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LEAGUE WOMEN MEET Without opening up many important new issues, the 1955 conference of the Maori Women's Welfare League at Auckland left delegates well satisfied with the discussions. Organization of the conference was much the best so far and was highly praised. Opinions on many Maori questions were expressed; problems were brought to the notice of public and government; ideas about running leagues and stimulating progress in communities were exchanged. An important decision of delegates was to have future national conferences two-yearly, as annual conferences proved too much of a drain on the league resources, slowing down other work. Most observers were agreed that the general policy of the league could still be handled efficiently through two-yearly dominion conferences. The South Island leagues asked to have the next (1957) conference in Christchurch. It will be a long way for most delegates to travel, but the enthusiasm and ability of the South Island leagues made a fine impression on the other delegates who were delighted to accept the invitation. Three presidential candidates offered themselves for election: Mrs Whina Cooper (Dom. Pres.), Mrs Miria Logan (Heretaunga), Mrs Adelaide Poananga Moore (Raukawa). Mrs Cooper was re-elected dominion president and Mrs Logan vice-president. Other officers on the executive are: Mrs Puhi Royal (vice-president and Waiariki representative). Miss Mira Petricevich (Secretary, treasurer and Tokerau representative). Mrs Naki Swainson (Waikato-Maniapoto representative). Mrs Maud Tamihana (Tairawhiti representative). Mrs Wikitoria Bennett (Ikaroa representative). Mrs Takiri Love (Aotea representative). Mrs Taka Moss (Wai Pounamu representative). In our next issue, we shall give a fuller review of some of the memorable speeches given at the conference. One of these speeches—Miss Petricevich's report on her visit to Manilla—made some history by drawing closer the bonds between the people of Asia and Polynesia. More photographs of the Auckland conference are also being prepared for out next issue. Conference in session in the Auckland Maori Community Centre. (Hill-Thomas Photograph.)