hoki ki nga ra i a Rota; e kai ana ratou, e inu | ana, e hoko mai ana, e hoko atu ana, e whakato ana, e hanga | whare ana, a, te ra i putu ai a Rota i Horoma, [. . .] | [. . .] (R. Lucas & Son, Printers “Evening Mail” Office, Nelson. [lB79]]

I folded sheet (4 p); 189x126 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 4. At end of text: ‘Translated by J, G. B.‘, i.e. Joseph Goadby Baker. No. 6 in the series of Brethren tracts printed by Lucas for J. G. Deck; see no. 918 for additional information. Translation of Stanley's As it was in the days of Lot.

Williams 561/ vi. Copies: AP, NLA, WTU.


Brethren tract. Sown among the thorns.

(No. 8. | I ruia ki roto ki nga tataramoa, | [wavy rule] | "A ko nga mea enei




i ruia ki roto ki nga tataramoa; ko nga | mea i rongo kite kupu, na, te putanga mai o te whakaaroaro- | nga ki tenei ao, o te hangarau o nga taonga, o nga hiahia ki era | atu mea, koaoaotia iho te kupu. a kore ake he hua." (Maka | 4, I8.)| [. . .] [R. Lucas & Son, Printers “Evening Mail” Office, Nelson. [lB79]]

1 folded sheet (3, [l] p.); 190x127 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 3. Page [4] blank. At end of text: ‘Translated by J. G, B.’, i.e. Joseph Goadby Baker.

No 8 in the series of Brethren tracts printed by Lucas for J. G. Deck; see no. 918 for additional information. Translation of Stanley’s Sown among the thorns.

Williams 561/ viii. Copies: AP, NLA. WTU.


Brethren tract, if thou knewest the gift of God.

(No. 9. | He taro maka kite mata o nga wai. | [rule] \ Me i matau koe ki ta te Atua e | homai ai.—Hoani 4, 10, | [rule] | I noho tetahi tangata ngenge i te taha o te puna o Hakopa; | i ahu mai ia i te whenua o nga Parihi. Ko Ihu taua tangata. | [. . .] [R. Lucas & Son. Printers. “Evening Mail” Office, Nelson. [lB79]]

I sheet (2 p ); 188x126 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 2. At end of text: Translated by J. G. B.’, i.e. Joseph Goadby Baker.

No. 9 in the series of Brethren tracts printed by Lucas for J. G. Deck; see no. 918 for additional information. Translation of Stanley’s If thou knewest the gift of God.

Williams 561/ ix. Copies: AP, DL. NLA, WTU.


Brethren tract. The serpent of brass.

No. 10. | Te nakahi parahi. | [ rule] \ Te Taunga 21.4-9. | He iwi a lharaira i meinga ai e te Atua ka hoatu e ia kia | ratou te whenua o Kanana hei whenua tuturu: he whenua | momona, e tipuria ana e te oriwa mete waina, .] [R. Lucas & Son, Printers, “Evening Mail’ Office, Nelson. [lB79]]

1 folded sheet (4 p.); 188x126 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 4. At end of text: ‘Translated by J. G. B.', i.e, Joseph Goadby Baker. No. 10 and final in the series of Brethren tracts printed by Lucas for J. G. Deck; see no. 918 for additional information. Translation of Stanley's The serpent of brass.

Williams 561/ x. Copies: AP, NLA. WTU.

963 WILLIAMS, William Leonard (1829-1916)

Archdeacon Williams's itinerary 7 November to 6 December 1879. Turanga, Nowema 1, 1879. | E aku hoa aroha, Tena koutou: | He pukapuka




tena hei whakaatu atu ki a koutou i nga | kaainga e mea nei au, kite pai te Atua ki taea atu e maua | ko tetahi o oku hoa minita Maori i roto i enei ra e takoto 1 ake nei. | [hsf of dates and places. 23 lines] | Ma te rangi kino, ma te waipuke, ma te aitua, e whakahe | nga ra o te haere. | Na to koutou hoa aroha, | Na te Wiremu. [no imprint. Gisborne: 1879]

1 sheet ([l] p ); 204x126 mm.; laid paper with incomplete watermark: ‘[?]ns Sons & Co’.

A circular giving Archdeacon W. L. Williams’s itinerary for the period 7 November to 6 December 1879, mainly for the East Cape to Opotiki area. No other itineraries for this period have been located.

Williams 566 a. Copies: WTU.


Selections from the Catholic prayer book.

Ko etahi ako | me etahi 1 karakia | o te | Hahi Katorika Romana. 1 [ornamental rule ] | [cross] Imprimatur. | Franciscus. | Episcopus Wellingtoniensis. | [rule] \ Napier: ( Printed by Dinwiddie, Walker & Co., | 1880.

45. [3] p.; 160x102 mm.; dark green cloth boards. Colophon p, 45: ‘Printed at the ‘Herald’ Office. Tennyson-street, Napier.’. Pages [46-48] blank. All text set within a single rule border. The two lines ‘lmprimatur. | Franciscus.’ are set to the right of the cross symbol.

A selected edition of the Catholic prayer book, with Bishop Redwood’s imprimatur, containing morning and evening prayers (p. 2-19), vespers (p. 19-31), short catechism (p. 32-44) and the Salve Regina (p. 45). Suzanne Aubert prepared this edition because the 1879 large prayer book (no. 927) was too expensive; see J. Munro, The story of Suzanne Aubert (Auckland, 1996), p. 138-139.

Williams 581. Copies: WTU.


Reprint of the small format Book of Common Prayer.

Te Pukapuka | o nga Inoi, | me era atu tikanga | a te Hahi o Ingarani | mo te minitatanga | o nga hakarameta, | o era atu ritenga hoki a te Hahi: | me nga Waiata ano hoki a Rawiri; | mete tikanga | mo te motuhanga, | i te pihopa, i te piriti, i te rikona. 1 Ranana: [i.e. London] | I kiia tenei kia taia e te Komiti mo te Whakapuaki | i te Mohiotanga ki a te Karaiti. | [rule] | 1880.

xxviii, 474 p.; 138x83 mm.; black cloth boards. Colophon p. [ii] (verso of title-page): ‘London: | Gilbert and Rivington, Printers, | St, John’s Square.’. Title on spine: ‘Maori | Prayer'. Copy seen (WTU) has been repaired; binding is incomplete and the title-page is tipped in, probably due to damage. Published by the SPCK (‘te Komiti mo te Whakapuaki i te Mohiotanga ki a te Karaiti’).

A reprint of the 1878 new edition of the Anglican Book of Common Prayer (no. 909). Williams records 1,000 copies, the standard print run.




Other issues and editions of the Anglican prayer book are listed at no. 19. Williams 579. Copies: WTU.

966 COLENSO, William (1811-1899).

Specimen page of a never-completed dictionary.

G.-6. | 1880. | New Zealand. | [rule] 1 Mr. Colenso's English-Maori lexicon | (specimen of.) | [rule] | Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by command of His Excellency. | [rule] | A | comprehensive dictionary | of the | New Zealand tongue, | including | [6 lines of description] \ [rule] \ Part 1.-Maori-English. | Part 11.-English-Maori. | [rule] \ “In magnis et voluisse sat est.” | Wellington. | By authority: George Didsbury, Government Printer. | [rule] | 1880.

1 folded sheet (4 p.); 323x204 mm. Page [2] blank. Page 4 in two columns separated by vertical rule.

AJHR. 1880, G-6. A sample page from Colenso’s dictionary (entries for Maori words beginning with 'a', as far as ‘ax') preceded by a summary of abbreviations. Despite Colenso’s long life, this work commissioned in 1865 was never completed, of which the ‘better to give it a go than not at all’ sense of the Latin quotation may have been a premonition. A larger specimen was produced in 1882 (no. 1026) but only one section was completed, in 1898 (no. 1505). For additional background see AJHR. 1873, G-9; AJHR. 1875; G-l 1, and A. G. Bagnall and G. Petersen, William Colenso (Wellington, 1948), p, 401-408. The manuscript and proofs of the dictionary are at WTU (MS-Papers-0031 -10A-13).

Williams 592. Copies: WTU (in bound vol., AJHR).

966 a He HIMENE

A seven-stanza hymn. 'Mate koe i te mauiui'.

He himene. 1 “Haere mai ki a au, e koutou katoa e mauiui | ana, e taimaha ana. a maku koutou e whakaokioki." | Mate koe i te mauiui, | tamai rawatia? | Nei kei a au te ata noho: | Haere mai! | [six stanzas. 24 lines] | Amen. | Taumarere, 1880. [no imprint. Kawakawa?; 1880]

1 sheet ([I ] p.); 172x105 mm; laid paper with Britannia watermark. Possibly printed at the office of the Northern luminary newspaper, established in 1879.

A seven-stanza hymn, presumably specially printed for a service held at Taumarere (near KawaKawa, Northland). The hymn is no. 85 in the larger collection of Anglican hymns first issued in 1883 (no. 1073). The two-line quotation below the heading is from Matthew 11:28.

Copies: WTU.

Entries 967-’‘974 are filed in alphabetical order of the English title.


Brands and Branding Act 1880. (“The Brands and Branding Act, 1880." | [Royal Arms] | lure mo nga




Parani me nga Paranitanga. | [rule] \ Whakawhaititanga. | [analysis: 20 sections. 37 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] | [rule] | He Ture hei whakahaere i nga paranitanga kararehe, | mete rehitatanga i nga parani mo taua tu mahi. | (19 Ahuhata, [st'c] 1880. | [. . .] [He mana i taia e George Didsbury Kai-taa Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Poneke. [i.e Wellington] [lBBo]]

1 folded sheet (4 p ); 278x207 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 4. At end of text: ‘Price Is.)’. Running title: ‘Parani mete Paranitanga.’. Includes marginal notes. Printed by the Government Printer (‘Kai-taa Perehi a te Kawanatanga').

Short title: ‘Ture mo nga Parani, me nga Paranitanga, 1880.’.

Translation of the Brands and Branding Act 1880 (1880, No, 25), omitting the schedule of Acts and Ordinances repealed referred to in section 19. The Act established a system for regulating branding of stock, including the registration of brands. The Bill was introduced by Whitaker in the Legislative Council on 2 June 1880 and passed all stages without debate on 17 August. While no Maori version of the Bill has been identified, the unusual format of the heading text (which retains a caption title, but omits ‘Niu Tireni’ above the coat of arms, and lacks the regnal year statement) is more like a Bill than an Act; the same format occurs in no. 970 and 973. This suggests a Maori version of the Bill may have been typeset and reused for the printed Act.

Williams 584. Copies: WTU (in MSX-5205).


Dog Registration Act 1880.

(Dog Registration, 1880. | Niu Tireni. | [rule] \ [Royal Arms] | Te tau wha te kau ma wha o te kuinitanga o | Kuini Wikitoria, | [line of asterisks] | He Ture hei whakahau i te rehitatanga kuri. | [. . .] [no imprint. Wellington: Printed by the Government Printer, 1880]

4 p.; 277x207 mm. (trimmed). Caption title.

Short title: ‘Te Ture Rehita Kuri, 1880.’.

Translation of the Dog Registration Act 1880 (1880. No. 24), omitting the analysis and schedules 2 and 3 of the English version; this is probably complete as schedules were not always included in the translation (e.g. no. 967). The Act compelled the annual registration of all dogs over six months old at an annual fee of ten shillings; it also defined penalties for dealing with dangerous dogs. The Bill was introduced by Whitaker in the Legislative Council on 2 June 1880 and passed all stages by 17 August with little debate or amendment. No Maori version of the Bill has been identified.

Williams 583. Copies: AP, WTU (in MSX-5205).


Native Land Court Act 1880.

[Te Ture Kooti Whenua Maori. 1880: actual title not confirmed: no copy located. Wellington: Printed by the Government Printer. 1880]

Physical details not known; no copy located. Description from Williams.




Translation of the Native Land Court Act, 1880 [lBBO, No. 38], No copy seen.' (Williams). The Act related to administrative procedures in the Native Land Court. For the Maori version of the Bill and additional information see no. 981.

Williams **sB6. No copy located.


Native Schools Sites Act 1880.

(Native School [sic] Sites. | [Royal Arms] | Ture mo nga Wahi Tuunga Kura Maori. | [rule] \ Whakawhaititanga. | [analysis: 2 sections. 7 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] \ [rule] \ He Ture hei hanga tikanga mo nga wahi tuunga kura Maori. | [22 lines] He mana i taia e George Didsbury, Kai-taa Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Poneke. [i.e. Wellington] -1880.

1 sheet ([l] p.); 277x207 mm. Printed by the Government Printer. Short title: ’Te Ture Whakarite Wahi Tuunga Kura Maori, 1880.',

Translation of the Native Schools Sites Act 1880 (1880, No. 50). The Act provided a mechanism for confirming Native School sites of less than 1 0 acres, where title had not yet been determined by the Native Land Court. The Bill (see no. 984 for a Maori version) was introduced by Rolleston in the House on 25 August 1880 and passed quickly through all stages by 27 August without debate or amendment. See no. 967 for comments on the format of the heading, which is the same in this item.

Williams 582. Copies: WTU (in MSX-5205).


Rabbit Nuisance Act 1880.

[Te Ture Raped. 1880: actual title not confirmed: no copy located. Wellington: Printed by the Government Printer. 1880]

Physical details not known; no copy located. Description from Williams. •Translation of the Rabbit Nuisance Act, 1880 [lBBO, No. 37], No copy seen.’ (Williams). The Act established district trustees empowered to eradicate rabbits.

Rabbits had been introduced by 1838 and became a major problem by the 1870s. The first legislation was passed in 1876 and ever-increasing powers were subsequently enacted (see no. 1006 and 1047). For further background see K. A. Wodzicki, Introduced mammals of New Zealand (Wellington, 1950). p. 107-141.

Williams * *585. No copy located.


Taomi-Ahuaturanga Land Act 1880.

[Te Ture mo Toanui-Ahu-o-Turanga.[ sic] 1880: actual title not confirmed: no copy located. Wellinqton: Printed by the Government Printer. 1880]

Physical details not Known; no copy located. Description from Williams.




'Translation of the Taonui-Ahuaturanga Land Act, 1880 [lBBO, Local Acts, No. I], No copy seen.’ (Williams), The Act revised the boundaries of two blocks in the northern Manawatu near Feilding and empowered the Native Land Court to investigate the titles and allocate affected land. For the Maori version of the Bill and additional information see no. 986.

Williams **s9o. No copy located.


Waikato Confiscated Lands Act 1880.

(Waikato Confiscated Lands. | [Royal Arms] | Nga Whenua Raupatu Waikato. | [rule] | Whakawhaititanga. | [analysis: 7 sections. 14 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule ] | [rule] | He Ture hei whakarite mo te whakanohonoho i etahi Maori i roto i | te Takiwa o Waikato. | [. . .] [He mea ta e George Didsbury Kai ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Poneke. [f.e. Wellington] [lBBo]]

1 sheet (2 p.); 337x207 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p, 2. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: ‘Te Ture mo nga Whenua Raupatu Waikato, 1880.'. Translation of the Waikato Confiscated Lands Act 1880 (1880, No. 40). The Act reopened offers of land grants from confiscated areas to Kingitanga ex'rebels'. For further background see A. Ward, A show of justice (Auckland, 1973), p. 285-286. The Bill (see no. 987 for a Maori version) was introduced by Bryce into the House on 14 July 1880 and passed all stages by 28 August with little debate. See no. 967 for comments on the format of the heading, which is the same in this item. The Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1880 (522/1880).

Williams 587 &. (S). Copies: WTU.


West Coast Settlement (North Island) Act 1880.

[Te Ture Whakatau mo te Tai Hauauru (Aotearoa). 1880; actual title not confirmed: no copy located. Wellington: Printed by the Government Printer, 1880]

Physical details not known; no copy located. Description from Williams. 'Translation of the West Coast Settlement (North Island) Act, 1880 [lBBO, No, 39]. No copy seen,' (Williams). The Act followed the West Coast Commission investigation of Taranaki land issues (no. 1020), with the main purpose of settling outstanding claims and grievances. For further background see H. Riseborough, Days of darkness (rev. ed.; Auckland, 2002), p. 123-126. Williams **sBB No mnv Ineared

975 NEW ZEALAND. Governor (1880-1882 ; Gordon)

Letter from the Governor. 22 December 1880, asking Te Whiti to meet him.

Whare o te Kawana, Poneke, Tihema 22, 1880. | E hoa e Te Whiti,— 1




Tena koe. He whakaaturanga tenei naku ki a koe, e noho mai na i te | wahi tawhiti o nga motu nei, me toku hiahia kia tutata mai koe ki ahau. | [46 lines] | Na to hoa. | Arthur Gordon, | Kawana. [no imprint. Wellington: Printed bv the Government Printer. 1880]

1 sheet ([l] p ); 330x210 mm.

A letter from recently-arrived Governor Sir Arthur Gordon to Te Whiti, inviting him to meet and discuss the grievances, which Te Whiti should put in writing in advance. The manuscript of the Maori translation (probably by T. W. Lewis) is at Archives New Zealand (MA 4/85, p. 733-738): the draft text in English was printed in AJHR. 1881, A-l, p. 21-22. For further background and the unsuccessful outcome of this move see H. Riseborough, Days of darkness (rev. ed.: Auckland, 2002), p. 133-139.

Williams 595. Copies: DUHO; WTU (photocopy).

976 NEW ZEALAND. Middle Island Native Land Purchase Commission

Interim report from Commissioners investigating South Island land purchases.

G.-7. 1 1880. | New Zealand. | [rule] \ Middle Island Native Land Purchase | Commission | (correspondence relative to). | [rule] | Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by command of His Excellency. | [rule] \ [. . .] [By authority: George Didsbury, Government Printer, Wellington,-1880.]

8 p.; 324x206 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 8, At end of text: ‘Price 6d.)’.

AJHR. 1880, G-7. Interim report in English (p. [l]-5) and Maori (p. 5-8) from T. H. Smith and F. E. Nairn, the two members of the Middle Island Native Land Purchase Commission, also called the 'Middle Island Commission' and the Smith-Nairn Commission, set up in 1879 to investigate the purchases of the Akaroa, Murihiku and Otago Blocks. This report summarises the work done so far and the frustrating administrative arrangements relating to the Commission, which Bryce suspended in April 1880 apparently due to lack of funds. The Commissioners eventually returned their commission in 1881 with a brief 'quasi' report setting out their opinions (see no. 1009). Evidence gathered by the Commission is at Archives New Zealand (MA 67/5/5). For a summary of the commissioners' work in the context of the eventual resolution of the iwi claims see New Zealand. Waitangi Tribunal, The Ngai Tahu report, 1991 (Wai 27) (3 v.; Wellington, 1991), v. 2, p. 958-961.

Copies: WTU (in bound vol., AJHR).

977 NEW ZEALAND. Native Minister

Letter, 4 October 1880. from Bryce to Wiremu Kmgi Te Matakatea. Letter from the Hon. Native Minister to Wiremu | Kingi Matakatea. | [double rule] | He pukapuka na te Paraihe, Minita mo te Taha Maori, ki a Wiremu | Kingi Matakatea. | [rule] | Poneke, Oketopa 4, 1880. | E hoa, e




Wiremu Kingi:- | Tena koe: kua tika i naianei kia whai kupu ruarua atu ahau ki a koe. | [. . .] [no imprint. Wellington: Printed by the Government Printer, 1880]

1 sheet ([2] p ); 322x204 mm. Caption title. English translation on verso, A letter in Maori and English from Native Minister Bryce to Taranaki chief Wi Klngi Te Matakatea, instructing him to assist the government and promote peace. Te Matakatea. a ploughman, had been arrested in 1879 and held in Dunedin jail; he was one of the prisoners released as part of the strategy for dealing with Te Whiti. The English text was printed in AJHR. 1881, G-7, p. 45. For further background see H. Riseborough, Days of darkness (rev. ed.: Auckland, 2002), p. 128-130.

The WTU copy is bound into a volume of 1876-1880 issues of the Kahiti following issue of 1 1 November 1880, with which it may have been distributed.

Copies: WTU.

Entries 978-987 are filed in alphabetical order of the English title.

978 NEW ZEALAND. Parliament

Fencing Bill 1880.

Kua whakaaetia tenei Pire e te Whare o Runga ka tukua atu inaianei | kite Whare o Raro kia mahia hoki ki reira. | Hurae 7, 1880. | (Fencing. 1 Taiepa. | [rate] | Whakawhaititanga. | [analysis: 40 clauses. 86 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] \ [rate] | He Pire e whakahuatia ana | He Ture hei whakahaere tikanga mo te hanga i nga | taiepa wehewehe. | [. . .] [He mana i whakahaua, i taia ai e Hori Titipere, Kai-taa Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Weringitana, [i.e. Wellington] 1880.]

9, [l] p.: 337x207 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 9. Page [lo] blank. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: 'Te Ture Taiepa, 1880.’.

Translation of the Fencing Bill 1880 (1880, No, 14) omitting the marginal notes and line numbers. It is slightly different from the Bill unsuccessfully introduced in 1879 (see no. 940). It was introduced by Whitaker in the Legislative Council on 2 June but subsequently lapsed in the House. It was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1880 (522/1880).

The WTU copy corresponds to the third version (No. 14-3) of the English text as transmitted from the Council on 7 July, recorded in the message at the head. A revised Bill introduced in 1881 was enacted (see no. 1001).

Copies: WTU.


Maori Prisoners Bill 1880.

(Maori Prisoners.) | Nga Herehere Maori. | [rule] | WhaKawhaititanga. | [analysis: 7 clauses. 19 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] | [ru/e] | He lure hei whakarite mo te pupuri roa ake ana mo tetahi takiwa | poto i etahi Maori e noho ana inaianei i roto inga [sic] whare-herehere | a te




Kuini. | [. . .] [He mana i whakaua, [sic] i taia ai e Hori Titipere, Kai-tai Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Weringitana, [i.e. Wellington] 1880.]

I sheet (2 p.); 337x207 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 2. Running title (p. 2): 'Ture mo nga Herehere Maori.'. Printed by the Government Printer

Short title: Te Ture mo nga Herehere Maori, 1880.'.

Translation of the Maori Prisoners Bill 1880 (1880, No. 92) omitting the marginal notes and line numbering. The Bill was introduced by Bryce in the House on 15 July 1880 and quickly passed through all stages by 23 July. The Bill was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1880 (522/I880), but no Maori version of the resulting Act (1880, No. 4) has been located. The Act provided for the further detention without trial of the ploughmen prisoners arrested in Taranaki. For further background see H. Riseborough. Days of darkness (rev. ed.; Auckland, 2002), p. 117-119.

Copies: WTU.


Maori Prisoners Detention Bill 1880.

(Maori Prisoners Detention. | Te Pupuritanga o nga Herehere Maori. | [rule] | He Ture hei whakamana i te pupuri i nga Herehere Maori mo tetahi | takiwa poto. | [l6 lines] \ [rule] \ He mana: i taia e George Didsbury Kai-taa pereh [i.e. Perehi] a te Kawanatanga Poneke. [i.e. Wellington] -1880.

1 sheet ([l] p.); 337x207 mm. Printed by the Government Printer. Short title: ‘Ture Pupuri i nga Herehere Maori, 1880.'.

Translation of the Maori Prisoners Detention Bill 1880 (1880 No. 107) omitting the analysis, marginal notes and line numbering. The Bill was introduced by Bryce in the House on 30 July 1880 and passed all stages by 4 August. Tawhai informed the House that the Bill had not yet been translated and printed ( NZPD , 1880, v. 37, p. 21-22) and the consequential haste probably explains the spelling errors in the copy seen. The Bill was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1880 (522/1880), but no Maori version of the resulting Act (1880, No. 6) has been identified. The Act provided that Maori arrested on or after 19 July between White Cliffs and Waitotara (Taranaki) were deemed to have been detained under the Maori Prisoners Act 1880 (no. 979). For further background see H. Riseborough, Days of darkness (rev. ed.; Auckland, 2002), p. 121-123.

Copies: WTU.


Native Land Court Bill 1880.

(Native Land Court | Kooti Whenua Maori. 1 [rule] | Whakawhaititanga. | [ analysis: 70 clauses, 159 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] \ [rule] | He Ture hei whakatikatika hei whakatopu hoki i nga Ture e tau | ana ki runga kite Kooti Whakawa Whenua Maori. | [. . .] | [He mana i whakahaua, i taia ai e Hori Titipere, Kai-taa Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Weringitana, [i.e. Wellington] 1880.]




9, [l] p ; 336x207 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 9. Page [lo] blank. Printed by the Government Printer.

Translation of the Native Land Court Bill 1880 (1880, No. 11) omitting the marginal notes and line numbering. The Bill was introduced in the Legislative Council by Whitaker on 3 June 1880 as one of several Bills intended to replace existing statutes affecting land owned by Maori (see NZPD. 1880, v. 35. p. 51-54). It passed all stages by 20 August, though the accompanying legislation failed (see no. 982-983, 985, 993). It was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1880 (522/1880). See no. **969 for the resulting Act in Maori.

Copies: WTU.


Native Lands Frauds Prevention Bill 1880.

Kua whakaaetia tenei Pire e te Whare o Runga ka tukua atu inaianei | kite Whare o Raro kia mahia hoki ki reira. | Hurae 8, 1880. | WaTkhiteia .) [sic] (Native Lands Frauds Prevention. | Arai mo te Hoko Tahae i nga Whenua Maori. | [rule] | Whakawhaititanga. | [analysis: 14 clauses. 18 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] | [rule] | He Pire e huaina ana | Te Ture hei arai mo te Hoko Tahae i nga Whenu [sic] Maori. | [. . .] [He mana i whakahaua, i taia ai e Hori Titipere, Kai-taa Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Weringitana, [i.e. Wellington] 1880.]

1 sheet (2 p.): 337x207 mm. Caption title. Colophon from p. 2. Printed by the Government Printer.

Translation of the Native Lands Frauds Prevention Bill 1880 (1880, No. 8) omitting the marginal notes. The Bill was introduced by Whitaker in the Legislative Council on 3 June 1880 with other related legislation (see no. 993) but eventually lapsed in the House. It was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1880 (522/1880).

The WTU copy corresponds to the third version of the English text (No. 8-3) as transmitted from the Council on 8 July 1880, recorded in the message at the head. A revised Bill introduced in 1881 was enacted (see no. 1004).

Copies: WTU.


Native Reserves Bill 1880.

Na te Whitaka.) (Native Reserves. | Kua whakaaetia tenei Pire e te Whare o Runga ka tukua atu inaianei | kite Whare o Rare kia mahia hoki ki reira, | Akuhata 5, 1880. | Whenua Rahui Maori. | [rule] \ Whakawhaititanga. | [analysis: 22 clauses. 47 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] 1 [rule] | He Pire i huaina | He lure hei hanga tikanga mo nga Whenua Rahui Maori. | [. . .] [He mana i whakahaua, i taia ai e Hori Titipere, Kai-taa Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Weringitana, [i.e. Wellington] 1880.]


Short title: ‘Te Tore arai mo te Hoko Tahae i nga Whenua Maori, 1880.'

Short title: ‘Te Ture Kooti Whenua Maori, 1880.’.



5. [l] p,; 340x210 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 5. Page [6] blank. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: 'Te Ture Whenua Rahui Maori. 1880.’

Translation of the Native Reserves Bill 1880 (1880, No. 10) omitting the marginal notes and line numbering. The Bill was introduced by Whitaka in the Legislative Council on 3 June 1880 with other related legislation (see no. 993) but was finally withdrawn in the House on 19 August. It was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1880 (522/1880).

The WTU copy corresponds to the fourth version of the English text (No. 10-4), as transmitted from the Council on 5 August 1880, recorded in the message at the head. A revised Bill was introduced in 1881 (no. 1011) and again in 1882 (no. **1053) when it was enacted (see no. 1005).

Copies: WTU.


Native Schools Sites Bill 1880.

(Native School [sic] Sites. | Ture mo nga Wahi Tuunga Kura Maori. | [rule] \ Whakawhaititanga, | [analysis: 2 clauses, 7 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] \ [rule] \ He Ture hei hanga tikanga mo nga wahi tuunga kura Maori. | [2l lines] Ho [sic, i.e. He] mana i whakaua i taia ai e Hori Titipere, Kai-tai Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Weringitana, [i.e. Wellington] 1880.

1 sheet ([l] p ): 277x207 mm. Printed by the Government Printer. Short title; ‘Te Ture Whakarite Wahi Tuunga Kura Maori, 1880.’.

Translation of the Native Schools Sites Bill 1880 (1880, No. 136) omitting the marginal notes. It was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1880 (522/I880). For the resulting Act in Maori and additional information see no. 970.

Copies: WTU.


Native Succession Bill 1880.

Na Te Whitika.) (Native Succession. | Kua whakaaetia tenei Pire e te Whare o Runga ka tukua atu inaianei | kite Whare o Raro kia mahia hoki ki reira. | Hurae 9, 1880. | Riwhi mo nga Maori e mate oha-aki kore ana. | [rule] | Whakawhaititanga. | [analysis: 9 clauses. 15 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] | [rule] | He Pire i huaina. 1 He Ture hei whakanui i te whakahaerenga o te mana o te Kooti | Whakawa Whenua Maori kia ahei ai te whakatu riwhi mo nga | tangata Maori e mate oha-aki kore ana. | [. . ,] [He mana i whakahaua, i taia ai e Hori Titipere, Kai-taa Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Weringitana, [i.e. Wellington] 1880.]

I sheet (2 p.); 337x207 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 2. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: ‘Te Tore Riwhi mo nga Maori e Mate Oha-aki Kore Ana. 1880.' Translation of the Native Succession Bill 1880 (1880, No. 9) omitting the marginal notes and line numbering. The Bill was introduced by Whitaker




(Whitika) in the Legislative Council on 3 June 1880 with other related legislation (see no. 993) but was finally withdrawn in the House on 19 August. It was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1880 (522/1880).

The WTU copy corresponds to the fifth version of the English text (No. 9-5), as transmitted from the Council on 9 July 1880, recorded in the message at the head, A revised Bill introduced in 1881 was enacted (see no. 1005).

Copies: WTU.


Taonui-Ahuaturanga Land Bill 1880.

Te Paraihe.) (Taonui-Ahuaturanga Bill. | Te Whenua o Taonui-Ahuaturanga. | [rule] | Whakawhaititanga. | [analysis: 5 clauses. 13 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] \ He Pire e huaina ana. | He Pire hei whakatikatika i tetahi o nga raina rohe o te wahi whenua o | Ahuaturanga e takoto ana i te Takiwa o Manawatu ki runga. ([...] [He mea ta e Hori Titipere i raro i te mana o te Kawanatanga o Nui Tireni, Poneke, [i.e. Wellington] 1880.]

1 sheet (2 p.); 334x206 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 2. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: Ture Whenua o Taonui-Ahuaturanga 1880.’.

Translation of the Taonui-Ahuaturanga Land Bill 1880 (1880, No. 16) omitting the marginal notes. The Bill was introduced in the House by Native Affairs Minister Bryce (Paraihe) on I June 1880 and passed all stages by 23 June without debate. It was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1880 (522/1880). For the resulting Act in Maori see no. **972.

Copies: WTU.


(Waikato) Confiscated Lands Bill 1880.

(Waikato Confiscated Lands. | Nga Whenua Raupatu (Waikato). | [rule] \ He Ture hei whakarite mo te whakanohonoho i etahi Maori i roto i | te Takiwa o Waikato. | [. . .] [He mea ta e George Didsbury Kai ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga. Poneke. [i.e. Wellington] [lBBo]]

I sheet (2 p.); 337x207 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 2. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: 'Te Ture mo nga Whenua Raupatu (Waikato), 1880.'.

Translation of the (Waikato) Confiscated Lands Bill 1880 (1880, No. 108) omitting the analysis, marginal notes and line numbering. The WTU copy incorporates amendments made to the original version of the Bill in English. It was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1880 (522/1880). For the resulting Act in Maori and additional information see no. 973.

Copies: WTU.




Entries 988-992 are filed in alphabetical order of the English title.

988 NEW ZEALAND. Parliament. House of Representatives.

Native Land Sales Bill 1880.

Te Paraihe.) (Native Land Sales. | Nga Hoko Whenua Maori. | [rule] \

Whakawhaititanga. | [ analysis: 37 clauses. 53 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] \ [rule] \ He Pire e huaina ana 1 He Ture hei whakamana I te Kawanatanga, mo te taha ki nga Maori, | kite tuku i o ratou whenua. | [. . .] [He mana i whakaua, [sic] i taia ai e Hori Titipere, Kai-tai Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Weringitana, [i.e. Wellington] 1880.]

6 p.; 337x207 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 6. Running title: 'Ture mo nga Hoko Whenua Maori.'. Printed by the Government Printer. Short title: Te Ture mo nga Hoko Whenua Maori, 1880.’

Translation of the Native Land Sales Bill 1880 (1880, No. 12) omitting the marginal notes and line numbering. The Bill was introduced by Bryce (Paraihe) in the House on 1 June 1880, but it subsequently lapsed due to opposition, especially from Maori members. It was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1880 (522/1880).

Copies: WTU.


Native Lands Contracts Act Validation Bill 1880.

Te Paraihe.) (Native Lands Contract [sic] Act Validation. 1 Ture Whakamama [sic] i etahi Whakaritenga Hoko | Whenua Maori. | [rule] \ Whakawhaititanga. | [analysis: 7 clauses. 12 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] \ [rule] | He Pire e huaina ana. | He Ture hei whakarite kia ahei ai te whiriwhiri i etahi hoko whenua | Maori kihai i tika i runga i te ture aua hokonga, hei whakatu- | turu i aua hoko e tika ana kia peratia. | [37 lines] \ [rule] \ He mea i whakahua, [sic] i taia ai e Hori Titipere, Kai-taa Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Weringtina, [sic, i.e. Wellington] 1880.

1 sheet ([l] p.); 337x207 mm. Printed by the Government Printer. Short title: 'Te Ture Whakamana 1 etahi Whakaritenga Hoko Whenua Maori, 1880."

Translation of the Native Lands Contracts Act Validation Bill 1880 (1880, No. 7) omitting the marginal notes and line numbering. The Bill was introduced by Bryce (Paraihe) in the House on 1 June 1880 but was withdrawn on 1 9 August, It was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1880 (522/1880).

Copies: WTU.


Native Lands Stamps Duties Bill 1880.

(Native Lands Stamps Duties. | Te Atikini, | Nga Utu Pane Kuini i Runga i nga Whenua | Maori. | [rule] | Whakawhaititanga. | [ analysis: 4 clauses. 7 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] \ [rule] | He Pire e huaina




ana. | He Ture hei whakatakoto i etahi utu Pane Kuini mo runga i nga | Hoko Whenua Maori. | [43 lines and I rule] \ [rule] | He mana i whakahaua. i tala ai e Hori Titipere, Kai-taa Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Weringitana, [i.e. Wellington] 1880.

1 sheet ([l] p ); 337x207 mm. Printed by the Government Printer. Short title: ‘Te Ture Utu Pane Kuini i Runga I nga Whenua Maori 1880,',

Translation of the Native Lands Stamps Duties Bill 1880 (1880, No. 6) omitting the marginal notes and line numbering. The Bill was introduced by Atkinson ('Atikini') in the House on 10 June 1880, but was withdrawn on 19 August. It was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1880 (522/1880)

Copies: WTU.


Native Lawsuits Bill 1880.

(Native Law Suits. | Ture mo nga Whakawa Maori, | [rule] \ Nga Tikanaa. ( [rule] | He Pire ko te ingoa | He Ture hei whakatakoto tikanga mo te whakatau i nga Whakawa | Maori kua timataria i roto i te Hupirimi Kooti. | [. . .] [no imprint. Wellington: Printed by the Government Printer, 1880]

1 sheet ([2] p.); 337x207 mm. Caption title. Short title: ‘Te Ture mo nga Whakawa Maori, 1880.’

Translation of the Native Lawsuits Bill 1880 (1880, No. 68) omitting the analysis, marginal notes and line numbering, A revival of the Bill of the previous year (no. 948). it was introduced by Allan McDonald in the House on 22 June but subsequently lapsed. It was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1880 (522/1880). ‘Nga Tikanaa’ in the heading varies from the usual presentation of McDonald's name in Bills: ‘Na Makitanara’.

Copies: WTU.


Standing Orders of the House of Representatives.

Ture Whakahaere Korero | me | nga tikanga mahi | a te | Whare i Pootitia, | mo nga | mahi a te katoa. | [wavy rule] | Niu Tireni. | By authority: G, Didsbury, Government Printer. | [rule] | 1880. [Wellington]

86, [2] p.; 167x108 mm.; greenish grey paper covers. Includes marginal notes. Pages [2] and [B7-88] blank. Table of contents CApiti’) p. 85-86. Caption title p, [3]: Ture Whakahaere Korero me | etehi atu meaTitle repeated within border on front cover.

Translation of the 1878 Standing Orders of the House of Representatives; 391 paragraphs in 22 sections. For further information on the history of Maori translations of Standing Orders see P. G. Parkinson, ‘Strangers in the House', Victoria University of Wellington law review, v. 32, no. 3 (August 2001), Supp. p. 1-60 (p, 9-13).

Williams 594, Bagnall 4157. Copies: AP, WTU,




993 NEW ZEALAND. Parliament. Legislative Council

Native Lands Acts Repeal Bill 1880.

Na Te Whitika.) (Native Land [sic] Acts Repeal. ) Whakakorenga i nga Ture Whenua Maori. 1 [rule] \ Whakawhaititanga. | [analysis: 3 clauses. 5 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] \ [rule] | He Pire I huaina | He ture hei whakakore i etahi Ture mo nga Whenua Maori. | [25 lines. I rule] \ [rule] \ He mana I whakahua [sic], i taia ai e Hori Titipere, Kai-taa Perehi a Te Kawanatanga, Weringitana, [ i.e. Wellington] 1879. [i.e. 1880]

1 sheet ([l] p.); 283x207 mm. Printed by the Government Printer. Colophon dated incorrectly

Short title; Te Ture Whakakore I nga Ture Whenua Maori, 1880.’

Translation of the Native Lands Acts Repeal Bill 1880 (1880, No. 1) omitting the marginal notes. It lists thirteen Acts to be repealed by four Bills introduced at the same time, of which only one was enacted (no. 981); the others (no. 982-983, 985) lapsed in the House. The Bill was introduced by Attorney General Whitaker (‘Whitika’) in the Legislative Council on 3 June 1880 and was referred to the Native Affairs Committee with the associated Bills but lapsed with them. It was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1880 (522/I880).

Copies: WTU.

994 WHITE, John (1826-1891)

Extracts from White's work The ancient history of the Maori.

G.-8. | 1880. | New Zealand. | [rule] | Legendary history of the Maoris | (extracts from a compilation of the). | [rule] | Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by command of His Excellency. | [rule] | [. . .] [By authority : George Didsbury, Government Printer, Wellington.-1880.]

31, [l] p.; geneal. tables; 324x206 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 31. Page [32] blank. At end of text: 'Price Is. 3d.)’.

AJHR. 1880, G-8. Introduction and 15 extracts from White’s The ancient history of the Maori, in English (p. 1-17) and Maori (p, I 7-30). The map of the North Island showing migration canoe routes (item 17 in the contents list) was apparently not included. The first three volumes of the work were published in 1887 (no. 1 199).

Williams 591. Copies: WTU (in bound vol., AJHR).

995 BIBLE. N.T. Maori. Selections, ca. 1881.

Seven illustrated cards with texts from the New Testament. [New Testament illustrated text cards] Mrs Grimke, Manchester [ca. 1881]

7 sheets; col. ill.; 76x 121 mm Six sheets in landscape format, one in portrait format. At foot of each card: 'Mrs. Grimke. Manchester. Maori.’. The lithographed sheets are bordered in red; text is in red and black, and illustrations coloured in red and gold.

Seven small cards with New Testament quotations in Maori, and illustrations of English woodland interest such as birds, flowers and sheep. The quotations




and first words of text on the cards seen are; John 3:16 (‘Koia ano te aroha o te Atua’): John 10:14-15 CKa mea a Ihu, ko ahau te hepara pai’); Matthew 1 1:28-29 CKa mea a Ihu. haere mai ki ahau’); Romans 6:23 (‘Ko nga utu hoki o te hara he mate’); John 3:7, 14-15 ('He mea tuturu tenei'); Luke 18:13 and 19:10 CE te Atua, tohungia ahau te tangata hara'); John 10:27-28 ('Ka mea a Ihu, e rongo ana aku hipi').

The dating of the cards is based on an article about Mrs Grimke’s activities, 'Scripture text cards' in Bible Society monthly reporter. I October 1881, p. 778-779. The article refers to her 'little book' The text-cards' story, but no copy of this has been located. The Foreign Translation Committee of the SPCK later agreed to promote the cards: 'Mrs Grimke, who had texts of scriptures in various languages printed on ornamental cards, asked the Committee to give them increased currency by putting them on the Society’s list. It was agreed to accede to Mrs Grimke’s request' (Minutes of meeting. 10 November 1884, in SPCK, Records 1786-1966, Cambridge University Library; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-Coll-20-2105).

Williams 794. Copies: WTU.

996 BULLER, Sir Walter Lawry (1838-1906)

Election circular from candidate for Foxton electorate, 30 November 1881. E hoa,— | Tena koe, te tangata whai pooti. Ko taku kupu tenei, kia kaha to haere mai i | te iwa o nga ra o Tihema kite hapai ake i ahau hei Mema mo te Paremata, he mea | kia ata rite ai te whakahaere mo te taha Pakeha mete taha Maori. [. . .] | [7 7 lines] | Heoi, kia marama to kawe i to ingoa ki te rarangi pooti moku. | Ka mutu. | Na to hoa, | na te Pura. | Noema 30, 1881. [no imprint. Wellington?; 1881]

1 sheet ([l] p.); 340x212 mm.

A political circular, probably printed in Wellington where Buller ('te Pura’) ran his legal practice. Buller asks Maori voters to support him as the candidate for the seat of Foxton in the general election of 9 December 1881. He was unsuccessful. For further background on his campaign see R. Galbreath, Walter Buller (Wellington, 1989). p. 135-137.

Sommerville 617 a. Copies: WTU.


Reprint of the small format Book of Common Prayer.

Te Pukapuka | o nga Inoi, | me era atu tikanga | a te Hahi o ingarani | mo te minitatanga | o nga hakarameta, | o era atu ritenga hoki a te Hahi: | me nga Waiata ano hoki a Rawiri; | mete tikanga | mo te motuhanga, | i te pihopa, i te piriti, i te rikona. | Ranana: [i.e. London] | I kiia tenei kia taia e te Komiti mo te Whakapuaki | i te Mohiotanga ki a te Karaiti. 1 [rti/e] | 1881.

xxviii, 474 p.; I 38x83 mm.; black cloth boards with blind tooling. Colophon p. [ii] (verso of title-page): 'London: | Gilbert and Rivington, Printers, | St. John's Square'. Binding on copy seen (WTU) is incomplete. Published by the SPCK ('te Komiti mo te Whakapuaki i te Mohiotanga ki a te Karaiti')



A further reprint of the 1878 new edition of the Anglican Book of Common Prayer (no. 909). Williams records 1,000 copies, the standard print run. The WTU copy has Himene (no. 1031) bound in.

Other issues and editions of the Anglican prayer book are listed at no. 19.

Williams 597 a. Copies: NLA, WTU,

998 DEIDIER, Xavier

Brief Maori grammar, written in French. Aime soit partout le Sacre-coeur de Jesus! | Notre Dame du Sacre-coeur priez pour nous! | [rule] | Precis grammatical | de la langue Maori | par | le P. X. Deidier | Missionnaire du Sacre-Coeur (d'lssoudun) | [double rule] | Propriete. | [ ornament] \ Barcelonne | Chez les Missionnaires | 1881. |

[rule] | Imp. Militar de los Sucesores de Oliveres, Ancha 58 y 60.-Barcelona.

[2], 25. [3] p.; 148x103 mm,; blue paper covers. Title from cover. Prelim, pages: 'Avant-propos'. Pages [26-28] blank.

Most acute accents on the cover are printed as grave accents: many typographic inconsistencies and errors in the text.

A brief Maori grammar written in French, with an introduction commenting on the similarities of the South Pacific dialects, ensuring understanding between Tongans and Maori, for example. Transliteration includes use of ‘b’ and'd', and ‘k'wai’ for 'koe', but omits 'wh'. Stressed syllables are marked. The text was presumably prepared to equip the three priests and two brothers from the Issoudun Missionaries of the Sacred Heart, who left Barcelona on 1 September 1881, for their work in Melanesia and Micronesia.

Copies: NLA; WTU (photocopy).

999 KO TE WHAKATAUNGA TENEI ote whakawa mo Opoho

Circular. 28 April 1881, about Native Land Court decision on Opoho Block. Ko te whakataunga tenei ote whakawa mo Opoho. | [swelled rule] | 1. Ko te rohe tuatahi, Arakaipaka, ko te Whakahoki, mau atu kite Kaha- | aTureia. | [paragraphs 2-17. 45 lines] | Heoi, | na Renata Kawepo, | na Paora Kaiwhata, | na Manaena Tini, | otira na te Komiti nui o Heretaunga. | Kihitu, Te Wairoa, ) Aperira 28, 1881. [no imprint. Wairoa?: 1881]

1 sheet ([l] p ); 330x214 mm. Possibly printed at the office of the Wairoa guardian newspaper, established in 1881.

A circular critical of a Native Land Court decision on the Opoho Block, northern Hawke's Bay, from Renata Kawepo and others representing the Maori Committee for Heretaunga. It is addressed to the government and recommends that no survey parties be sent in until the disagreements are sorted out by the people involved.

Sommerville 617b. Copies: WTU.



Entries 1000-1008 are filed in alphabetical order of the English title.


Dog Registration Act Amendment Act 1881. (The Dog Registration Act, 1881. | Niu Tireni. | [rule] \ [Royal Arms] | Te tau wha te kau ma rima o te kuinitanga o | Kuini Wikitoria. | [line of asterisks] | He Ture hei whakatika i "Te Ture Rehita Kuri, 1880.” | [23 lines] | [rule] | He mana I taia e George Didsbury, Kai-taa Perehi a te Kawanatanga.-Poneke. [i.e. Wellington] [lBBl]

1 sheet ([ 1 ] p.); 277x207 mm. (trimmed). Printed by the Government Printer (‘Kai-taa Perehi a te Kawanatanga’).

Short title: 'Te Ture Whakatika i te Ture Rehita Kuri, 1881.'.

Translation of the Dog Registration Act Amendment Act 1881 (1881, No. 32; 3 sections) omitting the Analysis. The Act empowered local authorities to fix dog registration fees between 5 and 10 shillings, with exemptions for dogs used in livestock management and rabbit destruction. The Bill was introduced by Colonial Secretary Thomas Dick in the House on 11 August and passed all stages by 15 September. No Maori version of the Bill has been identified. Williams 607. Copies: WTU.


Fencing Act 1881.

Fencing Act. | [rule] | Niu Tireni. | [rule] | [Royal Arms] | Te tau wha te kau ma rima o te kuinitanga o | Kuini Wikitoria. | [line of asterisks] | Whakawhaititanga. | [analysis: 43 sections. 94 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] \ [rule] | He Ture hei whakahaere tikanga mo te hanga i nga | taiepa wehewehe. | [. . .] [He mana i whakahaua, i taia ai e Hori Titipere, Kai-taa Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Weringitana [i.e. Wellington] -1881.]

11, [l] p.; 282x207 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 11. Page [l2] blank. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title; 'Te Ture Taiepa, 1881’.

Translation of the Fencing Act 1881 (1881. No. 28) which regulated the erection and maintenance of fences, including specific definitions of a 'sufficient fence', and made special provisions for land owned by Maori. A Fencing Bill had been introduced, without success, in 1879 (no. 940) and 1880 (no. 978). The 1881 Bill was introduced by Bryce in the House on 28 July and passed all stages by 15 September. Bryce described it as: 'simply a reprint of the Bill which came down to this House from the Legislative Council last session and was then read a second time although it did not become law' (NZPD . v. 39. p. 451). It is therefore probable that no new Maori version of the Bill was produced in 1881. The Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1881 (522/188 I).

Williams 608. Copies: WTU.




Sections I and 17-25 from the Licensing Act 1881.

Clauses in Licensing Act. | [rule] | Niu Tireni. | [rule] | [Royal Arms] \ Te tau wha te kau ma rima o te kuinitanga o | Kuini Wikitoria. | [line of asterisks] | Whakawhaititanga. | [analysis: sections 17-25. 38 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] | [rule] | He Ture hei whakakotahi hei

whakatikatika i nga Ture Whakahaere | i te Hoko Waipiro. | [. . .] [He mana i whakahaua i Ta ai e Hori Titipere, Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga. Weringitana [i.e. Wellington] -1881.]

1 folded sheet (3, [l] p ); 282x207 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 3. Page [4] blank. Running title: 'Ture Raihana Waipiro.'. Printed by the Government Primer.

Short title; 'Te Ture Raihana Waipiro, 1881'.

Translation of sections 1 and 17-25 of the Licensing Act 1881 (1881, No. 21). the part relating to Native Licensing Districts, which covered administrative arrangements that did not allow the sale or supply of liquor to Maori except for medicinal purposes. (The English version of the Act has 230 sections.) For further background see M. Hurt, Maori & alcohol (Wellington, 1999), p. 42-45.

The Bill was introduced by the Colonial Secretary Dick in the House on 1 4 June and passed through all stages after much discussion, including a 'Free Conference', on 15 September. No Maori version of the Bill (or extracts) has been located. The Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1881 (522/1881).

Williams 610. Copies: WTU.


Native Land Acts Amendment Act 1881.

Native Land Acts Amendment. | [rule] \ Niu Tireni. | [rule] \ [Royal Arms] \ Te tau wha te kau ma rima ote Kuinitanga o | Kuini Wikitoria. 1 [line of asterisks] | Whakawhaititanga. 1 [analysis; 9 sections, 27 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] | [rule] \ He Ture hei whakarite i etahi mea i mahue ki waho o nga Ture e pa | ana ki nga Whenua Maori. | [. . .] [He mana: i taia e George Didsbury Kai-taa Perehi a te Kawanatanga Poneke. [i.e. Wellington] -1881,]

1 folded sheet (3, [l] p ); 282x207 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 3. Page [4] blank. Running title: 'Whakatikatika i nga Ture Whenua Maori.'. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: Te Ture Whakatikatika i nga Ture Whenua Maori, 1881.'.

Translation of the Native Land Acts Amendment Act 1881 (1881, No. 18). The Act covered various administrative matters and also made particular provisions for the Mohaka and Waikare land (Hawke’s Bay) for which legislation had been repealed (see also no. 1055). The Bill (titled Native Land Division Bill 1881) was introduced by Whitaker in the Legislative Council on 8 September and passed all stages by 20 September, No Maori version of the Bill has been identified. The debate refers to at least 22 clauses in the original



Bill, but the Act has only nine sections. The Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1881 (522/1881). Williams **6 l 1, Sommerville 61 I. Copies: WTU.


Native Lands Frauds Prevention Act 1881.

Native Lands Frauds Prevention. | [rule] | Niu Tireni, | [rule] | [Royal Arms] | Te tau wha te kau ma rima o te kuinitanga o | Kuini Wikitoria. | [line of asterisks] \ Whakawhaititanga. | [ analysis: 25 sections. 57 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] | [rule] | He Ture hei arai mo te hoko tahae i nga whenua Maori. | [. . .] [He mana whakahaua, i taia ai e George Didsbury, Kai-taa Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Poneke, [i.e. Wellington] 1881.]

1 folded sheet (4 p.); 282x207 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 4. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: Te Ture Arai mo te Hoko Tahae i nga Whenua Maori, 1881.’.

Translation of the Native Lands Frauds Prevention Act 1881 (1881, No. 17). The Act repealed and consolidated the Acts of 1870 and 1873 (see no. 752 and 790) and provided additional legal machinery. A Bill had been introduced, without success, in 1880 (no. 982). The 1881 Bill was introduced by Whitaker in the Legislative Council on 15 June and passed through all stages by 15 September. No Maori version of the 1881 Bill has been identified and the 1880 version may have been reused. The Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1881 (522/188 I).

Williams 605. Copies: WTU.


Native Succession Act 1881.

Native Succession. | [rule] | Niu Tireni. | [rule] \ [Royal Arms] \ Te tau wha te kau ma rima o te kuinitanga o | Kuini Wikitoria. | [line of asterisks] 1 Whakawhaititanga. | [analysis: 10 sections. 16 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] | [rule] | He ture hei whakanui i te whakahaerenga o te mana o te Kooti | Whakawa Whenua Maori kia ahei ai te whakatu riwhi mo nga | tangata Maori e mate oha-aki kore ana. | Notemea e pai ana kia hanga he tikanga e kitea ai he riwhi- | tanga ki nga whenua [. . .] | [. . .] [He mana i whakahaua, i taia ai e George Didsbury, Kai-taa Perehi a Te Kawanatanga, Poneke. [i.e Wellington] -1881.]

1 sheet (2 p); 282x207 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 2. Running title: ’Riwhi mo nga Maori e mate oha-aki kore ana.'. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: 'Te Ture Riwhi mo nga Maori e Mate Oha-aki Kore ana, 1881.'.

Translation of the Native Succession Act 1881 (1881, No. 16). The Act extended the jurisdiction of the Native Land Court to the estates of intestate deceased Maori. The same Bill had been introduced, without success, in 1880 (see no. 985). The 1881 Bill was introduced by Whitaker in the Legislative Council on 15 June and passed all stages by 13 September. Although Ngatata



spoke on the second reading in the Legislative Council on 23 June, it is unlikely that a Maori version of the 1881 Bill was printed, and no copies have been identified. The Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1881 (522/1881).

Williams 604. Copies: WTU.


Rabbit Nuisance Act 1881.

Rabbit Nuisance. | [rule] | Niu Tireni. | [rule] \ [Royal Arms] | Te tau wha te kau ma rima o te kuinitanga o | Kuini Wikitoria. | [line of asterisks] | Whakawhaititanga. | [ analysis: 29 sections. 63 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] | [rule] | He Ture hei whakarite tikanga mo te whakangaro i nga rapeti. | (19 o Hepetema, 1881.) | [. . .] [He mana i whakahaua, i taia ai e George Didsbury, Kai-taa Perehi a Te Kawanata, Poneka. [sic] [i.e. Wellington] -1881.]

7. [l] p.: 282x207 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 7. Page [B] blank. Running title: 'Ture Rapeti.’. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: Te Jure Rapeti, 1881.’.

Translation of the Rabbit Nuisance Act 1881 (1881, No. 6) with an additional schedule of forms of notice referred to in sections 16,18 and 19. The Act repealed that of 1880 (no. **97 l) and provided for inspectors of non-urban areas who were to be funded by rating levies. The Bill was introduced by Rolleston in the House on 9 August and passed all stages by 13 September. No Maori version of the Bill has been identified. The Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1881 (522/I88I).

Williams 609. Copies: WTU.


Thermal-Springs Districts Act 1881.

Thermal Springs. | [rule] ) Niu Tireni. | [rule] \ [Royal Arms] \ Te tau wha te kau ma rima o te kuinitanga o | Kuini Wikitoria. | [line of asterisks] | Whakawhaititanga. | [analysis: 14 sections. 30 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] \ [rule] | He Ture hei hanga tikanga mo te whakanohonoho kainga ki nga | Takiwa Ngawha o te Koroni. )[...] [He mana i whakahaua i taia ai e Hori Titipere, Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Weringitana [i.e. Wellington] -1881.]

I folded sheet (4) p.; 282x207 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 4. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: 'Te Ture mo nga Takiwa Ngawha, 1881.’.

Translation of the Thermal-Springs Districts Act 1881 (1881, No. 20). The Act designated a lease arrangement over an area to support development of a spa town at Rotorua, ratifing an agreement reached with Ngati Whakaue. For further background see Bateman New Zealand historical atlas (Auckland, 1997), plate 85. The Bill (see no. * * 1012 for a Maori version) was introduced by Whitaker in the Legislative Council on 26 August and passed all stages by



13 September: for the main debate see NZPD. 1881, v. 40, p. 518-524. The Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1881 (522/1881).

Williams **6l2 & (S). Sommerville 612. Copies: WTU.


Wesf Coast Settlement Reserves Act 1881.

West Coast Settlement Reserves. | [rule] | Niu Tireni. | [rule] \ [Royal Arms] | Te tau wha te kau ma rima o te kuinitanga o | Kuini Wikitoria. | [line of asterisks] | Whakawhaititanga. | [ analysis: 19 sections. 35 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] | ]rule] | He Ture hei apiti ki “Te Ture Whakatau mo te Tai Hauauru | (Aotearoa), 1880" hei hanga tikanga mo te Whakahaere i nga | Rahui i whakaritea ma nga Maori i roto i te Takiwa Raupatu. | [. . .] [He mana i whakahaua, i taia ai e Hori Titipere, Kai-taa Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Weringitana. [i.e. Wellington] -1881.]

7, [l] p.; 282x207 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p, 7. Page [B] blank. Running title: ‘Nga Rahui kite Whakataunga o te Tai Hauauru.'. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title; ‘Te Ture mo nga Rahui kite Whakataunga o te Tai Hauauru, 1881.'.

Translation of the West Coast Settlement Reserves Act 1881 (1881, No. 19). The Act provided for the survey and subdivision of confiscated land in Taranaki in the interest of settlement. For further background see H. Riseborough, Days of darkness (rev. ed.; Auckland, 2002), p. 152-153. The Bill (see no. **lol3 for a Maori version) was introduced by Whitaker in the Legislative Council on 12 September 1881 and passed all stages by 20 September. The Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1881 (522/I881).

Williams 606. Copies: WTU.

1009 NEW ZEALAND. Middle Island Native Land Purchase


Report from Commissioners investigating South Island land purchases.

(Whakamaoritanga.) G.-6a. | 1881. | Niu Tireni. | [rule] | Translation of report of Middle Island Native Land | Purchase Commissioners | (G.-6, 1881). | [rule] | Nga Hoko Whenua Maori o Te Waipounamu, | (te whakatau a te Komihana.) | [rule] | I tukua ki nga Whare e rua o te Runanga Nui i runga i te Whakahau a te Kawana. | [rule] | [. . .] [I taia i runga i te mana o te Kawanatanga o Niu Tireni e George Didsbury, Kai-ta o te Kawanatanga, Poneke. [i.e. Wellington] [lBBl]]

5, [l] p.; 314x203 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 5. Page [6] blank. Signed p. 5 by 'te Neana' (F. E. Nairn) and 'te Mete' (T. H. Smith): dated 31 January 1881. Printed by the Government Printer.

AJHR, 1881, G-6a. Translation of AJHR. 1881, G-6. omitting the marginal notes and schedule. For the Commission's 1880 interim report in Maori and



additional information on this investigation into South Island land purchases see no. 976.

Williams 616. Copies: WTU (in bound vol., AJHR).

1010 NEW ZEALAND. Native Affairs Committee

Report on petition relating to land in Greymouth.

1. -2 a. I 1881. | New Zealand. | [rule] \ Native Affairs Committee. | Report on the petition of Ihaia Tainui and three | others. | Together with minutes of proceedings. | [rule] | Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by command of His Excellency. | [rule] ![...] [By authority: George Didsbury, Government Printer, Wellington.-1881.]

1 sheet (2 p.); 314x203 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 2.

AJHR, 1881, I-2a. Report of the Native Affairs Committee and minutes of proceedings of July 1881 on petition 164, in English and Maori. Ihaia Tainui (MHR for Southern Maori, 1879-1881) and three others sought individual titles to Greymouth land granted in 1879, which had not yet been subdivided.

The Committee recommended prompt action, but with protection for current occupants.

Copies: WTU (in bound vol., AJHR).

Entries 1011-*‘WI3 are filed in alphabetical order of the English title.

1011 NEW ZEALAND. Parliament

Native Reserves Bill 1881.

Te Whitaka.) (Native Reserves. | Kua whakaaetia tenei Pire e te Whare o Runga ka tukua atu inaianei | kite Whare o Raro kia mahia hoki ki reira. | Whare o Runga. | Hepetema 1, 1881. | Whenua Rahui Maori. | [rule] \ Whakawhaititanga. | [ analysis: 30 clauses. 83 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] \ [rule] | He Pire e huaina ana. | He Ture hei whakakotahi i nga Ture hei whakahaere i nga Whenua | Rahui Maori. | [. . .] [He mana i whakahaua, i taia ai e Hori Titipere, Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga,

Weringitana, [i.e Wellington] 1881.]

8 p.; 282x207 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 8. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: ‘Te Ture Whenua Rahui Maori. 1881.’.

Translation of the Native Reserves Bill 1881 (1881, No. 117) omitting the marginal notes and line numbering. The Bill was introduced by Whitaker (Whitaka) in the Legislative Council on 17 August but was eventually withdrawn in the House on 22 September, at the end of the session. The WTU copy corresponds to the text as transmitted from the Council on 1 September, recorded in the message at the head. It was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1881 (522/1881).

Legislation had first been introduced in 1880 (no. 983) and was eventually enacted on the third attempt in 1882, see no. **1053 (Bill) and no. 1044 (Act).

Sommerville 612b. Copies: WTU.




Thermal-Springs Districts Bill 1881.

[Thermal-Springs Districts Bill 1881; actual title not known; no copy located. Wellington: Printed by the Government Printer, 1881]

Physical details not known; no copy located. Description from secondary source.

Translation of the Thermal-Springs Districts Bill 1881, Although no copy has been located, the Speaker stated on 12 September 1881 that he ‘understood from the Clerk of the House that the Bill had been translated, printed in the Maori language and distributed among the Maori members . . . some weeks ago' (NZPD. 1881. v. 40, p. 520). For the resulting Act in Maori and additional information see no. 1007.

No copy located.


West Coast Settlements Reserves Bill 1881.

[West Coast Settlements Reserves Bill 1881; actual title not known; no copy located. Wellington: Printed by the Government Printer, 1881]

Physical details not known; no copy located. Description from secondary source.

Translation of the West Coast Settlements Reserves Bill 1881. Although no copy has been located, it is thought to have existed mainly because Maori MPs spoke in detail on it during the debate. During the debate in the House a question was asked as to whether the Bill had been translated into Maori and printed, to which Rolleston’s reply was that the Bill had passed through the Legislative Council 'and, he presumed, had been translated there’ ( NZPD. 1881, v. 40, p. 696). For the resulting Act in Maori and additional information see no. 1008.

No copy located.

Entries 1014-1018 are filed in alphabetical order of the English title.

1014 NEW ZEALAND. Parliament. House of Representatives.

Crown and Native Lands Rating Bill 1881.

(Crown and Native Lands Rating. | Reiti i nga Whenua o te Karauna me nga | Whenua Maori. | [rule] | Whakawhaititanga. | [arwfysts; 17 clauses. 47 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] \ [rule] | He Pire e huaina ana, | He Ture hei whakarite mo te utu reiti i runga i nga whenua o te 1 Karauna me nga whenua Maori. | [. . .] [He mana: i taia e George Didsbury Kai ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Poneke [i.e. Wellington] -1881.]

I folded sheet (4 p.); 282x207 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 4. Typographic errors in running title. Printed by the Government Printer,

Short title: ‘Te Ture Reiti i nga Whenua o te Karauna me nga Whenua Maori, 1881

Translation of the Crown and Native Lands Rating Bill 1881 (1881, No, 48)



omitting marginal notes, line numbering and Schedules (p. 5-24 of the English version). The Bill was introduced by Atkinson in the House on 23 June 1881 but was withdrawn on 16 September following strong opposition and lengthy debate. It was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1881 (522/1881). In 1882 a Bill of the same title was successfully enacted (see no. 1038).

Sommerville 612e. Copies: WTU.


Murihiku Native Reserve Grants Bill 1881.

(Murihiku Native Reserves Grants 1 Ta Taiaroa. 1 Nga Karaati mo nga Rahui Maori o Murihiku. | [rule] | He Pire ko te ingoa. | He Ture hei whakamana i te Kawana kite whakaputa Karauna | Karaati mo etahi Rahui kua wehea mo nga mea Maori i roto i | te Poraka Murihiku. | [. . .] [He mana i whakahaua, i taia ai e George Didsbury, Kai-taa Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Poneke. [i.e Wellington] -1881.]

1 sheet (2 p ); 283x207 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 2. Printed by the Government Printer,

Short title: 'Te Ture Karauna Karaati mo nga Rahul Maori o Murihiku, 1881.'.

Translation of the Murihiku Native Reserve Grants Bill 1881 (1881, No. 83) omitting the Analysis. This second attempt with the legislation was introduced by Taiaroa in the House on 13 July but the Bill was withdrawn on 22 September. It had first been introduced in 1879 (no. 947) and again in 1882 (no. 1058) and 1883, when it was finally enacted (no. 1079). The Bill was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1881 (522/1881).

Sommerville 612h. Copies: WTU.


Native Committees Empowering Bill 1881.

Native Committee [stc] Empowering Bill.) (Ta Tomoana. | Whakamana I nga Komiti Maori. | [rule] | He Ture hei whakamana I nga Komiti Maori ki te whakawa i nga | tautohe a nga Maori, mete whakahaere tikanga mo nga mate o te iwi | i roto i nga takiwa e panuitia ana. )[...] [He mana: i taia e George Didsbury, Kai-taa Perehi, a te Kawanatanga, Poneke. [i.e. Wellington] -1881]

1 folded sheet (3. [l] p.); 298x207 mm. (trimmed). Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 3. Page [4] blank. Printed by the Government Printer. Short title: 'Te Ture Whakamana i nga Komiti Maori, 1881.'.

Translation of the Native Committees Empowering Bill 1881 (1881. No. 110: also referred to as the Maori Committees Bill 1881) omitting the analysis, marginal notes and line numbering. The Bill was introduced by Tomoana in the House on 19 July but was withdrawn at the end of the session on 22 September, it was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1881 (522/I881).



In 1 882 the Bill was reintroduced (no. 1059), again unsuccessfully, but on the third attempt in 1883 it was enacted (no. **1080).

Sommerville 612g. Copies: WTU.


Native Land Act 1873 Amendment Bill 1881.

(Native Land Act 1873 Amendment. | Na Makitanara | Whakatikatika i “Te Ture Whenua Maori, 1873,” | [rule] | Whakawhaititanga. | [analysis: 7 clauses. 1 7 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] \ [rule] \ He Pire e huaina ana. | He Ture hei whakatikatika i “Te Ture Whenua Maori, 1873.” | [. . .] [He mea: Taa e George Didsbury, Kai-taa Perehi ate Kawanatanga,

Ponoke [sic] [i.e. Wellington] -1881.]

2 p.; 282x207 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 2. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: ‘Te Ture Whakatikatika 1881, I te Ture Whenua Maori, 1873.'.

Translation of Native Land Act 1873 Amendment Bill 1881 (1881, No. 118) omitting the marginal notes and line numbering. The Bill was introduced by Allan McDonald (‘Makitanara’) in the House on 6 July but progress was delayed while the translation was prepared. It was eventually withdrawn on 22 September at the end of the session. It was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1881 (522/I88I).

Sommerville 612f. Copies: WTU.


Waipawa Land Dispute Bill 1881.

Te Roretana.) (Waipawa Land Dispute, i Tautohe Whenua i Waipawa. | [rule] | Whakawhaititanga. | [analysis: 6 clauses, 12 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] \ [rule] | He Pire e huaina ana. | He Ture hei whakatika i te take ki etahi whenua i Waipawa i te | Takiwa Porowini o Haku Pei. | [. . .] [He mea i whakahua, i taia ai e Hori Titipere, Kai-taa Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Weringtina, [i.e. Wellington] 1881.]

I sheet (2 p.); 282x207 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 2. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: Te Ture mo te Tautohe Whenua i Waipawa, 1881.’.

Translation of the Waipawa Land Dispute Bill 1881 (1881, No. 130) omitting the marginal notes and line numbering. The Bill was introduced into the House by Rolleston ('te Roretana') on 5 September 1881, but was withdrawn near the end of the session on 16 September. Tomoana subsequently moved an adjournment so that the matter could be discussed in the House ( NZPD. 1881, v. 40, p. 736-741), It was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1881 (522/1881).

Sommerville 612 d, Copies: WTU.



1019 NEW ZEALAND. Parliament. Legislative Council.

Alienation of Land Bill 1881.

Na te Whitika.) (Alienation of Land. 1 Te Tuku Whenua. | [rule] | Whakawhaititanga, | [analysis: 5 clauses. 10 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] \ [rule] \ He Pire e huaina ana. | He Ture hei whakamama [sic] i nga tikanga tuku whenua. | [2B lines] | He mana: i whakahaua i taia ai e George Didsbury, Kai-taa Perehi a te Kawanatanga Poneke [i.e.

Wellington] -1881.

1 sheet ([l] p.); 283x207 mm. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: 'Te Ture Tuku Whenua, 1881.’.

Translation of the Alienation of Land Bill 1881 (1881, No. 51) omitting the marginal notes and line numbering. The Bill was introduced by Whitaker in the Legislative Council on 12 July, but lapsed after the Committee report. It was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1881 (522/1881).

Sommerville 612 c. Copies: WTU.

1020 NEW ZEALAND. West Coast Royal Commission

Report on causes of discontent among Maori in Taranaki.

G.-l. | 1881. | New Zealand. | [rule] \ Translation of West Coast Royal Commissioners’ reports | of 1880. | [rule] \ Whakamaoritanga o nga korero whakaatu o nga | Komihana | i Whakaturia e te Kawana i Raro i ”Te Ture Uiui mo nga Whenua i riro i te Rau- | patu, mete Whakawa mo nga Herehere Maori, 1879.” 1 [rule] \ Laid on the table of the House by the Hon. Mr. Hall, with leave of the House. 1 [rule] 1f...] [I taia i runga i te mana o te Kawanatanga o Niu Tireni e George Didsbury, Kai-ta o te Kawanatanga, Poneke. [ i.e. Wellington] [lBBl]]

37. [l] p.; 314x203 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 37. Page [3B] blank. Signed at end by William Fox (‘te Pokiha’) and Francis Dillon Bell ('te Pere’) and dated 5 August 1880. Printed by the Government Printer.

AJHR, 1881, G-1. A translation of the report of the West Coast Commission published in English in 1880 ( AJHR . 1880, G-2). The Royal Commission was set up under the Confiscated Land Inquiry and Maori Prisoners’ Trials Act 1879 (no. 936) to investigate the reasons for discontent among Taranaki Maori, especially concerning Ngati Ruanui land, that had resulted in the antigovernment resistance of Te Whiti and his supporters. For further background see H, Riseborough, Days of darkness (rev. ed.; Auckland, 2002), p. 103-112.

Copies: WTU (in bound vol., AJHR).

1021 He PUKAPUKA WHAKAAKO mo nga tamariki Maori

Reading lessons and Old Testament stories, for children.

He | pukapuka whakaako | mo nga | tamariki Maori. | [rule] | Napier: |

Dinwiddie, Walker & Co., Printers, Tennyson Street. 1 [rule] \ 1881.

[2], 22 p.; 179x124 mm.; stiffened grey paper covers. Prelim, pages: title-


1022 TANGATA. RENATA (D. 1887)

page (verso blank). Title repeated on front cover within an ornamental border.

A collection of graduated reading lessons for children (to p. 14). partly taken from Lady Martin's He pukapuka whakaako mo te kura (most recently published in 1870, no. 742), followed by Old Testament stories (p. 14-21): the Creation, Adam and Eve. Cain and Abel, the Flood, the Tower of Babel. The stories were first printed in Ko te hahi o namata in 1852 (no. 429). A fourstanza hymn ('He himene', first line ‘Tera te wahi pai,’) is on p. 22. Given the Anglican connections of much of the text, it may have been prepared by William Colenso.

Williams 602. Copies: AP, AR, DL, DUHO, NLA, WTU.

1022 TANGATA, Renata (d. 1887)

Account of visit to and consecration of St Barnabas Chapel. Norfolk Island. He korero | no te haere ki Nawhekairangi | (te kainga tuturu o nga kaikawe i te Kongo Pai ki | nga motu o Waenga-Moana, ki Meranihia.) | i te tau 1880, | i te wa o te whakatapunga o te Whare | Karakia whakamahara mo Pihopa | Patehana. | [swelled rule] | Na Rev. Renata Tangata. | Minita o Peria, Mangonui. | [swelled rule] \ Na te Pihopa o Akarana i mea kia taia ki te perehi. | [double rule ] 1 Akarana: [i.e. Auckland] | Na Wiremu Atikini i ta. | [rule] | 1881.

10 p.; 210x135 mm. Page [2] blank. Title set within a single rule border.

Printed by William Atkin.

An account by Tangata of his visit to Norfolk Island (‘Nawhekairangi’) in November-December iB6O for the consecration of St Barnabas Chapel, dedicated to the memory of J. C. Patteson, Bishop of Melanesia, who had been murdered in 1871.

Williams 603, Bagnall 5453. Copies: AP, WTU.


Sheet with three columns of Maori vocabulary.

New Zealand. | The native language. ![...] [no imprint, ca. 1882]

1 sheet ([l] p.); 351x240 mm. Printed in three columns. Title and physical details not confirmed; no copy located. Description from Williams.

Williams describes this publication as having three columns of text with a prefatory note signed ' Anglo-Maori’. He states the contents are: 'salutations and a vocabulary arranged under the heads “War, murder, &.C.,"

“Fortification," “Animals," “Birds,” “Elements,” “General names,” “Time,”

“Amusements,”; followed by a footnote on pronunciation.'. Williams's approximate date of publication has been followed.

Williams 631 (S). No copy located.


Catechism for children.

[ ornament ] | Katikihama | hei akoranga | ma te tamariki. | [ ornament] | No Nepia: [i.e. Napier] | Na te Haaringi i ta i tana whare perehi pukapuka. | 1882,


1026 COLENSO. WILLIAM (1811-1899)

11. [l] p.; 175x113 mm. Title within an ornamental border. Pages [2] and [l2] blank. Colophon p. II: 'Harding, Printer, Napier.'. Printed by Robert Coupland Harding.

An Anglican catechism of 56 numbered questions and answers for children. It is a heavily modified version of William Yate’s second catechism written in 1828 and first published in 1830. See no. 11 for further details and information on subsequent editions and collections of Church of England catechisms.

Williams 623. Copies: ABH, AP, AR. NLA. WTU.


Reprint of the small format Booh of Common Prayer.

Te Pukapuka | o nga Inoi, | me era atu tikanga | a te Hahi o Ingarani | mo te minitatanga | o nga hakarameta, 1 o era atu ritenga hoki a te Hahi; | me nga Waiata ano hoki a Rawiri; | mete tikanga | mo te motuhanga | i te pihopa, i te piriti, i te rikona. | Ranana: [i.e. London] | I kiia tenei kia taia e te Komiti mo te Whakapuaki | i te Mohiotanga ki a te Karaiti. | [rule] | 1882.

xxviii, 474 p.; 135x82 mm.; full black leather with blind tooling. Colophon p. [ii]: 'London: | Gilbert and Rivington, Limited, | St. John’s Square.’. Title on spine: ‘Maori | Prayer'. Published by the SPCK (‘te Komiti mo te Whakapuaki i te Mohiotanga ki a te Karaiti’).

A further reprint of the 1878 new edition of the Anglican Book of Common Prayer (no. 909) with corrections. Williams records 1,000 copies, the standard print run.

Other issues and editions of the Anglican prayer book are listed at no. 19.

Williams 619. Copies: NLA, WTU.

1026 COLENSO, William (1811-1899)

Further specimen entries from a never-completed dictionary.

G.-2. | 1882, | New Zealand. | [rule] \ Mr. Colenso’s Maori-English lexicon | (specimen of). | [rule] i Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by command of His Excellency. | [rule] | A | comprehensive dictionary | of the | New Zealand tongue, | including | [6 lines of description] \ [rule] \ Part 1.-Maori-English. | Part 11.-English-Maori 1 [rule] | “In magnis et voluisse sat est.” | Wellington. | By authority: George Didsbury, Government Printer. | [rule] | 1882.

20 p.; 314x203 mm. Page [2] blank. Printed in two columns separated by vertical rule.

AJHR, 1882, G-2. Further selected entries from Colenso’s never-completed dictionary; see no. 966 for the first sample and additional information. This specimen comprises randomly organised Maori-English entries (p. [3]-18) and a few English-Maori entries (p. 19-20). In 1898 the one completed section was published (no. 1505).

Williams 642. Copies: WTU (in bound vol., AJHR).



1027 CROWN GRANTS to natives, West Coast, North Island .

List of land grant recipients in Taranaki and Wellington regions. 1879/1882.

G.-8. | 1882. | New Zealand. | [rule] \ Crown grants to natives, West Coast, | North Island | (number of), issued. | [rule] | Return to an order of the House of Representatives, dated 31st May, 1882. | “That a return be laid before this House of the number of Crown grants issued to natives on the west coast of the | North Island during the last three years, with the name of the grantees, and specifying the number of these grants in | which the inalienability of the title has been removed by the Government."-(Mr.

Hutchison.) | [rule] | [. . .] [By authority: George Didsbury, Government Printer, Wellington.-1882.]

1 folded sheet (4 p ); 314x203 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 4. Text in four-column table format.

AJHR. 1882, G-8. List of several hundred Maori in the Taranaki and Wellington regions with details of the section, block and areas of land granted by the Crown between 1 June 1879 and 31 May 1882. The date of the grant and remarks on changes made to arrangements for lease and other restrictions are recorded.

Copies: WTU (in bound vol., AJHR).

1028 DESTITUTE NATIVES receiving aid from Government . . .

List of South Island Maori receiving government financial support.

G.-9. I 1882. I New Zealand. | [rule] | Destitute natives receiving aid from | Government in Middle Island | (list of names of). | [rule] \ Return to an Order of the House of Representatives, dated 14th June, 1882. | “That there be laid upon the table a return giving the names of all destitute natives receiving aid from Govern- | ment in the Middle Island.”-(Mr. Taiaroa.) | [rule] | [2l lines, mainly in 3 columns, and I rule] \ [rule] \ By authority: George Didsbury, Government Printer, Wellington.-1882.

I sheet ([l] p.); 314x203 mm.

AJHR. 1882, G-9. List dated II September 1882 signed by T. W. Lewis, Under-Secretary for Native Affairs, of 40 South Island Maori receiving Government financial support. It excludes Maori receiving Civil list pensions.

Copies: WTU (in bound vol., AJHR).

1029 GRACE, Thomas Samuel, junior (1850-1918)

Guide to the Old Testament.

He ara taki | kite | Kawenata Tawhito | e marama ai | etahi o nga tino kupu | o te Karaipiture. | Na | Rev. T. S. Grace, | Putiki, Whanganui. | [ publisher's device] | London: | Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge; | Northumberland Avenue, Charing Cross. [1882?]

[4], 74. [2] p.; 160 x 1 03 mm.: black cloth boards with blind and gold tooling. Prelim, pages; title-page and preface (verso blank). Pages [75-76] blank.



Colophon p. 74: 'Printed by William Clowes and Sons, Limited, | London and Beccles.'. Title on front cover: ‘Guide to the Old Testament | [rule] | Maori.'.

On verso of title-page: '(Guide to the Old Testament and explanation of its difficulties in Maori. For use in the various dioceses of New Zealand.)’.

A guide to the Old Testament in book-by-book comments, some with specific quotations and analysis. The date of publication is based on its inclusion in the SPCK annual report to 31 March 1883, p. 34 (in SPCK, Records 17861966, Cambridge University Library; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-Coll--20-2091). 1.000 copies printed.

Williams 627, Bagnall 2190. Copies: AP, AR. NLA, WTU.


Sketches of Christian church history to 1517.

Te korero whakatepe | o te | Hahi Karaitiana | o te timatanga mai | tae noa kite tau 1517. | He mea whakamaori i te reo Ingarihi | e 1 Rev. T. S. Grace, | Putiki, Whanganui | [publisher's device] | London; | Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, | Northumberland Avenue, Charing Cross. [1882?]

vi, [4], 99, [l] p.; map: 160x102 mm.; black cloth boards with blind and gold tooling. Pages [ii], [vii], [x], [loo] blank. Colophon p. 99: 'Printed by William Clowes and Sons, Limited, London and Beccles.'. On front cover: 'Sketches of church history | [rule] \ Maori.’.

Map on p. [viii]: ‘Map illustrating the history of the Church during the first six centuries' with a facing table of place names in English and Maori (p. [ix]): ‘Mapi whakaatu i te toronga haeretanga o te whakapono.'.

A Christian church history to 1517, prepared by Grace from an unidentified English original, possibly a work by James Craigie Robertson (see no. 599). The date of publication is based on its inclusion in the SPCK annual report to 31 March 1883, p, 34 (in SPCK, Records 1786-1966, Cambridge University Library; microfilm copy at WTU. Micro-MS-Coll-20-2091). 1,000 copies printed.

Williams 628, Bagnall 2191. Copies: AP, AR. NLA. WTU.


Small format edition of fifty-six Church of England hymns.

Himene. | [swelled rule] \ Himene 1. 1 1 Ko wai rate Atua? 1 Ko Ihowa ano,

| ko te Atua i homai nei | i tana tamaiti. | [. . .] [Printed at the 'Evening Herald' Gladstone Road, Gisborne. [lBB2?]]

[2], 20, [2] p.; 140x85 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 20. Printed in two columns separated by vertical rule. Prelim, pages and pages [2l-22] blank. Printed at the office of the Poverty Bay herald newspaper.

A new edition of 56 Anglican hymns for use with the small format Book of Common Prayer. It is the same collection as was first printed in 1876 (no. 854) and then by another Gisborne printer in 1878 (no. 910). The 1882 publication date follows Williams. Some copies at WTU are bound with the 1879 and 1881 reprinted prayer book (no. 928 and 997), suggesting publication may have been earlier or ongoing.

Williams 324. Copies: AP, DL, DUHO, NLA, WTU.



1032 KI NGA RANGATIRA MAORI kei Niu Tirani

Proposal for a scheme to manage land sales for the benefit of Maori. Ranana, 2n Akuhata, 1882. | Ki nga rangatira Maori kei Niu Tirani. | E pa ma, tena koutou, nga rangatira o te iwi. | I runga i te haere mai o Wiremi Reweti Parore, o Hakena | Parore, o Hirini Taiwhanga ki Ingarani, kua hoki ano te whakaaro o | te Pakeha o tawahi nei kite iwi Maori. .] [no imprint. London: 1882.]

7. [l] p.; 340x216 mm. Caption title. Page [B] blank. Text in Maori (p. (l]-3) and English (p, [4]-7).

Caption title to English text p. [4]: '(Translation.) | London, 2nd August, 1882. | To the chiefs of the native race in | New Zealand. | O! Our distinguished friends. Salutations! | [. , .]’.

A proposal signed (p. 7) by the Bishop of St Asaph (Joshua Hughes) and 20 others, including MPs and bankers. It proposes a way of managing land sales to the benefit of Maori by establishing a London-based company and was one response to a visit to England by three chiefs, led by Hirini Taiwhanga of Ngapuhi. Their intention was to present the Queen, as signatory to the Treaty of Waitangi, with a petition asking for help with outstanding grievances. They did not see the Queen and the scheme was rejected at a hui at Waitangi on 8 December 1882. For further background see C. Orange, The Treaty of Waitangi (Wellington, 1987), p. 205-210.

Copies: AP, AR; WTU (photocopy).

1032 a KO IE KORERO ote haerenga mai o Kiingi Tawhiao ki Akarana

Account of Tdwhiao’s visit to Auckland and Kaipara in January 1882. Ko te korero o te haerenga mai o Kiingi | Tawhiao ki Akarana. | [double rule] | Ko te ra tenei i taea ale te Kiingi ana | mahara, ko te 8 o Hanuera, 1882. | [. . .] [no imprint. Auckland?: 1882]

1 sheet ([2] p.); 415x265 mm. Text in four columns.

As part of a process of reconciliation following the Waikato War and an expressed desire for peace, in 1882 Tawhiao travelled by train to Auckland, where he received a civic welcome, and then to Kaipara. Popular enthusiasm for Tawhiao worried the Government; for further background see H. Riseborough, Days of darkness (rev. ed.; Auckland, 2002), p. 185-187. This account describes speeches and events associated with his trip and was probably produced by a newspaper.

Copies: WTU.

1033 MANIAPOTO, Rewi Manga (d. 1894)

Letter to Grey, 15 May 1882, supporting Tdwhiao’s proposal for a meeting. G.-4b. | 1882. | New Zealand. | [rule] | Letter from Rewi Maniopoto to Sir G. Grey. | [rule] | Laid on the table by Sir G. Grey, with the leave of the House. | [rule] \ [49 lines and I rule] | [rule] \ By authority: George Didsbury, Government Printer, Wellington.-1882.

I sheet ([l] p.); 314x203 mm.


1035 MARTIN, MARY ANN. LADY (1817-1884)

AJHR. 1882. G-4b. Letter in English and Maori dated 15 May 1882 from Rewi Maniapoto to Sir George Grey, asking him to present it to Parliament. It supports the proposal for a meeting in Auckland of Klngitanga representatives and the Government that was one of the outcomes of Tawhiao's hui (see no. 1062). It clarifies that only selected MPs were expected, not the whole Parliament.

Williams 640. Copies: WTU (in bound vol,, AJHR ).

1034 MAORI DEEDS of old private land purchases . . .

Records of claims relating to private land transactions with Maori 18151840.

Maori deeds | of | old private land purchases | in New Zealand, | from the year 1815 to 1840, with pre-emptive and | other claims. | (Copied from the originals.) | Together with a list of the | Old Land Claims, | and the | report of Mr. Commissioner F. Dillon Bell. | [Royal Arms] | Wellington: | By authority: George Didsbury, Government Printer, | [rule] | 1882.

xiv, 646 p.: 330x203 mm. Pages [ii], [iv], [vi], [432], [524], [624] blank.

Contents: Indexes (p.(v)-xiv); Part 1 Private Land Purchases (p. [IJ-430); Part 2 'Pre-emptive Claims' (p. [43l]-522); Part 3 ‘Old Land Claims referred to the Land Claims Commissioners' (p. [523J-622: in English); Part 4 ‘Report of the Land Claims Commissioner, Bth July, 1862 . . .’ (p. [623]-646; in English).

A compilation by H. H. Turton of deeds (omitting supporting evidence) relating to private land sales by Maori between 1815 and 1840 that had been the subject of claims submitted to court hearings. Many of the deeds and claims have accompanying translations in Maori, The full records of the claims are at Archives New Zealand.

See no. 911 for Turton's compilation of deeds relating to Crown purchases of land from Maori in the North Island, and further background information. In 1990 the works were published by the National Library of New Zealand in a microfiche edition of related texts.

Bagnall 5663. Copies: WTU.

1035 MARTIN, Mary Ann, Lady (1817-1884)

Outline of Scripture history.

He kohikohinga 1 no roto I | nga Karaipiture Tapu | no te hanganga | o te ao tae noa ki | te whanautanga o to tatou Ariki. | Na te Matenga. | I whakamaoritia e te Ahirikona Wirimu. | London: | Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, | Northumberland Avenue, Charing Cross, S.W.; | 43, Queen Victoria Street, E.C.; 48, Piccadilly. W.: | and 135, North Street, Brighton. [lBB2]

iv, I 18, [2] p.; 160x103 mm.; brown or bright blue cloth boards with black and gold tooling. Pages [ii] and [I 19-120] blank. Colophon p. 118: ‘Wyman and Sons, Printers, Great Queen Street. London.'. Title on front cover:

‘Outline | of | Scripture history. | [rule] | Maori version'.

Scripture history from the Creation to the birth of Christ, a translation by


1036 MAUNSELL, ROBERT (1801-1894)

Archdeacon William Leonard Williams (‘Ahirikona Wirimu') of Lady Martin’s Outline of Scripture history first published in London in 1876 (Bagnall 3403). The SPCK agreed to publish it on 10 October 1881 and copies were issued to the Bishops of Auckland and Waiapu on 13 November 1882, making 1882 the most likely publication date (Foreign Translation Committee Minutebooks 1841-1917, in SPCK Records 1786-1966, Cambridge University Library; microfilm copy at WTU Micro-MS-Coll-20-2105). The SPCK annual report to 31 March 1883 records 1.000 copies printed (Annual reports 1815-1952, in same archive; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-Coll-20-2091), It was reprinted in 1884? (no. 1 103).

Williams 600, Bagnall 3404. Copies: AP, AR, DUHO, NLA, WTU.

1036 MAUNSELL, Robert (1801-1894)

New printing ('third edition') of a Maori grammar.

Grammar | of the | New Zealand language | by | R. Maunsell, LL.D. |

Archdeacon of Auckland | Third edition | George Robertson | Melbourne, Sydney, and Adelaide | Auckland: N. G. Lennox (late E. Wayte) | MDCCCLXXXII

xvi, 162, [2] p,; 164x103 mm.; black cloth boards with blind and gold tooling. Pages [ii], [iv], [vi] blank, Colophon p. [l63]: 'Walker, May. and Co.,

Printers. 9 Mackillop-street, Melbourne.'. Title on spine: 'Grammar | of the [ N.Zealand | language'.

An edition printed in Australia of Maunsell's Maori grammar for English speakers. At end of text are ‘Testimonials to the first edition' (p. [l63]) and ‘List of publications relating to the Maori language and to New Zealand, on sale at N. G. Lennox's (late Wayte’s). 100 Queen-street, Auckland, N.Z.' (p. [l64]). Although identified as a third edition, the content is unchanged from previous issues, apart from replacing the 1862 preface with a brief ‘Preface to the third edition’ dated May 1882.

For additional background see no. 130, the first issue in parts, 18421843. For other issues see no. 567, 647, 704 and 1403.

Williams 624, Bagnall 3464. Copies: ABH, AR, DL, NLA, WTU.

Entries 1037-1051 are filed in alphabetical order of the English title.


Amnesty Act 1882.

(Amnesty Bill, [sic] 1 Niu Tireni. | [rule] \ [Royal Arms] | Te tau wha te kau ma ono o te kuinitanga o | Kuini Wikitoria. 1 [line of asterisks] I

Whakawhaititanga. | [ analysis: 8 sections, 15 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] | [rule] | He Ture hei whakamana i te Kawana kite panui murunga hara. | [. . .] [He mana i whakahaua, i taia ai e George Didsbury, Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Weringitana, [i.e. Wellington] 1882.]

1 sheet (2 p ); 270x210 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p, 2. Printed by the Government Printer (‘Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga').

Short title: 'Te Ture Muru Hara, 1882.'.



Translation of the Amnesty Act 1882 (1882, No. 70). The Act gave broad powers to the Governor to proclaim amnesties for offences carried out by Maori during previous ‘insurrections’, but excluding those in Taranaki covered by the West Coast Peace Preservation Act 1882 (no. 1051). The Bill was introduced by Bryce in the House on 29 August 1882 and passed all stages by 9 September. No Maori version of the Bill has been identified, but an explanation of it in Maori (referred to as 'Pire Murunga-hara') was printed in a supplement to Te Korimako (Apiti hi aTe Korimako, 1 4 September 1 882, p. 4). The Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1882 (522/1882).

Sommerville 632b, Copies: WGA (in collected vol.); WTU (photocopy).


Crown and Native Lands Rating Act 1882.

(Crown and Native Lands Rating. | Niu Tireni. | [rule] \ [Royal Amts] 1 Te tau wha te kau ma ono o te kuinitanga o | Kuini Wikitoria. | [line of asterisks] \ Whakawhaititanga. | [analysis: 18 sections. 49 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] \ [rule] | He Ture hei whakarite mo te utu reiti i runga i nga whenua o te 1 Karauna me na whenua Maori. | [. . .] [He mana i whakahaua, i taia ai e George Didsbury, Kai-taa Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Poneke [i.e Wellington] -1882.]

1 folded sheet (4 p.); 278x195 mm. (trimmed). Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 4. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: ‘Te Ture Reiti i nga Whenua o te Karauna me nga Whenua Maori, 1882.'.

Translation of the Crown and Native Lands Rating Act 1882 (1882, No. 41). The Act widened the categories of rateable Maori land and established a scheme for the Crown to guarantee payment of the Maori contribution. A redrafted version of the unsuccessful 1881 Bill (see no. 1014), it was introduced by Atkinson in the House on 6 July 1882 and passed all stages by 8 September. No Maori version of the 1881 Bill has been identified and was probably not published: in the final debate on 8 September Ngatata said that ‘the Native people are not acquainted with the provisions of this Bill’ (NZPD. 1882, v. 43, p. 868). The Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1882 (522/1882).

For background on the Act and its effects in practice see T. Bennion, Maori and rating law (Wellington, 1997), p. 15-25.

Williams 635. Copies: WGA (in collected vol.). WTU (in MSX-5205),


Doq Reqistration Act Amendment Act 1882.

(The Dog Registration Act Amendment, 1882. | Niu Tireni, | [rule] | [Royal Arms ) 1 Te tau wha te kau ma ono o te kuinitanga o | Kuini Wikiloria. | [line of asterisks] | He Ture hei whakatika i "Te Ture Rehita Kuri, 1880.” |

[. . .] [He mana i taia e George Didsbury, Kai-taa Perehi a te Kawanatanga.-Poneke, [i.e. Wellington] [lBB2]]



1 sheet (2 p): 278 x 1 95 mm. (trimmed). Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 2, At end of text: ‘2257)’, i.e, job number. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: Te Ture Whakatika i te Ture Rehita Kuri, 1882.'.

Translation of the Dog Registration Act Amendment Act 1882 (1882, No. 10) omitting the Analysis. The Act amended the 1 880 Act (no. 968) by giving local authorities discretionary powers to adjust fees. The Bill was introduced by Steward in the House on 31 May 1882 and passed all stages by 20 July. No Maori version of the Bill has been identified, and the Act itself was omitted from the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1882 (522/1882).

Williams 636. Copies: AP, WTU (in MSX-5205).


Indemnity Act 1882.

(Indemnity. | Niu Tireni. | [rule] \ [Royal Arms] \ Te tau wha te kau ma ono o te kuinitanga o | Kuini Wikitoria. | [line of asterisks] | Whakawhaititanga. | [analysts; 3 sections. 6 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] | [rule] | He Ture hei whakatika i etahi tangata mo nga mahi i mahia e ratou | i te Tai Hauauru o Te Aotearoa, Niu Tireni. | [. . .] [He mana i whakaua, i taia ai e Hori Titipere, Kai-tai Perehi a te Kawanatanga. Weringitana, [i.e.

Wellington] 1882.]

1 sheet (2 p.): 270x210 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 2. Running title: ‘Whakatika.’. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: Te Ture Whakatika, 1882.'.

Translation of the Indemnity Act 1882 (1882, No. 8). The Act indemnified those acting under the authority of the Government who adopted measures ‘in excess of legal powers’ at Parihaka. Taranaki, in November 1881. For further background on the Act see H. Riseborough, Days of darkness (rev. ed.; Auckland, 2002), p. 193. For background on events at Parihaka see New Zealand. Waitangi Tribunal, The Taranaki report: Kaupapa tuatahi (Wai 143) (Wellington, 1996), p. 199-243.

The Bill was introduced by Bryce in the House on 23 May and passed all stages by 22 June. No Maori version of the Bill has been identified. The Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1882 (522/1882).

Sommerville 632 c. Copies: WGA (in collected vol.); WTU (photocopy).


Sections 6-8 of the Licensing Act Amendment Act 1882.

(Clauses in the Licensing Act Amendment. | Niu Tireni. | [rtt/e] 1 [Royal Arms] | Te tau wha te kau ma ono o te kuinitanga o | Kuini Wikitoria. |

[line of asterisks] | Ko nga tekiona enei e whakatika ana i te tekiona te-kau-ma-iwa o | “Te Ture Raihana Waipiro, 1881| [29 lines] | [rule] \He mana i whakahaua i ta ai e Hori Titipere. Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Weringitana [i.e. Wellington] -1882.



1 sheet ([l] p ); 270x210 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: 'Te Ture Whakatikatika i te Ture Raihana Waipiro, 1882.’

Translation of sections 6-8 of the Licensing Act Amendment Act 1882 (1882, No. 63), printing only the sections relating to Native Licensing Districts and omitting the Analysis, long title, enacting words and commencement of the short title. The sections repealed the original section 19 and provided new arrangements for the election of Assessors. The complete English version of the Act has 18 sections. The Bill was introduced in the House by Dick on 31 May and was passed on 12 September, No Maori version of the Bill (or extracts) has been identified. This extract from the Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1882 (522/1882).

Sommerville 632 d. Copies: WGA (in collected vol.): WTU (photocopy).


Native Land Division Act 1882.

(Native Lands [sic] Division. | Niu Tireni. | [rule] \ [Royal Arms] | Te tau wha te kau ma ono o te kuinitanga o | Kuini Wikitoria. | [line of asterisks] | Whakawhaititanga. | [ analysis: 73 sections. 29 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] \ [rule] | He Ture hei whakarite wehewehenga mo nga whenua Maori. | (. . .] [Hemana [sic] i whakahaua, i taia ai e George Didsbury, Kai-taa Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Poneke. [i.e. Wellington] -1882.]

I folded sheet (4 p ); 278x195 mm. (trimmed). Caption title. Imprint from colophon p, 4. Running title: 'Wehewehe Whenua Maori,'. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: Te Ture Wehewehe Whenua Maori. 1882.’.

Translation of the Native Land Division Act 1882 (1882, No. 28). The Act covered administrative matters including procedures relating to the division of shares of Maori land. The Bill was introduced by Bryce in the House on 6 July and passed all stages by 5 September. No Maori version of the Bill has been identified. The Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1882 (522/I882).

Williams 637. Copies: WGA (in collected vol.), WTU (in MSX-5205).


Native Lands Acts Amendment Act 1882.

Native Land [sic] Acts Amendment.] | Niu Tireni. | [rule] \ [Royal Arms] \ Te tau wha te kau ma ono o te kuinitanga o | Kuini Wikitoria. | [line of asterisks] | Whakawhaititanga. | [analysis: 8 sections. 16 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] \ [rule] | He Ture hei whakatikatika i “Te Ture Kooti Whenua Maori. 1880,” | me etahi atu Ture mo runga i nga whenua Maori. | [. . .] [He mana i whakahaua, i tai e George Didsbury, Kai-taa Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Poneke. [i.e. Wellington] -1882.]

1 folded sheet (3, [l] p.); 278x195 mm. (trimmed). Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 3. Page [4] blank. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: 'Te Ture WhakatikatiKa i nga Tore Whenua Maori, 1882.'.



Translation of the Native Lands Acts Amendment Act 1882 (1882, No. 27) The Act established local Native Land Court land registries and provided for making orders for the registration of title and correction of errors where land claims had been heard and decided. The Bill was introduced by Bryce in the House on 3 August and passed all stages by 11 September. No Maori version of the Bill has been identified. The Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1882 (522/1882).

Williams 632. Copies: WGA (in collected vol.), WTU (in MSX-5205).


Native Reserves Act 1882.

(Native Reserves. | Niu Tireni | [rule] \ [Royal Arms] | Te tau wha te kau ma ono o te Kuinitanga o | Kuini Wikitoria. | [line of asterisks] | Whakawhaititanga. | [analysis: 53 sections, 88 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] | He Ture hei whakakotahi i nga Ture hei whakahaere i nga Whenua | Rahui Maori. ([...] [He mana i whakahaua, i taia ai e Hori Titipere, Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Weringitana, [i.e. Wellington] 1882.]

8 p.; 348x217 mm. (untrimmed). Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 8. Printed on two folded sheets tipped together. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: ‘Te Ture Whenua Rahui Maori, 1882.’.

Translation of the Native Reserves Act 1882 (1882, No. 52). The Act repealed five earlier Acts and consolidated the law for administration of reserves under the Public Trustee, but excluded the Taranaki land between White Cliffs and Waitotara that was confiscated in 1865. From the debates in Hansard ( NZPD. 1882, v. 41, p. 306), the Bill (see no. * * 1053) was substantially similar to one introduced unsuccessfully in the Legislative Council in 1881 (no. 1011). The 1882 Bill was introduced by Bryce in the House on 26 May and passed all stages by 8 September. The Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1882 (522/1882).

Williams 633. Copies: AP, WGA (in collected vol.), WTU.


Orakei Native Reserve Act 1882.

(Orakei Native Reserves, [st'c] | Niu Tireni. | [rule] | [Royal Arms ] | Te tau wha te kau ma ono o te kuinitanga o | Kuini Wikitoria. | [line of asterisks] \ Whakawhaititanga. | [ analysis: 3 sections, 7 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] \ [rule] | He Ture hei whakamana i nga tangata Maori no ratou te Rahui ! Maori i Orakei kite riihi i taua whenua. | [. . .] [He mana i whakahaua, i tai e George Didsbury, Kai-taa Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Poneke. [i.e. Wellington] -1882.]

2 p.: 270x210 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 2. Running title: ‘Whenua Rahui Maori i Orakei.'. Printed bv the Government Printer.

Short title: ‘Te Ture Whenua Rahui Maori i Orakei, 1882.'.



Translation of the Orakei Native Reserve Act 1882 (1882, Private Acts. No. 5) The Act enabled Paora Tuhaere (with the consent of 13 others) to lease 689 acres at Orakei, Auckland. For further background on Tuhaere and the land arrangements see New Zealand. Waitangi Tribunal. Report ... on the Orakei claim (Wai 9) (Wellington, 1987), p. 40-42. The Bill was introduced by Tawhai in the House on 15 June as a Public Bill but subsequently became a Private Bill and passed all stages by 9 September. The Bill was referred to as having been ‘advertised in the papers of the district’ iNZPD, 1882, v. 43, p. 160) but no Maori version of the Bill has been identified. The Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1882 (522/1882).

Sommerville 632e. Copies: WGA (in collected vol ); WTU (photocopy).


Sections 23-26 of the Public Works Act 1882.

(Clauses from Public Works Bill. 1 Niu Tireni | [rule] | [Royal Arms] | Te tau wha te kau ma ono o te Kuinitanga o | Kuini Wikitoria. | [line of asterisks] \ Ko nga tekihana enei o roto o te Pire [sic] mo nga Mahi Nunui e pa | ana ki te taha Maori. | Mana kite tango whenua Maori. | [. . .] [He mana i whakahaua, i tai e George Didsbury, Kai-taa Perehi a te Kawanatanga,

Poneke. [i.e. Wellington] -1882.]

1 sheet (2 p.); 270x220 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 2. Running title; 'Mahi Nunui.'. Short title not cited. Printed by the Government Printer.

Translation of sections 23-26 of the Public Works Act 1882 (1882, No. 37). omitting the usual preliminary matter of an Act. These sections comprise the part 'Power to take native lands' in the complete English version of the Act, which has 230 sections. The Bill, prepared by the Statute Revision Commission, was introduced in the House on 25 May and passed all stages by 6 September. No Maori version of the Bill (or extracts) has been identified. This extract from the Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1882 (522/1882).

Sommerville 632f. Copies: WGA (in collected vol.); WTU (photocopy).


Rabbit Nuisance Act 1882.

(Rabbit Nuisance. | Niu Tireni. | [rule] | [Royal Arms] ] Te tau wha te kau ma ono o te kuinitanga o | Kuini Wikitoria. | [line of asterisks] |

Whakawhaititanga. | [ analysis: 41 sections. 97 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] | He Ture hei whakahaere tikanga mo te whakangaro i nga Rapeti. | [. , .] [He mana i whakahaua, i tai e George Didsbury, Kai-taa Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Poneke, [i.e. Wellington] -1882.]

5. [l] p.; 285X190 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 5. Page [6] blank. Running title; 'Rapeti.'. Printed by the Government Printer,

Short title; 'Te Ture Rapeti, 1882.'.

Translation of the Rabbit Nuisance Act 1882 (1882, No. 66). The Act repealed



that of 1881 (no. 1006). It empowered inspectors to enter properties where owners had failed to take action and to destroy rabbits; owners were liable for the costs and properties could be sold to achieve this. The Bill was introduced by Richard Oliver in the Legislative Council on 24 August and passed all stages by 8 September. No Maori version of the Bill has been identified. The Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1882 (522/1882)

Sommerville 632g. Copies: WGA (in collected vol.); WTU (photocopy).


Rangipo-Murimotu Agreement Validation Act 1882.

(Rangipo-Murimotu Agreement Validation. | Niu Tireni. | [rule] \ [Royal Arms] | Te tau wha te kau ma ono o te kuinitanga o | Kuini Wikitoria. | [line of asterisks] | He Ture hei whakamama [sic] i tetahi whakaaetanga a te Krauna [sic] mo te Poraka o Rangipo- | Murimotu. | [33 lines] | [rule] \ He mana i taia e George Didsbury, Kai-taa Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Poneke. [i.e. Wellington] [lBB2]

1 sheet ([l] p.): 285x190 mm. Printed by the Government Printer,

Short title: ‘Te Ture Whakamana i te Whakaaetanga mo RangipoMurimotu 1882.’

Translation of the Rangipo-Murimotu Agreement Validation Act 1882 (1882, Local Acts, No. 12), omitting the Analysis and marginal notes. The Act validated agreements from 1874 and later for the lease of the RangipoMurimotu Block in the central North Island near Waiouru, The Bill was introduced by Bryce in the House on 29 August and passed all stages by 11 September. No Maori version of the Bill has been identified. The Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1882 (522/1882).

Sommerville 632 L Copies: WGA (in collected vol); WTU (photocopy).


Te Aroha Township Act 1882.

(Te Aroha Township. | Niu Tireni. | [rufe] | [Royal Arms] | Te tau wha te kau ma ono o te kuinitanga o | Kuini Wikitoria. | [line of asterisks] \ Whakawhaititanga. | [analysis: J sections. 7 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] \ [rule] \ He Ture hei whakatau i nga tiriti i roto i Te Aroha taone hei huarahi | mo te katoa, hei whakarite hoki i tetahi wahi whenua hei tuunga | mo nga whare kawanatanga. | [. . .] [He mana i whakahaua. i taia ai e George Didsbury, Kai-taa Perehi a te Kawanatanga. Poneke [i.e. Wellington] -1882.]

1 sheet (2 p.); 285x190 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p.2. Running title: 'Te Aroha Taone.'. Printed by the Government Printer. Short title: ‘Te Ture mo Te Aroha Taone, 1882.’.

Translation of the Te Aroha Township Act 1882 (1882. Local Acts, No. 8). The Act endorsed the status of land identified for public use in Te Aroha, Waikato, and the powers to make decisions on its use, eg. for roads. The Bill was



introduced by Whitaker in the Legislative Council on 21 August and passed all stages by 5 September. No Maori version of the Bill has been located. The Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1882 (522/1882),

Sommerville 632 J. Copies: WGA (in collected vol.); WTU (photocopy).


Waikato Confiscated Lands Act 1882.

(Waikato Confiscated Land, [sic] | Niu Tireni. | [rule] \ [Royal Arms] | Te tau wha te kau ma ono o te kuinitanga o | Kuini Wikitoria. | [line of asterisks] | Whakawhaititanga. | [ana/ysis; 2 sections. 4 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] | [rule] | He Ture hei whakaroa atu i te wa hei tukunga Rahui ma nga Maori | I raro i “Te Ture Whenua Raupatu o Waikato, 1880.” | [8 lines] \ [rule] | He mana i taia e George Didsbury, Kai-taa Perehi a te Kawanatanga.-Poneke. [i.e. Wellington] [lBB2]

1 sheet ([l] p.): 285x190 mm. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: 'Te Ture Whenua Raupatu o Waikato, 1882.'

Translation of the Waikato Confiscated Lands Act 1882 (1882, No. 6). omitting the marginal notes. The Act extended provisions of the 1 880 Act (no. 973) for declaring reserves by two years. The Bill was introduced by Bryce in the House on 7 June and passed all stages by 28 June. No Maori version of the Bill has been located. The Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1882 (522/1882).

Sommerville 632h. Copies: WGA (in collected vol.); WTU (photocopy).


West Coast Peace Preservation Act 1882.

(West Coast Peace Preservation. | Niu Tireni. | [rule] \ [Royal Arms] \ Te tau wha te kau ma ono o te kuinitanga o | Kuini Wikitoria. 1 [line of asterisks] \ Whakawhaititanga. | [ analysis: 8 sections. 1 7 lines in two columns lines separated by vertical rule] | [rule] | He Ture hei hanga tikanga kia mau tonu te rangimarire ki roto | o te takiwa Tai Hauauru o tenei motu o te Koroni, ara o te | Aotearoa, Niu Tireni. | [. . .] [Ho [i.e. He] mana i whakaua i taia ai e Hori Titipere, Kai-tai Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Weringitana, [i.e.

Wellington] 1882.]

1 folded sheet (3, [l] p.): 277x195 mm. (trimmed). Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 3. Page [4] blank. Running title: 'Whakapumau i te Rangimarire o Te Tai Hauauru.’, Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: ‘Te Ture Wakapumau [sic] i te Rangimarire o Te Tai Hauauru, 1882.’.

Translation of the West Coast Peace Preservation Act 1882 (1882, No. 5) omitting the marginal notes. The Act provided for the detention of Te Whiti and Tohu, and for 12 months imprisonment of groups of more than 50 Maori on confiscated land in Taranaki who did not disperse when ordered. For further background see H. Riseborough, Days of darkness (rev. ed.; Auckland,



2002), p. 191-199. The Bill, also referred to as the Peace Preservation Bill, was introduced by Bryce in the House on 23 May and passed all stages by 22 June. No Maori version of the Bill has been identified and its provisions suggest it was unlikely to have been circulated for consultation. The Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1882 (522/1882).

Williams 634. Copies: WGA (in collected vol ), WTU (in MSX-5205).

**1052 NEW ZEALAND. Department of Education

Report on Native Schools.

[Akoranga; Nga Kura Maori. Wellington?: Printed by the Government

Printer?, 1882?]

14 p,; 345x215 mm. Physical details not confirmed; description from Williams.

Although no copy has been located, it seems clear from the details supplied by Williams that he saw a copy. He notes that it is a translation of AJHR. 1882, E-2, and ‘apparently the only occasion on which that report was so translated'. The English version was signed by James Pope as InspectorGeneral of Schools.

Williams 638. No copy located.

*‘1053 NEW ZEALAND. Parliament

Native Reserves Bill 1882.

[Natives Reserves Bill 1882; actual title not known: no copy located.

Wellington: Printed by the Government Printer, 1882]

Physical details not known; no copy located. Description from secondary source.

Translation of the Natives Reserves Bill 1882. Although no copy has been located, it is known to have existed from Te Wheoro’s reference to it during the lengthy debate in the House: 'This Bill has been translated into the Maori language, and the eyes of the Maori people have seen and read the Bill for themselves’ (NZPD. 1882, v.43, p. 506). For the resulting Act in Maori and additional information see no. 1044.

No copy located.

Entries 1054-1060 are filed in alphabetical order of the English title.

1054 NEW ZEALAND. Parliament. House of Representatives.

Greymouth Native Reserve Bill 1882.

(Greymouth Native Reserves, [sic] | Rahui Maori o Arahura (Greymouth). | [rule] | He Pire e huaina ana | He Ture hei whakarite tikanga whakahaere i te Rahui Maori o Arahura. | ]. . .] [no imprint. Wellington; Printed by the Government Printer, 1882]

1 sheet (2 p ): 287x200 mm Caption title.

Short title: ‘Te Tnre [i.e. Ture] Rahui Maori o Arahura, 1882.'.

Translation of the Greymouth Native Reserve Bill 1882 (1882. No. 183)



omitting the Analysis, marginal notes and line numbering. The Bill was introduced by Native Minister Bryce in the House on 29 August but was withdrawn on 12 September. It was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1882 (522/1882). In 1883 the provisions of this Bill were included in the South Island Native Reserves Act (see no. 1082), see NZPD. 1883, v. 46, p. 281, 282, 286.

Sommerville 632k. Copies: WGA (in collected vol.); WTU (photocopy).


Mohaka and Waikare Native Claims Settlement Bill 1882.

(Na Makitanara. | Whakatau take Maori ki Mohaka me Waikare. | [rule] | Whakawhaititanga. | He Pire e huaina ana | He Ture hei whakaoti i nga take a nga Maori kite whenua i roto i te Takiwa o | Mohaka o Waikare. |

[. . .] [He mea taa: e George Didsbury. Kai-taa Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Poneke. [i.e. Wellington] -1882.]

I sheet (2 p): 287x200 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 2. Running title; 'Whakatau take Maori ki Mohaka me Waikare.' Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: Te Ture whakatau take Maori i Mohaka me Waikare, 1882.'.

Translation of the Mohaka and Waikare Native Claims Settlement Bill 1882 (1882, No. 170) omitting the Analysis (although its heading is included), marginal notes and line numbering. It was introduced by Allan McDonald (Makitanara) in the House on 17 August 1882 but subsequently lapsed. It was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1882 (522/I882).

See also no. 1003 for earlier legislation.

Sommerville 632n. Copies: WGA (in collected vol.); WTU (photocopy).


Maori Representation Bill 1882.

(Maori Representation. | Mr. Hobbs. | Ture Whakatu Mema Maori. |

Whakawhaititanga. | [analysis: 15 clauses. 23 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] | [rule] | He Pire e huaina ana. 1 He Ture hei whakarite hou i nga tikanga mo nga kai-pooti mete | whakatu Mema mo te iwi Maori i roto i te Runanga Nui, [[...] [He mana i whakahaua, i taia ai e George Didsbury, Kai-taa Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Poneke. [i.e. Wellington] -1882.]

5, [l] p.; 287x200 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 5. Page [6] blank. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: Te Ture Whakatu Mema Maori, 1882.'.

Translation of the Maori Representation Bill 1882 (1882, No. 84) omitting the marginal notes and line numbering. The Bill was introduced by Hobbs in the House on 13 June but was withdrawn on 12 September. It was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1882 (522/1882).

Sommerville 6321. Copies: WGA (in collected vol.); WTU (photocopy).




Maori Representation Act 1867 Amendment Bill 1882.

Ta Taiaroa.) (Maori Representation Act 1867 Amendment. | Whakatikatika i Te Ture Whakatu Mema 1867 | Whakawhaititanga. | [rule] | He Rire [i.e.

Pire] ko te ingoa. | He Ture hei whakatika i "Te Ture Whakatu Mema Maori, 1867,” | me etahi atu Ture e whakatika ana i reira, a hei mahi ano kia pai | atu he ritenga mo te whakatu Mema mo te iwi Maori e noho ana | i Niu Tireni. | [36 lines] | [rule] | He mana: i taia e George Didsbury Kai ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Poneke [i.e Wellington] -1882.

I sheet ([l] p ): 287x200 mm. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: 'Te Ture Whakatikatika 1882, o te Ture Whakatu Mema Maori, 1867.’.

Translation of the Maori Representation Act 1867 Amendment Bill 1882 (1882, No. 123) omitting the Analysis, marginal notes and line numbers. The Bill was introduced by Taiaroa in the House on 29 June but was withdrawn on 12 September. It was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1882 (522/1882).

Sommerville 632 m. Copies: WGA (in collected vol.): WTU (photocopy).


Murihiku Native Reserves Grants Bill 1882.

(Murihiku Native Reserves Grants. | H. K. Taiaroa. | Nga Karaati mo nga Rahui Maori o Murihiku. | [rule] | He Pire ko te Ingoa. | He Ture hei whakamana i te Kawana kite whakaputa Karauna | Karaati mo etahi Rahui kua wehea mo nga mea Maori i roto i | te Poraka Murihiku. | [. . .] [He mana i whakahaua, i taia ai e George Didsbury, Kai-taa Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Poneke. [ i.e. Wellington] -1882.]

1 sheet (2 p); 287x200 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 2. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: 'Te Ture Karauna Karaati mo nga Rahui Maori o Murihiku, 1882.'.

Translation of the Murihiku Native Reserves Grants Bill 1882 (1882, No. 39) omitting the Analysis. The Bill was introduced by Taiaroa in the House on 25 May but was withdrawn on 12 September. It was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1882 (522/1882).

The Bill was first introduced in 1879 (no. 947) and reintroduced in 1881 (no. 1015). At the fourth attempt it was eventually enacted (see no. 1079).

Sommerville 6320. Copies: WGA (in collected vol.); WTU (photocopy).


Native Committees Empowering Bill 1882.

Native Committee [stc] Empowering Bill.) (Ta Tomoana. | Whakamana i nga Komiti Maori. | [rule] | He Ture hei whakamana i nga Komiti Maori ki te whakawa i nga | tautohe a nga Maori, mete whakahaere tikanga mo nga mate o te iwi | i roto i nga takiwa e panuitia ana. | [. . .] [He mana: i



taia e George Didsbury, Kai-taa Perehi, a te Kawanatanga, Poneke. [i.e. Wellington] -1882.]

1 folded sheet (3, [l] p.): 287x200 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 3. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: 'Te Ture Whakamana i nga Komiti Maori, 1882,'.

Translation of the Native Committees Empowering Bill 1882 (1882, No. 82) omitting the Analysis, marginal notes and line numbering. The Bill was introduced by Tomoana in the House on 15 June but eventually lapsed. It was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1882 (522/1882).

The same Bill had been introduced in 1881 (no. 1016) and another version was eventually enacted in 1883 (see no. **1080).

Sommerville 632 p. Copies: WGA (in collected vol.); WTU (photocopy).


Native Land Court Act 1880 Amendment Bill 1882.

Native Land Court Act 1880 Amendment.) (Na Maketanara. | He Pire e huaina ana. | He Ture hei whakatika i te “Ture Kooti Whenua Maori, 1880." | [. . .] [He mana i whakahaua i taia ai e Hori Titipere, Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Weringitana [i.e. Wellington] -1881. [i.e. 1882]]

1 folded sheet (4 p ); 287x200 mm. Imprint from colophon p. 4. Running title: 'Te Ture Whakatika, i Te Ture Kooti Whenua Maori, 1880.'. Correct date taken from the short title and the English version. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: Te Ture Whakatika 1882 i Te Ture Kooti Whenua Maori, 1880.'

Translation of the Native Land Court Act 1880 Amendment Bill 1882 (1882, No. 52) omitting the Analysis, marginal notes and line numbering. It was introduced by Allan McDonald ('Maketanara') in the House on 2 June but was withdrawn on 24 August. It was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1882 (522/1882).

Sommerville 632q. Copies: WGA (in collected vol.); WTU (photocopy).



Third edition of phrases and vocabularies with grammatical notes.

Korero Maori. | First lessons | in | Maori conversation. | By | a PakehaMaori. | Third edition. | New Zealand: | Published by G. T. Chapman, Bookseller and Stationer, | Queen Street, Auckland. [1882?]

40 p.; 164 x 106 mm. pale grey-brown paper covers. Running title: Te korero Maori.'. Title (omitting 'Published by' from imprint) repeated on front cover within double border. A list, 'Chapman's New Zealand publications', on the back cover. Dated from the final number ('1882') in sequence on p. 15.

Third edition of a collection of conversational phrases and vocabularies with brief grammatical notes, revised from the 1875 and 1878 editions (no. 842 and 915). For later editions, which vary in content, see no. 1165, 1534, and Bagnall K458-K461.

Williams 413 & (S), Bagnall 3031. Copies: ABH, AP, AR, DL, NLA. WTU.


1062 •



TE WHEORO, Wiremu Te Morehu Maipapa (d. 1895)

G.-4. | 1882. | New Zealand. | [rule] | Letter from Major Te Wheoro, M.H.R., to the Speaker, | forwarding proposals from Tawhiao. | [rule] | Laid on the table with the leave of the House, 26th May, 1882. | [rule] | [. . .]

[By authority: George Didsbury, Government Printer. Wellington -1882.]

I sheet (2 p.); 314x203 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 2.

AJHR, 1882, G-4. Te Wheoro’s letter explains the personal context in which he forwards Tawhiao’s proposals for reconciling differences between the Klngitanga and the Government; both texts are in English and Maori. The proposals were the outcome of a meeting held at Whatiwhatihoe (near Pirongia) in May 1882, a full report of which was published (in English) as AJHR, 1882, G-4a. For additional background see K. Sinclair. Kinds of peace (Auckland, 1991), p. 59-60.

Williams 639. Copies: WTU (in bound vol., AJHR).


WAHAWAHA, Rapata (d. 1897)

Two addresses on the revival of church life delivered in 1881 and 1882. He whakaaturanga | i nga kupu | korero o te hui | i tu kite | Kawa Kawa, Wahi o Waiapu, | i Te Rawhiti, i hui nei i te | 20 o nga ra o Hurae, | 1882. | [rule] | Printed by Webb and Mogridge, Peel Street, Gisborne. [lBB2]

[2], 9, [l] p.; 213x134 mm. Prelim, pages: title-page (verso blank). Page [lo] blank.

Two addresses by Major Wahawaha on the revival of church life, one given at Waiomatatini, 31 March 1881, and the other at Te Kawakawa, East Cape, 20 July 1882, at the reopening of St Stephen’s Church. On p, 9 is a list of donations.

Williams 629, Bagnall 4918. Copies: WTU.


WILBERFORCE, Samuel (1805-1873)

New edition of 'Agathos'. a story for children.

AEAOO'S [i.e. Agathos] | [swelled rule] | Ko te ritenga o te ingoa nei. | ko | te tangata pai. | [ornamental rule] | Na | Samuel Wilberforce, M.A., 1 tuhi kite reo Pakeha | a | ko te whakamaoritanga tenei o aua korero, | Poneke, [i.e. Wellington] Noema, | 1882.

1 2 p.; 171x110 mm. (untrimmed). Page [2] blank. Caption title and running title: 'Akatohe.'. Printer not identified.

A new printing of the translation of the children's story 'Agathos'. For the previous issues see no. 190 and 402.

Williams 626 & (S), Sommerville 626 a, Bagnall 6061. Copies: AP, AR, DUHO, NLA, WTU.


Letter forwarding proposals from Tdwhiao for reconciling differences.




WILLIAMS, William Leonard (1829-1916)

Third edition of an introductory Maori grammar and vocabulary. First lessons | in the | Maori language | of New Zealand; | with a | short vocabulary | by | W. L. Williams, B.A. | [rule] | Williams and Norgate, | 14, Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, London; | and 20, South Frederick Street, Edinburgh. | Upton & Co., Auckland, N.Z. | [rule] 1 1882.

[2], 97. [l], xii p.; 168x115 mm.; blue-green cloth boards. Prelim, pages: title-page with colophon on verso: 'London: | G. Norman and Son. Printers, Hart Street, | Covent Garden.’ Page [9B] blank. Text on p. [7o]-97 in two columns separated by vertical rule. Title on cover: 'Lessons in Maori | [swelled rule] | Williams'.

The third edition of a work first published in 1862 (no. 593): the text is reprinted from the 1871 second edition (no. 769) with some revision and expansion.

Williams notes the following variant, which has not been located;


with blue-green stiffened paper covers: title repeated on front

cover. Apart from the variant binding, this issue is the same as described above.

For later editions see no. 1420, 1481, and Bagnall W1332-W1338.

Williams 625, Bagnall 6102. Copies: AP (variant 1066.1), AR, NLA. WTU.

not used



BROMLEY, William Michael (1839-191 1)

Religious message from a Mormon missionary.

Ko nga korerohari | mo te | [in ornamental display box:] haringa nui. | He mea tuku e hau tenei hai korero ma nga Maori | Wiremu M. Brlmley. [i.e. Bromley] | “E matau ana ranei koe e te tangata kuare ko te whakapono, ki te kore he | mahi he mea mate.” Hemi. 11., 20. | [rule] | [. . .] [E. H.

Fail, Printer, Karangahape Road, Auckland, [ca. 1883]]

1 folded sheet (4 p.); ca.. 225x135 mm. (original not seen). Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 4. Error in author's name corrected by hand. At end of text: Na ku i whaka maori | Pepene E. Ketone.' [i.e. Eketone], Spelling errors and some typographic variations due to shortage of letters, e.g. Roman •k’.

Religious text concerning faith in God and Christ, repentance, baptism etc., consisting largely of scriptural quotations or paraphrases with references. William Bromley was head of the New Zealand Mormon mission 1881-1883, though the leaflet includes no specific reference to the church. The translator was Pepene Eketone (1855/56?-1933; see DNZB, v. 3. p. 147-149).

Printer Edward H. Fail was active in Auckland from 1883 to 1886 (subsequently at Dargaville) and dating is based on this. However, B. W. Hunt, Zion in New Zealand (Temple View. 1977), p. 23 and f.n. 2, refers to 2,000 copies of a tract being printed in 1881 or 1882 which outlined the principles of the Church. It has not been possible to confirm whether Hunt's




reference is to another earlier tract in Maori, or whether it is to this pamphlet, which was therefore actually printed earlier than 1883.

Copies: WTU (photocopy).



Large format edition of the Book of Common Prayer.

Te Pukapuka | o nga Inoi, | me era atu tikanga | a te Hahi o Ingarani | mo te minitatanga | o nga hakarameta | o era atu ritenga hoki a te Hahi; | me nga Waiata ano hoki a Rawiri; | mete tikanga | mo te motuhanga | I te pihopa, I te piriti, i te rikona. i [double rule] | Ranana: [i.e. London] | I kiia tenei kia tala e te Komiti mo te Whakapuaki | I te Mohiotanga ki a te Karaiti. | [rule] | 1883.

xxiii, [l], 459, [l] p., [l] leaf; 180x135 mm.; full black leather. Page [46o] blank. Leaf following p. [46o] (Table of prohibited degrees, verso blank) is tipped in; numbered ‘46o’ at foot of text in some copies. Colophon p. [ii]: Printed by | S. Straker and Sons, | London and Redhill.'. Text printed in two columns separated by vertical rule; all pages bordered with a single rule. Published by the SPCK (‘te Komiti mo te Whakapuaki i te Mohiotanga ki a te Karaiti’).

Some copies have blind tooling with SPCK device on covers. Gold-tooled title on spine: ‘Te Pukapuka o nga Inoi’; type and layout of this varies among copies seen

A large format edition of the Anglican prayer book, including the Thirty-nine Articles (p. 448-459), printed in large size type. Set from an uncorrected copy of the 1878 new version of the small format prayer book (no. 909), it has numerous typographic errors which were not corrected until the 1901 reprint (Sommerville 1015). One WTU copy has Ko nga hxmene (no. 854) tipped in. The Foreign Translation Committee agreed to an edition of 2,000 copies in order to reduce the unit cost (Minutes of meeting, 9 April 1883, in SPCK, Records 1786-1966, Cambridge University Library; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-Coll-20-2105).

Other issues and editions of the Anglican prayer book are listed at no. 19, Williams 646. Copies: AP, AR, DL, WTU.


Reprint of small format Book of Common Prayer.

Te Pukapuka | o nga Inoi, | me era atu tikanga | a te Hahi o Ingarani | mo te minitatanga | o nga hakarameta, | o era atu ritenga hoki a te Hahi; | me nga Waiata ano hoki a Rawiri; | mete tikanga | mo te motuhanga | I te pihopa, I te piriti, I te rikona. | Ranana: [i.e. London] 1 I kiia tenei kia tala e te Komiti mo te Whakapuaki | i te Mohiotanga ki a te Karaiti. | [rule] | 1883.

xxviii. 474, [2] p.; 137x82 mm.; full black leather. Colophon p, [ii]: 'London: | Printed by Gilbert and Rivington, Limited, | St. John’s Square.'. Pages [475476] blank. Gold-tooled title on spine: ‘Maori | prayer'. Published by the SPCK.

Binding style varies in WTU copies: two have blind tooling (one with SPCK device); one has brass-edged covers with clasp.




A further reprint of the small format Anglican prayer book in the new version first published in 1878 (no. 909). Other issues and editions of the Anglican prayer book are listed at no. 19.

Williams 647. Copies: AR, WTU.


The Thirty-nine Articles, with explanatory notes.

He Roherohenga 1 i whakaaetia e nga pihopa tumuaki, e nga pihopa o | nga wahanga e rua o Ingarani, e nga | minita katoa hoki, | i te Hinota i whakaminea ki Ranana i te tau 1562: he | mea kia whakarerea ai nga whakaaro rere ke, kia wha- | kapumautia ai hoki te whakaaro tahi ki nga mea o | te whakapono, o te karakia. | [wavy rule] | I. Mo te tokotoru tapu kia whakaponohia. [. . .] [no imprint. Gisborne?: ca. 1883]

16 p.; 144x90 mm. (untrimmed). Caption title.

A translation of the Thirty-nine Articles from the Anglican Book of Common Prayer, with explanatory notes, for insertion into small format prayer books (e.g. no. 1069). Although the setting is remarkably consistent with the version in the 1887 London prayer book (no. 1175), the place and date of publication is based on Williams's entry, and the existence of multiple untrimmed copies suggests it was produced in New Zealand. In 191 7H. W. Williams presented a copy to A. H. Turnbull, noting his uncertainty about its origins and regretting not asking his father (W. L. Williams) for details. The text is the same as in the 1883 large format prayer book (no. 1068), but there were some differences when it was first included formally as part of the small format prayer book in 1887 (no. 1175).

Williams 648 & (S). Copies: AP, NLA, WTU.


DAVIS, Charles Oliver Bond (1817/187-1887)

Fifteen hymns.

Maori hymn book. | [ornamental rule] | A collection | of | hymns | in the | Maori language | set to European 1 tunes and airs, 1 by C. O. Davis. | [rule] | Opotiki: | Guardian General Printing Office. | 1883.

[2], 12, [2] p.; 123x92 mm.; greenish-grey paper covers. Title from cover; set inside ornamental border. Prelim, pages blank; pages [l3-14] blank. Caption title p. [l]: 'He himene. Mo nga karakia Maori.'.

A collection of fifteen short hymns in Maori with tunes indicated.

Williams 650 a. Copies: WTU.


The HIMATANGI back rents . . .

Petition and report on outstandinq rent payments on Manawatu land.

(No. 3. | 1883. | Legislative Council. | [rule] | The Himatangi back rents | (petition of Rairi Rangiheuea and others relative to), together with report | thereon by the Native Affairs Committee. | [rule] | Brought up 30th August, 1883, and ordered to be printed. | [rule] | [. . .] [By authority: George Didsbury, Government Printer, Wellington.-1883.]




1 folded sheet (3, [l] p.); 306x208 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p, 3. Page [4] blank.

AJLC. 1883, No. 3. Petition and report in English and Maori. The petition is signed by Rairi [sic, i.e. Roiri] Rangiheuea and three others on behalf of Ngati Turangi, Ngati Rakau and Ngati Te Au hapu to whom ownership of the Himatangi Block (Manawatu) had been returned. This was their fourth petition seeking reimbursement as promised of past rent payments and interest. The report recommends that the government pay all the accrued rents and interest and take a liberal approach to paying the petitioners’ costs. See AJLC, 1882, No. 14, and 1881, No, 3, for further background on the transactions.

Copies: WTU (in bound vol. ,JLQ.


He HIMENE mo te karakia kite Atua

Collection of 172 Anglican hymns.

He | himene | mo te karakia | kite Atua. 1 [Sf George's cross] \ Nepia: [i.e.

Napier] | Na te Haaringi i ta ki tona Whare | Perehi Pukapuka. | 1883.

vii, [l], 136 p.; 133x84 mm.; brown paper covers (blank) or blue-green or red cloth boards. Title-page bordered with triple rules, one ornamental. Colophon p. 136: ‘Harding, Printer. Napier, N.Z.’. One WTU copy has page numbering ‘viii’ in prelims. Copy with red cloth boards has gold-tooled title on front cover: ‘Himene’.

A collection of 172 Anglican hymns in Maori, compiled by Archdeacon W. L. Williams from Hymns ancient and modem and other collections, mostly in translations by Edward Marsh Williams (son of Henry Williams), in an edition of 3,000 copies. Arranged in subject categories with a contents list, preface about the tunes, and index to first lines. This new much larger collection meant it was no longer possible to insert the hymns in the prayer book.

The Mitchell Library copy has two leaves tipped in after p. 136 of proof copies of hymns 173 and 174 from later editions. The latter (‘Onward Christian soldiers’) is in the same setting as no. I 149 of 1886.

This collection was reprinted in 1885 (no. * * 1 130): for later issues, which eventually included 188 hymns, see no. 1179, 1202, 1273, 1449, 1546. The last two include details of the print runs of the various issues.

Williams 649. Copies: DUHO, ML, NLA, WTU.


KO TE PITIHANA a nga iwi o Niu Tireni ki Ingarani

Petition to English Parliament to resolve outstanding grievances.

Ko te pitihana a nga iwi o Niu Tireni ki Ingarani. | Niu Tireni, Aperira 7,

1883. | Kite Tumuaki me nga rangatira i kowhiria e te iwi hei Mema mo te Paremete o Ingarangi, ka | noho huihui nei kite whakahaaere i ana mahi i raro i te mana o te rangatiratanga o 1 Piritana o Airana me nga motu o te moana. | Tena ra koutou. | [8 lines, statements numbered ;-8] |

Whakamaramatanga. | [33 lines, explanatory paragraphs numbered l-VIII] [no imprint. Wellington?: Printed by the Government Printer?, 1883?]




1 sheet ([l] p): 341x217 mm.; laid paper. From its appearance it was probably printed by the Government Printer.

Petition header for a second appeal to England from Maori about their grievances, mainly relating to land. See no. 1032 for the outcome of the first appeal, a proposal rejected at a hui at Waitangi, 8 December 1882, when it was decided to launch this second effort. The petition was taken round North Island marae by Taiwhanga during 1883 but it was eventually dropped in 1885. See C. Orange, The Treaty of Waitangi (Wellington. 1987), p. 209-211. Although unusual for such a document to be printed by the Government Printer, it could have been arranged by the four Maori MPs who in 1883 became involved in promoting the Maori cause through the Aborigines Protection Society. A printed version of the petition in English is also at AP.

Copies: AP; WTU (photocopy).



Poster announcing a Maori Committee established in the Wairarapa.

He panuitanga tenei. | He panuitanga tenei kia rongo nga iwi e rua | te iwi Maori mete iwi Pakeha kua whakamanaia | e tahi [sic, i.e. etahi] tangata e nga Rangatiria [sic] me nga kai | whakahaere mo te iwi nui tonu hei komiti 1 whiriwhiri i nga mea katoa e pa ana kite iwi | Maori e ahu ake ana i roto i nga hapu me nga | iwi mo nga mea hoki e ahu ana mai i waho e pa 1 kino ana kite iwi Maori. [. . .] 1 [7 75 lines in 2 columns] [no imprint. Greytown?, I 88371

1 sheet ((!] p.); 447x285 mm.

Poster announcing a Maori Committee selected by iwi representatives at a hui at Papawai, Greytown, on 30 May 1883. It was to address external issues affecting Maori and serve initially for three years. The members were: H. B. Tunuiarangi, R. Natanahira, P. Matenga, W. Hutana, H. T. Mahupuku. P. Tohirangi, M. Teore. P. Manihera, M. K. Maka, H. Tangatakino, W. Whatakdrari. K. Korou. It describes the proceedings of the first meeting at Greytown which ran for two weeks from 2 July, including selection of officers and development of 33 mainly procedural Taws'. This predated the passing of the Native Committees Act 1883 (no. 1080) in July and the proclamation of the North Island committee districts in January 1884. see V. O'Malley,

Agents of autonomy (Wellington. 1998). p. 166-167.

The newsprint poster appears to use type from the defunct paper Te Wananga. later used at Otaki in 1 893 for the Kotahitanga paper Huia tangata kotahi.

Copies: WTU (photocopy).

Entries 1076-1088 are filed in alphabetical order of the English title.



Crown and Native Lands Rating Act 1882 Amendment Act 1883.

Crown and Native Lands Rating Amendment. | Niu Tireni. | [rule] | [Royal Arms] | Te tau wha te kau ma whitu o te kuinitanga o | Kuini Wikitoria. |


I 077


[line of asterisks] | Whakawhaititanga. | [analysis: 3 sections, 9 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule ] | [rule] \ He Ture hei whakatika i “Te Ture Reiti i nga Whenua Karauna me | nga Whenua Maori, 1882.” I [. . .]

[He mana i whakahaua, i taia ai e George Didsbury, Kai-taa Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Poneke. [i.e. Wellington] -1883.]

1 sheet (2 p.); 278x200 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 2.

Running title: ‘Reiti i nga Whenua Karauna me nga Whenua Maori.’, Printed by the Government Printer (‘Kai-taa Perehi a te Kawanatanga').

Short title: 'Te Ture Whakatikatika, 1883, i Te Ture Reiti i nga Whenua Karauna me nga Whenua Maori, 1882.’

Translation of the Crown and Native Lands Rating Act 1882 Amendment Act 1883 (1883, No. 42) omitting the marginal notes; it amended the Act of 1882 (no. 1038). The Act confirmed that the first rates were payable although districts had not yet been proclaimed, and also in boroughs not applying the Rating Act 1882. The Bill was introduced by Atkinson in the House on 29 August and passed all stages by 3 September, No Maori version of the Bill has been identified. See no. 669 for further information on land legislation.

Williams 660 & (S). Copies: WTU (in MSX-5205).


Section 96 of the Bills of Exchange Act 1883.

(Bills of Exchange. | Niu Tireni. | [rule] | [Royal Arms] | Te tau wha te kau ma whitu o te kuinitanga o | Kuini Wikitoria. | [line of asterisks] | [rule] | “Te Ture mo nga pukapuka pire tuku moni, 1883.” | 99. [i.e. 96] Kaua e whaitikanga kia pa kite tangata Maori te pire te I noti ranei tuku moni f, . .]

| [6 lines] | [rule] | [He mana i whakahaua i taia ai e George Didsbury Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga Poneke. [i.e. Wellington] -1883.]

1 sheet ([l] p.); 278x195 mm. (trimmed). Printed by the Government Printer.

Translation of section 96 of the Bills of Exchange Act 1883 (‘Special provision in case of aboriginal natives’), misnumbered '99'. The section required bills and notes (but not cheques) if not written in Maori to be translated and endorsed by an interpreter to record that it had been understood. The Bill, a virtual transcript of a British statute, was introduced by Oliver in the Legislative Council on 20 June and it passed all stages by 9 August. The complete Act has 99 sections and it is unlikely that a Maori text of the Bill was produced.

Williams 662. Copies: WTU (in MSX-5205).


Middle Island Half-caste Grants Act 1883.

(Middle Island Half-caste Grants. | Niu Tireni. | [rule] \ [Royal Arms] \ Te tau wha te kau ma whitu o te kuinitanga o | Kuini Wikitoria. | [line of asterisks] | Whakawhaititanga. | [analysis: 5 sections. 9 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] \ [rule] | He Jure hei whakatikatika hei hono atu hoki ki "Te




Ture 1 Karauna Karaati mo nga Hawhe-kaihe o Te Waipounamu, | 1877.” |

[. . .] [He manai whakaua, i taia ai te H. Titipere, Kai-tai Perehi ate Kawanatanga, Weringitana. [i.e. Wellington] -1883.]

1 folded sheet (4 p.); 282x210 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 4. Printed by the Government Printer,

Short title: ‘Te Ture Karauna Karaati mo nga Hawhe-kaihe o Te Waipounamu, 1883/

Translation of the Middle Island Half-caste Grants Act 1883 (1883, No. 22) which corrected errors in names and amounts of compensatory land allocated in the 1877 Act of the same title (no. **B93). The Bill (also referred to as the ‘South Island Half-castes Grants Bill’) was introduced by Bryce in the House on 14 August and passed all stages by 4 September without debate. No Maori version of the Bill has been identified.

Williams 655 & (S). Copies: AP. WTU (in MSX-5205).


Murihiku Native Reserves Grants Act 1883.

(Murihiku Native Reserves Grants. | Niu Tireni. | [rule] \ [Royal Arms] | Te tau wha te kau ma whitu o te kuinitanga o | Kuini Wikitoria. | [line of asterisks] | Whakawhaititanga. | [analysis: 5 sections. 12 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] \ [rule] | He Ture hei whakamana i te Kawana kite whakaputa Karauna | Karaati mo etahi Rahui kua wehea mo nga mea Maori i roto i j te Poraka o Murihiku. | [. . .] [He mana i whakahaua, i taia ai e George Didsbury. Kai-taa Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Poneke. [i.e. Wellington] -1883.]

I folded sheet (3, [l] p.); 278x200 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 3. Page [4] blank. Running title: ‘Nga Karaati mo nga Rahui Maori o Murihiku.'. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: 'Te Ture Karauna Karaati mo nga Rahui Maori o Murihiku, 1883/

Translation of the Murihiku Native Reserves Grants Act 1883 (1883, Local Acts. No. 5). The Act identifies five blocks of land in Otago and Southland to be allocated as Crown grants to approved claimants. The Bill was introduced by Bryce in the House on 20 June and passed all stages by 8 August. Legislation had been unsuccessfully introduced three times previously (no. 947, 1015, 1058) and it is probable that no new Bill in Maori was produced in 1883; no copy has been identified.

Williams 659. Copies: WTU (in MSX-5205).


Native Committees Act 1883.

[Native Committees Act 1883; actual title not known; no copy located.

Wellington: Printed by the Government Printer, 1883]

Physical details not Known; no copy located. Description from secondary source.




Translation of the Native Committees Act 1883 (1883, No. 19; 4 p.. 15 sections). The Act provided for district committees with specific minor powers, to be elected by Maori. The Bill, based partly on an 1880 draft and the unsuccessful Bills of 1881 and 1882 (no. 1016 and 1059), was introduced by Bryce in the House on 24 July and passed all stages by 31 August. For further background to the legislation, its development and limitations see V. O'Malley, Agents of autonomy (Wellington, 1998), p. 129-192.

No copy of a Maori version of either the Act or the Bill has been located, though the Act certainly existed in Maori, and probably also the Bill. The latter assumption is based on references in the debate ( NZPD. 1883, v 46, p. 341345) to the Maori chiefs in Wellington and the Maori MPs understanding the legislation, and to the dissatisfaction with it of Wahanui and the Kingites. This suggests a wide availability of the Bill in Maori. O’Malley's work referred to (p. 167) notes that in 1884 the Native Office stated the Act had been translated into Maori but not generally circulated, and refers to discrepancies between the translation and the English original.

No copy located.


Native Land Laws Amendment Act 1883.

(Native Land Laws Amendment. | Niu Tireni. | [rule] | [Royal Arms] | Te tau wha te kau ma whitu o te kuinitanga o | Kuini Wikitoria. | [line of asterisks] | Whakawhaititanga. | [analysis: 17 sections. 35 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] | [rule] \ He Ture hei whakatikatika i nga ture e pa ana ki nga whenua | Maori. | [. . .] [He mana i whakaua, i taia ai te Titipere, Kaitai Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Weringitana, [i.e. Wellington] -1883.]

1 folded sheet (4 p.); 278x195 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 4. Running title: 'Whakatikatika i nga Ture Whenua Maori.'. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: Te Ture Whakatikatika I nga Ture Whenua Maori. 1883.’.

Translation of the Native Land Laws Amendment Act 1883 (1883, No. 20), omitting the marginal notes. The Act made procedural amendments to earlier legislation and introduced a waiting period of 40 days after title had been granted before sale negotiations could begin. The Bill (see no. 1090 for the Maori version) was introduced by Bryce in the House on 26 July and passed all stages by 5 September. See no. 669 for further information on land legislation.

Williams 651. Copies: WTU.


South Island Native Reserves Act 1883.

(South Island Native Reserves. 1 Niu Tireni. | [rule] \ [Royal zlrms] 1 Te tau wha te kau ma whitu o te kuinitanga o | Kuini Wikitofia. | [line of asterisks] I Whakawhaititanga. | [analysis: 14 sections. 27 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] | [rule] \ He Jure hei whakarite tikanga whakahaere ite Rahui Maori ite Waipounamu Niu | Tireni, |[. .] [He




mana i whakahaua I taia ai e George Didsbury, Kai-taa Perehi a te Kawanatanga. Poneke. [i.e. Wellington] -1883.]

1 folded sheet (3, [l] p ); 280x210 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 3. Page [4] blank. Running title: ‘Nga Rahui Maori o te Waipounamu,’.

Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: 'Te Ture Rahui Maori o te Waipounamu, 1883.’.

Translation of the South Island Native Reserves Act 1883 (1883, No. 23) omitting the marginal notes. The Act identified the owners of the Greymouth Native Reserve and provided for leasing arrangements through the Public Trustee. The Bill (initially with the title 'Native Reserves Bill 1883’) was introduced by Bryce in the House on 14 August and passed all stages by 5 September. The debate ( NZPD. 1883, v. 46, p. 281-295) includes references to the availability of the Bill in Maori. This apparently consisted of recirculating the unsuccessful I 882 Greymouth Native Reserve Bill (see no. 1054) with a manuscript translation of the new clauses, i.e. no single equivalent Bill in Maori was distributed.

Williams 654. Copies: WTU (in MSX-5205).


Sections 4-8 and 10 of Schedule to Special Powers and Contracts Act 1883. (Special Powers and Contracts. | Niu Tireni. | [rule] \ [Royal Arms] \ Te tau wha te kau ma whitu o te kuinitanga o | Kuini Wikitoria. | [line of asterisks ] | Pire [sic] mo nga whakamananga me nga whakaritenga | motuhake. | [rule] | 4. Mo te whakatika i etahi mahinga i 1 raro i nga Ture Whenua Maori, [. . .] | [. . .] [He mana i whakahaua, i taia ai e George Didsbury,

Kai-taa Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Poneke. [i.e. Wellington] -1883.]

1 folded sheet (3, [l] p ); 278x200 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 3. Page [4] blank. Text in two columns, partly in tabular form, separated by vertical rule. Printed by the Government Printer.

Translation of sections 4-8 and 10 of the Schedule to the Special Powers and Contracts Act 1883 (1883, Local Acts, No. 27) omitting the formal introductory text of a complete statute. The Act in English has 4 main sections and a Schedule of 32 sections, of which these extracts in Maori are for six specific decisions and arrangements relating to land in which Maori had an interest. The Bill was introduced by Rolleston in the House on 24 August and passed all stages without debate on 5 September. No Maori version of the Bill has been identified.

Williams 656. Copies: WTU (in MSX-5205).


Taiaroa Land Act 1883.

(Taiaroa Land Act. | Niu Tireni. | [rule] \ [Royal Arms] | Te tau wha te kau ma whitu o te kuinitanga o | Kuini Wikitoria. 1 [line of asterisks] \

Whakawhaititanga. | [analysis: 6 sections. 12 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] \ [rule] | He lure hei whakamana i a Horl Kerei Taiaroa, he

51 I



tangata Maori | no te Koroni o Niu Tireni, kite hoko i ona ake whenua i roto taua | Korini [sic] a me kaua ia e araitia e nga kupu o tetahi, o etahi ture | ranei e whai mana nei i roto o Nui Tireei [sic] mo nga Maori me nga 1 whenua Maori. | [. . .] [He mana i whakahaua, i tai e George Didsbury,

Kai-taa Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Poneke. [i.e. Wellington] -1883 ]

1 sheet (2 p ); 278x200 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 2. Running title: 'Ture o nga Whenua a Taiaroa. 1883.'. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: 'Te Ture o nga Whenua o Taiaroa, 1883.’

Translation of the Taiaroa Land Act 1883 (1883, Private Acts, No. 3) omitting the marginal notes. The Act empowered H. K. Taiaroa (at the time MHR, Southern Maori) to sell land of which he was the sole owner as if he were a Pakeha, without the constraints of legislation relating to Maori land. The Bill was introduced by petition on 3 July and passed all stages by 29 August. As private legislation, it is unlikely there was a Maori version of the Bill and no copy has been located. For further information on Taiaroa, including his personal land dealings, see DNZB, v. 2. p. 493-495.

Williams 657. Copies: WTU (in MSX-5205).


Taumutu Native Commonaae Act 1883.

(Taumutu Native Commonage. | Niu Tireni. | [rule] | [Royal Arms] | Te tau wha te kau ma whitu o te kuinitanga o | Kuini Wikitoria. | [line of asterisks] | Whakawhaititanga. | [analysis: 5 sections, 14 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule ] | [rule] | He Ture hei wehe i etahi whenua i te tahataha o te Roto o Waihora, | i te Takiwa Porowini o Katipere, hei awhina atu i tetahi oranga | mo nga Maori e noho tutata ana ki taua wahi. |

Notemea ko te whenua e whakahuatia tuatahitia ana i roto i te | Apiti [. . .]

I [. . .] [He mana i whakaua, i Taia ai e H. Titipere, Kai-tai Perehi a le Kawanatanga, Weringitana. [i.e. Wellington] -1883.]

I folded sheet (3, [l] p.); 278x200 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 3. Page [4] blank. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: ‘Te Kainga Maori i Taumutu, 1883.’.

Translation of the Taumutu Native Commonage Act 1883 (1883, Local Acts, No. 25) omitting the marginal notes. The Act excepted approximately 770 acres from Crown land taken under the Railways Construction Act 1878 and granted it as a lease free of rent in perpetuity for occupation by Maori living at Taumutu, on the shores of Lake Ellesmere, Canterbury. The Bill was introduced by Bryce in the House on 20 June and passed all stages by 14 August. No Maori version of the Bill has been located.

Williams 658. Copies: WTU.


Thermal Springs District Act 1881 Amendment Act 1883.

(Thermal Springs Act 1881 Amendment. | Niu Tireni. | [rule] \ [Royal Arms]




ITe tau wha te kau ma whitu ote kuinitanga o | Kuini Wikitoria. | [ line of asterisks] | Whakawhaititanga. | [anafysis; 6 sections. 12 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] | [rule] | He Ture whakatika i “Te Ture mo nga Takiwa Ngawha, 1881.” | [. . .] [He mana i whakaua, i taia ai te Titipere, Kai-tai Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Weringitana. [i.e. Wellington] -1883]

I sheet (2 p ); 278x200 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 2. Running title: 'Ture Whakatikatika i te Ture Ngawha, 1881.’. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: Te Ture Whakatika 1883 i te Ture mo nga Takiwa Ngawha, 1881.’

Translation of the Thermal Springs District Act 1881 Amendment Act 1883 (1883, No. 21), omitting the marginal notes, which amended the legislation of 1881 (no. 1007). This Act confirmed the 1881 provisions and appointed D. A. Tole, Commissioner of Crown Lands, Auckland, to act on behalf of the owners; it also provided for ceding land for extension of the railway to Rotorua. The Bill (see no. **lo9l for the Maori version) was introduced by Whitaker in the Legislative Council on 28 August, and passed all stages by 3 September.

Williams 661. Copies: WTU (in MSX-5205).


West Coast Peace Preservation Act 1882 Continuance Act 1883.

(West Coast Peace Preservation Act 1882 Continuance. | Niu Tireni. | [rule] | [Royal Arms] | Te tau wha te kau ma whitu o te kuinitanga o | Kuini Wikitoria. | [line of asterisks] | Whakawhaititanga, | [analysis: 2 sections. 4 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] | [rule] \ He Ture hei whakaroa atu i te mana o “Te Ture Whakapumau 1 te | Rangimarire o te Tai Hauauru, 1882." | [8 lines] \ [rule] | He mana i whakahaua, i taia ai e George Didsbury, Kai-taa Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Poneke. [i.e.

Wellington] -1883.

1 sheet ([l] p); 278x200 mm. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title; 'Te Ture 1883 Whakaroa atu i te Ture Whakapumau i te Rangimarire o te Tai Hauauru 1882.’.

Translation of the West Coast Peace Preservation Act 1882 Continuance Act 1883 (1883, No. 25), which continued the powers of the 1882 Act (no. 1051) for detention of Te Whiti and imprisonment of assemblies on confiscated Taranaki land. For further background see H. Riseborough, Days of darkness (rev. ed.; Auckland, 2002), p. 208-210. The Bill was introduced by Bryce in the House on 14 August and passed all stages by 3 September. No Maori version of the Bill in has been identified and the nature of its provisions suggest it was unlikely to have been circulated for consultation.

Williams 653 & (S). Copies: WTU (in MSX-5205).





West Coast Settlement Reserves Act 1881 Amendment Act 1883.

(West Coast Settlement Reserves Amendment. | Niu Tireni. | [rule] | [Royal Arms] | Te tau wha te kau ma whitu o te kuinitanga o | Kuini Wikitoria. | [line of asterisks] | Whakawhaititanga. | [analysis: 10 sections, 35 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule ] | [rule] | He Ture hei whakatikatika i “Te Ture Whakatau i nga Rahui o te | Tai Hauauru, 1881.” | [. . .] [[H]e mana i whakahaua i Taia ai e George Didsbury Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Poneke [i.e. Wellington] -1883.]

1 folded sheet (4 p.); 278x200 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 4. Running title: ‘Ture whakatikatika i te whakataunga rahui i Tai Hauauru.’. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: 'Te Ture whakatikatika, 1883, o Te Ture Whakatau i nga Rahui o te Tai Hauauru, 1881.’.

Translation of the West Coast Settlement Reserves Act 1881 Amendment Act 1883 (1883, No. 24) omitting the marginal notes. It amended the 1881 Act (no. 1008). The Act covered administrative procedures and transferred responsibility for the Taranaki confiscated land to the Public Trustee. The Bill was introduced by Bryce in the House on 1 4 August and passed all stages by 31 August without debate. No Maori version of the Bill has been identified.

Williams 652. Copies: WTU (in MSX-5205).


NEW ZEALAND. Department of Education

Administrative code for the operation of schools for Maori.

Kupu o roto o te kupu tohutohu | mo nga Kura Maori. | [double rule] | He mea panui kia mohio ai nga Komiti o nga Kura | Maori, me era atu tangata e whai tikanga ana | kite mahi ako i te iwi Maori, kite whakahaere | i aua kura. | [. . .] [By authority: George Didsbury, Government Printer,


15, [l] p.; 215x130 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 15. Page [l6] blank.

Administrative code for the guidance of Native School Committees in running schools for Maori, including details of the Makarini scholarships (in memory of Sir Donald McLean). A translation of The Native Schools Code. 1883 (Bagnall 3981), drafted by J. H. Pope. For further background see J. M. Barrington & T. H. Beaglehole, Maori schools in a changing society (Wellington. 1974),

p. 125-128.

New editions appeared in 1892 (no. 1338) and 1899 (no. 1529).

Williams 667, Bagnall 3980. Copies: WTU.


NEW ZEALAND. Parliament

Native Land Laws Amendment Bill 1883.

(Native Land Laws Amendment. | Te Paraihe. | Whakatikatika i nga lure Whenua Maori. | [rule] | Whakawhaitianga. [sic] | [rule] \ He Pire e huaina ana | He Jure hei whakatikatika i nga ture e pa ana ki nga whenua | Maori.




![...] [He mana i whakaua, i taia ai te Titipere. Kai-tai Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Weringitana, [i.e. Wellington] -1883.]

1 folded sheet (3, [l] p.); 305x209 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 3. Page [4] blank. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: Te Ture Whakatikatika i nga Ture Whenua Maori, 1883.’.

Translation of the Native Land Laws Amendment Bill 1883 (1883, No. 94), omitting the Analysis (although the heading for it 'Whakawhaititanga is present), marginal notes and line numbering. The only extant Bill in Maori from the 1883 session. For the resulting Act in Maori and additional information see no. 1081.

Copies: WTU.


Thermal Roriuos District Act 1881 Amendment Bill 1883.

[Thermal Springs District Act 1881 Amendment Bill 1883: actual title not known; no copy located. Wellington: Printed by the Government Printer, 1883]

2 p.? Physical details not known; no copy located. Description from secondary source.

Translation of the Thermal Springs District Act 1881 Amendment Bill 1883. Although no copy has been located, during the debate towards the end of the passage of the legislation Tomoana referred INZPD, 1883, v. 46, p. 51 2) to the translation having only just been received, and it is possible that this was in printed form. For the resulting Act in Maori and additional information see no. 1086.

No copy located.


NGAPORA, Tamati (d. 1885)

Counter-petition on tribal land boundaries.

J.-la. | 1883. | New Zealand. | [rule] | Petition of Manuhiri and 488 others of | the Maniapoto and Waikato tribes | (and correspondence relative thereto). | [rule] | Presented to the House of Representatives. 21st August, 1883, and ordered to be printed. | [rule] ![...] [By authority; George Didsbury, Government Printer, Wellington.-1883.]

1 sheet (2 p ); 324x206 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 2.

AJHR. 1883, J-l a. Petition in Maori and English from Ngati Maniapoto and Waikato, signed by 9 named Maori and 480 others, and two letters in Maori and English to Te Wheoro, MHR, from Hpnana Te Maioha (24 July 1883) and Te Ana (28 July 1883). They dispute boundaries claimed by Maniapoto and other tribes in their petition (no. 1094). The Native Affairs Committee (AJHR. 1883, 1-2, No. 492) reported it was not able to comment on specific boundaries but drew the attention of the House to the issues raised, Manuhiri (the first signatory) was the name taken by Ngapora when he moved into exile in the King Country with Tawhiao in 1864.

Williams 665. Copies: WTU (in bound vol.. AJHR).






Circular about the proposed New Zealand Native Land Settlement Company.

Panui Maori. | [double rule] | Te pitihana turaki i te Kamupene i tukua atu nei kite Paremete e nga ringa o | Kapene Poata raua ko Rawiri Karaha, i whakatakotoria nei hoki e te Paraihe, | Minita Maori, kite aroaro o te Paremete, i runga i te motini a Taratoa, whakakorea | ana taua pitihana i roto i nga pukapuka o te Whare, a maka ana ki waho. [. . .] | [. . .]

[Printed and published by Frederick Dufaur and Thomas Chrisp, at their registered printing office, | Gladstone Road, Gisborne. [lBB3?]]

1 folded sheet (3, [l] p.): 288x226 mm. Caption title, imprint from colophon p. 3. Page [4] blank. Text inside border and partly in two columns separated by vertical rule.

A circular about the proposed New Zealand Native Land Settlement Company (‘Te Kamupene Whakanohonoho Whenua Maori o Niu Tireni') for which a Private Bill was petitioned (AJHR. 1883, J-3) and unsuccessfully introduced in 1883. For the debate see NZPD, 1883, v. 44, p. 386-319, 413-418, 613-614, The company was to be established by William Rees in partnership with Maori to formalise trust schemes set up to facilitate settlement of Poverty Bay land owned by Maori. For more about Rees and his activities see DNZB. v. 2, p. 409-41 I. Part of the text is a translation of an article from the New Zealand Freemans journal, 6 July 1883, p. 8-9, denouncing the critics of the company and their motives.

Copies: WTU.


PETITION of the Maniapoto, Raukawa, Tuwharetoa, and

Whanganui tribes

Petition seeking changes to laws affecting land owned by Maori.

J.-l. | 1883. | New Zealand. | [rule] | Petition of the Maniapoto, Raukawa, Tuwha- | retoa, and Whanganui tribes. | [rule] | Presented to the House of Representatives, 26th June, and ordered to be printed. | [rule] \ [. . .] [By authority: George Didsbury, Government Printer, Wellington, 1883.]

1 folded sheet (4 p.); 324x206 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 4.

AJHR. 1883, J-l, Petition in English and Maori from four North Island tribes, signed by Wahanui, Taonui, Rewi Maniapoto and 412 others. It sought changes to the current land laws and the Native Land Court, which are identified as disadvantaging Maori, and also asks that the tribes be allowed to identify their own boundaries and owners within a specified area. The Maori text was also printed in the Native Affairs Committee annual report (AJHR. 1883, 1-2, No. 45). The Committee agreed with the petitioners' complaints and recommended that the House take the matters raised into account when Maori land legislation was being reviewed.

For further background see New Zealand. Waitangi Tribunal, The Pouakani report 1995 (Wai 33) (Wellington. 1993), p. 95-98; the petition is reprinted on p. 347-352.

Williams 664. Copies: WTU (in bound vol.. AJHR).

51 6




SHORTLAND, Edward (1812-1893)

Analytical study of the Maori language and its grammatical structure.

How to learn | Maori. | A short treatise on the structure and | idiom of the language. | By 1 Edward Shortland, M.A., M.R.C.P., | Late Native Secretary New Zealand. 1 Author of “Traditions and superstitions of the New Zealanders," “Maori | religion and mythology,” &c. | Auckland; | Upton & Co. | 1883. | All rights reserved.

ii [i.e. viii], 55, [l] p.; 185x105 mm.; grey paper covers, Colophon p. [s6]: ‘Auckland: | H. Brett. General Steam Printer, Wyndham Street. | 1883.'. Prelim, pages: half title (colophon on verso), title-page (verso blank) Preface (verso blank), contents. Title repeated on front cover inside border.

A theoretical analysis of Maori language and grammar, with examples largely taken from Grey’s Ko nga mahinga a nga tupuna Maori (no. 453) ‘as good specimens of the language in its purity' (Preface).

Williams 650, Bagnall 5159. Copies: DL. NLA, WTU.



Petition and counter-arguments about land dealings in Rotorua region.

J.-2. | 1883. | New Zealand. | [rule] \ Petition of Rutene Te Umanga and 204 others, | and correspondence relative thereto. | [rule] | Laid on the table of the House of Representatives, 27th June and 4th July, and ordered to be printed. | [rule] | [. . .] [By authority: George Didsbury, Government Printer, Wellington.-1883,]

1 folded sheet (3. [l] p ); 324x206 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 3. Page [4] blank.

AJHR, 1883, J-2. Petition in English and Maori signed by Rutene Te Umanga and 204 others, dated 1 May 1883, claiming unfair Government action in land designation and sales in the Rotorua area under the Thermal Springs Districts Act 1881 (no. 1007), and offering to sell land to the Government.

The three letters intended to oppose it are dated from 28 May to 3 July, each with a few signatories, and addressed to various MPs. The Native Affairs Committee ( AJHR , 1883, 1-2, No. 70) considered that no evidence had been provided in support of the claims and therefore had no recommendation to make.

Williams 666. Copies: WTU (in bound vol., AJHR).



Reprint of small format Booh of Common Prayer.

Te Pukapuka | o nga Inoi, | me era atu tikanga | a te Hahi o Ingarani | mo te minitatanga | o nga hakarameta, | o era atu ritenga hoki a te Hahi; j me nga Waiata ano hoki a Rawiri; mete tikanga | mo te motuhanga | i te pihopa, i te piriti, i te rikona, | Ranana: [i.e. London] | I kiia tenei kia taia e te Komiti mo te Whakapuaki 1 i te Mohiotanga ki a te Karaiti. | [rule] ) 1884.

xxviii, 474, [2] p.; 138x83 mm.; full black leather with blind tooling. Pages




[475-476] blank. Colophon p. [ii]: 'London: Gilbert and Rivington, Limited. St. John's Square.'. Gold tooled title on spine: 'Maori | Prayer'. Published by the SPCK (‘te Komiti mo te Whakapuaki i te Mohiotanga ki a te Karaiti').

A further reprint of the small format Anglican prayer book in the new version first published in 1878 (no. 909). 1,000 copies were printed (SPCK annual report, 1885, p. 27, in SPCK, Records 1786-1966, Cambridge University Library; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-Coll-20-2091). WTU copy has Himene (no. 1031) tipped in.

Other issues and editions of the Anglican prayer book are listed at no. 19. Williams 673. Copies: AP. AR. WTU.



Nineteen hymns for use in Good Templar lodges.

Himene | mo nga | Rore Takiwa | o te ( Oota Initipenetana | o nga | Kuru Tepara. | [IOGT seal] | Itaia i runga i te mana o te tino Waati Rore o te Ao. | 1884. [no imprint. London?: 1884?]

8 p.; 183x122 mm. Title within an ornamental border.

A companion work to the Lodge ritual and constitution (no. 1099 and I 100), consisting of 19 hymns. It was almost certainly translated by Frederick H. Spencer and printed in London; see no. 1 100 for further information.

Williams 677 a, Bagnall 2795. Copies: WTU.


Constitution of District lodges, and rules of the Order.

[ornament] | Te Konetetuhiana e nga Rore | Takiwa. | [wavy rule] | Atekira I. | Te ingoa - Te nuinga o nga mema o te Rore - Kia hia | nga mema mo te korama. | [. . .] [no imprint. London?: 1884?]

[2], 26. p.; 182x119 mm. Prelim, pages: p. [l] section (or half?) title; p. [2] ‘Kupu whakamarama.'. Title from caption-title p. [l] (main sequence).

Translation of the Constitution of District lodges (p. [l]-20) and the rules of the Order ('Nga ture o te Oota', p. [22]-26), with no specific reference to New Zealand. Although Williams dates it at 1890, the typography of this item is identical with no. 1100, with which it was probably intended to be bound, explaining the lack of title-page and covers. The only copy located has no.

1102 bound with it as 'covers'; the association of Spencer with both items further supports the 1884 date, and that this was probably also translated by Spencer.

Williams 795 & (S). Copies: WTU.

1 100

Rules and rituals for Good Templar lodges.

Rituera | mo nga | Rore Takiwa | o te | Oota Initipenetana | o nga 1 Kuru Tepara. | [IOGT seal] | Itaia i runga i te mana o te tino Waati Rore o te Ao. |

1884. [no imprint. London?: 1884?]



MALINS, JOSEPH (1844-1926)

[4], 63, [l] p.; plan; 188x127 mm.; dark blue cloth boards (blank). Prelim, pages: glossary ('Whakaaturanga', p.[l-2]). blank (p.[3J), plan (p. [4]). Pages [2], [4] and [64] blank. Title within an ornamental border.

Ritual of the Order of the Good Templars ('Oota Initipenetana o nga Kuru Tepara'), an organisation of total abstainers established in the United States in 1851 on the model of freemasonry. More substantial than the volume published in 1874 (no. 813). it was almost certainly translated by Frederick H. Spencer, who was in England at the time (see no. I 101), and printed in London along with no. 1098-1099 and 1102.

Williams 677, Bagnall 2799. Copies: WTU.


He KUPU WHAKAATU enei mo to matou haerenga mai ki Ingarangi.

Account of 1884 visit to England by Tawhiao and others to petition the Queen.

He kupu whakaatu | enei mo to matou haerenga mai | ki Ingarangi me o matou haererenga, | me nga mahi, ki reira. | Na Pererika H. Peneha, |

Minita, i whakarite mo te perehi. | London: 1 Printed by Gilbert and Rivington, Limited, | St John's Square, Clerkenwell. | 1884.

19, [l] p.; 215x138 mm.; greenish grey paper covers. Title repeated on front cover.

An account of the visit to England in 1884 by Tawhiao, Wiremu Te Wheoro, Patara Te Tuhi, Topia Turoa and Hori Ropiha to lay their grievances and a plea for self-government before the Queen. It comprises a summary of events (p. [3)-6); the petition (p. 7-14) and translations of speeches from the meeting of the deputation with Lord Derby, as reported in The Times. 23 July 1884 (p. 15-19). The petition was printed in GBPP 1884-85 [c.4413], p, 5-8, in a translation by Rev. Frederick H. Spencer ('Peneha'). in England at the time, who met and accompanied the group and edited the pamphlet. Correspondence refers to his discussions with Mrs Grace, who had also done a translation, and contributions towards the printing costs (Aborigines Protection Society, Records 1837-1909, Rhodes House Library, Oxford: microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-Coll-20-2429, p. 215-227 a). The text was later reprinted (in English and Maori) in AJLC, 1886-1 1 and 1 1a (no. 1 168).

On 24 July 1884 Sir Francis Dillon Bell (Agent-General, London) wrote that the visit and petition were ‘a waste of time' and 'make believe’ (Tawhiao's papers. Archives New Zealand, MA 23/4 a). Spencer's own description of events are in his 'Reminiscences’ (typescript. Private Coll.: microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-0835), p. 138-144, For additional background see C. Orange, The Treaty of Waitangi (Wellington, 1987), p. 211216

Williams 676, Bagnall 5283. Copies: WTU.


MALINS, Joseph (1844-1926)

Anti-liquor tract.

Te ata inu mete kore kai rawa 1 i nga mea whakahaurangi. | [wavy rule] 1


MARTIN, MARY ANN, LADY (1817-1884)

I 103

Na Hohepa Merine, K.W.R.T. | [ wavy rule] | I—He mea kino mo te tangata te ata inu. | [. . .] [Na te Karani Rore o Ingarangi tenei i tuku kite perehi. | Na Pererika H. Peneha, minita, i whakamaori. [London?: 1884?]]

1 folded sheet (4 p.); 182x1 19 mm.; blue paper. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 4. Published by the Grand Lodge of England of the Independent Order of Good Templars ('Karani Rore o Ingarangi’).

Translation by Frederick Spencer (‘Pererika H. Peneha’) of a tract against liquor written by Joseph Malins ("Hohepa Merine’) the well-known British Templar. The only copy located is bound in as paper covers for no. 1099. See that entry and no. 1 100 for further background.

Williams 795 (note). Copies: WTU.


MARTIN, Mary Ann, Lady (1817-1884)

Reprint of outline of Scripture history.

He kohikohinga | no roto i ( nga Karaipiture Tapu | no te hanganga | o te ao tae noa ki | te whanautanga o to tatou Ariki. | Na te Matenga. |

I whakamaoritia e te Ahirikona Wirimu. | London: | Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, | Northumberland Avenue, Charing Cross, W.C.; |

43, Queen Victoria Street, E. C.; | 26, St. George’s Place, Hyde Park Corner, S.W. | Brighton: 135, North Street. [1884?]

[4], 118, [2] p.; 163x105 mm. Colophon p. I 18: "Wyman and Sons, Printers, Great Queen Street, London.’ Cover title: ‘Outline | of | Scripture history | [rule] \ Maori.’ Pages [ll9-120] blank.

Reprint of William Leonard Williams’s translation of Lady Martin’s Outline of Scripture history first published in 1882 (no. 1035). The further printing of 1,000 copies is noted in the SPCK annual report to 31 March 1885, (Annual reports 1815-1952, in SPCK Records 1786-1966, Cambridge University Library; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-Coll-20-2091). Williams identified this as an earlier issue but the form of imprint confirms the later date of 1884 or 1885.

Williams 600 (note), Bagnall 3404 (note). Copies: NLA.

Entries 1104-1111 are filed in alphabetical order of the English title.



Sections 1 and 3 of the Bills of Exchange Act 1883 Amendment Act 1884.

(Bills of Exchange Act 1883 Amendment. | Niu Tireni. | [Royal Arms] | Whakawhaititanga. | [analysts; sections I and 3, 4 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] \ [rule] \ He lure hei whakatikatika i "Te Ture Pire Tuku Moni, 1883.” | [9 lines of text. 1 line of asterisks] [no imprint.

Wellington; Printed by the Government Printer, 1884]

I sheet ([l] p ); 278x205 mm. Includes marginal notes.

Short title: ‘Te Tore Whakatikatika, 1884, i te Jure Eire Tuku Moni, 1883.’.

Translation of sections 1 and 3 of the Bills of Exchange Act 1883 Amendment



I 107

Act 1884 (1884, No. 28); it omits section 2 (the definition of inland and foreign bills) which had been added during its progress. Of the 1883 Act only section 96 was printed in Maori (see no. 1077) and this Act restricted its application to the North Island only. The Bill was introduced by Taiaroa in the House on 4 September and passed all stages by 14 October. No Maori version of the Bill (of one substantive clause) has been identified.

Williams 681. Copies: WTU (in MSX-5205).


Fisheries Conservation Act 1884.

[Te Ture Tiaki Tio. 1884: actual title not confirmed: no copy located.

Wellington: Printed by the Government Printer. 1884]

Physical description not known; no copy located. Description from Williams,

'Translation of the Oyster Fisheries Preservation Act, 1884 [lBB4, No. 48], No copy seen.' (Williams). No legislation with the title Oyster Fisheries Preservation Act was considered in 1884. Williams's reference is assumed to be to the Fisheries Conservation Act 1884, which incorporated the Oyster Fisheries Act 1866 (no. **692) and all its amendments. The Act incorporated previous legislation providing for the conservation of oysters, fish, seals, and associated penalties.

Williams * *684. No copy located.


Impounding Act 1884. omitting some parts of the text.

(Impounding. 1 Niu Tireni. | [rule] \ [Royal Arms] | Jure Fauna Kararehe. |

[rule] \ He Pire [sic] e huaina ana | He Ture mo te haere pokanoa mete paunatanga kararehe, mete 1 whakahaere i nga pauna mo te katoa. | [. . .]

[1 taia i runga i te mana o te Kawanatanga e George Didsbury, Kai-ta o te Kawanatanga, | Poneke. [i.e. Wellington] -1887. [i.e. 1884]]

15, [l] p.; 278x205 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 15. Page [l6] blank. Printed by the Government Printer ('Kai-ta o te Kawanatanga’).

Short title: ‘Te Ture Fauna Kararehe. 1884.’.

Translation of the Impounding Act 1884 (1884. No. 43) omitting section 54 and Schedule 6 (repealed legislation) and also the Analysis and marginal notes. It retains the heading of the Bill stage. The Act applied to the trespass and impounding of cattle and regulated the management of public pounds. The Bill was introduced by Buckley in the Legislative Council on 10 September and passed all stages by 4 November. The Bill had been introduced previously in 1877, 1878, 1880 and 1883, but no Maori version from any year has been identified.

Williams 683. Copies: WTU (in MSX-5205).

1 107

Native Land Alienation Restriction Act 1884.

(Alienation Restriction. | Niu Tireni. \ [Royal Arms] \ Whakawhaititanga, |


1 108


[analysis: 7 sections. 13 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] \ [rule] | He Ture hei arai mo tetahi wa i nga whakahaerenga a nga tangata | noa iho, mo nga whenua Maori i roto i tetahi takiwa e whakaritea | ana i Aotearoa. | [. . .] [He mana i whakahaua, i tai e George Didsbury. Kai-taa Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Poneke. [i.e. Wellington] -1884.]

I sheet (2 p.); 278x200 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 2. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: 'Te Ture Arai i te Tuku Whenua Maori, 1884.’.

Translation of the Native Land Alienation Restriction Act 1884 (1884, No. 51) omitting the marginal notes. The Act prevented private dealing in Maori land in the Rohe Pbtae (King Country) and upper Whanganui, as the area became opened up for settlement. The Bill (see no. ** II 13 for the Maori version) was introduced by Native Minister Ballance in the House on 9 October and passed all stages by 8 November. The initial title of the Bill was the Native Lands Settlement Bill 1 884 but it was changed during the third reading in the House (JHR, 1884, p. 261). For further background see C, Marr, The alienation of land in the Rohe Potae (Aotea Block). 1840-1920 (Wellington, 1996), p, 43-45, and Bateman New Zealand historical atlas (Auckland, 1997), plate 84,

Williams 678 & (S). Copies: WTU (in MSX-5205).

1 108

Sheep Act 1878 Amendment Act 1884.

(Sheep Act 1878 Amendment Act, 1884. | Niu Tireni. | [Royal Arms] \ Whakawhaititanga. | [analysis: 5 sections, 15 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] \ [rule] \ He Ture whakatakoto tikanga mo te mahi whakamate i nga kutu | hipi. (Nowema 8, 1884.) | [. . .] [Poneke; [i.e.

Wellington] I taia i runga i te mana o te Kawanatanga e Hori Titipere, Kaita Perehi | o the [sic] Kawanatanga.-!884 ]

I sheet (2 p.); 278x205 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 2. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title; ‘Te Ture Whakatikatika i te Ture mo nga Hipi. 1878, o te tau 1884.’.

Translation of the Sheep Act 1878 Amendment Act 1884 (1884, No. 46) omitting the marginal notes. The Act provided for the destruction of lice in sheep and penalties for non-compliance. The Bill was introduced by Buckley in the Legislative Council on 20 October and passed all stages without debate by 7 November. No Maori version of the Bill has been identified.

Williams 682. Copies: WTU (in MSX-5205).

**llo9 -

Special Powers and Contracts Act 1884.

[Pire mo nga Whakamananga me nga Whakaritenga Motuhake: actual title not confirmed: no copy located. Wellington: Printed by the Government Printer. 1884]

Physical description not known; no copy located. Description from Williams.




‘Translation of the Special Powers and Contracts Act, 1884 [ 1884, Local Acts, No. 24]. No copy seen.’ (Williams). The title in Maori cited by Williams appears to refer to a Bill, but other instances of Acts in Maori retaining the term 'Pire' do occur (e.g. no, 1046). The substantial (24 p.) Act in English includes in the Schedule a number of specific matters relating to Maori land and it is possible these were issued in Maori, as had been done in 1883 (no. 1083).

Williams **6Bs. No copy located.


Waikato Confiscated Lands Act 1884.

Waikato Confiscated Land, [sic]) | Niu Tireni. | [Royal -Arms] | Whakawhaititanga. | [analysis: 2 sections. 4 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] \ [rule] \ He Ture hei whakaroa atu i te wa hei tukunga Rahui ma nga Maori 1 i raro i “Te Ture Whenua Raupatu o Waikato, 1880."

| [II lines] | [rule] | He mana i taia e Hore Titipere, Kai-taa Perehi a te Kawanatanga.-Poneke. [i.e. Wellington] [lBB4]

1 sheet ([l] p ); 278x205 mm. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: ‘He Ture Whenua Raupatu o Waikato, 1884.’

Translation of the Waikato Confiscated Lands Act 1884 (1884, No. 16) omitting the marginal notes. The Act again extended provisions of the 1880 Act (no. 973) for declaring reserves by two years, without renewal. The Bill was introduced by Ballance in the House on I October and passed all stages by 27 October. No Maori version of the Bill has been identified. During the debate in the Legislative Council there are references to the hope that 'the natives would avail themselves of the Bill’, which probably refers to the legislative provisions, rather than to the text itself IJLC, 1884, v. 50. p. 48).

Williams 679. Copies: WTU (in MSX-5205).


West Coast Settlement Reserves Act 1881 Amendment Act 1884.

(West Coast Reserves Act, 1881, Amendment. | Niu Tireni. | [Royal Arms] 1 Ture Whakatika, 1884, i “Te Ture Whakatau | i nga Rahui o te Tai Hauauru, 1881.” | Whakawhaititanga. | [analysis: 18 sections, 37 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] | [rule] \ He Pire e huaina ana | He Ture hei whakamarama i nga mana e tau ana kite kai-tiaki | o te katoa i raro I "Te Ture Whakatau i nga Rahui o te Tai 1 Hauauru, 1881,["] hei whakatikatika ano hoki I taua Ture. | [. . .] [He mana i whakaua, i taia ai te Titipere. Kaitai Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Weringitana. [i.e. Wellington] -1884.]

5, [l] p.; 278x200 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 5. Page [6] blank. Running title; Te Ture Whakatika i te Ture Whakatau i nga Rahui o te Tai Hauauru.'. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: 'Te Ture Whakatika, 1884, i Te Ture Whakatau i nga Rahui o te Tai Hauauru, 1881,’.

Translation of the West Coast Settlement Reserves Act 1881 Amendment Act




1884 (1884, No, 33), omitting the marginal notes and the regnal year statement (which usually followed the coat of arms), and retaining the Bill designation (Tire’) in the long title. It amended the 1881 Act (no. 1008) and made further administrative provisions, especially clarifying the powers of the Public Trustee. The Bill (see no. “1114 for the Maori version) was introduced by Ballance in the House on 30 September and passed all stages by 6 November.

Williams 680. Copies: WTU (in MSX-5205).

1 112

NEW ZEALAND. Native Land Court

Judge's decisions in applications for rehearing of Mangaohane Block case. Kehi o Mangaohane. | [ornamental rule] | I runga I te whakataunga i tenei keehi e toru nga tono whakawa | tuarua i tukua mai hei whiriwhiri maku. |

[125 lines in two colums] | Na J. E. Makitonore, | [rule] | Printed at the “Daily Telegraph" Office, Napier, [ca. 1884]

1 sheet ([l] p.); 322x253 mm. Printed in two columns separated by vertical rule.

Decisions of John Edwin Mac Donald CMakitonore’), declining three applications to rehear the Mangaohane case, a long-running dispute over land northeast of Taihape. Dating of the circular is based on Mac Donald's period as a Native Land Court judge 1883-1888, and the death of one of the applicants (Sheehan, on behalf of a child whose guardian he was) in 1885.

Copies: NLA; WTU (photocopy).


NEW ZEALAND. Parliament

Native Lands Settlement Bill 1884.

[Native Lands Settlement Bill 1884; actual title not known; no copy located.

Wellington: Printed by the Government Printer, 1884]

Physical details not known; no copy located. Description from secondary source.

Translation of the Native Lands Settlement Bill 1884, the name of which was changed during its passage to the Native Land Alienation Restriction Bill 1884. Although no copy has been located, the Bill’s importance, demonstrated by speeches from the Maori MPs and Maniapoto chief Wahanui’s appearance to address both Houses, suggests the text was published and widely available in Maori, presumably in printed form. For the resulting Act in Maori and additional information see no. 1107.

No copy located.

**lll4 -

West Coast Settlement Reserves Act 1881 Amendment BUI 1884.

[West Coast Settlement Reserves Act 1881 Amendment Bill 1884; actual title not known; no copy located. Wellington: Printed by the Government Printer, 1884]


I 1 16


Physical details not known; no copy located. Description from secondary source.

Translation of the West Coast Settlement Reserves Act 1881 Amendment Bill 1884. Although no copy of the Bill has been located, the translation was referred to as being 'in the hands of the printer' on 6 October, when the second reading in the House was adjourned to enable Maori MPs to study it (NZPD. 1884, v. 49, p. 219). The resulting Act in Maori (no. 1111) retains the Bill designation CPire’) in its long title, reaffirming the existence of a printed Bill.

No copy located.

Entries ** / / (5-** 1117 are filed in alphabetical order of the English title.


NEW ZEALAND. Parliament.

House of Representatives.

Native Lands Acts, Native Lands Frauds Prevention . . . Amendment Bill 1884.

[Native Lands Acts, Native Lands Frauds Prevention Acts and the Stamp Duties Act 1882 Amendment Bill 1884; actual title not known; no copy located. Wellington: Printed by the Government Printer, 1884]

Physical details not known; no copy located. Description from secondary source.

Translation of the Native Lands Acts, Native Lands Frauds Prevention Acts and the Stamp Duties Act 1882 Amendment Bill 1884, also referred to as the Native Land Laws Amendment Bill 1884. Although no copy has been located, references in Hansard confirm its existence; 'it is true that the Bill has not been printed in Maori for any length of time' ( NZPD , 1884, v. 48, p. 403). The Bill was introduced by Locke in the House on 10 September, but lapsed after the adjournment of the second reading on 1 7 September to allow Maori MPs to understand its provisions.

No copy located.


South Island Native Reserves Act 1883 Amendment Bill (No. I) 1884.

[South Island Native Reserves Act 1883 Amendment Bill (No. 1) 1884; actual title not known; no copy located. Wellington: Printed by the Government Printer, 1884]

Physical details not known; no copy located. Description from secondary source.

Translation of the South Island Native Reserves Act 1883 Amendment Bill (No. 1) 1884. Although no copy has been located, references in Hansard suggest a printed Maori text is likely to have existed. The Bill was introduced by Hursthouse in the House on 25 September but Taiaroa asked for the second reading to be adjourned because the Bill had not been translated, which Hursthouse undertook to have done (NZPD, 1884, v. 49, p. 294). In the debate on Taiaroa's later Bill (see no, **1117), a reference to the adjournment and the possible influence on Taiaroa of the 'interpretation' of




Hursthouse’s Bill confirms that the translation of the latter was carried out (NZPD, 1884, v. 50, p. 38). presumably in printed form. The Bill lapsed. No copy located.

**lll7 -

South Island Native Reserves Act 1883 Amendment (No. 2) Bill 1884.

[South Island Native Reserves Act 1883 Amendment (No. 2) Bill 1884; actual title not known: no copy located. Wellington: Printed by the Government Printer, 1884]

Physical details not known; no copy located. Description from secondary source.

Translation of the South Island Native Reserves Act 1883 Amendment (No. 2) Bill 1884. Though no copy has been located, references in Hansard suggest a printed Maori text existed. The Bill was introduced by Taiaroa in the House on 1 6 October and the second reading was adjourned on 23 October to ‘give full opportunity to both Natives and Europeans ... to fully consider it during the recess’ (NZPD, 1884, v. 50, p. 39). The Bill lapsed at the end of the session.

No copy located.

Legislative Council. Native Affairs


NEW ZEALAND. Parliament.


Report on Atanatiu Te Kairangi’s petition about title to Cook Strait islands.

(No. 5. | Sess. 11.-1884. | Legislative Council. | [rule] | Native Affairs Committee: | Report on petition of Atanatiu Kairangi. | [rule] \ Brought up on 29th October, 1884, and ordered to be printed. | [rule] | [. . .] [By authority: George Didsbury, Government Printer, Wellington.-1884.]

1 sheet (2 p.); 322x207 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 2.

AJLC, I 884, Session 2, No. 5. Report in English and Maori, dated 29 October 1884, signed by J. C. Richmond, Chairman of the committee. The committee considered that the claim of the Ngati Toa petitioner (usually referred to as Atanatiu Te Kairangi) to ownership of Paruparu and adjacent islands in Cook Strait had been proved, and that the islands should be returned to him. The Native Affairs Committee of the House reached the same conclusion ( AJHR.

1884, 1-2, p. 14-15). Paruparu is now known as Forsyth Island.

Copies: WTU (in bound vol., JLC. 1884, Session 2).

1 1 19

NORRIS, John Pilkington (1823-1891)

Commentary on the Acts of the Apostles.

Nga Mahi a nga Apotoro. | [publisher's device] | London: | Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, | Northumberland Avenue, Charing Cross, W.C. [lBB4]

x, [2], 78, [2] p.; I 77x107 mm.; stiffened green cloth covers. Pages [iv], [xii] and [79-80] blank. Blind tooled title and ornamental borders on front cover.



POPE. JAMES HENRY (1837-1913)

Colophon p. 78: ’Printed by William Clowes and Sons, Limited. London and Beccles.’.

Text on p, [ii]: ’Maori version | of 1 A key to the narrative | of the | Acts of the Apostles. | by the | Venerable Archdeacon Norris’.

Translation by Rev. George Maunsell of Norris's A Key to the narrative of the Acts of the Apostles, first published London. 1869. The 1884 publication date follows that in W. O. B. Allen and B, McClure’s history of the SPCK, Two hundred years (London, 1898), p, 216. Williams’s publication date of 1878 probably comes from the year the translation was done, at Bishop Cowie’s request (Papers of the New Zealand mission 1809-1914, CMS Archive, University of Birmingham; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-Coll-04-39, Mission books, 1877-1878, CN/M 27). p. 262-263.

The SPCK annual report to 31 March 1885, p. 27, records 'lOO copies of the Acts of the Apostles in Maori’, presumably referring to this (Annual reports 1815-1952. in SPCK Records, 1786-1966, Cambridge University Library; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-Coll-20-2091). However, the same report (p. 29) notes the issue of 500 copies to the Bishop of Waiapu, suggesting 1,000 copies were probably printed.

Williams 546, Bagnall 4287. Copies: AP, DL, NLA, WTU.


POPE, James Henry (1837-1913)

Accompaniment to a textbook on reading for young Maori schoolchildren.

Key | to | reading lessons | for | Native Schools. | [ Royal Arms] \ Wellington. |By authority: George Didsbury, Government Printer. | [ rule ] | 1884.

14, [2] p.;163x107 mm.; brown paper covers. Pages [2] and [l5-16] blank.

Title repeated on front cover inside ornamental border.

A companion text to Pope’s Lessons in reading and spelling for use in native schools (1884; Bagnall 4646) a work largely in English. Contains 32 graduated lessons of vocabulary and sentences in Maori to teach reading to young children. An expanded version of the Maori text with the title He whakaako ki te korero pukapuka mete tatau a reta was published in 1896 (no. 1474).

Bagnall 4645. Copies: AR; WTU (photocopy).

1 121

School textbook on health for Maori.

Te ora mo te Maori: | He pukapuka | mo nga Kura Maori. | Na | Hemi Henare Te Popi, | Kai-tirotiro o nga Kura Maori. | Poneke: [i.e. Wellington] | He mea whakahau: George Didsbury. Kai-ta o te | Kawanatanga. | [ rule ] 1 1884

129, [l] p. 165x104 mm.; mauve or red cloth boards with blind tooling or full red leather with gold and blind tooling. Pages [2], [4], [6], [B] and [l3o] blank. Colophon p. 129: 'He mea ta i runga i te mana o te Kawanatanga, e G.

Didsbury.'. Printed and published by the Government Printer ('Kai-ta o te Kawanatanga’).


I 122


Translation of Pope's Health for the Maori (1884; Bagnall 4643), a textbook for children in Maori schools beyond standard 3. It discusses Maori health issues in the context of European advances, in two parts; disease and remedy. The latter focuses on the need for fresh air and water, warm housing and clothing, good food and a healthy lifestyle. A revised edition was published in 1896 (no. 1473).

For further background see D. A. Dow, Maori health and government policy 1840-1940 (Wellington, 1999), p. 90-91. For more information on Pope's contribution to Maori education see DNZB, v. 2, p. 393-395, and C. McGeorge, ‘James Pope’s textbooks for New Zealand schools'. Paradigm, v. 2. no. 3 (July 2001), p. 31-37.

Williams 674, Bagnall 4644. Copies: AP. AR, DL, DUHO, NLA, WTU.


ANDREWES, Lancelot (1555-1626)

Fifth edition of a selection of private prayers.

He kupu | ma te ngakau inoi | [rule] | "Kei whakamutua te Inoi.” | [rule] |

Nepia: [i.e. Napier] | Na te Haaringi i ta ki tona Whare Perehi Pukapuka. | 1885.

37. [l] p.; 180x120 mm.; stiffened royal blue cloth covers (blank). Pages [2] and [3B] blank. Colophon p. 37: ‘Harding, Printer, Napier'. Title within double rule border.

The fifth edition of Robert Maunsell’s translation of the Bishop of Winchester's collection of private prayers, first published in 1845 (no. 218), with corrections and additions to this edition by W. L. Williams. For other editions see no. 318, 403, 726, 1349.

Williams 693. Copies: AP, WTU.


AUBERT, Mary Joseph, Mother (1835-1926)

Conversational sentences and vocabulary in English and Maori.

New and complete manual | of | Maori conversation: | containing | phrases and dialogues | on | a variety of useful and interesting topics, | together with | a few general rules of grammar; | and a | comprehensive vocabulary: | by S.A. | [ornament] | Wellington, N.Z.: | Lyon and Blair,

Printers, Lambton Quay | [rule] | MDCCCLXXXV. | Rights reserved.)

197, [3] p.; 155x97 mm.; laid paper; brownish orange cloth boards with black tooling or purple cloth boards with red tooling. Pages [2], [4], [7B], [l34] and [l9B-200] blank. Most text in two columns separated by vertical rule.

Aubert (‘S.A.') explains in the Preface (p. [3]) that her work was intended to provide practical conversational sentences and vocabulary which could be understood at least in the North Island, for Maori as well as Pakeha: it also includes a brief grammar, p. [7]-14. Innovative in its content and tone, the work went through many editions from 1901 onwards under the direction of Apirana Ngata (e.g. Bagnall A765-A770): see also J. Munro, The story of Suzanne Aubert (Auckland, 1996), p. 160-164.

Williams 700, Bagnall 152. Copies: ABH, AP, AR, NLA, WTU.


I 126

COLENSO, WILLIAM (1811-1899)

BAKER, Joseph Goadby (1840-1924)

1 124

Circular about a series of religious tracts.

Te karere | o te | Kongo Pai. | I runga i te hiahia o etahi Pakeha e whakapono ana ki | te Ariki kia Ihu Karaiti, kia rongo te iwi Maori i etahi o nga | mahi a te Atua mo nga wairua tangata, [...]( [8 lines] | Na Hohepa Peka, | Kaituhituhi, | Kihipane. [no imprint. Gisborne?: Printed at the Office of the Poverty Bay Herald?, 1885]

1 sheet ([l] p,); 187x130 mm.; orange paper. Title set as an ornamental block of three curved lines of text with swelled rules above and below each line, all inside an ornamental border. Assumed printed by the same printer as no. 1132, which uses the same ornamental title block.

Leaflet to accompany mailings of the religious tract series 'Te karere o te Kongo Pai’ published by the New Zealand Native Tract Institution. 1,000 copies were printed in November 1885 for Joseph Baker ('Hohepa Peka') who had earlier translated Brethren tracts (see no. 918). For further information about the series see no. 1147.

Williams 698 a. Copies: WTU.


CAMERON, Lucy Lyttelton (1781-1858)

A religious story for children. 'The two lambs’.

Nga reme e rua. | [illustration of sheep, trees, flowers] | London: | Printed by the Religious Tract Society. | [rule] \ 1885.

48 p.; ill.; 131x93 mm.; stiffened blue paper covers. Pages [l] and [4] blank.

Title (with different illustration and no imprint date) repeated on front cover inside ornamental border.

Translation of Mrs Cameron’s The two lambs, a popular religious allegory for children first published in English ca. 1815. Most of the Maori version, with minor variations, was published in Te Korimako between January and April 1883. It therefore seems likely that the editor and publisher of that paper,

Charles Davis, prepared the translation, though an annotation by Gilbert Mair asserts it was also by 'Miss Harding [i.e. Hastings]’ (see no. 1134 for additional information).

Williams 697, Bagnall 4836. Copies: AP, NLA, WTU.

COLENSO, William (1811-1899)

1 126

Circular. 10 October 1885. inviting contributions to his Maori dictionary.

No Nepia nei (Ara. No Ahuriri), | No te 10 o nga ra o Oketopa, 1885. | E hoa, — | Tena ra ko koe. Tena pea kua kite koe ite kupu ate Kawanatanga ki nga hoa Maori, | mo tenei mahi e mahi nei ahau. [. . .] | [. . .] [no imprint. Wellington?: Printed by the Government Printer?, 1885]

1 folded sheet ([4] p ); 253x201 mm.; laid paper. Pages [2] and [4] blank. At end of text p. (I): 'Na to hoa mahi tahi, | na te Koreneho.’. Job number at foot of p. [l]: ‘2064)'. Text on p. [3] (39 lines) begins: ‘Na, hei whakaritenga tenei, hei tauira.—Probably printed by the Government Printer.

A circular letter inviting contributions to the Maori dictionary for which


1 I 27

DAVIS. CHARLES OLIVER BOND (I 81 7/1 8?-1 887)

Colenso had a government commission but which was never completed; see no. 966 for additional information. Text on p. [3] is a list of 37 Maori words with synonyms as examples of the advice sought from informants, e.g. ‘he kereru—he kukupa.’.

Sommerville 700 a, Bagnall 1328 a. Copies: NLA, WTU,

1 127

DAVIS, Charles Oliver Bond (1817/187-1887)

Second edition, enlarged, of a collection of temperance and religious songs.

Te honae; | being | a small collection | of | temperance, and sacred melodies, | in Maori. | by | C. O. Davis. | [rttZe] | Second edition enlarged. I

[rule] | He tau | Puru Ripene, aha, aha, | na Hare Reweti | Akarana [i.e.

Auckland] | Brett, ‘‘Evening Star’’ Office, Shortland and Fort Streets | 1885.

viii, [9]-88 p.; 162X102 mm.; red cloth boards or blue or red stiffened cloth covers. Pages [ii] and [iv] blank. Caption titles: ‘Temperance melodies’ (p. [9]); ‘Sacred melodies’ (p. [42]). Printed at the office of the Auckland evening star newspaper.

Title on cover (inside ornamental border): '[ornament] | Te honae. | [ornamental rule] | Sacred | and | Blue Ribbon songs. | [ornamental rule] \ C. O. Davis. | [ornament]’.

A second edition, greatly enlarged, of Davis’s Temperance songs published in 1873 (no. 779), containing 41 temperance songs and 60 religious songs, indicating tunes; some with notes on sources or biblical quotes. Preliminary text comprises: dedication to W. P. Snow, American sponsor of Te Korimako (525), dated 15 January 1885 (p. [iii]); preface to first edition (p. [v]); preface to second edition, dated Auckland, 20 January 1885 (p. [vi]); index of first lines (p. [vii]-vlii).

Williams 699, Bagnall 1552. Copies: AP, AR, DL, DUHO, NLA, WTU,

DESMOND, Arthur (fl. 1884-1894)


Pamphlet on the alienation of Maori land.

Te rerenga atu | o te | whenua o nga Maori | Aue I! Aue 111 Aue 111 | Ko Haata Tehimona | te kai tuhi tuhi | Written by | Arthur Desmond.

[no imprint. Napier: 1885?]

[2], 31, [l] p. 230x138. Prelim, pages: title-page (verso blank). Page [32] blank. Title-page ornamented with hand-drawn rules and other marks, and bordered with a triple rule. Text dated at end: ‘Nepia | Tihema 1884’. Written on titlepage of AP copy: ‘Printed &. published by the author' and ‘2nd edition'.

Williams identifies the reproduction method as the ‘gelatine’ (collotype) process, and the complete work is from a handwritten original.

Pamphlet by radical activist and political aspirant Arthur Desmond ('Haata Tehimona’) about whom little is known; see DNZB, v. 2, p. 116-11 7. Among other socialist policies, he advocated nationalisation of large estates and was sympathetic to Maori concerns over Pakeha systems of land purchase and monopoly. This pamphlet urges Maori to try and understand the structure and roles of the land companies, and the people involved.

Williams 687 a (S) Copies: AP; WTU (photocopy).


1 1 29

GREY. SIR GEORGE (1812-1898)3

1 129

GREY, Sir George (1812-1898)

Second edition of a collection of Maori legends, in English and Maori.

Polynesian mythology | and | ancient traditional history | of the | New Zealand race, | as furnished by their priests and chiefs 1 by | Sir George Grey, K.C.8., | Late Governor-in-chief in New Zealand. | [illustration: warriors in waka] | Second edition. English & Maori. 1 [rule] | Auckland: 1 Printed by H. Brett, Evening Star Office, Shortland Street. 1 [rule] \ MDCCCLXXXV.

[2l, xxiii, [l], 255. [l], 199, [l] p.. [1 1] leaves of plates; music; 221x143 mm.; blackish blue cloth boards with blind tooling inside ornamental border on both covers. Pages [ii], [iv], [xiii], [xxiv], [256] and (final sequence) [2], [6], [lo6], [l23], [2oo] blank. Printed at the office of the Auckland evening star newspaper.

Although the English text (first and second sequences) and Maori text (final sequence) are separately paginated, the signatures are continuous, including the three unusual signatures U, V and W, a practice also followed in other Brett publications. All plates are in the English text.

Prelim, pages, engraved half title (tipped-in, verso blank): ‘Polynesian | mythology | by | Sir George Grey’ within illustration of a snow-capped mountain, cabbage trees and prow of waka. Engraved by J. W. Whymper.

Additional title-page (p. [l], final sequence): ‘Ko | nga mahi | a | nga tupuna Maori | ha [sic] mea kohikohi mai | na | Sir George Grey, K.C.8., | Governor-in-chief of the New Zealand islands. | [rule] \ Second edition. | [rule] | Auckland: | Printed by H. Brett. “Evening Star" Office, Shortland Street. 1 [rule] | MDCCCLXXXV.’.

A composite second edition of two previously published separate works: Polynesian mythology (1855, Bagnall 2348) and the text from which it was translated, Ko nga mahinga a nga tupuna (1854, no. 453), with minor textual and punctuation changes. Much of the Maori text was corrected for the press by Edward Shortland. Dedicated to J, A. Froude who visited New Zealand in 1885 and spent time at Kawau Island (Grey’s home). The original prefaces are reprinted, with a new one for this edition (p. [xiii]-xx) dated 6 October 1885,

The illustrations on the half-title and title-page and the plates are photolithograph reproductions of those in the first edition of the English text, with an added new one of a ‘war dance'. The printing (2,000 copies) was contracted to Brett and supervised by the Government Printer. Two letters from Didsbury to Grey about production matters are in William Aldis’s copy at AP. The wood-pulp paper has severely deteriorated in all copies seen.

There are several later editions, including a facsimile reprint (Hamilton. 1995).

The following variant issue is also found:

1129.1 smaller format, variant binding: 21 Ox 135 mm; green cloth boards with blind-tooled triple border on covers. Probably issued later than that described above.

Williams 694, Bagnall 2349. Copies: AP, AR. NLA, WTU (incl. variant 1129.1).



I 130


He HIMENE mo te karakia kite Atua

Reprint ('second edition') of collection of 172 Anglican hymns.

[He himene mo te karakia kite Atua. [cross] Nepia: [i.e. Napier] Na te Harangi i ta ki tona Whare Perehi Pukapuka. 1885.]

viii, 136 p.; 137x86 mm. Physical details not confirmed; description from Williams. Printed by Robert Coupland Harding.

A reprint (referred to as 'second edition' in no. 1449 and 1546) of 2,000 copies of the collection of 172 Anglican hymns in Maori first published in 1883 (no. 1073); see that entry for additional information.

Williams 695. No copy located.

KAWEPO, Renata Tama-ki-Hikurangi (d 1888)

1 13)

Statement of claim lodged in Supreme Court about land in Hawke's Bay.

Supreme Court of New Zealand. | Wellington District. | [double rule] |

Renata Kawepo and another | v. | Tanner and others. | [double rule] |

Statement of claim. | [double rule ] | Buller & Gully, | Wellington.

[no imprint. Wellington?: 1885?]

10, [2] p.; 303x205 mm. Title from p. [l2], Page [ll] blank. Text p. [l] begins: 'No. 3702. | [rule] | In the Supreme Court of New Zealand, j Wellington District.'. Text in English (p. [l]-5) and Maori (p. (6]-10) and printed as a legal document designed to be folded.

Writ no, 3702, dated 27 November 1885, lodged in the Supreme Court,

Wellington, for plaintiffs Renata Kawepo and Paora Kaiwhata versus the defendants Henare Tomoana and others, including Thomas Tanner and the Attorney General. Kawepo's name had not been included as one of the designated owners in the 1867 Crown grant registering the Heretaunga Block, Hawke's Bay. Kawepo's action to nullify the grant and subsequent questionable leases and sale to Tanner and others was successful. For further background on the long drawn out events associated with this land see M. B. Boyd. City of the plains: A history of Hastings (Wellington, 1984), p. 6-15.

Bagnall 2946. Copies: WTU.

1 132

Te KOREROTANGA kite whakaminenga

Religious tract. A high church vicar converted.

Te karere | o te | Kongo Pai. | Te korerotanga kite 1 whakaminenga. |

[ornamental rule] | “Kahore aku tangata hei tuku i au kite kaukauranga.” 1

(Hoani 5, 7.) | He kupu whakaaroha rawa to tenei tangata mate, i a ia | e takoto tonu ana ia tau, ia tau, i waenganui o ona hoa e 1 mate tahi ana me ia, [Printed at the Herald Office, Gisborne, for the N.Z. Native Tract Institution. [lBBs]]

10 p,: 187x125 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 10, At end of text: '(Extract from "A high church vicar converted.”)'. Series title at head of p. [l] set as an ornamental block of three curved lines of text with swelled rules above and below each line, all inside an ornamental border. Series number at foot of p. 10.


I 134


Series: Te karere o te Rongo Pai. no. 3.

Religious tract 'Te korerotanga kite whakaminenga'. translated by Joseph Baker. The original text may have come from the work by S. L., The story of his conversion, as told by himself to his congregation, etc. (London, Church of England Book Society, 1880). Baker reported 5 November 1885 that 2,000 copies had been printed (New Zealand Native Tract Institution, Minute book 1885-1901: WTU, MS-Papers-1 661). Note in English and Maori on availability of copies (p. 10).

See no. 1147 for further information on the series.

Williams 698/3. Covies: AP, WTU.


LUCK, John Edmund (1840-1896)

Pastoral letter. 29 January 1885, about Vicar General James McDonald.

[episcopal coat of arms] | Na Hoani Erimana, i runga i te atawhai | o te Atua mete whakaaro pai o te I tino Epikopo Apotorika, Epikopo | o Akarana. |

Ki nga rangatira Maori me nga iwi Maori. | Kia ora koutou, kia tau hoki te manaakitanga o te | Ariki ki a koutou. | [. . .] [He mea ta kite Whare ta o te Nupepa Katorika o te Pirimana Tinara | i Akarana. [i.e. Auckland] [lBBs]]

1 folded sheet (3, [l] p.); 213x138 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. [4]. At end of text p. 3; 'Harehi, i te 29 Hanuere, 1885. | Na Hoani Erimana Raka | (No te Hapu o Hata Penetito.) | Epikopo o Akarana.'. Printed at the Office of the New Zealand Freeman's journal ('te Nupepa Katorika o te Pirimana Tinara’).

Pastoral from the Catholic Bishop of Auckland, John Edmund Luck (‘Hoani Erimana Raka’) which answers concerns expressed by Maori Catholics about the Vicar General for Maori in the diocese, James McDonald, whom Luck was making responsible for the missions north of Auckland. Both James and his brother. Father Walter McDonald, were priests popular with Maori; see DNZB. v. 1, p. 247.

Williams 693 a (S), Bagnall 3199. Copies: NLA, WTU.

MORTIMER, Favell Lee (1802-1878)


More about Jesus, Sunday School lessons for young people.

He whakaako i nga mea | o te Ariki o Ihu Karaiti | (More about Jesus). | Ko whaka-maoritia i | M. A. Hastings, | me | Atanatiu Te Kairangi. |

[illustration] | London: | Printed by the Religious Tract Society. | [rule] \ 1885.

viii, [9J-222, [2] p . ill., map; 165x100 mm.; red, brown, blue or greenish yellow cloth boards with blind and gold tooling. Title page bordered with a rule. Pages [l] and [224] blank. Caption title p. [9]: ‘He rawhi-peketua na "Te Korimako’”. Map p [223]: 'Palestine, or Canaan',

Manuscript slip in W, I. Williams's copy (WTU): 'if any copies are required . - - apply to Mrs Rutherfurd, Brougham St Wellington, who has them at 1/- each’.



I 135

Translation of Mrs Mortimer’s More about Jesus, first published in London, 1858. Each chapter ends with questions and a quotation from the Bible. The translators are identified as M. A. Hastings and Atanatiu Te Kairangi, presumably the Ngati Toa historian whose writings appeared in the Maori newspaper Te Pipiwharauroa, no. 176, March 1913. Gilbert Mair’s assertion in a note in one WTU copy that ‘Miss Hastings, a lady in England who had never seen a Maori . . . learned the Maori language entirely for the purpose of writing this little book’ is unconfirmed.

The text is a reprint (including typographical errors) of Sunday School lessons serialised between 15 March 1883 and I 5 June 1884 under the title ‘He korero mo nga Ratapu, ma nga mea taitamariki’ in supplements to Te Korimako (525), as acknowledged in the caption title. Charles Davis, editor and publisher of the newspaper, may also have been involved in the translation.

Williams 696, Bagnall 2504. Copies: AP, AR, DL, DUHO. NLA. WTU.

Entries 1135-1141 are filed in alphabetical order of the English title.



Sections 247-249 of the Land Act 1885.

(Clauses Land Act, 1885. | Niu Tireni. | [Royal Arms] I Ture Whenua, 1885.

| [rule] | Wahi IX. [i.e. X] | Nga rarangi e pa ana ki nga whenua Maori. | 247. Kite kite te Kawana ko etahi whenua Maori kua riro ne | i a te Kuini i runga i tetahi huarahi, | ..] [He mana i whakaua, i taia ai te Titipere, Kai-tai Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Weringitana. [i.e. Wellington! -1884. [i.e. 188511

1 sheet (2 p.); 277x195 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 2. Printed by George Didsbury, Government Printer (‘te Titipere, Kai-tai Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Weringitana’).

Translation of sections 247-249 (Part X, ‘Native Lands’) of the Land Act 1885 (1885, No. 56) omitting all the formal introductory text and marginal notes. The Act in English has 251 sections, of which the translated sections set down the process for government disposal of lands acquired from Maori. The Bill, a major consolidation of existing legislation, was introduced by Ballance in the House on 16 June and passed all stages by 21 September. No Maori members spoke during the extensive debate and no reference has been found to any Maori version of the Bill (or extracts).

Williams 702 & (S), Copies: WTU (in MSX-5205).


Land Transfer Act 1885.

[Te Jure Whakawhiti Whenua. 1885: actual title not confirmed: no copy located. Wellington: Printed by the Government Printer. 1885]

Physical description not known; no copy located. Description from Williams.

'Translation of the Land Transfer Act, 1885 [lBB5, No. 57], No copy seen. - (Williams). This substantial Act (226 sections, 56 p.) repealed earlier


I 138


legislation and includes general references to transactions by Maori and relating to Maori land.

Williams * *707. No copy located.


Definition of 'Maori' and sections 18 and 32. Property Assessment Act 1885.

(Clauses Property Assessment, 1885. | Niu Tireni. | [Royal Arms] \ [rule] \ Rarangi o roto o Te Ture Whakarite Utu Takoha, 1885. | “Maori” tona tikanga he tangata Maori o Niu Tireni tae atu ki | nga hawhe-kaihe e noho a Maori ana i roto i tetahi iwi Maori i raro 1 i o ratou tikanga me o ratou ritenga hoki. | [8 lines] | [rule] | He mana i whakaua, i taia ai te Titipere, Kai-tai Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Weringitana. [i.e. Wellington] -1885.

1 sheet ([l] p ); 277x195 mm. Printed by the Government Printer.

Translation of parts of the Property Assessment Act 1885 (1885, No. 41) omitting all formal introductory text and marginal notes. The text (from the Act comprising 122 sections) comprises the definition of ‘Maori’ from section 2, a fragment of section 18 (7) (Property exempt from taxation) and the whole of section 32 (Interest of European occupants of Maori lands to be assessed). The Bill was introduced by Stout in the House on 23 June and passed all stages by 11 September. On 10 September Taiaroa had raised the question of the definition of ‘Maori’ (section 2), which had just been drawn to his attention, and sought an adjournment. In response the Speaker undertook to consider ’how far this Bill affects the natives, and whether it should ... be translated into Maori’ ( NZPD , 1885, v. 53, p. 671). As the Bill was passed the following day (when Taiaroa again mentioned the definition: v. 53. p. 713), translation was clearly deferred until the text of the resulting Act was available.

Williams 705. Copies: WTU (in MSX-5205).


Resident Magistrates' Courts Proceedings Validation Act 1885.

(R. M. Court Proceedings Validated. | Niu Tireni. | [Royal Arms] 1 Whakamana i nga Mahi a nga Kooti Whakawa | Takiwa. | [rule] | He Ture hei whakamana i etahi mahinga i roto i te Kooti | Whakawa Takiwa. | [. . .] [He mana i whakau, [sic] i taia ai te H. Tiripere, [sic] Kai-tai Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Weringitana. [i.e. Wellington] -1885.]

1 sheet (2 p ); 277x195 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 2. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: ‘Te Ture Whakamana i nga Mahi a nga Kooti Whakawa Takiwa, 1885.'.

Translation of the Resident Magistrates’ Courts Proceedings Validation Act 1885 (1885. No. 24), omitting the Analysis and marginal notes. The Act validated previous proclamations made by Resident Magistrates as unaffected by subsequent changes to districts. The Bill was introduced by


I 139


Tole in the House on 5 August and passed all stages by 19 August without debate. No Maori version of the Bill has been identified.

Williams 707 a, Copies: WTU (in MSX-5205).

**1139 -

Special Powers and Contracts Act 1885.

[Te Ture mo nga Mahi Motuhake. 1885: actual title not confirmed: no copy located. Wellington: Printed by the Government Printer. 1885]

Physical description not known; no copy located. Description from Williams.

‘Translation of the Special Powers and Contracts Act, 1885 [lBB5, Local Acts, No. 21]. No copy seen.' (Williams). The substantial (26 p.) Act in English includes in the Schedule a number of specific matters relating to Maori land and it is possible these were issued in Maori, as had been done in 1883 (no. 1083).

Williams **7o6. No copy located.

1 140

Sections 1-6 and 16-17 of the Stamp Act 1882 Amendment Act 1885.

(Stamp Act Amendment. | Niu Tireni. | [Royal Arms ] | Ture Whakatikatika 1885 i te Ture Pane | Kuini, 1882. | [rule] | He Ture whakatikatika i “Te Ture Pane Kuini 1882.” ([...] [He mana i whakaua, i taia ai te Titipere, Kai-tai Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Weringitana. [i.e. Wellington] -1885.]

I folded sheet (3. [1 ] p); 277x195 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 3. Page [4] blank. Running title: ‘Whakatikatika i te Ture Pane Kuini.'.

Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: 'Te Ture Whakatikatika. 1885, i te Ture Pane Kuini, 1882.'.

Translation of sections 1-6 and 16-1 7of the Stamp Act 1882 Amendment Act 1885 (1885, No. 40) omitting the Analysis and marginal notes. The Act in English has 20 sections, of which the ones translated are those which dealt with land owned by Maori. The Bill (also referred to as the 'Stamp Duties Bill' and the ‘Stamp Bill') was introduced by Stout in the House on 23 June 1885 and passed all stages by 31 August. Although Taiaroa spoke in the debate in the Legislative Council and presented a petition from Taranui and seventeen other Maori on related issues ( NZPD , 1885, v. 52, p, 521-522), there is no reference to a Maori version of the Bill (or extracts).

Williams 704. Copies: WTU (in MSX-5205).


West Coast Settlement Reserves Act 1881 Amendment Act 1885.

(West Coast Settlement Reserves Act 1881 Amendment. 1 Niu Tireni. |

[Royal Arms] \ Jure WhaKatikatika 1885 i Te Ture Whakatau- | nga Rahui o te Tai Hauauru, 1881. 1 Whakawhaititanga. | [ analysis: J sections. 8 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] \ [rule] | Ko te ingoa poto o tenei Jure ko "Te Ture Whakatikatika 1885 | i Te Ture Whakatau Rahui o te Tai


1 143


Hauauru 1881." | [23 lines] |He mana i whakahaua, i tai e George Didsbury, Kai-taa Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Poneke. [i.e. Wellington) -1885.

1 sheet ([l] p.); 277x195 mm. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: ‘Te Ture Whakatikatika 1885 i Te Ture Whakataunga Rahul o te Tai Hauauru, 1881.’.

Translation of the West Coast Settlement Reserves Act 1881 Amendment Act 1885 (1885, No. 11), omitting the marginal notes. It amended the 1881 Act (no. 1008). The Act further defined the role of the Public Trustee in administering the Taranaki reserves. The Bill was introduced by Ballance in the House on 30 June and passed all stages by 24 July without debate. No Maori version of the Bill has been identified.

Williams 703. Copies: WTU (in MSX-5205).


NEW ZEALAND. Native Minister

Letter. 11 May 1885, promoting James Pope's textbook on health for Maori.

Tari Maori, | E hoa,— Poneke, Mei 1 1, 1885. | Tena koe. Ka nui taku whakamoemiti | ki nga kupu ako i nga Maori I roto I te puka- | puka I tuhituhia ete Popi, [. . .] | [. . .] [no imprint. Wellington: Printed by the Government Printer. 1885]

1 folded sheet (3, [l] p.); 165x108 mm. (untrimmed). Page [4] blank. At end of text: Na to hoa aroha, | Na te Paranihi.'. Greeting (set left) on same line as second line of address and date (set right).

A circular letter from Native Minister John Ballance ('Paranihi') commending James Pope’s textbook on health for Maori, Te ora mo te Maori (no. I 121).

Williams 675, Bagnall 4644 (note). Copies: WTU.


NEW ZEALAND. Parliament. House of Representatives.

Native Land Disposition Bill 1885.

(Native Land Disposition. | Ture Whakahaere i nga Tuku Whenua Maori. |

[rule] | Whakawhaititanga. | [rule] 1 He Ture hei whakahaere I nga tikanga o nga tuku whenua Maori. | [. . .] [Wellington. Printed by the Government Printer, 1885]

8 + p ; 291 X 222 mm. Caption title. Running title: 'Whakahaere i nga tikanga o nga tuku whenua Maori.'. Imprint and physical details not confirmed; only copy located is incomplete and ends at p. 8.

Short title: 'Te Ture Whakahaere i nga Tikanga o nga Tuku Whenua Maori, 1885.'.

Translation of the Native Land Disposition Bill 1885 (1885, No. 15), omitting the Analysis (though the heading 'Whakawhaititanga' and a space for it are included) and intitulation phrase. The only copy located is incomplete and ends at clause 55; the English text has 68 clauses and one schedule. The Bill was introduced by Ballance in the House on 16 June and it was referred to the Native Affairs Committee, but eventually lapsed. For additional


1 144


information on Maori concerns about this Bill see NZPD. 1886, v. 54. p. 327328, when amended legislation, the Native Land Administration Bill 1886 (see no. **1163 for the Maori version), was introduced.

Copies: WTU (incomplete).


NEW ZEALAND. Under-Secretary for Native Affairs

Printed notice. 30 April 1885. inviting specimens for an exhibition.

Tari Maori, | E hoa, [set right:] Poneke, Aperira 30, 1885. | Tena koe. Kua tae pea te rongo ki a koe mo te whakakitenga taonga | ki Poneke e nga marama o Akuhata, o Hepetema, o Oketopa, a e whakaaro ana | te Minita mo te Taha Maori kei te hiahia ano nga Maori kite tuku mai i nga | taonga i whakatupuria, .] [no imprint. Wellington: Printed by the Government Printer, 1885]

1 sheet ([2 p.]): 342x211 mm. At end of text p. [l]: ’Na te Ruihi, |T. W. Lewis.’. Text on p. [2] (20 lines) begins: ’He huruhuru hipi, he kaanga, he kumara, he taro . . .'. Greeting set on same line as second line of address and date.

A notice signed by T. W. Lewis, Under-Secretary for Native Affairs, inviting entries of specimens of produce etc. for the New Zealand Industrial Exhibition, Text on p, [2] is a list of categories of items for exhibit. Several publications document the exhibition, which ran in Wellington for two months 22 August-31 October 1885: see Bagnall 5939-5942.

Williams 709 a. Copies: WTU.


NORTH, Brownlow (1810-1875)

Religious tract. God's way of salvation.

No. 2. | Ta te Atua whakaoranga. | [ornamental rule] \ Ehara i te mea na nga mahi tika i mahia e tatou.—(Taituha 3,5.) | [ornamental rule] \ Ka timata nei ahau te whakaatu atu i etahi kupu hei | whakamarama i te ahua o ta te Atua whakaoranga. [. . .] | [. . .] [Printed at the Herald Office,

Gisborne, for the N.Z. Native Tract Institution. [lBBs]]

7, [l] p.; 187x125 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 7. Page [B] blank. At end of main text, p. [6]: 'Translated from “God’s way of salvation,” by Brownlow North.’.

Series: [Te karere o te Kongo Pai, no. 2],

Religious tract containing two texts translated by Joseph Baker, North's Ta te Atua whakaoranga' (p. [l]-6) and 'To tatou ake tikanga' by an unidentified author (‘From "Our own righteousness.” p. 7). Baker reported on 5 November 1885 that 3,000 copies had been printed (New Zealand Native Tract Institution, Minute book 1885-1901; WTU, MS-Papers-1661).

See no. I 147 for further information on the series.

Williams 698/2. Copies: AP, WTU.

1 146

TAONUI, Aperahama (d. 1882)

Letters to Kawiti. and other texts supporting the Kotahitanga.

[double rule] \ He whakaaro | na | Aperahama Taonui | me | Maihi Paraone



1 147

Kawiti. | [rule] | 1885. | [double rule] [no imprint. Kawakawa?, 1885]

7. [l] p ; 335x210 mm.; laid paper, blue paper covers. Title from front cover Page [B] blank. Text p, [l] begins: Te Raupo, Hokianga, Aperira 24. 1863.'. At end of text: ‘I whakaritea e nga rangatira katoa ki Taumarere i te 5 o nga ra o Mei, 1885.'. Taumarere is near Kawakawa where this may have been printed, possibly at the office of the Northern luminary newspaper.

A posthumous collection of fifteen sections (Upoko I-XV) dated between 3 October 1873 and 25 April 1882 with Taonui's letter of 24 April 1863 to Wiremu Waaka Turau as an unnumbered introductory section. It includes eleven letters from Taonui, mainly to Maihi Paraone Kawiti, a leader in the Kotahitanga movement at the Bay of Islands, offering prophetic guidance for the cause. Taonui's vision was of a great law (tikanga nui) which would be fulfilled in 1890, 50 years after the signing of the Treaty, in which he rested his hopes for the resolution of grievances about land loss and political powerlessness. Other sections include the Maori text of the Treaty of Waitangi (Upoko XIII) and two documents relating to the Kotahitanga movement.

Williams 709b, Bagnall 5457. Copies: WTU.

1 147

TERA E TOTOHU te kaipuke i te puta kotahi

Religious tract. One leak will sink a ship.

(No. 1. | “Tera e totohu te kaipuke Ite | puta kotahi.” | [swelled rule] 1 Eai ta Hoani Paniana, “Tera e totohu te kaipuke i te | puta kotahi, a ka whakangaromia te tangata hara e te hara | kotahi;” a he tika taua korero notemea i whiriwhiria mai | e ia ona whakaaro i roto 1 te kupu a te Atua. 1

[. . .] | [Printed for the New Zealand Native Tract Institution, by J. Baldwin | at the Poverty Bay Printing Works, Customhouse Street. [Gisborne: 1885]]

1 folded sheet (4 p ); 188x125 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 4. At end of main text p. 3: ‘Translated from “One leak will sink a ship.’".

Series; [Te karere o te Rongo Pai, no. I],

Religious tract containing translations by Joseph Goadby Baker of Gisborne of two texts by unidentified authors: ‘Tera e totohu te kaipuke i te puta kotahi' (p. (l]-3) and 'He patai mo te tangata hara' (A question for the sinner; p. 4).

The first of a series of 29 tracts issued by the New Zealand Native Tract Institution between 1885 and 1902. For other tracts in this series to 1900 see no. 1132, 1145, 1153, 1174, 1190, 1198, 1226, 1234, 1252, 1267, 1270, 1293, 1297, 1302. 1312, 1321, 1344, 1347, 1501, 1524, 1542, 1543, 1547, 1549, 1565. Some of the titles had previously been issued in an 1878-1879 series of Brethren tracts with which Baker was also associated; see no. 918.

Details of dates of issue and print runs are from the Institution's Minute book 1885-1901 (WTU, MS-Papers-1661). The institution, set up in 1885 to organise the translation, printing and distribution of Gospel tracts to Maori, was based in Gisborne, and was funded by voluntary subscriptions. Baker, secretary of the organisation, and translator of almost all the texts, stated on 17 September 1885 that the first tract 'was now in the printers hands', but it was not actually available until after no. 2 and 3. Approval was given for the printing of 2,000 copies by Baldwin at the office of the Poverty Bay


I 148

tOroa, raniera

independent newspaper, but dissatisfaction with the delay resulted in the Poverty Bay herald being used for subsequent issues (to 1897). Issues from 1899 onwards were printed by H. J. Bushnell.

Williams 698/1. Copies: AP, WTU.

TUROA, Raniera

1 148

Petition from East Coast Maori asking that land be managed by their Committee.

J.-l. | 1885. | New Zealand, | [rule] | Petition of Raniera Turoa and 595 others. | (No. 260, Session 11, 1884.) | [rule] | Ordered by the House of Representatives to be printed, 10th July, 1885. | [rule] |[.. .] [By authority: George Didsbury, Government Printer. Wellington.-1885.]

1 sheet (2 p.); 323x203 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 2.

Shoulder number on p. 2: T.-l

AJHR, 1885, J-l. Undated petition in Maori with an English translation, signed by Raniera Turoa and 595 others. It asks that legislation be passed to authorise the local Maori Committee to manage and develop the land between Wharekahika (Hicks Bay) and Uawa (Tolaga Bay) for the benefit of all. The East Coast Committee was among the twelve North Island committee districts proclaimed in the Gazette, 24 January 1884, under the 1883 Native Committees Act (no. 1080): for further background see V. O'Malley, Agents of autonomy (Wellington, 1998), p. 167.

Williams 709. Copies: WTU (in bound vol., AJHR).

BARING-GOULD, Sabine (1834-1924)


Hymn, 'Onward Christian soldiers'.

He himene. | Kia maia, kia toa: - Ko Ihowa hoki, ko ia te haere | ana i tou aroaro. Tiu. xxxi. 6, 8. | 6 5 6 5 d. Rangi: “Onward, Christian Soldiers." |

1. Hoia ote Hahi, | whakatika ra: | Haere mala ake: | nei he mahi mau. |

Te Ariki Tapu, 1 nana koe I ki, | haere kite whawhai, | pehia mai te he. |

Hoia o te Hahi, | whakatika ra: | Nei te tohu mana | ko te rlpeka! | [stanzas 2-5 of 9 lines] [no imprint. Napier?: Printed by R. C. Harding?, 1886?]

1 sheet ([l] p.); 264x105 mm.; pink paper.

Reprint on pink paper of the hymn ‘Onward Christian soldiers' as printed on p. [l5-16] of the Anglican Maori Church almanac for 1886, printed by Harding (S2Ol/1886). on which the dating is based. The text in English was first published in 1865 with the musical setting by Sir Arthur Sullivan added later.

Sommervilie 992 a. Copies: WTU.

I 150

CENSUS of the Middle Island natives . . .

Census of South Island Maori taken in 1848 and 1853.

G.-16. | 1886. | New Zealand. | [rule] 1 Census of the Middle Island natives | made by Mr. Commissioner Mantell in 1848 and 1853. | [rule] | Return to




an Order of the House of Representatives, dated 6th July, 1886. | [. . .] [By authority: George Didsbury, Government Printer. Wellington.-1886.]

6 p.; 324x203 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 6. In tabular form. At end of text: ‘(Approximate cost of paper.-Preparation, nil; printing (1,250 copies!)] £8 10s.’.

AJHR. 1886, G-16. Census of 817 men, women and children to whom reserves had been made, arranged by location and stating name, sex, and tribe or hapu. The 1848 data is for the Ngai Tahu Block and 1853 data is for the Murihiku Block and Ruapuke. Tame Parata put the motion that resulted in this paper being printed ( NZPD. 1886, v. 55, p. 279), but the item itself records his name as ‘Mr. Pratt’.

Copies: WTU (in bound vol., AJHR).



Circular. 8 March 1886. warning against a land company’s dealings.

Hone Rapata Hare Ma. | Kaiwhakahaere Mahi Maori. 1 [rule] | Tena ka tukua nei e matou ki nga tangata e whakahaere ana matou i a ratou | mahi etahi korero mo nga mahi a Te Kamupene Whakanohonoho Whenua | Maori o Niu Tireni i runga i te whakaaturanga o a ratou kaute mo te tau 1884. | [rule] \ [23 lines, partly in 2 columns, and 3 rules] | Na Hone Rapata Hare Ma. | Kihipane Maehe 8 1886. [no imprint. Gisborne?: 1886]

1 sheet ([l] p ); 222x142 mm.

A circular from an unidentified person or organisation ‘Hone Rapata Hare' (John Robert Charles?). It warns against the proposals of the New Zealand Native Land Settlement Company (‘Te Kamupene Whakanohonoho Whenua Maori o Niu Tireni'), which was selling blocks of land at a price lower than their value: 26 blocks are named as examples. For further background on the land company see no. 1093.

Copies: AP; WTU (photocopy).


Te INOI mo te wai

Two Mormon prayers printed on a card.

Te inoi mo te wai. 1 E te Atua, e te Matua ora tonu. e inoi atu ana | matou ki a koe i runga i te ingoa o tau Tama o Ihu | Karaiti, kia whakapaingia kia whakatapua tenei wai 1 mo nga wairua o matou katoa e inu ana, [. . .] | [5 lines] [no imprint. 1886?]

I sheet ([2] p); ca. 73x109 mm. Physical details not confirmed; entry nrenared from microfilm.

Text on verso: Te inoi mo te taro. | E te Atua, e te Matua ora tonu, e inoi atu ana | matou ki a koe i runga i te ingoa o Tau Tama o ihu | Karaiti, kia whakapaingia kia whakatapua tenei taro | mo nga wairua o matou katoa e kai ana. [...]) [7 lines]'.

