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List of Donors, July 1998 to June 1999

Mr John A. Zeigler.

Mr John E. Abum, Adult Reading and Learning Assistance Society, Dr Deirdre Airey, Mr George Anthony Albert, Alcyone Books, Mrs Margaret Alington, Charles Alldritt, Mr P. G. Allison, Altrusa International Inc. (District Fifteen), Mr Bruce Anderson, Anglican Diocese of Auckland, Aotearoa Traditional Maori Performing Arts Society, John A. Archer, Arohata Women’s Borstal Association, Mr Ernie Asher, Association of Anglican Women, Mrs Lesley Astier, Atoll Ltd, Auckland City Libraries, Kay Austin, Mrs Tracey Austin, Australia Post, Australian National University, Peter Averi.

Miss Rona Bailey, Ms Rona Bailey, Ms Sue Bailey, Mrs Jane Baird, Mrs Lily Baker, Mrs Belinda Baldock, Mr Murray Ball, Mr John Bamford, Jane Barnwell, Ann Barrie, Mr Phil Barton, Dr Murray Bathgate, Bats Theatre, Mrs Dorothy Battersby, Helen Baumer, Dr Timothy Beaglehole, Mr James Beard, Mr Graham Beattie, Mr Michael Beca, Mr Brian Bell, Nancy M. Benard, Mrs Sheena Bennett, Mr Eric Biddington, Mr Alastair Billen, Birkenhead Transport Ltd, Ralphe Biss, Chris Black, Bloomsbury Publishing, Ms E. W. Body, Mr Edmund Bohan, Ivan Bootham, Botchit & Scarper, Ms Felicity Bothamley, Mr Raymond Boyce, Julia Bradshaw, Brierley Investments Ltd, Miss Diane Bright, British Library, Dr Bob Brockie, Brooklyn Baptist Church, Ms Rachel Brown, Mr Simon Brown, Mr Tony Bruce, Mr John Buddie, Ms J. A. Burcher, Mr C. J. Burgham, Sue Burrell, Mr Denis R. Buttle.

Kate Cameron, Miss Jennifer A. Campbell, Mr Peter Campbell, Ms Edith Campion, Miss Adrienne Carley, Merle Carr, Gilbert Carter (estate of), Cassel Ltd, Mr F. Castle, Miss Maureen Castle, Angela Caughey, Centre for International Development, Education and Action, Ms Joce Chalmers, Chamber Music New Zealand, Mrs Phyllis Chambers, Ken Chan, Mr Paul Chattington, Mr Jih Li Cheng, Chilton Historical Trust, Chinese Peoples’ Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, Mrs Jocelyn Chisholm, Miss Gwynee Clark, Laurence Clark, Dr Les Cleveland, Mary Colligan, Ms Annie Collins, Mr Jeremy Commons, Compilatory Office of Prefectural History (Yamaguchi), Mr George E. Conklin, Cook Islands National Library, Mrs Diana Protheroe Cook, Lizze Cook, Mr Walter Cook, Mr Eric Cordery, Comer Theatre, CORSO, Mr Ken Cory-Wright, Steve Couper, Mrs A. J. Coussell, Mr John Cox, Mrs Rosemary N. Cox, Daryl Crimp, Mr Michael Crooks, Crossroads Bookshop and Gallery, Lynn Clague Cupitt, Curriculum Development Centre (Honiara).

Mr Mark Dale, Mrs Muriel Dalton, Ariadne Danilow (estate of), Dr Matthew Davidson, Mr Don Davis, lan Douglas de Castro (estate of), Ms Daphne de Jong, Ms Alicia de Joux, P. A. de Joux, Professor Dennis Dean, David Dell, Dame Miriam Dell, Mr Jonathan Dennis, Department of Corrections, Department of Internal Affairs: Historical Branch, Mr G. R. Dewsnap, Ms Patricia Dobson, The Dominion, Mr Peter Downs, David Dowrick, Ms Judith Doyle, Mrs L. Duggan, Ms Penelope Dunkley.

Ms Sue Earl, East Harbour Kindergarten Committee, Eastern Cricket Club, Mrs Lesley Eccles, Economic Society of New Zealand (Wellington) Inc., Kay Edwards, Mrs Patricia Edwards-Sextus, Electrical Development Association of New Zealand Inc., Mr G. Eller, Antony Elton, Mr Graeme Eskrigge, Ms Norma M. Evans, The Evening Post, External Assessments Bureau Library, Ms Claudia Pond Eyley.

