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kei Waiwhetū mātou e pōwhiritia ana e Ihāia Puketapu me ētahi atu, ā, tūtaki ai ki ngā Inia kiriwhero a Āmerika. E rua ō mātou rangi ki Waiwhetū e hui ana i te mahi a te tangata nei, a Kara Puketapu, Arā, mātou ko ngā Inia kiriwhero, whakawhitiwhiti kōrero, whakaaro ai. I reira ka rongo mātou, me tō mātou koa nui atu hoki, i ngā whakamanuhiritanga nui a ō tātou waka i te tūārangi o Āmerika, i ō rātou tūmanako, i ā rātou i kite ai i konei, me tā rātou whakamīharo mō ngā manaaki i a rātou. Puta rawa ngā kōrero mō te tūhonohononga noho a te Māori me te Pākehā i roto i te wā poto o te kotahi rau rima tekau tau, kite ake rātou ahakoa tana ono rau tau e noho tahi ana i te taha o te Pākehā, kei te ao tawhito tonu rātou, arā, tō rātou nuinga e noho ana. Nō te pō o te Tāite 13 Maehe ka poroakitia e Ngāti Maniapoto me ngā iwi o Pōneke, o te Hutt Valley, te rōpū nei. He pō tēnei e kore e warewaretia e ngā rōpū e rua nei o te Ford Foundation Whakawhitiwhiti. Nā Raymond Kane o te iwi Apache, tāna kōrero: ‘E kore e wareware au ki tēnei haerenga mai, i kite ai au, utua rawatia ai koutou ki te mahi tangata.’ I mua i tana wehenga mai i Āmerika mō Niu Tīreni, nāna i utu tana nama ki te hōhipera, e whā rau taara mō te whaka-whānautanga i tana hoa wahine, ka tae mai nei ia, ka rongo ki Te Social Security kaupapa o konei, ka kī ia, ‘He mea mīharo rawa atu tēnei! I te wā kāinga e whā rau taara tāku utunga mō te whakawhānau i taku hoa wahine; kia tae rawa kē mai au ki Niu Tireni nei, kātahi anō ahau ka kite, ē, utua kētia ai koutou tāne mā, ki te mahi tangata!’ Nephi George offered up prayers for a safe journey home. The night flight to Mangere took eight hours. At the airport both Bishop Panapa and Mr Brownie Puriri were there to welcome us home. It was not long before we were back at Waiwhetu marae to be received by our koeke, Ihaia Puketapu and several others and to meet the Indian team from America. At Waiwhetu we spent two days, organised by Kara Puketapu, exchanging views and experiences with our Indian counterparts. During this period of evaluation we learned with great delight of the hospitality meted out to our American guests, their reactions, their hopes, their experiences, their appreciation of the countless blessings we as a people have received. They spoke of the degree of integration of Maori and Pakeha in the short time of hundred and fifty years and compared it with the six hundred years they had had contact with western civilisation, and still found the majority lagging behind. On Thursday night 13 March the Ngati Maniapoto people, together with the assembled people of Wellington and the Hutt Valley, farewelled the Indian party. This was an occasion which will long live in the memories of both parties of the Ford Foundation Exchange. It was the Apache boy, Raymond Kane, who said, ‘You know, one thing I shall remember of our visit for a long time is, how you guys are paid to make them.’ Raymond Kane had, just prior to leaving for New Zealand, paid four hundred dollars for maternity fees, then he arrives here to learn of our Social Security scheme with a certain amount of astonishment and says, ‘This is marvellous! I pay four hundred dollars to get my wife and baby back home, and come to New Zealand to see that you guys are paid to make them.’