- TITLE_SECTIONTitle Section
- CHAPTERA New Species of Macrochiridothea from New Zealand, with notes on the Idotheid Subfamily Chaetilinae (Crustacea Isopo...
- ILLUSTRATIONFig. 1.—Macrochiridothea uncinata n.sp. Adult male, 4mm length. Dorsal and lateral views.
- ILLUSTRATIONFig. 2.—Macrochiridothea uncinata n.sp. Antenna 2 and pereopods. Macrochiridothea michaelseni Ohlin. Dorsal view of h...
- ILLUSTRATIONFig. 3.—Macrochiridothea uncinata n.sp. Mouthparts, antenna 1, pereopods, uropod, telson.
- ILLUSTRATIONFig. 4.—Macrochiridothea uncinata n.sp. Pleopods 1-5.