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They nodded, smiled, and turned the pages of Best Bets; studied the second leg. “One eel,” said Lucy. “Number one, ‘Gay Ring’. One eel. Number one.” “ ‘Dark Beauty’,” said Ben. “A beauty eel. Dark. ‘Dark Beauty’.” One by one they gave their opinions and advice. At last it was eleven o'clock, time to place bets for the double. Into the pastel-painted room they went, and had a final look at the printed lists on the wall. Up to the window, bets placed. Raniera gave his numbers. “Twelve,” he said. No trouble there. His daughter Rose had turned twelve two days ago. Number twelve ‘Sunset Rose’. But the second? “Aue,” he sighed. One eel in the hinaki, and the eel coiled in a ring. Number one. ‘Gay Ring’. Must be. “Twelve and one,” he said. There was a hush in the bar as the race began. “This ti-ime,” called the commentator. “Off to a good start … Fair Fellow, Guardian, Gay Ring” … Raniera, Ben, Monty, Hone, Ritimana and Haua drummed their fists on the bar. “Na, ‘Gay Ring’.” “Ho! A good start. Ka pai ne?” Earlier that day they had heard ‘Sunset Rose’ come in, and now they listened eagerly, certain that this was to be Raniera's lucky day. “E champion, this dream,” they said. As the race progressed they all pressed closely together at the bar, feet tapping, bodies rocking. “Kia kaha! ‘Gay Ring’,” they called as ‘Gay Ring’ went through to challenge the leading horse. “My horse that one. My dream,” shouted Raniera. But' Gay Ring', after going into the lead and holding it for a short while began to tire. …“ ‘Gay Ring’ dropping well back now,” … called the commentator. “Aue!” “Kei whea ‘Gay Ring’?” Shoulders drooped, elbows pressed onto the bar, heads shook slowly. … “And as they pass the post it's ‘Lucky Touch’, half a length from ‘Gold Stripe’, two lengths to ‘Lonely Boy’ …” “E tama. Kei whea to moemoea? What happened to the dream?” “Aue! No good.” Once again out came Best Bets. Fingers down the list—‘Lucky Touch’. Number ten, ‘Lucky Touch’. “Aue!” said Ben, and he flicked his arms above his head—“Number ten.” And as the others nodded, sighed, he explained. “Five fingers on this hand. And five fingers on this hand.” He showed them his hands. “E Ra,” he turned to Raniera. “You put your hands around the tuna like this. Na? Five and five are ten—Number ten. The fingers touched—‘Lucky Touch,’ the fingers touched.” “Aee,” they agreed. “Ko tera taku! I'll say!” Raniera shook his head, “Aue! Waste a good dream.” “No dough for the Maori today,” said Monty. “Ka hinga ta tatau crate.” They all laughed. “E ta, ko haunga to tuna,” said Ritimana slicing the air with his hand. “Your eel stinks.” “Na! Ka puta mai te piro,” called Haua, as the laughter rose. Then Raniera spread his fingers wide, raised both arms above his head. “Whio!” he yelled. Down came his arms with a full arm sweep. “Haunga!” “Haunga!” they echoed, and their laughter swelled, burst and filled the bar.

Plan Approved The Ngati Tawhaki people have obtained approval to build a £2,500 Maori meeting house at Okauia. The plan was approved by the Matamata County Council in March and funds are now being raised. The site is a good one with water laid on.

Study Award For M.P. The American Embassy announced recently that a United States Department of State grant had been awarded to Mr Matiu Rata, Labour M.P. for Northern Maori. Mr Rata will meet Federal and State legislators and will observe the operation of congressional committees if they are in session. He also plans to visit welfare organisations dealing with the American Indian and to meet Negro leaders to study the work of civil rights organisations.