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EPUB ISBN: 978-0-908328-63-5

PDF ISBN: 978-0-908331-59-8

The original publication details are as follows:

Title: The upper cretaceous gastropods of New Zealand

Author: Wilckens, Otto

Published: Dept, of Mines, Geological Survey Branch, Wellington, N.Z., 1922



of 2tfme&.


(P. G. MORGAN. Director.)


The Upper Cretaceous Gastropods of New Zealand.


Formerly Professor of Geology and Palaeontology and Director of the Geological and Palaeontological Institute of the University of Strassburg,. now of Bonn University.

Translated [nto English by the Author.



I'.y Authority: Mabcus P. Mabkb, Qovkbnmkmt Phinteh



Geological Survey Office,

Wellington, Ist March, 1921.

Sir, —

I have the honour to transmit herewith Paheontological Bulletin No. 9, entitled "The Upper Cretaceous Gastropods of New Zealand," written by Dr. Otto Wilekens, of Bonn, Germany, who is recognized as probably the most eminent European authority on Cretaceous Gastropoda.

The fossils here described were originally sent in 1912 to Mr. Henry Woods, F.E.S., of Cambridge, England, the author of Palseontological Bulletin Xo. 4, but on his recommendation they were forwarded in 1913 to Dr. Wilekens, then at Strassburg, for description. The intervention of the war prevented Dr. Wilekens from making much progress with this work, but fill care was taken of the fossils, and in 1919 an arrangement was made with him to complete his descriptions and furnish a full report. The valuable memoir now submitted is the result. It contains 42 pages of letterpress, together with five plates, two text-figures, and a map showing fossil localities.

I have the honour to be,


Your obedient servant,


Director, New Zealand Geological Survey.

The Hon. G. J. Anderson,

Minister of Mines, Wellington


The Cretaceous Gastropods described in this memoir were collected by the officers of the New Zealand Geological Survey. They were transmitted to me for study in the year 1913, but the war prevented me from going on with the work before 1919. The Pelecypods and Cephalopoda of the same faunas are treated by Mr. Woods in Pakeontological Bulletin No. 4 of the New Zealand Geological Survey.

I am greatly indebted to Dr. J. A. Thomson for information about the geology of the localities where the fossils were collected, and to Mr. P. G. Morgan for all the care taken in the printing of this memoir. Finally, it is an agreeable duty for me to give expression to my gratitude to the University of Bonn—which, after my expulsion from my former position, gave me the possibility of continuing my scientific work as well as to my old teacher and friend Professor Dr. G. Steinmann, who placed at my disposal all the means of the Geological Institute and of his own library.

Dr. Otto Wilckens.



Letter of Transmittal iii

Author's Preface v

A. The Gastropoda of the Upper Senonian:—

I. Introduction—

1. The Occurrence of the Fossils 1

2. The Rocks and the State of Preservation of the Fossils 2

II. Description of Species—

(a.) Gastropoda—

Pleurotomaria 2

Delphinula? 4

Calliostoma 4

Patella? 5

Crepidula 5

Calyptræa 6

Natica 6

Scalaria 8

Cerithium 8

Arrhoges 9

Perissoptera 11

Conchothyra 14

Struthiolariopsis 17

Protodolium 18

Tudicula 20

Cryptorhytis 21

ProcanceUaria .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 22

Procanellaria 22 Conus 23

Eriptycha 23

Cylichna 24

(b.) Scaphopoda—

Dentalium 24

(c.) Annelida—

Tubulosliumm 25

(d.) Crustacea—-

Hoploparia ? 25

III. General Results—

1. The Distribution of the Upper Senonian Gastropoda and Annelida in the Series of Strata and at the Localities 26

2. The Age of the Fauna and its Relations to that of other Regions—

(a.) The Age of the Fauna inferred from its General Character 28

(b.) The Relations of the Fauna to those of other Regions, and the Stratigraphical Position of the same 28

(c.) The Invertebrate Fauna of the Upper Senonian of New Zealand 31

B. The Gastropoda of the Lower Utaturian: —

(a.) Fossils of the Sawpit Gully Mudstones — Trochus 34

(b.) Fossils of the Cover Creek Mudstones—

Natica 34

Perissoptera 34

Dentnlium 34

(c.) Fossils of the Wharf Mudstones—

Serpula 35

C. Gastropoda from Hapuka River (Marlborough) and Shag Point (Otago)-

Turrilella 35

Pleurotoma 35

D. Literature consulted 36

E. Indexes:-—

I. Genera and Species 39

11. Localities and General 4l

Plates I-V, and Explanations At end


Fig. I.—Hector’s figure of Perissoptera waiparaenis 11

Fig. 2. —Hector's figure of Conchothyra parasitica 15


Map of the South Island of New Zealand, showing Fossil Localities, &c, Facing page 1





1. The Occurrence of the Fossils.

The Gastropods of the Upper Senonian beds are found in the old provincial districts of Marlborough and Canterbury at (1) Amuri Bluff, (2) Waipara River and Weka Pass, (3) in the Malvern Hills. A stratigraphical description of these three localities has been given by Mr. H. Woods in Palaeontological Bulletin No. 4, pp. 13-16. Therefore it may be sufficient to summarize here only the sequence of the beds according to the data contained in Mr. Woods’s memoir.

(a.) Sequence of Beds at Amuri Bluff.

of Beds in the Waipara River and Weka Pass Districts.

Saurian bed 3 in beds at Amuri Bluff).

Sandstones (= Amuri Group at Amuri Bluff).

Loose sands with coal and conglomerates.

(c.) Sequence <if B<-l- in tht Malvern Hills.

ands and volcanic rocks.

Saurian beds (without fossils, but agreeing lithologically with the Saurian beds of Amuri Bluff)

Selwyn Rapids beds ( Upper Amuri Group).

Quartz sands and congloi l coal.

The various localities arc usually designated by numbers attached to the fossils derived therefrom. Localities 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 13, and 14 are at Amuri Bluff. Fossils of localities 2, 3. 4, 5, 6, and the greatest part of the fossils of locality 13, are from the Lower Amuri

1 —Pal. Bull. No. 9.


Group—viz., the calcareous conglomerate; 8 indicates the black-grit horizon; 9, the Saunan beds. The fossils of 13 are from all beds at Amuri Bluff, from the calcareous conglomerate up to the concretionary greensands (collections of McKay, 1873 and 1876). As all these beds form one stratigraphical unit, this commingling of the collected material is not of great importance. Locality 14 (Oaro Creek, west wing of Amuri Bluff) comprises all Cretaceous beds up to the Amuri limestone. The material from this locality contains only seven fossils.

The localities 149, 277, 761, and 762 are situated in the Waipara district. The stratigraphical position is known only for the last two : 761 indicates the Saurian beds, and 762 probably the Ostrea beds in the sandstones, which are the equivalent of the Amuri Group.

The Malvern Hills have yielded the fossils of the localities 23, 589, and 754, the former tw those of the Selwyn Rapids beds, the latter (probably) those of the Ostrea beds ( = Amuri Group;

Besides these numbered fossils the material transmitted to me contains several single speci mens, the label of which bears no number but only the name of the locality. Among these ars fossils from the region of Amuri Bluff, and single pieces from Shag Point (Otago) and Hapuka River (Marlborough), collected by McKay in 1865 and 187fi.

2. The Rocks and the State or Preservation of the Fossils.

When I received the fossils many of them were already isolated, but in part they were not yet freed from rock-material. So it is possible to state that the matrix in which the fossils are embedded is generally a glauconitic calcareous sandstone of dark-green colour and considerable hardness, which, when weathered, assumes a brownish colour and becomes a little softer. r I he fossils are often embedded in a broken state, and sometimes the rock is full of large or small fragments of shells. The nature of the rock and the state of preservation of the fossils show a striking resemblance to the corresponding features of the Upper Senonian of the Conception district in Chile (Quiriquina, Tome, S. Vicente), of South Patagonia, and of Seymour Island (Grahamland). The lithological character, the light- or dark-yellow colour of the fossils, and the often considerable brittleness of the shells are the same in these four regions mentioned. The New Zealand fossils (like those of the above-named regions of the Western Hemisphere) could not be cleaned with hammer and chisel, but were worked out almost exclusively with the needle (sometimes the pincers). In some cases it was impossible to clean the shells thoroughly from every adhering grain of sand.

The glauconitic and sandy character of the rock and the fractured shells indicate a shallowsea, not very far from a coast, as the locality of deposition for the beds here in question. The facies is a pronounced one of Gastropods and Lamellibranchs. Ccphalopods are not entirelywanting, but are rarer, and other groups of animals are almost entirely lacking. These conditions also agree perfectly with the habitus of the other Upper Senonian faunas on the borders of the South Pacific (geologically speaking)—viz., those of the Chilean coast, of South Patagonia, and of Grahamland. For in these regions Cephalopods occur, but there are many localities which have yielded only, or almost only, the two other classes of Mollusca.


(«.) Gastropoda.

Pleurotomaria J. Sow

Pleurotomaria maoriensis sp. now (Plate I, fig". 1, 2.)

Description. —The large and thick shell is of conical form, and is broader than high. In none of the specimens are more than 6 whorls preserved, yet there must be at least 8. The whorls are provided with a narrow spiral ridge, below which they are a little more declivous than above. In the spire the portion below the spiral ridge is very short, so that the ridge lies immediately above the suture. As the suture is very little impressed, the slope of the shell from the apex to the margin of the base appears almost uniform in the upper part, and only slightly gradate


in the lower part. The slit-band is situated in the spiral ridge. The base of the last existing whorl is flattened. There is no umbilicus, or only a very small one. On the upper surface as well as on the base the ornamentation consists of fine spiral ribs. These are quite slightly granulated by the line growth-lines. The recurvation of the growth-lines in the sinus-band is visible in one specimen. The aperture and the slit are not preserved.

Dimensions. —By combination there results for the specimens in hand a height of 74 mm., but certainly the shell must have reached a still greater height. For a height of 71mm. Ihe basal diameter would be about 100 mm.

Localities. —Loc. 5 (calcareous conglomerate, Amuri Group, east wing of Amuri BlufT). 3 specimens ; loc. 6 {same as loc. 5), 1 specimen ; loc. 13 (calcareous conglomerate, Amuri Group, west wing of Amuri BlufT). 1 specimen.

Relations. -This Pleurotomaria shows a very close resemblance to PL arnoldi Wollem.(l) from the Aptian of Northern Germany, a species to which belongs perhaps also the big /'/. U ollem.(2) from the same beds. The former species agrees so completely with the New Zealand shell (except in being somewhat smaller) that one would be almost inclined to identify them as the same.

Among the occurrences of the Upper Senonian on the border of the South Pacific only that of Grahamland has yielded a Pleurotomaria, and that one is also a species of considerable dimensions, PL larseniana 0. \Vilck.(3). The comparison is rendered difficult by the fact that the Antarctic form is known only as a cast. It may well be a related specimen.

Leptomaria indica Forbes(4) resembles PI. maoriensis in shape and sculpture. Stoliczka. who had at his disposal more than 100 specimens of this species, emphasizes the great variability of the form of the whorls. L. indica is from the Ariyalur Group. Stoliczka compares it with Pleuroto ibgigantea d*Orb.(s) from the Upper Senonian of Aachen (Germany), which has likewise a narrow slit-band, a fine spiral sculpture and no umbilicus, but differs in having no ridge. According to Eolzapiel(6) the PI. gigantea of Goldfuss is identical with PI. svbgigantea d'Orb. ato-gratnulata Goldf.(7), with which Stoliczka compares likewise the Leptomaria indica, is much lower.

PL tardensis Stant.(B), from the Lower Cretaceous (Belgrano beds) of Lake Pueyrredon (Argentina), is flatter and has a stronger sculpture than /'/. maoriensis. On the other hand, PI. la hayesi d'Orb.(9), from the French Upper Cretaceous, may possibly belong to a related group, but the ridge is wanting.

Pritchard(lO) gave a list of the Tertiary Pleurotomaria known up to 1903. Of the two Australasian species mentioned by him PL bassi Pritch. resembles PI, maoriensis in shape, spiral sculpture, and dimensions, but differs from it in having a very broad slit-band.

It is surprising that neither Pritchard nor Harris(ll) mentions any Tertiary Pleurotomaria from New Zealand, although there seems to occur a Pleurotomaria tertiaria McCoy(l2) in the Gamaru.

(I) A. WoUemann, Die Bivalven and Gastropoden deß norddentschen Gault (Aptiens and Albiens). Jahrbuch d. kgl, prenas. Geol. Landesanst., xxri (1906), p. 281, pi. 8, fig. 5.

Ul. LUCIUS. UCUI. LBUUCHUUI.) _\ .\ i I (2) Ibidem, p. 282, pi. 9, fig. !.

(3) O. Wilckens, Die Anneliden. Bivalvrn und Gastropoden der antarktischen Kreidoformation. Wisscnschaftliche Ergebnisse der Schwedischen Siidpolar-Expedition untcr der I/eitung von Dr. Otto Nordenskjold, 1901-3, Bd. iii, Lief. 12, p. 73, pi. 3, fig. 24. PI. larseniana resembles to a certain extent PI. perspective! Mant sp. in H. B. Geinitz, Daa Elbtalgebirgc in Sachsen. 2 Teil. Der raittlere und obere Quader (Palaiontographica, xx, ii, p. 166, pi. 29 p, fig. 11). But this species has a large umbilicus.

11 ). IJUI 11110 ajiuucs nan a, laigc (4) F. Stoliczka, The Cretaceous Fauna of Southern India, ii, Gastropoda, p. 387, pi. xxvi, fie. 1.

{•±l X' . uiuuktiiva, x 11c vicmtcuuo i auua in ouuuiciu mum, u, un (5) A. Goldfuss, Petrefacta Germania;, iii, p. 77, pi. 187, fig. 6.

(6) E. HolzapfeL I >i<■ Mbllusken der Aachener Kreide i Pain tntographica, xxxiv). p. 175.

{O) x!i. noisapici, uiv jujiiuskiti tier nucucucr mciuc mas »iiujj'ia,piii«;a, aaaiv;, p. i 10. (7) Not « trinlo-granulala , as Stoliczka writes. (Compare A. Goldfuss, Petref. Germ., iii, p. 75, pi. 180, fig. 10.)

(/J iNOt *iruuo-granuuua, as otonczaa writes, »jroiaiuss, xretrei. uran., 111, p. 10, pi. mo, ug. 10.; (8) T. W. Stanton, The Marine Cretaceous Invertebrates. Reports Princeton University Expeditions to Patagonia, vol. iv (Palaeontology), p. 29, pi. vii, figs. 1, 2.

(9) A. I'Orbigny, Paleontologie francaise. Terr. mi';.. toL 2, pp. 281 52, pis. 193, 194.

(10) G. B. Pritchard, On Some Australian Tertiary Pleurotomarias. Proc. Roy. Soc. Victoria, xvi (n.s.), pp. 83-91, pis. xiii, xiv; 1903. Pritchard’s list is, besides, not complete— e.g., several species described by Oppenheim from the Priabona beds are omitted.

(11) G. F. Harris, Catalogue of Tertiary Mollosca in the Dep. of Geo I. Brit. Mus. (Nat. Hist.), pt. i; The Australasian Tertiary Mollusca. 1897.

(12) Mentioned, '.'/.. by H. v. Diering, Lea mollusqaea fossiles da auperienrel da tertiaire de PArgentin Annies del ofiueo nacional de Buenos Aires, xix, p. 88.



Suter in his recent memoirs does not mention this form, but includes it in his " Alphabetical List of New Zealand Tertiary Mollusca " (1918).

Pleurotonun lai Goldf.(l) from the Lower Oligocene(2) of Biinde, Germany, has a similar shape to PI. maoriensis, but the ridge is situatul above the middle of the whorls and the sculpture shows a marked granulation.

Among the living PleurotomariM.3) one may distinguish two groups, one of which embraces the forms with a large umbilicus and with a ridge above the middle of the whorls ; the other contains the species without umbilicus and with the ridge below the middle of the whorls. Our PI. lis apparently belongs to the second group, which comprises the living species /'/. PI. salmiana, PI. juoyana, and perhaps (if it be a different species) PI. hirasei. PI. juoyana is not to be compared with PI. maoriensis because of its small dimensions. /'/. beyrichi shows a stronger granulation of the ribs, and so does /'/. hirasei. The living form which most resembles /'/. maoriensis is /'/. salmiana from the Japan Sea. The New Zealand species attains a larger size.

Pieurotomaria woodsi sp. Nov. (Plate I, figs. 3, 4.)

Description. —The rather small but thick shell is of flat-conical shape, broader than high. It consists of 5 whorls, which are slightly arched. The sutures are impressed. The lower margin of the last whorl is rounded, the base flattened. There seems to be no umbilicus. The aperture is oval. The slit is situated nearly in the middle of the upper side of the outer lip and is relatively broad. The surface of the shell is coveted with strong spiral ribs, 5 above the slit-band and 1 below. They are crossed l>v transverse ribs originated by strong growth-furrows, so that the shell becomes granulated. The base seems to be smooth. The last whorl has its upper margin a little lowered, so that' the outer margin of the penultimate whorl becomes free. The growth-lines curve forward between tlie slit-band and the outer margin of the whorl, as is characteristic of Pleurotomaria.

Dimensions.— Height, 25 mm., IS nun. ; diameter, 37 mm., 30 mm.

Localities. —Loc. 5 (calcareous conglomerate, Lower Amuri Group, east wing of Amuri Bluff). 2 specimens.

Relations. —1 do not know any Cretaceous species of similar habitus. Perhaps there are related forms in the Jurassic (PI. quenstedti Goldf.).

Remark. —l dedicate this interesting species to Mr. Woods, the describe! of the Cephalopoda and Pelecypods of the New Zealand Upper Cretaceous, whoso memoirs on Cretaceous fossils have often been of great value to me in my pahoontological work.

Delphinula Lam.

Delphinula ? sp. (Plate 1, figs. 5 a-c.)

Description. —lt is only tentatively that I ascribe to the genus Ddphintda two casts which are in a very bad state of preservation. The larger specimen shows 2J whorls, of which the last one is one and a half times to twice as high as the spire. The whorls are rounded, near the suture a little Battened. The last whorl is sculptured by 7 spiral ribs, which are notched by transverse ones. The aperture is rather circular.

-ions. —Height, 24 mm. ; diameter. 21 mm.

Localities. —Loc. 13 (Lower Amuri Group, west wine of Amuri Bluff), 1 specimen ; loc. 23 Sohvvn Rapids beds, Selwyn River, Malvern Hills). 1 specimen.

Calliostoma Swainson.

Calliostoma decapitatum sp. now (Plate I. tig-. 6a. hj. 7a. I.]

Description. -The initial whorls are lacking in all specimens, the shells being already <-i111..1.1.rl in tho roci without them. The present specimens show altogether 5 whorls, which are flattened

(1) A. Goldfuss, Petref. Germ., iii, p. 77, pi. 188, fig. 1.

(2) Pritchard commits an error in assuming a Miocene age for the beds in which this fossil occurs.

(3) Martini und Chemnitz. Systematischcs Conchylienkabinct, Bd. vi, Abt. Ic. Die Gattung Pleurotoinaria, b G. Schmalz.


and have a rounded ridge immediately above the suture. in the spire the external layer of the shell has been destroyed ; it is probable that on that account the whorls appear a little concave. The body-whorl has a rounded margin, the- base is flat. Apparently there is no umbilicus. The external surface of the shell is well preserved on the base and on the last portion of the body-whorl immediately before the aperture. It shows rather coarse growth-lines, which are directed very obliquely behind ; accordingly the aperture stands very obliquely. It is of quadrangular outline. The outer Up is sharp, the inner one seems to be callous. It is impossible to state whether there is a prominence or not.

Dimensions of the largest specimen (3-4 whorls). —Diameter of the base, 34 mm.; height. 31mm. (if perfectly preserved this would be 40 mm.). r—7,/,'— t—> o /„„i i~, 1„ t „... a _: n - i. ...: „( a „: ui,.ff\

Localities.—Loc. 2 (calcareous conglomerate, Lower Amuri Group, east wing of Amuri Bluff), 1 specimen ; loc. 14 (calcareous conglomerate. Lower Amuri Group, Oaro Creek, west wing of Amuri Bluff), 4 specimens, one of which is only a half body-whorl.

Relations. —lf the inner lip has a prominence the species should be considered as nearly allied to Tectus tamtdicus Stol.(l) from the Ariyalur Group of Southern India. This form has lower ridges than CaUiostoma decapitatum, but agrees well with it in general shape and in the form of the base. Unfortunately it is impossible to clean the inner lip of the New Zealand specimens.

As for the rest, C. decapitatum is only to be compared with the living ('. zizyphinus L.{2) from the Mediterranean Sea, which very much resembles our species. Certainly this resemblance of a Cretaceous shell from New- Zealand to a living form from the Mediterranean is surprising, but we shall meet with a similar fact in Pseudodolium speighti Trechm., described below.

Remark. — To one of the specimens of C. decapitation from loc. 14 there is attached a little Discina.

Patella L.

Patella? amuritica sp. Nov. (Plate 1. fig. 8.)

Description. —The outline of the shell is oval, the shape cap-like. The apex is nearly central, Between the apex and the nearer end the shell is a little concave, towards the other end a little convex. The upper layers of the shell-substance are not preserved ; the muscular impression is not visible. Even the generic determination, therefore, is uncertain.

tions. —Length, smm.; breadth, 35 mm. ; height. L'Smm.

Locality. —Loc, 13 (Lower Amuri Group, west wing of Amuri Bluff), 1 specimen, free in the rock.

Relations. —Perhaps one may compare this fossil with Nacetta (Anisomyon?) ovata 0. Wilck.(3) from the Antarctic Senonian. This form, it is true, is much larger, and the apex seems to have a more eccentric position. These patelloid shells are not very significant.

Ckepidui.a Lam.

Crepidula hochstetteriana sp. Nov. (Plate I, fisrs. 9 a, b.)

Description. —The shell is of rounded-rectangular outline, patclliform, on the left side convex, on the right side concave, almost twice as long as broad, with the top in an eccentric position. The apex curves to the right and reaches a little beyond t lie margin. The surface of the shell is not sculptured, except by wide coarse wrinkles. The diaphragms is a little arched in the same direction as the shell, and has a concave margin. It reaches nearly to the middle of the shell. The cast shows a vertical declivity on the convex side and a flatter one on the right. The cast of the apex forms a slightly curved horn. The position of the diaphragma is marked by a deep horizontal furrow.

Dimensions. —Length, 49 mm. ; width, 26 mm. ; height, 22 mm.

(I) F. Stoliczka, Cret. Fauna S. India, ii, Gastropoda, p. 371, pi. xxiv, figs, 5, sa.

(2) L. C. Kiener et P. Fischer, Species general et Iconographie ties coquilles vivantes, xii (1880), p. 123, pi. 42, %■ 2- „

(3) 0. Wile kens, Die Anneliden, Bivalven und Gastropodcn der antarktischen Kreideformation, p. 71, pi. 3, fig. 22.


Localities. —Loc. 2 (calcareous conglomerate, Lower Amuri Croup, east wing of Amuri Bluff), 1 cast, much damaged; loc. 13 (Amuri Group, west wing of Amuri Bluff), 2 specimens.

Relations. —The existence of this species in the Cretaceous of New Zealand is of special i 1 for the Tertiary of this country has furnished in Or. incurva Zitt.(l) a similar form, which hardly differs except by another position of the apex. Ortmann(2) and v. Ihering(3) regard Cr. incur,-,, Zitt. as identical with Cr. ■ B. Sow.(4) from the Patagonian Molasse. This is a view with which I cannot agrei pex of Cr. incurva is more tapering and the diaphragma longer. The other species mentioned by Harris from the younger Tertiary of New Zealand are quite different.

