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warfare between them and the people of the land. People were killed, and taniwha were killed and there was much bloodshed. But there was one taniwha who believed that people of the land could live in peace with people of the waters. Each day he used to leave his home at the mouth of the river and go up into the rivers and talk to the children who played there. He did not like to think of making war against the fathers of these new friends, and so he refused to join the other taniwha in their battles. This made them very cross of course. More and more taniwha got caught in eel-traps and nets until only five were left, but still he would not help the other four to fight. Finally they asked Tangaroa to punish the taniwha who would not fight. “‘Very well,” said Tangaroa, the great god of the waters. “I will make him so that he cannot swim, nor play with the children of the land. I shall turn him into a little island for one hundred years.” So the taniwha became an island off the coast. The other four taniwha used to swim round it, but the land people could not come near because their canoes were always wrecked on the nearby rocks. By the time one hundred years had passed all the other taniwha had been killed. Tangaroa left the island where it was, but he let the taniwha come to life again. ‘He was a sad taniwha now, and he wept bitter tears for his lost friends. The tears turned to tangiwai or greenstone. Tangaroa was sorry for him, because he was the last taniwha in the world, but he did not have the power to change him into a man. He called in the help of Papa, the Earth Mother. Together they decided that the taniwha could be a man so long as he stayed on the island, but if he went into the sea or visited the mainland he would become a taniwha. On one day each year he could visit the land as a man. The rest of the time he must live on the island and guard the spirits of the old taniwha. “‘On that one day of the year,” Tangaroa said, “you must return with the second tide. If you disobey you will become a sharp reef that kills people.” ‘Tangaroa kept his side of the bargain, and the taniwha-man kept his, and so it has gone

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