Translation of Mormon prayers for blessing the sacramental oil ('wai') and bread (‘taro’), each printed on one side of a small card. The only copy located is inserted at entry for 27 May 1886 in E. F. Richards, Diary (Archives of the


1 153


Mormon experience. Brigham Young University, Utah; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-0870-6). The text is a slightly different version of the same prayers printed ca. 1895 (no. 1423-1424) and was probably translated by missionary Richards, one of the main translators of the Book of Mormon (no. 1242).

Copies: Brigham Young University. Utah (in E. F. Richards. Diary); WTU (microfilm).

1 153


Religious tract. Worship; or, One in ten.

(N0.4. |Te karere ote rongo pai | “Kei hea nga tokoiwa.” | (Ruka 17, 12.9) | [ornamental rule] | Mamae ana te ngakau i te tirohanga atu—tekau enei | tangata i tutaki mai kite Ariki kia Ihu; [...]![.. .] [Printed at the Herald Office, Gisborne, for the N.Z. Native Tract Institution. [lBB6]]

1 folded sheet (4 p.); 187x125 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 4. At end of text p. 4: '(Translated from "Worship; or. One in ten.”)’. Series title at head of p. [l] inside an ornamental border.

Series: Te karere o te Kongo Pai, no. 4.

Religious tract ‘Kei hea nga tokoiwa’ by an unidentified author, translated by Joseph Baker. 3,000 copies printed before 28 June 1886 (New Zealand Native Tract Institution, Minute book 1885-1901; WTU. MS-Papers-1661).

See no. 1147 for further information on the series.

Williams 698/4. Copies: AP, WTU.

1 154


One-pound note, from Tawhiao's Bank of Aotearoa.

1 Kotahi Fauna 1 | No. [dotted rule] Ko Te Peeke o Aotearoa | E whaimana ana tenei moni ki nga tangata katoa | [left:] Kotahi Fauna [right:] Kotahi Fauna | [line of ornaments] \ [left:] 1 Fauna [ornament (flax bush)] [right:] No. [dotted rule ] 1 Kotahi Fauna | Tawhia. [sic] | 1 Kotahi Fauna 1 [no imprint. Auckland: Printed at the Office of the Evening Bell, 1886?]

1 sheet ([2] p.; 128x21 7 mm. Printed in five colours (black, blue, green, red, yellow). On p. [2]: 5 red rings, one in each corner and one (with blue centre) in the middle. One copy omits the name ’Tawhia[o].'.

The wording transcribed is within an ornamental border incorporating the text ‘Kotahi Fauna’, with the four numerals (1) at the corners. Inside the border, the text is overprinted on various background patterns (including lettering), of which the most dominant is a capital 'N' (58x47 mm.), and typographic ornaments.

A banknote for one pound, issued by King Tawhiao's bank, the Bank of Aotearoa. Seven copies are known and described fully with a history of the bank in S. Park, 'Te Peeke o Aotearoa’, A IZJH, v. 26 (1992), p. 161-183. The date of printing, issue and use are surrounded in some mystery.

Reminiscences of Vernon Roberts, a close acquaintance of Tawhiao, state that the banknotes were never issued, see V. Roberts, Kohihohinga (Auckland, 1929), p. 155-156 (banknote reproduced p. [ls2]).


I 155


A pound note from King Tawhiao’s Bank of Aotearoa, ca. 1886, (BiM 1154) A rare example of five-colour priming using the Maori language, although the notes may not have been actually issued.

Alexander Turnbull Library: Wellington debentures and other paper money. qMS-2136

Typographical similarities to the bank’s cheques suggest the banknotes were printed by the same printer, and the Evening bell was published from 16 May 1885 to 12 May 1888. Park’s historical analysis concludes (p. 179) that the bank was in operation ‘from about 1886 until about 1905’ and his earliest date, which fits with that of the printer’s activity, has been followed.

Williams 710 a. Copies: AR, WTU (qMS-2136).


MAIR, Gilbert, junior (1843-1923)

Circular letter to Maori. 30 June 1886. about the Tarawera eruption.

Poneke, Hune 30, 1886. | Ki nga iwi Maori katoa e noho nei i Aotearoa. |

E hoa ma tena kotou, — |He panuitanga tenei ki a mohio ai te iti te rahi.

Tenei tetahi mate nui | whakaharahara kua pa nei ki tetahi wahi o te Ika-a-Maui. | [. . .] | [. . .] [no imprint. Wellington?: Printed by the Government Printer?, 1886]

1 folded sheet (2 leaves); 258x204 mm.; laid paper with watermark ‘Original | Turkey Mill | Kent’. Caption title. Versos of leaves are blank. Signed at end: 'Na Kapene Mea, | Tawa.'. Paper, typeface and layout suggest it was printed by the Government Printer, possibly as an official publication.

A circular letter about the Tarawera eruption (10 June 1886) from Captain Gilbert Mair ('Kapene Mea'). who was given the name Tawatawhiti ('Tawa’) as a child, and had an especially strong relationship with Te Arawa. For more


I 156


information on Mair and his career, including as government interpreter, see DNZB, v, I, p. 260-261. The WTU copy is accompanied by a printed translation in English (3 p.) titled To all the Maori people of Aotearoa, with 18 footnotes explaining allusions in the Maori text.

Williams 726. Copies: AP, NLA, WTU.

Entries 1156-1161 are filed in alphabetical order of the English title.

1 156


Native Equitable Owners Act 1886.

(Native Equitable Owners. | Niu Tireni. | [rule] \ [Royal Arms] | Te rima tekau o nga tau o te kuinitanga o | Kuini Wikitoria. | [line of asterisks] | Ture Whakapumau Take Tika. | He Ture hei whakapumau ki nga Maori etahi whai paanga. | [. . .] [I taia I runga I te mana o te Kawanatanga e George Didsbury, Kai-ta o te Kawanatanga, | Poneke, [f.e. Wellington] -1886.]

1 sheet (2 p.); 278x195 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p, 2.

Printed by the Government Printer (‘Kai-ta o te Kawanatanga’).

Short title: ‘Ko te Ture Whakapumau Take Tika, 1886.'.

Translation of the Native Equitable Owners Act 1886 (1886, No. 16) omitting the Analysis and marginal notes. The Act confirmed various entitlements to land ownership by Maori and protected prior conveyances and leases. The Bill (see no. **1162 for the Maori version) was introduced by Ballance in the House on 20 May and passed all stages by 14 July. The Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1886 (522/1886). See no. 669 for further information on land legislation.

Williams 716. Copies: WTU (in MSX-5205).

I 157

Native Land Administration Act 1886.

(Native Land Administration. 1 Niu Tireni. | [rule] | [Royal Arms] \ Te rima tekau o nga tau o te kuinitanga o | Kuini Wikitoria. | [line of asterisks] \ Ture Whakahaere i nga Whenua Maori. | He Ture hei whakahaere i nga tikanga whakahaere i nga whenua | Maori. | [. . .] [I taia i runga i te mana o te Kawanatanga e George Didsbury. Kai-ta o te Kawanatanga, | Poneke.

[f.e. Wellington] -1886.]

12 p.; 278x195 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 12. Running title: ‘Whakahaere i nga whenua Maori.’. Printed by the Government Printer,

Short title: ‘Te Ture Whakahaere i nga Whenua Maori, 1886.’.

Translation of the Native Land Administration Act 1886 (1886. No. 23) omitting the Analysis and marginal notes. The Act controlled dealings by Pakeha in Maori land, in effect a resumption of the Crown’s preemptive right, but no transactions were carried out under this legislation before its repeal. The Bill (see no. **1163 for the Maori version) was introduced by Ballance in the House on 1 9 May and passed all stages by 2 August. The Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1886 (522/1886). See



I 159

A. Ward, A show of justice (Auckland. 1973), p. 296, for comment on Ballance's policies, and no. 669 for further information on land legislation. Williams 714. Copies: WTU.


Native Land Court Act 1886.

(Native Land Court Act, 1886. | Niu Tireni. | [rule] | [Royal Arms] \ Te rima tekau o nga tau o te kuinitanga o | Kuini Wikitoria. | [line of asterisks] | Ture Kooti Whenua Maori. | He Ture hei whakatikatika hei whakatopu i nga Ture e pa ana ki 1 te Kooti Whenua Maori o Nui Tireni. | [. . .] [1 taia i runga i te mana o te Kawanatanga e George Didsbury, Kai-ta o te Kawanatanga, | Poneke. [i.e. Wellington] -1886.]

19. [l] p.; 278x195 mm. Page [2o] blank. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 19. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: 'Te Ture Kooti Whenua Maori, 1886.'.

Translation of the Native Land Court Act 1886 (1886, No. 24) omitting the Analysis and marginal notes. The Bill was introduced by Ballance in the House on 19 May and passed all stages by 2 August without debate, apart from a last-minute flurry resulting from a drafting error. As the primary purpose of the Act was consolidation of 16 pieces of existing legislation it is unlikely that a Maori version of the Bill was produced, and none has been identified. The Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1886 (522/1886). See no. 669 for further information on land legislation.

Williams 715. Copies: WTU (in MSX-5205).


Native Reserves’ Titles Grants Empowering Act 1886.

(Native Reserves [sic] Titles Grant Empowering. 1 Niu Tireni. | [rule] \ [Royal Arms] | Te rima tekau o nga tau o te Kuinitanga o | Kuini Wikitoria. | [line of asterisks] | Te Ture Whakamana Karaati Rahui Maori, 1886, 1 He Ture hei whakamana i te Kawana kite tuku pukapuka wha- | kamana take ki nga Maori mo etahi whenua. | [. ..] [I taia i runga ite mana ote Kawanatanga e George Didsbury, Kai-ta o te Kawanatanga, | Poneke. [i.e. Wellington] -1886.]

1 sheet (2 p); 278x195 mm. Caption title. Running title: 'Whakamana Karaati Rahui Maori.'. Imprint from colophon p. 2. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: 'Te Ture WhaKamana Karaati Rahui Maori, 1886.’.

Translation of the Native Reserves’ Titles Grants Empowering Act 1886 (1886, No. 15) omitting the Analysis and marginal notes. The Act validated titles, and empowered the Governor to issue titles to various reserved areas, the earliest dating from 1847. The Bill (see no. * * I I 64 for the Maori version) was introduced by Ballance in the House on 1 9 May and passed all stages by 9 July. The Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1886 (522/1886).

Williams 717. Copies: WTU (in MSX-5205).


I 160



Special Powers and Contracts Act 1886.

[Te Ture mo nga Mana. me nga Whakaritenga Motuhake. 1886: actual title not confirmed: no copy located. Wellington: Printed by the Government Printer. 1886]

Physical description not known; no copy located. Description from Williams.

‘Translation of the Special Powers and Contracts Act, 1886 [lBB6, Local Acts, No. 16], No copy seen.’ (Williams), The substantial (22 p.) Act in English includes in the Schedule a number of specific matters relating to Maori land and it is possible these were issued in Maori as had been done in 1883 (no. 1083).

Williams **72o. No copy located.


Section 5 of the Stamp Acts Amendment Act 1886.

(Clause in Stamp Act. | Niu Tireni. | [rule] \ [Royal Arms] | Te rima tekau o nga tau o te kuinitanga o | Kuini Wikitoria. | [line of asterisks] | Ture Whakatikatika Ture Pane Kuini. | Ko tetahi rarangi o te Pire whakatikatika i te “Ture Pane Kuini, | 1882,” me “Te Ture whakatikatika 1885 i te Ture Pane Kuini | 1882:” — |S.Ko ia tiiti pukapuka [. ..] | [l7 lines] \ [rule] | 1 taia i runga i te mana o te Kawanatanga e George Didsbury, Kai-ta o te Kawanatanga. | Poneke. [i.e. Wellington] -1886.

I sheet ([l] p.); 278x195 mm. Printed by the Government Printer.

Translation of Section 5 (the final section) of the Stamp Acts Amendment Act 1886 (1886, No. 40) omitting all formal introductory text. The translated section concerns transactions relating to land owned by Maori. The Bill was introduced by Vogel in the House on 6 August and passed all stages by 13 August. No Maori version of the Bill has been identified.

Williams 719. Copies: WTU (in MSX-5205).

Entries "*1162-**1164 are filed in alphabetical order of the English title.


NEW ZEALAND. Parliament

Native Equitable Owners BUI 1886.

[Native Equitable Owners Bill 1886; actual title not known; no copy located. Wellington: Printed by the Government Printer, 1886]

Physical details not known; no copy located. Description from secondary source.

Translation of the Native Equitable Owners Bill 1886 (1886, No. 15). Although no copy has been located, JLC. 1886, p. xxiii, records that it was 'translated into Maori’, presumably in printed form. For the resulting Act in Maori and additional information see no. 1156.

No copy located.


1 165


**1163 -

Native Land Administration Bill 1886.

[Native Land Administration Bill 1886; actual title not known: no copy located. Wellington: Printed by the Government Printer, 1886]

Physical details not known; no copy located. Description from secondary source.

Translation of the Native Land Administration Bill 1886 (1886, No. 25).

Although no copy has been located, from the debates in Hansard it is clear that the Bill had been widely circulated and discussed by Maori, presumably in printed Maori form. For the resulting Act in Maori and additional information see no. 1157.

No copy located.


Native Reserves Titles Grant Empowerinq Bill 1886.

[Native Reserves Titles Grant Empowering Bill 1886; actual title not known; no copy located. Wellington: Printed by the Government Printer. 1886]

Physical details not known: no copy located. Description from secondary source.

Translation of the Native Reserves Titles Grant Empowering Bill 1886 (1886,

No. 14). Although no copy has been located. JLC. 1886, p. xxiii, records that it was ‘translated into Maori’, presumably in printed form. For the resulting Act in Maori and additional information see no. 1159.

No copy located.



Fourth edition of phrases and vocabularies with qrammatical notes.

Korero Maori. | First lessons | in | Maori conversation. | By | a PakehaMaori. | Fourth edition. | New Zealand: 1 Published by G. T. Chapman, Bookseller and Stationer, | Queen Street, Auckland. [1886?]

42 p.; 166x105 mm.; grey-green paper covers (stiffened in some copies). Page [2] blank. Colophon p. 42: ‘Printed at the "Evening Star Office,” Shortland Street.’. Title repeated on front cover inside double rule, omitting 'Published by’ in the imprint. Advertisement for New Zealand scenic photographs published by Chapman on outside back cover. Dated from the final number (‘1886’) in sequence on p. 8.

Fourth edition of a collection of conversational phrases and vocabularies with brief grammatical notes. The contents are reorganised, but otherwise have only minor changes from the third edition (no. 1061). For the first two editions see no. 842 and 915, and for later editions see no. 1 534 and Bagnall K458-461.

Williams 414 & (S), Bagnall 3032. Copies: AP, AR, WTU.


I 166


1 166

He PANUI na te Komiti Takiwa . . .

Report on land legislation following a November 1886 hui.

He panui | na te | Komiti Takiwa | mo te | Ture Whenua Maori | a te | Paranihi. | [ ornamental rule] | I hui kite Waipatu, Heihitingi, Nepia. | [ornament] | Nepia: [i.e. Napier] | Na te Haaringi i ta ki tona Whare Perehi Pukapuka. I 1886,

8 p.; 220 x 1 40 mm. (untrimmed): bright orange paper covers. Title repeated on front cover inside ornamental border. At end of text: 'Waipatu, Wahi o Heretaunga, | 12 o Nowema, 1886,’. Printed by Robert Coupland Harding (Haaringi).

A report by the District Committee of Heretaunga ('Komiti Takiwa mo nga Iwi o Heretaunga’) on Ballance’s Native Land Administration Act 1886 (no. 1157) after a hui held at Waipatu, near Hastings, on 12 November 1886. It is critical of the Act, which resumed the Crown's right of preemption and placed administrative and survey costs onto lands while still in Maori ownership.

It was reprinted in Hastings in 1887 (no. 1191) and an English translation was also published (Bagnall 4449 a).

Williams 721 a & (S), Bagnall 4449. Copies: AP, WTU.

1 167

PAXMAN, William (1835-1897)

Mormon pamphlet about the Gospel.

Te Kongo Pai o te Karaiti. | “Whakatakina nga tikanga o nga Karaipiture: e mea ana hoki koutou kei | reira te oranga tonutanga mo koutou: a ko enei hei kai whakaatu moku” (Hoani | 5. 39). | [. . .] [W. C. Nation Printer,

Greytown. [ca. 1886]]

8 p.; 184 x 145 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 8. At end of text: ‘Na Wiremu Pakimana. | Na Hori Teira. | Na Honore Hanare.’ | Na nga kaumatua o te Hahi o 1 hu [sic] Karaiti o te Hunga Tapu o Muri | Nei.’.

Pamphlet about the Gospel (incorporating many Bible references) by Mormon missionaries. It is signed by William Paxman (‘Wiremu Pakimana'), President of the New Zealand mission 1886- 1889, George Shepard Taylor (‘Hori Teira'), and Sondra Sanders (‘Honore Hanare’).

Copies: Church History Library, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Salt Lake City, Utah; WTU (photocopy).


Nga PUKAPUKA TUHITUHI i waenganui i a rore tapere, i a Tawhiao.

Copies of correspondence between Tawhiao. the Government, and others. (No. 11 a. | 1886. | Legislative Council. | [rule] | (Translation.) | Nga pukapuka tuhituhi i waenganui i a rore tapere, | i a Tawhiao, mete Kawanatanga o Niu Tireni. | [. . .] [By authority: George Didsbury,

Government Printer, Wellington.-1886.]

9, [l] p.: 307x202 mm. Caption title. Imprint from p. 9. Page [lo] blank.

AJLC, 1886-1 la. Translation of AJLC. 1886-11: Memorial of Tawhiao and




others to the Queen (correspondence respecting the). Copies of 'correspondence between the Earl of Derby, Tawhiao and the Government of New Zealand from 1884 to the present date [June 1886]'. The main text is the petition of Tawhiao and other chiefs to Queen Victoria on their visit to England in 1884 on issues of concern to Maori (see no. 1101). The additional correspondence, between the Governor of New Zealand (Sir William Jervois), the Earl of Derby, the Minister of Native Affairs (Ballance) and Tawhiao, includes ten resolutions passed at the hui at Whatiwhatihoe organised by Tawhiao in early April 1886.

Copies: WTU (in bound voL.JLO.

TAWHIAO, Tukaroto Matutaera Potatau Te Wherowhero


(d. 1894)

Correspondence of May-June 1886 proposing a council of chiefs.

G.-14. | 1886. | New Zealand. | [rule] ] Maori Council | (correspondence between Tawhiao and the Hon. the Native Minister relating | thereto). | [rule] | Laid on the table by the Hon. Mr. Ballance, with the leave of the House. 1 [rule] | [. . .] [By authority: George Didsbury, Government Printer.


5, [l] p.; 324x203 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 5. Page [6] blank. At end of text: ‘(Approximate cost of paper:-Preparation, nil; printing (1,600 copies), £4 12s. 6d.)'.

AJHR. 1886, G-14. Letter from Tawhiao dated 17 May 1886 and reply from Native Minister Ballance dated 8 June 1886, both in Maori with an English translation. Tawhiao proposed a Council of chiefs, with the King as overseer, to manage all matters affecting Maori, and the end of the Native Land Court.

Ballance politely refused. For further background see C. Orange. The Treaty of Waitangi (Auckland. 1987), p. 218-219.

Copies: WTU (in bound vol,, AJHR).


not used



Rules of the Amalgamated Shearers' Union.

Ko nga tikanga | te Whakakotahitanga ( te Uniana o nga Kaikatikati | o | Ahutereria | me 1 nga tikanga mo te mahi ) o | tenei wahanga o Nui Tireni | Iwhakaturia [sic] Hune, 1886. | [ornamental rule] | Nepia: [i.e. Napier] | I Perehitia kite Tari Nupepa o te Terekarawhi. | 1887.

14 p,; 186x128 mm.; brown paper covers. Title repeated on front cover inside ornamental border. Pages [2] and [4] blank. Printed at the office of the Daily telegraph (‘Perehitia kite Tari Nupepa o te Terekarawhi') newspaper.

Caption title p [s]: 'Nga tikanga makatoa | o te whakaotahi tanga | o Te Kaitikati Uniana o Ahutereria.’,

Translation of the rules of the Amalgamated Shearers' Union of Australasia, published in Australia (Bagnall 104). Pages 12-14 are ‘Nga tikanga mahi mo Niu Tireni', signed by A. J. Arama and Henri Tereita, both of Oamaru. For


I I 74


more information about the union (precursor of the New Zealand Workers’ Union) and the context in which it developed see J. E. Martin, Tatau tatau: One big union altogether (Wellington, 1987), which notes (p. 8) that ‘some 600 copies’ of the Maori version were printed.

Bagnall 105. Copies: NLA; WTU (photocopy).

1 174

Te ARANI MAOA mete aporo mata

Religious tract, The ripe orange and the green apple.

No. 7 | [ornament (bird )] |Te karere ote Rongo Pai. | [double rule] |Te arani maoa mete aporo mata. | 1 ahau e whakatupato ana i tetahi tangata taitamariki | kia kaua e riro katoa atu ana mahara 1 runga i nga whaka- | wainga o te ao, [. . .] | [. . .] [Printed at the Herald Office, Gisborne, N.Z., for the N.Z. Native Tract Institution. [lBB7?]]

1 folded sheet (4 p.); 185x125 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 4. At end of text: ‘(From “The ripe orange and the green apple,’’, Dublin and London Tracts.)’.

Series: Te karere o te Rongo Pai, no. 7.

A religious tract ‘Te arani maoa mete aporo mata’ by an unidentified author, translated by Joseph Baker. 3,000 copies printed in the financial year to 31 August 1888; payment to the printer on 17 December 1887 indicates it was issued late in 1887 (New Zealand Native Tract Institution, Minute book 18851901; WTU, MS-Papers-1661).

See no. I 147 for further information on the series.

Williams 698/7. Copies: AP, WTU.



Reprint of the small format Book of Common Prayer, with additional text. Te Pukapuka | o nga Inoi, | me era atu tikanga | a te Hahi o Ingarani | mo te minitatanga | o nga hakarameta, | o era atu ritenga hoki a te Hahi: | me nga Waiata ano hoki a Rawiri; | mete tikanga | mo te motuhanga | i te pihopa, i te piriti, i te rikona. | Ranana: [i.e. London] | I kiia tenei kia taia e te Komiti mo te Whakapuaki | i te Mohiotanga ki a te Karaiti. | [rule] \ 1887.

xxviii, 491, [l] p.; 141 xB3 mm.; black cloth boards with blind tooling. Page [492] blank. Colophon p. [ii]: ‘London: | Gilbert and Rivington, Limited, | St. John’s House, Clerkenwell Road, E.C.’. Pages 491-[492] (signature Z) a tipped in leaf. Gold tooled title on spine: ‘Maori | prayer’. Published by the SPCK (‘te Komiti mo te Whakapuaki i te Mohiotanga ki a te Karaiti’).

A further reprint of the small format Anglican prayer book in the new version first published in 1878 (no. 909). with the addition of the Thirty-nine Articles ('He Whakarohe', p. 475-490) and the Table of prohibited degrees ('He tepara mo nga whanaunga, . . p. 491). The former has slight differences (including title) from the separate issue described at no. 1070.

Other issues and editions of the Anglican prayer book are listed at no. 19.

Williams 734. Sommerville 734 a. Copies: AP. AR, NLA. WTU.



I 178


CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST of Latter-day Saints

Summary of Mormon doctrine.

Ko te Hahi | o | Ihukaraiti ote Hunga Tapu | Ongara, 1 o Muri Nei | e kiia nei | [double rule] \ Ko te Hahi Moromona. [no imprint. Auckland?: 1887?]

17, [l] p.; 210x135 mm. Page [2] blank. 'lndex' (list of chapter titles) on p. [lB]. Possibly printed by Henry Brett, Auckland printer of the Book of Mormon in Maori in 1889 (no. 1242).

A summary of Mormon doctrine; seventeen short chapters with an introduction (p. [3)-6) stating that the Mormon Church is the true church and that the head of the Church in ‘these islands' and the authority of the Prophet is William Paxman ('Wiremu Pakimana'). President between 1886 and 1889, during which period it must have been produced. The work is signed by the leaders (tumuaki) of the various districts: Te Otene Meihana (Heretaunga), Ngarori (Te Hauke), Rbpata (Tikokino), Anatipa (Waipa) and Pouaka (Kawhia). For further background on the Mormon Church in New Zealand in the 1880s see B. W. Hunt. Zion in New Zealand (Temple View, 1977), p. 13-19.

Williams 725, Bagnall 1261. Copies: AP; WTU (photocopy).


Mormon Church Articles of Faith with Bible references.

Nga Tikanga o te Whakapono | o te | Hahi o Ihu Karaiti o te Hunga Tapu o Muri Nei. | [ ornamental rule ] | 1. E whakapono ana matou kite Atua kite Matua ora tonu, ki tana Tama ki a Ihu Karaiti, kite Wairua Tapu ano hoki. |

[. . | [Printed at the Standard Office, Greytown, Wairarapa. [lBB7?]]

1 sheet ([2] p); ca. 200x130 mm. Physical details not confirmed; entry prepared from microfilm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 2. Signed p. 2 'Na Hohepa Mete' (Joseph Smith).

The thirteen Mormon Church Articles of Faith, each followed by a list of headings and Bible references. The translation was prepared by missionary Ezra Foss Richards, who refers in his diary (10-13 August 1886) to translating the Articles of Faith and compiling the references (E. F. Richards, Diary. Archives of the Mormon experience, Brigham Young University. Utah; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-0870-6). The text was printed with the relevant Bible extracts in full in 1893 (no. 1351).

Copies: Brigham Young University. Utah (in E. F. Richards, Diary); WTU (microfilm).


HARDY, Charles

Pamphlet in defence of Maori perspectives on the Treaty of Waitangi.

Te | Tiriti o Waitangi | he Karo whakaora | mo nga tangata Maori | he reo Maori | me | te reo Pakeha | Akarana: [i.e. Auckland] | He mea ta e Henare Perete, i Hoterani-Tiriti. | [rule] | 1887.

6 p.; 277x217 mm.; pink paper covers. Title from cover, inside ornamental border. Text in two columns separated by vertical rule. Printed by Henry


1 I 79


Brett. Shortland Street.

Caption titles: Maori text (left column): ‘Ko te | Tiriti o Waitangi: | He karo whakaora mo nga tangata | Maori. ] [rule] \ (Na Hare Haarii.) | [rule]'. English text (right column): ‘The | Treaty of Waitangi: | A defence for the Maori people. | [rule] | (By Charles Hardy.) | [rule]’.

A work explaining why Maori complaints over land legislation and government failure to meet Treaty of Waitangi obligations are justified. It also states that the British Government cannot transfer its responsibility for the Treaty to any other power, including the New Zealand government. Charles Hardy (‘Hare Haarii’) has not been identified.

Williams 739, Bagnall 2472. Copies: AP, WTU.


He HIMENE mo te karakia kite Atua.

Enlarged collection ('third edition') of 175 Anglican hymns.

He | himene | mo te karakia | kite Atua. | [St George's cross] | Nepia: [i.e. Napier] | Na te Haaringi i ta ki tona Whare | Perehi Pukapuka. | 1887.

vii, [l], 141, [l] p.; 130x82 mm.; dark brown cloth boards (blank). Title-page bordered with triple rules, one ornamental. Page [l42] blank. Colophon p. 141; ‘Harding, Printer, Napier, N.Z.’.

An enlarged collection of 175 Anglican hymns in Maori, referred to as the 'third edition’ of a work first published in 1883 (no. 1073). 2,000 copies were printed. The section of additional hymns is headed Tapiri' (p. 137). WTU copy has owner’s inscription dated 31 March 1887.

This edition was reprinted in 1888 (no. 1202) and 1890 (no. 1276). See no. 1073 for additional information.

Williams 735. Copies: AP, DUHO, WTU.

1 180

HOPUKIA te oranga tonutanga

Religious tract on the life to come, with a hymn.

Hopukia • te oranga 1 tonutanga. j [rule] \ May be had from printer on payment of postage. 1 [rule] \ Christchurch: | Printed by H. J. Weeks, 183,

Gloucester Street W. | [rule] \ 1887.

11, [l] p.; 148X109 mm. Title inside ornamental border. Page [2] blank.

A religious tract on the life to come, with an 8-stanza hymn on p. [l2], first line ‘Ka noho i nga tau o mua’.

Williams 744. Copies: WTU.


KAWITI, Maihi Paraone (1807-1889)

Report of Ngdti Mine hui on management of ancestral lands.

Ko te ture | mo te | whenua papatupu. | [ornamental rule] | Tau 1874. j

[ornamental rule] \ Akarana: [i.e. Auckland] | Ko Wirihana ma ratou ko Hotene, nga Kai-ta. 1 [rule] \ MDCCCLXXXVII,

34 p.; 215x138 mm. Printed in two columns separated by vertical rule.

Printed by Wilsons and Horton. Physical details not confirmed; described from photocopy. Text signed on p. 33: ‘Na Maihi P. Kawiti.'- Text p. 34 titled;


I 184


’He waiata pupuri mo te whenua.’.

Report of a Ngati Hine hui at Waiomio, near Kawakawa, 9 April 1887. Most of the text comprises lists of registered voters and a demographic profile of the ancestral lands (whenua papatupu) of Ngati Hine and/or the electorate.

For further information on Maihi Kawiti see DNZB. v. 2, p. 253-255.

Copies: AR (photocopy), WTU (photocopy).



Information about the stallion Clansman.

[illustration (horse)] \ Ko Karanimana | (Clansman) | He tariona tino pai, he uri no nga tino hoiho pai rawa o mua, ka tu ki Rohi- | mauta (e tata ana ki Te Puketapu) hei toa mo nga hoiho uwha. | [3l lines] | Me ui etahi tikanga ki a— | P. Karau, te tangata nona te Tariana, | te Kerehama, ranei i Puketapu. [no imprint. 1887?]

I sheet ([l] p.); 230x153 mm. Printed on stiff card.

A card with particulars of the pedigree of the stallion Clansman and prices for servicing mares. Williams's date has been followed and internal evidence confirms it is after 1884, but no other information has been located.

Williams 726 a. Copies: WTU.

1 183

KO TE HAHI 1 MURI i a te Karaiti

Second edition of sixteen students' essays on the early Christian church. Ko te hahi | i muri | i a te Karaiti. 1 [rule] | Ko te korero tuatahi. | [rule] \ Nepia; [i.e. Napier] | Na te Haaringi i ta ki tona Whare Perehi | Pukapuka. | [rule] | 1887.

87, [l] p.; 162x102 mm.; maroon cloth boards (blank). Ornamental colophon p. [88]: 'Harding, Printer.’, Page [2] blank. One WTU copy is interleaved and untrimmed (170x108 mm.), brown cloth boards (blank).

A second edition, with minor textual changes, of a collection of sixteen anonymous essays by students of St Stephen’s School on aspects of church history to AD 600, first published in 1863 (no. 599). See that entry for additional information.

Williams 736, Bagnall 3423. Copies: AP, AR, NLA, WTU.

1 184


West Coast Settlements Reserves Acts Amendment Act 1887.

(West Coast Settlement [sic] Reserves Act 1881 Amendment.) | Niu Tireni,

| [Royal Arms] | Te Jure Whakatikatika i te lure Whakatau | Rahui o te Tai Hauauru 1881. | [rule] | He Ture hei whakatikatika i “Te Ture

Whakatikatika, 1884," i te | Ture Whakatau Rahui o te Tai Hauauru 1881. |

[. . .] [He mana i whakua, i taia a te H. Titipere, Kai-tai Perehi a te Kawanatanga. Weringitana. [i.e. Wellington] -1887.]

I folded sheet (3, [l] p); 278x195 mm. Page [4] blank. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 3. At end of text: '(2B3’, i.e. job number. Printed by George



I 185

Didsbury, Government Printer (‘H. Titipere, Kai-tai Perehi a te Kawanatanga’).

Short title; “Te Ture Whakatikatika, 1887," i te Ture Whakatau Rahui o te Tai Hauauru.’,

Translation of the West Coast Settlements Reserves Acts Amendment Act 1887 (1887, No. 30) omitting the Analysis and marginal notes. It amended the 1881 Act (no. 1008) and 1884 Amendment (no. 1111) that applied to confiscated land in Taranaki. In addition to various procedural provisions it granted a lease to John Scott Caverhill at Opunake (Pukekdhatu Block). The Bill was introduced by Atkinson in the House on 14 October and passed all stages by 22 December. The same Bill had been unsuccessfully introduced in Session I, 1887, and it is probable that the Maori version of that (no. I 187) was also used for the later debate. For 1888 regulations under the Act see no. 1217.

Williams 740. Copies: WTU (in MSX-5205).


Westland and Nelson Native Reserves Act 1887.

(Westland and Nelson Native Reserves. | Niu Tireni. | [Royal Arms] \ Rahui Maori o te Hauauru me Whakatu (Wai- | pounamu). | [rule] | He Ture hei tuku tikanga whakahaere mo nga rahui Maori I te | Hauauru me Whakatu. |

[. . .] [He mana i whakua, i tala ate H. Tiripere, Kai-tai Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Weringltana. [i.e. Wellington] -1887.]

6 p.; 280x190 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 6. Running title: ‘Rahui Whenua Maori o te Hauauru me Whakatu.'. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: Te Ture Rahui Whenua Maori o te Hauauru me Whakatu, 1887.'.

Translation of the Westland and Nelson Native Reserves Act 1887 (1887, No. 29) omitting the Analysis and marginal notes, which repealed the South Island Native Reserves Act 1883 (no. 1082) and amended parts of the Native Reserves Act 1882 (no. 1044). The Act provided for lease arrangements administered by the Public Trustee on West Coast (including the Greymouth Reserve) and Nelson reserve lands. The Bill was introduced by Atkinson in the House on 9 November as the South Island Native Reserves Bill (1887, No. 94) and passed all stages by 22 December. The Bill was very similar to one introduced in Session 1, 1887 (see NZPD, 1887, v. 59, p. 936), and it is probable that the Maori version of that Bill (no. ** 1 186) was also used for the later debate. The Act was reprinted in 1892 (no. 1337).

Williams 741. Copies: WTU (in MSX-5205).


NEW ZEALAND. Parliament

South Island Native Reserves Bill 1887.

[South Island Native Reserves Bill 1887; actual title not known; no copy located. Wellington: Printed by the Government Printer, 1887]

Physical details not known; no copy located. Description from secondary source.


I 188


Translation of the South Island Native Reserves Bill 1887 (1887, Session 1, No. 90). Although no copy has been located, during the debate in the House Tame Parata (‘Pratt’) commented that it was ‘only this morning [8 June] that a corrected translation was placed in my hands', presumably in printed form (NZPD. 1887, v. 57, p. 818). The Bill was introduced by Premier Vogel in the House on 17 May but lapsed in the Legislative Council at the end of the session. In the second parliamentary session of the year Atkinson introduced an almost identical Bill with the same title (1887, Session 2, No. 94), which was enacted as the Westland and Nelson Native Reserves Act 1887 (see no. 1185). It is probable that this Maori version of the earlier Bill was also used for the second debate.

No copy located.


West Coast Settlement Reserves Act 1881 Amendment Bill 1887.

(West Coast Settlement Reserves Act 1881 Amendment. | Ture Whakatau Rahui o te Tai Hauauru 1881 | Ture Whakatikatika. | [rule] | Whakawhaititanga. | [rule] \ He Pire i huaina | He Ture hei whakatikatika i "Te Ture Whakatau Rahul o te Tai | Hauauru 1881 Ture Whakatikatika, 1884." | [3B lines] | [rule] | He mana I whakua, I tala a te H. Tiripere, Kaitai Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Weringitana. [i.e. Wellington] -1887.

1 sheet ([l] p.); 285x205 mm. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: ‘Te Ture Whakatau Rahul o te Tai Hauauru 1881 Ture Whakatikatika, 1887.'.

Translation of the West Coast Settlement Reserves Act 1881 Amendment Bill 1887 (1887. Session I. No. 12) omitting the Analysis and marginal notes, though the heading for the former ('Whakawhaititanga') is included. The Bill was introduced by Ballance in the House on 28 April but lapsed in the Legislative Council at the end of the session on 10 June. The same Bill was reintroduced by Atkinson in the House in Session 2 and was enacted (no. 1 184). Though the English text had been amended, it is probable this Maori version was also used for the second session debate. Hansard refers to the Bill also having been before the House the previous year ( NZPD. 1887, v. 57, p. 933) but no Maori text from 1886 has been located, and the 1887 Session I debate was adjourned because no translation had yet been prepared (NZPD. 1887, v. 57. p. 30).

Copies: WGA, Office of Parliamentary Counsel (Wellington); WTU (photocopy).


NEW ZEALAND. Parliament. House of Representatives. Native Land Administration Act 1886 Amendment Bill 1887. (Native Land Administration Act Amendment, 1887. | Hoani Taipua. | Ture Whakatika i te Ture Whakahaere Whenua | Maori, 1886. | [rule] \ Whakawhaititanga, | He Pire e huaina ana. | He Ture hei whakatika i “Te Ture Whakahaere Whenua Maori, | 1886,” | [9 lines ] | [rule] \ He mana i whakua. i taia a te H. Tiripere, Kai-tai Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Weringitana. [i.e. Wellington] -1887.


1 189


I sheet ([l] p.); 278x195 mm. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: 'Te Ture Whakahaere Whenua Maori 1886 Ture Whakatika, 1887.’.

Translation of the Native Land Administration Act 1886 Amendment Bill 1887 (1887, Session I, No. 45) omitting the Analysis and marginal notes, though the heading for the former (‘Whakawhaititanga’) is included. The one substantive clause sought to exclude Western Maori electorate from the hated Native Land Administration Act 1886 (see no. 1 157). The Bill was introduced by Taipua in the House on 4 May but lapsed at the end of the session on 10 June.

A Bill of the same title introduced in the Legislative Council by Taiaroa on 1 June (JLC , 1887, Session 1, p, xiii, 36, 52) was discharged on 7 June. No copy of this later Bill has been located and its provisions are not known. Copies: WTU.


Tongariro National Park Bill 1887.

Tongariro National Park. | Tongariro Whenua Ahuareka mo te Katoa. | [rule] | Whakawhaititanga. | [rule] | He Pire i huaina | He Ture hei whakamana mo te wehe atu i tetahi wahi whenua tala- | whio noa i roto hoki i te takiwa o Tongariro Maunga hei whenua 1 ahuareka mo te katoa. | [. . .] [He mana i whakua, i taia ate H. Tiripere, Kai-tai Perehi ate Kawanatanga, Weringitana. [ i.e. Wellington] -1887.

1 sheet (2 p.); 280x205 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 2. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title; 'Tore ko Tongariro Whenua Ahuareka mo te Katoa, 1887.’.

Translation of the Tongariro National Park Bill 1887 (1887, Session I, No. 23) omitting the Analysis and marginal notes, though the heading for the former (‘Whakawhaititanga’) is included. The land for New Zealand’s first national park was gifted to the Government by Horonuku Te Heuheu Tukino IV in 1887. See no. 1196 for further background. The Bill was introduced by Ballance in the House on 28 April but was withdrawn on 3 June. After another attempt in 1893 (no. 1387) legislation was eventually passed in 1894 (no. 1414).

Copies: WGA, Office of Parliamentary Counsel; WTU (photocopy).

1 190

NORTH, Brownlow (1810-1875)

Religious tract. The beginning of days.

(No: 5. | Te karere o te Kongo Pai. 1 [ornamental rule] 1 Te timatanga o nga ra, | I mua tata atu o te whiu whakamutunga a te Atua i 1 nga Ihipiana, ka whakaaturia e ia kia Mohi te tikanga e | kapea ai; [. . .] I [. . .] [Printed at the Herald Office, Gisborne, for the N.Z. Native Tract Institution. [lBB7?]]

1 folded sheet (4 p.); 186x125 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 4. At end of text; ‘(From "The beginning of days.” by Brownlow North.)’.

Series: Te karere o te Kongo Pai, no. 5.

Religious tract 'Te timatanga o nga ra' translated by Joseph Baker from North’s original. 2,000 copies printed in the financial year to 31 August 1887;



I 192

payments to the printer in early August suggest it was issued in mid-1887 (New Zealand Native Tract Institution, Minute book 1885-1901; WTU, MS-Papers-1661).

See no, 1147 for further information on the series.

Williams 698/5. Copies: AP, NLA, WTU.


He PANUI na te Komiti Takiwa

Reprint of report on land legislation.

He panui | na te | Komiti Takiwa | mo te | Ture Whenua Maori | a te | Paranihi. | [ornamental rule] | I hui kite Waipatu, Heihitingi, | Nepia. | [ornament] | Heihitingi: [i.e. Hastings] ( Piriniti kite Whare o te Heihitingi Neupepa. | 1887.

[2], 4, [2] p.; 223x146 mm.; pale orange paper covers. Prelim, pages; titlepage (verso blank). Pages [5-6] blank. Colophon p. 4: ‘Printed at the Evening Star Office. Market Street, Hastings.'. Title inside an ornamental border and repeated on front cover. At end of text: ‘Waipatu, Wahi o Heretaunga, | 12 o Nowema, 1886'. Printed at the office of the Hastings evening star newspaper Cte Whare o te Heihitingi Neupepa').

A new printing of the report printed at Napier in 1886 (no. 1166); see that entry for additional information.

Williams 743 a (S). Copies: WTU.

1 192

PEAWHAIRANGI, Maehe 10, 1887.

Statement resulting from a hui at Waitangi. 8-9 March 1887.

Peawhairangi. | Maehe 10, 1887. | Ko nga Rape o a matou take kua tukua kite Pirimea ratou ko te Mimita [sic] Maori | me Kawana Kerei i te poohi o te nei ra me a maua reta katoa he mea reo Maori | erangi kua o ti katoa kite reo Pakeha a whakaaetia ana enga rangatira katoa | kia tukua kite perehi i Poneke koia te nei ko nga kape o aua reta. | E kara ma, | [7 lines] | Nao koutou hoa, | Na Paora Tuhaere. | ~ [i.e. Na] Hirini Taiwhanga. | [rule] | Kote hui tuatoru ote whare runanga ite Tiriti o | Waitangi. | Maehe 8 mete 9 o nga ra 1887. | [2O lines] | Na Maihi P. Kawiti. | ~ [i.e. Na] Paora Tuhaere. | ~ [i.e. Na] Taurau Kukupa. | Mote iwi nui tonu, [no imprint. 18877]

1 sheet ([l] p,); 330x210 mm.

The outcome of a hui held at Waitangi, Bay of Islands (Peawhairangi), on 8-9 March 1887. The introductory paragraph explains that the wording of the resolutions was finalised in English to send to a Wellington newspaper. A covering note by Tuhaere and Taiwhanga precedes the main text of 6 resolutions. These are headed 'Rote hui tuatoru ote whare runanga ite Tiriti o Waitangi', and signed by Kawiti. Tuhaere and Kukupa 'mo te iwi nui tonu'.

Non-standard orthography is used, particularly in the separation of words.

The statement is further evidence of Maori dissatisfaction with recent land legislation. On 15 March 1887 R. J. Duncan sent a copy to Sir George Grey with a covering letter explaining the strong feelings of Maori at that time


I 193

POPE, JAMES HENRY (1837-1913)

(AP, GL:NZ D 20 (1)). He refers to printed copies of the resolutions having been circulated widely among Maori, but it is not clear whether that was the same as this item. Duncan’s letter refers to a forthcoming article in the Auckland Evening star, and the item itself refers to being sent to a Wellington newspaper, but no article has yet been identified.

Williams 738. Copies: DUHO; WTU (photocopy).

1 193

POPE, James Henry (1837-1913)

Reading lessons and stories for Standards Two and Three.

Te pukapuka Kura Maori 1 he korero kohikohi | he mea tuhituhi na | Hemi Henare te Popi, | Kai-tirotiro o nga Kura Maori | na Emiri Wei i whakamaori | Poneke; [i.e. Wellington] | He mea whakahau: George

Didsbury, Kai-ta o te | Kawanatanga. 1 [rule] \ 1887.

144 p.; 165x103 mm.; blackish blue or dark green cloth boards with blind tooling. Pages [2] and [4] blank. Colophon p. 144: He mea ta i runga i te mana o te Kawanatanga, e | G. Didsbury,’. Printed by the Government Printer.

A translation by Emily Way (‘Emiri Wei’, daughter of Rev. Seymour Mills Spencer) of Pope’s Native School reader for Standards 11. and 111 (1886; Bagnall 4647). In three parts: 30 reading lessons of increasing difficulty; 50 fables, some ‘localised’; 38 translations and adaptations of Wilhelm Wittich’s German tales for beginners. Its main aim was to be interesting in order to encourage learning. The English text went through later editions (Bagnall P727-P729) but the Maori version did not. In 1894, when she was reapplying for an interpreter’s licence, Pope attested that Mrs Way's ‘knowledge of Maori is extensive’ (ANZ, Jl 94/989).

Williams Til , Bagnall 4648. Copies: AP, AR. DL, DUHO, NLA, WTU.


STUART, Edward Craig (1827-191 1)

Letter, 31 March 1887. seeking financial contributions to a chapel.

[He mea whakamaumahara ki a Pihopa Wiremu kua mate atu ra; actual title not confirmed; no copy located. Napier: 1887]

1 sheet ([l] p): 262x208 mm. Physical description not confirmed; no copy located. Description from Williams. Probably printed by Robert Coupland Harding, who produced publications for the Anglican Church in Hawke’s Bay at the time.

Williams describes this as a 'Maori version signed “Erueti C. Waiapu" of a circular letter issued by the Bishop of Waiapu (Dr. E. C. Stuart), from Napier, March 31, 1887, inviting contributions for the erection of a chapel in the Cathedral, to the memory of Bishop William Williams.’ William Williams died in February 1878.

Williams 760 a. No copy located.

TARANUI, Te Pokiha (d, 1901)

1 195

Notice. 4 August 1887. of a decision about who to support in the election.



1 197

Te huinga ote Arawa ki Mokoia Rotorua. | [double rule] \ No te 26. o Hurae nei, ka hui a Te Arawa ki Mokoia, ko te putake o tenei hui he whiriwhiri i tetahi tangata | kia kotahi he pootitanga ma Te Arawa, hei Mema kite Paremete [. . .] | [67 lines] | Na Meiha Pokiha Taranui, 1 Tiamana o taua hui. | Mokoia, Rotorua, Akuhata 4, 1887. | [rule] | Hone H. Piira, Perehi,

Arepata Tiriti, Akarana, [i.e. Auckland] [lBB7]

I sheet ([Up); 277x219 mm. Printed by John H. Field (Hone H Piira), Albert Street.

Report of a hui held in July 1887 on Mokoia Island, Rotorua, to discuss who Te Arawa voters should support in the forthcoming general election. The hui chose Hirini Taiwhanga, because he spoke English and was familiar with both Pakeha and Maori custom.

Sommerville 738 a. Copies: WTU.

1 196

TE HEUHEU TUKINO IV, Horonuku (d 1888)

Requests associated with gift of land for Tongariro National Park.

G.-4. | Sess, 11.-1887. | New Zealand. | [rule] | Tongariro and Ruapehu National Park | (correspondence relative to a gift of portion of). | [rule] | Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by command of His Excellency. | [rule] | [. . .] [By authority: George Didsbury, Government Printer, Wellington -1887.]

1 sheet (2 p ); 314x203 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 2. At end of text: '(Approximate cost of paper,-Preparation, nil; printing (1,375 copies). £ I ss.)'.

AJHR. 1887. Session 2. G-4. Two letters in Maori with English translations, dated 23 September and 14 October 1887. Ngati Tuwharetoa paramount chief Horonuku Te Heuheu. who gave the Government land for New Zealand's first national park, asks to remove the remains of his father from Tongariro and for a monument to be erected, and for his son's name to be included in legislation covering the park. The reply from T. W. Lewis. Undersecretary. Native Department, advises him of the Government’s agreement. Initial legislation (no. I 189) was not successful, nor was an 1893 Bill (no. 1387), but the Act was eventually passed in 1894 (no. 1414).

Copies: WTU (in bound vol.. AJHR).


TENEI TE TAONGA NUI rawa ake i nga moni-koura katoa o Niu Tirani!

Advertisement for Baxter's Lung Preserver.

[ornament (hand)] Tenei te taonga nui rawa | ake i nga moni-koura katoa o | Niu Tirani! | [ornamental rule] \ He mare tou? | He mamae kei te poho? 1 He mate huango ranei? | E totoka ana te ahua o te mare e | tuhaina ana? | He toto ranei tetahi wahi? | Me he mea he pera me hoko koe i tetahi patara o te | Rongoa o Pakita (ina tona ingoa Pakeha, Baxter's | Lung Preserver.) [...])[// lines] [no imprint. Napier?; Printed by R. C. Harding?: 1887?)

1 sheet ([l] p.); 222x140 mm. Lines 4-6 of text set in decorative typeface.


A promotional advertisement for Baxter’s Lung Preserver, ca. 1887 (BiM 1197) Printed by R. C. Harding, typographer, printer and publisher and editor of Typo, who was an agent for the famous remedy. Harding's English-language almanacs (1880-1890) include some Maori advertisements and calendar sections (maramataka). He also produced Maori-language church almanacs between 1880 and 1892 (see BiM S201).

Alexander Turnbull Library; Printed collections.

WHITE, JOHN (1826-1891)

I 199

An undated advertisement for Baxter's Lung Preserver ('te Rongoa o Pakita'). Probably printed and issued by R. C, Harding, who was apparently an agent for the remedy. Dating follows Williams, who noted that Harding used similar typefaces in 1887

Williams 744 a. Copies: WTU.



Religious tract. The Flood.

[ornament (bird)] | Te karere o te Kongo Pai. | [double rule] \ Te Waipuke. |

E korero ana tatou i roto i te kupu a te Atua, i whakanga- | romia i mua ki te wai te ao e noho nei tatou, [. . .] I [. . .] [Printed at the Herald Office, Gisborne, for the N. Z. Native Tract Institution. [lBB7]]

1 folded sheet (4 p.); 188x125 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 4. At end of text: '(From “The Flood," Dublin and London Tracts,)' Series: Te karere o te Kongo Pai, [no. 6],

A religious tract Te Waipuke' by an unidentified author, translated by Joseph Baker. 3,000 copies printed in the financial year to 31 August 1887; payments to the printer in early August suggest it was issued in mid-1 887 (New Zealand Native Tract Institution, Minute book 1885-1901; WTU, MS-Papers-1661). Series number omitted from item.

See no. 1147 for further information on the series.

Williams 698/6. Copies: AP, DUHO, NLA. WTU.

WHITE, John (1826-189!)

1 199

The first three volumes of an official collection of Maori historical traditions.

The | ancient history of the Maori, | his | mythology and traditions. | Horouta or Taki-tumu migration. | By | John White. | [rule] | Volume I. | [rule] \ Wellington: | By authority: George Didsbury, Government Printer. | [rule] | 1887. | All rights reserved.

3 v.; 209x133 mm; red cloth boards with blind, black and gold tooling. Portrait of chief Taraia Ngakuti Te Tumuhuia and triple border on front covers. The prelim, sequence in each volume comprises; English title-page (translation of waiata on verso). Preface (in English) and Contents for both the English (first sequence) and the Maori (second sequence) texts. The first page of each Maori text is an additional title-page in Maori (waiata on verso). Although the English and Maori texts are separately paginated, the signatures are continuous. Details of the individual volumes are:

Volume 1: x. [2], 181, [l], 164 p., [s] leaves of plates (I folded). Plates include frontispiece and folding genealogical table (852x565 mm) at end of volume: 'Maori mythology. | No. 1 (d.)'. Errata leaf ([l] p., verso blank) tipped in on p. [l] (first sequence). Page 182 blank. On spine: 'Vol. I. | [rule] | Taki-tumu.'. Preface dated 3 January 1887.

Volume 2: [. . .] | Volume 11. | (. . .] | 1887. | (All rights reserved.) lx, [l], 194, [2], 177. [l] p„ [6] leaves of plates. Plates include frontispiece.

1 199

WHITE, JOHN (1826-1891)

Pages [x], [195-196] (first sequence) and p. (178) (second sequence) blank. On spine: 'Vol. 11. | [rule] | Taki-tumu ’. Preface dated 3 April 1887

Volume 3: [ ..] | Volume 111, |[. .] | 1887. | (All rights reserved.) x, [2], 316, [2], 123, [3] p., [II] leaves of plates (1 folded). Plates include frontispiece (folded). Pages [xi-xii] and [317-318] (first sequence) blank. On spine: ‘Vol. 111. | [rule] | Taki-tumu.'. Preface dated 1 September 1887.

Maori title-pages

Volume I: Ko nga | tatai korero whakapapa | a te Maori | me nga karakia o nehe [ a nga tohunga 1 o Taki-tumu, ara o Horo-uta. | Na Hone Waiti | i mahi. | [rule] | Pukapuka tua-tahi. | [rule] \ Werengitane; [i.e. Wellington] | Na te Kawanatanga i ki kia taia e Hori Titipere, kai ta Perehi | a te Kawanatanga. | [rule] | 1886.’

Volume 2: [. . .] | Pukapuka tua-rua. | [rule] 1 Werengitana: [i.e. Wellington] | [■ • ] I 1887.

Volume 3: (. . .] | Pukapuka tua-toru | [rule] | Werengitana: | (...) | 1887.

The first three volumes of an incomplete work, of which six volumes were published between 1887 and 1890; for subsequent volumes see no. 1240 (v. 4, 1888), 1272 (v. 5, 1889) and 1298 (v. 6, 1890). The first four volumes were also issued in London by Sampson Low in 1889 (no. 1271). A volume of plates without text was published in 1891 (no. 1301) and reissued in 1897 (no. 1488). At the stage government funding ceased (1890), White considered the work would extend to 21 volumes, including four of genealogical tables. Many of White’s manuscripts, including proofs of v. 7, are at WTU (MS-Papers-0075).

Volumes 1-3 cover the sacred schools of agriculture and astronomy (Wharekura), Maori mythology from the Creation to the Flood, Maui, and the migration of the Takitimu canoe from Hawaiki.

For information on White’s long career, including the significance of this work and the reliability of its scholarship, see M. J. Reilly, ‘John White: the making of a nineteenth century writer and collector of Maori tradition', NZJH. v. 23, no. 2 (October 1989), p. 157-172. Williams was critical: 'ln the first place, the Maori portion of the work bristles with misprints, many of which admit only of conjectural emendation. Another factor is the obliteration, in most cases, of accurate indications of the origin of his material. . . . And as a translator he is. unfortunately, hardly more satisfactory’ ( Dictionary of the Maori language (sth ed.: Wellington, 1917), p. xiii-xiv). Bagnall is rather more generous. See also J, C. Andersen, The lure of New Zealand book collecting (Auckland. 1936). p. 77-90.

Volume 1 was tabled in Parliament on 1 I May 1887, though Bagnall records the edition of 2,500 copies first appeared in August, with most of the stock bought up by Lyon 5i Blair. It sold quickly because of its alleged indecency, but sales of subsequent volumes were slower, and many copies of volumes 2-5 were destroyed by fire in October 1890 (see AJHR, 1891 Session 2, H-8).

A facsimile edition was published by Kiwi Publishers (Christchurch. 19971998). In 2001 Waikato University Library (Hamilton) issued a facsimile edition of v. I-6 together with transcriptions of the manuscript texts of v. 7-




13 (held by WTU); this edition was also published as a searchable CD-ROM. Both facsimile editions also reproduced the separate volume of illustrations.

Williams 722-724, Bagnall 6028 (v 1-6). Copies: WTU.



Catholic prayer book with catechisms and hymns.

Ko te ako | mete | karakia | o te | Hahi Katorika Romana | [device: St Joseph, with surrounding text: 'Domus nostrae oeconomus'] | E hato Hohepa. inoi mo matou. | Akarana: [i.e. Auckland] | He mea ta e H. Perete, i Hoterani Tiriti. 1 [rule] | 1888.

520, [2] p.. [l4] p. of plates; ill., map, ports; 152x99 mm.; full black leather with blind and gold tooling. Pages [l-19] unnumbered. Imprimatur of Bishop Luck on p. [2] (verso of title-page). Contents p, [sl6]-520, Corrigenda p. [s2l], Page [522] blank. Title (gold tooled) on spine: 'Pukapuka karakia'.

Printed by Henry Brett.

Text includes engraved illustrations, decorative head- and tail-pieces, and ornamental capitals and type faces. The plates, printed in brownish red, are inserted facing the Stations of the Cross between p. 372 and p. 385. Parts of text in two columns separated by vertical rule and small sections (parts of the Mass) in parallel columns of Latin and Maori. The title-page device is that of the Mill Hill Catholic missionaries (St Joseph's Society of the Sacred Heart for Foreign Missions, London).

The contents of this Catholic prayer book differ from the previous one (no. 927). It includes a calendar, short statements of doctrine, prayers, catechisms, the Mass, sacraments, various devotions including the Stations of the Cross and the Rosary, 39 hymns and a list of Popes. A glossary of Latin religious terms (p. 509-515) has Maori explanations cross-referenced to the text. No. 1243 is an 1889 abbreviated version.

Marist sources ascribe this prayer book to Father Christophe Soulas SM of the Marist mission at Jerusalem on the Whanganui River, but Mill Hill missionaries Fathers Becker and Madan were also involved, according to later correspondence. On 17 March 1892 Madan referred to the long-running issue of payment for the cost of production (£240); 'The Prayer Book. While passing the book thro the press, Fr Becker & I altered & added to it, & drew up also a small Prayer Book [presumably no. 1243] from it. As we did this without consulting Dr Luck [Bishop of Auckland], we felt a delicacy in allowing him to pay for it ..' (St Joseph's Foreign Missionary Society, Records of the Maori Mission, 1882-1972, AUC Box 1, St Joseph's College.

London; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-0172, reel 1).

Williams 751. Copies: AP. AR, DUHO, NLA, WTU.


HANKEY, Arabella Katherine (1834-191 I)

First section of a poem about the life and works of Jesus.

[ornament (bird and branch J] |Te korero tawhito, tawhito | whakamaoritia | na Ropina Takana, I Poketaone. I l ornament] I Manawatu, N.Z.: I

J. P. Leary, Printer, The Square, Palmerston North. | [rule] | 1888.




12 p.; 162 x 103 mm : paper covers Title from front cover. Title of translation set inside diagonal ornamental border. Title-page inside ornamental border. Page [2] blank. Half title (p [l]), caption title (p, [3]) and running title: ‘Te kupu tawhito.'.

A translation by Ropina (Robin?) Takana of Foxton ('Poketaone') of part of Englishwoman Katherine Hankey's long poem about Jesus (in two sections, both of 50 verses) written in 1866. This is a translation of the first section, which had the English title The story wanted’, part of which was adapted to become the hymn 'Tell me the old. old story'.

Williams 749, Bagnall 3037 Copies: AR, DUHO. WTU.


He HIMENE mo te karakia kite Atua.

Reprint of collection of 175 Anglican hymns.

He 1 himene | mo te karakia 1 kite Atua. | [heraldic device with motto ‘Dominus regnavit laetentur insulae’] | Nepia: [i.e. Napier] | Na te Haaringi i ta ki tona Whare | Perehi Pukapuka. | 1888. | (Eighth thousand.)

vii, [l], 141, [l] p.: 135x81 mm,, maroon cloth boards (blank). Title-page bordered with triple rules, one ornamental, Colophon p. 141: Harding, Printer, Napier, N.Z.’. Page [l42] blank. Some page numbers missing or with typographic errors.

A reprint of 1.000 copies of the third edition of 175 Anglican hymns in Maori published in 1887 (no. 1 1 79), an issue not included in the list printed in no. 1449 and 1546. This issue brought the total number of copies printed to date to 8,000. A further reprint was done in 1890 (no. 1333). The heraldic device appears on some items printed by Coupland Harding but its particular association for him has not been identified. See no. 1073 for additional information.

Williams 750. Copies: AR, DL, NLA. WTU.


Te KAINGA TAKIWA POROWINI i te Koroni o Nui Tireni

Petition to Queen Victoria and accompanying circular. 26 December 1888.

Te Kainga | Takiwa | Porowini | i te Koroni o Nui Tireni. | Kia Wikitoria, |

Te Kuini o Piritene Nui me Weira. | E to matau Kuini Atawhai. Tena | ra koe te kai-tiaki o nga moutere o Nui Tireni, kia maturuturu iho e nga | rangi i runga kia ringitia mai ano hoki he tika, e nga kapua kia puare te | whenua, kia hua te whakaoranga kia wana ngatahi ano hoki te | tika. | [34 lines] [no imprint. Rotorua?: 1888?]

[2] leaves; 283x221 mm.; brownish yellow paper. Caption title. The first 3 lines: 'Te Kainga | Takiwa | Porowini' are intended for completion with the address of the signer. It appears to be from the same source as no. 1204.

Leaf [2]: 'Rotorua-nui-Ahahu, | Tihema 26th. 1888. | Ki nga iwi, ki nga hapu, ki nga rangatiratanga, me nga kai whaka- | haere tikanga o nga iwi Maori o Aotearoa puta noa ki Aropawa. | [37 lines] | [rule] | Na W. Keepa te Rangipuawhe [ and 53 others, in two columns separated by vertical rule] |Na nga rangatira o te Arawa, me nga kai whakahaere Pitihana. | [double rule] \ Pukapuka apiti'.




A petition to Queen Victoria (leaf 1) and accompanying circular letter (leaf 2) exhorting recipients to sign. The petition has two clauses, the first that Maori committees be put in charge of Maori land affairs, the second lists 6 categories of places where Maori 'mana' should predominate (No. 1 being Maori land). The circular is signed by 54 Te Arawa elders headed by Te Keepa Te Rangipuawhe. sponsors of the petition.

The final petition (of five clauses) was not presented until 19 August 1891, when it was despatched by the Governor: see AJHR. 1892, A-l, p. 9. which provides a translation. The original correspondence at Archives New Zealand (CO 209/251. p. 220-221, 223 and 225-239) makes it clear that the Queen did actually see the petition in Maori, but it is not clear whether it was a printed document. Her response, drafted by officials and signed by the Secretary of State for the Colonies, 14 November 1891 (AJHR. 1892, A-2, p. 18), declared she could not interfere in New Zealand parliamentary affairs in which Maori were represented. The petition and response were reprinted with some additional text in 1893 (no. 1356).

Sommerville 761 a. Copies: WTU.


KIA HIWA e kia hiwa raa

Notice asking for support for a petition on land matters.

Kia hiwa e kia hiwa raa. | [swelled rule] | He whakaowhiti tenei kia matatu ai te ngakau puta noa ki nga taha e | wha o Mairehau o Arapawa e huia nei te ingoa ko Nui Tireni 1 [23 lines] | Ehoa ma, | kua kitea he Arawhata e

whitikia ai | Heoi nga kupu. [no imprint. Rotorua?: ca. 1888]

1 sheet ([l] p.); 280x222 mm.; brownish yellow paper.

An unsigned notice addressed to everyone from Mairehau to Arapawa', urging them to sign a petition for the abolition of the rating of land owned by Maori, the repeal of the Native Land Acts, and including a call for Maori selfdetermination. Undated but very similar in presentation to no. 1203, and probably from the same source and date, though the place names suggest a possible South Island connection.

Sommerville 761b. Copies: WTU.


KO NGA KUPU a te hui

Twelve points from Wairarapa Maori related to the petition to Queen Victoria.

Ko nga kupu a te hui. | Aperira 10, 1888. | Kehemani, Wairarapa— | Wahi ote Porowini o Penoke [i.e. Poneke] ote Koroni o Nuiteremi. [sic] | He Pitihana inoi atu na matou na nga kai inoi e mau ake nei o matau ingoa 1 i raro iho nei | [4O lines] | Heoi ano kia orate kuini Wikitoria me ana kai whakahaere katoa me ona iwi | katoa i roto ite atawhai o to tatau ariki. | [rule] | W C. Nation. Printer. [Greytown: 1888]

1 sheet ([l] p ); 340x217 mm.; pale grey paper

Twelve points raised at a hui by Wairarapa Maori for the planned petition to Queen Victoria. It lists the motions passed by the quorum, dealing with the




selling and leasing of land, death duties, and voting in national elections. The penultimate paragraph includes the names of H. P. Tunuiarangi and H. T. Mahupuku who were authorised to speak as representatives of the group. The only copy located is at Archives New Zealand (MA W1369, Box 43) with material relating to the Nga-Waka-a-Kupe block. The document was produced at the Native Land Court hearing in 1892.

Copies: ANZ (MA W1369/212); WTU (photocopy).

MACKAY, Alexander (1833-1909)


Report on payments for and allocations of land to Maori in the South Island.

G.-l. | Translation.) | 1888. | Niu Tireni. | [rule] \ Te ripoata ate Make, Komihana, i runga i nga take | a nga Maori ki nga whenua i te Waipounamu. | [rule] | He mea whakatakoto ki nga Whare e rua o te Paremete i runga i te kupu whakahau a | te Kawana. | [rule] | [. . ] [By authority: George Didsbury, Government Printer, Wellington.-1888.]

15, [l] p.; 322x208 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p 15. Page [l6] blank. At end of text: (Approximate cost of paper.-Preparation, nil; printing (700 copies), £ll 4s. 6d,)'.

AJHR. 1888, G-l. Translation of the English text (16 p.) titled Middle Island native land question, also numbered G-l. Although indexed as one item, the two were separate publications with separate pagination, individual colophons and print runs; 1.475 copies of the English text were produced at a cost of £lO 17s.

Report dated 5 May 1887 from Native Land Court judge Alexander Mackay ('Make') on the adequacy of allocations of land to Maori (including part-Maori) resulting from early South Island land purchases (Ngai Tahu, Murihiku and Otakou Blocks) and the fairness of payments made. The terms of reference of May and July 1886 are cited in the Appendix (p. 15). Mackay found inadequacies and made recommendations for recompense; see no.

1211 for consequential legislation to provide land for part-Maori

Copies: WTU (in bound vol„ AJHR).


Report on adequacy of allocation of land to Maori in Marlborough.

G.-la. | 1888. | New Zealand. | [rule] | Native land claims in Marlborough | (report on), by Mr. Alexander Mackay. | [rule] | Return to an Order of the House of Representatives, dated 2nd December, 1887. | Ordered, “That there be laid before this House a copy of Mr. Alexander Mackay’s report on the claims of the | Ngatikuia and Rangitane natives to land in the Marlborough District."-(Mr. Parata.) | [rule] | (. . .] [By authority: George Didsbury, Government Printer, Wellington.-1888.]

8 p.; 322x208 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 8. At end of text p. 8: '(Approximate cost of paper-Preparation, nil: printing (1,275 copies),-£6 12s.)'.

AJHR, 1888, G-la. Report by Commissioner Alexander MacKay dated 9 May




1887 in English (p. ]l]-2) and Maori (p. 7-8) with lists of names (p, 2-7). This report was prepared to the same terms of reference as AJHR. 1888, G-l (no. 1206) and covers land allocations to Maori in the Wairau, Queen Charlotte Sound and Pelorus Sound areas. The lists provide name, address, age and sex of 262 Maori (including part-Maori) from Ngai Tahu, Ngati Koata, Ngati Kuia, Ngati Rarua, Ngati Toa and Rangitane who were covered by Mackay’s findings and recommendations.

Copies: WTU (in bound vol , AJHR).


Report relating to land granted for a school at Motueka.

G.-Ib. 1 1888. | New Zealand. | [rule] | Whakarewarewa School Reserve,

Motueka 1 (report of Mr. Commissioner Mackay upon the). | Laid on the table Sess. 11., 1887, and ordered to be translated and printed Sess. 1888. | [rule] | Return to an Order of the House of Representatives, dated 23rd November, 1887. | Ordered, "That there be laid before this House the report of Mr. Commissioner Mackay upon the Whakare- | warewa School Reserve, in Motueka."-(Mr. Parata.) | [rule] | (. . ,] [By authority: George Didsbury, Government Printer, Wellington.-1888.]

10 p.; 322x208 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 10. At end of text p. 10: '(Approximate cost of paper.-Preparation, nil; printing (1,275 copies).-£6 175.) - .

AJHR. 1888, G-Ib. 'Memorandum' dated 1 November 1887 in English and Maori concerning land in Motueka granted to the Bishop of New Zealand in 1853 for 'a school for religious, industrial, and English education of children of both races, and of children of other poor and destitute persons being inhabitants of islands in the Pacific Ocean’. The school, which had never operated successfully, had been closed since 1881 and Maori were seeking return of the land. For more background about the school's operations see AJHR. 1879, Session I,H-I,p 137-139 and 157-166.

Most of the report consists of earlier memoranda by Mackay from 1883 and 1886, since when nothing had changed. Mackay considered the land grants illegal and that they should be set aside, or that Maori should be allowed to take the matter to the Supreme Court.

Copies: WTU (in bound vol., AJHR).

Entries 1209-1217 are filed in alphabetical order of the English title.



Crown and Native Lands Rating Acts Repeal Act 1888.

(Crown and Native Lands Rating Acts Repeal. | Niu Tireni. | [Royal Arms] \ lure Whakakore i te lure Reiti Whenua | Karauna Whenua Maori. | [ru/e] | He lure hei whakakore I nga ture whakarite mo te utunga o nga | reiti I runga i nga whenua Karauna whenua Maori. | [. . .] [I taia I runga i te mana o te Kawanatanga e G. Didsbury, Kai-ta o te Kawanatanga, Poneke. [i.e. Wellington] -1888 ]

I sheet (2 p.); 280x205 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 2.




Running title: ’Whakakore i te Ture Reiti Whenua Karauna Whenua Maori.’. Printed by the Government Printer (‘Kai-ta o te Kawanatanga’).

Short title: 'Te Ture Whakakore i te Ture Reiti Whenua Karauna Whenua Maori, 1888.'.

Translation of the Crown and Native Lands Rating Acts Repeal Act 1888 (1888, No. 35) omitting the Analysis and marginal notes. The Act, which was restrospective, specified rates payable on Crown and Maori land between 1 April 1888 and 31 March 1890 and associated provisions. The Bill (1888, No. 109) was introduced by Atkinson in the House on 31 May and passed all stages by 29 August. No Maori version of the Bill has been identified. The lack of Maori speakers during the debate and the fact that it also dealt with other than Maori-owned land indicate that a Maori version was not produced. The Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1888 (522/I888). See no. 669 for further information on land legislation

Williams 753. Copies: WTU (in MSX-5205).


Maori Real Estate Manaqement Act 1888.

(Maori Real Estate Management. | Niu Tireni. | [Royal Arms] | Ture Whakahaere i nga Whenua Tuturu o nga | Maori. | [rule] | He Ture hei whakarite tikanga whakahaere mo nga whenua | tuturu o nga tamariki kaore ano kia tae kite rua rekau ma tahi | tau me etahi atu tangata o te iwi Maori e mana kore ana i raro | i nga tikanga ote Ture. | [. . .] [I taia i runga i te mana o te Kawanatanga e G. Didsbury, Kai-ta o te Kawanatanga,

Poneke. [i.e. Wellington] -1888.]

6 p.; 280x205 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 6. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: Te Ture Whakahaere i nga Whenua Tuturu o nga Maori, 1888 '

Translation of the Maori Real Estate Management Act 1888 (1888, No. 39) omitting the Analysis and marginal notes. The Act reinstated provisions for the administration of land owned by minors and those with disabilities. The Bill (see no. **1219 for the Maori version) was introduced by Mitchelson in the House on 23 May and passed all stages by 28 August. The Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1888 (522/1888)

One of four Acts relating to land referred to during debates as 'the Native Bills’: see no. 1214. 1215 and 1216 for the other three Acts. See no. 669 for further information on land legislation.

Williams 757 & (S). Copies: WTU.

121 1

Middle Island Half-caste Grants Act 1888.

(Middle Island Half-caste Grants. 1 NiuTireni, | [Royal Arms] | Karaati mo nga Hawhe-kaihe o te Waipounamu. | [rule] | Whakawhaititanga. |

[analysis: 4 sections. 10 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule ] | [rule] | He Ture hei apiti atu ki “Te Jure Karaati mo nga Hawhe-kaihe | o te




Waipounamu, 1877," me nga Ture Whakatikatika i tera. | [. . .] [I taia i runga i te mana o te Kawanatanga e G. Didsbury, Kai-ta o te Kawanatanga,

Poneke. [i.e. Wellington] -1888.]

1 folded sheet (3, [l] p ): 280x205 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 3. Page [4] blank. Printed by the Government Printer,

Short title: Te Ture Karaati Hawhe-kaihe o te Waipounamu, 1888.’.

Translation of the Middle Island Half-caste Grants Act 1888 (1888, Local and Personal Acts, No. 27) omitting the marginal notes. The Bill (see no. **1220 for the Maori version) was introduced by Mitchelson in the House on 30 May and passed all stages by 7 August The Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1888 (522/1888).

The legislation followed up findings of Commissioner Alexander Mackay’s report Middle Island native land question completed in 1887 and published as AIHR. 1888, G-l (no. 1206).

Williams 756 & (S). Copies: AP, WTU (in MSX-5205).


Mokau-Mohakatino Act 1888.

Mokau-Mohakatino. | Niu Tireni. | [Royal Arms] | Mokau-Mohakatino. |

[rule] | [rule] | He Ture hei tuku atu i etahi tikanga ngawari kia Hohua Hone | mo runga mo te Poraka o Mokau-Mohakatino. | [. . .] [I taia i runga i te mana o te Kawanatanga e G. Didsbury. Kai-ta o te Kawanatanga, Poneke.

[i.e. Wellington] -1888.]

1 sheet (2 p ); 280x205 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 2. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: Te Ture mo Mokau-Mohakatino, 1888.’.

Translation of the Mokau-Mohakatino Act 1888 (1888, Local and Personal Acts. No. 7) omitting the Analysis and marginal notes. The Act was special legislation associated with Joshua Jones’s lease over the Mokau-Mohakatino Block in the King country, a lease that presented problems for its Maori owners. For further background see C. Marr, The alienation of land in the Rohe Potae (Aotea Block). 1840-1920 (Wellington. 1996), p. 12-14.

The Bill was introduced by Hislop in the House on 28 August and passed all stages by 30 August. Taipua (MP for Western Maori) asked for the Bill to be translated, and the debate was adjourned ( NZPD. 1888. v. 63, p. 494), However, the debate resumed the following day, suggesting any translation of the Bill was not in printed form. The Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1888 (522/I888).

Williams 754. Copies: WTU (in MSX-5205).


Native Contracts and Promises Act 1888.

(Native Contracts and Promises. | Niu Tirnni. [ i.e. Tireni] | [ Royal /Irms] | Whakaritenga, Whakaaetanga, Take Maori. | [rule] \ [rule] | He Jure hei whakamana i te Kawana kia ahei ai ia kite whakaea i 1 etahi whakaritenga me etahi whakaaetanga a te Kawanatanga a | etahi atu ranei mo te taha ki




te Kawanatanga. | [. . .] [I taia i runga i te mana o te Kawanatanga e G. Didsbury, Kai-ta o te Kawanatanga, Poneke. [i.e. Wellington] -1888 ]

5, [l] p.: 280x205 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 5. Pages [2-5] (Schedule) in two columns separated by vertical rule; p. [6] blank. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: 'Te Ture Whakaritenga, Whakaaetanga, Take Maori. 1888.'.

Translation of the Native Contracts and Promises Act 1888 (1888, Local Acts, No. 26) omitting the Analysis and marginal notes. The Act made nine specific land grants in various areas. The Bill (1888, No. 76) was introduced by Whitaker in the Legislative Council on 14 June and passed all stages by 16 August. It was first called the Fulfilment of Contracts and Promises Bill and then the Contracts and Promises Bill. No Maori version of the Bill has been identified. The Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1888 (522/1888).

Williams 755. Copies: AP, WTU (in MSX-5205).


Native Land Act 1888.

(Native Land, j Niu Tireni. j [Royal Arms] \ Ture Whenua Maori. | [rule] | He Ture hei whakakore i “Te Ture Whakahaere Whenua Maori, | 1886,” hei whakarite tikanga hoki hei whakakapi mo tera. | [. . .] [1 taia i runga i te mana o te Kawanatanga e G. Didsbury, Kai-ta o te Kawanatanga,

Poneke. [i.e. Wellington] -1888.]

1 sheet (2 p.): 280x205 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 2.

Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: 'Te Ture Whenua Maori. 1888.',

Translation of the Native Land Act (1888, No. 36) omitting the Analysis and marginal notes. The Act restored the system of direct purchase that had been introduced first in 1862: for further background on the political context and the effects of the legislation see A. Ward, A show of justice (Auckland. 1973), p. 298. The Bill (see no. **1221 for the Maori version) was introduced by Mitchelson in the House on 23 May and passed all stages by 28 August. The Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1888 (522/I888).

One of four Acts relating to land referred to during debates as 'the Native Bills'; see no. 1210, 1215 and 1216 for the other three Acts. See no, 669 for further information on land legislation.

Williams 752. Copies: AP, WTU (in MSX-5205).


Native Land Court Act 1886 Amendment Act 1888.

Native Land Court Act 1886 Amendment. | Niu Tireni. | [Royal Arms] | Ture

Whakatikatika i te Ture Kooti Whenua | Maori 1886. | [ru/e] 1 He Ture hei

whakatikatika i te “Ture Kooti Whenua Maori, | 1886.” | [. . .] [1 taia i

runga i te mana o te Kawanatanga e G. Didsbury, Kai-ta o te Kawanatanga, Poneke. [i.e. Wellington] -1888.]




8 p.; 280x205 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 8 Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: Te Ture Whakatikatika, 1888 i te Ture Kooti Whenua Maori 1886'.

Translation of the Native Land Court Act 1886 Amendment Act 1888 (1888, No, 37) omitting the Analysis and marginal notes. The Act made various changes to the administrative provisions of the 1886 Act. The Bill (see no. * * 1222 for the Maori version) was introduced by Mitchelson in the House on 23 May and passed all stages by 29 August. The Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1888 (522/1888).

One of four Acts relating to land referred to during debates as ‘the Native Bills'; see no. 1210, 1214 and 1216 for the other three Acts. See no. 669 for further information on land legislation.

Williams 758. Copies: WTU.


Native Lands Frauds Prevention Act 1881 Amendment Act 1888.

Native Land [sic] Frauds Prevention. | Niu Tireni. | [Royal Arms] | Ture Whakatikatika 1888 I te Ture Arai mo te | Hoko Tahae I nga Whenua Maori. | [rule] \ He Ture hei whakatikatika i “Te Ture Arai mo te Hoko Tahae I | nga Whenua Maori, 1881.” | [. . .] [I taia i runga i te mana o te Kawanatanga e G. Didsbury, Kai-ta o te Kawanatanga, Poneke. [i.e. Wellington] -1888.]

I folded sheet (3, [l]) p.: 280x205 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 3. Page [4] blank. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: 'Te Ture Whakatikatika 1888 i te Ture Arai mo te Hoko Tahae i nga Whenua Maori, 1881.’.

Translation of the Native Lands Frauds Prevention Act 1881 Amendment Act 1888 (1888, No. 38) omitting the Analysis and marginal notes. It amended the provisions of 1881 Act (no. 1004) with new definitions and a process for verification of deeds executed by Maori. The Bill (see no. **1223 for the Maori version) was introduced by Mitchelson in the House on 23 May and passed all stages by 28 August. The Act was included in the volume of rollerred leuislarinn in Maori for 1 888 (522/1 8881

One of four Acts relating to land referred to during debates as 'the Native Bills'; see no. 1210, 1214 and 1215 for the other three Acts. See no. 669 for further information on land legislation.

Williams 759. Copies: WTU (in MSX-5205).


Regulations under West Coast Settlements Reserves Acts Amendment Act 1887.

Nga Tikanga Whakahaere | “Te Jure Whakatikatika 1887 i nga Ture | Whakatau Rahai o te tai Hauauru." | [rule] | (He mea tango mai, i te "New Zealand Gazette,” | Pepuere 9, 1888.) | [rule] \ [Royal Arms] | Poneke: [i.e. Wellington] | He mea whakamana: Hori Titipere, kai-ta o te | Kawanatanga. I [rule] | 1888.




10, [2] p,; 192X102 mm. Pages [2] and [ll-12] blank. Printed by the Government Printer.

Regulations applying to confiscated land in Taranaki under the West Coast Settlements Reserves Acts Amendment Act 1887 (no. I 184). Reprinted from the Gazette. 9 February 1888, p. 227-228.

Copies: Taranaki Museum; WTU (photocopy).


NEW ZEALAND. Chief Surveyor

Notice. 14 August 1888. warning against interfering with land surveys.

[Royal Arms] | Panuitanga | kite katoa. | [double rule] | Hei whakaatu tenei ki nga tangata whakanoho | whenua, ki nga kai hanga taiepa, ki nga tangata mahi | kanataraka rore, me era atu tangata katoa: i etahi kupu | i roto i te "lure Whenua, 1885,” kia tupato ai ratou, kei | raweke, kei whakanukunuku, i nga tohu ruri katoa. | [double rule] \ | Tekiona 10. i

[9 lines ] | Tekiona 11. | [lO lines] |NaG. W. Wiremu, | Tumuaki Kairuri. |

Nepia, 14 Akuhata. 1888. | [rule] | Herald Print., Gisborne. [1888?]

1 sheet ([l] p.); 478x299 mm. Pleading set in large display type, probably woodblock. WTU copy printed on cloth. Printed at the office of the Poverty Bay herald newspaper.

Sections 10 and 11 from the Land Act 1885, warning against interfering with survey pegs or obstructing surveyors, and the penalty for such ‘misdemeanour’. The large poster is signed by George Watkyn Williams (‘G. W, Wiremu’), Chief Surveyor. It probably resulted from the economical system of pegs numbered with roman numerals which had been initiated in place of full surveys for second-class land being opened up as a result of changes in the Land Act 1887 (s ee AJHR. 1888, C-la, p. 2).

For further comment on Ngati Porou attitudes to surveying see W. H. Oliver and J. Thomson, Challenge and response (Gisborne, 1971),

p. 176.

Copies: WTU.

Entries **1219-** 1223 are filed in alphabetical order of the English title.


NEW ZEALAND. Parliament

Maori Real Estate Manaqement Bill 1888

[Maori Real Estate Management Bill 1888; actual title not known; no copy located. Wellington: Printed by the Government Printer. 18881

Physical details not known; no copy located. Description from secondary source.

Translation of the Maori Real Estate Management Bill 1888 (1888, No. 53), one of four Bills relating to land introduced on 23 May 1888, collectively referred to (and mainly debated together) as 'the Native Bills’, For the other three Bills see no. **1221, * * 1222 and * * 1223.

Although no copies of Maori versions of any of these Bills have been located, it is clear from the debates that they were intended to be produced, and eventually were: e.g. (30 May) 'the Native Minister . , , made a promise that within two weeks the proposed Native Bills . . . should be circulated. ,




On account of the measures not having been translated and circulated as promised a number of natives had been put to great expense in coming to Wellington to ascertain what the measures were' (NZPD. 1888, v. 60, p. 331), and 'it was only at 5 o'clock that evening [8 August] that the final translations of these Bills were placed in the hands of the natives’ (NZPD. 1888, v. 62, p. 602). For the resulting Act in Maori and additional information see no. 1210. For further background see P. G. Parkinson, ‘Strangers in the House', Victoria University of Wellington law review, v. 32, no. 3 (August 2001), Supp p. 1-60 (p. 43-46).

No copy located.


Middle Island Half-caste Grants Bill 1888.

[Middle Island Half-caste Grants Bill 1888; actual title not known; no copy located. Wellington: Printed by the Government Printer, 1888]

Physical details not known; no copy located. Description from secondary source.

Translation of the Middle Island Half-caste Grants Bill 1888 (1888, No. 49).

Although no copy of a Maori version of the Bill has been located, there are references in the debates to Maori being dissatisfied with the amounts of compensatory land shown in the Schedule, and to names being omitted (NZPD , 1888, v. 62. p. 22, p. 320). These suggest that a Maori text may well have been produced and circulated. For the resulting Act in Maori and additional information see no. 1211.

No copy located.


Native Land Bill 1888.

[Native Land Bill 1888; actual title not known; no copy located.

Wellington: Printed by the Government Printer, 1888]

Physical details not known; no copy located. Description from secondary source.

Translation of the Native Land Bill 1888 (1888, No. 65), one of four Bills relating to land introduced on 23 May 1888, collectively referred to (and mainly debated together) as 'the Native Bills'. For the other three Bills see no.

**1219. ** 1222, ** 1223. See no. ** 1219 for information on the existence of the Bills in Maori. For the resulting Act in Maori and additional information see no. 1214.

No copy located.


Native Land Court Act 1886 Amendment Bill 1888.

[Native Land Court Act 1886 Amendment Bill 1888; actual title not known; no copy located. Wellington: Printed by the Government Printer, 1888]

Physical details not known: no copy located. Description from secondary source.




Translation of the Native Land Court Act 1886 Amendment Bill 1888 (1888, No. 51), one of four Bills relating to land introduced on 23 May 1888, collectively referred to (and mainly debated together) as 'the Native Bills'. For the other three Bills see no. “1219, “1221, “1223. See no. “1219 for information on the existence of the Bills in Maori. For the resulting Act in Maori and additional information see no. 1215,

No copy located.


Native Lands Frauds Prevention Act 1881 Amendment Bill 1888.

[Native Lands Frauds Prevention Act 1881 Amendment Bill 1888; actual title not known; no copy located. Wellington: Printed by the Government Printer, 1888]

Physical details not known; no copy located. Description from secondary source. ,

Translation of the Native Lands Frauds Prevention Act 1881 Amendment Bill 1888 (1888, No. 52), one of four Bills relating to land introduced on 23 May 1888, collectively referred to (and mainly debated together) as 'the Native Bills'. For the other three Bills see no. “1219. “1221, “1222. See no. “1219 for information on the existence of the Bills in Maori. For the resulting Act in Maori and additional information see no. 1216.

No copy located.


NORTH, Brownlow (1810-1875)

Wellington reprint of Brethren tract. God chose to send Jesus.

(No. 7 | Na te Atua ake tona whakaaro | kite tono mai i a ihu. | [rule] 1 "Ha, te tangata nei, ko wai koe hei whakahoki kupu atu ki | te Atua?” - (Roma 9, 20.) | [. . .] [S. Clapham, Printer, Willis Street, Wellington, [ca. 1888]]

1 folded sheet (3, [l] p ); 189x127 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 3. Page [4] blank. At end of text: 'Translated by J. G. B. from “God chose to send Jesus," a true story by Brownlow North.’

A Wellington reprint of a Brethren tract first published in 1879 (no. 951). For additional information on the reprint series see no. 1227.

Williams 562/[7], Copies: WTU.


RESOLUTIONS from Maori committees

Resolutions from meetings of Maori about land legislation.

[Resolutions from Maori committees on land legislation currently before Parliament; actual title not known; no copy located. Wellington?: Printed by the Government Printer?, 1888]

Physical details not known; no copy located Description from secondary source.

During the debate on the Native Land Bill on 11 July 1888, Native Minister Mitchelson referred to: 'the resolutions forwarded to the Government by the




various native committees throughout the colony who have been discussing the native Bills now before the House are now in the hands of the printer and are being printed in English and in Maori These will be distributed among members of the House and members of the committee that is to be appointed to consider the whole of the native Bills . . .' ( NZPD , 1888, v. 61, p. 697). No copy of such a text in Maori has been located but the document referred to is clearly related to Native views on native land legislation ( AJHR , 1888, G-7, tabled in the House on 9 August; JHR. 1888, p. 262) which seems to have been produced only in English. For further background on the Maori meetings of this period see C. Orange, The Treaty of Waitangi (Auckland, 1987), p. 221-223.

No copy located.


He RONGO MAU mo katoa

Religious tract, Good news for all.

(No. 9. | [ornament (bird)] 1 Te karere o te Rongo Pal. | [ornamental rule] \ He rongo mau mo katoa. | No te kupu o te Atua. 1 1 titiro iho te Atua i te rangi ki nga tamariki a te tanga- | ta, kia kite me kahore tetahi e mahara ana, [. . ,] | [. . .] [Printed at the Herald Office, Gisborne, for the N.Z.

Native Tract Institution. [lBBB]]

I folded sheet (4 p.); 187x125 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 4. At end of main text (p. 3): ‘(From “Good news for all." Dublin and London Tracts.)'. Text contains 45 footnotes to Biblical references (p. 4).

Series: Te karere o te Rongo Pai, no. 9.

Religious tract of two texts by unidentified authors translated by Joseph Baker: 'He rongo mau mo katoa' (p. [l]-3) and 'Ehara hoki ana ture I te mea taimaha. (His commandments are not grevious. [sic]'; p. 3-4). 3,000 copies were printed in the financial year to 31 August 1888: payment to the printer on 16 July indicates it was issued in mid-1888 (New Zealand Native Tract Institution. Minute book 1885-1901; WTU. MS-Papers-1661).

See no. 1147 for further information on the series.

Williams 698/9. Copies: AP, NLA. WTU.


STANLEY, Charles

Wellington reprint of Brethren tract. You cut me deep.

(No. 1 | Parikarangaranga o te arohanoa. | [rule] | Kua hou rawa ki toku ngakau. | No te hokinga mai o tetahi mlhinare i Inia, ki Ingarangi, | ka eke ia ki tetahi rerewe e ahu ana ki uta, [. . .] | [36 lines] | [rule] | S. Clapham, Printer. Willis Street, Wellington, N.Z. [ca. 18881

1 sheet ([!]) p.; 189x127 mm At end of text: Translated by J. G. B.', i.e. Joseph Goady Baker.

A Wellington reprint of no. 1 (no. 918) of a series of Brethren tracts translated by Baker that were first printed in Nelson and published by James G, Deck of Motueka in 1878-1879; see no. 918 for further information.

The date of this reprint series is based on the Wellington almanack which records Clapham as a printer in Willis Street, Wellington, in 1887 and 1890.




For the other nine tracts in this reprint series, copies of two of which have not been located, see no. 1224, 1228-1233, 1235-1236.

Williams 562/[ I]. Copies: WTU.


Wellington reprint of Brethren tract. The three flags.

(No. 2. | Nga kara e toru. | [ornamental rule] | Me ka haere koe i runga i nga rerewe, ki kite koe i nga | tangata e tu ana i nga takiwa, me nga kara e toru i nga ringa. ([...] [S. Clapham, Printer, Willis Street, Wellington, N.Z. [ca. 1888]]

1 sheet (2 p.); 189x127 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 2. At end of text: 'Translated by J. G. B. | (The three flags).’.

A Wellington reprint of a Brethren tract first published in 1878 (no. 919). For additional information on the reprint series see no. 1227.

Williams 562/[2]. Copies: WTU.


Wellington reprint of Brethren tract. As it was in the days of Noah.

(No. 3. | Etahi kupu marama. | [rule] | “Ka rite hoki ki nga ra i a Noa.” | [ornamental rule] \ ‘Ka rite hoki ki nga ra i a Noa, nga, ra o te Tama a te tan- | gata, e kai ana ratou, e inu ana, [. . .] | [. . .] [S. Clapham, Printer, Willis Street, Wellington, N.Z. [ca. 1888]]

1 folded sheet (3, [l] p.); 189x127 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 3. Page [4] blank. At end of text: ‘Translated by J. G. B. | (As it was in the davs of Noah.)’.

A Wellington reprint of a Brethren tract first published in 1879 (no. **956). For additional information on the reprint series see no. 1227.

Williams 562/[3]. Copies: WTU.


Wellington reprint of Brethren tract. Who is to blame?

[No. 4. He taro maka kite mata o nga wai. Na wai te he? [...]; actual title not confirmed; no copy located. S. Clapham, Printer, Willis Street,

Wellington, N.Z. [ca. 1888]]

I sheet (2 p.)? Physical description not confirmed; no copy located.

Description from 1879 printing of tract no. 4 (see no. 957).

Although no copy has been located, on the basis of others extant in the series it seems probable that there was also a Wellington reprint of this Brethren tract first published in 1879 (no. 957). For additional information on the reprint series see no. 1227.

Williams 562/[**4], No copy located.





Wellington reprint of Brethren tract. Naaman the Syrian.

[No. 5. Etahi kupu marama. Naamana, te repera, me ona rukunga i | te awa o Horano. [...]: actual title not confirmed; no copy located. S.

Clapham, Printer. Willis Street, Wellington, N.Z. [ca. 1888]]

1 folded sheet (4 p.)? Physical description not confirmed; no copy located. Description from 1879 printing of tract no. 5 (see no. 958).

Although no copy has been located, on the basis of others extant in the series it seems probable that there was also a Wellington reprint of this Brethren tract First published in 1879 (no. 958). For additional information on the reprint series see no. 1227.

Williams 562/[* *s], No copy located.


Wellington reprint of Brethren tract. As it was in the days of Lot.

(No. 6 1 Etahi kupu marama. | [rule] | “Ka rite ki nga ra i a Rota.” | “Ka rite ano hoki ki nga ra i a Rota; e kai ana ratou, e inu | ana, e hoko mai ana, e hoko atu ana, e whakato ana, e hanga | whare ana, a, te ra i puta ai a Rota i Horoma, [. . .] | [. . .] [S. Clapham, Printer, Willis Street, Wellington. [ca. 188811

1 folded sheet (4 p.); 189x127 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 4. At end of text: 'Translated by J. G. B,'.

A Wellington reprint of a Brethren tract first published in 1 879 (no. 959), For additional information on the reprint series see no. 1227.

Williams 562/[6). Copies: WTU.


Wellington reprint of Brethren tract. Sown among thorns.

(No. 8 | 1 ruia ki roto ki nga tataramoa. | [rule] \ "A ko nga mea enei i ruia ki roto ki nga tataramoa; ko nga | mea i rongo kite kupu, na, te putanga mai o te whakaaroaro- | nga ki tenei ao, [. . .] | [. . .] [S. Clapham, Printer,

Willis Street, Wellington, [ca. 1888]]

1 folded sheet (3. [l] p ); 189x127 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 3. Page [4] blank. At end of text; Translated by J. G. B. | (Sown among thorns.)'.

A Wellington reprint of a Brethren tract first published in 1879 (no. 960). For additional information on the reprint series see no. 1227.

Williams 562/(8]. Copies: WTU.


Religious tract, The serpent of brass.

(No. 8. | [ornament (bird)] | Te karere o te Kongo Pai. | [ornamental rule ] | Te nakahi parahi. | He iwi a lharaira i meinga ai e te Atua ka hoatu e ia kia | ratou te whenua o Kanana hei whenua tuturu; .] [Printed at the Herald Office, Gisborne, for the N.Z. Native Tract Institution. [lBBB]]




1 folded sheet (4 p ); 187x125 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 4. At end of main text p. 4: '(From "The serpent of brass," bv C. S.)'

Series: Te Karere o te Rongo Pai, no. 8.

Religious tract of two texts translated by Joseph Baker: ‘Te nakahi parahi' by Stanley (‘C. S '; p. [l]-4) and 'lnaianei!' (p. [4]) by an unidentified author (at end of text: “Now,” Herald of Mercy [Tracts]). ‘The serpent of brass' was also in the series of Brethren tracts; see no. 962 and 1236. 3,000 copies were printed in the financial year to 31 August 1888; payment was made to the printer on 15 June (New Zealand Native Tract Institution, Minute book 18851901; WTU, MS-Papers-1661).

See no. I 147 for further information on the series.

Williams 698/8, Copies: AP, WTU.


Wellington reprint of Brethren tract. If thou knewest the gift of God.

(No. 9. | He taro maka kite mata o nga wai. | [rule] | Me i matau koe ki ta te Atua e | homai ai.—Hoani 4, 10. | [rule] | I noho tetahi tangata ngenge i te taha o te puna o Hakopa; | i ahu mai ia i te whenua o nga Parihi. Ko Ihu taua tangata. | [. . .] [S. Clapham. Printer, Willis Street, Wellington. [ca. 1888]]

1 sheet (2 p.); 189x127 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 2, At end of text: ‘Translated by J. G. B. | (If thou knewest the gift of God.)’.

A Wellington reprint of a Brethren tract first published in 1879 (no. 961). For additional information on the reprint series see no. 1227.

Williams 562/ I**9], Copies; WTU.


Wellington reprint of a Brethren tract. The serpent of brass.

(No. 10. | Te nakahi parahi. | [rule] \ Te Taunga 21.4-9. | He iwi a lharaira I meinga ai e te Atua ka hoatu e ia kia | ratou te whenua o Kanana hei whenua tuturu: he whenua | momona, e tipuria ana e te oriwa mete waina.

[. . .] I [. . .] [S. Clapham, Printer, Willis Street, Wellington, [ca. 1888]]

I folded sheet (4 p.); 187x124 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 4. At end of text: 'Translated by J. G. B.',

A Wellington reprint of a Brethren tract first published in 1879 (no. 962). For additional information on the reprint series, of which this is the last, see no. 1227,

Williams 562/[loj. Copies: WTU.


TAIWHANGA, Hirini Rawiri (1832/337-1890)

A manifesto for administration of the 'Maori estate' by Maori. 1888. | Proposals | of | Mr. Sydney David Taiwhanga, M.H.R., | for the | colonization and settlement | of | Maori lands. | [ornamental rule] | Contents. Page, [set right] \ [23 numbered headings with page references] \




[double rule] | Wellington: | Edwards & Co., General Printers, Brandon Street. | [rule] | 1888.

20 p.; 207x135 mm.: brownish pink paper covers. Title from cover. Title within ornaments and a double border. Pages [2], [lo], [l2] and [l4] blank. Includes marginal notes. Text in English (p. [l]-9) and Maori (p. [ll]-20).

Additional title-page p. [II]: 'lBBB. | Nga tikanga | a | Hirini Rawiri Taiwhanga. M.H.R., | mote | whaka kainga whakanoho tangata ki | runga inga whenua Maori, 1 [ double rule] | Nga tikanga. | [ornamental rule] | Rarangi. [set right] \ [23 numbered headings with page references] | [double rule] \ Wellington, N.Z.: | Edwards & Co., Printers. Brandon Street. | [rule] \ 1888.'.

Title inside double border with internal corner ornaments.

Both texts comprise 6 objectives and a 23-point manifesto (both signed by Taiwhanga, MP for Northern Maori) with the text of the Treaty of Waitangi (with brief notes in English by H. H. Turton dated 10 April 1887). and section 71 of the New Zealand Constitution Act 1852. The manifesto creates the ‘Maori estate' and provides for its administration by Maori through a Maori Council that would replace the Native Land Court and Native Department. These arrangements were to facilitate settlement and development of public works. Only H. K. Taiaroa among all Maori, including half-castes, is excluded from benefitting, as he was 'otherwise provided for'.

Williams 761, Bagnall 5444, Copies: WTU, WU.



Reprint of the Treaty in Maori and Enqlish. produced for a Maori MP.

Ko te Tiriti o Waitangi. | He waiata. | He ingo i ara ki nga oha tupapaku kei wha- | karerea kei kaupapa tahuri, kei takoto noa te paki | ki tua e e. | Na Aporo Te Tipitipi. | Rotorua. Rotorua chief, | Te reo-Maori. | Ko Wikitoria, te Kuini o ingarangi, [. . .] | [B4 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] | [double rule] |

[parallel text:]

The Treaty of Waitangi. | As finally adopted and signed by upwards of five hundred | of the principal chiefs (512), on February 6, 1840. The Treaty | of Waitangi appeared in the following form, which we here in- | sen for sake of easy reference, as the English document | only appears once in these pages:- 1 English version. | Her Majesty Victoria, Queen of the United Kingdom of | Great Britain and Ireland, [. .] \ [ll9 tines and one rule in two columns separated by vertical rule] | [wavy rule] | Printed by B. N Manley for S. D. Taiwhanga, Esq.,

M.H.R. | No 6. Willis Street, Wellington, [ca. 1888]

1 sheet ([l] p ): 283x440 mm. Printed by Benjamin Nicholas Manley.

A reprint in Maori and English of the Treaty of Waitangi and section 71 of the New Zealand Constitution Act 1852, produced for Hirini Rawiri ('Sydney David') Taiwhanga (1832/33-1890), MP for Northern Maori 1887-1890 (died on election day). The Maori text includes the prefatory note (paying homage to ancestors who had died) signed by Aporo Te Tipitipi, and the English text has an additional note by Henry Turton dated 10 April 1887. It was probably printed in association with the developing Kotahitanga movement in which Taiwhanga was a leading figure, or to accompany the petition to the Queen




which got under way in 1888 (see no. 1203), The same text, but without Te Tioitioi’s note, is included in no. 1237.

Copies: WTU (in MS-Papers-6571-234).


WAIPAWA Native Pah, Tapairu

Resolutions from hui held in December 1887 and lanuaty and March 1888.

Waipawa Native Pah. Tapairu. | Maehe 29th, 1888, | Ko matou konga rangatira, menga iwi, menga hapu o Niu Tireni he tangata Maori ote takiwa | o [dotted rule for name] | Ko matou kote iwi nui katoa e tuhi ana e whakaae ana a whakapumaurawa ana ia matou kinga take onga hui | i turu nei kite Tapairu, Waipaoa, wahi o Nepia, ite 25th onga ra o Tihema ite tau 1887. [. . .] | [2 lines] \ [7 lines of resolutions numbered ‘lst.’ fo ‘sth,’] [no imprint. Napier? 1888]

1 sheet ([l] p.); 210x282 mm. Heading set in ornamental type. Possibly printed by Robert Coupland Harding,

Five resolutions resulting from hui held at Tapairu pa (near Waipawa, Hawke's Bay) on 25 December 1887, 1 January and 24 March 1888. The resolutions range from a general statement of aroha, to restating the Treaty of Waitangi provision for rangatiratanga, and support for the 'Blue Ribbon' prohibition movement. A slightly expanded and reworded version signed by Nepe Te Apatu, Paora Ropiha and Wirihana Kaimokopuna was printed in Te Korimako. no. 75 (16 May 1888), p. 5-6.

Copies: NLA; WTU (photocopy).


WHITE, John (1826-1891)

Volume 4 of an official collection of Maori historical traditions.

The 1 ancient history of the Maori, | his | mythology and traditions. ) Tainui. | By | John White. | [rule] | Volume IV. | [rule] | Wellington: | By authority: George Didsbury, Government Printer. | [rule] | 1888. 1 (Ml rights reserved.)

x, [3]-245, [l], 236 p.. [l3] leaves of plates; genealogical tables: 209x133 mm; red cloth boards with blind, black and gold tooling. Colophon on p. 245. Page [246] blank. Plates include frontispiece. Portrait of chief Taraia Ngakuti Te Tumuhuia and triple border on front covers. On spine: ‘Vol. IV. | [rule] \ Tai-nui.’. The English and Maori texts are separately paginated, but the signatures are continuous (as v. 1-3). Preface dated 26 January 1888.

The prelim, sequence comprises: English title-page. Preface (in English) and Contents for both the English (first sequence) and the Maori (second sequence) texts.

Additional Maori title-page (p. [l] of Maori text): ‘Ko nga | tatai korero whakapapa 1 a te Maori | me nga karakia o nehe 1 a nga tohunga | o Tai-nui.

| Na Hone Waiti | i mahi. | [ride] | Pukapuka tua-wha. | [rule] | Werengitana; [i.e. Wellington] | Na te Kawanatanga i ki kia taia e Hori Titipere, kai ta Perehi | a te Kawanatanga. | [rule] | 1887.'.

The fourth of six volumes published. This volume covers the introduction of the kumara and the migration of the Tainui canoe from Hawaiki.




See no. 1199 for further information on this work and details of v. 1-3 (1887), Other volumes are described at no. 1272 (v. 5. 1889), 1298 (v. 6. 1890) and no. 1301 and 1488 (the separately issued illustrations). See no. 1271 for the 1889 Sampson Low London edition of v. 1-4.

Williams 745, Bagnall 6028 (v. 1-6). Copies: WTU.

1240 a

BECKER, John Baptist (1856-1941)

Reply to an anti-Catholic pamphlet.

[cross] | He pukapuka whakahoki | Tenei mo tetahi pukapuka whakahe a te Minita | Mihingare o Rotorua, a te Peneha, ki etahi akoranga | a te Hahi Katorika. | Ko ia tana pukapuka whakahe. | Etahi o nga take i whakarere ai nga Porohitani (Pro- 1 testants) i te karakia Pikopo. | [. . .] [Ko Wirihana ma ratou ko Hotene, nga Kai-ta, kei Akarana. [f.e. Auckland] [lBB9]]

16 p.; 158x104 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 16. Signed at end of text: ’Na Hoani Papita. | Pirihi o te Hahi Katorika Romana mo te Taha Maori.’. Printed by Wilsons & Horton.

A reply to an anti-Catholic tract assumed to be no. 1268. The ABH copy is inscribed: 'Rev. J. Becker’s reply to Rev. Spencer, Ohinemutu 1889’ and the date is confirmed by a brief typescript history of the Mill Hill mission, which notes that in 1889 ’Fr Becker had 2,000 copies of a Maori prayer book printed [presumably no. 1243] as well as printing a pamphlet in reply to a Protestant minister’s attack on images and devotion to the saints’ (St Joseph’s Foreign Missionary Society, Records of the Maori Mission. 1882-1972, AUC Box 3, St Joseph's College. London; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-0172, reel 2),

Both men were living in Rotorua at the time.

For more information on Becker ('Hoani Papua’), a German priest who was the first Superior (1886-1893) of the Mill Hill mission in New Zealand, see Mill Hill's 100 years (Putaruru, 1966), p. 46-48.

Copies: ABH; WTU (photocopy).


BIBLE. Maori, 1889.

Second edition and revised translation of the complete Bible.

Ko te | Paipera Tapu | ara, ko te | Kawenata Tawhito | mete | Kawenata Hou. | He mea whakamaori mai no nga reo | i oroko-tuhituhia ai. 1 London: 1 Printed for the British and Foreign Bible Society. 1 1887. [f.e. 1889]

855, [l], 270, 4. [2] p,; 215x133 mm.; black cloth boards or full black leather, all with blind tooling (designs vary). Blank pages, p. [l-2], [6], [Bs6] (first sequence): p [l-2], [6], [271-272] (second sequence). 1 folded sheet (4 p.) of errata tipped in between p. 270 and p. [27 l], Text printed in two columns separated by vertical rule; errata pages in three columns separated by vertical rules The two sequences (Old and New Testaments) have individual signatures. Title on spine: 'Paipera Tapu'.

Additional title-page. p. [3] (second sequence); ‘Ko te | Kawenata Hou | a | to tatou Ariki a te Kai Whakaora | a Ihu Karaiti. | He mea whakamaori mai no te reo Kariki. | London: | Printed for the British and Foreign Bible Society. | 1887.'.


1241 a


Caption title and running title of errata: ’Me whakatika ki to Paipera enei kupu he,’.

The second edition and revised translation of the complete Bible in Maori, 20 years after the first edition of 1868 (no. 716). The actual publication date of 1889 is confirmed by BFBS annual reports 1887-1889 (Bible Society’s Library, Cambridge University). Printing began in 1887 but the 1888 report noted it ’has been much delayed by confusion in sending proofs and revises to Archdeacon Maunsell in N.Z. and Mrs Carleton in Norwood [London]. The printers however have got as far as Hosea’. (Lydia Jane Carleton was the daughter of Henry Williams and the Carletons had returned to England in 1878.)

The 1889 report records ‘the printing of the revised Bible is now complete’ and it was published after March 1889, when W. L. Williams refers to it as being ‘in progress’ (Letter to SPCK, 16 March 1889, in New Zealand Mission Trust Board, Records, Outwards letter book, 1883-1894, ASJ, ANGI29/10/3). W. Canton, A history of the British and Foreign Bible Society (5 v.; London, 1910), v. 5. p. 252, records that 6060 copies of the complete Bible were produced. See also no. 1241 a for the separate issue of the New Testament, and no. 1241b for a selection from it, both presumably also published in 1889,

For the background to and controversial reception of the revision see P. Lineham, Tampering with the sacred text’, in A book in the hand, eds P. Griffith, P, Hughes and A. Loney (Auckland, 2000), p. 29-45. A collection of letters, revision notes and fragments by Robert Maunsell (R. Maunsell, Papers concerning the revision of the Maori Bible; WTU. MS-Papers-2981) provides some details of the editorial process. A subsequent revision by H. W. Williams was published in 1924 (Bagnall 58785 a). The next new translation, which involved Maori input, appeared in 1952 (Bagnall B786) and is still in use.

Williams 731, Bagnall 487. Copies: ABH, AP. AR, DL, DUHO, NLA. WTU.

1241 a

BIBLE. N.T. Maori. 1889?

Separate issue of the New Testament in revised translation.

Ko te | Kawenata Hou | a | to tatou Ariki a te Kai Whakaora | a Ihu Karaiti.

| He mea whakamaori mai no te reo Kariki. | London: | Printed for the British and Foreign Bible Society. | 1887. [i.e. 1889?]

270, [2] p.; 215x133 mm.; full leather with blind tooling. Pages [l-2], [6], [271-272] blank. Printed in two columns separated by vertical rule. Title on spine (vertical gold tooling): 'Kawenata | Hou’.

The seventh edition of the New Testament in Maori, in the revised translation of 1889. Also issued as part of the complete Bible (no. 1241). No copy seen includes the errata of the complete Bible, though a number of the corrections apply to the New Testament. W. Canton, A history of the British and Foreign Bible Society (5 v.; London, 1910), v. 5, p. 252, records that 4040 copies of the New Testament were produced.

See no. 1241 for further information on the publication date.

Williams 732 & (S), Bagnall 458. Copies: AP, AR, DL, DUHO, NLA, WTU,




BIBLE. N.T. Maori. Selections. 1889?


The Gospels and Acts in revised translation.

Ko nga | Rongo Pai e wha 1 a Matiu, a Maka, a Ruka, a Hoani | me | nga Mahi a nga Apotoro. | He mea whakamaori mai no te reo Kariki. | Ranana: [t.e. London] | He mea ta | ma te Komiti ta Paipera mo Ingarangi mo te Ao Katoa. I 1887. [i.e. 1889?]

154, [2] p.; 215x133 mm.: purple cloth boards with ornamental blind tooling. Pages [l-2], [6] and [155-156] blank. Printed in two columns separated by vertical rule. Title on centre front cover (gold tooled): 'Nga Rongo Pai | me | nga Mahi’. Includes Contents list for the complete New Testament (p. [3]). Published by the BFBS.

WTU has one copy (possibly issued later) bound in brown cloth, without ornamental blind tooling and with the gold-blocked title in the top right corner of the front cover.

Separate issue of the Gospels and Acts from the revised translation of the New Testament (no. 1241 a), reprinted with a new title page. The final signature (G, p. 145-(l 56]) is specially printed for this issue as the final blank leaf (p. [155-156]) is conjugate with p, 145-146. (In the complete New Testament p. 155-156 are the start of St Paul’s Epistle to the Romans.) W. Canton, A history of the British and Foreign Bible Society (5 v.; London. 1910), v. 5. p. 252, records that 2020 copies of the Gospels and Acts were produced. See no. 1241 for further information on the publication date.

Williams 733, Bagnall 487 (note). Copies: AR, DL, WTU,


BOOK OF MORMON. Maori. 1889,

Mormon Church scriptures. The Book of Mormon.

Ko te | Pukapuka a Moromona: | he tuhituhinga | i tuhituhia e te ringa o Moromona, j i runga i nga papa 1 i tangohia i nga papa a Niwhai. | [rule] | [2O lines] \ [rule] | He mea whakamaori mai kite reo Ingarihi e | Hohepa Mete, Tamaiti. | [rule] | Niu Tireni: | He mea ta e Henare Perete, Akarana. [t.e. Auckland] | 1889.

xii, 748 p.: 175 x 115 mm.: full black leather with blind and gold tooling. Page [ii] blank. Title on spine (gold tooled); "Ko te | Pukapuka | a | Moromona.’ with ornamental bands at head and foot. Printed by Henry Brett (Henare Perete).

Translation of The Book of Mormon, scriptures of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, a sacred record of peoples in ancient America delivered to the prophet Joseph Smith (Hohepa Mete) in 1823, first published in English in New York in 1830.

2,000 copies of the Maori version were published in April 1889 at a cost of £371. It contains a preface by New Zealand President (1886-1889) William Paxman ('Wiremu Pakimana’) explaining its history. First attempts at translation were not successful but in March 1887 the annual convention appointed Ezra Richards and Sondra Sanders Jr ('Honore Hanare [or Hanara] Tamaiti’) to carry out the work, assisted by the mission president's wife Katie Paxman. Richards’s diary records the process in detail (E. F. Richards. Diary, Archives of the Mormon experience, Brigham Young University, Utah;




microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-0870-6). For more information on the history of the Mormon Church in New Zealand from 1854, see B. W, Hunt, Zion in New Zealand (Temple View, 1977) which also has further details on the translation process (encouraged by the Maori King Tawhiao), p. 23-25. See also T. Parfitt, The lost tribes of Israel (London, 2002), p. 1 45-156 (Pacific and New Zealand).

A revised edition was published in 1918, of which a facsimile was produced by the Church in Salt Lake City in 1989.

Williams 768, Bagnall 576. Copies: AP. AR, DL, DUHO, NLA. WTU.



Abbreviated Catholic prayer book.

Ko te | pukapuka karakia poto | o te | Hahi Katorika Romaua. [i.e. Romana] | [illustration (crucifix)] | Akarana: [i.e. Auckland] | He mea ta e. [sic] H.

Perete, i Hoterani Tiriti. | [rule] | 1889.

[2], 140, [2] p,. ill., map, ports.; 155x101 mm.; dark brown stiffened cloth covers. Prelim, pages: p, [l] blank, p. [2] form headed with a cross for owner’s name and religious record. Page [l42] blank. Printed by Henry Brett (H. Perete).

Text includes engraved illustrations, decorative head- and tail-pieces, and ornamental capitals and typefaces. Parts of text in two columns separated by vertical rule and small sections of the Mass in parallel Latin and Maori.

A short Catholic prayer book of extracts printed from the same setting as the much larger 1888 prayer book (no. 1200). It contains services for morning and evening prayer, the Mass, and devotions including the Rosary, a catechism and 39 hymns. It is presumably the work referred to as having been produced in 2,000 copies and organised by Father John Baptist Becker of the Mill Hill mission; see no. 1200 and 1241 for more background.

Williams 767 & (S). Copies: AP, DL. NLA, WTU,

1244 DEIGHTON, Samuel


AJHR. 1889, G-5. Vocabulary of over 900 Moriori words with English and Maori equivalents, compiled by the Resident Magistrate on the Chatham Islands. Deighton's preliminary note to the Native Department, dated 6 September 1887, states his source was Hirawanu Tapu (one of the last

7, [l] p,; 323x203 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p, 7. Page [B] blank. Most text in two columns separated by vertical rule; each column arranged In three sub-columns ([English], Moriori, Maori). At end of text: '(Approximate cost of paper.-Preparation, nil; printing (1,300 copies). £7.)'.

G.-5. | 1889. | New Zealand. | [rule] \ A Moriori vocabulary | (letter from S. Deighton, Esq., R.M., Chatham Islands, forwarding the first | portion of). | [rule] | Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by command of His Excellency. | [rule] ([...] [By authority; George Didsbury, Government Printer, Wellington.-1889]

Moriori vocabulary with Maori and English equivalents.


I 246


full-blooded Moriori) and comments on the unusual pronunciation, compared with Maori, of apparently similar words. For more information on Tapu's role in recording Moriori tradition see DNZB. v. 1. p 426-427. Comparison of the extinct Moriori language with Maori is discussed by R. Clark. 'Moriori and the Maori: the linguistic evidence’, in Origins of the first New Zealanders, ed. D. G. Sutton (Auckland. 1994), p. 123-135.

Williams 772. Copies: WTU (in bound vol„ AJHR).


E HOA MA, e nga iwi, e nga hapu

Invitation to church-related events in Gisborne. February-March 1890.

E hoa ma, e nga iwi, e nga hapu, e nga | rangatira, e te tane, e te wahine, e te | tamariki, tena koutou! | [double wavy rule] | He powhiri atu tena i a koutou kia haere mai a te 28 | o nga ra o Pepuere, 1890, [. . .] | [9 /fries] | Heoi nga kupu. | Na nga hapu nunui o Turanga, 1 Rongowhakaata, | Te Aitanga a Mahaki, | Ngaitahupo. | Turanga, | 16 Tihema, 1889. [no imprint. Gisborne: 1889]

I sheet ([l] p ); 208x131 mm. Possibly printed at the office of the Poverty Bay herald newspaper, which printed the report of the meeting (5303/1890/1).

Invitation dated 16 December 1889 from Gisborne tribes Rongowhakaata (including Ngai Tahupo) and Te Aitanga-a-Mahaki to a formal welcome on 28 February and meeting on 2 March, before the Native Church Board meeting (Waiapu diocese) on 3-4 March 1890. It was reprinted in Te korimako hou. v. I, no. 3 (12 February 1890), p. 3. For the report of the meeting see 5303/1890.1.

Williams 776 & (S). Copies: NLA, WTU.


He INOI ma nga tamariki.

Five prayers for children.

“E te Ariki; whakaakona matou kite inoi.” Ruka xi, 1. | Tetahi mate nui o te Hahi Maori, ko nga tamariki kahore e ata whaka- | akona ana ki nga mea hei oranga mo te wairua o te tangata. [. . .] | [6 lines] | He inoi ma nga tamariki. | I, Ma nga tamariki nonohi. | Mo te Ata. | E te Atua, nau ahau i tiaki i tenei po i ora ai ahau. [. . .] | [4O lines] [no imprint. Napier?: Printed by R. C. Harding?, 1889?)

1 sheet ([l] p ); 179x122 mm. Height of type area 152 mm.

Five prayers for children, two for young children (for morning and evening), two for older children (morning and evening) and one for the start of school. It is a slightly respaced separate reprint on heavier paper of the text printed on p. [ls] of the Maori-language Anglican almanac for 1890 (S2Ol/1890) printed in Napier by Harding in 1889. (Williams’s duplicate entry (no. 580, 1880) is therefore too early.) The prayer for the start of school was possibly written for use at Te Aute College.

The following variant issue has been identified:

1246.1 text begins with title: ‘He inoi ma nga tamariki.’; The introductory


I 247


text of 9 lines is omitted and the remaining type is respaced to a height of 135 mm. This version is printed on heavy card (170x122 mm ).

Williams 580 & 779 a (S). Copies: WTU (incl. variant 1246.1).


KAWITI, Maihi Paraone (1807-1889)

Account of events in the north affecting Ngati Mine.

[Ko te pukapuka o te Kotahitanga kite Rongomau. Kawakawa: Printed at the Northern Luminary Office, ca. 1889?]

Physical details not known; no copy located. Description from secondary source.

A pamphlet which is known to have existed and is referred to in the biography of Kawiti in DNZB. v. 2, p. 253-255, It is Kawiti’s account of events affecting Ngati Mine during the early period of settlement in the north, efforts at peace, and the establishment of the town of Kawakawa. The date of publication is uncertain but is after 1879 (establishment of the the Northern luminary newspaper) and may have occurred after Kawiti’s death in 1889.

No copy located.


KIA [name] MEOU TANGATA whaiwhakaaro nunui katoa.

Invitation to two meetings in March 1889 about Treaty of Waitangi matters.

Kia [dotted rule for name of recipient] meou tangata whaiwhakaaro nunui katoa. | E [dotted rule for salutation] \ Tena ra ko koutou katoa kote iwi nui tonu. He whakamarama atu tenei i nga ra | me nga takiwa e tu ai nga hui mote Tiriti o Waitangi i panuitia atu ra i Poneke inga ra o Hurae, | 1888.

Ara. | [l7 lines] | Hoi ano na matou, | na o koutou hoa, | na Paora Tuahere [i.e. Tuhaere], | Hemara Taumatini, I Heta Paikea, I Hirini Rawiri

Taiwhanga, M.H.R. | [rule]

[parallel text:]

To [dotted rule for name of recipient] \ Sir, Salutation to you, | A meeting of all the Maori tribes will assemble— | [l2 lines] | From your friends, | Paul Tuhaere. Hemara Taumatini, | Heta Paikea, S. D. Taiwhanga, M.H.R. | [rule] | Hipine & Paraone, Perehi, Akarana. [i.e. Auckland] [lBB9]

I sheet ([l] p.); 280x210 mm. Printed by Sibbin & Brown (Hipine & Paraone)

An invitation in Maori and English to two meetings (13 March at Waitangi and 25 March at Orakei marae, Kohimarama, Auckland) to discuss grievances and Maori self-determination. The only example seen is the invitation to Sir George Grey but a number of Pakeha attended according to newspaper reports. The meetings, chaired by Ngati Whatua chief Paora Tuhaere, first signatory to the invitation, were a further step in the formation of the Kotahitanga movement and seen as being in the tradition of the 1860 Kohimarama Conference (see no. 504). See C. Orange. The Treaty of Waitangi (Auckland, 1987). p. 222-224, for further background and no. 1249 and 1253 for associated publications.

Copies: AP; WTU (photocopy).




KO TE PUKAPUKA o te Tiriti o Kohimarama


Summary of proceedings of hui at Kohimarama. 25-30 March 1889. [double rule] \ Ko te pukapuka | o te | Tiriti o Kohimarama, | Orakei, Akarana, 1 1889. | [double rule] [I taia kite Perehi, a Tamati Hori Hipine,

Arapeta Tiriti, Akarana. [i.e. Auckland] [lBB9?]]

[2], 14 p.: 217x140 mm. Imprint from colophon p. 14. Prelim, pages: titlepage (verso blank). Printed by Thomas George Sibbin (Tamati Hori Hipine), Albert Street.

Caption title p [l] (main sequence): 'Ko | te Huihuinga o etahi o nga rangatira o te motu | nei ki Kohimarama, Orakei, Akarana.'.

Account of the proceedings of the hui at Orakei marae, Kohimarama, 27-29 March 1889 with associated material including letters from those unable to attend and (p. 14) the text of the pledge of unity dated 14 March, developed at the preceding hui at Waitangi and eventually signed by about 500 chiefs. Reports in English were published in the Auckland star (26-29 March and 1 April 1889) and the New Zealand herald (28-30 March 1889). See no. 1 248 for the invitation to the meetings and additional background.

Bagnall 4716 a. Copies: WTU.


KOMITI MAORI o te Takiwa o Rotorua

Notice. 18 lanuary 1889. about hearing of land cases on 31 January.

[Ko?] te | [karere mo te?] [Kom]iti Maori o te Takiwa o | Rotorua. | He mea tuku atu i raro ite mana o te Komiti Maori o te Takiwa o Rotorua. | [double rule] | Ohinemutu, Take 18 onga ra Hanuere 1889. | [double rule] \ He panuitanga i raro i te mana o te Komiti Maori o te Takiwa o Rotorua, 1883. | Ki nga tangata e whai take ana kite whenua, kia mohiotia ia, te wahi me te ra, e noho ai, te komiti hai wha- | kawa i o ratau take. | [7 lines] 1 [table. 11 lines and 2 rules, in three columns separated by vertical rules] [no imprint. Rotorua: 1889]

I sheet ([l] p ); 221x281 mm ; brownish yellow paper. Only copy located is damaged, affecting text at beginning of first two lines. Possibly printed at the office of the Bay of Plenty times newspaper. Tauranga; there was no printer in Rotorua at the time.

A notice from the Rotorua Native Committee setting out details of a hearing of three land claim cases, to be held at Ohinemutu on 31 January 1889, signed by the Secretary. R. Whititera Te Waiatua.

Sommerville 761 c. Copies: WTU.


Notice, 19 February 1889, about hearing of land cases on 27 February. Ko te karere mo te Komiti Maori o te Takiwa o Rotorua. | [rule] \ Ohinemutu, Turei 19 o nga ra o Pepuere 1889. | [rule] | He panuitanga i raro i te mana o te Komiti Maori o te takiwa o Rotorua 1883. | [3 lines] \ R. Whititera Te Waiatua, | Hekeretari. | [swelled rule] | Ko nga whenua e tonea ana kia wehewehea | [table. 15 lines and 2 rules, in three columns




separated by vertical rules] | [double rule] | Ko nga whenua o nga tamariki e tonoa ana kia riiwhitia to ratou kai tiaki kua mate | [table. 13 lines and 2 rules, in four columns separated by vertical rules] [no imprint. Rotorua: 1889]

1 sheet ([l] p.); 283x221 mm.; brownish yellow paper. Possibly printed at the office of the Bay of Plenty times newspaper, Tauranga; there was no printer in Rotorua at the time.

A notice from the Rotorua Native Committee setting out details of a hearing of nine land claim cases, to be held at Ohinemutu on 27 February 1889, issued by the Secretary, R. Whititera Te Waiatua. Two claims were by children (under 21) whose guardians had passed away.

Sommerville 761 d. Copies: WTU.


Te KUPU o te Kongo Pai

Religious tract. The Gospel message.

No. 11. | Te karere | ote | Kongo Pai. | [double rule] \Te kupu ote Kongo Pai. | [rule] \ Ehara ianei i te kupu pai te ki nei, kua whakaritea e te | Atua ake tetahi tikanga e noa ai nga hara o tatou i hara nei Iki a ia? [. .] |[. .] [Printed at the Herald Office, Gisborne, for the N.Z. Tract [sic] Institution. [lBB9]]

I folded sheet (4 p); 187x125 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 4. Series title within an ornamental border. At end of main text p. 3: “The Gospel message.” Dublin and London Tracts,’. Published by the N.Z. Native Tract Institution,

Series: Te karere o te Kongo Pai, no. 11.

Religious tract of two texts by unidentified authors translated by Joseph Baker: 'Te kupu o te Kongo Pai’ (p. [l]-3) and 'Tenei ano he wahi takoto noa’ (‘From “Yet there is room."’; p. 4). It was produced between February (Baker’s return from England) and 31 August 1889, probably in the standard print run of 3,000 copies (New Zealand Native Tract Institution, Minute book 1885-1901; WTU, MS-Papers-1661).

See no. 1147 for further information on the series.

Williams 698/1 I, Copies: AP, NLA, WTU.

MEETING of New Zealand chiefs . . .


Newspaper report of proceedings at Kohimarama meeting. 28 March 1889. Meeting of New Zealand chiefs | (from the Auckland Evening Star of 29th March corrected and ammended) [sic] | Held at Orakei, near Auckland, at which 1 the following tribes were represented:— | [295 lines in 3 columns] [parallel text:]

(He mea tango mai enei Korero e roto i te Iwiningi Ta o Akarana nupepa o te 29 o Maehe, a he mea whakatikatika etehi kupu.) | Huihuinga o nga rangatira Maori | Ki Orakei e tata ana ki Akarana; ko nga | tangata i taua hui, [. . .] | [346 lines in 4 columns ] [no imprint. Auckland: Office of the Auckland Star, 1889?]




I folded sheet ([4] p ); 319x254 mm. Caption titles. Pages [l] and [4] blank. English text in three columns (p. [2]) and Maori text in four columns (page [3]).

Reprinted from the Auckland evening star. 29 March 1889 (p. 3), with some additional text and a Maori translation. Report of proceedings of the hui at Orakei marae, Kohimarama, on the preceding day, mainly a summary of the speech by John Aitken Connell (accountant and former surveyor and land agent) on land questions and his opinion that a slower process of 'civilisation' would help Maori progress. His ideas were apparently well received by Maori at the hui (see no. 1248 for further background).

Williams 774 a, Bagnall 2701. Copies: WTU.

Entries ** 1254-' ’ 1263 are filed in alphabetical order of the English title.



Karamu Reserve Act 1889.

(Karamu Reserve. | Niu Tireni. | [Royal Arms] | Te Ture mo te Rahui o te Karamu. 1 [rule] \ He Ture hei whakamutu i te raruraru kia tau ai hoki te whaitake- | tanga ki etahi whenua i Heretaunga i te Kaute o Haaki Pei, hei | whakarite hoki i tetahi rahui e pangia ana e te tikanga here 1 mo etahi Maori e huaina nei ko Ngatihori, i noho nei ratou i | runga i te Karamu Poraka. | [. . .] [He mea whakahau, i taia ai e George Didsbury, Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga. Poneke. [i.e. Wellington] -1889,]

7 p.: 285x225 mm. Running title: 'Rahui o te Karamu.'. Title, colophon and physical details not confirmed; description taken from volume of collected legislation (see annotation below for details). Printed by the Government Printer ('Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga’),

Short title: Te Ture mo te Rahui o Karamu, 1889.’,

Translation of the Karamu Reserve Act 1889 (1889, Local Acts, No. 9) omitting the Analysis and marginal notes. It relates to Hawke's Bay land, part of the Heretaunga Block. The Bill was introduced by Whitaker in the Legislative Council on 14 August and passed all stages by 14 September. The nature of its provisions, enacting arbitrated conclusions accepted by Maori, indicate a Maori version of the Bill was unlikely to have been produced, and no copy has been located.

No separate issues of this or the other 1889 Acts in Maori (no. 1255-1263) have been located, but all were all included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1889 (522/1889). Each Act has a colophon dated 1889, though the volume is continuously paginated. There was some variation in how the annual volumes of legislation in Maori were presented (i.e. either as bound-up collections of separate items, or reimposed with continuous pagination): see 522 for more details. The 1889 volume displays features of both styles of volume, and the individual colophons suggest that the pieces of legislation were also published separately. The lack of extant separate issues of the Acts may result from the 1890 fire at the Government Printing Office.

Williams 771g. Copies: WTU (in collected vol., p. [6BJ-74).





Native Land Court Acts Amendment Act 1889.

(Native Land Court Acts Amendment. | Niu Tireni. | [Royal Arms] \ Ture Whakatikatika 1889 i nga Ture Kooti | Whenua Maori, | [rule] | He Ture hei whakatikatika i “Te Ture Kooti Whenua Maori, | 1886,” me “Te Ture Whakatikatika, 1888, i te Ture Kooti | Whenua Maori, 1886.” ([...] [He mea whakahau, i taia e H. Tiripere, Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga,

Weringitana. [i.e. Wellington] -1889 ]

8 p.; 285x225 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 8. Running title: Ture Whakatikatika i te Ture Kooti Whenua Maori,’, Title, colophon and physical details not confirmed; description taken from volume of collected legislation (see no. **1254 for further details). Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: Te Ture Whakatikatika 1889 i nga Ture Kooti Whenua Maori.’.

Translation of the Native Land Court Acts Amendment Act 1889 (1889, No. 32) omitting the Analysis and marginal notes which amended the 1886 Act and the 1888 Amendment (no. 1215). The Act established various Court procedures and also provided for the Governor to appoint two-person (one to be a Maori) commissions to inquire into pre-1887 land acquisition matters. The Bill (see no. **1265 for the Maori version) was introduced by Whitaker in the Legislative Council on 9 August and passed all stages by 14 September.

See no. 669 for further information on land legislation.

Williams 769. Copies: WTU (in collected vol., p. [IIJ-I8).


Native Lands Frauds Prevention Acts Amendment Act 1889.

(Native Lands Frauds Prevention Acts Amendment. | Niu Tireni. | [Royal Arms] | Ture Whakatikatika 1889 i nga Ture Arai mo te | Hoko Tahae i nga Whenua Maori. | [rule] | Whakawhaititanga. | [analysis: 8 sections. 18 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] \ [rule] | He Ture hei

whakatikatika i nga Ture Arai mo te Hoko Tahae i | nga Whenua Maori. | [. . .] [He mea whakahau, i taia ai e George Didsbury, Kai-ta Perehi ate Kawanatanga, Poneke. [i.e. Wellington! -1889.1

2 p.; 285x225 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 2. Running title: ‘Ture Whakatikatika i nga Ture Arai mo te Hoko Tahae i nga Whenua Maori'. Title, colophon and physical details not confirmed; description taken from volume of collected legislation (see no. * * 1254 for further details). Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: ‘Te Ture Whakatikatika 1889 i nga Ture Aral mo te Hoko Tahae i nga Whenua Maori.’.

Translation of the Native Lands Frauds Prevention Acts Amendment Act 1889 (1889, No. 31) omitting the marginal notes. It amended an 1888 Amendment (no. 1216) by additional administrative provisions. The Bill was introduced by Whitaker in the Legislative Council on 9 August and passed all stages by 13 September. No Maori version of the Bill has been identified. See no. 669 for further information on land legislation.

Williams 771 a. Copies: WTU (in collected vol., p. [2l]-22).




**1257 -

Ngarara and Waipiro Further Investigation Act 1889.

(Ngarara and Waipiro Further Investigation. | Niu Tireni. | [Royal Arms] \ Whakawa mo Ngarara me Waipiro. 1 [rule] | He Ture hei whakarite i tetahi atu whiriwhiringa mo runga mo | nga whenua e mohiotia nei ko te Ngarara me Waipiro. | [. . .] [He mea whakahau i taia ai e H. Tiripere, Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Poneke. [i.e. Wellington] -1889 ]

3 p.; 285x225 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 3. Running title: 'Whakawa mo Ngararu [sic] me Waipiro.’. Title, colophon and physical details not confirmed: description taken from volume of collected legislation (see no. **1254 for further details). Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title; 'Te Ture Whakarite Whakawa mo te Ngarara me Waipiro, 1889.’.

Translation of the Ngarara and Waipiro Further Investigation Act 1889 (1889, Local Acts, No, 6) omitting the Analysis and marginal notes. It relates to land at Waikanae ('Ngarara') and Waipiro (East Coast) and is based on the recommendations of a commission of inquiry; for its report see AJHR, 1889, G-l and G-1a (Maori translation, no. 1088 d). The Bill was introduced by Whitaker in the Legislative Council on 14 August and passed all stages by 13 September. No Maori version of the Bill has been identified. See also no. 1264 for the related Commission of Inquiry report.

Williams 771 d. Copies: WTU (in collected vol., p. [42]-44).


Extracts from North Island Main Trunk Railway Loan . . . Amendment Act 1889.

(North Island Main Trunk Railway Loan Application Act | Amendment.) | Niu Tireni. | [Royal Arms] | Ture Whakatikatika i te Ture Whakatau i nga Nama mo te Tino Reriwe o Aotearoa. | [rule] \ He Ture hei whakatikatika i "Te Ture Whakatau i nga Nama mo te | Tino Reriwe o Aotearoa, 1886.” | [, , .] [He mea whakamana, i taia ai eH. Tiripere, Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Weringitana. [i.e. Wellington] -1889 ]

2 p.; 285x225 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 2. Running title: 'Whakatikatika i te Ture Whakatau i nga Nama mo te Tino Reriwe o Aotearoa.' Title, colophon and physical details not confirmed; description taken from volume of collected legislation (see no. * * 1254 for further details). Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: 'Te Ture Whakatikatika 1889 i te Ture Whakatau i nga Nama mo te Tino Reriwe o Aotearoa,'.

Translation of sections 1 (Short title) and 5 and the Second Schedule of the North Island Main Trunk Railway Loan Application Act Amendment Act 1889 (1889, No. 33) omitting the Analysis and marginal notes. The complete Act has 5 sections and 2 Schedules. It amends the principal Act of 1886, and identifies various pieces of North Island land held under the Native Lands Frauds Prevention Act 1881 Amendment Act 1888 (no. 1216) to be purchased for the main trunk railway. The Bill was introduced by Mitchelson in the House on 23 August and passed all stages by 14 September. No Maori




version of the Bill (or extracts) has been located. See no, **1305 and 1329 for subsequent amendments to the legislation.

Williams 770, Copies: WTU (in collected vol., p. [29]-30).


Orimakatea Title Empowerinq Act 1889.

(Orimakatea Title Empowering. | Niu Tireni. | [Royal Arms] | Ture Whakamana i te Whakataunga Take mo | Orimakatea. | [rule] | He Ture hei whakaputa i te tiwhikete whaitaketanga mo Orimaka- | tea ki etahi Maori mo a ratou mahi i roto i te whawhai. | [. . .] [He mea whakahau, i taia ai e George Didsbury, Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Poneke. [i.e. Wellington] [lBB9]]

2 p.; 285x225 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p, 2. Title, colophon and physical details not confirmed; description taken from volume of collected legislation (see no. **1254 for further details). Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: 'Te Ture Whakamana i te Whakataunga Take mo Orimakatea, 1889.'.

Translation of the Orimakatea Title Empowering Act 1889 (1889. Local Acts, No. 4) omitting the Analysis and marginal notes. It empowered the Native Land Court to determine the owners of land known as Orimakatea in the Wairoa Survey District (near Waverley, South Taranaki). The Bill was introduced by Whitaker in the Legislative Council on 7 August and passed all stages without debate by 11 September. No Maori version of the Bill has been identified.

Williams 771 c. Copies: WTU (in collected vol., p. [37]-38).

**1260 -

Poututu Jurisdiction Act 1889.

(Poututu Jurisdiction. | Niu Tireni. | [Royal Arms] \ Whakawa mo Poututu. | [rule] | He Ture hei whakatau i nga take ki nga poraka whenua e mohiotia nei ko Poututu A, B, me C, Takiwa o Kihipane. | [. . .] [He mea whakahau i taia ai e George Didsbury, Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Poneke. [i.e. Wellington] -1889.]

2 p.; 285x225 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 2. Title, colophon and physical details not confirmed; description taken from volume of collected legislation (see no. **1254 for further details). Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: ‘Te Ture Whakawa mo Poututu. 1889.’.

Translation of the Poututu Jurisdiction Act 1889 (1889, Local Acts, No. 7) omitting the Analysis and marginal notes. It provided a mechanism for settling disputes over ownership of Poututu Blocks A-C, Poverty Bay, The Bill was introduced by Whitaker in the Legislative Council on 23 August and passed all stages by 10 September. No Maori version of the Bill has been located.

Williams 77 le. Copies: WTU (in collected vol.. p. (47]-48).




**1261 -

Waipa Order in Council Validation Act 1889.

(Waipa Order in Council Validation. | Niu Tireni. | [Royal Arms] | Whakamana i te Ota a te Kaunihera mo Waipa. | [rule] | He Ture hei whakamana i te Ota a te Kaunihera me etahi ma- | hinga o muri mai nei mo runga mo tetahi whenua i Waipa. | [. . .] [He mea I whakahu, I taia ai e H. Tiripere, Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Weringitana. [i.e.

Wellington] -1889.]

2 p.; 285x225 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 2. Title, colophon and physical details not confirmed; description taken from volume of collected legislation (see no. **1254 for further details). Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: ‘Te Ture Whakamana I te Ota a te Kaunihera mo Waipa, 1889.'.

Translation of the Waipa Order in Council Validation Act 1889 (1889, Local Acts, No. 1) omitting the Analysis and marginal notes. It validated decisions made in the Native Land Court about land in the Parish of Waipa, in the Waikato. The Bill was introduced by Whitaker in the Legislative Council on 14 August and passed all stages without debate by 4 September, No Maori version of the Bill has been identified; translations of local legislation were not usually produced.

Williams 771b. Copies: WTU (in collected vol., p. [33]-34).


West Coast Settlement Reserves Acts Amendment Act 1887 Suspension Act 1889.

(West Coast Settlement Reserves Acts Amendment Act 1887 | Suspension.)

I Niu Tireni. | [Royal Arms] | Ture Whakatarewa, 1889, i te Ture

Whakatikatika | 1887 i nga Ture Whakatau Rahui o te Tai | Hauauru. |

[rule] | Whakawhaititanga. | [analysis: 6 sections, 11 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] | [rule] | He Ture hei whakatarewa i nga tikanga 0 “Te Ture Whakatikatika | 1887 i nga Ture Whakatau Rahul o Te Tai Hauauru.f"] me etahi | atu Whakariteritenga. | [. . .] [He mea whakahau 1 taia ai e H. Tiripere, Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Poneke. [i.e.

Wellington] -1889.]

2 p.; 285x225 mm. Title, colophon and physical details not confirmed: description taken from volume of collected legislation (see no. **1254 for further details). Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: Te Ture Whakatarewa, 1889, I nga Ture Whakatau Rahul o te Tai Hauauru.'.

Translation of the West Coast Settlement Reserves Acts Amendment Act 1887 Suspension Act 1889 (1889, No. 30) omitting the marginal notes. The Act suspended legal actions and the granting of leases until the end of the following parliamentary session. The Bill was introduced by Sir Harry Atkinson in the House on 10 September and passed all stages by 13 September. No Maori version of the Bill has been identified.

Williams 771. Copies: WTU (in collected vol., p. 25-26).





Wi Pere Land Act 1889.

(Wi Pere Land. | Niu Tireni. | [Royal Arms] | Whenua mo Wi Pere. | [rule] |

He Ture hei whakamana kia karaatitia he whenua kia Wi Pere. o |

Kihipane, hawhe-kaihe Maori o Niu Tireni, hei whakaoti I etahi | kereme mo te Muhunga Poraka whenua, i Papati Pei. | [. . .] [He mea whakahau, i taia e H. Tiripere, Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Weringitana. [i.e.

Wellington] -1889.]

2 p.; 285x225 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 2. Title, colophon and physical details not confirmed; description taken from volume of collected legislation (see no. **1254 for further details). Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: 'Te Ture Whenua mo Wi Pere, 1889.’.

Translation of the Wi Pere Land Act 1889 (1889, Local Acts, No. 8) omitting the Analysis and marginal notes. It relates to Pere's ownership of land in the Muhunga Block, Poverty Bay, and enacted the outcome of arbitration. The Bill was introduced in the House by G. F. Richardson on 20 August and passed all stages by 4 September. No Maori version of the Bill has been located; translations of local legislation were not usually produced.

Williams 771f. Copies: WTU (in collected vol., p. [SIJ-52).


NEW ZEALAND. Commission to Inquire into Certain Matters in Connection with the Ngarara, Porangahau, Mangamaire, and Waipiro Blocks of Land

Report of investigation into several Native Land Court decisions.

G.-la. | 1889. I Niu Tireni. | [rule] \ Ngarara, Porangahau, Mangamaire, me | Waipiro Poraka | (Ripoata a nga Komihana mo runga mo nga whakataunga a te Kooti Whenua Maori | mo Runga mo aua Poraka). 1 [rule] | He mea tuku ki nga Whare e rua o te Paremete i runga i te whakahau ate Kawana. | [rule] | [. , .] [He mea whakamana i taia ai.

H. Titipere, Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Poneke. [i.e. Wellington] -1889]

1 folded sheet (4 p ); 323x203 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 4. Printed by the Government Printer.

AJHR. 1889, G-la. Translation of the English text .AJHR. 1889, G-l,dated 19 December 1888. The report of commissioners Hugh Garden Seth-Smith (‘H. G. Heta Mete') and Robert Trimble ('Ropata Timipara') is divided into three sections relating to Ngarara (Waikanae): Porangahau (Southern Hawke's Bay) and Mangamaire (Northern Wairarapa); Waipiro (East Coast). See no. **1257 for legislation passed to effect the commissioners' recommendations on the Ngarara and Waipiro Blocks.

Copies: WTU (in bound vol., AJHR).




NEW ZEALAND. Parliament


Native Land Court Acts Amendment Bill 1889.

[Native Land Court Acts Amendment Bill; actual title not known; no copy located. Wellington: Printed by the Government Printer, 1889]

8 p. Physical details not confirmed, no copy located. Description from secondary source.

Translation of the Native Land Court Acts Amendment Bill 1889. For the resulting Act in Maori see no. * * 1255. Although no copy of the Bill in Maori has been located, the Hansard debate (NZPD, 1889, v. 66, p. 379) records Taipua as saying that ‘translation of the amendments had not yet come from the printer’. This implies that the Bill had been produced in Maori.

No copy located.


NEW ZEALAND. Parliament. Middle Island Native Claims Committee.

Report of further investigation into South Island land claims.

1.-10 a. | Report of Middle Island Native Claims Committee.) | 1889. | Niu Tireni. | [rule] \ Nga take Maori o te Waipounamu | (Ripoata a te komiti honohono hui atu ki nga korero whakawhaiti mo runga i | nga keehi o Murihiku me Otakou me nga tuhinga whakamaharatanga o nga 1 korero). | [rule] | I tukuna mai ite 10 o nga ra o Hepetema, 1889, a tono ana kia perehitia. | [rule] | [. . .] [He mea whakahau, i tala e H, Titipere Kai ta a te Kawanatanga, Werengitana, [i.e. Wellington] 1889.]

1 folded sheet (3, [l] p.); 323x203 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 3. Page [4] blank. Printed by the Government Printer.

AJHR, 1889. I-10a. Translation of p, [l]-3 of the English text. Middle Island native claims (AJHR. 1889, 1-10), omitting its Appendices and Minutes of evidence, a report that followed on from the 1888 epitome (AJHR. 1888, 1-8). The joint parliamentary select committee, chaired by E. C. J. Stevens, was appointed on 26 June 1889 and reported on 10 September. A further investigation into South Island land claims related to the Ngai Tahu, Akaroa, Otakou. and Murihiku cases.

A further brief report without the associated evidence followed in 1890 lAJHR. 1890, I-10) and the decisions on indiviual Ngai Tahu claims were published as AJLC. 1897, No. 12 (no. 1493).

Copies: WTU (in bound vol.. AJHR).


Te RITENGA mete mana o te toto o te Karaiti

Religious tract. Value and efficacy of the blood of Christ.

No. 12. | Te Karere | o te | Kongo Pai. | [double rule] | Te ritenga mete mana o te toto | o te Karaiti. | [rule] | “Kei roto hoKi i te toto te oranga o te kikokiko; | a kua hoatu e ahau kia koutou mo runga i te aata, [. . .] | [. . ,]

[Printed at the Herald Office. Gisborne, for the N. Z. Na[t]ive Tract Institution. [lBB9?]]



1 268

I folded sheet (4 p); 187x125 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 4. Series title within an ornamental border. At end of main text p. 3: (From

“Value and efficacy of the blood of Christ,” Dublin and London Tracts).

Series: Te karere o te Rongo Pai, no. 12.

Religious tract of two texts translated by George Maunsell: 'Te ritenga mete mana o te toto o te Karaiti’ by an unidentified author (p. [l]-3) and ‘Kua hou rawa ki toku ngakau’ (’From “You cut me deep.’”; p. 4) by Charles Stanley.

Stanley’s text had also been printed in the Brethren series (see no. 918). The tract was produced in the financial year to 31 August 1890; payment to the printer on 6 January indicates it was issued in late 1889, probably in the standard print run of 3,000 copies (New Zealand Native Tract Institution,

Minute book 1885-1901; WTU, MS-Papers-1661).

See no. I 147 for further information on the series.

Williams 698/12. Copies: AP, WTU.


SPENCER, Frederick Hamilton (1854-1932), attrib.

Anti-Catholic tract on the true church.

Te hahi pono | [swelled rule] | Te hahi a te Karaiti —ara, te iwi o te Karaiti, he mea | whiriwhiri I roto i nga iwi o te ao hei iwi mona. | Ko nga Hurai i mua (Tiut. vii. 6). [...])[.. .] [Ko Wirihana ma, ratou ko Hotene, nga ka ta | kei Akarana. [i.e. Auckland] [lBB9?]]

1 folded sheet (3, [l] p.): 140x100 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. [4], Printed by Wilsons & Horton,

A brief anti-Catholic tract on the true church with no statement of authorship. Hocken (p. 524), dates it at 1897 and this is followed by Williams. The attribution here to Spencer and the date of publication are inferred from a manuscript note on a copy of Becker’s pamphlet: 'Rev. J. Becker’s reply to Rev. Spencer, Ohinemutu 1889.’ (no. 1240 a); see that entry for further information.

Williams 956. Copies: ML; WTU (photocopy).


WAHAWAHA, Rapata (d. I 897)

Summary of the 1889 parliamentary session.

He korero Paremete | no | Meiha Ropata Wahawaha. | [rule] | Tau. 1889. | [rule] [George Didsbury, Government Printer, Wellington. [lBB9?]]

5, [l] p.; 244x157 mm.; blue paper covers. Title from front cover. Imprint from colophon p. 5. Page [6] blank. Printed in two columns separated by vertical rule. Dated at head of text: ‘Whare Paremete, Poneke. 20 o Hepetema, 1889.'.

A summary of the 1889 parliamentary proceedings in the form of a letter to Maori from a Maori member of the Legislative Council. Reprinted in Te korimako hou. v. 1, no. 4-6 and 8 (May-September 1890).

Williams 774, Bagnall 4917. Copies: AP, WTU.


WHITE. JOHN (1826-1891)


WAHI ITI KUA RIRO ATU i ta te Karaiti tikanga


Religious tract. Almost a Christian.

No. 10. | Te karere 1 o te | Rongo Pai. | [double rule] | Wahi iti kua riro atu i ta te | Karaiti tikanga. | He nui noa atu nga tangata e whakaae ana kite pono o ta te | Karaiti tikanga, e uru tahi atu ana hoki ki nga ritenga o | te whakapono i roto i ate Karaiti. [. . .] | [. . .] [Printed at the Herald Office, Gisborne, for the N.Z. Tract [sic] Institution. [lBB9]]

1 folded sheet (4 p.); 187x125 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 4. Series title within an ornamental border. At end of main text p. 3: '(From ''Almost a Christian.” Dublin and London [Tracts].)'. Published by the N.Z, Native Tract Institution,

Series: Te karere o te Rongo Pai, no 10.

Religious tract of two texts by unidentified authors translated by Joseph Baker; ‘Wahi iti kua riro atu i ta te Karaiti tikanga' (p. [IJ-3) and ‘Na Ihu te kupu.’ ('Jesus said it.': p. 4). it was produced between February (Baker's return from England) and 31 August 1889, probably in the standard print run of 3,000 copies (New Zealand Native Tract Institution. Minute book 18851901; WTU, MS-Papers-1661).

See no. 1147 for further information on the series.

Williams 698/10, Copies: AP, WTU.


WHITE, John (1826-1891)

London edition of volumes 1-4 of Maori traditions.

The | ancient history of the Maori | his | mythology and traditions | Horouta or Taki-tumu migration | by | John White | [rule] | Volume 1 | [rule] \ London | Sampson Low, Marston, Searle, & Rivington | Limited | Wellington-By authority; George Didsbury, Government Printer | 1889

4 v. The collation, size and binding of this edition are identical to those of the original edition; see no. 1199 (v. 1-3) and 1240 (v. 4). The only difference between the editions is the reset and tipped-in English title-pages, which are described here.

Vol. 2: (. . .] | Volume II | [. . .] | Wellington-By authority: George Didsbury, Government Printer | I 889

Vol. 3: [ .] | Volume 111 I[. . J | Wellington-By authority; George Didsbury, Government Printer | 1889

Vol. 4: | .] | mythology and traditions | Tai-nui |by | John White | [rule] \ Volume IV | [rule] I [. . .] I Wellington-By authority: George Didsbury, Government Printer | 1889

A London reissue of the first four volumes of this work, with tipped-in titlepages. For full details and additional information see no. 1 199 (v. 1-3, 1887) and 1240 (v. 4, 1888). Publication (Bagnall estimates about 100-200 copies) followed favourable reviews in the Saturday review. 18 February and 17 November 1888. The reviews are printed in v, 5-6 of the New Zealand edition (no. 1272 and 1298).

Bagnall 6029. Copies: WTU.


WHITE, JOHN (1826-1891)



Volume 5 of an official collection of Maori historical traditions. The | ancient history of the Maori, | his | mythology and traditions. | Tai-nui. | By | John White. | Volume V. | Wellington: | By authority: George Didsbury, Government Printer. | [rufe] | 1888. [i.e. 1889] | (All rights reserved.)

[2], lx, [l], [3]-272, 174, [2] iii, [l] p.. [l3] leaves of plates; genealogical tables, maps; 209x133 mm; red cloth boards with blind, black and gold tooling. Prelim, pages: title-page (verso blank). Pages [x] (prelims), [2] and [175-176] (second sequence) and p, [iv] (final sequence) blank. Plates include frontispiece. Map p. 170 in English text repeated on p. 149 of Maori text. Portrait of chief Taraia Ngakuti Te Tumuhuia and triple border on front cover. On spine: 'Vol. V. | [rule] | Tai-nui.'. The English and Maori texts are separately paginated, and (unlike v. 1 -4) have separate signature sequences.

The prelim, sequence comprises: English title-page. Preface (in English) and Contents for both the English (first sequence) and the Maori (second sequence) texts. Preface dated 14 March 1889, indicating a publication date of 1889.

Additional Maori title-page (p. [l] of the Maori text): 'Ko nga | tatai korero whakapapa | a te Maori | me nga karakia o nehe | a nga tohunga | o Tai-nui. | Na Hone Waiti | i mahi. | Pukapuka tua-rima.| Werengitana: [i.e. Wellington] | Na te Kawanatanga i ki kia taia e Hori Titipere, kai ta Perehi | a te Kawanatanga. 1 [rule] | 1888.’.

Final sequence (ill. [l] p.) is 'Opinions of the press', a review of v. I from the Saturday review. 18 February 1888.

The fifth of six volumes published. This volume continues the story of the Tainui canoe and its descendants through to the 1830s.

See no. 1199 for further information on this work and details of v. 1-3 (1887). Other volumes are described at no. 1240 (v. 4, 1888), 1298 (v. 6. 1890) and no. 1301 and 1488 (the separately issued illustrations). See no. 1271 for a description of the 1889 Sampson Low London edition of v. 1-4.

Williams 746. Bagnall 6028 (v. 1-6). Copies: WTU.



Reprint of small format Book of Common Prayer.

Te Pukapuka | o nga Inoi, | me era atu tikanga | a te Hahi o Ingarani | mo te minitatanga | o nga hakarameta, | o era atu ritenga hoki a te Hahi; | me nga Waiata ano hoki a Rawiri; | mete tikanga | mo te motuhanga | i te pihopa, i te piriti, i te rikona. | Ranana: [i.e. London] | 1 kiia tenei kia taia e te Komiti mo te Whakapuaki | i te Mohiotanga ki a te Karaiti. | [rtt/e] | 1890.

xxviii, 491, [l] p.; 140x82 mm.; full black leather with blind tooling (device of SPCK). Page [492] blank. Colophon p. [ii]: 'London: | Printed by Gilbert and Rivington, Ld., | St. John's House, Clerkenwell Road. E C.'. Pages 491-[492] (signature Z) a tipped in leaf. Gold tooled title on spine: 'Maori | prayer' Published by the SPCK (‘te Komiti mo te Whakapuaki i te Mohiotanga ki a te Karaiti').

A reprint of 1,000 copies (according to Williams) of the small format Anglican prayer book in the 1887 edition (no. 1175).




Other issues and editions of the Anglican prayer book are listed at no. 1 9 Williams 780, Bagnall 794. Copies: DUHO, WTU.



Order of service for the opening of a church.

Kawanga whare-karakia. | [rule] | Waiata 24 | Te Pihopa. E oku hoa aroha, he mahi pai tenei | na te tangata i nga wa katoa, [...]([.. .] [rto imprint. Napier?: 1890?]

1 sheet ([2] p.); 134x94 mm. Caption title.

A short form of the Anglican order of service for the opening of a church, possibly at Horoera, East Cape; see no. 1277. Williams notes it was issued in the Diocese of Waiapu in 1890 (Williams 781 a). Possibly printed by Robert Coupland Harding.

Williams 781 a (S). Copies: NLA, WTU.



A four-stanza hymn.

Eihu toku oranga. | [ ornamental rule ] | Himene. | 1 | Ka tirohia te ripeka, | i mate ai te Ariki nui | ka iti haere taku pai | ki enei taonga hemo noa. |

[stanzas 2-4. 15 lines] [no imprint, ca. 1890]

I sheet ([l] p.); 152x80 mm. Text within ornamental border.

A four-stanza hymn. The style of the ornamental border suggests it probably dates from after 1880, and the only copy located is in a Mantell Family scrapbook, 1833-1892 (WTU, qMS-1313).

Copies: WTU (in qMS-1313, p. 22).


He HIMENE mo te karakia kite Atua.

Reprint ('fourth edition') of collection of 175 Anglican hymns.

He | himene | mo te karakia | kite Atua. | [heraldic device with motto ‘Dominus regnavit laetentur insulae'] 1 Nepia: [i.e. Napier] | Na te Haaringi i ta ki tona Whare | Perehi Pukapuka. | 1890. | (Twelfth thousand.)

[l2], 141, [l] p.; 127x82 mm.; maroon cloth boards (blank). Title-page bordered with triple rules, one ornamental. Prelim, pages [2], [4], [6] and [l2] blank. Page [l42] blank. Colophon p. 141: ‘Harding, Primer, Napier, N.Z.'. Prelim, page [lo] numbered 'vii'. Some page numbers missing or with typographic errors.

A further reprint of the collection of 1 75 Anglican hymns in Maori published in 1887 (no. I 179). This 1890 printing is identified as the 'fourth edition’ in the list printed in no. 1 449 and 1546, but the print run (5,000 copies) appears to include the 1888 reprint (no, 1202) of 1,000 copies in order to total 12,000 copies to date. The heraldic device has not been identified. See no. 1073 for additional information.

Williams 783. Copies: AP, DL, DUHO, WTU.




MATAURU, Wikiriwhi


Circular invitation to opening of church at Horoera.

He toro konihi huihuinga tangata. | [rule] \ Kia rongo! Kia rongo! Kia mohio mail | [rule] | Ko Te Hunga Tapu, Whare-karakia. | [rule] | Aianei ka puare ki a tatou tenei Whare-karakia, ate 15 o nga |rao te Maehe ka whaia ake nei, i te tau o to tatou Ariki 1891. | [7 lines] | Na o koutou hoa i raro i te atawhai o to tatou Ariki kotahi, | mana hoki tatou tahi e tiaki. | Wikiriwhi Matauru, | Wi Te Rangikawanoa, | Te Hatiwira Houkamau, | Me nga hapu katoa o roto | o te Pariha o Te Kawakawa. | Horowera, 29 Tihema, 1890. [no imprint. Gisborne?: Printed by the Office of the Poverty Bay Herald?, 1890?]

1 sheet ([1 ] p ); 210x132 mm.

Circular invitation to the opening of the church at Horoera (‘Horowera’; near East Cape) on 15 March 1891, signed by Wikiriwhi Matauru, Wi Te Rangikawanoa and Te Hatiwira Houkamau, lay members of the parish of Te Kawakawa. Probably printed by the Poverty Bay herald, frequently the printer for the Native Church Board of the Diocese of Waiapu (see 5303). See also no. 1274.

Copies: WTU (in MS-2456).

Entries 1278-1282 are filed in alphabetical order of the English title.



Dog Registration Act Amendment Act 1890.

(Dog Registration Act Amendment, 1890. | Niu Tireni. | [Royal Arms] \ Te tau rima tekau ma wha o te kuinitanga o | Kuini Wikitoria. | [rule] | Ture Whakatikatika, 1890, i te Ture Rehita Kuri. | [rule] | He Ture hei

whakatikatika ano i "Te Ture Rehita Kuri, 1880.” | [2B lines] \ [rule] | He mea whakahau i taia ai e H. Titipere, Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Poneke. [i.e. Wellington] -1890.

I sheet ([l] p); 277x205 mm. Printed by George Didsbury, Government Printer (‘H. Titipere, Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga').

Short title: 'Te Ture Whakatikatika, 1890, i te Ture Rehita Kuri,'.

Translation of the Dog Registration Act Amendment Act 1890 (1890, No. 4) omitting the Analysis and marginal notes. The Act amended the 1880 Act (no, 968) and 1882 Amendment (no. 1039) by making special registration provisions for up to three dogs owned by farmers and non-resident shepherds. The Bill (referred to as a 'reprint' of an 1889 Bill) was introduced in the House by Steward on 25 June and passed all stages by 13 August, but was apparently not produced in Maori. Taipua. supported by others, sought an adjournment to allow for translation under Standing Order 363, but the Speaker ruled that the Bill was not 'specially aimed at the natives' (NZPO, 1890, v. 67, p. 135-138). The Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1890-91 (522/1890-[I891J).

Williams 787. Copies: AP, WTU (in MSX-5205).





Horomona Paatu Land-grant Act 1890.

Horomona Paatu Land-grant, 1890. | Niu Tireni. | [Royal Arms] | Te tau rima tekau ma wha o te kuinitanga o | Kuini Wikitoria. | [rule] | Karaati Whenua mo Horomona Paatu. | [rule] | He Ture hei whakamana i te karaatitanga o tetahi whenua ki a | Horomona Paatu. | [3/ lines and 1 rule] I [rule] | He mana i whakahaua, i taia ai e te H. Titipere, Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Weringitana. [i.e. Wellington] -1890.

1 sheet ([l] p ); 270x205 mm. Printed by the Government Printer. Short title: Te Ture Karaati Whenua mo Horomona Paatu, 1890.’.

Translation of the Horomona Paatu Land-grant Act 1890 (1890, Local Acts, No. 19) omitting the Analysis and marginal notes. The land granted in Waimatuku (Southland) is identified in the Schedule. The Bill (see no. 1286 for the Maori version) was introduced in the House by Mitchelson ('Miterehana') on 14 August and passed all stages by 4 September. The Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1890-91 (522/1890-1189 ID.

Williams 788. Copies: AP, WTU (in MSX-5205).


Native Land Laws Amendment Act 1890.

Native Land Laws Amendment, 1890. | Niu Tireni. | [Royal Arms] | Te tau rima tekau ma wha o te kuinitanga o | Kuini Wikitoria. | [rule] | Ture Whakatikatika i nga Ture Whenua | Maori. | [rule] \ He Ture hei whakatikatika i te ture e pa ana ki nga whenua Maori. | [. . .] [He mana i whakua, i taia a te H. Tiripere, Kai-tai, Perehi a te Kawanatanga,

Weringitana. [i.e. Wellington] -1890]

I sheet (2 p ); 270x205 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 2. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: Te Ture Whakatikatika, 1890, i nga Ture Whenua Maori.’.

Translation of the Native Land Laws Amendment Act 1890 (1890, No. 32) omitting the Analysis and marginal notes. The Act (of five sections) set down various administrative arrangements and gave the Native Land Court the same powers as the Supreme Court in certain cases. The much longer original Bill (see no. 1287 for the Maori version) was introduced in the House by Mitchelson on 14 August and. despite procedural controversy, passed all stages by 17 September. The Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1890-91 (522/1890-[1891]). See no. 669 for further information on land legislation.

Williams 784. Copies: AP, WTU (in MSX-5205).


Native Schools Sices Act Extension Act 1890.

(Native Schools Sites Act Extension, 1890. | Niu Tireni. | [Royal Arms] | Te tau rima tekau ma wha o te kuinitanga o | Kuini Wikitoria. | [rule] | Ture




Whakawhanui i te Ture Turanga Kura | Maori. | [rule] | He Ture hei whakawhanui i nga ritenga o “Te Ture Turanga | Kura Maori. 1880." | [. , .]

[He mea whakahau i taia ai e H, Tiripere, Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Poneke. [i.e. Wellington] -1890.]

I folded sheet (3, [l] p ); 270x215 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 3, Page [4] blank. Printed by the Government Printer,

Short title: ‘Te Ture Whakawhanui 1890 i te Ture Turanga Kura Maori.'.

Translation of the Native Schools Sites Act Extension Act 1890 (1890, No. 33) omitting the Analysis and marginal notes. The Act specified various transactions associated with land identified as sites for schools. The Bill (see no. 1288 for the Maori version) was introduced by Hislop ('Hirope') in the House on 21 August and passed all stages by 17 September. The Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1890-91 (522/1890-11891 ]).

Williams 785. Copies: AP, WTU (in MSX-5205).


Sheep Act 1890. omitting some sections.

(Sheep Act. 1890, No. 19. | Niu Tireni. | [Royal Arms] | Te Ture Hipi, 1890.

| [rule] | He Ture hei whakatopu hei whakatikatika i te ture whakarite \ tikanga hei whakaora hei arai atu hoki i nga mate kutu, hakihaki | me era atu mate hipi. | [. . .] [He mea whakamana, i taia ai e H. Tiripere, Kai-ta, Perehi ate Kawanatanga, Poneke. [ i.e. Wellington] -1890.]

20 p.; 270x215 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 20. Running title: ‘Hipi.’. Printed by the Government Printer,

Short title: ‘Te Ture Hipi, 1890.'.

Translation of parts of the Sheep Act 1890 (1890 No. 19) omitting the Analysis, marginal notes, and sections 2, 34-42, and 60. The Act consolidated and amended legislation covering the eradication and prevention of parasitic and other diseases in sheep. The omitted sections covered the movement of sheep by sea, importation of sheep from Australia, and angora goats. The Bill was introduced in the House by G. F. Richardson on 20 June and passed all stages by 9 September. No Maori version of the Bill has been identified and Maori members did not participate in the (brief) debate, so it seems unlikely a translation was produced. The same text was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1890-91 (522/1890-[I891]).

Williams 786. Copies: WTU (in MSX-5205).


NEW ZEALAND. Native Land Court

Rules of the Native Land Court.

Nga | huarahi whakahaere | o | Te Kooti Whenua Maori. | [Royal Arms] \ Wellington: | By authority: George Didsbury, Government Printer. | [rule] | 1890.

19, [3] p.; 162x101 mm. Pages [2] and [2O-22] blank. Copy seen probably lacks a prelim, leaf.




The rules of the Native Land Court, including forms.

Williams 791. Bagnall N2859. Copies: WTU.


ludqement in the Omahu case, delivered 13 February 1890.

Whakaaturanga mo Omaahu Poraka. I te aroaro o Tiati O’Paraeana, Wini Tama me | B. F. 1. Erueti, Ateha. Hehitingi, Pepuere 13, 1890. [, , .] Herald Type. [Napier: Printed at the Office of the Hawke’s Bay Herald, 1890]

1 sheet (1 p.); 572x480 mm. In five columns. Title and physical details not confirmed; no copy located. Description from Williams.

Presumably a translation of the judgement in the Omahu case that was delivered on Thursday 13 February 1890 and relates to land on the Heretaunga Plains, central Hawke’s Bay. The judgement, which ended a sixmonth hearing in the complex and long-running claim by Airini Donnelly, was printed in English in the Hawke's Bay herald. 14 February 1890, p. [2-3], The judges were L. O’Brien (O’Paraeana) and S. W. von Sturmer (Wini Tama), with R. F. J. Edwards (R. F. J. Erueti) as assessor. In 1891 Judge Seth-Smith ordered a rehearing; see no. 1309.

The record of evidence and the judgement in English are in the Native Land Court Minute Books (Napier, no, 18-20) of which the originals are at Archives New Zealand (microfilm copies at WTU, Micro-MS-Coll-06-003 and 004). Judge O’Brien’s record of the hearing (Minute books, no. 17-19) is in the same collection (WTU, Micro-MS-Coll-06-064). Von Sturmer’s notes are in his Notes on Native Land Court cases, 8 July 1889-7 July 1890 (3 v.; WTU. qMS--1936-1938). For further background see West to the Annie, ed T Robinson (Hastings, 2002), p. 81-83.

Williams 499 a (S). No copy located.

Entries 1285-1288 are filed in alphabetical order of the English title.


NEW ZEALAND. Parliament

Cattle BUI 1890.

(Cattle Bill. | Hon. Mr. G. F. Richardson, ( Kararehe. | [rule] \

Whakawhaititanga. | [rule] \ He Pire I huaina | He Ture hei arai i te tere haere o te mate uruta I waenga i nga | kararehe, hei huarahi hoki e pai ake ai te arai i te tahae | kararehe. | [. . .] [He mana i whakau, i taia ate

H, Tiripere, Kai-tai Perehi a te Kawanatanga. Weringitana. [i.e. Wellington] -1890.]

1 folded sheet (4 p ); 281x200 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 4. Printed by George Didsbury, Government Printer ('H. Tiripere, Kai-tai Perehi a te Kawanatanga').

Short title; 'Te Ture Kararehe. 1890.',

Translation of the Cattle Bill 1890 (1890, No. 13) omitting the Analysis (though the heading for it 'Whakawhaititanga' is present) and marginal notes. The Bill was introduced by Richardson in the House on 20 June and passed all stages by 29 August without debate. The resulting Act (1890. No. 18) was


I 286


apparently not produced in Maori; it is not included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1890-91 (522/1890-[lB9l ]).

Copies: WGA; WTU (photocopy).


Horomona Paatu Land-grant Bill 1890.

(Horomona Paatu Land-grant. | Te Miterehana. | Karaati Whenua mo Horomona Patu. [sfc] | [rule] | He Pire e huaina ana. | He Ture hei whakamana te karaatitanga o tetahi whenua kia | Horomona Patu. [sfc] | [27 lines and one rule] | [rule] | He mana i whakahaua, i taia ai e te H. Titipere, Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Weringitana. [i.e. Wellington] -1890.

1 sheet ([l] p.); 280x200 mm. Printed by the Government Printer.

Translation of the Horomona Paatu Land-grant Bill 1890 (1890, No. 105) omitting the Analysis and marginal notes. For the resulting Act in Maori and additional information see no. 1279.

Copies: WGA; WTU (photocopy).


Native Land Laws Amendment Bill 1890.

Hon. Mr. Mitchelson. | Whakatikatika i nga Ture Whenua Maori. | [rule] | He Pire i huaina | He Ture hei whakatikatika i te ture e pa ana ki nga whenua Maori. | [. . .] [He mana i whakua, i taia a te H. Tiripere, Kai-tai, Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Weringitana. [i.e. Wellington] -1889 [i.e. 1890.]]

6 p.; 280x200 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 6. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: Te Ture Whakatikatika 1 nga Ture Whenua Maori.'.

Translation of the Native Land Laws Amendment Bill 1890 (1890, No. 93) omitting the Analysis and marginal notes. It corresponds to the first English version of the Bill, which contained 27 clauses. For the resulting much shorter Act in Maori and additional information see no. 1280.

Copies: WGA; WTU (photocopy).


Native Schools Sites Act Extension BUI 1890.

(Native Schools Sites Act Extension. | Te Hirope. | Whakawhanui Turanga Kura Maori. | [rule] | He Pire e huaina ana | He Ture hei whakanui i nga ritenga o "Te Ture Turanga Kura | Maori, 1880." | [. . .] [He mea whakahau i taia ai e H. Tiripere, Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Poneke. [i.e. Wellington] -1890.]

I sheet (2 p): 277x200 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p 2. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: Te Ture Whakawhanui Turanga Kura Maori. 1890,'.

Translation of Native Schools Sites Act Extension Bill 1890; no copy has been


1 291


located of the English version. For the resulting Act in Maori and additional information see no. 1281,

Copies: WGA: WTU (photocopy).


NEW ZEALAND. Parliament. House of Representatives.

Selected clauses from the Mining Bill 1890.

(Mining. 1 Ture Maina, 1890. | [rule] \ He Pire i huaina. | He Ture hei whakatopu hei whakatikatika i nga ture e pa ana ki | nga maina mete mahi maina. | Rahui Maori me nga whenua Maori. 1 [. . .] [He mea whakahaua, i taia e H. Tiripere, Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Weringitana. [t.e. Wellington] -1890.]

5. [l] p.; 280x200 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 5. Page [6] blank. Printed by the Government Printer.

Translation of selected clauses from the Mining Bill 1890 (1890, No. 94) omitting marginal notes; the clauses are: 36-43, 62. 81-82, 89, 124, and 145148. The Bill was introduced by Fergus in the House on 22 July 1890 but lapsed after the first reading.

Copies: WGA; WTU (photocopy).


West Coast Settlement Reserves Acts Amendment Bill 1890.

(West Coast Settlement Reserves Acts Amendment. | Mr. Taipua. | Ture Whakanohonoho Rahui o te Tai Hauauru 1 “Aotearoa” Ture Whakatikatika.

| [rule] | Whakawhaititanga. 1 [analysis: 16 clauses. 26 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] ) [rule] ) He Pire e ingoatia ana | He Ture hei whakatikatika i te Ture Whakanohonoho Rahui o te | Tai Hauauru he whakatika hoki i te ture mo nga whakahaere o | aua rahui. 1f...] [He mana i whakahaua, i tai e George Didsbury. Kai-tai Perehi a te

Kawanatanga, Poneke. [i.e. Wellington] -1890.]

1 folded sheet (4 p ); 281x200 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 4 Running title: 'Whakanohonoho Rahui o te Tai Hauauru Ture Whakatikatika,', Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: Te Ture Whakanohonoho Rahul o te Tai Hauauru Ture Whakatikatika. 1890.'.

Translation of the West Coast Settlement Reserves Acts Amendment Bill 1890 (1890, No. 31) omitting the marginal notes. It applied to the confiscated land in Taranaki. The Bill was introduced by Taipua in the House on 20 June but lapsed after the first reading.

Copies: WGA; WTU (photocopy).


NIHONIHO, Matutaera (1850-1914)

Petition and report on May 1890 judgement relating to the Waipiro Bloch.

(No. 4. | 1890. 1 Legislative Council. | [ rule] | Petition of Tuta Nihoniho and Wi Pewhairangi | and the report of the Native Affairs Committee thereon. |




[rule] I Report brought up 3rd September, 1890, and ordered to be printed.

| [rule] |[...J [By authority: George Didsbury, Government Printer. Wellington -1890]

14 p.: 306x204 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 14.

AJLC, 1890, No. 4. Petition, evidence and report in English (p. [l]-8) and Maori (p. 8-14), The petition, signed by Tuta Nihoniho and WT Pewhairangi, considered the May 1890 decision on the Waipiro Block 'improper' and asked that the case be reopened. The dispute over the land had begun in 1885: see no. 1264. The Native Affairs Committee concluded that the judgement was based on the evidence presented, that allegations of injustice had not been sustained, and made no recommendation. For more about Nihoniho, a chief of Te Aowera hapii (Ngati Porou), see DNZB, v, I, p. 318-319.

Copies: WTU (in bound vol., AJLQ.


Electioneering leaflet from a candidate for Eastern Maori.

Te piipiwharauroa, | tihe, tihe, tihe ere mauriora, | hapainga e, hapainga e.

I [ornamental rule] \ Hapainga ra, e te iwi Maori te kauae o te Tai Rawhiti, kia eke ki | runga kite rangi e tu iho nei, aue, arara, tu iho nei. )[...] [no imprint. Gisborne?: 1890]

1 folded sheet (4 p.); 221x141 mm. Caption title. Signed at end: ‘Na Te Piipiwharauroa.'.

An electioneering statement issued by Tuta Nihoniho, a candidate for Eastern Maori in the 1890 general election who subsequently withdrew in favour of WT Pere. WTU copy is signed by hand at end ‘ara T. Nihohiho'.

Williams 792 a (S). Copies: WTU.


RYLE, John Charles (1816-1900)

Religious tract. The true church.

No. 14. 1 [ ornament] 1 Te karere | o te | Rongo Pai. | [ double rule] 1 Te hahi pono. | [rule] | (He kupu na Pihopa Raira o Ingarani.) | Kite kai titiro, | Ko taku nei e hiahia ai, kia honoa koe kite hahi pono 1 kotahi: kite hahi kei a ia anake nga tikanga ote oranga | tonutanga. [. .] | [. . .] [Printed at the Herald Office, Gisborne, for the N. Z. Native Tract Institution. [lB9OJ]

8 p,; 187x125 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 8. At end of main text p. 6: ‘(From "The true church” by J. C. Ryle. D.D., Lord Bishop of Liverpool,'

Series: Te karere o te Rongo Pai, no. 14.

Religious tract of two texts translated by Joseph Baker: Anglican Bishop Ryle’s ‘Te hahi pono' (p. [l]-6) and ’He taro maka kite mata o nga wai. Na wai te he?' ('from “Who is to blame?'", by Charles Stanley (no. 957); p. 6-8). A Christmas greeting (John 3:16) in an ornamental border on p. 8 (headed 'He manaakitanga. Mo te Kirihimete, 1890') indicates an 1890 publication date.

The printer was paid on 7 February 1891.

See no. 1147 for further information on the series.

Williams 698/14. Copies: AP. WTU.




TAONUI, Aperahama (d 1882)


Collection of prophetic sayings.

[Nga kupu o Aperahama; actual title not confirmed; no copy located.

Dargaville: ca. 1890?]

1 volume: physical details not confirmed: no copy located. Description from secondary source.

This collection of Aperahama Taonui's prophetic sayings is known only through the reference to one copy in F, M. J. Irvine. Township of Rawene (Rawene, 1976), p. 96, where it is referred to as ‘a very old, much worn book

... a rare and much prized possession of a Hikutu elder'. It has been assumed the volume was a printed work in Maori produced relatively soon after Taonui's death and therefore within the scope of this bibliography.

No copy located.



Electioneering circular for Western Maori electorate. Ki nga tangata katoa i roto i te Takiwa Pooti mo te Tai Hauauru. [sic] | O Aotearoa. | [ornamental rule] | He panui tenei ki nga tangata katoa oia kainga oia Rainga ki nga hapu o te Takiwa | pootiu [sic] mo te Tai Hauauru o Aotearoa (...) | [8 lines] | Heoi ano aku kupu | Na Te Tatana Te Whataupoko o Ngatitoa o Ngatimaniapoto mema mo te Tai Hauauru | o Aotearoa. | Paroutawhao, [brace, joininq this and followinq line] I 13 Oketopa, 1890.

[parallel text:]

To all natives within the Western Maori Electoral District of I New Zealand.

| [ornamental rule] | This is a notification to all the tribes, hapus, and persons of each and every | kainga situate within the Western Maori Electoral District. | [l2 lines] | Ended are my words. | From Te Tatana Te Whakaupoko [i.e. Whataupoko] of Ngatitoa and Ngatimaniapoto candidate | for the Western Maori Electoral District. | Paroutawhao, | 13th October, 1890. [no imprint. 1890?]

I sheet ([l] p ); 330x210 mm.

An electioneering notice for voters in the Western Maori electorate, in Maori and English, Paroutawhao (today Poroutawhao) is near Levin, Southern Manawatu. The candidate, son of Parekaiwhanga and Captain Anthony Turton ('Tatana') and grandson of Ngati Toa tohunga Te Whataupoko, was defeated by Hoani Taipua Te Puna-i-Rangiriri.

Williams 792. Copies: DUHO; WTU (photocopy).


TENEI KA PANUITIA nei nga korero o te hui i tu ki Otorohanga

Description of meeting of Governor with Maori at Otorohanga. I April 1890. Tenei ka panuitia nei nga korero o te hui i tu ki Otorohanga i te | taenga o Kawana Anaro ki reira, kia mohio ai te katoa. | He mea whahahau, | Tari Maori. Poneke, Na Te Ruihi, | Akuhata 5, 1890. Hekeretari. | [rule] | Ko nga korero o te hui i tu ki Otorohanga, i te taenga o Kawana Anaro ki | reira i




runga i te powhiri a nga Maori ki a ia, he mea tango mai i te Niu Tireni | herara, i perehitia i te Wenerei, te 2 o nga ra o Aperira, 1890. | [. . .] [no imprint. Wellington?: Printed by the Government Printer?, 1890]

I sheet (2 p ); 345x215 mm. Caption title. Address and signature (lines four and five of preliminary note) are set left and right.

A circular issued on 5 August 1890 by T. W. Lewis, Undersecretary for Native Affairs. It is a translation of an article from the New Zealand herald (2 April 1890, p. 5), describing the hui at Otorohanga, Waikato, on the afternoon of 1 April when Governor Onslow ('Kawana Anaro’) was received enthusiastically by Rewi Maniapoto and 600-700 other King Country Maori.

Onslow was on his way to the Waitomo caves, which Pakeha had first explored in 1887 but which were already 'famous'.

Williams 790b. Copies: AP. WTU.



Religious tract. The sure foundation.

No. 13. | [ornament] | Te karere ( o te | Kongo Pai. | [ornamental rule] \ Te turanga u. | [rule] | Ina tahuri tetahi tangata kite hanga whare, ko te mea e | whakaarohia nuitia e ia ite timatanga [. . .] | [. . .] [Printed at the Herald Office, Gisborne, for the N[.] Z. Native Tract Institution. [lB9o]]

I folded sheet (4 p.); 185x127 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 4. At end of text: '(“ The sure foundation." Dublin and London Tracts.)'.

Series: Te karere o te Kongo Pai, no. 13.

Religious tract Te turanga u’ by an unidentified author, translated by Joseph Baker. Payment to the printer on 30 August 1890 indicates it was issued midyear, probably in the standard print run of 3,000 copies (New Zealand Native Tract Institution, Minute book 1885-1901; WTU, MS-Papers-1661).

See no. 1147 for further information on the series.

Williams 698/13. Copies: AP, DUHO, WTU.


WHITE, John (1826-1891)

Volume 6 of an official collection of Maori historical traditions.

The | ancient history of the Maori, | his | mythology and traditions. | Tainui. ( By | John White. | Volume VI. | Wellington: | By authority: George Didsbury, Government Printer | [rule] \ 1890. | (All rights reserved.)

x, 264, 70, [2], Hi, [l] p.; [l3] leaves of plates; 209x133 mm,; red cloth boards with blind, black and gold tooling. Pages [7l-72] (second sequence) and p. [iv] (final sequence) blank. Plates include frontispiece. Black-tooled portrait of chief Taraia Ngakuti Te Tumuhuia and triple border on front covers. On spine: 'Vol. VI. [ [rule] | Tai-nui.'. English and Maori texts separately paginated and with separate signatures.

The prelim, sequence comprises: English title-page (translation of waiata on verso). Preface (in English) and Contents for both the English (first sequence) and the Maori (second sequence) texts. Preface dated 30 October 1889. Colophon p. 70 (second sequence) dated 1890.




Additional Maori title-page (p, [l] of the Maori text, waiata on verso): 'Ko nga | tatai korero whakapapa 1 a te Maori | me nga karakia o nehe | a nga tohunga | o Tai-nui. 1 Na Hone Waiti | i mahi. | Pukapuka tua-ono. | Werengitana: [i.e. Wellington] | Na te Kawanatanga i ki kia taia e Hori Titipere, kai ta Perehi | a te Kawanatanga. | [rule] | 1889.’.

Final sequence (iii, [l] p.) is 'Opinions of the press’, a review of v. 2 and 3 from the Saturday review. 17 November 1888.

Vol. 6 (the final volume of text published) comprises Tainui traditions chiefly concerned with Te Rauparaha and with cosmological and historical whakapapa.

See no. 1199 for further information on this work and details of v. 1-3 (1887). Other volumes are described at no. 1240 (v. 4, 1888), 1272 (v. 5, 1889) and no. 1301 and 1488 (the separately issued illustrations). See no. 1271 for a description of the 1889 Sampson Low London edition of v. 1-4.

Williams 775 & (S), Bagnall 6028 (v. 1-6). Copies: WTU.


Maori legends and songs presented as if personal reminiscences of John Toole.

Toole’s experiences | in New Zealand. | Written in the language of the aborigines. | [double rule ] | Ki oku hoa. | [swelled rule] | He mea kia rite tahi ai te mohio oku hoa ki toku no ko | nei ahau i mahara ake ai a me whaki kia ratou te tehi | korero paku [. . .] | [. . .] [I perehitia e Wiremu Makura, Hai Tiriti, Akarana, [i.e. Auckland] Nui Tireni. [lB9o?]]

1 folded sheet (4 p,); 275x200 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 4. Printed in two columns separated by vertical rule. Printed by William McCullough ('Wiremu Makura’).

Legends and songs in Maori, presented ‘in Jest’ (Williams) as the work of John Lawrence Toole, who provided a brief introductory note in Maori (signed ■J. L. Tuuru') and a note in English at the end. The Maori text, on the creation of man and woman, is from White's Ancient history of the Maori (1887, no. 1199). v. I, p. [I36J-147.

Toole explains that the text 'may be somewhat of a difficulty at first to those who have not learned the Maori language as it is used in Auckland. But I grew so enamoured of the aboriginal language of New Zealand that I could not express my feelings in any other way. Besides, our learned men find it necessary to veil some things in the Latin tongue, and I must follow their example. J. L. T.’. Toole, a popular English actor (mainly of low comedy), visited New Zealand in late 1890 with his company. For reviews and an interview with him see New Zealand mail, 7 November 1890, p. 17-

Williams 793, Bagnall T603. Copies: AR, DUHO; WTU (photocopy).


EDWARDS, John Henry (b. 1852)

Suggestions to the Royal Commission on land laws relating to Maori G.-3a. | Paremete 11.-1891, | Niu Tireni, | [rule] | He kupu tohutohu mo nga Kooti Whenua Maori me | nga whakahaerenga o nga whenua Maori. |




(He pukapuka na J. H. Erueti.) | [rule] \ He mea Whakahau e te Kawana kia tukua atu ki nga Whare erua. | [rule] | [. . .] [He mea ta e Hori Titipere i raro i te mana o te Kawanatanga-1891. [Wellington]]

1 folded sheet (4 p.); 322x203 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 4. Printed by George Didsbury. Government Printer ('Hori Titipere i raro i te mana o te Kawanatanga').

AJHR, 1891, Session 2, G-3a. Translation of G-3, Suggestions respecting Native Land Courts and dealings with native lands. Introductory note from Edwards (‘J. H. Erueti') dated Kiokio, Otorohanga, 7 May 1891, explains his remarks had been intended for presentation to the Royal Commission considering the administration of land owned by Maori (see no. 1307), His comments are based on his own experiences in the Rohe Potae (the King Country) and he had been approached by Ngati Maniapoto to be their spokesperson on specific aspects of the commission’s review. Edwards is recorded as an interpreter in Native Land Court cases and is critical mainly of procedural aspects, including the lack of Maori-language skills of some judges.

Copies: WTU (in bound vol., AJHR).


ILLUSTRATIONS prepared for White’s Ancient History of the Maori.

Separate issue of plates prepared to accompany White’s work.

Illustrations 1 prepared for | White's Ancient history | of | the Maori. |

Wellington: | By authority: George Didsbury, Government Printer, | 1891.

[l24] leaves of plates. 214x139 mm.; blue paper covers. Title from front cover; title inside ornamental border. Number and order of plates may vary between copies.

A collection of 124 plates without accompanying text, including the 59 issued in the 6 volumes published by then of John White's The ancient history of the Maori (see no. I 199, 1240, 1272, 1298). After White's death in 1891 it was decided that the unpublished illustrations should be made up into sets, 300 of which should be bound, as it was considered unlikely that the balance of the work would be published for some time (Bagnall 6030). The volume was reissued in 1897 (no. i486).

The illustrations were redrawn as lithographs from photographs, prints and sketches, including from G. F. Angas, The New Zealanders illustrated (London, 1847; Bagnall 114). The lithographers, from the Department of Lands & Survey Draughting Office, identified by initials or signatures are: A, Koch, J. S. Allan, J. Hugh Boscawen, E. J. Graham. G. N. Sturtevant and W. Deverell.

In 1998 Kiwi Publications (Christchurch) published a facsimile with 63 additional illustrations and an index as part of a facsimile edition of White's complete work; see no. 1199 for further background. Bagnall 6030. Copies: WTU.


I 304



KUA MATE a Hoani Tawhito, ko Hoani Hou tenei

Religious tract. Old John is dead-1 am New John.

(No, 15. | [ornament] | Te karere | o te | Kongo Pai. | [double rule] | Kua mate a Hoani Tawhito, ko Hoani | Hou tenei. | [rule] | He tangata whanoke rawa atu a Hoani kaihoko ika, he tino | tangata kino; kihai i rongo ki nga ture a te Atua, a te | tangata ranei. [. . .] | [. . .] [Printed at the Herald Office, Gisborne, for the N. Z. Native Tract Institution. [lB9l]]

1 folded sheet (4 p ); 187x125 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 4, At end of main text p. 4: '(From “Old John is dead - I am New John.”)’.

Series: Te karere o te Kongo Pai, no. 15.

Religious tract of two texts translated by Joseph Baker: 'Kua mate a Hoani Tawhito, ko Hoani Hou tenei’ by an unidentified author (p. [l]-4) and ‘I te takiwa tonu e whakapono ai ka ora' (‘lnstant salvation' by Denham Smith; p. 4). Payment to the printer on 1 7 April 1891 indicates it was produced early in the year, probably in the standard print run of 3,000 copies (New Zealand Native Tract Institution. Minute book 1885-1901; WTU, MS-Papers-1661).

See no. I 147 for further information on the series.

Williams 698/15. Copies: AP. WTU.

Entries **1303-**1306 are filed in alphabetical order of the English title.



Minina Act 1891.

[Te Ture Maina. 1891: actual title not confirmed: no copy located. Wellington: Printed by the Government Printer. 1891]

Physical details not known; no copy located. Description from Williams.

‘Translation of the Mining Act [lB9l, No. 33]. No copy seen.' (Williams). A very large Act (363 sections and 7 schedules) consolidating and amending existing legislation relating to mines and mining (excluding coal mining). Various sections (especially 94-97 and 205-211) applied specifically to land owned by Maori.

Williams **Bo6. No copy located.


Native Land Court Acts Amendment Act 1891.

“Native Land Court Acts Amendment Act, 1891." | Niu Tireni, | [rule] | [Royal Arms] \ Ture Kooti Whenua Maori. | [rule] | He Ture hei whakatikatika atu ano i “Te Ture Kooti Whenua | Maori, 1886,” me era atu ture whakita 1 taua ture. | [29 lines] | [rule] | I tala i runga 1 te mana o te Kawanatanga e G. Didsbury. Kai-ta o te Kawanatanga, Poneke. [i.e. Wellington] -1891

1 sheet ([l] p.): 283x217 mm. Section 3 misnumbered '4'. Printed by the Government Printer CKai-ta o te Kawanatanga').

Short title: 'Te Ture Whakatikatika 1891 i nga Ture Kooti Whenua Maori.'.

Translation of the Native Land Court Acts Amendment Act 1891 (1891, No. 49). The Bill was introduced late in the session by Cadman in the House on

61 I

I 305


17 September and passed all stages by 24 September following a suspension of standing orders. The Bill as introduced contained 17 clauses, and the lively Hansard debate refers to the significance of its provisions, the lack of a Maori translation ( NZPD , 1891, v. 74, p. 954) and lack of consultation. The eventual Act (of two substantive sections) put a stay on proceedings relating to the sale of land until the end of the next parliamentary session, and specifically designated parts of the Horowhenua block as inalienable.

This was the only 1891 Act in Maori included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1890-91 (522/ I 890-[l 891]). See A. Ward, A show of justice (Auckland, 1973), p. 302-303, for background on changes to the administration of matters relating to Maori in 1891. See no. 669 for further information on land legislation.

Williams 805 & (S). Copies: AP, WTU.

**1305 -

North Island Main Trunk Railway Loan Application Amendment Act 1891. [Te Ture Whakatikatika 1891 i te Ture Whakahaere Moni Nama mo te Tim Reriwe o Aotearoa: actual title not confirmed: no copy located. Wellington: Printed by the Government Printer, 1891 ]

Physical details not known; no copy located. Description from Williams.

‘Translation of the North Island Main Trunk Railway Loan Application Amendment Act, 1891 [lB9l, No. 39], No copy seen.’ (Williams). It extended from 2 to 3 years the operation of s. 5 of the 1889 Amendment Act (see no. **1258), which provided for holding land (including land owned by Maori) pending purchase for the railway. See no. 1329 for a subsequent amendment to the legislation. It was not included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1890-91 (522/1890-[I891]).

Williams * *BOB. No copy located.


Wanganui River Trust Act 1891.

[Te Ture Tiaki i te Awa o Whanganui. 1891: actual title not confirmed: no copy located. Wellington: Printed by the Government Printer. 1891]

Physical details not known; no copy located. Description from Williams.

'Translation of the Wanganui River Trust Act, 1891 [lB9l. Local Acts, No. 19]. No copy seen.’ (Williams). The Act established a River District and Trust, with the purpose of conserving the natural scenery of the Whanganui River and protecting its navigation. For further background see D. Young, Woven by water (Wellington, 1998), p. 200-201 and 229-231. It was not included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1890-91 (522/1890-[I89I]).

Williams **Bo7. No copy located.


NEW ZEALAND. Commission Appointed to Inquire into the Subject of the Native Land Laws

Royal Commission report on improving administration of land owned by Maori.


I 308


G.-Ib. | Huihinga IT, o te Paremete.- 1891 . | Niu Tireni. | [rule] \ Ripoata a nga Komihana | i Whakaturia hei Whiriwhiri I nga Putake e pa ana ki nga Ture Whenua Maori. | [double rule] | [. . .] [By authority: George Didsbury,

Government Printer, Wellington.-1891]

24 p.; 322x203 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 24.

AJHR. 1891, Session 2, G-Ib. Translation of the first part (p. v-xxxii, i.e. the terms of the Royal Commission and the report itself, dated 23 May 1891) of the English version (G-l), which also included minutes of proceedings, corrigenda, minutes of evidence and meetings and Appendix (xxxiii-xxxix, 179, 95, 7p.). The Commissioners, appointed in February 1891, were W. L. Rees (MHR. Chair). James Carroll, and Thomas Mackay. A dissenting note by Carroll (MHR for Eastern Maori) is included (p. 20-23). An unfinished dissenting report by Mackay, who died on 13 June 1891, was published as G-l a. The cost of the investigation (£1,404 12s. lid.) was summarised in G-lc.

The main purpose of the Commission was to identify defects in the existing laws and administration relating to land owned by Maori, and to suggest principles on which future administration could benefit both Maori and Pakeha and promote settlement. It proposed a Native Land Titles Court, remodelling the cumbersome Native Land Court, and creation of a Native Land Board. See also no. 1300 for a related publication.

Copies: WTU (in bound vol. AJHR).


NEW ZEALAND. Native Land Court

ludqement on the claims to the Maraehara and Kopu blocks. East Coast.

Ko te whakataunga mo Maraehara me | Kopu Poraka. | [double rule] | 1 tenei keihi, i timataria 1 te 24 o nga ra o Akuhata, a i oti 1 te 23 o nga ra o Hepetema, 1891, | e tono ana a Te Hapi Haerewa, mo Ngatimahanga, [. . .] | [. . | [Ko Wirihana ma ratou ko Hotene, nga Kai-ta, kei Akarana. [i.e. Auckland] [lB9l?]]

9, [l] p.: 232x140 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 9. Page [lo] blank. Printed by Wilsons and Horton (‘Wirihana ma ratou ko Hotene’). Includes occasional use of the macron.

Signed and dated at end: 'W. E. Gudgeon | (Te Kotiana), | Tiati; | Wiremu te Kiriwehi, | Ateha. | Waiomatatini, | Wahi-o-Waiapu, | Oketopa 10. 1891.’,

Translation of W. E. Gudgeon's Cte Kotiana’) judgement on claims relating to the Maraehara and Kopu blocks on the East Coast, heard in Waiomatatini in August-October 1891. The Assessor was Wiremu Te Kiriwehi. The record of evidence and the judgement in English are in the Native Land Court Minute Books (Waiapu, no. 14-15) of which the originals are at Archives New Zealand (microfilm copies at WTU, Micro-MS-Coll-06-173). Judge Gudgeon's record of the hearing (Minute book, no. 3) is in the same collection (WTU, Micro-MS-Coll-06-068a).

Copies: WTU.


I 309



Explanation of order for rehearing of claims relating to the Omahu Block. Omahu. | Judgment of Seth Smith, Esq., C.J., Hastings, December 15, 1891.

| As I have decided to order a rehearing in this matter I shall not express any opinion as to what the final determine- | tion of the case ought to be. |

[. . .] [Printed at the Evening News Office, Emerson-street, Napier. [lB9l?]]

I folded sheet (4 p ); 211X130 mm. (cropped). Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 4,

An explanation in English and Maori of Judge Seth-Smith’s decision to order a rehearing of almost all claims to the Omahu Block, first heard in 1889/1890 (no. * * 1284). The main reasons given for the rehearing were untrue evidence and lack of clarity over definitions of possession and ownership in the context of tradition. See no. **1284 for further background

The rehearing by Seth-Smith and Scannell was in 1892; see the Native Land Court Minute book (Napier, no, 26) of which the original is at Archives New Zealand (microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-Coll-06-090). Judge Scannell’s record (Minute book, no. 25) is in the same collection (WTU. Micro-MS-Coll-06-i 44).

Bagnall sN2B6Oa. Copies: WTU.


Judgement on Nga-Waka-a-Kupe Block. Wairarapa. and summary of evidence.

Te wakataunga mo Ngawakaakupe me era | atu poraka. | [rule] | Native Land Court, Greytown North, | 24th Noema, 1890. 1 Ko te whakataunga o A. Mackay, Judge, me Tamaiti Tautuhi, | Assessor, [. . .] | [. . .] [I taia i runga i te mana o te Kawanatanga e G. Didsbury, Kai-ta o te | Kawanatanga. Poneke. [i.e. Wellington] -1891.]

58 p.; 252x160 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 58. Printed by the Government Printer (‘Kai-ta o te Kawanatanga’).

Alexander Mackay's judgement on various claims relating to the Nga-Waka-a-Kupe and other Wairarapa blocks, delivered at the end of the five-month Native Land Court hearing on 24 November 1891 at Greytown, with a summary of evidence. The record of evidence and the judgement in English are in the Native Land Court Minute Books (Wairarapa, no. 14-17) of which the originals are at Archives New Zealand (microfilm copies at WTU, Micro-MS-Coll-06-014 and 015 a). The minute books of the assessor (Tamati Tautuhi) are in the same collection (WTU, Micro-MS-Coll-06-013. The orthography is distinctive, e.g. the contraction N’ for 'Ngati'.

Williams 790 a, Bagnall N2861. Copies: AR, WTU (p. 57-58 photocopy).

**l3l I

NEW ZEALAND. Parliament. House of Representatives.

Native Land Bill 1891.

[Native Land Bill 1891: actual title not known: no copy located.

Wellington: Printed by the Government Printer, 1891]




ca, 30 p. Physical details not known: no copy located. Description from secondary source.

Translation of the Native Land Bill 1891 (1891, Session 2. No. 104) which lapsed following the report on 9 September of the select committee, which recommended that it be postponed until the following session. The English version of the Bill was 48 p.. including a 17-page explanatory memorandum and 274 clauses; it proposed the repeal of eleven Acts.

Although no copy has been located, the Bill is known to have existed in Maori (but omitting the memorandum) from references in Hansard ( NZPD. 1891, v. 73, p. 573-586). It was introduced in the House on 31 July 1891 by Native Affairs Minister Cadman who, in his second reading speech on 25 August, said: 'The Bill was translated into Maori and circulated within twentyfour hours after the English version was published. Copies of the Bill, both in English and in Maori, were forwarded to the principal post-offices in the North Island immediately after it was circulated. That is a thing unprecedented in connection with Native Bills and within a week after the Bill was circulated I had expressions of opinion from Auckland, from Gisborne, from the King-country, and from other places, . . .'. (p. 574).

No copy located.

1312 NORTH, Brownlow (1810-1875)

Religious tract. The way-side hearers.

(No. 16. | [ornament] | Te karere | o te 1 Rongo Pai. | [double rule] | Nga kaiwhakarongo i te taha | o te ara. | [rule] | E mea ana ranei koe kia rite to whakapono ki nga kupu a | Ihu ki to te tamaiti iti? [. . .] | [. . .] [Printed at the Herald Office, Gisborne, for the N. Z. Native Tract Institution. [lB9l?]]

1 folded sheet (4 p.); 183x125 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 4. At end of main text p. 3: '(From "The way-side hearers," by Brownlow North. B.A.)’.

Series: Te karere o te Rongo Pai, no. 16.

Religious tract of two texts translated by Joseph Baker: North's 'Nga kaiwhakarongo i te taha o te ara' (p. [l]-3) and 'Mou ano te whakaoranga' (‘You may be saved' by H. Grattan Guinness, p. 3-4). The annual report to 31 August 1891 noted it was in preparation and payment was made to the printer on 28 September, suggesting it was issued in early September, probably in the standard print run of 3,000 copies (New Zealand Native Tract Institution, Minute book 1885-1901; WTU, MS-Papers-1661).

See no. 1147 for further information on the series.

Williams 698/16. Copies: AP, DL, DUHO, NLA, WTU.


PUKAPUKA TATAU o te iwi Maori . . .

Census of Maori population with explanatory text from returning officers. Census of the Maori population. | G.-2a. | Sess. 11.-1891. | Niu Tireni. | [rule] | Pukapuka tatau o te iwi Maori | (nga pukapuka e pa ana ki taua kaute). | [rule] | I tukuna ki nga Whare e rua o te Runanga Niu i Runga i te Whakahana a te Kawana. | [rule] | [. . .] [By authority: George Didsbury,

Government Printer, Wellington -1891 ]




11. [l] p.; 322x203 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 11. Page [l2] blank. At end of text: ’Price, Is.)’.

AJHR, 1891, Session 2, G-2a. Translation of G-2, Census of the Maori population, based on data recorded in early 1891. A total of 41,303 Maori are recorded (1,860 in the South and Stewart Islands), a decrease of 270 since 1 886. The statistical table (p. 10-11) presents data for 70 locations: population (male/female, and part-Maori living with iwi), extent of crops and livestock by category, and by individual or shared cultivation. The text comprises the covering reports from returning officers, with observations on general matters including health.

Williams 809 a (S). Copies: WTU (in bound vol., AJHR).


TREGEAR, Edward Robert (1846-1931)

Mdori dictionary with English definitions and Polynesian comparisons. The | Maori-Polynesian | [in red:] comparative dictionary | by | [in red:] Edward Tregear | [4 lines of his professional affiliations] | “Manus manum lavat.” | [illustration] | Wellington, N.Z.: | [in red:] Lyon and Blair. Lambton Quay | 1891. | (The rights of translation and of reproduction are reserved.)

xxiv, 675, [l] p.; 242x156 mm.; green cloth boards with blind and gold tooling. Pages [ii], [iv], [vi], [viii] blank. Leaf of corrigenda and additions (verso blank) tipped in following p. 628. Colophon p. [676]: ‘Lyon and Blair, Printers, Wellington, | New Zealand.’. Title on spine: ‘The | Maori | comparative | dictionary’. Text printed in a varying number of columns, mainly in two columns separated by a vertical rule.

A Maori dictionary with English definitions and comparative words and definitions from other Polynesian languages. Introductory material (p.[ix|xxiv) includes a list of works consulted and a linguistic summary. Appended are a reverse English 'Key to the Maori words’ (p. 629-665), with (p. [666]675) days of the moon, genealogies, and a geographical and dialectic index. The book was published before the end of July 1891, when free copies were supplied to MPs.

A. S. Atkinson in 'The Anglo-Semitic Maori’ ( TNZI. 1886, p. 552-576), Notes on the Maori-Polynesian comparative dictionary (Nelson. 1893; Bagnall A 741), and associated documents (WTU, MSX-5209-5212) criticised Tregear's work on linguistic and scholarly grounds, as did others. For further information on Tregear’s philological theories for the Aryan origin of Maori and his work on the dictionary see K. R. Howe. Singer in a songless land (Auckland, 1991), p. 39-73.

The dictionary was reissued by Whitcombe & Tombs in 1897 (no. 1503) and 1907 (Bagnall T704 & sT7O4). Facsimile reprints were published in 1969 (Anthropological Publications, Netherlands) and 2001 (Cadsonbury Publications, Christchurch).

Williams 804, Bagnall T703. Copies: AP. AR, DUHO, NLA, WTU,


WILLIAMS, William Leonard (1829-1916)

Commentary on St Paul's Epistle to the Galatians.

S.P.C.K. | Commentary on | Galatians, | [publisher's device] | London: |




Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, | Northumberland Avenue,

Charing Cross, W.C.

[parallel text:]

He | whakamakoha | i te | Pukapuka a Paora Apotoro | kite | Hunga o Karatia. | [ publisher's device] | London: | Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. | Northumberland Avenue, Charing Cross, W.C. [lB9l]

37. [l] p.; 182x120 mm.; greyish green cloth boards with black tooling. Page [l] blank except for 'Maori.' and signature ’B’ at foot; p. [2] English title-page; p, [3] Maori title-page; p. [4] blank; p. [3B] blank. Colophon p. [37]: ’Printed by William Clowes and Sons, Limited, London and Beccles.’. Title repeated on front (Maori) and back (English) covers.

Commentary in Maori on St Paul’s Epistle to the Galatians. Williams (followed by Bagnall) attributes authorship of both this and the commentary on St Mark’s Gospel (no. 1316) to W. L. Williams. However, the SPCK history attributes it to Rev. T. S. Grace [Jnr] (W. O. B. Allen, Two hundred years (London, 1898), p. 220) but no evidence to confirm this has been found.

The SPCK Foreign Translation Committee decided that 1,000 copies were to be produced of each work (Minutes of meeting. 20 May 1889, in SPCK, Records 1786-1966, Cambridge University Library; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-Coll-20-2105. p. 328). A shipment of 250 copies of each work was sent to Williams in May 1891 (SPCK, Letter to Archdeacon Williams. 20 May 1891; WTU, MS-Papers-3546).

Williams 802, Bagnall W1343. Copies: AP, DUHO, NLA, WTU.


Commentary on St Mark's Gospel.

S.P.C.K. | Commentary on the | Holy Gospel | according to | St. Mark. |

[ publisher's device] | London: | Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, | Northumberland Avenue, Charing Cross, W.C.

[parallel text:]

He | whakamakoha | I te | Rongo-Pai a Maka. | [publisher's device] \ London: | Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, | Northumberland Avenue, Charing Cross, W.C. [lB9l]

116 p.: 182x120 mm,: greyish green cloth boards with black tooling. Page [l] blank except for •Maori.’ and signature ’B’ at foot; p. [2] English title-page; p. [3] Maori title-page; p. [4] blank. Title repeated on front (Maori) and back (English) covers. The identical style of no. 1315 indicates the printer was William Clowes and Sons.

Commentary in Maori on St Mark’s Gospel. 1,000 copies printed. See no. 1315, the companion commentary on Galatians, for additional information on possible authorship by T. S. Grace, Jnr, and SPCK documentation.

Williams 801, Bagnall W1344. Copies: AP, DL. DUHO, NLA, WTU.




FAC-SIMILES of the Declaration of Independence and the Treaty of Waitangi


Reprint of volume of photolithographs of documents of 1835 and 1840. Fac-similes | of the | Declaration of Independence | and the | Treaty of Waitangi. | Wellington. | By authority: George Didsbury, Government Printer. | [rule] | 1892. | Reprint.)

14 p., [l7] leaves of facsims. (10 folded); 343x216 mm,; 'U dark blue cloth, blue paper-covered boards. Page [2] (verso of title-page) blank. Paper label on front cover: ‘[double rule] | New Zealand. | [swelled rule] | Treaty of Waitangi. | 1840. | [double rule]'.

A reprint of the 1877 volume of facsimiles of manuscript versions of the Declaration of Independence (1835) and the Treaty of Waitangi (1840) and associated material. For additional information see no. 883.

For the original printed versions of the individual documents see no. 28 (A Declaration of the Independence of New Zealand) and no. 83 (Treaty of Waitangi).

Williams 818, Bagnall F4. Copies: WTU.


INDIGENT NATIVES, Middle and Stewart Islands

List of Maori in southern New Zealand receiving government assistance.

G.-5. | 1892. | New Zealand. | [rule] | Indigent natives. Middle and Stewart Islands | (return of expenditure on), for the last three years. | [rule] \ Return to an Order of the House of Representatives dated 29th July. 1892. | Ordered, “That a return be laid on the table of the House showing the annual vote of Native Office expenditure | on indigent natives in the Middle and Stewart Islands for the last three years, separately; the return to show names | and residences of recipients. "-(Mr. Parata.) | [6 lines of text and two 5-column tables of 31 and 3 lines] | Approximate cost of paper.-Preparation, not given; printing (1,160 copies), £1 2s. 6d. | [rule] | By authority: George Didsbury, Government Printer, Wellington.-1892. | Price 3d.)

1 sheet ([l] p.); 329x203 mm. Signed by W. J. Morpeth, Acting Undersecretary, Native Office, 9 August 1892.

AJHR, 1892, G-5. List of approximately 30 Maori in the South Island and Stewart Island receiving government assistance and the amount spent on them 1889-1892.

Copies: WTU (in bound vol., AJHR).


MAORI parliament

Record of meeting. 14 April 1892. to formalise the national Maori


Nga korero | o te hui o te | Whakakotahitanga | i tu kite | Tiriti o Waitangi.

| [double rule] | Aperira 14, 1892. | [double rule] | Akarana: [i.e. Auckland) |

1 Perehitia e Wiremu Makura, Hal Tiriti. [1892?]




20 p.; 212x133 mm.; pink paper covers. Page [2] blank. Title repeated on front cover inside ornamental border Printed by William McCullough ('Wiremu Makura'), High Street.

Proceedings of the first meeting of the national Maori Parliament movement ('Whakakotahitanga') held on 14 April 1892 at Te Tiriti o Waitangi meeting house at Waitangi, Bay of Islands, and attended by 1342 representatives. It includes a list of speakers and tribal chiefs, an address by Heta Te Haara (Chairman) and the resolutions of the working party on land issues and 'electorate' boundaries for representatives to the parliament, the first session of which was held in June 1892 (see no. 1320). For further information on the establishment of the Maori Parliament see J. A. Williams, Politics of the New Zealand Maori (Auckland, 1969), p. 48-53, and L. Cox, Kotahitanga (Auckland, 1993), p. 61-70. Evidence given before the Native Affairs Committee on the Native Lands Settlement and Administration Bill 1898 ( AJHR. 1898, I-3a; no. 1517) is useful background from a contemporary Maori perspective.

Williams 815. Bagnall K464. Copies: AP, AR, DL, WTU.


Proceedings of first Kotahitanga Parliament. 14 June 1892.

Paremata Maori o Niu Tireni. | [rule] \ Nohanga Tuatahi | [rule] | I tu kite Waipatu, Hune 14, 1892. 1 [double rule] | Te Waipatu, Wahi o Heretaunga, | Hune 21. 1892. | 1 timata te hui o nga hapu me nga rangatira me nga mema i pootitia mo te runanga nui o te Paremata | Maori i te 6 o nga ra o Hune, 1892, tae noa kite 14 o nga ra o taua marama, heoi kahore i rupeke | mai nga hapu o te iwi Maori o Aotearoa i te tomuri o te taenga atu o nga panui. [. . .] | [. . .] [Otaki, N.Z.: | Weepu me ona hoa (Webbe 5t C 0.,) Kai taa kai whakaputa. | [rule] | 1892 ]

26 p.; 253x188 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 26.

Proceedings of the first Kotahitanga Parliament, held at Waipatu (Hawke's Bay) from 14 June 1892 and chaired by Henare Tomoana. It records a list of members, election of officers, the establishment of an upper house, debates concerning land and self-determination and draft legislation mostly concerned with the internal administration of the Kotahitanga.

The structure of the Kotahitanga Parliaments, held between 1892 and 1902. had been decided at a meeting at Waitangi in April 1892 (see no. 1319) that is sometimes referred to as the first session. For published proceedings of subsequent Kotahitanga parliaments 1893-1897 see no. 1359, 1426-1427, 1454, 1492, and the associated newspapers. Huia tangata kotahi (1893-1895. 533), Tepuke hi Hikurangi (1897-1913, 539) and The Jubilee (1898-1900, S4O). For further information on the parliaments and the context of their development see J. A. Williams. Politics of the New Zealand Maori (Auckland. 1969), p. 48-67, and L. Cox. Kotahitanga (Auckland. 1993), p. 61-70. See also Bateman New Zealand historical atlas (Auckland. 1997), plate 83, for a summary of movements that promoted Maori self-determination.

Frederick Webbe was the proprietor for about a year of the Horowhenua times, which began production on 9 June 1 892. The press used was probably the Columbian imported for the CMS in 1842 and leased to the newspaper by




its then owner R. C. Harding; see M. Fitzgerald, ‘A press from Paihia in the National Museum?’, Turnbull Library Record, v. 7, no. I (May 1974), p. 28-32.

Williams 838. Copies: AP, WTU.

MYLNE, George W


Religious tract. The man whom the king delighteth to honour.

(No. 18. | [ornament] | Te karere | o te | Rongo Pai. | [double rule] \ “Ta te kingi tangata i pai ai kia | whakahonoretia.” | [rule] | I hiahia a

Ahahueruha, Kingi o Pahia, kia whakahono- | retia e ia a Mororekai te Hurai. [. . .] | [. . .] [Printed at the Herald Office for the N.Z. Native Tract Institution. [Gisborne: 1892?]]

8 p.; 187x125 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 8. At end of main text p. 5: ‘From “The man whom the king delighteth to honour." By G. W. Mylne.’.

Series: Te karere o te Rongo Pai, no. 18.

Religious tract of three texts translated by Joseph Baker: the first Mylne’s ‘Ta te kingi tangata i pai ai kia whakahonoretia' (a paraphrase of the story of Mordecai; p. [l]-5), with ‘Nana i ki.' (‘From “Napoleon's soldier, or ‘He said it.” p. 5-7; author not identified) and ‘Me i matau koe ki ta te Atua e homai ai.-Hoani 4, 1 0.’ (‘From “If thou knewest the gift of God.”', p. 7-8; by Charles Stanley (see no. 961)). 3,000 copies were printed and payment to the printer on 7 July suggests it was produced in mid-1892 (New Zealand Native Tract Institution. Minute book 1885-1901; WTU, MS-Papers-1661).

See no. 1147 for further information on the series.

Williams 698/18. Copies: AP, DUHO. WTU.

Entries 1322-1537 are filed in alphabetical order of the English title.



Kaiapoi Native Reserves Act 1877 Amendment Act 1892.

Kaiapoi Native Reserve [sic] Amendment, 1892, | Niu Tireni. | [Royal Arms] | Ture Whakatikatika 1892 i "Te Ture Rahui Maori | o Kaiapoi, 1877.” | [rule] | Whakawhaititanga. | [ana/ysts; 8 sections. 12 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] \ He Ture hei whakatikatika i “Te Ture Rahui Maori o Kaiapoi, | 1877.” | [. . .] [He mea whakahau, i taia e H. Titipere,

Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Weringitana. [i.e. Wellington] -1892.]

I folded sheet (4 p.); 270x210 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 4. Printed by George Didsbury, Government Printer ('H. Titipere, Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga’).

Short title: ‘Te Ture Whakatikatika, 1892, i te Ture Rahui Maori o Kaiapoi, 1877.’.

Translation of the Kaiapoi Native Reserves Act 1877 Amendment Act 1892 (1892, No. 5) omitting the marginal notes. The Act amended the original Act of 1877 (no, **B9l) by making adjustments to the boundaries of nine reserves at Kaiapoi, near Christchurch; the Schedule (p. 3-4) lists the owners.

The Bill was introduced by Attorney General Sir Patrick Buckley in the


I 324


Legislative Council on 15 July and passed all stages by 1 7 August. Although a ‘native meeting at Kaiapoi' on the provisions of the Bill is referred to in Hansard ( NZPD , 1892, v. 76. p. 1), no copy of a Maori version of the Bill has been identified. The Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1892 (522/I892).

Williams 819. Copies: WTU (in MSX-5205).


Kaihau Trust Money Act 1892.

Kaihau Trust Money, 1892. | Niu Tireni. | [Royal Arms] \ Moni Tiaki mo Kaihau. | [rule] | He Ture hei whakatika i te Tiiti Tiaka i mahia i waenganui i a | Aihipene Kaihau, Kerei Tamarere, me Henare Ngaroma Kaihau, | o tetahi taha, mete kaitiaki mo te katoa, o tetahi taha, i mahia | i te 30 o nga ra o Nowema, tau 1885. | [. . .] [He mea whakahau, i taia e H. Titipere,

Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Weringitana. [i.e. Wellington] -1892]

1 folded sheet (3. [l] p.); 270x210 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 3. Page [4] blank. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title; 'Te Ture Moni Tiaki mo Kaihau, 1892.'.

Translation of the Kaihau Trust Money Act 1892 (1892, Private Acts. No, I) omitting the Analysis and marginal notes. It provided for the Public Trust to distribute residual funds associated with members of the Kaihau family. The Bill was introduced (by petition) by Ebenezer Hamlin in the House on 29 June and passed all stages by 11 August. No Maori version of the Bill has been identified: translations were not usually produced for private legislation. The Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1892 (522/1892).

Williams 820. Copies: WTU (in MSX-5205).


Kaipo Reserve Act 1892 (No. 2).

Kaipo Reserve Act 1892 Amendment. | Niu Tireni. | [Royal -Arms] | Rahui o Kaipo (Nama 2.) | [rule] \ [rule] \ He Ture hei whakakore atu i “Te Ture Rahui o Kaipo, 1892,” | hei mahi hoki i etahi atu huarahi hei whakataunga i nga Take | mo te Rahui o Kaipo. | [. . ,] [He mea whakahau, I taia e H. Titipere, Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Weringitana. [i.e. Wellington] -1892.)

I sheet (2 p ); 270x210 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 2. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: 'Te Ture Rahui o Kaipo. 1892 (No. 2).'.

Translation of the Kaipo Reserve Act 1892 (No. 2) (1892, No. 27) omitting the Analysis and marginal notes. The Act empowered the Native Land Court to determine the Nga Rauru successors to a share in the Kaipo Reserve. Waitdtara Block (South Taranaki) first granted in 1876. The Bill was introduced by Sir Patrick Buckley in the Legislative Council on 25 August and passed all stages by 26 September. No Maori version of the Bill has been


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identified. As this No. 2 Act repealed the Kaipo Reserve Act 1892 (passed a few days earlier, on 1 9 August) it is unlikely that the earlier, flawed legislation was printed in Maori. The No. 2 Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1892 (522/I892).

Williams 821. Copies: WTU (in MSX-5205).


Mere Taka Land-grant Act 1892.

(Mere Taka Land Grant, 1892. | Niu Reitni. [i.e. Tireni.] | [Royal Arms] \ Karaati Whenua mo Mere Taka. | [rule] | He Ture hei whakamana tuku whenua i Tauranga ki a Mere Taka | he wahine Maori tuturu. | [32 lines and 1 rule] | [rule] | He mea whakahau, i taia e H. Titipere, Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Weringitana. [i.e. Wellington] -1892.

1 sheet ([l] p ); 270x210 mm. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: ‘Te Ture Karaati Whenua mo Mere Taka, 1892.’.

Translation of the Mere Taka Land-grant Act 1892 (1892, No. 13) omitting the Analysis and marginal notes. It relates to a grant of six acres of Crown land in Tauranga County (details in the Schedule) to Mere Taka, in return for over 71 acres she had ceded to the Crown. The Bill was introduced by Cadman in the House on 29 June and passed all stages by 23 August without debate. No Maori version of the Bill has been identified. The Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1892 (522/1892).

Williams 822. Copies: WTU (in MSX-5205).


Extracts from the Mining Act Amendment Act 1892.

(“Mining Act Amendment Act, 1892.” | Niu Tireni. | [Royal Arms] \ Ture Whakatikatika i te Ture Maina. | [rule] | He Ture hei whakatikatika i "Te Ture Maina, 1891.” | [. . .] [He mea whakahau, i taia e H. Titipere Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Weringitana. [i.e. Wellington] -1892.]

1 sheet (2 p.); 270x210 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p, 2. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: Te Ture Whakatikatika, 1892, i te Ture Maina.'.

Translation of sections 1. 3 (in part), 16 and 17 of the Mining Act Amendment Act 1892 (1892, No. 47) omitting the Analysis and marginal notes. The complete Act has 26 sections. The translated sections relate to payments to Maori owners of land used for mining, a mechanism for ceding land for mining, and confirmation of the binding nature of the 1875 cession of the Ohinemuri Goldfields Block. The Bill was introduced by Seddon in the House on 24 June and passed all stages by 1 I October. No Maori version of the Bill (or extracts) has been identified. The extracts from the Act in Maori were included with the equivalent English text in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1892 (522/1892).

Williams 823. Copies: WTU (in MSX-5205).





Native Land Purchases Act 1892.

Native Land Purchases. 1892. | Niu Tireni. | [Royal Arms] | Hoko Whenua Maori. | [rule] \ [rule] | He Ture hei whakawhiwhi moni hei hoko whenua Maori hei | whakangawari hoki i nga tikanga e riro ai aua whenua ki a te | Kuini. | [. . .] [By authority: George Didsbury, Government Printer,


5, [l] p.: 270x210 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 5. Page [6] blank.

Short title: 'Te Ture Hoko Whenua Maori, 1892.'.

Translation of the Native Land Purchases Act 1892 (1892, No. 35) omitting the Analysis and marginal notes. The purpose of the Act was to provide funds to make arrangements for acquiring Maori land for settlement by issuing debentures. The Bill was introduced by Cadman in the House on 24 June and passed all stages by 5 October. Although there was considerable debate on the Bill (NZPD. 1892, v. 77 and 78) with participation from Maori members, there is no reference to the Bill being available in Maori and no such version has been identified. The Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1892 (522/1892). See no. 669 for further information on land legislation.

Williams 824. Copies: WTU (in MSX-5205).


Native Land (Validation of Titles) Act 1892.

(Native Land (Validation of Title [sic]), 1892. | Niu Tireni. | [Royal Arms] \

Whakamana Take Whenua Maori. | [rule] \ [rule] \ He Ture hei whakarite tikanga e taea ai te whiriwhiri nga hoko me 1 nga tuku whenua Maori kihai i ata oti. | [. . .] [He mea whakahau, i taia e H Tiripere, Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Weringitana, [i.e. Wellington] -1892.]

5, [l] p ; 270x210 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 5. Page [6] blank. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: 'Te Ture (Whakamana Take) Whenua Maori, 1892.’.

Translation of the Native Land (Validation of Titles) Act 1892 (1892, No. 40) omitting the Analysis and marginal notes. The Act provided for inquiries into incomplete Maori land dealings and was to be read with the Native Land Court Act 1886 (no. 1 158) and its Amendments. The Bill was introduced by Cadman in the House on 13 July and passed all stages by 8 October. Although there was considerable debate on the Bill (NZPD, 1892, v. 78) with participation from Maori members, there is no reference to the Bill being available in Maori and no copy has been located. The Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1892 (522/1892). See no. 669 for further information on land legislation.

Williams 825. Copies: WTU (in MSX-5205),





North Island Main Trunk Railway Loan Application Acts Amendment Act 1892

(North Island Main Trunk Railway Loan | Application Acts Amendment. 1892. | Niu Tireni. | [Royal Arms] | Ture Whakatikatika i te Ture Whakahaere | Moni Nama mo te Tino Reriwe o Aotearoa. | [rule] | Whakawhaititanga. | [rule] | He Ture hei whakatikatika i nga whakahaere moni nama mo te | Tino Reriwe o Aotearoa. | [. . .] [He mea whakahau, i taia e H. Titipere, Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Weringitana. [i.e. Wellington] -1892.]

1 sheet (2 p.); 270x210 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 2. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: ‘Te Ture Whakatikatika 1892 i te Ture Whakahaere Moni Nama mo te Tino Reriwe o Aotearoa.’.

Translation of the North Island Main Trunk Railway Loan Application Acts Amendment Act 1892 (1892, No. 51), omitting the Analysis (although the heading for this, 'Whakawhaititanga', is present) and marginal notes. The Act further extended s. 5 to 4 years, identified various purchasers, and specified the use of funds: a schedule of land owned by Maori subject to the Act is included. The Bill (see no. **1340 for the Maori version) was introduced by Native Affairs Minister Cadman in the House on 24 June 1892 and passed all stages by 10 October. The Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1892 (522/1892). See no. **1258 and 1305 for earlier amendments to the original I 886 Act.

Williams 826. Copies: WTU (in MSX-5205).


Orakei Succession Further Investigation Act 1892.

Orakei Succession, 1892. | Niu Tireni. | [Royal Arms] | Whakawa Ano i nga Take Kairiiwhi Tupapaku | mo Orakei. | [rule] | Whakawhaititanga. | [analysis: 2 sections. 4 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] \ [rule] | He Ture hei whakamana i te whiriwhiringa ano i nga kairiiwhi 1 mo te paanga o Te Tahuri Arama, me etahi atu, i Orakei | Poraka. | [. . .] [He mea whakahau, i taia e H. Tiripere, Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga,

Weringitana. [i.e. Wellington] -1892.]

I sheet (2 p ); 270x210 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 2. Printed bv the Government Printer.

Short title: 'Te Ture Whiriwhiri i nga Take Kairiiwhi mo Orakei, 1892.'.

Translation of the Orakei Succession Further Investigation Act 1892 (1892, No. 8), omitting the marginal notes, which relates to succession of ownership of a share in the Orakei Block, Auckland. The Bill was introduced by Sir Patrick Buckley in the Legislative Council on 15 July and passed all stages by 19 August without debate. No Maori version of the Bill has been identified. The Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1892 (522/1892).

Williams 827. Copies: WTU (in MSX-5205).





Oyster Fisheries Act 1892.

Oyster Fisheries, 1892. | Niu Tireni. | [Royal Arms] | Ture Mahi Tio. | [rule] | [rule] | He Ture hei whakatopu hei whakatlka I nga ture e pa ana ki nga | mahi tio. | [. . .] [He mea whakahau, i taia e H. Titipere, Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga. Weringitana, [i.e. Wellington] -1892.]

11. [l] p.; 270x210 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 11. Page [l2] blank. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: ‘Te Ture Mahi Tio, 1892.’.

Translation of the Oyster Fisheries Act 1892 (1892, No. 4) omitting the Analysis and marginal notes. The Act consolidated and amended legislation relating to oyster fisheries. Section 1 4 provides specifically for designation of fisheries for Maori to take oysters for their own use. The Bill was introduced by Seddon in the House on 29 June and passed all stages by 12 August. No Maori version of the Bill has been identified. The Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1892 (522/1892).

Williams 828. Copies: WTU (in MSX-5205).


Rohe Potae Investigation of Title Act 1892.

(Rohe Potae Investigation of Title, 1892, | Niu Tireni. 1 [Royal Arms] \

Whiriwhiri i nga take o te Rohe Potae. | [rule] \ Whakawhaititanga. |

[anafysis; 3 sections. 6 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] \ [rule] | He Ture hei whakamarama i nga take o nga tangata Maori ki etahi | wahi o te Rohe Potae Poraka. [[...] [He mea whakahau, i taia e H. Tiripere, Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Weringitana. [i.e. Wellington] -1892.]

1 sheet (2 p.); 270x210 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 2. Printed hv the Government Printer.

Short title: ‘Te Ture Whiriwhiri i nga Take kite Rohe Potae. 1892.'

Translation of the Rohe Potae Investigation of Title Act 1892 (1892. Local Acts, No. 9) omitting the marginal notes. It validated earlier succession orders made in the Native Land Court relating to the Rohe Potae Block (the King Country). The Bill was introduced by Sir Patrick Buckley in the Legislative Council on 15 July and passed all stages by 14 September. No Maori version of the Bill has been identified; translations were not usually produced of local legislation. The Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1892 (522/I892).

Williams 829. Copies: WTU (in MSX-5205).


Tahoraiti Titles Amendment and Validation Act 1892.

Tahoraiti Titles Amendment and Validation, 1892. | Niu Tireni. | [ Royal Arms] | Ture Whakatikatika Whakamana I nga Take o 1 Tahoraiti. 1 [rule] 1 He Ture hei whakamana i te whakatikatikatanga mete whaka- | mananga o te whaitaketanga kite Poraka o Tahoraiti. | [. . .] [He me a whakahau, i


I 334


taia e H. Titipere, Kai-ta a te Kawanatanga, Weringitana. [i.e. Wellington] -1892.]

1 sheet (2 p.); 270x210 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 2, Running title: ‘Tahoraiti Take Whakatika Whakamana,’. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title; 'Te Ture Whakatikatika Whakamana hoki i nga Take ki Tahoraiti, 1892.'.

