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List of Donors, July 2003 to June 2004

Ms Jenny Abrahamson; Ms Frances Acey; Graeme Adler; Africa Information Centre; Aggie Grey’s Hotel, Samoa; Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Australia; Mrs Fiona Mcßean Aickin; Mrs Betty Aikman; John Stammers Alabaster; Dominic Alessio; Mrs Margaret Alington; Mrs Jill Allan; Lisa Allcott; Mark Allen; Mr Barrie Allom; Mr P.C. Alve; Bruce Anderson; Kirsty Anderson; Anglican Social Justice Commission; Aorere College Library; Archaeology Institute of America; Archives New Zealand; Jenny Argante; Lucy Arthur; Clare Ashton; Mr John Ashton; Estate of W.E. Askwith; Mr R. Aspden; Auckland City Libraries; Auckland War Memorial Museum; Mr Dick Austin; Australian Society of Archivists Inc.

James N. Bade; Mrs Christine Bailey; Ms Robyn Bailey; Miss Rona N. Bailey; George Baird; Jennifer Ball; Bank of New Zealand Archives; Mr Timothy Barber; Mr Philip Barton; Mr Sam Bassett; Mr Murray A. Bathgate; Mrs Amelia Batistich; Bats Theatre; Ms Barbara Baumer; Mrs Heather Beauchamp; Shona Beck; Bedplate Press Printing Museum; Ms Anne Bell; Diana Bethell; Bethunes Rare Books; Linda Bevan Smith; Professor Judith Binney; Blessed Sacrament Community; Rex Bloomfield; Tharron Bloomfield; Eric Blown; Mrs Laura Blundell; Mr Mike Blundell; Rev. E.W. Body; Ivan Bootham; Alison Botterill; George Bowen; lan Bowman and Erin Beatson; Mr Thomas Maxwell Boyd; Michelle Bradley; Ms Brigid Brammer; Mr John Brebner; Professor Rolf Wilhelm Brednich; Ms Lorraine Brennan; Brewster’s Rare Books; Broadcasting History Trust; Mr Tom Broadmore; Mr James Brodie; Estate of Mrs Marjorie Brodie; Mr Peter Bromhead; Anthony Brook; Mrs Elizabeth Brown; Mrs Rachel Brown; Professor Janet Browne; Barbara Brownlie; John G. Bruce; Ms Jeanette Brunton; Mr G. Bryant; Roy Buchan; Mr Roger Buchanan; Mr Mark Burns; Mr C. Stan Butcher.

Mrs A. M. Calder; Miss Margaret Anne Calder; Ms Bev Calvert; Ms Melanie Calvesbert; Mr Laurie Cameron; Gordon Campbell; Mrs Leigh Campbell; Mr Richard Campion; Estate of Arthur H. Carman; Mrs Clare Carr; Jack F. Carr; Mr Tony Carr; Mr Bruce Carson; Carterton Rugby Football Club; Cartoon Archive Trust; Kristin Castle; Mr Mervyn Castle; John Catley; Cement and Concrete Association of New Zealand; Chamber Music New Zealand; Bernadette Chambers; Dr Henry Chan; Mr John J. Chapman; Mr Colin Chiles; Chilton St James School Archives; Christchurch Art Gallery; Christchurch City Council; Christchurch City Libraries; Christchurch College of Education; Mrs Jan Clark; Warwick Clay; Mr Tim Cleary; RJ. Cleevely; Mervyn H. Clouston; Clutha Veterinary Association; Clyde Quay School; CnoTes; Mary Cobeldick; Valerie Cole; Ms Kathleen Coleridge; Ms Rachel Collen; Sam Collett; Consulman (SRL); Christopher Cook; Te Taite Cooper; Briony M. Coote; Mr Neville Copeland; Jane Corbin; Mrs Iris Coulter; Neil Coup; Susan Cowan; Sir Geoffrey Cox; Mr William Gifford-Merrilees Crawford; Crawlspace Records;

Creative New Zealand; Miss B.E.F. Cribb; Grant John Crowley; Crown Forestry Rental Trust; Ms Frances Cruickshank; Vaughan Cullen.