The other occurrences of the South Pacific Upper Cretaceous have not yielded representativi of this genus, which, in general, is rare in Cretaceous deposits. There is no Cretaceous fori available for comparison.


Calyptraea solitaria sp. Nov. (Plate I, fig. 10.)

Description. —One cast, the only specimen of this form, belongs to a shell of elliptical outline. It is highly arched ; the apex approaches the margin and is rolled inward : tie- east of the extremity ol the apex is broken away; the diaphragma is spirally bent. If an umbilicus and an excavation m the columella were present the species would belong to the subgenus Calyptropsis Tate. Unfortunately, one cannot state anything about these characters.

Dimensions. —Length, 23 mm. ; width, 19 mm. ; height, 9 mm.

Locality. —Loc. 277 (upper Waipara Gorge and Boby's Creek, Waipara), 1 specimen.

Relations. —There seems to exist a near relationship between our species and Calyptrcea (Calyptropsis) calyptraijormis Lam.(s), found, among other occurrences, in the Miocene and Pliocene of New Zealand(6).

Natica Scopoli.

Natica selwyniana sp. Nov. (Plate 11, figs. 1 «, 6.)

1917. Nalien (Euspira) variabilis Moore: Trechmann, C. T., Cret. Moll, from New Zealand (Geol. Mag., n.s., dec. vi, vol. iv), pp. 29&-300. No figure.

Description.— The semi-globose shell has a very low spire, which occupies only one-eleventh of the height of the whole shell. The spire consists of 3£ rounded whorls. The body-whorl is broad and globose, its shell rather thick and, on the surface, covered with coarse growthlines. The aperture has an oval outline, and a position oblique to the axis of the shell. At its upper margin it is callous. The umbilicus is almost quite free ; the callosity formed by the inner lip overlaps it only to a certain extent.

Dimensions.- Height, 36 mm.; breadth, 32 mm.; thickness, 22 mm

Localities.— Loc. 589 (Selwyn Rapids beds, Selwyn River, Malvem Hills). 2 specimens (in one of these the surface of the shell is weathered and the inner lip damaged, the other one is very much broken) ; loe. 761 (Saurian beds, .Middle Waipara), 1 large crushed specimen.

Relations. —The comparison with other forms is rendered difficult by the damaged state of the inner lip. Perhaps N. selwyniana belongs to the group of Naticina subcrassa M. & H.(7), which Meek compares with Mammilla carnatica Stol.(8). Further, there exists a certain

(I) K. A. Zittcl, Palaontologic von Neu-Seeland (Reise der Novara), i, p. 44, pi. xv, fic. 9. G F Harris Catal of Tert. Moll., i, Australasian Tert. Moll., p. 248. 01 A V O m n itn /I .. I X— T) 'TI. ■. . i TT ■ 1

(2) A. E. Ortmann, Tert. [nvertebrates. Rep. Princeton I'niv. Exped. to Patagonia, iv. p. 184, pi xxxii, fig. 10.

(3) H. v. Ihenng, Les moll, fuss du eret. sup. et du tert. do ['Argentine. An. Mus. Nac Buenos Urea rii (ser. 3a. vii). j). 14S.

(4) G. B. Sowerby in Ch. Darwin, Qeol Obs. S. Amerii 1., p. 264, pi.

( 6 ) s " '• ''' ■ ' " : " h ' "■ Trochita, nl. iii. He. 11. [The identification of the New Zealand shell with Lamarck's species is not upheld by recent workers. See H. Sutler, Manual N.Z. Moll n 286 1912 T iredala Trans. N.Z. Inst., xlvii, p. 4..i>. 191.,. —P. G. M.) ' " l "' ,R -

..— -—, , ~ ... ~,.j (li) Harris. Australasian Pert. Moll i), p. 263.

(7) F. B. Me. k. A Report on the [nvertebrate Cretaceous and I Di pel ili«<ouri Conntrc Rep. U.S. Qeol Surv. of the Territories, ix, p. 31li, pi. 39, fig. 3.

(8) F. Stoliczka, Crct. Fauna S. Ind., ii, Gastropoda, p. 807, pi. .\.\ii. lis;. 6.


lance to Polynices of. subtenuis v. Ih.(l) from the Tertiary of Seymour Island (Grahamland). Natica microstoma Quoy(2) may be a related living Bpecies.

Trechmann identifies this form with Natica variabilis Moore from the Australian Cretaceous, but 1 think that the outline of the shell is too different to allow us to do so.

Natica ingrata sp. qov. (Plate 11. figs. 2 a~c.)

1917. Natica variabilis Moore: Trechmann, C. T., Cret. MolL from New Zealand (Urol. .Mag., n.s., dec. vi. vol. iv), pp. 299-300, pi. six, figa. &-10.

Description. —The shell is oval in shape, and consists of -U rounded whorls. Besides the growth-lines directed obliquely behind, there is no sculpture on the surface. In two specimens there appear 5 spiral grooves on the base of the body-whorl. The whorls of these specimens being more flattened near the suture than those of the others, I am not sure whether one may unite these forms with otir species. Trechmann, however, has done so. The bodywhorl is globose and about five times higher than the spire. The aperture is ovate, but acutely angled above. The inner lip is covered by a callosity, closing up more or less the umbilicus. Unfortunately, the latter cannot be perfectly cleared in any specimen.

Dimensions.- Height, 12 nun., 10mm. ; breadth, 10 mm., 8 mm.: diameter, 10 mm., 8 mm.

Locality. —Loc. 589 (Selwyn Rapids beds, Selwyn River, Malvern Hills), 7 specimens without sculpture, and 2 with the mentioned spiral grooves on the lower part of the body-whorl.

Relations. —This small Natica resembles the foregoing N. sdvryniana in all characters, except in size, in the higher spire, and in the form of the aperture (which is angled above, and not rounded). In spite of these differences it seems not improbable that- N. ingrata represents only stages of N. selwyniana. The greater number oi whorls, which in this case would result for N. ingrata, may perhaps be explained by a better preservation of the first whorls in the young shells, which are eroded in the older ones.

According to v. Ihering(3) the living Magellanian and Antarctic species of Natica all belong to the subgenus Polynices Montfort. Of this, the chief characteristic is a horny operculum. This cannot be determined in the fossil forms, setting aside the question whether the differences in the chemical constitution of the operculum have even a systematic importance. Since v. Ihering regards all Naticidae from the Patagonian and Chilean Tertiary as belonging to Polynices, we would be compelled to place our New Zealand Notices in the genus Polynices too, for it is a certainty that A. selwyniana and .V. ingrata belong to a group of Natdcidse which is represented in the Upper Senonian of Quinquina (Ampul! ina austraUs d : orb.)(4) and of Southern India (Mammilla carnaiica Stol.)(5), and in the older Tertiary of Patagonia (Polynices subtenuis v. Hi.)( 6) and of Grahamland (Polynices of. subtenuis v. 1h.)(7) —i.e., it is widely distributed in the Upper Senonian and older Tertiary beds in the South Pacific region (sensu latiore). Trcchmann(B) affirms the identity of our two species with Natica variabilis Moore of the Australian Cretaceous (see above). It is of special interest that the Tertiary of New Zealand, too, has yielded a form of this group viz., Natica darwini Hutt.(9).

(1; U. Wilckens, Die Mollnsken d. antarkt. Etreideformation. Wiss Erg. d. Schwed. Sudpolar-Exp, 1901-3, Bd. iii, Lief. 13, p. 11, pi. 1, fins. 23 a. b, 24 (not 22 and 23, as is stated in the text). ~11 /i ..,'.: _.i »i. ii' Ti * ,I'IT :11_ \7 „.. D_ 1 Q..J ,i .1 l>n :_ f7_„i :_ iii.. _i

(2J Quovet Gaimard, Mollusquea. Dumont d'Urville, Voyage au Pol. Sud et dans l'Oceanie, Zoologie, Atlas, pi. 66, fig. 9.

(3) H. v. Ihering, Les mollusquea foss. du tert. et du cret. sup. de .Argentine. An. Mus. nac. de Buenoa Aires, xiv (ser. 3a, vii), p, 150.

(4) 0. Wilck der Fauna der Quiriquinaschichten (Beitr. /. GeoL und Palaontologie von Sudamerika, ... v. Q. Steinmann, xi). N, Jahrb. f. Min. GeoL a. Pal., Beil.-Bd. xviii, p. 196, pi. xvii, figs. 11, 12.

(5) F. Stolicxka, Cret. Fauna 8. India, ii, Gastropoda, [p. 307, pL xxii, fig. 5.

(ii) A. E. Ortmann, Tertiary Invertebrate-. Rep. Princeton Univ. Exp. i'-> Patagonia, 1890-9!). iv, pt. ii, p. 190, pi. xxxiii, fig. o. ,-. . . it-: i. i i\r_ n*,.ii .1 ._ _i.i xr :,i, (, ... : \f :,.„ C_ .1 o_i ] v.'::.i....i t. - U.i 1 ■ c ~>

(7) O. Wilckens, Die Moll. d. antarkt. Kreideformation. Wise. Erg. d. Schwed. SfldpoL-Eip,, Bd. iii, Lief. 13, j>. 2L, pi. 1. figs. 2:!. 24 (not 22 and 23, as is stated in the text).

(8) C. T. Trechmann, (.'ret. Moll, from Mew Zealand. Geol. Hag., n ».. dec vi, vol. iv, p. 300.

(9) Described by Zittel under tlie name of Natica aalida G. B. Sow., in Foßsile Mollusken and Echinodermen aufl Neu-Seeland. Reise d. Novaca. Pal. v. N.-Seeld., p. 12. PL xv, fig, i>. I quote the name of N. darwini according to v. Diering (Lea mull, foss. du tert. et da cret. de I'Arg., p. 152). Suter in his synopsis of the New Zealand Tertiary Natdcidse (N.Z. Geol. Surv. Pal. Bull. No. 5, p. 88) does not mention this Bpecies, naming the so-called Natica solida of New Zealand .V. hvttoni v. Ih.


Scalaria Lam.

Scalaria (Cirsotrema ?) pacifica sp. Nov. (Plate 11, fig. .",.)

Description.— The best-preserved specimen, coming from Inc. 13 (Plate 11, fig. 3), shows •l,„vlt. TU- fi t __ 1.1- - £__, , , . ~,.,, . - ...

i whorls. The first one or the first two are lost, and the last whorl preserved is not the body-whorl. The shell is turreted. The whorls increase slowly. Tin- first ones are rounded and smooth, the succeeding ones rounded and sculptured with strong axial ribs which arc crossed by fine spiral threads. On the last preserved whorl there are 18 axial and 12 spiral ribs on the upper and 9 spiral ones on the lower side. The growth-lines are so fine that they can be seen only by using a lens. On the lower part of the whorl, which is covered by tlie following one, the axial ribs become slighter. Therefore, contrary to the other parte of the surface, the spiral ribs are here more elevated than the axial ones. The aperture is missing.

Localities. Loc. 13 (Lower Amuri Group, west wing of Amuri Bluff), 2 specimens ; loc. 589 (Selwyn Rapids beds, Selwyn River, Malvern Hills), 1 specimen.

Relations. From the Upper Senonian of South Patagonia Scalarice with cancellated sculpture are mentioned(l), but, unfortunately, not figured. Perhaps these are related forms, in the Quinquina beds occurs the similar Scalaria steinmanni Mor.{2). Possibly one may be allowed to compare Scala striato-costaia Muller (Stol.)(3) from the Ariyalur Group of Southern India. In the Senonian of Pondoland this group of Scalarice is represented by Scala ornata Baily(4). A similar form comes from the Upper Senonian of Maestricht : Scalaria contorta Kaunh.(s). Sc. elegans Ravn(6) from the Danian of Faxe (Denmark) is not without resemblance, but a little slender. A very nearly related form seems to be Scalaria (Cirsotrema) lyrata Zitt.(7), especially the younger individuals, named Sc. hrm'ni Zitt., from Aotca Harbour, N.Z. (older Tertiary). It is worthy of remark that the Cretaceous and the Tertiary of New Zealand contain two forms so nearly related.

Cerithium Ad.

Cerithium inEequicostatum sp. Nov. (Plate 11, fig. 4.)

Description.— The whorls of the turreted shell are slightly arclied, and increase Blowly. The sculpture consists of rounded axial ribs crossed by spiral threads, a granulation thus resulting. In the lower part of the whorls the spiral threads become slighter. In the only fragment which exhibits well-preserved sculpture two axial ribs of the last whorl correspond to one of the penultimate. The number of spiral ribs on the surface of one whorl is 5.

This Gastropod is provisionally regarded as a Cerithium, because its characteristic sculpture much resembles that of G. talahatense K. Martin(B) from the Tertiary of Java.

Locality.—lac. 9 (Boulder-sands, Saurian beds, east wing of Amuri Bluff), 1 specimen.

(1) 0. Wilckens, Die L&mellibranchiaten, Gastropoden, eve., der oberen Kreide Sudpatesoniena Her d Naturf Gesellsch. Freiburg i. B. xv, pp. 14-16 (110-11).

(2) W. Moricke, Die Gastropoden und Bivalven der Quiriquinaschichton in Chile. (G. Steinmann, W. Deccke und W. MSrioke, Das Alter und die Fauna der Quiriquina-Schichten in Chile. D.) N. Jaiirb f Min Geo! u Dal ' Mil.-lid. x, p. 9(1, pi. vii. fig. 14.

(3) F. Stoliozka, ('ret. Fauna S. India, ii, Gastropoda, p. 233. pi. xviii. Hu. 1. Holzapfol [Die Mollusken der Aaohener Kreide (Pala»ntographioa xxxiv). p. 130) contests the correctness of Stohczka's determination, although Stoliczka claims to have had the holotype of Miiller in his hands. Besides this, he pin- - lOa in the genus Meaostoma, while Cossmann (Essaia tie Paleoconohologie compares, I.ivr. 7. p. 195) takes it for an Atrtsius in fact, the Aachen species is much smaller than the Indian, and Holzapfel could not find the type in the collection of Miiller. So there is a great and insoluble confusion.

(I) 11. Woods, The Cretaceous Fauna of Pondoland. Annals o! the South African Museum, iv. p. 314. pi. 38,

(5) F. Kaunhowen, Die Gastropoden der Maestriohter Kreide. Palaontologiache Abhindl., bemuses von W. Dames und E. Kayscr. X.F. iv, Hefl 1, p. 43. pi. iii. fig. 2.

(0) J. P. J. Ravn, Molluskerne i Danmarks Kridtaflejringer, ii. D. K. Danske Vidensk. Selsk Skriftor 6 Raekke naturvid. og math. AM., xi, 4, p. 14 (218), pi. v, fig. 10.

(7) K. A. Zittcl, Fossile Molluaken mid EkjhimMennen am Neu-Seeland (Reise dBr Novum. Palaontologie von Neu-Seeland), p. 42, pi. is, especially fig. 9. Soter (Descriptions of New Tertiary Mollusoa occurring in New Zealand, ftc, Part I, N.Z. Qeol. Sun-. Pal. Hull. No. 5, p. 86) agrees with Ortmann'a statement that Zittel'a s,alnrn, tyrata and Bc. browm arc different stages of the same species.

(8) K. Martin, Die Fossilien von Java, i, Gastropoda, p. 201, pi. xxxi. fig, 162.


Remarks. A second specimen from the same locality cannot be quite decidedly identified with the described one. With reservation, too. I mention here a Gastropod with similar sculpture from loc. 8 (black grit, cast win- of Aniuri Bluff). In this specimen the .! the sculpture in the succeeding whorls is not visible, but as the fragment is very .small this change would make its appearance on a later whorl, not preserved.

Arehoges Gabb

Arrhoges haastianus sp. now (Plate 11, figs. 5 a, b, 6. 7.)

1917. Aporrhaia <jr>nn,-i,i Wilokens: Tre.-hniann, C. T., Cretaceous Holt from New Zealand (Geol. Mag., n.s.. (I.e. vi. vol. iv), p. 304, ].l. xi\. tic-. 6, 7.

Description. —The number of whorls of this shell cannot be determined, as the protoconch is not preserved in any specimen. The height of the spire seems to he three-fifths of that ..1 the body-whorl, hut possibly it, is equal to half of the shell. The spire is cone-shaped; a little below its middle the wla.rls hear strong nodes, which are lengthened somewhat, obliquely forward and below. On the penultimate whorl there are 10 such nodes. The large body-whorl is likewise sculptured bv this line of nodes. The last 4 nodes swell to a considerable size, the penultimate becoming the strongest. The aperture stands obliquely to the axis of the shell, and has a rectangular outline. The inner lip spreads over the body and forms a strong callus : it reaches upward to the penultimate whorl, encrusting its nodes. The outer lip is aliform : it is sinuous above, and has a callous margin : at. its extremity it forms a short sharp projection, which turns a little backward. The external margin of the wing is nearly rectilinear, thick and callous. The lower margin forms an obtuse angle with the outer margin, and is callous, but less thick than the outer one; it is slightly sinuate, and passes into the quite short canal. The chief node-ridge of the body-whorl becomes extinct, towards the wing. The whorls and the wing are decorated with line spiral stria?. The number of these is about 13 on the part, above- the strong node-ridge and about 30 below. On the last whorl there is a second and a third keel beneath the chief node-ridge, both of which are rounded and much less distant from each other than the upper one from the chief ridge. The upper of these two tower re: nodes. In some specimens both rule.- melt int.. each other, forming a broad elevation. The growth-lines are well developed on the last, whorl: they bend forward in the upper node-ridge and recurve in the lower ones: they are also Btrong on the whorls of the ..ii.l form partly tine sharp ridges, partly furrows.

Dimensions.- Three small, rather well-preserved, specimens from loc. 689 show the dimensions: Height. 31 mm.. 40mm.. 45mm.; breadth, 25mm., '. 30mm.; thickness, 18mm., 19 mm., ?. Large specimens of this Gastropod reach a height, of 50-60 mm.

Localities- Loc. 13 (Lower Aniuri Group, west wing of Amuii Bluff), 1 imperfect and eroded cast, but sufficiently preserved to permit its determination ; this is the only specimen from the whole Ann.ri district. Loc. 149 (McKay's Creek, Middle Waipara), 13 specimens among which arc 4 with more or [ess preserved wing, •'! with preserved inner lip; in all. tic first whorls and the canal are missing. Loc. 589 (Selwyn Rapids beds, Selwyn River Malvern Hills), 14 specimens ; of this.'. 9 an- smaller (of which 3 are well hut. not. perfectly preserved), the others large, hut all damaged: the latter agree well with those from loc. 149 Loc. 761 (Saurian beds, Middle Waipara), 25 specimens.

Remarks. The characters of the genus Arrhoges given by C'oasmann(l) agree tor this Gastropod in all points, except that in Arrhogea the wing is attached to the two penultimate whorls. The less ascending wing in A haostianua cannot indue.' me to establish a new genus for that species, this character, for example, varying in the single individuals of Aporrhaia pes

(I) M. Cossniaiin, Bsaaia de psleoconchologie compares, l.ivi. li, p. l'£.


Young stages of Aporrhaidse, in which the aliform outer lip has not yet fully grown out, differ considerably from adult individuals(l). This circumstance, and the injuries to which the wings are naturally exposed, make it difficult to determine the fossil material(2).

fn the first instance I was inclined to take Arrhoges haastianus lor a younger stage of Perissoptera waiparaensis. The long digit of the latter species has not been formed at. once, but must nave grown in length successively. But those specimens of Arrhoges haastianus which show the thick callosity of the innei lip and a callous margin of the outer lip must be regarded as adults, for the projection in which the wing terminates is in these individuals not in process of growing out to a long digit. This becomes evident by the fact that tin- inner last-formed layers of the wing remain behind from the extremity. In the last stages of development tinhook of the wing becomes thicker, but not longer. Furthermore, there are the following differences between the two forms: In Perissoptera waiparaensis lie- nodes have a lower position on the whorls of the spire ; the lower keel of this species approaches more to the noderidge. In Arrhoges haastianus the nodes on the body-whorl are stronger and the spiral ribs sUghter.

Relations- According to Cossmann the type of the genus Arrhoges is the living species A. occidentalis Beck(3). An Oligocene form, Arrhoges speeiosus Schl. sp.(l), is more nearly related than this to the New Zealand species ; compare, e.g., the figure of a specimen from S (Holstein, Germany)(s). The rib-sculpture is different, A. haastianus having nodes on the spirewhorls too, while A. speeiosus has real transversal ribs; hut the breadth of variation is the same in the two species. According to Beyrich the lower keel of the last whorl may be missing and the middle one may be knotty or smooth ; the same feature is observable in A. haastianus. The attachment of the wing-production to the spire differs widely ; sometimes it reaches only the penultimate whorl, sometimes nearly the apex. Among the specimens of A. speeiosus figured by Speyer that of pi. xxxi, fig. 4, most resembles the New Zealand form.

The Paleocene Arrhoges heberti Desh. sp.(6) resembles A. haastianus in general appearance and in size, but differs by the long transversal (i.e., axial) ribs and the knots at the upper margin of the wing.

Aporrhais gregaria 0. Wilck.(7), from the Upper Senonian of South Patagonia, resembles A. haastianus very much in the general shape of the shell and of the spire-whorls and their sculpture. In the Patagonian species the wing projects to a longer and sharper point. This character seems to be a constant one, missing in A. haastianus. Trechmann unites the New Zealand form with the Patagonian species, but I prefer not to do so.

Supplement.- The locality " Aporrhais beds, Okarahia Stream, Amuri Bluff," has yielded two pieces of rock with several Gastropod shells, which agree with A. haastianus in shape, but not in size, being rather small. The shells can be observed only in sections, as the matrix is too hard to be removed ; thus the determination is difficult, but, considering the shape of the outer lip, we may assume that they belong to Arrhoges haastianus.

The name of this speciea is given in honour of J. v. Haast, a geologist of New Zealand, born in Rhenish Prussia, where this memoir has been written.

(1) Compare the figures ..i young Aporrhata pea pelican* with those of adults in—Martini und Chemnitz, Conohylienkabinet, Bd. iv, Abt. 1, pL 24, fig. 7 ; Kiener, Species general et iconographie des (nip viv.. iv, pL 4. fig. I a ; F. A. Quenstedt, Petrefaktenkunde Deutschlands, vii, Gasteropoden, pL 207, fig. :14; P. Fischer, Manuel de Conchyliologie, p. ''74, lig. 436.

(2) F. A. Quenstedt (Petrefaktenkunde Deutschlands, vii, Gasteropoden, p. 661) lias given very affecting expression to this experience.

(3) Figured in L. C. Kiener, Spec gen. &c, iv, pL .'!, fig. 4.

(4) E. I'. Byrioh, Die Conchylien dea norddeutsohen Tertiargebirgea, 2. Stuck. Zeitechrift d. deutach. ge 1 Gos. <> (1854), !'■ 492, pi. 11, figs, l-o. 0. Speyer, Die Conchylien der Caaaeler Tertiarbildungen (Palnoiitographioa, ix). p. 166, pi. .\\\i. figs. 1-5.

rioh, !.c., |il. 11. fig. 2.

(IS) G. P. Deshayes, Description dea animaux sans rertebres, T. 11. pi. 92, 3.

\"/ "-" """/"J *.,.-,..,... ,..., rDIHWim, 1. 11. |M. ~_. ,[_. ... (7) 0. Wilokens, Die l.aniellil>rane!iiatcn. Gastropoden, &c, der oberen Kreide Sudpatagoniens. Berichte el. Xaturf. Gcs. Freiburg i. IS., Bd. la, p. 16, pi. iii. figs. Id. IL> ; pi. iv. Bg. 1 I pi. ili. fig. 11).


Perissoptera Tate.

