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List of Donors

Francis Zammith, Dariusz Zdziech, David Zwartz

Steve Abel, Aerial Surveys, Agricultural Heritage Museum, Hilary Aikman, Alcohol Advisory Council of New Zealand, Prof. Richard J. Aldrich, Rachel Mooring Aldridge, Margaret Alington, J. F. Allan, Peter Allen, Alliance de Wellington, Celia Allison, Bruce Anderson, O. R. Angen, Aotea Sports Club, Archives New Zealand, Arts Centre of Christchurch Trust, Estate of Molly Atkinson, Peter Attwell, Auckland Botanic Gardens, Auckland City Libraries, Auckland War Memorial Museum, Peter Averi, Margaret Aylward

Meg Bailey, Kingsley Baird, Anne Stewart Ball, Christian Balli, Hazel Bamford, Margaret Barker, Mervyn Barrett, Bats Theatre, Earle Beach, Diana Beaglehole, Helen Beaglehole, Alan Bekhuis, Lynette Bell, Riley Bell, Jane Bennett, Ruth Bennett, Dr Geoff Bertram, Linda Bevan-Smith, Hugh Bibby, Eric Biddington, Bill Laxon Maritime Library, R Blades, Juliet E. Blomfield, Dwayne Bloomfield, Boffa Miskell Ltd, Vivienne Bogle, Hellen Bollinger, Book Publishers' Association of New Zealand, Booksellers New Zealand, Jeanette Bornholdt, Elaine Botica, Helen Bowie, Boxing New Zealand, Boys Brigade in New Zealand, Dr Rolf W. Brednich, Bridget Williams Books, Bob Brockie, Heather Brown, Margaret Brown, Jean Brownlie, Louise Buckingham, Andrea Buckland, Leah Burch

Elizabeth Caffin, Margaret Calder, John V. Calhoun, Averil Callisen, Cambridge Terrace Congregational Church, Capital Girls (Wellington Girls' College), Jennifer Carroll, W. E. & A. K. Carter, Mervyn J. Castle, Liz Catherall, Catholic Women's League of New Zealand, Christine Cole Catley, Barry Chalmers, Stephen J. Chambers, Patricia Champness, Richard Chan, Chilton St James School, Christ Church (Anglican) Manawatu, Christchurch City Libraries, Graham Christensen, Civil Aviation Authority, Derrick Clark, Liz Coats, Trevor & Mary Cobeldick, Charmaine Cole, Keith Colley, Estate of Dr David George Collingwood, David Colquhoun, Rodney C. G. Cook, Walter & Jane Cook, Craig Potton Publishing, Lyell Cresswell, John Crockett, Marjorie Crocombe, Crop and Food Research (Palmerston North), Crown Forestry Rental Trust, Morva Croxson, Mary-Lynn Cullinane, Souella Cumming, Michael Curry, Paul Curtis

John Daniels, Bob Darroch, Dr Matthew Davidson, Mercine Davidson, Jenny Davies, Wendy M. Davis, Daphne de Jong, Deane Memorial Library, Defence Technology Agency, Sharon

Dell, Department of Conservation, Department of Internal Affairs (Births, Deaths and Marriages), Dev-Zone Library, Patsy Deverall, Gwen Devereux, Jean Dewar, Ken Douglas, Des Downes, Peter Downes, Martin Doyle, Joan Druett, Andrea du Chatenier, Julia Dudfield, Gordon Duncan, Sue Dunlop, Alastair Dunn, Wiebe Dykstra Laurence Eagle, Eastern Cricket Club, Editions Haere Po, Paul Ekers, Alison Elliott, Rod Emmerson, Kim Lucy Eriksen, Bernard L. Esquilant, Ethnologisches Museum (Staatliche Museen zu Berlin), Linda Evans, Malcolm Evans, Norma May Evans

