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ka hoki mai ano ahau.” 7 ‘Till later, I am coming back.’ Her hand held his firmly. The traffic was quite heavy as Tom threaded his way home and he was feeling depressed. Tirita, Jim Hale, their baby, baby. Why didn't this pattern fall into the “Golden Triangle”—marriage, employment and a home? The Matakite 8 The foreseeing of an event. A seer. sense was strong in him, and he did not like the future for Tirita. It was far from promising. He hoped he was wrong. It was pleasant to drive into his garden home, put the car away and meet his wife standing on the front portico. “They are both well” were his first words before his wife had said, “Kei te pehea” 9 How? Hot fried bread in butter, and a cup of milo were waiting ready for his supper. “Let's shut this night air out, dear. There is quite a story. Our street is noisy tonight, what can the matter be?” “Can't you remember! Auckland beat Canterbury for the Ranfurly Shield.” Ka mutu.


LEAGUE CONFERENCE Mrs M. Hirini was re-elected unopposed as Dominion President of the Maori Women's Welfare League at its annual conference in Hamilton during the week. The election of officers resulted: Vice-President, Mrs T. Moss, Christchurch, Mrs R. Sage, Hamilton; Maori Affairs representative, Mrs R. Wright, Wellington; Health Department representative, Mrs F. Cameron, Wellington; Secretary-Organiser and Treasurer, Miss H. Ngarimu, Wellington; Te Waipounamu representative, Miss W. Wallscott, Dunedin; Tokerau representative, Mrs M. Szaszy, Wellington; Waikato Maniapoto representative, Mrs K. Jones, Wellington; Waiariki representative, Miss M. Simpson, Wellington; Wellington-Tairawhiti representative, Mrs M. Tamihana; Aotea representative, Mrs Te A. Potaka, Wanganui; Ikaroa representative, Mrs W. Bennett, Wellington; Tamaki representative, Mrs B. Taua, Auckland. The Te Puea trophy for the best annual report was won by Turanganui, an isolated branch of Gisborne. It was decided to hold the next year's conference at Wanganui.

RATANA NEWSLETTER Ratana Pa residents now receive a newsletter printed in both English and Maori, which keeps them up to date on decisions at town committee meetings. The circular is actually a direct copy of the minutes of the town committee. In future it may be a monthly publication. “We want to get people to know what we are doing,” a county town spokesman said today. “And as some of the older people don't understand English well, it was best to print the newsletter in both languages.”

MAORI SCHOLAR STUDIES LAND DEVELOPMENT Mr Hugh Kawharu, who did a research B.A. at Oxford University some years ago, has been on a full-time research job in New Zealand all this year. His research B.A. was gained with a thesis on the economics of Maori land tenure; the work he is doing now follows on from this and deals with the relation between Maori land tenure and community development. The research is being financed by the Food and Agricultural Organization, an international body linked with United Nations. This body awards fellowships known as Andre Mayer F.A.O. Fellowships to research students who are working on projects that will help increase food and agricultural production throughout the worldd. Mr Kawharu will give special attention to farm practice, farm finance, the promotion of self-help and mutual help in land use and the furtherance of community objectives. He hopes to find out precisely what role the owners play in land matters. By studying some communities at first hand he hopes to get a better understanding of inherent obstacles to more efficient land use and better community development. At the same time he is trying to determine community reactions to recent measures of state assistance. The study will be of value not only for an understanding of Maori land problems, but also for F.A.O. assistance programmes in underdeveloped countries.

THESE MAORIS ARE INTEGRATED The Maori owners of Haumingi 5B block, Gisborne Point, near Rotorua, have raised the rentals of quarter acre sections from £10 to £125 per year. Owners of holiday houses or batches, rashly built on these yearly leaseholds, are feeling annoyed but paying up. When some of these lessees complained to the Department of Maori Affairs, Rotorua, they were told: “This is a normal land transaction”. The point is, of course, that those Maoris are becoming integrated.