Contents of this issue
- TITLE_SECTIONTitle Section
- CHAPTERNew Zealand Mites of the Family Stigmaeidae (Acari, Prostigmata)
- ILLUSTRATIONFig. 1.—Stigmaeus summersi n.sp. A, female dorsal; B, palp-tibia and -tarsus; C, female ventral; D, dorsal seta; E, m...
- ILLUSTRATIONFig. .—Stigmaeus rotundus n.sp. A, female (deutonymph) dorsal; B, dorsal seta; C, female (deutonymph) ventral, Stigma...
- ILLUSTRATIONFig. 3.—-Stigmaeus loadmani n.sp. A, female dorsal; B, palp-tibia and -tarsus; C, female ventral. Stigmaeus breviseti...
- ILLUSTRATIONFig. 4.—Stigmaeus longisetis n.sp. A, female dorsal; B, palp-tibia and -tarsus; C, female ventral. Stigmaeus confusus...
- ILLUSTRATIONFig. 5.—Stigmaeus rupicola n.sp. A, male dorsal; B, palp-tibia and -tarsus; C, male ventral; D, female (deutonymph) o...
- ILLUSTRATIONFig. 6.—Pseudostigmaeus striatus n.gen. n.sp. A, female dorsal; B, palp-tibia and -tarsus; C, female ventral. Pseudos...
- ILLUSTRATIONFig. 7.—Eryngiopus similis n.sp. A, female dorsal; B, palp-tibia and -tarsus; C, female ventral. Eryngiopus arboreus ...
- ILLUSTRATIONFig. 8.—Eryngiopus bifidus n.sp. A, female dorsal; B, female ventral; C, palp-tibia and -tarsus, Apostigmaeus navicel...
- ILLUSTRATIONFig. 9.—Mecognatha hirsuta n.gen. n.sp. A,D, female dorsal; B, female ventral; C, gnathosoma lateral; E, palp-tibia a...
- ILLUSTRATIONFig. 10.—Variations in ratios of lengths of certain dorsal setae in Mecognatha hirsuta. Numbers along abscissa refer ...
- ILLUSTRATIONFig. 11.—Mediolata brevisetis n.sp. A, female dorsal; B, female ventral; C, male opisthosoma dorsal; D, palp-tibia an...
- ILLUSTRATIONFig. 12.—Mediolata simplex n.sp. A, female dorsal; B, palp-tibia and -tarsus; C, female ventral; D, reticulation arou...
- ILLUSTRATIONFig. 13.—Zetzellia oudemansi n.sp. A, female dorsal; B, palp-tibia and -tarsus; C, female ventral. Zetzellia antipoda...
- ILLUSTRATIONFig. 14.—Zetzellia gonzalezi n.sp. A, female dorsal. Zetzellia maori Gonzalez. B, male dorsal. Zetzellia subreticulat...
- ILLUSTRATIONFig. 15.—Ledermuelleriopsis incisa n.sp. A, female ventral; D, palp-tibia and -tarsus; E, dorsal seta; F, female dors...