Perissoptera waiparaensis (Hect. sp.) O. Wilck. (Plate 11. figs. 8, 9.)

1886. RoateUaria waiparaensis Sector, Catalogne of the Indian and Colonial Exhibition, London (Wellington, 1886), p. 58, fig. 20, No. 3,

Description oj Hector's Holotype (Plate 11, fig. 8). —The presumed holotype of Hector is a crushed sculptured cast with remains of the shell. The shell consists of 9 (possibly more) whorls, 7of which are preserved. The spire takes up about half of the whole shell. Although the shape and the sculpture are hardly perceptible on account of the damaged state of the specimen, one may notice that the whorls bear a spiral keel, formed by nodes, directed a little forward and below. Moreover, the whorls are spirally grooved. The body-whorl is inflated. Besides the keel, which is marked by nodes of medium strength, there still exists a lower spiral low-arched ridge. The last whorl is spirally sculptured down to the channel. The shell lies in the matrix with the aperture inside, so that this is not visible. The outer lip forms a long, curved, sabreshaped digit, tapering towards its extremity. It probably has a position in continuation of the chief node-row, but in consequence of being crushed it now extends from about the middle of the body-whorl from below the knob-ridge. The top of the digit reaches nearly as high as the suture between the last and the penultimate whorl. The upper margin of the outer lip, according to the sabre shape of the digit, is largely sinuate and callously thickened. The digit curves not only upward but also backward. The channel is short, curved backward, and a little tortuous.

Dimensions oj the Holotype— Height of the whole shell, 60 mm., of the spire, 27 mm.; breadth, measured from the top of the digit, 62 mm.

Locality. —Loc. 9 (boulder beds, Saurian beds, east wing of Amuri Bluff).

Fig. I. —Hector’s figure of Perissoptera waiparaensis.

Remarks. —This specimen, marked on the label as the presumed holotype of Hector’s figure, has never been described by Hector, and is figured in an insufficient manner (see fig. 1). Hector’s restoration is erroneous in the number of the whorls, in the shape, and in the sculpture. Further, the channel is drawn too slender and the punctuate lobe of the outer lip does not exist.

Supplement to the Description oj the Species jrom the Remaining Material. —A second specimen from locality 9 is too damaged to give an idea of the general shape of the shell, but shows well the form and the sculpture of several whorls. There are i whorls preserved. The protoconch is missing. The sutures of the spire are slightly impressed. The whorls are decorated with knots a little oblique to the axis. On the penultimate whorl are 12 fine spiral ribs. On the bodywhorl stand several strong nodes at unequal distances. In the continuation of this row of knots is a keel, continuing upon the wing. Below this knot-ridge the shell is a little concave, but farther below it is equally rounded. The surface of the whole body-whorl is decorated with a strong spiral sculpture. The preserved remains show that the wing of the outer lip forms a digit. The concave upper margin of the wing is thickened : this callosity, on the external surface, is accompanied by a furrow. The upper keel of the body-whorl, forming the continuation of the node-ridge, continues upon the wing of the outer lip. Below the digit the margin of the wing is a little sinuate. Tie' lower part of the wing and the channel are broken away.

A specimen from loc. 13 (Plate 11, fig. 9), embedded in the rock-matrix, is a cast composed of calcite. It shows the body-wfcorl, with the wing much damaged, and two preceding whorls. The channel is sufficiently preserved to show the conformity with the holotype. It is broken. and undoubtedly was somewhat longer than it seems now. The nodes of the body-whorl are not very strong. Below the keel, formed by them, the shell shows a low arch. The spiral sculpture is well developed. The number of the spiral ribs on the last whorl and the channel is about 50. The growth-lines are very slight. The outer lip seems to be attached to the penultimate whorl —viz., to the lower two-thirds at least.


I'l"' other specimens from loe. 13 show no essential differences from the features mentioned above, only the Lowe] arch of the body-whorl is sometimes marked more distinctly. The spire is narrow-conical. The node-series of the whorls are situated immediately above the suture. Tie spiral sculpture decorates the whorls of the spire in the same maimer as the body-whorl.

Localities.—lnc. 8 (black grit, cast wing of Amuri Bluff), 1 oasl : Inc. II (boulder-sands, Saurian beds, east wing of Amuri Bluff), 8 specimens, including the holotype ; loe. 13 (calcareous conglomerate, Lower Amuri fin.up, west wing of Amuri Bluff), 10 specimens (all damaged, one consisting only of a fragment ot a wing of an outer lip).

Relations.- Tins Xe\v Zealand species of Perissoptera belongs to the group of P. marginala Sow. sp.(l) (Gault of Folkestone), which is sometimes named Rostellaria orbigiiyana Pict. et Koux(2). In addition, P. oblusa Pict. et Camp.(3) from the Gault, perhaps (according to Gardner) only a variety of the foregoing, is very similar. Wry near relations exist to P. nordenskjoldi 0. Wilck.(4) from the Antarctic Upper Senonian. The shape and the sculpture are very similar. In P. icaiparaensis the digit is not so long as in P. nordenskjoldi, but in the latter .species itself the extension of it is not the same in all individuals(s). The lower lobe of the wng, to all appearance, does not occur in P. waiparaensis, in contrast to P. nordenskjoldi. In P. marginala the attachment of the outer lip to the spile seems to reach higher up than in the other two species mentioned(6).

In conclusion, there exists a resemblance between our New Zealand species and a Gastropod named by myself Aporrhaia et gregoria(7), a fossil from the Sierra Contreras in South Patagonia. I am obliged now to separate this form from Aporrhais gregaria under the name of Perissoptera monoiladijla sp. nov.(8). Although A. gregaria is figured only from a poorly preserved specimen, there can be no doubt that its outer lip develops only one digitiform projection, below which it forms a Blight lobe. In quite the same manner as in P. waiparaensis the nodes of the upper keel of the body-whorl obliterate against the wing. Likewise, the large arch rises below the noderidge and the spiral sculpture is strongly marked. The space between ridge and arch is only small.

There results the remarkable fact that the Senonian beds of New Zealand, of Grahamland, and of South Patagonia yield forms of the same group of Perissoptera. Furthermore, then' is a similarity between New Zealand and Patagonia in the occurrence of two similar species of Arrhoges, together with the large Perissoptera.

As Cessmarm(9) has pointed out, it is of remarkable interest that Hcmielienopas araucanus Phil. sp.(10) from the Magellanian Tertiary is a form much resembling Perissoptera, and is the only Gastropod from Tertiary beds which does so. It does not seem pennissiblt—on account of the different sculpture—to regard this species as an immediate descendant from the Cretaceous Perrissopterai mentioned above, but certainly it is remarkable enough that the only Perissopteralike shell of the Tertiary occurs just in that faunal province, where several species of that genus lived in the latest period of the Cretaceous.

(1) J. St. Gardner, On the Gault Aporrbaidsß. Geol. Mag., n.s.. dee. ii. vol. ii, p. 198, pi. vi, fig. I

(2) F. J. Pictct et W. Roux, Description des fossiles qui trouvent dans lea pies verts des environs de Gen&ve (1847-53), p. 249.

(3) F. .J. l'ietet et G. Campiche, Description des fossiles de Sainte-Croix, 2 Partie, p. 610, pL 93, figs. 9-13.

.' -• I ~..-, .. .- .... ......... _ ........ |.. ...... | i. ..... n->. ;r— 10. (4) U. Wilckens, Die Anneliden, Bivalven, und Gastropoden d. antarkt. Kreideforrnation Hiss Enrebn d Schwed. Sudpol.-Exp., 1901-3, Bd iii, I.ief. 12, p. S3, pi. 4. figs. 2-,").

mpare Wilckens, /..-., pL 4, figs. 2, l.

(6) Tiie soulpture oi Aporrfaaidn varies considerably. Gardner (/.'■.. PL vi) unites, under the name of Aporrhau marginala, types with 2 and 3 ridges on the body-whorl and a rather unequal sculpture. If other authors, as Quenstedt, assure us that no great importance may be attached to the form of tlie wing, there would remain almost no character on which to rely.

(7) 0. Wilckens, Die Lamellibranehiaten, Gastropoden, &<■., d. ob. Kreide Sudpatagoniena Ber Nat Gee Preibnig i. B. 15, p. I 13, pi, Lit, figs. 11. L 3.

(8) 0. Wilckens, Beitrage zur Palaontologie von Patagonien. N. Jahrbuch f. Min., Geol. und Pal., 1921 i n.

~., „. , e _ _ ~— B , v .„ ! uvugvu.vii. «., ■■■nil n ». .11.111., vii. hi, uiili j.;ii., i;i_ i, (9) M. Cossmann, Revue crit de paleozoologie, L2 (1908), p. 177.

(10_) G. Stein mann und 0. Wilokens, Kreide und Tertiarfossilien ana den Uagellanslandern, gesammell von del Schwedischen Expedition, 1896 Ul. Aikiv f. Zoologj, k. Svenska Vetenskapßakademien .Stockholm, Bd 4, Nr. 6, i>. 79, pL 7, figs. 4 a, b.


Perissoptera novo-seelandica sp. Nov. (Plate 11. figs. 10, 11, 12, 18, II.)

Descriph n. The rather small shell consists of about 6 whorls. The initial whorls are lost in all specimens. The spire is narrow-conioal. The oldest whorls bear no sculpture. It is impossible to if here the uppermost LayeT of the shell has been worn away or if these whorls were simply rounded. It. is only in the middle of the penultimate whorl that a noderidge appears, which becomes quite distinct only nn the last whorl. The nodes have a direction a little oblique to the axis of the shell. Above the node-ridge the whorl is declivous, below it has a vertical slop.-. The suture is not impressed. The mules reach to the beginning of the wing, but there they become obsolete. Besides the nodes there exists a line spiral sculpture. Tiie growth-lines are faint ; on the shoulder of the whorls they recurve down to the keel, below this they are bent forward. The body-whorl bears a second ridge below the nodes, forming a second keel a little noded ; a third and smooth one follows below it. and from this downward the growth-lines recurve. The third keel is very slight in some specimens ; in others it is more marked, and even followed by a fourth. The inner lip spreads over the parietal wall and forms a very thick callosity. The outer lip is enlarged, and is attached to the penultimate whorl up to its node-ridge. In the prolongation of the chief keel the outer lip forms a broad digit, the top of which readies almost, as high as the suture between the penultimate and the antepenultimate whorl. The lower part of the outer lip. lying in the prolongation of the second keel, forms a rounded projection, separated from the digit by a deeper or shallower sinus. Sometimes this projection is only slightly indicated. The short channel of the shell is separated from the lower lobe of the wing by a shallow sinus. The sculpture of the external surface of the wing is imperceptible ; it seems to have spiral stria-. The inside of the wing shows furrows corresponding to the keels of the outside ; the uppermost furrow continues Up to the top of the digit.

The easts sh<»w whorls a little flattened at the sutures, and two keels on the bodv-whorl, a nnded one above and a smooth rounded one below.

Dimensions, Height, about 22 mm. ; height of the body-whorl, about 12 mm. ; breadth (with the wing), 17 mm. ; diameter. <> mm.

■'"■-. Loc. 13 (Lower Amuri Group, west wing of Amuri Bluff), many specimens, composing sometimes whole rock-pieces; loc. 589 (Selwyn Rapid beds. Selwyn River, Malvern Hills), 7 specimens.

Relations.—There are several Aporrhaida? with a single hook-likc digit, but no species seems to be nearly related to P. novo-seelandica, as all forms have a different sculpture. 1 enumerate tin- following species: Perissoptera infortunata Wbite(l), from the Lower Senonian of Brazil, with a similar outline of the wing; Arrkoges ruidus White(2), from the Colorado Group (Senonian) of the North American Upper Cretaceous : Aporrhais californica (>abb(3), from the Upper Cretaceous of California; Arrkoges nebru seen.sis Kv. & Shum.(l), from the Fort Pierre Group (Senonian) of the Black Hills of Dakota. Furthermore, Aporrhais speciosa Schl. var. unisinuata Sandb.(s), from the Upper Oligocene of Cassel (Germany), shows a certain resemblance.

Among the Gastropods of South Patagonia there is a .small Aporrhais found at the locality "q" on the south-western margin of the Sierra de los Baguales(fj). T have placed this form in tlii' species A. (Arrkoges) gregaria 0. Wilck. It is difficult to distinguish small shells of Arrkoges kaastiawus without wing from those of Perissoptera novo-seelandica. So it seems

I Ch, A. White Contributions to the Palaeontology of Brazil. Arch. Mus. Nao. Ki<> de Janiero, vii, pL xi, fig. 20.

\~ ' » — * ' ' ' "■' ■ ** ' -.' - ■ -.- ....... ...... ..... w. ■,,...,,,.., , ~, j„. ,m, ~g, I.^, 2 I. W. Stanton, The Colorado Formation and its Invertebrate Fauna. Bull. U.S. Geol Burr. No. 10(i, pi. XXM. figg. 3, t.

(3) W. M. Cabb, Triassic and Cretaceous Fossils. Geol. Surv. California, Palaeontology, i, pi. 29,

(4) R. P. Whitfield, Palaeontology of the Black Hills, in H. Newton and W. P. Jenney, Rep. on the CJ Resources of the Black Hills of Dakota, p. 429, pi. xii, figs. 2, 3.

(5) i'. Speyer, D. 0 >nchylien d. < asseler Tertiarbildungen. PalaxmtograpMca, be, pL xxxi. I

1 VVilckena, Die Lamellibranchiaten, Gastropoden, fcc., d ob. Kreide Sudpatagoniens. Ber. Nat. G burg i. B. 15, p. 114. The situation of the fossil-localities of the < taetaceoua of South Patagonia is marked on tin: map accompanying the paper of O. Wilckens, Erlanterungen zu Ji. Qauthals geoL Karte, fcc., Undent, pL i.


possible that the small Aporrhais from Baguales, " q," is nearly related to A. gregaria, and may be a form nearly resembling Perissoptem

Remark. From the locality " Okarahia Stream, Amuri Bluff." there are 2 specimens in a piece of rock, which may possibly be A. haaHiamu or P. i -sedandica.

(ii.mhothyra (McCoy MS.) Hutton

Conchothyra parasitica (McCoy MS.) Hutt.(l). (Plate 111, figs. 1 a. hj. 2 n. hj. c. d 3 a, b 4, 5 a, b, 6 a, 6; Plate IV. figs. 1 a, hj. ~ -1 i. hj.)


Oonchothyra parasitica (McCoy): Hector, J., Cat. Ind. and Col. Exhib., p. 58 (figure only).


Oonchothyra parasitica (McCoy): Hutton, F. W., On Conchothyra inrasitica. Trans, and Proc. N.Z. Inst,, xxvi, pp. 358-59, pi. xliii. figs. 1-6.

» l'f """ "■', I"- -*im. nts. i—.,. Oonchothyra parasitica McCoy: Wilckens, 0., Revision der Fauna der Quiriquinaschichten. N. Jahrb. f. Min., Geol., Pal., Beil.-Bd. xviii, p. 207, pi. xviii, figs. 3d, b.



Conclmthyra parasitica McCoy: Wikkens, 0., Die Lamellibrauch., Gastr., &c, der oh. Krcidc Sfidpatagoniens. Ber. Nat. Ges. Freiburg, i, B. 15, pp. 19-20, rem. 2.

r —" f0 «...-..0. i.ui. vies, i leiouig, i, d. xo, pp. iy-zu, rem. z. Pugndhu australis, Marshall, Trans, and Proc. N.Z. Inst., xlviii, p. 120, pi. xl, figs. 1-3.



Conchothyra parasitica McCoy : Trechmann, C. T., Cret. Moll, from N.Z. Geol. Mag., U.S., dee. vi, vol. iv, pp. 301-2, pi. xx, figs. 4, 5.


PugncUus marshaUi Trechmann, ibidem, pp. 302-3, pi. xix, figs. 1-4.


Pagnelius umparaensit Trechmann, ibidem, p. 303, pi. xx, figs. 3 a, b (not 1 a, b).


Pugridlu3 australis Marshall, var. Trechmann, ibidem, pp. 30:1-1, pi. x\. tigs, la, It.

Description.— The adult shell is extremely heavy. It is semi-globular. The spin- is invisible, tin- last whorl incrusting the former ones. The shell thus consists externally of a laminated shell-mass. These lamina? are formed in such a manner that they have a margin upturned towards the wing, while their larger portion is parallel to the surface of the shell. The upturned margins of these growth-lamina? produce coarse growth-stria?, the direction of which corresponds to the shape of the wing—i.e., is turned forward in the middle and recurved above and below in nearly a rectangular direction. The laminae lying more towards the surface of the adult shell have been formed before the lower ones, which were secreted later at the aperture. Generally, the shells are more or less worn on the exterior at the top. In this case the coarse growth-lines are missing here(2). One cannot well explain how it is that in a large specimen from loc. 23 there appear two series of nodes on this worn portion of the shell. One must assume that even on the last whorl a sculpture is formed by the mantle. The height of the aperture is two-thirds to four-fifths of the whole shell. The aperture is narrow and of rectangular shape. The inner lip spreads over the body and is very callous. It incrusts the whole spire up to its apex, and forms a thick knotty mass at its lower extremity. The boundary between the inner lip and the surface of the shell is clearly seen in well-preserved shells.

(1) I am indebted to Dr. J. A. Thomson for the following census of Conchothyra paralitica, compiled by him :

Oonchothyra parasitica (McCoy -MS.) Haast, Rep. GeoL Expl. ti (during ls7n-l). 1871. p. 10 (0-ln,i beds, Malvern Hills and Waipara). Rep. Geol. Expl. 7 (during IS7I-2), 1872, pp. 10 ami i;s (Ostrea beds, Waipara, and Oyßter Gully, Malvern Hills).

Oonchothyra parasitica (MoCoy -MS.) Hutton, Geol Mag. dec. ii. voL i. 1874, p. 616j (Waipara formation). Rep. Geol. Expl. 8 (during 1873-1), 1877, pp. 37, 38 (Waipara Formation, Waipara and Malvern Hills); this is the first definition ..f Oonchothyra.

Oonchothyra parasitica Raast, Geology of Canterbury ami Westland, 1879, p. 296 (Waipara Formation).

Oonchothyra parasitica Hector. Appendix Off. ratal. Sydney Exhib. 1879. p. 12 (Amuri Series, Amuri Bluff) CataL In.l. and OoL Exhib 1886, ]). SS. tig. 20,-No. 4 (first figure v,. r y poor, turned upside down) (Cretaoeo-Tertiary Formation).

Conchothyra parasitica McKav. Rep. QeoL Expl. 17 (during 1885), 1886, p. 37 (Amuri Bluff) Bep Geol Expl. 18 (durin 1888 87 . 1887, p. 233 (nortb bank Selwyn River).

Conchothyra parasitica Park, Rep. GeoL Expl. 11l (during 1887 88), I s ". p. 30 (oyster-bed, Waipara).

Oonchothyra paralitica Button, Trans. N.Z. [nst, swi. pp. 368 69, pL 13, figs. 1-6. (Waimakariri River, Canterbmy.)

(2) Such a specimen has been figured by me in Revision d Fauna der Quiriquiiiaticbichten, p. xviii, fig. 3a.


The outer lip of the right-handed shell(l) is developed in the' form of a large wing, reduced a little at its extremity. Its distal portion is much thicker than the shell where the wing begins. The upper margin of the wing is slightly concave, and recurves strongly. The lower margin is sub-angled. The canal is directed straight forward, and is narrow, rather shallow, and not very prominent. A plane placed on the middle of the shell at right angles to the axis does not halve the wing; on the contrary, the wing approaches the lower end of the shell, as it corresponds only to the last whorl.

Fig. 2. —Hector's figure of ('oncho&yra parasitica.

Dimensions of Aduit Shells:— Height. Breadth. Diameter. ideality.

Mm. Mm. Mm. J

No. 1 .. .. .. 52 50 35 589

No! 2 '.'. '.'. '.'. .. 46 50 33 589

ISO. £i . . . . . ■ • . • ■ 1U t/v* «" •*— No. 3.. .. .. .. .. 48 49 33 589

No! 4 '.'. .. .. .. .49 52 34 23

No! 5 '.'. '.'. '.'. '■■ -36 35 21 277

From these measurements it is evident that the dimensions vary in their proportions. Young specimens exhibit the type of a normal Gastropod shell, owing to the want of the lamellar body-whorl and the strong incrustation of the inner lip.

Young shells (Plate 111, figs. 5 a, b, 6 a, b ; Plate IV, figs. 1 a-c, 2 n, 5) show the following characters :

When the outer lip begins to thicken, the shell consists of 5 whorls. The first one is rounded, but the second shows already a keel, and, from its middle, nodes also. Somewhat later there appear spiral ribs. On the third whorl are about 13 nodes and, above the keel. 5 spiral ribs. Sharp growth-lines appear also. Above the keel the whorl is concave, the suture is not impressed. On the fourth whorl the keel, as such, is missing, and its place is taken by the nodes. These nodes are rounded, but in several specimens, owing to the growth-lines curving forward beneath them, they become obbquely lengthened. In specimens which, owing to damage, end with the fourth whorl, this shows a spiral depression below the nodes, and beneath this a rounded keel, which is narrower than the node-ridge. Below this second keel is observed a further depression. The shell then is suddenly contracted towards the lower end, and is covered with many fine spiral stria; (Plate 111, fig. 6b). One specimen shows regular alternation of stronger and narrower ones. The spire is conical and not very narrow.

After the shell has formed 5 whorls the inner lip becomes callous. This callosity lias been caused by the animal spreading out considerably, depositing a calcareous crust upon the columella and the shell op to tie- third whorl. This whorl is covered by it as far as the upper margin of the node-keel. The incrustation shows a concave upper margin. It over the body of the shell and descends to the base, where it forms a thick intumescence on the reduced part of the shell and then thins off suddenly. The outer edge of the inner lip curves without being parallel to the growth-lines. The latter are very distinct on the fifth whorl ; in tie- upper portion they are axial. They curve strongly forward from the node-ridge, reach the second keel, then a third one (which has developed in the meantime), and then recurve energetically. The mules of the fifth whorl (which forms about two-thirds of the height of the whole shell) are not situated at equal intervals in all specimens, and in part are furrowed or even dissected by tie' growth-lines. At the end of the fifth whorl the animal formed an outer lip, developing wing-shaped. Tie' node ridge terminates towards this wing. The second keel forms some nodes lengthened in tie direction of the growthlines. The last node is situated a little more outward than the last one of the chief

(1) The figure of ConchoUiyra parasitica given by Hector (here reproduced, Bee fig. 2) is upside down, bo thai the iheU appears sinistral.


node-keel. Even on the third keel may be observed several nodes of only slight height. The two lower keels become lower and smoother on tie- wing, while the spiral sculpture continues to the thickened margin of tin wing. Only in the angle which is formed by this margin is the spiral sculpture overwhelmed by the growth-lines. This spiral sculpture covers the whole surface. The margin of the wing is turned to the surface. All following lamina? doing the same, there results the singular structure of the body-whorl described above In this way originates a callous margin, bounded behind by a furrow. Tie- shape of the wing is not, the same in all specimens. In the younger ones the wing ends above in a short blunt hook, and the upper margin is concave, the external convex ; tie- latter pass. into the lower margin without any boundary, and tin- lower margin into the short channel, which forms only a shallow groove curved a little to the right. The angle between the upper and tl xternal margin of the wing is acute in young specimens, but is a right angle in adult ones. There is only one young specimen (Plate 111, figs. 6a, li) the wing of which is formed like that of an adult.

I lasts of young specimens show rounded whorls. Only on the last whorl the node-ridges and the depression below it are just visible.

Dimensions of a Young Shell (nearly perfect, the lirst whorl only wanting).—Height, 26 mm.: breadth, 23mm.; diameter, 15 5 nun.