Translation of the Tahoraiti Titles Amendment and Validation Act 1892 (1892, Local Acts. No. 12) omitting the Analysis and marginal notes. It applies to titles relating to the Tahoraiti Block (near Dannevirke, southern Hawke's Bay). The Bill was introduced by Cadman in the House on 29 June and passed all stages by 3 September. No Maori version of the Bill has been identified: translations of local legislation were not usually produced. The Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1892 (522/1892). Williams 830. Copies: WTU (in MSX-5205),


Waikouaiti Reserves Act 1892.

(Waikouaiti Reserves, 1892. | Niu Tireni, | [Royal Arms] | Rahui o Waikouaiti. | [rule] | He Ture hei whakamana i etahi ota a te Kooti Whenua Maori. | [. . .] [He mea whakahau, I taia e H. Titipere, Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Weringitana. [i.e. Wellington] -1892.]

9, [l] p.; 270x210 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 9. Page [lo] blank. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: 'Te Ture Rahui o Waikouaiti, 1892.'.

Translation of the Waikouaiti Reserves Act 1892 (1892, No. 15) omitting the Analysis and marginal notes. Most of the text (p. 2-9) is a Schedule listing the validated owners (and extent of their land) of the 102 sections comprising the Waikouaiti Reserve (Otago). The Bill was introduced by Sir Patrick Buckley in the Legislative Council on 29 July 1892 and passed all stages by 19 August. No Maori version of the Bill in Maori has been identified. The Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1892 (522/1892).

Williams 831. Copies: WTU (in MSX-5205).


Wanganui River Trust Act 1891 Amendment Act 1892.

Whanganui River Trust Act Amendment, 1892. | Niu Tireni. | [Royal Arms] | Ture Whakatikatika i te Ture Tiaki mo te Awa | o Whanganui. | [rule] | [rule] | He Ture hei whakatikatika i te Ture Tiaki o te Awa o Whanga- | nui 1891 (e huaina ana ikonei ko “taua Ture”). | [22 lines ] i [rule] \ He mea whakahau, i taia e H. Titipere, Kai-ta a te Kawanatanga, Weringitana. [i.e. Wellington] -1892.

I sheet ([l] p.): 270x210 mm. Printed by the Government Printer. Short title: Te Tore Whakatikatika, 1892. i Te Tore Tiaki i te Awa o

Whanganui 1891




Translation of the Wanganui River Trust Act 1891 Amendment Act 1892 (1892, Local Acts, No. 26) omitting the Analysis and marginal notes. The Act amended the 1891 Act (see no. **1306) by extending the Trust's powers to levy tolls on goods handled on the Whanganui River where there were no wharves. For further background see D. Young, Woven by water (Wellington. 1998), p. 201, The Bill (with the title 'Wanganui River Trust Bill’) was introduced by Ballance in the House on 24 August and passed all stages by 7 October. No Maori version of the Bill has been identified; translations of local legislation were not usually produced. The Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1892 (522/I892).

The English-language Act uses the spelling 'Wanganui' throughout.

Williams 832. Copies: WTU (in MSX-5205),


West Coast Settlement Reserves Act 1892.

West Coast Settlement Reserves.-1892. | Niu Tireni. | [Royal Arms] \

Whakatau Rahui o te Tai Hauauru. | [ride] | [rule] | He Ture hei whakakore i nga Ture Whakatau Rahui o te Tai Hau- | auru, hei whakarereke hoki i te ture e pa ana kite mahi | whakahaere i aua ture. | [. . .] [He mea whakahu a, I taia H. Titipere, Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Weringitana. [i.e. Wellington] -1892.]

20 p.; 270x210 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 20. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: ‘Te Ture Whakatau Rahui o te Tai Hauauru, 1892.’.

Translation of the West Coast Settlement Reserves Act 1892 (1892, No. 22) omitting the Analysis and marginal notes. The Act followed meetings of the Premier (Ballance) with Maori and lessees at Patea in January 1892 (see AJHR, 1892, G-2). It rewrote the 1881 Act (no. 1008) and subsequent amendments due to concerns over the legality of the associated regulations, and the desire to make leases over the confiscated lands in Taranaki consistent; see New Zealand. Waitangi Tribunal, The Taranaki report: Kaupapa tuatahi (Wai 143) (Wellington, 1996), p. 259.

The Bill was introduced by Ballance in the House on 29 June and passed all stages by 16 September, Although Hansard debates mention Maori responses to the Bill (e.g. NZPD. 1892, v. 75, p. 369) and several sections (14. 17, 20. 23, 29, 31) refer to 'native owners', no Maori version of the Bill has been identified. The Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1892 (522/1892).

Williams 833. Copies: WTU (in MSX-5205).


Reprint of the Westland and Nelson Native Reserves Act 1887.

(Westland and Nelson Native Reserves, 1887. | Niu Tireni. | [Royal Arms] \ Rahul Maori o te Tai Hauauru o te Waipounamu me | Whakatu. | [rule] | [rule] | He Ture hei tuku tikanga whakahaere mo nga rahui Maori I te tai hauauru I ote Waipounamu me whakatu. | [. . .] [He mea whakahau, I



I 338

taia e H. Titipere, Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Weringitana. [i.e. Wellington] -1892.]

6 p.; 278x209 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 6. Running title: 'Rahui Whenua Maori o te Tai Hauauru o te Waipounamu me Whakatu.'.

Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: ‘Te Ture Rahui Maori o te Tai Hauauru o te Waipounamu me Whakatu. 1887.'.

A reprint of the Westland and Nelson Native Reserves Act 1887 (no. 1185) in smaller size type, with many minor textual changes including the addition of 'o te Waipounamu' and omission of ‘Whenua' in the Short title.

Williams 835. Copies: WTU.


NEW ZEALAND. Department of Education

Administrative code for the operation of schools for Maori.

Kupu o roto o te kupu tohutohu | mo nga Kura Maori. | [ double rule] \ He mea panui kia mohio ai nga Komiti o nga Kura Maori, | me era atu tangata e whai tikanga ana kite mahi | ako i te iwi Maori, kite whakahaere i aua kura. | [. . .] [no imprint. Wellington?: Printed by the Government Printer?, 1892?]

14 p.; 178x119 mm. (cropped). Caption title. Signed and dated p. 10: 'Na Te Riwhi, | W. P. Reeves, 1 Minita mo nga Kura. | Tari mo nga Kura. | Poneke,

Tihema 9, 1892.'. Presumed printed by the Government Printer.

Administrative code for the guidance of Native School Committees in running schools for Maori. Details of Te Makarini scholarships (in memory of Sir Donald McLean) appended (p. [ll]-14). The code was first published in 1883 (no. 1089) and a revised version was issued in 1899 (no. 1529) .

Williams 837, Bagnall **Nl263. Copies: DUHO, WTU.


NEW ZEALAND. Native Department

List of Maori owners of the Awarua Block. Rangitlkei.

[Te pukapuka rarangi ingoa o nga tangata o ia Wawahanga o ia Wawahanga o te Awarua Poraka, whakaatu hoki i nga hea o ia tangata; actual title not confirmed; no copy located. Wellington. Government Printer, 1892?]

Physical details not known: no copy located. Description from secondary source.

Description taken from Government Printer advertisement in the Kahiti. 6 August 1896, p. 301; price 10 shillings. The advertisement may only be a descriptive reference to the English-language publication; N. Z. Native Department, Awarua Bloch. Alphabetical list of owners. (Wellington. Government Printer, 1892], 18 p. (Bagnall sN2B55a; no copy located in September 2001). The Awarua Block was a large block in the Rangitlkei area opened up for settlement in the mid-1890s.

No copy located.





NEW ZEALAND. Parliament

North Island Main Trunk Railway Loan Application Acts Amendment BUI 1892.

[North Island Main Trunk Railway Loan Application Acts Amendment Bill 1892; actual title not known; no copy located. Wellington: Printed by the Government Printer, 1892]

Physical details not known; no copy located. Description from secondary source.

Translation of the North Island Main Trunk Railway Loan Application Acts Amendment Bill 1892. Although no copy has been located, the Bill is known to have been translated into Maori and circulated (presumably In.printed form) on 16 July 1892 ( NZPD , 1892, v. 77, p. 348). For the resulting Act in Maori and additional information see no. 1329.

No copy located.



Invitation. January 1892. to the first Kotahitanga meeting, held in April.

He panui. | [double rule] \ Kia 1 He karanga atu tenei ia koutou kia 1 haere mai kite hui mo te Kotahitanga ote 1 iwi Maori ka tu kite Tiriti o Waitangi | ate 14 o Aperira, 1892. | Kite ata whakatakoto i etahi | tikanga pai monga taimahatanga o nga | ture a te Paremete e mahi nei mo Nui | Tireni. | Heta Te Haara, | mote Komiti Whakahaere ote | Kotahitanga, mote iwi Maori. | Te Tiriti o Waitangi, | Hanuere [space], 1892. [no imprint. 1892]

1 sheet ([l] p.); 270x182 mm. In the only copy located (at Archives New Zealand) specific date ‘26’ has been added by hand in the space following ■Hanuere'

Invitation signed by Chairperson Heta Te Haara to the Kotahitanga meeting held at Waitangi on 14 April 1892; see no. 1319 for a record of proceedings and further information. The only copy located (ANZ, MAI 1892/1432; datestamped on the verso 'Ohaeawai, 28 January 1892') is among documents sent by R. S. Bush (Resident Magistrate, Tauranga) to Native Minister Cadman on 3 February 1892. With the file copy is a manuscript translation by George H. Davies that identifies the purpose of the meeting as ‘uniting the Maori tribes' and 'to adopt measures to counteract the oppressive laws of the Parliament of New Zealand'.

Copies: ANZ (MAI 1892/1432); WTU photocopy.


RENAO, Hanawira Pererika

Letter. 31 August 1892. about the first session of the Maori Parliament.

He korero | [ornamental rule ] | Mo | Tiriti o Waitangi. | [double rule ] | R. E. Hornblow, Printer, Masterton. [1892?]

[l6] p.: 143x108 mm.; textured cream paper covers. Title from cover. Page [l6] blank. Caption title p. [l]; He Korero, | [ornamental rule] | Puketiritir, [sic] Akarana, | 31 Akuhatu. 1892. | [, . .]' At end of text: ‘Heoi ano. Na to koutou boa pona. | Na Hanawira Pererika Renao, Akarana.'.




Letter to the editor dated 31 August 1892 about Maori Parliament matters after its first session at Waipatu in June (see no. 1320). The author has not been identified (possibly ’Reynolds') nor has Puketiritir[i], Auckland. From subsequent references, e.g. in Huia tangata kotahi. 5 August 1893, p. 1, Renao’s letter was printed in 1892 in the Otaki times, but no copies of that newspaper survive from that year. This separate issue, possibly a translation of the original letter, was presumably printed during 1892.

Copies: Private Coll., WTU (in MS-Papers-5108-1 (without cover): also photocopy)


RONGOA HIPI na Poari Rongoa rongo nu

Leaflet advertising a remedy for treating sheep.

Ford’s Scour and Lung Mixture circular: Maori edition, | Rongoa hi [pi] | na Poari | rongoa rongo n[u] | Ku pa kite ao katoa | [Royal Arms] | (E arai tia ana a te Karauna te waihunga o tenea rougoa [i.e. rongoa] e tatahi atu tangata.) I [rule] 1 f/2 lines. I rule and 1 illustration (sheep)] | J. Gamble,

Printer, Ashburton. [1892?]

1 folded sheet ([B] p ), ill.; 210x532 mm. folded to 210x133 mm. Printed in blue and red on pink paper. Title-page (except first line and imprint) within ornamental border. WTU copy damaged, affecting two lines of title.

Leaflet advertising Ford’s (‘Poari’) Scour and Lung mixture, a remedy for sheep, with testimonials as to its efficacy. From internal evidence it was issued after June 1892.

Copies: WTU.


S. R.

Religious tract. The Indian and the worm.

(No. 19. | [ornament] | Te karere | o te | Kongo Pai. 1 [double rule] \ Te Iniana mete toke. 1 [rule] | Tera tetahi Iniana kaumatua, i arahina e te aroha-noa o | te Atua kia kite ia i a Ihu tona kaiwhakaora (. . .] | [. . .] [Printed at the Herald Office for the N.Z. Native Tract Institution. [Gisborne: 1892?]]

1 sheet (2 p.); 187x125 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 2. At end of text p. 2: 'From "The Indian and the worm,” by S.R.’.

Series: Te karere o te Kongo Pai, no. 19.

A religious tract ‘Te Iniana mete toke’ by S. R. (not identified), translated by Joseph Baker, and some questions (p. 2) connecting the story with Christian belief, as a measure of the reader’s faith. It was produced in the financial year to 31 August 1892 presumably after June when no. 18 was probably produced (see no. 1321). Tract no. 20 was not produced until about 1897 (no. 1501).

See no. 1147 for further information on the series.

Williams 698/19. Copies: AP, DL, WTU.


1 346



SOUTH ISLAND native settlements . . .

Detailed listing of southern South Island Maori.

G.-l. | 1892. | New Zealand. | [rule] | South Island native settlements | (return of native residents in 1891 at the). | [rule] | Return to an Order of the House of Representatives, dated 15th September. 1891. | Ordered, "That a return be laid before this House comprising the list of names furnished to Mr Commissioner | Mackay of all the native residents at the several settlements in the South Island in 1891, inclusive of their relatives | in other parts of the colony.”-(Mr. Parata.) | [rule] | [. . .] [By authority:

George Didsbury, Government Printer, Wellington.-1892.]

37, [l] p,; 324X207 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 37. Page [3B] blank. At end of text: ‘Approximate cost of paper.-Preparation, not given; printing (1,300 copies), £24 10s.’. Below colophon: ‘Price, ls.)‘.

AJHR, 1892, G-l. Lists of 2565 Maori arranged by location, giving full name, sex, age (over/under 14). ethnicity (Maori or half, quarter or one-eighth partMaori), and location, including family members living elsewhere. Some additional notes, e.g. of married names. The information is a more detailed and better organised version of that included in the reports of Alexander Mackay's investigation into South Island land claims (AJHR, 1891. Session 2, G-7 and G-7a) and relates to central and southern parts of the South Island (Canterbury, Otago, Southland) and Stewart and Ruapuke islands. The 1891 census (see no. 1313) had recorded a significantly smaller Maori population.

Copies: WTU (in bound vol., AJHR).


TAWHIAO, Tukaroto Matutaera Potatau Te Wherowhero

(d. 1894)

Speech at opening of Kingitanga assembly. 5 May 1892.

Te huinga tuawha o te [Ka- ?] | uhanganui o Aotearoa. | [rule] \

Maungakawa, Kemureti, Waikato, | Take, 5 o nga ra o Mei, 1892. | Nga whai-Korero a Kingi Tawhiao. 1 Taku kupu tonu ake, kia rongo tonu mai koutou, tenei kupu aku, he Aumihi atu, ki a | koutou katoa katoa katoa — [, . .]| [5B lines] | Heoi ano aku kupu. | [rule] | I taia tenei kite Perehi a te Kingitanga o te iwi Maori o Aotearoa, e T. K. Maungapohatu, Pai ta te Kingitanga. [Maungakawa, Waikato: 1892]

I sheet ([l] p.); 363x278 mm, WTU copy damaged, affecting title. Text includes macrons and other diacritics. The Kingitanga printer is identified in Te paki o Matariki (S3l), 6 October 1892, p. 8 and p. 1 1, as T. K. M. (and also as T. U. K. M.) Hadfield, Maungakawa, near Cambridge CKemureti’).

Speech by Tawhiao on 5 May 1892 at the opening of the fourth session of his Convention of Chiefs (‘Kauhanganui’), in which he acknowledged his error in accepting a government pension. Responses from others as to whether members should stay at the meeting or leave are also included. A contemporary translation by George H. Davies is in Archives New Zealand (MAI 1892/1432).

Tawhiao refused to join the Kotahitanga movement; for further information on this alternative assembly established in 1891, which




continued to meet until the 19205, see J. A. Williams, The politics of the New Zealand Maori (Auckland, 1969), p. 40-47, and L. Cox, Kotahitanga (Auckland. 1993). p. 58-60. See also Bateman New Zealand historical atlas (Auckland, 1997), plate 83, for a summary of movements that promoted Maori selfdetermination.

Copies: WTU (in MSI-Papers-4449-27).


He WHAIKORERO na tetahi minita

Religious tract. The minister’s story.

(No. 17. | [ ornament ] | Te karere | o te | Rongo Pai. | [double rule ] | He whaikorero na tetahi minita. | [rule] | I te kauwhau ahau i nga ahiahi i tatahi, i te takiwa o tetahi | taone i te taha moana, a i tetahi ahiahi, [, . ,] | [. . ,] [Printed at the Herald Office for the N.Z. Native Tract Institution.

[Gisborne: 1892?]]

1 folded sheet (4 p.); 187x125 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 4. At end of main text p. 3: ‘(From “The minister’s story," in “Faithful words." Wellington, N.Z.)’.

Series: Te karere o te Rongo Pai, no. 17.

Religious tract of two texts by unidentified authors translated by Joseph Baker: ‘He whaikorero na tetahi minita' (p. [l]-3) and 'Kei muri te mate: kei mua te kororia' (‘(“Death behind; glory before." C., Wellington N.Z,)’; p. 4). Payment to the printer on 22 March 1892 suggests it was produced early in 1892, probably in the standard print run of 3,000 copies (New Zealand Native Tract Institution. Minute book 1885-1901; WTU, MS-Papers-1661).

See no. 1147 for further information on the series.

Williams 698/17. Copies: AP, DUHO, WTU.

WILLIAMS, William (1808-1878)


Fourth edition of Maori-English. English-Maori dictionary.

A | dictionary | of the i New Zealand language | by the Right Reverend | William Williams, D.C.L. | Bishop of Waiapu, New Zealand. 1 Fourth editiot | with numerous additions and corrections, an introduction, | and a new English-Maori vocabulary. | By the Venerable | W. L. Williams, B.A. | Archdeacon of Waiapu. | [heraldic device, with motto ‘Dominus regnavit laetentur insulae’] | Upton and Co., | Auckland. | Williams and Norgate, | 14 Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, London, and 20, South Frederick 1

Street, Edinburgh. | 1892.

xv, [l], 325, [3] p.; 215x140 mm.; green cloth boards with blind tooling. Pages [ii] and [327-328] blank. Colophon p. [326]; ’Printed by | R. Coupland Harding | Wellington and Napier, New Zealand.'. Title on spine: ‘Williams's 1 dictionary | of the | New Zealand | language.'. Bound by Lyon & Blair, Wellington (label inside back cover).

The fourth edition of a work first published in 1844 (no. 217), with a second edition in 1852 (no. 435). The revision, as for the third edition (no, 768), was by William Leonard Williams, eldest son of the original author. The preface and introductory grammatical notes are the same as in the third edition, but




its section of sentences is omitted. The Maori-English section (p.[l]-236) has some additional entries but the English-Maori section (p. [237]-320) is considerably enlarged. The final section is 'Addenda & Corrigenda (p. [32 l- ]

Several editions were published in the twentieth century (see Bagnall Wl3lB etc.).

Williams 816, Bagnall W1317. Copies: AP, AR, WTU.


ANDREWES, Lancelot (1555-1626)

Reprint of extracts from a selection oj private prayers.

He kupu | ma te ngakau inoi 1 “Kei whakamutua te inoi."—l Teha. 5. 17. | No Akarana: [i.e. Auckland] | Taia kite Perehi a McCullough. | 1893

[4], 19, [l] p.; 208x130 mm.; purple cloth boards (blank). Prelim, pages: titlepage (verso blank) and prefatory note signed 'Naku, na Hori Kerei’ (verso blank). Page [2o] blank.

Prayers for each day of the week from the Bishop ot Winchester s collection of private prayers. The text of this issue is from p. 1-19 of the 1850 edition (no. 403) with the seven-line opening of the Sunday morning prayer repeated at the start of each day. In the prefatory note Sir George Grey (‘Hori Kerei') states he assisted in setting the type of the first edition in Maori in 1845 (no. 218). For other editions see no. 318, 726 and 1122.

Williams 849 a. Copies: NLA, WTU.



Reprint of small format Book of Common Prayer.

Te Pukapuka | o nga Inoi, | me era atu tikanga | a te Hahi o Ingaram 1 mo te minitatanga | o nga hakarameta, | o era atu ritenga hoki a te Hahi; 1 me nga Waiata ano hoki a Rawiri; | mete tikanga | mo te motuhanga | i te pihopa, i te piriti, i te rikona. | Ranana: [i.e. London] 1 I kiia tenei kia taia e te Komiti mo te Whakapuaki 1 i te Mohiotanga ki a te Karaiti. | [rule] \ 1893.

xxviii, 474. [2], 475-491. [l] p.: 138x81 mm.; stiffened black leather covers. Integral unnumbered blank leaf preceding p. 475 (conjugate with p. 491[492], signature Z). Page [492] blank. Colophon p. [ii]: 'London; | Printed by Gilbert and Rivington, Ld., 1 St. John’s House. Clerkenwell Road, E.C.'. Title on spine: Maori | Prayer'. Published by the SPCK ('te Komiti mo te Whakapuaki i te Mohiotanga ki a te Karaiti’).

A further reprint of 1,000 copies (according to Williams) of the small format Anglican prayer book in the 1887 edition (no 1175).

Other issues and editions of the Anglican prayer book are listed at no. 19.

Williams 848, Bagnall C 795. Copies: WTU.


CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST of Latter-day Saints

Mormon Articles of Faith and Bible extracts explaining religious topics.

He whakaaturanga tere. | He huihuinga no nga rarangi Karaipiture, 1 he mea ata whakatokoto ki tona wahi ki tona | wahi kia rite ki tona tikanga ki



CUTTING. GEORGE (1845-1434)

| tona tikanga. | [rule] | He mea ata whakarite ma nga kai kauwhau me nga | kai-ako Karaipiture. | [rule] | Akarana: [i.e. Auckland] | He mea tana Henare Perete, I Hotereni-Tiriti. [1893?]

vii, [l], 174, [2] p,: 160x107 mm.; blue cloth or stiffened black or reddish purple leather covers (blank), some copies with a foldover self-closing flap. Pages [ii], [iv], [viii], [175-176] blank. Printed by Henry Brett (Henare Perete).

Beliefs and supporting scriptural documentation, for preachers and teachers of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints ('Te Hahi o Ihu Karaiti o te Hunga Tapu o Muri Nei’). known as the Mormon Church. The preface ('He korero whakaatu', p. [iii]) is signed ‘W. T. Tuati’ (William T. Stewart, Mission President), 17 September 1893. The main text comprises Articles of Faith ('Nga tikanga ote whakapono ote Hahi . . p. [l]-4), a collection of Bible extracts (’He whakaaturanga tere’, p. [s]-171) and chronologies (p. 172-174). The Bible extracts (p. [s]-171) are arranged in 27 sections relating to Mormon religious practices, with marginal notes and references to the Book of Mormon. It was reprinted in 1939.

The compiler and translator was missionary Ezra Foss Richards, who refers in his diary (10-13 August 1886) to translating the Articles of faith and compiling references (E. F. Richards, Diary, Archives of the Mormon experience, Brigham Young University, Utah: microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-0870-6). The Bible texts are taken from the 1868 edition (no. 716). Richards was also one of the translators of the Book of Mormon, published in 1889 (no. 1242).

Williams 852, Bagnall SI 858. Copies: AR, NLA. WTU.

CUTTING, George (1843-1934)


Religious tract on salvation and happiness.

Ora-tuturu, | mohiotanga-tuturu. | Mete | hari-tuturu. | [rule] | Translated from the English. | [rule] \A. S. Rouse, | 15 & 16, Paternoster Square,

London. 1 [rule] \ Price one penny, [ca, 1893]

46, [2] p. 1 18x74 mm. Title within ornamental border incorporating ’Maori.’ at head. Pages [2] and [47] blank. At end of text: ’Na Hori Katinga.’. On p, [4B]: 'Bible and Tract Depot, | Cuba Street, 1 Wellington. N.Z. | [rule] | Bible and Tract Depot, | Karangahope [sic] Road, | Newton, Auckland. N.Z.’. Text inside single rule border.

Translation of the well-known (and still in print in 2003) Brethren tract Safety, certainty and enjoyment by George Cutting (‘Hori Katinga’), first published in London by Broom and Rouse, ca. 1 890. Williams’s publication date has been followed, but has not been confirmed. Publication may be later; A. S. Rouse imorints date from 1893 to 1905.

Williams 843. Conies: WTU.


G. J. S.

Religious tract on absolution.

Te tau wetekanga ate 1 Atua. |Te whanaunga—te manene. | [rule] \Na Hori Hemi Tuari (G.J.S.) | [rule] \ [quotation. 3 lines] | Rewitikuha xxv, 9. 1




[ornamental rule] | Auckland: | Bible Book and Tract Depot. | Karangahape Road. [ca. 1893]

20 p.; 114x82 mm.; pale blue or cream paper covers. Title (different setting) on front cover inside ornamental border. At end of text p. 20; ’G.J.S.’. Colophon p. 20: ’C. H. Murray, Printer. Auckland.’.

A religious tract about absolution based on Leviticus 25:9 and presumably translated from an unidentified English original. Dated from directory listings of the printer and publisher. The author’s name ’Hori Hemi Tuari’ is assumed to be a Maori transliteration of George? James? Stuart? (or Stewart?) hence ’G.J.S.’, unidentified author of tracts in English, see Bagnall SI and S2.

Sommerville 1151. Copies: WTU.


Religious tract on the law and grace.

Te ture | me 1 te aroha noa. | [ornament] \ [double rule] \ [quotatton. 2 lines] | Nga Karatia; Upoko 4; 4. | [double rule] | [ornament] \ Te Whare-hoko Paipera me | era atu Pukapuka o te Rongo-Pai. | [parallel 3-line imprints separated by vertical rule:] Poneke: [i.e. Wellington] | Kei 16, Kiupa | Tiriti. | Akarana: [i.e. Auckland] | Kei Karangahape | Rori; Nutana. [ca. 1893]

16 p.; 118x83 mm.; green-grey paper covers. Title from cover; title within double rule border. Colophon p. 16: ’C. H. Murray, Printer, Auckland.'. At end of text p, 15; •H.H.T.’. Published by the Bible, Book and Tract Depot (’Te Whare-hoko Paipera me era atu Pukapuka o te Rongo-Pai’),

Religious tract on the law and grace, a quite different text from an earlier tract of the same title (no. 725) and presumably translated from an unidentified English original. Dated from directory listings of the printer and publisher. From the related publication (no. 1353) H.H.T. are assumed to be the initials for 'Hori Hemi Tuari', a Maori transliteration of George? James? Stuart? (or Stewart?), i.e. ’G.J.S.’, an unidentified author.

Copies: WTU.



Twenty hymns in Maori, from a larger collection.

Himene, | [ornamental rule] | 1 888888. Rangi, St. Matthias. 348. | 1 E Ihu, e te Kingi nui, | hohorotia e koe te ra 1 e tino whakapono ai | te ao katoa ki tou ingoa, | [. . .] [no imprint. Gisborne?: Printed at the Office of the Poverty Bay Herald?, 1893?]

16 p.; 126x78 mm.; pale grey paper covers (blank). Caption title.

Twenty hymns taken from the collection printed by Coupland Harding, most recently in 1890 (no. 1276), each with the metre and the name of the tune printed above the first stanza. Probably prepared for use in the Diocese of Waiapu to accompany the reprint of the prayer book (no. 1350). Williams states that it was printed in Gisborne in 1893, which indicates the printer was probably the office of the Poverty Bay herald newspaper, which produced almanacs and Native Church Board reports about this time.

Williams 849. Copies: NLA, WTU.


I 356



Te KARORO tipi hau

Petition sent to the Queen in 1891 and the response, with related material. [2 ornaments (birds)] | Te karoro | tipi hau. | [ornament] | Fie kimihanga, he hahaunga | i te | whare nui o Tongameha. | [ornamental rule] | Printed at the Bay of Plenty Times Office, Tauranga. | 1893

[2], 20, [2] p.; 133x103 mm.; pink paper covers. Title from cover, printed in blue inside ornamental border. Prelim, pages and p, [2], [4], [2l-22] blank. Text pages bordered with single rule.

An account (translated title: ‘The gliding seagull') of efforts to involve the British government in the resolution of Maori grievances through a petition to the Queen (no. 1203 and 1205) sent in 1891. It reprints the petition and the official response that the British government declared the New Zealand government to be responsible, with some additional material explaining the rationale and how legislation had suppressed Maori. Part of the text was reprinted in Huia tangata kotahi, 11 March 1893, p. 8.

Williams 853, Bagnall K34. Copies: WTU.



Document about the Kingitanga Convention of Chiefs.

[Te Kauhanganui o Aotearoa; actual title not known; no copy located. Maungakawa, Waikato: 1893]

Physical details not known: no copy located. Description from secondary source.

A document dated 2 May 1893 relating to the Convention of Chiefs (Kauhanganui) established by King Tawhiao in 1891 and quite separate from the Kotahitanga Maori Parliament, which the Kingites refused to join. Although no copy has been located, this item is recorded in a list of material relating to the Kingitanga in the possession of Te Puea Herangi (E. Ramsden, Report, 31 January 1943, Mitchell Library, Sydney, AN 57/1; photocopy at WTU, MS-Paners-0823).

For further background on the Kauhanganui see J. A. Williams, Politics of the New Zealand Maori (Auckland, 1969). p. 44-47, and L. Cox. Kotahitanga (Auckland, 1993), p. 58-60.

No copy located.



Petition and proposed Act enabling self-government by Maori.

J.-l. I 1893. | New Zealand. | [rule] \ Federated Maori Assembly of New Zealand | (petition of the). | [rule] \ Presented by Mr. Tanner, and ordered to be printed. | [rule] | [. . .] [By authority: Samuel Costall, Government Printer, Wellington.-! 893.]

5, [l] p.: 314x197 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 5. Page [6l blank. At end of text: 'Approximate cost of paper-Preparation, not given; printing (1,525 copies), £4.'. Below colophon: 'Price, 6d.)'. Samuel Costall was appointed Government Printer following the death of George Didsbury in




April 1893; see W. A Glue, The history of the Government Printing Office (Wellington, 1966). p. 91-92.

AJHR. 1893, J-l. Petition and proposed Act in English (p. [ 1 ]-3) and Maori (p. 3-5) seeking to establish self-government by Maori, especially in administration of their lands. The petition in this printing is signed 'Meiha Keepa Rangihiwinui (Major Kemp) and 55 others'. For other printings of the texts see no. 1359-1361 and 1388.

The Native Affairs Committee reported that 'as the prayer of this petition involves a radical change in the government of the colony, the Committee declines to make any recommendation in connection therewith' (AJHR. 1 893, 1-3, p. 6, No. 104).

Copies: WTU (in bound vol., AJHR).


Proceedings of the second Kotahitanga parliament, April/May 1893.

Nga Pire kiha paahi 1 i te whare. | 1. Na H. Mangakahia. He pire hei whakahohoro i to haina- | tanga tuarua i nga pukapuka kiri hipi. 1 [Bills 2-8 with names of those introducing them. 11 lines] [no imprint. Hastings?:

Printed by George & Young?, 1893?]

[4], 82 p? ca. 230x150 mm. Physical details not confirmed: entry prepared from microfilm of copy which is probably incomplete. Printed in two columns. Prelim. pages: 'Nga Pire kiha paahi i te whare’ (verso blank); ‘Whakapuaretanga ote Paremata Maori’ (p. [3]): 'Paremata i Te Waipatu’ (p. [4]).

Caption title p. [l] (second sequence): 'Paremata Maori. | [ornament] 1 Waipatu. 1893. | [rate] | Ripoata ate Komiti. | [rate] | Aperira 17, 1893. | [rate] I [■ ■ .]’•

The proceedings, including division lists, of the second Kotahitanga Parliament held at Waipatu (Hawke’s Bay) in April/May 1893 (p. 1-71) and the texts of the Bills passed by the two houses (p. 71-82). The main text is preceded by the list of 8 Bills not passed (p. [l]). a preface signed by the President Heta Te Hara [i.e. Te Haara] (p. (3)), and a short note concerning the preliminary meeting held on 13 April (p. [4]), at which a Committee determined the procedure for voting. See no, 1320 (proceedings of the first Maori Parliament) for additional information.

The text of proceedings (to p. 71) is reprinted from Huia tangata kotahi. 29 April-8 July 1893, and this publication was almost certainly produced by the same printers, George & Young ('Teoti me langa’). Two sections, the Act enabling Maori self-government (p. 72-74) and the petition (p. 79-82), were also issued separately in a different format (no. 1360-1361) and both also appeared in parliamentary papers (no. 1358 and 1388).

Copies: WTU (microfilm and printout, of unidentified original).


Act enabling self-government by Maori, especially in matters of their land. lure Huinga Whakamana Kotahitanga Maori. | [ ornamental rule] | He lure hei whakamana i nga Maori kite hanga tikanga whakahaere mo ratou whenua | meo ratou taonga — | [introductory paragraph and 10 numbered



I 361

clauses. 53 lines] [no imprint. Hastings?: Printed by George & Young?, 1893?]

1 sheet ([l] p ); 318x200 mm.

A separate printing of a Bill passed by the second Kotahitanga Parliament forwarded for enactment by Parliament with an accompanying petition (no. 1361). 'The Federated Maori Assembly Empowering Act 1893' empowered Maori to be self-governing, especially in administration of land they owned, and abolished the Native Land Court. For other printings of the text see no. 1358-1359 and I 388.

The only copy located of this priming is bound with Huia kotahi tangata. 5 August 1893, suggesting it was distributed with this issue and printed by the same printers as that newspaper (533).

Copies: WTU.


Petition, 23 May 1893, seeking self-government by Maori.

Waipatu, Turei, Mei 23rd, 1893. | Kinga rangatira mete tumuaki me nga mema ote Runanga Nui kua | hui kite Paremata. | He pitihana whakaiti onga tangata Maori i kowhiria e nga iwi | Maori ote huinga kotahitanga o Niu Tireni. | 1. Ko o koutou kai inoi me nga tamariki me nga uri ote iwi Maori nui tonu i ata koropiko i ata rere | marie ki raro ite mana ote Karauna o Ingarangi [. . .] [no imprint. Hastings?: Printed by George & Young?, 1893?]

[2] leaves; 318x200 mm. Caption title.

A petition seeking the right for Maori to be self-governing and manage their own land. An initial 26 numbered clauses summarise the issues, followed by 6 clauses of the petition, most relating to the structure of the proposed 'Federated Maori Assembly’. It was accompanied by the Act passed at the second Kotahitanga Parliament (no. 1360). For other printings of the text see no. 1358-1359 and 1388.

The only copy located is bound with Huia kotahi tangata, 5 August 1893, suggesting it was distributed with this issue and printed by the same printers as that newspaper (533).

Copies: WTU (in Huia kotahi tangata, 5 August 1893).

Entries 1362-1375 are filed in alphabetical order of the English title.



Parts of the Electoral Act 1893 including amendments.

Electoral Act, 1893, as amended by the Electoral | Law Amendment Act, 1893. | Niu Tireni. | [Royal Arms] \ lure Pooti. | [rule] | He Tore hei

whakatika hei whakatopu i nga tore e whakarite ana | i nga mana me nga huarahi rehitatanga kaipooti, hei whakarite | tikanga whakahaere mo nga pootitanga mema mo te Whare 1 Runanga o te Paremete. | [. . .] [He mea

whakamana, i taia e S. Costall, Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga,

Weringitana. [i.e. Wellington] -1893.]

6 p.; 266x209 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 6. Printed by




Samuel Costall (’Hamuera Kohitare’ in the following entries), Government Printer (’Kai-ta a te Kawanatanga’), who was appointed following the death of George Didsbury in April 1893; see W. A Glue, The history of the Government Printing Office (Wellington. 1966), p. 91-92.

Short titles: Te Ture Pooti. 1893.’ (Electoral Act 1893) and 'Te Ture Whakatikatika i te Ture Pooti, 1893,’ (Electoral Law Amendment Act 1893).

Translation of sections (or parts thereof) 1-3, 6-7, 148-156, and Form C of Schedule 19 of the Electoral Act 1893 (1893, No. 18) incorporating amendments made in the Electoral Law Amendment Act 1893 (1893. No. 54). The Analysis and marginal notes are not included. The sections printed from the complete Act (170 sections and 20 Schedules) are those relating to Maori representation. The Maori text was reprinted in Huia tangata kotahi, 9 December 1893, p. 3-4.

The Bill was introduced by Seddon in the House on 28 June and passed all stages by 4 October after a lengthy debate much of which focused on the question of women’s suffrage (enacted and implemented in the November 1893 election). No Maori version of the Bill (or parts of it) has been identified. The extracts from the Act in Maori were included with an equivalent English text in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1893 (522/1893).

Williams 854. Copies: AP, WTU (in collected vol.).


Fencing Act 1881 Amendment Act 1893.

(Fencing Act 1881 Amendment. 1893. | NiuTireni. | [Royal Arms] \ Ture Whakatikatika i te Ture Taiapa. 1881. | [rule] \ He Ture hei whakatikatika ano i "Te Ture Taiapa, 1881.” | [. . .] [He mea whakamana, i taia e Hamuera Kohitare, Kai-ta a te Kawanatanga, Weringitana, [i.e. Wellington] -1893.]

1 sheet (2 p.); 266x209 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 2. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: ‘Te Ture Whakatikatika 1893 i te Ture Taiapa, 1881.’.

Translation of the Fencing Act 1881 Amendment Act 1893 (1893, No. 30) omitting the Analysis and marginal notes. The Bill (see no. 1376 for a Maori version) was introduced by William Buckland in the House on 5 July and after significant changes passed all stages by 19 September. The Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1893 (522/1893).

Williams 855. Copies: AP, WTU (in collected vol.).


Sections I and 4. Land Drainage Act 1893.

(Land Drainage. 1893.—N0. 46. | NiuTireni. | [Royal Arms] \ lure Whakamaroke Whenua. | [rule] \ He lure hei whakamaroke i nga whenua paamu me nga whenua | haerenga kararehe. (6 o Oketopa, 1893. | [32 lines and I row of asterisks] \ [rule] | He mea i whakahau, i taia e S. Costall. Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Weringitana. tie. Wellington] -1893.




1 sheet ([l] p ): 266x209 mm. Printed by the Government Printer. Short title; Te Ture Whakamaroke Whenua, 1893.’.

Translation of sections I (short title) and 4 of the Land Drainage Act 1893 (1893, No. 46). Section 4 (from the complete Act of 79 sections) covers the application of the Act to land owned by Maori. The Bill was introduced by John McKenzie in the House on 27 June and passed all stages by 6 October. No Maori version of the Bill (or parts of it) has been identified. The extracts from the Act in Maori were included with an equivalent English text in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1893 (522/1893),

Williams 856. Copies: AP, WTU (in collected vol.).


Mangatu No. I Empowering Act 1893.

(Mangatu No. 1 Empowering. 1893. | Niu Tireni. | [Royal Arms] \ Whakamana mo Mangatu Nama I. | [rule] \ Whakawhaititanga. | [analysis: 16 sections. 24 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] \ [rule] | He Ture hei whakakamupene i nga tangata no ratou te Mangatu | Nama 1 Poraka, hei whakarite hoki i nga whakahaerenga o | taua Poraka. | (. . .]

[He mea whakahau, i taia e S. Costall, Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Weringitana. [i.e. Wellington] -1893.1

1 folded sheet (4 p.): 266x209 mm. Caption title, imprint from colophon p 4. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: Te Ture Whakamana mo Mangatu Nama f, 1893.'.

Translation of the Mangatu No. 1 Empowering Act 1893 (1893, Private Acts, No. 4). It applies to the ownership and management of the Mangatu No. 1 Block near Te Karaka, East Coast. The two Schedules define the area of the land and list the approximately 180 owners. The Bill was introduced by Tame Parata in the House by petition on 5 July and passed all stages by 6 September. No Maori version of the Bill has been identified, and comments in Hansard about either the Government Printer or the office of the Poverty Bay herald newspaper having printed the Bill appear to refer to the English version ( NZPD . 1893, v. 79, p. 444); private legislation was also unlikely to be translated. The Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1893 (522/1893).

Williams 857. Copies: AP. WTU (in collected vol.).


Maori Real Estate Management Act 1888 Amendment Act 1893.

(Maori Real Estate Management Act 1888 Amendment, 1893. | Niu Tireni. | [Royal Arms] | lure Whakatikatika i te Ture Whakahaere i nga Whenua | Tuturu o nga Maori, 1888. | [rule] \ He Ture hei whakatikatika i “Te Ture Whakahaere i nga Whenua Tuturu | o nga Maori, 1888.” | [. . .] [He mea whakahau, i taia e S. Costall, Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Weringitana. [i.e. Wellington] -1893.]

1 sheet (2 p); 266x209 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 2. Printed by the Government Printer.




Short title. 'Te Ture Whakatikatika 1893 i te Ture Whakahaere i nga Whenua Tuturu o nga Maori, 1888.’.

Translation of the Maori Real Estate Management Act 1888 Amendment Act 1893 (1893, No. 40), omitting the Analysis and marginal notes. It covers general administrative matters and also specifically (section 8) land in Te Aroha affected by the will of Rina Mokena. The Bill (see no. 1 377 for a Maori version) was introduced by Carroll ('Timi Kara’) in the House on 21 September and passed all stages by 6 October. The Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1893 (522/1893). See no. 669 for further information on land legislation.

Williams 858. Copies: AP, WTU (in collected vol.).


Native Land Court Certificates Confirmation Act 1893.

(Native Land Court Certificates Confirmation. | Niu Tireni. | [Royal Arms] i Ture Whakapumau i nga Tiwhikete o te Kooti | Whenua Maori. | [rule] \ He Ture hei whakamana i etahi tiwhikete o te Kooti Whenua 1 Maori, he mea tuku i raro i “Te Ture Whakamana Take Whenua | Maori, 1892." | [. . .]

[He mea whakahau, i taia e S. Costall, Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Weringitana. [i.e. Wellington] -1893.]

9, [l] p ; 266x209 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 9. Page [lo] blank. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: 'Te Ture Whakapumau i nga Tiwhikete o te Kooti Whenua Maori. 1893.'.

Translation of the Native Land Court Certificates Confirmation Act 1893 (1893, No. 39) omitting the Analysis and marginal notes. It confirms validation of title decisions made by the Native Land Court. The Schedule (p. 3-9, mainly in English) lists the approximately 200 validated certificates, with details of the transaction, amount paid, name of applicant, and judge. The Bill was introduced by James Carroll in the House on 9 August and passed all stages by 5 October. No Maori version of the Bill has been identified. The Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1893 (522/1893). See no. 669 for further information on land legislation

Williams 859. Copies: AP, WTU (in collected vol.).


Native Land Purchase and Acquisition Act 1893.

(Native Land Purchase and Acquisition, 1893. | Niu Tireni. | [Royal Arms] \ Hoko Whakawhiwhi Whena [ i.e. Whenua] Maori. | [rule] \He Ture hei whakamana kia taea ai te hoko kia whiwhi ai ranei ki nga whenua 1 a nga Maori hei whenua whakanohonga tangata. | [. . .] [He mea whakahau, i taia e S. Costall, Kai-ta a te Kawanatanga, Weringitana. [i.e. Wellington] -1893 ]

12 p.; 266x209 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 12. Printed by the Government Printer

Short title: 'Te Ture HoKo Whakawhiwhi Whenua Maori, 1893.’.




Translation of the Native Land Purchase and Acquisition Act 1893 (1893, No. 41) omitting the Analysis and marginal notes. It provided for the acquisition and sale for settlement of seven million acres of currently unproductive land, mainly in the North Island. The Bill (27 clauses: see no. 1378 for a Maori version) was introduced by Minister of Lands John McKenzie ('Mekenehi') in the House on 6 July and passed all stages by 5 October. The synoptic analysis of the Bill in Maori was reprinted in Huia tangata kotahi, 2 September 1893, and a 33-clause version of the Bill in the same newspaper, 28 October 1893 The Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1893 (522/1893), See no. 669 for further information on land legislation.

Williams 860. Copies: AP. WTU (in collected vol.).


Native Land (Validation of Titles) Act 1893.

(Native Land (Validation of Titles), 1893. | Niu Tireni. 1 [Royal Arms] | Ture Whakamana Take Whenua Maori. | [rule] | He Ture hei whakatu i tetahi kooti hei whiriwhiri I nga tikanga \ hoko me nga riihi whenua Maori. | [. . .]

[He mea whakahau, i taia e S. Costall, Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga,

Weringitana. [i.e. Wellington] -1893.]

10 p.; 266x209 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p, 10. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title; 'Te Ture Whakamana Take Whenua Maori, 1893.'.

Translation of the Native Land (Validation of Titles) Act 1893 (1893, No. 38) omitting the Analysis and marginal notes. The Act established the Validation Court, with the intention of investigating and finally settling all disputes between Maori and Pakeha over land purchases and leases. For further information on the court, which ceased in 1909, see A. Ward, National overview (3 v.; Wellington 1997), v. 2, p. 282-286. See no. 669 for further information on land legislation.

The Bill (see no. 1379 for a Maori version) was introduced by James Carroll (‘Timi Kara’) in the House on 1 August and passed all stages by 3 October, The Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1893 (522/1893).

Williams 861. Copies: AP, WTU (in collected vol.).


Native Trusts and Claims Definition and Registration Act 1893.

(Native Trusts and Claims Definition and Registration, 1893. | Niu Tireni. | [Royal Arms] \ Jure Whakamarama Rehita Hoki i nga Tiaki | Maori me nga Tono, 1893. 1 [rule] \ He Ture hei whakamarama hei whakamana i nga tikanga e pa ana | ki etahi tiaki Maori me nga tono. | [. . .] [He mea whakahau, i taia e S. Costall, Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Weringitana. [i.e. Wellington] -1893 ]

1 folded sheet (3, [l]) p.; 266x209 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 3. Page [4] blank. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: Te lure Whakamarama Rehita Hoki i nga Tiaki Maori me nga Tono, 1893.’,




Translation of the Native Trusts and Claims Definition and Registration Act 1893 (1893, No. 22) omitting the Analysis and marginal notes. The provisions, relating to trusts and equitable owners, were of a technical administrative nature. The Bill was introduced by Carroll in the House on 29 June and passed all stages by 14 September. No Maori version of the Bill has been identified. During the debate in the Legislative Council on 25 August, Taiaroa said that he had not received a final translation of the Bill, but it is not clear whether he was referring to a printed version ( NZPD , 1893, v. 81, p, 341). The Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1893 (522/1893). See no. 669 for further information on land legislation.

Williams 862. Copies: AP, WTU (in collected vol.).


Part 2 (sections 15-21), Ratinq Acts Amendment Act 1893.

(Rating Acts Amendment, 1893. | Niu Tireni. | [Royal Arms] \ Ture Whakatikatika i nga Ture Reiti. | [rule] | He Ture hei whakatikatika i nga Ture Reiti, hei panui hoki i nga whenua | Maori katoa he whenua e tika ana kia utu reiti. | [. . .] [He mea whakahau, i taia eS. Costall, Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Weringitana. [i.e. Wellington] -1893.]

I folded sheet (3, [l] p.); 266x209 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 3. Page [4] blank. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: 'Te Ture Whakatikatika 1893 i nga Ture Reiti.’.

Translation of Part 2 ('Rating of Native land’, sections 15-21) of the Rating Acts Amendment Act, 1893 (1893, No. 43), preceded by the long and short titles of the complete Act (of 21 sections) but omitting the marginal notes, it extended the categories of Maori land subject to rates. The Bill (see no. 1380 for a Maori version) was introduced by the Colonial Treasurer Joseph Ward (’te Waari’) on 27 June and passed all stages by 5 October. The Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1893 (522/1893). For background on the Act see T. Bennion, Maori and ratinq law (Wellington. 1997), p. 25-28.

Williams 863. Copies: AP; WTU (in collected vol.).


Rohe Potae Investigation of Title Act Amendment Act 1893.

(Rohe Potae Investigation of Title Act Amendment Act, 1893. | Niu Tireni. | [Royal Arms] | Ture Whakatikatika i te Ture Whiriwhiri i nga | Take kite Rohe Potae. | [rule] | He Ture hei whakatikatika i "Te Ture Whiriwhiri i nga Take | kite Rohe Potae, 1892.” | [. . .] [He mea whakahau, i taia eS.

Costall, Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Weringitana. [i.e. Wellington] -1893 ]

I sheet (2 p): 266x209 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 2. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: “Te Tore Whakatikatika. 1893.” i te Ture Whiriwhiri i nga Take kite Rohe Potae.’.

Translation of the Rohe Potae Investigation of Title Act Amendment Act 1893




(1893, No. 13) omitting the Analysis and marginal notes. It relates to parts of the Hauturu and Mangapara Blocks in the King Country. The Bill (see no. 1381 for a Maori version) was introduced by Carroll ('Timi Kara') in the House on 25 July and passed all stages by 29 August. The Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1893 (522/I893).

Williams 864. Copies: AP. WTU (in collected vol ).


Timber-floating Act Amendment Act 1893.

(Timber-floating, 1893.-No. 29. | Niu Tireni. | [Royal Arms] \ Ture Whakatikatika i te Ture Whakatere | Rakau. | [rule] | He Ture hei whakatikatika i “Te Ture Whakatere Rakau, 1884." | (27 o Hepetema, 1893. | [l9 lines] \ [rule] | He mea whakahau, i taia e S. Costall, Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Weringitana. [i.e. Wellington] -1893.

1 sheet ([l] p ); 266x209 mm. Printed by the Government Printer. Short title: ‘Te Ture Whakatikatika 1893 i te Ture Whakatere Rakau.'. Translation of the Timber-floating Act Amendment Act 1893 (1893, No. 29) omitting the Analysis and marginal notes. It comprises one substantive section that provided for a penalty for wilfully causing obstructions in waterways. The Bill was introduced by Sir Patrick Buckley in the Legislative Council on 27 July and passed all stages by 18 September with very little discussion. No Maori version of the Bill has been identified. The Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1893 (522/1893).

Williams 865. Copies: AP, WTU (in collected vol.).


Wanganui River Trust Act Amendment Act 1893.

Wanganui River Trust Act Amendment, 1893. | Niu Tireni. | [Royal Arms] \ Whakatikatika i te Ture Tiaki mo te Awa o Whanganui. | [rule] | He Ture hei whakatika i “Te Ture Tiaki mo te Awa o Whanganui, 1891." 1 [3/ lines] | [rule] | He mea whakamana, i taia e S. Costall, Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Weringitana. [i.e. Wellington] -1893.

1 sheet ([l] p.); 266x209 mm. Printed by the Government Printer

Short title: 'Te Ture Whakatikatika 1893 i te Ture Tiaki i te Awa o Whanganui.’.

Translation of the Wanganui River Trust Act Amendment Act 1893 (1893. Local Acts, No. 22), omitting the Analysis and marginal notes. It amended the original Act of 1891 (see no. **1306) and enabled the Whanganui River trustees to remove obstructions to navigation and Maori to apply for compensation for damage. The Bill (see no. 1382 for a Maori version) was introduced by A. D. Willis ('te Wirihi’). MHR for Wanganui, on 17 August and passed all stages by 29 September. The Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1893 (522/1893),

Williams 866, Copies: AP, WTU (in collected vol.).





Wesf Coast Settlement Reserves Act 1892 Amendment Act 1893.

(West Coast Settlement Reserves Act Amendment, 1893. | Niu Tireni. | [Royal Arms] | Ture Whakatikatika i te Ture Whakatau Rahui | o te Tai Hauauru. | [rule] | He Ture hei whakatikatika i "Te Ture Whakatau Rahui o te | Tai Hauauru, 1892." | [. . .] [He mea whakahau, i taia e S. Costall,

Kaita Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Weringitana. [i.e. Wellington] -1893.]

1 folded sheet (4 p ); 266x209 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 4. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: 'Te Ture Whakatikatika. 1893, i te Ture Whakatau Rahui o te Tai Hauauru.'.

Translation of the West Coast Settlement Reserves Act 1892 Amendment Act 1893 (1893, No. 17) omitting the Analysis and marginal notes. It relates to leased lands in Taranaki. The Bill (see no. 1383 for a Maori version) was introduced by James Carroll (Timi Kara') on 5 July and passed all stages by 13 September. The Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1893 (522/1893).

Williams 867. Copies: AP, WTU (in collected vol.)

Entries 1376-1383 are filed in alphabetical order of the English title.

1376 NEW ZEALAND. Parliament

Fencing Act 1881 Amendment Bill 1893.

(Fencing Act 1881 Amendment. | Te Pakarana. | Ture Whakatikatika i te Ture Taiepa 1881. | [rule] 1 Whakawhaititanga. | [rule] | He Pire e huaina ana. | He Ture hei whakatikatika ano i “Te Ture Taipa, 1881.” | [3O lines] | [rule] | He mana i whakau, i taia a te Hamuere Kohitare, Kai-ta a te Kawanatanga. Weringitana. [i.e. Wellington] -1893.

1 sheet ([l] p.); 275x200 mm. Printed by Samuel Costall. Government Printer ('Hamuere Kohitare, Kai-ta a te Kawanatanga').

Short title: 'Ko te Ture Whakatikatika 1893 i te Ture Taiepa, 1881'.

Translation of the Fencing Act 1881 Amendment Bill 1893 (1893, No. 54) omitting the Analysis (though the heading ‘Whakawhaititanga’ is included), line numbering and marginal notes. For the resulting Act in Maori and additional information see no. 1363.

Copies: WGA; WTU (photocopy).


Maori Real Estate Management Act 1888 Amendment Bill 1893.

(Maori Real Estate Management Act 1888 Amendment. | Timi Kara. | Tare Whakahaere i nga Whenua Tuturu o nga Maori, | 1888. | [rule] \ Whakawhaititanga. | [rule] | He Pire i huaina | He Jure hei whakatikatika i "Te lure Whakahaere i nga Whenua Tuturu | o nga Maori, 1888.” 1 [5O lines] | [rule] | He mana whakau, i taia a te S. Costall, Kai-tai Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Weringitana. [i.e. Wellington] -1893.




1 sheet ([l] p ); 295x200 mm. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: ‘Te Ture Whakatikatika 1893 i te Ture Whakahaere i nga Whenua Tuturu o nga Maori. 1888.’,

Translation of the Maori Real Estate Management Act 1888 Amendment Bill 1893 (1893, No. 162) omitting the Analysis (though the heading ‘Whakawhaititanga’ is included), line numbering and marginal notes. For the resulting Act in Maori and additional information see no. 1366.

Copies: WGA; WTU (photocopy).


Native Land Purchase and Acquisition Bill 1893. with synoptic analysis. Synopsis, Native Land Purchase and Acquisition. | Whakamaramatanga. | [rule] | Mo te Ture Hoko, Whakawhiwhi Whenua Maori 1893. | E whakaatu ana te matua korero i te nui rawa o te whenua Maori kei Aotearoa e | whitu miriona eka kei te takoto mangere, [. . .] | [. . .] [He mea whakahau, i taia e S. Costall, Kai-ta a te Kawanatanga, Weringitana. [i.e. Wellington] -1893 ]

4, 10 p.; 275x200 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 10. Printed by the Government Printer.

Caption title p. 1 (second sequence); ‘(Native Land Purchase and Acquisition. | Ko Mekenehi. | Hoko Whakawhiwhi Whenua Maori. | [rule] | He Pire e huaina ana | He Ture hei whakamana i te hokonga whakawhiwhinga hoki o nga | whenua e mau ana ki nga Maori kia taea ai te whakanohonoho. I f. . T.

Short title: ‘Te Ture Hoko Whakawhiwhi Whenua Maori. 1893.’.

Translation of the Native Land Purchase and Acquisition Bill 1893 (1893, No. 90), preceded by the synoptic analysis (4 p ), but omitting the Analysis, line numbering and marginal notes. For the resulting Act in Maori and additional information see no. 1368.

Copies: WGA; WTU (photocopy).


Native Land (Validation of Titles) Bill 1893.

(Native Land (Validation of Titles). | Timi Kara. | Ture Whakamana Take Whenua Maori. | [rule] | Whakawhaititanga. | [rule] | He Fire i huaina | He Ture hei whakatu i tetahi kooti hei uiui i nga tikanga hoko | me nga riihi whenua Maori. | [. . .] [He mana i whakahua, i taia a te S. Costall, Kai-tai Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Weringitana. [i.e. Wellington] -1893.]

10 p.; 275x200 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 10. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: 'Te Ture Whakamana Take Whenua Maori. 1893,'.

Native Land (Validation of Titles) Bill 1893 (1893, No. 109) omitting the Analysis (though the heading 'Whakawhaititanga' is included), line numbering and marginal notes. For the resulting Act in Maori and additional information see no. 1 369

Copies: WGA: WTU (photocopy).





Part 2 (clauses 11-17). Rating Acts Amendment Bill 1893.

(Hon. Te Waari.) | Rating Acts Amendment. | Ture Whakatikatika i te Ture Reiti. 1 [rule] | Wahi 11. 1 Reiti i nga Whenua Maori. | 11. I roto e tenei wahi o tenei Ture mehemea kahore e rereke ana i nga 1 tikanga i raro iho nei.— | [. . .] [He mea whakahau, i taia a S. Costall, Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Weringitana. [i.e. Wellington] -1893.]

1 sheet (2 p ); 275x200 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 2. Printed by the Government Printer.

Translation of Part 2 ('Rating of Native land', clauses 1 1 -17) of the Rating Acts Amendment Bill 1893, without formal introductory text or marginal notes. For Part 2 of the resulting Act in Maori (sections 15-21) and additional information see no. 1371.

Copies: WGA: WTU (photocopy).


Rohe Potae Investiqation of Title Act Amendment Bill 1893.

Rohe Potae Investigation of Title Act Amendment Act, 1893. | Timi Kara. |

Ture Whakatikatika i te Ture Whakawa take | Rohe Potae. | [rule] \ Whakawhaititanga. | [rule] \ He Pire i huaina | He Ture hei whakatikatika i “Te Ture Whakawa Take Rohe | Potae, 1892.” | [. . .] [He mea whakahau.

i taia e S. Costall, Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Weringitana. [i.e. Wellington] -1893.)

I sheet (2 p); 275x200 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 2. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: ‘Te Ture Whakatikatika i te Ture Whakawa Take Rohe Potae, 1893.’.

Translation of the Rohe Potae Investigation of Title Act Amendment Bill 1893 (1893, No, 84) omitting the Analysis (though the heading 'Whakawhaititanga' is included), line numbering and marginal notes. For the resulting Act in Maori and additional information see no. 1372.

Copies: WGA; WTU (photocopy).


Wanganui River Trust Act Amendment Bill 1893.

Wanganui River Trust Act Amendment. 1 Te Wirihi. | Whakatikatika i te Ture Tiaki mo te Awa o Whanganui. | [rule] \ He Pire e huaina ana | He Ture hei whakatika i te “Ture Tiaki mo te Awa o Whanganui, 1891.” | [29 lines] \ [rule] | He mana whakau, i taia a te S. Costall, Kai-tai Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Weringitana. [i.e. Wellington] -1893.

1 sheet ([l] p.); 275x200 mm. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: Te Ture Tiaki i te Awa o Whanganui Ture Whakatikatika. 1893.’.

Translation of the Wanganui River Trust Act Amendment Bill 1893 (1893.




No. 133) omitting the Analysis, line numbering and marginal notes. For the resulting Act in Maori and additional information see no. 1374.

Copies: WGA; WTU (photocopy).


West Coast Settlement Reserves Act Amendment Bill 1893.

(West Coast Settlement Reserves Act Amendment. | Hon. Timi Kara, | Ture Whakatikatika i te Ture mo nga Rahui o | te Tai Hauauru, | [rule] \

Whakawhaititanga. | [rule] | He Pire e huaina ana | He Ture hei whakatikatika i “Te Ture mo nga Rahui o te Tai | Hauauru, 1892." | [. . .]

[He mana i whakau, i taia a te S. Costall, Kai tai Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Weringitana. [i.e. Wellington] -1893.]

1 folded sheet (4 p.); 275x200 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 4. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: ‘Te Ture Whakatikatika mo nga Rahui o te Tai Hauauru, 1893.’.

Translation of the West Coast Settlement Reserves Act Amendment Bill 1893 (1893, No. 49) omitting the Analysis (though the heading ‘Whakawhaititanga’ is included), line numbering and marginal notes. For the resulting Act in Maori and additional information see no. 1375-

Copies: WGA; WTU (photocopy).

Entries 1384-1387 are filed in alphabetical order of the English title.


NEW ZEALAND. Parliament. House of Representatives.

Distress for Rent Abolition Bill 1893.

(Distress for Rent Abolition. | Te Hetana. | Ture Whakakore i te Whiu mo te Moni Reti. | [rule] \ Whakawhaititanga. | [ride] | He Pire i huaina. | He Ture whakakore i te whiu mo te moni reti. | [33 lines and I rule] | [rule] | He mea whakahau, i taia e S. Costall, Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga.

Weringitana. [i.e. Wellington] -1893. | Nama 4-1.

I sheet ([l] p ); 275x200 mm. Printed by the Government Printer (‘Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga').

Short title: ‘Te Turi [i.e. Ture] Whakakore i te Whiu mo te Moni Reti. 1893.'.

Translation of the Distress for Rent Abolition Bill 1893 (1893, No. 4) omitting the Analysis (though the heading 'Whakawhaititanga' is included) and marginal notes. The Bill was introduced by Seddon (‘te Hetana") in the House on 29 lune but was withdrawn on 6 Semember,

Copies: WGA; WTU (photocopy).

1385 ————

Imprisonment for Debt Abolition Bill 1893.

Imprisonment for Debt Abolition. | Te Hetana, | WhaKaKore i te Whiu kite Whare Herehere | mo te Nama. | [rule] | Whakawhaititanga. 1 [rule] | He




Pire i huaina | He Ture hei whakahoki iho i te noho i te whareherehere mo te | nama. | [2O lines ] | [rule] | He mana whakau, i taia ate S. Costall, Kaitai Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Weringitana. [i.e. Wellington] -1893.

I sheet ([l] p.); 275x200 mm. Printed by the Government Printer, Short title: Te Ture Whakakore i te Whiu kite Whare Herehehere [sic] mo te Nama, 1893.'.

Translation of the Imprisonment for Debt Abolition Bill 1893 (1893, No, 3) omitting the Analysis (though the heading 'Whakawhaititanga' is included) and marginal notes. The Bill was introduced by Seddon (‘te Hetana') in the House on 29 June, but was withdrawn on 3 October.

Copies: WGA; WTU (photocopy).


Native Reserves Administration Bill 1893.

Native Reserves Administration. | Ture Whakahaere Rahui Maori. | [rule] \

Whakawhaititanga. | [rule] | He Pire i huaina 1 He Ture hei whakatopu i te ture e pa ana kite whakahaere o | nga Rahui Maori. | [. . .] [By Authority: Samuel Costall. Government Printer, Wellington.-1893.]

36 p.; 275x200 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 36. Short title: ‘Te Ture Whakahaere Rahui Maori, 1893.’.

Translation of the Native Reserves Administration Bill 1893 (1893, No. 47) omitting the Analysis (though the heading 'Whakawhaititanga' is included) and marginal notes. The Bill was introduced by James Carroll (a Minister without portfolio) in the House on 4 July and read a second time on 28 July, but it eventually lapsed.

Copies: WGA; WTU (photocopy).


Tonqariro National Park Bill 1893.

Tongariro National Park-1893. | Na Mekenehi. | Whenua o te Katoa I Tongariro. | [rule] | Whakawhaititanga. i [rule] \ He Pire i huaina. | He Ture hei whakamana i te wehenga o tetahi wahi whenua e | takoto ana e taiawhio ana i te Maunga o Tongariro hei | whenua mo te katoa. | [. . .]

[He mea whakahau, i taia e S. Costall, Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Weringitana. [i.e. Wellington] -1893.]

1 folded sheet (3. [l]) p.; 275x200 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 3. Page [4] blank. Border and marginal rule mark the amendments to clause 2. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: 'Te Ture Whenua o te Katoa I Tongariro, 1893.’.

Translation of the Tongariro National Park Bill 1893 (1893, No. 10) omitting the Analysis (though the heading ‘Whakawhaititanga' is included) and marginal notes. The copy seen is the second version of the Bill (although marked ‘No. 00-1'), as it includes the substitute clause 2 as well as the original clause struck out. The Bill was introduced by Minister of Lands John McKenzie CMekenehi’) in the House on 30 June but was eventually




withdrawn. The legislation had been first introduced in 1887 (no. 1189) and was enacted at the third attempt in 1894; see no. 1414 for further background.

Copies: WGA; WTU (photocopy).


PITIHANA a Meiha Keepa Te Rangihiwinui me etahi atu

Petition for Maori self-government with Committee report and minutes.

(No. 6a. | 1893. I Te Kaunihera. | [rule] | Pitihana a Meiha Keepa Te Rangihiwinui | me etahi atu | mo runga mo te mahara kia tu he Paramete Maori (me nga whaikorero kite | aroaro o te Komiti mo nga Mea Maori). | [rule] 1 1 whakatakotoria kite teepu o te Kaunihera, whakahaua ana kia taia. | [rule] | Report. | [. . .] [He mana whakau, i taia a te S. Costall, Kaitai Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Weringitana. [i.e. Wellington] -1893.]

10 p.; 307x203 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 10. Printed by the Government Printer ('Kai-tai Perehi a te Kawanatanga’).

AJLC. 1893, No. 6a. Maori translation of AJLC, 1893, No. 6, the Native Affairs Committee report on the Kotahitanga petition seeking self-government and its draft Act, together with the minutes of evidence before the Committee. 3-5 August 1 893. The evidence states that the petition had 21,900 signatures. For other printings of the petition and Act see no. 1358-1361.

The Committee found the proposed changes were ‘of a grave constitutional character' that could ‘properly be introduced only by the responsible government', to which it referred the petition.

Copies: WTU (in bound vol. .JLQ.


POPULAR Maori songs

Collection of over 260 songs in Maori from the Waikato.

Popular | Maori songs. | As written by the Maoris of Waikato, | February.

1864. | [double rule] | Collected and arranged by | John McGregor. | [double rule] | Auckland: | John Henry Field, Printer, Albert Street. | [rule] \ MDCCCXCIII. | [rule] \ All rights reserved. | [rule]

140 p.; 205x133 mm.; stiffened black cloth covers with printed label. Pages [2], [4], [6], [B] blank. Label (55x85 mm.) with border on front cover: ‘Maori songs. I [double rule] I Ko nga I waiata Maori ',

Additional title-page p. [s]: ‘Ko nga | waiata Maori. | Na te Maori o Waikato e tuhituhi, | Pepuere, 1864. | [ double rule] | Na Hone Makareka, | e whakarite. | [double rule] | Akarana: | Na Hone Henare Piira, i ta. | [rule] \ 1893.'.

A collection of over 260 songs in Maori, with an index of first lines (p. 133139) and glossary and corrigenda (p, 140). The songs are from Waikato and also from other iwi. The English preface (p. [3]) explains the songs were written down by the prisoners who had surrendered at Rangiriri and were being held on the hulk Mahon, on which McGregor (‘Makareka') was a guard between December 1863 and 16 February 1864 (see also no. 651). One AP copy is annotated by Sir George Grey: ‘P'd McGregor 3/6 April 1893'. The original manuscripts and transcripts are at AP (]. McGregor, Popular Maori songs, NZ MS 719, v. 1-2).




Many copies are bound up with two or more of the four supplements that were issued in 1898 (no. 1519) and in 1903, 1905 and 1908 (see Bagnall M 266). Copies bound up with supplements after 1898 are outside the scope of this bibliography.

The following variant issue is recorded by Williams, but no copy has been located:


with coloured paper covers: title repeated on cover.

Williams 851, Bagnall M 266. Copies: AP, AR, DL, NLA, WTU.



Protest from Te Arawa at the provisions of an 1893 land purchase Bill.

Te paepae poto a Houmaita- | whiti. | [double rule] | The Native Land Purchase and | Acquisition Bill. | [double rule] | Ohinemutu, Rotorua, 1 Takiwa Porowini o Akarana, Korooni o Nui Tireni, | Akuhata, 22, 1893. | Na I te mea kua kite nei matou nga hapu o Te Arawa I te Pire a te Minita mo nga Mahi | Nunui I tukua mai nei ki nga iwi Maori o Nui Tireni. [. . .] | [lO lines] | [double rule] 1 Translation. | We the several ’’hapus” of the great Arawa tribe have seen copies of the Bill which is to | be introduced into the House of Parliament during the present session [. . .] | [6 lines] | Chronicle typ.) [Rotorua: 1893]

I sheet ([l] p.); 284x219 mm. Printed at the office of the Hot lakes chronicle newspaper.

A circular from Te Arawa demanding repeal of the Native Land Purchase and Acquisition Bill 1893 (see no. 1378). Houmaitawhiti, a Te Arawa ancestor, was also the name of a meeting house at Otaramarae on the shores of Lake Rotoiti. The WTU copy is accompanied by a pink wrapper also with a printed heading Te paepae pot[o] | a | Houmaitawhiti'.

From July 1893 the Hot lakes chronicle was printed in Rotorua: at various times in its chequered history it had been printed in Tauranga; see D. M. Stafford. The founding years in Rotorua (Auckland & Rotorua. 1986), p. 192-193, 322-323.

Copies: WTU.


TOMOANA, Henare (d. 1904), attrib.

Election circular from an Eastern Maori candidate. 28 September 1893.

Heretaunga. 1 [ornamental rule] | Kia, [space for name] Hepetema 28th, 1893. | E hoa ma e nga iwi e nga rangatira, I raro ite Rohe Pooti Mema ote Tai Rawhiti, mote Paremata Nui ote | Koroni, [. . .] | [lO lines] \ [names of 82 supporters arranged by 21 locations, in three columns] [no imprint. Napier?: 1893]

I sheet ([l] p.); 285x225 mm

An election circular encouraging electors to vote for Henare Tomoana, and probably prepared by him, with a list (by location, mainly in Hawke’s Bay) of his supporters who endorsed him. However, the Eastern Maori seat was won by WI Pere in the election: Tomoana polled only 10 per cent of the votes cast.

Copies: WTU.



I 392


Te TURE kohinga whakatopu

Rules for union gatherings in Poverty Bay.

Te ture kohinga whakatopu. | [double rule ] | He ture mo nga huihuinga ropu, hapu ranei, kua oti nei | te hua hei uniana tuturu, i roto i te takiwa o Tura- | nga. Papati Pei. | [. . .] [Samuel Costall, Government Printer,

Wellington. [lB93?]]

8 p.; 186x119 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 8.

Rules to come into effect on I July 1893 for the gatherings of groups or hapu in the district of Gisborne, Poverty Bay, declared to be official unions. At the foot of p. 8 is a list of the officers of such a union, of which the Chairman was Hapi Kiniha and the Secretary Ahipene Rangi. The purpose of the union is not stated and it has not been further identified, making the nature of the publication and the group unclear.

Williams 870. Copies: WTU.


He WAIATA na tetahi tangata mo tana tamaiti

Variant setting and text of a Waikato song about children.

He waiata na tetahi tangata | mo tana tamaitl. | [rule] | Pine-pine te kura hau | te kura whanake; | te kura i raro i awarua; | ko te kura nui, ko te kura roa | ko te kura tawhiti, na Tu-hae-po: | [B5 lines] | [rule] \ Ka mutu. | [rule] | Na Hone Henare Piira, I ta, Akarana. [i.e. Auckland] [18937]

1 sheet ([l] p.).; ca. 378x120 mm. Physical details not confirmed; only copy located is separated into two pieces mounted on a folded sheet. Printed by J. H. Field.

Variant setting and text of a Ngati Kahungunu song about children, also printed in Popular Maori songs (1893; no. 1389), p. 11-13. Presence of the colophon suggests it is unlikely to be a proof copy.

Copies: DUHO; WTU (photocopy).


BIBLE. N.T. Maori. 1894,

Eighth edition of the New Testament, with scriptural references added. Ko te | Kawenata Hou | a | to tatou Ariki a te Kai Whakaora | a Ihu Karaiti. | He mea whakamaori mai no te reo Kariki. | London: 1 Printed for the British and Foreign Bible Society. | 1894.

250, [2] p.: 195x133 mm.: black cloth boards with blind tooling or full black leather. Pages [l-2], [6], [251-252] blank. All text (including title) within a border. Printed in four columns separated by vertical rules; outer (narrow) columns on each page are of scriptural references. Title on spine: ‘Kawenata | Hou'. On title-page verso: ‘Maori New Testament.'.

The eighth edition of the New Testament in Maori, the text of which follows the 1889 second edition of the Bible (no. 1241). Williams notes that the scriptural references added to this edition were supplied by W. L. Williams, who also corrected the proofs as far as signature H. The work was then taken over by Rev. George Maunsell who was visiting England. Williams identifies the printer as W. Clowes & Sons.




For other editions of the New Testament see no. 45, 88, 104, 196, 419, 559, 716, 1241, 1483,

Williams 876, Bagnall sß7BBc. Copies: AR, DL, NLA, WTU.



Catholic Church book of services and hymns.

Ko te | karakia | Katorika | me ana | ritenga nunui katoa. | [illustration] | Riona [i.e. Lyons] | He mea ta ki nga perehi o | Emanuera Wita | Te kaita o te Ahipihopa, o nga Whare Pukenga ano hoki. | [rule] | 1894

[B], 285, [3] p.; ill.; I 70x 116 mm.; 'A black leather, green cloth boards with gold and blind tooling. Prelim, pages: half title (colophon on verso), frontispiece (recto blank) title-page (verso blank), imprimatur (verso blank). Pages [l7], [32], [44], [lll], [l7B], [23B], [286-288] blank. Text partly in two columns separated by vertical rule, with some sections in Latin. Printed by Emmanuel Vitte.

A Catholic Church book of services with a section of hymns (p. 255-275) and numerous illustrations. Imprimatur of Archbishop Redwood (prelim, page [7]) dated 21 December 1893. Probably seen through the press by Father Claude Cognet; see no. 1396 and 1402 for additional information and two other Catholic texts printed in Lyons at the same time.

Williams 880. Copies: ABH, AP. AR. DL, NLA. WTU.


Catholic catechisms with liturgy and hymns.

Ko te | katikihama | o te | Hahi Katorika. | [ illustration ] | Riona [i.e. Lyons] | He mea ta ki nga perehi o | Emanuera Wita | Te Kaita o te Ahipihopa, o nga Whare Pukenga ano hoki. | [rule] | 1893. [i.e. 1894?]

xii, [2], 217, [I ] p.; ill.; 149x93 mm. 'At maroon leather, maroon cloth boards with blind and gold tooling. Pages [iii], [vi], [viii], [xiv], [l6], [3o], [s6], [62], [9o], [l26], [lso], [ls4], [2l4], [2lB] blank (most being verso of illustrations). Printed by Emmanuel Vitte.

Title on front cover: ‘Ko te katikihama | o te | Hahi Katorika'; title on spine: 'Ko te | katikihama | Katorika'. Eleven full-page and numerous smaller illustrations.

Catholic liturgy (p. 1-54, 176-1 82), catechisms (p. 57-1 75) and hymns (p. 183209) with glossary (p. [2lo]-213) and table of contents (p. [2ISJ-217). Imprimatur of Archbishop Redwood (p [vii]) dated 21 December 1893; preface dated 25 December 1893, both at Lyons. As two related works with imprimaturs of 21 December 1893 (no. 1395 and 1402) have an 1894 imprint, it seems most probable that this work was also issued in 1894

The work has been attributed by Marist sources to Father Frangois Delachienne SM ('Father Delach’) who served at Otaki from 1893 after a period in Flawke's Bay at Pakipaki. It was probably seen through the press by fellow Marist missionary Father Claude Cognet who was visiting France at the time; see P. Adams. 'Otaki's French tipuna’, Historic places in New Zealand. 12 (March 1986), p. 5-7-


1 397


One WTU copy has Ko nga Miha me nga Weperi (1900: no. 1544) bound in and is therefore later, but may not have been published that way.

Williams 850. Copies: ABH, AP, AR, DL, NLA, WTU


ELLISON, Thomas Rangiwahia (1866-18687-1904)

Promotional material about a proposed Maori Club in Wellington.

Featherston Tiriti Poneke. | E hoa [space] Maehe 20, 1894. | Tena koe.

Tenei ka tukua atu e au tetehi kape ote whakaaturanga ote ahua me nga ritenga ote 1 Karapu Maori o Poneke. Kotaua Korapu i whakaritea mo konei no te mea ko Poneke nei te waahi tata ki nga | pito katoa o Nui Tiarni, [sic] mete waahi huihuinga oteiwi maori i nga makariri katoa, ara, I te takiwa e noho | huihui ana te Paremata. [. . .] | [22 lines] | Kite tango hea koe me tuku mai te moni i roti [i.e. roto] i te Ota Potapeta. | Kamutu, | Na Tame Rangiwahia Eriaana | Roia mo te Kamupane. | Najohn B. Blaine, |

Hekeretari, Kaiwhakahaere mo te Kamupane. [no imprint. Wellington?: 1894]

1 sheet ([l] p.); 275x220 mm. Text at left of signatories' names: Kia [2 dotted rules for name and address]'.

Promotional circular about the proposed Maori Club. Wellington, Ltd ('Karapu Maori o Poneke’) which was to provide accommodation and meals for up to 70 out-of-town visitors, as well as recreational activities for its members. The circular is signed by the solicitor for the planned company, Thomas Rangiwahia Ellison ('Tame Rangiwahia Eriaana’) and the Secretary/Manager John B. Blaine. For more details of the proposal see Fair play, 17 March 1894, p. 9, which includes a portrait of Blaine. Ellison, of Ngai Tahu and Te Ati Awa descent, is best known as a rugby player; see DNZB, v. 2. p. 131-132 and Bagnall E205. It appears the club never eventuated.

Copies: WTU.

FIELDER, John Beckett (1839-1924)


Circular letter, 5 January 1894, seeking donations for farewell presentation.

[Letter dated Nepia, Hanuere 5, 1894; actual title not known; no copy located. Napier, 1894]

2 p.; 270x211 mm. Second page ruled for entering names of subscribers and amounts. Physical details not confirmed; no copy located. Description from Williams.

Although no copy has been located, it is clear from the details supplied that Williams had seen a copy: 'Maori version of a circular letter , , , signed “J. B. Fielder," appealing for subscriptions for a presentation to Bishop Stuart on his leaving the Diocese of Waiapu.'.

Williams 882 a. No copy located.





HICKS, Charles

Exercises to learn shorthand for the Maori language.

Price ninepence, post free | Six copies, 3/6. Twelve copies, 6/6. | [double rule] | Hicks’s | Maori shorthand | [ornamental rule] | Can be learned in a few hours. Is read as easily as | longhand. Invaluable to every Maori scholar. | [ornament] | To be obtained from | C. Hicks, | The School-house, Lakeside, near Christchurch. | [rule] | Printed by Smith, Anthony, Sellars & Co , Limited, Christchurch, [ca. 1894]

8 p., 8 p. of plates. 214x140 mm.; grey-green paper covers. Title from cover; title (except first line) inside ornamental frame. Caption title p. [l]: 'Maori shorthand'.

Nine exercises in a system of shorthand applied to the Maori language, with accompanying lithographed plates demonstrating the exercises. The text is in English. Williams’s date of ‘about 1894’ has been followed. The author states in the introduction (p. [1 ]-2) that he has used it for some time with his pupils at Taumutu (Canterbury).

Williams 888, Bagnall H796. Copies: AR, DL, DUHO, NLA, WTU.


He INOI mo te whakaritenga i tetahi pihopa.

Prayer for use in the Diocese of Waiapu during vacancy in Bishopric.

He inoi | mo te whakaritenga i tetahi pihopa mo te | Pihopatanga o Waiapu. | Kia korerotia i nga ra katoa i muri iho i te ’’lnoi | mo nga Minita mo nga tangata;” [. , .] | [26 lines] [no imprint. Gisborne?: Printed at the Office of the Poverty Bay Herald?, 1894?]

I sheet ([l] p ); 138x82 mm.

A prayer intended for insertion in the small format prayer book, and used during the vacancy in the Bishopric of Waiapu between the resignation of E. C. Stuart (31 January 1894) and the consecration of W. L. Williams (20 January 1895). The printer was probably the office of the Poverty Bay herald newspaper, which printed other work for the diocese.

Williams 877, Sommerville 1083. Copies: AP, NLA, WTU.


KO NGA WAIATA mo te waru o nga ra o Tihema

Songs and hymns for use at St Mary's Catholic church at Otaki.

[ ornament ] | Ko nga | waiata | mo te | waru o nga ra o Tihema. | [ornamental rule] | Pukekaraka, Otaki. | [double rule] \ Otaki Mail Print | [ornament] [Otaki: 1894]

15, [l] p.; 155x100 mm.; pink paper covers.; Title from front cover; title within ornamental border. Archbishop Redwood’s imprimatur on p. [1 ]. Page [l6] blank. Caption title p. 2: 'Ko nga waiata mo te 8 onga ra o Tihema, | Pukekaraka, Otaki.’.

Six Catholic sacred songs Cwaiata') in Maori to the Virgin Mary and two hymns in English to 'our Lady of Lourdes’, associated with the feast of the Immaculate Conception (8 December). Probably also used for the 50th jubilee




of St Mary’s, Pukekaraka, Otaki. in the solemn high mass celebrated by Archbishop Redwood on 30 December 1894. The songs were very likely written or translated by Father Melu (active at Otaki 1886-1935) or Father Delach (1891-1914). For further information on the Marist mission established in Otaki in 1844 see P Adams, ‘St Mary's Church Otaki’, Historical journal (Otaki Historical Society), v. 9 (1986), p. 27-35.

Copies: Marist Archives. Wellington; WTU (photocopy).

KO TE HITORIA POTO o te Hahi Katorika


History of the Catholic Church from the time of Christ.

Ko te | hitoria poto | o te | Hahi Katorika | no nga ra ano o Hehu Kerito tae noa ki a tatou. | [illustration: Noah's ark. with caption ’E koro e ngaro, he waka takere nui.’] | Riona [i.e. Lyons] | He mea ta ki nga perehi o Emanuera Wita | Te kaita o te Ahipihopa, o nga Whare Pukenga ano hoki. | [rule] | 1894

517, [3] p.; ill.; 171x118 mm.; 'At leather, green, blue or black cloth boards with gold and blind tooling. Colour of leather spine matches that of the

Ko te hitoria poto o te Hahi Katorika, 1894 {BiM 1402) A Marist history of the Roman Catholic Church, printed in Lyons, with numerous engravings from diverse sources.

Alexander Turnbull Library: Printed collections.




boards. Pages [3], [6]. [B], [slB], [s2o] blank. Errata p. [sl9], Style of lettering and ornaments on covers and spine varies. Printed by Emmanuel Vine.

A history of the Catholic Church from the time of Christ to the present with numerous illustrations: possibly a translation or version of an unidentified original, including a summary history of the Catholic missions in New Zealand, p. 458-463. The imprimatur (p, [7]) is dated 21 December 1893. Preliminary text includes an unsigned preface addressed to Maori (p. [9]-13) and an introduction with bibliography of sources (p. 14-16). The illustrations include one of Archbishop Redwood (p. 497).

The work has been attributed by Marist sources to Father Claude Cognet who was at the Jerusalem mission on the Whanganui River from 1886 to 1893 and visited France in 1894, before returning to the Otaki mission; see P. Adams, ‘Otaki's French tipuna’. Historic places in New Zealand, 12 (March 1986), p. 5-7.

Williams 879, Bagnall sH964b. Copies: ABH, AP, AR, NLA, WTU.


MAUNSELL, Robert (1810-1894)

New printing (fourth edition') of a Maori grammar.

Grammar | of the | New Zealand language | by | R. Maunsell, LL.D., | Archdeacon of Auckland. | Fourth edition. | Upton & Co., | Auckland | [rule] | MDCCCXCIV.

xvi, 162, [2] p.; 163x103 mm.; black cloth boards with blind and gold tooling, or maroon cloth boards with black tooling (159x102 mm.). Pages [i-ii], [iv] blank. Colophon p. [vi]: ‘Printed by | Wilsons & Horton, General Printers. | Auckland.’; colophon p. 162: 'Wilsons and Horton, General Printers. Auckland, N Z | Ko Wirihana ma ratou ko Hotene, nga Kai-ta, kei Akarana.’.

Pages [163-164]: 'Other works relating to New Zealand’, a variety of titles, with prices.

Another printing of Maunsell's Maori grammar for English speakers. Although identified as a fourth edition, the content is unchanged from previous issues, apart from retaining only the 'Preface to first edition' and omitting the testimonials.

For additional background see no. 130, the first issue in parts. 18421843. For other issues see no. 567, 647, 704, 1036.

Williams 881, Bagnall M 1397. Copies: AP, AR, NLA, WTU.

Entries 1404-1414 are filed in alphabetical order of the English title.



Kirikiri Native School Site Act 1894.

(Kirikiri Native School Site. | Niu Tireni. | ]rule] | [Royal Arms] | Jure Whenua Tuunga Kura i Kirikiri, 1894. | [rule] | He Ture hei whakamana i te whakawhiti o te whenua tuunga o te Kura | Maori i Kirikiri, i roto i te Kaute oTe Teemu, mo nga tikanga whakatu | kura mo te katoa. (24 Oketopa,




1894. | [25 lines] \ [rule] | He mea whakahau: Hamuera Kohitare, Kaita a te Kawanatanga. Poneke. [i.e. Wellington) -1894.

1 sheet ([l] p); 270x208 mm. Printed by Samuel Costall. Government Printer (‘Hamuera Kohitare, Kaita a te Kawanatanga'). In smaller type size than usual for legislation.

Short title: 'Te Ture Whenua Tuunga Kura Maori i Kirikiri. 1894.'.

Translation of the Kirikiri Native School Site Act 1894 (1894, Local Acts, No. 32) omitting the Analysis and marginal notes. It allowed the Auckland Education Board to buy the Native School site at Kirikiri (Thames) for a public school for £2OO, more than its statutory expenditure limit. The Bill was introduced by Minister of Education William Pember Reeves in the House on 3 August and passed all stages by 23 October. No Maori version of the Bill has been identified. The Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1894 (522/1894),

Williams 883 i. Copies: WTU (in collected vol.).


Lands Improvement and Native Lands Acquisition Act 1894.

(Lands Improvement and Native Lands Acquisition | Niu Tireni. | [Royal /Irms] | “Te Ture Whakapai Whenua Whakawhiwhi Whenua | Maori. 1894.” | [rule] | He Ture whakahaere tikanga pai ake mo runga mo te whakapai i nga | whenua hei whakanohonohonga tangata ki runga mete mahi whaka- | whiwhi whenua Maori. (18 Oketopa, 1894. | [. . .] [He mea

whakahau i taia ai e S. Costall, Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga,

Weringitana. [i.e. Wellington] -1894.]

1 folded sheet (4 p ): 270x208 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 4. Printed by the Government Printer. In smaller type size than usual for legislation.

Short title: 'Te Ture Whakapai Whenua Whakawhiwhi Whenua Maori, 1894.'.

Translation of the Lands Improvement and Native Lands Acquisition Act 1894 (1894, No, 36) omitting the Analysis and marginal notes. It provides for raising funds and acquisition of land to develop roads and bridges to assist settlement. The Bill was introduced by Minister of Lands John McKenzie in the House on 19 September and passed all stages by 4 October. Despite the lengthy debate in the House no reference is made to a Maori version of the Bill and no copy has been located. The Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1894 (522/1894). See no. 669 for further information on land legislation.

Williams 883 c. Copies: WTU (in collected vol.).


Little Barrier Island Purchase Act 1894.

(Little Barrier Island Purchase. | [Royal /Inns] | "Te Jure Hoko o Hauturu Motu, 1894." I [rule] | He Ture hei tuku i Hauturu Motu ki raro kite Mana o




te Kuini. 1 (24 Oketopa. 1894. | [. . .] [He mea whakahau: Hamuera Kohitare, Kai-ta a te Kawanatanga, Poneke [i.e. Wellington] -1894.]

1 sheet (2 p ); 270x208 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 2. Running title: ‘Hoko o Hauturu Motu.'. Printed by the Government Printer. In smaller type size than usual for legislation.

Short title: Te Ture Hoko o Hauturu Motu, 1894.'.

Translation of the Little Barrier Island Purchase Act 1894 (1894, Local Acts, No. 27) omitting the Analysis and marginal notes. It provided for final settlement of the Government's purchase of Little Barrier Island (Hauraki Gulf) to make it a sanctuary, a process that had begun in 1881. The Bill was introduced in the House by John McKenzie on 8 October and passed all stages by 22 October. References in Hansard [NZPD, 1894, v. 86) to the hasty introduction and forcing through of the legislation without the knowledge of those affected indicate that there was no Maori version of the Bill. The Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1894 (522/1894).

For additional background to the Act and the history of the island, see R. Cometti, Little Barrier Island (Auckland, 1986).

Williams 883e. Copies: WTU (in collected vol.).


Native Land Court Act 1894.

(Native Land Court. | Niu Tireni. | [Royal Arms] | Kooti Whenua Maori. |

[rule] \ Wahanga I. 1 [rule] | He Ture hei whakatikatika hei whakarapopoto i nga ture epa ana | kite Kooti Whenua Maori o Niu Tireni. ![...] [He mea whakahau, i taia ai e S. Costall, Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga,

Weringitana. [i.e. Wellington] -1894.]

32 p.; 274x207 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 32. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title; 'Te Ture Kooti Whenua Maori, 1894.’.

Translation of the Native Land Court Act 1894 (1894, No. 43) omitting the Analysis and marginal notes. The Bill was primarily to consolidate and repeal nine of the many statutes relating to land owned by Maori. It was introduced by Premier and Native Minister Seddon in the House on 11 July and passed all stages by 22 October, Despite extensive debate and reference ( NZPD. 1894, v. 86, p. 469) to petitions by thousands of Maori on particular provisions, there is no specific reference to a Maori version of the Bill and no copy has been located. The Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1894 (522/1894). See no. 669 for further information on land legislation.

Williams 883. Copies: AP, WTU.


Native Land (Validation of Titles) Act Amendment Act 1894.

(Native land (Validation of Titles) Act Amendment Act. | Niu Tireni. | [Royal Arms] | "Te Ture Whakatikatika 1894 i te Ture Whaka- 1 mana Take




Whenua Maori." | [rule] \ [rule | He Ture hei whakatikatika i “Te Ture Whakamana Take Whenua | Maori, 1893.” (24 Oketopa, 1894. ([...]

[He mea whakahau, i taia e Hamuera Kohitare, Kai-ta a te Kawanatanga. Poneke. [i.e. Wellington] -1894.]

I sheet (2 p ); 270x208 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 2. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: Te Ture Whakatikatika 1894 i te Ture whakamana Take Whenua Maori.'.

Translation of the Native Land (Validation of Titles) Act Amendment Act 1894 (1894, No. 46) omitting the Analysis and marginal notes. The Act made several procedural amendments to the 1893 Act (see no. 1369), including that Native Land Court judges could be appointed as judges of the Validation Court. See no. 1369 for further information on the court and no. 669 for further information on land legislation.

The Bill was introduced by Seddon in the House on 1 October and passed all stages without debate by 23 October. No Maori version of the Bill has been identified. The Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1894 (522/1894).

Williams 883b. Copies: WTU (in collected vol.).


Native Lands Claims and Boundaries Adjustment. . . Empowering Act 1894.

(Native Lands Claims and Boundaries Adjustment and Titles | Empowering.) | Niu Tireni. | [Royal Arms] \ “Te Ture Whakamana Take Paanga Whenua | Maori Whakatikatika i nga Kereeme me nga | Rohe. 1894.” | [rule] | He Ture hei whakatikatika hei whakatuturu i nga rohe me nga | take paanga ki etahi whenua Maori. | (24 Oketopa, 1894. | [. . .] [He mea whakahau, i taia e S. Costall, Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga,

Weringitana. [i.e. Wellington] -1894.]

5, [l] p.; 270x208 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 5. Page [6] blank. Running title: ‘Whakamana Take Paanga Whenua Maori Whakatikatika i nga Kereeme me nga Rohe.’. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: 'Te Ture Whakamana Take Paanga Whenua Maori Whakatikatika i nga Kereeme me nga Rohe, 1894

Translation of the Native Lands Claims and Boundaries Adjustment and Titles Empowering Act 1894 (1894, No. 45) omitting the Analysis and marginal notes. It covers a number of ownership changes and clarification and specific administrative matters. The Bill was introduced by Seddon in the House on 7 September and passed all stages by 23 October without debate. No Maori version of the Bill has been identified. The Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1894 (522/1894). See no. 669 for further information on land legislation.

Williams 883 a. Copies: WTU (in collected vol.)





Ngaere and other Blocks Native Claims Adjustment Act 1894.

(Ngaere and other Blocks Native Claims Adjustment. | Niu Tireni. | [Royal Arms] \ “Te Ture Whakatikatika i nga Take Paanga o | nga Maori ki Ngaere me etahi atu Poraka, | 1894. | [rule] | He Ture hei whakaoti hei whakatuturu I etahi Putake ki etahi | whenua e kiia ana e etahi Maori e whai take ana ratou ki | runga. (29 Hepetema, 1894. | [. . .] [He mea whakahau, i taia ai e S. Costall, Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Poneke. [i.e. Wellington] -1894 ]

1 sheet (2 p.); 270x208 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 2. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: Te Ture Whakatikatika i nga Take Paanga o nga Maori ki Ngaere me etahi atu Poraka, 1894',

Translation of the Ngaere and other Blocks Native Claims Adjustment Act 1894 (1894. Local Acts, No. 22) omitting the Analysis and marginal notes. It provided for the Native Land Court to investigate and settle ownership disputes relating to the Ngaere (Taranaki), Ngaturipukunui (Mangakahia Survey District) and Kauaeranga (Thames) blocks. The Bill was introduced by John McKenzie in the House on 30 August and passed all stages by 20 September. No Maori version of the Bill has been identified. The Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1894 (522/I894).

Williams 883f. Copies: WTU (in collected vol.).


Extracts from the Public Works Act 1894.

(Public Works. | Niu Tireni. | [rule] \ [Royal Arms] \ Ture mo nga Mahi Nunui, 1894. | [rule] | He ture hei whakarapopoto hei whakatikatika hoki I nga ture e pa ana ki nga | mahi nunui o te Koroni. (24 Oketopa, 1894. | Ka meingatia hei ture ete Runanga Nui o Niu Tireni [. . .] | [. . .] [He mea whakahau, i tala e S. Costall. Kai-ta a te Kawanatanga, Weringitana. [i.e. Wellington] -1894.]

7, [l] p.; 270x208 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 7. Page [B] blank. Printed bv the Government Printer.

Short title:’ Te Tore mo nga Mahi Nunui o te Koroni, 1894.’.

Translation of sections 1-2, 39, and 87-100 from the Public Works Act 1894 (1894, No, 42) omitting the Analysis and marginal notes. The selected sections are those relating to land owned by Maori and cover taking land for public works, surveys, and the construction and maintenance of roads. The complete Act had 294 sections. The Bill was introduced by Seddon in the House on 4 September and passed all stages by 22 October. No Maori version of the Bill (or extracts) has been identified The extracts of the Act were included with the corresponding English text in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1894 (522/1894).

Williams 883j. Copies: WTU (in collected vol).





Extracts from the Rating Act 1894.

(The Rating Act, 1 894. | Niu Tireni, | [Royal Arms] \ Te Ture Reiti, 1894." | [rule] | He Ture hei whakarapopoto i te ture whakahaere tikanga mo te whaka- | riteritenga mete kohikohinga o nga reiti. | (9 Oketopa, 1894. | [. . .] [He mea whakahau, i taia eS. Costall, Kai-ta Perehi ate Kawanatanga, Weringitana. [i.e. Wellington] -1894 ]

1 sheet (2 p ); 270x208 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 2. Printed by the Government Printer. In smaller type size than usual for legislation.

Short title: ‘Te Ture Reiti, 1894’.

Translation of Sections 1-2, 68 and 71 of the Rating Act 1894 (1894, No. 24.) omitting the Analysis and marginal notes. Section 2 (Interpretation) has been edited to those terms applicable to sections 68 and 71, which apply to the rating of land owned by Maori. The complete Act had 87 sections and consolidated the 1893 Act (see no. 1371) with other rating legislation. For background see T. Bennion, Maori and rating law (Wellington, 1997), p. 2627.

The Bill was introduced by Colonial Treasurer Joseph Ward in the House on 15 August and passed all stages by 4 October without debate. No Maori version of the relevant extracts of the Bill has been identified. The extracts from the Act were included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1894 (522/1894).

Williams 883g. Copies: WTU (in collected vol.).


School Attendance Act 1894.

(School Attendance. 1 Niu Tireni. | [Royal Arms] | “Te Ture Whakahau kia Haere tonu nga Tama- | riki kite Kura, 1894.” 1 [rule] | He Ture whakarite tikanga kia haere tonu ai nga tamariki ki | nga Kura Kawanatanga. | (9 Oketopa. 1894. | [. . .] [He mea whakahau, i taia ai eS. Costall, Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Weringitana. [i.e. Wellington] -1894,]

1 folded sheet (4 p.); 270x208 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p, 4. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: Te Ture Whakahau kia Haere tonu nga Tamariki kite Kura. 1894 '.

Translation of the School Attendance Act 1894 (1894 No. 26) omitting the Analysis and marginal notes. It provided for compulsory attendance at Public and Native Schools by children aged between seven and thirteen, with associated penalties. The Bill was introduced in the House by W. P. Reeves on 26 June and passed all stages by 1 October. No Maori version of the Bill has been identified. The Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1894 (522/I894). Williams 883h. Copies: WTU (in collected vol.).





Tongariro National Park Act 1894.

(Tongariro National Park. | Niu Tireni. | [Royal Arms] \ “Te Ture Paaka mo te Iwi Katoa i Tongariro, 1894.” | [rule] \ Whakawhaititanga. | [analysis: 6 sections. 12 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] | He Ture hei whakamana i te wehenga o tetahi wahi whenua e takoto ana | e taiawhio ana i te Maunga o Tongariro hei Paaka mo te iwi katoa. | (23 Oketopa, 1894. | [. . .] [He mea whakahau, i taia e H. Kohitare, Kai-ta ate

Kawanatanga, Werengitana. [i.e. Wellington] -1894.]

1 folded sheet (3, [l]) p.; 270x208 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 3. Page [4] blank. Running title: ‘Paaka mo te Iwi Katoa i Tongariro.’. Printed by the Government Printer. In smaller type size than usual for legislation.

Short title: 'Te Ture Paaka mo te Iwi Katoa i Tongariro, 1894.’.

Translation of the Tongariro National Park Act 1894 (1894, No. 55) omitting the marginal notes. It established New Zealand’s first national park, the land for which had been gifted to the Government in 1887 by Horonuku Te Heuheu Tukino IV; see also no. 1 196. A Bill to establish the status of the land was first introduced in 1887 (see no. 1189) and another attempt in 1893 (see no. 1387) was also unsuccessful. The 1894 Bill was introduced by Minister of Lands John McKenzie on 10 July and passed all stages by 19 October, with little debate. No Maori version of an 1894 Bill has been identified and it is probable that the 1893 version was used. The Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1894 (522/1894).

The Bateman New Zealand historical atlas (Auckland, 1997), plate 62. documents the gift in the context of the development of national parks in New Zealand.

Williams 883 d. Copies: WTU (in collected vol.).


NEW ZEALAND. Royal Commission on charges against William Williams in connection with the Kaitangiwhenua Block

Report on alleged misappropriation of money intended for purchase of land.

G.-4. | 1894. | New Zealand. | [rule] | Charges against William Williams | (report of Commission on), in connection with the Kaitangiwhenua Block. |

[rule] | Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by command of His Excellency. | [rule] [parallel text:]

1894. | Niu Tireni. 1 [rule] | Nga kupu whakapae mo Wiremu Wiremu 1 (Ripoata o te Komihana mo Runga mo Kaitangiwhenua Poraka). | [ride] | He mea tuku ki nga Whare e rua o te Runanga Nui i runga i te whakahau a te Kawana. | [rule] [By authority: Samuel Costall, Government Printer, Wellington.-1894.]

17, [l] p.; 321x203 mm. Imprint from colophon p. 17. Page [lB] blank. At end of text: 'Approximate cost of paper.-Preparation, not given; printing (1,400 copies), £lO 18s. 6d.’. At foot of p. 17: 'Price, 9d.)'.




AJHR. 1894, G-4. Report and evidence in parallel English and Maori texts of a Royal Commission appointed in December 1893 under Commissioner Judge Charles C. Kettle (the first New Zealander appointed to the judiciary). The investigation related to an 1880 transaction in the purchase of the Kaitangiwhenua Block in southern Taranaki, near Patea. It was alleged that William Williams, former blacksmith and then a licensed interpreter and land purchase officer, had failed to pay £5,411 0s 7d to Wiremu Kauika and the other owners. The report concludes that Williams had indeed ’robbed' the owners and misappropriated the funds

Copies: WTU (in bound vol., AJHR).


NEW ZEALAND. Secretary for Education

Circular letter, 11 October 1894. about legislation for compulsory education.

Kupu whakaatu. | [rule] | E hoa, [set right:] Poneke. 11th Oketopa, 1894. | Tena koe. | He maha nga tono a nga komiti o nga Kura Maori, kua tae mai kite Tari Kura i | roto i nga tau kotahi tekau ma rima kua pahure atu nei; [. . .] I [. . .] [no imprint. Wellington: Printed by the Government Printer, 1894]

I sheet (2 p.); 343x216 mm. Caption title. Printed on laid paper with watermark ‘James Spicer & Sons | "Ideals" | Book Paper.'. Circular signed: 'Na te Hepene, (Wm. Jas. Habens), Hekeretari mo nga Kura.'. Printer’s Job no. at end: '3951-94.)'.

A printed circular from the Secretary of Education, W. J. Habens, to the Chairmen of Native School Committees. It draws their attention to the recent School Attendance Act 1894 (no. 1413) making attendance compulsory for all children aged 7 to 13.

Williams 885 a. Copies: WTU.


Te PUKAPUKA WAIATA mo nga hoia o Te Ope Whakaora

Salvation Army hymns and choruses.

Te pukapuka waiata | mo nga hoia o | Te Ope Whakaora | [Salvation Army device (in Maori)] | [rule] \ Kei te ora ranei tou wairua? ( [rule] | Te Ope Whakaora, | Niu Tireni. [He mea tana Tamati Eruera Pareta, kei 79, | Manchester Street, Christchurch, [ca. 1894]]

78, [2] p.; 126x93 mm,; stiffened red cloth covers. Imprint from colophon p. [2], Title repeated on front cover inside ornamental border; list of church membership figures by country on back cover. Printed by Thomas Edward Fraser.

A collection of Maori-language versions of 112 Salvation Army hymns with 33 choruses (p. [73]-78) and an index of first lines (p. [79-80]). The cover information records New Zealand as having 68 corps ('koa') and 214 officers (‘apiha’), i.e. in the early 1890s. The date of publication is based on the printer's address, assumed to precede his subsequent locations at Bedford Row (1895-1906) and Armagh Street (1907-191 I).

The Salvation Army became active in New Zealand from 1883. firstly in




Dunedin, before establishing its headquarters at 48 Manchester Street, Christchurch, in 1884. The Maori mission ('Te Ope Whakaora') was established in 1888. For further background see C. R. Bradwell, Fight the good fiqht (Wellington, 1982) especially p. 80-88.

Sommerville 1150. Copies: WTU.


TE RANGIHIWINUI, Te Keepa (d. 1898)

Petition about ownership of land at Horowhenua.

J.-l. 1 1894. | New Zealand. | [rule] | Petition of Major Kemp Te Rangihiwinui, | with Maori translation attached. | [rule] | Presented by the Hon. Mr. Mitchelson, and ordered to be printed. | [rule] | [. . .] [By authority: Samuel Costall, Government Printer, Wellington.-1894.]

8 p.; 321 X 203 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p, 8. Translation in Maori p. 4-8. At end of text: 'Approximate cost of paper.-Preparation, not given; printing (1,250 copies), £5 Is.’. At foot of p. 8: 'Price, 6d.)'.

AJHR. 1894, J-l. Petition in English and Maori associated with a dispute over land at Horowhenua. The English text was also published as a pamphlet (Bagnall R5O).

The Native Affairs Committee recommended that no further action be taken because of the case pending in the Supreme Court (AJHR, 1894, 1-3, p. 54). Subsequent actions included an Act passed in 1895 (no. 1431) which set up a Royal Commission (the Horowhenua Commission which reported in 1896 in English, AJHR. 1896, G-2) and an 1896 Act (no. 1457). See no. 1472 for a related petition.

For more information on Te Rangihiwinui and the dispute see DNZB, v. I. p. 491-493, and his speech before the Legislative Council when the 1896 legislation was being debated (in English; Bagnall R49).

Williams 885. Copies: WTU (in bound vol., AJHR).



Small format revised edition of Wesleyan prayer book with hymns and Psalms.

Ko te Pukapuka | o nga Inoinga, | me nga himene, &c,, | mo nga karakiatanga | o nga tangata | o te Hahi Weteriana. | [ornamental rule ] | Akarana: [f.e, Auckland] | I taia tenei e Wilsons 5t Horton, “Herara” Tari. | [rule] | 1894.

198, [l62] p : 141x91 mm.; stiffened black leather covers (blank with blind tooled border). Page [2] (first sequence) blank; p. [2], [l6l-162](second sequence) blank. Colophon p. 198: 'Ko Wirihana ma ratou ko Hotene nga kaita. kei Akarana.’, Binder’s label for Wilsons & Horton inside front cover.

Section title (p, [l] second sequence): 'Nga | Waiata a Rawiri.'. This section is unpaginated with separate signatures (a-k) and was printed in London,

A small format revised edition of the 1879 Wesleyan prayer book (no. 925), with which is bound a reprint of the Psalter ([l62] p.) first issued as part of the 1878 small format Anglican prayer book (no 909). 2,000 copies were




printed for the Home Mission and the revision was led by Henry H, Lawry; for more details see Australasian Wesleyan Methodist Church. New Zealand Conference. Minutes of the annual conference. 22 (1895), p. 102. The printing cost was £ll4 6s.

The section of 114 hymns (p. [ 142-183], first sequence) includes an index of first lines and a list of known 'authors', i.e. translators: Henry Williams, W. L. Williams, William Williams, C. O. Davis, Edward M. Williams, H. H. Lawry, John Hobbs. John Whiteley, Kereama Tawhai, Nathaniel Turner, Piripi Hana, Thomas Buddie, T. H. Smith. W. T. Fairburn and William Woon. The revised selection reflected Maori criticism of the previous edition.

For earlier editions of the Wesleyan prayer book see no. 258, 367, 555 and 925.

Williams 878. Copies: AP, AR, DL, NLA, WTU.


WILLIAMS, William Leonard (1829-1916)

Fourth edition of an introductory Maori grammar and vocabulary.

First lessons | in the | Maori language | of New Zealand: | with a | short vocabulary 1 by | W. L, Williams, B.A. | Second edition. | Revised. | Upton and Co., | Auckland. | Williams and Norgate, | 14, Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, London; and | 20, South Frederick Street, Edinburgh. | [rule] \ 1894.

[4], 92, [2], xii, [6] p.; 155x97 mm.; green card covers. Prelim, pages; blank leaf and title-page (advertisement on verso). Colophon p. [xiii]: 'H. Brett, General Printer, Shortland Street, Auckland.'. Pages [93-94] and [xv-xviii] blank. Pages [7o]-92 in two columns separated by vertical rule. Title on front cover (inside border): ‘Lessons | in | Maori | [ornamental rule] 1 Williams'. Some copies lack the four blank leaves.

Pages [4] (prelim, sequence) and [xiv] contain an advertisement for the fourth edition (1892) of A dictionary of the New Zealand language (no. 1348).

Despite the title-page wording, this is the fourth edition of a work first published in 1862 (no. 593) and with some additions since the previous edition (no. 1065). For later editions see no. 1481 and Bagnall W1332W1338.

Williams 882 & (S), Bagnall W1330. Copies: AR, WTU.



Seventh-Day Adventist tract on the Sabbath.

Ko tewhea ra e whakatapungia 1 ana e koe, | a he aha te take. | [swelled rule] | E pupuri katoa ana nga karaitiana i tetahi 1 ratapu kite Atua, [. . .] | [. . .] [George, Printer, Hastings. [lB9s?]]

8 p.; 215x125 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 8.

Text signed at end: 'Heoia na o hoa i rotoi la te Karaiti | Na G. W. Amatana. | Na Maui Pomare. | Kite pirangi tuhituhi mai, me tuku mai nga reta kia | Maui Pomare, | Kei Battle Creek, | Michigan, | United States of America.'.

A Seventh-Day Adventist tract on the Sabbath, probably translated by Maui




Pomare from an English text by ‘G. W. Amatana (not identified). Pbmare studied at the Adventist College at Battle Creek for four years from 1893, visiting New Zealand in 1895, from when the pamphlet presumably dates. The printer A. A. George was active from about 1 895 to 1 909. For more about Pomare see DNZB. v. 3, p. 404-407.

Williams 851 a (S), Bagnall sA4lBb. Copies: WTU.



Reprint of the small format Book of Common Prayer.

Te Pukapuka | o nga Inoi, 1 me era atu tikanga 1 a te Hahi o ingarani 1 mo te minitatanga 1 o nga hakarameta. | o era atu ritenga hoki a te Hahi, | me nga Waiata ano hoki a Rawiri; | mete tikanga | mo te motuhanga | i te pihopa, i te piriti, i te rikona. | Ranana: [i.e. London] | I kiia tenei kia taia e te Komiti mo te Whakapuaki 1 i te Mohiotanga ki a te Karaiti. | [rule] | 1895.

xxviii, 473, [3], 475-491, [l] p. 140x81 mm. Integral unnumbered blank leaf preceding p. 475 (conjugate with p. 491-[492], signature Z). Page [474] unnumbered, p. [492] blank. Colophon p. [ii]: ‘London: | Printed by Gilbert and Rivington, Ld. | St. John’s House, Clerkenwell, E.C.'. Published by the SPCK cte Komiti mo te Whakaouaki i te Mohiotanea ki a te Karaiti').

A further reprint of 1,500 copies (according to Williams) of the small format Anglican prayer book in the 1887 edition (no. 1175).

Other issues and editions of the Anglican prayer book are listed at no. 19.

Williams 894. Copies: AP. AR; WTU (partial photocopy).

KO TE INOI mo te taro.


Mormon prayer for blessing sacramental bread.

Ko te inoi mo te taro. | [rule] | E te Atua, e te Matua ora tonu, e inoi ake ana matou ki a | koe i runga i te ingoa o Tau Tama o Ihu Karaiti, kia whakapaingia | kia whakatapua tenei taro mo nga wairua o te hunga katoa e kai | ana, [. . .] | [5 fines] [no imprint, ca. 1895]

I sheet ([l] p.); 109x146 mm.

Translation of the Mormon prayer for blessing the sacramental bread. It is a slightly different translation from that dating from about 1886 (no. 1152). While the date of publication is uncertain, it is thought to be from the last decade of the 19th century.

Copies: Church History Library, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Salt Lake City, Utah; WTU (photocopy).

KO TE INOI mo te wai


Mormon prayer for blessing sacramental oil.

Ko te inoi mo te wai. | [rule] \ E te Atua, e te Matua ora tonu, e inoi ake ana matou Ki a | koe i runga i te ingoa o Tau Tama o Ihu Karaiti, kia whaka- | paingia kia whakatapua tenei wai mo nga wairua o te hunga | katoa e inu ana, [. . .] | [3 lines] [no imprint, ca. 1895]




1 sheet ([l] p); 109 x 146 mm.

Translation of the Mormon prayer for blessing the sacramental oil. It is a slightly different translation from that dating from about 1 886 (no. 1 152). While the date of publication is uncertain, it is thought to be from the last decade of the 19th century.

Copies: Church History Library, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Salt Lake City, Utah; WTU (photocopy).

Nga KORERO mo Tuhoe


Report of meetings of Tuhoe delegation with the Premier and the Governor.

Niu Tireni. 1 [rule] | Nga korero mo Tuhoe. | Taenga ki Poneke kia kite i te Kawanatanga. | [rule] | Tau 1895. | [rule] \ Poneke. [i.e. Wellington] | He mea whakahau: Hamuera Kohitare, Kaiata a te Kawanatanga. | [rule] 1 1895.

15, [l] p ; 242x154 mm.; blue paper covers. Title from cover Page [l6] blank. Printed by Samuel Costall. Government Printer (‘Hamuera Kohitare, Kaiata a te Kawanatanga').

Caption title p. [l]; 'Nga korero o te huinga atu o te Urewera kite Aroaro | o te Pirimia i te whitu o nga ra o Hepetema, 1895.’. Caption title p. 12: 'Te taenga o te Urewera kite aroaro o te Kawana.’. Shoulder note p. [I ]: ‘(Visit of Tuhoe chiefs to Wellington.'.

Report of meetings between the Tuhoe delegation and the Premier (Seddon) on 7 September 1895 and with the Governor (Glasgow), including the text of waiata. The delegation arose from tension between Urewera iwi and government, and in particular the 1 895 survey parties. As a result the Urewera District Reserve Bill was introduced, and enacted in 1896 (see no 1466); it provided the iwi with a degree of self-government. For further background see J. A. Williams, Politics of the New Zealand Maori (Auckland. 1969), p. 91-97. and V. O'Malley, Agents of autonomy (Wellington, 1998), p. 228-239.

The text is based on the English account in the New Zealand times. 8 September 1895. The same setting of the Maori version was also printed in the Kahiti. 17 October 1895, p. 394-405.

Williams 896 & (S), Bagnall K464. Copies: AR. WTU.



Proceedings of the third Kotahitanga Parliament. AprU/May 1894.

Niu Tireni | Nga korero o te hui | o te | Whakakotahitanga, | i tu ki | Pakirikiri Turanga, | I te | [remainder of text not known (copy imperfect)] [Printed at the Wairarapa Standard Office, Greytown | March 14 1895.]

151, [l] p,; 214x138 mm,; brownish pink paper covers. Title from from cover (imperfect in only copy located). Imprint from colophon, p, [ls2] Caption title p. [l]: 'Paremata Maori, | [ ornament] 1894. [ornament]'. Onl> copy located lacks some leaves.




Detailed record of proceedings of the third Kotahitanga Parliament held at Pakirikiri (Gisborne) in April/May 1894. See no. 1320 (proceedings of the first Maori Parliament) for additional information

Copies: Private Coll.; WTU (photocopy).


Proceedings of the fourth Kotahitanga Parliament. March/April 1895.

Ko te | pukapuka nama 5 | o te | perehitanga. | [ double rule] | Tuunga. | Tuawha o te Paremata | o te | Kotahitanga | o te | iwi Maori o Nui Tireni | o te | 7 o Maehe, 1895. | [double rule] | Rotorua Nui a Kahu. [Wiremu Makara, Kai-ta, Hai Tiriti, Akarana. [i.e. Auckland] [lB9s?]]

iv, 52 p.; 251x182 mm.; pink paper covers. Imprint from colophon p. 52. Title repeated on front cover with colophon added. Page [II] blank. Printed in two columns separated by vertical rule. Printed by William McCullough, High Street, Auckland. Caption title p. [l]: 'Paremata Maori o Nui Tireni. | [rule] \ Nohanga Tuawha. | [rule] | I tu ki Rotorua, Maehe 7, 1895.'. Detailed record of proceedings of the fourth Kotahitanga Parliament held at Rotorua 7 March-13 April 1895. Introduction (‘He panui mete reta’, p. iii-iv) signed by H. P. Mangakahia, Pirimia, dated 'Whangapoua, Tihema 4, 1895.'. The designation of this as the sth volume results from including in the series the publication which followed the April 1892 preliminary meeting that formalised Kotahitanga arrangements (no. 1319).

See no. 1320 (proceedings of the first Maori Parliament) for additional information.

Sommerville 902 a. Copies: WTU,

Entries 1428-1438 are filed in alphabetical order of the English title.



Extracts from the Alcoholic Liquors Sale Control Act Amendment Act 1895.

(Alcoholic Liquors Sale Control Act Amendment. | Niu Tireni. | [Royal Arms] | Ture Whakatikatika, 1895, i te Ture Whaka- | haere Tikanga mo te Hoko Waipiro. | [rule] | He Ture hei whakatikatika i “Te Ture Whakahaere Tikanga mo | te Hoko Waipiro, 1893." | (31 Oketopa, 1895. | [. . .] [He mea whakahau, i taia e S. Costall. Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga,

Weringitana. [i.e. Wellington] -1895.]

1 sheet (2 p.): 271x202 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 2. Printed by Samuel Costall ('Hamuera Kohitare’ in following entries).

Government Printer (‘Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga’). Short title: 'Te Ture WhaKatikatika 1895 i te Ture Whakahaere Tikanga mo te Hoko Waipiro.'.

Translation of sections 1 and 24-27 of the Alcoholic Liquors Sale Control Act Amendment Act 1895 (1895, No. 45) omitting the Analysis and marginal notes. The complete Act had 36 sections and 5 schedules. The translated sections relate to limits on the sale of alcohol to Maori and prohibited




persons, A Maori woman could be supplied with alcohol only if she were 'the wife of a European'. The Bill was introduced by Seddon in the House on 21 June and passed all stages by 29 October. Although the debate includes references to the need for particular amendments to be translated into Maori [NZPD. 1895, v. 90. p. 564-567, 569-570) there is no reference to the Bill (or parts of it) having been produced in Maori. The extracts from the Act in Maori were included with the complete English text in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1895 (522/1895).

Williams 898. Copies: WTU (in collected vol.).


Fencing Act 1895.

(Fencing Act 1895. 1 Niu Tireni. | [rule] \ [Royal Arms] | Ture Taiapa. | [rule] | [rule] | He Ture hei whakatopu hei whakatika i te ture whakarite tikanga | mo te whakaaranga mete whakapainga o nga taiapa wehewehe | rohe whenua me nga taiapa arai rapeti. | [. . .] [He mea whakahau i taia ai e S. Costall, Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Werengitana. [i.e. Wellington] -1895]

14 p.; 271x202 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 14. Running title: 'Taiapa.'. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title; ‘Te Ture Taiapa, 1895.'.

Translation of the Fencing Act 1895 (1895, No. 32) omitting the Analysis and marginal notes. It consolidated and simplified existing legislation and introduced some new provisions, including the need for certain categories of land owned by Maori to comply with its provisions. The Bill (see no. 1441) was introduced in the House by Minister of Lands McKenzie on 21 June and passed all stages by 4 October. From Hansard it is clear that the complete Bill was not initially produced in Maori, but an undertaking was given to translate the clauses that applied to land owned by Maori ( NZPD , 1895, v. 88, p. 135, 136.) The Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for I 895 19.771 1 8951

Williams 899. Copies: WTU (in collected vol.).


Hikutaia No. I Block Boundary Act 1895.

(Hikutaia No. I Block Boundary. | Niu Tireni. 1 [rule] \ [Royal Arms] \ Rohe o Hikutaia Nama I Poraka. | [rule] | Whakawhaititanga. | [analyst's; J sections. 8 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule ] | [rule] | He lure whakamana kia karaatitia etahi whenua i roto i te Takiwa | Ruuri o Waihou ki nga Maori no ratou a Hikutaia Nama I Poraka | hei whakaotinga tuturu mo nga kereeme katoa a aua Maori ki | nga wahi katoa o nga whenua katoa i roto i taua poraka. | [. . .] [He mea whakahau: Hamuera Kohitare, Kaita a te Kawanatanga, Poneke. [i.e. Wellington! -1895.1

1 sheet (2 p.); 271X202 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 2. Printed by the Government Printer,

Short title: ‘Te Tore Rohe o Hikutaia Nama 1 Poraka, 1895.'




Translation of the Hikutaia No. I Block Boundary Act 1895 (1895, Local Acts, No. 1) omitting the marginal notes. The grant of land at Waihou (near Te Aroha) to 23 Maori named in section 2 settled a dispute arising from defective surveys. The Bill was introduced by Cadman in the House on 21 June and passed all stages by 11 July without debate. No Maori version of the Bill has been identified; translations of local legislation were not usually produced. The Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1 895 (522/1895).

Williams 901. Copies: WTU (in collected vol.).


Horowhenua Block Act 1895.

(Horowhenua Block Act, 1895. 1 Niu Tireni. | [Royal Arms] \ Horowhenua Poraka. 1 [rule] | He Ture hei whakarite tikanga mo Horowhenua Poraka. | [29 lines] \ [rule] \ He mea whakahau: Hamuera Kohitare, Kai-ta a te Kawanatanga. Poneke [i.e. Wellington] -1895.

1 sheet ([l] p.): 271x202 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon. Printed by the Government Printer. In smaller type size than usual for legislation. Short title: 'Te Ture mo Horowhenua Poraka, 1895.’.

Translation of the Horowhenua Block Act 1895 (1895, Local Acts. No. 16) omitting the Analysis and marginal notes. It set limits on actions relating to the land and appointed a Royal Commission; see no. 1418 for further background. The Bill was introduced by Minister of Lands McKenzie on 10 October and passed all stages by 29 October, its haste causing some queries in the Legislative Council (see A IZPD, 1895, v. 91, p. 732-738). No Maori version of the Bill has been identified. The Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1895 (522/1895).

Williams 901 g. Copies: WTU (in collected vol.).


Extracts from the Land and Income Assessment Acts Amendment Act 1895.

(Land and Income Assessment. | Niu Tireni. | [Royal ,4rms] | Ture Whakatikatika i te Ture Taake-Whenua | Taake Utu Tau Hoki. | [rule] | He Ture hei whakatikatika i nga ture taake-whenua taake | utu tau hoki. | [. . .] [He mea whakahau, i taia e S. Costall, Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Weringitana. [i.e. Wellington] -1895.]

1 sheet (2 p.); 271x202 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 2. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title; Te Ture Whakatikatika 1895 i nga Ture Whakarite TaakeWhenua Taake Utu Tau Hoki.’.

A translation of sections 1-3 and 7-11 of the Land and Income Assessment Acts Amendment Act 1895 (1895, No. 70) omitting the Analysis and marginal notes and sections 4-6. The sections translated relate to Maori-owned land, making it liable for land-tax. The Bill (see no. 1 442 for a Maori version) was introduced in the House as a message from the Governor on 2 August and




passed all stages by 16 October. The extracts from the Act in Maori were included with the complete English text in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1895 (522/1895).

Williams 901 a. Copies: WTU (in collected vol.).


Native Land Claims Adjustment Act 1895.

(Native Land Claims Adjustment. | Niu Tireni. | [Royal Arms] | Whakariterite Kereeme Whenua Maori, | [rule] | He Ture hei whakatau i etahi kereeme me etahi tautohetohe, a hei whakaoti i | etahi whakaaetanga i mahia mo te taha kite kawanatanga mo runga I | nga whenua Maori. | [. . .] [He mea whakahau, I taia ai eS. Costall, Kai-ta Perehi ate Kawanatanga, Weringitana. [i.e. Wellington] -1895.1

1 folded sheet (4 p.); 271x202 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 4. Printed by the Government Printer. In smaller type size than usual for legislation.

Short title: ‘Te Ture Whakariterite Kereeme Whenua Maori. 1895.’.

Translation of the Native Land Claims Adjustment Act 1895 (1895, No. 54) omitting the Analysis and marginal notes. It provides for making decisions relating to eleven different blocks of land. The Bill was introduced by Seddon in the House on 1 5 October and passed all stages by 30 October without debate. No Maori version of the Bill has been identified. The Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1895 (522/I895). See no. 669 for further information on land legislation.

Williams 901 f. Copies: WTU (in collected vol.).


Native Land Laws Amendment Act 1895.

Native Land Laws Amendment, 1895. | Niu Tireni. | [Royal Arms] | Ture Whakatikatika i nga Ture Whenua Maori. | [rule] \ He Ture hei whakatikatika i nga Ture Whenua Maori. | [. . .] [He mea whakahau, i taia e S. Costall, Kai-ta a te Kawanatanga, Weringitana. [i.e. Wellington] -1895.]

17, [l] p.; 271x202 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 17. Page [lB] blank. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: Te Ture Whakatikatika i nga Ture Whenua Maori, 1895.'.

Translation of the Native land Laws Amendment Act 1895 (1895. No. 52) omitting the Analysis and marginal notes, it contains 84 sections covering a wide range of mainly administrative amendments. The Bill was introduced by Seddon in the House on 21 August and passed all stages by 21 August. No Maori version of the Bill has been identified. The Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1895 (522/1895). See no. 669 for further information on land legislation.

Williams 901 c. Copies: WTU (in collected vol.).





Native Reserves Act Amendment Act 1895.

(Native Reserves Act Amendment. 1895. | Niu Tireni. | [Royal Arms] | Ture Whakatikatika i te Ture Rahui Maori. | [rule] | He Ture hei whakatikatika i te ture whakarite tikanga whakahaere mo | nga rahui Maori. | [. . .] [He mea whakahau, i taia e S. Costall, Kaita Perehi a te Kawanatanga,

Weringitana. [i.e. Wellington] -1895.]

1 folded sheet (3, [I ]) p.; 271 x 202 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 3. Page [4] blank. Printed by the Government Printer. In smaller type size than usual for legislation.

Short title: 'Te Ture Whakatikatika, 1895, i te Ture Rahui Maori.’.

Translation of the Native Reserves Act Amendment Act 1895 (1895, No. 53) omitting the Analysis and marginal notes. It contains 10 sections of administrative amendments. The Bill was introduced by Seddon in the House on 22 October and passed all stages by 29 October. No Maori version of the Bill has been identified. The Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1895 (522/1895). See no. 669 for further information on land legislation.

Williams 90Id. Copies: WTU (in collected vol.).


Native Townships Act 1895.

(Native Townships. | Niu Tireni. | [Royal Arms ] | “Te Ture Taone Maori, 1895”. | [rule] | He Ture kia tupu haere ai te whakanohonoho kite tangata me | te whakatuwhera o nga whenua o waenganui o te motu o | Aotearoa. I [He mea whakahau, I taia S. Costall, Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Weringitana. [i.e. Wellington] -1895.]

5. [l] p.; 271x202 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. [6], Running title: 'Taone Maori.' (to p. 5), ‘Taome Maori' (p. 6). Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: 'Te Ture Taone Maori, 1895.’.

Translation of the Native Townships Act 1895 (1895, No. 12) omitting the Analysis and marginal notes. It provided for the 'opening-up of the interior of the North island' and development of townships to support tourism, and included specific provisions relating to Maori, including allotments (s, 6), consultation (s, 7) and free use of thermal springs and baths (s. 21). The Bill was introduced in the House by Minister of Lands John McKenzie on 21 June and passed all stages by 21 August. No Maori version of the Bill has been identified. The Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1895 (522/1895). See no. 669 for further information on land legislation. For Native Land Court regulations made under the Act see no. **1467.

For a discussion of the effects of the legislation in the King Country see C. Marr, The alienation of land in the Rohe Potae (Aotea Block). 1840-1920 (Wellington. 1996), p. 135-145.

Williams 901b. Copies: WTU.


I 437



Extracts from the Rating Act Amendment Act 1895.

(Rating Act Amendment Act, 1895. | Niu Tireni. | [Royal Arms] | Ture Whakatikatika i te Ture Reiti. | [rule] | He Ture hei whakatikatika i “Te Ture Reiti, 1894.” | [. . .] [He mea whakahau, i taia ai eS. Costall, Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga. Poneke. [i.e. Wellington] -1895 ]

1 sheet (2 p); 271x202 mm. Caption title Imprint from colophon p. 2. Printed by the Government Printer

Short title: Te Ture Whakatikatika 1895 i te Ture Reiti’,

Translation of sections 1-2 and 4 subsection (1) of the Rating Act Amendment Act 1895 (1895, No. 40) omitting the Analysis, marginal notes and sections 3, 4 subsections (2)-(8), and 5-6. it amended the 1894 Rating Act (no. 1412). The translated sections made land owned by Maori and vested in the Public Trustee liable for rates. For background see T. Bennion, Maori and rating law (Wellington, 1997). p. 28.

The Bill (see no. 1443 for a Maori version) was introduced by Seddon in the House on 17 September and passed all stages by 24 October. The extracts from the Act in Maori were included with the complete English text in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1895 (522/1895)

Williams 90le. Copies: WTU (in collected vol.).


Westland and Nelson Native Reserves Act Amendment Act 1895.

(Westland and Nelson Native Reserves Act Amendment, 1895. 1 Niu Tireni. | [Royal Arms] | Ture Whakatikatika i te Ture Rahui Maori o | te Tai Hauauru o te Waipounamu me Wha- | katu. | [rule] | He Ture hei whakatikatika i “Te Ture Rahui Maori o te Tai Hau- | auru o te Waipounamu me Whakatu, 1887.” | [. . .] [He mea whakamana, i taia ai e S. Costall, Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Weringitana. [i.e. Wellington] -1895.]

I sheet (2) p.; 271x202 mm.; Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 2.

Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: ‘Te Ture Whakatikatika, 1895, i te Ture Rahui Maori o te Tai Hauauru o te Waipounamu me Whakatu.'.

Translation of the Westland and Nelson Native Reserves Act Amendment Act 1895 (1895 No. 55) omitting the Analysis and marginal notes. It authorised the Public Trustee to pay out compensation for flood damage to the Arahura Block (near Hokitika) to Maori over the age of 16. The Bill was introduced by Sir Patrick Buckley in the Legislative Council on October 10 and passed all stages by 30 October. No Maori version of the Bill has been identified. The Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1895 (522/1895).

Williams 900. Copies: WTU (in collected vol.).





NEW ZEALAND. Inspector of Native Schools.

Instructions for the election of Native School committees.

Kupu tohutohu ki nga kai-whakahaere mo te | mahi whakahaere I te tikanga a [sic] o te mahi | pooti i nga mema mo te komiti mo te kura. | [double rule] | Me penei te tikanga o taua pootitanga, ara:— | [24 lines] \ Na te Popi, | [set left:] 4392-95) [set right:] Kai-tirotiro Kura Maori, [no imprint. Wellington?: Printed by the Government Printer?, 1895?]

1 sheet ([ I]p ); 335x210 mm. Printed on laid paper. Dated from the printer's job number at foot: '4392-95'. Physical details not confirmed: only copy located is a proof, with manuscript correction to delete 'a' in line 2 of title.

Instructions for the election of Native School committees, issued and signed by the Inspector of Native Schools,]. H. Pope ('te Popi').

Williams 896 a. Copies: WTU (proof copy).

**1440 I

NEW ZEALAND. Native Land Court

Rules of the Native Land Court under the Native Land Court Act 1894. Nga | tikanga whakahaere | 1 raro 1 | Wahi IT, o Wahanga IT, | o 1 “Te Ture Kooti Whenua Maori, | 1894.” | [Royal Arms] \ Wellington. | By authority;

Samuel Costall, Government Printer. | [rule] | 1895.

[4], 20 p.; 159x102 mm. Prelim, pages: title-page (p. [2-4] blank).

Translation of Rules and Regulations of the Native Land Court. Division 11.. Part 11.. of "The Native Land Court Act. 1894" (Wellington, 1895; see no. 1470, item 4). The text was first published in the Kahiti. 1895, no. 13 (4 April), p. 125-130 and the separate issue was first advertised in the Kahiti no. 18 (2 May 1895), p, 175, price sixpence. No copy of the separate issue has been located and the description here has been taken from the collected volume Rules and regulations of the Native Land Court (no. 1470, item 10).

Copies: WTU (as part of no. 1470). No copy located of separate issue.

Entries 1441-1444 are filed in alphabetical order of the English title.


NEW ZEALAND. Parliament

Fencing Bill 1895.

(Fencing. | Taiapa. | [rule] \ [rule] \ He Pire e huaina ana | He Ture hei whakatopu hei whakatika i te ture whakarite tikanga | mo te whakaaranga mete whakapainga o nga Taiapa wehewehe | rohe whenua me nga taiapa arai rapeti. | [. . .] [He mea whakahau I tala ai e S. Costall, Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Werengitana. [i.e. Wellington] -1895.]

12 p.: 265x195 (cropped). Caption title. Printed by the Government Printer ('Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga').

Short title: 'Te Ture Taiapa, 1895’,

Translation of the Fencing Bill 1895 omitting the Analysis, marginal notes and line numbering. For the resulting Act and additional information see no. 1429.

Copies: WTU.



I 442


Land and Income Assessment Amendment Bill 1895.

(Land and Income Assessment. | Ture Whakatikatika i te Ture Taake-

Whenua | Taake-Oranga. | [rule] 1 [rule] | He Pire e huaina ana. | He Ture hei whakatikatika i nga Ture Taake-Whenua Taake- | Oranga. | [. . .] [He mea whakahau, i taia e S. Costall, Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga,

Weringitana. [i.e. Wellington] -1895.]

I folded sheet (3, [l] p); 258x185 mm. (cropped). Caption title. Page [4] blank. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: 'Te Ture Whakatikatika 1895 i nga Ture Whakarite TaakeWhenua Taake-Oranga.'.

Translation of the Land and Income Assessment Amendment Bill 1895 omitting the Analysis, marginal notes and line numbering. For the resulting Act and additional information see no. 1432.

Copies: WTU.


Extracts from the Rating Act Amendment Bill 1895.

(Rating Act Amendment. | Hon. Te Waari. | Ture Whakatikatika i te Reita. [sic] | [rule] \ [rule] | He Pire e huaina ana | He Ture hei whakatikatika i “Te Ture Reiti, 1894." | [. . .] [He mea whakahau, i taia ai eS. Costall, Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Poneke. [i.e. Wellington] -1895.]

1 sheet ([l] p.); 272x190 mm. (cropped). Printed by the Government Printer Short title: 'Te Ture Whakatikatika i te Ture Reiti, 1895'.

Translation of sections 1-2, 4 subsection (1), and 8 of the Rating Act Amendment Bill 1895 omitting the Analysis, marginal notes and line numbering. The name of Colonial Treasurer J. G. Ward (‘te Waari’) who moved the second reading in the House Is in the heading. For the resulting Act and additional information see no. 1437.

Copies: WTU.


Ratina on Unimvroved Value Bill 1895.

Rating on Unimproved Value. | Hon. Te Waari. | Reiti Whenua I Runga i Tona Utu i te wa | Kaore ano I Whakapaingia. 1 [rule] \ He Pire e huaina ana | [. . .] [He mea whakahau, i taia e Hamuera Kohitare, Kai-ta a te Kawana[t]anga, Poneke. [i.e. Wellington] -1895.]

1 folded sheet (3, [l] p.); 260x190 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 3, Page [4] blank. Running title p. 2 begins 'Rieti [sic] Whenua . . .'. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: "Te Ture Reiti Whenua I Runga I Tona Utu i te Wa Kaore ano I Whakapaingia, 1895.'.

Translation of the Rating on Unimproved Value Bill 1895 omitting the Analysis, marginal notes and line numbering. The Bill was introduced in the




House by Seddon on behalf of Colonial Treasurer J. G. Ward (‘Hon. te Waari') on 2 July, but lapsed in the Legislative Council. A similar Bill had been unsuccessfully introduced in 1894 and the debate included reference to the need to translate it into Maori ( NZPD , 1894, v. 85, p. 413-415) but no issue of that year has been located. The 1895 Bill, probably reusing the earlier Maori version, was introduced again in 1896 when it was enacted (see no. 1464).

Copies: WTU.


TURE Komiti Maori

Regulations for the conduct of kainga.

[Ture Komiti Maori; actual title not confirmed; no copy located. Printed at the Herald Office. Gisborne. (189511

8 p.; 170x110 mm.; paper covers. Printed on laid paper. Title repeated on cover. Physical details not confirmed; no copy located. Description from Williams.

Although no copy has been located, from his detailed description Williams must have seen a copy: 'A set of regulations, drawn up apparently by the Maoris of the East Coast, for the conduct of the kainga, thrown into the form of an Act of Parliament consisting of twenty-three clauses.'. Dated by Williams from a reference in the first paragraph.

Williams 902. No copy located.


WHITE, Ellen Gould (1827-1915)

Adventist tract on the curse of the liquor trade.

Te kanga ote mahi hoko waipiro. | [ornamental rule] | Erena G. Waiti. | [swelled rule] | Aue, te mate mo te tangata, he kino nei te apo i | apo taonga ai ia mo tona whare, he mea kia tike- | tike ake ai tona kohanga. | [. . .] [George & Young, Printers, Market-street, Hastings, [ca. 1895]]

8 p,; 173x121 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 8.

An Adventist tract against the liquor trade by an American Seventh Day Adventist Ellen White (‘Erena G. Waiti’) who first visited New Zealand in 1893. She became a friend and colleague of leading New Zealand Adventist Margaret Caro, who lived mainly in Napier and was an advocate of temperance from the 1890s on; see DNZB. v. 2, p. 77. While Bagnall's date of publication is not confirmed, George & Young were active between about 1893 and 1895.

Bagnall WlO4O. Copies: WTU.



Notice seeking funds for a memorial window to Bishop Selwyn. He wini whakamaharatanga ki a | Pihopa Herewini. | [swelled rule] | Kua takoto he tikanga i nga tangata o te Hahi o Niu Tireni | kia kohia [. . .] | [l6 lines ] | Akarana. | Nowema, 1895 [no imprint. Auckland?: 1895?]

I sheet ((!] p.): 207x130 mm Printed on laid paper.




A circular inviting subscriptions towards a window in memory of Bishop George Augustus Selwyn ('Pihopa Herewini') to be installed in the chapel at Selwyn College. Cambridge, England. The 1895 Church of England General Synod had agreed ( Proceedings , p. 99) that copies of the appeal letter from his son Bishop John Selwyn, Warden of the College, should be distributed to dioceses for circulation. This appeal to church members is from the Diocese of Auckland and it is possible that other dioceses produced similar circulars, but none have been located.

Williams 895. Copies: NLA, WTU.



Short form of the Anglican burial service.

He karakia | kua whakaritea i te pihopatanga o Waiapu mo | te nehu i te tupapaku, kahore nei e tika | mona “Te tikanga mo te tanu tupapaku” a | te Hahi i Niu Tirani e kiia nei ko te Hahi o | Ingarani. | [. . .] [no imprint. Gisborne? ca. 1896]

I sheet ([2]) p.; 139x83 mm. Caption title. Possibly printed by the office of the Poverty Bay herald at Gisborne, which printed Diocesan Synod reports.

A short form of the Anglican burial service in Maori used in the Diocese of Waiapu in about 1896 (Williams). Printed for insertion into the small format Book of Common Prayer; it occurs as a loose sheet in some copies of no. 1485.

Williams 912. Copies: AP, NLA, WTU.


He HIMENE mo te karakia kite Atua

Enlarged collection ('fifth edition') of 186 Anglican hymns. He | himene | mo | te karakia kite Atua | [heraldic device with motto ‘Dominus regnavit laetentur insulae'] | Poneke: [i.e. Wellington] | Na te Haaringi i ta | ki tona Whare Perehi Pukapuka | 1896.

xi, [l], 152 p.: 132x82 mm.; blackish-purple cloth boards (blank) or full maroon leather (with gold tooled title 'Himene' on front cover). Pages [ii], [iv], [vi] and [xii] blank. Colophon p. 152: 'Wellington, New Zealand: | Printed and published by R. Coupland Harding, Parish-street.'. Title-page bordered with ornamental rule.

A further enlarged collection ('fifth and revised edition') of 186 Anglican hymns in Maori; 5,000 copies printed. The heraldic device has not been identified. Summary printing history (totalling 17,000 copies) since the first edition of 1883 (no. 1073) printed below the colophon (p. 152). See no. 1073 for additional information.

One WTU copy includes a prospectus for this edition, listing four binding options, of which two have been seen. Copies were also available from H. J. Edmiston, Sunday School Union. Y.M.C.A. Buildings, Auckland.

Williams 911. Copies: AP, AR, DL. NLA, WTU.





Nga HUI MAORI i Poneke, 1896

Reports of meetings in Wellington August/September 1896.

Nga hui Maori | I | Poneke, | 1 896. | [Royal Arms] | Poneke: [f.e. Wellington] | He mea whakahau, i taia ai e Hoani Make. Kai-ta Perehi a te | Kawanatanga. | [rule] | 1896.

52 p.; 213x136 mm.; orange paper covers. Title from cover. Page [36] blank. Caption title p. (!]: ‘Hui Maori.'. Printed and published by John Mackay, Government Printer (‘Hoani Make, Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga’), who had been appointed in June 1896: see W. A. Glue, The history of the Government Printing Office (Wellington, 1966), p. 95-100.

Reports of meetings held in Wellington in August/September 1896 involving iwi and government representatives. The Maori delegates, men and women from most parts of the country, were in Wellington for several months waiting for legislation affecting them to be considered by Parliament. A partial list of delegates, who formed themselves into a committee chaired by H. T. Whatahoro, is on p, 7-8. This Maori text was also issued with an English version under the title Native meetings at Wellington. 1896 (no. 1456).

The reports (with individual section titles) are of four events: welcome from the Minister Representing the Native Race James Carroll (15 August) suggesting they use the time to hold discussions among themselves on matters of interest (p. [l]-7); statements from a deputation to Premier Seddon (29 August) and his reply to their resolutions about legislation (p. [9]35): Tuhoe deputation to Seddon (8 September) and his reply, mainly about the death of Keren! (p.[37]-46); farewell to the Governor. Lord Glasgow (14 September), his response, and a Wairarapa waiata (p. [47J-52).

Williams 928, Bagnall N163. Copies: AR, DL, DUHO, WTU.


Te KARERE tuarua a Mahuru

Leaflet in support of Major Kemp’s appearance before the Legislative Council.

[three ornaments] | [two rules] | [portrait of Te Rangihiwinui with bird ornament each side] | Te karere tuarua a Mahuru. | Whiti! Whiti! Whiti whiti ora! | [ornamental rule] | [fwo rules ] | Kia koutou ki nga morehu tane, me nga morehu wahine, e hipokina iho nei koutou e te | rangimarie o te atawhai o to tatou Ariki o Karaiti Ihu, kia tau iho tana manaakitanga ki runga 1 kia koutou katoa, tane wahine, me nga tamariki. [...])[.. .] [no imprint. 1896?]

1 sheet ([2] p.); 270x211 mm.; dark bright pink paper. Caption title. Ornament of ship at end of text.

Leaflet expressing the support of both the Kotahitanga and the Kingitanga for Major Kemp (Te Rangihiwinui), referred to as 'Taitoko'. It is signed at the end by Topia Turoa and 27 others, followed by the names of two secretaries, W. W. Hlpango and Ru Reweti. Major Kemp appeared before the Legislative Council in connection with the Horowhenua Block Bill; see no. 1457 for further information.

Copies: WTU.





Nga KORERO o te hui o Hinetapora.

Proceedings of hui at opening of Hinetapora on 6 February 1896. Nga korero o te hui o Hinetapora. | [ornamental rule] | 1 tu tenei hui ki Mangahauea [i.e. Mangahanea], wahi o Tuparoa, i te Takiwa o | Waiapu, i te ono o nga ra o Pepuere, 1896. [. . .] | [. . .] [J. H. Field, Printer, Albert St., Auckland. [lB96?]]

16 p.; 244x152 mm.; orange-brown paper covers (blank). Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 16. At end of text: 'Na Apirana Turupa Ngata, | Karaka o Te Hui.’.

Report of proceedings of a hui at Mangahanea marae near Ruatoria for the opening of the wharenui Hinetapora on 6 February 1896, recording the speeches and waiata. Matters affecting Ngati Porou were also discussed: land, building of roads, and establishing a committee to deal with the issues. Signed by Apirana Ngata as secretary ('karaka').

Williams 929, Bagnall N3705. Copies: AP, AR, DL, DUHO. NLA, WTU.


MACKAY, James (1831-1912)

Address to Ngati Maru delivered at Thames. 25 May 1896.

Whakaaturanga | o nga | tikanga | o te | whakapuraretanga [i.e.

whakapuaretanga] o Hauraki | mo te | mahinga koura. | [rule] | Na Tiemi Make. 1 [double rule] | (All rights reserved.)

[parallel title:]

Narrative | of the | opening of the Hauraki District | for | gold mining. | [rule] | By James Mackay. [Wm. McCullough, General Printer, High Street.

Auckland. [lB96]].

32 p.; [l] folded leaf of plates; 217x140 mm.; pink or pale yellow paper covers. Imprint from colophon p. 32. Title repeated on front cover inside ornamental border with slight variations including addition of rules, colophon, and price (Is. 6d.) in English and Maori. Pages [2], [l6] blank.

Caption title p. 17; 'Translation in English. | [ru/e] | Address of Mr. James Mackay to the | Ngatimaru tribe of Hauraki.'.

Plate (tipped in between p. 16 and 17) comprises 3 col. maps (lithographs) with notes dated 1 June 1896. The two larger maps have titles 'Hauraki Mining District’, the third is a small detail. They show boundaries of lands ceded for mining 1861-67 and (in more detail) 25 named blocks as far south as Te Aroha.

An account in Maori (p. 3-15) and English (p. 1 7-32) addressed to Ngati Maru, telling the story of the discovery of gold and the development of mining in Hauraki (Coromandel Peninsula), including disputes over land. The English text includes an introduction (p. 17-19, dated 27 May 1896) summarising Mackay's adventurous early New Zealand career before moving to Thames in 1867. Mackay delivered the oration at Thames on 25 May 1896 and explains that he subsequently translated it into English at the request of friends. For further information on Mackay see DNZB. v. 1, p. 252-253.

Williams 930. Bagnall M 315. Copies: AP, AR, DL, NLA, WTU. WU.






Election results from the fifth Kotahitanga parliament. March 1896.

Ko te | pukapuka nama 6 | o te | perehitanga. | [double rule] \ Ture pooti | mema o te Kotahitanga | o te | iwi Maori o te tau | 1896. | Paremata tua rima, Tokaanu, Taupo. | 26 Maehe, 1896. | [wavy rule] \ Nui Tireni. | [rule] 1 Ko te Peneha me Poropata ma nga, Kaiperehi, Arepata me Wanihana Tiriti, Akarana. [i.e. Auckland] [1896?]

8 p.; 259 x 199 mm.: pink paper covers. Title from front cover. Printed in two columns separated by vertical rule. Printed by Spencer, Probert & Co. CPeneha me Poropata'), Albert and Wyndham Streets.

Results of the election for membership of the fifth Kotahitanga Parliament, with notices signed by H. Mangakahia as Premier ('Pirimia') and salutations from various people and organisations. The Parliament was held at Tokaanu, Lake Taupo. No other record of proceedings for this Kotahitanga Parliament has been located. The designation of this as the 6th volume results from including in the series the publication which followed the April 1892 preliminary meeting that formalised Kotahitanga arrangements (no. 1319).

See no. 1320 (proceedings of the first Maori Parliament) for additional information.

Sommerville 929 a. Copies: WTU.


“The NATIVE LAND LAWS Amendment Act, 1895”: Return . . .

Outcome of applications under legislation relating to land transactions. G.-7. | 1896. | New Zealand. | [rule] | "The Native Land Laws Amendment Act, 1895”: | Return of applications under section 4. | [rule] | Presented to both Flouses of the General Assembly in pursuance of Section 4 of "The Native Land | Laws Amendment Act, 1895.” | [rule] \ [27 lines, mainly in tables of 2 or 3 columns] \ F. Waldegrave. Under-secretary. | Approximate cost of paper.-Preparation, not given; printing (1,225 copies), 18s. | [rule] | By authority: John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.-1896. 1 Price 3d.)

1 sheet ([l] p.): 323x207 mm. In tabular form.

AJHR. 1896, G-7; signed by the Under-secretary for Justice. Frank Waldegrave. Not printed in AJLC. List of I 7 applications under section 4 of the Native Land Laws Amendment Act 1895 (no. 1434) that allowed the alienation of land under certain conditions. The outcomes are organised into granted (4), refused (5) and pending (8). For subsequent lists see no. I 508 (1898) and 1525 (1899).

Copies: WTU (in bound vol.. AJHR).


NATIVE MEETINGS at Wellington, 1896

Reports of meetings in Wellington. August/September 1896. with English text.

Native meetings | at | Wellington. | 1896. | [Royal Arms] | Wellington, N.Z.

I By authority: John Mackay, Government Printer. | [rule] | 1896.




[2], 47, [l], 52 p.; 205x132 mm.; red cloth boards with gold tooling. Prelim, pages: title-page (verso blank). Pages [B], [32], [4B] (first sequence) blank; p. [36] (second sequence) blank. Caption title p. [l] (first sequence): 'Native meetings.'; caption title p, [l] (second sequence): ‘Hui Maori.'. Title on front cover: 'Native meetings | at | Wellington, | 1896. | English & Maori,'.

Colophon p. 47 (first sequence): 'By authority: John Mackay. Government Printer.-1896.’; colophon p. 52 (second sequence); 'He mea whakahau, i taia ai e Hoani Make, Kai-ta Perehi a | Kawanatanga, Poneke.'.

A fully bound joint reissue of two separate publications, one in English (Bagnall N162) and one in Maori (no. 1450), retaining the title-page of the English version. For additional information see no, 1450. The pagination of the four sections in the English text is: p. [l]-7 (Carroll); p, [9]-31 (Seddon); p. [33J-42 (Tuhoe); p. [43]-47 (Glasgow).

Sommerville 928 a. Copies: WTU.

Entries 1457-1466 are filed in alphabetical order of the English title.



Horowhenua Block Act 1896.

(Horowhenua Block. 1896. | Niu Tireni. | [Royal Arms] | Horowhenua Poraka. | [rule] \ He Ture hei Whakatakoto Tikanga mo Horowhenua Poraka. ![...] [He mea whakahau, i taia ai e Hoani Make, Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Poneke, [i.e. Wellington] -1896 ]

7, [l] p.; 270x210 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 7. Page [B] blank. Schedules (p. 6-7) partly printed in three columns separated by vertical rules. Printed by John Mackay, Government Printer (‘Hoani Make, Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga'). appointed in lune 1896.

Short title: Te Ture mo Horowhenua Poraka, 1896.'.

Translation of the Horowhenua Block Act 1896 (1896, No. 18) omitting the Analysis and marginal notes. The Schedules include names of the Maori owners. It enacts the recommendations of the Royal Commission appointed in 1895 to investigate the dispute ( AJHR , 1896, G-2). See no. 1418 and 1431 for further background. See AJHR 1897, Session 2, G-2, G-2a, G-2b, and 1898, G-2, G-2a, G-2b, for subsequent proceedings in the Supreme and Native Appellate Courts and EM 1472 for a related petition.

The Bill was introduced by a message from the Governor in the House on 18 September and passed all stages by 16 October. There is no reference in the lengthy debate ( NZPD , 1896, v. 96) to the Bill being produced in Maori and no copy has been located. Major Kemp appeared before the Legislative Council on 6 October; his statement was separately printed (in English; Bagnall R49). The Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1896 (522/1896).

Williams 914. Copies: WTU (in collected vol.).


Lake Forsyth Lands Vestinq Act 1896.

(Lake Forsyth Land [sic] Vesting, 1896. | Niu Tireni. | [Royal Arms] \ Te




Ture Whakatau Whenua o Wairewa. | [rule] | He Ture hei whakatau i etahi whenua i te Roto o Wairewa, kia | tau kite Kaute Kaunihera o Akaroa. | [, , .] [He mea whakahau, i taia e Hone Make, Kai-ta a te Kawanatanga.

Werengitana. [i.e. Wellington] -1896.]

1 sheet (2 p); 270x210 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 2. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: 'Te Ture Whakatau Whenua i te Roto o Wairewa, 1896.

Translation of the Lake Forsyth Lands Vesting Act 1896 (1896, Local Acts, No. 9) omitting the Analysis and marginal notes. It vested land at Wairewa (Lake Forsyth; on Banks Peninsula) in the Akaroa County Council so that drainage work could be undertaken to prevent flooding, with special provision for Maori interests. The Bill was introduced by W. H. Montgomery in Committee in the House on 16 June and passed all stages by 24 September. Although reference is made to consultation with 'an intelligent member of the Native race’ from the locality ( NZPD , 1896, v. 94, p. 471), no Maori version of the Bill has been identified. The Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1896 (522/1896).

Williams 915. Copies: AP, WTU (in collected vol.).


Extracts from the Minina Act Amendment Act 1896.

("Mining Act Amendment, 1896.” | Niu Tireni | [Royal Arms] \ Ture Whakatikatika i te Ture Maina. | [rule] \ He Ture hei whakatikatika i “Te Ture Maina, 1891.” | [. . .] [He mea whakahau, i taia ai ejohn Mackay.

Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Poneke. [i.e. Wellington] -1896.]

5, [l] p.: 270x210 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 5. Page [6] blank. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: 'Te Ture Whakatikatika i Te Ture Maina, 1896'.

Translation of sections 1-8, 11-14, 17-20, 29-31 of the Mining Act Amendment Act 1896 (1896, No. 51) omitting the Analysis, marginal notes and Schedules. The complete Act had 58 sections and 2 Schedules and amended the 1891 Act (no. * * 1303). Of the extracts translated, only sections 29-31 refer specifically to Maori. The Bill was introduced in the House by Minister of Mines Cadman on 1 7 June and passed all stages by 16 October. Although the Treaty of Waitangi and Maori rights to minerals were issues extensively debated iNZPD, 1896, v. 96), no Maori version of a Bill (or extracts) has been identified. These extracts from the Act were included with the complete text in English in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1896 (522/1896),

Williams 916. Copies: WTU (in collected vol ).


Native Land Laws Amendment Act 1896.

(“Native Land Laws Amendment, 1896," | Niu Tireni. | [Royal Arms] | Jure Whakatikatika i nga Ture Whenua Maori. | [rule] | He Ture hei whakatikatika i nga Ture Whenua Maori. | [. . .] [He mea whakahau, i taia




ai e John Mackay, Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Poneke. [i.e. Wellington] -1896.]

9, [l] p,: 270x210 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 9. Page [lo] blank Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: ’Te Ture Whakatikatika, 1896, i nga Ture Whenua Maori.’.

Translation of the Native Land Laws Amendment Act 1896 (1896, No. 53) omitting the Analysis and marginal notes. It covered a number of procedural provisions relating to land transactions and made decisions on several specific blocks of land. The Bill was introduced by Seddon in the House on 19 August and passed all stages by 17 October. No Maori version of the Bill has been identified. The Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1896 (522/I896). See no. 669 for further information on land legislation.

Williams 917. Copies: WTU (in collected vol.).


Native Reserves Act Amendment Act 1896.

(Native Reserves Act Amendment, 1896. | Niu Tireni. | [Royal Arms] \ Te Ture Whakatikatika i te Ture Rahui Maori. 1 [rule] 1 He Ture hei whakatikatika i nga ture e pa ana ki nga whakahaerenga | o nga Rahui Maori. | [. . .] [He mea whakahau, i taia ai e Hoani Make. Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Poneke. [i.e. Wellington] -1896.]

6 p.: 270x210 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 6. Running title: ’Whakatikatika i te Ture mo nga Rahui Maori.’. Schedules mainly in tabular form. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: 'Te Ture Whakatikatika, 1896, i te Ture Rahui Maori.’,

Translation of the Native Reserves Act Amendment Act 1896 (1896, No. 41), omitting the Analysis and marginal notes. It clarified the role of the Public Trustee in relation to New Zealand Company ‘tenths’ reserves in Wellington and Nelson and made specific arrangements for the Ngati Toa burial ground: the Schedules identify the reserves. The Bill was introduced by James Carroll (Minister Representing the Native Race) in the House on 17 June and passed all stages by 14 October. Although the debate contains references to discussions between Maori and Seddon on the provisions of the legislation INZPD, 1896, v. 96, p. 437 and 439), no Maori version of the Bill has been identified. The Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1896 (522/I896). See no. 669 for further information on land legislation.

Williams 918. Copies: WTU (in collected vol.).


Ngatitoa Trust Act 1896.

(Ngatitoa Trust, 1896. | Niu Tireni. | [Royal Arms] | Te lure Tiaki mo Ngatitoa. | [rule] | He lure hei whakarereke i nga Tikanga-Tiaki mo Ngatitoa kia taea | ai te whakatutuki nga ritenga i meinga i te tuatahi mo runga i | taua mea. | [. . .] [He mea whakahau, i taia e Hoani Make, Kai-ta a te Kawanatanga, Poneke. [i.e. Wellington] -1896.]




1 folded sheet (3, [l]) p.: 270x210 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 3. Page [4] blank. Running title: 'Ngatitoa Tiaki.', Schedule in tabular form.

Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: Te Ture Tiaki mo Ngatitoa. 1896.'.

Translation of the Ngatitoa Trust Act 1896 (1896, No. 20) omitting the Analysis and marginal notes. It gave effect to Native Affairs Committee recommendations on the petition by Hohepa Horomona and others (AJHR. 1895, 1-3, No. 274. p. 17-18) for payment to the Ngati Toa beneficiaries (listed in the Schedule) of shares of the compensation paid in 1879 relating to the sale of their South Island lands in 1853. The Bill was introduced by Carroll in the House on 17 June and passed all stages by 25 September without debate. No Maori version of the Bill has been identified. The Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1896 (522/1896).

Williams 919. Copies: WTU (in collected vol.).


Extracts from the Rating Act Amendment Act 1896.

(Rating Act Amendment, 1896. | Niu Tireni. | [Royal Arms] | Te Ture Whakatikatika i te Ture Reiti, | [rule] \ [rule] | He Ture hei whakatikatika i te ture whakahaere i te mahinga mete | kohikohinga o nga reiti. | [. . .] [He mea whakahau, i taia ai e Hoani Make, Kaita Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Poneke, [i.e. Wellington] 1896.]

1 folded sheet (3, [l] p.); 270x210 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 3. Page [4] blank. Physical details not confirmed; details taken from copy marked 'Proof. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: 'Te Ture whakatikatika 1896, i te Ture Reiti.’.

Translation of sections 1-4 and 7 of the Rating Act Amendment Act 1896 (1896, No. 40) omitting the Analysis, marginal notes and sections 5-6. The only copy located has 'Proof typeset (set left) above ‘Niu Tireni' in the heading. Most of the provisions relate to administrative procedures for rating land owned by Maori. The Bill was introduced in the House by Seddon on 26 June and passed all stages by 14 October. Although complaints from Maori about some of its provisions are mentioned in the debate ( NZPD , 1896, v. 96, p. 23), no Maori version of the Bill (or extracts) has been identified. These extracts from the Act were included with the complete text in English in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1896 (522/1896). For background see T. Bennion. Maori and rating law (Wellington, 1997), p. 28-29.

Williams 920. Copies: WTU ('Proof copy, in collected vol.).


Extracts from the Rating on Unimproved Value Act 1896.

(Rating on Unimproved Value, 1896. | Niu Tireni. | [Royal Arms] | Te Jure Reiti Whenua i Runga i Tona Utu o te | Whenua ake Haunga atu nga Whakapainga. | [rule] | He Ture hei whakamana i te reititanga o nga whenua i runga i | tona utu o te whenua ake haunga atu nga whakapainga.

I [• • .] [He mea whakahau, i taia e Hone Make, Kai-ta a te Kawanatanga, Poneke. [ i.e. Wellington] -1896.]




1 folded sheet (4 p); 270x210 mm. Caption title Imprint from colophon p 4 Running title: ‘Reiti Whenua i Runga i Tona Utu o te Whenua ake Haunga atu nga Whakapainga.’, Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: ‘Te Ture Reiti Whenua i Runga i Tona Utu o te Whenua ake Haunga atu nga Whakapainga, 1896.'.

Translations of sections 1-3, 5-13 and 16 of the Rating on Unimproved Value Act 1896 (1896, No. 5), omitting the Analysis and marginal notes. The complete Act had 20 sections. It provided for changing the rating base to the unimproved value of land. The Bill was introduced by Seddon in Committee in the House and passed all stages by 1 7 July. No Maori version of an 1896 Bill (or extracts) has been identified and the text of the unsuccessful 1895 Bill (no. 1444) was probably used. These extracts from the Act were included with the complete text in English in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1896 (522/1896).

Williams 921. Copies: WTU (in collected vol.).


Sea-fisheries Act Amendment Act 1896.

("Sea-fisheries Act Amendment, 1896.” | Niu Tireni. | [Royal Arms] | Ture Whakatikatika i te Ture mo nga Mahi Hi | Ika o te Moana. | [rule] | He Ture hei whakatikatika ano i nga ture e pa ana ki nga Mahi | Hi Ika o te Moana.

| [5l lines] | [rule] 1 He mea whakahau i taia e Hoani Make, Kai-ta a te Kawanatanga, Poneke. [i.e. Wellington] -1896

1 sheet ([l] p.); 270x210 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: ‘Te Ture Whakatikatika, 1896, i te Ture mo nga Mahi Hi Ika o te Moana.'.

Translation of the Sea-fisheries Act Amendment Act 1896 (1896, No. 29) omitting the Analysis and marginal notes. It extended the coverage of the principal Act to include any edible shellfish and sponges, while providing some protection for customary use. The Bill was introduced by W. C. Walker, Minister of Education and Immigration, in the Legislative Council on I July and passed all stages by 12 October. No Maori version of the Bill has been identified. The Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1896 (522/1896).

Williams 922. Copies: WTU (in collected vol.)


Urewera District Native Reserve Act 1896.

(Urewera District Native Reserve, 1896. | Niu Tireni, | [Royal Arms] \ lure Rahui Maori o te Takiwa o te Urewera, | 1896. | [rule] \ He lure hei whakatakoto tikanga e mohiotia ai nga tangata no ratou 1 nga whenua Maori o te Takiwa o te Urewera, a hei whakatu | kawanatanga takiwa mo taua iwi. | [. . .] [He mea whakahau, i taia e Hone Make, Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Poneke, [i.e. Wellington] -1896 ]




6 p.; 270x210 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 6. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: ‘Te Ture Rahui Maori o te Takiwa o te Urewera, 1896.'.

Translation of the Urewera District Native Reserve Act 1896 (1896, No. 2/) omitting the Analysis and marginal notes. It designated the Urewera district (over 650,000 acres) as a permanent reserve and provided for a form of selfgovernment by Tuhoe, an arrangement to which Seddon had given a commitment in 1895. Schedule 2 contains a letter dated 25 September 1895 from Seddon to Tuhoe representatives, apparently not published separately. See no. 1425 for background and further information. The Bill was introduced by Carroll in the House on 17 June and passed all stages by 2 October. Although there are a number of references in Hansard (NZPD. 1 896. v. 96) to consultation with Tuhoe and their input into its provisions, no Maori version of the Bill has been identified. The Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1896 (522/1896).

Williams 923. Copies: WTU (in collected vol.).


NEW ZEALAND. Native Land Court

Regulations under the Native Townships Act 1895.

Nga huarahi whakahaere | i raro i nga tikanga o 1 Te Ture Taone Maori, 1895. | [rule] | He mea tango mai i roto i te New Zealand Gazette, o te 13 o | nga ra o Pepuere, 1896. | [rule] \ [Royal Arms] | Poneke: [i.e.

Wellington] | He mea whakamana: Hamuera Kohitare, Kai-ta a Te Kawanatanga. 1 [rule] | 1896.

10 p,; 159102 mm. Printed by the Government Printer Samuel Costall (‘Hamuera Kohitare’), presumably before the end of May 1896, when he resigned following a Royal Commission; see W. A. Glue. The history of the Government Printing Office (Wellington, 1966), p. 91-92.

A translation of Regulations under the Native Townships Act 1895 (Wellington, 1896; see no. 1470, item 5); for the Act see no. 1436. The text was published in the Kahiti, 13 February 1896. p. 53-55, and the separate issue was first advertised in the Kahiti. 4 June 1896, p. 215, price sixpence. No copy of the separate issue has been located and the description here is taken from the issue in the collected volume Rules and regulations of the Native Land Court (no. 1470, item 11).

Copies: WTU (as part of no. 1470). No copy located of separate issue.


Rules of the Native Land Court. 6 March 1895.

Nga huarahi whakahaere | o te | Kooti Whenua Maori. | [rule] | He mea tango mai i roto i te New Zealand Gazette, o te 7 o | nga ra o Maehe, 1895. | [rule] | [Royal Arms] | Poneke: [i.e. Wellington] | He mea whakamana: Hamuera Kohitare, Kai-ta a te Kawanatanga. | [rule] \ 1895. [i.e. 1896]

[2], 40 p159102 mm. Prelim, pages: title-page (verso blank). Caption title p. 35: 'Nga huarahi whakahaere o te | Kooti Maori Whakawa Tuarua.’. Text




dated 6 March 1895. Printed by the Government Printer, presumably before the end of May 1896 (see no. * * 1467).

A translation of Rules of the Native Land Court (Wellington, 1895; see no. 1470, item I) that includes only the forms that were in Maori in the original. It also includes the rules and regulations of the Native Appellate Court (D. 35-40).

Although the English text was published in 1895, a Maori translation of the Native Land Court rules did not appear in the Kahiti until 27 April 1896. p. 1 47-155. The separate issue was first advertised in the Kahiti. 4 June 1896, p. 215, price 1 shilling. No copy of the separate issue has been located and the description here is taken from the collected volume Rules and regulations of the Native Land Court (no. 1470, item 7). See also no. 1471 for another issue.

The Native Appellate Court rules and regulations in Maori have not been traced in the Kahiti or as a separate issue.

Copies: WTU (as part of no. 1470). No copy located of separate issue.


Additional rules and regulations of the Native Land Court. 12 March 1896.

Huarahi whakahaere, apiti atu ki nga | huarahi whakahaere | o te | Kooti Whenua Maori. | [rule] | He mea tango mai I roto i te New Zealand Gazette o te 19 o | nga ra o Maehe, 1896. | [rule] \ [Royal Arms] | Poneke. [i.e. Wellington] | He mea whakamana: Hamuera Kohitare, Kai-ta a te Kawanatanga | [rule] | 1896.

8 p.; 159102 mm. Text dated 12 March 1896. Printed by the Government Printer, presumably before the end of May 1896 (see no. **1467).

A translation of Additional rules and regulations of the Native Land Court (Wellington, 1896; see no. 1470. item 3). The text was published in the Kahiti, 26 March 1896, p. 101-102, and the separate issue was first advertised in the Kahiti. 4 June 1896, p. 215, price sixpence. No copy of the separate issue has been located and the description here is taken from the collected volume Rules and regulations of the Native Land Court (no. 1470, item 9). See also no. 1471 for another issue.

Copies: WTU (as part of no. 1470). No copy located of separate issue.


Collected rules and regulations of the Native Land Courts, in English and Maori.

Rules & regulations | of the | Native Land Court | [rule] | English & Maori. [N.Z. Native Department, 1895 [i.e. 1896] [Wellington]]

[2], 69, [l], [2], 8, 20, [3]-9, [l], [2], [2], 40, [2], 8, [4], 20, 10 p : 159102 mm.; purple cloth boards. Title from front cover. Imprint from spine Produced by the Government Printer John Mackay. who succeeded Samuel Costall in June 1896, see W. A. Glue, The history of the Government Printing Office (Wellington, 1966), p. 95-100. Some of the contents, however, bear Costall’s imprint.




A collection of 10 items (5 in English followed by 5 Maori translations) with a collective title-page in Maori preceding the Maori texts. There is no collective title-page for the volume or for the English texts. Details of the individual items, some of which were issued separately, are given below. Separate issues of the English-language items have not been investigated. Williams's description implies that items 6-11 may have been issued together as one item, but no evidence for this has been found.

1; Rules |of the | Native Land Court. | [rate] | Extract from New Zealand Gazette, 7th March, 1895. | [rate] | [Royal Arms] | Wellington: | By authority: Samuel Costall, Government Printer. | [rate] | 1895.

[2], 69, [l] p. Prelim, pages: title-page (verso blank); p. [7o] blank. Text dated 6 March 1895 (p. 61). Includes some subsidiary rules (p. 62-65) and 'Rules and regulations of the Native Appellate Court’ (p. 65-69, dated 19 December 1894). Some forms are in both English and Maori. First printed in the Gazette, 7 March 1895, p. 442-456. and 10 January 1895, p. 58-59 (Native Appellate Court rules). See also no. 1471 for another issue.

2: Additional rules and regulations of the Native Appellate | Court. | [rate] | Whereas by “The Native Land Court Act, 1894,” it | is enacted that [...]! [34 lines] [no imprint. Wellington: Printed by James Mackay, 1896]

1 sheet ([2] p.). Page [2] blank. Printed by the Government Printer. Text dated 15 September 1896, First printed in the Gazette. 8 October 1896, p. 1681.

3: Additional rules and regulations | of the | Native Land Court. | [rule] \ Extract from New Zealand Gazette. 19th March, 1896. | [rule] \ [Royal Arms] | Wellington. 1 By authority: S. Costall, Government Printer. | [rule] | 1896. 8 p. Page [2] blank. Text dated 12 March 1896. First printed in the Gazette. 19 March 1896, p. 487-488. See also no. 1471 for another issue.

4: Rules and regulations | of the | Native Land Court. | [rule] | Division 11.. Part 11., of “The Native Land Court | Act, 1894." | [rule] | Extract from New Zealand Gazette, 4th April, 1895. | [Royal Arms] \ Wellington: | By authority; Samuel Costall. Government Printer. 1 [rule] I 1895.

20 p. Page [2] blank. Text dated I April 1895. First printed in the Gazette. 4 April 1895, p. 610-614.

5: Regulations under “The Native Townships Act, 1895.” | [rule] | Glasgow, Governor, | Order in Council. | At Dunedin, this fourth day of February 1896. | [. . .] [no imprint. Wellington: Printed by Samuel Costall, 1896)

[3]-9, [l] p. Page [lo] blank. Caption title. Printed by the Government Printer. Copy seen possibly lacks a title-page. Text dated 4 February 1896. First printed in the Gazette. 13 February 1896, p. 275-277.

6: Collective title-page in Maori:

Nga huarahi whakahaere | ote | Kooti Whenua Maori | mete | Kooti Maori Whakawa Tuarua, | Nga huarahi whakahaere i raro i Wahi 11. o | Wahanga 11., o “Te Ture Kooti Whenua | Maori, 1894"; | me | Nga huarahi whakahaere i raro i nga | tikanga o “Te Ture Taone Maori, 1 1895.” | [Royal Arms] \ Poneke: [i.e. Wellington] | He mea whakamana: Hamuera Kohitare, Kai-ta a te Kawanatanga. | [rule] 1 1896.

1 sheet ([2] p.). Page [2] blank. Collective title-page for items 7-11.




7: Nga huarahi whakahaere | o te | Kooti Whenua Maori | [rule] | He mea tango mai i roto i te New Zealand Gazette, o te 7 o | nga ra o Maehe, 1895. | [rule] | [Royal Arms] | Poneke: [f.e. Wellington] | He mea whakamana:

Hamuera Kohitare, Kai-ta a te Kawanatanga. | [rule] \ 1895.

[2], 40 p. Prelim, pages: title-page (verso blank). Translation of item 1; see no, **1468 for the separate issue and further details, and no. 1471 for another issue.

8: Huarahi whakahaere apiti atu ki nga huarahi whaka- | haere o te Kooti Maori Whakawa Tuarua. | [rule] | Glasgow, Kawana. | Notemea i runga i nga tikanga o “Te Ture Kooti | Whenua Maori, 1894,” [. . .] | [3/ lines] [no imprint. Wellington: Government Printer, 1896]

1 sheet ([2] p). Page [2] blank. Text dated 15 September 1896 and signed by Chief Judge G. B. Davy, Translation of item 2: first printed in the Kahiti. 15 October 1896, p 365. No evidence traced of publication as a separate item

9: Huarahi whakahaere, apiti atu ki nga | huarahi whakahaere ote | Kooti Whenua Maori. | [rule] | He mea tango mai i roto i te New Zealand Gazette ote 19 o | nga ra o Maehe, 1896. | [rule] | [Royal Amts] | Poneke. [i.e. Wellington] | He mea whakamana: Hamuera Kohitare, Kai-ta a te Kawanatanga | [rule] | 1896.

8 p. Translation of item 3; see no. **1469 for the separate issue and further details, and no. 1471 for another issue.

10: Nga | tikanga whakahaere | i raro i j wahi 11., o wahanga 11. | o | “Te Ture Kooti Whenua Maori, | 1894.” | [Royal Arms] | Wellington. | By authority: Samuel Costall, Government Printer. | [rule] \ 1895.

[4], 20 p Prelim, pages: title-page, p. [2-4] blank. Translation of item 4; see no. **1440 for the separate issue and further details.

11: Nga huarahi whakahaere | i raro i nga tikanga o | Te Ture Taone Maori, 1895. | [rule] | He mea tango mai i roto i te New Zealand Gazette, o te 13 o | nga ra o Pepuere, 1896. | [rule] | [Royal Arms] \ Poneke: [i.e. Wellington] | He mea whakamana: Hamuera Kohitare, Kai-ta a te Kawanatanga. | [rule] \ 1896.

10 p. Page [2] blank. Translation of item 5; see no. **1467 for the separate issue and further details.

Williams 926, 926/i-v & (S) (items 6-1 1). Copies: WTU.


Reprinted Native Land Court rules and regulations.

Rules and regulations | of the | Native Land Court. | [rule] \ Glasgow, Governor. | Whereas by "The Native Land Court Act, 1894,” [, . ] | [. . .] [He mea whakamana: Hamuera Kohitare, Kai-ta a te Kawanatanga.

[Wellington; 1896]]

21. [l], 2, 16 p.: 267x212 mm.; 'At purple cloth, blue cardboard covers. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 16 (final sequence). Page [22] blank. Printed in two columns separated by vertical rule. The texts are printed from the settings used in the Gazette and the Kahiti at various times in 1895-1896, reimposed in quarto format, and with continuous pagination for the Maori


POPE. JAMES HENRY (18371913)


text (final sequence, 16 p ). Additional colophons in English p. 21 and 2 (second sequence), dated 1895 and 1896. Printed by Government Printer Samuel Costall, presumably before the end of May 1896 (see no. **1467).

Additional caption titles:

Page [l] (second sequence): ‘(Extract from New Zealand Gazette of the 19th March, 1896.) 1 [rule] | Additional rules and regulations of the | Native Land Court.’.

Page [l] (final sequence): Nga huarahi whakahaere o te Kooti wnenua Maori.’.

Page 12 (final sequence): ’Nga huarahi whakahaere o te Kooti Whakawa | Tuarua.’.

Page 14 (final sequence): ’Huarahi whakahaere, apiti atu ki nga huarahi whaka-| haere o te Kooti Whenua Maori.’.

Rules and regulations of the Native Land Court and the Native Appellate Court in English and Maori. Subsequently printed as items 1, 3, 7, 9 in a collected volume (no. 1470). The Maori texts were also issued as separates, see no. **1468 and **1469. The issue described here may have been for internal use while the collected volume was in preparation: the WTU copy is Gilbert Mair’s, then judge of the Native Land Court.

Sommerville 926 a. Copies: WTU.

NEW ZEALAND. Parliament. Legislative Council. Native Affairs Committee.


Report on petition concerning land at Horowhenua.

(No. sa. | 1896. | Te Kaunihera. | [rule] | Ripoata mo runga mo te | pitihana a Kipa Te Whatanui. | [rule] | Komiti mo nga Mea Maori. | [rule] \ [. . .] [He mea whakahau: Hone Make, Kaita a te Kawanatanga, Poneke. [i.e. Wellington] -1896.]

3. [l] p.; 323x207 mm. Caption title. Page [4] blank. At end of text: 'H. Wiremu, Tiamina. 2 Hepetema, 1896.’. Printed by John Mackay, Government Printer (’Hone Make, Kaita a te Kawanatanga').

AJLC. 1896, No. sa. Translation of the ’Report’ section of AJLC, 1896. No. 5 (39 p.). Report on petition no. 12 of Kipa Te Whatanui and 90 others relative to lands at Horowhenua. together with the evidence. The petition by Kipa Te Whatanui and other members of Ngati Raukawa sought a rehearing of an 1873 Native Land Court decision on the ownership of the Horowhenua Block, The Committee, chaired by Henry Williams (‘Wiremu’) concluded that Ngati Raukawa had been disadvantaged and that a rehearing was appropriate. See no. 1457 for the Horowhenua Block Act 1896 and further background.

Copies: WTU (in bound vol., AJHR).


POPE, James Henry (1837-1913)

Revised edition of school textbook on health for Maori.

Te ora mo te Maori: | He pukapuka | hei korerotanga | mo nga Kura Maori. I I tuhia | e Hemi H. Popi, | te Kai-tirotiro i nga Kura Maori. | Poneke: [i.e. Wellington] | Hamuera Kohitare, Kai-ta a te Kawanatanga. | 1896.


POPE. JAMES HENRY (1837-1913)


[6], 138 p.; 159x102 mm.; maroon cloth boards with black tooling. Pages [2], [4], [6] (first sequence). [32], [34] blank. Published by the Government Printer, presumably before the end of May 1896 (see no **1467).

Translation of the second, revised edition of Pope's school textbook Health for the Maori published in English in 1894 (Bagnall P719). The first edition had appeared in 1884 (no. 1121); see that entry for additional information. The third edition in 1901 was published only in English (Bagnall P721).

Williams 913, Bagnall P720. Copies: AP, AR. DL. DUHO, NLA, WTU.


Revised edition of a reading textbook for young Maori schoolchildren.

He whakaako | kite | korero pukapuka | mete tatau a reta. | Hei mahi ma | nga Kura Maori. |He mea whakamaori. | Poneke. [ i.e. Wellington] |He mea whakamana: Hamuera Kohitare, Kai-ta a te Kawanatanga. | [rule] \ 1896.

16 p.; 1 85x124 mm.: stiffened green cloth covers with black tooling. The line 'He mea whakamaori.’ is stamped on. Page [2] blank. Running title (across opening): ‘He whakaako korero mete tatau a reta’. Title (lines 1-4) repeated on front cover. Printed by the Government Printer, presumably before the end of May 1896 (see no. * * 1467).

A translation of the 50 reading lessons (without the vocabularies) in the English text Lessons in reading and spelling for use in Native Schools published in 1894 (Bagnall P722). Both texts are revised and expanded editions of Pope’s works first published in 1884: see no, I 120 for the Maori text ( Key to reading lessons for native schools).

Williams 931, Bagnall W921. Copies: AP, AR, WTU.


PUKAPUKA TATAU o te iwi Maori

Census of the Maori population in 1896.

H.-I3c. | 1896. | Niu Tireni. | [rule] \ Pukapuka tatau o te iwi Maori | (nga pukapuka e pa ana ki taua mahi). | [rule] | I tukuna ki nga Whare e rua o te Runanga Nui i runga i te whakahau ate Kawana. | [rule] | No. 1. |

Pukapuka tuku ki nga kai-tatau. | [. . .] [By authority: John Mackay,

Government Printer, Wellington.-1896.]

9, [l] p.; 323x207 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon, p. 9. Page [lo] blank. At end of text: ‘Price, 6d.)‘.

AJHR, 1896, H-I3c. Translation of AJHR, 1896, H-13b, Census of the Maori population, based on data recorded in February/March 1896. The total population (39,805) showed a decline of over 2,000 since the previous census in 1891 (see no. 1313). Statistical tables (p. 7-9) provides a range of information including stock and crops, arranged by location. The text to p. 7 comprises the covering reports from returning officers, with observations on general matters including health.

Copies: WTU (in bound vol., AJHR).





SOLER, Joseph (1844-1906)

Directions for propagating grapevines from cuttings.

Kupu tohutohu mo te mahi whakato tapahanga | waina karepe. | [rule] \ [illustration (espahered grapevine)] | 1 te tuatahi me ata whakangawari i te whenua kia rite te pai mo te | mahi whakato tapahanga rakau, a mehemea kaore e tino momona ana | [. . .] [He mea whakahau, i taia ai e Hoani Make, Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Poneke. [i.e. Wellington] [lB96?]]

1 sheet (2 p): ill.; 254x156 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 2. At end of text: 'Na Joseph Soler. | Whanganui, Hepetema, 1896.'. Printed by John Mackay, Government Printer ('Hoani Make, Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga").

Directions for propagating vines from cuttings. Soler, a Spaniard whose original name was Jose Sole, was a successful early winemaker who made wine in the 1880s from grapes brought from Maori settlements along the Whanganui River. He was also the uncle of Anthony Joseph Vidal, founder of the Vidal Estate. For additional background see D. Scott. Pioneers of New Zealand wine (Auckland, 2002), p. 49-52.

Williams 957, Bagnall SI 171. Copies: AR, DL, WTU.


SOUTH ISLAND natives receiving pensions

List of six southern Maori receiving pensions.

G.-5. | 1896. | New Zealand. | [rule] | South Island natives receiving pensions, | [rule] | Return to an order of the House of Representatives dated 14th August, 1896. |[s lines] | [rule] | Return of pensions paid out of the Civil List to Maoris living in the South and Middle Islands. | [fisf of 6 names and annual amount paid] | F. Waldegrave, | Justice Department,

[sef right:] Under-secretary. | Wellington, 20th August, 1896. | Approximate cost of paper.-Preparation, not given; printing (1,375 copies), 19s. | [rule] \ By authority: John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.-1896. | Price 3d.)

1 sheet ([l] p.): 323x207 mm.

AJHR. 1896, G-5. List of six Maori men from the South Island receiving Civil List pensions, ranging from £lO to £4O p.a. Signed by the Under-secretary for Justice, Frank Waldegrave.

Copies: WTU (in bound vol., AJHR).



Waiata about activities in Wellington concerning Tuhoe.

He waiata, na Tukua-Te-Rangi. | [swelled rule] | Tenei ka noho, ka rau hurihanga, | Whakamau te titiro, Te Ihu-ki-ngau-waka, | kei waho, E Raku', | nana nei au ka tiriwa mai, | noho ana taku iti | te tihi ki Maunga-pohatu, | [8 lines] [no imprint. 1896?]

I sheet ([l] p.); 206x129 mm.; wove paper with incomplete watermark: 'impe[+ ?] Feder[+ ?]’.




A 14-line waiata referring to activities in Wellington concerning Tuhoe. The typography is similar to a leaflet of three other waiata by Tutakangahau (no. 1479); see that entry for additional information about the forms of his name. Although Williams dates this at 1897. it seems more likely to have been produced in association with the presence of Tuhoe representatives in Wellington in 1896 while the Urewera District Native Reserve Act was before Parliament; see no. 1465-1466.

Tuhoe had also been in Wellington for several months in 1895 discussing arrangements: see no. 1425.

Williams 955. Copies: WTU.


Three laments on the death of Kereru Te Pukenui.

He waiata tangi na Tutaka-Nahau, mo Te | Pukenui. | [rule] \ September. 1896. | [rule] | 1. | Ka watawata noa i te ahiahitanga ote ra | me he poko, E Puke!—e—ra—ha. 1 O tira wehiwehi, ka ponia, ka warea—e— | wawahia rate whare oTe Atua. | [. . .] [no imprint, 1896?]

1 folded sheet ([4] p.); 204x132 mm.; wove paper with watermark 'CWC. Caption title. Pages [l] and [4] blank.

Caption title p. [3]: 'He waiata tangi na Tukua-Te-Rangi; mo tona | papa, mo Te Puke-nui.'.

Three waiata tangi on the death of KererO Te Pukenui, a Tuhoe chief, in September 1896. They were probably composed and printed while the chiefs were in Wellington attending Parliament as Kereru’s death is noted in that context; see Nga hui Maori i Poneke. 1896 (no, 1450), p. [37J-46. The first two waiata (of 10 and 13 lines, p. [2]) are by Tutakangahau, an informant of Elsdon Best, whose name is sometimes given as 'Ngahau'. In another example (no. 1504) his name is prefixed by Tukua-Te-Rangi' and he is therefore assumed to also be the author of the third waiata in this leaflet (unnumbered. 30 lines, p. [3]) and another one published separately at about the same time (no. 1472).

Sommerville 912 a. Copies: WTU.


WILLIAMS, Herbert William (1860-1937)

Summary of shorthand system applied to Maori language.

A system | of | shorthand | for | Maori. 1 By | Rev. H. W. Williams, M.A., | Gisborne. | Wellington: | Samuel Costall. Government Printer. | [rule] | 1896.

[3]-5, [l] p., [2] leaves of plates (lithographs). 220x140 mm.; grey paper covers. Title from front cover. Page [6] blank. Presumably printed before the end of May 1896, when Costall resigned (see no. **1467).

Summary of a shorthand system applied to Maori; the explanatory text (p. (3]-5) is in English with Maori language examples. Williams described the two leaves of examples (Tables A-K) as lithographs. A quite different text and system from the shorthand described by Charles Hicks in 1894 (no. 1399).

Williams 933, Bagnall Wl 281. Copies: AP, AR. DL, DUHO, NLA, WTU.





WILLIAMS, William Leonard (1829-1916)

Fifth edition of an introductory Maori grammar and vocabulary.

First lessons | in the | Maori language | of | New Zealand; | with a | short vocabulary 1 by 1 W. L. Williams, B.A. | New edition. | Revised. | Upton and Co., | Auckland. | Williams and Norgate, 1 14, Henrietta Street. Covent Garden, London; and | 20, South Frederick Street, Edinburgh. | [rule] | 1896.

[4], 92, xii, [6] p.; 158x103 mm. Prelim, pages: blank leaf and title-page (advertisement on verso). Colophon p. [xiii]; ‘H. Brett, General Printer, Shortland Street, Auckland'. Pages [xv-xviii] blank. Pages [7o]-92 in two columns separated by vertical rule. Probably issued with card covers.

Pages [4] (prelim, sequence) and [xiv] contain an advertisement for the fourth edition of A dictionary of the New Zealand language (no. 1348).

The fifth edition of a work first published in 1862 (no. 593), reset and with some additions and changes from the previous edition (no. 1420). For later editions see Bagnall W1332-W1338.

Williams 932 & (S), Bagnall W1331. Copies: AR, WTU.


ANDERSON, James Henry (1857-1934)

Address on the Mormon Church delivered in London in 1892. Ko te Hahi o Ihu Karaiti o te Hunga | Tapu o nga Ra o Muri Nei. | Ko tona karakia, tona haerenga, tona ahua | me tona tutukitanga. | He mea tuhituhi na tetahi kaumatua | o te Hahi 1 na Hemi H. Anerahana. | (James H. Anderson.) | [rule] \ [quotation. 3 lines.including caption (Matui [sic] 7: 18.) | [rule] | Na etahi o nga kaumatua o te hui Maori o Hiona | te Whakamaoritanga. | [rule] | Star Printing Co. | Salt Lake City, Utah | 1897.

75. [l] p., [l] leaf of plates. 142x93 mm; stiffened blue cloth covers, or black leather binding, or blue or reddish purple paper covers. Page [76] blank. Title (gold tooled) on front cover: ‘Ko te Hunga Tapu 1 o Muri Nei‘, The plate (frontispiece) is a reproduction of a photograph ‘Templeblock Salt Lake City'.

Translation of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints: Its religion, history, condition and destiny, an address delivered before the Ethical Society at South Place Institute, London, originally published in Liverpool in 1892. The preface (‘He kupu whakamarama', p. [3-4]) is signed by a ‘committee’: Pene Katata (not identified), Etera Tiwinihana (Ezra Stevenson, Mormon missionary). Hoani Henare (not identified) and Honore Hanara (Sondra Sanders), the last of whom had been involved in the translation of the Book of Mormon into Maori (see no, 1242).

Williams 953. Copies: AP, AR, DUHO, NLA, WTU.


BIBLE. N.T, Maori. 1897.

Small format ninth edition of the New Testament, with Psalms.

Ko te | Kawenata Hou | a | to tatou Ariki, a te Kai Whakaora, | a Ihu Karaiti. | He mea whakamaori mai no te reo | Kariki. 1 London: | Printed for the British and Foreign Bible Society. | 1897.




619, [l] p., [2] leaves of plates: 135x86 mm.: full black leather. All text (including title) within single rule border. Main text in two columns separated by vertical rule. Half-title p. [l]: ‘Maori | New Testament and Psalms'. Caption title p. [497]: 'Ko nga Waiata a Rawin'. Title on spine: ‘Ko te | Kawenata Hou | me | nga Waiata.’.

The two plates are coloured maps (‘The Holy Land in the time of our Saviour' and 'A map to illustrate the Acts and Epistles'), printed on the inner pages of a folded sheet tipped in following the text. Each map has a colophon ‘G. Philip & Son, London & Liverpool'.

Ninth edition of the New Testament in Maori (p. 5-496) and Psalms (p. 497619). it is a reset small format version from the text of the 1889 second edition of the Bible (no. 1241), but with the text arranged in verses. Williams identifies the printer as the Clarendon Press, Oxford, and notes that it was reprinted in 1903. The proofs were corrected by Bishop W. L. Williams while he was at the Lambeth Conference.

For other editions of the New Testament see no, 45, 88. 104, 196, 419, 559, 716. 1241, 1394.

Williams 939 & (S), Bagnall sß7BBd. Copies: AP, AR. DUHO, WTU.



Catholic devotions with forty hymns.

[cross] I Ko te kaiarahi kite | oranga tonutanga. | [ornament] \ He

pukapuka karakia | mete ako poto | o te Hahi Katorika. | [ornamental rule] | “Haere koutou, whakaakona 1 nga iwi katoa." | Matiu. xxviii, 19. | [rule] \ Na te Epikopo o Akarana I whakaae | kia tala tenei pukapuka. | [rule] | He mea ta e Brepols raua ko te Tama a Dierckx, Turnhout (Belgique.) [1897?]

[2], 201, [l] p., [B] leaves of plates; illus. 125x83 mm.; full black leather. Prelim, pages blank. Pages [2] and [2o2] blank. Title (gold tooled) on front cover: 'Pukapuka karakia’. The plates (a total of 13 images) include a frontispiece (black and white, [l] p.); the other 7 are coloured (5 doublesided. 2 single-sided).

An undated Catholic devotional work containing prayers, the Mass, catechisms, and 40 hymns (p. [l4o]-179). Williams's date has been followed but has not been confirmed. An expanded version (398 p.) was produced by the same publisher in about 1923.

Marist sources believe the work was compiled by Father Delach of the Otaki mission, who also compiled the Bible text Ko te hitoria Paipara Tawhito ne te Kawanata Hou a to tatou Ariki from the same publisher in about 1903 (Bagnall B787).

The following variant issue has been identified;

1484.1 without plates; in larger format on coarse paper and with variant binding. Printed from the same setting as the main issue but a larger format page (134x89 mm.) and printed on a coarse paper. Full black leather with impressed cross on front cover. Title on spine: ‘Pukapuka 1 karakia'

Williams 948 and 948 a (variant 1484. 1 ). Copies: WTU.






Reprint of small format Book of Common Prayer.

Te Pukapuka | o nga Inoi, | me era atu tikanga | a te Hahi o Ingarani | mo te minitatanga | o nga hakarameta, | o era atu ritenga hoki a te Hahi: | me nga Waiata ano hoki a Rawiri; | mete tikanga | mo te motuhanga | i te pihopa, i te piriti, i te rikona. | Ranana: [i.e. London] | I kiia tenei kia taia e te Komiti mo te Whakapuaki | i te Mohiotanga ki a te Karaiti. | [rule] \ 1897.

xxviii, 474, [2], 475-491, [l] p.; 139x82 mm.; full black leather. Integral unnumbered blank leaf preceding p. 475 (conjugate with p. 491-[492], signature Z). Page [492] blank. Colophon p. [ii]: ‘London: | Printed by Gilbert and Rivington, Ld. | St.John's House, Clerkenwell, E.C. Title on spine: ‘Maori | prayer'. Published by the SPCK (‘te Komiti mo te Whakapuaki i te Mohiotanga ki a te Karaiti').

A further reprint of 3,000 copies (according to Williams) of the small format Anglican prayer book in the 1887 edition (no. 1 175). Williams also notes two further printings from the same plates in 1 902 and 1905, after which ‘in 1 909 the plates were repaired and further corrected by Clowes and Sons, who printed an issue of 5,000, and a similar issue three years later’. For later editions see Bagnall C 796 (1923) and C 797 (1951).

Other issues and editions of the Anglican prayer book are listed at no. 19.

Williams 940. Copies: AR, WTU.



British national anthem. ‘God save the Queen’.

E te Atua tohungia te Kuini. | [rule] | Me tohu e t’ Atua | to matou Kuini pai: | kia ora ia. | Meinga kia maia ia, | kia hari nui, kia koa, | kia kingi tonu ia, I tau tini noa. I [2 stanzas of 7 lines] I E. M. W. [no imprint.

Wellington?: Printed by the Government Printer?, 1897?]

1 sheet ([l] p.); 126x81 mm.: dark cream card. Probably printed by the Government Printer as the setting is the same as that included in the church service (no. 1494).

Translation of ‘God save the Queen' by Edward Marsh Williams (‘E. M. W.') issued as part of Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee celebrations in June 1897 (see no. 1494). This separate issue probably dates from the same time. The translation is quite different from that in Te ngaro mahi honi (1851; no. 412). The authorship of the English original, first published in 1742 in Harmonia Anqhcana. is uncertain.

Sommerville 955 a. Copies: WTU.



Certificate for ministers of the Church of the Seven Rules of Jehovah.

Ruuri Tua Whitu 7 | ote Atua. | [dotted rule for writing name] \ He mana. he tika. he kaha, he mohio, he aroha, he pai, he oranga. 1 [ornamental rule ] | Ma Haimona Patete, | e whaka atu kite ao katoa ite karanga ate ao, [no imprint, ca. 1897?]




1 sheet ([l] p.); 127x202 mm.

A certificate issued to ordained ministers by Te Hahi o te Ruri Tuawhitu o Ihowa (Church of the Seven Rules of Jehovah). The church, which incorporated the teachings of the prophet Paora Te Pbtangaroa, was established by Haimona (Simon) Patete (1863/647-1921) in the Wairarapa in the 1890s and was mainly active during his lifetime. It is possible that this certificate dates from after 1900. For further information on Patete and the church see DNZB, v. 3, p. 388-389.

Copies: WTU.


ILLUSTRATIONS prepared for White’s Ancient History of the Maori.

Reissue of 124 plates prepared to accompany White's work.

illustrations | prepared for | White’s Ancient history | of | the Maori. | Wellington: | By authority; John Mackay, Government Printer. | 1897.

[l24] leaves of plates. 200x128 mm.; blue paper covers Title from front cover; title inside ornamental border-

A reissue of no. 1301 (1897), a collection of 124 plates without accompanying text, including the 59 issued in the 6 volumes published by then of John White’s The ancient history of the Maori (see no. 1199, 1240. 1272, 1298). See no. 1301 for additional information. Only one copy of this reissue has been located.

In 2001 Waikato University Library (Hamilton) issued a facsimile of this reissue as part of its facsimile edition (including as a searchable CD-ROM) of White’s complete work. See no. 1199 for further background.

Copies: HP (Waikato Historical Society Collection); WTU (photocopy of front cover and facsimile, 2001).



Religious tract ‘Truth in a nutshell', printed in Napier.

[three ornaments] \ [wavy rule] \ [ornament] | Ko | [ornament] te whakaeminga mai [ornament] | o te pono | te A. E. I. | ranei | o te kupu. | [ornament] \ [wavy rule] \ [four ornaments] [I Perehitia kite Tari Nupera [i.e. Nupepa] o te Terekarawhi, Nepia [i.e. Napier] [lB97?]]

31, [l] p.; 139x93 mm; stiffened dark green or black cloth covers with title label (44x74 mm.) on front cover. Imprint from colophon p. 31. Page [32] blank. Title within an ornamental border. Printed at the office of the Daily telegraph newspaper (‘Perehitia kite Tari Nupe[p]a o te Terekarawhi’), Napier.

Title on label (within double rule border): ‘Ko te whakaeminga mai | o te pono | te A. E. I. ranei o te kupu,'.

Religious tract comprising commentary and scriptural quotations, printed in Napier. One WTU copy is annotated by Alexander Turnbull; 'An Epitome of the Truth, or the A. E. I. of the Word. Translated by Edward Marsh Williams'. The text, usually referred to as 'Truth in a nutshell', is from an unidentified


LUTHER. MARTIN (1483-1546)


original. ‘A. E. I.' is a Maori-language equivalent of the English 'ABC. See no. 1490 for an edition printed in Auckland.

Sommerville's earlier date (followed by Bagnall) is also followed here, out has not been confirmed. The typographic style is consistent with the late 1890s.

The following variant bindings have been identified:

1489.1 stiffened brown cloth covers with black tooled title (no label). Title on front cover; 'Ko te whakaeminga mai | ote pono | te A. E. 1. ranei o te kuou.'.

1489.2 stiffened purple cloth covers with yellow tooled title (no label) Title on front cover: ‘Ko te whakaeminga | mai o te pono te A. E. I. 1 ranei o te | kupu.'.

1489.3 without covers Stapled.

Sommerville 956 a and 1158, Bagnall K439. Copies: WTU (incl. variants 1489,1-1489.3).


Reliaious tract. 'Truth in a nutshell', printed in Auckland.

[four ornaments] \ [wavy rule] | Ko | te whakaeminga mai | o te pono | te A. E. I. | ranei | o te kupu. | [wavy rule] \ [four ornaments] | Perihitia kite Tari Nupepa o te Wirihana rana [i.e. raua] ko te Hotana, Akarana [i.e.

Auckland] fca. 18971

32 p.; 118x90 mm.; orange paper. Title from cover. Title (apart from colophon) within wavy border. Colophon repeated on p. 32 lacks occasional letters. Page [2] blank. Printed by Wilsons and Horton (‘te Wirihana rana [i.e. raua] ko te Hotana').

An Auckland printing of the text printed in Napier (no. 1489) and thought to date from about the same time.

Bagnall sK439a. Copies: WTU.


LUTHER, Martin (1483-1546)

Short catechism with scriptural references and prayers.

Ko te katikihama poto, | me tona whakamaramatanga. 1 [rule] \ Mo te Hahi o Te Atua, | na Doktor Martin Luther. | 1896. | Ko te kupu o te Atua, | me akoranga o Ruteri, | kahore e pahemo! Ake ake ake. 1 [double rule] \ Wanganui, N. Z.: | Printed by A. D. Willis, General Printer, | [rule] | 1897.

31, [l] p,; 154x103 mm.; pale green paper covers (WTU copy lacks front cover). Page [2] blank. 'Corrigenda et Addenda' slip (13 lines, 100x102 mm.) tipped in before title page. Quotation (2 lines) from Luke 11:28 on back cover.

A revised version of the translation first published in 1877 (no. 886. p. 16-26) of Luther’s Der kleine Katechismus and prayers. This version includes scriptural references, additional text (Section V) p. 22-25, and a list of the books of the Bible (p. 32). Luther's short catechism was first printed in 1539.

Copies: WTU.


1 492




Resolutions from Kotahitanga meeting at Papawai. April 1897.

[ornament] Te [ornament] | whakararangitanga | a | Herepete Rapihana, | i nga take nunui 1 i paahitia ete | Komiti a Te Kotahitanga | i tu ki | Papawai. ite 140 Aperira, | 1897. [He mea tana Nikora ma„ Kereitaone. [i.e. Greytown] [1897?]

8 p.; 245x157 mm. Title from cover. Imprint from colophon p. 8. Page [2] blank. Printed by John Robert and George William Nicol (‘Nikora’) at the office of the Wairarapa standard newspaper.

Summary of motions and resolutions (including the establishment of a women’s committee) passed at a Kotahitanga meeting at Papawai (near Greytown, Wairarapa) beginning on 14 April 1897, attended by 500 Maori. For further background see R Mclntyre, The canoes of Kupe (Wellington, 2002), p. 147-149.

It includes the text of various motions, several by Herepete Rapihana, and also (p. 4) the text of the congratulatory address and petition sent to Queen Victoria to mark her Jubilee and reprinted later in AJHR. 1898, I-3a (no. 1517, p. 113 (English text) and p, 141-142 (Maori text)). Three members were authorised to go to England to represent the Maori Parliament and fundraising for this was put in place. Reference is made (p. 8) to the next Kotahitanga hui, to be held on 8 September 1897 at Papawai.

A lively description of the arrangements from a Pakeha perspective appeared in the Wairarapa daily times. 15 April 1897, p. [2]. This explained that the business was to be carried out by a committee appointed by those present, but that the wish was that everyone would stay on until the opening of the New Zealand Parliament in September. There are passing references in the same newspaper (e.g. on 9 and 10 September 1897) to celebrations at Papawai on the return of the Jubilee Contingent, but no references to further formal business. No separately published proceedings from subsequent Kotahitanga parliaments to 1900 have been located, though the newspaper Te puke hi Hikurangi (539) included reports of its business. See no. 1320 (proceedings of the first Maori Parliament) for additional information. For information on women’s committees in the Kotahitanga see A Ballara ‘Wahine rangatira’, NZJH. v. 27, no. 2 (October 1993), p. 127-139.

Copies: Private Coll.; WTU (photocopy).


MIDDLE ISLAND native claims, 1889 and 1890

Lists of members of Ngdi Tabu whose land claims had been accepted or rejected.

(No. 12. | Sess. IT-1897. | Legislative Council. | [rule] \ Middle Island native claims, 1889 and 1890. 1 Report showing natives to whom it is proposed to give land: together with | a list of the natives whose claims have been rejected. | [rule] \ Return to an order of the Legislative Council dated the I 3th August, 1896. | [text of order. 3 fines] ) [rule] | [. . .] [By authority: John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington -1897.]

22 p.; 306x205 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 22. Text apart from heading and section titles in two columns separated by vertical rule




AJLC. Session 2, 1897, No. 12. Three lists of members of Ngai Tahu affected by decisions arising from the 1889 Joint Committee on Middle Island Native Claims; for its report and additional information see no. 1266. The lists comprise; those to whom it was proposed to give land (3102 names); those who were ineligible because they already held more land than the proposed allocation (172 names); those whose claims were rejected (228 names). The information is arranged by area, giving age (from 1891 census), sex, proportion of Maori ethnicity, location.

Copies: WTU (in bound voI ,JLQ.


MO TE RA i Whiwhi ai te Kuini

Church service for Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee. 20 June 1897.

[double rule] \ Mo te Ra i Whiwhi ai te Kuini | kite Karauna o Ingarangi. | [double rule] [Hone Make. Kai-ta ate Kawanatanga. i Poneke. [i.e.

Wellington] [lB97?]]

15, [l] p.; 137x81 mm.; pale greenish blue textured paper covers. Title from cover. Imprint from colophon p. [l6], Printed by John Mackay, Government Printer (‘Hone Make, Kai-ta a te Kawanatanga’).

Translation of a special church service to commemorate the 60th anniversary of Queen Victoria’s accession in 1837, celebrated on 20 June 1897; probably mainly used in Anglican churches. It was first advertised in the Kahiti, 6 May 1897, p. 183, price 6d. Williams attributes the translation to Frederick H. Spencer, but the translation of ‘God save the Queen’ (p. [l6]; also issued separately (no. I486)) is signed ‘E.M.W.’ (Edward Marsh Williams).

The following variant issue has been identified:

1494.1 without colophon p. [l6] and with covers of lighter weight non textured paper. This is probably a proof issue; the WTU copy is uncut

Williams 951 & (S). Copies: AP, DL, DUHO, NLA, WTU (incl. variant 1494,1).



Kaviti Island Public Reserve Act 1897.

(Kapiti Island Public Reserve. | Niu Tireni. | [Royal Arms] | Rahul I Kapiti Moutere mo te Katoa. | [rule] \ [rule] | He Ture hei tuku I Kapiti Moutere ki a te Kuini. | [. . .] [He mea whakahau, I tala ai e Hoani Make. Kai-perehi a te Kawanatanga, Poneke. [i.e. Wellington] -1897.]

1 sheet (2 p.); 267x206 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 2. Running title: ‘Rahul I Kapiti Motu mo te iwi katoa.'. Printed by John Mackay, Government Printer ('Hoani Make, Kai-ta a te Kawanatanga').

Short title: Te Ture Rahul I Kapiti Moutere mo te Katoa, 1897.'.

Translation of the Kapiti Island Public Reserve Act 1897 (1897. No. 28) omitting the Analysis and marginal notes. It restricted dealings relating to land on Kapiti Island (Cook Strait) pending its acquisition by the Crown as a ‘preserve for the fauna and flora of New Zealand’. The Bill (No. 2) was introduced by Message from the Governor in Committee of the House on 20 December, replacing an earlier Government Bill of 24 November, and passed




all stages by 21 December. In the debate Taiaroa referred to not having seen the translation ( NZPD . 1897, v. 100, p. 927), but no Maori version of the Bill has been identified. The Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1897 (522/I897). For a history of the island see C. Maclean, Kapiti (Wellington. 1999),

Williams 943. Copies: WTU (in collected vol.).


Native Land Laws Amendment Act 1897.

(Native Land Laws Amendment, 1897. | Niu Tireni. | [Royal Arms] | Ture Whakatikatika i nga Ture Whenua Maori. | [rule] | [rule] | He Ture hei whakatikatika i “Te Ture Whakatikatika 1896 i nga | Ture Whenua Maori." | [. . .] [He mea whakahau i taia ai e Hoani Make, Kai-ta a te Kawanatanga, Poneke. [i.e. Wellington] -1897.]

I folded sheet (3. [l] p ): 267x206 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 3. Page [4] blank. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: ‘Te Ture Whakatikatika 1897 i nga Ture Whenua Maori.’.

Translation of the Native Land Laws Amendment Act 1897 (1897, No. 25) omitting the Analysis and marginal notes. It provided for several administrative arrangements including the right of Maori owners to apply for mortgages subject to certain conditions. The Bill was introduced by James Carroll, Minister Representing the Native Race, on 26 October and passed all stages by 21 December. No Maori version of the Bill has been identified. The Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1897 (522/1897). See no. 669 for further information on land legislation.

Williams 942. Copies: WTU (in collected vol.).


NEW ZEALAND. Parliament. House of Representatives.

Maori Council Constitution Bill 1897.

[Maori Council Constitution Bill 1897; actual title not confirmed: no copy located. Wellington: Printed by the Government Printer, 1897]

Physical details not known: no copy located. Description from secondary source.

Translation of the Maori Council Constitution Bill 1897. referred to as 'Kaihau's Bill’ or 'King’s Bill’. No copy has been located but reference is made to 100 copies having been circulated among Ngapuhi and 100 copies to East Coast Maori, in the Native Affairs Committee hearing on the Native Land Settlement and Administration Bill 1898 ( AJHR , 1898, I-3a, p. 28 (English text): see no. 1517). The Bill, still awaiting printing in both English and Maori, was also referred to by Kaihau and Seddon in 'Huihuinga Maori te 15 o Noema, 1897’, the record of their meeting with a Maori deputation (no. 1523, item (b)), p. 6. 11-14. (For the English version see Bagnall 5548.)

The Bill was introduced by Henare Kaihau in the House on 24 August 1898 but subsequently lapsed after being referred to the Native Affairs Committee on 25 November. It was reintroduced in 1898 on 24 August (presumably using this printing) but withdrawn on 19 October The




provisions of Kaihau's Bill were seen by some as a preferred alternative to those of Seddon's Bill (see no. **1516) that was under consideration and marked a renewal of power by the KTngitanga. However, the legislation eventually passed in 1900 under the same title (see no. 1554) was introduced by the Government. For further background see J. A. Williams, Politics of the New Zealand Maori (Auckland. 1969), p. 103-112.

No copy located.



Invitation. 8 lulv 1897. to a Christmas gathering at Te Kaha.

[7 lines set left:] He panuitanga [ornament] \ [ornament] Ki nga iwi, | [ornament] ki nga hapu, | [ ornament] ki nga reo, | [ornament] ki nga huihuinga tangata, | me nga rangatiratanga o roto o te rohe pooti o te | Tairawhiti [six ornaments] \ [vertical ornamental rule] | [7 lines set right:] [ three ornaments] \ Tena ra koutou | katoa i raro i te | atawhai a to ta- | tou Ariki. [ornament] \ [ornament] Heoi te mihi. | [ three ornaments] | [ornamental rule] \ He powhiri atu tenei i a koutou katoa kia haere mai kite ra i whanau ai 1 to tatou ariki, ara kite Kirihimete ka poua nei, ki Te Kaha-nui-a-tiki. | [l4 lines] j Na Hetekia Whakaterekawa [and 11 other names in two columns] | Ara na Hikataurewa katoa. | Te Kaha, Hurae, 8 1897. | [ornamental rule] | Printed by H. W. Williams, at the Te Rau Press,

Gisborne. [1897]

1 sheet ([l] p.); 338x209 mm.; laid paper.

Invitation dated 8 July 1897 signed by Hetekia Whakaterekawa and eleven other chiefs. The purpose of the Christmas gathering at Te Kaha (Bay of Plenty) was fundraising to establish a church (St Paul's, dedicated 1900). For further background on the Te Kaha pastorate of the Waiapu Diocese of the Church of England see W. Rosevear, Waiapu: The story of a diocese (Hamilton, 1960), p. 192-194. One of the earliest printings from the Te Rau Press established by H. W. Williams in 1 897 at Te Rau Theological College (of which he was principal). It provides an example of the variety of ornaments and typefaces used in much of the output of the press.

Williams 949. Copies: WTU.


Invitation. 23 August 1897. to a Christmas gathering at Awamate.

[first seven lines within ornamental border at head and sides:] He panuitanga | Ki nga iwi, ki nga hapu, ki nga | reo, ki nga huihuinga tangata, | ki nga rangatiratanga, i roto i \ te robe pooti o te Tairawhiti. 1 Tena koutou katoa, i roto i te | aroha o to tatou ariki [four ornaments] | [eight ornaments] \ He powhiri atu tenei i a koutou katoa, katoa. katoa, kia haere mai kite

Awamate, wahi o te Mahia, a te 24 o Tihema, 1897, e haere ake nei, kite | whakamahara i te Ra i whanau ai to tatou ariki, e karangatia nei taua ra, ko te Ra o te Kirihimete. | [lO lines ] | Na o koutou hoa, na | Epanaia Whaanga. | [and 19 other names in two columns] | Awamate, Akuhata 23,


An example of the decorative typefaces used by H. W. Williams at his press ‘Te Rau Kahikatea' in the 1890s (BiM 1498) These typefaces were mostly used for maramataka (almanacs) and for Native Church Board Reports, They sometimes employ unusual fonts.

Alexander Turnbull Library: Printed collections

SUMNER. JOHN BIRD (1780-1862)


1897. | [ornamental border] 1 Printed by H. W. Williams at the Te Rau Press, Gisborne. [1897]

1 sheet ([l] p ); 344x214 mm. Extensive use of ornaments and decorative typefaces.

Invitation dated 8 July 1897 to a Christmas gathering at Awamate (near Wairoa. Hawke's Bay), signed by Epanaia Whaanga and nineteen others from Nuhaka.

Williams 950. Copies: WTU.



Letter on the land question addressed to Seddon.

[Te Puke ki Hikurangi. Papawai, October, 1897; actual title not confirmed; no copy located. Papawai, Greytown?: 1897]

1 p.; 470x249 mm. Printed in two columns. Physical details not confirmed; no copy located. Description from Williams, who notes that the text was ‘surmounted by the block used as heading for the newspaper [Te puke ki Hikurangi (S39)]', The first issue of the paper appeared on 21 December 1897 and was printed in three columns. The first printer (1897/98) of the paper was H. T. Rangitakaiwaho who presumably printed this item.

Although no copy has been located, the details in the Williams entry indicate that he had seen a copy. He notes that it ‘Contains a letter on the land question addressed to Mr. Seddon.’, Seddon being both Premier and Minister of Native Affairs. The letter was presumably developed during the meeting of the Kotahitanga representatives that began in April 1897 and was intended to continue until September (see no. 1492), while Seddon was overseas participating in Queen Victoria's Jubilee. It may also have been a contribution to the 1898 Native Land Protection and Administration Bill (see no, 1515). Williams 974 a (S). No copy located.


SUMNER, John Bird (1780-1862)

Religious tract on the second coming.

(No. 20. i [ornament] | Te karere | o te | Kongo Pai. | [ornamental rule] \ Te haerenga tuarua mai a te Karaiti. | “A tenei ano kei a tatou te kupu poropiti, he mea e nui ana te u; | pai tonu kite anga ta koutou whakaaro ki reira, [. . .] | [. . .] [Printed at the Herald Office for the N.Z. Native Tract Institution. [Gisborne: 1897711

1 folded sheet (4 p ): 187x125 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 4. At end of text: ‘(Extracts from writings by Archbishop Sumner and Rev. E. W. Bullinger. D.D.)’.

Series: Te Karere o te Kongo Pai, no. 20.

Religious tract 'Te haerenga tuarua mai a te Karaiti’ on the second coming, translated by Joseph Baker from original texts by Sumner (Archbishop of Canterbury) and Bullinger. This was the first tract to have been issued in the series since no. 19 in 1892 (no. 1344). Copies are recorded as having been distributed in November I 897 but original publication may have been earlier.




There was a further gap until tract no. 21 was published in 1899 (no. 1524). See no. 1147 for further information on the series.

Williams 698/20. Copies: AP, F. WTU.



Funeral lament for Marewa-i-te-rangi.

He waiata tangi. | [ornamental rule incorporating 6 asterisks] | [double rule] \ Na Te Paki; mo Marewa Tukua-te-rangi. | “Takoto mai, e hine! I roto te whare kino o | Ka tokia to kiri e te anu matao e | [/0 lines] \ Maungapohatu, Tuhoeland, | 19/9/1897. | [rule] | Printed at the Hot Lakes Chronicle Office, Rotorua. [1897?]

1 sheet ([l] p.); 125x104 mm. Printed on wove paper with incomplete watermark: ‘[T?]he + ? | Smoot(h] + ?’.

A waiata tangi for Marewa-i-te-Rangi, daughter of Tuhoe chief Tutakangahau, who died on 13 September 1897. The identity of the author Te Paki has not been established. See also no. 1504 for a lament by Tutakangahau.

Copies: WTU (in E. Best, Urewera notes, MS-Papers-1187-035).


TREGEAR, Edward Robert (1846-1931)

Reissue of Maori dictionary with Polynesian comparisons.

The | Maori-Polynesian | [in red:] comparative dictionary | by | [in red:] Edward Tregear 1 [4 lines of his societal affiliations] | “Manus manum lavat.” | [publisher’s device] | Christchurch, Wellington and Dunedin, N.Z. | [in red:] Whitcombe and Tombs Limited. | [rule] | (The rights of translation and reproduction are reserved). [1897]

xxiv, 675. [l] p.; 242x156 mm; tan cloth boards with blind and gold tooling. Pages [ii], [iv], [vi], [viii] blank. Colophon p. [676]; 'Lyon and Blair, Printers, Wellington, | New Zealand.'. Title on spine; 'The | Maori 1 comparative | dictionary'.

Whitcombe and Tombs bought out Lyon and Blair in 1894 and in 1897 reissued Tregear's 1891 dictionary (no. 1314) with a replacement title-page tipped in. It was reissued again in 1907. The 1907 issue is identified by: red cloth boards with ornamental tooling: a corrigenda slip following p. xxiv and a leaf ([l] p.) of corrigenda and additions following p. 200; and differences in the colour and typefaces on the title-page.

See no. 1314 for further information on the contents and facsimile reprints.

Williams 804 (note), Bagnall T704 and ST7O4. Copies: WTU.



Funeral lament by a Tahoe chief for his daughter.

He waiata tangi. | [rule] | Na Tukua-te-Rangi Tutaka-Ngahau, mo tana tamahine, mo Marewa- | i-te-rangi. i mate ia i te 13 o nga ra o Hepetema, 1897. | Ko Marewa, he tamaiti rangatira tenei no | Tamakaimoana, hapu o


I 506


Tuhoe. | [rule] | 1. "E hine, Marewa-i-te-rangi, e takoto kino nei, | kore nei e hine, ou tuakana, ou taina, i tipu ake kite ao, | tena ka riro atu i a Hine-nui-te-po. | [37 lines] | “Haere ra, e hine e! Haere! Kia tae koe kite taumata me tiaki mai koe | i to koroua, a kia watea hoki tetahi nohoanga mona, hai hiki i a koe. Haere!” | —Na te Pehi. [no imprint. 1897?]

1 sheet ([l] p.): 248x157 mm.

A waiata tangi of three numbered stanzas (of 15, 11, 14 lines) by Tutakangahau for his daughter Marewa-i-te-Rangi who died on 1 3 September 1897. The only copies located are at WTU in the papers of Elsdon Best (‘te Pehi’) who added a two-line farewell of his own. See also no. 1478-1479 for additional information about the author and other waiata by him.

Copies: WTU (in E. Best, Urewera notes, MS-Papers-1187-034).


COLENSO, William (1811-1 899)

Specimen of an uncompleted dictionary.

A | Maori-English lexicon; | Being a | comprehensive dictionary | of the | New Zealand tongue; | including | [7 lines of description] \ [rule] \ Part I.— Maori-English. | [rule] | By the | Rev. W. Colenso, F.R.S., and F.L.S.; | [4 lines of societal affiliations] | Wellington. | By authority: John Mackay,

Government Printer. | [rule] 1 1898.

ix, [3], 111, [1), [4], 21, [l] p.; 235 x 154 mm.; brown cloth boards. Pages [ii], [vi], [x], [xii], [ll2] (first sequence) and [l5-16], [22] (second sequence) blank. Prelim, pages to Part II: p, [l] half-title (verso blank), p. [3] title-page, p. [4] quotations. Title (gold tooled) on front cover: ‘Maori-English lexicon | of the | New Zealand tongue, | by the | Rev. W. Colenso, F.R.S., & F.L.S. | [rule] | (Specimen.)'.

Additional title-page, Part 11: ‘An | English-Maori lexicon: | [l2 lines as for Pant] | [rule] \ Part II. —English-Maori. | [rule] \ [lO lines as for Part /]’. Part II identified as ‘Disconnected specimens only' (half-title and shoulder note).

The only part of Colenso’s dictionary commissioned in 1865 to be published, containing entries for letter A (Maori-English) and a few examples of EnglishMaori. Smaller specimens had been issued in AJHR in 1880 (no. 966) and 1882 (no. 1026). Colenso's preface dated January 1898 (p. [vii]-ix) explains his side of the dispute over the work: see no. 966 for additional background.

Colenso stresses his independence from the influence of other dictionaries and vocabularies but H. W. Williams, in his own Dictionary of the Maori language (1917; Bagnall WI3I8), remarks that ‘a careful study of this specimen shows that, in spite of his intimate acquaintance with the language, the author lacked many of the qualities requisite for success as a lexicographer’ (p. vii).

Williams 965, Bagnall Cl 195, Copies: AP, AR. DL, DUHO, WTU.


He INOI mo te Kareti.

Te Rau College prayer.

He inoi mo te Kareti. | E Ihowa, e te Atua, ko koe nei te kai- | homai o te




matauranga, o te pai katoa, | he inoi tenei na matou kia titiro atawhai mai | koe ki tenei Kareti, (. , .] | (7 lines] | [cross] [no imprint. Gisborne?: Printed at the Te Rau Press?, ca. 1898]

1 sheet ([l] p ); 88x90 mm.

A prayer for the use of Te Rau College. Gisborne, typographically similar to other items printed by H. W. Williams at the Te Rau Press. Williams's publication date has been followed and it was also printed in Te Pipiwharauroa. no. 13, March 1899. The college was established in 1883 to train Maori candidates for the Anglican ministry and operated until 1920; for a summary history see W. Rosevear, Waiapu: The story of a diocese (Hamilton, 1960), p. 162-164.

Williams 977. Copies: AP, WTU.



Religious tract about salvation.

[ ornament ] | Ko te oranga. | [ornamental rule] \ E tino whakapono ana ahau, he mea homai te | oranga tonutanga e te Atua. E whakapono tuturu ana | ahau, he pai kia noho nga tangata katoa i raro i te | rangimarie o te Atua. [. . .] [Printed and published by the Austral Publishing Co. for | Maori Mission Committee, Church of Christ, Ponsonby | Road, Auckland.

[Melbourne: ca. 1898]]

1 folded sheet ([4] p); ill.; 177x117 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. [4],

Religious tract of twelve numbered sections on the topic of salvation, consisting largely of quotations from the Bible. The Ponsonby Road Church of Christ building was opened on 22 August 1897 and the style of printing suggests the leaflet was produced about that time, but the date of issue has not been confirmed. The printer was active from 1892. The 1957 history of the church by W. B. Burn (Bagnall sBl 764 a) contains no reference to a Maori Mission Committee.

Copies: WTU.



Outcome of applications under legislation relating to land transactions.

G.-6. | 1898. | New Zealand. 1 [rule] | Native Land Laws Amendment Acts | (returns of applications made under the provisions of). | [rule] \ Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly in pursuance of the Native Land Laws I Amendment Acts. 1 [ rule] I [. . .] [By authority: John Mackay,

Government Printer, Wellington.-1898.]

I sheet (2 p.); 329x203 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 2. In tabular form. At end of text: 'Approximate cost of paper.-Preparation, not given; printing (1,325 copies), £1 Is..' and 'Price 3d.)'.

AJHR, 1898, G-6; signed by Under-secretary for Justice Frank Waldegrave. Not printed in AJLC. A list of 35 Maori applicants and the land for which approval to mortgage, lease or sell was sought under the Native Land Laws




Amendment Acts of 1895 (no. 1434) and 1897 (no. 1496). Presented in tabular form under categories of granted, refused and pending. For other lists see no. 1455 (1896) and 1525 (1899).

Copies: WTU (in bound vol., AJHR).


The NATIVE LANDS Settlement and Administration Bill, 1898

Letters relating to the Native Lands Settlement and Administration Bill 1898.

G.-7. 1 1898. 1 New Zealand. | [rule] | The Native Lands Settlement and | Administration Bill, 1898 1 (letters received by the Premier from native chiefs and others relative to). 1 [rule] | Laid on the table of the House of Representatives by leave of the House. | [rule] ([...] [By authority: John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.-1898.J

I folded sheet (4 p ); 323x203 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 4. At end of text: 'Approximate cost of paper.-Preparation. not given; printing (1,325 copies). £1 195,.' and ‘Price 3d.)'.

AJHR. 1898, G-7. Five letters from Maori (four with Maori translations) from May-August 1898, expressing support for Seddon's proposed restructuring of administration of land owned by Maori. The Native Lands Settlement and Administration Bill 1898 was introduced into the house in early August (see no. **1516). The most substantial text is a 12-point submission dated at Papawai, 20 June 1898, signed by Paratene Ngata and others comprising the committee of the Maori Parliament that had considered the first draft of the Bill (no. **1514). For additional background see no. 1515 and 1517.

Copies: WTU (in bound vol., AJHR).

Entries 1510-1512 are filed in alphabetical order of the English title.



Native Land Laws Amendment Act 1898.

(Native Land Laws Amendment. | Niu Tireni. | [Royal Arms] \ Ture Whakatikatika i nga Ture Whenua Maori, | 1898. 1 [rule] \ He ture hei whakatikatika i “Te Ture Whakatikatika. 1897, i | nga Ture Whenua Maori.” 1 [3O lines] | [rule] | He mea whakahau. i taia Hone Make, Kai-ta-Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Poneke. [l.e. Wellington] -1898.

1 sheet ([l] p.); 267x207 mm. Printed by John Mackay, Government Printer ('Hone Make. Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga’).

Short title: Te Ture Whakatikatika i nga Ture whenua Maori, 1898.’.

Translation of the Native Land Laws Amendment Act. 1898 (1898, No. I I) omitting the Analysis and marginal notes. It clarified the definition of stamp duty payable on land owned by Maori when the land was transferred to a trust for sale. The Bill (see no. * * 1513 for a Maori version) was introduced by W. C. Walker, Minister of Education and of Immigration, in the Legislative Council on 16 September. It passed all stages by 19 October, despite lengthy debate ( NZPD. 1898, v. 104) over procedural matters and some confusion with a Bill of similar provisions and the same title introduced in the House on



151 I

20 July and withdrawn on 19 October. The Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1898 (522/1898). See no. 669 for further information on land legislation.

Williams 968. Copies: AP, WTU (in collected vol ).


Native Townships Act Amendment Act 1898.

Native Townships Act Amendment. | Niu Tireni. | [Royal Arms] \ Ture Whakatikatika i te Ture Taone Maori. | [rule] | He Ture hei whakatikatika i “Te Ture Taone Maori, 1895." | [7 lines] \ [rule] | He mea whakahau, i taia ai e Hoani Make, Kai perehi a te Kawanatanga, Poneke. [i.e. Wellington] -1898.

1 sheet ([l] p ); 267x207 mm. Printed by the Government Printer. Short title: 'Te Ture whakatikatika i te Ture Taone Maori, 1898.’.

Translation of the Native Townships Act Amendment Act 1898 (1898, No. 28), omitting the Analysis and marginal notes. It repealed section 3 of the principal act of 1895 (see no. 1436) that required townships to be more than ten miles apart. The Bill was introduced by Minister of Lands John McKenzie in the House on 16 August 1898 and passed all stages by 2 November. The Native Affairs Committee report (JLC, 1898, p. 184) refers to amendments to the Bill ‘as printed in the copy attached’, which was probably in English. No Maori version of the Bill has been identified. The Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1898 (522/1898). See no. 669 for further information on land legislation.

Williams 969. Copies: AP, WTU (in bound vol.).


Extracts from the Old-age Pensions Act 1898.

(Old-age Pensions. | Niu Tireni. | [Royal Arms] \ Penihana Kaumatua, 1898. | [rule] | He Ture hei whakarite Penihana Kaumatua. | [. . .] [He mea whakahau, I taia ai e Hone Make Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Poneke. [i.e. Wellington] -1898.]

8 p.; 267x207 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 8. Printed by the Government Printer,

Short title: ‘Te Ture Penihana Kaumatua, 1898.'.

Translation of parts of the Old-age Pensions Act 1898 (1898, No 14), omitting the Analysis, marginal notes, and sections 3-6, 17-27, 43, 46, 52, 5463 (i.e. the sections dealing with districts and registrars). It provided a meanstested pension of £lB p.a. to all naturalised residents over the age of 65 (other than Chinese and other Asians) with some conditions. The legislation, which specifically included Maori, was the first to introduce government benefits, thereby reducing the responsibility of family to support its members; see D. Thomson, World without welfare (Auckland. 1998). p. 24. 50.

The Bill, initiated by a message from the Governor, was introduced by Seddon in the House on 26 July and passed all stages by 25 October. No Maori version of the Bill (or extracts) has been identified. The Act was




included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1898 (522/1898),

Williams 970, Copies: AP. WTU (in collected vol.).


NEW ZEALAND. Parliament

Native Land Laws Amendment Bill 1898.

[Native Land Laws Amendment Bill 1898; actual title not confirmed; no copy located, Wellington: Printed by the Government Printer, 1898]

1 p.? Physical details not confirmed: no copy located. Description from secondary source.

Translation of the Native Land Laws Amendment Act 1898. Although no copy has been located, there is specific reference in Hansard that the Bill ‘has been printed in Maori and in the hands of Native members for over a month’ (NZPD. 1898, v. 104, p. 671). It is possible the Bill referred to was the one introduced in the House on 20 July. See no. 1510 for the resulting Act and additional information.

No copy located.

Entries ** (5(4-** 1516 are filed in the order of the three drafts of the Bill.


NEW ZEALAND. Parliament. House of Representatives,

First draft of Native Land Protection and Administration Bill 1898.