David Daniel; Mr Bob Darroch; Manoranjan Das; Ann J. Davidson; Mr Gerald Davidson; Carol Dawber; Mrs Gabrielle Day; Lois Day; Daphne de Jong; Ms Nancy De Louw; Ms Sylvia De Menech; Deakin University, Geelong, Victoria, Australia; Dr Roderick Deane; Colin V. Deed; Mr Neil Denize; Department of Conservation; Department of Conservation Library; Department of Internal Affairs, Information Centre, Information Services; Mr John Devereaux; Diabetes New Zealand; Julius Frances Dienes; The Dominion Post, Stephen Donald; Mrs Marsha Donaldson; Ms Mary Donnell; Catherine Downes; Mr Peter Downes; Mr John Duffy; Dunedin Public Art Gallery; Penelope Dunkley.

The Edmonds Institute; Mr Clive G. Edney; Gordon Ell; Ms Alison Elliott; Matt Elliott; Mr J.P. Ellis; Embassy of the People’s Republic of China; Engineers for Social Responsibility; Rev. J.C. England; Mrs A.J. Evans; Mr Malcolm Evans; Event Venues Rotorua.

Mrs Barbara Falconer; Family Center Tokyo Bethel; Mr Malcolm Fare; Farmlands Trading Society Limited; Mr Gareth Farr; Mrs K.M. Farrand; Mr Christopher Farrow; Ms Vicky Feltham; Ms Christine Ferdinand; fine Art forum; Miss Patricia Finn; Mr David Fletcher; Flipside NZ; Mr Roger Flury; Ms Bronwyn Forbes; Mr John Forman; Kate Fortune; George Foulds; The Foundation for Development Cooperation (FDC); Jean Franc de Ferriere; Mrs Miriam Frances; Mrs Tess M. Franklin; Mr Peter Franks; Mrs Pauline Fraser; Robin Fraser; Major W. Fraser; The Free Church of England; Friends of the Hill Society; Mr Alex Fry; Mrs Patricia Fry.

Ms Meg Gaddum; Dr Ross Galbreath; Mr Len Gale; Albert William Gamble; Kate Geange; Roger Girdlestone; Mrs Rigmor Gnatt; Jane Godfrey; Gladys M. Goodall; Estate of Rev. Clementina Gordon; Professor lan A. Gordon; Mrs Kristin Gorringe; Dr Michael Gourlay; Mrs Ruth Graham; David Granger; A.A.K. Grant; Mr lan F. Grant; Rhonda Grantham; Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand; Mr A.G. Green; Ms Penny Griffith; Ray Grover.

Ken Hall; Estate of Margaret Malcolm Hall; Mr Rorison Hall; Mr Bob Halliburton; David B. Hamilton; Mark Hanna; Michael Mcßae Hanna; Dr Hartwig F. Harms; Jim Harper; Leigh Harrison; Mrs Margaret Mary Graham Hart; Mrs Andree Hartstonge; Hataitai Residents’ Association; Judy Hausler; Mr Allan Charles Hawkey; Mr Roger Hay; Mr Brent Hayward; John Head; Health Informatics Society Australia Ltd (HISA) and Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP); Estate of Ray Hedges; Sandi M. Hedstrom; Ms Maria Heenan; Ms Vicki Heikel; Helensville and District Historical Society Inc.; Mr Bryan Helm; Rosamond Henry; Sister C.D. Hewlett; Mana Hill; Mr S.H.W. Hill; F. Stewart Hindmarsh; Mr Geoffrey Hinds; The Historical Society of Eastbourne; Mr Michael Hitchings; Mr and Mrs F. Hodgkins;

Mr Trace Hodgson; Mr Stephen Hofmann; Sir Frank Holmes; Mrs Roma Holmes; Ms Janet Homey; Estate of Trevor James Horner; Dyane Hosier; Mr Peter Howden; Zejia Hu; Dennis O. Huggard; Dr H.G. Alun Hughes; Graeme J. Hunt; Rt. Hon. Jonathan Hunt; Hunter Productions; Mr Murray George Hunter; Estate of Frank Hurst; Mrs Margaret Hurst; Mrs Judith Hyatt.

