He whakaputanga reo Māori a He Muka ka whakaputaina e Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori. Taketake ake he pānui ā-tā a He Muka e pānui ana i ngā take reo Māori ki te reo tiketike ake kia noho mai hei tauira mā ngā ākonga matatau me te hunga kōrero Māori. Nō te marama o Pipiri 1988 i whakaputaina te putanga tuatahi. I whakaputa te putanga whaikano i te Kōanga o te tau 1991. He whakaputanga a He Muka i whakaputa i ia hauwhā o te tau, tae noa ki ngā tau tata nei he whakaputanga whaikano, āhua 16 whārangi te roa. I whakatāngia a He Muka mō te rua tau. Ko te putanga pepa whakamutunga i tāngia i te Hōtoke o te tau 2015. I te tau 2017 i whakaorangia anōtia a He Muka, ā, i te marama o Hakihea 2017 i whakaterea he putanga matihiko ki tō mātou paetukutuku.
Ko te takenga mai o He Muka he whakatairanga i te reo Māori hei reo ora; hei whakaputa kupu hou, hei whakatairanga hoki i ngā mahi o Te Taura Whiri i Te Reo Māori.
Ko He Muka te pānui matihiko o Te Taura Whiri, ka tuituia mai ngā ngohe o Te Taura Whiri, ngā kupu hou kua waihangaia e Te Taura Whiri me ētahi atu kaupapa nui whakahirahira e pā ana ki te reo Māori. Ko te whāinga matua ko te whakaputa i tētahi pānui kua tuhia katoatia ki te reo Māori tino whai kounga, e hāngai ana hoki ki te hunga kōrero Māori.
Ko te kaupapa o He Muka ināianei he tautoko i te whakarauoratanga o te reo Māori mā:
He Muka is a publication in te reo Māori published by Te Taura Whiri i Te Reo Māori–Māori Language Commission. He Muka was originally a print-based periodical featuring te reo Māori issues using language of a standard to provide an exemplar for advanced learners and fluent speakers. The first issue was published in June 1988. The first colour edition was published in Kōanga 1991. It was a quarterly publication, and until recently was a full colour publication of approximately 16 pages. There was a two year hiatus period of non-publication. The final issue that was printed was Hōtoke 2015. In 2017 He Muka was revitalised and in December 2017 a digital version of He Muka was launched on the Commission's website.
The original purpose of He Muka was to promote te reo Māori as a living language; to publish kupu hou and to promote the work of Te Taura Whiri i Te Reo Māori.
He Muka is the digital magazine of the Commission, incorporating the Commission's events, new terminology coined by the Commission and other important issues relating to the Māori language. The main objective is to provide a publication written entirely in Māori language of the highest quality, specifically targeted at fluent speakers.
The purpose of He Muka is to support te reo Māori revitalisation by:
Essay provided by Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori
Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori: Māori Language Commission is the copyright owner for He Muka. You can reproduce in-copyright material from He Muka for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) licence. Material in He Muka is not available for commercial use without the consent of Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori.
This material was digitised in partnership with Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori: Māori Language Commission.
The National Library would like to thank the Parliamentary Library for their assistance with the digitisation of this title.