[Precis of Native Land Protection and Administration Bill 1898; actual title not confirmed; no copy located. Wellington: Printed by the Government Printer, 1898]

Physical details not known; no copy located. Description from secondary source. No copy of this precis first draft of the Native Land Protection and Administration Bill (28 clauses, referred to as the ‘Premier’s Bill’) has been located. However, specific references to copies being distributed are made in the record of Seddon’s meetings with Maori in March-May 1898 (see no. 1561-1562). The text of the Bill, which proposed radical changes in the administration of land owned by Maori, was also printed in the Kahiti. 5 May 1898, p. 153-154. Also associated with this legislation was the Kingitanga

Maori Council Constitution Bill (no. **1497).

The second draft of the Bill (45 clauses, the ‘Papawai Bill’; see no. 1515) included amendments from Maori. The version finally introduced, of 49 clauses, had the title Native Land Settlement and Administration Bill 1898 (no. **1516). Evidence given in the Native Affairs Committee consideration of the Bill includes many references to how the drafts developed and proceeded ( AJHR , 1898, I-3a; no. 1517). Several letters from chiefs relating to the revised drafts were printed with translations as AJHR. 1898, G-7 (no. 1509).

Seddon's move to devolve more control over their land to Maori followed the 1897 petition by Maori to the Queen (see no. 1492). For further background see J. A, Williams. Politics of the New Zealand Maori (Auckland. 1969). p. 98-112; on Seddon’s role as Minister of Native Affairs see

R. M. Burdon, King Dick (Christchurch. 1955). p. 175-187.

71 I



For subsequent Bills attempting to resolve the same issues see no. **1531 (1899) and ** 1 559-** 1 560 (1900). The legislation was eventually passed as the Maori Lands Administration Act 1900 (no. **1557).

No copy located.


Second draft of Native Land Protection and Administration Bill [lB9B], (Precis of Native Land Protection and Administration Bill. | [rule] | Te Ture Tiaki Whakahaere hoki i nga Whenua | Maori. | [rule] \

Whakarapopototanga i nga tikanga o te Pire Tiaki, Whakahaere Hoki, | i nga Whenua Maori me nga whakatikatikanga i whiriwhiria e te | hui nui o te Kotahitanga i tu nei ki Papawai, Kereitaone, i | nga marama o Mei me Hune, 1898. | [rule] | [. . .] [He mea whakahau i taia ai e Hoani Make, Kaita a te Kawanatanga, Poneke. [i.e. Wellington] -1898.]

1 folded sheet (4 p ); 232x173 mm. (cropped). Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 4. Printed by John Mackay, Government Printer ('Hoani Make, Kai-ta a te Kawanatanga’).

The second draft of the Native Land Protection and Administration Bill, referred to as the 'Papawai Bill'. It has 45 clauses and incorporates amendments suggested by Maori, marked by marginal lines and underlining. An English version (‘Translation from the Maori.') was also produced in the same format. The Maori text was also printed in Te puke ki Hikurangi. 16 August 1898, and The Jubilee, 9 August 1898, and reprinted in AJHR. 1898, I-3a (no. 1517), p. 129-132 (Maori text) and p. 110-112 (English text). For additional background see no. **1514, the first draft, which Seddon had presented and distributed at meetings earlier in the year.

The proposed changes were discussed during the meeting of the Maori Parliament over a six-week period in May/June 1898 which Premier and Native Minister Seddon attended on 26 May; for an account see no. 1521. The amendments were communicated to Seddon by Paratene Ngata in a letter dated 20 June, reprinted in AJHR 1898 G-7 (no. 1509), p. 1-3 (in English and Maori) and in the English record of a meeting with Seddon in Wellington on 5 July (Bagnall N3907), p. 48-52.

See no. **1516 for the version finally introduced in the House. Seddon discussed the wording of the Bill at a meeting with chiefs of 1 August; see no 1562, p. 32-40, and Bagnall N3907, p. 52-60, for an English version. Evidence given in the Native Affairs Committee consideration of the Bill includes many references to how the drafts developed and proceeded ( AJHR . 1898, I-3a; no. 1517).

Copies: WTU.

**1516 -

Native Lands Settlement and Administration Bill 1898.

(Native Lands Settlement and Administration Bill.) | [rule] 1 Rt. Hon. Te Hetana. | Jure Whakanohonoho kite Tangata Whaka- | haere hoki i nga Whenua Maori. | [rule] \ [rule] \ He Pire e huaina ana | He lure hei




whakatakoto tikanga hei whakanohonoho kite ta- | ngata hei whakahaere hoki i nga whenua Maori. | [. . .] [He mea whakahau i taia ai e Hoani Make, Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Poneke. [i.e. Wellington] -1898,]

19. [l] p.; 285x210 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 19. Page [2o] blank. Running title: ‘Whakanohonoho kite Tangata Whakahaere hoki i nga Whenua Maori.'. Printed by the Government Printer.

Short title: Te Ture Whakanohonoho kite langata wnananaere nom i nga Whenua Maori, 1898.’.

Title and physical details not confirmed: no copy located. Description from the text reprinted in AJHR, 1898, l-3a, p. 110-128. This retains the pagination and colophon of the original Bill but has an incorrect Bill number ('No. 3') at foot of the first page.

Translation of the Native Lands Settlement and Administration Bill 1898 (1898, No. 49) omitting the Analysis, line numbering and marginal notes. This version (also recorded as the Settlement and Administration of Native Lands Bill) was the third to be produced, see no. **1514-1515 for the first two drafts and additional information. It provided for the establishment of Native Land Districts and district Native Land Boards to replace the Native Land Court and administer the estimated remaining 5 million acres of land still owned by Maori.

The Bill was introduced by Seddon in the House (in response to a message from the Governor) on 3 August 1898. It was read pro forma for a second time on 20 September when it was referred to the Native Affairs Committee which reported on the Bill on 3 November. Evidence in the Committee’s report ( AJHR . 1898, I-3a, no. 1517) includes many references to the development of the drafts and records the divided opinions on its wording and provisions. Petitions of nearly 10,000 against the legislation were presented (compared with over 3,000 for it).

Discussion on the need for legislation continued in 1899 (see AJHR , 1899, l-3a (no. 1532) and no. **1531) and it was eventually passed as the Maori Lands Administration Act 1900 (no. **1557). See J. A. Williams, Politics of the New Zealand Maori (Auckland, 1969). p. 98-112. for further background.

No copy located.


NEW ZEALAND. Parliament. House of Representatives. Native

Affairs Committee.

Report on the Native Lands Settlement and Administration Bill 1898.

1. -3 a. | 1898. | New Zealand. | [rule] | Native Affairs Committee. 1 The Native Lands Settlement and Administration Bill | (report on), together with petitions and minutes of evidence. | (Mr. R. M. Houston, Chairman.) | [rule] | Brought up on the 3rd November, 1898, and ordered to be printed in English and Maori. | [rule] | [. . .] [By authority: John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.-1898.]

113, [l], 142 p.; 323x203 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 113 (first sequence). Colophon repeated on p. 142 (second sequence). Page [ll4] (first sequence) blank. At end of text p. 113 (first sequence): 'Approximate cost of paper.-Preparation, not given; printing (1,575 copies), £6l 10s.' and




Price 2s.)'. At end of text p. 142 (second sequence): 'Approximate cost of paper.-Preparation, not given; printing (1,000 copies). £B2 ss. 6d.' and ‘Price 2s. 6d.)‘.

Caption title (second sequence): ‘I, -3a. | (Translation.) | 1898, | Niu Tireni. | [rule] \ Komiti mo nga mea Maori. | Te Pire whakanohonoho kite Tangata Whakahaere | hoki i nga Whenua Maori | (Ripoata mo te Pire). hul atu ki nga pitihana me nga korero i korerotia kite | aroaro o te Komiti, | Te Auhana, Tiamana (R. M. Houston, Chairman). | [rule] | I whakatakotoria kite Whare i te 3 o Noema, 1898, a whakahaua ana kia perehitia kite reo | Ingarihi kite reo Maori hoki. | [rule]'.

AJHR. 1898, I-3a. Report of the Native Affairs Committee on the Native Lands Settlement and Administration Bill 1898 in English (first sequence) and Maori (second sequence), separately paginated and with individual colophons. The text of Appendices C-K (resolutions passed at various meetings of Maori) is only in the Maori version.

The report (of 6 lines, p. I both texts) recommended that the Bill be held over until the next session as the amount of evidence taken had not left time to consider the Bill. Petitions relating to the Bill (3.367 in favour and 9,775 against) are on p. [l]-4 (English) and p. [l]-5 (Maori). The evidence (p. 5-93 (English), p. 5-109 (Maori)) provides a valuable contemporary record of relationships between iwi and differences of opinion over the administration of land and Maori representation. Appended to the report are: A: text of the Bill introduced into Parliament (no. **1516; p 94-109 (English), p. 1 10-128 (Maori)); B: text of the‘Papawai Bill'(no. 1515; p, 110-1 12 (English), p. 129132 (Maori)); C-K: resolutions passed at various meetings of Maori (p. 133141 (Maori)); L: the petition presented to Queen Victoria in 1897 (p. 113 (English), p. 141-142 (Maori)).

See no. 1509, * * 1514, 1515 and * * 1516 for additional information and no. 1532 for further petitions and evidence before the Committee in 1899.

Copies: WTU (in bound vol., AJHR).


PONEKE. Hurae 25 1898. E hoa ma tena koutou, . . .

Submission. 25 luly 1898. on draft legislation relating to land.

Poneke. | Hurae 25 1898. | E hoa ma tena koutou, tirohia tenei Pire, me ona tikanga o | roto ko te tino mea nui. | [8 numbered paragraphs. 16 lines] | [l3 lines] | Na o koutou hoa. | Peni Te Uamairangi [and 14 ocher names in two columns] | [rule] 1 He mea ta e R. Te Parera kite "Puke ki Hikurangi." [Papawai, Wairarapa: 1898]

1 sheet ([l] p ): 205x130 mm. Printed by Rihara Te Parera at the office of Te puke ki Hikurangi newspaper, Papawai.

A petition signed by Peni (i.e. Pene) Te Uamairangi and fourteen other chiefs associated with the Kotahitanga Parliament, submitting eight points about a Bill relating to land, presumably the second draft of the Native Land Protection and Administration Bill 1898 (no. 1515). The text was also printed (in a different setting) in Te puke ki Hikurangi. 2 August 1898, p. 6. It does not appear to be an official statement by the Maori Parliament.

Copies: WTU (photocopy).





POPULAR Maori songs. Supplement No. 1

First supplement to a collection of Maori songs.

(Supplement No. 1. | Popular | Maori songs. | Collected and arranged by | John McGregor. 1 Ko nga | waiata Maori. 1 Na Hone Makareka. | E. [i.e. E] kohikohi. 1 [double rule] | Price - - - one shilling. | [double rule] \ Auckland: 1 Champtaloup and Cooper, Publishers. Queen Street. | [rule] | 1 898. | [rule] | (All rights reserved.)

31, [l] p.; 212x137mm.; greenish brown paper covers. Pages [2] and [32] blank. Title repeated on front cover, with colophon: 'Wright and Jaques, General Printers, Albert Street. Auckland.'.

The first of four supplements to the main volume Popular Maori songs published in 1893 (no. 1389); see that entry for additional information. It contains 49 songs. Supplements 2-4 were published between 1903 and 1908 (see Bagnall M 266). Most copies of the supplements, which have continuous paging, are found bound with the original work and lack the covers described by Williams.

Williams 966. Bagnall M 266. Copies: AP (bound with main vol.), AR, WTU (bound with main vol.).



Auckland business directory in Maori and English.

Pukapuka | [ornamental rule] | rapu. | [ornamental rule] \ I nga tangata | mahi o | Akarana. | [swelled rule] | Me nga | utu o te tereina. | 1898. | [swelled rule] | Akarana: [i.e. Auckland] 1 Na W. Wirikihana, Kai ta Perehi, 177 Kuini Tiriti. | [rule] | 1898.

[44] p.; 210x130 mm.; brownish pink paper covers. Pages unnumbered; p [2], [44] blank. Title on cover: 'Kai arahi-1898'. Advertisements on covers. Imprint on front cover: 'Printed by W. Wilkinson, Central Printing Office. 1 77 Queen-st.’

Colophon p. [43]: This directory is compiled and published by P. Terua, | Land and Commission Agent, Auckland. | [rule] \ W. Wilkinson, Printer, Queen-St., Auckland '.

An Auckland business directory in English and Maori with bilingual advertisements and an alphabetical directory (p. [l7-27]). Brief lists of train ticket prices at the foot of most advertisement pages.

Williams 963. Copies: AP, WTU.

SEDDON, Richard John (1845-1906)


Speech delivered at Pdpdwai meeting. 26 May 1898.

Te whai korero | a | te Hetana. | Pirimia, Mmita Maori hoki, | ki | nga Maori, i te hui i Papawai, | i | te 26 o nga ra o Mei, 1898. | [double rule] \ Poneke: [i.e. Wellington] | He mea whakahau, i taia ai e Hoani Make, Kai-ta Perehi a te | Kawanatanga. | [rule] | 1898,

28 p.; 213x139 mm.; blue paper covers. Title from cover. Printed by John




Mackay, Government Printer ('Hoani [or 'Hone'] Make. Kai-ta a te Kawanatanga').

Speech delivered by Seddon at a meeting with Kotahitanga representatives at Papawai on 26 May 1898. with brief additional responses by Tamahau Mahupuku and others. The issues covered range from equality with Pakeha to land, and refer to planned legislation. The Maori text was reprinted in no. 1562, p. 23-32, and an English version in the associated Notes of meetings . . . (Bagnall N3907, and also the bilingual text no. 1561, p. 39-47). Williams 952/ iv (followed by Bagnall 5550 (note)) record this as sometimes also being bound together with the collection of three 1897 speeches (no. 1523), but no copy of that variant issue has been located.

Williams 964, Bagnall 5549. Copies: AP, DL, NLA, WTU.


Record of meeting between Seddon and Tuhoe chiefs. 26 September 1898. Nga whai korero a te Pirimia, te Raiti Honore Rihari Hoani te Hetana, | ratou ko nga rangatira o Tuhoe. | [rule] 1 Ko tenei e whai ake nei nga korero a te whakaminenga o te iwi o Tuhoe i tae kite aroaro o te | Pirimia mete Minita Maori (te Raiti Honore te Hetana) i te Whare Paremete, Poneke, i te 26 o | Hepetema, 1898. [. . .] | (. . .] [He mea whakahau, i taia ai e Hone Make, Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Poneke. [i.e.

Wellington] -1898.]

6 p.; 268x180 mm. (cropped). Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 6. Printed by the Government Printer.

Record of a meeting at Parliament on 26 September 1898 between Tutakangahau and other Tuhoe chiefs with Seddon. The deputation raised various land administration and other matters arising from the Urewera District Native Reserve Act 1896 (no. 1466).

The format of this publication is the same as that of no. 1 562 but the text is not included in that collection of reports. However, the English version is included in the associated Notes of meetings . . . : see no. 1 561. p. 60-66 (first sequence).

Covies: WTU.


Record of three meetings o/Seddon with Maori chiefs. October-November 1897.

Nga whai korero | a | te Pirimia, | te Right Honourable Rihari Hoani Hetana. | me | etahi rangatira Maori, | mo runga i nga take e pa ana kite 1 iwi Maori. I [double rule] | Poneke: [i.e. Wellington] | He mea whakahau, i taia ai e Hoani Make, Kai-ta Perehi a te | Kawanatanga. | [ru/e] | 1897. [i.e. 1898]

18, 14, [2], 15, [l] p.; 210x130 mm.: blue paper covers. Title from front cover. Pages [l5-16] (second sequence) and [l6] (third sequence) blank. Printed by the Government Printer. Each sequence has a colophon dated 1898. confirming date of publication.




Record of speeches at meetings held in Wellington in October-November 1897 between Seddon and three groups of Maori chiefs on matters relating to the administration of land. It is possible that the texts were also issued separately but no copies have been located. English versions of the texts (with colophons dated 1897) were published as Speeches by the Premier.. . (Bagnall 5548).

The three sequences (citing the caption titles) are:

(a) 'Huihuinga Maori, | Poneke. 25 Oketopa, 1897.' (18 p): Meeting 25 October 1897 with Tomoana and other representatives of the Maori Parliament, following a Kotahitanga meeting at Papawai, asking for action on land sales.

(b) ‘Huihuinga Maori |tels o Noema. 1897.’. (14, [2] p.): Meeting 15 November 1897 with Tana Taingakawa Te Waharoa and other KTngitanga representatives, referring to Henare Kaihau's Maori Councils Bill (no. **1497).

(c) 'Huihuinga Maori. 1 Poneke, 29 Noema, 1897.’. (15, [l] p.); Meeting 29 November with Major Kemp and others on the topic of the abolition of the Native Land Court.

Williams described the volume as also including a fourth sequence (Williams 952/ iv, 28 p.) also issued separately (no. 1521). However, of eight copies located, all comprise only three items, which therefore appears to be the standard issue. Williams may have seen a one-off binding up of this volume and no. 1521.

Williams 952/i-iii, Bagnall 5550. Copies: AP, AR, DL, NLA. WTU.


BARKER, H. P„ attrib.

Religious tract. The way to heaven.

(No. 21. |Te karere | [ornamental rule] [ornament (star)] \ote | [ornament (star)] | Kongo Pai. | [ornamental rule] \ [double rule] | “Ko ahau te huarahi." | [ornamental rule] | Kotahi tonu te huarahi kite rangi! Whaihoki ano 1 te rahi o tenei patai Heaha [sic] taua huarahi! [. . .] | [. . .] [Printed by H. J. Bushnell, for the N.Z. Native Tract Institution. [Gisborne: 1899?]]

1 folded sheet (4 p); 179x125 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 4. At end of text: '(From “The way to heaven,” Dublin and London Tracts.)'.

Series: Te karere o te Kongo Pai, no. 21.

Religious tract 'Ko ahau te huarahi’ translated by Joseph Baker. Authorship of the original is attributed to H. P. Barker from reference in tract no. 23 (no. 1542) to him as author of 'The way to heaven' (no. 2). The publication date is based on two instances of the date 'I 1/5/99' written beside this title in the distribution records (New Zealand Native Tract Institution, book 1885-1901; WTU. MS-Papers-1661).

See no. 1147 for further information on the series.

Williams 698/21. Copies: AP, NLA. WTU.





ISSUE of Orders in Council . . .

Outcome of applications under legislation relating to land transactions. (No. 18. 1 1899. | Legislative Council. | [rule] | Issue of Orders in Council | (return of applications for) under the provisions of section 4 of "The Native | Land Laws Amendment Act, 1895,” and “The Native Land Laws Amendment Act, | 1897.” | [rule] | Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly in pursuance of “The Native Land Laws | Amendment Act, 1895.” | [rule] | [. . .] [By authority: John Mackay, Government

Printer, Wellington.-1899.]

1 sheet (2 p ); 307x205 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 2. In tabular form.

AJLC. 1899, No 18; signed by Under-secretary for Justice. Frank Waldegrave. Not printed in AJHR. A list of 66 applications from Maori under the Native Land Laws Amendment Acts of 1895 (no. 1434) and 1897 (no. 1496) that allowed the leasing, mortgaging and sale of land under certain conditions. About half the applications had been granted; of the remainder, most were still pending. For earlier lists see no. 1455 (1896) and 1508 (1898).

Copies: WTU (in bound voI. ,JLQ.

Entries 1526-1528 are filed in alphabetical order of the English title.



Native Land Laws Amendment Act 1899.

(Native Land Act Amendment, 1899. | Niu Tireni. | [Royal Arms] ] "Ture Whakatikatika i nga Ture Whenua | Maori, 1899.” | [rule] | He Ture hei whakatikatika ano i te ture e pa ana ki nga whenua | Maori. ([...] [He mea whakahau i taia ai e Hoani Makae, Kai-ta a te Kawanatanga, Poneke. [i.e. Wellington] -1899.]

I sheet (2 p ); 267x210 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 2 Printed by John Mackay, Government Printer ('Hoani Makae, Kai-ta a te Kawanatanga’L

Short title: - Te Ture WhakatiKatika i nga Ture Whenua Maori, 1899 .'.

Translation of the Native Land Laws Amendment Act 1899 (1899, No. 30), omitting the Analysis and marginal notes. It allowed mortgages on land owned by Maori (in certain cases) and also excluded land sales to the Crown. These arrangements were temporary, until the end of the following Parliament, and partly resulted from the failure to pass the Maori Lands Administration Bill 1899 (see no. **1531; NZPD, 1899, v. 110, p. 774). The Bill was introduced by Seddon in the House on 10 October and passed all stages by 24 October, No Maori version of the Bill has been identified. The Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1899 (522/1899) and was reprinted in the Jubilee, 26 October 1899, p. 13. See no. 669 for further information on land legislation.

Williams 984. Copies: WTU (in collected vol.).


1 529



Native Reserves Act Amendment Act 1899.

(Native Reserves Act Amendment. | Niu Tireni. | [Royal Arms] | Ture Whakatikatika i te Ture Rahui Maori, 1899. | [rule] | He Ture hei whakatikatika i te ture e pa ana ki nga Rahui Maori. | [36 lines] \ [rule] | He mea whakahau i taia Hone Makae, Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Poneke. [i.e. Wellington] -1899. | Nama 3.

1 sheet ([l] p.); 267x210 mm. Printed by the Government Printer. Short title: 'Te Ture Whakatikatika i Te Ture Rahui Maori, 1899.',

Translation of the Native Reserves Act Amendment Act 1899 (1899, No. 21) omitting the Analysis and marginal notes. It brought administration of leases on reserve lands in Marlborough by the Public Trustee into line with such leases in Taranaki. The Bill was introduced by Seddon in the House on 26 September and passed all stages by 19 October. No Maori version of the Bill has been identified. The text ‘Nama 3.’ at the foot possibly relates to the order in which the legislation was printed for the 1899 volume of legislation in Maori, in which it is included (522/1899), See no. 669 for further information on land legislation.

Williams 985. Copies: WTU (in collected vol.).


Native Townships Act Amendment Act 1899.

(Native Townships. | Niu Tireni. | [Royal Arms] | Ture Whakatikatika i te Ture Taone Maori, 1899. 1 [rule] | He Ture hei whakatikatika i “Te Ture Taone Maori, 1895.” | [23 lines] \ [rule] \ He mea whakahau, i taia ai e Hone Makae, Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Poneke. [i.e. Wellington] -1899. | Nama 2.

1 sheet ([l] p.); 266x198 mm. Printed by the Government Printer. Short title; ‘Te Ture Whakatikatika i Te Ture Taone Maori, 1899.’.

Translation of the Native Townships Act Amendment Act 1899 (1899, No. 9) omitting the Analysis and marginal notes, which amended the 1895 Act (see no. 1436). It provided for spreading the costs of survey or compensation on a half-yearly instalment basis for a maximum of ten years. The Bill was introduced by William C. Walker in the Legislative Council on 30 August and passed all stages by 12 October. No Maori version of the Bill has been identified. The text 'Nama 2.’ at the foot possibly relates to the order in which the legislation was primed for the collected volume of legislation in Maori for 1899 in which it is included (522/1899). See no. 669 for further information on land legislation.

Williams 986. Copies: WTU (in collected vol.).


NEW ZEALAND. Department of Education

Revised administrative code for the operation of schools for Maori.

Kupu o roto o te kupu tohutohu | mo nga Kura Maori. | [double rule] \ He mea panui kia mohio ai nga Komiti o nga Kura Maori, | me era atu tangata




e whai tikanga ana kite mahi | ako i te iwi Maori, kite whakahaere i aua kura, | I.—Whakatuunga Kura Hou. | [. . .] [By authority: John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington,-1899. | (300/6/99-3464]

15. [l] p.: 214x137 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 15. Page [l6] blank. Job number in colophon indicates 300 copies printed in June 1899.

Revised edition of the administrative code for the guidance of Native School Committees in running schools for Maori. Details of Te MaKarini scholarships (in memory of Sir Donald McLean) appended (p. [ 11)-15). For earlier editions see no. 1089 (1883) and no. 1338 (1892).

Translated from the 1897 English text The Native Schools Code. 1897 with which it is also found bound (see no. 1530). A note on the WTU copy identifies the translator as George H. Davies.

Sommerville 988 a, Bagnall N1263b. Copies: WTU.


Administrative code for operation of schools for Maori, with 1897 English text.

New Zealand.—Education Department. | [rule] \ The | Native Schools Code, | 1897. | [Royal Arms] | Wellington: | By authority: John MacKay,

Government Printer. | [rule] \ 1897. [t’.e. 1899]

15, [l], 26 p.; 215x140 mm.; blue paper covers. Title from cover Caption title p. [l] (first sequence): ‘Kupu o roto o te kupu tohutohu | mo nga Kura Maori.’, Page [l] (second sequence) is title-page for English text, wording as on cover.

Colophons: p. 15 (first sequence): 'By authority: John MacKay. Government Printer. Wellington -1899. | (300/6/99-3464’; p 26 (second sequence): ’By authority: | John MacKay, Government Printer,

Wellington.-1897. | (5454-96.’.

A composite pamphlet comprising the Maori translation of 1899 (first sequence; see no. 1529 for the separate issue and further details) with the 1897 English text The Native Schools Code. 1897 (second sequence).

Williams 947, Bagnall N 1263 a. Copies: WTU.

NEW ZEALAND. Parliament. House of Representatives


Maori Lands Administration Bill 1899.

[Maori Lands Administration Bill 1899; actual title not confirmed; no copy located. Wellington: Printed by the Government Printer, 1899]

Physical details not confirmed; no copy located. Description from secondary source.

Translation of the Maori Lands Administration Bill 1899. The Bill was introduced in the House by a message from the Governor on 10 October but lapsed at the end of the 1899 parliamentary year on 23 October. Hansard confirms the Bill had not been translated into Maori at that time ( NZPD. 1899. v. 110. p. 766). However, parliamentary debates during the 1900 session state that the Bill was widely circulated and discussed by North Island Maori




during the recess ( NZPD , 1900, v. 114, p. 501; v. 115, p. 175), presumably in a printed Maori version.

See no. ** 1514 for further details of earlier versions of the legislation, For the 1900 legislation see no, * * 1559 and * * 1 560 (Bills), and no. * 1557 for the eventual Maori Lands Administration Act 1900.

No copy located.

1532 NEW ZEALAND. Parliament. House of Representatives. Native Affairs Committee.

Petitions and evidence on the Native Lands Settlement and Administration BUI.

1. -3 a. | 1899. 1 New Zealand. | [rule] | Native Affairs Committee: | The proposed Native Lands Settlement and \ Administration Bill | (Minutes of evidence taken in connection with petitions relating to). | (Mr. R. M. Houston, Chairman.) | (In continuation of 1. -3 a., 1898.) | [rule] | Brought up on the 3rd October and ordered to be printed. | [rule] | [. . .] [By authority: John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.-1899.]

27, [l], 28 p.; 325x206 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 27 (first sequence). Colophon repeated on p. 28 (second sequence). Page [2B] (first sequence) blank. At end of text p. 27 (first sequence): ‘Approximate cost of paper.-Preparation, not given; printing (1,375 copies), £l5 10s.’ and ‘Price Is.)’.

Caption title (second sequence): 'I. -3a. | (Translation.) | 1899. | Niu Tireni. | [rule] | Komiti mo nga Mea Maori: | Pire e meatia ana kia mahia hei Whakanohonoho kite Tangata | hei Whakahaere hoki i nga Whenua Maori. 1 (Nga korero i korerotia kite aroaro o te Komiti mo nga pitihana e pa ana ki | taua mea.) | Te Auhana, Tiamana (Mr. R. M. Houston, Chairman). | (Hei roanga atu tenei mo 1. -3 a., 1898.') | [rule]'.

AJHR, 1899, I-3a. Further petitions and evidence before the Native Affairs Committee of the House of Representatives on the Native Lands Settlement and Administration Bill, in English (first sequence) and Maori (second sequence), separately paginated and with individual colophons. It continues AIHR. 1898, I-3a (no. 1517).

Three petitions and a list of a further 21 groups presenting similar ones are on p. 1-2 (both sequences). The remaining text comprises evidence presented 15-22 September and suggested wording for legislation from each of Henare Kaihau, MHR, WT Pere, MHR, and Hone Heke. The petitions arose from the unsuccessful Native Lands Settlement and Administration Bill 1898 (no. * * 1516) and continued the debate on what Maori saw as being the most effective way of achieving greater independence in managing their lands. A new version of legislation introduced in October 1899, with the title Maori Lands Administration Bill, lapsed at the end of the session. Hansard debates (NZPD, 1899, v. 110) confirm it was not produced in Maori. The Act was eventually passed in 1900 with the title Maori Lands Administration Act (no. ** 1557). For further background see J. A. Williams, Politics of the New Zealand Maori (Auckland. 1969). D. 98-1 12.

Copies: WTU (in bound vol., AJHR ).






Petition from Ngati Apa to Seddon on matters mainly relating to land, [ornament] To the [ornament] | [ornament] Premier [ornament] | [ornament] from the [ornament] | Ngatiapa Tribe. [Printed by the Wanganui Chronicle Company, Limited. [Wanganui: 1899?]]

12 p.; 208x134 mm.; full black leather with gold tooling. Title (gold-blocked) repeated on front cover with ornaments at each end of first and third lines Imprint from colophon p. 12. Page [2] blank. Printed in two columns (parallel Maori and English texts) separated by double vertical rule. Running title: ‘Ngatiapa.'.

Text of an address from Ngati Apa to Premier Richard Seddon in parallel English and Maori. The WTU copy is dated by hand 'Noema Ist 1899.' but the date of the meeting at Turakina has not been confirmed. The address presents issues relating to ownership and sales of Ngati Apa lands between the Rangitikei and Turakina Rivers, the RangitTkei-Manawatu Block, and the Paraekaretu Block, and seeks special legislation to protect their lands from further sales. It is signed by 12 kaumatua (headed by Wunu Te Rangirerehia) and nearly 200 other members of Ngati Apa.

Copies: WTU.



Fifth edition of phrases and vocabularies with grammatical notes. Korero Maori. | First lessons | in | Maori conversation. | By | a PakehaMaori. | [double rule ] | Fifth edition. | [double rule] | Wanganui, N.Z.: | Printed and published by A. D. Willis, Bookseller & Stationer, | Caxton Buildings, Victoria Avenue. [1899?]

40 p.; 162x100 mm,; greenish grey paper covers. Page [2] blank. Running title: 'Te korero Maori.’, Title repeated (with variations in layout and additional ornaments) on front cover. Advertisement for A. D. Willis publications on back cover. Dated from the final number ('1899') in sequence on p. 15.

A collection of conversational phrases and vocabularies with brief grammatical notes. This 'fifth edition 1 is a slightly altered reprint of Chapman's third edition of 1882 (no. 1061) of a work first published in about 1875 (no. 842). For the second and fourth editions see no. 915 and 1165 This 1899 issue was subsequently reprinted as the 'Sixth edition' in 1903 (Bagnall K457 (note)), dated by Williams (993 a (S)) as also being from 1899, For later editions see Bagnall K458-K461.

Williams 906, Bagnall K457, Copies: AR, WTU.



Invitation to opening of church at Mangahanea on 14 February 1899. [line of ornaments] | Panuitanga | Kawanga Whare-karakia | ki

Mangahanea, ate 14 o nga ra o Pepuere. 1899. | Na, tenei te mau nei te whakapono, te tumanako, te aroha, enei etoru. te mea | nui rawa ia o enei ko te aroha. I Koriniti xiii, 13 | Haere mai! Haere mai! Haere mail 1




[/8 lines] | Kia ora tonu koutou i te atawhai a to tatou Ariki. | Na o koutou hoa. | Eruera Pahau. | [and 16 other names in three columns] | [line of ornaments] [no imprint. Gisborne?: Printed at the Te Rau Press?, 1899?)

1 sheet ([l] p ); 348x189 mm. Caption title.

An invitation to the opening of the Anglican church (Reneti) at Mangahanea (near Ruatoria, East Coast) on 14 February 1899, signed by Eruera Pahau and sixteen other 'leading Waiapu Maoris’ (Williams) including the minister. Rev. Eruera Kawhia. Typographically similar to other notices printed by Williams at the Te Rau Press (see no. 1498-1499).

Williams 983. Copies: WTU.

1536 SMITH, Stephenson Percy (1840-1922)

Report on allocation of land to landless Maori in the South Island.

G.-1 a. 1 1899. | Niu Tireni. | [rule] \ Maori e noho whenua kore ana i te Wai | Pounamu | (ripoata mo runga mo te whakaritenga whenua mo ratou). 1 [rule] | He mea tuku ki nga Whare e rua o te Paramete i runga i te whakahau a te Kawana. | [rule] \ [29 lines] | [rule] | By authority: John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.-1899. | Price 3d.)

1 sheet ([l] p.): 325x206 mm. At end of text; ‘Approximate cost of paper.-Preparation, not given; printing (500 copies), 13s 6d.‘.

AJHR. 1899, G-la. Translation of AJHR. 1899, G-l, Landless natives in South Island (report relative to setting apart land for). Dated at the Department of Lands and Survey, 16 June 1899, addressed to the Minister of Lands, and signed by S. Percy Smith and A. Mackay. A progress report on setting land apart for landless South Island Maori. Previous reports were in English: AJHR. 1897, Session 2, G-l, AJHR. 1898, G-l, and AJHR, 1898, G-l a, the last of which summarises the numbers of families settled in Southland and Stewart Island and lists allocations to 15 named Maori. See no. 1493 for the complete list of landless Maori in the South Island.

Copies: WTU (in bound vol., AIHR ).



Advertisement for performance by strong man Greek George. 3 June 1899. Theatre Royal, | Gisborne. | Saturday. June 3. 1899. | [double rule] \ First appearance in Gisborne of | Dr, John Theo. Hatzopulos, | known under the name of Professor 1 Greek George, | the champion Herculean wrestler and weight | lifter, [...]) [5 lines ) | [double rule] \ [portrait with surrounding text and ornaments] | [double rule] 1 Programme. 1 [2l lines and I rule] \

Telephone Print, Gisborne.

[parallel text (on verso):]

Te Whare Purei, | Karatitone Rore. | A te Haterei te 3 o nga ra o Hune. | Ko Kiriki Hori | [double rule] | Te tangata irunga ake i nga tangata o te ao kite purei ngongoke mete | hapai i nga mea taumaha. | [34 lines] \ Haeremai ki te matakitaki i te autaia nei mete purei mekemeke, te | purei ngongoke, me era atu purei. [1899]



WILLIAMS. SAMUEL (1822-1907)

A theatre poster promoting ‘Professor Greek George’, in Maori on one side and in English on the other, 1899 (BiM 1537)

Alexander Turnbull Library: Printed collections

1 sheet ([2] p ); 340x158 mm. Caption title. Printed at the office of the Telephone newspaper (1895-1900).

Advertisement in English (p. [l]) and Maori (p. [2]) for a performance by strong man 'Professor Greek George’ (Dr John Theo. Hatzopulos) 'the most wonderful man of the century’ at the Theatre Royal in Gisborne on 3 June 1899. Admission prices ranged from I to 3 shillings.

Copies: WTU.


WILLIAMS, Samuel (1822-1907)

Circular. II March 1899. offering financial support for clerical stipends. Te Aute, Napier, | 1 1 Maehe 1899. | Ki nga iwi Maori katoa o te




Pihopatanga o | Waiapu, | E hoa ma, | 1 taku kitenga i te panuitanga o nga moni | tahua whangai mo o koutou minita, [, . .] | [2O lines] | Na to koutou hoa aroha. | na te Wiremu, Atirikona. [no imprint. Gisborne?: Printed at the Te Rau Press?. 1899?]

I sheet ([l] p ); 208x145 mm. Probably printed by H. W. Williams at the Te Rau Press,

A circular letter from Archdeacon Samuel Williams offering to supplement money collected by Maori for clerical stipends in the Waiapu diocese. For further information on the growth of the ministry among Maori in the diocese see W. Rosevear. Waiapu: The story of a diocese (Hamilton, 1960), p. 84-109; for more about Williams, including as benefactor and founder of Te Aute College, see S, M. Woods, Samuel Williams of Te Aute (Christchurch, 1981).

Williams 991. Copies: AP, DL, NLA, WTU.

1539 WILLIAMS, William Leonard (1829-1916)

Notice. 17 March 1899. and prayer for the Church Missionary Society centenary.

Me panui tenei i te mutunga o te Karakia o te Ata, o te Ahiahi, a te 9 o | o [sic] nga ra o Aperira. | Ki nga minita, ki nga iwi Maori hoki o te Hahi i te Pihopatanga o Waiapu. | E oku hoa aroha, tena koutou. | [l3 lines] | Na to koutou matua. |na te Wiremu, Pihopa. | Nepia, | 17 Maehe, 1899. | [swelled rule] \Mote 12 o Aperira, 1899. | [/essons, 3 lines] |He inoi mo mua ake o te Inoi a Karihotoma. 1 [l6 lines] [no imprint. Gisborne?: Printed at the Te Rau Press?, 1899]

I sheet ([l] p ); 220x140 mm. Probably printed by H. W. Williams at the Te Rau Press.

A notice from the Bishop of Waiapu dated Napier, 1 7 March 1899, about the centenary of the Church Missionary Society, to be read at Morning and Evening Prayer on 9 April. It is followed by a prayer for missionaries everywhere, to precede the prayer of St John Chrysostom ('Karihotoma’) in services on 12 April, the CMS anniversary.

Copies: WTU.


Address to Native Church Board meeting at Manutuke. 6 March 1899. Te whaikorero a te Pihopa o Waiapu | kite hui topu o te Hahi Maori, 6 Maehe 1899. | E oku hoa aroha, he tika kia whakawhetai tatou Kite Atua mo | tana tohu i a tatou i roto i nga tau e toru ka pahure nei, i huihui ai | ano tatou ki konei kite hui topu o te Hahi o tenei Pihopatanga. | [. . .] [no imprint. Gisborne: Printed at the Te Rau Press, 1899?]

1 sheet (121 p.); 217x134 mm. Caption title.

The Bishop of Waiapu's address of 6 March 1 899 to the meeting of the three Native Church Boards (Heretaunga, Turanga, Tauranga) of the Anglican Diocese of Waiapu, held at Manutuke, near Gisborne. It is a reprint, with a




I 541

different heading and without spacing between paragraphs, of the text (p. 67) in the proceedings of the meeting printed by the Te Rau Press (5303/1899). Williams 992, Copies: WTU.


“A KA TAE MAI RATOU . . . ka ripeka i aia ki reira

Religious tract with Bible references.

“A ka tae mai ratou kite | wahi e karangatia nei ko | Kawari, | ka ripeka i aia ki reira." | [rule] \ “Mo reira ra kia matau |pu katoa, kua meinga e te | Atua hei | Ariki hei Karaiti, | taua Ihu na ano i ripekatia | na e (ratou).” | [rule] | [. . .] [Made at M. E. Press, Madras, India, [ca. 1900]]

[l6] p.; 80x50 mm.: yellow paper. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. [l6],

A very small format religious tract with Bible references. The date of publication is not confirmed and may be later: the M. E. [Madras? Evangelical?] Mission Press in India is known to have published items in the early 1900s.

Sommerville 1152. Copies: WTU.



Religious tract, extract from The way to heaven.

(No. 23. | Te karere | [ornamental rule] [ornament (star)] | o te | [ornament (star)] | Kongo Pai. | [ornamental rule] \ [double rule] | Te huarahi kite rangi. | 1 mua tata ake nei, i ahau e haereere ana i Ranana, ka | peka mai tetahi tangata; [. . .] | [. . .] [Printed by H. J. Bushnell, for the N.Z, Native Tract Institution. [Gisborne: 1900]]

I folded sheet (4 p); 187x125mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 4. At end of text: '(From “The way to heaven," (No. 2.) by H. P. Barker.)— “Tidings of grace" series.’.

Series: Te karere o te Kongo Pai, no. 23.

A religious tract ‘Te huarahi kite rangi’ by Barker, translated by Joseph Baker. It is assumed to have been produced in mid-1900, as no. 22 (no. 1547) was published earlier that year and no. 25-26 (no. 1543 and 1550) appeared before the end of the year. The standard print run was 3,000 copies.

See no. 1147 for further information on the series.

Williams 698/23. Copies: WTU.



Religious tract. I be ready, are you?.

(No. 25. | Te karere | [ ornamental rule] [ornament (star)] | o te | [ornament (star)] | Kongo Pai. | [ornamental rule] \ [double rule] | “Kei te rite ahau! | E pehea ana koe?" | [ornamental rule] \ Kua toremi te ra, a pouri katoa ana te rangi i te mato- | torutanga o nga kupua; ano kua puta mai nga tohu | o tetahi marangai nui. [. . .] | [. . .] [Printed by H. J. Bushnell, for the N.Z. Native Tract Institution. [Gisborne: 1900]]




1 folded sheet (4 p); 187x125mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 4. At end of main text p. 3: ‘(From "I be ready, are you?[ ] By Cheyne Brady.) . Series: Te karere o te Kongo Pai, no. 25.

Religious tract of two texts translated by Joseph Baker: 'Kei te rite ahau! E pehea ana koe?' by Brady (p. [l]-3) and ’A ia, ahau ranei’ (‘(From “He or me,” by G, B. Herald leaflets.)'; p. 3-4). 3,000 copies were printed before 29 September 1900, when the printer was paid (New Zealand Native Tract Institution. Minute book 1885-1901; WTU, MS-Papers-1661).

See no. 1147 for further information on the series.

Williams 698/25. Copies: WTU.



Catholic devotions and prayers for the Mass and Vespers.

Ko te Miha i me | nga Weperi. j [wavy rule] \ Imprimatur: 1 [cross] Francis Redwood, S.M., | Archbishop of Wellington. 1 [ wavy rule] \ Wellington: 1 McKee & Co., Printers and Publishers. 1 1900.

36 p.; 147x96 mm.

A compendium of Catholic devotions and prayers for the Mass and Vespers, including a prayer for the Pope, psalms, hymns and a short catechism. The only copy seen is bound with a WTU copy of the Catholic liturgy printed in Lyons about 1894 (no. 1396), certain sections of which are indexed in this item (foot of p. 2). It is assumed this item was also published separately.

Copies: WTU (bound with no. 1396).


GRANT, Henry

Religious tract about eternal life.

[ornament] | Tirohanga ki nga taha e rua. j Te huarahi kite | oranga [ornament] | tonutanga. | Na Henare Karani. | [rule] \ He mea whaka Maori e Paraire Tomoana. | [wavy rule] \ A. A. George, Kai-Ta, Market Street,

Hastings, [ca. 1900]

35, [l]p. 115x85 mm; pale green paper covers. Title from cover; title witnm double rule border; illus. (meeting house) on back cover. Colophon p. 35: ’A. A. George, Kia [i.e. Kai] Ta, Hastings.'. Caption title: Te huarahi kite | oranpa tonutanPa.’. Ornament of two birds on a branch on p. [36],

Translation by Paraire Tomoana of Looking to both sides. The road to eternal life by Henry Grant ('Henare Karani'). Although Williams (followed by Bagnall) dates this item at 1893, A, A. George is listed as a Hastings printer in Wise’s directories from 1896 to 1909, making a date of ca. 1 900 more probable, but unconfirmed.

Another issue of this tract, of similar appearance and uncertain date, was printed by Edward Whitehead, Palmerston North. Known to be in business from 1902.

Williams 842, Bagnall sG6l5d. Copies: WTU,


I 546



He HIMENE mo te karakia kite Atua

Enlarged collection ('sixth edition’) of 188 Anglican hymns.

He | himene | mo | te karakia kite Atua | Auckland: | The Brett Printing and Publishing Company, Ltd., | Shortland and Fort Streets. | [rule] | 1900.

xii, 154. [2] p.; 139x85 mm.; blackish-purple or dark blue cloth boards (blank). Pages [ii], [iv], [vi] blank. Colophon p, [ls6]: 'Printed by The Brett Printing and Publishing 1 Company, Ltd., Auckland. | Published by Upton & Co., Queen St., Auckland.'.

A further enlarged collection (‘sixth edition') of 188 Anglican hymns in Maori; 10,000 copies printed. A summary printing history since the first edition of 1883 (no. 1073) is on p. [lss] (a total of 27,000 copies). See no. 1073 for additional information.

From 1905 publication was taken over by the SPCK (Sommerville 1052: noted in Williams 911), something the New Zealand church had been trying to achieve since 1857; see Foreign Translation Committee. Minutes of meetings, 8 June 1857 and later, in SPCK, Records 1786-1966, Cambridge University Library; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-Coll-20-2105,

Copies: AR, WTU.


KAHORE he pokanga ketangi

Religious tract. A striking story.

(No. 22. | Te karere | [ornamental rule] [ornament (star)] | o te | [ornament (star)] | Kongo Pai. | [ornamental rule] | [double rule] | “Kahore he pokanga ketangi." | [ornamental rule] | I au e haere atu ana i tetahi kainga, ka kite ahau i tetahi | tangata e haere mai ana i muri i au; [...]][.. .] [Printed by H. J. Bushnell, for the N.Z. Native Tract Institution. [Gisborne: 1900]]

1 folded sheet (4 p); 187x125mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 4, At end of text: ‘(From “A striking story.” British Gospel Book Association, Liverpool.)'.

Series: Te karere o te Kongo Pai, no. 22,

A religious tract 'Kahore he pokanga ketangi' by an unidentified author, translated by Joseph Baker. 3.000 copies were printed, probably in about March 1900 as the printer was paid on 9 April (New Zealand Native Tract Institution, Minute book 1885-1901: WTU. MS-Papers-1661).

See no. 1147 for further information on the series.

Williams 698/22. Copies: WTU.


KI NGA KAI-POOTI mema o Te Waipounemu

Electioneering pamphlet for Tame Parata. Ki nga kai-pooti mema o | Te Waipounemu. [sic] | [double rule ] | E hoa ma,- | Tena ra Koutou, kia ora koutou. | He kupu whakamarama mo roto mo enei ra pooti mema. | [3 numbered sections. 11 lines] 1 [double rule] \ Kupu whakamutunga. | [5 lines] | Heoi ano, na ona, | Kai-Tautok[o] o te

Pito Rawhiti. [no imprint. Dunedin?: ca. 1900]




1 sheet ([l] p.); 335x207 mm.; wove paper with Britannia watermark. Text in final line corrected by hand from 'Tautoki' to 'Tautuko'.

An electioneering pamphlet of uncertain date encouraging support for Tame Parata, MHR for Southern Maori between 1885 and 1911.

Sommerville 992b. Copies: WTU.


Nga KUPU WHAKAHOKI a te Atua ki ou patai

Religious tract. God's answers to your questions.

(No. 26. | Te karere | [ornamental rule] [ornament (star)] | o te | [ornament (star)] | Kongo Pai. | [ornamental rule] | [double rule] | Nga kupu whakahoki a te Atua ki ou patai. | [swelled rule] \ E taitamariki ana ahau, a tera pea ahau e ora roa. Kati | kahore pea he take e whakaarohia wawetia e au enei mea? | [. . .] [Printed by H. j. Bushnell, for the N. Z. Native Tract Institution. [Gisborne: 1900?]]

1 folded sheet (4 p); 187x125mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 4. At end of text: '(From “God's answers to your questions."—"Traveller's guide.”)’.

Series: Te karere o te Kongo Pai, no. 26.

Religious tract 'Nga kupu whakahoki a te Atua ki ou patai' by an unidentified author, translated by Joseph Baker. 4.500 copies were printed before 21 December 1900, when the printer was paid (New Zealand Native Tract Institution, Minute book 1885-1901; WTU, MS-Papers-1661).

See no. 1147 for further information on the series. No. 26 is the final issue in scope for this bibliography, but the series continued up to no. 29 in 1902.

Williams 698/26. Copies: WTU.


LANDLESS MAORIS in the Waikato, Thames Valley, and Tauranga . . .

List of names of Maori whose land was confiscated.

G.-l. | 1900. | New Zealand. | [rule] | Landless Maoris in the Waikato, Thames | Valley, and Tauranga districts | who lost their land by confiscation. | [rule] | Laid on the table of the House of Representatives by leave. | [rule] | (. . .] [By authority: John Mackay, Government Printer,


14 p.; 329x203 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 14. At end of text: ‘Approximate cost of paper-Preparation, not given; printing (1,200 copies), £7 14s.' and ‘Price 6d.)‘.

AJHR. 1900, G-t. Numbered list of 3549 Maori from the Waikato, Thames Valley and Tauranga whose land was confiscated following the wars of the 1 860s. The names are grouped by hapu, sometimes also noting the iwi and location.

Copies: WTU (in bound vol., AJHR).




Entries **/55/ - * * / 5 58 are filed in alphabetical order of the English title.



Animals Protection Acts Amendment Act 1900.

(Animals protection. | Niu Tireni, | [Royal Arms] | Ture Tiaki Manu me etahi tu Ahua Kararehe. | [rule] | He Ture hei whakatikatika i te ture tiaki kararehe. | [. . .] [He mea whakahau, i taia ai e Hoani Make, Kai-ta ate Kawanatanga, Poneke.-1900.J

2 p.; 285x225 mm. Imprint from colophon p. 2. At foot of p. 1: 'Nama 4.'. Short title: 'Te Ture Tiaki Manu me etahi tu Ahua Kararehe, 1900.’.

Translation of the Animals Protection Acts Amendment Act 1900 (1900, No. 45). It established a game season, prohibited the export of game and established a triennial close season on certain native game. The Bill was introduced by Colonial Secretary Joseph Ward in the House on 28 June and passed all stages by 19 October. Parata refers specifically to the lack of a Maori translation of the Bill and lack of consultation with Maori ( NZPD , v. 113, p. 36). Williams records the Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1900 (522/**1900).

Williams 1004. Copies: WTU.


Kauri-gum Industry Act 1898.

(Kauri-gum Industry, 1898. | Niu Tireni. | [Royal Arms] | He Ture whakahaere i te Mahi Kapia. | (Nowema 5, 1898. | [. . ,] [He mea whakahau i taia Hoani Makae, Kai-ta a te Kawanatanga, Poneke.-1900.[

7, [l] p : 285x225 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 7. Page [B] blank. Running title: 'Mahi Keri Kapia.' Printed by the Government Printer Job number at end of text: '4OO/2/1900-1105.'. The format is unusual in omitting a title heading between the Royal Arms and the long title.

Short title: 'Te Ture Mahi Kapia, 1898.',

Translation of the Kauri-gum Industry Act 1898 (1898, No. 23). The Act regulated the kauri gum industry by establishing districts, licences and penalties, though landowners (including Maori) did not need a licence to dig for the resin on their own properties. The Bill was introduced in the Legislative Council by W. C. Walker, Minister of Education and Minister of Immigration, on 5 October 1898 and passed all stages by 1 November, No Maori version of the Bill has been identified and the resulting Act was apparently not produced in Maori until this 1900 printing, a date confirmed by the job number). (The Act was not included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1898 (522/1898).) The 1899 Amendment (see no. 1553) was also produced in 1900, and printed on the same paper.

Royal Commissions into the kauri gum industry were held in 1893. 1898 and 1921: for the reports see AJHR, 1893. H-24; 1898. H-12; 1921. C-12a. For a general history see A. H. Reed. The gumdiggers (Wellington, 1972).

Williams 972, Copies: WTU.





Kauri-qum Industry Act Amendment Act 1899.

(“Kauri-gum Industry Act Amendment Act, 1899." | Niu Tireni. | [Royal

Arms] 1 He Ture hei whakatikatika i “Te Ture Mahi Kapia, 1898. | (2 1st October, 1899. | [. . .] [He mea whakahau i taia ai e Hoani Makae, Kai-ta Perehi a re KawanatanSa. Poneke.-1900.]

2 p.: 285x220 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 2. Running title: ‘Mahi Kapia.'- Printed by the Government Printer. The format is unusual in omitting a title heading between the Royal Arms and the long title. Short title: ‘Te Ture Whakatikatika i Te Ture Mahi Kapia, 1899.'.

Translation of the Kauri-gum Industry Act Amendment Act 1899 (1899, No. 18) which amended the 1898 Act (see no. 1552). It made various administrative changes and also restricted special licence-holders to Maori and those of British birth or naturalisation. The latter provision generated heated debate over the status of Dalmatians working in the gum fields. The Bill was introduced by Seddon in the House on 14 September 1899 and passed all stages by 18 October. No Maori version of the Bill has been identified and the resulting Act appears not to have been produced in Maori until this 1900 printing, when the 1898 principal Act was also produced, printed on the same paper.

Williams 988. Copies: WTU.


Maori Councils Act 1900.

(Maori Councils Act. | Niu Tireni. 1 [Royal Arms] | Kaunihera Maori. | [ rule] | He Ture hei tuku i tetahi wahi mana whakahaere takiwa ki | nga pononga o te Kuini te iwi Maori e noho nei i tenei 1 koroni. | [. . .] [He mea whakahau, i taia ai e Hoani Makae, Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga,

Poneke. [f.e. Wellington] -1900.]

10 p.; 283x222 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 10. Printed by John Mackay, Government Printer ('Hoani Makae, Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga').

Short title: ‘Te Ture Kaunihera Maori, 1900.'.

Translation of the Maori Councils Act 1900 (1900, No. 48) omitting the Analysis and marginal notes. The Act established a form of local selfgovernment for Maori on health and matters of 'social economy', to be administered by elected councils based on tribal boundaries. The Bill was introduced in the House by a message from the Governor on 28 September and passed all stages by 16 October. Some of its provisions led to the legislation being referred to as 'Te Fire Kiore’ (the Rat Bill; see no. 1558 a).

Although the legislation was of great significance to Maori there is no specific reference in the brief Hansard debates to the Bill having been produced in Maori. Williams records that the Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1900 (522/**1900). See no. 669 for further information on land legislation. For regulations made under the Act see no. ** 1556.




This Act was closely associated with the Maori Lands Administration Act 1900 (no. ** 1557), For further information on the development and effect of the two Acts see J. A. Williams, Politics of the New Zealand Maori (Auckland, 1969). p. 106-129.

Copies: WTU (in MS-Papers-5108-1).


Smaller format issue of Maori Councils Act 1900.

(Maori Councils Act. | Niu Tireni. | [ Royal Arms] \ Kaunihera Maori, | [rule] \ He Ture hei tuku i tetahi wahi mana whakahaere takiwa ki nga pononga i o te Kuini te iwi Maori e noho nei i tenei koroni. | [. . .] [He mea whakahau, i taia ai e Hoani Makae, Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Poneke. [ i.e.

Wellington] -1900 ]

9, [l] p.; 278x175 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 9. Page [lo] blank. At foot of p. [l]: 'Nama 2.'. Printed by the Government Printer. Short title: 'Te Ture Kaunihera Maori. 1900.'.

A smaller format printing of the translation of the Maori Councils Act 1900; see no. 1554 for additional information.

Williams 1002. Copies: WTU (in MS-Papers-5108-1).


Requlations under the Maori Councils Act 1900.

[Huarahi-whakahaere i raro i te Ture Kaunihera Maori, 1900; actual title not confirmed; no copy located. Wellington: Printed by the Government Printer, 19001

5 p.; 285x225 mm. Printed in two columns. Physical details not confirmed; no coov located. Description from Williams.

Regulations under the Maori Councils Act 1900 (no. 1554), dated 26 December 1900; probably issued in 1901. The regulations were printed in the Kahiti. 16 January 1901, p. 16-20, and a small format separate issue was also published in 1901 (Sommerville 1013). The English text was published in the Gazette, 7 January 1901, p. 11-15.

Williams 1007. No copy located.


Maori Lands Administration Act 1900.

(Maori Lands Administration. | Niu Tireni. | [Royal Arms] | Ture

whakahaere i nga whenua Maori. | [nt/e] | He Ture hei whakatakoto tikanga hei whakahaere i nga whenua | Maori. | [. . .] [He mea whakahau i taia ai e Hoani Makae, Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Poneke -1900 ]

18 p.; 280x210 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 18. Short title: Te Jure whakahaere i nga whenua Maori. 1900.' At the foot of the first page is "Nama I."

Translation of the Maori Lands Administration Act 1900 (1900, No, 55), It


1558 a


provided for six Maori land districts, each with a Maori Land Council and the power to establish Papatupu Block Committees. The Native Land Court was retained. The Bill (no. **1559) was introduced in the House by a message from the Governor on 3 October and passed all stages by 19 October. Williams records that the Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1900 (522/** 1900). See no. 669 for further information on land legislation.

This legislation was closely associated with the Maori Councils Act 1 900 (no. 1554) and the outcome of a long period of attempting to resolve Maori grievances over management of their remaining lands (see no. **1514). For further information on the process and the effects of the legislation see J. A. Williams, Politics of the New Zealand Maori (Auckland, 1969), p. 1 06-129. The Hansard debates ( NZPD, 1900, v. 115) provide detailed information on the development of the legislation and contemporary perspectives.

Williams 1001. Copies: WTU.


Noxious Weeds Act 1900.

[Ture Taru Kikino, 1900; actual title not known; no copy located. Wellington: Printed by the Government Printer, 1900]

7 p.; 285x225 mm. Physical details not confirmed; no copy located. Description from Williams.

Translation of the Noxious Weeds Act 1900 (1900, No. 10). It was intended to prevent the spread of noxious weeds and to enforce the trimming of hedges, and applied to land owned by Maori. Penalties and regulations are included and Schedules 1-3 list the noxious weeds and seeds. The Bill was introduced by Thomas Young, Minister of Lands, in the House on 5 July and passed all stages by 16 August. No Maori version of the Bill has been identified. Williams records the Act was included in the volume of collected legislation in Maori for 1900 (522/* * 1900).

Williams 1003. No copy located.

1558 a

NEW ZEALAND. Colonial Secretary

Warninq about bubonic plague. May 1960.

Panuitanga. | [rule] 1 Mo te mate uruta. 1 Tari o te Hekeretari mo te Koroni, Poneke, Mei, 1900. ![...] [no imprint. Wellington: Printed by the

Government Printer, 1900]

1 sheet (2 p.); 330x215 mm. Caption title. Text signed at end: ‘J. G. Ward (te Waari), | Hekeretari mo te Koroni.’. WTU copy bound in following the 21 June 1900 issue of the Kahiti. with which it may have been distributed.

Sections of the text are headed: 'Mahi tupato hei arai’, 'Etahi mahi hei patu i nga kiore’ and 'Etahi atu tikanga’.

An outbreak of bubonic plague in China in the 1890s spread to Australia in 1899 (where it killed over 100), creating a scare in New Zealand and resulting in warnings such as this leaflet. The Government appointed two Sanitary Commissioners in April 1900 and rushed through the Bubonic Plague




Protection Act in June. No outbreak occurred but the scare was the catalyst for the creation of the first Department of Public Health and a strategy for the improvement of health among Maori. This was related to powers included in the legislation establishing the Maori Councils (see no. 1 554), referred to by the nickname Te Pire Kiore’ (the Rat Bill). For further background see R. Lange, May the people live (Auckland, 1999), p. 128-146. The work discusses consequential Maori health developments to 1920.

Copies: WTU (in bound vol., Kahiti. 1900).


NEW ZEALAND. Parliament

Maori Lands Administration Bill (No. 2) 1900.

[Maori Lands Administration Bill (No. 2) 1900; actual title not confirmed; no copy located, Wellington: Printed by the Government Printer, 1900]

Physical details not confirmed; no copy located. Description from secondary source.

Translation of the Maori Lands Administration Bill (No. 2) 1900, a further version of legislation introduced first in 1898 (no. * * 1516). The history of its development and differences between it and the No, 1 Bill (no. * * 1560) are outlined in NZPD, 1900. v, 115, p. 166-201. This Bill provided for the optional vesting of land in the proposed District Land Councils.

Although no copy has been located, there is specific reference in Hansard to the Bill having been 'put into Maori two days ago’ ( NZPD , 1900. v. 115, p. 175), presumably in printed form given its importance. Earlier there had been wide consultation with Maori, probably using a draft text based on the 1899 Bill (no. **1531). Seddon refers to the Bill having been considered during the Native Affairs Committee stage by a 'uniquely representative’ gathering of various chiefs in Wellington (NZPD, 1900, v. 115, p. 166-167). For the resulting Maori Lands Administration Act 1900 and additional information see no. **1557.

No copy located.


NEW ZEALAND. Parliament. House of Representatives.

Maori Lands Administration Bill (No. I) 1900.

[Maori Lands Administration Bill (No. 1) 1900; actual title not confirmed; no copy located. Wellington: Printed by the Government Printer, 1900]

Physical details not confirmed: no copy located. Description from secondary source.

Translation of the Maori Lands Administration Bill (No. 1) 1900, a continuation of the lengthy search for a legislative solution to management of the residual lands (see no. **1514 for further background). This Bill was introduced by Seddon in the House on 2 October but lapsed.

Although no copy has been located, there are references to the Bill having been considered (presumably in Maori in printed form) over a period of about six weeks by a group of Maori chiefs in Wellington, but not circulated more widely (NZPD. 1900. v. 114, p. 501, p. 505). This Bill vested all land absolutely in the proposed District Land Boards. For Seddon’s explanation of the




differences between it and the No. 2 Bill (no. **1559) see NZPD. 1900, v. 114, p 501. and v. 115, p. 166-167. For the resulting Maori Lands Administration Act 1900 see no. **1557.

No copy located.


NOTES OF MEETINGS between His Excellency the Governor . . . and the native chiefs and people . . .

Accounts of meetings with Maori in 1898/9: combined English and Maori texts.

Notes of meetings | between | His Excellency the Governor (Lord Ranfurly), | the Rt. Hon. R. J. Seddon, Premier and Native Minister, and the | Hon, James Carroll, Member of the Executive | Council representing the Native Race, | and the | native chiefs and people at each place, 1 assembled in respect of the proposed 1 native land legislation | and 1 native affairs generally. | during | 1898 and 1899. | [Royal Arms] \ Wellington. | By authority: John Mackay, Government Printer. | [rule] 1 1899. [i.e. 1900]

[2], 88, [2], 63, [l] p.; [lB] leaves of plates. 277x218 mm.; M red cloth, orange paper-covered boards. Title repeated on front cover with additional line at end of title: ‘(With translation into Maori.)’. Colophons (in English) p. 88 and cover are dated 1900. Colophon p. 63 (second sequence); ‘He mea whakahau I tala ai e Honi Makae, Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Poneke.-1900.'.

Prelim, pages (first sequence): title-page in English (verso blank); prelim, pages (second sequence); title-page in Maori (verso blank). Page [64] (second sequence) blank.

Additional title-page (second sequence): Nga korero o nga huihuinga | o ] te Kawana, Rore Ranapare (Lord Ranfurly), | o te Raiti Honore te Hetana (Rt. Hon. R. J, Seddon), | Pirimia, Minita Maori Hoki, mete 1 Honore Timi Kara (Hon. James Carroll), Mema mo te | iwi Maori i roto I te Kaunihera Maori, 1 me nga | rangatira Maori me o ratou iwi i o ratou kainga, | I huihui nei mo runga I | nga pire whenua Maori | me 1 era atu mea e pa ana kite iwi Maori. | 1898 me 1899. | [Royal Arms] | Poneke: | Hone Makae, Kai-ta Perehi ate Kawanatanga 1 [rule] | 1900.

Accounts of meetings with Maori; a combined issue of the English text and the Maori translation of selections from it, both of which were also issued separately; see Bagnall N3907 (English) and no. 1562 (Maori), each version also including the same set of 18 plates. The Maori translation is of accounts of nine meetings from the total of fifteen in the English text. See no. 1562 for further information.

Williams 1000 (note), Bagnall N3907-N3908. Copies: WTU.


NOTES OF MEETINGS between His Excellency the Governor . , . and the native chiefs and people . . . Selections. Maori. 1900.

Accounts of nine meetings with Maori in 1898/99. Maori text. Nga korero o nga huihuinga | o | te Kawana, Rore Ranapare (Lord Ranfurly), | o te Raiti Honore te Hetana (Rt. Hon. R. J. Seddon), | Pirimia,




Minita Maori Hoki, mete | Honore Timi Kara (Hon. James Carroll), Mema mo te | iwi Maori i roto i te Kaunihera Maori, | me nga | rangatira Maori me o ratou iwi i o ratou kainga, | i huihui nei mo runga i | nga pire whenua Maori | me | era atu mea e pa ana kite iwi Maori. | 1898 me 1899. | [Royal Arms ] | Poneke: [i.e. Wellington] | Hone Makae, Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga | [rule] | 1900.

[2], 63, [l] p.; [lB] leaves of plates. 277x218 mm.; '/* red cloth, orange paper-covered boards. Title repeated on front cover. Prelim, pages: title-page (verso blank). Page [64] blank. Printed by John Mackay, Government Printer ('Hone Makae, Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga’).

Translation of accounts of nine meetings of Government representatives (Ranfurly, Seddon and Carroll) with Maori: at Waipatu (29 and 30 March 1898) Wanganui (14 May 1898), Papawai (26 May 1898), Wellington (1 August 1898), Waitangi (15 and 16 March 1899), and Auckland (18 March 1899) The plates, mainly portraits, are from photographs taken at these meetings, with captions in English and Maori.

The accounts are selected from fifteen in the English language version Notes of meetings . . . with which the Maori text was also issued (see no. 1561) and which was also published separately (Bagnall N3907). The same plates are included in each issue. The account of the Papawai meeting was also issued separately (no. 1521) and a translation of a tenth meeting was published separately in the same format (no. 1522).

The meetings, all held in the North Island between 29 March 1898 and 18 March 1899, continued the process of finding a solution to the need for Maori to have greater autonomy in managing their remaining lands. The title refers to the unsuccessful Native Lands Settlement and Administration Bill 1898 and associated discussions; see no. **1514-1515 for further background.

Williams 1000, Bagnall N3908 (note). Copies: WTU.


He PITIHANA na matou na nga tangata Maori . . .

Petition to Parliament on the clangers of alcohol, relating to the King Country. Kite Pika me nga Mema Honore o te Paremata o Niu Tireni, 1 e noho huihui ana i Poneke. | He pitihana na matou na nga tangata Maori e mau | ake nei nga ingoa i raro nei. | [ornamental rule] | E whakaatu ana, | 1. He tino mate nui kei te pa kia matou kite iwi Maori i runga i tenei kai i te waipiro: | ..] [H. W. Williams, Te Rau Press, Gisborne [l9oo?]]

[2] leaves; 336x210 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon leaf [2], Text of petition followed by two printed and lined columns (separated by vertical rule) with headings: Te Ingoa' and 'Te Kainga'. for signatories.

A petition to Parliament that relates to the renewed debate in 1900 on the question of prohibition in the King Country (Waikato) and is presumed to date from that year. This petition is based on the dangers of alcohol and stipulates conditions such as dry areas, boundaries and controls on those allowed to purchase alcohol. The AR copy is signed by 48 Maori mainly from the Raglan-Kawhia area. For further background see A, H. McLintock, Liquor and the King Country ( AJHR , 1953, H-25), especially p. 38-43.

Copies: AR; WTU (photocopy).





SPENCER, Frederick Hamilton (1854-1932)

Religious tract on sowing the seeds for a wholesome life.

Nga purapura me o ratou hua. | [ornamental rule] | E kite nei tatou i nga otaota, he runa, he hatana, he kotimana, he karaihe, he koroa, he oti, he witi, he taewa, | he hue, mete tin! noatu o nga rakau he pai nei nga hua, he kino ranei, he kore tikanga ranei, a i tupu mai | enei I o ratou ake purapura, kaore i tupu te aporo I te purapura kahikatea. [. . .] | [3O lines] | Na Pererika H. Peneha. | Whanganui. | Wairarapa Standard [Greytown: ca. 1900]

1 sheet ([l] p.); 265x215 mm.

A single-sheet religious tract on sowing the seeds for a wholesome life, by Frederick H. Spencer ('Pererika H. Peneha’) who moved to Wanganui in 1897 as a BFBS agent and later to Auckland. The date of issue has not been confirmed and may be later.

Copies: WTU.


Religious tract. An important question.

(No. 24. | Te karere | [ornamental rule] [ornament (star)] | o te | [ornament (star)] | Kongo Pai. | [ornamental rule] | [double rule] | He tikanga nui. | [ornamental rule] \ Ete kai korero o tenei pukapuka—e hiahia ana ahau | kia aro mai koe mo tetahi wa poto. [. . .] | [. . .] [Printed by H. J. Bushnell, for the N.Z. Native Tract Institution. [Gisborne: 1900]]

1 folded sheet (4 p); 187x125mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 4. At end of text: '(From "An important question." Dublin and London tracts.)'. Series: Te karere o te Kongo Pai, no. 24.

Religious tract 'He tikanga nui' by an unidentified author, translated by Joseph Baker. It is assumed to have been produced in mid-1900, as no. 22 (no. 1547) was published earlier that year and no. 25 and 26 (no. 1543 and 1549) appeared before the end of the year. The standard print run was 3,000 copies.

See no. 1147 for further information on the series.

Williams 698/24. Copies: WTU.



publications in Maori

established before 1901


(each section is preceded by an explanatory note)


Newspapers, magazines, almanacs (other than church almanacs), and official publications.


Church almanacs.

Church of England in New Zealand. Reports of Native Church Board meetings.


Explanatory note

This section covers serials of various types which began publication before 1901. The significant difference compared with the main section of the bibliography is that the descriptions continue to the end of the life of the serial—for example, eight of those in the first group continue after 1900, one to as late as 1962.

Newspapers, magazines, almanacs, and official publications

(entries are arranged chronologically by date of establishment)



AOTEAROA (1892) 532

AOTEAROA, or The Maori recorder (1861-1862) SlO

COLLECTED LEGISLATION in Maori (1879-1910) 522

GAZETTE NOTICES (1863-1864) SI 4

Te HAEATA (1859-1862) S9

Nga HIIRINGA I TE WHITU (1896) 537

Te HOA MAORI (18857-1895) S2B

Te Hokioi, e rere atuna

see Te HOKIOI, o Nui-Tireni. e rere atuna (1862-1863)

Te HOKIOI, o Nui-Tireni, e rere atuna (1862-1863) Sl3

HUIA TANGATA KOTAHI (1893-1895) 533

The JUBILEE = Te TIUPIRI (1898-1900) S4O

Te karere Maori (1849-1854) see The MAORI MESSENGER = Te KARERE MAORI (1849-1854)

Te Karere Maori (1855-1861) see The MAORI MESSENGER = Te KARERE MAORI (1855-1861)

Te KARERE MAORI or Maori messenger (1861-1863) SI2


Te KARERE O PONEKE (1857-1858) S6

Ko Aotearoa see AOTEAROA (1892)

KO TE AO MARAMA, or New world (1849) **S4

KO TE HIKURANGI TAINUI marama whiti (1891) S3O


KO TE KAHITI TUTURU mo Aotearoa (ca. 1895) 536

■ • ■ 1 ******** i i \\j 11 ivj nuicai kjo . i U7j) DJO KO TE KAI-WHAKAMATAARA o nga iwi erua (1848) **S2

Ko te karere o Nui Tireni (1842-1846) see Te KARERE o Nui Tireni (1842-1846)


Ko te paunui o Aotearoa (1894) see KO TE PANUI o Aotearoa (1894)



Nga KORERO O TE HUI i tu ki Te Aute Kareti (1897-1906) S3B

Nga korero o te hui [number] o Te Kotahitanga a nga Tamariki o Te Aute Kareti (1898,1906)

see Nga KORERO O TE HUI i tu ki Te Ante Kareti (1897-1906)

Nga KORERO PARAMETE (1881 -1906) 524

Te KORIMAKO (1882-1888) 525

Te KORIMAKO HOU (1889-1890) 529


Te MANUHIRI TUARANGI and Maori intelligencer (1861) SI 1

Maori intelligencer see Te MANUHIRI TUARANGI and Maori intelligencer (1861)



Maori messenger see Te KARERE MAORI or Maori messenger (1861-1863)

The Maori recorder see AOTEAROA, or The Maori recorder (1892)

MARAMATAKA haere timata i a Hanuere tau 1895 (1894?) **S35

MATARIKI (1881) 523

New world see KO TE AO MARAMA, or New world (1849)

Te PAKI O MATARIKI (1892-1935?) S3 1

1 1 , W w ITU ll,w VI HI v I U 7.- I OJ 1 Te PIHOIHOI MOKEMOKE (1863) SIS

PIPI-WHARAUROA He-kupu whakamarama (1899-1913) 542

Te PUKE KI HIKURANGI (1897-1913) 539

REPORTS of Native Affairs Committee (1876-1962) S2O

TAKITIMU (1883) 526

Te Tiupiri see The JUBILEE = Te TIUPIRI (1898-1900)

Te WAKA MAORI O AHURIRI (1863-1871) Sl6

it vvnnn w nnumai \iouj-io / i) 010 Te WAKA MAORI O AOTEAROA (1884) 527

.V- ........ .... .W... . M-.K W OiC, / Te WAKA MAORI O NIU TIRANI (1871-1877) siB


Te WAKA O TE IWI (1857) S7

Te WANANGA (1874-1878) Sl9

Te WHETU O TE TAU (1858) S8



Explanatory notes (entries Sl-542)

Complete runs of most titles have been microfilmed by the National Library of New Zealand and are available both on microfilm and in the Niupepa microfiche publication; filming details are included in the holdings information (‘Copies') at the end of each entry.

Abstracts of some titles/issues were prepared as part of a three-year (1999-2001) research project funded by the Marsden Fund, Royal Society of New Zealand. Printouts of these abstracts (which are noted in the annotations below) are held at:

The Library, University of Auckland (AU): English abstracts of the Maori-language newspapers (MSS & Archives 2003/2) and at the

Alexander Turnbull Library (WTU): Maori-Language Newspaper Project, Printouts of abstracts from Niupepa website (2003-1 19).

dU3lldU3 iiuni iNiupcpa wcujitc i i 7). For additional background see Here am. taku mam!: Discovering history, language and politics in the Maori-language newspapers, ed. by J. Curnow, N. Hopa & J. Mcßae

(Auckland, 2002), which is also referred to in the entries.

Notes on the bibliographical descriptions

O Each entry with some exceptions (see following note) comprises:

• Full description of the first issue.

• Summary description (number of issues, physical features, language, frequency, price (where known)) of the complete sequence.

• Links to preceding and succeeding titles.

• Sections describing variations in: title/masthead: numbering and issues: imprint/colophon.

• Annotation on the content and history of the publication.

• Bibliographical references and holdings information.

o Exceptions (for example, 522. S31); Some entries provide descriptions of individual volumes or issues where this is appropriate.

VUIUIIIC3 Ul 133UC3 Wl ICI C LIII 3 13 appiupiiaiC. o Dates and issue numbers: These are consistently stated in English, regardless of the language of the publication.

o Format of notes recording variations: Where a change occurs over an intermediate sequence of issues, this is expressed in the format ‘no.lo-15: [details of variation]'.

3Ct_jUCl lUC Ul 155UC5, II 113 CAJJI CjjCU 111 II 1C lUlinat nu icri j. kmi tuiiv/iij . Where a change occurs from a particular issue to the end of the complete sequence this is expressed in the format ‘From no. 16: [details of variation]’.

O Supplements: Where supplements are included in the volume numbering and/or pagination of the main serial, they are counted as issues of that serial and are not separately noted. Other categories of supplements are counted separately and noted.

ocpai mciy nuicu. wmci taicgui ita ui duppici i ici ilo aic iu-u anu i o Holdings: These are selective: only the most complete sets are recorded. The term 'incomplete' is wide-ranging and may refer to sets that lack one issue or many issues: it also refers to sets that lack covers. Microfilmed titles have been filmed from sets combined (where necessary) to ensure completeness as far as possible.

Citations. Cite these publications in the following format: BiM Sfenfry mimber]Hdetails as required]. Details will vary according to the nature of the serial; for example, BiM SI9/19 August 1874 for a specific issue of the newspaper Te Wananga (BiM SI 9); BiM 522/1898 for the 1898 annual volume of legislation in English and Maori (New Zealand. Acts affecting native lands, etc.), of which the complete series is described at BiM 522.





‘The New Zealand messenger': first Mdori-language newspaper. [Royal Arms] | Te karere o Nui Tireni. | (Na te Kawana I mea kia taia.) | [double rule] | No. I.) Akarana, Hararei, Hanuere I. 1842. (Vol. 1. | [double rule] | [. . .] [He mea ta tenei pukapuka e Hone Mua kite | Perehi ote

“Wakaminenga ta Pukapuka o Ak- | arana.” [Auckland]]

4 p.; 334x210 mm.; pale bluish grey paper. Printed in two columns. Imprint from colophon p 4 Printed for the government by John Moore (‘Hone Mua’) at the Auckland Newspaper and General Printing Company CWakaminenga ta Pukapuka o Akarana’).

50 issues: v. 1. no. 1 (1 January 1842)-v. 5, no. 1 (ISJanuary 1846). Annual volume numbering; 12 issues per volume; continuous pagination for each volume. Most issues 4 p. Paper colour and weight varies; some issues on laid paper Size varies between 334x210 mm. and 284x200 mm. Includes advertisements. Text in Maori. Frequency: monthly. Price: gratis. 250 copies.

English-language abstracts for all issues are held at AU (MSS & Archives 2003/2) and WTU (2003-1 19).

dl IU VV 1 U I I ~7). Title/masthead variations:

From v. 1, no. 2 (I February 1842): 'Ko te karere o Nui TireniException: v. 2, no. 7 (12 July 1843, a supplementary issue): Ko te tainga tuarua o | Te karere o Nui Tireni. | Ki tenei marama o Hurai, kia wawe te rongona te ngangaretanga I Poneke.'.

Numbering and issue variations:

v. 1 (1842; 52 p.. 13 issues): Additional issue 10 September (no. 10, p [3940], p. [4o] blank); issues for 1 November and I December are both no. 12. v. 2 (1843; 50 p.. 13 issues): Issues dated ‘Wenerei, Hatarei 1' (i.e. 'Hatarei, Hurai I’, p. (25]-28) and ‘Wenerei, Hurai 12. 1843' (p. [29]-30) both numbered v. 2. no. 7. the latter with variant title (see above).

lihi I iut-1 v. c, , I iu, i , ii iu luttui win i vai lam hhh auuvv,;. v. 3 (1844; 62 p., 12 issues)

v. 4 (1845; 44 p., 11 issues); No December issue; ends at v. 4, no. II (I November).

v. 5 (1846; 3, [l] p . 1 issue): Only issue v. 5, no. 1 (ISJanuary).

Imprint/colophon variations:

v. 1, no. 5 (2 May 1842J-9 (1 September 1842): 'He mea ta tenei pukapuka

e Hoani Mua, kite whare ta pukapuka. Akarana.'

v. I, no. 10: No colophon.

v. i. i nj. i . mu cuiu i i i i. v. I, no. 11 (1 October !842)-v. 3. no. 8 (1 August 1844): 'Akarana, he mea ta kite Perehi ote Kawana ' (exceptions: v I, no. 12 (1 November 1842): no colophon; v. 3, no, 4 (1 April 1844): '(Kite kai tuhituhi o te Karere o Nui Tireni.)’).

v. 3, no. 9 (2 September 1844)-v. 4. no. I (i January 1845); 'Kiritopa Purutana, Kaita o te Kawana'. ‘Kaita’ subsequently sometimes spelt as 'Kai ta’ or ‘Kai-ta’. Printed by Christopher Fulton. Government Printer ('Kiritopa Purutana, Kaita o te Kawana').

v. 4, no, 2 (1 February 1845)-v. 5, no. I (15 January 1846): 'Christopher Fulton, Kaita o te Kawana'.

The Auckland Newspaper and Printing Company was purchased by the



b l it r\Ai\trst u in u I imciNi { i 1 otoi government in April 1842, with John Moore contracted until the end of September. The operations were managed by Philip Kunst from October 1842 until the appointment of his foreman Christopher Fulton as the first Government Printer in September 1844. In February 1846 Fulton's employment was terminated following Grey's direction that work was to be contracted out and the Printing Office was closed. For further history on the paper and its printers see R. Salmond, Government printing in New Zealand. 1840 to 1843 (Wellington. 1995), p. 22-34, and W. A. Glue, The history of the Government Printing Office (Wellington. 1966). p. 20-25.

Te karere o Nui Tireni. the first Maori-language newspaper, was the first of several government publications with a similar function. For the subsequent titles, sometimes collectively referred to as the 'Maori gazette', see The Maori messenger = Te karere Maori (1849-1854, S3), The Maori messenger = Te karere Maori (1855-1861, S5), Te Manuhiri tuarangi and Maori intelligencer (1861, SI 1), and Te karere Maori or Maori messenger (1861-1863, Sl2). For further background see J. Curnow, 'A brief history of Maori-language newspapers', in Rereatu. taku manul. ed. byj. Curnow, N. Hopa andj. Mcßae (Auckland, 2002), p. 17-41 (p. 17-20). These early official publications in Maori were followed by Gazette notices (1 863-1864, Sl4) and then Ko te kahiti o Niu Tireni (1865-1931, Sl7), more similar to the English-language New Zealand Government gazette (issued from 1 841 onwards) than any of its predecessors.

pi CUCGC33UI D. Te karere o Nui Tireni was edited by George Clarke, Protector of Aborigines. The first issue (p. [l]) identified its purpose as to enable Maori to come to know the laws and customs of Pakeha and Pakeha to come to know the customs of Maori. It began on an experimental six-month basis and was cancelled by Grey in March 1846, partly as a result of the closure of the Protectorate Department and partly for financial reasons. It contained announcements affecting Maori, such as proclamations, appointments, explanations of laws, letters from chiefs, reports on events. The second printing in New Zealand of the Treaty of Waitangi in Maori appeared in no. 2 (p. 7-8).

vy. i'a/. On 20 December 1841 Governor Hobson had asked Clarke to report on the suggestion of a Maori gazette, about which Clarke concluded; ‘lt will tend in a great measure to dispel those doubts which must of necessity arise in the minds of the native population while they are ignorant of many of the motives and proceedings of Her Majesty's Government respecting them. . . . It will also tend very much to refute the statements of many persons to the natives whose intentions seem to be to mislead them as much as possible and to prejudice their minds against H. M. Government. The Aborigines are now ready to receive any information that can be given them. There are at the present time many thousands who are able to read and who would immediately communicate such information to those who can not' (ANZ, 1A 1 42/1627).

Te karere o Nui Tireni was apparently well received by Maori: 'it is very amusing to see them come into Auckland on the days of publication. One native of a party is generally selected to read the news aloud. When he takes his seat upon the ground, a circle is then formed, and after the reader has promulgated the contents, the different natives, according to their rank, stand




up and argue the different points contained: which being done, they retire home, and answer the different letters by writing to the editor who is the Protector of Aborigines' (W. Brodie, Remarks on the past and present state of New Zealand (London, 1845), p. 108-110). A letter to the Anglo-Maori warder (23 May 1848, p. [2]), referring to it as ‘the suppressed Maori gazette’. describes how copies on the East Coast were carefully kept and passed on from pa to pa, and were a 'valuable auxiliary ... to promote quietness and peace’.

A proposal from Henry Falwasser to publish a translation of it in his Auckland times newspaper was declined as Clarke said he did not have the translation resources (ANZ, IA I 42/1616).

Williams 85 & (S). Copies: AP (incomplete), AR (incomplete), DUHO (incomplete), WGA (incomplete), WTU (incomplete); microfilm; Niupepa 1842-1935 (1) (microfiche)

* *S2

KO TE KAI-WHAKAMATAARA o nga iwi erua (1848)

The watchman of the two peoples’: monthly newspaper published in Auckland.

[Ko te kai-whakamataara o nga iwi erua. Na te tika i toa ai. Turei, Hune 6, 1848. Te utu etoru pene, 3d. Actual title not confirmed: no copy located. Auckland: Printed by Williamson and Wilson, 1848]

4? issues. Physical details not known; no copy located. Description from Williams and secondary source. Frequency: monthly. Price: 3d. per copy. Williamson and Wilson produced the New Zealander newspaper and were also contract printers to the government; see S3 for additional details. Although no copies have been located, at least four issues of Ko te kaiwhakamataara o nga iwi erua (or Kaimataara o nga iwi erua ) are known to have been published, of which the dates of two are identified: 6 June 1848 (no. 1) and 14 September 1848 (no. 4); see Anglo-Maori warder. 23 May 1848, p. [l] and 5 October 1848, p. [l],

The title of this unseen Maori-language newspaper is the same as that of a column in Maori of varying length in the weekly English-language newspaper the Anglo-Maori warder (26 issues: 25 April-19 October 1848), published by Williamson & Wilson. The first editorial of that paper (25 April 1 848, p. [2]) states that the columns would be reprinted as part of a monthly Maori newspaper, which was later identified as also being the 'only medium of communication by advertisement with the aborigines' (23 May. p. [ 1 ]). The Maori column was not intended to be translated in the Anglo-Maori Warder. as being of interest only to Maori, but it was expected to grow to an equal share of the paper, reflecting the brotherly relationship of both races.

Williams * * 180 (S). No copies located.



New Ulster government newspaper published fortnightly in Auckland. The Maori messenger. | [ double rule] | Te Karere Maori. | [double rule] | No. 1.) Auckland, January 4, 1849,-Akarana, Hanuere 4, 1849. (Vol, I, |




[double rule] )[...] [Auckland;- Printed and published by Williamson | and Wilson. [parallel colophon ;] Akarana:- He mea ta ite Perehi o Williamson | and Wilson.]

[4] p.; 460x300 mm. Printed in four columns (two pairs of parallel English and Maori texts) with central vertical rule. Imprints from colophons p. [4], Printed and published by Williamson & Wilson as agents for the New Ulster provincial government.

140 issues; v. 1, no. 1 (4 January 1849)-v. 6, no. 140 (4 May 1854). 1 supplement (with no. 103). Annual volume numbering; 26 issues per volume; continuous issue numbering; no pagination. All issues 4 p, except no. 103 ([6] p.) and no. 134 ([2] p.). Paper quality varies; some issues printed on laid paper. Text in parallel English and Maori. Frequency: fortnightly. Price: 3d. per copy. 250 copies.

Continued by The Maori messenger = Te karere Maori (S5).

Title/masthead variations:

From v. I, no. 2, Maori title (and running title) is: 'Ko te karere Maori.’, v, 4. no. 103: Additional sheet (p. [5-6]) has title: ‘Supplement to | The Maori messenger. 1 Ko te karere Maori.’.

Numbering and issue variations:

v. 1 (1849): Variant issue of no. 1 dated 5 January, with Maori title Ko te karere Maori [as used from issue no. 2 onwards], recorded by Hocken (p. 96) and Williams, has not been located and probably did not exist.

v. 3 (1851): no. 57-68 (27 February-31 July) misnumbered as v. 4. From v. 4, no. 90 (3 June 1852); Different typefaces in caption title and some text. Numbering of issue no. 95 corrected by hand from ’93’.

Imprint/colophon variations:

vuiiuiiwiu. v. 1. no. 3 (1 February 1849)-v. 2, no. 36 (9 May 1850): Colophon for English text is: ’Auckland:-Printed and published, for the Local | Government, by

Williamson and Wilson.’.

v. 1, no. 10 (10 May 1849)-v, 4 [i.e. 3], no. 68 (31 July 1851): Colophon for Maori text is: '1 taia tenei mo te Kawanatanga e Wiremuhana raua | ko Wirihana.’.

v. 3. no. 69 (14 August 1851)-v. 4, no. 89 (20 May 1852): Colophon for Maori text is: ‘Akarana-1 taia tenei mo te Kawanatanga e Wire- | muhana raua ko Wirihana.’.

John Williamson, founder of the New Zealander newspaper, had been printing for the government under contract since 1846. He was joined by William C. Wilson in 1848, at the time the New Ulster/New Munster provincial government structure was introduced. It was a partnership that lasted until September 1863; see W. A. Glue, History of the Government Printing Office (Wellington. 1966), p. 25-28.

The Maori messenger = Te karere Maori was the second government-funded newspaper intended primarily for a Maori readership, after a three-year gap following the cessation of Te karere o Nui Tireni (1842-1846, SI). At the request of Civil Secretary C. A. Dillon, Williamson and Wilson tendered to produce 250 copies for 7 guineas an issue (ANZ, IA 14/3, 30 October 1848). The change in the colophon in issue no. 3, to 'for the Local Government'




indicates the paper's association with the northern New Ulster provincial administration, which regularly called for tenders for its production. The influence of the Governor (Grey) was considerable, however; the editorial in issue no. 12 asserts that he had 'designed' it for Maori. C. O. B. Davis was identified as editor in the issue for 3 January 1850 (no. 27, p. [l]), citing his private address.

The first issue declared (p. [l]) 'a determination to spare no effort to cull materials, whether original or select, the best calculated to elevate and enlighten the native understanding, and to render the Maori a fit and civilized associate of his English fellow subject', also promising Pakeha readers 'a journal, at once instructive and entertaining'. The editorial policy on translation was ‘not to restrict the translators to a literal interpretation of the English text; but to permit a free construction of the several papers, in a manner suited to the peculiarities of the native idiomism'.

The paper contained some government notices, extracts from legislation and court proceedings, shipping news, correspondence, and much on the promotion of agriculture. Davis himself probably wrote most of the content or digested it out of English books or foreign newspapers, with reprints of material from other local publications. Some anonymous contributions are probably by Sir William and Lady Martin. Contributions by Maori are few and generally in the form of letters and petitions sent through the Governor. The paper was also the source of several longer texts subsequently reprinted as books from the same setting, e.g. Greenwood's Journey to Taupo (no. 394) and Cooper's Journey of an expedition overland (no. 408), The final issues contain some of the memorial addresses marking Grey's departure in January 1854, later collected together by Davis in Maori mementos (no. 459).

Williams 194 & (S). Copies: AP (incomplete), AR (incomplete). DUHO (incomplete), WTU (incomplete); microfilm; Niupepa 1842-1933 (2) (microfiche)

* *S4

KO TE AO MARAMA, or New world (1849)

‘New world': New Munster government newspaper published in Wellington. [Ko te ao marama, or New world; actual title not confirmed; no copy located. Wellington: Printed and published at the Office of the Wellington Independent, 1849]

3? issues. Physical details not known; no copy located. Description from Williams and secondary source. Text in parallel Maori and English. Frequency: semi-monthly. Price: 6s. per annum. Printed at the office of the Wellington independent newspaper, which did some printing under contract for the New Munster provincial government.

Although no copies have been located, at least three issues of Ko te ao marama. or New world are Known to have been published, the first on 20 September 1849 (no.l) and two others before 20 December 1849 (nos. 2 and 3); see the Maori messenger (S3), 1 1 October (p, [l]) and 20 December 1849 (p. [l]). Details of its frequency, price, advertising rates and agents throughout New Zealand appear in its advertisements in the Wellington independent between 20 October 1849 (p, 4) and 5 January 1850. Brief extracts about flax, the Rangiatea church (Otaki). schools, and cleanliness




were reprinted in the Maori messenger. 25 October (p. [4]), 22 November (p. [4]) and 20 December (p. [3-4]).

Ko te ao marama. or New world was a Maori and English newspaper produced by the southern New Munster provincial government (for the northern equivalent publication see the Maori messenger. S3). Its purpose is referred to as ‘devoted to the instruction of the native mind’ (.Maori messenger. 11 October 1849, p. [l]). The Wellington independent hoped ‘that it will become the means of making the natives better acquainted with our habits and customs, and of turning their attention to such pursuits as will best tend to draw out the resources of the colony. We call upon the settlers, one and all, to do all in their power to support the paper, which is to be published semi-monthly' (26 September 1849, Supplement, p. [4]).

The editor was almost certainly Henry Tacy Kemp, Native Secretary in the southern province. The Anglo-Maori warder, 27 July 1848 (p. [2]), had noted that John Symonds (the then Native Secretary) was returning to England and that ‘it is generally supposed that Mr. Kemp, the younger, will be appointed to the vacant office, in which he will likewise be charged with the superintendence of a government journal for the use of the native race’.

Williams **l96 & (S). No copies located.



Monthly/fortnightly newspaper published by central government in Auckland. The Maori messenger. | [rate] | Te karere Maori. | [rate] | January, 1855. | [rate] | Contents: | [65 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] \ [rule] | Auckland: 1 Printed at the “Southern Cross" Office, | for the New Zealand Government.

32 p.; ill.; 260x180 mm.; green paper covers. Title from front cover, within ornamental border. Text on back cover, inside ornamental border, includes issue number: ‘No. 1.. New series, Vol. I.'. Printed in two columns (English and Maori) separated by double vertical rule. Contents list on front cover in English only.

Caption title p. [l]: '[Royal Arms] | The Maori messenger. | [rate] | Te karere Maori. | [double rule] | No. 1.) Auckland, January 1, 1855. [ ornament] Akarana, Hanuere 1, 1855. (Vol. 1. | [double rule] \ [. . .]’. 110? issues: v. 1, no. 1 (1 January 1855)-v. 8, no. 2 (28 February 1861). 2? supplements. Annual volume numbering (exception: 1857, v. 3-4): varying number of issues per volume. Issues separately numbered and paginated. Most issues 8 or 16 p.; coloured paper covers (blue, green, yellow, pink; missing or incomplete in some sets) with contents (in English) and imprint on front cover and advertisements and notices on back covers. First three issues (v. 1, no. 1-3, January-March/April 1855) illustrated. Text in parallel English and Maori. Frequency: monthly (to April 1857); fortnightly from May 1857. Price: gratis.

Continues The Maori messenger = Te karere Maori (1849-1854; S3). Continued by Te Manuhiri tuarangi and Maori intelligencer (1861; SI 1).

Title/masthead variations; From v. 2 (1856): Changes to content, layout and border on front cover: ‘The




Maori messenger. | [Royal Arms] | Te karere Maori. | [wavy rule] \ New series.-January, 1856. | [wavy rule] | Contents. | [. . .]'. Supplements, 3 August 1860 (v. 7, no. 15) and 8 November 1860 have title: 'The “Maori messenger” Extra. | [Royal Arms] \ He Apiti no te “Karere Maori.” | [. . Williams 271 (S) records a further supplement dated 2 April 1860, but no copy has been located.

Numbering and issue variations:

v. 1 (1855; 10 issues): Combined issues for March/April (v. 1, no. 3) and September/October (v. I, no, 7 [sic]). Issues for July and August both v. 1, no. 6. Issues for September/October, November, December numbered as v. 1, no. 7-9 (caption title) and also as v. 1, no. 9-11 (back cover).

v. 2 (1856; 12 issues): Change in typeface used for text. See below for change in imprint.

v. 3 (1857; 4 issues): no. I (January)-no. 4 (April).

v. 4 (1857; 15 issues): no. I (30 May)-no. 15 (31 December). New volume number marks the start of fortnightly issues.

v. 5 (1858: 25 issues): no. 11 (31 May) misdated on cover 15 May; no. 15 (31 July)-25 (31 December) misnumbered in caption title as no. 12-22 v. 6 (1859; 24 issues): no. 14 (30 July)-22 (30 November) misnumbered 16-24. Issues for 15 and 31 December correctly numbered 23 and 24. v. 7 (1860; 18? issues): Combined issues for January (no. 1/2). 31 May (no. 9/10), 30 June (no. 1 1/12). Supplementary issues 3 August (v. 7, no. 15) and 8 November (without volume/issue number). Issues no. 13-18 (14 July-30 November) record the Kohimarama Conference and most of these issues are substantially larger (up to 79 p.). Williams 271 (S) records a supplementary issue for 2 April 1860; no copy located.

v. 8 (1861; 2 issues): no. 1 (ISJanuary) and no. 2 (28 February).

Imprint/colophon variations:

v. I: Colophon in English and Maori on final page of text in each issue: 'Printed at the 'Southern Cross' Office.’ and (to no. 5, June 1855) ‘He mea taki te Whare 'Whetu o te Tonga.'. Maori colophon in no. 6-9 (July-December 1855): ‘He mea ta kite Whare ‘Hutarana Koroho.'.

From v. 2: No colophons at end of text

v. 2: Imprint on cover: ‘Auckland: | Printed by Williamson & Wilson, 1 for the New Zealand Government.'

From v. 3: Imprint on cover: 'Auckland: | Printed by W. C. Wilson, | for the New Zealand Government.’.

The first volume was printed at the office of the Southern Cross newspaper, owned by politician William Brown, rival to the long-standing contract printer to the government, Williamson & Wilson. The latter (who printed the subsequent volumes) had been in partnership since 1848, producing the New Zealander newspaper founded by Williamson, who had printed under contract to the government since 1846. Their joint names appear on official publications until 28 January 1857. From 4 March 1857 (until September 1863) the name W. C. Wilson was used, probably due to Williamson's appointment as Superintendent of the Auckland Province in November 1856; see W. A. Glue, History of the Government Printing Office (Wellington. 1966), p 27.



TE KARERE O PONEKE (1857-1858)

The Maori messenger = Te karere Maori was an official newspaper in the format of a small magazine. It was produced by the Native Department of the central government in the 1853 constitutional structure that replaced the New Ulster/New Munster provincial government period (1848-1853). The first issue describes itself as 'an old friend in a new dress’, referring to its New Ulster predecessor of the same title (S3). This new journal, continued by Te Manuhiri tuarangi and Maori intelligencer (SI 1) and Te karere Maori or Maori messenger (SI2), created a continuous publication for the period 1855-1863; for further background see J. Curnow, ’A brief history of Maori-language newspapers’, in Here atu. taku manul, ed. byj. Curnow, N. Hopa and J. Mcßae (Auckland, 2002), p. 17-41 (p. 19-20).

C. O. B. Davis identified himself as the editor of the first three issues, to which Mrs Martin contributed the articles on geography, and stated that he subsequently supplied ‘some of the articles of a religious character' (letter of 9 November 1855, quoted in Grey Il:iv, 113). He stated that ‘Mr Burns’ (i.e. David Burn, associated with several Auckland newspapers) was the current editor. In 1860/61 Walter Buller edited the issues containing the Kohimarama conference proceedings and a few subsequent issues (to no. 5?) of its successor Te manuhiri tuarangi and Maori intelligencer (SI I); see R. Galbreath, Walter Buller (Wellington, 1989), p. 43-45. 311.

VKUIICr LJUIIOI v vv Cl li i igtui I. i 707;, p. i _7—i j■ i . The newspaper contained a wide variety of material including political announcements, correspondence, court trials, obituaries of chiefs, commercial information, local and foreign news, and historical and other material of an improving character. Governor Thomas Gore Browne took an active interest in it; at his request Native Secretary F. D. Fenton asked James Buller to contribute news from Wellington and lists of people to whom the paper could be sent, to which Buller responded positively (correspondence, 20 August and 10 October 1856, in Wesleyan missionary letters, WTU, MS-Papers-2624-10). From late 1857 formal notices of government land purchases were published, and a major inclusion was the record of proceedings of the 1860 Kohimarama Conference, published as v. 7, no. 13-18 (July-November I860) and then issued separately (no. 504).

Williams 271 & (S). Copies: AP (incomplete), AR (incomplete), DUHO (incomplete). NEP (incomplete), WGA, WP (incomplete). WTU; microfilm; Niupepa 1842-1933 (3) (microfiche)

S6 Te KARERE O PONEKE (1857-1858)

‘The Port Nicholson messenger': newspaper produced by Walter Buller. Te karere o Poneke. 1 [Royal Arms] | Ko te kai rapu, ko ia te kite. 1 [double rule] | Vol. I.) Taete, 17 o Hepetema, 1857, (No. 1. 1 [double rule] | [. . .] [I taia tenei nupepa i te perehi o | Mekenihi raua ko Miua, Poneke, [i.e. Wellington] | Niu Tireni ]

ri V/im igiCM ij | mu i nui ii.j 4 p.; 270x212 mm. Imprint from colophon, p. 4. Printed in three columns. Printed by McKenzie and Muir (‘Mekenihi raua ko Miua') at the office of the Wellington independent newspaper.

58 issues; v. 1, no. I (17 September !857)-v. I. no. 58 (27 December 1858). 9 supplements. All issues 4 p,, separately paginated. Supplements 2 p., unpaginated. Includes advertisements, some with illus. Text in Maori.




Frequency: weekly. Price: £1 per annum. See no. 478 for description of the 1859 calendar issued in a different format as a supplement to the final issue. English-language abstracts of extant copies are held at AU (MSS & Archives 2003/2) and WTU (2003-1 19).

Title/masthead variation:

Supplementary sheets (earliest seen is with no. 42. 30 August 1858) have title: ’He Apiti mo "Te karere o Poneke."’.

Numbering and issue variations:

The following issues seen have supplements: no. 42. 45. 48. 49. 52, 53, 54, 56, 58. The supplements are dated (as for the main issue) but without volume numbering and pagination. See no. 478 for description of the supplement to no. 58.

Despite use of the Royal Arms, Te karere o Poneke was an independent newspaper produced by Walter Buller, at the time an interpreter in the Resident Magistrate’s Office in Wellington. (Port Nicholson (‘Poneke’) was the name given to the harbour in 1826. but subsequently was used for the surrounding area, in which Wellington was the main settlement.) The newspaper contained advertisements, letters from Maori and Pakeha. market news, some reprinted material and substantial editorials on issues such as Maori cultural practices and Pakeha law. For further background see R. Galbreath, Walter Buller (Wellington, 1989), p. 34-37, which quotes the paper’s objectives as 'to promote the advancement intellectually and otherwise of the aboriginal race’ by being practical, informative and instructive. The paper ceased because of ongoing losses, though the government made a £4O grant in October 1858. Buller claimed at the end of the first year to have 100 Maori and 19 Pakeha subscribers. No complete set exists.

at ioi i 7 i anu ict auujuiuuo, iii ipiv-iv. jv-i caiju. Williams 284. Copies: WGA (incomplete): microfilm: Niupepa 1842-1953 (8) (microfiche)


Te WAKA O TE IWI (1857)

'The tribes' canoe': independent newspaper produced in Auckland. Te waka [illustration: waka] ote iwi. | [double rule] | No. 1.) Akarana, Oketopa, 1857. (Vol. I. | [double rule] | [. . .] [I tala tenei e Piripi Kunita ki te Whare ta Puka-| puka o te Ripeka kite Tonga, Akarana. [i.e. Auckland]]

I folded sheet ([4] p.); 452x350+ mm (bound). Imprint from colophon p. [4], Printed in four columns separated by vertical rules. Printed by Philip Kunst (‘Piripi Kunita’) at the office of the Southern Cross ('Whare ta PuKapuka o te Ripeka kite Tonga') newspaper.

2? issues: v. 1, no. I (October 1857)-v. 1, no. 2 (November [i.e. December] 1857). Two extant issues: both 4 p. (unpaginated); size of no. 2: 460x285 mm. Text in Maori.

IMI 11. 1 CAI II I IVlctUI I. English-language abstracts of both issues are held at AU (MSS & Archives 2003/2) and WTU (2003-119).

Numbering and issue variation:

Internal masthead no. 2. p. [3], is dated December 1857 and a significant proportion of the content is dated late November



TE HAEATA (1859-1862)

Te waka o te iwi was the first of several short-lived newspapers established by C. O. B. Davis (Flare Reweti), who identified its purpose as being to inform and uplift its readership. The first issue contains an introductory text on matters of self-improvement, with scriptural references, and other editorial, local and overseas news items, obituaries, and many letters from Maori supporting the paper and the effects of Christianity. The contents of the second issue are similar but with some letters from Maori listing their tribal boundaries.

Williams 307. Copies: AP (no. 1), WTU (no. 2); microfilm; Niupepa 18421933 (9) (microfiche)


Te WHETU O TE TAU (1 858)

'The star of the year': independent newspaper produced in Auckland.

i t tc. oiui mt i it c/ctuccu i/i r tuuruuuu. Te whetu o te tau. | [double rule] | No. 1. Akarana, Hune 1, 1858. Vol. 1. | [double rule] ![...] [I taia tenei e Piripi Kunita ki Akarana. [i.e. Auckland]]

[4] p.; 300x215 mm. Imprint from colophon p. [4], Printed in two columns separated by double vertical rule. Text in Maori. Printed by Philip Kunst ('Piripi Kunita') at the office of the Southern Cross newspaper.

3 issues: v. 1, no. 1 (1 June 1858)-v. 1. no. 3 (I September 1858). All issues 4 p. (pages not numbered). Text in Maori. Frequency: monthly (no. 1-2); twomonthly (no. 3).

English-language abstracts are held at AU (MSS 5i Archives 2003/2) and WTU (2003-119).

A further newspaper established by C. O. B. Davis, in a smaller format than his 1857 publication Te waka o te iwi (S7), though the contents are similar, including correspondence and brief notes of overseas news. The most substantial item is the account (serialised in the three issues) of the journey of Davis, missionary John Whiteley and others to the Waikato with Rewi Maniapoto, spreading a message of the need for religious faith, and collecting contributions towards the cost of the paper.

Williams 306. Copies: AP; microfilm; Niupepa 1842-1933 (10) (microfiche)

S9 Te HAEATA (1859-1862)

'The dawn': Wesleyan newspaper published in Auckland.

Te Haeata. | Te utu mo te tau [new line:] Kotahi 2s. 6d. [brace] "Tatou ka haere i to Ihowa maramatanga.” [brace] Te utu mo te puka- [new line:] puka kotahi 3d, | [double rule] | Vol. I.) Akarana, Apereira 1, 1859. (No. 1. | [double rule] | [. . ,] [Auckland:-Printed by W. C. Wilson, at | the “New Zealander" Printing Office, Shortland | Street.]

4 p.; 280x213 mm. Printed in three columns separated by vertical rules. Imprint from colophon p 4. Price information on either side of motto in masthead is printed in two lines joined by braces.

36 issues: v. 1, no. 1 (I April 1859)-v. 3, no. 12 (1 March 1862). Volume numbering for 12 issues: issues separately numbered and paginated. All issues 4 p. Text in Maori. Frequency: monthly. Price: 2s. 6d. per annum, 3d. per issue.




English-language abstracts of all issues are held at AU (MSS & Archives 2003/2) and WTU (2003-1 19).

Imprint/Colophon variations:

A few issues have no colophon. Colophon from v. 3, no. 5 (1 August 1861) is in Maori: 'Akarana:-! taia e W. C. Wilson, kite | Whare Perehi o te "NewZealander,” Hoterana- | Tiriti.’

Te Haeata was the first denominational newspaper in New Zealand, established by a committee of Wesleyan ministers and edited by Rev. Thomas Buddie (‘te Patara'), head of the Wesleyan Native Institution at Auckland. For further information on the newspaper see Y. Sutherland. ’Church and identity in the Wesleyan newspaper, Te Haeata’, in Rereatu. taku manul, ed. byj. Curnow, N. Hopa and J, Mcßae (Auckland, 2002), p. 98-114. This source identifies the purpose of the paper as ’to supply our people with a little reading adapted to promote their religious and social progress'. As well as matters of faith and church life (including a monthly calendar), and stories and articles about scriptural and historical events, the paper covered a range of practical issues pertaining to Maori life such as housing, clothing, eating habits, local and national government, and armed conflict.

A story printed in Te Haeata in 1859/1860 (’The man who killed his friends with kindness') was reprinted as part of a separate publication in 1873 (see no. 806).

Williams 305. Copies: AP (incomplete), WTU (incomplete). WGA; microfilm; Niupepa 1842-1933 (12) (microfiche)


AOTEAROA, or The Maori recorder (1861-1862)

‘New Zealand': annual magazine produced in Auckland.

Aotearoa, | or The | Maori recorder. | [rule] | January 1861. | [rule] \ Contents;- | [l4 lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] | [rule] | Auckland: | Printed at the Aotearoa Office, | for the Native People,

I IUVIUUUU. | I 111 UCU Ul U IV. MUIUUIUU | IV/I II IV/ I'UUVV i [2], 24, [2] p.; 212x135 mm.: white or blue or green paper covers. Title from cover. Colophon p. 24: 'Printed at the Maori Press, Auckland.’. Page [2] (main sequence) blank. Caption title with volume and issue numbering on p. [3]. Running title: ’Aotearoa—Maori recorder.’. Text in parallel Maori and English. Text in English on inside back cover ('Extracts on the Taranaki question’): two waiata in Maori (’He tangi’ and ’He waiata aroha’) on outside back cover, within ornamental rule.

Prelim, pages and p. [25-26] are a conjugate leaf (yellow or green or blue paper; text in English on all pages) headed (p. [l]) 'Advertisements S.c.’. The text is mainly extracts from Sir William Martin’s The Taranaki question (Auckland. 1860) on the Waitara land dispute.

Additional illustrated title-page p. [l] (main sequence): '[illustration including motto: He aroha te Atua] | Ko Aotearoa, | or The | Maori recorder. | [rule] | Hanuere. January. | [rule] | [quotation. 4 lines, in Maori and English ] | [rule] | Akarana: | He mea ta i te Perehi o nga iwi Maori. 1 1861 ' The illustration (signed 'S. L. Peyton’) is an engraving of two chiefs standing in front of a whare, where a standing figure reads from a book to the whanau; the motto is a translation of 'God is love’.




2 issues: v. 1, no. 1 (January 1861)-v. 1, no. 2 (January 1862). The second issue differs in physical format and content and is separately described:

IS3UC UlliClD 111 IUIIIIUI uuu wiiivmv “-r J The recorder, | and | Aotearoa. | [rule] \ January 1862. | [rule] \ Contents:- | [6B lines in two columns separated by vertical rule] \ [rule] | Auckland: 1 Printed at the “Recorder" Office.

32 p.; 207x144 mm.; pink paper covers. Title from cover. Running titles: 'The recorder.' (p. 2-16) and 'Aotearoa.' (p. 18-32). Text in English (p. [l]-I6) and Maori (p. |l7]-32) but the contents differ (they are not parallel texts).

Cll IU IVIdVJI I vp- I' ' J -'*•/ I Caption title p. [l]: ‘The recorder. | [ ornamental rule] | [quotation, 2 lines] | [ornamental rule] \ [double rule] | No. 2.) Auckland, January. 1862. (Vol. 1. | [double rule] )[, . Colophon p. 16: ‘Printed at the “Recorder” Office, Auckland.'.

Caption title p. [l7]: ‘Ko Aotearoa. | [ornamental rule] | [ quotation. 2 lines] | [ornamental rule] \ [. .]’. Colophon p. 32: I taia ki a Aotearoa. kite Perehi Maori, i Akarana'.

English-language abstracts of both issues are held at AU (MSS & Archives 2003/2) and WTU (2003-119).

SlO.l Variant issue of part of v. 1, no. 2: The Maori section ‘Ko Aotearoa’ (p. [l7]-32) was also issued separately, and it is possible the English section ('The recorder') was also issued separately. The green paper covers of the separate Maori issue have the following title (inside an ornamental border):

Ko Aotearoa. | [rule] \ Hanuere, 1862. | [rule] | [illustration (waka)] \ [ornamental rule] | I taia ki Akarana, kite Perehi Maori.

Aotearoa. or The Maori recorder was another short-lived journal edited by C. O. B. Davis (for the others see S7 and S8), but this time printed on a press funded by Maori contributions (listed on p. [3], mainly Tainui and Tai Tokerau). The first issue contains short items in Maori and English on the value of printing presses, the accession of Tawhiao, newspapers; the evils of money and war; an obituary and correspondence, including a letter from Davis; a fragment of a waiata with translation and commentary; and news about events in Taranaki.

In the second issue the editorial and a section acknowledging that Teira did not have the right to sell the Waitara Block are the only texts in both languages; otherwise the contents are quite different. The English section includes news of current events but has an emphasis on religious and moral writing; the Maori text is a mixture of discussion of current events, correspondence, obituaries and practical information.

Williams 336. Copies: AP (incl. variant of v. 1, no. 2), AR (no. I), WTU (v. 1, no, 2, lacks covers); microfilm; Niupepa 1842-1933 (13) (microfiche)

SI 1

Te MANUHIRI TUARANGI and Maori intelligencer (1861)

‘Visitor from afar': government newspaper published in Auckland. [Royal Arms] | Te manuhiri tuarangi | and | Maori intelligencer, | [rule] \ March 1, 1861. 1 [rule] | Contents. 1 [lO lines] \ [double rule] | Auckland: 1 Printed by W. C. Wilson | for the New Zealand Government.

15, [l] p.; 248x178 mm.; blue paper covers. Title from front cover, within ornamental border. Printed in two columns (English and Maori) separated by




vertical rule. Contents list on front cover in English only. See S5 for further information on Wilson, whose contract as printer to the government ended in 1862,

Caption title p. [l]; '[Royal Arms] | Te | manuhiri tuarangi | and | Maori intelligencer. | [swelled rule] | "Kia whakakotahitia te Maori mete Pakeha.” | [double rule] | Vol. I.) Auckland, March I, 1861,-Akarana, Maehe 1. 1861. (No. 1. 1 [double rule] | [. . .]'.

13 issues: v. 1, no. 1 (1 March 186l)-v. 1, no. 16/17 (15 November 1861). Most issues 16 p.: coloured paper covers (blue, green, yellow, pink; missing in some sets) with contents (in English) and imprint on front cover. Issues separately numbered and paginated. Text in parallel English and Maori. Frequency varies: monthly/fortnightly.

Continues The Maori messenger = Te karere Maori (1855-1861: S5). Continued by Te karere Maori, or Maori messenger (1861-1863: SI2).

Title/masthead variations:

no. 16/17 (15 November 1861) has title: ‘Te manuhiri tuarangi | and | Maori messenger. | [. . .]'. The change from 'intelligencer' to 'messenger' is also in the caption title and running title.

Numbering and issue variations:

Issues numbered 1-16/17. Combined issues 15 May (no 4/5), 1 & 15 June (no. 6/7), 1 October (no. 13/14), 15 November (no. 16/17).

Issue no. 11 (15 August) exists in a variant copy (WTU). This is dated 6 August, lacks volume/issue numbering and paper covers, and has the caption title: 'Te Manuhiri tuarangi | and | Maori intelligencer Extra.'. Otherwise the contents appear identical.

Te manuhih tmrangi and Maori intelligencer continued the sequence of government newspapers in Maori begun in 1842 (see SI) The reason for the title change from The Maori messenger = Te karere Maori (S5) has not been identified and it changed again in December 1861 to Te karere Maori, or Maori messenger (SI 2) to ensure legal requirements for official notices were met. The purpose of the publication was also similar to that of its predecessors: 'to instruct and enliven you in all matters affecting your welfare, and to afford you a medium for the full and free expression of your opinions on all questions that may concern or interest you' (v I, no. 1 (1 March), p. 3). The caption title motto was translated above the English text as 'let the Pakeha and the Maori be united'. The paper contained the usual mix of notices about current events (especially Waitara) and English law (from William Martin), obituaries, practical information on cleanliness, gardening and bread-making, and other general reading such as Scripture history and a list of British kings and queens.

Walter Buller edited some issues (to no. 5?: see R. Galbreath. Walter Buller (Wellington, 1989), p. 311), followed by H. H. Turton as temporary editor while Buller was working for the government in Canterbury [AJHR. 1861. E-5, p. 2).

Williams 335. Copies: AP (incomplete). AR (incomplete), DUHO. NEP. WTU (incl. variant issue no. 11); microfilm: Niupepa 1842-1933 (12) (microfiche)


St 2



Te KARERE MAORI or Maori messenger (1861-1863)

Continuation of government newspaper, published in Auckland. [Royal Arms] \ Te karere Maori | or | Maori messenger. | [double rule] | Contents | [W lines] \ [rule] | December 16, 1861. | [rule] | Auckland: | Printed by W. C. Wilson | for the New Zealand Government.

20 p.; 231x170 mm.; yellow paper covers. Title from front cover, within ornamental border. Printed in two columns (English and Maori) separated by vertical rule

Caption title p. [l]; '[Royal Arms] 1 Te karere Maori | or | Maori messenger. 1 [swelled rule] 1 “Kia whakakotahitia te Maori mete Pakeha." | [double rule] | Vol. 1.) Auckland, December 16, 1861 -Akarana, Tihema 16, 1861. (Nos. 18 & 19. | [double rule] | [. . .)'.

22 issues: v. 1, no. 18/19 (16 December I861)-v. 3, no. [B] (28 September 1863). Most issues between 16 and 32 p.; coloured paper covers (yellow, pink, green, dark blue, pale blue; missing or incomplete in some sets) with contents (in English) and imprint on front cover. Annual volume numbering. Issues separately numbered and paginated. Occasional commercial advertisements. Text in parallel English and Maori, Frequency: most issues approximately monthly. Price: gratis.

Continues Te manuhiri tuarangi and Maori intelligencer (1861; Sll). Continued by the untitled 'Gazette Notices' (1863-1864; SI4).

Title/masthead variations:

From v. 2, no. 7 (13 March 1862): Changes to cover: coat of arms omitted: volume and issue number added; different border design, typeface and layout; ‘Vol. II.) March 13, 1862. (No. 7. | Te karere Maori | or | Maori messenger. | [wavy rule] | March 13, 1862. | [wavy rule] | Contents. | [. . .]’.

moujuMgci . | [itu » y > uioj | t■ i i i i , i uuc . | [nut jr i uioj | vuniumj, I I- • -J • Numbering and issue variations:

v. I (1861; 1 issue): Only issue v. 1, no. 18/19(16 December 1861). v. 2 (1862; 13 issues): Issue numbering is no. 1-2 and 5-15 (i.e. 3-13?). The dates of issue indicate that issue no. 3 was misnumbered as no. 5, an error which continued for the rest of the volume. Three-month gap between v. 2, no. 14 (20 September) and 15 (16 December). Issue no. 10 (23 May) has Maori text p. [l]-1I (without heading and quotation) and English text p. [l3]-22. Pleading to English text (p. [l3]): ‘The first Maori Parliament | or | District Runanga

From v. 2, no. 7 (13 March 1862): Motto in the caption title referring to Maori and Pakeha unity was omitted and the matching quotation at the head of text (in English and Maori) was replaced by a 3-line quotation (in English and Maori) beginning: ‘Good books are like true friends: [. . .]' = 'Ko nga pukapuka papai. e penei ana me nga hoa pono; [. . .]'.

v. 3 (1863; 8 issues): Numbering of final issue no. [B] (28 September) corrected by hand from '7'.

Te karere Maori or Maori messenger continues Te manuhiri tuarangi and Maori intelligencer (SI I), including its volume/issue numbering sequence. The title change was necessary to ensure the legal validity of government notices published in it (ANZ, MA 1, 1861/151, 26 November 1861). C. O. B. Davis was announced as the editor in v. 2, no. 6 (25 February 1862), p. 16. The final


S1 3


issue coincided with the end of the government's printing contract with W. C. Wilson; see S5 for additional details.

The content of this newspaper differs from its predecessors, initially publishing many Orders in Council that gave effect to the legislation for Grey's 'new institutions'; the issue of 23 May 1862 (v. 2, no. 10; 24 p.) was devoted solely to the proceedings of the first runanga, in the Bay of Islands District (see no. 583 for separate issue). Evidence at the Court of Arbitration hearing on the Kaipara land dispute comprised a major part of issues between 30 March and 18 July 1862 (v. 3, no, 2-6) and more letters from Maori were included, together with extracts from other New Zealand newspapers. For further background see J. Curnow, 'A brief history of Maorilanguage newspapers’, in Rere atu. taku manul. ed. byj. Curnow. N. Hopa and J. Mcßae (Auckland, 2002), p. 17-41 (p. 19-20). This includes references to the effect of Davis's conflicting editorial/personal views, the escalating tension in Taranaki and Waikato, and Grey's closure of the paper in September 1863, when Davis’s services ceased with the payment of six months' salary. Williams 335. Copies: AP (incomplete). AR (incomplete), DUHO, WGA (incomplete), WP (incomplete), WTU (incomplete); microfilm; Niupepa 18421933 (5) (microfiche)

S l 3

Te HOKIOI, o Nui-Tireni, e rere atuna (1862-1863)

'The war-bird of New Zealand in flight to you': Kingitanga newspaper. Te Hokioi, o Nui-Tireni, e rere atuna. | Ngarua-wahia, Hune. 15 1862 | [rule] | [. . .] [Teperehi, aroha noa o te Kingi, | o Atiria ]

1 folded sheet ([4] p ); 295x220 mm. Imprint from colophon p. [4], Inner pages numbered (2 and 3). Page [l] printed in two columns (wide (left); narrow (right)); p, 2-[4] printed in three narrow columns.

9 issues: 15 June 1862-21 May 1863 ([1863], no. 5). Only the final two issues ([1863], no. 4 and no. 5) are numbered; most issues have some pagination or column numbering. Issues vary between 1 p. (1 sheet) and 4 p.; most issues 4 p ; columns vary between one and three per page Size varies between 450x286 mm. and 225x143 mm. Various typographical inconsistencies. Text in Maori. Frequency: approximately monthly. Price: 3d. per issue (1863, no. 4-5).

Title/masthead variations;

From 9 October 1862 (1862, no. [2]) 'Te Hokioi, e rere atu na.' (‘War-bird in flight to you'). Typographic errors in heading of some issues; 'rfre' ‘rfrf and 'erfr' for 'rere'; 'atu na' as one word in some issues. From 15 January 1863 (1863, no. [1]): Quotation added below title: 'Kia mahara ra pea e nga Kingi. kia akona e nga kaiwhakawa o te whenua.'; running title added: 'Te Hokioi e rere atu na'.

From 15 February 1863 (1863, no. [2]): Running title is Te Hokioi'.

Numbering and issue variations:

9 October 1862 (1862, no. (2]): 1 sheet ([!) p); 225x143 mm ; single column.

10 November 1862 (1862. no. [3], and variant issue): 1 sheet ([l] p); 445x280 mm. two columns. Printed in smaller type. Variant issue has


SI 3 '


additional 5 lines of text at foot (single column) with heading: 'Te karere o Tainui. Pukekaraka wahi Otaki, Hepetema 29, 1862.'.

8 December 1862 (1862, no. [4]); 4 p.; 288x204 mm.; single column. Pages 2-3 printed upside down in WTU copy.

15 January 1863 (1863, no. [1]): [4] p.; 284x206 mm.; single column. 15 February 1863 (1863. no. [2]): 1 sheet (2 p ): 450x286 mm.; two columns on each page. Columns 3 and 4 numbered (on verso). Printed in smaller type. 24 March 1863 (1863, no. [3]): 4 p.; 303x215 mm.; single column. 26 April 1863 (1863. no. 4): 4 p ; 298x217 mm.; single column. Different typeface (sans serif) for 'Te hokioi’ and different layout of heading: 'Te hokioi | f rfre atu na. | [. . .]'. Issue number 'Nama 4.)’ and price '(3 pene,' added at ends of place/date line

21 May 1863 (1863, no. 5): 2 p. (inner pages of folded sheet; outer pages blank); 280x200 mm.

Imprint/colophon variations:

Illipi 11 111 nun mnuiw. No imprint or colophon on any issues after the first.

Te Hokioi was the first Maori-language newspaper entirely produced by Maori, the title deriving from the name of a mythical bird that shrieked as an omen of war or misfortune. The press itself was the gift of Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph (acknowledged in the colophon: ‘Teperehi, aroha noa o te Kingi o Atiria') to Wiremu Toetoe (see no. 527 for further background), used first at Mangere in 1861 (no. 550) and then at Ngaruawahia from about April 1862 (no. 578).

Patara Te Tuhi, cousin of King Tawhiao. became the editor and principal writer of the newspaper, which carried the proclamations of Tawhiao and news of the Kingitanga to its adherents. The newspaper argued for an interpretation of the Treaty of Waitangi that would limit the sovereignty of the colonial government over Maori. It contains reports of meetings held to discuss the Kingitanga, letters from Maori throughout New Zealand and lists of chiefs supporting a stand against land sales, letters between Grey and Tawhiao, together with overseas news and waiata. In 1863 it was countered by the government paper Te pihoihoi mokemoke (SI 5) but both publications ceased with the developing conflict that finally led to war in the Waikato in mid-July,

A set of manuscript transcriptions and translations of most issues of Te Hokioi is at Archives New Zealand (LE 1, 1865/129) and substantial extracts from the series were reprinted with some additional text in Te Hokioi (e rere atu-na) (Auckland, 1922; Sommerville 1161, Bagnall SHI 101 a), The text of the 10 November 1862 issue (a summary of the speeches delivered at the October hui at Peria) was printed with a translation in AJHR. 1863, E-12 (no. 624), p 12-16.

The AP set is complemented by a memorandum from Grey who considered them 'documents of great interest. They continue the explanations of the natives for entering into a war and will I have no doubt be consulted by future historians being as it were a voice arising from a failing race which gives the native view of the causes they regarded as justifying acts which largely contributed to the destruction of the native people. It was the desire to secure a full hearing for them which made me make so many efforts to obtain copies of these papers ' He also recorded that 'Patera set up the


S1 4


type, and printed the paper almost without assistance’ (AP, GNZM 337). Te Awamutu Museum owns what is believed to be the press used to print Te Hokioi but some evidence appears to conflict with this association; see The Hokioi press’. Journal of the Te Awamutu Historical Society, v, 6, no. 1 (June 1 971). p. 21 -26, and ‘Metal detectors help discover more parts of Hokioi press’. Footprints of history, no. 6 (July 1991), p. 124-127.

Williams 337. Copies: AP. DUHO (incomplete), WTU (incomplete);

microfilm; Niupepa 1842-1933 (14) (microfiche)



Numbered series of official notices issued during the Waikato War.

[Royal Arms] | No. 1. Akarana, Oketopa 1, 1863, | E hoa ma, | E nga tangata o te motu nei e piri ana kite Kawanatanga o te Kuini, he | kupu tenei naku ki a koutou. | [. . .] [Printed by W, Atkin, Fligh Street.

I iuiim IW «-» liuuiww, I I. . . j imvvu cs y »». i Ultll l, 1 I igi I >Jll UGI, Auckland.]

1 folded sheet (4 p.): 350x220 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon, p. 4. 14 issues: no. 1(I October 1863)-14 (19 July 1864). Some issues have variants. Size varies slightly. Frequency: irregular. Described individually below apart from features in common; all have the Royal Arms above the text, some of different styles.

Continues Te karere Maori or Maori messenger (1861-1863: SI 2),

The collective title Gazette notices, taken from Williams, does not appear on the items themselves, but reflects the formal nature of the content and presentation of the notices, described individually below. A note from the recently appointed Native Secretary, Edward Shortland, to T. H. Smith on 3 October 1863 confirms that they form part of the sequence of official government serials (see SI for details): T send you however the last Maori messenger now defunct and the Ist no. of a news letter whjich] is a substitute for it. Its object is to publish true accounts of the proceedings of the war 6t any other matters of native interest with any kupu tuturu na Te Kawana [i.e. assurances by the Governor]’ (T. H. Smith, Papers 1844-1892, AR, MS 283). Presumably Shortland compiled and edited the series, though most notices are signed by the Colonial Secretary (Fox) or the Governor (Grey). Almost all the contents relate to events of the Waikato War, which had begun in July 1863; for the background see J. Belich, The New Zealand Wars (Auckland, 1986), p. 119-141. Te waka Maori o Ahuriri (SI 6) reprinted many notices. Similar unnumbered notices are described as separate publications in the main sequence (e.g. no. 607, Williams 378/ v).

Atkin was not an officially contracted printer, but at the time of the first issue the government had only just accepted a tender from Creighton & Scales for printing certain publications. This took effect from 1 October 1863 (Gazette, 30 September 1863, p. 435) following the end of the contract with W. C. Wilson; for further details see S5 and W. A, Glue. History of the Government Printing Office (Wellington. 1966), p, 28. Creighton & Scales may have printed some issues, and some appear to have been reprinted in Wellington, as noted in the list below:

No. I. For physical description see above.


SI 4


Letter from Grey and accounts of the incident at Pokeno on 2 September; the killing of Armitage (‘te Amutiti’); attacks at Pukekohe and Te Wairoa; the loss of HMS Orpheus at Manukau Harbour entrance. Williams 378/ i.

No. 2, 14 Nowema, 1863. | [inside heavy border:] I mate | [l3 lines] \ [. . .] (Printed by W. Atkin, High Street, Auckland.]. I folded sheet (4 p.). Imprint from colophon p. 4

Notice of the death of Hone Ropiha Tamaha, news from Taranaki and POkeno. with information on various murders, military manoeuvres and shipwrecks at Hokianga and Whakapuaka (near Nelson), Williams 378/ ii. No. 3. Akarana, Nowema 23, 1863. | He panuitanga tenei i etahi ture kua oti nei te whakatakoto e te Runanga- | nui, mo nga mahi tutu a Waikato, a Taranaki, | [rule] \ [lB lines], 1 sheet ([l] p.) No colophon.

laiaiiaiu. | moj | [i u uict-oj. i VI • J y-1 1 ' Summary of two regulations concerning hostilities in Waikato and Taranaki. Williams 378/ iii.

variant 3.1: No. 3. Akarana. Nowema 23, 1863. | He panuitanga tenei i etahi ture kua oti nei te whakatakoto | e te Runanganui, mo nga mahi tutu a Waikato, a Taranaki. | [rule] \ [2l lines], I sheet ([l] p.); 325x205 mm.; blue laid paper with watermark 'C. Millington. | London | 1863'. No colophon.

A different setting of No. 3, presumed printed in Wellington for local distribution. Paper with the same watermark was used by Joseph Bull for a Wellington Provincial Council publication (Council paper. Message no. 4. 1863) and the coat of arms is one of several used by that provincial government.

variant 3.2: No. 3. [and part of 4] Akarana. Nowema 24, 1863. | [title as issue of 23 November], I folded sheet (3, [l] p.) No colophon. Pages 2-3 in two columns separated by double vertical rule.

Same text as No. 3 of 23 November (18 lines, p. 1) with the same list of names on p. 2-3 as in notice No. 4. Williams 378/ iii (note).

1 r- ' ■ No. 4. Akarana, Nowema 24, 1863. | He pukapuka na te Tianara ki a te Kawana. i na te waea mai. | [rule] | Rangariri. [sic] Nowema 21, 1863. | [ . ,]. 1 folded sheet (3, [l] p.) No colophon. Pages 2-3 in two columns separated by double vertical rule.

Translation (p. [ 1 ]) of General Cameron's telegram to Grey announcing the capture of Rangiriri with a list (p. 2-3) of chiefs killed and prisoners taken. The list was subsequently revised and published separately (no. 607) and also included in the variant issue of notice No. 3 of 24 November (see above), Cameron's telegram was published in English as Gazette no. 60. 21 November 1863. p. 530. Williams 378/ iv.

variant 4.1: No. 4. Akarana, Nowema 23, 1863. 1 He pukapuka na te Tianara kia te Kawana, i na te waea mai. | [rule] | Rangariri, Nowema 21,1863. | [. . .]. 1 sheet ([l] p ); 335x213 mm. No colophon. Printed on cream laid paper.

A quite different setting of the first page only (Cameron's telegram) of notice No. 4 with some minor spelling variations, and probably printed in Wellington. The typeface is the same as used in the Wellington variant issue of No. 3, and the Royal Arms is another used by the Wellington Provincial Council. Williams 378b (S).


S I 4


No. 5. Akarana. Tihema 8, 1863. | He pukapuka enei no Waikato. | [rule] | Ngaruawahia. 4, o Tihema. 1863 | [. . .]. I sheet (2 p.). No colophon.

Letter from Wiremu Tamihana to Colonial Secretary and Minister for Native Affairs William Fox (‘te Pokiha') acknowledging defeat, and another to the prisoners taken at Rangiriri, with Grey’s reply of 6 December. Also printed as part of no. 628). The letters from Tamihana were reprinted with translations in AJHR. 1863, E-5d (no. 595), no. 12-13. Williams 378/ vi.

No. 6. Akarana, Tihema 9. 1863. | Panuitanga. | [rule] | [5 fines], I sheet ([l] p.) No colophon.

Announcement signed by Fox (‘te Pokiha') that General Cameron and 500 troops had occupied Ngaruawahia without resistance and raised the Queen’s flag. Also printed as part of no. 628. The manuscript and a copy of the printed notice are at Archives New Zealand (MA 1/3 63/352), The English text was printed in the Gazette. 1863, no. 63, 11 December 1863. Williams 378/ vii & (S).

No. 7. Akarana, Hanuere 15, 1864. | Ko nga kohuru i Kaipara, | [. . .]. 6 p. No colophon.

iiu iui i. An account of the arrest of Ruarangi for the murder at Kaukapakapa, Kaipara, on 21 December 1863 of Matilda Ann Thomson (or Thompson) and her daughter Olivia. For an account in English see the Weekly news.

O * ■* ■ ‘ uiw ItUrrU, 2 January 1864, p. 2-3. Williams 378/ viii.

J J ■ No. 8. Akarana, Pepuere 2. 1 864. | Ko nga tikanga mo nga tangata Maori kua pa kite whawhai, | kite mahi Kingi hoki. | [rule] \ [3l lines] | Na te Pokiha. 1 sheet ([l] p.) No colophon.

Conditions of submission imposed on the KTngitanga signed by Fox ('te Pokiha’), The English version and correspondence over the wording of the notice appeared in AJHR. 1864, E-2, p. 32-34. Williams 378/ ix.

, — ... • —— —— *. —— J variant B.t: No. 8. Akarana, Pepuere 2, 1864. | Ko nga tikanga mo nga tangata Maori kua pa kite whawhai. | kite mahi Kingi hoki. | [rule] \ [36 lines] | Na te Pokiha, No colophon.

This version has an additional 5-line paragraph at the end offering leniency to those who surrender promptly. A further variant of this issue (at WTU) which omits Fox’s signature is probably a proof. Williams 378/ x & (S).

No. 9. Akarana. Pepuere 16, 1864. |Ko nga korero ote whawhai ki Mangapiko, wahi o Waipa. | [rule] | [. . .). 1 sheet (2 p.) No colophon. At end of text: ‘Na te Pokiha.’.

Despatch by General Cameron on the 1 I February fighting at Mangapiko in the Waipa. with details of Maori casualties and list of chiefs killed. Reports in English were printed as Gazette. 1864, no. 5. 15 February 1864. p. 51-54. Williams 378/ xii.

No. 10 Akarana, 24th. Pepuere, 1864. | Kua hinga ano a Waikato. Ko Paterangi—Ko Pikopiko—Ko Rangiatea kei |a te Tianara—Kua whati nga tangata Maori ki Maungatautari— | Ko te Tianara kei Rangiaohia. 1 [ rule] \ [29 lines] | Na te Pokiha. 1 sheet ([l] p.) No colophon




ji j it nnuinui (iouj) Report from General Cameron to the Governor on the Kingitanga defeat at Rangiaowhia. Williams records a variant issue without signature but is presumably referring to the proof copy signed 'William Fox' with correction by hand to 'Na te Pokiha' (WTU, MS-Papers-6597-3). Williams 378/ xiii.

No. 11. Akarana, 29th. Pepuere, 1864. | [rule] | E hoa ma, e nga iwi katoa o te motu nei, | [. . .]. 1 folded sheet (3, [l] p,); p. [4] blank. No colophon. At end of text: ‘Na te Pokiha'.

A letter to all Maori summarising the fighting since May 1863 and confirming the British occupation of much of the Waikato. Williams 378/ xiv.

No. 12. Akarana, 7th. Aperira, 1864. |Ko te rongo tenei i ahu mai i Waikato. | [rule] | [l9 lines] \ Na te Pokiha, 1 sheet ([l] p.) No colophon.

Summary report on the siege of Orakau, 31 March-2 April, and the subsequent occupation of Te Tiki-o-te-Ihingarangi Pa at Maungatautari (5 April). Williams 378/ xvi.

No. 13. Akarana, 27th. Flune, 1864. | Panuitanga. | [rule] \ (. . .]. 1 folded sheet ([4] p.); p. [4] blank. No colophon. At end of text: 'Na te Pokiha.'.

Report on recent events; the battle of Gate Pa; Pai Marire attacks in the Wanganui area; declaration signed by WI Tako Ngatata withdrawing his support from the Kingitanga. Williams 378/ xvii.

No. 14. Akarana, Hurae 19, 1864. | Ko nga korero ote Pokiha raua ko Wi Tako Ngatata ki Waikanae i te 3 | o nga ra o Hune, 1864, (tenei tangata a Wi Tako, ko te tino | rangatira o te mahi Kingi ki Kapiti.) | (Na te Pura Kaiwhakawa i whakamaori nga kupu a te Pokiha.) | [rule] | [. . .]. 6 p. No colophon.

Account of a meeting between Fox and Wi Tako Ngatata at Otaki on 3 June, which led to Ngatata signing a declaration withdrawing his support from the Kingitanga. Walter Buller (‘te Pura’) translated Fox's words into Maori. Williams 378/ xviii.

Williams 378/i-iv, vi-x, xii-xiv, xvi-xviii &. (S), 378b. Copies: AP (incomplete), WTU.

SI 5


A sparrow alone on the house top’: a government-supported paper.

Te pihoihoi mokemoke | i runga i te tuanui. | [ wavy rule] | Number I.

Pepuere 2, 1863. | [rule] | [. . .] [Otawhao:— [i.e. Te Awamutu] | 1 taia ki te Perehi o te Kura | [rule] | 1863.]

4 p.; 253x190 mm. Imprint from colophon p. 4. Printed partly in two columns, separated by vertical rule.

4 issues (18 p.): no. 1 (2 February !863)-no. 4 (9 March 1863). Issue no. 5 (23 March 1863, p. [l9]-22) partly printed but not published (see annotation).

Sequential issue numbering; continuous pagination. Issues 4 p, except no. 3 (2 p.) and no. 4 (8 p.). Text in Maori. Frequency: approximately fortnightly.


S 1 6


Numbering and issue variations:

No. I numbered in arabic; no. 2-5 in roman numerals. No. 2 printed in single column; no. 3-5 printed in two columns, separated by vertical rule.

Imprint/Colophon variations:

no. 2 (10 February): Colophon p. 8: 'I taia kite Perehi o te Kura kei Otawhao.’. no. 5 (23 March; unpublished): Colophon p. 22; '1 taia kite Perehi kei Otawhao.'.

Te pihoihoi mokemoke i runga i te tuanui (‘A sparrow alone on the house top’) was produced by J. E. Gorst, Civil Commissioner of the Waikato, at the government's Otawhao mission school at Te Awamutu. formerly a CMS property. The title is derived from Psalm 102 (a prayer of the afflicted), verse 7. The paper was supported by the government to counteract the Ngaruawahia Kingitanga paper Te Hokioi (SI 3) On 24 March 1863, when the fifth issue was being printed, an unauthorised Kingitanga war party under Rewi Maniapoto seized the press, bringing production to an abrupt end before printing had been completed. Two copies exist, one printed on two single-sided sheets, possibly a proof (DUHO). and one double-sided copy (AP) given to Sir George Grey by the printer (Edward von Dadelszen; see his letter to A. H. Turnbull, I June 1905, WTU, MS-Papers-0057-109a; typescript copy at DUHO, Hoc: Williams Coll 0337). A detailed account of the events and consequential abandoning of the mission station is in AJHR. 1863, E-I, and J. E. Gorst, The Maori king (London, 1864), p. 336-354.

j. , . w .. The contents reflect the paper's pro-government role in accounts of the issues and meetings relating to Taranaki and Waikato. It also includes general information, eg. medical advice on health problems, news of an Auckland fire, and the wreck of the Orpheus. A transcript of the five issues with a contemporary translation is at Archives New Zealand (LE I, 1865/129),

The 1862 Hopkinson Cope Albion press, which had been purchased in Sydney, was recovered shortly after its seizure and subsequently was used in Auckland for printing the Gazette: for further background see J. Cowan, The old frontier (Te Awamutu, 1922), p. 26-30. Now owned by the Alexander Turnbull Library, the press is at the Te Awamutu Museum.

Williams 368. Copies: AP (incl. no. 5), DUHO (incl. proof of no. 5), WTU; microfilm; Niupepa 1842-1933 (15) (microfiche)



'The Maori canoe of Hawke’s Bay': pro-government paper published in Napier.

Te | waka Maori o Ahuriri. | [ double rule] | No. I.) Nepia, Hatarei, Hune 13, 1863. (Vol. I. | [double rule] | [. . .] [He mea tana Hemi Wuru, i te whare ta o te | Haaki Pei Herara, ki Nepia, [i.e. Napier] i te Hatarei i | nga rua wiki katoa-tena rua wiki, tena rua | wiki.]

1 folded sheet (4 p ); 338x210 mm.; blue paper with watermark 'Towgood's | Extra super' and Britannia image. Imprint from colophon p 4 Printed in two columns separated by vertical rule. Printed by James Wood CHemi Wuru') at the office of the Hawke's Bay herald (‘Haaki Pei Herara') newspaper.

136 issues: v. 1. no. 1 (13 June 1863)-v. 7. no. 7 (27 July 1871). Volume


SI 6


numbers cover varying periods (12-18 months); number of issues per volume varies (13-27); v. 1-3 have continuous issue numbering (1-78). Issues in v. 1-2 are separately paginated: v. 3-7 are continuously paginated. A few issues do not have a colophon. Most issues 4 or 6 p. Size varies between 277x185 mm. and 345x215 mm, (most issues 338x210 mm.). Printed on cream wove paper (exception: v. 1). Text in Maori. Frequency: Fortnightly (a few exceptions) v. 1-v. 5, no. 4 (23 April 1868), then irregular. Price: 10 s. per annum.

Continued by Te waka Maori o Niu Tirani (SI 8). The two publications are often collectively referred to as 'Te waka Maori’.

Title/masthead variations:

From v. 1. no. 3(11 July 1863) to end: Motto added to masthead (below title): “‘Ko te tika, ko te pono, ko te aroha.’”

Royal Arms added to masthead in issue v. 3, no. 54 (I July 1865) and (with new typeface) from v. 3, no. 56 (29 July 1865) to v. 4, no. 9: ‘Te | waka Maori [Royal Arms] o Ahuriri. | [. , .]’.

L . « Miiunn. | L . . .j . From v. 4. no. 10: Change to masthead typeface and layout: ‘Te | waka [Royal Arms] Maori | o Ahuriri. | [. . .]’.

Numbering and issue variations:

v. 1 (26 issues): no. I (13 June !863)-no. 26 (28 May 1864). All issues printed on blue laid paper as for issue no. 1.

v. 2 (27 issues): no. 27 (11 June I864)-no. 53 (10 June 1865). Issue no. 39 misnumbered ‘3B’ (corrected by hand).

v. 3 (25 issues; 1 13, [l] p.): no. 54 (I July !865)-no. 78 (10 November 1866). Issues no. 54 and 55 printed in three columns separated by vertical rule, v. 4 (21 issues; 136 p.): no. 1 (1 March 1867)-no. 21 (20 February 1868). Issues no. 13-19 have volume numbering ‘V’ (corrected by hand to ‘IV’ or ‘4’). Issues no. 18-21 dated ‘1867’ (corrected by hand to ‘1868’).

v. 5 (12 issues: 80 p.): no. 1 (5 March 1868)-no. 13 [i.e. 12] (27 May 1869): No issue no. 12 in sequence; pagination is continuous, issue no. I dated 1867; corrected by hand to 1868.

v. 6 (18 issues; 88 p.): no. I (17 July 1869)-no. 18 (26 December 1870).

v. 7 (7 issues; 42 p): no. 1 (19January 1871)-no. 7 (27 July 1871). Pages [l-6]

(i.e. issue v. 7. no. 1. 19 January 1871) have pagination [B9J-94 (as if part of v. 6).

Imprint/colophon variations:

v. 6, no. 15 (7 October 1870)-v. 7, no. 3 (16 March 1871): ‘He mea tana Hemi Wuru i te whare ta nupepa | Nepia nei.’.

v. 7, no. 4-7 (2 May-27 July 1871): 'He mea tana Tiniwiri me Moretini me etahi i te | whare ta nupepa i Nepia nei.’. Printed by Dinwiddie, Morrison S. Co. (‘Tiniwiri me Moretini me etahi’).

James Wood, proprietor of the Hawke’s Bay herald and a provincial councillor (1862-1871), was printer to the Hawke’s Bay provincial government from 1864 to 1871. In 1871 Wood sold the business to some of his employees, including Peter Dinwiddie and Thomas Morrison, who continued the business, retaining the role of printers to the provincial government.

T VI I II I I V I 11. Although printed and published in Napier, Te waka Maori o Ahuriri was




intended to be of interest to all Maori and was similar in tone to Te karere Maori or Maori messenger (SI2). The first issue explained (p. 1-2) that the paper would contain news from throughout New Zealand (including of shipping), information on Pakeha goods for sale, accounts of hui, notices of Maori births, marriages and deaths. The aim was to encourage goodwill between Maori and Pakeha by increasing mutual understanding of each other’s views, embodied in the motto added from the third issue ‘Ko te tika, ko te pono, ko te aroha’ (justice, truth and love), a saying of the first Maori King, Potatau Te Wherowhero. Official notices from the central government and details of Land Court hearings were also included, as were waiata and correspondence from Maori throughout New Zealand. For a discussion of waiata in this paper and its successor see C. Tremewan, ‘Poetry in Te waka Maori', in Rere atu. taku manut, ed. by J. Curnow, N, Hopa and J. Mcßae (Auckland. 2002), p. 1 15-133.

Sir Donald McLean, Hawke’s Bay Provincial Superintendent (1863-69) and MHR for Napier from 1866 and Minister of Native Affairs from 1869, was almost certainly involved with the paper’s editorial style and content, together with Wood, although not specifically identified. Internal evidence indicates G. S. Cooper (’te Kupa’). at the time a Hawke’s Bay district commissioner in McLean's Lands Purchase Department, as having an editorial role, eg. in correspondence in the issue of 23 January 1864 (v. l, no. 1 7), p. 2. Later issues identify James Grindell (’te Karini’) as editor, eg. in correspondence in the issue of 6 June 1867 (v. 4, no. 4). p. 6.

The addition of the Royal Arms from July 1865 probably reflected the paper’s political connections and from 1866 Te waka Maori o Ahuriri became increasingly a vehicle for central government interests. In 1871 the paper was relocated to Wellington, when its title changed to Te waka Maori o Niu Tirani (SI 8).

Williams 367. Copies: AP (incomplete), DUHO, WTU (incomplete);

microfilm: Niupepa 1842-1933 (16) (microfiche)

SI 7


'The New Zealand gazette': official government gazette for Maori. [set left:] No. 1. [set right:] 1 | [Royal Arms] |Kote | kahiti o Niu Tireni. | I taia i runga i te mana o te Kawanatanga. | [double rule] | Poneke, Turei, Akuhata 31, 1865. | [double rule] \ [preliminary note. 8 lines] \ Na Whititera,

I Minita mo nga Maori. | [rule] | [. . .] [I taia i runga i te mana ote Kawanatanga o Niu-Tireni. e Hori Tihipere, Kai-ta o te Kawanatanga. Poneke. [i.e. Wellington]]

1 sheet (2 p.); 345x215 mm. Imprint from colophon p. 2. Printed in two columns separated by vertical rule. Preliminary note signed by Native Minister Fitzgerald CWhititera’). Printed by George Didsbury, Government Printer ('Hori Tihipere, Kai-ta o te Kawanatanga’). 3,328 issues: 1865, no. 1 (31 August 1865)-1931. no. 14 (2 April 1931) in 66 volumes (1865/66-1931). Frequent supplements ('Motuhake'), usually included in volume pagination and issue numbering sequences. Issues separately numbered on an annual basis (exception 1865/66). No volume



S1 7

numbering; volumes identified by year. Number of issues per annum and number of pages per issue vary. Text printed in various styles: usually one or two columns or in tabular format. Each issue has a colophon at end of text. Text in Maori (occasionally with parallel English text). Frequency: irregular, then weekly from 1884 (occasional exceptions).

After the final formal issue of 2 April 1931, the Government Printer continued to produce separate leaflets (with individual pagination and colophons, but with no masthead or numbering) that contained similar information. The latest such leaflet at WTU contains a notice about a Native Land Court sitting at Rotorua on 12 December 1933.

Also bound as annual volumes (earliest located 1881) with printed titlepage as an additional leaf (verso blank): 'Ko te | kahiti o Niu Tireni.' | He mea ta i runga i te mana o te Kawanatanga. | [rule] \ [year], \ [rule] | Poneke. | He mana i whakahaua, i taia ai e George Didsbury, Kai-taa Perehi a te Kawanatanga. | [rule] \ [year].'. 329x209 mm,; bound in 'fc calf, black or maroon cloth boards; or (earliest located 1885) full black cloth or (earliest located 1883) Vt blue cloth, blue paper-covered boards (with paper spine label; some issues with printed covers). Title on spine: 'Kahiti | o | Niu Tireni.'. No indexes. Name of Government Printer in imprint on title-page varies, to reflect the name of the end-of-year incumbent (see Imprint/colophon variations below).

Title/masthead variations:

From 1868: Line 2 of title changes to: 'He mea ta i runga i te mana o te Kawanatanga.'.

Numbering and issue variations:

Issues and pages (excluding title-pages) listed for all years: details are run on for years where there is no additional annotation.

1865-1866: Issue numbering and pagination is continuous; 1865: no. 1-9

(27, [l] p ); 1866: no. 10-26 (29-112 p.).

1867 (15 issues, 90 p.); 1868 (22 issues. 137, [l] p.).

1869 (30 issues. 162 p.): no. 19 (13 October; 18 p.) and 25 (24 November:

1 sheet (2 p.)) paginated separately but included in issue numbering sequence; no. 27 (18 December) in parallel Maori and English.

1870 (22 issues, 98 p.): two extra unnumbered issues dated 26 July ([B] p., unpaginated) and 9 August (1 sheet (2 p.)) printed in Auckland.

1871 (24 issues, 85. [l] p.): no. 16 (4 August; 12 p.) paginated separately but included in issue numbering sequence.

1872 (18 issues, 84 p.); 1873 (20 issues, 92 p.).

1874 (16 issues, 78 p.): Page numbers 37-42 repeated (no. 11-13).

‘ w ‘ - ~ ■ - f', ■ • - ■ • - ■ 1875 (19 issues, 140 p ): issues dated 9 and 20 July both no. 10; following issue (27 July) is no. 12. Page numbers 135-136 repeated (no. 18-19).

1876 (31 issues, 190 p.): no. 5 (15 February; 1 sheet (2 p.)) and no. 6 (23 February; 1 sheet (I p.)) paginated separately but included in issue numbering sequence. Page numbers 39-40 repeated (no. 7-8); p. 51-56 (no. 9) misnumbered 41-46.

1877 (30 issues. 144 p.): extra issue no. 6a (28 February; 1 sheet ([l] p.)): no page number; not included in pagination Issues dated 15 October and 18 October both no. 25: pagination is correct.

1878 (50 issues, 222 p ).


SI 7


1879 (45 issues, 220 p.): no. 1 (6 January) dated 1878.

1880 (48 issues, 249. [l] p ): Extra issue no. 14a (17 April; 1 sheet ([l] p ), numbered p. 68a (verso blank)). WTU volume has no. 977 bound in after no. 43 (I I November), with which it may have been issued, 1881 (41 issues, 252 p.): Extra issue (7 May; 1 sheet ([l] p.)), unnumbered, unpaginated. Page numbers 177-178 apparently omitted from sequence (issue numbers are complete).

(laauc iiuiiiUGib aic wmpiciv;. 1882 (40 issues, 273, [l] p ): Issue numbering omitted from no. II (30 March).

1883 (44 issues, 203, [l] p ); 1884 (66 issues, 417, [l] p.); 1885 (59 issues, 312 p.)

1886 (58 issues, 284 p.): no. 54-55: page numbers 255-260 repeated.

1887 (58 issues, 377, [l] p); 1888 (45 issues, 229, [l] p.); 1889 (56 issues.

243. [l] p.); 1890 (60 issues, 303, [l] p.); 1891 (58 issues, 338 p): 1892 (56 issues, 450 p ); 1893 (58 issues. 532 p ); 1894 (55 issues, 575, [l] p );

1895 (54 issues. 479, [l] p.).

1896 (56 issues, 495, [l] p ): Page numbers 215-216 repeated (no. 25-26)

1897 (57 issues, 466 p.); 1898 (54 issues, 483. [l] p.); 1899 (56 issues, 444 p.); 1900 (54 issues, 386 p.); 1901 (84 issues. 490 p.): 1902 (88 issues. 580 p.):

1903 (61 issues, 668 p ); 1904 (57 issues, 478 p ); 1905 (58 issues. 541, [l] p);

1906 (80 issues, 592 p.); 1907 (54 issues. 657, [l] p.); 1908 (57 issues, 700 P)

1909 (92 issues, 752 p ); no. I (14 January) is dated 1908.

1910 (60 issues, 816 p.); Wide black border (death of King Edward VII) on p. 247, 251,264-267, 270.

1911 (58 issues, 910 p ); 1912 (84 issues. 955, [l] p.); 1913 (57 issues, 799, [l] p.); 1914 (61 issues, 888 p ); 1915 (58 issues, 854 p ); 1916 (54 issues. 857, [l] p ).

From 1916, no. 48 (9 November): Contents list (in English) at end of each issue.

1917 (55 issues, 789, [l] p.); 1918 (68 issues, 824 p.); 1919 (54 issues. 897, [l] p ).

From 1919: Royal Arms added to title-page (bound volume).

1920 (54 issues, 826 o ): 1921 (53 issues. 706 p.): 1922 (51 issues, 656 p ):

1 ISSUCS, l7il (JJ issues, /UU 1 V.J * issues, UJO 1923 (52 issues, 570 p.); 1924 (51 issues, 558 p ); 1925 (53 issues, 570 p );

1926 (52 issues, 638 p ); 1927 (51 issues, 633, [l] p ); 1928 (53 issues. 654 p.);

• -w- —. - ■ w■ i • j r '• ■ • r '• 1929 (52 issues, 675, [l] p ): 1930 (51 issues, 633, [l] p ).

1931 (14 issues, 174 p ): Final issue is no. 14 (2 April).

Imprint/colophon variations:

1870, no. 3 (3 March): 'Hori Tihipere' in colophon changes to 'George Didsbury’.

1872, no. 7 (23 May)-1875; 'Tireni' in colophon changes to Tirani'.

1874, no. 10 (31 August)-1875. no. 3 (22 February): Colophon in English;

'Printed under the authority of the New Zealand Government, by George Didsbury, Government Printer. Wellington.'

From 1876: Tirani’ in colophon changes to 'Tireni'.

1893: no. 17 (27 April)-no. 30 (29 June): Colophon changes to '1 tala i runga i te mana o te Kawanatanga o Niu Tireni, e Samuel Costall, Kai-whaKahaere I te mahi a te Kai-ta o te | Kawanatanga. Poneke'

1893, no. 31 (6 July)-1896, no. 22 (14 May): Colophon changes to: I tala i




runga i te mana o te Kawanatanga o Niu Tireni. e Hamuera Kohitare Kai-ta a te Kawanatanga, Poneke.’. Printed by Samuel Costall, Government Printer ('Hamuera Kohitare Kai-ta a te Kawanatanga’).

1896: name of Government Printer in colophon changes to 'Hemi Paana' (James Burns, the Superintending Overseer, acting Government Printer) in no. 23-27 (21 May-1 1 June); and from no. 28 (18 June) to 'Hone Make’ (John Mackay).

1899, no. 3 (19 January): 'Hone Make’ in colophon changes to 'Hoani Makae’, 1916, no. 22 (18 May): Name of Government Printer in colophon changes to 'Makaha Maaka’ (Marcus F. Marks). Imprint on title-page (bound volume) changes to: 'Poneke: | I taia i runga i te mana o te Kawanatanga o Niu Tireni, e Makaha Maaka, | Kai-ta a te Kawanatanga. | [rule] | [year].'.

From 1922, no. 21 (1 June): Name of Government Printer in colophon changes to 'W. A. Hoori Kiina' (W. A. G. Skinner); from no. 22 spelt 'W. A. Hori Kina’. Imprint on title-page (bound volume) changes to: 'Poneke: | He mana i whakahaua i tala ai e W. A. Hori Kina, Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga. | [rule] | [year].’.

Ko te kahiti o Niu Tireni (usually referred to as Kahiti). an initiative of Native Minister J. E. Fitzgerald, was the central government gazette for disseminating official information relating to Maori, especially land matters. Initially it contained public notices, appointments, proclamations, explanations of statutes and regulations, and the Governor’s speech from the throne at the openings of Parliament. It increasingly contained Native Land Court notices of hearings, many of which were reprinted separately as leaflets (Williams 589 (S)), sometimes with the parallel text from the English-language Gazette. From 1901-1909 administrative arrangements for Maori Councils comprised a significant part of the content (with parallel English text). Advertisements for publications in Maori produced by the Government Printer were included. From the 1920s the proportion of parallel text in English increases.

The final expenditure (£ll2 18s sd) recorded on Kahiti in annual reports of the Government Printing Office is for the year ended March 1932 ( AJHR. 1932-33, H-36, p 4), much less than in previous years (maximum about £ 1.900). No commentary on why publication ceased has been traced in NZPD or AJHR. and there is no reference to the production of this substantial publication (a total of 31,000 pages) in W. A. Glue, History of the Government Printing Office (Wellington, 1966).

Williams 407. Copies: AP (incomplete). AR (incomplete), AU (incomplete), WGA (incomplete). WTU (incomplete).


'The Maori canoe of New Zealand': government paper published in Wellington.

[Royal Arms] | Te waka Maori | o Niu Tirani. | [wavy rule] | "Ko te tika, ko te pono, ko te aroha." | [double rule] \ Vol. I .[i.e. 8]) Po Neke, Turei,

Oketopa 24, 1871. (No. 1. | [ double rule] )[...] [He mea tana Tamati Mekenehi i tona Whare | Perehi i Po Neke,[i.e. Wellington]]




10 p : 315x205 mm Imprint from colophon p 10. Printed in two columns separated by vertical rule. Printed by Thomas McKenzie ('Tamati Mekenehi’).

131 issues: v. 8, no. 1 (24 October 1871)-v. 13, no. 13 (17 July 1877). 2 supplements in v. 13 (1877), Issue v. 13, no. 13(18 September 1877) was printed but not published (see annotation). Annual volume numbers (exception: v. 8). Continuous pagination for each volume. Most issues between 4 and 14 p. Small illustrations in v. 13, no. 10-11. Text in Maori to v. 9, no. 14 (17 September 1873), then parallel Maori and English (occasional exceptions). Frequency: fortnightly (occasional exceptions). Price: 10s. per annum.

ai it iui 11. Also issued as bound volumes with title-page: 'Te waka Maori, | [year], \ Irule ] | Edited by James Grindell, of the Native Department. | [rule] \ [Royal Arms] | Wellington: | By authority: George Didsbury, Government Printer. | [rule] | [year].'. Title pages have been seen for the 1873 volume (v. 9; imprint date 1873), 1874 (v. 10; imprint date 1874) and 1876-77 (v. 12-13; imprint date 1877). Bound in '/a calf, black cloth boards, with spine title: 'Te | waka 1 Maori'.

Continues Te waka Maori o Ahuriri (Sl6). including its volume numbering. Continued by Te waka Maori o Niu Tirani (1878-1879; S2l) published in Gisborne.

Title/masthead variations:

From v. 8. no. 2 (2 December 1871): Different typeface in masthead and text; wavy rule in masthead replaced by a swelled rule.

Supplement to v. 13, no. 1 (9 January 1877) has title; '[Royal Arms] \

Supplement to The waka Maori. | [. . .]'.

Supplement (map) to v. 13, no. 10 (5 June 1877) has title: He mea apiti ki Te

waka Maori.', Title of map is: 'Map of the | seat of war | Mapi o te | takiwa o te whawhai'.

Numbering and issue variations:

v. 8 (1871 /1872: 24 issues. 162 p ): no. 1 (24 October 1871): volume number T corrected by hand to 'B'. Issues no. 2-24 are 'Vol. B.)'.

v. 9 (1873: 20 issues, 190 p ): From no. 15 (15 October) text changes to parallel Maori and English.

v. 10 (1874; 26 issues, 326 p.).

.. - ' ■ ~ ■ ~ ~ t'-' v. 1 1 (1875: 25 issues, 322 p ): no. 19-22 (5 October-16 November) have incorrect volume numbering Cl2’); no. 23 (30 November) has incorrect volume numbering (‘l3’).

V UIUI I IV- I lUI I lUGI II Ig V 1 -J / ■ v. 12 (1876; 23 issues, 300 p): no. 22 (7 November, p. 270) announced it was the final issue, but no. 23 (19 December, p 294) advised that publication would continue.

v. 13 (1877; 13 issues, 196 p.): Supplement to no. I (9 January: 1 sheet ([l] p.): announcement of McLean's death) not included in pagination. Supplement to no. 10 (5 June; I sheet ([ I]p ); map of Russo-Turkish war, drawn by A. Koch) not included in pagination. Issue no. 13 (p. [l7s]-196) was not published (see annotation).

Imprint/Colophon variations:

v. 8. no. 2 (2 December I871)-v. 9, no. 15 (15 October 1873): Colophon changes to: 'I taia i runga i te mana o te Kawanatanga o Niu Tireni, e George




Didsbury. Kai-ta o te | Kawanatanga, Poneke.'. From v. 9, no. 2 (22 January 1873) 'Tireni' changes to 'Tirani'.

From v. 9, no. 16 (29 October 1873): Colophon changes to: 'Printed under the authority of the New Zealand Government, by George Didsbury, Government Printer, Wellington.'.

The first issue was printed by Thomas McKenzie, printer to the Wellington provincial government: all subsequent issues were printed by the Government Printer

Te waka Maori o Mu Tirani was an official central government newspaper published in Wellington and edited by James Grindell of the Native Department. The content is similar to its Napier predecessor Te waka Maori o Ahuriri (SI6), with a mixture of official information such as extracts from inspectors’ reports on native schools, summaries of legislation, reports of court cases, parliamentary debates and meetings. General content included the discovery of America, reports on the Russo-Turkish war, obituaries, correspondence (some not translated into English, e.g. 1875, p. 307-308), waiata, and an editorial section in each issue that listed new subscribers and commented on queries and contributions considered unsuitable for publication. For discussion of the paper's ideology on political representation see L. Waymouth 'Parliamentary representation for Maori', in Rere atu. taku manu!, ed. by J. Curnow. N. Hopa and J. Mcßae (Auckland, 2002), p. 153-1 73. In the same work see also C. Tremewan, ‘Poetry in Te waka Maori', p. 115133, for comments on waiata in the paper.

Concerns that Te waka Maori was being used for party political purposes culminated in a House of Representatives decision in 1876 to cut its funding. The issue of 7 November 1876 announced it was the final one, but statements of personal guarantee, including by politicians, enabled it to continue into 1877. Te Wananga (13 January 1877, p. 14) made sceptical remarks about the nature of its support. The last issue published was that of 17 July 1877, One further number was printed but was ordered not to be issued by the Native Minister. Pollen (NZPD. 1877, v. 26, p. 7). One copy is known of this issue, dated 18 September 1877 (v. 13, no. 13; WTU).

Libel cases brought by MLC Henry Russell, who funded the opposing paper Te Wananga (SI 9), and MHR John Sheehan raised additional questions about funding of the newspaper and government liability for the legal cases and costs. This resulted in a motion of no confidence in the government and the lengthy debate provides further background on the role of Te waka Maori, the Kahili and other Maori-language papers ( NZPD. 1877, v. 26, p. 1-39, 4783. 90-98, 103-118); see also P. G. Parkinson 'Strangers in the House', Victoria University of Wellington law review, v. 32, no. 3 (August 2001), Sup. p. 25-27. Papers relating to Russell's libel case on file MA 24/3 at Archives New Zealand include evidence that documents Maori literacy.

The publication was revived by James Grindell in Gisborne as a private venture in 1878/79 (S2l).

Williams 463. Copies: AP (incomplete), AR, CP (incomplete), DUHO (incomplete). WGA, WTU (incl, v. 13, no. 13); microfilm; Niupepa 1842-1933 (17) (microfiche)



TE WANANGA (1874-1878)


Te WANANGA (1874-1878)

ic vv vio/^t-io/o; 'The forum’: a Repudiation newspaper from Napier.

Te Wananga. | [ornamental rule] | He panuitanga tena kia kite koutou. | "Tihe Mauri-ora." | [double rule] | Nama, I, Pakowhai, Wenerei, Akuhata, 5, 1874. Pukapuka, 1. | [ double rule] )[...] [Nepia, Baku Pei, Niu Tireni. | He mea ta e Henare Hira, a he mea panui e | Henare Tomoana, e te tangata nana tenei niupepa, I te | Whare ta, o “Te Wananga" i Pakowhai, Nepia. [i.e. Napier]]

1 folded sheet (3, [l] p ); 272x215 mm. Imprint from colophon p. 3. Printed in two columns, separated by vertical rule. Text in Maori. Date of issue repeated below colophon p, 3. Ornamental rule in masthead comprises two rules with 'SOS’ in centre. Printed by Henry Hill ('Henare Hira') and published by Henare Tomoana.

179 issues: v. 1, no. 1 (5 August 1874)-v. 5. no. 51 (21 December 1878) 4 supplements. Annual volume numbering: number of issues per volume varies; continuous pagination for each volume. Issues vary between 4 and 16 p. (most issues 12 or 16 p.). Supplements not numbered and not included in pagination. Paper quality and type varies. Text in Maori to no. 4; from no. 5 in parallel Maori and English; from about June 1877 the proportion of Maori text increased. Advertisements included from July 1875. Frequency; fortnightly to July 1875, then weekly (with some exceptions). Price: 3d. per copy (first four issues) then sd. per copy to July 1875, then 6d. per copy (£1 per annum; £1 2s. 6d. posted).

See no. 830 for the unnumbered specimen issue (or proof copy) of the first issue and no. 848, 877 for promotional circulars. On the day of the final issue (21 December 1878) a supplement in a different format (see no. 920) announced a temporary suspension, but the paper never resumed.

English-language abstracts of most issues are held at AU (MSS and Archives 2003/2) and WTU (2003-119).

Title/masthead variations:

v. 1, no. 2-4 (19 August-25 September 1874): Price 'Utu e 3d.' included in masthead after volume number.

v. 1, no. 3 (4 September 1874)-v. 2. no. 12 (28 June 1875); wavy rule added between second and third lines of masthead.

v. 2, no. 13: Masthead typeface changes; ornamental and wavy rules replaced by swelled rules

From v. 2. no. 14: Masthead typeface changes; swelled rules replaced by double rules.

v. 3, no. [l]-40 (8 January-1 1 November 1876): English masthead (internal) changes from 'Te Wananga' to 'The Te Wananga'.

From v. 3, no. 41/42 (18 November 1876): English masthead (internal) changes to 'Te Wananga'.

v. 4 (1877): Special issue dated Monday, 12 February 1876 [i.e. 1877] (1 sheet. [l] p.) has title: Te “Wananga" extraordinary,'. Supplement, 30 June, has title: 'He pukapuka apiti ki 1 Te Wananga.'.

Numbering and issue variations:

I 1 Ul I I L/V L 1 1 UlIV* IJJUV ‘ Ul lUI I V/l IJ, Supplements issued in 1875 (one), 1877 (two) and 1878 (one); for details see below.



TE WANANGA (1874-1878)

v. I (1874; 10 issues. 61 p): From v. 1. no. 5 (10 October 1874) text in parallel Maori and English. Blank pages not included in page numbering, v. 2 (1875; 34 issues, 458 [i.e. 462] p.): No. 34 (24 December) misnumbered as no. 35. Page numbers 93-94 (no. 10 and 1 1) and 411-412 (no. 31 and 32) repeated. From no. 14 (7 August): frequency changes to weekly, with English and Maori texts printed sequentially. From no. 13 advertisements (mainly in Maori) added.

See no. 846 for the unnumbered and separately paginated supplement reporting Napier Supreme Court proceedings held in June.

v. 3 (1876; 45 issues, 496 p.): Issue no. I (8 January) misnumbered as no. 36 and pages numbered [459J-474 (i.e. continuing numbering from previous volume), but treated as no. 1. p. [l]-16 for subsequent issue. Issues numbered [l]-52. Combined issues for 29 July (no. 24/25), 12 August (no. 26/27), 18 November (no. 41/42), 25 November (no. 43/44), 2 December (no. 45/46; misnumbered 44/45). 9 December (no. 47/48), 16 December (no. 49/50). v 4 (1877; 40 issues, 512 p): Issues no. 12 (24 March)-16 (21 April) misnumbered as v. 5. issues numbered 1-51/52. Combined issues for 27 January (no. 3/4), 24 February (no. 7/8), 17 March (no. 10/11), 14 April (no. 14/15), 19 May (no. 19/20), 28 July (no. 29/30), 11 August (no. 31/32), 25 August (no. 33/34), 15 September (no. 36/37), 20 October (no. 41/42), 17 November (n0.45/46), 15 December (no. 49/50), 29 December (no. 51 /52).

Unnumbered supplement dated ‘Monday, February 12, 1876’ [i.e. 1877] relating to Frederick Sutton (1 sheet ([l] p.) is not included in volume numbering or pagination); text in English only. Unnumbered supplement dated 30 June (p. ]269]-276) is text of Native Land Court Bill 1877, in Maori only (see also no. 901).

v. 5 (1878; 50 issues, 644 [i.e. 616] p.). Page numbers 221-248 omitted from pagination sequence. Issues numbered 1-51. Combined issue for 16 March (no. 10/11).

See no. 920 for an unnumbered unpaginated broadsheet supplement to the final issue, dated 21 December 1878.

Imprint/colophon variations:

v. I. no. 5 (10 October 1874): English colophon added (p 21): 'Napier, Hawkes Bar, [i.e. Bay] New Zealand. | Printed by Henry Hill, and published by Henry | Tomoana the proprietor of this newspaper at the | Office of the Wananga at Pakowhai, Napier.'.

vvaiiaiiga at rcmvjwiicu, napici . . v. 2, no. 14 (7 August 1875): 'Pakowhai' removed from colophon (p. 136), i.e. it ends ‘i Nepia' (Maori) and 'Napier' (English).

.-V-, .V v,. Ul .V. • v. 4, supplementary issue 30 June 1877 has colophon p. 276: 'Printed for the proprietors of Te Wananga, by R, Coupland Harding. 'Times' Printing Office. Hastings-street, Napier. | He mea taa e te Haringi, Hehingi [sic] Tiriti, Nepia.'.

Te Wananga was established by Napier Maori but for most of its life was financed by runholder and politician H. R. Russell and edited by John White, at the time Russell's agent and interpreter, it developed out of the Hawke’s Bay Repudiation movement but aimed to reach all tribes and to agitate for reform in laws relating to Maori, including parliamentary representation. For further background see K. Sinclair, Kinds of peace (Auckland. 1991), p. 118-120, and references in Here atu. taku mam!, ed. by J. Curnow, N. Hopa and




J. Mcßae (Auckland, 2002), especially in L. Waymouth, 'Parliamentary representation for Maori’, p. 153-173.

i v-pi ituuuii iyj i i ’iuui i , p. i—' i » _/ . It is an important source of Maori letters concerning land grievances in Hawke's Bay and elsewhere and of government dealings with Maori generally. In general it was a bitter opponent of the government-sponsored Te waka Maori o Niu Tirani (SI 8). It includes material copied and translated from other newspapers, reports on legislation and parliamentary matters and also advertisements. Early issues also provide details of the business; that for 10 October 1874 (v. I, no. 5, p. 21) includes details of a Committee chaired by Noa Te Hianga to manage the press, and (p. 20) a Committee at Thames (chaired by Wiremu Hikairo) to promote the paper.

Its founder Karaitiana Takamoana referred to the practical origins of Te Wananga in the parliamentary debate over funding for Te waka Maori o Niu Tirani on 28 September 1877: 'While the Waka Maori was in existence in Napier no notices were forwarded to the natives as to the impounding of their stock. It only published what was supplied by the government. The natives therefore went to Mr. Henry Russell with the view of establishing a newspaper for themselves. They subsidised the Hawkes Bay times for a while, but afterwards I went to Auckland and found a person who was conducting the Bishop's press [Henry Hill]. I invited him to come down to Napier, and he agreed to do so. It was then that Mr Henry Russell and Henare Tomoana started a newspaper. They brought him down and they also brought the Bishop's press down and the newspaper was started and called the Wananga' (NZPD. 1877, v. 26, p. 54).

~ r “ ■' The press was therefore the Columbian imported by the CMS in 1 842 which later passed to R. C. Harding and. still in working order, is now in the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa. For further background on the history of the press (apart from the Te Wananga connection) see M. Fitzgerald, 'A press from Paihia in the National Museum?'. Turnbull Library record, n.s. v. 7, no. 1 (May 1974), p. 28-32.

Williams 504. Copies: AP. WTU; microfilm: Niupepa 1842-1933 (22) (microfiche)


NEW ZEALAND. Parliament. House of Representatives. Native Affairs Committee (1876-1962)

Annual reports on petitions to Parliament by Maori, and other matters. 1.-4. | 1876. | New Zealand. | [rule] | Reports of Native Affairs Committee. | [rule] | Presented to the House of Representatives, Session 1876, and ordered to be printed. ([...] [By authority: George Didsbury, Government Printer, Wellington.-1876.]

ii, 31, [l] p.; 329x205 mm. Caption title. Imprint from colophon p. 31. Page [32] blank. At end of text: 'Price: Is. 3d.)'

89 issues: AJHR. 1876-1962. Shoulder number varies: 1876:1-4; 1877-1878: 1-3: 1879 (Session 1): 1-5; 1879 (Session 21-1887: 1-2; 1888-1962: 1-3. Size varies: approx. 325x210 mm. to 1945; 240x155 mm. from 1946 Number of pages per issue varies. Text in English and Maori. Frequency: annual (exception: two reports in 1887, Sessions 1 and 2). Price: varies. Approx.


52 1


1300 copies per annum were printed in the period to about 1915 but this reduced to approx. 350 copies by the 19405.

Reports 1872-1875 and from 1963 were in English only.

The Native Affairs Committee met first in 1871 under the Chairmanship of John Bryce to consider ‘all petitions, reports, returns, and other documents relating to affairs specially affecting the native race . . brought before this House' JHR. 1871, p. xxxix). Petitions from Maori, mainly about land, had previously been sent to the Public Petitions Committee but the new committee became an important part of constitutional machinery, helping to prevent Maori from becoming totally disillusioned by the parliamentary system. At times the committee had up to 200 petitions waiting to be considered but by 1950 there were fewer than 20. The reports contain summaries, usually very brief, of the subject of each petition and the committee's decision, as well as its decisions on draft legislation and other matters referred to it. Each report includes an index of petitioners' names and usually a summary of the number of meetings held and other administrative details. The committee also produced separate reports on specific matters, eg. petitions and evidence relating to the proposed Native Lands Settlement and Administration Bill (see no. 1532). For further background see A. Ward, A show of justice (Auckland, 1973), p. 271.

In 1945 the name of the committee changed to Maori Affairs Committee, under which it still operates.

ui lUVI iv UUII U^VIUIUJ. Williams 521 (1876). 538 (1877), 552 (1878), 565 (1879, Session 1). 566 (1879, Session 2) 593 (1880), 615 (1881), 641 (1882), 663 (1883), 686 (1884), 708 (1885), 721 (1886). 742-743 (1887), 760 (1888), 773 (1889), 790 (1890), 809 (1891), 836 (1892), 869 (1893). 884 (1894), 903 (1895), 925 (1896), 945 (1897), 973 (1898), 989 (1899), 1008 (1900), Sommerville 1011 (1901 -). Copies: WTU (in bound vols, AJHR)



'The Maori canoe of New Zealand': paper published in Gisborne then Napier. Te waka Maori | o Niu Tirani. | [swelled rule] | “Ko te tika, ko te pono, ko te aroha." | [double rule] | Vol. I.) Turanga, Wenerei, Akuhata 21,1878. (No. 1. | [. . ,] [Printed and published for the Gisborne Maori Newspaper Company (Limited) by James Grindell, at the Waka Maori Office, | Gisborne, Poverty Bay, New Zealand.]

16 p.; 342x218 mm. Imprint from colophon p. 16. Printed in two columns separated by vertical rule. Parallel Maori and English texts. Advertisements in Maori and English in three columns p. 12-16.

42 issues (552 p); v 1, no. 1 (21 August IB7BJ-V. I. no. 42 (25 October 1879). 11 supplements. Continuous issue numbering and pagination. Issues vary between 8 and 16 p. (most are 12 p.). Supplements vary between I and 4 p. (most are 2 p.) and are included in the pagination (exception: supplement to no. 31: 1 sheet ([l] p.)). Several pages of advertisements per issue. Text in parallel Maori and English. Frequency: fortnightly to no. 6 (30 October 1878) then weekly (a few exceptions). Price; 13s. per annum




(no. 1-4), £1 per annum (from no. 5). 1 150 copies printed of issue no. 2 (see no. 3, 18 September 1878, p, 43), some for gratis distribution.

Continues Te waka Maori o Niu Tirani (1871-1877; S18) published in Wellington.

Title/masthead variations:

Internal masthead title: ‘Te waka Maori’; running title: ‘Te waka Maori o Niu Tirani.’.

Subtitle: word spacing varies: most issues as: "Ko te tika, ko te pono, ko te aroha”.

Supplements have title: ‘Supplement to the “Waka Maori.”’.

From no. 5 (16 October 1878): Title and masthead design change to: ‘Te | waka Maori.’ set within an illustration (war canoe, tree ferns, cabbage trees and volcanic landscape (Tongariro)) incorporating a banner caption ‘Hoea te waka. ha!’. The same issue (p. 70-71) refers to the significance of the masthead, which was prepared in Sydney (issue no. 1. p. [l]).

From no. 32 (5 July 1879): Place of publication in masthead changes to ‘Nepia’ [ i.e. Napier],

Numbering and issue variations:

The following issues seen have supplements: no. 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11. 12, 14. 15 (two sheets: one of text (verso blank; undated, possibly cropped), one a calendar for 1879 printed in red and black), 19, 31.

From no. 20 (8 February 1879): final leaf of advertisements in each issue is unnumbered (but included in page numbering sequence).

No. 31 (24 May 1879): Supplement (I sheet, [l] p.) unnumbered; not included in page numbering sequence.

No. 32 (5 July 1879): Page [442] blank. The only complete copy located of this issue (the first printed in Napier) is in a private collection. DUHO has the outer folded sheet (p. [429]-430 and [443-444]) comprising masthead and advertisements. WTU has the inner pages of text in a cut down and incomplete form, presumably a proof (p. 431-441; p. [442] blank).

Imprint/colophon variations:

Supplements have a colophon at end of text (a few exceptions).

From no. 2 (4 September 1878): Day and date added at end of colophon. No. 2(4 September 1878): Most of the 1 150 copies were printed at the office of the Poverty Bay herald newspaper; see issue no. 3 (18 September) p 43 No. 17 (18 January 1879): Printer’s change of premises in Gisborne noted (p. 243).

From no. 32 (5 July 1879): Colophon changes to: ‘Printed and published for the Gisborne Maori Newspaper Company (Limited) by James Grindell, at the Waka Maori Office, Napier, New Zealand, [date]'

Te waka Maori o Niu Tirani was an independent revival of the former central government paper with the same title (1871-1877; SI8) and the same editor, James Grindell, The second issue (4 September 1878, p. 21 -22) stated that the paper would be 'essentially a Maori vessel, navigated, and owned to some extent, by Maories themselves, and altogether independent of Government influence' and would provide ‘natives a means of expressing their views . land] promoting and encouraging an interchange of sentiments between the two races'. Grindell's licence as an official interpreter was revoked by Native



NEW ZEALAND (1879-1910)

Minister Sheehan when the first issue appeared and throughout its life the paper was highly critical of the government and Sheehan in particular. The final issue (no. 42. 25 October 1879, p. [s4l]-542) identified that its closure resulted from a lack of Maori subscribers.

The paper contains extensive reports of parliamentary proceedings, political commentary, summaries of legislation, together with general information, short notices, obituaries and advertising. Initially there was relatively little Maori input and the style reflected a strongly polemical editorial tone. More Maori material appeared in 1879 after the demise of Te Wananga. but only correspondence considered to 'bear upon political questions of importance, or be otherwise interesting to the European public' was translated into English (26 April 1879, p. 414).

Williams 554. Copies: DUHO (incomplete). WTU (incomplete); Private Coll, (no. 32); microfilm; Niupepa 1842-1933 (18) (microfiche)


NEW ZEALAND (1879-1910)

Annual collections of legislation in Maori, some including Bills not passed.

[Collected legislation in Maori, 1879. Wellington: Printed by the Government Printer, 1879]

[44] p, in various pagings; 335x210 mm.: 'At purple cloth; blue paper-covered boards (blank). Title and imprint supplied.

A bound-up collection without a title-page of 12 separate items of 1879 legislation in Maori (1 Act, 11 Bills not passed) as issued, with individual pagination and colophons. For descriptions of the individual pieces of legislation (debated during 1879) see no. 936 and 939-949.

30? volumes; 1879-1910. Contents retain original pagination in most volumes. Title-pages and Contents lists added from 1881; title varies. Size varies. Text in Maori or (most years) Maori and English. Frequency: annual, with some exceptions; for details see list below (arranged by session year).

1880: No title-oage or Contents.

[sB] p. in various pagings: 337x208 mm.; 'At purple cloth; blue papercovered boards (blank). Contains 16 items of 1880 legislation (2 Acts, 14 Bills not passed) in Maori, retaining the original pagination and colophons. For descriptions of the individual items see no. 973, 978-991, 993.

1881: Nga Ture o Niu Tireni; 1 I pahitia 1 roto 1 te tau wha te kau ma rima o te kuinitanga o | Kuini Wikitoria, | mete | nohoanga tuatorutanga o te Paremete tuawhitu o | Niu Tireni, | i noho ki Poneke i timata i te rua te Kau ma waru o nga ra o Mei, 1881. | [Royal Arms] |Ta Aata Hamutana Kotene, | Kawana. | [rule] | Poneke. [i.e. Wellington] | [rule] | 1881. [Printed by the Government Printer]

[2] leaves, [2l4] p. in various pagings; 280x207 mm.; 'h calf, purple cloth boards. Title on spine: ‘Nga Ture | 1881'. Prelim, leaves: title-page and Contents ('lngoa o nga Ture me nga Fire', in Maori) (versos blank). Contains 15 items of 1881 legislation (8 Acts, 7 Bills not passed) in both Maori and English, retaining the original pagination and colophons. For descriptions of the individual items see no. 1001-1008, 1011, 1014-1019. Sommerville 612 a, Bagnall 4115.





SESSION 188 8.










WELLINGTON: Bt AoTHonmr: Geoboe Didsbubt, OovBB»«yr Pristeb.— lBBB.

* Native Land Acts (in English and Maori), passed by the General Assembly.

Session 1888 (BiM 522, 1888)

One of the annual cumulations of the separately printed

ll_ W 1 INI. 11l II IU(II VLiI I I 11111 l IKJI I J I 111 L. |JI ll IILU Acts of the New Zealand Parliament. 1879-1910

Alexander Turnbull Library; Printed collections


NEW ZEALAND (1879-1910)

1882: Ingoa | o nga Ture me nga Pire, | Tau 1882. | Nga Pire. | Kaore enei i pahitia. | [Royal Arms] | Wellington: | I taia i runga i te mana o te Kawanatanga o Niu Tireni e George Didsbury, Kai-ta o te Kawanatanga. | [rule] I 1882.

I' “"-J I 1006, [l] leaf. [l34] p. in various pagings; 225x202 mm.; 'A purple cloth; blue paper-covered boards. Title from front cover. Prelim, leaf: Contents (in English and Maori) (verso blank). Contains 21 separate items of 1882 legislation (14 Acts, 7 Bills not passed) in both Maori and English, retaining the original pagination and colophons. For descriptions of the individual items see no. 1037-1051, 1054-1060. Sommerville 632 a.

“1883-“1885: No copies located: possibly not published. For descriptions of separate items of legislation in Maori from this period see no. 1076-1088, 1090-** 1091, 1104-1111, **l 1 13-** l 11 7, 1135-1141, 1143.

1886: [Royal Arms] | Ture Whenua Maori, | 1886. | [double rule] | Page. | [list of contents and page numbers. 4 lines] | [double rule] [no imprint. Wellington: Printed by the Government Printer, 1886?]

39, [l] p.; 239x152 mm.; blue paper covers. Title from front cover. Colophon p. 39: T taia i runga i te mana o te Kawanatanga e George Didsbury. kai-ta o te Kawanatanga, | Poneke.-1886.’, Page [4o] blank. Contains 4 Acts passed in 1886, in Maori. The original setting is rearranged for a smaller page size with continuous pagination, but retaining the original colophons. For descriptions of the individual items see no. 1156-1 159. The 1890 annual report of the Government Printer ( AJHR , 1891, H-8) records that 819 copies of 'Maori Acts, 1886' were destroyed in the Printing Office fire in October 1890. Williams 718.

1887: No volume appears to have been published (not referred to in subsequent Government Printer advertisements). Two 1887 Acts were printed separately in Maori, see no. I 184-1185.

1888: Native Land Acts | (in English and Maori), | passed by the General Assembly, | Session 1888. | [double rule] \ Contents. | [8 lines] \ [Royal Arms] | Wellington: | By authority: George Didsbury, Government Printer.-1888.

64 p.; 255X180mm.; blue paper covers. Page [2] blank. Title repeated on front cover. Contains 8 Acts passed in 1888, in both English and Maori. The original setting is rearranged for a smaller page size with continuous pagination, but retaining the original colophons. For descriptions of the individual items see no. 1209-1216. Williams 759 a, Bagnall 4102.

1889: Acts affecting native lands. | etc., | (in English and Maori.) | passed by the General Assembly, | Session 1889. | [double rule] | Contents. | [l2 lines listing 10 Acts] | [Royal Arms] | Wellington: | By authority: George Didsbury, Government Printer.-1889.

74 p.; 263 x 1 83 mm. Page [2] blank. Colophon p. 74: 'He mea whakahau, I tala ai e George Didsbury, Kai-ta Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Poneke. [i.e. Wellington]-1889.'. Probably issued with blue paper covers. Contains 10 Acts passed in 1889, in both English and Maori, with continuous pagination but retaining the individual colophons. No separate issues of the Acts in Maori have been located. However, from comparison with other years (e.g, 1888), they are presumed to have been published



1 NEW ZEALAND (1879-1910)

separately as well as in this compilation; for descriptions see no. **1254**1263.

1890-[ 1891]: Acts affecting native lands, | etc., | (in English and Maori), | passed by the General Assembly, | Session 1890. | [double rule] | Contents. | [5 lines] | [Royal Arms] | Wellington: | By authority: George Didsbury, Government Printer -1890. [i.e. 1891]

[l] leaf, [66] p. in various pagings; 270x208 mm. Prelim, leaf: title-page (verso blank). Probably issued with blue paper covers. Contains 5 Acts passed in 1890 and 1 Act passed in 1891 (not listed in the Contents), in both English and Maori, retaining the original pagination and colophons. The title-page and imprint date suggest that an 1890 volume may have been issued alone, but Government Printer advertisements in the Kahiti refer only to the joint volume. For descriptions of the individual items see no. 1278-1282, 1304. Williams 789,

1892: Acts affecting native lands, | etc., | (in English and Maori), | passed by the General Assembly. | Session 1892. | [double rule] | Contents. | [/5 lines] | [Royal Arms] | Wellington: | By authority: George Didsbury, Government Printer. | 1892.

[l] leaf, [lsB] p. in various pagings; 270x208 mm.; blue paper covers. Prelim, leaf: title-page (verso blank). Title repeated on front cover. Contains 15 Acts passed in 1892, in both English and Maori, retaining the original pagination and colophons. For descriptions of the individual items see no. 1322-1335, 1337. Williams 834.

1893: Acts affecting native race | (in English and Maori), | passed by the General Assembly, | Session 1893. | [double rule] | Contents. | [l4 lines] | [Royal Arms] | Wellington: | By authority: Samuel Costall. Government Printer. [ Price, 2s. 1893.

[l] leaf, [l3B] p. in various pagings: 270x208 mm.; blue paper covers. Prelim, leaf: title-page (verso blank). Title repeated on front cover. ' Contains 14 Acts passed in 1893, in both English and Maori, retaining the original pagination and colophons. For descriptions of the individual items see no. 1362-1375. Williams 868.

1894: Acts affecting native race | (in English and Maori), | passed by the General Assembly, | Session 1894. | [double rule] \ Contents. | [// lines] \ [Royal Arms] | Wellington: | By authority: Samuel Costall, Government Printer. | Price 25.) 1894.

[l] leaf, [l6o] p. in various pagings; 270x208 mm.; blue paper covers. Prelim, leaf: title-page (verso blank). Title repeated on front cover. Contains 1 I Acts passed in 1894, in both English and Maori, retaining the original pagination and colophons. For descriptions of the individual items see no. 1404-1414.

1895: Acts affecting natives | (in English and Maori), | passed by the General Assembly, | Session 1895. | [double rule] | Contents. | [// lines] | [Royal Arms] | Wellington | By authority: Samuel Costall, Government Printer.-1895.

[l] leaf, [l34] p. in various pagings; 270x208 mm. Prelim, leaf: title-page (verso blank). Probably issued with blue paper covers. Contains 11 Acts


522 I

NEW ZEALAND (1874-1910)

passed in 1895, in both English and Maori, retaining the original pagination and colophons. For descriptions of the individual items see no. 1428-1438

1896: Acts affecting native lands, | etc., | (in English and Maori), | passed by the General Assembly, | Session 1896. | [ double rule] | Contents. | [/0 lines] | [Royal Arms] | Wellington. | By authority: John Mackay, Government Printer. | [rule] | 1896.

[l] leaf, [1 16] p. in various pagings; 270x208 mm. Prelim, leaf: title-page (verso blank). Probably issued with blue paper covers. Contains 10 Acts passed in 1896, in both English and Maori, retaining the original pagination and colophons. For descriptions of the individual items see no. 1457-1466. Williams 924.

1897: Acts affecting native lands, | etc. | (in English and Maori), | passed by the General Assembly, | Sessions I. and 11., 1897. | Contents. | [2 lines] | [Royal Arms] | Wellington. | By authority: John Mackay, Government Printer. | [rule] | 1897. [i.e. 1898?]

[l] leaf, [l2] p. in various pagings; 270x208 mm.; blue paper covers. Prelim, leaf: title-page (verso blank). Title repeated on front cover. Contains 2 Acts passed in 1897, in both English and Maori, retaining the original pagination and colophons. As both Acts are dated 22 December 1897, the volume was probably not issued until early 1898. For descriptions of the individual items see no. 1495-1496. Williams 944.

1898: Acts affecting native lands, | etc. | (in English and Maori), | passed by the General Assembly, | Session 1898. | [double rule] | Contents. | [3 lines] \ [Royal Arms] | Wellington. | By authority: John Mackay, Government Printer. I [rule] | 1898.

[l] leaf, [3o] p. in various pagings: 266x208 mm,; blue paper covers. Prelim, leaf: title-page (verso blank). Title repeated on front cover. Contains 3 Acts passed in 1898, in both English and Maori, retaining the original pagination and colophons. For descriptions of the individual items see no. 1510-1512. Williams97l.

1899: Acts affecting native lands, | etc. | (in English and Maori). | passed by the General Assembly, | Session 1899. | [double rule] \ Contents. | [3 lines] | [Royal Arms] | Wellington. | By authority: John Mackay, Government Printer. I [rule] | 1899.

[l] leaf, [l2] p. in various pagings: 266x208 mm,; blue paper covers. Prelim, leaf: title-page (verso blank). Title repeated on front cover. Contains 3 Acts passed in 1899, in both English and Maori, retaining the original pagination and colophons. For descriptions of the individual items see no. 1526-1528. Williams 987.

* * 1900-** 1902: No copies located, but Williams 1005 records a 1900 volume containing 4 Acts passed in 1900. An advertisement in Kahiti. 21 February 1907 (p. 65) listing the availability of 'Te pukapuka o nga Jure e pa ana kite Iwi Maori’ includes these years at Is per volume.

For descriptions of individual pieces of legislation printed in Maori in 1900 see no. **1551-1558 (Acts) and ** 1559-** 1560 (Bills).



NEW ZEALAND (1879-1910)

Sommerville 1018-1022 (1901) and 1033-1035 (1902) are entries for legislation in Maori. 1901: Maori Antiquities Act, Maori Lands Administration Act. Maori Councils Act Amendment Act, Old Age Pensioners Act, Native Land Claims Adjustment and Laws Amendment Act; 1902: Native and Maori Land Laws Amendment Act, East Coast Native Trust Lands Act, West Coast Settlement Reserves Amendment Act.

1903; Acts affecting native lands | etc. | (in English and Maori), | passed by the General Assembly, | Session 1903. | [double rule] | Contents. | [5 /tries] | [rule] | By authority: John Mackay. Government Printer, Wellington.-1903.

[4B] p. in various pagings; 280x220 mm.; blue paper covers. Title from front cover. Contains 5 Acts passed in 1903, in both English and Maori, retaining the original pagination and colophons. Contents: Maori Councils Amendment, Poukawa Native Reserve; Native Townships Amendment; Sand-drift. Sommerville 1037.

1904-1909: as for the 1903 issue, with minor variations: mainly the session year and imprint date and layout: Royal Arms added from 1907. Details of contents:

1904: [4B] p. Contains 5 Acts: Native Land Rating. Native Land Duty Abolition, Maori Antiquities, Maori Land Claims Adjustment and Laws Amendment. Law Amendment. Sommerville 1051.

1905: [4B] p. Contains 6 Acts: Kaiapoi Native Reserve, Taumutu Native Commonage, Native Townships Local Government, Electoral, Maori Land Settlement, Horowhenua Lake. Sommerville 1059.

1906: [4B] p. Contains 5 Acts: Horowhenua Block Act Amendment, South Island Landless Natives, Scenery Preservation, Maori Land Claims Adjustment and Laws Amendment. Maori Land Settlement Acts Amendment. Sommerville 1060.

1907: [l44] p. Contains 14 Acts: Local Bodies' Loans Act Amendment, Maori Land Claims Adjustment and Laws Amendment, Maori Land Settlement Act Amendment, Native Land Settlement, Ngatimaru Landless Natives, Parliamentary and Executive Titles. Purangi Landless Natives, Rangitatau Block Exchange. Reserves and Other Lands Disposal and Public Bodies Empowering, Rotorua Town, Taumarunui Town Council Election Validation, Tohunga Suppression, Gisborne Harbour Board Enabling, Thames Harbour Board. Sommerville 1063.

1908: [lo6] p. Contains 3 Acts: Native Land Laws Amendment, Taupo No. 2 Block, Public Health. Sommerville 1077.

1909: [24] p. Contains 4 Acts: Tokomaru Freezing-Works Site, King-Country Licenses, Rotoiti Validation, Urewera District Native Reserve Amendment. Sommerville 1089.

1910: Acts affecting native lands, | etc. | (in Maori), | passed by the General Assembly, | Session 1910. | [double rule] | Contents. | [lB lines in twocolumns separated by vertical rule] | [Royal Arms] | Wellington, N.Z. | By authority; John Mackay, Government Printer. | [rule] | 1911.

[Bo] p. Contains the Maori text of 15 Acts: Rangitaiki Land Drainage, Kaiapoi Reserve, Waikouaiti County Council Reserve Vesting, Native Townships. Animals Protection Amendment, Taieri Land Drainage.




Urewera District Native Reserve Amendment, Poukawa Native Reserve Amendment, Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement, Licensing Amendment, Scenery Preservation Amendment, Legislature Amendment, Rating Amendment, Thermal Springs Districts, Native Land Claims Adjustment. Sommerville 1 1 00.

The availability of legislation (and other Parliamentary documentation) in Maori was a matter of ongoing frustration for Maori MPs, the first of whom were appointed in 1868, Individual Acts had been separately published in Maori from 1865 onwards (see no. 669-670) and subsequently some Bills were translated as part of the legislative process; the earliest extant is the 1872 Native Councils Bill (no. 776). For a detailed discussion see P. G. Parkinson, 'Strangers in the House' in Victoria University of Wellington law review, v. 32, no. 3 (August 2001), Supp. p. 1-60 (in which p. 33-46 refers to these compilations).

It was not until 1879 that the provision of reference sets of translated legislation was arranged: 'On the motion of the Hon. Mr Taiaroa, it was ordered. That all Bills which have been translated into the Maori language, during each session, be bound in a similar manner to the general statutes, and that they be placed in the General Assembly Library as a means of reference for the Maori members' (NZPD, 1879, v. 33, p. 502). This decision is consistent with the earliest volume in the series described here. James Carroll, interpreter to the House of Representatives 1879-1883, was probably also the translator of legislation during the same period. The early volumes were probably not as widely distributed as those after 1886, which were compilations of Acts only and were regularly advertised by the Government Printer in the Kahiti as commercial publications. The cessation of publishing these volumes of Maori-language statutes followed closely on the end (in 1906) of publishing Nga korero Paramete. the separate volumes of speeches in Maori by the Maori MPs (524).

Copies: WGA (1882), WTU (1879-1881, 1886-1899, 1903-1910)



'Pleiades': an independent newspaper about East Coast land issues.

i tcTUUC.O , Mil It tucpc MUC 111 # It- ut/t/wi wwut ivaiiva iuouvo. Matariki. | “Ko ia he taringa ona hei whakarongo me whakarongo." | [rule]

I No. 1. Supplement to the “Auckland free lance.” April 23, 1881. | [rule] \

I 1 I. JUppiUMIVIII IV7 HIV MUVIUUIIU lIUV IUIIVV, I IJ-'I II , IWW I . | L* MIVJ | [. . .] [Printed byj. D. Wickham, “Auckland Free Lance” Office,

Auckland,-Saturday, April 23, 1881]

I folded sheet (3, [l] p ); 283x220 mm. Imprint from colophon p. 3. Page [4] blank. Printed in three columns separated by vertical rules.

2 issues, no. 1 (23 April 1881)-no. 2 (14 May 1881). Issues individually paginated; issue no. 2 is 4 p. Text in Maori.

English-language abstracts for both issues are held at AU (MSS & Archives 2003/2) and WTU (2003-119).

Title/masthead variation:

No. 2: place and date in masthead: Tauranganui, [sic, i.e. Turanganui) Mei 14, 1881.'.




Imprint/colophon variation (no. 2):

'Printed by John Dickson Wickham, of Vulcan Lane, in the City of Auckland, for the proprietors and publishers, John Dick and Wiremu Mahuika, of Gisborne, in the Provincial District of Auckland.-Saturday, May 14th, 1881.'.

Matariki was a short-lived political newspaper which attacked the East Coast land dealings of William Lee Rees and Wi Pere. Editorial responsibility is not confirmed but may have included John Dick (a wheelwright, engineer and blacksmith) and Wiremu Mahuika, named as publishers and proprietors of the second issue. The second issue was not linked with the Auckland free lance, published by Wickham.

The interrelationships were complex: Wickham had been on trial in March for libelling Rees, a lawyer and land agent who had acquired controlling interests in large blocks of land as a trustee. Mahuika was a party in the disputed ownership of the Mangatu Block decided by the Native Land Court in April 1881, in which Wi Pere (an associate of Rees) was an opposing party. Matariki presented itself (editorial, no. 1) as an evening star watching and reporting the deeds of the land-hungry. It was advertised as ‘a supplement published in the Maori language by the Auckland Free Lance, and will have a large circulation among the natives of this district and other parts of New Zealand. Tradesmen and others will find this an excellent advertising medium as it will be circulated throughout every native settlement on the East Coast’ ( Poverty Bay herald. 25 April 1881, p. [2]). The same paper (20 May 1881, p. [2]) reported an election meeting on 19 May at which the second issue of Matariki attracted opposing comments from two candidates, Henare Tomoana and WT Pere.

The paper's content reflects local politics and personalities and the ongoing legal action between Rees and Wickham. Articles in both issues argue in favour of the Public Trustee and against private trusteeships such as those allegedly exploited by Rees. The first issue also contains an editorial urging owners to hold on to their lands, a report on a Supreme Court decision on the case between Tareha Te Moananui and Rees over the Pouawa Block, and legal notices inserted by Hugh J. Finn ('Wiini'), solicitor for the mortgagee of the Whataupoko block, and a notice from Percival Parker (‘Perehiwa Paaka’) concerning money owed him by Rees, WT Pere and Kahutia. Most of the second issue is an allegorical fable 'Rae Totara' (about a minister who becomes a lawyer to represent Maori in land deals) accompanied by further attacks on Rees. The same notices are repeated in the second issue, which attracted no fresh advertisements.

Williams 617. Copies: AP, WTU; microfilm; Niupepa 1842-1933 (23) (microfiche)


NEW ZEALAND. Parliament (1881-1906)

Annual volume of speeches in Parliament by Maori representatives. Niu Tireni. | [rule] | Nga korero Paramete. | [rule] \ Tau, 1881. | [ru/e] | Poneke: [i.e. Wellington] | I taia i runga i te mana o te Kawanatanga o Niu Tireni, e George Didsbury, | Kai-ta o te Kawanatanga, | [rule] \ 1881.

5. [I ]. 37. [I ]p ; 244 x 1 53 mm.; blue paper covers. Title from cover Printed in two columns separated by vertical rule. Running titles: '(L.C.' (first




sequence) and '(H R ' (second sequence). Pages [6] (first sequence) and [3B] blank. No colophon. Printed by the Government Printer ('Kai-ta o te Kawanatanga').

Caption titles: p. [l] (first sequence): 'Niu Tireni. 1 [rule] | Nga korero Paremete [sic] | Whare o Runga. Tau, 1881. | [rule] | Nga whai korero a nga Mema Maori. 1 [rule] | [. . .]’; p. [l] (second sequence) the same except for line 3: 'Whare o Raro, Tau. 1881.’.

26 issues: 1881-1906, No issue/volume numbering; issues identified by year. Most issues have continuous pagination. Issues vary between 21, [l] p. (1883) and 1 16, [4] p (1901). Blue paper covers (1904-1906 issues have text on back covers). Most issues after 1882 have a colophon at end of text. Issue size varies between 225x140 mm. and 245x145 mm. Text in Maori. Frequency: annual (exception: 1887, two issues). Price: 6d.

Title/masthead variations:

1881-1906: All caption titles: ‘Nga korero Paremete.'.

From 1891: Title on cover: 'Nga korero Paremete.' and additional words 'Nga whai korero a nga Mema Maori.'. The 1891 issue also has 'Whare o Raro' on cover.

From 1897: Addition of words to cover (between rules) and caption title identifying the parliamentary session: ‘Huihuinga tuatahi mete huihuinga tuarua’ (1897); ‘Huihuinga tuatoru o te tekau ma torn o nga Paremete.' (1898); 'Huihuinga tuawha o te tekau ma toru o nga Paremete.' (1899); 'Huihuinga tuatahi o te tekau ma wha o nga Paremete.’ (1900); 'Huihuinga tuarua o te tekau ma wha o nga Paremete.' (1901); ‘Huihuinga tuatoru o te tekau ma wha o nga Paremete.' (1902); 'Huihuinga tuatahi o te tekau ma rima o nga Paremete.' (1903); 'Huihuinga tuarua o te tekau ma rima o nga Paremete.' (1904); 'Huihuinga tuatoru o te tekau ma rima o nga Paremete.' (1905); 'Huihuinga tuarua o te tekau ma ono o nga Paremete’ (1906).

t I 7UJ), I tun lull IgU LUUIUU IV. ICHUU mu UMU w i 1 ui v.l .iv.iv. v ■ Numbering and issue variations:

1881-1882 and 1890 volumes; Pagination in two sequences (Legislative Council and House of Representatives).

1883: Additional text, a list of Bills passed and not passed (p. [22]).

1887: Two issues; the first covers 26 April-10 June (24p.; wording on cover: 'Tau 1887.’); the second 12 October-22 December (48 p.; no copy with cover located).

lucaicu/. 1898-1906: Issues contain lists of some or all of: members of the Cabinet, members of Parliament, members of parliamentary committees. Some lists are printed on the covers. Colophon is on back cover of issues where text is printed on back cover.

1902: Names of the two houses of parliament (in caption titles) change to 'Runanga Kaunihera' (Legislative Council) and 'Whare o te Iwi' (House of Representatives).

Imprint/colophon variations;

1882-1893: Imprint on cover as 1881 issue (above); colophons vary, described below.

1882: Colophon at end of text: 'He mana I whakahaua. I tala ai e Hori Titipere, Kai-tai Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Weringitana, 1882.’.

1883: No colophon at end of text.




1884-1887: Imprint on cover repeated as colophon at end of text.

1888-1889: No colophon at end of text.

1890: Colophon at end of text: ‘He mea whakamana i taia ai. H. Titipere, Kaita Perehi a te Kawanatanga, Poneke.-1890.'

1892: Colophon at end of text changes to: ‘He mea ta e Hori Titipere i raro i te mana o te Koroni o Niu Tireni, Weringitana.-l 892.'.

1893-1895: Name of new Government Printer: 'Hamuera Kohitare' (Samuel Costall) replaces that of George Didsbury CHori Titipere’) in imprint and colophon.

From 1896: Name of new Government Printer 'Hone Make’ (John Mackay) replaces ‘Hamuera Kohitare' in imprint and colophon. Spelling changes: to 'Hoani’ from 1898 and ‘Makae’ from 1899.

1897: Colophon at end of text changes to: He mea whakahau i Perehitia ai e Hone Make, kai-ta a te Kawanatanga.’.

From 1898; Colophon at end of text changes to: 'He mea whakahau i taia ai e Hoani Make, kai-ta a te Kawanatanga.'. Spelling changes to 'Makae' from 1899.

Nga korero Paramete contains translations into Maori from the Englishlanguage versions of speeches of Maori MPs as recorded in Hansard (NZPD). The speeches, delivered originally in Maori, were translated into English by the interpreters and then presumably corrected by the members. The Legislative Council speeches include the Governor's address on the opening of each session.

Speeches of Maori members had previously been printed in Maori in Te waka Maori o Ahuriri (SI 6) and Te waka Maori o Niu Tirani (SI 8) and often reprinted from there in Te Wananga (SI9). The 1876 attempt to stop Te waka Maori resulted in parliamentary debate about making the speeches available without loss of meaning through subsequent translations. The Legislative Council agreed that speeches of the Maori members be printed in Hansard in Maori with a translation into English (NZPD. 1876, v. 23, p. 664-665). This required a Maori-language reporter or, as was suggested, for Maori MPs to suoolv texts of their own soeeches.

supply lexib ui men uwn spcccncs. However, nothing was done and in 1880 Henare Tomoana, MHR and founder of Te Wananga. raised the matter again. As a result the Reporting Debates Committee recommended 'that during the present session the speeches of the Maori Members be retranslated from Hansard and printed in a separate form, and that copies (not exceeding 500) be distributed equally among the Maori Members of both Houses of the Legislature' ( NZPD , 1880, v. 36, p. 55-57), but again nothing was done. On 29 June 1881 WT Tako Ngatata raised the matter in the Legislative Council, moving ‘that the speeches of Maori members delivered in this Council be translated from Hansard, and printed for circulation among the Natives'. The following day Major Te Wheoro moved a similar motion in the House and both motions were adopted (NZPD. v. 38, p. 238-239, 289, 474). For a discussion of how Parliament responded to Maori representation from 1865-1900 see P. Parkinson, 'Strangers in the House' in his The Maori language and its expression in New Zealand law (Wellington, 2001).

Williams 613, 614, Copies: AP (to 1886), AR (incomplete).

WGA (incomplete), WTU.



TE KORIMAKO (1882-1888)


Te KORIMAKO (1882-1888)

'The bellbird’: monthly paper published in Auckland.

Te Korimako. | He nupepa whakaatu i nga rongo o te ao katoa, nga tikango [sic] ote | whakapono, me era atu mea. | [ double rule] | Nama 1. Akarana, Maehe, 1882. Te utu, 3d. | [ double rule] | [. . .] [He mea ta e Henare Perete mo te rangatira o | tenei nupepa i Winamu-tirete, Akarana [i.e.


4 p.; 285x220 mm. Imprint from colophon p. 4. Printed in three columns separated by vertical rules. Printed by Henry Brett (‘Henare Perete').

75 issues: no. 1 (25 March !882)-75 (16 May 1888). 37 supplements. Issues continuously numbered and separately paginated (page numbering added from no. 3 (16 May 1882)). Issues vary between 4 and 12 p. (most issues 12 p.) Includes illustrations (mainly in the supplements) and several pages of advertisements (from no. 5). Almost all text in Maori. Frequency: monthly (exceptions: extra issue July 1884; no issue July 1886). Price: 3d, per copy (2s. per annum) to no. 36 (15 January 1885) then 6d. per copy (4s. per annum).

See separate note below on the many supplements, including maps.

Continued by Te korimako hou (1889-1890; 529).

Title/masthead variations:

See separate note below on supplements.

From no. 3 (16 May 1882): Day added to masthead date; ‘tikango’ corrected to ‘tikanga' in masthead subtitle. Date added to running title.

From no. 23 (15 January 1884): change to masthead typeface and subtitle: ‘He nupepa whakaatu i nga tikanga o te whakapono, nga rongo o te ao katoa, me era atu mea.’.

From no. 37 (16 February 1885): price in masthead changed to ‘Te utu, 6d.‘.

Numbering and issue variations:

See separate note below on supplements.

1882 (10 issues): no, 1-10 (25 March-13 December). Issues vary between 4 and 12 p. From no 5: advertisements included as a separate section at the end (up to 4 p.)

1883 (12 issues): no. 1 1-22 (15January-15 December). All issues 12 p. No. 22 includes music p. 8: Mo te whanautanga ote Karaiti’ (‘Hark the herald angels sing’).

1884 (13 issues): no. 23-35 (15 January-15 December). Extra issue, no. 30, 29 July (8 p ). All other issues 12 p.

4- y juiy v \J-J- taii on iu ioouco i p. 1885 (12 issues): no. 36-47 (15 January-15 December). All issues 12 p.

j j ' ■ - r--1886 (11 issues): no. 48-58 (I 5 January-15 December). No July issue. All issues 12 p.

1887 (12 issues): no. 59-70 (20 January-20 December). All issues 12 p.

1888 (5 issues): no. 71-75 (20 January-16 May). All issues 12 p.

Imprint/colophon variations:

See separate note below on supplements.

The standard Brett colophon is occasionally set to full width of the page.

, -- j no. 5-11 (13 July-15 January); Colophon printed at end of text (i.e. preceding section of advertisements) not at end of issue.

From no. 9 (13 November 1882): Name of W. P. Snow (‘te No’) added to



TE KORIMAKO (1882-1888)

colophon: 'He mea ta e Henare Perete mo te rangatira o | tenei nupepa, te No, i Winamu-tiriti, Akarana'.

From no. 12(15 February 1883): Colophon printed on final page of issue (i.e. at end of advertisements).


Supplements (up to 3 per issue) vary between 1 and 8 p. (most are 2 or 4 p ), some with illustrations. They are dated (as for the main issue, but not numbered) and separately paginated. Some supplements continue the text of the main issue, a few are special features (including illustrations, e.g. a portrait, maps) and one sequence serialised a separate work. Supplements to issues no. 6 onwards have individual colophons. Printer varies.

The following issues seen have supplements (1 supplement unless otherwise indicated): no. 2 (portrait, ‘Wahanui’), 4, 6, 7, 8. 10 (col. map. 'New Zealand & Fiji Islands' with text on verso), 12, 13 (2 supplements), 14, 15, 16 (2 supplements), 17, 18 (3 supplements). 19. 20 (2 supplements), 21, 22 (2 supplements), 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30 (2 supplements). 31.32. 33, 34, 35 (col. map, 'Oceania'), 36, 52 (small sheet 143x220 mm., printed in red, warning that publication would cease in June 1886 if funding to cover annual losses of £2OO was not contributed by Government or readers).

Titles of the supplements seen are: Apitikia [also spelt 'kia"] Te Korimako: Apiti ki Te Korimako: Apiti tuarua ki a Te Korimako: He hamumu peketua na Te Korimako. The sequence of 15 supplements to issues no. 13 and 15-28 titled He rawhi-peketua na “Te Korimako" serialised a translation of F. L. Mortimer's More about Jesus, subsequently reprinted as He whakaako i nga mea o te Ariki o Ihu Karaiti (London, 1885; no. 1134). These were all 4 p. and printed by Wilsons and Horton; most included illustrations of New Zealand subjects (people, buildings).

Supplement to no. 7 (14 September 1882) and the other supplements printed by Wilsons and Horton have colophon: 'I taia e Wiremu Kata Wirihana, e Hohepa | Rihitone Wirihana, e, Aperira Hori | Hotene ki ta ratou perehi-mamaoa, i Kuini | Tiriti 137, i te 10 te 12 Winamu Tiriti, Aka- | rana Niu Tireni'.

iniu i ii cm . Supplement to no. 10 (13 December 1882; col. map, 323x258 mm. with text on verso) has two colophons: Brett (standard colophon; full width) for the text (historical facts from 1643), and ‘Champtaloup & Cooper, Auckland, N.Z.' for the engraved map (overprinted with the supplement title) which was probably printed overseas.

v ui juuj. Supplement to no. 13 (15 March 1883) has colophon for printer John Brame: ‘He mea ta e Hone Pereme, mete rangatira o | tenei nupepa i Hai Tiriti, Akarana, Nui | Tireni.'.

Supplement to no. 35 (15 December 1884; col. map, 369x275 mm.) has colophon 'Engraved & printed in colours by W. & A. K. Johnston, Edinburgh & London.' Printed at foot of page: 'Champtaloup & Cooper, Auckland, New Zealand,’.

Three printers involved in the production of Te Korimako were associated with other Auckland newspapers: Brett (who had previously worked at the New Zealand herald) published the Auckland star ; Wilsons and Horton published the New Zealand herald: Brame published the Auckland free press, a weekly newspaper that ran for about nine years from 1879. The supplement




printed by Brame (to no. 13,15 March 1883) is the only item in Maori known to have been produced by him. Champtaloup & Cooper are recorded as booksellers and stationers from the late 1870s to the early 1900s and their role in relation to the maps is presumed to be that of local publisher.

Te Korimako was a monthly paper with an emphasis on promoting temperance and a good work ethic among Maori. It was established and financially supported by the American philanthropist W. P. Snow (d. 1883; reported in no. 14, 14 April 1883, p. [l]) and initially edited by C. O. B. Davis, who was succeeded by the manager of the paper, S. J. Edmonds. For further discussion on the paper, including reference to an 1887 government grant of £5O ( NZPD. 1887, v. 58, p. 551), see H. Petrie, 'lnculcating habits of industry’, in Here atu. taku manul. ed. by J. Curnow, N. Hopa and J. Mcßae (Auckland, 2002), p. 174-192, and], Mcßae, ‘E manu, tena koe!’, p. 42-59 (p. 45-47) in the same work.

Besides numerous short items of local and overseas news, the paper contained reprints of religious and temperance material and some longer items (especially in the supplements), political and religious correspondence, poetry (including by Davis), obituaries, as well as lists of subscribers, public notices and a substantial section of advertisements. Regular Maori contributors included Raureti Mokonuiarangi and Kereama Tawhai, the latter also being involved in the management of the paper.

In December 1885, a 2-page 'Circular' (in English; not identified as a supplement) headed ''Te Korimako" or Maori Press Association' announced the takeover of the paper by a committee and sought donations and subscriptions. The Association's aim was ‘to educate and generally improve the very unsatisfactory condition of the Maori people by various means' and the purpose of Te Korimako was 'The spread of the Gospel and the promotion of Christian knowledge amongst the Maoris; the inculcation of temperance principles, hygiene and habits of industry; the education of the Maoris by means of useful, entertaining and instructive information; the supply of general news of current events likely to be of interest to the Maori people'. Native Minister Ballance expressed support for the paper, the managing committee of which was almost entirely Pakeha. Snow's name was included in the colophon until the paper ceased.

Williams 630 & 649 a (Supplement to issue no. 13, 15 March 1883). Copies: AP (incomplete), AR (incomplete), DUHO (incomplete), WGA (incomplete), WTU; microfilm; Niupepa 1842-1933 (25) (microfiche)



'Takitimu': fortnightly paper published in Gisborne.

Takitimu, [set within an illustration (war canoe, tree ferns, cabbage trees and volcanic landscape (Tongariro)) incorporating a banner caption Hoea te Waka.

ha!'] | [double rule] \ Nama 2, Takitimu, Kihipone, Turei, Mei 22. 1883.

(Te utu, e ona kapa.) | [double rule] | [. . .] [Printed and published by the proprietor | Charles Henry Collins Webb, at his | registered printing office. Peel Street, | Gisborne, New Zealand.]

8 p.; 280x215 mm. Imprint from colophon p. 8 (dated 'Tuesday May Bth,




1883'). Running title: Takitimu, Turei, Mei 22. 1883.’ Printed in three columns separated by vertical rule.

2? issues: no. I ? (8? May? 1883)-no. 2 (22 May 1883). Text in Maori, includes advertisements. Frequency: fortnightly. Price: 6d. Ce ona [i.e, ono] kapa'); 3s. per quarter (p. 8).

No copy of no. I has been located, but it is assumed to have been issued on 8 May from the (uncorrected?) date in the colophon of no. 2 and the stated frequency (fortnightly, p. 3). The masthead reuses the engraved block first used in Te waka Maori o Niu Tirani (S2I) of 1878-79, and subsequently used in Te waka Maori o Aotearoa (527) in 1884,

in i e wuku iviuui i u nuieu/uu 11 in loon, C. H. C. Webb became proprietor of the Poverty Bay standard after its demise on 21 April 1883 and revived it for a few months from 7 June 1883. Takitimu was therefore apparently an attempt in the interim to generate a new audience and new business.

The paper is named after the ancestral waka Takitimu which made landfall at Mahia (northern Hawke's Bay) and other locations. The extant issue contains an editorial on problems associated with the Native Land Court, local news items, letters, public notices, advertisements (several for the paper itself) and a few items of general interest such as the world population and Queen Victoria's health.

Williams 668. Copies: AP (no. 2), WTU (no, 2); microfilm; Niupepa 18421933 (27) (microfiche)



'The Maori canoe of Aotearoa': published in Gisborne.

Te | Waka Maori, [sef within an illustration (war canoe, tree ferns, cabbage trees and volcanic landscape (Tongariro)) incorporating a banner caption 'Hoea te Waka. ha!’] \ O Aotearoa. | Ko te tika. Ko te pono. Ko te aroha. 1 [ double rule] | No. 1.) Turanganui, Kihipane, Pepuere 29, 1884. (Te utu 6d. | [double rule] | [. . .] [He mea ta e Poata me Korowhata i te Tari Perehi oTe | Terewhone Kihipone [i.e. Gisborne] mo Paratine [sic] Ngata te tangata nana | tenei nuipepa.J

[4] p.; 340x218 mm. Imprint from colophon p. [4], Printed in two columns separated by vertical rule. Running title: Te waka Maori, o Aoteroa. [sic] Turanganui, Kihipane, Pepuere 29, 1884.'. Printed in Gisborne by Porter & Croft ('Poata me Korowhata') at the office of The Telephone (Te Terewhone') newspaper.

16 issues: no. 1 (29 February 1884)-17 (14 November 1884); issue no. 14 apparently not published. I supplement (to no. 9, 4 July). Issues separately paginated: 8 p. (exceptions: no. I: 4 p. (unpaginated); no. 2: 6 p.). Supplement: 1 sheet ([l] p). Includes advertisements. Text in Maori, Frequency: fortnightly (occasional exceptions). Price: 6d. per copy, 6s. per annum.

Title/masthead variations;

Spelling 'Aoteroa' is repeated in running titles of all issues. Supplement (dated 'Kihipane, Hurae 4. 1884.') has title: Pukapuka apiti ki Te

Waka Maori'.


TE HOA MAORI (18857-1897)


Numbering and issue variations:

numuvi unu ijjuv, vui juiiuiu. no. 13 (5 September) appears to be a combined issue with no. 14, of which no copy has been located. The masthead, colophon and running titles p. 7-8 are dated 5 September but the internal masthead (p, 2) and running titles p. 2-6 are dated 19 September, the notional publication date of no. 14.

Imprint/colophon variations:

Supplement has colophon.

no, 12-16 (22 August-17 October): Colophon: 'He mea ta e Hone Mokiriti i te Tari Perehi o Te Terewhene Kihipone mo Paratene Ngata te tangata nana tenei Nuipepa.'.

no. 17(14 November): Colophon: 'He mea ta e Hone Piha i te Tari Perehi o Te Terewhene Kihipone mo Paratene Ngata te tangata nana tenei Nuipepa.’.

John Mogridge ('Flone Mokiriti’) took over The Telephone from Thomas William Porter and Croft in August 1884. His successor for a brief period 'Hone Piha’ (no. 17) has not been identified but the company had ceased by early 1885.

Te waka Maori o Aotearoa reused the ornamental engraved masthead of Te waka Maori o Niu Tirani (SI 9) which had ceased in 1879. The proprietor was Paratene Ngata (father of Apirana Ngata) and the editor was George Flenry Wilson. The paper contains substantial editorials, translations of legislation, reports of Native Land Court hearings, waiata, correspondence, obituaries, announcements and advertisements.

diiiiuuiiGCiiiciiib auu auvciiiacMiciiiD. There is some confusion over the dates on which the earliest issues appeared. According to a statement in no. 1 (29 February, p. 2) the first issue was distributed on 31 January 1884, but no copy of this date has been located. It was apparently unnumbered, and perhaps circulated as a specimen copy. The same statement records that the first numbered issue was planned for publication on 22 February but this was delayed by Ngata’s illness (typhoid) and the need to find another editor, i.e. Wilson. Both Williams and Hocken (p. 544) record the first issue as dated 7 March, but no copy with this date has been located.

—r; Williams 687. Copies: AP (incomplete), DUHO (incomplete). WGA (incomplete), WTU (incomplete); microfilm; Niupepa 1842-1933 (19) (microfiche)

S2B Te HOA MAORI (18857-1897)

'The Maori friend': Brethren tract series published in Auckland. Te Hoa Maori. | (The Maori friend). | [double rule] 1 [Scripture quotation. 3 lines] | [double rule] | Nama 1.) Akarana. | [double rule] | [illustration with caption ‘Whakaorangia’] [Published by George Coutts, Gospel Tract Depot, Auckland. [lBBs?]]

i iu. L ' 1 folded sheet (3, [l] p.); ill.; 216x172 mm. Imprint from p. [4], Ornament and Scripture quotation (6 lines) on p. [4], Text in two columns separated by vertical rule. Ml text within single rule border. Text in Maori. This issue is not dated but frequency of subsequent issues suggests a publication date of early 1885.

44? issues: no. 1 (January? 1885?)-no. 44? (October 1897). No copies located



TE HOA MAORI (18857-1897)

of no. 24, 27, 28, 33, 35, 39. Continuous issue numbering. Issues are separately paginated and vary between 4 and 16 p. (most are 8 p.). Size of copies is approx. 216x172 mm. (exception: no. 38 is 182x122 mm ). Includes illustrations (to no. 6). Text in Maori to no. 6, then in Maori and English. Frequency: 3-4 issues per annum (most years quarterly; exception: no issues in 1887). Price: Id. per copy (I'/zd. posted, 6s. per 100).

Williams refers to having seen an undated issue ‘no. 89' but no copies after no. 44 have been located. The reference may be to no. 38 (latest copy at WTU) which is undated.

Title/masthead variations:

no. 2-6 (April 1 885-October 1886): Quotation omitted. Date (month and year) added after ‘Akarana’; additional text at end of line (in two lines with brace): ■Registered as | a magazine.'.

no. 7 (1 January 1888)-no. 26? (October 1892); New masthead typefaces and layout: ‘lssued) [space] (quarterly. | Te hoa Maori, | with | good news for all.’ | [ornamental rule] | [Scripture quotations. 2 lines] | [double rule] \ [in fwo lines with brace:] Nama 7. 1 No. 7. [in fwo lines:] Akarana, Hanuere 1, 1888. | Auckland. January 1, 1888. [in fwo lines with brace:] Registered as | a magazine. | [double rule] | [. . .]’. No copies located of no. 27 or 28, no. 29?-30 (July-October 1893): Masthead typefaces change.

From no. 31 (January 1894): Title changes to: '[, . .] | Te hoa Maori \ and | Good news.’. Issue number and year printed once (with brace) for both languages. Minor changes in layout of place and date in later issues (e.g. no. 36 and 37).

any j / /- From no. 32 (April 1894); Statement of registration as a magazine is omitted. From no. 38 (January? 1896?): New masthead typefaces and layout: ‘lssued quarterly, [ornament] No. 38. [ ornament ] Auckland, | Te hoa Maori | and 1 Good news. | [ornamental rule] \ [Scripture quotations. 6 lines] | [ornamental rule] | [. . .]’.

Numbering and issue variations:

no. 3-6 (July 1885-October 1886): English translation of headings of articles added.

no. 7-37 (January 1888-October 1895): Text and ornamental border on p. [1). No illustrations. All text in parallel Maori and English. Running title remains 'Te hoa Maori.’.

From no. 31 (January 1894): Text printed in two parts: Maori then English, English text has full width heading: 'Good news.' in same setting as masthead. Parts have individual running titles: ‘Te hoa Maori' and 'Good news’ (exceptions: no. 36 and 37 have only ‘Te hoa Maori').

From no, 38 (January? I 896?): New design with large ornamental border on p. [l]; text on p. [l] is statement of distributors and subscription rates (previously on final page). Text printed in single column. No border around internal text.

ii uti i iai no. 38-40: Undated; presumed printed in 1896 (from dating of other issues), no. 41-44 (January-October 1897): Dated in colophon at end of text.

Imprint/colophon variations;

■ llipi VUI lUUVI IJ. no. 2 (April !885)-no. 3 (July 1885); Colophon: 'Printed by H. W. Farrington, at the Owl Printing Works. Mercantile Chambers, Queen Street, Auckland,',



TE KORIMAkO HOU (1889-1890)

no 2-6 (April 1885-October 1886): Imprint (p (8J) in parallel Maori and English: 'He mea ta e George Coutts. kite | Whare o te Paipera Pukapuka hoki, | Karangahape, Akarana.' and 'Published by George Coutts at the | Bible and Book Depot, Karangahape | Road, Auckland.'

no. 7-20 (January 1888-April 1891): Colophon: 'Printed by Murray & Spencer, Queen & High Streets. Auckland.' (exception: no. 18 has no colophon). Statement at end of text (in English) lists the distributors as Bible. Book and Tract Depot offices at Auckland, Christchurch, Nelson and Wellington. Editorial address is care of the Auckland office.

no. 21-26 (July 1891-October 1892): Colophon: ‘P. Spencer & Co., Printers, Queen and Albert Street, Auckland.'. No copies located of no. 27 and 28, From no, 29? (July 1893): Colophon: 'Printed by C. H. Murray, at his registered printing office 24, Lower Queen Street, Auckland, N.Z. . From no. 36? (July 1895) address changes to '46, Lower Queen Street,' (exception: no. 38 has no colophon).

Te hoa Maori was a religious magazine with no identified editor. It contained a range of material with an emphasis on salvation and the power of Christian faith. Initials at the end of some articles and translations include authors associated with other religious publications in Maori, e.g, Charles Stanley (C.S.) and translator J. G. Baker (J.G.8.) (see no. 918 and 1147), and unidentified author G.J.S./H.H.T. (see no. 1353 and no. 1354). These indicate that Te hoa Maori was a Brethren publication; the 1 880s and 1890s were a period of growth for the faith, see P. Lineham, There we found Brethren (Palmerston North, 1977).

Williams 701. Copies: AP (incomplete), AR (incomplete), WTU (incomplete); microfilm; A liupepa 1842-1933 (28) (microfiche)


Te KORIMAKO HOU (1889-1890)

'The new bellbird': published at Opotiki.

Te korimako [hou], | [double rule] | Nama I.) Opotiki, Tihema 2, 1889. (Te utu 3d. | [double rule] | [. . .] [He mea ta e Rapata Henare mo te rangatira | o tenei nupepa, Hemi Karaparehi, i tana | whare perehi.