Ms Shirley Fairest, Ms Lois M. Farrow, Mrs Helen Faville, Festival Singers of Wellington, Fiji Media Watch, First Church of Otago, G. and V. Fisher, Mrs Pauline Fitchett, Mr Roger Flury, Mr Tony Follari, Mrs Barbara Foster, Ms Susan Foster, Sister Helena M. Fouhy, Ms Miriam Frances, Mr Peter Franks, Mr E. H. Fraser, Mr Gordon A. Fraser, Mrs Patricia Fraser, Mrs Dorothy Freed, C. Freland, Friends of the Earth, Friends of Taranaki Museum, Friends of The Hill Historical Society, Ms Michelle Fry, Brigadier James Fuller Ferris, F. H. Futter.

Ross Galbreath, Mr Len Gale, David Gamble, Mr W. J. Gardner, General Distribution Services Ltd, Mr Rowan Gibbs, Gibson Group, Mr James Gidley, Ohsawa Ginsaku, Ms Danna Glendining, Mrs Jill Goodwin, Professor lan Gordon, Gospel Literature Outreach, Mrs Diane Grant, Mr lan Grant, R. Grant, Philippa Gravatt, Mr Godfrey Gray, Mr Richard L. N. Greenaway, Mr Alex Gregor, Mr B. N. Grice, Penny Griffith, J. Griffiths, Mr R. S. Gormack, Ms Diana Gunn.

Mr Anthony Haas, William Veman Hadfield, Mr Richard J. Hall, Miss Patricia M. I. Hampson, Mr Lawrie Hampton, Mr J. Hannah, Susan Hannah, Dame Kate Harcourt, His Excellency Sir Michael Hardie Boys, Miss Amy Harper, A. Harris, Mr Jim Hartley, Dorothy Harvey, Minoru Hataguchi, Hawke’s Bay Cultural Trust, Hawke’s Bay Oral History Group, Mrs Margaret Hayward, Mr Eric Heath, Hector Family, Hector Library, Mr William G. Hedley, Mr E. W. Heine, Ms Christine Hemming, Mr Jim Henderson, Dominik Hiestand, Gabrielle Hildreth, Mr Geoffrey W. J. Hinds, Mrs Margaret Hodson, David Hollis, Sir Frank Holmes, Dr John Holmes, Mr John C. Holmes, Mr Gary Hooker, Mrs Joyce Horiana, Janet Homey, Mr P. R. Homeman, Dulcie M. Hosking, Jim Hubbard, Humanities Society of New Zealand, Mrs Jean Humphries, Ms Janet Hunt, John Hughes Hunt (estate of), Rt Hon Jonathan Hunt, Mrs Gretchen Hunter, Ms Megan Hutching, Mr Vivian Hutchinson, Ms Peg Hutchison, Mrs W. J. Hutchison, Mr M. A. Hyde.

India Publishing, Industrial Research Ltd, Stephen Innes, Mr Peter Ireland, Mrs Francina Irwin, Professor Thomas D. Isem. George Jackson, Mr William James, Mrs C. Jamison, Mrs Nancy Jansen, J. Kenneth Jeffries (estate of), Ms Sophie Jerram, Mr Warren Johns, Ms Miranda Johnson, Johnsonville School, Mrs Marguerita J. Jordan, Mr R. W. Joyce.

Karori Cemetery Office, Peter Karsten, Ms Barbara Kedgley, Brent Kelly, Mrs Cara Kelson, Mr lan Robert Kember, Mrs Jill Kemp, Mr Max Kennedy, Mrs Win Kerr, Khandallah Fireside Group, Dame Fiona Kidman, Peter King, A. Kingsley Brown, Ms Anne Kirker, Mr Henk Knottenbelt, Mr Tetsuya Kotani, Miss Betty N. Krebs.

Joyce Lake, Mr Don Lamb, Dr Nick Lambrechtsen, Ms Loretta Lander, Mrs Anne Langbein, Mr W. Laybum, Learning Media, Mr David Lee, Heather Leggate, Grace Leighton, Mr Neville Lewers, Library and Information Service of Western Australia, Professor Douglas Lilburn, Ms Rachel Lilbum, Mrs Lois Luke, Mrs Winifred Lynch.