Julian Farquhar, Fat Freddy's Drop, Robyn Favell, Catherine Feary, Francis L. Fielding, Vivian Fields, Fiji Islands Bureau of Statistics, Finsec, David Fletcher, Roger Flury, H. Forlong, Julia D. Forsyth, The Fossils Inc., D. G. Francis, Gerald Franklin, Tony Frost Sarah Gaitanos, Glenda Gale, Len Gale, Euan Galloway, Gay and Lesbian Singers Auckland, Vincent Garty, Celia Geary, Mark V. Genery, Edward Leo Gibbs, Rowan Gibbs, Robyn Giles, Rigmor Gnatt, GNS Science, Peter Godfrey, Peter Goldsbury, Jill Goodwin, Estate of Beryl Gough, Joy Graham, lan F. Grant, Rhonda Grantham, Greater Wellington Regional Council, Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand, Jennifer Greenslade, Ellen Marie Griffiths, H. R. Grossman, Frank Grover, Elizabeth Gunn

E. M. Hall, Norman & Margaret Halstead, Emily T. Hamilton, Jo Ann Hansen Rasch, George Harding, Jim Harper, Bernie Harrison, Jenifer Hart, Roger Hart, Rita Havell, Meghan Hawkes, Allan Hawkey, Peggy Haworth, Mary-Annette Hay, Linda Hayden, Barbara Hefford, Kris Heidenstrom, Arnold Heine, Christian F. Heinegg, Rosamund Heinz, William Emil Heinz, Rodney Henden, Vicki Herbert, Ron Hermanns, Sallie B. Hill, Geoffrey Hinds, Jennifer M. Hobern, Trace Hodgson, Colin Holden, Lyn Holland, A. K. Holmes, Duncan Holmes, Sir Frank Holmes, Barry Holt, Robin Hooper, Janet Horncy, Jenny Horne, Gerard Hoskins, Vonda Houpapa, Housing New Zealand, Jim Hubbard, Dennis Huggard, Dr H. G. A. Hughes, Humanist Society of New Zealand (Inc.), Vaughan Humberstone, Graeme Hunt, Dr John Hunt, Liz Hunt, Paul Hunt, Margaret Hurst, Bev Huston, Vivian Hutchinson, Hutt City Uniting Congregations, David Hyams

lan Matheson City Archives, Infohnd, Institute for Early Childhood Studies (Victoria University of Wellington), Institution of Professional Engineers New Zealand Inc. (IPENZ), International Communist League (New York), Peter Ireland, Sandra Irwin

James Bennett Pty Ltd, Elton Jeune, Jewish Oral History Project, Dave Johnston, Eleanor Jolly, Jenny Robin Jones, Kevin Jones

Hermann Kahlhofer, Dr Beryl Kaye, Murray Kelly, Cara Kelson, Kennett Brothers, Myrla Kernick, P. Kerr, Maree Kibblewhite, Rachel King, Raniera Kingi, Lyndsay Knowles, Dr Mary Knox, Knox College (Archives Research Centre), Wilma Koreman

Don Laing, Land Transport New Zealand, Landcare Research Library, Barbara Lavo, Learning Media, Derek Leask, Estate of Gordon Glassford Leask, Christine Leov-Lealand, Lesbian and

Gay Archives of New Zealand, Mavis Leversedge, Dr Margaret B. Lewis, Dr Ruth Lightbourne, A. E. Grant Lipp, Irene Lister, Livestock Improvement Library, David J. Lockwood, Lodge family, Helen Loftus, Jeff Long, P. Long, Ruth Low, Claire Lynch, Win Lynch, Clare Lyons

