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N. Z. Herald Photo. Waka Nathan bursting from a ruck—a characteristic explosive action of this dynamic player.

of New Zealand rugby but now Maori loose forwards are also coming into their own, and it seems that Maori players will again be contributing their bit to the continued supremacy of New Zealand in international Rugby. Let's hope that next winter another grand effort from Maori sportsmen will be forthcoming—meanwhile, to all players from Club to International, the ‘has-beens’ and ‘will-bes’ can say ‘thank you for a magnificent year’.

We would very much like to be able to print more news in ‘Te Ao Hou’, and would be grateful for more contributions from readers—accounts of meetings, weddings, obituaries, photographs, and anything else of interest. They don't have to be long, and they don't have to be very carefully worded; you can always leave this to the editor, if you wish. We are always glad to receive stories, articles and poems, also. All published contributions are paid for. Due to a mis-print, we referred in our last issue to the Hon. J. R. Hanan, Minister of Maori Affairs, as the Hon. J. R. Hanana. When we noticed this later we were rather embarrassed for a moment—till we realised that we had in fact simply given Mr Hanan the Maori version of his name, and what's wrong with that? If you see a reference to a Mr J. K. Hana in ‘Te Ao Hou’ at any stage, it'll probably turn out to be Mr Hunn in his Maori disguie.