Wikitoria Tiaima, Wiro | Teriti, Tauranga, a he mea perehi e te | Rev. G. Manihera, Opotiki]

8 p.; 290x230 mm. Imprint from colophon p. 8. Printed in three columns, separated by vertical rules. Title in editorial masthead (p. [l]), running titles and internal secondary references is Te korimako hou.'.

dliu micilldl iCLUIIUdiy iciciuiv,ca IO I iwnmam; nuu. Printed by Robert Henry ('Rapata Henare') for James Galbraith ('Hemi Karaparehi') at the office of the Bay of Plenty times newspaper, Tauranga, and Rev. George Maunsell ('Manihera'). Opotiki. The printer's address (‘Wikitoria Tiaima. Wiro Tend') is probably Victoria Chambers, Willow Street.

8 issues: no. I (2 December 1889)-8 (10 September 1890). Issues separately paginated: all 8 p. Includes advertisements. Text in Maori; some advertisements in English. Frequency: monthly (exceptions: no issues in March or April 1890). Price: 3d. per copy (exceptions: no. 2-3: 6d ); 4 s. per annum.




Title/masthead variations:

From no. 4: Masthead: 'Te | korimako hou. | He nupepa whakaatu i nga tikanga o te whakapono. i nga rongo o te ao | katoa, me era atu mea.'.

Imprint/colophon variations:

From no. 2: 'Wikitoria Tiaima' omitted from colophon. 'Rev. G. Manihera’ changes to 'Rev. H. Manihera'.

From no. 7: Colophon: 'He mea ta e Hemi Karaparehi, i tana whare perehi, Wiro Teriti, Tauranga, a he mea whakahaere e te Rev. H. Manihera, Opotiki.'. Te korimako hou was a short-lived revival of Te Korimako (522), edited by Rev. George Maunsell at Opotiki. The first issue includes replies received from Maori when Maunsell sought their opinion on starting the paper again. The contents include accounts of meetings. Church of England news, obituaries, correspondence from throughout New Zealand and lists of subscribers.

Williams 777. Copies: WTU; microfilm: Niupepa 1842-1933 (26) (microfiche)


KO TE HIKURANGI TAINUI marama whiti, 1891.

Almanac for 1891, presumably intended to be the first of a series

/ii niunui jyji lU7I. fji couniuuif UUCIIUCU LU UC LHC JllbL UJ U ScTltb. Ko te Hikurangi | Tainui marama whiti, | 1891. | [ornamental rule] \ He mea tango mai no ta te Maori | whakahaerenga i nga ra o | te tau. | [ornamental rule] | E Hoani Nahi, [sic] Omahu, Hauraki. | [wavy rule] \ Printed at the Advertiser Office, Albert Street, Thames, [sic] [ 18907]

[36] p.; 218x137 mm.; green paper covers. All pages unnumbered. Page [36] blank. Title repeated on front cover, inside ornamental border. Colophon p. [3s]: ‘Prihted [sic] by Cowper & Christie, Albert Street, Thames.’ (printers of the Thames advertiser ). Advertisements on covers. Calendar leaves are alternated with blank leaves for notes headed 'Hei tuhinga mea'. Text in Maori.

'Explanation' slip on blue paper (90x125 mm.) tipped in before title-page is in English; it refers to dialectal variations in names of months.

This was probably the only issue of what was presumably intended to be a series; no other issues have been located. It provides an almanac and guide for 1891, with letters of support, notes on traditions of the Tainui calendar on which the almanac is based, and advertisements. Native Office registers at Archives New Zealand list correspondence in 1890 and 1891 about the almanac, for which a prospectus was issued in October 1890, but the documents themselves (NO 91/519) are no longer available. The compiler Hoani Nahe (1833/347-1894) who lived at Omahu, near Puriri. was an authority on Ngati Maru history and Tainui traditions. He was MP for Western Maori between 1876 and 1879.

Williams 803, Bagnall N3. Copies: ANL, AP, AR. DUHO. WTU.


Te PAKI O MATARIKI (1892-1935?)

'Pleiades news': Kingitanga publications, most printed at Cambridge. Waikato.

[set left:] Nama. I, [set right:] Wharangi 1. |Te paki o Matariki. [He mea ta i raro i te mana o te Kingitanga o Aotearoa. | [double rule] 1 Te



I TE PAKI O MATARIKI (1892-1935?)

Kauhanganui. Maungakawa. Hanuere 20, 1892. | [double rule] \ [double rule] | [52 lines and 4 rules (I swelled) in two columns separated by vertical rule] | [rule] \ He mea ta i raro i te mana o te Kingitanga e Teuamairangi K. Maungapohatu, Te Kauhanganui, Maungkawa. [sic]

I sheet ([l] p ); 355x220 mm. Text in Maori. Printed by Teuamairangi K. Maungapohatu [Hadfield] CHarawira') at the Kingitanga press at Maungakawa (near Cambridge. Waikato). The copy at Archives New Zealand is filed with an explanatory letter from R. S. Bush (RM. Tauranga) and a contemporary translation by George H. Davies. Copies: ANZ (MAI 1892/1432); WTU (photocopy).

53+ ? issues: 20 January 1892 (no. 1)-10 August 1935. Occasional numbering sequences. Issues vary between 1 and 8 p. (most are 1 p): number of columns per issue varies. Size varies between 245x200 and 664x413 mm. Running titles vary. The masthead format and typefaces vary, but most issues include (above the title) one of the two striking engravings that incorporate the coat of arms of the Maori kings. Text of issues up to mid--1893 is sometimes in Maori and sometimes in parallel Maori and English; after mid-1893 all copies located are in Maori only. Frequency: irregular. Price: some issues priced 3d., 3s, per annum (issue of 6 October 1892, p. 8).

Although the Gaveaux press at Pompallier has been thought to be that used to print Te paki o Matariki (see R. Ross, 'Bishop Pompallier's press in New Zealand'. Printing art. v. I. no. 2 (1973), p. 2-15), another fragmentary press now at the Cambridge Museum (an Excelsior press of 1873 associated with James Shiner Bond) may have a better claim, at least for the printing of the small first issue. As recorded below, several printers were identified during the life of the paper, with production eventually by commercial printers. The irregular frequency, numbering and format of Kingitanga publications with the heading Te paki o Matariki create bibliographical complexity. Fragmented and incomplete extant holdings add to the uncertainty as to what constitutes a complete set, and whether some publications are part of a serial or not. See also 534, **S35 and 537 for other titles. For further background on the history of the Kingitanga newspapers see J. Curnow, ‘A brief history of Maori-language newspapers', in Here atu, taku manul, ed. byj. Curnow, N. Flopa and J. Mcßae (Auckland, 2002), p. 17-41 (p. 26-28).

Te paki o Matariki ('Pleiades news’) is derived from the name of a cluster of seven stars in the constellation Taurus associated with the Maori New Year (Matariki). It was the name given to the royal coat of arms that still appears with the heading Te Paki o Matariki' on Kingitanga correspondence and notices. The paper included policy statements, proceedings of the Kauhanganui, reports from districts, proclamations (e.g. on temperance), speeches and communications with Government, waiata and haka.

ai iu lui iii i i L-i i 11 v i v_/1 i j vvnii uni, vtuiuia anu i iaua. For more about the independent council (‘Kauhanganui') established by Tawhiao in 1891 see J. A. Williams, Politics of the New Zealand Maori (Auckland, 1969), p. 40-47, and L, Cox, Kotahitanga (Auckland, 1993), p. 58-61. The latter work reprints (p. 206-209) the summary translation of the Constitution of the Kingitanga, which included specific references (clauses 11 and 12) to production of this internal official newspaper and also Nga hiiringa i te whitu (537), which was to convey news received from outside. Although


S3 1

TE PAKI O MATARIKI (1892-1935?)

not identified as such, the first editor was probably Taingakawa Te Waharoa (the ‘Premier’), succeeded by others with formal responsibilities in the Kingitanga. including T. T. Rawhiti (secretary to the King), Haunui Tawhiao, Tumata Mahuta and Te Puea Herangi,

The listing here (arranged by publication date, 1892-1935) describes 52 subsequent Te paki o Matariki publications, 5 of which are known only through secondary sources, and some of which are not strictly part of the newspaper. Each item is described separately, noting the language/s of the text, the Williams citation (where applicable), and institutional holding of the original (all copies have been microfilmed). In a few items the Te paki o Matariki heading and/or the wood engraving are omitted; this is noted.

1892: 20 June (no. 5): 4+ ? p. (pages numbered 23-26); 350x210 mm. Subtitle: ’Ko te mana motuhake o te Kingitanga o Aotearoa.’. Text breaks off in mid-sentence at end of p. 26. and lacks a colophon, suggesting the only copy located is incomplete. Parallel Maori and English. Williams 810b (S)/i; DUHO (F&l 13/73); WTU (photocopy).

V* ‘ 1 -J J , » » 1 luiuwpjl/. 26 [te. 28] July: 1 sheet ([l] p.): 432x280 mm. Colophon: ‘I taia i runga i te mana o Kingi Tawhiao, e Teua K. M. Hadfield, Pai [sic] ta o te Kingitanga. Te Kauhanganui, Maungakawa Hurae 28, 1892,’, Masthead dated 26 July 1892; colophon dated 28 July 1892. Earliest issue seen with the first (‘squarish’) engraving in masthead above the title. Maori. Williams 810b (S)/ii; WTU.

(9? August?] (no. 6): 1 sheet ([l] p.; numbered p. 29): 664x413 mm. Subtitle: '(Pleiads or seven stars.) | Ko te mana motuhake o te Kingitanga o Aotearoa.’. Colophons: ‘I taia i runga i te mana o Kingi Tawhiao. e Te Ua K. Maungapohatu, 11. Pai [sic] ta o te Kingitanga. Maungakawa, Kemureti Waikato.’ and ’(Printed by the authority of King Tawhiao. By T. U. K. M. Hadfield. Printer to the Kingdom. Maungakawa, Cambridge Waikato, N. Z)’. Issue not dated; text dated 9 August 1892. Parallel Maori and English. Williams 810b (S)/iii; WTU.

6? October? (no. 6 [sic]): 8 p : 379x254 mm. Subtitle: ’(Pleiads or seven stars.) 1 Ko te mana motuhake o te Kingitanga o Aotearoa, | the independent royal Maori power of Aotearoa.’. Colophon: ‘Printed by the authority of King Tawhiao. | By T. U. K. M. Hadfield Printer to the | Kingdom. Maungakawa, Cambridge Wai- | kato, N. ZMasthead and running titles dated 6 October: colophon dated 6 September 1892. Masthead includes price: ’(Te utu 3d.’. Parallel Maori and English. WTU.

[6? October?]: 1 sheet ([l] p.); 377x251 mm. Colophon: I taia tenei kite Perehi a te Kingitanga o te iwi Maori o Aotearoa, e T. K, Maungapohatu, Pai [sic] ta a te Kingitanga,’. Te paki o Matariki masthead omitted; text has heading: 'Te Whare o te Kiingitanga. | [wavy rule]'. Earliest copy seen with the second (‘triangular’) engraving (incorporating ’Ko te mana motuhake.’) in masthead above the title. Issue not dated; text (two notices) dated 6 October 1892. Maori. Williams 810b (S)/iv; WTU.

**2o October: I p. Recorded in a list of Kingitanga material belonging to Te Puea Herangi (E. Ramsden, Report, 31 January 1943, Mitchell Library, Sydney, AN 57/1; photocopy at WTU, MS-Papers-0823). Maori. No copy located.


S3 I

TE PAKI O MATARIKI (1892-1935?)

[6? November?]: 1 sheet ([l] p ); 399x230 mm. Colophon: 'He mea ta i runga i te mana o Kingi Tawhiao. e Te Ua Kar. Maungapohatu: Pai [sic] ta a te Kingitanga.'. Additional heading above text: 'Te Kauhanganui o te Kiingitanga.'. Text (two notices) dated 6 November 1892. Maori. Williams 810b (S)/v; WTU.

w v, »»iu. 14 November: 1 sheet ([l] p ); 405x236 mm. Colophon: ‘Printed by the authority of King Tawhiao. By T. K. M. Hadfield Printer Maungakawa, Cambridge Waikato. | New Zealand. Monday 14, November 1892.'. Additional headings: above English text: 'A message to the Government of New Zealand.'; above Maori text: 'He karere kite Kawanatanga . . ,'. Notice dated 7 November. Parallel English and Maori. Possibly a proof copy; see issue of 15 November. ANZ (J1 94/1502); WTU (photocopy).

15 November: 1 sheet ([l] p.); 398x229 mm. This issue is identical with that of 14 November, except that in this issue the text of the notice and the colophon are dated 15 November. This issue may be a reprint, or the preceding may be a proof copy. Williams 810b (S)/vi & 839; WTU.

1893: 8 May (no. 8); 8 p.; 380x254 mm. Colophons: 'Printed by the authority of King Tawhiao. By T. W. | Graham. Maungakawa, Cambridge, Waikato, N. Z.' and 'I taia i runga i te mana o Kingi Tawhiao, e T. W. | Kereama. Pai [sic] ta. Maungakawa. Kemureti, Waikato.'. Subtitle as for issue of 6 October 1892 (no. 6). Most text in Maori, some in parallel Maori and English. WTU.

25 July (no. 9): 8 p.; 380x254 mm. Colophons as for issue of 8 May 1893 (no. 8). Parallel Maori and English. WTU.

25 July : 1 sheet ([2] p ); 380x253 mm. Te paki o Matariki masthead omitted: text has heading: ‘Aotearoa mete Waipounamu | Wharekauhanganui.’. Colophon in Maori, as in issue of 8 May 1893. Text includes notice dated 25 July 1893, signed by T, T. Rawhiti. Parallel Maori and English. Williams 81 Ob (S)/ix; WTU.

all following issues are in Maori only

**s September: 2 p. With title: ‘He whakaaturanga ki nga iwi katoa’. Recorded in a list of Kingitanga material belonging to Te Puea Herangi (E. Ramsden, Report, 31 January 1943, Mitchell Library, Sydney, AN 57/1; photocopy at WTU, MS-Papers-0823). No copy located.

**9 October: ? p. Notice signed by T. T. Rawhiti. Recorded in a list of Kingitanga material belonging to Te Puea Herangi (E. Ramsden. Report, 31 January 1943, Mitchell Library, Sydney, AN 57/1; photocopy at WTU, MS-Papers-0823). No copy located

1894, 12 April; 1 folded sheet (4 p ); 385x255 mm. Colophon: 'I taia tenei Ki te Perehi a te Kiingitanga e T. W, Kereama Pal [sic] taa nupepa. Maungakawa, Cambridge. Aperira 12, 1894 ’. Text has heading: 'He panuitanga tenei ka tukua atu.'. This issue contained (p. [2-3]) the Kingitanga constitution passed by the Convention of Chiefs (Kauhanganui): a summary translation was published in the Evening post (30 May 1894). Williams 810b (S)/vii; WTU.

25 May; 1 sheet ([l] p ); 378x252 mm. Subtitle: ‘Puaretanga tuaono o te


S3 I

I TE PAKI O MATARIKI (1892-1935?)

Kauhanganui ’. Colophon as in issue of 12 April 1894 (except: 'W. T. Kereama,'). Williams 810b (S)/viii; WTU.

25 May: I folded sheet ([4] p); 380x252 mm. No engraving. No colophon. Not paginated. Subtitle: 'Te Kauhanganui. | [double rule] | Te huinga ote roopu tekau ma rua o nga Minita |ite 1 6 o nga ra o Aperira.' The masthead is on p. [4] in the WTU copy, indicating it is either a proof copy or incorrectly printed. Heading on p. [l] (as printed): 'Panuiti ana nga ture | ma te minita | o nga whenua o nga kaiwhakawa | hara, o nga raihana.'. Williams 810b (S)/x; WTU.

2 June: 1 sheet ([l] p); 530x378 mm. (cropped?) No colophon. Letter '(A.)' in place of issue number in masthead and '(W.)' in place of page number. Williams 810b (S)/xi; WTU.

15 September: 1 sheet ([l] p.); 442x290 mm. Colophon: 'I taia kite Perehi a te Kiingitanga. e T. K. | Maungapohatu Harawira. Pai [sic] ta puka- | puka a te Kiingitauga [sic] Maungakawa, | Kemureti Waikato, Hepetema 15, 1894.'. Text has heading: ‘Te whakaarahanga o Mahuta Tawhiao hei Kiingi'. WTU.

16 November (no. 1); 1 folded sheet (4 p.): 437x285 mm. Colophon p. 4: T taia kite Perehi a te Kiingitanga e | T. W. Kereama, Pai [sic] ta nupepa, Maunga- | kawa, Cambridge.'. ANZ (JI 94/1502); WTU (photocopy).

31 December (no. 2): 1 folded sheet (4 p ); 437x285 mm. Colophon p. 4; T taia e T. Wiremu Kereama raua ko T. K. Maunga- | pohatu Harawira. Pai [sic] ta nupepa ate Kiingi-1 tanga ote iwi Maori, mo Aotearoa mo te Wai- | pounamu, mete Ao katoa-1 Maungakawa, Kemureti Waikato, ite Porowini o | Akarana Nui Tireni. (Auckland, New Zealand)'. ANZ (J1 94/1502); WTU (photocopy).

1895: 14 June (no. 3): 1 folded sheet (4 p.): 443x285 mm. Colophon p. 4: ‘I taia tenei kite Perehi a te Kiingitanga e | e te Tuatara Wiremu Kereamu, [sic] me | Hona Tio-o: Pai [sic] ta nupepa. Maunga- | kawa, Kemureti, Waikato, Auckland.’. Williams 810 a (S); WTU.

22 August (no. 4): 1 folded sheet (4 p.); 440x286 mm. Colophon p. 4: T taia tenei kite Perehi a te Kiingitanga | e te Tuatara Wiremu Kereama, me | Hona K. Ti-oo:-Pai [sic] ta-a nupepa | Maungakawa, Cambridge, Auckland.'. Williams records a supplement to this issue but it has not been located and was probably a confusion with the supplement accompanying the issue of 16 December 1895. Williams 810 a (S); WTU.

16 December (no. 5): 5. [l] p 443x284 mm. Page 5 is a supplementary sheet (verso blank) with heading: 'Huperemete | o | Te Paki o Matariki.', It has the colophon for the whole issue: T taia tenei kite Perehi a te Kiingitanga e | Tuatara Wiremu Kereama. e Hona K. Tio, | me Kiringi, P. te Ninihi, pai [sic] ta nupepa. | Maungakawa, Cambridge, Waikato, Auckland, N. z: . WTU.

1896; 18 March: I sheet ([l] p.); 285x210 mm. No engraving. Text has heading: ‘He panuitanga’. Heading dated 18 March 1896. Colophon: ‘I taia tenei kite Perehi a te Kiingi-tanga e T. W Kereama. me H. Tioo:-Pai [sic] ta-a nupepa, Maungakawa, | Kemureti, Waikato.

AKarana,'. Williams 810b (S)/xii; AP, WTU.


S3 1

TE PAKI O MATARIKI (1892-1935?)

[2? May?]. 1 sheet ([l] p); 283x210 mm. No colophon. Subtitle: ‘Te puaretanga ote Whare ite 2 o nga ra o | Mei, ite tau 1896. | Nga whai kupu a te Kiingi.’. Issue not dated; text dated 2 May 1 896. Williams 810b (S)/xiii; AP, WTU.

28 November; I sheet ([l] p.); 281x227 mm. No engraving. No colophon. Subtitle: '[hand] Kei Konei te reo karanga [ hand] '. Heading dated 28 November 1896. Williams 810b (S)/xiv; AP, WTU.

1897: 8 July: 1 sheet ([l] p ); 288x216 mm. No colophon. Text has heading '[/ land] He powhirii [ hand] He powhirii! [ hand] He powhiri!!!.’. Heading dated 8 July 1897. Williams 810b (S)/xv; AP. WTU.

24 December: 1 folded sheet ([4] p); 284x223 mm. No engraving. Colophon p. [4]: 'I taia i runga i te mana o te Kiingitanga, e Hona Tio, me te Ruinga, Pai [sic] ta nupepa, Maunga-awa [sic]'. Text has heading: 'Ko nga korero tenei o te taenga o Taingakawa Te | Waharoa ki Poneke.'. Heading dated 24 December 1897. Williams 810b (S)/xvi; WTU.

1898: ** 15 January: 1 sheet ([1 ] p.)? Assumed to exist from text of a notice reprinted in The Jubilee = Te Tiupiri, 1 February 1898, p. 5. inviting people to a meeting at Huntly on 22 March 1896. No copy located.

1902: **6 January. Known only through a typescript translation (WTU); it recorded decisions made at a meeting of tribal representatives at Matamata on 24 December 1901. No copy located.

1905: 30 November: 1 sheet ([l] p.); ca. 282x225 mm. No engraving. No colophon. Text has heading: ‘He panuitanga’. WTU (photocopy).

1907: 2 May: 1 sheet ([l] p.); 563x445 mm. (cropped?) No engraving. No colophon. Subtitle: Te mana motuhake, o te tutuku, o nga tupuna, o nga iwi Maori o nga | mow erua nei, o Aotearoa, mete Waipounamu.'. Text has heading 'Whakaturanga.'. WTU.

1909: 24 April [i.e. 6 May]: 1 sheet ((1) p.); 549x440 mm. (cropped?). Colophon: T taia i runga i te mana o te Roopu Whaimana i tu ki Ngaruawahia e, (“Teiwi H. Hoera") Waahi Hanatere Waikato,'. No engraving. Masthead dated 24 April; colophon dated 6 May. Subtitle: 'He niu ka torona, ki nga iwi katoa i runga i nga motu erua nei i Aotea- 1 roa mete Waipounamu. [. . .]'. Some text and the colophon use type with a complex vowel-marking system. WTU.

22 August: 1 sheet ([l] p.): 575x297 mm. Colophon: 'I tala tenei, i raro i te mana o te Kiingi-tanga o te iwi Maori, o Aotea-roa mete Wai-pounamu. | e T. Te Puke, kai taa o Te Paki o Matariki.’. Text has heading: 'He panui'. WTU.

191 1: 22 November: I sheet ([l] p.); ill.; 568x442 mm. Colophon: T perehitia kite Tari a te ta, Perehi Nupepa a Perete me tona Kamupena i Hotereni me Paota Tiriti, Akarana.' [i.e. Brett Printing & Publishing Co.]. Illustration is of an architectural drawing (signed ‘F. Louch & Son') of the planned Parliament House at Ngaruawahia, which opened in March 1919 (without the corner towers in the drawing). WTU.

1912: 14 February: 1 sheet ([l] p); 443x286 mm, Colophon: T taia e P Herewini Kai taa ote Paki o Matariki.'. Text has heading; 'He Whaiwhaka maharatanga.'. WTU.


S3 I

TE PAKI O MATARIKI (1892-19357)

1 December: I sheet ([l] p.); 515x290 mm. Colophon: 'I taia i runga ite mana ote Kiingitanga o Aotearoa mete Waipounamu e P. Herewini, Kai taa ote Paki o Matariki.' Type used is from mixed fonts, some vowels with accents, WTU.

1913:21 June: I sheet ([ 1 ] p.); 430x231 mm. Colophon: ‘I taia e P Herewini Kai ta ote Paki o Matariki'. Text has heading: ‘He panui tanga’. WTU.

1914: 26 [i.e. 30] January: 1 sheet ([l] p.): 450x250 mm. Colophon: 'I taia tenei kite Perehi a te Kiingitanga, e Tokawhakaea '. Text has heading 'Waahi, Hanatere, Waikato. | Hanuere 26, 1914 '; colophon dated 30 lanuary 1914. WTU.

jai luai y i i -t. vv iu. 14 May [1914?]: 1 sheet ([l] p.); 263x208 mm. Colophon: 'I taia tenei ki te Perehi a te Kiingitanga, e Tokawhakaea.'. Text dated 14 May (no year); assumed to be 1914 from location in bound volume and colophon same as issue of 26 [i.e. 30] January 1914. Text has heading: ‘He panui tanga.'. WTU.

1915: 12 July: 1 sheet ([ 1 ] p.); 500x235 mm. No colophon. First engraving in masthead. Text has heading: ‘Kote ripoata'. Text dated 12 July 1915. WTU copies of this and the other two items of the same date are printed on one large sheet (500x657 mm.) but it is unlikely they would have been issued in that format. WTU.

12 July: 1 sheet ([l] p); ca. 375x225 mm. No colophon. Second engraving in masthead. Text has heading: '[ hand] He powhiri! [hand] He powhiri!'. Text dated 12 July 1915. WTU.

pu vv i 111 i: . i V/Ai i c juij i s i . *v iu. 12 July: 1 sheet ([l] p ); ca. 245x200 mm. No colophon. No engraving. Text has heading: 'He panui tanga'. Text dated 12 July 1915. WTU.

1916: 20 July: 1 sheet ([l] p ); 424x284 mm. Colophon: ‘I taia tenei. i raro i te mana o te Kiingi-tanga o te iwi Maori, o Aotea-roa mete Wai-pounamu, | e P. Herewini, Kai taa o te Paki-o-Matariki'. Text has heading: 'Rukumoana'. WTU.

15 August: 1 sheet ([l] p ); 425x284 mm. Colophon: ‘I taia tenei. i raro i te mana o te Kiingitanga o te iwi Maori, o Aotea-roa mete Wai-pounamu | e P Herewini Kai taa o te Paki-o-Matariki Waahi Hanatere Waikato ' Text has heading: 'He panui-tanga'. WTU.

16 November; I sheet ([l] p.); 305x273 mm Colophon as for issue of 15 August. No engraving. WTU.

1919: 7 October: I sheet ([l] p ); 339x265 mm. Colophon: ‘I taia i runga 1 te mana o te Paki o Matariki e, Morrinsville Star'. WTU.

1920: 2 February: 1 sheet ([l] p.): 565x298 mm. Colophon as for issue of 7 October 1919. WTU.

1924: 1 February: I sheet ([l] p.); 355x266 mm. No colophon. Text has heading: ‘He panui tanga'. WTU.

1935: 10 August: I sheet ([l] p); 260x201 mm. Colophon: 'Huntly Press Print’. WTU.

12 October: I sheet ([I ]p ); 348 x 190 mm. No colophon, but the typeface is the same as used in the issue of 10 August, indicating this was probably

printed by Huntly Press Print. WTU.




Williams 810, 810 a (S). 810b (S). Copies: see listing above: microfilm:

Niupepa 1842-1933 (29) (microfiche; most issues).



Political newspaper published in Napier.

i c/itt lout i* t i . Aotearoa 1 He nupepa ma nga tangata Maori. | [rule] \ Pukapuka I. Nepia, 4 Hune, 1892. Nama 1. | [rule] )[...] [He mea ta kite Whare Ta ote Iwinini | Niuhi. i raro i te mana o Hone Tamati 1 Mariata Honepi, Nepia. [i.e. Napier]]

8 p.: 382x255 mm. imprint from colophon p, 8. Printed in three columns separated by vertical rules. One advertisement. Text in Maori. Printed by John Thomas Marryat Hornsby (‘Hone Tamati Mariata Honepi') at the office of the Napier Evening News (Twinini Niuhi') and Hawkes Bay advertiser newspaper. The display type in the masthead is roughly carved, or prepared from an unfinished drawing.

2? issues (12 p): v. 1, no. 1 (4 June 1892)-v. 1. no. 2 (25 June 1892). Continuous pagination (no. 2: p, [9]-12). Text in Maori. Layout of colophon varies in no. 2.

Vdl ICb 111 lIU. Aotearoa was a political newspaper of which only two issues have been located; the editor is unknown. The editorial in the first issue explains that it was established exclusively for the benefit of Maori, with no Pakeha involved in its production. The intention was to fund it through advertising and by rental revenue from land set aside in each district. Most of the paper is given over to accounts of current political events and hui proceedings. There are short articles relevant to the Kotahitanga (Maori Parliament) movement (members of which supported the paper), parliamentary business, obituaries and letters and observations on some previous Maori-language newspapers. The second issue includes (p. 11-12) a lengthy contribution from James Carroll ('Timi Kara') on native land legislation. For further background see J. Curnow, 'A brief history of Maori-language newspapers', in Rere atu, taku manul, ed. by J. Curnow, N. Hopa and J. Mcßae (Auckland, 2002), p. 17-41 (p. 28).

Williams 81 7 & (S). Copies: WTU: microfilm: Niupepa 1842-1933 (33) (microfiche)

533 I


'Unite the people': a Kotahitanga paper printed in Hastings.

[within ornamental border:] Fluia tangata kotahi. | [rule] \ Nama I. Pepuare 8, 1893. | [rule] | [. . .] [Hehitingi, Hakii Pei [i.e. Hastings, Hawke's Bay] Nui Tireni. | He mea Perehi e Teoti me langa a he mea panui e H. | Mangakahia e te tangata nana te nupepa i raro i te | Kotahitanga.]

8 p.; 280x225 mm. Imprint from colophon p. 8. Printed in two columns separated by vertical rule. Printed by George & Young (‘Teoti me langa').

79? issues: [v. I], no, I (8 February 1893)-v. 2, no. 49 (9 February 1895). 3 supplements. No copies located of v. [l], no. 27, v. 2. no. 10, 14, 34-36, 38-41, 44, 47. Issues 4 or 8 p. (most are 4 p ). Size varies: 280x225 mm.




(to v. [l], no. 6) then approx. 380x255 mm.; size of supplements varies. Paper type and quality varies. Text in Maori. Includes advertisements (usually on final page). Frequency: most issues weekly; fortnightly [v. I], no. 1-5 (8 February-8 April 1893) and v, [l] no. 12-29 (10 June 1893-3 February 1894). Price: £1 per annum.

Printer Alfred Amory George (18547-1930) had an active public life in Hastings. He was associated with several newspapers in his early career and published the weekly New Zealand bulletin (1904-1922); for an obituary see Dominion. 14 October 1930.

Title/masthead variations:

From v. [l], no. 2 (25 February 1893): Illustration inside ornamental border added to masthead above the title: it shows Maori of the South and North Islands pulling together on ropes to raise aloft a central device of three huia feathers.

From v. [l], no. 3: designation of the islands 'Aotearoa' (North Island) and 'Waipounamu' (South Island) added to the masthead illustration, incorrectly in no. 3 but correctly from no. 4 onwards. In v. 2, no. 16-20 the spelling of the latter changed to 'Wipounamau' but then reverted to the previous version.

Supplement with no. 6 (22 April 1893) has title: 'He wharangi Huia tangata kotahi. Aperira 22.'; supplements with no. 8 and 10 (6 and 20 May 1893) use the standard running title: 'Huia tangata kotahi.'.

Numbering and issue variations:

v, [l]: 29 issues, no volume numbering, issues numbered 1-29 (8 February 1893-3 February 1894). Supplements (mainly advertising) with no. 6 (1 sheet ([l] p), 343X125 mm.), 8 (1 sheet ([2] p.), 254x202 mm ). 10 (I sheet ([l] p ). 345X250 mm.).

v. 2: 50 issues, numbered 1-48, 48a, 49 (17 February 1894-9 February 1895).

Imprint/colophon variations:

v. [l], no. 3-6 (I I March-22 April 1893): Colophon: 'Hehitingi. Hakii Pei Nui Tireni. | He mea Perehi e Teoti me langa a he mea panui e H. | Mangakahia i raro i te Kotahitanga.’.

v. [l], no. 7-11 (29 April-27 May 1893): Colophon: 'Hehitingi, Hakii Pei, Nui Tirini. | He mau Perehi e Teoti me langa a he mea panui | e Timoti Whiua, raro i te Komiti o te Kotahitanga.'.

From v. [l], no. 12 (lOJune 1893): Colophon: 'Hehitingi, HaKii Pei. Nui Titeni, I He mau Perehi e Teoti me langa a he | mea panui e Ihaia Hutana me Timoti Whiua, | i raro i te Komiti o te Kotahitanga.’. Some minor layout and spelling changes and typographical errors in subsequent issues: ‘mea Perehi’ (from v.[l], no. 15); ‘Niu Tireni’ (from v. [l], no. 21).

Supplements: no colophon with supplement with no. 6; supplements with no. 8 and 10 have dated colophon as for the issue.

Huia tangata kotahi. the newspaper of the Kotahitanga (Maori Parliament) movement was edited by Ihaia Hutana, son-in-law and sometime secretary to the influential Henare Tomoana, The paper contains extensive coverage of native meetings and proceedings of Kotahitanga hui, reports of Maori Parliamentary proceedings, local and foreign news, and also letters, notices, lists of subscribers and advertisements. Material from the KTngitanga is




reprinted in some issues (eg. 12 May 1894; v, 2, no. 13, p. 2-4) possibly from issues of Te paki o Matarihi that have not been located (see S3l). A translation of Colenso’s Authentic and genuine history of the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi (1890; Bagnall Cl 193) was published in v. 2, no. 4-7. 9 and 12(10 March-5 May 1894).

For comment on the significance of bird imagery in the context of this paper see J. Mcßae. ‘E manu, tena koe!’, in Rere atu. taku menu!, ed. by J. Curnow, N. Hopa and J. Mcßae (Auckland, 2002), p. 42-59 (p. 48-49). Williams 853 a & (S). Copies: WTU; microfilm; Niupepa 1842-1933 (34) (microfiche)



'Notices of Aotearoa': Klngitanga land court gazette.

‘ vy i . i IUMW vv/I AI I [Arms of the Klngitanga] \ Ko | te paunui [i.e. panui] o Aotearoa. | Mo te | Kooti Whakawa Whenua Maori. | He mea ta i runga i te mana o te Kiingitanga Motuhake o Aotearoa. | [ double rule] | No. I, Maungakawa, Kemureti Waikato, N.Z. Nowema 20, 1894. P. 1. | [double rule] | [. . .] [I taia e T. W. Kereama i runga i te mana o te Kiingitanga o Aotearoa, Maungkawa, [sic] Nowema 25, 1894.]

1 folded sheet (4 p.): 289x215 mm. Imprint from colophon p. 4. Running titles: 'Ko te panui Wahkawa [sic] Whenua Maori o Aotearoa’ (p. 2) and ‘Te panui Whakawa Whenua Maori o Aotearoa’ (p. 3-4). Text in Maori. Printed by Tuatara Wiremu Graham (’Kereama’) at the Klngitanga Press at Maungakawa near Cambridge (‘Kemureti’). The coat of arms is the second ('triangular') design used in some issues of Te paki o Matarihi (S3l) from 6 October 1892 onwards.

No other issues of this publication have been located. It was possibly the first issue and/or predecessor of Ko te kahiti tuturu mo Aotearoa (536) but as only issues no. 3 and 5 of that title have been located the connection cannot be confirmed.

Ko te panui o Aotearoa was an official gazette of the independent land court that resulted from an August 1893 Klngitanga council decision. Most notices are signed by either Taingakawa Te Waharoa as ’Tumuaki’ (leader, or ‘Premier’) of the movement, or T. K. M. Hadfield (’Harawira’) as Registrar CRehita’) of the Court. The style of the publication closely follows that of government Native Land Court notices printed in the Kahiti (SI 7). For further background on Klngitanga publications see S3l

Williams 887 & (S). Copies: DUHO; WTU (photocopy): microfilm.


> MARAMATAKA haere timata i a Hanuere tau 1895 (1894?)

Almanac for 1895. presumably intended to be the first of a series. [Maramataka haere timata i a Hanuere tau 1895: actual title not known: no copy located. Hastings?: Printed by George & Young?, 1894?]

142 p.; 190x125 mm. Physical details not confirmed: no copy located Details taken from Williams.

Although no copy has been located, from his detailed description Williams




must have seen a copy: 'contains prefatory matter and general information (p. 1-20); almanac (p 21-32); spaces for memoranda and advertisements (p. 33-142). On p. I 35 is a note signed by lhaia Hutana and Paraire Tomoana as publishers.' It was presumably intended to be the first of a series.

The work may have been an attempt to raise funds to support Hutana and Tomoana's newspaper Huia tangata kotahi (533) which finally ceased on 9 February 1895, and was probably printed by the same printer. For further background see DNZB, v. 2, p, 236-238 (Hutana), and v. 3. p, 534-536 (Tomoana). The latter essay notes this publication and Tomoana's subsequent monthly newspaper columns and other almanacs.

Williams 897. No copy located.


KO TE KAHITI TUTURU mo Aotearoa, . . . (ca. 1895)

Kingitanga land court gazette.

[Arms of the Kingitanga] | Ko | te kahiti tuturu | mo | Aotearoa, mete Waipounamu. | [rule] | He mea ta i runga i te “mana” o te Kiingitanga Motuhake o te iwi Maori | [double rule] | No. 3.) Maungakawa, Kemureti Waikato A. & W (N.Z.) Oketopa 20, 1895. (P 1. | [double rule] | [. . .] [no imprint. Maungakawa, Waikato: Printed at the Kingitanga Press, ca. 1895]

8? p.; 285x218 mm. Running title: 'Kahiti whakawa whenua Maori' (exception, p. 6: 'whenua' misspelt 'ewhnua'). Pages 2, 3, 6, 7 dated at head 28 October: p. 4. 5, 8 dated 20 October, indicating a publication date of 28 October. Lack of colophon suggests the issue is possibly incomplete but all copies located finish at p. 8. The coat of arms is the second ('triangular') design used in some issues of Te paki o Matarihi (S3l) from 6 October 1892 onwards. Text in Maori.

4? issues (no. 2?-5?). Copies located of no. 3 (28? October 1895) and no. 5 (29 September 1896) only. It is possible that the first issue of the publication was Ko te panui o Aotearoa (no. 1.20 November 1894: 534). changing its title to Ko te kahiti tuturu mo Aotearoa from issue no. 2. This cannot be confirmed because of fragmented extant holdings but the content and layout are very similar and would suggest a frequency of approximately six-monthly.

Title/masthead variation;

no. 5 (29 September 1896): Subtitle ('He mea ta i runga . . .') omitted. Issue number (‘s’) is overprinted on '4'.

Numbering and issue variation:

no. 5: 16 p.

■ • r Imprint/colophon variation:

no. 5 has colophon p. 16: T taia i runga i te mana o te Kiingitanga e T. Wiremu Kereama raua Ko K. Hena Tio. Pai [sic] ta nupepa. Maunga-1 Kawa Kemureti, Hepetema 29 1896.'.

Ko te kahiti tuturu mo Aotearoa. mete Waipounamu contains notices about the Kingitanga court procedures and forthcoming hearings, with decisions on land ownership and succession. Most notices are signed by Aremete Te Paeahu, Registrar of the court. For further background on Kingitanga publications see S3l and 534.




Williams 903 a (S). Copies: AP (no. 3, lacks p, 3-6); WTU (photocopies): microfilm.



'The sealing by the seven': local Kingitanga gazette.

Nga hiiringa i te whitu. | “Kia mau kite ture, kite whakapono: kite aroha: hei aha te aha, hei aha te aha.” | [double rule] | Wharangi I.- No. I.) Maungakawa Kemureti, Mane, Oketopa 12, 1896. (Te utu e rua kapa | [double rule] | [. . .] Printed and published by the proprietor,T. K. M. Hadfield, at Te Paki o Matariki General Printing Office,

Maungakawa, October 12, ‘96.

1 sheet ([l] p ); 428x286 mm. Text (partly in two columns) has heading: 'Te huinga tuatahi o te Kaunihera.'. Text in Maori. Price: 2d. Printed at the Kingitanga Press at Maungakawa near Cambridge ('Kemureti').

No other issues of this publication have been located.

Nga hiiringa i te whitu probably translates as 'the sealing by the seven' and may be a pun on the name of Te Whitu Huakatoa, chairman of the committee of seven members which published it. This issue contains local administrative news for 'Porotaka Nama I ’ the First Circle of the authority of the Kingitanga, which included Waikato. Patetere (west of Rotorua) and Piako. It contains a report of the first meeting for 1896 of the Circle's council, convened by the Secretary of the Kingitanga T. T. Rawhiti on 28 September 1896. The meeting elected Te Whitu Huakatoa as Chairman and T. K. T. Waitangi as Secretary and sat until 3 October. A list of eighteen resolutions ('lure') passed at the meeting is printed.

The paper was originally intended to be a public newspaper containing general local and overseas news (Te paki o Matariki, 12 April 1894, p. [3], clause 11). An editorial note at the foot of this issue says it will carry whatever information people wish it to and that it will be widely distributed.

Williams 928 a (S), Copies: WTU; microfilm; Niupepa 1842-1933 (31) (microfiche)


TE AUTE COLLEGE Students’ Association (1897-1906)

Proceedings of some conferences in a series that continued to 1910. Nga korero o te hui | i tu ki | Te Aute Kareti, 1 Nepia, Takiwa o Heretaunga, | Pepuere. 1897. | [double rule] | [ device: 'TACSA'] | "Whakatangata! Kia kaha!” | [douWe rule] | Gisborne; | Printed at the “Herald” Office, Gladstone Road. | [rule] 1 1897.

31. [l] p.; 243x153 mm.; pale greenish blue paper covers. Title repeated on front cover inside an ornamental border. Pages [2] and [32] blank. Printed at the office of the Poverty Bay herald newspaper.

tlIVs I I W I u IV. 1 I jr utu i . 6 issues, published 1897-1901. 1906. Issues individually described below, Maori versions of proceedings of some of the usually annual conferences held 1897-1910: 1 (February 1897), 2 (December 1897), 3 (December 1898), 4 (December 1899). 5 (December 1900), 10 (December 1905/ January 1906).

no. [l]: see description above.




no, 2: Nga korero o te Hui Tuarua | o | Te Kotahitanga | a | nga Tamariki o Te Aute Kareti | i tu ki | Te Raukahikatea. Kihipane, | Tihema, 1897. | [double rule] | Whakatangata! [device: TACSA'] Kia kaha! | [double rule] j Nepia: [i.e. Napier] | 1 perehitia kite Tari Nupepa o te Terekarawhi. | [rule] | 1898,

[2], 17, [l] p ; 216x140 mm; grey-brown paper covers. Title repeated on cover inside an ornamental border.

no. 3; Nga korero o te Hui Tuatoru | o | Te Kotahitanga | o | nga Tamariki o Te Kareti o Te Aute | i tu ki | Taumata-o-mihi, Tuparoa, | Tihema, 1898. | [rules, device, imprint etc., as no. 2] | 1899.

20 p ; 210x142 mm.; grey-brown paper covers. Title repeated on cover inside an ornamental border.

no. 4: Nga korero o te Hui Tuawha | o | Te Kotahitanga | o nga | Tamariki o Te Kareti | o Te Aute. | [rule] j I tu ki Papawai, Wairarapa, | Tihema. 1899. | [double rule] | Whakatane! [device: TACSA’] Kia kaha! | [double rule] \ [imprint as no. 2] | 1900.

23, [l] p.; 217x142 mm.; grey-brown paper covers. Title repeated on cover inside an ornamental border.

no. 5: Nga korero o | te Hui tua- 1 rima o Te Kotahi- | tanga o nga Tama- | riki o Te Kareti o | Te Aute, i tu ki | Putiki-Wharanui. | Whanganui, i te 7 | o nga ra o Tihema, | 1900. 1 [ornament (flower)] | Turanga: [i.e. Gisborne] na te Wi- | remu Hapata i ta ki | te Perehi kite Rau- | kahikatea. 1901.

[2], 44 p. 205x135 mm. Prelim, pages: title-page (verso blank). First letter 'N' is ornamental; title-page text underlined Colophon p 44: ’H. W. Williams, Te Rau Press, Gisborne.’ Apparently issued without additional covers.

no. 10: Parallel title-pages: Te Aute College Students' | Association | Report | of the | Tenth Conference | held at | Ohinemutu, Rotorua, | on | December 25, 1905, to January I, 1906, | Whakatangata! Kia kaha! j [ornament] | Rotorua: | Printed at the Office of the “Hot Lakes Chronicle. “ | 1906.

Nga korero o te Hui Tekau | o | Te Kotahitanga | a | nga Tamariki o Te Aute Kareti | i tu ki | Ohinemutu, Rotorua, | Tihema 25. 1905, ki Hanuere 1, 1906. | Whakatangata! Kia kaha! | [ornament] | Rotorua; 1 1 Perehitia ki te Tare Nupepa o te “Hot Lakes Chronicle." | 1906.

[4], 41, [3] p.; 200x138 mm.; blue paper covers. Titles repeated on front (English) and back (Maori) covers inside borders. Almost all text is in Maori only: sections translated into English are a preliminary note signed by the compiler (F. A. Bennett, prelim, p. [3]) and the 16 resolutions passed (p. 38-41).

No. 2-4 printed by R. C. Harding at the office of the Napier Daily telegraph (Terekarawhi') newspaper; no. 5 printed by H. W, Williams CWiremu Hapata') at the Te Rau Press Cte Perehi kite Raukahikatea'); no, 10 printed at the office of the Hot Lakes chronicle.

Reports in Maori of proceedings of some of the 14 meetings of the Te Ante College Students’ Association ('Kotahitanga o nga Tamariki o Te Kareti o Te




Aute’) held between February 1897 and April 1910. The organisation changed its name to Te Aute Association in 1907 and to Young Maori Party. Southern Division, in 1909. (A Northern Division of the Party, comprising Auckland schools, held two meetings in 1 909 in Auckland.)

English-language publications associated with the meetings were Reports (no, 1-9, 11, 13-14) and Papers and addresses (no. 1-3; see Bagnall T241T243). The report from no. 10 was mainly in Maori (see above) and no separate publication seems to have resulted from no. 1 2 (held at Orakei), but proceedings were reported in the New Zealand herald, 22-28 February 1908.

The constitution of the Association identified its main goal as being 'to aid in the amelioration of the condition of the Maori race physically, intellectually, socially and spiritually'. Through the leadership of its members, including Apirana Ngata, Reweti Kohere, Timutimu Tawhai, Peter Buck, and (later) Maui Pbmare it is regarded as having played a major role in the survival of Maori, See R. R. Alexander, The story of Te Ante College (Wellington, 1951), p. 107-122, for a description of the meetings, and R. Lange, May the people live (Auckland, 1999), p. 91-127 and other references, for a review of the achievements of the movement, especially in health matters. This work includes a list of the meetings held and topics discussed (p. 96). See also Pipiwharauroa (542), with which the Association was closely involved and saw as an important contribution to effecting change.

Williams 941 5i (S) (no. 1), 962 (no. 2), 982 (no. 3), 999 (no. 4). Copies:



Te PUKE KI HIKURANGI (1897-1913)

'The hill at Hikurangi': Wairarapa newspaper initially published from Papawai.

Te puke ki Hikurangi [set inside masthead block incorporating Mt Hikurangi rising above a peaceful island scene ] \ [rule] \ Nama 1. Turei, Tihema 21 1897. Wharangi No. 1, | [rule] [[...] [Kingi H. T. Rangitakaiwaho. |

Tumuaki, Kai-taa o | “Te Puke ki Hikurangi.” | Papawai, | Greytown North,

Wairarapa District.)

I folded sheet (4 p.); 425x235 mm. Imprint from colophon p. 4. Printed in three columns.

192 issues: v. [l], no. I (21 December !897)-v. 6. no. 33 (II September 1906); [new series] v. 1. no. 1 (31 July 1911 )-v. 2, no. 39 [i.e. 40] (15 July 1913). 5 supplements. Separate issue numbering sequences per volume to v. 6; new series has continuous issue numbering. Number of issues per volume varies between 22 and 33: most are 24 issues. Issues individually paginated (between 4 and 11 p); most issues 6orB p. Coloured paper covers (some with advertisements) for issues in v. 6 (green) and new ser. (orange (most) or red). Size varies; 425x235 mm. (v. 1-v. 5, no. 18); 355x285 mm. (v. 5, no. 19-23); 310x243 mm. (v. 6); 384x255 mm. ([new sen] v. 1, no. 1-10); 320x255 mm. ([new ser.) v. 1, no. I 1-v. 2, no. 39). Printed in four columns from new ser., v. 1. no. 4, Includes occasional illustrations (mainly portraits) and advertisements (from v. 6, no. 9). Text in Maori. Frequency varies; most issues fortnightly but occasionally weekly or irregular and with some long




gaps. Price varies: v. I-5 and new series: 1 0s. per annum; v. 6: 16s. per annum. New series to v. 2. no. 24 (29 October 1912) 6d. per copy, then 3d. per copy.

A plan to produce this paper as a bilingual publication with an English text resulted in a single issue of Te puke ki Hikurangi and Maori record (collective title on cover). The English-language section of this IThe Maori record, v. I, noil 8 p.) is dated 7 November 1904; see Hocken (p. 546) for further details and information on its successor (1905-1907). See annotation below for two different issues of v. 6, no. I (dated 9 November 1904 and 20 February 1905), the earlier of which was the Maori-ianguage section of the bilingual issue. An undated letter to subscribers headed ‘Te Puke ki Hikurangi' and signed 'Te Puke' is bound with the 7 November I 904 issue (WTU copy), it advised that the paper would in future be in both languages and that the cost, appearance and frequency would change.

Title/masthead variations:

From v. I, no, 2-v. 5: Place of publication 'Wairarapa.' added to masthead in number/date line.

From v. [l], no. 15 (20 September 1898); Running title includes date and issue number (exceptions: omitted in v. 6, no. 1-28; issue number omitted in new ser. v. 2, no. 35-39).

From v. 2. no. 1 (21 February 1899): Volume number added to masthead in number/date line.

v. 6, no. 1 (9 November 1904): New masthead without illustration; title in gothic typeface: '(Nama 1 o te tau 6.) Te puke ki Hikurangi Noema 9. 1904 (Wharangi 1)'. This is repeated on each page as a running title (same type size and layout as masthead).

Title on cover: ‘Te puke ki Hikurangi [original masthead block with illustration] | . . and . . | Maori record | A journal devoted to | the advancement of the | Maori people. | [. . .]'. See note above on this singleissue bilingual publication.

v. 6, no. 1 (20 February 1905) (sic]-33 (11 September 1906): New masthead: ‘Te puke ki Hikurangi. | [double rule] | (No. 1, o te tau tuaono) Kereitaone Wairarapa N.Z. Pepuere 20, 1905 (Wharangi No. 1) | [double rule] | [. .

Title on cover: 'Te puke ki Hikurangi [ original masthead block with illustration] | [ornament] | Huihuia mai o koutou whakaaro | ki runga i to tatau

Maunga Tapu | te oha a te hunga kua wehe | [. . .]'. [new series:]

v. 1-2: Masthead returns to original 1897 format: ‘Te puke ki Hikurangi [inside masthead block with illustration] | [rule] | Nama 1 o te tau I. Carterton, Wairarapa, Mane Hurae 31, 1911. I. | [rule] \[. . Masthead repeated on cover, with advertisements (earliest issue located with covers is no. 5. 16 October 1911). Place of publication omitted from masthead in v, 1, no. 16-v. 2, no. 24.

From v. 2. no. 29: Change in display type in masthead block (repeated on cover).

v. 2, no. 34-39: Place of publication in masthead as 'Carterton, N.Z.'; change to typeface in running titles.

lu ■■■ 5 Supplements have titles: 'A supplement to the "Puke ki Hikurangi” newspaper.' and (new series) ‘Supplement to Te puke ki Hikurangi. Carterton'.


TE PUKE Kl HIKURANGI (1897-1913)


Numbering and issue variations;

Supplements (2 p.) with v. 2, no. 13, 16, 17, 19 (none dated) and [new ser.]

f'-/ ’ v. 2, no. 31 (dated 28 February 1913).

v. [l] (21 December 1897-7 February 1899; 24 issues).

v. 2 (21 February 1899-15 February 1900; 24 issues).

v. 3 (28 February 1900-28 February 1901; 24 issues): no. 21 (15 January 1901) misdated 'l9oo' in masthead and running titles. a ~ r- >i . -7 i i. , irmn. T A

v. 4 (15 March 1901-31 July 1902; 24 issues).

Y. * V • mm «-i i . syj i -r • • - ' v. 5 (30 August 1902-17 September 1904; 23? issues): no. 13 (15 September 1903) misnumbered 'l4' in masthead (running titles are correct). An issue no. 24 may have been published, but no copy located.

v. 6 (9 November 1904-11 September 1906; 34 issues); Two issues (9 November 1904 and 20 February 1905) are numbered v. 6, no. 1. The earlier was part of the only known issue of Te puke Hikurangi and Maori record (see note above). The other issues in the volume are numbered 2-33. No. 29 (10 February 1906) incorrectly dated January in masthead (running titles are correct). Paper covers (all issues) have imprint but are not numbered or dated.

[new series.]

v. 1 (31 July 1911-17 August 1912; 22 issues).

no. 2 (15 August 1911) misnumbered CD and dated (31 July) in masthead. From no. 4 (15 September 1911); Motto and price added to masthead; •[2 lines with brace:] Te utu | Price [hand] [2 lines:] “Te puputanga kite ora. Nui tangata e haere ana kite po, iti tangata i mahue ake kite ao nei,” | "Rauhitia, manaakitia.” 6d'.

no. 8-9 (30 November and 16 December 1911): Text (incl. colophon) continues on inside back cover which are numbered (respectively p. 11 and p. 7). no. 14 (29 February 1912) printed in blue.

lIU. in 7 1 CL7I UQI y 1 y I 111 I^l no. 17 (15 May 1912) misnumbered ‘l6’ in masthead and some running titles.

v. 2 (9 October 1912-15 July 1913; 17 issues: no. 23-39 [i.e. 40]); two issues (16 and 30 June 1913) numbered 38.

no. 24: Overstamped 29 October 1912 (original date 2 November) in masthead and running titles.

From no. 26 (30 November 1912): Advertisements on front cover replaced by portrait and subscription information.

no. 27 (16 December 1912); Two small inserts: 'Fie reta tuku mai’ (210x125 mm.: letter from Meiha Tunuiarangi Taihoa’ dated Carterton CKaatataone’). 9 December 1912) and 'Te mihi a te “Puke'” (210x135 mm.; Christmas message from the publisher, printed in green).

no. 28 (16 January 1913): Outside back cover (advertisement for the newspaper) numbered and included in pagination (p. 7).

From no. 29 (31 January 1913): Front cover numbered and included in pagination; cover blank except for page 1,

From no. 34 (15 April 1913): Frequency and subscription added to masthead: '[hand] E rua nga putanga o tenei nupepa i roto i te marama. Te lOs hereni i te tau.'.

no. 39 (30 June 1913) misnumbered '3B' and dated 1 6 June in masthead and most running titles. Correct date on cover, running title p. 7, and colophon p, 7.




Imprint/colophon variations:

Issues without colophons: v.[ 1 ] no. 2, 5-7; (new ser.] v. 1. no. 10; all supplements.

v. [l], no. 8 (7 June 1898) and 10 (5 July 1898): 'He mea taa e Rihara te Parera.'.

v. [l], no. 9 (21 June 1898): ‘He mea perehi e T. Renata kite Puke ki | Hikurangi.’.

v. [1), no. 11-13 (19 July-16 August 1898): ‘He mea taa e T. Renata.'.

v. [l], no. 14-15 (30 August-20 September 1898): ‘He mea ta e Te Karepe Te Kahu.'.

v. [l], no. 16 (4 October 1898): ‘He mea ta e Tawhiro Renata, | ki tona tari rehita. Papawai.'.

i ui mu, i . v. [l], no. 17 (26 October 1898): 'He mea ta e Tawhiro Renata. | Kai ta o “Te Puke ki Hikurangi.” 1 Papawai, Greytown North. Wairarapa.'.

v. [l], no. 18-19 (8-20 November 1898): 'He mea ta e Tawhiro Renata, i raro i te | mana o Tamahau Mahupuku, kite tari | rehita. Papawai.', Place in no. 19 varies: 'Greytown North, Waiararapa.'.

v. [l], no. 20-v. 5, no. 17 (13 December 1898-31 December 1903): 'Printed and published by T. Renata. | Under the authority of H. T, Mahupuku | at his registered office. Main-street, Grey- | town North, Wairarapa,'. Exceptions:

| V/gllJiVl VVI UUIvU, HIUII I Jll VUI, '—ll J | vv I I I 'VI II I, I 1 Uli Wl in. v. 4, no. 4-11: Address changes to 'Victoria-street'; v. 5 no. 14; He mea Perehi kite Tari o "Te Puke”.' (also in v. 5, no. 15 above the English colophon).

v. 5, no. 18 (15 January 1904): ‘T. Renata Publisher of "Te Puke”',

v. 5, no. 19-23 (1 July-17 September 1904) and v. 6, no. 1(9 November 1904): Printed and published by T. Renata. | Under the authority of Niniwa-i-te-rangi. | Arete Mahupuku. Raukura Tamahau. | Turuhira Paraone. At their registered | office. Main-street, Greytown North.'. See notes above about the two issues numbered v. 6, no. 1.

From v. 6, no. 1-33 (20 February 1905-11 September 1906): 'Printed and published for the proprietors | by T. Renata at their registered printing | office. Main-street Greytown Wairarapa N.Z.'. Imprint on covers: [ornament] Greytown North Wairarapa, N.Z. [ ornament] \ Printed and published for the proprietors by T. Renata, at their registered printing office.'. [new series ;]

v. 1: no. 1-3 (31 July-31 August 1911): ‘Printed and published by H. Tuhokairangi, | under the direction of Purakau Maika, at 1 Rowse's registered printing office. | High Street. Carterton. | Wairarapa. N. Z.'.

no. 4-9 (15 September-16 December 1911): ‘Printed & published by H. &A. | Tuhokairangi (Andrew Bros.) under | the direction of Purakau Maika Editor j at their registered printing office. | High Street, Carterton.'. No. 4 has additional colophon in Maori: 'He mea ta he mea panui na H. & | A. Tuhokairangi. i raro i nga whaka- | haere a Purakau Maika i te tari pere- 1 hi o Rowse, High st, Carterton.'. Address changes to 'Belvedere Street' from no. 5. No. 8 and 9; colophons at end of text on inside back cover.

no. 11-12 (15-31 January 1912): 'Printed and published by Te | HiKonga Tuhokairangi. & Anaru | Tuhokairangi, (Andrew's Bros). 1 under the direction of Purakau 1 Maika, Editor, at the registered | printing office of "Te Puke ki | Hikurangi.” Belvedere Street. | Carterton,’.




no. 13-16 (15 February-30 April 1912): 'Printed and published by | Te Hikonga Tuhokairangi, | under the direction of Purakau | Maika, Editor, at the registered | printing office of "Te Puke ki | Hikurangi," Belvedere Street, | Carterton,'. . . , r- i .i• _ , _ u J —. U. > I I I Ambnlori

no. 17-18? (15-30 May 1912): 'Printed and published by | H. Tera Arekatera | for the proprietor. Purakau | Maika, at his registered | printing office of “Te Puke ki | Hikurangi," Belvedere Street, | Carterton,'. Issue no. 19 not located, v. I, no. 20?-v. 2, no. 24 (3 July 1912-29 October 1912): 'Printed and published by | H. Tera Arekatera | Tauhia Tewiata | for the proprietor, Purakau | Maika, at his registered 1 printing office of “Te Puke ki | Hikurangi,” Belvedere Street. 1 Carterton,'.

From v. 2, no. 25 (21 November 1912): 'Printed and published by | H. Tuhokairangi and | Tauhia Tewiata | for the proprietor. Purakau | Maika, at his registered | printing office of "Te Puke ki | Hikurangi,” Belvedere Street, | Carterton,’

Te puke ki Hikurangi, often referred to as Te Puke' was established by Tamahau Mahupuku, a prominent figure in the Kotahitanga movement then based at Papawai (near Greytown, Wairarapa) and intended to be the official paper of the movement. Following Mahupuku’s death in 1904 the paper was continued for two years by his two widows and Niniwa-i-te-rangi, a recognised leader in Maori affairs and an expert in tribal history. She had a keen interest in newspapers and was also associated with The Jubilee (S4O). The paper's early editor Purakau Maika revived the publication in 1911 but it ceased after two years due to financial difficulties. The paper was organised on a similar basis to Huia tangata kotahi (533) and The Jubilee (S4O) with a management committee and district coordinators to collect subscriptions.

Te Puke initially concentrated on Kotahitanga business, together with descriptions of meetings of interest to Maori, legislation, items on farming and health, correspondence debating genealogies and tribal traditions, obituaries and notices of births, marriages and deaths. Its scope subsequently broadened to include translated national and international news taken from English-language papers (mainly the Wellington Evening post) but increasingly came to reflect local Wairarapa issues. For further information on this and the two other early twentieth-century Wairarapa papers see S. Chrisp, 'The tribal society of the Wairarapa newspapers’ in Rere am. taku mam!, ed, by J. Curnow, N. Hopa and J. Mcßae (Auckland, 2002), p. 193-210 (p. 193-197). Williams 974; WTU (incomplete); microfilm; Niupepa 1842-1933 (36a) (microfiche)


The JUBILEE = Te TIUPIRI (1898-1900)

'The Jubilee': a weekly/fortnightly newspaper published in Wanganui. The Jubilee. | [ ornament] \ [portrait of Queen Victoria surrounded by four ornamental rules, two ornaments and (divided) text: 'Maori newspaper.' and 'No. I. Vol. I.’] | [ornament] Te Tiupiri. [ornament] | [double rule] \ January 4, 1898. Whanganui. Hanuare 4, 1898. 1 [ double rule] ![...] [He mea perehi na Teoni D. Kuini. ki tona tari ta pepa i Ritiwe Tiriti o Whanganui, Niu Tireni. | Printed by John D. Quin, at his registered printing works,

Ridgway Street, Whanganui. N.Z.]

81 I



8 p.; 250 x 1 90 mm.; dark pink paper covers. Title from cover, inside ornamental border; imprint from colophon on outside back cover. Printed in two columns separated by vertical rule. Text partly in Maori, partly in English (some in parallel text); includes advertisements. Text (mainly advertisements) on all pages of covers. Caption title p. [l]: ‘The Jubilee, [ornament] Te Tiupiri. | Maori newspaper. | [double rule] | Vol. I.) January 4, 1898. [vertical rule] Flanuare 4, 1898, (No. I | [double rule]' Running title; 'The Jubilee, [page number] Te Tiupiri.'.

79? issues: v. 1, no. 1 (4 January 1898)-v, 3, no. 79? (5 July 1900). Issue no. 8 (22 February 1898) probably not published. 1 supplement (with no. 67). Continuous issue numbering and annual volume numbering. Issues separately paginated: 8 p. to no. 39 (27 September 1898), 16 p. from no. 40 (6 October 1898). Size varies: to no. 41 approx. 250x190 mm.; from no. 42 approx. 275x220 mm. Coloured paper covers are mainly dark pink to no. 43, then various (blue, green, orange, dark pink). Paper quality varies. Occasional illustrations in text; some text printed in blue. Advertisements on final page of text to no. 27 and on all sides of covers to no. 61; from no. 62 advertisement on front cover only. Text partly in English to no. 7; from no. 9 in Maori only (exceptions: no, I 7 and a few advertisements in parallel English and Maori). Frequency: weekly to no. 39 (27 September 1898); fortnightly no. 40-72 (6 October 1898-15 February 1900); irregular from no. 73 (8 March 1900). Price: to no. 46; 7s. 6d. (6 months) and 12s. 6d per annum; from no. 47: 10s. per annum. A print run of 1500 was planned for the first year, with 6-monthly bound volumes.

Williams records the final issue as no. 80 (19 July 1900). Flowever, the latest copy located is no. 79 (5 July 1900) and the irregular frequency at that time suggests another issue two weeks later is unlikely. It is possible that Williams confused a date (‘l9 o Flnrae' [sic]) on p. 16 of the 5 July issue.

Title/masthead variations;

no. 31-39 (2 August-20 September 1898): different (engraved) portrait of Queen Victoria used; 'Maori newspaper’ changes to 'Maori paper'. From no. 40 (6 October 1898) these changes are reversed to the original image and wording, with a change in masthead layout to: ‘The Jubilee. 1 Te Tiupiri. | [. . .)', with a new display typeface and style of rules and ornaments. The caption title changes to: '[ornament] Te Tiupiri. [ornament] \ Maori niu pepa.' and running titles to: ‘Te Tiupiri' (without date). Supplement with no. 67 (7 December 1899) has title: 'Kupu whaka uru mote pepa, no. 67 | [double rule] \ Supplement to Te Tiupiri. | Tihema 7th. 1899. | [double rule]'.

Numbering and issue variations:

1898 (45? issues): v. 1. no. 1-45 (4 January-22 December 1898). Date added to running title from no. 3 (18 January), Covers of no. 8 and no. 9 (WTU copies) are both dated I March and both contain the same text (no. 9, dated 1 March), suggesting that no. 8 (scheduled for 22 February) was not published. Cover of no. 10 dated 8 March; internal text dated 7 March. No. 11-12 (15-22 March) in WTU set lack covers and may have been issued that way. Some spelling variations, e.g. 'Marehe' and 'Apere' (no. 9-17).

No. 17 (26 April) is a special issue marking the death of Major Kemp on




15 April: text in Maori (p. 2-7) and English (p. 7-8, reprinted from the Wanganui chronicle ): all pages bordered in black and with portrait on p. [l], No. 33 (16 August) misnumbered '32'.

1899 (23 issues): v. 2. no. 46-68 (5 January-21 December 1899). Caption title of no. 46 (p. 1]) incorrectly numbered 'Vol. I.)’. Supplement to no. 67 (270x109 mm., with abbreviated Vine and Vine colophon) comprises three letters headed 'He panuitanga' dated Otaki 8-9 December, expressing opinions on Western Maori candidate Te Aohau Nekitini in the election to be held on 19 December; he was unsuccessful.

1900 (12? issues): v. 3, no. 69-80? (4 January-19? July 1900). No copy located of no. 80 but it was possibly never published (see note above). From no. 62 (28 September) advertisements omitted (except on front cover) and colophon moves to front cover.

Imprint/colophon variations:

From no. 40 (6 October 1898): colophon on cover changes to: ‘Printed by Vine and Vine and published by Waata Wiremu Hipango, under the authority of the General Maori | Committee of Wanganui'. This is repeated (different layout) on p. 16 with additional colophon in Maori: ‘He mea Perehi e Waina me Waina. a he mea | panui e Waata Wiremu Hipango. I raro i te | mana o te Komiti Nui o Whanganui.'.

Printers of the journal werej. D. Quin (to no. 39, 27 September 1898), then Vine and Vine. John D. Quin and William Quin are listed as printers in Pipiriki in 1901-1902.

The Jubilee = Te Tiupiri was founded by Topia Turoa (and other named 'elderly men'), run by a committee of 24 (the 'Komiti Nui o Whanganui') all active in the Kotahitanga and initially edited by H. T. Whatahoro Jury. Its purpose was to promote knowledge through informed presentation of world news, parliamentary news (including about the Maori parliament), church and local events, correspondence and advice, matters which previous papers due to 'half-heartedness' had not covered adequately and which Maori had failed to support due to 'apathy'; for further details see no. I (4 January 1898), p. 4-6. The subsequent editor was Wata Wiremu Hlpango from no. 40 (6 October 1898); see that issue p. 14-15 for additional administrative arrangements.

A promotional leaflet (with WTU set) announced that The Jubilee would be ■published in the interests of both Europeans and Natives. Matters affecting the latter will receive special consideration, as the promoters are of opinion that the time has arrived when the doings of the Maori race and their interests should be kept steadily before the European population of the Colony. [. . .) The journal has been named "The Jubilee” as a token of the respect held by the Native race of N.Z. to our Gracious Majesty.'. Advertisers were informed that the paper would be printed in both Maori and English and would circulate throughout the North Island and 'extensively in the South'.

Williams 975. Copies: WTU; microfilm; Niupepa 1842-1933 (37) (microfiche)


"Miiumj oopiio. »* i ii iix-i onim, i m uptpu i yj-i*. i s He KUPU WHAKAMARAMA (1898)

Words of enlightenment': monthly Anglican newspaper published in Nelson. No. I. | [ ornament ] | He kupu | whakamarama. | [ ornament ] [Bond,

Finney, and Co,, Printers, Nelson. [March 1898]]




I folded sheet ([4] p ); 242x178 mm. Imprint from colophon p. [3], Page [4] blank. Printed in two columns separated by vertical rule. Caption title p. [2]: ’He kupu whakamarama. | [double rule] | No. 1. Nelson (Whakatu). Maehe, 1898. | Editor—Rev. F. A. Bennett. | [double rule] | [. . .]’.

10 issues: no. I -10 (March-December 1898). Continuous issue numbering. Issues individually paginated. Issues vary between 3 and 7 p. (most are 6 p.). Music in no. 5 (July 1898). Text in Maori. Frequency: monthly. Price: gratis but donations were sought 700 copies printed

Continued by Pipi-wharauroa: He-kupu whakamarama (1899-1913; 542).

Numbering and issue variations

no. 4-5 (June-July): spelling of ’Whakatu’ in caption title varies: ’Wakatu’ (no.

4) and ‘Wkatu’ (no. 5).

From no. 5 (July): numbering (‘No.’) in caption title replaced by ‘Nama’.

From no. 6 (August): place of publication in caption title as ’Nelson'.

Imprint/colophon variations:

No. 2-3 (April-May): Colophon: 'Bond, Finney, and Co, Printers. Waimea-street.’ From no. 6 (August): ‘and’ changes to in colophon; ‘Bond" misspelt ’Boud’ in no. 7-8 (September-October).

Bond, Finney and Co. were the publishers of the Nelson colonist newspaper.

1 1 ' —* , I 111 1 I J Ul '-'W, VI V U IVI W kl IV I 'kiuuil kVIVUIUI I . A monthly Anglican paper edited by Rev. Frederick Augustus Bennett (‘Peneti’), assistant curate at All Saints Church, Nelson, who had been ordained in 1897 and was also associated with the Te Aute College Students’ Association and its commitment to improving the social and health conditions of Maori. The paper provided guidance on scriptural interpretation, especially to those without access to Maori ministers, as well as miscellaneous news, prohibitionist articles, obituaries, letters, accounts of meetings. Donations were listed. In 1899 Bennett was called to Wanganui and then Taranaki and production of the paper, by then under its long-lived title Pipi-wharauroa, moved to Gisborne (see 542).

Williams 967. Copies: AP (incomplete), DUHO, WTU (no. 2 imperfect); microfilm: Niupepa 1842-1933 (38/39) (microfiche)


; PIPI-WHARAUROA He-kupu whakamarama (1899-1913)

'The shining cuckoo': a monthly paper published in Nelson then Gisborne.

Nama 11. | Pipi-wharauroa | [ illustration: whare. and family listening to reading] \ He-kupu whakamarama. [Bond, Finney, and Co Printers, Nelson.]

6 p.: 242x177 mm. (untrimmed). Imprint from colophon p. 6. Printed in two columns separated by vertical rule. Caption title p [2]: 'He Kupu whakamarama. | [double rule] | Nama 11. Nelson. Hanuere, 1899. | EditorRev. F. A. Bennett. | [double rule] 1 [. . Running title: ‘He kupu whakamarama. - .

170 issues: no, II (January 1899)-180 (July 1913). 5 supplements. Continuous issue numbering. Issues vary between 6 and 16 p. (most are 12 p.). Supplements are 2 or 4 p. Untrimmed size 255x193 mm Occasional illustrations after no. 30. Text in Maori. Frequency; monthly (exceptions: no issues in January 1905. January 1910, January 1912, December 1912,




February 1913) Price: ss. per annum from 1900 1,000 copies printed of issues in late 1899.

Continues He kupu whakamarama (1898; S4I). Continued by Te Kopara (1913-1921).

Title/masthead variations:

no. 18-26 (August 1899-April 1900): Date of issue added at top right of titlepage. Caption title p. [2] changes to: ‘Te pipiwharauroa. | He kupu whakamarama. 1 [double rule] | Nama 18. Gisborne, Akuhata 1899. | [ double rule] |[, . (Running titles remain 'He kupu whakamarama.’.)

From no. 27 (May 1900): Illustrated title-page on p. [l] replaced by text and new masthead: ‘Te Pipiwharauroa, | He kupu whakamarama. | ( double rule] | Nama 27, Gisborne. Mei 1900. | [double rule] \ [, . .]’.

From no. 28: Running title on verso pages changes to ‘Te pipiwharauroa,’. no. 34 (December 1900): Additional heading above masthead: Te nama o te Kirihimete.’.

From no. 114-115 [sic] (September 1907): Motto added to masthead (below number/place/date): ‘‘‘Fie ao te rangi ka uhia. Fie huruhuru te manu ka rere.’”.

From no. 123: masthead and running titles incorporate new characters to represent ‘ng’ and ‘wh’. See note below.

no. 158 (June 1911; special Coronation (George V) issue): Red and black Maori design printed above masthead.

Supplements have title: ‘Fie apiti ki Te Pipiwharauroa.'; no. 16-19 also include issue number and date (no. 177 does not).

Numbering and issue variations:

Supplements (2 p.) to no. 16-19 (June-September 1899); supplement (4 p.; illustrations) to no. 177 (April 1913).

iiiuatiaiiuiio; iv_» nu. i i i 1 ' 1 -»/• no. 20 (October 1899): No issue number and date on title-page.

no. 27-1 13: Issue number is included in running titles.

no. 114 (September 1907) is numbered 114-115.

no. 123-165 (June 1908-February 1912): Masthead, running titles and text incorporate special characters (in lower case and capital forms) to represent 'wh' and ‘ng’ sounds: \h and \H (for 'wh'); o and 0 (for 'ng'). The usage is explained on p. [l] of no. 123 in the context of the development of printed Maori, The characters were also used in 1909-191 1 issues of Native Church Board reports (S3OI and 5303). For further background (and Figure 7) see P. G. Parkinson, 'He korero no New Zealand’, Turnbull Library record, v. 28 (1995), p. 23-42 (p. 39).

From no. 166 (March 1912): Special characters omitted from text, but retained in masthead and running titles.

no. 166-180: Issue number is included in running titles.

no. 178 (May 1913) has additional sheet (2 p.) of illustrations, not identified as a supplement.

Imprint/colophon variations:

Supplements to no, 16-19 have individual colophons (with minor variations): 'Printed by H. W. Williams. Te Rau Press, Gisborne.’; supplement to no, 177 has no colophon.

no. 13 (March 1899) has colophon: ‘Colonist Print.)’.




no. 16-17 (June-July 1899) and 20 (October 1899) have colophon: 'Printed by H, W, Williams. Te Rau Press, Gisborne.’

no. 18 (August 1899) has colophon; 'Printed by H. W, Williams at the Te Rau Press.",

no. 19 (September 1899) has colophon; 'Printed by H. W. Williams at the Te Rau Press, Gisborne.’,

no. 21-113 (November 1899-August 1907): Colophon: ‘H. W, Williams, Te Rau Press, Gisborne.'.

no. 52 has no colophon.

From no. 114-115 (September 1907): Colophon: 'Printed and published by H W. Williams, at Te Rau | Printing Works, Berry Street, Gisborne. New Zealand.'.

Bond, Finney and Co., printers of the first seven issues, were publishers of the Nelson colonist newspaper. Their successor, Maori linguist and bibliographer Herbert William Williams (1860-1937), later the Bishop of Waiapu, had established the Te Rau Press at Te Rau Theological College (of which he was principal) at Gisborne in 1897. The press operated under his control until about 1913, being based in commercial premises at 6 Berry Street from late 1899. Most Te Rau Press work was associated with the Anglican Church, such as almanacs (see S2Ol/1898-1923), Native Church Board reports (S3Ol and 5303) and this newspaper.

This paper, usually referred to as Te Pipi. had a more secular emphasis than its predecessor He kupu whakamarama (S4I). The new title, put forward by Nikora Tautau of Te Pourewa (Waikato), resulted from a request for suggestions from readers (see issue no. 11. p. 1, 4). Williams notes that the substantial illustration on the title-page (115x147 mm.) of issues up to no. 26 was designed by Rev. P, Walsh. It incorporates a bird, representing that of the title.

The editor of the earlier paper (Rev. F. A. Bennett) continued in that role to no. 17 (July 1899) and was succeeded by Reweti Tuhorouta Kohere (tutor at Te Rau College) when production moved to Gisborne. The paper became an important vehicle for Maori comment and debate on social, political and religious issues as well as notifying and recording events of significance to Maori. Kohere also contributed, and was often provocative, to encourage debate on subjects such as health reform, liquor control, administration of Maori land and the encouragement of Maori education. It also contains occasional poems and historical and literary items and considerable foreign news, e.g. coverage of the Boer War and the Coronation of George V.

Kohere was also involved in the Te Aute College Students' Association, which in 1903 appointed a select committee to report on Te Pipi and recommended that it be made the official organ of the Association (Report of the Seventh Conference, p. 9-10). That appears not to have occurred, but the connection was close and Association members, including Apirana Ngata, regularly wrote for it.

For further background on Pipi-wharauroa see references in R. Lange, Let the people live (Auckland, 1999) and in Rere atu. taku manul. ed. by J. Curnow, N. Hopa and J. Mcßae (Auckland, 2002), especially p, 46-48 (J. Mcßae) on the use of bird symbolism.

U3C ui unu ayiuuun^Mi. Williams 967. Copies: AP, WTU; microfilm: Niupepa 1842-1933 (38/39) (microfiche)


Church almanacs


S201: Church of England: Almanacs (1841-1923)

5202: Church of England, Diocese of Wellington: Rev, William Ronaldson’s Wairarapa itinerary-almanacs (1858-1865)

S21I: Wesleyan Methodist Connexion: Almanacs (1844-1854)

Citations ; Cite these publications in the following format: BiM S[entry number]l[year (of use)].[subnumber (where required to identify issues)]: for example, BiM S2Ol/I880.3: BiM 5203/1849.



Annual almanacs: calendars of church events. Bible readings and eclipses. Church of England almanacs in Maori were produced in several locations, over a long period, reflecting the changing pattern of the church’s activities in its mission among Maori. The earliest almanacs were produced at the CMS mission press at Paihia by William Colenso, then by John Telford. The Maori-language almanacs are quite different from the English-language New Zealand Church almanac (1845-1869) produced at St John’s College, which contained additional information and was often bound with other College publications.

The descriptions below are in one chronological sequence regardless of place or printer; they are arranged under the year of use (not date of publication). Issues not seen, but listed in Williams as part of assumed sequences, are also included here, printed in italics. However, it is probable that few of the unseen issues were actually published.

Unless noted otherwise, each issue comprises a calendar of the days of each month, dates of new and full moon, Sundays and holy days, and Bible references for lesson readings. Details of any additional text are quoted in full the first time the text occurs; in subsequent issues the text is referred to in a general way.

1841 He | maramatakahaere: | ara. | He pukapuka | hei wakakite i nga Ra Tapu. i nga Ra Hakari, i | nga ra e kowiti ai e hua ai te marama, i nga | aha noa atu, mo nga ra katoa nei o te tau 1 1841, o to tatou Ariki o Ihu Karaiti. | [swelled rule] | [2 quotations. 6 lines] | [swelled rule] | No Paihia: | He mea ta i te Perehi o nga Mihanere o te | Hahi o Ingarani. | [rule] | 1840.

16 p.; 223x142 mm. (untrimmed). Page [2] blank.

'-r ’ 1 Additional text: Bible quotations on p. 15-16 and at foot of almanac pages. William Colenso printed about 2,200 copies at the CMS press in November 1840. In a letter to the CMS, 15 January 1841, he describes it as




‘a kind of almanack, for the present year, calculated and written by myself (DUHO. MS 63, p. 59-63), The manuscript of the almanac is at Auckland War Memorial Museum (Colenso papers, AR. MS 76, Box 1, folder 3) and a printer’s proof is at WTU (MSX-5179), Williams 50. Copies: AP, AR, DUHO, WTU.

1842 [as 1841] ... | 1842, | o to tatou Ariki o Ihu Karaiti. | [rule] \ [J quotations. 9 lines] \ [rule] \ No Paihia: | He mea ta i te Perehi o nga Mihanere o te | Hahi o Ingarani, | [rule] | 1841.

13, [3] p.; 220X135 mm.: blue paper covers (blank). Page 14 misnumbered 24. Additional text: p. [2]: Bible quotations: p. [ls]: 'Ko nga Ture Kotahi Tekau a te Atua’ (The Ten Commandments, unnumbered); p. [l6]: ‘Ko nga tikanga anei e tika nei kia waka ritea e tatou’ (extracts from the Church Catechism). Colenso printed about 2,000 copies in September 1841; the AP copy is annotated by him as the draft for the 1843 issue. Williams 67. Copies: AP, AR, DUHO. WTU.

1843 [as 1842] . . . | 1843, | . . . | Paihia: | He mea ta i te Perehi o nga Mihanere o te | Hahi o Ingarani. | [rule] | 1843.

13, [3] p.; 218x142 mm. Page [2] blank.

Text p. [l5-16] same as 1842 issue with minor setting variations, including numbering of the Ten Commandments. The final leaf (i.e. p. [l516]) is sometimes found as a single sheet, possibly specially reprinted as a separate.

Colenso's manuscript note in the DUHO copy records: 'The last written, calculated and printed by me’. The print run was about 2,400 copies, including 500 printed by Telford, recorded as 'Calendar for 1843 2d impress.’ in his report to 30 June 1844 (Return IV. with Letter to CMS, 24 September 1844. in John Telford, Diary and letters, 1840-1856, WTU qMS-2004-03). Williams 86 & (S), Sommerville 86a Copies: AP, AR, DUHO. NLA, WTU.

1 844 He | maramatakahaere: | ara, |He pukapuka | hei wakakite i nga Ra Tapu, i nga Ra Hakari, i nga ra | e kowiti ai, e hua ai te marama, i nga aha noa atu, | mo nga ra katoa nei o te tau | 1844, | o to tatou Ariki o Ihu Karaiti. | [rule] | [2 quotations. 6 lines] | [rule] | Paihia: | He mea ta i te Perehi o nga Mihanere | o te 1 Hahi o Ingarani. | [rule] | 1844.

13, [3] p.; 190x1 15 mm.

Additional text: p, [2]: 'He painga mo te tinana’ (agricultural hints January-June): p. [ls]: ‘Ko te Wakamaharatanga ki nga tau 1 te hanganga o te ao Kite haerenga mai o Ihu Karaite (table of Old Testament chronology from the Creation, 4000 bc); p. [l6]: reset version of the Ten Commandments followed by 'Ko te Inoi o te Ariki' (Lord's Prayer). The final leaf may also have been issued separately; one copy has been located in this form (ML).

Cotton noted that this issue was prepared by Joseph Matthews of the Kaitaia mission at Selwyn’s request (William Cotton. Journals 1841-1848,

DL, MS.4O, v. 8. p. 76: copy at WTU, qMS-0568), Telford reported he had printed 2,950 copies (Reports of Missionaries of N. District for the half-year



CHURCH OF ENGLAND (1841-1923) ___

ending Dec. 31/43 (transcript). Papers of the New Zealand mission 18091914, CMS Archive, University of Birmingham; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-Coll-04-43, Various letters New Zealand mission. CN/06). Williams 101. Copies: AR, DUHO. WTU.

1845 He | maramatakahaere; | ara, | He pukapuka | hei whakakite i nga Ra Tapu, i nga Ra Hakari, i nga ra | e kowhiti ai, e hua ai te marama, i nga aha noa atu, 1 mo nga ra katoa nei o te tau | 1845, | a to tatou Ariki a Ihu Karaiti. | [/ quotation. 6 lines] | Paihia: | Ka taia i te Perehi o nga Mihanere 1 a te Hahi o Ingarani. | [rule] | 1845.

[2], 17. [l] p.; 196x130 mm. Prelim, pages and p. 17-[lB] are a wraparound leaf (blank on outside).

Additional text: prelim, p. [2]: ‘He pukapuka na te Rata o nga tangata Maori o Poneke.’ (on the care of women and babies; reprint of no. 203-204); p. 2 and 15 as in 1844 issue (but reverse order); p. 16; 'Ko nga ture mo nga kai whakaako Maori.' (Rules for Maori teachers) continues on p. 17 with ‘Ko nga monita' (a note for monitors). Bible quotations at foot of almanac pages omitted from this edition onwards.

The first issue to use ‘wh’ in place of 'w'; Telford printed 3,000 copies in January 1845. Cotton annotated a copy of p. 16-17: 'Rules for the Maori Teachers. Drawn up by Mr Maunsell from the notes of the Synod' (William Cotton. Journals 1841-1848, DL. MS.4O, v. 8, p. 76; copy at WTU, qMS--0568). It is a translation of Resolutions 15-33 (Canon 13) of the unofficial 'Synod' held at Te Waimate on 26-27 September 1844 (see Bagnall 1226). Williams 120. Copies: AR, DUHO, WTU.

1846 [as 1845] ... | 1846, | a to tatou Ariki a Ihu Karaiti. | [double rule ] | No Purewa: | I taia kite Perehi a nga Mihanere. | [rule] | 1846.

[2], 14. [4], [2], [l7]-30p.; 187x110 mm.; blue or grey paper covers (blank). Comprises two main sequences: the first is [2], 14, [4] p. Prelim, pages (blank) are conjugate with p. [l7-18]; p. 2 and [lB] blank. Second sequence is [2], [l7]-30 p. (prelim, pages blank). Blank leaves and second sequence not present in all copies.

One WTU copy (lacking both blank leaves and title-page leaf) has variant collation: 2 leaves (i.e. p. [l5-18]), 3-14, [l7]-30 p.; grey paper covers (blank).

First sequence: almanac (to p. 14); table of Old Testament chronology (p. [ls]); rules for Maori teachers and monitors (p. [l6]); agricultural hints (p. [l7]), some reset from previous issues. Second sequence: ‘Ko nga tikanga a te Pakeha', William Martin's explanation of English jurisprudence is reprinted from the official issue (no. 227). Copies of this reprint are also found separately (no, 228),

Telford reported printing '2050 [copies] Maori Almanac for 1846. 33pp, 12m0.' in late 1845 (Return . . . half-year ending Deer. 31/45, in William Colenso. Papers 1834-1845, WTU, Micro-MS-0309; location of originals unknown, formerly in K. A. Webster collection). The CMS press was removed from Paihia to Auckland in April 1845 due to the conflict in the north, and was re-established at Bishop's Auckland, Purewa (now Meadowbank) from July 1845, Williams 144, Copies: AR, NLA, WTU.




1847 [as 1845] . . . | 1847, | a to tatou Ariki a Ihu Karaiti. | No Purewa: | Printed at the Church Mission Press, | [rule] | 1847.

15. [l] p.; 193x105 mm,; blue paper covers (blank). Page [l6] blank. Titlepage bordered with double rule.

Additional text: p. [2]: Rules for teachers and monitors; p. [ls]: table of Old Testament chronology. No production records located but presumably printed by Telford. Ownership of the CMS press transferred to Selwyn on 2 August 1 847. Williams 149 & (S). Copies: AR (incomplete): WTU (photocopy).

1848 He | maramataka: | ara. |He pukapuka | hei whakakite i nga Ra Tapu, i nga Ra Hakari, i nga ra | e kowhiti ai. e hua ai te marama, i nga aha noa atu, | mo nga ra katoa o te tau | 1848. | No te Kareti [i.e. St John’s College, Purewa] | [rule] | 1848.

14, [2] p.; 185x120 mm. Title-page bordered with double rule.

■ •• i-j r - ■ ■ ...i.. uuuu.v . uiv-. Additional text: p.[2]: agricultural hints; p. [ls]: table of Old Testament chronology, with different title: ‘Ko nga tau, o te hangahanga o te ao tae noa kite haerenga mai o Ihu Karaiti’; p. [l6]: tables of measurements in Maori and English: Taima’ (time), ‘Roa’ (length). ’Nui’ (volume), Toimaha’ (weight), ’Moni’ (money).

St John’s College, Purewa, Book Depository ledger I, 1848-49 (ASJ. SJCT 14/36, p. 20: microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-0936) records that 4,030 copies were printed in January 1848, presumably by William Nihill. Williams 165 & (S). Copies: AP, AR: WTU (photocopy).

1849 [as 1848] . . . \ 1849, | No te Kareti. 1 1849.

15, [9] p.; diagrs.; 180x110 mm. Title-page bordered with double rule. Rule omitted from imprint.

Additional text: p. [2]: agricultural hints; p. 15-[l6]: table of Old Testament chronology and tables of measurements: p. [l7]: 'He eka. An acre.’ (diagrams of area and volume); p. [lB-19]: 'Ko nga Upoko' (Bible readings for Morning and Evening Prayer throughout the year); p. [2O-22]: 10 itineraries (8 in the North Island) of distances between settlements.

starting from Auckland: p. [23]: 'He rongoa witi’ (cure for smut in wheat): p. [24]: 'Ko te ritenga mo te hanga rewena' (how to make leaven). Agricultural hints at foot of some almanac pages.

One copy (DUHO) of the final pages of text (p. [l7-24], i.e. ‘He eka', itineraries, and the instructions on wheat and leaven) has page numbering 17-23, [l]; p. [24] blank). This may be a proof copy as the type size and style used in 'He eka’ differ, and pages 23-24 are differently imposed, compared with extant complete almanacs.

St John's College, Purewa, Book Depository ledger I, 1848-49 (ASJ, SJCT 14/36, p. 21: microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-0936) records 3.450 copies printed in November/December 1848, presumably by William Nihill. Williams 183. Copies: AR: WTU (photocopy).

1850 [as 1848] . . . | o nga ra Katoa o te tau | 1850. | No te Kareti. | 1850.

15, [9] p.; 180x117 mm.: coarse brown paper covers (blank). Title-page bordered with double rule.

Contents as in 1849 issue to p, [22], Additional text: p. [23-24]: He




korero mo te whakakoinga o te mira' (instructions for sharpening a mill). Some copies have an additional [4] p. leaflet bound in: He rongoa witi (see no. 378). This contains the two wheat recipes from the 1849 almanac (p. [23-24]) with recipes for curing bacon.

St John's College. Purewa. Book Depository ledgers 1 (p. 21) and II (p. 86), 1848-51 (ASJ, SJCT 14/36-37; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-

0936) records 1,309 copies printed in January/March 1850. Williams 197.

Copies: AP, AR, Dl, NLA. WTU.

1851 [as /84S] . , . | o nga ra katoa o te tau | 1851. | No te Kareti. | 1851.

14, [lo] p.; 184x120 mm. Title-page bordered with double rule.

Contents as in 1850 issue. St John's College, Purewa, Book Depository ledger II (p. 86), 1850-51 (ASJ, SJCT 14/37; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-0936) records 2,020 copies printed in November/December 1850. Williams 219. Copies: AR; WTU (photocopy).

1852 [as 1848] . , . | o nga ra katoa o te tau | 1852. | No te Kareti. 1 1852.

14, [lo] p.; 184x115 mm. Title-page bordered with double rule.

Contents as in 1850 issue. St John's College, Purewa, Book Depository ledger II (p. 98), 1850-51 (ASJ, SJCT 14/37; microfilm copy at WTU, Micro-MS-0936) records 2,002 copies printed in November/December 1851. Two extant copies are of particular interest: Colenso’s (WTU) provides his own record of events immediately leading up to his suspension from the church (see A. G. Bagnall and G. C. Petersen, William Colenso (Wellington, 1948), p. 328-340 for more details). The AP copy is annotated by the printer at St John's College Press (probably William Nihill) with notes recording progress on printing the probationary text of MaunselTs translation of the Old Testament (see no. 417) and other works. Williams 240, Copies: AP. AR; WTU (photocopy).

1853 [as 1848] . . . | o nga ra katoa o te tau | 1853. | No te Kareti. | 1853.

14, [lo] p.; I SOx I I 5 mm. Title-page bordered with double rule.

Contents as in 1850 issue. The final almanac in Maori printed at St John’s College. The College Book Depository ledger 111 (p, l) records 2,250 copies printed in October 1852 (ASJ, SJCT 14/38; microfilm copy at WTU. Micro-MS-0936). Williams 250. Copies: AR, DUHO; WTU (photocopy).

1854 [as 1848] . | o nga ra katoa ote tau | 1854. | [ wavy rule] | Akarana:

[ i.e. Auckland] | Printed by Williamson and Wilson. | 1854.

[24] p,; I 70x112 mm. Title-page bordered with double rule.

Contents as in 1850 issue. The setting of the main structure of the almanac in this issue is the same as that of the 1854 Wesleyan almanac,

also printed by Williamson and Wilson (S2ll/1854). Williams 258. Copies: AR, DUHO; WTU (photocopy).

*' 1855 (Auckland): Williams "265. No copy located: possibly not published.

1856.1 (Wanganui): He | maramataka; | ara, | He pukapuka | hei whakakite i nga Ra Tapu, i nga Ra | Hakari, i nga ra e kowhiti ai, e hua | ai te marama, | o nga ra katoa o te tau | 1856. ) No te Kareti Maori; |

Whanganui. | 1856,


S2Ol C


[l2] p ; 195x1 15 mm.; blue paper covers. Title from front cover.

Monthly almanac information with no additional text, printed at the Church of England Native Industrial School, Wanganui (established by Grey, Selwyn and Richard Taylor), the predecessor of Wanganui Collegiate. The ‘printing room' is mentioned in an 1857 report on the school ( AJHR , 1858, E-l, p. 49-51). In its first year (1854) the school had 24 Maori students but had problems attracting more; there were none in 1855-56; for further background see A. Sangster, Pathway to establishment (Wanganui, 1985), p. 16-30.

The Maori messenger = Te karere Maori had reported, 27 February 1856 (p. 21), that the Church of England had not published an 1856 almanac and summarised the main dates of religious observance. Copies:

AR; WTU (photocopy).

" 1856.2 (Auckland): Williams "275. No copy located: possibly not published.

" 1857 (Auckland): Williams "280. No copy located: possibly not published.

1858.1 (Wellington): He | maramataka; | ara, | He pukapuka | hei whakakite i nga Ra Tapu i nga Ra | Hakari, i nga ra e kowhiti ai, e hua | ai te marama, 1 o nga ra katoa o te tau | 1858. | [rule] | Werengitanga: [i.e. Wellington] | I taia kite perehi o Hori Watene. | [rule] | 1858.

12 p.; 168x106 mm.; blue paper covers. Title from front cover. Printed by George Watson (‘Hori Watene’) a jobbing printer active in Wellington 18561858; for further information on his career see K. A. Coleridge. 'Thriving on impressions', in The making of Wellington, ed. D. Hamer & R. Nicholls (Wellington, 1990), p. 89-105 (p. 102-103).

Monthly almanac information with no additional text. Copies: AR, WTU.

** 1858.2 (Auckland): Williams '*2Bs. No copy located: possibly not published.

1859 He | marama-taka | mo te tau | o to tatou Ariki | 1859. | [ wavy rule] \ Akarana: [i.e. Auckland] Printed at the "Southern Cross” Office. [1859]

[l6] p. 202x125 mm. AHHirirvnnl rpvf F9l - mtartamta’ Fliintar orlincocV fX!- ’U a

Additional text: p. [2]: 'Araitanga marama' (lunar eclipses); p. [3]; ’He ture mo nga kai-whakaako Maori’ (Rules for Maori teachers); p. [l6]; He mea hei whakaarohanga ma nga tangata Maori' (six ways to improve Maori villages). Williams 300. Copies: DUHO; WTU (photocopy).

* * 1860 (Auckland): Williams * *309. No copy located: possibly not published.

1861 He | marama-taka | mo te tau | o to tatou Ariki | 1861. | [ ornamental rule] | Akarana: [i.e. Auckland] | J. F. Leighton, Kai hoko Pukapuka. | [rule] \ 1861.

[l6] p.; 183x120 mm.; blue paper covers. Title from front cover, inside single rule border.

OMIgIC 1 UIC UUIUCI, Additional text: p. [l3]: Rules for Maori teachers; p. [l4-15]: 'He inoi ma nga tamariki Maori’ (prayers for Maori children); p. [l6]: six ways to improve Maori villages. Williams 326. Copies: AP, NLA, WTU.

**1862 (Auckland): Williams **544 & (S). No copy located: possibly not published.


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” 1863 (Auckland): Williams ”362. No copy located: possibly not published.

1864 He | marama-taka | mo te tau | o to tatou Ariki, | 1864. | [rule] | Akarana: [i.e. Auckland] | I taia kite Perehi a te Pihopa. [1864?]

12 p.; 202x130 mm.; blue paper covers. Title from front cover, inside single rule border. Text printed on all sides of cover. Printed at the Bishop's Press: an unusually late Bishop's Press imprint; all others are dated between 1845 and 1856.

Additional text (on cover): inside front: 'He Himene', hymn 8 verses, first line 'E te Wairua, Kai-hanga’; back cover (both sides): Rules for Maori teachers. The hymn (‘Veni Creator'), translated by W. L. Williams as part of the ordination service, was also printed separately as single sheets (Williams 320 a). Williams 385. Copies: WTU.

1865 [as 1864] ... | 1865. | [ ornamental rule] \ Auckland: | Printed at the Cathedral Press. 1 [rule] | MDCCCLXV.

14, [2] p.; 200x122 mm.; blue paper covers. Title from front cover, inside double rule border. Text printed on back cover. Pages [l5-16] blank. Items with the Cathedral Press imprint (1862-1868) were produced on the press at St Stephen's School, Taurarua (now Judges Bay), which had been transferred from St John's College; see no. 560 for further background.

.. " —■- J ' 1 ‘ L/V/U lUI lUI U ICI C/UV-l\gl UUI IU. Additional text: p. 13-14: ‘He tuuturu na te Hinota tuatoru o te Pihopatanga o Waiapu. Maehe, 1864' (7 resolutions passed at the 1864 third synod of the Waiapu diocese): on back cover: Rules for Maori teachers. Williams **399. Copies: CU; WTU (photocopy).

1866 [as 1864] . . . | 1866. | [ornamental rule] | Auckland: | Printed at the Cathedral Press. | [rule] | MDCCCLXVI.

12 p.; 203x130 mm.; blue paper covers. Title from front cover, inside ornamental border. Text printed on inside front and back covers.

Additional text: inside front cover: lunar eclipses; back cover: ‘He inoi' (prayer dated July 1865, seeking the return to the faith of those who had strayed) followed by rules for Maori teachers. Williams 416. Copies: AR. WTU.

” 1867 (Auckland): Williams ”422. No copy located: possibly not published.

* *lB6B (Auckland): Williams * *432. No copy located: possibly not published.

‘ piucmuMU/. ” CHIU//10 . iIV IL/CUICU. fJUZOIUIjr UUI [JUUUSIICU. ”1869 (Auckland): Williams ”441. No copy located: possibly not published.

”1870 (Auckland): Williams ”447 & (S). No copy located: possibly not published.

”18711 Auckland): Williams ”459. No copy located: possibly nor published.

1872 He | maramataka | mo te tau | o to tatou Ariki | 1872. | [ double rule] \ Auckland: | Upton & Co,, Canada Buildings, Queen Street. [1872?] 14, (2) p.; 212x136 mm. Title-page bordered with ornamental rule. Pages [2] and [l5-16] blank. Colophon p. 1 4: William Atkin, Church Printer, High Street, Auckland.'

No additional text. Williams 466, Copies: WTU.




1873 He | maramataka | mo te tau | o to tatou Ariki | 1873. | [wavy rule] | Napier: | Printed at the "Daily Telegraph" Office. [1873?]

16 p.; 180 x 118 mm.; yellow paper covers. Title repeated on front cover inside an ornamental border.

Additional text: p. [2]: lunar eclipses; p. 15-16: 'Nga upoko mo nga Ratapu' (table of lessons for the year, morning and evening prayer). Williams 479.

Copies: WTU.

* * 1874 (Napier): Williams * *492. No copy located: possibly not published.

** 1875 (Napier): Williams **so7. No copy located: possibly not published.

*’ 1876 (Napier): Williams **s/6. No copy located: possibly not published.

1877 Maramataka | mo te tau | 1877. | [rule] | Printed by Dinwiddie, Morrison Si Co., Tennyson-street. Napier. [1877?]

[l6] p.: 182x120 mm. Colophon repeated on p. [ls]; p. [l6] blank. Note p, [2] that there would be no eclipses. Williams 522. Copies: WTU.

1878 Maramataka | mo | te tau | 1878. | [ double rule] | Napier: | Printed by Dinwiddie, Morrison Si Co., "Herald” Office. 1 Tennyson Street, Napier [18787]

[l6] p.; 204x134 mm. Title-page, p, [2] and [l5-16] bordered with single rule to match the almanac pages.

Additional text: p. [2]: lunar eclipse: p. [l5-16]: He himene' (two hymns; first lines ‘Rangi tapu, rangi koa!' and 'He ahuareka pu ki a au'). The hymns are no. 51 and 75 in the 1 883 hymnal (no. 1073) and were also issued as a separate sheet (Sommerville 778b). Williams 541. Copies: NLA, WTU.

1879 Maramataka 1 mo te tau | 1879. | [wavy rule] | Napier: | Printed by Dinwiddie, Morrison, & Co., Tennyson Street. [1879?]

[l6] p.; 175x120 mm. Page [l6] blank.

I • *“'J r* • • ■ - - -a- i ■ - j Additional text: p. [2]: lunar eclipse: p. [ls]: ‘He himene' (hymn, first line ‘Mate koe i te mauiui’); no 85 in the 1883 hymnal (no. 1073). Williams 555. AP, NLA. WTU.

1880.1 (Napier); He | maramataka; | ara | He pukapuka | hei whakakite i nga Ra Tapu, i nga Ra | Hakari, i nga ra e kowhiti ai. e hua | ai te marama, i nga aha noa atu, | o nga ra katoa ote tau | [ ornament ] 1880. [ornament] | [printer's device] | No Nepia: [i.e. Napier] 1 He mea ta e R. C. Haaringi ki tana perehi kei Hehitingi Tiriti. | 1879.

[l6] p.; 215x134 mm.; pink or blue paper covers. Pages [2] and [l6] blank. Title repeated on front cover inside ornamental border. Decorative colophon on outside back cover. Printed by Robert Coupland Harding (‘R. C. Haaringi’).

Additional text p [ls]: 'Ko nga tikanga enei o etahi mea nunui, pai, a te Pakeha' (tables of measurements as in the 1848 almanac). The style and title revert to that of the first almanacs of the 1840s printed by Colenso at Paihia (see above), and may have been prepared by Colenso. who was closely associated with the printer until the latter moved to Wellington in


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1890. The Maori almanac information was also included (on pages facing the English-language equivalent) in Harding's almanac diary directory, and year-book . . . (1880-1882 seen) and Harding's New Zealand almanac . . . (1885, 1889-1890 seen). Williams 573. Copies: NLA, WTU.

1880.2 (Gisborne); Maramataka | mo te tau | 1880. | [wavy rule] | Printed by H. E. Webb, Gladstone Road, Gisborne. [1880?]

[l6] p,: 182x130 mm. Page [l6] blank. Title-page bordered with single rule.

Additional text: p. [2]: lunar eclipses; p. [ls]: 'He himene' (hymn, first line 'Au, e Ihu, tirohia'; no. 94 in the 1883 hymnal (no. 1073). Williams 575.

Copies: DUHO, NLA. WTU.

1880,3 (Auckland): Maramataka | mo te tau | 1880. | [ double rule] | He mea ta mo nga minita Maori | mo nga Kai-Karakia | o te Hahi o Ingarani | i Niu Tireni. | [double rule] | Akarana: [i.e. Auckland] | Wiremu Akene, mo Perehi o te pukapuka, Hai Tiriti. | [rule] | 1880.

[l6] p,; 212x137 mm. Printed by William Atkin ('Wiremu Akene'). Pages [l5-16] blank.

Additional text p.2: 'He kupu whakamarama' (explanatory note on abbreviations for Bible readings). Williams 576. Copies: AP; WTU (photocopy).

1881 Maramataka | mo te tau | 1881. | [ double rule] | Gisborne: | Printed at the "Poverty Bay Herald" Office. Gladstone Road. [1881?]

[l6] p ; 204x134 mm. Page [l6] blank.

Additional text: p. [2]: lunar eclipses; p. [ls]: 'He himene' (hymn, first line 'Failure marie ana ra'); no. 31 in the 1883 hymnal (no. 1073).

imc ranuic inaiic ai la la lie. in me i ooj nyninai (iiu. iu /J). Williams 597. Copies: AP. DUHO, NLA, WTU.

1882 Maramataka | mo te tau | 1882. | [ ornamental rule] \ Nepia: [i.e. Napier] | R. C. Haaringi, Kai-ta pukapuka, kei Hehitingi Tiriti. | 1881.

[l6] p.; 204x136 mm. Title-page bordered with single rule (corner ornaments). Page [l6] blank (not confirmed; final leaf removed from WTU copy). Harding printed almanacs at Napier until 1892 (apart from 1891).

Additional text p. [2]: solar eclipse. Williams notes a hymn on p. [ls] (not confirmed). Williams 618. Copies: WTU.

1883 [as 1882] . . . | 1883. | Nepia: | Na te Haaringi i ta i tana Whare Perehi Pukapuka. | 1882.

[l6] p.?; 164x120 mm. Title-page bordered with single rule (comer ornaments). Page [l6] blank (not confirmed; WTU copy ends at p. [l4]).

Additional text p. [2]: lunar eclipses. Williams notes a hymn on p. [ls] (not confirmed). Williams 643. Copies: WTU (incomplete).

* 'lBB4 (Napier): Williams ' ‘669. No copy located: possibly not published.

1885 MaramataKa | mo te tau | [in ornamental block:] 1885 | [ornament] \ Nepia: [re. Napier] | Te Haaringi. Kai-ta PuKapuka. kei Hehitingi Tiriti. | 1884.




[l6] p.; 180x123 mm. Title-page bordered with single rule (corner ornaments). Page [l6] blank. The only issue between 1882 and 1892 to use ornaments: all others are typographically very simple.

Additional text: p. [2]: solar and lunar eclipses; p. [ls]: 'He tepara mo nga whanaunga, (. . .] marena ki a raua’ (table of forbidden degrees of relationship affecting marriage). From this issue New Zealand historical dates were included in the calendars. AP copy is annotated in Maori and signed on the title-page 'Meri Whaea | Whare Karakia'. Williams 688. Copies: AP. DUHO. NLA. WTU.

1886 Maramataka | mo te tau | 1886. | [swelled rule] \ Nepia: [i.e. Napier] | Na te Haaringi i ta ki tona Whare Perehi Pukapuka. | 1885.

[l6] p,; 173x124 mm. Title-page bordered with single rule (corner ornaments).

Additional text: p. [2]: solar eclipse; p [l5-16]: 'He himene' (hymn, first line 'Hoia o te Hahi'). The leaf with the hymn (‘Onward Christian soldiers') was also issued separately (no, 1149). Williams 711. Copies: AP. DUHO, NLA, WTU.

1887 [as 1886 ] . . . | 1887. | . . . | 1886.

[l6] p.; 173x120 mm. Title-page bordered with single rule (corner ornaments). Page [l6] blank.

Additional text: p. [2]: solar and lunar eclipses: p. [ls]: ‘He himene’ (hymn, first line Tenei te Ariki’; no. 173 in the 1896 hymnal (no. 1449). Williams 727. Copies: AP, NLA, WTU.

1888 [as 1886 ] . . . | 1888. | . . . | 1887.

[l6] p.: 173x120 mm. Title-page bordered with single rule (corner ornaments). Page [l6l blank.

UllldlllCHlb], rdgc [ I OJ Uldim. Additional text: p. [2]: lunar eclipse: p. [ls]: 'Nga poo te marama' (list of names of the phases of the moon on each night of the month). Williams 747. Copies: DUHO, NLA, WTU.

1889 [as 1886] .. . | 1889. | . . | 1888.

[l6] p.; 180x122 mm. Title-page bordered with single rule (corner ornaments). Page [l6] blank.

Additional text: p. [2]: note that there would be no eclipses; p. [ls]: 'Te mahi ma te Hahi a te Karaiti' (comparative summary with statistics of adherents to Christianity and other religions). Williams 762. Copies: AP. DUHO, NLA, WTU.

1890 [as 7886] .1 1890. I ... I 1889,

107U [Ud I OOUJ . . . | IO7U, | ... | 1007, [l6] p.; 177x122 mm. Title-page bordered with single rule (corner ornaments). Page [l6] blank.

Additional text: p. [2]: solar eclipse: p. [ls]: 'He inoi ma nga tamariki'. (five prayers for children) with 9-line introductory text. The leaf with prayers was also issued separately (no, 1246). Williams 779. Copies: AP, DUHO. NLA. WTU.

1891 Maramataka | mo te tau | 1891. | [ornamental rule] | Kihipane: [i.e.




Gisborne] | Na te Muri i ta ki tona Whare Perehi Pukapuka. | [rule] | 1890.

[l6] p.; 182x125 mm. Title-page bordered with double rule (corner ornaments). Pages [2] and [l6] blank. Printed by A.R. Muir (‘te Muri’) closely following Harding's style of previous years; Muir also printed the 1893-1897 almanacs.

Additional text p. [ls]: ‘He Whakapotonga' (a shortened form of church service). Williams 797. Copies: AP. DUHO, NLA, WTU.

1892 Maramataka | mo te tau | 1892. | [swelled rule] | Nepia: [i.e. Napier] | Na te Haaringi, i ta ki tona Whare Perehi Pukapuka. I 1891.

1C nddiingi, i id rvi tuiid vviidic rciciu i ur\dpurva. | iu7i. [l6] p.; 190x127 mm. Title-page bordered with single rule (corner ornaments). Pages [2] and [l6] blank.

ui i icti I ici iid/. rages diiu L 1 U J uianr\. Additional text p. [ls]: Nga marama o te tau ki ta nga Hurai' (timetable of Jewish months, feasts and Bible lessons) in tabular format, parallel to spine. Williams 811. Copies: AP, DUHO, NLA, WTU.

1893 Maramataka | mo te tau | 1893. | [ornamental rule] | Kihipane: [i.e Gisborne] 1 Na te Muri i ta ki tona Whare Perehi Pukapuka. | [rule] | 1892.

[l6] p.; 182x125 mm. Title-page bordered with double rule (corner ornaments). Pages [2] and [l6] blank.

Additional text p. [ls]: ‘He himene' (first line: ‘Whakarongo, e te iwi, te inoi a te repera'. Williams describes this as 'a sacred poem in Maori style written by Rev. Mohi Turei'. Williams 844. Copies: AP, DUHO, NLA, WTU.

1894 [as 1893] ... | 1894. | . . . | 1893.

[l6] p.; 182x125 mm. Title-page bordered with double rule (corner ornaments). Pages [2] and [l6] blank.

Additional text p. [ls]: ‘He tepara, hei whakaatu i te tawhititanga tetahi i tetahi o etahi o nga kainga i korerotia i te Paipera' (table of distances between places mentioned in the Bible; with references to the text). Williams 872. Copies: AP, DUHO, NLA, WTU.

1895 [as 1893] ... 1 mete tau 1 1895. | . . . | 1894.

[l6] p.; 190x123 mm. Title-page bordered with single rule (corner ornaments). Page [l6] blank-

UlliaillLllld]. I agL l i v-»j uiaiin. Additional text: p. [2]: solar eclipse; p. [ls]: 'He himene' (two hymns, first lines 'E Ihu, reme a t' Atua’ and 'Ta Ihu poroaki mai'); no. 181-182 in the 1896 hymnal (no. 1449). Williams 890. Copies: AP, NLA, WTU.

1896 [as 1893] . . . | 1896, | . . . | 1896,

[l6] p.; 182x123 mm. Title-page bordered with single rule (corner ornaments). Page [l6] blank. 'Maramataka' underlined with double rule.

Additional text: p. [2]: lunar eclipse: p. [ls]: ‘Nga merekara a te Karaite' (miracles of Christ, with New Testament references) in tabular format. This table was also issued as a single sheet. Williams 907. Copies: AP. NLA, WTU.




1897 [as 1893] . . | 1897. |.. , | 1896

[l6] p.; 182x123 mm. Title-page bordered with single rule (corner ornaments). Page [l6] blank. ‘Maramataka’ underlined with double rule.

'Perehi' in imprint misspelt 'Pereai',

Additional text: p [2): solar eclipse; p [15): 'Nga kupu whakarite a te Karaiti.' (parables of Christ, with New Testament references) in tabular format. Williams 935. Copies: AP, NLA, WTU.

1898 Maramataka | mo te tau | 1898. | Turanga: [i.e. Gisborne] | Na te Wiremu Hapata i ta ki Te Rau Kahikatea. | 1897.

[2B] p.; 106x82 mm. Title-page bordered with heavy single rule incorporating a line of ornaments at head and foot, Colophon p. [2B]: 'Printed by H. W. Williams at the Te Rau Press, Gisborne.' H. W. Williams ('Wiremu Hapata') established the press at Te Rau Theological College in 1897; for further details see 542 iPipi-wharauroa). Manuscript note on WTU copy: ‘lOOO [copies] 4/9/97’

Two facing pages of almanac per month. Additional text p. [26-28]: 'Ko nga maunga i te Paipera' (list of mountains in the Bible, with references).

Williams 958. Copies: AP, WTU.

1899 Maramataka | mo te tau | 1899, | Turanga: [i.e. Gisborne] | Na te Wiremu Hapata i ta ki Te Raukahikatea. | 1898

[32] p.; 104x75 mm. Title-page bordered with heavy single rule incorporating a line of ornaments at head and foot. Pages [2] and [2B] blank. Page 30 (only) is numbered. Colophon p. [32] (inside ornamental border): 'Printed by H. W. Williams, | [ornament] | at the Te Rau Press, Gisborne.'. Manuscript note on WTU copy: ‘1440 [copies] 10/12/98'.

Additional text: p. [3]: lunar eclipse; p. [29J-30: 'He Reimana Maori mo te Hinota o te Pihopatanga' (new canon from the General Synod, explaining who was entitled to attend as representatives); p. [3l]: 'Tepara o nga mea e kore e tuturu’ (table of dates of special observances, 19001909). Williams 979. Copies: AP. NLA, WTU.

17U7/, vviiiidiiio tuples, nr. inl/a. vv iu. 1900-1923: issues are all very similar to the 1899 issue: 32 pages (unpaginated) and approx. 110x75 mm. Title-pages have the same typographic style, with ornaments at head and foot, but the design of ornaments varies. These details are not repeated in the following summary descriptions:

1900 [as 1899] .. I 1900. | ... | 1899.

Pages [2-3] and [2B] blank. Colophon p. [32] (inside ornamental border): 'H. W. Williams, | [ ornament] | Te Rau Press. Gisborne V

Additional text p. [29-31]: 'He himene' (two hymns, A&M 271 and 322, first lines 'Kua ae ahau. e Ihu' and 'E te Matua, nou na te aroha'). Williams 994. Copies: AP, NLA, WTU.

1901-1908 colophon p. [32] as in 1900 issue.

1901 [as 1899] ... | 1901. ( ... | 1900.

Pages [2] and [2B] blank.

Additional text: p. [3]: lunar eclipse; p [29-31]: 'Te Ropu Hora i te


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Rongo-Pai e kiia nei ko te "Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts'” (brief history of the SPG with references to SPCK),

Williams 1010 (S). Copies: AP, NLA, WTU.

1902 [as 7899] ... | 1902. | . . . | 1901.

Pages [2] and [2B] blank.

Additional text: p. [3]: solar and lunar eclipses: p. [29-31]: 'Te tahua oranga minita' (note on the stipends of ministers) and letter from H. W. Williams, dated Te Aute, Napier, I I March 1899. Sommerville 1031 (note). Copies: AP, WTU.

1903 [as 7899] . . . | 1903. | , . . | 1902.

Pages [2-3] and [2B] blank.

Additional text p. [29-31] on the stipends of ministers, as 1902 issue. Copies: AP.

1904 [as 7899] . . . | 1904, | . . . | 1903.

Page [2] blank.

Additional text: p. [3]: note, no eclipses; p. [2B]: 'Nga ra kahore e tuturu' (table of dates of special observances, 1905-1914); p. [29-31] on the stipends of ministers, as 1902 issue. Sommerville 1031 (note). Copies: AP, WTU.

1905 [as 7899] ... I 1905. | . . . I 1904.

Page [2] blank.

Additional text: p. [3]: solar eclipse; p. [2B]: table of dates, as 1904 issue; p. [29-31]: ‘He tuhituhi whakamahara’ (ruled for diary notes). Copies: AP. WTU.

1906 [as 7899] . . . | 1906. | . . . | 1905.

Page [2] blank.

Additional text: p. [3]: lunar eclipse; p. [2B]: table of dates, as 1904 issue; p, [29-31]: ruled for diary notes, as 1904 issue. Copies: AP.

1907 [as 7899] ... I 1907. | . . . | 1906.

Page [2] blank.

Additional text: p. [3]: lunar eclipse; p. [2B-31]: ruled, as 1904 issue. Copies: AP.

1908 [as 7899] ... I 1908. | . . . | 1907.

Page [2] blank. Ornament below date on title-page; new typeface in imprint. Colophon p, [32]: ‘H. W. Williams, Print | [ornament] \ Te Rau Press, Gisborne'.

Additional text: p. [3]: device ’IHS’; p. [2B-31]: ruled, as 1904 issue. Sommerville 1031 (note). Copies: AP, WTU.

1909 (as 7899] ... I 1909. | . . . | [rate] I 1908.

Page [2] blank. New typeface and additional rule in imprint. Colophon p. [32]: ‘H. W. Williams, Te Rau Press, Gisborne.’

Additional text: p. [3]: lunar and solar eclipses: p. [2B-31]: ruled, as 1904 issue. Copies: AP, WTU.


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1910-1921: colophon p. [32] as in 1909 Issue.

1910 [as 1899] | 1910. | . | 1909.

Pages [2-3] and [3l] blank. Rule omitted from imprint.

Additional text p, [2B-30]: ruled, as 1904 issue. Sommerville 1031 (note). Copies: AP, WTU,

191 I [as 1899] ... I 1911 . I ... I 1910.

17 11 I U77J ... | 1 / 1 1 . | ... | I /I U. Page [2] blank.

■ “S'Additional text: p. [3]: solar and lunar eclipses: p. [2B-31]: ruled, as 1904 issue. Sommerville 1031 (note). Copies: AP, WTU.

1912 [as 1899] ... | 1912. | ... | 1911.

Page [2] blank.

Additional text: p. [3]: lunar eclipse; p. [2B-31): ruled, as 1904 issue. Copies: AP.

1913 [as 1899] ... | 1913. | ... | 1912.

Page [2] blank. Cream laid paper.

Additional text: p. [3]: lunar eclipses; p. [2B-31]: ruled, as 1904 issue. Sommerville 1031 (note). Copies: AP, WTU,

1914 [as 1899] ... | 1914. I ... I 1913.

Page [2] blank.

. ugu L*-J Additional text: p. [3]: lunar eclipse; p. [2B-31]; ruled, as 1904 issue. Sommerville 1031 (note). Copies: AP, WTU.

1915 [as 1899] ... | 1915. | ... | 1914.

Page [2] blank.

Additional text: p. [3]: ‘He kupu whakamarama' (on colours of altar cloth for various parts of the church year); p. [2B-31]: ruled, as 1904 issue. Copies: AP, WTU.

1916 [as 1899] ... | 1916. | ... | 1915.

Page [3l] blank.

r age L-> i j uiaim. Additional text: p. [2]: solar and lunar eclipses; p. [3]: note on colours of altar cloth, as 1915 issue; p. [2B-31]: ruled, as 1904 issue. Copies: AP, WTU

w i u. 1917 [as 1899] . . . | 1917. 1 ... | 1916.

Contents as 1916 issue, but only lunar eclipses. Copies: AP. WTU.

1918 [as 1899] ... | 1918. | ... | 1917.

Contents as 1916 issue. Copies: AP.

1919 [as 1899] ... | 1919. | ... | 1918.

Pages [2] and [3l] blank.

Additional text: p. [3]: note on colours of altar cloth, as 1915 issue; p. [2B-30]: ruled, as 1904 issue. Copies: AP.


5202 I


1920 Maramataka | mo te tau | 1920. | Turanga: | Na te Wiremu Hapata i ta, ki te Perehi | i Te Raukahikatea. | 1919.

Pages [3O-31] blank.

Additional text: p. [2]: eclipses: p. [3]: note on colours of altar cloth, as 1915 issue: p. [2B-29]: ruled, as 1904 issue. Copies: AP.

1921 [as 1920] ... | 1921. | ... | 1920.

Paee 1311 blank.

rage p i j oianK. Additional text: p. [2]: eclipses; p. [3]: note on colours of altar cloth, as 1915 issue; p. [2B-30]: ruled, as 1904 issue. Copies: AP, WTU.

1922 Maramataka | mo te tau 1 1922. | Turanga: | Na Hone Mahani i ta, kite Perehi i | Te Raukahikatea. | 1921.

Page [3l] blank. Colophon p. [32]: 'John Mahoney. Printer | Te Rau Press, Gisborne'.

Contents as 1921 issue. Copies: AP.

1923 [as 1922] . . . | 1923. | . . . | 1922.

Page [3l] blank. Colophon p. [32] as 1922 issue. Contents as 1921 issue. Copies: AP.


wi iiv/i iij uu i /£. i ijjuc . uujnuj. t u . CHURCH OF ENGLAND, Diocese of Wellington (1858-1865)

Itinerary-almanacs for Wairarapa CMS missionary Rev. William Ronaldson. William Ronaldson (1823-1917; 'te Ronatana’) worked with Rev. Richard Taylor in the Wanganui district in the late 1840s. He was CMS missionary in the Wairarapa between 1857 (following his return from training and ordination in England) and April 1868, when he transferred to Motueka. For further background see Scholefield ( DNZB ), v. 2, p. 254; A. G. Bagnall, Wairarapa (Masterton. 1976), p. 202-203; and Church of England Wellington Diocesan Synod reports. Many of Ronaldson's personal papers are at the Alexander Turnbull Library (WTU).

These publications combine basic information on the Anglican religious calendar and details of Ronaldson's movements. They were presumably intended to be issued annually, but only four issues have been located.

1858 He | maramataka | 1858. | I taia ki Poneke [i.e. Wellington] | kite Perehi o te Toki. | 1858.

8 p,; 203x130 mm. Printed by Robert Stokes (‘te Toki').

i i 1111 i. i t u uc,v_i u y ■ \wugi i v it turn Two months per page. Additional text p, [2]: 'Ki nga kai whakaako' (greeting to Maori teachers) and two notes in English about church services at Masterton and Greytown. Stokes was a lay representative of St Peter's Church at Diocesan Synod meetings and treasurer of the Diocesan Fund 1859-1864. Williams 298. Copies: WTU.

1859 He 1 maramataka, | 1859. | [wavy rule] \ I taia ki Poneke: [i.e. Wellington] | kite Perehi o te Toki | [rule] | 1859.

8 o,; 218x137 mm. Printed bv Robert Stokes.

op,, iioAi j / hum, r i imcu uy nuuci l Diurcs. Additional text p. [2]; notice to native teachers (as in 1858 issue) and a notice in English stating times of services at Masterton, Greytown, Featherston. Tauherenlkau. Williams 299. Copies: WTU.


S2 I I


1860-1861: No issues for these years have been located and it is unlikely that any were published. Ronaldson's involvement in the building of St Thomas's boarding school at Pdpdwai. near Greytown. during 1860 and then as teacher between its opening on 21 December 1860 and I May 1861 suggest that his usual activities were disrupted.

1862 He | maramataka | [dotted rule] | 1862, | I taia ki Poneke: [i.e. Wellington] | kite Perehi o te Puru. | [ornamental rule] \ 1862

14 p.; 204 x 130 mm. Printed by J. &E. Bull (te Puru). publishers of the New Zealand advertiser.

One month per page. Additional text p. [2]: notice to native teachers (as in 1858 issue) and a notice in English stating times of services at Masterton, Carterton. Greytown, Featherston, Tauherenikau, Morrison’s Bush. Williams 345. Copies: DUHO; WTU (photocopy).

1863-1864: No issues for these years have been located and it is unlikely that any were published. The Waikato War created uncertainty throughout the North Island and there were practical difficulties in maintaining St Thomas's school which required Ronaldson's continuing direct involvement (see AJHR. 1863. E-9. p. 14-15).

1865 He | maramataka 1 mo te tau | o to tatou Ariki, | 1865. | [ ornamental rule] | Poneke, [i.e. Wellington] | i taia kite Perehi a te Puru. | [rule] \ MDCCCLXV.

[l6] p.; 216x135 mm. Pages [2] and [l5-16] blank. Printed byj. & E. Bull

No additional text. The schedule of Ronaldson's visits reflects the appointment of a second clergyman to provide services for Europeans in the main Wairarapa settlements. Ronaldson retained responsibility for the outlying congregations, both European and Maori. Williams 400. Copies: WTU.

1866-1867: No issues for the final two years of Ronaldson's Wairarapa work have been located. The development of Hauhauism in 1865 disrupted the Anglican mission effort and the school at Pdpdwai closed in 186 5.

S2l 1


Annual almanacs: calendars of church events with useful information. The Wesleyan almanacs contained similar information to those of the Church of England (S20I), though the first issues contain fewer details. The 1844-1845 issues were printed at the mission press at Mangungu (Flokianga), but in early January 1846 the mission was hurriedly relocated to Auckland as a result of the fighting in the north.

llgllllllg 111 II I IWI II i. From 1847 the almanacs were printed by commercial printer John Williamson (later Williamson and Wilson) in Auckland, who also printed an 1854 Anglican almanac (S2Ol/1854). According to G. FI. Scholefield, Newspapers in New Zealand (Wellington, 1958), p. 80, Williamson had in 1845 established the New Zealander newspaper partly to champion the rights of Maori, which helped him acquire a printing plant from Rev. FI H. Lawry, head of the Wesleyan mission, and it seems likely that this was the press from Mangungu.

For further information on the Wesleyan mission press see C. J. Parr, 'Hokianga's first printing press’, Northland, 28 (Oct. 1964), p 19-23, and his




manuscript bibliography of the press's output (1962, Private coll.; photocopy at WTU. MS-Papers-6868). Parr records the 1853 resolution to send the Mangungu press to the Three Kings Institution 'for the use of that institution' but nothing is known to have been printed there, supporting the likelihood of Williamson having acquired the press.

1844 He | maramatakahaere. | hei whakarite i nga Ra Tapu, i nga ra e kowhiti ai, e hua ai | te marama, me nga ra katoa o te tau | 1844, | o to tatou Ariki o Ihu Karaiti. | [rule] | [2 Bible quotations. 5 lines] | [rule] | Mangungu. | He mea ta i te Perehi o nga Mihanere Weteriana | o Ingarani. | [rule] | 1844

1 8p; 166 x 1 02 mm. The Bible quotations on the title-page (Genesis 1:4 and Genesis 8:22) are used on all issues of the Wesleyan almanacs.

v- WUVW wI I nil VI ll IV Vf VUIVjTUI I till I 1(1 I lUC J. Almanac p, 3-6: three months per page. Additional text; p. 2: ‘Ko te ritenga o nga tau i mua atu o te Wanautanga o te Karaiti’ (table of Old Testament chronology from the Creation, 4000 bc); p. 7-8: ‘He painga mo te tinana’ (agricultural hints. January-June). Both texts were also printed in the Anglican almanac for 1844 (S2Ol/1844).

Woon's diary for 4 March 1844 noted: 'Employed during the past week in the printing office with Mr Hobbs composing and printing an Almanack for the natives for 1844 which ought to have been got out in Dec. last' (William Woon. journal 1830-1859, v. 2, WTU qMS-2293). Williams 102. Copies: AP, AR, NLA. WTU.

1845 [as 1844] . , . \ 1845, | . . . | 1845.

[B] p.; 170x100 mm.

Contents the same as the 1844 issue but reset without pagination and with a multiplication table 'He tepara' added (p. [B]). Woon records in his diary for 20 January 1845: 'Put an almanack to press this morning' (William Woon, Journal 1830-1859, v. 2, WTU qMS-2293). Williams 135. Copies: DL, NLA, WTU.

**1846 [He maramatakahaere, . ote tau 1846, .. . Mangungu. He mea ta ite Perehi o nga Mihanere Weteriana o Ingarani. 1846.]

8 p.? Details not confirmed; no copy located.

Woon recorded on 1 7 November 1 845 that he had printed that day an almanac for 1846 (William Woon. Journal 1830-1859, v. 2. WTU qMS--2293) but no copy has been located. It is possible that copies were not distributed due to the Wesleyan mission station being vacated on 4 January 1846 as a result of the increasing conflict in the north Woon was based temporarily in Auckland before going to New Plymouth in May 1846, No copy located.

1847 He | maramataKahaere, | hei wakarite i nga Ra Tapu, i nga ra e kowiti [sic] | ai, e hua ai te marama, me nga ra katoa | o te tau | 1847, | o to tatou Ariki o ihu Karaiti. | [rule] | [2 Bible quotations. 5 lines] | [rule] | No Akarana: [i.e. Auckland] | I taia tenei kite Perehi a John Williamson. | [rule] | 1846.

[B] p.; 178 x 110 mm.




Almanac p. [2-7]: two months per page. Additional text: p. [B]: 'He tepera’ (tables: 'Mo nga talma' (time). 'Mo nga moni' (money), multiplication). Williams 144 a. Copies: NLA; WTU (photocopy)

1848 [as 1847] . | hei whakarite i nga Ra Tapu, .. . | 1848, |.. . | 1848.

[B] p,; 183x105 mm.

Contents as for 1847 issue. Williams 166, Copies: AR. NLA, WTU.

1849 He | maramatakahaere, | hei whakarite i nga Ra Tapu, i nga ra e kowhiti | ai, e hua ai te marama, me nga ra katoa | o te tau | 1849, | o to tatou Ariki o Ihu Karaiti. | [rule] | [2 Bible quotations. 5 lines] | [rule] \ No Akarana: [i.e. Auckland] | I taia tenei kite Perehi a Williamson and Wilson. | [rule] | 1848.

[B] p,; 168x108 mm.

Additional text p. [B]: ‘He rongoa witi' (cure for smut in wheat); 'He ritenga mo te hanga rewena' (how to make leaven), both also printed in the 1849 Anglican almanac (S2OI/1849). Williams 183 a (S). Copies: WTU.

1850 [as 1849] . . . | 1850, | . . . | 1849.

[B] p.; 175x1 10 mm.

t * ~ Contents as for 1849 issue. Williams 197 a, Copies: AP, NLA, WTU,

1851 [as 1849] . . . | 1851, | . . . | 1851.

[l6] p.; 164x108 mm.

Almanac p. [3-14], one month per page. Additional text: p. 2: 'Ko nga Kinga ratou ko nga Kuini o Ingaringi’ (table of Kings and Queens of England, from Egbert (Ekapareta) to Victoria (Wikitoria)); p. [ls]: 'Ko etahi o nga mihinare hohaihete' (comparative statistics of missionary society activity): p. [l6]: texts on dressing wheat and making yeast, as in 1850 issue. Williams 220. Copies: AP, AR, WTU.

1852 [as 1849] . . . | 1852, | . . . | 1852.

[l6] p.; 168x108 mm.

Contents as for the 1851 issue apart from new text on p. [ls]: 'Ko nga minita, me nga kaiwhakaako o te Hahi Weteriana, Niu Tirene' (Wesleyan ministers and teachers in New Zealand). Williams 240 a. Copies: WTU,

1853 He | maramatakahaere, | hei whakarite i nga Ra Tapu, i nga ra | e kowhiti ai, e hua ai te marama, | me nga ra katoa o te tau | 1853, | o to tatou Ariki o Ihu Karaiti. | [ ornamental rule] | [2 Bible quotations. 6 lines] \ [ornamental rule] | No Akarana: [i.e. Auckland] | I taia Kite Perehi a Williamson and Wilson. 1 1853.

[2o] p.: 185x110 mm. Page [2o] blank. This and the 1854 issue use different typefaces from previous issues, including ornamental display type for the year.

Additional text: p. [2]: 'E nga tangata o nga tini whenua i nga Ra Tapu' (times of Sunday services at Auckland and Mangere); p. [l5-17]: 'He tepara' (tables for multiplication, money, conversion of money in Scripture, weights, lengths, land measurements, time, grain measures, collective numbers); p. [18]: 'Ko te tokomaha o nga tangata o te ao katoa' (world


S2l I


population, Wesleyan, and London statistics); p. [l9]: table of Kings and Queens as in 1851-52 issues, Williams 250 a. Copies: NLA, WTU.

1854 [as 1853] . . . | 1854, | . . . | 1854.

[2o] p.; 193x1 17 mm. (untrimmed). Page [2o] blank.

Contents reset but the same as the 1853 issue, apart from new text on p. [2]: the table of Old Testament chronology from the Creation (in 1844 issue). Williams 259. Copies: NLA, WTU.

Church of England in New Zealand Reports of Native Church Board meetings


S30I: Church of England. Diocese of Auckland: Native Church Board reports (1872-1912)

5302; Church of England, Diocese of Waiapu: Diocesan Synod reports (1861-1865)

5303: Church of England. Diocese of Waiapu: Native Church Board reports (1870-1914)

Citations: Cite these publications in the following format: BiM S[entry number]l\year (of meeting)].[subnumber (where required to identify issues)], for example, BiM S3Ol/1872.I; BiM 5303/1898.


The first organised Anglican activities in New Zealand were those of the Church Missionary Society (CMS), which established a mission to Maori in 1814/15 and continued this work until the late 1860s. With the advent of organised European settlement a new focus for the church emerged and the Diocese of New Zealand was created in 1841. George Augustus Selwyn took up his See in 1842 and provided leadership for the development of a local organisational structure that from 1868 enabled Native Church Boards CHahi Maori') to be established.

Institutional support for the Bishop rested initially with the Parent Committee of the CMS. but with the proviso that the CMS mission was to Maori only, whereas Selwyn's diocese was of mixed ethnicity. Selwyn appointed three CMS priests (Henry Williams, William Williams and Alfred N. Brown) as archdeacons and in September 1844 held a synod to frame rules for the management of the mission and the general government of the church. In 1845 Selwyn began to contemplate a formal structure for the Anglican church in New Zealand 'to try what the actual system of the Church of England can do. when disencumbered of its earthly load of seats in Parliament. Erastian compromises, corruption of patronage, confusion of orders, synodless bishops, and an unorganised clergy’ (quoted in H. W. Tucker. Memoir of. . . Selwyn (2 v.; London, 1879: Bagnall 5644), v. 1, p. 200). The status of the synod was regarded doubtfully in England, where they had long been in abeyance, but Selwyn summoned a second synod in 1847. At this meeting he reviewed the state of the church in both England and New Zealand, remarking on the difficulty in which he was placed as Bishop 'by the excessive and arbitrary rigour of discipline in the Native Church and by the total absence of it in the English Settlements' (p. 54), and advocated a complete system of church polity and 'entire freedom from political connexion' (p, 7; quotations from G. A. Selwyn. A charge delivered to the clergy of the Diocese of New Zealand . . . 23d September. 1847 (London, 1850; Bagnall 5068)).

When Selwyn visited Sydney in 1850 for a conference of Bishops of the Province, it was agreed that further synods could not be summoned without infringing the principle of the Queen's supremacy as head of the Church of England, and hence that further synods


S3Ol (


required prior legislative change in England, In his pastoral letter of April 1852, Selwyn laid out principles for a church constitution and pursued the matter further when he went to England in 1853, He put before the Secretary of State for the Colonies a scheme for turning the then archdeaconries into bishoprics and making New Zealand an autonomous ecclesiastical province, but it was not until May 1857 that agreement was reached to form a new constitution. In September 1858 five letters patent were issued: for the reformed Diocese of New Zealand (from 1868 called the Diocese of Auckland), and the new dioceses of Waiapu. Nelson, Wellington, and Christchurch. At the first General Synod of the ‘Branch of the United Church of England and Ireland in New Zealand' in 1859, Selwyn urged the synod to ask the CMS to hand over their charge of Maori settlements and to create a fund for the permanent endowment of Maori parishes and schools.

Until the late 1860s pastoral work among Maori was the responsibility of the Maori Mission Diocese of Waiapu but in 1868 the General Synod of the church in effect took over the declining CMS involvement by amending its statutes to provide for Native Church Boards ('Hahi Maori'); see Statute 3. sections 9-16, in The Constitution statutes, and resolutions of the General Synod . . . in New Zealand (Auckland, 1868?; Bagnall 1249), p. 2931; for the Maori translation and some additional adminstrative arrangements see no. 717. Each diocese exercised oversight of Maori church work, based on a system of parallel archdeaconries or pastorates and mission churches. These had delegated responsibilities to hold their own synods, and this arrangement operated between 1870 and 1925, when other changes began to be implemented.

otiici uiangcD ucgai i ivj uc n i ipici i ici ncu. The 1992 constitution provided for the Maori operations of the church. Te Pihopatanga o Aotearoa (set up in 1928 and semi-autonomous since 1978), to be separately organised. It currently has five Hui Amorangi (regional bishoprics) that complement the seven New Zealand dioceses and the Diocese of Polynesia. The Church as a whole became The Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia/Te Hahi Mihinare ki Aotearoa ki Niu Tireni, ki nga Moutere o te Moana Nui a Kiwa.

For further background on the development of the Anglican Church in New Zealand see W. P, Morrell. The Anglican Church in New Zealand (Dunedin, 1973), B. Davis, The way ahead (Christchurch. 1995), and P. G. Parkinson. 'A language peculiar to the word of God; the Anglican liturgy in the Maori language'. Publishing history. 54 (2003), p. 25-71.

From extant publications only two dioceses (Auckland and Waiapu) had active Native Church Board operations. As some meetings involved more than one district, the lists below are arranged in one chronological sequence within each diocese, regardless of the diocesan or Native Church Board subdivisions or meeting participants. They are arranged by the date of the meeting, not the date of publication. Many publications seen and described by Williams in 1924 have not been located in the course of compiling this present work; they are included here with entries based on the descriptions in Williams.

Contents usually included a list of participants, text of the introductory address (often by the Bishop), summary of discussion and resolutions, financial and statistical information (congregations, donations). Additional text of significance is noted in the entries below.


CHURCH OF ENGLAND. Diocese of Auckland.

Reports of meetings on Maori church matters. 1872-1912.

The Auckland Diocesan territory was initially divided into four districts (archdeaconries): Waitemata (sometimes referred to as 'Auckland'), Waimate, Waikato, Taranaki ( Proceedings. 6th Synod, 1871, p. 100). Later reports in the




series refer to northern ('Whakararo') and southern ('Whakarunga') diocesan districts.

In the early 1870s usage of the place name Te Waimate (now Waimate North) was changing to 'Waimate' (or ‘te Waimate’) and there is some variation in the early reports of the series. 'Waimate' is used consistently here.

The Bishop of Auckland's addresses printed in the English-language Synod proceedings sometimes refer to specific meetings of the Native Church (or 'Maori Church'), but it is not easy to reconcile these references to meetings known through published reports. It therefore seems probable that more meetings were held than the publications listed below provide evidence of, and that not all meetings generated published reports. No published reports from the Taranaki archdeaconry have been located.

Some reports listed are of combined meetings of all the diocesan Native Church Board districts (but excluding Taranaki); others were for specific archdeaconries, pastorates or districts, as noted. Descriptions of some issues which have not been located (i.e. marked with **) are based on Williams's abbreviated and cross-referenced entries, though he had clearly seen copies. These create some uncertainty as to exactly which districts were represented at the meeting. A question mark has been used in the annotation to indicate this uncertainty. All ** entries should be treated with caution.

The more complete series of Waiapu diocesan reports (5303) suggests that meetings were held in the years for which no Auckland reports are listed (e.g. 1903-1908), but no copies of published reports have been located or any secondary references to them.

1872.1 Nga mahi | ate 1 hui ote Hahi Maori | ote Atirikonatanga o | Waitemata | i te Pihopatanga o Akarana, 1 1 huihui ki Hauraki. 1 I a Pepuere 6, 7, 1872. 1 [rule] | Akarana. [i.e. Auckland] | I taia tenei kite Perehi a te Kura o Tipene e | Henry Hill. | 1872.

8 p.; 210x120 mm. Printed by Henry Hill at St Stephen's School, Taurarua (now Judges Bay) on the press (‘te Perehi a te Kura o Tipene’) which had been transferred from St John's College; see no. 718 for further background.

iui uigi L/av,t\gi uui Report of a Waitemata Native Church Board meeting at Hauraki. 6-7 February 1872. Includes financial accounts and (p. 8) the text of Bishop Cowie's address to the Diocesan Synod, 23 October 1871. Williams 467. Copies: AP, WTU.

1872.2 Nga mahi | a te | hui o te Hahi Maori | o te Atirikonatanga o 1 te Waimate | i te Pihopatanga o Akarana. 1 I huihui kite Waimate. | I a Aperira 22 1872. | [rule] | Akarana. [i.e. Auckland] | Taia tenei kite Perehi a te Kura o Tipene e | Henry Hill. | 1872.

12 p.; 210x130 mm. Printed by Henry Hill on the press at St Stephen's School, Taurarua (Judges Bay). Some vowels marked with macrons.

Report of a Waimate Native Church Board meeting at Waimate. 22 April 1872. Includes (p. 8-9) a list of clergy and native teachers in the pastorates. Williams 468. Copies: AP, WTU,

* * 1872.3 Report of a Waimate Native Church Board meeting at Peria. 11-12 December 1872. Described in Church gazette for the Diocese of




Auckland, v. 2. no. 8 (1 February 1873), p, 17-18. Possibly not separately published. No copy located.

1873 Nga mahi |ate | hui ote Hahi Maori | o nga Takiwa o | Waitemata | me | Waikato | i te Pihopatanga o Akarana, | i huihni [i.e. huihui] ki Hopuhopu. | I a Pepuere 6, 7, 1873. | [double rule] | Akarana: [i.e. Auckland] | William Atkin, Church and General Printer, High Street. | [rule] | 1873.

1 1. [l] p.; 210x136 mm.

Report of a combined meeting of the Waitemata and Waikato Native

Church Boards at Hopuhopu, 6-7 February 1873. The list of attendees (p. [2]) refers to it as the second meeting ('hui tuarua’). Williams 480. Copies: AP, WTU.

1874.1 [as 1872.2] . . . | ote Atirikonatanga o | te Waimate | . . . | I huihui ki

Paihia, | i a Hanuere 14, 15, 1874. | [wavy rule] | Akarana. [i.e. Auckland] | [wavy rule] | Na Henry Hill i ta. St Stephen's, Taurarua. | 1874.

21, [3] p.; 210x135 mm. Pages [2] and [22-24] blank.

Report of a Waimate Native Church Board meeting at Paihia, 14-15 January 1874. The list of attendees (p, [3]) refers to it as the first meeting Chui tuatahi’) but this is probably an error. Williams 493. Copies: AP, WTU.

1874.2 Nga korero | a te | hui o te Hahi Maori | o nga Takiwa o | Waitemata | i te Pihopatanga o Akarana. | I huihui ki Hauraki. | I a Pepuere 25, 1874. | [double rule] | Akarana: [i.e. Auckland] | William Atkin, Church and General Printer, High Street. | [rule] | 1874.

7, [l] p., 215x130 mm. Page [B] blank. WTU copy accompanied by a separate financial report 'Nga kohikohinga moni o te Hahi o enei Takiwa' (I sheet ([l] p.); 275x213 mm.)

Report of a Waitemata Native Church Board meeting at Hauraki, 25 February 1874. The list of attendees (p. [2]) refers to it as the third meeting ('hui tuatoru'). Williams 494. Copies: AP, WTU.

. . w / . ti lIIIUIIIJ ■ X 1 , ICO. /II , VV lU. 1875.1 Nga mahi | ate | hui ote Hahi Maori | ote Atirikonatanga o | te Waimate | i te Pihopatanga o Akarana. | [wavy rule] | 1 huihui ki Waiparera (Hokianga), i a Hanuere 14, 1875. | [wavy rule] \ Auckland: | William Atkin. Church and General Printer, High Street. | [rule] | 1875.

1 6 p.; 21 Ox 130 mm. Title inside single rule border.

Report of a Waimate Native Church Board meeting at Waiparera (HoKianga), 14 January 1875. The list of attendees (p. [3]) refers to it as the second meeting (‘hui tuarua’), which may be an error following from the numbering of the 1874 hui (S3OI/I874.1). Williams 508 & (S). Copies: AP, WTU,

**1875.2 Nga mahi a te hui o te Hahi Maori . . . [Waitemata Archdiocese, at Muriwai, Kaipara. 15 March 1875],

Williams notes that a meeting of the Waitemata Native Church Board had been arranged for 15 March 1875 at Muriwai, Kaipara, but that 'no copy




of the report has been procured’. He subsequently noted (Williams 509 a (S)) that the meeting held on 23 March (S3Ol /* * 1875.3) may have replaced it, but that was for a different archdiocese (Waikato). Williams **so9. No copy located.

** 1875.3 Nga mahi a te hui o te Hahi Maori o te Takiwa o Waikato i te Pihopatanga o Akarana. I whakaminea ki Kohanga i a Maehe 23 1875, [imprint as 1875.1] 1875.

6 p.; 212X135 mm. Details from Williams, not confirmed (no copy located).

Report of a Waikato Native Church Board meeting at Kohanga. 23 March 1875. Williams 509 a (S). No copy located.

**1876.1 [as 1875.1] ... o te Atirikonatanga ote Waimate .. . Waimate i a Hanuere 14, 15, 1876. [imprint as 1875.1] 1876.

16 p.; 210x137 mm. Details from Williams, not confirmed (no copy located).

Report of a Waimate Native Church Board meeting at Waimate, 14-15 January 1876. Williams 518. No copy located.

* * 1 876.2 Nga mahi a te hui o te Hahi Maori i te Takiwa o Waikato [Taupiri. 3 March 1876]

Williams notes that the meeting held on 23 March 1875 (report * * 1875.3) arranged a meeting to be held at Taupiri on 3 March 1876, but that‘no copy of the report has been seen’. Williams **slBa (S). No copy located.

**1877 Nga mahi a te hui. . . 1 noho ki Kaitaia i a Hanuere 12, 13, 1877. 1877.

20 p.; 207x139 mm. Imprint as 1875.1? Details from Williams, not confirmed (no copy located).

Report of a Waimate? Native Church Board meeting at Kaitaia, 12-13 January 1877. Williams 524. No copy located.

* * 1878.1 Nga mahi a te hui ... I noho ki Kaikohe i a Hanuere 16, 17, 1878. 1878.

20 p.; 212x139 mm. Imprint as 1875.1? Details from Williams, not confirmed (no copy located).

' —VJ Report of a Waimate? Native Church Board meeting at Kaikohe, 1 6-17 January I 878. Williams 543. No copy located.

**1878.2 Nga korero ate hui o te Hahi Maori o nga Takiwa o Hauraki, o Kaipara, o Waikato, I te Pihopatanga o Akarana, i huihui ki Hauraki. Akarana: William Atkin, Church and General Printer, High Street, 1878.

8 p.; 207x138 mm. Details from Williams, not confirmed (no copy located).

Report of a combined Hauraki and Kaipara (Waitemata Archdiocese) and Waikato Native Church Board meeting at Kaikohe, 20 May 1878. Williams 544, No copy located.




**1879 Nga mahi a te hui ... 1 noho ki Peria i a Hanuere 23, 1879. . . . Auckland: William Atkin. Church Printer. High Street. 1879.

22 p.; 211x138 mm. Details from Williams, not confirmed (no copy located).

Report of a Waimate? Native Church Board meeting at Peria,

23 January 1879. Williams 558. No copy located.

* * 1880.1 Nga mahi a te hui ... I noho ki Ohaeawai i a Hanuere 14, 15, 1880. . . . 1880.

22 p.; 213x139 mm. Imprint as 1879. Details from Williams, not confirmed (no copy located).

Report of a Waimate? Native Church Board meeting at Ohaeawai. 14-25 January 1880. Williams 577. No copy located.

**1880.2 Nga korero ate hui . . , o nga Takiwa o Hauraki, me Waikato . . , I huihui ki Hauraki i a Maehe 8, 1880. . . . 1880.

7 p.; 215x139 mm. Imprint as 1879. Details from Williams, not confirmed (no copy located).

Report of a joint Waitemata (Hauraki) and Waikato Native Church Board meeting at Hauraki, 8 March 1880. Williams 578. No copy located.

**lBBl Nga mahi ate hui ote Hahi Maori o nga Atirikonatanga ote Waimate, o Waitemata, o Waikato, i te Pihopatanga o Akarana. I noho ki Maramatawhana (Kaipara) ia Maehe 7, 8, 1881. ... 1881.

30 p.; 213x136 mm. Imprint as 1879. Details from Williams, not confirmed (no copy located).

— '— -—, Report of the first combined Native Church Board meeting of the three archdioceses (Waimate, Waitemata, Waikato) at Kawhia, 7-8 March 1881. Reports of subsequent combined meetings (usually held 3-yearly) were numbered (e.g. **lBB4, 1887) and designated 'Hui Nui’ or ’Hui Topu’ (from 1898). Williams 599. No copy located.

i — ' —— ~ * * 1882.1 Nga mahi ate hui. . . [Waimate Archdiocese, at Ahipara, February 1882.]

Williams notes that a meeting of the Waimate? Native Church Board had been arranged for February 1882 at Ahipara, but that ‘no copy of the report has been procured’ Williams **62o. No copy located.

**1882.2 Nga mahi ate hui , . . [Waitemata and Waikato Archdioceses, at Hauraki. 20 March 1882.]

Williams notes that a meeting of the Waitemata? and Waikato? Native Church Boards had been arranged for 20 March 1882 at Hauraki, but that 'no copy of the report has been procured’. Williams **62 l. No copy located.

**lBB3 Nga mahi a te hui . . . I noho ki Waimamaku ia Maehe 7, 8, 1883. . . . 1883.

24 p.; 212x139 mm. Imprint as 1879. Details from Williams, not confirmed (no copy located).

Report of a Waimate? Native Church Board meeting at Waimamaku. 7-8 March 1883. Williams 645. No copy located.




* * 1884 Nga mahi a te tuarua o nga Hui Nui o te Hahi Maori o te Pihopatanga o Akarana. I noho ki Paihia. Peiawhairangi, ia Maehe 26, 27, 1884, Akarana: I Perehitia e Wiremu Atakini, Hai Tiriti. 1884,

30, [l] p.; 212x136 mm. Printed by William Atkin; colophon (in English) on p. [3l], Details from Williams, not confirmed (no copy located).

r ' i i ■ ....u. i *■ w wiiiuiiivu v> iuuatcu). Report of the second combined (Waimate, Waitemata, Waikato) Native Church Board meeting at Paihia, 26-27 March 1884. The first combined meeting was apparently held in 1881. Williams 672. No copy located.

or r - -j ■ ' **lBBs Nga mahi a te hui ... I huihui ki Parengarenga i Pepuere 27, 28. 1885. . . . 1885.

29, [l] p.; 212x137 mm. Imprint as 1884. Details from Williams, not confirmed (no copy located).

Report of a Waimate? Native Church Board meeting at Parengarenga, 27-28 February 1885. Williams 691. No copy located.

* * 1 886 Nga mahi a te hui ... I noho ki Pehiaweri, Whangarei, ia Maehe 25, 26. 1886. . . . 1886?

31, [l] p.; 214X138 mm. Imprint as 1884. Williams notes colophon p. [32]: 'Auckland: Wm. McCullough, Printer. High Street.'. Details from Williams, not confirmed (no copy located).

Report of a Waimate? Native Church Board meeting at Whangarei, 25-26 March 1886 Williams 712. No copy located

1 887 Nga mahi | a te | tuatoru o nga Hui Nui o te Hahi Maori | o te | Pihopatanga o Akarana. | [double rule] | I noho ki Parawai, Hauraki. i a Maehe 28, 29, 30, 1887. | [double rule] | Akarana: [i.e. Auckland] | I Perehitia e Wiremu Atakini, Hai Tiriti. | 1887.

32 p.: 213x133 mm. Page [2] blank. Title inside single rule border.

Report of a third combined (Waimate. Waitemata, Waikato) Native Church Board meeting at Parawai, Hauraki, 29-30 March 1887. Includes list of clergy (p. 18-22) and financial accounts (p. 22-32). Williams 729. Copies: AP; WTU (photocopy).

* * 1 889 Nga mahi a te tuawha o nga Hui Nui o te Hahi Maori o te Pihopatanga o Akarana. I noho ki Paihia. Peiawhairangi, i a Maehe 13, 14. 1889. Akarana; I Perehitia e Wiremu McCullough Hai Tiriti. 1889.

31, [l] p.; 212x137 mm. Printed by William McCullough, Details from Williams, not confirmed (no copy located).

vv iiuumj, i iul uwi 1111 Ii I iv_» py IOUQIUUi , Report of the fourth combined (Waimate, Waitemata, Waikato) Native Church Board meeting at Paihia, 13-14 March 1889. Williams 765. No copy located.

1891 Nga mahi | ate | hui ote Hahi Maori | ote Atirikonatanga o | te Waimate, | i te Pihopatanga o Akarana. | [ double rule] | Huihui ki Peria, Oruru, ia Aperira 4, 6, 1891. | Akarana: [f.e. Auckland] | 1 Perehitia e Wiremu Atakini. Hai Tiriti. | [ rule] | 1891.

28 p.; 217x138 mm. Colophon p 28: 'W, McCullough, General Printer. High Street. Auckland.', although the cover identifies William Atkin (Wiremu Atakini). Title inside double rule border (comer ornaments).


S3Ol I


Report of a Waimate Native Church Board meeting at Peria, 4-6 April 1891. Includes list of clergy (p. 17-20) and financial accounts (p. 21-28), Williams 799. Copies: AP; WTU (photocopy).

**1892 Nga mahi ate tuarima o nga Hui Nui ote Hahi Maori o te Pihopatanga o Akarana. | Noho ki Te Kura i Tipene. Panera, Akarana i a Hanuere 8, 9, 1892. Akarana: 1 Perehitia e Wiremu Makura, Hai Tiriti. 1892.

28p.:215x136mm. Printed by William McCullough ('Wiremu Makura’). Details from Williams, not confirmed (no copy located).

Report of the fifth combined (Waimate, Waitemata. Waikato) Native Church Board meeting at St Stephen's School, Parnell (Te Kura i Tipene, Panera'), 8-9 January 1892. WilliamsBl3. No copy located.

**1893 Nga mahi a te hui ... I huihui ki Mangakaahia, ia Aperira 5, 6, 1893.

Akarana: I Perehitia e Wiremu Makura, Hai Tiriti, 1893.

24 p,; 208x135 mm. Printed by William McCullough, Details from Williams, not confirmed (no copy located).

Report of a Waimate? Native Church Board meeting at Mangakahia, 5-6 April 1893. Williams 847. No copy located.

**1894 Nga mahi a te hui ... I huihui ki Ohaeawai, i a Maehe 29. 30. 1894.

Akarana: I Perehitia e Henare Perete, Hoterani Tiriti, I 894.

24 p.; 215x140 mm. Printed by Henry Brett ('Henare Perete'), Shortland Street. Details from Williams, not confirmed (no copy located).

JIICU. L/CUCUID lIUIII vvmiaiiio, i IV-<1 uumimiuu V ll '-' luuatuu/. Report of a Waimate? Native Church Board meeting at Ohaeawai, 2930 March 1894. Williams 874. No copy located.

1895 Nga mahi | a te | tuaono o nga Hui Nui o te Hahi Maori | o te | Pihopatanga o Akarana. | [double rule] | I huihui ki Te Kura i Tipene, Panera, Akarana | i a Hanuere 4. 5, 1895. | [double rule] | Akarana: [i.e. Auckland] | I Perehitia e Henare Perete, Hoterani Tiriti. | [rule] | 1895.

25, [l] p.; 212x138 mm. Title inside double rule border. Printed by Henry Brett. Page [26] blank.

Report of the sixth combined (Waimate. Waitemata, Waikato) Native Church Board meeting at St Stephen’s School, Parnell, 4-5 January 1895. Williams 892. Copies: AP, WTU.

1896 Nga mahi | a te | hui o te Hahi Maori | o te | Atirikonatanga o te Waimate | i te | Pihopatanga o Akarana. | [rule] | I huihui ki Waimamaku ia Hanuere 31 me Pepuere I, | 1896. | [rule] | Me nga mahi | a te | hui o te Hahi Maori | o te 1 Atirikonatanga o Waikato. | [rule] | I huihui ki Otorohanga ia Aperira 14, 15, 1896. | [rule] 1 Akarana. [te. Auckland] | I Perehitia e Henare Perete, Hoterani Tiriti. | [rule] | 1896

29, [l] p.; 210x134 mm. Title inside double rule border. Printed by Henry Brett. Page [3o] blank.

Reports of two meetings of Native Church Board archdeaconries; Waimate at Waimamaku (31 January-1 February 1896) and Waikato at Otorohanga (14-15 April 1896). Williams 909. Copies: AR; WTU (photocopy).




1897 Nga mahi | a te | hui o te Hahi Maori | o te | Pihopatanga o Akarana | [ornamental rule] | I huihui to te | Atirikonatanga o te Waimate | ki Te Pupuke, Whangaroa, | i a Maehe 18, 19, 1897. | [ornamental rule] | Me to te | Atirikonatanga o Waikato | ki Te Pourewa, Waipa, | i a Aperira 27, 28, 1897. | [ornamental rule] | Turanga: [i.e. Gisborne] | Na te Wiremu Hapata i ta, ki Te Rau Kahikatea. | [rule] | 1897

28 p.: 216x140 mm. Colophon p. 28: ’Printed by H. W. Williams (Wiremu Hapata) at the Te Rau Press, Gisborne.’.

Reports of meetings of two Native Church Board archdeaconries: Waimate at Whangaroa (18-19 March 1897) and Waikato at Waipa (27-28 April 1897). For further background on the Te Rau Press see the entry for Pipi-wharauroa (542). Williams 937. Copies: AP, WTU.

1898 Nga mahi | a te | tuawhitu o nga Hui Topu | o te | Hahi Maori | o te | Pihopatanga o Akarana | i huihui ki | Parawai. Hauraki | i a Maehe 23, 24. 1898. | [ornament] | Turanga: [i.e. Gisborne] | Na te Wiremu Hapata i ta, ki Te Raukahikatea. | 1898

24 p,; 215x142 mm. Colophon p. 24: 'Printed by H. W, Williams at the Te Rau Press, Gisborne.’.

Report of the seventh combined (Waimate, Waitemata, Waikato) Native Church Board meeting at Parawai, Hauraki, 23-24 March 1898. Additional text p. [2]: ‘He inoi mo te hui o te Hahi Maori’ (prayer for the meeting) and death notices (p. 10) of John Richardson Selwyn, Bishop of Melanesia, and Wiremu Turipona (of Ngati Maru). Williams 959. Copies: WTU.

1 899 Nga mahi | a te | hui o te Hahi Maori | o te | Pihopatanga o Akarana | [ornamental rule] | I huihui to te | Atirikonatanga o te Waimate | ki Ripia, Wairoa Nota | i a Aperira 25, 26, 1899. | [ ornamental rule] | Me to te 1 Takiwa Whakarunga o Akarana | ki Maramatawhana, Kaipara | i a Maehe 14, 15, 1899. | [swelled rule] | Turanga: [i.e. Gisborne] | Na te Wiremu Hapata i ta ki Te Raukahikatea | [rule] | 1899

24 p.; 215x140 mm. Page [2] blank. Colophon p. 24: Printed by H. W. Williams at the Te Rau Press, Gisborne.'.

Reports of two Native Church Board meetings: Waimate Archdeaconry at Ripia (Kaipara) (25-26 April 1899) and southern Auckland districts at Kaipara (14-15 March 1899). Williams 981. Copies: WTU.

1900 [as 1899] . . . Atirikonatanga o te Waimate | ki Kaikohe | i a Aperira 4. 5, 1900. | [ornamental rule] | Me to te | Takiwa Whakarunga o Akarana | ki Te Pourewa, Waipa | i a Aperira 25, 26, 1900. | . . . 1900.

27, [l] p.: 217x140 mm. Page [2B] blank. Colophon p. 27: ‘H. W. Williams, Te Rau Press, Gisborne.’.

Reports of two Native Church Board meetings: Waimate Archdeaconry at Kaikohe (4-5 April 1900) and southern Auckland districts at Waipa (25-26 April 1900). Additional text (p, 27): statistical summary of Maori ministers and congregations. Williams 997, Copies: WTU.




1902 Nga mahi ate | Hui Topu ote | Hahi Maori ote Pi- | hopatanga o Aka- | rana i huihui ki | Akarana i a Hanu- | ere 25-27, 1902. | [ornament] \ Turanga: [i.e. Gisborne] Na te Wi- 1 remu Hapata i ta. | kite Perehi ki Te | Raukahikatea. 1902.

24 p.: 210x135 mm. All title-page text underlined. Colophon p. 24: ’H. W. Williams, Te Rau Press, Gisborne'.

Report of a combined diocesan Native Church Board meeting at Auckland, 25-27 January 1902. List of Waimate Archdeaconry ministers and teachers p. 13-16. Copies: WTU.

1909 Nga mahi a nga | hui o te Taha | Maori o te Hahi o | te Pihopatanga o | Akarana. [4 ornaments] | [ornament] ) I huihui to te Takiwa Whakararo o Aka- | rana ki Waimamaku i a Maehe 17, 18. me | to te Takiwa Whakarunga o Akarana ki | Hopuhopu i a Mei 25, 26, 1909. [3 ornaments] | [rule] \ Turanga: [i.e. Gisborne] Na te Wiremu Hapata i ta. ki Te Rau, 1909.

15, [l] p.; 220x142 mm. Page [l6] blank. Printed by H. W. Williams at Te Rau Press.

Reports of two Native Church Board meetings: northern districts CTakiwa Whakararo’) at Waimamaku (17-18 March 1909) and southern districts CTakiwa Whakarunga’) at Hopuhopu (25-26 May 1909). Includes a complete list of Maori ministers and teachers in the diocese (p. [I2J-15). This report is the first to use special characters (in lower case and capital forms) to represent ’wh’ and ‘ng’ sounds: \h and \H (for ’wh'); p and 0 (for ’ng’). The special characters are used only in some typefaces and sizes, and appear most frequently in the Waiapu reports for 19091911 (5303/1909-1911). The characters were used extensively in Pipiwharauroa (542) between 1908 and 1912: the usage is explained in the context of the development of printed Maori in its issue no. 123 (June 1908), p. [l], For further background see P. G. Parkinson, 'He korero no New Zealand’, Turnbull Library record, v. 28 (1995), p. 23-42 (p. 39 Figure 7). Copies: WTU.

1911 [line of ornaments] | [rule] | Nga mahi a nga hui ote | Pihopatanga o Akarana, | [ornament] 1911. [ ornament] \ [ornament] | 1 hui to te Taha Whaka- | runga o Akarana ki Ko- | hanga i a 26 Maehe. 1911. | [ ornament] | I hui to te Taha Whaka- 1 raro o Akarana ki Te Kao | i a 24 Mei, 1911, | [rule] \ [ornament] Turanga: [i.e. Gisborne] Na te Wiremu Hapata i ta. | kite Perehi ki Te Raukahikatea, 1911.

16 p.; 220 x 140 mm. Title page with ornaments and ornamental borders. Page 2 blank. Colophon p, 16: ‘Turanga; | Na te Wiremu Hapata i ta, ki te Perehi ki Te Rau, | 1911.’. WTU copy is accompanied by 1 sheet ([l] p.; 270x215 mm.) of financial information in tabular form headed 'Ko nga moni . .i te tau 1910.'. Printed by H. W. Williams at Te Rau Press.

Report of two Native Church Board meetings: southern districts (‘Taha Whakarunga’) at Kohanga (26 March 1911) and northern districts (‘Tafia Whakararo') at Te Kao (24 May 1909), Includes a complete list of Maori ministers and teachers in the diocese (p. [l2]-16). Special




typographic characters used: see S3OI/1909 for further information. Sommerville 1 104. Copies: WTU.

1912 [as / 911] ... | [ornament] 1912. [ornament] \ [ornament] \ I hui to te Taha Whaka- | raro o Akarana ki Peria | i a 26, 27 Maehe, 1912. | [ornament] | I hui to te Taha Whaka- | runga o Akarana ki Ma- | taitai i a 5 Hune, 1912. | . . . 1912.

18, [2] p.; 220x140 mm. cream paper covers. Covers included in pagination. Pages [2], [l7], [l9-20] blank. Colophon p. 16: ’Turanga: | Na te Wiremu Hapata 1 ta, kite Perehi ki Te Rau, | 1912.’. WTU copy has 1 sheet ([l] p.) of financial information (as with the 1911 issue) tipped in inside the back cover. Printed by H. W. Williams at Te Rau Press.

Report of two Native Church Board meetings: northern districts (‘Taha Whakararo’) at Peria (26-27 March 1912) and southern districts (‘Taha Whakarunga’) at Mataitai, 5 June 1912. Includes a complete list of Maori ministers and teachers in the diocese (p. [ 14]-18). Sommerville 1115 Copies: WTU.


CHURCH OF ENGLAND. Diocese of Waiapu.

Reports of diocesan synod proceedings. 1861-1865.

The first synod of the Diocese of Waiapu was held in 1861. It was attended by only three Europeans: Bishop Williams Williams, his son William Leonard Williams (later Bishop) and Rev. E. B. Clarke, but there were three Maori clergy and seventeen Maori laity. The Synod was conducted in Maori and the proceedings were published in both Maori and a separate English translation.

Three further synods were held (1862-1865) but the effects of the Klngitanga movement, the Waikato War and the rise of Hauhauism created a period of uncertainty for the church and a deep split in the diocese. Difficulties in arranging meetings and forming a quorum meant that synod meetings did not occur regularly again until the 1870s.

When the original boundaries were altered in 1869 to include Hawke’s Bay, the diocese was no longer predominantly Maori. Subsequent reports of proceedings of the synod meetings of the Diocese of Waiapu (from 1872 onwards) were in English only. See 5303 for the reports of the separate Native Church Boards from 1870.

1861.1 Nga mahi | ate | Hinota Tuatahi | ote | Pihopatanga o Waiapu. | I whakaminea ki Waerengaahika | Turanga. | 1 Tihema 1861. | [double rule] | Auckland: | Printed at the Cathedral Press. | [rule] | 1862.

28 p.; 215x140 mm.; grey-green paper covers. Title repeated on front cover. Page [2] blank. Printed at St Stephen’s School. Taurarua (Judges Bay). Text in Maori (p. [3J-I6) and English (p. [I7J-28).

Proceedings of first diocesan synod, held 3-5 December 1861 at Waerenga-a-Hika, near Gisborne, the diocesan headquarters. Seventeen named Maori laymen participated. Williams 348. Copies: AP. NLA, WTU.

1861.2 [as 1861.1] ... | I Tihema 1861. | [rule] | Printed at the “Spectator" Office, Wellington. | [rule] | 1862.




16 p ; 230 x 1 53 mm. (untrimmed): pale blue paper covers. Title repeated on front cover.

Wellington reprint of p. 1-16 (Maori text) of the 1861 Waiapu diocesan synod proceedings (5302/1861,1) Copies: GP, WTU.

1863 [as 1861.1] . . | Hinota Tuarua | ... 1 5 Hanuere 1863. | .. . | 1863.

66 p ; 213x135 mm,: dark blue paper covers. Title repeated on front cover. Pages [2] and [46] blank. Text in Maori (p. ]3]-45) and English (p, 47-66, translation of some parts).

Proceedings of second diocesan synod, held 5-9 January 1863 at Waerenga-a-Hika. Includes statutes. Williams 364, Copies: AP. AR, DL, NLA, WTU.

1864 [as 1861.1] ... | Hinota Tuatoru \ ... \ 2 Maehe, 1864. | . . . | 1864.

43. [l] p.; 217x140 mm.; dark blue paper covers. Title repeated on front cover. Pages [2B] and [44] blank. Text in Maori (p. 2-27) and English (p. 29-43, translation of some parts).

Proceedings of third diocesan synod, held 2-7 March 1864 at Waerenga-a-Hika. Includes financial statement. Williams 386. Copies: AP, AR, NLA, WTU.

1865 [as 1861.1] .. , | Hinota Tuawha 1.. . | i whakaminea ki Te Kawakawa, | 3 Hanuere, 1865. | [ornamental rule] | Auckland: | Printed at the Cathedral Press. I [rule] I 1865.

23. [l] p.; 207x134 mm,; dark blue paper covers. Title repeated on front cover inside ornamental border. Text in Maori only.

Proceedings of fourth diocesan synod, held 3-5 January 1865 at Te Kawakawa, near Hicks Bay. Williams 401. Copies: AP, NLA, WTU.


CHURCH OF ENGLAND. Diocese of Waiapu.

Reports of meetings on Maori Church matters, 1870-1914.

The Diocese of Waiapu comprised three archdeaconries: Waiapu (called Turanga' in the Native Church Board reports up to 1907), Tauranga, and (from 1869) Hawke's Bay (called 'Heretaunga' in the Native Church Board reports). 'Heretaunga' and 'Turanga' have been retained here in the annotations as the names of the archdeaconries where they appear in this form on the printed item.

For a detailed record of the fifteen Maori pastorates and mission districts within the diocese see W. Rosevear, Waiapu: The story of a diocese (Hamilton, I960), p, 75-80 and [I77J-201.

Some reports are of meetings of single archdeaconries and others are of combined meetings, as noted.

1870 He ki | na te | hui o te Hahi Maori | o te Takiwa o | Turanga | i te Pihopatanga o Waiapu. | I huihui ki Turanganui | Oketopa 31,-Noema 2 1870. | [rule] | Akarana. [i.e. Auckland] | I taia tenei kite Perehi o te Kura o Tipene e | Henry Hill. | 1870.

7, [l] p.; 205x135 mm. Page [B] blank. Printed by Henry Hill at St Stephen's School, Taurarua (now Judges Bay) on the press ('te Perehi a te Kura o Tipene') which had been transferred from St John's College; see no. 718 for further background




Report of a Turanga Native Church Board meeting at Gisborne ('Turanganui'), 31 October-2 November 1870. Additional text p. 7: 'He tikanga mo te mahi a te hui o te Hahi Maori' (meeting protocols). Williams 449 Copies: WTU.

1871 Nga mahi | ate | hui ote Hahi Maori | ote Takiwa o | Turanga | ite Pihopatanga o Waiapu. | I huihui ki Te Hatepe, Waiapu. | Aperira 12, 13, 1871. 1 [rule] \ Akarana. [i.e. Auckland] | I taia tenei kite Perehi o te Kura o Tipene e | Henry Hill. | 1871.

11, [l] p,; 205 x 1 35 mm. Page [l2] blank. Printed at St Stephen's School. Report of a Turanga Native Church Board meeting at Te Hatepe,

- - - - • ■ ■ v., • -MV, - —•• ■ I uv i v x lUIC|>C, 12-13 April 1871. Additional text p. [3]-6: 'He tikanga na te hui o te Hahi Maori o Turanga’ (meeting protocols). Williams 460. Copies: WTU.

1872.1 Nga mahi | ate | hui ote Hahi Maori | ote Takiwa o | Turanga 1 ite Pihopatanga o Waiapu. | [double rule] | I huihui ki Uawa Oketopa 25-26,

1872. | [double rule] \ Auckland: | Upton & Co., Canada Buildings, Queen Street. | [rule] | 1873.

11. [l] p. 212x133 mm. Page [l2] blank. Colophon p. 11; 'W, Atkin, Printer, High Street, Auckland.'.

Report of a TQranga Native Church Board meeting at Uawa, 25-26 October 1872, Williams 469. Copies: WTU.

1872.2 Nga mahi | a te | hui o te Hahi Maori | o te Takiwa o | Heretaunga | [. . .] | I huihui ki Pakowhai Tihema 11, 12, 1872. | [double rule] | Auckland: | Upton & Co., Canada Buildings, Queen Street. | [rule] | 1873.

7, [l] p.: 212x135 mm. Page [B] blank. Colophon p. 7: 'W. Atkin, Printer, High Street, Auckland.'.

Report of a Heretaunga Native Church Board meeting at Pakowhai.

11-12 December 1872. Williams 470. Copies: NLA, WTU.

1873 Nga mahi | a te | hui ote Hahi Maori | o te Takiwa o | Turanga | i te Pihopatanga o Waiapu. | [ornamental rule] | I whakaminea ki Whareponga Aper. 30-Mei 2. I 873. | (ornamental rule | | Napier: |

v» ■ iui c.|ac/i igu i ipv-i , mv/i 4,, i u i ■/. | [VI uumtiuui i uitj | i>upiui . | Printed by Dinwiddie, Morrison & Co., | “Herald Office." | [rule] 1 1873. 9, [l] p. 212x133 mm. Page [lo] blank.

Report of a Turanga Native Church Board meeting at Whareponga, 30 April-2 May 1873. Williams 481. Copies: WTU.

1874.1 [as 1873] . . . | ote Takiwa o | Turanga | i te Pihopatanga o Waiapu, | i whakaminea ki Turanganui, Pepuere 13-16, 1874. | . . . | 1874.

10 p.; 196 x 137 mm. Report of a Turanga Native Church Board meeting at Gisborne, 13-16 February 1874. Williams 495. Copies: WTU.

1874.2 Nga mahi | a te | hui o te Hahi Maori | o te Takiwa o | Heretaunga | i te Pihopatanga o Waiapu, | i huihui ki Omaahu, Aperira 7, 1874. | [ornamental rule] | Napier: | Printed by Dinwiddie, Morrison & Co., | “Herald” Office. | [rule] | 1874.

8 p.; 196 x 135 mm.


5303 i


Report of a Heretaunga Native Church Board meeting at Omahu, 7 April 1874. Williams 496. Copies: AP. NLA, WTU.

1875 [as 1873] . . . | Turanga | ... I I whakaminea ki Tokomaru, Maehe 22, 23, 1875. | ... | 1875.

10 p,: 188x133 mm.

• ~ r” ■ - • Report of a Turanga Native Church Board meeting at Tokomaru, 22-23 March 1875. Williams 510. Copies: WTU.

1876 [as 1873] ... I Turanga 1 i te Pihopatanga o Waiapu. | [double rule] | 1 huihui ki Waipiro, Nowema 28, 29, 1876. | [double rule] | Gisborne:] Poverty Bay Printing and Publishing Company. | [rule] | 1877.

5, [3] p.; 207x136 mm. Pages [2] and [6-8] blank.

Report of a Turanga Native Church Board meeting at Waipiro, 28-29 November 1876. Williams 523. Copies: WTU.

1878,1 [as 1873] ... | Turanga | ite Pihopatanga o Waiapu, | i huihui ki Te Horo. | Maehe 19, 20, 1878. 1 [rule] \ Turanga: [i.e. Gisborne] | I taia i te Tari o te “Waka Maori.” | 1878.

8 p.; 215x134 mm. Printed at the office of Te Waka Maori o Niu Tirani (S2l) newspaper.

i I . Report of a Turanga Native Church Board meeting at Te Horo, 19-20 March 1878. Williams 545. Copies: WTU.

1878.2 [as 1873] ... 1 Turanga | i te Pihopatanga o Waiapu. | [wavy rule] | 1 whakaminea ki Uawa, Now. 8. 9, 1879. [i.e. 1878] | [wavy rule] | Napier: | Printed by Dinwiddle, Walker & Co.. | “Herald Office." | [rule] | 1879.

8 p.: 208x132 mm. Internal text dated 1878 in several places; date noted by Williams.

Report of a Turanga Native Church Board meeting at Uawa, 8-9 November 1878, starting the cycle of meetings being held late in the year. Williams 557. Copies: WTU.

1879 [as 1873] ... 1 Turanga | i te Pihopatanga o Waiapu, | i huihui ki Turanganui, | Nowema, 3. 4. 1879, | [swelled rule] | Turanga: | Printed at the “Evening Herald” Office, Gisborne | 1880.

7, [l] p.; 205x134 mm. Colophon on p. [B],

Report of a Turanga Native Church Board meeting at Gisborne, 3-4 November 1879. Williams 574. Copies: WTU.

1880 [as 1873] . . . | Turanga | i te Pihopatanga o Waiapu | i huihui ki Te Kawakawa, | Tihema, 13, 14, 1880. | [ornamental rule] | Turanga: | Printed at the “Evening Herald” Office, Gisborne, | 1881.

8 p.; 214x139 mm. Colophon p. 8: 'S. P. Craig, Printer, "Evening Herald” Office, Gisborne’.

Report of a Turanga Native Church Board meeting at Kawakawa, 13-14 December 1880. Williams 598. Copies: WTU.

1881 [as 1873] , . . | Turanga | ite Pihopatanga o Waiapu | i huihui ki Te Kawakawa. | Tihema, 10, 12, 1881. | [rule] | Turanga: | Printed by




Webb & Mogridge, Standard Office. Gisborne. | [rule] \ 1881.

[2], 5, [l] p ; 212x135 mm. Prelim pages: title-page; list of attendees on verso. Page [6] blank.

Report of a Turanga Native Church Board meeting at Te Kawakawa, 10 and 12 December 1881. Williams 601. Copies: WTU,

1 882.1 He mahi | na | te hui o te Hahi Maori | o te | Takiwa o Heretaunga. | i whakaminea nei ki | Omaahu | i a Oketopa 9, 10, 1882. | [double rule] I New Zealand: | Printed at the “Daily Telegraph" Office. Napier. | [rule] | 1883.

4 p. 220x142 mm.; grey paper covers. Title from front cover, inside an ornamental border. Caption title p. [l]: ‘He tuhituhinga i nga mahi a te Hui o te Hahi Maori I whakaminea ki Omaahu i te 9 o nga ra o Oketopa 1882.’.

Report of a Heretaunga Native Church Board meeting at Omahu, 9-10 October 1882. Williams 622 & (S). Copies: AP, NLA. WTU.

1882.2 [as 1873] . , . | Turanga | I te Pihopatanga o Waiapu | i huihui ki Tuparoa, | Tihema, 6, 7, 1882. \ [rule] | Turanga: | Printed at the “Evening Herald" Office, Gladstone Road. | [rule] \ 1883.

7. [l] p.; 217x135 mm. Page [B] blank.

Report of a Turanga Native Church Board meeting at Tuparoa. 6-7 December 1882. Williams 644. Copies: WTU.

1883.1 He mahi | na | te hui ote Hahi Maori | ote | Takiwa o Heretaunga | i whakaminea nei ki | Omaahu | i a Hepetema 17, 18, 1883. | [ornament] | Nepia: [i.e. Napier] | Na te Haaringi i ta ki tona Whare Perehi Pukapuka. | 1884.

6, [2] p.; 214x135 mm.; blue paper covers. Pages [2] and [B] blank. Title inside single rule border. Title repeated on front cover inside an ornamental border. Printed by Robert Coupland Harding (‘te Haaringi’).

Report of a Heretaunga Native Church Board meeting at Omahu. 17-18 September 1883. Williams 670. Copies: AP, NLA. WTU.

1883.2 [as 1873] . . . | Turanga | i te Pihopatanga o Waiapu | i huihui ki Tuparoa, [i.e. Oawa] | Tihema, 7, 8, 1883. | [rule] | Turanga: [i.e. Gisborne] | Printed at the “Herald” Office, Gladstone Road. | [rule] | 1884.

7. [l] p.; 220x143 mm. Page [B] blank.

Report of a Turanga Native Church Board meeting at Oawa, 7-8 December 1883. Williams 671. Copies: WTU.

1884.1 [as 1883.1] . . , | Takiwa o Heretaunga | i whakaminea nei ki | Omaahu | 6 Oketopa, 1884. | . . . 1885.

8 p.; 218x138 mm.; purple paper covers. Pages [2] and [4] blank. Title inside single rule border. Title repeated on front cover inside an ornamental border, Colophon p. 8: 'Harding, Printer, Napier, N.Z.'.

Report of a Heretaunga Native Church Board meeting at Omahu, 6 October 1884. Williams 689. Copies: AP, NLA. WTU.




1884.2 [as 1873] . | Turanga |i te Pihopatanga o Waiapu, | i huihui ki Te Awapuni 1 Tihema. 8, 9, 1884. | [double rule] | Turanga: | Printed at the “Herald” Office, Gladstone Road. | [rule] \ 1885.

9, [l] p ; 203x133 mm. Page [lo] blank.

Report of a Turanga Native Church Board meeting at Awapuni (Gisborne). 8-9 December 1884. Williams 690. Copies: WTU,

1885.1 [as 1883.1] . . , | Takiwa o Heretaunga | i whakaminea nei ki | Te Waipatu | 5 o nga ra o Oketopa, 1885. | . . . 1886.

7, [l] p.; 218x138 mm.; purple paper covers. Page [B] blank. Title inside single rule border. Title repeated on front cover inside an ornamental border. Colophon p. 8: ‘Harding, Printer. Napier, N.Z.’.

Report of a Heretaunga Native Church Board meeting at Waipatu, 5 October 1885. Williams 692 & (S). Copies: AP. NLA, WTU.

1885.2 Nga mahi | a te | hui o te Hahi Maori | o te ( Takiwa o Turanga, | o te | Takiwa Hoki o Te Kaha, | i te Pihopatanga o Waiapu. | i huihui ki Te Kaha 1 Tihema 7, 8. 1885. | [double rule] | Turanga. [i.e. Gisborne] | Printed at the “Herald” Office, Gladstone Road. | 1885.

10 p.; 208x134 mm.

Report of a Native Church Board meeting of two districts: TUranga and Te Kaha (pastorate in the Archdeaconry of Tauranga), held at Te Kaha. 7-8 December 1885. Williams 710. Copies: WTU.

**1886.1 [as 1883.1] . ... te Waipatu 4 o nga ra o Oketopa, 1887. . . . 1886? 8 p.; 212x136 mm. Details from Williams, not confirmed (no copy located).

Report of a Heretaunga? Native Church Board meeting at Waipatu, 4 October 1886. Williams 713. No copy located.

1886.2 [as 1885.2] . . | Takiwa o Turanga, |ote | Takiwa Hoki oTe Kaha, | i te Pihopatanga o Waiapu. | i whakaminea ki Waipare | Tihema 8, 9, 1886. | ... | 1887.

11, [l] p.: 208x140 mm. Page [l2] blank.

Report of a Native Church Board meeting of two districts: Turanga and Te Kaha (pastorate in the Archdeaconry of Tauranga), held at Waipare, 8-9 December 1886. Williams 728. Copies: WTU.

**1887.1 [as 1883.1] . ... le Waipatu 3 o nga ra o Oketopa, 1887. .. . 1887? 8 p,; 218x140 mm. Details from Williams, not confirmed (no copy located).

Report of a Heretaunga? Native Church Board meeting at Waipatu, 3 October 1887. Williams 730. No copy located.

1887.2 [as 1885.2] . . . | Takiwa o Turanga tae atu ki | Te Kaha. | 1 te Pihopatanga o Waiapu, | i whakaminea ki Ti-Kapu-a-Hinekopeka | Tihema 16. 17, 1887. | [double rule] | Turanga: [i.e. Gisborne] | Printed at the "Herald” Office, Gladstone Road. | [rule] \ 1888.

7, [l] p.; 208x140 mm. Page [B] blank.

Report of a Native Church Board meeting of two districts: TUranga and




Te Kaha (pastorate in the Archdeaconry of Tauranga), held at Ti-kapu-a Hinekopeka (Rangitukia parish), 16-17 December 1887, Williams 748 Copies: WTU.

1888.1 [as 1885.2] . | Takiwa o Turanga |ote | Takiwa Hoki oTe Kaha, | i te Pihopatanga o Waiapu. | i whakaminea ki Te Waitakaro, | Tihema 3, 1888. | (wavy rule] | Turanga: [i.e. Gisborne] | Printed at the “Herald" Office, Gladstone, [sic] Road I 1889

uiuv. IV. I 10 p.; 214x138 mm.

Report of a Native Church Board meeting of two districts: Turanga and Te Kaha (pastorate in the Archdeaconry of Tauranga), held at Te Waitakaro (Whareponga parish), 3 December 1888. Williams 763, Copies: WTU.

1888,2 [as 1883.1] . . . | Takiwa o Heretaunga | i whakaminea nei ki | Te Waipatu | 31 Tihema. 1888, | . . . | 1889.

8 p.; 218x138 mm. Pages [2] and [4] blank. Title inside single rule border. Colophon p. 8: 'Harding, Printer.'

Report of a Heretaunga Native Church Board meeting at Waipatu, 31 December 1888. Williams 764. Copies: AP, ANL, WTU.

1 889 Nga mahi ) a te | hui o te Hahi Maori | o te | Takiwa o Rotorua | tae noa | ki Whangaparoa, [sic] | i te Pihopatanga o Waiapu, | i whakaminea ki Opotiki, | Mei 13, 14, 1889. | [ornamental rule] | Tauranga: | Printed at “The Bay of Plenty Times” Office, | 1889.

7. [l] p.; 225x145 mm. (untrimmed). Pages [2] and [B] blank.

Report of a Native Church Board meeting of the Rotorua district as far as Whangaparaoa (Eastern Bay of Plenty), part of the Archdeaconry of Tauranga, held at Opotiki, 13-14 May 1889. Williams 766. Copies: WTU.

1890.1 Nga mahi | ate | Hui Topu ote Hahi Maori | ote | Pihopatanga o Waiapu. | te minenga tuatahi, \ i tu ki Manutukea, [sic] | Maehe 3. 4, 1890. | [double rule] | Turanga: [i.e. Gisborne] | Printed at the “Herald" Office, Gladstone Road. | 1890.

12 p.: 208x136 mm. Page [2] blank.

Report of the first combined (Heretaunga. Turanga, Tauranga) Native Church Board meeting at Manutuke?, 3-4 March 1890. For an invitation to the meeting see no. 1245. Williams 781. Copies: WTU.

1890.2 [as 1883.1] . . . \ Takiwa o Heretaunga | i whakaminea nei ki | Korito | 22 Hepetema, 1890. | ... | 1891.

8 p.; 216x137 mm. Pages [2] and [4] blank.

Report of a Heretaunga Native Church Board meeting at Korito (Mohaka parish), 22 September 1890. Williams 782. Copies: AP, NLA. WTU.

1890.3 Nga mahi | a te | hui o te Hahi Maori | o nga | Takiwa o Tauranga, o Turanga, i te Pihopatanga o Waiapu, | i tu ki Te Kaha. | Tihema 8, 9, 1890. | [double rule] | Turanga: [i.e. Gisborne] | Printed at the “Herald" Office, Gladstone Road. | [rule] | 1891.


S3Q3 i


11, [1 ]p ; 217 x 138 mm. Page [2] blank.

Report of a Native Church Board meeting of two archdeaconries: Tauranga and Turanga, held at Te Kaha, 8-9 December 1890. Williams 798. Copies: WTU,

**1891.1 [as/883./] ... Mohaka 19 Oketopa. 1 891... . 1891?

8 p.: 206x140 mm. Details from Williams, not confirmed (no copy located).

Report of a Heretaunga? Native Church Board meeting at Mohaka, 19 October 1891, Williams 800. No copy located.

1891.2 Nga mahi | a te | hui o te Hahi Maori | o te | Takiwa o Turanga, | I te Pihopatanga o Waiapu, | i tu ki Horowera. | Nowema 30, Tihema I, 1891. | [double rule] | Turanga: [i.e. Gisborne] | Printed at the "Herald" Office. Gladstone Road. | [rule] | 1892.

10, [2] p.; 203x133 mm. Pages [2], [4] and [l2] blank

Report of a Turanga Native Church Board meeting at Horoera, 30 November-1 December 1891. Williams 812. Copies: WTU.

* * 1892.1 [as/88J./].... Waipatu 14 Maehe, 1892. .. . 1892?

8 p.; 206x140 mm. Details from Williams, not confirmed (no copy located).

Report of a Heretaunga? Native Church Board meeting at Waipatu, 14 March 1892. Williams 814. No copy located.

1892.2 [as 1891.2] . . . | Takiwa o Turanga, | . . . | i tu ki Kakariki, | Tihema 12, 13, 1892. | ... | 1893.

9, [3] p.; 210x139 mm. Pages [2], [4] and [ll-12] blank.

Report of a Turanga Native Church Board meeting at Kakariki (Te Horo parish), 12-13 December 1892 Williams 845. Copies: WTU.

1893.1 Nga mahi | ate | Hui Topu ote Hahi Maori | ote | Pihopatanga o Waiapu, | te minenga tuarua, | i tu ki Manutukea, | Maehe 6. 7, 1893. 1 . . . [as 1890.1] | 1893.

10. [2] p.; 210x138 mm. Pages [2] and [l2] blank.

Report of the second combined (Heretaunga. Turanga, Tauranga) Native Church Board meeting at Manutuke?, 6-7 March 1893. Williams 846. Copies: WTU.

1893,2 [as 1891.2] . . . | Takiwa o Turanga, | . . . | i tu ki Tuparoa. 1 Tihema 4, 5. 1893. I ... | 1894,

10, [2] p.; 213x138 mm. Pages [2], [4] and [1 1-12] blank.

I\_/, \ J ' y ■y vi min. ■ |i.j, i >j ui | i a i l/iui m. Report of a Turanga Native Church Board meeting at Tuparoa, 4-5 December 1893. Williams 873. Copies: WTU.

**1894.1 (as 1883.1] .... Waipatu I Oketopa. 1894. . . . 1894?

8p; 216 x 134 mm. Details from Williams, not confirmed (no copy located).

Report of a Heretaunga? Native Church Board meeting at Waipatu, 1 October 1894 Williams 875. No copy located.




1894.2 (as 1891.2] . . . | Takiwa o Turanga, 1 . . . | i tu ki Waipiro, | Tihema 10, 1894. | ... 1 1895.

7, [l] p.; 220x142 mm.

Report of a Turanga Native Church Board meeting at Waipiro, 10 December 1894. Williams 891. Copies: WTU.

1895.1 He mahi 1 na | te hui o te Hahi Maori | o te | Takiwa o Heretaunga | i whakaminea nei ki | Omaahu | 30 Hepetema, 1895. | [ornament] | Kihipane; [i.e. Gisborne] | Na te Muri i ta ki tona Whare Perehi Pukapuka. 1 [rule] 1895.

8 p.; 211x140 mm. Pages [2] and [4] blank. Title inside single rule border. Colophon p. 8: 'Herald Print, Gisborne.'. Printed by A. R. Muir (‘te Muri').

Report of a Heretaunga Native Church Board meeting at Omahu, 30 September 1895, Williams 893. Copies: WTU.

1895.2 [as 1891.2] .. . | Takiwa o Turanga. | . . |itu ki Tokomaru. | Tihema 16, 1895. 1 ... | 1896.

7. [l] p.: 225x143 mm.

/ , [1 j y., I ....... Report of a Turanga Native Church Board meeting at Tokomaru, 16 December 1895. Williams 908. Copies: WTU,

1896 Nga mahi | a te | Hui Topu o te Hahi Maori | o te | Pihopatanga o Waiapu. | te minenga tuatoru, 1 i tu ki Manutukea, | Maehe 16. 1896. | ... [as 1890.1] | 1896.

11, [l] p.; 212x140 mm. Pages [2] and [l2] blank.

* * » i • j r * - • ■— ■ “o — 1 j Report of the third combined (Heretaunga, Tauranga, Turanga) Native Church Board meeting at Manutuke?, 16 March 1896. Williams 910. Copies: WTU.

1897.1 Nga mahi | ate | hui ote Hahi Maori 1 ote | Takiwa o Turanga | ite Pihopatanga o Waiapu |itu ki | Whangara | Maehe 15, 1897. | [double rule] | Turanga: [i.e. Gisborne] 1 Na te Wiremu Hapata i ta, ki Te Rau Kahikatea. 1 [rule] \ 1897.

7, [l] p.; 227X145 mm. Colophon p. 7: 'Printed by H. W. Williams at the Te Rau Press, Gisborne.'.

ic i\au r vjiouui i ic. . Report of a Turanga Native Church Board meeting at Whangara. 15 March 1897. Williams 936. The first report produced by Williams (Wiremu Hapata) at the Te Rau Press: for further background on the press see the entry for Pipi-wharauroa (542). Copies: WTU.

JUV UIU VMll J IWI I r V.V.. wv. f- ** 1897.2 He mahi na te hui . . . Takiwa o Heretaunga . . . Waipatu i a Nowema 28, 29, 1897.

Details not confirmed; no copy located.

Report of a Heretaunga Native Church Board meeting at Waipatu, 28-29 November 1897. Williams **93 B. No copy located

1898.1 [as 1897.1] ... | Takiwa o Turanga, 1 ite Pihopatanga o Waiapu. 1 itu ki | Raukokore, | Aperira 22. 23, 1898. | [ornament] 1 Turanga: 1 Na te Wiremu Hapata i ta, ki Te Rau Kahikatea. 1 [rule] \ 1898




8 p.; 227x145 mm. Colophon p. 8: 'Printed by H. W, Williams, at the Te Rau Press. Gisborne ’.

Report of a Turanga Native Church Board meeting at Whangara, 15 March 1897. Williams 960. Copies: WTU.

1898.2 Nga mahi | a te | hui o te Hahi Maori | o te | Takiwa o Heretaunga | i te Pihopatanga o Waiapu | i tu ki | te Wairoa | Nowema 28. 1898 | [swelled rule] \ Turanga: | Na te Wiremu Hapata i ta ki Te Raukahikatea 1 [rule] | 1899

8 p.; 205 x 135 mm. Colophon p. 8: 'Printed by H. W. Williams, at the Te Rau Press. Gisborne.'.

Report of a Heretaunga Native Church Board meeting at Wairoa, 28 November 1898. Williams 961. Copies: WTU.

1899 Nga mahi | a te | minenga tuawha o | Hui Topu o te Hahi Maori | o te | Pihopatanga o Waiapu | i tu ki | Manutuke | Maehe 6, 7, 1899 | [swelled rule] | Turanga: | Na te Wiremu Hapata i ta ki Te Raukahikatea | [rule] | 1899

14, [2] p.; 216x141 mm. Pages [2] and [l3] blank. Colophon p. [l6]: 'Printed by H. W, Williams, at the Te Rau Press, Gisborne.’.

Report of the fourth combined (Heretaunga, Tauranga, Turanga) Native Church Board meeting at Manutuke, 6-7 March 1896. Williams 980. Copies: WTU.

1900.1 [as 1898.2] ... 1 Takiwa o Heretaunga | , . . | Porangahau | Pepuere 12, 1900. | [ornamental rule] | . . . | 1900.

10. (2]p.; 204x132 mm. Pages [2], [4] and [ll-12] blank. Colophon p. 10: 'H. W. Williams, Te Rau Press. Gisborne’.

r* " wy vv imai 13. ICIMU..COJ, Report of a Heretaunga Native Church Board meeting at Porangahau. 12 February 1900. Williams 995. Copies: NLA, WTU.

1900.2 [as 1898.2] . . . | Takiwa o Tauranga | . . . | Maketu | Maehe 12, 1900. | [ornamental rule] | . . . | | 1900.

11, [l]p.; 204x132 mm. Pages [2], [4] and [l2] blank. Colophon p. I 1: 'H. W. Williams, Te Rau Press, Gisborne’.

Report of a Tauranga Native Church Board meeting at Maketu. 12 March 1900. Williams 996. Copies: WTU.

1900.3 [as 1898.2] . . | Takiwa o Turanga |.. . | Wharekahika | Aperira 16, 1900. | [ornamental rule] | . . . | 1900.

8 p.; 227x145 mm. Colophon p. 8: 'H. W. Williams, Te Rau Press, Gisborne’.

Report of a Turanga Native Church Board meeting at Wharekahika, 16 April 1900. Williams 998. Copies: WTU.

1901 Nga mahi ate | hui ote Hahi | Maori ote Takiwa | o Turanga ite Pi- | hopatanga o Wai- | apu i tu ki Rangi- | tukia i te 8 o nga 1 ra o Aperira. 1901. | [ ornament] | Turanga: Na te Wi- | remu Hapata i ta ki | te Perehi ki Te Rau- | kahikatea, 1901.

10, [2] p.; 205x135 mm. Pages [2], [4] and [ll-12] blank. All title-page


5303 i


text underlined. Colophon p. 10: 'H. W. Williams, Te Rau Press. Gisborne'.

Report of a Turanga Native Church Board meeting at Rangitukia, 8 April 1901 The art nouveau design of this and the subsequent reports produced by H. W. Williams at the Te Rau Press is significantly different from the previous reports (1897-1900). Copies: WTU.

1902 Nga mahi a te | minenga tua- | rima ote Hui Topu | ote Hahi Maori o | te Pihopatanga o | Waiapu itu ki Ma- | nutuke, ite 10, i|te 11 o Maehe, 1902. | [ornament] | Turanga: Na te Wi- | remu Hapata i ta, | ki te Perehi ki Te | Raukahikatea, 1902.

16 p.; 205x135 mm. Page [2] blank. All title-page text underlined. Colophon p. 16: 'H. W. Williams, Te Rau Press. Gisborne'.

r r •~• • ■ • " • • ■ ~ uuuumt, . Report of the fifth combined (Heretaunga, Tauranga, Turanga) Native Church Board meeting at Manutuke, 10-11 March 1902. Copies: WTU.

1903.1 Nga mahi ate | hui ote Hahi | Maori ote Taki- | wa o Turanga i | te Pihopatanga o | Waiapu i tu ki Te | Rahui i te 30 o nga | ra o Maehe, i te | tau 1903. [4 ornaments] | [ornament] | Turanga; Na te Wi- | remu Hapata i ta ki | te Perehi ki Te Rau- | kahikatea, 1903. [2 ornaments]

I I. [l] p;, 205x130 mm. Pages [2], [4] and [l2] blank. All title-page text underlined. Colophon p. 11: 'H. W. Williams. Te Rau Press, Gisborne'.

Report of a Turanga Native Church Board meeting at Te Rahui, 30 March 1903. Copies: WTU.

1 903.2 Nga mahi a te ) hui o te Hahi | Maori o te Taki- | wa o Heretaunga | i te Pihopatanga | o Waiapu i tu ki ( Omahu i te ra 27 o | Aperira, 1903. [4 ornaments] \ [ornament] | [2 ornaments] Turanga: Na te | Wiremu Hapata i ta | kite Perehi ki Te | Raukahikatea. 1903.

8 p.: 215x130 mm. All title-page text underlined. Colophon p. 8: 'H. W Williams, Te Rau Press. Gisborne’.

Report of a Turanga Native Church Board meeting at Omahu, 27 April 1903. Copies: WTU.

1 904 Nga mahi a te | hui o te Hahi | Maori o te Takiwa | o Turanga, i te Pi- | hopatanga o Wai- | apu i tu ki Tupa- | roa Aperira 11,1904. | [ornament] | Turanga; Na te Wi- | remu Hapata i ta | kite Perehi ki Te | Raukahikatea. 1905.

9, [l] p.; 205x130 mm. Page [lo] blank All title-page text underlined Colophon p. 9: 'H. W. Williams, Te Rau Press. Gisborne'. Report of a Turanga Native Church Board meeting at Tuparoa. II April 1904. Copies: WTU.

1905 Nga mahi a te | minenga tua- | ono o te Hui Topu | o te Hahi Maori 1 o te Pihopatanga | o Waiapu i tu ki | Manutuke i te 3 | o Aperira 1905, | [ornament] | Turanga. Na te Wi- | remu Hapata i ta | kite Perehi ki Te | Raukahikatea, 1905.

11, [l] p ; 205x130 mm Pages [4] and [l2] blank. All title-page text underlined. Colophon p. 11: 'Te Rau Press. Gisborne.'.


5303 (


Report of the sixth combined (Heretaunga, Tauranga, TUranga) Native Church Board meeting at Manutuke, 3 April 1905. Copies: WTU.

1906 [line of ornaments] | Nga mahi a te hui ote i Hahi Maori ote Atiriko- | natanga o Turanga i te | Pihopatanga o Waiapu i tu | ki Te Waipiro i te 19 o nga | ra o Maehe, i te tau, 1906. | [ornament] | [rule] | Turanga: Na te Wiremu Hapata i ta | kite Perehi ki Te Raukahikatea, 1907.

I 1C TV I 1 IU | l\l I Cl Cl II I\ I I C I \UUI VUI lIUUICU, I /w I . 8 p.; 205 x 135 mm. Title inside single and double rule borders. Colophon p. 8: ‘Te Rau Press, print, Gisborne.'.

Report of a Turanga Native Church Board meeting at Waipiro, 19 March 1907. Copies: WTU.

1907.1 Nga mahi ate hui o | te Hahi Maori ote | Takiwa o Heretaunga, o | te Pihopatanga o Waiapu | i tu ki Waipawa e te 18 o | Pepuere, 1907. [5 ornaments] | [ornament] | Turanga: Na te Wiremu Hapata i ta | kite Perehi ki Te Raukahikatea, 1907.

rcicin r\i ic rvdimdi nrvdicd, i i . 14, [2] p.; 208x135 mm. Pages [2], [4], [6], [l6] blank. Title with ornamental initial and borders. Imprint repeated on p. [ls] between ornamental rules.

Report of a Heretaunga Native Church Board meeting at Waipawa, 18 February 1907. Copies: WTU.

1907.2 [as 7906] . . . o te Atiriko- | natanga o Turanga . . . | ki Tokomaru i te 4 o nga | ra o Maehe, i te tau, 1907. | . . . 1907.

10, [2] p.; 205x125 mm. Pages [I 1-12] blank. Title inside single and double rule borders.

Report of a Turanga Native Church Board meeting at Tokomaru, 4 March 1907. The final report to use the name ‘Turanga’ for the Waiapu archdiocese until 1913. Copies: WTU.

1908 Nga mahi a te minenga | tuawhitu o te Hui Topu | o te Hahi Maori o te | Pihopatanga o Waiapu |itu ki Manutuke ite ( 10 o Pepuere, 1908. [ornament] \ [double rule] \ [ornament] \ [double rule] | Turanga: | Na te Wiremu Hapata i ta kite Perehi ki Te Rau. \ [rule] \ 1908.

16 p.; 205x135 mm.; dark cream paper covers. Page [2] blank. Title inside ruled borders. Title repeated on front cover inside ornamental border; printed in red and black.

UUIUCI, pi II lieu IN I CU dllU UIdCIV Report of the seventh combined (Heretaunga, Tauranga, Waiapu) Native Church Board meeting at Manutuke. 10 February 1908. The first report to use the archdiocesan name ‘Waiapu’ instead of Turanga'. Copies: WTU.

1909.1 Nga mahi ate | hui ote Hahi | Maori ote Atiri- | konatanga o Wai- | apu itu ki Pare- | mata ite 15 o nga |ra o Pepuere ite | tau 1 909. [5 ornaments] | [ornament] | [ornament ] Turanga: Na te 1 Wiremu Hapata i ta | kite Perehi ki Te | Raukahikatea, 1910.

[l2] p.; 200 x 1 20 mm. Pages [ll-12] blank. All title-page text underlined. Colophon p. [10]: Turanga | Na te Wiremu Hapata i ta k[i] Te Raukahikatea,’.

Report of a Waiapu Native Church Board meeting at Paremata (near




Tolaga Bay), 1 5 February 1 909. Special typographic characters used, see S3Ol /1909 for further information. Sommerville 1095. Copies: WTU.

1 909.2 Nga mahi a te hui | o te Hahi Maori | [4 ornaments] i te Takiwa | e Heretaunga, i tu ki | te Ruataniwha, ki Te | Wairoa i te 8 o nga ra | o Maehe. i te tau 1909, | [ ornament] | Turanga: Na te Wiremu Hapata i ta, | kite Perehi ki Te Raukahikatea: 1910.

[l2] p.; 200x124 mm. Page [l2] blank. All title-page text underlined, Colophon p. [II]: ’Turanga: | Na te Wiremu Hapata i ta ki Te Raukahikatea.’.

Report of a Heretaunga Native Church Board meeting at Wairoa, 8 March 1909. Special typographic characters used, see S3OI/1909 for further information, Sommerville 1097. Copies: WTU.

1 909.3 Nga mahi a te | hui o te Hahi | Maori o te Ta | kiwa o Tauranga i | tu ki Te Kaha ite | 1 8 o Pepuere, 1906: |Me a tera ituki | Te Pupuaruhe ki | Whakatane i te 5 | o Aperira, 1909. [2 ornaments] | [ornament ] | Turanga: Na te | Wiremu Hapata | i ta kite Perehi | ki Te Rau, 1910.

[24] p.; 201X126 mm. Pages [2] and [22-24] blank. All title-page text underlined. Colophon p. [2l]: 'Turanga: | Na te Wiremu Hapata i ta ki Te Raukahikatea.’.

Report of two meetings of the Tauranga Native Church Board: at Te Kaha (18 February 1906) and Whakatane (5 April 1909). Special typographic characters used, see S3Ol/1909 for further information. Sommerville 1098. Copies: WTU.

1910.1 [as 1909.2] . . . | [ornament] ote Takiwa o | Heretaunga. ite Piho- | patanga o Waiapu, i | tu ki Omaahu, i te 28 | o nga ra o Pepuere, i | te tau 1910. [6 ornaments] | ... 1910.

[l2] p.; 190x115 mm. Pages [2], [4] and [l2] blank. All title-page text underlined. Colophon p. [11]: ‘Turanga: | Na te Wiremu Hapata i ta, k[i) te Perehi ki Te Rau. | 1910.'.

Report of a Heretaunga Native Church Board meeting at Omahu, 28 February 1910, presided over by the recently appointed Bishop Alfred Walter Averill ('A. W. Waiapu’) who had been consecrated on 16 January 1910. Special typographic characters used, see S3Ol/1909 for further information. Sommerville 1096. Copies: WTU.

1910.2 [as 1909.1] ~, o te Atiri- | konatanga o Wai- | apu itu ki Kawa- | kawa i te 21 o nga | ra o Maehe. 1910. [ ornament] | ... 1910.

[l2] p.; 187x1 10 mm. Page [l2] blank. All title-page text underlined. Report of a Waiapu Native Church Board meeting at Kawakawa, 21 March 1910.. Special typographic characters used, see S3Ol/1909 for further information. Sommerville 1094. Copies: WTU.

1911 Nga mahi ate | waru o nga | Hui Topu o | te Hahi Maori i | te Pihopatanga | o Waiapu i tu ki | Waiomatatini i te | 20 o Maehe, 1911, [2 ornaments] | [ ornament] | [ornament] Turanga: Na te | Wiremu Hapata i ta | Kite Perehi ki Te | Raukahikatea, 1911

1 6 p.: 214x132 mm. All title-page text underlined.




Report of the eighth combined (Heretaunga, Tauranga, Waiapu) Native Church Board meeting at Waiomatatini 20 March 1911. Special typographic characters used, see S3OI/1909 for further information, Sommerville 1105. Copies: WTU.

1912.1 Nga mahi ate hui takiwa | ote Atirikonatanga o | Tauranga i tu ki Ohinemutu. | Rotorua, i te 19 o nga ra o | Pepuere, 1912. | [ornament] I [rule] | Na D. Gardner i | ta ki tana | Perehi i Rotorua | 1912. | [rule]

14, [2] p,: 195x125 mm.; pink paper covers. Covers included in pagination. Title text underlined. Title and imprint from front cover. Report of a Tauranga Native Church Board meeting at Ohinemutu, Rotorua, 19 February 1912, presided over by Rev. William Goodyear of the CMS. The printer, David Gardner, was owner and editor of the Hot lakes chronicle from about 1902 until his death in 1918. Sommerville 1114. Copies: WTU.

1912.2 [as 1909.2] ... | [ ornament ] o te Takiwa o | Heretaunga, i te Piho- | patanga o Waiapu, i|tu ki Nuhaka, ite 11 | o nga ra o Maehe, ite | tau 1912. [8 ornaments] I ... 1912.

1 7 1 [O Ul lIUIIIOIUOJ I . . . 17 14. [ls], [l] p.: 190x115 mm. Pages [2], [4] and [l6] blank. All title-page text underlined. Colophon p. [ls]: "Turanga: | Na te Wiremu Hapata i ta, ki Te Raukahikatea'.

Report of a Heretaunga Native Church Board meeting at Nuhaka, II March 1912. Sommerville 1112. Copies: WTU.

1912.3 Nga mahi a te hui o | te Hahi Maori i te | Atirikonatanga o | Waiapu i tu ki Te Kaha i | te 25 o nga ra o Maehe i te i tau 1912. | [ornament] | Na te Wiremu Hapata i ta, ki Te Raukahikatea. | 1912.

[2], [l3], [l] p.; 215x135 mm. Title inside a double rule border incorporating ornaments at head and foot. Prelim, pages: title-page (verso blank). Page I of text misnumbered ‘2’. Page [2] (verso of misnumbered page) and [l4] blank.

Report of a Waiapu Native Church Board meeting at Te Kaha. 25 March 1912. Special typographic characters used twice on p. 13 (only), see S3Ol/1909 for further information. Sommerville 1113. Copies: WTU.

1913 Nga mahi ate | hui ote Hahi | Maori i te Ta | kiwa o Turanga [ornament] | Me tera o te Taki | wa o Heretaunga | i tu tahi nei ki | Manutuke ite 10 ( o nga ra o Maehe |i te tau 1913. [2 ornaments] | Turanga: Na te | Wiremu Hapata | i ta kite Perehi | ki Te Rau, 1913. 16 p.; 225x137 mm. Pages [2] and [4] blank. All title-page text underlined. Colophon p. 16: 'Na te Wiremu Hapata i ta, kite Perehi ki Te Raukahikatea. | 1913.’.

Report of a joint Turanga [i.e. Waiapu] and Heretaunga Native Church Board meeting at Manutuke, 10 March 1913. Sommerville 1121. Copies: WTU.

VV I *_/ . 1914 Nga mahi a te iwa | o nga Hui Topu o | te Hahi Maori i | te Pihopatanga o | Waiapu, i tu ki Ohinemutu | i te I 7 o nga ra o Aperira, 1914.


5303 i


[ ornament] \ [ornament (cross)] | Turanga: Na te Wiremu Hapata | i ta. i te Perehi ki Te Rau, 1914.

[ll], [l] p„ [l] leaf of plates; 215x140 mm. Pages [2] and [l2] blank. All title-page text underlined Printed on laid paper. Leaf of plates is from a photograph of a group of men (presumably those attending the meeting) in front of a wharenui.

The WTU copy has two small sheets of hymns pasted on p. [2]; ‘A war hymn’ ([l] p.) and 'God save the King' and ‘Recessional’ ([2] p.), both dated 1914 in manuscript.

Report of the ninth combined (Heretaunga. Tauranga, Waiapu) Native Church Board meeting at Ohinemutu, Rotorua, 17 April 1914. No further reports located. Sommerville 1127. Copies: WTU.




Williams and Sommerville entry numbers with equivalent BiM entry numbers

Some items recorded in the earlier bibliographies are not included in BiM due to differences in scope; the scope of BiM is described on p. 15-16. Other items are not included in BiM because information gathered in the compilation process has clarified their status as (for example) not being published, or not existing in a Maori text, or being a duplicate entry. The concordance includes brief notes explaining why items listed in Williams and Sommerville are not included in BiM. Further information may be found in the archived records of the research held at the Alexander Turnbull Library. Wellington, New Zealand.

Other notes are added where necessary to clarify the relationship between entries.

Abbreviations (for full citations see p. 24):

Williams Entry is in the 1924 Williams bibliography.

(S) Entry is in the 1928 supplement to Williams.

& (S) Additional information on the 1924 Williams entry is in the 1928 supplement.

(Somm) Entry (or additional information) is in the 1947 Sommerville supplement to the Williams 1924 bibliography and the 1928 Supplement.

Other indicators :

** indicates ‘no copy located’. Some items included by Williams (but not seen by him) have since been located; however, a few items seen by Williams have not been located during the process of compiling BiM.

‘S’ BiM numbers beginning with ‘S’ refer to entries in the Serials section (p. 739-860; for example. S6 (Williams 284) is the entry describing the Wellington newspaper Te karere o Poneke ; and S2O/1878 (Williams 552) refers to the 1878 annual report of the Native Affairs Committee of the House of Representatives (the complete sequence of which is described at S2O).


This concordance provides summary cross references from entry numbers in its predecessors (Williams and Sommerville) to entries in this new bibliography Books in Maori: Ngd tdnga reo Maori 1815-1900 ( BiM).































Place Names Index


This index records places of publication and/or printing of items listed in the bibliography. Unless otherwise indicated, all places are in New Zealand.


Place names are indexed in the form in which they appear in the publications, with crossreferences from and links to associated place names. For example, publications from Selwyn’s Bishop’s Press in 1843-1844 are indexed as produced at Te Waimate. as it was known then. That place is now known as Waimate North, from which there is a cross reference in the index.

Non-Maori place names: where these appear in a transliterated form in publications, they are indexed under the non-Maori name. eg. under Auckland, not Akarana.

Transliterated and alternative place names: these follow the preferred form of place name, eg. Wellington; = Poneke/Poneki (Port Nicholson); Wanga-nui-atara; Werengitana/Werengitanga; Wereta[na]; Weringitana/Weringtina

Overseas publishers/printers: only the firstnamed place is indexed.


** before a number indicates the item has not been located/seen in the course of preparation of this bibliography

S numbers beginning with an S are in the section describing Serials (p. 739-860)

= indicates alternative form/s (including transliterations) of the place name

I the slash is used to group similar variant forms of place name transliterations, eg Pbneke/Pbneki

[ ] square brackets indicate variant forms of a specific place name. e.g. Turanga[nui] is sometimes found as ‘Turanga’ and sometimes as ‘Turanganui’


The policy that applies to entries in the bibliography (see p. 21-22) also applies to names in this index. That is. macrons are not added to forms of names quoted from the original item if the item itself did not use macrons. Macrons are included in place names presented as the formal version based on current policies of macronisation.



Akarana see Auckland

Ashburton: 1343

Auckland; = Akarana: 98: 107; 114; 130; 131. 212; 213; 215; 227; 240; 241; 242: 243: 244; 245; 246: 247; **24B; 249; 314; 317; 323; 326; 348; 349; 350; 365; 366; 367; 379; 394; 400; 408; 437; 444; 445; 449; 450; 454; 459; 461; 462; 465: 467; 469; 471; 476; 477; “479; 480; 481; 482: 484; 489; 491; 492; 493; 495; 496; 497; 500: 502; 504; 506; 507; 509; 513; “515; 516; 517; 518; 528; 530; 531; 533; 534; 536; 537; "540; 541; 544: 545; 546; 547; 549; 551; 555: 556; 560; 561; 565; **566; 567; 570; “572: “573; **574; 575; 576; 577; 579; 580: 581; 583; 584; 585; 586; 587; 594; 595; 596; 597; 598; 599; 600: "601; 602; **6o3; 606; 607; 608; 611; 612: 613; 614. 615; 616; 617; 621; 622; 624; 625; 626: 627; 629; 635; 636; 637; 638; 643; 645; 646; 647; 648; 649; 650; 651; 652; 653; 656; 657; 658; 662; 664: 689; 691; 696; 697; 699; 701; 703; 704; 712: 714; 717; 718; 719; 720; 726; 727; 728; 729; 734; 739; 742; 751; 755; 756: 766; 769; 772; 778: 779; 780; 784; 785; 786; 806; 812; 813; 833; 838; 842; 843; 845; "855; 859; 871; 882; 884; 915; 921; 925; 929; 932; 934; 955: 1022; 1032 a; 1036; 1061; 1065; 1067; 1095; 1127: 1129; 1133: 1154; 1165; 1176: 1178; 1181: 1195; 1200; 1240 a; 1242; 1243; 1248; 1249; 1253; 1268; 1299; 1308; 1319; 1348; 1349; 1351; 1352; 1353; 1354; 1389; 1393; 1403; 1419; 1420; 1427; 1447; 1452; 1453; 1454; 1481; 1490; 1507; 1519; 1520: 1546; 51; 52; S3; 55; 57; 58; 59; 510; 511; 512; 514: 523; 525; 528: 5201 /1854-* * 1855; "1856.2-* * 1857; **1858.2-1872; 1880.3; 5211/1847-1854; 5301/1872-1896; 5302/1861 1; 1863-1865; 5303/1870-1872.2; see also Mangere; Purewa

Barcelona (Spain): 998

Berlin (Germany): 593

Cambridge (Waikato); = Kemureti: see


Cape Town (South Africa): 468

Carterton (Wairarapa; = Kaatataone): 539

Christchurch: 676; 715; 725; 1180; 1399; 1417; 1503

Dargaville: **1294

Darlington (County Durham, England): 7 Dunedin: 839; 840; 841; 1503: 1548

Edinburgh (Scotland): 768; 1065

Turanga[nui]: 869; 876; **9o9a; 910; 931; 953:963; 1031; 1063; 1070; 1093; 1124; 1132; 1145; 1147; 1151; 1153; 1174; 1190; 1198. 1218; 1226. 1234; 1245; 1252; 1267; 1270: 1277; 1292; 1293; 1297; 1302; 1312; 1321; 1344; 1347; 1355; 1400; “1445: 1448; 1498; 1499; 1501; 1506; 1524; 1535; 1537; 1538: 1539; 1540; 1542; 1543; 1547; 1549; 1563; 1565; S2l: 523; 526; 527; S3B: 542:5201/1880.2; 1881; 1891; 1893-1923; 5301/1897-1912; 5303/1876; 1878.1; 18791881. 1882.2; 1883.2; 1884 2; 1885.2; 1886 2: 1887.2: 1888.1: 1890.1; 1890 3; 1891,2; 1892.2-1893.2; 1895-1897.1; 1898 1-1911; 191 2.2-1914

1U7U.1M71 I, Creytown (Wairarapal: = Kereitaone: 702; 713: 736: 1075: 1167: 1177: 1205: 1426: 1492; 1564: see also Papawai

Hastings (Hawke’s Bay): 1191; 1359; 1360; 1361; 1421; 1446; 1545; 533; 535

Heretaunga (Hawke’s Bay) see Waitangi.

i iv,iv,iuunga niannt o uay / occ vvdlldllgl. Heretaunga

Hirini see Sydney

Hobart (Australia); = Hopataone: 77

Hokianga see Mangungu

• iwnmi uvw niunguilgu Hopataone see Hobart

■ lupuiuui iv, i iul/qi i Huntly: S3l

Islington see London

Jena (Germany): 768

Kaatataone see Carterton

Kaitaia; 224; 225; 229-234; 252; 255; 262-307; **3l3; 337-347; **3B7; 398; see also Te Ahu

Kawakawa: 966 a; 1146; **1247

l\dWdr\dWd. 'rood. I 140, I / Kereitaone see Greytown (Wairarapa)

Kerikeri; 12; * * 13

Kihipana/Kihipane/Kihipone see Gisborne

Kororareka (now Russell); 55; **7o; 90; 91; 94; 95; **lo6; 120; 121; 122; 327

Launceston (Australia); 188

London (England); = Ranana: 2-5; 88; 89; 104; 196; 351; 352; 353; 356; 357; 389; 391; 405; 414; 419; 421; 422; 435; 436; 453; 455; 456; 457; 468; 470; 472; 473; 474; 487; 488; 558; 559; 593; 641; 716; 768; 851; 906; 909; 925; 926; 928; 964; 997; 1025; 1029; 1030; 1032; 1035; 1065; 1068; 1069; 1097; 1098; 1099; 1100; 1101; 1102; 1103; 1119; 1125; 1134; 1174; 1241; 1241 a; 1241b; 1271; 1273; 1315; 1316; 1348; 1350; 1352; 1394; 1420; 1422;1481;1483;1485


Gisborne; = Kihipana/Kihipane/Kihipone;


Lyons (France); = Rione; 377; 523; 1395; 1396; I 1402 t

Madras (India): 1541

Manchester (England); 995

Mangere (now part of Auckland): 550; 553; 554 Mangungu: **29; 30; * *3l; 32; 33; 35; 36; 37; **3B; 39; 40; 41; 42; 43; 44; 46; 47; 48; 49; 50; 51; 52; 54; 64; **79; 80; 84; 86; 99; 100; 101; 102; **ll2; 193; 200; 257; 258; S2l 1/1844-* *1846

I 1/1 OH*t- 1 OtO Maungakawa (Waikato): 1346; **1357; S3l; 534; 536; 537

Masienon; 1342

Melbourne (Australia): 1036; 1507

Morrinsville: S3l

Napier; = Nepia: 499; 532; 548; 562; 563; 642; 661; 663; 665; 667; 677; 687; 701; 760; 773; 777; 803; 804; 805; 836; 837; 846; 848; 850; 857; 866; 867; 874; 875; 877; 908; 920; 923; 927; 933:964; 1021; 1024; 1073; 1112; 1122; 1 128; * * 1130; 1149; 1166; II 73; 1179; 1 183; * * 1 194; 1197; 1202; 1239; 1246;1274;1276; **1284;1309;1348; 1391; **1398; 1489; Sl6; Sl9; S2l; 532; S3B; S2Ol/1873-1880 1; 1882-1890; 1892; 5303/1873-1875; 1878.2; 1882.1; 1883.1; 1884.1; 1885.1; **1886.1; **1887.1; 1888.2; 1890.2; **1891.1; **1892.1; **1894.1; **1897.2

Nelson; = Wakatu/Whakatu: 203; 209; 250; 520; 529; 918; 919; 922; 930: 951; **956; 957; 958; 959; 960; 961; 962; S4I; 542

Nepia see Napier

i n.piu ju, i iupiv,i New Plymouth; = Ngamotu; Niu Paremata: 498; 503; 505; 508; 510; 511; 512; 514; 519; 521; 523 a; 538; 542; 543; 564; 589; 590; 592; 610; 618; 632; 633; 634; 654; 655; 679; 680; 695

Ngamotu see New Plymouth

iNgdmuiu see iNcw riymuuin Ngaruawahia: 568; 571; 578; 588; 630; SI 3

Niu Paremata see New Plymouth

Opdtiki: 1071; 529

Otaki: 1320; 1401

Otawhao see Te Awamutu

Oxford (England): 1483

Paihia: 22; 23; 24; 25; 26; 27; 28; 34; 45; 53; 56; 57; 58; 59; 60; 61 ;62;63; 65; 66; 67; 68; 69; 71; 72; 73; 74; 75; 78; 81; 82; 83; 87; 92; 103; 105; 108; 109; 1 10; 1 I 1; **lls; 1 18; I 19; 123; 149; 197; 198; 199; 217; 223; 256; S2Ol/1841-1845

Pakowhai (Hawke’s Bay): 830

Palmerston North: 1201

Papawai (Wairarapa): **1500; 1518; 539

Paris (France): 490

Poi Hakene/Poiahakena (Port Jackson) see


Poneke/Poneki (Port Nicholson) see Wellington

Port Nicholson see Wellington

Purewa (now Meadowbank, Auckland): 194; 195; 201; 218; 219; 220; 221; 226; 228; 235; 236; 237; 238; 239; 253; 254; 259; 260; 261; 308; 309; 310; 31 1; **3l2; 318;319; 320; 321; 322; 324; 325; 333; 335; 336; 354; 355 364; 368; 369; 370; 371; 375; 376; 378; 380 381; 382; 383; 384; 388; 390; 392; 395; 396 397; 399; 402; 403; 404; 409; 410; 41 1; 412 413; 415; 416; 417; 418; 428: 429; 430; 431 432; 438; 439; 440; 441; 442; 443; 448; 460 463; 464; 466; S2Ol/I 846-1 853

Ranana see London

Richmond (Surrey, England): 85; 96

Rione see Lyons

Rome; 522

Rotorua: 1203; 1204; 1250; 1251; 1390; 1502; S3B; 5303/1912.1

Russell see Kororareka

Salt Lake City (Utah, USA): 1482

Sydney (Australia); = Hirini; Poi Hakene/

v/ \ujii unci;, ■in iiii, i ui iiui\v.ii w Poiahakena (Port Jackson); I; 6; **B; 9; **10; 11; 14; 15; 16; 17; 18; 19; 20; 21; 76; 222; 328; 458

Tamaki {now part of Auckland) see Purewa

Tauranga: 854; 1250; 1251; 1356; 529; 5303/1889

Taurarua (now Judges Bay. Auckland) see

i dui di Ud juugca uay. nutmai iu; occ Auckland

Te Ahu (now Kaitaia): 208

Te Awamutu; SI 5

Te Waimate (now Waimate North): 124; 125; 126; 127; 128; 129; 133; 134-148; 149; 150; 151; 152; 153-187; 190; 191; 202; 204: 205; 206; 207; 210; 214; 216

Thames: S3O

Turanga(nui] see Gisborne

Turnhout (Belgium): 1484

mrnnout toeigiumj; Vienna; **525; 526; 527

Waikouaiti (Otago): 825

Waimate (now Waimate North) see Te Waimate

Wairoa (Hawke’s Bay); 999

vv an ua inawi'c o uay / 777 Waitangi (Heretaunga. Hawke’s Bay); 330; 331; 332; 334; 358; **359; 360; 361; 372; 373; 374; 386; 393; 401; 406; 407; 423; 424



Wakatu see Nelson

Wanganui; = Whanganui: 477 a; 740; 750; 827; 886; 1491; 1533; 1534; S4O; S2Ol/1856.1

Wanga-nui-atara see Wellington

Wellington; = Poneke/Poneki (Port Nicholson);

Wanga-nui-atara; Werengitana/Werengitanga;

Wereta(na]; Weringitana/Weringtina: 93; 97; 113; 116; 117; 132; 189; 192; 21 I; 251; 315; **3l6; 329; 362; 363; 366; 385; 414; **42o; 425; 426; 427; 433; 433 a; 434; 446; 447; 451; 452; 475; 478; 483; 485; 486; 494; 524; 535; 552; **569; 582; 604; 605; 609; 619; 623; 628; 631; 639; 640; 644; 657; 659; 660; 666; **66B; 669; 670; 671; 672; 673; 674; 675; 678; 681; 682; 683; 684; 685; 686; 688; 690; **692; 693; 694; 698; 700; 701; **7 os; **7o6; 707; 708; 709; 710; 71 1; **72 l; 722; 723; 724; **73o; **73 l; **732; 733; 735; 737; 741; **743; **744; 745; 746; 747; 748; 752; 753; 754; **757; 758; 759; 762; 763; 764; 765; 767; 770; 771; 774; 775; 776; 782; 783; 787; **7BB; 789; **79o; 791; **792; 793; 794; **795; 796; 797; 798; 799; **800; 801; 802; 807; 808; 809; 810; 814; 815; 816; 817; 818; 819; **B2o; 821; 822; 823; 824; 826; 828; 829; 834; 835; 847; 849; 852; 856; **BsB; 860; 861; 862; 863; “864; 865; 870; 872; 873; 878; 879; 880; 881; 883; 885; 887; **888; **BB9; 890; **B9l; **B92; **B93; **B94; **B9s; 896; 897; 898; 899; 900; 901; **9o2; 903; 904; 905; 91 I; **9l2; 913; 914; 916; 917; 935; 936; 937; 938; 939; 940; 941; 942; 943; 944; 945; 946; 947; 948; 949; 950; 952; 954; 966; 967; 968; **969; 970; **97 l; **972; 973; **974; 975; 976; 977; 978; 979; 980; 981; 982; 983; 984; 985; 986; 987; 988; 989; 990; 991; 992; 993; 994; 996; 1000; 1001; 1002; 1003; 1004; 1005; 1006; 1007; 1008; 1009; 1010; 1011; **1012; **1013; 1014; 1015; 1016; 1017; 1018:1019; 1020; 1026; 1027; 1028; 1033; 1034; 1037; 1038; 1039; 1040; 1041; 1042; 1043; 1044; 1045; 1046; 1047; 1048; 1049; 1050; 1051; **1052; “1053; 1054; 1055; 1056; 1057; 1058; 1059; 1060; 1062; 1064; 1072; 1074; 1076; 1077; 1078; 1079; **1080; 1081; 1082; 1083; 1084; 1085; 1086; 1087; 1088; 1089; 1090; **1091; 1092; 1094; 1096; 1104; “1105; 1106; 1107; 1108; “1 109; 1110; Mil; **1113; **1114; **ll 15; “I 1 16; “1 1 17; II 18; 1 120; 1121; 1 123;

1126; I 131; I 135; “1 136; 1 137; I 138; **l 139; 1 140; 1141; 1 142; 1 143; 1144; 1 148; I 150; 1 155; 1156; 1 157; 1 158; 1159; ‘*1160; 1 161; “1162; “1163; “1164; 1168; 1 169; 1184; I 185; “1 186; 1 187; 1188; I 189; 1193; I 196; 1 199; 1206; 1207; 1208; 1209; 1210; 1211; 1212; 1213; 1214; 1215; 1216; 1217; “1219; “1220; “1221; “1222; “1223; 1224; “1225; 1227; 1228; 1229; “1230; “1231; 1232; 1233; 1235; 1236; 1237; 1238; 1240; 1244; “1254; “1255; “1256; “1257; “1258; “1259; “1260; “1261; “1262; “1263; 1264; “1265; 1266; 1269; 1271; 1272; 1278; 1279; 1280; 1281; 1282; 1283; 1285; 1286; 1287; 1288; 1289; 1290; 1291; 1296; 1298; 1300; 1301; “1303; 1304; “1305; “1306; 1307; 1310; “1311; 1313; 1314; 1317; 1318; 1322; 1323; 1324; 1325; 1326; 1327; 1328; 1329; 1330; 1331; 1332; 1333; 1334; 1335; 1336; 1337; 1338; “1339; **1340; 1345; 1348; 1352; 1354; 1358; 1362; 1363; 1364; 1365; 1366; 1367; 1368; 1369; 1370; 1371; 1372; 1373; 1374; 1375. 1376; 1377; 1378; 1379; 1380; 1381; 1382; 1383; 1384; 1385; 1386; 1387; 1388; 1392; 1397; 1404; 1405; 1406; 1407; 1408; 1409; 1410; 1411; 1412; 1413; 1414; 1415; 1416; 1418; 1425; 1428; 1429; 1430; 1431; 1432; 1433; 1434; 1435; 1436; 1437; 1438; **1439; **1440; 1441; 1441; 1443. 1444; 1449; 1450; 1455; 1456; 1457; 1458; 1459; 1460; 1461; 1462; **1463; 1464; 1465; 1466; **1467; **1468. **1469; 1470; 1471; 1472; 1473; 1474; 1475; 1476; 1477; 1480; 1486; 1488; 1493; 1494; 1495; 1496; “1497; 1503; 1505; 1508; 1509; 1510; 1511; 1512; **1513; **1514; 1515; **1516; 1517; 1521; 1522; 1523; 1525; 1526; 1527; 1528; 1529; 1530; “1531; 1532; 1536; 1544; 1550; “1551; **1552; **1553; 1554; 1555; “1556; **1557; **1558; 1558 a; “1559; **1560; 1561; 1562; **S4; S6; Sl4; Sl7; S18; S2O; 522; 524; S2Ol/1858.1; 5202; 5302/1861.2

Werengitana/Werengitanga see Wellington

Weretalnal see Wellington

wereiainaj see Wellington Weringitana/Weringtina see Wellington

Whakatu see Nelson

Whanganui see Wanganui

Wien see Vienna


Printer & Publisher Index


This index records printers and publishers directly associated with producing and issuing items listed in the bibliography.


