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Smith children on Manutai marae with pictures of their ancestors in the background, beneath some of their whaling equipment he accepted the marriage, hoping a son would be born of the union. When a daughter appeared, he duly did away with it. Likewise the second one. But the third child, a son, was happily received. The Easter reunion began with the powhiri at 8.30 a.m. on Good Friday, with the karanga given by Zena Maitai and Tuehu Smith, and Maureen Haira, responding, with the host Rev. Charles Matai, formerly of Manutai and now of Auckland. The visitors were welcomed onto the marae by Roger Karangaroa, and members of the Smith family branches replied. Nine branches had been set up to prepare for this occasion; two groups in Wellington, and others in Auckland, Gisborne, Rotorua, Hastings, Napier, Wairoa and Raupunga-Nuhaka. A sports programme was arranged for the afternoon, and in the evening a concert was held in the beautiful Kahungunu hall. The children watched entranced as the Rongomaipapa group of Rotorua, led by Tommy Taurima, put on a varied performance of song and dance and comical numbers. They were particularly delighted by ‘Alamoana Annie’, the overweight horserider. At 6 a.m. on Saturday whakapapa were given in the Kahungunu hall, with many interesting stories of Smith family members being told. After breakfast, there was a choice of trip either to Morere or Mahia, and after lunch the Smith family representatives beat Nuhaka at football in the pouring rain. At the ball that evening 15 debutantes were presented to Mr Bill Nolan, Wairoa County chairman. It was most enjoyable — even the kuias could not resist a bit of ‘go-go’, led by 80-year-old Mana Walker. An interdenominational church service was held at Manutai on Sunday morning. The first speaker, Bishop Christie of the Mormon church, praised the fact that the Smith family had obeyed the first commandment given to man, to multiply and replenish the earth. He urged the children to study and to follow the example of one family member who now knew five languages. The Rev. Charles Maitai endorsed these remarks and went on to say that knowing where one came from, the whakapapa of a human being, was of far greater importance than that of a racehorse. He told other stories with a moral, and urged all members of the family to work together as a team. Two Smith family and two Lewis family stones were unveiled later that afternoon. A banquet dinner was served and the evening's talent quest was won by Boydie Campbell, with his daughter Robin second. Most of the buses left after breakfast on Monday morning. Tents were folded, and only the huge marquee stayed up for the teenage barbecue that evening. Those who attended would, I am sure, join me in praise of the cooks and kitchen hands who worked behind the scenes on this enormous project; head cook Juno Kemp, The debutantes with Mr and Mrs Nolan