Mr & Mrs B. Igglesden; IHC New Zealand Inc.; Mr Craig Innes; Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences Ltd; Insurance Council of New Zealand; Invercargill City Libraries. Mr David Jarvis; Jadwiga Jarvis; Mrs A.L. Jeffs; Mr H. Earl Jensen; Ms Cellia Joe; Estate of Mary Elizabeth Johnson; lan Thomas Young Johnston; Murray G. Johnston; Mr R.H. Johnston; Alice & lan Johnstone; Mrs Heather Jones; Mr J.R. Jones; Mr L.D. Jones; Estate of P. Bruce and Gwyneth Jones; Winifred Jones; Mr lan Jonson; Ms Sara Joynes; Mr Charles Juliet; Ms Derry Juneja; Jury Family.

Kaitaia Library; Mrs Anne Kalnins; Karori Historical Society (Inc.); Roger Kellaway; Ms Cath Kelly; Mrs Diana Kelly; The Kennett Brothers; Mr Graham Kelly; Mrs Nina Kent; Mrs Lynsie Kerr; Mrs Mary Keyes; Mrs Maree Kibblewhite; Dame Fiona Kidman; Mark Kilroy; Mrs Jocelyn Kimble; Ms Daphne Kingston; Mrs Mary Kinniburgh; Alison Kinsella; Ms Yvonne Knipe-Ackermann; Jeremy Knowles; Mrs E.A. Knox; Artemis Kowalski. M. Lambert; Mrs M.J. Lane; Mr Mark Langford; Linda Lappin; Mr Hugh Laracy; Mrs Helen Laurenson; Chris Lea; Andrew Leach; Ms Christine Leov-Lealand; Mr Derek Leask; Estate of Douglas Lilburn; Lincoln University Library; Ms Beryl Lindsay; Mrs Irene Lister; Mr Mike Lodge; Helen Loftus; Mr Terry Logan; Lonely Planet Publications Pty. Ltd; Sokhol Long; Mr R. Jeremy Lowe; Lower Hutt Central Library; Mr Alan Lucy; Mrs Patricia Lynch; Mrs Margaret Lythgoe.

Rachel Macfarlane; Mr John Mac Gibbon; Mr Robin Maconie; Mr Errol Maffey; Mrs Jenny Mair; Elspeth Mairs; Jonah Marinovich; Maritime Museum; Marlborough District Library; Ms Esme Marris; Brian Marshall; Marston Book Services Ltd; Diana Martin; Mr Brian Mason; Mrs Mary Mason; Andrew Matai; Mr R Matthews; Mr Paul Maxim; Mr Gilbert McCaul; Professor Alistair McCleery & Dr W.A. Kelly; Joan McCracken; Ms Ellen McCrae; Estate of Mr Sydney & Mrs Mary McDowell; Mr Dennis McEldowney; Mrs Judy McErlich; Mr Cameron Mclvor; Ms J. McKay; Suzanne McKellar; Dr Malcolm McKinnon; Mr Brian McLay; Mr Jim McLean; Jenny McLeod; Mr Sean McMahon; McNamara Gallery Photography; Mrs Joyce Megget; Mental Health Foundation of New Zealand; Mental Health Services Conference Inc. of Australia and New Zealand (MHS); Rosemary Menzies; Meridian Energy; Ms Angela Middleton; Mr lan Middleton; Julie K. Middleton; Jim Mikoz; John Eldison Millar; Margaret Millward; Ministry of Culture and Heritage; Ministry of Economic Development; Ministry of Education; Ministry of Foreign Affairs and

Trade; Ministry of Health; Ministry of Women’s Affairs; Christine Mintrom; Mr David J Mitchell; Frank Mitchell; Mr Rob Mitchell; Mr John Moffat; Monaghan family; Mr Peter Monro; Mary Montgomery; Mr Dennis Morgan; Mrs Mary-Clare Morganti; Ms Heather Morrell; Mr Colin Morris; Doug Morris; Christiane Mortelier; Geoffrey Moss; Mount Victoria Residents’ Association Inc.; Mihaela Mudure; Ms Pauline Muir; Mr Richard Mulgan; Mr Donald Munro; Mr Nigel Murphy.