Authors who were their own publishers (e.g some of C. O. B. Davis’s works), and corporate publishers which also had an ‘authorial’ role in a publication (e.g. the Catholic Church or the Maori Parliament), are not included in this index. The general index should be checked for these categories of publishers, although the names of any printers on such items are recorded in the index below.


Style; Printers and publishers are indexed under their formal names, with cross references from abbreviated or alternative forms (including Maori transliterations) that may appear on publications. These alternative forms are listed after the preferred form in the index (prefixed with = ). The nature of the business (e.g.

‘printer’) and place of operation are given in parentheses following the preferred form of name.

In complex entries (such as the early mission presses and the Government Printer) additional details are supplied to clarify the indexing, eg. dates and place of operation, or name of incumbent.


** before a number indicates the item has not been located/seen in the course of preparation of this bibliography

= used to indicate alternative form/s (including transliterations) of the formal name of the printer/publisher

S numbers beginning with an S are in the section describing Serials (p 739-860)

I the slash is used to group similar variant forms of transliterated names, eg. Atakini/Atikini

[ ] square brackets indicate variant forms of a specific name. eg. Perehi o nga Mihanere[o Ingarani] is found in both short and lone forms of the name

diiu lung lurrrib ui me name Macrons

the policy that applies to entries in the bibliography (see p. 21-22) also applies to names of places, people and organisations in this index. That is. macrons are not added to forms of name quoted from the original item if the item itself did not use macrons. Macrons are included in names presented as the formal version based on current policies of macronisation. Some names therefore appear in the index in both macronised and nonmacronised forms, depending on their source, e.g. in ‘Perehi a nga mihanare o Kaitaia see Kaitaia Mission Station Press’. In this example the name cited first is taken from the original item and the name cited second is the current (macronised) form.



Advertiser Office see New Zealand Advertiser;

Thames Advertiser

Akene. Wiremu see Atkin. William

Allwood. Robert Francis (printer; Auckland): 664

Aotearoa Office (publisher; Auckland): SIO

Apostolic Vicariate of Western Oceania. Press (i.e. Catholic Mission Press. Kororareka. 1839-1845; 1847-1850. printer: Brother Jean Yvert); = Perehi o te Wikariatu Apotoriko o te Oheania Okihetari; te Perehi o te Epikopo Katorika: 55; 90; 91; 95; **lo6; 120; 121; 122; 471; 575

Arekatera. H. Tera (printer; Carterton); 539

Arnot, Archibald Kennedy (printer; Greytown): 736

Atakini/Atikini. Wiremu see Atkin. William

Atkin, William (printer; Auckland); = Wiremu Akene/Atakini/Atikini/Ekeni: 606; 607; 701; 739; 751; 769; 833; 915; 921; 929; 934; 1022; SI4; S2OI/1872; 1880.3:5301/1873; 1874.2; 1875.1; **1875.3; **1876.1; 1877-**I88I; **lBB3-1887; 1891; 5303/1872.1-1872.2

Atkinson’s Office (printer; Darlinghurst. County

Durham, England): 7

Auckland Evening Bell Office (printer; Auckland); 1154

i i Auckland Evening Star Office (printer; Auckland): 1127; 1165; see also Auckland Star

Auckland Free Lance Office (printer; Auckland): 523

Auckland Newspaper and General Printing Co. (printer; Auckland); = Wakaminenga ta Pukapuka o Akarana: SI Auckland Star Office (printer; Auckland); 1253

iiuv,i\iaiiu Jiai uim,!, vpi 111 it., i , / \uv_i\ici 1 ivj; - i Austral Publishing Co. (printer/publisher;

Melbourne); 1507

Auxiliary Bible Society of New South Wales (publisher; Sydney): 9; 11; 15

Bailly, Divry et Ce. (printers; Paris): 490

Baldwin, John (printer; Gisborne): 1147

Ballance & Willis (printers; Wanganui): 750; see also Willis, A. D.

Bay of Plenty Times Office (printer; Tauranga): 854; 1250; 1251; 1356; 529; 5303/1889

Bible and Book Depot (bookseller; Auckland);

= Whare o te Paipera Pukapuka hoki: S2B

vviiaic ic i aiptia i unapuna iivjim. Jiu Bible and Tract Depot (bookseller; Auckland and Wellington): 1352

»» Villi IglUl I/. I Bible, Book and Tract Depot (bookseller;

Auckland. Christchurch. Nelson. Wellington);

= Whare-hoko Paipera me era atu Pukapuka ote Rongo-Pai 1353; 1354; S2B

Bible Society (London) see British and Foreign Bible Society

Bishop’s Press (printer/publisher; Te Waimate.

1843-1844; Purewa. 1844-1856; syndic

William Nihill (1843-1853); printers: William

Cotton (1843); William Watts (1843-1846)) imprint of Diocese of New Zealand publications produced on the equipment at St John 's College (q.v): = Perehi a/o te Pihopa:

TeWaimate: 124; 125; 126; 127; 128; 129; 133; 134-148; 149; 150; 151; 152; 153-187; 190; 191; 202; 204; 205; 206; 207; 210; 214; 216

• ' • • few-., , 6IU, w I i . 6 I D Purewa: 226; 253; 254; 259; 333; 335; 336; 354; 355; 364; 371; 376; 388; 395; 397; 399; 402; 403; 410; 413; 415; 428; 429; 430; 431; 432; 448; 460; 466; S2Ol/1864

Bond. Finney & Co. (printers; Nelson): S4I; 542

Brame, John (printer; Auckland); = Hone

Pereme; 525/ Supplement to no. 13 (Te Korimako. 1882-1888)

Brepols en Dierckx Zoon (publishers; Turnhout. Belgium): 1484

UCIgIUI 11/. 1 TOT Brett, Henry (printer; Auckland); = Henare Perete: 1127; 1129; 1176; 1178; 1200; 1242; 1243; 1351; 1420; 1481; 525; S3Ol/**18941896

I O'iO Brett Printing & Publishing Co. (printers;

Auckland); = Perehi Nupepa a Perete me tona Kamupena: 1546; S3l

British and Foreign Bible Society CBFBS’;

publisher; London); = Huihuinga ta Paipera mo Ingarani mo te Ao Katoa; te Komiti ta Paipera [mo Ingarangi mo te Ao Katoa]: te Poreni Paipera Hohaieti: 33; 88; 104; 196; 352; 353; 419; 455; 456; 457; 470; 558; 559; 716; 1241; 1241 a; 1241b; 1394; 1483

HD, I I I U, UVM. IHO J British and Foreign Bible Society Auckland Auxiliary. Maori Bible Translation Committee (publisher; Auckland): 463; 464

British and Foreign Bible Society. New South Wales Auxiliary see Auxiliary Bible Society of New South Wales

Buck & Straker (printers; London): 389

Bull. Joseph (printer; Wellington); = Puru; 660; 514; 5202/1862; 1865

Bushnell. H. J. (printer; Gisborne); 1 147; 1524; 1542; 1543; 1547; 1549; 1565

C. M. Society. Press of the see Church Mission Press (printer)

Cathedral Press (publisher; Auckland. 18621868) imprint of official publications of the

Anglican Diocese of New Zealand (i.e.

Auckland), produced on the press at St

/ IUtfMUI lU/, L U I nil. yt t Ml l/l Stephen ’s School. Taurarua (now Judges Bay.

Auckland): 560; 599; 717; 729; S2Ol/18651866; 5302/1861 I; 1863-1865

Catholic Mission Press see Apostolic Vicariate of

Western Oceania



Catholic Mission Press of Port Jackson (Sydney); = Perehi Katorika Romana o Poiahakena: 222

Chadfield. Philip (primer/publisher; Auckland) 537

Champtaloup & Cooper (publisher; Auckland): 1519; 525

Chapman. George T. (publisher; Auckland): 701; 727; 739; 751; 842; 915; 932: 1061; 1165

Chrisp, Thomas (printer; Gisborne): 1093

Chronicle (Rotorua) see Hot Lakes Chronicle

Church Mission Press (primer/publisher; Kerikeri (1830), Paihia (1834-1845). Purewa (18451847); = Perehi a/o nga Mihanere [o te Hahi o IngaraniJ; see Church Mission Press (printer) for works printed at the press other than CMS publications: see also Church Missionary Society N.Z. Mission (publisher) for works published or sold by the CMS: Bishop s Press, Cathedral Press; Kaitaia Mission Station Press; St John’s College Press: St Stephen s Press; Waitangi Mission Station Press

Kerikeri (printers: William Yate and James Smith): 12; **l3

Paihia (printers: William Colenso (1835-1842); John Telford (1842-1845); William Wade (lithographer, 1839)); = Perehi i Paihia: 22; 25; 26; 27; 34; 45; 53; 56: 57; 58; 59; 60; 61; 62; 63; 65; 66; 67; 68; 71; 72; 73; 74; 75; 78; 87; 92; 108; 109; 111; **lls; 118; 119; 123; 197; 198; 199; 223; S2OI/18411845

Purewa. (printer; Telford (1845-1847); binder: Walmsley): 2 1 8: 219; 220; 221; 228; 235; 236; 237; 238; 239; 260; 261; 308; 309; 310; 311; **3l2; 318; 319; 320; 321; 322; 324; 325; S2Ol/1846-1847

Church Mission Press (printer) for non-CMS publications: 23; 24; 28; 34. 69; 80; 81; 82; 83; 105; 110; 217; 256

Church Missionary Society (publisher; London); = Perehi o nga Mihanere: 2-5; 356

Church Missionary Society, N.Z. Mission (publisher): 21 (Marshall. 1834); 76 (Colenso. 1840); see also Vidal, Robert, and main index (for works in which the CMS had a direct involvement)

Church of England Native Industrial School (Wanganui); S2Ol/1856.1

Clapham. S. (printer; Wellington); 1224; 1227; 1228; 1229; **1230; **1231; 1232; 1233; 1235;1236

Clarendon Press (printer; Oxford. England): 1483

Clowes. William, and Sons (printers; London): 558; 559; 1029; 1030; 1119; 1315; 1316; 1394

Colenso, William (printer); = Koreneho; see Church Mission Press (Paihia) for works printed in his official capacity as printer to the CMS 1835-1842 and Waitangi Mission Station Press (Heretaunga, Hawke’s Ray) for works printed in his official capacity as missionary at the Waitangi Mission Station. Heretaunga. Hawke s Bay) 1847-1852: 105; 110; see also entries in main index

College Press see St John's College Press

Cook. Joseph (printer. Sydney): 458

Costall. Samuel see Government Printer (New Zealand)

Cotton. William Charles (printer) see Bishop’s Press (Te Waimate)

Coults. George (publisher: Auckland): S2B Cowper & Christie (printers; Thames): S3O Craig. S. P, (printer; Gisborne): 5303/1880 Creighton & Scales (printers; Auckland): 594; 595: 596: **6ol; 617; 624; 635: 636: 637;

643; 645; 648; 649; 651; 656; 657; Sl4

Creighton. Scales and Tothill (printers: Auckland): 583

Daily Southern Cross Office (printer; Auckland); 838; 842; see also Southern Cross (Auckland)

Daily Telegraph Office (printer; Napier); = Tari o te Teeri Terekarawhi; Tari Nupepa o te Terekarawhi: 777; 850; 1112; 1 173; 1489; S3B; S2Ol/1873; 5303/1882.1

Didsbury. George see Government Printer (New Zealand)

Dinwiddie. Morrison & Co. (printers; Napier); = Tiniwiri me Moretini me etahi: 908; SI 6; S2Ol/1877-1879; 5303/1873-1875

Dinwiddie, Walker & Co. (printers; Napier); 927; 964; 1021; 5303/1878.2

Dufaur. Frederick (printer; Gisborne); = Whereriki Tuwha: 876; 931; 1093

Eagar. Geoffrey Amos (printer; Sydney; later at Kororareka): 9; **7o; 94; see also New Zealand Advertiser and Bay of Islands Gazette

Edgcumbe, E. M. (printer; Tauranga): 854 Edwards 5i Co. (printers; Wellington): 1237

Ekeni. Wiremu see Atkin. William

Elliott. C. &J. (printers; Nelson): 520 Elliott. Charles (printer; Nelson); = Tare Eriota; 203; 209

Epikopo Katorika, te Perehi o see Apostolic Vicariate of Western Oceania, Press

Eriota. Tare see Elliott, Charles

Evening Bell Office (Auckland) see Auckland Evening Bell

Evening Herald (Gisborne) see Poverty Bay Herald



Evening Herald Office (Wanganui) 827

Evening Mail Office (Nelson) see Nelson Evening Mail

IVldll Evening Star Office (Auckland) see Auckland

Evening Star

Evening Star Office (Hastings) see Hastings

Evening Star

Examiner Office see Nelson Examiner

Fail, Edward H. (printer; Auckland); 1067

Farrington. H. W. (printer; Auckland); S2B

Fenwick. George (printer) see Mackay, Fenwick. & Co.

Field. John Henry (printer; Auckland); = HoneJ. H. Whiira; Hone Henare Piira; 779; 812; 813; 955; I 195; 1389; 1393; 1452

Fraser. Thomas Edward (printer; Christchurch); = Tamati Eruera Pareta: 1417

French. William (printer; Auckland): 664

Frommann, Fr. (printer; Jena, Germany): 768

Fulton. Christopher (printer) see Government

Printer (New Zealand)

Galbraith. James (printer; Tauranga); = Hemi Karaparehi: 529

Gamble. J. (printer; Ashburton) I 343

Gardner. David (printer; Rotorua): 5303/1912.1

Gazette Office (Sydney; printer: Anne Howe): 20

George. Alfred Amory (printer; Hastings); 1421; 1545; see also George & Young

George & Young (printers; Hastings); = Teoti me langa: 1359; 1360; 1361; 1446; 533; 535

George Robertson see Robertson. George

Gilbert & Rivington (printers; London); =

Gilbert me Rivington: 851; 906; 966; 997; 1025; 1097; 1101; 1175; 1273; 1350; 1422

Gisborne Maori Newspaper Co. (publisher; Gisborne): S2l

Gospel Tract Depot (publisher; Auckland): S2B; see also Bible and Book Depot

Government Printer (New South Wales): 6 (Robert Howe); 20 (Anne Howe)

Government Printer (New Zealand); = Kaita o te Kawana; Kai-ta o te Kawanatanga; te Perehi a Kawana; see also Kunst. Philip and names of contract printers 1841-1842 and 1846-1864: Auckland Newspaper and General Printing Co. (1841-1842); Moore. John (1842); Williamson. John (1846-1847);

Williamson and Wilson (1848-1857); Wilson.

William Chisholm (1857-1863); Creighton &

Scales (1863-1864)

Government Printers, in chronological order:

Fulton. Christopher (1844-1846); = Kiritopa

Purutana: 212; 213; 215; 227; 240; 241;


242; 243; 244; 245; 246; 247; **24B; 249. 314; SI

Wilson. Joseph L (1864-1865): 646; 650; 653; 657; 658

Didsbury. George (1865-1893); = Hore/Hori Tihipere; Hfori] Titipere; H. Tiripere: 666; **66B; 669; 673; 674; 675; 678; 681; 682; 683; 684; 685; 686; 688; 690; **692; 693; 694; 698; 700; **7 os; **7o6; 707; 708; 709; 710; **72 l; 722; 723; 724; **73o; **73 l. **732; 733; 735; 737; 741; **743; **744; 745; 746; 747; 748; 752; 753; 754; **757; 758; 759; 762; 763; 764; 765; 767; 770; 771; 774; 775; 776; 782; 783; 787; **7BB; 789; **79o; 791; ‘*792; 793; 794; **795; 796; 797; 798; 799; **800; 801; 802; 807; 808; 809; 810; 814; 815; 816; 817; 818; 819; **B2o; 821; 822; 823; 824; 826; 828; 829; 834; 835; 847; 849; 852; 856; **BsB; 860; 861; 862; 863; **B64; 865; 870; 872; 873; 878; 879; 880; 883; 885; 887; **888; **BB9; 890; **B9l; **B92; **B93; **B94; **B9s; 896; 897; 898; 899; 900; 901; **9o2; 903; 904; 905; 91 I; **9l2; 913; 914; 916; 917; 935; 936; 937; 938; 939; 940; 941; 942; 943; 944; 945; 946; 947; 948; 949; 950; 954; 966; 967; 968; **969; 970; **97 l; **972; 973; **974; 975; 976; 977; 978; 979; 980; 981; 982; 983; 984; 985; 986; 987; 988; 989; 990; 991; 992; 993; 994; 1000; 1001; 1002: 1003: 1004: 1005: 1006; 1007. 1008; 1009; 1010; 101 1; * * 1012; ** 1013; 1014; 1015; 1016; 1017; 1018; 1019; 1020; 1026; 1027; 1028; 1033; 1034; 1037; 1038; 1039; 1040; 1041; 1042; 1043; 1044; 1045; 1046; 1047; 1048; 1049; 1050; 1051; **1052; **1053; 1054; 1055; 1056; 1057; 1058; 1059; 1060; 1062; 1072; 1074; 1076; 1077; 1078; 1079; **1080; 1081; 1082; 1083; 1084; 1085; 1086; 1087; 1088; 1089; 1090; **1091; 1092; 1094; 1096; 1104; **1105; 1106; 1107; I 108; * * I 109; I I 10; 1111; **1113; **1114; **1115; **1116; **1117; 1118; 1120; 1121; 1126; 1135; **1136; 1137; 1138; **1139; 1140; 1141; 1142; 1 143; 1144; I 148; 1150; 1155; 1156; I 157; 1158; 1159; **1160; 1161; * * 1 162; * * 1163; * * 1164; 1168; 1169; 1 184; 1 185; **l 186; 1187; 1188; 1 189; 1193; I 196; 1 199; 1206; 1207; 1208; 1209; 1210; 1211; 1212; 1213; 1214; 1215; 1216; 1217; **1219; **1220; **1221; **1222; **1223; **1225; 1240; 1244; **1254; **1255; **1256; **1257;


**1258; **1259; **1260; **1261; **1262; **1263; 1264; **1265; 1266; 1269; 1271; 1272; 1278; 1279; 1280; 1281; 1282; 1283; 1285; 1286; 1287; 1288; 1289; 1290; 1291; 1296; 1298; 1300; 1301; **1303; 1304; **1305; **1306; 1307; 1310; **1311;1313;1317;1318;1322; 1323;1324;1325;1326;1327;1328; 1329;1330;1331;1332;1333;1334; 1335;1336;1337;1338; **1339; **1340; 1345; SI7; SI8; S2O; 522; 524

Costall, Samuel (1893-1896); =

Hamuera/Hamuere Kohitare; 1358; 1362; 1363; 1364; 1365; 1366; 1367; 1368; 1369; 1370; 1371; 1372; 1373; 1374; 1375; 1376; 1377; 1378; 1379; 1380; 1381; 1382; 1383; 1384; 1385; 1386; 1387; 1388; 1392; 1404; 1405; 1406; 1407; 1408; 1409; 1410; 1411; 1412; 1413; 1414; 1415; 1416; 1418; 1425; 1428; 1429; 1430; 1431; 1432; 1433; 1434;1435;1436;1437;1438; **1439; **1440; 1441; 1442; 1443; 1444; **1467; **1468; **1469; 1470; 1471; 1473; 1474; 1480; SI 7; S2O; 522; 524

I'tOU, O 1 /, Burns, James (acting. 1896); = Hemi Paana; SI 7

Mackay. John (1896-1916); = Hoani/Hone Make; Hoani Makae: 1450: 1455: 1456; 1457; 1458; 1459; 1460; 1461; 1462: **1463: 1464: 1465: 1466: 1470; 1472: 1475; 1476: 1477; 1486: 1488; 1493: 1494; 1495; 1496; **1497; 1505; 1508: 1509; 1510; 1511; 1512: **1513; **1514: 1515: **1516: 1517; 1521; 1522; 1523: 1525; 1526: 1527; 1528; 1529; 1530: **1531: 1532: 1536: 1550: **1551: **1552: **1553: 1554: 1555; **1556: **1557; **1558: 1558 a; **1559: **1560; 1561: 1562: SI 7; S2O; 522: 524

Marks, Marcus F. (1916-1922): = Makaha

Maaka: SI 7; S2O

Skinner, W A. G. (1922-1933): = W A

Hoori Kiina; W A. Hori Kina: SI 7; S2O

Lonev. G H. (1933-1937): S2O

uuiicy, vj. n. Paul, E. V. (1937-1949): S2O

Owen. R. E. (1949-1968): S2O

Graham. Tuatara Wiremu (printer; Maungakawa); = T. W. Kereama/Kereamu: S3l; 534; 536

Grigg. Edward (printer; Greytown) 736

Grimke, Mrs (publisher; Manchester): 995

Guardian General Printing Office (printers; Opotiki); 1071

Haaki Pei Herara see Hawke’s Bay Herald

Haaringi see Harding. Robert Coupland

Hadfield. Teua[mairangi] K(ar], Maungapohatu (printer; Maungakawa); also as T. U. K. M.

Hadfield; = Harawira. T. K. M ; T. K.

Maungapohatu: 1346; 531;537

Hakihona. Hone (printer; Auckland); = John Jackson? (not confirmed): 691

Hapata. Wiremu (H. W. Williams) see Te Rau Press

Harangi see Harding. Robert Coupland

Harawira, T. K. M. see Hadfield. Teuamairangi

K. Maungapohatu

Harding. Robert Coupland (printer; Napier.

ndlUlllg. r\uuci I L.UU(JiaiIU napiv.l, Wellington); = Haaringi; R. C. Haaringi;

Harangi; Haringi: 933; 1024; 1073; 1 122; **1130:1149;1166;1179;1183;**!194; 1197; 1202; 1239; 1246; 1274; 1276; 1348; 1449; SI9; S3B; S2OI/1880.1; 1882-1883; 1885-1890; 1892; 5303/1883,1; 1884.1; 1885.1; **1886.1; **1887.1; 1888.2; 1890.2; 5303/** 1891.1; **1892.1; **1894.1

Harding. Thomas Bennick (printer; Napier): 803; 804; 805

Harihona. T. R./Tamati R. see Harrison. T. R.. & Co.

LX Haringi see Harding. Robert Coupland

Harrison. T. R.. & Co./Harrison and Son

(printers; London); = T. R./Tamati R.

Harihona: 196; 352; 419

Hastings Evening Star Office (printer; Hastings): 1191

Hatchard, John, & Son (bookseller; London); 2-4

Hawke’s Bay Herald Office (printer; Napier);

= Haaki Pei Herara: 532; 908; 927; **1284; SI6; S2OI/1878; 5303/1873-1875; 1878.2

Henare. Rapata see Henry. Robert

Henry, Robert (printer; Tauranga); = Rapata

Henare: 529

Herald Office (Auckland) see New Zealand


Herald Office (Gisborne) see Poverty Bay Herald

Herald Office (Napier) see Hawke's Bay Herald

Herald Office (Waikouaiti) see Waikouaiti and

Shag Valley Herald

Ji lag v am-y utiaiu Herald Office (Wanganui) see Evening Herald

Herara Tari see New Zealand Herald

Herewini. P. (printer; Maungakawa); S3l

Heron. Kidd, and Seffern (printers/publishers;

Auckland): 647

Hill. Henry (printer; St Stephen's Press

mu, ncriry ipimici. oicpncn s ness (Auckland); Te Wananga (Napier)); = Henare Hira: 728; 742; 755; 756; 772; 778; 780; 784; 785; 786; 806. 830; 846; SI9; S3Ol/1872.1; 1872.2; 1874.1; 5303/18701871; see also Si Stephen's Press



Hipine, Tamati Hori see Sibbin. Thomas George

Hipine & Paraone see Sibbin & Brown

Hira, Henare see Hill. Henry

Hoera, Teiwi H. (printer?; Maungakawa): S3l

Hof- und Staatsdruckerei (printer; Vienna): **525; 526; 527

Hohaiti mo te Pukapuka Inoi mo nga Homiri

Hoki see Prayer-book and Homily Society

Te Hokioi Press see under 'Te'

Honepi, Hone Tamati Mariata see Hornsby. John

IIV/lIV-f/l, 11V-IIIV- I UIIIUU I'IUIIUIU V- I IKJ I I IJUV . J V/l II I Thomas Marryat

i i iui i iaa iviai i yai Hornblow, R. E. (printer; Masterton): I 342

iiuinuiuw, i\. i-. ipiinici, ividaici iui i). I Hornsby. John Thomas Marryat (printer;

Napier); = Honepi, Hone Tamati Mariata: 532

Hot Lakes Chronicle Office (printer; Rotorua): 1390; 1502; S3B

Howe. Anne (printer; Sydney) see Government

Printer (New South Wales)

Howe. George (printer; Sydney): 1

Howe. Robert (printer; Sydney): **B; **I0; 11; see also Government Printer (New South Wales)

Hughes. James (printer; Wellington); 881

Huihuinga ta Paipera mo Ingarani mo te Ao Katoa see British and Foreign Bible Society (London)

Huntly Press Print (printer; Huntly): S3l

numiy ncis nun ipimici, nuiiuyy. jji Hutarana Koroho see Southern Cross

Hutarana Koroma see Southern Cross

Imp. Militar de los Sucesores de Oliveres (printer; Barcelona): 998

vpi II , uan-tiuna; 7 Imprimerie de la Propagande (printer/publisher; Rome); 522

Independent Office see Wellington Independent

Independent Order of Good Templars. Grand

Lodge of England; = Karani Rore o Ingarangi: 1102

II IgUIUI Igl. I I AIssoudun Missionaries of the Sacred Heart see

Societe des Missionaires du Sacre-Coeur (Issoudun)

Iwinini Niuhi see Napier Evening News and

Hawke's Bay Advertiser

Jackson?. John? (not confirmed) see Hakihona.

javrvowi i: . jvm ui • vi iv»i vui uu 11 icvi; occ i iai\u iui la. Hone

Jones. George (printer; Christchurch): 715; 725

Jones. William (printer; Sydney): 14; 16; 17; 21

Kaita o te Kawana/Kai-ta o te Kawanatanga see

Government Printer (New Zealand)

vjuvci iii i ici ii riniici vmcw z-cdidiiu; Kaitaia Mission Station Press (printer/publisher.

r\dlldld IVHooILM I OldllUll r I Cob vpl 111 1 CI / pULMIbI ICI , Kaitaia. 1844-ca. 1850s; printer: William

l\dlldld, I UTT-LQ. 1 VJ^V/O. pi lIIU-I V V 111 Id II I Puckey; printing assistant Philip Patiki. 1846);

= Perehi a nga Mihanare o Kaitaia: 208; 224;

225; 229-234; 252; 255; 262-307; **3l3; 337-347; **3B7; 398

Karani Rore o Ingarangi see Independent Order of Good Templars. Grand Lodge of England

Karaparehi. Hemi see Galbraith. James

Te Kareti see St John's College Press

Te Kareti Maori (Wanganui) see Church of

IV- MUWI I I OC-C VIIUIUI ui England Native Industrial School

Kereama/Kereamu. Tuatara Wiremu see

Graham. Tuatara Wiremu

Kidd (printer/publisher; Auckland) see Heron. Kidd, and Seffern

Kiina/Kina, W A. Hoori/Hori (W. A. G. Skinner) see Government Printer (New Zealand):

Skinner. W. A. G.

Kohitare. Hamuera/Hamuere see Government

Printer (New Zealand): Costall. Samuel

1 I lII IV- 1 i-vaianuj. vuDian, jdmuci Komiti mo te Tuwha i nga Pukapuka Inoinga see

Prayerbook and Homily Society

Komiti mo te Whakapuaki i te Mohiotanga ki a te Karaiti see Society for the Promotion of

Christian Knowledge

Komiti ta Paipera [mo Ingarangi mo te Ao

■ tvsiiiiLi iu i |i i iv/ n ui igi i i iv/ iv- nu Katoa] see British and Foreign Bible Society

Koreneho see Colenso, William

Kuini, Teoni D. see Quin. John D.

Kunita. Piripi see Kunst. Philip

Kunst, Philip (printer; Auckland); = Piripi

I lUI IJI, ■ , I llipi Kunita: 565; 600; 625; 626; 627; 629; 652; SI; S7; S8; see also Southern Cross

Launceston Examiner Office (printer;

UIUMVVJIUII L.AOI I 111 IV. I V-/1 1 IV.I. ipiMHCI. Launceston, Tasmania); 188

Leary. Joseph Poulter (printer; Palmerston

North): 1201

Leighton. J. F. (printer/binder; Auckland): 463; 464; 466; 500; 502; S2Ol/1861

Lennox, N. G. (publisher; Auckland): 1036

LA.IUIUA, i*. vj. (puumi i»-i , nu>.mai iu/ ■ \jj\j Lucas. Robert [& Son] (printers; Nelson): 529; 918; 919; 922; 930; 951; **956; 957; 958; 959; 960; 961; 962

Lyon. William (publisher; Wellington); 701

tyun, vviiiidin ipuuiisi ici . vvcmi igiui i;. iui Lyon and Blair (printers/binders/publishers;

uyvm dnu uuu i mici siuu iuci aipuunsi ici i. Wellington): 1123; 1314; 1348; 1503

M. E. Mission Press (publisher; India); 1541

I*l. L-. K11331U1 I I ipuunanci , IllVlld/. I 1 Maaka. Makaha see Government Printer (New

Zealand): Marks. Marcus F.

McCullough. William (printer; Auckland);

= Wiremu Makara/Makura: 1299; 1319; 1349; 1427; 1453; S3Ol/**1886; **lBB9-** 1893

M'Dowall. Walter (printer; London); = Wareta

ivi uuwdii, vvdiici (pinuci. uuiiuuii;, = vvdicici MaKarowera: 88. 104

MaKarowera: »»; IU4 MacKay. Fenwick, and Co. (primers; Dunedin): 839; 840. 841



Mackay. John see Government Printer (New Zealand)

McKee & Co. (printers/publishers; Wellington); 1544

McKenzie. Thomas (printer; Wellington);

= Tamati Mekenehi: 671; 672; SIS; see also

McKenzie & Muir

McKenzie & Muir (printers; Wellington); = Makinihi raua ko Mua; Mekenihi raua ko Miua: 478; 486; 604; 605; 609; 619; 623; 628; 631; 639; 640; S6; see also McKenzie.


Mahani. Hone see Mahoney. John

Mahoney. John (printer; Gisborne); = Hone

Mahani: S2Ol/1922-1923

Makae. Hoani/Hone see Government Printer

(New Zealand); Mackay. John

Makara. Wiremu see McCullough. William

iviarvai a. vv ott ■. muuim Makarowera. Wareta see McDowall, Walter

Make. Hoani/Hone see Government Printer

(New Zealand): Mackay, John

Makinihi raua ko Mua see McKenzie & Muir

Makura, Wiremu see McCullough. William

Manley. Benjamin Nicholas (printer;

Wellington): 1238

Mansfield. Ralph (printer; Sydney); 11

Maori Bible Translation Committee see British and Foreign Bible Society Auckland Auxiliary.

Maori Bible Translation Committee

Maori Press (printer; Auckland); = Perehi o nga iwi Maori; te Perehi Maori: SlO kfx.inrftnAkitii To.n>mirinrti W coo UaHfielH

Maungapohatu. Teuamairangi K. see Hadfield.

Teuamairangi K. Maungapohatu

Mekenehi, Tamati see McKenzie, Thomas

Mekenihi raua ko Miua see McKenzie & Muir

Methodist Episcopal Mission Press (publisher;

India); 1541 nga Mihanere i Nu Tirani see Wesleyan Mission

Press nga Mihonare Weteriana see Wesleyan Mission

Press Mogridge. John (printer; Gisborne); = Hone

Mokiriti: 527; see also Webb & Mogridge Ltd Mokiriti. Hone see Mogridge, John Moore, John (later John Joseph)

(printer/publisher; Auckland); = Hoane/Hone Mua: 98; 107; I 14; 130; 131; 377; 507; 530; 551; SI

Moore. J. J. see Moore. John

Morrinsville Star (printer; Morrinsville); S3l

Mua. Hoane/Hone see Moore. John

Muir, Allan Ramsay (printer; Gisborne); = Muri: S2OI/1891; 1893-1897; 5303/1895.1; see also

Poverty Bay Herald Office

Muri see Muir. Allan Ramsay

Murray. C. H. (printer; Auckland): 1353; 1354; S2B

Murray & Spencer (printers; Auckland): S2B

Napier Evening News and Hawke’s Bay

Advertiser Office (printer; Napier); = Iwinini

Niuhi: 532

Nation. W. C. (printer; Greytown): 1167; 1205

Nelson Evening Mail Office (Nelson): 918; 919; 951; **956; 957; 958; 959; 960; 961; 962

Nelson Examiner Office (printers; Nelson): 250; 520

New Munster (government; Wellington): **S4

New Ulster (government; Auckland): S3

New Zealand Advertiser and Bay of Islands

new nuyemoei onu uuj wi uim iuj Gazette Office (printer; Kororareka); **7o; 94; see also Eagar. G. and Quaife. B

New Zealand Advertiser Office (printer;

Wellington): 494; see also Bull, Joseph

New Zealand Auxiliary Tract Society: 18; 60; 76

New Zealand Freeman’s Journal Office (printer;

Auckland); = Nupepa Katorika o te Pirimana

Tinara; 1 133

New Zealand Gazette and Wellington Spectator

Office (printer; Wellington): 93; 97; 113; 116; 117; 132; 189; 211

New Zealand Government (publisher) where

specifically stated on items other than official publications: = Kawanatanga; te Perehi o te Kuini: 400; 414; 427; 434; 451; 504; SI; S5; SI 1; SI 2; see also entries under Government

Printer (New Zealand) and ‘New Zealand’ (and subordinate names) in the main index

New Zealand Herald Office (printer; Auckland); = Nutireni Herora; 662; 703; 712; 734; 925; 1419

New Zealand Native Tract Institution (publisher); 1124; 1 132; 1145; 1 147; 1153; 1 174; 1 190; 1198; 1226; 1234; 1252; 1267; 1270; 1293; 1297;1302:1312;1321;1344;1347;1501; 1524; 1542; 1543; 1547; 1549; 1565

New Zealand Spectator and Cook’s Straits

Guardian Office (printer; Wellington); 192; 251; **3l6; 366; 433 a; 434; 446; 524; 535; 5302/1861.2; see also Stokes. Robert

i ou i acc u iou jiurvcD. iwuci i New Zealand Tract Institution see New Zealand

Native Tract Institution

New Zealander Office (printer/publisher;

Auckland): 366; 471; 481; 482; 567; 647; S9

Nicholas. Albert J. (printer; St Stephen's Press.

Auckland); = ArepataJ. Nikorahi: 718; 719; 726; see also St Stephen’s Press

Nicol. John Robert and George William (printers;

) Greytown); Nikora: 1492

Nihill, William (printer) see Bishop's Press (Te

Waimaie and Purewa, 1843-1853)



Nikora see Nicol, John Robert and George


Nikorahi, Arepata J. see Nicholas. Albert J.

Ninihi, Kiringi P. (printer; Maungakawa): S3l

Norman. G.. and Son (printer; London): 435; 453; 1065

Northern Luminary Office (printer; Kawakawa): 966 a; I 146; **1247

Nupepa Katorika o te Pirimana Tinara see New

Zealand Freeman’s Journal

Nutireni Herora see New Zealand Herald

Offord. W. (printer; Richmond. Surrey. England): 85; 96

Otaki Mail Print (printer; Otaki): 1401

Otawhao Mission School Press (Te Awamutu);

= Perehi ote Kura (Otawhao): SIS (Te

pihoihoi mokemoke. 1863) Owl Printing Works (printer; Auckland): S2B

Paana. Hemi see Government Printer (New

Zealand): Burns. James

uui i u, jai i iv.-j Papata Pei Herara see Poverty Bay Herald

Pareta. Tamati Eruera see Fraser, Thomas Edward

Parker. John (publisher. London); 414

Partridge, S. W. & Co. (publisher; London); 926

Patiki, Philip (printing assistant; Kaitaia);

= Piripi Kingi Karawai Patiki: **3l3

Pelagaud et Cie (printer/publisher; Paris and

Lyons): 490; 523

Peneha me Poropata see Spencer. Probert & Co.

Perehi a Kawana see Government Printer (New


Perehi a nga mihanare i Te Ahu see Kaitaia

Mission Station Press

Perehi a nga mihanare o Kaitaia see Kaitaia

Mission Station Press

Perehi a te Koreneho see Waitangi Mission

Station Press

Perehi a te Kura o Tipene see St Stephen’s Press

Perehi a te Pihopa see Bishop’s Press

I biun a iv- i inupu ou. uui j ■ iv-jj Teperehi, aroha noa o te Kingi, o Atiria see Te

Hokioi Press

nomoi rrebb Perehi i a Tipene see St Stephen’s Press

Perehi i Paihia see Church Mission Press (Paihia)

rcicill I rdlllld OCC '-liuiuu miDOivju r icsa vi anna/ Perehi Katorika Romana o Poiahakena see

Catholic Mission Press of Port Jackson

Perehi kite Raukahikatea see Te Rau Press

Perehi Maori see Maori Press

Perehi Nupepa a Perete me tona Kamupena see

Brett Printing and Publishing Co

Perehi o nga iwi Maori see Maori Press (printer; Auckland)

Perehi o nga Mihanere [o Ingarani] see Church

Mission Press (New Zealand); Church

Missionary Society (London)

Perehi o nga Mihanere Weteriana (o Ingarani] see Wesleyan Mission Press

Perehi o nga Weteriana Mihanere see Wesleyan

Mission Press

Perehi o te Epikopo Katorika see Apostolic

Vicariate of Western Oceania. Press

Perehi o te Hahi Weteriana o Ingarani see

Wesleyan Mission Press

Perehi o te Hohaieti Weteriana see Wesleyan

Mission Press

Perehi o te Kuini see New Zealand Government

Perehi o te Kura o Tipene see St Stephen's Press

Perehi o te Kura (Otawhao. Te Awamutu) see

Otawhao Mission School Press

Perehi a/o te Pihopa see Bishop’s Press

Perehi o te Wikariatu Apotoriko o te Oheania

Okihetari see Apostolic Vicariate of Western

wmncicui npuMuiit, vit,diidic 01 wcbiem Oceania, Press

Pereme. Hone see Brame. John

Perete, Henare see Brett, Henry

Perisse Antoine (printer. Lyons): 377

i niiiunic (pimiu, uyuiii). ji i Philip. G.. & Son (printer; London); 1483

Piha, Hone (printer; Gisborne): 527

Piira. Hone H. see Field. John Henry

Poata me Korowhata see Porter & Croft

Poreni Paipera Hohaieti see British & Foreign Bible Society

Porter & Croft (printers; Gisborne); = Poata me Korowhata; 527

Porter. Thomas William (printer) see Porter & Croft

Poverty Bay Herald Office (printer; Gisborne);

ruvcuy vjay i iciaiu vpiiuiti, i ic;. = Papata Pei Herara: 876; 931; 1031; 1124; 1132; 1145; 1147; 1153; 1174; 1190; 1198; 1218; 1226; 1234; 1245; 1252; 1267; 1270; 1277; 1293; 1297; 1302; 1312; 1321; 1344; 1347; 1355; 1400; **1445; 1448; 1501; S3B; S2Ol/I881; 5303/1879-1880; 1882.2; 1883.2; 1884.2; 1885.2; 1886.2; 1887.2; 1888.1; 1890.1; 1890.3; 1891.2; 1892.2-1893.2; 1894.2; 1895.1-1896; see also Muir. Allan


Poverty Bay Independent Office (printer;

Gisborne); 1147

Poverty Bay Printing and Publishing Co. (printer; Gisborne); 5303/1876

Poverty Bay Printing Works (printer; Gisborne); 1 147

Poverty Bay Standard Office (printer; Gisborne); 910; 953; 5303/1881

Pratt. Thomas Slater (printer; Waikouaiti): 825

Prayer-book and Homily Society (publisher. London); = Hohaiti mo te Pukapuka Inoi mo nga Homiri Hoki; Komiti mo te Tuwha i nga Pukapuka Inoinga: 405; 421; 472; 473

Press Office (printer; Christchurch): 676



Puckey. William Gilbert see Kaitaia Mission Station Press; see also main index

Te Puke ki Hikurangi Office (printer; Papawai): 1518

Puru see Bull. Joseph

Purutana. Kiritopa see Government Printer (New Zealand); Fulton. Christopher

Quin. John D. (printer; Wanganui); = Teoni D. Kuini: S4O

Rangitakaiwaho, Kingi H. T. (printer; Papawai): 539

Recorder Office (publisher; Auckland): SIO Reharihana see Richardson. John

Religious Tract Society (publisher; London); = Rerihia Taraka Hohaiete; 351; 1125; 1 134; see also main index

Remnant. F. (binder; London): 487

Renata. Tawhiro (printer; Papawai): 539 Rerihia Taraka Hohaiete see Religious Tract Society

society Revans. Samuel (printer; Wellington); = Hamuera Rewena: 93; 97

Rewena. Hamuera see Revans. Samuel Richardson. John (printer; Auckland); =

Reharihana; Riharihana: 437; 445; 452 Riharihana see Richardson. John Ripeka kite Tonga see Southern Cross Robertson. George (publisher; Melbourne): 1036 Rouse. A. S. (printer; London); 1352

Rowse’s Printing Office (printer; Carterton): 539

St John’s College Press (Purewa)

(printer/publisher. 1844-1856; syndic; Nihill (1844-1853; printers: Watts (1844-1846); Telford. 1849-1850). Items with the Bishop's Press imprint (q.v.) were also produced in the same printery: = College Press; Te Kareti; 194; 195; 201; 368; 369; 370; 375; 378; 380; 381; 382; 383; 384; 390; 392; 396; 404; 409; 41 I; 41 2; 416; 417; 418; 438; 439; 440; 441; 442; 443; 466; 493; S2Ol/1848-1853; see also Skeen. Robert

St Stephen’s Press (printer/publisher; St

Scales (printer) see Creighton & Scales

Seeley. L. B (bookseller; London): 2-4

Seffern (printer/publisher; Auckland) see Heron. Kidd, and Seffern

Sibbin, Thomas George (printer; Auckland);

Sibbin & Brown (printers; Auckland); = Hipine & Paraone: 1248

Skeen. Robert (printer; Auckland): 463; 464 Smith, Anthony. Sellars & Co. (printers;

Smith. James (printer) see Church Mission Press. Kerikeri (1830)

Societe des Missionaires du Sacre-Coeur (Issoudun); = Issoudun Missionaries of the Sacred Heart: 998

Society for Distributing the Prayer Book see Prayer-Book and Homily Society

Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge (‘SPCK’; publisher; London); = Komiti mo te Whakapuaki i te Mohiotanga ki a te Karaiti: 89; 357; 414; 422; 474; 487; 488; 851; 906; 909; 925; 928; 965; 997; 1025; 1029; 1030; 1035; 1068; 1069; 1097; 1103; 1119; 1175; 1273;1315;1316;1350;1422;1485;1546

Solomon. Saul. & Co. (printer; Cape Town): 468

Southern Cross Office (printer; Auckland); = Hutarana Koroma; Hutarana Koroho; Ripeka kite Tonga; Whetu o te Tonga: 469; S5; S7; S2Ol/1859; see also Kunst. P.

Spectator Office (Wellington) see New Zealand Spectator and Cook’s Straits Guardian

Spencer. P. & Co. (printers; Auckland): S2B

Spencer. Probert & Co. (printers; Auckland); = Peneha me Poropata: 1454

Standard Office (Gisborne) see Poverty Bay Standard

Standard Office (Greytown) see Wairarapa Standard

Star Printing Co. (printer; Salt Lake City. Utah): 1482

Stephens and Stokes (printers; Sydney): = Tipene raua ko Te Toki: 15; 18; 19; see also Stokes, F. M. (printer; Sydney)

Stokes. Frederick Michael (printer; Sydney); = Toki; 76; see also Stephens and Stokes

Stokes. Robert (printer/publisher; Wellington); = Toki; 315; 329; 366; 385; **42o; 425; 426; 434; 446; 447; 451; 535; **569; 5202/1858-1859; see also New Zealand Spectator (Wellington)

Straker, S.. & Sons (printers; London): 1068

Tari o te “Waka Maori" see Te Waka Maori


Tari o Te “Wananga" see Te Wananga Office


Christchurch): 1399

= Tamati Hori Hipine: 1249

Sampson Low (publisher; London): 1271

Stephen s School. Taurarua. Auckland. 18691873) items with the Cathedral Press imprint (q.v.) were also produced on the same press: = Perehi i a Tipene; Perehi a/o te Kura o Tipene; 718; 719; 720; 726; 728; 742; 755; 756; 772; 778; 780; 784; 785; 786; 806; S3OI/!872.1; 1872.2; 1874.1; 5303/18701871; see also names of identified printers: Hill. Henry (Henare Hira); Nicholas. Albert (ArepataJ. Nikorahi)


Tari o te Teeri Terekarawhi see Daily Telegraph

• uiivsvv- itv-n icicnaiawni acc udiiy icicgldpn Office

Te Hokioi Press (printer/publisher; Mangere and

Ngaruawahia); = Te Hokioi o Nui Tireni;

Teperehi. aroha noa o te Kingi. o Atiria: 550; 553; 554; 568; 571; 578; 588; 630; SI3; see also Toetoe. Wiremu in main index

Te Kahu. Te Karepe (printer. Papawai): 539

ic i\dnu. ic rvdiepe rdpawap. Te Paki o Matariki General Printing Office (primer; Maungakawa); 537

vpiiinv-i, nioungai\avva). jji Te Parera, Rihara (printer): 1518; 539

Te Puke. T. (printer; Maungakawa): S3l

Te Rau Kahikatea see Te Rau Press

Te Rau Press (printer/publisher; Gisborne;

printers: H. W. Williams (to 1921); John

IMIVI J. 11. »». lUIIIIIID ttu I i jui ll l Mahoney (from 1922)); = Te Rau Kahikatea;

Te Raukahikatea Press; Perehi ki Te

ic r\dur\diimdicd ncbb, rcrciii M ie Raufkahikatea]: 1498; 1499; 1506; 1535; 1538: 1539; 1540; 1563; S3B; 542; S2lO/1898-1923; S3OI/1897-I912; 5303/1897.I; 1898.1-I9I1; 1912.2-1914; see also Te Rau Printing Works

Te Rau Printing Works (printers; Gisborne): 542

Te Raukahikatea see Te Rau Press

IV- ■ \ounoi unaica occ ic i\au nc» Te Ruinga (printer; Maungakawa): S3l

'Teiwi H. Hoera’ see Hoera. Teiwi H.

The Telephone Office/Telephone Print (printer;

Gisborne); = Te Terewhene/Terewhone: 1537; 527; see also Porter & Croft, printers

I -l-j l , vlt, I , UIJU I Ul Itl W V-lUII, pi II lie I 3 Telford. John (printer) see Church Mission Press (Paihia and Purewa. 1842-1847) and St John's College Press (1849-1850) for his work as official printer. 449; 450; 452; see also main index

Teoti me langa see George & Young

Teperehi, aroha noa o te Kingi, o Atiria see Te Hokiai Press

Te Terewhene/Terewhone see The Telephone

IV- I VIVOIIVIIV.I IVlVllllum, Jt-L I I IV- I IWI IVTewiata, Tauhia (printer; Carterton) 539

Thames Advertiser Office (printer; Thames): S3O

mamga nuvciuaci vyuiv-c vpiiiuci, iiiaiiica;. Tihipere, Hori see Government Printer (New

Zealand): Didsbury, George

/.cdidiiu;. uiubuury, ueorge Times Printing Office (printer; Napier): SI9

Tiniwiri me Moretini me etahi see Dinwiddie.

Morrison & Co.

Tio/Tioo/Ti-00. Hona K. (Tio, K. Hena) (printer; Maungakawa): S3l; 536

IVIdUIIgdKdWdJ. I . DJD Tipene raua ko te Toki see Stephens and Stokes

Tiripere. H see Government Printer (New

Zealand): Didsbury. George

i-caiai iu; L/iusuui y. cicuigc Titipere, Hori see Government Printer (New

Zealand): Didsbury. George

Tokawhakaea (printer; Maungakawa) S3l (Te paki o Matariki, 1892-1935)

pdiM ivididiim, io7^-i Toki: see Stokes. Frederick Michael (Sydney), or Stokes. Robert (Wellington)

Trubner & Co (publisher; London): 468; 593

Tuhbkairangi. Te Hikonga and Anaru (printers; Carterton): 539

Tuwha, Whereriki see Dufaur, Frederick (printer)

Unger Bros, (printers; Berlin): 593

Upton & Co. (publishers; Auckland); 704; 769; 1065; 1095; 1348; 1403; 1420; 1481; 1546; S2Ol/I872; 5303/1872.M872.2

Vidal. Robert (CMS agent; Auckland! 428

viudi. rvuucn agent; AUCKiana): 4^B Vine and Vine (printers; Wanganui); = Waina me Waina; S4O

Vine. Emmanuel (printer; Lyons); = Emanuera Wita: 1395; 1396; 1402

von Dadelszen, Edward (printer) see Otawhao

Mission School Press

Wade. William Richard (lithographer; Church Mission Press): 62

Waikouaiti and Shag Valley Herald Office (printer; Waikouaiti, Otago): 825

vpniiici, vvdirvuuaiu, widgu;. o<£D Waina me Waina see Vine and Vine

Wairarapa Mercury Office (printer; Greytown): 702; 713; 736

Wairarapa Standard Office (printer; Greytown): 1 177; 1426; 1492; 1564

Wairoa Guardian Office (printer; Wairoa): 999

(pnnter/publisher; Heretaunga (Hawke’s Bay). 1847-1852; printer: William Colenso; printing ceased when he was defrocked); = Perehi a te Koreneho: 330; 331; 332; 334; 358; **359; 360; 361; 372; 373; 374; 386; 393; 401; 406; 407; 423; 424; see also entries under Colenso. William

Te Waka Maori Office (printer; Gisborne and

Napier); = Tari o te Waka Maori; S2l; 5303/1878.1

Wakaminenga ta Pukapuka o Akarana see

Auckland Newspaper and General Printing Co

Walker. May & Co. (printers; Melbourne): 1036

Walmsley. John (binder; Church Mission Press. Purewa): 318. 319, 324

Te Wananga Office (printer/publisher; Napier) 837; 846; 848; 866; 867; 874; 875; 877; 920. 923; SI9

Wanganui Chronicle Co. (printers; Wanganui) 1533

Watene. Hori see Watson. George

vvaicuc, i iui i occ vvaibuii, vjcuigc Waterhouse. R. S.. and Bros, (printers. Hobart);

= Watahaoha ratou ko nga Teina: = 77 Wati. Wiremu M. see Watts. William/William Mavor

Watkins (binder; London): 352; 470

Watson. George (printer; Wellington); = Hori

Watene: 475; 483; 485; S2Ol/1858.1 Watson & Hazell (primers; London): 926


Waitangi Mission Station Press


Watts. Richard (printer; London); 2-5

Watts. William (printer) see Bishop’s Press and St John’s College Press and main index

Watts. William/William Mavor (printer; London); = Wiremu M. Wati: 353; 357; 391; 421; 422; 455; 456; 470; 472; 473; 474; 487; 488; 716 Wayte, E. (publisher; Auckland); 1036

Webb. Charles Henry Collins (printer; Gisborne): 526; see also Webb & Mogridge

Webb, Henry Edwin (printer; Gisborne): 910; 953; S2Ol/1880.2

7JJ, I I I OOU.i Webb & Mogridge (printers; Gisborne): 1063; 5303/1881

Webbe & Co. (printers; Otaki); = Weepu me ona hoa; 1320

Weeks. Horace J. (printer; Christchurch): 1 180

Wellington Province. Provincial Council (government; Wellington): SI4

Weepu me ona hoa see Webbe & Co.

Wellington Independent Office (printer;

Wellington); 362; 363; 414; 427; 433; **S4

Wesleyan-Methodist Missionary Society. New

Zealand Mission (publisher): 323; see also Wesleyan Mission Press (Mangungu) for publications printed at the Society 's own press

pUiyilLUUl/MO p/ IMICU U1 111 C vJVUCIJ' o UWIL fJICOO Wesleyan Mission Press (printer/publisher;

Mangungu, 1836-1846; printer: William

Woon); = Mihanere i Nu Tirani; Mihonare

Weteriana; Perehi o nga Mihanere Weteriana [o Ingarani]; Perehi o nga Weteriana

Mihanere; Perehi o te Hahi Weteriana o

Ingarani; Perehi o te Hohaieti Weteriana: **29; 30: **3 l; 32; 33; 35; 36; 37; **3B; 39; 40; 41; 42; 43; 44; 45; 46; 47; 48; 49; 50; 51; 52; 54; 64; 76; **79; 84; 86; 99; 100; 101; 102:103; **ll2; 188; 200; 257; 258; S2l I/I 844-* *1846

Wharehoko Paipera me era atu Pukapuka o te Rongo-Pai see Bible, Book and Tract Depot

Whare o te Paipera Pukapuka hoki see Bible and Book Depot

Whetu o te Tonga see Southern Cross

»» I IVIU U IV, I VMIgU JVV JVUIMVm v-l WJJ Whitcombe and Tombs (publishers;

Christchurch. Wellington. Dunedin): 1503

I3IUIUIV.iI, VYLinilglUM. I Wickham, John Dickson (printer; Auckland): 523

Wilkinson. William (printer; Auckland); =

wiimribun, wmidm (primer, nuusidtiuj. = Wirikihana. W.: 1 520

vvii imiidiid, vv ~ i jtu Williams & Norgate (publisher; London): 435; 768; 1065; 1348; 1420; 1481

Williams, Herbert William (printer); = Wiremu

Hapata see Te Rau Press

rwptud oce ic r\ciu ness Williamson. John (printer/publisher; Auckland): 317; 323; 326; 348; 349; 350; 365; 366; S2ll/1847-1848; see also Williamson & Wilson

Williamson & Wilson (printers/binders. Auckland);

vv miai 11 jui i m vviisuii = Wiremuhana raua ko [te] Wirihana: 379:

392; 394; 400; 408; 444; 450; 454; 459; 461; 462; 575; **S2; S5; S2Ol/1854; S2l 1/18491854; see also New Zealander; Williamson.

John; Wilson. W. C.

Willis. A. D. (printer/publisher; Wanganui): 740; 886; 1491; 1534; see also Ballance and Willis

Willis, George (publisher; London); 453

Wilson, William Chisholm (printer; Auckland);

= Wirihana: 471; 476; 477; **479; 480; 489; 492; 495; 496; 497; 504; 506; 509; 513; **sls; 516; 517; 518; 528; 533; 534; 536; **s4o; 541; 544; 545; 546; 547; 549; 555; 561; **566; 567; 570; **572; **573; **574; 575; 576; 583; 584; 585; 586; 597; 598; 599; 602; **6o3; 608; 61 1; 612; 613; 614; 615; 616; 620; 621; 622; 712; 714; S5; S9; SI 1; SI 2; see also New Zealand Herald Office; New Zealander Office; Williamson

& Wilson

Wilsons & Horton (printers/binders; Auckland);

= Wiremu Kata Wirihana. e Hohepa Rihitone Wirihana. e, Aperira Hori Hotene; Wirihana ma ratou ko Hotene; Wirihana raua ko te Hotana: 925; 1181; 1240 a; 1268; 1308; 1403; 1419; 1490; 525

Wiremuhana raua ko Wirihana see Williamson & Wilson

Wirihana see Wilson. W. C.; see also Wilsons & Horton

Wirihana, Wiremu Kata, e Hohepa Rihitone

Wirihana, e, Aperira Hori Hotene see Wilsons & Horton

Wirihana ma ratou ko Hotene (printers) see

Wilsons & Horton

Wirihana raua ko te Hotana see Wilsons and


Wirikihana, W. see Wilkinson, W.

vv nimndi id, vv . sec vv nmi iaui i, vv . Wita. Emanuera (printer) see Vitte. Emmanuel

wua, tmanuera (printer; see vine, tmmanuei Wood, James (printer/publisher; Napier); =

vv wu, jai i icj n uci ipuLMOiici . iva|jici;, Hemi Wuru: 499; 532; 548; 562; 563; 642; 661; 663; 665; 667; 677; 687; 701; SI6; see also Hawke’s Bay Herald

Woon. Garland William (printer; New

VVUUII. UdlidllU VV 1 11 Id 111 (piIIILCI, INCW Plymouth); = Karena Wunu; 498; 503; 505; 508; 510; 51 1; 512; 514; 519; 521; 523 a; 538; 542; 543; 564; 590; 592; 610; 618; 632; 633; 634; 654; 655; 679; 680; 695

KJJJ, UJI, UJt, UJJ, U I 7, UOU, U7J Woon. William (printer); = Wunu: see

"WII, •Illiium — VVUIIVJ. Ott Wesleyan Mission Press (Mangungu) for

works printed in his official capacity as printer to the WMMS, see also entries in main index

Wrieht and laoues (orinters; Auckland): 1519

wrignt ana jaques (printers; AucKiana); ibiv Wunu, Karena see Woon G. W.

Wuru. Hemi see Wood, James

lIUIU, JUC YY UUU, jail lUO Wyman and Sons (printers; London): 1035; 1 103



Yate, William (printer) see Church Mission Press (Kerikeri)

Yvert, Jean (printer) see Apostolic Vicariate of

. .vi I, JVUII JLL I ipujium, V ll_ai Idle Ul Western Oceania. Press (i.e. Catholic Mission



General Index

(names, titles and subjects)


This index combines entries for

* names: of authors, translators, editors, and other persons or corporate bodies associated with the items described. (Note; Printers and publishers are in a separate index.)

* titles: including parallel titles, running titles and titles from covers Short titles of legislation are also indexed.

* subjects

Index entries are referenced to the BiM item number and (in parentheses) the author, or equivalent, and date of publication.


1 Filing order: filing is based on word-by-word arrangement but initial articles at the start of titles are ignored, i.e. A. An. The (in English) and He. Nga. Te (in Maori). However, compound Maori names beginning ’Te’ are filed under Te on a word-by-word basis; i.e. Te Rauparaha files before Telford. It should be noted that many words are found in more than one form in the publications from this period: for example, ‘kia’ and ’ki a’; wakarongo’ and whakarongo'. It may therefore be productive to search the index under several entry points.

Punctuation in subject headings, and qualifiers (eg. ‘legislation’) in parentheses following subject headings, do not affect filing. Where multiple entries have the same wording, the filing order precedence is; name, title, subject

Hyphenated forms of words (eg ‘marama-taka-haere’) that are also found in an unhyphenated form are filed as one word. However, hyphenated compound words are filed as if they were single words.

Entries for transliterated forms of nonMaori personal names (where ‘Te’ was frequently used as an honorific) are filed under the main part of the transliterated form, ignoring the ‘Te’.

Contemporary usage resulted in many titles beginning ‘Ko te’ (rather than Te’) and users may find the large section of the


index beginning ‘Ko te . . .’ useful in identifying items where the title is uncertain

lUV.I nil yII l IV II I J VVMV.IV- II IV- lIVIV- U UIIVVIIUII Macrons and other accents, such as umlauts, do not affect filing.

2 Bold numbers: these indicate items that contain subject information related to personal names or titles, i.e. to index entries other than designated subject headings.

3 Name entries: When verified, full details of personal names and dates are given. Transliterated and alternative forms of name are recorded, and cross references are made to position titles under which additional items are listed. To avoid repetition, where an indexed name is the same as the author of an item listed in the citations, the author’s name is NOT repeated in the listing. For example:

Grey, Sir George (1812-1898); = Kawana Kerei. 218 (Andrewes, 1845); 363 (Kemp. 1848); 408 (Cooper, 1851); 446 (Farewell address of the native tribes. 1853); 447 (1853); 450 (Brown. 1854); 453 (1854) 459 (Maori mementos, 1855); 468 (1857); [etc. . .]; see also N.Z. Governor (1845-1853); N.Z. Governor (1861-1868); N.Z. Prime Minister (18771 879 : Grey) for works in official capacity

In this example works by Grey as a personal author are items no. 447, 453, 468; entries for other works by Grey (as an official) are indexed under the position titles listed at the end of the example. Entries 408. 446 and 459 contain subject information about Grey. His name also appears in the transliterated form Kawana Kerei (i.e. ‘Governor Grey').

4 Multiple editions or reprints names of authors are indexed for all issues. Names of associated translators, editors etc are indexed for the first edition only. i.e. where the name occurs in the annotation. The entries in the bibliography include links to entry numbers for earlier and subsequent issues.


5 Dates of publication are conflated to the simplest form when several items (under same heading) have variations on the same year of publication; eg. ca. 1850. 1850? and 1850 are collectively shown as 1850

6 Serials: Issues or volumes of serials with distinctive titles (eg. 522 and 5303) are separately indexed; eg. the 1881 volume of collected legislation (522/I881) is indexed under its distinctive title Nga Ture o Niu Tireni. Subject indexing of serials is at a general level; more detailed information on contents is included in the annotations to the description of these publications

7 Primary sources quotations from archival sources providing additional information relating to the publication are indexed, eg printers’ manuscript records.

8 Square brackets [ ] around words or letters indicate the enclosed words or letters occur in some instances.

9 Line endings ( | ) are retained in a few title entries in order to distinguish between issues of alphabets.

10 Legislation information in square brackets in title entries for legislation identifies either (a) a Bill associated with an Act published in the same year or (b) multiple years of legislation with the same title. Where relevant, subsequent years are repeated in italics in the entry details that follow, for example:

Native Land (Validation of Titles) Act 1893 (Bill 1893]; 1369 (New Zealand. 1893); 1379 (N.Z. Parliament. 1893) Native Lands Act 1862 [1865] [1869]: 669 (New Zealand. 1865); 1865: 670 (New Zealand. 1865); 1869 **73o (New Zealand. 1869)

In some cases entries may vary slightly from this style when it is clearer for the user

1 I Slash / mark this notes minor spelling variations, eg. Nga korero Paramete/Paremete. Where such variations occur in the initial filing word, the slash is not used; i.e. entries are listed separately

12 Supplements to serials: Supplements which are separate publications are indexed. Most other supplements, eg. with

generic titles beginning Apiti’ Supplement’ ‘Extra’ are not indexed, but are referred to in the entry for the relevant serial. However, supplementary series with distinctive titles (eg He hamumu peketua na Te Korimako) are indexed

13 Abbreviations New Zealand’is abbreviated to ‘N.Z ’ when it is part of compound names.

14 Language designation: the designation Maori’ is used in form entries (mainly for the Bible) in entry headings in the bibliography, to conform with international cataloguing standards. The designation is not included in index citations.

15 Subject headings and terminology subject headings are based on intuitive indexing principles to maximise access to relevant information. Terminology from the period covered by the bibliography (eg. use of the term ‘Native’ in ‘Native Schools’) has been retained where it helps with identifying associated material such as legislation. No subject heading is allocated if it would be the same as the indexed main entry or title entry for the item. eg. ‘Treaty of Waitangi’ (main entry) and ‘A Moriori vocabulary’ (title entry). In these cases a bold number indicates subject content.

Symbols * * before a number indicates the item has not been located/seen in the course of preparation of this bibliography

= used to indicate alternative form/s (including transliterations) of the formal name of the printer/publisher

S numbers beginning with an S are in the section describing Serials (p. 739-860)

Macrons The policy that applies to entries in the bibliography (see p. 21-22) also applies to names of places, people and organisations in this index. That is. macrons are not added to forms of name quoted from the original item if the item itself did not use macrons. Macrons are included in names presented as the formal version based on current policies of macronisation Some names therefore appear in the index in both macronised and nonmacronised forms, depending on their source




1 2345678910: 75 (Colenso. 1840) 14 Nowema. 1863. I mate: SI4/no. 2 (Gazette

notices. 1864-1864)

100. Waiata. 85.1-4: 330 (Colenso. 1847) £3OO utu: 545 (N.Z. Governor (1855-1861 :

Browne). 1861)

1 E kai ana ahau. I eat: 135 (Nga Pukapuka wakaako-Pakeha. 1843)

1 Kua puta Matariki kote tahi 1.2. 3. 4: 749 (Ngapora. 1870?)

A.. S. see Aubert. Mary loseph

r\., o. occ nuuci l, mai y jusCJJI 1 A & M. Browne (firm); 661 (1865) AEHIKMMIOPRTUWNG: 14 (1833?) AEIO|UHKM|NPRT|W NG; 75 (Colenso. 1840)

AEIOU|HKMNP|RTWNG: 192 (1 844?) A E I O U H K M N P | R T W WH NG: 200 (Colenso 1844)

A ia. ahau ranei: 1543 (Brady, 1900)

.. ■ .ui ‘UVJ ium,i i *-s lUIUUJ, i ] A ka tae mai ratou kite wahi e karangatia nei ko Kawari, ka ripeka i aia ki reira : 1541 (ca. 1900)

A ko reira te kingitanga o te kotahi mano tau: 930 (Te haerenga mai o te Ariki. ca 1879)

A korao no New Zealand; or. The New

' 1 mu nttv i-caiai iu, ui, ii ic new Zealander’s first book: 1 (Kendall, 1815)

Aborigines’ Protection Society: 641 (1864); 662 (1865); 1074 (Ko te pitihana a nga iwi, 1883?); 1101 (He kupu whakaatu enei, 1884)

Abraham. Charles John (1814-1903): 380 (1850); 416 (1852); 429 (Ko te hahi o namata, 1852); 432 (Mo te karakia o te ata, 1852); 470 (Bible. O.T. Selections. 1858)

An abridgement of Scripture history (Trimmer); 32 (Bible. O.T. Genesis. Selections. 1837); 86 (Bible. O.T. Selections, 1841) accommodation. Wellington: 1397 (Ellison. 1894) accommodation, hotel (legislation): **7 os (New Zealand, 1867)

Account of a journey up Waikato, by Reihana Kiriwi. a chief of the Rarawas; from Mangonui. in the month of February, 1864: 645 (Kiriwi, 1864)

Acts affecting native lands, etc., (in English and Maori.); 522/1889-1892. 1896-1899. 19031909 (New Zealand. 1879-1910)

Acts affecting native lands, etc. (in Maori): 522/1910 (New Zealand. 1879-1910)

Acts affecting native race (in English and Maori): 522/1893-1894 (New Zealand. 1879-1910)

i i o~*f iiicw z-caiuiiu. ior»-niu) Acts affecting natives (in English and Maori): 522/1895 (New Zealand. 1879-1910)

Additional rules and regulations of the Native

Appellate Court; 1470/2 (N.Z. Native Land Court, 1896)

Additional rules and regulations of the Native Land Court: **1469 (N.Z. Native Land Court, 1896)

Additional rules and regulations of the Native Land Court. Extract from New Zealand Gazette. 19th March. 1896: 1470/3, 1471 (N.Z. Native Land Court. 1896)

Address made by Mr John Sheehan. .. at the meeting held at Pakipaki, on Tuesday, the 15th day of April 1873: 805 (Sheehan. 1873)

Address of Mr. James Mackay to the Ngatimaru tribe of Hauraki: 1453 Mackav. 1896)

IIIUCUI HdUldM. IVldCKdy, I O'iO) Address of the Aborigines’ Protection Society to the native inhabitants of New Zealand: 641 (Aborigines’ Protection Society, 1864)

Address of the Aborigines’ Protection Society to the natives of New Zealand: 662 (Aborigines’ Protection Society. 1865)

Adelaide. Queen of William IV. King of Great

Britain (1792-1849): 400 (N.Z. Colonial Secretary. 1850)

Aesop: 430 (He korero tara mo te kura); **73B (ca. 1870?)

Agathos: 190 (Wilberforce. 1843); 402 (Wilberforce. 1850); 1064 (Wilberforce. 1882)

Agathos and other Sunday stories: 190 (Wilberforce. 1843); 259 (Wilberforce. 1845)

Agathos. Ko te ritenga o te ingoa nei. ko te tangata pai: 402 (Wilberforce. 1850)

AFAHO'S [i.e. Agathos] Ko te ritenga o te ingoa nei, ko te tangata pai: 1064 (Wilberforce. 1882)# SYMBOL agriculture see animals; beekeeping; crops; farming; flax industry; hops; horses; ploughing; sheep; tobacco

Ahikouka Claims Rehearing Bill 1874; 824 (N.Z. Parliament, 1874)

Ahiwera see Ashwell, Benjamin Yate ahua amine mama meri: 62 (Maunsell, 1839?) Akarana: the following entries are filed in date order (1841-1876):

Akarana. Wai-te-mata, Nowema 30. 1841. E hoa ma e nga rangatira o Ngapuhi: 98 (N.Z.

■ *- ''s“ lunguuia w iigapuiil. ~?o \IN.Z,. Governor (1841-1842 : Hobson). 1841)

~ ~ . mvujun;, 10-TI/ Akarana. [space] 1860. E hoa. e [name] Tena Koe: **sls (N.Z. Governor (1855-1861 ; Browne), 1860)


advertisements: 661 (A. & M. Browne, 1865): 729 (Maunsell. 1869); 827 (Puna, 1874); 848 (Te Wananga. 1875); 856 (Mackay, 1876); 877 (Te Wananga, 1876?); **9o9a (Grindell, 1878); 934 (Maunsell, 1879); I 124 (Baker, 1885); 1182 (Ko Karanimana, 1887?); 1197 (Tenei te taonga nui, 1887?); 1520 (Pukapuka rapu, 1898); 1537 (Theatre Royal, 1899); see also newspapers (in Serials section)


Akarana. Aperira [space] 1860. E hoa ma, E nga rangatira Maori o Poneke o Wairarapa o era atu wahi. 513 (N.Z. Governor (1855-1861 :

Browne). 1860?)

Akarana. [space] I86(1J. | E hoa. e [name] \ Tena koe: **s4o (N.Z. Governor (1855-1861 :

Browne). 1861)

Akarana. Aperira. 8, 1861: 580 (Pompallier. 1862)

Akarana. 5 Akuhata. 1861. E hoa aroha. e

rvrxai ana. -J r\r\ui laia, i i . i- i iua ai vji la, c Tamihana ma, Tena ra koe: 551 (Pompallier. 1861)

Akarana. Hune 9 1862 E hoa. E Matutaera.

Tena koe. : 571 (N.Z. Governor (1861-1868 :

Grey). 1862)

Akarana. 21 o nga ra o Akuhata, 1862. Ki a

Matutaera Potatau: 581 (Pompallier. 1862)

Akarana. 12 Mei, 1863. Ki nga matua. ki nga katekita. kite hunga Katorika: 627

(Pompallier, 1863)

Akarana. Oketopa 1. 1863. E hoa ma. E nga tangata o te motu nei e piri ana kite

Kawanatanga o te Kuini . . .; Sl4/no. 1

(Gazette notices. 1863-1864)

Akarana. Nowema 23. 1863. He panuitanga tenei i etahi ture kua oti nei te whakatakoto e te Runanganui : Sl4/no. 3 (Gazette notices. 1863-1864)

Akarana, Nowema 24. 1863. He panuitanga tenei i etahi ture kua oti nei te whakatakoto e te Runanganui . .: Sl4/no. 3.2 (Gazette notices. 1863-1864)

Akarana, Nowema 24, 1863. He pukapuka na te Tianara ki a te Kawana . . .: Sl4/no. 4 (Gazette notices. 1863-1864)

Akarana. Tihema 8. 1863. He pukapuka enei no Waikato: Sl4/no. 5 (Gazette notices. 18631864)

Akarana. Tihema 9, 1863. Panuitanga: SI4/no. 6 (Gazette notices. 1863-1864)

Akarana. Hanuere 15. 1864. Ko nga kohuru i Kaipara: Sl4/no. 7 (Gazette notices. 18631864)

Akarana. Pepuere 2. 1864. Ko nga tikanga mo nga tangata Maori . . .: SI4/no. 8 (Gazette notices. 1863-1864)

Akarana. Pepuere 16. 1864. Ko nga korero o te whawhai ki Mangapiko. wahi o Waipa: Sl4/no. 9 (Gazette notices, 1863-1864)

Akarana. 24th. Pepuere. 1864. Kua hinga ano a Waikato: Sl4/no. 10 (Gazette notices. 18631864)

Akarana. 29th. Pepuere. 1864. E hoa ma. e nga iwi katoa o te motu nei. tena koutou: Sl4/no. II (Gazette notices. 1863-1864)

Akarana. Te Tau, Maehe 19. 1864: 656 (Te Iho-o-te-Rangi. 1864)

Akarana. 7th. Aperira. 1864 Ko te rongo tenei i ahu mai i Waikato: Sl4/no. 12 (Gazette notices. 1863-1864)

Akarana. 27th Hune. 1864. Panuitanga: SI4/ no 13 (Gazette notices. 1863-1864)

Akarana. Hurae 19, 1864. Ko nga korero o te Pokiha raua ko Wi Tako Ngatata ki Waikanae i te 3 o nga ra o Hune. 1864; Sl4/no. 14 (Gazette notices. 1863-1864)

Akarana. 20 Nowema, 1869; 734 (N.Z. Native Minister, 1869?)

Akarana. 18 Maehe, 1871: 766 (Te Whiwhi. 1871?)

Akarana, Hanuere 11. 1876: 871 (Sheehan. 1876)

Akaroa Block: 976 (N.Z. Middle Island Native Land Purchase Commission. 1 880); 1009 (N.Z. Middle Island Native Land Purchase Commission. 1881); 1266 (N.Z Parliament. Middle Island Native Claims Committee. 1889

Akatohe: 1 064 (Wilberforce. 1882)

Ako marama o te Hahi Katorika Romana ko te pou mete unga o te pono; 120-121 (Catholic Church. 1843); 222 (Catholic Church. 1845); 471 (Catholic Church. 1858)

He ako me etahi katekihama na te Epikopo

i iv, v* ivw i i iv. V/iui ii ivuiv.miiuinu mu LV. Hoane Papita Werakiko Pomaparie: 222 (Catholic Church. 1845)

He ako na te Epikopo Katorika Romana mo

Nutirani; 222 (Catholic Church. 1845)

Te akoranga a te uhi moenga; 806 (He tangata i mate ai ona hoa noho tata. 1873)

He akoranga i te reo Ingarihi mo te kura Maori: 810 (Williams. 1873)

Akoranga: Nga Kura Maori: **1052 (N.Z. Dept of Education, 1882?)

Albert. Prince Consort of Victoria. Queen of Great Britain (1819-1861) 561 (E to matou whaea. 1862)

alcohol see colonisation, impact; liquor licensing; temperance

Alcoholic Liquors Sale Control Act Amendment Act 1895. Selections: 1428 (New Zealand. 1895)

Aldred. John (1818-1894); 189 (Whiteley. 1843)

Alienation of Land Bill 1881: 1019 (N.Z.

Parliament. Legislative Council. 1881)

Alienation of Maori Land Bill 1879: 943 (N.Z.

Parliament. House of Representatives. 1879)

Alienation Restriction; 1107 (New Zealand. 1884)

All natives of the Bay of Islands, or its neighborhood, who are desirous of peace, commerce, and friendship with Europeans; 246 (N.Z. Governor (1843-1845 ; Fitzßoy). 1845)



Allan. Joseph Stuart (1861-1930): 1301 (Illustrations prepared for White’s Ancient

History of the Maori. 1891) allegiance to Queen, oath: 643-644 (He ki tuturu. 1864); 650 (N.Z. Governor (1861-1868

Grey). 1864); 870 (Rangitakaiwaho, 1876) almanacs, general; 535 (Maramataka haere timata. 1895)

almanacs. Anglican: S2Ol (Church of England. 1841-1923); 5202 (Church of England.

Diocese of Wellington. 1 858-1865) almanacs, Tainui: 529 (Te korimako hou, 18891890)

almanacs. Wesleyan: S2ll (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1844-1854)

V.UI II 1C AIVJI 1. I I O-J-t I Almost a Christian; 1270 (Wahi iti kua riro atu i ta te Karaiti tikanga, 1889)

The almost Christian; 317 (Wesley, 1846)

Alphabet; 5 (Kendall. 1820); **B (1827)

Amalgamated Shearers’ Union of Australasia: 1173 (1887)

Amatana. G. W.: 1421 (1895?)

Amnesty Act 1882 [Bill 1882]: 1037 (New Zealand. 1882)

Anaro. Kawana see N.Z. Governor (1889-1892 ; Onslow)

Anatipa: 1176 (Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints. 1887?)

The ancient history of the Maori, his mythology and traditions; (v. 1-3) 1199 (White, 1887); (v. 4) 1240 (White, 1888); (v. 1-4, London issue) 1271 (White. 1889); (v. 5) 1272 (White, 1889); (v. 6) 1298 (White. 1890); 1301 (Illustrations prepared for White’s

Ancient History of the Maori. 1891)

The ancient history of the Maori. [Selections]: 994 (White. 1880); 1299 (White. 1890)

Anderson. James Henry (1857-1934); = Hemi H. Anerahana: 1482 (1897)

Andrewes. Lancelot (1555-1626): 218 (1845); 318 (1847); 403 (1851); 726 (1869); 1 122 (1885); 1349 (1893)

Andrews, H. J 461 (N.Z. Central Board of Vaccination. 1855)

Anerahana. Hemi H. see Anderson. James Henry

Angas. George French (1822-1886): 1301 (Illustrations prepared for White’s Ancient History of the Maori. 1891)

Anglo-Maori; **1023 (ca. 1882) animal remedies; 1 343 (Rongoa hipi na Poari rongoa rongo nu. 1892?)

animals, control: 80 (N.Z. Lieutenant-Governor (1840-1841 ; Hobson). 1840); see also branding; cattle; dog registration; native animals; horses; rabbits

animals, control (legislation): 1 106 (New Zealand. 1884)

Animals Protection Acts Amendment Act 1900: **1551 (New Zealand. 1900)

Annals of the Christian church; 349 (Parker. 1847)

Aotea Block see Rohe Pdtae

Aotearoa; 907 (Bracken. 1878?)

Aotearoa. He Nupepa ma nga tangata Maori: 532 (1892)

Aotearoa, or The Maori recorder; SlO (18611862)

Aperahama. Reha; 879 (1877)

Apiti see entries for serials (SI-542) for details of supplements that are parts of serials

He apiti mo “Te karere o Poneke": 478 (He marama-taka-haere mo te tau, 1859, 1858)

i i iui ui i iti iai\a i iuu i i ivy iv tau, i vy.y / . i vy^iu; Apopo, a te Wenerei, te 25 o nga ra o tenei marama o Tihema: 201 (Cotton, 1844)

Apostles’ Creed: 5 (Kendall. 1820); 85 (1841?) Appendices to the Journals of the House of

i ippu ivy ii i v_ jv/ui i iuij vyi ii i v, i iv/ujv ui Representatives (AJHR). 496 (Evidence of native chiefs, 1860, E-5); 497 (Further papers relative to the Taranaki land question, 1860, E-2a); 533 (Further papers relative to native affairs. 1861, E-3h); 534 (Further papers relative to the native insurrection, 1861, E-1e); 594-595 (Further papers relative to the native insurrection. 1863, E-sb, E-sd); 596 (Kawepo, 1863, E-l 1); 624 (Papers relative to the native meeting held at Peria, 1863, E-l2); 635 (Te Teira, 1863, G-l); 636 (Te Waharoa. 1863, E-sc); 637 (Te Waharoa. 1863, E-22); 653 (Te Awa-i-Taia. 1864, E-l4); 658 (Te Waharoa, 1864, E-l 3); 666 (lhakara Te Hokowhitukuri. 1865, G-4); 673 (Petition of natives of Poverty Bay and East Cape, 1865, G-l4); 674 (Petition of natives resident at Wharekahika, 1865, G-l3); 675 (Petition of natives residing at the East Cape. 1865, G-l2); 678 (Te Herekau, 1865, G-l 1); 682 (Te Pouepa. 1865, G-10); 683 (Te Waharoa. 1865, E-l 1); 684 (Te Waharoa. 1865, G-5); 685 (Te Waharoa. 1865. G-6); 686 (Te Whiwhi, 1865, G-9); 688 (Correspondence relative to the Manawatu Block. 1866. A-15); 693 (Patene, 1866, G-3); 694 (Te Arawa. 1866, G-6); 698 (Te Waharoa. 1866, G-2); 700 (Genealogies of certain Maori families. 1867, A-23); 710 (Petitions presented to the House of Representatives. 1867, G—(l -14]); 765 (Te Rauparaha, 1871. 1-1); 767 (Tuhaere. 1871,1-2); 801 (Petition of 300 Maoris of Hawke’s Bay. 1873.J-6); 802 (Petition of 371 Maoris of Hawke’s Bay. 1873. J-7); 828 (Te



Aoterangi, 1874. J-1); 834 (Mackay. 1875, G-3); 852 (Fenton. 1876. G-7a); 860 (N.Z. Commissioner of Native Reserves (Middle Island). 1876, G-3a); 870 (Rangitakaiwaho. 1876. J-6); 872 (Taiaroa, 1876. G-7b); 873 (Te Hakiro. 1876, J-4); 879 (Aperahama. 1877, J-3); 885 (Kawepo, 1877, J-1); 916 (Patuki. 1878, J-3); 935 (Native difficulties at Taranaki. 1879. Session I. G-6); 966 (Colenso. 1880. G-6); 976 (N.Z Middle Island

Settlement and Administration Bill, 1898 (letters received by the Premier from native chiefs and others relative to). 1898, G-7); 1517 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. Native Affairs Committee. 1898, I-3a); 1532 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. Native Affairs Committee. 1899. I-3a); 1536 (Smith. 1899. G-Ia); 1550 (Landless Maoris in the Waikato. Thames Valley, and Tauranga districts. 1900, G-l)

Native Land Purchase Commission. 1880,G-7); 994 (White. 1880, G-8); 1009 (N.Z. Middle Island Native Land Purchase

Appendices to the Journals of the Legislative Council ( AJLQ :

753 (Hungahunga. 1871. No. 28); 754 (Kuikainga, 1871, No. 27); 762 (Petition of Te Rangiwhakaeewa. 1871. No. 23); 763. (Pupu. 1871. No 30); 764 (Te Aroatua. 1871, No 29); 765 (Te Rauparaha. 1871. No. 16); 775 (N.Z. Commissioner of Native Reserves. 1872. No. 28); 782-783 (Kawepo. 1873, No. 7-8); 787 (Matua, 1873, No. 22); 807 (Te Rangihiwinui, 1873. No 6); 808 (Te Rangiotu, 1873, No. 9); 809 (Te Tau, 1873. No. 21); 814 (Mangakahia. 1874. No. 8); 816 (Matua. 1874. No. 9); 826 (Parai, 1874. No 7); 835 (Native land at Porirua for educational purposes. 1875. No. 5); 847 (Tuku. 1875. No 1); 887 (Native reserves in the City of Wellington. 1877. No. 22); 917 (Patuki. 1878. No. 8); 954 (Schedule of natives reserves. 1879, Session 2. No 7); 1072 (Himatangi back rents. 1883. No. 3); 1118 (N.Z. Parliament. Legislative Council. Native Affairs Committee. 1884. Session 2. No. 5); 1168 (Nga pukapuka tuhituhi i waenganui i a rore tapere, 1886, No. 11a); 1291 (Nihoniho, 1890. No. 4); 1388 (Pitihana a Meiha Keepa Te Rangihiwinui me etahi atu, 1893, No. 6a); 1472 (N.Z. Parliament. Legislative Council. Native Affairs Committee. 1896. No. sa); 1493 (Middle Island native claims. 1889 and 1890. 1897. Session 2. No. 12); 1525 (Issue of Orders in Council . .. 1899. No. 18)

Commission. 1881, G-6a); 1010 (N.Z. Native Affairs Committee. 1881. I—2a); 1020 (N.Z. West Coast Royal Commission. 1881. G-l); 1026 (Colenso. 1880. G-2); 1027 (Crown grants to natives. West Coast. North Island. 1882, G-8); 1028 (Destitute natives receiving aid from Government. 1882, G-9); 1033 (Maniapoto. 1882, G-4b); **1052 (N.Z. Dept of Education, 1882, E-2); 1062 (Te Wheoro, 1882. G-4); 1092 (Ngapora. 1883, J-1 a); 1094 (Petition of the Maniapoto tribes, 1883. 1096 (Te Umanga. 1883.J-2); 1 148 (Turoa, 1885, J-1); 1150 (Census of the Middle Island natives. 1886, G-l6); I 169 (Tawhiao. 1886, G-l4); 1 196 (Te Heuheu Tukino IV. 1887. Session 2. G-4); 1206-1208 (Mackay. 1888. G-l. G-l a. G-Ib); 1244 (Deighton. 1889. G-5); 1264 (N.Z.

Commission to Inquire into Certain Matters in Connection with the Ngarara. Porangahau. Mangamaire. and Waipiro Blocks of Land, 1889. G-l a); 1266 (N.Z Parliament Middle Island Native Claims Committee. 1889, I- 10a); 1300 (Edwards. 1891, Session 2. G-3a); 1307 (N.Z. Commission Appointed to Inquire into the Subject of the Native Land Laws. 1891. Session 2. G- 1 b); 1313 (Pukapuka tatau ote iwi Maori. 1891. G-2a); 1318 (Indigent natives. Middle and Stewart

Islands. 1892. G-5); 1345 (South Island native settlements, 1892, G-l); 1358 (Maori Parliament. 1893.J-1); 1415 (N.Z. Royal Commission on charges against William Williams Kaitangiwhenua Block. 1894. G-4); 1418 (Te Rangihiwinui. 1894.J-1); 1455 (“The Native Land Laws Amendment Act. 1895": Return. 1896. G-7); 1475 (Pukapuka tatau o te iwi Maori, 1896. H-I3c); 1477 (South Island natives receiving pensions. 1896. G-5); 1508 (Native Land Laws Amendment Acts (returns of applications made under the provisions of). 1898. G-6); 1509 (The Native Lands

Ara ko te kahu arai katoa o te Atua: 190 (Wilberforce. 1843)

He ara taki kite Kawenata Tawhito e mamara ai etahi o nga tino kupu o te Karaipiture: 1029 (Grace. 1882?)

Arahura Block: 954 (Schedule of native reserves in the Arahura . . Block. 1879)

Arahura Block (legislation): (New Zealand. 1895)

Arai mo te Hoko Tahae i nga Whenua Maori: 982 (N.Z Parliament. 1880)

U’ t. rai iidi i ici 11. i oow; Arama. A. J : 1173 (Amalgamated Shearers' Union of Australasia. 1887)

Aramana. Hoani: 561 (E to matou whaea. e WiKitoria. 1862)



Te arani maoa mete aporo mata: 1174 (1887?) arithmetic: lesson sheets and primers: 25-26 (Colenso. 1835); 40 (Turner. 1837); **lls (Multiplication table, 1842); 192 (A E I O U H K M N P. 1844?); **3l3 (Multiplication and pence tables. 1846); 336 (Martin. 1847); 41 I (Martin, 1851); 483 (He pukapuka whi[k]a, 1858); 742 (Martin, 1870); 886 (Ko te pukapuka poto, 1877) arms see weapons

Arms Importation Ordinance 1845: 249 (N.Z. Legislative Council. 1845)

Army deserters: 549 (N.Z. Minister for Native

Affairs. 1861); **6o3 (N.Z. Attorney General’s Office. 1863)

Army stores, illegal possession; 82 (N.Z. Lieutenant-Governor (1840-1841 : Hobson), 1840)

Aroha noa. Ruka xxiv 46, 47: 715 (ca. 1868)

Aroha Pono (pseudonym) see Colenso. William Articles of Faith, Mormon; 1351 (Church of

Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 1893?)

As it was in the days of Lot; 959 (Stanley, 1879); 1232 (Stanley, ca. 1888)

As it was in the days of Noah: 956 (Stanley. 1879); 1229 (Stanley, ca. 1888)

Ashwell, Benjamin Yate (1810-1883); = Ahiwera: 114 (Maunsell. 1842); 381 (ca. 1850)

Assessors oath of office: **572 (1862)

Assistant Native Secretary’s Office, Collingwood. Golden Bay. Aug. 20, 1860. My friends, the chiefs and Maori people of the Middle Island: 520 (N.Z. Native Secretary’s Office. I860)

Te ata inu mete kore kai rawa i nga mea whakahaurangi; 1 102 (Malins, 1884?)

Atereta see Aldred. J.

Atikini see Atkinson, Sir Harry Albert

Atkinson. Arthur Samuel (1833-1902): 564 (Honatana, 1862)

Atkinson. Sir Harry Albert (1831-1892); =

Atikini. 990 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1880); 1014 (N.Z.

Parliament. House of Representatives. 1881);

1038 (New Zealand, 1882); 1088 (New Zealand. 1883); 1184-1185 (New Zealand. 1887); 1209 (New Zealand. 1888); **1262 (New Zealand, 1889); see also N.Z. Minister for Colonial Defence (1864/65) for works in official capacity

Aubert. Mary Joseph (1835-1926); also known as Suzanne Aubert: 927 (Catholic Church. 1879); 964 (Catholic Church. 1880); I 123 (1885)

Aubert, Suzanne (Marie Henriette Suzanne) see Auben, Mary Joseph

Auckland: 445 (Davis. 1853); 555 (Wesleyan

Methodist Connexion. 1861); 660 (Wellington

Province. Superintendent, 1864); 714 (Williamson. 1867); 767 (Tuhaere. 1871); **Bss (Lee, 1876); 1032 a (Ko te korero o te haerenga mai o Kiingi Tawhiao ki Akarana, 1882); 1520 (Pukapuka rapu. 1898); 1562 (Notes of meetings, 1900); S3Ol (Church of England. Diocese of Auckland. 1872-1912)

Auckland and Onehunga Native Hostelries Act 1867: **7 os (New Zealand. 1867)

Auckland, land (legislation): **7 os (New Zealand, 1867); 1045 (New Zealand. 1882); 1330 (New Zealand. 1892)

Auckland Province. Superintendent: 714 (Williamson. 1867)

Auckland Savings Bank: 326 (Buddie, 1847)

Auckland star (newspaper): 1253 (Meeting of New Zealand chiefs, 1889?)

Auhana see Houston. Robert Morrow

Austria, visit by Maori; **525-527 (Toetoe, 1860)

Auxiliary Tract Society see New Zealand Auxiliary Tract Society

Averill, Alfred Walter also known as A. W. Waiapu; 5303/1910.1 (Church of England. Diocese of Waiapu. 1870-1914)

Awake my soul: 128-129 (Ken, 1843)

Awamate: 1499 (He panuitanga, 1897)

Awarua Block. Alphabetical list of owners: **1339 (N.Z. Native Dept, 1892?)


8., G. see G. B.

8.. J. G. see Baker, Joseph Goadby

Baker, Joseph Goadby (1840-1924); = Hohepa Peka: 918-919 (Stanley. 1878); 930 (Te haerenga mai o te Ariki, ca. 1879); 951 (North. 1879); 955-962 (Stanley. 1879); 1 124 (1885); 1 132 (Te korerotanga kite whakaminenga. 1885); 1145 (North. 1885); 11 47 (Tera e totohu te kaipuke i te puta kotahi, 1885); 1 153 (Kei hea nga tokoiwa, 1886); 11 74 (Te arani maoa mete aporo mata, 1887?); 1 190 (North. 1887?); I 198 (Te waipuke. 1887); 1226 (He rongo mail mo katoa, 1888); 1227-1236 (Stanley. 1888); 1252 (Te kupu o te Rongo Pai, 1889); 1270 (Wahi ill kua riro atu i ta te Karaiti tikanga. 1889); 1293 (Ryle. 1890); 1297 (Te turanga u, 1890); 1302 (Kua mate a Hoani Tawhito. 1891); 1312 (North. 1891); 1321 (Mylne. 1892?); 1344 (S. R.. 1892?); 1347 (He whaikorero na tetahi minita. 1892?); 1501 (Sumner. 1897?); 1524 (Barker. 1899?); 1542 (Barker. 1900); 1543 (Brady. 1900); 1547 (Kahore he pokanga ketangi. 1900); 1549



(Nga kupu whakahoki a te Atua ki ou patai, 19007); 1565 (He tikanga nui, 1900)

Ballance, John (1839-1893); = Paranihi: 1107, **llo9-1111 (New Zealand, 1884); 1135, * * 1139, 1141 (New Zealand. 1885); I 143 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives, 1885); I 156-* * 1160 (New Zealand. 1886); I 187 (N.Z. Parliament. 1887); 1189 (N.Z. Parliament, House of Representatives. 1887); 1335-1336 (New Zealand. 1892); see also N.Z. Native Minister (1884-1886) for works in official capacity

Bambridge, William (1819-1879): 89 (Bible, N T Matthew, 1841); 357 (Church of England, 1848); 365 (Strass, 1848)

Bank of Aotearoa see Te Peeke o Aotearoa

banks: 326 (Buddie. 1847); 1154 (Kotahi Fauna, 1886?); see financial transactions

baptism service: 199 (Church of England, 1844); 331 (Colenso, 1847)

Baring-Gould. Sabine (1834-1924); I 149 (1886?)

Barker. H. P.: 1524 (1899?); 1542 (1900)

Barsanti, Ottavio (1825/26?-1884): 580 (Pompallier. 1862)

Barton. William see Patene, Wiremu

Baty, Claude Andre (1811-1851): 55 (Catholic Church. 1839); 327 (Catholic Church. 1847)

Baxter's Lung Preserver; ( = te Rongoa o Pakita): 1197 (Tenei te taonga nui, 1887?)

Bay of Islands: = Pewhairangi: 778 (Church of England, Diocese of Auckland, 1873?)

Bay of Islands Native District. Civil

Commissioner: 583 (Te Runanga o te Takiwa o Pewhairangi. 1862)

Bay of Islands, unrest: 205 (Hau, 1844): 212-

213 (N.Z. Governor (1843-1845 : Fitzßoy),

1844); 214 (N.Z. Protector of Aborigines,

1844); 240 (N.Z. Governor (1843-1845 :

Fitzßoy). 1845); 256 (Treaty of Waitangi (1840), 1845): see also Northern War

Bay of Plenty Native District. Civil Commissioner: 598 (Kite motu katoa, 1863)

Becker. John Baptist (1856-1941); = Hoani Papita: 1200 (Catholic Church, 1888): 1240 a (1889); 1243 (Catholic Church, 1889): 1268 (Spencer. 1889?)

beekeeping: 375 (Cotton, 1849)

The beginning of days: 1190 (North. 1887?)

Bell. Sir Francis Dillon (1822-1898); = Pere: 496 (Evidence of native chiefs, 1860); **569 (New Zealand, 1862); 1020 (N.Z. West Coast Royal Commission, 1881); 1034 (Maori deeds of old private land purchases, 1882); 1101 (He kupu whakaatu enei, 1884); see also N.Z, Native Minister (1863) for works in official capacity

Bell. William: 365 (Strass, 1848)

Bennett, Frederick Augustus (1871-1950); =

Peneti: S3B (Te Aute College Students'

Association. 1897-1906); S4l (He kupu

whakamarama. 1898); 542 (Pipi-wharauroa 1899-1913)

Bennett. John Boyle (1808?-1880): 463-464 (Bible. O.T, Selections. 1856)

Berke. C. M.: I (Kendall, 1815)

Best, Elsdon (1856-1931); = Pehi: 1479

(Tutakangahau. 1896); 1 504 (Tutakangahau 1897?)

Bethany: = Petani; 381 (Ashwell, ca. 1850)

Beveridge. William (1637-1708): 529 (1861)

BFBS see British & Foreign Bible Society

Bible:/or translations into Maori see entries for individual books etc. under Bible: subject headings relating to the Bible follow those entries.

Bible: entries for translations of the Bible are filed in canonical order, complete Bible; Selections; Old Testament books (or parts);

New Testament books (or parts):

Bible: 716 (1868); 811 (Church of the Province of New Zealand); 1241 (1889)

Bible. Selections: 9 (1827); 11 (1830); 15 (1833); 351 (1848); 437 (1853); 927 (Catholic Church. 1879); 1351 (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 1893?); 1507 (Ko te oranga, ca. 1898)

Bible. O.T. Selections: 86 (1841); 219-220 (1845); 438-439 (1853); 448 (1853); 455-457 (1855): 463 (1856); 464 (1856); 470 (1858)

Bible. O.T, Hexateuch: 319 (1847); 352 (1848)

Bible. O.T. Hexateuch. Selections: 320 (1847)

Bible O.T. Genesis: 221(1845)

Bible. O.T. Genesis. Selections. 1837: 32 (1837)

Bible. O.T. Exodus l-XX; 103 (1842)

Bible. O T. Exodus XX, 2-1 7 see Ten Commandments.

Bible. O.T. Exodus XXI-XL: 260 (1846)

Bible. O.T. Leviticus: 260 (Bible. O.T. Exodus XXI-XL, 1846)

Bible. O.T. Numbers: 260 (Bible. O.T. Exodus XXI-XL, 1846)

Bible. O.T. Deuteronomy l-XII: 103 (1842)

Bible, O.T. Deuteronomy. Selections: 118 (1843)

Bible. O.T. Deuteronomy. XX-XXV: 321 (1847?)

Bible. O.T. Joshua. Selections: 118 (1843)

Bible. O.T. Joshua. XI-XXI: 322 (1847?)

Bible, O.T, Judges: 368 (1849)

Bible. O.T. Ruth: 368 (Bible. O.T. Judges. 1869)

Bible. O.T. Samuel, Ist: 382 (1850)

Bible, O.T, Samuel. 2nd; 404 (1851)

Bible, O.T. Kings. I st: 41 7 (1852)

Bible, O.T, Kings, 2nd: 418 (1852)



Bible O.T Chronicles: 440 (1853)

Bible. O.T Ezra: 441 (1853)

Bible. O.T. Nehemiah: 442 (1853)

Bible. O.T. Esther; 443 (1853)

Bible. O.T Job: 193 (1844); 444 (1853)

Bible O.T. Job. Selections 449 (1854)

Bible. O.T. Psalms: 65 (1840); 92 (Church of England. 1841); 197 (Church of England. 1844); 353 (1848); 357 (Church of England. 1848); 391 (Church of England. 1850); 422 (Church of England. 1852); 472-473 (Church of England. 1858); 558 (1862); 851 (Church of England. 1876); 925(1879?); 1419 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1894); 1483 (Bible. N T.. 1897)

Bible. O.T. Psalms XXIV: 195 (1844)

Bible. O.T. Psalms XI-XII: 194 (1844?)

Bible. O.T. Isaiah XLIX-LV: 87 (1841)

Bible. O.T. Ezekiel XXXVII. 1-14; 119 (1843)

Bible. O.T. Daniel. Selections. 1840: 66-67 (1840)

Bible. O.T. Jonah: 66-67 (Bible. O.T. Daniel. Selections. 1840)

Bible. O.T. Malachi: 323 (1847)

Bible. NT.: 45 (1838); 88 (1841); 104 (1842); 196 (1844); 419 (1852); 559 (1862); 1241 a (1889?); 1394 (1894); 1483 (1897)

Bible. N.T. Selections: 33 (1837); 37 (Ko te Kongo Pai i tuhituhia e nga kai wakaako o Ihu Karaiti. 1837); 68 (1840); 105 (ca. 1842); 995 (ca. 1881); 1241b (1889?)

Bible. N.T. Gospels: 906 (Norris, 1877)

Bible. N.T. Gospels. Selections: 324 (1847)

Bible. N.T. Matthew: 89 (1841); 325 (1847?); 327 (Catholic Church. 1847)

Bible. N.T. Matthew VI. 9-13 see Lord’s Prayer

Bible. N.T. Matthew XIX. 13-15: 16 (1833?)

Bible. N.T. Mark: 354 (1848?); 1316 (Williams. 1891)

Bible. N.T. Luke: 27 (1836); 369 (1849?)

Bible. N.T, Luke XI. 2-4 see Lord’s Prayer.

Bible N.T. Luke XV. 11-32; 926 (ca. 1879)

Bible. N.T. John: 370 (1849?)

Bible. N.T. John XI. 43-44 17 (1833?)

Bible. N.T. Acts: 383 (1850?)

Bible. N T. Galatians; 1315 (Williams. 1891)

Bible. N.T. Ephesians: 22 (835)

Bible. N T. Philippians: 22 (Bible, N T. Ephesians, 1835)

Bible, guides and commentaries: 252 (Puckey. ca. 1845); 719 (Marlin. 1868); 755 (Martin. 1871); 772 (Martin. 1872); 906 (Norris. 1877); 1029 (Grace. 1882?); 1119 (Norris. 1884); 1315-1316 (Williams, 1891)

Bible, marketing: 729 (Maunsell, 1869); 934 (Maunsell. 1879)

Bible, probationary texts (of translations): 103 (Bible. O.T. Exodus l-XX, 1842); 1 18 (Bible. O.T. Joshua Selections. 1843); 221 (Bible. O.T. Genesis. 1845); 260 (Bible. O.T. Exodus XXI-XL. 1846); 319 (Bible. O.T. Hexateuch. 1847); 320 (Bible. O.T. Hexateuch. Selections. 1847); 321 (Bible. O.T.

Deuteronomy XX-XXV, 1847?); 322 (Bible. O.T. Joshua XI-XXI, 1847?); 325 (Bible. N T. Matthew, 1847?); 354 (Bible. NT. Mark. 1848); 368 (Bible. O.T. Judges. 1849); 369 (Bible. N T. Luke. 1849?); 370 (Bible. N T. John. 1849?); 382 (Bible. O.T. Samuel. Ist. 1850); 383 (Bible. N T. Acts, 1850?); 404 (Bible. O.T. Samuel. 2nd. 1851); 417 (Bible O.T. Kings. Ist. 1852); 418 (Bible. O.T. Kings. 2nd. 1852); 438-439 (Bible. O.T. Selections, 1853); 440 (Bible. O.T. Chronicles. 1853); 441 (Bible. O.T. Ezra, 1853); 442 (Bible. O.T Nehemiah, 1853) 443 (Bible. O.T. Esther. 1853) 444 (Bible. O.T. Job. Selections. 1853); 448 (Bible. O.T. Selections. 1854); 449 (Bible. O.T. Job. 1854); 463-464 (Bible. O.T. Selections. 1856); 833 (Ko nga tikanga o nga upoko o te Paipera, 1875)

Bible readings, calendars: 107 (Church of England. 1842); 219-220 (Bible. O.T. Selections, 1845); 357 (Church of England, 1848); 390 (Church of England. 1850?); 492 (Bridges. I860); 555 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1861); 81 1 (Church of the Province of New Zealand. 1874?); 909 (Church of England. 1878); see also religious instruction

Bible revisions, response: 419 (Bible. N T.. 1852); 1241 (Bible. 1889)

Bible stories see Scripture history; tracts

Bible, text cards: 995 (Bible. N T. Selections, ca. 1881)

Bills of Exchange Act 1883, Selections; 1077 (New Zealand. 1883)

Bills of Exchange Act 1883 Amendment Act 1884. Selections: 1 104 (New Zealand. 1884)

Blaine. John B. (b. 1859): 1397 (Ellison. 1894)

Book of Common Prayer; 12 (Church of England. 1830), 64 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1839); 92 (Church of England. 1841); 102 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1841); 258 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1845); 357 (Church of England. 1848); 367 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1848); 391 (Church of England. 1850); 422 (Church of England. 1852); 474 (Church of England, 1858); 487-488 (Church of England. 1859); 555 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1861); 784-785 (Ko nga himene. 1873); 81 I (Church



of the Province of New Zealand. 1874?); 851 (1876); 854 (Ko nga himene, 1876?); 909 (Church of England. 1878); 925 (Bible. O.T Psalms. 1879); 928 (Church of England. 1879); 965 (Church of England. 1880); 997 (Church of England. 1881); 1025 (Church of England. 1882); 1031 (Himene. 1882?); 1068-1070 (Church of England. 1883); 1097 (Church of England. 1884); 1175 (Church of England. 1887); 1273 (Church of England. 1890); I 350 (Church of England. 1893); 1422 (Church of England. 1895); 1485 (Church of England. 1897)

Book of Common Prayer. Selections: 19 (Church of England. 1833); 56 (Church of England. 1839); 72-74 (Church of England. 1840); 93 (Church of England. 1841); 109 (Church of England, 1842); 197 (Church of England. 1844); 333 (Erima o nga waiata o te Hahi, 1847); 405 (Church of England. 1851?); 421 (Church of England. 1852); 472-473 (Church of England. 1858); see also Church Catechism

Book of Mormon: 1242 (1889)

The book of the first degree of the Independent

Order of Good Templars: 813 (Independent

Order of Good Templars. 1874) bookplates; l!6(Selwyn, 1842)

Boscawen. John Hugh (1851-1937): 1301 (Illustrations prepared for While’s Ancient History of the Maori. 1891)

boundaries, provincial: 673 (Petition of natives of Poverty Bay and East Cape. 1865); 673 (Petition of natives of Poverty Bay and East Cape. 1865); 674 (Petition of natives resident at Wharekahika, 1865); 675 (Petition of natives residing at the East Cape. 1865)

Bourke, Sir Richard (1777-1855) see New South Wales. Governor. 1831-1837 (Bourke)

Boyle. David. 7th Earl of Glasgow (1833-1915) see N.Z. Governor (1892-1897 : Glasgow)

Bracken. Thomas (1843-1898); 907 (1878?)

Brady. Cheyne: 1543 (1900)

A branch of the kowhai: 750 (Taylor, 1870) branding (animals): 967 (New Zealand. I860) Brands and Branding Act 1880; 967 (New Zealand. I860)

Brethren assemblies: 918 (Stanley. 1878); 1147 (Tera e totohu te kaipuke i te puta kotahi. 1885)

Bridges. Charles (1794-1869): 492 (Bridges. 1860)

Brief memorials of an only son: 450 (Brown. 1854)

Brisbane. Sir Thomas Makdougall (1773-1860) see New South Wales Governor (1821-1825 Brisbane)

Britain see Great Britain

British & Foreign Bible Society (BFBS) (London) see Printer/publisher index

British & Foreign Bible Society. (N.Z.) Auckland

Auxiliary Maori Bible Translation Finance Committee: 463 (Bible. O.T. Selections. 1856) British & Foreign Bible Society (N.Z.). Auckland

Branch: 934 (Maunsell. 1879)

British Gospel Book Association (Liverpool): 1547 (Kahore he pokanga ketangi. 1900)

British history: 396 (Ko nga tupuna o te Pakeha, 1850); 41 0 (Ko nga tupuna ote Pakeha. 1851)

British Resident: 20 (Great Britain. Colonial Office. 1833); see also Busby. James

Brlmley. Wiremu M see Bromley. William Michael

Broham. Thomas (1840-1900) see N.Z. Armed Constabulary Force

Bromley. William Michael (1839-191 1); 1067 (ca. 1883)

Broughton. William Grant (1788-1853): 53 (1839); 57-58 (Church of England. 1839)

Brown. Alfred Marsh (1830-1845) 450 (Brown. 1854)

Brown. Alfred Nesbit (1803-1884); = Paraone, Minita: 450 (1854); 637 (Te Waharoa. 1863) Brown. Marianne Celia; = Paraone. Hiria 450 (Brown, 1854)

Browne, A. & M. (firm) see A, & M. Browne

Browne. Sir Thomas Gore (1807- 1 887); = Tamati Koa Paraone; see N.Z. Governor (1855-1861 : Browne)

Bryce. John (1833-1913); = Paraihe/Paraihi: 936 (New Zealand. 1879); 941 (N.Z. Parliament. 1879); 947 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1879); **972**974 (New Zealand. I860); 979-980. 986-988-989 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1880); 1001 (New Zealand. 1881); 1037. 1042-1044. 1048. 1050-1051 (New Zealand. 1882); 1054 (N.Z. Parliament House of Representatives. 1882); 1078-1082. 1085. 1087-1088 (New Zealand. 1883); S2O (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. Native Affairs Committee. 1876-1962); see also N.Z. Native Minister (1879-1880) for works in official capacity

bubonic plague: 1558 a (N.Z. Colonial Secretary. 1900)

Buckland. William Francis (1847-1915): 1363 (New Zealand. 1893)

Buckley. Sir Patrick Alphonsus (1840/417-1896): 1106. 1108 (New Zealand. 1884); **1136 (New Zealand. 1885); 1322. 1324. 1330. 1332. 1334 (New Zealand. 1892); 1373 (New Zealand. 1893); 1438 (New Zealand. 1895)



Buddie. Thomas (1812-1883); = Patara: 323 (Bible. O.T Malachi. 1847); 326 (1847); 323 (Parker. 1847); 461 (N.Z. Central Board of Vaccination. 1855); 463 (Bible. O.T. Selections, 1856); 1419 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1894); S9 (Te Haeata. 1859-1862)

Buller. James (1812-1884); = Pura; 54 (Bumby. 1839); S5 (The Maori messenger = Te karere Maori. 1855-1861)

Buller, Sir Walter Lawry (1838-1906); = [Takuta] (Doctor) Pura: 485 (Te Pouepa, 1858); 504 (Kohimarama Conference, I860?); 952 (Poneke. Akuhata 26. 1879) 996 (1881); S5 (The Maori messenger = Te karere Maori. 1855-1861); S6 (Te karere o Poneke. 1857-1858); SI 1 (Te manuhiri tuarangi and Maori intelligencer. 1861)

Buller & Gully (firm): 1131 (Kawepo. 1885?)

Bullinger. Ethelben William (1837-1913): 1501 (Sumner. 1897?)

Bumby. John Hewgill (1808-1840); = Pumipi: 54 (1839)

Bunyan. John (1628-1688); = Hoani Paniana: 451 (1854)

Burgh. William (fl. 1800-1862): 384 (1850)

burial see cemeteries and burial grounds; death and burial practices

burial service; 1448 (Church of England. Diocese of Waiapu. 1896)

Burn. David (1805-1875): S5 (The Maori messenger = Te karere Maori. 1855-1861) Burrows, Robert (1812-1897): 193 (Bible. O.T. Job. 1844); 455-456 (Bible. O.T. Selections. 1855); 880 (1877?)

Busby. James (1802-1871); = te Puhipi: 20 (Great Britain. Colonial Office. 1833); 23-24 (1835); 28 (Declaration of the Independence of NZ. 1836); 34 (Declaration of the Independence of NZ. 1837); 69 (1840)

Bush. Robert Skelt (b. 1843): 1341 (He panui. 1892); S3l (Te paki o Matariki. 1892?-!935?)

Butcher. William (d. 1862): 602 (N.Z. Attorney General’s Office. 1863)

Butler. John Care (1781-1841): 6 (New South Wales. Governor (1821-1825 : Brisbane). 1824)

Butt, Henry Francis (1815-1886): 152 (Selwyn. 1843?)


C 1 347 (He whaikorero na tetahi minita. 1892?)

C. S. see Stanley. Charles

C. S. Tracis: 918 (Stanley. 1878)

Cadman. Sir Alfred Jerome (1847-1905): I 304 (New Zealand. 1891); * * 1 31 I (N.Z.

Parliament. House of Representatives. 1891); 1325. 1327-1329. 1333 (New Zealand. 1892); 1341 (He panui. 1892); 1430 (New Zealand. 1895); 1459 (New Zealand, 1896)

calendars: 478 (He marama-taka-haere mo te tau, 1859, 1858); see also almanacs; Bible readings: calendars

Cameron, Sir Duncan Alexander (1808-1888): 605 (N.Z. Colonial Secretary. 1863)

Cameron. Lucy Lyttelton (1781-1858): 1 125 (1885)

Canterbury, land (legislation): **B93 (New Zealand. 1877); 1322 (New Zealand. 1892); 1457 (New Zealand. 1896)

Carleton. Lydia Jane (1831-1892): 1241 (Bible. 1889)

Caro. Margaret (1848-1938): 1446 (While, ca. 1895)

Carroll. Sir James (1857-1926); = Timi Kara: 1307 (N.Z. Commission Appointed to Inquire into the Subject of the Native Land Laws. 1891); 1366-1367. 1369-1370. 1372, 1375 (New Zealand, 1893); 1386 (N.Z. Parliament House of Representatives. 1893); 1450 (Nga hui Maori i Poneke. 1896); 1456 (Native meetings at Wellington. 1896); 1461-1462. 1466 (New Zealand. 1896); 1496 (New Zealand. 1897); 1561 (Notes of meetings, 1900); 1562 (Notes of meetings . . . Selections, 1900); 522 (New Zealand. 18791910)

Catchpool, Edward (1806-1874) see Hawke’s Bay Province. Postmaster

Catechetical notion and history of the Word of God; 471 (Catholic Church. 1858)

Catechism: **7o (Catholic Church. 1840)

Catechism of Scripture names (Watts); 43 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1837); 100 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1841); 108 (Church of England, 1842)

catechisms. Anglican: 11 (Bible. Selections, 1830); 12 (Church of England. 1830); 18 (Church of England. 1833); 63 (Maunsell, 1839?); 71 (Church Of England. 1840); 97 (Maunsell. 1841); 108 (Church of England. 1842); 223 (Church of England. 1845); 255 (Slillingfleet. 1845); 329 (Church of England. 1847); 355-356 (Church of England. 1848); 371 (Church of England. 1849); 373 (Colenso, 1849); 380 (Abraham. 1850); 388-389 (Church of England. 1850?); 416 (Abraham, 1852); **42o (Church of England, ca. 1852); 423 (Colenso. 1852); 436 (Williams. 1852); 881 (Church of England. 1877); 908 (Church of England, ca. 1878); 1024 (Church of England. 1882); see also Thirty-Nine Articles



catechisms. Catholic; **7o (Catholic Church. 1840); 91 (Catholic Church. 1841?); 120-121 (Catholic Church. 1843); 222 (Catholic Church. 1845); 927 (Catholic Church. 1879); 1200 (Catholic Church. 1888); 1396 (Catholic Church. 1894)

catechisms. Lutheran: 886 (Ko te pukapuka poto, 1877); 1491 (Luther. 1897)

catechisms. Wesleyan: **lo (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1827); 43 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1837); 50 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion, 1838); 84 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion., 1840); 100 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1841); 555 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1861)

Catholic Church: 55 (1839); **7o (1840); 90-91 (1841); 95 (He kura, 1841 ?); * * 106 (1842?); 120-122 (1843); 222 (1845); 327-328 (1847); 471 (1858); 530 (1861); 927 (1879); 964 (1880). 1133 (Luck. 1885); 1200 (1888); 1243 (1889); 1395-1396 (1894); 1402 (Ko te hitoria poto o te Hahi Katorika. 1894); 1484 (1897); 1544 (1900)

Catholic Church. Apostolic Vicariate of Western Oceania. N.Z. Mission (1833-1842) 46 (Maunsell. 1838); 47 (Ten Commandments. 1838); see also Apostolic Vicariate of Western Oceania. Press in Printer/Publisher index:

Catholic Church. Archdiocese of Wellington: 1401 (Ko nga waiata mo te warn o nga ra o Tihema, 1894)

Catholic Church; missions: 580 (Pompallier. 1862)

Catholic Church, origins: 523 (Pompallier. 1859); 1402 (Ko te hitoria polo o te Hahi Katorika, 1894)

Catholic faith: 490-491 (Pompallier. 1859); 551 (Pompallier. 1861); see also catechisms. Catholic; hymns. Catholic; prayer books. Catholic and entries under Catholic Church

Catholic-Protestant interchanges: 46 (Maunsell. 1838); 47 (Ten Commandments. 1838); 7677 (Colenso. 1840); 87 (Bible. O.T. Isaiah. XLIX-LV, 1841); 105 (Bible. N.T. Selections, ca. 1842); ** 106 (Catholic Church. 1842?); I 10 (Colenso. 1842); 130 (Maunsell. 1843); 327 (Catholic Church. 1847); 374 (Colenso, 1849) 425-426 (Colenso. 1852); 436 (Williams. 1852); 631 (Taylor. 1863); 1240 a (Becker. 1889); 1268 (Spencer. 1889?)

Cattle Bill 1890: 1285 (N.Z. Parliament. 1890)

Caverhill. John Scott: 1184 (New Zealand. 1887)

cemeteries and burial grounds: 58 (Church of England. 1839); 638 (He wahi tapu tenei!, 1863); 1461 (New Zealand. 1896)

census, Maori; 1 150 (Census of the Middle

Island natives. 1886); 1313 (Pukapuka tatau o te iwi Maori. 1891); 1475 (Pukapuka tatau o te iwi Maori. 1896); 1493 (Middle Island native claims. 1889 and 1890, 1897)

Census of the Maori population: 1313 (Pukapuka tatau o te iwi Maori. 1891). 1475 (Pukapuka tatau o te iwi Maori. 1896)

Census of the Middle Island natives made by Mr. Commissioner Mantell in 1848 and 1853. 1150 (1886)

Certificate: 643 (He ki tuturu. 1864)

Chandler. Ann 334 (He korero tenei mo Ani Kanara, 1847)

Chapman. Thomas (I 792-1876); 719 (Martin. 1868)

Chapman’s handy book for New Zealand: 727 (Kemp. ca. 1869)

Chapman’s handy books for New Zealand (no 4]: 701 (1867)

Chapman’s Korero Maori: 915 (Pakeha-Maori. 1878?)

Chapman’s New Zealand publications: 1061 (Pakeha-Maori. 1882?)

Charges against William Williams (report of Commission on), in connection with the Kaitangiwhenua Block: 1415 (N.Z. Royal Commission . . . Kaitangiwhenua Block. 1894)

Charles. John Robert see Hone Rapata Hare

Chatham Islands; 462 (Selwyn. 1855); 1244 (Deighton. 1889)

A chatty friend: 206 (He hoa korerorero, 1844)

Chichester. Lord (= Titeta) see Pelham. Henry Thomas

Child amidst the flow’rs at play: 409 (Hemans. 1851?)

Children brought to Christ: 16 (Bible. N.T. Matthew XIX. 13-15, 1833?)

Christ raiseth Lazarus to life: 17 (Bible. N T John XI. 43-44. 1833?)

Christian church, history: 349 (Parker, 1847); 599 (Ko te hahi i muri i a te Karaiti. 1863); 1030 (Grace. 1882?); 1 183 (Ko te hahi i muri i a te Karaiti. 1887); 1402 (Ko te hitoria poto o te Hahi Katorika, 1894); see also Scripture history

Christmas: 201 (Cotton. 1844)

church administration; 30 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion); 44 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1837); 52 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1838); 89 (Bible. N T. Matthew. 1841); 101 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1841); 188 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1843); 257 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1845); 332 (Colenso. 1847); 555 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1861); 560 (Church of



England. Diocese of Waiapu. 1862); 717 (Church of England Diocese of New Zealand. 1868?); 81 I (Church of the Province of New Zealand. 1874?); see also almanacs. Anglican, almanacs. Wesleyan; Native Church Boards

Church Catechism: 12 (Church of England. 1830); 223 (Church of England. 1845); 355356 (Church of England. 1848); 380 (Abraham. 1850); 388 (Church of England. 1850?); 908 (Church of England, ca. 1878); see also catechisms. Anglican

Church gazette: 880 (Burrows, 1877?)

Church Missionary Society (CMS) (London); 2. 5 (Kendall. 1820); 6 (New South Wales. Governor (1820-1825 Brisbane). 1824); 89 (Bible. N.T. Matthew. 1841); 385-**3B7 (1850); 421 (Church of England. 1852); 456 (Bible. O.T. Selections, 1855); 716 (Bible. 1868); 1539 (Williams. 1899)

Church Missionary Society. N.Z. Mission: 1 (Kendall. 1815); 5 (Kendall. 1820); 9 (Bible. Selections. 1827); 11 (Bible. Selections. 1830); 12 (Church of England. 1830); 15 (Bible. Selections, 1833); 18-19 (Church of England, 1833); 22 (Bible. N.T. Ephesians. 1835); 27 (Bible. N T Luke. 1836); **3 l (White. 1836); 33 (Bible. N.T. Selections. 1837); 45 (Bible. N T.. 1838); 56 (Church of England. 1839); 65 (Bible. O.T. Psalms. 1840); 66-67 (Bible. O.T. Daniel I-VI/VII. 1840); 68 (Bible. N.T. Selections. 1840); 71-74 (Church of England. 1840); 87 (Bible. O.T. Isaiah XLIX-LV. 1841); 92-93 (Church of England. 1841); 103 (Bible. O.T. Exodus I-XX, 1842); 108-109 (Church of England. 1842); 118 (Bible. O.T. Joshua. Selections, 1843); 123-124 (Church of England. 1843); 197-199 (Church of England. 1844); 217 (Williams. 1844); 219-220 (Bible. O.T. Selections. 1845); 221 (Bible. O.T. Genesis. 1845); 223 (Church of England, 1845); 260 (Bible. O.T. Exodus. XXI-XL. 1846); 319 (Bible. O.T Hexateuch. 1847); 321 (Bible. O.T. Deuteronomy. 1847?); 322 (Bible. O.T. Joshua XI-XXI. 1847?); 325 (Bible. N.T. Matthew. 1847?); 352 (Bible. O.T. Hexateuch. 1848); 354 (Bible. N.T. Mark, 1848); 357 (Church of England. 1848); 365 (Strass, 1848); 368 (Bible. O.T. Judges. 1849); 369 (Bible. N T.. 1849?); 370 (Bible. N T. John. 1849?); 371 (Church of England. 1849); 380 (Abraham. 1850); 382 (Bible. O.T. Samuel. Ist. 1850); 383 (Bible. N.T. Acts. 1850?); 385-**3B7 (Church Missionary Society. 1850); 392 (Church of England. 1850-1851); 395 (Ko nga himene. 1850?); 404 (Bible. O.T. Samuel.

2nd. 1851); 415 (Wilberforce. 1851); 417-418 (Bible. O.T. Kings. 1852); 419 (Bible. N T . 1852); 436 (Williams. 1852); 438-439 (Bible. O.T. Selections. 1853); 440-444 (Bible. O.T. Chronicles-Job, 1853); 448 (Bible. O.T. Selections, 1854); 449 (Bible. O.T. Job. Selections. 1854); 455 (Bible. O.T. Selections. 1855); 463-464 (Bible. O.T. Selections. 1856); 465 (Ko nga himene. ca 1856); 470 (Bible. O.T. Selections. 1858); S3Ol-303/Background; see also names of individual missionaries and also Church Mission Press in Printer/Publisher index

church music; 195 (Bible. O.T. Psalms XXIV. 1844); 328 (Catholic Church. 1847); 333 (Erima o nga waiata o te Hahi, 1847); 432 (Mo te Karakia o te Ata, 1852)

Church of Christ (Auckland): 1507 (Ko te oranga, ca. 1898)

Church of England: see entries for dioceses under Church of England (to 1874) and Church of the Province of New Zealand (from 1874) for works relating to local operations : 1 1 (Bible. Selections. 1830); 12 (1830); **l3 (Hymn, 1830); 18-19 (1833); 56-58 (1839); 60 (Colenso, 1839); 71-74 (1840); 78 (Ko nga himene. 1840); 92-93 (1841); 94 (Ko nga himene. 1841); 107-109(1842); 123-124 (1843) 125 (He himene mo te Ratapu i ara ai a Ihu. 1843); 126-129 (Ken. 1843); 197-199 (1844) 223 (1845); 224 (Himene. ca. 1845); 255 (Stillingfleet. 1845); 261 (Ko nga himene, ca. 1846); 329 (1847); 333 (Erima o nga waiata o te Hahi. 1847); 355-357 (1848); 371 (1849); 388-392 (1850); 395 (Ko nga himene. 1850?); 405 (1851?); **42o-421 (1852); 422 (1852); 432 (Mo te karakia o te ata, 1852); 465 (Ko nga himene, ca. 1856); 472-474 (1858); 487-488 (1859); 493 (1860); 500-502 (Ko nga himene. 1860); 740 (Ko nga himene, ca. 1870); 780 (Himene 1. 1873); 784-785 (Ko nga himene. 1873?); 851 (1876); 854 (Ko nga himene. 1876?); 881 (1877); 908-909 (1878); 910 (Himene. 1878?); 925 (Bible. O.T. Psalms. 1879); 928 (1879); 965 (1880); 966 a (He himene. 1880); 997 (1881); 10241025 (1882); 1031 (Himene. 1882?); 10681070 (1883); 1073 (He himene mo te karakia kite Atua. 1883); 1 097 ( 1 884); * * 1 1 30 (He himene mo te karakia kite Atua, 1885); 1149 (Baring-Gould, 1886?); 1 175 (1887); 1 179 (He himene mo te karakia kite Atua. 1887); 1202 (He himene mo te karakia kite Atua. 1888); 1273 (1890); 1276 (He himene mo te karakia ki teAtua. 1890); 1350 (1893); 1355 (Himene. 1893?); 1422 (1895); 1449 (He



himene mo te karakia kite Atua, 1896); 1485 (1897); 1546 (He himene mo te karakia kite Atua. 1900); S2Ol (1841-1923); see also catechisms. Anglican; hymns. Anglican; prayer books. Anglican; prayers. Anglican

Church of England. Diocese of Auckland from 1868): 778 (1873?); S3Ol (1872-1912)

Church of England Diocese of New Zealand (1858-1868): 560 (Church of England. Diocese of Waiapu. 1862); 717 (1868); see also Church of England. Diocese of Auckland; Church of the Province of N.Z. Diocese of Auckland

Church of England. Diocese of Waiapu: 560 (1862); 5302/1861-I865; 5303/1870-1914; see also Church of the Province of N.Z. Diocese of Waiapu

Church of England. Diocese of Wellington: 5202 (1858-1865)

Church of England, schools: 255 (Stillingfleet. 1845); 360 (Colenso. 1848); 381 (Ashwell. ca. 1850); 677 (He tangi na te Kura i Waerengaahika. 1865); 835 (Native land at Porirua for educational purposes. 1875); 884 (Grace. 1877); 1208 (Mackay, 1 888); see also St John's College; St Stephen's School; St Thomas’s School

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon Church); = Hahi o Ihu Karaiti o te Hunga Tapu o Muri Nei 835 (Native land at Porirua for educational purposes. 1875); 1067 (Bromley, ca. 1883); 1 152 (Te inoi mo te wai, 1886?); 1167 (Paxman. ca. 1886); I I 76-1177 (1887?); 1242 (Book of Mormon. 1889); 1352 (1893?); 1423 (Ko te inoi mo te taro. ca. 1895); 1424 (Ko te inoi mo te wai. ca. 1895) 1482 (Anderson. 1897)

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; Its religion, history, condition and destiny; 1482 (Anderson. 1897)

Church of the Province of New Zealand (from 1874): 811 (1874?); 1494 (Mo te Ra i Whiwhi ai te Kuini, 1 897?); see also Church of England. Diocese of New Zealand (for period to 1874)

Church of the Province of N.Z. Diocese of Auckland: 1447 (He wini whakamaharatanga, 1895?); see also Church of England. Diocese of Auckland; Church of England. Diocese of New Zealand

Church of the Province of N.Z. Diocese of Waiapu: 1245 (E hoa ma. e nga iwi. 1889); 1274 (1890?); 1355 (Himene, 1893?); **1398 (Fielder. 1894); 1400 (He inoi mo te whakaritenga. 1894?); 1448(1896); 1498 (He panuitanga. 1897); 1506 (He inoi mo te Kareti, ca, 1898); 1535 (Panuitanga. 1899?); 1538-1540 (Williams. 1899); 529 (Te

korimako hou. 1889-1890); see also Church of England, Diocese of Waiapu

Church of the Seven Rules of Jehovah see Te Hahi o te Ruri Tuawhitu o Ihowa

church services see baptism; burial; confirmation; Communion; consecration and opening; Mass; ordination; see also church music

Clansman (horse): 1182 (Ko Karanimana. 1887?)

Clarke. Edward Bloomfield (1831-1900): 5302/lntroduction (Church of England. Diocese of Waiapu. 1861-1865)

Clarke. George, senior (1798-1875); = Karaka 11 (Bible. Selections. 1830); 615 (N.Z Governor (186 1 - 1 868 ; Grey). 1863); 623 (Ngapuhi. 1863); see also N.Z. Protector of Aborigines; Bay of Islands Native District. Civil Commissioner for works in official capacity

Clarke. George, junior (1823-1913); 211 (N.Z. Governor (1843-1845 ; Fitzßoy). 1844)

Clarke. Marsden (1837-1899): 758 (New Zealand. 1871)

Class ticket; 30 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion, 1836-1845); see also church administration

Clause in Stamp Act; 1161 (New Zealand. 1886)

Clauses from Public Works Bill: 1046 (New Zealand. 1882)

Clauses in Licensing Act: 1002 (New Zealand. 1881)

Clauses in the Licensing Act Amendment: 1041 (New Zealand. 1882)

Clauses Land Act. 1885; 1135 (New Zealand. 1885)

Clauses Property Assessment. 1885: 1137 (New Zealand. 1885)

clothing: 113 (Martin. 1842); 203 (Fitzgerald. 1844); 207 (Ko te moni kohikohinga. 1844?); 209 (Matthews. 1844); 362 (Fitzgerald. 1848?); 376 (Te Kohikohinga Moni hei Hoko Kakahu. 1849); 661 (A & M. Browne. 1865); 1121 (Pope. 1884)

clubs and societies: 1397 (Ellison, 1894)

Coates. James (1815-1854): 1 30 (Maunsell. 1843)

Cognet. Claude (1858-1912): 1395-1396 (Catholic Church. 1894); 1402 (Ko te hitoria poto o te Hahi Katorika. 1894)

Colenso. Elizabeth (1821-1904); 191 (Wilberforce. 1843); 216 (Wilberforce. 1844); 492 (Bridges. 1860); 558 (Bible O.T. Psalms. 1862); 559 (Bible. N T.. 1862); 716 (Bible. 1868); 806 (Te tangata i mate ai ona hoa noho tata. 1873)



Colenso. William (181 1-1899); = Koreneho; also known as Aroha Pono (pseudonym) 22 (Bible. N T. Ephesians. 1835); 25-26 (1835); 45 (Bible. N T.. 1838); 57 (Church of England); 59-61 (1839); 66-67 (Bible. O.T. Daniel. Selections. 1840); 69 (Busby. 1840); 75-77 (1840); 92 (Church of England. 1841); 105 (Bible. N T. Selections, ca. 1842); 1 10111 (1842); 200 (1844); 217 (Williams. 1844); 327 (Catholic Church. 1847); 330-332 (1847); 334 (He korero tenei mo Ani Kanara. 1847); 336 (Martin. 1847); 358-361 (1848); 372-374 (1849); 386 (Church Missionary Society. 1850); 393 (1850); 406-407 (1851); 423-426 (1852); 475 (1858); 494 (1860): 499 (Kawepo. I860?); 535 (Kawepo. 1861); 770771 (1872); 836 (New Zealand. 1875); 966 (1880); 1021 (He pukapuka whakaako mo nga tamariki Maori, 1881); 1026 (1881); 1 126 (1885); 1505 (1898): S2Ol/1841-1843. 1852, 1880.1 (Church of England. 18411923); see also Printer/Publisher index

Collected legislation in Maori: 522 (New Zealand. 1879-1910)

A collection of hymns in the Maori language set to European tunes and airs: 1071 (Davis. 1883)

College of St John the Evangelist see St John’s College

colonisation: impact: 407 (Colenso. 1851); 445 (Davis. 1853); 550 (Ngapora. 1861); 641 (Aborigines’ Protection Society. 1864); 662 (Aborigines’ Protection Society. 1865); 736 (He pukapuka whakaatu tenei i te paanga mai. 1869); 1121 (Pope. 1884); **1247 (Kawiti. ca. 1889?); 1253 (Meeting of New Zealand chiefs. 1889?); 1512 (New Zealand. 1898); S3 (The Maori messenger = Te karere Maori. 1849-1854); **S4 (Ko te ao marama, 1849); S7 (Te waka o te iwi. 1857); S8 (Te whetu o te tau. 1859-1862); S9 (Te Haeata, 1859-1862); SI 1 (Te manuhiri tuarangi and Maori intelligencer, 1861); 525 (Te Korimako. 1882-1888); S3B (Te Aute College Students’ Association, 1897-1906); S4l (He kupu whakamarama. 1898); 542 (Pipi-wharauroa. 1899-1913); see also clothing; health; housing; smoking; temperance; weapons Commentary on Galatians: 1315 (Williams. 1891) Commentary on the Holy Gospel according to St. Mark: 1316 (Williams. 1891)

Communion service: 133 (Nicene Creed. 1843);

198 (Church of England. 1844); 208 (Matthews, 1844)

Compendium of Divinity 41 (Turner. 1837); 49 (Turner. 1838)

compensation claims: 485 (Te Pouepa. 1858); **66B (New Zealand. 1865); 671 (N.Z. Colonial Secretary. 1865); 693 (Patene, 1866); 694 (Te Arawa. 1866); 767 (Tuhaere. 1871); 825 (Ngai Tahu. 1874); 826 (Parai. 1874); 839-841 (Ngai Tahu. 1875); 887 (Native reserves in the City of Wellington. 1877); 1206-1207 (Mackay. 1888)

A comprehensive dictionary of the New Zealand tongue: 966 (Colenso. 1880); 1026 (Colenso. 1882); 1462 (New Zealand. 1896)

Conference Catechism: 43 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion); 100 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion); see also catechisms. Wesleyan

confirmation services: 53 (Broughton. 1839); 57 (Church of England, 1839); 124 (Church of England. 1843); 254 (Selwyn, 1845); 413 (Selwyn, 1851); 423 (Colenso, 1852)

Confiscated Land Inquiry and Maori Prisoners’ Trials Bill 1879: 939 (N.Z. Parliament. 1879)

Confiscated Land Inquiry and Native Prisoners’ Trials Act 1879: 936 (New Zealand. 1879)

The congregation in the church: 529 (Beveridge. 1861)

Connell. John Aitken (1841-1891): 1253 (Meeting of New Zealand chiefs. 1889?)

Connor. Anne; = Ani Kanara: 334 (He korero tenei mo Ani Kanara. 1847)

consecration and opening services: 58 (Church of England. 1839); 195 (Bible, O.T. Psalms XXIV, 1844); 778 (Church of England. Diocese of Auckland. 1873?); 1274 (Church of the Province of N.Z. Diocese of Waiapu. 1890?); 1277 (Matauru. 1890?); 1452 (Nga korero o te hui o Hinetapora, 1896?)

conservation (legislation): **l 105 (New Zealand. 1884): 1406 (New Zealand. 1894); 1495 (New Zealand. 1897); **1551 (New Zealand. 1900); see also national parks; sanctuaries

Contracts and Promises Bill 1888: 1213 (New Zealand. 1888)

Cooper. George Sisson (1825-1898); = Kupa: 408 (1851); 663 (1865); SI6 (Te waka Maori o Ahuriri. 1863-1871)

Copy of an original letter from W. Tamihana to Archdeacon Brown: 637 (Te Waharoa. 1863)

Copy of reply to application of non-selling Ngatiraukawa claimants for the hearing of their cases in Wellington: 723 (N.Z. Native Dept. 1868)

Coromandel Peninsula: 577 (Panuitanga. Kotahi te iwi tahae, 1862); 703 (He korero enei no te nupepa “Nutireni Herora”. 1867); 1453 (Mackay. 1896); see also Thames



Correspondence relating to the registration of natives on the electoral roll: 486 (Wellington Province. Provincial Council. 1858)

Correspondence relative to the Manawatu Block 688 (1866)

Cotton, William Charles (1813-1879); = Katene 88 (Lord’s prayer. 1841?). 89 (Bible N T. Matthew. 1841); 96 (Lord’s Prayer. 1841?); 119 (Bible. O.T. Ezekiel XXXVII, 1-14. 1843); 125 (He Himene mo te Ratapu i ara ai a Ihu. 1843) 126, 128 (Ken. 1843); 133 (Nicene Creed. 1843); 134, 145 (Nga pukapuka wakaako-Pakeha. 1843); 153 (Selwyn, 1843); 190 (Wilberforce. 1843); 195 (Bible. O.T Psalms XXIV. 1844); 201 (1844); 205 (Hau. 1844) 206 (He hoa korerorero, 1844); 207 (Ko te moni kohikohinga. 1844); 208-209 (Matthews. 1844); 214 (N.Z Protector of Aborigines. 1844); 375 (1849); S2OI/18441 845 (Church of England. 1841-1923)

Council paper [2O March 1858]: 485 (Te Pouepa, 1858)

courts see Native Land Titles Court; N.Z. Compensation Court; N.Z. Native Appellate Court; N.Z. Native Circuit Court; N.Z. Native Land Court; N.Z. Resident Magistrates’ Courts; N.Z. Supreme Court; N.Z. Validation Court; see also crimes; lawsuits

Cowie. William Garden (1831-1902): S3OI/1872.1 (Church of England. Diocese of Auckland. 1872-1912)

Crawford. William Fitzgerald (1844-1915): 931 (Jeffs. 1879)

Creed. Charles (1812-1879); = Karira: 54 (Bumby. 1839)

crimes: gunshot attack; 23 (Busby. 1835)

crimes; misappropriation of funds: 1415 (N.Z Royal Commission . . . Kaitangiwhenua Block. 1894)

crimes: murder: 98 (N.Z. Governor (1841-1842 Hobson). 1841); 602 (N.Z. Attorney General’s Office. 1863); **3l6 (N.Z. Southern Division. 1846); 512, 514 (N.Z. Governor (1855-1861 Browne. 1860); 602 (N.Z. Attorney General's Office. 1863); 609 (N.Z. Governor (1861-1868 : Grey). 1863); 618-619 (N.Z. Minister for Native Affairs. 1863); 663 (Cooper. 1865); 665 (Hawke’s Bay Province. Superintendent. 1865); 694 (Te Arawa. 1866); 859 (New Zealand Armed Constabulary Force. 1876)

crimes: perjury: 111 (Torotoro. 1872)

crimes: sedition: 664 (Davis. 1865)

crops: 209 (Matthews. 1844); 433 (N.Z. Governor (1845-1853 : Grey). 1852); 1475 PuKapuKa tatau o te iwi Maori. 1896); see also food; grapevines; hops, tobacco and

information in newspapers and almanacs (see Serials section)

Crown and Native Lands Rating Act 1882: 1038 (New Zealand. 1882)

Crown and Native Lands Rating Act 1882 Amendment Act 1883: 1076 (New Zealand. 1883)

Crown and Native Lands Rating Acts Repeal Act 1888: 1209 (New Zealand. 1888)

Crown and Native Lands Rating Bill 1881: 1014 (N.Z Parliament. House of Representatives. 1881)

Crown Grants for Half-castes of the South Island Act, 1877: **B93 (New Zealand. 1877)

Crown grants to natives. West Coast, North Island: 1027 (1882)

Crown Redress Act 1871 Extension Bill 1876 [1877]: 865 (N.Z. Parliament. Legislative Council. 1876); 1877 (No 1): **B9s (N.Z Parliament. 1877)

Crown Redress Extension: 865 (N.Z Parliament Legislative Council, 1876)

Crusoe. Robinson: 427 (Defoe. 1852)

The culture of the tobacco plant; 712 (Nga tikanga o te whakatupu, 1867)

Cutting. George; = Hori Katinga: I 352 (ca 1893)

D Dalmatian workers: **1553 (New Zealand. 1900)

Davies. Christopher Pearson (d. 1861): 202 (1844?)

Davies. George H : 1346 (Tawhiao. 1892); 1529 (N.Z. Dept of Education. 1899)

Davies, William (d. 1856): 461 (N.Z. Central Board of Vaccination. 1855)

Davis. Charles Oliver Bond (1817/18?-! 887); = Hare Oriwa Reweti: 394 (Greenwood. 1850); 408 (Cooper. 1851); 419 (Bible NT. 1852); 437 (Bible. Selections. 1853); 445 (1853); 458 (1855); 459 (Maori mementos. 1855); 466 (Martin. 1856); 495 (E te tangata hara!. ca. 1860); 531 (1861); 537 (A Maori phrase book. 1861?); 565 (Te Karaipiture, 1862); 598 (Kite motu katoa. 1863); 664 (1865); 779 (1873); 812 (1874); 882 (1877); 907 (Bracken. 1878?); 929(1879?); 1071 (1883); 1 125 (Cameron. 1885); 1127 (1885); 1134 (Mortimer, 1885); 1419 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1894); S3 (The Maori messenger = Te karere Maori. 1849-1854); S5 (The Maori messenger = Te karere Maori. 18551861); S7 (Te waka o te iwi. 1857); S8 (Te whetu o te tau, 1859-1862); SlO (Aotearoa. or The Maori recorder. 1861-1862); SI2 (Te karere Maori or Maori messenger. 18611863); 525 (Te Korimako, 1882-1888)



Davis. James (b 1812): 126, 128 (Ken. 1843); 190 (Wilberforce, 1843); 255 (Stillingfleet. 1845)

Davis. Richard (1790-1863): 9 (Bible. Selections 1827); 123 (Church of England. 1843); 125 (He Himene mo te Ratapu i ara ai a Ihu, 1843)

Day. Doctor (possibly Dr Richard Day (18051879)); = Rata Rei: 622 (N.Z. Vaccination Board. 1863)

De Burgh. William see Burgh. William de Thierry, Charles Philippe Hippolyte and Charles Frederick see Thierry death and burial practices; 119 (Bible O.T Ezekiel XXXVII. 1-14. 1843); 589 (Te Kahutopa, 1862); 761 (Pehiriri. 1871?); I 196 (Te Heuheu Tukino IV. 1887); see also cemeteries and burial grounds; memorials; obituaries and laments

Death behind; glory before; 1347 (He whaikorero na tetahi minita. 1892?)

Death of William Butcher, at Waiuku: 602 (N.Z. Attorney General’s Office. 1863) debts: 713 (He whakaotinga tuturu tenei kia Mite Rewena, 1867?); 805 (Sheehan. 1873); 850 (Wyllie, ca. 1875); 1072 (The Himatangi back rents. 1883); see also mortgages debts (legislation): 1384-1385 (N.Z. Parliament. 1893)

Deck. James George (1807-1884): 918-919 (Stanley. 1878); 930 (Te haerenga mai o te Ariki, ca. 1879); 951 (North, 1879); 955-962 (Stanley. 1879); 1227 (Stanley, ca. 1888)

A Declaration of the Independence of New Zealand (1835): 28 (1836); 34 (1837); 883 (Fac-similes of the Declaration of Independence, 1877); 1317 (Fac-similes of the Declaration of Independence. 1892)

Defoe. Daniel (1661?-! 731): 427 (1852)

Deidier, Xavier: 998 (1881)

Deighton, Samuel (1822-1900): 1244 (1889)

Delach. Francis see Delachienne. Francois

Delachienne. Francois (1866-1949); also known as Father Delach: I 396 (Catholic Church. 1894); 1401 (Ko nga waiata mo te warn o nga ra o Tihema. 1894); 1484 (Catholic Church. 1897)

Descriptive guide to the stream of time: 365 (Strass, 1848)

Descriptive list of works recently published by Geo. T Chapman: 751 (Taylor. 1870)

Desmond. Arthur (fl. 1884-1894); = Haata Tehimona: 1128(1885?)

Destitute natives receiving aid from Government in Middle Island (list of names of): 1028 (1882)

Deverell. William (ca. 1853-ca. 1920); 1301 (Illustrations prepared for White’s Ancient History of the Maori. 1891)

Deveril. Herbert; 883 (Fac-similes of the Declaration of Independence, 1877)

Dialogue [l-VIII]; 5 (Kendall. 1820)

Dick, John: 523 (Matariki. 1881)

Dick. Thomas (1823-1900): 1000. 1002 (New Zealand. 1881); 1041 (New Zealand. 1882) A dictionary, etc., etc.: 217 (Williams. 1844) A dictionary of the New Zealand language: 217 (Williams, 1844); 435 (Williams. 1852); 768 (Williams. 1871); 1348 (Williams. 1892); 1420 (Williams 1894); 1481 (Williams 1896)

directories, business; 1520 (Pukapuka rapu. 1898) diseases (animal) see pests and animal diseases; animal remedies

diseases (human) see bubonic plague; smallpox; typhus fever; see also hospitals; medicine; vaccination

Distress for Rent Abolition Bill 1893: 1384 (N.Z, Parliament. House of Representatives, 1893)

District Committee of Heretaunga see Komiti Takiwa mo nga Iwi o Heretaunga

District Land Councils (legislation): **1559 (N.Z. Parliament. 1900)

Division of time: 40 (Turner. 1837)

Dog Registration Act 1 880: 968 (New Zealand. 1880)

Dog Registration Act Amendment Act 1881 [lBB2] [1890]: 1000 (New Zealand. 1881); 1882. 1039 (New Zealand. 1882); 1890. 1278 (New Zealand. 1890)

Domett. Alfred (181 1-1887); = Tomete: 610 (N.Z. Governor (1861-1868 : Grey). 1863); see also N.Z. Civil Secretary (1852); N.Z. Colonial Secretary (1863) for works in official capacity

Donaldson. Robert: 532 (1861)

drainage (legislation); 1364 (New Zealand. 1893); 1457 (New Zealand. 1896)

dreams, prophecies and visions. 568 (He moe. 1862); 632-634 (Te Huia. 1863); 695 (Te Huia, 1866); 1 146 (Taonui, 1885); **1294 (Taonui, ca. 1894?)

Dublin and London tracts: 1 174 (Te arani maoa mete aporo mala, 1887?); 1 198 (Te waipuke, 1887); 1226 (He rongo mau mo katoa, 1888); 1252 (Te Kupu o te Rongo Pai, 1889); 1267 (Te ritenga mete mana o te toto o te Karaili, 1889) 1270 (Wahi iti Kua riro atu i ta te Karaiti tikanga, 1889); 1297 (Te turanga u. 1890) 1524 (Barker. 1899?); 1565 (He tikanga nui. 1900)

91 I

The decision of the Governor in the dispute be[t]ween Matiu and Te Tirarau: 608 (N.Z. Governor (1861-1868 : Grev). 1863)


The Duke see Kawiti, Te Ruki Duncan. Richard John (1823-1894); I 192 (Peawhairangi. Maehe 10, 1887)


E M. W. see Williams. Edward Marsh

E aku hoa aroha. tena koutou: He pukapuka tena hei whakaatu atu ki a koutou i nga kaainga e mea nei au: 963 (Williams. 1879)

E aku hoa aroha. tena koutou i mahue atu na kouiou i au i runga i a tatou whakaara: 875 (Tomoana, 1876)

E aku hoa. e nga rangatira Maori o Niu Tirani: 546 (N.Z. Governor (1855-1861 Browne). 1861)

E aku hoa,— Kua panuitia kia koutou e etahi tangata o nga iwi erua: 541 (N.Z. Governor (1855-1861 : Browne). 1861)

E aku hoa tawhito o Ngatiwhatua: 871 (Sheehan. 1876)

E Hapurona ma. e Ngatiawa,— Ka tekau ma rua nga marama i hapai pu ai i koutou kia te Kuini: 542 (N.Z. Governor (1855-1861 : Browne). 1861)

E hoa Apopo, a te Wenerei, te 25 o nga ra o tenei marama o Tihema: 201 (Cotton, 1844)

E hoa aroha. e Tamihana ma, Tena ra koe: 551 (Pompallier, 1861)

E hoa e. He whakaatu atu tenei na matou kia rongo koe i nga korero hou: 766 (Te Whiwhi, 1871?)

E hoa. E Matutaera. Tena koe. Kua tae mai nga rongo ki au o to haerenga ki Hauraki: 571 (N.Z. Governor (1855-1861 : Browne), 1861)

E hoa e Te Whiti.— Tena koe. He whakaaturanga tenei naku a koe: 975 (N.Z Governor (1880-1882: Gordon). 1880)

E hoa e. Tena koe. e hari ana toku ngakau ta te mea kua rongo ahau; 244 (N.Z. Governor (1843-1845 ; Fitzßoy). 1845)

E hoa. e tena koe. He mea atu tenei naku a koe kia haere mai koe ki Akarana nei: **sls (N.Z. Governor (1855-1861 : Browne). 1860); **s4o (N.Z. Governor (1855-1861 Browne). 1861)

E hoa e tena koe. He pukapuka whakaatu tenei rongo koe kua tae ahau ki Waikato: 734 (N.Z. Native Minister. 1869?)

E hoa e tena koe—kouiou katoa kua maha a koutou kianga: 552 (Searancke, 1861)

E hoa e tena ra kokoe. kua tae mai o koutou pukapuka ki au: 245 (N.Z. Governor (18431845 : Fitzßoy). 1845)

E hoa. kua rongo atu te Kawana tenei ano tetahi Pakeha kino; 81 (N.Z. Lieutenant-Governor. 1840)

E hoa ma. e nga iwi. e nga hapu. e nga rangatira. e te tane, e te wahine, e te tamariki. tena koutou!: 1245 (1889)

E hoa ma e nga iwi katoa i runga i tenei motu i Aotearoa: 630 (Tawhiao. 1863)

E hoa ma. e nga iwi katoa o te motu nei. tena koutou; Si4/no. II (Gazette notices. 18631864)

E hoa ma e nga Maori o Poneke nei: 316 (N.Z Southern Division. 1846)

E hoa ma. e nga rangatira Maori o [space] o hea. o hea: 480 (N.Z. Governor (1855-1861 Browne), 1858)

E hoa ma. e nga rangatira Maori o Poneke o Wairarapa o era atu wahi o tena pito o to tatou motu: 513 (N.Z Governor (1855-1861 Browne). 1860)

E hoa ma e nga rangatira o Ngapuhi. Tena ra ko kouiou: 98 (N.Z. Governor (1841-1842 ; Hobson). 1841)

E hoa ma. e nga tangata Maori e ata noho ana, e piri ana kite Pakeha; 614 (N.Z. Governor (1861-1868 : Grey). 1863)

E hoa ma. e nga tangata o te motu nei e piri ana kite Kawanatanga o te Kuini. he kupu tenei naku ki a koutou: Sl4/no 1 (Gazette notices. 1863-1864)

E hoa ma— Ki a rongo koutou ki nga korero a te kaiwakawa e noho ano ki Poneke; 1 32 (N.Z. Police. 1843)

E hoa ma kia rongo mai koutou. he rawa te ki a nga Pakeha: 211 (N.Z. Governor (1843-1845 : Fitzßoy). 1844)

E hoa ma.— Kua rongo pea kouiou ki a Hone Heki. kua takatakahi i te ture; 251 (N.Z. Southern Division. 1845)

E hoa ma. me pooti kouiou kia Hoani Nahe; 868 (He panuitanga, 1876?)

E hoa ma. Tena kouiou. He kupu atu tenei naku ki a kouiou . . . Pepuere 1871; 760 (N.Z. Returning Officer (Eastern Maori Electorate), 1871?)

E hoa ma. tena kouiou. Katahi matou ka whai take hei tuhi atu kia kouiou koia tenei: 831 (1875?)

E hoa ma tena kouiou. Kua rongo ano kouiou i nga korero o tenei wahi ara o Taranaki: 519 (N.Z. Native Secretary. 1860)

E hoa ma,— Tena kouiou. Kua tae mai pea te rongo ki a kouiou o te kohuru i mahia mai ra i Opotiki; 665 (Hawke’s Bay Province Superintendent. 1865)

E hoa ma.— Tena Kouiou nga lamariki o te Atua: 632 (Te Huia. 1863)

E hoa ma lena Kouiou. tirohia tenei Fire; 1518 (Poneke. Hurae 25 1898)



E hoa ma.— Tena te pukapuka o nga tangata o Taranaki; 597 (Ki nga Maori. 1863?)

E hoa,— Tena koe. He maha nga pukapuka me nga waea e tukua mai ana e nga iwi Maori ki te Kawanatanga: 856 (Mackay. 1876)

E hoa.— Tena koe. I te huihuinga o te Paremete kua mutu tata ake nei na Meiha Atikihana; 857 (McLean. 1876)

E hoa.— Tena koe. Ka nui taku whakamoemiti ki nga kupu ako i nga Maori i roto i te puka puka i tuhituhia e te Popi: 1142 (N.Z. Native Minister. 1885)

E hoa.— Tena koe. Kua mea mai a te Kawana ki a au kia tuhituhi i tetahi pukapuka ki a koe kia mohio ai koe kua whakaturia; 576 (N.Z. Native Secretary, 1862)

E hoa, tena koe. Kua tae pea te rongo ki a koe mo te whakakitenga taonga ki Poneke; I 144 (N.Z. Under-Secretary of Native Affairs. 1885)

E hoa tena koe. Kua tae tenei kite taima e tangi ai te riroriro: 748 (N.Z. Native Minister, 1870)

E hoa.— Tena koe. te tangata whai pooti: 996 (Buller. 1881)

E hoa. tena koe. Tenei ta matou Runanga ka tata te mutu: 746 (N.Z. Native Minister, 1870)

E hoa,— Tena koe. Tenei te kape o ta matou Pitihana ki a te Kuini: 843 (Taonui. 1875)

E hoa,— Tena ra ko koe. Tena pea kua kite koe i te kupu a te Kawanatanga ki nga hoa Maori. 1126 (Colenso. 1885)

E Ihowa. Atua. o nga iwi! Matou ra ata whakarangona: 907 (Bracken. 1878?)

E kai ana ahau. I eat: 135 (Nga pukapuka wakaako-Pakeha. 1843)

E Korero. I. Na tona Excelenei, ia Sir Thomasa Brisa- bane: 6 (New South Wales. Governor. 1824)

E koro. Kia rongo koe: kua riro mai te tahi pukapuka i te tahi tangata no tawiti: 24 (Busby. 1835)

E koro, Kua rongo koe ki taku puhanga i mua. mete runanga o nga rangatira Maori ki taua mea: 23 (Busby, 1835)

E Mara ma. e aku hoa: 151 (Selwyn, 1843)

E mara-ma. O Sirs: 136 (Nga pukapuka wakaako-Pakeha, 1843)

E nga iwi katoa, Kua tono au ki to tatou roia ki a Takuta Pura kia taia mai te panui nei; 952 (Poneke. Akuhata 26. 1879)

E nga rangatira, e nga hapu. Tena koutou. He panuitanga tena kia koutou kia haere mai a koutou tangata: 866 (Pakowhai, 4 Mei. 1876)

E nga rangatira o Waikato/Wiakato: 612 (N.Z. Governor (1861-1868 ; Grey). 1863)

Eta. kia kite koe, he mea te hapa tapu nei na te Atua: 332 (Colenso, 1847)

E taku hoa aroha, Tenei ano taku ki a koe: 69 (Busby. 1840)

E te Ariki; whakaakona matou kite inoi: 1246 (He inoi ma nga tamariki. 1889)

E te Atua. tohungia ahau te tangata hara: 995 (Bible. N T. Selections, ca. 1881)

E te Atua tohungia te Kuini: 1486 (God save the Queen. 1897?)

E te tangata hara! He pukapuka tenei ki a koe!: 495 (ca. I860)

E te whanau. No naianei tata i tae mai ai te pukapuka i Ingarani: 385 (Church Missionary Society. 1850?)

E te whanau tuatahi o toko mahi tapu. i te tau 1838: 580 (Pompallier, 1862)

E to matou whaea, e Wikitoria. tena koe nga kanohi i ora o Konohota Arapeta: 561 (1862)

E uwhiuwhi koe ki au i te Ihopo: 328 (Catholic Church. 1847?)

East Coast: 361 (Colenso. 1848); 436 (Williams. 1852); 667 (Ko pukemaire kua riro mail, 1865); 673 (Petition of natives of Poverty Bay and East Cape. 1865); 673 (Petition of natives of Poverty Bay and East Cape, 1865); 674 (Petition of natives resident at Wharekahika, 1865); 675 (Petition of natives residing at the East Cape. 1865); **1445 (Ture Komiti Maori. 1895); **1497 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1897); 5302 (Church of England. Diocese of Waiapu. 1861-1865); 5303 (Church of England

Diocese of Waiapu, 1870-1914)

East Coast Committee: 1148 (Turoa, 1885)

East Coast, land: 724 (Petitions from East Coast natives relative to their lands. 1868); 847 (Tuku. 1875); 850 (Wyllie, ca. 1875); 1093 (Panui Maori. 1883?); 1 148 (Turoa. 1885) 1264 (N.Z. Commission to Inquire into Certain Matters in Connection with the Ngarara. Porangahau. Mangamaire. and Waipiro Blocks of Land. 1889); 1291 (Nihoniho. 1890); 1308 (N.Z. Native Land Court. 1891?); 523 (Matariki, 1881)

East Coast, land (legislation): **732 (New Zealand, 1869); 821 (New Zealand. 1874); **1260, ** 1263 (New Zealand. 1889); 1365 (New Zealand. 1893)

Easy lessons on money matters; 414 (Whately. 1851)

economics: 414 (Whately. 1851); see also trade Edmiston, H. J.: 1449 (He himene mo te karakia kite Atua. 1896)

Edmonds. S. J : 525 (Te Korimako. 1882-1888) education see Church of England, schools; girls, education; land for schools; Native Schools; women, education and specific subjects



education, compulsory: 1416 (N.Z. Secretary for Education. 1894)

education, compulsory (legislation) 1413 (New Zealand. 1894)

Edwards. John Henry (b. 1852); = J. H Erueti: 1300 (1891)

Edwards. R. F. J ; = B. F I Erueti: * * 1284 (N.Z. Native Land Court. 1890)

Ehara hoki ana ture i te mea taimaha 1226 (He rongo mau mo katoa. 1888)

Eihu toku oranga: 1275 (ca. 1890)

Eketone. Pepene (1855/56?-! 933): 1067 (Bromley, ca. 1883)

elections; 760 (N.Z. Returning Officer (Eastern Maori electorate). 1871?); 837 (N.Z.

Returning Officer (Eastern Maori electorate)); 838 (N.Z. Returning Officer (Northern Maori electorate)); 853 (Ki nga rangatira katoa o Waikato ara kite iwi katoa. 1876); **Bss (Lee. 1876); 867 (Pakowhai. Hune 5. 1876); 868 (He panuitanga. 1876?); 869 (Potae. 1876); 871 (Sheehan, 1876); 875 (Tomoana, 1876); 876 (Wahawaha. 1876); 933 (Matua. 1879); 996 (Buller. 1881); 1195 (Taranui. 1887); 1292 (Nihoniho, 1890); 1295 (Te Whataupoko, 1890?); 1391 (Tomoana. 1893); 1548 (Ki nga kai-pooti mema o Te Waipounamu, ca. 1900); see also franchise; Maori representation; voting procedures elections (legislation): 836 (New Zealand. 1875?)

Elective Council Bill 1879: 944 (N.Z. Parliament House of Representatives, 1879)

Electoral Act 1893. Selections: 1362 (New Zealand. 1893)

Electoral Law Amendment Act. 1893; 1362 (New Zealand. 1893)

Ellison. Thomas Rangiwahia (1866-18687-1904); = Tame Rangiwahia Eriaana: 1397 (1894) employment and income; 117 (Wakefield. 1842); 348 (N.Z. Colonial Secretary. 1847); 562 (Hawke’s Bay Province Postmaster. 1862); 570 (N.Z. Colonial Secretary. 1862?); 575 (N.Z. Native Circuit Court (Bay of Islands Waimate), 1862); 642 (Hawke’s Bay Province. Postmaster, 1864); 931 (Jeffs. 1879); see also debts; financial support, government; industry; money and saving; trade; unions

The end of the war: 538 (Meeting held at King’s Pa. 1861)

Enei korero na Noa Te Rauhihi no tana haerenga atu i Rangitikei ki Akarana: 657 (Te Rauhihi. 1864)

Enei korero na Raniera Te Ihooterangi no tana haerenga atu i Poneke nei a Akarana: 656 (Te Iho-o-te-Rangi. 1864)

Enei korero no te pakanga ki Orakau: 648 (N.Z. Colonial Secretary. 1 864)

England and Europe, visits by Maori: **525. 527 (Toetoe, 1860); 641 (Aborigines' Protection Society. 1864); 662 (Aborigines’ Protection Society, 1865); 1032 (Ki nga rangatira Maori kei Niu Tirani, 1882); 1101 (He kupu whakaatu enei mo to matou haerenga mai ki Ingarangi. 1884); 1168 (Nga pukapuka tuhituhi i waenganui i a rore tapere, i a Tawhiao. 1886); 1492 (Maori Parliament. 1897?)

English and Maori grammar, dictionary and phrase book; 739 (Kemp. 1870)

English language: grammars: 770 771 (Colenso. 1872)

English language; primers and readers: 149 (He pukapuka whakaako kite reo Pakeha. 1843) 192 (A E I O U H K M N P. 1844?); 335 (Martin. 1847); 397 (Martin. 1850); 431 (Martin, 1852); 434 (A spelling book for the use of Maori children. 1852); 460 (Martin. 1855); 810 (Williams. 1873); 849 (Williams. 1875)

English language: pronunciation: 750 (Taylor. 1870)

English language: vocabularies 134-148 (Nga pukapuka wakaako-Pakeha. 1843); see also English-Maori dictionaries

English legal system; 227 (Martin, 1845); 476477 (Fenton. 1858); 629 (He pukapuka whakaatu i nga tikanga a te Pakeha. 1863); 718 (Martin. 1868); 815 (Martin, 1874)

English-Maori dictionaries; 435 (Williams. 1852); 768 (Williams. 1871); 966 (Colenso. 1880); 1026 (Colenso. 1882); 1348 (Williams. 1892); 1505 (Colenso. 1898)

An English-Maori lexicon: 1505 (Colenso. 1898) entertainment: 1537 (Theatre Royal. 1899)

Epikopo Wikario Apotoriko mo te Oheania Okihetari see Pompallier. Jean Baptiste Francois and Apostolic Vicariate of Western Oceania. Press in Printer/Publisher index

An epitome of the truth, or the A. E. I of the Word: 1489 (Ko te whakaeminga mai, 1897?)

Eriaana. Tame Rangiwahia see Ellison. Thomas Rangiwahia

Erima o nga Waiata o te Hahi: 333 (1847); 432 (Mo te karakia o te ata. 1852)

Erueti. B F. I. see Edwards. R. F. J.

Erueti C. Waiapu see Stuart. Edward Craig

Erueti. J H see Edwards. John Henry

Etahi huarahi whakaaro i roto i te karaipiture 492 (Bridges. 1860)

Etahi kupu marama: 956. 958-959 (Stanley. 1879); 1229. **1231-1232 (Stanley, ca 1888)



Etahi rarangi o te Ture IV a te Hinota Nui: 717 (Church of England. Diocese of New Zealand. 1868?)

Etahi tikanga a te Hinota o Akarana mo nga mahi o nga pariha: 717 (Church of England. Diocese of New Zealand. 1868?)

Ethical Society (London); 1482 (Anderson. 1897)

Europe see Austria; England and Europe, visits by Maori; Franco-Prussian War evangelists: 882 (Davis. 1877)

Evidence of native chiefs as to the provisions of the Native Offenders Bill, I860: 496 (1860) exhibitions: 1144 (N.Z. Under-Secretary for Native Affairs. 1885)

Extraits destructions morales et religieuses et de chants pieux: 490 (Pompallier. 1859)


fables: 430 (He korero tara mo te kura, 1852); **73B (Aesop, ca. 1870?) 1193 (Pope. 1887)

Fac-similes of the Declaration of Independence and the Treaty of Waitangi: 883 (1877); 1317 (1892)

Fairburn, William Thomas (1797?-1859): 1419 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion, 1894)

Faithful words: 1 347 (He whaikorero na tetahi minita, 1892?)

Falwasser, Henry (d. 1846); SI (Te karere o Nui Tireni. 1842-1846)

Familiar dialogues between a Christian missionary and his pupil; 5 (Kendall. 1820)

Farewell address of the Native tribes in the Southern Province of New Zealand to His Excellency Sir George Grey. K.C.B 446 (1853)

farming: 1475 Pukapuka tatau o te iwi Maori. 1896); see also animals; beekeeping; crops; hops; flax industry; ploughing; sheep and information in newspapers and almanacs (see Serials section)

farming (legislation): 1000 (New Zealand. 1881); 1278 (New Zealand. 1890); S3

Farquhar, Barbara H : 428 (1852)

Featherston. Isaac Earl (1813-1876); = Petatona/Petatone: 534 (Further papers relative to the native insurrection. 186 0; see also Wellington Province Superintendent (1858-1864) for works in official capacity

Featherston Tiriti PoneKe. E hoa Maehe 20. 1894: 1397 (Ellison. 1894) The Federated Maori Assembly Empowering Act 1893: 1360 (Maori Parliament, 1893?)

Federated Maori Assembly of New Zealand (petition of the): I 358 (Maori Parliament. 1893)

Fencing Act 1881: 1001 (New Zealand. 1881)

Fencing Act 1881 Amendment Act 1893 [Bill 1893]: 1363 (New Zealand. 1893); 1376 (N.Z. Parliament. 1893)

Fencing Act 1895 [Bill 1895]; 1429 (New Zealand. 1895); 1441 (N.Z. Parliament. 1895)

Fencing Bill 1879 [1880]: 940 (N.Z. Parliament. 1879); 1880: 978 (N.Z. Parliament. 1880)

Fenton. Francis Dart (1820-25?-1898); = Penetana: 476-477 (1858); 567 (Maunsell, 1862); **73o (New Zealand, 1869); 852 (1876); 872 (Taiaroa, 1876); 901 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1877); 904 (N.Z. Parliament. Legislative Council. 1877); see also N.Z. Attorney General’s Office (1863) for works in official capacity

Fergus. Thomas (1851-1914): 1289 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1890)

A few letters written to the New-Zealanders. in the time of native disturbances; 625 (Pompallier, 1863)

Fielder. John Beckett (1839-1924): **1398 (1894)

financial support, Anglican church: 1538 (Williams, 1899?)

financial support, government: 1028 (Destitute natives receiving aid from Government. 1882); 1318 (Indigent natives. Middle and Stewart Islands. 1892); 1346 (Tawhiao, 1892); 1477 (South Island natives receiving pensions. 1896); 1512 (New Zealand. 1898) financial transactions (legislation): 1077 (New Zealand. 1883); I 104 (New Zealand, 1884); 1323 (New Zealand, 1892); see also banks The first book of Moses, called Genesis: 221 (Bible. O.T. Genesis. 1845)

First lessons in Maori: 593 (Williams. 1862); 769 (Williams, 1872, i.e. 1871)

First lessons in Maori conversation: 842 (Pakeha-Maori, 1875?); 915 (Pakeha-Maori, 1878?); 1061 (Pakeha-Maori. 1882?); 1165 (Pakeha-Maori, 1886?); 1534 (Pakeha-Maori. 1899?)

First lessons in the Maori language of New Zealand: 1065 (Williams. 1882); 1420 (Williams. 1894); 1481 (Williams. 1896)

First lessons in the Maori language with a short vocabulary; 593 (Williams. 1862); 769 (Williams. 1872, i.e. 1871) The first sett of catechisms and prayers: 18 (Church of England. 1833) The first step to Maori conversation: 363 (Kemp. 1848); 701 (Kemp. 1867); 727 (Kemp. ca. 1869); 739 (Kemp. 1870); 932 (Kemp. 1879?) First step to the Maori language: 532 (Donaldson. 1861)



fisheries (legislation); ** 1 105 (New Zealand. 1884); 1465 (New Zealand. 1896) see also oyster fisheries

Fisheries Conservation Act 1884: **llos (New Zealand, 1884)

Fitzgerald. James Edward (1816-1896); = Whititera: 646 (Letters from native chiefs. 1864); **66B (New Zealand. 1865); 670 (New Zealand, 1865); 676 (Puna. 1865); 688 (Correspondence relative to the Manawatu Block. 1866); SI 7 (Ko te kahiti o Niu Tireni, 1865-1933)

Fitzgerald. John Patrick (1815-1897); = Takuta Pilihira; 203-204 (1844); 362 (1848?)

Fitzgerald. Thomas Henry (1824-1888); = Pitihera; see Hawke’s Bay Province. Superintendent

Fitzßoy. Robert (1805-1865); = Ropata Pitiroi; see N.Z. Governor (1843-1845 ; Fitzßoy) flax industry: I 17 (Wakefield. 1842); 376 (Te Kohikohinga Moni hei Hoko Kakahu. 1849); 748 (N.Z. Native Minister. 1870)

Floatage of Timber (No. 2) Bill 1873: 793 (New Zealand, 1873)

Ford’s Scour and Lung Mixture circular: 1 343 (Rongoa hipi na Poari rongoa rongo nu. 1892?)

Forefathers of the Pakeha: ([Part 1]); 396 (Ko nga tupuna o te Pakeha. 1850); (Pan 2): 410 (Ko nga tupuna o te Pakeha. 1851)

Forsaith. Thomas Spencer (1814-1898); 211 (N.Z. Governor (1843-1845 : Fitzßoy); 245 (N.Z. Governor (1843-1845 : Fitzßoy). 1845); 250 (N.Z. Southern Division. 1845)

Forsyth Island see Paruparu

Fox. Sir William (1812?-1893); = Pokiha: **6ol (New Zealand. 1863); 1020 (N.Z. West Coast Royal Commission, 1881); see also N.Z. Colonial Secretary (1863-1864) for works in official capacity

Parliament. 1879); 1362 (New Zealand. 1893); see also elections; voting procedures

Franco-Prussian War; 745 (N.Z. Native Department. 1870); 746 (N.Z. Native Minister. 1870); 766 (Te Whiwhi. 1871?)

Franz Joseph I. Emperor of Austria (1830-1916); = Wharaniti Johepa: 527 (Toetoe. 1860); SI 3 (Te Hokioi, 1862-1863)

Friends, listen to me—The Europeans who have told you that Colonel Wakefield: 211 (N.Z. Governor (1843-1845 : Fitzßoy), 1844)

Friends.- You have doubtless heard that Hone Heki has again transgressed the law: 251 (N.Z. Southern Division. 1845)

Froude. James Anthony (1818-1894): 1129 (Grey 1885)

Fulfilment of Contracts and Promises Bill 1888 1213 (New Zealand. 1888)

Further papers relative to native affairs: 533 (1861)

Further papers relative to the native insurrection: 534 (1861); 594-595 (1863); 636 (Te Waharoa. 1863)

Further papers relative to the Taranaki land question: 497 (1860)


G. A. New Zealand see Selwyn. George Augustus

G. B : 1543 (Brady. 1900)

G. Grey. Kawana. E nga rangatira o Waikato: 612 (N.Z. Governor (1861-1868 : Grey). 1863)

G. J. S.: 1353-1354 (ca. 1893)

G. T. see Taylor. George gazette, government: SI (Te karere o Nui Tireni. 1842-1846); SI4 (Gazette notices. 1863-1864); S1 7 (Ko te kahiti o Niu Tireni, 1865-1933); SlB (Te waka Maori o Niu Tirani. 1871-1877)

Gazette notices: 628 (no. 5-6: He pukapuka enei o Waikato. 1863); Si 4 (1863-1864)

Genealogies of certain Maori families: 700 (1867) genealogy see whakapapa

General Maori Committee of Wanganui see Komiti Nui o Whanganui

Generic index to Pan I: 690 (Maori-Latin index, 1866)

Geography, for the use of children in New Zealand: 466 (Martin. 1856) geography, textbooks: 466 (Martin. 1856)

George IV. King of Great Britain (1762-1830): 11 (Bible. Selections. 1830)

Gillies. Thomas Bannatyne (1828-1889): 920 (Supplement to “Te Wananga". 1878)


gazette. Maori King Movement: 534 (Ko te panui o Aotearoa. 1894); 536 (Ko te kahili tuturu mo Aotearoa. 18957-1896?): 537 (Nga hiiringa i te whitu, 1896)

franchise. Maori (legislation): 942 (N.Z.

franchise. Maori: 486 (Wellington Province Provincial Council. 1858); 829 (He Jure Hei whakatikaiika i te lure Whakamana Tangata Pooti, 1874); see also Maori representation; voting procedures

food: 209 (Matthews, 1844); 362 (Fitzgerald. 1848?); 378 (He rongoa witi. 1849); 728 (Martin. 1869); 1121 (Pope. 1884); see also information in newspapers and almanacs (see Serials section)

The following account of the recent outrage at Taranaki is published for the information of the public: 609 (N.Z. Governor (1861-1868 : Grey), 1863)

The flood: I 198 (Te waipuke, 1887)


Gipps, Sir George (1791-1847) see New South Wales. Governor. 1838-1846 (Gipps) girls, education: 884 (Grace, 1877); see also women, education

Gisborne. William (1825-1898): **73 l (New Zealand. 1869); **743 (New Zealand. 1870)

Gisborne: 677 (He tangi na te Kura i Waerengaahika. 1865); 1392 (Te ture kohinga whakatopu, 1893); 1537 (Theatre Royal. 1899); see also East Coast

Glasgow. David Boyle. 7th Earl (1833-1915) see N.Z. Governor (1892-1897 : Glasgow)

Glory to thee my God this night’: 126-127 (Ken 1843)

God chose to send Jesus: 951 (North. 1879); 1224 (North, ca. 1888)

God defend New Zealand: 907 (Bracken. 1878?)

God save the Queen: 1486 (1897?); 1494 (Mo te Ra i Whiwhi ai te Kuini, 1897?)

Goderich. Frederick John Robinson, Lord Viscount (1782-1859) see Great Britain. Colonial Office

God’s answers to your questions: 1549 (Nga kupu whakahoki a te Atua ki ou patai, 1900?)

God’s way of salvation: 1145 (North. 1885)

Goessling. J. F : 886 (Ko te pukapuka poto. 1877)

Gold. Charles Emilius (1809-1871): 514 (N.Z. Governor (1855-1861 : Browne), 1860) gold mining: 577 (Panuitanga. Kotahi te iwi tahae. 1862); 703 (He korero enei no te nupepa “Nutireni Herora". 1867); 735 (N.Z. Parliament House of Representatives. Public Petitions Committee. 1869); 1453 (Mackay, 1896); see also mining

Gold Mining Districts Act 1873 Amendment Act 1877; **BBB (New Zealand. 1877)

Good news; S2B (Te Hoa Maori (The Maori friend). 18857-1897)

Good news for all; 1226 (He rongo mau mo katoa. 1888)

Good Templars. Independent Order of see Independent Order of Good Templars

Gordon. Sir Arthur Charles Hamilton, Baron Stanmore (1829-1912) see N.Z. Governor (1880-1882 : Gordon)

Gore Browne. Sir Thomas see N.Z. Governor (1855-1861 Browne)

Gorst, Sir John Eldon (1835-1916): 598 (Kite motu katoa. 1863); see also N.Z. Civil Commissioner (Waikato) for works in official capacity The Gospel message: 1252 (Te kupu o te Kongo pai, 1889)

Goulburn. Frederick (1788-1837) see New South Wales. Colonial Secretary

government administration see gazette, government; legal system; newspapers, government; proclamations and official notices; Public Trustee and entries under New Zealand, or specific topics with sub-heading legislation government consultation with Maori: 214 (N.Z. Protector of Aborigines. 1844); 480 (N.Z. Governor (1855-1861 Browne). 1858); 504 (Kohimarama Conference, I860); 510, 516SI 7 (N.Z. Governor (1855-1861 : Browne). I860?); 520 (N.Z. Native Secretary’s Office, 1860); **s4o, 544 (N.Z. Governor (18551861 ; Browne). 1861); 547-548 (N.Z. Governor (1861-1868 : Grey). 1861); 630 (Tawhiao. 1863); 640 (Wellington Province. Superintendent. 1863); 733 (N.Z. Native Department. 1869); 734 (N.Z. Native Minister. 1869?); 809 (Te Tau, 1873); **9o2 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives, 1877); 950 (N.Z. Prime Minister (1877-1879 : Grey), 1871); 952 (Poneke, Akuhata 26. 1879); 975 (N.Z. Governor (1880-1882 : Gordon), 1880); 1033 (Maniapoto, 1882); **1219 (N.Z. Parliament. 1888); **1225 (Resolutions from Maori committees. 1888); 1296 (Tenei ka panuitia nei nga korero o te hui i tu ki Otorohanga. 1890); **l 31 1 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1891); 1336 (New Zealand. 1892); 1450 (Nga hui Maori i Poneke, 1896); 1456 (Native meetings at Wellington. 1896); 1466 (New Zealand. 1896); **1514-**1516 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1898); 1521 (Seddon. 1898); **1531 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1899); **1559 (N.Z. Parliament. 1900); ** 1560 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives, 1900); 1561-1562 (Notes of meetings. 1900); see also Maori, relations with the Crown government forces, indemnity (legislation); 1040 (New Zealand. 1882) government: land disposal (legislation): 1 135 (New Zealand, 1885) government land purchases see land sales

Government Native Land Purchases Act 1877: **BB9 (New Zealand. 1877)

Grace. Agnes (d. 1890); 884 (Grace. 1877); 1101 (He kupu whakaatu enei, 1884)

Grace. Thomas Samuel, senior (1815-1879); 452 (1854); 884 (1877)

Grace, Thomas Samuel, junior (1850-1918); = T. S. Kerehi tamaiti: 922 (Thomas. 1878); 1029-1030 (1882?); 1315-1316 (Williams. 1891)



Graham, E. J.: 1301 (Illustrations prepared for White's Ancient History of the Maori. 1891) A grammar: 217 (Williams, 1844) A grammar and vocabulary of the language of New Zealand; 2-5 (Kendall. 1820)

Grammar of the New Zealand language: 130131 (Maunsell. 1843); 567 (Maunsell. 1862); 647 (Maunsell. 1864?); 704 (Maunsell. 1867); 1036 (Maunsell. 1882); 1403 (Maunsell. 1894)

Grammatical notes on the New Zealand language: 377 (Pompallier, 1849)

Grant. Henry; = Henare Karani: 1545(ca. 1900) grapevines: 1475 (Pukapuka tatau o te iwi Maori. 1896)

Great Britain see also British history; England; English

Great Britain. Colonial Office.: 20 (1833)

Great Britain, petitions to: 1074 (Ko te pitihana a nga iwi o Niu Tireni ki Ingarani, 1883?); see also Victoria. Queen of Great Britain

Great Britain, powers over New Zealand; 6 (New South Wales. Governor (1821-1825 : Brisbane). 1824); 20 (Great Britain. Colonial Office. 1833); 82 (N.Z. Lieutenant-Governor (1840-1841 : Hobson). 1840); 83 (Treaty of Waitangi. 1840); 215 (Treaty of Waitangi (1840). 1844); 554 (Te Kawau, 1861); 1178 (Hardy. 1887); 1356 (Te karoro tipi hau, 1893); see also allegiance to Queen; British Resident; English legal system; Maori, relations with the Crown; New Zealand: constitutional arrangements; Treaty of Waitangi

Greek George. Professor; = Kariki Hori; see Hatzopulos. Dr John Theo.

Greenwood. John (1832-1909); 395 (Ko nga himene, 1850?)

Greenwood, Joseph (d. 1864); 394 (1850)

Grey. Sir George (1812-1898); = Kawana Kerei: 218 (Andrewes, 1845); 363 (Kemp. 1848); 408 (Cooper. 1851). 446 (Farewell address of the native tribes. 1853); 447 (1853); 450 (Brown. 1854); 453 (1854); 459 (Maori mementos. 1855); 468 (1857); 536 (Ko nga waiata a Waikato ki a Kawana Kerei. 1861?); 593 (Williams, 1862); 663 (Cooper. 1865); 71 1 (Rangipuawhe. 1867); 832 (Ki a Wikitoria. 1875?); 907 (Bracken. 1878?). 923 (He waiata na nga iwi Maori. 1878?); 943944. 949 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1879); 1033 (Maniapoto. 1882); 1129(1885); 1349 (Andrewes. 1893); see also N.Z. Governor (1845-1853); N.Z Governor (1861-1868); N.Z. Prime Minister (1877-1879 ; Grey) for works in official capacity

Greymouth. land: 775 (N.Z, Commissioner of Native Reserves. 1872); 1010 (N.Z. Native Affairs Committee. 1881)

Greymouth Native Reserve (legislation): 1054 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1882); 1082 (New Zealand. 1883); 1 185 (New Zealand. 1887)

Greymouth Native Reserve Bill 1882: 1054 (N.Z. Parliament House of Representatives. 1882); 1082 (New Zealand, 1883) grievances see compensation claims; land claims; petitions

Grimke. Mrs 995 (Bible. NT. Selections, ca. 1881)

Grindell. James (1823-1900); = Karini: 880 (Burrows. 1877?); 901 (N.Z. Parliament House of Representatives. 1877); **9o9a (1878); SI 6 (Te waka Maori o Ahuriri. 18631871); SI 8 (Te waka Maori o Niu Tirani. 1871-1877); S2l (Te waka Maori o Niu Tirani. 1878-1879)

Gudgeon. Walter Edward (1841-1920); = Kotiana; 1308 (N.Z. Native Land Court. 1891?)

Guide to the Old Testament: 1029 (Grace. 1882?)

Guinness. Henry Grattan (1835-1910); 1312 (North. 1891)

Gurney. Samuel: 641 (Aborigines’ Protection Society, 1864)


H. H T. (Hori Hemi Tuari) see G. J. S. ha he hi ho hu ka ke ki ko ku: 75 (Colenso. 1840)

Haarii. Hare see Hardy. Charles

Habens. William James (1839-1899); =

Hepene; see H Z. Secretary for Education (1894) for works in official capacity

Hadfield see also Harawira

Hadfield. Octavius (1814-1904); = Harawira: 9! (Church of England. 1841); 97 (Maunsell. 1841); 113 (Martin. 1842); 1 16 (Selwyn. 18442); 434 (Spelling book. 1852); 483 (He pukapuka whika. 1858); 493 (Church of England. 1860?)

Hadfield. Teuamairangi K Maungapohatu; = T. K. M. Harawira: 534 (Ko te panui o Aotearoa. 1894); see also Printer/Publisher index Te Haeata: S9 (1859-1862)

Haeatarangi. Rio. 645 (Kiriwi, 1864); 657 (Te Rauhihi. 1864); 660 (Wellington Province. Superintendent. 1864)

Haena see Ironside. Samuel

Haere atu e tenei reta Ki AKarana. E tae koe ka kimi atu i a te Kawana; 505 (Mahau Turakino. 1860)



Haere atu ra e taku reta aroha ki a Wiremu Ropiha ratou ko ana Matua e noho ana ki Taranaki 564 (Honatana. 1862)

Haere mai ki a au. e koutou katoa e mauiui ana 966 a (He himene. 1880)

Haere mai! te hunga hara: 60 (Colenso. 1839)

Haerehuka. Te Kanapu: 689 (1866)

Haerenga ki Taranaki; 408 (Cooper. 1851)

Haerenga ki Taupo, i Akarana; 394 (Greenwood. 1850) Te haerenga mai o te Ariki: 930 (ca. 1879)

Haerenga o te Tino-Kawana o Niu Tireni i Akarana. ki Taranaki . . : 408 (Cooper. 1851) Te haerenga tuarua mai a te Karaiti: 1501 (Sumner. 1897?)

Hahi Maori see Native Church Boards Te hahi matua. He pukapuka, ki nga tangata o Wanganui; 631 (Taylor, 1863)

Hahi o Ihu Karaiti o te Hunga Tapu o Muri Nei see Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Te Hahi o te Ruri Tuawhitu o Ihowa; = Church of the Seven Rules of Jehovah: 1487 (1897?)

Hahi onga Kuru Tepara see Independent Order of Good Templars Te hahi pono: 1268 (Spencer. 1889?); 1293 (Ryle. 1890)

Hahi taka; he katikihama mo etahi e nga he o te

Hahi o Roma: 436 (Williams. 1852)

Hakiro see Te Hakiro

half-castes see part-Maori

Hall. Sir John (1824-1907); = Hooro: 942 (N.Z Parliament. 1879); 945 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives, 1879)

Halse. Henry (1820-1888); = Hareti: 723 (N.Z. Native Dept. 1868); 745 (N.Z. Native Dept. 1870); 766 (Te Whiwhi. 1871?); 887 (Native reserves in the City of Wellington, 1877)

Hamlin. Ebenezer (1844-1900): 1323 (New Zealand. 1892)

Hamlin. James (1803-1865): II (Bible. Selections. 1830); 103 (Bible. O.T. Exodus IXX. 1842); 357 (Church of England. 1848)

Hamuera I; 382 (Bible. O.T. Samuel. Ist. 1850)

Hamuera II: 404 (Bible. O.T. Samuel, 2nd. 1851)

He hamumu peketua na Te Korimako: 525 (Te Korimako, 1882-1888)

Hana. Piripi Hana: 1419 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1894)

Hanara/Hanare. Honore, tamaiti see Sanders. Sondra Junior

Handbook of the New Zealand flora (Hooker. 1864); 690 (Maori-Latin index. 1866)

Hangaki see Sankey. Ira David

Hankey, Arabella Katherine (1834-191 1): 1201 (1888)

Hansard, translation: 524 (N.Z. Parliament. 1881-1906) Hanuere 3. 1862. Haere atu ra e taku reta aroha ki a Wiremu Ropiha ratou ko ana Matua e noho ana ki Taranaki: 564 (Honatana, 1862) Hapata, Wiremu see Williams. Herbert William Te hapi. Te whakatupuranga mete mahinga: 931 (Jeffs, 1879) Happy deaths; 334 (He korero tenei mo Ani Kanara. 1847)

Hapuku see Te Hapuku Hapurona (d. 1874); also known as Iwimaire or Pukerimu; formerly known as Ngawakawawe; later known as Tuahuterangi: 542 (N.Z. Governor (1855-1861 : Browne), 1861) Harata Patene Claim Rehearing Act 1873; 796 (N.Z. Parliament. 1873)

Harawira see Hadfield

Harding. Miss; I 125 (Cameron, 1885) Harding. Robert Coupland (1849-1916): 1 197 (Tenei te taonga nui, 1887?); see also Printer/Publisher index Harding’s almanac diary directory, and year-book: S2Ol/1880.1 (Church of England. 1841-1923) Harding’s New Zealand almanac: S2Ol/1880.1 (Church of England. 1841-1923) Hardy, Charles; = Hare Haarii: 1 178 (1887)

Hare. Hone Rapata see Hone Rapata Hare

Hareti see Halse. Henry

Harmony of the Gospels; 33 (Bible. N T. Selections, 1837); 37 (Ko te Kongo Pai i tuhituhia e nga Kai wakaako o Ihu Karaiti, 1837) Hastings, M. A : I 125 (Cameron. 1885); I 134 (Mortimer. 1885) Hatzopulos, Dr John Theo.; also known as Professor Greek George: 1537 (Theatre Royal. 1899) Hau, Wiremu; also known as William Marshall Hau (fl. 1825-1851): 205 (1844) Hauhau: 655 (Te Huia, 1864); 659 (Wellington Province. Provincial Council. 1864); 663 (Cooper. 1865); 665 (Hawke’s Bay Province. Superintendent. 1865); 667 (Ko pukemaire kua riro mail, 1865); 672 (N.Z. Governor (1861-1868 : Grey). 1865); 677 (He tangi na te Kura i Waerengaahika, 1865); 679 (Te Huia. 1865); 687 (Williams. 1862); 694 (Te Arawa, 1866); 724 (Petitions from East Coast natives relative to their lands. 1868)

Haukore. Rewi: 846 (Torotoro, 1875)

Hauraki Gulf: 617 (N.Z. Minister for Colonial Defence. 1863)

Hauraki Mining District; 1453 (Mackay, 1896)

Hauraki (Waitemata) Native Church Board see Church of England. Diocese of Auckland



Hauturu Block (legislation); 1 372 (New Zealand. 1893); 1381 (N.Z. Parliament. 1893)

Haututu. Arama Karaka; 845 (Te Aratapu, Kaipara, 29 o Mei. 1875)

Hawke's Bay; 361 (Colenso. 1848); 499 (Kawepo. I860?); 535 (Kawepo. 1861); 562563 (Hawke's Bay Province. Postmaster. 1862); 642 (Hawke’s Bay Province Postmaster. 1864); 663 (Cooper. 1865); 773 (Moana, 1872); 866 (Pakowhai. 4 Mei, 1876); 920 (Supplement to "Te Wananga ". 1878); 1 166 (He panui na te Komiti Takiwa. 1886); 1191 (He panui na te Komiti Takiwa. 1887); 1498 (He panuitanga. 1897); 5303 (Church of England. Diocese of Waiapu. 1870-1914)

Hawke s Bay. land: 401 (Te Hapuku. 1850); 533 (Further papers relative to native affairs. 1861); 762 (Petition of Te Rangiwhakaewa and others. 1871); 763 (Pupu. 1871); 801 (Petition of 300 Maoris of Hawke’s Bay. 1873); 802 (Petition of 371 Maoris of Hawke's Bay. 1873); 803 (Sheehan. 1873); 846 (Torotoro. 1875); 999 (Ko te whakataunga tenei o te whakawa mo Opoho. 1881); 1131 (Kawepo. 1885?); **1254 (New Zealand. 1889); 1264 (N.Z. Commission to Inquire into Certain Matters in Connection with the Ngarara. Porangahau. Mangamaire. and Waipiro Blocks of Land. 1889); * * 1 284 (N.Z. Native Land Court, 1890); 1308 (N.Z. Native Land Court. 1891?); SI9 (Te Wananga. 1871-1878)

Hawke's Bay. land (legislation); 774 (New Zealand. 1872); 1003 (New Zealand, 1881); 1055 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1882); 1333 (New Zealand. 1892)

Hawke’s Bay Maori Committee: 754 (Kuikainga. 1871); see also Komiti Nui o Heretaunga; Komiti Takiwa mo nga Iwi o Heretaunga

Hawke's Bay Native Church Board see Church of England. Diocese of Waiapu

Hawkes Bay Native Lands Alienation Commission Act 1872: 774 (New Zealand. 1872)

Hawke's Bay Province. Postmaster: 562-563 (1862); 642 (1864)

Hawke's Bay Province. Superintendent: 499 (Kawepo. I860?); 535 (Kawepo. 1861); 665 (1865)

He or me: 1543 (Brady. 1900) health: I 13 (Martin. 1842); 202 (Davies. 1844?); 203 (Fitzgerald. 1844); 362 (Fitzgerald. 1848?); 1121 (Pope. 1884); I 142 (N.Z. Native Minister. 1885); 1313 (PuKapuka tatau o te iwi Maori. 1891); 1473 (Pope. 1896). 1475

PukapuKa tatau o te iwi Maori. 1896); 1554 (New Zealand. 1900); 1558 a (N.Z. Colonial Secretary. 1 900); S3B (Te Aute College Students' Association. 1897-1906); see also bubonic plague; clothing; food; hospitals; housing; medicine; smallpox; typhus fever; vaccination and information in newspapers and almanacs (see Serials section) Health for the Maori: 1121 (Pope. 1884); 1473 (Pope, 1896) Heaphy. Charles (1820-1881); = Hiwhi; see N.Z Commissioner of Native Reserves (1872) Heke. Hone (d 1850) see Heke Pokai. Hone Wiremu Heke. Hone (1869-1909): 1532 (N.Z. Parliament House of Representatives. Native Affairs Committee. 1 899) Heke. John see Heke Pokai. Hone Wiremu Heke Pokai. Hone Wiremu (d. 1850); = Hone Heke; John Heke 205 (Hau. 1844); 241, 245. 247 (N.Z. Governor (1843-1845 Fitzßoy). 1845); 251 (N.Z. Southern Division. 1845); 625 (Pompallier, 1863)

Hemans. Felicia Dorothea (1793-1835): 409 (1851?); 412 (Te ngaro mahi honi, 1851?)

Henare, Hoani: 1482 (Anderson, 1897)

Hepene see Habens, William James Hepeiema 2nd. 1861. He Korero tenei mo tetahi o nga rangatira o Hauraki kua mate; 550 (Ngapora, 1861)

Her Majesty Victoria. Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland: 215 (Treaty of Waitangi, 1844)

Herald leaflets: 1543 (Brady. 1900)

Herald of mercy [tracts]: 1234 (Stanley. 1888)

Herangi see Searancke. William Nicholas Herangi. Te Kirihaehae Te Puea (1883-1952): S3l (Te paki o Matariki. 1892-1935?) Nga Herehere Maori: 979 (N.Z. Parliament. 1880)

Heremaia. Niniwa see Niniwa-i-te-Rangi

Heretaunga: 1391 (Tomoana. 1893)

Heretaunga Block: 1131 (Kawepo. 1885?)

Heretaunga Block (legislation):**l2s4 (New Zealand. 1889) Heretaunga Native Church Board see Church of England. Diocese of Waiapu

Herewini, Pihopa see Selwyn. George Augustus Heta Mete, H G. see Seth-Smith. Hugh Garden Hetana see Seddon. Richard John Te hiahia o te Ariki: he kauwau: 358 (Colenso. 1848) Hicks, Charles: 1399 (ca 1894) Hicks's Maori shorthand; 1399 (Hicks, ca. 1894) A high church vicar converted: 1132 (Te korerotanga kite whakaminenga. 1885) Hihana. Hone see Sheehan. John



Hiini. Hone see Sheehan. John Nga hiiringa i te whitu: 537 (1896)

Hikairo. Wiremu: SI9 (Te Wananga. 1871-1878) Te hikoi tuatahi kite reo Maori; or. First step to the Maori language: 532 (Donaldson. 1861)

Hikutaia No. 1 Block Boundary Act 1895: 1430 (New Zealand. 1895)

Hill. Richard (1782-1836); 21 (Marshall. 1834).

Himatangi back rents (petition of Rairi Rangiheuea and others relative to): 1072 (1883)

Himatangi Crown Grants Act 1877 [Bill 1877]: 890 (New Zealand, 1877); 896 (N.Z. Parliament, 1877)

Himatangi. land: 1072 (The Himatangi back rents, 1883)

Himatangi, land (legislation): 890 (New Zealand. 1877); 896 (N.Z. Parliament, 1877)

Himene: 224 (ca. 1845); 392 (Church of England. 1850-1851); 910 (1878?); 928 (Church of England, 1879); 1031 (1882?); 1275 (Eihu toku oranga, ca. 1890); 1355 (Himene. 1893?); see also Ko nga himene

He himene: 60 (Colenso. 1839); 966 a (1880); 997 (Church of England. 1881); 1021 (He pukapuka whakaako mo nga tamariki Maori. 1881)

Himene 1. [-3.]: 780 (1873); 784 (Ko nga himene. 1873?)

He Himene. Kia mata. kia toa: 1 149 (BaringGould, 1886?)

Himene mo nga Rore Takiwa o te Oota Initipenetana o nga Kuru Tepara: 1098 (Independent Order of Good Templars. 1884)

He himene mo te ahiahi: 126-127 (Ken. 1843)

He himene mo te ata: 128-129 (Ken. 1843)

He himene mo te karakia kite Atua: 1073 (1883); **ll3o (1885); 1179 (1887); 1202 (1888); 1276 (1890); 1449(1896); 1546(1900)

He himene mo te Ratapu i ara ai a Ihu: 125 (1843)

Hinetapora (wharenui): 1452 (Nga korero o te hui o Hinetapora, 1896?)

Hipango, Wata Wiremu; 1451 (Te Karere tuarua a Mahuru, 1896?); S4O (The Jubilee = Te Tiupiri, 1898-1900)

Hipi: 1282 (New Zealand. 1890)

Hirope see Hislop. Thomas William

His commandments are not grevious [sic]: 1226 (He rongo mau mo katoa, 1888)

Hislop, Thomas William (1850-1925); = Hirope: 1212 (New Zealand, 1888); 1281 (New Zealand, 1890)

Hiwhi (Charles Heaphy) see N.Z. Commissioner of Native Reserves (1872)

Hiwhiri: **573 (N.Z. Native Circuit Court. 1862)

He hoa Korerorero: 206 (1844) Te hoa Maori (The Maori friend); S2B (18857-1897) Te hoa Maori and Good news: S2B (Te Hoa Maori (The Maori friend). 18857-1897) Te hoa Maori, with good news for all: S2B (Te hoa Maori (The Maori friend). 18857-1897) Hoani Papita see Becker. John Baptist Hobbs. John (1800-1883); = Ropiha: 7 (Lord’s Prayer, 1826); **B (Alphabet. 1827); **lo (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion); 43(Wesleyan Methodist Connexion); 45 (Bible. N T., 1838); 48-49 (Turner. 1838); 50 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1838); 54 (Bumby, 1839); 86 (Bible. O.T. Selections, 1841); 100 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1841); 188 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion, 1843); 193 (Bible. O.T. Job. 1844); 200 (Colenso, 1844); 353 (Bible. O.T. Psalms, 1848); 463 (Bible. O.T. Selections. 1856); 1419 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1894); S2ll/1844 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1844-1854) Hobbs. Richard (1833-1910); 1056 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1882) Hobham, Matthew (1836-1846): **3l6 (N.Z. Southern Division, 1846) Hobson. William (1 792-1842); = Wiremu Hopihana: 130 (Maunsell, 1843); see also N.Z. Zealand. Lieutenant-Governor (1840-1841 : Hobson); N.Z. Governor (1841-1842 ; Hobson) for works in official capacity

Hoeti, William seejowett, William Ko Hohua: 1 18 (Bible. O.T. Joshua. Selections, 1843) Hohua. Upoko 1 1: 322 (Bible. O.T. Joshua. XIXXI, 1847?) Hoia o te Hahi. whakatika ra: Haere maia ake; Nei he mahi mau: 1 149 (Baring-Gould. 1886?) Te Hokioi, e rere atu na: SI3 (Te Hokioi, o NuiTireni, e rere atuna. 1862-1863) Te Hokioi, o Nui-Tireni, e rere atuna: SI 3 (18621863) Nga Hoko me nga Riihi o nga Whenua Maori: **B64 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1876) Hoko o Hauturu Motu, 1894: 1406 (New Zealand, 1894) Hoko Waipiro i Roto i nga Takiwa . . . Maori: 819 (New Zealand. 1874) He hoko whakawateatanga!!: 661 (A. & M. Browne, 1865) Hoko Whakawhiwhi When[u]a Maori: 1368 (New Zealand. 1893); 1378 (N.Z. Parliament. 1893) Nga Hoko Whenua Maori o Te Waipounamu. (te whakatau a te Komihana): 1009 (N.Z. Middle



Island Native Land Purchase Commission. 1881)

Hokonga whenua i Waipounamu: 834 (Mackay, 1875)

Holmes. Matthew (1817-1901): 821 (New Zealand. 1874)

Holy Trinity Church (Pakaraka, Bay of Islands): 778 (Church of England. Diocese of Auckland. 1873?) Te honae; being a small collection of temperance, and sacred melodies, in Maori: 1 127 (Davis. 1885)

Honatana (of Tamaraua); = Jonathan: 564 (1862)

Hone, Hohua see Jones. Joshua

Hone Rapata Hare; = John Robert Charles?: I 151 (1886)

Hone Rapata Hare Ma. Kaiwhakahaere Mahi Maori: 1151 (1886)

Hongi. Edward Parry (fl. 1825-1836); = Eruera Pare Hongi: 19 (Church of England. 1833); 28 (Declaration of the Independence of NZ. 1836); 34 (Declaration of the Independence of NZ. 1837)

Hongi, Eruera Pare see Hongi. Edward Parry

Hongi Hika (1772-1828): 2 (Kendall. 1820)

Hooker. Sir Joseph Dalton (1817-1911); 690 (Maori-Latin index. 1866)

Hooro see Hall. Sir John

Hopihana. Wiremu see Hobson, William

hops: 931 (Jeffs. 1879)

Hopukia te oranga tonutanga: 1 180 (1887)

Horoera (East Cape): 1277 (Matauru, 1890?)

Horomona. Hohepa: 1462 (New Zealand. 1896)

Horomona Paatu Land-grant Act 1890 [Bill 1890]: 1279 (New Zealand. 1890); 1286 (N.Z Parliament. 1890)

Horopapera (= Zerubbabel) Tuhaka see Te Da Haumene

Horowhenua: 765 (Te Rauparaha. 1871); 1418 (Te Rangihiwinui. 1894); 1472 (N.Z. Parliament. Legislative Council. Native Affairs Committee. 1896)

Horowhenua Block (legislation): 1304 (New Zealand. 1891); 1430 (New Zealand. 1895); 1451 (Te karere tuarua a Mahuru, 1896?); 1457 (New Zealand, 1896)

Horowhenua Block Act 1895 [1896]: 1431 (New Zealand. 1895); 189 6; 1457 (New Zealand. 1896)

Horowhenua Poraka: 1431 (New Zealand. 1895); 1457 (New Zealand. 1896) horses, breeding: 1 182 (Ko Karanimana. 1887?) hospitals; 202 (Davies. 1844?)

Hotereni see Shortland. Edward

Houkamau. Te Hatiwira see Te Houkamau. Te


Houmaitawhiti I 390 (Te Arawa, 1893) The hour of prayer: 409 (Hemans. 1851?) housing; 362 (Fitzgerald. 1848?); 1121 (Pope. 1884)

Houston, Robert Morrow (1842-1912); = Auhana: 1517 (N.Z. Parliament House of Representatives. Native Affairs Committee. 1898) 1532 (N.Z Parliament. House of Representatives. Native Affairs Committee. 1899) How beauteous are the feet; 780 (Himene I. 1873) How to learn Maori: 1095 (Shortland. 1883) Huakatoa, Te Whitu: 537 (Nga hiiringa i te whitu, 1896) Te huarahi kite oranga tonutanga: 1 545 (Grant, ca. 1900) Te huarahi kite rangi: 1542 (Barker. 1900) Huarahi whakahaere apiti atu ki nga huarahi whakahaere o te Kooti Maori Whakawa Tuarua; 1470/8 (N.Z. Native Land Court, 1896) Huarahi whakahaere. apiti atu ki nga huarahi whakahaere o te Kooti Whenua Maori; **1469. (N.Z Native Land Court. 1896)

Huarahi whakahaere. apiti atu ki nga huarahi whakahaere o te Kooti Whenua Maori. He mea tango mai i roto i te New Zealand gazette ote 19 o nga ra o Maehe. 1896; 1470/9. 1471 (N.Z Native Land Court. 1896) Nga huarahi whakahaere i raro i nga tikanga o Te Ture Taone Maori, 1895. He mea tango mai i roto ite New Zealand gazette, ote 13 o nga ra o Pepuere. 1896: * * 1467. 1 470/11 (N.Z. Native Land Court. 1896)

Huarahi-whakahaere i raro i te Ture Kaunihera Maori, 1900; **1556 (New Zealand. 1900) Nga huarahi whakahaere o te Kooti Maori Whakawa Tuarua: **1468 (N.Z. Native Land Court. 1896) Nga huarahi whakahaere o te Kooti Whakawa Tuarua: 1471 (N.Z. Native Land Court. 1896) Nga huarahi whakahaere o te Kooti Whenua Maori: 1283 (N.Z. Native Land Court. 1890) Nga huarahi whakahaere o te Kooti Whenua Maori. He mea tango mai i roto i te New Zealand gazette, o te 7 o nga ra o Maehe. 1895; **1468, 1470/7, 1471 (N.Z. Native Land Court. 1896) Nga huarahi whakahaere o te Kooti Whenua Maori; mete Kooti Maori Whakawa Tuarua: 1470/6 (N.Z. Native Land Court. 1896) Hughes. Joshua (1807-1889): 1032 (Ki nga rangatira Maori kei Niu Tirani, 1882) hui see meetings, initiated by Maori and meetings, initiated by non-Maori

Hui Maori: 1450 (Nga hui Maori i PoneKe.



1896); 1456 (Native meetings at Wellington. 1896)

Nga hui Maori i Poneke, 1896: 1450 (1896) Huia tangata Kotahi: 533 (1893-1895); 535 (Maramataka haere limata, 1894?)

He huihuinga no nga rarangi Karaipiture, he mea ata whakatokoto ki tona wahi ki tona wahi kia rite ki tona tikanga ki tona tikanga: 1351 (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 1893?)

Huihuinga o nga rangatira Maori: 1253 (Meeting of New Zealand chiefs, 1889?) Te huinga ote Arawa ki Mokoia Rotorua: 1 195 (Taranui. 1887) Te huinga tuawha o te Kauhanganui o Aotearoa: 1346 (Tawhiao. 1892)

Hungahunga. Heta: 753 (1871)

Hupirimi Kooti see N.Z. Supreme Court Te Hupirimi Kooti. Te Wenarei. Akuhata 14th, 1872: 777 (Torotoro. 1872)

Hursthouse, Richmond (1845-1902): **lll6 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives, 1884)

He huruhuru hipi. he kaanga, he kumara, he taro . : 1 144 (N.Z. Under-Secretary for Native Affairs. 1885)

Hutana. lhaia (1843/44?-1938): 533 (Huia tangata kotahi, 1893-1895); 535 (Maramataka haere timata, 1895)

Hutton, Thomas Biddulph (1824-1886): 126 (Ken, 1843); 208 (Matthews. 1844)

Hymn; **l3 (Hymn. 1830) hymns: 459 (Maori mementos, 1855); 779 (Davis. 1873); 1180 (Hopukia te oranga tonutanga, 1887); 1275 (Eihu toku oranga. ca. 1890)

1881); 1031 (Himene, 1882?); 1071 (Davis. 1883); 1073 (He himene mo te karakia kite Atua, 1883); **ll3o (He himene mo te karakia kite Atua. 1885); 1 149 (Baring-Gould. 1886?); 1 1 79 (He himene mo te karakia kite Atua. 1887); 1202 (He himene mo te karakia kite Atua. 1888); 1276 (He himene mo te karakia kite Atua. 1890); 1355 (Himene. 1893?); 1449 (He himene mo te karakia kite Atua. 1896); 1546 (He himene mo te karakia kite Atua, 1900); S2Ol (Church of England. 1841-1923) hymns. Catholic: 55 (Catholic Church. 1839); 121 (Catholic Church. 1843); 327 (Catholic Church. 1847); 471 (Catholic Church. 1858); 490-491 (Pompallier, 1859); 530 (Catholic Church, 1861); 1200 (Catholic Church, 1888); 1395-1396 (Catholic Church, 1894); 1401 (Ko nga waiata mo te waru o nga ra o Tihema, 1894); 1484 (Catholic Church, 1897); 1544 (Catholic Church. 1900) hymns. Good Templars; 1098 (Independent Order of Good Templars, 1884) hymns. Lutheran; 886 (Ko te pukapuka poto, 1877) hymns. Salvation Army: 1417 (Te pukapuka waiata mo nga hoia o Te Ope Whakaora. ca. 1894) hymns. Wesleyan: **lo (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion, 1827); 36 (Ko nga himene. 1837) 51 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1838) 64 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion, 1839) 99 (Watkin, 1841); 102 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1841); 258 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion, 1845); 555 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1861); 925 (Bible. O.T. Psalms. 1879); 1419 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1894) I I be ready, are you?: I 543 (Brady. 1900) I mate: Sl4/no. 2 (Gazette notices, 1864-1864) I roto o te Hupirimi Kooti o Nui Tireni. i noho ki Nepia i te 14 o nga ra o Akuhata, 1872: 777 (Torotoro, 1872)

I ruia ki roto ki nga tataramoa: 960 (Stanley, 1879); 1233 (Stanley, ca. 1888)

I te takiwa tonu e whakapono ai ka ora: 1302 (Kua mate a Hoani Tawhito, 1891)

I tuhituhia ai tenei pukapuka e Te Kawana inaianei ... 16 o Akuhata. 1846: 315 (N.Z. Governor (1845-1853 ; Grey). 1846)

If thou knewest the gift of God: 961 (Stanley. 1879); 1235 (Stanley, ca 1888); 1321 (Mylne, 1892?)

Ihaka: 505 (Mahau Turakino, 1860)

hymns, Anglican: 9 (Bible. Selections. 1827); 1 I (Bible. Selections. 1830); **l3 (Hymn. 1830); 56 (Church of England, 1839); 60 (Colenso, 1839); 72-74 (Church of England. 1840); 78 (Ko nga himene, 1840); 92-94 (Church of England. 1841); 109 (Church of England. 1842); 125 (He himene mo te Ratapu i ara ai a Ihu, 1843); 126-129 (Ken. 1843); 197 (Church of England. 1844); 224 (Himene, ca. 1845); 261 (Ko nga himene, ca. 1846); 330 (Colenso, 1847); 392 (Church of England. 1850-1851?); 395 (Ko nga himene. 1850?); 421 (Church of England. 1852); 465 (Ko nga himene. ca. 1856); 473 (Church of England. 1858); 500-502 (Ko nga himene. ca. I860); 740 (Ko nga himene. ca. 1870); 780 (Himene 1. 1873); 784-785 (Ko nga himene. 1873?); 854 (Ko nga himene, 1876?); 910 (Himene. 1878?); 966 a (He himene. I860); 1021 (He pukapuka whakaako mo nga tamariki Maori,



lhakara Te Hokowhitukuri: 666 (1865) illustrations see lithographs; photographs

Illustrations prepared for White’s Ancient History of the Maori: 1301 (1891); 1488 (1897)

Important decision of the Supreme Court; 920 (Supplement to “Te Wananga ". 1878) An important question: 1565 (He tikanga nui, 1900)

Impounding Act 1884. Selections: 1 106 (New Zealand. 1884)

Imprisonment for Debt Abolition Bill 1893: 1385 (N.Z Parliament. House of Representatives, 1893)

Inaianei!; 1234 (Stanley. 1888)

Indemnity Act 1882: 1040 (New Zealand. 1882)

Independent Order of Good Templars; = Hahi onga Kuru Tepara; Oota Initipenetana o nga Kuru Tepara: 813 (1874); 1098-1 100. 1 102 (1884)

India, land tenure system: 921-922 (Thomas. 1878) The Indian and the worm: 1344 (S. R.. 1892?)

Indigent natives. Middle and Stewart Islands (return of expenditure on), for the last three years: 1318 (1892)

Individualization of native title; 533 (Further papers relative to native affairs. 1861)

industry see gold mining; kauri gum; mining

Ingoa o nga lure me nga Pire; 522/1882 (New Zealand. 1879-1910)

Instant salvation: I 302 (Kua mate a Hoani Tawhito, 1891)

Instructions on the luminous doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church: **lo6 (Catholic Church. 1842?)

interpreters: 850 (Wyllie, ca. 1875); 1077 (New Zealand. 1883); 1 193 (Pope. 1887)

Intestate Natives Succession Act 1876 [Bill 1876J: **BsB (New Zealand. 1876); 861 (N.Z Parliament, 1876); 1300 (Edwards. 1891); 1415 (N.Z. Royal Commission . Kaitangiwhenua Block. 1894)

invitations; 24 (Busby. 1835); 69 (Busby. 1840); 201 (Cotton. 1844); 205 (Hau. 1844); 214 (N.Z. Protector of Aborigines. 1844); **sls (N.Z. Governor (1855-1861 : Browne). I860?); **s4o (N.Z. Governor (1855-1861 : Browne), 1861?); **s9l (Te Waharoa, 1862); 749 (Ngapora, 1870?); 866 (Pakowhai. 4 Mei. 1876); 1245 (E hoa ma. e nga iwi. 1889); 1248 (Kia meou tangata whaiwhakaaro nunui katoa. 1889); 1277 (Matauru. 1890?); 1341 (He panui, 1892); 1498-1499 (He panuitanga. 1897); 1535 (Panuitanga, 1899?)

Ironside. Samuel (1814-1897): 54 (Bumby. 1839); 317 (Wesley)

Issoudun Missionaries of the Sacred Heart see Societe des Missionaires du Sacre-Coeur (Issoudun)

Issue of Orders in Council (return of applications for) under the provisions of section 4 of “The Native Land Laws Amendment Act, 1895." and “The Native Land Laws Amendment Act. 1897": 1525 (1899)

Itinerary: **359 (Colenso. 1848)

Iturangi, Hemi Pataka: 590 (Te Teira, 1862)

Iwi interaction and cooperation; 1517 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. Native Affairs Committee. 1898); see also Maori King Movement; Maori Parliament Iwikau. Te Heuheu Tukino ill see Te Heuheu Tukino 111. Iwikau. Iwimaire see Hapurona


J. G. B. see Baker. Joseph Goadby

Jeffs. Charles Kingsford (1835-1908): 931 (1879)

Jenkins. William (1814-1867): 641 (Aborigines' Protection Society. 1864) Jesus Christ, Biblical names: 225 (Ko nga ingoa o Ihu Kariti, 1845) Jesus Christ, in poetry; 1201 (Hankey, 1888) Jesus Christ is risen today. Hallelujah!’: 125 (He himene mo te Ratapu I ara ai a Ihu. 1843) Jesus said it: 1270 (Wahi iti kua riro atu i ta te Karaiti tikanga, 1889)


inquests. 582 (Ross, 1862)

He inoinga ma te tangata e wakaaro atu ana ki te Iriiringa: 331 (Colenso, 1847?)

Nga inoinga i te ata: 42 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1837); 51 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1838)

Nga inoinga i te ahiahi: 42 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1837)

te Pihopatanga o Waiapu; 1400 (1894?) He inoi puku, no te Karaipiture 351 (Bible. Selections. 1848)

Te inoi mo te wai: I 152 (1886?) He inoi mo te whakaritenga i tetahi pihopa mo

He inoi mo te Kareti; 1506 (ca. 1898) Te inoi mo te taro: 1152 (Te inoi mo te wai, 1886?)

1837); 498 (ca. I860?); 631 (Taylor. 1863) He inoi mo nga ra Katoa o te wiki; (Andrewes. 1869)

Te Iniana mete toke; 1344 (S. R.. 1892?) He inoi: 687 (Williams. 1865) He inoi ma nga tamariki: 1246 (1889) He inoi mo nga hoa i tawhiti: 781 (ca. 1873) He inoi mo nga Pakeha me nga Maori; 35 (ca.


Johnson. George Randall (1833-1919); 862 (N.Z Parliament. 1876)

Johnston. John (1809-1887): **692 (New Zealand. 1866)

Jones. John (1808/18097-1869): 99 (Watkin. 1841)

Jones. Joshua; = Hohua Hone 1212 (New Zealand, 1888)

Journal of an expedition overland from Auckland to Taranaki: 408 (Cooper. 1851)

Journey to Taranaki: 408 (Cooper. 1851)

Journey to Taupo. from Auckland: 394 (Greenwood. 1850)

Jowett. William; = Wm Hoeti: 205 (Hau. 1844) The Jubilee = Te Tiupiri: S4O (1898-1900)

Jubilee Contingent: 1492 (Maori Parliament, 1897?)

Jubilee statement: 385-**3B7 (Church Missionary Society, 1850)

Jury, Hoani Te Whatahoro (1841-1923); also known as John Alfred Jury; John Alfred Te Whatahoro Jury; Hoani Turi Te Whatahoro; H. T. Whatahoro; Te Whatahoro Jury: 1450 (Nga hui Maori i Poneke, 1896); 1456 (Native meetings at Wellington, 1896); S4O (The Jubilee = Te Tiupiri, 1898-1900)


“Ka ki atu a Ihu ki a ratou, kia tupato ra kei wakahekia koutou e tetahi; . 105 (Bible. N T Selections, ca. 1842)

Ka mau-ria nga ta-ma-ri-ki ki Te Ka-rai-ti: 16 (Bible. N T. Matthew XIX, 13-15, 1833?)

Ka mea a Ihu. e rongo ana aku hipi: 995 (Bible. N.T. Selections, ca. 1881)

Ka mea a Ihu. haere mai ki ahau. 995 (Bible. N T. Selections, ca. 1881)

Ka mea a Ihu, ko ahau te hepara pai: 995 (Bible. N T. Selections, ca. 1881)

“Ka meinga nga mea katoa. kaua e amuamu, kaua e korerorero ”: 360 (Colenso, 1848)

Ka noho i nga tau o mua. I 180 (Hopukia te oranga tonutanga. 1887)

ka po te ra. the day is gone: 1 37 (Nga pukapuka wakaako-Pakeha, 1843)

Ka rite hoki ki nga ra i a Noa: 956 (Stanley. 1879); 1229 (Stanley, ca. 1888)

Ka rite ki nga ra i a Rota: 959 (Stanley. 1879); 1232 (Stanley, ca. 1888)

Ka tekau ma rua nga marama i hapai pu ai i koutou kia te Kuini: 542 (N.Z. Governor (1855-1861 : Browne). 1861)

Ka tiakina te tahatika o Hauraki e nga tima: 617 (N.Z. Minister for Colonial Defence. 1863)

Ka timatatia atu tenei ritenga ki nga tangata o tenei whakaaro. o tenei ritenga: 655 (Te Huia, 1864)

Ka tirohia te ripeka: 1275 (Eihu toku oranga, ca. 1890) Ka wa-ka-a-ra-hia a Ra-ha-ru-hi e Te Ka-rai-ti; (Bible. N T. John XI. 43-44. 1833?) Kahiti: SI 7 (1865-1931) Kahiti whakawa whenua Maori: 536 (Ko te kahiti tuturu . .. 18957-1896?) Kahore he pokanga ketangi: 1547 (1900) Kahukuranui see Kaiwhata, Paora Kai arahi-1898; 1520 (Pukapuka rapu, 1898) kai mai pai tai wao hao nao tao: 75 (Colenso, 1840) Kai Tahu (Iwi) see Ngai Tahu Kai Tuhi Nui see N.Z. Civil Secretary Kai Tuhituhi o te Karoni/Koroni see N.Z. Colonial Secretary Kai Whakahaere Tikanga mo nga Whenua o te Kawanatanga see N.Z. Secretary for Crown Lands Kaiapoi Native Reserves Act 1877 [Bill 1877]: **B9l (New Zealand. 1877); 897 (N.Z. Parliament. 1877) Kaiapoi Native Reserves Act 1877 Amendment Act 1892. 1322 (New Zealand. 1892) Kaihau, Henare (1854/18607-1920); **1497 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1897); 1532 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. Native Affairs Committee, 1899) Kaihau Trust Money Act 1892: 1323 (New Zealand. 1892) Kaihau’s Bill: **1497 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1897) Kaikohe: 533 (Further papers relative to native affairs, 1861)

Kai-mataara o nga iwi erua: **S2 (Ko te kaiwhakamataara o nga iwi erua. 1848) Kaimokopuna, Wirihana: 1239 (Waipawa Native Pah. Tapairu. 1888) Te Kainga Maori i Taumutu, 1883: 1085 (New Zealand, 1883) Te Kainga Takiwa Porowini i te Koroni o Nui Tireni: 1203 (1888?) Kaipara: 608 (N.Z. Governor (1861-1868 : Grey), 1863); 1032 a (Ko te korero o te haerenga mai o Kiingi Tawhiao ki Akarana. 1882) Kaipara. Te Aratapu, 29 o Mei. 1875: 843 (Taonui, 1875) Kaipo Reserve Act 1892: ([No. I]); 1324 (New Zealand, 1892); (No. 2); 1324 (New Zealand. 1892) Kaipo Reserve Act 1892 Amendment: 1324 (New Zealand, 1892) Kairangi, Atanatiu see Te Kairangi. Atanatiu Kaitaia Oketopa I 1844: 208 (Matthews. 1844)



Kaitangiwhenua Block; 1415 (N.Z. Royal Commission. 1894)

Kaitoa. Te Teira Manuka see Te Teira, Manuka

Kaitotehe Mission School: 381 (Ashwell. ca 1850)

Kaiwai, Henare (d. 1885): 875 (Tomoana. 1876)

Kaiwhakahaere Mahi Maori: 1151 (Hone Rapata Hare Ma. 1886) Nga kaiwhakarongo i te taha o te ara: 1312 (North. 1891)

Kaiwhata. Paora (d. 1892); also known as

Kahukuranui: 866 (Pakowhai, 4 Mei. 1876); 1131 (Kawepo. 1885?) Te Kamupene Whakanohonoho Whenua Maori o Niu Tireni see N.Z. Native Land Settlement Company

Kanara. Ani see Chandler. Ann; Connor. Anne

Te kanga ote mahi hoko waipiro: 1446 (White, ca. 1895)

Kapiti Island Public Reserve Act 1897: 1495 (New Zealand. 1897)

Kara. Timi see Carroll. James Nga kara e tom: 919 (Stanley. 1878); 1228 (Stanley, ca. 1888)

Karaati mo nga Hawhe-kaihe o te Waipounamu; 1211 (New Zealand. 1888) Nga Karaati mo nga Rahui Maori o Murihiku: 947 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1879); 1015 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1881); 1058 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1882); 1079 (New Zealand. 1883) Nga Karaati o Taimaro me Waimahana: 822 (New Zealand. 1874) Nga Karaati o Whakataki: 823 (New Zealand. 1874)

Karaati Whenua mo Horomona Paatu: 1279 (New Zealand. 1890); 1286 (N.Z, Parliament. 1890)

Karaati Whenua mo Mere Taka: 1325 (New Zealand. 1892) Te Karaipiture. Kowai te tino putake o te Karaipiture?: 565 (1862)

Karaitiana. Wirihana Kaimokopuna; 534 (Further papers relative to the native insurrection. 1861)

Karaka see Clarke. George, senior

karakia see prayers He karakia Kua whakaritea i te pihopatanga o Waiapu mo te nehu i te tupapaku: 1448 (Church of England. Diocese of Waiapu. 1896)

Karamu Reserve Act 1889: **1254 (New Zealand. 1889)

Karani. Henare see Grant. Henry

Karanimana see Clansman (horse)

Karapu Maori o Poneke see Maori Club. Wellington. Ltd

Kararehe: 1285 (N.Z. Parliament. 1890)

Karau, P 1182 (Ko Karanimana. 1887?) Nga Karauna Karaati o Himatangi: 896 (N.Z Parliament. 1877) Te karere Maori: S3 (The Maori messenger = Te karere Maori. 1849-1854); S5 (The Maori messenger = Te karere Maori. 1855-1861) Te karere Maori or Maori messenger: SI2 (1861-1863) Te karere o Nui Tireni; SI (1842-1846) Te karere o Poneke: 478 (He marama-taka-haere mo te tau, 1859); S7 (1857-1858) Te karere o te Kongo Pai: 1124 (Baker. 1885) Te karere o te Kongo Pai ( series: in issue number order): No. 1: 1147 (Tera e totohu te kaipuke i te puta kotahi. 1885); No. 2: 1145 (North. 1885); No. 3: 1132 (Te korerotanga kite whakaminenga. 1885); No. 4: 1153 (Kei hea nga tokoiwa. 1886?); No. 5; 1190 (North. 1887?); [No. 6J: I 198 (Te waipuke. 1887); No. 7: 1174 (Te arani maoa mete aporo mata, 1887?); No. 8; 1234 (Stanley. 1888); No. 9: 1 226 (He rongo mail mo katoa, 1888); No. 10: 1270 (Wahi iti kua riro atu i ta te Karaiti tikanga. 1889); No. 11: 1252 (Te kupu o te Rongo Pai. 1889); No. 12: 1267 (Te ritenga mete mana o te toto o te Karaiti, 1889); No. 13: 1297 (Te turanga u. 1890); No. 14: 1293 (Ryle. 1890); No. 15: 1302 (Kua mate a Hoani Tawhito, ko Hoani Hou tenei, 1891); No. 16: 1312 (North, 1891); No. 17: 1347 (He whaikorero na tetahi minita. 1892?); No. 18: 1321 (Mylne, 1892?); No. 19: 1344 (S. K.. 1892?); No. 20: 1501 (Sumner. 1897?); No. 21: 1524 (Barker. 1899?); No. 22: 1547 (Kahore he pokanga ketangi. 1900); No 23: 1542 (Barker. 1900); No. 24: 1565 (He tikanga nui. 1900); No. 25: 1543 (Brady. 1900); No. 26: I 549 (Nga kupu whakahoki a te Atua ki ou patai. 1900?) He karere tenei naku ki Waikato, kia noho marama mai ki tenei mahi kuare a Taranaki: 521 (Ngatata, 1860) Te karere tuarua a Mahuru: 1451 (1896?) Karini see Grindell. James Karira see Creed. Charles Te karoro tipi hau. 1356 (1893) Katata, Pene: 1482 (Anderson. 1897) Katekihama: 121 (Catholic Church. 1843?) Katekihama i nga tino kupu o te Atua ki ta te Hahi Katorika Komana wakamohiotanga: 120 (Catholic Church. 1843) Katekihama poto: 121 (Catholic Church. 1843?) Katene see Cotton. William Charles



Katene. Wiremu (d. 1895): 761 (Pehiriri. 1871?)

