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Bend the first strip as shown (diagram A) and lie it to the right. Lay the second strip through the middle of the first one (diagram B). Then plait the third strip across to lie parallel with the second piece. A B C Bend the strip indicated by ∗ to make an edge (diagram D). There will now be three strips pointing to the right. Plait the fourth strip through these (diagram E). Bend the lowest strip to lie parallel with the three lying to the right. D E F Plait the fifth strip through these four (diagram G). Bend the lowest strip to lie to the right. There will now be five strips lying to the right and four to the left (diagram H). Now bend the last plaited strip (fifth) back over and plait it back to the left so that there are now five strips in direction. The plaiting will have formed a peak (diagram I). G H I