Spencer Naith; Mr Simon Nathan; The National Business Review, National Gallery of Australia; National Library of Australia; National Library of New Zealand Music Room; National Museum of Australia; Ms Carole Naylor; Ms Pauline Neale; Nelson Provincial Museum; Sarah Neubauer; New Zealand Cartoon Archive; New Zealand Council for Educational Research; New Zealand Council of Trade Unions; New Zealand Esperanto Association; New Zealand Fire Service; New Zealand High Commission, London; New Zealand Historical Association; New Zealand Institute of Economic Research; New Zealand International Festival of the Arts; New Zealand Labour Party; New Zealand National Party; New Zealand National Party, Whips’ Office; New Zealand Nurses’ Organisation; New Zealand On Air; New Zealand Post Primary Teachers’Association; New Zealand Symphony Orchestra Ltd; New Zealand Theatre Archive; New Zealand Veterinary Association; New Zealand ViceChancellors’ Committee; New Zealand Women’s Hockey Association; Ms Maria Newman; Nga Kaiwhakapumau i te Reo; Ngatokowaru Marae; NGC Holdings Limited; Lorraine Nielsen; Margaret Nielsen; Ms Nina Nilsen; Iris Nolan.

Mr Bob O’Brien; Mr Greg O’Brien; Mrs Rosemary O’Brien; Max Christian Oettli; Mr Philip G. Oliver; Mr Arthur Olsson; Mr Bert and Mrs Monica Olsson; Otago Daily Times', Mr Alwyn Owen; Dylan Owen. Pagan Records; Mr Thomas Page; Ms Mary Pallesen; Margaret Pannett; PARBICA; Dr Philip Granger Parkinson; Mr Phil Parr; Mrs Marion Parsons; Dr William I. Paterson; Mr John Pearce and Mr R.K. Pearce; Penguin Books Ltd; Allan C. Penney; Captain Bruce Pepperell; Mrs Hilda Phillips; Picton Historical Society; Jill Pierce; Mark Pirie; Gail & Jeff Pitre; Jeffrey E. Plowman; Professor J.G.A. Pocock; Poon Fah Association of New Zealand; Elspeth Preddey; Hugh Price; Mr Michael Pringle; Lois Prout; Mr Adrian Pucher; Puke Ariki; Heide Pusch. Mr John Quilter.

Radio Active 89FM; Carolyn Rait; Beverley Randell; Random House New Zealand Ltd; Real Groovy Records; Rev. Graham Redding; Reed Publishing (NZ) Ltd; Relationship Services, National Office; The Religious Society of Friends Aotearoa/ New Zealand; David Retter; Laylah Heypinkie Reynolds; Laurie Rhodes; Rhys Richards; Dr George Maxwell Richardson; Dirck Rinckes; River Press; Robb family; Mr Rex Roberts; Richard Roberts; Mrs J. Robertson; Sandra Kay Robertson; Mr P.F. Robinson; Ms Sheri Robinson; Mr Nigel Robson; Anna Rogers; Mr Frank Rogers;

Geoff Rogers; Mr Lindsay Rollo; Dr John C. Ross; Mrs Lorna Ross; Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society of NZ Inc.; Royal New Zealand Ballet; Dr Charles Royal; Ruapehu Mountain Clubs Association; Miss Nancy Rule; Dr P.H. Russell; Mrs Mary Ryan-Howan. Ms Leslie Salinger; Brigadier H.L.B. Salmon; Anne Sandford; Professor Lyman Tower Sargent; Mrs Karen Saunders; Dr Hans Schmidt; Sally Schoon; Pauline Schwabe; Mr Tony Scott; Valerie Scott; Ms Patricia Seyb; Mrs Barbara Sharp; Shear History Trust; Ms Jennifer Shennan; Mr John Shennan; May Sheppard; Mrs Eileen Shere; Mrs Alvie Sheridan; Mrs Joan Sherley; Darea Sherratt; Mrs Gladys Shields; Mrs Beverley Shore Bennett; Lynette Shum; Judy Silverwood; Clare Simpson; Mr Dennis Simpson; Mrs Geraldine Sims; Ms Mary Sinclair; Mr Wally J. Sisam;

