- TITLE_SECTIONTitle Section
- CHAPTERThe Osteology of Cheimarrichthys fosteri Haast (Pisces, Percomorphi)
- ILLUSTRATIONCheimarrichthys fosteri
- ILLUSTRATIONFig. 2.—Left lateral view of the skull. Upper jaw raised to show relationships more clearly. A—angular; AR—articular;...
- ILLUSTRATIONFig. 3.—Left lateral view of neurocranium. BO—basioccipital; E—ethmoid; EO—exoccipital; EPO—epiotic; F—frontal; LE—la...
- ILLUSTRATIONFig. 4.—Dorsal view of the neurocranium. E—ethmoid; EO—exoccipital; EPO—epiotic; F—frontal; LE—lateral ethmoid; PA—pa...
- ILLUSTRATIONFig. 5.—Dorsal view of the branchial region. BB—basibranchials; BH—basihyal; BSbranchiostegals; CB—ceratobranchial; C...
- ILLUSTRATIONFig. 6.—Anterior view of the 8th abdominal vertebra. CE—vertebral centrum; ECepicentral rib; NA—neural arch; NS—neura...
- ILLUSTRATIONFig. 7.—Lateral view of caudal vertebrae (7, 8, and 9th from urostyle). CE—vertebral centrum; HA—hemal arch; HS—hemal...
- ILLUSTRATIONFig. 8.—Posterior view of caudal vertebra (8th from urostyle). Abbreviations as in Fig. 7.
- ILLUSTRATIONFig. 9.—Lateral view of caudal skeleton. CE—vertebral centrum; CR—caudal ray; EPepurals; HA—hemal arch; HS—hemal spin...
- ILLUSTRATIONFig. 10.—Ventral hypurals showing hypurapophysis. Lateral view. HAP—hypurapophysis; HY—hypurals; U—urostyle.