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CROSSWORD PUZZLE NO. 19 ACROSS 1. Beautifu (7) 2. Only (5) 12. You two (5) 13. Prayer (7) 14. Clump of trees (3) 15. Embark, mount (3) 17. When (future) (4) 18. Leap (4) 20. He (2) 21. When (3) 22. To drive 23. Bail (3) 25. Adept, proficient (6) 26. Be assembled, Be ashamed (3) 28. On the day before yesterday (7) 33. My (plural) (3) 34. To be cast away (8) 38. Fruit, product (3) 40. Land of one's birth. Mother (3) 41. Cover (3) 42. Moon on thirtieth day (5) 44. Freckle, shine (3) 46. Rain (2) 47. To burn (2) 48. Over the other side (4) 51. Healthy, alive (3) 52. Nephew (7) 54. The (2) 55. Few (4) 56. It were better (3) 57. Obstruct, hinder (4) DOWN 1. Soon (7) 2. Three (4) 3. Fern root (5) 4. Bark (2) 5. Tear, cut (3) 6. Forever and ever (3—3—3) 7. Lead (5) 8. What time (past) (5) 9. Native shrub used for hedges (6) 10. Calabas (3) 11. Avenged (2) 16. To say (2) 19. Assembly of hapu to arrange betrothal (5) 34. Dark coloured (3) 27. Now (8) 29. Shaded (7) 30. Shore, rocky coast (4) 31. Sun, day (2) 32. Tongue (5) 35. People. Bone (3) 36. To stand (2) 37. Nose (3) 38. Descend (5) 39. Comp eted, finished (4) 43. Ebb tide, shoulder (4) 45. Deep pool, bay (4) 49. Dry land, shore (3) 50. Alas (3) 53. Dawn, cloud (2) 54. Feather (2) Solution to Crossword Puzzle No. 18.