- TITLE_SECTIONTitle Section
- CHAPTERDistribution of Amphibola crenata (Pulmonata) in the Dunedin Area, with Notes on the Probable Origin of the Species
- ILLUSTRATIONText-fig. 1.— Hoopers Inlet and the head of Papanui Inlet showing the topography and the position of populations of A...
- ILLUSTRATIONText-fig. 2.—A—Rainfall at Musselburgh, Dunedin, for the year 1957. Number of rainy days per month shown in block for...
- ILLUSTRATIONText-fig. 3.—Map of the head of Hoopers Inlet, showing depth contours, fresh water drainage (→) and salt meadow plant...
- ILLUSTRATIONText-fig. 4.—The density of A. crenata per square metre at the head of Hoopers Inlet. The grid used for sampling is m...
- ILLUSTRATIONText-fig. 5.—Distribution patterns of Amphibola crenata in Hoopers Inlet, with table of frequencies, totals per quadr...
- ILLUSTRATIONFig. 1.—A. crenata feeding in between beds of Enteromorpha clathrata at Hoopers Inlet.
- ILLUSTRATIONFig. 2.—A. crenata feeding in amongst Salicornia australis at Hoopers Inlet.
- ILLUSTRATIONFig. 3.—High adult density of A. crenata at low tide at the head of Hoopers Inlet.
- ILLUSTRATIONFig. 4.—A. crenata feeding in dampish mud conditions at Akatore.
- ILLUSTRATIONFig. 5.—A. crenata feeding in wet mud conditions at Hoopers Inlet.
- ILLUSTRATIONText-fig. 6.—Comparison of particle size fractions of sediments from various localities, with in some cases correspon...
- ILLUSTRATIONText—fig. 7.—Increase of mean size with increase of depth taking mean depths of contour bands at Hoopers Inlet.