E. W. Williams: The Story of Maori Land Titles
He Reo no te Ao Tawhito. 1 Te Aka Rapana
John Westbury: Indian Art Revived
SPORTS: Kem Tukukino: It was good to be together (The Springbok-Maori match)
Colleen Sheffield: Waiata
Rora: Te Utu Hara
Pei Te Hurinui Jones: Judea Meeting House in Retrospect
K. J. Smart: The Newman Pare
Hostel in Rotorua
M. Taylor: The Place of Maori in Education (Conference of students)
E. Schwimmer: In the Smallest Club-house of New Zealand
How to Remain Maori (Meeting in Christ-church)
Tawai Kawiti: Heke's Wars in the North
G. N. Lansdown: Two simple stories in Maori
Reweti Kohere: Te Rererangi
New Hostel for Tauranga
Rowley Habib: Death in the Mill
Tuberculosis in Dairy Cattle
R. Falconer: The Home Garden
J. C. Sturm: More Books on the South Pacific
Rev. Hohepa Taepa: Crossword Puzzle
WOMEN: Catherine Wislang: Beauty Care
Keritapu: Common Accidents in the home
The Minister of Maori Affairs: The Hon E. B. Corbett.
The Secretary for Maori Affaris: T. T. Ropiha, I.S.O.
Management Committee: C. J. Stace, L.L.B., C. M. Bennett, D.S.O., M.A., DIP.ED., DIP.SOC.SC., W. T. Ngato, LIC.INT., E. G. Schwimmer, M.A. M.J. Taylor.
Editor: E. G. Schwimmer, M.A.
Sponsored by the Maori Purposes Fund Board. Subscriptions to Te Ao Hou at 7/6 per annum (4 issues) or £1 for three years' subscriptions at all offices of the Maori Affairs Department and P.O. Box 2390, Wellington, New Zealand.
Registered at G.P.O., Wellington, for transmission through the post as a magazine.
published by the maori affairs department october, 1956
printed by pegasus press ltd.
A subscription to Te Ao Hou makes a good Christmas present to relations and friends. If you let us have, together with a subscription, the name and address of the person to whom you wish to give Te Ao Hou. we shall send him or her one copy before Christmas, as well as a card with Christmas greetings, on which you will be mentioned as the kind donor.
Literary Competition: We received many fine stories for the competition this year. The winner will be announced in our next issue, No. 17.
Maori Authors: In our last number we gave a list of fourteen Maori and part-Maori authors who had contributed stories, poems, etc., to that issue. This time we are publishing work from another eight authors. Some of these are already known to our readers from previous issues, but none appeared in issue No. 15 when we gave our first list. They are: the late Reweti Kohere, of Te Araroa (represented by one of the stories he wrote for Pipiwharauroa), Kem Tukukino, Wellington, Colleen Sheffield, of Helensville, Rowley Habib of Taupo, Tawai Kawiti of Otiria, Rev. Hohepa Taepa, of Otaki, Pei Te Hurinui Jones of Taumarunui, and Te Aka Rapana of Te Tii.
Contributions in Maori: Ko tetahi o nga whakaaro nui o Te Ao Hou he pupuri kia mau te reo Maori. Otira ko te nuinga o nga korero kei te tukua mai kei te reo Pakeha anake. Mehemea hoki ka nui mai nga korero i tuhia ki te reo Maori ka whakanuia ake te wahanga o ta tatou pukapuka mo nga korero Maori.
Renewal of Subscriptions: Please see whether your copy of Te Ao Hou contains one of our renewal forms. If there is a form in your copy, this indicates that renewal of your subscription is due. Please do not delay and send us your renewal today.
Back Issues: We still have a few copies of past issues of Te Ao Hou from issue 4 onwards. These copies can be obtained from The Editor, Te Ao Hou, P.O. Box 2390, Wellington, for 2/- each. There are also some copies left of a memorial of the Royal Tour consisting of a portrait of the Queen (with a Maori background as in our Royal Tour issue) and the text of her Address to the Maori people in Rotorua. These memorials are printed on the best art paper (17½ × 11½ inches) and can be had from the Editor, for 1/6 per copy.