- TITLE_SECTIONTitle Section
- CHAPTERThe Alimentary Canal of Anisolabis littorea (White) (Dermaptera: Labiduridae), with Special Reference to the Peritrop...
- ILLUSTRATIONText-fig. 1.—Fig. 1—Alimentary canal of Anisolabis littorea (White). a, anus; an, anterior intestine; at, anterior in...
- ILLUSTRATIONText-fig. 2.—Fig. 2—Diagrammatic longitudinal section of the proventriculus and adjacent structures of the alimentary...
- ILLUSTRATIONFig. 3.—T.S. of pharynx in region of dilator muscles. Fig. 4.—T.S. of proventriculus. Fig. 5.—L.S. of extreme anterio...
- ILLUSTRATIONFig. 9.—L.S. of junction of midgut and hindgut, with basal vesicle of one cluster of malpighian tubules. Fig. 10.—L.S...
- ILLUSTRATIONElectron micrographs of peritrophic membrane (some debris adhering). Fig. 14.—Within the first fold of the midgut, be...
- ILLUSTRATIONElectron micrographs of peritrophic membrane (some debris adhering). Fig. 16.—Just behind the cardiac valve. Figs. 17...
- ILLUSTRATIONText-fig. 3.—Fig. 19—T.S. of ridge of pyloric sphincter. Fig. 20— T.S. of ridge of anterior intestine. Fig. 21—T.S. o...