Localities. —Loc. 13 (Lower Atnuri Group, west wing of Amuri Bluff), 10 specimens ; loc. 23 (Selwyn Rapids beds. Selwyn River, Malvern Hills), 9 specimens, adult (Haast leg., 1872); loc. 589 (ih.' same, McKay leg., 189U), 29 adult and 32 young specimens; loc. 1 19 (McKay's Creek, Middle Waipara, Ostrea bed). 1 specimen; loc. 277 (Upper Waipara Gorge and Boby's (reek. Ostrea bed). 13 specimens; loc. 751 (Ostrea bed, Malvern Hills), 2 fragmentary specimens; loc. 7U2 (Middle Waipara, Ostrea bed), 8 specimens.

Remarks regarding the Definition of the Genus. —I have to make the following remarks regarding the diagnosis of the genus given by Hutton(l) : In the early stage the shell, before forming the wing, is short and spindle-shaped. The spire is not acute, but more blunt-conical. In the adult specimens the inner lip does not cover the whole shell at all. If this were the case the shell ought to be perfectly incrusted with laminae parallel to the surface. In reality the greater portion of the shell is formed by lamina?, all curving outward, deposited on the inner side of the wing. By this means the closely crowded growth-lines result.

Furthermore, I have to mention that in Conchothyra parasitica the spire consists of 5 (not 4) whorls. Hutton says that the incrustation is smooth on the aperture. This is true ; but at the outer Up there is no incrustation ; therefore it cannot be coarse there.

The diagnosis of the genus Conchothyra may be given as follows :

Conchothyra (McCoy MS.) Hutton.

Shell thick, of medium size, right-handed, short spindle-shaped, and with a blunt-conical spire, when young. The 5 whorls of the spire are sculptured with a spiral series of rounded nodes. this there is a second and, on the fifth whorl, a third slighter and rounded keel. The whole shell down to the fifth wdiorl is covered with spiral ribs. The sixth and last whorl envelopes the spire and gives a semi-globose form to the adult shell. Aperture narrow, rectangular, with parallel lips, broadly carved out above and ending in a short canal. Inner lip very callous, ending in a thick knotty mass below. Outer lip wing-shaped, nearly symmetrically formed above and below, rounded at its end.

Relations. -Hutton says that Conchothyra may be perhaps identical with Pugtuilus, mentionii g as difEereneea from the latter genus the curved columella of the adult, the want of a prolonged channel, and the much stronger incrustation. Without knowledge of Mutton's paper I also have

(1) |.'. w. Button, On Conchothyra parasitica. Trana. and Proc. N.Z. lust., wvi, p. 869.


compared Conchothyra with PugneUus(\). Later on 1 remarked(2) that I was not quite sure whether there was really a difference between the two genera or not. But now, as I can better judge this question on the basis of the great amount of material of Conchothyra in my hands, I consider the retention of the two genera well founded. Conchothyra lias not the inward-curving channel of -. while this genus is destitute of the coarse growth-lines and lamella of Conchothyra. The inner lip of PugneUus spreads wider over the shell than in Conchothyra. In nearly all species situs the nodes or ribs are lengthened in an axial direction, and the wing is more dismembered from the shell.

Certainly there is a resemblance in the whole appearance of these two Gastropods. The form most like Conchothyra is PugneUus hauthali Wilck.(3) from the Upper Senonian of South Patagonia, but there are many differences in the shape of the wing and of the channel, in the sculpture of the spire, and in the structure of the body-whorl. PugneUus densatus Conr.(4), from the Ripley Group of the Cretaceous of Texas, lias a similar channel, but quite a different sculpture. Perhaps one may clear up the relations between Conchothyra and PugneUus by starting from the older whorls.

Being forced to set aside this problem, we are able, on the contrary, to show that Conchothyra probably did not become extinct with the close of Cretaceous time, but had descendants in the older Tertiary of the South Pacific region. The Swedish Antarctic Expedition lias discovered in the Tertiary of Seymour Island (Grahamland) a single specimen of a Gastropod, determined hitherto as Stmthiolaretta nordenskjoldi 0. Wilck.(s). However, it appears to me very doubtful if this determination is correct. The Gastropod in question lias a blunt-conical spire, which afterwards becomes incrusted by laminae, a laminate structure of the last whorl being thus produced. In order to recognize the resemblance it is necessary to compare the Antarctic form with specimens of Conchothyra which are of equal size and damaged in the same manner. The course of the growth-lines is absolutely the same in the so-called StruthiolareUa nordenskjoldi and in Conchothyra parasitica. Apparently the shell of the former was covered by the growth-lamellee of the body-whorl up to the apex. In the typical Str. nordenskjoldi (1.e., pi. 1, figs. 2(1 a, o) these characteristics seem to be developed in another manner. The upper margin of the outer lip is essentially different in shape from that of Conchothyra. Perhaps the discovery of a perfect specimen of the Antarctic Gastropod some day will solve this interesting problem.

Remarks. Trechmann has described young specimens of Conchothyra parasitica under the name of PugneUus marshaiU. 1 think that his PugneUus waiparaensis is only a variety of Conchothyra parasitica, and PugneUus australis Marsh, also.

Struthiolariovsis 0. Wilck.

Struthiolariopsis similis sp. Nov. (Plate IV, fig. f>.)

Description. —The shell is spindle-shaped. The number of the whorls is unknown. The spire is lower than one-half of the whole shell. Its whorls bear a nodose keel King immediately above the suture. Above the nodes the whorls show a Blight depression. The surface is ornamented with spiral ribs, the number of which on the penultimate whorl is about 10. Above the nodes these spiral ribs are more distant than on the nodes themselves. The last whorl still shows a second sharp keel below the nodose one. By this means the body-whorl is divided into three segments, which are all depressed, especially the lowest. Towards the margin of the outer lip the lower keel becomes nodose too. The spiral ribs of the body-whorl are of varying strength,

(1) 0. Wilckena, Revision d. Fauna d. Quiriquinaschichton. N". Jahrb, f. Min. GeoL o. Pal., BeiL-Bd. xviii, p. 207. I make the mistake in this paper of saying that tin- shell "f Conchothyra parasitica is incrusted by thick layers of a callous calcareous mass. It would he more correct to say. ia formed.

(2) 0. Wilckena, l>. Lamellihr., Gaatr. fto., 'I. oh. Kreide Sudpatagoniena. lier. Nat. Qea. Freiburg i. B. 1."., p. 20, annotal

(3) 0. Wilckena, ibidem, p. 18, pi. iv, fit's. 2 n, b.

(4) See li i -'s. 4. sin fossmann, Eaaaia de pale ■ mp., l.ivr. 6, pi. vii.

• ' ■ "- > -- •■ ~ ..„....,,. , _.. ..,..,... ...... ~. r .. .... (5) O. Wilckena, l>ie Holroaken der antarktischcn Tertiarformatiori. Wiaa. Ergebri. d. Sohwed. BudpoL-Expad. 1901-3, iii. I.icf. 1.1. p. 24, pi 1, flgs. 25 a, b.

2-Pall. Bull. No. 9.


and, in part, undulate a little. The growth-lines are strong ; they recurve above the node-keel, The inner and the outer lip are not preserved. One cannot tell if a channel existed.

Locality. —Loc. 13 (Lower Amuri Group, west wing of Amuri Bluff), 1 specimen.

Relations. —The sculpture of this shell resembles very much that of Struthiolariopsts ferrieri Phil, sp.(l) from the Upper Senonian of Quiriquina and Tome (Chile), but differs by the existence of a second keel on the last whorl, which produces another shape of the latter. Unfortunately, the only specimen of the material is very badly preserved. Certainly it is not by accident that this genus occurs only in rare specimens, as well in the Cretaceous of Chile as in that of New Zealand. Probably it is not peculiar to the facies of these occurrences, and was only occasionally washed in as an empty shell.

Protodolium gen. now

Protodolium speighti Trechm. sp. (Plate IV, figs. 3a, b, I a, f >, 5.)

1017. Neritopsis .-■;>' if/hti. Trechmann, <'. T., ('ret. Moll, from N.Z., GeoL Mai'., n.-.. dee. vi. vol. iv, p. 300, pL xix, figs. 12-15.

Description. —The thick shell is semi-globular, and consists of about 4 whorls. The Bpire is low. flat-conical ; its height is about one-ninth of the whole shell. The two initial whorls are rounded and smooth. Spiral ribs appear in the middle of the third whorl ; at the same time the whorls become flattened above. The suture above the last whorl is impressed. The body-whorl is very large, a little flattened above, and spirally ribbed by 13 broad furrows. The rounded ridge's between these furrows are almost one and a half times as broad as the furrows, and the uppermost flattened portion of the whorl is almost twice as broad as the other spiral ridges. The fine growth lines and furrows cross almost rectilinearlv the spiral sculpture, and recurve only at the base of the shell. They are much more distinct in the spaces between than on the ridges. The umbilicus is faint. A furrow runs downward from the umbilicus, directed obliquely to the ribs. By this means the lower portion of the shell appears to be broken off by a step. The inner Up with its greatest upper portion covers the shell ; it is thick find callous. The outer lip and the aperture is not preserved in any specimen.

The cast shows rounded, rapidly increasing, whorls and deep sutures.

n . . Height. Breadth. Diameter.

Dimensions:— Mm ' Mm " Mm

No. 1 .. .. .. .. .. .11 40 34

No. 2 .. .. .. .. .. 35 32 23

Xo. 3 .. .. .. .. .. .. 11-5 9 8

In the larger specimens the initial whorls are a little worn.

Localities. —Loc. 13 (Lower Amuri Group, west wing of Amuri Bluff). 7 specimens, in most part casts (the largest specimen has a transverse sculpture on the body-whorl, consisting of ribs, which run with the growth-lines and extend from the suture down to the lower end of the shell) ; loc. 23 (Selwyn Rapids beds, Selwyn River. Malvern Hills). 1 cast ; loc. 589 (idem., McKay leg., 1896), 18 large specimens, 4 young, 1 cast, and 2 fragments ; loc. 761 (Saurian beds. Middle Waipara), 2 specimens.

Relations. —The form of the shell and the coarse spiral Bculpture are quite those of the genus Dolium. K. Martin(2) has described several similar Gastropods from the Miocene, of Java, none of which fully agrees with our form : either the whole shape, or the number, or the breadth of the spiral ribs differ. Likewise, the callous inner lip and the great breadth of the top smooth portion of the shell above the uppermost spiral furrow are missing in all species of Dolium from the Java Tertiary, The must similar form is Dolium costatum Desh.(3)

(1) 0. Wilckena, Revision der Fauna d. QiiirH|uinaschichten. N. Jahrb. f. Mm.. GeoL n. Pal., Beil.-Bd win p. 208, pi. xvtii, fig. 5. m\ L." \f .: T t:s U.Li t T .1 TV. :i- i n i ■ n , 1 .n

(2) K. .Martin. Die Tertiarsehiehten auf Java, and Die Fossilicn von Java. Bd. i. Oastenuxiden (S&nunlongen d Qeol. Reichs-Mus. in Leiden, X.F.. Bd. i, Abt, i).

;>i Martin, Tertiarschiclitcn, p. 40, pi. vii, figs. 9, 10: Fosdlien v. Java, i. Gastr., p, 161, pi. xxv, figs. 371-73.

L 9

figured by Martin in plate xxv. fig. 371, but the spire is higher. As this character varies in the New Zealand form we need attach no importance to it. The number of the chief spiial ribs (13 11) is the same in both species. The figure of Dolium costatum given by 11 shows ridges, which are very narrow in proportion to the furrows, so that the whole appearance differs much from Protodolium speighti. The same is to be said of Dolium lischkeanum Kuster(2), identified by Martin with D. costatum. Dolium losariense K. Mart.(3) has a thin shell with 11 10 spiral ridges, which are narrower than the furrows between them.

Trechmann(l) mentions live genera which in his opinion show a sculpture resembling that of our New Zealand Gastropod here in question. He says even that there are many others which develop parallel spiral furrows in a similar manner. I venture, to say that none of the genera mentioned by Trechmann has any nearer relation to ProtodoUum speighti than Dolium. VanHcoro kUiana (>. Wilck. is quite different. Fossarus is out of the question, and so are Cinulia and Pyrula. Neritopsis is characterized by the broad angular omargination of its inner lip. not present in /'. speighti.

In my opinion it is almost certain that our Gastropod is the ancestor of Dolium. If I do not give this name to it it is because in the Cretaceous form the channel of Dolium has not yet developed. As Troohniamfs specimen showing the lips is broken at the margins of the aperture, we do not know whether the outer lip was crenulated. In any case, the New Zealand shell has a remarkable resemblance to Dolium in shape, sculpture, growth-lines form of the aperture, and in the furrow running downward from the umbilicus.

Among the living species of Dolium none more resembles Protodolium speighti than li. galea L.(o). from the Mediterranean Sea; only this species is somewhat larger.

Perhaps there exists a relationship between P. speighti and the Gastropod described by K. .M.Lrtin(tj) under name of Vanikoroia javana, from the Eocene of Kali Puru, Java.

1 cannot affirm with full certainty whether OinuliopsU typica Whiteaves(7) is related. This species was discovered in tin- productive coal-measures, division A. of the Sucia Islands (Vancouver). The shape and the sculpture are very similar; the aperture and the inner lip differ.

Until now a true Dolium lias not been known from Cretaceous deposits. J. Sowerby(B) has described such a one, it is true; and this Cretaceous Dolium still haunts palaxmtological I and monographs)!)), although d : orbigny(lo) has pointed out that this Gastiopod was a Strombiis, and Pictet ami Campiche(ll) determined it as a Pteroceras. Dall(12) in 1905 declared that Dolium was unknown in the fossil state, apparently overlooking Martin's publication ; and Ortmann(l3) in 1903 was of the opinion that the occurrence of a Dolium m the Patagonian Formation was a sign of a Neogene age of these beds. Now, the Upper Senonian of the Pacific borders has yielded two forms which may well be considered as older members of the family of Doliidas.

(1) Reeve, Conchologia iconica, v, Dolium, pi. v, sp. 8.

(2) Martini and Chemnitz, Syst. Conchylienkab., iii, 16, pi. 62, fig. I. /O \ IT Vf n"t i n ll'nnn »■ In t*n 1 n .it n n ICO nl ...... fin.

(3) K. Martin, D. Foss. v. Java, i, Gastr., p. 163, pi. xxv, figs. 377, 378.

(4) C. T. Trechraann, Cret. Moll, from N. Zeal. Geol. Mag., n.s., dec. vi, vol. iv, p. 300.

(5) See the figure in Kiener, Spec. gen. et icon, des coq. viv., viii, pi, 2, fig. 2.

yjj uic in luouci, ojjci;. cv in'll, uco tvij. viv., VIII, pi. lIJ>. (6) K. Martin, Die Fauna des Eocans von Nanggulan auf Java. Sammlungen d. Geol. Reichs-Mus. in Leiden, N.F., Bd. ii. Heft iv, p. 170, pi. vi, figs. 148, 148 a.

(7) J. F. Whiteaves, On the Fossils of the Cretaceous Rocks of Vancouver and Adjacent Islands in the Strait of Georgia. Mesozoic Fossils, vol, i, pt. ii, p. 131, pi. 16, figs. 7, 7 a, 7 b.

(8) J. Sowerby, Mineral Conohology of Great Britain, vol. v, p. 34, pis. 426, 427.

(9) Zitte! (Handbuch d. Pal4on to logic. ii, p. 263) and Zittel-Eastman (Text-book of Palaeontology. 2 ed., p. 255) mention Dolium from the Cretaceous with a mark of interrogation. I think that when doing so they mean the Cretaceous “ Dolium” of Sowerby. See. furthermore, M. Cossmann, Ess. de palfoconch. comp., Livr. 5, p. 136; and W. H. Dali, Contributions to the Tertiary Pala?ontology of the Pacific Coast, i, The Miocene of Astona and Coos Bay. Oregon (U.S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Pap. 59), p. 69.

(10) A. d’Orbigny, Prodrome de Paloontologie, ii, p. 154.

(11) Pictet et Campiche, Foss, du terr. ctet. de Sainte Croix, ii, p. 583.

(12) L.c., p. 69, note 2.

(13) A. E. Ortmann, Tertiary Invertebrates. Rep. Princeton Univ. Exp. to Patagonia, iv, p. 204.



Remark. —The diagnosis of the new genus Protodolivm may be given as follows

Shell of medium size (consisting of few whorls), spire short, whorls rounded, body-whorl large (giving a semi-globular form to the shell). Sculpture : spiral ridges and furrows as in Dolium. Growth-lines straight. Aperture ovate, rounded above and below. Inner lip thick, covering the columella. Umbilicus faint. A furrow runs obliquely from the umbilicus to the base. Probably related to Cinuliopsis Whiteaves, and ancestor of Dolium. Upper Senonian, New Zealand.

Tudicula Link.

Tudicula alta sp. Nov. (Plate IV. rigs. 7, 8, 9 a, b, 10, 11.)

Description. —l consider two small shells (damaged at the aperture and at the base, but. as for the rest, well preserved) to be young individuals of this species (Plate IV, figs. 7, 8). The smaller one shows 3£ whorls, the first of which is rounded and smooth, while the following are sloped above and spirally striate. The last whorl preserved shows two angles : above the upper one the whorl gently slopes, then it becomes vertical and slightly concave. The shell tapers rapidly to the base. Both keels bear nodes, which are intumescences of the axial ribs. The spiral sculpture consists of strong line- 3 on tin- shoulder. 2 (sometimes with a fine third) on the nodes of the upper keel. 3 on the vertical slope (thickened where they cross the axial rib), 2 on the lower edge, 4 on the base, hi some places there appear fine interstitial lira' between the coarser ones. The larger specimen shows (i lira- on the shoulder. 3 on the upper keel, 3 or 4 on the vertical slope, and 8 on the base.

Besides these young individuals the material contains several casts of the later whorls, which casts are essentially Larger, As the channel is missing, these specimens are top-shaped. The whorls are about 5 in number ; they increase regularly, show a flat shoulder and then a vertical slope. A second angle is formed by the sudden contraction of the shell. One cast is covered with a fine spiral striation. Aperture and channel are not preserved.

Dimensions of the Larger Specimens. —No. 1 : Height, 28 mm. : breadth. 3d mm. : diameter. 31 mm. No. 2: Height, 21 mm. ; breadth, 26 mm. : diameter. 22 mm.

Localities. Loc. 13 (Lower Amuri Group, west wing of Amuri Bluff), 4 adult specimens and 2 small ones ; loc. 14 (Amuri Group, Oaro (.'reek, west- wing of Amuri Bluff). 1 specimen.

Relations- As the channel- is not preserved it is impossible to determine the subgenus to which this shell belongs. Tudicula (Hercorkynchus) canceUata Sow. sp.(l) from the Trichinopoli Group shows a certain resemblance. The genus Tudicula (Pyropsis) is common in the Upper Senonian of the Pacific region, but there is no form similar to this species of New Zealand.

Remark- I suppose that the species here described is identical with Hector's Tudicula biangulata(2).

Tudicula ex. aft", tumida 0. Wilck. (Plate IV. figs. 12 a. b.)

Description. —The material contains only caste of this Gastropod. The largest of these is double-cone-shaped, and consists of 3i whorls. The initial whorl seems to be rounded and smooth. Nodes appear in the middle of the second whorl. The penultimate whorl bears acute nodes' or short transverse ribs close to the upper suture, which is strongly impressed and slightly undulating. Above these nodes the whorls are gently sloped. The ribs of the bodywhorl are more rounded, and most- prominent in the middle of the whorl. On the lower half of the body-whorl the ribs are somewhat oblique and retrocurrent. The aperture is ovate, but angled above. A canal is not preserved. A fragment of the shell preserved in the suture above the body-whorl shows spiral striae.

Dimensions. —Height, 27 mm.; breadth, 25, IS mm. diameter, 21. It mm.

Localities.- Loo. 23 (Selwyn Rapids beds, Selwyn River. Malvern Hills}. 3 casta : 100. 761 (Saurian bods. .Middle Waipara), I specimen (cast).

(1) F. Stoticzka, Cret. Fauna of S. India, ii. Gastropoda, pi. xii, figs, 13, I(. Seealao M. Cossmann, E pal6oconchologie comp., I.ivr. 4, p, 74.

(2) Catal. End. and CoL Exhib., London, p. 58, fig, 20, No. 6, LBB6.


Relations. Casts of Gastropods, the aperture of which is not preserved, are generally not determinable. Tin' species in question shows resemblance to a form from the Upper Senonian oi South Patagonia, described undei the name of Struthiolariopsis? tumida t>. Wilck.(l). It is true that in this species the ribs aie somewhat antecurrent below, while retrocurrent in the New Zealand form. I take these two species lor Tudicula on account of their similarity to Tudieula monheimi Mullet- sp.(2). Besides tins species 1 know only Fusus dementinus d'orb.(3) as a form which may be compared with it. In conclusion. 1 mention as a similar fossil TurbineUa I oerticalis Whitf.(-l). a cast from the lower greensand-marls of Xew Jersey.

Although 1 must leave the determination of this Gastropod in absolute uncertainty, it is remarkable that a related form occurs in the Upper Senonian of South Patagonia. I have said elsewhere(s) that T. tumida also occurs in the Roca beds of Argentina. This Roca form is certainly not identical with that from New Zealand.

Cryptorhytis Sleek

Cryptorhytis vulnerata sp. now (Plate IV, fius. 13 n, b

Description. —The material contains only two sculptured casts, one of which consists of two middle whorls, while the other is only a poor fragment. The upper portion of the whorl slopes gently, the lower very abruptly. The sculpture consists of axial ribs, developed by far the strongest on the vertical portion of the whorl. These ribs are broad, and are crossed by strong spirals, which seem to be present likewise above and beneath the transverse ribs. The aperture apparently was long and narrow.

Relations. Related forms are ( 7. rigida Baily sp.(O') from Southern India, and Cr. philippiana ( K Wilck.(T) from the Antarctic Upper Senonian. In the latter the shoulder is shorter than in the New Zealand species.

Procancku.ahia gen. now

Procancellaria parkiana sp. now (Plate V, tigs. 1, 2.)

Description. The rather small shell is thin, ovate, and consists of 5 whorls. The height of the spire is one-fifth of that of the whole shell. Only the first whorl is rounded and smooth ; the sc-<-ond is flattened above and then slopes abruptly : the sculpture begins in this second whorl. In the third whorl the sculpture consists of spiral furrows and ribs, but the axial elements are more conspicuous. On the last whorl the axial and the spiral sculpture counterbalance each other, so that the shell appears granulated by numerous fine knobs. The bodywhorl is flattened or even a little impressed in its upper portion ; its uppermost spiral rib is mostly divided by a furrow into an upper, narrower, and a lower, broader ridge. The following 9 ribs are somewhat narrower than the interstices between them. The transversal ribs are not absolutely axial, but rather a little retrocurxent in the lower portion of the shell. The aperture is not quite circular (as the cross-section of the body-whorl), Inn ovate owing to the outward flexion of the inner and lower margins. The aperture is angled above; the peristome is continuous. In no specimen is the outer lip fully preserved. The aperture shows a Hat expansion at the base, and a channel projecting very little in front of the remaining inferior margin. There is no umbilicus.

(1)0. Wile kens, Die Lamellibranchiaten, Gastropoden, 4c, d. ob. Kreide Sudpatagoniens. Ber. Nat. Ges. B. 15, p. 116 (20), pL lt, figs. 3, 4.

(2) E. Holzapfel, Die MoH, d. Aachi ner Kreide, Palawntogr., sxsiv, |>. 106, pi. xi. fig. ~

(3) As figured in Pictet et Campiche, Fossiles du terr. crit. de Ste. Croix, ii, pi. xcv, figs. 4 b, c. The figure of d'Orbigny (PaL franc. Terr. cret. ii, pL 223, fig. 8) has much less resemblance, the ribs appearing much longer.

