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Reed's Maori Books 1963 A. H. & A. W. REED Publishers of New Zealand Books 182 Wakefield Street Wellington St Paul Street Auckland MAORI PROVERBS by A. E. Brougham and A. W. Reed. Some 900 proverbs alphabetically arranged. 12s. 6d. AN ILLUSTRATED ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MAORI LIFE by A. W. Reed. A very necessary reference volume. 25s. 0d. TREASURY OF MAORI FOLKLORE by A. W. Reed The most complete collection of Maori myths, legends and religious beliefs yet. 42s. 0d. TANGI by Denis Turner A modern Tangi told completely by drawings. TAMIHANA THE KINGMAKER by L. S. Rickard The life and deeds of Wiremu Tamihana the mitigator of the Maori King Movement. 25s. 0d. THE NEW ZEALAND MAORI IN COLOUR text by Harry Dansey, photos by K. and J. Bigwood Fifty exciting colour plates and continuing text dealing solely with the Maori people past and present. 25s. 0d.

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