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Mr John Waititi WAITITI MEMORIAL A national campaign for funds is being launched to provide a memorial scholarship as a tribute to the late Maori leader and educationist Mr Hoani Waititi. By the end of March £1,000 had been contributed by members of Mr Waititi's tribe, the Whanau-a-Apanui from the Omaio district, east of Opotiki. Smaller collections had been made in some North Island centres. Secretary of the appeal for funds, Mr W. Tawhai, of Omaio, said that the form the scholarship would take would be decided on when it was known how much money had been raised. An administrative committee would then be appointed. Another group wanting to establish a memorial to Mr Waititi is the St. Stephen's School Old Boys' Association. The association hopes to establish a ‘John Waititi Memorial Trophy’, which would be presented annually. Because of Mr Waititi's close association with both Maori and Pakeha, the secretary of the association, Mr W. J. Te Huia, said that people of both races would probably be eligible for the award, although this would have to be discussed with the firm sponsoring the trophy.

Maori Festival Planned On behalf of the Ngati Hamutana Maori Club the Hamutana Progressive Association is planning a week-long Maori Festival of the Arts. It will be held in Hamilton from 22 to 27 August. Leader of the organising committee, Mr Moana Raureti, said that the festival would not be confined to Hamilton and district, but artists would be included from all over New Zealand. Plans for the festival include a field day, an international night, an evening of operatic music, poetry and drama, and a history of the Maori people Sound and Light. There will also be a day of football. Cultural competitions will be held on Saturday, 27 August, and finals will be held in the evening. It is hoped to have a prominent personality to present the prizes. Arts and crafts will be on display every day. Sponsorship of £350 has come from Waikato Breweries for the cultural evening, but the committee is hard at work raising further funds for the festival. Members of the committee include Mrs A. Hapimana and Miss K. Sargeant.

Tuwharetoa Trust Board Mr Hepi Te Heuheu, paramount chief of the Tuwharetoa tribe, topped the poll in the recent elections of the Tuwharetoa Maori Trust Board. The board, of 10 members, is elected every three years to administer Maori affairs within the boundaries of the Tuwharetoa tribe. The successful candidates were: Hepi Te Heuheu 422, John Takakopiri Asher 353, Te Takinga Arthur Grace 350, Huriwha Maniapoto 344, Pateriki Hura 342, Tongomai Te Heuheu 332, Taxi Aonui Kapu 327. Te Tangi-kamutua Downs 306, Ohiriweteri Mariu 299, and Robert Keepa 290.

Donation The Maori Tribal Committee of Taihape has donated a trampoline to Taihape College. In reporting this to the Board of Governors the College Principal, Mr T. H. Burt, referred to it as a magnificent gift. BACK COVER: we reproduce on the back cover part of Theo Schoon's 5 × 7 ft mural Bird in the Bush.