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Children who are watched …. With children, most drownings occur because “no-one noticed”. An ounce of caution can save a ton of regret. All forms of water call for positive action. 1. Water hazards around the home. Sheep dips, water troughs, wells, ditches, reservoirs, tanks. Fence or cover them now—before they claim young lives. 2. Rivers and beaches. Take no chances. Watch all the time when children are swimming. Count heads to be sure that none disappear. Post coupon NOW! LEARN WATER SAFETY FOR SURVIVAL The Secretary, National Water Safety Committee, Dept. of Internal Affairs, Private Bag, WELLINGTON. Issued by The National Water Safety Committee. 632 Please send me the FREE BOOKLET, “WATER SAFETY IS YOUR BUSINESS”. NAME ___________________________________________________ ADDRESS ________________________________________________ Issued by The National Water Safety Committee.