(4) H. P. Whitfield, Gasteropoda and Cephalopoda of the Etaritan Clays and Greensand Marls of New Jer» j . U.S. GeoL Snrv, Monogr. xviii, p. 82, pi. iii, figs. 14. 15,

(5) 0. Wilckens, Die Meeresablagemngen der Kreide and der Tertiarformation in Patagonien. \. Jahrb. f. Min., Col., PaL, BeiL-Bd. xxi. p. 143.

(6) F. Stoliczka, Cret. Fauna of 8. India, ii, Gastropoda, p. 100. pi. x, figß. 10-16.

(7) 0. Wilckeiw, Die Anneliden, Bivalven, and Gastropodeß der antarktischen Kreideformation. Wias. Erg. d. Schwed. SiidpoL-Exp. 1901-3, iii, Lief. 12, p. 94, figs. 20, 21.


, Height Breadth. Diameter.

ihm. nstons: —■ Mm Mm Mm.

No. 1 .. .. .. .. -.13 10 8

No. 2 .. .. .. .. ..16 12

No. 3 .. .. .. .. ..14 10

No. 4 .. .. .. .. ..15 13 12

No. 5 .. .. .. .. .. ..19

Locality. —Loc. 5 (calcareous conglomerate;. Lower Amuri Group, east wing of Amuri Bluff), 39 specimens, in part fragmentary.

Remarks on the Genus ProcanceUaria. —The genus CanceUaria is characterized by a number of properties, one or another of which may regress or even be altogether wanting. The folds of the columella aTe the most significant character, but they are developed in a very different manner. The cancellate sculpture, the umbilicus, the folds on the inner side of the outer lip may be present or wanting, and the channel is often only very slightly developed.

The shell here in question does not show the folds of the columella and the folds of the outer lip; it is therefore impossible to determine it as a CanceUaria. On the contrary, all other qualities agree very well with those of CanceUaria. So I am obliged to establish a new genus for this form. I name it ProcanceUaria, suggesting that this genus may be the ancestor of CanceUaria, or at least of a part of the forms named CanceUaria. Geologically speaking. CanceUaria is a younger genus by predominance. ProcanceUaria parkiana shows the typical cancellate sculpture, the shape of and an aperture like CanceUaria. The channel is in statu The folds of the columella and of the outer lip have not yet made their appearance.

The diagnosis of Procancellaria gen. Nov. may be given as follows

Shell small, ovate ; spire short, acute ; last whorl large, much higher than the spire. Protoconch smooth ; the following whorls with cancellate sculpture, rounded except the upper portion, which is flattened. Aperture ovate, with continuous peristome, angled above. Outer lip sharp (?), inner lip spreading over the body. Inferior margin of the aperture flattened, and forming a small shallow channel; to the right of this the margin is slightly sinuate. Columella somewhat twisted.

Relations. — AnevHstoma dufouri Grat.(l) from the Upper Tertiary has a sculpture similar to that of ProcanceUaria parkiana. The same is the case with CanceUaria asperella Grind., described by K. Martin from the Tertiary of Java(2).

Up to the present time no forms resembling our species are known from the Cretaceous of Southern India, Grahamland, Patagonia, and Chile, if we omit Vanikoro hiliani 0. Wilck.(3), which exhibits a similar granulate sculpture.

Whitfield(4) figures two Gastropoda from the lower greensand marls (Senonian) of New Jersev showing a certain similarity to our species: Morea* naticeUa Gabb and CanceUaria (Merica) subalta Conr. According to Cossman(s) the former does not belong to the family of the Cancellaridfe ; but his argument does not stand the proof, for he says that Cancellaridaj exist only in Tertiary strata, whilst we may discover unexpected forms in every new fauna. Merica subalta Conr., according to Cossmann, is an Uxia, but the determination is doubtful.

Among living Can cell aridae the following present a sculpture similar to that of P. parkiana : CanceUaria australis Sow. (New South Wales) and C. Candida Sow. (Polynesia)(6). Tin.' granulate sculpture also occurs, it is true, in Litorina—e.g., in L. reticulata Phil, from Mauritius and Sumatra(7).

(1) See figure in M. Cossmann, Ess. de paleoconchologie comp., Livr. 3. pi. i. figs. 23 24. On the contrary, there is not much resemblance to the figure of this species in R. Homes, Die fossihen MoHusken des Terti&rbeckens von Wien. i, L'nivalvcn. pi. 34, fig. 9.

(2) K. Martin, Die Fossiken \mii .lava. i. Gasteropoda, pi. vii, fig. 114 (nee. 113). This, I think, is a different apeciea and nut 0. aspereUa Gmelin.

(3) 0. Wilckens, AnneL, Gastr., Bivalv. antarkt. Kreideform. Wiss. Erg. Schwed. Sudpolar-Exp. 1901-3. Lief. Il' des iii. Bandes, pi. 3, figs. 28 a, b.

(4) Gasteropoda and Cephalopoda of the Raritan Clays and Greensand Marie oi New Jersey. Mom.. I'.s. Geol. Surv. xviii, pi. xx, figs. 10, 20, 24, 25.

(5) Bssais de paleoconchologie comp., Livr. 3, pp. 6-7.

(6) Reeve, ( lonchologia ioo >. c, ' 'aneeilaria, pi x, figs. 44, 46.

(7) v. Martens and Xhiele, Die besohalten Gastropoden der dentscheii Tiefßoe-Expeditioii auf d. Dampfej \':il.livi;i. Wi.-s. Erg. d. Dcutsch. Tiefoee-Exp., &c., Bd. T, pL iv, fig. U.


In conclusion, it may be mentioned that Zittel(l) describes a " NerUopsis sp. indct.." the sculpture of which resembles much that of ProcanceUaria parkiana. This " NerUopsis : ' comes from the older Tertiary of Papakura. near Auckland (North Island). As the peristome is not preserved it is not perfectly determinable. The number of its spiral ribs is 8 ; in our species it is 10. May I presume that the locality Papakura furnishes not only Tertiary but likewise Cretaceous fossils I Clarke(2) does noi mention the " NerUopsis" of Zittel, and ascribes the locality To the Tertiary. According to Thomson's(3) " List and Index of Fossil Localities " Papakura has yielded to Park " Cretaceo-Tertiary." As the fossils described in this bulletin are of Cretaceous age, and formerly were ascribed to the so-called " Cretaceo-Tertiary," it is possible that the named locality is partially Cretaceous.

Remark.—l dedicate this species to Professor James Park, of the University of Otago, Dunedin.

Conus sp.? (Plate V, fig. 3.

The material from Inc. 9 (boulder-sands, Saurian beds, east wing of Amuri Bluff; McKay, 1873 and 1876) contains a cast of the body-whorl of a Gastropod which may be a Conus (Conospira). The shape is cylindrical, the aperture long and narrow ; the spire is wanting. The specimen resembles Conus (Conospira) deperditus Suter(4) from the Miocene of Brewery Creek, Mokihinui River, western Nelson, but is too poorlv preserved to allow of any certain statement.

Eriptycha Meek

Eriptycha punamutica sp. Nov. (Plate V. figs. 5 a-c.)

Description. —The small shell is globular, the spire inconspicuous. The number of the whorls is 2J-3. The sculpture of the whorls consists of spiral lira. The body-whorl is strongly enlarged and ornamented by 25 punctate lines. The aperture is narrow, high-ovate, angled above, rounded below, oblique to the axis of the shell ; at the base it shows a shallow channel. The outer lip is thickened by a strong reflexion, which reaches up to half the height of the penultimate whorl. The columella has two plications.

Dimensions.- Height, 6 mm.; breadth, 6 mm.; diameter. 4-5 mm.

Localities. —Loc. 2 (calcareous conglomerate, Lower Amuri Group, east wing of Amuri Bluff), 2 specimens; loc. 13 (Lower Amuri Croup, west wing of Amuri Bluff), 2 specimens, and in addition 5 or 6 little shells of 1-5-2 mm. height.

Relations. —The genus Eriptycha is common in the Upper Cretaceous, and occurs in all Upper Senonian districts of the Pacific border(s). Nevertheless the species from Grahamland, South Patagonia, and Chile(6) do not show near relations to our form. Likewise Eriptycha perampkt Woods(7) from the Senonian of Pondoland is different, being bigger and having a higher spire. Perhaps Cinulia pusilla Whiteaves(B) from the south island of Queen Charlotte Islands is the most closely related form.

Note. —The material contains a body-whorl (sculptured cast) of ;i Gintdia or an Eriptycha from loc. 761 (Saurian beds, Middle Waipara). It is nearly twice as large as E. punamutica, and the number of spiral stria? is at least 32. The bad state of [(reservation prevents its determination. In the list of fossils (p. 26) I mention this form as " Cinulia sp."

(1) K. A. Zitteb Fossile Mollusken and Echinodennen aue Neu-Seeland. Reise Her Novara. Pal. v. X. Seeland, p. 43, pi. ix, fig. 4.

(2) E. de C. Clarke, The Fossils of the Waitcmata and Papakura & ries, Trans. N.Z. Inst., xxxvii, p. 113-21, pL 32 (1905).

(3) J. A. Thomson, Materials for the Palaeontology of New Zealand. N.Z. Geol. Surv., Pal. Bull No. 1, p. 90.

(1) 11. Suter, Description of new Tertiary Molluscs occurring in New Zealand, &c. Pari 1- N.Z. Geo]. Surv. PaL Bull. No. B, pi. rii, fig. 26.

(5) 0. Wilekens, Rev. d. Fauna der Quiriquinaschichten. X. Jahrb. f. Win., Geo!., Pal., Beil.-Bd. xviii, p. 220.

(6) Gintdia sp. from Qrahamland (<>. Wilekens, Anneb, Biv,, Gastr. antarkt, Kreideformation, p. 95, pi. 4. fig. lit); Oinvlia pauper 0. Wilck. (bamell., Gastr., Sc-c., d. ob. Kxeide Sudpatag., pi. iv, figs. 6 a, b) , Eriptycha chilenais d'Orb. (0. Wilekens, Rev. Fauna Quiriquinaschichten, p. 218, pi. xviii. fig. 10).

(7) H. Woods, The Cretaceous Fauna of Pondoland. Annals of the South African Museum, vii, p. 329, pi. \li. fig. 2.

(8) J. F. Whiteaves, On the Fossils of the Coal-bearing Deposits of the Queen Charlotte Islands, collected by l)r. G. 11. Dawson in 1878. Mcsozoic Fossils, i, j>t. iii, ]). 217, pL 2H, fig. 6.


Cylichna Loven.

Cylichna thomsoniana sp. Nov. (Plate V. figs, fi, 7.)

Description The shell is cylindrical and, the spire being entirely involved, umbilicated above. The sculpture consists of spiral lines with rather wide interstices. The bieadth of the aperture is about one-third that of the shell. The aperture seems to be angled above and rounded below. The outer lip curves a little. It is impossible to state whether the spire is visible in the umbilicus, or whether the species belongs to BuUineUa or to Ct/Uchmna{l).

Dimensions.- —No. 1: Height, 10 mm.; diameter, 5 mm. No. 2: Height, 8 mm.; diameter 3 mm. No. 3: Height, 2-5 mm. ; diameter, 1-5 mm.

Locality. —Loc. 13 (Lower Amuri Group, west wing of Amuri Bluff), 6 specimena(2).

Relations.- There are several forms which are comparable with our species, but all are diff.Tent-: Cylichna chilensis d'Orb. sp.{3), from the Quinquina beds ; C. inermis 8tol.(4), from the Ariyalur Group of Southern India ; C. ? volvaria Meek(s), from the Fox Hill beds of -Missouri ; 0. jogjacartensis K. Mart.(6), from the Upper Eocene of Nanggulan, Java ; Bulla armaria v. 1h.(7) and Bulla patagonica v. Ih.(8), from the Patagonian; and Bulla <• mondi Phil.(9), from the older Tertiary of Chile.

Remark. I wish to dedicate this species to Dr. J. A. Thomson, formerly Paleontologist to the New Zealand Geological Survey,

(6.) Scaphopoda.

Dentalium !.

Dentalium (Laevidentalium) morganianum sp. Nov. (Plate V, figs. 8, 9.)

1917. Dentalium sp. Trechmann, T. C., Cret. MolL from New Zealand, Geol, Mag., n.s. dec. vi, vol. iv, p. 299, pi. xxi, fig. 10.

Description. — Shell large, thick, gently curved, mostly in the upper (thinner) end. Section circular, but slightly flattened laterally in a very large specimen from loc. 5. The sculpture consists exclusively of the growth-lines, which do not cross the shell-surface in an exactly transverse direction, but curve down a little on the front-side (i.e., the concave side). They are not equally strong ; by this means a wrinkled surface is caused. The two apertures are not preserved in any of the specimens.

Dimensions. A nearly complete specimen from loc. 13 (Plate V, fig. 9) has a length of 75 mm., with a greatest diameter of 8 mm. and a least of 1-5 mm. A large but incomplete example from loc. 5 is 73 mm. long, and at the larger end 11 mm. in diameter. A small specimen from loc. 13 shows a length of 26-5 mm., with a greatest diameter of 4-5 mm. and a least of Imm. The smallest specimens have, at the thin end, a diameter of 0-5 mm. The examples from loc. 589 are all smaller than those from Amuri Bluff.

Localities. Loc. 5 (calcareous conglomerate, Lower Amuri Group, oast wing of Amuri Bluff). 28 specimens, and 3 quite young individuals ; I mention that the greater part of the specimens from this locality are still in the matrix, and that these places contain, besides the DenicUittm, sonic Bivalves, but no Gastropods. Loc. 589 (Selwyn Rapid beds, Selwyn River. Malvern Hills), 12 specimens.

delations.- —J do not know any Cretaceous Dentalium related to our species, as this lias not the fine axial sculpture found in all species which resemble it in form and size. It is

{]) See M. Coasman, Kssais de paleoconchologie comp., Livr. 1. p. 96,

(2) The material also contains an indeterminable casl of a Gastropod, which is figured in pi. v, fig, i. ta\ i \ H7;i .1 -.-...„ T>,.,. .1 1.'., ...,„ ,1 f\..i „:„..; L:. L*._ \' ■., i. „i.. x «■•_ , ■ 1 hi n i hi

(3) <>. Wilckfina, Rev. d. Fauna d. Quiriquinasehichten. X. Jahrb. i. Min., Geol., Pal., Beil.-Bd. xviii. p, 220.

(t) F. Stolicska, ('re!. Fauna S. [ndia, ii, Gastropoda, p. 131, pi. xxvii, fig. 20.

(5) Meek, A., Report on the [nvertebr. Cret. and Tert, Fossils of tin- Upper Missouri Country. Rep. U.S. Geol Surv. Territories, iz, p. 276, pL 31, fig. 2a,

(<3) K. Martin. Die Fauna des Obereoc&ju olan aui Java. Samud. d. Geol. Reichsmuseums Leiden N.F. u, ffefl I. pi. i. fig. 2.

(7) 11. v. Ihering, Jx-s moiliisques fossiles du Tertiairo ct du Cretacc sup. do L'Argentine. AnaJes Mus. Nac. Buenos Aires, xiv ('.ia ser.), p. 339.

(8) A. E, Ortm&nn, Tertiary [nvertebratea. Rep. Prinoeton Univ. Exp. t<> Patagonia, iv, p. 240, pi xxxvii, fig. 8.

- fc. if. VAiiuitnuij " * - wwu. j. »v J- iiii>ai\>ii \- ill » . , >-x |j. |u I HniLUUW| I*, I'. —-1 VI, M (9) R. A. Philippi, Die tertj&reo and quartaren versteinerungen Chiles, p. 109, pi. 13, fig. 7.


worthy of notice that J), morganianum lias been found in great number at two localities, while the other occurrences of the Upper Senonian in the South Pacific region have yielded only isolated specimens of DentaUum.

Remark. I take the liberty of dedicating tins interesting species to Mr. !'. (!. Morgan, under whose able directorship the Geological Survey of New Zealand has arrived at many results of high scientific value.

(c.) Annelida.

Triu'i.ostium Stol.

Tubulostium ornatum (Hector MS.) 0. Wilckens. (Plate V, tigs. 10 a-c, II '/. 6, 12.)

Description. —The thick sinistral shell is spirally enrolled almost in one plane, and consists of 3£-4 whorls, the first ones being, as a rule, worn off or damaged. This must be considered as an indication that the shells were attached ; it would seem that afterwards they became free, for the shells he in the matrix in all directions. The older whorls are involved by the younger ones. The surface of the older whorls lies in the same plane as that of the later ones. As the shell is enrolled after the mode of a Gastropod shell, one on looking at the base sees scarcely more than the last whorl. This is flattened and narrow above, and forms a marginal arch, above which there runs an indistinct furrow. The base is arched. The last whorl is highest near the aperture, but it becomes lower immediately in front of the aperture, the portion above and beneath the arch becoming flatter, while the arch retains the same dimensions. The older whorls are ornamented with three keels produced by two furrows. The lowest keel may be situated near the two others at the periphery of the whorl or at the base ; therefore the shape of the outer margin of the whorls varies greatly. The inside of the whorls is circular. In no specimen is the aperture well preserved. The shell shows coarse growth-fines, which undulate a little. In some places there are deeper furrows and irregular cavities on all whorls. The shell consists of two layers, the inner layer being dark-coloured and the outer layer lighter-coloured and bigger. *

Dimensions. —Diameter of larger specimens, LB-20 mm. Shells with a diameter of IS mm. have a height of 7 mm.

Localities. —Loc. 5 (calcareous conglomerate, J.own- Amuri Group, cast wing of Aimin BlufE), 25 specimens; loc. 6 (idem), 1 specimen; loc. 8 (black grit, east wing of Amuri Bluff), 13 specimens; loc. 13 (Lower Amuri Group, west wing of Amuri Bluff), -1-3 specimens.

//< marks regarding A omenclature. —Two specimens from loc. 13 are attached to a paper and labelled "6. RoteUa omala Hector (MS.), fatal. Col. Mus. 1870, p. 192. Chirotvpea." 1 have figured these two small and young specimens on Plate V. figs, il a, !>.

Relations. —l have already had the opportunity to speak about the reference of the genus Tuhulostium to the Annelida in another place(l). The most closely related form is T. Jallax 0. Wilck.(2) from the Antarctic Senonian. The want of the three-edged keel on the last whorl of T. ornatum constitutes the chief difference ; furthermore, the latter is more arched on the base. T. callosum Stol. sp. from the Utatur Group has a conical shell, T. damesi Noetl. from the Baltic Cenomanian has no keel at all. ,

(//.) Crustacea.

The material contains a single poor fragment of a Crustacean. It is the member of a chela of a decapod Crustacean from loc. 754 (Ostrea bed, Malvern Hills). The fragment is 16 mm. long, and has a triangular section. One side is smooth and slightly arched, the second slightly concave and granulate, the third is furrowed. The distal end is acute, the proximal open. The determination is impossible. Perhaps the fossil belongs to Ho'plo'paria, a genus which occurs in the Upper Senonian of South Patagonia. A similar object is figured in H. B. Geinitz, Das Elbtalgebirge in Sachsen (Palaeontographica xx, pi. 64, fig. 10).

(1) 0. Wilt-ken.-, Die Anneliden, Bivalven and Gaatropoden d. antarkt. Kreideformation. Wiss. Erg. d. Sohwed Siidpol.-Kxp. HMii-:j. in. Lief. 12, p. 10.

(2) Ibidem, pp. 7-11, pi. 1, figs. 3a-e.



1. The Distribution of the Upper Senonian Gastropods and Annelida in the Series of Strata and at the Localities.

The following tabic contains all species described in this bulletin. The localities are arranged in the same order as in Mr. H. Woods's memoir (Pal. Bui. No. 4), p. 17. The only difference is that I have grouped localities 13 and 11 in a separate column. This was dono because, according to a kind communication from Dr. Thomson, these localities, ascribed by Mr. "Woods to the " calcareous conglomerate," comprise fossils from the whole series of strata — from the calcareous conglomerate up to the " concretionary greensands. "

Table of Distribution of Species of Gastropoda, Annelida, etc., in the Upper Senonian Beds at Amuri Bluff, Waipara, and the Malvern Hills.

Amuri Bluff. Waipara. Malvern Hills. Amuri Group. ; Greensand i Group. a. b. a. b. 4 c cS M -5 c 2 a i i H o Black Grit. Saurian Beds. Concretionary Greensands. '6 iS s 1 c 3 ci CD V 1 <5 35 e. j= A. Gastropoda. 1. Pleurotomaria maoriensis nov. sp. 2. Pleurotomaria woodsi nov. sp. X X 3. Delphinula ? sp. X 4. Calhostoma decapitatum nov. sp... 5. Patella ? amuritica nov. sp. 6. Crepidula hochstetteriana nov. sp. X X X X 7. Calyptrcea solitaria nov. sp. 8. Natica selwyniana nov. sp. 9. Natica ingrata nov. sp. .. 10. Scalaria (Cirsotrema ?) pacifica nov. sp. .. X X X 11. Cerithium incequicostatum nov. sp. 12. Arrhoges haastianus nov. sp. X X X 13. Perissoptera waiparaensis (Hect. MS. sp.).. X X X 14. Perissoptera novo-seelandica nov. sp. 15. Conchothyra parasitica (McCoy MS.) Hutt. X X X 16. Struthiolariopsis similis nov. sp. .. 17. Prolodolium speighli Trechm. sp. X X 18. Tudicula alta nov. sp. .. 19. Tudicula ex aff. tumida 0. Wilck. 20. Cryplorhytis vulnerata nov. sp. .. X X X 21. Procancellaria parkiana nov. sp. .. X X 22. Conus sp. X 23. Eriptycha punamutica nov. sp. 24. Cinulia sp. X X 25. Cylichna thomsoniana nov. sp. B. Scaphopoda. 26. Dentalium morganianum nov. sp. X X X X C. Annelida. 27. Tubulostium ornatum (Hect. MS. sp.) X X X D. Crustacea. 28. Hoploparia ? X E. Brachiopoda. 29. Discina sp. X


It follows from this table that the different localities have furnished materials of unequal variety. This will be seen from the following :

List of the Localities, and Fossils there collected

Loc. 2 (calcareous conglomerate, east wing of Amuri Bluff; McKay, 1876): CaUiostoma decapi tatum. Eriptycha punamutica. Tubulostium ornatum.

Loc. 5 {idem) : Pleurotomaria maoriensis, * Pleurotomaria woodsi(l), ProcanceUaria parkiana Dentalium morganianum.

Loc. 6 [idem; McKay. 1873 and 1876): Pleurotomaria maoriensis, Tubulostium ornatum.

Loc. 8 (black grit, east wing of Amuri Bluff; McKay, 1873 and 1876): GerUhium inwquicostatum, Perissoptera waiparaensis, Tubulostium ornatum.

Loc. 9 (boulder-sands. Saurian beds, east wing of Amuri Bluff ; McKay, 1873 and 1876) : Cerithium Perissoptera waiparaensis, *Conus? sp.

Loc. 13 (west wing of Amuri Bluff, al! beds from calcareous conglomerate up to the concretionary greensands : McKay, 1873 and 1876) : Pleurotomaria maoriensis, Delphinula sp., Patella ? amuritica, *Grepidula hochstetteriana, Scalaria pacifica, Arrhoges haastianus, Perissoptera waiparaensis, Pt rissoptera novo-seelandica, Conchothyra parasitica, *Stru/hiulariopsis simtlis, Protodolium speighti, Tudicula alta. ProcanceUaria parMana, Eriptycha punamutica, *Cylichna thomsoniana, Dentalium morganianum, Tubulostium ornatum.