John Mac Gibbon, D. N. McGibbon, Elizabeth Maciver, Lachlan Mackay, Macmillan Brown Library, Kathleen Major, Simon Manchester, James Mann, Manukau Libraries, Marist Centre (Wellington), Brian A. Martin, Gwenda Martin, Ripeka Martin, Masterton District Library, Cynthia Matthews, Tina Matthews, Andrew Mawson, Dr Helen May, Patricia Mcßride, John McCaffrey, Geraldine McDonald, R. M. McDowall, Dr Mary McEwen, Linda McGregor, Dr Rob Mcllroy, Bruce McKinney, Jock McLean, Simon McLellan, Donald Patterson McLeod, Rory McLeod, Rosemary McLeod, Prof. W. H. McLeod, Medical Council of New Zealand, Alice Joyce Megget, Ross Megget, Shirley Megget, Margaret Megwyn, Lawrie Metcalf, The Methodist Church of New Zealand, Susan Millar, Paulien Mills, Ministry for Culture and Heritage, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Ministry of Education Library, Marian Minson, Helen Mitchell, Kevin Moffat, Roger Mold, John Moore, Lynda Moran, Mike Moreu, Vivienne Morrell, Diane Morris, Lauchlan Morrison, Geoffrey Moss, Museum of Transport and Technology (MOTAT), Brian Mountjoy, W. Hamer, Douglas Mudgway, Danny Mulheron, Sonia Mulheron, Janice Munn, Donald Munro, Dr Douglas Munro, Jo Murphy, Nigel Murphy, Myles Murray, Shirley Erena Murray, Museum of Aviation (Kapiti) Inc., Museum of Wellington City and Sea

Dr Simon Nathan, National Advisory Council on the Employment of Women, National Association of Woodturners NZ Inc., National Council of Women, Sheila Natusch, Prof. Mircea Negoita, Leone Neil, Nelson Provincial Museum, Nesbitt/Nisbet Society, New Horizons For Women Trust, New Zealand Childcare Association, New Zealand Council for Educational Research, New Zealand Dance Archive, New Zealand Deerstalkers' Association, New Zealand Dictionary Centre, New Zealand Educational Institute, New Zealand Greyhound Racing Association, New Zealand Guardian Trust, New Zealand Historical Association, New Zealand Institute of Economic Research, New Zealand Ministry of Education, New Zealand National Maritime Museum Library, New Zealand Olympic Committee, New Zealand Qualifications Authority, New Zealand School of Dance, New Zealand Security Intelligence Service, New Zealand Society for Music Therapy, New Zealand Society of Genealogists, New Zealand Sports Foundation, New Zealand Theatre Archive, New Zealand Vice-Chancellors' Committee, Robert George Newlands, Joanna Newman, Bernard A. Nicholson, A. Nisbet, Roger Norburn, Prof. John E deßurgh & Verity Norman, Maurice Norton, Nova Strings

Dr Ralph O'Connor, Office of Leader of the Opposition, Pip Oldham, Rev. A. Barry Olsen, Truda Olson, Order of St John, Louise Ormsby, Osprey Publishing, Otago Daily Times Editorial Department, Otago District Law Society, Dylan Owen, John Owens

Arthur Paddison, Dr Phil Parkinson, Parliamentary National Party Whips' Office, Estate of Margaret Joy Parry, Cheryl A. Parsons, Andrew Peacock, Jane Pearson, Donald Harry Peat, Penguin Group (NZ), Jane Penton, Sue Perkins, Stuart Perry, Richard Phillipps, Noel Phillips, Picton Community Museum, Mark Pirie, Playmarket (Inc.), Jeffrey E. Plowman, Porirua Historical Association, Craig Powell, Les Presling, Richard Preston, PRIDE Institute

of Education (University of the South Pacific), Dinah Priestley, Michael Pringle, Dr Chris Pugsley, Giuliana Puppin, Diane Pye

Queen Elizabeth II National Trust

Chris Rabey, His Excellency Mr Morteza Rahmani-Movahed (Ambassador of Islamic Republic of Iran to New Zealand), Philip Rainer, John W. Ranby, Random House New Zealand Ltd, Raumati South School, W. Douglas Rawlings, Reed Publishing (NZ) Ltd, Religious Society of Friends in Aotearoa/New Zealand (Kapiti), Hugh Rennie, Te Reo Irirangi o Te Upoko o Te Ika Trust, David Retter, John Rhodes, Valerie Rhodes, Dr John G. Richards, Keith Richardson, River Press, B. & N. Robertson, Barbara Robertson, Elayne Robertson, lan Robertson, Martyn Robey, David Robinson, Peter Robinson, Sherri Robinson, Nigel Robson, C. G. Rodliffe, Mary Ronnie, Bruce Roscoe, Rose family, Dr John Ross, Rotorua Public Library, Royal New Zealand Air Force, Nancy Rule, Carmen Rupe, Rural Women New Zealand (Inc.) Wellington, Gwen Ryan, Denys Charles Ryland

