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THOUGHTS by Irene Matiu (13) Over the mountains faraway the one crash of the waves could be heard. Sea noises echoing throughout the misty gulley. Foam on the shore is swept to sand. Seaweeds hanging on. Shells, their beautiful colours on their backs are scraped and faded Sand colours disappeared away There must have been a storm yesterday. everything is ruin and broken around the shores chipped rocks lie at the edge of the bank. Small sandhills just by the sandy beach are built up by the angry winds.

WAIPIRO by Bernard Heremia (13) On the last few Saturdays a man called Ted went down to Kaeo to have parties. When he went down last Saturday he went to the hotel to get cartons of beer for a party. By the time he came out of the hotel he was a bit wobbly from side to side. He started his truck and put it in gear and started back home. On the way back when he was coming up Kahoe Hill his truck stalled and he reversed over the bank. So he walked down the hill to the bottom to Renets and asked him to pull him out. So Renet woke himself up and went on his Fordson to pull Ted's truck on to the road. Going top speed pulling the truck out of the water table, skidding from side to side like a drunken man. When he got out he went right away. He never paid Mr Renet because he was too drunk.

THE PAINTING I DID by Barbara Heremia Pinned on the wall are my coloured paintings gleaming in the hot yellow sun, and as one sticks on the wall it stays there stiff and old until it's torn to bits. If it stays there too long our teacher comes along and throws it in the rubbish bin, and Ted comes along with a box and burns it in the incinerator. Our incinerator is very big. Ted is in charge of it. We pick up all the rubbish in our school and Ted burns it in the white incinerator. Fern, by Michael Heremia

FLYING SAUCER OVER NEW YORK CHAPTER 2 by Brett Iggulden (9) A door opened in the flying saucer. “Keep all guns trained on the door,” a man shouted. A man stepped out of the saucer, he was like a mortal human except his brow was a bit high. He showed no sign of carrying a weapon. Then one of the men shot at him and he fell to the ground wounded. Then out came a robot ….

THE WANDERING ORUAITI RIVER THE SUN DRAWING PICTURES by Irene Searching from the thick blue sky is the sun Making picture clouds upon the hills

THE PORPOISE by Irene One sunny day I went up the hill to find a fantail nest, suddenly I heard a shushing noise: I looked out to sea and saw splashing water. Soon I saw it was a porpoise rolling over like hundreds of cartwheels one after another.