Loc. 14 (Oaro Creek, west wing of Amuri Bluff, all Cretaceous beds ; McKay, 1873 and 1876) : CaUiostoma >l< capitatum, Tudicula alta, Disci "a sp.

Loc. 23 (Selwyn Rapids beds, Selwyn River, Malvern Hills ; Haast, 1872) : Delphinula sp.. ( 'onchothyra parasitica. Protodolium speighti, Tudicula ex aft. tumida.

Loc. 149 (McKay's Creek, Middle Waipara district ; McKay, 1874) : Arrhoges haastianus, Conchothyra parasitica.

Loc. 277 (Boby's Creek, Middle Waipara ; Hector, 1567) : *Calyptra3a solitaria. Conchothyra parasitica.

Loc. 589 (Selwyn Rapids beds, Selwyn River, Malvern Hills ; McKay, 1896) : Notica sehoyniana, *Natica ingrata, Scalaria pacifica. Arrhoges haastianus, Perissoptera novo-seelandica, Conchothyra parasitica, Protodolium speighti, Dentalium morganianum.

Loc. 751 [Ostrea bed. Malvern Hills) : Uoploparia ? (fragment of chela), Conchothyra parasitica

Loc. 761 (Saurian beds, Middle Waipara) : Notica sekvyniana, Arrhoges haastianus, Protodolium ghti, Tudicula ex aff. tumida, Cinulia sp.

Loc. 762 (Coal-beds i.e., probably Ostrea bed above the coal-bearing sands, Middle Waipara) : Conchothyra parasitica.

For the most part the fossils occur not only at one locality, but generally in several places. Those Localities which have yielded the same fossils may without hesitation be considered as iif the same agej geologically .speaking. The fact that single forms appear only at one Locality may be easily understood on considering that, naturally not all the elements of a fauna existat the same time at. the same spot, even if in the whole region there are the same biological and physical conditions. Even then one species finds the most favourable conditions for life in this, another in that place. The localities of occurrenc ■of the various species are as follows :

(a.) Common to all three districts (Amuri Bluff. AYaipara River, and Malvern Hills) are only Arrhoges haastianus, Conchothyra parasitica, and Protodolium speighti.

(6.) In the material examined there are apparently no species common to Amuri and Waipara which are absent from the Malvern Hills.

(c.) Common to Waipara and Malvern Hills, but failing in the Amuri district ; Satica seboynioma, Arrhoges haastianus, Tudictda ex all', tumida.

((/.) Common to Amuri and Malvern Hills, but failing in Waipara: IMphitnda ? sp., Scalaria pacifica, Perissoptera novo-seelandica, Dentalium morganianum.

(1) Species marked with an asterisk (*) occur at tliis locality only.


(e.) Limited to the Amuri Bluff are Pleurotomaria maoriensis, PI. woodsi, Calliostoma decapitatum, Patella? amuritica, Crepidula hochstetleriana, CerUhium mwquicostatum, P( rissoptera waipara* nsis, StruihiolariopsU simiUs, Tudicula alta, ProcaneeUaria parkiana, Eriptycha punamutica, GyUchna thomsoniana, Tubulostium ornatum.

(/.) Discovered only in the Waipara district are Calyptrtea solitaria, Cvrvutia sp

g.) Confined to the Malvern Hills is Cryptorhytis vulnerata.

Conchothyra parasitica is the typical leading fossil for the three districts. To all appearanc this Gastropod occurs only in the lowest portion of the beds—viz., in the calcareous conglomc rate of Amuri Bluff and in the Ostrea bed of Waipara and of the Malvern Hills.

The vertical distribution of the Gastropods is hardly made out. It is not known which fossils from loc. 13 come from the calcareous conglomerate and which from the higher beds. If we leave the fossils from this locality out of the question there is, in the Amuri district, only the Annelid Tubulostium ornatum, which occurs in the whole series from the calcareous conglomerate up to the black grit. As the Selwyn Rapids beds are stratigraphieally equivalent to the Upper Amuri Group, one may presume that all species common to the Amuri district and the Malvern Hills, which occur in the calcareous conglomerate there and in the Selwyn Rapids beds here, are common to the Lower and to the Upper Amuri beds. CerUhium iruequtcostatum (only imperfectly known) and Perissoptera waiparaensis occur, in the Amuri district, not only in the Upper Amuri beds, but also in the Saurian beds. Arrhoges haastianus, in the Waipara district, is common to the Ostrea bed and to the Saurian beds. It is evident, of course, that the lower portions of the stratigraphical sequence are older than the upper ones, but, as judged by the fossil Gastropods, all beds from the calcareous conglomerate up to the Saurian beds belong to the same stratigraphical unit. The concretionary greensands have not yielded Gastropods.

2. The Age of the Fauna and its Relations to that of Other Regions.

(a.) The Age of the Fauna inferred from its General Character.

There are several forms among the Gastropods which speak for a Mesozoic and especially for a Cretaceous age. Others might be from other formations. Some of the genera are worthless for stratigraphical determinations.

Perissoptera, Strutkiolariopsis, Cryjrtorhytis, Eriptycha, and perhaps Conchothyra (if regarded as related to PugneUus) are confined to the Cretaceous (as far as we know).

Arrhoges and Tudicula appear first in the Senonian, and exist up to recent times. This is also true of Cylickna.

The Pleurotomaricß with more probability indicate Mesozoic age, as this genus is much more common in beds of this age than in Tertiary strata. ProcaneeUaria and Protodolium are considered here as ancestors of Tertiary forms, and therefore may be regarded as probably Cretaceous.

Tubulostium, GrepidtUa, and ( 'alyptrcea occur in the Cretaceous as well as in the Tertiar v. Worthless for the determination of the age are Patella, Natica, CerUhium, Dentalium.

DA pit inula sp. and Calliostoina decapitation are so poorly preserved that they are out of the question.

The material contains no form confined to the Tertiar

From this grouping it becomes evident that the genera! character of the fauna is clearly tceous, and probably Senonian. A consideration of the relationships of each species to those of other regions will confirm this statement and allow a still more exact determination of the age.

(b.) The Relations of the Fauna to those of other Regions, and the Stbatigraphicai Position of the same.

For a long time it has boon usual in descriptions of fossil faunas to add to the accounl of each species BOme remarks about its relation to other similar forms. In an older period of scientific work this proceeding was not customary, but to-day we are no


longer satisfied by merely describing and figuring a species. Now we try. where the material permits, to show the relationships of the species to others not only of the same age, but also of older and younger date. The latter endeavours form an important part of the phylogenetic tasks of palaeontology, which is obliged to omit no means of elucidating the development of life on the basis of fossil documents. If a species shows similarities to older and younger ones of the same tribe one is inclined to regard these forms as ancestors and descendants, provided that the distribution of the forms in space and time allows this supposition.

It is not so with isochronic similar forms. In palaeontological descriptions great importance generally is attached to such forms. Even to-day many palaeontologists examining a fauna reject all literature except that dealing with just that geological formation from which the material examined comes. Palaeontologists who have started from zoology may take exception to many faunal descriptions, which have an exclusive interest in the determination of the age of the beds in which the fossil< occur, not considering these as documents of the history of organic evolution. It is absurd to generalize this criticism and to apply it to all geologistpalaeontologists, as if such imperfect work were not also to be met with in zoologist-palaeon-tologists.

We have now to put the question : What is the meaning of the similarity of isochronic fossil forms, which cannot be regarded as ancestors and descendants, because they are contemporaneous or because their palseogeographical distribution prevents the supposition of descent ? It is perhaps necessary to mention this matter, because palaeontologists, although following the general custom of enumerating similar and related forms, usually do not say a word about the principles of this method.

The resemblance of a species to another of the same or about the same age may originate in different ways. Either each one is a variety of the same form, or the one is the mutation of the other. Furthermore, a species may be the still existing ancestor of a similar descendant. or the two similar species are descendants of the same ancestor. The latter explanation >--rn,< applicable to the existence of vicarious species, which represent a genus or family in different habitats at the same time. Consequently the "similarity" always tacitly implies a real affinity of some kind. No palaeontologist, when discussing " related forms" of a species described, will mention an accidental similarity, except in specimens of bad preservation, which makes determination doubtful. The real degree of affinity and the meanings of similarity in most cases cannot be perfectly elucidated. It is possible, e.g., that one character or another ma}' develop in a tribe at about the same time in different genera. For instance, siphonostomv in pods and complication of the sutures in Ammonites are characters winch have developed independently in the younger forms of quite different families.

The meaning of the term " similar forms " may be finally explained on the basis of the materia] hen- in question. Pleurotomaria maoriensis, e.g., was compared with P. arnoldi Wollem., from the North German Aptian. What docs this resemblance mean ? Scarcely that the North German species is the ancestor of that of New Zealand, or that the European form has immigrated into the Pacific between Aptian and Senonian. We do not know the faunas which, in pre-Senonian ' retaceous times, lived in the south-eastern Pacific in the fades represented by the Senonian of New Zealand. Possibly, in pre-Senonian times there already existed similar Pleurotomaria hitherto unknown to us. It is conceivable that PI. maoriensvt and PI, arnoldi are descended from a common ancestor and have preserved the characters of that ancestor, or in the course of development have gained similar characters. We have no certain knowledge about these things; but one will consider always the pertaining to the same group of forms as a relationship.

We have mentioned Peri&soptera monodactyla 0. Wilck. from the Patagonian and P. nordenskjoldi 0. Wilck. from the Antarctic Upper Senonian aa forms resembling Perissoptera waiparaemis. This resemblance probably means descenl from the same ancestor. One regards the conformity of these three species occurring in regions of equal geological development us a proof of the isochronism of the beds in which these fossils occur.


Having explained the meaning of " related forms," I give a list of those Gastropods to which related forms can be found. We mention the most similar forms from the neighbouring regions in which the Upper Senonian occurs—viz., Chile, Patagonia, Grahamland, Southern India. Only where these are lackin«. related species from other parts of the world are cited. Some exceptions are made—viz.. where the resemblance to forms of the Cretaceous of other than Pacific regions is exceedingly striking.

Pleurotomaria maoriensis .. /'/. iarsentona 0. Wilck. (Upper Senonian, Grahamland); «. ornoHi

Wollem. (Aptian, North Germany). Cattiostoma decapitatum .. C. zizyphinus (living); - Fed!/* tamulicus Stol. (Ariyalur Group, Southern India).

Patefla ? amuritica . . NaceUa ! (Anisomyon?) ovata 0. Wilck. (Upper Senonian, Grahamland).

Crepidula hochstetteriana .. a. incMrea Zitt. (Tertiary, New Zealand) (= r. gregaria Sow.)(l).

rVaiica selwyniana .. X. (Mammilla) camatica Stol. (Ariyalur Group, Southern India) ; .V. cf. subtenuis v. Iher. (Tertiary. Grahamland).

Natica ingrata .. .. N. australis d'Orb. (Upper Senonian, Quiriquina) ; ff. (Mammilla) camatica Stol. (Ariyalur Group, Southern India): .V. subtenuii v. Iher. (Tertiary, Patagonia): .V. cf. subtenuis v. [her. (Tertiary, „ , Grahamland) ; .V. darwiin Hutt. (Tertiary, New Zealand).

. v^« 1Jt *..,.,.,,,,, . ... riN/Nii-i mm. (j.ernar\. .New /.eaianaj. ScoJorw r; |».i .. Zitt. (Tertiary, New Zealand); S. steinmanni Mor. (Upper Senonian, Quinquina); ,S. " striato-costata Mull." Stol. (Ariyalur Group, Southern India): S. sp. (Upper Senonian, South Patagonia).

Cerithium inaquicostatum .. ('. talahabense K. Mart. (Tertiary. Java

Arrhoges haastianus .. A. gregarius 0. Wilck. (Upper Senonian, South Patagonia).

Perissoptera waiparaensis.. P. monodactyla 0. Wilck. (Upper Senonian, South Patagonia): P. nordenskjdldi 0. Wilck. (Upper Senonian. Grahamland) ; P. marginata Sow. sp. (Gault, England).

Conchothyra parasitica .. ? Related to PugneUus hauthali (Upper Senonian, South Patagonia); " Struthiolaretta nordenskjdldi" 0. Wilck. (Tertiary, Grahamland).

btruthwlanopsw simUis .. S.ferrieri Phil. sp. (Upper Senonian, Quinquina).

frotodoh'tm spetghtt .. DoJmm S p. div. (Tertiary, Java); Dolium galea (living. Mediterranean Sea). 7 , „7*„ m ...... n . n* , m - .. ~ ~ ~ . _ _

Tudieula alta .. .. T. cancettata Sow. sp. (Trichinopoli Group, Southern India)

Tudieula ex. a£f. tumida .. T. tumida 0. Wilck. sp. (Upper Senonian, Grahamland;

Cryptorhytis vulnerata .. C. phUippiana 0. Wilck. (Upper Senonian, Grahamland;

trocanceUana park/ana .. CanceUaria aspereUa Gm. (K. Mart.) (Tertiary, Java).

. t . ... .. xixaxu.; oavaj. hnplycha punamutica .. i£. chilensis d’Orb. (Upper Senonian, Quiriqu'na) ; Cinulia pauper 0. Wilck. (Upper Senonian, South Patagonia) ; Cinulia sp. (Upper Senonian. Grahamlandb

Cylichna thomsoniana .. C. chilensis d’Orb. (Upper Senonian, Quinquina).

Tubulostium ornatum .. T.jallax 0. Wilck. (Upper Senonian, Grahamland).

From this list the following results are to be recorded :

(1.) The following species show relationships to forms of the Quinquina beds of the district of Conception, Chile: Natica ingrata, Scalaria pacifica, Strathioloriopsis similis, Eriptycha punamutica, Cylichna thomsoniaiia.

J r J — / ■'■'■■"■■■■■■" - wwinniiN wiuiiwirrtiuitu, (2.) The following species are related to forms of the Upper Senonian of Patagonia : Arrhoges haastianus, Perissoptera waiparaensis, Conchothyra parasitica (doubtful), Tudieula ex aft. tumida, Eriptycha punamutica.

(3.) The following species are similar to forms of the Antarctic Upper Senonian : PleuTotomaria maoriensis, Patella? amuritica, Perrissoptera waiparaensis, Cryptorhytis vulnerata, Eriptycha punamutica.

. . ..„ „ in>| , ,-.[>.. J, ; f jl, -f /• ■ I [/•• I'll ll' 'lt II <l. (4.) The following species show resemblance to forms of the South Indian Ariyalur Group: Ca&iostoma decapitation (doubtful), Natica selwyniana, N. ingrala, Tudieula all".

(I) See H. Suter, Revision of the Tertiary Mollusca of New Zealand (N.Z. Geol. Surv. Pal. Bull. No 2) p <>o It seems that Suter was not fully convinced of the identity of these two species of Crepidula.


It follows that the general character of the Gastropod fauna agrees with that of other faunas of the South Pacific Upper Senonian. Nearly all genera of the Upper Senonian of South Patagonia are represented. Both in New Zealand and in Patagonia Perissoptera and Arrhoges are the most frequent Gastropods (except Conchothyra parasitica, a typical New Zealand form). The genus PugneUwi (which may be considered as related to Conchothyra only witli much hesitation) occurs in the Quinquina beds and in South Patagonia. The genus Tubulostium occurs in New Zealand as well as in Grahamland. In the latter region Perissoptera nordenskjoldi is a species nearly related to P. icaiparaensis. The peculiar genus Strvthiolariopsis occurs in the Quinquina beds and in the Cretaceous of New Zealand, but, unfortunately, only in badly preserved specimens. Scalaria, Dcntalium, and Cinulia (Eriptycha) are common to all four regions.

Certainly the Upper Senonian of New Zealand is distinguished by peculiar forms : Pleurotomaria uoodsi, Conchotkyra parasitica, Procamiliaria parkiana, Protodalium speighti. I can only endorse the results concerning the stratigraphies! position of the fauna of the Upper Senonian of New Zealand obtained by Mr. Woods from the study of the Cephalopoda and Lamellibranchs. The faunal relations between the Upper Senonian of New Zealand and that of Chile (district of Concepcion), South Patagonia, and Srahamland (Snow Hill, Seymour Island) are very close. As the facies of the beds here in question is that of a shallow sea. in which Gastropods and Lamellibranchs absolutely predominate—in this point the four regions mentioned also agree- one must draw the conclusion that there was a land connection between these rcgions(l), for there was evidently an exchange of forms. This connection, according to all we know, existed in the Antarctic : there was a coast, offering a way for the faunal ex.hang,'. I have endeavoured to show(2) that the Cordillera of the South Island of New Zealand, which on the east coast of Otago is apparently transversely cut off. found its continuation in the so-called " Antarctandes" of Grahamland. I presume there was a coast following in some way the direction of this mountain-range, which was already dismembered, it is true, in Upper Senonian times, but certainly not yet entirely submerged(3). As the Upper Senonian deposits of South Patagonia and of Grahamland are found on the eastern side of the South American Cordillera, the question arises whether the sea of that time covered the region of the New Zealand cordillera, or whether there was only a bay where now lies Foveaux Strait, so that the sea had access to the cordilleran region from the east; this problem cannot yet be fully solved. The purely marginal overlap of the Quinquina beds over the Chilean coast cordillera shows that this was not quite inundated. The mode of occurrence of the Upper Senonian of South Patagonia and Grahamland seems to prove the existence of a coast in the west; but probably there was a large land-mass in the east also. This may be aßßumed from the Pacific character of the fauna and from the general history of the Southern Hemisphere. In any case, the Pacific in South Patagonia and in Grahamland extended to the region east of the present cordillera. This must be concluded from the Indo-Pacific character of the fauna of the Upper Senonian. If there were land in the region of the present cordillera it can only have had the form of a small peninsula, possibly like the Grahamland of to-day, and there must have been a broad gap of about the same kind as exists to-day between South America and Grahamland.

(c.) The [nvebtebrate Fauna of the Upper Senonian op New Zealand.

In the following list I have compiled the Molluscs discovered in the Uppei Senonian of New Zealand, the Lamellibranchs and Cephalopoda according to If. Woods, and the Gastropods

(1) J. A. 'i'homson (Diastrophic and other Considerations in Classification and Correlation, and tlie Existence of .Minor Diastropl.ic Districts in the Notocene, Trans. N.Z. [nst., xlix. p. 413, 1917) says that land connections are not always essential for migration of Molluscs, as the free-swimming larva? can cross the deep oceans in the surface currents But in the case here in question the geological facts arc also in favour of the supposed I nection of New Zealand and Antarctica.

(2) 0. Wit-ken-. Die Geojogie von Nen-Seeland. Geo). Rundschau, viii, p. 161.

(3) 0. Wilckens, Die Krcidcfonnation von Neu-Seeland. GeoL Rundschau, xi, p. IS9.


anil's and my nun researches. The list of the Lamelh branch s is revised according to the corrections of some determinations of Mr. Woods published by me elsewhere(l). The stratigraphies! distribution of the species is marked by letters : A means Amuri Bluff; AC = calcareous conglomerate; AB = black grit; AS = Saurian beds; AG iry greensands. Following the example of Mr. Woods, 1 classify the fossils from loc. L 3 with AC, although there are among them fossils from higher strata (see p. 2). W means Waipars district; and WO = Ostrea bed, WS = Saurian beds, of the Waipara district. M means Malvern Hills ; and MO = Ostrea bed, MS = Selwyn Eapids beds, of the Malvern Hills district. Furthermore, I note in parentheses the beds which have yielded forms related to those of New Zealand: Q means Quinquina beds; P= South Patagonia; Q = Grahamland; I = Ariyalur Group of Southern India.

I. Crtjstai ea.

Hophparia '. MO (P).

11. Cephalopoda.

Nautilus sp. AC

Gaudryceras sp. ex aff. juleesi.

Kossmaticeras (Madrasites) haumuriense Hect.

sp. AC (I).

sp. AC (I).

Baculites sp. cf. Forbes. AC (Q, I).

Holcodiscus (Kossmatia ras) gt mmatus Hupe.

Belemi Hect. AC.

MS (Q, G).

111. Gastropoda.

I'lromii,miirin maoriensis 0. Wilck. AC (G).

Perissoptera novo-seelandica 0. Wilck. AC, MS

(P ?)

Pleurotomaria woodsi 0. Wilck. AC.

Delphinula sp. AC, MS.

Conchotkyra parasitica (McCoy MS.) Ifuti AC,

Cattiostoma decapitatum 0. Wilck. AC (I ?).

WO, MO, MS(P ?).

Chrysostoma selwynensis Trechm. MS.

Struthiolariopsis similis 0. Wilck. AC (Q). I) .. I . I I-* .«, T 1 .. ..1... 4/1 II7CI Ifi

Patella? amuritica 0. Wilck. AC (G ?).

Protodolium speighti Trechm. sp. AC, WS, MS

Crepidula hockstetteriana 0. Wilck. AC.

Tudieula aUa 0. "Wilck. AC (I).

Calyptro3a soUtaria 0, Wilck. WO.

Tudieula ex aff. (unuiia 0. WUck. WS. MS (P).

Satica sehvyniana 0. Wilck. WS. MS (I, G).

Cryptorkytis wlnerala 0. Wilck. MS (G).

ProcanceUaria parlciana 0. Wilck. AC.

Vatica ingrata 0. Wilck. MS (Q. P. G, I).

Scalaria pacifica 0. Wilck. AC, MS (Q, P, 1).

Eriptycha punamutica 0. Wilck. AC (Q, I*. < ; i.

CerUkium ino3quicostatum 0. Wilck. AB, AS.

Cinuliasp. W*.

Arrhoges haastianus 0. Wilck. WO, MS (P).

Aplustrum :s* Itoyru ns* Trechm. MS.

Perissoptera waiparaensis (Hect. MS.) (). Wilck

Cylichna thomsoniana '>. Wilck. AC (Q).

A< . AB, AS(P,G).

D< ntal mum I>. WUck. AC, MS.

IV. Lamellibranchiata.

S-ic'/ltnu, amuriensis Woods. AC.

Trigonia wavparaensis Woods. AC, WS, (P, <i. I).

Nttculana sp. AC.

Modiola cf. typica Forbes. AC (I).

MoMetio. (NeUo) cymbula Woods. AC,

Modiola ftageUifera Forbes. \< .1

Barba Woods. AC.

/' ria lanceolata Sow. sp. AC.

Nordenskjdldia woodsi 0. Wilck. WO (G).

cf. dichotoma Bayle. WO, MO.

Nordenshjdldia ("Ana") hectori Woods. WO

3D. AC

i /.it iBU s[i. jx\_ . AC,


CitcuUosa zeatandica. Woods.

AB. AG (G, [).

Peetunctdus ■■ W Is. MS.

Morgan (2). 71_„j_.. / i' . i ' in i

/■■ ■. AC.

W Is. AC.

i pst udocaudata Hect. A<'. M' > (P. I).

Lima (Limatula) woodsi Suter (8). AC (G, [).

d'Orb. A*'. WO, MO (Q).

tstraUs Woods. AC, AB.

(1) 0. Wilokene, Die Bivalvenfauna dee Obersenom vun Neu-Seeland. OentralbL f. .Mm.. QeoL, and I'nl.. 1920, s, 260 65. [ have pointed out in this notice, the so-called T■■ must be named T. patmftmi Afterwards I noticed thai Sector in his " Catalogue *' mentioned this error under " Errata,"

(■_') When W J. Surv. Pal. "Bull, iv, p. 26) all he overlooked a prior Button, ''. it. Tert. .Moll. p. 30, 1 sT3. Therefore eons shell.—P. G. Morgan.

{;!) Bee New Zealand Journal of Sa ~ ii. p, 59, 1919.


IV. Lamelllbranchtata— continued.

Inoceramus -'- 11 Wilck. AC (P).

