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Tighten these extra strips then knot each on itself so that there is a loop for the lacing to thread through. Thongs are made from muka flax and are rolled on the thigh to make miro. To make this, strip several flax leaves into fine strips. With a sharp knife cut across the dull side of the leaf. With a shell or a knife pull against the shiny side starting at the cut. Long strands of muka (fibre) will be obtained. Separate the strands into two bundles and roll them down the thigh; as the hand pulls back, the strands ply together. If this is not possible, then long, thin strips of flax can be used instead, although they do not wear very well. When the threads are made the paraerae is laced as shown. The threads then cross each other to thread through the loops. This may be tied in front of the foot or caught around the leg in the manner of a Roman sandal.