Elspeth Sandys, Peter Saunders, Sally Schoon, Viola Schwarz, Dick Scott, Thomas Scott, Spencer Scoular, The Seahorse World Science Heritage and Educational Trust, Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme, Maxim Shadurski, Max Shekleton, Lindsay Shelton, Rona Winsome Shepherd, Joy Sheridan, Joan Sherley, John Shortt, Lynette Shum, Adrienne Simpson, Andrew Simpson, Graham M. Simpson, Warren Sisarich, Corry Skilbeck, Chris Slane, Mary Smart, Ashley Smith, Helen Smith, Marlene Smith, Stanley & Margaret Smith, Mona Sowerby, Brian Speechly, Raymond Spencer, Merrin Spinks, Rev. Harry Squires, St Andrew's on the Terrace, St Augustine's Church (Petone), St Matthew's Parish (Hastings), John Stacpoole, Paola Starace, Dr Jeroen Staring, David Starling, State Library of Victoria, State Services Commission, Roger Steele, V. Stephens, Margaret Stevens, John Massey Stewart, E. R. Stokes, Jean Elaine Stone, Bob Stothart, Enoka William John Stratton, Peter Stuart, Swedish Polar Research Secretariat

Tairawhiti Museum, Judith Tait, Taki Rua Productions, Jocelyn Tarrant, Alvin Taylor, Lindis Taylor, Rowan Taylor, Prof. David C. B. Teather, Temple Sinai, Elizabeth Thompson, Hamish Thompson, Jocelyn Thornton, Ross Thornton, Rose-Marie Tonk, Barbara Torrance, Totara Estate, James Traue, Oliver Trowell, Anne Tuffin, Mrs Turner, Thelma Tweeddale Sydney Ujdur, Rachel Underwood, University of Auckland Library, University of Edinburgh (School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures), University of Hawai'i at Manoa Libraries, University of London External System, University of Queensland Press, University of Waikato, Diana Mary Unwin

Jan van Griethuysen, Noeline Vaughan, Anthony Vercoe, Martin Vere-Jones, Victoria University of Wellington (School of Art History)

Spencer Wade, Wadestown Public Library, Waikato Institute of Technology (Wintec), Waikato Times, Wairarapa Archive, Waiwhetu-Lower Hutt Peace Group, Susan Wake, Malcolm Walker, Margaret Wallace, Dorothy M. Wallis, David John Walmsley, Marie Walmsley,

Dr Marion Ward, Lottie Warrington, C. J. Watkins, Gill Watt, Murray Webb, Wellington City Libraries, Wellington Civic Trust Inc., Wellington Folk Centre Inc., Wellington Girls' College, Wellington Piano & Instrumental Group, Wellington Rotary Club, Dr Lydia Wevers, Judith White, Jocelyn Whitehouse, Pat Whitwell, Jocelyn Wickens, Mark Wickens, Rachel Wightman, James Douglas Wilkinson, Caroline Williams, Deborah Williams, Gail Williams, Sheila Williams, Paul Williamson, Peter Williamson, Derek John Wilson, Ross Wilson, Sue Wilton, Mark Winter, Winton School, Margit Wolfsberger, Kath Woodley, Diane Woods, Stewart Wragge, John Wright

YWCA of Wellington and Hutt Valley

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Turnbull Library Record, Volume 41, 1 January 2008, Page 114

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List of Donors Turnbull Library Record, Volume 41, 1 January 2008, Page 114

List of Donors Turnbull Library Record, Volume 41, 1 January 2008, Page 114

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