Inoo ramus sp. AC.

Pinnosp. AC, MS (P, G).

Astarte (Eriphyla) meridiana Woods. \<

Astarte (Eriphyla) lenticularis Gf. -p. MS.

Anthonya elongata Woods. AC

Lueina canterburiensis Woods. Ac. AC, Ms

TeUina cf. largiUierti d'Orb. MS (Q).

TeUina sp. Ms.

LahiUia sp. MS.

CulteUus cretact rus Woods. AC.

CaUdsta (Cattistina) utilckensi Woods. AC (I, Q).

CoUista (CcdUslina) thomsoni Woods, MS (I).

Cattistaap Ms.

Dosinia sp. Ms.

Dosinia sp. MS.

Cardium acuticostutum d'Orb. AC ((,)).

Cardium sp. MS,

Panopaa dausa 0. Wilck. AC (G).

Panopwa malrernensis Woods. Mo. MS (Q).

Thracia haasti \Y Is. AC.

Thracia sp. WS.

V. lb:Acnii'ooA.

Discina sp. AC.

VI. Annelida.

Tubuhstium ornatum (Hect. sp. MS.) 0. Wilck. AC (G).

The number of Crustacea is 1. with relation, perhaps, to Patagonia. The number of Cephalopoda is 7: relations exist 2 to Quinquina, 1 to Grahamland, :) to India. The number of Gastropoda is 27: relations exist- 5 to Quinquina, s to Patagonia. 7 to Grahamland, 5 to India. The number of Pelecypoda is II: relations exist- (i to Quinquina, 5 to Patagonia, 8 to Grahamland, 9 to India. The number of Brachiopoda is I. The number of Annelida is 1. with relation to Grahamland.

(In tie- whole, the number of invertebrate species is SI. 38 of which show no relationship to forms of the Indian ami South Pacific Upper Senonian. But among these :is species there are 13 which could only In- determined generically, and nol specifically.

From the preceding it becomes evident that the higher Cretaceous deposits of the northeastern part of the South Island of New Zealand form a member of the overlapping Campanian stage of the Upper Senonian. which can he recognized on many of the coasts of the present Pacific Ocean. The fauna is of Indian - South Pacific character. Stress is to be laid upon the great number of relations to the Upper Senonian of Quinquina. Patagonia, and Grahamland, consisting in the like petrographical character of the rocks, the like preservation of the fossils, the prevalence of Pelecypoda and Gastropoda in the fauna, the rarity of fossils other than Mollusca, the occurrence of Cephalopoda restricted to the lower beds, and the appearance of the. genus LahiMa in the higher. The restriction of tin- Cephalopoda to the lower beds is also recorded from the Senonian of the Pondichery district.

The great resemblance of the faunas, in spite of the wide distances between the single occurrences, of the Upper Senonian of tie' Pacific region appears less puzzling if one considers the fact that the fauna in question is a Mesozoic one. Mesozoic faunas agree often to a great extent over large areas. The distance between Quinquina and South Patagonia is 1-U degrees of latitude, or about 1,500 kilometres; the distance between South Patagonia and Snow Hill and Seymour Island (Grahamland) is nearly the same; and the distance from Amuri Bluff to South America is about 7,000 kilometres.

It is comprehensible that the relations of the Cretaceous of New Zealand point more to the east than to the west, for the Cretaceous is lacking on the west coasi of the South Island. Probably New Zealand extended far more to the west in Upper Senonian times. Undoubtedly the sea in the youngest Cretaceous occupied a large area in the South Pacific, and its borders in the west (New Zealand) and in the east (Quinquina, South Patagonia, Grahamland) extended far beyond its limits of to-day. In the south, according to my opinion, it ivas bounded by a eoast far more to the north than the present coast of Antarctica.

% PaL Hull. No. 9



The Cretaceous deposits of the middle Clarence Valley, determined by IT. Woods as Lower Utatur Group (Vraconnian stage) have yielded only a small number of Gastropods, viz. :

{a.) Fossils of the Sawpit Gully Mudstones.

Tiiocnus L.

Trochus ? antipodum sp. Nov. (Plate V. figs. 13. 14.)

Description. —The top-shaped shell is of medium size. The sutures are not impressed, and the sculpture is so uniformly distributed on the whorls that it is impossible to perceive the number of them, especially as the shell is covered with a matrix so solidly attached that this cannot be removed even in diminutive particles. The spire appears to consist of Z\ whorls, the whole shell of i\. The whole surface of the shell is decorated with granulate spiral ribs. The furrows between the ribs are broader than these. On the body-whorl there are 5 ribs. The base is flattened and decorated with similar but slighter spiral ribs. The umbilicus, the aperture, and the lips arc covered by the matrix. The cast shows rounded whorls.

Dimensions. —Height, 39 (31) mm. ; diameter of the base, 38 ? (30) mm.

Locality— Sawpit Gully mudstones, Sawpit Gully, Coverham(l), about 150 ft. below the flint-beds of the Amuri limestone, 2 specimens.

Relations. —l do not know any similar forms from the Cretaceous. A certain resemblance is shown by Gastropods of the English Dogger— e.g., Amberleya (Turbo) miller) (Wrijjht MS.) Hudl., and Littorina sulcata Heb. et Desl. This Gastropod is useless for determining the age of the beds in which it occurs. A living form of similar shape and sculpture may be Trockus annulatus Martyn(2), and perhaps Thalotia caffea Gabb(3) is also related.

(b.) Fossils of the Cover Creek Mudstones.

Natica sp. (Plate V, figs. 15 a, b.)

A small Nadca with low spire (thus different from JV. ingrata). The umbilicus is covered by matrix, and therefore the determination is impossible.

Locality. —Loc. 615 (Cover Creek mudstones, Cover Creek, Coverham).

Perissoptera sp. (Plate V, fig. 16.)

The spire is of narrow-conical shape. The sutures are impressed. The whorls bear rounded nodes ; they are covered with a spiral sculpture besides. The outer lip forms a wing, which is semi-circularly sinuate above. It seems to end in a sabre-shaped digit of a form identical with that of the digit of Perissoptera novo-seelandica. Except for its smaller size this form greatly resembles P. novo-seelandica.

Localities. — Loc. 570 (conglomerate of Seymour River. Clarence Valley), 1 specimen (small fragment of one whorl) ; loc. 615 (Cover Creek mudstones. Cover Creek. Coverham), 2 imperfect specimens.

Dentalium sp

Shell very little curved, surface not preserved. Determination impossible.

Locality. —Loc. 615 (Cover Creek mudstones, Cover Creek, Coverham), 1 specimen.

(c.) Fossils of the Wharf Mudstones.

The material contains a concretion with a bulbous surface, coming from the Wharf mudstones of Ouse River, Coverham, a quarter of a mile below the junction with the Wharf Stream(i). The roughness of the surface is caused by the protrusion of many little fossils.

(1) A sketch-map showing this locality faces page 6 of N.Z. QeoL Surv. Pal. Bull. No. 4.

(2) See L, C. Kiener, Spec. gen. et Iconogr. des coq. viv., xii. pi, [6, fig. I'.

(3) R. Arnold and R. Anderson, Geology and Oil Resources of the Santa Maria Oil District S Barbara Co Calif. U.S. Qeol Surv. Hull. :i'22. pi. x\i. BgS. 4. 5.

(4) See map facing page 5, X.Z. Qeol. Surv, Pal. Bull. No. t.


which, except a Serpula, are deprived of their calcareous shells. There are (1) a fragment of Pinna; (2) small Gastropods, probably belonging to TurriteUa ; (3) a Ciniiliu (one specimen being a cast protruding far from the concretion, and a second one being an imprint showing clearly the shape and the sculpture). The interior of the concretion is crowded with diminutive Gastropod shells (Turbo;. Turritetta?), visible only in sections. The most frequent fossil on the surface is—

Serpula L.

Serpula wharfensis sp. Nov. (Piute V, lig. 17.)

Description.—The small shell is curved, tapering at one end, with live angles, concave outer surfaces, and a circular inner cavity.

Dimensions—Length, 8 mm. (measured in the chord of the arc); diameter, about 1-5 mm.

Locality.— Ousc River, (.'overhaul, a quarter of a mile below junction with Wharf Stream. Wharf mudstones : numerous specimens on the surface of a concretion.

Relations.- This specimen agrees closely with Serpula septemsulcata Heich. and Cotta(l), which is somewhat larger and has different cross-section. S. septemsulcata occurs in tin- Saxonian Cenomanian, and is therefore of about the same age as the Cretaceous of the middle Clarence Valley (according to the determination of Woods).


The material sent to me contains some Gastropods from localities nut mentioned in Woods's memoir. These are—

Trp.p.iTKLLA Lam.

TurriteUa solitaria sp. now (Plate V, fig. 20.)

Description.— The initial whorls are lacking in all specimens. The most perfect specimen consists of « whorls. The shell is narrow, turritate ; the whorls are rounded, the suture is impressed. The sculpture consists of equal spiral ribs (9 on the largest whorl of a spec men). The growth-lines are very slight. Aperture not preserved.

Dimension).— ln specimens of 6-5 mm. height the diameter of the last preserved whorl is 3-5 mm.

Locality.—Loc. 2!).'! (Hapuka River, eastern Marlborough; McKay, 1876). Note of McKay in the list of fossils of the Geological Survey (J. Hector, Director) : " These beds are overlain by the Amuri Umestones, and their position is therefore clearly determined.'' Several specimens.

Relations.—TXo similar Turritetta occurs in the Senonian deposits of the South Pacific region. Turritetta nodosa Roem.(2) from the Lower Senonian of Aachen, and the vouth whorls of T. multistriata Reuss(2) as figured by Stoliczka(3), show a certain resemblance. Perhaps the TurriteUa sp. from the Selwyn Rapids described by Trechmann is identical with our species.

Pleurotoma Lam.

Pleurotoma otagoensis sp. now (Plate V, figs. 18, 19.)

Description. —The shell is of medium size and spindle-shaped. The spire consists of (i whorls, which are provided with a spiral keel bearing nodes. Above the keel the whorls slope gently, beh™ they are contracted. Sutures not impressed. The body-whorl, if the long straight channel lie included, is of about the same height as tie- spire. While the surface of the shell above the keel is decorated with fine spiral ribs, there are stronger ones below it on the last whorl. The uppermost

(1) H. li. Geinitz, Das Elbtalgebirge in Bachsen. Palaeontographica, xx. p. 287, pL 63, lies. 2:i 24

(2) E. Bolzapfel, Die Mollusken der Aachaner Kreide. Palnontographica, xxxiv, pi. it, [ig». 17, 18.

\— I — " —~"--|«"»-i —■ —— ~..-.,.».... w*i , ..»• 11, n. I Jinim , A XXI I , [II. XV, 1( , 1 (:}) P. Stoliczka, Cret. Fauna 8. India, ii, Gastropoda, pi. xvji, Bgg. 10, IIJ.



of them protrudes keel-like. The aperture and the slit are not preserved. The growth-lines recurve stronglv near the keel.

Dimensions. -Height, about 35mm.; diameter of last whorl, 1J mm.

Locality.—hoc. 320 (Shag Point, Otago; Hector, 1865) ; a piece of rock with about a dozen specimens.

Relations- Pleurotoma already appears in the Cretaceous, and is widely spread in the Tertiary. Therefore this Gastropod cannot be used for the determination of the age of the beds in which it occurs. A similar form is /'/. subwqualis Sow.(l), of the Patagonian Tertiary: but in the latter species there are two spiral ribs below the noded keel, which are much stronger developed than in PL otagoensis. Hector has designated the beds from which this shell comes as Cretaceo-Tertiary ; and these beds, in general, are really of Upper Senonian age.


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Die Lamellibranchiaten, Gastropoden. &c., der obercn Kreide Sudpatagoniens. Berichte der Naturforschen den Gesellsehaft zu Freiburg i. B. xv, S. 97-166, pis. ii-ix. 1907.

Die Anneliden, Bivalven, und Gastropoden der antarktischen Kreideformation. Wissenschaftlich Ergebnisse der Schwedischen Sudpolar-Expedition, 1901-1903, unter der Leitung von Dr. Otto Nordenskjold, iii, Lief. 12, 132 S., 4 Doppeltafeln. 1910.

Die Mollusken der antarktischen Tertiarformation. Ibidem, iii, Lief. 13, 42 pp., 1 Doppeltafel. 1910.

Die Geologie von Neuseeland. Geologisehe Rundschau, viii, pp. 143-61. 1917. r\:„ r>:....i c i m *t r. i i n ...*.. ■ ,»■

Die Bivalvenfauna des Obersenons von Neu-Seeland. Centralblatt f. Min., Geol. und Pal., 1920, pp. 260-65.

Die Kreideformation von Neu-Seeland. Geol. Rundschau, xi, pp. 189-191. 1920. Wollemann, A., Die Fauna der Luneburgcr Kreide. Abhandlungen d. kgl. preussischen gcologischen Landesanstalt, N.F., Heft 37. 129 u. iii pp., 7 pis. 1902.

Die Bivalven and Gastropoden des norddeutschon Gault.s (Aptiens and Albiens). Jahrb. k. preuss. geol. Landesanstalt, xxvii (1906), pp. 259-98, pis. 6-10. Woods, H., The Molluscs of the Chalk Rock, pt. i. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. of London, lii, pp. 68-98, pis. ii-iv.

■ The Cretaceous Fauna of Pondoland. Annals of the South African Museum, iv. pt. vii, No. 12, pp. 270-350. pis. xxxiii-xUv. 1906.

The Cretaceous Faunas ol the North-eastern Part oi New Zealand. N.Z. Geol. Surv. Pa] aeontological Bulletin No. 4. 41 pp., 20 pis. 1917.

Zekeli, L. F., Hi.> Gasteropoden der Gosaugebilde in den nordostlichen Alpen. Abhandlungen der k.k. geolog. Reiohsanstalt, 1 Bd., 2 Abt., Nr. 2. 12-1 pp., 21 pis. 1852.

Zittfil, K. A., Handbuch der Palaontologie, i Abt., ii Bd. 1881-85.

Zittel, K. A.. Efauer, F. v., Suess, E., Fossile MoUusken und Echinodermen aus Neu-Secland. Reise Osterieichischen Fregatte Novara, Geologischcr Teil, Erster Band: Zweite Abteilung. Palaontologic von Nou-Secland, pp. 15-68, pis. vi-xv. 1861.



{Tlir Bpecies described in this bull-tin are in beavy type, the synonyms in italics.)


alta (Tudicula), 26, 27. 28, 30, 32.

Amberieya nriueri, 34.

Ampullina auatralis, •. 30.

amuritica Patella?.. 5, 26, 27. 28, 30, 32.

i„*„.. /'r,-..,.i,.,.i ■! i

aiinulatua (Trochua), 34.

antipodum iTrochus 1 . 34.

Apluatrum ': b Jwynenae, 32.

Aporrhaia oatifornioa, 13.

■'. 10, 12. it. 30.

Aporrhaia oocidentalia, 10. /tl*„j„l.„„ \ 1<

araneanu* (Hemiohenopus), 12.

arenaria (Bulla). 24.

arnoldi (Pieurotomaria), 3. 29, :'."■

Arrhoges haastianus, 9, 13. i 1. 26, 27. 28, 30, 32.

■:. 10.

Arrhoges OAbraeoensia, 13.

Arrh<>:_'i-s ruiilus, 13.

Arrhoges Bpei !

aspeielJa (Caocellaria), 22. 30.

auatraHa (Ampnlbjia), 7. 30.


1, 14. 17.


baaai (Pleorotomaria), 3.

beyriohi (Pleurotomaria), 4.

biangulata (Tod

brownj (Scalari

Bulla arei

Bulla patagoni ■. 24.

aondi, 24.


caffpa (ThaMia), 34.

ealifonrica (Aporrhaia). 13.

Calliostoma decapitatum. 4, 26, 27. .-

CaUioatoma zizyphinna,

oaDoaum [Tuba

■ :i-a oalyptnafoi mis, 6.

Calyptraea solitaria, 6. 26, 27. 28, 32

calyptneformia (Calypl

Cancellaria aaperella, 22. 30.

Cancellaria australU, 22.

Cancellaria Candida, 22.

Cancellaria Bubalta, 22.


oandida (Cancellaria), 22.

carnatica (Mammilla), 6, .. 30.

Cerithium inaequicostatum, 8, 26, 27. 28, 30, 32.

Cerithiun . B, 30.

chilensifl (Cylichna), 24, 30.

chilenais (Eriptyoha), 23, 30.

CSnnlia pauper, 23, 30.

CSnuKa ap., 23, 26, 27. 28, 30, 32.

(Snulia puaiUa, 23.

CSnoliopeu typica, 19.

oli mentinuß ( Fusns). 21.

Conchothyra parasitica, 14, 26, 27. 28, 30, 31, 32, 37.

contorts (Scalaria), 8.

Conua deperditua, 23.

Conus sp., 23, 2<i. 2,.

V/UMU3 3p., -'. -■•. -•■ ooatatum (Dolium), is. li).

Crepidula greg iria, 6, 30.

Crepidula hochstetteriana, 5, 26, 27. 28, 32.

Crepidula inoui

Cryptorhytis philippiana, 21. 30.

(iryptorhyl is rigida, 21.

Cryptorhytis vulnerata, 21, 26, 27, 28, 30, 32.

Cylichna chilenaiß, 24. 30.

Cylichna biennis, 24.

Ovlidina iogjacartenflis, 2t.

Cylichna thomsoniana, 24, 26, 27, 28, 30, 32.

Cylichna yolvaria, 24.


Dubuloatium), 25.

dam iin (Natica), 7, 30.

decapitatum (Calliostoma,, 4, 26, 27. 2

Delphinula sp., 4, 26, 27, 32.

densatua (E*ugneUua), 17.

Dentalium morganianum, 24, 26, 2,. 32.

Dentalium sp., 34.

deperditua (Conua), 23.

Discina, 6, 26, 27, '■>■'>.

Dolium ooatatum, 18, 19.

Dolium galea, 19, 30

Dolium liachkeanum, 19.

Dolium losarienae, 19.

dufmiri (Aneuriatoma), 22.


elegans (Scalaria), 8.

Eriptycha ohilensis, 2

Eriptycha perampla, 23.

Eriptycha punamutica, 23, 26, 27, 28, 30, 32.


fallax (Tabolostium), 25, 30.

ferrieri (Struthiolariopsia), 18, 30.

Ill] J' I l | i"l I II t HIU^OWJ! fingal (Pli

ruiiH inns. 21.


. 19, 30,

i . 11 111 i

gregaria (Aporrfuii*), 9, 10, 12, 14. 30.

idula), ( i. 80-




. I, 12.

haaslianus (Arrhoges), 9, 13, 11. 26, 27. 28,

hauthali (Pugnellus), 17. 30.

occidentatia | Aporrh ■

heberti (Arrhi

orbignyana (Rostellaria), 12.

hectori (Pecten), 32.

/. 25.


Bemichenopus araucanus, 12.

ornatum (Tubolosttum), 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, 33.

Pleurotomaria), 4.

hochstetteriana (Crepidula), 5, 2i>, 27. 28, 32.

otagoensis (Pleurotoma), 35.

Hoploparia?, 25, 2t>, 27, 32.

ovata (NaeeUa), 5, 30.



inaequicostatum (Cerithium), 8, 2!!. 27. 28, 30, 32.

paciflca (Scalaria,, 8, 26, .'7. 30, 32.

parasitica Conchothyra , 14, 26, 27, 28, 30 31, 32, 37.

inourva ((Irepidula), t;. 30.

parkiana 'Procaneellaria), 21, 26, 27, 28, 30, 31, 32.

indica 1 Leptomaria), 3.

, (Bulla), 2*.

inermis ((lylichi

infortunata (Perissoptera), L 3.

Patella? amuritica, 5. 26, 27, 28, 30, 32.

ingrata (Natica), 7, 2t>. 27, 30, 32. 34.

pauper (CSnolia), 2:;. 30.

Pecten hectori, 32.

Pecten woodsi, 32.


perampla (Eriptycha), 23.

Perissoptera infortunata, 13.

javana (Vanikoroia), 19.

Perissoptera marginata, L2, 30.

Perisßoptora monodactyla, 12, 29, :i".

jogjacartensis (Cyliohna), 24.

i i nordenskjoldi, 12. 2!'. 30, 31

Perissoptera novo-seelandica, 13, 26, 27. 32, 34.


Perissoptora sp., 34.

Perissoptera waiparaensis, I". 11. 26, 27, 28, 29, '■'.<>. 31, :*2.

kiliani (Vanikoro), 19, 22.

philippiana (Cryptorhytis), 21, 30.

Pinna bj>., 35.


Pleurotoma otagoensis, 35.

Pleurotoma BubasquaUs, 36.

Pleurotomaria arnoldi, :i. J'.'. 30.

LEBvidentalium morganianum, 24, 26, 27. 32.

Pleurotomaria bassi, '■'•■

la hayesi (Pleurotomaria), 3.

i (Pleurotomaria), 3.

Pleurotomana beynchi, 4.

Leptomaria Lndioa, :>.

Pleurotomaria fingaL 3.

lischkeanum (Dolium), 1!>.

Pleurotomaria gigantea, 3.

Littorina i' ticul

Pleurotomaria hii

Pleurotomaria la hayesi, 3.

Littorina sulcata, 34.

Pleurotomaria larseniana, 3. 30.

losariense (I kolium), 1!'.

lyrata (Scalari

Pleurotomaria maoriensis, 2, 26, 2.. 28, 29, ">'>. 32,

Pleurotomaria quenstedti, 4.


Pleuiot<imaria quoyana, 4.

Pleurotomaria Balmiana, 4.

Mammilla caraatica, 6, 7. 30.

Pleurotomaria seriato-granul&ta, 3.

maoriensis (Pleurotomaria), 2, 26, 27. 28, 29, 30, 32.

Pleurotomaria sißmondai, 4.

marginata (Perissoptera), 12. 3d.

Pleurotomaria sul"_'iL r ant<'a, 3.

marshaUi (Pugnellus), 14, 17.

Pleurotomaria tardensis, :>.

Bferica subalta, 22.

microstoma 1 N I

Vmberleya), 34.

monheimi (Tudicula), 21.

monodactyla (Perissoptera), 12. 2',). 30.

Mon a oatioella, 22.

morganianum (Dentalium), 24, 2i>. 27. 32.

morganianum (Laevidentalium), 24, 2ti. 27, 32.

multistriata (Turritella), 35.


Nacella ovata. 5, 30.

Natica sp., 34.

Natica darwini, 7. 30.

Natica button! 7.

Natica ingrata,?, 26, 27. 3<>. 32, 34.

Natica microstoma, 1.

Natica selwyniana, 6, 7. 26, 2,. 30, 32.

Natica solida, 7.

Natica variabilis, 6, 7.

naticella 1 Morea), 22.

Pleurotomaria U rtiaria, '■'•■

1 i' 1j i ' 'i ■ >! j E.t : i.i 1 < i 1 I.i r 1,1. .). Pleurotomaria woodsi, 4, 2ii. 27. 2*. 31, 32.

Polynices subtenuis, 7.

Polynicea subtenuis cf., 7. 30

Procancellaria parkiana, 21, 2»i. 2., 28, 30, 31, 32

Protodolium spoighti, 18, 26, 27. 30, 31, :12.

1 I. 17.

Pugnellua densatus, 17.

Pugnellua hauthali, 17. 30.

Pugnellua marshaUi, 14. 17.

1, 14, 17.

punamutica , 23, 26, 27. 28, :'.'>. 32.

pusilla M frlulia), 23.


quenstedti (Pleurotom

quoyana (Pleurotomaria), 4.



remondi (Bulla), 24.

nebrasoensia (Arrhoges), 13.

reticulata (littorina), 22.