Kali Mamoe o Kai Tahu see Ngati Mamoe (Iwi)

Katikihama: 327 (Catholic Church. 1847); see also Ko nga katikihama He katikihama, he aha. he aha: 50 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1838); 84 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1840); 100 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1841)

Katikihama hei akoranga ma te tamariki; 11 (Bible. Selections. 1830); 1024 (Church of England. 1882) He katikihama hei whakaako i nga tangata katoa: 223 (Church of England, 1845); 355356 (Church of England. 1848); 388 (Church of England. 1850?) He Katikihama kia akona e nga tangata katoa keiwha kawea kite Pihopa kia whakaukia: 908 (Church of England, ca. 1878?) He katikihama wakapakanga: 423 (Colenso, 1852)

Katinga. Hori see Cutting. George

Katipuru, Eruera see Catchpool. Edward

Kauaeranga Block (legislation): 1410 (New Zealand. 1894)

Kauhanganui (Convention of chiefs); 1346 (Tawhiao. 1892); **1357 (Te Kauhanganui o Aotearoa. 1893) Te Kauhanganui o Aotearoa; **1357 (1893)

Kauika. Wiremu: 1415 (N.Z. Royal Commission Kaitangiwhenua Block. 1894) Te Kaunihera see N.Z. Parliament. Legislative Council

Kaunihera Maori: 776 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1872); 799 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1873); 1554-* * 1556 (New Zealand. 1900)

Kauri-gum Industry Act 1898; **1552 (New Zealand. 1900)

Kauri-gum Industry Act Amendment Act 1899: **1553 (New Zealand. 1900)

Kauwhau: 324 (Bible. N T. Gospels. Selections. 1847) He kauwhau na te Manihera (Atirikona); 311 (Maunsell, 1846) He kauwhau whakawhetainga: 231 (Matthews. 1845)

Kawaho, Wi; 505 (Mahau Turakino. 1860)

Kawakawa: **1247 (Kawiti. ca. 1889?)

Kawakura. Hdri Kerei: 697 (Te Puehu. 1866)

Kawanga Whare-karakia ki Mangahanea, a te 1 4 o nga ra o Pepuere. 1899: 1535 (Panuitanga. 1899?)

Kawanga Whare-karakia. Waiata 24 Te Pihopa: 1274 (Church of the Province of N.Z. Diocese of Waiapu. 1890?)

Kawenata Hou: 1241 a (Bible. N T.. 1889?); 1394 (Bible. N.T.. 1894)

Kawenata Tawhito: 455 (Bible. O.T. Selections. 1855): 470 (Bible. O.T. Selections. 1858)

Kawepo. Renata Tama-ki-Hikurangi (d. 1888): 140 (Nga pukapuka wakaako-Pakeha, 1843); 499 (I860?); 535 (1861); 568 (He moe. 1862); 596 (1863); 782-783 (1873); 866 (Pakowhai. 4 Mei, 1876); 885 (1877); 999 (Ko te whakataunga tenei o te whakawa mo Opoho, 1881); 1131 (1885?)

Kawhia. Eruera: 1535 (Panuitanga. 1899?) Kawhia: 467 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1856) Kawhiti/Kawiti. Hori Karaka: 935 (Native difficulties at Taranaki. 1879) Kawiti. Maihi Paraone (1807-1889): 1 146 (Taonui, 1885); 1181 (1887); 1 192 (Peawhairangi, Maehe 10. 1887); **1247 (ca. 1889?) Kawiti, Te Ruki (d. 1854); = The Duke: 247 (N.Z. Governor (1843-1845 : Fitzßoy). 1845); 625 (Pompallier, 1863) Keepa, Meiha (= Major Kemp) see Te Rangihiwinui, Te Keepa Kehi o Mangaohane: 11 12 (N.Z. Native Land Court, ca. 1884) “Kei hea nga tokoiwa.” (Ruka 17. 12.9): 1 153 (1886) Kei muri te mate; kei mua te kororia: 1347 (He whaikorero na tetahi minita, 1892?) Kei te rite ahau! E pehea ana koe?: 1543 (Brady. 1900) Kemp. Henry Tacy (1818-1901); = Kepa .also known as The Pakeha Maori: 362 (Fitzgerald. 1848?); 363 (1848); 434 (Spelling book. 1852); 450 (Brown. 1854); 701 (1867); 727 (ca. 1869); 739 (1870); 842 (Pakeha-Maori, 1875?); 932 (1879?); **S4 (Ko te ao marama. 1849); see also New Munster. Native Secretary for works in official capacity Kemp. James (1 797-1872): II (Bible. Selections. 1830) Kemp. Major see Te Rangihiwinui, Te Keepa Kempthorne. Sampson (1809-1873): 65 (Bible. O.T. Psalms. 1840) Ken. Thomas (1637-1711): 126-129 (1843) Kendall. Thomas (1778-1832); 1 (1815); 2-5 (1820) Kenehihi. Ko te tahi o nga upoko: 9 (Bible. Selections, 1827) Kepa see Kemp. Henry Tacy Kerehi, T. S.. tamaiti see Grace. Thomas Samuel, junior Kerei. Kawana (Governor Grey) see N.Z. Governor (1845-1853 : Grey); N.Z. Governor (1861-1868 : Grey); see also Grey. Sir George Kereketa (pseudonym): 869 (Potae. 1876)



Kereru see Te Pukenui. Kererii

Ketone. Pepene E. see Eketone, Pepene

Kettle, Charles Cargill (1850-1918): 1415 (N.Z Royal Commission . . Kaitangiwhenua Block. 1894)

Key to reading lessons for Native Schools: 1120 (Pope. 1884) A key to the narrative of the Acts of the Apostles: 1119 (Norris. 1884) A key to the narrative of the four Gospels: 906 (Norris. 1877)

Ki a Matutaera Potatau. E Matutaera ma. e hoa aroha: 581 (Pompallier. 1862)

Ki a te Makuihi o Nomanapi Tino Kawana o te Koroni o Niu Tireni kei Poneke 841 (Ngai Tahu. 1875)

Ki a Wikitoria, te Kuini o te rangatiratanga. kotahi o Kereili Piritone, raua ko Aerana: 832 (1875?)

Ki aku hoa Maori o te kotinga ki Poneke. 604 (N.Z. Colonial Secretary, 1863) He ki na te hui o te Hahi Maori o te Takiwa o Turanga i te Pihopatanga o Waiapu: 5303/1870 (Church of England. Diocese of Waiapu. 1870-1914)

Ki nga hoa Maori. Haere mai haere e taku karere ki nga hoa Maori e noho mai nei i ona kainga i uta; 531 (Davis. 1861)

Ki nga iwi. ki nga hapu. ki nga rangatira. me nga kaiwhakahaere o nga mahi, o te iwi Maori: 877 (Te Wananga. 1876?)

Ki nga iwi. ki nga hapu. ki nga rangatiratanga. me nga kaiwhakahaere tikanga o nga iwi Maori o Aotearoa puta noa ki Aropawa: 1203 (Te Kainga Takiwa Porowini i te Koroni o Nui Tireni. 1888?)

Ki nga iwi Maori e noho nei i Aotearoa; I 155 (Mair, 1886)

Ki nga iwi Maori katoa o te Pihopatanga o Waiapu: 1538 (Williams. 1899?)

Ki nga iwi Maori o Aotearoa. o Te Waipounamu. o Rakiura, Katoa! Katoa !! Katoa!!!: 848 (Te Wananga, 1875)

Ki nga iwi. me nga hapu. me nga rangatira. Tena koutou: 869 (Potae. 1876)

Ki nga kai-pooti mema o Te Waipounemu: 1548 (ca. 1900)

Ki nga kai-wakaako; **359 (Colenso. 1848); 372 (Colenso. 1849); 393 (Colenso. 1850); 406 (Colenso. 1851); 424 (Colenso 1852)

Ki nga Maori. E hoa ma.— Tena te pukapuka o nga tangata o Taranaki: 597 (1863?)

Ki nga Maori e whai pooti ana mo Waitemata: **Bss (Lee, 1876)

Ki nga Maori katoa: I 17 (Wakefield. 1842)

Ki nga Maori o Niu Tireni: 641 (Aborigines’ Protection Society. 1864)

Ki nga matua, Ki nga katekiia. kite hunga Katorika; 627 (Pompallier. 1863) Ki nga rangatira katoa, ki nga tangata katoa, o Poneke. o Porirua: 619 (N.Z. Native Minister. 1863) Ki nga rangatira katoa o Waikato ara kite iwi katoa: 853 (1876) Ki nga rangatira Maori katoa e noho ana ki Poneke. 27 Akatopa 1842: I 13 (Martin. 1842) Ki nga rangatira Maori kei Niu Tirani: 1032 (1882) Ki nga rangatira Maori me nga iwi Maori: 1133 (Luck. 1885) Ki nga rangatira Maori me nga iwi Maori katoa o tenei motu; 520 (N.Z. Native Secretary’s Office. 1860) Ki nga rangatira o Ngapuhi: 205 (Hau, 1844); 214 (N.Z. Protector of Aborigines. 1844) Ki nga rangatira o Ngatikahungunu: 548 (N.Z Governor (1861-1868 : Grey). 1861) Ki nga rangatira o Taranaki, o Ngatiruanui 543 (N.Z. Governor (1855-1861 : Browne). 1861) Ki nga rangatira o Tokerau, o Hokianga: 213 (N.Z. Governor (1843-1845 : Fitzßoy). 1844) Ki nga tangata katoa i roto i te Takiwa Pooti mo te Tai Hauauru o Aotearoa; 1295 (Te Whataupoko, 1890?) Ki nga tangata Maori. E hoa ma,— Tena koutou Tenei nga reta a nga rangatira o Heretaunga, o Kaputi hoki: 663 (Cooper. 1865) Ki nga tangata Maori. E oku hoa Maori i roto i te ture: 714 (Williamson. 1867) Ki nga tangata Maori o Mangere, o Pukaki. o Ihumatao; 61 I (N.Z. Governor (1861-1868 : Grey). 1863) Ki nga tangata Maori o nga tahatika, o hea. o hea: 620 (N.Z. Native Minister.lB63) Ki nga tangata Maori o Nu Tirani: 53 (Broughton. 1839) Ki nga tangata Maori o Nui Tireni, me nga rangatira o Pewhairangi; 212 (N.Z. Governor (1843-1845 : Fitzßoy), 1844) Ki nga tangata Maori, o Poneke: 362 (Fitzgerald. 1848?) Ki nga tangata Maori o te kotinga ki Poneke: 605 (N.Z. Colonial Secretary. 1863); 628 (He pukapuka enei no Waikato, 1863); 639640 (Wellington Province. Superintendent. 1863) Ki nga tangata Maori o Te Tai Rawhiti: 933 (Matua. 1879) Ki nga tangata o Waikato. Ko nga tangata Maori katoa: 613 (N.Z. Governor (1861-1868 : Grey). 1863)



Ki nga tangata wakapono o Te Aro, o Poneke. o Porirua, me era atu kainga: 189 (Whiteley. 1843)

Ki Poneke. Ki ate Makarini. — E hoa, tena koe: 773 (Moana. 1872)

Kite hunga o te hahi: 407 (Colenso. 1851)

Kite motu katoa. Hei taatari: 598 (1863)

Kite Pika me nga Mema Honore o te Paremata o Niu Tireni: 1563 (He pitihana na matou na nga tangata Maori, 1900?)

Kite Runanga. ki raro o te Paramete o Nui Tireni: 867 (Pakowhai. Hune 5. 1876)

Kite Runanga Nui o Niu Tireni e noho nei kei te Parameta: 803 (Sheehan. 1873)

Kite Runanga o Poneke [2O March 1858]: 485 (Te Pouepa, 1858)

Kite Whakaminenga o Niu Tireni e noho nei kei te Parameta: 804 (Sheehan, 1873)

He ki tuturu; 643-644 (1864)

Kia [ name/s] E hoa ma He huihuinga kei konei mo nga iwi katoa; **s9l (Te Waharoa. 1862)

Kia Henare Matua raua ko Henare Tomoana ehoa ma. tena korua; 876 (Wahawaha. 1876)

Kia hiwa e kia hiwa raa: 1204 (ca. 1888)

Kia Kuini Wikitoria. E tai. kia ora tonu koe.- ko matou ko nga iwi Maori o Nui Tireni: 845 (Te Aratapu, Kaipara. 29 o Mei, 1875)

Kia [name] meou tangata whaiwhakaaro nunui katoa: 1248 (Kia meou tangata whaiwhakaaro nunui katoa, 1889)

Kia Mete Kingi kia Haimona ma, otiia ki nga rangatira me nga tangata katoa i uru kite Pakanga i Moutoa; 659 (Wellington Province. Provincial Council, 1864)

Kia rongo mai koutou e nga tangata katoa o te Hahi: 208 (Matthews. 1844)

Kia rongo mai koutou, he rawa te ki a nga Pakeha; 21 I (N.Z. Governor (1843-1845 Fitzßoy). 1844)

Kia rongo nga tangata katoa. Ko nga kai wakawa: 80 (N.Z. Lieutenant-Governor. 1840)

Kia Wikitoria, te Kuini o Piritene Nui me Weira; 1203 (Te Kainga Takiwa Porowini i te Koroni o Nui Tireni, 1888?)

Kiharoa, Te Moroati: 678 (Te Herekau. 1865)

Kiharoa. Zachariah ( = Hakaraia) (1822-1852): 451 (Bunyan. 1854)

Kihiringi. Mata (Mrs Kissling) see Kissling, Margaret

He kimihanga tikanga monga whenua Maori; 921 (Thomas, 1878)

King. John (1787-1854); I (Kendall. 1815); 5 (Kendall. 1820)

King Country see Rohe Pdtae

King Movement see Maori King Movement

Kinga rangatira mete tumuaki me nga mema

ote Runanga Nui kua hui kite Paremata: 1361 (Maori Parliament, 1893?) Nga Kingi I [-11]; 417-418 (Bible. O.T. Kings. 1852)

Kingi nui! Kingi nui!: 780 (Himene I. 1873) Kingi, Wiremu see Te Rangitake, Wiremu Kingi Kingitanga see Maori King Movement King’s Bill: **1497 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1897) Kiniha. Hapi/Hape: 1392 (Te ture kohinga whakatopu, 1893) Kirikiri Native School Site Act 1894: 1404 (New Zealand. 1894) Kirimina; **574 (N.Z. Native Circuit Court. 1862) Kiriwi, Reihana (d. 1876): 645 (1864) Kirk. Thomas (1828-1898); 751 (Taylor. 1870) Kissling, George Adam (1805-1865): 369 (Bible. N T. Luke, 1849?); 461 (N.Z. Central Board of Vaccination, 1855); 463 (Bible. O.T. Selections. 1856) Kissling, Margaret (1808-1891); = Mata Kihiringi; 376 (Te Kohikohinga moni hei Hoko Kakahu, 1849) Kiwhi mo nga Maori e mate see Riwhi mo nga Maori e mate Der kleine Katechismus. 886 (Ko te pukapuka poto, 1877); 1491 (Luther, 1897) Knox. Uchter John Mark. Lord Ranfurly (18561933) see N.Z. Governor (1897-1904 : Ranfurly) Ko ahau te huarahi; 1524 (Barker, 1899?) Ko Aotearoa, or The Maori recorder: SlO (Aotearoa. or The Maori recorder. 1861-1862) Ko e tahi hua o te whakapono: 428 (Farquhar, 1852) Ko Ehekiere; 464 (Bible. O.T. Selections, 1856) Ko Ehetere; 443 (Bible. O.T. Esther. 1853) Ko enei korero kua tuhia nei he pukapuka na Tamihana Te Rauparaha ki ona hoa Pakeha: 524 (Te Rauparaha. 1860) Ko enei nga ritenga he ritenga tuturu na matou mo nga reti o nga whenua e retia nei e matou kia Mite Rewena raua ko Kapene Mete; 702 (1867?) Ko etahi ako me etahi karakia o te Hahi Katorika Romana; 964 (Catholic Church. 1880) Ko etahi atu upoko o Tiuteronomi. Upoko 1 3; 1 18 (Bible. O.T. Deuteronomy. Selections, 1843) Ko etahi o nga korero i te Kawanata Tawito: 32 (Bible. O.T. Genesis. Selections. 1837); 86 (Bible. O.T. Selections, 1841) Ko etahi Pakeha i ata noho i runga i a ratou whenua i Waikato: 612 (N.Z. Governor (18611868), Grey). 1863)



Ko etahi patai kite hunga Maori mo te hoko whenua: 452 (Grace. 1854)

Ko etahi reta i tuhituhi e te Epikopo Katorika. ko Hoane Papita Werahiko Pomaparie: 625 (Pompallier. 1863)

Ko etahi tino ako me etahi tino inoinga o te Hahi Matua Tapu Katorika: 471 (Catholic Church. 1858); 530 (Catholic Church. 1861)

Ko Etera: 439 (Bible. O.T. Selections. 1853?); 441 (Bible. O.T. Ezra, 1853); 448 (Bible. O.T. Selections. 1 854)

Ko ga mahi makutu a ga tupuna o Igarani: 206 (He hoa korerorero. 1844)

Ko Hanuere: 107 (Church of England. 1842?)

Ko Hoani Papita Werahiko : 482 (Pompallier. 1858); 579 (Pompallier. 1862)

Ko Hopfa]; 444 (Bible. O.T. Job. 1853); 449 (Bible. O.T. Job. Selections. 1854)

Ko Karanimana (Clansman): I 182 (1887?)

Ko matou konga rangatira. menga iwi. menga hapu o Niu Tireni: 1239 (Waipawa Native Pah. Tapairu. 1888)

Ko Muuri raua ko Hangaki. Ki nga Maori o te motu: 882 (Davis. 1877)

Ko Nehemia: 442 (Bible. O.T. Nehemiah. 1853)

Ko nga the following entries are filed in alphabetical order of the next word

Ko nga hapu katoa o “Tokerau”—ara o “Pewairangi” o ia wahi o | ia kainga—e hiahia ana kite ata noho: 246 (N.Z. Governor (1843-1845 : Fitzßoy). 1845)

Ko nga himene: 36 (1837); 51 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1838); 73-74 (Church of England. 1840); 78 (1840); 92 (Church of England. 1841); 94 (1841?); 102 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1841); 109 (Church of England. 1842); 197 (Church of England. 1844); 261 (1846); 392 (Church of England. 1850-1851); 395 (1850?); 421 (Church of England. 1852); 465 (ca. 1856); 473 (Church of England. 1858); 500-502 (ca. 1860); 740 (ca. 1870); 784-785 (1873); 854 (1876?); see also Himene

Ko nga ingoa o nga herehere i riro mai i a te Tianara i te whawhai ki Rangiriri: 607 (N.Z. Colonial Secretary. 1863)

Ko nga inoi o te ata o te ahiahi; 421 (Church of England, 1852); 472-473 (Church of England, 1858)

Ko nga inoinga i te ata: 42 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1837); 51 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion, 1838)

Ko nga inoinga. Ko te inoinga o te ata: 90 (Catholic Church. 1841?); 120 (Catholic Church. 1843)

Ko nga inoinga o Ihu Kariti: 225 (1845)

Ko nga kai Whakariterite: 368 (Bible. O.T. Judges. 1849); 438 (Bible. O.T. Selections 1853)

Ko nga katikihama e wa: 18 (Church of England. 1830)

Ko nga Katikihama etoru: 371 (Church of England. 1849) Ko nga Katikihama ewa: 71 (Church of England. 1840); 108 (Church of England, 1842) Ko nga katikihama ewha na nga mihanere o te Hahi o Ingarani; 329 (Church of England. 1847); 389 (Church of England. 1850); 881 (Church of England. 1877) Ko nga katikihama mo nga tamariki nonohi: **lo (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1827); 43 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1837) Ko nga kauwhau a to tatou Ariki; 324 (Bible. N T. Gospels. Selections, 1847) Ko nga kohuru i Kaipara; SI4/no. 7 (Gazette notices. 1863-1864) Ko nga korero kite wakapono a te Hahi o Ingarani: 92 (Church of England. 1841) Ko nga korero o muri nei na nga Pakeha mau taonga ia ratou e haere atu ana i Te Poutoko ki Tataraimaka: 609 (N.Z. Governor (18611868 ; Grey). 1863) Ko nga korero o te haere a te Kawana ratou ko ona hoa Maori a tae noa ki Murihiku. ki hea noa atu: 71 1 (Rangipuawhe. 1867) Ko nga korero o te huarahi: 451 (Bunyan. 1854) Ko nga korero o te huihuinga o nga iwi Maori: 446 (Farewell address of the native tribes, 1853) Ko nga korero o te Pokiha raua ko Wi Tako Ngatata ki Waikanae i te 3 o nga ra o Hune. 1864: Sl4/no. 14 (Gazette notices. 1863-1864) Ko nga korero o te Runanga tuatahi o te Takiwa ki Tokerau; 583 (Te Runanga o te Takiwa o Pewhairangi. 1862) Ko nga korero o te whawhai ki Mangapiko. wahi o Waipa. Sl4/no. 9 (Gazette notices, 1863-1864) Ko nga korerohari mo te haringa nui: 1067 (Bromley, ca. 1883) Ko nga kupu a te hui. Aperira 10. 1888: 1205 (1888) Ko nga Mahi a nga Apotoro: 383 (Bible. NT. Acts. 1850?) Ko nga mahi a Pita a te Kingi o Ruhia: 226 (Martin. 1845) Ko nga mahi hou: 235 (Maunsell. 1845) Ko nga mahinga a nga tupuna Maori he mea kohikohi mai: 453 (Grey. 1854); 1129 (Grey. 1885) Ko nga Miha me nga Weperi: (Catholic Church. 1894)



Ko nga mihi tenei mo te Kuini. Tenakoe. Tenakoe: **525 (Toetoe, I860)

Ko nga moni ..i te tau 1910 [l9ll ]: S3Ol / 1911. 1912 (Church of England. Diocese of Auckland. 1872-1912)

Ko nga moni kohikohi a te hunga: 207 (Ko te moni kohikohinga. 1844)

Ko nga moteatea. me nga hakirara o nga Maori: 447 (Grey. 1853); 453 (Grey 1854)

Ko nga painga. me nga ture. o te peke tiaki moni. o Akarana; 326 (Buddie. 1847)

Ko nga pi: 375 (Cotton. 1849)

Ko nga pukapuka o muri nei na Ngapuhi. a kua taia kia mohiotia ai e te katoa: 623 (Ngapuhi, 1863)

Ko nga pukapuka o Paora te Apotoro kite hunga o Epeha, o Piripai: 22 (Bible. N T. Selections, 1835)

Ko nga ra i whakaritea e te Pihopa: 254 (Selwyn, 1845); 413 (Selwyn, 1851)

Ko nga rarangi o to tatou Ariki o Ihu Karaiti: 681 (Te Huia, 1865)

Ko nga reta o te korero Maori: 59 (Colenso. ca. 1839)

Ko nga reta whakariterite korero mo te whakauru i nga tangata Maori kite pukapuka-rarangi-ingoa: 486 (Wellington Province. Provincial Council. 1858)

Ko nga ritenga mo te hunga e huihui ana ki nga karahi; 52 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion, 1838); 101 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1841)

Ko nga Rongo Pai e wha a Matiu, a Maka, a Ruka, a Hoani me nga Mahi a nga Apotoro: 1241b (Bible. N T. Selections. 1889?)

Ko nga Rongo Pai ewha: 906 (Norris. 1877)

Ko nga tahi pono nui o te Hahi Katorika Romana: 55 (Catholic Church. 1839); **7o (Catholic Church, 1840)

Ko nga tamariki haereere noa; 191 (Wilberforce. 1843)

Ko nga tatai korero whakapapa a te Maori: (v. 1-3) 1 199 (White. 1887); (v. 4) 1240 (White, 1888); (v. 1-4, London issue) 1271 (White. 1889); (v. 5) 1272 (White, 1889); (v. 6) 1298 (White. 1890)

Ko nga tekihana enei o roto o te Pire mo nga mahi nunui e pa ana kite taha Maori: 1046 (New Zealand. 1882)

Ko nga tekiona enei e whakatika ana i te tekiona te-kau-ma-iwa o “Te Ture Raihana Waipiro, 1881": 1041 (New Zealand. 1882)

Ko nga tepara. 25. 26 (Colenso. 1835)

Ko nga tikanga a te Pakeha: 227-228 (Martin, 1845)

Ko nga tikanga mo nga tangata Maori kua pa ki

te whawhai, Kite mahi Kingi hoki: Sl4/no. 8 (Gazette notices. 1863-1864) Ko nga tikanga nui o te ture o Ingarani; 718 (Marlin. 1868); 815 (Martin, 1874) Ko nga tikanga o nga upoko o te Paipera: 833 (1875) Ko nga tikanga o te huihui whiriwhiri; (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1845) Ko nga tikanga o tenei kohikohinga: 207 (Ko te moni kohikohinga. 1844) Ko nga tikanga te Whakakotahitanga te Uniana 0 nga Kaikatikati o Ahutereia: 1 173 (Amalgamated Shearers’ Union of Australasia, 1887) Ko nga tohu mo te putanga mai o te Ariki o Ihu Karaiti: 458 (Davis. 1855) Ko nga tohu pukapuka: 40 (Turner. 1837) Ko nga tupuna o te Pakeha [Parts 1 and 2]: 396 (1850); 410 (1851) Ko nga ture mo te hunga e huihui ana kite karaihe: 44 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1837) Ko nga ture o Ingarani: 476-477 (Fenton, 1858) Ko nga ture o te Atua: 47 (Ten Commandments. 1838) 52 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1838); 61 (Colenso, 1839) Ko nga upoko eono [and ewitu] o te pukapuka a te poropiti a Raniera: 66-67 (Bible. O.T. Daniel. Selections, 1840) Ko nga upoko mo etahi Ratapu me era atu ra nui: 390 (Church of England, 1850?) Ko nga upoko ote Kawenata Hou; 107 (Church of England. 1842?) Ko nga upoko o te Kawenata Tawhito: 219-220 (Bible. O.T. Selections. 1845) Ko nga utu hoki o te hara he mate: 995 (Bible. N.T. Selections, ca. 1881) Ko nga wahi e ma ake nei ko nga whenua i riro 1 te iwi o Roma. 599 (Ko te hahi i muri i a te Karaiti. 1863) Ko nga Waiata: 558 (Bible. O.T. Psalms. 1862) Ko nga Waiata a Rawiri: 65 (Bible. O.T. Psalms. 1840); 92 (Church of England. 1841); 197 (Church of England. 1844); 353 (Bible. O.T. Psalms, 1848); 472-473 (Church of England, 1858); 925 (Bible. O.T. Psalms. 1879?); 1483 (Bible. N T.. 1897) Ko nga waiata a Waikato ki a Kawana Kerei: 536 (1861?) Ko nga waiata Maori: 1389 (Popular Maori songs. 1893); 1519 (Popular Maori songs. Supplement No. 1. 1898) Ko nga waiata mo te 8 onga ra o Tihema. Pukekaraka, Otaki; 1401 (Ko nga waiata mo te warn o nga ra o Tihema. 1894) Ko nga waiata mo te warn o nga ra o Tihema: 1401 (1894)



Ko nga whakapepeha me nga whakaahuareka a nga tipuna o Aotea-roa: 468 (Grey. 1857)

Ko nga Whakatauki: 463 (Bible. O.T. Selections. 1856)

Ko Pepuere; 107 (Church of England. 1842?)

Ko Pukemaire kua riro mail 550 o te Hau Hau kua maul!: 667 (1865)

Ko Rutu: 368 (Bible. O.T Judges. 1849)

Ko ta te Kawana korero ki nga rangatira Maori i huihui ki Waitemata i te 10 o nga ra o Hurae. I860: 516 (N.Z. Governor (1855-1861 : Browne). 1860)

Ko te the following entries are filed in alphabetical order of the next word

Ko te ako mete karakia o te Hahi Katorika Romana: 327 (Catholic Church. 1847); 927 (Catholic Church, 1879); 1200 (Catholic Church)

Ko te ako poto o te Hahi Katorika: 327 (Catholic Church, 1847)

Ko te Anatikaraiti; 46 (Maunsell. 1838)

Ko te a-nui a Wi. [Part 1]: 770 (Colenso. 1872); [Pan 2]: 771 (Colenso. 1872)

Ko te ao marama. or New world: **S4 (1849)

Ko te asperges: 328 (Catholic Church. 1847?)

Ko te Atua pono; 41 (Turner. 1837)

Ko te Epikopo Katorika Romana. ko Hoane Papita Werahiko; **lo6 (26 p .) (Catholic Church, 1842?); 120 (26 p.) (Catholic Church. 1843); 121-122 (4 p.) (Catholic Church. 1843?)

Ko te haerenga tenei a te Pihopa 462 (Selwyn. 1855); 484 (Selwyn. 1858)

Ko te hahi i muri i a te Karaiti; 599 (1863), 1183 (1887)

Ko te Hahi o Ihu Karaili o te Hunga Tapu o nga Ra o Muri Nei: 1482 (Anderson. 1897)

Ko te Hahi o Ihukaraiti ote Hunga Tapu ongara. o Muri Nei e kiia nei ko te Hahi Moromona; 1176 (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 1887?)

Ko te hahi o namata: 429 (1852); 1021 (He pukapuka whakaako mo nga tamariki Maori. 1881)

Ko te hakerameta o te ripenetatanga: 91 (Catholic Church. 1841)

Ko te Hapa Tapu: 308 (Maunsell. 1846)

Ko te hato Wangeriona o Hehu Kerito kite ritenga o Hato Matiu: 327 (Catholic Church. 1847)

Ko te Hikurangi Tainui marama whiti: S3O (1891)

Ko te hitoria poto o te Hahi Katorika no nga ra ano o Hehu Kerito tae noa ki a tatou: 1402 (1894)

Ko te Hua, Hurae 21, 1866: 695 (Te Huia, 1866)

Ko te Huihuinga o etahi o nga rangatira o te motu nei ki Kohimarama. Orakei. Akarana; 1249 (Ko te pukapuka o te Tiriti o Kohimarama, 1889?)

Ko te Hunga Tapu o Muri Nei: 1482 (Anderson. 1897)

Ko te hunga tenei o Heretaunga, o te takutai anga 361 (Colenso. 1848)

Ko te inoi a te tahae: 236 (Maunsell. 1845)

Ko te inoi mo te taro: 1423 (ca. 1895)

Ko te inoi mo te wai; 1424 (ca 1895) Ko te inoinga o te Ariki: 96 (Lord's Prayer, 1841?) Ko te iriiri tapu 237 (Maunsell, 1845) Ko te iriiringa mo nga tamariki: 258 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1845) Ko te kahili o Niu Tireni; Sl7 (1865-1931) Ko te kahiti tuturu mo Aotearoa, mete Waipounamu: 534 (Ko te panui o Aotearoa. 1894); 536 (18957-1896?) Ko te kaiarahi kite oranga tonutanga: 1484 (Catholic Church. 1897) Ko te kai-whakamataara o nga iwi erua; **S2 (1848) Ko te kapura; 138 (Nga pukapuka wakaakoPakeha, 1843) Ko te Karaitiana wahiiti: 317 (Wesley. 1846) Ko te karakia Katorika me ana ritenga nunui katoa; 1395 (Catholic Church. 1894) Ko te karakia o te Ahiahi: 194 (Bible. O.T Psalms XI-XII. 1844?) Ko te Karere Maori; S3 (The Maori messenger = Te karere Maori. 1849-1854) Ko te karere mo te Komiti Maori o te Takiwa o Rotorua; 1250-1251 (Komiti Maori o te Takiwa o Rotorua. 1889) Ko te karere o Nui Tireni; SI (Te karere o Nui Tireni. 1842-1846) Ko te katekismus poto, me tona whakamaramatanga; 886 (Ko te pukapuka poto. 1877) Ko te katikihama [Ml): 11 (Bible. Selections. 1830) Ko te katikihama [l-IV or tuatahi-tuawa); 18 (Church of England. 1833); 71 (Church of England. 1840); 108 (Church of England. 1842) Ko te katekihama III: 12 (Church of England. 1830) Ko te katikihama Katorika; 1396 (Catholic Church. 1894) Ko te katikihama motumotu: 373 (Colenso. 1849) Ko te katikihama o te Hahi Katorika; 1396 (Catholic Church. 1894) Ko te katikihama poto. me tona whakamaramatanga; 149 1 (Luther. 1897)



Ko te katikihama (tuatahi-tuawa or 1-IV]: 18 (Church of England. 1833); 71 (Church of England. 1840); 108 (Church of England. 1842)

Ko te katikihama tuawa [IV]: **42o (Church of England, ca. 1852)

Ko te kauwhau a Pihopa Herewini kite hui i Beria Oketopa 26. 1862; 584 (Selwyn, 1862)

Ko te Kawenata Hou a to tatou Ariki a te Kai Whakaora a Ihu Karaiti: 716 (Bible. 1868); 1241 (Bible. 1889); 1241 a (Bible. N T.. 1889?); 1394 (Bible. N T.. 1894); 1483 (Bible. NT.. 1897)

Ko te Kawenata Hou me/mo nga Waiata; 559 (Bible. N T.. 1862); 1483 (Bible. N T.. 1897)

Ko te Kawenata Hou o to tatou Ariki te Kai Wakaora a Ihu Karaiti: 45 (Bible N T.. 1838); 88 (Bible. N T.. 1841); 104 (Bible. N.T., 1842); 196 (Bible N T.. 1844); 419 (Bible. N T.. 1852); 559 (Bible. N T.. 1862); 1241 (Bible. 1889)

Ko te Kawenata i mahia kite Whare e kiia ana te ingoa ko Te Mahi Tamariki; 839 (Ngai Tahu, 1875)

Ko te Kawenata Tawhito; no nga Whakatauki tae noa ki a Maraki; 470 (Bible. O.T. Selections, 1858)

Ko te kitenga a Ihikiera a te poropiti i nga iwi; 1 19 (Bible. O.T. Ezekiel XXXVII, 1-14, 1843)

Ko te korero a Pihopa Herewini kite hui ki Beria Oketopa 27, 1862; 585-586 (Selwyn, 1862)

Ko te korero mete pukapuka a Renata Tamakihikurangi: 535 (Kawepo, 1861)

Ko te korero o te haerenga mai o Kiingi Tawhiao ki Akarana: 1032 a (1882)

Ko te korerotanga a te Kawana i te 3 o nga ra o Maehe. 1860, ki a Poharama; 51 1 (N.Z. Governor (1855-1861 Browne). I860)

Ko te korerotanga a te Kawana i te 8 o nga ra o Maehe 1859, ki Taranaki: 510 (N.Z. Governor (1855-1861 : Browne). I860)

Ko te kupu a te Penetana, Tumuaki o Te Kooti Whakawa Whenua Maori: 852 (Fenton, 1876) Ko te manawanui o Hopa: 309 (Maunsell, 1846) Ko te mea. meake ka timata nga hoia o te Kuini ta ratou mahi ki nga Maori i Taranaki: 509 (N.Z. Governor (1855-1861 : Browne), 1860)

Ko te Miha me nga Weperi; 1544 (Catholic Church, 1900)

Ko te moni kohikohinga; 207 (1844)

Ko te oranga; 1507 (ca. 1898)

Ko te orokohanganga i te Ao; 32 (Bible. O.T. Genesis. Maori. Selections. 1837)

Ko te Paipera Tapu ara. Ko le Kawenata Tawhito me le Kawenata Hou: 716 (Bible, 1868); 1241 (Bible. 1889)

Ko te panui o Aotearoa; 534 (1894); 536 (Ko te kahiti tuiuru mo Aotearoa. mete Waipounamu, 1894) Ko te panui tanga tenei o Potatau, kia rongo nga iwi katoa: 507 (Maunsell, I860) Ko te Parairei Pai: 158 (Selwyn, 1843); 344 (Matthews. 1847) Ko te paunui o Aotearoa: 534 (1894) Ko Te Peeke o Aotearoa; 1 154 (Kotahi pauna. 1886?) Ko te pitihana a nga iwi o Niu Tireni ki Ingarani: 1074 (1883?) Ko te pukapuka a Hopa: 193 (Bible. O.T. Job. 1844) Ko te pukapuka a Marakai; 323 (Bible. O.T. Malachi, 1847) Ko te pukapuka a Moromona: 1242 (Book of Mormon, 1889) Ko te pukapuka a te hui nui no nga Mihanere a te Hahi: 386 (Church Missionary Society. 1850) Ko te pukapuka aroha o nga kaumatua o te Hahi Weteriana o Ingarani: 54 (Bumby. 1839) Ko te Pukapuka Inoinga, me nga karakia hakarameta: 19 (Church of England, 1833) Ko te pukapuka karakia poto o te Hahi Katorika Romana; 1243 (Catholic Church, 1889) Ko te pukapuka kauwau o te Pihopa: 53 (Broughton, 1839) Ko te pukapuka nama 5 o te perehitanga: 1427 (Maori Parliament. 1895?

Ko te pukapuka nama 6 o te perehitanga: 1454 (Maori Parliament, 1896?) Ko te Pukapuka o nga Inoinga, kite ritenga o te Hahi o Ingarani; me nga Waiata a Rawiri: 197 (Church of England, 1844) Ko te Pukapuka o nga Inoinga, me era atu tikanga, i whakaritea e te Hahi o Ingarani: 357 (Church of England, 1848); 391 (Church of England. 1850); 422 (Church of England, 1852); 474 (Church of England, 1858); 487488 (Church of England, 1859); 851 (Church of England. 1876) Ko te Pukapuka o nga Inoinga. me nga himene. &c. mo nga karakiatanga o nga tangata o te Hahi Weteriana: 367 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1848); 555 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion, 1861); 925 (Bible. O.T. Psalms. 1879); 1419 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion, 1894) Ko te Pukapuka o nga Inoinga. mete minitatanga o nga hakarameta; 56 (Church of England. 1839); 72-74 (Church of England, 1840); 92-93 (Church of England, 1841); 109 (Church of England. 1842) Ko te Pukapuka o nga Inoinga o te Hahi o Ingarani. me nga himene Weteriana. &c.: 64



(Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1839); 102 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1841); 258 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1845)

Ko te pukapuka o nga Waiata: 558 (Bible. O.T Psalms. 1862); 559 (Bible. N T . 1862)

Ko te pukapuka o te Kotahitanga kite Rongomau: **1247 (Kawiti. ca. 1889?)

Ko te pukapuka o te tino rangatira o Waikauta Koreriha. mete korero o Te Puhipi ki nga rangatira o Nu Tirani: 20 (Great Britain. Colonial Office. 1833)

Ko te pukapuka o te Tiriti o Kohimarama: 1249 (1889?)

Ko te pukapuka poto, hei ako mo te tamariki katoa: 886 (1877)

Ko te pukapuka tuarua mo te kura: 324 (Bible N T. Gospels. Selections. 1847)

Ko te pukapuka tuarua o Hamuera: 404 (Bible O.T. Samuel. 2nd. 1851)

Ko te pukapuka tuarua o nga Kingi: 418 (Bible. O.T. Kings, 2nd. 1852)

Ko te pukapuka tuarua o nga Whakapapa: 440 (Bible. O.T. Chronicles. 1853)

Ko te pukapuka tuatahi a Mohi. e karangatia nei ko Kenehi: 221 (Bible. O.T. Genesis. 1845); 319 (Bible. O.T. Hexateuch, 1847); 320 (Bible. O.T. Hexateuch. Selections, 1847)

Ko te pukapuka tuatahi mo te Kura Maori: 886 (Ko te pukapuka poto, 1877)

Ko te pukapuka tuatahi o Hamuera: 382 (Bible. O.T. Samuel. Ist, 1850)

Ko te pukapuka tuatahi o Mohi e huaina ana ko Kenehi; II (Bible. Selections. 1830)

Ko te pukapuka tuatahi o nga Kingi: 417 (Bible. O.T. Kings. Ist. 1852)

Ko te pukapuka tuatahi o nga Whakapapa; 440 (Bible. O.T. Chronicles. 1853)

Ko te pukapuka tuatahi o te reo Maori: **29 (Turner. 1836); 39 (Turner. 1837); 48 (Turner. 1838)

Ko te putake tenei i whakaae a te Kawana kite hoko te whenua a Te Teira i Waitara: 510 (N.Z. Governor (1855-1861 : Browne). I860)

Ko te Ra i ara mai ai te Karaiti: 159 (Selwyn. 1843)

Ko te ra o te Kakenga kite rangi: 165 (Selwyn. 1843)

Ko te ra tapu tuarima i muri iho o te Tokotorutanga; 284 (Matthews. 1846)

Ko te ra tapu tuatahi o te Haerenga mai: 398 (Matthews, 1850)

Ko te Ratapu 20 [2l-22-23] i muri iho o te Tokotorutanga: 298-301 (Matthews, 1846)

Ko te Ratapu i mua mai o te Aranga mai o te Karaiti: 157 (Selwyn. 1843).

Ko te Ratapu i mua mai o te Aranga o te Karaiti mo te Paraire Pai hoki; 272 (Matthews. 1846) Ko te Ratapu. i mua o Reneti: 266 (Matthews. 1846) Ko te Ratapu i muri iho o te Kakenga: 166 (Selwyn, 1843) Ko te Ratapu i tukua mai ai te Wairua Tapu: 167 (Selwyn. 1843); 347 (Matthews. 1847) Ko te Ratapu o te Tokotorutanga: 168 (Selwyn. 1843) Ko te Ratapu rua tekau ma wha i muri iho o te Tokotorutanga: 302 (Matthews, 1846) Ko te Ratapu tekau i muri iho o te Tokotorutanga: 178 (Selwyn. 1843); 289 (Matthews. 1846) Ko te Ratapu tekau ma ono i muri iho o te Tokotorutanga: 184 (Selwyn, 1843); 295 (Matthews. 1846) Ko te Ratapu tekau ma rima i muri iho o te Tokotorutanga: 183 (Selwyn, 1843); 294 (Matthews. 1846) Ko te Ratapu tekau ma rua i muri iho o te Tokotorutanga: 291 (Matthews. 1846) Ko te Ratapu tekau ma tahi i muri iho o te Tokotorutanga: 179 (Selwyn, 1843); 290 (Matthews. 1846) Ko te Ratapu tekau ma torn i muri iho o te Tokotorutanga: 181 (Selwyn. 1843); 292 (Matthews, 1846)

Ko te Ratapu tekau ma wa i muri iho o te Tokotorutanga: 182 (Selwyn. 1843) Ko te Ratapu tekau ma waru i muri iho o te Tokotorutanga: 297 (Matthews. 1846) Ko te Ratapu tekau ma wha i muri iho o te Tokotorutanga: 293 (Matthews, 1846) Ko te Ratapu tekau ma whitu i muri iho o te Tokotorutanga; 296 (Matthews. 1846) Ko te Ratapu tua toru i muri iho o te Tokotorutanga; 282 (Matthews. 1846) Ko te Ratapu tua toru o Reneti: 269 (Matthews, 1846) Ko te Ratapu tua wha o Reneti: 270 (Matthews. 1846) Ko te Ratapu tuaiwa i muri iho o te Tokotorutanga: 177 (Selwyn. 1843); 288 (Matthews. 1846) Ko te Ratapu tuaono i muri iho o te Tokotorutanga: 174 (Selwyn. 1843); 285 (Matthews. 1846) Ko te Ratapu tuarima i muri iho o te Aranga: 164 (Selwyn. 1843) Ko te Ratapu tuarima i muri iho o te Tokotorutanga: 173 (Selwyn. 1843) Ko te Ratapu tuarima o Reneti: 156 (Selwyn. 1843)



Ko te Ratapu tuarua i muri iho o te Aranga: 161 (Selwyn. 1843)

Ko te Ratapu tuarua i muri iho o te Tokotorutanga: 170 (Selwyn, 1843)

Ko te Ratapu tuarua o te Wakatatanga mai o te Karaiti; 186 (Selwyn. 1843)

Ko te Ratapu tuarua o te Whakatatanga o te Karaiti: 304 (Matthews, 1846)

Ko te Ratapu tuatahi i mua o Reneti: 341 (Matthews. 1847)

Ko te Ratapu tuatahi i muri iho o te Aranga: 160 (Selwyn, 1843); 275 (Matthews. 1846)

Ko te Ratapu tuatahi i muri iho o te Tokotorutanga; 169 (Selwyn. 1843)

Ko te Ratapu tuatahi o Reneti: 267 (Matthews. 1846); 342 (Matthews. 1847)

Ko te Ratapu tuatahi o te Wakatatanga mai o te Karaiti: 185 (Selwyn. 1843)

Ko te Ratapu tuatahi o te Whakatatenga o te Karaiti: 303 (Matthews. 1846)

Ko te Ratapu tuatoru i mua mai o Reneti: 340 (Matthews. 1847)

Ko te Ratapu tuatoru i muri iho o te Aranga: 162 (Selwyn, 1843)

Ko te Ratapu tuatoru i muri iho o te Tokotorutanga. I 71 (Selwyn, 1843)

Ko te Ratapu tuatoru i muri iho o te Whakakitenga: 339 (Matthews. 1847)

Ko te Ratapu tuatoru o Reneti: I 54 (Selwyn. 1843); 343 (Matthews, 1847)

Ko te Ratapu tuatoru o te Wakatatanga mai o te Karaiti: 187 (Selwyn. 1843)

Ko te Ratapu tuawa i muri iho o te Aranga: 163 (Selwyn. 1843)

Ko te Ratapu tuawa i muri iho o te Tokotorutanga: 172 (Selwyn. 1843)

Ko te Ratapu tuawa o Reneti; 155 (Selwyn, 1843)

Ko te Ratapu tuawaru i muri iho o te Tokotorutanga: 176 (Selwyn. 1843); 287 (Matthews. 1846)

Ko te Ratapu tuawha i muri iho o te Tokotorutanga: 283 (Matthews, 1846)

Ko te Ratapu tuawhitu i muri iho o te Tokotorutanga: 286 (Matthews, 1846)

Ko te Ratapu tuawitu i muri iho o te Tokotorutanga: 175(Selwyn, 1843)

Ko te Riihi i Turanga; 953 (Rees. 1879)

Ko te ritenga mete tikanga o te waka rikona: 123 (Church of England. 1843)

Ko te ritenga mo te hanga pekone; 378 (He rongoa witi, 1849)

Ko te ritenga mo te hanga rewena: 378 (He rongoa witi, 1849)

Ko te ritenga o te ingoa nei. ko te tangata pai 190 (Wilberforce, 1843); 402 (Wilberforce, 1850); 1064 (Wilberforce. 1882)

Ko te ritenga tenei o te tangihanga o te pere i nga ra noa: 150 (St John’s College. 1843?) Ko te Kongo pai a Hoani; 370 (Bible. N T. John. 1849) Ko te Kongo pai a MaKa: 354 (Bible. N T. Mark. 1848?) Ko te Kongo pai a Matiu: 325 (Bible. N T. Matthew. 1847?) Ko te Kongo pai a Ruka: 369 (Bible. N.T. Luke. 1849?) Ko te Kongo Pai i tuhituhia e nga kai wakaako o Ihu Karaiti: 33 (Bible. N T. Selections, 1837); 37 (Ko te Kongo Pai i tuhituhia e nga kai wakaako o Ihu Karaiti, 1837) Ko te Kongo Pai i tuhituhia e Kuka: 27 (Bible. N T. Luke, 1835) Ko te Kongo Pai kite ritenga o Matiu: 89 (Bible. N. Matthew, 1841) Ko te rongo tenei i ahu mai i Waikato: Sl4/no. 12 (Gazette notices. 1863-1864) Ko te tahi o nga upoko: 9 (Bible. Selections, 1827) Ko te tahi wahi o te Kawenata Hou o Ihu Karaiti te Ariki: 15 (Bible. Selections. 1833) Ko te tahi wahi o te Kawenata Tawhito: 319 (Bible. O.T. Hexateuch, 1847); 352 (Bible. O. Hexateuch. 1848); 455-457 (Bible. O.T. Selections, 1855) Ko te tainga o te kawa o te whare karakia: 778 (Church of the Province of N.Z. Diocese of Auckland. 1873?)

Ko te tainga tuarua o Te karere o Nui Tireni: SI (Te karere o Nui Tireni, 1842-1846)

Ko le tamaiti maumau taonga: 926 (Bible. N T. Luke XV. 11-32. ca. 1879) Ko te tepara: 26 (Colenso, 1835) Ko te tikanga mo nga inoinga o te ata: 102 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion, 1841); 197 (Church of England, 1844); 392 (Church of England, 1850-1851) Ko te tikanga mo te karakia marenatanga; 258 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1845) Ko te tikanga mo te Kohikohinga Moni hei Hoko Kakahu: 376 (Te Kohokohinga Moni hei Hoko Kakahu, 1849) Ko te tikanga o te wakapanga o nga ringaringa: 57 (Church of England. 1839) Ko te tikanga ote Wakaunga: 124 (Church of England. 1843) Ko te tinana o te tangata. Ko nga wahi ki waho: 139 (Nga pukapuka wakaako-Pakeha. 1843) Ko te tinana o te tangata. Nga wahi ki roto: 140 (Nga pukapuka wakaako-Pakeha, 1843) Ko te tino tohunga nui: 238 (Maunsell. 1845) Ko te Tiriti o Waitangi: He karo whakaora mo nga tangata Maori: I 178 (Hardy. 1887)



Ko te Tiriti o Waitangi He waiata: 1238 (Treaty of Waitangi. ca. 1888)

Ko te tohu mo Hepitema 1836: 30 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion, 1836)

Ko te tuaiwa tenei o te panga mai o te reo o te Atua ki au katahi ka whakarongo ake oku taringa kite panga iho o te reo: 654 (Te Huia. 1864)

Ko te tuarua o nga pukapuka wakaako-Pakeha 141 (Nga pukapuka wakaako-Pakeha. 1843)

Ko te tuarua o nga pukapuka waki: 77 (Colenso, 1840)

Ko te tuatahi o nga pukapuka wakaako-Pakeha 142 (Nga pukapuka wakaako-Pakeha. 1843)

Ko te ture hoko: 477 a (1858?)

Ko te Ture mo nga Hipi. 1878; 937 (New Zealand. 1879)

Ko te Ture mo nga Whenua Maori. 1862: 669 (New Zealand. 1865)

Ko te Ture mo te Hoko Waipiro: 741 (1870?)

Ko te Ture mo te whenua papatupu: 1181 (Kawiti. 1887)

Ko te ture tenei a te rata: 202 (Davies. 1844?)

Ko te ture tenei o te Pihopa, mo nga tangata katoa e hiahia ana kite rongoa: 152 (Selwyn, 1843?)

Ko te Ture Tuku mo nga Whenua Maori. 1879 943 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives, 1879)

Ko te Ture Whakapumau Take Tika, 1886: 1 156 (New Zealand. 1886)

Ko te Ture Whakatikatika 1893 i te Ture Taiepa. 1881: I 376 (N.Z. Parliament. 1893)

Ko te Wakaponotanga ki to Nihe: 1 33 (Nicene Creed. 1843)

Ko te whakaaturanga tenei o nga pukapuka meera mo te tau. 1863: 563 (Hawke’s Bay Province. Postmaster. 1862)

Ko te whakaaturanga tenei o nga pukapuka whakaae kawe meera: 642 (Hawke’s Bay Province. Postmaster. 1864)

Ko te whakaeminga mai o te pono te A. E. I. ranei o te kupu: 1489-1490 (1897?)

Ko te whakamaoritanga o nga kupu pakeke o roto o te Paipera: 252 (Puckey. ca. 1845)

Ko te whakangawhatanga o te katikihama o te Hahi o Ingarani: 255 (Stillingfleet. 1845)

Ko te Whakaotinga o Te Kawana i runga i te tautotohe o Matiu raua ko Te Tirarau: 608 (N.Z. Governor (1861-1868 : Grey). 1863)

Ko te whakapono: 239 (Maunsell. 1845)

Ko te whakapuakanga tenei i te kupu a te Kawanatanga. mo te paanga o nga tangata Maori ki nga Whenua i Taranaki: 709 (N.Z Minister in Charge of the Native Dept.. 1867)

Ko te whakataunga mo Maraehara me Kopu Poraka: 1308 (N.Z. Native Land Court, 1891?) Ko te whakataunga tenei o te whakawa mo Opoho 999 (1881) Ko te whakitenga o te Wairua ki a Matiu Te Huia i roto i nga ra i nga po: 695 (Te Huia, 1866) Ko tetahi reta no te Epikopo Katorika o Akarana: 652 (Pompallier. 1864) Ko tetahi wahanga o te Kawenata Hou: 68 (Bible. N T. Selections. 1840) Ko tetahi wahi o te pukapuka a lhaia a te Poropiti; 87 (Bible. O.T Isaiah. XLIX-LV, 1841) Ko tetahi wahi o te pukapuka tuarua a Mohi o Ekoruhe: 103 (Bible. O.T. Exodus l-XX, 1842) Ko tewhea ra e whakatapungia ana e koe, a he aha te take: 1421 (Amatana, 1895?) Ko Wikitoria, te Kuini o Ingarani, i tana mahara atawai ki nga rangatira me nga hapu o Nu Tirani: 83 (Treaty of Waitangi. 1840); 215 (Treaty of Waitangi. 1844); 256 (Treaty of Waitangi, 1845)

Koa Paraone. Tamati (= Thomas Gore Browne) see N.Z. Governor (1880-1882 Browne) Koch. Augustus Carl Ferdinand (1834-1901): 834 (Mackay. 1875); 1301 (Illustrations prepared for White’s Ancient History of the Maori. 1891)

Kohere. Reweti Tuhorouta (1871-1954) 542 (Pipi-wharauroa. 1899-1913) Kohia kite Kete Put them in kits: 143 (Nga pukapuka wakaako-Pakeha. 1843) Te Kohikohinga Moni hei Hoko Kakahu; 376 (1849) He kohikohinga no nga inoi i roto i te Pukapuka o nga Inoinga: 405 (Church of England. 1851?) He kohikohinga no roto i nga Karaipiture Tapu no te hanganga o te ao tae noa kite whanautanga o to tatou Ariki; 1035 (Martin. 1882); I 103 (Marlin. 1884?) Kohimarama Conference (1860 : Kohimarama. Auckland): 504 (I860?); 506 (Martin. 1860); **sls-51 7 (N.Z. Governor (1855-1861 Browne). 1860); **s4o (N.Z. Governor (18551861 : Browne). 1861) The Kohimarama Conference of native chiefs, held at Kohimarama. I860; 504 (Kohimarama Conference. 1860?) Kohimarama. meetings: 1248 (Kia meou tangata whaiwhakaaro nunui katoa. 1889); 1249 (Ko te pukapuka o te Tiriti o Kohimarama. 1889?); 1253 (Meeting of New Zealand chiefs. 1889?); see also Kohimarama Conference (1860)



Koia ano te aroha o te Atua: 995 (Bible. N T. Selections, ca. 1881)

Komiti Maori o te Takiwa o Rotorua: 1250-1251 (1889)

Komiti Maori o Wairarapa: 1075 (1883?)

Komiti mb te Whakapuaki i te Mbhiotanga ki a Te Karaiti see Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge (London) in Printer/Publisher index

Komiti Nui o Heretaunga; 999 (Ko te whakataunga tenei o te whakawa mo Opoho, 1881); see also Hawke’s Bay Maori Committee. Komiti Takiwa mb nga Iwi o Heretaunga

Komiti Nui o Whanganui; = General Maori Committee of Wanganui; S4O (The Jubilee = Te Tiupiri. 1898-1900)

Komiti o Kahungunu see Ngati Kahungunu. Komiti

Komiti Takiwa mo nga Iwi o Heretaunga; = Native Committee. Heretaunga; District Committee of Heretaunga: 1166 (He panui na te Komiti Takiwa. 1886); 1191 (He panui na te Komiti Takiwa. 1887); see also Hawke’s Bay Maori Committee. Komiti Nui o Heretaunga

Komiti Whakahaere o te Kotahitanga see Maori Parliament Te Konetetuhiana e nga Rore Takiwa: 1099 (Independent Order of Good Templars. 1884?)

Kooti Whenua Maori: 1407 (New Zealand. 1894); 981 (N.Z. Parliament. 1880)

Kopu Block: 1308 (N.Z. Native Land Court, 1891?)

Koreneho see Colenso. William

He korero; 1342 (Renao, 1892?) Nga korero a te hui o te Hahi Maori o nga Takiwa o [place name] i te Pihopatanga o Akarana; S3OI/1874.2; **1878.2; **1880.2 (Church of England. Diocese of Auckland. 1872-1912) Te korero a te Manihera; 507 (Maunsell. 1860) He korero enei no te Nupepa “Nutireni Herora" no te Hatarei Oketopa 12. 1867: 703 (1867) He korero hou; ko nga korero o te huihuinga; 446 (Farewell address of the native tribes, 1853)

Korero ki nga kai-whakawa Maori. . . . o te Takiwa ki Tokerau: 575 (N.Z Native Circuit Court (Bay of Islands : Waimate), 1862) He korero kohikohi enei no te Kawenata Tawhito, no te Karaipiture; 86 (Bible. O.T. Selections. 1841)

Korero Maori; 842 (Pakeha-Maori. 1875?); 915 (Pakeha-Maori. 1878?); 1061 (Pakeha-Maori.

1882?); 1165 (Pakeha-Maori, 1886?); 1534 (Pakeha-Maori, 1899?) He korero mo nga Ratapu. ma nga mea taitamariki: 1134 (Mortimer. 1885) He korero mo nga whenua katoa o te ao nei; 466 (Martin. 1854) He korero mo te ara: 144 (Nga pukapuka wakaako-Pakeha. 1843) Nga korero mo te he ki Te Kohekohe. mete he hoki ki Te Awamutu; 598 (Kite motu katoa. 1863) He korero mo te hoko; 144 (Nga pukapuka wakaako-Pakeha. 1843) He korero mo te waka: 145 (Nga pukapuka wakaako-Pakeha. 1843)

Nga korero mo Tuhoe: 1425 (1895) He korero na te rata, raua ko te tangaia Maori: 146 (Nga pukapuka wakaako-Pakeha, 1843)

He korero no te haere ki Nawhekairangi: 1022 (Tangata, 1881) He korero no te haere ki Waikato, . . . i nga ra o Pepuere 1864: 645 (Kiriwi, 1864) Nga korero o nga huihuinga o te Kawana . . . me nga rangatira Maori me o ratou iwi i o ratou kainga: 1561 (Notes of meetings. 1900); 1562 (Notes of meetings . . . Selections. 1900) Nga Korero o te hui i tu ki Te Aute Kareti: S3B/no. [l] (Te Aute College Students’ Association. 1897-1906) Nga korero o te hui o Hinetapora: 1452 (1896?) Nga korero o te hui o te Whakakotahitanga; 1426 (Maori Parliament. 1895) Nga korero o te hui o te Whakakotahitanga i tu kite Tiriti o Waitangi. Aperira 14. 1892: 1319 (Maori Parliament. 1892?) Nga Korero o te hui [tuarua/tekau] o Te Kotahitanga a nga Tamariki o Te Aute Kareti: S3B/no. 2; no. 10 (Te Aute College Students’ Association. 1897-1906) Nga korero o te hui [tuatoru/tuawha/tuarima] o Te Kotahitanga o nga Tamariki o Te Kareti o Te Aute; S3B/no. 3-5 (Te Aute College Students’Association. 1897-1906) Nga korero o te huinga atu o te Urewera kite Aroaro o te Pirimia i te whitu o nga ra o Hepetema, 1895; 1425 (Nga korero mo Tuhoe. 1895) Te korero o te Runanga o Waenganui o te motu nei,: 461 (N.Z. Central Board of Vaccination, 1855) Nga korero o te whakawakanga mo te tangata i mate, i Whanganui: 582 (Ross. 1862) Nga korero Paramete/Paremete; 524 (N.Z. Parliament. 1881-1906)



He korero paremete no Meiha Ropata Wahawaha. Tau. 1889: 1269 (Wahawaha. 1889?)

He korero tara mo te kura: 430 (1852)

Te korero tawhito, tawhito: 1201 (Hankey, 1888)

He korero tenei mo Ani Kanara: 334 (1847)

He korero tenei mo tetahi o nga rangatira o Hauraki kua mate: 550 (Ngapora. 1861)

He korero tipuna Pakeha no mua, ko Ropitini Kuruho. tona ingoa; 427 (Defoe. 1852)

Te korero whakatepe o te Hahi Karaitiana o te timatanga mai tae noa kite tau 1517: 1030 (Grace, 1882?)

Korero whiriwhiri i nga karaipiture mo te matenga o te hunga kino: 437 (Bible. Selections. 1853)

Te korerotanga kite whakaminenga; 1132 (1885)

Te Korimako: 525 (1882-1888)

Te korimako hou; 529 (1889-1890)

Koroputaputa: 379 (Thomson. 1849)

Kotahi Atua, kotahi wakaponotanga. kotahi mahi tapu: 95 (He hura. 1841?)

Kotahi pauna: 1 154 (1886?)

Kotahi rau pauna (£100) hei utu: 859 (N.Z. Armed Constabulary Force. 1876)

Kotahi te iwi tahae e noho ana i te ao. ko nga Maori i keri koura i Koputauaki, i te tau 1859: 577 (Panuitanga. Kotahi te iwi tahae. 1862) Te Kotahitanga a/o nga Tamariki o Te Aute Kareti see Te Aute College Students’ Association

Kotahitanga Maori o Niu Tlreni/Kotahitanga o nga Iwi Maori o Aotearoa/ Kotahitanga o Te Tiriti o Waitangi see Maori Parliament

Te Kotahitanga o nga Tamariki o Te Kareti o Te Aute see Te Aute College Students’ Association

Kote hui tuatoru ote whare runanga ite Tiriti o Waitangi: 1192 (Peawhairangi. Maehe 10. 1887)

Kote pukapuka ritiuera o te Hahi onga Kuru Tepara: 813 (Independent Order of Good Templars. 1874)

Kotiana see Gudgeon. W. E.

Koukou: 243 (N.Z. Governor (1843-1845 Fitzßoy). 1845)

Kowert, Wilhelm: 886 (Ko te pukapuka poto, 1877)

Kua hinga ano a Waikato; SI4/no. 10 (Gazette notices. 1863-1864)

Kua hou rawa ki toku ngakau: 918 (Stanley. 1878); 955 (Stanley, ca. 1879); 1227

(Stanley, ca. 1888); 1267 (Te ritenga mete mana o te toto o te Karaiti, 1889)

Kua mate a Hoani Tawhito, ko Hoani Hou tenei: 1 302 (Kua male a Hoani Tawhito. ko Hoani Hou tenei, 1891) Kua panuitia kia koutou e etahi tangata o nga iwi erua: 541 (N.Z. Governor (1855-1861 : Browne). 1861) Kua puta Matariki kote tahi 1, 2, 3, 4 : 749 (Ngapora. 1870?) Kua rongo pea koutou ki a Hone Heki. kua takatakahi i te ture; 251 (N.Z. Southern Division, 1845) Kuikainga, Nopera: 754 (1871) Kukupa. Taurau: 1192 (Peawhairangi. Maehe 10. 1887) Kukutai. Wata Pihikete (d. 1 867): 496 (Evidence of native chiefs. I860); 570 (N.Z. Colonial Secretary. 1862) Kumara: 1240 (White. 1888) Kupa see Cooper, George Sisson He kupu ki nga hoa Maori: 669 (New Zealand. 1865) He kupu ma te ngakau inoi: 218 (Andrewes, 1845); 318 (Andrewes. 1847); 403 (Andrewes. 1851); 726 (Andrewes. 1868); 1122 (Andrewes. 1885); 1349 (Andrewes. 1893)

He kupu maimai aroha mo te tamaiti i mate; 450 (Brown. 1854) He kupu na Hauraki ki a te Kawana Kerei mo Ngatiawa i te whare-herehere: 696 (Te Moananui. 1866)

He kupu na Maketu ki a le Kawana Kerei mo Ngatiawa i te whare-herehere: 689 (Haerehuka.lB66) He kupu na nga kai-whakapae ki a te Kawana Kerei mo Ngatiawa i te whare-herehere 697 (Te Puehu. 1866) He kupu na Tauranga ki a te Kawana Kerei mo Ngatiawa i te whare-herehere: 699 (Whitorangi. 1866) Nga kupu o Aperahama; **1294 (Taonui, ca. 1894?) Kupu o roto o te kupu tohutohu mo nga Kura Maori: 1089 (N.Z. Dept, of Education, 1883); 1338 (N.Z. Department of Education. 1892); 1529-1530 (N.Z. Department of Education. 1899) Te kupu o te Kongo Pai; 1252 (Te kupu o te Kongo Pai, 1889) Nga kupu poroporoaki a te Minita Maori: 857 (McLean. 1876) Te kupu tawhito; 1201 (Hankey. 1888) He kupu tenei ki nga tangata katoa. kia matau ai: 616 (N.Z. Governor (1861-1868 : Grey). 1863) Kupu tohutohu ki nga kai-whakahaere mo te



mahi whakahaere i te tikanga o te mahi pooti i nga mema mo te komiti mo te kura: * * 1439 (N.Z. Inspector of Native Schools. 1895?)

He kupu tohutohu mo nga Kooti Whenua Maori me nga whakahaerenga o nga whenua Maori: 1300 (Edwards. 1891)

Kupu tohutohu mo te mahi whakato tapahanga waina karepe; 1476 (Soler. 1896)

He kupu ui mo te hunga o te kura: 63 (Maunsell, 1841); 97 (Maunsell, 1841)

He kupu wakatupato: 1 10 (Colenso, 1842)

Kupu whakaatu; 1416 (N.Z. Secretary for Education. 1894)

He kupu whakaatu enei mo to matou haerenga mai ki Ingarangi me o matou haerenga, me nga mahi, ki reira: 1101 (1884)

Nga kupu whakahoki a te Atua ki ou patai: 1549 (1900?)

He kupu whakamarama: S4l (1898); 542 (Pipiwharauroa: He-kupu whakamarama, 18991913)

He kupu whakamarama mo etahi wahi o te Karaipiture: [Part 1]: 719 (Martin. 1868); [Part 2]: 755 (Martin, 1871); [Part 3]: 772 (Martin. 1872)

He kupu whakamarama mo nga raruraru o nga whenua Maori; 922 (Thomas, 1878)

Nga kupu whakapae mo Wiremu Wiremu (Ripoata o te Komihana mo Runga mo Kaitangiwhenua Poraka): 1415 (N.Z. Royal Commission on charges against William Williams . Kaitangiwhenua Block. 1894)

He kura; 95 (1841?)

Kura Maori see Native Schools


Lake Forsyth Landfs] Vesting Act 1896. 1458 (New Zealand. 1896)

land see also Native Districts; Native Reserves; N.Z. Native Land Court; rates; roads; surveys and surveying and other entries under land or beginning Native Land; for legislation on general land matters see land (legislation, general)

land (legislation, general): 629 (He pukapuka whakaatu i nga tikanga a te Pakeha, 1863); 669-670 (New Zealand, 1865); 706 (New Zealand. 1867); **72 l (New Zealand, 1868); **73o (New Zealand. 1869); **743-**744 (New Zealand. 1870); 765 (New Zealand. 1867); **7BB (New Zealand. 1873); 794 (N.Z Parliament, 1873); 818 (New Zealand. 1874); 865 (N.Z. Parliament. Legislative Council. 1876); **B92, **B94 (New Zealand, 1877); **B9s, 898-899 (N.Z. Parliament. 1877);

900, **9o2 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1877); **9l2-913 (New Zealand, 1878); 943 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1879); 981 (N.Z. Parliament. 1880); 993 (N.Z. Parliament. Legislative Council. 1880); 1003 (New Zealand. 1881); 1017, 1019 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1881); 1043 (New Zealand. 1882); 1060 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1882); 1081, 1083 (New Zealand. 1883); 1090 (N.Z. Parliament, 1883) * * 1 108 (New Zealand. 1884); * * 1 1 15 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1884) * * I 136. * * 1 139 (New Zealand. 1885); 1158. 1160 (New Zealand. 1886); 1210 (New Zealand, 1888); 1215 (New Zealand. 1888); **1219, **1222 (N.Z. Parliament. 1888); * * 131 1 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1891); 1366 (New Zealand. 1893); 1377 (N.Z. Parliament, 1893): 1407, 1408 (New Zealand, 1894); 1434 (New Zealand. 1895); 1460 (New Zealand, 1896); 1496 (New Zealand. 1897); * * 1 51 3 (N.Z. Parliament. 1898); **1514-** 1516 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1898); 1518 (Poneke. Hurae 25 1898); * * 1531 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1899); 1557 (New Zealand. 1900); * * 1559 (N.Z, Parliament, 1900); **1560 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1900); 1561-1562 (Notes of meetings. 1900)

Land Act 1885. Selections; 1 135 (New Zealand, 1885)

Land and Income Assessment Acts Amendment Act 1895 [Bill 1895]: 1432 (New Zealand. 1895); 1442 (N.Z. Parliament. 1895)

land claims: 709 (N.Z. Minister in Charge of the Native Dept., 1867); 723 (N.Z. Native Department, 1868); 753 (Hungahunga. 1871); 1034 (Maori deeds of old private land purchases. 1882); 1131 (Kawepo. 1885?); 1250-1251 (Komiti Maori o te Takiwa o Rotorua. 1889); 1266 (N.Z. Parliament. Middle Island Native Claims Committee. 1889; 1308 (N.Z. Native Land Court. 1891?); 1 308 (N.Z. Native Land Court. 1891?); 1310 (N.Z. Native Land Court. 1891); see also compensation claims land claims (legislation): 824 (N.Z. Parliament. 1874); 974 (New Zealand. 1880); 1055 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1882); 1369 (New Zealand. 1893); 1379 (N.Z. Parliament. 1893); 1409 (New Zealand, 1894); 1433 (New Zealand. 1895) land, compulsory acquisition (legislation): 1046 (New Zealand. 1882); 1085 (New Zealand.



1883); 1405 (New Zealand. 1894); 1411 (New Zealand. 1894)

land confiscation: 612 (N.Z. Governor (18611868 Grey). 1863); 650 (N.Z. Governor (1861-1868 : Grey). 1864); 672 (N.Z. Governor (1861-1868 : Grey). 1865); 676 (Puna. 1865); 686 (Te Whiwhi, 1865); 693 (Patene. 1866); 698 (Te Waharoa. 1866); 754 (Kuikainga. 1871); 952 (Poneke. Akuhata 26. 1879); 1550 (Landless Maoris in the Waikato. Thames Valley, and Tauranga districts. 1900)

land confiscation (legislation); **6ol (New Zealand. 1863); 936 (New Zealand. 1879); 939 (N.Z. Parliament. 1879); 973 (New Zealand. 1880); 987 (N.Z Parliament. 1880); 1008 (New Zealand. 1881); * * 101 3 (N.Z. Parliament. 1881); 1050 (New Zealand. 1882); 1088 (New Zealand. 1883); 1 110-111 1 (New Zealand. 1884); **lll4 (N.Z. Parliament, 1884); 1184 (New Zealand. 1887); 1 187 (N.Z. Parliament. 1887); 1217 (New Zealand. 1888); 1290 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives, 1890); 1336 (New Zealand. 1892)

land courts see Maori King Movement, land court; N.Z. Native Land Court

land disputes (legislation): **744 (New Zealand. 1870); 796 (N.Z. Parliament. 1873); see also compensation claims; land sales; land, titles and names of specific places

Land Drainage Act 1893. Selections; 1364 (New Zealand. 1893)

land for schools: 835 (Native land at Porirua for educational purposes. 1875); 1208 (Mackay. 1888)

land for schools (legislation): 1281 (New Zealand. 1890); 1288 (N.Z. Parliament. 1890); 1404 (New Zealand. 1894)

land, gifts by Maori: 835 (Native land at Porirua for educational purposes. 1875); 1189 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1887); 1208 (MacKay, 1888); 1387 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1893); 1414 (New Zealand, 1894)

land grants; 709 (N.Z. Minister in Charge of the Native Dept.. 1867); 1027 (Crown grants to natives. West Coast. North Island. 1882); 1493 (Middle Island native claims. 1889 and 1890. 1897); 1536 (Smith. 1899); see also part-Maori, land allocations

land grants (legislation): **732 (New Zealand. 1869); **7BB. **792 (New Zealand. 1873); 794 (N.Z. Parliament. 1873); 822-823 (New Zealand. 1874); 862 (N.Z Parliament. 1876); 890. **B93 (New Zealand. 1877); 896 (N.Z. Parliament. 1877); 941 (N.Z. Parliament.


1879) 947 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1879); 973 (New Zealand. 1880) 1015 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1881); 1050 (New Zealand. 1882); 1058 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1882); 1078-1079. 1085 (New Zealand. 1883); 1206-1207 (Mackay. 1888); 1211 (New Zealand. 1888); 1213 (New Zealand. 1888); **1220 (N.Z. Parliament. 1888); 1279 (New Zealand. 1890); 1286 (N.Z. Parliament. 1890); 1325 (New Zealand, 1892)

land issues: 81 (N.Z. Lieutenant-Governor (18401841 : Hobson). 1840); 250 (N.Z. Southern Division. 1845); 401 (Te Hapuku. 1850); 499 (Kawepo. I860?); 504 (Kohimarama Conference, I860); 517 (N.Z. Governor (1855-1861 Browne). I860?); 535 (Kawepo. 1861); 541 (N.Z. Governor (1855-1861 : Browne). 1861?); 710 (Petitions presented to the House of Representatives. 1867); 737 (Takamoana. 1869); 749 (Ngapora. 1870?); 802 (Petition of 371 Maoris of Hawke’s Bay. 1873) 804 (Sheehan. 1873); 807 (Te Rangihiwinui. 1873); 814 (Mangakahia. 1874) 847 (Tuku. 1875); 870 (Rangitakaiwaho. 1876); 921-922 (Thomas. 1878); 953 (Rees. 1879); 1192 (Peawhairangi, Maehe 10. 1887); 1203 (Te Kainga Takiwa Porowini i te Koroni o Nui Tireni. 1888); 1204 (Kia hiwa e kia hiwa raa, 1888); 1205 (Ko nga kupu a te hui. 1888); **1225 (Resolutions from Maori committees. 1888); 1237 (Taiwhanga. 1888); 1253 (Meeting of New Zealand chiefs. 1889?); 1300 (Edwards. 1891); 1307 (N.Z. Commission Appointed to Inquire into the Subject of the Native Land Laws. 1891); 1320 (Maori Parliament. 1892?); 1360 (Maori Parliament. 1893?); 1361 (Maori Parliament, 1893?); 1452 (Nga korero o te hui o Hinetapora. 1896?); **lsoo (Te Puke ki Hikurangi Papawai. October. 1897); 1517 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. Native Affairs Committee. 1898); 1522-1523 (Seddon, 1898); 1532 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. Native Affairs Committee. 1899); 1533 (Ngati Apa. 1899?); SI9 (Te Wananga. 1871-1878); 523 (Matariki. 1881); 526 (Takitimu. 1883); see also compensation claims; rates; surveys and surveying and other entries under land land, leasing: 666 (lhakara Te Hokowhitukuri. 1865); 702 (Ko enei nga ritenga he ritenga tuturu na matou. 1867?); 703 (He korero enei no te nupepa "Nutireni Herora”. 1867); 735


(N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. Public Petitions Committee. 1869); **B64 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1876); 878 (He whakamaramatanga mo Te Ture Hoko, Riihi hoki. i nga Whenua Maori. 1876); 920 (Supplement to “Te Wananga”. 1878); 1027 (Crown grants to natives. West Coast, North Island. 1882); 1072 (The Himatangi back rents. 1883); 1 185 (New Zealand. 1887); 1508 (Native Land Laws Amendment Acts (returns of applications made under the provisions of). 1898); 1525 (Issue of Orders in Council . . .. 1899)

land, leasing (legislation); 1007 (New Zealand, 1881); **lol2 (N.Z. Parliament. 1881); 1048 (New Zealand. 1882); 1082 (New Zealand. 1883); 1212 (New Zealand. 1888); **1262 (New Zealand. 1889); 1336 (New Zealand. 1892); 1369. 1375 (New Zealand. 1893); 1379 (N.Z. Parliament, 1893); 1383 (N.Z. Parliament, 1893)

land, ownership see land, titles

land purchases see land sales

Land purchases. Middle Island: 834 (Mackay, 1875)

land, management see drainage; fencing: weeds

land sale schemes; 1032 (Ki nga rangatira Maori kei Niu Tirani, 1882); 1 128 (Desmond. 1885?); 1151 (Hone Rapata Hare Ma. 1886); see also New Zealand Company; New Zealand Native Land Settlement Company

land sale schemes (legislation): 1327 (New Zealand. 1892)

land sales: 211 (N.Z. Governor (1843-1845 : Fitzßoy). 1844); 452 (Grace. 1854); 688 (Correspondence relative to the Manawatu Block. 1866); 762 (Petition of Te Rangiwhakaewa and others, 1871); 764 (Te Aroatua. 1871); 774 (New Zealand. 1872); 777 (Torotoro, 1872); 834 (Mackay, 1875); 841 (Ngai Tahu, 1875); 846 (Torotoro. 1875); 852 (Fenton, 1876); 872 (Taiaroa, 1876); 91 I (Maori deeds of land purchases in the North Island. 1877-1878); 976 (N.Z. Middle Island Native Land Purchase Commission. 1880); 1009 (N.Z. Middle Island Native Land Purchase Commission. 1881); 1034 (Maori deeds of old private land purchases. 1882); 1 166 (He panui na te Komiti Takiwa. 1886); 1191 (He panui na te Komiti Takiwa. 1887); 1455 (“The Native Land Laws Amendment Act. 1895"; Return. 1896); 1508 (Native Land Laws Amendment Acts (returns of applications made under the provisions of). 1898); 1525 (Issue of Orders in Council . . ..

1899); see also government: land disposal; mortgages land sales (legislation): 752 (He ture tenei hei arai i te mahi hoko tahae. 1870?); **757 (New Zealand. 1871); 789-790 (New Zealand, 1873); 797 (N.Z. Parliament. 1873); **B64 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1876); 878 (He whakamaramatanga mo Te Ture Hoko. Riihi hoki, i nga Whenua Maori, 1876); **BB9 (New Zealand. 1877); 901 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1877); 943 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives, 1879); 982 (N.Z. Parliament. 1880) 988-990 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives, 1880); 1004 (New Zealand. 1881) 1084 (New Zealand. 1883); 1107 (New Zealand. 1884); * * 1 1 13 (N.Z. Parliament, 1884); 1 143 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1885); 1 157 (New Zealand. 1886); **1163 (N.Z. Parliament, 1886); 1 188 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1887); 1214, 1216 (New Zealand. 1888); **1221, **1223 (N.Z. Parliament, 1888); **1255-** 1256, **1258 (New Zealand, 1889); **1265 (N.Z. Parliament, 1889); 1304 (New Zealand. 1891); 1368 (New Zealand, 1893); 1378 (N.Z. Parliament. 1893); 1390 (Te Arawa, 1893)

land tenure system. Pakeha: 629 (He pukapuka whakaatu i nga tikanga a te Pakeha. 1863)

land tenure system, Indian: 921-922 (Thomas. 1878) land, titles: 533 (Further papers relative to native affairs. 1861); 724 (Petitions from East Coast natives relative to their lands. 1868); 786 (Martin. 1873); 879 (Aperahama, 1877); 916-917 (Patuki, 1878); 1010 (N.Z. Native Affairs Committee, 1881); 1092 (Ngapora. 1883); (1094 (Petition of the Maniapoto, Raukawa, Tuwharetoa, and Whanganui tribes, 1883); 1418 (Te Rangihiwinui, 1894) land, titles (legislation): 789 (New Zealand. 1873); 81 7 (New Zealand. 1874); 817 (New Zealand. 1874); **BsB (New Zealand, 1876); 861 (N.Z. Parliament. 1876); **972, 978 (N.Z. Parliament. 1880); 985-986 (N.Z. Parliament. 1880); 1005 (New Zealand. 1881); 1042 (New Zealand. 1882); 1 156, 1 159 (New Zealand. 1886); ** 1 162. **l I 64 (N.Z. Parliament. 1886); ** 1259-** 1261 (New Zealand, 1889); 1324 (New Zealand. 1892); 1328 (New Zealand. 1892); 1330 (New Zealand, 1892); 1332 (New Zealand. 1892); 1333 (New Zealand. 1892); 1334 (New Zealand. 1892); 1365, 1367 (New Zealand. 1893); 1409 (New Zealand. 1894);



1410 (New Zealand. 1894), 1457, 1460 (New Zealand. 1896)

Land Transfer Act 1870 [1885]: **743 (New Zealand. 1870); 1885. **1136 (New Zealand. 1885)

Land Transfer Act 1870 Amendment Act 1871 [1874]; **757 (New Zealand. 1871); 1874 817 (New Zealand. 1874)

Landless Maoris in the Waikato. Thames Valley, and Tauranga districts who lost their land by confiscation: 1550 (1900)

Landless natives in South Island (report relative to setting apart land for): 1536 (Smith, 1899)

landowners, agents: 1520 (Pukapuka rapu. 1898)

landowners, agents (legislation): 1086 (New Zealand. 1883); see also Public Trustee; trusts

Lands Improvement and Native Lands Acquisition Act 1894; 1405 (New Zealand. 1894)

law. application of: 82 (N.Z. LieutenantGovernor (1840-1841 ; Hobson). 1840); 98 (N.Z. Governor (1841-1842 : Hobson), 1841); see also crimes; English legal system; franchise. Maori; inquests

Lawry. Henry Hassall (1821-1906); = Rore: 833 (Ko nga tikanga o nga upoko o te Paipera. 1875); 934 (Maunsell. 1879); 1419 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1894); S2ll/Introduction (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1844-1854)

A leaf from the natural history of New Zealand: 366 (Taylor. 1848); 751 (Taylor. 1870)

Lee. Samuel Lee (1783-1852): 2 (Kendall. 1820)

Lee. Walter (181 1-1887); = Rata (Doctor) Rii; **Bss (1876) A legal gentleman: **7BB (New Zealand. 1873)

legal system, in Maori districts; 489 (New Zealand. 1859); 506 (Martin, I860); 546 (N.Z Governor (1855-1861 ; Browne). 1861?); 578 (He Panuitanga. Ngarua-Wahi[a). Aperira. 1. 1862); see also Native Circuit Court

Legendary history of the Maoris (extracts from a compilation of the). 994 (White. 1880)

legends. Maori see oral traditions

legislation in Maori see entries under New Zealand (for Acts in Maori) and N.Z Parliament (for Bills in Maori)

legislation: submissions by Maori: 496 (Evidence of native chiefs. 1860); * * 1514-

**1516 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1898) The lesson of the quilt; 806 (Te tangata i mate ai ona hoa noho tata, 1873) Lesson sheet: **3 l (White. 1836); **3B (1837) Lesson sheets; 75 (Colenso, 1840); **79 (1840). **ll2 (1842) Lessons in Maori 1065 (Williams. 1882); 1420 (Williams. 1894) Lessons in reading and spelling for use in Native Schools: I 120 (Pope, 1884); 1474 (Pope 1896) Lessons in the English language for Maori schools: 460 (Martin. 1855); Pan I: 810 (Williams. 1873); [Pan II]; 849 (Williams. 1875) Lessons on the Church Catechism: (Part I); 380 (Abraham. 1850); (Part 2): 416 (Abraham. 1852) Letter from Major Te Wheoro, M H R., to the Speaker, forwarding proposals from Tawhiao 1062 (Te Wheoro. 1882) Letter from Mr. Alexander Mackay, forwarding draft of a new Native Reserves Bill: 860 (N.Z. Commissioner of Native Reserves (Middle Island), 1876) Letter from Rewi Maniopoto to Sir G. Grey; 1033 (Maniapoto, 1882) Letter from the Hon. Native Minister to Wiremu Kingi Matakatea: 977 (N.Z. Native Minister, 1880)

Letter from William Thompson to His Excellency the Governor relative to terms of peace; 658 (Te Waharoa. 1864)

Letter from Wiremu Nero Te Awaitaia to Hamiora Naropi relative to meeting at Raglan: 653 (Te Awa-i-taia. 1864) A letter of the Catholic Bishop of Auckland; 652 (Pompallier, 1864) Letter of the Right Honourable Lord Viscount Goderich and address of James Busby. Esq. British Resident, to the chiefs of New Zealand: 20 (Great Britain. Colonial Office. 1833) letters from Maori: 205 (Hau. 1844); 401 (Te Hapuku. 1850); 446 (Farewell address of the native tribes. 1853); 459 (Maori mementos. 1855); 505 (Mahau Turakino. 1860); 521 (Ngatata. 1860); 524 (Te Rauparaha. 1860); **525-527 (Toetoe. 1860); 533 (Further papers relative to native affairs. 1861); 534 (Further papers relative to the native insurrection); 550 (Ngapora. 1861); 553 (Takerei Te Rau, 1861); 554 (Te Kawau. 1861) 561 (E to matou whaea. e Wikitoria. 1862) 564 (Honatana. 1862); 592 (Tupoki. 1862); 594-595 (Further papers relative to the native insurrection. 1863); 596 (Kawepo.


House of Representatives. 1879); 991 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. I860)

cikanga o nga upoko o te Paipera, 1875) The laws of England 476-477 (Fenton, 1858) lawsuits (legislation); 948 (N.Z. Parliament

Lawry, Walter (1793-1859): 317 (Wesley, 1846); 353 (Bible. O.T. Psalms. 1848); 833 (Ko nga


1863) 597 (Ki nga Maori. 1863); 623 (Ngapuhi. 1863); 632-634 (Te Huia, 1863); 636-637 (Te Waharoa. 1863); 646 (Letters from native chiefs. 1864); 651 (N.Z. Native Dept. Interpreter. 1864); 653 (Te Awa-i-Taia, 1864) 654-655 (Te Huia. 1864); 658 (Te Waharoa, 1864); 660 (Wellington Province. Superintendent. 1864); 676 (Puna, 1865); 679-681 (Te Huia. 1865); 683 (Te Waharoa. 1865) 688 (Correspondence relative to the Manawatu Block, 1866); 689 (Haerehuka, 1866) 695 (Te Huia. 1866); 696 (Te Moananui. 1866); 697 (Te Puehu, 1866); 699 (Whitorangi. 1866); 720 (Maunsell. 1868); 733 (N.Z. Native Department. 1869); 737 (Takamoana. 1869); 756 (Maunsell. 1871); 766 (Te Whiwhi, 1871?); **B3l (E hoa ma. tena koutou. 1875?); 843 (Taonui. 1875); 869 (Potae, 1876); 938 (N.Z. Native Department. 1879); 1033 (Maniapoto, 1882); 1062 (Te Wheoro, 1882); 1 168 (Nga pukapuka tuhituhi i waenganui i a rore tapere, i a Tawhiao, 1886); 1 196 (Te Heuheu Tukino IV, 1887); 1269 (Wahawaha. 1889?); 1342 (Renao, 1892?); 1342 (Renao, 1892?); 1509 (The Native Lands Settlement and Administration Bill. 1898); see also petitions from Maori Letters from native chiefs to Mr. Fitzgerald, M.H.R., relative to their admission into the General Assembly: 646 (1864)

Letters from natives at Ahuriri to the Queen and Governor: 535 (Kawepo. 1861)

Letters from natives of Hawke's Bay. denying that | they are opposed to the supremacy of the Queen: 534 (Further papers relative to the native insurrection, 1861)

Letters from Renata and other chiefs of Ahuriri to Dr. Featherston: 596 (Kawepo. 1863)

Letters of warning from William Thompson: 636 (Te Waharoa, 1863)

Letters on the present state of Maori affairs: 676 (Puna, 1865)

letters to Maori: 20 (Great Britain. Colonial Office. 1833); 23 (Busby. 1835); 81 (N.Z. Lieutenant-Governor (1840-1841 : Hobson), 1840); 98 (N.Z. Governor (1841-1842 : Hobson), 1841); 113 (Marlin, 1842); 132 (N.Z. Police. 1843); 151 (Selwyn, 1843); 189 (Whiteley, 1843); 212-213 (N.Z. Governor (1843-1845 : Fitzßoy). 1844); 244-245 (N.Z. Governor (1843-1845 : Fitzßoy). 1845); 362 (Fitzgerald. 1848?); 454 (N.Z. Governor (1845-1853 : Grey). 1853); 480 (N.Z. Governor (1855-1861 : Browne), 1858); 513, 518 (N.Z. Governor (1855-1861 : Browne). I860?); 519 (N.Z. Native Secretary. 1860);

521 (Ngatata. 1860); 531 (Davis. 1861); 541. 543-544, 546 (N.Z. Governor (1855-1861 ; Browne). 1861); 551 (Pompallier, 1861); 552 (Searancke, 1861); 571 (N.Z. Governor (18611868 : Grey). 1862); 580-581 (Pompallier. 1862); 612 (N.Z. Governor (1861-1868 ; Grey). 1863); 615 (N.Z. Governor (1861-1868 : Grey). 1863); 618-619 (N.Z. Minister for Native Affairs. 1863); 625 (Pompallier. 1863); 652 (Pompallier. 1864); 639-640 (Wellington Province. Superintendent. 1863); 663 (Cooper. 1865); 665 (Hawke’s Bay Province. Superintendent. 1865); 714 (Williamson. 1867); 734 (N.Z. Native Minister. 1869?); 745 (N.Z. Native Department. 1870) 746-748 (N.Z. Native Minister, 1870); 760 (N.Z. Returning Officer (Eastern Maori electorate), 1871?); 766 (Te Whiwhi, 1871?); 857 (McLean. 1876); 871 (Sheehan. 1876): 882 (Davis. 1877); 975 (N.Z. Governor (18801882 : Gordon). 1880); 977 (N.Z. Native Minister, 1880); 1 126 (Colenso. 1885); I 142 (N.Z. Native Minister, 1885); 1 146 (Taonui, 1885); I 155 (Mair, 1886); **1194 (Stuart. 1887); 1269 (Wahawaha. 1889?); see also invitations; pastoral letters; notices; proclamations and official notices Lewis, Thomas William (1865-1927); = Ruihi: 938 (N.Z. Native Dept. 1879); 975 (N.Z. Governor (1880-1882; Gordon). 1880); 1028 (Destitute natives receiving aid from Government. 1882); see also N.Z. Undersecretary for Native Affairs for works in official capacity lice (legislation): 1 108 (New Zealand. 1884)

Licensing Act 1881. Selections: 1002 (New Zealand, 1881)

Licensing Act Amendment Act 1882: 1041 (New Zealand. 1882) The life and adventures of Robinson Crusoe: 427 (Defoe. 1852) liquor licensing (legislation); 741 (Ko te ture mo te hoko waipiro, 1870?); 819 (New Zealand. 1874); 914 (New Zealand. 1878); 1002 (New Zealand. 1881); 1041 (New Zealand. 1882); 1428 (New Zealand. 1895); see also temperance; prohibition List of works recently published by Geo. T. Chapman: 739 (Kemp. 1870) Lister. William: 582 (Ross. 1862) lithographs; 62 (Maunsell. 1839?); 427 (Defoe. 1852); 451 (Bunyan, 1854); 700 (Genealogies of certain Maori families, 1867); 712 (Nga tikanga o te whakatupu mete mahinga o te tupeka, 1867); 883 (Facsimile of the Declaration of Independence and the Treaty



of Waitangi, 1877); 1301 (Illustrations prepared for White’s Ancient History of the Maori. 1891); 1399 (Hicks, ca. 1894); 1480 (Williams. 1896)

Little Barrier Island Purchase Act 1894: 1406 (New Zealand, 1894)

The little wanderers. 191 (Wilberforce, 1843)

Lloyd. Thomas William John (d. 1864): 672 (N.Z. Governor (1861-1868). 1865)

Locke. Samuel (1836-1890): **llls (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1884); see also N.Z. Returning Officer (Eastern Maori Electorate) (1871) for works in official capacity

Looking to both sides. The road to eternal life I 545 (Grant, ca. 1900) A Lord’s Day plan: 467 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion, 1856)

Lord’s Prayer: 5 (Kendall, 1820); 7 (1826); 9 (Bible. Selections. 1827); 96 (1841?) The Lord’s Prayer in the New-Zealand tongue: 7 (Lord’s Prayer. 1826)

Luck. John Edmund (1840-1896); = Hoani Erimana Raka: I 133 (1885); 1200 (Catholic Church, 1888)

Luther, Martin (1483-1546): 886 (Ko te pukapuka poto. 1877); 1491 (1897)

Lutheran Church Mission: 886 (Ko te pukapuka poto, 1877)


McDonald. Allan; = Maketanara; Makitanara; Tikanaa: 948 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1879); 991 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1880); 1017 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives, 1881); 1055. 1060 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1882)

McDonald. James (1824- 1 890) and Walter (1830-1899) 1133 (Luck. 1885)

Mac Donald. John Edwin (fl. 1880s-1903); = J. E. Makitonore: 1112 (N.Z. Native Land Court. 1884)

McDonogh. Arthur Edward (1809/107-1852) see N.Z. Police.

McGregor. John (1832-1925); = Hone Makareka: 1389 (Popular Maori songs. 1893); 1519 (Popular Maori songs. Supplement No. 1. 1898)

Mackay. Alexander (1833-1909): 834 (1875); 856 (1876); 905 (N.Z. Parliament. Legislative Council. 1877); 1206-1208(1888); 1310 (N.Z. Native Land Court. 1891); 1345 (South Island native settlements. 1892); 1536 (Smith. 1899); see also N.Z. Commissioner of Native Reserves (Middle Island) (1876) for works in official capacity

Mackay, James (1831-1912); = Tiemi Make:

520 (N.Z Native Secretary’s Office. 1860); 733 (N.Z. Native Dept. 1869); 1453 (1896) Mackay. Thomas (1826-1891): 1307 (N.Z. Commission Appointed to Inquire into the Subject of the Native Land Laws. 1891) McKenzie. John (1839-1901); = Mekenehi: 1364. 1368 (New Zealand. 1893); 1387 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1893); 1405-1406, 1410, 1414 (New Zealand, 1894); 1429, 1431. 1436 (New Zealand. 1895); 1511 (New Zealand. 1898)

McLean. Sir Donald (1820-1877); = [Tanara] Makarini 452 (Grace. 1854); 511,516 (N.Z Governor (1855- 1 86 1 : Browne). 1860); 707 (New Zealand. 1867); **732 (New Zealand. 1869); 741 (Ko te Jure mo te Hoko Waipiro. 1870?); **744 (New Zealand. 1870); 758-759 (New Zealand, 1871); 773 (Moana. 1872); 776 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1872); **7BB-791 (New Zealand. 1873); 796-797 (N.Z Parliament. 1873) 799 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1873); 818-819. 821.823 (New Zealand. 1874); 824 (N.Z. Parliament. 1874) 845 (Te Aratapu. Kaipara. 29 o Mei, 1875) 857 (1876); **B64 (N.Z. Parliament House of Representatives. 1876); 986 (N.Z Parliament, 1880); SI 6 (Te waka Maori o Ahuriri, 1863-1871); SIS (Te waka Maori o Niu Tirani. 1 871 -1877); see also Hawke’s Bay Province. Superintendent; N.Z. Native Minister (1869-1873) for works in official capacity Madan. J. Rousel (1841-1905); 1200 (Catholic Church, 1888) magazines, independent: SIO (Aotearoa. 1861); see also newspapers magazines, religious: S2B (Te Hoa Maori (The Maori friend). 18857-1897); see also newspapers He maha nga pukapuka a nga tangata Maori: 938 (N.Z. Native Dept. 1879) He mahara ki Nutireni a kite mahi o te Hahi matua mona: 491 (Pompallier. 1859?) Mahau Turakino: 505 (1860) Nga Mahi a nga Apotoro: 1119 (Norris. 1884) Nga mahi a nga hui o te Pihopatanga o Akarana: S3Ol/191 1 (Church of England. Diocese of Auckland. 1872-1912) Nga mahi a nga hui o te Taha Maori o te Hahi o te Pihopatanga o Akarana; S3Ol/1909 (Church of England. Diocese of Auckland. 1872-1912) Nga mahi a nga tupuna 453 (Grey. 1854) Nga mahi a te Hinota [number. Tuatahi - Tuawha. [i.e. 1-4]] o te Pihopatanga o



Waiapu: 5302 (Church of England. Diocese of Waiapu)

Nga mahi a te hui o te Hahi Maori o [nga/te] Atirikonatanga o [place] i te Pihopatanga o Akarana: S3Ol/1872.1; 1872.2; 1874.1; 1875.1; 1876.1; **1877; **1878.1; **1879; **1880.1; **1881; **1882.1; **1883; **1885; **1886:1891; **1893; **1894; 1896 (Church of England. Diocese of Auckland. 1872-1912)

Nga mahi a te hui o te Hahi Maori o nga Takiwa o [placets ] i te Pihopatanga o Akarana: S3Ol/1873; **1875.3: **1876.2; **1878.2; * * 1880.2; * * 1882.2 (Church of England. Diocese of Auckland. 1872-1912)

Nga mahi a te hui o te Hahi Maori o te Atirikonatanga o [place ] i te Pihopatanga o Waiapu: 5303/1906; 1907.2; 1909.1; 1910.2; 1912.3 (Church of England. Diocese of Waiapu. 1870-1914)

Nga mahi a te hui o te Hahi Maori o te Pihopatanga o Akarana: S3OI/1897; 1899; 1900 (Church of England. Diocese of Auckland, 1872-1912)

Nga mahi a te hui o te Hahi Maori [o/i] te Takiwa o [place: Heretaunga/Tauranga/Turanga]: 5303/1909.2; 1909.3; 1913 (Church of England. Diocese of Waiapu. 1870-1914)

Nga mahi a te hui o te Hahi Maori o te Takiwa o [placets ] i te Pihopatanga o Waiapu; 5303/1871; 1872.1; 1872.2; 1873; 1874.1; 1874.2; 1875; 1876; 1878.1; 1878.2; 1879; 1880: 1881; 1882.2; 1883.2; 1884.2; 1885.2; 1886.2; 1887.2; 1888.1; 1889; 1890.3; 1891.2; 1892.2; 1893.2; 1894.2; 1895.2; 1897.1; 1898.1; 1898.2; 1900.1; 1900.2; 1900.3; 1901; 1903.1; 1903.2; 1904; 1907.1; 1910.1; 1912.2 (Church of England. Diocese of Waiapu. 1870-1914)

Nga mahi a te hui o te Pihopatanga o Akarana: S3OI/1912 (Church of England. Diocese of Auckland. 1872-1912)

Nga mahi a te hui takiwa o te Atirikonatanga o Tauranga: 5303/1912.1 (Church of England. Diocese of Waiapu. 1870-1914)

Nga mahi a te Hui Topu o te Hahi Maori o te Pihopatanga o AKarana: S3OI/1902 (Church of England. Diocese of Auckland. 1872-1912)

Nga mahi a te Hui Topu o te Hahi Maori o te Pihopatanga o Waiapu. te minenga [number: tuatahi-tuatoru [i.e. 1-3]]: 5303/1890.I; 1893.1; 1896 (Church of England. Diocese of Waiapu, 1870-1914)

Nga mahi a te minenga [number, tuawhatuawhitu [i.e. 4-7]] o Hui Topu o te Hahi Maori o te Pihopatanga o Waiapu:

5303/1899; 1902; 1905; 1908 (Church of England. Diocese of Waiapu. 1870-1914) Nga mahi a te Runanga ki Kohimarama: 504 (Kohimarama Conference, 1860?) Nga mahi a te [ number : tuarua-tuaono [i.e. 2-6]] o nga Hui Nui o te Hahi Maori o te Pihopatanga o Akarana: S3Ol /* * 1884; 1887; **1889; **1892; 1895 (Church of England. Diocese of Auckland. 1872-1912) Nga mahi a te tuawhitu [i.e. 7] o nga Hui Topu o te Hahi Maori o te Pihopatanga o Akarana; S3Ol/1898 (Church of England. Diocese of Auckland, 1872-1912) Nga mahi a te [number: waru-iwa [i.e. 8-9]] o nga Hui Topu o te Hahi Maori i te Pihopatanga o Waiapu: 5303/1911; 1914 (Church of England. Diocese of Waiapu. 1870-1914) He mahi aha ta nga Minita: 310 (Maunsell, 1846) He mahi na te hui o te Hahi Maori o te Takiwa o Heretaunga; 5303/1882.1; 1883.1; 1884.1; 1885.1; **1886.1; **1887.1; 1888.2; 1890.2; **1891.1; **1892.1; **1894.1; 1895.1; * * 1897.2 (Church of England. Diocese of Waiapu. 1870-1914) Mahi Nunui; 1046 (New Zealand, 1882) Te mahinga tupeka: 712 (Nga tikanga o te whakatupu, 1867) Mahuika, Wiremu: 523 (Matariki, 1881) Mahupuku, Arete (fl. 1900-1905): 539 (Te puke ki Hikurangi, 1897-1913)

Mahupuku, Hamuera Tamahau (1837/42?1904): 1205 (Ko nga kupu a te hui, 1888); 1521 (Seddon. 1898); 539 (Te puke ki Hikurangi, 1897-1913) Mahuta, Tumata: S3l (Te paki o Matariki, 18921935?) Maika, Purakau (fl. 1891-1917): 539 (Te puke ki Hikurangi. 1897-1913) mail services see postal services Mainwaring. Mr (Randle Cotton?): 645 (Kiriwi, 1864) Mair, Gilbert, junior (1843-1923); = Kapene Mea; Tawatawhiti (‘Tawa'): 1 125 (Cameron, 1885); 1134 (Mortimer, 1885); 1155(1886); 1471 (N.Z. Native Land Court, 1896) Major Kemp see Te Rangihiwinui, Te Keepa Makareka, Hone see McGregor, John Makarini, Tanara see McLean, Donald Makarini Scholarships: 1089 (N.Z. Department of Education, 1883); 1338 (N.Z. Dept of Education. 1892); 1529-1530 (N.Z. Dept of Education, 1899) Make. Tiemi see Mackay, James Makereta, Tiria see Tiria Makareta



Maketanara see McDonald. Allan

Maketu. Wiremu (d. 1842) 98 (N.Z. Governor (1841-1842 ; Hobson). 1841)

Makironoke see McDonogh. Arthur E.

Makitanara see McDonald. Allan

Makitonore, J E. see Mac Donald. John Edwin

Makuihi o Nomanapi (Marquess of Normanby) see N.Z. Governor (1875-1879: Normanby)

Malins. Joseph (1844-1926); = Hohepa Merine: 1 102 (1884?)

Mamange, Wiremu: 625 (Pompallier. 1863)

The man who killed his friends with kindness: 806 (Te tangata i mate ai ona hoa noho tata. 1873) The man whom the king delighteth to honour: 1321 (Mylne. 1892)

Mana kite tango whenua Maori: 1046 (New Zealand. 1882)

Manawatu: 361 (Colenso. 1848); 485 (Te Pouepa, 1858)

Manawatu. land; 666 (lhakara Te Hokowhitukuri, 1865); 688 (Correspondence relative to the Manawatu Block. 1866)

Manawatu. land (legislation); 669 (New Zealand. 1865); **972 (New Zealand. 1880); 978 (N.Z. Parliament. 1880); 1304 (New Zealand. 1891)

Manga. Rewi see Maniapoto. Rewi Manga

Mangahanea: 1452 (Nga korero o te hui o Hinetapora. 1896?); 1535 (Panuitanga, 1899?)

Mangakahia. Hamiora. 1838-1918; 1427 (Maori Parliament. 1895?); 1454 (Maori Parliament. 1896?); 533 (Huia tangata kotahi. 1893-1895)

Mangakahia. Mohi (d. 1875): 814 (1874)

Mangaohane Block 1112 (N.Z. Native Land Court, ca. 1884)

Mangapara Block (legislation): 1372 (New Zealand. 1893); 1381 (N.Z. Parliament. 1893)

Mangatu No. 1 Empowering Act 1893; 1365 (New Zealand. 1893)

Mangere Hepe tema ! 21 1861 Whakarongo mai e oku hoa Maori e oku hoa Pak[e]ha. 554 (Te Kawau, 1861)

Maniapoto. Rewi Manga (d. 1894); also known as Rewi Manga: 536 (Ko nga waiata a Waikato ki a Kawana Kerei. 1861?). 648 (N.Z Colonial Secretary. 1864); 734 (N.Z. Native Minister. 1869?); 1033(1882); 1296 (Tenei ka panuitia nei nga korero o te hui i tu ki Otorohanga. 1890); S8 (Te whetu o te tau. 1858); SIS (Te pihoihoi mokemoke. 1863)

Manihera see Maunsell. George; Maunsell. Robert

Manihera. G./H. see Maunsell. George

Mantell family: 1275 (Eihu toku oranga, ca 1890)

Maniell, Walter Baldock Durrant (1820-1895): = Matara: 609. 612 (N.Z. Governor (18611868 : Grey). 1863); 619 (N.Z. Native Minister, 1863); 623 (Ngapuhi. 1863), 669 (New Zealand. 1865); 865 (N.Z. Parliament Legislative Council. 1876); 1150 (Census of the Middle Island natives. 1886); see also N.Z Native Minister (1861; 1865) for works in official capacity Manuhiri see Ngapora. Tamati Te manuhiri tuarangi and Maori intelligencer: SI 1 (1861) Te manuhiri tuarangi and Maori messenger: SI I (Te manuhiri tuarangi and Maori intelligencer. 1861) Manuka. Te Teira see Te Teira, Manuka He manuwiri hou, ko te wakakite: 374 (Colenso. 1849); 425 (Colenso, 1852) Maori see also entries beginning 'Native' 'Maori' (definition): 1137 (New Zealand. 1885) Maori and English dictionary: 751 (Taylor, 1870) Maori Club. Wellington. Ltd; = Karapu Maori o Poneke: 1397 (Ellison. 1894) Maori Committees see Native Committees Maori Committees Bill 1881: 1016 (N.Z Parliament House of Representatives, 1881) Maori communities see Maori Councils; Native Districts; Native Townships The Maori comparative dictionary: 1314 (Tregear, 1891); 1503 (Tregear. 1897)

Maori Council Constitution Bill 1897: **1497 (N.Z. Parliament House of Representatives, 1897) Maori Council (correspondence between Tawhiao and the Hon. the Native Minister relating thereto): 1169 (Tawhiao. 1886) Maori Councils (legislation); 1554-** 1556 (New Zealand. 1900) Maori Councils Act 1900: 1554-** 1556 (New Zealand. 1900) Maori culture and life; 134-148 (Nga pukapuka wakaako-Pakeha. 1843); 381 (Ashwell. ca. 1850); 803 (Sheehan. 1873); 1199 (White 1887) 1203 (Te Kainga Takiwa Porowini ite Koroni o Nui Tireni, 1888); 1239 (Waipawa Native Pah, Tapairu. 1888); 1240 (White. 1888) 1271-1272 (White. 1889); 1298 (While. 1890); 1301 (Illustrations prepared for White’s Ancient History of the Maori. 1891); 1313 (Pukapuka tatau o te iwi Maori. 1891); * * 1 445 (Jure Komiti Maori. 1895); 1554 (New Zealand. 1900); see also colonisation: impact; death and burial practices; dreams, prophecies and visions; health; marriage; natural history: Maori names; oral traditions; waiata



Maori deeds of land purchases in the North Island of New Zealand: 91 1 (1877-1878)

Maori deeds of old private land purchases in New Zealand, from the year 1815 to 1840, with pre-emptive and other claims: 1034 (1882)

Maori e noho whenua kore ana i te Wai Pounamu (ripoata mo runga mo te whakaritenga whenua mo ratou): 1536 (Smith, 1899)

Maori-English lexicon [of the New Zealand tongue]; 1505 (Colenso. 1898)

Maori Estate Management see Maori Real Estate

Management Act Amendment Bill 1877 The Maori friend; S2B (Te Hoa Maori (The Maori friend), 1885?-1897)

Maori Funds Investment Act 1865; **66B (New Zealand. 1865)

Maori gazette: Si (Te karere o Nui Tireni, 18421846)

Maori grammar: 567 (Maunsell. 1862)

Maori, history: 994 (White, 1880); 1 199 (White 1887); 1240 (White. 1888); 1271-1272 (White. 1889); 1298 (White. 1890); 1301 (Illustrations prepared for White’s Ancient History of the Maori, 1891)

Maori hymn book: 1071 (Davis, 1883)

Maori intelligencer: SI 1 (Te manuhiri tuarangi and Maori intelligencer 1861)

Maori King Movement; = Kingitanga: 499 (Kawepo. I860?); 504 (Kohimarama Conference, 1860); 507 (Maunsell, 1860); 524 (Te Rauparaha, 1860); 527 (Toetoe, 1860); 535 (Kawepo. 1861); 544 (N.Z. Governor (1855-1861 ; Browne). 1861?); 554 (Te Kawau. 1861); 568 (He moe. 1862); 571 (N.Z. Governor (1861-1868 : Grey). 1862); 578 (He Panuitanga. Ngarua-Wahi[a], Aperira. 1. 1862) 584 (Selwyn, 1862). 588 (Tawhiao. 1862); **s9l (Te Waharoa, 1862); 624 (Papers relative to the native meeting held at Peria, 1863), 631 (Taylor, 1863); 636637 (Te Waharoa, 1863); 640 (Wellington Province. Superintendent. 1863); 660 (Wellington Province. Superintendent. 1864); 733 (N.Z. Native Department. 1869); 734 (N.Z. Native Minister, 1869?); 749 (Ngapora. 1870?); **B44 (Tawhiao. 1875?); 950 (N.Z. Prime Minister (1877-1879 : Grey). 1871); 1033 (Maniapoto. 1882); 1062 (Te Wheoro. 1882); 1169 (Tawhiao. 1886); 1346 (Tawhiao. 1892); **1357 (Te Kauhanganui o Aotearoa, 1893); 1451 (Te karere tuarua a Mahuru, 1896?); **1497 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives, 1897); 1523 (Seddon, 1898); SI3 (Te Hokioi. 1862-1863);

S3l (Te paki o Matariki, 1892-1935?); 537 (Nga hiiringa i te whitu, 1896); see also the names of individual kings. Te Wherowhero, Potatau (Ist Maori king): Tawhiao, Tukaroto Matutaera Potatau Te Wherowhero ( 2nd Maori king) Maori King Movement: land court: 534 (Ko te panui o Aotearoa, 1894); 536 (Ko te kahili tuturu mo Aotearoa, 18957-1896?) Maori Lands Administration Act 1900 [Bills 1900]: **1557 (New Zealand. 1900); (No. 1); **1560 (N.Z. Parliament, 1900); (No. 2): **1559 (N.Z. Parliament. 1900) Maori Lands Administration Bill 1899: 1527 (New Zealand. 1899); **1531 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives, 1899) Maori language: alphabets and lesson sheets: **B (Alphabet. 1827); 14 (A E H I K M N. 1833?); 21 (Marshall. 1834); **3 l (White. 1836); **3B (Lesson sheet, 1837); 55 (Catholic Church, 1839); 59 (Colenso, ca. 1839) 62 (Maunsell, 1839?); 75 (Colenso. 1840) **79 (Lesson sheets, 1840); 95 (He kura, 1841?); **ll2 (Lesson sheets, 1842)

Maori language, analysis: 1095 (Shortland, 1883); 1314 (Tregear, 1891); 1503 (Tregear. 1897)

Maori language, dialects: 99 (Watkin, 1841); 130 (Maunsell, 1843); 190 (Wilberforce, 1843) 216 (Wilberforce, 1844); see also Moriori Maori language: dictionaries: 217 (Williams, 1844) 435 (Williams, 1852); 768 (Williams. 1871); 966 (Colenso, 1880); 1026 (Colenso. 1882); 1126 (Colenso. 1885); 1314 (Tregear, 1891); 1348 (Williams. 1892); 1503 (Tregear. 1897); 1505 (Colenso. 1898) see also natural history, Maori names Maori language: grammars: 2-4 (Kendall. 1820); 130-131 (Maunsell. 1843); 217 (Williams. 1844); 377 (Pompallier, 1849); 435 (Williams, 1852); 522 (Pompallier. 1860); 532 (Donaldson, 1861); 567 (Maunsell, 1862); 593 (Williams, 1862); 647 (Maunsell, 1864?); 704 (Maunsell. 1867); 701 (Kemp. 1867); 727 (Kemp. ca. 1869); 739 (Kemp. 1870); 769 (Williams. 1871); 812 (Davis. 1874); 932 (Kemp. 1879?); 998 (Deidier. 1881); 1036 (Maunsell. 1882); 1065 (Williams. 1882); 1403 (Maunsell. 1894); 1420 (Williams. 1894); 1481 (Williams 1896) Maori language: orthography and usage: **3 l (White. 1836); 86 (Bible. O.T. Selections, 1841); 99 (Watkin. 1841); 100-102 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1841); 114 (Maunsell. 1842); 130 (Maunsell, 1843); 194 (Bible. O.T. Psalms XI-XII, 1844?); 206 (He



hoa korerorero, 1844); 214 (N.Z Protector of Aborigines. 1844); 217 (Williams. 1844); 384 (Burgh, 1850); 419 (Bible. N T.. 1852); 728 (Martin. 1869); 813 (Independent Order of Good Templars. 1874); 998 (Deidier. 1881); 1 192 (Peawhairangi, Maehe 10, 1887); 1241 (Bible. 1889); see also Maori language, dialects; Moriori

Maori language: primers and readers: 1 (Kendall. 1815); 5 (Kendall. 1820); **29 (Turner. 1836); 39-40 (Turner. 1837); 48 (Turner. 1838); 61 (Colenso. 1839); 99 (Watkin. 1841); 111 (Colenso. 1842); 192 (A EIOUHKMNP. 1844?); 200 (Colenso. 1844); 336 (Martin. 1847); 41 1 (Martin. 1851); 475 (Colenso. 1858); 494 (Colenso. I860); 742 (Martin. 1870); 886 (Ko te pukapuka poto, 1877); 1021 (He pukapuka whakaako mo nga tamariki Maori. 1881); 1 193 (Pope. 1887)

Maori language; pronunciation; 750 (Taylor. 1870)

Maori language: shorthand; 1399 (Hicks, ca. 1894); 1480 (Williams. 1896)

Maori language: vocabularies: 2 (Kendall, 1820); 217 (Williams. 1844); 363 (Kemp. 1848); 366 (Taylor. 1848); 377 (Pompallier. 1849); 435 (Williams. 1852); 522 (Pompallier. I860); 532 (Donaldson. 1861); 537 (Maori phrase book. 1861?); 593 (Williams. 1862); 600 (Maori phrase book. ca. 1863); 701 (Kemp. 1867); 727 (Kemp. ca. 1869); 739 (Kemp. 1870) 768 (Williams, 1871); 769 (Williams. 1871) 812 (Davis, 1874); 842 (Pakeha-Maori, 1875?); 915 (Pakeha-Maori. 1878?); 932 (Kemp. 1879?); **1023 (Anglo-Maori. ca. 1882); 1061 (Pakeha-Maori. 1882?); 1065 (Williams. 1882); 1120 (Pope. 1884); 1 123 (Aubert. 1885); 1165 (Pakeha-Maori. 1886); 1420 (Williams. 1894); 1473 (Pope. 1896); 1481 (Williams 1896); 1534 (Pakeha-Maori. 1899?); see also English-Maori dictionaries

Maori-Latin index to the Handbook of the New Zealand flora: 690 (1866)

Maori-Latin names of plants: 690 (Maori-Latin index. 1866) The Maori lesson book: 812 (Davis. 1874) Maori mementoes, &c . &c.: 459 (Maori mementos. 1855)

Maori mementos; being a series of addresses: 459 (1855)

Maori messenger: (no. 13-18): 504 (Kohimarama Conference. I860?); SI2 (Te karere Maori or

Maori Messenger. 1861-1863) The Maori messenger = Te karere Maori: S3 (1849-1854); S5 (1855-1861)

Maori names, lists: 34 (Declaration of the Independence of New Zealand. 1835); 361 (Colenso. 1 848); 486 (Wellington Province. Provincial Council. 1858); 504 (Kohimarama Conference. I860); 607 (N.Z. Colonial Secretary, 1863); 666 (IhaKara Te HoKowhitukuri. 1865); 702 (Ko enei nga ritenga he ritenga tuturu na matou, 1867?); 724 (Petitions from East Coast natives relative to their lands. 1868); 762 (Petition of Te Rangiwhakaewa and others. 1871); 773 (Moana. 1872); 787 (Matua. 1873); 825 (Ngai Tahu. 1874); 834 (Mackay, 1875); 839 (Ngai Tahu, 1875); 845 (Te Aratapu. Kaipara, 29 o Mei, 1875); 887 (Native reserves in the City of Wellington. 1877); **B93 (New Zealand. 1877); 91 I (Maori deeds of land purchases in the North Island. 1877-1878); 954 (Schedule of native reserves in the Arahura . Block. 1879); 1027 (Crown grants to natives. West Coast. North Island. 1882); 1028 (Destitute natives receiving aid from Government. 1882); 1150 (Census of the Middle Island natives. 1886); 1181 (Kawiti. 1887); 1203 (Te Kainga Takiwa Porowini i te Koroni o Nui Tireni. 1888); 1207 (Mackay. 1888); 1318 (Indigent natives. Middle and Stewart Islands. 1892); 1322 (New Zealand. 1892); 1334 (New Zealand. 1892); **1339 (N.Z. Native Dept. 1892?); 1345 (South Island native settlements, 1892); 1365. 1367 (New Zealand. 1893); 1450 (Nga hui Maori i Poneke, 1896); 1451 (Te karere tuarua a Mahuru. 1896?); 1456 (Native meetings at Wellington. 1896); 1457 (New Zealand. 1896) 1462 (New Zealand. 1896); 1493 (Middle Island native claims. 1889 and 1890. 1897) 1508 (Native Land Laws Amendment Acts (returns of applications made under the provisions of). 1898); 1525 (Issue of Orders in Council . . .. 1899); 1532 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. Native Affairs Committee. 1899); 1533 (Ngati Apa. 1899?); 1536 (Smith. 1899); 1550 (Landless Maoris in the Waikato. Thames Valley, and Tauranga districts. 1900); 1563 (He pitihana na matou na nga tangata Maori. 1900?); S2O (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. Native Affairs Committee. 1876-1962); 5302/1861.1 (Church of England. Diocese of Waiapu. 1861-1865); see also whakapapa

Maori New Testament and Psalms: 1483 (Bible. NT.. 1897) Maori Parliament; also known as Kotahitanga Maori o Niu Tireni; Kotahitanga o nga Iwi Maori o Aotearoa; Te Kotahitanga o te Tiriti o



Waitangi; WhaKakotahitanga: 1146 (Taonui, 1885); 1238 (Treaty of Waitangi (1840), ca. 1888); 1319-1320(1892): 1341 (He panui. 1892); 1342 (Renao. 1892?); 1358-1361 (1893); 1388 (Pitihana a Meiha Keepa Te Rangihiwinui me etahi atu, 1893); 1426-1427 (1895); 1451 (Te Karere tuarua a Mahuru, 1896?); 1454 (1896?); 1492 (1897?); **lsoo (Te Puke ki Hikurangi. Papawai, October. 1897); 1509 (The Native Lands Settlement and Administration Bill, 1898); 1515(N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1898); 1518(Poneke. Hurae 25 1898); 1521, 1523 (Seddon. 1898); 532 (Aotearoa. 1892); 533 (Huia tangata kotahi. 1893-1895); 535 (Maramataka haere timata, 1895); 539 (Te puke ki Hikurangi, 1897-1913) Maori Parliament, women’s committees: 1492

(Maori Parliament, 1897?)

Maori, petitions by see Petitions from Maori A Maori phrase book, intended for new-comers; 537 (1861?); 600 (ca. 1863) The Maori-Polynesian comparative dictionary: 1314 (Tregear. 1891); 1503 (Tregear, 1897)

Maori Prayer: 965 (Church of England. 1880); 1025 (Church of England. 1882)

Maori Press Association: 525 (Te Korimako, 1882-1888)

Maori Prisoners Bill 1880: 978 (N.Z. Parliament, 1880)

Maori Prisoners Detention Bill 1880: 980 (N.Z. Parliament. 1880)

Maori Real Estate Management Act 1867: **7o6 (New Zealand, 1867)

Maori Real Estate Management Act 1888 [Bill 1888]: 1210 (New Zealand. 1888); **1219 (N.Z. Parliament. 1888)

Maori Real Estate Management Act 1888 Amendment Act 1893 (Bill 1893]: 1366 (New Zealand. 1893); 1377 (N.Z. Parliament. 1893)

Maori Real Estate Management Act Amendment Act 1877 [Bill 1877]: **B92 (New Zealand, 1877); 898 (N.Z. Parliament. 1877)

Maori record: 539 (Te puke ki Hikurangi, 18971913)

Maori, relations with Pakeha: 23 (Busby. 1835); 35 (He inoi mo nga Pakeha me nga Maori, ca. 1837); 189 (Whiteley. 1843); 205 (Hau. 1844); 211-213 (N.Z. Governor (1843-1845 : Fitzßoy). 1844); 240-241.243 (N.Z. Governor (1843-1845 : Fitzßoy). 1845); 250-251 (N.Z. Southern Division. 1845); 315 (N.Z. Governor (1845-1853 : Grey). 1846); 350 (Whiteley. 1847); 408 (Cooper. 1851); 452 (Grace. 1854); 477 a (Ko te ture hoko. 1858?); 498 (he inoi mo nga Pakeha me nga Maori, ca.

I860?); 546 (N.Z. Governor (1855-1861 : Browne). 1861?); 614 (N.Z. Governor (18611868 : Grey), 1863); 623 (Ngapuhi, 1863); 624 (Papers relative to the native meeting held at Peria, 1863); 639 (Wellington Province. Superintendent. 1863); 653 (Te Awa-i-Taia, 1864); 681 (Te Huia, 1865); 683684 (Te Waharoa, 1865); 686 (Te Whiwhi, 1865); 782 (Kawepo, 1873); 874 (Nga tikanga korero, hei rapurapu ma te hui, 1876); 885 (Kawepo, 1877); 1128 (Desmond, 1885?); 1521 (Seddon, 1898); **S2 (Ko te kaiwhakamataara o nga iwi erua, 1 848); S6 (Te karere o Poneke. 1857-1858); SlO (Aotearoa, 1861); SI 1 (Te manuhiri tuarangi and Maori intelligencer, 1861); SI6 (Te waka Maori o Ahuriri, 1863-1871); S4O (The Jubilee = Te Tiupiri, 1898-1900); see also government consultation with Maori; Maori sovereignty; New Zealand: constitutional arrangements; Northern War; petitions from Maori; Taranaki War; Treaty of Waitangi (1840); Waikato War; Wairau Valley conflict Maori, relations with the Crown: 81 (N.Z. Lieutenant-Governor (1840-1841 : Hobson). 1840); 83 (Treaty of Waitangi. 1840); 215 (Treaty of Waitangi (1840), 1844); 256 (Treaty of Waitangi (1840), 1845); 547-548 (N.Z. Governor (1861-1868 : Grey). 1861); 832 (Ki a Wikitoria, te Kuini o te rangatiratanga, 1875?); 1146 (Taonui, 1885); 1 168 (Nga pukapuka tuhituhi i waenganui i a rore tapere, i a Tawhiao, 1886); 1 169 (Tawhiao. 1886); 1 178 (Hardy. 1887); 1 192 (Peawhairangi, Maehe 10. 1887); SI (Te karere o Nui Tireni, 1842-1846); SI (Te karere o Nui Tireni, 1842-1846); S3 (The Maori messenger = Te karere Maori, 18491854); S5 (The Maori messenger = Te karere Maori. 1855-1861); SI2 (Te karere Maori or Maori messenger. 1861-1863); SI3 (Te Hokioi, 1862-1863); see also allegiance to Queen; Crown, land purchases; Maori, selfgovernment; petitions from Maori; Treaty of Waitangi; Victoria, Queen of Great Britain

Maori representation: 646 (Letters from native chiefs. 1864); 678 (Te Herekau, 1965); 682 (Te Pouepa, 1865); 686 (Te Whiwhi. 1865); 773 (Moana, 1872); 816 (Matua. 1874); 832 (Ki a Wikitoria, te Kuini o te rangatiratanga, 1875?); 845 (Te Aratapu, Kaipara, 29 o Mei, 1875); 870 (Rangitakaiwaho. 1876); 1517 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. Native Affairs Committee. 1898); S2O (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. Native Affairs Committee, 1876-1962)



Maori representation (legislation): 707 (New Zealand. 1867); 798 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1873); 863 (N.Z Parliament House of Representatives. 1876); 942 (N.Z. Parliament. 1879); 945-946 (N.Z Parliament. House of Representatives. 1879); 1056-1057 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1882); 1362 (New Zealand. 1893)

Maori Representation Act 1867 707 (New Zealand, 1867)

Maori Representation Act. 1867 Amendment Bill 1879 [ 1 8821: 946 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1879); 1882: 1057 (N.Z Parliament. House of Representatives, 1882)

Maori Representation Act Amendment Bill 1873; 798 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives, 1873)

Maori Representation Acts Amendment and Continuance Bill 1876: 863 (N.Z. Parliament House of Representatives, 1876)

Maori Representation Bill 1879 [1882]; (No. [1]): 945 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1879); (No. 2); 946 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1879): 1882: 1056 (N.Z Parliament. House of Representatives. 1882)

Maori Representation Continuance Act 1876: 863 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1876)

Maori Schools: 253 (St John’s College. 1845?); see also Native Schools

Maori, self-government: 547-548 (N.Z. Governor (1861-1868 : Grey). 1861); 676 (Puna. 1865); 787 (Matua. 1873); 816 (Matua, 1874); 1094 (Petition of the Maniapoto, Raukawa. Tuwharetoa, and Whanganui tribes. 1883); 1101 (He kupu whakaatu enei mo to matou haerenga mai ki Ingarangi. 1884); 1148 (Turoa, 1885); 1169 (Tawhiao, 1886); 1204 (Kia hiwa e kia hiwa raa. 1888); 1237 (Taiwhanga. 1888); 1248 (Kia meou tangata whaiwhakaaro nunui katoa, 1889); 1249 (Ko te pukapuka o te Tiriti o Kohimarama. 1889?). 1320 (Maori Parliament. 1892?); 1358 (Maori Parliament. 1893); 1360 (Maori Parliament. 1893?); 1361 (Maori Parliament. 1893?); 1388 (Pitihana a Meiha Keepa Te Rangihiwinui me etahi atu. 1893); 1425 (Nga korero mo Tuhoe, 1895); 1532 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. Native Affairs Committee, 1899); 1561-1562 (Notes of meetings. 1900); see also Maori Councils; Maori King Movement; Maori Parliament; Native Committees; Native Councils; Native Districts. Native Townships; Repudiation movement

Maori, self-government (legislation): 489 (New Zealand. 1859); 776 (N.Z Parliament. House of Representatives. 1872); : 866 (Pakowhai, 4 Mei. 1876); 1016 (N.Z Parliament. House of Representatives. 1881); 1058 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1882); **loBo (New Zealand. 1883); 1203 (Te Kainga Takiwa Porowini i te Koroni o Nui Tireni, 1888); 1466 (New Zealand. 1896); **1514-** 1516 (N.Z. Parliament House of Representatives. 1898); 1554-1557 (New Zealand. 1900) Maori shorthand: 1399 (Hicks, ca. 1894) Maori sovereignty: 24 (Busby. 1835); 28 (Declaration of the Independence of New Zealand. 1835); 34 (Declaration of the Independence of New Zealand (1835). 1837); see also Maori King Movement Maori version of A key to the Narrative of the Acts of the Apostles: 1119 (Norris. 1884) Maori version of Statute 111., sections 9-16.. relating to Native Church Boards: 717 (Church of England. Diocese of New Zealand. 1868?) Maori Whai Karaati; 794 (N.Z Parliament. 1873) Maraehura Block: 1 308 (N.Z. Native Land Court. 1891?)

Marakai: 323 (Bible. O.T Malachi. 1847) He maramataka \year\. 5202 (Church of England. Diocese of Wellington. 1858-1865) He maramataka; ara. He pukapuka hei whakakite i nga Ra Tapu: S2Ol/1848-1858 1; 1880.1 (Church of England. 1841-1923) Maramataka haere timata i a Hanuere tau 1895: **S35 (1894?) [He) maramataka mo te tau \year\. S2OI/18721873; 1877-1879; 1880.2-1923 (Church of England. 1841-1923) He marama-taka mo te tau o to tatou Ariki \year\. S2Ol/1859-1866 (Church of England. 1841-1923); 5202/1865 (Church of England. Diocese of Wellington. 1858-1865) He maramatakahaere; ara. He pukapuka hei wakakite/whakakite i nga Ra Tapu; S2Ol/1841-1847 (Church of England. 18411923) He maramatakahaere. hei whakarite/wakarite i nga Ra Tapu: S2ll/1844-1854 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1844-1854) He marama-taka-haere mo te tau. 1859: 478 (1858) Maratuahu: 879 (Aperahama. 1877) Marewa-i-te-rangi (d 1897); 1502 (Te Paki. 1897?); 1504 Tutakangahau Marion (ship); 651 (N.Z. Native Dept.



Interpreter. 1864); 1389 (Popular Maori songs. 1893)

Marlborough, land: 1207 (Mackay, 1888)

Marlborough, land (legislation): 1527 (New Zealand. 1899) marriage (legislation): 903 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives, 1877)

Marsden, Samuel (1 765-1838): 1 (Kendall. 1815)

Marshall. William Barrett (d. 1841): 14 (A E H I K M M. 1833?); 21 (1834); 59 (Colenso. ca. 1839)

Martin. Mary Ann. Lady (181 7-1884); = Mata Matenga; 226 (Martin. 1845); 336 (Martin 1847); 376 (Te Kohikohinga moni hei Hoko Kakahu, 1849); 396 (Ko nga tupuna o te Pakeha. 1850); 397 (Martin. 1850); 410 (Ko nga tupuna o te Pakeha. 1851); 41 1 (1851); 428 (Farquhar, 1852); 466 (1856); 728 (1869); 742 (1870); 1021 (He pukapuka whakaako mo nga tamariki Maori. 1881); 1035 (1882); 1103 (1884?); S3 (The Maori messenger = Te karere Maori, 1849-1854); S5 (The Maori messenger = Te karere Maori. 1855-1861)

Martin, Sir William (1807-1880); = Matenga; 113 (1842); 130 (Maunsell. 1843); 226-228 (1845); 335-336 (1847); 350 (Whiteley, 1 847); 396 (Ko nga tupuna o te Pakeha, 1850); 397 (1850); 410 (Ko nga tupuna o te Pakeha. 1851); 431 (1852); 460 (1855); 476 (Fenton. 1858); 506 (1860); 599 (Ko te hahi i muri i a te Karaiti, 1863); 718-719 (1868); 755 (1870, i.e. 1871); 772 (1872); 786 (1873); 810 (Williams. 1873); 815 (1874); 926 (Bible. N.T. Luke XV. 1 1-32, ca. 1879); S3 (The Maori messenger = Te karere Maori, 1849-1854); SlO (Aotearoa, 1861); SI I (Te manuhiri tuarangi and Maori intelligencer. 1861)

Mason. John (1808-1843); = te Meihana: 93 (Church of England. 1841); !16(SeIwyn, 1842); 493 (Church of England. I860?)

Mass; 327 (Catholic Church. 1847); see also prayer books. Catholic

Matakana, unrest; 240 (N.Z. Governor (1843I 845 ; Fitzßoy). 1 845)

Matakatea. Wiremu Kingi see Te Matakatea, Wiremu Kingi Moki

Matara see Mantell, Walter Baldock Durrant

Matariki: 523 (1881)

Matatehokia, Hdri: 697 (Te Puehu. 1866)

Matauru, Wiki[riwhi]: 1277 (1890?)

Mate (chief): 240, 242 (N.Z. Governor (18431845 : Fitzßoy). 1845)

Mate koe i te mauiui, tamai rawatia?; 966 a (He himene, I860)

Te mate koroputaputa: 622 (N.Z. Vaccination Board, 1863) Nga mate o nga tangata kino: 437 (Bible. Selections, 1853) He mate uruta tenei kua pa ki nga tangata Maori: **566 (1862) Matenga see Martin, Sir William Matenga, Mata ('Mrs Marlin’) see Martin, Mary Ann. Lady Te matenga o Tarete Teieti: 589 (Te Kahutopa, 1862) Te matenga o Wetereri Te Manu a Tiki: 592 (Tupoki. 1862) Te matenga o Wiremu Puha (Butcher) i Waiuku: 602 (N.Z. Attorney General’s Office. 1863) He matenga totika; 334 (He korero tenei mo Ani Kanara, 1847) Matiu see Matthews. Joseph Matthews. Joseph (1808-1895): = Matiu; 208209 (1844); 229-234 (1845); 255 (Stillingfleet. 1845); 262-307 (1846); 337-347 (1847); 398 (1850); S2OI/1844 (Church of England; 18411923); 5201 1 1 844 (Church of England, 18411923) Matua, Henare (d. 1894): 787 (1873); 816 (1874); 848 (Te Wananga, 1875); 866 (Pakowhai, 4 Mei, 1876); 876 (Wahawaha. 1876); 877 (Te Wananga. 18767); 933 (1879) Matutaera Potatau see Tawhiao. Tukaroto Matutaera Potatau Te Wherowhero Maunsell. George; = [G./H.] Manihera: 713 (He whakaotinga tuturu, 18677); 716 (Bible. 1868); 906 (Norris, 1877); 1119 (Norris. 1884); 1267 (Te ritenga mete mana o te toto o te Karaili. 1889); 1394 (Bible. NT, 1894); 529 (Te korimako hou, 1889-1890) Maunsell, Robert (1810-1894); = Manihera: 46 (1838); 62-63 (1839); 87 (Bible. O.T. Isaiah. XLIX-LV, 1841); 97 (1841); 103 (Bible. O.T. Exodus l-XX, 1842); 107 (Church of England, 18427); 114(1842); 118 (Bible. O.T. Joshua. Selections. 1843); 130-131 (1843); 206 (He hoa korerorero, 1844); 210 (1844); 218 (Andrewes, 1845); 219 (Bible. O.T. Selections, 1845); 221 (Bible. O.T. Genesis. 1845); 226 (Martin. 1845); 235-239 (1845); 260 (Bible. O.T. Exodus XXI-XL, 1846); 308-312 (1846); 318 (Andrewes. 1847); 319 (Bible. O.T. Hexateuch, 1847); 321 (Bible. O.T. Deuteronomy XX-XXV, 18477); 322 (Bible. O.T. Joshua XI-XXI, 18477); 325 (Bible. N T. Matthew. 18477); 352 (Bible. O.T. Hexateuch. 1848); 354 (Bible. N T. Mark. 18487); 357 (Church of England. 1848); 364 (1848); 365 (Strass. 1848); 368 (Bible. O.T. Judges. 1849); 369 (Bible. NT. Luke. 18497); 382 (Bible.



O.T. Samuel. Ist. 1850); 384 (Burgh. 1850); 395 (Ko nga himene. 1850?); 399 (1850); 404 (Bible. O.T. Samuel. 2nd, 1851); 417 (Bible. O.T. Kings. Ist, 1852); 418 (Bible. O.T Kings. 2nd. 1852); 419 (Bible. N T.. 1852); 438-439 (Bible O.T. Selections. 1853). 440 (Bible. O.T, Chronicles. 1853); 441 (Bible. O.T. Ezra. 1853); 442 (Bible. O.T. Nehemiah, 1853); 443 (Bible. O.T. Esther. 1853); 444 (Bible. O.T. Job. 1853); 448 (Bible. O.T. Selections, 1854); 449 (Bible. O.T. Job. Selections. 1854); 463-464 (Bible. O.T. Selections. 1855); 466 (Martin. 1856); 470 (Bible. O.T Selections. 1858); 492 (Bridges. 1860); 493 (Church of England); 507 (1860); 558 (Bible. O.T. Psalms. 1862); 567 (1862); 647 (1864); 704 (1867); 716 (Bible. 1868); 720 (1868); 726 (Andrewes. 1869); 729 (1869); 756 (1871); 833 (Ko nga tikanga o nga upoko o te Paipera, 1875); 909 (Church of England. 1878); 934 (1879); 1036 (1882); 1122 (Andrewes. 1885); 1241 (Bible. 1889); 1403 (1894); S2OI/1845; 1852 (Church of England. 1841-1923)

Mea, Kapene see Mair. Gilbert (jnr) (1843-1923) medicine: 152 (Selwyn, 1843); 728 (Martin, 1869); 828 (Te Aoterangi, 1874); 1002 (New Zealand, 1881); 1197 (Tenei te taonga nui, 1887?); see also animal remedies

meetings. Church of England; S3Ol (Church of England. Diocese of Auckland, 1872-1912); 5302 (Church of England. Diocese of Waiapu 1861-1865); 5303 (Church of England. Diocese of Waiapu. 1870-1914)

meetings, initiated by Maori: 446 (Farewell address of the native tribes, 1853); 499 (Kawepo. I860?); 507 (Maunsell. I860); 538 (Meeting held at King s Pa, 1861); 538 (Meeting held at King’s Pa. 1861); 585-586 (Selwyn, 1862); **s9l (Te Waharoa, 1862); 624 (Papers relative to the native meeting held at Peria. 1863); 653 (Te Awa-i-Taia. 1864); 733 (N.Z. Native Dept. 1869); 749 (Ngapora. 1870?); 825 (Ngai Tahu, 1874); 839 (Ngai Tahu. 1875); 866 (Pakowhai. 4 Mei, 1876); 870 (Rangitakaiwaho, 1876); 874 (Nga tikanga korero. hei rapurapu ma te hui. 1876); 885 (Kawepo, 1877); 1033 (Maniapoto. 1882); 1062 (Te Wheoro, 1882); 1074 (Ko te pitihana a nga iwi o Niu Tireni ki Ingarani. 1883?); 1075 (Komiti Maori o Wairarapa. 1883?); I 166 (He panui na te Komiti Takiwa. 1886); 1 168 (Nga pukapuka tuhituhi i waenganui i a rore tapere. i a Tawhiao. 1886); 1181 (Kawiti, 1887); I 192 (Peawhairangi. Maehe 10. 1887); I 195 (Taranui. 1887); 1205

(Ko nga kupu a te hui. 1888); * * 1225 (Resolutions from Maori committees. 1888); 1239 (Waipawa Native Pah. Tapairu. 1888); 1 248 (Kia meou tangata whaiwhakaaro nunui katoa, 1889); 1249 (Ko te pukapuka o te Tiriti o Kohimarama. 1889?); 1253 (Meeting of New Zealand chiefs. 1889?); 1 296 Tenei ka panuitia nei nga korero o te hui i tu ki Otorohanga. 1890); 1296 Tenei ka panuitia nei nga korero o te hui i tu ki Otorohanga. 1890); 1320 (Maori Parliament. 1892); 1341 (He panui. 1892); 1342 (Renao. 1892?); 1346 (Tawhiao, 1892); 1359 (Maori Parliament. 1893?); 1450 (Nga hui Maori i Poneke. 1896). 1 452 (Nga korero o te hui o Hinetapora. 1896?); 1454 (Maori Parliament. 1896?); 1456 (Native meetings at Wellington. 1896); 1492 (Maori Parliament. 1897?); 1498-1499 (He panuitanga. 1897); **lsoo (Te Puke ki Hikurangi. Papawai. October. 1897); 1515 (N.Z. Parliament House of Representatives. 1898); 1517 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. Native Affairs Committee. 1898); 1521 (Seddon. 1898); 1533 (Ngati Apa. 1899?); see also Runanga

meetings, initiated by non-Maori; 23-24 (Busby. 1835); 28 (Declaration of the Independence of New Zealand. 1835); 69 (Busby. 1840); 205 (Hau. 1844); 211 (N.Z. Governor (18431845 ; Fitzßoy). 1844); 214 (N.Z. Protector of Aborigines. 1844); 256 (Treaty of Waitangi. 1845); 459 (Maori mementos. 1855); 511 (N.Z. Governor (1855-1861 : Browne). I860?); **sls-517. **s4o (N.Z. Governor (1855-1861 : Browne). 1860); 630 (Tawhiao. 1863); 734 (N.Z. Native Minister. 1869?); 758 (New Zealand, 1871); 805 (Sheehan. 1873); 950 (N.Z. Prime Minister (1877-1879 : Grey). 1871); 953 (Rees. 1879); 1425 (Nga Korero mo Tuhoe. 1895); 1426 (Maori Parliament. 1895); **1514-1515 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1898); 1522-1523 (Seddon. 1898); 1561 (Notes of meetings. 1900); 1562 (Notes of meetings . . . Selections. 1900) Meihana see Mason. John Meihana. Te Otene; I 176 (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 1887?) MeKenehi see McKenzie. John Meller, T. W.: 558 (Bible. O.T. Psalms. 1862); 559 (Bible. N T.. 1862) Melu. Frangois (1855-1938): 1401 (Ko nga waiata mo te warn o nga ra o Tihema. 1894) memorials: **1194 (Stuart. 1887); 1 196 (Te Heuheu Tukino IV. 1887); 1447 (He wini whakamaharatanga. 1895?)



Nga merekara a te Karaiti: S2Ol/1896 (Church of England. 1841-1921)

Merine. Hohepa see Malins. Joseph

Mete see Smith. Thomas William

Mete. Hohepa see Smith Joseph

Mete. Kapene see Smith. William Mein

Methodist see Wesleyan Methodist

Middle Island see South Island

Middle Island Commission see N.Z. Middle Island Native Land Purchase Commission

Middle Island Half-caste Crown Grants Act 1877: **B93 (New Zealand. 1877)

Middle Island Half-caste Grants Act 1883: 1078 (New Zealand. 1883)

Middle Island Half-caste Grants Act 1888 [Bill 1888]: 1211 (New Zealand, 1888); **1220 (N.Z. Parliament. 1888)

Middle Island native claims. 1889 and 1890: 1493 (1897)

Middle Island Native Land Purchase Commission (correspondence relative to); 976 (N.Z. Middle Island Native Land Purchase Commission. 1880)

Middle Island native land question: 1206 (Mackay. 1888)

migration, from Hawaiki: I 199 (White 1887); 1240 (White. 1888); 1271 (White. 1889) He mihi aroha, mo taku potiki kua mate: 450 (Brown. 1854)

Mill Hill Mission see St Joseph’s Society of the Sacred Heart for Foreign Missions (London) Ka mine te Runanga o Poneke ka whai kia Te Petatone te Huparitene kia ratou; 660 (Wellington Province Superintendent. 1864)

mining (legislation); 1289 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1890): **1303 (New Zealand. 1891); 1326 (New Zealand. 1892); 1459 (New Zealand. 1896); see also gold mining; kauri gum

Mining Act 1891: 1303 (New Zealand. 1891)

Mining Act Amendment Act 1896. Selections: 1459 (New Zealand. 1896)

Mining Bill 1890 Selections: 1289 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives, 1890)

Mining Companies Act Amendment Act 1892Selections: 1326 (New Zealand. 1892)

The minister’s story: I 347 (He whaikorero na tetahi minita, 1892?)

Nga minita i roto i te whawhai; 720 (Maunsell, 1868); 756 (Maunsell. 1871)

missions and missionaries see entries under the names of individual churches and individuals: see also names of mission presses in Printer/publisher index

Mr. Colenso’s English-Maori lexicon (specimen of ): 966 (Colenso. 1880); 1026 (Colenso. 1882)

Mr, Rees’s address: 953 (Rees. 1879) Mitchelson, Edwin (1846-1934); = Miterehana: 1210-1211, 1214-1216 (New Zealand. 1888); **1225 (Resolutions from Maori committees. 1888); **1258 (New Zealand. 1889); 12791280 (New Zealand. 1890) Miterehana see Mitchelson, Edwin Mo nga tangata e tahuti ana i nga Hoia, i nga Manuao: **6o3 (N.Z. Attorney General’s Office, 1863) Mo te Aranga o te Karaiti: 274 (Matthews, 1846) Mo te Hapa o te Ariki: 198 (Church of England. 1844?) Mo te iriiringa; 199 (Church of England, 1844?) Mo te karakia o te ata. Waiata 95: 432 (1852) Mo te kawenga meera: 562 (Hawke’s Bay Province. Postmaster, 1862) Mo te Kirihimete mo te Ratapu ano hoki i muri iho: 307 (Matthews, 1846) Mo te mate uruta: 1 558 a (N.Z. Colonial Secretary. 1900) Mo te mea, kua rangona, ki hai ano a Mate, tetahi o nga Rangatira nona te ingoa i whakahuatia ki roto kite pukapuka i te 8 o Henueri: 242 (N.Z. Governor (1843-1845 : Fitzßoy). 1845) Mo te mea kua tutu kino na. a Hone Heke ratou ko ona hoa Maori i Kororareka. ite 10 o nga ra o Hanueri: 241 (N.Z. Governor (1843-1845 ; Fitzßoy). 1845) Mo te Paraire Pai; 273 (Matthews. 1846) Mo te Ra i Whiwhi ai te Kuini kite Karauna o Ingarangi: 1494 (1897?)

Mo te Ra Tapu o te Aranga mai: 232 (Matthews. 1845) Mo te Ratapu i mua o te Kirimiti; 306 (Matthews. 1846) Mo te Ture Hoko. Whakawhiwhi Whenua Maori 1893; 1378 (N.Z. Parliament. 1893) Mo Tiriti o Waitangi; 1342 (Renao, 1892?) Moana (of Waiohiki): 773 (1872) He moe: 568 (1862) He moe konewha: 568 (1862) He moemoea: 451 (Bunyan, 1854) Mohaka and Waikare Native Claims Settlement Bill 1882; 1055 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives, 1882) Mohaka. land (legislation): 1003 (New Zealand. 1881); 1055 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1882) Mokau-Mohakatino Act 1888: 1212 (New Zealand. 1888) Mokena. Rina; 1366 (New Zealand, 1893) money and saving: 326 (Buddie. 1847); 376 (Te Kohikohinga Moni hei Hoko Kakahu. 1849); 414 (Whately. 1851); **66B (New Zealand.



1865); 694 (Te Arawa. 1866); 702 (Ko enei nga ritenga he ritenga luturu na matou, 1867?); 1154 (Kotahi Fauna. 1886?); see also debts; employment and income; financial support, financial transactions; government; gold mining; mortgages; rates; taxes and duties Moni Tiaki mo Kaihau: I 323 (New Zealand. 1892)

Murihiku Native Reserves Grants Act 1883: 1079 (New Zealand. 1883) Murihiku Native Reserves Grants Bill 1879 (1881) (1882): 947 (N.Z. Parliament House of Representatives. 1879); 1881 1015 (N.Z Parliament. House of Representatives. 1881); 1882 1058 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1882) Murray. G. F.. Lieut.-Col:. 509 (N.Z. Governor (1855-1861 : Browne), 1860) Muuri see Moody. Dwight Lyman My friends, the chiefs and Maori people of the Middle Island: 520 (N.Z. Native Secretary’s Office. I860) Mylne. George W : 1321 (1892?) Mythology and traditions of the New Zealanders; 447 (Grey. 1853); 453 (Grey, 1854) myths. Maori see oral traditions N Na. he korero tenei. hei wakaatu i te tikanga pono: 401 (Te Hapuku. 1850) Na, hei whakaritenga tenei, hei tauira: 1126 (Colenso, 1885) Na Hoani Erimana, i runga i te atawhai o te Atua mete whakaaro pai o te Tino Epikopo Apotorika, Epikopo o Akarana: 1 133 (Luck. 1885)

Montgomery. William Hugh (1866-1958); 1458 (New Zealand. 1896)

Moody, Dwight Lyman; = Muuri 882 (Davis. 1877)

More about Jesus: 1134 (Mortimer. 1885)

Morena: 401 (Te Hapuku. 1850) A Moriori vocabulary: 1244 (Deighton, 1889)

Mormon Church see Book of Mormon; Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; prayers. Mormon

Morpeth. William Johnston see N.Z. Native Dept (1891)

mortgages: 763 (Pupu. 1871); 1496 (New Zealand, 1897); 1508 (Native Land Laws Amendment Acts (returns of applications made under the provisions of). 1898); 1525 (Issue of Orders in Council . . .. 1899)

mortgages (legislation); 1526 (New Zealand. 1899)

Mortimer. Favell Lee (1802-1878): 1 134 (1885) Te motu kohatu/kowhatu: 415 (Wilberforce. 1851); 216 (Wilberforce. 1844)

Motueka. land: 1208 (Mackay, 1888)

Moturoa. Te Ropiha (d. 1874): 132 (N.Z Police. 1843)

Motutere, Wiremu Ropiha; 564 (Honatana, 1862)

Mou ano te whakaoranga: 1312 (North. 1891)

Muhunga Block (legislation); **1263 (New Zealand. 1889)

Muka: 376 (Te Kohikohinga Moni hei Hoko Kakahu. 1849)

Na Ihu te kupu; 1270 (Wahi iti kua riro aiu i la te Karaiti tikanga, 1889) Na. kia rongo mai koutou. e nga rangatira, e nga tangata katoa o Nu Tirani: 82 (N.Z. Lieutenant-Governor. 1840) Na Matutaera Potatau, na te Atua i mea mete iwi hoki, Kingi; 630 (Tawhiao. 1863) Na Ta Hori Kerei, Kawana o Niu Tireni. &c. &c &c. Na: No te mea i puta tetahi Panuitanga: 650 (N.Z. Governor (1861-1868 ; Grey). 1864) Na Ta Hori Kerei. Kawana o Niu Tireni. Ko te mea. i te tau 1859, kua puta he ritenga o te Kawanatanga: 610 (N.Z. Governor (18611868 : Grey). 1863) Na Tamati Koa Paraone. na te Kawana. 1 mea te kupu a te Kawana i tana korero timatanga: 517 (N.Z. Governor (1855-1861 Browne). 1860) Na te Atua ake tona whakaaro kite tono mai i a Ihu: 951 (North. 1879); 1224 (North, ca 1888) Na te mea ko Topia Turoa. rangatira o Pipiriki: 672 (N.Z. Governor (1861-1868 : Grey). 1865) Na te mea. kua puta mai he tautohetohenga mo te paenga o te whenua; 250 (N.Z. Southern Division. 1845) Na Thomas Gore Browne, na te Kawana. [2l

Multiplication and pence tables: 313 (1846)

Multiplication table; **lls (Maunsell, 1842)

Murihiku Block: 976 (N.Z. Middle Island Native Land Purchase Commission, 1880); 1009 (N.Z. Middle Island Native Land Purchase Commission. 1881); 1150 (Census of the Middle Island natives. 1886); 1206 (Mackay, 1888); 1266 (N.Z. Parliament. Middle Island Native Claims Committee. 1889

Murihiku Block (legislation); 947 (N.Z Parliament. House of Representatives. 1879); 1015 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1881); 1058 (N.Z Parliament. House of Representatives. 1882). 1079 (New Zealand. 1883)



May 1861]— He whakapuakanga tenei na te Kawana: 544 (N.Z. Governor (1855-1861 : Browne). 1861)

Na wai te he?: 957 (Stanley. 1879); * * 1 230 (Stanley, ca. 1888)

Naaman the Syrian: 958 (Stanley. 1879); **1231 (Stanley, ca. 1888)

Naamana, te repera, me ona rukunga i te awa o Horano: 958 (Stanley. 1879); **1231 (Stanley, ca. 1888)

Nahe/Nahi. Hoani (1833/34?-1894); = John Nash; 853 (Ki nga rangatira katoa o Waikato ara kite iwi katoa, 1876); 868 (He panuitanga, 1876?); S3O (Ko te Hikurangi Tainui marama whiti, 1891)

Nairn. Francis Edward (1819?-!910); = Neana: 976 (N.Z. Middle Island Native Land Purchase Commission, 1880); 1009 (N.Z. Middle Island Native Land Purchase Commission. 1881) Te nakahi parahi: 962 (Stanley, 1879); 1234. 1236 (Stanley, 1888)

Nana i ki: 1321 (Mylne, 1892?)

Napier; 661 (A. & M. Browne. 1865); 665 (Hawke’s Bay Province. Superintendent, 1865)

Napoleon’s soldier, or ‘He said it’: 1321 (Mylne, 1892)

Narrative of a voyage to New Zealand (Nicholas, 1817); I (Kendall. 1815)

Narrative of the opening of the Hauraki District for gold mining: 1453 (Mackay, 1896)

Nash. John see Nahe/Nahi, Hoani national anthems; 907 (Bracken, 1878?); 1486 (God save the Queen, 1897?); 1494 (Mo te Ra i Whiwhi ai te Kuini, 1897?)

national parks see Tongariro National Park; see also sanctuaries: Kapiti Island and Little Barrier Island

Native Affairs Committee: Report on petition of Atanatiu Kairangi: 1118 (N.Z. Parliament Legislative Council. Native Affairs Committee, 1884)

native animals, protection (legislation); **1551 (New Zealand. 1900)

Native Appeal Court Bill 1877; 904 (N.Z. Parliament. Legislative Council. 1877)

Native Bills. **1219, ** 1221-** 1223 (N.Z. Parliament, 1888)

Native Church Boards: 717 (Church of England. Diocese of New Zealand. 1868?); S3OI--303/lntroduction; S3Ol (Church of England Diocese of Auckland. 1872-1912); 5303 (Church of England. Diocese of Waiapu, 1870-1914) )

Native Circuit Court see N.Z. Native Circuit Court

Native Circuit Courts Act [1858]; 489 (New

Zealand. 1859); **572-**574 (N.Z. Native Circuit Court, 1862) Native Committee, Heretaunga see Komiti Takiwa mo nga Iwi o Heretaunga Native Committee. Rotorua see Komiti Maori o te Takiwa o Rotorua Native Committee. Wairarapa see Komiti Maori o Wairarapa Native Committees (legislation): 1016 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1881); 1059 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives, 1882); **loBo (New Zealand. 1883) Native Committees Act 1883: **loBo (New Zealand. 1883); 1148 (Turoa, 1885) Native Committees Empowering Bill 1881 [1882]; 1016 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives, 1881); 1882 : 1059 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1882) Native Committees: meetings and reports: 1075 (Komiti Maori o Wairarapa. 1883?); **1225 (Resolutions from Maori committees. 1888); 1250-1251 (Komiti Maori o te Takiwa o Rotorua, 1889)

Native Contracts and Promises Act 1888: 1213 (New Zealand. 1888) Native Councils (legislation): 776 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1872); 799 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1873); see also Maori Councils; Native Districts; Native Townships Native Councils Bill 1872 [1873]: 776 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Repreentatives. 1872); 1873: 799 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1873); 807 (Te Rangihiwinui, 1873) Native difficulties at Taranaki: 935 (1879) Native Districts (legislation): 489 (New Zealand. 1859); 758 (New Zealand. 1871); 1076 (New Zealand. 1883); see also Maori Councils; Native Councils; Native Townships; N.Z. Native Circuit Court Native Districts: meetings: 583 (Te Runanga o te Takiwa o Pewhairangi, 1862) Native Districts Regulation Act [1858]: 489 (New Zealand. 1859) Native Districts Road Boards Act 1871: 758 (New Zealand. 1871) Native Equitable Owners Act 1886 [Bill 1886]: I 156 (New Zealand. 1886); 1 162 (N.Z. Parliament. 1886) Native Grantees Act 1873 [Bill 1873]: **7BB (New Zealand. 1873); 793 (N.Z. Parliament. 1873) Native Grantees Act Amendment Bill 1876: 862 (N.Z. Parliament. 1876)



Native Land Act 1873 [Bill 1873]: 789 (New Zealand. 1873); **795 (N.Z. Parliament, 1873); 807 (Te Rangihiwinui. 1873). 814 (Mangakahia. 1874). 847 (Tuku. 1875)

Native Land Act 1888 [Bill I888|: 1214 (New Zealand. 1888); **1221 (N.Z. Parliament. 1888); **1225 (Resolutions from Maori committees. 1888)

Native Land Act 1873 Amendment Act 1878; **9l2 (New Zealand. 1878)

Native Land Act Amendment. 1899: 1526 (New Zealand. 1899)

Native Land Act Amendment Act 1873 Amendment Bill 1881: 1017 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives, 1881)

Native Land Act Amendment Act 1874: 818 (New Zealand. 1874)

Native Land Act Amendment Act 1877 [Bill 1877]: **B94 (New Zealand. 1877); 899 (N.Z Parliament. 1877); 900 (N.Z. Parliament House of Representatives. 1877)

Native Land Act Amendment Act 1878; (No. 2) 913 (New Zealand. 1878)

Native Land Acts Amendment Act 1881; 1003 (New Zealand, 1881)

Native Land Acts (in English and Maori): 522/1888 (New Zealand. 1879-1910)

Native Land Administration Act 1886 [Bill 1886): I 157 (New Zealand. 1886) 1166 (He panui na te Komiti Takiwa, 1886); 1191 (1887); **l 163 (N.Z. Parliament. 1886)

Native Land Administration Act 1886 Amendment Bill 1887; 1 188 (N.Z. Parliament House of Representatives, 1887)

Native Land Administration Bill 1885: 1 143 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives, 1885)

Native Land Alienation Restriction Act 1884 (Bill 1884]: 1 107 (New Zealand. 1884); **lll3 (New Zealand. 1884)

Native land at Porirua for educational purposes: 835 (1875)

Native Land Bill 1891: * * 131 I (N.Z. Parliament. 1891)

Native Land Boards 1307 (N.Z. Commission Appointed to Inquire into the Subject of the Native Land Laws. 1891); ** 1516 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1898)

Native Land Claims Adjustment Act 1895: 1433 (New Zealand. 1895)

Native Lands Claims and Boundaries Adjustment and Titles Empowering Act 1894 1409 (New Zealand. 1894)

Native land claims in Marlborough (report on); 1207 (Mackay, 1888)

Native Land Claims Rehearing Bill 1873: 796 (N.Z Parliament, 1873) Native Land Court see N.Z. Native Land Court Native Land Court Act 1880 (Bill 1880]: **969 {New Zealand. 1880); 981 (N.Z. Parliament. 1880) Native Land Court Act 1880 Amendment Bill 1882: 1060 (N.Z Parliament. House of Representatives. 1882) Native Land Court Act 1886: 1158 (New Zealand. 1886) Native Land Court Act 1886 Amendment Act 1888 (Bill 1888]: 1215 (New Zealand, 1888). **1222 (N.Z. Parliament. 1888) Native Land Court Act 1894: 1407 (New Zealand. 1894); **1440 (N.Z. Native Land Court. 1895) Native Land Court Acts Amendment Act. 1889 [Bill 1889]: **1255 (New Zealand. 1889); **1265 (N.Z. Parliament. 1889) Native Land Court Acts Amendment Act 1891 1 304 (New Zealand. 1891) Native Land Court Bill 1877: 901 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1877) Native Land Court Certificates Confirmation Act 1893: 1367 (New Zealand. 1893) Native Land Disposition Bill 1885: I 143 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives, 1885)

Native Land Districts: **1516 (N.Z. Parliament House of Representatives, 1898) Native Land Division Act 1882: 1042 (New Zealand, 1882) Native Land Division Bill 1881: 1003 (New Zealand. 1881) Native Land Frauds Prevention 1216 (New Zealand. 1888) Native Land Frauds Prevention Act 1870: 746 (N.Z Native Minister. 1870); 752 (He lure tenei hei arai i te mahi hoko tahae i nga whenua o nga Maori. 1870) Native Land Frauds Prevention Bill 1880: 982 (N.Z. Parliament. 1880) Native Land Laws Amendment Act 1883 (Bill 1883]: 1081 (New Zealand. 1883); 1090 (N.Z. Parliament. 1883) Native Land Laws Amendment Act 1890 [Bill 1890]: 1280 (New Zealand. 1890); 1287 (N.Z. Parliament. 1890) Native Land Laws Amendment Act 1895 [1896] [1897]: 1434 (New Zealand. 1895); 1508 (Native Land Laws Amendment Acts (returns of applications made under the provisions of). 1898); 1525 (Issue of Orders in Council. 1899); 1896 1460 (New Zealand. 1896); 1897 1496 (New Zealand. 1897); 1508 (Native Land Laws Amendment Acts (returns



Native Land Laws Amendment Act 1898 [Bill 1898]: 1510 (New Zealand, 1898); **1513 (N.Z. Parliament. 1898)

Native Land Laws Amendment Act 1899 1526 (New Zealand. 1899)

Native Land Laws Amendment Acts (returns of applications. .): 1508(1898)

Native Land Laws Amendment Bill 1884; **llls (N.Z Parliament, 1884)

Native Land Protection and Administration Bill [1898]: **lsoo (Te Puke ki Hikurangi Papawai, October, 1897); **1514-1515 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1898); 1518 (Poneke. Hurae 25 1898)

Native Land Purchase and Acquisition Act 1893 [Bill 1893]; 1368 (New Zealand. 1893); 1378 (N.Z. Parliament. 1893); 1390 (Te Arawa. 1893)

Native Land Purchases Act 1892; 1327 (New Zealand, 1892)

Native Land Purchases for the Crown Act. 1877 **BB9 (New Zealand. 1877)

Native Land Sales and Leases Bill 1876 see

Native Lands Sales and Leases Bill 1876

Native Land Sales Bill 1880: 988 (N.Z. Parliament House of Representatives. 1880)

Native Land Settlement and Administration Bill 1898: **1514 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1898)

Native Land Titles Court: 1307 (N.Z. Commission Appointed to Inquire into the Subject of the Native Land Laws. 1891)

Native Land (Validation of Titles) Act 1892; 1328 (New Zealand. 1892)

Native Land (Validation of Titles) Act 1893 [Bill 1893]: 1369 (New Zealand. 1893); 1 379 (N.Z. Parliament. 1893)

Native Land (Validation of Titles) Act Amendment Act 1894: 1408 (New Zealand. 1894)

Native Lands Act 1862 [1865] [1869]: 669 (New Zealand. 1865); 1865: 670 (New Zealand. 1865); 1869: **73o (New Zealand. 1869)

Native Lands Act Amendment Act 1868: **72 l (New Zealand. 1868)

Native Lands Acts Amendment Act 1870 [1882]; **744 (New Zealand. 1870); 1882 1043 (New Zealand. 1882)

Native Lands Acts Amendment Bill 1877: **9o2

(N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1877) Native Lands Acts. Native Lands Frauds Prevention Acts and the Stamp Duties Act 1882 Amendment Bill 1884; **llls (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives, 1884) Native Lands Bill [1877]; (No. 1): **9o2 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1877): (No. 2): 899 (N.Z. Parliament. 1877) Native Lands Contracts Act Validation Bill 1880 989 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives, 1880) Native Lands Frauds Prevention Act 1881; 1004 (New Zealand, 1881) Native Lands Frauds Prevention Act 1881 Amendment Act 1888 [Bill 1888]: 1216 (New Zealand. 1888); **1258 (New Zealand, 1889); **1223 (N.Z. Parliament. 1888) Native Lands Frauds Prevention Act Amendment Act 1873 [Bill 1873]: **79o (New Zealand. 1870); 1873: 797 (N.Z. Parliament. 1873) Native Lands Frauds Prevention Acts Amendment Act 1889; **1256 (New Zealand. 1889) Native Lands Sales and Leases Bill 1876; **B64 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives, 1876); 878 (He whaKamaramatanga mo Te lure Hoko. 1876) Native Lands Settlement and Administration Bill 1898; 1509 (The Native Lands Settlement and Administration Bill. 1898 (letters received by the Premier from native chiefs and others relative to), 1898); **1516 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1898); 1532 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. Native Affairs Committee. 1899)

The Native Lands Settlement and Administration Bill (report on), together with petitions and minutes of evidence; 1517 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. Native Affairs Committee, 1898) Native Lands Settlement Bill 1884: **lll3 (N.Z. Parliament. 1884) Native Lands Stamps Duties Bill 1880: 990 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1880) The native language: **1023 (Anglo-Maori, ca. 1882) Native Lawsuits Bill 1879 [1880]; 948 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives, 1879); 1880: 991 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1880) Native Licensing Act 1878: 914 (New Zealand. 1878) Native Licensing Districts see liquor licensing


of applications made under the provisions of). 1898); 1525 (Issue of Orders in Council. 1899) “The Native Land Laws Amendment Act, 1895“ Return of applications under section 4: 1455 (1896)


Native Marriages Validation Bill 1877: 903 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1877)

Native meetings: 1456(1896)

Native meetings at Wellington. 1896: 1450 (Nga hui Maori i Poneke, 1896); 1456 (1896)

Native Offenders Bill I860: 496 (1860)

Native Reserves: **7 os (New Zealand, 1867); 775 (N.Z. Commissioner of Native Reserves. 1872); 887 (Native reserves in the City of Wellington. 1877)

Native Reserves (legislation); **479 (New Zealand. 1858); **569 (New Zealand. 1862?); 782 (Kawepo. 1873); 791 (New Zealand. 1873); **Boo (N.Z. Parliament. Legislative Council. 1873); 808 (Te Rangiotu. 1873); 860 (N.Z. Commissioner of Native Reserves (Middle Island). 1876); **B9l (New Zealand. 1877); 890 (New Zealand. 1877); 897 (N.Z Parliament. 1877); 905 (N.Z. Parliament Legislative Council. 1877); 949 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1879); 954 (Schedule of native reserves in the Arahura . . Block. 1879); 983 (N.Z. Parliament. 1880); 1011 (N.Z. Parliament, 1881); 1044-1045 (New Zealand. 1882); **1053 (N.Z. Parliament. 1882); 1054 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives, 1882); * * 1 1 16-* * 1117 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1884); 1 159 (New Zealand. 1886); **l 164 (N.Z. Parliament. 1886); I 185 (New Zealand. 1887); **llB6 (N.Z. Parliament. 1887); 1322 (New Zealand. 1892); 1337 (New Zealand. 1892); 1386 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1893); 1435 (New Zealand. 1895); 1461 (New Zealand. 1896); 1466 (New Zealand. 1896); 1527 (New Zealand. 1899)

Native Reserves Act 1873 [Bill 1873]: 782 (Kawepo. 1873); 791 (New Zealand. 1873); **Boo (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1873). 807 (Te Rangihiwinui. 1873). 808 (Te Rangiotu. 1873)

Native Reserves Act 1882 [Bill 1882]: 1044 (New Zealand, 1882); * * 1053 (N.Z. Parliament. 1882)

Native Reserves Act Amendment Act 1895 [1896] [1899]: 1435 (New Zealand. 1895): 1896: 1461 (New Zealand. 1896); 1899: 1527 (New Zealand. 1899)

Native Reserves Administration Bill 1893: 1386 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1893)

Native Reserves Amendment Act 1862: **569 (New Zealand. 1862)

Native Reserves Amendment Bill 1877: 905 (N.Z. Parliament. Legislative Council. 1877)

Native Reserves Bill 1877 [lBBo] [ 1881 ] [lBB3] 860 (N.Z. Commissioner of Native Reserves (Middle Island). 1876); 1880 983 (N.Z. Parliament. 1880); 1881: 1011 (N.Z. Parliament. 1881); 1883: 1082 (New Zealand. 1883) Native reserves in the City of Wellington; 887 (1877) Native Reserves' Title Grants Empowering Act 1886 [Bill 1886]; 1 159 (New Zealand. 1886); **l 164 (N.Z. Parliament. 1886) Native Reserves Vesting Bill 1879: 949 (N.Z. Parliament House of Representatives. 1879) The Native School reader for Standards II & III.; I 193 (Pope. 1887) Native Schools: 873 (Te HaKiro. 1876); **1052 (N.Z. Department of Education, 1882?); 1089 (N.Z. Department of Education. 1883); 1338 (N.Z. Dept of Education. 1892); 1416 (N.Z. Secretary for Education. 1894); **1439 (N.Z. Inspector of Native Schools. 1895?); 15291530 (N.Z. Dept of Education. 1899) Native Schools (legislation); 708 (New Zealand. 1867); 759 (New Zealand. 1871); 970 (New Zealand. 1880); 978 (N.Z. Parliament. 1880); 1281 (New Zealand. 1890); 1288 (N.Z. Parliament. 1890); 1404 (New Zealand. 1894); 1413 (New Zealand. 1894)

Native Schools Act 1867: 708 (New Zealand. 1867); 873 (Te HaKiro. 1876) Native Schools Act Amendment Act 1871: 759 (New Zealand. 1871) Native Schools Code. 1883 [1897]: 1089 (N.Z. Dept of Education. 1883); 1338 (N.Z Dept of Education. 1892); 1897 1529-1530 (N.Z. Department of Education. 1899) Native Schools Sites Act 1880: 970 (New Zealand. 1880) Native Schools Sites Act Extension Act 1890 [Bill 1890]: 1281 (New Zealand. 1890); 1288 (N.Z. Parliament. 1890) Native Schools Sites Bill 1880: 984 (N.Z. Parliament. 1880) Native Succession Act 1881: 1005 (New Zealand. 1881) Native Succession Bill 1880: 985 (N.Z Parliament. 1880) Native Townships (legislation); 1436 (New Zealand. 1895); **1467 (N.Z Native Land Court. 1896); 1470/5 (N.Z. Native Land Court. 1896); 1511 (New Zealand. 1898); 1528 (New Zealand. 1899); see also Maori Councils: Native Councils; Native Districts Native Townships Act 1895: 1436 (New Zealand. 1895); **1467 (N.Z Native Land Court. 1896)



Native Townships Act Amendment Act 1898 [1899]; 1511 (New Zealand. 1898); 1899: 1528 (New Zealand. 1899) The native tribes of the North Island of New Zealand, their location and number: 739 (Kemp. 1870)

Native Trusts and Claims Definition and Registration Act 1893: 1370 (New Zealand. 1893)

Native views on native land legislation; **1225 (Resolutions from Maori committees. 1888) natural history, Maori names: 366 (Taylor, 1848); 690 (Maori-Latin index. 1866); 751 (Taylor. 1870); see also native animals

Nawhekairangi see Norfolk Island

Neana see Nairn. F. E.

Neave, Joseph James (1836-1913); = Hohepa Hemi Niwi: 691 (1866?)

Nelson; 1 13 (Martin, 1842); 189 (Whiteley, 1843); 250 (N.Z. Southern Division, 1845)

Nelson, land (legislation): 1185 (New Zealand, 1887); 1337 (New Zealand. 1892); 1438 (New Zealand. 1895)

Nene. Tamati Waka (d. 1871); = Thomas Walker: 28 (Declaration of the Independence of NZ. 1836); 34 (Declaration of the Independence of NZ. 1837); 553 (Takerei Te Rau, 1861); 761 (Pehiriri, 1871?)

Nepia: the following entries are filed in date order (1865-1894)

Nepia. 17 Maehe. 1865: 665 (Hawke’s Bay Province. Superintendent. 1865)

Nepia. Maehe 22. 1865; 663 (Cooper, 1865)

Nepia, Hanuere 16. 1871; 760 (N.Z. Returning Officer (Eastern Maori Electorate), 1871?)

Nepia, 8. Pepuere, 1876: 875 (Tomoana, 1876)

Nepia. Haake Pei. Tihema 1. 1876: 857 (McLean. 1876)

Nepia, Hanuere 5. 1894: **1398 (Fielder. 1894)

New and complete manual of Maori conversation: 1123 (Aubert, 1885)

New Maori grammar & phrase book: 727 (Kemp. ca. 1869)

New Maori grammar dictionary and phrase book: 739 (Kemp. 1870)

New Munster. Native Secretary; 414 (Whately, 1851); 427 (Defoe. 1852); 433-433 a (N.Z. Governor (1845-1853 : Grey). 1852); 434 (A spelling book. 1852); 451 (Bunyan, 1854)

New South Wales. Colonial Secretary: 6 (New South Wales. Governor (1821-1825 : Brisbane))

New South Wales. E Korero, I. Na tdna Excelenei. ia Sir Thomasa Brisa- bane: 6 (New South Wales. Governor. 1824)

New South Wales. Governor (1821-1825; Brisbane): 6 (1824) New South Wales. Governor (1831-1837 ; Bourke): 20 (Great Britain. Colonial Office. 1833) New South Wales. Governor (1837-1846 : Gipps); 69 (Busby, 1840) New South Wales. Proclamation. I. By His Excellency Sir Thomas Brisbane: 6 (New South Wales. Governor, 1824) New Testament see Bible. N T. New Ulster: 400 (N.Z. Colonial Secretary, 1850) New world: **S4 (Ko te ao marama, or New world, 1849) New Zealand (i.e. the legislative authority from 1854) see N.Z. Legislative Council for period 18411853. and from 1854) N.Z. Parliament (i.e. relating to both Houses) and N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives or N.Z. Parliament. Legislative Council for Bills considered in one but not both Houses of Parliament. **479 (1858); 489 (1859); **569 (1862); **6ol (1863); **66B-670 (1865); 692 (1866); **7os-708(1867); **72l-722 (1868); **73o- - (1869); **743-**744 (1870); 757-759 (1871); 774 (1872); **7BB-793 (1873); 817823 (1874); 836 (1875?); **BsB (1876); **BBB-**B94 (1877); **9l2-914 (1878); 936937 (1879); 967-**974 (1880); 1000-1008 (1881); 1037-1051 (1882); 1076-1088(1883); 1 104-1 I 1 1 (1884); 1 135-1 141 (1885); 1 1561 161 (1886); 1 184-1 185 (1887); 1209-1217 (1888); * * 1254-* * 1263 (1889); 1278-1282 (1890); **1303-**1306 (1891); 1322-1337 (1892); 1362-1375(1893); 1404-1414(1894); 1428-1438 (1895); 1457-1466 (1896); 14951496 (1897); 1510-1512 (1898); 1526-1528 (1899); **1551-**1558 (1900); 522 (18791910)

N.Z. Armed Constabulary Force; 859 (1876) N.Z. Assistant Law Officer see N.Z. Attorney General’s Office N.Z. Attorney General’s Office: 602-**6o3 (1863) N.Z. British Resident (Busby) see Busby. James N.Z. Central Board of Vaccination: 461 (1855) N.Z. Chief Surveyor; 1218 (1888?) N.Z. Civil Commissioner (Waikato); SI 5 (Te pihoihoi mokemoke. 1863) N.Z. Civil Secretary: 433-433 a (N.Z. Governor (1845-1853 : Grey). 1852) N.Z. Colonial Secretary; 240-243. 246-247 (N.Z. Governor (1843-1845 : Fitzßoy), 1845); 314 (N.Z. Governor (1845-1853 : Grey). 1846); 348 (1847); 400 (1850); 486 (Wellington Province. Provincial Council. 1858); 509, 512



(N.Z. Governor (1855-1861 Browne). I860). 545 (N.Z. Governor (1855-1861 Browne), 1861); 570 (1862); 595 (Further papers relative to the native insurrection. 1863); 604, 606-607 (1863); 648-650 (1864); 671 (1865); 1558 a (1900); SI4 (Gazette notices. 1863-1864) N.Z. Commission Appointed to Inquire into the Subject of the Native Land Laws; also known as N.Z. Royal Commission on Native Land Laws: 1307 (1891)

N.Z. Commission to Inquire into Certain Matters in Connection with the Ngarara. Porangahau. Mangamaire, and Waipiro Blocks of Land: 1264 (1889)

N.Z. Commissioner of Native Reserves: 775 (1872)

N.Z. Commissioner of Native Reserves (Middle Island): 860 (1876)

New Zealand Company 211 (N.Z. Governor (1843-1845 ; Fitzßoy). 1844); 250 (N.Z. Southern Division. 1845), 887 (Native Reserves in the City of Wellington. 1877); 1461 (New Zealand. 1896)

N.Z. Compensation Court: 700 (Genealogies of certain Maori families. 1867)

New Zealand; constitutional arrangements: 6 (New South Wales. Governor (1821-1825 Brisbane), 1824); 20 (Great Britain Colonial Office. 1833); 69 (Busby. 1840); 486 (Wellington Province. Provincial Council. 1858); see also Maori sovereignty; Treaty of Waitangi (1840)

N.Z. Dept of Education: **1052 (1882); 1089 (1883); 1338(1892); 1529-1520(1899)

N.Z. Dept of Lands and Survey: 1536 (Smith. 1899)

N.Z. Dept of Public Health; 1558 a (N.Z. Colonial Secretary, 1900)

New Zealand dictionary Maori and English: 751 (Taylor. 1870) The New Zealand gazette extraordinary [2 April I860]; 514 (N.Z. Governor (1855-1861 Browne). I860)

New Zealand government gazette extraordinary [27 April 1850): 400 (N.Z. Colonial Secretary, 1850)

N.Z. Governor/Lieutenant-Governor (in chronological order of incumbents):

(1875-1879 : Normantn (1880-1882 : Gordon) Governor 975 (I860) (1889-1892 : Onslow) Governor. = Kawana Anaro; 1296 Tenei Ka panuilia nei nga Korero o te hui i tu ki Otorohanga. 1890) (1892-1897 ; Glasgow) Governor: 1425 (Nga Korero mo Tuhoe. 1895); 1432 (New Zealand. 1895); 1450 (Nga hui Maori i Poneke. 1896); 1456 (Native meetings at Wellington. 1896); 1457 (New Zealand. 1896) (1897-1904 : Ranfurly) Governor 1495 (New Zealand, 1897); 1512 (New Zealand. 1898); **ISIS(N.Z. Parliament House of Representatives. 1898); **1531 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives, 1899); 1554. **1557 (New Zealand. 1900); 1561 (Notes of meetings, 1900). 1562 (Notes of meetings . Selections. 1900) New Zealand grammar: 567 (Maunsell. 1862)


(1843-1845 : Fitzßoy) Governor. 211-213 (1844); 214 (N.Z. Protector of Aborigines. 1844) 227 (Martin. 1845); 240-247 (1845) < 1845-1853 : Grey) Governor 218 (Andrewes. 1845) 249 (N.Z. Legislative Council. 1845?); 314-315 (1846); 348 (N.Z. Colonial Secretary, 1847); 379 (Thomson. 1849); 408 (Cooper. 1851) 414 (Whately. 1851); 427 (Defoe. 1852) 433-433 a (1852), 434 (A spelling book, 1852); 446 (Farewell address of the native tribes. 1853); 451 (Bunyan. 1854); 454 (1854); 459 (Maori mementos. 1855); SI (Te karere o Nui Tireni. 1842-1846); S3 (The Maori messenger = Te karere Maori. 18491854) (1855-1861 : Browne) Governor 476-477 (Fenton. 1858); 480 (1858); 504 (Kohimarama Conference. I860?); 505 (Mahau Turakino. I860); 508-518 (1860); **s4o-546 (1861). 568 (He moe 1862); S5 (The Maori messenger = Te karere Maori. 1855-1861) (1861-1868 : Grey waiata a Waikato ki a Kawana Kerei, 1861?); **s4o (N.Z. Governor (1855-1861 Browne), I860); 546 (N.Z. Governor (1855-1861 : Browne). 1861); 547-548 (1861); 571 (1862); 595 (Further papers relative to the native insurrection. 1863), 597 (Ki nga Maori. 1863?); 608-616 (1863) 623 (Ngapuhi. 1863); 628 (He pukapuka enei no Waikato, 1863); 650 (1864); 663 (Cooper. 1865); 672 (1865); 681 (Te Huia, 1865); 712 (Nga tikanga ote whakatupu, 1867); SI2 (Te karere Maori or Maori messenger. 18611863); SI 3 (Te hokioi, 1862-1863); Sl4 (Gazette notices. 1863-1864)

(1841 * 1842 : Hobson) Governor 98 (1841). SI (Te karere o Nui Tireni. 1842-1846)

1840-1841 ; Hobson) Lieutenant-Governor 60 (Busby. 1840); 80-82 (1840); 83 (Treaty of Waitangi, 1840); 215 (Treaty of Waitangi. 1844); 256 (Treaty of Waitangi. 1845); SI (Te Karere o Nui Tireni (1842-1846)


New Zealand herald: 703 (He korero enei no te nupepa “Nutireni Herora", 1867); see also Printer/Publisher index

New Zealand Industrial Exhibition (Wellington. 1885): 1144 (N.Z. Under-Secretary for Native Affairs, 1885)

N.Z. Inspector of Native Schools: **1439 (1895?)

N.Z. Legislative Council (i.e. the legislative authority. 1841-1853): 248-249 (1845?)

N.Z. Lieutenant-Governor see N.Z. Governor

N.Z. Middle Island Native Land Purchase Commission: 976 (1880); 1009 (1881)

N.Z. Minister for Colonial Defence: 617 (1863); 672 (N.Z. Governor (1861-1868 ; Grey). 1865)

N.Z. Minister for Native Affairs see N.Z. Native Minister

N.Z. Minister of Education: 1338 (N.Z Dept of Education, 1892)

N.Z. Native Affairs Committee; 1010 (1881)

N.Z. Native Appellate Court: **1468, 1470-1471 (N.Z. Native Land Court. 1896)

N.Z. Native Circuit Courts 489 (New Zealand. 1859); **572-575 (N.Z. Native Circuit Court, 1862); 576 (N.Z. Native Secretary. 1862)

N.Z. Native Dept: 707 (New Zealand. 1867); 723 (1868); 733 (1869); 745 (1870); 938 (1879); 1237 (Taiwhanga. 1888); 1318 (Indigent natives. Middle and Stewart Islands. 1892); **1339 (1892?); 1470 (N.Z. Native Land Court. 1896); S5 (The Maori messenger = Te karere Maori. 1855-1861); SIB (Te waka Maori o Niu Tirani. 1871-1877); see also N.Z. Linder-Secretary for Native Affairs

N.Z. Native Dept. Interpreter; 651 (1864)

N.Z. Native Land Court: 723 (N.Z. Native Department. 1868); 753 (Hungahunga, 1871); 786 (Martin. 1873) 999 (Ko te whakataunga tenei o te whakawa mo Opoho. 1881); 1112 (1884). 1169 (Tawhiao. 1886); 1237 (Taiwhanga. 1888); 1283-**1284 (1890); 1307 (N.Z Commission Appointed to Inquire into the Subject of the Native Land Laws. 1891); 1308-1310 (1891); 1360 (Maori Parliament. 1893?); **1440 (1895); **14671471 (1896); SI7 (Ko te kahiti o Niu Tireni, 1865-1933)

N.Z. Native Land Court (legislation); 669-670 (New Zealand. 1865); **969 (New Zealand. 1880); 981 (N.Z. Parliament, 1880); 1 158 (New Zealand. 1886); **1255 (New Zealand. 1889); **1265 (N.Z. Parliament. 1889); 1280 (New Zealand. 1890); 1283 (N.Z. Native Land Court. 1890); 1287 (N.Z. Parliament. 1890); 1408 (New Zealand. 1894); **1516 (N.Z Parliament. House of Representatives. 1898)

New Zealand Native Land Settlement Company; = Te Kamupene WhaKanohonoho Whenua Maori o Niu Tireni; 1093 (Panui Maori. 1883?); 1151 (Hone Rapata Hare Ma, 1886) N.Z. Native Minister; 549 (1861); 610 (N.Z. Governor (1861-1868 : Grey). 1863); 618-62 1 (1863); 622 (N.Z. Vaccination Board, 1863); 734 (1869?); 746-748 (1870); 977 (1880); 1 142 (1885); 1 169 (Tawhiao. 1886); S2l (Te waka Maori o Niu Tirani, 1878-1879) New Zealand Native Reserves Act 1858: **479 (New Zealand. 1858) N.Z. Native Secretary: 519 (1860); 576 (1862); SI4 (Gazette notices, 1863-1864) N.Z. Native Secretary’s Office; 520 (I860); 598 (Kite motu Katoa, 1863); 656 (Te lho-o-te-Rangi, 1864) N.Z. Native Tract Institution 1147 (Tera e totohu te kaipuke i te puta kotahi, 1885); see also Printer/Publisher index N.Z. Parliament (i.e. both Houses: House of Representatives and Legislative Council ): 746 (N.Z. Native Minister, 1870); 794-797 (1873); 824 (1874); 861-862 (1876); **B9s-899 (1877); 939-942 (1879); 978-987 (1880); 101 I -** 1013 (1881); **1053 (1882); 1090**lo9l (1883); ** 1 1 13-* * 11 14 (1884); **l 1 62-* * 1 164 (1886); **llB6-1187 (1887); **1219-** 1223 (1888); **1265 (1889); 1269 (Wahawaha. 1889?); 1285-1288 (1890); **1340 (1892); 1376-1383 (1893); 14411444 (1895); **1513 (1898); **1559 (1900); 524 (1881-1906)

N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives: 776 (1872); 798-799 (1873); 863-**B64 (1876); 900-903 (1877); 943-949 (1879); 988-992 (1880); 1014-1018(1881); 1054-1060(1882); **l 1 15-** 1 1 17 (1884); 1 143 (1885); 1 1881 189 (1887); 1289-1290 (1890); **l3ll (1891); 1384-1387 (1893); **1497 (1897); ** 1514-** 1516 (1898); **1531 (1899); * * 1 560 (1900); see also Appendices to the Journals of the House of Representatives (■ AJHR) N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. Maori Affairs Committee: S2O (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. Native Affairs Committee. 1876-1962) N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. Native Affairs Committee; 1096 (Te Umanga. 1883); 1358 (Maori Parliament. 1893); 1515**1516 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1898); 1532 (1899); S2O (1876-1962) N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. Public Petitions Committee; 735 (1869)



N.Z. Parliament. Joint Committee on Middle Island Native Claims: 1493 (Middle Island native claims. 1889 and 1890, 1897)

N.Z. Parliament. Legislative Council; = Te Kaunihera: **Boo (1873); 865 (1876); 904905 (1877); 993 (1880); 1019 (1881); 1451 (Te karere tuarua a Mahuru, 1896?); see also Appendices to the Journals of the Legislative Council (AJLQ

N.Z. Parliament. Legislative Council. Native Affairs Committee: 1072 (The Himatangi back rents. 1883); 1118(1884); 1388 (Pitihana a Meiha Keepa Te Rangihiwinui me etahi atu, 1893); 1472 (1896)

N.Z. Parliament. Middle Island Native Claims Committee: 1266(1889)

N.Z. Police: 132 (1843)

N.Z. Prime Minister (1856-1861 : Stafford): 486 (Wellington Province. Provincial Council. 1858)

N.Z. Prime Minister (1877-1879 : Grey); 950 (1879)

N.Z. Protector of Aborigines: 203 (Fitzgerald. 1844); 212 (N.Z. Governor (1843-1845: Fitzßoy). 1844); 214(1844); 215 (Treaty of Waitangi, 1844); SI (Te karere o Nui Tireni. 1842-1846)

New Zealand proverbial and popular sayings: 468 (Grey. 1857)

New Zealand Psalms: 353 (Bible. O.T. Psalms. 1848)

New Zealand publications: 751 (Taylor. 1870)

New Zealand, relations with Great Britain: 400 (N.Z. Colonial Secretary. 1850)

N.Z. Resident Magistrates’ Courts: 1138 (New Zealand. 1885)

N.Z. Returning Officer (Eastern Maori Electorate): 760 (1871?); 837 (1875)

N.Z. Returning Officer (Northern Maori Electorate): 838 (1875)

N.Z. Royal Commission on charges against William Williams in connection with the Kaitangiwhenua Block: 1415 (1894)

N.Z. Royal Commission on Native Land Laws see N.Z. Commission Appointed to Inquire into the Subject of the Native Land Laws

N.Z. Secretary for Crown Lands: 548 (N.Z Governor (1861-1868 : Grey). 1861)

N.Z. Secretary for Education: 1416 (1894)

New Zealand Settlements Act 1863: **6ol (New Zealand. 1863)

N.Z. Southern Division. 250-251 (1845); 316 (1846)

N.Z. Statute Revision Commission: 1046 (New Zealand. 1882)

N.Z. Supreme Court: 777 (Torotoro, 1872); 846 (Torotoro. 1875); 1131 (Kawepo. 1885?)

New Zealand. The native language: **1023 (Anglo-Maori. ca. 1882) N.Z. Under-Secretary for Justice: 1455 (“The Native Land Laws Amendment Act, 1895”: Return. 1896); 1477 (South Island natives receiving pensions. 1896); 1508 (Native Land Laws Amendment Acts (returns of applications made under the provisions of). 1898) 1525 (Issue of Orders in Council . . .. 1899) N.Z. Under-Secretary for Native Affairs: 1144 (1885); I 196 (1887); 1296 (Tenei Ka panuitia nei nga korero o te hui i tu ki Otorohanga, 1890) N.Z. Vaccination Board; 622 (1863) N.Z. Validation Court (legislation): 1369 (New Zealand. 1893); 1379 (N.Z. Parliament. 1893); 1408 (New Zealand. 1894) New Zealand Wars see allegiance to Queen; amnesty; Bay of Islands, unrest; confiscation; Northern War; Parihaka; Taranaki, unrest; Taranaki Wars; Tauranga campaign; Te Whiti o Rongomai III; Waikato, unrest; Waikato War; Wairau Valley incident; Waitara purchase N.Z. West Coast Royal Commission: 1020 (1881) The New Zealander’s first book: 6 (Kendall. 1815) The New Zealanders illustrated (Angas, 1847): 1301 (Illustrations prepared for White’s Ancient History of the Maori, 1891)

newspapers see also magazines and Serials section (Sl-542) newspapers, commercial; **S2 (Ko te kaiwhakamataara o nga iwi erua. 1848); SI6 (Te waka Maori o Ahuriri. 1863*1871); 525 (Te Korimako. 1882-1888); 526 (Takitimu. 1883); 527 (Te waka Maori o Aotearoa. 1884) newspapers, government: 856 (Mackay. 1876); SI (Te karere o Nui Tireni. 1842-1846); S3 (The Maori messenger = Te karere Maori. 1849-1854); **S4 (Ko te ao marama. 1849); S5 (The Maori messenger = Te karere Maori. 1855-1861); SI 1 (Te manuhiri tuarangi and Maori intelligencer. 1861); SI2 (Te karere Maori or Maori messenger. 1861-1863); SIS (Te pihoihoi mokemoke. 1863); SIB (Te waka Maori o Niu Tirani. 1871-1877) newspapers, independent; **9o9a (Grindell. 1878); S6 (Te karere o Poneke, 1857-1858); S7 (Te waka o te iwi. 1857); S8 (Te whetu o te tau. 1859-1862); S2I (Te waka Maori o Niu Tirani. 1878-1879) newspapers, political: 830 (Te Wananga. 1874); 848 (Te Wananga. 1875); 877 (Te Wananga. 1876?); SI 3 (Te Hokioi. 1862-1863); SI9 (Te



Wananga, 1871-1878); 523 (Matariki. 1881); 831 (Te paki o Matariki. 1892-1935?); 832 (Aotearoa. 1892); 833 (Huia tangata kotahi, 1893-1895); 839 (Te puke ki Hikurangi. 18971913); 840 (The Jubilee = Te Tiupiri, 18981900)

newspapers, religious; S9 (Te Haeata, 18591862); 529 (Te korimako hou. 1889-1890); S4l (He kupu whakamarama. 1898); 542 (Pipi-wharauroa. 1899-1913)

Nga Puhi (Iwi) see Ngapuhi

Ngaere and other Blocks Native Claims Adjustment Act 1894: 1410 (New Zealand. 1894); see also magazines

Ngahau see Tutakangahau

Ngahiwi. Hohaia (= Josiah): 720 (Maunsell, 1868)

Ngai Tahu (Iwi); 99 (Watkin. 1841); 825 (1874); 839-841 (1875); 852 (Fenton. 1876); 872 (Taiaroa, 1876); 976 (N.Z. Middle Island Native Land Purchase Commission, 1880); 1493 (Middle Island native claims, 1889 and 1890. 1897)

Ngai Tahu Block. I 150 (Census of the Middle Island natives, 1886); 1206 (Mackay. 1888); 976 (N.Z. Middle Island Native Land Purchase Commission. 1880); 1009 (N.Z. Middle Island Native Land Purchase Commission. 1881)

Ngai Tahupb (Iwi); 1245 (E hoa ma. e nga iwi. 1889)

Ngai Te Rangi (Iwi) 649 (N.Z. Colonial Secretary, 1864): 664 (Davis. 1865); 699 (Whitorangi. 1866); 758 (New Zealand. 1871)

Ngai Tuhoe (Iwi) see Tuhoe

Ngakau, W. H. T. see Te Ngakau

Ngapora. Tamati (d. 1885); also known as Tamati Manuhiri; 550 (1861); 749 (1870?); 1092 (1883)

Ngapuhi (Iwi); 98 (N.Z. Governor (1841-1842 Hobson); 214 (N.Z. Protector of Aborigines, 1844): 205 (Hau. 1844); 615 (N.Z. Governor (1861-1868 : Grey). 1863); 623 (1863): 935 (Native difficulties at Taranaki. 1879)

Ngarara and Waipiro Further Investigation Act 1889; **1257 (New Zealand, 1889)

Ngarara. Porangahau, Mangamaire, me Waipiro Poraka (Ripoata a nga Komihana . . . ); 1264 (N.Z. Commission to Inquire into Certain Matters in Connection with the Ngarara. Porangahau, Mangamaire. and Waipiro Blocks of Land. 1889) Te ngaro mahi honi: 412 (1851?); 742 (Martin. 1870)

Ngarori: I I 76 (Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints. 1887?)

Ngarua-wahia, Aperira, 28 1862. Whakarongo mai e nga iwi: 588 (Tawhiao. 1862)

Ngata, Sir Apirana Turupa (1874-1950): I 123 (Aubert, 1885); 1452 (Nga korero o te hui o Hinetapora, 1896?); S3B (Te Aute College Students’ Association. 1897-1906); 542 (Pipiwharauroa, 1899-1913) Ngata. Paratene (1851-1924): 1509 (The Native Lands Settlement and Administration Bill. 1898); 1515 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1898); 527 (Te waka Maori o Aotearoa, 1884) Ngatata, Wiremu Tako (d. 1887); 132 (N.Z. Police, 1843); 521 (1860); 640 (Wellington Province. Superintendent. 1863); 660 (Wellington Province. Superintendent. 1864); 887 (Native reserves in the City of Wellington. 1877); 1005 (New Zealand. 1881); 524 (N.Z. Parliament, 1881-1906) Ngati Apa (Iwi): 659 (Wellington Province. Provincial Council, 1864); 765 (Te Rauparaha, 1871); 1533 (1899?) Ngati Awa (Iwi): 446 (Farewell address of the native tribes. 1853); 542 (N.Z. Governor (1855-1861 Browne), 1861); 689 (Haerehuka. 1866); 696 (Te Moananui, 1866); 697 (Te Puehu. 1866); 699 (Whitorangi, 1866)

Ngati Mine (Iwi): 1181 (Kawiti, 1887); **1247 (Kawiti, ca. 1889?) Ngati Hineuru (hapu of Te Ati Awa); 700 (Genealogies of certain Maori families, 1867) Ngati Hinga (hapu of Te Ati Awa): 503 (Ko te korero tenei, 1860); 700 (Genealogies of certain Maori families) Ngati Kahungunu (Iwi): 548 (N.Z. Governor (1861-1868 : Grey). 1861); 803 (Sheehan. 1873); 870 (Rangitakaiwaho, 1876); 1393 (He waiata na tetahi tangata mo tana tamaiti, 1893) Ngati Kahungunu (Iwi). Komiti: 866 (Pakowhai. 4 Mei, 1876) Ngati Mamoe (Iwi); = Kati Mamoe o Kai Tahu: 839 (Ngai Tahu. 1875) Ngati Maniapoto (Iwi): 1092 (Ngapora, 1883); 1094 (Petition of the Maniapoto . . . tribes. 1883) Ngati Maru (Iwi): 1453 (Mackay, 1896) Ngati Porou: 1452 (Nga korero o te hui o Hinetapora, 1896?) Ngati Pou: 941 (N.Z. Parliament, 1879) Ngati Raukawa (Iwi): 446 (Farewell address of the native tribes. 1853); 666 (lhakara Te Hokowhitukuri, 1865); 682 (Te Pouepa. 1865); 686 (Te Whiwhi. 1865); 723 (N.Z. Native Department. 1868); 1094 (Petition of the Maniapoto . tribes. 1883); 1472 (N.Z. Parliament. Legislative Council, Native Affairs Committee, 1896)



Ngati Ruanui (Iwi); 257 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion); 543 (N.Z. Governor (1855-1861 Browne). 1861); 1020 (N.Z West Coast Royal Commission. 1881

Ngati Toa (Iwi): 446 (Farewell address of the native tribes, 1853); 775 (N.Z. Commissioner of Native Reserves. 1872); 835 (Native land at Porirua. 1875); 1461 (New Zealand. 1896): 1462 (New Zealand. 1896)

Ngati Tuaho (of Te Ati Awa) 503 (Ko te korero tenei, 1860)

Ngati Tuwharetoa (Iwi): 1094 (Petition of the Maniapoto . tribes. 1883)

Ngati Uenuku (hapu of Te Ati Awa): 700 (Genealogies of certain Maori families. 1867)

Ngati Whakaue (Iwi): 1007 (New Zealand. 1881); **lol2 (N.Z. Parliament. 1881)

Ngatitoa Tiaki: 1462 (New Zealand. 1896)

Ngatitoa Trust Act 1896: 1462 (New Zealand. 1896)

Ngaturipukunui Block (legislation); 1410 (New Zealand. 1894)

Nga-waka-a-Kupe Block: 1310 (N.Z. Native Land Court. 1891)

Ngawakawawe see Hapurona

Nicene Creed: 133(1843)

Nicholas. Albert; = ArepataJ. Nikorahi: 719 (Martin. 1868)

Nicholas. John Liddiard (1784-1868): I (Kendall, 1815)

Nichols, Obadiah: 719 (Martin. 1868)

Nihill. William (d, 1855): 126 (Ken. 1843); 335 (Martin. 1847); 371 (Church of England. 1849); S2Ol / 1852 (Church of England. 18411923); see also Bishop’s Press and St John’s College Press in Printer/Publisher index

Nihoniho. Matutaera (1850-1914): 1291-1292 (1890)

Nikorahi. ArepataJ. see Nicholas. Albert

Niniwa-i-te-rangi (1854-1929); also known as Niniwa Heremaia; 539 (Te puke ki Hikurangi, 1897-1913)

Niu Tirani/Tireni: the following entries are filed in alphabetical order: within this by statute number (where applicable)

Niu Tirani. Tau torn te kau ma rima o Kuini Wikitoria: (no. 9): 758 (New Zealand. 1871); (no. 55): 759 (New Zealand. 1871)

Niu Tirani. Tau torn te kau ma whitu o te kuinitanga o Kuini Wikitoria: (no. 56): 789 (New Zealand. 1873); (no. 60): 791 (New Zealand. 1873)

Niu Tireni. Nga korero o te hui o te Whakakotahitanga; 1426 (Maori Parliament 1895)

Niu Tireni Nupepa o te Kawanatanga.

Panuiianga nui (27 April 1850]: 400 (N.Z. Colonial Secretary. 1 850) Niu Tireni Tau rua tekau ma iwa o Kuini Wikitoria: (no. 71): 670 (New Zealand. 1865) Niu Tireni. Tau torn tekau ma ono o Kuini Wikitoria: (no 44): 774 (New Zealand. 1872) Niu Tireni. Tau torn tekau ma tahi o Wikitoria Kuini: (no 41): 708 (New Zealand. 1867); (no. 47): 707 (New Zealand. 1867) Niu Tireni, Tau torn tekau ma warn o te Kuinitanga o Kuini Wikitoria: (no 15): 817; (no. 75); 818; (no. 76): 821; (no. 77): 822; (no. 78): 823; (no. 79): 819 (New Zealand. 1874) Niu Tireni. Tau torn tekau ma whitu o Kuini Wikitoria: (no. 39): 793 (New Zealand. 1873) Niu Tireni. Tau wha tekau ma rua o te kuinitanga o Kuini Wikitoria: (no. 25]: 936 (New Zealand. 1879); Nama 32: 914 (New Zealand. 1878); (no. 40]: 913 (New Zealand. 1878) Niu Tireni. Tau wha tekau ma tahi o Kuini Wikitoria. Nama 37: 890 (New Zealand, 1877) Niu Tireni. Te tau wha te kau ma ono o te kuinitanga o Kuini Wikitoria; (no. 5): 1051; (no. 6); 1050; (no. 8): 1040; (no. 10): 1039; (no. 27): 1043; (no. 28): 1042; (no. 37): 1046; (no. 41): 1038; (no. 52); 1044; (no 63): 1041; (no. 66): 1047; (no 70): 1037; Local (no. 8): 1049; (no. 12): 1048. Private (no. 5): 1045 (New Zealand. 1882) Niu Tireni. Te tau wha te kau ma rima o te kuinitanga o Kuini Wikitoria: (no. 6): 1006; (no. 16): 1005; (no. 17); 1004; (no 18): 1003; (no. 19): 1008. (no. 20): 1007, (no. 21): 1002; (no. 28): 1001; (no 32): 1000 (New Zealand. 1881)

Niu Tireni. Te tau wha te Kau ma wha ole kuinitanga o Kuini Wikitoria; (no. 24): 968 (New Zealand. 1880) Niwi. Hohepa Hemi see Neave. Joseph James No see Snow. W P No. 3702. In the Supreme Court of New Zealand. Wellington District; 1131 (Kawepo. 1885?) No Nepia nei (Ara. No Ahuriri). No te 10 o nga ra o Oketopa. 1885: 1126 (Colenso, 1885) No Paihia. no te 27 o nga ra o Eperira. 1840: 81 (N.Z Lieutenant-Governor. 1840) No te 30 o nga ra o Hanuere. 1840: 69 (Busby. 1840) No te mea he maha nga hoia me nga Pakeha tauhou kei roto kei te taone: 508 (N.Z. Governor (1855-1861 Browne). I860?) No te mea i karangatia ite 17. o Aparira. ite



19. o Mei. i te rua o Hune, 1845: 314 (N.Z. Governor (1845-1853 ; Grey). 1846)

No te mea i te awatea o te Turei. i te rua tekau ma witu (27) o nga ra o Maehe: 512 (N.Z. Governor (1855-1861 : Browne), 1860)

No te mea. kua puta mai te kupu a etahi rangatira Maori ki au: 247 (N.Z. Governor (1843-1845 : Fitzßoy), 1845)

No te mea kua tae mai te rongo kia te Kawana kua tahutahu na etahi whare Maori i Pokeno: 621 (N.Z. Native Minister, 1863)

Norfolk Island; = Nawhekairangi: 1022 (Tangata. 1881)

Normanby. George Augustus Constantine Phipps. 2nd Marquess of Normanby (18191890) see N.Z. Governor (1875-1879 : Normanby)

Norris, Edwin (1795-1872): 88 (Bible. N T.. 1841); 352 (Bible. O.T. Hexateuch, 1848)

Norris. John Pilkington (1823-1891): 906 (1877); 1119 (1884)

North Auckland (Te Tai Tokerau): 583 (Te Runanga o te Takiwa o Pewhairangi, 1862); 1 133 (Luck. 1885)

North Auckland, land (legislation): 822 (New Zealand. 1874); 1410 (New Zealand. 1894)

North, Brownlow (1810-1875); 951 (1879); I 145 (1885); 1 190 (1887?); 1224 (ca. 1888); 1312 (1891)

North Island, journeys; 254 (Selwyn, 1845); **359 (Colenso. 1848); 372 (Colenso, 1849); 393 (Colenso. 1850); 394 (Greenwood. 1850); 406 (Colenso, 1851); 408 (Cooper, 1851); 413 (Selwyn, 1851); 424 (Colenso, 1852); 462 (Selwyn, 1855); 484 (Selwyn. 1858); 645 (Kiriwi, 1864); 656 (Te Iho-o-Te-Rangi, 1864); 657 (Te Rauhihi, 1864); 711 (Rangipuawhe, 1867); 963 (Williams, 1879)

North Island, land; 91 1 (Maori deeds of land purchases in the North Island, 1877-1878)

North Island, land (legislation): 1368 (New Zealand. 1893); 1378 (N.Z. Parliament, 1893); 1436 (New Zealand. 1895)

North Island Main Trunk Railway Loan Application Act Amendment Act 1889. Selections: **1258 (New Zealand. 1889)

North Island Main Trunk Railway Loan Application Acts Amendment Act 1892 (Bill 1892]; 1329 (New Zealand. 1892); **1340 (N.Z. Parliament. 1892)

North Island Main Trunk Railway Loan Application Amendment Act 1891: **1305 (New Zealand. 1891)

Northern War (1845-1846): 244-247 (N.Z. Governor (1843-1 845 : Fitzßoy). 1845); **24B (N.Z. Legislative Council. 1845?); 251

(N.Z. Southern Division. 1845); 314 (N.Z. Governor (1845-1853 ; Grey). 1846); 350 (Whiteley. 1847) Notes grammaticales sur la langue maorie ou neo-zelandaise: 377 (Pompallier. 1849); 522 (Pompallier, I860) Notes of meetings between His Excellency the Governor . . and the native chiefs and people . . 1561 (1900) Notice [27 January 1845]: 250 (N. Z. Southern Division. 1845) Notice [3l March 1845]; 251 (N. Z. Southern Division. 1845)

Notice [7 September 1847]: 348 (N.Z. Colonial Secretary. 1847) notices: 11 7 (Wakefield. 1842); 152 (Selwyn, 1843); 208 (Matthews. 1844); **3l6 (N.Z. Southern Division. 1846); 562 (Hawke’s Bay Province. Postmaster, 1862); 577 (Panuitanga. Kotahi te iwi tahae, 1862); 578 (He Panuitanga. Ngarua-Wahi[a], Aperira, 1, 1862); 588 (Tawhiao. 1862); 622 (N.Z. Vaccination Board. 1863); 638 (He wahi tapu tenei!, 1863); 667 (Ko pukemaire kua riro mail, 1865); 850 (Wyllie, ca. 1875); 868 (He panuitanga. 1876?); 938 (N.Z. Native Department. 1879); 999 (Ko te whakataunga tenei o te whakawa mo Opoho, 1881); 1075 (Komiti Maori o Wairarapa, 1883?); 1 144 (N.Z. Under-Secretary for Native Affairs. 1885); 1218 (N.Z. Chief Surveyor. 1888?); 1295 (Te Whataupoko. 1890?); see also proclamations and official government notices

Now: 1234 (Stanley. 1888) Noxious Weeds Act 1900: **1558 (New Zealand, 1900) Nugent. Charles Lavallin (fl. 1850s-1890s): 461 (N.Z. Central Board of Vaccination. 1855) Nuhaka; 1499 (He panuitanga, 1897) He nuipepa tenei, hei whakaatu i nga korero i korerotia kite Hui kite Pa Whakaairo. i te 7 o nga ra o Nowema, I860; 499 (Kawepo. 1860?) Nutireni herora see New Zealand herald O O God of hosts; 780 (Himene I. 1873) obituaries and laments: 587 (Tarawhiti. 1862); 589 (Te Kahutopa, 1862); 590 (Te Teira, 1862); 592 (Tupoki, 1862); 880 (Burrows, 1877?); 929 (Davis, 1879?); 1479 (TOtakangahau, 1896); 1502 (Te Paki, 1897?); 1504 (TOtakangahau. 1897); see also death and burial practices; memorials O’Brien. Laughlin; = O’Paraeana; **1284 (N.Z. Native Land Court. 1890)



official documents, evidence of translation (legislation): 1077 (New Zealand. 1883)

official publications see gazette, government; newspapers, government; and entries under New Zealand (for Acts in Maori) and N.Z, Parliament for Bills in Maori)

Ohinemuri Goldfields Block (legislation): I 326 (New Zealand. 1892)

Oketopa. 6. 1865: 681 (Te Huia. 1865)

Oketopa 14. Hohepa Paewai ki Te Hawera: 372 (Colenso. 1849)

Old-age Pensions Act 1898. Selections: 1512 (New Zealand. 1898)

Old John is dead-1 am new John; I 302 (Kua mate a Hoani Tawhito, Ko Hoani Hou tenei, irqh

Oliver. Richard (1830-1910): 1047 (New Zealand. 1882); 1077 (New Zealand. 1883)

Omahu Block: **1284 (N.Z. Native Land Court. 1890); 1309 (N.Z. Native Land Court. 1891?)

One leak will sink a ship: 11 47 (Tera e totohu te kaipuke i te puta kotahi, 1885)

Onewhero Grant Empowering Bill 1879: 941 (N.Z. Parliament. 1879)

Onslow, Sir William Hillier, 4th Earl of Onslow (1853-1911); = Kawana Anaro; see N.Z. Governor (1889-1902 : Onslow)

Onward Christian soldiers: 1 149 (Baring-Gould. 1886?)

Oota Initipenetana o nga Kuru Tepara see Independent Order of the Good Templars

O'Paraeana. Tiati (Judge; see O'Brien. Laughlin Te Ope Whakaora (Salvation Army (N.Z.). Maori Mission); 1417 (Te pukapuka waiata mo nga hoia o Te Ope Whakaora. ca. 1894)

Opoho Block: 999 (Ko te whakataunga tenei o te whakawa mo Opoho. 1881) Te ora mo te Maori: 1121 (Pope. 1884); 1142 (N.Z. Native Minister, 1885); 1473 (Pope. 1896)

Ora-tuturu. mohiotanga-tuturu. Mete harituturu: 1352 (Cutting, ca. 1893)

Orakei. meeting of chiefs (1889) see Kohimarama. meetings

Orakei Native Reserve Act 1882: 1045 (New Zealand. 1882)

Orakei Succession Further Investigation Act 1892: 1330 (New Zealand. 1892)

oral traditions: 408 (Cooper. 1851); 447 (Grey. 1853); 453 (Grey. 1854); 468 (Grey. 1857); 701 (Kemp. 1867); I 129 (Grey. 1885); 1 199 (White. 1887); 1240 (White 1888); 12711272 (White. 1889); 1298 (White. 1890); 1299 (White. 1890?); see also waiata

Order of confirmation: 57 (Church of England 1838) Order of consecration of a burial-ground: 58 (Church of England. 1839) Order of the Good Templars see Independent Order of the Good Templars ordination services: 123 (Church of England. 1843); 493 (Church of England. I860?) Original purchase deed of Waitara: 497 (I860) Orimakatea Title Empowering Act 1889; **1259 (New Zealand. 1889) O’Rorke, George Maurice (1830-1916): **792 (New Zealand. 1873) Otago, land: 533 (Further papers relative to native affairs. 1861); see also Otakou Block Otago, land (legislation); **B93 (New Zealand. 1877); 947 (N.Z. Parliament House of Representatives, 1879); 1015 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1881); 1058 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1882); 1079 (New Zealand. 1883); 1334 (New Zealand. 1892)

Otago. Wesleyan mission: 99 (Watkin. 1841)

Otaki; 446 (Farewell address of the native tribes, 1853); 640 (Wellington Province. Superintendent. 1863); 1401 (Ko nga waiata mo te warn o nga ra o Tihema. 1894)

Otaki Industrial School; 434 (A spelling book, 1852); 483 (He pukapuka whika. 1858) Otaki Runanga: 485 (Te Pouepa, 1858) Otakou Block: 976 (N.Z. Middle Island Native Land Purchase Commission. 1880); 1009 (N.Z. Middle Island Native Land Purchase Commission. 1881); 1206 (Mackay. 1888); 1266 (N.Z. Parliament. Middle Island Native Claims Committee. 1889 Otakou. Hune 4. 1875: 839 (Ngai Tahu. 1875) Our own righteousness: 1145 (North. 1885) Outline of Scripture history: 1035 (Marlin. 1882); I 103 (Martin. 1884?) Outline of the law of England: 718 (Martin. 1868); 815 (Martin. 1874) Outlying Districts Sale of Spirits Act 1870 [1874]: 741 (1870?); 746 (N.Z Native Minister. 1870); 1874 : 819 (New Zealand. 1874) oyster fisheries (legislation): **692 (New Zealand. 1866); 731 (New Zealand. 1869); **B2o (New Zealand. 1874); **l 105 (New Zealand. 1884); 1331 (New Zealand. 1892); 1465 (New Zealand. 1896); see also fisheries Oyster Fisheries Act 1866 [1892): **692 (New Zealand. 1866); **llos (New Zealand. 1884); 1892. 1331 (New Zealand, 1892) Oyster Fisheries Act Amendment Act 1869 [1874]: **73 l (New Zealand. 1869); 1874 **B2o (New Zealand. 1874)


The Old Testament, arranged in historical and chronological order (Townsend): 384 (Burgh. 1850)


Oyster Fisheries Preservation Act 1884: **l 105 (New Zealand. 1884)


Paaka. Perehiwa see Parker, Percival

Paaka, Pita ( = Peter Parker) see Hawke's Bay Province. Postmaster

pacifism: 632-634 (Te Huia, 1863); 655 (Te Huia, 1864); see also Te Whiti-o-Rongomai 111

Packer. Edwin (d. 1876) 859 (N.Z. Armed Constabulary Force. 1876) Te paepae poto a Houmaitawhiti; 1390 (Te Arawa, 1893)

Paerata. Matenga: 28 (Declaration of the Independence of NZ. 1836); 34 (Declaration of the Independence of NZ. 1837)

Paerata, Rupene (d. 1887): 780 (Himene 1, 1873)

Pahau. Eruera: 1535 (Panuitanga, 1899?)

Pai Marire see Hauhau

Paikea, Heta: 1248 (Kia meou tangata whaiwhakaaro nunui katoa, 1889)

He painga mo te tinana; 209 (Matthews, 1844)

Paipera Tapu: 716 (Bible. 1868); 1241 (Bible. 1889)

Pairama: 505 (Mahau Turakino, 1860)

A Pakeha-Maori: 842 (1875?); 915 (1878?); 1061 (1882?); 1165(1886?); 1534(1899?)

The Pakeha Maori see Kemp, Henry Tacy

Pakeha. relations with Maori see Maori, relations with Pakeha

Pakeha. Te ahua tangi. Maori: 147 (Nga

pukapuka wakaako-Pakeha, 1843)

Paki see Puckey, William Gilbert

Te paki o Matariki: S3l (1892-1935?)

Pakimana. Wiremu see Paxman, William

Pakowhai, 4 Mei. 1876; 866 (1876)

Pakowhai, Hune 5, 1876: 867 (1876)

Paniana, Hoani see Bunyan, John

Panui see also proclamations and official notices and titles beginning Panuitanga

He panui: 1341 (1892)

He panui ki nga minita me nga rangatira Maori mo te kura mo a ratou tamahine ka tu ki Tauranga: 884 (Grace. 1877)

He panui kite iwi Maori katoa o Aotearoa: 837 (N.Z. Returning Office (Eastern Maori Electorate). 1875)

Panui Maori. Te pitihana turaki i te Kamupene: 1093 (1883?)

He panui na te Komiti Takiwa mo te Ture Whenua Maori a te Paranihi; 1 166 (1886); 1 191 (1887)

He panui tenei: 952 (Poneke, Akuhata 26, 1879)

Panuitanga see also proclamations and official notices and titles beginning Panui

Panuitanga the following entries are filed in date order (1860-1900). followed by undated items He Panuitanga [25 January I860]: 509 (N.Z. Governor (1855-1861 : Browne), 1860) Panuitanga [3l March I860]: 512 (N.Z. Governor (1855-1861 : Browne). 1860) Panuitanga [9 October I860]: 518 (N.Z. Governor (1855-1861 : Browne), 1860) Panuitanga (January 1862]; 570 (N.Z. Colonial Secretary, 1862?) He Panuitanga [1 April 1862]; 578 (He Panuitanga. Ngarua-Wahi[a]. Aperira, I. 1862) Panuitanga [June 1862]; 577 (Panuitanga. Kotahi te iwi tahae, 1862) Panuitanga [5 April 1863]: **6o3 (N.Z. Attorney General’s Office, 1863) Panuitanga [1 I May 1863]; 610 (N.Z. Governor (1861-1868 : Grey). 1863) Panuitanga [9 July 1863]; 611 (N.Z. Governor (1861-1868 : Grey). 1863) Panuitanga [I 1 July 1863]; 613 (N.Z. Governor (1861-1868 : Grey). 1863); 620 (N.Z. Native Minister, 1863) Panuitanga [l4 July 1863]: 621 (N.Z. Native Minister, 1863) Panuitanga [l4 August 1863]: 614 (N.Z. Governor (1861-1868 : Grey), 1863) Panuitanga [l9 August 1863]: 616 (N.Z. Governor (1861-1868 : Grey), 1863) Panuitanga [2 November 1863]; 617 (N.Z. Minister for Colonial Defence, 1863)

Panuitanga [9 December 1863]: Sl4/no. 6 (Gazette notices, 1863-1864) Panuitanga [27 June 1864]: SI4/no. 13 (Gazette notices. 1863-1864) Panuitanga [l7 December 1864]: 650 (N.Z. Governor (1861-1868 ; Grey), 1864) Panuitanga [2l March 1865]: 672 (N.Z. Governor (1861-1868 : Grey). 1865) Panuitanga [27 August 1874]; 827 (Puna. 1874) He panuitanga [1876?]: 868 (1876?) Panuitanga [l4 February 1876]: 859 (N.Z. Armed Constabulary Force, 1876) Panuitanga! [lB April 1879]: 938 (N.Z. Native Dept. 1879) He panuitanga [8 July 1897]: 1498 (1897) He panuitanga [23 August 1897]: 1499 (1897) Panuitanga [May 1900]: 1558 a (N.Z. Colonial Secretary, 1900) He panuitanga i raro i te mana o te Komiti Maori o te TaKiwa o Rotorua, 1883: 12501251 (Komiti Maori o te Takiwa o Rotorua. 1889) Panuitanga Kawanga Whare-karakia ki Mangahanea; 1535(1899?)



He panuitanga ki nga Kai-whakawa Maori: 549 (N.Z. Minister of Native Affairs. 1861)

He panuitanga ki nga tangata e tono ana kia puta he utu ki a ratou mo te whenua kua tangohia: 671 (N.Z. Colonial Secretary. 1865)

Panuitanga kite katoa. [l4 August 1888]: 1218 (N.Z. Chief Surveyor. 1888?)

He panuitanga tena kia kite koutou: 830 (Te Wananga. 1874)

He panuitanga tenei. He panuitanga tenei kia rongo nga iwi e rua te iwi Maori: 1075 (Komiti Maori o Wairarapa. 1883?)

He panuitanga tenei i etahi ture kua oti nei te whakatakoto e te Runanganui: Sl4/no. 3 (Gazette notices. 1863-1864)

He panuitanga tenei kia rongo ai nga tangata Maori katoa o runga: 729 (Maunsell. 1869)

He panuitanga tenei kia rongo nga tangata katoa kua ki atu te Kawana kite lino rangatira o nga hoia: 523 a (Taranaki. Superintendent, 1860)

Papawai: 524 (Te Rauparaha. 1860); 1075 (Komiti Maori o Wairarapa. 1883?); 1492 (Maori Parliament. 1897?); 1521 (Seddon. 1898); 1562 (Notes of meetings. 1900); 539 (Te Puke ki Hikurangi. 1897-1913)

Papawai Bill: 1515 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1898)

Papers relating to inquest on Unukawa (or Selwyn) a Wanganui native: 582 (Ross. 1862)

Papers relative to the native meeting held at

Peria, in October. 1862: 624 (1863)

Papita, Hoani see Becker. John Baptist

Paraekaretu Block: 1533 (Ngati Apa. 1899?)

Parai. Hemi; 826 (1874)

Paraihe/Paraihi see Bryce. John

He parana mo te Ra Tapu: 467 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion, 1856)

Te parane mo nga kai kauwhau o te Hahi Weteriana. Akarana, 1861-62: 556 (Wesleyan

Methodist Connexion. 1861)

Paranihi see Ballance, John

Paraone. Hiria see Brown. Marianne Celia

Paraone. Minita see Brown. Alfred Nesbit

Paraone. Tamati Koa see N.Z. Governor (18551861 ; Browne)

Paraone, Te Hemara Rerehau see Te Rerehau, Hemara

Paraone, Turuhira: 539 (Te puke ki Hikurangi, 1897-1913)

Parata (Brother) see Williams. William

Parata. Tame Haereroa (1832-38?-!917); also referred to as Mr Pratt: I 150 (Census of the Middle Island natives. 1886); 1365 (New

Zealand. 1893); 1548 (Ki nga Kai-pooti mema o Te Waipounamu, ca. 1900); **1551 (New Zealand. 1900) Parata. Wiremu Te Kakakura (1837-1905): 952 (Poneke. Akuhata 26. 1879) Pare, Eruera see Hongi. Edward Parry Paremata i Te Waipatu: 1359 (Maori Parliament, 1893?) Paremata Maori 1894; 1426 (Maori Parliament 1895) Paremata Maori o Niu Tireni. Nohanga Tuatahi I tu ki Te Waipatu. Hune 14. 1892: 1320 (Maori Parliament. 1892) Paremata Maori o Nui Tireni. Nohanga Tuawha: 1427 (Maori Parliament. 1895?) Paremata Maori. Waipatu. 1893. Ripoata ate Komiti. Aperira 17, 1893; 1359 (Maori Parliament, 1893?) Parihaka (legislation): 1040 (New Zealand. 1882); see also government forces, indemnity: Te Whip o Rongomai 111 Parihoro: 243 (N.Z. Governor (1843-1845 : Fitzßoy). 1845) Parikarangaranga o te arohanoa: 918-919 (Stanley. 1878); 955 (Stanley, ca. 1879); 1227 (Stanley, ca. 1888)

Parker. Mrs (author of 'Decision and indecision'); 343 (1847) Parker. Percival; = Perehiwa Paaka: 523 (Matariki. 1881) Parker, Peter ( = Pita Paaka) see Hawke’s Bay Province. Postmaster Parkes, Samuel: 836 (New Zealand. 1875) Parliament see N.Z. Parliament; see also Maori Parliament; Maori representation Parliament (legislation): 944 (N.Z. Parliament House of Representatives. 1879); 992 (N.Z Parliament. House of Representatives. 1880) Parliamentary proceedings and legislation, translation: 678 (Te Herekau. 1965); **B64 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1876); 878 (He whakamaramatanga mo Te lure Hoko. Riihi hoki, i nga Whenua Maori, 1876); 901 (N.Z. Parliament House of Representatives. 1877); **loBo (New Zealand. 1883); 1269 (Wahawaha. 1889?); 1278 (New Zealand. 1890); **l3ll (N.Z. Parliament House of Representatives. 1891); SI 7 (Ko te kahiti o Niu Tireni. 1865-1933); SIS (Te waka Maori o Niu Tirani, 1871-1877); S2O (N.Z. Parliament House of Representatives Native Affairs Committee. 1876-1962); S2I (Te waka Maori o Niu Tirani (1878-1879); 522/1886 (New Zealand. 18791910); 524 (N.Z. Parliament. 1881-1906); 527 (Te waka Maori o Aotearoa. 1884) see also



entries under New Zealand (for Acts in Maori) and N.Z. Parliament (for Bills in Maori)

Parore. Hakena and Wiremu Reweti 1032 (Ki nga rangatira Maori kei Niu Tirani. 1 882)

Parris. Robert Reid (1816-1904): 497 (Further papers relative to the Taranaki land question. 1860)

Parry. Edward see Hongi. Edward Parry

pan-Maori: land allocations: 1206-1207 (Mackay, 1888)

part-Maori: land allocations (legislation): **792 (New Zealand. 1873); **B93 (New Zealand. 1877); 1078 (New Zealand. 1883); 1211 (New Zealand. 1888); **1220 (N.Z. Parliament, 1888)

Paruparu (Forsyth Island): 1118 (N.Z. Parliament. Legislative Council. Native Affairs Committee, 1884)

pastoral letters: 54 (Bumby, 1839); **lo6 (Catholic Church. 1842?); 120-122 (Catholic Church. 1843); 222 (Catholic Church. 1845); 469 (Pompallier, 1857); 481-482 (Pompallier, 1858); 579 (Pompallier. 1862); 626-627 (Pompallier. 1863); 1133 (Luck. 1885); see also sermons

pastoral visits; 254 (Selwyn. 1845); **359 (Colenso. 1848); 372 (Colenso. 1849); 393 (Colenso, 1850): 406 (Colenso. 1851); 413 (Selwyn, 1851); 424 (Colenso, 1852); 462 (Selwyn. 1855); 467 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion, 1856); 484 (Selwyn, 1858); 555 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1861); 963 (Williams. 1879); 5202 (Church of England. Diocese of Wellington, 1858-1865)

He patai: I 14 (Maunsell, 1842); 210 (Maunsell, 1844); 364 (Maunsell, 1848); 399 (Maunsell. 1850)

He patai mo te tangata hara: 1147 (Tera e totohu te kaipuke i te puta kotahi, 1885)

Patara see Buddie, Thomas; Raukatauri Patara

Patene, Wiremu (1810-1884): 594 (Further papers relative to the native insurrection, 1863); 693 (1866)

Patete, Haimona (= Simon) (1863/647-1921): 1487 (Te Hahi o te Ruri Tuawhitu o Ihowa. 1897?)

