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your business). Here are some suggestions, but you should have thought these out for yourself. 1 If your boyfriend goes out of his way to be polite to your mother, she will probably end up liking him. Does he give your mother the consideration he would give to his own? 2 She probably feels surer of her ground with Maoris. 3 It could be that she sees you moving into a world where you might be ashamed of her. 4 Boy friends have a way of becoming husbands—not everyone welcomes a Maori wife. O.K., so your mother is a silly old woman. So you should be a silly young one? Think your way through and take your time. Your mother's fears and doubts are real to her—you must convince her that she has nothing to worry about. Question 4 I want to board in town instead of travelling in daily but I can't get a place to stay, not anywhere that's any good anyway. People don't give you a chance, it's always—‘Sorry, but …’ A. I know. The whole thing is stupid, humiliating, ugly, a stinking piece of hypocrisy. Some Maoris I grant have made it tough for the others, but that's no excuse for the daily insults which they are supposed to take. I wish that Maoris could get their heads together with pakehas of good will and experience to get some sort of accommodation bureau going. Next time it happens just remember that there is no colour bar in New Zealand … they just don't like the colour of your skin. Well there you are. Four questions. How do we answer them, you and I. How do we answer the young? How do you answer them? Four thousand people gathered at the Maketu marae, Kawhia, on Christmas Day for the dedication of a handsome, fully carved new meeting house. The Maketu marae is situated on the site of the mooring place of the Tainui canoe, and the meeting house, named Auau-ki-te-rangi, commemorates the history of Tainui ancestors. It is valued at more than £25,000, and is the result of 15 years' planning and labour. The opening ceremony was performed by King Koroki. Our photo shows an impromptu action song around a fire in the evening.