Neritopsis speigi

Neritopsia sp. indeb rm., 23,

rigida (Cryptorhytis), 21.

RosteUaria orbignyana, 12.

nodosa (Turritella), m 35.

RoateUaria uxtipnraensis, 11.

nordenakj6ldi (Perissoptera), 12. 29, :i". 31.

" ■/ 1 onutfa, 25.

nordenskjoldi (Struthiolariella), 17. 30.

novo-seelandica (Perissoptera), 13, 26, 27. 32. 34.

ruiduß (Arrhoges), 13



thomsoniana (Cylichna), 24, 20. 27. 28, 30, 32.

Trochus annul&tus, 34.

salmiana (Pleurotomaria), 4.

Trochus antipodum, 34.

bi ■ m oi, s . 3<'.

Tubulostium callosum, 25.

Scalaria contorta, S.

Tubulostium damesi, 25.

Scalaria elegana, 8.

Tubulostium fallax, 25. 30.

Scalaria lyrat.t. s. 30.

Tubulostium ornatum, 25, 26, 27. 28, 30, 33.

Scalaria ornata, B,

Tudicula alta, 20, U<-. 27. 28, 3m. 32.

Scalaria pacifica, 8, 26, 27. 30, 32.

Tudicula biangulata, 20.

Scalaria steinmanni, 8, 30.

Tudicula cancellata, 20, 30.

Tudicula monheimi, 21.

Scalaria striato-costata, 8, 30.

Belwynense (Aplustrum ?), 32.

Tudicula tumida, 21.. 3".

selwyniana [Naticai, 6, 7. 26, 27. 30, "2.

Tudicula cf. tumida, 20. 26, 27, 30, 3?.

Beptemsulcata (Serpula). 35.

tumida (Struthiolariopsis), 21.

Beriato-grannlata (Pleumtoraaria), 3-

Turbinella ': verticalis, 21.

Turritella multistriata, 35.

Serpula septemsulcata, 36,

Serpula wharfensis, 35.

Turrit* lla nodosa, 35.

similis Struthiolariopsis), 17, 2<>. 27. 2 1 -, 30, 32.

Turritella solitaria, 35.

solitaria iCalyptraea'. 6, _> : . 2,. 28, 32.

typica (Cinuliopsis), 10.

solitaria (Turritella:, 35.

(Arrhoges), 10,


apeighti (Neriiopsis), 18.

speighti Protodoliumj, 5. 18. 2'i. 27. 30, 31. 32.

uniainuata (Aporrhais speciosa), 13.

I'xia, 22.

steimnatmi (.Scalaria). B, 30.

Btriato-oostata (Scalaria), 8, 30.


Struthiolariplla nordeiiskjoldi, 17, 30.

Struthiolariopsis ferrieri, 18, 30.

Vanikoro 10. 22.

Struthiolariopsis similis, 17, 26, 27. 28, 3". 32.

Struthiolariopsis tumida, 21

Vanikoroia javana, 10.

subaequalis (Pleurotnrua), 36.

• i Natica i. 6, 7.

subalta (Oanoellaria), 22.

! i- (Turbinella T), 21.

subalta (Meriea), 22.

TOlraria (Cylichna), 24.

sulcata i Litt'irina), 34.

vulnerata (Cryptorhytis l , 21, 26, 27, 28, 30, 32.

Bubgigantea (Pleorotomaria), 3.

snbtenuis (Polynices), 7, 30.


cf. (Polvnices). 7.

sulcata (Uttorin

waiparaensis 'Perissopterai, 10, 11. 26, 2,. 28, 20, 31, 32

waiparch 'Jus i. 14, 17.


waiparaemis (Bostellaria), 11.

wharfensis f Serpula), 35. umnHci A

talahabense (Cerithium . -. 30.

woodsi ;Pleurotomaria), 4, 26, 27. 2s. 31. 32.

tamuli . 5, 30.

woodsi (Pecten;, 3?.

tardensis (Pfoorotomaria), 3.

Tectua tamulicua, 5, 30.


tertiiiria | Pleurotomaria), '■'■.

Thalotia oaffea, 34.

zizyphinua (< alliostoma |, '•. 3".



Aachen. Germany, 3, 35.

America. & >uth, 31.

.'/■'. Brazil, ' bile, Pal

Amuri Bluff, 1 2, 3, 4. 5, 6, 6, 9, 11. 12. 13, 14. 16, 18, 20, 22, 23, 24. 25, 26, 27. 28, 32.

Amuri Group, 3, 4. 6, 8, 9, 13, 16, 18, 20, 22. 2:;. 24 25, 26, 28.

Amuri limestone, 1, 2, 34.

Antarctandcs, 31.

Antarctica, 21,30, 31, 33.

is. t also ' rrabamland.)

Antarctic Senonian, 5, 21, 26, 2!). 30.

Aotea Barbour, 8.

of North Germaay, 3, 29, SO

Argentina, 3, 21.

Ariyalur Group, 3. 5, 8, 24. 30, 32.

Auckland, 2:!.

Australia, Cretaceous of, 7.

4—PaL Hull. Xo. 0.


Baguales, Sierra de I"-. South Patagonia, 13, 11

Baltic Cenomanian, 25.

BeJgrano !«-d>. Lake Pueyrredon, 3.

Black grit. 12. 2U. 27. 32.

Black Hills, Dakota, 13.

Boby'a Creek, 6, Hi. 27.

Brazil, 13.

Brewery Creek, 23.

Bun le, i iermany, 4.


Calcareous conglomerate, 1. 3. ■">. 20. 2,. 32.

California, 13.

' ampanian Btage, 33.

' lermany, 13.

i enomanian, 25, 35.


Chile, 2. 18, 22 2.1. 21. >O, :il.


Clarence Vallej

Colorado Group, 13.

Pacific, South, 2, 17. 19, 31, 33, 3.5.

Concepoi Chile, 2, 30. 31

ne, 1".

Concretionary greenoonds, I, 20. 27

Papakuro, 23. D- + : n D Ik ■» A 7 D Ii I■> T'! in 1<

- nth America, Antarctic, Mow Zealand, 31.

Patagonia. South, 2, 8, 7. 8, 10, 12, 13, Hi, 19, 81, 22, 23, 24, 25, 29, 30, 31, 32

Cover Creek, 34.

Coverham, 34, 35.

Pliocene, 6.

1 .us, Lower, 3.

Pondicherry, 33.

Cretaceous, Dpper, 3, 4, 0, 13, 23.

Pondoland, 8, 23.

n, Lake, Argentina, .'J.


Dakota, 13.

Danian. S.


Dogger, English, 34.

Queen i Charlotte Islands, 23.


England, Gault of, 12, 30.

Quinquina, Chile. 2, 7. % I-. .

Eooene, 19. 24.



Foxe, Denmark, Danian of. s.

Ripley Gamp, 17.

Folkestone. England, 12.

Roca beds, Argentina, 21.

Fort Pierre Group, Dakota, 13.

Foveaux Strait, 31.

i'"\ Hill beds, Missouri, 24.


San Vincente, Chile, 3.


Saurian beds, Amuri Bluff, 1. 8. 11. 12. 23. 36, 27. 2*-.

Gault, 12, 30.

Saurian beds, Waipara and Weka El I ID 2' 1 23, 26, 27, 28, 32.

Germany, 3, 10, 13, 29, 30, 35.

Grahamland, Antarctica. 2. 3. 17, 22, 23, 30, 31, 32, 33.

Saurian beds, Malvern Hills, 1.

' Ireensand Group, 1.

Sawpit Gully, 34.


Sazoni&n Cenomanian, 35.

Hapuka River, 2, 35.

Saxony. 25.

Holstein, North Germany, in.

Segeberg, Hobrtein, Germany, 10.

Selwyn Rapids beds, I, 2. 3, t. 6, 7. B, 9, 13, 16 18 20 24, 27, 28, 32, 35.


Senonian, Lower. 13, 35.

Senonian, Dpper, 2. 3, 5, 7. 8, 10, 12, 16, is in -»n 21 23,26, 26, 30, 31. 32. 33, 86.

India, Southern, 6, 8, 2J, 22, 24, 39 32. 98.

Seymour Island, Grahamland, 2. 17, 31, 33.

Seymour River. Clarence Valley, 84,


Shag Point 2, 3

Japan, Sea of, 4.

Sierra Contreras, Sonth Patagonia, 12.

Java, 6, Is. 19, 22. 24. 311.

Sierra de los Bagnales, Sooth Patag nia, 13. U

Htic, 1, 4.

Snow Hill. Grahamland, 31, 33.


Saeia Islands, N.W. Dnited States, 10.

Sumatra, 22.

Maastricht, Holland, 8.

Magellan district, South Patagonia, 7, 12.

Malvern Hills. 1, 2, 4, (i. 7. S. 9. 13. 18, IS. 20, 24, 25, 26, 27. 28, 32.


Teredo limestone, 1.

Marlborough, 2, 3, 5.

Tertiary, 3, 6, 7. 8, 12, 17, 18, 22, 23, 24. 30, 36.

Mauritius, 32.

McKay's Creek, Waipara district. 9, lii. 27

Ttrnr. IT.

Torn*, Chile, 2. rB.

Mediterranean Sea, 5, 19, 30.

Trichinopoli Groap, 20, 3ft

Miocene, li, 18, 23.

Missouri, 24.

Mofcihinui River, 23. \, i T,... : fi

Molosse, Patagonian, 0.



Dtatur Broop, ft, W,

Nonggnlon, Java, 24.

Nelson, Western, 23.

. 1!'.

New Jersey, 21, 22.


Vancouver, 19.

New Sum]', Wales, 22.

Vraconnian stage, 34.

North Germany, Aptian of, 3. 29. :)".



Oomom, 3.

Oaro Creek, 2, 6, 20, 27.

Waipara, I. 2, 6, B, :'. Mi, l.v W, 18, 26, 27 I

Okorohia Stream, 11.

W aipara < \* irge, 0. Hi. W -: ii- _ i

Oligocene, t. 10.

\\ aipara 11

Otago, 2, 23, 31, 36, 38

Wharf Stream, 34, 35.

Ouse River, 3, 4, 35.

TVeka Pass, Weka Pass atone, 1;

P L_ A T e: s


(The figures are of natural size.)

Fossils from the Upper Senoniak.

Fig. 1. Pleurotomaria maoriensis sg. Nov. Calcareous conglomerate, Amuri Group, east wing, Amuri Bluff. Cast, with fragments of the shell. (Page 2.

Fig. 2. Pleurotomaria maoriensis sp. Nov. Amuri Group, west wing, Amuri Bluff (loc. 13). Ba view. (Page 2.)

Fig. 3. Pleurotomaria woodsi sp. Nov. Calcareous conglomerate cast wmg. Amuri Bluff. (Pi

Fig. 4. Pleurotomaria woodsi sp. Nov. Calcareous conglomerate, east wmg. Amuri Bluff. (Page 4.)

Fig. 5. Delphinula .' ap. Amuri Group, west wing. Amuri Bluff (loc. 13). sa, ventral view ; 56, dorsal view of 5a ; sc, apical view of sa. (Page 4.)

Fig. 6. CaUiostoma decapitatum sp. Nov. Calcareous conglomerate Oaro Creek, west wing, Amuri Bluff (loc. 14). 66, basal view of 6a. (Page 4.)

Fig. 7. CaUiostoma decapitatum sp. Nov. Calcareous conglomerate. Oaro Creek, west wing. Amuri Bluff (loc. 14). Cast. 76, basal view of 'a. (Page 4.)

Fig. 8. Patella? amuritica sp. Nov. Amuri Group, west wing, Amuri Bluff (loc. 13). (Page 5.)

Fig. 9. Crepidula hochstetteriana Bp. Nov. Amuri Group, west wing, Anmn Bluff (loc. 13). I 96, lateral view of 9a. (Page 5.)

Fig. 10. Calyptrma solitaria ap. Nov. Upper Waipara (Jorge and Boby'a Creek, Waipara. I ..c 6.)

N Z Geo] Surv Pal Bull No. 9

Cretaceous Gastropoda


The figures are of natural Bize, unless the amount of enlargement is Btated.)

Fossils from the I'i'peu Senonian.

Fie I. Natica selwyniana sp. Nov. Selwvn Rapid beds, Selwyn River, Malvern Hills. l<e ventral view ; 16, dorsal view of la. (Page 6.) __ ~ . t. . , , i m , ,1 ii i 11:11 ;i . .... I

Fig. 2. Natica ingrata sp. Nov. Selwyn Rapids beds, Selwyn River, Malvern Hi!!-. 2a, ventral view-; 2b, dorsal view; 2c, apical view. (Page f.)

Fig. 3. Scalaria pacifica sp. Nov. Amuri Group, west wine. Amuri Bluff (loe. 13). (Page 8.)

Fig I. Cerithium ineequicostatum sp. Nov. Boulder-sands, Saurian beds, east wine, Amuri Bluff. (Page 8.)

Fig. 5. Arrhoges haastianus sp. Nov. Selwyn Rapids beds, Selwyn River, Malvern Hill- 5a view ; 55, ventral view. (Page 9.)

Fig. 6. Arrhoges haastianus sp. Nov. McKay's Creek, Middle Waipara. Ventral view. (Pagi 9

Fig. 7. Arrhoges haastianut sp. Nov. Selwyn Rapids beds, Selwyn River. (Page 9.)

Fig. 8. Perissoptera waiparaensis (Hect. MS. sp.) 0. Wilck. Boulder-sands, Saurian beds, east wine. Amuri Bluff. Sculptured case. Hector's holotype. (Page II.)

Fin 9. Perissoptera waiparaensis (Hect. MS. sp.) 0. Wilck. Boulder-sands, Saurian beds, east wing, Amuri Blufi. (Page 11.)

Fie- I". Perissoptera novo-seelandica sp. Nov. Amuri Group, west wine. Amuri Bluff (loe. 13). Dorsal view of an imperfect specimen (without wing). (Page 13.)

Fi». 11. Perissoptera novo-seelandica sp. Nov. Amuri Group, west wing, Amuri Bluff (loe. 13). Ventral view of an imperfect specimen (without wing). (Page 13.)

Fie. 12. Perissoptera novo-seelandica sp. Nov. Amuri Group, west wing, Amuri Bluff (loe. 13). Dorsal view of an imperfect young specimen ; X 2. (Page 13.) . , • 4 - 111..£Y /I 1 0\ 1... ..

Fig. 13. Perissoptera novo-seelandica sp. Nov. Amuri Group, west wing, Amuri Bluff (loc. 13). Inner view of the wing of the outer lip. (Page 13.)

Fig 14 Perissoptera novo-seelandica sp. now Amuri Group, west wing, Anuiri Bluff (loc. 13). Inner view of the wing of the outer lip. (Page 13.) Note.- On the plate, "17" is printed in mistake for " 14."

N Z. Geo\ Surv Pal Bull No. 9

Cretaceous Gastropoda

PLATE 111.

(The figures are of natural size.)

Fossils from the Uppeb Senonian.

Fig. 1. Conchothyra parasitica (McCoy MS.) Hutt. Selwyn Rapids beds, Selwyn River, Malvern Hills. Largest specimen. In, dorsal view : 16, ventral view (Page 14.)

Fig. 2. Conchothyra parasitica (McCoy MS.) Hutt. Selwyn Rapids beds, Selwyn River, Malvern Hills. 2a, dorsal view; 26, ventral view; 2c, apical view: 2d, frontal view oi the same specimen. (Page 14.)

Fig. 3. Conchothyra parasitica (McCoy MS.) Hutt. ft*)« bed, Upper Waipara Gorge and Boby's Creek. 3a, dorsal view; 36, ventral view, of a younger specimen. (Page 14.)

Fig. 1. Conchothyra parasitica (McCoy MS.) Hutt. Ostrea bed, Upper Waipara Gorge and Boby's Creek. Dorsal view. (Page 11.) . . ~ ,-~ , , T . ™ , n -ill n i _ II .1

Fig. 5. Conchothyra parasitica (McCoy MS.) Hutt. Selwyn Rapids beds, Selwyn River, Malvern Hills. Young specimen. 50, dorsal view : 56, ventral view. (Page 11.)

Fig. 6. Conchothyra parasitica (McCoy IIS.) Hutt. Selwyn Rapids beds, Selwyn River, Malvern Hills. Young specimen, tia, dorsal view : 66, ventral view. (Page 14.)

N Z Geol Surv Pal Bull No. 9

SC HILLING ET KDKNA DEL ,, -otidor. Stereoscopic Co. imp Cretaceous Gastropoda.


(The figured are of natural size, unless the amounl of enlargement is stated.)

Fossils from the Dppeb Senonian.

Fig. 1. Conchothyra parasitica (McCoy .MS.) Hint. Selwyn Rapids beds, Selwyn River, Malvern Hills. la, ventral view : 16, dorsal view ; le, apieal view, o£ a young specimen. (Page 14.)

Fig. 2. Conchothyra parasitica (McCoy MS.) Unit. Selwyn Rapids \>vi\*, Selwyn River, Malvern Hills. 2a, ventral view; 26, dorsal view, of a young specimen; X 2. (Page 14.)

Fig. 3. Protodolium speighti Trechm. sp. Selwyn Rapids beds, Selwyn River, Malvern Hills. 3a, dorsal view; 36, lateral view, (['age 18.)

Fig. 4. Protodolium speighti Trechm, sp. Selwyn Rapids beds, Selwyn River, Malvern Hills. ia, dorsal view ; 16, ventral view, of a young specimen ; X 2. (Page LB.)

Fig. 5. Protodolium spt igkti Tree Inn. sp. Selwyn Rapids beds, Selwyn River, Malvern Hills. Internal east. (Page 18.)

Fig. 6. Struthiolariopsis similis sp. uov. Amuri Group, west wing, Amuri Bluil (loe. L 3). (Page 17.)

Fig. 7. Tudicula "li" sp. Nov. Amuri Group, west wing, Amuri Bluff (loe. 13). Dorsal view of a young specimen. (Page 20.)

Fig. 8. Tudicula alta sp. Nov. Amuri Group, west wing. Amuri Bluff (loe. 13). Dorsal view oi a young specimen ; x 2. (Page 20.)

Fig. 9. Tudicula aka sp. Nov. Amuri Group, wesl wing. Amuri Bluff (100. 13), Internal east. 9a, apieal view : 96, ventral view. (Page 20.)

Fig. 10. Tudicula alta sp. nov, Anmri Group, west wing, Amuri Bluff (loe. 13). Internal cast ; dorsal view. (Page 20.)

Fig. 11. Tudicula alia sp. now Amuri Group, west wing, Amuri Bluff (lor. 13). (Page 20.)

Fig. 12. Tudicula cf. tumida 0. Wilck. Selwyn Rapids beds, Selwyn River, Malvern Hills. 12a, ventral view ; 126, dorsal view. (Page 20.)

Fig. 13. Oryptorhytis vulnerata sp. Nov. Selwyn Rapids beds, Selwyn River, Malvern Hills. 13a, dorsal view ; 136, ventral view. (Page 21.)

N.Z.Geo] Surv Pal. Bull No. 9.

Cretaceous Gastropoda


(The figures are of natural size, unless the amount of enlargement is slated.)

Fossils from the Upper Senonian,

Fig. 1. ProcanceUaria parhiana sp. Nov. Amuri Croup, west wing, Amuri Bluff (loc. 13). Dorsal view : x 2. The small figure to the left indicates the natural size, and a damage omitted in the enlarged figure. (Page 21.)

Fig. 2. ProcanceUaria parkiana sp. Nov. Amuri Croup, west wing, Amuri Bluff (loc 13) Ventral view. (Page 21.) '

Fig. 3. Conus sp. Boulder-sands, Saurian beds, east wing, Amuri Bluff. (Page 23.)

Fig. 1. Gen. and sp. indetermin. Selwyn Rapids beds, Selwyn River.

Pig. 5. Eriptycha punamutica sp. Nov. Amuri (Jump, wesf wing, Amuri Bluff (loc. 13). sa, dorsal view; 56, ventral view; sc, apical view; x 3. (Page 23.)

Fig. 6. Cylichna thomsoniana sp. dov. Amuri Group, west wing, Amuri Bluff {loc. 13). (Pan, 24.) Win 1 /'../■./. .... /I " . • « . .__.__

Fig. J. Cylichna thomsoniana sp. Nov. Amuri Croup, west wing, Amuri Bluff (loc. 13). (Page 24.)

x .. , -...._. iuMuii J..1..H iiuv, iui. (i ii,:' —"■ ■ / Fig. 8. Dentalium morganianum sp. Nov. Calcareous conglomerate, east win- \muri Bluff (Page 21.) TK™ ft n j_tj _ . ~

Fig. 9. Dentaiium moraanianum sp. Nov. Amuri Croup, west wing, Amuri Bluff (loc 13) (Page 24.)

Fig. In. Tubuhsttum ornaium (Meet. MS. sp.) 0. Wilck. Amuri Group, west wing, Amuri Bluff (loc. 13). 10a, basal view ; 106, apical view ; 10c, lateral view, of the same specimen (Page 25.) i

Fig. 11. Tubuhstium ornaium (Hect. MS. sp.) 0. Wilck. Amuri Group, west wing, Amuri Bluff (loc. 13). Two young specimens. Chirotypes of Hector. (Page 25.)

Fig. 12. Tubuhstium ornaium (Hect. MS. sp.) O. Wilck. Amuri Group, west wing, Amuri Bluff (loc. 13). Natural vertical section. (Page 25.)

Fossils from the Lower Utaturian.

Fig. 13. Trochus antipodum sp. Nov. Sawpit Gully mudstones, Sawpit Gully, ('overhaul. (Page 34.)

Fig. 14. Trockus antipodwn sp. Nov. Sawpit Gully mudstones, Sawpit Gully, Coverham. (Paj

Fig. 15. Naticasp. Cover Creek mudstones, Cover Creek, Coverham. 15a, dorsal view : 15?.. ventral view. (Page 34.)

Fig. 16. Perissoptera sp. Cover Creek mudstones, Cover Creek, Coverham. (Page 34.)

Fig. 17. Serpula wharfeneis sp. Nov. Wharf mudstones, Ouse River, ('overhaul, a quarter of a mile below junction with Wharf Stream. Several specimens. To the left, cross-section of shell; x2. (Page 35.)

Fossils of Doubtful Age, put probably Upper Cretaceous.

Fig. 18. Pleurotoma otagoensis sp. Nov. Shag Point, Otago. Dorsal view of the upper portion of a shell. (Page 35.)

Fig. 19. Pleurotoma otagoSnsis sp. Nov. Shag Point, Otago. Lower portion of a shell. (Page 35.)

Fig. 20. Turritclla solitaria sp. hot. ilapuka River, Eastern Marlborough. (Page 35.)

IN' Z Geo] Surv Pal Bull No. 9.

Cretaceous Gastropoda and Annelida

[712 4/21 Y.i.l

By Authority : Maecds F. Marks, Government Printer, Wellington. 1922.

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Bibliographic details

APA: Wilckens, Otto. (1922). The upper cretaceous gastropods of New Zealand. Dept. of Mines, Geological Survey Branch.

Chicago: Wilckens, Otto. The upper cretaceous gastropods of New Zealand. Wellington, N.Z.: Dept. of Mines, Geological Survey Branch, 1922.

MLA: Wilckens, Otto. The upper cretaceous gastropods of New Zealand. Dept. of Mines, Geological Survey Branch, 1922.

Word Count


The upper cretaceous gastropods of New Zealand Wilckens, Otto, Dept. of Mines, Geological Survey Branch, Wellington, N.Z., 1922

The upper cretaceous gastropods of New Zealand Wilckens, Otto, Dept. of Mines, Geological Survey Branch, Wellington, N.Z., 1922

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