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Crossword Puzzle 58 WHAKARARO 1 Eye (5) 2 Holiday (7) 3 Nephew, niece (7) 4 Day, sun (2) 5 Fish (3) 6 Isn't that so? (2) 7 Shallow, on the surface (5) 8 Kit (4) 9 Width (6) 10 Mussel (= kuku) (5) 12 Of dignified aspect (5) 13 Ask; unravel (pass) (3) 16 Outrigger of a canoe (3) 18 Urge on (6) 20 Steal, theft (7) 22 Avenged, paid for (2) 26 Untie; island (6) 28 Stick insect (2) 29 Robin (bird) (8) 30 Carry on the shoulder (3) 31 Fill; to say (2) 32 Rain (2) 34 Dear me! (3) 36 From olden times (6) 37 Moon; bright moonlight (6) 40 Renowned: trevally (fish) (6) 41 Wash (5) 44 Drive (1) 47 Learn, teach (3) 48 Finished, completed (3) 49 Fault, wrong (2) 51 Young of animals (4) 53 Rotten, putrid (3) 54 Slowly, gently: morning (3) 55 Meeting, gathering (3) 57 Day, world (2) 58 Breath (2) Solution to No. 57 WHAKAPAE 1 Lean, slant, slope (9) 11 Flax (9) 12 Warm, comfortable (5) 14 That is to say (3) 15 Knowing, quick witted (6) 17 Boy. son (4) 19 Out of breath (8) 21 Fair headed (7) 23 Follow, pursue (3) 24 To fish (2) 25 As it were, as if; perhaps (4) 27 Gleam; lightning (4) 29 Swung; waved about (4) 30 Rocky coast (4) 33 His, her (pl.) (3) 35 Commission (8) 38 I. me (2) 39 One (4) 42 Not (= chera) (5) 43 Sharpen on a stone; backbite (3) 45 Tooth (4) 46 Then, indeed (4) 48 Wake up (3) 50 Those (yonder) (3) 52 Brother in law (7) 54 Mind (3) 55 Shoe (2) 56 Lull to sleep; lullaby (6) 57 Beauty (7) 59 He, she (2) 60 Mate, friend (3) 61 Calm (3)