Dr Suzanne MacAulay, Miss Heather J. Mac Diarmid, Mr John Mac Gibbon, Mr Ruediger Mack, Willow Macky, Mr Chris Maclean, Mrs Elizabeth Madle, Mr Paul Mahoney, Mrs Mary Main, Manchester Unity Friendly Society (Wellington District), Gillian Marie,

Ms Gwenda Martin, Mrs Robyn Mason, Mrs Elizabeth Mason, Dr John R. Massy, Masterton District Library, Stewart A. Matheson, Ms Trish Mcßride, Mr E. R. McCalman, Mr P. M. McCaw, Mr E. J. McClare, Ms Hilda McDonnell, Mr Jock McEwen, Mr Jim McGregor, Rosemary McKelvie, Mr Andrew E. McKenzie, Professor D. McKenzie, Mrs Joan McKinnon, Mr John McKinnon, Dr Malcolm McKinnon, Marcus McLaren, Ms Jennifer McLean, Ms Parekawhia McLean, Mr Micahel McLeavey, Mrs Alison McLeod, Ms Cecily McNeill, Mr Don McPherson, Colin Mcßae, Mrs Jessie McWirter, Mr Geoff Mentzer, J. C. Meredith, Mr lan Middleton, Mr James Milbum, Milk Vendors Federation of New Zealand Inc., Julia Millen, Lady Marjorie Miller, Ministry of Commerce Library, Mr Simon Mitchener, Mrs Ann Moffat, Mr David Molloy, Mrs Mary Moore, Mrs Judith Morgan, Mrs Morice and Family, Paul Morris (estate of), Mr Dave Moss, Mr Geoffrey Moss, Mr R. M. Mossop, Mount Victoria Residents Association Inc., Mrs Heather Mountjoy, Ms Maree Moxon.

National Airways Corporation (NAC) 50th Anniversary Society, National Archives of New Zealand, National Diet Library (Japan), National Opera of Wellington, Mrs Sheila Natusch, Nelson Provincial Museum, Neville Lambert Memorial Oral Archive, New Horizons for Women Trust, New Truth and TV Extra, NZ Association of Psychotherapists, NZ Cartoon Archive Trust, NZ Citizens Advice Bureaux, NZ Contractors’ Federation, NZ Council of Trade Unions, NZ Cricket Inc., NZ Dairy Board, NZ Dairy Foods Ltd, NZ Federation of University Women, NZ Founders Society, NZ High Commission (London), NZ International Festival of the Arts, NZ Herald, NZ Institute of Management, NZ On Air, NZ Playcentre Federation, NZ Prisoners Aid Rehabilitation Society, NZ Tourism Board, NZ Vegetarian Society, Mrs Una Newlands, Mr Tom Newnham, Mrs Rosalie Nicoll, Ninox Films, Mrs Ngaire Niven, Mrs Iris Nolan, Norsewood School, Mrs W. Northwood, Mrs S. F. Norton, Mr Hugh Norwood, Mrs E. A. Nowlan.

Odyssey Publications Ltd, Mrs Heather O’Hagan, Mr Arthur Olsson, Mrs Eileen O’Malley, Father Michael O’Meeghan, Mr Michael O’Shaughnessy, Mr Bruce Orchiston, Ms Mary Louise Ormsby, Otago Daily Times, OTC Office Supplies.

Pacific Manuscripts Bureau, Ms Ann Packer, Mary Paget, Anna Palmer, Jill Palmer, Parliamentary Library, Parliamentary Services, Mr Cyril Pasco, Dame Janet Paul, Dr W. H. Pearson, Margaret Newton Peebles, Petone Central School, Petone College, Mr John Pfahlert, Ms Hilary Pope, Mr Philip George Poppleton, Ms Dinah Priestley, Mr Michael Pringle, Lois Prout, Mrs Penny Pruden. Dr Max Quanchi, Mrs Thelma & Mr Joseph Quinn, Quotable Value New Zealand.

