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Hurry Up, Henry! by Tahi Henry hated milking time. Twice a day, week in, week out someone shouted at him: ‘Get the cows in, Henry!’ or, ‘What you doing lying round readin’ all day? Hurry up, it's cow-time!’ School mornings were the worst. As soon as the cows were out he had to sweep the yard, then rush back to the house and get changed for school. Maybe he could snatch something to eat before the bus came down the back road. Sometimes his sister would have cut his lunch; other days he just went without. In the evenings it was not so bad, as both his parents shared the work then. He would listen to their talk, so quiet himself, that they often forgot he was around at all. Right now, they were speaking of Hare's eldest boy, Pona, who had been sent to Borstal. Pona had always been in trouble, lazy and cheeky at school a nuisance at home and no good to anyone, even himself.