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Original Maori Composition Competition The NZBC is sponsoring a competition similar to that initiated by Leo Fowler in 1966. The main purpose is to encourage composers, Maori and Pakeha, to create Action Songs, Poi Dances, songs to sing, and chants in the ancient idiom. A special section has been introduced as a contribution to the Cook Bi-Centenary Celebration year. There are four classes in the competition — the best original composition, chant or tune with lyrics based on Captain James Cook's landing, or any theme suitable to the occasion; the best original tune for Maori Action Song; the best original tune or chant for Poi Dance; and best Maori lyrics or words for the Action Song, Poi Song or Chant. To the Maori, the most important part of any Maori item is the words or lyrics, but those who do not understand the language notice the tune. Popular hits have been used for many years, but there has been a significant effort over the last six years to get away from this habit. This is the aim of the competition. With the present interest in Maori music, culture and entertainment both here and overseas, it is important that the use of current

WRITE A MAORI SONG AND WIN BIG CASH AND TROPHY PRIZES in the N Z B C COOK BI-CENTENARY CELEBRATION YEAR COMPETITION FIRST PRIZE $160 CASH PLUS $40 TROPHY ⋆ Best Original Tune and Maori Lyric TWO FIRST PRIZES $150 CASH PLUS $30 TROPHY ⋆ Best Original Tune for Maori Action Song ⋆ Best Original Tune for Poi Song or Chant FIRST PRIZE $75 CASH PLUS $20 TROPHY ⋆ Best Maori Lyric for Action Song or Poi Chant Contest closes 31st October Get Entry Forms Now From Your Nearest Radio Station