Mr Warren Sisarich; Linda Sklenars; Dr Frances Slater; Mr Dave Small; Mr Barry Smith; Mrs Margaret Smith; Society for Research on Women in New Zealand; Solomon Islands College of Higher Education Directorate; South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission; Mr Michael Spackman; Dr Don Spiller; Andrew Spittle; Mr Don Squire; Mr Donald A. St John; Mrs June Starke; Statistics New Zealand Library; Ms Micky Stevens; Sticky Fingers Ltd; Streamline Creative Limited; Mr John Paul Sullivan; Sustainable Energy Forum; Swimming New Zealand; Mrs J. Symmans; Ms Klara Szentirmay. Table Tennis New Zealand Inc.; Taki Rua Productions; Gabriel Taloikwai; Mr Sunny Tan; Tauranga District Libraries; Mrs Barbara Taylor; Mrs Yvonne Taylor; Te Manawa Museums Trust; Te Papa Library and Information Centre, Museum of New Zealand; Te Puni Kokiri; Thames Valley Provincial Rural Women of New Zealand; Theatre Museum, London; Allan Thomas; Mr Graham M. Thompson; Mr John Thomson; Robbie Thomson; Mr Ross Thornton; Professor Daniel Thorp; Mrs Julie Tibby; Mr Alan Tierney; Mrs Eileen Tiller; Mr G. B. Tilyard; Mrs Tanya Tintner; Francine Tolron; Totika Publications Ltd; Town Green Music Ltd; Mr Philip Treweek; Dr R. Peter Tuckey, Tuhi Tuhi Communications; Mr Clayton Tume.

University of Auckland Library, Special Collections; University of Auckland, Science Information Service; University of Liverpool; University of the South Pacific; University of Waikato Library; Diana M. Unwin; Arif Usmani. Mr John Graham Verey; Victoria University of Wellington, School of Earth Sciences Library; Victoria University of Wellington, Institute For Early Childhood Studies; Mrs Francisca Vriens.

Wadestown Public Library; Ms Doris Walker; Mr Peter Walker; Mr Michael Waluszewski; W. Paerau Warbrick; Brother Basil Ward; Peter Warnock; Ms Paula Warren; Dr Nelson Wattie; Professor John C. Weaver; Mr Murray Webb; Lois Webster; Lotte Weiss; Mrs Joan Welch; Miles W. Welch; Ms Paula Welch; Wellington City Archives; Wellington Fish and Game Council; Wellington Housing Trust; Wellington Museums Trust; Anne Wells; Western Pacific Archive; Westpac Archive; Miss Judith

White; Judy White; Mrs P. White; Geoffrey Whitehead; Whitireia Community Polytechnic; Mrs Jean Wiley; Mrs Judy Williams; Ms Kate Williams; Priscilla Williams; Sheila Williams; Ulric Williams; Mr Stephen Williamson; John Wilson; Mr Mark Winter; Women’s Electoral Lobby; Women’s League for Peace and Lreedom; Women's Spirit Words; Diane Woods; Joanna Margaret Woods; Wool Board Disestablishment Company; Larry W. Wordsworth; Ms Dinah Wright; Jack Wright; John Cotton Wright; Henry Robert Wynyard. Dr John Yaldwyn; Yamaguchi Prefectural Government, Japan; Ms Nicola M.J. Young; YWCA New Zealand; YWCA of Wellington & Hutt Valley Inc. Mr Ivan Zagni; Nina Zimowit.

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Turnbull Library Record, Volume 37, 1 January 2004, Page 108

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List of Donors, July 2003 to June 2004 Turnbull Library Record, Volume 37, 1 January 2004, Page 108

List of Donors, July 2003 to June 2004 Turnbull Library Record, Volume 37, 1 January 2004, Page 108

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