Radio Active, Mr P. D. Raggett, Rainbow Valley Company Ltd, Real Estate Institute of New Zealand, Mr Hugh Rennie, Margaret & Rhys Richards, Robert McDougall Art Gallery, Mrs Elayne Robertson, Mr lan Robertson, Mrs J. Robinson, Ms Maxine Rochester, Mr J. Lindsay Rollo, Ms Mary Ronnie, Mr Jeremy Rose, Mr & Mrs W. J. Rosenberg, Mr Gregory F. A. Ross, Ms Margot Roth, Rotorua Museum of Art and History, Dr Charles Royal, Royal Anthropological Institute, Mr Ivan Ruscoe. Brian Salkeld (estate of), Mr Roy Sanders, Professor Lyman Tower Sargent, Mr Axel Samitz, Mr Arthur Saunders, Mr lan Scales, Sid Scales, Mrs Gillian Scarlett, Mrs Margaret Scott,

Scout Association of New Zealand, Hallam L. Seeker (estate of), Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Ms Eva M. F. Shared, Shell New Zealand Ltd, Ms Lynette Shum, Caroline Simmonds, Dr Miria Simpson, Sisters of Mercy (Dunedin Diocese), Ms Jenny Skinner, Mr Chris Slane, Mrs Alma J. Smith, Mr Barry Smith, Campbell Smith, Ken Smith, Ms Shirley Smith, Dr Alan Smyth, Solomon Islands College of Higher Education, Mr Michael J. Sommerfield, Mr G. F. Sommerville, Sony Music, South Pacific Commission, Sir William Southgate, Ms Sue Sowerby, Mrs Elizabeth Spicer, Dr Don Spiller, Mrs Margaret Spraggon, St Mary’s Church (Karori), Ms Hilary Stace, Stagecraft Theatre, Mrs Eleanor Stahl, Mr Robin Startup, State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Mr Havell Stephen-Smith, Mr Terry Stock, Mr Anthony Stones, Mrs I. A. Stroud, Student Christian Movement Aotearoa, Mr R. F. H. Summersby, The Sunday News, Sunday Star Times, Ms Anne-Marie Sunde, Mr Rudy Sunde, Mr J. Tim Swann.

Taki Rua Productions, Takitimu Conservation Area Project, Associate Professor Jurgen Tampke, Professor Makoto Tanabe, Ms Anaria Tangohau, Mrs Francie Taylor, Ms Gabrielle A. Taylor, Te Aroha Public Library, Ms Jane Teal, Mr Lawrence Teaze, Mrs Tepaeru Tereora, Joseph Theroux, Mrs N. M. Thomas, Dr John M. Thomson, Mr Geoff Tilyard, Ms Jane Tolerton, Trade & Education Office (Kingdom of Enenkio), Transalta, Transport Accident Investigation Commission, Mr James E. Traue, Jillian Tremain, Mrs Sarah Tricks, Mr Don Trotter, Christina Tuitubou, Mrs Heather M. Tye, Dr J. R. Tye.

Unity Theatre, University of Otago (Hocken Library; Music Department), University of Waikato (Department of Computer Science; Library; Music Department). Ms Carol van Grondelle, Roma Vaughan, Sean Vaughan, Dr James Veitch.

Patrick Waddington, Wainuiomata Historical Museum Society Inc., Wairarapa Archive, Waitangirua Intermediate School, Mr Barry Waite, Mr Keith Waite, Waka Huia, Ms Mattie Wall, Mr A. G. Walter, Mr Brian H. Walton, War Memorial Library (Hutt City), Brother Basil Ward, Mr Ivan Ward, Mr Charles Watkins, Mr Roger Watkins, Murray Webb, Mr John Webster, Wellington Chamber Orchestra, Wellington City Council, Wellington City Library, Wellington Herb Society, Wellington Historical & Early Settlers Association Inc., Wellington Polytechnic, Wellington Road Safety Association, Wellington Soccer Referees’ Association, Mr Peter Wells, Mr Robert E. Wells, Dr A. J. Wennerbom, Noeline Wesney, Westpac Trust, Ms Ora Whaanga, Ms Gillian Whitehead, Dr Patricia Whitmore, Lloyd Whittaker, Ms Sharon Whittle, William Georgetti Trust Board, Mr Adrian Williams, Maryann Williams, Michael Williams, Dr A. C. Wilson, Mr John Wilson, Rosamund Wilson (estate of), Mr Gareth Winter, Mark Winter, Women’s Gallery/Spiral Collective, Women’s International Motorcycle Association (New Zealand Branch), Mr Shane Wood, Working Culture Inc., World Association for Christian Communication, Mr lan Worters.

Young Women’s Christian Association of New Zealand, Mr Bruce Young, Thomas C. Young.

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Bibliographic details

Turnbull Library Record, Volume 32, 1 January 1999, Page 111

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List of Donors, July 1998 to June 1999 Turnbull Library Record, Volume 32, 1 January 1999, Page 111

List of Donors, July 1998 to June 1999 Turnbull Library Record, Volume 32, 1 January 1999, Page 111

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