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Canon Hohepa Taepa of the Wellington Anglican Maori Pastorate places the cloak given by Ngati Poneke round Miss Ryan's shoulders. individual members using their own talents for raising funds. As well as raising money to support community projects, club members are involved in giving time, thought and care for others who need the support of human sympathy and aid. Funds raised for the Ngati Poneke project have come from Music Hall evenings organised by the club and from the very successful hangi-dinner held in the Ngati Poneke Hall just before Miss Ryan retired from her presidency of the club, in June. The latter was an all-out effort by club members and helpers from Ngati Poneke to cater for a total of 250 and the success of the evening exceeded all expectations. The dinner also represented the annual birthday celebration of the Altrusa Club. It is a tradition for the club to make a special gift each year at the time of its birthday dinner. In 1972 the club presented a deep freeze unit to the Newtown Presbyterian Social Services Association and the previous year hand resuscitators were given to the Wellington Free Ambulance Service. Last year an automatic dishwashing machine was presented to the Sisters of Compassion for their new creche in Suffolk Street. This year it was decided that the eighth birthday of the club would be celebrated by holding a combined hangi and birthday dinner at the Ngati Poneke Hall and that the gift this year would be the promised cheque for the Ngati Poneke Building Fund Appeal. The original intention was that the $3,500 which the club undertook to donate to the fund, would be for the building of a small kitchen in the new marae. The hangi-birthday dinner combined the serving of food prepared in the traditional hangi style with the serving of party ‘extras’, prepared by members of Altrusa. The tables in the hall were attractively decorated and presented a really festive air. During the dinner there was first rate entertainment by members of the Ngati Poneke Young Maori Club. Don Selwyn acted as Master of Ceremonies and also contributed a bracket of solo items. The traditional Ngati Poneke motifs in the hall, were joined by the large circular blue and white symbol of Altrusa International and a pennant with the message ‘TURN CONCERN INTO ACTION’ which was the world-wide Altrusa theme in 1972, when the Altrusa Club of Wellington undertook to support the Ngati Poneke Building Fund Appeal. In putting the kaitaka on Miss Ryan, following her handing over of the cheque at the dinner, Canon Taepa referred to this theme of TURN CONCERN INTO ACTION as it applied to the club's concern for the providing of a new home for Ngati Poneke. Among those who attended the hangi dinner were the Minister of Maori Affairs, Mr Matiu Rata, and Mrs Rata; the Chief Justice,