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A poi dance at Hiruharama on the East Coast. In his introduction Mr Tovey evaluates the importance of arts and crafts in the culture of a people, and challenges the so often quoted adage that true Maori art is dead, and that that which is done today is but a poor imitation of past achievements. Unlike the Maori purists he applauds the improvisation by the Maori of present-day tools, materials, and ideas, and the modification and change some of the crafts and songs have undergone as a result. He insists that Maori art is still very much alive, and that given opportunity and encouragement Maori artists will continue their work with the same creativeness as their forbears. With this conviction, he as Superintendent of Arts and Crafts in our schools has launched an extensive programme of work in Maori arts and crafts, intended for all schools. The book is only part of this programme, for it must have been obvious at the outset that it could not meet all teaching requirements. With considerable foresight Mr Tovey and his assistants have prepared detailed instructions for some of the crafts in the form of booklets, have prepared films associated also with the art of the Maori, have printed songs on tape, and have organised teacher refresher courses. Those who have attempted some form of Maori craft with children will know the long and tedious hours spent collecting and preparing materials, and the resultant waning of enthusiasm long before the real work has begun. To avoid this Mr Tovey has organised the collection and preparation of necessary craft materials which will be obtainable on requisition from the Education Department. This is the first real effort made by the Education Department to promote the teaching of Maori Arts and Crafts in schools. It is an acknowledgment of the value of Maori art to our New Zealand society, and as a medium of promoting better understanding between Maori and pakeha. To the Maori it means a renewal of hope that part of his cultural heritage will remain with him, and perhaps even flourish. Should teachers become enthusiastic about Mr Tovey's work and should they make full use of the teaching material at their disposal, we can certainly expect some change or development in our culture, in the future.