Patiki, Philip: 229 (Matthews. 1845)

Patteson, John Coleridge (1827-1871) 1022 (Tangata. 1881)

Patukakariki. Wiremu Ngakawa: 542 (N.Z. Governor (1855-1861 : Browne). 1861)

Patuki. John Topi see Patuki. Topi

Patuki, Topi (d. 1900); also known as John Topi Patuki: 839 (Ngai Tahu, 1875): 916-917 (1878)

Pauro; 697 (Te Puehu. 1866)

Paxman, Katherine Ann Love (Katie); 1242 (Book of Mormon, 1889) Paxman. William (1835-1897); = Wiremu Pakimana: 1 167 (ca. 1886); 1242 (Book of Mormon. 1889) The pearl of days; 428 (Farquhar, 1852) Peawhairangi, Maehe 10, 1887: 1 192 (1887?) Te Peeke o Aotearoa; 1154 (Kotahi pauna, 1886?) Pehi see Best, Elsdon Pehiriri, Mihaka: 761 (1871?) Peine see Spain, William Peka, Hohepa see Baker. Joseph Goadby He peka o te kowhai: 750 (Taylor. 1870) Pelham, Henry Thomas, 3rd Earl of Chichester (1804-1886); = Titeta: 386 (CMS. 1850) penalties for armed resistance: 496 (Evidence of native chiefs, 1860); see also Parihaka; Te Whiti-o-Rongomai 111 Pene. Hirini; 25 (Colenso, 1835) Peneha, Pererika H. see Spencer, Frederick Hamilton Penekarati, Tiati see Prendergast, Sir James Penetana see Fenton. Francis Dart Peneti see Bennett. Frederick Augustus

Penihana Kaumatua, 1898: 1512 (New Zealand, 1898) pensions see financial support, government pepeha see oral traditions Pere see Bell. Sir Francis Dillon Pere, Wiremu (1837-1915): **1263 (New Zealand. 1889); 1292 (Nihoniho, 1890); 1391 (Tomoana, 1893); 1532 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. Native Affairs Committee, 1899); 523 (MatariKi, 1881) Peria, Wahi o Matamata, Hepetema 2. 1862; **s9l (Te Waharoa, 1862) pests and animal diseases (legislation): 1282 (New Zealand, 1890); see also animal remedies; lice; rabbits; scab; weeds Petani see Bethany Petatone/Petetona see Featherston, Isaac Earl Peter the Great: 226 (Martin, 1845) He petihona na Ngaitahu kite Paremata o Nu Tireni: 825 (Ngai Tahu, 1874) Petition see also Petitions from Maori Petition [2O March 1858]; 485 (Te Pouepa, 1858) A petition for redress of grievances from the Ngaitahu to the Parliament of New Zealand; 825 (Ngai Tahu. 1874) Petition from Major Kemp and thirty-two others: 807 (Te Rangihiwinui. 1873) Petition from na Tikawenga Te Tau, and fortyfour others: 809 (Te Tau, 1873) Petition from Renata Kawepo. and twenty-four others; 782 (Kawepo. 1873)



Petition of 300 Maoris of Hawke’s Bay. Wairoa. Turanga, and Taupo 801 (1873)

Petition of 371 Maoris of Hawke’s Bay. Wairarapa, Wairoa. and Turanganui: 802 (1873)

Petition of H M. Rangitakaiwaho and others: 870 (Rangitakaiwaho. 1876)

Petition of Haimona Te Aoterangi, and 167 others; 828 (Te Aoterangi, 1874)

Petition of Hemi Parai: 826 (Parai, 1874)

Petition of Henare Matua and twenty-nine others: 787 (Matua. 1873)

Petition of Henare Matua and twenty-two others: 816 (Matua, 1874)

Petition of Henere Te Herekau and other natives: 678 (Te Herekau. 1865)

Petition of Heta Hungahunga on the subject of certain lands at Waipawa: 753 (Hungahunga. 1871)

Petition of Hiraka Te Aroatua and others. complaining of the sale of certain lands in the Province of Hawke's Bay: 764 (Te Aroatua. 1871)

Petition of Hirini Karauria Pupu. etc., relative to a mortgage over his land in the Province of Hawke’s Bay: 763 (Pupu, 1871)

Petition of lhakara and other natives resident at Rangitikei and Manawatu: 666 (lhakara Te Hokowhitukuri, 1865)

Petition of John Topi Patuki: 916-917 (Patuki. 1878)

Petition of Major Kemp Te Rangihiwinui: 1418 (Te Rangihiwinui. 1894)

Petition of Manuhiri and 488 others of the Maniapoto and Waikato tribes (and correspondence relative thereto): 1092 (Ngapora. 1883)

Petition of Matene Te Whiwhi and Otaki natives: 686 (Te Whiwhi. 1865)

Petition of Mohi Mangakahia and 19 others: 814 (Mangakahia. 1874)

Petition of natives of Poverty Bay and East Cape: 673 (1865)

Petition of natives resident at Wharekahika: 674 (1865)

Petition of natives residing at the East Cape: 675 (1865)

Petition of Nopera Kuikainga and others, as to the claim of a native woman ... to certain lands in the Waikato District: 754 (Kuikainga. 1871)

Petition of Paora Tuhaere: 767 {Tuhaere. 1871)

Petition of Parakaia Panepa and other natives: 682 (Te Pouepa. 1865)

Petition of Raniera Turoa and 595 others: 1148 (Turoa. 1885)

Petition of Reha Aperahama and 47 others; 879 (Aperahama. 1877) Petition of Rutene Te Umanga and 204 others, and correspondence relative thereto: 1096 (Te Umanga. 1883) Petition of Tamihana Te Rauparaha and others: 765 (Te Rauparaha. 1871) Petition of Te Rangiwhakaewa and others relative to the purchase of the Seventy-mile Bush; 762 (1871) Petition of Te Teira Manuka and other natives of Waitara; 635 (Te Teira. 1863) Petition of the Arawa tribe: 694 (Te Arawa, 1866) Petition of the Maniapoto, Raukawa, Tuwharetoa. and Whanganui tribes; 1094 (1883) Petition of Tuta Nihoniho and Wi Pewhairangi and the report of the Native Affairs Committee thereon: 1291 (Nihoniho. 1890) Petition of Wi Tamihana Te Waharoa; 698 (Te Waharoa, 1866) Petition of Wi Te Hakiro and 336 others; 873 (Te Hakiro. 1876)

Petition of Wi TuKu and 141 others: 847 (Tuku, 1875) Petition of William Barton, of Waipa, Waikato: 693 (Patene. 1866) Petition of William Thompson Tarapipipi: 684 (Te Waharoa. 1865) Petition of William Thompson. Te Waharoa; 685 (Te Waharoa. 1865) Petition relative to the Native Reserves Bill: 808 (Te Rangiotu. 1873) Petition relative to the Timber Floating Bill: 783 (Kawepo, 1873) Petitions from East Coast natives relative to their lands: 724 (1868) petitions from Maori: 485 (Te Pouepa, 1858); 635 (Te Teira. 1863); 666 (lhakara Te Hokowhitukuri. 1865); 673 (Petition of natives of Poverty Bay and East Cape. 1865); 673 (Petition of natives of Poverty Bay and East Cape. 1865); 674 (Petition of natives resident at Wharekahika. 1865); 675 (Petition of natives residing at the East Cape. 1865); 678 (Te Herekau. 1965); 682 (Te Pouepa. 1865); 684-685 (Te Waharoa. 1865); 686 (Te Whiwhi, 1865); 693 (Patene. 1866); 694 (Te Arawa. 1866); 698 (Te Waharoa. 1866); 710 (Petitions presented to the House of Representatives. 1867); 724 (Petitions from East Coast natives relative to their lands. 1868) 735 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. Public Petitions Committee. 1869) 753 (Hungahunga. 1871); 754 (Kuikainga. 1871); 762 (Petition of Te Rangiwhakaewa and others. 1871); 763



(Pupu. 1871); 764 (Te Aroatua. 1871); 765 (Te Rauparaha. 1871); 767 (Tuhaere, 1871); 782 (Kawepo. 1873); 787 (Matua. 1873); 801 (Petition of 300 Maoris of Hawke’s Bay, 1873); 802 (Petition of 371 Maoris of Hawke’s Bay. 1873); 803-804 (Sheehan. 1873); 807 (Te Rangihiwinui. 1873); 808 (Te Rangiotu. 1873); 809 (Te Tau, 1873); 814 (Mangakahia. 1874); 816 (Matua, 1874); 825 (Ngai Tahu, 1874); 826 (Parai, 1874); 828 (Te Aoterangi.lB74); 832 (Ki a Wikitoria. te Kuini 0 te rangatiratanga, 1875?); 841 (Ngai Tahu. 1875); 845 (Te Aratapu, Kaipara, 29 o Mei, 1875); 870 (Rangitakaiwaho, 1876); 873 (Te Hakim, 1876); 879 (Aperahama. 1877); 885 (Kawepo. 1877); 916-917 (Patuki, 1878); 1010 (N.Z. Native Affairs Committee. 1881); 1032 (Ki nga rangatira Maori kei Niu Tirani, 1882) 1072 (The Himatangi back rents. 1883) 1074 (Ko te pitihana a nga iwi o Niu Tireni ki Ingarani, 1883?); 1092 (Ngapora, 1883); 1094 (Petition of the Maniapoto, Raukawa, Tuwharetoa, and Whanganui tribes. 1883): 1096 (Te Umanga, 1883); 1101 (He kupu whakaatu enei mo to matou haerenga mai ki Ingarangi, 1884); 1118 (N.Z. Parliament. Legislative Council. Native Affairs Committee, 1884); 1 148 (Turoa, 1885); 1 168 (Nga pukapuka tuhituhi i waenganui i a rore tapere, i a Tawhiao, 1886); 1203 (Te Kainga Takiwa Porowini i te Koroni o Nui Tireni. 1888); 1204 (Kia hiwa e kia hiwa raa, 1888); 1205 (Ko nga kupu a te hui. 1888); 1238 (Treaty of Waitangi (1840). ca. 1888); 1356 (Te karoro tipi hau, 1893); 1358 (Maori Parliament, 1893); 1361 (Maori Parliament, 1893?); 1388 (Pitihana a Meiha Keepa Te Rangihiwinui me etahi atu, 1893); 1407 (New Zealand, 1894); 1418 (Te Rangihiwinui. 1894); 1462 (New Zealand. 1896); 1472 (N.Z. Parliament. Legislative Council. Native Affairs Committee. 1896); 1492 (Maori Parliament. 1897?); **1516 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives, 1898); 1517 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. Native Affairs Committee, 1898); IslB(Poneke. Hurae 25 1898); 1532 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. Native Affairs Committee. 1899); 1533 (Ngati Apa. 1899?); 1 563 (He pitihana na matou na nga tangata Maori, 1900?); S2O (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. Native Affairs Committee. 1876-1962)

Petitions of Renata Kawepo and 790 others, and Piripi Ropata and 200 others: 885 (Kawepo, 1877)

Petitions presented to the House of Representatives and ordered to be printed: 710 (1867) Petomi: 316 (N.Z. Southern Division. 1846) Pewhairangi, Wi; 1291 (Nihoniho. 1890) Pewhariha, Pihopa (Bishop) see Beveridge. William Peyton. S. L; SlO (Aotearoa. or The Maori recorder. 1861-1862) Phipps, George Augustus Constantine, 2nd Marquess of Normanby (1819-1890) see N.Z. Governor (1875-1879 : Normanby) photographs: 1561-1562 (Notes of meetings. 1900) Te pihoihoi mokemoke i runga i te tuanui; SIS (1863) Pihopa, Mata (‘Mrs Bishop’) see Selwyn, Sarah Pihopa Herewini see Selwyn, George Augustus Te piipiwharauroa, tihe, tihe, tihe ere mauriora, hapainga e, hapainga e; 1292 (Nihoniho, 1890) Pika. Eruera Paru; 145 (Nga pukapuka wakaakoPakeha, 1843) The pilgrim’s progress: 451 (Bunyan, 1854)

Pipi-wharauroa He Kupu whakamarama: 542 (1899-1913) He Pire e huaina ana He lure hei whakatikatika i nga ture e pa ana ki nga whenua Maori: 1090 (N.Z. Parliament, 1883) He Pire e huaina ana He Ture mo le haere pokanoa mete paunatanga kararehe. mete whakahaere i nga Pauna mo le Katoa; I 106 (New Zealand. 1884) Pire e meatia ana kia mahia hei Whakanohonoho kite Tangata hei Whakahaere hoki i nga Whenua Maori: 1532 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. Native Affairs Committee. 1899) Nga Pire kiha paahi i te whare: 1359 (Maori Parliament, 1893?) Te Pire Kiore see Maori Councils Act 1900 Pire mo nga whakamananga me nga whakaritenga motuhake: 1083 (New Zealand. 1883); **llo9 (New Zealand. 1884) Pire Murunga-hara; 1037 (New Zealand. 1882) Te Pire whakanohonoho kite Tangata Whakahaere hoki i nga Whenua Maori (Ripoata mo te Pire): 1517 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. Native Affairs Committee. 1898) Pitihana a Meiha Keepa Te Rangihiwinui me etahi atu: 1 388 (1893) He pitihana na matou na nga tangata Maori e mau ake nei nga ingoa i raro nei; 1563 (1900?) Pitihera see Fitzgerald, Thomas



Pitihira. Takuta (Doctor) see Fitzgerald. John Patrick

Pitiroi. Ropata (Robert Fitzßoy) see N.Z. Governor (1843-1845 : Fitzßoy)

Plan of land purchases in South and Stewart Islands: 834 (Mackay. 1875)

Plans of land purchases in the North Island of New Zealand: 91 I (Maori deeds of land purchases. 1877-1878)

ploughing: 827 (Puna. 1874); 935 (Native difficulties at Taranaki, 1879)

Poems, traditions, and chaunts of the Maories: 447 (Grey. 1853)

poetry: 409 (Hemans. 1851?); 412 (Te ngaro mahi honi. 1851?); 742 (Martin. 1870); 1201 (Hankey. 1888); see also national anthem; songs; waiata

Poetry of the New Zealanders: 447 (Grey. 1853)

Pokai. Hone Heke see Heke Pokai. Hone Wiremu

Pokiha see Fox. Sir William

Te pokorua raua ko te kihikihi: **73B (Aesop, ca. 1870?)

police see N.Z. Police

Pollen. Daniel (1813-1896): 722 (New Zealand. 1868); 817. 820. 822 (New Zealand. 1874); 890-**B9l New Zealand, 1877); 904-905 (N.Z. Parliament. Legislative Council. 1877); SIS (Te waka Maori o Niu Tirani, 1871-1877)

Polynesian languages, dictionaries; 1314 (Tregear. 1891); 1503 (Tregear. 1897)

Polynesian mythology and ancient traditional history of the New Zealand race: 453 (Grey. 1854); 1 129 (Grey. 1885)

Pomaparie. Hoane Papita Werahiko see Pompallier. Jean Baptiste Francois

Pbmare. Sir Maui Wiremu Piti Naera (1875/76?1930): 1421 (Amatana, 1895?)

Pompallier. Jean Baptiste Francois (1801-1871); = Hoane Papita Werahiko Pomaparie; 55 (Catholic Church. 1839); 91 (Catholic Church. 1841); 105 (Bible. N. T. ca.1842); **lo6 (Catholic Church. 1842?); 120-122 (Catholic Church. 1843); 130 (Maunsell, 1843); 222 (Catholic Church. 1845); 377 (1849); 469 (1857); 481-482 (1858); 490-491 (1859); 522523 (I860); 551 (1861); 579-581 (1862); 625627 (1863); 631 (Taylor. 1863); 652 (1864); see also Catholic Church

Poneke: the following entries are filed in date order (1843-1898)

Poneke. Hune 24. 1843: 132 (N.Z. Police. 1843)

Poneke. Pepuere 2. 1861: 552 (Searancke. 1861)

Poneke. 13 Mei. 1863. Ki nga rangatira katoa. ki nga tangata katoa. o Poneke. o Porirua: 619 (N.Z. Native Minister. 1863)

Poneke, 28 o Hurae, 1863: 605 (N.Z. Colonial Secretary, 1863) Poneke, Hune, 10 1864: 660 (Wellington Province Superintendent. 1 864) Poneke. Hepetema 8. 1870: 746 (N.Z. Native Minister. 1870) Poneke, Hepetema 20. 1870: 747 (N.Z. Native Minister. 1870) Poneke. Hepetema 26. 1870: 748 (N.Z Native Minister. 1870) Poneke, Oketopa 18. 1870: 745 (N.Z Native Dept. 1870) Poneke. Tihema 5, 1876: 856 (Mackay, 1876) Poneke, Akuhata 26, 1879: 952 (1879) Poneke. Hune 30. 1886: 1155 (Mair. 1886) Poneke, Hurae 25 1898: 1518 (1898) Poneke. Whare Tuhituhi, Hurae te 5. 1864; 659 (Wellington Province. Provincial Council, 1864) Pono. Aroha (pseudonym) see Colenso, William Pope, James Henry (1837-1913); = Hemi Henare te Popi; Hemi H. Popi: **1052 (N.Z. Dept of Education. 1882); 1089 (N.Z. Dept, of Education. 1883); 1120-1121 (1884); 1142 (N.Z. Native Minister. 1885); 1193 (1887); 1473-1474 (1896); see also N.Z. Inspector of Native Schools (1895) for works in official capacity Popi, Hemi Henare see Pope, James Henry Te popokorua raua ko te kihikihi: **73B (Aesop, ca. 1870?) Te popokorua raua ko te kowhiliwhiti: **73B (Aesop, ca. 1870?) Popular Maori songs; 1389 (1893); 1393 (He waiata na tetahi tangata mo tana tamaiti. 1893); Supplement No. 1: 1519 (1898)

population, Maori: 739 (Kemp. 1870); see also census Porangahau. land: 764 (Te Aroatua. 1871) Porirua, land: 835 (Native land at Porirua for educational purposes. 1875) He poroporoaki tenei naku mo taku tamaiti. mo Matena Tarawhiti; 587 (Tarawhiti. 1862) postal services; 562-563 (Hawke’s Bay Province. Postmaster. 1862); 642 (Hawke’s Bay Province. Postmaster. 1864); 938 (N.Z. Native Department. 1879) Pdtae. Henare (d 1895) 867 (Pakowhai. Hune 5. 1876); 869 (1876) Potangaroa. Paora see Te Pdtangaroa. Paora Potatau I (d. 1860) ( Ist Maori king) see Te Wherowhero. Potatau Potatau II (d. 1894) ( 2nd Maori king) see Tawhiao. Tukaroto Matutaera Potatau Te Wherowhero Potiki. te kori na i te rehurehunga: 409 (Hemans, 1851?)



Poto Poto. Wiremu; 477 a (Ko te ture hoko, 1858?)

Pou. Wiremu; also known as Wiremu Te Wana; Wiremu Te Whai: 641 (Aborigines’ Protection Society. 1864)

Pouaka: I 176 (Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints. 1887?)

Pour out thy spirit; 780 (Himene 1, 1873)

Poututu Jurisdiction Act 1889: **1260 (New Zealand. 1889)

Poverty Bay see East Coast

Poverty Bay Grants Act 1869: **732 (New Zealand. 1869)

Poverty Bay Lands Titles Act 1874: 821 (New Zealand, 1874)

practical information see newspapers and almanacs (in Serials section)

Pratt. Mr see Parata, Tame Haereroa

Pratt. Josiah (1768-1844): 2 (Kendall. 1820)

prayer books. Anglican; 11 (Bible. Selections, 1830); 19 (Church of England, 1833); 56 (Church of England. 1839); 72-74 (Church of England, 1840); 92-93 (Church of England, 1841); 109 (Church of England, 1842); 197 (Church of England. 1844); 357 (Church of England. 1848); 391-392 (Church of England 1850); 405 (Church of England. 1851 ?); 421 - 422 (Church of England, 1852); 472-474 (Church of England. 1858); 487-488 (Church of England. 1859); 851 (Church of England. 1876); 909 (Church of England. 1878); 928 (Church of England. 1879); 965 (Church of England, 1880): 997 (Church of England. 1881); 1025 (Church of England. 1882); 1068-1069 (Church of England. 1883); 1097 (Church of England. 1884); I 175 (Church of England. 1887); 1273 (Church of England. 1890); 1350 (Church of England. 1893); 142; (Church of England, 1895); 1485 (Church of England. 1897) see also Apostles’ Creed; Bibf readings; calendars; Book of Common Prayei

prayer books. Catholic: 55 (Catholic Church, 1839); 90 (Catholic Church. 1841?); 121 (Catholic Church, 1843); 327 (Catholic Church, 1847); 471 (Catholic Church, 1858); 530 (Catholic Church, 1861); 927 (Catholic Church. 1879); 964 (Catholic Church. 1880); 1200 (Catholic Church. 1888); 1243 (Catholic Church. 1889); 1395-1396 (Catholic Church. 1894); 1484 (Catholic Church, 1897); 1544 (Catholic Church. 1900) see also Mass

prayer books, Wesleyan; 37 (Ko te Kongo Pai i tuhituhia e nga kai wakaako o Ihu Karaiti, 1837); 42 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1837) 51 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1838) 64 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion.

1839); 102 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1841); 258 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion, 1845); 367 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1848); 555 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1861); 925 (Bible. O.T. Psalms. 1879); 1419 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1894) prayers: 781 (He inoi mo nga hoa i tawhiti, ca. 1873) prayers. Anglican: 96 (Lord’s Prayer, 1841?); 218 (Andrewes, 1845); 318 (Andrewes, 1847); 331 (Colenso, 1847); 403 (Andrewes, 1851); 687 (Williams. 1862); 726 (Andrewes. 1869); I 122 (Andrewes, 1885); 1246 (He inoi ma nga tamariki, 1889?); 1349 (Andrewes. 1893); 1400 (He inoi mo te whakaritenga, 1894?); 1506 (He inoi mo te Karaiti, ca. 1898); 1539 (Williams. 1899) prayers. Catholic: 120 (Catholic Church, 1843) prayers. Mormon; 1 152 (Te inoi mo te wai, 1886?); 1423 (Ko te inoi mo te taro. ca. 1895); 1424 (Ko te inoi mo te wai. ca. 1895) prayers, Wesleyan: 7 (Lord’s Prayer. 1826); 9 (Bible. Selections, 1827); 35 (He inoi mo nga Pakeha me nga Maori, ca. 1837); 41 (Turner. 1837); 43 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion, 1837); 49 (Turner, 1838); 50 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion, 1838); 84 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion.. 1840); 100 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion, 1841); 498 (He inoi mo nga Pakeha me nga Maori, ca. 1860?) preachers. Maori; 229 (Matthews, 1845-1850); 1487 (Te Hahi o te Ruri Tuawhitu o Ihowa. 1897?)

Preces privatae quotidianae. Selections: 218 (Andrewes. 1845); 318 (Andrewes. 1847); 403 (Andrewes, 1851); 1122 (Andrewes, 1885); 1349 (Andrewes. 1893) Precis grammatical de la langue Maori: 998 (Deidier, 1881) Preece, J. W. (d. 1878); 724 (Petitions from East Coast natives. 1868) Premier’s Bill: **1514 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives, 1898) Prendergast, Sir James (1826-1921); = Tiati PeneKarati: 846 (Torotoro. 1875) printed books, price and value: 19 (Church of England 1833); 27 (Bible. N T. Luke. 1836); 1 14 (Maunsell, 1842); 927 (Catholic Church. 1879); 934 (Maunsell. 1879); 964 (Catholic Church. 1880) printers, Maori: 60 (Colenso, 1839); 200 (Colenso, 1844); 229 (Matthews. 1845-1850); **3l3 (Multiplication and pence tables. 1846); 330 (Colenso. 1847); 527 (Toetoe, 1860); 641 (Aborigines’ Protection Society. 1864); 719 (Martin, 1868); 830 (Te Wananga,



1874); see also names of individuals in Printer/Publisher index

prisoners; 651 (N.Z Native Dept Interpreter. 1864) 667 (Ko pukemaire kua riro mail. 1865) 689 (Haerehuka, 1866); 696 (Te Moananui. 1866); 697 (Te Puehu. 1866); 699 (Whitorangi. 1866); 977 (N.Z. Native Minister. 1880); 1389 (Popular Maori songs. 1893)

prisoners (legislation): 936 (New Zealand. 1879) 939 (N.Z. Parliament. 1879); 979 (N.Z. Parliament. 1880); 980 (N.Z Parliament. 1880) 1051 (New Zealand. 1882); 1087 (New Zealand. 1883)

Private prayers see He kupu ma te ngakau inoi (Andrewes)

Proceedings of the Kohimarama Conference: 504 (Kohimarama Conference. 1860?)

Proclamations: the following entries are filed in date order (1824-1875). for Mdori-language equivalents see Panuitanga or Wakarongo/Whakarongo

Proclamation. [l7 May 1824] I. By His Excellency Sir Thomas Brisbane: 6 (New South Wales. Governor. 1824)

Proclamation. (8 January 1845]: 240 (N.Z Governor (1843-1845 : Fitzßoy). 1845)

Proclamation. [l5 January 1845]: 241 (N.Z Governor (1843-1845 : Fitzßoy). 1845)

Proclamation (31 January 1845]: 242 (N.Z. Governor (1843-1845 ; Fitzßoy). 1845)

Proclamation. (3 March 1845]: 243 (N.Z Governor (1843-1845 : Fitzßoy). 1845)

Proclamation. [26 April 1845]: 246 (N.Z. Governor (1843-1845 : Fitzßoy)

Proclamation. [2O September 1845]: 247 (N.Z. Governor (1843-1845 : Fitzßoy), 1845)

Proclamation. 20 December 1875. stating the Maori King’s legal code: **B44 (Tawhiao. 1875)

proclamations and official notices: 6 (New South Wales. Governor (1821-1825 : Brisbane). 1824); 80. 82 (N.Z. Lieutenant-Governor (1840-1841 : Hobson). 1840); 211 (N.Z. Governor (1843-1845 : Fitzßoy). 1844); 240243, 246-247 (N.Z. Governor (1843-1845 ; Fitzßoy). 1845); 314-315 (N.Z. Governor (1845-1853 : Grey). 1846); 400 (N.Z. Colonial Secretary. 1850); 433-434 (N.Z. Governor (1845-1853 Grey). 1852); 508-512. 514. 516-517 (N.Z. Governor (1855-1861 : Browne), I860?); 523 a (Taranaki Province Superintendent. 1860); 542, 545 (N.Z Governor (1855-1861 ; Browne). 1861); 549 (N.Z. Minister for Native Affairs, 1861); 570 (N.Z. Colonial Secretary, 1862?); 602-603

(N.Z. Attorney General’s Office. 1863); 604 (N.Z. Colonial Secretary, 1863); 608-611. 613-614. 616-617 (N.Z. Governor (1861-1868 Grey). 1863); 620-621 (N.Z. Minister for Native Affairs. 1863); 648-649 (N.Z. Colonial Secretary. 1864); 650 (N.Z. Governor (18611868 : Grey). 1864); 671 (N.Z. Colonial Secretary. 1865); 672 (N.Z. Governor (18611868 : Grey). 1865); 1138 (New Zealand. 1885); SI2 (Te karere Maori or Maori messenger. 1861-1863); SI6 (Te waka Maori o Ahuriri. 1863-1871); SI 7 (Ko te kahiti o Niu Tireni. 1865-1933); see also letters to Maori; notices Professor Greek George see Hatzopulos. Dr John Theo. prohibition: 1239 (Waipawa Native Pah. Tapairu. 1888); see also liquor licensing; temperance Properly Assessment Act 1885. Selections: 1137 (New Zealand. 1885) prophecies see dreams, prophecies and visions Proposals made by Sir George Grey to Tawhiao, at meeting at Hikurangi. on the 10th May. 1878: (N.Z. Prime Minister (1877-1879; Grey). 1879) Proposals of Mr Sydney David Taiwhanga. M.H.R., for the colonization and settlement of Maori lands: 1237 (Taiwhanga. 1888) The proposed Native Lands Settlement and Administration Bill (Minutes of evidence .): 1532 (N.Z. Parliament House of Representatives, Native Affairs Committee, 1899) Prose et poesie Chretienne en Neo-Zelandais: 490 (Pompallier. 1859) Protestant-Catholic interchanges see CatholicProtestant interchanges proverbs see oral traditions

Provincial Council of Wellington see Wellington Province. Provincial Council Psalms see Bible. O.T Psalms Public Trustee (legislation): 1044 (New Zealand. 1882); 1082 (New Zealand. 1883); 1088 (New Zealand. 1883); 1111 (New Zealand. 1884); 1141 (New Zealand. 1885); 1323 (New Zealand. 1892); 1461 (New Zealand. 1896); 1527 (New Zealand. 1899) Public Works Act 1882. (1894] Selections: 1046 (New Zealand. 1882); 1894 1411 (New Zealand. 1894) public works, land for (legislation); 1046. 1049 (New Zealand. 1882); 1405 (New Zealand. 1894); 1411 (New Zealand. 1894) Puckey. William Gilbert (1805-1878); = Paki 65 (Bible. O.T, Psalms. 1840); 66-67 (Bible



O.T. Daniel. Selections. 1840); 92 (Church of England. 1841); 123 (Church of England, 1843); 208 (Matthews. 1844); 216 (Wilberforce. 1844); 219 (Bible. O.T. Selections. 1845); 229 (Matthews. 1845); 252 (ca. 1845); 255 (Stillingfleet, 1845); 313 (Multiplication and pence tables. 1846); 352 (Bible. O.T. Hexateuch, 1848); 357 (Church of England, 1848); **3B7 (Church Missionary Society. 1850); 451 (Bunyan, 1854); see also Kaitaia Mission Station Press in Printer/Publisher index

Puhipi see Busby. James

He puka ako i te korero Maori: 99 (Watkin, 1841)

Pukapuka 2. Na Tamati Koa Paraone, na te Kawana; 517 (N.Z. Governor (1855-1861 ; Browne), 1860)

He pukapuka ako i nga tikanga mete mahinga o te tupeka: 712 (Nga tikanga o te whakatupu. 1867)

He pukapuka ako i nga tikanga o te moni: 414 (Whately, 1851)

He pukapuka ako i nga tikanga o te whakatupu mete mahinga o te tupeka; 712 (Nga tikanga o te whakatupu. 1867)

He pukapuka ako tenei i nga ritenga pai emaha; 414 (Whately, 1851)

He pukapuka apiti ki Te waka Maori: 527 (Te waka Maori o Aotearoa, 1884)

He pukapuka apiti ki Te Wananga. Nepia, Hataraei, Hune 30. 1877: SI9 (Te Wananga, 1871-1878)

He pukapuka aroha: 60 (Colenso, 1839)

He pukapuka aroha kite tangata Maori, e noho ana i te taone o Akarana: 445 (Davis. 1853)

He pukapuka enei no Waikato: 628 (1863); SI4/no. 5 (Gazette notices. 1863-1864)

Pukapuka hepara mo te arahitanga tapu o te tiehehi: 482 (Pompallier. 1858)

He pukapuka hepara . . . mo te Aweneti o te tau 1858: 482 (Pompallier. 1858)

He pukapuka hepara . .mo te Reneti ote tau 1857: 469 (Pompallier. 1857)

He pukapuka hepara . .mo te Reneti ote tau 1858: 481 (Pompallier. 1858)

He pukapuka hepara mo te Reneti o te tau 1862: 579 (Pompallier. 1862)

He pukapuka hepara na Hoane Papita Werahiko Pomaparie, te Epikopo o Akarana ki nga pirihi me nga keritiano: 626 (Pompallier, 1863)

He pukapuka karahi: 188 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion, 1843)

Pukapuka karakia: 1200 (Catholic Church. 1888); 1484 (Catholic Church. 1897?)

He pukapuka karakia mete ako poto o te Hahi Katorika: 1484 (Catholic Church. 1897?) Pukapuka ki nga tangata Maori, hei tohu i a ratou i te mate koroputaputa: 379 (Thomson. 1849) Te pukapuka Kura Maori he korero kohikohi: 1 193 (Pope. 1887) He pukapuka mo te matenga o Tamati Waka Nene: 761 (Pehiriri, 1871?) He pukapuka na Mr. Alexander Mackay; 860 (N.Z. Commissioner of Native Reserves (Middle Island). 1876) He pukapuka na te Kawana, ki a Ngapuhi, ki a Te Rarawa, hui katoa: 615 (N.Z. Governor (1861-1868 : Grey). 1863) He pukapuka na Te Paraihe, Minita mo te Taha Maori, ki a Wiremu Kingi Matakatea: 977 (N.Z. Native Minister, 1880) He pukapuka na te rata o nga tangata Maori o Poneke; 203-204 (Fitzgerald. 1844) He Pukapuka na te Runanga. Poneke. Huihuinga VI: 486 (Wellington Province. Provincial Council. 1858) He pukapuka na Te Teira Manuka Kaitoa, raua ko Hemi Pataka Iturangi; 590 (Te Teira, 1862) He pukapuka na te Tianara ki a te Kawana. i na te waea mai: Sl4/no. 4 (Gazette notices. 1863-1864)

Te Pukapuka o nga Inoi, me era atu tikanga a te Hahi o Ingarani mo te minitatanga o nga hakarameta: 909 (Church of England. 1878); 928 (Church of England, 1879); 965 (Church of England. 1880); 997 (Church of England. 1881); 1025 (Church of England. 1882); 1068-1069 (Church of England. 1883); 1097 (Church of England, 1884); 1 175 (Church of England, 1887); 1273 (Church of England. 1890); 1350 (Church of England. 1893); 1422 (Church of England. 1895); 1485 (Church of England. 1897) He pukapuka pa nui. [July 1852], 433-433 a (N.Z. Governor (1845-1853 ; Grey). 1852) Te pukapuka poroporoaki a Kawana Kerei ki nga tangata Maori o Nui Tireni: 454 (N.Z. Governor (1845-1853 : Grey). 1854) Pukapuka rapu. I nga tangata mahi o Akarana; 1520 (1898) Te pukapuka rarangi ingoa o nga tangata o ia Wawahanga o ia Wawahanga o te Awarua Poraka: **1339 (N.Z. Native Dept. 1892?) He pukapuka reo Maori tenei, He pukapuka ako i nga tikanga o te moni: 414 (Whately. 1851) Pukapuka tatau o te iwi Maori (nga pukapuka e pa ana ki taua kaute): 1313 (1891) Pukapuka tatau o te iwi Maori (nga pukapuka e pa ana ki taua mahi: 1474 (1896)



He pukapuka tauira ki nga Kai-Whakarite Maori: 576 (N.Z. Native Secretary. 1862)

He pukapuka timatanga i te reo Maori: 48 (Turner. 1838)

Nga pukapuka tuhituhi i waenganui i a rore tapere. i a Tawhiao, mete Kawanatanga o Niu Tireni: 1 168 (1886)

Te pukapuka waiata mo nga hoia o Te Ope Whakaora; 1417 (ca. 1894)

He pukapuka wakaako: 40-41 (Turner. 1837); 49 (Turner. 1838); 61 (Colenso. 1839); 1 11 (Colenso. 1842); 200 (Colenso. 1844)

Nga pukapuka wakaako-Pakeha: 134-148 (1843)

He pukapuka waki: 76-77 (Colenso. 1840); 426 (Colenso. 1852)

He pukapuka whakaako: 475 (Colenso. 1858); 494 (Colenso. 1 860)

He pukapuka whakaako kite reo Pakeha: 1 34 (Nga pukapuka wakaako-Pakeha. 1843); 149 (1843); (Part 1): 335 (Marlin. 1847); 397 (Martin. 1850); (Pan 2): 431 (Martin. 1852); 460 (Martin. 1855); 810 (Williams. 1873)

He pukapuka whakaako mo nga tamariki Maori: 1021 (1881)

He pukapuka whakaako mo te kura: 336 (Marlin. 1847); 41 1 (Martin, 1851); 742 (Martin, 1870); 1021 (He pukapuka whakaako mo nga tamariki Maori, 1881)

He pukapuka whakaatu i nga korero mo nga ritenga Maori o tenei takiwa: 676 (Puna. 1865)

He pukapuka whakaatu i nga tikanga a te Pakeha; 629 (1863)

He pukapuka whakaatu na te Pere i nga kohuru ki Taranaki i te 4 o Mei. 1863; 618 (N.Z. Native Minister. 1863)

He pukapuka whakaatu tenei i te paanga mai o te mate ki tenei motu: 736 (1869)

He pukapuka whakaatu tikanga mo nga rongoa mo nga kai: 728 (Martin. 1869)

He pukapuka whakahoki: 1240 a (Becker. 1889)

He pukapuka whiha [i.e. whika): 483 (1858)

Te puke ki Hikurangi: 539 (1897-1913)

Te puke ki Hikurangi and Maori record; 539 (1897-1913)

Te puke ki Hikurangi. Papawai. October. 1897: **lsoo (1897)

Pukekohatu Block (legislation); I 184 (New Zealand. 1887)

Pukerimu see Hapurona

Pumipi see Bumby. John Hewgill

Puna. Aterea: 676 (1865)

Puna. Wirihana; 827 (1874)

Pungatara. Aperahama: 641 (Aborigines'

Protection Society. 1864)

Pupu. Hirini Karauria; 763 (1871)

Te Pupuritanga o nga Herehere Maori: 980 (N.Z, Parliament. 1880) Pura see Buller. James Pura. Takuta (Doctor) see Buller. Sir Walter Lawry (1838-1906) Nga purapura me o ratou hua: 1 564 (Spencer, ca. 1900) Purchas, Arthur Guyon (1821-1906): 333 (Erima o nga waiata o te Hahi, 1 847); 432 (Mo te Karakia o te ata, 1852) Q Qualification of Electors Bill 1874 (1879]: 829 (He lure hei whakatikatika i te lure Whakamana Tangata Pooti, 1874); 1879: 942 (N.Z. Parliament. 1879) A question for the sinner: 1147 (Tera e totohu te kaipuke i te puta kotahi, 1885) R R.. S. see S. R. R. M. Court Proceedings Validated; 11 38 (New Zealand. 1885) Ra tapu see also entries beginning Ko te Ratapu; Ratapu Te Ra tapu tua toru i muri iho o te Aranga; 277 (Matthews. 18461

Te Ra whakawa: 338 (Matthews, 1847) Rabbit Nuisance Act 1880 [lBBl] [1882]: **97 l (New Zealand. 1880); 1881 1006 (New Zealand. 1881); 1882. 1047 (New Zealand. 1882) rabbits, control (legislation): **97 l (New Zealand. 1880); 1000. 1006 (New Zealand. 1881); 1047 (New Zealand. 1882) Rahui i Kapiti Moutere mo te Katoa: 1495 (New Zealand. 1897) Nga Rahui kite Whakataunga o te Tai Hauauru: 1008 (New Zealand, 1881) Rahui Maori o Arahura (Greymouth): 1054 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives, 1882) Rahui Maori o te Hauauru me Whakatu (Waipounamu): I 185 (New Zealand. 1887) Rahui Maori o te Tai Hauauru o te Waipounamu me Whakatu: 1337 (New Zealand. 1892) Nga Rahui Maori o te Waipounamu: 1082 (New Zealand. 1883) Rahui o Kaipo (Nama 2.); 1324 (New Zealand. 1892) Rahui o Waikouaiti; 1334 (New Zealand. 1892) Rahui whenua Maori o te Hauauru me Whakatu 1 185 (New Zealand. 1887) Rahui Whenua Maori o te Tai Hauauru o te Waipounamu me Whakatu: 1337 (New Zealand. 1892) railways. Auckland: 1520 (Pukapuka rapu. 1898)



railways (legislation); 1086 (New Zealand. 1883); **1258 (New Zealand. 1889); **1305 (New Zealand. 1891); 1329 (New Zealand, 1892); **1340 (N.Z. Parliament. 1892)

Raka see Locke. Samuel

Raka, Hoani Erimana see Luck, John Edmund

Raka. Kai-whakahaere i te Pootitanga (Samuel Locke) see N.Z. Returning Officer (Eastern Maori Electorate) (1871)

Ralph. Thomas Shearman (1813-1891): 427 (Defoe. 1825); 451 (Bunyan, 1854)

Ranana, 2n Akuhata, 1882: 1032 (Ki nga rangatira Maori kei Niu Tireni, 1882)

Ranfurly, Sir Uchter John Mark Knox, sth Earl oj Ranfurly (1856-1933) see N.Z. Governor (1897-1904 : Ranfurly)

Rangi, Ahipene; 1392 (Te lure kohinga whakatopu, 1893)

Rangiatu, Hoani Meihana see Te Rangiotu, Hoani Meihana

Rangiheuea. Roiri: 1072 (Himatangi back rents. 1883)

Rangipo-Murimotu Agreement Validation Act 1882; 1048 (New Zealand. 1882)

Rangipuawhe, Te Kepa (1826-1905); 71 1 (1867)

Rangitakaiwaho, H. M.; 870 (1876)

Rangitikei: 886 (Ko te pukapuka poto, 1877); **1339 (N.Z. Native Dept. 1892?)

Rangitikei-Manawatu Block; I 533 (Ngati Apa, 1899?)

Rapeti; 1047 (New Zealand. 1882)

Rapihana. Herepete: 1492 (Maori Parliament, 1897?)

Rarangi o nga whenua rahui Maori i roto i te Arahura Poraka; 954 (Schedule of native reserves. 1879)

Rarangi o roto o Te Ture Whakarite Utu Takoha, 1885: 1 137 (New Zealand. 1885)

Ram, Tamati: 497 (Further papers relative to

the Taranaki land question. 1860)

Rat Bill see Maori Councils Act 1900

Ratapu see also entries beginning Ko te Ratapu;

Ra tapu.

Te Ratapu tua ono i muri iho i te Tokotomianga: 233 (Matthews. 1845)

Te Ratapu tua rima i muri iho o te Aranga: 278 (Matthews. 1846)

Te Ratapu tuarima i muri iho i te WhaKakitenga: 264 (Matthews, 1846)

Te Ratapu tuarima i muri o Reneti; 271 (Matthews. 1846)

Te Ratapu mama i mua o Reneti: 265 (Matthews. 1846)

Te Ratapu mama i muri iho o te Aranga: 276 (Matthews. 1846); 346 (Matthews. 1847)

Te Ratapu luarua i muri iho o te Tokotorutanga: 281 (Matthews. 1846) Te Ratapu tuarua i muri iho o te whanautanga o te Karaiti: 230 (Matthews. 1845) Te Ratapu tuarua o Reneti: 268 (Matthews, 1846) Te Ratapu tuatahi i muri iho o te Aranga: 345 (Matthews. 1847) Te Ratapu tuatahi i muri iho i te Whakakitenga: 262 (Matthews. 1846) Te Ratapu tuatahi i muri iho o te Kakenga: 279 (Matthews. 1846) Te Ratapu tuatahi i muri iho o te Tokotorutanga: 280 (Matthews. 1846) Te Ratapu tuatoru o te Whakatatanga; 305 (Matthews. 1846)

Te Ratapu tuawaru i muri iho i te Tokotorutanga: 234 (Matthews. 1845)

Te Ratapu tuawha i muri iho i te Whakakitenga; 263 (Matthews, 1846)

Ratari [l-12]: 21 (Marshall. 1834); 75 (Colenso, 1840) rates and rating: 1204 (Kia hiwa e Kia hiwa raa, 1888) rates and rating (legislation): 758 (New Zealand. 1871); 1014 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives, 1881); 1038 (New Zealand. 1882); 1076 (New Zealand, 1883); 1209 (New Zealand. 1888); 1371 (New Zealand, 1893); 1380 (N.Z. Parliament, 1893); 1412 (New Zealand. 1894); 1437 (New Zealand, 1895); 1443-1444 (N.Z. Parliament, 1895); **1463-1464 (New Zealand. 1896) Rating Act 1894. Selections: 1412 (New Zealand, 1894) Rating Act Amendment Act 1895 [Bill 1895]: 1437 (New Zealand. 1895); 1443 (N.Z. Parliament, 1895) Rating Act Amendment Act 1896. Selections: **1463 (New Zealand. 1896) Rating Acts Amendment Act 1893 [Bill 1893]. Selections: 1371 (New Zealand. 1893); 1380 (N.Z. Parliament, 1893) Rating on Unimproved Value Act 1896. Selections: 1464 (New Zealand, 1896) Rating on Unimproved Value Bill 1895; 1444 (N.Z. Parliament. 1895) Raukatauri Patara; = Butler: 667 (Ko Pukemaire kua riro mail, 1865) He rawhi-peketua na "Te Korimako"; 1 134 (Mortimer, 1885); 525 (Te Korimako, 18821888) Rawhiti, T. T. (fl. 1887-1922): 1249 (Ko te pukapuka o te Tiriti o Kohimarama, 1889?); S3l (Te paki o Matariki, 1892-1935?) Rawiri: 197 (Church of England. 1844)



Read, George Edward (1814/157-1878), = Kapene Riri: 850 (Wyllie, ca. 1875)

reading, teaching see English language primers and readers; Maori language: alphabets and lesson sheets; Maori language: primers and readers; religious instruction; stories

Reading lessons; 430 (1852)

The recorder, and Aotearoa: SlO (Aotearoa, or The Maori recorder. 1861-1862)

Redwood. Francis (1839-1935); 927 (Catholic Church. 1879); 964 (Catholic Church. 1880); 1 401 (Ko nga waiata mo te warn o nga ra o Tihema. 1894); 1402 (Ko te hitoria poto o te Hahi Katorika, 1894)

Rees. William Lee (1836-1912); = Riihi: **9o2 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1877); 953 (1879); 1307 (N.Z. Commission Appointed to Inquire into the Subject of the Native Land Laws. 1891); 523 (Matariki. 1881)

Reeves. William Pember (1857-1932); = Riwhi: 1404. 1413 (New Zealand. 1894); see also N.Z. Minister of Education (1892) for works in official capacity

of “Elections Act, 1870.”: 836 (New Zealand. 1875?)

Regulations under the Maori Councils Act 1900; * * 1556 (New Zealand. 1900)

Regulations under the Native Townships Act 1895; **1467 (N.Z. Native Land Court. 1896); 1470/5 (N.Z. Native Land Court. 1896)

Rei. Rata see Day. Doctor

Reid. Alexander (1821-1891): 463 (Bible. O.T Selections. 1856)

Reiti i nga Whenua Karauna me nga Whenua Maori; 1076 (New Zealand. 1883)

Reiti i nga Whenua o te Karauna me nga Whenua Maori: 1014 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1881)

Reiti Whenua i Runga i Tona Utu i te wa Kaore ano i Whakapaingia; 1444 (N. Z. Parliament. 1895)

Reiti Whenua i Runga i Tona Utu o te Whenua ake Haunga atu nga Whakapainga: 1464 (New Zealand. 1896)

religious instruction: 2 (Kendall. 1820); 16 (Bible. NT. Matthew XIX, 13-15. 1833?); 17 (Bible. N T. John XI. 43-44, 1833?); 32 (Bible. O.T. Genesis. Selections. 1837); 33 (Bible. N T. 1837); 41 (Turner. 1837); 49 (Turner, 1838); 60 (Colenso. 1839); 63 (Maunsell. 1839?); 86 (Bible. O.T. Selections. 1841); 91 (Catholic Church. 1841); 95 (He kura. 1841?); 97 (Maunsell. 1841); 114 (Maunsell. 1842); 133 (Nicene Creed. 1843); 153 (Selwyn, 1843); 188 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion.

1843) 199 (Church of England. 1844); 210 (Maunsell, 1844); 255 (Slillingfleet. 1845); 324 (Bible. N T Gospels Selections. 1847); 349 (Parker. 1847); 351 (Bible. Selections. 1848); 364 (Maunsell. 1848); 380 (Abraham. 1850); 399 (Maunsell. 1850); 416 (Abraham. 1852): 423 (Colenso, 1852); 428 (Farquhar, 1852); 490 (Pompallier. 1859); 492 (Bridges. I860); I 134 (Mortimer. 1885); S9 (Te Haeata. 1859-1862); 525 (Te Korimako. 1882-1888); S4l (He kupu whakamarama. 1898); see also almanacs. Anglican; almanacs. Wesleyan; catechisms; hymns; pastoral letters; prayer books; prayers; sermons; tracts Religious Tract Society: 193 (Bible. O.T. Job. 1844) 365 (Strass. 1 848); see also Printer/Publisher index Nga reme e rua; 1125 (Cameron. 1885) Renao. Hanawira Pererika: 1342 (1892?) Renata Kawepo and another v. Tanner and others: 1131 (Kawepo. 1885?) Renata's speech and letter to the Superintendent of Hawke's Bay on the Taranaki War question; 535 (Kawepo. 1861) He reo aroha no Ingarangi ki nga iwi Maori i Nui Tireni: 691 (Neave, 1866?) He reo Maori He korero tipuna Pakeha no mua. ko Ropitini Kuruho; 427 (Defoe. 1852) He reo Maori. The pilgrim's progress 451 (Bunyan. 1854) Report by Mr. Commissioner Mackay relative to a meeting held at Ngaruawahia; 733 (N.Z Native Dept. 1869) Report of Middle Island Native Claims Committee: 1266 (N.Z. Parliament. Middle Island Native Claims Committee. 1889)

Report of the Public Petitions Committee on the petition of thirteen natives owning land at the Thames gold fields; 735 (N.Z. Parliament House of Representatives. Public Petitions Committee. 1869) Report of the result of an inquiry as to desirability of selling the Native Reserve at Greymouth: 775 (N.Z. Commissioner of Native Reserves. 1872) Report of the tenth conference: S3B/no. 10 (Te Aute College Students' Association. 18971906) Report on petition no 12 of Kipa Te Whatanui and 90 others relative to lands at Horowhenua. together with the evidence 1472 (N.Z. Parliament. Legislative Council. Native Affairs Committee. 1896) Report on petition of Atanatiu Kairangi 1118 (N.Z. Parliament Legislative Council Native Affairs Committee. 1884)



Report on the Native Reserve at Greymouth: 775 (N.Z. Commissioner of Native Reserves. 1872)

Report on the petition of lhaia Tainui and three others: 1010 (N.Z. Native Affairs Committee, 1881)

Reports of meetings held and addresses given, by Mr. W. L. Rees, in Poverty Bay & Tologa Bay. upon the subject of native lands: 953 (Rees. 1879)

Reports of Native Affairs Committee; S2O (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. Native Affairs Committee. 1876-1962)

Repudiation movement: 782-783 (Kawepb, 1873); 787 (Matua, 1873); 801 (Petition of 300 Maoris of Hawke’s Bay, 1873); 802 (Petition of 371 Maoris of Hawke’s Bay. 1873); 803 (Sheehan. 1873); 808 (Te Rangiotu, 1873); 809 (Te Tau, 1873); 830 (Te Wananga, 1874); 866 (Pakowhai. 4 Mei, 1876); SI9 (Te Wananga. 1871-1878)

Rerehau, Hemara (Samuel) see Te Rerehau, Hemara

Te rerenga atu o te whenua o nga Maori Aue !! Aue !!! Aue !!!; 1 128 (Desmond, 1885?) reserves see Native Reserves

Resident Magistrates’ Courts Proceedings Validation Act 1885: 1 138 (New Zealand, 1885)

Resolutions from Maori committees: **1225 (1888)

Retireti; 697 (Te Puehu. 1866)

Return of the correspondence signed or

purporting to be signed by William Thompson Te Waharoa. etc.: 683 (Te Waharoa. 1865)

Te Rev. Matiu Taupaki: 880 (Burrows. 1877?)

The Rev. Matthew Taupaki: 880 (Burrows. 1877?)

Revans, Samuel Revans (1807/8?-1888); = Rewena, Mite (‘Mr’): 702 (Ko enei nga ritenga he ritenga tuturu, 1867?); 713 (He whakaotinga tuturu. 1867?)

Rewana/Rewena, Mite (‘Mr’) see Revans. Samuel

Reweti. Hare Oriwa see Davis, Charles Oliver Bond

Reweti, Paora; 1249 (Ko te pukapuka o te Tiriti o Kohimarama. 1889?)

Reweti. Ru: 1451 (Te karere tuarua a Mahuru, 1896?)

Reynolds?; = 1342 (Renao. 1892?)

Reynolds. William Hunter (1822-1899); 829 (He Ture hei whakatikatika i te Ture Whakamana Tangata Pooti, 1874); New Zealand. 1884)

Richards. Ezra Foss (1860-1930); = Etera F.

Rihara: 1 152 (Te inoi mo te wai, 1886?);

1 177 (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 1887?); 1242 (Book of Mormon. 1889); 1351 (Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints, 1893?) Richardson. George Frederick (1837-1909): **1263 (New Zealand. 1889); 1282 (New Zealand. 1890); 1285 (N.Z. Parliament. 1890) Richardson. Sir John Larkins Cheese (18101878): **7os-**7o6 (New Zealand. 1867) Richmond. Christopher William (1821-1895): 510 (N.Z. Governor (1855-1861 : Browne). 1860); see also Taranaki. Superintendent for works in official capacity Richmond, James Crowe (1822-1898); = Ritimona; 708 (New Zealand. 1867); **72 l (New Zealand, 1868); 1118 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. Native Affairs Committee, 1884); see also N.Z. Minister in Charge of the Native Dept for works in official capacity

Richmond, Mathew (1801-1887) (= te Ritimona) see N.Z. Southern Division Rihara, Etera F. see Richards. Ezra Foss Rii, Raata (Doctor) see Lee, Walter Riihi see Rees. William Lee Ring, James (d.1864): 605 (N.Z. Colonial Secretary. 1863)

Riotewari: 922 (Thomas. 1878) The ripe orange and the green apple: 11 74 (Te arani maoa mete aporo mata, 1887?) Ripoata a nga Komihana i Whakaturia hei Whiriwhiri i nga Putake e pa ana ki nga Ture Whenua Maori: 1307 (N.Z. Commission Appointed to Inquire into the Subject of the Native Land Laws. 1891) Te ripoata a te Make, Komihana, i runga i nga take a nga Maori ki nga whenua i te Waipounamu: 1206 (Mackay, 1888) Ripoata mo runga mo te pitihana a Kipa Te Whatanui: 1472 (N.Z. Parliament. Legislative Council. Native Affairs Committee, 1896) Riri, Kapene see Read, George Edward Te ritenga mete mana o te toto o te Karaiti: 1267 (Te ritenga mete mana o te toto o te Karaiti, 1889) Ritimona see Richmond, James Crowe, or N.Z. Southern Division (Mathew Richmond) Rituera mo nga Rore Takiwa o te Oota Initipenetana o nga Kuru Tepara: 1100 (Independent Order of Good Templars. 1884) rivers and streams see waterways Riwhi mo nga Maori e mate oha-aki kore ana; 861 (N.Z, Parliament. 1876); 985 (N.Z. Parliament. 1880); 1005 (New Zealand. 1881) roads: 485 (Te Pouepa, 1858); 570 (N.Z.



Colonial Secretary. 1862?); 1452 (Nga korero o te hui o Hinetapora. 1896?)

roads (legislation): 758 (New Zealand. 1871); 1405 (New Zealand. 1894); 1411 (New Zealand. 1894)

Robertson. James Craigie (author of ’Sketches of Church history’): 599 (Ko te hahi i muri i a te Karaiti. 1863); 1030 (Grace. 1882?)

Robinson Crusoe : 427 (Defoe. 1852)

The rocky island: 216 (Wilberforce. 1844); 415 (Wilberforce. 1851)

The rocky island and other parables: 191 (Wilberforce, 1843); 216 (Wilberforce. 1844); 415 (Wilberforce, 1851)

Rohe o Hikutaia Nama 1 Poraka; 1430 (New Zealand. 1895)

Rohe Potae (King Country): I 296 (Tenei ka panuitia nei nga korero o te hui i tu ki Otorohanga. 1890); 1300 (Edwards. 1891); 1 563 (He pitihana na matou na nga tangata Maori, 1900?)

Rohe Potae (King Country) (legislation): 1107 (New Zealand. 1884); **lll3 (N.Z, Parliament. 1884); 1212 (New Zealand. 1888); 1332 (New Zealand. 1892); 1436 (New Zealand. 1895)

Rohe Potae Investigation of Title Act 1892: 1332 (New Zealand. 1892)

Rohe Potae Investigation of Title Act Amendment Act 1893 [Bill 1893]: 1372 (New Zealand. 1893); 1381 (N.Z. Parliament. 1893)

He roherohenga i whakaaetia e nga Pihopa Tumuaki. e nga pihopa o nga wahanga e rua o Ingarani: 1070 (Church of England, ca 1883)

Rolleston. William (1831-1903); = Roretana; 970 (New Zealand. 1880); 984 (N.Z. Parliament. 1880); 1006 (New Zealand. 1881); 1018 (N.Z Parliament. House of Representatives. 1881); 1083 (New Zealand. 1883)

Roman Catholic see Catholic

Ronaldson. William (1823-1917): 5202 (Church of England. Diocese of Wellington, 18581865)

He rongo mau. he rongo mau. ka pai kia mau te rongo: 350 (Whiteley. 1847)

He rongo mau mo katoa. No te kupu o te Atua 1226 (1888)

He rongo no Waikato. 606 (N.Z. Colonial Secretary, 1863)

Nga Rongo Pai me nga Mahi: 1241b (Bible. NT Selections)

Te Rongo Pai o te Karaiti: 1 167 (Paxman. ca. 1886)

Rongoa hipi na Poari rongoa rongo nu 1343 (1892?)

Rongoa o Pakiia see Baxter s Lung Preserver He rongoa witi: 378 (1849) Rongowhakaata (Iwi): 1245 (E hoa ma, e nga iwi, 1889) Ropata: 1 176 (Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints. 1887?) Ropata. Piripi: 885 (Kawepo. 1877) Ropiha see Hobbs. John Ropiha. Hori (d 1898); 1101 (He kupu whakaatu enei, 1884) Ropiha. Paora (fl 1874-1899): 1239 (Waipawa Native Pah. Tapairu, 1888) Rore see Lawry, Henry Hassall Roretana see Rolleston. William Ross. Hugh Cokeley (1795-1869): 582 (1862) Rotorua, land: 1096 (Te Umanga. 1883); 12501251 (Komiti Maori o te Takiwa o Rotorua. 1889)

Rotorua, land (legislation): 1007 (New Zealand. 1881); **lol2 (N.Z Parliament. 1881); 1086 (New Zealand. 1883); 1091 (N.Z. Parliament. 1883)

Rotorua-nui-Ahahu, Tihema 26th. 1888: 1203 (Te Kainga Takiwa Porowini i te Koroni o Nui Tireni, 1888?)

Rowe. William; **BBB (New Zealand, 1877) Ruapuke: 11 50 (Census of the Middle Island natives. 1886); 1345 (South Island native settlements. 1892) Ruihi see Lewis. Thomas William Rules and regulations of the Native Land Court: 1471 (N.Z. Native Land Court. 1896) Rules and Regulations of the Native Land Court Division 11.. Part 11.. of “The Native Land Court Act, 1894”: **1440 (N.Z. Native Land Court. 1895); 1470/4 (N.Z. Native Land Court. 1896) Rules & Regulations of the Native Land Court. English & Maori: 1470 (N.Z. Native Land Court. 1896) Rules of the Amalgamated Shearers’ Union of Australasia: 1173 (Amalgamated Shearers' Union of Australasia. 1887) Rules of the Band: 257 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1845) Rules of the Native Land Court Extract from New Zealand Gazette. 7th March. 1895: **1468. 1470/1 (N.Z. Native Land Court. 1896) Rules of the society of the people called Methodists: 44 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1837); 52 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1838); 188 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1843) Runanga Maori o te Kawanatanga: 766 (Te Whiwhi. 1871?)



Runanga o Poneke see Wellington Province. Provincial Council

Te Runanga o te Takiwa o Pewhairangi: 583 (1862)

Russell. Andrew Hamilton (1812-1900): 810 (Williams. 1873)

Russell. Henry Robert (1817-1891): 803-805 (Sheehan. 1873); 830 (Te Wananga. 1874); 920 (Supplement to “Te Wananga", 1878): SI 8 (Te waka Maori o Niu Tirani, 1871-1877); Sl9 (Te Wananga. 1871-1878)

Russell. Thomas (1830-1904) see N.Z. Minister for Colonial Defence for works in official capacity

Rutherfurd, Mrs: 1 134 (Mortimer, 1885)

Rutu: 368 (Bible. O.T. Judges, 1849)

Ruuri Tua Whitu 7 ote Atua: 1487 (Te Hahi o te

Ruri Tuawhitu o Ihowa, 1897?)

Ryle, John Charles (1816-1900). 1293 (1890)

Ryotwarry: 921-922 (Thomas, 1878)


S.. C. see Stanley. Charles

S.. G. J. see G. J. S.

S. A. see Aubert, Mary Joseph

S. L: 1132 (Te korerotanga kite whakaminenga, 1885)

S. R : 1344 (18927)

Sacred and Blue Ribbon songs: 1 127 (Davis, 1885)

Sacred melodies: 1 127 (Davis. 1885)

Safely, certainty and enjoyment: 1 352 (Cutting, 1893)

St Asaph, Bishop of see Hughes. Joshua

St Barnabas Chapel (Norfolk Island): 1022 (Tangata, 1881)

St John’s College: = Kareti; (Te Waimate). 150 (18437); 151-153 (Selwyn. 1843); 202 (Davies. 18447); (Purewa). 253 (18457); 333 (Erima o nga waiata o te Hahi, 1847); see also St John’s College Press in Printer/Publisher index

St Joseph’s Society of the Sacred Heart for Foreign Missions (London) (Mill Hill Mission): 1200 (Catholic Church. 1888); 1200 (Catholic Church. 1888); 1240 a (Becker. 1889); 1243 (Catholic Church. 1889)

St Paul’s Church (Te Kaha, Bay of Plenty); 1498 (He panuitanga, 1897)

St Stephen’s Church (Te Kawakawa. East Cape): 1063 (Wahawaha. 1882)

St Stephen’s School (Taurarua. Auckland): 195 (Bible. O.T. Psalms XXIV, 1844)

St Thomas's School (Papawai. Wairarapa); 5202 (Church of England. Diocese of Wellington, 1858-1865)

Sale of Spirits in Native Districts Bill 1870: 741 (Ko te Ture mo te Hoko Waipiro. 1870?)

Salvation Army (N.Z.). Maori Mission see Te Ope Whakaora sanctuaries: Kapiti Island: 1495 (New Zealand. 1897) sanctuaries: Little Barrier Island; 1406 (New Zealand, 1894) Sanders, Sondra, junior (1861 -1934); = Honore Hanara/Hanare, tamaiti: 1167 (Paxman, ca. 1886); 1242 (Book of Mormon. 1889); 1482 (Anderson, 1897) Sankey, Ira David (1840-1908); = Hangaki: 882 (Davis, 1877) scab (legislation): 937 (New Zealand. 1879) Scannell, David: 1309 (N.Z. Native Land Court, 1891?) Schedule of native reserves in the Arahura (West Coast. Middle Island) Block: 954 (1879) School Attendance Act 1894: 1413 (New Zealand. 1894); 1416 (N.Z. Secretary for Education) School lessons: 336 (Martin, 1847) schools see Church of England, schools; land for schools; Native Schools; see also education Schultze, Charles William (1818-1879) see Wellington Province. Provincial Council. Speaker for works in official capacity

Scripture history: 365 (Strass, 1848); 384 (Burgh. 1850); 429 (Ko te hahi o namata. 1852); 523 (Pompallier, 1860); 1021 (He pukapuka whakaako mo nga tamariki Maori. 1881); 1035 (Martin. 1882); 1103 (Martin. 1884?); see also Christian church, history Scriptures see Bible; Book of Mormon Sea-fisheries Act Amendment Act 1896: 1465 (New Zealand, 1896) Searancke, William Nicholas (18177-1904); = te Herangi: 552 (1861) The second sett of catechisms and prayers (Watts): 100 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1841) Seddon, Richard John (1845-1906); = Hetana: 1326, 1331 (New Zealand. 1892); 1362 (New Zealand, 1893); 1384-1385 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives, 1893); 1407-1409. 1411 (New Zealand. 1894); 1425 (Nga korero moTuhoe, 1895); 1428. 1433-1435. 1437 (New Zealand, 1895); 1444 (N.Z. Parliament. 1895) 1450 (Nga hui Maori I Poneke, 1896); 1456 (Native meetings at Wellington. 1896); 1460, **1463-1464, 1466 (New Zealand. 1896) **lsoo (Te Puke ki Hikurangi. Papawai, October, 1897); 1509 (The Native Lands Settlement and Administration Bill. 1898); 1512 (New Zealand. 1898); ** 1514-** 1516 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives, 1898); 1521-1523 (1898); 1526-1527 (New



Zealand. 1899); 1533 (Ngati Apa. 1899?); * * 1553 (New Zealand. 1900); * * 1559 (N.Z. Parliament. 1900); **1560 (N.Z Parliament House of Representatives. 1900); 1561 (Notes of meetings, 1900); 1562 (Notes of meetings . . Selections, 1900) Selwyn. George Augustus (1809-1878); = G. A New Zealand; (PihopaJ Herewini; 85 (Apostles’ Creed. 1841?); 89 (Bible. N T Matthew, 1841); 92 (Church of England. 1841); 96 (Lord's prayer. 1841?); 103 (Bible. O.T. Exodus l-XX, 1842); 105 (Bible. N T. Selections, ca. 1842); 116 (1842); 119 (Bible. O.T. Ezekiel XXXVII, 1-14, 1843); 123-124 (Church of England. 1843); 130 (Maunsell. 1843); 150 (St John’s College. 1843?); 151187 (1843); 205 (Hau, 1844); 206 (He hoa korerorero. 1844); 207 (Ko te moni kohikohinga. 1844); 209 (Matthews. 1844); 214 (N.Z. Protector of Aborigines. 1844); 254 (1845); 413 (1851); 423 (Colenso, 1852); 455-456 (Bible. O.T. Selections. 1855); 461 (N.Z. Central Board of Vaccination. 1855); 462 (1855); 484 (1858); 493 (Church of England. I860?); 584-586 (1862); 716 (Bible. 1868); 720 (Maunsell, 1868); 756 (Maunsell. 1871); 1447 (He wini whakamaharatanga, 1895?); S3OI-303/Background (Church of England in New Zealand. Native Church Board reports); see also Translation Syndicate

Selwyn, John Richardson (1844-1898): 1447 (He wini whakamaharatanga, 1895?)

Selwyn. Sarah Harriet (1809-1907): 125 (He himene mo te Ratapu i ara ai a Ihu, 1843); 133 (Nicene Creed. 1843); 218 (Andrewes, 1845); 376 (Te KohiKohinga Moni hei Hoki Kakahu, 1849)

Sentences; 217 (Williams. 1844)

Sermon outlines (Te Waimate. March-December 1843): 153-187 (Selwyn. 1843)

Sermon outlines (Kaitaia. January-July 1845. 1846, 1847, 1850): 229-234 (Matthews, 1845); 262-307 (Matthews. 1846); 337-347 (Matthews. 1847); 398 (Matthews. 1850)

sermons; 53 (Broughton. 1839); 153-187 (Selwyn. 1843); 229-234. 337-347. 398 (Matthews, 1845); 235-239 (Maunsell. 1845); 262-307 (Matthews. 1846); 308-**3l2 (Maunsell. 1846); 317 (Wesley. 1846); 337347 (Matthews. 1847); 358 (Colenso. 1848); 398 (Matthews. 1850); 538 (Meeting held at King’s Pa. 1861); 1063 (Wahawaha, 1882); see also preachers. Maori

Sermons in Maori 31 1 (Maunsell. 1846)

The serpent of brass; 962 (Stanley. 1879); 1234. 1236 (Stanley. 1888)

Seth-Smilh. Hugh Garden (1848-1935); = H C. Heia Mete: 1264 (N.Z. Commission to inquire into Certain Matters in Connection with the Ngarara. Porangahau, Mangamaire. and Waipiro Blocks of Land. 1889); 1309 (N.Z Native Land Court. 1891?) Settlement and Administration of Native Lands Bill: "*1516 (N.Z. Parliament House of Representatives. 1898) settlement sites: 671 (N.Z Colonial Secretary, 1865); 1093 (Panui Maori, 1883?); 1237 (Taiwhanga, 1888); see also New Zealand Company

settlement sites (legislation): 1008 (New Zealand. 1881); **lol3 (N.Z. Parliament. 1881); 1088 (New Zealand. 1883); 1107. I 111 (New Zealand. 1884); * * 1113-* * 1114 (N.Z. Parliament. 1884); (New Zealand. 1884); 1217 (New Zealand. 1888); **1262 (New Zealand. 1889); 1290 (N.Z. Parliament House of Representatives. 1890); 1327 (New Zealand, 1892); 1336 (New Zealand. 1892); 1368 (New Zealand. 1893); 1378 (N.Z Parliament. 1893); 1405 (New Zealand. 1894)

settlements, Maori see Native Districts; Native Townships Seven Maori sermons: **3l2 (Maunsell. 1846) Sewell, Henry (1807-1879); 752 (He Jure tenei hei arai i te mahi hoko tahae i nga whenua o nga Maori. 1870?) shearers, unions; 1173 (Amalgamated Shearers’ Union of Australasia. 1887) Sheehan. John (1844-1885); = Hone Hihana; Hone Hiini; 803-805 (1873); 871 (1876); **BBB-* *BB9. **B92-**B94 (New Zealand. 1877); 900 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives, 1877); **9l2-914 (New Zealand. 1878); S2I (Te waka Maori o Niu Tirani (1878-1879) sheep: 209 (Matthews. 1844); 1343 (Rongoa hipi na Poari rongoa rongo nu. 1892?); see also shearers sheep (legislation); 937 (New Zealand. 1879); 1 108 (New Zealand. 1884); 1282 (New Zealand. 1890) Sheep Act 1878: 937 (New Zealand. 1879) Sheep Act 1878 Amendment Act 1884; 1108 (New Zealand. 1884) Sheep Act 1890 Selections; 1282 (New Zealand. 1890) Shepherd. James (1796-1882); 9 (Bible. Selections. 1827) shipping (legislation); ** 1306 (New Zealand. 1891) 1335 (New Zealand. 1892); 1374 (New Zealand. 1893); 1382 (N.Z Parliament. 1893)



shipping, controls: 314 (N.Z. Governor (18451853 : Grey), 1846); 617 (N.Z. Minister for Colonial Defence. 1863); 620 (N.Z. Minister for Native Affairs. 1863)

shops; 661 (A. & M. Browne. 1865)

A short and familiar explanation of the Church Catechism. 255 (Stillingfleet. 1845)

shorthand see Maori language; shorthand

Shortland, Edward (1812-1893); = Hotereni: 786 (Martin. 1873); 1095 (1883); 1 129 (Grey. 1885); see also N.Z. Native Secretary for works in official capacity

Sinclair, Andrew (1794-1861) see N.Z. Colonial Secretary (1845-1846) for works in official capacity

Sketch of Maori fortifications at Rangiriri drawn by natives; 595 (Further papers relative to the native insurrection. 1863)

Sketches of church history: 1030 (Grace, 1882?)

Sketches of church history (Robertson, 1855) 599 (Ko te hahi i muri ia te Karaili, 1863)

Skevington, John (1814-1845): 257 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion, 1845)

Smales, Gideon (1817-1894): 86 (Bible. O.T.

Selections. 1841); 323 (Bible. O.T. Malachi, 1847)

smallpox: 379 (Thomson, 1849); 461 (N.Z. Central Board of Vaccination, 1855); 622 (N.Z. Vaccination Board, 1863)

Smith. Denham: 1302 (Kua mate a Hoani Tawhito, 1891)

Smith, Joseph (1805-1844); = Hohepa Mete: 1177 (Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-day Saints. 1887?)

Smith. Stephenson Percy (1840-1922): 1536 (1899)

Smith, Thomas Henry (1824-1907); = Mete: 409 (Hemans. 1851?); 412 (Te ngaro mahi honi, 1851?); 465 (Ko nga himene, ca. 1856); 521 (Ngatata, 1860); 547 (N.Z. Governor (1861-1868 : Grey). 1861); 551 (Pompallier, 1861); **s9l (Te Waharoa, 1862); 718 (Martin. 1868); 742 (Martin. 1870); 907 (Bracken. 1878?); 976 (N.Z. Middle Island Native Land Purchase Commission. 1880); 1009 (N.Z. Middle Island Native Land Purchase Commission. 1881); 1419 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1894); SI4 (Gazette notices. 1863-1864); see also Bay of Plenty Native District. Civil Commissioner (1863) for works in official capacity

Smith, William Mein (1799-1869); = Kapene Mete: 702 (Ko enei nga ritenga. 1867?); 713 (He whakaotinga tuturu, 1867?)

smoking: 202 (Davies. 1844?); 361 (Colenso, 1848); see also tobacco

A snake in the grass: 662 (Aborigines’ Protection Society. 1865) Snow, W. P. (18577-1883); = No: 1 127 (Davis. 1885); 525 (Te Korimako, 1882-1888) Societe des Missionaires du Sacre-Coeur (Issoudun): 998 (Deidier. 1881) Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge (SPCK, London) see Printer/Publisher index Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts (SPG): S2Ol/1901 (Church of England. 1841-1923) Sole, Jose see Soler, Joseph Soler, Joseph (1844-1906); also known as Jose Sole: 1476 (1896) songs. Maori see waiata songs. non-Maori: 412 (Te ngaro mahi honi, 18517); 531 (Davis. 1861); 664 (Davis. 1865); 742 (Martin. 1870); 779 (Davis. 1873); 1 127 (Davis, 1885); 1401 (Ko nga waiata mo te waru o nga ra o Tihema, 1894); see also national anthem Soulas, Christophe (1846-1926): 1200 (Catholic Church. 1888)

South Island; see also entries beginning Middle Island South Island Half-castes Grants Bill: 1078 (New Zealand, 1883) South Island, journeys: 462 (Selwyn, 1855); 71 1 (Rangipuawhe, 1867) South Island, land: 825 (Ngai Tahu, 1874); 834 (Mackay, 1875); 839-841 (Ngai Tahu. 1875); 852 (Fenton, 1876); 872 (Taiaroa, 1876); 916-917 (Patuki, 1878); 976 (N.Z. Middle Island Native Land Purchase Commission, 1880); 1009 (N.Z. Middle Island Native Land Purchase Commission. 1881); 1266 (N.Z. Parliament. Middle Island Native Claims Committee. 1889; 1462 (New Zealand. 1896) South Island Maori; **B3l (E hoa ma. tena koutou, 1875?); 1 150 (Census of the Middle Island natives. 1886); 1313 (Pukapuka tatau o te iwi Maori. 1891); 1318 (Indigent natives. Middle and Stewart Islands. 1892); 1345 (South Island native settlements. 1892); 1477 (South Island natives receiving pensions. 1896) South Island Native Reserves Act 1883: 1082 (New Zealand. 1883) South Island Native Reserves Act 1883 Amendment Bill 1884: (No. I): **1116; (No. 2): **lll7 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1884) South Island Native Reserves Bill 1887: 1 185 (New Zealand, 1887); **l 186 (N.Z. Parliament. 1887) South Island native settlements (return of native residents in 1891 at the): 1345 (1892)



South Island natives receiving pensions: 1477 (1896)

South Island, unrest: 520 (N.Z. Native Secretary's Office. 1860)

Southland, land; 1536 (Smith. 1899)

Southland, land (legislation): 947 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives, 1879); 1015 (N.Z, Parliament. House of Representatives. 1881); 1058 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1882); 1079 (New Zealand, 1883); * * 1116-* * 1117 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives, 1884); **llB6 (N.Z. Parliament. 1887); 1279 (New Zealand. 1890); 1286 (N.Z. Parliament. 1890)

sovereignty see Great Britain: powers over New Zealand; Maori sovereignty; New Zealand: constitutional arrangements

Sown among thorns: 960 (Stanley. 1879); 1233 (Stanley, ca. 1888)

Spain. William (1803-1876): 189 (Whiteley, 1843)

Special Powers and Contracts Act 1883 [ 1884] [lBBs] [lBB6], Selections: 1083 (New Zealand. 1883); 1884 **llo9 (New Zealand, 1884): 1885: ** 1139 (New Zealand. 1885); 1886: "1160 (New Zealand, 1886)

Speeches by the Premier: 1523 (Seddon, 1898) A spelling book for the use of Maori children: 434 (1852)

Spencer. Frederick Hamilton (1854-1932): = Peneha; Pererika H Peneha: 1098-1100 (Independent Order of Good Templars, 1884); 1101 (He kupu whakaatu enei, 1884): 1102 (Malins. 1884?); 1240 a (Becker. 1889); 1268 (1889?); 1494 (Mo te Ra i Whiwhi ai te Kuini, 1897?); 1564 (ca. 1900)

Stack. James (1801-1883): 7 (Lord's Prayer. 1826): **lo (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion)

Stafford. Sir Edward William (1819-1901): 718 (Martin. 1868); see also N.Z. Colonial Secretary (I860); N.Z. Prime Minister (18561861) for works in official capacity

Stamp Act 1882 Amendment Act 1885.

Selections: 1140 (New Zealand, 1885)

Stamp Act Amendment: 1140 (New Zealand, 1885)

Stamp Acts Amendment Act 1886 Selections: 1161 (New Zealand, 1886)

Stamp [Duties] Bill [1885]: I 140 (New Zealand, 1885)

Standing Orders of the House of Representatives (1878): 992 (N.Z. Parliament, House of Representatives, 1880)

Stanley. Charles: 918-919 (1878); 955-962 (1879); 1227-1236 (1888); 1267 (Te ritenga mete mana o te toto o te Karaiti. 1889)

Stanmore, Arthur Charles Hamilton Gordon. Baron (1829-1912) see N.Z. Governor (18801882 : Gordon) Statement by H. K. Taiaroa. on the report by Judge Fenton on the petition of the Ngaitahu tribe: 872 (Taiaroa. 1 876) Stevens, Edward Cephas John (1837-1915): 1266 (N.Z Parliament. Middle Island Native Claims Committee. 1889) Stevenson. Ezra: = Etera Tiwinihana; 1482 (Anderson. 1897) Steward. Sir William Jukes (1841-1912): 1039 (New Zealand. 1882); 1278 (New Zealand 1890) Stewart. George James see C. J. S. Stewart, William Thomas: = W. T. Tuati: 1351 (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 1893?) Stewart Island Grants Act 1873: *‘792 (New Zealand. 1873) Stewart Island, land: "792 (New Zealand. 1873); 834 (Mackay. 1875); 1536 (Smith. 1899) Stewart Island Maori: 1313 (Pukapuka tatau o te iwi Maori. 1891); 1318 (Indigent natives. Middle and Stewart Islands. 1892); 1345 (South Island native settlements. 1892) Stillingfleet, James (1729-1817): 255 (1845) stories: 226 (Martin. 1845); 334 (He korero tenei mo Ani Kanara, 1847); 427 (Defoe. 1852); 451 (Bunyan. 1854); 806 (Te tangata i mate ai ona hoa noho tata, 1873); see also fables

stories for children: 190-191 (Wilberforce, 1843): 216 (Wilberforce. 1844); 259 (Wilberforce. 1 845): 402 (Wilberforce. 18501; 415 (Wilberforce. 1851); 886 (Ko te pukapuka poto, 1877); 1125 (Cameron. 1885) The story of his conversion, as told by himself to his congregation, etc. (S.L.): 1132 (Te korerotanga kite whakaminenga. 1885) The story wanted: 1201 (Hankey. 1888) Stout, Sir Robert (1844-1930): 1137, 1 140 (New Zealand. 1885) Slrass, Friedrich (1766-1845): 365 (1848) A striking story: 1547 (Kahore he pokanga ketangi. 1900) Der Strom der Zeiten: 365 (Strass, 1848) Stuart. Edward Craig (1827-191 I); also referred to as Erueti C Waiapu **1194 (Stuart, 1887), •*1398 (Fielder. 18941. 1400 (He Inoi mo te whakaritenga, 1894?) Stuart, George James see G. J. S, Sturmer, Spencer William von; = Wini Tama: * * 1284 (N.Z. Native Land Court. 1890) Sturtevant, George Neville (1858-1937): 1301



(Illustrations prepared for White’s Ancient History of the Maori. 1891)

Suggestions respecting Native Land Courts and dealings with native lands: 1300 (Edwards. 1891)

Sumner. John Bird (1780-1862): 1501 (1897?)

Supplement to “Te Wananga.” Napier. Saturday December 21,1878: 920 (1878)

Supreme Court see N.Z. Supreme Court

The sure foundation; 1297 (Te turanga u. 1890)

Surrexit Chnstus hodie : 125 (He himene mo te Ratapu I ara ai a Ihu, 1843)

surveys and surveying; 250 (N.Z. Southern Division. 1845); 533 (Further papers relative to native affairs. 1861); 762 (Petition of Te Rangiwhakaewa and others. 1871); 786 (Martin. 1873); 1 166 (He panui na te Komiti Takiwa. 1886); 1191 (He panui na te Komiti Takiwa, 1887); 1218 (N.Z. Chief Surveyor, 18887); 1425 (Nga korero mo Tuhoe. 1895); 1430 (New Zealand, 1895)

surveys and surveying (legislation): 722 (New Zealand, 1868); 789 (New Zealand. 1873); 1411 (New Zealand, 1894); 1528 (New Zealand, 1899)

Sutton, Frederick (1836-1906): 777 (Torotoro. 1872); 846 (Torotoro. 1875); SI 9/12 February 1877 (Te Wananga, 1874-1878)

Symonds, John Jermyn (1816-1883): * *S4 (Ko te ao marama, or New world. 1849)

synods. Anglican; 5302 (Church of England Diocese of Waiapu, 1861-1865)

Synopsis. Native Land Purchase and Acquisition; 1378 (N.Z. Parliament. 1893)

A system of shorthand for Maori: 1480 (Williams, 1896)


T.. G. see Taylor. George

T.. H. H. (Tuari, Hori Hemi) see G. J. S.

Ta Kerei Tepaea see Takerei Terau

Ta te Atua whakaoranga; I 145 (North. 1885)

Ta te kingi tangata i pai ai kia whakahonoretia: 1321 (Mylne, 1892?)

Ta te mea, kua tutu etahi o nga tangata Maori o te Kawakawa: 240 (N.Z. Governor (18431845 : Fitzßoy). 1845)

Ta te mea kua utua, kua wakaritea te murunga a Parihoro: 243 (N.Z. Governor (1843-1845 : Fitzßoy). 1845)

Table of prohibited degrees: I 175 (Church of England. 1887)

Te taenga o te Urewera kite aroaro o te Kawana. 1425 (Nga korero mo Tuhoe. 1895)

Tahoraiti Take Whakatika Whakamana: 1333 (New Zealand. 1892)

Tahoraiti Titles Amendment and Validation Act 1892: 1333 (New Zealand. 1892) Taiapa: 1429 (New Zealand. 1895); 1441 (N.Z. Parliament. 1895) Taiaroa, Hori Kerei (d. 1905); 798 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives, 1873); 839-841 (Ngai Tahu. 1875); 863 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives, 1876); 865 (N.Z. Parliament. Legislative Council. 1876) 872 (1876); **B9s (N.Z. Parliament. 1877) 932 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives, 1877); 952 (Poneke, Akuhata 26, 1879); 1015 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1881); 1057-1058 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1882) 1084 (New Zealand, 1883); 1 104 (New Zealand, 1884); ** 1 1 16-** 1 1 I 7 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives, 1884); 1137. 1140 (New Zealand. 1885); 1 188 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives, 1887); 1370 (New Zealand. 1893) Taiaroa Land Act 1883; 1084 (New Zealand, 1883) Taiepa; 940 (N.Z. Parliament, 1879); 978 (N.Z. Parliament, 1880) Taimaro and Waimahana Grants Act 1874; 822 (New Zealand. 1874) Taingakawa Te Waharoa, Tana see Te Waharoa, Tupu Atanatiu Taingakawa Tainui, lhaia: 988 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1880); 1010 (N.Z. Native Affairs Committee. 1881)

Tainui (Iwi): 529 (Te korimako hou, 1889-1890) Tainui canoe; 1240 (White, 1888); 1272 (White, 1889); 1298 (White. 1890) Taipari, Hauauru: 536 (Ko nga waiata a Waikato ki a Kawana Kerei, 1861?) Taipari. Te Hdtereni (d. 1880): 561 (E to matou whaea, e Wikitoria, 1862) Taipua Te-Puna-i-Rangiriri, Hoani (1839/40?1896): 1188 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1887); **1265 (N.Z. Parliament.. 1889); 1290 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1890); 1295 (Te Whataupoko, 1890?) Taiwhanga, Hirini Rawiri (Sydney David) (1832/33?-!890): **9o9a (Grindell, 1878); 1032 (Ki nga rangatira Maori. 1882); 1074 (Ko te pitihana a nga iwi, 1883?); 1 192 (Peawhairangi, Maehe 10. 1887); 1 195 (Taranui, 1887); 1237 (1888); 1238 (Treaty of Waitangi, ca. 1888); 1248 (Kia meou tangata whaiwhakaaro nunui katoa. 1889) Taka. Mere: 1325 (New Zealand. 1892) Takamoana, Karaitiana (d. 1879); 596 (Kawepo, 1863); 663 (Cooper. 1865); 737 (1869); 774



(New Zealand. 1872); 832 (Ki a Wikitoria. 1875?); 866 (Pakowhai. 4 Mei. 1876) 876 (Wahawaha. 1876); 877 (Te Wananga. 1876?); SI9 (Te Wananga. 1871-1878)

Takana. Ropina (Robin?); 1201 (Hankey. 1888)

Nga take Maori o te Waipounamu: 1266 (N.Z. Parliament Middle Island Native Claims Committee. 1889)

Nga Take Whenua i Turanganui: 821 (New Zealand. 1874)

Takerei Terau; also known as Ta Kerei Tepaea 553 (1861)

Takitimu; 526 (1883)

Takitimu canoe: I 199 (White 1887); 1271 (While. 1889)

Taku kokomako: 929 (Davis. 1879?)

Tamahau. Raukura (fl. 1900-1915); 539 (Te puke ki Hikurangi, 1897-1913)

Tamati. E. G. S. see Thomas. Edward Croft Greenway

Tamati Waka Nene see Nene, Tamati Waka

Tamihana. Wiremu (William Thompson) see Te Waharoa. Wiremu Tamihana Tarapipipi

Tangata. Renata (d. 1887): 1022 (1881)

Te tangata i mate ai ona hoa noho tata: 806 (1873)

Nga tangata o Herora. Ko te hunga i mea i ta ratou whakapono; 252 (Puckey, ca. 1845)

He tangi Na Hare Reweti mo Arihi tamahine a Aperahama raua ko Harina Wapereki. i mate i te 25 o Tihema. 1878: 929 (Davis. 1879?)

He tangi na te Kura i Waerengaahika mo te haerenga o te Pihopa; 677 (1865?)

Te tangohanga ake o te Hahi: 930 (Te haerenga mai o te Ariki. ca 1879)

Tanner. Thomas (1830-1918) 1131 (Kawepo. 1885?)

Tanumeha Te Moananui see Te Moananui. Tanumeha

Taone Maori: 1436 (New Zealand. 1895)

Taonui, Aperahama (d. 1882): 843 (1875); I 146 (1885); **1294 (ca. 1890?)

Taonui-Ahuaturanga Land Act 1880 [Bill 1880) **972 (New Zealand. 1880); 986 (N.Z. Parliament. 1880)

Tapu, Hirawanu (d. 1900); 1244 (Deighton. 1889)

Taraia Ngakuti Te Tumuhuia (d. 1872): 1 199 (White 1887); 1240 (While. 1888); 1272 (White. 1889). 1298 (White. 1890)

Taranaki (Iwi): 543 (N.Z. Governor (1855-1861 Browne). 1861)

Taranaki. 4 Aperira. 1860. E hoa ma tena koutou. Kua rongo ano koutou i nga korero o tenei wahi ara o Taranaki: 519 (N.Z. Native Secretary, 1860)

Taranaki. Aperira 24. 1860 Haere atu e tenei reta Ki Akarana: 505 (Mahau Turakino. I860) Taranaki, land: 597 (Ki nga Maori. 1863); 650 (N ,Z. Governor (1861 -1868 : Grey), 1864); 709 (N Z Minister in Charge of the Native Dept.. 1867); 1027 (Crown grants to natives. West Coast. North Island. 1882); 1415 (N.Z. Royal Commission Kaitangiwhenua Block. 1 894); see also entries beginning West Coast

Taranaki, land (legislation): 936 (New Zealand. 1879); 939 (N.Z. Parliament. 1879); **974 (New Zealand. 1880); 1008 (New Zealand. 1881) **lol3 (N.Z. Parliament. 1881); 1044 (New Zealand. 1882); 1088 (New Zealand. 1883) 1111 (New Zealand. 1884); ** 11 14 (N.Z. Parliament. 1884); 1141 (New Zealand. 1884) 1184 (New Zealand, 1887); 1 187 (N.Z. Parliament. 1887); 1217 (New Zealand. 1888); ** 1259.** 1262 (New Zealand. 1889); 1290 (N.Z. Parliament House of Representatives. 1890); 1324 (New Zealand. 1892) 1336 (New Zealand. 1892); 1375 (New Zealand, 1893); 1383 (N.Z. Parliament. 1893) 1410 (New Zealand. 1894) Taranaki. Superintendent: 523 a (1860) Taranaki, unrest. 508-51 I (N.Z. Governor (18551861 : Browne). I860?); 935 (Native difficulties at Taranaki. 1879); 1020 (N.Z. West Coast Royal Commission. 1881; see also Taranaki Wars; Waitara purchase Taranaki Wars: 512, (N.Z. Governor (1855-1861 ; Browne). I860?); 514 (N.Z. Governor (18551861 : Browne). I860?); 519 (N.Z. Native Secretary. I860); 521 (Ngatata. 1860); 531 (Davis. 1861); 534 (Further papers relative to the native insurrection); 538 (Meeting held at King’s Pa. 1861); 542 (N.Z. Governor (18551861 : Browne). 1861?); 543 (N.Z. Governor (1855-1861 : Browne). 1861?); 552 (Searancke, 1861); 604 (N.Z. Colonial Secretary. 1863); 609 (N.Z. Governor (18611868 : Grey). 1863); 615 (N.Z. Governor (1861-1868 : Grey). 1863); 618-619 (N.Z. Minister for Native Affairs. 1863); 623 (Ngapuhi. 1863); see also Parihaka; Te Whiti-o-Rongomai 111 Taranaki Wars (legislation): 1037 (New Zealand. 1882) 1051 (New Zealand. 1882); 1087 (New Zealand. 1883); see also Taranaki, land (legislation) Taranui. Te Pokiha (d. 1901); 1195 (1887) Tarapipipi. William Thompson see Te Waharoa, Wiremu Tamihana Tarapipipi Taratoa, Henare Wiremu (d. 1864) 483 (He pukapuka whika, 1858)



Tarawera eruption: 1155 (Mair. 1886)

Tarawhiti. Heta (1824-1898) 587 (Tarawhiti, 1862); 720 (Maunsell, 1868)

Tarawhiti. Matena (1846-1862): 587 (Tarawhiti. 1862)

Tarawhiti. Pirihira: 587 (1862)

Tareha Te Moananui (1810-1880); 499 (Kawepo. I860?); 534 (Further papers relative to the native insurrection. 1861); 523 (Matariki. 1881)

Tarepa. Tamati: 503 (Ko te korero tenei o te whakapaparanga. 1860)

Tari Maori, Poneke. Aperira 18. 1879: 938 (N.Z. Native Dept. 1879)

Tari Maori. Poneke, Aperira 30. 1885: 1 144 (N.Z. Under-Secretary of Native Affairs. 1885)

Tari Maori. Poneke, Mei 1 1, 1885: 1 142 (N.Z. Native Minister. 1885)

Tari mo nga Kura see N.Z. Dept of Education

Tari o te Hapuritene Poneke. Akuhata 5. 1863: 639 (Wellington Province. Superintendent, 1863)

Tari o te Hekeretari Maori. Akarana. E hoa,— [space] Tena koe. Kua mea mai a te Kawana ki a au kia tuhituhi: 576 (N.Z. Native Secretary. 1862)

Tari o te Hekeretari o te Koroni, Akarana, Hanuere 25th. 1865; 671 (N.Z. Colonial Secretary. 1865)

Tari o te Hupiritene, Poneke, Hune 1 I. 1863 604 (N.Z. Colonial Secretary. 1863)

Tari o te Hupiritene, Poneke, 15 o Tihema 1863: 628 (He pukapuka enei no Waikato, 1863)

He taro maka kite mata o nga wai: 957 (Stanley. 1879); 961 (Stanley, 1879); **1230. 1235 (Stanley, ca. 1888); 1293 (Ryle. 1890)

Tatou he haere. Let us go: 148 (Nga pukapuka whakaako-Pakeha, 1843)

Te tau wetekanga a Te Atua. Te whanaunga—te manene: 1 353 (G. J. S.. ca. 1893)

Taumarere (North Auckland): 966 a (He himene, 1880)

Taumatini. Hemara: 1248 (Kia meou tangata whaiwhakaaro nunui katoa, 1889)

Taumutu Native Commonage Act 1883: 1085 (New Zealand. 1883)

Taupaki. Matiu (d. 1877): 880 (Burrows. 1877?)

Taupo: 394 (Greenwood. 1850); 408 (Cooper. 1851)

Tauranga: 636-637 (Te Waharoa, 1863); 884 (Grace. 1877); 5303 (Church of England. Diocese of Waiapu, 1870-1914)

Tauranga campaign: 648 (N.Z. Colonial Secretary. 1864) see also Waikato War

Tauranga. land (legislation): 1 325 (New Zealand. 1892) Tauranga Native Church Board see Church of England. Diocese of Waiapu Tautau. Nlkora: 542 (Pipi-wharauroa. 18991913) Tautohe Whenua i Waipawa: 1018 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1881) Tautuhi, Tamati: 1310 (N.Z. Native Land Court, 1891) Tawatawhiti (‘Tawa’) see Mair, Gilbert, junior (1843-1923) Tawhai, Haunui: S3l (Te paki o Matariki, 18921935?) Tawhai. Hone Mohi (1827/287-1894); 980 (N.Z. Parliament. 1880); 988 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1880); 1045 (New Zealand, 1882) Tawhai, Kereama (1864-1885); 1419 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1894); 525 (Te Korimako, 1882-1888) Tawhiao. Tukaroto Matutaera Potatau Te Wherowhero (d. 1894) (2nd Maori king): also known as Matutaera Potatau; Potatau II; 571 (N.Z. Governor (1861-1868 : Grey), 1862); 581 (Pompallier, 1862); 588 (1862); 594 (Further papers relative to the native insurrection, 1863); 596 (Kawepo. 1863); 625 (Pompallier, 1863); 630 (1863); **B44 (1875); 950 (N.Z. Prime Minister (1877-1879; Grey), 1879); 1032 a (Ko te korero o te haerenga mai o Kiingi Tawhiao ki Akarana, 1882); 1062 (Te Wheoro. 1882); 1101 (He kupu whakaatu enei, 1884); 1154 (Kotahi pauna, 1886?); 1168 (Nga pukapuka tuhituhi i waenganui i a rore tapere, 1886); 1 169 (1886); 1242 (Book of Mormon. 1889); 1346 (1892); **1357 (Te Kauhanganui o Aotearoa, 1893) SI3 (Te Hokioi, 1862-1863)

Tawhiti/Tawiti, Hori Karaka; 935 (Native difficulties at Taranaki. 1879) taxes and duties: 577 (Panuitanga. Kotahi te iwi tahae, 1862); 1205 (Ko nga kupu a te hui, 1888) taxes and duties (legislation): 990 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives, 1880); 1 137 (New Zealand. 1885); 1 140 (New Zealand, 1885); 1161 (New Zealand. 1886); 1335 (New Zealand. 1892); 1432 (New Zealand, 1895); 1442 (N.Z. Parliament, 1895); 1510 (New Zealand, 1898) Taylor. George: 750 (1870) Taylor. George Shepard; = Hori Teira: 1167 (Paxman, ca. 1886) Taylor. Richard (1805-1873); 366 (1848); 631 (1863); 751 (1870)



Taylor, Wesley (= Wetereri Teira) see Te Manu-a-Tiki, Wetereri

Te': Compound Maori names beginning Te' are filed under Te on a word-by-word basis: i.e. Te Rauparaha files before Telford. Entries for transliterated forms of non-Maori personal names (where Te' was frequently used as an honorific) are filed under the main part of the transliterated form, ignoring the Te'.

Te Aitanga-a-Mahaki (Iwi): 1245 (E hoa ma. e nga iwi. 1889)

Te Ana 1092 (Ngapora. 1883) Te Aoterangi, Haimona: 828 (1874)

Te Apatu. Nepe: 1239 (Waipawa Native Pah. Tapairu, 1888)

Te Aranui. Matiu (Matthew) (d 1862): 608 (N.Z Governor (1861-1868 : Grey). 1863)

Te Aratapu. Kaipara. 29 o Mei. 1875: 845 (1875)

Te Arawa (Iwi) 664 (Davis. 1865); 694 (1866); 1195 (Taranui. 1887); 1390(1893); 1195 (Taranui, 1887)

Te Aroatua, Hiraka: 764 (1871)

Te Aroha; 879 (Aperahama, 1877)

Te Aroha (legislation): 1049 (New Zealand. 1882); 1366 (New Zealand. 1893)

Te Aroha Taone: 1049 (New Zealand. 1882)

Te Aroha Township Act 1882: 1049 (New Zealand. 1882)

Te Ati Awa (Iwi) see Ngati Hineuru {hapu); Ngati Hinga (hapu); Ngati Uenuku (hapu)

Te Aute Association see Te Aute College Students' Association

Te Aute College: 1246 (He inoi ma nga tamariki. 1889?); 1498 (He panuitanga. 1897)

Te Aute College Students’ Association; = Te Kotahitanga a nga Tamariki o Te Aute Kareti. Te Kotahitanga o nga Tamariki o Te Kareti o Te Aute: S3B (1897-1906); 542 (Pipiwharauroa, 1899-1913)

Te Aute. Napier. 1 1 Maehe 1899; 1538 (Williams. 1899?)

Te Awa-i-taia, Wiremu Nera (d. 1866); 496 (Evidence of native chiefs. 1860); 653 (1864)

Te Deum with Gregorian harmonies set to figures; 432 (Mo te karakia o te ata. 1852)

Te Haara, Heta see Te Hara. Heta

Te Hakiro, Wi; also known as Hakiro: 873 (1876)

Te Hapuku (d. 1878): 401 (1850)

Te Hara, Heta; also known as Heta te Haara: 1319 (Maori Parliament. 1892?); 1341 (He panui. 1892); 1359 (Maori Parliament. 1893)

Te Hatiwira Houkamau see Te Houkamau. Hatiwira

Te Herekau. Henare: 678 (1865); 765 (Te Rauparaha. 1871)

Te Heuheu Tukino IV. Horonuku (d. 1888): 1196 (1887) Te Hianga. Noa (Noah): 866 (Pakowhai. 4 Mei. 1876); 877 (Te Wananga, 1876?); SI9 (Te Wananga, 1871-1878) Te Hira Te Kawau see Te Kawau. Te Hira. Te Houkamau. Hatiwira: 1277 (Matauru. 1890?) Te Hua the following entries are filed in date order (1863-1865) Te Hua. Hurae 6, 1863: 632 (Te Huia, 1863) Te Hua. Oketopa 17. 1863: 633 (Te Huia, 1863) Te Hua. Tihema 14. 1863: 634 (Te Huia, 1863) Te Hua. Hurae 1 I. 1864: 654 (Te Huia. 1864) Te Hua. Nohema 8. 1864: 655 (Te Huia. 1864) Te Hua. Mei 17. 1865: 679 (Te Huia. 1865) Te Hua. Hune 14. 1865: 680 (Te Huia. 1865) Te Huia. Matiu: 632-634 (1863); 654-655 (1864); 679-681 (1865); 695 (1866) Te Iho-o-te-Rangi, Raniera: 645 (Kiriwi. 1864); 656 (1864); 657 (Te Rauhihi, 1864) Te Irirangi, Honeiana: 646 (Letters from native chiefs, 1864) Te Kaha: 1498 (He panuitanga, 1897) Te Kahukoti; also known as Te Karamu: 550 (Ngapora. 1861) Te Kahutopa. Te Tuiti: 589 (1862) Te Kairangi. Atanatiu (fl. 1870-1913); also known as Atanatiu Kairangi: 1118 (N.Z Parliament. House of Representatives. Native Affairs Committee, 1884); 1134 (Mortimer. 1885)

Te Kakakura. WI Parata see Parata. Wiremu Te Kakakura

Te Kanapu. Haerehuka see Haerehuka, Te Kanapu

Te Karaka: 1365 (New Zealand. 1893) Te Karamu Kahukoti see Te Kahukoti Te Kati: 51 1 (N.Z. Governor (1855-1861 Browne). 1860) Te Kawakawa (East Cape): 1277 (Matauru. 1890?) Te Kawau, Karaka: 645 (Kiriwi. 1864) Te Kawau. Te Hira: 554 (1861) Te Keha. Hapimana Hamaka 588 (Tawhiao. 1862) Te Kiriwehi. Wiremu: 1308 (N.Z. Native Land Court. 1891?) Te Maioha. Honana: 1092 (Ngapora. 1883) Te Manu-a-Tiki. Wetereri (d. 1862?); also known as Wetereri Teira (Wesley Taylor): 590 (Te Teira. 1862). 592 (Tupoki. 1862) Te Matakatea. Wiremu Kingi Moki (d. 1893): 977 (N.Z. Native Minister) Te Matenga (of Puketawa. Taranaki). 597 (Ki nga Maori. 1863?) Te Moananui. Kurupo (d. 1861): 496 (Evidence of native chiefs. 1860)



Te Moananui. Tanumeha (Meha/Tanameha): 696 (1866); 853 (Ki nga rangatira katoa o Waikato. 1876); 868 (He panuitanga. 1876?)

Te Moananui. Tareha see Tareha Te Moananui

Te Moanaroa, Hohua: 720 (Maunsell. 1868)

Te Ngakau. W. H. T.. = Ngakau. W. H. T : 536 (Ko nga waiata a Waikato ki a Kawana Kerei. 1861?)

Te Paeahu. Aremete; 536 (Ko te kahiti tuturu mo Aotearoa, 1895?-1896?)

Te Paki (of Tuhoe); 1502 (1897?)

Te Pouepa. Parakaia: 485 (1858); 678 (Te Herekau. 1865); 682 (1865)

Te Puehu. Te Riri Tuku: 697 (1866)

Te Pukenui. KererO (d. 1896): 1450 (Nga hui Maori i Poneke. 1896); 1456 (Native meetings at Wellington. 1896); 1479 (Tutakangahau. 1896)

Te Putu. Paora (d 1862): 577 (Panuitanga. 1862)

Te Rangihaeata (d. 1855): **3l6 (N.Z. Southern Division. 1846)

Te Rangihiwinui. Te Keepa (d. 1898); also known as Major Kemp: 645 (Kiriwi, 1864); 807 (1873); 1358 (Maori Parliament. 1893); 1388 (Pitihana a Meiha Keepa Te Rangihiwinui me etahi atu, 1893); 1418 (1894); 1451 (Te karere tuarua a Mahuru, 1896?); 1457 (New Zealand. 1896); 1523 (Seddon. 1898)

Te Rangikaheke. Wiremu Maihi (d. 1896): 447 (Grey, 1853); 689 (Haerehuka, 1866)

Te Rangikawanoa. Wi: 1277 (Matauru. 1890?)

Te Rangiotu. Hoani Meihana (d 1898); also known as Hoani Meihana Rangiatu: 808 (1873)

Te Rangi-puawhe, Te Keepa (d. 1905): 1203 (Te Kainga Takiwa Porowini i te Koroni o Nui Tireni. 1888?)

Te Rangirerehia, Wunu; 1533 (Ngati Apa. 1899?)

Te Rangitake, Wiremu Kingi (d. 1882): 538 (Meeting held at King's Pa. 1861); see also Waitara purchase

Te Rangiwhakaewa (hapu); 762 (Petition ofTe Rangiwhakaewa. 1871)

Te Rarawa (Iwi): 615 (N.Z. Governor (186 M 868 : Grey). 1863); 935 (Native difficulties at Taranaki. 1879)

Te Rau Theological College (Gisborne): 1506 (He inoi mo te Karaiti, ca. 1898)

Te Rauhihi, Noa: 657 (1864)

Te Rauparaha (d. 1849); **3l6 (N.Z. Southern Division. 1846); 1298 (While. 1890)

Te Rauparaha, Tamihana (d. 1876); 496 (Evidence of native chiefs. 1860); 524 (1860);

765 (1871); 835 (Native land at Porirua, 1875) Te Raupo, Hokianga, Aperira 24. 1863: I 146 (Taonui, 1885) Te Repi. Rio see Haeatarangi, Rio Terepi Te Rerehau. Hemara; also known as Hemara Rerehau; Hemara Rerehau Te Whanonga Takawe; Te Hemara Rerehau Paraone: **525-527 (Toetoe. I860) Te Riri Tuku Te Puehu see Te Puehu, Te Riri Tuku Te Taha, Tipene: 645 (Kiriwi, 1864) Te Tai Tokerau see North Auckland Te Tau, Tikawenga: 809 (1873) Te Teira, Manuka; also known as Te Teira Manuka [Kaitoa]: 590 (1862); 635 (1863); 592 (Tupoki, 1862); see also Waitara purchase Te Tipitipi, Aporo: 1238 (Treaty of Waitangi, ca. 1888) Te Tirarau Kukupa (d. 1882): 608 (N.Z. Governor (1861-1868 : Grey). 1863) Te Tuhi. Wiremu Patara (d. 1910): 1101 (He kupu whakaatu enei, 1884); SI3 (Te Hokioi, 1862-1863) Te Tuiti Tekahutopa see Te Kahutopa. Te Tuiti Te Tumuhuia (d. 1872) see Taraia Ngakuti Te Tumuhuia Te Ua Haumene (d. 1866); also known as Horopapera (= Zerubbabel) Tuhaka; Horopapera Tuwhakararo Haumene; Te Ua Tuwhakarato Tutawake 655 (Te Huia, 1864)

Te Uamairangi. Pene; 1518 (Poneke. Hurae 25 1898) Te Umanga. Rutene: 1096 (1883) Te Waharoa, Tana see Te Waharoa. Tupu Atanatiu Taingakawa Te Waharoa. Tupu Atanatiu Taingakawa (1844/457-1929); 1523 (Seddon. 1898); S3l (Te paki o Matariki, 1892-19357); 534 (Ko te panui o Aotearoa, 1894) Te Waharoa. Wiremu Tamihana Tarapipipi, d. 1866; also known as William Thompson; William Thompson Tarapipipi; Wiremu Tamihana: 538 (Meeting held at King’s Pa. 1861) 551 (Pompallier. 1861); 584 (Selwyn, 1862) **s9l (1862); 595 (Further papers relative to the native insurrection. 1863); 624 (Papers relative to the native meeting held at Peria, 1863); 625, 627 (Pompallier. 1863); 636-637 (1863); 658 (1864); 683-685 (1865); 698 (1866) Te Waiatua. R. Whititera: 1250-1251 (Komiti Maori o te Takiwa o Rotorua. 1889) Te Waimate: 1 50 (St John’s College. 18437); see also Waimate (Bay of Islands)



Te Waimate Native Church Board see Church of England. Diocese of Auckland

Te Wana. Wiremu see Pou. Wiremu

Te Wanui, Rawiri; 765 (Te Rauparaha, 1871)

Te Wera. Hare Wirikake; 766 (Te Whiwhi. 1871?)

Te Whai. Wiremu see Pou, Wiremu

Te Whanonga Takawe. Hemara Rerehau see Te Rerehau, Hemara

Te Whatahoro Jury see Jury. Hoani Te Whatahoro

Te Whatanui. Kipa (d, 1925): 1472 (N.Z. Parliament. Legislative Council. Native Affairs Committee, 1896)

Te Whataupoko. Tatana: 1295 (1890?)

Te Wheoro. Wiremu Te Mdrehu Maipapa (d. 1895); 766 (Te Whiwhi. 1871?); * * 1053 (N.Z. Parliament. 1882); 1062 (1882); 1092 (Ngapora. 1883); 1101 (He kupu whakaatu enei, 1884); 524 (N.Z. Parliament. 18811906)

Te Wherowhero. Potatau (d. 1860) (Ist Maori king), also known as Potatau I; 507 (Maunsell. 1860)

Te Wherowhero, Tawhiao Matutaera Potatau see Tawhiao. Tukaroto Matutaera Potatau Te Wherowhero

Te Whiti-o-Rongomai 111. Erueti (d. 1907); 935 (Native difficulties at Taranaki. 1879). 975 (N.Z. Governor (1880-1882 : Gordon). 1880); 977 (N.Z. Native Minister. 1880); 1020 (N.Z. West Coast Royal Commission, 1881. 1051 (New Zealand. 1882); see also Parihaka

Te Whitu Huakatoa see Huakatoa, Te Whitu: 537 (Nga hiiringa i te whitu. 1896)

Te Whiwhi. Henare Matene (d. 1881); 686 (1865); 766 (1871?)

Tauranga. land: 1550 (Landless Maoris in the Waikato. Thames Valley, and Tauranga districts. 1900)

teachers. Maori: 153 (Selwyn. 1843); 201 (Cotton, 1844); 229 (Matthews, 1845-1850); 257 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1845); 372 (Colenso. 1849); 393 (Colenso. 1850); 406 (Colenso. 1851); 423 (Colenso, 1852); 436 (Williams, 1852); 467 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1856); 555 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1861); 594 (Further papers relative to the native insurrection, 1863); S2OI (Church of England. 18411923)

Tehimona. Haata see Desmond. Arthur

Teieii. Dorothy (d. 1862): 589 (Te Kahutopa. 1862)

Teira. Hori see Taylor. George Shepard

Teira. Manuka see Te Teira. Manuka

Teira, Wetereri (= Wesley Taylor) see Te Manu-a-Tiki, Wetereri Telford. John (1811-1815); I (1815): * * 115 (Multiplication table. 1842); 217 (Williams, 1844); 352 (Bible. O.T Hexateuch, 1848); 356 (Church of England. 1848); 452 (Grace, 1854); see also Printer/Publisher index Tell me the old. old story: 1201 (Hankey, 1888) temperance: 550 (Ngapora. 1861); 779 (Davis. 1873); 813 (Independent Order of Good Templars. 1874); 828 (Te Aoterangi.lB74); 1099-1 100 (Independent Order of Good Templars. 1884); 1 102 (Malins, 1884?); 1127 (Davis. 1885); 1239 (Waipawa Native Pah, Tapairu. 1888); 1446 (White, ca. 1895); 525 (Te Korimako. 1882-1888); see also liquor licensing; prohibition

Temperance melodies: 1127 (Davis. 1885) Temperance songs, etc., in the Maori language: 779 (Davis. 1873); 1127 (Davis. 1885) Ten Commandments; 11 (Bible. Maori. Selections. 1830); 47 (Ten Commandments. 1838); 52 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1838); 61 (Colenso. 1839); 99 (Watkin. 1841); 100-101 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1841); 111 (Colenso. 1842); 200 (Colenso. 1844)

Tena koe. He mea atu tenei naku ki a koe kia haere mai koe ki Akarana nei; **sls (N.Z. Governor (1855-1861 ; Browne). 1860); **s4o (N.Z. Governor (1855-1861 : Browne). 1861) Tena koe. I tera pukapuka o te 20 o Hepetema 745 (N.Z. Native Dept. 1870) Tena koe. Tenei ka tukua atu e au tetehi kape ote whakaaturanga ote ahua me nga ritenga ote Karapu Maori o Poneke: 1397 (Ellison. 1894) Tena korua. tena korua. e nga matua o te rangatira nui rawa o Atiria katoa; 526 (Toetoe. 1860) Tena ra ko koutou, erahi ano toku aroha ki a koutou: 151 (Selwyn. 1843)

Tena ra ko koutou katoa ko te iwi nui tonu: 1248 (Kia meou tangata whaiwhakaaro nunui katoa. 1889) Tena ra kokoe. kua tae mai o koutou pukapuka ki au: 245 (N.Z. Governor (1843-1845 Fitzßoy). 1845) Tena ra koutou katoa i raro i te atawhai a to tatou Ariki; 1498 (He paunuitanga. 1897) Tenakoe. tenakoe. Wharaniti Johepa. te rangatira nui rawa o Atiria katoa: 527 (Toetoe, 1860) Tenei ano etahi mea hei hurihurihanga ma nga “Hui o te Hahi Maori ": 717 (Church of England. Diocese of New Zealand. 1868?)



Tenei ano he wahi takoto noa: 1252 (Te kupu o te Rongo Pai. 1889)

Tenei ano te korero a Hone Hihana te roia. ki nga Maori i hui ki Pakipaki: 805 (Sheehan. 1873)

Tenei etahi o nga whakaaro o te Kawana. o Kawana Kerei, mo nga tangata Maori, i tenei takiwa; (N.Z. Governor (1861-1868 : Grey), 1861)

Tenei ka panuitia nei nga korero o te hui i tu ki Otorohanga i te taenga o Kawana Anaro ki reira. kia mohio ai te katoa: 1296 (1890)

Tenei korero na nga herehere o naianei i aratakina atu i Rangiaohia; 651 (N.Z. Native Dept. Interpreter. 1864)

Tenei rongo no te pakanga i Te Ranga, Tauranga i te rua tekau matahi o nga ra o Hune: 649 (N.Z. Colonial Secretary. 1864)

Tenei te Kawanatanga te mea ana ki etahi tangata Maori, kia toru rau (300), hei mahi i nga rori ki waenganui o Akarana o Mangatawhiri: 570 (N.Z. Colonial Secretary, 1862)

Tenei te korero hou kua tae mai i tawahi. kei te whawhai a Puruhia raua ko te Wiwi: 747 (N.Z. Native Minister, 1870)

Tenei te mihi ki a koutou: 531 (Davis. 1861)

Tenei te taonga nui rawa ake i nga moni-koura katoa o Niu Tirani!: 1197 (1887?)

He teneti e tu ana i te mania: 259 (Wilberforce. 1859)

The tent on the plain: 259 (Wilberforce. 1845)

He Tepara mo nga Whanaunga: 11 75 (Church of England, 1887)

Tera e totohu te kaipuke i te puta kotahi: I 147 (1885)

Tera etahi korero horihori, e kawea haeretia ana e etahi tangata. mo runga i nga whakaaro o te Kawana mo Waikato: 518 (N.Z. Governor (1855-1861 : Browne). 1860)

Tera te wahi pai; 1021 (He pukapuka whakaako mo nga tamariki Maori. 1881)

Tereita. Henri: 1 173 (Amalgamated Shearers’ Union of Australasia, 1887)

Terua, P.: 1520 (Pukapuka rapu. 1898)

Tetaraki. He tangata i waiho hei kingi mo nga kainga ewha: 252 (a) (Puckey, ca. 1845)

Teuter.): 321 (Bible. O.T. Deuteronomy XX-XXV, 1847?)

textbooks see names of specific subjects: arithmetic; English language; geography; Maori language

Thames, land: 735 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. Public Petitions Committee. 1869); 1550 (Landless Maoris in the Waikato. Thames Valley, and Tauranga districts, 1900)

Thames, land (legislation) 1404 (New Zealand. 1894) 1410 (New Zealand, 1894) Theatre Royal. Gisborne. Saturday. June 3. 1899: 1537 (Theatre Royal. 1899) thermal springs (legislation): 1007 (New Zealand. 1881); **lol2 (N.Z. Parliament. 1881); 1086 (New Zealand. 1883); **lo9l (N.Z. Parliament. 1883); 1436 (New Zealand. 1895) Thermal-Springs Districts Act 1881 [Bill 1881]; 1007 (New Zealand. 1881); * * 1012 (N.Z. Parliament, 1881) Thermal Springs District Act 1881 Amendment Act 1883 [Bill 1883]: 1086 (New Zealand, 1883); **lo9l (N.Z. Parliament. 1883) These headings of the Maori Bible have been put forth by the Auckland Branch of the Bible Society; 833 (Ko nga tikanga o nga upoko o te Paipera, 1875)

Thierry. Charles Frederick de; = Hare Parena te Tiari: 813 (Independent Order of Good Templars); 921 (Thomas, 1878) Thierry. Charles Philippe Hippolyte de (17931864): 24 (Busby. 1835) The Thirty-nine Articles: 1070 (Church of England, ca. 1883); 1 175 (Church of England, 1887) This is a burial ground!: 638 (He wahi tapu tenei!, 1863) This is the law of the Bishop, to all persons who want physic: 152 (Selwyn, 1843?)

Thomas, Edward Croft Greenway; = E. G. S. Tamati: 921-922 (1878) Thompson, William see Te Waharoa, Wiremu Tamihana Taraplpipi Thomson. Arthur Saunders (1816-1860): 379 (1849); 461 (N.Z. Central Board of Vaccination. 1855) The three flags: 919 (Stanley. 1878); 1228 (Stanley, ca. 1888) Three Kings Institution (Auckland); S2I 1 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1844-1854) Tiari, Hare Parena (‘Baron’) see Thierry, Charles Frederick de Tidings of grace (series): 1 542 (Barker. 1 900) Tikanaa see McDonald. Allan Nga tikanga a Hirini Rawiri Taiwhanga, M.H.R., mote whaka kainga whakanoho tangata ki runga inga whenua Maori: 1237 (Taiwhanga. 1888) He tikanga enei mo te whakarite whakawa kia pai ai: 506 (Martin. 1860) Nga tikanga korero, hei rapurapu ma te hui, a nga iwi i te Hui i Pakowhai. te 31 o Mei, 1876: 874 (1876) Te tikanga kura; 360 (Colenso, 1848)



Nga tikanga mahi mo Niu Tirem: 1 173 (Amalgamated Shearers' Union of Australasia. 1887)

Nga tikanga makatoa o te whakaotahi tanga o Te Kaitikati Uniana o Ahutereria: I 173 (Amalgamated Shearers' Union of Australasia. 1887)

Te tikanga mo te korerotanga o era atu wahi o te Karaipiture Tapu: 811 (Church of the Province of New Zealand. 1873)

Te tikanga mo te motuhanga i te tangata hei piriti: 493 (Church of England. I860?)

He tikanga mo te whakarite-whakawa: 506 (Martin. 1860)

He tikanga nui; 1565 (1900)

Nga tikanga o te kainga o Petani: 381 (Ashwell, ca. 1850)

Nga tikanga o te rahui i rahuitia ai; 775 (N.Z. Commissioner of Native Reserves. 1872)

Nga tikanga o “Te Ture mo nga Hipi, 1878," e paa ana ki nga iwi Maori: 937 (New Zealand. 1879)

Nga Tikanga o te Whakapono o te Hahi o Ihu Karaiti ote Hunga Tapu o Muri Nei: 11 77 (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 1887?)

Nga tikanga o te whakatupu mete mahinga o te tupeka; 712 (1867)

Nga tikanga tuku e riro ke ai nga whenua Maori 943 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1879)

Nga tikanga whakahaere i raro i Wahi II . o Wahanga 11., o “Te Ture Kooti Whenua Maori. 1894 ": **1440 (N.Z. Native Land Court. 1895) 1470/10 (N.Z. Native Land Court. 1896)

Nga Tikanga Whakahaere “Te Ture Whakatikatika 1887 i nga Ture Whakatau Rahui o te tai Hauauru ”: 1217 (New Zealand, 1888)

Tiki see Dickie. Mr

Te timatanga o nga ra: 1 190 (North. 1887?)

Timber Floating Act 1873: 793 (New Zealand. 1873)

Timber-floating Act Amendment Act 1893; 1373 (New Zealand. 1893)

Timber Floating Bill 1873; 783 (Kawepo. 1873)

Timipara, Ropata see Trimble. Robert

Tini. Manaena: 848 (Te Wananga. 1875)

Tino Kai Whakarite Whakawa (Chief Justice) see Martin. Sir William

Tino Kai Whakarongo (Chief Justice) see Martin. Sir William

He tino whakawa mana nui i te Kooti Hupirimi: 920 (Supplement to "Te Wananga", 1878)

Tira: 697 (Te Puehu. 1866)

Tiraweke see Wakefield. Edward Jerningham Tiria Makereta: 536 (Ko nga waiaia a Waikato ki a Kawana Kerei. 1861?) Te Tiriti o Waitangi he karo whakaora mo nga tangata Maori: 1 178 (Hardy. 1887) Tirohanga ki nga taha e rua: 1545 (Grant, ca. 1900) Titeri/Titere: 2 (Kendall. 1820) Titeta (= Chichester) see Pelham, Henry Thomas Titokowaru, Joseph Orton ( = Hohepa Otene) see Titokowaru, Riwha Titokowaru. Riwha (d. 1888); also known as Joseph Orton (Hohepa Otene) Titokowaru: 257 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1845) Te Tiupiri; S4O (The Jubilee = Te Tiupiri, 18981900) Tiuteronomi. Upoko 20; 321 (Bible. O.T. Deuteronomy XX-XXV. 1847?) Tiwinihana. Etera see Stevenson. Ezra To all natives within the Western Maori Electoral District of New Zealand 1295 (Te Whataupoko. 1890?)

To all the Maori people of Aotearoa: 1155 (Mair. 1886) To [name] Sir. Salutation to you. A meeting of all the Maori Tribes will assemble: 1248 (Kia meou tangata whaiwhakaaro nunui katoa. 1889) To tatou ake tikanga: 1145 (North. 1885) To the chiefs of the native race in New Zealand 1032 (Ki nga rangatira Maori kei Niu Tirani. 1882) To the Maories of New Zealand: 641 (Aborigines’ Protection Society. 1864) To the Premier from the Ngatiapa Tribe: 1533 (Ngati Apa. 1899?) To the Provincial Council of Wellington [2O March 1858): 485 (Te Pouepa. 1858) Toatoa, Wirihana: 596 (Kawepo. 1863)

tobacco, cultivation: 712 (Nga tikanga o te whakatupu mete mahinga o te tupeka. 1867) Toetoe. Wilhelm see Toetoe. Wiremu Toetoe. Wiremu (d. 1881); also known as Wiremu Toetoe Tumohe: **525-527 (1860); SI3 (Te Hokioi. 1862-1863) Tohi Te Ururangi (d 1864); also known as Tohi of Maketu: 496 (Evidence of Maori chiefs. 1860) Tohu Kakahi (1828-1907): 1051 (New Zealand. 1882) Toihau. Keepa: 697 (Te Puehu. 1866) Tokoahu. Enoka: 699 (Whitorangi. 1866) Tole. Joseph Augustus (1847-1920); 1138 (New Zealand. 1885) Tomete see Domett. Alfred



Tomoana. Henare (d. 1904): 830 (Te Wananga. 1874); 848 (Te Wananga. 1875); 866 (Pakowhai. 4 Mei. 1876); 875 (1876); 876 (Wahawaha. 1876); 877 (Te Wananga. 1876?); 944. 946 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1879); 1016 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1881); 1059 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1882); 1131 (Kawepo, 1885?); 1320 (Maori Parliament. 1892); 1391 (1893); 1523 (Seddon. 1898); SI9 (Te Wananga. 1871-1878); 524 (N.Z. Parliament. 1881-1906)

Tomoana. Paraire Henare (1874/75?-1946): 1545 (Grant, ca. 1900); 535 (Maramataka haere timata, 1895)

Tongariro and Ruapehu National Park (correspondence relative to a gift of portion of): 1196 (Te Heuheu TOkino IV, 1887)

Tongariro National Park: 1 196 (Te Heuheu TOkino IV. 1887)

Tongariro National Park (legislation): 1 189 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1887); 1386 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives, 1893); 1414 (New Zealand. 1894)

Tongariro National Park Act 1894: 1414 (New Zealand, 1894)

Tongariro National Park Bill 1887 [1893]; 1 189 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives, 1887); 1893: 1387 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives, 1893)

Tongariro Whenua Ahuareka mo te Katoa; 1 189 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1887)

Toole, John Lawrence (1832-1906); = J. L. Tuuru; 1299 (White. 1890?)

Toole’s experiences in New Zealand; 1299 (White. 1890?)

He loro konihi huihuinga tangata: 1277 (Matauru, 1890?)

Torotoro, Paora: 777 (1872); 846 (1875)

tourism (legislation); 1007 (New Zealand. 1881); **lol2 (N.Z. Parliament. 1881); 1436 (New Zealand, 1895)

Townsend, George (1788-1857); 384 (Burgh. 1850)

tracts, religious: 46 (Maunsell, 1838); 60 (Colenso. 1839); 76-77 (Colenso. 1840); 1 10 (Colenso. 1842); 206 (He hoa korerorero. 1844); 334 (He Korero tenei mo Ani Kanara, 1847); 350 (Whiteley. 1847); 374 (Colenso. 1849); 425-426 (Colenso. 1852); 445 (Davis. 1853); 458 (Davis. 1855); 495 (E te tangata hara!, ca. I860); 529 (Beveridge. 1861); 565 (Te Karaipiture, 1862); 631 (Taylor, 1863);

691 (Neave. 1866?); 715 (Aroha noa, ca. 1868); 725 (Te lure mete aroha noa. 1868); 918-919 (Stanley. 1878); 930 (Te haerenga mai o te Ariki, ca. 1879); 951 (North. 1879); 955-962 (Stanley, ca. 1879); 1067 (Bromley, ca. 1883); 1124 (Baker. 1885); 1 132 (Te korerotanga kite whakaminenga. 1885); 1145 (North, 1885); 1147 (Tera e totohu te kaipuke i te puta kotahi, 1885); 1 153 (Kei hea nga tokoiwa, 1886); 1 167 (Paxman. ca. 1886); 1174 (Te Arani maoa mete aporo mata, 1887?); 1 180 (Hopukia te oranga tonutanga, 1887); I 190 (North. 1887?); 1 198 (Te Waipuke, 1887); 1224 (Brown, ca. 1888); 1226 (He rongo mau mo katoa. 1888); 12271236 (Stanley, ca. 1888); 1252 (Te kupu o te Rongo Pai, 1889); 1267 (Te ritenga mete mana o te toto o te Karaiti, 1889); 1268 (Spencer. 1889?); 1270 (Wahi iti kua riro atu i ta te Karaiti tikanga, 1889); 1293 (Ryle, 1890) 1297 (Te turanga u. 1890); 1302 (Kua mate a Hoani Tawhito, ko Hoani Hou tenei, 1891) 1312 (North. 1891); 1321 (Mylne, 1892?); 1344 (S. R.. 1892?); 1347 (He whaikorero na tetahi minita, 1892?); 1352 (Cutting, ca. 1893); 1353-1354 (G. J. S.. ca. 1893); 1421 (Amatana. 1895?); 1446 (White, ca. 1895); 1489-1490 (Ko te whakaeminga mai. 1897?); 1501 (Sumner. 1897?); 1507 (Ko te oranga. ca. 1898); 1524 (Barker. 1899?); 1541 (A ka tae mai ratou kite wahi e karangatia nei ko Kawari, ka ripeka i aia ki reira, ca. 1900); 1542 (Barker. 1900); 1543 (Brady. 1900); 1545 (Grant, ca. 1900); 1547 (Kahore he pokanga ketangi, 1900); 1549 (Nga kupu whakahoki a te Atua ki ou patai, 1900?); 1564 (Spencer, ca. 1900); 1565 (He tikanga nui, 1900); S2B (Te Hoa Maori (The Maori friend). 1885?-1897)

trade: 433 (N.Z. Governor (1845-1853 ; Grey). 1852; 477 a (Ko te ture hoko, 1858?); 496 (Evidence of native chiefs. 1860); 748 (N.Z. Native Minister. 1870); see also directories, business; economics; employment and income; money and saving; shops trade unions see unions Translation. Friends, listen to me; 211 (N.Z. Governor (1843-1845; Fitzßoy), 1844) translation of legislation and parliamentary debates see Parliamentary proceedings, translation Translation of report of Middle Island Native Land Purchase Commissioners: 1009 (N.Z. Middle Island Native Land Purchase Commission. 1881)



Translation of West Coast Royal Commissioners' reports of 1880: 1020 (N.Z. West Coast Royal Commission, 1881)

Translation Syndicate: 206 (He hoa korerorero, 1844); 219 (Bible. O.T. Selections. 1845)

transport see railways; roads

travel see England and Europe, visits by Maori, North Island, journeys; pastoral visits; railways; South Island, journeys

Traveller’s guide: 1549 (Nga kupu whakahoki a te Atua ki ou patai, 1900?)

Treaty of Waitangi (1840): 83 (1840 [Paihia]); 215 (1844 [Auckland]); 256 (1845 [Paihia]); 504 (Kohimarama Conference. 1860); 783 (Kawepo, 1873): 816 (Matua. 1874); 883 (Fac-similes of the . . . Treaty of Waitangi. 1877); 1146 (Taonui. 1885): 1178 (Hardy, 1887); 1237 (Taiwhanga, 1888); 1238 (ca. 1888 [Wellington]); 1317 (Fac-similes of the Treaty of Waitangi. 1892); 1459 (New Zealand, 1896); SI (Te karere o Nui Tireni, 1842-1846)

The Treaty of Waitangi: A defence for the Maori people; I 178 (Hardy. 1887)

Tregear. Edward Robert (1846-1931): 1314 (1891); 1503 (1897)

trials see crimes

Trigonometrical Stations and Survey Marks Act 1868: 722 (New Zealand. 1868)

Trimble. Robert (1824-1899); = Ropata Timipara: 1264 (N.Z. Commission to Inquire into Certain Matters in Connection with the Ngarara, Porangahau, Mangamaire. and Waipiro Blocks of Land. 1889)

Trimmer. Sarah Kirby (1741-1810): 32 (Bible. O.T. Genesis. Selections, 1837); 86 (Bible. O.T. Selections, 1841)

The true church; 1293 (Ryle. 1890)

trusts (legislation): 1 370 (New Zealand, 1893); 1510 (New Zealand. 1898)

Truth in a nutshell: 1489-1490 (Ko te whakaeminga mai, 1897?)

Tuahuterangi see Hapurona

Tuai (1797?-! 824): 2 (Kendall. 1820)

Tuari, Hori Hemi see G. J. S.

Te tuarua o nga Ratapu i muri iho o te Kirhimeti; 337 (Matthews. 1847)

Tuati. W. T. see Stewart, William Thomas

Tuawha o te Paremaia o te Kotahitanga o te iwi Maori o Nui Tireni o te 7 o Maehe. 1895: 1427 (Maori Parliament. 1895?)

Tuhaere. Paora (d. 1892): 766 (Te Whiwhi, 1871?); 767 (1871); 1045 (New Zealand. 1882); 1192 (Peawhairangi. Maehe 10. 1887); 1248 (Kia meou tangata

whaiwhakaaro nunui katoa, 1889); 1249 (Ko le pukapuka o te Tiriti o Kohimarama. 1889?) Tuhaka, Horopapera (= Zerubbabel) see Te Ua Haumene He tuhituhinga i nga mahi a te Hui o te Hahi Maori; S3Ol/1882.1 (Church of England. Diocese of Waiapu, 1870-1914) He tuhituhinga potonga o te hitoria tapu. ara. o te Paipera mete Hahi; 523 (Pompallier. 1860) Tuhoe (Iwi): 1425 (Nga korero mo Tuhoe. 1895); 1450 (Nga hui Maori i Poneke, 1896); 1456 (Native meetings at Wellington. 1896); 1466 (New Zealand. 1896); 1522 (Seddon. 1898); 1478 (Tutakangahau. 1896) Tukairangi. Te Pohipi: 694 (Te Arawa, 1866) Tuku. Wi; 847 (1875) Te Tuku Whenua: 1019 (N.Z. Parliament Legislative Council, 1881) Tukua-Te-Rangi see Tutakangahau Tumohe. Wiremu Toetoe see Toetoe. Wiremu Tunuiarangi, Hoani Paraone (18437-1933): 1205 (Ko nga kupu a te hui, 1888) Tupoki, Te Hita Nera: 592 (1862)

Tupuna. He matua no tona whakataka tamariki: 252 (b) (Puckey. ca. 1845) Turakina: 1533 (Ngati Apa, 1899?) Turakino, Mahau see Mahau Turakino Turanga Native Church Board see Church of England. Diocese of Waiapu Turanga. Nowema I. 1879; 963 (Williams. 1879) Te turanga u; 1297 (1890) Turanganui, Pepuere. 23. 1876: 869 (Pdtae, 1876) Turau, Wiremu Waka: 1 146 (Taonui. 1885) Ture the following titles of Acts in Maori are arranged in alphabetical order Te Ture 1876 whakaroanga atu o te Ture o te 1871. e ahei ai te tono he whakawakanga ki te taha kite Karauna; 865 (N.Z. Parliament Legislative Council. 1876) Te Ture 1883 Whakaroa atu i te Ture Whakapumau i te Rangimarire o te Tai Hauauru 1882: 1087 (New Zealand. 1883)

He lure arai i nga mahi tahae ki nga Whenua Maori. 1870: 752 (He Jure tenei hei arai i te mahi hoko tahae i nga whenua Maori. 1870) Te Jure Arai i te Tuku Whenua Maori. 1884 1 107 (New Zealand. 1884) Te Ture Arai mo te Hoko Tahae i nga Whenua Maori. 1880 [lBBl] QB2 (N.Z. Parliament. 1880); 1881 1004 (New Zealand. 1881) He Ture e tika ai te whakatu i etahi Rori Poata i roto i nga takiwa Maori 758 (New Zealand. 1871)



He Ture hei arai mo tetahi wa i nga whakahaerenga a nga tangata noa iho: 1107 (New Zealand. 1884)

He Ture hei wehe i etahi whenua i te tahataha o te Roto o Waihora, i te Takiwa Porowini o Katipere: 1085 (New Zealand. 1883)

He Ture hei whakahaere ritenga mo nga Kura Maori; 708 (New Zealand, 1867)

He Ture hei whakahau i te rehitatanga kuri: 968 (New Zealand. 1880)

He Ture hei whakamana i a Hori Kerei Taiaroa, he tangata Maori no te Koroni o Niu Tireni: 1084 (New Zealand. 1883)

He Ture hei whakamana i te Kawana kite whakaputa Karauna Karaati mo etahi Rahui kua wehea mo nga mea Maori i roto i te Poraka o Murihiku: 1079 (New Zealand, 1883)

He Ture hei whakanui i te whakahaerenga o te mana ote Koote Whakawa Whenua Maori: **BsB (New Zealand. 1876)

He Ture hei whakaora atu i te mana o “Te Ture Whakapumau i te Rangimarire o te Tai Hauauru, 1882.”: 1097 (New Zealand. 1883)

He Ture hei whakarite tikanga whakahaere i te Rahui Maori i te Waipounamu Niu Tireni: 1082 (New Zealand, 1883)

He Ture hei whakaroa atu i te wa hei tukunga rahui ma nga Maori i raro i “Te Ture Whenua Raupatu o Waikato. 1880 ”: 1110 (New Zealand. 1884)

He Ture hei whakaroanga atu i te Ture o te 1871 e ahei ai te tono he whakawa kite taha kite Karauna: 865 (N.Z. Parliament. Legislative Council. 1876)

He Ture hei whakatakoto tikanga kia whai reo ai mo ratou Whaka-Maori ake nga tangata Maori o te Koroni o Niu Tireni: 707 (New Zealand. 1867)

He Ture hei Whakatika i te “Ture Kooti Whenua Maori, 1880": 1060 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives, 1882)

He Ture hei whakatika i ‘Te Ture Kura Maori. 1867.’: 759 (New Zealand. 1871)

He Ture hei whakatika i “Te Ture Reiti i nga Whenua Karauna me nga Whenua Maori, 1882 ”: 1076 (New Zealand. 1883)

He Ture hei Whakatikatika 1899 i “Te Ture Mahi Kapia, 1898 " **1553 (New Zealand, 1900)

He Ture hei whakatikatika hei hono atu hoki ki “Te Ture Karauna Karaati mo nga Hawhekaihe o Te Waipounamu, 1877 ": 1078 (New Zealand. 1883)

He lure hei whakatikatika hei whakaputahi i nga ture e whai tikanga ana ki runga ki nga

whenua i roto i te Koroni . . . (Akatopa 30. 1865 ); 670 (New Zealand. 1865) He lure hei whakatikatika hei whakawhaiti hoki i nga ture e tau ana ki runga kite Kooti Whakawa Whenua Maori: 789 (New Zealand. 1873) He Ture hei whakatikatika i nga ture e pa ana ki nga whenua Maori: 1081 (New Zealand. 1883) Te Ture hei Whakatikatika i te Ture Arai mo te Hoko Tahae i nga Whenua Maori. 1873: 797 (N.Z. Parliament. 1873) He Ture hei whakatikatika i “Te Ture Maori Whai Karaati, 1873”: 862 (N.Z. Parliament. 1876) He Ture hei whakatikatika i “Te Ture Pire Tuku Moni. 1883 ”; I 104 (New Zealand. 1884) He Ture hei whakatikatika i te Ture Whakamana Tangata Pooti: 829 (1874) He Ture hei whakatikatika i “Te Ture Whakatau i nga Rahui ote Tai Hauauru, 1881.": 1088 (New Zealand, 1883)

He Ture hei whakatikatika i “Te Jure Whenua Maori. 1873 "; 913 (New Zealand. 1878) He Ture hei whakatu i tetahi Runanga Komihana hei kimi hei whakapuaki . . . i te Porowini o Haaka Pei (Heretaunga); 774 (New Zealand. 1872) Te Ture Hipi. 1890: 1282 (New Zealand. 1890) Te Ture Hoko a te Kawanatanga i nga Whenua Maori. 1877; **BB9 (New Zealand. 1877) Te Ture Hoko o Hauturu Motu. 1894; 1406 (New Zealand. 1894) Te Ture Hoko. Riihi hoki, i nga Whenua Maori. 1876: **B64 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1876) Te Ture Hoko Waipiro i nga Takiwa o Waho. 1870: 741 (Ko te Ture mo te Hoko Waipiro, 1870?) Te Ture Hoko Waipiro i Roto i nga Takiwa e nohoia ana e nga Tangata Maori. 1874: 819 (New Zealand, 1874) Te Ture Hoko Whakawhiwhi Whenua Maori. 1893: 1368 (New Zealand. 1893); 1378 (N.Z. Parliament. 1893)

Te lure Hoko Whenua Maori. 1892: 1327 (New Zealand. 1892) He Jure hou, erua. i whakatakotoria e te Runanga Nui o Niu Tirani, 1858; 489 (New Zealand. 1859) lure Huinga Whakamana Kotahitanga Maori: 1360 (Maori Parliament. 1893?) He lure i huaina. He Jure hei whakatakoto tikanga mo nga Kaunihera i nga Takiwa Maori: 776 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1872) Te Jure Karaati Hawhe-Kaihe o te



Waipounamu. 1888: 1211 (New Zealand. 1888)

Te lure Karaati Maori. 1873: ‘*7BB (New Zealand. 1873)

Te Ture Karaati mo Rakiura, 1873: “792 (New Zealand. 1873)

Te Ture Karaati Whenua mo Horomona Paatu, 1890; 1279 (New Zealand, 1890)

Te Ture Karaati Whenua mo Mere Taka. 1892: 1325 (New Zealand. 1892)

Te Ture Kararehe. 1890: 1285 (N.Z. Parliament. 1890)

Te Ture Karauna Karaati mo nga Hawhe Kaihe o te Waipounamu. 1877 [1883]: “893 (New Zealand. 1877); 1883: 1078 (New Zealand. 1883)

Te Ture Karauna Karaati mo nga Rahui Maori o Murihiku. 1879 [lBBl] [lBB2] [1883]: 947 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1879); 1881: 1015 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1881); 1882 1058 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1882); 1883: 1079 (New Zealand. 1883)

Te Ture Kaunihera Maori 1872 [1873] [1900]: 776 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1872); 1873: 799 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1873); 1900: 1554-“ 1556 (New Zealand. 1900)

He Ture kia mohiotia te tuturutanga o nga whenua Maori mo te tukunga atu o te pukapuka whakaatu mo te take a mo te whakaritenga hoko i nga whenua Maori me era atu mea: 669 (New Zealand. 1865)

Ture ko Tongariro Whenua Ahuareka mo te Katoa, 1887: 1 189 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives, 1887)

Te Ture kohinga whakatopu: 1392 (1893)

Ture Komiti Maori; “1445(1895)

Te Ture Kooti Whenua Maori. 1877 [lBBo] [lBB6] [lB9l] [1894]: 901 (N.Z. Parliament House of Representatives, 1877); 1880: “969 (New Zealand. 1880); 981 (N.Z Parliament. 1880); 1886: 1158 (New Zealand. 1886); 1891: 1304 (New Zealand. 1891); 1894 1407 (New Zealand. 1894)

Te Ture kua whakaaetia e nga rangatira Maori o te Wahipounamu: 840 (Ngai Tahu. 1875)

Te Ture Mahi Tio, 1866 [1892]: “692 (New Zealand. 1866); 1331 (New Zealand. 1892)

Ture Maina 1890 [1891]: 1289 (N.Z. Parliament House of Representatives. 1890); 1891: “1303 (New Zealand. 1891)

Te Ture Maori Whai Karaati. 1873: 794 (N.Z. Parliament, 1873)

Te Ture mete aroha noa: 725 (1868); 1354 (G, J. S.. ca. 1893)

Te Ture mo Horowhenua Poraka, 1895 [1896]: 1430 (New Zealand. 1895); 1896: 1457 (New Zealand. 1896) Te Ture mo Mokau-Mohakatino. 1888: 1064 (New Zealand, 1888) Te Ture mo nga Herehere Maori. 1880: 979 (N.Z. Parliament, 1880) Ture mo nga Hipi, 1878: 937 (New Zealand. 1879) Te Ture mo nga Hoko Whenua Maori, 1880: 988 (N.Z. Parliament, House of Representatives. 1880) Te Ture mo nga Karaati i Papati Pei (Turanga), 1869. **732 (New Zealand. 1869) Te Ture mo nga Karaati o Taimaro me Waimahana, 1874; 822 (New Zealand. 1874) Te Ture mo nga Karaati o Whakataki: 823 (New Zealand. 1874) Te Ture mo nga Karauna Karaati o Himatangi, 1877: 890 (New Zealand, 1877); 896 (N.Z Parliament, 1877)

lure mo nga Kura Maori. 1867; 708 (New Zealand. 1867) Te lure mo nga Mahi Motuhake, 1885: **1139 (New Zealand. 1885) lure mo nga Mahi Nunui, 1894: 1411 (New Zealand. 1894) Te lure mo nga Mana. me nga Whakaritenga Motuhake. 1886: **ll6o (New Zealand. 1886) Jure mo nga Parani. me nga Paranitanga. 1880: 967 (New Zealand, 1880) “Te Ture mo nga Pukapuka Pire Tuku Moni. 1883”: 1077 (New Zealand. 1883) Te Ture mo nga Rahui kite Whakataunga o te Tai Hauauru. 1881: 1008 (New Zealand. 1881)

Te Ture mo nga Take Whenua i Turanganui. 1874: 821 (New Zealand. 1874) Te Ture mo nga Takiwa Ngawha. 1881: 1007 (New Zealand. 1881) Te Ture mo nga Teihana me nga Tohu Ruri: 722 (New Zealand. 1868) Ture mo nga Wahi Tuunga Kura Maori: 970 (New Zealand. 1880); 984 (N.Z. Parliament. 1880) Ture mo nga Whakawa Maori. 1879 [1880]: 948 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1879); 1880. 991 (N.Z. Parliament House of Representatives. 1880) Te Ture mo nga Whare Manuhiri a te Kawanatanga i nga Taone o Akarana. o Onehunga, 1867; **7 os Ture mo nga Whenua Maori 1865: 670 (New Zealand. 1865) Te Ture mo nga whenua rahui Maori i Kaiapoi. 1877; 897 (N.Z. Parliament. 1877)



Te Ture mo nga Whenua Raupatu Waikato, 1880; 973 (New Zealand. 1880); 987 (N.Z. Parliament. 1880)

Te Ture mo Taonui-Ahu-o-Turanga. 1880: **972 (New Zealand. 1880)

Te Ture mo Te Aroha Taone. 1882; 1049 (New Zealand. 1882)

Ture mo te hanganga o nga mea whawhai: 248 (N.Z. Legislative Council. 1845?)

Te Ture mo te Rahui o te Karamu; **1254 (New Zealand. 1889)

Te Ture mo te Runanga Komihana mo nga Tuku Whenua i roto i te Porowini o Haaka Pei (Heretaunga), 1872; 774 (New Zealand, 1872)

Te Ture mo te Tautohe Whenua i Waipawa, 1881: 1018 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives, 1881)

Nga Ture mo te Utautanga o nga mea Whawhai: 249 (N.Z. Legislative Council, 1845?)

Ture mo te whakanoho i te Hunga Marie. 1863: **6ol (New Zealand. 1863)

Te Ture mo Toanui-Ahu-o-Turanga. 1880: **972 (New Zealand. 1880)

Te Ture Moni Tiaki mo Kaihau. 1892: 1323 (New Zealand. 1892)

Te Ture Muru Hara, 1882: 1037 (New Zealand. 1882)

He Ture na te Hinota Nui mo etahi hui o te Hahi Maori kia whakaturia: 717 (Church of England. Diocese of New Zealand, 1868?)

He Ture na te Hinota Nui. Ture II: 560 (Church of England. Diocese of Waiapu, 1862)

Te Ture o nga Whenua o Taiaroa. 1 883: 1 084 (New Zealand. 1883)

Nga Ture o Niu Tireni: 522/1881 (New Zealand. 1879-1910)

Te Ture o te Wahipounamu. 840 (Ngai Tahu, 1875)

Te Ture Paaka mo te Iwi Katoa i Tongariro. 1894; 1414 (New Zealand. 1894)

Ture Pauna Kararehe: 1 106 (New Zealand, 1884)

Te Ture Penihana Kaumatua. 1898: 1512 (New Zealand, 1898)

Ture pooti: 1362 (New Zealand. 1893)

Ture pooti mema o te Kotahitanga o te iwi Maori o te tau 1896: 1454 (Maori Parliament. 1896?)

Ture Pooti Runanga Whakatakoto Ture: 944 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives, 1879)

Ture Pupuri i nga Herehere Maori, 1880: 980 (N.Z. Parliament. 1880)

Te Ture Rahui i Kapiti Moutere mo te Katoa. 1897: 1495 (New Zealand. 1897)

Te T[u]re Rahui Maori o Arahura, 1882; 1054 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1882) Te Ture Rahui Maori o Kaiapoi. 1877: **B9l (New Zealand. 1877) Te Ture Rahui Maori o te Tai Hauauru o te Waipounamu me Whakatu. 1887: 1337 (New Zealand. 1892) Ture Rahui Maori o te Takiwa o te Urewera. 1896; 1466 (New Zealand. 1896) Te Ture Rahui Maori o te Waipounamu. 1883; 1082 (New Zealand. 1883) Te Ture Rahui o Kaipo, 1892 (No. 2): 1324 (New Zealand. 1892) Te Ture Rahui o Waikouaiti, 1892; 1334 (New Zealand. 1892) Te Ture Rahui Whenua Maori o te Hauauru me Whakatu. 1887: 1185 (New Zealand. 1887) Te Ture Raihana Maori. 1878; 914 (New Zealand. 1878) Te Ture Raihana Waipiro. 1881; 1002 (New Zealand. 1881) Te Ture Rapeti. 1880 [lBBl] [1882]: **97 l (New Zealand. 1880); 1881: 1006 (New Zealand. 1881); 1882 : 1047 (New Zealand. 1882)

Te lure Rehita Kuri. 1880; 968 (New Zealand. 1880) Te Ture Reiti, 1894: 1412 (New Zealand, 1894) Te Ture Reiti i nga Whenua o te Karauna me nga Whenua Maori. 1881 [1882]: 1014 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1881); 1882: 1038 (New Zealand. 1882) Te Ture Reiti Whenua i Runga i Tona Utu i te Wa Kaore ano i Whakapaingia, 1895; 1444 (N. Z. Parliament. 1895) Te Ture Reiti Whenua i Runga i Tona Utu o te Whenua ake Haunga atu nga Whakapainga: 1464 (New Zealand. 1896) Te Ture Riwhi mo nga Maori e mate oha-aki kore ana. 1876 [lBBo] [1881]; **BsB (New Zealand. 1876); 861 (N.Z. Parliament, 1876); 1880 : 985 (N.Z. Parliament. 1880) 985 (N.Z. Parliament. 1880); 1881: 1005 (New Zealand. 1881) Te Ture Rohe o Hikutaia Nama I Poraka, 1895: 1430 (New Zealand. 1895) Te Ture Rori Poata mo nga Takiwa Maori 1871: 758 (New Zealand. 1871) Te Ture Taiepa. 1879 [ 1880] [lBBl] [1895]; 940 (N.Z. Parliament. 1879); 1880 : 978 (N.Z. Parliament, 1880); 1881: 1001 (New Zealand. 1881); 1895: 1429 (New Zealand. 1895); 1441 (N.Z. Parliament. 1895) Te Ture Takiwa Keri Koura, 1877: **BBB (New Zealand. 1877)



Te Ture Taone Maori. 1895; 1 436 (New Zealand. 1895)

Ture Taru Kikino. 1900 * * 1558 (New Zealand. 1900)

He Ture tenei hei arai i te mahi hoko tahae i nga whenua o nga Maori: 752 (1870)

Te Ture Tiaki i te Awa o Whanganui. 1891 * * 1306 (New Zealand. 1891)

Te Ture Tiaki i te Awa o Whanganui Ture Whakatikatika. 1893; 1382 (N.Z. Parliament. 1893)

Ture Tiaki Manu me Etahi tu Ahua Kararehe. 1900: **1551 (New Zealand. 1900)

Te Ture Tiaki mo Ngatitoa [1896]: 1462 (New Zealand. 1896)

Ture Tiaki Moni a te Maori. 1865: **66B (New Zealand. 1865)

Te Ture Tiaki Tio. 1884: ** 1 105 (New Zealand. 1884)

Te Ture Tiaki Whakahaere Hoki i nga Whenua Maori; 1515 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives, 1898)

Ture Tuku i nga Rahui Maori. 1879: 949 (N.Z Parliament. House of Representatives. 1879)

Ture Tuku i nga Whenua Rahui Maori: 949 (N.Z Parliament. House of Representatives. 1879)

Te Ture Tuku Whenua [lB7o] [1881J: **743 (New Zealand. 1870); 1881: 1019 (N.Z. Parliament. Legislative Council. 1881)

Te Ture Tuku Whenua 1870 Ture Whakatikatika 1874: 817 (New Zealand. 1874)

Te Ture Uiui mo nga whenua i riro te rau-patu, mete whakawa mo nga herehere Maori. 1879; 936 (New Zealand. 1879)

Te Ture Utu Pane Kuini i Runga i nga Whenua Maori 1880; 990 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1880)

Te Ture Wakapumau i te Rangimarire o Te Tai Hauauru. 1882: 1051 (New Zealand. 1882)

Te Ture Wehewehe Whenua Maori. 1882; 1042 (New Zealand. 1882)

Te Ture Whakahaere i nga Tikanga o nga Tuku Whenua Maori, 1885; 1 143 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1885)

Ture Whakahaere i nga Tuku Whenua Maori: 1 143 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1885)

Ture Whakahaere i nga Whenua Maori [lBB6] [1900]; I 157 (New Zealand. 1886); 1900 **1557 (New Zealand. 1900)

Te Ture Whakahaere i nga Whenua Tuturu o nga Maori, 1867 [1877] [1888]: **7o6 (New Zealand. 1867); **B92 (New Zealand. 1877); 898 (N.Z. Parliament. 1877); 1888: 1210 (New Zealand. 1888); 1377 (N.Z. Parliament. 1893)

He lure Whakahaere i te Mahi Kapia. 1898; **1552 (New Zealand, 1900) lure Whakahaere Korero me nga tikanga mahi a te Whare i Pootilia: 992 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1 880) Ture Whakahaere Rahui Maori: I 386 (N.Z Parliament House of Representatives. 1893) Te Ture Whakahaere Whenua Maori 1886 Ture Whakatika, 1887: 1188 (N.Z. Parliament House of Representatives. 1887) Te Ture Whakahau kia Haere tonu nga Tamariki kite Kura. 1894: 1413 (New Zealand, 1894) Te Ture Whakakore i nga Ture Whenua Maori, 1880: 993 (N.Z. Parliament. Legislative Council, 1879. i.e. 1880) Ture Whakakore i te Ture Reiti Whenua Karauna Whenua Maori [1888]: 1209 (New Zealand. 1888) Te Ture Whakakore i te Whiu kite Whare Herehehere mo te Nama, 1893: 1385 (N.Z Parliament House of Representatives. 1893) Ture Whakakore i te Whiu mo te Moni Reti: 1384 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1893) Ture Whakamana i etahi Whakaritenga Hoko Whenua Maori, 1880; 989 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1 880)

Te Jure WhaKamana i nga Komiti Maori, 1881 [1882]: 1016 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1881); 1882; 1059 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1882) Te lure Whakamana i nga Mahi a nga Kooti Whakawa Takiwa. 1885: 1138 (New Zealand. 1885) Te Ture Whakamana i nga Marena Maori, 1877 903 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1877) Te Ture Whakamana i te Ota a te Kaunihera mo Waipa: **1261 (New Zealand. 1889) Te Ture Whakamana i te Whakaaetanga mo Rangipo-Murimotu 1882; 1048 (New Zealand. 1882) Ture Whakamana i te Whakataunga Take mo Orimakatea (IBB9| **1259 (New Zealand. 1889) Te Ture Whakamana Karaati mo Onewhero. 1879: 941 (N.Z. Parliament. 1879) Te Ture Whakamana Karaati Rahui Maori. 1886: 1 159 (New Zealand. 1886) Ture Whakamana Marena Maori: 903 (N.Z Parliament. House of Representatives. 1877) Te Ture Whakamana mo Mangatu Nama I. 1893: 1365 (New Zealand. 1893) Te Ture Whakamana Take Paanga Whenua Maori Whakatikatika i nga Kereeme me nga Rohe. 1894: 1409 (New Zealand. 1894)



Te Ture (Whakamana Take) Whenua Maori, 1892 [1893]: 1328 (New Zealand. 1892); 1369 (New Zealand. 1893); 1379 (N.Z. Parliament. 1893)

Ture Whakamarama Rehita Hoki i nga Tiaki Maori me nga Tono, 1893: 1370 (New Zealand. 1893)

Ture Whakamaroke Whenua [1893]; 1364 (New Zealand. 1893)

Ture Whakanohonoho kite Tangata Whakahaere hoki i nga Whenua Maori; **1516 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1898)

Ture Whakanohonoho Rahui o te Tai Hauauru “Aotearoa” Ture Whakatikatika: 1290 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives, 1890)

Te Ture Whakaoti i nga Whakataunga a te Kooti Whenua Maori, 1877: 904 (N.Z. Parliament. Legislative Council, 1877)

Te Ture Whakapai Whenua Whakawhiwhi Whenua Maori 1894; 1405 (New Zealand. 1894)

Ture Whakapumau i nga Tiwhikete o te Kooti Whenua Maori [1893]: 1367 (New Zealand. 1893)

Ture Whakapumau Take Tika: 1 156 (New Zealand, 1886)

Ture Whakarite Kooti Maori [1858]: 489 (New Zealand. 1859)

Te Ture Whakarite Wahi Tuunga Kura Maori. 1880: 970 (New Zealand.lBBo); 984 (N.Z. Parliament. I860)

Te Ture Whakarite Whakawa mo te Ngarara me Waipiro, 1889: **1257 (New Zealand. 1889)

Te Ture Whakaritenga, Whakaaetanga, Take Maori, 1888: 1213 (New Zealand, 1888)

Te Ture Whakariterite Kereeme Whenua Maori, 1895: 1433 (New Zealand. 1895)

He Ture whakatakoto tikanga mo te mahi whakamate i nga kutu hipi: 1108 (New Zealand. 1884)

Ture Whaka[ta]koto Ture-iti ki nga Takiwa Maori [1858]; 489 (New Zealand. 1859)

Te Ture Whakatarewa. 1889. i nga Ture Whakatau Rahui o te Tai Hauauru: **1262 (New Zealand, 1889)

Ture Whakatarewa, 1889, i te Ture Whakatikatika 1887 i nga Ture Whakatau Rahui o te Tai Hauauru: **1262 (New Zealand. 1889)

Te Ture Whakatau mo te Tai Hauauru (Aotearoa), 1880: **974 (New Zealand, 1880)

Ture Whakatau Rahui o te Tai Hauauru 1881 Ture Whakatikatika [1887]: 1 187 (N.Z. Parliament. 1887)

Te lure Whakatau Rahui o te Tai Hauauru. 1892: 1336 (New Zealand. 1892) Te lure whakatau take Maori i Mohaka me Waikare, 1882: 1055 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives, 1882) Te Ture Whakatau Whenua i te Roto o Wairewa; 1458 (New Zealand. 1896) Te Ture Whakatau Whenua o Wairewa: 1458 (New Zealand. 1896) Te Ture Whakatere Rakau, 1873: 793 (New Zealand, 1873) Te Ture Whakatika. 1882: 1040 (New Zealand, 1882) Te Ture whakatika 1882 i te Ture Kooti Whenua Maori. 1880: 1060 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1882) Te Ture Whakatika 1883 i te Ture mo nga Takiwa Ngawha, 1881: 1086 (New Zealand. 1883) Ture Whakatika. 1884. i “Te Ture Whakatau i nga Rahui o Te Tai Hauauru. 1881": 1111 (New Zealand, 1884)

Te lure WhakatiKa i Te Jure Kooti Whenua Maori, 1880: 1060 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1882) Te Ture WhakatiKa i te Jure Kura Maori. 1871: 759 (New Zealand. 1871) He Jure WhakatiKa i “Te Ture mo nga Takiwa Ngawha, 1881": 1086 (New Zealand. 1883) Te Ture WhakatiKa i te Ture Rehita Kuri, 1881 [lBB2] ; 1000 (New Zealand. 1881); 1882. 1039 (New Zealand. 1882) Ture WhakatiKa i te Ture Whakahaere Whenua Maori, 1886: 1 188 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1887) Te Ture WhakatiKa i te Ture Whakatau i nga Rahui o Te Tai Hauauru: 1111 (New Zealand. 1884) Te Ture Whakatikatika 1871 i te Ture Tuku Whenua. 1870: **757 (New Zealand. 1871) Ture Whakatikatika 1879 o te Ture Whaka Mema Maori, 1867; 946 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1879) Te Ture Whakatikatika 1881. i te Ture Whenua Maori. 1873: 1017 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives, 1881) Te Ture Whakatikatika 1882, o te Ture Whakatu Mema Maori. 1867: 1057 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1882) Te Ture Whakatikatika. 1883, i Te Ture Reiti i nga Whenua Karauna me nga Whenua Maori. 1882: 1076 (New Zealand, 1883) Te Ture Whakatikatika. 1883, o Te Ture Whakatau i nga Rahui o te Tai Hauauru. 1881; 1088 (New Zealand, 1883)



Te Ture WhaKatikatiKa. 1884, i te Ture Pire Tuku Moni. 1883: I 104 (New Zealand. 1884)

Ture WhaKatikatiKa 1885 i te Ture Pane Kuini, 1882: 1140 (New Zealand. 1885)

Ture WhaKatikatiKa 1885 i Te Ture Whakataunga Rahui o te Tai Hauauru. 1881: 1141 (New Zealand. 1885)

Te Ture WhaKatikatiKa 1887 i nga/te Ture Whakatau Rahui o te Tai Hauauru: 1184 (New Zealand, 1887); 121 7 (New Zealand. 1888)

Ture WhaKatikatiKa 1888 i te Ture Arai mo te Hoko Tahae i nga Whenua Maori: 1216 (New Zealand. 1888)

Te Ture WhaKatikatiKa, 1888 i te Ture Kooti Whenua Maori 1886: 1215 (New Zealand. 1888)

Ture WhaKatikatiKa 1889 i nga Ture Arai mo te Hoko Tahae i nga Whenua Maori: **1256 (New Zealand. 1889)

Ture WhaKatikatiKa 1889 i nga Ture Kooti Whenua Maori: **1255 (New Zealand. 1889)

Ture WhaKatikatiKa 1889 i te Ture Whakatau i nga Nama mo te Tino Reriwe o Aotearoa: * * 1258 (New Zealand. 1889)

Te Ture WhaKatikatiKa. 1890. i nga Ture Whenua Maori: 1280 (New Zealand. 1890)

Ture WhaKatikatiKa, 1890, i te Ture Rehita Kuri: 1278 (New Zealand, 1890)

Te Ture WhaKatikatiKa 1891 i nga Ture Kooti Whenua Maori: 1304 (New Zealand. 1891)

Te Ture WhaKatikatiKa 1891 i te Ture Whakahaere Moni Nama mo te Tino Reriwe o Aotearoa: * * 1305 (New Zealand. 1891)

Te Ture WhaKatikatiKa. 1892, i te Ture Maina: 1 326 (New Zealand. 1892)

Ture WhaKatikatiKa 1892 i “Te Ture Rahui Maori o Kaiapoi, 1877 ": 1322 (New Zealand. 1892)

Te Ture WhaKatikatiKa. 1892. i Te Ture Tiaki i te Awa o Whanganui 1891: l 335 (New Zealand. 1892)

Te Ture WhaKatikatiKa 1892 i te Ture Whakahaere Moni Nama mo te Tino Reriwe o Aotearoa; 1329 (New Zealand. 1892)

Te Ture WhaKatikatiKa 1893 i nga Ture Reiti; 1371 (New Zealand. 1893)

Te Ture WhaKatikatiKa 1893 i te Ture Taiapa. 1881: 1363 (New Zealand. 1893)

Te Ture WhaKatikatiKa 1893 i te Ture Tiaki i te Awa o Whanganui; 1374 (New Zealand. 1893)

Te Ture WhaKatikatiKa 1893 i te Ture Whakahaere i nga Whenua Tuturu o nga Maori. 1888; I 366 (New Zealand. 1893); 1377 (N.Z. Parliament, 1893)

Te Ture WhaKatikatiKa, 1893. i te Ture

WhaKatau Rahui o te Tai Hauauru: 1375 (New Zealand. 1893) “Te Jure WhaKatikatika 1893 i te lure Whakatere Rakau”: 1373 (New Zealand. 1893) “Te Ture Whakatikatika. 1893" i te Ture Whiriwhiri i nga Take kite Rohe Potae; 1372 (New Zealand, 1893) Te Ture Whakatikatika 1894 i te Ture Whakamana Take Whenua Maori: 1408 (New Zealand. 1894) Te Ture Whakatikatika 1895 i nga Ture Whakarite Taake-Whenua Taake Utu Tau Hoki: 1432 (New Zealand. 1895); 1442 (N.Z. Parliament. 1895) Te Ture Whakatikatika. 1895, i te Ture Rahui Maori: 1435 (New Zealand. 1895) Te Ture Whakatikatika. 1895. i te Ture Rahui Maori o te Tai Hauauru o te Waipounamu me Whakatu: 1438 (New Zealand. 1895) Te Ture Whakatikatika 1895 i te Ture Reiti: 1437 (New Zealand. 1895) Ture Whakatikatika. 1895. i te Ture Whakahaere Tikanga mo te Hoko Waipiro; 1428 (New Zealand. 1895) Te Ture Whakatikatika. 1896. i nga Ture Whenua Maori: 1460 (New Zealand. 1896) Te Ture Whakatikatika. 1896, i te Ture mo nga Mahi Hi Ika o te Moana: 1465 (New Zealand. 1896)

Te Jure Whakatikatika. 1896, i te Ture Rahui Maori: 1461 (New Zealand. 1896) Te Ture Whakatikatika 1896 i te Ture Reiti: **1463 (New Zealand. 1896) Te Ture Whakatikatika 1897 i nga Ture Whenua Maori: 1496 (New Zealand. 1897) Te Ture Whakatikatika i nga Take Paanga o nga Maori ki Ngaere me etahi atu Poraka. 1894 1410 (New Zealand. 1894) Ture Whakatikatika i nga Ture Arai mo te Hoko Tahae i nga Whenua Maori: **1256 (New Zealand. 1889) Ture Whakatikatika i nga Ture Reiti: 1371 (New Zealand. 1893) Te Ture Whakatikatika i nga Ture Whakatu Tangata Maori mo roto i te Paremete: 798 (N.Z Parliament. House of Representatives. 1873) Ture Whakatikatika i nga Ture Whenua Maori 1460 (New Zealand. 1896); 1496 (New Zealand. 1897); 1280 (New Zealand. 1890); 1287 (N.Z. Parliament. 1890); 1434 (New Zealand. 1895) Te Ture Whakatikatika i nga Ture Whenua Maori. 1870 (1881) [lBB2] [lBB3] [lB9B] (1899): **744 (New Zealand. 1870); 1881



1003 (New Zealand. 1881); 1882 : 1043 (New

Zealand. 1882); 1883: 1081 (New Zealand. 1883); 1090 (N.Z. Parliament. 1883); 1898: 1510 (New Zealand. 1898); 1899: 1526 (New Zealand, 1899)

Tore Whakatikatika i te Reita: 1443 (N.Z. Parliament. 1895)

Jure Whakatikatika i te lure Arai mo te Hoko Tahae i nga Whenua Maori [1873]: **79o (New Zealand. 1873); 797 (N.Z, Parliament. 1873)

Te Ture Whakatikatika i Te Ture Hoko a te Kawanatanga i nga Whenua Maori, 1877: **BB9 (New Zealand. 1877)

Ture Whakatikatika i te Ture Kooti Whenua Maori 1886: 1215 (New Zealand. 1888)

Te Ture Whakatikatika i te Ture Mahi Tio, 1869 [1874]: **73 l (New Zealand. 1869); 1874: **B2o (New Zealand. 1874)

Ture Whakatikatika i te Ture Maina [1892] [1896]: 1326 (New Zealand. 1892); 1896: 1459 (New Zealand. 1896)

Te Ture Whakatikatika i te Ture mo nga Hipi, 1878. o te tau 1884: 1 108 (New Zealand. 1884)

Ture Whakatikatika i te Ture mo nga Mahi Hi Ika o te Moana: 1465 (New Zealand. 1896)

Ture Whakatikatika i te Ture mo nga Rahui o te Tai Hauauru. 1383 (N.Z. Parliament. 1893)

Te Ture Whakatikatika i te Ture Pooti, 1893: 1362 (New Zealand. 1893)

Ture Whakatikatika i te Ture Rahui Maori [1895] [1899]: 1435 (New Zealand. 1895); 1461 (New Zealand. 1896); 1899: 1527 (New Zealand. 1899)

Ture Whakatikatika i te Ture Rahui Maori o te Tai Hauauru o te Waipounamu me Whakatu: 1438 (New Zealand. 1895)

Te Ture Whakatikatika i te Ture Raihana Waipiro. 1882: 1041 (New Zealand. 1882)

Ture Whakatikatika i te Ture Reiti: 1380 (N.Z. Parliament. 1893); 1437 (New Zealand. 1895); 1443 (N.Z. Parliament. 1895); **1463 (New Zealand. 1896)

Ture Whakatikatika i te Ture Taake-Whenua Taake Utu Tau Hoki: 1432 (New Zealand. 1895); 1442 (N.Z. Parliament, 1895)

Ture Whakatikatika i te Ture Taiapa. 1881 1363 (New Zealand. 1893); 1376 (N.Z. Parliament. 1893)

Ture Whakatikatika i te Ture Taone Maori [lB9B] [1899]; 1511 (New Zealand. 1898); 1899: 1528 (New Zealand. 1899)

Ture Whakatikatika i te Ture Tiaki mo te Awa o Whanganui: 1335 (New Zealand. 1892) Te Ture Whakatikatika i te Ture Whakahaere i

nga Whenua Tuturu o nga Maori. 1877 [1888]; 898 (N.Z, Parliament, 1877); 1888 1366 (New Zealand, 1893) Ture WhakatikatiKa i te Ture Whakahaere Moni Nama mo te lino Reriwe 0 Aotearoa; 1329 (New Zealand. 1892) Ture Whakatikatika i te Ture Whakatau i nga Nama mo te Tino Reriwe o Aotearoa: **1258 (New Zealand. 1889) Te Ture Whakatikatika i te Ture Whakatau Rahui o te Tai Hauauru 1881 [1893]; 1184 (New Zealand. 1887); 1375 (New Zealand. 1893) Ture Whakatikatika i te Ture Whakatere Rakau: 1373 (New Zealand. 1893) Ture Whakatikatika i te Ture Whakawa take Rohe Potae: 1381 (N.Z. Parliament. 1893) Te Ture Whakatikatika i te Ture Whenua Maori, 1868 [1874] [1877] [1878]; **72 l (New Zealand, 1868); 1874: 818 (New Zealand. 1874); 1877 ; 899 (N.Z. Parliament, 1877); 1878 (No. 2): 913 (New Zealand. 1878) Te Ture Whakatikatika i te Ture Whenua Rahui Maori, 1862 [1877] : **569 (New Zealand. 1862); 1877: 905 (N.Z. Parliament. Legislative Council. 1877)

Te lure WhakatiKatika i te Jure Whenua Rahui Maori o Nui Tireni, 1858; **479 (New Zealand, 1858) Jure Whakatikatika i te lure Whiriwhiri i nga Take kite Rohe Potae: 1372 (New Zealand. 1893) Ture whakatikatika i te whakataunga rahui i Tai Hauauru: 1088 (New Zealand. 1883) Te Ture Whakatikatika mo nga Rahui o te Tai Hauauru. 1893: 1383 (N.Z. Parliament. 1893) Te Ture Whakatikatika Rahui Whenua Maori. 1858: **479 (New Zealand. 1858) Te Ture whakatikatika Ture Maori whai Karaati, 1876: 862 (N.Z. Parliament. 1876) Ture Whakatikatika Ture Pane Kuini: 1161 (New Zealand. 1886) Ture Whakatikatika Whakamana i nga Take o Tahoraiti: 1333 (New Zealand. 1892) Te Ture Whakatikatikanga o nga Tangata Kaipooti 1879: 942 (N.Z. Parliament, Ture Whakatu Mema Maori. 1879 [1882]: 945 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1879); 1882. 1056 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1882) Ture whakatu tangata ki roto kite Runanga Nui hei Kai whakarite mo te Iwi Maori 1867; 707 (New Zealand. 1867) Te Ture Whakawa mo nga Whenua Raupatu. me nga Herehere Maori. 1879: 939 (N.Z. Parliament. 1879)



Ture Whakawa mo Poututu. 1889 **1260 (New Zealand. 1889)

Te Ture Whakawa Tuarua i nga Whenua Maori 1873: 796 (N.Z. Parliament. 1873)

Te Ture Whakawhanui Turanga Kura Maori [1890]: 1281 (New Zealand. 1890); 1288 (N.Z. Parliament. 1890)

Te Ture Whakawhiti Whenua. 1870 [1885]: **743 (New Zealand. 1870); 1885 **1136 (New Zealand. 1885)

Ture Whenua. 1885: I 135 (New Zealand. 1885)

Te Ture Whenua Maori. 1869 [1873] [lBB6] [1888]: **73o (New Zealand. 1869); 1873: 789 (New Zealand. 1873); 1886: 522/1886 (New Zealand. 1879-1910); 1888 1214 (New Zealand. 1888)

Te Ture Whenua Maori 1873 Whakatikatika. 1878: **9l2 (New Zealand. 1878)

Te Ture Whenua Maori Whakatikatika. 1877; **B94 (New Zealand, 1877)

Ture Whenua mo Wi Pere: **1263 (New Zealand. 1889)

Ture Whenua o Taonui-Ahuaturanga. 1880: 986 (N.Z. Parliament. 1880)

Te Ture Whenua o te Katoa i Tongariro. 1893: 1387 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives, 1893)

Te Ture Whenua-Rahui Maori. 1873 [lBBo] [lBBl] [1882]: 791 (New Zealand. 1873); 1880. 983 (N.Z. Parliament, 1880); 1881: 1011 (N.Z. Parliament. 1881); 1882: 1044 (New Zealand. 1882)

Te Ture Whenua Rahui Maori i Orakei. 1882; 1045 (New Zealand. 1882)

Te Ture Whenua Raupatu o Waikato. 1882 [1884]: 1050 (New Zealand. 1882); 1884 1110 (New Zealand. 1884)

Ture Whenua Tuunga Kura i Kirikiri 1894: 1404 (New Zealand. 1894)

Te Ture Whiriwhiri i nga Take Kairiiwhi mo Orakei. 1892; 1330 (New Zealand. 1892)

Te Ture Whiriwhiri i nga Take kite Rohe Potae. 1892: 1332 (New Zealand. 1892)

Turei. Mohi (= Moses) (d 1914): 869 (Potae. 1876); S2Ol /1893 (Church of England. 18411923)

Turere. Te Matimati: 697 (Te Puehu, 1866)

Turner. Nathaniel (1793-1864) **lo (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion); **29 (1836): **3 l (White. 1836); 32 (Bible. O.T. Genesis. Selections. 1837); 33 (Bible. N T. Selections. 1837); 36 (Ko nga himene. 1837); 39-41 (1837); 42-44 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1837); 48-49 (1838); 1419 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1894)

Turoa. Raniera: I 148 (1885)

Turoa. Topia Peehi (d 1903): 672 (N.Z. Governor (1861-1868 : Grey). 1865); 1101 (He kupu whakaatu enei. 1884); 1451 (Te karere tuarua a Mahuru, 1896?); S4O (The Jubilee = Te Tiupiri. 1898-1900) Turton. Henry Hanson (1818-1887): 883 (Facsimiles of the Declaration of Independence. 1877); 91 1 (Maori deeds of land purchases in the North Island. 1877-1878); 1034 (Maori deeds of old private land purchases. 1882); 1237 (Taiwhanga, 1888); SI 1 (Te manuhiri tuarangi and Maori intelligencer. 1861) Tutaka-Nahau see Tutakangahau Tutakangahau; also known as Ngahau; Tukua-Te-Rangi; Tutaka Nahau: 1478-1479 (1896); 1502 (Te Paki. 1897?); 1504 (1897?); 1522 (Seddon, 1898) Tutawake. Tuwhakaroto see Te Ua Haumene Tuunga: 1427 (Maori Parliament. 1895?) Tuuru. J. L. see Toole. John Lawrence Tuwhakauerangi, Pairoroku; =528 (1860?) Two Acts passed by the General Assembly of New Zealand. 1858, relating to native affairs: 489 (New Zealand. 1859) The two flags: 919 (Stanley. 1878) The two lambs (Cameron): 1125 (Cameron. 1885) typhus fever; **566 (He mate uruta tenei kua pa ki nga tangata Maori. 1862) U Uiui mo nga whenua i riro [. . .] herehere: 936 (New Zealand. 1879) unions; 1173 (Amalgamated Shearers’ Union of Australasia. 1887); 1392 (Te ture kohinga whakatopu. 1893) Unukawa; also known as Selwyn 582 (Ross. 1862) Upoko 21. Ako nga whakariteritenga enei; 260 (Bible. O.T. Exodus XXI-XL. 1846)

Urewera District Native Reserve Act 1896: 1425 (Nga korero mo Tuhoe. 1895); 1466 (New Zealand. 1896); 1522 (Seddon. 1898) Ururoa, Paora: 645 (Kiriwi. 1864) Te utu mo te Paipera Maori; 934 (Maunsell. 1879) Nga Utu Pane Kuini i runga i nga Whenua Maori; 990 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1880) V vaccination: 461 (N.Z. Central Board of Vaccination. 1855); 622 (N.Z. Vaccination Board, 1863) Value and efficacy of the blood of Christ; 1267 (Te ritenga mete mana o te toto o te Karaiti. 1889)



vegetable growing see crops

Venn. Henry (1 796-1873); = Henere Wene: 352 (Bible. O.T Hexateuch. 1848); 386 (Church Missionary Society. 1850)

Viard, Philippe Joseph (1809-1872); 327 (Catholic Church. 1847)

Victoria. Queen of Great Britain (1819-1901): letters and petitions to. audiences; **525 (Toetoe. 1860); 534 (Further papers relative to the native insurrection); 535 (Kawepo, 1861); 537 (Maori phrase book, 1861?); 561 (E to matou whaea. e Wikitoria, 1862); 641 (Aborigines’ Protection Society, 1864); **B3l (E hoa ma, tena koutou. 1875?); 832 (Ki a Wikitoria. te Kuini o te rangatiratanga. 1875?); 843 (Taonui. 1875); 845 (Te Aratapu, Kaipara. 29 o Mei, 1875); 1032 (Ki nga rangatira Maori kei Niu Tirani. 1882); 1101 (He kupu whakaatu enei mo to matou haerenga mai ki Ingarangi, 1884); 1 168 (Nga pukapuka tuhituhi i waenganui i a rore tapere, i a Tawhiao. 1886); 1203 (Te Kainga Takiwa Porowini i te Koroni o Nui Tireni. 1888); 1205 (Ko nga kupu a te hui. 1888); 1238 (Treaty of Waitangi (1840). ca. 1888); 1356 (Te karoro tipi hau. 1893); 1486 (God save the Queen, 1897?); 1492 (Maori Parliament. 1897?); 1494 (Mo te Ra i Whiwhi ai te Kuini. 1897?); S4O (The Jubilee = Te Tiupiri, 1898-1900); see also Maori, relations with the Crown

villages see Native Districts; Native Townships

visions see dreams, prophecies and visions

Visit of Tuhoe chiefs to Wellington: 1 425 (Nga korero mo Tuhoe. 1895)

visits to England and Europe see England and Europe, visits by Maori

Vogel. Sir Julius (1835-1899): 793 (New Zealand. 1873); 1161 (New Zealand. 1886); **llB6 (N.Z. Parliament, 1887)

Vdlkner. Carl Sylvius (1819-1865): 663 (Davis. 1865); 665 (Hawke's Bay Province. Superintendent. 1865)

von Sturmer. S. W, see Sturmer. Spencer William von

voting procedures: 486 (Wellington Province. Provincial Council. 1858); 760 (N.Z. Returning Officer (Eastern Maori electorate). 1871?); 829 (He Ture Hei whakatikatika i te Ture Whakamana Tangata Pooti, 1874); 836 (New Zealand. 1875?); 837 (New Zealand. Returning Officer (Eastern Maori electorate); 838 (New Zealand. Returning Officer (Northern Maori electorate); 1205 (Ko nga kupu a te hui. 1888); see also elections; franchise; Maori representation

w W.. E. M. see Williams. Edward Marsh WaaKa see Walker, John Waari see Ward. Joseph George Wade. William Richard (1802-1891): 62 (Maunsell. 1839?); 76-77 (Colenso. 1840) Wahanui Huatare (d. 1897); 1094 (Petition of the Maniapoto . . . tribes. 1883) Wahawaha. Rapata (d. 1897): 734 (1876); 1063 (1882); 1269 (1889?) Wahi iti kua riro atu i ta te Karaiti tikanga; 1270 (1889) wahi tapu see cemeteries and burial grounds He wahi tapu tenei!: 638 (1863) Waiapu. A. W. see Averill, Alfred Walter Waiapu. Erueti C. see Stuart. Edward Craig Waiapu Native Church Board see Church of England. Diocese of Waiapu Waiata: 558 (Bible. O.T. Psalms. 1862) Waiata 11: 194 (Bible. O.T. Psalms Xl-XII. 1844?) Waiata 12: 194 (Bible. O.T. Psalms XI-XII. 1844?)

Waiata 24: 195 (Bible. O.T. Psalms. XXIV. 1844)

waiata: 2 (Kendall. 1820); 395 (Ko nga himene, 1850?); 446 (Farewell address of the native tribes. 1853); 447 (Grey. 1853); 459 (Maori mementos. 1855); 536 (Ko nga waiata a Waikato ki a Kawana Kerei); 587 (Tarawhiti, 1862); 677 (He tangi na te Kura i Waerengaahika. 1865); 923 (He waiata na nga iwi Maori kia Kawana Kerei. 1878?); 1389 (Popular Maori songs. 1893); 1393 (He waiata na tetahi tangata mo tana tamaiti, 1893); 1425 (Nga korero mo Tuhoe, 1895); 1450 (Nga hui Maori i Poneke, 1896); 1452 (Nga korero o te hui o Hinetapora. 1896?); 1456 (Native meetings at Wellington, 1896); 1478-1479 (Tutakangahau, 1896); 1502 (Te Paki. 1897?); 1504 (TQtakangahau. 1897); 1519 (Popular Maori songs. Supplement No. 1, 1898); SI6 (Te waka Maori o Ahuriri, 1863-1871); 527 (Te waka Maori o Aotearoa, 1884); see also obituaries and laments; oral traditions; songs. non-Maori

Nga Waiata a Rawiri: 1419 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion, 1894)

He waiata na nga iwi Maori Kia Kawana Kerei: 923 (1878?) He waiata na tetahi tangata mo tana tamaiti; 1393 (1893) He waiata. na Tukua-Te-Rangi: 1478 (Tutakangahau, 1896) He waiata pehi waipiro. etc.: 779 (Davis, 1873) He waiata pupuri mo te whenua; 1181 (Kawiti, 1887)



He waiata tangi: 1502 (Te Paki, 1897?); 1504 (Tutakangahau, 1897)

He waiata tangi na Tukua-Te-Rangi: 1479 (Tutakangahau, 1896)

He waiata tangi na Tutaka-Nahau. mo Te Pukenui. September 1896: 1479 (Tutakangahau. 1896)

Waihou, land (legislation): 1430 (New Zealand. 1895)

Waikanae (of Puketawa. Taranaki). 597 (Ki nga Maori. 1863?)

Waikanae; 640 (Wellington Province. Superintendent, 1863)

Waikanae. land: 1264 (N.Z. Commission to Inquire into Certain Matters in Connection with the Ngarara. Porangahau. Mangamaire. and Waipiro Blocks of Land. 1889)

Waikanae, land (legislation): **1257 (New Zealand. 1889)

Waikato. Hohaia Parata (ca 1790-1877): 2 (Kendall. 1820)

Waikato. Te Reweti: 528 (Tuwhakauerangi, 1860?)

Waikato: 394 (Greenwood. 1850); 518 (N.Z. Governor (1855-1861 ; Browne), i860?); 521 (Ngatata, 1860); 527 (Toetoe, I860); 536 (Ko nga waiata a Waikato ki a Kawana Kerei); I 389 (Popular Maori songs. 1893); see also Onewhero; Te Aroha

Waikato Confiscated Lands Act [lBB2] (1884); 1050 (New Zealand. 1882); 1884. 1110 (New Zealand. 1884)

(Waikato) Confiscated Lands Bill 1880 [Bill 1880]; 987 (N.Z. Parliament, 1880); 973 (New Zealand. 1880)

Waikato, land: 650 (N.Z. Governor (1861-1868 Grey). 1864); 698 (Te Waharoa. 1866); 754 (Kuikainga, 1871); 1550 (Landless Maoris in the Waikato. Thames Valley, and Tauranga districts. 1900); see also Rohe Pdtae

Waikato, land (legislation): 973 (New Zealand. 1880); 987 (N.Z. Parliament. 1880); 1050 (New Zealand. 1882); 1110 (New Zealand. 1884); **1261 (New Zealand. 1889); 1430 (New Zealand. 1895)

Waikato Native Church Board see Church of England Diocese of Auckland

Waikato, unrest; 549 (N.Z. Minister for Native Affairs. 1861); 551 (Pompallier. 1861); 564 (Honatana. 1862); 571 (N.Z. Governor (18611868 : Grey). 1862); 598 (Kite motu katoa. 1 863); 61 1 -61 3 (N.Z. Governor (1861-1868: Grey). 1863); 618 (N.Z. Minister for Native Affairs. 1863); 630 (Tawhiao. 1863); SIS (Te pihoihoi mokemoke, 1863); see also Waikato War

Waikato War: 594-595 (Further papers relative to the native insurrection. 1863); 596 (Kawepo, 1863); 605-607 (N.Z. Colonial Secretary. 1863); 615 (N.Z. Governor (18611868 Grey). 1863); 620-621 (N.Z. Minister for Native Affairs. 1863); 623 (Ngapuhi, 1863); 628 (He pukapuka enei no Waikato. 1863); 645 (Kiriwi. 1864); 648 (N.Z. Colonial Secretary, 1864); 651 (N.Z. Native Dept. Interpreter. 1864); 652 (Pompallier, 1864); 656 (Te Iho-o-Te-Rangi, 1864); 657 (Te Rauhihi, 1864); 658 (Te Waharoa. 1864); 720 (Maunsell. 1868); 756 (Maunsell. 1871); SI4 (Gazette notices. 1863-1864); see also Tauranga campaign Waikouaiti Reserves Act 1892: 1334 (New Zealand. 1892) Waimate (Bay of Islands): 575 (N.Z. Native Circuit Court (Bay of Islands ; Waimate), 1862) Waimate Native Church Board see Church of England Diocese of Auckland Waimatuku (Southland): 1279 (New Zealand. 1890); 1286 (N.Z. Parliament, 1890) Waiohiki. Akuhata. 24. 1872: 773 (Moana. 1872) Waiomatatini, 3 Maehe, 1876: 876 (Wahawaha. 1876) Waipa Order in Council Validation Act 1889: **1261 (New Zealand. 1889) Waipatu: 1562 (Notes of meetings. 1900) Waipatu, Turei. Mei 23rd. 1893; 1361 (Maori Parliament, 1893?) Waipawa. land; 753 (Hungahunga. 1871) Waipawa, land (legislation); 1017 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1881) Waipawa Land Dispute Bill 1881: 1018 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1881) Waipawa Native Pah. Tapairu; 1239 (1888)

Waipiro Block: 1264 (N.Z. Commission to Inquire into Certain Matters in Connection with the Ngarara, Porangahau. Mangamaire, and Waipiro Blocks of Land. 1889); 1291 (Nihoniho, 1890) Waipiro. land (legislation): **1257 (New Zealand. 1889) Te waipuke: 1 198 (1887) Wairarapa (fl. 1830s-1850s): 132 (N.Z. Police. 1843) Wairarapa: 361 (Colenso, 1848); 736 (He pukapuka whakaatu tenei i te paanga mai. 1869); 1205 (Ko nga kupu a te hui. 1888); 1450 (Nga hui Maori i Poneke. 1896); 1456 (Native meetings at Wellington. 1896); 539 (Te puke ki Hikurangi. 1897-1913); 5202 (Church of England. Diocese of Wellington. 1858-1865)



Wairarapa. land: 702 (Ko enei nga ritenga he ritenga tuturu na matou. 1867?); 713 (He whakaotinga tuturu tenei kia Mite Rewena. 1867?); 1264 (N.Z. Commission to Inquire into Certain Matters in Connection with the Ngarara, Porangahau. Mangamaire, and Waipiro Blocks of Land. 1889); 1310 (N.Z. Native Land Court. 1891)

Wairarapa. land (legislation); 823 (New Zealand. 1874); 824 (N.Z. Parliament. 1874)

Wairau Valley incident: 132 (N.Z. Police. 1843); 189 (Whiteley. 1843)

Waire see Wyllie, James Ralston

Wairewa (Lake Forsyth); 1458 (New Zealand. 1896)

Waitangi. T. K. T.. 537 (Nga hiiringa i te whitu. 1896)

Waitangi: 1562 (Notes of meetings. 1900)

Waitangi Mission School (Hawke’s Bay); 360 (Colenso. 1848)

Waitara purchase; 480 (N.Z. Governor (18551861 ; Browne). 1858); 497 (Further papers relative to the Taranaki land question. 1860); 499 (Kawepo. I860?); 503 (Ko te korero tenei o te whakapaparanga, 1860); 505 (Mahau Turakino, 1860); 513 (N.Z. Governor (1855-1861 ; Browne). I860?); 523 a (Taranaki Province. Superintendent. 1860); 535 (Kawepo, 1861); 585 (Selwyn, 1862); 610 (N.Z. Governor (1861-1868 : Grey), 1863); 624 (Papers relative to the native meeting held at Peria, 1863); 635 (Te Teira, 1863); SIO (Aotearoa, or The Maori recorder (1861-1862); 676 (Puna. 1865); 700 (Genealogies of certain Maori families. 1867); see also Taranaki, unrest; Taranaki War

Waitemata; 1 14 (Maunsell. 1842)

Waitemata Native Church Board see Church of England. Diocese of Auckland

Waitere see Whiteley, John

Waitero see Whytlaw, M.

Waiti see White. Titus Angus/N.Z. Native Dept. Interpreter

Waiti, Erena G. see White, Ellen Gould

Waiti. Hone see White. John

Waitoa, Rota (d. 1866); 1 19 (Bible. O.T. Ezekiel XXXVII. 1-14. 1843); 493 (Church of England. I860); 599 (Ko te hahi i muri i a te Karaiti. 1863)

Waitoki, Taranaki, Aperira 10. 1860. He karere tenei naku ki Waikato; 521 (Ngatata. 1860)

Waitbtara Block (legislation); 1324 (New Zealand. 1892)

Waiuku. 13 Maehe. 1860. Ko te panui tanga tenei a Potatau; 507 (Maunsell. 1860)

Waka see Walker. John

Te waka Maori o Ahuriri: 667 (Ko Pukemaire kua riro mail, 1865); SI6 (1863-1871) Te waka Maori o Aotearoa: 527 (1884) Te waka Maori o Niu Tirani (newspaper. 18711877): 848 (Te Wananga. 1875). 856 (Mackay, 1876); 901 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1877); Sl B (1871-1877) Te waka Maori o Niu Tirani (newspaper. 18781879): **9o9a (Grindell. 1878); S2l (18781879) Te waka o te iwi: S7 (1857) Te Wakapono o nga Apotoro; 85 (Apostles’ Creed. 1841?) Whakapuaka; 250 (N.Z. Southern Division. 1845) He wakapuakanga: 82 (N.Z. LieutenantGovernor, 1840) Wakapumau i te Rangimarire o Te Tai Hauauru: 1051 (New Zealand, 1882) He wakaputanga o te rangatiratanga o Nu Tirene; 28 (A Declaration of the Independence of NZ (1835). 1836); 34 (A Declaration of the Independence of NZ (1835), 1837) Wakarongo see also proclamations and official notices and titles beginning Whakarongo Wakarongo the following entries are filed in date order (1845-1847): see also Whakarongo

Wakarongo. [8 January 1845]; 240 (N.Z. Governor (1843-1845 ; Fitzßoy), 1845) Wakarongo. [l5 January 1845]; 241 (N.Z. Governor (1843-1845 ; Fitzßoy). 1845) Wakarongo. [3l January 1845]; 242 (N.Z. Governor (1843-1845 : Fitzßoy). 1845) Wakarongo. [3 March 1845]: 243 (N.Z. Governor (1843-1845 ; Fitzßoy), 1845) Wakarongo. [26 April 1845]: 246 (N.Z. Governor (1843-1845 ; Fitzßoy), 1845) Wakarongo. [2O September 1845]: 247 (N.Z. Governor (1843-1845 ; Fitzßoy), 1845) Wakarongo. [2l January 1846]; 314 (N.Z. Governor (1845-1853 : Grey). 1846) Wakarongo. [l6 August 1846]; 315 (N.Z. Governor (1845-1853 : Grey). 1846) Wakarongo. [7 September 1847]; 348 (N.Z. Colonial Secretary. 1847) Wakarongo mai. [27 January 1845]; 250 (N.Z. Southern Division. 1845) Te wakataunga mo Ngawakaakupe me era atu Poraka; 1310 (N.Z. Native Land Court. 1891) Wakatere Rakau: 793 (New Zealand. 1873) Wakefield. Edward Jerningham (1820-1879); also known as Tiraweke; 117(1842); 486 (Wellington Province. Provincial Council. 1858) Waldegrave, Frank Geoffrey Burton (1858-1924)



see N.Z. Under-secretary for Justice (1896) for works in official capacity

Walker. John; = Waaka/Waka: 827 (Puna, 1874)

Walker, Thomas see Nene. Tamati Waka

Walker, William Campbell (1837-1904): 1465 (New Zealand. 1896): 1510 (New Zealand, 1898): 1528 (New Zealand. 1899); **1552 (New Zealand, 1900)

Wallis. James (1809-1895): = Warahi; 54 (Bumby. 1839): 86 (Bible. O.T. Selections, 1841)

Walsh. P.: 542 (Pipi-wharauroa. 1899-1913)

Te Wananga (newspaper, 1874-1878): 830 (1874); 846 (Torotoro. 1875); 848 (1875); 857 (McLean. 1876): 877 (1876?); 901 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1877); 920 (Supplement to “Te Wananga", 1878); SI9 (1874-1878)

Wanganui: 582 (Ross. 1862): 650 (N.Z. Governor (1861-1868 : Grey), 1864); 659 (Wellington Province. Provincial Council. 1864): 1094 (Petition of the Maniapoto tribes. 1883); 1562 (Notes of meetings. 1900)

Wanganui River see Whanganui River

Wanganui River Trust Act 1891: * * 1306 (New Zealand, 1891)

Wanganui River Trust Act 1891 Amendment Act 1892 [Bill 1892]: 1335 (New Zealand. 1892): 1335 (New Zealand. 1892)

Wanganui River Trust Act Amendment Act 1893 [Bill 1893]: 1374 (New Zealand, 1893): 1382 (N.Z, Parliament. 1893)

Wapereki. Arihi see Warbrick, Alice

Warahi see Wallis, James

Warbrick, Alice (d. 1878): = Arihi Wapereki: 929 (Davis, 1879?)

Ward, Crosbie (1832-1867) see N.Z, Secretary for Crown Lands (1861) for works in official capacity

Ward, Joseph George (1856-1930): = Waari: 1371 (New Zealand. 1893): 1412 (New Zealand. 1894); 1443-1444 (N.Z, Parliament. 1895): **1551 (New Zealand, 1900): see also N.Z. Colonial Secretary (1900) for works in official capacity

Te Ware o te Kawana, Akarana. Maihe 24, 1845: 244 (N.Z. Governor (1843-1845 : Fitzßoy). 1845)

Ware o te Kawana, Aperira 9. 1845: 245 (N.Z. Governor (1843-1845 : Fitzßoy), 1845)

Te Ware Runanga e kiia ana ko Te Mahi Tamariki. Otakou, 10 Hune, 1875: 840 (Ngai Tahu. 1875)

wars. European see Franco-Prussian War

Wars, New Zealand see Northern War: Taranaki

Wars; Tauranga campaign; Waikato War; Wairau Valley incident Waterhouse, George Marsden (1824-1906): **757 (New Zealand, 1871); 940 (N.Z, Parliament. 1879); **97 l (New Zealand. 1880) waterways (legislation): 783 (Kawepo, 1873); 793 (New Zealand, 1873); 1373 (New Zealand. 1893); 1382 (N.Z. Parliament. 1893) see also shipping, Whanganui River Watkin. James (1805-1886): 16 (Bible. NT. Matthew XIX. 13-15. 1833?); 17 (Bible. N T. John XI. 43-44. 1833?); 99 (1841); 192 (A E I O U H K M N P, 1844?) Watts, Isaac (1674-1748): 18 (Church of England, 1833); 41 (Turner 1837); 43 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1837); 71 (Church of England. 1840); 100 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1841); 108 (Church of England. 1842); 371 (Church of England. 1849); 373 (Colenso, 1 849) Watts. William 150 (St John's College. 1843?); 214 (N.Z. Protector of Aborigines. 1844); see also Printer/Publisher index Way. Emily: = Emiri Wei: I 193 (Pope. 1887) The way to heaven: 1524 (Barker, 1899?); (No 2): 1542 (Barker. 1900) The way-side hearers: 1312 (North. 1891) weapons, control of: **24B-249 (N Z Legislative Council. 1845?); 545 (N.Z. Governor (18551861 ; Browne). 1861?); 553 (Takerei Te Rau. 1861); 568 (He moe, 1862): 616 (N.Z, Governor (1861-1868 : Grey). 1863); 617 (N.Z. Minister for Colonial Defence. 1863): 620 (N.Z. Minister for Native Affairs. 1863); 777 (Torotoro. 1872)

weeds, noxious (legislation): **1558 (New Zealand. 1900) Weekly sermon outlines: 153 (Selwyn. 1 843): 229 (Matthews. 1845) Wehewehe Whenua Maori: 1042 (New Zealand. 1882) Wei. Emiri see Way. Emily Weld. Sir Frederick Aloysius (1823-1891); = Wera; see N.Z. Colonial Secretary (18641865) for works in official capacity Wellington: 1 13 (Marlin. 1842); 203 (Fitzgerald. 1844); 314 (N.Z. Governor (1845-1853 : Grey). 1846); 362 (Fitzgerald. 1848?); 619 (N.Z. Minister for Native Affairs. 1863); 639 (Wellington Province. Superintendent. 1863); 660 (Wellington Province. Superintendent. 1864); 1397 (Ellison. 1894); 1450(Nga hui Maori i Poneke. 1896); 1456 (Native meetings at Wellington. 1896); 1478 (Tutakangahau. 1896); 1522-1523 (Seddon. 1898); 1562 (Notes of meetings. 1900)



Wellington, land: 211 (N.Z. Governor (18431845 ; Fitzßoy), 1844); 826 (Parai. 1874); 887 (Native reserves in the City of Wellington. 1877); 1027 (Crown grants to natives. West Coast, North Island. 1882)

Wellington Province. Provincial Council: 485 (Te Pouepa. 1858); 486 (1858); 659 (1864)

Wellington Province. Provincial Council. Speaker; 659 (Wellington Province. Provincial Council. 1864)

Wellington Province. Superintendent: 486 (Wellington Province. Provincial Council. 1858); 596 (Kawepo, 1863); 604-605 (N.Z. Colonial Secretary, 1863); 609 (N.Z. Governor (1861-1868 : Grey). 1863); 628 (He pukapuka enei no Waikato, 1863); 639-640 (1863); 659 (Wellington Province. Provincial Council. 1864)

Wera (= Sir Frederick Aloysius Weld) see N.Z. Colonial Secretary (1864-1865) for works in official capacity

Wesley. John (1 703-1791); = Hone Weteri: 317 (1846); see also Wesleyan Methodist Connexion

Wesleyan Conference Catechism: **lo (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion, 1827)

Wesleyan Methodist Church. Australasian Conference. New Zealand District: 463 (Bible. O.T. Selections. 1856); S9 (Te Haeata, 18591862)

Wesleyan Methodist Church in New Zealand see Wesleyan-Methodist Missionary Society. New Zealand Mission {to 1854), Wesleyan Methodist Church. Australasian Conference. New Zealand District {1854-1874), see also Wesleyan Methodist Connexion

Wesleyan Methodist Connexion: **lo (1827); 30 (1836); 41 (Turner. 1837); 42-44 (1837); 49 (Turner. 1838); 50-52 (1838); 64 (1839); 84 (1840); 100-102 (1841); 188 (1843); 257 (1845); 258 (1845); 367 (1848); 467 (1856); 555-556 (1861); 925 (Bible. O.T. Psalms. 1879); 1419(1894); S2l 1 (1844-1854); see also catechisms. Wesleyan; hymns. Wesleyan; prayer books. Wesleyan; prayers, Wesleyan

Wesleyan-Methodist Missionary Society (London): 350 (Whiteley. 1847); 353 (Bible. O.T. Psalms. 1848)

Wesleyan-Methodist Missionary Society. New Zealand Mission {to 1854). 3. 5 (Kendall. 1820); 7 (Lord’s Prayer. 1826); **B (Alphabet, 1827); **lo (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1827); 16 (Bible. N T. Matthew XIX. 13-15, 1833?); 16 (Bible. N.T. John XI. 43-44. 1833?); 19 (Church of England. 1833);

**29 (Turner. 1836); 32 (Bible. O.T. Genesis. 1837) 33 (Bible. N T. Selections. 1837); **3B (Lesson sheet, 1837); 39 (Turner. 1837); 45 (Bible. N T.. 1838); 46 (Maunsell, 1838); 47 (Ten Commandments. 1838); 48-49 (Turner. 1838) 50-52 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1838); 54 (Bumby, 1839); 64 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1839); 76 (Colenso. 1840) **79 (Lesson sheets. 1840); 84 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1840); 86 (Bible. O.T. Selections, 1841); 88 (Bible. N.T.. 1841) 99 (Watkin, 1841); 100-102 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1841); **ll2 (Lesson sheets. 1842); 189 (Whiteley); 193 (Bible. O.T. Job, 1844); 317 (Wesley. 1846); 323 (Bible. O.T. Malachi. 1847); 350 (Whiteley. 1847); 353 (Bible. O.T. Psalms. 1848); 368 (Bible. O.T. Judges. 1849); S2ll (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion, 1844-1854); see also names of individual missionaries; and Wesleyan Mission Press in Printer/Publisher index

West Coast (North Island) see Taranaki West Coast Commission see N.Z. West Coast Royal Commission West Coast (South Island), land: 954 (Schedule of native reserves in the Arahura . . . Block. 1879) West Coast (South Island), land (legislation): I 185 (New Zealand. 1887); 1337 (New Zealand. 1892); 1438 (New Zealand. 1895) West Coast Peace Preservation Act 1882: 1051 (New Zealand. 1882) West Coast Peace Preservation Act 1882 Continuance Act 1883; 1087 (New Zealand. 1883) West Coast Reserves Act, 1881. Amendment; 1111 (New Zealand. 1884) West Coast Royal Commission see N.Z. West Coast Royal Commission West Coast Settlement (North Island) Act 1880: **974 (New Zealand. 1880) West Coast Settlement Reserves Act 1881 [Bill 1881]: 1008 (New Zealand. 1881); **lol3 (N.Z. Parliament. 1881) West Coast Settlement Reserves Act 1881 Amendment Act 1883: 1088 (New Zealand. 1883) West Coast Settlement Reserves Act 1881 Amendment Act 1884 [Bill 1884]: 1111 (New Zealand, 1884); **lll4 (N.Z. Parliament. 1884) West Coast Settlement Reserves Act 1881 Amendment Act 1885: 1141 (New Zealand. 1885) West Coast Settlement Reserves Act 1881



Amendment Bill 1887: 1 187 (N.Z.

Parliament. 1887)

West Coast Settlement Reserves Act 1892; 1336 (New Zealand. 1892)

West Coast Settlement Reserves Act 1892 Amendment Act 1893: 1375 (New Zealand. 1893); 1217 (New Zealand. 1888)

West Coast Settlement Reserves Acts Amendment Act 1887 Suspension Act 1889: * * 1262 (New Zealand. 1889)

West Coast Settlement Reserves Acts Amendment Bill 1890(1893): 1290 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives, 1890); 1893: 1383 (N.Z. Parliament. 1893)

West Coast Settlements Reserves Acts Amendment Act 1887: 1184 (New Zealand. 1887)

Western Maori Electorate (legislation); 1188 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1887)

Westland see West Coast (South Island)

Westland and Nelson Native Reserves Act 1887: I 185 (New Zealand. 1887); 1337 (New Zealand. 1892)

Westland and Nelson Native Reserves Act Amendment Act 1895; 1438 (New Zealand. 1895)

Weteri, Hone see Wesley. John

Weteriana Metoriti Hohaiati, i timata ai i te tau 1 739; 30 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion, 1836)

Whaanga. Epanaia: 1499 (He panuitanga. 1897)

Whaanga, Ihaka (d. 1875): 773 (Moana, 1872)

Te whai korero a te Hetana. Pirimia. Minita Maori hoki, ki nga Maori, i te hui i Papawai. i te 26 o nga ra o Mei. 1898: 1521 (Seddon. 1898)

Nga whai korero a te Pirimia. te Raiti Honore Rihari Hoani Te Hetana. ratou ko nga rangatira o Tuhoe: 1522 (Seddon. 1898)

Nga whai korero a te Pirimia. te Right Honourable Rihari Hoani Hetana, me etahi rangatira Maori, mo runga i nga take e pa ana kite iwi Maori; 1523 (Seddon, 1898)

Te whaikorero a te Pihopa o Waiapu kite Hui Topu o te Hahi Maori. 6 Maehe 1899. 1540 (Williams. 1899?)

He whaikorero na tetahi minita: 1347 (He whaikorero na tetahi minita. 1892?)

Whakaaetanga na te tangata o te Runanga Whakawa: **573-**574 (N.Z. Native Circuit Court. 1862)

He whakaako i nga mea o te Ariki o Ihu Karaiti (More about Jesus); I 134 (Mortimer. 1885)

He whakaako kite korero pukapuka mete tatau a reta: 1474 (Pope. 1896)

Whakaako Pakeha 149 (He pukapuka whakaako kite reo Pakeha. 1843); (I): 397 (Martin. 1850); (II): 421 (Martin. 1852) Te whakaarahanga o Mahuta Tawhiao hei Kiingi: S3l /1894 (15 September) (Te paki o Matariki. 1892-1935?) He whakaaro na Aperahama Taonui me Maihi Paraone Kawiti: 1146 (Taonui. 1885) He whakaatu korero. Ngaruawahia. Noema 14 1861: 553 (Takerei Terau, 1861) He whakaaturanga i nga he o te Arawa hei tirotiro ma nga iwi; 664 (Davis. 1865) He whakaaturanga i nga kupu korero o te hui i tu kite Kawa Kawa: 1063 (Wahawaha. 1882) He whakaaturanga i te tikanga o te hahi o Ihu Karaiti: 349 (Parker. 1847) Whakaaturanga mo Omaahu Poraka **1284 (N.Z. Native Land Court. 1890) Whakaaturanga o nga tikanga o te whakapuraretanga o Hauraki mo te mahinga koura: 1453 (Mackay. 1896) He whakaaturanga o te tikanga o te hahi o Ihu Karaiti: 349 (Parker. 1847) He whakaaturanga tere: 1351 (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 1 893?) Whakahaere i nga tikanga o nga tuku whenua Maori: 1143 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1885)

Whakahaere i nga Whenua Maori; 1157 (New Zealand. 1886) Whakakore i te Jure Reiti Whenua Karauna Whenua Maori (1888): 1209 (New Zealand. 1888) Whakakore i te Whiu kite Whare Herehere mo te Nama: 1385 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1893) Whakakorenga i nga Jure Whenua Maori; 993 (N.Z Parliament. Legislative Council. 1879. i.e. 1880) Whakakotahitanga see Maori Parliament He whakamakoha i te Pukapuka a Paora Apotoro kite Hunga o Karatia; 1315 (Williams. 1891) He whakamakoha i te Rongo-Pai a Maka; 1316 (Williams. 1891) Whakamana i nga Komiti Maori. 1016 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1881); 1059 (N.Z Parliament House of Representatives. 1882) Whakamana i nga Mahi a nga Kooti Whakawa Takiwa; 1138 (New Zealand. 1885) Whakamana i te Ota a te Kaunihera mo Waipa; **1261 (New Zealand. 1889) Whakamana Karaati mo Onewhero; 941 (N.Z Parliament. 1879)



Whakamana Karaati Rahui Maori. 1886: 1159 (New Zealand. 1886)

Whakamana mo Mangatu Nama 1: 1 365 (New Zealand. 1893)

Whakamana Take Paanga Whenua Maori Whakatikatika i nga Kereeme me nga Rohe: 1409 (New Zealand, 1894)

Whakamana Take Whenua Maori: 1328 (New Zealand. 1892)

He whakamaoritanga tenei no etahi rarangi o etahi whakaaro i kitea e te Matenga raua ko te Hotereni hei Ture hou mo nga Whenua Maori: 786 (Martin. 1873)

He whakamaramatanga mo Te Ture Hoko, Riihi hoki. i nga Whenua Maori. 1876: 878 (1876)

Whakamaramatanga. Mo te Ture Hoko. Whakawhiwhi Whenua Maori 1893; 1378 (N.Z. Parliament, 1893)

Te whakaminenga kite whare karakia: 529 (Beveridge. 1861)

Whakanohonoho kite Tangata Whakahaere hoki i nga Whenua Maori: **1516 (N.Z.

Parliament. House of Representatives, 1898)

Whakanohonoho Rahui o te Tai Hauauru Ture

Whakatikatika: 1290 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives, 1890)

He whakaotinga tuturu tenei kia Mite Rewena mo a matou rongotaima; 713 (1867?)

whakapapa: 503 (Ko te korero tenei o te whakapaparanga, 1860); 528 (Tuwhakauerangi, I860?); 680 (Te Huia. 1865); 700 (Genealogies of certain Maori families. 1867); 1 199 (White 1887); 1240 (White. 1888); 1271-1272 (White. 1889); 1298 (White. 1890); see also Maori names, lists

Nga Whakapapa l-[ll]: 440 (Bible. O.T. Chronicles. 1853)

He whakapapa ara [Part I]; 365 (Strass. 1848)

He whakapapa. ara, nga mahi, me nga aha noa a te Atua raua ko tana Hahi [Part 2]: 384 (Burgh, 1850)

He whakapapa. Te timatanga ko Te Uira, ko Te Pananehu. ko Mamaua: 528 (Tuwhakauerangi. I860?)

He whakapuakanga tenei na te Kawana. he whakamaramatanga i ana tikanga kei rapu he te whakaaro o te tangata; 544 (N.Z. Governor (1855-1861 : Browne). 1861)

He whakapuaki i nga tikanga o te Katikihama o te Hahi o Ingarani; 380 (Abraham. 1850); 416 (Abraham. 1852)

Whakapuaretanga ote Paremata Maori: 1359 (Maori Parliament. 1893)

Te whakararangitanga a Herepete Rapihana, i nga take nunui i paahitia ete Komiti a Te

Kotahitanga itu Ki Papawai. ite 1 4 o Aperira, 1897: 1492 (Maori Parliament. 1897?) Whakarerekawa, Hetekia: 1498 (He panuitanga, 1897) Whakarewarewa School Reserve. Motueka: 1208 (Mackay. 1888) Whakaritenga. whakaaetanga. Take Maori: 1213 (New Zealand, 1888) Whakariterite: 368 (Bible. O.T. Judges. 1849) Whakariterite Kereeme Whenua Maori; 1433 (New Zealand. 1895) He Whakarohe: 11 75 (Church of England, 1887) Whakarongo see also proclamations and titles beginning Wakarongo Whakarongo [3l March 1845]: 251 (N.Z. Southern Division, 1845) Whakarongo e nga rangatira o Taranaki, o Ngatiruanui; 634 (Te Huia, 1863) Whakarongo mai [27 January 1845]: 250 (N.Z. Southern Division, 1845) Whakarongo mai e nga iwi, o te hauauru, o te tonga, kua tae mai a te Hapimana Hamaka Tekeha: 588 (Tawhiao. 1862) Whakarongo mai, e nga rangatira Pakeha, hei aha tena karakia Hauhau?: 679 (Te Huia. 1865) Whakarongo mai e oku hoa Maori e oku hoa Pak[e]ha; 554 (Te Kawau. 1861)

Whakarongo mai, e te iwi. He panuitanga tenei Kia tatou kia rongo tatou i renei ritenga-ko Tutakiao; 680 (Te Huia, 1865) Whakarongo mai e te iwi. Kia marama te whakahaere i nga ritenga mo tatou: 633 (Te Huia. 1863) Whakaronga mail! He korero tenei i raro nei na Waire mo tana whakaaro ki a Kapene Riri: 850 (Wyllie, ca. 1875) Whakataki Grants Act 1874: 823 (New Zealand. 1874) Whakatau Rahui o te Tai Hauauru: 1336 (New Zealand. 1892) Whakatau take Maori ki Mohaka me Waikare: 1055 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1882) whakatauki see oral traditions Whakatika: 1040 (New Zealand. 1882) Whakatikatika i nga Ture Whenua Maori; 1003 (New Zealand. 1881); 1081 (New Zealand. 1883); 1090 (N.Z. Parliament. 1883); 1287 (N.Z. Parliament. 1890) Whakatikatika i te Ture mo nga Rahui Maori; 1461 (New Zealand. 1896) Whakatikatika i te Ture Pane Kuini: 1 140 (New Zealand. 1885) Whakatikatika i te Ture Tiaki mo te Awa o Whanganui: 1374 (New Zealand. 1893); 1382 (N.Z. Parliament. 1893)



Whakatikatika i te Ture Whakatau i nga Nama mo te Tino Reriwe o Aotearoa * * 1 258 (New Zealand. 1889)

Whakatikatika i Te Ture Whakatu Mema 1867 1057 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1882)

Whakatikatika i te Ture Whakatu Mema Maori 1867 Whakawhaititanga: 946 (N.Z.

Parliament. House of Representatives. 1879)

Whakatikatika i “Te Ture Whenua Maori. 1873 ”: 1017 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1881)

Te whakatikatikanga o nga tangata hei kai-pooti: 942 (N.Z. Parliament. 1879)

Whakatomo; 581 (Pompallier. 1862)

Whakaurunga Mema Maori: 863 (N.Z.

Parliament. House of Representatives, 1876)

Whakawa Ano i nga Take Kairiiwhi Tupapaku mo Orakei: 1330 (New Zealand. 1892)

Whakawa mo nga whenua rau-patu, me nga herehere Maori; 939 (N.Z. Parliament. 1879)

Whakawa mo Ngarara me Waipiro: **1257 (New Zealand. 1889)

Whakawa mo Poututu: **1260 (New Zealand. 1889)

Nga whakawakanga ki muri: 930 (Te haerenga mai o te Ariki, ca. 1879)

Te Whakawakanga Tuarua o nga Kereme ki Ahikouka. 1874: 824 (N.Z. Parliament, 1874)

Whakawhanui Turanga Kura Maori; 1288 (N.Z. Parliament. 1890)

Whanganui see also Wanganui

Whanganui. Mei 3. 1864; 660 (Wellington

Province. Superintendent. 1864)

Whanganui River: 1475 (Pukapuka tatau o te iwi Maori. 1896)

Whanganui River (legislation); 1107 (New Zealand. 1884); **lll3 (N.Z. Parliament. 1884); **1306 (New Zealand. 1891); 1335 (New Zealand. 1892); 1374 (New Zealand. 1893); 1382 (N.Z. Parliament. 1893)

Wharaniti Johepa see Franz Joseph I. Emperor of Austria

Te Whare e kiia ana te Ingoa ko Te Mahi

Tamariki, Otakou. Hune 10th. 1875: 841 (Ngai Tahu. 1875)

Whare o te Kawana. Akarana. Nowema 1. 1844: 212 (N.Z. Governor (1843-1845 : Fitzßoy). 1844)

Whare o te Kawana. Poneke. Tihema 22. 1880 975 (N.Z. Governor (1880-1882 : Gordon). 1880)

Whare o te Kawanatanga. Akarana. Aperira 5. 1858: 480 (N.Z. Governor (1855-1861 : Browne), 1858)

Whare o te Kawanatanga. Akarana. Hepetema

25. 1861 546 (N.Z. Governor (1855-1861 Browne). 1861) Te Whare Purei Karatitone Rore. A te Hatarei te 3 o nga ra o Hune: 1537 (Theatre Royal. 1899) Whatahoro. H. T. see Jury. Hoani Te Whatahoro Whately, Richard (1787-1863): 414 (1851); 466 (Martin. 1856) wheal see crops Whenua mo Wi Pere **1263 (New Zealand. 1889) Te Whenua o Taonui-Ahuaturanga: 986 (N.Z. Parliament. 1880) Whenua o te Katoa i Tongariro: 1387 (N.Z Parliament. House of Representatives. 1893) Whenua Rahui Maori: 983 (N.Z. Parliament. 1880); 1011 (N.Z. Parliament. 1881) Nga Whenua Rahui Maori i Kaiapoi: 897 (N.Z Parliament. 1877) Whenua Rahui Maori i Orakei: 1045 (New Zealand. 1882) Nga Whenua Raupatu (Waikato): 973 (New Zealand. 1880); 986 (N.Z. Parliament. 1880) Whereas, a dispute has appeared, concerning the boundary of the lands: 250 (N.Z. Southern Division) Whereas a serious outrage was committed at Russell, on the 10th of January: 241 (N.Z. Governor (1843-1845 : Fitzßoy). 1845)

Whereas an act of depredation has lately been committed at the Bay of Islands by the Kawakawa tribe: 240 (N.Z. Governor (18431845 : Fitzßoy), 1845) Whereas it has been ascertained that Mate, one of the chiefs named in the proclamation dated January Bth, 1845: 242 (N.Z. Governor (1843-1845 : Fitzßoy). 1845) Whereas misguided persons often commit gross outrages: 6 (New South Wales. Governor, 1824) Whereas restitution—atonement—and compensation have been made: 243 (N.Z. Governor (1843-1845 ; Fitzßoy). 1845) Whereas several chiefs have asked me to let them take their relatives away from Kawiti and Heke: 247 (N.Z. Governor (1843-1845 Fitzßoy), 1845) Te whetu o te tau: S8 (1858) Whiriwhiri i nga take o te Rohe Potae; 1332 (New Zealand. 1892) Whitaka see Whitaker. Sir Frederick Whitaker. Sir Frederick (1812-1891); = Whitaka; te Whitika: **BsB (New Zealand. 1876); 901 (N.Z. Parliament. House of Representatives. 1877); 967-* *969 (New Zealand. 1880); 978. 981-983. 985 (N.Z



Parliament. 1880); 993 (N.Z. Parliament. Legislative Council. 1879. i.e. 1880); 10031005. 1007-1008 (New Zealand. 1881); 1011 (N.Z. Parliament. 1881); 1019 (N.Z. Parliament. Legislative Council. 1881); 1049 (New Zealand. 1882); 1086 (New Zealand. 1883); 1213 (New Zealand. 1888); **1254**1257, **1259-** 1261 (New Zealand. 1889)

White. Ellen Gould (1827-1915); = Erena G. Waiti: 1446 (ca. 1895)

White. Hoani see White, John

White. John (1826-1891); = Hoani Hone Waiti: 615 (N.Z. Governor (1861-1868 : Grey). 1863); 712 (Nga tikanga o te whakatupu, 1867); 767 (Tuhaere, 1871); 994 (1880); 1 199 (1887); 1240 (1888); 1271-1272 (1889); 1298-1299(1890); 1301 (Illustrations prepared for White’s Ancient History of the Maori. 1891); 1488 (Illustrations prepared for White’s Ancient History of the Maori, 1897); SI9 (Te Wananga. 1871-1878)

White. Titus Angus (d. 1865) (= Waiti) see N.Z. Native Dept. Interpreter for works in official capacity

White, William (1794-1875); 7 (Lord’s Prayer. 1826); 20 (Great Britain. Colonial Office. 1833); **3 l (1836) 193 (Bible. OT. Job. 1844)

White. William Bertram (1821-1910): 645 (Kiriwi, 1864)

Whiteley, John (1806-1869); = Waitere: **29 (Turner. 1836); 32 (Bible. OT. Genesis. Selections. 1837); 33 (Bible. NT. Selections, 1837); 35 (He inoi mo nga Pakeha me nga Maori, ca. 1837); 41 (Turner. 1837); 43-44 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1837); 54 (Bumby. 1839); 86 (Bible. OT. Selections. 1841); 189 (1843); 257 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion, 1845); 323 (Bible. OT. Malachi, 1847); 350 (1847); 498 (He inoi mo nga Pakeha me nga Maori, ca. I860?); 1419 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1894); S8 (Te whetu o te tau, 1858)

Whiti see Te Rangitake, Wiremu Kingi

Whiti! Whiti! Whiti whiti ora!: 1451 (Te karere tuarua a Mahuru, 1896?)

Whitika see Whitaker. Sir Frederick

Whititera see Fitzgerald. James Edward

Whitmore. Sir George Stoddart (1829-1903): 937 (New Zealand. 1879)

Whitorangi, Wiremu Patene: 699 (1866)

Whiua. Tlmoti: 533 (Huia tangata kotahi, 18931895)

Who is to blame?: 957 (Stanley. 1879); **1230 (Stanley, ca. 1888)

Whymper. J. W.: 1 129 (Grey. 1885) Whytehead, Thomas (1815-1843): 125 (He himene mo te Ratapu i ara ai a Ihu. 1843); 126-127. 128 (Ken. 1843) Whytlaw, M.; = Waiter©: 376 (Te Kohikohinga moni hei Hoko Kakahu. 1849) Wi Pere Land Act 1889; **1263 (New Zealand, 1889) Wilberforce. Samuel (1805-1873): 190-191 (1843); 216 (1844); 259 (1845); 402 (1850); 415 (1851); 1064 (1882) William IV. King of Great Britain (1765-1837): 20 (Great Britain. Colonial Office. 1833) Williams. Edward Marsh (1818-1909): 575 (N.Z. Native Circuit Court (Bay of Islands : Waimate); 1073 (He himene mo te karakia ki te Atua. 1883); 1419 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion, 1894); 1486 (God save the Queen. 1897?); 1489-1490 (Ko te whakaeminga mai, 1897?); 1494 (Mo te Ra i Whiwhi ai te Kuini, 1897?); see also N.Z. Returning Officer (Northern Maori Electorate) for works in official capacity Williams. George Watkyn (1845-1896); = G. W. Wiremu; see N.Z. Chief Surveyor Williams, Henry (1792-1867); = Wiremu: II (Bible. Selections, 1830); 28 (Declaration of the Independence of NZ. 1836); 62 (Maunsell, 1839?); 83 (Treaty of Waitangi, 1840); 256 (Treaty of Waitangi. 1845); 1419 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1894)

Williams. Henry (1823-1907): 1472 (N.Z. Parliament. Legislative Council. Native Affairs Committee. 1896) Williams, Herbert William (1860-1937); = Wiremu Hapata: 453 (Grey, 1854); 1480 (1896); see also Printer/Publisher index Williams. Jane (1801-1896); 63 (Maunsell. 1839) Williams, L. see Williams. William Leonard Williams. Samuel (1822-1907); = AtiriKona Wiremu; 535 (Kawepo. 1861); 1538 (1899?) Williams, Thomas: 190 (Wilberforce, 1843) Williams. William (blacksmith, interpreter, land purchase officer): 1415 (N.Z. Royal Commission . . Kaitangiwhenua Block. 1894) Williams. William (1800-1878); = Parata: 11 (Bible. Selections. 1830); 20 (Great Britain. Colonial Office. 1833); 27 (Bible. N T. Luke. 1836); 33 (Bible. N T. Selections. 1837); 45 (Bible. N T.. 1838); 53 (Broughton. 1839); 5658 (Church of England. 1839); 71 (Church of England. 1840); 92 (Church of England, 1841); 104 (Bible. N T.. 1842); 217 (1844); 325 (Bible. N T. Matthew, 1847?); 352 (Bible. O.T. Hexateuch, 1848); 357 (Church of

101 I


England. 1848); 380 (Abraham. 1850); 419 (Bible N T . 1852); 421-422 (Church of England. 1852); 435-436 (1852); 463 (Bible O.T. Selections. 1856); 465 (Ko nga himene. ca. 1856); 493 (Church of England). 677 (He tangi na te Kura i Waerengaahika. 1865?); 687 (1865); 716 (Bible. 1868); 768 (1871); 909 (Church of England. 1878); 1348 (1892); 1419 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1894)

Williams. William Leonard (1829-1916); = [Pihopa] Wiremu; Ahirikona Wirimu: 460 (Marlin. 1855); 593 (1862); 599 (Ko te hahi i muri i a te Karaiti. 1863); 768 (Williams. 1871); 769 (1872. i.e. 1871); 810 (1873); 849 (1875); 909 (Church of England. 1878); 963 (1879); 1035 (Martin. 1882); 1065(1882); 1070 (Church of England, ca. 1883); 1073 (He himene mo te karakia kite Atua. 1883); 1 103 (Martin, 1884?); 1122 (Andrewes. 1885); **1194 (Stuart. 1887); 1241 (Bible. 1889); 1315-1316 (1891); 1348 (Williams. 1892); 1394 (Bible. N T.. 1894); 1400 (He inoi mo te whakaritenga, 1894?); 1419 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1894); 1420 (1894); 1481 (1896); 1483 (Bible. NT.. 1897); 1539-1540 (1899)

William’s first English book: 770 (Colenso. 1872)

Williams' N.-Zealand dictionary and grammar, etc.: 217 (Williams. 1844)

Williams’ New-Zealand dictionary: 435 (Williams. 1852); 768 (Williams. 1871)

Williamson. John (1815-1875); = Wiremuhana 714 (1867)

Williams's dictionary of the New-Zealand language: 1348 (Williams. 1892)

Willie's first English book: (Pan 1); 770 (Colenso. 1872); (Part 2): 771 (Colenso. 1872)

Willis, Archibald Dudingston (1842-1908); = Wirihi: 1374 (New Zealand. 1893)

Wilson. George Henry (1833-1905): 527 (Te waka Maori o Aotearoa, 1884)

Wilson. John Cracroft (1808-1881); 735 (N.Z.

Parliament. House of Representatives. Public

Petitions Committee. 1869)

wine industry: 1475 (Pukapuka tatau o te iwi Maori. 1896)

Wini Tama. Tiati (Judge) see Sturmer. Spencer William von

Te wini whakamaharatanga ki a Pihopa Herewini: 1447 (1895?)

Winiata. Henare; = Henry Wynyard: 859 (N.Z.

Armed Constabulary Force. 1876)

Wir grussen Dich. wir grussen Dich. Franz

Joseph. Kaiser von Oesterreich: 527 (Toetoe, 1860)

Wir grussen Euch. wir grussen Euch, Eltern des Kaisers von Oesterreich: 526 (Toetoe. I860) Wiremu see Williams. Edward Marsh; Williams. Henry; Williams. William Leonard Wiremu. Atirikona see Williams. Samuel Wiremu. G. W. (= George Watkyn Williams) see N.Z. Chief Surveyor Wiremu. Pihopa see Williams, William Leonard Wiremu Hapata see Williams. Herbert William Wiremuhana see Williamson. John Wirihi see Willis. Archibald Dudingston Wirimu, Ahirikona see Williams. William Leonard women, access to alcohol (legislation); 1428 (New Zealand, 1895) women, education: 133 (Nicene Creed. 1843); see also girls, education women, health issues: 203 (Fitzgerald, 1844); 589 (Te Kahutopa. 1862) women's committees. Maori Parliament: 1492 (Maori Parliament. 1897?) Woon. Richard Watson (1834-1890): 707 (New Zealand. 1867) Woon, William (1803-1858); = Wunu **3 l (While. 1836); 33 (Bible. N T. Selections, 1837); 35 (He inoi mo nga Pakeha me nga Maori, ca. 1837); **3B (Lesson sheet. 1837); 43 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1837); 45 (Bible N T.. 1838); 46 (Maunsell. 1838); 47 (Ten Commandments. 1838); 48-49 (Turner. 1838); 50-52 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1838); 54 (Bumby. 1839); 64 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1839); 79 (Lesson sheets. 1840); 84 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1840); 99 (Watkin. 1841) 100-102 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1841); **ll2 (Lesson sheets. 1842) 193 (Bible. O.T. Job. 1844); 200 (Colenso. 1844); 258 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1845); 323 (Bible. O.T. Malachi. 1847); 1419 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1894); S2ll /1844-* * 1 846 (Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. 1844-1854); see also Printer/Publisher index

Worship; or One in Ten; 1153 (Kei hea nga tokoiwa. 1886) Wunu see Woon. William Wyllie, James Ralston; = Waire: 850 (ca. 1875) Wynyard. Henry see Winiata. Henare Y Yale. William (1802-1877): 11 (Bible Selections. 1830); 12 (Church of England. 1830); ** 13 (Hymn. I830)s; 14 (A E H I K M H. 1833?); 15 (Bible. Selections. 1833); 18. 19 (Church of England. 1833); 20 (Great Britain. Colonial



Office. 1833); see also entries under Church Mission Press (Kerikeri) in Printer/Publisher index Yet there is room: 1252 (Te kupu o te Kongo Pai. 1889)

You cut me deep: 918 (Stanley, 1878); 955 (Stanley, ca. 1879); 1227 (Stanley, ca. 1888); 1267 (Te ritenga mete mana o te toto o te Karaiti, 1889)

You have doubtless heard that Hone Heki has again transgressed the law; 251 (N.Z.

Southern Division, 1845)

You may be saved: 1312 (North. 1891)

Young. Thomas Edward; 954 (Schedule of native reserves. 1879); **1558 (New Zealand. 1900) Young Maori Party, Southern Division see Te Aute College Students’ Association Yven. Jean (1796-1867) see entries under Apostolic Vicariate of Western Oceania, Press (i.e. Catholic Mission Press) in Printer/Publisher index

Z Zerubbabel (= Horopapera) see Te Ua Haumene


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Penny Griffith has worked on New Zealand bibliographical projects and as a scholarly editor for most of her professional career. Most recently she has been editor of The Turnbull Library Record, coordinating editor of Book & Print in New Zealand (1997, with Ross Harvey and Keith Maslen) and A Book in the Hand (2000, with Peter Hughes and Alan Loney), and programme manager of the History of Print Culture in New Zealand research programme.

Phil Parkinson has worked at the Alexander Turnbull Library since 1975. He has published in the fields of historical bibliography, the history of natural history, and related fields for many years. He has been working on aspects of Maori bibliography and philology for more than a decade, and was awarded his PhD in 2003 for his thesis '"Our infant state": The Maori language, the mission presses, the British Crown and the Maori, 1814-1838'.

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Bibliographic details

APA: Parkinson, P. G. (Phil G.). (2004). Books in Māori, 1815-1900 : an annotated bibliography. Reed Pub.

Chicago: Parkinson, P. G. (Phil G.). Books in Māori, 1815-1900 : an annotated bibliography. Auckland, N.Z.: Reed Pub., 2004.

MLA: Parkinson, P. G. (Phil G.). Books in Māori, 1815-1900 : an annotated bibliography. Reed Pub., 2004.

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Books in Māori, 1815-1900 : an annotated bibliography Parkinson, P. G. (Phil G.), Reed Pub., Auckland, N.Z., 2004

Books in Māori, 1815-1900 : an annotated bibliography Parkinson, P. G. (Phil G.), Reed Pub., Auckland, N.Z., 2004

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